#i was basically just saying oot/mm link is the link of all time
spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
I started writing a post about the legend of Zelda which was just incoherent rambling and I fucking reached the word limit
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doomed-era · 5 months
also. i was going to ask this before but i didnt know how to word it: any zelda tropes you like/dislike? stuff like fairies being guides for link or the concept of sages/Legendary Sword or how link and zelda are always depicted or reoccurring characters like impa or beedle or epona. though theres probably not. a lot of tropes considering most games are vastly different from each other. uhh yeah if youve got nothing . things that were done from a zelda game that you liked?
OOH. tbh I had to think about this a bit (my gripes are usually with the fandom and how they depict the tropes as a Strict Narrative Rule) but! I do have some
UH ONES I HATE. this is gonna be long no matter what so it's going under a cut
Number one has got to be making link into a super special boy for basically no reason!!! being from a special type of knights is. so irrelevant to everything else about alttp link that I think a lot of people legitimately forget this. it barely ever comes up and it's honestly not that important to the story except as an excuse for why link's the only one that can grab the pendants and pull the master sword, which. why not just have him be the one to do this because he's just really determined? Ocarina of Time...tried this, sort of? almost completely irrelevant AGAIN. in twilight princess and wind waker they are just some guy basically and this is the best direction they could have gone with his character. except they ruined it in botw and ss and I will neverrrr forgive them for this. botw link beats up grown men at five years old he's like superbaby instant knight and I HATE it. it's just stupid. I don't even care that it applies pressure to him as a character and seems to affect him; they could have just made it an in-universe lie and it would have had the exact same effect so genuinely screw that trope
number two is calling random soldiers knights stop fucking doing this. i dont care that its fictional fantasyland it annoys me
number three! the 3D games' great fairies! I hate almost all of them the oot/mm great fairies are freaks, botw ones are so pretty but they're creepy as hell, and twilight princess is just a naked lady and it's stupid I hate her. wind waker minish cap and alttp fairies are gongeous though
number four. everyone thinking link is cool and or hot. I hate this in universe and in the fandom. I don't care that the devs wanted to make him """"cool"""" he's 100% always a LOSER!!!!
number five I hate the hijacked by ganon trope in zelda games so much. STOP ffs please let ganon/ganondorf take the spotlight we all love him. or let another villain be the main baddie
ok now for ones I like :)
number three...I love random gods and spirits that are just hanging out because. keaton malanya zephos satori light spirits what have you. theyre great I need more of that.
number four incredibly weird npcs. need i say more
number five soldiers being extremely incompetent and dumb or getting possessed. soldiers as enemies or easily corruptible people
number six that one character that doesn't like link. you know what i mean (revali. groose. mido. iirc ralph? maybe? I haven't played much of the oracle games)
number seven hyrule with a dark and bloody past. and not only that but a fairly simple presentation of it that's clearly hiding a more complex underbelly. its just neat to see simple, clear-cut writing tell you so much with so little. it's a big reason I love alttp; it's simple but there's so much grief in it
number eight uh. clawshot/hookshot :] good stuff
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majorproblems77 · 1 month
Oh AUs you say??? Tell me more
Okay okay, So if you didn't know I've got a Links Meet AU that I'm working on in the background called Exodus, Its a space themed Links Meet AU where the Skyloft is invaded and Sky (Sksw link) Has to travel across space to gather likeminded people to help him take back his planet basically.
I am very excited about it and want to talk about it more and get more people into it because it's everything I love. Space, Cool weapons, Zelda. Like just going through my notes and stuff makes me so excited.
I've got various things already made including a prologue for the main story where Sky is escaping from the D3 organisation (Led by Lord Demise.)
I've got locations, family dynamics, and a space station which I think will be the next thing I reveal and the more I work on it the more I wish I could draw with my pc because I'd love to make a comic with this but writing it is so much fun too. I've got so much planned. Space ships because space travel is cool and everything.
I've taken everything about the Zelda universe I love and thrown it into a blender with my fave things about space and sci-fi to make something that makes me excited to work and write about it.
As these links are my versions of the mainline game links it makes me so excited. I just want to scream about my boys and show them off because i love them so much and I'm so proud already of what I've got and am so excited to show more.
I've got files made for Sky /[Crimson breath of the celestial sphere] (Sksw link), Chronos (OOT/MM Link) and Skipper (HW Link). With the rest of my characters named as follows
Smithy (FS/MC)
Twilight (TP Link)
Sprite (LOZ1/LOZ2)
Tempest (WW/PH)
Crimson wave of the great expanse (The First hero)
I've taken bits from each characters game and changed them to fit in the universe. I think my favourite so far is Sky's story. He's fought the D3 organisation and won before but lost a huge part of himself in the process. Which he's had made for him. Fi is an artificial intelligence that Sky has embedded in his head as a part of this transplant.
Skyloftians have natural Wings, and so when he fought demise the first time he had his wings ripped from him. A story which I plan to work my way to at one point after I've got the main AU story off the ground with chapter 1 which is in progress rn!
I'd love to go into more detail id love to ramble about it all day. If you want me to I can! :D
I just want to hype about my bois but I know people dont follow Zelda for the space aspect haha. So I try to keep my excitement on the down low for the most part
Thank you for letting me hype about my bois
If you wanna look at it? Exodus-AU
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sonicasura · 1 year
I gonna say this now. Legend (A Link To The Past/Link's Awakening/Triforce Heroes/Oracle of Seasons and Ages/Link Between Worlds Link) would be a magnet to dream based entities.
First you can't leave a literal god's dream world scot-free without some otherworldly aura stuck on your very being. And two, he REALLY needs a break alongside a shit ton of hugs. Legend is in the top three when it comes to traumatizing adventures alongside Time (OoT/MM) and Wild (BotW/incoming ToTK).
Now what do I mean by dream based? Basically any being who can interact or live inside the Dream World. For fandom enthusiasts, Nightmarens(Nights into Dreams) like Nights, Dream Eaters from Kingdom Hearts, Dreamland inhabitants such as Kirby and co or Pi'illos from Mario and Luigi Dream Team.
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I can imagine after Link's Awakening, Legend tends to accidentally drift into other different parts of the dream world. A byproduct from being stuck in the Wind Fish's dream for too long. Like a magnet, they sorta just approach or gather around him in the Dream Eaters' case.
Legend definitely be a bit on edge until he realizes none of these guys mean any harm. Although this Link probably won't realize why he keeps attracting them unless someone very well versed about the Dream World explains it. (El Dream seems like the one as the Elder Pi'illo is already friends with an ancient dream guardian which is the Zeekeeper).
Legend is gonna get a shit ton of hugs and comfort cause no dream inhabitant ain't letting him sulk. Especially Kirby since that little Star Warrior wouldn't let any potential friend stay sad. Although it'll take awhile before Legend can purposely drift into what dream world he wants to visit.
This does lead to a change of behavior and abilities depending on when this exactly starts. Most likely, Legend would only share his true thoughts or personality to people who earn his trust. The rude cynical attitude being a mask as he's more of a stoic softy. Kinda like Chad from Bleach, someone who may look intimidating but is actually a loyal sweetheart.
(Even canon Legend has trust issues but I don't see him being a full on dick. He's really a person afraid of getting hurt again as people he gets attached to don't last long. He literally lost someone he deeply cared about at the start of Link to the Past.)
As for his abilities, I won't be surprised if he began to delve into dream based magic. Summoning can become an option thanks to the Pi'illos since objects from the dream world can be brought into the waking one and Dream Eaters can be summoned as well. Forming a functional summon spell wouldn't be so difficult with multiple angles to work with.
There's also unique combat in the Dream World that Legend can easily take advantage of, especially if he can drag others into it. Three different options specifically as Kingdom Hearts, Nights and Dream Team have their own unique styles in dream world fights.
Kingdom Hearts: Flowmotion, Link/Dual Style, Link/Dual Attacks (if anyone can find a shorter video for this that would be appreciated)
Dream Team: Bro/Luiginary Attacks (Legenary would be better as the name scheme is just a combination of a name and imaginary) and Giant Battle
Nights: Dualize (couldn't find a video)
Legend has one hell of an arsenal when it comes to dream magic combined with his imagination. Not even including the various allies who can assist if shit hits the fan. The Chain are in for a hurricane of surprises with this Legend.
