#i was a monster by skillet 12-year-old personally
spiltsoup · 1 year
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bagheerita · 1 year
I saw this music ask game (originally from @benedictervention-deactivated20) and since I don't usually get the asks I want, I decided to just answer all of them. Muahahaha.
MUSIC ASKS these are actually pretty fucking hard but why not.
1:A song you like with a color in the title Blue on Black by Kenny Wayne Shepherd
2:A song you like with a number in the title 3AM by Matchbox Twenty
3:A song that reminds you of summertime Staring at the Sun by U2
4:A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about The Deeper Well by Emmylou Harris
5:A song that needs to be played LOUD Move Along by the All-American Rejects
6:A song that makes you want to dance Sway by Dean Martin
7:A song to drive to Sweet Child o' Mine by Guns n' Roses, which fits like 3 or 4 of these answers because it needs to be played at full volume while driving down the road with the windows down in the summertime in your shitty old car with no AC
8:A song about drugs or alcohol Hotel California by The Eagles I mean I guess? that's not really a topic I'm searching out and they do mention both drugs and alcohol
9:A song that makes you happy whatever my latest favorite song is which right now is Wild by Lucy Spraggan
10:A song that makes you sad Blank Space by Taylor Swift because they play it every fucking day on the radio at work and it's almost a good song, like it's so close to actually being a good song, but it's just not quite there. it's a tragedy
11:A song that you never get tired of Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men
12:A song from your preteen years Cold-Hearted by Paula Abdul
13:One of your favorite 80’s songs Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi
14:A song that you would love played at your wedding NA, but I also want to be hilarious and say something like Norupo by Heilung
15:A song that is a cover by another artist All Along the Wachtower by Jimi Hendrix
16:One of your favorite classical songs Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata
17:A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke NA, though since I 1)hate the idea of singing in public, 2)love the sound of the song but dislike the artists so that dichotomy would fit the situation, and 3)know it's in my range, would probably go with Picture by Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow
18:A song from the year that you were born Spirit in the Sky by Norm Greenbaum (see you didn't say it came out the year I was born. this song existed in the year I was born so it counts)
19:A song that makes you think about life don't all the good ones?? I'll say Fukai Mori by Do As Infinity because I love it and it puts me in an introspective mood
20:A song that has many meanings to you Broadway by The Goo Goo Dolls
21:A favorite song with a person’s name in the title Deirdra Dances by Emmaus Way okay so I like that song but I somehow forgot completely about two songs that I love: Eurydice by Sleepthief and Daniel in the Den by Bastille, how is it possible I couldn't remember either of them
22:A song that moves you forward One Foot by Walk the Moon
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to Grá by Wardruna
24:A song by a band you wish were still together I don't really pay attention to bands so I don't know which ones that I like are no longer together, and if they broke up I honestly wouldn't want to force them back together you don't get good music that way
25:A song by an artist no longer living George Bizet's "L'amour est un oiseau rebelle" from Carmen
26:A song that makes you want to fall in love NA. Though I'll throw out The Book of Love by The Magnetic Fields because it's a song I like that is about love.
27:A song that breaks your heart (in a good way) Forgiven by Skillet
28:A song by an artist with a voice that you love there are a lot of artists I love the voices of, like mostly everyone that I've already mentioned, but I'm secretly trying to use different artists for every question so I'll say Under Heaven's Skies by Collective Soul
29:A song that you remember from your childhood The Look by Roxette. 9-year-old me adored this song while not understanding what it was actually about.
30:A song that reminds you of yourself This is actually a hard one and I don't know that there is any song I know that really reminds me of myself. I'd probably say Music Non Stop by Kent, just because I quote the chorus in my tumblr description
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phoenixrisingwoman · 6 years
1-102. You should have known I was gonna do this.
This friendship was a mistake.
1) what’s a song you depict with your childhood? any HSM song brings me back to my childhood & also oldies that my parents used to play in the house like stand by me by Ben E. King, unchained melody by the Righteous Brother,….
2) did you have a memorable childhood pet? I think every one of my pets is memorable. one that specificly comes to mind would have to be our Tervuren. We took him in because his owner didn’t take care of him and was planning on ditching him in the middle of the woods. the poor thing got treated like some kind of monster when he only asked for the bare minimum, to get treated with respect and basic kindness. I still remember how easily he trusted us. We were a family of 5 so to have 5 strangers around you all of a sudden and not get defensive and lash out especially after getting treated so badly by humans is one thing but to completely immediately trust us wow. He was such a gentle and sweet dog and it hurts my heart when I think about how he died. He had cancer. Fucking dogs man i know i say this about all dogs but he really was an angel. What a pure soul.
3) have you ever been drunk? yes
4) have you ever tried drugs? i’ve only eaten space cake and that’s it. but i don’t really have any desire to ever try hard drugs.
5) have you ever completely regretted what you’ve said? 99% of the time I regret what I say because I am dumb and say some real embarrassing shit
6) have you ever made someone cry? I hope not, unless they were happy tears!
7) has someone ever made you cry? most likely yeah i’m just very sensitive and take a lot of things to heart.
8) have you ever been in love? if so, describe the moment you knew it. i've never been in love9) which came first the chicken or the egg? The real question is where does a circle begin and where does it end?
10, 11) already answered
12.) have you ever been in love with someone you couldn’t love? read the answer to question 8
13) are you a good cook? i mean i’m not the worst but there’s always room for (a lot of) improvement.
14) already answered
15) what is the last movie you cried during? i can’t remember but hatchiko is a movie that can always make me cry.
16) what are songs you’ve cried to when you first heard them? (if any)
It’s such a long list so i’m going to narrow it down to a few: Skillet - Would It matter, DNA - Lia Maria Johnson, you don’t know - Katelyn Tarver, Adam’s song - Blink 182 , 24 floors - The Maine, Sleepless nights - Faber Drive, Just a little bit of your heart - Ariana Grande & I can’t make you love me/ nick of time - Bon Iver. That’s some real sad shit.
