#i want to take customers by the shoulders and shake them screaming YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW STUPID I AM
pissjesus · 2 years
When customers hand me change after I already entered the bills they handed me into the register forcing me to attempt math in my head on the spot: I would deadass rather you shoot me in the head
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Instagram//Kim Seungmin
Genre: fluff
Additional: college au, instagrammer(?) seungmin, lowkey coffee shop au, gender-neutral reader, oneshot
Word Count: 2,147
Warnings: a lot of blushing and disgusting fluff
Summary: @ ksm_00 has followed you!
A/N: this fic was inspired by instagram by dean. 
Kim Seungmin was quite possibly one of the most attractive boys you had ever laid eyes upon; your local college sweetheart who spent his free time in a quiet corner of a coffee shop with a book in hand and round glasses slowly slipping off his nose. Except, there was something that set him apart from all the other college sweethearts who spent their free time in a corner of a coffee shop — Seungmin was Instagram famous. Sure, Instagram famous does sound a little ridiculous, but he was popular for a good reason. He had the voice of an angel and posted short little covers of songs in between selfies and cute aesthetics. He had gained quite the fan base and even some admirers. You were one of them.
You weren’t typically the type to fawn over anyone, but you couldn’t help yourself. As soon as you laid eyes on his page back in your sophomore year of high school, you had been completely whipped. When you first saw him on your campus your freshman year at your university, you had to do a double take. It felt even weirder when you ended up having classes with him. Now, in your sophomore year in college, you still couldn’t get over seeing him in real life. It was like you were permanently star-struck. What made things worse? You worked at the cafe he frequented. Needless to say — sometimes you got a little distracted on the job.
“Excuse me–“ A shy voice snapped you out of your daze and you quickly turned your attention to the customer in front of you. To your horror, it was Kim Seungmin himself. Of course, he had to catch you spacing off.
“S-sorry! What could I get for you, sir?” You stuttered out, pink dusting your cheeks from embarrassment. “Could I just get a medium iced vanilla coffee?” he asked, fishing out a ten from his back pocket. “Of course! Your total is four fifty.”
He handed you the bill and you quickly made out change and handed it back to him. Smiling, he put it into the tip bucket and shyly looked back up at you before going to find a place to sit while he waited for his drink. Your heart fluttered and you smiled dreamily. Your coworker, Jisung, quirked his eyebrow at you, making you turn and start to make the coffee to hide your red face.
While scooping ice into the plastic cup, you suddenly felt a presence next to you. You jumped, looking up to see who it was. You let out a sigh of relief seeing that it was only Jisung — but you quickly became confused seeing the smug look on his face.
“What?” you questioned, only to be met with him wiggling his eyebrows at you. Suddenly understanding, you became defensive. “No,” you said sternly, turning back to what you were doing.
“Oh come on — it’s so obvious,” he whined. You shook your head. “Keep your voice down, he’ll hear us. Besides, I don’t like him like that,” you whispered, glancing over at Seungmin to make sure he didn’t hear. Thankfully, Seungmin was on his phone, most likely scrolling through Instagram. Jisung smiled wider, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“I never said you do. You’re assuming that’s what I meant and that must mean you do like him,” he whispered back, making you groan and go back to making the drink. Finishing up, you turned around and pushed past Jisung. Sucking in a breath, you approached Seungmin.
“Here’s your drink, sir!” You smiled. Seungmin looked up from his phone and gave you one of his dazzling smiles. “Thank you,” he said lightly. You swore there were hearts in your eyes. You nodded and quickly turned back around to keep him from seeing the blush that was making its way to your face. You walked back to the counter, only to be met with a very smug-faced Jisung.
“So you don’t like him, huh?”
“Shut up,” you mumbled, embarrassed that you outed yourself so easily.
“Don’t worry. He seems to like you too.” Jisung nodded his head, gesturing behind you. Glancing in the direction, you awkwardly lock eyes with Seungmin. You snapped your head back to Jisung, who seemed satisfied with whatever work he thought he was doing. 
“He’s been looking at you every chance he's gotten,” Jisung whispered, making you shake your head in disagreement. “He’s probably looking at the menu or something,” you say, trying to come up with some other logical reason. 
“The menu isn’t taped to your name tag, (Y/n),” he laughed out, amused at how persistent you were being. Suddenly, Jisung’s expression changed, signaling that he was struck with an idea. He took a napkin off the counter and pulled a pen out of his apron pocket, quickly scribbling your Instagram handle onto the piece of paper.
“W-What are you doing?” You stuttered out, knowing all too well what he was about to do. “You’ll thank me later.” Jisung smiled, a mischievous tone to his voice. Before you could stop him, Jisung was already standing in front of Seungmin.
“Excuse me, but my coworker over there thinks you’re cute. I’ve noticed you checking them out, so I’ve taken the liberty upon myself to give you their Instagram.”Seungmin’s face flushed pink and you wanted to die where you were standing, you were so embarrassed. Jisung walked back to you with a big smile plastered across his face. 
“You’re welcome!”
Finally, your shift had ended and you were home. You flopped down onto your bed, sighing in relief as you felt the pressure of standing all day leave your body. You rolled on to your back, fishing your phone out of your back pocket. Clicking on the power button, you were met with notifications from your social media from throughout the day. You quickly scrolled through, stopping to see who followed you.
Instagram, 11:36 am: @ ksm_00 has started following you!
Your eyes widened and you clicked the notification, making sure that it was really Seungmin and not someone else. Sure enough, it was really him. Throwing your phone down next to you, you grabbed your pillow and screamed into it. Once that little moment was over, you picked your phone back up and quickly texted Jisung a thank you. 
Biting the inside of your cheek, you thought about what you should do next. Should you message him? Would that be weird? Sucking in a deep breath, you decided to just go for it. Opening up your DMs, you were surprised to see a message already there.
‘hey, sorry if this is weird, but ive been going to the coffee shop you work at for a while and i think youre really cute’
You kept re-reading the message over and over again. You were convinced you didn’t read right. Once you went over it for the fifth time, you started to freak out. Kim Seungmin — the Kim Seungmin — thought you were cute. Your hands started to shake a little as you typed out your response and you couldn’t help but wonder if he felt the same way when he messaged you.
‘haha, no, i dont find it weird at all. its kind of cute. if you wanna meet at my work tomorrow at 11 maybe we could talk and get to know each other more? the coffee is on me’
You were thankful that Seungmin seemed to be a quick texter, as it only took him a few moments to respond, saving you the anxiety of waiting for a reply.
