#i was getting horror!pinky vibes
mermaidsirennikita · 11 months
one of many the fall of the house of usher v succession hot takes (of dubious validity):
people are for sure going to to say that Camille (wears high-waisted pants a lot, has a somewhat angular haircut, fails at her job, obnoxious but wounded, does PR, is white) is the Shiv parallel of the show, but I would argue that Victorine (desperate to prove her worth in a world that Does Not Care, thinks she's a lot better at being sneaky than she is, destroys her relationship with her partner while trying to validate her place in the family/company, APPEARS to have a special relationship with her father as a Daddy's Girl but is actually being manipulated and emotionally abused by him) is the much stronger Shiv parallel
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ourfatherwhoartinhell · 2 months
A Dark Redemption // [Part I]
Prompt | "Mountain being found by Ivy in the woods, not summoned"
Word count | 1362
⚠️ Warnings | Mountain is kind of a spooky bitch at first, very possible OOC Ivy, story has a bit of a horror vibe.
Plot Summary: Livestock have been going missing from the back pasture, Siblings have been telling stories of a 'demon' in the woods. Terzo sends Ivy to investigate, only for the ghoul to find the woodland creature and give him a chance at redemption.
A/N: This was all @sister-nyx's idea. I had such a fun time writing it though! I hope you love it as much as I did writing it!!!! One chapter will be released every day at 10am EST! 🖤 xo Emery
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Night had quietly fallen over the Abbey. The Ghouls were enjoying their time lounging in the common area, but unlike most days, not a sound could be heard. Terzo had pushed them hard at practice today, never satisfied with anything they seemed to try. 
Poor Ifrit, eager to prove himself, played so hard that halfway through the solo in Jigolo Har Megiddo, his fingers actually started to bleed. Yet he kept playing, his white guitar turning grey as the ghoul’s blood was smeared all over it. On the couch, Aether currently had the Fire ghoul sat on his lap as he worked to heal the puncture wounds on his fingers. 
Aether didn’t get off any easier. Also eager to prove that he was a worthy replacement for Omega, Aether ended up dislocating his pinky finger four times. Thankfully it was an easy fix when he had a couple seconds, using his Quintessence to pop it back into place. However, that didn’t mean the ghoul wasn’t silently crying out in pain every time it happened.
The pack was a mess.
The only sounds that could be heard from within the den were odd grunts and groans as they struggled to move. Not a single one of them could be angry at their Papa though, they all knew he was going through a rough time.. Losing so many of his most trusted ghouls all at once would do that to a man. No one knew that better than Ivy.
The Earth ghoul would often bring Terzo leftovers when he missed dinner. When Aether was busy in the infirmary looking after Omega’s patients, Ivy would be there to listen to Terzo’s heartbroken cries. They had built quite a bond over the last month or so.
A quiet knock was heard before Terzo quietly walked into the den. The ghouls thought it was cute when he knocked. It was kind of pointless since they all knew he was there long before he even got close to the entrance. Perks of their heightened senses.
The ghouls attempted to sit up straighter at the sight of their Papa, who winced in guilt as he heard their pained struggles.
“I just wanted to come in and say, I’m very sorry for how I treated you all today.” Terzo hung his head in shame. “I know you are trying very hard. I was not very appreciative of that. You all have large shoes to fill. I sometimes forget some of you have not been here that long, and it will take some time.”
Aether ran a soothing hand over Ifrit’s head before he stood from the couch. “Papa, you don’t need to apologize–”
“Yes, I do!” Terzo cut in. “It was not right. That is not who you need me to be, that is not who I need to be. My loving ghouls, I am very sorry.”
The pack turned to look at each other, silently contemplating whether to accept their Papa’s apology. Nodding to each other before they moved to embrace Terzo in a crushing pack hug. Leaning next to his ear, Dewdrop whispered, “Do it again, and I will float your mattress down the river.”
Terzo could only chuckle and lovingly kiss his newest Water ghoul on the forehead. “I would expect nothing less.”
The ghouls released him from their cuddle, going back to dynamically flopping over the couches and chairs. A desperate attempt to relieve some pressure from their aching knees, back and feet. Terzo stopped Ivy before he could join the rest of the pack.
“May I speak with you a moment?”
Ivy nodded and followed Terzo outside the den, walking slowly beside him through the basement halls.
“I wondered,” Terzo said cautiously. “Have you… noticed some of the livestock missing from the back pasture?”
Ivy pondered. The ghoul did overhear some of the Siblings talking about the forest the other day, but he wasn’t sure if that was why. “I might have heard something about that.”
Terzo stopped before rounding the corner. “Now, please don’t take this the wrong way,” he said softly. “But you ghouls haven’t… if there isn’t enough food at dinner time–”
“Oh! No, Papa. We would never,” Ivy quickly defended. “I can double check with the pack, but as far as I know, the answer is no. The Catholic sheep and goats up the road are plenty.”
Terzo exhaled in relief. “Thank, Satan.”
“Would you like me to go investigate?” The Earth ghoul offered, tilting his head in curiosity. “I did notice some of the Siblings have been afraid to go into the forest lately, and Dewdrop mentioned the fish have been missing from the black lake for a few weeks now.”
“That is strange.” He furrowed his brow in thought. “I wouldn’t want to trouble you beyond what I have already asked.”
Ivy just smiled at him. “It would be no trouble, Papa. As an Earth ghoul, the forest is my responsibility since Earth and Pebble are… no longer able to fulfill their duties.”
The air around the two turned melancholy for a moment before Ivy placed a hand over his heart and bowed his head in respect to his leader. “I will gladly get to the bottom of this.”
Terzo gently placed a hand on the Earth ghoul’s cheek, forcing the dark entity to look at him as he smiled warmly. “I knew I could count on you. Thank you, Ivy. I am in your debt.”
“It is my honour to be of service, Sir.”
Terzo was more patient and forgiving after that. Band practice actually became fun for the ghouls. One day, ‘For shits and giggles’ he said, Terzo let everyone switch places.
Seeing only the tips of little Dewdrops horns as he struggled to see behind Earth’s drums, and witnessing Aether’s awkward T-Rex fingers tapping all the wrong notes on Zephyr’s keyboard had everyone in a laughing fit for half an hour.
Things had been going well.