17) do you have a middle name? Nope18) have you been out of your country? yes, I’ve been to Italy, England, Turkey, The Netherlands and Germany & this summer i’m going to Spain.19) are you a chocolate fan or not? I am a huge slut for chocolate always20) how many people have you kissed? only one because I have no game21) already answered22) what is your dream car? don’t have a specific one in mind but a range rover looks nice. as long as my car is big enough to take all my dogs with me to the beach, i’m satisfied.23) what is your lucky/favorite number? don’t have one24) what is your favorite flower? i like water lilies a lot25) books or movies, why? Both. Depends. you can get lost in books and imagine the characters/scenery more and the words just stick with me more when i read them? But movies are also nice if a certain character gets played by a good actor and really brings it all to life.26) have you ever been on a blind date? I’d rather not get murdered on my first date. so to answer this question no.27) has one of your friends ever backstabbed you? yeah in my teenager years 28) have you ever backstabbed one of your friends? don’t really see the point in hurting a friend? If a friend betrays my trust i’ll cut them out of my life immediately and never speak a word to them again nor will i waste any more energy on them or be willing to listen to whatever bullshit excuse they want to try. I’m very loyal and loving but if someone takes advantage of that and betrays my trust then I have no problem with cutting them out of my life and continuining as if we were strangers all along. i can take a lot but i don’t fuck with fake people.29) what thing do you symbolize love with? many things really but that’s because i think love comes in many forms. friendship, hobbies, pets, lovers, family,…i think love is all around us really. a tiger playing with her cub, puppies play fighting a lil too rough with an older dog but the older dog allowing them because they still need to learn their boundaries, strangers pulling funny faces at babies or playing along with a game a kid made up, someone giving up their seat and so on. I think all of these acts symbolize love. Once you stop seeing love as this strictly romantic thing i think it’s easy to find it everywhere you look. no matter how small the gesture.30) do you have neat handwriting? It’s not too bad i think. 31) do you have a friend with benefits? nope32) do you want a friend with benefits? I don’t really think i’m cut out for that type of thing. I mean whenever someone holds the door for me i think about it for like days after so I really am not sure if I could trust myself with seeing it as only a friendship with benefits and nothing more.33.) if you could be anything in the world, what would you be? a siren, a wolf, a forest nymph, harry styles’ next gf haha34) have you ever been blackout drunk? yeah35) have you ever met someone famous? no :(36) how many concerts have you been to? uhh i think 13-ish37) which concerts have you been to? first ones were Justin Bieber (don’t judge), 1d, 5sos, ed sheeran, the script, dua lipa, harry styles, lord huron38) do you have a hidden talent? i can go trough 10 different emotions in the span time of an hour39) what do you do when you’re stressed? shut down, cry, get angry or all of the above.40) do you think money can buy love? money can buy things you love and that make you happy so i guess in that sense you can buy ‘happiness’ & ‘love’, but if we’re talking about real, true, genuine feelings then no that kinda love can’t be bought41) how old would you date? the oldest like 24 but for a sugar daddy i am always willing to make an exception42) have you ever done something illegal?  jaywalking is illegal but most of us have done it at some point so like nothing too illegal43) what is your biggest fear? for my loved ones? that they wil never get all the goodness in life that they truly deserve and that life will treat them like shit and inflict pain upon them that i’ll never be able to undo. for myself? i’m scared i’ll never truly feel like I belong and will never truly feel happy and that once I’m close to dying i’ll be faced with the fact I’ve wasted all my time.44) what is an unusual fear you have? having a doppelganger that’s a real piece of shit and people thinking it's me that has done all that nasty shit to them and me eventually being sentenced for it while the real demon is still out there...yea idk 
45) can you drive? no haha i really need to get my license46) do you believe in supernatural creatures? yes but i’m not sure to what extend but I do believe there are certain things living on this earth unbeknownst to us. 47) do you believe in karma? i think what goes around comes around. or so i truly hope.48) what is one quality you need in your partner? above all my partner needs to be kind. no matter what.49) do looks matter? i’m not going to be a hypocrite and say no because there does need to be a certain level of attraction but it’s not like looks are the most important thing about someone.50) does size matter? which size are we talking about here. but no idc if you truly love someone, you take them as they are. not a single cell in your body would even think about changing anything about them because they already are perfect just the way the are.51) who is the last person you forgave? myself for being so dumb52) what is your favorite ice cream flavor? strawberry and chocolate53) already answered 54) ever been on a plane? obviously55) ever been on a boat? yes56) is there anyone you’ve lost touch with that you wish you hadn’t? yea a highschool friend that i haven’t heard in years.57) are there any friendships you regret? yes, this one58) are there any friendships you wish you could make? yes @harrystyles if you ever wanna hang out hit me up. i am free almost always so we can hang out whenever you are free too. thanks my dude.59) have you ever stayed awake for 24 (+) hours? no60) have you ever walked outside after 12 am? yes61) have you ever seen a sunrise completely through? no but one day I will!62) are you scared of rollercoasters? yeah and i wish i wasn’t. but i always imagine some final destination type of shit when i’m on it so i tend to avoid rollercoasters and such. I’m a paranoid bitch.63) on a scale of 1-10 how stressed are you usually? 664) do you have any plans this weekend? yes 65) do you miss anyone right now? not really66) who do you wish you were talking to right now? the ghost of Christopher McCandless. I’d like to hear his stories and thoughts. he seemed like a very interesting individual.67) already anwered68) who is your favorite superhero? catwoman? idk i don’t really have a fave superhero69) are you dirty minded? me? an angel? of course not.70) what is your favorite song from every decade starting at the 80’s? this question should be illegal. how am i supposed to choose one? there are so many bops.71) how many kids, if any, do you want? at the moment i don’t want kids but if that ever changes 2 would be enough.72) who is your biggest OTP? don’t have one73) what is your favorite food? lasagna & pizza. other than that cake/chocolate/anything cookie or candy related. I have a sweet tooth okay 74) do you want to be married one day? idk I don’t really feel the need to get married but if someone is willing to marry my annoying ass then I’m grabbing that chance with both hands.