‘are you sure i wouldn’t be distracting you from your job?’
‘no no its fine! i actually have tomorrow off but i figured it would be the easiest place to meet’
‘ok! consider it a date ;)’
Key smashing in all caps would be the best way to describe how you felt at that moment. You put a hand on your chest in an attempt to calm your racing heart — but to no avail. Putting up your phone, you worried about tomorrow. What if you fucked up? What if Seungmin was just trying to be nice? What if you were thinking way too much about everything? The last one was 100 percent likely, but you chose to do it anyway.
You couldn’t help worrying, though — you had spent enough time following him and his friends on Instagram. To put it simply; you weren’t like them. They all were the type to constantly look good, have flawless skin, and confidently show off their talents. You, on the other hand, tended to have days where you were imperfect and not as confident. Seeing them perhaps made you feel a little insecure about what you could be worth to Seungmin.
The next morning you woke up, dreading your meeting with Seungmin. Groggily, you grabbed your phone and clicked the home button. Rubbing your eyes, you squinted at your screen.
‘10:27 AM’
A jolt of panic struck through you and you shot out of your bed, hurrying to get ready to meet Seungmin. You wanted to look good and your work was about a 15-minute drive from your apartment, leaving you around 15 minutes to get ready so you could be a little early. You ran into your bathroom and quickly brushed your hair and teeth. Rushing into your room, you threw open your closet in hopes to find a decent outfit. Scanning over your clothes, you caught sight of your favorite sweater and sighed in relief, silently thanking your past self for washing clothes.
You arrived at the cafe five minutes before you and Seungmin agreed to meet up and you were glad to see that he wasn’t there yet. You were even more thankful to see Changbin and Minho behind the counter today and not Jisung. You knew he would give you hell at work if he saw you on your date.
“Hey, (Y/n), odd to see you here on your day off. What’s up?” Changbin asked. Hearing your name, Minho perked up from behind the cash register and smiled happily.
“(Y/n)! My favorite co-worker!” He laughed, earning a light punch on the shoulder from Changbin. Suddenly, the door chimed, signaling someone had walked in. Turning around, you saw Seungmin awkwardly standing in the doorway. Seeing you, he walked over and gave you an awkward, lopsided smile, like he was unsure what to do with himself. For the first time, it felt like you were seeing an awkward nineteen-year-old and not some internet celebrity.
The start of the date was tense, to say the least. Since the two of you were the only customers, it felt more open and awkward than you felt like it should.
“I’m sorry if I was too forward yesterday... I’m not really good a flirting.” Seungmin laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck. You cracked a smile and laughed, making Seungmin’s face burn red with embarrassment.
“W-What? Why are you laughing?” He stuttered.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh. You’re just being cute.”
Your own words honestly surprised you and you tried to look like you weren’t panicking. Thankfully, Seungmin grinned, bashfully looking down at the cup between his hands. Slowly, the conversation between the two of you started and before you knew it, three hours had passed.
“Holy shit, I can’t believe it’s already 2:00!” You and Seungmin walked out of the coffee shop and decided to take a walk together in the park nearby. 
“I know! I really haven’t talked to someone for that long in a while! You’re really fun to talk to,” he said. You blushed, happy that he enjoyed your company.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” you quipped. Seungmin laughed and pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.
The two of you walked peacefully through the park, shoulder-to-shoulder. While you were admiring some of the pretty hydrangeas, you felt a hand brush against your own. Looking over at Seungmin, you saw that he was looking at your hand, his face dusted a light pink. Smiling, you shyly held his hand. The two of you continued walking in comfortable silence, only really speaking when one of you spotted something to point out to the other. About an hour had passed before you decided you needed to get home since you had a class the next day.
“I had a lot of fun today. Could we... could we maybe do it again?” Seungmin asked. There was a nervous twinge to his voice, making you feel butterflies in your stomach. 
“Of course! I had a lot of fun today,” you said. There was a pause and Seungmin looked like he was contemplating something. Taking in a deep breath, he placed a quick kiss on your cheek.
“How about a movie tomorrow after class?”
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If You Ever Come Back (Yoongi x You ONESHOT)
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A/N: Yes, yes I most definitely know who you are MRS MIN YOONGI! ahahaha. I dont know if this is up to your expectations but I hope you like it <3
and requests are still open guys <33
f you're standing with your suitcase But you can't step on the train Everything's the way that you left it I still haven't slept yet
She turned around to see Min Yoongi running towards her, stopping only a few feet away. His clothes and hair disheveled, maybe from running all the way to the train station. Y/N has been standing at the platform for quite sometime now, tears running down her beautiful face, hand holding the handle of her luggage tight, her mind contemplating her next move.
She dont know if she can do this.
If she can leave him.
If she will be able to live without him.
Without Min Yoongi, her first love, the love of her life.
"Y/N, please... dont go," the wind bring his soft voice to her ears, his sad eyes looking straight at her. "Please, just... just come back to me,"
Y/N kept quiet, not knowing what to say other than staring at his beautiful face. Memorizing every inch of it as if its the last time she will be able to do so. It would most probably be the last time and the thought make her heart hurt.
"Come back Y/N. Dont leave. Dont leave me. Lets just go home," he pleaded. Y/N almost nodded at his plea. Almost gives up everything and ran back into his arms, there nothing more that she wants other than to just hold him tight. "Just come back baby. Everything is still the same. We will forget everything, it will be just like you were never gone,"
She raised her eyes from roaming all over his face to stare deep into his eyes. His last words pushing her feet to finally make the decision that she had been contemplating about for hours.
"Everything is still the same,"
"That's exactly why I have to leave Yoongi. Because everything is still the same. You will always be the same. We will always be the same... And I... I cant do that anymore," she whispered between the tears that starts to fall even faster down her cheeks and turn around to board the train that just arrived in time, as if knowing how much she needs her escape right now.
Still setting two plates on the counter but eating without you I'm sleeping on your side of the bed Goin' out of my head now
Yoongi tossed his keys on the side table, his whole mind and body tired and exhausted from what just happened. Y/N's tear strained face as she said her goodbye and board the train, her last words, everything is tattooed clearly in his mind.
He had make it his mission to bring Y/N back with him when he stepped out from the house to chase after her esrlier. But why is he alone in the dark house that still smells like her right now? Feeling weak and defeated?
