#i was never the col kid
mollyolikeme · 1 month
90's kids:
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leatherbookmark · 10 months
there was a poll about root beer, but i'm curious about
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this baby.
as opposed to root beer, kvass can't be easily connected to one specific country; instead, there are many regions and cuisines associated with it. therefore, to make the poll easier, the regions whose cuisines are associated with kvass (belarussian, estonian, latvian, lithuanian, polish, russian, ukrainian, and uyghur, and also finnish and swedish because the wikipedia article also lists them) shall be the Kvass Regions™.
originally i had separate options for "i like/love it" and "i'm ambivalent"=if there was no other option, i'd drink it, but i don't actively choose it out of other beverages" but it looked like Too Many Options for me, so now "like it just fine" = both "i love it" and "eh, drinkable". yeah i'm shamelessly copying the root beer poll u_u
elaborate on your opinion in the tags, if you desire so!
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ur-humble-overlord · 27 days
i love when everyone gets all starry eyed when i say where i live like i dont hate it with every fiber of my being. "[redacted name of large city in the US]? really?" no girl you mean Unfortunately
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lemonlover1110 · 1 year
Satoru Gojo
[Chapter 1] Ikebana
Story Masterlist - Next Chapter →
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f!Reader
Chapter Warnings: MDNI, Smut, Morning Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Handjob, Spitting, Praise Kink, Vaginal Sex, Creampie, Breeding Kink, Oral Sex (f. receiving), Shower Sex, Death (Not Major), Slight Angst, Fluff
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Satoru doesn’t remember much about his childhood– Not the parts that didn’t involve you anyway. He remembers playing with you when you were kids, but apart from that, he can only remember pivotal moments. Important moments that to no surprise, always managed to involve you.
When Satoru was five, he walked into his kitchen with a scraped knee, searching for help from someone that worked around the house. That’s when he saw a girl around his age, and he got excited. So excited that he forgot about his scraped knee. The girl hadn’t noticed him though, as she tried to get her mother’s attention. 
“Hi! I’m Satoru” were his first words to her. That’s when you turned to see him, and you like to think that a beautiful friendship blossomed.
Satoru never really understood why you lived there, or why his parents never acknowledged you when you two played together. They’d address Suguru, one of his closest friends, or literally anyone else that would come over from school. Just not you, even though you’d play together every afternoon.
When Satoru was seven, he understood that your mother was a servant and lived in the servants’ quarters along with the other people that worked in the house. Satoru didn’t quite understand how important his family was or how rich they were at that time. 
When Satoru was eight, he was turning into a spoiled brat. He was already spoiled before but he wasn’t quite a brat. He’d throw tantrums more often, and not only was he rude to his friends, but especially to you. That attitude went on for months until you said,
“I don’t want to play with you anymore.” which made Satoru realize that maybe he wasn’t being the best person to his friends. That same afternoon you received your first flower. A lily that he picked out from his mother’s garden, something that if she knew, she’d be livid. That was the first time Satoru ever apologized to anyone, and the first time he gave a girl a flower.
When Satoru was ten, he remembers how his parents started to argue about topics he didn’t quite understand. He just remembered being uncomfortable as he heard their aggravating yelling, and feeling embarrassed because you’d be there playing with him. As an adult, Satoru wonders why they decided to argue so close to his room when they lived in a literal mansion. He guesses it’s not their fault that their bedroom was right by Satoru’s. But in the end, Satoru is grateful because you decided to help Satoru out by dragging him out of the room.
He remembers being annoyed at first, claiming he didn’t want to play outside. The playroom was close to his parents’ bedroom as well. There was nowhere he seemed where he could escape, although the house had a multitude of rooms. You dragged him to your mother’s room and showed him the few toys you had. You still had fun, and Satoru was able to forget about his parents’ problems.
When Satoru was eleven, he begged his father to allow you to go to school with him. The problem was that he went to a private school, and the tuition was something your mother could definitely not afford. But he begged and begged until his father finally pulled some strings and got you into the school, and the Gojo family paid for your school’s tuition.
When Satoru was twelve, his father’s work was in vain. Satoru’s group of friends didn’t really like him hanging out with someone else so much while at school, especially a girl who was just the daughter of a servant. Satoru got defensive about it at first, until he wasn’t. He stopped hanging out with you at school, ignoring you at lunch or whenever you found yourselves in the classroom together. You didn’t understand Satoru’s cold behavior until you heard one of his friends talk about you to him.
“Why do you even keep looking at her? She’s probably all dirty.” And those words broke your heart. You knew what he meant. You also remembered Satoru not saying anything. 
You didn’t try to talk to him back at his home, and he really didn’t mind. From that moment on, your friendship deteriorated since Satoru wouldn’t try to talk to you, locking himself in his bedroom.
When Satoru was thirteen, he thought he got his first crush. It was one of your friends from school, he recalls her name being Shoko. He found her cute, and thought about asking for your help to ask her out, but you two didn’t talk anymore. You didn’t acknowledge each other, even though you went home together. 
When Satoru was fifteen, he no longer had a crush on Shoko. He doesn’t know if he ever actually liked her or if he just liked the fact that she was so close to you. Satoru found himself missing the friendship you had, wondering how he could get it back. It had been three years since it came to an end. He didn’t know how to get that friendship back. During the summer, he did the same thing that he did when he was eight years old: picked lilies from his mother’s garden and gave them to you. That was the second time that you got flowers.
“Hey!” Satoru yelled when he spotted you walking around the backyard. It confused you because Satoru doesn’t talk to you anymore.  What confused you even more was Satoru holding two flowers from his mother’s garden. He walked up to you, and you stared, trying to figure out what he’s planning.
“Mr. Gojo… What do you need?” You asked him. He extended his arm, attempting to hand you the flowers. But you didn’t take them.
“I want to apologize. I haven’t been… the best person to you. You were my best friend for seven years and now I don’t even know your interests. All because I listened to some stupid boys.” He said, and you pouted. You took the flowers from him before you wrapped your arms around him. “I miss you as my friend.”
“I miss you too, Satoru.”
A friendship formed again, but it wasn’t quite like the one you had ten years ago.
When Satoru was sixteen– Sixteen was a weird year for Satoru. He had gotten his friendship with you back, yet it was awkward. Not because you missed being friends with each other for three years, but more because Satoru had some weird feelings toward you. He thought it was just tension because of his past behavior, but he realized how upset he got when Suguru confessed that he had a crush on you.
“Why do you even like her?” Satoru immediately asked, his blood boiling. The moment those words left his lips, Satoru knew that the reason everything was so weird was because he liked you. When he was sixteen, Satoru finally realized he liked you.
When Satoru was seventeen, he fell in love. He fell in love with the way you expressed yourself, the way you dressed, your interests. He loved the way your face lit up whenever he asked about what you liked. The way you excitedly spoke and stumbled over words. It’s creepy to even say that he loved the way you smelled. Yet Satoru never bothered to confess, scared to be rejected, also because his best friend still liked you.
When Satoru turned eighteen, he got tipsy on his birthday. Even though he invited you to the party, you didn’t show up. You chose to spend the night with your mother because in the end, you wouldn’t fit in with Satoru and his friends. 
He wasn’t having the fun he planned on having, he was just thinking about you. He knew you were around, but he didn’t want to drag you out of your room to spend time with people you don’t like that much. He debated on not celebrating at all, but then he realized how suspicious it’d end up being. He didn’t want you to realize how he liked you. 
His plan was to move on past it all, although it was hard because he was literally so in love with you. The thought of you with anyone else made him sick. He just didn’t know how to tell you, fearful of rejection. He tried to have fun, drinking along with his friends. 
“Satoru, where are you going?!” Suguru yelled as Satoru began to walk away from everyone else, heading to the servants’ quarter. Suguru thought about following him, but he stayed behind when he was approached by some of his friends. Satoru just had a single thought in mind. You.
He remembered your mother’s room clearly, it was the third door to the left. He was about to knock, but he paused. Then he heard your voice, and he wondered if he was hallucinating until he turned and saw you.
“That’s not my room anymore. My mom asked your mother if I could have a separate room… Around five years ago.” You told him as he slowly walked towards you. You stood confused because he didn’t bother to speak. Until his hands cupped your face and he looked down at you. His gaze shifted from your eyes to your lips.
“I don’t think I’ve ever told you how beautiful you are.” He began, and you looked up at him– At first utterly confused. But it hit you. Pretty quickly you realized why Satoru was so distant. You then thought that you were thinking way too highly about yourself, especially when the breath of alcohol passed your nose. 
“Satoru… You’re drunk. You should go to bed. I can tell everyone else to go home.” You offered while Satoru smiled.
“Drunk? No way. Maybe just a little tipsy.” He dragged out his words and you’d be laughing if his hands weren’t on your face. He forced you to look at him, and his face got closer and closer to yours. “I just want to kiss you right now.”
“You’re really confident.” You responded. Satoru has never exerted this type of confidence before. 
“May I kiss you?” He questioned, and your face got warm at his question. Your gaze lingered on his glossy pink lips, and you wanted to accept. But you knew better because Satoru isn’t in his right state of mind. Maybe he wasn’t drunk but he was definitely leaning more toward being drunk than sober. 
“You’re not thinking straight.” You said. “Don’t do something you’ll regret, Satoru. I can put you to bed.”