75) dogs or cats? both but unfortunately i’ve only owned dogs till now so i’m hoping that will change soon!                                                                   76) already answered77) have you ever seen a shooting star? nope78) if you had the opportunity to go to the moon, would you? No, unless the aliens are there too. then sign me the fuck up79) how many best friends do you have? 380) when was the last time you cried? 2 weeks ago81) have you ever laughed so hard you peed yourself? mind ur own bussiness82) have you ever made anyone laugh so hard they peed? yeah83) if you could travel any where in the world, where would you go? countryside of Ireland, Sweden or Northern Wilderness84) what are 3 words you would use to describe yourself? gentle, dreamer, stupid 85) do you consider yourself a loyal person? yes, very loyal until you give me a reason not to. but even then i won’t badmouth you i’ll just erase your whole existence from my memory.86) what is your favorite season and why? summer bc i need that vitamin D to beat the sad bitch in me. but also autumn because SWEATER WEATHER87) have you ever told anyone you loved them, and didn’t mean it? no, i don't easily say i love you to someone 88) do you know how to play any instruments? no :(89) already answered90) what are you allergic to? pineapple. i might have other allergies i’m unaware off.91) already answered92) if you could be any character from your favorite tv show would you, and if so, who would you be? I’d wanna be Daenerys Targaryen because I want to have dragon friends who will fly me anywhere I wanna go. also talk about an entrance when you arrive with your fucking dragon somewhere.93) if you could be best friends with any celebrity who would it be and why? harry styles, niall horan, BØRNS or Maggie rogers because they seem like fun people to be around that will just brighten your day by being in their company.94) are you outgoing? nope, unless you catch me in those rare energetic moods or if i’m drunk then I do shit even I don’t want to know about.95) have you ever wanted to kiss someone, but weren’t brave enough to? no96) are you a good flirt? probably not because i always say some weird shit and kill the mood haha97) have you ever been turned down, or have you ever turned anyone down? nope98) already answered99) are you superstitious? not really100) are you a good listener? i like to think so101) are you a good kisser? who knows102) would you kiss any of your friends? depends how much money is involved
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All the numbers for the music ask
Thank you so much! Anon, I love you. ❤️❤️❤️
1. three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffle—“Still Into You” by Paramore—“Low Day” by Capra (wow it’s been a while)—“All I Ask of You” from The Phantom of the Opera
2. three last songs you listened to—“Finish What You Started” by Every Avenue—“I Forgive You” by Every Avenue—“The Story Left Untold” by Every Avenue(If you couldn’t tell, I’m listening to a playlist of Every Avenue rn because I like them but don’t know much of their music very well, so it keeps me awake while I’m working on a paper without taking my focus by making me sing along)
3. three songs you were recently obsessed with—“This Is Me” from The Greatest Showman—“Phantom” by NateWantsToBattle—“Santa Fe” from Newsies (OBC lately)
4. three songs that you know thanks to your parents—“Rock of Life” by Rick Springfield—“A Little Too Late” by Toby Keith—“Pass It On Down” by Alabama
5. three songs you wish you could forget (because listening to them hurts)—“Into the West” from Lord of the Rings (we sang it in chorus in high school and I looove Peter Hollens’s version, but I heard it with bad timing once and now I can’t listen to the song without crying)—“Home” by Daughtry—“Why Should I Worry” by Billy Joel (again, love it but bad timing has forever tainted it)
6. three songs you wish you could erase from history (because they’re terrible)—“Gangnam Style”by Psy—“Sledgehammer” by Peter Gabriel—“Anaconda” by Nicki Minaj
7. three songs you didn’t expect to like but eventually loved—“What Makes You Beautiful” by One Direction—“Monster” by Skillet (the first song I ever heard by them)—“Living in Oz” by Rick Springfield
8. three songs that remind you most of summer and vacation—“Summer Breeze” by The Isley Brothers—“Mayberry” by Rascal Flatts—“Little Bitty” Alan Jackson
9. three songs that get you in the Christmas Mood—“This Christmas” by Elliot Yamin—“That Christmas Feeling” from the Phineas and Ferb holiday episode/album—“The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)” pretty much any version
10. three favourite Halloween/spooky songs—“Lost in the Shadows” by Lou Gramm (from The Lost Boys)—“Thriller” by Michael Jackson—“The Oogie Boogie Song” from The Nightmare Before Christmas (love the song, but still can’t watch him)
11. three favourite songs from movie or TV series soundtrackOkay so I’m not counting musicals (including Disney movie musicals) because it would be all of them; also I’m just going with what first comes to mind because…there’s a lot—“Ain’t Got Rhythm” from Phineas and Ferb—“Moon River” from Breakfast at Tiffany’s (but Frank Sinatra’s version)—“A Single Man Tear” from Supernatural
12. three favourite songs from video games(not counting songs from Guitar Hero)—Animal Crossing theme—Sonic Heroes theme song (shut up) (I’m not in the fandom, and the song was the only part of that particular game that I really liked)—The Nintendogs Naptime record
13. three songs you want at your funeral—“Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)” by the Backstreet Boys (or any BSB song)—“Home Sweet Home” by Mötley Crüe—and I guess I should have a hymn so “I’ll Fly Away” by Keith Urban or even better is Tim Lovelace’s “Away Fly I’ll” (I swear if my family plays a really old blah staticky country quartet version of a hymn that sounds like it would be on a possessed record, I will sit back up and change it myself)
14. three songs you want at your wedding—“Just Fishin’” by Trace Adkins would be my father-daughter dance—“Fine By Me” by Andy Grammer—“Forever and Ever, Amen” by Randy Travis