It was a day off when Ivy decided to finally see what the big fuss in the forest was. Since the talk with Terzo, there had been strange happenings every time someone ventured in too far.
Aether said a Sister of Sin came running into the infirmary a few nights ago with strange bruises around her ankles, and cuts all over like she had been dragged through a rose bush. She had been screaming in terror about how the forest had glowing eyes as it dragged her in and tried to eat her.
More livestock had been going missing too: sheep, goats, and now Missy, Terzo’s beloved dairy cow. Whatever was haunting these woods was hungry, and it was getting brave.
Before midnight mass yesterday, Terzo had a message. 
“I understand you are all afraid of something in the forest, yes?” Quiet murmurs erupted around the main hall. “Do not fear, I have it being looked into. The forest will be safe again soon enough, I implore you to be patient. In the meantime, Siblings will no longer be able to venture into the forest unaccompanied. If you need to journey past the treeline, please do take one of the larger ghouls with you.”
It didn’t take ghoulish hearing to notice that a large number of the Clergy were not impressed, or comforted by the announcement. It was the best Terzo could offer with the limited information he had.
From that moment, Ivy knew solving the mystery within the woods was of the utmost importance.
That night, Ivy left his room and walked past the ghoul pile happening in the living room. Aether, ever the mom, tiredly lifted his head as he felt the Earth ghoul walk by.
“Going out? At this hour?”
Ivy stopped to look at Aether on the bottom of the pile, his head popped up behind Ifrit’s chest as the Fire ghoul used him as a pillow. “Papa asked me to look into what’s scaring the Siblings in the forest.”
Aether just sleepily nodded as he shut his violet eyes once again and mumbled, “Ok, be safe. Yell if you… need us.”
Ivy smiled lovingly at the sight of the four snoring ghouls on the floor before leaving the den to start his mission.
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solar-collector · 4 months
Rinney / FinBin : Head canons
I will be going into great detail about my head canons (if you've seen my posts, you know that I go into detail a lot.)
Enjoy me digging into Robin and Finney's souls <3
• Robin is clingy as fuck.
- Robin is extremely clingy to Finney, whenever he isn't around Finn. He feels like his life means absolutely nothing, like he will never see the sun again.
- He often sees Finn around school and then sees the bullies, in the beginning of the movie when Robin so casually walks into the bathroom while Finn is with them. He already knew Finn was in there and was just waiting, WAITING. For his grand entrance.
- Robin always makes sure he has contact with Finn while they're together, to a pinky hold to have his arm around his shoulder. He is always making sure that he is making contact with him.
• Finn only rambles about space to Robin.
- Finney gets embarrassed when he starts to ramble about space to any of his friends, he makes sure to stop himself but when he's around Robin, he can't help but start to ramble because Robin listens and engages.
- Robin knows Finney feels embarrassed about the constant rambling, but he finds it absolutely adorable so he makes sure that he's always paying attention. Especially to the little things like why Jupiter is Finn's favorite planet.
• Robin makes songs for Finney.
- Robin has a guitar and he knows how to play it amazingly, so. Whenever Finney comes over, he'll pull it out and start singing and playing it for him. He made the songs for him, but tells him that they weren't made by him. He feels embarrassed that he made songs for him.
- Finney eats that shit up, he generally does believe that Robin is just singing covers of these songs, but if he didn't. He wouldn't care, he just loves Robin's singing voice and loves how he plays.
• Robin only watches horror space movies with Finney.
- Finney is scared of horror movies, they freak him out, but he also loves space.
- Robin absolutely loves horror movies, and he can't watch anything else. So, he finds space horror movies and watches them with Finney.
- Finney and Robin's favorite movie is Alien, Robin himself, favorite is Predator. Finney loves Alien. So whenever they hangout and watch a movie, those are the ones that get played the most. Other than Texas Chainsaw massacre!
• Robin turns Finney into a Juagglo.
- Robin is a huge Juggalo, he's already made Vance and Griffin Juggalo. So who's next? His boyfriend obviously!
- Finney didn't like it at first, but he eventually did and now him and Robin listen to it all the time.
- Finney drew two hatch people holding hands, he made sure to add features that make them look like him and Robin. One has a bandana and a bandage wrapped around the fist, the other has rockets and stars around it.
• Finney likes quality time and physical touch and Robin likes to buy Finney things and physical touch.
- Finney absolutely loves the time he spends with Robin, he also never stops touching him. He always has his arm hooked around the others or is holding his head. He also just loves the time he spends with Robin because he knows it'll be amazing.
- Robin loves to buy things for Finney, little rockets or things that are related to space or even things that remind him of Finney. He also loves his physical touch. He'll have his pinky hooked around Finney's, or his arm hung around the other.
- Finney hates accepting the gifts, he feels bad when he gets them. The fact Robin spent money on him, or the fact he didn't get him anything even though it was a surprise gift. He still cherishes them all.
• Finney's dad HATES. Robin.
- Terrence absolutely despises Robin, gets "a bad vibe" from him. He also just thinks he's gonna turn his son gay. Cough cough
- Robin also despises Terrence. He knows how he treats the kids and he just doesn't fuck with it.
• Gwen and Robin are besties.
- Robin made, MADE. Gwen his best friend. Him and Finney started dating and he was like "Yep, we are the best of friends now." Even if they were close before they got together.
• Gwen Blake.
- Robin and Finney have basically adopted Gwen, she is their child. Practice child, actual child. Doesn't matter, they see her as their kid.
- When Robin goes to the store and buys Gwen her favorite snacks/drinks, he only does this if he is going from his house to Finney's, because Grab 'n go in on the way.
That's what I'll write for now :)
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yandere-writer-momo · 8 months
Life Lessons with Momo
Because I can write virtually anything I want.
Never over share anything about yourself online or in person. Not everyone wants to be your friend (or is your friend) and they can use information against you. You could get stalked or doxxed. Maybe even have someone try to steal your identity? Who knows. People are weird.
A friend to all is a friend to none. In my personal experience, anyone who associates with people who have wronged you, do not truly care about you. A true friend would never associate with people who have made you miserable.
Never judge someone based on heresy. Make your own judgements about people. You don’t truly know someone just because of what they post/ create. I’ve met some of the coolest people on here who are also the weirdest. Like I love you sick, little freaks. Don’t know if I’d let you hug me, but you could hold my pinkie or something.