“I’m not a child– I know what I’m doing.” He answered. He licked his lips, while he continued to look down at your lips. “Please.”
“Why would you even want to do that?” You asked, blinking slowly as you watched Satoru. Satoru bit down on his lip as he tried to come up with an answer. Maybe he’s tipsy, but he isn’t dumb enough to humiliate himself like– He’s no better than that.
“Because I love you. I love you so much.” And with that, Satoru kissed you. It wasn’t his first kiss, but it was for sure the most memorable one of his life. He knew he’d regret it the next day, but he couldn’t live his life without at least having kissed your sugary soft lips once in his lifetime. Even if everything ended up awkward between the two of you.
When Satoru turned eighteen, he ruined his friendship with you. But in the end, it all worked out. He ruined his friendship because you ended up as his girlfriend instead, which is more than he could’ve asked. At eighteen, Satoru got his greatest gift.
And now, Satoru is twenty-one, thinking about proposing to his girlfriend. You’re no longer eighteen, so of course a lot of things have changed. Instead of staying in the Gojo house, you’re now hours away at college, while Satoru finishes a useless degree at the best university in the world. 
He’s so close to finishing his degree, but time seems endless when he’s in a different country from you. He can’t wait till he gets to wake up each morning next to you, it feels like that day isn’t soon enough.
“How’s school, baby? Nothing too stressful I hope.” Satoru says, looking at the small device in front of him that displays your face. It really does you no justice. He’d give just about anything to be with you right now, but he’ll be flying you out soon so you’ll spend some quality time together. The more time you spend apart, the more romantic your reunion ends up being.
“Annoying. Boring. Stressful.” You list, and he chuckles. “I can’t wait to see you, baby. It’s what motivates me nowadays.”
“Aw, I’m flattered. It’s the same with me though. I’m just thinking about you all day and night. I can’t wait to see your pretty little face.” He tells you.
“You’re seeing me right now, aren’t you?” You respond, and he ends up rolling his eyes before he laughs. Every time you call each other, you talk on the phone for hours, and Satoru never gets bored of it. Usually, the call ends with one of you falling asleep, and this time it ended up with you falling asleep.
“I love you.” Satoru says, his eyes droopy as he hangs up the call. He smiles, thinking about spending the rest of his life with you. He can’t wait to propose, just thinking about giving you the ring he bought for you. 
He succumbs to slumber, not hearing as the phone rings. He doesn’t return the call the next day either, assuming that his parents don’t have anything important to say. They never do.
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Satoru waits eagerly at the airport, his eyes looking around to find his love with her luggage. You texted him when you were on the plane, and texted him once you landed, so it’s now a matter of time for him to find you. He anxiously glances at his phone every thirty seconds, waiting for you to send him a text. He’s hoping that you’re okay and you haven’t gotten lost.
“Satoru!” You yell, and Satoru’s eyes brighten up as a smile overcomes his face. He waits for you with open arms, and you run to wrap your arms around him. Two months since your last encounter, your lips meet his in a sweet kiss. He doesn’t want to pull away, but he knows he has to before he ends up doing something that he shouldn’t be doing in an airport. 
“My love, how was your flight?” He asks, taking the luggage from your hands so you can walk without having to carry anything heavy. You begin to walk toward the elevator.
“It was good. There was a baby crying the whole way here though, I was a bit annoyed not gonna lie.” You share, and Satoru almost laughs, but he feels as if it’d end up insensitive. He offered to get his parents’ jet, but you refused. You don’t want to shove the relationship in their faces, knowing that they don’t like you– His father does, however, Mrs. Gojo doesn’t.
“You have all day to rest. But tomorrow we have our schedule all packed.” Satoru says, causing you to groan. You get into the elevator and Satoru clicks on the third floor to go to the floor he parked at.
“I’ve barely landed and you’re already making me think about work–”
“It’s not work if it’s fun… Unless you don’t like getting massages.” He cuts you off, and you quickly change your mind. You were wrong. “You know I’m not going to make you work while you’re with me. Ever.”
“Then why am I getting a degree?” You question as the two of you exit the elevator and begin to walk to Satoru’s car. 
“To kill time before you can officially become Mrs. Gojo.” He answers, and you fight back a smile as you think about the possibility of marrying Gojo. When you were thirteen, you liked him, but you thought that getting with him was impossible. Now he gets on your nerves because he can’t stop saying how much he loves you.
“Why do you think I’d change my last name?” You ask as he opens the passenger door for you. You get in and he leans down to peck your lips before he says,
“Why would you pass up on the opportunity of becoming Mrs. Gojo?” He replies, and before you can say anything, he closes the door. You weren’t going to say anything anyway, you don’t want to offend his mom by saying that you’re afraid that by getting the last name, you’ll end up like her. Satoru knows that his mother isn’t the easiest of the bunch and he often complains about her, but you doubt that he’ll like hearing you complaining about her.
You check your phone while Satoru puts your luggage in the trunk. You don’t have many messages except the ones from your mother asking you how the flight was. You begin to text her back while Satoru gets in the driver’s side and turns on the car.
“Are you hungry?” Satoru asks and you shake your head. “Are you sure? I don’t have anything that you can snack on at home.”
“You don’t have to lie to me.” You answer. You know that Satoru frantically went shopping the previous day, and if he didn’t have anything, he’d order anything for you. He squeezes your thigh as he begins to drive.
“I just want to make sure you eat something before getting home. It’s an hour-long drive.” He informs you, and you still shake your head before you kiss his cheek.
“Thank you for caring about me.” You tell him. He grins from ear to ear. “Right now, all I want to do is take a nap.”
“You can nap while we drive back to my apartment. Then you can sleep for the whole afternoon.” He says, his hand caressing your thigh.
“I want to spend some time with you though.”
“We have all week to do that. Sleep a little bit.” He responds. You don’t have to hear him twice before your eyes shut and allow yourself to relax for the rest of the ride.
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When you wake up, you’re in Satoru’s soft bed, and the sun isn’t out anymore. You slept the whole afternoon. You were barely awake while walking from the car to the elevator, and from the elevator to his apartment. You fell asleep on Satoru’s couch, and he carried you to his bedroom.
You see light coming from the bottom of the door, and you stand up and walk towards the door. The aroma of the food he’s cooking fills up the area, and it brings you to smile, knowing that he’s cooking something up. He usually tells you about the great meals that he’s learned how to cook, and you never believe him. Every time you’re reunited, he’s usually back at his house so he can’t cook for you, but he finally has the opportunity to show off his skills, so he’ll do so.
You walk to the kitchen to find him cutting up some tomatoes for dinner. You walk over to him, trying to be as quiet as possible since he hasn’t noticed you yet. You love scaring Satoru, and you’ll take every chance you can take to do it. You wrap your arms around him, hugging him from behind. He jumps up a little, startled. You kiss his shoulder before you say, “I was dreaming about you…”
“Really? Was I shirtless? I hope so.” He says, causing you to laugh. “Dinner is almost ready.”
“Good. I’m starving.” You tell him. “Where’s everything? I want to start setting the table.”
“You can sit down and watch some TV. You’re not lifting a finger this whole week.” Satoru tells you, and you certainly can’t complain. You never have had the chance to sit back and relax, and since your boyfriend wants to give you that opportunity, you’ll take it. “I still haven’t made reservations for tomorrow’s dinner, do you want anything specific?”
“I really haven’t thought about anything. You can pick.” You answer. You surf through channels, trying to find something that you’re entertained by, and when you finally find the right one, Satoru announces,
“Everything is set. You can come now.”
You stand up and walk over to the table and take a seat. You look at the food and your stomach growls at the sight, causing Satoru to chuckle. He serves your food while you comment on how delicious everything looks.
“I have so much for us planned.” Satoru shares as he passes you your plate. You begin to eat without waiting for him, simply too hungry to wait for him. He laughs, seeing how eager you are to eat. “I’m not sure if we’re going to do it all.”
“Why not?” You ask, genuinely curious.
“Do you really think we’re getting out of the house much when you’re not so tired?” Satoru asks, and you feel your face warm up. You sheepishly smile at him, then you focus on your food to try, trying to hide your embarrassment. He notices and tries to change the topic, “I’ll be visiting home soon too.”
“Really? I can’t wait. One week isn’t enough.” You say. “You should come by more often.”
“Staying home isn’t that fun, baby. First day is fine but then my mom gets annoying.” He responds. “When I move back I’ll get an apartment for the two of us. Or maybe a house so we can start a family right away.”
“A family? Aren’t we too young?” You question, and he chuckles. If only you knew all the plans he has already made in his head, all of them to be completed within five years. “Not that I’m opposed–”
“If it were up to me we’d get married tomorrow.” He interrupts you. “But of course, we have to give it some time. However, I’m not moving back till a year or so, you might change your mind then.”
“Really?” You respond. You love Satoru more than you could ever imagine loving someone, but you have a couple of other priorities that come before starting a family with him. “I’m not opposed to getting married soon, but I do think we should wait before starting to have kids and such. We’re still so young, even if it’s in a year.”
“Plus, your mother would probably want us to have a lavish wedding, even if she doesn’t like me. Lavish weddings take a long time to plan. We can’t have a child out of wedlock, can we?” You argue, and he ends up sighing defeated.
“You’re right, baby. You win.”
