#i was going to say frankenstein’s monster but i don’t even know if he has a limp
fingertipsmp3 · 9 months
Might just pass the fuck out actually
#it has not been a good day. the first thing i had to do today went badly and i’m not looking forward to doing the second thing#and it’s hot and my house feels like a soup and my knee is acting up so i’m essentially walking like i don’t even know what#i was going to say frankenstein’s monster but i don’t even know if he has a limp#i wish the lecture i have tonight wasn’t the FIRST one in the course. if i’d already done a couple i feel like it’d be more acceptable#for me to email the lecturer or the guidance person or somebody and be like ‘hey chief i had an absolute disaster this morning.#is it okay if i take a personal day to cry into chinese food and try to drown myself in the bath? i’ll watch the lecture tomorrow & recap’#but i haven’t established a reputation for showing up & being competent yet#ugh and i looked on the website and the cohort is exactly 8 people which… idk what i was expecting but why must it be small#if i get asked to introduce myself i’m just going to cry on camera#god i bet i do get asked. that’s going to be fucking horrible#‘i’m ellen; i don’t work anywhere because i left my first shift at my new job in tears today bc i almost fainted because my knee decided to#give out; i know enough html and css to know that this course is going to kick my ass. i’m also learning python#because my friend roped me into it. also sorry that i’m eating right now but i decided there was no way i was getting through this class#without ordering fried rice. i don’t know why i’m here. nice to meet you i guess’#i’m so hungry but i don’t want to eat anything because i want to order food. but also. do i have the mental fortitude to talk to someone#on the phone. but i don’t have the mental fortitude to cook either…… it’s a big problem#ultimately cooking would be physically harder but i would also get my food sooner. calling them would be mentally harder and i would get my#food later. ohhhhh god and i just remembered this other takeaway place that opens at 4:30 (💖) but they’re CLOSED ON MONDAYS#i guess there’s also the chinese place in the village. AND their prawn toast is better. and they open earlier and deliver super fast. 🧐#i might just order beef fried rice from them and whatever happens to me happens to me. (i have a beef intolerance lol#but they cook their chicken in a way that makes it really chewy. it won’t make me sick or anything; never has before; but it’s not the vibe.#it’s chinese food cooked by english people. that’s the problem. the prawn toast is good though)#anyway! for personal reasons i will be passing out#personal
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monstersighing · 2 months
Frankenstein monster x Fem!reader
Uhhh, this is actually kinda sweet, but also horny.
NSFW, 18+, Minor Do Not Interact
Frankenstein's Monster/Creature x Fem Reader
Title: Home
Content: penetrative sex, masturbation.
You find him in the forest. A man, but strange. He’s tall and broad. Covered with scars and stitches on the parts of him you can see under his dirty hooded cape. There are birds surrounding him that he is feeding with a piece of hardened bread, so he doesn’t notice you at first. When he does, he flinches and pulls his hood down.
He is huge and tall and hooded, but you are not afraid.
You coax him towards you with soft words. Promises of food and shelter. And he follows you home.
He is gentle despite his size and hardly speaks.
When you ask his name, he doesn’t reply, so you call him Francis, after a statue of the saint you once saw with birds on his shoulders and little creatures at his feet.
Francis pulls pails of water from the well and chops firewood with an energy and strength that makes something turn over in your stomach. Sometimes, you see him looking at you from under his hood. His eyes are two different colours, and both are beautiful.
When you tell him that, Francis shakes his head, unbelieving, but you think you see a smile.
The next day, he leaves his hood down.
One night, sat together in the glow of the fire, you ask Francis where he came from, where he was born.
“I was not born. My father, he made me. Out of many men.”
He looks at you then, as if waiting for your disgust and rejection.
“So, you are a miracle of science, then. How wonderful,” you reply.
The surprise on his face makes it light up. You think you would give him a thousand compliments if he would just look like that more often.
It has been a long dirty day of planting in the fields, so you boil pans of water over the fire, empty them in the tub and sink into the water.
You can hear the rhythmic sound of wood being chopped. You think of Francis’s grating rusty voice, his muscular shoulders. You imagine what those shoulders would feel like under your hands. What your legs would feel like wrapped around his waist.
You are rubbing yourself dry when the door creaks. You turn automatically, and see Francis at the door, hand clenched on the handle.
You don’t cover yourself, just let him gaze at your nakedness.
You hear the crumple of metal as the door handle cracks in Francis’s hand and he bolts.
You dress quickly and run outside, wet hair running rivulets down the back of your neck.
You find Francis in the barn, on his knees. His eyes are closed, and he is biting down on one hand as he fucks his straining cock into the fist of the other. You watch: the heaviness of his cock, his clenched eyelids, the desperate twitches of his hips. He comes quickly, and cum spurts and dribbles over his hand. When he removes the other from his mouth, you see the marks of teeth there.
You must make a noise because Francis opens his eyes then and sees you.
His reaction is instantaneous, a pulling up of trousers as he leaps to his feet and pushes past you and out of the barn door.
You shout after him as he runs towards the forest, but he does not stop or turn to look at you.
Francis does not come back that evening.
In the morning you go looking for him.
He’s in the clearing in the forest where you first saw him.
“Come home,” you say. “Come home with me.” You do not know how to tell him, and you do not know how to ask, so you rise on your toes, and pull him down by his cloak so you can kiss him.
Frencis’s kiss is uncertain, but when you coax your tongue into his mouth you can taste the berries that he must have eaten.
It starts to rain, and you grab his hand to run through the forest and across the fields back home.
Once inside your home, you notice that his cape has kept him dry, but your clothes are soaked. Your nipples are cold and hard.
You strip to nakedness under Francis’s gaze and place his mismatched hands - one broader, with callouses, the other with long fingers - on your breasts.  He kneads at them roughly, and you watch him spread his legs to accommodate his filling cock.
You splay your legs and show him how to finger your already leaking cunt. His eyes flick from your wetness to your face, his two different coloured eyes hungry.
“The bed,” you say.
He ignores you and pushes you down to the floor.
He’s still clothed and your legs are spread wide. He looks like he wants to devour you. He pushes his trousers down and pulls off his shirt with a rip of seams. There’s a neatly stitched incision on his chest, in the shape of a Y.
Then he lines up his cock with your cunt and pushes deep inside you with a grunt. You cry out at the feeling of fullness and he begins to thrust into you, each ferocious push feeling deeper than the last.
Your legs lock as far as you can over his back, holding him deep and your hands roam his skin, touching the rough stitches that joint his arms to his shoulders. Proof that this man was made of many men. Now just one, who wants you, desperately. Who is showing you with each jolting push of his cock inside you.
His thrusts ruck up the rug beneath you, and you brace your arms against the floor. The resistance pushes him deeper into you. He comes with a howl: satisfied, animalistic. You feel his come, warm and sticky, flood into you.
He rears back then, and with his cock still seated inside you, Francis presses a finger around the stretched rim of your cunt and then inside, crooking up, hard. The impossible stretch makes your walls flutter, your thighs clench and your back arch with your orgasm.
Francis watches as his cock softens, and then slips out of your cunt, come leaking from your entrance. You sigh at the absence until he splays over you, a heavy comforting weight, and you sleep.
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hana-no-seiiki · 10 months
// fantasy creature cruelty. yandere themes. heteronormative society (sort of?? both your paternal and maternal grandparents come in hetero pairs)
I don’t know if you guys read my yan! father fic yet but do go check out @yoru-no-seiiki for it (Unless you’re a minor cause that acc doesn’t allow those) as it happens in the same universe(ish) as this one.
So by now you’ve already met yan! father.
(honestly would love to see my moot’s takes on yan! grandparents so if ya’ll see this. it’s not only a sign but a call to aid plez)
mostly based off of mairimashita iruma kun’s sullivan, your YAN! PATERNAL GRANDPA and GRANDMA spoil you a shit ton.
YAN! P! GRANDPA is more on the type to spoil you physically/monetarily. If you have a need or even the slightest hint of desire for something, consider it received. He has saved so much of your drawings and if you happen to be the kid who drew monsters/weird abominations as a child then ya boi definitely has frankensteined some into being. His creations happened to net him a ton of money which he spent all on you as ‘thanks’ but everyone knows it’s just cause he’s infatuated with his cute grandchild.
YAN! P! GRANDMA leans heavily on the ‘unhealthily allowing this kid(you and yan!dad) to do whatever you want and even encouraging it’ sort of parenting. She taught how to kill and do it efficiently as a young child. Uncaring of whatever prophecies schmofeces oracles have of your future. She will make you into an indestructible machine and is hell-bent on it. … You have probably ingested a lot of poison from her cookies as a way to built immunity to the stuff.
Now your maternal grandparents are a lot let on the damaging side but are still pretty over the top.
Your YAN! MATERNAL GRANDPA loves showing off. He’s probably like a war general with many wives and sees love as ‘you worship/admire me’ which he sorta maybe passed unto you. He’s kind of like a caveman and believes a show of strength is in order to be successful. So there’s a lot of him flexing and challenging YAN! PATERNAL GRANDPARENTS to a duel.
Only for YAN! PATERNAL GRANDMA to swiftly have his ass wipe the floor.
YAN! MATERNAL GRANDMA is a jaded woman. She never loved her husband and had always wanted to flee the family and high society until you came along. I see her as the old version of those Manhwa female protags that have rebirthed multiple times and is just tired of the shitty life they’ve been dealt with. She’s incredibly knowledgeable on fashion, trends and the industry as a whole. She’ll make sure you look good at every turn. Maybe even start trends of your own. It doesn’t matter your body type and if isn’t what’s in at the moment, she’ll make it the moment. Unlike the paternal grandma and her husband, she would never put you in harms way. Even extending your time with her so you don’t have to do those barbaric acts with the others.
And then there’s YAN! MENTOR who swore to never have another child under him ever again. The last time he did that, said child (your father) destroyed his precious astrology tower and had him imprisoned for 5 years for a thing he never even did. Sure, 5 years is nothing for thousand or so year old man but boy was he pissed off.
YAN! MATERNAL GRANDPA had to threaten him to have you and YAN! MENTOR is almost thankful that he did.
