#i wanted to show how theyve loved each other since the first time they met. and through all the way til they get to this point
emoreooo · 6 months
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i love you, i love you, i love you
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
eddie xfem cheerleader
he was your bff since your freshman year and ever since theyve liked each other , her senior year and his 3rd try she tries out for the team and she makes it and shes the best , so she starts getting attention from other guys but the only guy she wants attention from is eddie , he starts pulling away and she doesn’t know why until she walks in on him practicing how to apologize to her and ask her out & then she confesses and everything
I love a good cheerleader reader :) not proofread
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Y/N met Eddie Munson her first year in high school. She was big eyed and lost in the huge halls. Eddie had a thing for wanting to protect lost sheep that wandered through the halls. She was also beautiful but looked scared. He made sure to introduce himself before others did it for him. She smiled gratefully as he showed her around the school. Eyes staring at his cute cow eyes, curly hair that rested on his shoulders, a small smile always on his lips. He somehow even had perfect teeth. It was like he was hand picked as a favorite in God's world. He walked confidently, chains swaying behind him, and a bandana in his back pocket. Yep she definitely had a crush on this guy.
She never knew that he did too. She had no idea that Eddie was smitten the second she opened her mouth. The first time she said his name he felt like he melted into his sneakers. It rolled off her tongue so soft and delicately. But he never knew she liked him too.
Y/N always wanted to try out for the cheerleading team but all three years of highschool she was too busy to fit it in her schedule. But her senior year, she figured why the hell not.
She definitely didn't expect to make the team with flying colors. She apparently was better than she thought. Chrissy practically squealed excitedly as Y/N tried out. Chrissy took her under her wing, easily forcing her to be an assistant captain.
The hellfire boys were shocked. Their little Y/N was one of the popular ones. She was a cheerleader, and a damn good one. Eddie noticed how gorgeous she looked in the cheerleading outfit. Cute bows in her hair and her own sports jacket covering her arms, no longer needed his. But Eddie and hellfire weren't the only ones who noticed, every damn boy in the school head would turn when she walked by. Eyes following down her ass to her legs that seemed to go on for miles. Eddie hated the new attention she got. He noticed her from the start and now all the jocks want to jump on board? That wasn't fair and what else wasn't fair, was that they all had a better chance than he did.
Or so he thought. But as every week passed, she'd turn down every guy that asked her out. A polite smile and blush on her cheeks as she said no. She somehow made getting turned down even gentle. If she didn't want them, then why would she even want Eddie?
She got busier with cheerleading but always made sure she spent her free time with Eddie. She didn't want to be near anyone else. She secretly hoped maybe he'd see her differently like the rest of the school did....and he did see her differently just not the way she wanted. Because now, he's distant. He lies and says he's busy when she knows he isn't. She'll invite him to parties but he never comes. She stands against the wall patiently and hoping he'd change his mind and show up. But he never did. She understood Eddie didn't like parties or the popular kids, so she offered every Friday after her games and his campaigns they would go to a diner and eat. Just the two of them. No jocks or hellfire. Her heart broke when he said he wasn't interested. That she should spend the night with her team. She smiled bitterly at him, and walked away in silence. She gave up. All she wanted was to be something more than his best friend that he took care of. She didn't want to be a lost sheep. So she made her name known and now he doesn't bother to like the new her. Maybe the cheerleading thing was a mistake, but now she at least had friends that would say yes to a quiet dinner at the diner down the road.
She sat across from Jason, sinking her fries as deep into her chocolate milkshake as she could. Chrissy sat to his left, giggling under his arm. She watched the couple smile and kiss. Why couldn't she have that?
"are you still upset over Eddie?" Jason asked, he felt bad for the girl across from him. All she did was talk about Eddie Munson. So much Jason even began to like him. He stopped picking on him months ago. Jason liked Y/N and she liked how real her friendship was with Chrissy. She took care of his girlfriend so he felt like he owed her, leaving Eddie alone. Eddie still tried to pick fights but he never pushed further. Just simply walking away.
"no I'm fine" she lied, smiling as big as she could. If he didn't want to spend time with her she'd do it with the people that wanted to hangout with her.
"we know you are lying" Chrissy said softly. She also felt bad for the girl. It was painfully obvious how in love she was with her best friend. The way her eyes followed him like a puppy. Always smiling at him, wanting his approval. The way she'd blush when he showed up to her games, whenever hellfire didn't overlap. But it was also obvious how just as in love Eddie Munson was with her, so she wasn't quite sure why he was so distant with her.
Jason's eyes caught the sight of the man of the hour behind her shoulder. Watching as his eyes searched the booths and landing right on them. Her back was turned to him but he could easily tell Eddie knew it was her.
"heads up" Jason nodded behind her. Y/N quickly turned her head to see Eddie walking towards the table. Head looking at his feet and hands in his pockets.
Eddie had this all planned. He was going to walk up and be a man. He will apologize for his idiot actions, tell her the truth and pray he doesn't scare off the only girl that made him feel worthy.
"Eddie?" The second he heard her voice, he looked up. Looking into her eyes as she looked at him confused. He went to open his mouth, and nothing came out. She just kept staring at him, waiting for something. He panicked, he ran right back out the door. The bell rang harshly as he shoved the door open fast. Practically walking as fast as he could to his van.
Y/N looked at the empty space he was just in. Even more confused than ever but very worried. She quickly got up and followed his direction. She found him pacing in front of his van. Muttering something to himself. As she got closer she could hear small bits of it
"okay I'm sorry.....I've been an idiot and not sure what to even say. I like you...well you already know that but like more than a friend. No that's stupid. Look Y/N I adore the hell out of you and had a crush on you since your freshmen year. I've been too chicken to make any sort of move. And now half the school wants you and I'm terrified But if I didn't fuck up too bad, I'd love to take you out on a date? Is that good? Fuck where's Dustin when you need him"
"I think you did just fine without dusty" she spoke. Watching as Eddie jumped out of his skin and turned around fast. A hand on his chest and a panicked look in his eyes.
She smiled at his nervous smile and blushed cheeks
"you heard all of that didn't you?" He groaned. Hands coming up to pull his hair in front of his face. He was definitely dying of embarrassment now.
"yes but at least now you don't have to say it again" she shrugged. Trying to make him less embarrassed. He still refused to come out of his hair.
She laughed at his shyness and grabbed his hands, removing them from his face. Pushing his hair behind his ears so she could see his face clearly.
"I'm sorry" he sighed.
"I know but I guess I understand now. I wish you would have talked to me about it. I've liked you since freshmen year, you idiot" she punched his shoulder
The blush on his face got deeper. He felt like his heart ran three miles and jumped back into his frozen body.
"yes" she whispered as she hooked her arms around his neck
"yes?" He was confused. Did he even speak again? Did he ask a question?
"yes I'd love to go on a date with you" she smiled, pecking the nip of his nose with her lips softly.
Eddie probably should have waited for the first date to kiss her but he didn't want to. One arm sneaking underneath her jacket and bringing her closer.
He leaned down and kissed her, signing in relief when she kissed back without hesitation.
"TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH MUNSON!" Eddie pulled away to see Jason standing at the front door. A smirk and thumbs up.
Eddie flipped him off. Smiling as his girl laughed into his chest.
It may have taken him four years but he did it.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid
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marcianoliterati · 1 year
claudio benedict pedro and tagalong little brother john are roadtripping
they pay a visit to their old friends' parents house, where hero and
beatrice are also holidaying.
hero and claudio have been heavily flirting online
beatrice and benedict have been fighting online for like a decade,
basically since they met
everyone who follows them but doesnt know them irl thinks it's just a
game and that they're actually dating
all of them are online but none of them are big influencers or anything,
no one has more than 5k followers
and their followers beyond friends and family dont even cross that much
they all post about different things outside of life stuff
only beatrice and benedict intersect, theyre the only ones who have a
lot of different active accounts and they follow each other on every
single one, from like lj to fb to tumblr to twitter to insta to tiktok,
they even regularly show up in each other's reddit posts for the sole
purpose of disagree,most of the time, theyre not even in the same
subreddits or fandoms
but their spats are amusing and a few bits have gone viral before.
but then you get a lot of late-twenty something stuck together, and
posting all the time, reviving somewhat dormant account, it's like an
impromptu accidental reality show
at first its just like games, from tag and hide and seek to passionate
games of uno and clue,tours of the place, building shit, improvising
stuff, and theyre constantly posting little snippets, and so on
benedict and beatrice both post the same thing like "worst person to get
stuck with" and at first people thing they went on holiday together but
now theyre just stuck at like a villa the parents rented
"oh so you just met up while on holiday. riiiiiiiight"
they keep posting, complaining about dumb shit the other is one, about
their disgustingly in love with friends, and so on.
their friends also post clips of them arguing, like during games where
theyre always rivals,and others of them always seeking each other out
a new account pops up something like beadick updates or something, that
takes the time of trawling through all the accounts to post compilations
and builds a bit of a timeline of them through the years
then a different account pops up that start sending them personal
videos, clearly some of their friends having fun
they also post about the group discussing b&b (crucially hidden from
and later both bea and ben hearing the others discussing them and how
they react
cue compilations like "no women will ever tempt me" next to "but it bea
wants me im down" and ben dissing bea next to talking her up after, same
for bea.
it goes like that for a bit
the leak continues posting them acting awkward around each other, trying
to argue then running away, spying on the other,trying to do something
nice while seeming like they dont care
then theres some event theyve organised
a lot of posts of everyone looking nice
a few of people drinking
and then a livestream of dancing is interrupted by a lot of shouting the
sound of stuff breaking and what seems like a physical fight
and then everyone goes quiet
then it switches
the audience, which had been steadily growing, is left in the dark, the
fourth wall is broken when they decide to reach in and find out what the
hell is going on.
someone hacks the complex's cctv
the updates account posts different bits, claudio having a huge jealous
tantrum and starting a fight, hitting hero in the process
then b&b left alone in the garden, with confessions of love to follow
and then shouting and storming off "i will cut his heart out with a
"for you, i will defy covid and the goverment" promises ben before
the others try to pack and leave, but are stopped and so they hide in a
small cabin on the edge of the property, where they start drinking
it is there where ben finds them, smashes the bottles and dares them to
make it right or he will reign fire on them
claudio laughs at first going "but why is the rum gone?????!"
but then he gets actually worried
the audience witness this via cctv, they see ben through the grounds,
finding the cabin,hear the smashing and shouting
then they start looking back seeing if there is any back footage or if
its been deleted.
it hasnt
they find a treasure trove
not knowing how to contact them discreetly,beadick updates posts a video
of little brother john discussing sabotage plans with some minions and
they tag every account
the cctv is only outside for privacy reasons so they only know it worked
when they see john making a run for it, trying to climb the walls, being
caught by claudio and beaten before john pulls him off
then everyone reunites outside, when they see them coming up
hero goes up to john and hits him, then she goes up to claudio and does
the same
she spits at pedro and calls him a coward
claudio falls on his knees and begs for forgiveness
but she tells him he's clearly not worth her trust or love
everyone is feeling hurt and sore and not sure where to go now
pedro steps up and apologises
he shouldve known better than to trust anything john says, he's always
loved stirring up trouble for no reason
and they shouldve come to her not make a huge deal and ruin everything
claudio also apologises but more begrudginly, same as john
as they all just sort of stand there, their phones ping
and so pedro goes 'hey whats the deal with the video? who found it?"
before anyone gets an answer someone checks and gasps
the audience, stirring shit up, sends the video of them all plotting to
get b&b together, and laughing as they talked it all up
"so you do not love me? it was all a ruse?"
they both accuse each other and then turn to their friends, who in turn
took to look at the cameras in suspcion
their phones ping again. only b&b's first, which makes them both put on
pained faces of "what now?"
so then everyone's faces ping
it's a video compilation of b&b doing nice things for the other in
bea spent an afternoon learning to make ben's favourite biscuits, and
then just left them in the kitchen for him to find
ben spent forever tracking something bea forgot, and then hiding it in
her room to make it look like it was just temporarily misplaced
bea finding ben's favourite movie and casually engineering things for a
ben coming up with a thousand different ways to distract bea whenever
she starts to look sad or worried
they all watched, as it dawns on them that a) apparently, theyve had an
audience this whole time
and b)it was never a ruse
b&b were always in love, just too afraid or stubborn or emotionally
constipated to do anything about it
so hero turns to bea and goes "all this time? what the hell happened
between you two?"
beatrice and benedict look at each other and just shrug
"it doesnt matter. we're here now"
they kiss
beadick updates posts a playlist of several hours on yt featuring their
whole story, with videos of them as teens, shyly flirting, to a lot of
screenshots and clips of them arguing online, to the whole saga in
italy, ending in their big kiss
as an epilogue, the two post a video of them in the airport, they thank their audience, and say now they can travel so they will be going off together
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Begging at your feet rn to see more of your elka stuff and ESPECIALLY your elka and franke stuff
THE BEST I CAN GIVE IS UHHHH a little bit of background on some things that have been cooking because im bored.