Yoongi slowly peeled himself off the sofa and tried to make something edible enough for him in the kitchen, hoping food would help to distract him, but it was hard. Everywhere he look, all he can see is Y/N's shadows haunting him, taunting him. He moved towards the cupboards to take out a plate but stopped immediately as a rish of memories took over.
"Yoongi, stop. Im going to drop these plates if you keep doing that!" Y/N squeal as Yoongi hug her from behind while she is reaching for the top shelves.
"Then drop the plates and give me a kiss instead," he pouted and turned her around to face him.
"You are so clingy sugarplum. You are really soft arent you? Not as bad ass as people thought you are," she giggled as she pecks his nose.
"Im only soft for you baby," he nuzzled her neck. "And I hate how you always calls me sugarplum. I'm a bad boy remember? You are really ruining my image here baby,"
"No matter what you say, you will always be my sugarplum. And I love my sugarplum so very much," she giggled again before Yoongi cupped her chin in his grip and leaned in to kiss her deeply.
Yoongi shakes his head, making the memory dissappear and urgently wipe his tears that is trickling down his cheeks without his permission. He silently swears to himself that if he ever get to hold her in that way again, she can call him anything she wants and he will gladly answer to it. Anything as long as she came back to him again.
He sighed and start to set the table, finally sitting down to eat whatever he managed to muster in his dazed mind when he realized he had prepared the table for two oit of habit. His eyes drift to the empty plate and empty chair opposite from him, knowing that it wont ever be occupied again with someone that he really wants and he suddenly lost all his appetite.
He shoved his food away and dragged his feet to his bedroom, throwing himself on the bed. The once crowded bed suddenly feel too empty, too cold without Y/N there. He looks up into the ceiling and blinks back the tears that has threathen to fall as her scent that is still left on the pillows filling his nostril.
"Roll over sugarplum! Stop sleeping on my side of the bed you hogger," she playfully nudged him away but Yoongi pulled her by the waist instead, making her fall on top of him.
"I told you we can both fit on this side of the bed," he grins and lift his head to give her a quick peck. "I love you Y/N... I really do," his eyes looks softly at hers, showing all the affection he have for her. Affection that he never felt for anyone else.
"And I love you too Min Yoongi," she kissed him back. "But I love my side of the bed more!" She giggled once she broke the kiss and pushed him away, catching him off guard.
Yoongi nuzzled his face into her pillow, stopping the tears from falling once again, hoping to feel her warmth from the cold unattended pillows.
"Im sleeping on your side of the bed Y/N. Do you hear me? So you have to come back home now and kick my ass for that..." he mumbles softly. "Just please... come back Y/N. I miss you so much... too much,"
If the truth is you're a liar Then just say that you're okay And if you're covering your face now But you just can't hide the pain
"Hey... its okay. Just cry. Just let it out. You need to let it out Y/N," Jin Hee looks at her friend who is solemnly staring outside the cafe glass window, her eyes glassy but no tears are coming out.
Y/N and Yoongi has been together for years, been together for as long as Jin Hee could even remember. They are in love and happy but things started to go south when Yoongi starts to get more recognition and getting busier. Y/N can understand his busy schedule, not being able to see her as often as before. She even understands that he spend most of his free time in his studio instead of with her, leaving her alone at home, missing him and yearning for him. She's fine with everything. Its the price to pay for being in love with someone as talented and obligated to his work like Min Yoongi.
But what she couldnt understand is how Yoongi would let out his anger on her. Acting cold towards her whenever he hit a road block on his music writing or when something happened to one of his songs. Yoongi would come back on the rare days that he would actually be home being all angry and screaming at her, slamming the bedroom door shut in her face. She understands it all. Music is his life and its hard for him when he is faced with pressure and datelines, sometimes even being short on ideas, but cant he rely on her for comfort instead of turning her into his anger punching bag?
Countless nights were spend crying on the living room couch only to be woken up inside Yoongi's warm embrace, giving butterfly kisses all over her face as he repeats his sorry a million times. Y/N loves him. She really do. But how long can she take it? How long will she be able to stand being second to his music?
"I'm okay Jin Hee," was Y/N short reply. Jin Hee shakes her head and gave her a sad smile.
"You are not okay Y/N. And you are also a very bad liar," she chuckle. "I know its hard. I know you miss him. You miss Yoongi dont you?"
Y/N turned her face to look at her friend, trying hard not to show the pain she's feeling but knowing she fails anyway. Jin Hee knows her too well.
"Stop trying to hide it. You are in pain. You and Yoongi are meant to be. Are you sure leaving him is really the best way?"
"I dont know what else to do. Things will never change Jin Hee. Even if I go back to him... wouldnt things would still be the same? Wouldnt I be hurt again and again?" She sighed, remembering their endless fights and tears, but also all the good times filled with kisses and hugs they shared.
"I dont know Y/N. But what you had with Yoongi... I feel like its too special for you to just throw it away. Just... think about it, okay?" Jin Hee gave her one sad smile before standing up to attend to some of the customer who just came in.
Y/N played with her hands as she stare out the window again, looking at the happy couple walking and laughing together. She miss Yoongi. Its only been two days but she miss him like crazy. It kills her to be apart from him. To not be talking to him at all.
No matter what had happened in their relationship, the fights, the pain and the hurt, she still loves Yoongi.
She loves Min Yoongi.
And just like he knows exactly what she is thinking at this exact moment, her phone rings, flashing his name bright and clear on the screen
Min Sugarplum ♡♡
And I wish you could give me the cold shoulder And I wish you can still give me a hard time And I wish I could still wish it was over But even if wishing is a waste of time Even if I never cross your mind
Yoongi woke up sweating like crazy, his breathing short and ragged from the nightmare he just had. He dreamt that Y/N left him for good. He turndto the other side of the bed, hands reaching out, expecting for her warm touch and easy smile telling him its all just a dream but reality hits him hard when all he felt is the cold untouched sheets on her side of the bed.
He was not dreaming at all. It really happened.
Y/N left him.
She finally gives up on them. She finally had enough of the bullshit from him, the shitty way he treats her and left.
And she's not coming back.
Yoongi blinked as he stares at the ceiling, the chilly morning air sending shivers to his skin. He remembers later through their relationship, the days when Y/N would just ignore him after he came back exhausted from camping out at the studio for five straight days. Yoongi understands she's mad at him for shutting her out everytime he's working. He should apologized the moment he walked into the apartment but he's too tired, too oblivious, too exhausted to care, and he just shrugged off her cold shoulder and make his way to the bedroom, giving his tired body its well deserve rest. He had hoped for her warm smile and embraced to heal his tired mind but he should have known better. He dont deserve that after leaving her high and dry for days with no calls or texts.
