#i was literally wide awake for Hours last night before i was like 'wonder if carl will help'
could i ask for a story with Fred getting upset about something, pretending everything is fine in front of people and making jokes but at night he goes to the reader's dorm and asks to sleep with her?? something like just wanting to cry and be comforted by them "are you crying?" "can i sleep with you?"
Cuddle Me
Thank you for such a sweet request. I hope you enjoy.
Y/N had just begun to doze off when she heard a faint knock at the door. It was so soft that at first, she thought she might've imagined it. Then, she heard it again, a little louder, followed by the sound of her boyfriend's voice. "Y/N? Love? Are you up?"
There was an unusual hitch in his voice that jolted her wide awake. She clammered out of bed and pulled Fred into the room, closing the door behind him. "Is everything alright?" She whispered.
"No," he mummered, looking down as he shuffled in place. "Not really. Can I...umm...can I sleep with you tonight?"
Y/N's concern shifted to outright worry. This was not at all like her cocky, mischievous boyfriend. Normally, when he showed up at her dorm room in the middle of the night, he was bold as brass, and sleep was the very last thing on his mind.
She placed her fingers underneath his chin and gently lifted his gaze to meet hers. The sight of his wet, red-rimmed eyes caused her heart to skip a beat. "Sweetie, are you crying?"
He only shrugged and looked away again.
"C'mon," she said, taking his hand and guiding him to her bed. He crawled under the covers, wrapping himself around her and laying his head on her chest. Within a few minutes, she felt him shaking with silent tears.
Grabbing her wand from the nightstand, Y/N used it to close the canopy around them and cast a silencing spell. She might not know what was going on, but she knew he wouldn't say a word if he thought someone else could overhear.
Y/N wrapped her arms around him tighter, waiting until his tears were spent before she said anything. "Wanna tell me what's wrong?"
Fred sniffled. "It's stupid."
Fred Weasley wasn't one to let things bring him down. But the past week had been particularly shitty. No matter what he and George tried, every single prank they'd attempted had failed miserably. And, to make matters worse, his and George's newest invention blew up in their faces. Quite literally. Sending them to the infirmary for burn treatment.
Then today, he was already depressed and discouraged when yet another prank went wrong, causing the floor of one of the bathrooms to melt, resulting in a rescue mission to pull a poor third year out of the morass. So when Professor McGonagall lost her composure and yelled at the twins in front of half the school body, telling them that they'd never amount to anything, the same as his mum had done countless times, it tore through his confidence in a way few things ever did.
That night, Fred lay in his bed, silent tears wetting his pillow. He didn't cry often. In fact, he couldn't remember the last time it'd happened. But after a day of laughing off the whole thing and pretending it didn’t matter, there was nothing left in him to hold back the flood. After two hours of tossing and turning, he got up and made his way to the only person who could soothe his bruised heart.
"It's not stupid," Y/N said after Fred had told her everything. "And you have every right to be upset."
"Yeah, I guess," Fred mumbled. "But stuff like that doesn't usually bother me. I don't know why it hit me so hard this time. It doesn't make sense."
"It makes perfect sense to me," Y/N kissed the top of his head. "You've had a really rough week. And, even though you tried to hide it, I know you've been feeling defeated by everything going wrong. It's no wonder her words got to you."
Fred just shrugged. "Or maybe I'm finally accepting the truth. Maybe my mum and McGonagall are right. Maybe I really am worthless."
Y/N moved so she could look into his eyes. "Fred Weasley, you listen to me right now. You are not worthless. You are one of the most intelligent, creative, and amazing people I've ever met. And, not only are you going to succeed, you're going to take the world by storm."
"Y-you really think so?"
"I know so," she asserted. "And if anybody disagrees, they can take it up with me."
Fred smiled and nuzzled into her neck, letting himself melt into her side.
He lay so still and quiet that she thought he'd fallen asleep. But after a few minutes, he shifted to look up at her. "I know I don't say it that often, but I really do love you, Y/N."
She gave him a gentle kiss. "I love you, too."
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fairyniceyeah · 6 months
⏳️🦊 My Aurora
Title from AURORA (ATEEZ)
Summary: Wooyoung wakes up sick – literally. He is feeling awful but his captain makes it better.
CW: emeto
Sickie: Wooyoung Caretaker: Hongjoong (and Yeosang)
„Hwa, turn off that god-awful alarm before I shoot myself”, Hongjoong growled into his pillow. As far as he was concerned it was too early and he needed sleep. Badly. It might be his own fault for sleeping like eight hours in total over the span of 48 hours but he was allowed to hate early morning schedules.
“Good morning to you too, Joongie”, Seonghwa answered with a slight laugh. He sounded way to awake and chipper for this time of day. Bastard. At least he turned off the alarm. Small mercies.
But instead of letting Hongjoong sleep, he got up from his bed to peer over the side of Hongjoong’s upper bunk. “Uh-oh, no sleeping”, Seonghwa said and pulled off the blanket to expose Hongjoong to the cold air.
“Meanie”, Hongjoong pouted and yawned.
Seonghwa laughed again. “I distinctly remember you telling me to make you get up by any means necessary last night, no matter how much I beg”, he teased.
“My past self was an idiot. I’m older now, I know better now. And I don’t want to get up”, Hongjoong tried and moved to turn over, away from his annoying hyung. What right did he have to torture him? He was Seonghwa’s captain after all.
Seonghwa’s voice sounded way to gleeful. “I always wanted to do this.”
Before Hongjoong could wonder what he was about to do, Seonghwa had sprayed him with the water bottle he used to mist his succulent plants.
Hongjoong screeched and jolted upright, now wide awake.
“I hate you”, he muttered, wiping his face.
Seonghwa just grinned wider, looking unfairly put together in stark contrast to Hongjoong who probably looked like a mess with an impressive bedhead. He didn’t need a mirror, he knew he looked awful whenever he woke up.
“No, you don’t”, Seonghwa said, “now, do get up. I’ll make breakfast. You get ready, we have a long day ahead.”
“You’re telling me”, the captain grumbled but climbed down the ladder of his bunk.
Ten minutes later Hongjong was dressed and had sorted out the disaster that was his face and hair. When he stumbled into the kitchen he found Seonghwa at the stove making something, while Mingi and San were sitting next to each other at the table, leaning on each other and half-asleep. Yunho was standing next to the coffee maker, eyes closed.
“Morning”, Hongjoong greeted and received mumbled answers from his members that he wasn’t even sure were words. He could sympathise. Five o’clock was not a time to get up – especially if you only went to sleep at two o’clock.
As he sat down next to San, Yeosang and Jongho made their way into the kitchen, both of them cuddled close together and still in pyjamas. “Morning”, Jongho greeted and flopped onto San. Yeosang sat down next to Hongjoong and turned his attention to the leader.
“Wooyoung-yah is still asleep”, Yeosang explained their roommates absence, “I woke up tonight because he was moving around, said he had trouble sleeping. I let him sleep in my bed but when he didn’t wake up to our alarm I thought he might need more rest and he could maybe eat in the car?” He sounded unsure if he had done the right thing  and worried about his best friend.
“That’s alright, Sang-ah, letting him sleep was a good idea”, Hongjoong praised, wanting to erase the uncertainness off his dongsaeng’s face. He knew how Yeosang often worried if he overstepped boundaries when he decided something – the reason why he mostly didn’t decide anything. “I’ll wake him after breakfast. Sleep is important.”
“I will make him something to go”, Seonghwa added.
Once breakfast was done Hongjoong and Yeosang went to the younger two’s room, so that Yeosang could grab his clothes and Hongjoong could work on waking up their second maknae.
Wooyoung was curled up on Yeosang’s bed, fast asleep. He was cuddling the pillow to his chest and like that Hongjoong was reminded just how young he was. While he often acted like a nuisance on cocaine on camera Wooyoung was a responsible and caring person. He had seen the awfulness of their industry. Hongjoong would be a liar if he said he wasn’t soft for these moments when his kids, as ATINY would say, seemed like actual kids.
Once Yeosang had left the room, Hongjoong knelt down next to Wooyoung, holding onto the ladder that went up to Wooyoung’s bunk for stability. He placed a hand on Wooyoung’s shoulder and shook it gently.
“Wake up, baby”, Hongjoong whispered, “you need to get ready for today’s photoshoot.”
Wooyoung groaned unhappily but blinked his eyes open. He stared up at Hongjoong for a moment before swiftly turning to the side. Just for a second Hongjoong was confused, then out of a sudden Wooyoung coughed and retched loudly before throwing up onto the floor beside Yeosang’s bed. Hongjoong jumped back in shock, hoping to protect his trousers and socks from the mess and, quite frankly in disgust. He had not anticipated Wooyoung puking first thing in the morning. After a second Hongjoong tried to step a bit closer so that he could rub Wooyoung’s back as the man cried and gagged.
“Oh, baby”, Hongjoong whispered, heart breaking for his sick dongsaeng who was trying so hard to catch his breath. “It’s okay, hyung has got you.”
Finally Wooyoung’s stomach seemed to be done and the younger rolled onto his back again. Tears were gathering in his eyes and trailed down his cheeks. Hongjoong could sympathize: He imagined waking up only to throw up seconds later without any warning was very unpleasant. Ignoring the soupy mess on the ground that resembled last nights dinner a bit too much, Hongjoong sat down on the bed next to Wooyoung’s hip and started stroking his sweaty hair away from his face.
“I’m so sorry, hyung”, Wooyoung whispered, eyes glazed over and sounding exhausted. There was embarrassment colouring his cheeks red.
“It’s okay, Wooyoung-yah, you couldn’t help it”, Hongjoong mumbled back, “is it okay if I call for help? You need to get cleaned up and your tiny old hyung won’t be much of a help, you’ve grown up so much.”
“Can it be Yeosangie-hyung, please?”, Wooyoung asked in a tiny voice. That had been Hongjoong’s plan all along anyways. Jongho, Yunho and Mingi needed to get ready, as did San, and he needed Seonghwa to keep an eye on the others. Besides, if this was a stomach bug then Yeosang had already been exposed – no need to risk getting everybody sick at the same time.
“Sang-ah, come here, please”, Hongjoong called and a moment later the door opened.
“Hyung … what? Oh”, Yeosang said dumbfounded. He quickly gathered himself and made his way over to his dongsaeng who was making grabby hands in his direction. It was cute even in this situation. Yeosang quickly obliged and crouched at the head of his bed, where he could be closest to Wooyoung without getting too close to the mess.
“Why didn’t you say last night that you felt sick?”, Yeosang asked gently.
“I didn’t feel sick then”, Wooyoung pouted.
“Threw up the moment he woke up”, Hongjoong provided, smiling to himself as he watched the interaction between his members. He really loved how they cared for each other like a real family. “Can you get him to the living room so we can get this cleaned up?”
“I’m really sorry”, Wooyoung whispered as he glanced down, paling instantly.
“It’s really okay, baby, you can’t help it”, Hongjoong soothed, “let me just get you a trash can and then you’re all set.”
He got up to get a bucket but then he spotted the room’s trash can. Good enough. It was filled halfway with empty energy drinks that Hongjoong unceremoniously dumped onto the floor.
“Hyung”, Yeosang complained as empty cans clattered onto the floor.
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you and Jongho-ah about your excessive consumption of energy drinks anyways. This is just the start”, Hongjoong explained and ignored the following whine in favour of raising his eyebrow at Wooyoung. The second maknae giggled. That was much better than the tears.
“You’re conspiring against us”, Yeosang moaned, understanding Hongjoong’s intention of distracting Wooyoung from his misery.
“File your complains here.” Hongjoong shrugged and pointed at the trash can.
“Hyung, you’re ridiculous”, Wooyoung teased weakly.
“Hyung has every right to complain. Hyung shares a room with Seonghwa. Hyung cleans under the bed three times a week, nothing more ridiculous than that”, Hongjoong said as he placed the bucket down next to Wooyoung.
“Don’t make me laugh, my stomach hurts”, Wooyoung complained, hugging the aching organ.
“Alright, let’s get back to it. Sang-ah, why don’t you get Wooyoung comfortable on the couch with his new best friend while I get medicine and a thermometer?”, Hongjoong said and Yeosang nodded eagerly.
“Up you get”, Hongjoong said and helped Yeosang sit Wooyoung up and then swing his legs over the side of the bed. The sick member’s breathing took on deeper patterns as he tried to stave off the nausea from being upright and Hongjoong was ready to reach over to the bucket if it was needed. Luckily Wooyoung was able to breathe through it.
“I’m dizzy”, he said and closed his eyes.
“Think you can walk or do you want hyung to get Yunho so he can help me carry you?”, Yeosang asked gently.
“Just give me a minute.”
Hongjoong and Yeosang exchanged worried glances. They had never seen Wooyoung this sick before – it was clear he couldn’t stay alone at the dorm, not that Hongjoong would have allowed that. They had an all day shooting of a video on their schedule – somebody who had lots of scenes with Wooyoung could stay back.
“I can go on”, Wooyoung said before Hongjoong was able to finish his thoughts.
“Okay, change of plans. We both help you to the living room”, Hongjoong said, not wanting to risk Wooyoung falling despite his deep trust in Yeosang. Some accidents couldn’t be avoided but he might help as a crutch anyway. Carefully Yeosang and Hongjoong helped him stand, the youngest’s legs shaky and barely able to hold his own weight. The captain reached down and handed Wooyoung the bucket which he cradled against his chest fearfully.
“We’ve got you, it’s okay”, Hongjoong soothed, “if you need to be sick again or feel even more dizzy or anything just tell us.”
Slowly they made their way around the puddle on the floor and out of the bedroom, with Yeosang and Hongjoong having wrapped one arm around Wooyoung’s waist each.
Yunho was sitting on the couch, fully dressed and sipping his coffee as they entered the living room and he looked up with confusion written plainly on his face.
“What’s going on?”, he asked confused, taking in the view. He clearly wasn’t awake enough yet to understand what was obvious.
“Wooyoung-ah is sick”, Hongjoong explained and quickly Yunho had abandoned his coffee on the TV table to open his arms for Wooyoung to cuddle in. The maknae plopped down onto the couch as soon as he was in reach but refused to lean into Yunho, still holding the bucket under his chin. He tugged at Yeosang’s hand to get the older to sit down with him and Yeosang, reliable friend he was, immediately complied and took his hand.
“You’re really not feeling good, huh?”, Yunho whispered and placed a warm hand on Wooyoung’s back. The younger man whimpered and swallowed harshly.
“I feel so sick”, Wooyoung groaned and burped wetly. Hongjoong winced and sighed. “If you need to be sick, Wooyoung-ah, let it…”
Before he could finish the sentence, Wooyoung lurched forward and buried his face in the bucket, loudly expelling his stomach contents. Yunho helplessly rubbed his back and Yeosang held back his hair from his forehead, steadying the bucket with the other hand.
Hongjoong could only watch, once again. He shuddered at the sound of liquid hitting the bucket and the loud coughing. It was a wonder nobody else had wandered into the living room yet to find out where the wretched sounds came from.
“Breathe”, Yeosang encouraged. Confident his dongsaengs had the situation under control, Hongjoong slipped away to gather the thermometer and some medication from the bathroom. On his way back, he nearly collided with Seonghwa who stared at him – or more exactly at the medication in his hand – with confusion, then worry.
“Hongjoong-ah, are you sick? What is going on?”, he asked frantically, mother henning as always.
“I’m fine, it’s…” Hongjoong was interrupted by the sounds of Wooyoung vomiting again and both of them winced. In the dorm there was no real privacy they had learned – as much as any of them tried to hide illnesses, they would be betrayed by the thin walls. And as the oldest hyungs they were very much aware how easily illnesses spread when everybody lived in each other’s pocket.
They both shuddered simultaneously at the memory of the stomach flu from last winter – it had started one day with Yunho and by the end of the next day only Hongjoong and Seonghwa were left standing (but also with buckets not too far away from them).
“Wooyoung?”, Seonghwa asked.
“What about the filming? We need to leave in like less than fifteen minutes”, Seonghwa said.
“I know.” Hongjoong sighed. “I want to know his temperature and then I will call a manager. One of us needs to stay back with him, there is no way he can stay alone. Either Yeosang, Yunho or I – we’ve already been exposed.”
“Who is sick”?, San asked from behind them, a frown on his face. He seemed to have been on his way to the bathroom whose door they were blocking.
“Somebody is sick?”, Mingi asked, popping his head out of his bedroom door.
“Wooyoung is … ah, no, Jongho-yah, don’t go in there”, Hongjoong warned, the younger man having also appeared behind San and reaching for his bedroom door.
“What’s wrong?”
“Wooyoung-ah threw up”, Hongjoong explained with a sigh. “Listen, guys, we need to get ready, okay? San-ah, I hate to ask this of you but could you clean the bedroom? You have the strongest stomach out of all of us present.”
“On it, captain”, San said with a salute, obviously trying to lighten the mood.
“Let’s go check on him. Mingi-yah, can Jongho borrow some of your clothes?”
Seonghwa and Hongjoong entered the living room to find Wooyoung curled up on Yeosang’s lap, tears trailing down his cheeks. Yunho was sitting next to them, running a hand up and down the second maknae’s arm, the bucket in his reach for easy access.
“Wooyoung-yah, let me take your temperature, okay?”, Seonghwa said and knelt down in front of his dongsaeng. Wooyoung nodded and let his oldest hyung hold the thermometer up to his forehead. Frantic beeping quickly followed.
“Uh-oh, 38.6°C”, Seonghwa read with a frown, “that is really not good.”
“Do you think it’s a stomach bug?”, Yunho asked unhappily. “Did you feel sick too, last night?”
Wooyoung shrugged. “I wasn’t really hungry last night but we had a big lunch so I didn’t think much of it. I wasn’t really able to fall asleep tonight until Yeosang-hyung let me sleep with him. But I honestly thought it was a touch of insomnia.”
Yunho frowned. “We shared lunch yesterday and if you didn’t eat much dinner, I think we can rule out food poisoning.”
“Great”, Hongjoong groaned, “I’ll call the manager. Young-ah, you are in no condition for filming today.” He retreated to the kitchen for some privacy.
“Noona, we have a problem”, he said as the woman picked up, “Wooyoung-yah is sick. He’s thrown up a couple of times this morning and he’s running a temperature of 38.6°. He needs to stay home and somebody needs to stay with him.”
“Dammit”, the manager said, “yes, obviously he needs to stay home. We’ll have to do scenes without him today then. I think it’s best if … hm, Jongho-ah is probably not a good choice. Mingi-yah can stay with him then, they have a few scenes together.”
“Noona, I was actually hoping Yeosang-ah or I could stay back”, Hongjoong said honestly, “Mingi-yah has not been exposed yet and …”
“Yeosang-ah is not an option, he needs to film today. He won’t be able to attend tomorrow due to a schedule conflict. But I guess you can stay home. You have a few scenes with Wooyoung-yah too and your own shoots can be done when and wherever.”
“Thanks, noona.”
“Thank me with the others being punctual, Hongjoong-ah.”
Hongjoong found Yeosang and Wooyoung in mostly the same position with Yunho still sporting an unhappy frown. Seonghwa was nowhere to be seen, he was probably washing out the bucket.
“Hey, Wooyoung-yah”, Hongjoong said warmly and knelt down to look at the second maknae. Wooyoung blinked owlishly up at him. “Noona said you can stay home today, I’ll be staying with you, okay?”
“Sangie-hyung?”, Wooyoung mumbled, unintentionally pouting. Yeosang was frowning unhappily, rubbing Wooyoung’s arm. He looked reluctant to leave his best friend behind too.
“He needs to go in for filming, baby. He’ll be back as soon as possible, okay?”, Hongjoong explained.
“Oh, alright”, Wooyoung said sadly but let Yeosang get up, instead opting to lie down completely on the couch.
Fifteen minutes later and punctual as promised Hongjoong and Wooyoung were left alone. Before they had left Mingi had gotten them some supplies and Jongho had brought both of them their bed covers, so there was no need for them to get up at all. They could stay curled up under the covers all day if they wanted to.
Wooyoung had laid down in Hongjoong’s lap, latching onto any heat source he could get. His eyes were closed but Hongjoong knew he wasn’t asleep. There were unhappy lines on the younger’s forehead and the leader could imagine why.
“Baby?”, he asked, “stomach ache?”
Wooyoung nodded weakly. “I’m sorry for all this, hyung”, he said quietly.
“Hush, dongsaeng”, Hongjoong soothed, “you’re sick, it happens. I can’t get you a hot water bottle, your temperature is too high for that, but I can rub your tummy?”
The younger opened his eyes for a moment, blinking against the overhead light and closed them again. “Thank you, hyung.”
Hongjoong sneaked his hand under the blanket and he instantly felt just how upset the younger’s stomach was, gurgling and cramping against his hand.
“Is this okay?”, he asked gently.
Wooyoung just hummed, already mostly asleep.
Wooyoung felt terrible. Horrible. Disgusting. Weak. Awful. Any negative association he could think off. He hated throwing up and he really had looked forward to filming. Now he was sick and miserable.
He had napped most of the morning except for the few instances where he had gotten sick again. His stomach ached, the nausea was still terrible even when he wasn’t about to puke, his head ached and he felt so frustrated.
He could tell that Hongjoong mirrored the last emotion.
“You should try to eat a bit, baby”, Hongjoong coaxed, obviously at his wit’s end. “I let you slack off breakfast but you haven’t effectively eaten since yesterday lunch. We need to get some nutrients and fluids into you. Then you can even taken some medicine to help.”
Wooyoung knew that the fever was making him feel so awful and emotional but he could help that eating or drinking sounded like the hardest tasks in the entire universe. He was done with being done, done with feeling sick and he didn’t want to risk anything that could trigger another bout.
He only wanted his captain hyung.
Hongjoong had been incredibly patient with him, ignoring his dislike towards skinship to cuddle Wooyoung as much as the younger wanted. He was grateful for his hyung, really. The captain hadn’t even complained when Wooyoung had burst into tears the moment he had stopped touching Wooyoung. Rationally, Wooyoung knew that the bucket needed cleaning out and that for that Hongjoong had needed to leave. That knowledge hadn’t prevented him from crying anyhow, clinging to his hyung. He didn’t want to be alone in his misery, so sue him.
Wooyoung shook his head wildly, his oreo hair stuck to his forehead with sweat so it didn’t even fly around anymore when moved. “I can’t, hyung”, he whined.
“At least some tea? Please?”, Hongjoong asked, obviously desperate. Wooyoung felt sorry towards his hyung who had to deal with him but he didn’t want to be alone.
“I don’t want you to leave”, he whispered, tears gathering in his eyes again. The headache from dehydration had taken up residence ages ago but he was miserable anyway. Tea wouldn’t make it better. Hyung would.
“It’ll be for two minutes, baby”, Hongjoong begged, “you can drink some tea. You haven’t thrown up in nearly two hours now, maybe it will stay down. You need fluids. I hate to do this … but if you don’t drink anything in the next fifteen minutes I’m taking you to hospital for an IV.”
Wooyoung’s eyes filled with tears. He didn’t want to go to the hospital. He wanted to just be okay.
“I know, dongsaeng”, Hongjoong soothed. Wooyoung hadn’t even noticed he said that aloud. “Two minutes.”
Wooyoung let himself be lifted from Hongjoong’s lap and laid down against a pillow.
Within a blink of an eye Hongjoong had appeared with a cup of tea and one of their bamboo straws.
“Just a few sips. I put in some cold water, I tried it. It’s drinking temperature.” The leader smiled down at him and lowered the cup so that Wooyoung could drink. Propped up against the pillow he was able to drink and Hongjoong kept stroking back his hair.
“You are doing so well, baby”, Hongjoong praised when Wooyoung had taken a few sips. “Sleep.”
Wooyoung barely felt better by evening. His temperature that had gone down with medication in the afternoon had gone up in the evening again. Worse yet, he had slept so much over the day he wasn’t even particularly tired.
Hongjoong and Seonghwa had originally decided to isolate him and the captain but it seemed that shy Yeosang had bullied his way into the bedroom. How that had happened Wooyoung wasn’t sure but his best friend could be stubborn if he wanted to.
That was how he ended up snuggling Yeosang in his bed again, resting on the elder’s chest while he played with Wooyoung’s hair. Hongjoong had pulled out his laptop and was playing soft music over the speakers, working through his email.
Wooyoung still wasn’t feeling good and he would get sick again in the night but soothed by the sound of Hongjoong clicking on keys and Yeosang stroking his hair and telling them about his day he felt better than all day.
Note: For the lovely anon who requested the Wooyoung sickfic with Hongjoong caretaker 💕
I hope you all enjoy!
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - ATEEZ
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Changes pt 6 - Scott McCall x Reader
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Pairing: Scott x Reader
Prompt: Jason Derulo’s - Want to Want me
Warning: None! YETTTT! KINDA
Thank you to my wonderful Beta for sorting out my terrible errors XD @lets-imagine-fanfics
You glanced at the clock on your bedside table with a frown heavily engraved on your face. You woke up three times during the night from what could only be called wet dreams, so the fact that you were awake again at such an early hour was an enigma to you.
You sighed irritably before sliding out of bed and slipping on your fluffy slipper boots. You threw on Scott’s hoodie before checking your hair wasn’t too unruly for other people to see. Thankfully it wasn’t too bad so you deemed yourself for the view of other people. Which at this time would most likely only be Derek and Peter.
You walked down the stairs with tired eyes, your footsteps heavy and slow as you shuffled your way to the living area. When the kitchen was in view you saw Derek, Peter and Lydia. You walked into the room without a sound and smashed your head against the clean marble counter causing Peter to flinch. You muttered an unintelligible ‘ow’ before standing back up, your movement quick enough to disorientate you for a second.  
“Bad night?” Peter questioned softly, however instead of answering you just slammed your head down again, this time on Peter's shoulder.
“I had an inhumane amount of wet dreams last night and I barely got any sleep. By the third one, I kind of wanted to go to Scott's room to sit on his dick just to end the pain.” You groaned as you swung one of Peter’s arms from side to side childishly.
“Well, you’re more vulgar than usual. Not to mention your actions and words appear to be rather contradictory to one another.” Peter snorted causing you to stop your childish actions.
“God, you smell like you just had a sex marathon.” Derek winced, his face full of disgust.
“You’re one to talk!” You snapped at you stood up straight point an accusatory finger at the younger Hale who quickly lowered his head.
“Carry on judging me and I’ll tell Jethan you stole their lube!”  
“So let me get this right, my ex-boyfriend and my current boyfriend’s twin, Derek stole their lube?” Lydia questioned with a smirk on her face.
“Jesus this pack is like a giant slutty orgy by this point. Scott’s mom Melissa is dating Chris, who is the dad of the first love of Scott, who is Stiles’ best friend, who used to date Malia, who is the daughter of Peter, who briefly went on a failed date with Scott’s mom Melissa and turned Scott, who is best friend’s with Stiles who’s now dating Derek, who turned Isaac who is now dating Scott’s first love Allison who is besties with Lydia who’s now dating Aiden, who is the twin of Ethan, who used to date Danny who was Jackson’s bestie, who used to date Lydia who was actually the first love of Stiles, who is dating Derek, who dated Allison’s aunt Kate, who is Chris’s sister who is now dating Scott’s mom. WOW! That physically hurt to get out.” You snorted with wide eyes, as you stared at everyone in the kitchen.  
“She’s right we’re like a giant pack orgy.” Lydia huffed as you thought about it seriously.  
“Talk about keeping it in the family.” Peter chuckled which only caused you to burst out laughing.  
“God, Peter, I love you sometimes.” You laughed as you wiped away some of your tears.  
You were picked up suddenly by your hood causing you to flail like Stiles before said person started carrying you around the kitchen like that. You looked at everyone else who looked amused by the fact you were literally hanging mid-air, being carried by what was obviously a wolf.
“Not on my watch.” Scott’s voice rang out and he sipped on what you resumed was coffee.
“Scott put me down you fucking caveman!” You screamed and he began flinging your limbs around again.
“No cos you might try and run away with Peter.” Scott huffed playfully, but you could tell he was grinning.
“Uncle Peter saaaave meeeee!” You screamed, making grabby hands at Peter who almost spits out his coffee at your words.
“Please don’t call me Uncle Peter it makes me feel like that old perverted uncle that always tries to grab your booty at family events.” Peter muttered, disgust evident on his face.  
“DERBEAR!” This time, however, said person did actually spit out his coffee. Derek looked at you like you’d gone crazy.  
“It’s like you and Stiles are one person split into two body’s…” Derek muttered with heavy scowl replacing his original shocked state.
You were currently throwing clothes about your room as you tried to figure out what you would wear for your date. You’d come to the pack house with Lydia and Erica after school, hoping to quickly find an outfit so the girls could do your makeup slowly. However, after taking a shower when you arrived home, you took one glance in your closet and the first thing that came out your mouth when you stared into the depths of hell was ‘I have nothing to wear’.
You knew it was illogical because you went on a major shopping spree less than a week ago but for some reason your brain was telling you, you had nothing to wear. Lydia scanned through your wardrobe before picking out an outfit quietly.  
“Put this on with your baby pink Calvin Klein thong and no bra. Scott seems to like you in Calvin’s so it’s a safe bet.” Lydia stated softly before ushering you to the bathroom.  
You gave a nod and walked into your small on suite bathroom, closing the door before you dropped your towel. You slid on your baby pink thing that had the Calvin Klein band around the top before grabbing the dress she’d gave you.
It was pure white, thankfully, it wasn’t thin so you wouldn’t be able to see the colour of your underwear. It was a pure white long sleeved bodycon dress, which would most likely reach your mid-thigh. You stared at the neckline before realising why Lydia said no bra it was a low V cut that showed a copious amount of cleavage.
You slid the dressed over your head before pulling the tight yet comfortable material down so it was sat perfectly before making your way into your bedroom. Lydia gave you a smirk and nod whereas Erica gave you an applause.  
“Okay, makeup.” Lydia stated as she passed you a dressing gown.  
“Why do I need this?” You asked as you put it on.  
“You’re wearing a pure white dress. If even a spec of eyeshadow fall out or powder get on that thing then it has to go in the bin.” Lydia snorted, rolling her eyes softly.  
“Why couldn’t I just put it on after my makeup was done?” You questioned, frowning at Erica who chuckled at your words.
“I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer.” Lydia huffed before picking up foundation and the damp beauty blender.  
Lydia was adding the finishing touches to your makeup while Erica stood holding the straighteners while they warmed up. Stiles burst into the room, a pair of heels clutched in his hands, earning a raised eyebrow from you, as Erica separated your hair and started straightening it.
