#i was in the middle of the muffet fight
sassytail · 2 years
ok so confession i actually never played undertale before(just. wasn't ready for it) and ive never watched a playthrough bc i wantd to play it relatively unspoiled as i could be after so many years of exposure to it culturally.
which means i get the absolute joy of getting hit blind with the fucking instant noodles gag.
I love it.
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By Inkolink
Chapter XVII:
Shadows Attack.
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After resting that night, Chara got up along with Sans upon hearing some screams coming from outside.
-What's happening?!
Sans quickly got up and put on his cape, while Chara answered
-I don't know, I'm going with you!!
-... Alright.
Chara and Sans finished dressing and walked out only to encounter the owner of the spider bakery, Muffet, who instantly slapped Sans when she saw him.
-Forgive me Muffet, I don't-
-Wait, what?! -What?! -WHAT?! Muffet realized that Sans wasn't making the mess outside.
-Hehe- I'm very forgetful- sorry Sans...
Sans blushed a little.
-Hey, nothing's wrong!!
Chara looked at Sans for a few seconds when Muffet was distracted, raising her eyelids repeatedly. -... ;)
-Chara is not the-
-Tontin, nothing happens ;)
-Undyne apparently came out. If Toriel is alone taking care of Frisk, who will take care of her?
-DT!Frisk. Chara mentioned.
As she said this, more screams could be heard coming from the center of the capital. Along with gunshots, knife sounds, slashes.
The trio just looked at each other and decided to run to see what was happening. Many monsters were escaping from that crisis, and when they finally arrived, tired of running, they saw an aberration of aberrations, the worst deception, a confusing storm.
Three skeletons, in the center of the center, next to several monster bodies. Chara screamed, Muffet, started to cry, as several spiders were lying on the floor, lifeless. Sans, he was frozen, still. He couldn't believe what he saw. He started crying, too. This was enough to get the attention of the trio.
The one on the right carried an axe full of blood, his skull was broken, and on that broken side, a red eye. He was wearing, like the other two, a bright blue sweatshirt. Additionally, it had a gray hood.
The one in the middle was wearing a fairly similar sweatshirt, only much more grayish, and what was supposed to be his hood was wheat yellow, with fleece. Unlike the other two, he had the colors reversed: a black vest/shirt, and white pants with black stripes. Additionally, he was not wearing "slippers", but sneakers of the same color as his sweatshirt. He had no visible pupils.
The one on the left was wearing the same clothes as the one on the right, only there was no break in his skull, and his eyes seemed normal. This one was hooded, and his jacket was full of dust...
Those were in their order, Horror, Killer, and Dust. In seconds, they got closer and closer, and when they least expected it the other trio, the hooded one, Dust, approached Chara, quickly...
S  L  A  S  H
0 damage.
DT!Frisk had placed himself between the two, next to Flowey, with his shield of determination, which blocked the attack.
-Hey, i advised you to find someone else. Chara is already taken... ;) The boy winked, and Dust seemed surprised, and at the same time, quite upset.
Then, Undyne appeared, signaling for the skeleton to escape with her and Muffet. Undyne knew, deep down, that the children could face them... And that she will lend a hand if necessary.
DT!Frisk and MT!Chara winked at each other. The trio of skeletons seemed invincible - and also, they seemed confused, because the kids were outnumbered. With an extra skeleton, the children couldn't-
esquii - Tears in The Rain (Classic Version) 0:35 ━❍──────── -5:32                ↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺ VOLUME: ▂▃▄▅▆▇ 10000%
Suddenly, a third human joined the fight. It was a girl, she had brown hair, with a pink tinge at the end of her hair. Her left eye was covered by her lock of hair. She was carrying a pink scythe. She had a smile in her face.
The trio of skeletons was ready to fight...
And the trio of humans was, too.
(The chapter isnt done completely, support me to make me update it!)
If you wanted a chapter from the OG Mistaketale history:
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rwbyazre · 1 year
How do the different criminal underworld's of each kingdom function in your au?
The criminal underworlds aren't really something I super built on outside of a few factions that're important to AZRE's personal stories.
Vale has a few criminal organisations, all of which are fighting each other for the more lucrative territory, but the two biggest names there are the Wicker Men and the Xiong Family.
The Wicker Men is the name for Roman Torchwick's gang, who're based on the lost boys from Peter Pan with Roman being Peter Pan and Neo being Tinkerbell. They first started when Roman and Neo were aged out of the care system and gathered others similar to them, with the sole purpose of doing what they want since no one gave them what they needed.
They mostly run on robberies for many expensive things like cars, Dust, jewellery, dealings, shakedowns on businesses, but they can't go near businesses that're ran by the Xiong family.
The Xiong family is an older organisation that're based around the Xiong and their relatives. You can come into the group if you're not related, but you tend not to get very far since the highest positions are reserved for the family.
It first popped up in 5 PTP by Junior's grandfather Xiong Taifu, as during the Colour War, the police force and government were too preoccupied with fighting off Mistral and Atlas to keep crime down, along with growing anti Mistral sentiments in the kingdom.
Originally only based in a small backstreet club that Taifu owned, the organisation grew with the Xiong family specialising in information brokering, blackmail, club racketeering and gambling. By the time that Junior is in charge, he expanded to own over half of the clubs and betting shops in the capital, and his marriage to Muffet Malachite allowed the Xiong family connections to the biggest crime syndacite in Mistral.
There's other groups and such running around, but these two are the big dogs in the Vale underground.
As mentioned before, Mistral has a similar running to Vale but whereas Vale is constantly fighitng with each other, Mistral has a strict hierachy that can be moved about with the rise and fall of gangs, but has a lot more taboos and ettiquettes.
Typically lower ranking gangs don't go near the territories of higher ranking gangs, or try to go into their businesses, and acts of disrespect are often ended first with the heads discussing, and then violence if it doesn't resolve the issue. This is why a lot of gangs don't tend to murder each other like in Vale, because the higher ups would rather avoid unnecessary bloodshed that would cause power vaccums and bring the law down on them quicker.
There's a few families that hold the highest ranks in the underground, with one being the Spiders run by Atlas-born Muffet Malachite. They're very recognisable with their purple uniforms and spider themed tattoos reminiscent of the tattoos that other gangs have.
Her smart business sense and pragmatism helped her build her influence outside of the middle rings, as she runs a lot of the inns and social clubs that most people visit, but also established connections with the Xiong family in Vale when she married Junior.
There's also a severe human trafficking gang in Mistral that runs the underground fighting rings that Zanthus found himself in. They typically take Faunus, using them for entertainment and betting like old gladiator games, and while certain Faunus can win enough admiration to be bought out of the rings, many just fight until they die.
If Zanthus didn't escape, his fight with another that unlocked his Semblance would've ended with him being bought by a few interested betters.
Atlas has some of the worst crime in the kingdoms, especially in Mantle, because of the intense criminalisation around like 90% of every single thing in this stupid kingdom. It's even worse in Mantle due to the poverty inflicted by Atlas.
A lot would say that the Macaques are one of the biggest crime groups, but that is because they technically are in Atlas' law book, despite the fact that they are actually not and in every other kingdom lawbook, what they are doing is within the law to do so.
But there's differences between Atlesian criminals and Mantlese criminals. Atlesian criminals have more of a wealthy air about them, and try to present themselves as honest businessmen and citizens while also dealing in a lot of white collar crimes like embezzelment and conmen.
Whereas Mantlese criminals are more blue collar criminals with a very high drug crimes and such with many gangs running the streets. The safest places to be in Mantle is the Macaque-sanctioned areas, because no gang would go near anything that is run by Lou.
For Vacuo, the biggest crime issue in this kingdom is the human trafficking abuse. Before they were hired by Merlot, Carmine and her gang, the Crown, ran around all of Vacuo and trafficked people for numerous things, and is able to get away with it for so long because Vacuo is so fractured and struggles with the different provinces refusing to unite.
It's very easy to get lost in Vacuo as well, so people disappearing so much wouldn't immediately be chalked to the trafficking rings. There are other organisations that try and get a piece of this very lucrative trade, but the Crown is the big dog of this game and that infamy is why Salem and Merlot recruited them in the first place.
It's also the hotspot for piracy with Isla de Toroso at the bottom of the continent, right in the Goldrush Sea. Pirates had been there for centuries, and have only gotten more and more better equiped after the Atlesian and Mistrali occupations of Vacuo, where they could steal not only better ships and weaponry, but convince underpaid and abused sailors to join their ranks.
In modern time, the pirates have formed a society of their own, similar to real life Nassau, where the different crews work together and the strongest and most infamous captains lead. Originally, it was Captain Noirbarbe who was the head of the captain coven, but in 67 PTP, Muireann Duibhshíth took control of her own crew and ship; the Kinslayer, and was titled the Pirate Queen due to her charisma and fierce skill.
Menagerie deals with a lot of smuggling with contraband, especially given the restricted tradeflow with the other kingdoms due to Menagerie's unique formation. It's more common in the coast cities like Asíle, whereas the more inland cities like Vikela find less smugglers for typical out of kingdom goods due to just how hazardous the trip between cities is.
Gambling is also illegal in all of Menagerie, but many places have hidden gambling and betting dens for people to bet on cards, fights and such. They are typically more family run than formal gangs though, whereas the bigger smugglers tend to be agents from organisations off shore in other kingdoms.
That is the basic outline of the underworlds of the kingdoms!