The basis of elkas character being a control freak who is so obsessed w upholding the status quo of her mind and staying normal and being ‘happy’ in her future despite everything she sees being a doomed ending. the vision of a married life with nils lutefisk, who never really seemed to care about her and who she doesnt even know she actually loves or not. because it doesnt feel like how it SHOULD feel and she wished he was something different but she doesnt know what
she doesnt allow herself to think maybe shes Never been happy with a man. that maybe she only feels the need to be because thats all shes ever known or seen herself having
also the added very important headcanon that elka gets so obsessed over this future that she forces herself to have visions of it constantly, over working her future sight to the point that by the time the canon game happens her vision has clouded over and shes completely blind and has to use clairvoyance to ‘see’. (based on her early concept model with white eyes. anyway)
her first year of summer camp kicks off her relationship with nils but also an unexpected friendship with Kitty, and they end up getting very close, and though its confusing its the best elkas ever felt- up until she’s graced with a vision of her and kitty getting into a terrible fight, and rather than putting herself through that she just pretends they were never friends in the first place. (because shes normal)
kitty is understandably confused and upset about this and doesnt know why elka is suddenly giving her the cold shoulder. they both leave camp completely fucked up over their toxic female friendship drama and the next year kitty is ‘seemingly’ over it, already rebounding to a New girl she met on the bus, franke.
of course, franke is a lot different than elka. kitty finds her a lot easier to get along with, more relaxed, they kind of compliment each other in a way. the budding friendship to serious crush to summercamp love story pipeline.
BUT.. franke cant really help but noticing how tense kitty and elka are around each other.
its a lot to get into but my friends and i kind of spitballed franke having like. psychic hyper empathy based powers. shes more of a feelings guy. she kinda goes with whatever kitty wants but she can be good when shes not around. theres like a whole thing i made up for it BUT anyway
she doesnt know whats wrong with them just that the vibes are fucking rancid and she wants to help kitty out by getting to the bottom of it. and so she starts talking to elka when she can , and elka pities her a bit because she sees franke as this completely gullible goofball under kittys spell, cursed to follow her around like a lost puppy. especially because kitty has only grown hostile to elka since theyve been back at camp, elka kind of knows kitty is/was using franke to make her jealous. much like , well, she was using JT to get to nils. so franke is kind of like a tennis ball getting kicked between the two of them.
because a lot of this stuff is roleplayed out there was a bit going about franke being illiterate (because shes dumb) that franke plays into in a self deprecating humor kind of way, but elka takes it completely seriously and takes soooooo much pity on her she decides to help franke learn to read by showing her her favorite book pride and prejudice. has franke hold the book while elka uses her eyes to read it for her. this made a lot of sense in the moment dont worry
franke goes along with this even tho she can. absolutely read. because, like, maybe if they talk enough she can squash her and kittys beef. this ... goes okay, but franke ends up really enjoying this little book reading thing they do together. she is unfortunately a little baby butch lesbian and elka is pretty and nicer than she initially thought, when she isnt talking about stupid boys, and gets Really into the romance aspects of the book that Elka herself enjoys. and elka ends up enjoying it too, because without kitty around, franke is just such a good listener, and a little charming, and does whatever she asks, and gosh, if she was a boy she’d be everything elka wanted, wouldnt she? oh well!
and even though she looks, she cant find an end in sight for their future. maybe this friendship could be different from kitty, maybe she doesnt have to be afraid of how close they are. so she lets it happen, because it distracts her from the grief of boys who refuse to understand her. every time her and nils break up, franke is there to say Well, he never deserved you anyhow! and she feels better for just a little while.
this isnt even getting INTO the feelings that evolve over the future and the self destruction elka puts herself thru to secure her marriage but ive rambled enuff. maybe you all will feel what i feel if only for a moment
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kaatu-sirukki · 2 months
Big sun coming strong through the motel blinds
the room was humid and dim. the only light illuminating was the slightly open blinds on the opposite side of futon that laid below. the smell of sex lingered and gintokis arm wrapped around tsukuyos waist. he liked the way her hair smelled. he peppered small kisses from her neck to her arm. if they had the time he would go a second or even third round with her.
its been a while since he stopped by yoshiwara a city thats filled with vibrant life and people. hes not a sex crazed person but when the opportunity presents itself hes no better then a man.
the first time they hooked up was when he got a drunk visitor at his door. he was skeptic at the time because no one tends to stop by during late at night besides hasegawa who usually wants a drinking company and a place to sleep in the cold. to his surprise he saw a slighty tipsy tsukuyo, not drunk enough to fling him across the room but enough to be vulnerable. he never planned to go far especially when the girl was inebriated, but soon after tsukuyo started to sober up their actions became more intimate. at first they were seated across the room, gintoki watching tv while tsukuyo sobered up on the couch. she then moved close to him, closing the gap between them. they decided to watch a random comedy movie that was playing on the television called 22 hop street while cuddling close. small touches of the arms and hands grew more erratic and warmer and soon after the two were exploring each others body completely forgetting about the movie.
when the morning rose tsukuyo was no where to be seen besides a hand written note saying shes ‘thankful and sorry’ for bothering him. ‘silly woman’ he thought as he knew deep down he cherished every moment of the night. he wasnt a virgin by any means but tsukuyo was special to him.
since their first time the two randomly meet up for sex, either tsukuyo staying over the days that kagura and shinpachi are out or gintoki sneaking his way into yoshiwara just to be with her. sometimes they would get mistaken for lovers amongst their close circle with how they acted. shinpachi always liked to point out that their relationships feels as if theyve been together since forever but deep down they know the extent of their relationship.
Wake up to your girl
gintoki feels tsukuyo get up from his grasp. he slightly tugs her arm, indicating her to stay. but she lets loose and grabs her clothes thrown all over the place on the ground.
the first thing tsukuyo told him when he stepped into the room was that he only had two hours and after he needs to leave. to him two hours is well enough when your only looking for the fast pleasure. they didnt waste time getting with it. gintoki found a bottle of sake and some lube and condoms on a platter next to where tsukuyo stood. he let out a small smile. prepared.
For now, let's call her Cleopatra, Cleopatra
despite her being adamant on giving up her feminism years ago he still notices when her cheeks burn red when he opens the door for her. or when he makes her breakfast for the days that she doesnt leave right after sex. or when he calls her beautiful when marking parts of her body. she looked like a princess even if she denied.
he hated that she couldnt see that she was beautiful. but he never fought, its not his eyes that he needs to change.
hes tried to ask her out on dates but usually its met with a punch to the face. he knows that hes not the right man for her. even though they show signs of attraction or love hes nothing more then a mere husk living day by day to his own pleasures.
gin-san, the personality hes developed, was never meant to live a nuclear life. even though basically raises kagura and shinpachi a part of him will always be aware that hes just a part of their child life. when they grow old and leave him he will once go back to his own ways, wasting his life on drinking and pachinko parlors. he doesnt hate it even though everyone calls him lazy. in the end what does family mean.
I watch you fix your hair
tsukuyo grabs the hairbrush on the dresser and puts her hair back into the bun it was previously. he loved her hair. it was short and always smelled like her. it had a distinct smell of tobacco and it felt like home.
hes slept with different people in his life. his first time was with takasugi on a night that they were drinking. it was also the first time hes ever smoked tobacco before. he was curious why the man kept smoking it. it smelled bad, it felt weird, but the longer they were together the more tradition it was to share around the pipe after sex. it calmed his nerves, not as much sugar does, but he understood why people could fall back on it.
the second person hes been with who smoked was hijikata toshirou. the both were on the way from drinking together (more so running into each other) and bickered in an alleyway. the bickering slowly turned into them grabbing each other and kissing every part of skin they can find. the two hated each other and somehow that hiked up the arousal. hijikata dragged him to the shinsengumi barracks where they spent the whole night together.
when the morning rose he saw hijikata light a cigarette and he grabbed it from his hand to hit. between him and takasugi hes been with people who smoke, after all he lived around people who constantly had said addictions. the tobacco made him feel grounded for whatever the following day had to offer.
after their ‘silly fling’ or so gintoki calls it, they chose to never speak of it again. but gintoki enjoyed teasing hijikata, randomly whispering the places he discovered that hijikata likes being bitten on in his ear and what not. theyve come close to hooking up again but for now hijikata cares more about decorum then lust. what a shame.
tsukuyo was different, or so he hoped she was. she has a similar personality to the previous people hes been. all of them are arrogant, high witted, and smoked tobacco.
when he read the message that tsukuyo left on his coffee table after their first night he pulled out a pack of cigarettes hes been hiding in a cabinet counter and lit one up.
Then put your panties on in the mirror, Cleopatra
he looked at the mirror as she slid up her panties and fixed her dress. he stood up from the futon, hugging her from behind. she didnt care for him, just let him feel her up while she kept getting ready.
when he stepped into the room she promised him that next time she will stay the whole night and he was content with that.
Then your lipstick, Cleopatra
he was at her town, he knew that the people next door where probably doing the same thing as them. it was yoshiwara in the end.
he offered to pay her for sex once long after she became the ‘courtesan of death’ but it led to him getting punched in the face by her. he didnt mean to belittle her by any means and its not like he’s never been with a sex worker. but she shut him up by saying ‘this was different.’ it made him feel warm and brought a smile to his face.
she turned around to face gintoki. their foreheads touching each other as she peppered lipstick stained kisses along his face. he didnt stop her.
She's headed to the pyramid
she left the room and he opened his eyes, still standing infront of the mirror. he admired the artistry she painted with her lips. his skin was pale and her lipstick was a vivid red. he didnt want to wash off his face but he knew if he went back kagura and shinpachi would make fun of him.
its not like they didn’t know. theyve seen him and tsukuyo holding hands. theyve seen tsukuyo try to leave the apartment as fast as possible when the morning roles out. theyve seen. and kagura jokes about it, calling tsukuyo ‘tsukki mama’ which always leaves the woman flustered.
but they know that they were never meant to be together. they know that itll hurt more if they were.
Then your six-inch heels, catch her
he hears tsukuyo as she leaves the room. her heels clanking on the wood floor as her voice dissipates the farther she goes. he should leave as well, the kids are probably getting worried.
hes almost out of cigarettes and the stupid mayora freak has him addicted to these mayaboro cigarettes. or was it the sex he was addicted to because almost never will he smoke without it. there was only one in the pack and he lights it on the way out.
She's working at the pyramid tonight
he sees the vibrant city gleam as he walks down the street. the girls catcalling out for him asking if he wanted services. he politely rejected, not that even if he was in the mood he would. he felt tired and wanted to go home. he stops by a vending machine and grabs a mayoboro pack on the way back. he walks slow observing the night time. he gets a call on his phone from tsukuyo.
“are you free next week” she asks.
“i have a job for the week and i dont know how long itll be”
“oh. okay then”
“-No dont hang up. ill figure out something”
“okay” he hears a smile from the other line and the call ends.
its almost habit now. him and the yoshiwara girl.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Prince Iwa-Chan
Oikawa!Sister x Iwaizumi Hajime
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a/n: it aggravates me that my mans bara-arms-iwa-chan is so UNDERRATED!!!!
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requests open!!
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like look mom, im in love
ofc youre an oikawa
tbh, i dont think iwa wouldve been comfortable w you when yall first met
lets say youre a year younger than tooru
its a well-known fact that theyve been friends since they were really young so you, being oiks’ baby sister, was also part of your little trio
like lets say they met when they were 6
that would make you about 5
since yall have an older sister, you were exposed to the girly girl stuff like dolls and princesses
ngl, tooru was too thats why hes so flamboyant
but seems his fashion style refutes that
ya didnt hear that from me
tooru had already developed a deep fascination w volleyball bc he saw it being played during the 2000 summer olympics
but you remained w your sister and continued letting her treat you like a princess
im not really sure how old his sister is but lets say she was about around middle school when you were 5-6
however, tooru still made you play w him even though you didnt know how but you didnt care bc you were close w your brother so you would play ball w him
then came along iwaizumi hajime that tooru met from school
he found out that this boy also liked volleyball and tooru yeeted them both home so they could go and play at the back yard
you peeked from your window and you just thought iwa was the most handsome boy youve ever met
ofc, you just bolted down the stairs to where your brother and his friend was
oiks saw you standing by the door w a red face and him, being still a child and not understanding crushes, thought you were sick
he went to you and beckoned hajime to follow him inside
tooru sat you down and asked if you were okay but you just kept staring at hajime
he figured that you were just confused as to who this person was
‘oh! iwa-chan! this is my little sister, y/n! y/n, this is my classmate, iwaizumi hajime!’
cue iwa hitting him at the head
‘i can introduce myself perfectly fine, bakakawa!’
iwaizumi hajime,,,
iwaizumi hajimeee,
iwaizumi y/n
that thought made you turn even redder and you squealed in embarrassment before running back to your room
lmao what
if your personality doesnt align w this, i deeply apologize
i just think if you were an oikawa, you would bound to immediately also be drawn to this handsome specimen named iwaizumi hajime
he be getting the oikawas though
iwa was actually concerned but oiks waved it off
‘don’t worry, iwa-chan. shes weird like that. lets go toss the ball!’
so that was kinda how he met you
now, since hajime basically lived in your house by how much him and your brother hung out, youve slowly mellowed out and gotten to be friends w him
despite your hatred w bugs, you still went w them to explore just bc you wanted to be around hajime
lmao tooru youre now irrelevant
hajime didnt mind and he always made sure you were okay with the adventures of the day
even though you were only like a year younger, he cant help but baby you bc of your much smaller height than him and overall cute baby face
one day, they both came home from school all sweaty bc they raced home
‘iwa-chan! you can settle in the living room while i go shower!’