Four and Time no longer have the most secrets in their closet. Legend would definitely use his dream magic if shit hits the fan or seek one of his dream companions for advice and a hug. Adventures like this are stressful for anyone especially him.
That's all I have for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you back in the dream world.
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
Hey hey it theory time
Ok so y’know Lorule and shit how it’s an upside down Triforce and how ppl theorize that ravio has wisdom Hilda had power and Yuga has courage all that good shit?
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at the end of his top you can see these little bunny ear thingies who else has bunny ears and is a parrell to RAVIO!!!!!
also Kafies main colors are purple with an accent of gold like ravio
Also he wars a mask to hide himself like ravio does in ALBW
also their both too cowardly to do something
Kafies hair is also purple (like ravios 😨😨😨)
now hopping a bit to link here the amulet that he gives you in the game is reminiscent of the Zoras Saphire an engagement item given to you in oot and Kafie just so happens to be engaged to anju
OK SO ONE they both are engaged with and have some sort of blue Amulett
two their hair is literally the fucking same kinda
three both have some wird ass thing we magical aging
and both are like missing/forgotten/left behind ish (Anjus family wanted to leave with our Kafie)
Ok so in the mm manga Link describes Kafie as being unnaturally strong literally throwing him to the wall and then literally he hangs link by the collar of his shirt
And I think Majoras has Wisdom, I mean majora literally played the skull kid like a flute so that (imo) could fight link/FD for some sort of revenge
and bc Kafie was strong there was no need for a courageous being really
(or Anju might be courage due to her staying behind when the moon was seconds away from hitting clock town just to see her love)
And it basically completes the whole hyrule/Lorule thing
also Termina is like almost Terminal which (I think) mean something that you travel in between through
So Termina would make since to be a middle ground between Hyrule and Lorule
I think that Kafie is a design parallel to Ravio and a story parallel to link
OR Kafies is supposed to represent link in some way like he’s grown up and is engaged basically with someone he loves but is forced to go back to a younger state and lose it all
Kafie is power
Majora wisdom
and Anju is courage
Sorry for any spelling inaccuracies or a wierdly capitalized Kafie that’s auto corrects fault it literally hates me sm or incorrect grammar (I have a hard time typing my jumbled thoughts on to words)/gen
yo this was cool as shit to read and I wish I could say more, but I’m not super familiar with this character. This was really fun to read and I loved hearing ur thoughts! Kafie being a design parallel to Ravio would really interesting! :)
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skrelpson · 8 months
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It's that time of year- time for skrelp to revamp his entire blog lmao
Howdy! Call me skrelp, Elliot, or Malon! I use a bunch of pronouns! Right now the main ones are They, Sylv, and She. I'll pick up pretty much anything you put down, though.
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(Favorite Gens are 2, 6, and 3!! Favorite characters are Milo, Bugsy, Erika, Jasmine, Sonia, etc...)
-The Legend of Zelda
(Favorite games are Minish Cap, OoT and MM!)
-Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon
(I'm caught up on the manga!)
-In Stars And Time
-Lucky Star
(I've started watching the anime recently!)
-Pixel Art
-90s / 00s Media
Passive Interests!
(Meaning I don't talk about them as much (or know that much abt them), but I still think they're cool!)
-Ace Attorney
-Sailor Moon
-Deltora Quest
(If you give me a copy of the DS game I'll love you forever and ever/hj)
-Marine History
(Predominantly shipwreck archeology)
-Book Binding
-World of Horror
-Wings of Fire
(Mostly leftover info from my middle school days, lol)
-Professor Layton
-...And more!
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Currently Playing:
-Pokemon Shield
-In Stars And Time
Currently Reading:
-Station Eternity by Mur Lafferty
-Otherside Picnic (Omnibus 2) by Iori Miyazawa
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Anything Else?
-Feel free to tag me in things!* And send me reccomendations for shows and games!
-Due to my hip and cool(/s) anxiety, I tend to overthink and panic about a lot of things. So I may be slow to reach out! But! I do wanna talk!
-If I ever reblog something/say something offensive, please tell me! It's never my intention to hurt anyone.
-Let me know if you'd ever like to contact me outside of here! I have like...discord. Or email or something DJKFHAJ
- I also run @flo-aroma, which is a Pokemon sideblog! Check it out if you'd like!
-Basic DNI ig? Not like that one carrd that's been floating around, just...don't be an asshole! No bigotry, racism, transphobia, etc. Chances are I'll just block you if you make me uncomfortable 👍
-If you're a Pokemon IRL Blog and wondering why I followed you, that's because I have a few of my own! You can check out @skrelps-cafe for more info.
*for like, fun ask games or cool art you think I'd like! I don't participate in 'reblog if you think X is a valid thing', etc. They stress me out. Similar situation with chain asks(?) (is that what they're called? lol) also due to anxiety.
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Tag List!
skrelp speaks - posts of my own creation
apollo's "art" - posts featuring my own drawings
queue - ...my queue. I couldn't think of anything funny
malon muses: [oc name] - posts about one of my OCs! Currently unused.
Elliot's Extraordinarily Late Escapade - my playthrough of Pokémon SwSh's DLC, five years late (Finished!)
If you'd like anything tagged just lemme know :D
Ao3 Link
Pronouns Page
Divider Credit (1)
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Daily Click !
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UH OH! YOU'VE ENTERED THE Pryce and Chuck Zone
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That's all now go drink some water u deserve it <3
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wolfscarr · 9 months
Legend of Zelda: Knights of Hyrule, are underrated.
So I'm a huge LoZ fan, surprising considering I haven't made many posts about it....but here we are I guess.
You know, I see a lot a posts about Link this or Zelda that, Ganondorf this or basically well....anything to do with actual well known characters.
Now obviously these characters are great and everything, I mean Link is in my Top 5 fav characters of all time. In fact LoZ is in my Top 5 fav fictional universes of all time, I know a lot....and I mean A LOT of the lore regarding it....which brings me to say that....
(No the Guards we see in OoT/MM/TP are NOT them, they're two different things)
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Just look how they present themselves, fearless warriors despite monsters attacking.
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Even managing to save Link!
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With ease able to take on multiple opponents while injured!
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Defending the Sages during the Imprisoning War, which sealed away Ganon's terrible evil!
Descended from Link himself who founded the Knights(or well one of the iterations of Link), they embody the Courage that the Hero himself has!
I'm waiting for the day that the LoZverse does more with them honestly, giving them a bigger presence or at least just...show them more!
By LoZ lore, they are quite possibly the greatest warriors in Hyrule, considering not only what they've gone up against(monsters, demons and the like), but their reputation is well known and well regarded, ontop of having techniques only they themselves know and can pull off, while also being tasked with not only protecting the Royal Family, but very important artifacts from evil such as the Royal Jewels which enable the ability to access the Sacred Realm in Four Swords.
The Mangas have given them a lot more showcase credit than the games, so that's something I suppose. I guess there is also Hyrule Warriors, at least to some extent.
But I just wanna see them in an actual LoZ game, just to see them in action perhaps in a cutscene or something by comparison to the regular Hyrule foot soldier. Feel like there was an opportunity missed in Twilight Princess, when Zant arrived at Hyrule Castle, Zelda's only surrounded by common foot soldiers in chainmail.
But it's clear that the Knights of Hyrule, wear full steel plate armor(which is actually shown in TP, so it's not like the Devs could have forgotten either, it's also clearly consistent in other games and other material) and carry Hylian shields.
So it's weird that in TP, she doesn't have at least 1 Knight of Hyrule by her side at the time of Zant's attack. Unless by that point during the attack, they were all killed, which I suppose is a strong possibility seeing they would pose the most threat.
But I ramble, anyway yes. Knights of Hyrule, underrated side of Zelda lore.
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thorntopieces · 1 year
Attempt at explaining the LoZ timeline soup
Every time I look at the Loz time-crossword-puzzle (credit to this video by Chase Kip for the term) I just get more and more confused. ToTK did not help on that front.
But I had a thought - and I haven't watched many theory videos on the timeline after ToTK came out, so it is very possible someone has already discussed this exact idea. In that case, please ignore this post lmao.
Second disclaimer: I haven't played a lot of ToTK yet simply because I haven't had the time. I know a bit of the lore from watching others play it, but uhhh ... don't expect perfect accuracy.
I'll put this under a read more, because who knows how long it's going to be and how many shitty illustrations I might have to add in. I also have like,,, no proof of my idea except what popped into my brain.