“Stiles, why are you holding a pair of cherry red high heels?” You asked seriously, your eyebrow still raised.  
“Get your mind out of the gutter! Lydia asked me to bring her cherry red Louboutin’s. She said it was urgent!” Stiles shouted, panting as he tried to calm his breathing.
“You know what Louboutin’s are? And look like?” You teased playfully, earning a chuckle from Erica.  
“I’ve been on more shopping trips with Lydia than anyone I know…plus…I was there when she bought them.” Stiles muttered with a blush as he placed the shoes in front of your feet before taking you ankle and sliding your foot into one of the shoes.
“I feel like a friggin’ Princess right now.” You giggled as Stiles slid the other shoes on.
“More like a Queen. Alpha’s are like Kings of the pack, therefore, more like a Queen.” Stiles chuckled playfully.
Erica finished your hair just in time to hear the front door downstairs open. Scott had gone home to do his homework and change clothes so when you smelt his scent and the door open and close you knew it was him.  
Erica brushed through your now straight hair making it look sleek and smooth. You straightened your dress as you stood up earning a thumbs up and eyebrow wiggle from Stiles. You glanced in the mirror before staring at like in shock.  
Your eyebrows had been filled in so they looked faded, while your skin looked flawless with slight contouring. Your eyes had been done with a perfect wing and natural yet thick false lashes and your lips had been done with a crimson matte red which was similar to your shoes.
“Isn’t my lipstick gonna…ermm…come off later?” You muttered with a blush.  
“As long as you don’t eat greasy food or Scott eats greasy food your safe. I used the good stuff.” Lydia chuckled softly, looking at you with a reassuring smile.
“Might come off if you suck hi-”
“OKAAAAAY THEN!” Stiles screamed, interrupting Erica’s comment.  
You snorted before walking out the room, your heart racing a thousand miles a minute but as soon as you got to the top of the stairs and saw Scott you breathing stopped. Scott glanced up at you obviously sensing your presence however when he did he began choking on thin air. The other pack members rush out at Scott’s reactions and glanced up the stairs. Some members gaped at you, however, the first to speak up was Ethan.
“I may have just turn undeniably straight.” Earning him a very loud growl from Scott.
“I can’t say I don’t agree.” Mason chuckled this time causing Scott to huff angrily.  
You walked down the stairs silently, a blush painting your cheek but you hoped the makeup would cover it. Scott was dress in his Biker leather jacket, tight black suit pants and a crimson red shirt that was tucked into his pants, his shirt had a few buttons undone causing you to swallow.  
“I hope you’ve got a jacket it’s not exactly warm out.” Scott asked carefully, with a slight concerned frown.
“I’m more concerned about the fact she has to get on a bike in that thing.” Derek snorted, causing your eyes to widen as you shot a look at Lydia who was standing at the top of the stairs.  
“Uncle Peter?” You muttered with fake innocence. Everyone immediately began to laugh or choking.
“No, you cannot borrow my Chevy.” He huffed as he continued reading his paper.
“What about the Mustang.” You whined childishly.
“What about the Ferrari’?!” You huffed, slowly losing your patience.
“You mean my LaFerrari’ Spider?” Peter gaped as if I’d totally gone crazy.
“It matches my shoes?” You muttered the excuse like it was the most reasonable excuse in the world.
“Ask Derek he has a car too.”  
“HELL NO! If you think I’m letting you borrow my brand new Camaro think again!” Derek screamed before you could even ask.
“If I let you borrow my Ferrari will you shut up and leave?!” Peter snapped angrily.  
“YES!” You yelled childishly, crossing your arms.  
He stood up moving over to the key holder on the wall. His eyebrow set down in a frown as he threw the keys at you. You smiled as you ran over and hugged him.
“Thanks, Peter.” You giggled, placing a kiss on his cheek before taking Scott’s hand and leaving out the door without another word. You walked to the large garage, opening the door before uncovering his Ferrari. You squealed before hopping into the driver’s seat.
“Can’t I drive?” Scott whined as you reached down and took off your heels.
“No Peter leant it to me and if there even a scratch I don’t want you getting into shit. At least if it’s me who did it, I may survive his wrath.” You snorted as you passed the heels to Scott who raised an eyebrow at you in return.
“I can’t drive in heels that are bigger than me.” You responded sarcastically.  
You started the car as the garage door opened. The sound of the engine sending shivers down your spine. Scott chuckled at your satisfied expression before you opened your mouth and ruined the moment.
“I think this car turns me on more than you.” You pondered earning a glare from your boyfriend. He didn’t even dare dignify that with a response, so you set off to the restaurant he’d booked a table at.
You arrived after about 10 minutes, Scott exiting the car before you. He opened your door and crouched down as he held out his hand as if asking for your foot. You grinned as he slid the shoes onto your feet. He caressed the back of your leg slightly, looking up at you with a lust filled expression which almost caused you to whimper. Instead, you decided to break it up.
“You’re the second man to ever do this for me.” You said sweetly, yet somehow knew it would piss Scott off.
“Second?” He growled moodily.
“The first was Stiles. About 5 minutes before you arrived cos I was having my hair done.” You giggled knowing he’s chuckle at this.
He took off his jacket and threw it over your shoulders, before sliding his arm around your lower waist. His hands gripping your hip tightly, as you walked into the building. You had to refrain from moaning at the feeling.  
“If you keep manhandling me I’m going to ask that you take me outside and screw me against a tree.” You whispered seductively but somehow managed to keep your face in a sweet smile.
“And you keep talking like that we won’t even make it outside before I bend you over.” Scott retaliated huskily.  
You sat down as he pulled out your chair before pushing you in. His hands purposely brushing against the back of your neck. His rough hand causing shivers to run down your spine you looked down now noticing your nipples were apparently wanting an appearance because they were suddenly hard and extra sensitive.  
You quickly slid on Scott's jacket properly, earning a questioning glance from Scott that you ignored. His hand reached over the table, holding it out quietly. You took his hand with a smile as you tried to ignore the arousal currently stirring in your stomach. You stared at Scott forearms that were bare and filled with bulging veins. He’d rolled his red shirt sleeves up to his elbows, as soon as he’d sat down which was currently causing you to squirm in your seat.  
You heard Scott asked a question but you were so focused on how his arms would feel pinning you down while he drilled into you like an animal.
“Y/N!” Scott shouted, his voice finally snapping you out your daze.
“Y-Yes?” You stuttered as you looked into his eyes.
“Stop it.” He instructed, flash his red eyes at you.
“S-Sorry.” You whispered softly, a blush creeping up onto your face once again.  
You ate dinner with mostly silence, as you both tried to avoid staring at each other too long. The tension was so thick you could probably cut it with a knife but either way, you ate the dinner and even had dessert. However, the taste of the cheesecake you were eating was merely a distraction, from your skin that felt like it was on fire anytime even dared to take a glance at you.  
You hurriedly ate the food then set your cutlery down with shaking hands. Scott sipped his water as he observed you from across the table his eyes felt like they could burn through you as you shifted in your seat nervously.  
“S-Scott?” You whispered softly, your words sounding breathless as you finally looked him in the eyes.
“T-Take me home.” You added, clutching at the hem of your dress in an attempt to ground yourself.
He quickly paid the bill before standing, grabbing your hand tightly as he dragged you out the restaurant without uttering a word. He put you in the passenger seat before making his way to the driver’s seat.  
You didn’t dare tell him you should drive because right now you were unsure of whether you’d be able to get either of you or the car home safely. He started the car and sped home faster than you’d ever seen him drive, even on his bike.  
When he parked the car he got out and made it to your side however instead of grabbing your hand he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. You let out a squeal as he did so before he stormed into the house quietly. He stopped at the stairs and stared at the pack that was sat in the living area.
“Don’t come into my room for the next 24 hours unless someone’s dying.” He growled before storming up the stairs. You let out a rather girlish ‘eep’ at the implication you wouldn’t emerge from the bedroom until tomorrow evening.  
He burst into his room, kicking the door closed before throwing you on the bed. He stopped at the end of the bed and looked down at you, his eyes glowing the same red as your shoes which he slowly slipped off your feet before gripping your calves tightly, causing you to whimper.
“I’m sorry I tried to control myself, Y/N. Didn’t wanna make you cry…but right now, nothing sounds more tempting, than to hear you cry out my name.”  
Part 5 <- -> Part 7
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eddiernunson · 2 years
Trapped | Eddie Munson | Part 7 | 18+
Previous Part | Master Post | Next Part
[The next part will be out by end of February]
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem Reader
Warnings: Several instances of unprotected P in V sex, (wrap it up), public sex, if you squint (or close your eyes, really) there's public humiliation?, daddy kink continues, and mentions of sex but i dont describe the actual scenes. They get high together, and I basically just describe the first time I got high. (if you want to skip, it doesn't affect the story.) Wholesome mentions include a family dinner with Wayne, get together with all the friends excluding the Byers first I love you, and just everyday musings.
Author's Note: Christmas and January kicked my ASS. I had an inkling of what to do but no literal layout until like Friday. I apologize for this terribly inconsistent posting schedule and there will be a much smaller chapter posted by the 28th. I'm uber excited after the next chapter cause then we're all caught up and my plan is to write the season with the character written in (My goal from the beginning.) I just wanna note I don't ship Mike and Will, because I think Will deserves better. I think it's clear where Mike's priorities lie, and it's not with him.
MINORS DNI for the smut. Seriously. Please.
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This should not be this weird.
You stared at the sides of the VHS tapes, organizing the metal bin of discounted vintage tapes. Your right pinky delicately moving the furthest tape up and down, rotating lightly. You were working in silence on November 1st, 1985, a quiet evening in Family Video the day after a Halloween that seemed to cause a big ruckus in Hawkins.
While Steve’s party usually ended up in numerous hangovers and regrets, today it was as if the entirety of Hawkins felt the dreary, murky feeling in the atmosphere. This Halloween just hit different.
That might’ve just been you though, waking up in Steve’s bed in-between him and your boyfriend. You flashback to the night before, and Steve’s brown eyes looking up at you between your legs hits you like a freight train. When Eddie wakes up, he only sees Steve, wondering downstairs to see you perched cross legged on Steve’s couch next to a jock that fell asleep with his hips on the arm rest.
“You okay?” He asks, reaching out to comfort you.
You look up at him, wide eyed and worried. “Did I have-” you look around to see if anyone is awake and continue, “did I have a really, really vivid dream last night?”
Eddie laughs. “Dunno, did you want it to go on longer last night?”
You feel your cheeks heat up; you bite back a smile that creeps onto your face. “Fuck.” Your hand goes up to your forehead in disbelief. “You’re okay with it?”
“Okay with it?” Eddie laughs scooching his tiny waist in between you and the jock. “Princess, I instigated it. I could’ve told him to fuck off. I didn’t. I asked him to join.” Eddie chuckled. “I was already enchanted by your amazing pussy,” you looked around anxiously when he said this too loud, “but Harrington just looked so good. Weird, since he was Peter fucking Pan.”
“Oh. Okay.” You state dumbly.
You sat with him on the couch for another half hour, neither of you quite ready to go back to the real world. As you were held on tight in a hug with him, sat on his lap, you see the party king making his way down the stairs, now in pajamas and his hair damp from a shower.
Subconsciously your body turns to face your boyfriend and your heart is the only thing you can hear and feel. You vaguely hear Harrington’s voice from the next room. “Mornin! Sleep well, you alcoholics?”
Eddie retorts with something you were sure was witty as he was but all you can think of is getting out of the house so you can stop over thinking it. “Hey, I’m feeling pretty hungover can we go?” You ask Eddie, feeling guilty about talking in a way so Steve wouldn’t hear you.
Eddie looks taken aback by your request; his brown eyes noticeably confused. “Are you sure? I’m pretty sure Harrington will have a concoction to help with that if you need it.”
You wiggle closer to him, resting your chin on his shoulder. “I’m feeling shy,” you whisper, an uncontrollable smile crept onto your face.
“Shy?” Eddie asks, feigning ignorance.
“I have wondered for ages what that would’ve been like, and I knew it would never happen because neither of us were interested in each other the way Nance and Steve once were. It was harmless curiosity.” You pause when it sounded like Steve was on his way to the living room. “Now it’s a bizarre reality and I have no idea how to-how to be around him. Let me avoid him until I see him at work tonight.”
Eddie stared at you wordlessly, a reaction you’ve seen on him only a handful of times. The times would be when his club members are saying something and it’s just so wild to him, he can barely contain it. “Um, sweetheart. You could just talk to him now.”
“Please?” You ask, tilting your head and doe-ing your eyes up.
“You’re lucky you’re so pretty.” He mutters, getting off the couch in a graceful leap. “Alright. Go grab your shit and I will make something up.”
You run back up to Steve’s room, eyes avoiding the bed as you search the sunlit room for your costume’s accessories, Eddie’s wings and halo he ripped off in his drunken haze. You run back down the stares, Eddie already putting on his leather jacket you hadn’t noticed he had placed on the coat hanger the night before.
“Sure ya can’t stay?” You hear Steve’s voice what felt like right in your ear and the crook of your neck. To be fair, he wasn’t quite that close to you, your senses just felt heightened. Your stunted reaction of jerking back both amused and confused the hell out of your boyfriend, though. You turn to face Steve, something you’d hoped to avoid. Unfortunately, a combined trauma and three years of casual acquaintanceship that lead into friendship meant Steve knew when something was off. He didn’t say anything about it. “I make a mean hangover cure.”
“I feel like shit, and we still have work tonight. I’m going to take a minute and rest.” My ass needs it, you thought, wondering what the collective response would’ve been if you said it. “I’ll see you later.” You give him your best attempt at a natural smile, to which Steve gives a huh look over you to Eddie when you turn away to the door.  Eddie shrugs, laying his arm around your shoulder.
Now, here you are, no choice but to face Steve as he hovered around you as the loud silence of your nails ticking against the plastic covers deafened your ears. You came into work, barely making it after a short nap to wallow in your anxiety with your mom calling upstairs when she had realized you haven’t gotten up for work yet. Steve hung onto you like a magnet as soon as you bolted in, letting you know there’s loads of tapes to return after he rewound most of them and he’ll need your help.
You saw right through him of course, but you agreed with your most convincing smile and avoided his brown eyes staring a hole into your head. Though, an hour into your shift it seems he had enough. “Ok, cut the shit. What’s wrong?”
The harsh tone behind his words startled you into looking him in the eyes for the first time since making fun of Robin with him towards the end of the night when she couldn’t wrap her head around it. Your mouth moved to speak, and you backed out last minute, looking back down to your task at hand. Lots of horror movies returned, you noted. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Shit. Your voice wavered through that; you were unconvincing even to yourself.
Suddenly Steve’s green vest over a dark pink loose shirt tucked into his jeans was in your direct line of sight, hands on his hips, sporting a reprimanding look he usually saves for Dustin. “Seriously. Look at me.”
You look up, guilt evaded your brain as the genuine concern was displayed on his face.
“Did you not want-?” Steve asks, and it doesn’t even occur to you he’d be worried about this.
“It’s not that.” You shake your head hurriedly. “I promise. I knew what was happening and agreed wholeheartedly.”
“Then why the cold shoulder?” He asks, his voice softer and laying his hand on your arm, soothing with his thumb. You look down at it, fixated on how gentle he was. “Y/N. You’re going to have to answer me eventually. I will sit here for the rest of your shift don’t test me.”
Your eyes went back up to his face, and it felt like your anxiety bubbled to a stop. “I’m worried.” You start, moving to lift another VHS tape back until Steve stops you so you can focus on him. “I used to wonder what it might’ve been like on the occasion that I would hear a rumour or two and I figured it wouldn’t happen on the idea that sometimes you become too close to someone. I didn’t think it was a mutual notion.”
“You’re very wrong about that, go on.” Steve mentions casually.
“I-ok.” You pause, the sentence repeating itself in your mind. “I was afraid it would be different. I don’t want it to be. How do I interact with you knowing what I now know?” You glance at him; he seems bewildered by your thought process. “I overthink everything. I’ve never done anything like that, and I don’t know how to be normal.”
“Darling. You don’t think. Just do. I won’t judge you for what I heard before I joined, during, the aftermath. If I did, I wouldn’t have such a great reputation about it.” He takes his hand off yours, returning to work. “I will you treat you normal. It might take you a minute, but you’ll get into the swing of it. Avoiding me might’ve just made it worse though.”
Your eyes rolled at him, already feeling better that Steve was willing to go back to normal. “I am shy!” You claim, putting more Friday the 13th movies away.
Steve couldn’t hold back. “That’s not what you said last-” He didn’t even finish- you didn’t let him. You whacked him with a VHS, admittedly a little too hard. Steve ran off, giggling like a mad man towards to where Robin was rewinding the last of the tapes.
Wait, what did Steve hear before he joined? “Steve!”
A happy blissful two weeks passed by, a World Geography test you both crammed for during a night that ended up with you bent over his dresser, and nights spent with the Hellfire club and him finally convincing you to play in occasionally. After Dustin and Mike spend the two weeks grovelling and bothering Eddie, eventually you, Dustin, Mike, Eddie, Nancy, Robin, Steve, Max, and Lucas are all downstairs at the Wheelers with a game of Catan in front of you.
How the hell Dustin Henderson manages to convince people to play games like this is beyond you. It was beyond Eddie as well, complaining on the way over to the Wheelers’ residence. “I don’t know how the kid convinces so many people to do play board games with him. I have spent years building my recruitment skills. How the hell does he do it?”
You laugh, pulling yourself out of a soft gravity of bliss you were feeling as he held your hand and sang along quietly to the soft rock on the radio. “Mostly through bribing and relentless begging. It only works on people who find him somewhat amusing. You should see him attempt to recruit outside of the circle. It’s a nightmare.”
“Still though.” He pauses, thumbs drumming against the beat on his steering wheel. “He’s got the makings of a great Hellfire Club leader.”
“Don’t tell him that.” You say, shifting in the fabric seats as you turn the final corner to the Wheelers. “The kid worships you. Plus, if you offered him the spot then told him you’re taking the throne I think he’d riot.”
Eddie laughs, lifting his hand to your face to frame it fondly and stares at you for a moment too long considering he was still driving. The look you have always wanted to see him staring at you with was well worth it. “No, he’s also just more knowledgeable than some members who have been going to the club for years. I think it just makes sense.”
“When are you planning on telling him this? I’m pretty sure he’s been plotting and campaigning for taking over your role since the end of September.” You comment, remembering the plotting of him with an exasperated Steve Harrington at Family Video one night.
“I’m waiting to see what he gets me for Christmas.” Eddie laughs, signalling to turn into the driveway.
It seems the two of you were fashionably late, coming down to a basement full of teenagers waiting impatiently. “Finally!” Dustin exclaims, ripping out the boardgame as soon as you were in sight.
“Busy were ya?” Robin asks, a side smirk on her face.
Actually, you were. It is not your fault your boyfriend is relentlessly horny at the worse times. It was hard not to self consciously adjust your hair, wondering if something gave it away. The sharp memory of Eddie straight up grabbing your pussy when you told him there was no time yet feeling large wet spot that has been looming on your panties from watching him practice on his guitar while listening to some music. “I knew you were fucking horny. C’mon bend over for me, we only have a few minutes to make us both cum.”
The silence following Robin’s cheeky accusation was enough to accidentally confirm. “Blame him.” You point, letting go of his hand and laughing at the look of betrayal across his face. A portion of the group laugh out loud, Dustin and Mike mimicking gagging.
Dustin lays out the game, distributes the pieces appropriately and explains the rules. Mike’s family owns the Settler version of Catan, a game that requires trading and early colonialism. It takes a few times for you and Steve to understand the rules and basic concept, but the game gets heated quickly.
Remember, the two eldest Wheelers, Eddie, Steve, Dustin, and Max are all in the same game. This was doomed from the start. You, Lucas, and Robin are pretty much in it for the drama by the half point when you all collectively realized none of you were going to win. Instead, you three started instigating more drama.
Dustin and Max were in the middle of arguing about how she supposedly betrayed the alliance they made. Max is asking where the written contract was, and Dustin claims it was in her word. Meanwhile, though they were separated because of their inability to get along, it somehow made it worse with them arguing across the table after Nancy interjected the road Mike has built. Eddie has gotten himself into a heated argument with Steve, turns out both were after the limited recourse that was clay. You wished that Dustin had thought this through a bit more because you didn’t think this version of Catan was built for these many players.
Steve yells loud enough to make every other argument die, cutting into the amused glance you and Lucas were exchanging. “Ok! We gotta figure this shit out. Eddie. You gotta give me the clay. It was obvious that was my goal first.”
“Oh. You want the clay?” Eddie asks, starting to pick up pieces he had on the board. Uh oh. You don’t know how but you saw this coming from a mile away. “Here! Take it!” Eddie starts throwing them to Steve, he rapid fires them at him, taking no time between each fling.
The individuals surrounding you were a mixture of laughter and annoyance, most of them were both. You could barely pay attention to it, there was this a of emotion in you, your breath hitched sharply as you watched him start to throw Nancy’s road, causing her to interject rather wildly. The realization hit you like a fire truck on the way to a fire across the state with ten minutes until the house burnt down.
Holy shit.
Holy shit you loved him.
You truly loved him.
Your heart rammed in its cage as the knowledge startles you into silence, still watching Eddie with a stupid grin on your face. For all intents and purposes, you were wholeheartedly in love with Eddie fucking Munson. You were waiting for this epiphany to hit you ever since the conversation you had with him in your kitchen at supper with your parents. The amount of phone calls the two of you had and you wanted to blurt it out despite the uncertainty of its truth was nearly overwhelming.  
You smiled to yourself, watching as Dustin gets up to point Eddie to where you were sitting, informed he was now kicked out from this round and to sit down next to you so you could keep an eye on him. “Oh, come on! That’s so lame.”
“Think of it as revenge for all the times you doxed perception points for needing to piss, asshole.” Dustin yells a little too loudly.
“Dustin. Tone.” You remind him, noticing a certain trend in tone from him lately.
“Sorry.” He says towards you, understanding he needed to take it down a notch. “Dude. You threw pieces. Not cool. If I did that in D&D I would’ve been killed in a heartbeat.”
“Why do you think I’m a Master and not a player? I don’t have the patience for it.” Eddie laughs walking over to you.
He grabs a chair and places it right next to you, placing his arm around your shoulders. “You okay?” He asks, so close to you if you looked towards him, he would be too close to be in focus.
You let a wide smile spread across your face, the words attempting to bubble out of your mouth. You hold back. Not right now. “I’m great. I just didn’t realize you’d be so competitive.”
“I usually go for the clay because no one else does and it becomes a great asset in the end. I don’t know how Steve deducted that but sometimes I get carried away, you know.”
“I know, baby.” You laugh, Eddie squeezing your shoulder sharply in response.
The game ends with a surprise win from Robin, having suddenly getting into it once she put the rules and noticed certain strategies, she was tired of quietly communicating to her best friend and him ignoring her gesturing. Robin might’ve been terribly awkward at times, but she knew strategy. It worked for her. Dustin pretended to bow down as you all applauded her success, Robin yelling triumphantly in the centre with friends scattered around her in an incomplete circle. You were leant back into Eddie, watching Dustin ask her, nearly hound her on how she managed to do it.
 You didn’t even notice the content smile on your face, Eddie kissing into your temple. You leaned into him, enveloping his lips into yours, feeling a whiff of emotion as you tried to silently express the emotions you felt earlier to him.
“You guys are gross.” You hear Max claim, hearing her approach the couch behind you.
The two of you look to her, and Lucas is right next to her, his arm around her tentatively. “Call it what you want. Would you rather us be fighting all the time like my parents?” Eddie asks, grabbing your hand.
“Oh god no.” Max mutters, memories of her fighting parents flashing before her eyes. “You’re just sickeningly cute. I mean me and Lucas kiss but not nearly as cavity inducing as the two of you.”
You roll your eyes, shaking your head. “If you don’t want cavities, you can look away at any given moment. Also don’t think the two of you aren’t cavity inducing as well. You’re adorable, kids. Own it.”
Max’s face scrunches at being called adorable, Lucas looking at her fondly. If Max could only see how this boy stared at her when she wasn’t looking you wondered if she would be so inclined to dump him like she did. Max gulped, smiling half heartedly. You could tell there was something on her mind, yet Dustin and Lucas had both already voiced their concerns and she loudly dismissed it. You’ve been keeping an eye on her, wondering how she was holding up.
Ever perceptive, Max narrows her eyes as to pointedly wonder why you were staring. You stick her tongue out at her, deflecting the act of being caught. Max’s blue eyes roll in response. Lucas is talking to her, his voice soft enough to where you couldn’t make out what he was saying, though you probably weren’t supposed to hear it based on Max’s visible blush and a smile she tries to hold back.
Your attention flips back to Eddie, and you wonder how you’re going to tell him. What if he wasn’t ready to say it yet?
Funnily enough, Eddie Munson, too wrapped up in admiring you and successfully zoning out the argument over the game that is still happening, was wondering the same thing. He had this epiphany when you two went for a drive last week. You were singing Take on Me, a newer song you haven’t quite gotten the lyrics quite down and failed to reach the higher notes, resulting in Eddie barely holding back in his laughter, you are calling him mean before you join him.
While your voice cracked through your high notes, your chin lifted and eyes closed as you gave it a good hard try, he looked over to you, the epiphany hitting him much softer than yours hit you. Yours took the wind out of you, his was as if a butterfly landed on him and kissed him to bless him with it. The last key change with the completely wrong note that escaped your lungs with a screech brought him into laughter.
“Baby. That was amazing. I haven’t heard anyone that off key since Jeff attempted the operatic section of Bohemian Rhapsody.” He laughs grabbing your hand. The words were on the tip of his tongue. He felt them in his throat, threatening to climb out without his permission. Though he had a feeling this was not the moment.
Now, eyes full adoration for you as you carefully weave your pointer finger through his somewhat unruly curls, he was wondering when the best time would be. The words felt stuck in his throat, burning with a desire to crawl out. He felt somewhat worried they would leave without his permission one night, the want to say it between classes or a late-night phone call. He’s been waiting somewhat impatiently for you to say it.
However, your brain has convinced itself he’s not ready for it yet and he would look at you with pity if you had confessed it now.  
So, it would still be another two weeks before either one of you confessed.
While Robin isn’t competitive, she is not above bragging. Her intelligence that seems to make up for her lack of knowledge of social cues is made up in strategy and analytics. Usually, you and Robin are making side eyed glances at one another at work, but today you find being a lone sane ranger in what felt like a wilderness of absolute madness. Were you drugged by the Russians again? In another game of D&D that had no curfew due to a long weekend? (Thanksgiving was next week, anyway.)
No, just a bragging Robin Buckley and a salty Steve Harrington.
You were manning the front desk, avoiding them as they were actually driving you crazy for once. Off to the side, they were arguing over changing up the display. You had only heard bits and pieces of their conversation, only enough to understand the gist of what this argument was about. “Well, how do you know my idea isn’t better, huh?”
“Cause my strategy actually won, that’s how!” Robin shoots back without missing a single beat.
Steve yells in frustration, and without any warning he places a nicely toned arm around your shoulder. “Can you please ask Robin to cut it out” he asks, yelling the last three words of his sentence.
 “I don’t understand how this is my problem. I didn’t play in the game.” You say, shrugging out of his arm to make yourself clear you’re not on either side of their petty argument.
“You brought the shit disturber!” Steve shouts, gesturing to the door as if Eddie was about to appear at the mention of his name.
Looking over, you hoped he was there to save you from this annoyance. No such luck, Uncle Wayne had stolen him for the night.
You look back to face Steve, the annoyance and disappointment clear on your face. “What Eddie does while playing games is not in my control. If I thought I could control what he does playing anything, you think we would’ve gotten along so easily?” The side of his mouth quirks up for a second, internally laughing and agreeing with you.
He couldn’t show that to you, of course. “Whatever, just have better control over your boyfriend next time. That way I won’t fucking lose.”
“Sure, Steve. It was Eddie’s fault you lost. Let’s say that.” You comment sarcastically, nodding along.
“HAH!” Robin yells from where she and Steve were arguing. Oops. You may have accidentally taken sides.
The arguments don’t die down. By the end of it, you were mentally exhausted from all of it. The Sunday night seemed to droll on, the busiest days for returns but the slowest for renters. After rewinding all the returns and straight up ignoring your coworkers, Steve locks up the store and you walk away from their continued arguments. How the hell did they never get tired of arguing? No wonder you thought they were together, fuck.
As you pull in, you notice a familiar van down the street. No shit.
The front door enters, and your mom comes up to you with a look of kindness as she can tell you were exhausted. Your brain barely registers it, the idea of Eddie being upstairs enough to settle at least a small percentage of your nerves. “Hi, sweetheart. Your supper and a guest are upstairs.”
Your eyes open wide, knowing Eddie parks down the block when he wants to sneak in without the parentals knowing.
“He fell off your bed. Tell him he can use the damn door.” She comments as you start to run up the stairs to your room to avoid the look your mom is giving you.
You open your door, Eddie on your bed cross legged in a pair of plaid pajamas and an old band t-shirt, watching the door in what can be only described as fear.
A beat.
“You fell off my bed?” You ask, your backpack falling off your shoulder as you drop your car keys on the floor.
“Oops?” Eddie asks, face in an odd mix of fear and humour. “In my defense, I have shit balance and I’m impressed I haven’t eaten shit while climbing through your window before.”
Your head tilts. “You did it crawling through the window?”
Eddie huffs a laugh. “Not my finest moment, your mom caught me halfway back out the window.”
You huff, hand landing onto your forehead. Shit, you really loved him.
“Your mom said we have until midnight.”
“See, this is what happens when you don’t wait until I’m home.” You would never tell your mom, and the only others that do know are Nancy and Robin, but Eddie has been spending one or two nights a week spending the night at your house. Uncle Wayne knew that your parents don’t know, but Eddie is 20, you’re 18, he didn’t see the big deal.  
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t wait until my smoking girlfriend got home.” Eddie puts his hands up, turning it on you. “My bad. I’ll try to hide my charming enthusiasm for you for now on.”
You roll your eyes and fling the shirt you had just taken off to his face. “Hey now! I need to see the goods! You can’t hide them from me!” Eddie runs low into you, like his imitation of a gremlin. “Show me the goods!”
The laughter you fail to hold in bubbles out, and you can’t imagine what your parents must be thinking. Although Eddie sneaking in has become a common practice for the two of you, you still feel anxious as shit until you know they’re in their bedroom asleep.