YAN! MENTOR believes you to be his best student. It definitely did not start off that way. He thought that a prissy, spoiled brat like you would leave the moment he gave you a difficult task but you surprised him with your tenacity. Throughout all his trials for you, you always came out at top, if not persevered until your body couldn’t handle it anymore.
He definitely wants you to kill your dad as compensation though, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I end up writing him as the reason why you plotted to end the dude’s life.
To keep things fluffy, let’s say in this timeline, he saves you from your dad’s entourage and adopts you.
Your YAN! GRANDPARENTS definitely riot but all are mature enough to understand the situation in the end.
will write more on this on the future but for now, i gotta go! byeeee!!
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storiesbyrhi · 10 months
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Witch!Reader x Bat/Vampire!Eddie Munson Series Masterlist The Grimoire The Timeline
Warnings: canon typical violence, horror genre typical violence, swearing, animal death, no beta, warnings updated each chapter.
Synopsis: No witch has stepped foot in Hawkins since 1845, but when Vecna opens the ground and poisons the town, a voice begins to call to you. Have you been brought back to this cursed place to heal the townspeople’s wounds, to save a hexed bat that always finds its way to you, or to redefine your history with a reunion 150 years in the making?
Chapter Summary: Warning... answers may lead to endings. 2882 words.
Notes: Part of this chapter was penned during a writing session with @pastel-pillows. This one is for her.
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“I think I might be a bad witch… Not bad as in evil… As in… wrong, in some way. Not how I naturally should be.”
“If you’re a bad witch, I’m a worse vampire.”
You looked deep into his eyes. Maybe you had created a monster when you brought Eddie back, but if so, he was a monster you had no intention of slaying. Like Frankenstein to his creation or the stray cat saved from becoming roadkill, Eddie was bound to you and you to him.
Over and over again, you tried to draw any sort of a conclusion that linked him to your coven. It felt like some of your thoughts were in a language you didn’t speak, refusing to offer meaning and remaining disconnected from everything else you know to be true.
Before you could say anything more, your stomach growled loudly.
Eddie smiled. “When did you last eat?” he asked.
“Ah… I think I had an apple this morning?”
Peeling yourself away from the warm comfort of the bed, you made your way out into the kitchen, ducking under the clothes drying on Eddie’s makeshift clothesline. “I didn’t realise vampires were so easily domesticated,”
“Nor I,” he replied, a coy smile on his face as he sat at the breakfast bar and watched you open the door to the painfully empty refrigerator.
You huffed.
“I will gather food for you,” Eddie decided from his position at the door. You hadn’t seen him move there, but you were getting used to that. “You stole clothing for me. I will steal food for you. Tis only fair.”
With no energy to come up with an alternative plan, you shrugged and nodded, letting Eddie go. Flopping down on the couch, you closed your eyes. Even with all that sleep, you still felt sluggish.
Then, unfairly, the phone rang. You looked at it for a couple of seconds, hanging on the wall, squealing at you. If you didn’t pick up the call, Kelsey would find another more dramatic way of contacting you.
“I’m okay,” you answered, untangling the curled cable so you could sit on the floor.
“The lines were down. I’ve been calling all day,” she told you. It was hard to say if that was a Vecna thing or a ‘Hawkins is falling apart’ thing, not that it mattered either way. “Was it you? Did you stop him? He’s gone. Whatever was holding open the door between our world and his is gone. Everything is… quiet,”
“Hi to you too.” You could feel the unimpressed look Kelsey was giving you down the line. “Sorry,” you started again. “I’m sorry. Yeah, he’s gone. It was… Me. And the humans. I watched him burn to ash. He’s gone, Kels. And… and, yeah, everything is quiet… Hawkins feels… empty. They will rebuild though,”
“They always do,” she said solemnly. “We couldn’t see you. I mean, we haven’t been able to really see you since you got there. It’s like there’s a smudge on the window or something. There was no craft that would let any of us see into his world,”
“Maybe that’s for the best. It was not a world we were ever meant to see,”
“Does it seem… I don’t know… Anti-climactic to you too? The coven will leave the border up for a few days, just to make sure, but everyone is already going back to their lives.”
The battle still ached in your muscles and bones. There hadn’t been enough time between then and now to afford you the perspective to see it as climactic, let alone for this stillness after to feel anti-climactic. If you were honest, the fight for the soul of Hawkins and indeed the rest of the world wasn’t even the main event. It was just another photograph on the murder board. A sense of resolution would begin and end with Eddie. What shape that would take, you didn’t know.
“This is what we do,” you reminded Kelsey. “We should be so lucky that all of the wars are so brief and contained,”
“Yeah…” Kelsey remembered the same as you – the smell of burning vampire bodies at the cost of Penelope’s life, and only after the massacre of humans and witches alike. “You’re right. Maybe it just feels strange because we’re apart. It’s never been like this. We’ve never fought a war apart,”
“I know. I miss you too,”
“Are you coming ho- Wait. Wait, fuck. What happened to the bat man?!”
You were hoping on Vecna overshadowing the cursed bat situation, that you would have at least another day to come up with a good cover story before having to update Kelsey. Eyes darting around the trailer, you looked for inspiration but were coming up short.
Kelsey started to laugh at your silence. “What did you do?” she whispered; the glee evident. “You did something, right?”
“It didn’t work. He’s still a bat.”
She was trying to gauge your tone. “Did you kill him? If you did you can tell me. I know it was an accident!”
“Kelsey! I didn’t kill him!”
“Then why do you sound like that?! Did you fix him? Is that it? Did you turn him back into a man and he’s so unbelievably attractive that you have to keep him secret? Has your icy heart finally melted and you’re in love with the bat man?”
“You’re hundreds of years old, grow up,”
“Ohhhhh!” she laughed. “That was absolutely not a denial,”
“It was. He’s just a common brown bat. I’ve been busy with, you know, saving the world. Not really time to try to unhex a bat,”
“Yeah, yeah. You only get to say you saved the world because you were stupid and went to Hawkins. You got their first. We collectively would have stopped him otherwise.”
No, you thought, the coven wouldn’t have. Not unless one of them had a secret vampire too.
“Yeah, probably. The point is, a curse is hard to break. This is gonna take a while.”
Kelsey replied, but you didn’t listen. Your head had made a connection as you said the words. A curse is hard to break. A curse should be hard to break. It was meant to be hard to break. But… It wasn’t. It had been easier than expected once you’d committed.
A curse is hard to break unless the witch unbreaking it was the one who cast it.
“Kelsey!” you interrupted her. “What do you remember about the flatlands? About being here?”
She was quiet for a moment. “What do you mean? What part? We were there for so long,”
“Right, sure. But, the vampires. What do you remember about them?”
Kelsey did not like the mania in your voice. Still, she answered, measured as always. “We knew they were there before they attacked,”
“When did they attack?”
“Um… it was winter, I think? It was cold. 1835 or 6? We left in 45, and it had been about a decade of war… You know this though. You remember this too?”
“Yeah,” you agreed. It was how you remembered it. “I’m just… I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about Penelope. How she experimented… and… I don’t know. Being back here has me nostalgic, I guess,”
“Nostalgic for what…? Killing vampires?”
You winced, felt your stomach flip on itself. “No. I just… I don’t know.”
Kelsey was quiet again. “What have you done?” she asked seriously.
But that was the problem. You didn’t know. You didn’t know what you had done, nor what had been done to you.
“I’m okay,” you told her. “Everything is okay,”
“You have to know that I know you’re lying, yeah?”
“It’s going to be okay.”
You heard her sigh deeply. Kelsey had an entire vocabulary of sighs at her disposal. Really, all witches did. Maybe, all women did. It was a secret language you could speak to each other in.
“Really,” you assured her.
“Alright,” Kelsey conceded. “Well… Call me soon, okay? These two weeks have felt like eternity,”
“I will. I love you,”
“I love you too.”
Eddie had returned but waited outside the trailer until your call ended. He listened as you hung the phone back on its cradle. You were breathing too fast, your heartbeat following suit.
He was pleased that his speed didn’t seem to bother you anymore. Eddie placed the bag of food on the kitchen bench and looked you up and down. You sighed and he wasn’t sure what it meant. The look in your eye, though, he could decode. You were sad and worried.
“I think I did this to you.” Your voice was small, as though the guilt muted sound.
Eddie moved slowly, came to sit next to you on the floor. “Why do you think that, little witch?”
“I… I mean, I don’t know for sure. But the curse was too easy to reverse. It’s easier to undo your own magic than another witch’s,”
“If so, why do you not remember?”
Shaking your head, you looked at him. “I don’t know,” you whispered. “I think there might be other things I don’t know and can’t remember.”
There was an impulse Eddie ignored, one that laughed at the notion of a dishonest sisterhood. He didn’t think your misery was funny though. Whatever guilt you felt about potentially being the cause of his hex, he matched with his own about being the cause of your sorrow.
Instead of apologising or asking if it was routine for a coven to conceal truths from each other, Eddie stood and began to take things out of the bag he’d returned with.
“Food is readily available,” he noted. “I assume it has not always been so,”
“Nope,” you said, standing and looking over his gathered goods.
“I can read but much of the packaging still lacked useful description… What is a Toaster Strudel?”
“Oh, they’re good!”
“They did not look good. Nor did Captain Crunch,” he told you, pronouncing the ‘captain’ so formally. You giggled. “So, I took what appeared to be real food.”
The image of Eddie stalking through an empty supermarket was so endearing. He’d collected fruits and vegetables, eggs and soft cheese. Fresh milk too. Things that were recognisable to him and his 1800s brain. You picked up the one thing that was out of place. A single pack Moon Pie.
“Curiosity got the better of you?”
“I wake to find myself in the future where Moon Pies are plentiful. How could I not?”
“You can’t… eat…”
“But I can taste!” Eddie defiantly opened the plastic wrapping, took a bite of the Pie, and chewed. When his jaw stopped moving, you snorted at him.
“You wanna spit that out?”
He nodded.
“Trashcan under the sink,” you pointed. “How was your taste of the future?”
“Yeah. They’re not the best. Should’ve got Hostess CupCakes. But, the rest of this is good. Thank you, Eddie.”
While you made a pot of tea and drank milk from the bottle, Eddie watched like he was trying to learn the dance of your movements. You ate brie on apple slices, and fried egg and tomatoes. The food made you feel the closest to normal you’d felt in weeks.