If only he knows then what he knows now. If only he knows then that Y/N was never petty. She would never hate him for being so passionate for his music. If only he knew then that he had missed her birthday that night. The one he promised to celebrate together. The one Y/N has dressed up for and waited for him for hours. Him always rejecting her calls all night when she tried to reach him.
If only he knew.
If only he knew then that he should have just said sorry and Y/N would have happily accepted his apology and ran back into his arms, wanting nothing more than to spend what little left of her birthday with him than fight.
But he didnt know. And he didnt bother to know.
So he slept on the empty bed alone as Y/N cried herself to sleep on the couch that night.
He also  remembers when Y/N starts to be difficult, giving him a hard time. Always complaining how he never make time for her anymore. Instead of talking it out with her, he chose to spend the whole month in the dorm and studio, again leaving her with no explanation.
If only he realized then that the only reason Y/N would even start complaining is because he didnt even spare her a minute in a week. He always left early and came back late and she didnt even get a chance to even catch a glance of his face.
If only he knew then that with just one quick hi from him between his busy schedule would return back the smile on her face, he would have done it without a doubt.
But he didnt know.
So their fight just got bigger and bigger, Yoongi, trying to a ood the fights and confrontations keeps spending more time in his studio rather than at home and tears just wont stop leaving Y/N's face in this point of their relationship anymore.
If only he knew.
He remembers sometimes during their relationship that he wishes it was over. That he was never involved in a relationship in the first place. Then he would be free to work on his music without thinking about anything else. Without the guilt, the pressure and the fights.
But then he remembers the moment Y/N told him she has given up on them, that she's leaving. He remembers when she said, with tears running down her face, that Yoongi is free from her now. Free to do his music without her as a distraction. Her face when she is walking out the door with some of her things, only the things that she could get her hands on in order to get away from him as fast as she could.
And suddenly he yearns for the cold shoulder Y/N used to give her when they fight, the hard time she gave him when he had a new project coming up, whining and demanding for his attention. He finds himself yearning for the times he is still able to wish that he was not in a realtionshiop, to be able to wish that his relationship was over.
Because at least then, it means that Y/N is still here with him.
Because it means that Y/N is still his.
No matter how he thinks about it, he decides that he would go through the bad times again and again as long as he knows that by the end of the day, he still can call Y/N his.
With new found courage and determination to get back what's his, he finally picks up the phone and dial the number he remembers by heart.
And if you're out there tryna move on But something pulls you back again I'm sitting here tryna persuade you like you're in the same room
Silence enveloped the conversation, no sound were heard from both lines.
"I... I miss you," Yoongi breath out, making Y/N gasps. She is trying her best to move on from him. To start anew, to start living in a world without him. But hearing his voice again kills her.
Hearing him say he misses her... it just breaks all resolve she had work hard to build for the past days.
"Yoongi...please. Don't do this,"
"No, Y/N.  Its me who cant do this. I cant do this. I thought I can. I thought I can give you what you wanted. A happier life without me. I thought I will make it without you. I'll be fine without you. But I cant," he sobbed through the phone. After all the times he tried to held it in, his emotions finally broke loose. People who knows him knows he is a man of little words, he is not a man who show his emotions to anyone. He seldom cry or get angry. He minds his own business, avoiding any drama surrounding him. He lets out his emotions only on lyric papers, in a beat somewhere late in his studio. But this time, this time even his songs cant save him. He needs the love of his life to hear him. To understand the pain he's feeling right at this moment.
He's crying.
He's begging.
For the love of his life to just come back to him.
"Y/N..." he chokes out. "Please... please come back to me,"
"Dont do this. Please dont. We had so many chances to fix our relationship Yoongi. We tried everything, but nothing works. We dont work..." she sobbed.
"No. No Y/N. Dont say that. I love you. I love you Y/N. And I know you still love me too. Dont you Y/N?"
"Yoongi..." Y/N can only say his name. There is no way she can deny what he's saying. Even a blind man can see how much she still loves him.
"Love is enough baby. I promise you we will work things out. Because we love each other. Please Y/N. Give us this one last chance. Come back. Come back to me and we will work it out,"
"I cant Yoongi. I'm tired. Im tired of fighting for something that will never work. I'm... I'm sorry,"
And the line went dead.
If it's the fighting you remember or the little things you miss I know you're out there somewhere so just remember this
Ever since that phone call, Yoongi has been relentless, bombarding Y/N's phone with non stop phone calls and text messages, ranging from casual hi's and desperate begging.
Y/N tried her best but her love for Yoongi makes her heart beats faster whenever his name appeared on her phone. It also breaks her heart when she heard him begging and sobbing. The Min Yoongi that she knew was never this weak. No one was able to make him cry or even worse beg. Did she hurt him this much? It didnt sit well with her to know that she is the cause of his pain. She thought leaving will only make it easier for the both of them.
Not being able to take it anymore, Y/N takes a deep breath to find some courage for herself and slide her phone, finally picking up his calls after his millionth time trying.
"Y/N. You finally answered me!" Yoongi's sound happy, relieved and sad at the same time.
"Stop calling me Yoongi! Please,"
"I cant do that Y/N. I wont do that," he said full of determination in his voice.
"Yoongi please. There is nothing for us to talk about. There is nothing left in our relationship to salvage Yoongi!" Y/N is frustrated. She still loves him and is desperately trying to forget him, but his constant phone calls is not helping her even a bit. "All we do is fight Yoongi. We dont even have time for each other..." her voice turned sad at the memory.
"You still remember Y/N. That means something,"
"What? What are you talking about Yoongi. Stop saying nonsense,"
"Even if its just the fights that you remember, it still means you remember us Y/N. Every moment spend with you, good and bad, everything is worth remembering, both wonderful because I'm with you. And I know you feel the same way Y/N,"
"Yoongi. Stop. I-"
"No. Listen to me," he plead. "Even if its just the fights that you remembered. Or the little things like me always hogging your tv and never putting the toilet seat down," he heard her chuckle between sobs, "its just means that you still remember us Y/N."
Yoongi kept quiet for a moment, only the light sound of breath can be heard from both sides.
"I dont know where you are Y/N. But I swear that I will find you again. Things will change this time. I will change. We will make it work no matter what. We love each other and nothing is going to beat that,"
"Yoongi... love alone wont be enough,"
"Yes it is baby. Dont you ever wonder why you still remembers everything we had together? Doesnt bad the good or the bad? Why you still bother to even pick up my phone calls if you hate me so much?" Yoongi smirked.