He can feel you’re still anxious and grabs your cheeks into his hands. “Anxious?”
You nod, still amazed you have the luxury of seeing his brown eyes this close. How was it legal they were so damn pretty?
“Uh,” your breath hitches, and you realize you weren’t breathing. “Mmhm.”
Eddie smirks, and you became afraid of what crossed his mind.
You had a right to be.
“What,” he asks, leaning in. You had hoped he was leaning in to kiss you, but he flies passed your lips and to your ear, “is my pretty girl afraid her parents will hear her being a slut?”
You gulp, your heart beating faster. You can feel the heat of your core getting warmer by the second. Words escape your mind all the sudden, so you nod.
“I mean they were bound to hear it one day,” Eddie chuckles, putting a well thought out hand onto your hip, the thumb rubbing purposely.
Your gulp is audible, Eddie nods in understanding, as if your protest was enough for him to take pity on you, for now. “Okay, maybe not today. But pretty baby does want to, right?”
Your head shakes fast, nodding vigorously. “Yes. Definitely.”
Eddie’s head jerks back, a shit eating grin on his face. “Okay. We’ll wait until 10, their bedtime.”
You tilt your head to see around his body that had backed you up against the wall to the alarm clock on your bedside table. It was 7:08. Three hours. You lean back in, the expression of not wanting to wait so long clear on your face. “Huh?”
“You said you didn’t want them to hear you. C’mon. I wanna show you an evil plot I have formed. I need a new opinion that won’t convince me not to do something just because their character wouldn’t survive it.” Eddie says, grabbing your hand and leading you to the bed, previous talk seemingly forgotten about.
“Then I have to cover the goods.” You respond, realizing you were still half undressed. You run to your dresser, grabbing a pair of shorts and one of his shirts. If he was going to tease you, you could very much do the same. Eddie had made it clear shortly after Halloween short shorts and a shirt of his was a weakness of his.
Two can play that game.
The anticipation was ruthless and unfair for the both of you. Eddie showed you his notes from the fantasy novels he had checked out from the library and how he had planned to use it in the campaign for this upcoming week, and your legs and the smell of your perfume was just intoxicating to him. The slight shift of his eyes moving from his notes down to your legs consistently was enough to make you feel smug.
It was about 9:30, your textbooks out and working on some long question answers together. You were genuinely attempting to some work, seeming as you might as well if you have the time and you need to make sure he still gets his shit done. “Okay, I can’t take it. Put on some damn pants.” Eddie tells you, only a few words on his paper and his pencil beside him.
“Nope. You started it. You made this bed. Sit in it.” You say, not even looking up from where you were writing.
“Fuck. You know I am absolutely going get you back for this, right?” Eddie asks, playing with his rings and flexing his fingers unnecessarily.
You intended to stay focused on your paper, knowing he was up to something. “I look forward to it.”
Eddie glances at the time. 9:35. Fuck. If he gave in early, then you would win. But if he gives in then he gets you. “Princess.” He mutters, and you look up. He crashes his lips onto yours, his mouth open and enveloping your lips into his.
You break from him. “I thought you were waiting until 10.”
“Oh, I am,” Eddie comments, hand soothing you wherever he can reach. “We can make out for twenty minutes. Just gotta keep your hands to yourself.”
“Can you keep your hands to yourself for twenty minutes?” You challenge him, a sly smile making its way onto your face. “You are quite handsy.”
You had him figured out; he finds himself challenged as you stare at him unblinkingly. But if you knew Eddie Munson, you knew he doesn’t back off from a challenge, even if he knew he was backed into a corner. Man doesn’t know how to admit he was wrong. “Can you?” He asks, turning it back onto you.
A smile breaks onto your face, genuine this time. You dramatically push both of your books and the papers off your bed. Eddie lifts his eyebrow at you quizzically. Though he was amused, he couldn’t help but admire how adorable you were. In response to Eddie’s raised eyebrow, you grabbed him by the shirt, yanking him down so the two of you are lying on your bed with Eddie on top of you. On the way down he let out a yelp out of surprise, chuckling as he found his footing and gripped your sheets.
Eddie leaned into you, not giving you any moment to register it. Off the bat you can feel yourself getting antsier, the way Eddie worked his tongue against yours driving the heat downward right into your core.
Slowly, you hear him breathing shallower and shallower. Your hands grabbed Eddie by the nape of his hairline, tugging on it lightly. Eddie lets out a sharp breath, giving you a dark look as he pulls back again.
A bubble of laughter escapes your mouth, despite trying to hold it back. “What? I just touched your hair.”
“Oh, is that the game we’re allowed to play?” Eddie asks, his tone of voice slightly scaring you. “I didn’t know we were allowed to play dirty.”
Eddie meets your mouth with more force now, as if he was doing his best to tug a breathy moan out of you. He leans back from you, using his thumb to tug your bottom lip down and open your mouth. He places the thumb inside, laying the pad of his thumb resting on your tongue. You instinctively start to suck on it, moving your tongue around it. His kisses move down, wet feeling of his tongue combined with your lips trailing down along your neck and into the crook where your neck and shoulder meet. His teeth make their way into the mix, starting to bite and nip and suck along your shoulder and collarbone.
This had brought on the feeling of ecstasy, your eyes rolling in the back of your head. “I thought-hmm” you stutter as Eddie works his tongue expertly against your skin. “I thought our hands were being kept to ourselves.”
Eddie gives an exceptionally strong suck on your collarbone, he looks up, lips kissed bruised and eyes wild as he looks up from his hard work. “Oh, my hands are being kept to myself. We said nothing about our lips.” You give a side-eye, your mind wondering if he was gonna go down on you then if he was so insistent on using his lips. He catches this, narrowing his eyes at you. “What?”
“Nothing.” You lie, unconvincingly.
“Noth-nothing?” Eddie stutters, placing his ringed hand into your hair. “That was not nothing. If I have learned anything about you, its to ask what look I see on your face right now.”
You giggle, feeling shy. “If you don’t keep your lips to yourself why stop at my collarbone?”
“Oh, you shithead.” Eddie mutters, one long lick from your nape to your ear. “You absolute brat.”
His hand leaves your hair and slides them up your arms to place his hands in yours, clutching your hands a tad harder than necessary and moving them above your head. It managed a small whine out of you, slightly wriggling around as his hands had you tied down. Eddie leans down to you, and you’re expecting the dirtiest kisses he can provide you. He gives you light tongue, barely letting you have a taste of the permanent weed that staycayed in his mouth.
His knee jerks forward into your cunt, and you let out a breathy gasp. “How are you feeling, sweetheart, hmm?”
You frown slightly in response, annoyed at his cheeky question. Eddie smiled, giving you a look of satisfaction. He opened his mouth to respond, and a noise down the hallway catches his attention.
Your parents’ door closing.
Eddie’s head snaps towards your clock, it displayed 10:06.
A dark smile is displayed across Eddie’s face, and he yanks himself off your bed and locks your door. His shirt hits the floor as he makes his way back to your bed and you can barely ask what’s going on when he leans back in to lay another kiss on you. “Baby.” He mutters, his hand starts up and down your legs, wasting little time.
“Hmm?” You ask, somewhat in a daze.
“It’s after ten.” He whispers, making you understand the change in atmosphere. “You still want to?”
You giggle, your hands immediately grabbing at the hem of your shirt to take it off. “You gonna fuck me good, Ed?”
“Not Ed,” he mutters, his voice partially muffled by your shorts in his teeth. “Not now.”
“Daddy you gonna fuck me good?”
No words left his mouth, but you saw the darkened eyes as his hands gently finished the shorts’ journey off your legs. You waited in bated breath as you felt Eddie’s hot breath against your thighs next to your pussy. “Look how pretty this pussy is.” Eddie admires you, his finger lightly grazing against your folds. “And she’s so wet, too. I’ve barely even touched you.”
“That’s-that’s a lie and you know it, Ed.” You whine, resisting the urge to slam your legs together in the increased state of vulnerability you feel.
“Not Ed, and it’s…debatable.” Eddie decided, taking in the velvet feeling of the wetness against your entrance. He takes a scoop of your slick and slips it into his mouth for the taste of it and bites back a moan. “Fuck, you taste so good, princess.”
Your hips move restlessly, tired of the lack of touch. “Do-do something, Daddy. Anything. Please.”
Eddie chuckles, taking pity on you. He yanks himself off the bed, ripping his belt off so his jeans come off with one swift move. His underwear is ripped off without another thought. “Anything? How about you?”
Before you can even process what Eddie meant you feel him line his cock up against your entrance, and you moan loudly at the feeling of his cock finally pushing into you after hours of his fingers grazing your skin lighting it on fire. “Holy- oh my god-” you moaned, reeling in the feeling.
Eddie leans into you, lying his body against yours, your tits being pushed up to your ears. “Fuck, your pussy feels so goddamn good, sweetheart. So, so goddamn tight, and wet, and I will never get over how fucking good your pussy is.” Eddie rambles into your ear, voice deep and gruff.
“Move? Please?” You ask him gently, wondering if he even heard what you had said.
“Maybe I just wanna be in you for a little bit.”
“Mmmhm!” You whine, both turned on and angered by the idea. “Please?”
“Since you asked so nicely, my love.” He says, and his first hip thrust makes you forget how gentle he was.
Eddie moves his hand as he thrusts awkwardly so his fingers cling to your clit, rubbing frantically as if he wanted to make you cum as fast as possible. The build up from waiting in a frantic heightened state combined with the lovely foreplay Eddie had so generously provided for you brought on the feeling of your orgasm in the pit of your stomach, fast and startling.
He saw the flutter of your eyelid, felt the squeezing of your thighs, felt your breathing grow shallower by the minute, he could tell you were close. “My baby close?”
You nod, your eyelids struggling to stay open.
“Yeah? Just got my cock in you and you’re already gonna cum?” He asks, the pressure of his thumb tensing up lightly, rubbing it faster.
You nod again, moaning loudly as his thrusts hit harder.
“I don’t know if my baby has been a good enough girl for that, being a brat, n’ all…” Eddie manages, and your brow unconsciously furrows, clear as day you were not a fan of this idea. “No, you think you deserve to cum?”
You nod your head frantically, wordlessly begging for him to show you any kind of mercy.
“I guess I’ll allow it.” Eddie says after pretending to consider it.
The words had set off a flood gate of pleasure stunning you into border lining on completely limp. Usually after such an intense orgasm he would stop, allowing you to catch your breath before he carried on. However, this time intensity of your cunt tightening around his cock so tight had Eddie losing his mind, continuing to fuck you into oblivion.
He made his way up so he was sitting up and you were still on your back, now managing to hit deeper. Though you have been sexually active with him quite frequently, often enough to make anyone blush, making Eddie’s limit extended. Even with this additional experience, sometimes just the tightening of your cunt as you finish around him brings him to his high.
“Fuck, your tight-tight fucking pussy, so perfect, so beautiful, feels so fuckin good, sweetheart.” Eddie grunts, and you’re finally recovered enough to enjoy the blissed out look on his face. “Fuck-” With a final snap of his hips, the familiar feeling of Eddie’s cum filling you up filled your senses. You watched Eddie’s half lidded eyes as he was in the depth of the feeling of his orgasm.
Breath finally fills your lungs after the air being sucked out of it from being able to watch something as hot and ethereal as this boy that you thirsted after for three years cum inside you. How was this real? Nearly two months of you two together and you were still waiting for the other shoe to drop. For Eddie to tell you this was enough experience and now he had wanted to be with someone who he had actually liked.
The insecurity hit you in a place that drove you to sit up and tug him down to lie back on top of you. Eddie had sensed some sort of change in your disposition, the insecurity flashing across your face before he was tugged down to you. “You, you okay, sweetheart?”
“I just really-” the word wanted to leave your mouth. It was sitting in your voice box’s waiting room, reading one of the magazines for the fifth time. Its number was called, again. The word looked up and shook it’s head. It just wouldn’t leave your mouth. “I just hope this never ends.”
“I’m still in you.” Eddie says, lifting his head and giving you a weird look. You laugh together, the bizarre feeling of his cock twitching inside of you as he wasn’t moving, you pulse around him. “Me too, princess.” Eddie leans back onto you, peppering your neck with quick kisses.
You push him off and out of you, now exhausted from your long day at work and remembering you had school the next day. “You’re still coming over next week?” You ask him, watching as he got himself back into his clothes.
“Of course! Wayne not having to cook anything that even resembled a Thanksgiving dinner is a definite RSVP.” Eddie jokes, and you realize he’s about to take off when he slips on his jacket.
“Nothing to do with your girlfriend, huh? Only coming for Wayne’s sake?” you asked, edging him on to admit that you’re the reason he was willing to spend supper with his girlfriend’s parents and his own guardian.
“Wayne would’ve come to eat with them whether or not they had invited him, honestly.” Eddie laughs, doing a last ruffle through his hair. “Oh, sweetheart I have a surprise for you.” He mentions, moving his leg out of your window.
“Ooh! What?” Eddie’s surprises rarely (never) failed you.
“You’ll find out tomorrow morning.” He says, now out your window and giving you a cheeky grin. He leaned in to give you a sweet kiss, sly smile making you weak in the knees. You’re pretty sure seeing this smile alone in the first month of freshman year is what made you fall for him. Despite the internal monologue of telling yourself giving in to his kisses will only encourage him to go on with his bullshit, another part of you loved this part of him and knew your relationship wouldn’t be the same without it.
“This Friday at your house, Ed?” You asked him, leaning against the window as he stayed crouched.
“Just like always, sweetheart.” There’s finality in his voice, and the word still refuses to leave your throat. I love you.
“See you tomorrow baby.”
If you had a normal night at work last night then you would’ve spent all night tossing and turning, wondering what surprise he would give you.
Over the past six weeks Eddie has realized one way to show he cares is to give you surprises and always have something to pull out of his back pocket. A broken piece of one of his old guitar picks you have displayed on your mirror, an old chain necklace he didn’t wear anymore, a flower he miraculously found in the back alley at the bar his gig was at, and lastly, a movie date that started with wining and dining and ended with highly sinful whisperings into your ear.
The morning started with meeting Eddie in the parking lot, hand in hand to walk in tandem into the school. “Look beautiful today, baby.” He speaks to you lowly, causing your face to heat up.
You don’t respond, afraid to stutter out a response. You walk over to a table where Nancy is currently arguing with Evan, an argument they’ve had since last week.
“-because that’s not what’s important about the story! It’s not about the discrepancies that lead up to it, its about the truth. It’s why we report.” Nancy was exasperated, a notepad full of a nearly finished story (or an idea of the story), using her pen to point at her notepad insistently.
“But Nancy this is a part of the truth! It’s an important detail that tells the whole story, the whole image of what we are telling. No piece of information is unimportant, can’t believe you’d even claim that.” Evan says, sounding genuine.
“Evan this information is hearsay. You have no proof other than speculation to prove it’s true.” Nancy shots back, her jaw hard.
You were going to announce you and your boyfriend’s arrival when you had sat down but this was just entertaining. Their arguments were usually along these lines, Nancy shuts it down in the end and you were looking forward to how she would do it today.
“I have a strong rumour mill to rely on. They’re not wrong very often.” Evan contorts, his voice telling the three of you he thought he had Nancy down.
Nancy glances to you and you realize she’d known you were there all along, giving you a side eye. You both know the rumour mill in town is not always correct. In fact, the two of you have relied on Hawkins’ inaccuracy. “Unless you can give me a congruent resource, it’s a no-go.”
“Yeah, alright, whatever.” Evan leans onto his elbow, tapping the pen on his paper. Suddenly, you find Evan looking at you, a new glint in his eye. “So, any chance-”
“Go away, Evan.” You say, knowing exactly what he was going to ask. “Besides, the frenzy around our relationship has died down by now. I don’t think it would be the hard-hitting piece it would’ve at one point.”
“You’d be surprised how much people want to know.” Evan states, looking around him as if those very people had asked him personally questions about the two of you.
You rolled your eyes. “Dude.” Eddie says, out of patience from hearing you complain about him. You watched as Evan’s glance switched to Eddie and his eyes widen in fear. Sometimes Eddie’s reputation was worth it. “Drop it.”
A conscious effort is used on your part to not seem surprised at how hard Eddie’s voice was. Anything close to what you’d heard before was something he would use in good fun. Evan has been border-lining aggressive about it, despite Nancy’s continuous efforts to get him to cut it out.
Evan nodded slowly, the message was received, he waved wordlessly to Nancy and walked out of the cafeteria, looking back at Eddie with wide eyes.
As soon as Evan was out of earshot the three of you break into laughter, hardly believing his reaction. “Pretty sure he went to go change his pants,” Nancy laughed, closing her notepad.
“Can’t believe that worked.” Eddie says relieved smile on his face.
“You were scary.” Nancy states, switching her glance between you two. ‘Scary’ she mouths at you.
“Your brother seems to think so.” Eddie said, glancing towards where Mike and Dustin were sitting at the Hellfire club table.
“He also says that she ruined you.” Nancy laughs, scratching at the back of her neck.
You roll your eyes, used to Mike’s vague irritation aimed at you about his beloved heartless, demonic Dungeon Master. “He’ll get over it.” You remember. “So, Ed. What are you telling me?”
“I was wondering when you were going to ask me.” Eddie says, leaning into you and putting his arm around you. “Well, sweetheart I called up Harrington last night,” concerning, go on, “and I asked him of a favour.”
“I heard he had already given you two a favour.” Nancy comments, writing in her notebook.
The two of you glance at her, unaware of her knowledge of the incident from Halloween. Anyway.
“Wonder how many people just...know.” Eddie comments, scratching his chin. “Anyway, he got us another reservation at Chef’s Table.”
“No shit.” You comment, excitement about doing the date right this time without the first date jitters. “Same table?”
“Same table.”
“Fuck yeah!” You say, pumping your fist in celebration.
“Don’t waste it!” Steve says, seeing your celebratory pump in the air, not knowing if this is what you were talking about but betting on it anyway.
“Go to work!” Nancy shouts back, pointing to the clock on the wall that stated ten minutes until class started.
“Why do you kick him out every morning?” Eddie asks, kissing you lightly on your cheek after he says it.
“Cause then he would be loitering and I’d rather him deal with me than Principal Higgins or the police.” Nancy states, grabbing her stuff to get to her first class. “I gotta go anyway. Yearbook stuff.”
“Guess we should go to class too, huh?” Eddie asks, getting up from his chair.
“Where did Eddie go?” You ask, looking around him dramatically.
“Shut up.” Eddie mutters, tugging you by the hand to head to your locker, as you routinely did.
 The week was uneventful to say the least. Quiet conversations with him in the halls and World Geography, loud exclamations in the cafeteria with Hellfire during lunch, written notes exchanged between you and Robin, and a stupid amount of clownery at Family Video. Don’t be fooled, you were also involved in the clownery of course. Eddie visiting you after his gig on Tuesday was a nice surprise, him sneaking in (again) in his leather get up and you tugging him down so you could make out with him and ride him wearing the headband on his head.
Just the headband.
Eddie did try to convince you to hook up in the custodian closet, but you nervously said no to the offer, too scared of the idea of the janitor opening the door in the middle of it.
The third Thursday of November of 1985 rolled around, and it was suddenly Thanksgiving. Your mother spent all morning preparing for the Munsons to come over for dinner. It was filled with constant favours coming your way and doing the little tasks that get lost in the big picture of Thanksgiving. Sure, it was a holiday to get together with your family before Christmas and it was when the holiday spirit started to kick in but man, is it exhausting to prepare for.
You know you love him but when your dad calls from the living room demanding a drink after your sweet mom who has been slaving away in the kitchen all day you want to tell him to get his own damn shit. She has spent all day preparing fucking dinner, for gods sake.
Dressed in your best dress that is both family friendly and makes your boyfriend’s mouth water (the best kind of dress), you’re setting the last of the table settings and cutlery when the front door knocks, knocking the air out of you in the process. Heaven knows why you were even nervous, Wayne being a familiar face to you and Eddie doing movie night with you and your parents are two considerations that lead to a feeling of familiarity and comfort in your mutual families.
The door was opened to two spritely dressed Munson men, both obviously uncomfortable in their best dressed clothes. You weren’t sure you’ve ever seen Wayne dressed in anything but slightly dirty flannel. You were used to Eddie wearing nicer clothing on the occasion, but you preferred him in leather. Eddie wore a smile, the kind he wore when he wanted to water himself down. Wayne simply oozed discomfort. His face was warm, but you weren’t sure if it was the dress clothes or the forced politeness of a family dinner, but he did not seem at ease.
There you stood, in between your mom and dad, wondering how cheesy the three of you had looked for the moment. Was he fighting back laughter at this sitcom of a scenario? Lord knows you were.
A beat passed and your mom was finally the one to break the ice. “Welcome, gentlemen. Come on in, take your coats off.”
“Thanks for inviting us.” Eddie says, and you hate to admit but it sounded rehearsed. Like he and Wayne had practiced it together on the way over.
“Of course! You are welcome anytime; we just made too much food.” Your mom jokes, and the silence in her laughing is deafening.
“I’m just glad I don’t need to cook anything resembling Thanksgiving. It usually crawls away from our plates.” Wayne gruffs out, clearing this throat. You knew Wayne well enough to know that he was joking back to her.
The two men make their way into the door and shrug their jackets off. Eddie must’ve been wearing one of Wayne’s jackets because it just engulfed him, and you figured Wayne yelled at him not to wear the leather. Ed didn’t have anything else, so he borrowed Wayne’s.
As you all make your way over to the dining area, your father starts talking to Wayne, having been on the nightshift together for the last few months since Wayne had picked them up. The two of them continue their quiet conversation, and this is exactly why you and your mom placed Wayne right next to him. They had someone to partake in conversation about work when you and your mom never completely comprehended what it was that he did at work.  
Your mom had you all pray, despite you communicating Eddie’s religious stance. She said that doesn’t make him intolerant of those still choosing to believe, and you were on the fence about this idea.
“So, you two, how are your grades?” Your mom asks right off the bat.
Eddie laughs, still admittedly about a D grade though you had helped him go from an F to a D with passing in homework. “They could probably be better in my case, but they have definitely been worse.”
“And you, Y/N?” She asks pointedly to you.
You look up from where you’re scooping the mash potatoes like a deer in the headlights. “I mean, I don’t have anything below a B. Why?”
“You two just do so much studying I figured you were getting straight As.” Your mom says, eyebrow raised deliberately.
You froze, looking up from your plate with wide eyes and your breathing gains major depth. “Mom!”
Wayne’s laughter catches the whole table’s attention, his hand in a fist with the back of it against his mouth, as if he was holding it in. “Hey, I’ve been telling them that this whole time but they don’t seem to get it.”
You couldn’t even attempt to see if your dad had caught on to what these two assholes were trying to imply off the bat. This goddamn supper was supposed to be a nice family gathering. No. Not in the stars. Dang.
Your glance goes next to you to your boyfriend, and he’s laughing as well. It was more the fact that you were both gained on as soon as they got the chance to rather than humour.
“You think we should leave these kids alone?” He asks, still laughing.
“It’s not as fun if I don’t see her embarrassed.” She says, reaching to you to pet your hair fondly. You jerk out of reach, lowkey pissed. “Why not. Just make sure your nephew starts using the door.”
“Door?” Wayne asked, unsure where this could lead to.
“Mmhm. He seems to insist on using my daughter’s window even though I have told him I will keep the door unlocked or give him a key if it means his van doesn’t startle me for the thousandth time.” Your mom tells him, shooting a cheeky glance towards Eddie.
“Edward” Wayne starts, and your mom finally learns his full name for when she wants to yell at him.
“Hmm?” Eddie turns his head to Wayne, already decided he will still use your window.
“Use their front door or you’ll likely not be welcome at their house anymore.” Wayne explains casually, as if he wasn’t telling off his nephew in front of another family.
“Yes sir.” Eddie nods, and his leg shaking mixed with his hand placed gently on your thigh somehow sends a message he wasn’t planning on stopping any time soon.
“So, Wayne. Just out of curiosity-” oh no, “why were you the relative chosen to raise your nephew?” Mom what the fuck?
Two hours and a buttload more of embarrassing questions from your mom and Wayne being a good sport throughout it all, you’re stuck doing the dishes again. How did you do the prep all day and clean up after it now? You swear you were swaying on the spot as you dried the dishes your boyfriend was carefully washing.
You could hear the idle conversation going away from how Wayne grew up through invasive questions during supper to mindless yet comfortable chatter, and it was terribly comforting. “You okay?” Eddie’s voice interrupts your eavesdropping, and you were startled out of it.
“Hmm?” You ask, looking up at him.
“You okay, princess?” Eddie asks, his movements paused as he expressed his concern.
“You’re rocking back and forth. You’ve also been drying this plate for more than five minutes.” Eddie says, gently grabbing the plate from you.
You shook your head, hoping it shakes you out of it. “I-I’m ok.” Sighing, your hand on your forehead to gain a hold of yourself. “I’ve been up and working in the kitchen since this morning. I’m just tired.”
“Sit down. I’ll finish the dishes.” Eddie states, guiding you to a chair.
“No, no it’s fine. I can do it-” you try to tell him, but he is having none of it.
“Sit.” Your butt lands on the wooden chair and the relief as your forehead hits the table is immediate.
“Put the dishes on the counter if you’re not sure where they go, I can finish it off” you tell him through the table, and Eddie slowly finishes the rest of the dishes by himself.
It feels like only two minutes pass by, and your mom walks into the kitchen, “Hey Eddie when you have a minute-” she stops midway through his sentence, seeing you dead asleep on the table.
Eddie turns toward you fondly, smiling softly as he watched the softness of your breathing as you slept. “She passed out basically the moment she sat down.” Eddie says, finishing drying the last of the dishes. “I was just going to finish cleaning up then wake her.”
“Oh. Okay. Um, when you have a minute your uncle said you do labour chores when you need extra cash mind stopping by when she’s at work on Sunday?” Your mom asks, and Eddie nods wordlessly. “Thanks.” Your mom steps out of the kitchen, and her brain has malfunctioned. For the last few weeks, she has caught him looking at you fondly and it assures her that he is someone who cares for you, but this look startled her. That look was not care; it was love. She had wondered if you two had even said the word yet. She had heard certain things, so she knew that was out of the question, but this was a whole new concept to her, and she needed a moment to wrap her head around it.
Eddie finishes putting the plates on the counter places his hand gently on your back. “Baby.” He mutters, hoping not to startle you wake.
Jokes on him, you always startle awake. “Hmm?” You jerk up off the table.
“Hi. Hi.” It takes you a moment to comprehend and for Eddie’s face to unblur in front of you. “You fell asleep. I think we should get you to bed.”
“Does that mean you’re leaving?” You ask pathetically, your mind not completely awake and aware that your parents can all hear this conversation.
He chuckles and wraps his arm around you. “Probably.” You whine about it, still tired and now cranky from being woken up. “We can talk about it, I promise.”
He escorts you up the stairs, aware of all six eyes watching the two of you as if it was the sweetest thing they’ve ever witnessed. God, adults are weird. When you were laid down onto the bed you curled up immediately into your pillow, a content smile making its way onto your face.
“I’ll see you tomorrow night, yeah?” Eddie asks, sitting next to you, not even sure if he’ll get a response. You just hummed. “You better remember.” Nothing came out. “Sweetheart?” he asks, and he’s sure you’re out cold. He leans in to kiss you on your head and mutters, “I love you” and shuts the door as quietly as he can behind him.
Thank God for long weekends. On an ordinary weekend when you had slept over at Eddie’s (Wayne always made sure he was away for the night; more for his sake than yours) Saturdays were taken away from your usual midday shift and suddenly you’re facing a whole week of school and homework on Sunday. You wanted to convince whoever needed convincing weekends needed a third day. You need to spend one more day off with your boyfriend, dammit.
Every Friday you were able to sleep over you made sure you had no homework left over, providing less mental load for when you just want to spend time with him. Thanksgiving had really left little time to make it happen as it usually did, especially falling asleep before 8pm, but the day off provided the time you needed. Who cares, let’s get to the sleep over.
After spending the day bent over your desk, you had packed an over night bag with minimal essentials and were reading an indie fantasy novel he had lent to you when he honked his horn to let you know he was there. He didn’t often honk, as most parents appreciated when boys came to the door, but at this point your mom had understood the deal. You got good grades, you were attending school, and Eddie had proven himself respectful. Seemed you had ‘earned’ the cliché of the bad influence boyfriend honking his horn while blasting his loud death metal music to announce his arrival.
You yell a goodbye and close the door, running out into the early winter air straight to his van. In classic Eddie fashion, he had turned down the loud music when he saw you in the review mirror but continued his headbanging. Considerate, but he’s still doing what he is gonna do. As soon as your door was shut, he put the van into drive and took off to the trailer park.
“What movie did you want to watch?” Eddie asks as he held out his hand to help you out his van. “Are in the mood for like a scary movie, funny, dumb?”
As you step onto the snow and there’s a crunch underneath your foot as you walk to the stairs leading up to the trailer. “I think I want something funny or dumb. Something to laugh at with you.” Eddie smiles at this, and you’re cute as shit.
Eddie goes inside and turns the light on, takes off his jacket and runs around like a headless chicken for a few minutes and you look at the VHS collection for something to watch with him. Eddie comes back from his room, holding a small tin container and a few small ‘gems’. You hold out your pick for him, and he grins maniacally. “I was hoping you would be picking a dumb movie tonight,” Eddie says, watching your ass as you started to set up the VCR.
“Oh, not in the mood for horror? That’s unlike you.” You answer, sitting yourself onto the couch in his arms. “So, what presents do ya have.” You ask, getting a look at what he had gathered from his room.
“I have a proposition for you.” Eddie starts, and you observe he is nervously gnawing on his lips.
“I’m intrigued.” You lean in, already barely paying any attention to the movie already, and the main character hasn’t even been introduced. “Go on.”
He shifts in his seat, hesitating in continuing with his proposal. “You don’t have to, and I would understand if you said no. Sweetheart, I want to get high with you. I do it on my own a bit, but I wanted to show you why I enjoy it, and experience that level of intimacy with you.”
It would’ve been a lie if you said you were expecting this. “I mean, getting high isn’t really my thing.”
Eddie laughs, not maliciously, just out of love. “I’m not expecting you to smoke it everyday. Being high this often comes with a lot of dead brain cells.” He jokes, sticking his tongue out of his mouth. “I do think people need to experience it at least once. It’s super freeing. We can sit here and look pretty and cuddle. I was waiting for a day where you could sleep over when you didn’t have to work tomorrow so you don’t have to see your parents until after you have time to shower.”