‘don’t call me iwa-chan, bakakawa!’
‘then stop calling me that!’
he sat down on the couch and started doing his homework when he heard you come home from school
lmao how do little japanese kids go back and forth from school to home at the age of 6
idek how to cross the street
‘oh, okaeri, y/n’
you perked up at his voice and you ran to the living room, seeing him
he grunted and you threw yourself to him in a hug
if your personality doesnt align w this, i deeply apologize
i just think if you were an oikawa, you would bound to immediately also be drawn to this handsome specimen named iwaizumi hajime
part 2
tbh it doesnt even faze him anymore since you do this to him every time
he continues doing homework and just wraps one arm around you and starts patting your head
then silence
but its the good kind of silence
you and iwa just sit there with you snuggled up on him while he continues to add numbers
then it was ruined
by the pterodactyl oikawa tooru who comes flying down the stairs and glomps on to iwa’s other side
‘y/n-chan! stop hogging iwa-chan!’
‘he’s mine, tooru-nii!!’
you pout while iwa turns and gives him a glare
‘shut up, bakakawa! and stop calling me that!’
‘aahh!! you were mine first, iwa-chan!’
‘i was never yours! be quiet!’
‘itai, iwa-chan!’
‘he’s mine forever! we’re going to get married so butt out, nii-chan!’
once everything calms down, yall actually start your homework and work
‘anything happen today, y/n-chan?’
oikawa always asked that question bc he believes its his duty as older brother to be caught up in your life
thats actually annoying bruv
‘hmm, me and the girls in my class were playing princess tea party today and a boy asked to be my prince.’
oikawa is 7 now and he faintly has an idea about crushes and his father made him promise that he would protect you from nasty boys
‘calm down, bakakawa’
iwa mumbled, continuing his homework but also paying attention
‘i told him i already have a prince’
oikawa was so smug and crossed his arms
‘hm, serves them right-’
‘prince iwa-chan and i are going to get married and live in a castle so there’s no room for anybody else’
iwa had to double check and turned red really fast
like who was this iwa-chan
wait, what his name?
his name has iwa in it
is he iwa-chan?
y/n’s prince iwa-chan?
was he really iwa-chan?
you glared at tooru and shook your head
‘no. iwa-chan is my prince’
you were so shamless about this fact
lmao i want your confidence
from then on, youve called iwa as your prince
like his name on your phone is literally prince iwa-chan
then when you were in middle school, you’ve started calling iwa as haji-senpai
there wasnt even a large event that spawned this
well,,, actually,,
youve noticed that iwa hated the nickname ‘iwa-chan’ a lot and he hit tooru many times bc of it so you stopped calling him that bc you didnt want him to be mad at you
so you started calling him senpai bc he was technically an upperclassman
when you first called him this, iwa was lowkey shook
‘haji,,,, senpai?’
you nodded from your spot on the couch, not looking up from your homework
‘see? i can only call iwa-chan, iwa-chan! OOF!’
that was iwa hitting tooru at the face with his pencil case
‘y/n, you dont have to call me that. we’ve known each other since we were little so you dont have to call me by an upperclassman term’
you shrugged
‘i know. but you dont like it when you’re called iwa-chan, do you?’
‘not if it’s by this trash’
he jutted a thumb to the fallen tooru
‘so,,,, iwa-chan is fine?’
your eyes sparkled at the permission of being able to freely call him that without worry
he gulps at your face and turns away to hide his red face before nodding
‘my prince iwa-chan!’
‘no! my iwa-chan!’
‘shut up shittykawa!’
‘itai, iwa-chan!’
keeping up with the oikawas
this nickname will forever be stuck
since you went to the same middle school, you were known to be around your brother and iwa and even staying behind for practice to walk home w them
it became a bit of a joke to the team of you picking up your prince
one day, a teammate called iwa, ‘prince iwa-chan’ and he almost busted a fuse
was ready to square up bc only his babie can call him that
but when you came through the door
‘prince iwa-chan! your princess is here!’
he turned all soft and squishy and pats your head so gently that they couldnt believe this is the same boy who is the ace
you were interested in volleyball so you were kinda friends w the team but you didnt really care for the sport, mainly focusing on your academics
thats how it really was for you three
they focused on sports while you studied
oh my here comes highschool
oikawa and iwa were already known throughout the FREAKING PREFECTURE bc of how TALENTED THEY ARE AT VOLLEYBALL
and you were already known by your pretty face and your cute personality
basically genderbent oikawa
and just wanted to stop you from reading by telling you that you are beautiful and you are a KWEEN and you are a GODDESS and confidence is the most beautiful thing to wear and best of all, it’s free!!
ofc, youd have to go to aoba johsai bc your brother was there
‘y/n-chan! you need to go where your brother is! you love him, don’t you?’
‘sure, tooru’
you actually went to seijoh bc you would see iwa 
you didnt hear that from me
your first day, boys (and gals) were already flocking towards you when they saw you walking with iwa and tooru
still being the overprotective brother since day1, oikawa was just snarling at anyone getting close to his baby sister
lmao what baby
hes only like a year older
but iwa was being terrirorial protective bc he finds it as an obligation as tooru’s best friend and your childhood friend
when oiks wasn’t paying attention and being drowned by his fangirls, iwa was your bodyguard
there was this one boy who started walking towards you as yall were going to your class but hajime placed an arm around your waist and pulled you closer
‘oh? i’m only at the first floor, iwa-chan. don’t get all clingy now’
lmao, girl hes trying to show that boy that hes your unofficial mans and will cut off his family jewels if he tries to even BREATHE in your direction
umm,,, iwa’s not yandere in this one yall
iwa just rolls his eyes and makes you walk forward until yall are at your door
‘i’ll see you later, iwa-chan!’
‘yea yea. i’ll pick you up’
he starts to walk down the hallway but you poke your head back out and shout
‘i miss you already, prince iwa-chan!’
he turns red all over and freezes for a 0.0002 seconds before raising a hand without turning around
now ladies and genitals
this is when iwa-chan starts to catch feelings like he catches them spikes
your cute smling face and saying his dumb nickname that he actually loves was like a recipe for a stroke for him
it has come to the point at the mere thought of you would make him all flustered and red
it tripled over when this happened:
puberty was kinda late for you and you actually just woke up looking like a goddess one day and you were like, lmao what
your chest just ballooned up and your height just skyrocketed that your skirt was now very short
ew i dont know what i would do in this situation
you were self-conscious about this and was kinda scared 
obvs, you would scream for your mother and she and your father and brother bolts up to your bedroom thinking there was a whole michael meyers in your room
but when you explained that your uniform doesnt fit anymore, she starts making appointments to get you fitted for another one
but you had to wait for a few days
so you went to school looking like a whole snacc
more of a snacc than you did before
when iwa saw you, he had a literal nosebleed in the middle of campus and runs to the bathroom to get all cleaned up
why in the name of asahi do you look like that?!
when you saw your prince look at you in horror and run away, you cried
you were already very self-conscious and him doing that just topped the cake
cake that tooru doesnt have
oop imsorry
tooru reassures you that he had a nosebleed and he was just sick and ran to not get any blood on his clothes
but you just walked away with your head down low
it didnt matter to you if this caught all the student body’s attention
that their precious oikawa y/n, little sister of the oikawa tooru, was a walking perfection goddess Venus
all that you cared about was iwa’s opinions bc he was your prince and your best friend
girl, accept that you actually like the mans
this was the worst day of your entire life and you went straight to your locker to get your gym clothes out and wear it for the day
it was tight but at least it covered skin
and it still attracted enough attention to be catcalled and whistled at
it felt violating
the entire morning, there was more attention and more people flocked over to you and guys were staring at you as if you were a piece of meat, not a girl
‘harry potter is a boy! not a piece of meat!’
sorry i cant help it
you were so uncomfortable that you called your brother during lunch time to come pick you up for lunch bc you were too scared to walk alone after being catcalled during your walk to your class
tooru sends out iwa to go help you as an apology from this morning and he just runs to your class bc you were in trouble and he was going to protect you!!
go iwa-chan!
he finds you sitting on your chair, looking down at your desk as there seemed to be boys piled up on top of each other, trying to get your attention
first world problems, amirite
that angry grunt but at 2x bass boosted
hearing his voice, you were still embarrassed from earlier but you were so relieved
iwa pushes people away and he grabs your hand to pull you up before wrapping an arm around your waist, protectively
‘if i see you idiots making her uncomfortable or even trying to touch her, i will destroy you’
protection and the feeling of safety is my fave
he leads you out of there to the stairway where him and his teammates were eating
he held your hand tightly and you squeezed it, trying to show that you were grateful
even if they were still male, your brother was there and if something happened, they were both strong enough to take them on
besides, its just mattsun and maki anyways
tooru saw you and he hugged you before leading you to the 2 others
‘guys, this is y/n, my sister. that’s mattsun and that’s makki.’
you slightly smiled and raised a hand in greeting
to be safe, iwa made you sit a step down from him so that if something happens, he could protect you
idk how but you do you boo
‘i can protect her too, iwa-chan!’
‘shut up, shittykawa. youre literally sticks and bones’
‘so mean! iwa-chan, you’re so mean!’
you giggled, head leaning down to rest on iwa’s right thigh since you were full and tired and he runs his hand through your hair
mattsun and makki shared a look before asking
‘are you dating our ace, y/n-chan?’
at the mention of dating, you both turned red and you sat up
iwa shouts but his red face and ears betrayed him
‘iwa-chan grew up with us so he’s naturally like that. we’ve adopted him into our family!’
oikawa explained but you looked at him and he gave you a knowing look
oh he noticed everything
the lingering looks during practice
the bashful smiles during hang outs at home
unnecessary touches during the walk to school
oikawa may be annoying but he’s observant and he is smart
after that fiasco, the two boys were a little wary of letting you walk home alone so iwa offered to take you since he was already making more progress and didnt need extra practice while tooru wanted to practice more
‘iwa-chan, can we go to your house this time?’
he turned to look at you curiously since you never ask to go to his place
‘i miss your mom and ive been meaning to go visit her. so can we, iwa-chan?’
you squeezed his hand and showcased your pleading look making him agree
his house wasn’t a frequently hung out spot since your house was closer but you were still familiar with his home since his mother was fond of you
mama iwaizumi peaked from the kitchen and greeted him home before squealing at the sight of the youngest oikawa
‘oh my, y/n-chan! hello!’
‘hello, auntie!’ 
she gave you a big hug and you returned it with a laugh
iwa just standing there to the side with a smile bc his mom approves so all is good in life
‘you’ve grown so much, y/n-chan! so much prettier too!’ you turned bashful at her compliments.
then she leaned forward to whisper in your ear but made her voice loud
‘say, has my son finally ask you to be his girlfriend?’
omg mama iwaizumi really ships it
iwa turns red and complains to his mom about being in his business too much
‘don’t be so timid, hajime! y/n-chan could be taken from under your nose any minute now!’
‘dont you think i know that’ he mumbles but very lowly so that no one hears him
but you decide to tease him more
‘no. but i’m waiting for it. i’ll tell you once he does, auntie!’
fed up with the teasing, he grabs you and drags you up to his room to change into comfortable clothing
you sit on his bed while he rummages through his closet for a sweatshirt and sweatpants
‘here! change into these!’ he shouts, still flustered and refusing to look at your eyes
youre an oikawa and you lived to tease so you stood up, tossing the clothes to the side and wrapping your arms around his neck
ooo gurl you want iwa to die today, don’t you?
he gets even redder and scowls
‘oi, y/n, what are you doing’
you shook your head
‘nothing. i just miss my prince iwa-chan. you were so brave for saving me today, prince iwa-chan’
the nickname used to not affect him that much but now, he watches the it fall from your cherry lips
‘say my name’
you furrowed your eyebrows
he gently shakes his head no
‘my real name’
‘iwaizumi hajime’
you say, distracted at the way his mouth moves
‘and what’s yours?’