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Sunlight peeks in through the gap between Satoru’s curtains, and they hit you directly. You fell asleep without a problem last night, and now when the sun has barely risen, you’re awake. You feel a large arm wrapped around you, and smile as you hear Satoru’s heavy breathing. You take in his fresh, clean scent before you attempt to escape his embrace to begin getting ready for the day. But he doesn’t let go. He pulls you close to him, burying your face into his bare chest.
“Where are you trying to go?” He murmurs, barely comprehensible. “You’re not getting up from here until I’m ready to wake up as well.”
“I can’t just spend all day here in bed. You’re going to take a while to wake up.” You respond, yet he doesn’t let go. You’re not going to fight it, after all, Satoru is much stronger than you. You spend around five minutes, laying in bed, doing nothing before you tell him, “Toru… C’mon.”
“You’re really going to wake me up?” He replies while your fingertips begin to trace down his sculpted body. Your fingers feel featherlike running down his body, and it certainly doesn’t help keep him awake. That’s until your finger hooks on the waistband of his briefs. But you don’t do more than that. “Aren’t you going to continue?”
“Aren’t you sleeping? I don’t want to disturb you.” You say, and he grabs your hand, guiding it inside his briefs. Your hand wraps around his shaft and he begins to move it.
“I’m wide awake, baby.” He responds, and your hand begins to move at its own pace. He takes his hand out, moving it inside your pajama shorts to tease your clothed cunt. Your lips go up to meet his, your tongue pressing against his bottom lip before it enters his mouth. Your hand works ever so slowly on his shaft, and he’s groaning in your mouth. 
You pull away from the kiss and take your hand out, spitting on it before going back to stroke his dick. You’re slowly picking up speed, and Satoru moans with your every move. His mouth lands on yours again, trying to suppress the embarrassing sounds that escape his throat. He also pushes your panties to the side, two fingers running through your folds to gather your slick, while your tongue presses against his. 
Once he gets his fingers wet enough, he pushes them into your cunt. You moan into his mouth while he slowly begins to move his thick fingers in and out of you. This is what you miss most about being with Satoru, the fact that you’re left to play with yourself as if it could compare to what Satoru gives you.
Satoru curves his fingers so they hit just right, while his thumb begins to play with your clit. Your eyes are rolling to the back of your head, and you’re not focusing as much on stroking his cock. Satoru begins to thrust his hips, doing your job for you. You bite down his bottom lip before pulling away from the kiss.
“Hmm– It’s so fucking good, ‘Toru.” You moan, holding your breath while his fingers work their magic. You shut your eyes and try to take it all in. You completely stop moving your hand, but Satoru gets himself off, he’s moaning as he approaches his release. You feel the pressure build up as your orgasm approaches. “I love it, baby– Fuck–”
“Moan my name, baby. It’s so pretty when it rolls off your tongue.” Satoru mutters in your ear, his low raspy voice nearly enough to make you come. You begin to moan his name over and over again as your orgasm looms closer and closer. 
You’re so focused on yourself that you don’t feel his cum that has soiled his briefs. Your hand stays wrapped around his cock while he makes sure to make you come. You get louder by the second until you finally come.
Satoru takes his fingers out and brings them up to your lips before he presses his fingers against them. You open your mouth and take his fingers in, and you begin to roll your tongue around them. “Good girl. Good fucking girl.”
He takes his fingers out of your mouth and then shoves them into his mouth. You watch him, taking off your pants before you get on top of him, your knees on either side of him. He takes his fingers out of his mouth while he looks up at you. You begin to rub yourself on his briefs.
“I want more, ‘Toru.” You tell him, while his hands go to your hips. Your lips go down to meet his, pecking him a couple of times before he responds,
“Then takemore, baby. I’m all yours to use.” He responds before you push down his underwear. Your hand strokes his cock a couple of times before you push your panties to the side and you align his dick with your entrance.
You slowly lower yourself on his cock, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. If his fingers are long and thick, his dick is even better. You’ve been waiting for this for so long. You take as much as you can get before you begin to move up and down his cock, making the man groan.
“What a sweet little pussy. I’ve missed you so bad, baby.” He says while you bounce on his cock, your hands on his chest for support. You bite down on your bottom lip, trying not to be too embarrassingly loud. You don’t want the neighbors to get the wrong impression of you, “Have you missed me? The same way I’ve missed you?”
“So bad.” You respond. Satoru’s hands go to your ass, his nails digging into the flesh. He looks up at you, watching your facial expressions as you take it all in. “Been thinking about you nonstop, ‘Toru.”
“That’s what I like to hear from my girl.” He says as he spanks your ass. He begins to move for you, setting a much faster pace than the one you were going at. Your eyes shut as you take it all in. His hand goes to play with your clit, getting you to the edge even faster. His cock alone is enough to make you come, but he loves making you putty in his hands as fast as he can. “I really miss you so bad, baby. I need you to be on my side all the time.”
“Satoru–” You moan, not really paying attention to the words that leave his lips anymore. He’s just making you feel so good on his cock, hitting every right spot, your thoughts are forming anymore so you’ll agree with anything and everything Satoru says. Even when he says,
“I’ll just give you a baby so you’re forced to be with me. Wouldn’t you like that? Don’t you want to carry my baby?” And all you can manage to yell is, ‘Yes, yes, yes!’ which brings a smirk to Satoru’s lips. “I’ll give you my baby. I’ll give you as many as you’d like.”
“Fuck–” You feel yet another orgasm take over, making you completely weak. Your nails dig into the skin of his chest while you’re on the edge of another orgasm. “Satoru, it’s so good.”
“I’m gonna give you my baby, make sure you’re stuck with me.” He continues, while you throw your head back. He feels your cunt tighten around him, and it drives him crazy. His voice is so whiny when he says, “Fuck… Baby… I need you by my side every day.”
“Satoru!” You loudly moan before you reach your orgasm, your legs spasming. Satoru praises you for it,
“Making a mess all over my cock… Oh, you’re such a good girl.” His hand smacks your ass again while you realize how much you love being praised, especially when what you’re doing is already giving you so much pleasure. 
Satoru chases his release, and he gets so close to it with every movement. Your pussy feels so nice and warm around him… He doesn’t want to finish any time soon, he just wants to stay buried inside of it for the next six days. But that doesn’t stop the fact that he’s so close to finishing. “I’m gonna give it all to you, baby. Gonna give you my baby.”
He mutters a couple of words about knocking you up, making sure that you’re by his side for the rest of your lives before you feel the warmth in your cunt. His seed fills you up while your head falls onto his chest. 
You both try to catch your breaths, his hand running up and down your back. He remains buried inside of you, and he won’t take it out unless you ask him to. 
For a moment you just lay down, listening to each other breathe. But your stomach growls, and you feel your face get warmer than it already is, but this time of embarrassment. You speak, “We should eat something for breakfast.”
“Let’s wait for another five minutes.” 
And while you two wait, Satoru’s phone rings. He reaches over to the nightstand to grab his phone, and he rolls his eyes before declining the call.
“Who is it?” You ask him. You heard his phone ring a couple of times the previous night, and each time he declined it. You genuinely wonder who it is, and you doubt that Satoru is seeing another woman so infidelity is not on your mind. He loves you too much.
“Just my mom. You know how annoying she can be.”
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Satoru has shown you that he loves you a million different ways, but this, this by far is the best way that he has expressed his love. You get a pedicure and also a manicure. Satoru sits right next to you, also getting a pedicure. You commented how you were thinking of going to the nail salon before coming to visit him, but you didn’t plan it out. So here you are because your boyfriend is attentive.
He’s also having the time of his life as his feet get massaged. You exchange a few words every now and then, but neither of you is really in a talking mood. Until Satoru asks, “Where do you want to go for dinner? I still haven’t thought of any place.”
“I haven’t either.” You answer. “You should be the one to take me somewhere since you know the area.”
“I guess you have a point…” He responds, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s indecisive and he’s scared he’ll pick the wrong option. “But I planned this lovely day…”
“I think you can pick something else… It’s not a life or death decision, you just have to pick a restaurant. You couldn’t even help me pick a nail color, it’s the least you could do.” You tell him, and he chuckles before his eyes glance at your pink nails.
“I told you that you should do blue. You just didn’t want to listen.” He argues, and you laugh in response because he’s right. He did try to help you pick a nail color, he just didn’t pick one that you liked enough. “But fine, I can–” He unintentionally kicks his foot during his foot massage. He apologizes before he continues talking, “I can pick a restaurant.”
“I can’t wait for the massage…” You change the topic, and he hums in agreement. His phone begins to ring again, and he looks at the phone only to decline the call again. You look over at him and furrow your eyebrows before asking, “Your mom again?”
“She’s more annoying than ever. It’s like she knows that you’re here.”
“Maybe it’s something important. You should pick up the phone.” You say and he shakes his head. 
“I just want to have a relaxing day with you, and she’ll ruin that. I’ll call her tonight.”
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When you get back to Satoru’s apartment, you’re rushing to the bathroom to take a shower and begin getting ready for dinner. Satoru told you that he barely managed to get reservations at a nearby restaurant and that it’s one of the best restaurants in town. He told you the dress code, and you’re worried that you won’t have anything in your suitcase that fits.
Satoru thinks about joining you, sitting on the edge of his bed. It’ll slow you two down and possibly make you late, but that’s a risk that he’s more than willing to make. He thinks about it for a moment, until he ultimately decides that you can always eat somewhere else. He takes off his clothes as he walks to the bathroom, more than ready to delay today’s plans. He walks into the steamed-up room and sneakily makes it into the shower.