On the one hand, your heart stutters at the thought Eddie putting this much thought into smoking with you, giving you the full moment bask it in and recover the next day. On the other hand, the idea of smoking weed had barely crossed your mind, it was on the other realm of your life’s experience. A girl who is getting good grades and too shy to speak to her crush for three whole years is barely spending her weekends being blazed. On a theoretical third hand, there has been an impulsive thought where you had wondered what Eddie was like when he was blissed and why he didn’t seem to feel comfortable getting high around you. “I’m not against it.”
“What’s holding you back?” He asks pulling you against him tighter so you’re basically laying onto him.
“I-I was risen with the drugs bad campaign. Though now that I think about it if my parents go to a hook-up restaurant then they definitely smoked pot. Our elementary school had that assembly that yelled at us about how pot would kill us and there would be adults offering crack cocaine-”
Eddie snorts, interrupting you. “Yeah crack is a bit too expensive to be offering to any person on the street.”
“You’re not who I exactly pictured when they told me about the dangers of drugs, baby.” You answer, remembering the clear picture of a flasher with a trench coat opening to reveal several different labelled drugs. You sigh, and the idea of being in ignorant bliss is feels more tempting.
“Anything else holding you, sweetheart?” Eddie asks patiently, caressing your shoulder as he watches over you patiently.
You adjust yourself so you’re now laying on top of him chest to chest. “I’m scared I’ll get anxious and freak out.”
Eddie rubs your back, understanding this point of view. He did mushrooms about two years ago and it’s the kind of drug that you need to relax into, or you will have a terrible trip. Especially in Eddie’s case before he met his dealer Reefer Rick he would buy and not be 100% sure if what he was taking was safe. Pot is something you want to relax into but if you become hyper aware of your state it’s not detrimental, just shitty. “Yeah, that’s fair. The good news is you are with some one who” LOVES YOU “cares about you and will make sure you don’t smoke too much on your first time. Things get out of hand when you smoke with people who don’t care with you.”
“You wanna help me for my first time?” You ask, the innuendo too much to look over.
“If you got to teach me, why shouldn’t I repay the favour?” Eddie asks, understanding entirely what you meant. You lean in for a kiss, drinking in the feeling his lips never failed to give you. The kiss ends, you stare at him half lidded before nodding your head. Eddie smiles, a glint appearing into his eyes out of nowhere. “I need verbal confirmation, sweetheart. Are you sure?”
You roll your eyes, annoyed at his insistence on getting your consent on a regular basis but there are worse things to annoy you in the world. He just is making sure you don’t feel pressured into something you didn’t want to do. “Yes. Teach me how to smoke weed with you.”
“Cool.” Eddie sits up without warning, startling you as you roll backwards over your feet. When you give him, a warning look of ‘what was that’ he looks apologetic in forgetting you were on top of him in his excitement. “Sorry, sweetheart. I got excited. Holy shit. Ok. Gimme a sec.”
Eddie runs to a spot by the front door and climbs onto a chair and opens a roof vent. He hops off the chair and runs with it to his own room and presumably opens a vent there as well. Eddie jogs back with the chair in one hand and a lighter in the other and drops his chair off at its permanent location. You wondered if he used it for anything other than opening the vents.
He sits down, and he starts to move around his little tins. You watch him, fascinated by watching him work in a way you haven’t been able to see before. “What are you doing?”
You watch him and he pulls out a plastic baggy holding little green leafy clumps and a smell hits your nose you didn’t realize you had recognized. He opens the baggy and grabs one of the smaller clumps and moves on to a metallic round container with the same circumference as a golf ball. You watch his hands work, obviously idle and used to the habit by now. His fingers work to open the round container to show a series of seemingly sharp spikes spread equally around the surface area on both the lid and the bottom. He places the little ball into the circle and closes the container. You hear a grinding sound, like the sound of an Etch-A-Sketch and see Eddie using both hands to turn the container.
Honestly, you had no idea what he was doing or how you were about to smoke it, but it was cool. You watched the rest of the process, Eddie bringing out his rolling papers and filling it with a now smaller but similar substance to the stuff in the baggy and carefully rolling them up. It seemed like an art, almost. When the process was completed, Eddie proudly held up the joint and held it for you to see.
“Ta-da!” Eddie exclaims dramatically, his other hand’s fingers spread out. “I present to you our humble guide.” He puts down the joint and starts to add some to a new rolling paper.
“Are we smoking more than one?” You ask, adjusting yourself so you’re watching what he was doing more closely.
“You are taking two, maybe three inhales from this one. You don’t know it, but it’s decently sized. I, on the other hand, have an intense tolerance for this stuff so I need to smoke a little bit more.
“How much more?” You ask innocently, staring at the lone joint he put down on the table.
“Oh, maybe 5 or 6 more.” He answered casually, starting to roll up the second one. Your eyes widened at this thought, wondering if he was more chronic than you had anticipated. Eddie glances to see your pretty face while he rolls the joint and he laughs at your comically wide eyes. “I might indulge frequently but I never drive while high, made that mistake once and I haven’t seen my uncle more disappointed in me. Even when I said I failed grade 12 again. Trust me. There’s nothing more nerve wrecking than seeing that man’s face on the morning after I had confessed, I drove home while high.”
Eddie slaps his hands on his thighs, the international symbol for ‘alright let’s do this’. “Alright. Do you know how to light or use a cigarette?” He asks, turning his body to face you. You shook your head, bewildered. Has he met you? “Right, so when you inhale, you need to be taking the smoke right into your lungs. An easy trick I have learned to help newbies is to take it into your mouth first, then you sharply inhale to take it into your lungs.” You nodded, your student trained hands itching for a pen to write it down, so you don’t forget anything. “Hold it in for as long as you can. The longer, the better. If, if, if you choose to keep smoking on the occasion, you’ll find that your lung capacity will decrease and you won’t be able to hold that smoke in as long.”
You blinked rapidly, absorbing the buttload information Eddie has just provided you with. You didn’t realize there was so much to it.
“Don’t worry. You’ll stop overthinking about it when it starts to sink in. Warning, since you don’t know what it feels like exactly you might not realize you’re high and then it might hit you pretty hard. Which is why I’m here to provide you assurance.” Eddie warns and comforts you. “Are you still up for it?”
“Bring it on.” You’re not entirely convinced by this yourself, but the details and idea were intriguing to say the least.
Eddie gives you a wicked smile, his dimples pronounced and a crazy look in his eyes you could only assume was bizarre excitement. “Alright. Hold this up to your mouth, I’ll light it and tell you when to inhale.” You tentatively hold the joint for the first time, and it’s more fragile than you had expected. Your shaky hands hold it in a pincer grasp. Your eyes cross and focus on the lighter Eddie puts to the end of it, a white twisty part. The end is lit and spark flies as the end burns up fast. The joint burns up fast, and smoke starts to come out of it. “Now” Eddie gently says, and you start to attempt what he has described to you.
The smoke goes into your mouth, and you could taste what you had smelled when he opened the baggy. Step by step, you remove the joint from your mouth, sharply inhale the smoke into your lungs and a tang of discomfort tells you that you did it right. You thought you might be able to hold your breath for a good amount of time, but your lungs expel the smoke immediately, bringing out a coughing fit.
“That’s a good girl!” Eddie says, patting your back as he takes in his first inhale, dusting ash into an ashtray you hadn’t even noticed was in front of you. “Thirsty?” He asks, offering an ice-cold Coke.
You take the pop with gratitude, wondering how he knew exactly what you had needed. “Good? I coughed it all out.” You asked, curious to what you did was good when he had told you to keep it in your lungs as long as possible.
“Your lungs are clean. Usually if someone doesn’t cough their first inhale it means they did it wrong. Coughing is an excellent sign you did it just right. Need another hit?” Eddie offers the joint back, and it’s noticeably decreased in size, blackened on the end of it.
You nodded, not really feeling anything yet. You took a hit again, using the same steps, not coughing as bad this time. “Don’t you use a glass thing?” you ask, vaguely remembering seeing something in his room once or twice.
Eddie chuckled at your sweet ignorance, finishing the last of the joint you had handed to him. “A bong? Yeah that’s not meant for the first time smoking, sweetheart. Seriously, the last guy I saw try a bong for the first time he threw up almost immediately. It hits your throat a lot harder, even with ice.”
You weren’t sure how ice had anything to do with it, but you didn’t care. An urge to crawl into Eddie’s arms hit and you slowly started to crawl into him. “Wow okay you’re definitely high.” Eddie comments as you sprawl yourself onto his body.
“Huh?” You ask, lying on his chest and half paying attention to the movie. “I can’t even feel it.”
“Sweetheart,” Eddie says, petting your hair. “Look at me.” You turn your head to face him, and he bites back laughter. “Yeah, I knew it. You’re smiling.”
“So? Can’t smile at my boyfriend?” You ask, unsure of what that had to do with anything.
Eddie shakes his head. “No, you can smile, and I love it when I see that beautiful smile, baby. But usually, the smile sitting on your face right now is reserved for the stoned. And you, my dear, are very stoned.”
As you watch the movie, your breathing even and Eddie’s heartbeat in your ear, you start to think about the smile sitting on your face. As it sits you wonder if you can de-smile, so to say. You try to wipe it off your face, but it proves impossible and does the opposite as you giggle from the ridiculousness.
“Definitely stoned.” Eddie says with a fondness in his voice.
“Baby.” You say, crawling up to him. “Can-can we kiss? I want kisses. Please?”
Eddie nods, taking in your half-mooned eyes and your sleepy disposition. “Of course, sweetheart.”
After the two of you make out for a little, Eddie’s knee finding it’s way in between your legs, for the first time you direct him away from going any further. “I-I just don’t think I’m in a good state for that. Keep it PG?”
Eddie agrees without any protest, understanding in full. When the kissing ceases, you lie on his chest for a healthy amount of time, you figure out why they call it being high. It feels like you’re elevated, floating, everything is hazy, and it might take you longer to cognitively function but things feel safe.
You laid on Eddie without talking until well into the credits, and it seemed like you were paying attention to every name it had mentioned. Eddie was tempted to put on one of his favourite marijuana-associated movies, but he was afraid it would just freak you out. He went to the exact opposite and put in the only Disney movie he and his uncle owned, Lady and the Tramp.
When Eddie got up to change the tapes you had protested loudly in him leaving but it was all good when you knew he was only right in front of you. He waddled back to the couch but were terribly irritated when he sat down rather than laying for you to crawl on him again. “You’ll be fine, I’m just smoking a few more puffs so I can lie down with you, ok?”
You nod, leaning back as the Disney credits started. When you saw the title, you smirked at Eddie with what you thought was a side eye mixed with a smirk. Really, you were just smiling wildly, rivalling Eddie’s own wild smile.  
Towards the end of the movie, after the talking cartoon dogs started to mess you up a little but you didn’t communicate it on the grounds of not wanting to be made fun of, Eddie gently sets you up, and you get a good look at his face for the first time in a while. You understood what Eddie meant by stoners sport the smile, because he was wearing the same one. “Okay, princess. Bedtime for both of us.”
“I like sitting on the couch with you, though.” You whine, the idea of getting up to go to his bed too much and wanting to sleep there.
Eddie knew why, so he lifts you up onto his shoulders and down the hall to his room, turning off the appropriate lights and the tv on the way there. Your back hits his bed, and you yank onto him, causing him to yelp as his jeans were barely off his ass when he’s attempting to take them off for bed. “Hey, hey! He yells, nearly falling over. Lemme take my shit off then I’ll cuddle ya, you stoner.”
So you do, watching contently as he whizzes around his room getting shit ready for bed. He was tempted to ask if you wanted snacks, but he’ll let you discover the love of the munchies for another day. “How you feel, hmm?” He asks after turning the lights off and getting into bed with you.
“Nice. This is a nice feeling.” You comment, moving your hands across his chest, not sexually, just playing with the light patch of chest hair. “I can see why you and the football players enjoy it.”
“Those guys snort a lot of coke.” He sighs, not aware of what he was saying as he fell asleep.
“Huh.” You answer, and you were on your way to dreamland as well.
The night ends like this, the two of you wrapped up in your own little cocoon. Wayne comes to the house smelling like pot and his ashtray full of new filters on the coffee table with unopened chip bags by the tv. Seemed like you two had a good night, considering you made it to the bed.
The following Sunday Steve and Robin restlessly ask Eddie what you were like while you were high as he crashed Family Video. There seemed to be a collective idea of congratulations towards Eddie for managing to corrupt you more than they ever were. You side-eyed the three of them, pissed at the very idea of ‘being corrupted’; like you were a child.
It was the last week of November, and Mike was getting mad excited about El coming up to see Mike for Christmas. It was debated if Will would tag along to see the gang, but Will was insistent that he spend Christmas with his mom. At least that’s what Mike told everyone.
Dustin and Lucas were both calling Will on a semi-regular basis to inform him on DnD shenanigans and talk yet Mike has some weird hesitance over calling Will. (Despite Dustin nagging him to just fucking call him.) There was a common belief that Mike didn’t even ask Will to come down, but no one actually wanted to ask. Mike is a defensive asshole sometimes.
Regardless of whatever rumours were being spread, even about your own friends, his excitement was according to you, adorable. According to Eddie, it was adorable about the first few times now it’s just annoying.  
The Friday when El arrived in the evening Nancy had spent all lunch dreading it, explaining she’ll need a barf bag from the mere mushiness El and Mike were about to present to her square in the face. You let her rant about it, yet secretly was excited for their reunion. (After all, you knew they had a connection.)
As much as you wanted to join them for a reunion, you had asked for them to tape it for you or at least take photos cause you had a hot date at Chef’s Table and you and Eddie wanted to do it right this time.
As you stood at your stuffed closet, you stared at the all the options, wondering about the general dress code for the night. Since your stunt during your first week (you had it down bad) together there has been a silent agreement of anything that you are anxious if you move will show something, you can wear it for him. (Which you have) If his fingers are going there anyway, might as well assist, no?
The phone rings, you allow your mom to pick it up. It’s Eddie. Is…is he not getting ready for your date, too?
“Baby?” You answer, attempting to decide between two aesthetically different dresses, one that is only held on your body by a string. You bought it on a whim with some extra money from work but it hasn’t seen the light of day, hidden in a box in your closet. “What’s up?”
“Yeah hi sweetheart I was just calling to make one thing clear. Wear the smallest dress. Whatever dress you are unsure if you should wear, wear it. You can wear my jacket on the way. Understand?” Eddie says, and you get the idea from his tone that he’s not giving you much of a choice in the matter. Not that you had any protest in his demands, in fact you were going to be well prepped for when the first move was made. “Princess?”
You squeezed your legs tightly to slightly appease the burning in your groin. “Yeah, I hear you, baby. See you soon?”
“Count on it.” The line goes dead.
Well, it’s decided. Tiny little dress held together by sheer stubbornness wins by Eddie demanding it into existence.
Eddie’s phone call was forty five minutes before he was due to pick you up. It gave you forty minutes to get ready. Your makeup went a more natural glam and but your hair a fluffy 80s dream. You wore some thigh high tights to give the illusion of some abstinence to your mother. Your dress sat right where your tights ended, some how perfectly feeding into it.
You were applying the last of your lip gloss on your vanity when the sound of a knuckle knocking thrice against your window startled you. When you open it, there he is, except not in his usual date-night wear. Usually he’s dressed to impress your mom, and while the effort of it turned you on, it was when he wore the leather jackets that got you all riled up. White knights in white shirts are great, fine even, but when he’s coming from a performance in leather you have to do your best not to drag him into the back and blow his brains out.
Tonight, the leather jacket was on over a band tshirt it looks as if he just threw something on. Why did this drench your panties more than his ironed white shirts carefully tucked in unripped jeans ever have? When you lift the window at his request, he lifts one leg in, showing purposely dishevelled jeans and the chain on his left hip. “Hi, baby.” You greet him.
“Hi. Come on, taking you out.” He says simply, his voice calm and deep as he offers you to grab his hand.
You hesitate, your hand lifted slightly as if you wondered what your mom would have to say after her constant insisting that Eddie take the front door if she didn’t see you off for your date.  
“You think she’s gonna let you out the door? C’mon. We’ll take the heat for it later. This is our night.” He says, gripping onto your hand tighter than he might’ve intended as he lead you onto your roof. As you’re both halfway running to his van, you giggling the whole time you can see a light turn on and Eddie’s out of the driveway by the time she opens the door.
You’re in for it when you got home.
He’s chuckling with you, his hand effortlessly linking into your own as he recklessly drives to the restaurant. His windows are down, single handily running the hard work you had both put into your hair. Not a single care evaded your body as you relaxed next to him, used to his loud music and his even louder singing. How he managed to head-bang, avoid the police speed-wise, and still stroke your hand with his ringed fingers all at same time eluded you but you had learned to embrace and relax in his craziness.
You smiled at him, the word on your mind. Too scared to say it, wouldn’t everything change? Too scared for it to stay the same.
He pulled into the parking lot, somehow managing to take four spots at once, like some sort of exaggerated asshole. He usually doesn’t park that bad, but it seemed instead dressing to impress, he was dressing himself down to excite.
Excite you, that is.
On some primal level Eddie could tell that the white shirts and coming to front door has overstayed its welcome. Now that you knew him, far better than you ever could by watching him, by talking, laughing, fucking him, a white button-up just isn’t him. Last time he wore it you snapped it off the buttons, ripping the shirt open from the middle.
Even if he wanted to wear the button down he couldn’t, the buttons were still scattered all over his bedroom floor.
He knew you were begging for the side of him you found hot when you were watching him all those years, a scratching, anxious version of you begging to see the rebellious side of him. Not just when he fucks you, when he’s luring you into last minute quickies that just nearly get you into trouble. Even though he’s there underneath the manicured parent-friendly version of him, you want to visually see him. Right there, on your dates. Where he doesn’t have to talk quietly or over politely. You wanted him to be himself. The man you fell in love with.
You knew him. What he liked, what got him all in a twist, what got him really going if you had really wanted to, how badly his parents had messed him up… (Three months can teach you so much, but bitch you knew him.) Point is, you could see passed the put together façade he had put on, even for you and chose behind the person behind it. (You didn’t want the façade on date with you. You wanted him.)
Also he’s just smoking hot, and having him in his jacket with that ruffled hair, across from you on a hot date, it would make you go feral. Which is why when he yanks you out of his van you’re nearly buzzing in excitement. This date was turning out exactly the way you had hoped. A make up date, in every sense.
The two of you burst into the place, still hushed, reserved, and acting like it’s not the hook up spot in town. Now that you no longer had your blinders on, on your way to the table this time you had noticed the couples that were also sitting in here. Most of them were really close to one another talking softly or already kissing. If you had taken the moment to take a look at them it might’ve given you a clue as to what sort of place this was, which would’ve given you the courage you needed when you wanted to make out with him.
A different host lead you this time, handing you both menus and giving you a look on his way back to the front. He understood. You scooted your butt into the round booth, settling at about one cushion from the exit for the table. “Get that cute ass over here.” Eddie tells you, in the middle of the table. He has you scoot down until you’re right up next to him, barely enough room to do anything but talk or let wandering hands go where they might.  
A side of you is nervous, shaky at the prospect of being touched like so in public. Every time he tries, attempting to get more frisky, you shyly shake your head no, no matter how exciting it sounds. “You alright, princess?” Eddie asks, soothing your knee with his thumb, sensing your anxiety.
“I’m ok. Should we look at the menu?” You ask, willing to distract your self from the nervousness and the increasingly damp spot on your lacy panties.
“Pretty sure you’re the only thing on the menu, no?” Eddie asks, his hand landing harder on your thigh, massaging it, knowing what he’s doing as he watches your eyes roll back. “Are you up for something crazy?”
“Anything,” you gasp out subconsciously, not completely aware of what slips out until it does.
Eddie laughs, placing his arm around you to whisper in your ear. “Okay, so after someone asks our drink order I’m gonna slip under the table. When they come back, I want you to order our appetizer, let’s say we’ll get some break sticks and beef dip, fuck, I don’t know. Order something. While you do that I’m gonna be tasting that pretty little,” he slips his hand up your thigh to your centre “soaked pussy of yours. Try your best, yeah?”
He takes his hand out from where it was placed, right at your centre were it was exuding warmth as he hears footsteps of the waitress coming. You knew her voice as soon as she started speaking. “Hi, I’m Daisy, I’ll be your waitress. What can I get started to drink for you?”
Daisy was a frequent flyer in your mind when you couldn’t sleep at night. The girl was a sharp reminder of what you thought might take him away from you. The version of her that you remembered was a girl who reminded you of your own insecurities and managed to make a uniform look decent.
This girl was pretty, but not that pretty. There’s a pimple on her forehead that’s a clear whitehead, a piece of lettuce stuck in her teeth, and her slick pulled back hair had boat load of flyaways. Time is kind, and maybe you needed to see her again to know that Daisy wasn’t going to take him, with or without the flaws you had just noticed. He was yours. The look on her face told you that she recognized you off the bat.
“I’ll get a water.” You state, knowing you’ll probably need to remain hydrated.
“Same.” Eddie states, licking his lips in anticipation for when she leaves.
“Alright. I’ll be back to take your order then.” Daisy drones, and this time you realized she was talking to the both of you.
You barely had a moment to watch her walk back and Eddie has already slipped underneath the tablecloth. “Holy shit. So pretty.” He mutters, more himself than to you. He wanted you to fucking stutter while talking and water was an easy drink to grab, so he had to move fast. Your underwear was off in one swift movement, and he attacked your pussy like he was dying of thirst and your pussy was the first drop of water after a week in a desert.
Your eyes closed immediately upon welcoming the warmth and the pleasure that rushes through you. After only moments of basking in the feeling Eddie pinches you, warning he can hear footsteps, and this was the lowest trafficked table in the restaurant it was definitely Daisy. You sit up, opening your eyes quickly and attempting to get yourself out the haze.
“Here’s your water,” she says, not looking up taking her notebook out. “are you ready to order-” she starts, and stops when she realizes Eddie wasn’t anywhere to be seen. “I can come back when he’s back from the bathroom if you need me to.” She says, absentmindedly.
You’re attempted to accept the offer, but Eddie pinches your thigh and uses his tongue harder to encourage you to speak. “Uh-no it’s okay. We decided on some a-appetizers.” You let out a hard breath, and Eddie has started to go to town on you, as if racing you to the finish line.
“Ok go ahead.” Daisy says after she had to search for her pen.
“We’ll have the uh-” you pause, “sorry, stomach-ache. We’ll have the bread sticks and the spinach dip, please.” You manage out, hitting the seat hard when you’re starting to get to the edge.
“Are you guys having any main entrees tonight, or just appies?” She asks, bored and fiddling with her notebook.
Your breathing has gotten shallower and you’re wondering if she has caught on yet. “Uh, no. Just that for now.”
Eddie adds a finger, frustrated that you’re managing to speak so well when you had drenched the leather booth beneath your thighs. The finger nearly makes you yelp and as he crooks it into a hook against your g-spot he brings you right to the edge, impossibly fast yet on a mission.
“Alright then” Daisy grabs your menus, you flailingly push yours to her, barely helping her as you go over the edge with your top teeth biting on your bottom lip hard. Daisy gives you a side eye, walking away weirded out from the interaction.
You ride the last of your orgasm as she walks away starting to ride your hips shamelessly against his mouth as the last wave heats from your center and even makes a pit stop in your head. Eddie peaks his head from behind the table cloth, mouth wet, and a twinkle in his eye as he looks up at you. If you see this face and only this image of his face for the rest of your life you will die happy. “How was that sweetheart?”
“What was that, five minutes?” You ask, grinding your hips lightly as he rubs your labia lightly, teasing how sensitive you now were.
“More like three and a half but who’s counting.” Eddie jokes, sliding to sit back next to you. You notice he’s holding your panties in his hand, sticks in his leather jacket pocket. “You were so fucking wet, which helped a bit, I must admit.” Eddie comments, taking a sip from his water. As soon as the glass his the table his lips are on yours, maneuvering the two of you so you’re intertwined, one leg on his yet still sitting.
He wraps your lips up in a magnificent kiss, connecting his tongue onto yours as soon as he could, just needing the very taste in your mouth. You could taste yourself in his saliva, the very idea absurdly hot. You stay like that, willing to take in whatever you can, taste from him, your hand make it’s way up into his long hair and gripping at the scalp, managing a whine out of him. You can’t help but giggle at his response and he jerks back, his eyes assessing you for a moment, carefully. “What are you giggling at?”
Eddie leans into kiss you, further left than your lips. He leans down to your jaw line, kissing it down and down to your neck. You lean back as he starts to bite and suck on your skin, causing little whimpers out from your pretty lips. “So pretty, so needy.” Eddie comments as your eyes roll back at his love bites.
“Here is you- oh, sorry.” Daisy says, carrying both your appetizers. She sets them down carefully, and Eddie barely moves from where you’re both stationed, as if he was proud of being interrupted in the middle of marking your neck. “A-anything else I can grab the both of you?”
You look at her name tag to check it’s the same waitress who shamelessly flirted with Eddie right in front of you, because she can barely look you in the eye.
“Uh yeah, Daisy can you just leave us alone for about fifteen, twenty minutes then bring us a check? Nice hefty tip in it for ya.” Eddie says, looking at his nails as he says it. It’s rude but it gets his message across. Don’t bother us.
“Got it. Be back in twenty minutes with your bill.” She says, and walks off with out another word, blushing furiously. If she had worked at this restaurant long enough to know when to flirt, wouldn’t she be used to a request like this?
“Alright we have twenty minutes.” Eddie states, and you realized his belt was already unbuckled and his button undone. “C’mon get on.”
“You wanna?” You ask, nodding to his now free cock.
“That was the point, was it not?” He asks, and it’s almost unlike him the way he’s propositioning you. Usually, he’s soft and restrained in his methods. Even when he’s asking you for a quickie there’s a softer tone.
Right now, he basically point-blank said to just get on his dick. This side of him doesn’t usually come out until you’re already on it, using slut-shaming as a method to egg you and him on. However, the most surprising thing about it was this had worked on you. You were turned on by how rough he was. “I guess, I thought we were doing just hand stuff.”
“That’s ok for the lighter booths. This is not the one for hand stuff. It’s in a corner for a reason. C’mon. Hop on daddy’s dick.” He says, wrapping his arm around your waist to tug you closer to his hips.
It doesn’t take much convincing for you. You move your leg around his hip so you’re straddling him, and your dress is scrunched up to your stomach, revealing your ass to anyone who would pass you by. He lines his cock up to your entrance, rubbing and tapping lightly, teasing you. “We have fifteen minutes, put your fucking cock-” before you could even finish your sentence he pushes himself into you and your eyes roll into the back of your head as he fills you up.
He starts fucking you, foregoing any waiting period due to how wet you already were. After letting you enjoy his continuously improving hip thrusts and technique he stops, moving his hands to your hips. “Alright. Your turn. Ride me, baby.”
You start to move your hips, rolling them so his cock his a spot you need it to every time. You were perched tall and your mouth in a small oh shape, gasping out little moans as you worked your hips. Eddie reaches down to expose a tit, starting to massage and kiss at it. “Oh you little slut, couldn’t even wait until we got home, eh?”
“You didn’t- oh- you didn’t give me much choice.” You gasped out, staring at Eddie as he still wraps his tongue around your budded nipple. “I would do so much for you, daddy.”
“Oh, you have, baby. You have. Oh shit- yeah keep riding me like that, oh, shit. Gonna fill you up.” Eddie grunts, starting to help you as you ride him.
“Already?” You half joke, feeling as his thrusts become more erratic and harder.
“Oh I’ll fill you the amount of times fifteen minutes gives me, sweetheart. Whether that be once or six times, you’ll be dripping in me by the time we leave.” Eddie continues to thrust into you, and you’re basically literally hopping on it. He freezes all of the sudden, his face jerking in a small O shape as you feel him fill you up.
“More?” You ask after a moment as he catches his breath while he’s still in you.
“You want more?” Eddie asks, his hands on your hips, rubbing your stomach lightly with his thumbs. As he rubs your stomach, feeling it grumble in hunger. “Hungry, sweetheart?”
“A little.” You admit, thinking about the smell of the still fresh bread.
“Hmm. One more then we’ll sit down and eat?” Eddie asks, starting to fuck into you again.
It felt too good to pass up. You nod as he continues faster, licking your two pointer fingers rub at your clit to help yourself and him and you two enjoyed taking your time but it seemed the combined hunger and the combined lust you two felt just turned into this animalistic need for one another and for food.
Is this what cavemen felt?
By the end your nails were digging deep into his neck, he’s holding your ass hard enough to cause bruising. Your legs are sore from doing a lot of the work and you’re out of breath and usually you would take a time out from it, but you were just horny and hungry and wanted him.
You grabbed at his scalp, scratching your hand into grabbing a fistful of hair and pulling. Eddie’s eyes roll into the back of his head, most times you missed is when he knew your eyes were closed. It was basically that and the fact that he was unloading for the second time into you within ten minutes that had you be able to cum yourself, lurching yourself into his chest. An instinct that took over you for a moment startled Eddie, but he was ready to help how you needed. You just needed to be held. Specifically by this man, this man who you just experienced this moment with, this bonding just completely shook you.
The first thing he did to help was make sure if you cried long enough for Daisy to come with the check you were decent, (and so was he.) He only offered to hold you, offered bread when given the chance, which you graciously accepted, as you were still hungry. “You okay?”
“I’m okay.” You say softly, offering him some spinach dip. He slurped it off your fingers, in attempt to make you laugh, and it worked.
“Hey you laughed!” And you knew why you were crying.
“What you thought I was sad?” You ask as if you knew this whole time. “I’m really fucking happy, baby. I just didn’t know  how to respond or process it, so my brain went to crying. ”
“No regret? Shame? We’re okay?” Eddie asks, just to be sure.
You nod, leaning in for a nice chaste kiss. You two are hushed conversation, teasing one another in a game of “oh I can take you on” for different board games Eddie knew about. You weren’t very competitive but with Eddie during games, especially when he cheats, is always a winner so you had to figure out how to stop him.
Daisy knocks twice on the booth, and Eddie yells out “We’re good!” You giggle, pushing him as he gives annoying kisses to your face. “Hi guys, here’s the bill.”
A pang of guilt as you see her face again is presented to you, in the after glow of cumming as hard as you did. The flyaways in her hair frame her face nicely, her pimple looks like she had picked at it so now it’s a scab, ouch, and the green in her teeth hasn’t been fixed. She looks like a fucking person. Not some whore who’s trying to take your boyfriend.