People who make horror content are the sweetest people I’ve ever met (in my experience). The Junji Ito vibes are amazing. Fiction is very different from reality, so I don’t hold that against anyone. I love joy being disturbed by an amazing horror/ romance piece. Yandere is such a broad and fascinating genre.
Anti/ pro ship discourse. I don’t care about that or worry about it. It doesn’t pay my bills losing sleep over that discussion. I have met some really cool people who are antiship and who are proship. I don’t care what they do in their free time since it benefits me in no way, shape, or form. I’ll just block you if I think you truly should be locked up in prison. But for the most part, I’m pretty chill about it. I might dm you to understand some context, but I don’t talk smack. I know different countries vary on certain subjects that aren’t socially acceptable where I’m at. But perhaps my disinterest in such subjects stems from unsupervised internet access during my early development years? Who knows. I don’t care what people do so long as it doesn’t affect my personal life or the lives of others
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susagnon · 2 days
Fumikage and Mina
In Movie 2, rare pair TokoMina formed a battle duo to fight off the main villain's second-in-command. Seeing Ashido get injured, made Tokoyami go berserk and gave him the necessary push to defeat their opponent, similarly to when Shouji got injured at summer camp. Evidently, Tokoyami is a very kind guy who cherishes all of his classmates, but for some reasons, I really liked seeing those two team-up.
In true 1-A fashion, I headcanon that Tokoyami probably went plus-ultra on the self-blame regarding Ashido's injuries. Until she told him to cut it out, with the same firm but understanding manner, just like how she did for Kirishima in middle school.
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They definitely gained a new level of appreciation for each other after that battle.
In everyday life, their vibes are pretty much that of polar opposites, but I think that Tokoyami (just like the rest of the fandom) found “Alien Queen” to be a far superior hero name than “Pinky.”
I headcanon that one day, he told her that, just like how darkness can come in many different shades, if Ashido wants, her “Alien Queen” can mean something entirely different from an evil monster of a B-tier horror flick (a movie that wasn’t even remotely scary, in his opinion).
“Aw, Tokoyamiiiii!” Ashido glomps him. And then proceedes to invite herself, as well as a couple of their classmates, into his room.
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He really just... remained on the floor at least a for a bit. What a drama king.
“You fiends! Have you no respect for other people's private space?!",
Tokoyami's Class-Dad-impression has just as much effect as the original: None.
However, Angry-yami gets placated quickly. Because this time around, Ashido has him show their classmates what truly scary storytelling is.
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 9 months
9-1-1 Headcanons/Crack
A/N: I found this hiding in my drafts and giggled to myself way too much to not post it lmao.
- Athena kills the spiders. Bobby nopes the fuck away from them as soon as he sees them.
- The team prefers Buck stay away from large amounts of caffeine. Now it's bc they're terrified his heart will give out but before the lightning it was bc the adorable little shit would be bouncing off the walls after one RedBull. (Oh how I miss the days when caffeine gave me that kind of boost)
- Cat People: Buck, Hen, and Bobby
- Dog People: Eddie, Athena, Maddie
- Maddie & Buck take pinky promises VERY seriously. To them they're as serious as signing a legally binding contract or even selling your soul.
- Buck has a tiny adorable sneeze and it's never just one, always a minimum of three. Eddie & Bobby both scream sneeze but usually only once.
- God forbid Buck gets the hiccups. Bc not only do they last forever but he acts like they're gonna kill him.
- The one time the team managed to have a horror movie night the entire living room was covered in popcorn by the end of it bc Buck & Eddie hate horror movies and every time they got jump scared they flung their popcorn. And holy shit Buck screams like a girl. One of the scares made him scream so loud that he scared Eddie who was sitting right beside him who then launched his popcorn over his head and everyone behind them got showered in popcorn before the bowl landed on Bobby's head upside down like a hat.
- Nobody will even mention a haunted house because one Halloween, Hen snuck up behind Buck and whispered boo. The poor goof started flinging his arms around and accidentally smacked the shit out of Hen.
- Saw a meme with Buck thats said something about whats the word for when your hands are bisexual. Here's my take. Buck was trying to explain that he is ambidextrous one day but couldn't remember the word. "Damn it, what the hell is the word for when you can- for when- bisexual hands?!" Hen laughed so hard she nearly pissed herself before answering him "Ambidextrous, Buck."
- Saw someone headcanon that Hen and Buck bought Eddie a fake plant and convinced him was real as a prank. I think pranks are a common occurrence around the 118 but that prank specifically is the longest running and is stil going despite the fact that Buck nearly bursts into a fit of giggles every time he sees Eddie water the damn thing. Eddie actually knows its fake but his friends get a kick out of it so he plays along.
- The word's hippopotamus and Worcestershire are running jokes/challenges for the 118 team. For hippopotamus the challenge is to fit as many ps in there as possible. For Worcestershire it's just seeing who can pronounce it the most incorrect way.
- Buck loves to research shit right? He also enjoys reading. However, just because he can read big words doesn't mean he pronounces them correctly. The team is often lovingly correcting him on his pronunciation. Or sometimes he'll straight up spit out a word and hope they can play auto correct for him and figure it out.
- Hen can smell a budding romance from a mile away. She's also the queen of bets. So far, she holds the record for most bets won amongst the 118.
- Somehow various slang has made its way into 118's vocabulary. No one will ever forget the night Buck made dinner and Bobby took a bite before proceeding to claim it was "bussin'". Or the way Eddie always tells people "don't be so salty."
- The best people at sensing when Buck is about to be Buck are Maddie, Bobby, and Athena.
- Occasionally, someone will host a grill out and yep you guessed it, Bobby and Chimney man the grill (mostly Bobby) in full dad attire. When asked why, their response had the same vibes as "for shits and giggles".
- Buck has taken a liking to the phrase "Fuck it we ball," which terrifies everyone.
- That one tiktok audio but make it Eddie & Buck: Eddie: *lots of angry spanish* Buck: Someone tell me what he's saying! Wtf is he saying?! Dude, I don't speak Taco Bell! Buck can somewhat keep up with and understand it when Eddie is speaking slowly due to his time in Peru but damnit his brain doesn't process fast enough to translate the angry Spanish.