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viky2318 · 2 years
We finally reach the beginning of the interesting part! Really hope someone is appreciating this garbage of mine, and if you don't I DON'T CARE
Geez, what a wrecked universe. The whole underground seemed cracked, mixed, with pieces missing here and there. Seriously, the name was the description of the place. Under decay. The universe had one timeline, and it was a genocide one. The human seemed to miss only their skelebud. Sam said that if the human kills him, or if Sans kills the human, the whole timeline will reset, becoming even more broken than now. They had to interrupt this cycle by killing both. The universe then will probably collapse, so Sam gave them the ability to travel between the universes. They will probably end up all in different universes because they never teleported, but Sam always knows where they are. Muffet took a deep breath before slowly sneaking behind the skeleton. Maddy and Grillby hid, in case Muffet failed. If Sans thinks that she’s the only threat, then it'll be easier to eliminate him. He was sitting on his centry stationin the middle of the last corridor, apparently focused on a little origami they were doing (was it a crane?). Oh well, only apparently. In fact, the moment she moved to stab him, the skeleton turned around and pointed Asgore’s trident at her. Muffet retreated a bit, and her co-workers remained hidden. Sans raised a brow and asked: “Since when you help the human killing your own kind Muffet?”. The spider relaxed. "I don't help them, I assure you. I'm here to end your sufferences, Sans" Muffet said. Saying stuff with this mysterious way to talk was kinda funny. It sounded like she was part of some sort of cult or able to do something strange, and the enemy focused all themselves on her moves. "What are you talking about?" He asked. Muffet snickered and answered: "isn't it obvious? I want to kill you and the human. To end this torturing cycle". Sans' expression got darker. "I'm sorry to tell you that it won't work. If you kill the human, they will come back" he explained. "Oh, don't worry. If I kill them, there is no way they can come back. And neither you will" she answered. Sans seemed evaluating the whole thing, which was interesting because she was telling him she could kill him forever. Muffet saw the human coming in and smiled. "oh, good day to you dear! We were talking about you!". Without giving them the time to react, she summoned a magic spider and attacked them. With one hit, the human died. And they didn't come back. Sans turned around to see the body of the human lying on the ground, not resetting as they usually did. "So, as I was saying…". Muffet killed the skeleton easily. They didn't even turn around to see her before dusting away. Woah, the bud must have been heavily traumatized. Maddy came out huffing. "c'mon! He didn't even try to defend himself! I wanted to fight…" she commented. Grillby came out as well. He looked worried. "What's the matter?" Muffet asked him. "I'm worried about this 'teleporting' thing" he explained. "What if we end up stuck in a place where no one can reach us? I remember Sam talking about very dangerous AU's and places….". The room shook, and strange cracks started opening on the walls and in the air. Maddy hit him on the shoulder and exclaimed: "sheesh, Grillbz! Don't worry, we'll stick up together! If we get lost, then we'll do it together". Muffet admired their confidence, but the idea of getting lost somewhere strange wasn't the best thing… Before risking any further, she took both the other monsters from the shoulders and tried to focus on the place she wanted to reach. This is what Sam told them to do. She focused on their kitchen. It was easy to remember. They all felt like a cold lightning passed through them, and then silence.
It took a few seconds to get the eyes used to the new illumination. Muffet looked around. It appeared to be Sam’s kitch-... no, wait. It was messier, the table was missing, and it had an unproportionately tall sink. Maddy exclaimed: “i-i know this place! It was the entrance to my house!”. “The entrance? It’s a kitchen, and I don't see doors…” the spider commented. Maddy opened the sink, and they saw… nothing. Just a regular sink. “What? There was a tunnel! And-and an altar! And…”. Grillby explained: “this is Sans and Papyrus’ kitchen. I’ve been here once. This isn't our home. We’re probably in a universe where Maddy lives somewhere else”. Oh great. Right in the mouth of the wolf. “Should we try again?” Muffet asked. Grillby shook their head. “Too late”. He looked at someone outside of the kitchen. There was a tall skeleton with an orange hoodie, a pair of greenish jeans that reached the knees and a confused look. “Uh… Muff? Weren’t you at your restaurant a few seconds ago? Who are they? And why are you in my kitchen?” he asked. Oh, sure. This must be Underswap Papyrus. “Yeah, no. I’m not the Muffet you know. And those are my… friends. We were traveling but we accidentally ended up in your kitchen. Sorry” she explained. As much as she remembers, Underswap Papyrus should know about the whole multiverse thing. A deep, annoyed huff confirmed it. “God, not again. I got tired of all that stuff. Please, just… go away if you can”. Muffet was about to tell him that they would have been more than pleased to go away, but Sam popped in from behind the tall skeleton. “Hey guys, I found you! How the hell did you end up here? Oh, hi Paps” they said. Papyrus seemed everything but pleased to see them. “It sounded like a familiar situation” he commented, summoning a bone. “hey-Hey! We never wanted to harm you, man!” the grey human exclaimed. “Go away and don’t come back, or I'll give you what I gave you last time, and I'll double it” he declared. Sam giggled. “Still? It was, like, fifty timelines ago, geez! You really are a vengeful person, aren’t you? Whatever. Let’s go guys, I don’t want to almost die today”. The trio walked towards the portal Sam kept open, while the skeleton stared at them, ready to kill them if necessary. He remained on alert even while Sam closed the portal.
They found themselves in THEIR kitchen this time, finally. Maddy immediately asked: “the hell were you two talking about? Did you kill him once?”. Sam sighed and explained: “No. I tried to kill his brother Sans, obviously. I was still convinced to be able to kill someone by myself, but… I’ve never been a fighter. I just can’t fight. I can defend myself, but I literally don’t have any ATK. I can’t hurt anyone even with a weapon, for some reason. Still, he doesn’t trust me. He doesn’t like my code abilities, and fears that I might be able to harm his brother with them”. “Can’t you just raise it?” Muffet asked. Sam smiled and said: “I can modify stats that already exist. I don’t even have the ATK stat! For the code, I am NOT supposed to fight. It’s not even an option! That’s also why I asked you for help…”. Grillby asked: "so Underswap Sans never died, right?". "Exactly. I'll ask you to kill him in one of the next missions. Better leave some time between this sudden meeting and his death. I honestly don't want Swap Paps in the middle of the fight. He is such a strong skeleton, he could make everything way harder".
A thought that never came in their minds kicked in.
"But… What about him?"Muffet asked. "I mean, I know Sans always ends up making a wrong choice, but… Papyrus seemed to care a lot for his brother. Wouldn't we end up creating a possible story trying to prevent another one? What if, when we kill Sans, he tries to find us and kill us?". Sam hummed, then answered quietly: "... yes, this is one of the many risks. But by cutting down a tree at the roots, you make sure it doesn't grow back. Is it better to have one bad story or thousands? We sometimes have to go by compromises to reach a goal. Will we appear as the evil ones? Probably. But we know we are doing the right thing". Muffet wasn't too sure about it. Sam's anwer wasn't too convincing. But then, they were right. They won't be seen as heroes, but they were doing what was necessary.
At least, that's what Sam thought.
End of the chapter
I tried to represent Decay sans as best as i could. Hope i got him right... The whole Underdecay is from @little-noko
Aaand that's it for now! For some reason, I don't like too much how this chapter came out. I feel like I could have done better. Maybe one day I'll stop by and rewrite it.
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And HERE ARE THE BOYS! I may not be the best artist, but i tried! Their personalities remain more or less the same as the original
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pinkhuman99 · 2 years
What SOUL colour represents Papyrus?
Okay, so I know what you're probably thinking. "Everyone knows Papyrus is represented by the dark blue/integrity soul. That's obvious". But I don't think that us the case. While, yes, Papyrus does turn the player's SOUL dark blue/indigo during battle, the colour associated with the "integrity" SOUL, I don't think that is the best colour to represent him. I've seen lot of fanart that depicts the Undertale characters with the SOUL that best represents them: Toriel, purple, for Perseverance; Sans, light blue, for Patience; Papyrus, blue/indigo, for Integrity; Undyne, green, for Kindness; Alphys, yellow, for Justice; and Asgore, orange, for Bravery. But there is something off about the colours used for the Skeleton Bros.
See, rainbows and colours play a big part in Undertale's visual themes. Asgore even has the SOULs arranged in "rainbow colour order", appearing right before he fights the player. The correct order, according to the visual light spectrum, would be: red, orange, yellow, green, light blue/cyan, blue/indigo, purple. Reversed, you would get purple, indigo, light blue, green, yellow, orange, red. The order of the blues is the key here. Cyan/light blue MUST appear between dark blue/indigo and green; cyan as a colour is described as the middle between blue and green. But that messes with the order in which we meet our characters. In order for this "reversed rainbow colour order" to fit thematically with our Main 6 Characters, we'd have to meet Papyrus before Sans; indigo would have to come after purple, Toriel, and before cyan, Sans. But we meet Sans before Papyrus...so what gives?
Sans is often associated with the light blue/cyan SOUL for two reasons: he wears a light blue jacket, and he is viewed as a "patient" character. This may be because of his association with laziness, or "idleness", which is confused for patience. Papyrus is associated with the blue/indigo SOUL because of his colour scheme, which contains that small bit of indigo blue, the colour he turns the player's SOUL in battle, and the idea of "integrity" meaning one who dislikes lies/dishonesty, or one who is "unique" and true to themself. However, I would disagree with these colours/traits associations, despite how easy it is to look at Sans's and Papyrus's colour schemes and make the previous connections.
First, let's look at Sans. We see him after Toriel, the character most commonly associated with the purple/Perseverance SOUL (besides Muffet, who we will ignore as she isn't one of the "Main 6"). Toriel's outfit is purple, the Ruins are purple, and she has had to persevere through much hardship and loneliness just to survive in the crumbling remains of her people. Sans, then, should be represented by dark blue/indigo as the next character you meet, NOT light blue/cyan. Sans isn't actually a patient person. He gets bored doing his job as a sentry, waiting around, so he fills in the time by goofing off and ignoring his work. He takes shortcuts to get places instead of walking. He "gives up" easily, and isn't willing to wait around. In fact, his inability to wait for things to happen is part of why he seems depressed. Instead of waiting to see how things turn out for him, and being unable to fix things right away, he gives up. In other ways, however, he represents the dark blue/indigo SOUL. He is shown to dislike making promises because he feels the need to fulfill them, even when he doesn't know someone's name (like in the case of Toriel asking him to take care of any human that comes through the Ruins' door). He admits he was so low in his want to go home that he considered killing Frisk as soon as they stepped out of the Ruins, but held onto his pacifist morals so tightly that he let Frisk live. Sans doesn't say much, but when he does talk about himself, he is honest. And, no matter what happens, he rarely changes: he is true to himself. Papyrus even says that Sans doesn't change much. Not to mention that Papyrus isn't the only character that changes a player's SOUL to blue/indigo.
Papyrus, in fact, fits more with the light blue/Patience SOUL. He is a very patient person, despite his high energy levels. He once stood outside of Undyne's house for a full day because he wanted to be in the Royal Guard so badly. He waits around for a human to fall into the Underground so he can finally have friends. He builds puzzles and sculptures and other things to pass time, but doesn't complain about things take a little longer, and his puzzle-making is part of his job! He'll fight you over and over again, either until you give up, or until he realizes he doesn't actually want to fight you and spares you. You know what Papyrus ISN'T? Honest, or true to himself. At least, not completely. Don't get me wrong, he's a wonderful person...But we barely know a damn thing about him!! He keeps trying to be strong, or cool, or whatever gets people to be his friend. He tries to capture a human knowing damn well they'll end up dead, only changing his mind at the last minute when he can't bear to kill them. He lies to Undyne about what the player is wearing in Waterfall, and he is constantly changing his personality to fit whoever he's with when you call him, be it Undyne or Sans. But besides all that, there's also Papyrus's special attack. You know...the one that consists of only LIGHT BLUE/CYAN bones. Yes, he then turns the player's SOUL indigo blue...but to be fair, no character ever turns the player's SOUL cyan (or orange).