You’re spooked when you feel two hands land on your chest, and he squeezes your breasts. You turn to look at him, your eyebrows furrowed before you say, “Next time make sure to announce that you’re joining me or I might just die.”
“I’m sorry, baby.” Satoru says before he pecks your lips. He’s stepping forward, making you step back until the water is no longer hitting you and your back is pressed against the wall. “Since you don’t care about where we go for dinner, we might as well change plans last minute.”
“We can make it fast.” You respond before his lips land on yours. His tongue presses against yours while his hand feathers down your body until they reach your pussy. His fingers run through your folds while he pulls away from the kiss and moves down to your neck. He begins to suck on your sweet spot while he slips a finger into your cunt. A moan leaves your lips when he does so, and because he sucks on that sweet spot in your neck that’s enough to drive you wild.
He continues kissing down your body while he inserts another finger into your cunt. Just like earlier in the day, he curves them so they hit just the right spot, and you’re rolling your eyes. He’s on his knees, and his tongue begins to lick your cunt.
He focuses on your clit, and you have you bite your bottom lip so you’re not too loud. His tongue flicks your clit just right, and you’re barely able to stand. 
“You’re doing such a good job.” You praise him, your eyes shutting as one hand grips his hair. Satoru eagerly licks, loving the taste on his tongue. God, he fucking hates the fact that you’re in a completely different timezone than he is. He really wants you by his side at all times. 
He takes his fingers out and his tongue stops flicking your clit. His tongue moves down and it enters your cunt. His thumb begins to play with your clit while he moves his tongue around, and you’re not able to hold back your moans anymore. You feel your orgasm approach, and you grab a handful of his hair, pulling it. He doesn’t even notice, just enjoying the taste of you on his tongue.
“Fuck– I’m gonna come…” You tell him. His thumb works on your clit so well, and you praise him for it, which serves as his encouragement. He looks up at you, so adoringly, but you’re not looking at him. You get louder and louder until you finally come on his tongue. He takes his tongue out and kisses your clit before he stands up and kisses your lips.
You’re about to get on your knees and return the favor, but you both hear Satoru’s phone ring. He’s about to ignore it again, letting his mother get tired of calling, but the phone keeps ringing and ringing that it makes you say, “It must be important, ‘Toru. Go pick it up.”
“It’s probably nothing–” He begins but you cut him off.
“She’s very insistent, Toru. She’ll continue calling through dinner. Just check what she wants and I’ll finish my shower.” You peck his lips and he sighs in response before getting out, grabbing a towel, then grabbing his phone. 
“Hi mom.” He greets her, a little too unenthusiastic for her liking. First, she asks where he has been and he responds, “I’ve just been resting after so many exams. I need to relax once in a while, y’know?”
“Your father is sick. Very sick.” His mother says, which makes the man freeze. “I’m not sure if he has much time left… He just suddenly– I don’t know.”
“What– I’ll be there first thing tomorrow.” Satoru responds, hanging up the call before he barges into the bathroom. You’re getting out of the shower, grabbing a towel to wrap it around yourself and Satoru announces, “We have to go back home tomorrow.”
“Oh? Why?” You ask, following behind him while he goes to his closet to begin packing essentials; he doesn’t need much since he has pretty much all he needs back at his house. “Satoru, is everything okay? Why do we have to go back so soon?”
“My dad is… sick.” Satoru says, slowly realizing the gravity of it all. His dad has never been sick, from what he can remember. He wonders how he’s so sick and how horrible it has to be for his mother to call. He sincerely thinks of the worst, and he hopes that in the end, everything ends up okay with his father. “I’m sorry for ruining your vacation but… If she’s calling me, it’s because it’s bad.”
“No, no. It’s okay, Satoru. He should be your priority.” You respond before going back to the bedroom to change into something more comfortable since your plans have clearly changed, and to pack up your suitcase once again. You didn’t expect your week to be over so soon.
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“Dad…” Satoru says, barging into his parents’ room. Satoru paid for the next available flight and you flew out. Now you’re both at his parents’ house since you’re still on vacation and you’re not planning to go back to your apartment near your university yet. You’re with your mother, while Satoru sees his father to figure out just how bad it is. 
He walks over to the bed where his father lies. His father isn’t looking too well, he looks so pale and exhausted. He’s definitely lost some weight too. Satoru walks to his father’s side before he sits on the edge of the bed. “How are you holding up? Mom didn’t tell me about you being sick before–”
“I asked her not to.” His father cuts him off. “I want you to focus on your studies so you can take over as fast as possible.”
“For how long have you been sick?” Satoru asks. This clearly isn’t something new, it was just kept from him. His father is rarely around, even when Satoru is visiting, so he never had the chance to see just how  his health deteriorated.
“That doesn’t matter now, does it?” His father responds. “It doesn’t matter, really. I want to hear about you, Satoru. I know nothing about your life except that you were friends with one of the maids’ daughters.”
“Yeah…” Satoru chuckles, unsure of how to talk about it. His mother knows about the relationship, but he hasn’t talked to his father about it yet. Truth be told, he didn’t tell his mother, she just figured it out. “We’re not really friends anymore… She’s my girlfriend.”
“I know…” His father confesses with a chuckle before he begins to cough. He reaches for his handkerchief and covers his mouth. After a minute, he stops and his father grabs his glass of water and chugs majority of it before he speaks again, “I knew you two would end up together the moment you begged me to pay so she could go to school with you. That’s why I offered to pay for her college.”
“Wait, you’re paying for her college?” Satoru is taken aback by this but his father shakes his head.
“No. She turned me down. Told me I had already done enough.” His father shares, which makes Satoru wonder why you would say no to him, but it’s fine. It’s nothing too bad, he would’ve appreciated you sharing him though, “I like her. I don’t believe in love or soulmates all that much, but then I remember on your eighteenth birthday when I caught you two kissing, and maybe, I believed in love.”
“You don’t believe in love, dad?” Satoru questions, as he realizes this is about the most that he’s spoken to his father. He knew that his father and mother never really loved each other, at least not romantically. He realized it when he was around fifteen, but he didn’t expect to hear it from his father ever.
“I loved my father. My mother. You, ‘Toru. The day you were born was my happiest day, you were my little boy. But I never loved your mother in any type of way.” He confesses, and Satoru just inhales, swearing that he’ll never live like that. He can’t imagine living his life without you. “I appreciate her. She’s a very smart woman that’s kept everything afloat. She gave me you and I could never thank her enough for that. But apart from that, I never grew to love her. She’s a cold woman, and I wasn’t made to love a woman like that.”
Satoru just bites his bottom lip, unsure of what to say at his father’s confession. He expected something similar, but he still doesn’t like the confirmation that his parents were stuck in a loveless marriage. He hates knowing the fact because his father is on the brink of death and he’s probably never experienced love– That he knows of. Satoru often forgets that his father lives a whole different life and that he knows none of the details.
“How did you see me kissing– Oh.” Satoru begins and realizes quickly why his father was in the servants’ quarters. “Please don’t tell me it was–”
“Wasn’t with her mother. Don’t worry. She’s not my type.” His father assures Satoru, which somewhat helps him but still grosses him out. Satoru decides to change the topic, about to confide with at least one parent because he knows that his mother wouldn’t approve.
“I’m thinking about proposing to her soon.” He brings up, and his father grabs his hand and squeezes it. “I know I’m going to spend the rest of my life with her, so I don’t think I should waste too much time. She wants to get engaged after we both graduate.”
“Do what you think is best. Just hold tight to her and don’t let her go.”
“I love you, dad.” Satoru holds back tears as he hugs his father. His father hugs him back, patting Satoru’s back.
“I love you too, son.” His father responds, and he believes that it’s the first time he hears those words leave his father’s lips. He hates that he’s only heard this so late in life from his father, but he loves it, and he’s sure he’ll miss it.
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A month after coming back, you’re back at college and Satoru is at his parents’ house, patiently waiting for the horrible day. He accepted his father wouldn’t make it, so he made sure to savor every moment. He’s barely talking to you, and you understand that he’s upset, so he’s distant. You still try to check up on him as much as you can, even when he barely tries to communicate. 
One April night, right at midnight, your phone rings, waking you up. It’s Satoru, and your heart drops knowing why he’s calling. He calls you sobbing, and you try your best to calm him down. While you do so, you begin to get changed to head to his place, which is hours away but you’ll get there before sunrise.
“I’ll get there in a few hours, baby. Try to get some rest.” You tell him before you hang up the phone. And just as you promised you were in his house within hours, hugging him as he cried. He finally fell asleep in your arms, and you fell asleep shortly after. 
Around six in the morning, he randomly wakes up, and you wake up as well. He pecks your lips before he says, “I want to marry you.”
“I want to marry you too.” You answer. Things change up and he becomes the big spoon before you both fall asleep again. Satoru is woken up and he sees his mother in the doorway, enraged at the sight.
“Satoru! My office, now!” She yells, and he’s forced to get up and follow behind his mother, who has taken the loss of her husband quite well.
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After his father’s funeral, you go back to college and try to check up on Satoru as much as possible. He’s more distant than ever. He isn’t bothering to even text you back anymore, which you understand since he needs time to process everything. 