As you washed the dishes, it occurred to you. “Have you… eaten?” you asked Eddie.
His lips tipped up into a smile. He nodded slowly. You nodded back in acknowledgment. The both of you were thinking it. He didn’t have to ask. He just waited for you to come to a decision.
“Tell me,”
“He may have counted as one of yours… but I doubt you’d claim him,” he began with a wicked smile that reminded you of what he was. “He was in the forest, looking for where she died,”
“Who died?”
“The… cheerleader? The gate is closed. All that remains is the valley he ripped into the earth. But… I can smell the blood there. Her's. It’s splashed against the trees. Still stuck to some of the fallen leaves. There was a man out there. He was looking for that place,”
“How do you know?”
“Ah, well, chatty young demon… He had a photograph of her. And a look in his eye. I asked him if he was looking for death. He misunderstood,”
“That’s it?” It didn’t seem enough. You agreed it was ghoulish to visit a murder scene for fun, but it certainly wasn’t enough to warrant death.
“No. Curiosity is natural. His candour though, almost supernatural. He was revealing in the darkness that has taken Hawkins. He could name all the people he was happy to have seen perish. The cheerleader was at the top of the list. He appeared to be quite infatuated with her. Moreso in death.”
Eddie’s dark eyes watched you for a reaction, any hint you didn’t want to hear about it anymore. Your expression was one of worry and anticipation. He continued.
“When I showed him where the blood was, he grew excited.  In… every sense of the word. He asked if I was like him. Which, I fear, in some ways I am. But not in the ways he wanted me to be.”
It was a question of morality. Maybe even theology. And if there were things to question bigger than that – then those too.
“Do you think he has ever hurt anyone?” you asked, trying to form a complete picture.
“Yes. It was in his nature.”
What Eddie was describing was a budding sociopath. A potential serial killer. Or maybe just a run-of-the-mill asshole man that took pleasure in the pain of others, especially when those others were pretty girls like Chrissy Cunningham. Either way, there would be no more pain.
What pain had Eddie caused in his lifetime? Bloodlust wasn’t something alien to him. Why did it feel fair for the young man in the forest to die but for Eddie to live?
“Are you thinking about your murder board?” Eddie asked softly.
“Even if I had all the information in the world, I think there would still be questions that can’t be answered,”
“Perhaps it would do you well to exercise the thoughts. Turn your mental murder board into something real,” Eddie suggested.
Although you didn’t have a pinboard and coloured string, you did have notebooks and a multitude of pens. It was a good idea.
Eddie sat on the couch as you pushed your coffee table alter from the center of the living space, making room on the floor. Cross legged, you ripped pieces of paper and began to write out everything you knew for sure.
1830 – 1843 Eddie hexed, by who? Likely the coven, possibly me?
1845 Coven leaves Hawkins, some memories of my time here missing, coven vows never to return
1986 Something calls me to Hawkins, Vecna? (probably not), Eddie (probably not), what then?
You paused. It wasn’t a lot. It was nothing, really.
The Witches Who Came Before: warned against returning to Hawkins (why?), foretold that when fighting Vecna I would not be alone, ‘history will not repeat,’ ‘lore will be rewritten,’
Looking up at Eddie, he offered an encouraging nod. All you could do was shrug back. “I don’t… I don’t know how we can possibly get any answers without asking the coven.”
He could hear the frustration in your voice and responded by slinking down, pushing his arm against yours as he sat beside you.
“May I ask what the answers would do?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well…” Eddie tapped a long nailed finger against one of the pieces of paper. “Does it matter who called you to Hawkins? You came and you saved your humans. Is that not enough?”
You shook your head. “No, it does matter. Vecna didn’t know about me or what I was, so it wasn’t him. That wouldn’t make any sense. But, it wasn’t you. Unless it was and you just don’t know. That doesn’t… that doesn’t really make sense either though. But I don’t know what else it could have been. Prophecies and pilgrimages are usually voiced by The Witches Who Came Before, and it wasn’t them,”
“They are… Your higher power?”
“Uh, no. They are, like, literally witches who existed before now. Ones that were particularly powerful or noteworthy. They are on a different plane of existence. They can see beyond the limitations of our plane, beyond time and space,”
“Interesting… Why have you not taken your questions to them?”
All their vague words and unhelpful warnings echoed in your head. “They aren’t always… clear… or concise…”
Eddie felt like there were avenues to answers you were not willing to walk down. The Witches, for one, or other types of magic. With answers come endings, and maybe you didn’t want anything to change just yet. If that were it, he felt the same.
“I have questions,” he said then.
Of course he did, you thought. He had no idea who he was or where he had come from or why he was the way he was.
Eddie caught you off guard though –
“What does music sound like now?”
Studying his face, his sharp features and dark eyes, you looked for… You didn’t know what. A reason why he’d never felt like a threat, maybe? A reason why you felt at ease.
“I have tapes in my car.”
End Note: We have moved forward a few short hours in 1986 this chapter. Next chapter, we return to 1836. As always, I'd love to hear from you! xo Rhi
Fic Taglist:  @paranoidmunson  @idkidknemore @paprikaquinn @stardustworlds @loz-brooke @wyverntatty @vintagehellfire @dark-academia-slut @scarletwitchwhore @becks1002 @mrsdollardog @heyndrix @luceneraium @rosaline-black @devilinthepalemoonlite @goldencherriess @iamwhisperingstars @wiltedwonderland @blueywrites @breezybeesposts @jadehowlettthewolf @spikesvamp79 @foreveranexpatsposts @tortoiseshellspells @wingedpeachjudgegiant @stardustmunson @live-love-be-unique @fangirling-4-ever @reanimated-alice @b-irock @gh0stlybunnie @myown-worstenemy-2003 @woozzz @cyberxlust @hiscrimsonangel @buckysbarne @m00nlight101 @word-wytch @spicysix @briasnow-blog @goth-cowgirl-03
All Eddie Taglist: @solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit @sweetpeapod @thorfemmes  @corrodedhawkins @grungegrrrl @lilzabob  @averagemisfit03 @ches-86 @ilovecupcakesandtea @onehotgreasymechanic @hazydespair @mel-the-fangirl @eddies-hid3out @siren-lungs @aheadfullofsteverogers @hiscrimsonangel
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sixeyescurseuser · 6 months
Thinking about a Monster high AU. 
Vampire Gojo stands frozen in the teacher lounge as the new history teacher is introduced, realizing he had met the Frankenstein monster the week prior during their mind-blowing one night stand. 
Apparently, Geto’s children - werewolf twins - transferred to Jujutsu High, which is why he took a teaching job. 
(Gojo thinking: “So that’s why he STINKS”)
Gojo fakes nonchalance as he takes in his new colleague. But after initial introductions, it seems Geto doesn’t plan on acknowledging what happened between them at all!
Unfortunately, this means he occupies Gojo’s mind even more, the vampire inevitably revisiting the steamy night they had shared. 
Gojo then convinces himself that Geto is at risk of sharing their little escapade. It literally doesn’t even matter, Gojo is just very private about his personal life. Plus, who knows which ghouls and freaks would latch on to any gossip regarding the legendary heir of the Gojo family. 
So what does Gojo do?
He bothers Geto whenever he can, keeping an eye on who Geto interacts with and what topics he brings up. Can it technically be considered stalking? Sure, but Gojo must conduct a thorough investigation first to lift any suspicious intentions.
Definitely has nothing to do with meeting the daily quota of Suguru sightings…
(Geto, three weeks into the school year: “Why are you still following me around?”
Gojo, who had been tailing him during their lunch break: “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”)
*** The thing is, Gojo was so intent on threatening this guy - who was honestly maybe his best fuck ever - but he ends up finding out how nice Geto is.
Gojo hears about how the students talk about Geto-sensei; they rave over his thorough explanations and humor, as well as his approachable demeanor where you can talk to him about nearly anything. 
Geto doesn’t even blow up when Gojo keeps pestering him.
Once, they were passing by a bakery while arguing, and Geto came to a stop. He wiped a hand down his face, then asked, “Hey, I was going to get some pastries for the girls for after school. I’m assuming you’re joining me?”
Gojo, lying: “Sure, but I won’t get anything.”
Geto: “Why not? You literally ordered room service dessert after we-“ he cuts himself off, mockingly zipping his lips shut. “Never mind. I just think you’re a sweets kind of person.”
Gojo narrows his eyes. You got me there, he wants to say.
But just because he’s stubborn, Gojo just pats Geto’s shoulder and opens the door for them to enter.
Gojo does end up sneaking a few treats for himself. Geto smartly doesn’t say anything, but his lips slightly turn up into a smirk.
During teacher meetings, Gojo observes how Geto interacts with the other teachers and the administrators. Calmly stating his opinions and asking other colleagues who haven’t had the chance to speak up for their input. Geto backs Gojo up on many decisions too, a strong supporting voice in the face of the stickly higher ups. 
Why … is Geto so good at this?
On another occasion, Utahime was absent for the meeting, so Gojo just took her seat and sat beside Geto. The meeting proceeded like usual, though both were hyper aware of just how close together they sat.
Gojo never gave Utahime her seat back after that. 
This continues for a few weeks and quite frankly, Gojo admits he enjoys Geto’s company. The same can be said for Geto, seeing as he just rolls with Gojo’s same line of, “I’m here to make sure you don’t tell anyone about you-know-what.”
They fall into an easy dynamic of bickering back and forth, like when they fight over the last pack of wicked wafers from the vending machine.
Gojo yanks on Geto’s wrist so hard, Geto’s hand pops off. 
“You fucking fool! Give me my hand back!” Geto shouts, lunging for the vampire. Gojo just laughs maniacally and runs around the room from the angry monster.
By the end of the second month, they begin calling each other by their first names. 
Now, instead of voicing his suspicions of the new teacher to Shoko, Gojo only tells stories about Geto: how and why he gets his stitches, surprising Nanako and Mimiko for their birthday by cooking their favorite meal and dressing up to play haunted ball, interesting ideas Geto’s students brought up in class, etc.
Shoko just crosses her arms with raised eyebrows and a knowing look.
The final nail in the coffin for Gojo's dead heart happens like this: Gojo is in the middle of teaching quantum physics when he suddenly gets super nauseous.