- Everyone has a habit of leaving their LAFD hoodies laying around and Buck has a habit of picking them up and pulling them on when he's cold without paying attention to what name is on the back. He once wandered up to dinner with Diaz written across his back. No one batted an eye except Eddie who pointed it out. Buck's only response was, "I knew this didn't smell right." Buck has also been caught wearing Bobby's hoodie a few times.
- Wait a damn minute. Let's talk scents. Buck wears a cologne that smells like cinnamon and fire. Eddie has a sandalwood or pine vibe. Chimney wears a citrusy scent. Bobby has an herby scent like maybe rosemary or just mint. Hen has a warm and cozy scent vibe to me so maybe vanilla and leather.
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berryblogofhorrors · 4 months
My journey into horror games (And Amnesia)
WAS supposed to be for autism awareness month, BUT I got sidetracked with other stuff!
I've decided to make a whole post talking about my journey into the horror genre, easily one of my favourite genres of game as WELL as how I found the Amnesia franchise, my main special interest!!
This is gonna be a long one so strap in
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My earliest memories of experiencing horror games was watching my dad play games such as Silent Hill: homecoming, Left 4 Dead 2, The Evil within, Resident evil, so on and so fourth.
Even though I was too young to really watch these games, I felt comfortable watching my dad play them as he'd always tell me that they're just games and not real. : )
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When I was around the age where I was allowed onto the internet, of course my morbidly curious brain would seek out more horror media, obviously regretting it because I was so easily scared.
I remember my first experience with anything Amnesia related was when I stumbled upon the My Little Amnesia videos featuring Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie as the three Suitors from Amnesia Justine. NEEDLESS TO SAY THIS SHIT ME UP, the Fluttershy in particular scared me so bad.... and also left me curious.
THAT'S when I stumbled upon the game Amnesia the dark descent, or, well. The custom stories. I remember every day after school I'd sit down and watch different playthroughs I could find. Either from Pewdiepie or CrazyShootin's (Now known as the Click) trolling the Amnesia monsters videos. Some were funny, some terrifying and yet I couldn't look away.
I would forget about Amnesia for a while, not completely as it would always pop into my mind now and then, but it never lingered.
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Years later I would play Resident evil 7, my first step into Resident evil as well as Baby's first horror game (I believe I was only 14-15 when I played it), it remains as one of my favourite horror games (and favourite Resident evil game) to this day.
My curiosity in horror games grew stronger as I started playing the games I remember watching my dad play like Resident evil, Silent Hill and The Evil within!
But it wasn't till 2020 I finally bought the games that started my fascination with horror games in the first place.
The Amnesia games.
I LOVE the Amnesia franchise, it's literally one of if not my main special interest! But when I first played it I was not expecting it to impact my life as much as it has.
I actually didn't even play Dark Decent as my first game because I was too scared, so instead I played A machine for Pigs (which to most, probably isn't the best way to get into Amnesia fgh)
I was instantly hooked despite it being one of the lesser Amnesia titles, but for me it was a good way to ease into what would await me in The Dark Descent.
Now PERSONALLY, I'm actually a fan of A machine for Pigs! I personally love the story, but what it makes up for in story, it heavily lacks in gameplay.
Now. The Dark Descent...
Oh my god. When I played this game, I truly was not ready for the ride it would put me in. Up until that point, I had only experience the game through playthroughs of custom maps and stories, never actually knowing the full story of the game.
And needless to say... yes, I was fucking terrified the first time I played the game. But I loved every second of it!! I loved it so much that I played it again. And again. And again. And again. And- you get the picture.
The collection also came with Amnesia Justine! Which.. still scares me to play to this day. For a short little DLC it still captures the same eerie vibe and intensity of The Dark Descent.
I love the collection so much that I was determined to complete it... which I did. I got every single achievement in the collection including collecting all 151 tinderboxes (Which. I had to do twice.), collecting every note in all three games AND playing Dark Descent on hard mode. I've played The Dark Descent more than I've played any other game so much to the point where I know it better than the back of mind hand and now I play it to find new ways of glitching it and to see how far I can push the AI. It's genuinely one of my favourite games (and franchises) ever made.
It was then in 2020 when Amnesia Rebirth was announced! And I was ecstatic to say the least as it would be the first Amnesia title since 2013. When I finally played the game it was.... bittersweet to say the least. Obviously I had fun playing it the first time! But I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. And that feeling persisted the more I played it. My opinions on Rebirth have slightly changed recently however. I still believe it is a rather disappointing Amnesia game, BUT I would be lying if I said I didn't think it was also fun and quite scary in places! THIS GAME GAVE ME STOCKHOLM SYNDROME IDK MAN.
Now despite the bad taste Rebirth left in my mouth for quite some time, I was... oddly content with it probably being the last Amnesia game for a good while. It didn't end with the bang I was hoping for, I wasn't upset about it.... WELL- Okay I was at first- but after a while I kinda just didn't care!
Where do I even start with this game?? I remember finding out about the game from my friend Delta and I literally freaked out (I was in a VC at the time so my friends heard my yells lol) as I was not expecting a new title, once again I was content with Rebirth being the last game for a good while if not the last title ever.
When it finally released I was NOT expecting the game to play the way it does. And honestly? it's probably the best Amnesia game in term of gameplay in my humble onion, whereas Dark Descent still has the better story! The fact the monster is an omnipresent threat is such an improvement from the AI of the other games. Honestly for a rather short game it leaves such an impact, the Halloween update is also such a fun touch!!
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In general the horror game genre and Amnesia games mean the absolute world to me. I don't usually care about game studios but FrictionalGames have become one of my favourites and I'm genuinely excited to see where they go next with their games, because at least to me, Frictional always seem so genuine with their games.. even ones like Rebirth, though disappointing I can tell it still had a lot of care and thought put into it.
Whether their next title is a horror game or not. Whether they decide to continue the Amnesia games or not. I don't care, I'm excited to see what they bring next to the table either way!
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mellaithwen · 3 months
how to spot the lolsome AI….
I saw this ridonculous sponsored post on my dash and aside from the hella weird vibes, I thought it would be a fun way to play spot all the AI fuck ups to anyone who isn’t sure!