A month after everything, you receive a call from Satoru out of nowhere. You think that he’s slowly going back to normal, and you exit the bathroom to calmly take the call. When you pick up the phone, you immediately hear his gloomy voice,
“Hi, baby. How have you been holding up?” You respond. The last time you received a text from him was three days ago. “Are you back–”
“I’m fine– Oh I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt.” He says. 
“Oh no. It’s fine. I’m glad to hear that you’re fine.”
“How have you been?”
“I’ve been feeling sick. I think I might be–” You begin but he cuts you off.
“I haven’t been feeling my best, and I think we should take a short break.” He says, and your heart drops. “I love you, but I don’t think I’m in the right headspace to be in a relationship.”
“Oh– Okay… Okay.” You feel the tears well up before you hang up the phone, not letting him say anything else. You doubt he has much to say anyway. You’re about to take a seat but then you remember the test in the bathroom, and you’re forced to walk back inside to read the results. 
You gasp, a tear escaping your left eye before you grab it and throw it in the trash.
You’ll wait before breaking the news to Satoru.
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@yeagerfushiguro @luckimoon @uhremmi @conniesbbymama @mykyoon @prettyiolanthe @mc-reborn @the-loneliest-girl @cloudsinthecosmos @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn @yumihisusupremacy @blinkingsuns @oi-loverboy @Gojoismybitch @neireav @lilith412426 @goldfishesarecute @misshale21 @rivaiken @q-the-rockaholic @merlinssassybeard @ikilledsparky2 @abcde12345 @mimizsworld @jiwonchii @lily3847 @luckimoon @ryototsukai0824 @Stupendousexpertcheesecake @mrs-itadori
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narislvr · 6 months
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── simp!abby anderson drabble ₊˚ෆ
,, cws? none. pure fluff ౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ ── 1.04k words.
,, abby x fem!reader ♡ / college au
ᝰ.ᐟ loosely inspired by this series' depiction of abby. | pt. II
she's so hollie col & taylor swift coded, fight me
₊˚ෆ simp!abby who was absolutely lovestruck for the pretty girl she'd bumped into on the way to their campus' library.
She had barely exchanged more than a few mumbled words with you, but she already knew she wanted to see you again.
₊˚ෆ simp!abby who did in fact see you a few days later behind the counter of a less populated coffee shop in the westend part of campus. you looked so pretty she thought, and if it weren't for her usual reserved expression she was sure you'd see the hearts forming in her eyes.
"hello? you alright there?" you'd ask, brow raised as you tried to get the woman's attention from behind the counter.
₊˚ෆ simp!abby who snaps out of her enamored daze only to meet the confused look on your face with a sheepish smile.
she should say something smooth. anything.
"you sell coffee here, right...?"
₊˚ෆ simp!abby who is awkward as hell and can't flirt to save her life as she's lived her life avoiding any chance of romance despite being a secret romantic.
your eye twitches at the question, but you smile at her anyways because.. well, just because.
"yeah, we do. what can j get for you?"
your number
₊˚ෆ simp!abby who makes it a routine to come in the three days of the week when she knew you'd be there. by the third week of her showing up, you couldn't help the small smile that settled on your lips as you handed the blond her usual coffee, your hand lingering a second longer as the feeling of her calloused fingers brushing yours sent a fuzzy feeling through your body.
she'd thank you with a small smile of her own before sitting in the table closest to the exit with a good view of you in the prep area and taking slow sips of her drink as she'd take subtle glances of you, admiring the way you hum ever so quietly to yourself as you worked.
after a good hour of subtle glances and pretending to focus on whatever text book she brought in that day, she'd leave, but not before leaving a tip folded neatly in the napkin as you went to wipe down her table.
'have a great day and thank you for the coffee. it was delicious as usual :)'
you can't help but shake your head, cheeks flushing ever so slightly.
it was a simple black coffee, nothing special.
and yet she was always so greatful.
₊˚ෆ simp!abby who after a month, slowly begins to talk to you, less awkward than her initial approach once you started initiating conversation and light banter.
God, if you looked pretty from afar, having you close to her, talking to her, made every last bit of her resolve melt. especially when you looked at her, chin resting on your palm, with those bright curious eyes of yours.
"you actually owned horses? That's so cool! I've always wanted to learn how to ride, but I've never had the chance to."
she'd chuckle, feeling her heart flutter as she flashes you a charming smile.
"I could always teach you, y'know?"
God knows she hoped you weren't kidding when you giggled and accepted her offer.
₊˚ෆ simp!abby who, now comfortable enough to, would tease you whenever she'd catch you stealing glances at her arms whenever she came in from her morning run.
"I can feel you staring, hon," she'd quip, catching you off guard and stiffling a laugh as you quickly denied it.
she made sure to wear more tank tops and compression shirts, stretching out her arms every now and then, knowing well she'd have your full attention then.
"you're always welcome to touch, you know."
"I am not doing that, abbs." you'd respond, heart racing as you rejected, what was to you, the offer of a life time.
"suit yourself," she'd snicker, earning a playful shove.
₊˚ෆ simp!abby who after four months of playful visits to your job, finally asks you out, hands sweating as she leans against the counter of the almost empty coffee shop.
to her surprise, you agree, and she can't help the wide grin that spreads on her face as you accept.
"we could go out for coffee or something. I know of a good coffee shop around here we could try out. The barista is pretty cute too."
"I'm not going on a date to my work place, Abby." you'd say, eyes narrowed as she only laughs at your response.
"was just a thought. how about dinner next week? there's a place about thirty minutes from here I'm sure you'd like."
"sounds like a plan."
₊˚ෆ simp!abby who picked you up the following week, a charming smile on her face as she held open the passenger seat door to her pick up truck, complimenting you with awe in her voice before driving off.
soft music could be heard playing in the background as the two of you spoke of anything and everything.
you were so caught up in the conversation, you didn't notice where you two had parked until the rumble of the trucks engine finally shut off.
it was then that you noticed the scenery before you, a nice grassy area overlooking the mountain campus of the school you two went too.
"found this place while on a run a month back, it's pretty, huh?"
you could only hum in response, still in awe as you got down and followed abby to the bed of her truck where the two of you would eat takeout from a place she knew you liked.
amidst the pretty scenery, she could only find herself looking at one thing.
that being you.
It was cliché, but from what she had learned about you during the time she had spent getting to know you through small talk and banter, she knew it was something you liked and that's what mattered.
and what wouldn't she give to continue seeing the look of pure adoration on your face as your hand found hers, pinkie locking with hers as you two look at eachother in silence as the nature's ambience and soft music from her radio play in the background.
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nthspecialll · 1 month
In camp we have three irish people and I think their approach to their heitage is so interesting. We have Sean whos father was really proud of being Irish but who had to flee to USA when Sean around 11 or so, maybe even younger. We have Molly who grew up in Ireland, who lived in high society and found it boring so she went to USA as an adult and then we have Kieran whos father wanted to go to California and never really, as far as we know, had any connection to Ireland at all, doesn't even know the "correct" pronoucation of Colm.
Sean was young when he came to the US, most likely he remembered very little about Ireland itself, he might be able to remember a feeling or a few places, but yet he clings onto it, holds his nationally up and proud. I am more inclined to believe that rather than loving Ireland for being Ireland, he loves Ireland because his father loved Ireland, Sean always loved his father, worshipped him almost, even wears his hat. I don't think it would be a long shot to say that he likes Ireland because his father liked Ireland. His main source of information on his heritage was his father who was busy keeping them both alive and probably didn't have a lot of time to teach Sean about the Irish culture.
Sean clings onto the fact that he is Irish even though his knowledge of Ireland is limited because of his father.
Molly grew up with everything. She is Irish through and through, not just blood but also culture, she grew up around it, she was molded into it. She had her whole life to learn about the Irish culture and yet she didn't find it that interesting, she found it rather boring, so she fled for something more interesting, exotic, cowboys and outlaws.
Kieran did not have a long time to learn about Irish culture as his Irish father died when he was very young, completely cutting him off from his culture, however he got somewhat back in touch with it again when he was forced to join the O'Driscolls who are majority Irish, giving him a look into the culture and traditions that he had missed.
You can see Sean mocking Molly for not being "Irish enough" around camp even though she most likely knows more about Ireland and the culture than him, something he might feel threatened by as he was used to being the only Irishman around camp and now he might have to face the reality of his lack of knowledge about the very thing he prides himself on. He might also be angry at Molly because she threw away the very culture Sean tries to keep whereas Molly might find him stupid for so desperately trying to keep in touch with something she finds boring.
Kieran on the other hand never tells anyone he is Irish, he doesn't find it of much importance as his family didn't either, however he might carry more "casual" irish knowledge than what he might lead on. Being with the O'Driscolls would have in some way reintroduced him to his culture and he would have been taught at least some mannerisms that he might not even realize are Irish because he recognizes them from his childhood, a childhood where there was no focus on the fact they were Irish. For him slang, special dishes or mannerisms would feel natural as he also saw them as a kid, he wouldn't realize they are special. At the same time he wouldn't realize what parts of his culture are missing such as his pronunciation of "Colm" which Sean angrily points out is actually pronounced "Col-om", Kieran doesn't see that he is saying it "wrong."
Sean who clings onto the culture ripped away from him.
Molly who is so used to the culture she finds it boring.
Kieran who doesn't even know he is carrying a culture with him.