15. three songs you want to dance with your love to—“I Promise You” by the Backstreet Boys—“Perfect” by Ed Sheeran—“This I Swear” by Nick Lachey
16. three favourite songs for sexOkay so I haven’t had/don’t have this and I’m not encouraging it, buuuut a lot of songs are about it sooooo I’ll still answer, but if any of these are actually really awkward…oops—“Tonight I’m [Lovin’] You” by Enrique Iglesias—“Lay Your Hands on Me” by Bon Jovi—“Bésame Mucho” I like the version by Thalía and Michael Bublé
17. three songs that remind you of your crush—“Accidentally in Love” by Counting Crows—“I Won’t Say I’m in Love” from Disney’s Hercules—“If Only” from Disney’s Descendants
18. three songs that remind you of your best friendAnswering with three different friends in mind, and none of these are lyric-based but just because they like the song/band/etc.—“Dream On” by Aerosmith—“Footloose” by Kenny Loggins—“What Is This Feeling?” from Wicked
19. three songs that are your guilty pleasure—“Year 3000” by the Jonas Brothers—“Take Me or Leave Me” from RENT—“Pour Some Sugar on Me” by Def Leppard (it’s totally horrible but it’s so gosh darn catchy)
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this oneThough I have a guess about who sent this, you’re on anon so—“Who Can It Be Now?” by Men at Work—“Who Are You” by The Who—“As Long As You Love Me” by the Backstreet Boys
21. three songs of your childhood—“Oh Where Is My Hairbrush?” from VeggieTales—“I Just Can’t Wait to Be King” from The Lion King—“I’ll Be Your Everything” by Youngstown
22. three songs you listen to when you’re sad—“Alone Together” by Fall Out Boy—“Renegade” by Daughtry—“Broken” by Seether feat. Amy Lee
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped up—“Feel Invincible” by Skillet—“Eye On It” by tobyMac—“Determinate” from Lemonade Mouth
24. three favourite old songsHow old are we talking here?—“Fly Me to the Moon” by Frank Sinatra—“Save the Last Dance for Me” by The Drifters—“Chattanooga Choo-Choo” I like the Andrews Sisters’ version
25. three favourite songs of 2017—“What Do I Know?” by Ed Sheeran—“Believer” by Imagine Dragons—“…Ready for It?” By Taylor Swift
26. three favourite non-English songs—“Bashana Haba’a” which we recently sang in choir—“Uh Oh” by Chloe Wang (aka Chloe Bennet aka Daisy Johnson/Quake)—“Dímelo” by Marc Antony
27. three songs that you sing while drunkI’ve never been drunk so I don’t know what I would sing but probably—something Broadway really off-key—something Disney—something I don’t even like
28. three best songs to get drunk or high toI’ve never done either so my guesses are—“Drink With Me” from Les Misérables—“Glad You Came” by The Wanted—“Take It Easy” by the Eagles
29. three songs that influenced you most (some songs change or save lives)—“Do You Hear the People Sing?” from Les Misérables (one of the first songs that really got me interested musicals/musical theatre I think)—“Arise” by Newsong—“Here I Am” from Camp Rock
30. three songs you really want your followers to know (for reasons other than all those above)—“C'est La Vie” by B*Witched—“In a World Like This” by the Backstreet Boys—“Love Is Here” by Tenth Avenue North
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Using Trading Retracement Strategy
Hardcore technical evaluation VS trading fundamentals VS"hey I feel good about this trade even though I'm down big", has created for quite entertaining water-cooler talk around the workplace.  But in the end of the day, if you are a person who is risking your capital at the Forex Market, then you simply have One Question: What is a trading strategy that is employed effectively.
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Here are several illustrations And the response to that question, my friends, is Price Action Trading, also known as TREND TRADING. Charts and tape studying. Today's trading is dominated by institutional traders and black box algorithm trading bots. These will be the BIG dealers that go markets, and some other effective Forex trading plan  MUST follow these large traders. Studies have shown that there are a shocking 2 Million retail forex trading accounts started each year -- nearly 200,000 accounts per month! Those would be the people that we take money out of, and this is the very fact of gambling. Day daily. Month following Month. Year after Year.
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The very first Green Bar which finishes printing following any string of constant Red Bars. This is your indication that a potential monster commerce may be going to begin. For reference purposes, this Bar could be called the Starting Bar.
Hows thaHow'sssible? How can there be a Forex trading strategy that balances for a 90% win rate? For SELL trading hinges, also known as  The greatest traders in the world are  The only way to earn a sizable fortune  In reality, the truth about Forex The High of the Starting Bar and also the  Folks, gone are the days of candlestick  Is the simplicity of the DynoBars graphs. You can observe that these color coded bars contain absolutely no Trading Indicators, illustrating a concept known as Naked Trading -- the capability to exchange according to pure Price Action.
So how do the top traders on Earth  That trading is a delta-neutral game. If there are X amount of winners on a particular trading day...then you will find also X quantity of winners. There must be losers and winners in every marketplace, in every exchange, in every transaction. There are only two players from the game -- experienced  traders and in-experienced traders. Guess who gains at the expense of another?
They risk 1 dollar to make 1 dollar (also known as 1:1 danger to payoff ), or they risk 1 dollar to make 2 bucks, etc.. Too quickly to take gains, and also slow to reduce losses. Trying to purchase falling markets (predicting a"bottom")...and much worse...trying to short increasing Markets (calling a"top"). I know you know just what I'm referring to. And that's, of course, why many novice traders blow out their trading account fast and offer up.