"Its because you love me Y/N. And your love will bring you back to me someday,"
I'll leave the door on the latch If you ever come back, if you ever come back There'll be a light in the hall and the key under the mat If you ever come back There'll be a smile on my face and the kettle on And it will be just like you were never gone
Another one of his endless phone calls and another one of his begging which Y/N is listening too with tears in her eyes.
"I will wait for you Y/N. I know you still love me. I know you do," his voice defeated, barely above a whisper but he feels the need to convince her one last time. "What we have is real. We will fix everything. We will. So I will wait for you to come back,"
"Yoongi. Dont do-"
"No. I will wait. I will leave the hall light open for you. Just the way you like it. Your book is still on the coffee table, I never touched it because you dont like when I do that. Your flowers by the window are still blooming because I watered them everyday. I know how upset you will be if they died. Your clothes are still in the closet. And our room... our room still smell like you Y/N. I didnt sleep on your side of the bed. Okay maybe once but that's only because I missed you too much. But everything is just waiting for you to come back Y/N," he rambled on like a mad man, not giving a chance for Y/N to cut him off.
"Everything is still the same. Everything is just like you are still here. So come back. Come back to me. I'll be here waiting for you, smiling when you open the door. We dont even have to talk about this. We can just pretend like you never left. Just as long as you come back. Okay baby?"
"Yoongi..." Y/N whispered his name, he can hear the sobbing on the other line, harder than any other days and he felt his heart clenched. Something is not right. He feels like he is losing her all over again.
"Its not going to happen Yoongi  I wont come back. I do love you. I love you so much Min Yoongi, but dont wait up for me. Because I wont ever come back to you. I'm... I'm so sorry,"
She has already hung up the phone.
Now they say I'm wasting my time 'Cause you're never comin' home But they used to say the world was flat But how wrong was that now?
"Its been a month since your last phone call Yoongs. How long are you going to mope around?" Hoseok looks at his friend worriedly.
"Why dont you come back and stay at the dorm with us? I miss my roommate," Jin tried to persuade the moping Yoongi back. Truth is, they are worried. They knew the break up has left a big impact on him but he didnt seem this... weak before. Yoongi even look a little cheerful the past weeks and suddenly bam, he turned into a living zombie.
"No. I have to be here. She might come home," he shakes his head and slumped back on the couch, covering himself with the blanket.
"Yoongs... its been months. I dont thinks she's coming,"
"She will hyung. I just know it. We have been talking for the past weeks..." his voice trailed off, sadness suddenly engulfing him. So Yoongi and Y/N has been talking. Is that why he seems happier the past weeks? But what happened suddenly to turned him into this breathing lump of a man? Jin thought to himself as he observed the man wrapped in a blanket burrito in front of him.
"You two talked? Thats great! Then what happened?" Jin carefully tried to dig deeper into what could actually happened.
"She said she wont ever come back to me...," Yoongi's soft voice muffled by the blanket but loud enough for the two to hear, making them exchanged looks. "I know she said that a million times, but there's something different in her voice this time... and I think... I think Y/N really mean it," he peeks from the blanket and the two males can see how glossy his eyes are from unshed tears.
"Oh Yoongs..." Hoseok immediately lurged forward and gave him a tight hug. Jin stood up and sat on the other end of the couch, his hands patting Yoongi's legs.
"Then... why dont you come with us? Maybe just for a little while? The other boys miss you too you know. We dont want you to be sad alone Yoongi. Y/N might never come back for real," the eldest man whispered carefully, hoping it wont trigger Yoongi into extreme rage. He knows his words hurt but someone has to tell the truth to this hear broken man.
Yoongi only weakly shakes his head as a sign of rejecting the offer. "As good as that sounds hyung, no. I will stay here. This is our home. She will come back. Later if not sooner. And I need to be here when she does,"
"Yoongi..." Jin sighed.
"Im sure of it,"
"What if you are wrong? How long are you going to torture yourself like this?"
"But what if you two are the one who are wrong and she did come back to see that I didnt wait for her? You might say that Y/N wont come back, but people also used to say that the earth is flat and ended up wrong anyway. So who's to know which one of us is wrong or right?"
Both Jin and Hoseok sighed. There is no point in talking some sense into Yoongi right now. There is nothing they can do other than wait and hope that he will get a grip of reality.
"Okay Yoongi. If that's what you want then, we wont force you,"
"But one of us will come often to check on you okay?" Hoseok flashed him a worried look.
"Yeah. Whatever," was the only mumble they heard before Yoongi pulls the blanket to cover his face again.
But even if wishing is a waste of time Even if I never cross your mind
Yoongi crumpled another piece of paper and threw it to the corner of the living room, making it join the stack of paper that shared the same fate.
He tried his best to get over her. To not think about her. Its been more than a month now. Maybe she really isnt coming back. Maybe waiting and hoping is really just a waste of time and another way to hurt his already broken heart. Maybe Y/N has really move on and didnt even think about him at all. He tried to pour all his emotions in a new song but nothing seems to work. Everything he wrote doesnt seem to work. He kept crumpling paper after paper in frustration and finally giving up and lay flat on the cold floor.
I miss you Y/N. What are you doing right now? Are you happy? Did you find somebody new already? Someone who loves you right?
A soft knock reached his ears and he groaned out. True to their promisse, one of the boys would come everyday to check on his condition. Mostly trying to see if he is still breathing or not. But Yoongi usually doesnt mind since they will bring him food and gives him some company.
But not today.
Today he just wants to be alone and mope. He wants to be alone and think about his stupid mistakes. To think about the ways he could have fix his relationship before everything gone down to shit.
Today he just wants to sit and think about Y/N.
"Go away," Yoongi yelled half heartedly towards the continuous knocking on the door. He is drained of all energy as he laid down flat on the cold living room floor. But the soft knocking still continues, making him extremely annoyed now.
"Go away Hobi. I know its you. I'm fine. I'm still alive okay! I dont wanna see you. I dont wanna see anybody today. Can you jist leave me alone? Whoever you are?!" he yelled again with all the strength he has left, thinking it might be one of the other boys and not Hoseok who came today, but the knocking still wont stop. With trails of dry tears all over his face, swollen eyes and disheveled hair, he peels himself off the cold floor and make the short distance to the door.
With an angry forced he swing open the door, ready to bite off whoever's head that is standing there.