‘iwaizumi y/n’
you breathed out
he growls softly before taking your sinful lips
wowza jesus took the wheel bc he stepped on that pedal
we going straight 100 mph up in this bih
iwa really said, ‘skip the confession. imma go straight for my babie girl’s lips. also, proposal who? let’s go get married in vegas!’
it wasnt even been literally 15 minutes until you came bounding the stairs wearing hajime’s signature grey hoodie with his seijoh sweatpants and calling for your auntie to announce you were now dating are going to get married
she screams and comes running from the kitchen, holding a ladle
you flashed a grin while iwa shows a small smile with red cheeks from behind you before telling you that you were both too young to get married
‘i told ya you would be the first to know’
after dinner, you call your brother and hes like, ‘okay, since you’re not at home i’m assuming youre at iwa’s’
‘omgomgomg, nii-chan! i just had dinner with my boyfriend’s family! they accepted me!’
oikawa just has that special type of voice that even without being on speaker phone, it sounds like he is
iwa laughs at his friend’s worried questions
‘better hand over your princess to the prince, grand king’
oikawa screamed
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i hope i did my mans justice 
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boypussydilf · 2 years
relatiobnships ask game tell me about umm ummm [trying to think of who you havent been asked for yet] SAM AND MAX.right now
describe their canon relationship/dynamic
wait the entire series is built on their dynamic bc 95% of the point of sam and max is just them talking to each other but how do u even. describe it. uhh. Absolutely Terminal Amounts Of Banter. also beating each other up. theyre so?? they just walk around Constantly making jokes just for the others entertainment and also often lightly insulting each other. & also theyve known each other their whole lives and theyre soul bonded. they literally cant be apart from each other for more than a few seconds. seperate them and they both immediately become deeply depressed. theyre codependent. and they show affection by being a little mean to each other and throwing each other through walls. (well sam throws max through walls. i dont think max could lift sam. he bites him tho)
your ideal/headcanon version of it? how does it differ from how it is in canon & why is this your favorite version? any other alternate versions of it you enjoy?
aside from the fact that my brain probably remembers them slightly differently bc i havent seen them outside of short clips in a while. mostly im just. the same as 90% of sam and max fans where its. What if they were the same but they got married 90 times for fun. but arguably they have gotten married in canon so
what do you like about their relationship, why is it interesting or enjoyable to you?
THEYRE LITERALLY JUST FUNNY. they are just very funny as individual concepts and significantly more funny put together. their interactions are great for their interactions are the backbone of their franchise. also i love codependency
what about the individual characters involved? what does this relationship mean to them, what makes it unique among their relationships?
They literally dont know how to exist without each other <3 if sam does not have his little freak there to bounce witty lines off of everything else completely loses meaning. if max does not have his bestie there to hear his deranged comments then hes just being deranged on his own and thats no fun. they met when they were like 8 or something and now its been decades since they were in different rooms for more than a few minutes. they need each other there is something wrong with them and it works for them so its OK
favorite interaction they have in canon
UMM we dont. see it. but i think maybe the thing said in some article or interview or something abt them meeting bc max stole sams lunch back from kids who had stolen it from him. I Think It Was Something Like That. i love that. also i like the opening scene of the thhhird episode of the first telltale game i think? where sam is tossing max up in the air like a baby so he can reach the darts board & then the phone rings and sam stops for a second. thinks abt it. then throws max against the wall so he can go get the phone. (this isnt like a one time thing its a running gag thru thr whole series that whenever the phone rings they physically fight to get it (and sam always wins). but thats my favorite instance bc of the little *pause* *thinking* *tosses max over his shoulder slamming him into the wall like a sack of rice*)
favorite interaction they have in your head/a situation you want to put them in
oh man i dont know. 305 angst. sam n max fans will look at the 1 serious part of this immensely silly consequences might as well not exist franchise and go Is anyone going to get hung up on this forever and make emotional content about it? and not wait for an answer. and theyre right. hey telltale wh. how did you come up with the devils playhouse. why did. what the fuck is the city that dares not sleep who thought of that. steve purcell approved this. hello? hello?
okthats all thank you <3
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sokkas-honour · 4 years
Hi there! Could you write for your #30 for your music playlist? Zuko x reader 😁😁 thank youuu!!!!
nothing has changed - zuko x reader
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pairing: zuko x fem!reader
wc: 2.3k with lyrics
notes: reader is katara & sokka’s older sister! this time the lyrics are in bold + italic so that you don’t confuse them with the flashback + dream scenes, not that i think you would but just in case.
warnings: mention of sibling problems, if there’s anything else feel free to lmk!!
nothing's quite the same, as it has been on those familiar days,
as the night sky reigned above the fire nation, zuko looked out the window of his palace bedroom, memories flooding back from his time travelling around the world, away from his nation. wether it had been looking for the avatar or actually working with him, you had always somehow been there. first as his enemy, then as his friend, then as his lover.
he remembers the days where you’d find yourself fighting each other; he would attack you with his fire bending while you’d land hits with your battle club, knife or your whales tooth scimitar. when he’d feel nice, back in his avatar hunting days, he’d solely use his duel swords to make the playing field more even but he’d constantly forget that you were able to handle yourself even against benders. he had always found you to be beautiful and the tension between the two of you when you fought was undeniable.
he remembers when he tried to make amends with team avatar and even try to join, he remembers your initial reaction to it. you sided with your sister, not liking the idea of the boy who tried to hunt your friend, your siblings and yourself down, and the idea of accepting someone of the firenation, a nation that had taken your mother from you, into your friend group.
you came around before your sister, having joined your brother and zuko to try and free your father. he had proven himself in terms of having changed and as being a valuable member for the gaang. he still remembers exactly what you said when you came back from the trip.
“zuko!” you called before he could go too far, wanting to give some sort of privacy to the reuniting family. the ex prince stopped in his tracks as he waited for you to catch up to him.
“yeah?” he asked, unsure of what you would say. your brother had already made his amends with him but had warned that although you wouldn’t be as hard as katara, you still might take a little while to come around. either he was about to hear you accept him as part of the group, or you were about to, well he didn’t know.
“i wanted to say thank you. thanks for helping me get my father back. you really have changed.” zuko was a tad bit taken aback, not thinking he’d get your approval right after the trip but it didn’t bother him. a small weight seemed to be lifted off his shoulders. you gave him a proud smile and he felt his heart race.
“it was nothing. you both deserve to find your father again.” he blushed, bringing his hand to scratch the back of his neck awkwardly. he returned your smile with a small one.
all of a sudden, you grabbed your scimitar and pressed the sharp tooth end lightly on his neck. his heartrate sped up but it wasn’t fully from you being close but also out of fear, sokka hadn’t warned him about this. his eyes widened.
“but if you even dare double cross us. if you even dare lay a finger on either of my siblings, i won’t hesitate to hurt you.” your previously bright face turned dark as you threatened him, not moving your weapon from his neck until he nodded nervously. when he finally did, you lowered it and your face returned to what it was before.
“good, i’m happy to have you as part of the team zuko.” you put your hand on his shoulder as a sign of acceptance, accompanying it with a small grin before turning around to go reunite with both of your siblings and your father.
he laughed a bit at the memory, remembering the fear that he felt during those few seconds but also the weird attraction he still had while you threatened his life.
he also remembers when you both finally admitted your feelings for each other. unbeknownst to him, you had also felt some sort of weird attraction to him when he was still hunting the avatar but it went from a weird and almost uncomfortable attraction, to one of genuine caring and love.
you had both grown rather close after your rescue at the boiling rock, spending many moments together along the beach and in town. it was after seeing the horrible play about their mission thus far, your character seeming to constantly fight with katara over zuko while also being an annoying and overprotective sister, constantly belittling your sibling’s feelings.
zuko remembers you storming out right after the show closed, sokka’s and katara’s characters having almost insulted you multiple times and you just needed some air. the words of the characterised katara still ringing through your head. ‘you’re a terrible sister y/n.’
“hey y/n.” he approached you calmly as you leaned against the balcony, staring at the bright moon that had been your friend during many sleepless nights after your mother died and your father left.
“you ran out of there pretty fast so i just wanted to make sure that you were okay.” zuko informed, leaning his back against the balcony after you gave him no response. he turned his head towards you and searched for a reaction.
“yeah, the show was just.” you took a deep breath, thinking of a word to describe the monstrosity you had just seen. “horrible, let’s put it that way.”
zuko laughed at your bluntness. you turned your gaze away from the moon to zuko, a small smile creeping up on your face at his carefree and content expression. his laugh was also something you didn’t realise that you liked about him but the last couple of days had made you create a long list on things about him that made you swoon.
“that’s certainly one way to put it.” his laughter died down and he met your staring gaze, both of you not breaking it.
“listen, if there was anything happening between katara and you, or if there is anything, i’m totally cool with it.” you blurted out, needing to get it off your chest to have an answer on the relationship portrayed in the show. you knew that katara would’ve told you something if it were to happen but you had to be sure.
“why would? why would something be happening between katara and i?” zuko asked, confused at your question that seemed to have come out of nowhere. the firebender knew that he wasn’t great at expressing his feelings but he had hoped that he’d been somewhat obvious about the way he felt toward you.
“the show, in the show you two have a lot of romantic scenes. that’s literally one of the main fighting points for katara and i’s character, other than me being told i’m a useless and horrible sister.” you mumbled the last part. pushing yourself off from leaning over the balcony to stand up straight, body still not facing zuko.
“you do realise that the show is incredibly inaccurate?” he rose an eyebrow and stared you, confused as to why you would base your information on some horrible adaption.
“yeah but parts of it were true.” your head fell, letting the words of katara’s character get to you.
“hey, you’re not a horrible sister. in fact, i know that sokka and katara would say the opposite, in fact, they already have! multiple times!” zuko wasn’t about to let you beat yourself up over a badly interpreted story that was based off of misinformation. he put his hand on your cheek that had since turned away from him. when you felt his warm hand, your brought yours up to put it on top of it, letting your head settle against his hand and turned to fully face him.
“i know it’s just. katara and sokka have always been closer and, i sometimes neglected katara and was overprotective of her. i had always been closer to my dad so i had no idea how to deal with her and was just jealous of the attention she got as the youngest.” you admitted, not wanting to look into zuko’s eyes as you confessed something that not even your siblings knew.
“that doesn’t mean your a bad sister. katara and sokka both love you and know how much you love and care for them.” he caressed your cheek with his thumb in a caring manor as you finally met his caring gaze once more.
“thanks zuko.” you smiled in recognition, thanking him for his comforting words.
“and not only do katara and sokka love you for who you are, i love you for who you are. the y/n in the show was nothing like the y/n i know.” he ranted, not noticing his confession that slipped but you caught it and a huge smirk grew on your face.
“what?” he stopped talking when he noticed your mischievous grin.
“you love me? zuko we only became friends like two weeks ago.” you laughed, butterflies still dancing in your stomach at the idea of him feeling so strongly towards you in such little time.
“i mean i dont if it’s love but it’s definitely something similar. i like you y/n. you keep me on my toes, you make me laugh, you challenge me to be a better person.” he clarified his previous statement which just made things even better for you.
“uh huh.” you nodded, indicating him to keep going. zuko usually wasn’t the one to have a lot to say but tonight seemed to be a special night.
“and after seeing all the horrible things i’ve done, not only in person, but theyve all gotten thrown back into our faces tonight. it’s totally understandable if you’re not there yet to completely forgive me, i mean i would but.” zuko’s out of character rambling continued, making you laugh but you couldn’t keep letting the poor boy dig himself an even deeper hole so you took a deep breath and grabbed his hand to remove it from your cheek so you could lean in and press your lips against his in order to shut him up.
zuko’s eyes widened in surprise, taken aback by your bold action but you were always the one to take bold moves. after the initial shock, zuko eagerly kissed back, moving his hands to your waist in order to bring you closer to deeper the kiss. some part of him had been waiting for this moment ever since he had laid eyes on you.
“spirits zuko, you never talk that much.” you teased once you broke apart from the kiss which just earned a blush from the raven haired boy.
“well um, i.” zuko stumbled, failing to find a reason for his previous ranting but he never got the chance to answer as you pecked his lips , and you both got interrupted by a certain watertribe boy.
“y/n!” you heard your brother call out, probably concerned at your running away and the fact that you still hadn’t come back.
“looks like sokka’s calling me, if you don’t mind.” zuko unwrapped his arms from your waist and you started walking back inside to the voice who called you. you made sure to send a wink in his direction before you left, leaving the banished prince blushing and with a stupid smile on his face.
zuko grinned as he thought about your first kiss. he sighed happily and went under the covers to doze off and let sleep take over temporarily.
i dream about an old familiar face, then wake up and you're gone without a trace,
“zuko!” the firelord lifted his head up and saw you running towards him down the long hallway of the palace. enormous smile on your face at the sigh of your boyfriend at the end of the hallway.
“y/n!” he greeted you with a mirroring expression and a hug when you finally reached him. arms wrapping around your waist as you cuddled into his chest.
“ i missed you.” you mumbled into his chest, feeling his chest rumble as he chuckled at your statement.
“i missed you too.” he replied, eyes meeting yours as you lifted your head to look at him. he used one of his hands to move the hair out of your face before placing his lips softly onto yours.