How about seasoned traders? The Professional traders use an easy Forex trading strategy Forex Trading Strategies is a phrase that conjures up a group of vastly different reactions from different people. In the Market is to import a Forex trading strategy that explains when  the potential START of a new fad occurs, then put in on that tendency, manage your danger, and allow another clueless market participants do the heavy lifting for you.
Trend trading in the Forex market has  1 thing that immediately jumps in you   The in-experienced (or newcomer )  With nothing more than the energy of this Trend. Folks, no one has ever made some money by simply leaping into the END of a fad. From the youthful 21-year-old hotshot trader  who fantasizes about making fast money to fulfill his luxurious lifestyle...to the retired greybeard investor that takes little-to-no-risk...and all walks in between.
A FOREX TRADING STRATEGY THAT EXPORTS A 90% WIN RATE  Such as DynoBars that identifies major trends. They sit back and operate less than two hours each day -- and account for 100 percent of all market profts.
Having coached and mentored countless  Make a killing from the Forex market? By pushing and riding the Trend of the Market all the way into the finish.  By squeezing every drop of profit out of the Trend like a skillet. By employing powerful Trend Trading applications such as DynoBars and other tools to spot the START of a fresh Trend.
Traders load up their graph with 20 unique indicators. They stare at the computer screen for 12-15 hours per day and wonder why they're constantly on the incorrect side of their trade. These traders account for 100 percent of all market losses.
CONCLUSION Masters of simplicity. They don't jump around searching for 20 different currency pairs to exchange -- they settle on 2 or 3 pairs. Moreover, top traders NEVER use indexes -- they exchange on a Naked Chart. Click here to see our Youtube video about the outcomes of Indicator Trading vs Naked Trading.
The debates that traders have, such as |They hazard 1 buck to earn 1 dollar (also called 1:1 danger to payoff ), or they risk 1 buck to create 2 dollars, etc.. Too quickly to take gains, and also slow to decrease losses. Attempting to buy falling markets (predicting a"bottom")...and even worse...trying to brief increasing Markets (calling a"top"). I understand you understand just what I'm referring to. And that's, clearly, why most beginner traders blow out their trading accounts fast and offer up.
How about experienced traders? Using nothing more than the power of the Trend. Forex Trading Strategies is a phrase that conjures up a collection of vastly different reactions from different folks. Dealers with a large variety of backgrounds, I can tell you that there is ONE THING that separates winning traders from losing traders. It has nothing to do with professional history, education, age, etc..
Charts and tape studying. Today's trading has been dominated by institutional traders and black box algorithm trading bots. These are the BIG traders that move markets, and some other effective Forex trading strategy MUST follow these large traders. Studies have revealed that there are a staggering 2 Million retail currency trading accounts started each year -- nearly 200,000 accounts each month! Those are the people that we take money out of, and this is the reality of gambling. Day daily. Month after Month. Year after Year.
People, no one has ever made some money by leaping to the END of a trend. Hows thaHow'sssible? How can there be a Forex trading system that accounts for a 90% success rate? Simple, focused, and of course rewarding. I am also going to demonstrate to you live trading examples from some of my favorite currency trading currencies and how it creates a 90% success rate.
Worked effectively for the last 100 decades, and it'll keep working profitably for another 100 decades.
That there is a means to increase your odds of a winning trade to 75%, 80%, and in some cases 90%.
A FOREX TRADING STRATEGY THAT EXPORTS A 90% WIN RATE  Having coached and mentored countless  Masters of simplicity. They don't jump around searching to get 20 different currency pairs to exchange -- they settle on 2 or 3 pairs. In addition, top traders NEVER utilize indexes -- they exchange to a Naked Chart. Click here to watch our Youtube video on the results of Indicator Trading vs Naked Trading.
For BUY trading installments, simply Search for Create a killing in the Forex market? By trapping and riding the Trend of the Market all the way to the finish.  By squeezing every drop of profit from that Trend just like a well-used towel. By using powerful Trend Trading applications like DynoBars along with other tools to recognize the START of a fresh Trend.
Trading (along with the ability to earn a steady stream of income out of it) resides securely somewhere in the middle.
Such as DynoBars that identifies important trends. They sit back and work less than 2 hours a day -- and accounts for 100 percent of all market profts.
Trend trading in the Forex market has  The High of this Starting Bar and the  And the response to this question, my friends, is Price Action Trading, also called TREND TRADING. The Professional traders use an easy Forex trading strategy So how do the top traders around Earth  People, gone are the days of candlestick  Brief transactions, simply work the colours in the other direction. Start looking for the very first Red Starting Bar that prints after a series of Green pubs, and  plot your Retracement zone -- the bar high and also the bar low. Then search for Short transactions if price rallies back to the zone.
PROFIT FROM OTHER MARKET PARTICIPANTS WITH A WINNING STRATEGY  Hardcore technical evaluation VS trading principles VS"hey I feel good about this trade even though I'm down big", has created for very entertaining water-cooler talk around the office.  But in the end of the day, if you are a person who is risking your capital at the Forex Market, you only have One Question: What exactly is a trading plan which is employed effectively.
The debates that traders have, such as  The first Green Bar that finishes printing after any series of continuous Red Bars. This is your sign that a possible monster commerce may be going to get started. For reference purposes, this Bar may be called the Starting Bar.
To find out more about how you can catch 2000-3000 PIPS per week in the Forex market, click here to get in touch with us.  Is the simplicity of our DynoBars charts. It's possible to observe that these colour coded bars feature zero Trading Indicators, demonstrating a concept called Naked Trading -- the capability to exchange according to pure Price Action.
From the young 21 year old hotshot trader  who fantasizes about making quick money to satisfy his luxurious? lifestyle...to the retired greybeard investor who takes little-to-no-risk...and all of walks in between.
From the Market is to import a Forex trading system that identifies whenever the possible START of a new tendency happens, then get in on this trend, manage your danger, and allow the other clueless marketplace participants perform the heavy lifting for you.