"Hobi, I said-" Yoongi stop midtrack as he stares at the tear strained face looking back at him. Tears are rolling down her cheeks but a smile still graced her lips as her body shakes to control her cries. This is definitely not his smiling best friend.
Yoongi blinked, hoping he is not dreaming as the beautiful face that he has been imagining in his dreams all these months stares back at him with wide eyes.
"Hi... sugarplum. You were right... Your love... it brought me back to you,"
And it will be just like you were never gone
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shawnmend-yes · 7 years
April fools pt3
Side note : thank you for the people sending in asks, I really appreciate it. I love know what you guys think. Also I haven't done any from shawns perspective, I may finish the series and then go back and redo all of it as Shawn? I dont know, message me your opinions. ---///---///---///---///---/// You arrived at Ems house a dishevelled mess, tears falling over you like raindrops in a storm, you were surprised you could see anything at all. Blindly you stumbled forwards to the door, but before you had the chance to knock it was swung open. She took one look at you, before ushering you inside quickly. “Were you followed?” she whispered to you, waggling her eyebrows. You held up a watery smile, sniffling at her. “Oh honey, was it really that bad?” You nodded, looking down to your feet. A soft exhale flared her nostrils as she spun on her toe and pulled you through to the kitchen, only stopping to grab a blanket off a chair and wrap it round your shoulders. She nudged you into a chair and began rummaging around in the cupboards pulling out various packets and plates. You sat watching her move around the kitchen, too exhausted to ask what she was doing or if she wanted a hand. Eventually she came to a stop and placed a plate of triple chocolate cookies in front of you, before placing two mugs of hot chocolate down on smooth surface of the table. Pulling out a chair she sat down opposite you and sipped her drink, her glasses steaming up as the heat condensed onto them. Any other day you would have laughed at her, but you didn’t feel like laughing right now. You had given him your heart, your word, only to watch him throw everything out of the window like it meant nothing to him. He didn’t apologise. You weren’t expecting him to reciprocate your feelings, but you certainly didn’t expect him to ditch you like a broken mirror due to your confession. You were pulled out of thoughts by the sound of a mug being slid across the table, cringing at the noise you wrapped both palms around the mug, lifting it your lips to take a sip. The smell wafted towards you causing a fresh wave of nausea to hit you as you were reminded of exactly what shawn had said. Your nose wrinkled and you set the mug back onto the table gingerly. Em raised an eyebrow at you and you fidgeted under her gaze, reaching for a cookie instead. She was still staring at you with her blue eyes, green specs gleaming at you, squirming under her stare you bit down into the cookie. “Are you gonna tell me what happened or what?” You choked in response, sending crumbs flying out your mouth. “Bloody hell em, talk about timing.” You exclaimed wiping your mouth on your sleeve. She chortled at you, cheeks flushing causing you to grin at her. A fresh perspective couldn’t hurt you supposed, and it did mean you could moan about shawn as much as you wanted to. You met her eyes, they described her quite well, clear cut blue with fresh green speckles dotted haphazardly inside them, she was a mix of new and old souls, she had a way of making the most complicated situations seem simple. Snuggling deeper into your blanket, you surveyed her. “Alright, but no interrupting.” She nodded eagerly at you and tugged on her left ear lobe. You knew you had her full attention. “Well I sent him the message, and well, he didn’t respond, so I called him up, yanno like I usually would and he said he didn’t want to talk to me?” you began to speak faster “anyway so then the lady was like shawn, so he did speak to me, but he was just… I don’t know? So angry, I guess?” “Wait I don’t-“ you raised your eyebrows at her “Okaaay sorry.” She muttered raising her palms in surrender. “so he starts talking and is all like, your so clingy, I don’t want to talk to you, leave me alone, so obviously I was pretty confused and was like shawn wait, but he didn’t even stop, he didn’t let me speak or explain what was going on he just, well he just hung up on me?” you looked down and reached for your mug again, swirling the contents as you continue speaking. “so after he hung up I um, well lets no go into that, anyway like 3 hours later I guess, he shows u on my door and im just like what the fuck? Its not bad enough that he rejected me over the phone he felt the need to show up at my house and do it all over again?” You glance back up at em who is frowning down at the table. You watch her for a while, waiting for her speak. But she seems so lost in her thoughts that you end up prompting her, “well?”. “Sorry” she mumurs, looking at you, “it just doesn’t make sense, why would he be angry in the first place” “I kno-“ “and why would he show up at your house?” she continues oblivious to your interruption. You lapse into a concentrated silence, you had expected a different reaction from her, in fact you were alittle disappointed. Usually she has the best advice, but today she seems less interested in helping you out than she does understanding his motives. You slump back into the chair and contemplate what your going to do. Will shawn even still be at your house when you get back? Will you guys still be friends? In a sudden burst of energy em snaps her fingers excitedly, “what time did you say you phoned him?” “umm.. around 3 I guess?” “and you texted him at…” “like 9 ish?” you watched a smile spread across her features “em I really don’t get where you’re going with this” “well think about it right, shawn was playing in the uk a day ago right?” she asked, glancing at you for confirmation “Now, a flight from the uk to Canada is like 7 hours ish, yeah?” “Well yeah but-“ “Shut up, and you say he arrived like 3 hours after you texted him, so about 6. Your house is about an hour and half maybe two hours from the airport? So what with customs etc he must of been at the airport when you phoned. And when you texted he would have been on the plane right?” she concluded staring triumphantly at you. You took a second to process all the information, she was right. You still didn’t understand why he was angry at you but it did give you hope. Ems features dipped for a second, “Although, that doesn’t explain why he was angry at you, or why he didn’t mention the message, he must have seen it if you phoned him?” Her borw furrowed as she tried to work out the kink in her plan. “welllll….” She glanced at you “I may have phoned his team director and not him?” you confessed “so I suppose its possible…” “HE HASN’T READ IT” She shouted bursting up from the table and sprinting to the living room. You heard a distant thump followed by “Im okay!” and chuckled at the image of em sprawling onto the floor in her excitement to do whatever she was doing. She flopped back into her chair, phone in hand. “Look at your phone, the message” she waited for you to unlock your phone before continuing. “Does it say he read it?” “well no, but em, he could just not have read receipts?” “Only one way to find out,” she relied thumbs tapping away furiously, once the taping stopped she leaned back with a satisfied smirk “OI SHAWN, when you back from tour? I EXPECT TO BE SEEN. (I also expect a present)” You laughed at her, it was a perfect em message, blunt and as forceful as Emily, but not obvious enough to raise any suspicions. You sat glancing at each other and the phone for a few tense moments. “So um… hows your, cat?” she asked. Causing you both to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. The phone screen lit, and em dived to open it. “HE HAS READ RECIETS. I REPEAT HE HAS THE RECIETS. Y/N HE HASN’T SEEN IT.” She sprinted round the table, whirling the blanket off your shoulders. “gogogogogogooooooooooooooooooo” Laughing you downed the dregs of your hot chocolate and went to retrieve your jacket. “GET OUT” she shouted at you. “Im going im going” you muttered as she propelled you out the door towards your car “bloody hell em.” She pulled you in for a brief hug, waiting for you to get in your car before walking back to her house and closing the door. Okay this is it, you thought, he hasn’t seen it, you can just delete it before he does, if hes even still there, oh my gods, what if hes not there? Panic began to set in and you wiped your palms on your jeans, before clambering back out of the car and jogging back up to ems door. “WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE?” She yelled at you. “What if hes not there? What if he is? What if he has seen it now? Em I cant- I cant let him reject me again.” Her feautres softened up. “y/n, if he is stupid enough to reject you again he is worthless, he could have any of the girls screaming at him during his concert, but they will Never be as good as you. Trust me.” She griped onto your shoulders and looked into your eyes. “its time to sort this once and for all.” You nodded back at her before squaring your shoulders and turning. “That’s my girl” You smiled and sauntered towards your car. “OOOOOO YOU GO GIRL, SHAKE THAT BOOTY.” You laughed, twirling quickly before unlocking your car. “Wish me luck” you called as you stepped into the car. “ALWAYS” you heard from the distance, as you drove off to confront shawn.