If it were a typical stomach ache, he’d just endure it until the class ends, then assess. But even then, Gojo rarely gets stomach aches. 
And this kind of nausea can only explain one thing.
While the students complete their lab, Gojo glances at the half-finished straw-scary milkshake on his desk.
The barista had been a vampire as well, and probably recognized Gojo by his stark white hair and piercing blue eyes. A staple of the Gojo clan, world’s different from red or pink or violet eyes that vampires commonly have.
The straw-scary milkshake is a vegan drink with basic milkshake ingredients. 
But somehow, his drink had been made with blood.
And Satoru, part of the Gojo clan, the Gojo covenant, doesn’t drink blood.
His stomach cramps up even further.
Then, as if Geto had a seventh sense, he lets himself into Gojo’s classroom not even a minute later.
“Hey, I had leftover frankenbites in the lounge. I brought some in case you wanted them before I put them in the lounge,“ Geto says, approaching Gojo with a bag. Upon seeing Gojo’s pinched expression, Geto tilts his head inquisitively. “What’s wrong?”
“Whaddya mean? Nothing is wron-“ Gojo answers right as a sharp pain shoots from his stomach to his chest, causing the vampire to wince.
“Liar,” Geto says. He pulls Gojo by the wrist and out of the classroom.
Unable to protest, Gojo is sent home by an adamant Geto and Shoko. 
“I have two more classes,” Gojo tries to argue, but Geto just shakes his head.
“I already spoke with Yu-kun. We can cover one class each with our free periods,” he says.
“Just go, Satoru. You have stuff at home that will help with your nausea,” Geto firmly insists. Gojo slightly wilts, bummed out that he has to leave all because his tummy acts up when digesting the very thing that vampires are known for consuming.
Geto’s eyes soften as he places a hand on Gojo’s shoulder. “Text me with updates, okay?”
If Gojo’s heart still beat, it would be racing right now. 
(Gojo: “Of course. Don’t worry, you won’t get rid of me that easily!”)
Gojo arrives home and rides out the pain - with the help of his special meds. 
He texts Geto updates like he asked for, and more. 
They talk non-stop all weekend, leading up to Gojo’s return to school the following Monday. They happen to catch each other in the teacher lounge an hour before classes start. 
Gojo takes three long strides to arrive where Geto stands in front of the coffee machine. Geto remains unfazed by Gojo’s closeness. In fact, a gentle smile graces his lips, one that crinkles his eyes.
“Welcome back, stalker,” Geto greets. Gojo leans down slightly, bright blue eyes sparkling with emotion.
“I changed my mind. I don’t care who knows,” he says brightly. “In fact, let’s tell everyone!”
Before Geto has time to be confused on what exactly Gojo means, the vampire kisses him. Geto lets out a small gasp, their lips molding together perfectly-
Geto shoves Gojo back by his shoulders. 
“You idiot, we can’t do that here!” Geto whisper-shouts. Gojo freezes, instantly regretting his actions. 
“Fuck, you’re right. I’m so sorry-“
Except Geto grabs hold of Gojo’s collar and yanks him back in for another kiss. Gojo hums happily, and their bodies enter a familiar, sensual tango.
A moment later, Utahime sure has the surprise of a lifetime when she walks into the teacher’s lounge.
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spaceagebachelormann · 6 months
Platonic hcs for Adam Frankenstein and a gender neutral reader that befriends him? hope you’re having a great day btw!
platonic adam frankenstein hcs !
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✧ warnings: some swearing
✧ additional info: oh my god i got so excited when i saw this request by all means pls send more for my classic monsters m.list and/or phantom of the opera (if you’ve seen it ofc) this made me so happy ur an angel. also can be read as either the book or movie versions <3
✧ m.list — nav.
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so like
he’d probably be intimidated when u first come across him
like he doesn’t trust you but he isn’t going to hurt you because he doesn’t have a reason
you probably need to show him ur not gonna do anything before he stops trying to get away from u
and when that happens he’ll still be a bit suspicious
just start by introducing urself and explaining ur intentions and he’ll calm down
he finally introduces himself to u as gently as he can cause he doesn’t wanna like. scare u away ofc
once he gets comfortable he’s such a good friend
one of the first things he does is ask u abt ur life cause he feels like it’s important to know what ur friends lives are like (he’s right go check up on ur friends rn if ur reading this 😒)
he knows he can’t like stay with u (probably) and u can’t stay with him so he gets kinda sad when u leave
goodbye hugs absolutely happen!!
and he’s super gentle cause he’s really strong and could easily crush u
also def gives head pats
erm anyway
typa guy to walk into ur house like he lives there (if u live alone)
but if he doesn’t i feel like you would be going to wherever tf he is more than him coming to u
and he gets so happy if u just show up unexpectedly
like that shit makes him more happy than showing up on scheduled time
and if ur ever late cause u had a problem for someone else oh my god
a) u came to the right person because he’s very sweet and understanding and will listen to u and give input if u ask
b) he’ll stomp that mf like a bug if u want him too
c) his hugs are fucking amazing
he’s so good at comforting <3
other than that he’d probably know how to cook from living alone so he’d like making u food
even if u don’t ask he has something ready for u
and you WILL eat it or i’m gonna come after u 😒
would also randomly bring u gifts as a thank you for befriending him because now he isn’t as lonely and has someone to talk to! <3
the thought of him like getting all happy when u come through the door to see him is making me so happy and sad at the same time he’s such a cutie patootie
this one might take some time. but once he’s rlly rlly comfortable he’ll prob tell u abt what happened with victor
was mainly afraid of telling u cause he wasn’t sure how u would react
has so much more respect for u when u aren’t rude to him abt it <3
if u have any random drama bro is invested
will think ur in the right literally no matter what
u could’ve done some shit scandalous and he’s defending u
u could probably help him come outside more cause he’d always be inside
just say to him “hey we should go for a walk!!” and with a bit of convincing ur suddenly outside in the woods on a walk
like it’s so cute he’s sitting on the ground trying to pay attention to 15 animals at once
even if he’s deformed they know hes rlly sweet and wouldn’t do anything to them
also he’d fucking love picnics
like just sitting there and listening to u talk abt whatever
he loves it <3
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thesafecafe · 2 years
In Love With a Monster: Ateez Edition Masterlist
There is something odd in the air this fall season. A strange bug of sorts, a sickness. It affects all creatures, human and monster alike. It comes along every year, and you’ll have to do your best not to get caught up in the chaos of it all. That is, unless you’d like to experience the illness called love... join in if you dare.
Disclaimer: These aren’t all probably going to be healthy wholesome love stories, as a good deal of them include trickery and some form of manipulation. That being said, this is not a representation of the idols or their real life personalities, nor do I believe they’d act this way. These are fictional depictions for entertainment purposes. Minors DNI, this is 18+ content. You have been warned. (gifs not mine).
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Say His Name: Vampire! Hongjoong x Baker Reader
He wants your attention. Just a little bit of it. He’s enamored of you. Totally smitten. The very mention of your name is enough to have the suave vampire melt into the nearest pile of cushions as he dreams of your future together. But there's a problem. You don't necessarily like Hongjoong. And you won't say his name. Could you perhaps know his secret?
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*:・゚✧*:・゚ Fan the Flame: Dragon! Seonghwa x Villager! Reader
Park Seonghwa is the resident local dragon. He’s polite when he needs to be, but he’s strict about getting his annual dues. He doesn’t ask much of the village. But when the centennial dragon anniversary is days away. and the people seem to have forgotten, he gives them an ultimatum: hand over a bride, or watch the village burn. They have the perfect candidate: You!
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Ghostly (K)night: Ghoul/Frankenstein! Yunho x Historian! Reader
Yunho’s been a resident of the castle for as long as the townsfolk can remember, a friendly presence on a dark knight or a helping hand in the daytime. He’s a jolly fellow, and the townspeople love him. But no one ever seems to know his name, or occupation. What exactly is in the walls beyond the castle?
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゚+*:ꔫ:* From the Shadows: Illusion. Fairy/Vampire Hybrid! Yeosang x Librarian! Reader
The fae people have always been around your village. They’re rare to see, and even rarer to find these days though. That is, until you bump into a man who’s entirely too ethereal to be human. Yeosang is enchanting, and as magnetizing as one would expect a fae to be. But he’s not exactly who he seems...
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゚+..。*゚+ In the Shallows: Merman/Siren! San x Aquaphobe! Reader
San has always loved coming to shore and teasing humans. It’s one of his favorite things to do. No one is immune to his song, and no one can ever resist playing in his games. That is, until you stumble out onto the dock, another helpless looking human that should be susceptible to his charms. But you don’t even react to his song. He’s determined to make you his new toy before the season ends...
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*°:⋆ₓₒ Better in the Moonlight: Werewolf! Mingi x Barista! Reader
Mingi is a regular customer at your café. He’s sweet, always complimenting you and leaving you extra tips.. You don’t know too much about the big man, but you do know he’s your favorite customer. But one night,  when a storm rages and a particularly volatile customer makes closing up difficult, Mingi is right there to protect you.
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Beyond the Crypt: Zombie Wooyoung x Sarcastic! Reader
Wooyoung isn’t particularly the ideal  guy. He hangs out in the cemetery, he disappears at night, and he always seems to have something red stuck to the corner of his lips. You’ve never been to his apartment, or seen any of his family, but you’ll soon find out that his secret goes far beyond the borders of life itself.
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✧༺♥༻∞ Of Sticks & Stone: Gargoyle Jongho x Loner! Reader
Jongho had been alone for a while, the last gargoyle standing in the ancient castle. His brothers had been destroyed in many ways, from wars, to erosion from the storms that the castle was no stranger too. Now that you had inherited this castle from your grandfather, he hopes to have a companion. But you’re not exactly prepared to live with a magical, albeit sassy, gargoyle. Hopefully, you can find peace in each other’s presence.
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dandelion-blues · 1 month
#5 What if...
Percy Jackson and the sea fam were on the same cruise of the Draculas?
A PJO x Hotel Transylvania 4 crossover
A Long Overdue Vacation
Now Percy was ready for a break, more than ready for a break, but he didn’t really think that that break needed to include what he needed a break from - gods. Don’t get Percy wrong, some gods are chill like Hermes and Apollo, but well Percy didn’t exactly want to go on a vacation with gods like his dad, step-mom, and half brother Triton whom he all has a complicated relationship with.