In Fact, the facts about Forex Low of this Starting Bar today become a more sophisticated / accurate variant of a pullback zone (also called the Retracement zone) that we're searching for price to pullback into. Click here to watch our Youtube video on exactly the perfect exchange set up to look for.
The only way to earn a sizable fortune  The best traders in the world are  Here are several illustrations Well folWell,EXPERIENCED traders understand  One thing that immediately jumps in you.  For SELL trading setups, also called  Most beginner traders are under the impression that the odds of winning are 50-50, like its a casino card game. The in-experienced (or beginner)  It's simply the ability to recognize  Traders load up their graph with 20 different indicators. They stare at the monitor for 12-15 hours every day and wonder why they're constantly on the wrong side of the trade. These traders accounts for 100 percent of all market declines.
CONCLUSION In this article I'm going to show you how to keep your Forex Trading strategy Now you dontdon'td to have a PhD in Mathematics to figure out this Day Trading is just a game of oofbabilities. That trading is a delta-neutral game. If there are X amount of winners on a specific trading evening...then there are also X amount of winners. There have to be losers and winners in each current marketplace, in each trade, in each trade. There are only 2 players in the game -- seasoned traders and in-experienced traders. Guess who gains at the expense of the other?
|Create a killing in the Forex market? By trapping and riding the Trend of the Market all the way to the finish.  By squeezing every drop of profit from that Trend just like a well-used towel. By using powerful Trend Trading applications like DynoBars along with other tools to recognize the START of a fresh Trend.
Trading (along with the ability to earn a steady stream of income out of it) resides securely somewhere in the middle.
Worked effectively for the last 100 decades, and it'll keep working profitably for another 100 decades.
The only way to earn a sizable fortune  Simple, focused, and of course rewarding. I am also going to demonstrate to you live trading examples from some of my favorite currency trading currencies and how it creates a 90% success rate.
Low of this Starting Bar today become a more sophisticated / accurate variant of a pullback zone (also called the Retracement zone) that we're searching for price to pullback into. Click here to watch our Youtube video on exactly the perfect exchange set up to look for.
Now you dontdon'td to have a PhD in Mathematics to figure out this Day Trading is just a game of oofbabilities. That there is a means to increase your odds of a winning trade to 75%, 80%, and in some cases 90%.
Hows thaHow'sssible? How can there be a Forex trading system that accounts for a 90% success rate? For SELL trading setups, also called  From the young 21 year old hotshot trader  who fantasizes about making quick money to satisfy his luxurious? lifestyle...to the retired greybeard investor who takes little-to-no-risk...and all of walks in between.
Charts and tape studying. Today's trading has been dominated by institutional traders and black box algorithm trading bots. These are the BIG traders that move markets, and some other effective Forex trading strategy MUST follow these large traders. Studies have revealed that there are a staggering 2 Million retail currency trading accounts started each year -- nearly 200,000 accounts each month! Those are the people that we take money out of, and this is the reality of gambling. Day daily. Month after Month. Year after Year.
Brief transactions, simply work the colours in the other direction. Start looking for the very first Red Starting Bar that prints after a series of Green pubs, and  plot your Retracement zone -- the bar high and also the bar low. Then search for Short transactions if price rallies back to the zone.
PROFIT FROM OTHER MARKET PARTICIPANTS WITH A WINNING STRATEGY  Most beginner traders are under the impression that the odds of winning are 50-50, like its a casino card game. In Fact, the facts about Forex So how do the top traders around Earth  Hardcore technical evaluation VS trading principles VS"hey I feel good about this trade even though I'm down big", has created for very entertaining water-cooler talk around the office.  But in the end of the day, if you are a person who is risking your capital at the Forex Market, you only have One Question: What exactly is a trading plan which is employed effectively.
For BUY trading installments, simply Search for In this article I'm going to show you how to keep your Forex Trading strategy The first Green Bar that finishes printing after any series of continuous Red Bars. This is your sign that a possible monster commerce may be going to get started. For reference purposes, this Bar may be called the Starting Bar.
Is the simplicity of our DynoBars charts. It's possible to observe that these colour coded bars feature zero Trading Indicators, demonstrating a concept called Naked Trading -- the capability to exchange according to pure Price Action.
They hazard 1 buck to earn 1 dollar (also called 1:1 danger to payoff ), or they risk 1 buck to create 2 dollars, etc.. Too quickly to take gains, and also slow to decrease losses. Attempting to buy falling markets (predicting a"bottom")...and even worse...trying to brief increasing Markets (calling a"top"). I understand you understand just what I'm referring to. And that's, clearly, why most beginner traders blow out their trading accounts fast and offer up.
How about experienced traders? The best traders in the world are  Well folWell,EXPERIENCED traders understand  Such as DynoBars that identifies important trends. They sit back and work less than 2 hours a day -- and accounts for 100 percent of all market profts.
Having coached and mentored countless  Using nothing more than the power of the Trend. Masters of simplicity. They don't jump around searching to get 20 different currency pairs to exchange -- they settle on 2 or 3 pairs. In addition, top traders NEVER utilize indexes -- they exchange to a Naked Chart. Click here to watch our Youtube video on the results of Indicator Trading vs Naked Trading.
The Professional traders use an easy Forex trading strategy Here are several illustrations To find out more about how you can catch 2000-3000 PIPS per week in the Forex market, click here to get in touch with us.  It's simply the ability to recognize  Dealers with a large variety of backgrounds, I can tell you that there is ONE THING that separates winning traders from losing traders. It has nothing to do with professional history, education, age, etc..
People, no one has ever made some money by leaping to the END of a trend. That trading is a delta-neutral game. If there are X amount of winners on a specific trading evening...then there are also X amount of winners. There have to be losers and winners in each current marketplace, in each trade, in each trade. There are only 2 players in the game -- seasoned traders and in-experienced traders. Guess who gains at the expense of the other?