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undeadpsycho13 · 8 years
a cup of coffee to warm my icy heart
i know this chapter is one week overdue, and i hope u guys can forgive me.  i swear i had it done ages ago, just forgot to post it. also, its more than twice the length of the first chapter, if that makes up for anything.
thank you to @puzzle-of-life-reason-for-death​ for the reminder, this chapter is for you!! :D
btw, some chinese swear words are involved, and the translations are at the bottom. if u dont like them, rlly sorry, i just thought it might be fun, cause you know, both baits and an speak chinese canon, and so do i, so why not?
tell me if u dont like it, i wont include them in the next chapter
otherwise, enjoy~~ ^_~
The second time was not so much of an accident, but oh well, not-accidents happen all the time, don’t they?
The annoying door ringing speaker thing once again announced Baitsakhan’s appearance at Endgame.  A very pissed Baitsakhan.  A very pissed Baitsakhan who had not had coffee in the last three days and was currently dying of lack of caffeine in his bloodstream.  Red Bull was a poor substitute; he needed freaking coffee.  The darker, the better.  The scene from last week flashed back in his face, and Baitsakhan cringed a little on the inside.  He was not willing to make a fool of himself again.
He had surprised both his sister and An by staying away from coffee for four days, and then couldn’t help but get some coffee from The Starbucks.  At least he had figured out the barista’s name.  Hilal Ibn Isa Al-Salt.  He was awful proud of his memory; who on earth had long-ass names like that?  For once, he was appreciative of his unique, surname-less name.
But the Al-Salt guy’s infuriating niceness had gotten the better of him, and he had once again scared Baitsakhan away with a honey-bee-pesticide-banning petition.  Who cares whether bees died?  Screw them.
The absence of a sufficient amount of caffeine, however, was not his only problem.  The Phone Guy (as baitsakhan had deemed him) had texted him back, albeit the dire-sounding warning, with a outrageous reply of, omg so sry got the wrong # D: rlly rlly sry :(.  And then, of all the emojis he could have typed, he chose the freaking <3.
Needless to say, Baitsakhan was pissed.  No one, no one the whole damn world, was allowed to send him a heart emoji (save Sarangerel and An’s incredibly sweet girlfriend Chiyoko, but that as different), and yet this complete stranger had taken it upon himself (or herself, he added as an afterthought) to send him one.  This was an outrage.  He would not dignify this text with an answer, he thought to himself.
So, naturally, he just had to go to that nice coffee shop to calm himself down.  Just had to.  And it had nothing to do with wanting to the hot barista.  Absolutely nothing.
Seating himself at the table closest to the window, he took out his phone, absent-mindedly scrolling through his playlist.  
An indefinite amount of time passes.  
And then, out of the blue, a hand suddenly tapped him shoulder, and, startled, he whipped around, teeth bared, hands out in front of him in an offensive position, ready to gouge the offenders eyeballs out ––
The cute barista (Maccabee, his mind supplied) is, apparently, said offender.
Great, there’s another person who thinks he’s a psychopathic weirdo (not that he isn’t, but still).
But instead of freaking out at his overreaction, the guy laughs.  Who even does that after a near-death experience? (Okay, maybe he’s exaggerating, but there’s no denying this guy was weird.)
“Chill dude, just here to take your order.”
Met with Baitsakhan’s blank look, the guy raises a perfectly arched eyebrow.
“Look, I love having you here, but if you don’t order something, like, right now, I’m going to have to kick you out, ’cause I just got this job and I really don’t want to lose it.  You know, you’ve been sitting here for like half an hour doing nothing.”
Holy hell, he’s been wasting thirty minutes doing nothing?!  Scrambling up (in a very dignified way, of course), he says, in a voice he hopes is impassive,
“Sure, I’ll have an espresso or something, like that thing you made last time.  If you don’t remember, I’ll just have the thing with the most caffeine.”
Maccabee (again, this is all his brain’s doing, there is no way Baitsakhan would consciously remember people’s names, even super hot guys) laughs at that, shaking his head.
“Of course I remember, who would be able to forget the order of the cutest guy we’ve had here since I started working?”
The blond is nice to enough not show any visible reaction to the way Baitsakhan’s face burns a deep red color at his comment, and instead smiles a bit lopsidedly and turns to go.  Suddenly he pauses, turns back to face the noirette, and before Baitsakhan can do anything the older teen quickly winks, so fast it was almost missed, and continues on towards the counter.
For the next five minutes, until Maccabee comes back with his drink, Baitsakhan just sits there, eyes wide, mouth gaping like a fish, shell-shocked.  Even then all he can do is close his mouth and nod his head politely.