So yeah, I maybe I'm the only one who actually cares about the colours association thing, and maybe this whole post was just to say "hey guys we got the blues mixed up". But hopefully you'll understand a little bit more about their characters now...and stop making art with the wrong colours ;)
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jamierobinson · 5 months
Pursuit Post Mortem
If there was further development on Pursuit, I would definitely introduce more elements of danger such as obstacles that come from different directions as right now there is no point in moving up and down which is a real missed opportunity as it makes the player think in a whole other dimension in addition to the slow mechanic.
I would also slow down the game more, right now it goes from too slow to way too fast really quickly and kind of misses that sweet spot necessary for fiero. If I could tweak the values more I would give the player more time for time slow (as it allows for creative ways to evade obstacles) and I would figure out where players are most focused and engaged.
Additionally, the free flow movement felt either sluggish or too fast and I could never find a perfect middle ground that would allow the player to feel like they have complete control. Something better I believe (and many of my friends that playtested suggested this) would be movement that snaps between columns as it allows for instant gratification and the player cannot overshoot where they want to go as it simplifies it down to pressing the key once in order to evade something (this was done in the Muffet boss fight in undertale and worked quite well). This made for a more enjoyable experience when I implemented it. Also, I made it so the laser would only kill the player if they were in the column when it struck instead of the entire time (even if it was tweening away). As this caused confusion in players seeing as most other games with laser mechanics have them be single bursts of damage and not linger. Another feature to add to the laser would be to have set patterns for when there are two of them. this will result in them being not as random and allows the player to recognise the patterns and be able to act accordingly, this was mentioned in Week 2's lecture as it is good to have randomness but not too much as it creates a chaotic environment that the player cannot anticipate.
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A highscore page was also added in after the player dies, this shows what score they got on that run and the highest score they've achieved since running the game.
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038. Sleep Tight
This would play in the Nightnight Hotel
There’s really not much more I can say to describe the song or the area
But story-wise, what happens here is that My Melody is starting to get kinda tired from all this walking around and sightseeing. And it’s not like they can proceed until Kuromi is found anyway, so she and Wish Me Mell decide to get a room and take a little break here
But while lying down in the bed, My Melody ends up falling asleep and dreaming about what Kuromi might be doing right now
* (Close your eyes?)
The screen will then fade in on a mostly empty, run-down building, with Clack standing on a table in the middle of it with his back turmed
Someone walks in, holding Kuromi, who, even now, is still ferociously squirming around. They tell Clack that they got Kuromi like she asked
He turns around, and asks Muffet if she really couldn’t resist tying someone up just this once. And of course, she couldn’t
Clack asks her to untie Kuromi. She does
Which was very unwise of her. Kuromi subdues Muffet with ease, wrapping her up in her own webs for good measure, before jumping at Clack
Luckily, however, Clack remains unharmed, as a stream of paint comes from Kuromi’s left, followed by Roppap coming out of the shadows. Kuromi avoids all her attacks effortlessly, bur after a few grazes, the paint begins to soak into her fur and slow her down. Knowing that Roppap landing one good hit would probably be enough to immobilize her completely at this point, she pulls her guitar out of her Multi-Tool, and casts RAVE WAVE
Bunny ears are more sensitive, so it would definitely be more effective on them. But unluckily for Roppap, Kuromi is an earless bunny, so her Hearing Holes™️ are always covered by her hood
Roppap covers her ears and staggers backwards
Meanwhile, that whole time, Muffet was busy breaking out of her bindings. She manages to free one of her arms, and shoots a thick, snare-like web at Kuromi, just as she grabs a hold of Roppap. But instead of simply intimidating her like she initially planned, she holds her in front of Muffet’s web, before throwing her at Muffet when she gets caught in it, and their webs fuse together. And, somehow, end up getting in their mouths, preventing them from saying anything as well
How would that even happen? Who knows, but in a fight with Kuromi, whatever makes her look badass goes
Kuromi then turns her attention back towards Clack, who backs away slightly
Kuromi jumps at him, slamming the Melody Key down on the table he was on and breaking it in half
Luckily Clack had lept from the table beforehand. Kuromi attempts to catch her tail, but he zips over to the wall before she can. Unfortunately, however, when you have the ability to zap yourself over to nearby places via small glitchy lightning bolts, you’re not very hard to keep track of
Knowing he can’t subdue Kuromi or reason with her in her current laser-focused state, Clack simply banks on being able to chew through her teammates’ bindings before Kuromi catches up to him, but after rounding the room enough times, Kuromi begins to adapt to his speed, and smacks him out of the air, catching his tail when she bounces off of the ground
She pulls him up to eye-level, just to be sure he can see her raise the Melody Key as a final warning
Seeing no other way out of this, Clack decides that reasoning with her might be worth a shot. Maybe the time she spent beating the heck out of them helped her blow off some steam... And she does have a tendancy to switch up on things pretty quickly... Mostly when she’s not in full survival-of-the-fittest mode, but, again, what other choice does he have?
Clack tells Kuromi that this is all just a big misunderstanding. They didn’t bring her here to hurt her. Actually quite the opposite
She sweats profusely, awaiting Kuromi’s response, before she tells him to go on. Clack lets out a sigh of relief, and zips over to one of the ends of the broken table
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039. Right Click
Clack’s overworld theme
Not really sure what to say for the vibe of this theme
Imagine like. Wandering Makers' Tenna
Not the song itself but just the vibes, and then project that onto these motifs
First of all, introductions. He tells Kuromi that his name is Clack, and as she’s already seen the other two tied up over there are her friends, Muffet and Roppap
He would ask for her name but it’s kinda hard not to know who Kuromi is in the Nightlight Sector
After a bit of awkward silence, she explains to Kuromi that first of all they only brought her here because they knew people would be searching for her, and it’d be stupid to have Muffet take her straight to their base of operations, but more importantly, TL;DR: They’re the resistance Minischief was talking about, and were trying to get her away from her because SHE was going to hurt her. Eventually
There’s a lot about Minischief and her crew that she doesn’t know, y’see
He knows it probably seems a little sketchy that he can’t just explain everything right here, but he probably wouldn’t have left all their flash cards and video tapes back at home if she knew that SOMEONE was planning to turn their most important potential ally into a cocoon
Kuromi isn’t sure how to feel about being told by a buncha strangers that another one of her plushies wants to kill her, but to be fair she doesn’t know Minischief that well either
She lets Clack go, and agrees to follow them to this “Base of operations” of theirs. But it better not turn out they’re lying about all this when they get there
“Perfect! You won’t regret this-” With all that out of the way, Clack zips over to Muffet & Roppap, and chews through their bindings, before zipping onto Kuromi’s shoulder
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churro-lord · 10 months
I love Undertale Yellow a lot, and I’ve been excited about playing it since the demo(?)
But I fucking hate the rhythm game boss fucking hell. I don’t think it’s a bad fight on paper, but the controls make it suck a lot. I wish it was like Muffet’s fight where you had to press a direction each time you wanted to move instead of having to let go of the key to go back to the middle, it confuses my brain and I hate it a lot. And I usually like rhythm games too.
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r0b0-writes · 2 years
Mallet Mania AU!
Everything is the exact same, except Sweet has a mallet and an insatiable urge to smash, break, and destroy.
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[Huge thanks to @charliedzilla for helping me w/ the colors and pallette]
Lots of info below!
If you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask!Since this AU is based on the game I haven't given SCC a relationship for this AU, but feel free to do whatever you want. (This also goes for making fan content of them, do whatever. The guy's unhinged.)(as long as it's not gross, ya know)
Feel free to make your own designs/color palettes for MM!Sweet!
AU: In general, it's all the same. He literally just has a mallet and can't stop breaking stuff. If he doesn't break stuff for a while he enters Mallet Mania, where he's uncontrollable.
Sweet doesn't like entering Mallet Mania because he can't control himself. If he does enter it he usually tries to fight back against the urge, but always fails. (It's not painful, it's just a little scary for him to know he can't stop himself. He sorta blacks out and can't remember everything).
When coming down from Mallet Mania, Sweet has a terrible headache and loud noise really hurts.
To avoid his boss battle all u have to do is get hit enough in the piano tile game for him to feel satisfied that he's ‘smashed’ the enemies enough. (Regular gameplay continues).
Cap’n sees Noelle get kidnapped -> Tells Cakes & Sweet -> Sweet still follows you around, throwing spikes (they eject from the mallet) each time you beat him (little to no-hit) he stomps on the turntable and it gets visibly broken each turn -> Cap’n and Cakes tell you to let him hit you -> Sweet gets mad and when you beat him (right before battle) he slams his mallet on his turntable & it breaks
Cks & Cpn: “Sweet, remember your breathing exercises!”
Sweet: “I- I can't! I need-- I need to SMASH THEM!”
(there's a color change, his outfit changes color to something bright and wild)
-> Battle Start -> Immediately upon entering battle Cap’n and Cakes leave the battle box
Cap’n: “We told you to let him hit you a few times”
Cakes: “We’ll be cheering you guys on!”
-> Battle officially starts
_______ Battle: MalletMania (MM!Sweet) is the only one who fights you. K_K and Cap'n just sit and watch/give you tips on how to tire him out.
K_K: Have you tried dodging? Cap'n: His attacks are on beat! Get with the rhythm!
If MM!Sweet's about to beat you he just trips over the weight of the mallet and stays on the ground for a few seconds until you see little "Z Z Z" coming up.
K_K: Awe~ He fell asleep! Cap'n: Thanks! Now we don't have to go out again today!
If you tire him out before he can beat you he'll say something like, "I can't stop now! I need to... I gotta..." and then he'll just fall over.
______ Attacks: Let’s Dance!-- The music sheet lines spin-off of the mallet and into the battle box. You have to avoid incoming music notes by jumping from line to line (like in Muffet's battle in Undertale) Tantrum!-- Slams the mallet around in a circle on the ground many times. This causes debris to fall into the battle box and must be dodged. A Real Hit!-- The mallet appears in the center of the battle box starts spinning in the middle. The spikes shoot out and follow the SOUL around the box, trying to hit it Bass Drop!-- The mallet grows to be comically large as Sweet goes to smash the battle box. But he loses balance and falls over (if this move could actually be done, it's a one-hit kill) / rare chance of him backward and just getting slingshotted into the wall (battle ends when he does this attack) + regular in-game attacks
Dialogue Examples:
Cakes: He's harmless! Capn: Yeah! As long as he causes harm!
Capn: They're a menace to society Cakes: But they're OUR menace to society
Capn: You should let him hit you Cakes: It’d really make their day! |
Cakes: You should... let him get at least one hit in Cap'n: They'll get really off-beat if you don't
(In battle)
Sweet: We’re rebels! And rebels break stuff! Susie: YEAH! I LIKE THIS GUY! Ralsei: If you're all rebels why aren't they breaking stuff? Cap’n: Hey! We break stuff! I break hearts! Cakes: I breakdance!