But no, family bonding, yay! (Yeah that’s in jazz hands).
It's just Percy luck that when he mentioned that he needed a vacation to Hermes when they were hanging out, that Hermes told Apollo who told Poseidon, and now Percy’s on a cruise ship (and ugh does that bring up some unfavorable memories), on a trip to visit a hotel called Atlantis.
Oh, and Percy forgot to mention that the cruise ship is full of monsters (like Percy already got his monster cruise bingo card crossed out, thanks), but at least they are civilized monsters, like Tyson (Percy’s favorite sibling and cyclops) or Ella, the harpy.
In any case, Percy’s going to try out the pool, and maybe just maybe he’ll be able to relax, but, well, with his luck something is always bound to happen, so he’ll enjoy the calm whilst it lasts.
Percy got in the water, hoping for it to be soothing, but nope the chlorine feels terrible to breathe in. Percy’s about to leave when some monsters decide to get in the pool with him. All of them seem to know one another by their familiarity.
“Hey kid, do you want to join in for a game of monster ball?” A mummy? asks.
You know what Percy has nothing better to do anyways, and the water is bearable as long as Percy doesn’t breathe it in, “Sure,” Percy answers.
“Alright!” A tall bluish monster with stitches yells excitedly, “It looks like you’ll be on my team!” His blue skin seems to be stitched haphazardly together, like taking the parts of multiple people and sewing them together, and is completely with little screws on the side of his neck.
Now Percy hasn’t really seen many movies, or even really know much about pop culture with the whole ‘demigods and technology do not mix’, but even he knows this must be Frankenstein.
Percy smiles back, for he can’t help but be enthused by Frankenstein's excitement.
“Alright let’s game plan a bit while we wait for the Dracula’s to enter the pool.” Frankenstein whispers to Percy and to another monster that looks like him but more feminine and to an old looking monster with sharp fangs like a vampire.
Then, Frankenstein seems to think for a second, “Oh and by the way I’m Frankenstein or just Frank Stein.” He reaches his blue hand out to shake, and Percy smiles wider, glad he’s right and shakes back.
“I’m Percy Jackson.”
“Nice to meet you, kid! Oh, and this is my wife Eunice Stein.”
“Hiya kid,” she says in a scratchy voice.
“And this-” Frankenstein begins but gets cut off.
“Vlad Dracula, King of Darkness. I am pleased to meet you, the youngest prince of the seas.”
Percy gawks at Vlad and blushes bright red as Frank and Eunice stare open-mouthed at Percy.
Percy awkwardly averts his eyes, embarrassed by all the attention. How did Vlad even know that? Percy only recently got coronated right after the Giant War ended.
“Now you’re probably wondering how I knew that, huh?” Vlad wiggles his white brows mischievously.
“Now now, no need to tease my son,” Percy's dad’s voice rings out.
What?! When did he get here?!
“Come on, it’s all good fun, old friend.” Vlad sighs. “Oh well, I guess the gig is up.”
Meanwhile, Frank and Eunice Stein’s jaws stop dropping, and they stammer, “Y-your h-highness?!”
Percy sighs, his momentary anonymity gone. It's not like it would have lasted that long, with going to a place called Atlantis, but still. “Yeah…” Percy sighs.
Poseidon grins mischievously, and Percy looks untrusting on his grin and the look in his dad’s eyes.
“What not going to introduce your titles, oh prince of the seas, hero of olympus-”
“Stop!” Percy says mortified, and water automatically splashes his dad. Percy doesn’t need to hear his titles now, and gods there’s a crowd starting to gather. Percy hides his hands behind his face, too embarrassed to really think of the casual way he just interacted and even splashed his dad.
Vlad secretly winks at Poseidon, and Poseidon smiles gratefully, glad his son started to relax and act like a kid again.
Luckily, the crowd quickly loses interest when nothing more interesting happens, and finally, the other Draculas decide to arrive.
I actually forgot I wrote this, and I thought I might as well post it.
Besides, I was thinking that I could write something similar now that it's summer and everything. Maybe 😋
First - Previous - Next "What if..."
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mossyscavern · 10 months
No one cares, no body knows.
“It’s alive!!” The man yelled, finally able to create life! Staring at his creation, Frankenstein vowed to teach his creation everything he had learned throughout his youth, even teach him things he never got taught in-
“Tom.” The dark brunette shrieked as he heard his name.
he looked up from the book he was reading and saw his twin standing in front of him. “Hi… you’re home early.” Tom said, slowly closing the book he was reading.
“Don’t worry, mama’s still at church with Benny, Caleb and Lilian.” Tim reassured, staring at the book Tom has in his lap as said twin sighed in relief. “What’s that you’re reading?” Tim questioned, sitting next to Tom.
“Nothing too special, just something papa gave me after he came back.” Tom answered showing Tim the book he was going to finish. “… what’s this one about?” Tim asked, generally curious about it.
“It’s about this scientist who wanted to create life and prove people wrong, so he created life by using various body parts he found in the graveyard.” Tom answered, smiling underneath the mask he still wears.
“Wow… and I thought you couldn’t get anymore grim.” Tim said, earning a pillow thrown at his face. “Tom, I’m just joking.” Tim assured, chuckling a bit at Tom’s reaction.
Tom huffed and hugged the book in his hands. “Not funny.” Was all Tom said before turning away. “Hey, tell you what? Let’s just talk about what we wanna do for our futures, what do you wanna do?” Tim asked, waiting for an answer.
Turning back to his twin, he thought hard and said without hesitation. “To meet the author of Frankenstein’s monster, heck! Even the character of the book!” Tom said, full of confidence.
“Wow, that’s really something.” Tim commented, his head tilting downwards as Tom placed a hand on his shoulder. “Hey… I also want you to meet my heroes too, maybe one day we can meet them together.” Tom added, Tim smiled and gave Tom a side hug before hearing knocking on the door.
“Sounds like Duncan is here.” Tom said, looking at Tim. “Probably wondering if Benny’s here.” Tim shrugged, both boys walking out of their room.
Tom remembers those days well.
He remembers re-reading through the book day and night before his death, it’s still the same except… less reading in the day, more reading at night.
He’s angry, sad and grieving all at the same time. Sad at how he never got to grow up with his twin, grieving at the loss of their own lives crumbling before them and angry at the one person who started it all.
After a while of leaning on Tim’s shoulder, his eyes starting to slip when a howl suddenly broke the silence, alarming the twins. “What was that?”
“I don’t know, but I bet it’s nothing good.” Tim says, about to get up to shoo away whatever was going on-. “Travis!” “Don’t worry we’re almost-.”
Tim’s eye twitched under his mask. “Intruders.”
He says, eyes darkening at the two voices from the distance. “Tim, isn’t it early for wick?” Tom asked, checking the time. Tim checked too and Tom is right. It is 2 hours and 13 days before Halloween and 12:00am.
“Yes, yes it is. But that’s ok… we’ll give them Hell.”
Monster au is back!
For those that don’t know, this is an au about our protagonist’s and Duncan as monsters.
Duncan: a vampire while he looks like he’s only in his teens, Travis: a wear wolf with abandonment issues and Sam: a reanimated Frankenstein monster that is falling apart because of improper stitching. (That and he died in pieces)
This au is just pretty much a ‘what if’ type of au because of a headcanon by @vinehasnohopeleft who later drew sam with his head off and… yeah that’s pretty much what happened.
I’d thought I’d do this au again because August is ending and… this was pretty much about to collect hypothetical dust so…
Plus, the uh… title for each of the au’s stories are lyrics from the song pet sematery.
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gabriel-shutterson · 2 years
I’m gonna go on a tangent.
I HATE Frankenstein’s perception by media.
And I don’t mean the old movies with “Doctor” Frankenstein, or an unintelligible creature. I hate those too, but that’s not what I’m going on about now.
I hate what that media has created.
I’ve seen several instances of it TODAY. The “Victor Frankenstein is the monster” shit. The “haha funny man is a college dropout” shit.
What’s nice about the tight-knit Frankenstein fandom is that we read the fucking book, likely multiple times, and analyze it for fun. Unfortunately, this is not the case for 99% of the population.
People have developed a superiority complex regarding classic literature, and it PEEVES the shit out of me. They pretend to know what they’re talking about by stating, in a “mockingly” pretentious manner (sometimes even through memes, goddammit!!) that Victor is an asshole.
Yeah, if you’ve read a solid chapter of the book, you’ll know he’s not a perfect person. But, goddamn, nobody is! Victor was suffering from some severe mental health issues (another in-depth post about this coming out in the future), and was clearly sheltered to the point where he wasn’t entirely aware of how responsibility is supposed to work. Not to mention, his parents expected a LOT out of him (likely part of the reason he reached his breaking point) and caused him to become a maladaptive perfectionist, a main bit of the reason he abandoned his creature.
“But Jenny, that’s just one interpretation-“ how is it an interpretation if it’s right in the fucking text??? If you actually READ THE BOOK, you’ll know that Victor is simply a flawed person, just like Adam.
The entire CONCEPT of a monster in that book is RIDICULOUS, and anyone playing favorites is not analyzing the book in a correct way. Victor fucked up. Adam fucked up as well. Both of them made life-altering mistakes. Get over it, don’t shit on one character or the other.
And as for the college dropout shit, fuck off. I get it, he’s not a doctor and media has made him out to be way more. But if you’re actually using the “um, actuAlly, Frankenstein wasn’t a doctor” argument to make yourself sound smart in the year of our Lord 2022, grow the hell up!
I just. Ugh. All I’m trying to say is, if you aren’t planning on analyzing the text, don’t pretend to be an expert on it. If you vaguely know about Frankenstein from outside media, or have skimmed over it, please stop. It’s ridiculous, and your contributions are actually creating a modern “Frankenstein was the doctor.” You’re creating misinformation about a book that some people actually put energy into enjoying.
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teecupangel · 1 year
I have had this idea for a while, a vampire (Altair) and werewolfs (Ezio and Connor) Au for a Human Desmond. They all go to the same school and Desmond take pills that knowone knows for what they are, all they know its that his parents die when he was young, but isnt really true, and never had saw him at P.E. Class.