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Now don’t get me wrong - they’re not always this easy to spot, but once you get an idea of where to look, you’ll notice it in even the “best” images.
All three of these faces have something off. The guy isn’t even looking in the right place. The first image above on the left has a protruding jaw, which then seems out of alignment with the nose, and the even smaller eyes. The second in the centre has….two noses? The eyes are all over the place and oversized and there’s a slant to the girls face. The third, on the right, is the most convincing but their eye is strangely cloudy-white with no visible pupil and the earrings aren’t defined even when the rest of the face is.
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An old favourite for AI to be complete shit at :) these are fairly self explanatory, the first has a pinky finger in place of an index, the second looks like it’s been sculpted badly in play-dough? There’s a pen stabbing the hand that’s missing fingers and knuckles! And the third image??? What in the eLDRITCH HORROR— okay you get my drift :)
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And last but by no means least: these background “people” are all misshapen — like if you tried to draw them based on the blurry reference?? God knows what you’d end up with. The middle image looks like it’s a reflection in a spoon?????
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Anyway, here endeth the impromptu lesson!
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sommerregenjuniluft · 11 months
fake fic ask again :-P a fic called "as good at lying as i am" and/or a fic w the tags spies & espionage, complicated siblings, piano playing, and movie night <33 (& bc u rb'd that other post i will kiss u if u make either of them a rarepair <3)
teddy my darling, i am finally in bed (read: on my bsfs boyfriend’s couch) and have time to do your lovely prompts!!<3
so for ‘as good at lying as i am’ made me immediately think of bartyxjames somehow, with barty being the overall insane evil little genius and james being the charming crowd worker that makes himself so likeable when in truth he’s really opinionated with a mean streak because he is an arrogant, privileged little shit,, sO i’m hmm i’m thinking maybe it would be cool to do some fucked up psychological horror thing. which is not at all my expertise, very much the opposite but i’m thinking idk they’re probably playing some fucked up games where there’s a lot of money on the line or like maybe their own pride, body, life?? (kind of like in the anime kakegurui) maybe one of them ends up the other’s slave for like a few days and maybe barty gets to sever off one of james’ pinkies and maybe they play russian rollet while fucking nasty style :p
alternatively, this could be a very cute, mutual pining thing because while that was my first thought my second was that it kind of implies that the lying is bad? so we’d have to find us characters that aren’t as good at lying. which is a bit more difficult i think. so probably peter and mm lets make it one of the prewett twins. just a cute little crushes to lovers thing where gideon continuesly makes a fool of himself while peter is just flustered to the fucking max and everyone is sitting at the damn table, mouth agape because they r such idiots that can’t seem to figure it out *face palm*, but yeah they do eventually ^^
for the tags fic im gonna make it evan(s) because i’ve actually been dying to talk about something here! obviously we’re getting rosier twins and to make it complicated lets say pandora and evan were separated when they were around 10 and then also! i’m making james and lily adoptive siblings!! which is so !!!!!!!! like i absolutely adoore platonic jily (esp in edge) and it made me think why not make them family in some Au? also the whole piano and espionage gave me 1950s vibes for some reason and imagine them having a cute movie date in like one of the first proper movie theaters, soo cute!! but also i’m tempted to make it a whole modern day assasin thing yknow where they r hot and have a gun and a knife hidden in their popcorn thingys and neither make a move because they’re too enarmored by the other jdkksk and then for the piano i imagine lily walking onto a fresh crime scene alone and gun in hand, some old mansion and just blood Eveeerryyywhere and then there’s the sounds of a piano and it’s evan playing after he like slaughtered a whole family or something 😋😋 and then they have incredible sex on a blood soaked rug and lily’s cock is bigger than evan’s so he rides her stupid and cries idk
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bon-is-gone · 5 months
*perks up* found this trend a while ago and I loved seeing mlp infection aus...idk why but I think mlp horrors are the best horrors! Like human horrors make me feel uncomfortable but replace the humans with colorful ponies and I wanna see it! (My random guess is, not knowing if I'm right or not, because I'm scared of it being transmitted to humans?) Anyway, now I'm curious about it!
What are the stages? How did it begin? You planning to make a bunch of art for it? Write a story via comic or written or as I've seen some do...videos? Or just draw a bunch of ponies infected? Sorry if I'm pushy or nosey...just fluttershy went from 0-100 so fast in your pics of her and looked so good...she looked so cute before infection and terrifying after! You have a great artstyle! I just had to learn if this was a one hit-thing or if it will bloom into a story or something!
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Ah yes, my favorite subject
Dying ponies with rabies 😌
Imma try and answer all the questions amigo, however I'm writing this in 2 in the morning with a sh*t ton of adrenaline from the fact that you asked (I'm gonna have a heart attack oh lord) so do forgive me if I missed one-
Oh ehem-
So the sickness which I took for this au is Rabies! Which I think a lot if you might know what it is. Ofcourse, this is a more messed up type of rabbies. There's only 3 stages since the person transforms quickly(in a 1 day). 1st stage: after the pony gets bit by a subject with rabbies they start feeling weak, tired and nauseous. They also all of a sudden get scared of water 2nd stage: the ponies body starts to hurt, usually specific body parts feel the most pain (for example with fluttershy its her front hooves), which then start to get longer, stretching. 3rd stage the ponies body becomes disfigured, they become extremely aggressive and blood-thirsty, foam will start pouring out of their mouth and completely forget who they were before.
How did it begin?
Some chemist pony probably tried to find a cure for different types of sickness in the mlp world but instead made a potion for the missed up rabbies. He tested on some animals and one of them escaped. The animal got to fluttershy(because she's always with animals so she shall be the first victim) and bit her. The infection would continue on with twilight who wanted to go check up on her but instead got attacked.
You planning to make a bunch of art for it?
Oh buddy. OH BUDDY- I already nade some sketches of how twilight and Pinkie pie are before and after getting infected. I do want to draw some background ponies with those meters (you know those ones with like "hunger: 50%" or something) specifically this guy
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SILVER ZOOM 😎 I found him whilst browsing the mlp wiki for background ponies and omg I LOVE HIS DESIGN AJGDHSHDHWHDHDH
Also this fella
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Crystal earth gives me "I FELL INLOVE WITH AN EMO GIRL" vibes and I'm DIGGING IT
Write or make a story/comic/video? Or just draw a bunch of ponies infected?