Sweet: Just one teeny, tiny little hit? Please, please?
Cakes: We believe in you! Cap'n: Who are we cheering for again? Cakes: I thought you knew?
Sweet: A hit! A hit! I got a hit!
Sweet: It’s no fun if you just stand there!
Sweet: Just let me hit you! You're a terrible audience!
Sweet: You really wanna see my moves so bad? Fine! Here comes round two!
Cakes: Avoid the spikes! Cap'n: I think they know that
Sweet: Why are you helping them?!
(after the battle, in the shop)
About Sweet:
Sweet: Hey! Don't talk about me like I'm not here! Cap’n: He found this mallet thing and ever since he can't stop smashing stuff Cakes: We have to get a new alarm clock every morning!
Sweet: Sorry about trying to smash your bodies into little, tiny pieces. No hard feelings, right?
Sweet: You ever get that urge to just break stuff? Like, if you don't you'll just explode?! Like you wanna bite and gnaw and maybe commit arson or- or topple a building with your own hands?! No -> Swt: Oh... Yes/I Changed my Mind (if you answer 'no' first) -> Swt: You get it! You get it! Here, have a special limited edition weapon!
[Acquires 'Majesty Mallet' (applies extra damage when fighting Queen)]
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What would they do if they met a kelpie and they’re trying to get them to pet them? can can pick a character for this. Kelpie is a horse that as soon as you touch it it becomes sticky and it drowned you underwater and eats you. It’s a folk tale creature.
Let's go with the Undertale characters for once :D
Undertale Sans - Now, he might be dumb but not to the point to not notice that a horse roaming next to the beach is weird. He's not touching it and if the beast keeps insisting, he's teleports elsewhere. Not today, creepy thing.
Undertale Papyrus - Of course he pets the horse. But what the Kelpie actually didn't know is that without skin, skeletons hands don't stick to them. The Kelpie is so confused, even more because Papyrus can somehow feels it is sad and is now comforting it. Papyrus is bringing the weird sticky poney at home. Sans finds it wrapped in a blanket in his couch, purring. What the fuck.
Undertale Toriel - Well, duh, she is a mother, and mothers knows you don't touch wild animals. She is gently shooing it away and scolds them for getting too close of people. Don't you know some people are not nice with wild animals? You should not be here, young horse. The Kelpie feels bad and goes back to the sea. Toriel doesn't question it.
Undertale Asgore - Asgore thinks it's cute and pets the Kelpie. Then the Kelpie immediately tries to drag him into the water, except Asgore is five to six times his weight and so now the Kelpie looks pretty stupid. Asgore is just thinking he is scaring them and he keeps apologizing nicely because he can't get his hand off. Eventually, the Kelpie let's go and runs away from this crazy potential diner.
Undertale Undyne - Of course she pets the pony! The Kelpie drags her underwater immediately. And... Uh... Nothing happens. I mean, Undyne is wet, yes, but she is also a fish monster and so she can literally breathe and live underwater if she wants too. She just thinks the ride is super cool and asks for more. The poor Kelpie is confused, once again.
Undertale Alphys - She touches it too, thinking it would be like in My Little Pony, but then the horses dragged her to the water and she screams in fear. The Kelpie heard loud stomps before Undyne punched it with so much force it flied in the air like the team Rocket. Alphys doesn't let go of her girlfriend for the rest of the day.
Undertale Frisk - Duh, * PET. Once their hand is sticked to the horse, all you can hear is "shit" before they're dragged underwater. Frisk just loads back in time, shows their middle finger to the horse and leaves.
Undertale Chara - They actually knows what a Kelpie is and they're simply ignoring it. Nice try though. If the horse insists, they will murder it.
Undertale Mettaton - It doesn't work, because his body is robotic. But Mettaton has over plans anyway and jumps on his back for a rodeo on livestream. The Kelpie is panicked and fighting for his life, because the robot is making sure everytime he does not go back into the water. Eventually they get bored. The Kelpie never showed up again, traumatised.
Undertale Gaster - Gaster wanted to pet the horse, but then his goop did a weird thing and he absorbed the house into it. Welp. That happened.
Undertale Grillby - He immediately knows something is off because he can feel water on the horse. He's an elemental, he knows this stuff. He decides to stay away from this thing, it's weird.
Undertale Muffet - The Kelpie managed to catch her, but when he tried to drag her in the water, Muffet's pet ran in panic and eat the Kelpie in one big "CRUNCH". You don't touch Mommy Spider, demonic horse.
Undertale Burgerpants - He tried to pet the Kelpie, but the Kelpie got scared of his face and ran away. Burgerpants feels outraged and goes pouting somewhere else. Even cool demonic horses don't want to deal with him :(
Undertale Flowey - The Kelpie is not interested since he's veggie, and everyone knows veggies are not good. That doesn't stop Flowey from harrassing it with bullets to try to steal his soul, but the Kelpie doesn't care.
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aflippedflop · 3 years
Does Sourpuss not like Toriel either? Would he hate Toriel as much as BPants hates MTT?
Nah, Sourpuss never liked Toriel either. Unlike Muffet, Burgerp- ERM!!! Sourpuss!!! Came to Hotland to persue his acting career (As per usual) and wanted to be an actor in one of Toriel's shows (By that, I mean he secretly wanted a show with him as the main actor) but Toriel said Sourpuss wasn't ready yet for the job, so Toriel, without really thinking of anything aside from her hole in heart and her own self, she had Sourpuss work as a chef, entertainer, AND a guard for many of her kid themed attractions around Hotland. Usually by himself around a bunch of snot nosed kids.
Sourpuss started to REALLY hate Toriel for crushing his dreams but also forcing him to work with spoiled whiney brats all day. It's gotten so bad that Sourpuss literally fights Frisk in the middle of one of the restaurants in front of several kids, hurling colored knives and Monster Candies full of golfballs at Frisk. (They are only used for self defense, don't worry.) He just went a little crazy after knowing that if he killed Frisk, he would be known as a hero for stopping the human, breaking the barrier, and freeing the monsters, and him shattering the barrier means he'll be a bigger celebrity than even Toriel.
But at the end of his fight, he either realizes that killing a kid for fame wouldn't be something he'd want to be known for and live with or if you use a bought item from the Ruins, he'll be forced to treat you like any other customer and he can't attack you. Afterwards, Sourpuss is basically your big buddy and you can even help him with his little... homesick dilemma.
But back on topic, Toriel isn't as egotistical or selfish as UT Mettaton so Sourpuss still has some sort of respect for her. Heck, Toriel and Sourpuss sometimes hang out after work to mess around in one of the ballpits at the restaurants... yes I'm serious. Toriel and Sourpuss like to mess around with ballpits.
Toriel is still a bad boss, but can be a fun one after hours. But atleast Sourpuss and Muffet can bond over how much Toriel pisses them off sometimes. :)
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viky2318 · 1 year
TRIGGER WARNING (yeah I need to put those because of that lil' cute baby called MADDY)
Blood; Violence; Swearing; Gore?
I dunno man seriously it's the first time I write something this bad. Tell me if you think it's too much, I think I can cool it down a little if needed.
“This is all wrong”. The only comprehensible thought that was present in Maddy’s head. Everything was going well! She worked quickly without messing around, she found Muffet, she convinced her to at least be helped if she didn’t want to go home already… And now it sounded like they were all going to deal with Sam immediately. For once Maddy wanted to actually plan the next moves, but noooo, Karma stuck out the middle finger and sent everything down a goddamn pit. The cat kept her eyes open in the direction the flower pointed out, and started building up a strategy: “Alright… Grillby, do your fire shield thing all around us: we gotta be covered by all the sides; Muffet at the strings: keep an eye open for the buddy and strangle them at sight. Flower guy, you can-...”.
They turned back to face the others, not hearing any response, but they weren’t there anymore.
Maddy was alone.
Suddenly, she was floating around in a familiar, brand new town. she weren’t in her body anymore, and instead was again the small, shy, reddish, twelve years old ghost that lived with the cousins in Waterfall. She was with Napstablook, one of the cousins she used to hang out with the most. Maddy knew where they were going. And remembered the feeling of unsureness, that horrid stone that made their soul sink in the anxiety, the moment he told her they were gonna meet some new friends. “W-what?! I… I dunno man… What if they don’t like me?” Maddy remembered saying, suddenly stopping and doing her best to not stutter. Blooky stopped as well and looked at her, smiling quietly in a reassuring way. "Hey… don't worry. I know these people, and I'm sure they will like you…" he said in his usual slow, slightly melancholic yet not sad tone. Maddy trusted his cousin, and after a moment of thinking she decided to give it a shot. "... Alright… I'll come" she said, returning the smile. At that point her ghost body moved ahead, following the older cousin, while her point of view remained unmoved.
"You remember what happened next, right?" an annoyingly familiar voice asked. Maddy, again inside of her cotton body, didn't turn around to face the human. She knew they were there, and she didn't want to see them. She felt all her repressed anger growling inside of her soul… "You met Undyne. Right? And you felt inspired by her strong attitude. She gave you a new feeling to try, and when you decided to go live in her dummy you chose to use the determined anger you saw in her as a feeling to try to fuse through. Right?". They were starting to be annoying… "Stop speaking as if you knew everything about me, Sam" she said, still not facing them.
The human dared to lay a hand on the cat's shoulder and Maddy finally turned around, summoning her staff and slamming it hard against their face. In the blink of an eye, they were in the void. Sam fell on the ground, a dark bruise on their cheek and an aching pain that told them Maddy probably broke their upper jaw. "Geez, Maddy! What was that for?" They asked, almost sounding offended. They typed something on their keyboard, and the bruise was gone. "Don't play dumb with me, you bastard!" The cat exclaimed, hitting them again on the stomach while they were still on the floor. "You know what you did. You lied to us, made us kill innocents using stupid tricks and made ME kill someone who didn't have anything to do with our work. That would be enough to make me want to kill you". Before Sam could answer or fight back, Maddy hit them again on the face and, to make sure they wouldn't heal up, she stepped on their arm and took the keyboard. She was extremely tempted to simply break it and end it there, but she knew she still needed that goddamn human. "Now you better tell me where the others are before I erase you from existence" she declared, her gaze making clear that she could tear the human apart any moment. Finally, the cat saw a slight fear in their eyes. "Now now, let's not be this cruel…" Sam said, apparently wanting to say something to save their skin. But she wasn't gonna allow that. Maddy pressed her foot harder on their arm, a low cracking sound coming from it, making them shut up completely in pain. "Don't you dare. Just answer my question. Where are Muffet and Grillby?".