You can change and interpret whathever you want, I just really want to read your thoughts on this one!! PD: Sorry for my English
(You’re English is fine, I was able to understand it perfectly :))
Okay, my first thought would be that Desmond would be perhaps a type of Frankenstein’s Monster to complete the basic Universal Monster setup with Altaïr as a vampire and Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton as the werewolves.
It could work too with the idea that whatever Desmond is, he adheres to the following:
He is made of human parts so he won’t be lying if he says “I’m human”, just… stretching the truth… a lot.
His parents died but that isn’t really true, perhaps his parents are the ‘prototype’ monsters with Desmond being the final product. They’re less ‘cognitive’ than him but they are technically not dead.
No one ever saw him in PE class because his body is filled with scars and stitches which could easily be seen if he changes in a locker room or wear short sleeves (in this setup, we’ll say he always wears long sleeves, mainly hoodies with turtleneck long-sleeved shirt underneath).
The pills could be medicine that keeps his heart beating and blood circulating to ensure he has the right temperature and those with heightened senses wouldn’t immediately clock him as not human.
Of course, if you don’t want him to be a Frankenstein’s Monster, any reanimated corpses kind of deal could still be used for this kind of setup, including the Mummy if you’d prefer that basic Universal Studios monster instead.
Or, you know, you can make him some kind of half-fae half-human, maybe even a changeling, and the medicine keeps his fae-ness locked inside his ‘human’ body.
If you wanna make it dark:
Another creature that is technically human but not human that Desmond could be would be a wendigo, a human turned monster after consuming human flesh. He appears human but his body would show the monster that he has become so he wouldn’t want to be anywhere where he might have to strip or have his clothes rumpled up. The medicine could be something that stops the hunger for human flesh and his parents could be wendigos as well. As far as the world is concerned, they died.
Wanna make it angsty?
Desmond is human, with no bells or whistles, but he has a terminal illness that the medicine could only help ‘postpone’ the inevitable and it’s heart-related so anything that could raise his heart rate (like perhaps physical activities) would be dangerous to him. In this setup, the probable plot would be Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton all sensing something is different with Desmond but they’re unsure why (the medicine is throwing them off) and, when they finally learn the truth, they try to suggest to Desmond to be converted into one of them. (We’re going to use the TW rule for werewolves that any human sickness is repaired once they turn although, if we are going for the TW rules, this would mean that there’s a chance the bite won’t take which would be a con while vampirism already has its own drawbacks regardless).
Unorganized Notes:
I kinda like the idea that this is a college AU and they all met in an elective class (and it would be funny if it was like “Myths and Folklore” kind of class) but highschool AU would also work with maybe Desmond being a transfer student.
Altaïr is technically the oldest of them and he was turned during the 3rd Crusades. He would enroll in colleges once every century just to keep up to date with whatever the hell humans has been up to. He has the same strengths and weaknesses as a classic vampire but sunlight cannot burn him unless the sun hits his skin directly (although being bathed in sunlight even indirectly will weaken him) and that’s the main reason why he wears hoods. Although, when he feels like the sun is being too extra for the day, he has a big black umbrella that he uses.
Altaïr is part of one of the oldest Vampire Families but he’s sorta-kinda estranged from them for centuries now for unknown reasons. He does get emails from some of them (okay, mostly just one of them) sometimes but he never replies to any of the emails. All the other vampires know of him though although most of them know of the title he has. What title it is? Idk. Something along the lines of ‘the Bloodsoaked Eagle’ or something?
Whatever Desmond is, he’s immune to the light hypnotism that Altaïr is capable of which only makes Altaïr more interested in this strange man.
Ezio was born a werewolf that belongs to a pack made of his family and he’s very close to them. He videocalls them every day and always go home for holidays and his brother would visit randomly. He’s a social butterfly but he doesn’t necessarily consider anyone part of his pack, just friends.
Ratonhnhaké:ton, on the other hand, was bitten when he was young and had to learn how to be a werewolf. He’s also a bit different from Ezio as he can turn into an actual wolf if he wanted to (although he does have the more humanoid werewolf form as well). Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton both know they’re werewolves but they don’t necessarily talk about it. Ratonhnhaké:ton has no actual pack of his own but he’s kept human by the close relationship he has with his mother and his village. He’s in college thanks to a scholarship.
They both know Altaïr is a vampire and Altaïr knows they’re both werewolves. There’s really no animosity between their species as they keep to themselves most of the time.
Depending on what kind of werewolf setting we’re using, either they inadvertently transform to their humanoid werewolf form during the full moon or the full moon makes it harder for them to keep hold of their human form but it’s not impossible. Your choice.
Haytham and the Templar Order as supernatural hunters? Maybe Haytham is even a werewolf hunter?
(Not gonna lie, the idea that Desmond is a Frankenstein’s Monster type came from this idea I had that Desmond is a monster composed of the body parts of his ancestors)
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itslaneybop · 1 year
I’m sure someone has come to the conclusion that Barbatos was originally a feral demon upon creation, right? Diavolo very casually mentions that he lured Barbatos to the castle with tea leaves and Barbatos even notes in a different conversation that he was never a child. That one kid event aside, (which I could very easily find an explanation for if I took the time to do so) it seems too perfect that he would be a quadruped beast-like abomination, respectfully, and I’m going to run with that headcanon.
This is turning into a list I want to reference later 💀
• Barbatos has ALWAYS been articulate and insufferably formal. Maybe he’s made that way.
• Diavolo is the reason he takes a human-esque form, whether to match his own likeness or because he was influenced by some other factor prior to “The Fall”
• Barbatos’s current demon form only alludes to what he used to look like and is definitely the reason why it doesn’t seem to resemble a cohesive design
• He would have looked like a Frankenstein mix between a bat, salamander, owl, snake, and vulture
• ✨ Black sclera ✨ because yes absolutely he would *pants*
• Maybe he doesn’t revert to his previous form because Diavolo has never explicitly said that he was allowed to? (his abject servility lends me to believe he would never use his power without instruction or prompt so this might not be too big of a stretch)
• I already believe that most of the notable figures of native Devildom citizens are beasts or monsters and I think the older they are the less “human” they look. Barbatos is VERY old so that would fit in here nicely.
• Solomon nearly did himself in when summoning Barbatos, if I remember that right, and I desperately want to know what that was all about.
• Whether he started out as quadrupedal or bipedal I couldn’t say, but I think he was flexible enough to stride both ways. Don’t ask me for realism because this is clearly fiction lol but I will say that there is a distinction between his back haunches and the front “arms/hands”
• Someone once mentioned that Barbatos’s VA has a slight lisp (I’m unsure if this observation is true, but I can admit that I hear it and it’s undeniably cute to me) and for that reason alone, I’m envisioning either a snake tongue or sharp fangies to make an audible lisp—or he just has one; no reason at all ♥️
• As far as design goes, I kind of go back and forth between anthropomorphic (I’m using the term loosely and with neutral tone) and just full-on beast.
• For whatever scaly parts he has, I think they’re like a shift of green and blue, possibly yellow, like a June bug shell. Otherwise his body is a mixture of feathers and very fine fur, like a shitzu dog’s coat.
• Big ears! Huge ears that flex and move independently like digits on a hand. This would also explain the black claws on his head because I’m not buying that those are “horns.”
• I’m a big fan of Barbatos being able to speak every language imaginable and that definitely includes every variation of Devildom language. He’s old enough to have invented portions of some!
• Barbatos has said he doesn’t need to sleep (or I am at least fervidly trying to find evidence of it) so I want to believe he catnaps. Catnaps have been described as a light dozing while being alert to surroundings, either to escape danger or pursue prey.
• If he had fangs that worked to inject, he was a venomous monster. If not, I am adamant that he could secrete a toxin of some sort.
• Playing off that last idea, this would make a neat foundation as to why he’s so fascinated and keen on tea. I wonder what kinds of poisonous concoctions he’s made?
There’s a lot to add, but I need to reread the story to get some details right or to pick up anything I hadn’t had a mind to look for first time around. I know for a fact I skipped through most of the story involving the grimoire thing(?) and that’s pretty important regarding Barbatos lol so I’m coming back to this eventually!
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soft-mafia · 8 months
Not Buggy simping for once but I am looking at your oc like the stupid little bisexual that I am and I am looking oh so very respectfully and I am so polite and I am not even trying to steal her away from the captain please captain put me down I did not stare at her bad okay, her bippedy boobedy boobas, her massive ockers on purpose I promise.
But real talk I like her. She cute. Would love to hear more lore if you ever have the energy
HAHAHAHAHA😭Buggy has to deal with people trying to snatch his girl from him 24/7 he’s used to it at this point.
But dw she’s as much as a simp as we are for him❤️(and as Boa is for Luffy😭)
Sorry if this seems really obsessive and is way too long or whatever but It’s so common for me to make so much lore whenever I make an oc specifically to ship with a canon character (I have ideas that could literally be a novel franchise for my Hisoka oc ugh) the tism in me just gets way too ahead of itself tbh and whenever someone is like “ooh tell me about them :D” I literally go crazy.
Veteran one piece fans, please let me know if any of this goes against one piece logic, I’m still really new to the fandom and this is a new oc too, so if I need to change anything/get rid of a piece of lore then please let me know😭
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So if you haven’t seen my latest info post on her name is Ivyeri(pronounced Ivory) VanHelsing, she ate the stitch stitch fruit which is a mythical zoan fruit that’s a Frankenstein/Monster type.
This devil fruit her replace her body parts with quite literally anything, she can use whatever she replaces her parts with like it’s apart of her body; she often puts weapons on her body, and into her body as well.
In Impel Down, she lost her leg from severing it to get out of her chains so she had to replace it with the wolf leg.
Whenever Ivy takes off a body part, since it’s not connected anymore her brain can’t control it, so it becomes sentient. Since the parts she can control are determined by if her brain can connect to them or not, this means if her head is completely served her entire body can become sentient as well. Whenever Ivy does this(usually when she’s using her full body weapon suit which I haven’t drawn yet) she keeps her headless body sedated in a tank.
SO, on to her entire story and how she meets Buggy(under the cut if you’re interested bc it’s super long oof) warning for me rambling and on going sentences bc I wrote some of this on my break.