“i have news.” you announced as you broke the kiss, a huge grin on your face as you looked up at zuko with an infinite amount of love.
“which is?” he asked, not knowing if he should be concerned or excited.
“well, as you know i went to see katara while i went home and you’ll never guess what she told me! i’m pregnant!” you told zuko the news and you swear you saw him panic for a split second before he fully processed the information and his face was replaced with pure bliss.
“really?” he didn’t believe it, you two were finlay going to have a child together. who would’ve thought back then when you two fought against each other that you would’ve been carrying his future child. you simply nodded before he leaned back into kiss you.
he woke up in the morning, thinking that his dream was a memory and that you were laying right next to him but as he turned around, he was met with an empty bed. he sighed slightly, you were still away in the south pole with your family as you had been for months. nonetheless, he was happy to have dreamed about your beautiful face.
and though you're away, nothing has changed, we always made it out, even when im old and blue, i’ll think about my time with you.
when he stepped out of his chamber, he was met with a servant giving him a scroll, no doubt a message from you. the firelord thanked them before returning to his room to read in peace.
whenever one of you were gone on a mission somewhere in one of the four nations, you both communicated through letters so that you could keep in touch. it would also serve as a way to your future selves to look back in the early moments in your relationship fondly. you’d always have memories that would never go away written in those scrolls.
atla taglist: @draqondance @biqherosix @missmorosis @firelady-jay
zuko taglist: @duh-dobrik
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solarsleepless · 3 years
Ridiculous Pro-Drarry Arguments
1. They have undeniable chemistry. oh you mean the 7+ years of bullying, harrasment and then attempted murder? hmm yes chemistry. also the argument they used for proof of this when they met. they were eleven. don't say they fancied each other then.
2. They are evenly matched and like minded. whAT THE FUCK?? like-minded?? evenly matched?? harry couldve (and shouldve) wiped the floor with malfoy if he wanted to! draco, as far as i remember, has never ONCE gotten the snitch. harry, on the other hand? it took 3 years for him to not catch the snitch. also they say that "hARRy deFeAteD VoLdeMOrT uSInG DrAcoS wANd!!1!" first, that does not prove drarry at all, and second, ANYONE can use a wand that theyve gotten from another person. draco literally uses his mother's wand =/
3. Harry is Draco's way to Light. I agree that Draco might've (by the SMALLEST margin) seen Harry as a source of hope, but that's not healthy especially in an active relationship. We saw how hero-worshipping doesn't get you anywhere until you grow the fuck up.
4. What Harry desires is for people to treat him like everyone else; he is done with adventure. Lol yep. but you're saying that draco would treat him equally?? after bullying harry for being an orphan?? after calling him names and harassing him for NO reason?? jfc
5. In the world post war, Harry and Draco can become really good friends, companions and thus find what they were always looking for. so many things wrong with this: first, you're implying what he wasn't looking for wasn't in ginny? who never stopped supporting him? who expected to be left behind but still loved him anyways? second, the probably closest they good get is very VERY tentative allies. we're talking 7 years of nonstop bullying. you're not getting over that.
6. Hatred is always coupled with intense love. NO. NO. NO. THAT IS SUCH A BAD WAY TO THINK WHAT THE FUCK?? THAT'S SO TOXIC. WHY WHY WHY??? i have a bully at school who treats me similarly draco does to harry (minus the physical part since pandemic), and i would never fucking DREAM of dating him.
7. Mindblowing, enthralling, bewitching sexual chemistry. Okay who let this eight year old on the internet. first of all: for most of the books, they are MINORS. FUCKING. MINORS. second of all: WHAT SEXUAL CHEMISTRY?? WHAT
8. Would Harry have been jealous if Malfoy suddenly got obsessed with some other person? no. no he wouldn't. he would not give a single flying fuck. in fact, he'd be happier!! no constant bullying!! yay!!
9. By not recognising him at MM, Draco incidentally helped Harry defeat the Dark Lord. because he was scared of voldemort being in his house not bc of intense love lmao.
10. Draco never came out because he knew his father would never approve him which is why drarry never "happened." bold of you to assume draco is gay. he's literally every cishet sexist racist white man ever.
Number 11 shows a picture of draco staring at him at the Yule Ball when Harry has a partner. hes literally salty he didn't get a partner lol
12. They're cute af of course they are! if you're reading fanfic where they completely disregard the trauma and act like canon exist, then of course they are! also what about bullying is cute??
"Concluding, I would like to say that Harry should take his sweet time settling down with someone after the war. He should explore who he really is, without the threat of death constantly looming over his head. Explore himself as a person. And so should Draco. There are wayyyy too many possibilities for this pairing and it only makes sense for them to truly discover each other and be together."
you could literally say this for hinny too. ginny is understanding and sympathetic, especially considering they have one thing in common: being inside voldy's head - kinda.
TL;DR: Drarry is so stupid and also I can tell this was written by a nine year old.
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nonchalantatall · 2 years
I have wips I want to work on why are the only things in my brain pasupare × mmj headcanons I can't do this rn
*does it anyway*
They work together for a project shortly after mmj girlies start gaining traction again maybe after their live in hopeful stage
Living in roughly the same region I have no doubt that mmj was at least aware of pasupare's existence and aya especially has been tracking mmj's social media at least like cmon kiritani haruka and momoi airi and hinomori shizuku in one group together and theyve gone indie like that's a big deal
Minori and aya are huge fans of each others groups this is actually canon they told me so
They are both completely starstruck. Minori cannot believe she gets to work with such a cute and amazing and wonderful idol band and aya is losing her mind because that is THE kiritani haruka and THE hinomori shizuku and THE momoi airi
Airi and chisato pulling the strings as group leaders because the actual group leaders are too busy fangirling and crying over each other
Airi loves idols too so shes also going a lil bit crazy and stupid but she is soooo much better at keeping it together
Even though airi despised how she was reduced to a variety show host as an industry idol, she still enjoys watching variety shows and watches pasupare's show every single week. She absolutely adores them and loves their work on the show.
I have it on good enough reasoning within the Craft Egg/Colorful Palette rhythm game universe that both games canon occur somewhat simultaneously meaning that shizu, airi, aya, chisa, hina and maya are the same grade and so are eve, haru, and mino OR the proseka canon starts the year before BEFORE bandori's meaning that the mmj girlies are all one year ahead
If haruka and chisato are the same age, you KNOW there is some industry-induced fucked up rivalry shit going on. Haruka is a household name and chisato has been in the limelight since she could talk they have definitely met before and never understood why they couldn't be friends
So imagine their surprise when minori and aya become absolute besties and they try to set chisato and haruka up to become friends as well
And it works. Even though chisato is still being gripped by the entertainment industry first-hand, haruka quitting took enough pressure off of the two of them and they can be much more chill now
I would do anything to see a how a conversation between maya and shizuku are you kidding? maya tries to talk about something tech related and shizuku is like "Yes, I, too, know much about technology for example I only broke my phone two times last week trying to turn up the volume" and maya doesn't know where to go from there
Hina: Wow, minori-chan, you really did girlboss your way into a y/n fic that's SOOO interesting and also a little bit fucked up but in a totally boppin' way ya know? ahahaa
I feel like I should mention this:
Tumblr media
Image is a screenshot from vocaloid wiki page for Mechanical Clown: "Karakuri Pierrot...reflects on depression after a breakup or rejection."
No actually I don't think I want to talk about this one rn I'm not looking to cry
Eve and shizuku both have roots in modeling but were made into idols from almost nothing but that. this isn't a headcanon but there's something to be said here and I think about it a lot
Shizuku and aya click so well. They exist on each other's wavelengths to the detriment of literally everyone else. Aya and her cute, light blue-haired girl best friends who can't read a map for shit
Pasupare covering ice drop or worldwide wander........
MMJ covering wakuwaku meets trip or mo ichido luminous..................
Maybe my brain will let me go back to writing now
(please add on if you have any thoughts)
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herbietales · 3 years
12 (Kyle), 13, 25, 7 :)))))
thank you for asking!!!!!!!! <333 sorry i got to this so late
12. Tell me a headcanon that you have for Kyle!
he slips into his new jersey accent whenever he gets angry or wants to start a fight, probably had those moments where he's looking into the camera like a reality tv show lol also that he's a hopeless romantic and probably has kimi no todoke as one of his top anime of all time but no one knows that except his anilist
13. Favorite ship? Tell us why!
obviously,, as my blog title announces it as - k2, aka kenny and kyle! it first started out when they both simply were my favourite characters and i just wanted to see them both more and i began to think about it - both kyle and kenny are smart in their own ways, kyle being a person who seems to be bit more put together but outspoken while kenny is seen to be more reckless but quiet. im totally in love with the journalist-kyle and vigilante-kenny trope because of that, both protective souls who cares and wants to protect each other in their own way!! in canon when kenny as mysterion goes to kyle because he believes he's the smartest kid in school, and also sheila being friends with carol and their dads becoming high school friends is also such good material for them to grow closer to each other - and there are times where kyle, stan and cartman had expressed care towards kenny's safety (maybe not in earlier seasons lol) and feelings like in major boobage, kyle took away the cats to prevent kenny from getting high, or having to tell kenny that his girlfriend was a "whore". kyle being the only one there for kenny when he was in pain the whole time in Kenny Dies?? and then beating up cartman for kenny? also - kenny growing up to be a scientist, smart and all, yet keeping his charm, i feel like that would appeal to kyle in a way, it would crop up really good spicy intellectual banter between them..(also dude, both of them in south park in the adult timeline? like they def have met up right...) i have so much feelings for both of them individually and as a duo
25. How and why did you get into South Park?
i cant believe its been years since the first game, south park stick of truth and i saw a youtuber get into it, and i watched that gameplay of it- then i got into the tumblr fandom of it back then in 2014? i was really into it for a some healthy amount of months, and watched every episode then! but tbh i fell out a bit after 2015 since i got busy with school but i think?? i used to have kyle broflovski rp blog, but i cant remeber anything about it now
7. Favorite adult and why?
i honestly. dont exactly have a favorite adult that i actively rooted for- but maybe Big Gay Al or Mr Slave bc theyve just been funny n kind of wholesome (past the garrison part, for mr slave) everytime theyve been involved like in cripple fight where big gay al was in scouts, or mr slave in stupid spoiled whore video playset where he out-whored paris and taught the girls to not be a whore like him - i just like how they own it and they feel more put together than the other adults and parents (which is a bar lower than hell tbh) BUT if its not them, then by elimination for me is sheila or carol, leaning more towards sheila bc i respect her a lot for putting up with gerald dfgdsg
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jennrypan · 3 years
I rewrote the part where Scourge and Sonic have that "Just like me convo" so it can fit my au of them.
Fiona cheating on him with his anti didnt make Sonic angry..
Fiona actively lying to him didnt piss him off, maybe annoyed him..but it didnt piss him off.
What did piss him off however was how she antagonized Amy and Tails, and how she seemed to preen at the slightest attention Scourge gave her..because she wanted someone to protect her..someone to care about her, he didnt know..and what set him off was how she slapped Tails away, mocked him for crying and all to impress his anti! 
"What the hell Fiona!?" 
Sonic snapped, though this just caused the vixen to roll her eyes before she looked at him..god her attitude was grating his nerves,
"What?" She mused as if she didnt just slap his best friend for no reason,
That ..that made him scowl, and without warning he moved- he wanted to actually..throw her, her attitude annoyed him, her disregard for his friends pissed him off- he hadnt accounted for Scourge actually protecting her, as when he moved..so did the green hedgehog and before he could touch Fiona a fist crushed into his cheek causing him to let out a sharp grunt and lose his footing for a brief minute, instantly turning his attention towards Scourge..he still had that same sleazy smile..taunting. 
"Bad move, blue." 
Scourge drawled out, and Sonic just clicked his tongue watching as Scourge slowly paced around him..hes been itching to fight him for who knows how long..that much Sonic knew, but Sonic just hummed,
"Oh so you can help other people besides yourself, I was beginning to worry you had no redeeming qualities!" He stated sounding visibly amused, 
Scourge just scoffed lowly, "Please, thats not a redeemin quality, raise your standards." He sneered, and without warning he ran forward..and the fight began.
Amy had since charged at Fiona but Sonic could barely focus on that as Scourge kept matching him blow for blow..only thing was Scourge was a lot more violent..a lot more aggressive.
It wasnt everyday Sonic worked up a sweat fighting an opponent as not many people matched his speed..Shadow and Metal were the only ones..now Scourge had been added to that list of people that seem to want to kill him for no reason.
"Jeez its hard to believe someone so bitter could be me, like damn dude, did your favorite jacket get discontinued?" 