I'm not a writer so hard pass on the story. Comic would LOVE to do that, however I'm not used to drawing ponies like, at all, So it takes me a really long time to get the look right(especially with all the different angles of the head, yikes). Now, the video? Hell f*cking yeah. I planned on making a video 100% doing it like people do on tiktok (or in my case youtube because I am not going to that wretched place, no offense to anyone who goes there) but never made it since I got sidetracked with other stuff lmao. So currently I will stick to just solely making art, but I will make a video about it no doubt. Complete story? Probably not.
Again thank you so much for asking! It makes me super happy when people ask me about my stuff or just opinions on anything. (I did not get held enough as a child God damn-) and no worries about being pushy! (You weren't honestly)
This was Bon, signing out
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marypsue · 1 year
authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
If I have to pick just five...
the road goes ever on (Stranger Things, post-s3/alternate-s4) tops this list, every time. I will never shut up about this fic. This is the biggest, most ambitious writing project I've ever undertaken and actually finished, and for the most part, the finished product is a pretty close match for the version that lives in my head. (Apart from the fact that the version that lives in my head is, yanno, a fully filmed and produced TV show season, and the version that lives on AO3 is entirely words + a series of playlists.) I'm so unbelievably proud of this fic.
they never really go away (Crimson Peak + Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House, sort of Eleanor Vance/Lucille Sharpe, sort of Hill House/Allerdale Hall, sort of a horror story, sort of a love story). There are some absolutely fucking fascinating parallels to be drawn between Lucille and Eleanor, as well as between the stories that feature them both, and I feel like I managed to do something interesting and artistic with the concept. I appreciate that this fic has an extremely niche target audience, but also, please read it.
Hive (Gravity Falls, post-canon, casefic) fell out of my brain fully formed over the course of like a week and it was all I could do to write fast enough to keep up. This was my first real foray into horror writing, while also trying to capture the warmth and cozy mystery vibes of GF canon and the atmosphere of Ian Worrel's fantastic art direction, and I still think it's a screaming success on all fronts.
Games (Discworld + The Sandman [comics]) was written not long after the death of Terry Pratchett. I believe that's all the introduction (and all the warning) it needs.
and, of course, Reincarnation Blues (Gravity Falls, Transcendence AU, Mabel starts unwittingly dating a Bill Cipher reincarnation and gives Dipper a headache). This fic was so much fun, the response to it was so amazing, and I swear I am actually going to finish the sequel. One of these days. Eventually. Pinkie swear.
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kozukenkitten · 4 months
🧚🏻‍♀️.)) hiiii, if you still taking a hq romantic matchup req, I hope you can do mine. And bcs I want to give you as many ideas as I can, I'm sorry if this ended up so long 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
so, I'm a 5'2" asian girl. I have a waist long wavy black hair that I let down all the time. I only wear a little make up everyday, but always with a very bold red lipstick. People told me that I have a RBF :(
If this help, I'm an ENFP, a taurus, and Gryffindor. So yes I'm actually a veeeeery friendly and easygoing person, I really talk a lot. I feel like everytime me and my loved one hangout, its my duty to bring up the mood and keep it fun, and I'm happy to do that ☀️
I love music. My current favorite song is Bruno Mars "Leave the door open" and I guess by saying this you can see that I'm a hopeless romantic kind of girl 😂
Playing games, tarot readings, and watching horror/crime movies (which gonna ended up with me being too scared to sleep) are some activities that I really enjoyed doing. 💫
My ideal type is someone who can understand that we are equal to one another. Someone who I can joked around with but mature enough to be serious when it is the time and place to be. I have a lot of insecurities and I got depressed easily, so yeah I also need someone who always show me love and support right on my face. Basically someone who loves me more than I love them would be the best partner for me ngl 😔✌🏻
• My love language are physical touch and Quality times.
yikeees, I think its too long already so I need to stop myself haha. But anyway, thank you so much for taking request. I really enjoyed reading different result from different match-up writer. It always boost up my mood and makes me feel more positive about myself. I wish you can have some fun with my request too. Have a good day 🥰
Hello hello!! I would match you with Akaashi Keiji!!
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Okay, so here's my reasoning:
Akaashi is very used to Bokuto's mood swings and depressive episodes, and so probably knows about a million great coping mechanisms and distractions in mind to help you when you're having a hard time of it, whether you need to talk through it or just get whatever's bothering you off your mind until you're ready to talk. Also, he's not the most expressive person either, so I doubt he'd be too bothered by RBF. In fact, people would probably find it fitting, as both of you can come across as very serious people with RBF before they get to know you.
He would love to hang out with you, especially in lowkey settings, just watching movies, reading books together, talking about life and recent goings on, etc. Even if it's just doing parallel activities, where you two are doing your own individual things in the same room and maybe cuddling throughout, he would vibe with that entirely. You reading the cards and snuggling up to him while he reads quietly? 10/10.
I feel like y'all would probably end up having game nights, at least with Bokuto, Kuroo, and Tsukki when you're visiting at training camp, lol. If you're playing video games, you can probably rope Kenma into it as well.
At first he'd be very subtle with physical affection/PDA, but once he knows where the boundaries are with you, he's probably constantly at least holding pinkies with you, if not holding hands as you walk along, and pressing little pecks to your forehead or cheek and smiling warmly at you whenever you do something he thinks is cute.
Overall he's a calmer more quiet guy, and can maybe be a bit too serious at moments, but I think he'd be a great match for you because he'd be affectionate and still enjoy experiencing life with you and having fun, while still knowing when to take things more seriously.
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lesleymoonwriter · 5 months
9 people I'd like to know better tag
Tag from @ettawritesnstudies! Thanks a bunch!
Current book: I'm currently reading a book from the library called Literary Wonderlands. It's a compotation of different writeups on various fantasy and sci-fi works that heavily employ fictional settings and worldbuilding. I was also reading Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, and I need to get back into it. It's really good.