“Hey Daisy. I’m so sorry, you have something stuck in your teeth.” You tell her with the kindest voice you could muster so she knew you weren’t being catty. “I also wanted to say your lip gloss is amazing. Both times I’ve come they have stayed on your lips the whole time. Are you just like reapplying consistently or do you have gloss you need to tell me about?”
It all came out at once, but you did want to know. Reapplying gloss at work gets so taxing sometimes. “Uh thanks, I think it’s by MAC.” She pauses as Eddie looks at the check, lost in your conversation all the sudden. She pauses but he takes another minute to get his wallet out. “I got it when we had the mall. There is a MAC across down, like ten minute drive and way out of the way but it’s the exact store. All their glosses stay forever.”
“Baby, grab your jacket before you pay.” You request, getting him to listen to you before he does. You take out 100 from his pocket, (the food was 20 bucks maybe), and say “Keep the change, and thanks for giving us the time. We’ll make sure to get this booth next time.”
“Uh, sure. Have a great night, guys.” The only thing that would’ve made it weirder if she apologized for flirting with him last time. She didn’t, life isn’t always a movie.
As you follow Eddie out, yanking his leather jacket as he had promised and it’s nearly Christmas and you’re out side at 9’clock you were gonna need it. The leather jacket fitted nicely down to your hemline of your dress, showing exactly what you wanted to.
Your hands are once again interlocked, talking softly as he drove gently back to his trailer. It was an off week so you weren’t spending the night but your curfew was midnight so you might as well be. “You know, Steve made a joke about you me and him yesterday, and I was like ‘You can’t handle another threesome from us.’” You partially joke.
“Oh I dunno I heard some shit I gotta have to chance to see. Why was I the dude that sucked dick I wanted a turn. Plus, I wanted him to top me.” Sounds like he had thoroughly thought this through before.
“Oh baby.” You say giggling, feeling hazy and ready to sleep for hours. “I love you, but you could not take Steve Harrington. I can’t-” You stop, and wake right back up when you realize what you had just said. “Did I just say…” you drift off.
Eddie slows down as he hits the gravel in his trailer park, breathing heavily as he barely reaches 5 miles per hour right to his spot. “Yeah, you just said.” Eddie nods, wondering if he had heard you right.
“When I was talking about-”
“Steve Harrington railing me? Yeah, you did.” There’s a smile in his undertone, letting you know he was quite pleased. “Did you mean it?” He asks, and the word is suddenly choking him, refusing to stay in
“Yeah. I do.” You say, petting his hand gently as you veered into his beautiful brown eyes.
“Fuck, I love you too.” He mutters, under his breath and completely winded by it the word finally breaking free of his throat. “I love you. I love you.” You giggle as Eddie holds your forehead and aggressively smooch into your forehead. “Fuck I’ve wanted to say that for weeks. I love you.”
You smile, thinking how he was sounding like a love struck dope, something that you usually fell into. How much it would’ve been true if Eddie, with his emotional trauma, was saying it.  
“I love you.” You wanted to say it on purpose instead the middle of a random already forgotten sentence. “I really love you. I love you.” It came out as you were connected by the foreheads and his response is a sharp inhale and he kissed you in full force.
That was the night you fucked three more times until you went home.
That Saturday morning you spent twenty minutes asking yourself if last night was real, if any of your life was real. Remembering the look his eyes as he cradled you, fucking you gently, rolling his hips ever so slowly. You’ve never felt so loved before, by anyone, let alone any man.
You found it hard not to giggle as you run downstairs to grab some breakfast. You were spreading butter on a bagel with a stupid smile on your face when your mom slides right next to you, arms crossed and facial expression unreadable. You nearly ask what’s wrong when the memory of you slipping through your window last night hits your face, Eddie saying ‘we’ll deal with it in the morning.’
Well, it’s morning.
“Hi.” You mutter, starting to munch on the bagel absentmindedly.
The sound of her sigh invades your ears, and you’re scared for your social life. “Hi. I think you can guess what I would like to talk about.”
“I have some guesses.” You joke, leaning up against your counter.
“I know you’re 18. Technically you’re an adult. Hell when I was 18 I was already in college doing much more scandalous things than sneaking out my bedroom window.” She admits, mostly to herself than to you. “Sometimes I think I’m pretty lucky to have a girl who started rebelling in her senior year and still manages to keep her grades up.” She sighs, looking around her, wondering how the hell she was going to get the message across. “Look, honey something has been going on in this town. Every time something goes on, every year, I have no idea where you are until hours after when I’m picking you up all bloodied and bruised up like you’d gone to war. I’ve never asked because you don’t seem too keen on telling me. Me knowing where you are has nothing to do with your boyfriend who plays guitar or being controlling. It has to do with Hawkins. I just need to know you are safe. If you two are so insistent on using the damn window then tell me good bye that you’re heading out. I don’t want to fight the wrong fight on this.”
It had never occurred to you that she had been curious about the number of times you needed a ride home sporting some new bruises, she never talked about it, never asked. You wonder if her and Karen ever talk about it.  
“So I can keep using the window, I just have to tell you when I’m leaving?” You ask, making sure it was clear.
“Yes. You looked happy. Hate to burst your bubble. Anything on your mind?”
Your body felt like it was about to explode. “I told him I loved him. He said it back. It was a pretty nice date.”
“Must’ve been. Chef’s Table, I bet?” She asks, starting to clean up the kitchen post-breakfast.
“I never agreed nor denied.” You comment, shoving the last of your bagel in your mouth.
She lets it slide, knowing that you have even told her you had used the L word was a pretty big miracle in the land of raising Teenage Girls. “Any plans for the day?”
“El just got in from the airport, she’s staying at the Wheelers so I’m going to stop in and say hi to her.” There was a hint of excitement, having been months since you’ve last seen her. Fresh from a winning battle yet mysteriously lost her powers. From what Mike informs you her letters express having made several friends and enjoying California. You’re mostly jealous she’s not suffering an Indiana winter and in the Californian winter.
“Alright. Go on. Start telling me when you’re leaving the house. I don’t need to know where you are all the time. Just tell me where you are.” You finish off chewing the rest of your bagel, running up the stairs to grab your bags and keys to head out.
The moment you arrive at the Wheelers you can tell everyone had beaten you to it. It was only 9 in the morning how was everyone already there? You mention a hello to Karen on the way down the stairs, noting her flustered stature as she rushes to make snacks for 8 hungry teenagers. She didn’t seem too bothered, this was her in her prime.
“Someone slept in this morning!” Steve welcomes you as you walk down the stairs.
“How are you all here, it’s barely 9.” You comment, knowing all the boys sleep in on the weekends.
“I live here and you won’t leave.” Mike states, sitting on the couch with El on his lap. You tilt your head, noting his hypocrisy.
“We all slept over in the basement last night.” Max states, sitting separately on the couch, Lucas at her feet.
“Oh damn. I mean when Steve got us the table he didn’t really give us a choice to the date of the reservation.” You comment, leaning up against a table next to Robin, placing your head on her shoulder.
She bumps her shoulder and Nancy comes from across the room. “Ooh, how was your date anyhow?” She attempts to ask you in a hushed tone, but it doesn’t work. Steve announcing your entrance was enough to keep everyone’s attention on you still.
“Yeah I’m not saying shit while the younglings are here. You’ll have to hold.” You state, aware of your audience.
Steve comes over, dumb little smirk on his face. “So there is something to say? A good night in the best booth in the restaurant, eh?” He asks, elbowing you obnoxiously.
You roll your eyes, and Steve takes it as confirmation. Walking away, you yank onto El’s hand, causing her to help as you lift her surprisingly easily to give her a hug. “Hi, El.” You greet her, and it feels like old times when she holds onto you tightly like you to her.
“Hi.” She smiles, and you look at her hair, brushed somewhat and looking more like Joyce’s.
“Good flight?” You ask as she crosses her arms self consciously. Mike reaches out behind her to soothe her, and sometimes you forget how well Mike knows her.
“Ears hurt.” She shrugs, and it’s the only thing she has to comment on. “You went on a date?”
“Yeah, with my boyfriend.” You confirm, and while you and El weren’t close like her and Max, it’s still weird to you that she knows next to nothing about Eddie. Probably because El was almost a gateway conversation into the upside down for you. You couldn’t not associate the two.
“Babe.” Interrupts the two of you, tugging her back. You shoot a warning glance, telling Mike she doesn’t get to hog her. Mike rolls his eyes. “You know Eddie, the guy I was telling you about? The one who leads Hellfire and is like, a total badass?” The look on El’s face tells you she recognizes the name, and the falsehood of Eddie’s reputation to even his freshmen might be the death of you. “Yeah, that’s her boyfriend.”
“Oh.” El comments, and with the doe-eyed facial expression she gives you it’s all she needs to tell you.
“He’s much sweeter than his reputation.” You mutter to her, and Mike tugs her back to his lap.
“I refuse to believe that.” Mike comments, and the conversation is over. “Is Eddie coming over?” Mike asks you, watching the tv just next to you.
“I didn’t realize it was a big get together, honestly.” You admit, wondering if it would be odd for him to join.
“Well call him up and bring him over! We need some of that competitive spirit for our games, woman!” Dustin yells from across the room, haphazardly throwing you the phone.
“Are we playing games for the day? When did anybody communicate this to me?” You ask, dialling Ed’s number.
“If you were here last night, you would know.” Steve comments, a tone saying he had you.
“I didn’t set the date for my reservation, Steve. You picked the closest available date and just plopped it into our hands. Literally.” It was a folded piece of paper he tossed at you at work one night after you asked for the date.
“Just get him over here.”
Turns out, El loves Eddie. He’s loud, obnoxious, and charismatic. El hasn’t had much experience with someone so loud yet so welcoming to her. He gave her a seat at the table when he had offered to host DnD only if everyone played. (To your surprise and to Eddie’s everyone did.)
Sometime during the night when one of the newer players are being explained a concept thoroughly by Dustin, Eddie looks to you, same dopey look he wore last night. You sat right next to him, looking around the corner of his books. “Love you.” He mutters, proud of being able to say it to you and you saying it back to him.
“Love you.” You mutter back, leaning in for a sappy kiss.
“Love?” Nancy asks, leaning in and making sure she heard right.
“Last night.” You whisper, winking at her widened eyes.
The game finishes off with Eddie’s final boss being ripped to shreds by some of the newcomers, and you can tell it’s on purpose. He had once confessed Eddie gives easier creatures to newer players, it gives them incentives to continue to play. DnD is a hard game to get into, it’s easier when you have the confidence.
Max is sitting in the corner when all is done, some by the N64, others sitting in a circle talking on the floor. She has her Walkman on her hip as she normally does, and you can hear the vague notes to the music she was playing. You raise your eyebrow to her, the international symbol for “Are you good?”
She nods, hugging her legs. Max comes to sit down next to her, unsure how to help, yet comforting all the while.
“Hey baby.” Eddie mutters when all the DnD is tidied up.
“Hi. I think they’re all planning to stay over for a while.” You comment, and it doesn’t look like anyone was planning on leaving anytime soon.
“That’s alright. An extra night with this crowd is always a plus.” He answers, enwrapping you in his arms.
“Hey El. Any reason why Johnathan and Will stayed?” You ask, knowing Nancy probably missed her boyfriend.
El looked over, munching on the chips in Mike’s bowl. “Wanted to spend Christmas with Joyce.” She said, looking to Mike for reassurance, for which he obliges.
There was a follow up question you had wanted to ask, but Eddie would have questions. Was it weird being in town? Why would it be weird?
Since El received more time off for her Christmas vacation, she’d be in town for two weeks. The only downside to that is she starts school earlier in the summer than you do. You still had to go to school for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday until your Christmas break started. While Mike was at school, she would spend the days with Karen or just generally in town. It didn’t seem like it was planned well, but any questions were met with defensiveness.
“She’s cool.” Eddie comments, you still wrapped in his arms. “Why she with him?”
“He’s good to her when others weren’t. I’ll just say that.” You comment, and Eddie veers at you questioningly. “It’s not my story to tell.”
The rest of the day was a movie marathon, the whole crown collectively booing Steve’s choices, Robin proudly leading the banter. To rub in the salt, you offer the same movie Steve offered and the entire group agrees to it, saying it was a satisfying movie with a great ending. Steve grows flustered, going in the corner with his hands on his hips. As you place the tape into the VCR, Eddie goes to where Steve is sulking, partially joking but mostly sincerely comforting him.
“It’s okay, not everyone understands your clearly superior tastes.” Eddie comforts him, sitting Steve so he’s joined the rest of the crowd.
You expected Eddie to sit down next to you again but he sits down beside Steve, petting his hair comfortingly. “I swear if you hadn’t snatched him up, Steve might have.” Robin says, coming to sit next to you.
“Well that” you say, pointing to them now leaning on one another, “is your fault for the night. You say you hate when Eddie and him gain up on you at work then you basically guide them into one another’s arms. Are you trying, Buckley?”
“Are you?” Robin asks, and you have no rebuttal.
Christmas rolled around, and you spent more time with your boyfriend and your collective family than you would’ve liked to admit. He was a good sport as your mom asked him to do favours consistently through the nights spent in your home living room. Eddie and Wayne came over for the 23rd and 24th, you doing a gift exchange at the Wheelers on the 25th and spending that night over at the Munsons, a courtesy your mom had given you despite your dad’s protests.
Your gift to Eddie was special made dice with the same pattern as his most priced possession; his guitar. You weren’t even sure the advertisement had gotten your request for special made dice at one of the nerd shops you visited the town over, until you gotten a phone call. The look on his face when the dice were opened was priceless, whispering “no fucking way” as he examines the dice more closely. You had also gifted some high quality paints for his figurines and a new set up for him to be able to place his papers and maps in front of him.
I could tell you what Ed had gifted you, but that would take the fun out of it now wouldn’t it. Take the perfect give and multiply it by five. That’s what he gave you.
You had a second gift for him, only available the night you spent over at his house. As you undressed yourself, unwrapping yourself to reveal the red lacey lingerie bra and the crotchless panties upholstered to some red sheer stockings, he only took a moment to appreciate his view before ravishing you until it was no longer Christmas.
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cloudymistedskies · 11 months
"Finding shapes in the clouds"
Chapter 2 I think.,,.
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A yawn escapes from Mari's lips as she takes a bite out of the freshly cooked pancakes her older sister made for her as breakfast. Last night, she stayed up pretty late and only slept for a good 5 hours. Probably wasn't the best idea for her, especially that the reason why she stayed up late was...not mainly related to school work.
The brunette began dozing off, nearly drifting back to sleep... Perhaps she could use a few minutes of a nap...
"Marilyn! You don't wanna be late to school now, do you?" Riko's voice quickly shot Mari up awake, quickly shaking her head to wake herself up.
"S-Sorry, nee-chan!" The younger sister stammered her apologies, then she began chowing her food down, finishing up after a few minutes.
Mari would quickly tie her hair up into her usual ponytail, and grabbed her bag, putting it around her shoulder, then as she was waiting for her sister so she could drive her to school, she sees her coming downstairs with her car keys, along with something in her other hand. She would then walk towards her younger sister and handed her something.
"Here, you might need this." Mari examines what Riko was holding, and it seems to be a napkin pad? The brunette blinked a few times in confusion.
"I already have one in my bag, nee-chan...??" Mari tilted her head. Despite what the petite brunette said, Riko just handed the pad to her anyway, then saying:
"It's always good to carry another. Who knows? You might help somebody out."
Those words did confuse Mari, wondering what her older sister meant by that. And that lasted for the whole ride to her school.
After arriving to her school and bidding her quick goodbyes to her sister before going inside, Mari opens her locker and changes her shoes, but just in time...
"KAIZUMI-SAAAANN!!!" Mari jumps in surprise, and was suddenly latched onto by a fellow classmate of hers, who was crying comically and gripping onto her skirt.
"Sato-san?? What is it you want now...?" The bow-head looks down at the girl who was still latched onto her, a little annoyed. It wasn't even 10 seconds of stepping in the school premises and somebody is already likely asking for favors from her...
"I didn't do my homework last night and I need to copy off of youuuu....!!" Sato whined as stood up to start shaking Mari aggressively
"You did it, right?! You gotta help me out here, Kaizumi-saaannn!!!" She begged the brunette while still shaking her around. Mari's head started to hurt a bit from the aggressive shaking.
"AaaAH- OkaYY...! OKAY!! Just s-stop shaking me around!" Mari exclaimed, pushing off her classmate as she stumbled backwards, cupping her head.
'God damn, this son of a--'
"Thank you so muuchhh!! You're a life saver, Kaizumi-san!" Sato hugged her tightly, grinning widely. Mari just sighed in response before beckoning her classmate to follow her to the library.
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Classes were now in session, and other students, including Mari were handed out papers to answer. As soon as Mari got her own and passing the other papers to her classmates behind her, she would open her pencil case to try to find a pen... Only to realize...
'Wait... Where the fuck did my pen go?!' Mari digs into her pencil case as she tries to find her pen, before searching her entire bag. Just then, she remembered...
Mari mentally facepalms herself for not asking for it back... She glances at the girl and noticed she was holding a different pen... When she literally told her minutes ago that she didn't have a pen. Mari just wanted to scream at this point...
'Oh... This STUPID son of a BITCH. Once this class ends, I am gonna go up to this dumb fuck and I WILL--'
A shoulder tap immediately distracted Mari from her thoughts. Turning around to the direction to see who was the culprit was none other than the boy she befriended yesterday...
Muichiro Tokito, who happens to be her seatmate and seems to be holding out a pen to her with a slightly worried look.
"You don't have a pen, right?" The ravenette whispered to Mari, who nodded in response. He would then place the pen to her table and smiled at the brunette.
"You can have it if you want." Muichiro once again whispered before focusing back on his paper to answer. Mari stares at the pen for a moment, slowly forgetting about her seething anger as she takes the pen and started to answer her paper.
Who knew that a simple gesture he did was enough to calm her down...
Although despite that, she's still making a mental note to steal a pen from Sato.
Classes have dismissed, Mari approaches Muichiro, who was leaving for his next classes.
"Hey, uhh... Thank you for giving me the pen, earlier out there..." Mari mumbled, averting her gaze away as she fiddled her blazer. Despite her gratitude, she also felt embarrassed that she made him probably feel bad for her. Muichiro shook his head, and gave the brunette a reassuring smile.
"It's no worry, Mari! I'm glad I helped you out." The long-haired boy responded, chuckling a little as he quickly turned away from Mari, which confused her.
"Do you wanna eat lunch with me later, Muichiro?" The petite brunette asked, smiling softly. Muichiro turns to her, and nodded.
"Y-Yeah! I would love to!" He beamed as he grinned. Mari couldn't help but smile more. It's no wonder Muichiro is popular.
'...Wait, why am I thinking like that?' The bow-head thought as she bids her goodbyes to Muichiro before going to her next classes.
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The ponytail haired girl was skipping around after the final class, all giddy and excited to hangout with Muichiro after school. Eating lunch with him was exciting to her, she's not sure why she's exactly like this. Perhaps maybe it's probably because since she never made much close friends, she never felt what it was like to do... usual friend things.
As she continued searching for Muichiro, she eventually found him... Well... Found him to be in quite a commotion.
"What's happening over there...?" Mari mumbled to herself before walking closer. As she gets closer, she realizes Muichiro was trying to convince his twin brother to get out of the girls restroom.
'Wait... His twin brother?? In a GIRLS RESTROOM??? WHAT IS HE DOING THERE?!'
Without a second thought, Mari immediately dashed in and swiftly yanked Yuichiro's arm as she drags him out of the restroom.
She didn't even bother hearing his words as she pushes him out there, and glared at him, giving a look of "I don't want to hear a single word out of you, you weirdo." then closed the door.
Mari took a moment to calm herself down, before she started to speak.
"(Y/N)?" The brunette softly called out. She would then hear some small movements from one of the stalls.
"Mari?! ... I'm sorry, but I need some pads!" The girl blurted out, which then made Mari remember something earlier...
"It's always good to carry another. Who knows? You might help somebody out."
'Ohhh....! So that's what nee-chan was talking about...' Mari then snaps out of her thoughts. She should help (Y/N) out as soon as possible!
"Don't worry! Let me just quickly check my bag!" The brunette would open her bag, rummaging through her stuff before taking out the extra pad she has. Maybe she should bring extra pads for others in need too from now on...
Knocking on the bathroom stall, (Y/N) slightly opens the door to grab the pad, saying a quick thank you before shutting it close. Mari steps back a little, waiting for the (H/C) girl to emerge out of the bathroom stall as she leans against the bathroom sinks. moments later, (Y/N) would open the stall, with a flushed look, which Mari instantly noticed and tilted her head in concern.
"..I've made a mess of my skirt..." She muttered out, causing Mari's eyes to slightly widened. She quickly thought of an idea.
"Oh, don't worry. Just wait here for a moment." Mari would then swiftly leave the girls restroom for a moment.
As she closes the door behind her, she faces the Tokito twins who were waiting outside and with concerned looks plastered on each other's face. Mari couldn't help but glare at Yuichiro after that stunt he pulled... She quickly composed herself.
"For some reassurance, nothing much bad happened. (Y/N)'s time of the month just arrived... And she got her skirt stained because of it..." The brunette informed the twins, in which they both let out a quick 'oh' in response.
"I do have an idea in mind..." Mari paused as she slowly turns to the older twin, Yuichiro. Then she pointed her finger at him.
"You! Hand me your blazer!" Mari demanded, as she does the hand gesture in a way to tell him to hand it immediately. The long-haired looked both dumbfounded and irritated by her words.
"HUH?! Now why would I do tha--"
"I think it's a fair compensation for entering a lady's restroom as a guy, you absolute buffon." Mari retorted, despite smiling, there's a hint of irritation laced in her voice. This only offended Yuichiro more...
"EXCUSE ME?! I WAS WORRIED FOR (Y/N)'S SAKE!!" The mint-green eyed boy exclaimed, putting his arms up. This also just irritated the brunette more.
"Well maybe you should've not fucking entered the DAMN bathroom and instead just KNOCKED. Have you really considered the fucking consequences about this, Yuichiro Tokito?!" Mari puts both her hands on her hips, glaring at Yuichiro... And that's when they started to argue...
"U-Uhh... guys...???" Muichiro looks at both Mari and Yuichiro who were arguing at the moment... He wanted the two to stop fighting but he didn't exactly know what to do in this situation...
After a good few minutes of bickering, Mari emerged victorious as Yuichiro, who was grumbling under his breath handed out his blue blazer.
"Thank you~!" Mari chirped in a sing-song tone, as if she just didn't threaten to cut his hair short moments ago. She would then enter the girl's restroom again with the blazer.
Looking back at the sheepish girl, she handed out the blazer to her.
"It's Yuichiro-san's. Use this." Mari instructed, smiling softly in hopes that it might make (Y/N) feel better. The girl then quickly snatched the blazer out of her hands and wrapped it around her waist while Mari patiently waits for her.
"You good now?" Mari asked, waiting for any confirmation. (Y/N) then nodded, which the brunette beckoned her to follow her outside the bathroom.
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After bidding their goodbyes to both (Y/N) and Yuichiro, Mari and Muichiro themselves would walk around the town together, heading somewhere.
"We should buy the supplies first for our project before we go to the arcade! I am holding our budget for the project anyway!" Mari suggested while walking alongside the long-haired boy. Muichiro nodded at her idea as the two entered the nearby mall to look and buy for supplies.
The two then made it to the store that has the stuff they need for their project. They would then observe while asking for opinions from each other.
"Which do you think is better between the two?"
"I think the second one has better quality so I think that one!"
"Should we add this along for decoration?"
"Hmm...Not really that necessary..."
"OH! This is DEFINITELY something we need!"
"Yeah! You're right!"
Finally getting the stuff needed, the two were on a line for the register. In the meantime, Mari was getting bored of waiting when she spotted something peculiar...
"Uhh... Give me a moment, Muichiro. I gotta use the bathroom!" Mari quickly excused herself, handing out the money that they're gonna use to pay for the supplies. The long haired just nodded in response as he watches the brunette retreat.
Mari made her way to the... toy store, after a cat plushie displayed on the window caught her eye. Entering there, she notices other unique plushies. She has a hobby of...collecting plushies that peeked her interest.
Beaming in excitement, she looks at the plushie she first saw, but then saw another similar one but with different patterns... And then another. And another!
'Ah god...!! They all look so cute, but I need to only pick one!!' Mari curses herself in her for not bringing enough money to at least buy 2 of the plushies. In a quick moment of a crisis with Mari trying to decide which she should buy... Eventually she decided on one, reluctantly leaving the other for later...
She would return to Muichiro, who was waiting outside the store for Mari. He notices a paperbag Mari was holding, tilting his head.
"What is that?" He asked, which the brunette tenses up, before immediately coming up with an excuse
"I-It's just something important for...my sister!" Mari responded, chuckling a little as a sweatbead forms on her forehead. The ravenette just shrugged his shoulders and the two would first leave their belongings in the baggage counter before they made their way towards the arcade thats in the mall they're in.
"We'll get 30 tokens, please!" Mari would then pay for the tokens with both her and Muichiro's money.
The two would spend their time going to each game together or individually, but a few were the most memorable in Mari's mind.
"Uhh...- Wait, this is confusi-- AH!" Mari here, was playing an arcade driving game, along with Muichiro, who seems to already get the hang of it.
"Just press the brakes!" He instructed while casually already beating the NPC... Mari on the other hand kept crashing every few seconds...
"G-GAH!! How do you even do this normallyyyy?!" The brunette whined, doing her absolute best to drive... If she wasn't already good at driving a literal virtual car, she can't imagine the time where she has to get her drivers license...
In the end, Mari gave up half-way into the game and just observed Muichiro, who ended up easily winning against the NPC. He would comfort her right after...
Then they competed against each other in a game of air hockey...
"Gotcha! Hah!" Muichiro would chuckle when he hears Mari whining for a moment before hitting the puck using her mallet, trying to beat Muichiro as they were in a tie together.
"I've played this numerous times with my sister and my cousins! I will NOT be defeated!" Mari declared, with her eyes filled with determination, deflecting the puck before hitting back. And much to Mari's surprise, she was able to slide the puck to Muichiro's goal.
"YEAAAHH!! I DID IT!!!" The brunette exclaimed in joy, jumping around. She was quite loud enough that a few people were staring at her like she was some crazy lady.
Little did Mari know though, Muichiro actually kind...of rigged the win. He was fully capable of beating her, but he wanted to see the happy look on Mari's face, and he was satisfied that she celebrated for it. He couldn't help but blush a little.
And then, finally there was the dance-dance revolution.
Muichiro himself was surprised when he sees that Mari was talented in the game. The two of them stomped their feet for each note.
"You're really good at this, Mari!"
"Y-Yeah...!! Me and my sister often play this every once in a while!"
The two were so in sync that it attracted attention to some people. They move around the pads and still getting combos without breaking. The two laugh, having a ton of fun playing together.
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"Ahhh! That was so fun!" Mari exclaimed, sipping her smoothie that she bought after leaving the arcade.
"Yeah! It really was!" Muichiro agreed with the petite brunette as he ate the takoyaki he bought also. After returning to the baggage counter and getting their stuff back, they were heading to the exit of the mall.
During that, they would happen to pass by the same toy store that has the other cat plushie Mari yearned to get, but didn't have the money. She sighed softly as the two walked past it and exiting the mall.
"I'll see you tomorrow at school, Mui!" Mari waved to Muichiro, before turning around and going to a different path to get to her home.
"I'll see you too, Mari! Take care!" He yelled back at her, smiling widely. But instead of going back home, he would then return to the mall for something...
...In the meanwhile for Mari...
"Ooo! That's a pretty cat!" Mari would soon get distracted... Which thus resulted in her returning at nearly 9 PM instead of 8...
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The brunette sighed, not being in the best mood after her sister scolded her for coming home pretty late. While she understood that she was just worried sick, it still didn't change the fact that it was upsetting her a little...
Opening her locker, unexpectedly she would see a cat plushie... Well... The same cat plushie she wanted to get yesterday, but couldn't! Mari would also notice a small sticky note on the plushie. Grabbing it, she would read the contents.
"I happen to notice you staring at it yesterday, so I hope you don't mind that I bought it for you! - Muichiro"
Mari was still for a good minute while she repeated the words in her head. She felt... Very giddy? Happy??? She didn't know how to exactly describe how she was feeling right now. The bow-head would slowly take the plushie out of the locker, then hugging it close, finding herself already attached to it.
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⛅ Omake ⛅
"You know... I happen to notice that you're resorting into your childhood habits again, Mari..." Riko mused as she stares at her younger sister who was eating her dinner while the same cat plushie that was gifted to her was sitting on the table next to her. She did notice that she's been bringing it around her. From hugging the plushie to her sleep, to literally going out while still having the plushie somewhere near her. The brunette looks up to her, tilting her head.
"Why is that?" She asked, chewing down her food. The blonde just sighed, shaking her head and mumbling 'nevermind' before retreating. Riko does admit that she kinda finds it cute.
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In the meantime, here's also a fun-fact about Mari: Teachers in her school tend to recognize Mari upon meeting her since they knew her older sister, Riko. Often, it results in her being a favorite to a few teachers... (Or to be specific, is slightly treated better than the others)
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@unofficialmuilover hey silly fella do u want me to just mention u in every chapter of this or???? >?>?>?>?
9 notes · View notes
alheria · 1 year
Fresh wind on a hot day (2/9)
Jim woke up terribly sore, a bit too warm and oh, so pleased. It was officially the best sexual encounter he's ever had and for the first time in the history of his one-night stands, he didn't feel the urge to sneak out before the other person woke up to avoid the irrational embarrassment, cringy small talk and awkward goodbyes. Instead, Street grabbed Buck's wrist and pulled it further to tighten the loose hold around his naked waist, a small smile rose on his plastered to the firefighter's chest face when the man shifted to press him closer.
-Good morning. -he hummed rubbing Jim's arm, still half asleep, not ready to open the eyes and acknowledge the harsh reality of being awake. Such a nice feeling it was, however, to not wake up alone for a change, to experience the comforting weight of another body, to be held. Buck couldn't remember the last time he actually slept with someone. He could surely get used to it.
-Good indeed. -murmured the officer, tilting his head up to nuzzle the dozing off man's horribly bruised neck. -I hope I am not overstaying my welcome.
The Alpha huffed softly, wondering what made Jim as much as think he's creating some kind of inconvenience. He kissed the top of the Omega's hair and whispered:
-Of course not.