Even during this fight Sonic didnt stop being taunting, as he landed on top of a rock- narrowly avoiding being kicked into a tree, watching as Scourge turned towards him, his eyes were surprisingly still shielded by his shades but Sonic could still feel him glaring at him, 
Scourge moved again and this time he successfully swiped Sonics legs from underneath him and when Sonic fell the blue hedgehog instinctively moved to the side as Scourges fist came crashing into the floor were his head had previously been,
"Lets see you keep makin jokes when I break your fuckin legs." Scourge hissed- despite his words he sounded delighted by the thought, pleased with the thought of hurting him and hes use to this from Shadow and Metal, they were both assholes who worked with Eggman on their worst days and they just genuinely didnt like him that much but Scourge? Theyve only met three times before this and he didnt remember antagonizing the male enough to make him want to hurt him that much-
Scourge charged forward once more and Sonic quickly moved to the side, arm pulling back before he crashed his fist into the side of Scourges face as he had done to him earlier..knocking the shades from his face which caused his anti to pause briefly, glancing down at the shades for a millisecond as they landed on the floor, cracked and lopsided.
That millisecond was soon forgotten as Scourge retaliated..his body moved lower and his leg rose before he kicked Sonic straight in the chest causing the male to grunt, stumbling back at the force but the kick wasnt enough as Scourge had soon punched him in the stomach,
"God- I still got a few more jokes- first, those shades were lame anyways- not a joke but a fact!" 
Sonic stated quickly, jumping out of the way from Scourge once more as the male just growled,
"Im not takin shit from someone who thinks 'Way past cool' is a thing people actually say!" Scourge retorted, 
"Hey people said it before!" 
"No ones ever said that shit before!" 
It went on like this for what seemed like a few minutes with both of them arguing with each other, Sonic just wanted to see exactly why Scourge was going out of his way to hurt him- even trying to actually break his leg if he was given the chance..the rage was so weird..he knew antis were different but he didnt expect his anti to be so..angry,  so violent- his anti seemed more like a very verbal Shadow with the way he kept attacking him, 
"Ya know being an asshole isnt as rewarding as ya think it is right?" 
Sonic questioned- grunting when he got into a tree, thankfully avoiding Amy as she chased Fiona around still, she had tried to help but Fiona kept distracting her.
"Pfft, its more rewardin than wastin my time saving a buncha useless dicks who dont deserve it!" Scourge replied, sounding amused by the sheer thought of saving someone else...Sonic couldnt imagine not wanting to save people..yeah sometimes he thought some people didnt deserve it but still, 
"Youre still a Sonic! Still me- you should want to at least try and help people!"
"Why? Cuz thats what you do?" 
Scourge just laughed and without warning he moved forward..punched him in the stomach, then his chest- he didnt wait for a retaliation as he kicked him into a tree, he found with the purpose to bruise and scar while Sonic fought to distance and distract-
His head spun for a split moment, the wind knocked out of him, 
"You dont get it! Rulin people with fear and hate, is soo much better than tryna be some glorified saint!" 
Scourge stated, his eyes were blazing..the rage was back..he looked nothing like him right now..something was off, Sonic didn't like how unhinged he was,  how cruel- 
"That isnt true, and it never will be."
Sonic declared and Scourge just sneered at him, laughing, fist pulling back as Sonic quickly moved from his spot, his knuckles slammed into bark instead of Sonics nose,
"When you finally realize not everyone deserves to be saved, when you see how much more freein it is to be above people than to depend on them- you'll be like me, all it takes is one bad day, one bad situation and you'll see that." Scourge hummed out, side stepping as Sonic went to kick him, only to have his leg grabbed and he was forcefully thrown down, causing him to grunt lowly, and without warning Scourge stepped on his chest, Sonic could only stare at him for a brief moment before he just grinned- 
"Thats where your wrong dude, a bad day doesnt just make someone a villain..but a good day? A good day could change a lot, all it takes is someone showing you an ounce of kindness, someone showin you the love you never got and you'll be like me, a good person..maybe even a hero." He stated, grinning.
He expected another mocking laugh instantly, expecting Scourges foot to press down but for a brief minute..the green hedgehog paused, eyes widening ever so slightly, and for that minute Sonic was sure he got to him..he knew deep down Scourge wasnt evil, he could just show him he didnt have to be like this, he could help him..he didnt know anything about his anti besides the fact something was severely wrong with his mental state and he took too much enjoyment in hurting him but he knew he wasnt evil.
Then.. the green hedgehog just smiled, his expression hardening as if it hadnt changed in the first place, 
"How naive." 
He sneered and that slowly shattered Sonics hopes of getting through to him..he just dismissed his words-
"Not naive..hopeful." Sonic retorted, moving his arm to grab his ankle but his foot had moved towards his neck and Sonic jolted- the malice in his eyes was so..floundering..he could never imagine that look on his own face.
"Same thing." Scourge stated dismissively, and Sonic didnt get the chance to reply as a blur of yellow and brown crashed into Scourge, pushing the older teen to the ground successfully allowing Sonic to sit up instantly,
"Get away from him you bully!" Tails screamed, Sonic heard Scourge cursing and soon Tails was thrown back, causing Sonic to quickly move to catch him.
"Thanks bud." Sonic murmured, staring at Scourge who just fixed his jacket- appearing inconvenienced as Fiona neatly landing besides him as Amy ran up next to Sonic, "Stop running you coward!" The pink hedgehog hissed, Scourge just plucked out a warp ring from his jacket, just smiling at Sonic.. His smile was so..mean looking, it was too sharp..too fake,
"Til next time blue."  
Was all Scourge said in a sing song like voice as he let Fiona into the portal first and he followed quickly after just as Amy chucked her hammer in their direction, who she was aiming at specifically he had no clue.
"Dammit! Stupid! Assholes, ugh!" Amy screamed, storming over to snatch her hammer up,
"Theyre such bullies! Why did I even like her!" Tails exclaimed, Sonic just frowned before he sighed quietly, glancing from Amy to Tails. 
"Lets just go, theyre gone now, might as well enjoy the peace." He stated with a simple shrug, giving them a small smile, the smile made Amy visibly melt while it comforted Tails slightly, the young pink hedgehog was at his side instantly, clutching his arm- which he allowed for the time being while Tails was a little slower to approach him, still dejected.
He knew his anti despised him but he'll never get the reason why, and unfortunately..Scourge was too far gone to talk down from whatever path he was taking..the friendly route was no longer an option.
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letthefrogsbe · 3 years
remember when I was gonna write that parkner fic?
cool so I've decided I'm gonna, but because I cannot write for SHIT and I hate my writing every time I see it, ill just share my outline of what I have so far. its not coherent. sorry. 
Section one: aunt may dies. It’ll be like “it's been 3 months. 3 months since May was shot. 2 months and 3 weeks since she died.”
Something like that idc. Basically this section will base around peter living tony, because he’s not doing well, and he is only 17- which is not actually old enough to be on your own after something like this. Setting is established, with cameos from dr strange (who tony is dating and lives with (yeah bite me, this is my fanfiction i can make it what i want.) it will be made obvious that this takes place after endgame, which also means that tony is Not going to die. I’m not that mean lmao. The avengers are like largely together, there was not as much death in this as there was in endgame. Whatever. Everyone is very nice to peter because they know that for him its either this or him becoming a ward of the state so like.
Section two: harley gets kicked out. His mom finds out that he’s gay (from gossip sources idk) and kicks harley out. Im not going to write them having a big fight like in the moment, but harley will recount what happened somewhat to tony in this section, and then more to peter later in the story. Gay ppl trauma dump, we know this. Okay anywaysss so harley calls tony literally sobbing and like freezing fucking cold. IM SORRY IM BEING SO MEAN TO THEM I PROMISE THEY'LL GET A HAPPY ENDING. Okay. harley explains how his mom kicked him out. Tony asks why, harley says something like “she didn’t agree with my lifestyle choices” like bitterly. Tony is a good person in this (i know, im really taking some character liberties) and he’s in the mood for collecting strays apparently, so he has happy send over the quinjet. He can’t make it himself bc hes in fucking japan or something for the next few weeks,, but. Yeah! Tony also calls peter, who is presumably in bed and feeling depressed. “Hey pete. How ya feeling? Any better?’ ‘Not really, tony. Sorry.’ ‘you don’t have to be sorry-’ ‘damn tony you sound like my therapist.’ “sorry pete, but i do have something to tell you- you know harley?’ ‘only from what you’ve told me about him, but yea. He was the tennessee garage kid, right?’ ‘i mean. Yes. so- he’s gonna come stay with me for a while too- it might not be permanent but it will probably be a bit. He’s about your age, and he just has no where to go (just like u). He’s not going to stay in your room or anything, but with bruce and thor here, he will be in your apartment area.’ ‘okay tony.. Will i have to talk to him a bunch?’ ‘not if you don’t want to- i already warned him about you, so it should be okay. I wouldn’t worry so much pete- you guys are so similar in a lot of ways that i wanted to introduce you two long before he called me.’ ‘okay tony, i trust you. Thank you again for letting me stay with you :)’ (yeah that kind of got away from me)
Section 3: build up. this is a shorter section. Harley and peter are gonna meet in section 4. This section is harley’s jet ride (with an intuitive happy) and harley’s nerves about how he really isn’t worth this (i mean hes pretty intimidated tony sent a private jet just for him) and happy like reassures him. Hes still insecure though. Peter is also nervous bc what if harley doesn’t like him? What if he doesn’t like harley?? Tony did say they would get along, but peter hasn’t really been himself recently, so who knows? Yeah lots of that. I do want to emphasize though- peter is not completely unhealthily coping. Like he has a therapist and he has been reaching out to ned and mj, but its still an open wound for him. Obviously. He still has a sense of humor though, but its to cover these deep insecurities. Like the first month or so that he was with tony, he was reallllyyyy trying to not get close to him bc he sort of thinks he kills everyone around him. Like logically he knows this isn’t true, but he does really think the that non superheroes that he surrounds himself with are very at risk if they know about his spider-man-ness. The only people who know now are ned and mj (may knew too).
Section 4: the meeting of harley and peter. Keep in mind peter has been living in this apartment/area of stark tower for about 3 months now. He actually moved in while may was in the hospital because he couldn’t stand to be alone in the apartment when he knew why may wasn’t there. And um. Yeah. so peter is like comfortable in this space, basically. Also- the reason theyre in the same apartment is because stark tower was not really created with the idea of housing broken orphans in mind, so it only has a certain amount of residential space. Thor and bruce are currently staying there together (although no one really knows if theyre together, or if theyre just best bros who went through some extreme trauma together and are now inseparable. Hmmm wonder if thats gonna come up later) and theyre using one apartment, and happy lives there with his own apartment, and tony and stephen are currently sharing the penthouse, even though thats not public knowledge. Really only the people close to tony know that he’s dating stephen. So. this leaves just the one other 2 bedroom apartment for peter and harley. It has one bathroom, and the bedrooms are connected by a door but theyre pretty big so like. Theres a kitchen, a living room with a fancy ass tv, and a really pretty view (with a balcony bc <333). May died in march, peter got leave from the school in april, and it is now the middle of june btw. Tony is now peter’s official guardian (he was before may died anyways) and now has sole guardianship over him which he has fully accepted, even though peter and him both know that there are going to be times where he has to go out of town bc he does own a company after all. Times like right now. Harley is pretty nervous that tony isn’t going to be there to greet him and that he is going to have to like introduce himself to peter and everything. Cmon, theres no reason to feel like that, he’s the one intruding after all, he should at least be able to handle himself. (<--- harley’s thoughts). Yeah so theyre insecure super cool. A n y w a y s so peter was stressing about harley as he arrived, and so when harley walked in they were both complete bundles of nerves. Harley walks up but knocks. Peter actually jumps (bc spidey sense okay whatever) and goes to get the door. Oh my god these awkward teenagers i hate them so much (i love them). Peter kinda looks like shit, sorry king. He was a little bit crying earlier, then tony called and he switched into stressed out ball-of-anxiety mode. Distractions are good, its okay. Peter opens the door for harley and they like introduce each other all awkward (again sorry) and peter shows harley where he is staying. Harley doesnt really have muchhhh bc he was kicked out and all. He just has a suitcase full of clothes, his favorite blanket, his favorite stuffed animal (yeah whatever bc ofc he does) and his phone/charger. He sets all his stuff down at once. He thanks peter for letting him stay in his apartment and also said sorry. First thing peter noticed was harley’s accent. Stfu. peter asks why harley’s here- ok. Harleys had a long ass day. Too fucking long. He- he breaks down. He tells peter a lot. About how his mom found out that he was gay, and how she told him never to come back. Yikes. Anyways, this is establishing the beginning of their relationship as friends. Peter is there for him even though he doesn’t know him at all. Peter sees some of himself in harley in this moment, even though he’s not talking about himself yet. Eventually harley does ask about peter, and they really just get to know each other really quick. They have these deep scarring individual traumas, and neither has nearly recovered, but they find comfort in just knowing that theyre not alone in their suffering. At least for now. At least in this moment.