Current fic: Something else I took a reading hiatus on, but I want to get back into a Twisted Wonderland fic called Ink and Ivory by honey_neemonie on AO3. It's an AU fic I can not fully explain without rambling about the plot of Twisted Wonderland for 20 minutes, but it's one of those magical fics that seems like it wouldn't work on paper, but works beautifully in practice, in large part due to the author's full commitment to the premise and excellent character writing. If you like gothic horror vibes and the Disney villain anime boys (especially the mermaids), give it a read! (TW for discussions of mental health and an offscreen non-detailed suicide in one scene).
Currently watching: YouTube. No but seriously, I was starting a watch Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! with a friend, but she's currently busy with finals, so I'm waiting until her life's a bit less chaotic before picking it back up again.
Next on my watchlist: At the moment? Probably The Owl House. I've been meaning to watch that show for forever.
Current hyperfixation: The same thing I'm hyperfixating about every night, Pinky-- Twisted Wonderland. Specifically at this moment, the Shroud brothers.
Favorite color: I LOVE blues. Particularly sky and teal blues! Sea green is also a favorite.
Sweet, spicy, or savory: Sweet or savory, or better yet, a combo! I have a super low spice tolerance, so I can only handle it in small doses.
Relationship status: Single, not looking, not interested in looking. (Is ace/aro-spec)
Last song: Ameri by NILFRUITS! It's one of the primary inspo songs for my other current draft project, Unmagicked!
Last thing I googled: jellyneo negg festival (yes, I am on neopets).
Skill I’d like to learn: I'd LOVE to learn animation, but also video editing! I think doing my own video essays and/or animatics with my ocs would be fun.
Best advice: Keeping faith and continuing to try, even if you're likely to fail, is better than becoming hopeless and giving up. Hopelessness leads to resentment and self-importance, which are both things that can lead to you getting taken advantage of and trapped in a cycle of hatred and stagnation. You can only move forward if you break through the cycle and keep going towards your dreams, even if they never come true, because as long as you keep your outlook bright, you're free. I learned this wisdom from an anime fox man, and now I pass it on to you. Take care. <3
No-pressure tagging @loopyhoopywrites, @theeccentricraven, @veneritia, @maddstermind, and anyone else who wants to participate!
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silvysartfulness · 1 year
12, 17, 19, 22 for the choose violence ask game👀
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Oh man, like. All of them? I tend to only fall for unpopular characters, so that's a long list. But keeping it just to a few choice people in the Untamed;
Xue Yang. Obviously. He's brilliant, he's dedicated, he's fucked up in some really interesting ways and he got so close to having a redemption arc and happy ending before everything came crashing down! If he'd been the protagonist/viewpoint character, you know he'd be getting the fandom's WWX cinnamon roll treatment. But alas.
Jiang Cheng. That so many people dislike him honestly baffles me? I see so many takes that are frankly based in extremely shallow readings, disregarding his trauma, his world context, the impossible balance between his crushing responsibilities and the people important to him. He's not your homophobic dad or schoolyard bully, he's a deeply traumatized person doing the best with what he's got despite losing everything dear to him over and over, and he's trying so hard. He's loud and has a hot temper, but for fuck's sake, there's so much love there and you'd almost have to be willfully blind not to see it!
Jin Guangyao. Another of those "if he'd been the main character/viewpoint character, people would have loved him" ones. He's intelligent, determined, hardworking and loyal - though frequently pushed way beyond his breaking point in that loyalty. Pragmatic to the point of ruthlessness, but it's because the world's one big trolley problem to him - he sacrifices the few to help the many (even if yes, that does include himself in 'the many'), but he doesn't take pleasure in the hurt he causes (except in that one pretty understandable case of his dad). He deserves so much compassion, or at the very least understanding!
Should I put Song Lan on here? A lot of people seem to hate on him for very shallow, ship-related reasons, but within the plot, he tried his very hardest to set things right. It's not his fault they were all already doomed by the narrative and he walked into Yi City that day as the unwitting catalyst.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
For fics, Yi City fix-its that don't count killing Xue Yang as "fixing it". Stories digging into the hot mess of the complex, fascinating canon-verse, or at least reincarnation.
More fics with characterization I vibe with - a complicated, rough-edged but ultimately lovable Xue Yang, a compassionate but stubborn and somewhat brittle Xiao Xingchen and a Song Lan who feels so much and is so bad at showing it. More SXX fics overall!
For art, more art with the CQL character designs! The designs for the other adaptations are kind of cute, but they're just not my guys, and I feel pretty lukewarm toward them on the whole.
(And fellow artists - please, please, please don't forget Xue Yang's missing finger! 😭 I see so much fanart with either 10 intact fingers, or a glove with a fully articulated left pinky. His lost finger is the driving force of his entire character arc, don't just forget about it...😢)
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
Hmm... 🤔 On the whole, I don't feel a lot of shame for my tastes in fiction. I'm surprised I actually ended up really liking the main couple as much as I did - in a love story, no less? That literally never happens, I always go for the sideline gremlins.Other than that, though...
Trying very hard to hold up the blorbos and my usual go-to tropes, groping around for any sense of horror or shame, but I can't think of anything really. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I guess I'm that one (1) person who actually likes the Yin Iron plot? I genuinely think CQL made a lot of good choices to tie the sprawling narrative together more cohesively, and I liked the introduction of the Yin Iron and how it led into the creation of the Yin Tiger Seal rather than tossing the latter in as an "Oh yeah, this was a thing that totally existed all along, forgot to mention". (I know MDZS was written and posted in installment, and that can make it hard to work with foreshadowing etc, but even so. I do think CQL did a good job tightening up the story in many ways.)
And don't get me wrong, I absolutely don't mind the idea of Xue Yang as an absolute nobody clawing his way up from nothing! It's a delicious version, too! But there's just something about the idea of a family he could have belonged to, a sense of community he could have had, ripped away centuries before he was even born.
If I want to be a petty, I guess I could put "Xue Yang is canonically brilliant" under this question, too, because I wish that was explored in more fics and meta. The boy is a prodigy. He's a genius. He's also a street-brawler, petty thief and murderous little piece of shit, but that doesn't take away the first point. Let Xue Yang be the highly, dangerously intelligent Problem that he actually is!