They stayed in bed for what felt like hours, but was merely twenty minutes, not talking at all, just cuddling and enjoying each-other's presence. Street could not stress enough how amazing it was, listening to a quiet heartbeat and shallow breaths while his back got fondly stroked, surrounded by a pleasant warmth and a thick mist of the most relaxing smell. He wondered if being so comfortable in a literal stranger's presence was just a part of his nature that he never previously explored, too afraid of losing his precious, masculine personality.
-I should go. -he said, not moving an inch though, his body refusing to leave the tender embrace.
-Only if by "go" you mean to shower and then downstairs for coffee. -Buck yawned, untangling himself from his lover to relieve the stiffened limbs.
-Are you trying to coerce me into staying longer? -laughed the cop as he sat up right, glancing at that beautiful, muscular, completely naked man stretching like a cat, basking in bright rays of the morning sun. Should be illegal to look so damn hot at such an early hour.
-Maybe. -smiled the firefighter, opening his sleepy blue eyes that instantly went wide. -Oh God, Jim, what happened here? -he demanded, suddenly fully awake, firmly grabbing Street's wrist. The entire external side of his upper arm was a one massive, red and purple bruise that actually seemed worse than it felt.
-I...might have hit it yesterday. -sighed the cop, lightly poking the sore flesh. -It's nothing, really. -assured, seeing how concerned Buck's gaze was.
-Hiding injuries, huh? -the Alpha shook his head disapprovingly as he got up. He couldn't judge tho, himself being a very reckless person who often ignored damage to their own body. It did, however, make his heart feel oddly heavy, the sight of Jim's ugly injury. -I guess firefighters and police officers are quite alike after all. -he joked, fetching a clean towel from the wardrobe.
Street quickly closed the short distance between them, wrapped his arm around the surprised man's waist, pressing their shirtless chests together.
-Don't you ever say such profanity out loud again. -he barked, with the free hand painfully squeezing the prominent bite on Buck's shoulder. This must have been the source of blood in his mouth last night. -Shower together? -proposed, making the firefighter's eyes darken and his dick twitch. Not waiting for a clear answer, he clashed their lips in a greedy kiss and, minding the ankle contusion, let himself be slowly guided towards the bathroom.
The warm water felt incredible on the sticky with old sweat bodies as their tongues danced, hands lazily roamed the muscular backs, Jim's partially pressed to the cold tiles. He pushed his hips forward, giving the younger man a clear signal that his already fully erect penis requires attention.
-You're pretty fucking big for an Omega. -Buck observed, tightly wrapping his large palm around both hard shafts. A deep groan escaped him when he began to stroke them painfully slowly, forcing beautiful sounds out of his aroused lover.
-And you're pretty fucking obedient for an Alpha. -Jim responded, shamelessly sucking onto the exposed neck, suggestively groping that perfect, muscular ass as he further bruised the sensitive flesh. -If you allow me, I'll fuck you one day, I'm pretty good at it. -added, pulling away to look into the foggy, blue eyes.
-Let me be the judge. -snorted the firefighter, reaching for a small bottle standing on the nearby shelf. -Do it. -he ordered, shoving the container into the cop's hand. The confused older man glanced at the mysterious object. It was lube.
Fuck. Yeah.
Shaking with excitement, he quickly opened the bottle and generously coated his fingers. Waiting for them to move towards his needy hole, Buck rested his forehead on Jim's shoulder while still jerking them off. He didn't bottom often and never for an Omega before, but Street's huge dick looked like it would feel heavenly inside him. And that confident attitude? So fucking hot.
The officer swiftly lined up his fingers with the opening and, accompanied by quiet moans, pushed one inside. Buck shivered violently at the intrusion, which nearly costed Jim his sanity, being already brutally overwhelmed by the fact he's finally found a rare male Alpha open to taking dick. It didn't take long for a second finger to fit, the younger man must have been no stranger to anal, nicely stretching around the digits, slowly stroking the aroused cocks he blissfully relaxed in his lover's embrace, who peppered his bitten shoulder with tender kisses.
-We don't have a condom. -sighed Jim, nudging Buck's neck. They really should've gotten one before going to fuck in the shower.
-Ugh...behind the mirror. -whined the firefighter, reluctantly letting go of their joined shafts and moving aside, so the other man can reach the shelf. Street swiftly dealt with the issue, a few seconds later was already standing behind his lover, rubbing the twitching hole with more lube, simultaneously spreading the liquid on his covered penis.
-You good? -asked, caressing the muscular back as he lined himself up. Buck only nodded, barely audible please escaped his wet lips soon parted by a loud groan when the cop suddenly pushed into him, the wide cock effortlessly spread the entrance and easily disappeared in the contracting insides.
It felt so powerful, railing a strong Alpha moaning beautifully like a fucking Omega with each rough thrust, his hips trembling under the tight grip, leaning on the wall in fear the wobbly legs decide to give out. Jim absolutely loved being in control, even though his genetic makeup didn't necessarily agree. Clouded by raw ecstasy, he enjoyed every second of pounding that burning, chiseled body shaking like a fragile leaf. Impossibly turned on, the officer grabbed Buck's neglected penis and began to jerk it, speeding his moves to bring his lover to the edge. At that point, the firefighter's mind was blank, all he could sense was the lukewarm water hitting his skin and jolts of pleasure sparkling from his prostate being constantly grazed by Street's fat dick.
-Come for me, Alpha. -Jim demanded, feeling his orgasm quickly approach. The younger man mumbled something incoherent before he spasmed violently, cumming all over the wall as the Omega buried himself deep inside, twitching from the force of his own release. Still coming inside, he leaned over heavily panting Buck, wrapped an arm around him and just stayed there, laying gentle kisses on his neck, holding them close until they were both ready to part.
-Can I ask you something rather personal? -inquired the firefighter, handing Street a cup of fresh coffee as they found themselves downstairs, Jim sat on the couch with an ice pack on the resting on a pillow ankle the two of them somehow forgot was injured before engaging in physically demanding activity, therefore now stung terribly. It was so odd how not awkward at all has their morning been. They woke up, cuddled in bed, had hot shower sex and then simply got dressed while casually talking about their plans for the rest of the week, as if they knew each-other for years, not for literally twenty-four hours. And somehow, none of it felt wrong.
-Shoot. -the cop agreed, watching Buck take a sit next to him, a nervous glow visible in his blue eyes. 
-Why couldn't I smell you the first time we met? -he wondered. -I was able at the bar, but not before.
-Oh, that. -chuckled the officer, averting his gaze towards the dark, steaming liquid. He didn't mind clarifying, however, it was still a sensitive subject he preferred to avoid if possible. -Um...whenever an Omega joins police force, military or whatever "Alpha typical" field, they are offered temporary scent suppressants. I always take them before work, that's why you didn't smell me. The effect washed out during the day and eventually the scent came back, as you can clearly tell by now. -he explained, tightening the hold around the mug, painful burning easily muted the unwanted feelings flooding his chest. It always made him emotional, thinking about how hiding his true self is, and forever will be, an essential part of his life. -It's not mandatory, taking those meds, but you know...makes our lives easier when people think we are Betas.
Which was something he learned the hard way back in the academy as the only Omega in his class. The harsh words from his peers were somewhat easy to swallow, being well-used to hateful comments since the very day he presented, although what they did to him on a one random, gloomy Monday broke something inside him, made his mind despise with passion the fact he was not born "normal" or "better". Made him wanna disappear.
-I like the way you smell. -Buck whispered as he moved closer, reassuringly squeezed Jim's tense thigh, sending a pleasant, calming vibrations down his spine, because that's how being comforted by an Alpha often felt. He got that knowledge from his close friendship with Luca. -Like fresh wind on a sunny morning. 
-I smell like...fresh wind on a sunny morning? -Street frowned, shooting the firefighter a puzzled look. It was perhaps the first time someone described his scent, although he would have never expected it to be such a nice fragrance. -You missed your calling as a poet, Buck? -he snorted, causing the other man to laugh in a really fucking adorable manner, like if he was high on joy or something. It made Jim desire to make that guy even happier.
-Hot summer afternoon. -he said after taking a good minute to think about it. -You smell like hot summer afternoon.
And oh, Buck's face just lit up, a wide smile rose on his glowing face as he looked at the officer with pure admiration. He set his drink on the table, did the same with Street's mug, who didn't protest, slightly confused and fairly curious about what was happening. The Alpha then kneeled over the stretched legs, firmly cupped the cop's cheeks, and with utter seriousness in his voice asked:
-Did you just call me hot?
-No?! -Jim giggled, absolutely caught off guard by the ridiculous question, laughing further as Buck smooched his face while the large hands travelled down, easily slipped under the borrowed shirt and started exploring the naked flesh.
-Oh, I am pretty sure you did. -he hummed, pulling the material over Street's head, already gazing at him like he was a fucking snack. -Third time's a charm, isn't that right, you shameless flirt?
Jim didn't even bother to answer that.
Fourteen hours. Fourteen hours they spent together, and it was fucking mental, because who does willingly spend that much time in a stranger's house? The craziest part was, after all this time, Street didn't event want to leave, he was truly enjoying himself in Buck's relaxing presence. And sex was great too.
Once he found his phone long forgotten under the bed, and realized how many calls and texts he missed, the firefighter drove him back to Luca's, where the cop has been crashing for a while now. It was fairly unheard of, an Omega being platonic roommates with an Alpha, but they just...clicked, treated each-other as brothers from the day one. There was never any romantic chemistry between them, and the older man was actually openly aromantic, so they happily coexisted in their shared household without any weird emotions involved.
The ride was quiet, not really awkward, but some odd tension clearly lingered in the air, growing in strength the closer to the destination they were.
-Can I ask you out on a proper date whenever we're both free? -asked nervously Buck after he helped Jim get out of the car, firmly holding his smaller hand, the other entangled in the brown hair behind the ear, thumb gently caressing the soft jaw. Street's chest was so tight, he could barely breathe, oddly anxious about them parting ways, but at the same time overjoyed by the offer.
-I mean, you can surely try. -he teased, reaching for the back of the younger man's neck, pulling him down to press a feather-light kiss on his blushing cheek. -It was a pleasure to meet you, Buck. See ya. -he whispered, and without further ado, carefully watched by the firefighter, limped towards the building and quickly disappeared behind the door. 
Where some intense meeting seemed to be in progress.
-Hi there, Jim. We were just about to call the police, nice timing. -informed Chris, intense fire raging in her dark eyes. She and Luca were sitting in the living room, casually drinking beer at 10AM on a Wednesday. -Details please.
Details, huh?
-No idea what you're talkin' 'bout. -he mumbled despite being covered in bruises, fucking glowing, and wearing a too large shirt that was clearly not his.
-Street. Don't make it harder than it needs to be. -chuckled Luca, patting the empty spot next to him where the officer obediently sat, accompanied by a deep sigh. What was he supposed to say? That he had possibly met the most incredible guy out there and kinda wants to have a relationship with him, or that he had the best sex of his life and somehow managed to fuck an Alpha? He would never hear the end of it.
-He's amazing. -concluded, throwing his head onto the backrest to not look anyone in the eyes. -Really fucking amazing.
-Fuck me, are you blushing Street?! -exclaimed Chris, not believing in what she's seeing. 
-Fuck off, I am not! -he laughed, covering the flushed face with his hands. It was so embarrassing. As a grown man, a fucking SWAT member, he should not be blushing over some cute guy he had a hot one-night-stand with, maybe a date if the firefighter reaches out. Maybe.
-You totally are! -she gasped, suddenly getting up from the armchair to sit by her friend. -Are you gonna see him again? -Chris grinned, wrapping her arm around Jim's, itching all over from curiosity, the need to know everything fueled by the questionable state of his neck. He was always very protective about it, would never allow just anyone to touch it, let alone bite it. There must have been something really special about that Alpha dude, and she was not going to leave without finding out what exactly.
Street only smiled, feeling longing pleasantly squeeze his racing heart.
-God, I hope so.
After the interrogation finally ended and satisfied with answers Chris went home, Jim found himself lying in his bed, exhausted by the lengthy conversation and the unexpected flood of various feelings that reappeared after staying dormant for many, many years.
It was scary, terrifying even how a seemingly innocent encounter so heavily influenced his whole mindset. Made him re-evaluate his needs and rethink the personal goals that were solely career-oriented for as long as he could remember. It was always about joining SWAT, proving he is capable enough to become a respectable officer regardless of being in physical disadvantage. And he absolutely managed to do just that. 
So what now?
Street was never particularly interested in the concept of dating, not mentioning starting a family. From time to time, he would hook up with some unsuspecting male Betas, but avoided seeing them more than once due to this internal repulsion he had. His brain subconsciously kept blocking the ability to develop romantic feelings towards anyone who was not an Alpha. What was very problematic, because Jim avoided them religiously. Just an idea of being "domesticated" made him wanna throw up, and finding someone who would admire or even tolerate his dominant side and athletic physique without developing an urge to change him seemed impossible. So it was better to not try. Disappointment is a bitch.
Which kind of brings up a question of why the hell did he hit on Buck in the first place, knowing well in advance he was an Alpha?
By all means, Street did not listen to his Omega instincts like ever, but for some unknown reason he couldn't stop himself. Every cell in his body wanted to chase after that beautiful firefighter who saved his ass. And now, didn't want to let go of him.
No man before made Jim feel this way, conflicted, vulnerable, greedy. Buck is just so fucking perfect for him, there surely must be something horribly wrong with this guy, hiding underneath that pristine facade. A shockingly dark secret that would ruin the image of a friendly, bright, respectable Alpha the second it spilled. But to Street, it didn't matter. He was not flawless himself, barely containing his own horrible truth stuffed deep inside. Perhaps the two of them were actually destined to meet, the world finally realized how much he struggles and decided to put someone compatible on his bumpy path, give him a chance to at last fall in love. Have a happy ending. What seemed unreal because Jim seriously thought he cannot possibly be loved.
And then he got an unexpected text message. 
And realized he might be completely wrong.
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lesbiten · 2 years
the fact that my brains automatic response to carlsagan42 videos are to fall asleep is so funny to me. pavloved that bitch
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sukirichi · 4 years
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the morning after – gojo satoru ver!
warnings: slight dirty talk and suggestive content, like the yuuji one, nothing too explicit! Oh and a teasing, cheeky gojo :>
masterlist ! (photo not mine)
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It doesn’t hit you until you’re whacked by an arm in the face. Literally.
You whine and push the foreign weight away that smushed your nose at the impact, less than pleased because you’re having the best of your life, but someone had to ruin it. Nevertheless, you refuse to open your eyes and settle into the warmth that encases you in that moment. It reminds you of your precious unicorn plushie you left back at your apartment; cuddly, precious, keeps the nightmares away, but the best part about this human teddy bear is that he’s all firm muscles and body heat instead of fur cotton.
Wait, what? Human?
It’s when you hear the man stirring above you with a husky groan that you freeze in your spot, eyes snapping wide open your vision blurs for a split second. The first thing you see is smooth skin and firm pecs, followed by a slender, strong neck and a sharp jawline – oh god.
So last night wasn’t a dream.
Clenching your teeth and even biting the inside of your cheeks to stop squealing – more out of embarrassment and shame than happiness, really – you slowly reach up between your squished bodies to pinch your cheeks, bringing blood and feeling back into them. No wonder you’ve slept so well last night, and as someone who prefers pulling an all-nighter until you pass out in the middle of an anime series, it’s quite rare to find a good eight hour sleep.
It’s not like you had much...activities performed that would take up too much energy. Until Gojo Satoru came, the teacher from the Tokyo school, and also the notoriously infamous “strongest jujutsu sorcerer.”
You’ve had a crush on him the moment you’ve started working as a teacher in the Kyoto school. Utahime, who was closer to him, was incredibly appalled when you told her one day about your raging crush on the white-haired man who looked absolutely breathtaking with his blindfold, but without them?
Just the thought of having seen them last night, when he was between your legs, no less, has you inwardly groaning and cringing so hard you feel so shameful that you can’t even look him in the eye. Satoru is fast asleep above you, one of his strong arms lazily draped over the curve of your waist and his fingers brushing against your bum. When you shift a little to give you both space, his fingers begin to hover dangerously close to a sensitive area and you let out a tiny squeak, muffling it with the back of your fist before he awakens.
This man had the Six Eyes – the last thing you wanted was for him to sense and notice the little things and wake up. No, you had to leave before he even gets the chance to move.
The chances of not waking him up was pretty slim, but you’ve always been proud of your sneaky movements that you try anyway. Fortunately, Satoru doesn’t seem to be a hardcore cuddler because he doesn’t pull you back when you finally slip past the sheets.
You freeze for a moment at the edge of the bed, still in disbelief that you actually slept with him. No, no, that’s wrong, you’d have slept with him anytime if he allowed it but – he actually slept with you. It’s not that you’re looking down on yourself because you’re also a special grade sorcerer and could stand your own ground confidently, but your powers when it comes to exorcising and your social skills are two different things that don’t even come close together.
You’re not worried that a special grade curse would kill you and take away your privilege of finishing that new manga you bought in your day off because you know you could handle it easily, but as a person, there’s a stark difference between you and Satoru.
True, he wasn’t exactly liked by everyone because he refused to be limited by rules and regulations, always claiming that one should not be hindered by the narrow-mindedness of the others, but it was something you really admired about him because you’re not like that. You’re old school, sticking by the book, much like his co-worker Nanami Kento who equally hates overtime, and while Gojo Satoru was loud and confident, you’re more of the person who stays by a corner during a party.
Which is exactly what happened last night at Utahime’s birthday party – aka the old wrinkly principal isn’t here so let’s get wasted type of party.
You’re not surprised that Gojo Satoru walked in, but when he did, you had to clutch your spirit water and drink it in haste because he’s got you feeling thirstier than you did last night – and you drink your water plenty. But how could you remain sane when he looked so gorgeous in just his uniform and his laughter has butterflies erupting in your stomach?
Truth was, you’re satisfied watching him from afar. It’s not like you ever plan on asking him out or being his friend because you’re sure Satoru has better things to do and prettier people to talk to, so when he sits next to you in the desolate leather couch, legs crossed over one another and his arm right behind you (although not touching, he respects your space) you nearly pass out.
One thing leads to another, and you find yourself writhing under his arms, shamelessly crying his name over and over again until the dead hours of the night that has his ego inflating.
You don’t remember how or exactly why it happened, but definitely, alcohol had to be involved. There’s no way Gojo Satoru would actually notice you, much less sleep with you, when he’s completely sober, which is why you scramble around the room with the blanket covering your bare body as you look for your discarded clothes.
If he wakes up and sees you, he’ll probably regret everything that happened last night, if he remembers any of it, anyway.
But you’re most definitely mostly sober through the whole thing, so you remember how good he was in making you feel like a goddess. The way he sucked on your neck, licking a stripe at your burning skin while his large hands groped your breasts possessively, all the while rutting in that perfect spot that has your eyes rolling at the back of your head with your nails running down his back – you shiver just thinking about it.
Gojo Satoru really has that effect on people.
You hide your flustered state and quickly pull on your undergarments, about to slip the sweater over your head, only to die on the inside because you realize you’re wearing those full cotton panties instead of sexy lingerie. With a groan, you fight back the urge to cry. But then again, who could blame yourself for not dressing sexily? It’s not like you had any idea that this would happen.
You’re halfway through your jeans when Gojo’s husky morning voice breaks through the silence. “Leaving already?” you hear him smile, although your back is turned to him, face completely morphed into terror. “Such a shame. I was actually thinking shower sex sounds nice – if you’re into that, of course.”
“Satoru,” you greet lamely with a bow, avoiding the way his stunning eyes raked over your form with an unreadable dark expression. “Uh, you’re awake, and...good morning, I guess.”
Gojo smirks at your flushed cheeks, and it takes everything not to stare at the way his biceps strain from the way he supports his head, hair sticking in every direction and looking absolutely sexy in the morning light. “Good morning to you too, Y/N,” your breath stifles, because he knows your name? “Although it would be an ever better morning if you weren’t such in a rush to leave,” he chuckles, “It makes me feel like maybe you regret what happened last night.”
Your head snaps up at his words as you shakily wiggle your arms, “No, that’s not true, I loved every second of it! It was...it was the best night of my life,” your cheeks tinge a shade darker when Gojo beams at your words, chest almost puffing out proudly. Shyly, you turn away from him and fiddle with the hem of your sweatshirt. “I just...I didn’t think you’d still want me here around, because you were drunk last night and all and I thought maybe you’ll regret it, which I don’t want to happen so yeah, I just thought I’d leave before I get to...” you clear your throat awkwardly, “...be rejected like that.”
“Y/N,” his voice falls an octave lower, the thoughts in your head growing so loud you don’t even hear that he’s already left the bed, and now he’s cradling your chin until you’re forced to witness the galaxies burning in his eyes. “You thought I was drunk last night and did it because I was just horny? That I would regret it and forget all about it?”
His proximity has your breath stuttering, your eyelashes slapping your cheeks as you blink rapidly. “Well, uhm, I’m not really your type, so I think it was safe to assume that.”
Gojo hums at your words, his calloused thumb running over your lips. A small smile flits across his face when he remembers how much of a good girl you were for him last night, obediently opening those lips up and letting him bask in the warmth of your wet cavern before swallowing all he has to give. Funnily enough, Gojo isn’t the best with his words, so he just tucks a strand of hair behind your ear before sighing.
“I wasn’t drunk,” he finally admits. The confession has you slipping from his grasp, but Gojo snakes his arm around the small of your back to pull you to him, the warmth of his bare skin seeping into your clothes. However, it’s nothing compared to the lust and adoration burning in his eyes – one you can’t properly fathom in this clouded state. “Tipsy, sure, but I assure you I was aware and sober for every little part,” his lips hover at your ear, one of his hands coming at the back of your neck to tilt your head to the side, granting him access to the hickeys he’d purposely left.
Just the sight of his markings on your perfect body has a tent growing in his pants. You feel his erection rub at the pad of your jeans, eliciting a small whine from you, and this makes Gojo resist the urge to bend you over right then and there. But he doesn’t do that, because he knows your body is too tired from his ministrations, and he’s nice enough to give you a break – even if that’s not exactly what your burning core wants at that moment.
“Like the way you clenched around my cock when I hit that sensitive spot of yours,” he laughs when you shiver at the way his breath tickles you, “Or how pretty you look when you cream around my cock, begging me to go harder because you can take it, and baby, I promise you, I loved it just as much as you did.”
Finally, Gojo pulls back, and he’s extremely satisfied when he sees how small and innocent you look just like that, as if he hadn’t just folded you in half to watch the way your pretty pussy welcome him and take him better than anyone else just hours ago.
“But,” he continues, “I think I enjoyed it a lot more, considering I’ve wanted to do that for such a long time now,” at his words, you furrow your brows, and that’s when he realizes his mistake. Gojo reverts back to his usual lighthearted self and fans his hand out almost comically with his hands on his hips. “I mean, not just the sex, though it is amazing, but having you close is what I meant. Like holding your hand or getting to kiss you,” he sighs dreamily as if you’re not in the same room as him.
“Uh,” you awkwardly begin, unsure of what to say. “Are you saying you like me?”
“Yeah,” he smirks, which shouldn’t have been such a sexy look on him, but because he’s Gojo, it was. “But Utahime said she’d cut my balls off if I even get near you. Thank goodness she was too drunk last night to ever see it, but I’m glad I talked to you. I’m just ashamed I’m only saying this after the sex but...would you like to go out with me?”
Thanks to his Six Eyes ability, Gojo is blessed with the privilege of seeing you malfunction before him as you try to find your words.
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Rest (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)
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Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,515
I’m literally in love with Bakugo Katsuki. I’ve had this idea in my head for a while and I might make this a small series, I love me some domesticated shit and I hope you guys do too. This is the first smut I’ve ever written so please keep that in mind as you’re reading lmao. I hope you enjoy it!
Bakugo sighed deeply as he dropped his duffle bag to the ground with a soft thud. His red eyes burned with exhaustion, his body felt incredibly heavy tonight after his shift. 
It wasn’t that he disliked being a top pro-hero, far from it. 
In fact, if someone were to ask him if he hated or loved being a hero he would scoff at them and blast their ass.
Of course he loved his job.
Becoming a pro-hero was his dream, the ultimate goal in his life. The amount of hours, blood, sweat, and tears he had put into his training was not for nothing.
Of course he fucking loved his job.
But sometimes. 
Sometimes he wouldn’t mind being able to rest.
Like now.
Now, all he wanted to do was eat and sleep.
Bakugo flipped the light on in the kitchen, taking notice of the just washed dishes in the dish rack and the scent of cleanser lingering in the air.
Y/n must’ve cleaned up before she went to work. He thought briefly before opening up the fridge to see what was available to eat. 
His expression softened once he laid his eyes on the plate of food wrapped up with a note on top.
Missing you a lot today, don’t overwork yourself.-Y/n
After reheating his dinner he sat down at the table, sighing deeply once more now that he was finally off of his feet.
It had been a long couple of days. A couple of weeks of nonstop back-to-back hero work. Which meant that Bakugo was rarely home, either arriving far too late into the night, or leaving far too early in the morning. There were only small traces that he had actually been there, a coffee cup left in the sink, the bathroom being damp still from a shower.
It was weeks like this one that were incredibly taxing on Bakugo, and that was because he never got to see you. 
His wife. 
It also didn’t help that your work schedule at the hospital was just as busy. Almost seemingly as the exact opposite of his.
He figured you had another night shift tonight as he headed to the bedroom.
But he froze at the doorway.
The tightness in his body melted completely as he gazed at your sleeping figure. 
You were curled up under the blankets, fast asleep, and completely unaware of the tall man staring at you.
Bakugo couldn’t move fast enough.
All he could think about was curling up against you tonight, holding you close, and burying his face into your hair.
He had missed you too much.
He stripped down to his underwear and moved to slide under the blankets, his expression further softening as he noticed that you were wearing one of his t-shirts.
Carefully coming up behind you, he moved to wrap one of his arms around your waist. He pulled you in close, tucking you into his chest easily.
But you were roused awake from the sudden movement.
“Katsu?” you mumbled softly, eyes still heavy with sleep but you shifted your body so that you were facing the warm solid man now next to you.
“Go back to sleep.” he grumbled, both of you settling down against one another. He peered down at you with a gentle expression.
He had never seen anything more beautiful. 
“How was it today?” you hummed softly, slinging your right arm around his broad shoulder, your leg kicking up to wrap around his waist. 
Bakugo wrapped his fingers around your thigh, tugging you closer. His hand was big and warm, the roughness of his palms and fingers felt perfect against your soft skin. 
A touch you were desperately craving the past couple of weeks. 
“Dumbass Deku got overrun with the villains we were chasing down, I had go and save his stupid ass.” he grumbled, moving his hand up to slide into your shirt, his fingers tracing patterns into your back.
“Hmm.” you sighed softly, nuzzling your nose against his collarbone, inhaling that familiar burnt caramel scent.
Both of you were quiet for a moment, enjoying each other’s company. It was clear that both of you were exhausted, but neither of you had gone to sleep just yet.
There was a hum in the air.
A familiar one.
You looked up at the man that you’ve known your entire life. His eyes were closed, but you knew that he wasn’t asleep.
Your gaze started at the top of his head. His spiky hair was more disheveled than usual, but you knew that it was incredibly soft and perfect beneath your fingers.
Moving your eyes further down you took in his perfectly arched eyebrows and long lashes, but beneath that you noticed the dark circles framing his lower lids. 
Frowning softly at your husband’s apparent lack of sleep you continued your search against his face. 
His nose was perfect, and just below it, those soft full lips.
Your stomach flipped pleasantly. A familiar feeling bubbling in your lower stomach.
He was fucking beautiful.
And that was just his face. You knew that his body was just as perfect, if not better.
It was as if Bakugo Katsuki was sculpted from the gods themselves. 
How you were married to such a beautiful man, you didn’t know. It was then that you started to be more aware of those muscular arms that were wrapped around you. Those strong, thick fingers gripping your upper thigh tightly.
Your heart rate picked up, and you shifted slightly, attempting to get closer to him.
“Stop staring at me, shitty woman.” he grumbled, cracking one eye open to peer down at you. “It’s fucking creepy.”
Now you remember how you ended up with this beautiful man. His shit fucking personality. 
I guess it’s true when they say you can’t have it all, you thought dryly. Of course your husband couldn’t be a gorgeous man without having some kind of flaw. 
It was actually a wonder how you guys had been together so long. 
Childhood friends turned lovers.
You had been by his side since birth it felt like. 
Considering your mother and his mother were good friends, it was bound to happen that you two would be as well. 
You were the complete opposite of Bakugo. 
Kind. Sweet. Gentle. 
You weren’t in the hero course when you had gone to U.A., rather you had gotten into the support course.
Which wasn’t a problem for you. You didn’t want to become a hero. Rather, being able to help behind the scenes and being able to support those that wanted to be on the front lines, protecting and saving people, like your husband.
“Don’t be mean Katsu, I haven’t seen your grumpy face in weeks. Can’t a wife just look at her husband?” You grumbled pinching and pulling his cheeks.
He huffed angrily, grabbing your wrist and attempting to pull your fingers away from his face. “Let go, that fucking hurts.” he growled. “Stupid woman, you think I want to come home and be pestered like this?”
You snorted, an amused expression on your face as you ignored Bakugo’s increasing insults and attempts at stopping you from pulling his cheeks, increasing the pressure of your fingers on his face.
“You little shit.” he growled. He gripped your wrist tightly and shifted one of his legs to be between your thighs and moved, heaving you onto your back. Your wrists were pinned on either side of your head, Bakugo above you.
Oh fuck.
The position you were in caused your heart rate to pick up once again. Your eyes flickered down his body, appreciating the bulging muscles and the way his boxers now hung lower on his hips. 
The smirk on his face wasn’t helping the situation either. 
“Like what you see?” he sneered.
You rolled your eyes and moved your leg, shifting it up so that you could press your knee carefully against his crotch.
You could feel his growing bulge. You felt the rising blush in your face and looked away from him, going to move your leg down from its current position. But Bakugo was too fast for you, he grabbed your leg and hitched it over his hip and settled himself between your legs. Pressing himself to your center.
You couldn’t help the whimper that escaped your lips. 
“Why are you getting all shy now?” he teased, rolling his hips against yours. 
“Sh-Shut up.” you gasped, lips parting in arousal. “You haven’t even kissed me yet Katsu.”
He chuckled slightly, and released his grip on your wrists, allowing you to slither your arms around his neck, sliding your fingers into the back of hair. He leaned closer down to your face, one his hands grabbing at your jaw, the other one propping himself up to keep most of his weight off of you.