Section 5: the next day. Peter and harley spent that whole night talking about what they were going through. Peter said good night at around 5 am (there were no adults around they can do what they want to) and they both got good sleeps. In peter’s case, one of the first solid nights he’s had in a while. Harley was kept up a little longer after peter left, however, because he just couldn’t shut off his mind. It was really cathartic for him to just lay everything out there and for someone to just accept him. Peter told him he was bi, but he was.. Lucky. He had accepting people in his life. May was accepting. God, harley couldn’t fathom having lost everyone in his life, everyone he ever cared about, and still having the heart to sit and talk with the dumbass anxious gay kid who can’t go home anymore. His problems felt so small compared to peter’s, and all he could do was admire peter’s resilience and how he was seemingly able to bounce back from anything. God, peter was something. He couldn’t wait to get to know him more. With that thought circling in his head, he finally went to sleep at oh shit 6:30 am. Peter woke up around 1. Harley at 2. When harley woke up, peter was watching tv and eating cereal on the couch and he just sat down next to him. No words, just sleepy children being sleepy. They stayed like this for like an hour when someone knocked on their door. Enter stephen strange!!!!!!!!!!! Get excited people. Hes just coming in to check on them bc tony told him to, and he didn’t get the chance last night bc he was _busy_. K so now he’s here and hes awkward and he just wants to make sure these boys r okay bc theyve both been through too much recently, and it would be just the cherry on top if they didn’t get along. Him and harley had never actually met before so he like introduced himself and all that. Offered like if they needed anything he was there, and its only gonna be a few days until tony gets back (did i say a week earlier? Im retconning that bc i cannot find it in my writing so it is now retconned). Peter and harley just have to sort of explain to dr strange that theyre getting along gREAT and there is no need for concern….. And peter was even thinking about showing harley around the city a bit that night (something he had not yet told harley, but wanted to make it seem like he was doing well and not acting too depressed in front of Dr. Strange) so dr strange is like yeah !!!!!! do that, that sounds super fun petey !!!!!! and so now they have evening plans
ok ps I wrote this like 2 weeks ago and completely forgot I posted something on Tumblr about this fic idea, and so this is literally just how I talk to myself. was not gonna ever post this but then I decided to because I'm bored. there are more sections but I'm not gonna post them rn because this post is really fucking long already!!!!
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom season 2, ep 12-16 thoughts! these episodes, in comparison to the first 10 or so, felt way more laid back and low-stakes, which I appreciate sometimes. I didn't appreciate how lazy jack's halfa design was in masters of time, it made me so annoyed I redesigned it. 👎🏻 u_u
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-'picking a fight with me and my upgraded form!' 'you upgraded to a mullet?' DANNNNY. YOU CANT SAY THAT TO TECHNUS. YOUVE HAD A MULLET TWICE NOW ('fun' split danny, and evil future danny BOTH HAD THEM). I HAVE THE RECEIPTS.
-danny seeing technus hurting valerie and yelling I AM GOING TO BREAK YOU IN HALF. SAMEEEE <3
-axion labs is now a part of vladco. FUCK YOU VLAD. hes not even really IN this episode, but just thought I'd throw out a nice fuck you anyway.
-'capable of blasting a single person into space in (2) minutes!' tucker. that would kill someone. i mean yeah they might get to space, but theres NO WAY THEY WOULDNT CATCH FIRE, OR THEIR ORGANS WOULDNT LIQUIFY BECAUSE OF THE STRAIN. THEY'D PROBABLY PASS OUT BEFORE THEN, BUT. ...no, okay, I get why vlad bought this company. this is RIGHT up his alley.
-danny KNOWS VAL DIDNT DO THIS, THAT SOMEONE STOLE THE SUIT. AND SPENDING ALL NIGHT CHATTING WITH HER. <3 and val is a 9TH DEGREE BLACKBELT?? danny's mom is, too!! omg and she hunts ghosts, his parents would love her. and her fav fruit is kumquat bc its a funny word. im so with danny val is amazing. I love her and I Do Not Want To Hear It From Sam.
-I knew danny wanted to be an astronaut, but the bowling tidbit is like. yes give me more useless info abt these characters, I love tiny details that make them feel more human, and im glad hes got hobbies aside from ghost stuff, we dont really see a lot of that!!! (I mean, we knew 'fun' danny from when he split himself in half liked bowling, so obv it makes sense he LIKES it, but hes very GOOD at it. so proud of him, bowling king) val calling him neil armstrong and them teasing each other. LOVE THAT.
-technus you are my favorite grandpa for setting this up. SAM WHY ARE YOU BEING SO CREEPY BE HAPPY FOR YOUR FRIEND!!! STOP SPYING ON THEM!!! who actually cares if technus did 'set them up' together, theyre having fun and enjoy each others company!!! 'you think the universe wants you two to be together?' 'i dunno, but maybe /I/ do!' EXACTLY DANNY!!! SOO TRUE.
-and valerie being happy sam said she wants to try and be happy for them and make room at the lunch table for them. and hugging sam over it. VAL NEEDS MORE FRIENDS.
-dannys like 'HEY IM AN ASTRONAUT :D' AW. ...HES IN SPACE... the fact he's actually intending to give her the ring. with SAMS NAME ON IT?? IM CRINGING DANNY NO. YOU CANT DO THAT...thank god he didnt. thank god valerie cut it off and said they can just stay friends for now. tbh, they both have a lot on their plates!! they obv both still like each other...it can be a future thing!! when she knows about phantom! youre 14 theres no need to rush. I just want her to have friends and be happy :(
-...danny struggles to do (1) pull up. SAME. but all the ghost fighting in phantom form REALLY doesnt carry over at ALL? that sucks
-sam being as fit as she is, is not just a goth. shes a goth jock.
-honey I Shrank Our Kid, One of his Enemies, and his Bully: the episode
-dash's crush on phantom is So Obvious. fitness buddies :) watching them interact always makes me laugh. also, phantom, with PANTS. 'how many costume changes you gonna go through, what is this, vegas??' DASSH DJKSFHASKDF
-danny likes lime and vinegar chips. which sound very good.
-'our boy finally has the physical prowess of a 60 year old president!' ...poor danny LMAO
-'what's wrong with beauty pageants' oh tucker you sweet naïve child. what ISNT wrong with them. who approved this for a high school?? (I mean, yes. unfortunately child pageants exist, but...) also danny and tucker once again treating the pretty girls like objects. I need to meet the grown man who wrote this, I just want to talk...
-prince aragon's dragon form reminds me of maleficent (color scheme wise) which is always a bonus. considering the episode is called beauty marked, I feel like the sleeping beauty references are deliberate
-sam with the fake fangs. once again her accessories never miss. hate the 'not like other girls, girls who get sucked into this kind of thing are all shallow and all want to be carbon copies' bs tho.
-sam trying to be the Worst Bride, being rude as shit. DORA IS GOING TO GET KILLED. DID YOU MISS THE PART WHERE SHE SAID THE PRINCE WILL HAVE HER HEAD IF YOU ARENT THE IDEAL BRIDE. YOU /KNOW/ DANNY WILL COME SAVE YOU. JUST ACT CHILL UNTIL THEN. even if you were doing fine to get him to take off the crown, consider maybe not letting his poor sister get punished also?? sure, she could also take off the crown and has dragon powers, but did you know that for sure?? dora didnt even really realize it until you guys talked!! (or at least, she was scared to stand up to him. you had no guarantee she would...) but. good for dora. ANOTHER friendly ghost to add to the List :)
-tucker is so under appreciated in his time. if he was doing a tech-based campaign today he'd have a better shot. people in 2004 had NO IDEA how much tech would be a part of our day-to-day lives...altho. tbh if you're going to be running for student council president, maybe you should..focus on things to actually improve the school? since he's going for a tech angle, he could say like, he would be running fundraisers for the schools computers to be upgraded, etc? we've already SEEN he can be good at money-making entrepreneur type stuff!!
-tucker using his new minion to feed him grapes and carry him. AND LOCUSTS ONTO THE BULLIES. I love how when he's possessed, he gains winged eyeliner.
-this episode is giving me big 'plankton makes everyone in bikini bottom his slaves and build monuments of him from the spongebob movie' vibes. and the pharaoh has a traitor who works for him? VERY big yugioh vibes. aknadin confirmed
-I like that danny is still completely exhausted after using ghostly wail. (still patiently waiting on him to get duplication)
-LOVE the fenton's 80s outfits. I get hes 14 and embarrassed by everything they do because theyre his parents, but. cmon, this is one objectively cool thing theyve done. love 80s fashion.
-...was vlad just standing on that streetlight waiting for danny to come out? how'd he know they'd be coming out the back? how long has he been up there???
-oh, wait, his ecto-acne has flareups? that SUCKS. danny was...well I dont want to say he was LUCKY HE HALF-DIED, but he was lucky his was pretty instant (I'm assuming that had to do with the power/scale of the portals being different?) I remember in the ep we met him, vlad made a point of saying he was stuck in a hospital for a long time, so. that really actually sucks and I feel bad. not that it excuses anything he's done...but like. it does suck.
-vlad being so sure danny wouldnt help him he made it somehow contagious to his friends to make sure he'd get help? danny is a nice boy, he wouldve helped if it was anyone else. the only reason he wouldn't have is because of the shit vlad did to him, on purpose. vlad 100% dug his own grave by being the biggest asshole, so it is very hard to feel bad for him.
-clockwork is back!!! and making danny learn lessons The Hard Way. Uhhh, okay. I kind of get Danny’s logic, that time traveling this far back would prevent vlad from becoming a halfa also, ergo no arch nemesis or ectoacne to worry about. But the fact that was basically the first solution Danny came up with to solve this problem is actually so funny. It’s so extreme
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-vlad telling maddie in the lab (in the 80s) he has something he's wanted to tell her 'for a long time'...how long have they known each other? I assumed they met in college, since jack always calls vlad his college buddy/roommate, so jack and vlad for sure met in college, but did vlad know maddie longer? thats surprising if so. Tho we don’t know what year of college they’re in so they could mean they met as freshmen and a few years have past…speaking of maddie shes crushing the 80s look.
-vlad blames jack, but. maybe dont stick your face 2 inches from the portal??! THIS FEELS LIKE LAB SAFETY BASICS. IF SOMETHING HAS POTENTIAL TO BE DANGEROUS, DONT GET NEAR IT. WITH YOUR FACE UNPROTECTED IN ANY WAY. (altho jack didnt really give a Big Warning besides screaming BONZAI. so. also that, but cmon.) also, they need gloves, goggles, and to pull all of their hair back tbh. but fuck lab safety, I guess!
-cryyyyinnng at how lazy they were with jack's ghost form design, its just plasmius' design on jack!!! you couldve given him his own design!!
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-there. I did that in about 10 minutes and its somehow less lazy than what made it into the show. embarrassing! better yet, I think the episode would've been better if maddie would've gotten the ectoacne. or maybe its just me, wanting to see her design! anyway. I'm sure people have already done redesigns of them both as halfas. I have to go look after I finish this watch through. Also mildly frustrated jacks resentment and bitterness is basically also a copy paste of vlads backstory. They’re different characters, I really don’t think jack would stew in bitterness and jealousy the same way vlad would!! I also don’t think he’d give up after one time of trying to hunt ghosts and getting laughed at. Our canon timeline says different…I dunno, I get it was for laughs, but I’m annoyed because the POTENTIAL this plot has…
-did vlad really wear a stupid cheese hat to his wedding. ok actually that kinda rules. and the cheese door knocker. the dairy-only buffet table. vlad still got rich, just on being the New Dairy King. (Assuming that means he owns a lot of dairy businesses?) ok! this actually is great. hope maddie isn't lactose intolerant!
-'no matter how hard I tried, I could never get rid of my ghost half, the half I knew Maddie could never accept' ohh, ouch, what a horrible thing to say to her HALF GHOST SON. 'YOUR MOM WILL NEVER ACCEPT YOU' BASICALLY.
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-maddie strapping danny to the table with a lazer pointed at him in a secret lab she keeps from vlad that she makes a point of saying is sound proof so he can scream all he wants...CHRIST. DANNYS POOR PYSCHE.
-also, not to feel bad for alternate vlad (because, he did lie to maddie saying jack blames her and never wants to see her again...) but. being married to a woman 20+ years and she immediately goes back to jack? if she didnt love vlad and feels like she had to hide shit from him, and says she wasted her best years with him, WHY MARRY HIM. it feels like leading him on!!! cannot believe im feeling bad for vlad, but. this alternate timeline vlad is significantly Less Horrible than Our Vlad. did she not think she'd get funding for her ghost stuff? (which, fair assumption since they're considered 'ghost fanatics/nuts in canon...but...) why did she think jack or vlad would be her ONLY OPTIONS? be like your sister. be single. Actually, this au could’ve been really interesting if after the accident, vlad lied to her and said jack never wanted to see her again, but she stays single. Imagine how much that would bug vlad… like, in her mind, it was never a competition it was jack or no one type situation…
-danny being like 'leave him ALONE' this jack is a HOMEWRECKER, DANNY. let them go to court and settle this at the least. ...or just throw vlad into the portal. (100% human, defenseless vlad) CHRIST, MADDIE THATS BRUTAL. THATS MURDER.