Sam opened a portal under themselves and escaped. They reappeared a few meters away, holding their arm. "My gosh, Maddy! I wasn't expecting such violence from you. I think you broke my arm…. Though I have to admit this more determined you is pretty cool-" they commented, but Maddy threw them several attacks. The human raised a hand, and the attacks turned green right before they could hit them, ending up healing them completely instead of killing them. "Wha- I got your keyboard thing! How can you still do your code-thingies??" the cat exclaimed, a hint of worry appearing on her face. Sam smiled at her reaction, then stated: "Maddy… I made practice, that's all".
In less than a second Maddy was pinned on the ground, Sam's foot on their stomach holding her down. It didn't hurt, but for some reason she couldn't move. She tried to teleport, but it didn't work. "H-hey! You couldn't do this before!" Maddy said, sounding angry but now feeling a bit concerned. "You see, my little friend", Sam started, crouching a bit. "The keyboard was like… a simplified coding language. It helped me at the beginning, but it also limited me. Now that I have a good knowledge on how to use my abilities, I don't need it anymore and I can do way more things". The cat felt a mix of fear and anger growing up in her soul, and after a moment she declared: "you have five seconds to take away your fucker face from me before-" "before what? You can't do anything, Maddy. You're in my control. I could make you do whatever I want, and you wouldn't blink an eye!". "Oh yeah? Then why aren't you using your marvelous powers? I doubt you just want to keep me down for the rest of eternity, but you aren't actually trying to make me do anything else", Maddy underlined. Sam raised an eyebrow, smiling. "Because I want you to follow me willingly, silly! Or at least give it a shot…".
Not even the time to say anything back that the two were standing again, Sam holding out a hand as if to offer the cat to follow them. Maddy took the chance to take them by the wrist and slam them on the floor several times, multiple cracking sounds coming from the human's body every time they hit the ground.
But then, they were again standing one in front of the other. The only thing that proved the fact that Maddy actually hurted Sam was their body being filled with bruises and bleeding wounds, some parts of their body not being in an actually natural position. And in the blink of an eye also those were gone. "Good lord, Maddy! I'm trying to be polite here!" The human commented with a hint of annoyance. Maddy didn't give up, and kicked them hard on the stomach. The moment they doubled in pain, Maddy landed a foot on their face, a cracking sound telling them that their nose got broken.
As if nothing, they were again standing one in front of the other. "We're not going anywhere like this-" Sam started, repairing their nose, but Maddy pulled them close enough to break their neck. Blood spilled out like a river, staining the cat's arms and hands.
Less than a moment, and they were again standing one in front of the other. "I'm loosing my patience here…" Sam commented, but Maddy summoned her staff and hit them at full force, cracking their head. Their gray hair quickly turned deep red, completely soaked in the blood.
And they were again standing one in front of the other. "Please Madd-" Maddy took Sam by the arm and threw them as high as they could, summoning then a massive amount of attacks against them.
They were again standing- Maddy summoned her halberd and hit Sam as many times as her arms let her, blood covering her clothes and insides falling around, an unrestrained violence guided only by the will to see them dead once and forever.
Maddy fell on her knees, feeling tired. Sam, again perfectly fine, sat next to her and gave her a patient look. "... Have you finished?" They asked quietly, but the cat didn't give them an answer. The human remained silent for a while, then continued speaking. "... I think you can understand why I'm being so patient with you. You know, I could have already fixed all of my problems if I just forced you to be my minion, but… this is not what I want."
"Do you remember why we started all that thing about killing Sanses around?". Maddy kept her mouth shut for a good minute. "... To avoid sad stories", she then quietly replied, not raising her eyes from the black floor. Sam smiled, satisfied. "Exactly. Now, even with my full powers I cannot change someone's thinking, their desires or their ideas: that's something only creators can do. You know very well that the only way I have to make you do something against your will, is by controlling your actions by force. I cannot convince you through codes. Now, don't you think that a soul forced to act against their will to satisfy someone else's will is a pretty good base for a sad story?". Maddy didn't say anything, but the answer was obvious. Sam gave her another little while to think about what they said, then continued: "... Do you know why I showed you that part of your past? When you still were a ghost, trapped in one of million Undergrounds?". Maddy raised a bit their gaze. "... That was the saddest moment of your life before the Multiverse. Right? The most painful. And it was just some insecurity caused by some natural shyness. Maybe some social anxiety. The point is, you had an almost happy life! Unlike Muffet or Grillby, you had no tragic moments, no dead friends or family members, nothing like that! You know how a normal life feels. And I think you could be the best person to help me. I… I may have to admit I made a few little mistakes in the past with my plan to fix the multiverse and stuff. I shouldn't have forced you to kill Swap and Template, as a start. I should have tried to eliminate immediately bigger threats like Error and Nightmare. I should have tried a different approach to the thing instead of sending you to Dust and telling you that was your home. But maybe those were mistakes made because I have the vision of someone with a bad past! Maybe you could help me do the right choices!". Maddy finally got up, and glared at Sam with a tired, yet extremely irritated look. "I wouldn't help you even if you tried to change for real. We aren't going to. Because also Muffet and Grillby are out. We closed with this shit. If you wanna do something useful for this wretched multiverse, start fixing things with your powers instead of breaking them". Sam looked at her for a while, then got up. "... Alright. I… I'll respect your decision. I won't bother you about it anymore". Maddy's ears perked up. "Wait what? Really?" She asked, clearly surprised. Sam nod. "Of course. You can't help me if you don't want to. It's no use to insist with you. I know how determined you can be". With that said, Sam opened a portal and gestured Maddy to go. "See you never, I guess?" They said, trying to smile quietly. Maddy didn't trust this sudden acceptance for her decision, but she had no other way out. She stepped in the portal to reach a sunny flower field, and only when the portal closed again she noticed she was still holding the human's keyboard.
... You filthy little liar...
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secret-time-is-here · 3 years
An Error's Journey
Chapter 18
Previous - First - Next
It was shortly after Frisk and Chara left, heading back towards Snowdin, that Core appeared.
“Hello, Sans.” Their monotone voice called.
“Core.” He nearly growled, “What do you want?”
“Actually, I’m here to give you something, consider it a new power, if you will.”
“And why would I want it?”
Core didn’t answer, instead opening a mini-portal in front of him. A square window following Frisk. Core even moved it to a front view of their face, gleaming red orbs beading through the bottom of their eyes, nearly closed to protect from the snow.
“It’s a window, a code I can teach you to read and copy.”
“You… you can learn to read code?” Core nodded, “...why do you want to teach me?”
“For the rest of time, it will come in handy to you.”
“You’re acting like I’m immortal.”
Core didn’t reply, and simply moved the window to a door he had never seen before, Frisk was approaching it.
“We have a common enemy, you and I.”
Frisk looked at the door and began to open it. “This enemy, at this moment, is unseen.” Inside was a white room, “It’ll still be years to come from now before he even exists.” A black blob sat in the middle of the room. “It’ll still be months to come before your future self remembers learning of him.”
The blob looked up, showing a white skeletal face with two cracks and one glowing eye. “It’ll be even longer before you fight with him, but he will be lurking and waiting for the time to strike.” Frisk walked up to the blob slowly, unsure. “Your future self thinks I’m working to do all this- to guide you for my own gain.”
The blob gurgled, and a pair of dismembered hands signed in wingdings: “I’m sorry.”
“Truthfully, I’ve simply been working towards the right end. The one where you and your partners finally let this story finish.”
“Yes.” The blob shook, “You will lose almost all closest to you before the fight, and you will lose most of yourself during it...” The blob solidified, and he recognized the figure of his father; of Gaster. “You are not the only one I have been guiding, just the only one I have given explicit intrustuction. You are the oldest of the five...”
The window closed, and 3 new ones appeared.
The first window held a white void, sketches of buildings and characters, but otherwise a blank slate. The second had a large tree on a hill, a dryad sat under it. The third showed the image of a monster draped in black.
As suddenly as they were shown, they were closed.
“The other four will listen to you, they will trust you.”
“You only showed me three windows”
“I assure you, I showed you all four others.” Core smiled, “For the sake of your sanity, both now and future, I can only be vague.” Core opened a panel before them, and with the click of a button, Sans was able to see the hidden ones and zeros that made up his world.
The panel slid over to him, and a doc of lines of code appeared. One for a portal and one for windows. “Just until you get the hang of it and memorize those.”
Core’s smile dropped, “At some point or another, you will fight against each of them. Do not let that dismay you, however, you are destined to befriend them.”
Core opened a portal, and he could see the ones and zeros around the tear in space. “My final parting gift, until I see you next. You can befriend Chara- but keep Frisk closer.”
Those words continued to haunt him for days to come as he watched over Frisk. For the most part, the human was peaceful, only killing big enemies…
Enemies like his friend Undyne. Enemies like innocent but stronger monsters such as Muffet. Enemies like the beloved star of the underground Mettaton.
Sadly, it wasn’t long until Frisk made it to the hallway before the king, or as Lust referred to it as, The Judgement Hall.
His body pulled him forward, facing Frisk’s neutral expression. The expression of a careless killer.
“Hey brat, Chara.” He smirked as Frisk’s expression began to twist, if they were upset or sad, he couldn’t tell. “You look bored… I get the feeling you aren’t gonna learn anything from this.”
Their expression seemed to turn absolutely remorseful, as if Chara had taken over, “Well, guess I gotta judge you then… over level 3, huh?” The human’s form shook, “You killed some people on purpose, didn’t you?”
A short gallows laugh was ripped out of him, “That’s probably bad.” He looked them over, “Though some of that was probably in self-defense… I don’t know, help me out here- I wasn’t watching.” He shrugged, the lie slipping through his teeth easily.
Chara stood with crying eyes, shaking their head no.
“Anyways… don’t do that.” And he teleported away, heading towards Waterfall- only to wake up in his bed, panicked once more.
He slowly controlled his breathing, and with his head in his hands, spoke a quiet curse.
“Sans! Breakfast Is Ready!” Papyrus’ voice called, just like the first and second time he went through this day.
Lust walked out through a portal, treading across the room lightly, dirty from his carelessness. Even picking up a letter he doesn’t remember receiving and tucking it away.
Lust’s hug enveloped him, and he leaned against him, his mind instantly forgetting about the letter.
“It’s going to get better.” Lust reminded him, and he nodded, sneaking in a short kiss, before leaning against Lust again. “Darling, Paps is going to get worried if you stay up here too long.”
“...alright.” He moved up, and shrugged on his hoodie, saying a quiet “Love you.” Before embarking downstairs.
“Good Morning Brother!” He flinches at how loud Papyrus is, and his brother seems to notice, “Sorry, Sans. I suppose you’re still waking up.”
“Thanks, Paps. What’cha making? It doesn’t smell burnt.” He joked dryly, leaning against the counter.
“I’m making chocolate pancakes, Undyne recently gave me a recipe. She said to follow the instructions to the word-and although it says to cook them a lot shorter than I the great Papyrus normally would-I did as she said.”