Update: 750 words and two images under the "keep reading". Image IDs are provided. No grammar checking has been done.
Basically, my thought is that the entire timeline as we know it, y'know, this one:
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[Image ID: picture of the Legend of Zelda Timeline depicted on page 69 of The Hyrule Historia. It shows the typical timeline split after Ocarina of Time into the Downfall, Adult and Child timelines. End Image ID] Source
Yeah, I think this timeline still checks out. Obviously, the version I'm showing here ignores some games (most importantly, my favourite: A Link Between Worlds) but that's alright.
Basically, my thought was that if we take all the fun new games that just ruin whatever remnants of timeline we had left (read: BoTW, AoC, ToTK and Hyrule Warriors) and uhh. Let's create a semi-pocket dimension with them. All of those exist together in their own fun little loop now. Imagine the original timeline as a bed and we just drape my fun BoTW-AoC-ToTk-HW blanket over the bed. Let it lay on top.
At the top of the bed, by the pillow is Skyward Sword. We let Skyward Sword play out and BAM! They're working on establishing the Kingdom of Hyrule on the Surface. At the same time we can have Rauru (the King, not the Sage) and Sonia establish the Kingdom of Hyrule on ... well, the Surface. But since BoTW-AoC-ToTk-HW is a blanket laying on top of the bed, these two Kingdoms of Hyrule don't really interact.
And so the established timeline moves as normal, like we have the Minish Cap and Four Swords and everything is going great. But Ah! Actually Everything Isn't That Great because now we've got Hyrule Warriors happening on the blanket. A big war requires big help, yeah? Well, so what I failed to tell you is that this blanket is ... kind of in need of repair. It's got some thinner areas in the weave here and there and a couple of actual holes. Time kind of doesn't really progress during this war, so let's say that the Hyrule Warriors war lasts ... from around ish around the start of Ocarina of Time through the bottom of the conventional timeline (after Spirit Tracks, Four Swords Adventures and Whatever Is At The Bottom of Downfall).
The holes in the blanket are where we get the interdimensional travel through. Young Link? Yeah he was just temporarily dragged through a hole in the blanket from OoT/MM to aid in this war. Twili Midna? Same thing, just snatched out of the Twili Realm. Ravio? Sure! Snatch him up too. During the time where they're fighting in the war, time doesn't really pass in the normal timeline, and they probably don't remember much of the war afterwards once they've been returned to their original time and place. Think of it like a full body, skill and personality scan of them being done and that copy being dumped into Hyrule Warriors.
And then peaceful times happen and an indeterminate amount of time happens after Hyrule Warriors. Maybe because time passed so slowly during it (a couple of years at most, I think someone said 7 once?) while the normal timeline progressed by thousands of years, it's now catching up and a lot of time passes. Then we get AoC.
Well, you see, this blanket is actually quite fucked. We're getting closer to the bottom of the bed and this blanket has been mauled. There are now two strips of blanket, not just one cohesive blanket. On one side, AoC happens and everything is great, and on the other, BoTW Link falls in battle and takes a long feckin nap. Then he goes and does Breath of the Wild, gets a moment of peace. Then, ToTK.
And bam, we're back at the top of the bed with Skyward Sword and ToTK and it starts all over again.
Makes sense? Eh, probably not so much.
How about a (shitty) visual depiction:
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[Image ID: a low-opacity image of the IGN Legend of Zelda timeline. There is handwritten text on top of the image. Between Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time is written "Tears Of The Kingdom + Peace Era" in dark blue. All the other games are encircled in a dark-blue outlined square. Inside this square is written "This Is All Just Hyrule Warriors". At the bottom of the square is a cutout, where a mini timeline has been drawn. The timeline splits into two. The left side says "AoC" and the right side says "BoTW" and then "ToTK". End Image ID] Original Image Source
Anyways, those are my silly little thoughts.
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
ooo i’m here for another google doc essay thesis on all the zelda trans narratives <33 lol cited sources and everything (if you have time of course, i love reading all of your headcanons on loz)
god. okay this is every mainline game ive played (excluding sequels with the same characters) except skyward sword because i forgot about it at first and now im tired. here
Basically the entirety of oot is a super-intense wartime coming-of-age story, dealing specifically with the trauma of losing one’s childhood to war/being a child in wartime. Any coming-of-age can be easily analyzed through a trans lens imo, but oot lends itself particularly well to this reading.
For the first nine years of his life, link is told that he is a kokiri. He spends all of his childhood trying desperately to fit in with the kokiri, even though he and the kokiri he grows up with can tell that he is out of place somehow. When he leaves the forest and grows up, it clicks into place that he was never kokiri. And it HURTS. He was lied to. But he suddenly finds himself BELONGING for the first time, among hylians. One of the most impactful npcs in the series is, imo, malon, who link bonds with, feels connected to, and who GROWS UP just like him. She is a representation of everything link gains by leaving the forest. The chance to grow up, and the chance to be among people like himself and understand for the first time who he truly is. 
I don’t think i have to explain the subtext i'm getting at here. Replace kokiri with gender-at-birth and you have yourself a trans story. 
There are also, of course, points to be made about link’s lack of bodily autonomy throughout the story and his reclamation of it in mm. Link is, in the eyes of basically every adult in oot, a pawn to be used to win a war. He is something to be molded into the shape THEY need him to be. This is a common conflict in loz--the hero NEEDS to be the hero, and so he is given no room to define himself otherwise. 
Again. Do i have to explain the trans reading of this?? Adults who feel entitled to you for whatever reason refusing to let you define yourself in a way that doesn’t appeal to them, and viewing you as an object to be shaped into THEIR perfect image. Classic trans kid experience. 
Zelda i think is even more obvious because she literally physically transes her gender in the game. For no reason. A female ninja would have been fine. Female ninjas exist in this world. Impa is the obvious example. Zelda became a boy because he wanted to be a boy. This is factual, canonical story. I dont even NEED to go on but i WILL because i can.
The subtextual reading of trans zelda is even more fun imo. This is a kid who grew up functionally powerless. She KNEW ganon was going to destroy hyrule but she could not make adults hear her, and when things went wrong it was her fault. Sheik is, in many ways, a rejection of zelda. She does away with the ancestral name denoting wisdom because she was not wise enough to save her kingdom from ruin. he chooses sheik instead, a name derived from the historic guardians of hylia, and by extension hyrule. he reclaims the power he lost by, again, defining himself where he was never allowed to before. 
Personally i consider oot zel to be nonbinary and use she/he and the names sheik and zelda interchangeably. I really love the idea of a kid who grew up with so little control over anything in her life taking it all back and then deliberately fucking with some established rules anyway, just as a little show of power now that he has it. It’s what she deserves. 
A LOT of my reading in this is totally rooted in subtext/analysis rather than actual canon material. If you haven’t read my analysis of alttp in my analysis doc i suggest you do bc some of that context may be needed to explain what i say here, since alttp is an older game so there’s much less actual canon characterization to go off of. 
There is a moment in this game, once you have gone through several dungeons and claimed the master sword and fought the secondary antagonist twice, where link is transported into the dark world. A mirror dimension in which his human form is distorted into a form that “reflects his inner self.” He looks into the mirror and he does not recognize the person looking back at him. 
The form he takes is a rabbit, which is, in my opinion, a reflection of his inner fear and the fact that he doesn’t want to be a hero. This link is a young boy who basically loses the only family he has and is then instantly thrown into the midst of a conflict he doesn’t fully understand. 
There are two points to be drawn from this. The first is the distorted self-image revealed in the dark world, which. The connection to transgenderism should probably be obvious from here. I’d say looking in the mirror and not quite recognizing yourself is a near-universal trans experience. 
The second is that, although this game is much less obvious about it, this link is in a very similar situation to oot link, in that he has been thrown into a conflict he doesn't understand and doesn’t really have any stake in, in order to be used as a pawn to win a war. (worth noting that if we follow the timeline, oot link has to DIE for this game to happen. They never fucking learn ig) so we have a repeat of the same situation in which link’s autonomy is taken from him by adults who want him to be a hero. Ive already explained the trans reading of this. You get the idea
Im skipping zelda in this one because it came out in 1991 so zelda is barely a character. Shes trans because i say so. Next 
Twilight princess did not do very well on a multitude of things. We all know how i feel. HOWEVER. There is something to be said for the fact that when link approaches people in wolf form they recoil in fear and disgust. And he canonically doesn’t expect this. It disturbs him. He KNOWS these people. He’s still the same person inside. Nothing has changed for him except the way he looks. But now no one will so much as look at him. 