-danny seeing his mom immediately accepting him and his dad being half ghosts in this universe, if I was him this would be a great sign that his universe's maddie would also.
-*maddie voice* "clockwork will help!" *2 seconds later, with clockwork* "I will Not Help." TOUGH LOVE KING. YES LET DANNY SEE THE SODA HIMSELF AND DEVOLP BETTER OBSERVATION SKILLS.
-when clockwork ""reset time to the way it was"" just before danny "meddled"" ...did he really erase a whole alternate timeline? ...damn. because maddie and danny both called it an alternate timeline by name, it splitting when the college incident went different, so it wouldnt have really mattered if he reset it, right. like because danny's timeline is on a different stream? why didnt clockwork just. show danny a replay and not Reset That Timeline. wh...I wonder how many people that Erased From Existence. Anyway! once again stating clockwork is casually terrifying!
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
okay first up on the list: sukka
bear with me this is all just the background info because this is a fic i started MONTHS ago but gave up on. its a five n one fic but heres all the relevant background info:
suki and sokka met their freshman year of highschool. suki was an annoying know it all of a freshman (hello im projecting onto suki here) and hahn was the sexist jerk who say behind her. sokka was hahns best friend and followed him around like a little puppy. suki knew that sokka was just repeating everything hahn told him ab women but sokka took it and ran with it to look cool for his friends.
naturally, suki and sokka do not get along. suki constantly calls out hahn for his bullshit, sokka defends him, and sokka and suki get into fights while hahn sits back and watches. its even worse because suki and sokka see each other everywhere. student council. musical rehearsal. his hockey practice is right across the street from her job. they are on the same coed soccer and track teams. they have the same classes. they literally are always around each other.
sophomore year comes around and sokkas no longer friends with hahn. partly because his arguments w suki got him to realize he was being sexist. partly because hahns a dick. partly because hahn tried hitting on his girlfriend yue.
sokka apologizes to suki for freshman year and suki is like its fine i got too heated sometimes too and sokka was like well yeah if i were you id wanna rip my head off too dont apologize. suki and sokka are kinda sorta friends now.
junior year yue moves away and sokka is really upset about it. they broke up because they felt they were too young for long distance but it still hurt. suki along with the rest of sokkas friends (sup gaang) are there for him. suki and sokka are friends but they still arent super close yet.
OKAY NOW ONTO THE FIC ITSELF (im so sorry for long posting but i love sukka)
5 times sokka drove suki home and one time suki drove him
1st ride: sokka offers to drive suki home from a club meeting after overhearing her talking to toph about how her cars in the shop and her mom cant get her until an hour after the meeting ends. she accepts and they drive together. theyve hung out before in group hangs n stuff but theyve never rlly been just the two of them. its nice. sokkas a fast talker and gets very animated and invested in their conversations. they dont wanna stop talking so they just keep driving around town, never too far away from sukis house, for an hour before finally dropping her off.
2nd ride: similar story as before. suki needs a ride home and sokka offers. theyre convo is still very fun and interesting but a lot of the trip this time is actually them just singing songs in the car together and just jamming out. sokka tells suki that her voice is rlly good. suki never heard sokka sing before because he only did tech for shows, but hes not half bad himself. will suki start imagining singing duet with him after this ride? no absolutely not. will sokka? yes absolutely. (jk they both think ab it sukis just in denial)
3rd ride: at this point suki has stopped driving her own car to school and instead has her mom drop her off. her mom doesnt mind, she likes getting to talk to her daughter in the morning (and she knows damn well shes got a crush on that boy who drives her home) and sokka just asks her if she needs a ride, he doesnt wait for her to ask him first anymore. this talk is fun but more serious. sokka keeps asking about suki and her identity as bisexual. suki thinks hes gonna be weird about it but then during a lul in conversation he admits that he thinks hes bi too. lots of comfort. yes ik im projecting onto suki in this fic but this car ride wouldve been MAJOR projecting onto sokka time ayoooo.
4th ride: suki is at a party and hahn is there and sokka isnt and suki is getting pissed off by hahn and wants to leave but she cant drive herself home. she calls sokka and he comes to get her even though its way too late. shes a little drunk still and tells sokka ab hahn being a dick. sokka wants to turn around and “talk to him” but suki is like shut up sokka youd lose that fight and sokka laughs and says not with u by my side to back me up. suki doesnt know if shes drunk or something still but sokka looks really good under the light of the streetlamps they drive past.
5th ride: suki has taken it upon herself to refer to sokka as her chauffeur since he drives her everywhere now. he rolls his eyes and grumbles about it but he always assures her that he doesnt care and that he likes their car rides together. its towards the end of the year and prom is coming up and neither of them have a date. sokka hatches the perfect plan and instead of walking with suki to his car from the school, he tells her to meet him there instead because he has to talk yo a teacher abouy something (lies he got out of class early cuz mr piandao is the goat and sokka needs to set up). when suki gets to his car hes got a whole promposal set up and is holding a sign that says “i know im an excellent driver, but lets get a real chauffeur for once. prom?” and of course she says yes.
suki didnt want a chauffeur for prom. instead she offered to drive the two of them there instead. sokka keeps making jokes about how hes terrified to be in a car with her because of how much katara has complained about sukis driving (i drive fast so suki drives fast deal with it) theyre on their way back from a prom after party and suki is taking sokka home. its quiet and peaceful but sokka wont stop staring at her. “what” she asks “nothing. youre just... really.. pretty. i guess.” hes so awkward. poor kid is so flustered but suki likes it. “yeah ur not to bad urself” “i really like you suki” “i like me too” “im serious” “i know sokka” “so what do you think?” she can see hes nervous now “i thought you were supposed to be smart. im surprised you didnt notice how much u like you too.” “wait really?” his eyes light up “of course dumby. i literally stopped driving to school as an excuse to hang out with you more” smoocie smoocie ensues.
badda bing badda boom: sukka fic.
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wisherbysharlight · 4 years
YOOOOOOO MY FREN........ THAT TROPEY BEACH AU IS GIVING ME L I F E RIGHY NOW!!!!! id love to hear some of the other LAMP scenes you mentioned...... as well as any angst you didn't include............ 👀
Tw for not exactly abusive parenting? Just kinda toxic. -Roman has known since he was 3 that his parents expected a lot from him Sit up straight and be polite and be nice to Mommy and Daddy's friends and we'll let you play on the beach later 
  -Remus always had the same expectations, but to a lesser degree. Roman was already the Golden Child after all, an 'heir and a spare' and all that nonsense But if Roman was good, then they got to go to the beach, and Remus liked the beach too, so he put up with being Slightly Worse so his brother would look even better 
   -Their roles solidified when Roman woke up to Remus sitting straight up in bed, white as a sheet, and turning to him with haunted eyes. Remus couldn't talk, that night. But his parents did take him to talk to a really nice lady named Ms. Picani((yes i AM making emile a legacy therapist)) who taught him that many people are subjected to nasty thoughts but that doesn't mean they were bad 
Their parents called him imaginative. Remus felt like it sounded like a curse next to when they called Roman creative
-So Remus and Roman both wore a mask. Roman pretended to give a shit about meetings and mergers and getting a law degree and taking over for his parents. Remus pretended it didn't hurt when they told him he could be "whatever he wanted" but laughed when he said CEO
Remus didn't think his parents even know the dichotomy they created. Roman was bitterly sure that they did. They clung closer to each other, spending every spare hour out on the water, their surfing prowess unquestionably on the same level and keeping them from turning on each other
-Remus quietly helped Roman stay awake in school when he stayed out all night sitting and waiting for the perfect waves to catch. Roman quietly fed Remus the information he learned when their dad had him sit in on "man to man" chats with other leaders.
-When they turn 14 they both tell their parents in no uncertain terms that they will absolutely be working at uncle Thomas' restaurant like Remy did when he turned 14, thank you very much. Their parents think it's a good lesson in responsibility. The twins think its a great reason to get out of the damn house.
-They drag their friends along with them. Virgil becomes a junior lifeguard with a passion Roman had yet to see in him, watching over everyone like a hawk. Logan gets to read under an umbrella. Patton is charming as hell as a bus boy and he and the twins quickly become waiters despite technically being too young(they just can't carry the alcohol for two years)
-There's still stuffy dinners that alternate with nights alone just the two of them in the house as their parents jet set around the world, but now they have somewhere to be every single day Thomas Actively encourages them to use the private beach for surfing when they have time off, and they love it because they can just grab their boards on their lunch breaks and go
-It is out on these lunch break surf and chats that a plan falls into place, as it normally does, when Remus just says the first thing that comes to his mind Roman knows what he wants now, and so does Remus, and who better to get it than the Creativitwins(coined by Patton, LOVED by the twins)
-By the time the Main Timeline happens(when they're all 18) the brothers have Solidified the plan 
They've both enrolled at the same elite school(much to their parent's condescending surprise, seeing as how Remus' grades are actually better than Roman's), both majoring in business, but they swap majors without telling their parents. Remus takes Entrepreneurship and Business Analytics, and minors in pre-law, and Roman takes Management.
-Roman knows, deep down, that once the jig is up he might lose all the money they put away for him. So, when he sees that there's an amateur competition on the island with enough prize money to get them both through at least a few semesters of school he leaps at it
-He trains Non Stop. He hasn't told LAM about the plan and they get super duper concerned about him 
-Thomas and Roman end up in a screaming match because Roman is clearly not sleeping and when Remus can't get through to him he sends Thomas and tells Roman he’ll handle their parents
This is when it comes out that Thomas is living Roman's dream that he feels he doesn't deserve, feels like he's failed as the Golden Child and hasn't earned the right to go after what he truly wants
At the Same Time Remus has shown up in Roman's place to a Very Important Dinner because he knows its just time to let the cat out of the bag. His father pulls him aside and tells him that he cannot afford any "outbursts" and that this is a "very serious meeting". Remus gives a sickly sweet grin and goes in anyway, smoothly makes rounds to say hello to all the customers who come to the resort and is joking and laughing with three of them within 15 minutes. His father is so taken aback he actually doesn't hear one of his other colleagues ask if he's alright.
Janus shows up to back him up about 30 minutes in and Remus brings him around to introduce, and the two of them charm the pants off of the few people they hadn't met yet, forcing the Twin's parents to confront their own biases against their son. Roman turns his phone off so he won't see his father calling. Him Remy and Thomas are having a disney marathon, anyway
-Roman doesnt go home til morning. When he gets there, both his parents are sitting at the table with Remus. They all have tears in their eyes and look like theyve been there all night. He'd gotten the text from Janus when he turned his phone on, knew that it had gone well, or he'd be genuinely concerned. The first thing his father says is, "We're sorry"
They have a discussion, and it feels a little bit like the business discussions he always sits in on, slightly stiff and with everyone still not really comfortable with each other, but at the end his mother hugs him for the first time in what feels like years and tells him she's proud that he worked so hard towards what he really wanted, and that he reminds her of herself at his age trying to break into the business world, and he cant truthfully say that isn't the best thing he's ever heard in his life
-Their parents arent perfect. Remus will say something slightly off kilter and they will visibly wince before they can correct themselves. Their mother will still attempt to baby Remus and put Roman on a pedestal. Their father will still turn to Roman for his opinion before Remus. They both pitch a fit when Roman insists on transferring to a local school to save money. But there's progress made.
-And on the day of the competition, Thomas comes up to Roman when he stops by the restaurant to get Luck with a key on a lanyard that says "Thomas Sanders Beach Emporium - Surf and Swim Shop". He'd purchased the small surf shop next to the resort from a local who'd wanted to move inland. 
"Ro, I know you still want to go to college and that's fine. But know you are the only one I want running this, even if I have to wait." 
Roman bursts into tears IMMEDIATELY and Patton has to hug him for like a full 20 minutes to calm him down
-And then, as we all know, THEY WIN THE COMPETITION. And they don't need the money for college anymore, so they take it and give it all directly to Thomas for the shop, and the twins own it together but Roman runs it while Remus is off being one half of the Ultimate Power Couple on the mainlaind
And Now That You’ve Survived the Angst Train, here’s EPILOGUE
-Roman takes over the surf shop as soon as he graduates, of course. 
-Patton becomes a Divemaster/Ocean Archeaologist and gets to spend all his time in the water 
-Logan becomes an Oceanographer who creates super detailed and beautiful diagrams 
-Virgil becomes a marine biologist specializing in rescue and release and they buy a house across the street from the restaurant
-Remy takes over the restaurant and Emile opens a practice right on the island and Remile live in the apartment above the restaurant
-Dukeceit move inland towards the city so Remus can get his MBA and Janus can have some Night Noise and Janus gets his law degree and they are a Power Couple 
But they always take at least a month where they are either off or working remotely and rent a house on the same block as Remile and LAMP and surf and hang out at the restaurant and beach and relive that One Summer Of Pure Happiness and Freedom
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