He let out a smile, despite having heard this for the third time now. “And don’t you dare ruin this with your ketchup-”
“At least let me have the leftover chocolate then.” He smiled wider, extending a hand. To which Papyus grumbled but gave him the leftover sweets and a plate of pancakes.
“You should hurry on eating those, we might be late for work!” He nodded, chewing away at his food, “What if we miss a human?!”
His smile dropped. He’d much rather be late.
All characters belong to their respected creators
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Biting Off More Than You Can Chew; part 11
Summary: Rus is coming into his own heat and he is not happy with this development.
Warning: Lemon! Lemony lemon, all the lemons, tasty citrus within!
Tags: heatfic, dubious consent, NSFW, frenemies to lovers, mates, first time, more if I think of them
PLEASE READ THE TAGS: This is a Heat story, so there are going to be issues of consent. I don’t do partner rape, nope, but hey, I want to be straight with y’all. I like heatfics personally, but I understand how they can be troubling for some people. So there it is.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
Read Chapter 11 on AO3
Read it here!
Heat was a shitty description for the actual feeling of a biological imperative burning its way like a fevered infection through a Monster. The first coals igniting in the soul and working its way out into a forest fire to the ends of the limbs, provoking unbearable need along the way.
Control was foreign concept and even with Edge pliant beneath him, drawing Rus down and willingly spreading his legs, Rus fought the urge to hold him down and keep him there. He wanted more, wanted to taste him, be inside him because he knew, deep in the lurking primal depths within that nothing else was going to stop that awful burning. He wanted, no, he needed it. Wants were no longer able to be obeyed.
It took some fucking Herculean effort to pull away from the promise of relief, stumbling over his own feet to land on the floor in a skittering crab-crawl backwards from Edge.
Who sat up on the bed, his crimson eye lights burning through the darkness. A bed? Yeah, that’s right, they were in Edge’s room. Rus barely recalled having the sense to come here, leaving behind the cold safety of Underswap to follow the pull of his soul to his mate.
“Rus—" Edge began, carefully. He pushed up to his feet. He was in his pajamas, of course he was, it was the middle of the fucking night. The bite mark on his sternum was dark and shiny, the trickling marrow black in the dimness, and if Rus put his mouth back on it, his teeth would line up perfectly.
“don’t touch me!” Rus could still taste marrow painting his mouth, salt-bitter and sickening. He curled up against the wall, panting harshly. His fingers dug into the wall, paint gouging out beneath the tips. “keep back, don’t touch me!”
“It’s all right.” Edge probably even meant it. He’d been expecting this. Sure he had, he’d known this was coming for all the fucking good knowing did. He took another step closer and Rus hissed out a warning, one eye light guttering and the other going bright as a strobe.
“i said don’t touch me!!” Edge halted and Rus let go of the burgeoning attack, half-summoned bones sputtering out. It’d been hard to dredge up to begin with, his magic didn’t want to fight, oh, no, not at all, the only violence his soul was begging for was carnal. Rus let his skull fall with a muffled thunk against the carpet as he lay there, trying to breathe. “i know, i get it, we have to fuck until it’s over but just let me—give me a minute. and don’t fucking touch!”
The throb in his soul might think otherwise, but there was enough rationality left in Rus’s brain pan to form one coherent thought. He didn’t want this. Not heat or bonds or any of this shit. He wanted to be home, wanted to follow his own choice so he could be fucking any of the others from Muffet’s, wanted their come in his cunt or running salt-bitter down his throat. Not this, not the mindless burn in his soul deciding for him.
The wall Edge taught him to create around his thoughts was crumbling, falling brick by brick, letting him feel the concern Edge was radiating. All that worry/desire/concern/regret/worry coming at him in a bruising flurry and fuck Edge for wanting any part of this. Rus wasn’t alone in his body or his head, he hated this, hated it.
Behind him, Edge made a choked, hurt sound; must’ve let down his own mental brick wall, ‘cause he’d felt that, and Rus was resentfully glad of it. Let him hurt, this was his fault, his and his brother’s, all of it. If they’d stayed in their own Universe, kept all this heat bullshit to themselves—
“i hate this,” Rus groaned aloud. He tipped his head up to look at the ceiling, tasted repulsively sweet tears as they slid back in his skull to fall thickly on his tongue. He was shaking, bones rattling together as he forced himself to stay here, away from Edge. “i hate you.”
But it wasn’t enough to make this stop. The bitter pulse of emotion didn’t prevent what little desperate control he’d managed to claw up from finally giving way, didn’t keep him from crawling back to Edge as it ebbed. Who was unresisting even when Rus pulled him down to the floor, rolling him onto his knees. He went willingly, didn’t protest when Rus scrabbled at his soft pajama pants, yanking and pulling them down to bunch around his thighs. Any lingering dregs of patience were lost there, wisping away, because Edge’s pussy was already formed in the same rich crimson as his magic, glistening invitingly.
Edge grunted as Rus impulsively slid his thumbs down the slick lips. Wet, already wet, ready for a cock, and his hips gave an unwilling little jerk into Rus’s lingering touch.
That burning in Rus’s soul was spreading, clouding his vision, his mind. He couldn’t wait anymore, couldn’t think of anything past having, taking. Rus jerked down his own pants, palming his aching cock as he shuffled awkwardly forward on his knees, whining at the feel of the first brush of hot, slick pussy against the head of his shaft as he lined up and pushed to the root in one hard thrust.
Edge hissed out a breath between clenched teeth, sharpened fingertips punching through the carpet and into the floor. Probably hurt all at once like that, and Rus didn’t give him a chance to adjust, couldn’t, he couldn’t, not when the clench of his cunt was so tight around him. He starting riding him immediately, pulling out and then back in, jabbing into him, using his hold on Edge’s iliac crests to haul him back into each one.
“you didn’t tell me it was like this,” Rus choked out. Moving helplessly with rising urgency, rocking them together in unrelenting rhythm.
Beneath him, Edge was breathing like he was dying, wasn’t fighting him, not at all, lax and willing, and over the rising sounds of their bodies crashing together, Rus heard him gasp out, “I tried!”
“didn’t tell me enough! fuck!” Rus shuddered, clawing at Edge’s rib cage, trying to hang on anywhere. It was impossible, they were both slippery with sweat, mingled honey-gold and crimson painting Edge’s bones. “you’re so fucking tight, i can’t!”
Edge made a low, guttural sound, flame-flicker of emotion licking over Rus’s soul. It was enough to make Rus slow. He couldn’t stop, couldn’t. But the heat ebbed enough for him to see through narrowed sockets. Taking in the quiver in Edge’s shoulders, his pain-tight expression, half his face buried into his folded arms. His own emotions were leaking through their bond like rainwater from a leaky gutter, but Edge was closed off, empty, giving nothing back, what the hell. Irrational anger flared alongside lust; it was a fucking bond, what was Edge hiding from him, he couldn’t be afraid, was never afraid, what wasn’t he showing?
Possibilities flittered through Rus’s mind, one standing out starkly.
“have you done this before?” Rus demanded. Wouldn’t make a difference, he couldn’t stop, every sentence punctuated with another ragged thrust, but he needed to know. “has anyone else ever fucked you? tell me, tell me!”
“No!” Edge snarled out. There, yes, hell yes, Edge was taking it, yeah, letting himself get fucked like a good boy, but the hot wash of his temper shot an arrow through their bond before it was choked off. His visible eye light was a blazing, crimson hellfire. “Only you!”
He’d never done this before. Rus suspected that from the start, from the first moment he’d braced himself to go into a room with Edge for a long night of mercy sex. Of course he’d been a virgin; Edge was younger that him, as young as Blue was, Red had told him there was no one to trust in this world, and Rus never even asked, not before, not now.
“fuck,” he whined out. He ducked down, his forehead clattering against Edge’s spine, smearing sweat. Hips still moving, driving on because the tight clasp of pussy was sucking him in, the need to come delirious, implacable. “i can’t stop!”
“I know.” Barest prickle of emotion, not anger this time, unnamed and unfamiliar as it soothed over the rawness in his soul, “It’s okay, Rus, I know.”
It wasn’t okay, wasn’t even on the same planet as okay, in the same universe.
“don’t let me hurt you,” Rus pleaded. He managed to work a hand around Edge’s hip, down between his legs. Feeling at the damp folds for the hard nub hidden within. He knew he found it when Edge sucked in a hard breath, shuddering out a cry as Rus circled it with a slippery fingertip, feeling it swell eagerly beneath his touch.
“You aren’t,” Edge moaned, and Rus moaned with him, feeling that vibrating shudder from the inside. “Oh!!”
Fuck, the sounds he was making, deep and urgent, desperately gorgeous, Edge was gorgeous. Gasping out Rus’s name pleadingly as he pistoned into him, short and hard and brutal. Rus wasn’t gonna last much longer, not this time, probably not the next, ecstasy overtaking him.
Rus came hard, feeling the liquid bloom of heat surrounding his cock deep inside, but it wasn’t like any orgasm he’d ever had. The euphoric pleasure engulfed him in a cooling wash over his overheated soul, soothing away a fraction of that burn as he choked out in a relieved sob and slumped to lay heavily across Edge’s back. He grunted disagreeably, but took Rus’s weight, braced against the floor.
With a grunt of his own, Rus pulled out, hissing at the cool air on his wet, overheated pseudoflesh. Edge’s pussy didn’t seem real happy about letting him go, desperate shivers wracking him as he teetered on the ledge of orgasm that Rus didn’t let him fall over. It wouldn’t be good enough, not even close. He’d barely started liking it, Rus wasn’t letting Edge get off with an unsatisfying little throb of a climax.
He kept a hand on Edge, petting his spine warningly. Stay put, that hand meant, and Edge did even though Rus could see his pussy clenching emptily, a thin, obscene trickle of his own come dribbling down the slit.
That burning heat was nowhere near gone, only banked back for the moment, enough for him to get a good look at what he was working with. Last time, Edge was the one in control, everything was what he wanted. This time Rus let his gaze rove over Edge voraciously, taking in the sights.
So many scars, on his femurs, slashed across his ribs, gouged into his skull. Even marring his fingers, his usual gloves were missing and his cracked phalanges clenched into fists. Broken, healed, broken again when Edge came back for more.
Except his pelvis. It was relatively intact, only a couple small scarred cracks. His pelvic cradle glowed crimson with his magic, the transparency clouded within from being filled with Rus’s come. His sacrum was untouched, a smooth plane of bone with delicate holes marching down the length.
A sudden flood of soft fluid filled Rus’s mouth. Yeah, he needed to taste that.
He ducked his head, licking briefly at the delicate nub of his coccyx. Used broad, flat strokes of tongue to work his way higher, riding out the lurch of Edge’s hips as he jerked in surprise. Following the path to that tempting sacrum and forcing the eager tip of his tongue into the first little hole.