To be quite honest. The wolf form was a bit of a thematic L in my opinion. I don’t think it had much narrative purpose and my best guess is that it was there to give tp a “brand-new fun gameplay” draw. But the fact that everyone is TERRIFIED of you was a good choice imo. I wish it had been followed through on thematically but I digress. There is transgenderism here. When you go back to your hometown and nothing has changed, as far as you’re concerned, but people avoid your eyes now. You haven’t changed, not really. You just look a little different. But the people either hate you or don’t recognize you now, and in some ways you’re glad, but in other ways you feel… alien.  
Zelda also isn’t a real character in this game but it doesn’t get an excuse because it came out in fucking 2006. We knew women were people by then guys come on. Anyways shes also trans because i say so. I dont feel like thinking about twilight princess any longer lol sorry
Im going to start with zelda/tetra here because i have a lot more to say about her lmao
Tetra is a wild, loud, stubborn, angry pirate. She is the exact opposite of what your average hylian might imagine a goddess-blood princess to be. She’s rude, she’s volatile, she looks out for herself and no one else. This is an image she has curated. But she is also kind. She lets link on her ship when he begs her to help him save his sister. she slips him a good-luck charm before he storms the fortress. She takes aryll home and never asks for payment. She is a pirate, but she does these things that seem so strangely… at odds with herself. I think a lot of her tough exterior is a curated image, for the benefit of her crew, yes, but also herself. If she is stubborn and loud and angry and unlikable then she is less likely to get hurt.  
Tetra learns who she is, and she is suddenly a new person, a different person. She’s zelda. And she’s so CONFUSED. She tries her hand at being a princess. She sits and waits patiently for her hero to come back to her. But in the end, she can’t even do THAT right. Things go wrong again, all because of her.
During the final battle of this game, zelda fights alongside you with the bow of light. I believe this was one of the first games in which she does this. 
This is a nonbinary narrative. Tetra tries so hard to fit into one box or the other, princess or pirate, but can never quite master either. During the final confrontation, though, she finds a happy medium. She is kind, wise zelda, in her regalia with her hair untied, but she is also stubborn, angry tetra drawing her bow to fight alongside link. She will not be defined. 
she/they tetra ftw lol. anyways
Wind waker link honestly has much less textual evidence for me than like. Any other link because imo wind waker is almost completely a clear-cut coming-of-age. It’s very easy to read (almost) any coming-of-age as a trans narrative but much less easy to actually explain that read. 
My stance kind of boils down to this: link has a clear-cut arc of growth in this story from a weak, inexperienced kid into a soldier who is capable of taking on ganon. This arc is kickstarted by him leaving home and no longer being confined by the limited perspectives of the people he grew up around. Unlike other links, this one doesn’t have too much pressure on him to be a hero. In fact, I would consider his growth into a hero to be framed very positively in this game as it gives him the agency he lacked at the beginning. This is an interesting departure from most other games in which link lacks a lot of agency. 
Basically, i think that while most other games can be read as kind of… tragic trans stories, about the struggles of not being allowed to define yourself, etc, wind waker link is the story of a kid who is finally GETTING to define himself. It’s more similar to Majora's mask in that way, in that this kid has already HAD the chapter where he’s confined to other people’s expectations and is now beginning to break out of it and reclaim his own identity. 
Jesus. God almighty. Okay
Like. not to keep beating a dead horse but this link is the most obviously negatively affected by the expectations and perceptions of those around him. He explicitly goes mute BECAUSE he knows people expect him to be a hero above all else, and it will be easier to conform to that expectation if he keeps quiet. This poor boy is so terrified to be imperfect, to be something that hyrule might not like, that he SHUTS DOWN. he is essentially nothing BUT what hyrule wanted him to be, because he never allowed himself to be anything else. 
I have already explained the trans read of this. Reread ocarina of time’s segment. Holy SHIT. he is so transgender. Also he’s 5’2 and has shoulder-length hair come on
Side note but i think botw is cool because it explores BOTH facets of the usual loz narrative (lack of agency/reclamation of agency) within the same game, while most other games go for one or the other. When link loses his memories he is FORCED to define himself, as he has nothing to go on anymore, which is a reclamation of the agency he had lost pre-calamity. Essentially pre-calamity is the oot segment and post-calamity is the mm segment of the narrative. It’s cool. Anyways
Zelda. GOD.
She is not the daughter her father wanted. She knows this. She tries SO HARD for SO LONG to be the daughter her father wanted. But she can’t. She will never be good enough in his eyes. Eventually she gives up on doing exactly what he wants. She hopes she can win his approval in other ways, with things she is good at. Things she CAN do right. But it’s never enough for him because all he sees is the daughter he wanted. The daughter she should have been. He doesn’t care that she can’t. He only cares that she Is Not. she knows she will never win his approval but she keeps trying anyway. 
Do i really need to explain this. Babygirl you are so trans gender
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tortilla-of-courage · 3 years
welcome to my TED Talk. Skyward Sword Link is the ancient hero mentioned in Twilight Princess. here we go
(for my own sanity im referring to SkSw Link as “Sky” and TP Link as “Twilight”)
so like, The Big Reason: the Hero’s Clothes. it’s probably really obvious but y’know how it be. when you first get them in Twilight Princess, Faron tells you this:
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In TP’s timeline, the only heroes there have ever been in Hyrule are the ones from Skyward Sword, Minish Cap, Four Swords and Ocarina of Time/Majora’s Mask. Out of them, Sky’s outfit is almost identical to Twilight’s, sans the embroidery, and it’s honestly the only outfit that would fit Twilight. 
MC’s and FS’s Links were children, and OoT/MM’s Link wasn’t remembered as a hero because of all the time travel stuff (which is where Hero’s Shade comes in but that’s something else entirely). Even if he was, his outfit is completely different than Twilight’s, and only the child Hero of Time’s version would exist in that timeline, since the adult version of the outfit was given to OoT Link in the Sacred Realm. So really, the only option left is Sky.
They’re both around the same height and age, and the elements in their outfits are basically the same, with tiny differences. There’s the high-collared undershirt (Twilight’s is sewn closed while Sky’s is open), the chainmail, the tunic with the same base design...
We know Twilight is strong - he works at a farm, can throw goats and gorons like it’s nothing, picks up big rocks with ease... while Sky can barely pick up a barrel without running out of breath/strength in a few seconds. Twilight clearly has more muscle mass, and we can see this in the outfits’ differences. In these design notes, we can see the sides of Twilight’s tunic have been opened, then half re-stitched, and the same goes for his sleeves.
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Meanwhile, Sky’s lacks all of these modifications. On him, the tunic even looks baggy, made for someone bigger than him, while on Twilight it’s really tight-looking.
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Even the hat seems to have been adjusted for Twilight’s head... and also elongated, judging by the extra fabric sewed on the tip. the length difference is a bit clearer in the following screenshots. It can also be seen that Sky and Twilight’s adventurer bags are almost identical but that could just be coincidence rather than them being the same bags.
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Actually, the Hero’s Shade talks about the Hero’s tunic too.
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This could just be a reference of the Shade to his own outfit as the Hero of Time, since he also talks about accepting the life of the hero in another of his encounters - but if he doesn’t consider himself a worthy hero after being unable to pass on his secrets, it wouldn’t make sense for him to refer to the Hero’s Clothes in such a way (”the proud green of the hero’s tunic...”)
It could go with my theory of the Kokiri’s green clothes being inspired by the first hero (Sky, not the 25th anniversary manga’s Link), with the Kokiri evolving from the Kikwis in Skyward Sword who met him. OoT Link, growing up as a Kokiri, could have heard stories about this first hero, maybe even looking up to him (kind of like the Koroks with Wind Waker and Breath of the Wild Links). It’d make sense then for him to think so highly of the hero’s outfit despite his own situation.
Outfits aside, there’s the Double Clawshots you get in Twilight Princess. Besides TP, these only appear again in Skyward Sword - other games just have hookshots or grappling hooks.
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They have really different designs in general, yes, but that could either be explained by the different art styles of the games, or that, even if they’re not the exact same pair, TP’s were inspired by SkSw’s. Considering Sky’s clawshots are a sacred gift from Nayru herself, though, they should be able to last thousands of years.