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calpurniatypes · 2 years
𝒔𝒊𝒙𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒛𝒊𝒏𝒆 ; 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒗𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒐𝒏 𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕
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you mention to steve that you want to have a child, and he goes... well... a lot off the rocker
warnings; breeding kink, penetrative sex, oral ( female recieving ), dirty talk, talk of pregnancy, fucking hot steve
my overall masterlist
the light above you collected moths under the summer night as you lay, stretched out, on a pool-sunbed, flipping through the pages of one of steve's mother's magazines.
both of his parents had now passed away, which, though sad in nature, was freeing for steve. you'd never been a fan of either of his parents since he'd told you about the ways they'd reared steve. or, should you say, hadn't brought him up. you and steve had finished cleaning out their rooms, going through old junk and vintage items three weeks ago. you'd moved back to hawkins from chicago, where you'd been a successful author, managing a large publishing company, and he'd been a salesmen working a steady job as manager of a large chain of stores.
it only had made sense to move back to hawkins, though you two shared unpleasant and traumatizing memories in the town. recently, after the passing away of her parents, nancy and jonathon had returned, along with their daughter. will and his partner, whom you'd met a handful of times, still lived here, and the chief, who you'd always regarded as a father figure, was getting frailer.
now, as you thumbed through the pages of the magazine, your eyes caught on a specific article, the title long worn away by time and cheapness.
reading through the pages, your chest tightened at the ideas floating on the page. children, sex, raising babies into strong young people, all things that seemed too vulgar to be in a sixties magazine.
as you kept taking in the words, a sort of excitement billowed inside of your chest. the idea of motherhood had been something you'd liked, even as a child, when you'd stuck your tongue out at all dolls and anything remotely motherly.
now, though... you wanted that baby. you wanted the love you would share, you wanted steve to experience fatherhood in a positive light.
as the screen door open, you jumped slightly. "sorry, col, didn't mean to scare you," steve said, moving to lay down on your lounge chair next to you. you set down the magazine on the table, leaning up to kiss his lips tenderly.
he nestled against you and wrapped his arms around your middle.
"how was the grocery?" you asked, breathing in the thick night air.
shrugging, steve answered, "same as always. I did run into erica, though. pregnant, and back in town for the weekend to visit her mother."
your eyes opened wide, "erica sinclair is pregnant?"
he nodded, "yep. and glowing too."
you closed your eyes, envisioning erica with her own child. then, as though on a slideshow, the image faded into you, standing with steve, a child holding both of your hands as you walked down the sidewalk.
"col?" steve asked, turning to you.
the image was still in your head as you traced his lips with your eyes. "steve, don't you ever want to have children?"
he took a sharp breath, and through his eyes you could tell he was running through answers. then, slowly, he nodded, "with you, yes, totally. do you?"
you let yourself think before talking too quick, "yes, yes, yes. i mean, yes with you, definitely."
steve paused at the hearing of the those words. he was thrilled. he'd always wanted to have a child, to be a better father then his was.
but seeing erica in the store, that had made him want it more. it could have been anyone, but the look on her skin as she glowed. that was something he wanted you to have. he wanted you to glow in that way. he wanted you to be full. he wanted you to have his child.
"when?" he asked, and you could hear the lust creeping into his voice.
"you got a new job, i've been signed a contract, we have the money and the community surrounding us..." you drew out, tapping your fingers along the side of your jeans.
"so now. you want to have a kid now." he finished for you, and you nodded quickly.
"yes. if you want to, of course, only if you want to."
steve answered quickly, "i really want to."
you gazed at each other for a moment, and then it was like something from a film. your lips contacted each others in midair, and steve pulled you onto his body, his hands gripping your waist and shoulder.
it was so heated between the two of you that you thought you might have a fever. he reached down to unbutton your jeans, and then pulled his hand away.
"is everything okay?" you asked, and he shook his head.
"i need to have you, and i can't have you out here," he motioned around you two, where his neighbors could clearly peep into his yard, his voice husky and deep.
"then let's go somewhere we can be alone," you got up, and steve was next to you a second later. hands connected, he pulled you up the stairs and into his room.
sitting down on the bed, he watched as you stood in front of him.
"take off your clothes," he commanded, and you shuddered at the way his eyes were practically fucking you already.
you pulled your cotton shirt up, leaving you in just a sports bra, and then unbuttoned your denim jeans. now just in your panties and bra, steve's hand slipped to his crotch.
you moved to him and straddled his body, grinding into his hard cock. his hands found your back and you breathed against each others mouths, his right fingertips locked against your scalp, yours on his own.
before you could tell where you were, steve had set you down on the bed, pulling off your panties as you lay on your back.
his hands were cold against your clit, and you moaned instantly at the feeling of his fingertips. he rubbed small circles with one hand as he pulled his clothes off with the other.
"aren't you a good girl, darling, letting me get you ready for my cock, huh?" he said, and you moaned. you were wet now, and you swore you were making a puddle of juices on his blanket.
your back arched with pleasure as his mouth found your clit, flicking along the sensitive bundle of nerves. "steve," you groaned into the air conditioned coolness of his room.
"keep talking, darling," he breathed against your pussy, sucking against the bottom of your clit, his nose rubbing circles into the top half. you could feel him smile against you as you repeated his name, over and over.
"oh, god, steve, oh god thank you," you moaned out, and you could feel yourself reaching your high.
it came on you like a train, hitting you with so much pleasure that your vision, or whatever was left of it in your hazy, steve-drunk mindstate, was dotted with white.
slowly steve rose from your clit, and pulled your face into his to kiss you messily. you could taste yourself along the fine curve of his lips, along his tongue as it plunged into your mouth.
you could feel his fingertips leaving your head and moving down, down, down, to his crotch. you listened to the wet squelch as he pumped his cock several times, and then he pulled back from you.
"move back, darling, against the pillows," he whispered, and you complied, your body slow after your orgasam.
"steve," you whispered, the syllables slow coming out of your mouth. "get in me right now."
"so demanding, honey." he tisked, and though normally you would grin, now you only wanted his cock inside of you. "but i'll give you that, if you want it."
he pumped his cock again, and you watched with half clothed eyes as he pressed his tip into you, his legs outside of yours, your chests smushed together as he slowly entered you.
"always so fucking tight, darling," he grunted, "gotta get you stretched out."
it always took a while for him to enter you, but this time you wanted him more then you ever had before. the seconds ticked away like hours, and when he finally bottomed out, you both moaned at the same time.
"god, i love you so much. let's get you full, darling," he said, his mouth against yours.
it seemed now that the only thing you could say was his name, and the moans falling around every word were so harmonic that steve could cum just at the sound of it.
"can i come, please?" you asked, finally straying away from sounding like a broken record. it took almost everything you had to even speak, and your eyes were rolled back.
"no," steve moaned, "let me come with you, darling. hold i."
you could feel his rough, deep thrusts become sloppier, and his fingers, which were wrapped on the cheeks of your face, became harder. he was getting close, and you were already at the edge.
"oh, honey, is this so hard that you can't do it? you have to come for me? well, my little cock-drunk whore, you are just going to have to wait. won't breed you if you come." the words coming from steve's mouth were so dirty that it brought you closer to coming.
"please, please," you pleaded, forcing yourself to stare at his eyes. he could see yours watering, tears threatening to spill.
"hold it, honey," he commanded, and the thought of him not coming inside of you kept you from your high. you wanted his child.
"so excited to see you fucking full and swelling, darling. so excited, so fucking excited." it took you a moment to realize that his hands had moved from your face and were now on your back, pulling your bra off your body.
his face met your breasts the second the fabric disappeared. he sucked, nipped, and bit at your nipples and the supple flesh of your boobs. "god, i love you. so beautiful, so beautiful. all for me, your mine."
"steve, i can't hold it, please," the pleasure was so intense, so deep, that you started to sob.
"let go with me, darling," he pulled his face away from your tits, and the second he gave you the go ahead, you did just that.
if you thought your last orgasam was good, this one was mind bending. you lost yourself, your body, where you were for what seemed like years.
it was only steve pulling a pillow from behind your back that brought you to life. you were shaking, hard, from the exhilaration of it all. tears stained down your cheeks, and you wondered how one person could be so beautiful. his hair was long and messy, and you held your hands to his head as he positioned a pillow underneath your hips, propping your pussy into the air.
his fingers prodded at your opening for a moment, and you watched his face as he stuffed his cum deep inside of you.
"can't let it slip out, darling. we'll get you fucking swelling on the first try."
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magnetothemagnificent · 2 months
The other week I expressed how depressing it was for me to see all my childhood friends be getting married, and my little sister (twelve years old) wondered how I could be sad about other people's happiness. And I had to explain to her that I wasn't sad that my old friends were getting married, I was sad that they were "old" friends, that I found out about their engagements and weddings and the births of their children from gossip and COL announcements. That we talked for lengths about dancing at each other's weddings when we were kids, promising to be friends forever. And it wasn't a big fight or betrayal that ended our friendships- it was time and distance. It was my family moving away and my promising my friends to keep in touch, but our phone calls dwindling from weekly to occasionally to never at all to forgetting their phone numbers even when I once knew them by heart. Our friendships didn't end the easy way, with someone doing something hateful and unforgettable. I don't even remember when they ended, I just know that I once considered them friends until one day I woke up and realized that I didn't, until one day I woke up and it took me a second to remember their last names. There's so many things I remember, but also so many things I know I've forgotten. I wonder if they remember the things I do. I wonder if they feel the same way, and wonder what ever happened to their old friend who moved away. I'm not sad that my old friends are experiencing all this joy- I'm mourning the dreams I had as a child of how these moments would feel. I'm mourning not knowing what R's wedding dress looked like, despite our hours as kids imagining our respective wedding days. I'm sad that I'm not part of their lives, and they aren't parts of mine, and there's nothing but the natural course of time and fate to blame.