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livvyofthelake · 11 months
other fandoms have hunger games aus? ok saying it. that makes sense of course people write hunger games aus. but to ME. there is ONE. The Hunger Games AU…. i don’t even know what it’s titled i’ve never referred to it as anything but The Hunger Games AU. hardly my fault it was such an insane gargantuan slay. ok maybe. ok. thinking about it and reflecting. it’s entirely possible we only thought it was so good because we were neck deep in the horrors. dude why the fuck is my nail polish already chipping like crazy what is this i painted these yesterday. sorry for the tangent i just saw a massive chip on my pinkie nail and i was like um hello… anyway. basically it’s entirely possible and perhaps even likely that maybe perhaps the hunger games au wasn’t actually good and we were just severely lacking in our normal common sense and judgement. but at the time it was excellent. it was the vibe at the time!! i can’t imagine any other hunger games au being good though that seems like a difficult thing to pull off i don’t even know if it’s possible. maybe someday i’ll find out. but i won’t be elaborating on that. sorry i paused the movie to go on tiktok again. not my fault the movie blows fr. it’s actually not that bad i just kinda want to go to sleep i wanna curl up in my bed and get all cozy. and actually what i really want is to take some ibuprofen my whole body hurts and to be honest if my toes continue to ache like this i might bash my head against the wall. but that was a lot. ok. ibuprofen. finish movie. bedtime. might move the movie into bed actually i don’t need to be on the couch for this. ok break!
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llycaons · 1 year
ep38 (1/3): that which resembles a romance but is in fact a horror short film
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lsz is eager to help ofc, but wwx doesn't know who he is yet
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wwx asking for jl and the jiang bell matters - his connection to his old home and family. and apparently the jiang bells are powerful? they were more described in the book. I actually forgot they were even in the show since they're barely talked about
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THERE SHE IS!!!!!!!! I love a-qing, such a strong personality, her own goals and motivations, curious and intelligent and out for herself and brave. it is shitty to pretend to be disabled, but I'm going to blame the author for that instead of a 16 yr old orphan girl living on the streets. it's not like it doesn't backfire on her anyway
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also she's so funny. 'why do men dress nice when they're poor, this is an attack on me specifically'
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FIRST MEETING!!! that blindfold is alarming but the blood looks a little pale (fake)
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ohh I could swoon. saints and heroes don't really exist in this world, it's too complicated and brutal for them to survive. but xxc was as close as anyone else ever got and I think a-qing knew she'd never meet someone as special as him again
not to say he doesn't have flaws - his naivete is disastrous for all of them and he overlooks her concerns out of a patronizing dismisiveness when he should be respecting her instincts, which helped her survive all her life on the streets. also, it's admirable of him to be nonjudgemental but xy just has odious vibes and it's a tragedy he was so charmed by him that he didn't pick up on that. sort of a xxc jgy situation except xy was fully in love with him or whatever approximates love for him and I still think jgy was mostly using lxc to survive. so another dark foil to wx just as songxiao are a lighter (but still tragic) parallel
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anyway he thinks a-qing is funny and is clearly endeared by her, and she clearly likes him a lot despite lying to him. their dynamic has so much chemistry and potential for being great family, it's a shame they're not more popular to write about. this is probably one of the only reasons he's had to smile since he and SL parted ways
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smart girl! this guys sounds like bad news, so get outta there
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ah! curse the hyperdeveloped senses of a cultivator!
unlike the tragedy of wwx, this could literally have all been avoided if not for a single person - there are many ways to rewrite this and just have them never cross paths. of course, that misses out on the richness of this story and the themes at play, not to mention their significance for the wider narrative, so I don't particularly like yi city fix-its before the fact. but they're definitely easy
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christ he's bleeding like craxy. what did they do to him. and why didn't they do it better
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of course as soon as he sees xxc he's like FUCK
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yeah and if xy lets xxc touch his hand he'll know he's missing his pinky
...not that I like to think about them having a relationship but IF they had sex I wonder how he managed that
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god this is so kind 😭 why couldn't it have been wwx that xxc found and they just had a nice little family time (they're cousins or something) for a decade or so before wwx was comfortable enough to leave. MAN
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a-qing sleeping in that coffin then hopping out is so cute I love her
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it's only been a day and already he looks perfectly groomed clean robes clear skin fully hydrated etc. the man knows how to look good I gotta say
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and he starts right off by being a piece of shit to a-qing. I think the siblings dynamic can be really funny but lbr in canon he terrorized her and she hated him for it
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I thought this was kind of dumb. like even if she was blind anyone would feel a SWORD. and if he learns she's not really blind, what, xxc is disappointed? I suppose it means he's less careful around her. bc she was able to witness a lot of his crimes bc he wasn't as watchful, assuming she couldn't see (and therefore could never understand what was happening? ableist of him)
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a-qing: please don't leave me alone with this scary stranger we picked up by the side of the road, he's really aggressive and he's lying about who he is and I think he's dangerous
xxc: oh you silly girl. he'll be leaving soon *immediately starts flirting with him*
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actually xy comes at this with a very specific angle. it's almost like he's emulating wwx - he presents himself as someone hardworking, uncomplaining, and good-hearted despite the hardships he's clearly gone through. of course xxc was taken in
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haha no big deal! I'll just casually drop this little fact! it's definitely not something I want you to know about me so you can sympathize with me while admiring how blase I am about it! MAN
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on the one hand I can see why xxc is being so open-minded and I appreciate his kindness. on the other hand he IS misled by his own feelings and she is also literally right. she gives him good reasons not to trust him and he's like *pats her on the head* we'll be fine
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the head-pats are sweet when coming from adults to their kids (or jyl to wwx) but it just feels patronizing here
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literally this is blatant flirting. a-qing off to the side going 😭 he has a crush what I am supposed to do now!!
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and THIS??? I was so shocked the first time I saw this I was like THIS is allowed but wwx and lwj can't hug??? huh??? idk the exact specifications of the censorship but in some ways xy/xxc hits you harder with the gay subtext than any other couple including wx which is so wild to me. and also deeply tragic obviously
I think it helps that the writers have a very solid idea of what this relationship is and exactly how each character felt at every moment of it. meanwhile for wx interactions can be very inconsistent and confusing. anyway GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM YOU FREAK
so yeah overall super eerie and frightening to see xxc fall so readily in love with someone you KNOW is cruel and sadistic and lying to him and deceiving him. like this could have been a cute second-love kind of deal with a new family in a new city. fresh start. but then again, no it couldn't have
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