Actually, talking about Nayru, that’s where we can get some “proof” that they could be the same pair. In TP, the first clawshot you find is in the Lakebed Temple - at this point in the timeline, water is Nayru’s element (instead of Electricity like in SkSw), so one of her divine gifts being in her element’s temple (possibly put in there as an offering either by Sky himself or by his descendants time after Skyward Sword) is completely fine... But what about the other clawshot? Well, you find it in the City in the Sky. Not entirely sure why they’d leave one behind like that, but it being in what could be a modified version of Skyloft’s ruins...
We could also mention the Hero’s Bow in all this. Its description even mentions the hero of legend, supposedly the same hero the outfit Twilight wears belonged to.
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It looks quite similar to the bow you use in Skyward Sword. There are obviously design differences (it’d also mean Sky never upgraded it during his adventure), but they share key elements.
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TP’s bow shares a few more key elements with Majora’s Mask’s bow than with SkSw’s, such as the little branches near the edges, but MM’s is way smaller (mostly to fit that Link, but yeah) and Twilight wouldn’t be able to use it. Though, it should be noted MM’s bow is also referred to as the Hero’s Bow, like in TP, so it could be the same bow in all three cases.
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(Wind Waker’s bow is also called the Hero’s bow - and looks a bit more like Skyward Sword’s than these other two but that’s another timeline,)
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Anyways. The ones guarding the Hero’s bow in Twilight Princess are the Gorons. Now, why would the Gorons have it? It’d mean this Hero of the past would have to have been close enough to them to trust them with it. The first Link to pop to mind with that is usually OoT Link. 
But, when he gets sent to the past by Zelda after his adventure’s done, it’s to before he ever goes to Death Mountain, and before he becomes sworn brothers with Darunia. I’m not saying he couldn’t have gone and befriended them later, but I don’t know if, with that being the case, all the future generations of Gorons would refer to him as a Hero even hundreds(?) of years later if he didn’t physically defeat any evil, or even consider his bow a treasure. And if they did, I don’t think they’d just call him the Hero of the past, considering he was relatively “recent”.
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Another one of the heroes in this timeline who has had some contact with Gorons is Sky. Granted, it was only with about... 4 or so of them, but him (or one of his descendants idk) giving the Gorons his bow for safekeeping would make sense considering they’re 1) one of the first species he ran into on the Surface, and 2) helped him a bit during his adventure. And coming from the very first hero (one of the founders of Hyrule, even), it being treated as a treasure by the Gorons even thousands of years later seems to make a bit more sense 
It could also probably tie with one of the Clawshots being in the Lakebed temple. Maybe that clawshot was given to the Parella, who would later turn into the Zora? Maybe all the races Sky ran into during his adventure got a “gift” of sorts once Hyrule was offiically founded, maybe to unify all the races currently living there? And the other Clawshot could stay behind in Skyloft with the Loftwings, that could have turned into the Oocca. Who knows
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fanartfunart · 3 years
A fic where Ocarina of Time is a big time loop, instead of splitting the timeline. (post MM) Link meets Sheik in the Lost Woods. (some big OoT Spoilers)
A sequel to Time & Time Again (It isn’t 100% required to read it to understand this tho)
The woods were unusually quiet. He heard no laughter or song of the Korkiri. It made it harder to travel through the Lost Woods than usual. But he knew his forest. Link traced his fingers along the rough bark of some of the trees. "This way" the forest whispered. It was difficult to understand, like catching the fog. But the forest knew him. The forest was kind to it's children.
He kept his eyes trained on the canopy, hoping for some fresh food to bring back to the village. As long as it wasn't magic, he imagined the forest wouldn't mind. It hadn't actively tried to stop him. It clearly understood his intentions.
He heard a soft rustle in a nearby bush. He pulled out his sword, inching closer. The stranger to the forest heard him in return. Sheik lept out of the bushes, blocking his sword arm and sending him flying backwards with a kick. Link barely managed to shift into a tumble and regain his footing.
He took in a breath, analyzing his opponent. (No, his old friend.) Blood rushed in his ears. A drum of battle he was all too familiar with. He felt like a tightly coiled spring, either about to snap or leap away. He smothered the realization he had started automatically looking for weak points. (It was Sheik, not an enemy. Not a demon or monster.)
The Sheikah meanwhile, had shifted into a ready stance, eyes widening as he actually looked at Link. They stared at each other. Tense. Sheik was looking at him as if just waiting for him to strike.
A familiar feeling crinkled against his chest and into his throat. Uncomfortable and raw. Sheik was scared of him. Sheik was created to fight and hide. Of course he expected Link, a stranger by all accounts, to attack. Link sheathed his sword with a sigh, forcing himself to loosen his posture. The grass swayed against his feet, soothing, reassuring.
It was quiet for a moment too long.
“Lost?” he asked.
Sheik tilted his chin up, as if affronted by the implication, “...No, of course not.”
"Ah, of course not.... I will have to see you in town later sometime then." Link said, beginning to walk away. Careful to be slow enough for Sheik to have plenty of time to make his choice.
"Wait!" Sheik, raced after him, eyes flickering around the trees, “What are you doing out here? These woods aren’t the safest place to be wandering.”
Link glanced backwards at him, shrugging, “Gathering things for the villagers in Kakarikio.” He hitched up his backpack higher on his shoulder. He could feel the blond’s eyes watching him, analyzing him.
“Who are you?”
“A traveler,” Link said.
“Oh, how specific,” he muttered sarcastically. Sheik was suddenly in front of him, walking backwards. Red eyes flickered across his face. “I thought you looked like that to get me to lower my guard but... you-” Sheik poked his nose. Link leaned back, ears flicking involuntarily.
“What was that for?” Link huffed, ignoring the smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth. “My face is my actual face, yes.”
Sheik grabbed his hand, looking at the glow of the triforce. Link frowned at his hand. That hadn't happened in a long time. He barely registered they had halted. Just the ominous thump in his chest as he stared at the glowing force. Sheik looked up at him, “Link?”
He jolted his head up to look at Sheik. His red eyes were wide, expextant...hopeful. He nodded, “Nice to see you again, Sheik.”
“Are you- ....From the future?” Sheik whispered, eyes tracing the scars on his face with a light frown.
“Er...” Link hummed, “Yes and no? This is my second time around in this particular part of time. Grew up the normal way this time though.”
Sheik gasped, “So you did it? You won?”
Link just smiled and started foraging again. Sheik followed him.
“How? Are you here to help? You know what happens, right?”
“I don’t think learning too much about your future is particularly wise, oh carrier of the Triforce of Wisdom.”
“But if you help can’t we get this over with so much faster?” Sheik grabbed his arm, pulling him to yet another halt. He stared into his eyes, searching, “You can’t tell me you’re just here to gather things.”
“I tried to stop it from happening before, when I was a child. It didn’t do anything. If anything it made things worse...” Link sighed, “Your people need outside aid, your Highness. I can’t...won't help defeat Ganon this time, but I can gather supplies.”
Sheik let go of his arm, and to his surprise, tugged down the face mask. “You know who I am.”
“Yes, Sheik, don’t worry about it. I won’t tell.”
Sheik looked down at the ground. “Thank you,” he whispered.
He shrugged. "Besides. I think I prefer your hair like this. Very adventure-chic. Or should I say adventure-Sheik?”
The blond gasped, blushing. He punched his shoulder. (It bruised a little, admittedly.) “That’s horrible.”
“You’re one to talk. Don’t you have some poetry to recite for Mini Me?”
“Mini?” Sheik giggled, “You both look basically the same.”
“I gotta call him something.” Link shrugged, “The phrase ‘my younger self’ is a bit long.”
“Try harder.” He hummed, “Besides, my poems are brilliant.”
“Never said they weren’t.”
Sheik shook his head with some sense of amusement. That amusement faded as he glanced up at his face again. “...Are those...”
“From Ganon? No.” Link said, “I had a very interesting little adventure all on my own in Termina.” He glanced in the direction of the other country, wind fluttering through the leaves. “Most of the scars from Ganon disappeared when I was sent back in time.”
It was Zelda’s voice, not Sheik’s, that spoke next. “I... I’m sorry. That I roped you into- all of this. You deserved a... kinder childhood.”
Link stared at the ground. He took a moment to find his voice, “...So did you.”
Zelda stared at him, eyes round and wide. Her hands fidgeted, clasped in front of her. Lost for what to do or say, she tugged up the face mask. Sheik bowed gently, “I thank you for everything, Link of the Future."