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shiraishi--kanade · 14 days
Point A: Taiga never actually wanted to stop VBS from pursuing Rad Weekend.
Point B: Taiga massively lost the idgaf war with himself with that one.
I promised I would not be LUtF posting but it seems I'll end up LUtF posting anyway. Oh well, here's a short-ish one
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Taiga is one fascinating fucker of a character, but I feel what most people get wrong about him is that he never actually went into LUtF with genuine malice.
Most importantly, Taiga is a character who vastly prefers to speak with his actions rather than words; this is somewhat canon and is referenced in On Your Feet!:
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With that in mind, you have to consider the things Taiga did for VBS (+ team) prior to LUtF. And it's actually... More than anyone else aside from maybe Ken.
1. Probably the most important one, letting them see COL venue (Legend Still Vivid)
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This is both a precious memory for Akito and An and an important experience for Touya and Kohane, who have not been there before. He does this entirely on a whim by Kohane's request, but it's important to see that he is genuinely touched by Kohane's resolve, as well.
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(It's heaving implied that literally the only people who would be able to give VBS that opportunity would be Taiga and Ken, but Ken was at that point still massively hitting the brakes on how much he wanted to involve himself into the mess that would later become LUtF - although we can see him starting to crack, as well)
2. Giving actual, genuinely good advice to Kohane that pointed VBS in the direction of "you need to connect with people of the town to be able to surpass RW" (Kick it up a notch)
Taiga and Kohane's mentorship relationship were genuine to some degree; even before that, in Awakening Beat, Taiga also gives Kohane the advice she needed.
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Bonus point: he also gave this same advice to Arata, a kid he barely knows (Power of Unity)
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This is genuine and valid advice; you can see how it ties into Nagi's story and how RW came to be. Why would Taiga be giving out free tips if he was opposed to anyone trying to surpass RW? Let's mark that down for later.
3. Helping out Akito as well (Fina a Way Out). Whether is intentional or not is up for debate, but it's important that it took Taiga to talk to Akito for him to finally find inner peace.
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While he's at it, Taiga gives almost the same, if not more, amount of support to VBS. So why?
Because of VBS' third event, RISE. it's a pivotal moment for their story, and it changed a lot of things... But most notably, it showed Taiga that they are serious.
Keep in mind that Taiga never entertained Nagi's idea to pass their dream on to the next generation in the first place. It was something Nagi wanted, and what Ken wanted to see through, but not Taiga (Light up the Fire, Episode 7)
Taiga: (...Nagi. This isn't for you.)
Shortly after:
Taiga: after everything, no matter what you say to me, my resolve won't change.
Taiga: no matter what, I will make our music the best in the world.
Taiga: this if for nobody's sake - I'm doing this for myself.
Through the event, Taiga is strongly against the idea of giving up on their dream - on his dream. While he doesn't appear to harbor any grudge towards Ken in particular, he is very unhappy - and is downright cynical - about the idea of someone following in their footsteps.
So for the most of his presence in the story, what he does is just entertain the idea of VBS actually getting on that level. He's tentatively curious, but he's not exactly emotionally invested in it. He's taking a "wait and see" approach towards VBS as a team, nudging them on, but without any particular serious intend behind his actions - he doesn't believe they're strong or willful enough.
And hoo boy he waited and saw.
After the absolute hell VBS brought up at Crawl Green and most of the audience seeing Nagi in Kohane (basically confirming his suspicions), Taiga realised that oh shit, those kids are actually doing it... Which meant it was about for him to show them what they're actually getting into.
(please refer to the first picture again. I'm working with limitations here)
This isn't an attempt to kick them down as much to give them a reality check. Remember, for the entirety of their 3-4 rotations, VBS have been pacing in circles trying to figure out why they host an even after an event and basically achieve nothing. Moving forward, yes, but they still don't understand why the RW was the way it was, and Taiga wands to give them the answer, because they would never progress themselves without it.
Which is: a) Nagi's story 2) the skill difference between VBS and Radder. Caucasian Destination aside. Please suspend your disbelief for a moment. This is a shounen anime about rap. Still with me? Okay, moving on.
But why a battle?
Well, aside from him being a calloused old bastard who also likes to scratch his ego, because he knows that the harder VBS lose, the higher they rise.
Don't get me wrong, he's downright cruel to Kotarou and antagonistic towards the rest of them and talks a lot of shit, but all of it is to make VBS hit the ground harder and test their resolve.
Because losing and then getting back on top is how VBS thrive - their frustration from losing is what drives them to work harder. This is part of Vivid Street's battle culture, as well; they kind of weed out the "weak", depending on how the loser react, and good sportsmanship is encouraged - so trying to "get back at ya" after losing is entirely normal and a part of the culture Taiga and VBS both were practically raised in.
He's seen the way Akito behaved after battling Shephard, and he knows An well enough to know she's an extremely sore loser and will always push herself to work even harder. It's not hard for him to deduce the rest of the team will react similarly. He simply sees them losing, and losing in that way, as a necessity for them to realise their limits and find strength to move forward. And they do.
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( ^ On your feet. Make no mistake, this is An's "I'm being a little shit right now" face. The "I'm about to rub your fur entirely the wrong way and enjoy it" expression if you will).
The entire 3rd episode was an - callous and assholey, yes - attempt by Taiga to rile VBS up enough so that they want to challenge him again, now with the whe context behind the story and what will it take of them. It was never, at least, not intentionally, attempt to stop them - Taiga is putting his whole trust in VBS as the only ones he respects enough to actually show the them the wall they're claiming to challenge, and he fully believes that when he does, they'll just come back stronger for it.
Which is why, as they call him out and threaten to go beyond his dream, to be even better than he is, he is smiling.
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christinarowie332 · 7 months
Where words fail, music speaks.
chris sturniolo x reader .
guitar chris (kinda)
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warnings: suggestive . language . shortish
a small smile makes my way onto my face as i hear the muffled strum of guitar strings . my eyes flick away from my phone , squinting at the noise , trying to pick out the melody . a slower version , and slightly off key , but i know it anywhere . babydoll by dom fike . still stuck on that damn song chris ? i peel my body from the sofa , making my way down stairs to chris’s room . as i peek my head through the door , i’m happy to see chris playing the instrument i haven’t saw him with for years . i snap a video of him secretly, before his head lifts up , his tongue still poking out his mouth from concentration. i smile at him as he meets my eyes , a smile that is reciprocated ten folds by a teethy , tongue still out smile as he stops strumming .
“why’d you stop?” i say frowning and making my way into his room , slumping my body next to his on his bed . he angles his body towards mine and tucks one under the other , dropping the acoustic guitar to his lap.
“don’t do well with an audience” he replies, a smile still plastered on his soft features . he brings a hand to my face and tucks a stand of hair behind my ear , his cold and rough fingers from strumming making contact with my neck momentarily. making my breath hitch and sweat ball on my palms .
it was obvious to everybody but myself and chris , that our feelings were more then friendly. he was sweet , and attractive. he always thought of me first and always could read me like a book , he was funny , attentive , soft . it would be hard for any girl not to be head over heels for him . but i became friends with nick first .meeting matt then chris . already having a dynamic with two brothers would be awkward if i started dating the other , so i pushed the thought away. i blaimed my quickening heartbeat on anxiety , my need for his voice and small lingering touches on simple attachment. he was my friend . my closest , very attractive, friend .
“what made u start playing again?” i ask , tilting my head and allowing a small smile to grow onto my features . watching his face contort in thought , his lips puckering slightly as he bites the side of his cheek.
“not sure , found it in the garage and thought i’d see how much i remembered.” he answers shrugging his shoulders. “not much clearly” he adds matching my smile , a thin line as he huffs a laugh from his nose .
“hey! it sounded good chris , play it again. it’s babydoll right ?” i placed a hand to his knee as i spoke , leaning forward to get comfortable on his unmade bed , matching his stance with a leg tucked under the other . chris’s face softens slightly , his lips relax , letting his lips detach from one another as his smile grows , his teeth flashing as his perfect grin makes its way into his face . “who got you into dom huh?” he asks sarcastically, nodding his head upwards as his tongue rolls out his mouth, licking his upward turned bottom lip as he waits for my answer .
“just some kid , really annoying, kept forcing me to play it in my car so eventually i ended up with it stuck in my fucking head” i reply , matching his sarcasm rolling my eyes in dramatics . i feel my cheeks ache from how much i’m smiling. it feels like all i do around christopher is smile . it’s a constant i can always count on , happiness whenever i’m with him . a cold rush makes it’s way into my spine as the nostalgic thoughts of high school runs through my mind . late night drives , falling asleep on his shoulder on his parents sofa . waking up to a blanket draped over my body and a pillow substituted for the warm boy i fell into comforting slumber on .