And then he was kissing you. His lips hot and urgent against yours, his tongue already poking through your lips, eager to taste the inside of your mouth.
You moaned softly, arching your body into his as your grip in his hair tightened. 
Bakugo growled against your mouth, grinding into your core harshly.
All thoughts of sleep are now gone. All Bakugo could think about was you, and how much he wanted to be inside of you. It had been far too long since the last time he'd had you, and now, he wasn’t going to wait any longer.
“Fuck, what do you want?” he growled, pulling away from you and seeing your swollen lips. Your eyes were wide and bright, full of want and need. 
His stomach churned pleasantly.
Before you could answer him his fingers were already where you wanted them the most. He rubbed at your clit in harsh controlled circles, his red eyes dark and filled with need as he gazed at your moaning flushed face.
“K - ah - Katsu. Please,” you whimpered, gripping his hair tightly between your fists. Your hips moving along with his fingers.
“Please what? What do you want?” he sneered, applying more pressure before he pushed your panties to the side, his middle finger sliding against your wet slit, but not fully penetrating you.
You felt tears gathering at the corner of your eyes, it had been too long. All you wanted was him to fuck you already. 
“You. I want you please.” you moaned out, bucking your hips up, urging him to enter you already. “Please Katsu, I missed you so much.”
He missed you too. He was tired of the foreplay already, he needed to be inside you. 
Snarling loudly he all but ripped the clothes off your body before removing his boxers. His member stood tall and gorgeously thick against his stomach.
Your mouth watered at the sight, you wanted it in your mouth.
“Later.” he growled, noticing the look on your face. “I want to fuck you already.”
He spread your legs apart, gazing at you hungrily before taking his cock and rubbing it against your glistening slit, and then he rammed into you.
You cried out loudly as Bakugo set a brutal pace. Hard and fast, and incredibly deep inside your pussy.
It had been too long, your body needing time to adjust to his intrusion, your walls stretching to fit his thickness.
But he wouldn’t let you. Bakugo gave in to his desire and set a pace that had you gasping to keep up. 
Fuck did it feel good though.
The familiar pressure building up within yourself, ready to snap at any minute.
Bakugo was snarling above you, lost in the pleasure of your warm, wet walls gripping him tighter and tighter. He knew you were almost at your limit, he was too. 
He knew he wasn’t going to last long, it had been too long since the last time he was inside of you, but he needed you to cum first.
His grip was bruising on your hips; his mouth sucking and biting at every inch of skin that was within his reach. You knew you were going to have marks in the morning, but you didn’t care. 
His cock rubbed into the deepest parts of you, leaving you breathless and shaking. He always made you feel so full. 
“You gonna cum on my cock princess?” he growled, reaching down and rubbing your clit again. 
Your back arched, your head thrashing against the pillows as your pleasure began to build further up. “Katsu - ngh - I’m close.” you whimpered out.
He smirked, pulling out of your pussy before slamming himself back in.
And that was it.
You came hard, crying out and trembling beneath him, your wetness gushing out and staining the sheets below.
He snarled loudly, jackhammering his hips into yours as he chased his release before groaning lowly in his throat and spilling himself inside of you.
His hips finally stilled, he leaned forward and pressed his mouth against yours softly before trailing delicate kisses against the bites he had left scattered across your throat and collar bone. 
He stayed buried deep inside of you as he continued to soothe your battered body.
Bakugo knew that he was never gentle when you guys made love. He knew that his pace was always rough and harsh, but the aftercare was a different story.
After the intense fucking he always gave you, it was important for him to take care of you tenderly. He carefully pulled his softened cock out of you, hushing you softly as you whimpered from the loss.
He watched as his cum seeped out of you, smirking slightly to himself before he pressed a gentle kiss to your hip and got up to the bathroom to get a warm wet cloth to clean you and himself up.
When he came back you were already on the verge of falling asleep again. He sat near your legs, pressing a soft kiss to your knee as he cleaned up the mess he made between your legs.
You hissed softly, your lower body sore and sensitive. He hushed you once more as he finished cleaning up, tossing the cloth somewhere behind him, he’d take of that in the morning.
Starting at your hips he trailed his soft lips up your body, pressing the sweetest kisses into your skin, gazing at you with gentle eyes.
The aftercare was his favorite part.
You were so fucking beautiful like this, completely drained after all the pleasure that he had given you. Your skin littered with his marks, your lips red and swollen from his intense kisses, your hair a ruffled mess around your head after moving it back and forth so much. 
He pulled the blankets over your bodies as he settled next to you, wrapping his arms around your body tightly.
He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, your eyes closing automatically, sleep ready to take you under.
“I love you Katsu.” you breathed softly, pressing your face into his chest. “So much.”
“Go to sleep.” he grumbled tenderly, placing another kiss to the crown of your head. “I got you."
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leviiattacks · 3 years
Seven minutes in Heaven with Physics Major Levi
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author note :: i lost the ask but anon i do not know what this is. reading it sounded better in my head but physics major levi with reader who likes him is that a good description???? HM ANYWAY enjoy it’s not too great i’ve been revising nonstop for exams but i might as well have finished this off for the anon who requested it :-)
word count :: 2.5k probably... hm who knows maybe 3k
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when you and levi become friends it’s definitely unexpected to say the least. everyone is naturally very confused by the peculiar pairing. levi doesn’t really... go out of his way to befriend anyone really??? so for him to approach you in the middle of the library and start talking about how he noticed you shared a class together was out of the ordinary
the flow of the conversation is a little awkward at first, you’re revising for a final exam and don’t really appreciate the disruption but you’re not confident enough to tell him to leave.
at one point an awkward silence drifts between the two of you until he points out you’ve completely RUINED your notes and have been looking over the wrong lectures for the up and coming physics exam
later on into the night levi’s stood sighing next to you. he tells you to take your pick from the pot noodle section — “hey, i know we literally just met but i’m telling you a chicken pot noodle is gonna make you feel better.”
you’re so distraught that he has to pick it up for you and pay
and that is how you and levi become friends !!!
if it’s of any relevance yes you passed the final (all because of levi giving you his organised binder full of notes and telling you to make use of it)
you know it just sorta happens but through all of the all nighters you’ve pulled with levi by your side you become used to his presence nearby. in fact most of the the time it’s difficult to even find you anywhere without him. you’re both practically joined at the hip
levi’s pretty protective of you, hates the whole party scene but is willing to tag along if you’re going. at first you think it’s because he feels more comfortable stepping out of his comfort zone if you’re there with him but his intentions become more evident later on
any time someone makes you uncomfortable he’s by your side, if you happen to get into any sort of trouble he’s the person people call to help you because who else knows you the way levi does?
currently you and levi are at another party, you tend to keep to yourself and only ever talk to your close friends. it’s also not like you to partake in games, you’re far too nervous to play anything like seven minutes in heaven but for some reason you find yourself wanting to take part JUST this once
maybe it’s the fear of never making fun memories to tell your future children about
then again why on earth would you be telling your children about your experience kissing a random man in a closet??
either way, participating shouldn’t hurt!!! you’ve got to loosen up a little!!!
levi’s a little surprised you agree to play nevertheless he still sits next to you, the both of you have your legs crossed on the floor, your knees are touching and you aren’t sure if he feels the same warm sensation that you feel. it bubbles in the pit of your stomach – you feel oddly content
“levi!! anyone you want the bottle to land on ???” hange a mutual friend of yours leans in handing him the glass bottle
levi gives the bottle a disgusted look before his gaze flicks over to you.
“i’m only here because of y/n, i ‘m not playing.”
that doesn’t satisfy hange and they begin to groan complaining that he can’t stay unless he spins the bottle
“look you don’t have to do anything in the closet, okay??” hange’s begging him at this point, he’s still holding up pretty well and for some reason you’re disappointed. it’s almost like you hoped he’d spin the bottle just so it would land on you
levi takes notice of your frown and guesses you want him to be included, he isn’t one for games like these but if it’ll make you happy so be it. there’s still the chance it’ll land on you and his thought process falters for a second.
he thinks he really wouldn’t mind if the bottle landed on you and so he ends up nodding and agreeing to play.
anyway it’s not as if he isn’t guilty of imagining the two of you being a little more than friends
ok wait!!!! it’s completely innocent HE SWEARS!!!!
he’s never told you about it but sometimes he thinks if he was a little more straightforward that day at the library and asked for your number MAYBE just MAYBE his intentions would be clearer and he wouldn’t be stuck in the friend zone for this long
he should’ve used a stupid physics pick up line he knows you love those
something like – “i’m attracted to you more than an electron’s attracted to a proton.”
or maybe — “i’d fall for you even in the absence of gravity”
ok... maybe you wouldn’t have got that one considering you were revising the wrong content and probably forgot about that topic
he can’t imagine himself saying those things but if it would make you finally see him as a potential love interest and not a best friend he wouldn’t mind having to force it out
but still it’s not really a secret that levi has a soft spot for you, literally everyone can see it. when has he ever gone out of his way to save a seat for anyone? when has he ever willingly gone to a party? WHEN has levi actually let someone lay their head on his shoulder??
he only ever let’s you do that stuff
let’s actually discuss the head on his shoulder thing!!!
whenever finals approach you’re always sucked in by huge amounts of work and barely get to sleep, levi’s always hovering over your shoulder reminding you to catch a few hours but of course you don’t listen. you think you’ll be just fine if you rely on an energy drink and two hours of sleep to get by
but levi knows you better than you know yourself. it’s hour seven into the day and you’re already dozing off in your seat. slowly but gradually your head tilts forward. levi’s sitting across you contemplating whether or not he should prop your head back up like a nice friend would or if he should wait for you to smack your forehead right into the solid oak table.
he ends up making his decision last minute, your head flies towards the table and if it were anyone else he’d just let them jolt awake from the harsh impact but it’s you and his body won’t let him ignore you.
on reflex his hand flies out and in the matter of a split second he’s holding your head back. he’s surprised you haven’t woken up and he’s even more surprised he bothered to help you
before that happens levi knows he likes you, he knows he enjoys your company, he’s aware you make him happy but he thinks he’s willing to just be friends with you because clearly you don’t want to pursue anything.
you haven’t even flirted with him before aside from the witty “you remind me of an exothermic reaction” joke that you made one time
oh and there’s also the additional fact that you had a boyfriend up until quite recently so he’s sure you don’t see him romantically
honestly he’s fine with not dating you but something about seeing you overwork yourself like that has him simmering in anger. if he were your boyfriend he would have forced you into bed whether you liked it or not
if he were your boyfriend he’d never break up with you because he “found someone better.” he can’t even manage to imagine anyone better than you.
levi shuffles into the seat next to yours and places your head onto his shoulder. a few students shoot him questioning looks but the deadly glare he sends back is enough to deter them from coming any closer
it’s a little funny actually, by the time you wake up you’re rubbing at your eyes, you don’t even notice how close levi is to you until his hot breath fans across your neck. it seems like he’s dozed off whilst trying to make notes on fluid dynamics
levi. right. next. to. your. neck.
should you move????
no, he might wake up he barely sleeps and you don’t want to mess up his schedule even more
that day you choose to drift off back to sleep as if you never woke up to his breath against your neck.
your head shoots up NOW you’ve completely been dragged away from your thoughts.
“lucky for you both. guess you won’t have to do anything and stand there for seven minutes. told ya levi there was nothing to worry about B-)”
hange without warning pulls you both up by your arms, you’ve yet to see levi’s reaction, you’re too stunned to have noticed his slack jaw or wide eyes
and with that said and done you and levi are shoved into the cleaning closet
“well, i’m glad it landed on you. i won’t have to do anything.” levi seems happy as can be, you don’t really know why but it stings a little
he doesn’t even seem to stop for a second to wonder if you’d maybe want to do anything
are you just not his type ????
hange once told you levi liked organised people and well,, you’re anything but organised. you’d probably pass out from the work load of your physics lectures if not for levi always helping you out
scowling to yourself you try to ignore just how awkward the situation is until levi plops down on the floor in front of you
“you okay?” he asks looking genuinely concerned
“i- yeah i’m good.”
your eyes dart away trying to look at anything but him. you can’t deny he looks good today, you actually helped him slick his hair back - the entire time he complained about the hair gel feeling weird but he looks great and now you can’t even stare at him for more than a second
“i’m guessing you’d have preferred if the bottle landed on someone else.”
leaning forward without even noticing it you aggressively deny what he says. “NO!!! i like being stuck here with you.”
levi looks stunned by your outburst but nods “oh, did you feel pressured to join the game? we can leave if you want—”
“no, no i– you aren’t– oh god i mean, look. i can explain– do i need to explain???”
completely choking up in front of him and sputtering before slamming your lips shut and saying absolutely nothing is probably one of the most awkward things you’ve done in your ENTIRE existence
levi reaches out for your knee, something that’s usually seen as him being friendly only feels intimate tonight. his thumb strokes comforting circles into your skin. the situation doesn’t make it any better, essentially you’re meant to be making out with him right now
“is something bothering you?”
there it is again. that look. he only seems more concerned than before and you hate yourself for not even thinking about your friendship before you open your mouth.
“do you not want to kiss me because we’re best friends or is it something else?”
there it is. you’ve said it.
you see levi’s face contort from a mix of confusion to what looks like disgust then shock. screwing your eyes shut you know you’ve ruined everything now. he’s never going to speak to you, never going to approach you again. you’re mentally preparing for him to ditch you at this party right here right now
but then you notice his hand still steadily placed on your knee, he’s now stopped with the circles, his grip is bruising
“do you want me to kiss you?”
his question isn’t really expected, it helps you find the courage to look your best friend in the eye.
it’s pretty dark but you can still make out the familiar shadows of his face. the butterflies rush up from your stomach all the way to your throat.
mild regret fills you, usually his curtains obscure his piercing gaze but the way you’ve styled his hair gives him a better view of you, there’s nowhere for you to hide
not even stopping to think about the possibility of him teasing you right now, all you care about is telling him the truth. you’ve come all the way here you may as well finish off what you’ve started
“would you be mad if i said i’d like it if you did?”
levi doesn’t need any more confirmation than that, he swoops in yanking you by your waist. his knees are still pressed against the floor and so you find yourself leaning down into his mouth and craning your neck downwards
his chest is completely pressed against yours. the drumming of your heart is so loud you feel self conscious but levi’s soft lips moving against yours distract you from that
not even ten seconds in and you feel out of breathe but not in an overwhelming way. levi’s pace isn’t at all what you imagined it to be like. he’s soft and slow yet calloused and rough around the edges, some how he still manages to make the kiss sweet
his left hand leisurely travels to the small of your back, the other hand now caresses your cheek. his fingertips are anything but soft but the way he handles you is tender and endearingly delicate.
you smile into the kiss and almost instantly levi’s lips tug upwards too. his take on seven minutes in heaven is quite easily the most romantic thing you’ve been subjected to. instead of a passionate make out you’ve been given a honeyed introduction to a new side of him
the kiss ends much quicker than you anticipate, you open your mouth to whine and convince levi that the two of you should still have a solid minute left before hange returns but he presses his index finger against your lips
“later. i promise.” his voice is heavy and if his blushed cheeks are anything to go by he’s thoroughly enjoyed your session together
at his reassurance you comply and take the time to have a better look at him
his lips are wet – some of your lip gloss has clearly stuck to him. his hair isn’t as well styled as it was before, seeing him like this makes you feel a surge of confidence. you know you did that to him.
so... what is someone to do with a sudden boost in confidence?
hit your new possible love interest with a pick up line :-) !!!
“heyyy so i know the spring constant of my mattress, would you be interested in taking some data with me?”
slapping your shoulder lightly he’s yet to gain his composure back, levi’s genuinely out of breathe now trying to steady himself and your comment doesn’t do him any favours that’s for sure
“my god you have no sham–”
without warning the door to your left swings open you and levi flinch trying to scramble away from eachother only to fail, hange marches in before stopping dead in their tracks.
all they see is levi knelt in front of you, hair disheveled huffing like his life depends on it
then their focus shifts to you, you’re sure some of your makeup has smudged and the entire scenario looks suspicious
levi seems as if he’s about to warn hange to not tell anyone and keep this a secret for now but they sprint away before any of you have the opportunity to ask for some privacy
not even ten seconds later a collision can be heard alongside a series of thuds and then hange’s yelling towards the end of the hallway “GUYS??? THEY ACTUALLY DID IT???”
for some reason the cheers coming from the living room warm your heart
you guess your friends figured out the direction of your relationship long before you and levi did :-)
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blissfulparker · 4 years
Hi I was wondering if you could do one where Tom constantly prank the reader so she out of frustration (but ironically) tells him she doesn't want to marry him and he literally panics thinking she's serious lol
Thank uuu <3
“This is why we could never get married.”
A line that was simply a joke after your boyfriend thought he was so funny to pretend to randomly scare you throughout the day. Right as you two were falling asleep, he randomly screamed making you jump up saying you hated him and didn’t want to ever marry him as a joke. Falling back to sleep yourself but he sat wide awake thinking about your words.
It had been almost a day now, he watched your every move carefully worrying he was being too much. You noticed the extra love he gave you and how he was doing anything for you. His sensitive, worried side of loosing you took over.
“Tom,” he kissed at your neck as you two laid in bed. Now 24 hours after the incident he tried to make it up through sex. “Tom, wait.” You stopped him and his eyes looked up at your worried.
“What? Is it too much? I’m sorry do you not want to—“ he starts to ramble his apology and you furrow your brows.
“What is up with you? This whole day you’ve been...off.” You confess and he rolls off of you and to his side.
“Do you hate me?” He asks and you nearly laugh but you can see he’s serious.
“What? No! Why in the world would you ever think I hate you? Tom, I love you so much so what makes you think that?” Worrying it was the media, or a poor joke of a friend trying to stir something up. He rubs his face before looking at you.
“L-last night. I scared you and I know it was stupid, I do! I’m sorry I’ve been scaring you but you said you didn’t want to marry me.” He pouts a bit like a child who was in trouble and you laugh.
“Tom, I only said that as a joke! I mean, yeah, the scaring sucked and I want you to stop that but I don’t hate you and I certainly don’t want to not marry you. I just...I was tired and I didn’t realize what I said. I’m sorry.” You kissed his cheek and he processes everything you said.
“So you don’t hate me?” He asked as you kissed along his cheeks.
“Never, I could never hate you.” You land on his lips and he takes you in gladly.
“Show me you could never hate me?” He smirks, his dirty mind always wanting you in some way and your own hands go to his sweats.
His stupid scare pranks stopped and you showed him how much you don’t hate him. He also showed you how much he was sorry for making you scared. But in the end you could never hate one another.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Oooh, Tom x reader request idea
Reader colored her hair or is wearing a wig just for fun and paparazzi pictures are taken from the back when they’re together so it looks like Tom’s cheating on reader and even reader gets freaked out at first but they have a laugh about it in the end
Thank you for the request darling! I’m so sorry it took so long for me to do. While celebrating the holidays then going back to school, I’ve been busy😭 But thank you again, and enjoy!💞
If you’re a redhead I’m sorry😭 I couldn’t think of any other characters and this came to mind.
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The harsh light peaking in from behind the curtains made you groan. You threw the comforter over your head and blocked the sun from your eyes. Tom shifted beside you, tightening his arm around your bare waist and pulling you closer into his chest. He emitted a light “humph” and snuggled into the back of your neck. The slight ache in your head made you squeeze your eyes shut, trying to ease the pain. You kept your eyes closed till the ache subsided, trying to remember a single thing that happened last night.
Honestly, the whole night was a complete blur. All you remembered was that Tom, Harrison, and Harry had persuaded you into joining them at the local pub near your shared place for a quiz night. At first you didn’t want to go; you loved the lads but when it came to a game or something that tested their wits, they were intolerably competitive. Game nights with them usually ended with: Harry crying in frustration, Tom on the verge of committing murder, Harrison turning furiously red in anger, and Tuwaine yelling at someone for screwing up the game. Game nights were just a mess.
You were hoping for a quiet night alone at the house, but no such luck, Tuwaine had plans with his girlfriend. Which meant all three men came to you to fill up his spot.
“Please (y/n), we need four people in our group to go.” Harry begged, resting his head on your shoulder and looking up at you with puppy eyes. Tom stood in front of you, using his body to block the tv, and diverting your attention to him.
“Guys, why can’t it just be the three of you?” You questioned the men surrounding you.
“Because the pub said it has to be in groups of four and we believe you’ll be a perfect addition to our team.” Harrison answered from your left side. A cheeky grin on his face.
Tom could tell by your features that you still weren’t convinced on going. He uncrossed his arms and kneeled in front of you on the couch. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around your waist, putting his weight on your lap and placing his chin on your chest.
Looking up at you with his soft brown eyes he said, “Please come with us, I promise it’ll be fun. You won’t regret it, darling.”
Your lips pursed together in thought while your eyes panned between the three of them, “You guys know how you all get during game nights.”
Tom huffed, his breath causing strands of your hair to move from your face.
“I know—we all know. But we promise to be on our best behavior. Plus, we’ll be on the same team, no competition.” Your boyfriend reassured you, his thumbs drawing circles onto your hips.
Harry snorted, “Yeah, besides the other five to seven teams we’re up against.”
“Oh, we’re winning. We got these two on the team.” Harrison bragged motioning to you and Tom.
“I didn’t agree yet.” You objected, holding your finger up.
“Yet.” Tom repeated, emphasizing the word.
Harrison nudged your shoulder, “Come on, (y/n)! We’ll have a great time. We might even win a free happy hour if we win the quiz.”
Harry shimmied beside you, “And what do we say about free drinks in this house?”
You rolled your eyes, defeated, “Never turn down a free drink.” The boys cheered around you, hyping you up.
“Come on, baby.” Tom encouraged you, hopeful eyes remaining on yours. You sigh, throwing your head back against the couch.
“Fine, I’ll go.” A round of cheers filled the room once again. Harrison and Harry squeezed you into a hug, sandwiching you in between them. When they pullled away, Tom gathered you into his arms and lifted you up.
“YES! I LOVE YOU!” He squealed happily, repeating that he loved you and pressing multiple kisses all over your face.
Well you guys must’ve won the pub quiz last night because the last thing you can clearly remember was entering the pub and the first two rounds of the quiz. The topic of last night’s quiz was Harry Potter; both being huge fans of the series, you and Tom completely breezed through the quiz, getting most of the questions (that you can remember) correct.
A buzz came from your phone, followed by another buzz, and another. The sudden movement of your phone made you peak your head from under the covers. Squinting from the light, you blindly reached for your phone and brought it under the comforter with you. When your eyes were fully adjusted to your screen you saw there were two texts from your cousin.
Tf is this?
Sent Photo ⃞
Your brows knitted together at the message. Curiously, you slide on the notification and open iMessages. The picture downloads and you see that it’s Tom, wearing glasses, black pants, and a grey knit sweater. Although on his arm, latched a redhead wearing similar attire as him but with a tight skirt instead of pants. There were a few more pictures attached. Some where Tom wrapped his hand around the mystery person’s waist and another with him kissing her face.
Your heart’s pace quickened as you glanced at the man cuddled beside you. Your eyes shift back to the phone; that definitely wasn’t you. But at the same time, you had no recollection of anything that happened after drinks were handed out. You stared at the pictures again, an expression on your face that resembled something along the lines of a scowl and a look of confusion. You really didn’t know what happened last night. You zoomed into the pictures, trying to get a proper look at the woman’s face, but to no avail, her face was either not in the shot or Tom was in the way.
You force yourself up into a sitting position and harshly smack Tom’s arm. He immediately startles awake; jumping into his senses making the bed shake. His arms tighten around your waist, pulling you closer. He looks around the room for some kind of threat but saw nothing. He did another scan around the room before looking up at you with wide eyes.
“Were you the one who slapped me?” He groggily asked, ducking into your side when the sun’s light connected with his eyes.
“Oh I don’t know, maybe ask that redhead you were hanging out with outside of the pub.” You retorted, still glaring at your phone. The tone of your voice causes Tom to whip his head from your side. A quizzical look is on his face as he thought back to the previous night. Surprisingly, he didn’t get as drunk last night. For once, he was one of the sober ones. You, on the other hand, were another story. Though he didn’t blame you for going on a drinking spree, work had been stressing you out and you barely got any leisure time.
“Huh—baby, what are you on about?” His voice is deep and rough from sleep. Sexy, but right now his voice was the least of your worries.
“What redhead? The only redhead that was there was—“ He couldn’t finish his sentence because you were shoving your phone in his face.
“This one?” Tom whines and leaned his head back to get a better look. When he saw the picture on your phone, his eyes slowly panned to you. Your arms were crossed and a scowl was on your pretty face. You were pretty even when you were angry.
“Did the drinks really fuck you up that much?” He wondered out loud, a hint of amusement in his words. He took your phone and began swiping through the pictures with a grin on his face.
You felt the blood in your body boil while your boyfriend looked through the pictures of that woman with a stupid smile on his face. You snatched the phone from him, “Well maybe, because who the fuck is this chick?”
“Are you jealous?” He teased you, poking your side. You slapped his finger away and glared at him.
“Oh I don’t know, a woman I barely know is hanging on my boyfriend’s arm! I’m not jealous—I’m just—a concerned girlfriend who wants to know what the hell happened last night.” You crossed your arms again, proud of the excuse you made up. Though, you really did want to know what happened last night.
“Darling, that’s literally you.” Tom pointed out, finally bursting out laughing. The scowl was wiped off your face and replaced with a look of confusion. Tom rested his head back on his pillow and watched you look through the pictures again. Your brows were scrunched together and a pout was on your lips, tempting him to press a kiss onto them. His arms slithered around your waist again, pulling you down so you were laying down against him.
“(Y/n), I’m serious that’s you. Do you really not remember?” Tom adjusted himself to place your head on his chest. Your lips were pursed together, eyes still trained on your phone screen.
“But my ass does not look that good from the back.” You muttered, zooming in on said area. Tom snorted and pinched your ass cheek, “You’d be surprised, lovey.”
It was quiet between you two while you continued to study the pictures. Tom said it was you, but it really didn’t look like you from behind.
“Remember it was Harry Potter night? Harry thought it would be a fun idea to dress up as the characters, so we ended up going as Harry and Ginny.” He reminded you, softly brushing tangles out of your hair with his fingers. Your mouth went slack as realization set in.
“Oh my God, yes!” You exclaimed leaning up on your elbows to look up at him. There was a hint of humor in his eyes and a lazy grin was set on his lips.
“How could I forget that I was wearing a wig? Where is that damn thing?” You leaned over Tom’s body and began to look over the bed to get a glimpse of the floor. Tom chuckled motioning to your makeup desk in his room. You find the desk and, lo and behold, was the red almost orange wig in all its glory. You shook your head at yourself and at the slow moment you were going through.
You turn back to Tom, “Honestly, what the fuck?” The two of you bursted out laughing, the sounds of your joy filling the room.
“I feel so stupid.” You groaned, shoving your face into Tom’s chest. He let out a giggle, thinking over what just happened in his head again. His large palm smooths circles onto your back, slowly making you doze off again.
“Don’t be, you were drunk as hell last night. I didn’t expect you to be in the right state of mind so early in the morning.” He reassured you, pressing feather light kisses along your head.
You hummed, getting lazy to respond.
“I’m sorry for getting too drunk.”
Tom shook his head, “No, you deserve to have a few shots and a generous amount of pints. I know work’s been hectic and then we all dragged you out on your free night; it’s the least we can do, seeing as we disturbed your down time.”
You shrugged, “I actually enjoyed going—well from what I can remember. I had a really good time.” You move your head to look at him, “Please tell me I didn’t do anything ridiculous.”
A smile was instantly on Tom’s face, “My favorite was when Harry kept on bringing you drinks and you started to believe that he was a house elf. So you started calling him Dobby.”
“Is that all?” You asked before drifting off to sleep. A faint smile on your lips.
Tom snickered, “You tried to offer him your sock.”
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m0srael · 3 years
Drunk Texts
For the @drarrymicrofic prompt: Love Letter
One balmy night in June, Harry’s lying in bed wide awake--unable to sleep again--when his mobile lights up on the nightstand. The only people who ever contact him on his mobile are Teddy (“All the cool wizards have them these days, Harry, please get one so I can send you memes!”) and Hermione, and neither of them would be texting this late.
Friday, June 6 2008, 1:27 AM
+445195555555: I’ve been hopelessly in love with you since we were sixteen, won’t shut my bloody mouth about you actually, can I take you on a date? I’m still very rich, all things considered, and know all the best restaurants in Wizarding Britain.
+445195555555: Maybe just a shag, then?
Harry: bloody hell, who is this??
Harry: This number is unlisted, I don’t know how you got it but I’m blocking it now. Kindly, fuck off.
+445195555555: WAIT
+445195555555: What do you mean, who is this? I thought muggle mobiles know who you’re talking to already.
Harry: Not if a strange person is texting in the middle of the bloody night from a number I’ve never seen before!
+445195555555: If you don’t want to date me or shag me just say so, Potter. No need to play hard to get and toss around insults
+445195555555: Unless that’s a thing for you, cheeky ;) ;)
Harry: Last chance, tell me who this is or I’m blocking your number.
+445195555555: Draco
+445195555555: Obviously ;)
Harry: Draco...Malfoy?
Harry: You expect me to believe Draco Malfoy is confessing his love and hitting me up for a shag at 1am. On a *muggle* mobile.
+445195555555: Believe it scarhead, now answer the question do you or do you not want to shag me
Harry: Look, you’ve obviously read one too many Prophet articles…
Harry: Somehow found my number...did you confund someone I know??
Harry: And thought that...pretending to be Draco Malfoy, of all people, would entice me to meet up with a total stranger?
+445195555555: Ooh, the logic of it all, Potter ;)
Harry: Stop doing that
+445195555555: what ;) ;)
Harry: The emojis. Malfoy would never use emojis.
+445195555555: You don’t know what I would or wouldn’t do anymore Potter. Would you like to learn? ;)
Harry: Fuck
Harry: Even if I believed you, I’ve never given Draco Malfoy my number. My *muggle* mobile number.
Harry: I’ve never given him my number because Draco Malfoy would never use a *muggle* mobile.
Harry:...among other reasons
+445195555555: Always so preoccupied with blood purity, Potter, haven’t you learned anything?
+445195555555: And there you go again, assuming that you know what I would and would not do
+445195555555: It really would be much more efficient if you just let me demonstrate
Harry: oh my god
Harry: I can’t believe I’m still messaging you
Harry: ffs, you have one chance to convince me that you’re really Malfoy otherwise I’m blocking you immediately
+445195555555: You are a tetchy one, hm?