I created a town that she lives in, it’s a really corny name that I don’t feel like saying bc I’m gonna get roasted for it😭but, it’s located on a desolate island, literally nobody knows it even exists and the people who accidentally come across it just leave bc they’re so freaked out. Buggy and his crew see the island in the distance and he thinks “another town to pillage hehe” however, upon arriving there and making a flashy✨ entrance he’s met with the towns people just staring at him with dead glares in their eyes. Buggy and his is obviously freaked out, so he just tells his crew to just stock up on food and booze before getting the hell out of there.
Ivy sees him when he arrives and immediately falls in love, love at first sight. She wants to approach him but is too nervous and thinks her appearance will scare him away(she thinks her stitches make her ugly and grotesque). So Ivy comes up with the idea of moving some signs around to lead Buggy into getting lost in a graveyard. It works and when Buggy is lost in the maze of gravestones, Ivy appears behind him, sitting on a grave and subtly flirting with him, thinking that the heavy fog of the town obscures her appearance.
Buggy can clearly see her, but he has seen crazier people in his time of being a pirate so Ivy’s stitches don’t even register in his head bc he’s too busy panicking over getting lost in a graveyard and now some lady is talking to him?
They talk, flirt with each other, Buggy obviously letting her inflate his massive ego, Ivy offers to lead him out of the graveyard(even though she’s the one who led him there in the first place). Ivy leads Buggy back to his crew. One of the pirates accidentally bumps into her and she face plants right into Buggy’s chest and they have this “ooo accidentally falling right into your crush’s arms🥰” moment before it’s ruined by her wrist coming off and holding onto Buggy’s shirt when she pulls away. They’re both freaking out, Ivy apologizing profusely while trying to take her hand back.
Buggy screamed only for a moment before being like “This girl can take her body parts off too?!” And he falls in love and (politely)demands her to join his crew(not because he wants to bang her immediately or anything..) after that they’ve been together for 8 years🥰
She doesn’t really have a prevalent role in the orangetown arc, however she does take control of Buggy’s crew after he’s bazooka-ed to a whole other island.
While Buggy was presumably pronounced dead by his crew, Ivy strayed away from them to mourn by herself, which meant she didn’t get kidnapped by the cannibal tribe(she didn’t care about Buggy’s crew at that point since she thought he was dead) however, when Buggy came back with Alvida, Ivy was even more heartbroken than she was when she thought he was dead.
K so I kind of ripped off one of my own fan fictions with this part of her story, I just thought it would’ve been good character development for her so if you want the basics of what happens, here’s the fic.
Ivy breaks up with Buggy bc she thinks he’s cheated on her, or is going to cheat bc Alvida is literally gorgeous. After that, she leaves the Big Top and devises a plan to make a name for herself and become a fearsome solo pirate just to make Buggy jealous and show him that she’s doing just fine without him.
Overtime she becomes extremely brooding and even more colder than before; each one of her accomplishments are fueled by anger and jealousy. Over time she convinced herself that Buggy had forgotten about her and moved on with Alvida which fueled her to succeed even more.
Which, she did succeed, but she got way more than she wanted to. After an accidental conflict with the marines, she ended up getting a Impel Down level 5 worthy bounty.
Buggy and Ivy don’t directly interact much during Impel Down and Marineford bc both of them think that the other hates them/forgot about them, but when they do reunite they start this dynamic where the two of them are trying to look cool/badass just to get the other’s attention(Also, Ivy’s severed leg I mentioned earlier, it somehow found Buggy on level 2 and he’s been keeping it from her the entire time).
The entire time, Buggy didn’t know why Ivy broke up with him, he thought that she broke up with him bc of his “ugly red nose” and cried for months. Everything reminded him of Ivy. He hoarded all of her old clothes that she left behind and used one of her old tops as a pillow case.
They finally get back together during the cross guild, Ivy joins alongside Crocodile and Mihawk. When she sees the way that the two men beat and abuse him over everything she gets pissed off and vows to protect Buggy at all costs, leading to them having a heart to heart, finally talking things out and getting back together again.
I have more lore with her but it involves other ocs I’ve made for one piece and it doesn’t really add to her relationship with Buggy loool
I have another oc I’m not sure about adding to her lore since idk if this is already an existing character in One Piece bc he’s vaguely mentioned in canon, but Davy Jones is her father and had the same fruit as her when he was alive. They’ve never met.(This is an excuse for me to make a goth dilf)
More facts about her!
-Ivy is a weaponsmith, she makes weapons for herself and Buggy’s crew(when she was apart of it)
-She’s 5’9, 27 years old before the timeskip and 29 years old after
-Ivy likes collecting bones.
-Ivy has a pet cat named Princess who was Richie’s biggest opp. Before the time skip he was the same size as a regular house cat, but currently he’s the size of a Liger.
-She stole Alvida’s old ship when she left the Big Top and customized it to fit her vibe
-She stole a manticore from Impel Down, adopted it, and named it Buggy Jr.
-She also adopted a giant frog and named it after Buggy as well
-A week after the breakup Ivy tried to make a replacement Buggy by digging up a recently deceased guy and playing Frankenstein(using a toy ball as a replacement nose). Things didn’t work out when the guy regained his memory and reunited with his wife.
-As a pirate, people call her by her last name. No relation to the actual Van Helsing though I just thought the name sounded cool.
Her playlist:
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Fic: If you ever need a helping hand - Chapter 3
It’s ya boi, Jeff, and you know my fic about omega Steve Harrington having a rough time? But, like, he wants alpha Eddie to help him out? Yeah, that one. I got to the third chapter and there is kissing.
So far the reviews are calling it “awkward” and “embarrassing,” but you should judge for yourself! Here is a preview:
“Yeah, yeah, I’m Frankenstein’s creature, we all know,” Eddie says. He looks up. Steve’s hands are on his shoulders and it would be so easy to put his knee up on the bed next to Eddie’s hip.
Steve doesn’t move his hands, but he doesn’t move anything else. He just looks down at Eddie and feels the space under his tongue fill with spit.
“I’ve said it before,” Eddie says, slowly. Steve thinks he’s about to go deeper into the Frankenstein thing; he should stop that. If Eddie looks bad, well, then what about Steve? They match, don’t they?
“... But Scott Howard, Steve Harrington, the basketball, the hair, the bites, the biting, it’s all a little suspicious, too much to be a coincidence,” Eddie says.
“Ugh,” Steve groans. Yeah, Eddie has done this before. “Yeah, sure, Frankenstein and the Wolfman, we’re a regular pair of monsters.”
Eddie looks up at him, all big brown eyes and a halo of curls. His winter coat — the same Army surplus green as his duffel — hangs off the back of Steve’s desk chair. His leather jacket got left behind in the kitchen. This is Eddie warm and stripped down.
Steve wants to do something stupid, like tell Eddie that he’s beautiful.
He’s spared by Eddie hooking his elbow around Steve’s waist and dragging him onto the bed. Steve stumbles. His knee crashes into Eddie’s thigh. Eddie wiggles out from under him and pushes down on his back with both hands.
“You!” he shouts into the mattress.
It’s easy to grab Eddie by his shirt and his stupid wallet chain.
They grapple at each other for a moment. Eddie tries to fuck with his hair and Steve nearly bites him on the wrist.
“Watch the teeth! I don’t want to be a werewolf!”
“Fuck you,” Steve says, laughing, “I’m not a werewolf!”
He’s holding Eddie’s wrists down to the foot of his bed. Eddie’s socks are for sure on his pillow right now, making it smell like socks. Steve adjusts his legs, swinging one up and over Eddie’s body, so that his knees nudge against the sides of Eddie’s hips. Eddie grins up at him. His dark eyes are so bright. His dimples almost tempt Steve into taking his hands off Eddie’s wrists. He wants to put his thumb into the groove of them and lean down and…
“Steve?” Eddie asks.
He jolts back. Steve straightens his arms so quickly that his elbows click as they lock up.
“Sorry,” he says. Because he was about to kiss Eddie, pin him to the bed and kiss him, but it clearly was not the moment that it felt like. Usually, Steve is so good at knowing that moment. But he’s definitely responded too quickly, too strongly. He’s knocked his teeth into plenty of lips and his nose into other noses.
Beneath him, Eddie swallows. His jaw works. The scar pulls a little differently than the rest of his skin. Steve looks at it, even though that’s probably rude.
“You’re not Frankenstein, either,” Steve says. “You’re…”
“Frankenstein is the doctor,” Eddie says, before Steve can tell him he’s beautiful. “Only, like, he didn’t even finish school.”
“What?” Steve asks.
“It’s a book,” Eddie says. “Frankenstein.”
“No,” Steve says, frowning. “It’s a movie. An old black and white one.”
Robin made him tape it in his living room, because she can’t find a VHS of it. There’s a sequel, too, she said, with a chick monster, but they haven’t seen it pop up in the TV guide.
“It’s a book and a movie,” Eddie says. “Also, you’ve seen it?”
Steve lets go of Eddie’s wrists and climbs off of his lap, where he shouldn’t have been anyway, where he wants desperately to stay. He sits down hard on the bed. There are a few inches between his legs and Eddie’s now. He forces himself to stay sitting up, partly because he doesn’t want to lay his head down near Eddie’s socked feet and partly because he wants to stay uncomfortable.
Wrestling around in bed with Eddie got him wet, like really wet, so now he’s just going to sit here in it.
Eddie lowers his arms so that his hand rests in the space between his leg and Steve’s.
“Uh,” Eddie says. “Sorry.”
“What the hell are you sorry for?” Steve asks, more annoyed than he intends to be.
“I don’t know,” Eddie says. “What are you sorry for?”
Steve throws his hands up. “Nearly kissing you, I guess. I got carried away.”
He stops himself from saying, “We don’t have to kiss.” Because he does want to kiss Eddie. He remembers Robin’s advice: Don’t set a precedent that he doesn’t want to continue.
“You want to kiss me?” Eddie asks.
“Yeah, man,” Steve says, still too harsh. It comes with the sort of sharp shake of his head he usually only directs at Robin. He’s biting his tongue on “Are you stupid or do you just hate me?” He’s been rude enough. He knows this. A worse feeling follows in the footsteps of the guilt of snapping at Eddie. He barely snapped at Eddie! Still, the dread sinks into the pit of his stomach: Eddie doesn’t want to kiss him. It was all delusion on Steve’s part. His crush has grown so bad that he’s lost perspective and thinks Eddie wants him — that there’s a tension between them Steve could resolve by pressing his mouth to Eddie’s — when he doesn’t. He’s making it all up.