A buzz from his phone catches his attention, finally rousing him from his stupor.  For a moment, he thinks that it’s the Phone Guy again, but when he see’s "Asian Hacker Lovebird”, he smiles to himself and swipes the screen sideways to reply.  Though he would never admit it, An crashing into his life nine years ago really made his life better a thousand-fold.  He remembered first arriving in North America, a bitter, parent-less seven year-old, small for his age but savage and aggressive, despite the language barrier.  Oh, he learned English in his due time, but back then, really all he could say were a few basic swear words that immediately earned him half a dozen enemies.  The one person he gravitated towards was a kid in the year above him, a Chinese boy who was all glares and rule-breaking and rebellious behaviour.  Looking at his slim frame and lanky form, people would be led to falsely believe that An was all bark and no bite.  
They couldn’t be more wrong.  
Professional in at least ten different types of martial arts and an expert at (illegal) poisons and (illegal) hacking, An was definitely a formidable opponent.  Baitsakhan’s type of guy.  They were the perfect pair, both cold and haughty at school and in public.  No one needed to know they played video games together well into the night and had weird movie marathons on a regular basis and smiled until their face’s hurt and laughed until they couldn’t breathe.
He was a good friend, cynical, with a dry sense of humor.
Right now, however, not so much.
asian hacker lovebird: where r u????
asian hacker lovebird: baits
asian hacker lovebird: answer me child
asian hacker lovebird: ANSWER ME CHILD
im-not-smol: Piss off.
asian hacker lovebird: THE CHILD IS HERE
im-not-smol: Don’t call me a child.
asian hacker lovebird: i repeat where r u
im-not-smol: A cafe.
asian hacker lovebird: specify
im-not-smol: Endgame Cafe.
asian hacker lovebird: U MEAN!!!
asian hacker lovebird: LIKE DA 1 W/ DA HOT BARISTA U RANT ABT 24/7??!!!!
im-not-smol: Don’t you dare.
im-not-smol: 傻逼
asian hacker lovebird: oh no u did NOT just call me that
asian hacker lovebird: now i need 2 come 2 beat u up
asian hacker lovebird: it is a MUST
asian hacker lovebird: see ya in 2 min
im-not-smol: 王八蛋
im-not-smol: You can try. ;)
asian hacker lovebird: challenge accepted ur goin DOWN boi
im-not-smol: We’ll see about that.
asian hacker lovebird: ur “impecable grammar” rlly pisses me off
asian hacker lovebird: *imppecable
asian hacker lovebird: ugh
asian hacker lovebird: smthn watevr i kant spel
im-not-smol: It’s not my fault you turned autocorrect off.
asian hacker lovebird: when will u eva learn 2 txt like a normal person???
asian hacker lovebird: 好落后
asian hacker lovebird: just sayin
im-not-smol: Shut up.
asian hacker lovebird: look up
Baitsakhan raised his head, only to be met with the sight of a very distorted face right next to his head.  And of course he didn’t scream Jesus Christ and shriek like a little girl, what are you talking about?
The weird twisted face outside morphed into a wicked grin and the doorbell rang once again as another customer entered, tears of mirth still apparent in his eyes.  This new comer looked quite out of the ordinary, tall and dressed in nothing but black and silver, a face that was all harsh angles and sharp corners and pale skin.  A contrasting red teardrop tattoo stood out, leaking out of his right eye, and his strange hair style earned him quite a few looks from the other customers.
“You’re so stupid.”
“Shut up, you will speak of this to no one, understand?”
Most people would quake with fear at the aggressive tone, but An just rolls his eyes,
“Normal people don’t speak like ancient three-hundred year-old vampires, Baits.”
He drops down on the chair opposing Baitsakhan’s, leaning back and crossing his legs, stretching them out in front of him, a picture of complete ease.
“So, where’s the hot shot?” An says in a mock-whisper tone.  Baitsakhan glares at him before subtly motioning towards the counter, where Maccabee is leaning against it, his phone one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.  For a moment, An just stares, a small smirk on his face (not that the smirk ever disappears), whistling appreciatively.  And then, out of the blue, he shouts, so loud that he attracts probably the attention of everyone else in the mile radius,
“Hey there, aren’t employees not supposed to serve themselves?”
Startled, Maccabee looks up.  He sees An’s triumphant expression and Baitsakhan’s kill-me-now-please-just-shoot-me-and-save-me-from-the-torture one, and kind of gathers what happened.  A lazy smile slips onto his face.  He walks over, leisurely, still holding the half-finished drink.
“You’re right.  But… ”  He pauses for effect, and in that short amount of time An actually gets around to rolling his eyes again.  The boy really gets a lot of practice.
“I’m off duty.  Ais over there took over for me.”
He gestures at a red-headed girl who has somehow managed to escape their notice until then.  For a moment, a strange look flits across Baitsakhan’s face, but as quickly as it got materialises, it disappears.
An shrugs.
“Oh.  Good for you.”  He says awkwardly.
There’s an uncomfortable silence, like the type when someone ought to say something but nobody does, before Baitsakhan finally interjects,
“Thanks for the coffee, but I think my friend and I should get going.” Here he pointedly glares at An, who stares innocently at the ceiling.  
“How much is it again?”
Maccabee shrugs,
“Don’t worry about it, as long as you come again, it’s on the house.”
He winks suggestively.
Baitsakhan, of course, agrees.  After all, who could say no to a free cup of coffee, right?  And obviously, obviously it had no correlation to the fact that he actually wanted to come back to ogle the baristas.  Duh, no.
When he first visited the coffee shop, Baitsakhan never imagined he would meet someone like this who flirted blatantly and paid for his drinks.  When he first exited the coffee shop, he never thought he would come back again.  When he came back the second time, he never thought that this place would impact his previously non-existent love life.
Only when they are outside the door, Baitsakhan for the second time, An the first, and An is laughing at his lovestruck (Baitsakhan would deny this) expression that Baitsakhan realises that maybe, maybe a tiny part of him has fallen in love with Maccabee.
(Just a tiny part.)
CHAPTER INDEX (for your convenience)
1 | 2
so. how’d you guys like it?
here are the translations:
傻逼 = dumbass/idiot
王八蛋 = its like f    er (sry, i rlly dont like swearing in english in writing, i feel like ppl will track me down and yell at me)
好落后 = so behind (as in trends, like in the context of not caught up on the latest trends)
hope that cleared things up a bit, if not feel free to send me a quick message, and i’ll explain to you in detail.
anyways, any suggestions for the next chapter?? (i really need to change the texting usernames, any suggestions for the individual characters?? eventually all of the players are gonna get involved one way or another in the texting conversations)
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