“Huh?” Sheik blinked.
“If you needed a name to differentiate me and the kid. That’s the name he knows me by.”
Sheik snorted, “I’m not calling you that."
Link shrugged. His ears flicked as he picked up the light bell like ting of a fairy. The specific tone he'd know anywhere. "...Did you need to find the Forest Temple?"
Sheik glanced around, quiet for a moment, "I can always use magic to get there.... If I was lost. Which I'm not."
"But you want to do that cool entrance, right?"
Sheik shuffled his feet, "You think- thought it was cool?"
Link just chuckled, "Follow me," Link said, walking ahead.
"Seriously did you think it was cool? What did I do?"
"You already have it planned why would I tell you what you're going to do?"
"What if it's different and what I actually did was cooler than what I think I should do?"
"That makes no sense."
"Just tell me and I'll tell you if that's what I originally had in mind. Do you still remember my poem?"
"It was 7 years ago from my perspective. You expect me to remember exactly what you said and did?"
"....But you remember it was cool."
"Never said that."
"You implied it strongly."
Link laughed, and the Forest giggled with him. A chorus of rustling leaves. It remembered him as well as he remembered it, it seemed. He traced a finger along bark as he watched the forest unfold itself for him. "Sorry," he hoped to say through the gentle touch, "Sorry I took so long to come home."
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easilyconflicted · 4 years
We Might Still Get Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, and Wind Waker for the Switch
 ***Disclaimer: I am not a trademark lawyer. I am only a regular person trying to make sense of the numbers. I am not making a formal stance as I may be reading the information wrong.***
***Warning: This is going to be very long with lots of pictures.***
A lot of people are bummed about there not being a Zelda All-Stars for the 35th anniversary. Some are even thinking that Skyward Sword HD is all we’ll get since it is already so close to the anniversary. But I’m here to say that we could probably still get it, or at least Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, and Wind Waker separately. Here’s why I think that and it’s the same reason why I knew Skyward Sword was coming: The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). You can also find the same information on the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) database.
What’s so important about trademarks? I don’t know, but I know they are important enough that the government is involved with regulating it. All I know it essentially means you have ownership over that mark. Remember when the Fine Bros tried to trademark “React”? (link) The USPTO and WIPO database are public to search for any trademarks in any category.
A few months ago when people were starting to guess what Nintendo was going to come out with for the Zelda 35th anniversary, I happened to remember that you can use the USPTO database to figure out if a new product was coming out. I decided to look some things up. The first thing I searched was Skyward Sword. **Tumblr ruined the quality of the images, but if you click on it, the quality should be better.
Edit: Clicking on the image will NOT work if you are on desktop and directly on my blog because Tumblr sucks. You can right click and hit view image, but that will take you from the page. You can also zoom in with your browser controls if you don’t want to go back and forth between my page. Both options may still be hard to read, so right clicking, view image, then zoom may be be the best option.
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A trademark for Skyward Sword? With the priority date (apparently when Nintendo filed in a different country), filing date (apparently when Nintendo filed application in the U.S.), and registration date (apparently when USPTO allowed it) all being in 2020? And in the “recorded electronic game programs; downloadable electronic game programs; recorded video game programs; downloadable video game programs; video game cartridges; and much more categories” categories and more? Why would a divisive game that is a decade old get a trademark in 2020? So that’s how I knew the game was coming to the Switch.
So what about the other games?
Ocarina of Time?
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Also a 2020 trademark under the same category that Skyward Sword was in. Should note that the priority and filing dates are in 2020, but the registration date is in 2021.
Majora’s Mask?
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Same as Oot and SS, but we have some differences. Priority and filing dates are in 2020, but there is no registration date. It does have published for opposition listed for 2021.
Wind Waker?
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Same position as MM. Priority and filing dates are in 2020, but there is no registration date. It does have published for opposition listed in 2021.
Twilight Princess? *Spoiler: It doesn’t seem promising.
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Yeah the years on this are 2007/2008. It does have a renewal date in 2018, but it is listed under the category of compact discs and other distinct categories. The other ones are under downloaded games or video cartridges categories. There seems to be no overlap.
Off topic, but when I search twilight princess, only two things pop up: TP’s trademark and that huge monstrosity of a filing. Like look at how many words they tried to trademark?! And it’s from one person! Edit: Turns out it is around 660 words! Apparently she went to court about it, too, if you are curious. (link) Back on topic.
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I should note that I could not find a separate listing for Zelda All-Stars, but I also can’t find a separate listing for Mario All-Stars. Only Sunshine has a 2020 trademark listing; 64 has a 1996/2000 trademark with a 2020 renewal and Galaxy has a 2006/2007 one with a 2017 renewal. Again, I may be reading a lot of things wrong here. All that’s on the USPTO database; I’m getting more info on the WIPO. 
On WIPO, I did not find listings for Mario or Zelda All-Stars. 64′s active trademarks are from the late 90′s. Sunshine has 2020 trademarks. Galaxy has some active 2018 trademarks but not in the US. So It seems like there is some differing info. Let’s see about the Zelda games.
Skyward Sword has 2020 trademarks with some pending in Canada (CA), New Zealand (NZ), etc and some active in Australia (AU), Japan (JP), United States (US), etc. All filed under video game categories similar to the ones listed with USPTO and Skyward Sword’s trademark. Not surprised it is active in the US because if we compare it to the USPTO, SS has a registration date (when USPTO allowed Nintendo’s trademark).
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Ocarina of Time has 2020 trademarks with some pending in CA, NZ, etc and some active in AU, US, JP, etc. All under video game categories. Not surprised it is active in the US since in the USPTO, it has a registration date.
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Majora’s Mask has 2020 trademarks with some pending in CA, NZ, US, etc and some active in JP and AU. All under video game categories. It is pending on WIPO in the US and it also does not have a registration date in the USPTO database.
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Wind Waker has 2020 trademarks with some pending in CA, US, NZ, etc and active in JP and AU. All under video game categories. Again, pending in the US and no registration date for the UPSTO.
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Twilght Princess has 2006-2008 trademarks with them being active in JP, US, KR (Republic of Korea). All under video game categories.
What does this all mean? We already know that Skyward Sword is coming. So maybe Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask, and Wind Waker will be coming soon but I don’t know when. I think pending/registration dates may be a factor as to the timeline, especially in countries with a big gaming demographic. But again, there are still decent size countries with pending status for Skyward Sword, so there may be more to it. I don’t think Twilight Princess will be coming soon considering all the evidence and especially since it was already got ported in 2016 onto the Wii U, but maybe one day TP fans. I have been sitting on the USPTO info for a while and wanted to let somebody know, and now seems like the time.
Again, I am not versed on trademark terminology. Any extra information that isn’t directly from the databases came from a quick google search and my skimmed over analysis of it.
Edit: Ignore the next paragraph. I was an angry gremlin by time I finished this and was venting.
If there are any errors and I was not clear, I have been working on this for five hours. I also realized that WIPO was a thing while making this, so I had to go and research it. Tumblr glitched and ruined half my progress. It is also 5am where I am. I am tired.
But I hope you all learned some new information from this post. Also here are the links for the databases if you want to do your own research.
USPTO (click search our trademark database, I used basic word mark search) : https://www.uspto.gov/trademarks/search
WIPO (Just type in the box by text but make sure to delete the search below goods/services if moving on to another search)  : https://www3.wipo.int/branddb/en/
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faroreswinds · 3 years
I think like Star Fox, Zelda does a soft reboot everyone couple years. Like Zelda 2 is clearly a sequel to Zelda 1, Link's Awakening reference's Link to the Past pretty clearly, but like OOT is a retelling of vairous old points. Also Hyrule Historia's timeline section even says not to take it too seriously and that future games may make it outdated.
Oh my god... A ZELDA ASK?!
Please, more Zelda asks! I love Zelda, I want to talk Zelda! Please, I promise I'm not as jaded as I typically sound!
I'm not sure if that's so true. I didn't go too into depth with the how the games connected as they were released, but really the only true soft reboot seems to be BotW, given that it is so far in the future that it doesn't really matter where it is on the timeline other than it takes place looooong after OoT (the game references OoT Link and Ruto as a sage).