+445195555555: Fine. You cornered me in a bathroom in 6th bc you were *obsessed* with me and tried to murder me using sectumsempra (which you claimed not to know the effect of, pft) but only because I tried to Crucio you and I would have died if Snape hadn’t found us and cleaned up your mess (again)
+445195555555: They definitely didn’t print THAT in the Prophet. Unfortunately.
Harry: Bloody hell um...okay…
Harry: Look, about that, Malfoy…
Harry: Wait, unfortunately…??
+445195555555: So you see, Potter, it is in fact I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, confessing my love and “hitting you up for a shag at 1am” as you so elegantly put it.
+445195555555: ;)
Harry: Okay. Malfoy, then. Jesus.
Harry: How exactly did you get my number?
Harry: For that matter, when did you get a mobile?
Draco Sodding Malfoy: I got it from Pansy, who got it from Ginny, you recalcitrant twat
Draco Sodding Malfoy: See, I can do the sexy insults thing, too :*
Draco Sodding Malfoy: And if you must know, Potter, I purchased a mobile years ago to stay in contact with my cousin, Teddy. Teddy Lupin. I think you’re acquainted? The little brat refuses to owl, apparently it’s “sooo medieval”.
Harry: Oh. That...actually makes sense. He said the same thing to me.
Harry: Hang on, Teddy isn’t a brat. I thought you two got on rather well…?
Draco Sodding Malfoy: Whatever, the point is I’m mad for you and I never told you because, well, there was the whole war thing and then the whole trial thing, and since then I’ve become a bit of a self-righteous coward. Also, I fancy myself something of a martyr. I think the constant pouting makes my mouth look more kissable, don’t you?
Draco Sodding Malfoy: We could do the dinner thing if we must, or you can just come round mine I can meet you there right now
Harry: Oh. You’re drunk.
Harry: Never pegged you as the type to get sloshed and text your ex-childhood-nemesis for a hookup
Draco Sodding Malfoy: not with that attitude you haven’t
Harry: Hah
Draco Sodding Malfoy: Not drnk
Draco Sodding Malfoy: Honestly, Potter
Draco Sodding Malfoy: Harry
Harry: weird
Draco Sodding Malfoy: I’ve seen the way you watch me when you think I’m not looking. You look at me like some lovesick teenager. Why deny what *literally everyone* can plainly see?
Harry: I do not look at you like a...lovesick teenager, Malfoy.
Draco Sodding Malfoy: Draco ;)
Harry: I do not watch you, DRACO.
Draco Sodding Malfoy: I only notice because I’m watching you too, Harry. All the time. I’ve been watching you for as long as I can remember.
Draco Sodding Malfoy: You’ve practically been the center of my universe since I was eleven years old, for Merlin’s sake. I think about you all the time. I miss you all the time, even when we’re in the same room.
Draco Sodding Malfoy: I mean I LITERALLY do not shut up about you I wasn’t exaggerating about that. It drives Pansy and Blaise, who have the patience and constitutions of actual saints and who are very, very good friends, absolutely mental and they’d like nothing more than to hex my mouth shut permanently.
Harry: um
Draco Sodding Malfoy: Admit it.
Draco Sodding Malfoy: You’ve wondered what it’d be like.
Draco Sodding Malfoy: Imagined it.
Draco Sodding Malfoy: Us
Harry: Malfoy…
Draco Sodding Malfoy: Draco
Harry: Draco…
Draco Sodding Malfoy: Yes, Harry? ;)
Harry: I...could do dinner.
Draco Sodding Malfoy: You could “do” dinner? That’s all, after everything I’ve just said, you can “do” dinner??
Harry: For the love of Merlin
Harry: Fine. You’re right, Draco. I...have wondered
Harry: About us, I mean
Harry: Ahh and actually Draco sometimes when I look at you I just want…
Friday, June 6 2008, 2:15 AM
Draco Sodding Malfoy: what
Draco Sodding Malfoy: you want what
Friday, June 6 2008, 2:48 AM
Draco Sodding Malfoy: harry
Friday, June 6 2008, 3:09 AM
Draco Sodding Malfoy: harry, bloody hell
Saturday, June 7 2008, 6:45 AM
Harry: Draco, I’m so sorry
Saturday, June 7 2008, 8:18 AM
Harry: My mobile died and I didn’t have my charger
Saturday, June 7 2008, 9:23 AM
Harry: Draco
Saturday, June 7 2008, 11:47 AM
Draco Sodding Malfoy: Potter, why on earth are you contacting me so early on a Saturday?
Draco Sodding Malfoy: Scratch that, why are you contacting me at all? Where did you get my number?
Harry: Oh, so you were drunk
Draco Sodding Malfoy: How is my present or past level of intoxication any of your concern?
Draco Sodding Malfoy: Oh.
Draco Sodding Malfoy: No.
Harry: Draco, what’s wrong? What happened?
Harry: Draco…?
Harry: I’m sorry, if I said something…
Harry: Look, YOU’RE the one drunk messaging ME at all hours of the night looking for a shag!
Saturday, June 7 2008, 7:08 PM
Draco Sodding Malfoy: Dear Harry,
Draco Sodding Malfoy: I hereby formally apologize for my previous messages. They are inappropriate and entirely out of line, do forgive me. Although it appears that Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson absconded with my mobile yesterday evening to, “have a bit of fun”, I take full responsibility for what has transpired. Do not report me, or something. I do hope you were not too offended. I will henceforth refrain from contacting you by this, or any other, means. I assure you that my traitorous, juvenile, back-stabbing, inconsiderate, so-called friends have been soundly reprimanded. You may expect their formal apologies via owl, posthaste.
Draco Sodding Malfoy: Apologetically, Draco L. Malfoy
Harry: Wow, uh, ok. I’ve never gotten a formal apology over text before. Did it take you...8 hours to write that?
Harry: And for the record, I knew something was up. We may not be best mates or anything but I know you wouldn’t use emojis like that.
Draco Sodding Malfoy: Oh, bugger off, Potter you had no idea it wasn’t me. You were ready to spill your innermost desires to a stranger on your mobile! Stupid Gryffindor.
Draco Sodding Malfoy: Ah.
Draco Sodding Malfoy: I mean, goodbye! So sorry, again, for the inconvenience! We will never speak again from this moment on!
Harry: Draco, wait
Draco ;): Merlin, what, Potter?
Harry: Harry
Draco ;): No.
Harry: Fine. Look, if you accept full responsibility, does that mean your offer still stands?
Draco ;): What offer?
Draco ;): No. It doesn’t, whatever it is.
Harry: Your offer to take me on a date.
Harry: ;)
Draco ;): Bloody...Potter, that wasn’t MY offer!
Harry: Perhaps not, but I’ve seen the way you watch me when you think I’m not looking...Draco.
Draco ;): Who is this? I’m blocking this number. I’m going to ask Pansy how to block a number.
Harry: Draco, I’m serious.
Saturday, June 7 2008, 9:14 PM
Harry: Draco, I can tell that you didn’t block my number.
Saturday, June 7 2008, 11:47 PM
Harry: Fine.
Harry: Draco, could I take you out for dinner some time? I know someone who knows all the best restaurants in Wizarding Britain.
Draco ;): …..
Harry: ?
Draco ;): If you must
Harry: If I must?
Draco ;): It's true that I'm still rich, all things considered, but you’re paying
Draco ;): ;)
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Heartbreak Ave.
When they’re in love with you but you have feelings for a different member (Hyung line)
→ tags/warnings: SFW, angstyyyyy (like, I’m sorry but at the same time I wanted to write something sad), no, there’s not a happy ending really idk so read at your own heart’s risk, but like really. I was listening to “Manos de Tijera” while writing this so it’s a wee bit heartbreaking
→ a/n: I don’t really write reactions very often but this seemed fun when @sierra-fics​ brought it up! I actually have one of your suggestions in my drafts, just haven’t finished it up yet. Thanks for the push, though! I love exploring different styles!
read the maknae line version here!
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Kim Seokjin
he’s not surprised
it’s probably the worst part for him, the fact that he’s not surprised when your eyes light up as Taehyung waltzes in the room. 
he had been in the middle of plucking up the courage to invite you to try out that new Thai restaurant you’d been chattering about when Tae walked in
and you tried - you really did - to pay attention to what Jin had been saying, but you faltered a bit as Tae greeted you warmly and plopped down beside Jin
and Jin just watched, not surprised. 
although what does surprise him is how much it hurts
that pain where your heart literally, physically hurts? it’s an exquisite pain, one that takes his breath away
and it doesn’t go away
it doesn’t fade
so he ends up in Namjoon’s studio later that night, and Namjoon knows to wait for him to open up
Jin just stares for a while, blankly at the wall
“Does Tae like her?”
Namjoon already knows who he’s referring to. He’s known about Jin’s helpless crush on you for ages, he knew before Jin himself figured it out
but it’s the way that Jin asks the question so softly, so carefully, that Namjoon realizes with a start that this is so much more than a crush
and Jin looks at him, misery clear in his eyes but also clear resolve visible  even as unshed tears glimmer 
“Would you really let her go?” Namjoon counters gently. Because he knows. He knows that if Tae got the green light, you'd be swept up in a matter of seconds.
and it’s the way that Jin stares down at his feet, and the tears begin rolling down his cheeks, that has Namjoon sick to his stomach
Jin nods, and when he speaks, his voice shakes but he sounds so earnest that it breaks Namjoon’s heart
“I’d do anything for her.”
no words are exchanged after that for a long, heart-wrenching moment. it’s just Jin, staring down at his feet and quietly sobbing, and Namjoon, pulling him into an embrace. 
“I’m sorry, hyung.”
it’s surprising to Jin, just how much that soft phrase cuts through him. It sounds so final. 
because at the end of the day, it’s the only solace that can be offered to him. 
he lost. 
he loved, and he lost.
Min Yoongi
you’re sitting beside him in his studio when the realization hits him like a freight train
sprawled sideways in your designated swivel chair while you stifle a yawn and rub your eyes, Yoongi wonders when he let his emotions get so out of hand
because you’re offering him a shy smile and asking him a question that he numbly answers, but on the inside he’s a total clueless mess
when did he fall in love with you?
it’s something that will haunt him long after you leave that night, rushing out when you get a call from Hobi
for the second time that night, he’s hit with another realization
he’s still reeling from the fact that he’s pretty sure he’s in love with you, so when you gasp and grin when your phone light up with a call, he falters
it’s like being doused with a bucket of ice water, the way you whisper, “oh, it’s Hobi!” and politely ask if you can take the call before rushing out into the hallway
“oh,” he mumbles to himself as the door closes. “it’s Hobi.”
and he laughs. 
quietly, darkly. he laughs to himself, at himself, whatever. 
because of course it’s Hobi. his best friend, his vitamin. you two deserve each other. of that much he’s certain. 
he doesn’t waste too much time feeling sorry for himself; he’s logical enough to see that you two are probably a better match. it’s nothing personal.
so why does he stay in his studio all night, ignoring any calls or messages sent his way?
he’s not sure when he fell asleep, but next thing he knows he’s sprawled out on his little couch and you’re gently shaking him awake
“Yoongo? Did you stay here last night?”
his eyes crack open at the sound of your voice, just enough to be met with your sweet smile
and he, in his half-asleep state, smiles back. he reaches one hand up to gently brush back a strand of your hair, and he swears you lean into his touch
and when you mumble something about Hobi bringing breakfast up, Yoongi is hit with the third realization in less that twenty-four hours.
it’s startlingly simple: 
he wants to cry. 
so he excuses himself to the bathroom, and cries. sets a five minute timer so nobody gets worried and comes looking for him, and allows himself that time to cry. 
then, with machine-like precision, he washes his face and puts some eyedrops in, and goes back out to pretend like everything is fine.
and whenever Jin or Taehyung bring up acting, Yoongi knows. He knows, deep down, that he’s the best actor of all. 
because he still loves you
and you will never know.
Jung Hoseok
hobi has never been the most forthcoming with his emotions
he keeps them on lockdown
monitors them with military-like focus
so he knows the exact moment he begins developing feelings for you
(it’s when you brought Bang PD a bouquet for valentine’s day, just to make him blush)
and he knows the exact second when he fell in love
(it was when, after a grueling day at work, you silently walked through his door with his favorite goodies and left without a single word)
(you were wearing a yellow cardigan that day)
(he’s never looked at the color yellow the same way)
if he’s completely honest, he’s sometimes trying so hard to stay on top of his own feelings that he forgets to watch out for where your attention may be drifting
to be fair, you kept your own little crush on Jimin a secret
so when Hobi decides to get over himself and just shoot his shot, he decides he’s all in
and when you arrive at his apartment that night for a movie, you’re shocked to see a bouquet of yellow flowers in Hobi’s shaking hands
“hey” he breathes
you stare at the flowers, then at him
“hello...?” then, with a sinking felling, you point at the flowers. “are those for me?”
hobi smiles broadly. “yeah, they are.” and he hands them to you, allowing his fingers to brush up against yours 
it’s electrifying, that small touch
and again, he’s so focused on how electrifying it is that he misses the way you look like you might be sick
pale face, concerned expression
he misses it all, because he’s so nervous but so stupidly in love that he’s just barreling ahead.
gotta get this out of the way
ugh, feelings
and so when he leads you to sit with him out on the balcony, he takes a deep breath and looks at you with wonder in his eyes
and that’s when he notices the way you’re fiddling with your bracelet
not a problem, except for the fact that it’s the one he saw Jimin carefully choosing from an online collection
so when you keep fiddling with the bracelet and avoiding Hobi’s eye contact, he gets it
he takes a long look at all those emotions he keeps in check, and allows himself a moment of self-pity before reaching out and laying a hand atop your own
you immediately stop fidgeting and look at him with wide eyes. he can see with a pang how you’re trying to come up with the best way to let him down easy
so he does the job for you
“I just wanted to say thank you for the other day,” he says, forcing a light tone. “when you brought me those goodies after work. It really meant a lot.”
you blink, confused. “Oh. uh, you’re welcome.”
“and,” he drawls, a well-rehearsed smile clawing its way onto his face, “I wanted to snoop and get the inside scoop about Jiminie. I know he got you that bracelet. did he finally cave and confess to you?”
you look shocked, but you burst out into relieved laughter. “how did you know?”
he didn’t. “how could I not? he’s absolutely whipped.”
and you blush under the stars and begin to ramble, lost in your excitement and joy. 
and Hobi watches. smiling. supportive. laughing at the right spots and asking all the right questions. 
later, when you give him a tight hug and thank him for the fun night, he lets the words sting as you call him “such a great friend.” he lets them sting, relishing in the pain. 
he reminds you to take your flowers home, and you begrudgingly admit that they’re your favorite type of flower. 
he didn’t know. but that hurts, too. the fact that he got it right. 
Hobi never looks at the color yellow the same way again.
Kim Namjoon
he’s told you he loves you a million times now
every night, in every dream, he tells you how much he loves you
adores you with everything he is
you manage to find your way into his music, his musings, every piece of artwork he comes across
he's never been like this before
never, he’s sure of it
and everyone knows, except for you.
it becomes a strange game for the boys to play, dropping hints at every opportunity, laughing at your confused expression
Jungkook and Taehyung especially enjoy the chaos that they create, making Namjoon groan and grow embarrassed
but you have no idea
or are you just willfully ignorant?
all Namjoon knows is that he’s swimming in his feelings for you, completely lost and on the verge of drowning
but, oh, what a way to die
he’s never been able to stop himself when it comes to you
and he considers himself rather disciplined, but the way you make him feel he could throw caution to the wind and give it all up
so when you end up staying late one night at the apartment, the boys manage to convince you to stay
“there’s plenty of room” Jungkook muses, feigning deep thought. “besides, it’s too late for you to drive back tonight. just stay.”
and while Namjoon wants to kill them all for the way they offer up his bed to you, he thinks he might actually die when you reluctantly agree with a yawn
he knows he should offer to take the couch, but something stops him
it’s like he physically can’t
“I don’t mind sharing the bed” you state, squinting at him while wearing his basketball shorts and oversized t-shirt. 
you look adorable. he’s unsure of how he’s even functioning right now, to be honest. he’s melting.
“just keep your snoring in check, loser”
and he’s back to laughing, turning off the light and hopping into bed
you’re so far away
why are you so far away?
“hey” he whispers, the sound so loud in the quiet. the only other sound is the muffled voices of the other members, no doubt down in the kitchen gossiping about the events of the night
“hey yourself” you whisper back, turning to face him
he can see you in the moonlight, his eyes having adjusted just enough.
and he wants to kiss you so badly
so he smiles, heart leaping when you smile back
and he reaches out, gently tracing your jawline. 
you say nothing, heart thundering in your chest
because to be honest, you’re confused 
why is he looking at you like that?
but you don’t ask as Namjoon takes a deep breath, steadying himself before propping himself up on one elbow and looking down at you with an adoring expression
your eyes flutter closed as he brushes his thumb against your cheek, and he can feel your heartbeat racing
your reaction gives him all the courage he needs as he leans down, lips capturing your own in a long, sweet kiss
and he’s going out of his mind because he finally kissed you, didn’t he?! finally!! 
but those are your hands on his chest, and instead of pulling him in closer you’re gently pushing him away
he’s never hated his name so much.
“I’m so sorry- I- I thought that maybe-” he stutters, pulling himself upright as you do the same, and he launches out of bed, hands in his hair “I’m so sorry, I swear I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable-”
“Namjoon.” you repeat, and he notices now how utterly distraught you look. 
because you’re still confused, but there’s one name rolling around in your head even as you can still taste namjoon on your lips. 
“I...” you shake your head, unsure of what to say. “It’s just...”
and he’s looking at you with big eyes, taking in every single word you say. and you want to take it all back, want to let him kiss you until you’re breathless, but your heart won’t let you. 
“Just what?” he asks quietly, afraid of the answer. so afraid
two syllables, and his world comes crashing down around him. 
namjoon is silent, avoiding your gaze as he grabs one of the pillows off of the bed and a spare blanket, heading toward the door. 
“I’ll sleep on the couch. I’m sorry.”
and he’s gone before you can utter another word. 
sure enough, the boys are still downstairs, and they all fall silent as Namjoon appears, throwing the pillow down on the couch. 
“Hyung!” Jungkook asks, scrambling over. “Hyung, what happened? What are you doing down here?”
Namjoon can’t bring himself to look at the maknae, not when he can still picture how it felt to kiss you. not when those few seconds of paradise are still on his lips. 
“Didn’t wanna wake her up with my snoring.”
because how could he ever be angry at the boy that looks at him like he’s his savior?
m.list || buy me an orange juice?
thanks for reading! if you enjoyed, please consider reblogging so other people can read it! 💖
taglist: @baepsaetay​ @dreamcatcherjiah​ @kookie-vuitton​ @thecaffeinatedscribbles @moon-write​ @fangirl125reader​ @heishichoulevi@knjkitten​ @sacha-cff​ @vik7797  @eusticenatalie​ @hesmyphenominiall​@miriamxsworld​​ @kayahay​ @secretlycrazyhummingbird​ @marianeamine​@hqtetsurou​ @protontippens​ @beginwithamin​ @limiworld​  @jeonyoongi-jimin @buttvi​ @yoontaethings​ @sunshinejunghoseokie​ @delacyrose224​@jiminiesmagicshop​ @hitsussi @fanfictonreader05 @hyungieyoongi​ @lolalee24​
all rights reserved © alpacaparkaseok
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firelightfoxes · 2 years
lichen stuff!
we are still sleeping through the night except for needing to potty, which is understandable for a puppy bladder. this morning i took her to potty when i woke up, and put her back in her crate for another hour so i could sleep more. she was awake pretty much the whole time but stayed quiet which is awesome.
she did pretty good with pottying today, in fact this morning she went straight to the door and when i let her out she peed and pooped right away which is awesome! hopefully she’s consistently learning where to go when she needs to go. unfortunately we had one (1) tiny accident today (it was literally like one drop of pee) after she got the zoomies. but overall we have like a 90% success rate with pottying so i’m not letting that discourage me.
for a good portion of the morning/afternoon she napped next to me on the couch, occasionally waking up to chew on her toys.
we also went on our first walk! i carried her because parvo is pretty bad in my area, but we went on one of our routes with Ava. she was amazing being carried, didn’t fuss at all, was taking in the sights, sounds and smells without seeming overwhelmed. just a quiet gal in my arms
she did have some moments after her walk when i think she was overtired (we did some training with her kibble and then i tried to get her to potty but she didn’t want to go so she was annoyed). this resulted in her getting a bit barky/snappy with Ava but also Ava is gigantic to her so i think she’s feeling intimidated. i’m gonna restrict their interactions more to make sure she feels more comfortable. Ava is being such a sweetheart with her and i don’t want her to have negative experiences of getting barked or snapped at.
after i let her rest she wanted to play so my partner and i played tug with her and tossed the toy back and forth to each other so she got to run too. when she seemed tired i put her in her pen. she made AT MOST three (3) peeps in protest, before passing out. she woke up and whined and when i took her out, she peed (yay!) then she went right back to sleep. i woke her up a while ago to do one last potty before i moved her to the crate for the night but she didn’t need to go. she didn’t cry at all after i put her in the crate and she’s been quiet for the last 2 hours or so.
emotionally, i am still coping with the wide range of emotions one experiences when bringing in a new puppy. my home is very precious to me and it’s hard for me to adjust to significant changes, so it’s been a bit of a challenge for me mentally. but, Lichen is such a wonderful puppy so far and i’m really excited for the dog she’ll become, so i’m hanging in there!
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ghostlywritten · 3 years
If Only I Had Stayed In The Shadows - Chapter Thirteen
James Potter x OC
A/N: This is more of a short interlude to explain James' thought on everything and a quick pre-taste on Cec's state of mind. I hope, you enjoy. Thank you for all your reviews and thoughts on it.
Words: 2k
Prologue  Chapter One   Chapter Two  Chapter Three  Chapter Four  Chapter Five  Chapter Six  Chapter Seven  Chapter Eight  Chapter Nine  Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve
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James Potter was restless. He was giddy, he was elated, he was happy. The love of his life had said 'yes' to him! Or would have said 'yes' to him! Same difference. His brown eyes stared wide and awake at burgundy red canopy of his bed. He couldn't find any sleep within him. Not with the amazing revelation that he had discovered no longer than a few hours ago. Or was it only an hour ago?
He had lost any sense of time.
'It did not get me to say yes back then, but...'
'If I had known this side of you before, I might have agreed.'
'To- you know.'
'To going out with me', James thought, smiling as his heart burst in happiness. 'It worked exactly as I had planned. No, as Sirius had planned.' He remembered the party back then, when he tried the new tactic of 'being civil' and Sirius had suggested to take it up a notch. 'He was right all along.' The messy-haired boy turned his head towards the bed, where his best mate's form was sleeping peacefully and jumped up, promptly throwing himself on him.
"What-where-who?!" Sirius spluttered, drool dripping from the corner of his mouth. James couldn't even think about how disgusting that was as he took his head and started planting multiple kisses wherever he could reach. "Oi Prongs, what-"
"Pads, you are the bestest mate any mate could ever ask for," James said word for word between every kiss. Sirius laughed, a smile reaching his eyes as he noticed how happy his brother in all but blood was.
"Of course I am," he boasted, "What made you finally realise it though?" James dropped himself down next to him, facing him with a blissful sigh. "Did you dream about me saving your life or something?"
"Yeah, something like that," James grinned, his eyes lit up and Sirius' smile widened, appreciating how infectious his good mood was. "You won't believe what happened today."
"Have you finally realised that I'm the better Quidditch player than you and are here to congratulate me?" Sirius guessed jokingly.
"Wha- no! Be sirius!" Sirius opened his mouth. "No, don't go there!"
"Wow," the grey-eyed boy chuckled, "you won't even let me do my signature joke. This must be big."
"It is," James looked at him with wide excited eyes, "You won't believe what Lily said to me today!"
Sirius blinked at him. "Evans?"
"Yes, Lily Evans," James replied impatiently, wondering if his best mate got hit on the head whilst Sirius wondered when the last time had been that he had mentioned her. "We talked today after studying and she literally told me that she would say 'yes' to me asking her out!"
Sirius' mouth opened but he was speechless. "What?" he cleared his throat, feeling dread creep up on him.
James giggled - actually giggled - in delight. "She said, if she had known this side of me that I've been showing her lately she would have said 'yes', Sirius! How bloody amazing is that!"
"Yeah, really amazing," Sirius said half-heartedly before looking at his mate grinning to himself in bliss, "But I mean, it doesn't matter anymore anyways, right?"
"Why? What do you mean?" James asked him confused and Sirius stared at him as if he were crazy. "Because you are with Cec now? You know, your girlfriend?!"
James' smile faded as he thought of his current girlfriend. "Yeah, Cec is the only hindrance right now. Lily will surely say yes when I'm not taken anymore."
Sirius stared at him in disbelief. "So, you're just gonna disregard her like that? Throw her away now that the red-head has finally decided to pay attention to you?"
James furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't understand why you are so surprised. This was the plan all along. Your plan, Pads." Sirius' heart dropped as he realised what his mate meant. 'I'm just saying that if you want this new tactic to work and make it actually believable you will have to go out with someone else. You know, make her see what she is missing and what she could have had…make her come to you.' "I thought you would be happy about this," James continued to ramble, feeling his elation deflate the more he thought about Cec himself. 'She will understand.'
"That- bloody hell, James," Sirius said, frustration clear in his voice, "I only said that so you would finally get your head out of Evan's ass and move on."
James frowned. "How would that have happened with that plan in mind?"
"I don't know, I thought you would bloody forget about the plan," Sirius sat, sitting up as he got more agitated, "Hell, I forgot about it long ago." James raised himself up as well, opening his mouth but his best mate cut him off, "I didn't think you would go along with the relationship for so long just for the slightest possibility that Evans would say yes to you. You were freaking together for almost a year."
"Eight months," James corrected, causing him to roll his eyes, "And of course, I didn't forget about the plan. It was the reason why I got together with Cec in the first place."
"Yeah, but I didn't think you were faking it this whole time."
"I wasn't faking it!" Sirius raised an eyebrow and James shook his head, confused why that had been his immediate reaction to the accusation, "I mean, I wasn't really faking it. I like Cec, but as a friend."
Sirius snorted, "Sure, your snogging sessions in every corner in this school was just friendly."
"That was just...practice-"
"Sure, it was."
"-for when I'm finally with Lily."
"James, you sound like a real dick right now," Sirius said deadpanned. James sighed frustrated, all the happiness gone. "I don't get it. You were all for it at first. Even came up with the bloody plan." He stilled as he watched his grey eyes flash with guilt and calmed down. "What changed your mind now?"
"Just...Cec is a great girl. And she made you great, too," Sirius said simply and he shot him a surprised look, "She made you reflect on everything more, think more about your future and what you're gonna do. We all started talking more about serious stuff and not just about who we are going to prank next."
"We didn't only do that!" James protested and Sirius sighed tiredly, "No, of course not. But most of the time."
James stayed quiet for a thoughtful second before remarked, "She is a good listener."
"And good with advices," Sirius added.
"And good in comforting."
"And good in lightening up the mood...conversations are always easy with her," James continued and Sirius watched him silently as he noted his chocolate brown eyes glaze over as he remembered all the times with her, "Even silences are comfortable with her. And she is a bloody good Quidditch player. I bet you my life that the Montrose Magpies will recruit her some day...," James trailed off, her smiling face clear in his mind, "...yeah, she is great friend." Sirius groaned, hitting his face with his palm.
"What?" James asked, blinking.
"How can you still consider her with all the things you've just listed?" Sirius said exasperated.
"Sirius, I would bloody say all that about you as well," James countered back, causing his grey eyes to soften, "Except for the thing with the Montrose Magpies. You are not that good of a Quidditch player." Sirius scoffed, punching his arm lightly and they chuckled quietly together. "But you see what I mean. I consider Cec as a friend, a very good friend."
Sirius sighed in defeat. "And Lily," James continued, a besotted smile gracing his features, "She's just the light of my life. She is so beautiful and smart and always knows what to say. And she is funny-"
"Alright, alright. I get it," Sirius cut him off, dreading his long-ass speeches about Evans that he had not missed at all in the past months. "So, what are you gonna do now?"
"Well, explain everything to Cec, break up and then ask Lily out. Duh."
"She's so going to hate you for this," Sirius remarked. 'And me, too,' he thought, feeling his heart clench at the thought.
"Who? Lily?"
"No, Cec."
"No," James declined easily, settling back on the mattress with his arms behind his head, "She might get angry, but she will understand." 'She will.' "She always understands me."
"If you say so," Sirius said doubtfully, lying down next to him.
James listened to the breaths of his friends in the silent night, thoughts racing through his mind. Of all the times they had sat together in front of the fireplace in the common room, talking for hours on end. Of the dates they had in Hogsmeade, in the kitchens, anywhere on the Hogwarts grounds. Of her warm and loving gaze only directed at him, making him feel at peace and appreciated. Yeah...she will understand.
I sat, staring blankly into the darkness. It was probably way past midnight, maybe even the early morning. Or maybe just an hour had passed since I was hit with the crushing revelation.
I had lost any sense of time.
'It was just an act.'
'We look like we are besotted with each other.'
'James, you dumb asshole,' I thought numbly, only just realising the tears that had welled up and spilled over my cheeks, now that I was engulfed in darkness. I sniffed. 'You stupid, bloody asshole.'
Taking a shuddering breath I thought back on every single moment, wondering if there had been any sign - just a little one - that could have warned me. The sudden interest in me perhaps? I mean, I had been suspicious in his sudden disregard in Lily, but somewhere along the line I had let myself fall into the trap and started dating him. 'I should have persisted more. Maybe he would have told me of this blasted plan and spared me of what I'm feeling right now.' I closed my eyes, pressing a hand against my chest in hopes that it would somehow shield the hurting, beating organ from feeling any pain. An overwhelming pain that was starting to constrict my throat.
Opening my eyes, I desperately looked for any kind of distraction, seeing only a bed, dark tall walls and a few windows in the wish room Sirius had shown me not long ago.
'Sirius!' I bit the inside of my cheek as another painful wave hit me. Had he known about James' plan to use my oblivious self for his own selfish reasons, regardless of what would happen to me?
They were best friends, I would be surprised if he hadn't known.
A whimper escaped me as I staggered up and trudged towards the bed, dropping myself on it and curling up into the ball as tight as I could.
How life-changing a few seconds could be..
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