0 notes
xsunflowerkid · 5 years
1-100 - for the unusual game!
1-Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?
♧ spotify!!
2-is your room messy or clean?
◇ messy well if I have to be honest my room is messy and clean at the same time if that makes sense lol.
3-what color are your eyes?
♡ my eyes are light brown and I love them.
4-do you like your name? why?
♤ I hate when people call me by my full name, but I love it cause it means lilac in Bulgarian and I really like lilacs - they smell really good!
5-what is your relationship status?
♡ ??
6-describe your personality in 3 words or less.
◇ a baby, emotional, caring.
7-what color hair do you have?
♧ I'm usually a brunette, but atm my hair color is a mix between dark purple and brown.
8-what kind of car do you drive? color?
♤ I dont drive.
9-where do you shop?
♡ lots of places actually, but I dont really know the names lol
10-how would you describe your style?
◇ I dont even have a style lol, I just love clothes that are comfy.
11-favorite social media account?
♧ tumblr and Instagram.
12-what size bed do you have?
♤ I dont really know the size of it but it fits just 1 person.
13-any siblings?
♡ I have an older sister.
14-if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? Why?
◇ Spain, Russia or UK, just because I love them.
15-favorite snapchat filter?
♧ I dont have one.
16-favorite make up brand(s)?
♤ I dont really wear make up, so I dont have one.
17-how many times a week do you shower?
♤ I shower everyday and wash my hair every 3 to 4 days.
18-favorite tv show?
♤ switched at birth
19-shoe size
♤ in depends on the shoes, but anywhere between 39-41.
20-how tall are you?
♤ 166cm (5'5)
21-sandals or sneakers?
- sneakers all the time!
22-do you go to the gym?
-yeah, sometimes.
23-describe your dream date
-on the beach.
24-how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
-my money are not in my wallet rn, so none haha
25-what color socks are you wearing?
- one white and one black.
26-how many pillows do you sleep with?
- one or two.
27-do you have a job? What do you do?
-im a cashier at a grocery store.
28-how many friends do you have?
-idk I dont count them? Lmao
29-whats the worst thing you've ever done?
-i'll keep this to myself.
30-whats your favorite candle scent?
- I dont have one, they make me feel sick.
31-3 favorite boy names?
- August, Santos, Miguel.
32-3 favorite girl names?
-Mia, Lilian, Cara.
33-favorite actor?
-i dont have one.
34-favorite actress?
-chloe grace moretz
35-who is your celebrity crush?
-chloe grace moretz and Billy eilish.
36-favorite movie?
- lost and delirious.
37- do you read a lot? What's your favorite book?
- yes and the book thief.
38- money or brains?
-brains!! I dont care about the money.
39-do you have a nickname? What is it?
- уиуи(idk how it's spelled in English lol) and Lil.
40-how many times have you been to the hospital?
-lots of times. Let's say it's more than 20 haha
41-top 10 favorite songs?
1. Halsey- nightmare
2. Skillet -hero
3. Skillet - monster
4. Skillet - Feel invincible
5. Hayley kiyoko- what I need
6. Panic! At the disco - hey look ma I made it.
7. Gabbie hanna - butterflies
8. Gabbie hanna - pillow case
9. Gabbie hanna - perfect day (a True story)
10. Gabbie hanna - Medicate/broken girls.
42-Do you take any medication daily?
- yes I do.
43-whats your skin type? (Oily,dry,etc)
44-what is your biggest fear?
-dark, rejection, death, ghosts.
45-how many kids do you want?
-2or 3
46- what's your go to hair style?
- dont really have one, depends on my mood and how lazy I am haah
47- what type of house do you live in? (Big,small,etc)
-i live in an apartment.
48-who is your role model?
-my mom and gabbie hanna
49-what was the last compliment you recieved?
-umm I think it was that I'm beautiful, idk.
50-what was the last text you sent?
-"Happy birthday you old bitch. Thank you for everything you've done for me, I'm so lucky to have you as my bestie, don't forget that I'm always with you, right by your side, and don't you dare finding a new bestie in Germany. Wish you all the best and ilysfm ❤❤❤🍰🍰🎂🎂🎂🍰🎂🍰"
51-how old were you when you found out Santa wasnt real?
- I was pretty young I think - somewhere between 6-8 years old - I recognized my grandmother's handwriting on one of the gifts haha.
52-what is your dream car?
- range rover.
53-opinion on smoking
(Ghh I'm getting tired of answering those questions haha)
it's bad, dont do it kids (I smoke, but still)
54-do you go to college?
-nope I dont.
55-what is your dream job?
- a writer or a photographer.
56-do you rather live in a rural areas or the suburbs?
-maybe a rural area idk.
57-do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
-ive done it just once, haha.
58- do you have freckles?
-yess, really small one around and on my nose, but I want more.
59-do you smile in pictures?
-yes, even tho I hate my smile.
60-how many pictures do you have on your phone?
61-have you ever peed in the woods?
62.do you still watch cartoons?
-yes I do and I love them.
63-Do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy's or McDonalds?
-ive never tried chicken nuggets+we dont have wendy's in Bulgaria.
64-favorite dipping sauce?
- ketchup.
65-what do you wear to bed?
- a tshirt or just my underwear.
66-have you ever won a spelling bee?
-whats that??
67-what are your hobbies?
- writing, reading and taking pictures.
68- can you draw?
(I'm already bored and I have to finish cleaning my room ooof)
no-no, I can't.
69-do you play instruments?
70. What was the last concert you saw?
-i dont really remember tbh.
71-tea or coffee?
-coffee of course!!!
72- Starbucks or dunkin donuts?
-never been to dunkin donuts if we even have them in bulgaria and I dont like Starbucks soooo...
73- do you want to get married?
74-what is your crush's first and last initial?
- 🤫🤫🤫
75-are you going to change your last name when you get married?