Edge squealed out a startled cry, satisfyingly shrill, oh, fuck, yes. Rus wanted to hear that again. The tang of magic was heavy on his tongue, they were both sweat-soaked, and Rus lapped their mingled taste from quaking bones. Edge’s trembling legs gave out, spilling him to the floor and Rus followed him down, giving each hole his full attention, tracing them over and over again with his tongue in teasing little patterns until Edge was quivering, moaning desperately, his hips pushing back against Rus’s mouth in a silent plea for more.
Yeah, more, he could do more. Rus drew away, licking away the smears of spicy sweetness from his teeth as he crawled back on top, lining up and pushing back inside with a shaky groan. This time Edge’s pussy was welcomingly drenched, clenching around him in a tight ripple as Edge choked out a moan and finally came, desperate cries leaking through his clenched teeth.
“yeah, that’s it,” Rus panted, forcing his way deeper through every wild, clenching throb of the passage surrounding him, “gonna do that again for me, gonna do that a lot, baby, fuck, yes.”
Fuck, yes, that was all Rus wanted. Wanted to fuck him, claim him, see his ripe belly swell which makes no fucking sense since Edge couldn’t get pregnant any more than he could. He still wanted it, the idea standing out in his mind’s eye and he barely realized he was pinning Edge down by the wrists, covering him with his own body from shoulder to knees. He wasn’t stronger than Edge, except somehow he was, long bones straining in his grip. Testing him with minute struggles and Rus shuddered, holding on.
“don’t fight me,” Rus growled warningly, and his soul felt like it might burst when Edge laughed, fucking laughed.
“Try and stop me,” Edge said, gaspy with laughter and need, and Rus burned.
Later, he couldn’t have said how they ended up on the bed, sense blurring into desperation. The only thing Rus knew was the frustrating, endless wildfire to have Edge in ways he could hardly fathom. Braced against the headboard, one knee jerked up high to allow Rus deeper inside. Held up against the wall with his slim legs braced on Rus’s hips, bouncing along with every vicious thrust. On his back, his femurs spread wide and Rus was torn between fucking him and burying his face into those swollen, dripping folds, lapping at their combined fluids, pushing his tongue in almost as deep as his cock until Edge was begging, clawing at his skull and leaving behind stinging scratches and the pain was the only way Rus realized he’d actually done it.
Everything was colored with the frenzy of need driving him, until he was weak with exhaustion, aching deep in his bones and magical ligaments strained. The relentless burning in his soul hadn’t let up, still demanding more, and Rus sobbed dryly, bitterly.
“enough,” Rus pleaded. His voice was reducing to a low rasp, words fighting out of his throat. “no more. please.”
He didn’t know if he was begging Edge or his soul. He couldn't move anymore, couldn't fuck, he couldn't, too exhausted, his mouth desert dry, desire blending into agony. He was filthy with sweat and come, they both were, the sheets beneath them dappled with heavy smears of crimson and orange.
The mouth suddenly against his own was tender, soothing, and Rus only sobbed into it, kissing back through the brief sticky flood of his tears dampening his dry mouth, even as Edge pushed him to lay on his back.
“Shhh, I know,” Edge crooned. His weight was more than Rus could fight against, holding him down as Edge straddled him, but the tenderness he exercised was almost worse. “I’m so sorry.” Edge was wobbly as a newborn gyftrot as he sank down and another wet, bubbling sob escaped Rus as Edge winced, riding Rus gingerly, “Not much longer, you can do this.”
“i can’t,” Rus heaved out, even as his hips tried to rise, chasing that slick, soft pussy. The heat around him hurt as much as it pleasured, searing his aching pseudoflesh. “please, i’m so sore, no more.”
Edge only pet his rib cage and didn’t slow, rolling his hips in a careful rhythm, “Let me help you,” Edge whispered, “it's all right, I have you. Let me take care of you this time.”
“i need you.” Low and guttural, all the desperation in his soul bursting out in three words. Rus didn't mean to say it, he didn’t mean for anything of this.
But his soul soared as Edge whispered back, raspy-sweet, "You have me. I'm yours. No one else's, only yours.”
Orgasm was less a pleasure than a relief, a brief, unsatisfying throb coupled with a bare spurt of come and when his soul began to pulse again, Rus let out a bitter, tear-laced groan. It took three more times before he could finally collapse, three more times of Edge crooning to him, petting him with disconcerting tenderness, cajoling and urging coaxingly until Rus could only give in.
The sheets were uncomfortably damp beneath him, but Rus could’ve sooner walked through the shield with a suitcase in one hand and cigarette in the other than he could have moved. Turned out, he didn’t need to. Rus only mumbled out a disagreeable sound as he lifted, the sound gently shushed and soon he was beneath a cooling rush of gorgeous water spraying down on him. Rus lifted his face into it, mouth opened like a baby bird as he drank greedily.
“Easy, you’ll make yourself sick.” Whispered against the side of his skull, fingertips on his chin turning his head away. Disgruntled as he was, Rus obeyed that touch, even as a distant sense of gratifying pride swelled in his soul. His mate was taking care of him, washing him gently, a soapy cloth easing his aching soreness. Soon he was lifted again, wrapped in a fluffy, warm towel and carried back to the bed. He must’ve drowsed off, waking briefly as he was settled onto clean sheets that smelled of nothing more than strong laundry detergent.
“edge?” Rus mumbled, reaching out, searching. His soul cramped in dismay as he found nothing within reach and he struggled to open his sockets, an unhappy whimper escaping him.
“Shhh, I’m here.” The bed creaked with added weight, a bare, slim body settling between the sheets, pulling Rus into his arms. Rus sighed in weary contentment, cuddling up against him as best as he could.
There was a certain warmth glowing in his soul, not heat, no, it was something…something else, Rus wasn’t sure, wasn’t even sure if it was his own. Edge might’ve spoken, crooned more of that soothing his way, Rus couldn’t tell. He was wrapped up in that warmth and Rus let it encompass him like a mental blanket, drawing him with tender implacableness into sleep.
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ask-classicdreams · 4 years
Uh so. Masterpost I guess. Here's my ideas. They're all shit, but here ya go.
--while the void attempted to recreate dreamtale as the classic universe, dreamtale has a wildly smaller amount of resources to work with. therefore in putting dreamtales code into the classic universe, it just turned basically everything into apples since that's the focus of dreamtale. so, toriel and flowey are apples.
--dream is in papyrus's role and instead of cooking spaghetti and such, he cooks everything out of apples since there's such an abundant supply of them. the underground is located underneath an apple orchard.
--nightmare is in sans's role, and he hates apples. instead of the classic "burn in hell" genocide quote, nightmare just sighs and flips dream's cape-hood-thing up. after a pause and some shifting, he just says "i fucking hate apples." before fucking you up
--after the first hit when you deny his mercy, dream basically says 'fuck you' to the script and goes apeshit. if you somehow survive that, he turns into your passive aggressive narrator. (eg. "woshua steps in! you're gonna slaughter him in cold blood aren't you, you f-") him and chara have fights over the flavor text rules.
--when nightmare dies, there isn't any blood or anything. just a sigh and nightmare going "heh, well. guess that's over. dream, i think i'll try that apple pie now." there is no whoosh sound either, just a thud.
--dream's outfit is underswap sans's down to a T. the only difference is that dream's is in a shade of yellow. dream's first words when prompted are "wait isn't this just underswap sans's--" but gets kicked in the teeth by annoying apple, the substitute for annoying dog. nightmare's first words are "patrick noise. wait fuck i can't say that--ererererer" but instead of saying the text tone noise, he pronounced the letters.
--instead of his circlet, dream wears a plastic cinderella tiara with himself scribbled over cinderella in black marker. nightmare stole it to draw a mustache on it at some point. eg:
Tumblr media
--nightmare's outfit is gross, goopy sweatpants that was once an unidentified color. they have the walmart logo down each side of them. his shirt is black, obviously. but he's wearing the Official Patented Sans Jacket, the one with sans's face on the zipper? it's somehow untouched by all of the goop. pristine condition. his slippers are black and fluffy with google eyes on them which dream calls his goopshoes.
--frisk n chara are still humans.
--when you look in dream's fridge, all you see is apple products. look closer, and you'll start to see the apple meat, apple stomach, apple feet. you decide to close the fridge.
--toriel is another apple. whenever she has to move, she politely asks you to leave the room. nothing progresses until you do. once you move, theres obvious slide marks on the floor where toriel once was.
--when you kill her in genocide, you get the apple. if you decide to go back into toriel's house, you have the option to make apple pie.
--muffet's place is Whole Grains Fruits and Vegetables For A Super Low Price! (no exceptions or abbreviations, you have to type it out in full every single time) the Whole Grains Fruits and Vegetables For A Super Low Price! fight is just. shopping cart. upon further inspection, it's an applebys shopping cart but you don't know how because applebys is a restaurant, not a supermarket. the joke is that nightmare stole it.
(*There's goop on the handlebars. You wonder what Nightmare wanted with a shopping cart.)
dream, if you call him at the dump: oh yeah! nighty always wanted to go to the surface so he could try something other than apples! it seems we're right under an apple orchard, so we mostly get apple-centric foods.
my boy wanted to keep it but dream talked him out of it (unless it's true pacifist, go into his room after the barrier breaks and it's in the place sans's treadmill would be. he'll be sitting on his bed when you walk in.)
when prompted nightmare says:
nm: what? a guy can't dream?
frisk: dream of what
nm: my brother, dream of the underground [sans wink]
frisk: no what about the shopping cart?
nm: what's a shopping cart?
[dialogue box disappears, shortcut sound plays, shopping cart is gone]
go underneath the sink and it's in there though, with frantic scuff marks on the ground. seems like the wheel got stuck halfway down.
--the neutral fight is a giant apple with eyes. nightmare is with you for some reason, showing clear disgust because it looks like you'd have to eat all of it. but, frisk just throws their dora the explorer light-up sneakers at the apple's googly eyes. when the eyes come off, you get the apple.
(you're supposed to put it on nightmare's bed. during the phone call, at the end, he says "oh by the way i got your gift. fuck you." and hangs up.)
--everybody else is statues.
--if you give nightmare the apple directly it starts a dating sequence that only lasts a few seconds before he bodily picks you up and chucks you at the barrier. you faceplant on the other side. he likes throwing you around, if you come back to the bridge between snowdin and the ruins after killing dream, he picks you ups and throws you off of it.
--at the end of genocide, instead of chara appearing it's just nightmare but 80x taller than frisk.