If we group them based on released, then it goes like this:
Loz, AoL, LttP, OoT, and MM were obviously connected
LA was somehow connected but how it was unclear
Oracles are unconnected in any way
Four Swords is unconnected in any way
Wind Waker is directly connected to OoT
FSA and MC are connected to FS
TP doesn't seem connected to anything directly, except with vague possibilities to OoT (later confirmed to be true)
PH and ST are directly connected to WW, and thus connected to OoT
SS was always meant to be the beginning of the timeline
LBW and TFH were connected to LttP
BoTW is connected to OoT but overall a soft reboot.
Now, HH statement is obviously meant to basically give them an out, so that any new material that comes out can retcon their own work in the future. As you said.
You could make an argument that the Oracle games and FS are reboots, but then they go right back to connecting the games to the older games or even the new "reboots" in a weird, tangle-y mess.
Personally, I think the dev team just isn't interested in keeping continuity accurate. They have basically stated as much in multiple interviews, where story comes last and gameplay comes first. Here is one example of an interview with Koizumi:
They were always saying, let's not try to push the story forward too much.
Miyamoto was particularly famous for not caring about the story, and Koizumi had to sneak in story elements wherever he could. SS was actually written in a day, but before the story was written they made the whole setting in the sky because Fujibayashi wanted Link to jump from the high places, and they wrote it as a story for the Master Sword solely because it was a wii game and the player was going to swing their sword like a sword. This came before the actual story itself!
I tend to feel that lots of fans give the devs a lot more credit than they deserve when it comes to the lore of the series. One big mistake in SS, for instance, is that Link prays to the Triforce for a wish. Every other game either states Link must touch it or has someone touch it for their wish. Devs make mistakes. They forget things. Or they would rather do something cool and epic regardless of it makes sense or not. The Zelda team in particular cares if the game is fun first- the story and lore bits are completely secondary.
I had also mentioned a redditor's timeline they presented and I was totally all for it. I'm not claiming it to be canon but it makes a lot of sense. I'll link it here for anyone who wants to read it but I really like the concept of it, because it cleans up a lot of messes.
Enraric (the user) presents three "sagas" for the timeline: The Downfall Saga, the Saga of Time, and the Four Sword Saga.
They go like this:
The Downfall Saga: LttP — OoA/S — LA — LBW — TFH — LoZ — AoL
The Saga of Time: SS — OoT — MM — TP
                                          WW — PH — ST
The Four Sword Saga: TMC — FS — FSA
Notably BotW is absent from this list but this makes sense since its placement is still hotly debated. But ultimately, this does sort of clean up a lot of issues many may have with the errors in continuity. Although, I may place LA right after LttP and have OoA/S after that instead in my own interpretations.
Anyways, thanks for the Zelda ask! I love them!
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mememan93 · 4 years
too 10 zelda games and why?
an ask? sick!! ok top 10 zelda games with reason coming up! (why cant i tag asks??)
1: skyward sword (duh)- Everything about this game is amazing, the soundtrack, the Npcs that feel like people, the puzzles, the controls, just everything! The storyline was linear, but really worth it! This might seem unpopular, but i also loved fi, from her aesthetic to her theme, hell i didnt mind her tips, no matter how many times i play through the game! People say they dont like having to fight the imprisoned/ghirahim 3 times. I loved the ghirahim fights and didnt mind doing it 3 times. And while the imprisoned was annoying, it was there because of plot consistency. The old woman says that too much power will draw it out, and if that didnt happen every time yall would be complaining about plot consistency. Skyward sword also had some of my favorite characters: Ghirahim and this version of Zelda!
2: Spirit tracks (wii u virtual console): this was my first Zelda game, I used to play it at family events with my cousin on his ds because social anxiety. You might think that i have it so high for nostalgia, and while that was the case for a while, i recently got the virtual console version, and played though it twice (you know when you do something recently it loses its nostalgia?) the soundtrack was great, i loved anjean, and zelda in that game was incredible. Taking the form of a phantom to help you, literally all of zeldas and links interactions were adorable. People said hey didnt like the touch controls and while they did take some getting used to, i adjusted kinda quickly, and when i played phantom hourglass afterwards, i kept dying cause the rolls were different.
3: Ocarina of time (3D): yes i didnt have an N64, fight me. Oot is a fan favorite, and for good reasons. It basically invented the zelda formula (if i have my release dates straight?) not counting alltp. Shiek is one of my favorite characters in anything ever, and admittedly, i did get a little sad when navi left. The soundtrack is good, but short when compared to other zelda games (that and it keeps getting taken off of youtube gdi!) again, ive never had an n64, so idk what the water temple was like back then, (i know about the iron boots gear screen) but from some of my cousins reactions, it seems to be a LOT better in the 3ds version
4: A link Between worlds: This is a really solid entry in the zelda series. Its got just enough difficulty that i dont remember literally everything, but easy enough that i can listen to something like TAZ while playing and understand whats happening in both. Ravio is a good character, though i wish you could steal for him. The items system was really cool, but i like that feeling of “whatre ya gonna get in this temple” that most zelda games have.
5. Minish cap (virtual console wii u): the minish cap is an all around pretty game. The graphics are just beautiful, the soundtrack is amazing, specially minish woods! And its got another of my fave characters, Vaati! Ezlo was also a great character, and sure the kinstones are annoying if youre tyring to 100% the game as are the figures, so this is why we dont 100% things! /s
6. Majoras Mask (3D): Disclaimer: i havent finished this, i was in ikana when my sister lost our copy of the game. But i know the story. MM is a game with only 4 dungeons, so it would seem short right? No, because of the 3 day system it takes longer than expected and wants you to plan out what youre doing. It had a lot of memorable sidequests and the masks were really fun as well. The soundtrack takes those OOT sounds and creates a whole new feel and its a heckin good time!
7. Twilight princess (wii): another game i havent finished! This time because spider scary, and im worried about encountering another one. Midna is super awesome, as is the wolf form and twilight sections, but on the wii, the controls are… awful. Anyone who complains about skyward swords motion controls has obviously never played this version of the game. Zant was cool, but then he was immediately overshadowed by ganondorf with little explanation. At least in Skyward sword ghirahim makes it clear that all he wants is demises resurrection. 
8. Wind waker (HD): for a lot of people this is their favorite, but idk it just never really clicked with me. Maybe its because i saved in the wind temple and Makar vanished so i had to reset my game? The soundtrack was good, but not really my fave, and i didnt like the king of red lions all that much. But other than that, it was a pretty solid game, just not one of my faves.
9. Phantom hourglass (wii u virtual console): after i beat spirit tracks i just HAD to play phantom hourglass, and i gotta say, i was pretty disappointed… the temple of the ocean king was like the tower of spirits, but the time limit. Oh the time limit. Also they fucking nerfed tetra in this game cmon! Ceilia made navi nosies, which i found funny for some reason. Honestly, the only saving grace is linebeck. his theme is amazing, he did grow on me, and the final boss fight against him was *chefs kiss*
10: Botw (both wii u and switch): yeah i just dont really like botw all that much. Half of the soundtrack is pretty decent, but the other half is * 5 piano notes* “what you want MORE???” I didn’t like botw Zelda. At all. At best she was quirky and kinda annoying, and at worst she made me wanna slam my head into the wall. I also didnt care about the champions, no matter how much the game wanted me to. The divine beasts were pretty bad, and the shrines were just kinda tiresome. The graphics were pretty cool (THANK GOD THERE WERE NO SPIDERS) i mean its a cool game, just not a cool zelda game, ya know? Also this is the only game thats made my wii u crash. And it wasnt just one time. Do with that what you will
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watermelinoe · 4 years
I legit had to google what they looked like in game because I’d completely forgotten. I can’t say I ever really noticed or cared but I do see what you mean. Sword/Shield were very lifeless to me anyway, the mc had like two facial expressions and that was it which was weird because they went kind of back to the X/Y mc and they had more personality. I was generally just rather disappointed in S/S tbh. I hope the next pkmn game will be less... everything the series is now. (1/5)
agreed, i noticed it in botw, too, that link just stares blankly during cutscenes and then your pokemon trainer does the same thing in s/s. i know it’s my player avatar but i wouldn’t be standing there like a zombie with all this shit goin on! plus both have had so much personality in the past. and yeah to me s/s felt way too linear just bc there was like... nothing in between each gym. the world felt lacking. the big open area was kinda cool but tbh there wasn’t as much in it as i would’ve liked. idk, it didn’t feel complete, and i don’t wanna pay for the dlc content... plus no new eeveelution? boooo
Yeah it was! We played OoT and MM together, puzzling over the dungeons and being terrified of all the undeads together. Also, those giant eels in MM when you go to save the Zora eggs. They were so scary the first time. She’s kind of stopped playing when WW came out because she hated the look so much and then the Wii came with motion controls and she threw in the towel. But I got her interested in BotW so she got herself a switch and is currently playing (struggling) through LA. (2/5)
that’s so sweet! i know ww was really controversial when it came out bc of the look, i’m glad it turned out to be well-remembered but i can understand seeing the trailer and thinking “wtf is this” lol. especially bc the tech demo was this realistic thing if i remember right. but it’s great that she’s getting back into it!