“Oh,” Eddie says. “Cool.”
Eddie lays there for a moment, looking up at Steve’s wallpapered ceiling.
“A plaid nightmare,” Eddie mutters to himself, then he rolls off the bed. He hits the floor with a thud.
“Eddie!” Steve shouts, but Eddie scrambles up to his feet.
“Can I kiss you?” Eddie asks, springing up.
Steve’s half-launched off the bed himself, so he’s about level with Eddie’s ribs. He looks up at Eddie. One weightless curl has flopped over onto the wrong side of Eddie’s head and floats over the rest of his hair.
“Yeah,” Steve says. “Of course.”
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Trying to explain this stupid overly complicated card game to my boyfriend who’s only seen the original series and it was years ago
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(Put some notes in parenthesis for my notes after the fact. Also I haven’t seen Sevens or Go Rush yet so I have no idea how their duelling works)
Me: Almost 900 episodes and I don’t know the rules
Me: Well okay I do know the rules but it would take me about an hour to explain them
Him: 🤣 Okay great
Him: We’ll play dominoes. Or… Jenga.
Him: Jenga Hagane
Me: You can do them by first summoning fuckin shit monsters to the field
Me: These fuckers suck, they only exist to be your gateway into special summoning
Me: VRAINS straight up gives nearly all its non-link monsters 0 attack points.
Me: So there’s ritual summon in which you sacrifice these shit monsters to get some slightly better ones like Blue Eyes White Dragon
Him: “slightly better ones” Kaiba: *offended gasp*
Me: Then there's fusion summon which combines the shit monsters into a freaky Frankenstein mutation of all their parts, like Judai's Flame Wingman.
Him: Kaiba about to throw a card between your eyes
Me: He may try but it would be a waste of a blue eyes.
Me: Then there’s synchro summon, this one is boring
Him: 🤣🤣😭😭🤣
Me: One of the shit monsters need to be a "tuner monster.”
Him: And play music :)
Me: That tuner monster combines with a regular monster and adds up their levels to make a monster with a combination of their levels. ie: 3+4=7
Him: And that’s why Yuya sucks at card games.
Me: XYZ summon needs both shit monsters to be the same level as each other (there are magic cards to change their levels to make this easier) to overlay and make a decent monster.
Him: Then there’s equation summon where the square root of your monster combined with x number of monsters gives you the level of your end monster.
Him: You usually use three monsters all at once and end up with a level 10 gangbang.
Me: These XYZ monsters can also rank up (I can't for the life of me figure out how it works apart from deus ex machina) and all the numbers were XYZ monsters but not all XYZ monsters were numbers.
Me, responding to his equation summon thing: That’s what this is starting to sound like ngl.
Him: …I’m going to cry.
Him: It literally sounds worse.
Him: It’s where you hypnotize your opponent to make him think you’ve summoned a good monster but actually it’s still the same shit monster.
Me: So basically there's a pendulum scale.
Me: You put one monster of a lower level on one end and one monster of a higher level on the other end ie: 1 and 8.
Him: And you get something between those???????
Me: Going off those numbers, you'd be able to simultaneously summon monsters through levels 2 and 7 to the field all at once.
Him: …okay.
Me: This mechanic is fucking broken and from what I understand, not even allowed in the game anymore.
Him: Yeah it makes no sense.
Him: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Me: No I have so much more to say.
Him: 😭😭😂😂😭😭
Me: Okay so it’s basically XYZ summon again (Note: it’s really not, this was just the easiest way to explain it)
Me: For as many monsters as you use to summon the fucker, it has that many links.
Him: …great the one I totally understood.
Me: If the links point to each other, the monsters can give each other effects and shit
Me: Which is why so much of VRAINS's duelling is "I ACTIVATE THIS EFFECT" back and forth nonsense.
Him: How do we know if they point to each other or not? Is it random?
Me: Also, there's one magic card that was banned in the actual game and was only used by the Ignis that can further link the link monsters.
Me, answering his question: They’re arrows *redacted name*
Me: The links are arrows.
Him: Yeah but what determines their direction.
Me: …where you put them. *sends him pictures of Link Summon to explain my point*
Him: But then it’s too easy???
Him: You can just choose to make all your monsters linked to each other???
Me: To get a shit ton of links. Yeah, that’s the point.
Him: Oh.
Me: It’s why a lot of people don’t like it.
Me: And also why the characters do so many consecutive link summons.
Him: But wouldn’t that make the duels last 20 hours?
Me: Do you want to hear of my pain? (Note: I love VRAINS to pieces but its duelling mechanics don’t make for the most interesting thing to watch at times.)
Him: Uhhhh
Me: Also extra deck.
Him: Um.
Me: It's where they grab their fusion, Pendulum, Link, etc cards from so they don’t have to dig through their decks.
Me: It’s actually not that confusing.
Him: Okay.
Me: They just didn’t explain it properly until Arc V.
Me: Also sometimes when the special summoned monsters are destroyed, they go to the extra deck
Me: Every pendulum monster does this.
Him: …why?????
Me: And a fair chunk of the other special summoned ones unless the player controlling them sends them to the graveyard (usually to activate its effect that can only be activated in the graveyard)
(Note: I may be speaking out of my ass here. I feel like all special summoned monsters go back to the extra deck when they’re destroyed but that could just be Arc V messing with my memory because I could’ve sworn some of them go to the graveyard because some of them activate their effects in the graveyard link a few of Soulburner’s Salamangreat Link monsters so maybe it’s specific to the monster? I don’t know so I apologize if I got this wrong.)
Me: So yeah I know how the game works.
Me: Oh wait that’s just the monsters and special summons ^_^
Him: I’m physically scared of you.
Me: I possess terrifying knowledge I know.
Me: YGO has ruined me.
Him: 😂 I know bey go spin spin
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ewingstan · 1 year
Finished Twig
Alright, some thoughts. Whew.
This will be mostly on the epilogues, because that’s what I have on my mind and that’s what I have the most to say about. But I have a lot to say on the whole thing, so please ask me anything about the story, its end, and its characters, because I’d love the chance to put my thoughts down. I know I have some character asks I need to get to, feel free to keep sending those in. 
I feel confident in saying I love at least three of the epilogues. There’s a triptych in Red, Shirley, and Emily’s stories about finding a way to live in a wasteland world. The devastated, lonely woman in the devastated, lonely landscape, wondering what they were even fighting for after so much was lost, and finding the bit of green that answers her. Shirely and Pierre getting their swansong scenes, flexing the problem-solving muscle they’ve built up as Sy and Jessie’s go-to competent people, showing that it will be difficult for the old order of things to reestablish itself. Emily getting to live and to love and to be loved, to rub impropriety in propriety’s personified faces, to start living the type of life we’d all hope to be living if Twig’s technology was made available (that is, taking full advantage of body modification with our partners and then going at it like rabbits).
I am not sure at how I feel at the proposed ending Sy- sorry, Simon- gives the king. It fits with the world that Sy wanted when he was discussing that with Jamie and Helen, way back when. Constant conflict, no room for stagnation. But I worry about how much of a break from the order of things it will truly be. Was the problem really that the academies were stagnant? A lack of challenges wasn’t what led to the use of their population as experiment-fodder. Conflict would only make them less likely to hold back, as we saw since the start of civil war breaking out in the Crown States.
But maybe I’m being too short-sighted on this, and should be paying more attention to the promised end-state. Maybe the stagnation being prevented was the slate-wiping the Infante and his ilk seemed to desire, the plan to choke the world and come back in a few centuries to repopulate it with loyal lab-grown subjects. By contrast, the endstate Simon promises has the Nobles killed, the academies curtailed. The world not choked by power wedded to control. Red, Shirley and Emily’s chapters becoming prophesies, an example of what could come in a world where people don’t need to fear idle lesser nobles making their towns into play-places, or the academy forcing itself to be necessary for everyone’s survival.
I don’t know. Perhaps it’s all just the framing of things that was needed to convince Adam (which yes, I do love the full-circle detail of the king being fucking Frankenstein’s Monster, absolutely terrific as the final tidbit of worldbuilding we get). Or maybe I’m wrong to try and find something resembling a happy ending resulting from this plan. Lord Simon’s narration certainly seemed to suggest that he had left all semblances of morality to his past self. But I don’t really think Simon should be considered separate from Sy. This was a story about growing up. “The poisonous child wasn’t a child anymore.” “Lambs grow up, and then they aren’t lambs anymore.” Simon is Sy, grown up, in the most circuitous way possible but the only way his fucked-up psyche could really allow. His conversation with Duncan confirmed it for me: what if I’m different from the person I was, when I became attached to these people? What if I’m just putting in new hooks? Simon framed it in his head as manipulation, because that’s what he is, but really that just describes any group that stays together over time. No one stays the same, and if we stay together its because we’ve found things to like in the people we’ve become.
At the end of things, all Simon’s done is given himself the biggest bug-box to shake yet, with his friends at his side grown into Nobles and Doctors. Crown and academy wedded together in a way the originals couldn’t be. I can see why Lord King Adam took the deal—sure, he’s at the head, but its of a beast he can’t even really steer at this point. Like professor Lawrence seeing the Infante as something he needed to flow with until he was given a good argument for taking a fucking harpoon gun to the bastard, Adam helms a system whose momentum seems predestined to take it to a place no one would actually want, but whose avoidance would mean the Crown and Academy giving up power and control. The Lambs are offering to force that avoidance for him.
Alright this got a bit meandering. Final thoughts: I still think this is the best of the three wildbow works I’ve read so far. Worm finished stronger for me, but then, Worm had one of the best endings I’ve gotten the pleasure of experiencing in any medium. I might prefer being in the headspace of Taylor over Sy, at least marginally. But the character interactions, the worldbuilding, the struggle with how to have meaningful relationships when you’re a perfect manipulator, the fact that we get to see such a large cast change and mature— its truly amazing writing. Thanks, WB. This one has been a ride.
Now, do I have the willpower to go even a day before starting the Glow-worm chapters?
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