--they have a pet frog named phenylcyclohexyl piperidine. when asked, dream will say "oh nightmare named her! i don't know what it means though..." you have the choice to tell him "it's a drug" or "ask him later". if you choose "it's a drug" dream will nod solemnly and stay quiet.
if you choose to tell dream to ask night about it, the next time you see dream he'll say "nightmare told me what it means! im so glad our frog is an angel :))"
--during nightmare's fight, in the middle of his strongest attack, you get an award titled "congrats! you've been distracted!" and he immediately throws a sequence of attacks faster than you can dodge if you were distracted. if you click on it, it says "nightmare kicked your ass, didn't he? hah."
--when night uses his magic a giant fuckoff apple tree bursts out of the ground behind him that he normally uses to hide in (which is how he dodges) and his apple soul forms and hides in the branches. you have to aim for it to win.
--instead of bullets apples get thrown at you (main reason frisk flirts with everyone, throwing an apple at someone's face in ancient greece normally substituted for a marriage proposal).
--everythings gone to shit both apple brother's have a blatant disrespect for the script and the game changed every time you play it. eventually, if played too much, the game will bluescreen and you'll have to turn your monitor on and off.
Yeah, that's probably it.
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prorevenge · 5 years
Wonder Twin Powers Activate
Our teacher was almost sixty, dressed in bright colors(usually pink) and would speak like she was a politician in EVERY past life. This woman was HORRIBLE but I wasn't fully aware of how at first. I know that she could be curt and liked making jokes that seemed kind of rude but at the time, I just thought it was adult humor. At this point, I had few friends but people left alone because I was considered too crazy to mess with but this teacher treated me like I was adorable, also assumed it was because she was an old lady. Bro had chosen to sit next to me, which he usually tried knowing I could answer any questions if he struggled. I had finished the paperwork early and Matt was still working on it. I told him to let me know if he needed anything as I started reading a book. I usually zone out when I read so I fell asleep on accident and my brother didn't want to wake me up so he asked the teacher. A. Single. Question. She, instead of helping an answering the question, started berating him, talking down to him. He said nevermind but she didn't like that one bit as her voice got LOUDER. He kept trying to say nevermind until I was woken up by the teacher as she LOUDLY announced to the class how worthless my brother was and what an idiot he was and anything she could say until it finally registered what was happening and I stood up with an "Excuse me?" The class goes dead quiet as the teacher says "Sit down, honey" and continues to say things, now saying my brother was obviously cheating off my homework at home and how he planned to ride my coattails to pass school. My brother is really sensitive but I have never seen him cry in public because if he doesn't value your opinion, then who cares but this woman was shredding him to me and in front of his friends who DIDN'T KNOW he had a learning disability. I let loose, insulting her beyond measure even climbing over my desk to get in her face, the teacher actually being MY height. I wasn't going to attack an adult but man, I considered it and she KNEW it. She tried to hold her confidence, saying I should take my seat or she'd fail me and give me attention and I dared her to. I told my bro to get up and that we were going to the office, the teacher demanding we take our seats and actually grabbed him. I pushed her and told her and said I knew we'd be sent to the principal's anyway. On our way and waiting in the office, Bro confesses to me that she, even though he told her on the first day had been harassing him NONSTOP and the help I was giving him at home was basically the only education he was getting on the subject and the reason he didn't say anything before because he didn't want me to stop thinking he was cool. I became LIVID.
By this point, when the secretary saw me coming she KNEW I had done something. Surprisingly enough, admin was on good terms with my family because of the bullying issues that I had previously reported and gotten into fights over and it actually ended with my dad and the principal at the time becoming friends- his name Mr. Green and he went to became superintendent so whenever I was in the office, he was called as well to meet with the principal and my parents.
I relayed all of the info to the adults, Bro being pretty much too traumatized to respond. The principal tried to defend her stating Bro was overly sensitive but Mr. Green was NOT having it. They called her in and without letting anyone get a word in, she went on a tirade stating I had attacked her and she wanted the "demon twins" out of her class because we're nothing but trouble. This raised flags with the principal now because she had apparently BRAGGED to other staff about how she basically didn't have to teach me and I didn't bother her at all. They began filing kids in who witnessed everything, the bruise on Bro's arm now turning purple and skin slightly cut from where her manicure dug into him. Safe to say I didn't see her after that but I always felt like that wasn't good enough but my mom had mental health issues and my dad didn't want to stress her out.
Oh. But its not over, my vengeful ladies and gentlemen. I got a surprise I NEVER thought possible, time for revenge.
Fast forward a few years, my mom's mental health is getting unreasonable for a house of children and my siblings are split to live with grandparents. Me and oldest Sis go to live with my mom's mom in the next state over and Bro decided to stay with Grandma in state because of his friends.
I decided to go to a public school, not wanting to enjoy a repeat of bullies that were bailed out by their entitled parents. I decided I was going to read and talk to no one to avoid fights but that actually got me a lot of friends, including our football team's HULK, a 6'3" linebacker who bonded with me over our shared love of books and even came over to help my arthritic grandmother with anything at the drop of a hat.
One day, we had a substitute teacher that everyone did not like who seemed vaguely familiar to me in a haunted sort of way but it had nothing to do with Lord of the Rings or comics so I couldn't care less. I was only in this class because I had caught pneumonia the year before and I have a serious immune deficiency AND my dad passed away so I was out of school over the allotted absence time and had to repeat two classes(still only had four classes my senior year so I nailed it). The sub was hanging around more and more when it finally hit me.
Apparently, she had gotten remarried and went to Japan on a teaching program which she bragged about constantly when she tried to connect to me while I was reading manga in her class. I didn't know if she had recognized me at first but it was clear by the way she was singling me out after a bit she had. I was going to ignore it thinking she was only a sub when we got news that our prev. teacher was going to be gone for a while because she was having complications with her pregnancy and this teacher was now our permanent teacher for the rest of the year.
The class hated her, half of which deciding not to do work out of blatant protest.
Not me. I finished everything at the start of class, ASAP so I could go about ignoring her- something she HATED but tried to turn in her favor often. She would even try to give me book recommendations, bash something she saw me reading or even give out spoilers.
It was only after one classmate who turned around and said "this class is stupid, I don't want to be here" and I responded with "You do know if you DO the work you WON'T have to be here AGAIN NEXT YEAR?" and she used it as an opportunity to attack that it hit me. Time for some revenge.
I spoke to the guy after class, apologizing for snapping which he understood and then asked if he wanted tutoring and to help with revenge as I explained why. Apparently, this teacher had been going after him in class like my Bro too. SHE DIDN'T LEARN.
I continued to pay her no attention in class but also took the time to offer my fellow students assistance, which she hated, telling me to get back in my seat or to not talk to the other students because if they didn't understand it when she said it, they probably wouldn't understand the material at all. One of the male student's friends in the class had been let in on the plan and had left their phone on to record anything in class of her going after students.
At this school, each year had their own Assistant Principal and I learned what day the AP for this year(technically I was a junior so sophomore), a cool dude was coming in to observe class with other admins. JUDGEMENT DAY. The lesson the teacher was going through was Protagonist VS. Antagonist. How fitting.
She was going over the nursery rhyme, Little Miss Muffet. I finished the worksheet almost right away and I glanced at the stunned looks on one of the admin's faces who saw me write quickly and open a book and the AP actually snickered and leaned over to say "She does that a lot."
The teacher was talking about what was on the projector and realized quickly that the admins were not happy because half the class was not listening or paying attention. She then went to her usual target, me who she had seated front row; it was the closest seat to both her projector and desk so yeah, I knew she was singling me out.
Teacher: "You're reading in my class while I'm trying to teach, sweetie."
Me: "Yeah, I'm done with work."
Teacher: "Yes, but I'm still in the middle of the lesson." Me: "...Okay? Go ahead." Teacher: "I'd like you to pay attention." Me: "Why? I'm already done."
Teacher: "Yes, but the rest of the class isn't." Me: "Then what are you waiting for? I'm done, I'm not going to sit here doing nothing." Teacher: *flustered but grabs my worksheet* "Alright then, let's see your work." *looks it over before getting this huge grin on her face* "You put that the spider is the protagonist but that's wrong, Little Miss Muffet is the protagonist."
She then geared up to start a speech about the importance of listening to her when I said-
"Actually, I don't think she is. I wrote why if you'd read past the first sentence."
Teacher: "No, that's wrong." Me: "I don't think it is. The story goes "Little Miss Muffet, sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey; along came a spider who sat down beside her, and frightened Miss Muffet away." Based on that, all it says the spider definitively did was sit next to her, it didn't say he shouted "boo!" or attacked her. She could have just went "Ah! Spider!" and ran for it. Sounds more like she made a snap judgement based on appearance."
The class is speechless.
Teacher: *composing herself* "Well, it's still wrong. For this lesson, it's wrong."
Me: "Is it though?" I can see her jaw clenching, pissed. "The questions on these worksheets say to write who you THINK is the protagonist and antagonist and explain why. So technically, its a matter of perspective and the only way to get it wrong is to not meet the paragraph requirement."
The class echoes with "OOOOOOH's and some snickering.
Teacher: "Oh, if you think you're smart enough. Why don't YOU teach the class?"
I was initially going to turn her down, only making my point for her to LEAVE ME ALONE when my classmates started volunteering me. The male student even saying "I'm going to have to ask her to explain it all again later anyways and you get mad when she tries to help us so let her teach us."
I was glad the class rallied behind me but NO. I was not prepped for it. I improv'd on the white board, turning off the projection and even using comic book examples to explain the differences until the AP chuckled and called the joke(they're not actually supposed to say anything during observation), asking me to take a seat. The teacher was angry and continued to single me out until the end of class when she asked me to stay after to speak with her. The male student lingered in the doorway with his friend to stop the AP just outside, out of view stating they wanted to talk to him. They stopped him just in time for him to hear the teacher SHRIEK at me, accusing me of ruining her life and trying to ruin it AGAIN while slinging all sorts of insults at me.
The AP stormed in and she turned paper white. The other students followed saying they wanted to show him the recordings we took of her insulting kids in class and how the only reason kids were working now was because I spoke to them because the teacher would stop the ENTIRE class and make us do nothing for full periods saying we'd be too stupid to understand the lesson so why teach if we weren't going to respect her anyway. From there we went to the office and listed how she had been attacking other students and I told her how she taught at my middle school. He told me I could go back to class as he discussed it with the other APs and our Principal and I passed the teacher in the hallway and said "By the way, my brother says hi."
I went home, called him up and told him about it and he just sat there chuckling and going "Oh my god" repeatedly for about twenty minutes.
She was still there the next day but she did not say a WORD to me for the rest of the semester and the next semester, we were all put into different classes, learning that they allowed her to finish the semester on the promise to leave me alone but that she would NOT be coming back.
I managed to get the same teacher fired. TWICE.
And guess what? I write books now so, how's that for a twist?
(source) story by (/u/awkwardbirdnoise)
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