It’s cute that your mom learned pkmn to help you! And that she plays AC now! Does she game otherwise? I don’t do hard games either. The hardest I’m willing to go is basically Final Fantasy but other than that it’s Zelda/Okami/Mario like games and stuff like Harvest Moon. I do think Nintendo forgets the nostalgia part a little with the remakes sometimes. They didn’t fuck over OoT but I think it’d’ve rained hellfire if they had. I have no idea how hard the motion controls would be to convert. 3/5
she plays mobile games, but she might branch out more now that she’s got a switch so that’s exciting. i play games for fun so i’m not that interested in super brutal games, a bit of a challenge is fine sometimes but i don’t wanna be swearing at the tv lol. i agree that sometimes nintendo gets a little too... ambitious. the whole “always gotta change it up” shtick does make for some unique concepts but other times they’re tinkering around messing something up that wasn’t even broken. it’s like they don’t quite understand what the appeal was in the first place sometimes. cough, the paper mario series. cough.
But they’ve done it before, sort of. Okami went from PS to Wii to switch, they must have some way of figuring it out. I never played Zelda games that weren’t part of the official timeline, HW is more of a fighting game anyway, isn’t it? I’m notoriously bad at those so I just don’t bother. I never cared for Zelda much as a character until SS though she was sorta fun in PH. I suspect the trailer is the very start of the game and with Ganon waking up they’re torn apart. But we’ll see. 4/5
true, i don’t think it would be impossible. and there’s motion controls in the pokemon let’s go games that seem similar, having to hold the controller in a certain position and make a speciific movement. i think it’d be awesome. and yeah hw is like a dynasty warriors game (which i’ve never played) except zelda. it’s pretty cathartic, you take out large hordes of enemies and tbh button mashing combos will get you through the whole game lol. i’ve always been fond of zelda and wished she got to do more, but yeah we’ll have to see!
Also thanks for the encouragement, I'm gonna need it haha. Unrelated to either pkmn or zelda but how've you been? There's a heatwave where I live and I am actually melting. I hope you're doing better while recovering from your surgery :) - Pokenon 5/5
i’m doing good! we’ve had some storms here lately but it’s nice if you don’t have anywhere to be lol, that it is until all the power gets knocked out. i have my last post-op check-up at the end of this week and i feel like everything’s healing like it should. hope you’re doing well, too! get plenty of water
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The Legend of Asriel PART 3 | BLOOK FAMILY FARM
in an impressive display of irony, the ghost is scared of a haunted farm.
So in the hypothetical world where this was a video game and not some nerd rambling about the fanfic she’s not going to write, this would be more or less a place you do have to get around to eventually but like, it’s perfectly possible to go straight from the Caverns to the actual plot without so much as a glance at this weird haunted farm place.
Since it is a weird pseudo-fanfic, though, this is where they stop off next!
Once they’ve finally escaped the wretched confines of the Lost Caverns, Chara tells Frisk that their destination is Castle Town, which is all the way on the other side of Hyrule Field. However, with all the time they spent getting lost and fighting plants, it’s fairly late in the day. They spent what daylight there is left following Chara’s directions of “Yeah it’s basically due North from here. That-a-way.”
At one point they cross ways with another traveler heading in a different direction, and while they exchange polite greetings, the other traveler merely comments on a child traveling on their own. They don’t so much glance at Chara. They continue on their separate ways, the traveler advising Frisk to find shelter before the moon comes out, and Frisk maybe sorta doesn’t pay attention.
They don’t have any problems with sleeping under the stars, since it’s already significantly warmer at night than it ever is in the desert. They’re all ready to set up a small campfire when their efforts are thwarted by the arrival of a bunch of stalfos digging out of the ground around them. They don’t have much difficulty taking them out, but it does make for less than ideal sleeping conditions, so when Chara tells them to find somewhere safer to sleep they reluctantly agree.
Chara immediately regrets that when Frisk makes a beeline for a small cluster of buildings they spot on the horizon.
This turns out to be a farm. Chara keeps trying to drag Frisk away from it, which is weird since it’s really not that creepy. Sure, it’s super dark, and the shadows look sorta like grasping hands from this angle, but Frisk has a sword and that means absolutely nothing can hurt them.
They kinda start to get it when they get a couple steps in and start to feel a chill down their spine. A couple more steps and they realize it’s not just a chill, their breath is fogging up before them. The grass around their feet shift, dewdrops lifting into the air, and Chara’s ears flick a little, as if they’re trying to pinpoint a sound.
And then, like some kind of lackluster horror game, a ghost jumps out in their face. Frisk jumps a little, hand going to their sword, but the ghost doesn’t actually attack them, it seems more like it’s just kinda screaming in their face...? They turn to ask Chara if that’s what’s happening, but they find their companion hiding behind a fence twenty feet back, shaking like a leaf.
“Dude, what the hell,“ they ask, forgetting about this new ghost as they trot back to poke Chara on the shoulder. “It’s just someone screaming.“
“Easy for you to say, you can’t hear it!“ Chara snaps back, drifting back a little.
Any further arguing is cut off by the new ghost tapping Frisk on the shoulder and asking them if their friend is okay. Chara, zipping another fifteen feet away, says they’re fine. The ghost introduces themself as Napstablook and apologizes for scaring them like that. Normally when people show up unexpectedly in the middle of the night they’re trespassers here to steal their snails, and they have to scare them off.
In fact, now that they think about it, they kinda recognize Chara— except last time they met, Chara was about a foot shorter and wearing much less fancy clothing, and also it was like five years ago. Still trespassing, though.
Chara waves a little, drifting even further away.
Frisk interrupts this wonderful reunion to remind Chara why they came here in the first place, namely, the fact that they need somewhere to spend the night. Napstablook is perfectly happy to help, and in fact they can just pick any bedroom in the farmhouse. It’s not like there’s any other alive people here who’d need to sleep.
So Frisk spends the night in a nice comfy bed, snoozing away. And Chara spends the night unreasonably anxious for someone who’s already dead and literally a ghost themself.
Blah blah blah I don’t wanna write out Literally Every Tiny Detail of what happens. In the morning they meet Napstablook’s cousin Madeline— call her Maddie— who is significantly more alive and also says fuck many, many times. She’s just here to pick up snails to deliver, and her first stop for today is going to be Castle Town. She’d even be willing to give Frisk and Chara a ride, if they help her out and she’s feeling generous.
Chara is mostly interested in the fact that She Can See Them. Maddie is like “God I wish I couldn’t.” Cue an explanation of The Function Differences Between Chara And Napstablook which I’d rather explain in the form of a link to to another post. Chara is mad about it. Maddie directs the conversation back to her getting some manner of compensation for helping out a couple hitchhiking brats.
Insert some manner of snail-based mini-game here. I’ve internally bounced around thoughts of OoT/MM style Songs to learn, but they really don’t have any bearing on the plot as I’ve written it and Frisk is kinda, y’know, deaf, so I dunno that it’d pan out...? But in the event that I do decide actually songs are fun, this would be a place where you’d learn one from Napstablook. They’re just your local Sound Ghoul.
(Incidentally, I’ve actually designed both of these ghost’s appearances in the AU, so if people express interest I’ll probably make a separate post about that and edit a link in here!)
Once all that sidequest stuff is wrapped up, Maddie reluctantly allows them to ride in the back of the wagon on the way to Castle Town. “Don’t touch the goods,” she tells Frisk. Frisk immediately pulls their hand back from the weird gross slimy things they were about to poke.
Maddie rambles about a lot of things throughout the ride, and Chara stops interpreting it for Frisk about halfway through her expletive-laden rant about another cousin of Napstablook’s who up and vanished on them years ago. Their hands were getting tired, somehow, despite them being a sleepless husk of their former self.
Frisk wasn’t all that interested anyway.
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