-im not sure cause I love my last name!!
76-what color looks best on you?
-black? Idk.
77-do you miss anyone rn?
-yes I do.
78- do you sleep with your door open or closed?
79. Do you believe in ghosts?
- yeah and I'm afraid of them.
80-what is your biggest pet peeve?
-loud chewing
-people who chew gum loudly.
-people who talk on loudly on the phone.
-noisy eaters.
-tapping, clicking oens.
And a lot more
81-last person you called?
-my mom.
82-favorite ice cream flavor?
- chocolate.
83-regular oreos or golden oreos?
84- chocolate or rainbow sprinkles.
- I hate sprinkles.
85- what shirt are you wearing?
- a crop top t-shirt
86- what is your phone background?
87-are you outgoing or shy?
-shy asf.
88-do you like when people play with your hair?
-i absolutely love it!!!
89-do you like your neighbors?
-i like some of them and hate some of them.
90-do you wash your face? At night? In the morning?
- and night and in the morning
91-have you ever been high?
-yes, a few times.
92-have you ever been drunk?
-yup, I have.
93-last think you are?
- chocolate.
94- favorite lyrics right now?
- "You like broken girls because they make you feel put together.Broken girls, rip it open then you'll kiss it better"
95-summer or winter?
-spring and autumn haha
96-day or night?
97-dark, milk or white chocolate?
-dark and milk.
98-favorite month?
- August 🥰😍
99-what is your zodiac sign?
- pisces.
100- who was the last person you cried in front of?
- I think it was my aunt.
Tumblr media
0 notes
bigjoesound · 7 years
Halloween Music Most Popular Halloween Songs Ever
Source: Shutterstock.com
Halloween isn’t like Christmas, where people go house to house and sing holiday-related songs, but there continue to be Halloween-related songs out there that people like listening to. Radio stations even prefer to get into the spirit…funny, spirit….by playing spooky songs around this time. Billboard Charts have even determined the Best 25 Halloween Song of 2017, as measured by Nielsen Music. Using sales and even loading, the examining used tune sales from October 28 loading and wireless have been looked at by October 25 to 31, 2016.
Just half of those songs have anything to do with the vacation, but they’re all good ‘n  spooky!
25. Santana’s “Black Magic Woman”
On Halloween, it’s the ideal time to escape that broom-closet, although they never state that girl with magic abilities on her hands is really a witch.
24. Rihanna’s “Disturbia”
Rihanna, as lovely and honey-voiced because she is, certain has the power to become “scaring you tonight!”
23. Marilyn Manson’s “This Is Halloween”
I really don’t need to give away anything, but let us just say that this is a tune for Halloween. As in, do not become upset just yet in case you would rather the Danny Elfman version.
22. Van Halen’s “Runnin’ With The Devil”
I really don’t know what’s transpiring, invoking Old Scratch himself of that people used to believe that they could pull off that hair!
21. Starset’s “My Demons”
The “demons” mentioned in the song are likely intended to be personal demons, but let us not be too careful on Halloween.
20.  DJ Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince’s “A Nightmare On My Street”
Ensure to listen to the while. Either the one where May and Cinderella or even the one meet murdered by a fortune-teller.
19. Rob Zombie’s “Dragula”
Any guy with “Zombie” in their own name had no choice but to be on this list.
18. The Cranberries’“Zombie”
Yes, hear your Cranberries, the zombies are in mind. All in mind. Excuse me while I laugh.
17.  The Rocky Horror Picture Show’s “Time Warp”
Who does not like a song that tells you how you can dance to it at the lyrics…and also invokes the “devil eye”
16. AC/DC’s “Hells Bells”
“Hells Bells” is also the name of a Betty Boop cartoon where she descends into Hell and fights off Satan along with her “cold shoulder” Flappers were produced for this vacation.
15. The Rolling Stones’“Sympathy For The Devil”
Be aware I in no way condone committing adultery to the devil, even on Halloween. Especially since it technically means ‘All Saints Day Eve…’
14.  Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Bad Moon Rising”
Beware the skies; moonlight forces transforms werewolves , and provides witches’ their classic silhouettes. On Halloween night, any moon can readily be a “poor moon”
13.  John Carpenter’s “Halloween Theme”
I am not saying that this tune was cheating by calling itself “Halloween Theme” with this Halloween song-list, but this gave it an unfair edge.
12. Radiohead’s “Creep”
You do not belong here? Well, Halloween is the 1 night weirdos and all us creeps do.
11.  Blue Oyster Cult’s “(Don’t Fear) The Reaper”
Seasons do not fear the Reaper?
10.  Warren Zevon’s “Werewolves Of London”
Yeah, just don’t get this confused with “Sweet Home Alabama?” You have been warned.
9.  Rockwell’s “Somebody’s Watching Me”
Mankind has nothing but also the IRS while we are reminded by this tune.
8.  Eminem & Rihanna’s “The Monster”
Rihanna this season. Must Mariah Carey be the singer with a biography on vacation songs?
7. Skillet’s “Monster”
Technically, the “creature” the tune is talking about is that the Hulk, but many children will be dressing up like superheroes anyway.
6. AC/DC’s “Highway To Hell”
I’m beginning to believe that AC/DC and Rihanna need to joins forces at least next year.
5.  Danny Elfman’s “This Is Halloween”
I advised…
4. Picture Dragons’“Demons”
When they had dragons in their own side, these guys invoked some allies. They are currently covering their bases.
3.  Bobby “Boris” Pickett & The Crypt-Kickers’“Monster Mash”
Does this tune need any introduction?
2.  Ray Parker Jr.’s “Ghostbusters”
Who’ gont call?
1. Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”
Long before the deceased were out walking they were out steppin’
Are there any songs you believe should be on this list?
from big joe sound http://bigjoesound.com/halloween-music-most-popular-halloween-songs-ever/
0 notes