“y/n?you okay?” im forced out of my thoughts by chris’s words , along with his fingers snapping in my face . i meet his worried face ,eyes never once leaving mine . i inhale a sharp breath and bring myself back into the room , smelling his shampoo and cologne as the cold air hits my nose . “yeah sorry just zoned out a little, stop changing the subject! play!”
he smiles and rolls his eyes at my words , allas bringing the guitar neck up to his chest , placing his fingers over the strings before strumming a chord with the other hand. my face scrunches up at the noise , i can hear what he’s trying to play but something sounds off . “gimme it” i say reaching out for the wooden object , he hands it me with confusion laced in his features . i place the guitar in my lap and grab a tuning peg between my fingers , moving it as i strum the string attached , listening for the right tone . there it is.
“youre playing it right , it was just out of tune chris” i look to him after i finish my sentence, finding his eyes already my face , on my lips . his eyes flick back up to mine as he notices i saw him staring , i gulp as i feel the tension growing slightly. “chris-“ i whisper before the guitar in my lap is moved to the side , the palm of his hand lightly grazing my cheek as his lips attach onto mine . allmost immediately i kiss him back , getting onto my knees and pushing my body onto his as his back meets the mattress. his hands push my hair behind my ears , the cold air kissing my neck at the removal of warmth . i disconnect the kiss to situate myself oh his lap , he leans forward and placing his hands on my back pulling me back into him to reattach our lips again .
my back arches as my body lifts from his lap , the kiss growing heavy with want . no .need . he obviously feels it too as his tongue roams my mouth relentlessly , and his hands following suit , trailing my body hungrily. he finds a place for them on my hips , gripping them as they’re lifted with my moving , my body aching for closeness .
this is a new side of each other neither of us want to forget . and never will
the ex music student in me wrote this .
bye .
@mangosrar @soursturniolo @biimpanicking @kvtie444 @kenzieiskoolaid @cabincorematt @urmyslxt @mattenthusiast @iheart2021chris @recklesssturniolo @lovingsturniolo @loveesiren @daddyslilchickenfingers @paper-crab @strniohoeee @ermdontmindthisaccount @sturnphilia @bluesturniolo333 @lea0518 @chrisolivia4l @oversturn @freshlovehacker @its-jennarose @kitaysworld @liz-stxr @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @lustfulslxt @littlebookworm803
i love you all sm 🤍
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lostdreamr-blog1 · 2 months
Outrun the Future - G.Cleven
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New fic is here! Updates to come. Let me know what you think! Tag list and inbox are always open for you :)
Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4
CH 1
Major John “Bucky” Egan was called into Col. Chick Harding’s office for a meeting that was being held far too early in the morning. It wasn’t news to anyone that if they didn’t have a mission to fly the next day the entire 100th bomb group was out drinking late into the night. Which is why Bucky was sporting a pretty nice hangover, trying his hardest to make it seem like he was paying attention.
“I don’t know if you are aware of the air raids that have been happening across England, but a few airfields have taken a hit.” Bucky heard the words coming out of his CO’s mouth but wasn’t understanding why he needed to hear them. Until he said, “One of the bases nearby was hit hard, forcing the fighter pilots to retreat and regroup. Our base is big enough to house some of them and their planes until that base or another is back up and running. I expect nothing but welcoming from you all when they get in this afternoon. We may fly different planes, but we all have the same goal. Am I understood?”
The Major nodded his head and was dismissed shortly after. With news like this he needed to let his boys know. It wasn’t every day that fighter pilots and bombers would be bunkmates. Looking at his watch, he knew most of the guys would be down at the mess hall eating breakfast, getting ready for whatever the day might bring.
He was soon proved right as he walked in and saw his best friend Major Gale “Buck” Cleven sitting with a group of pilots. “You will never guess what I was just told?” Bucky sat down in between Buck and Biddick, catching the attention from the table.
“The war is over, and we get to go home?” Biddick smirked as DeMarco scoffed. “I haven’t flown enough missions for this war to be over. How am I supposed to have ladies fallin’ all over me when I bring back zero medals or scars?” A few chuckles were thrown his way as Bucky shook his head. “I wish it was that easy. No, apparently an air raid took out a fighter base nearby and now our B-17’s gets to share a runway with P-51’s. I was told to play nice.” One of the guys asked when they would be here. “Sometime today. Harding wasn’t specific with the time.”
Buck chuckled, “Wasn’t specific or you weren’t listening?” The brunette waved a hand, “Doesn’t matter.”  
Afternoon roll around and the boys couldn’t keep the smiles off their faces as the P-51’s started landing. While they heard stories of the work they do and see them every now and then on missions providing air support, this was a new experience. Many felt like kids seeing a new toy for the first time.
The group wasn’t a large one, about ten pilots altogether, but they looked fierce as a group. The base was able to accommodate some of the fighters, but the original group had to be split up between different bases, only to meet back together for missions. It was the quickest solution the higher ups could come up with.
The two Major’s drove up to the runway as the last of the planes landed. “We know anything about them?” Buck asked his friend as he assessed the different pilots getting out.
“Nah. Probably cocky sons of bitches though. You know how fighter pilots can get.” Buck chuckled, “Cockier than you?”
Bucky shook his head and smirked, “They only wish.” His attention was pulled back to the runway as he heard someone ask if one of the pilots was a girl. Clearly, he had to be seeing things as one of the pilots was walking his way, dark brown hair pulled back into a braid. Since when did the US Military let women fly planes into the most dangerous area on the planet?
Buck let out a low whistle, “Wasn’t expecting that.” Neither of them could take their eyes off the girl as she was joking with one of her fellow fighter pilots. It wasn’t until Bucky heard her laugh that his blood ran cold. “I’m going to fucking kill her.”
Buck whipped his head over to his friend as he heard those words. “Easy now. You don’t even know her.” Concern was quickly replaced with confusion as he saw how tense the brown-haired Major was.
“Oh, I can do whatever the hell I want. Because that pilot right there is my damn sister.” Buck was frozen in place as John Egan stormed off towards the girl, putting him a few steps behind. Many thoughts were running through his head, but one pushed its way to the front. If his sister was anything like him, a fight was surely about to breakout.
Captain Marlene “Marley” Egan knew who resided at this base, making her nerves spike as soon as she landed. You see, she never liked being left out or left behind growing up. Being a few years younger than John, she always found herself chasing after him in order to be included with whatever he was doing. This unfortunate trait led her to enlist and slowly breakdown barriers in order to become a pilot like her older brother. Egan’s don’t back down from a fight which is how she forced her way into this war.
All the confidence went out the window as she saw her brother heading right for her. “Do me a favor and make sure you send my stuff back home to Ma. But let her know it wasn’t the war that killed me.” Captain James “Sparks” Sutton was walking next to her and knew exactly what she was referring to. They were warned ahead of time that the air exec. of Thorpe Abbotts was no other than Major Egan who had zero idea his little sister followed him into the war. She thought surprising him was the best way about it.
“What in god’s name are you doing here, Marlene?” If steam could physically come out of people’s ears, Marley knew her brother would have it.
The words, “I heard Europe was beautiful this time of year” slipped out of her mouth before she could stop it and knew it was the farthest thing she should’ve said. Sparks tried to cover up a laugh with a cough but was unsuccessful and earned an elbow to the side from the female pilot.
Bucky opened his mouth just to close it, as he figured out what to say. At this moment he was struggling with being a Major or big brother, thus causing a delay in his response. Buck, on the other hand, was finding the whole situation amusing. It was clear as day that the two pilots were siblings from their looks all the way to the witty remarks. He knew his friend was going to be arguing with a younger version of himself. And he couldn’t wait to see it.
“You have five seconds to think of a better answer before I pull whatever strings I need to in order to get you sent back home.” His words were calm, but Marley knew if she didn’t comply that he would lose it on her in the middle of an air strip. At least this way there would be witnesses.
“You didn’t think you could leave me behind, could you? Your letters made it seem like you were going to be making a difference in this war and I wanted to be a part of that. And here I thought you would be happy to see me.” She looked down as she said the last part, knowing what heartstrings to pull on. John Egan may act like the big bad brother, but his one weakness was standing in front of him.
Which is why it didn’t take long for him to fold. He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. “I am glad to see you, but this is a damn war zone, Mar. This isn’t some game. What the hell am I supposed to tell Ma if something happens to you?” He didn’t miss the slight wince at the mention of the two’s mother.
“Ma knows you’re here, right?” Marley bit her bottom lip as she contemplated how to answer. It wasn’t as if she didn’t know her daughter was aiding in the war. Just the job title might be different.
“Yeah, she knows I’m here.” It didn’t take a genius to know there was more to that. Bucky squinted at her, trying to understand. “What does she think you’re doing?” He knew he asked the right question as she turned her head to focus on the planes.
“She might think I’m a nurse.” Bucky let out a sigh and surprised his sister as he pulled her in for a hug.
“It’s damn good to see you, Mar. But you know she’s going to pissed at us both.” They pulled apart and Marley nodded her head with a smile, “It was always more fun dragging you into trouble with me.” Her brother lightly pushed her shoulder, causing her to bump into the other fighter pilot.
“Now that all of that is out of the way, this is Sparky. He went through flight school with me. Sparks this is my brother John.” The fighter pilot held out a hand for the brother. “Captain James Sutton. May I be the first to say that your sister is a damn handful. Never knew someone to stir up as much trouble as this one.”
Bucky chuckled, “Looks like nothing has changed then.” He looked over his shoulder and motioned for his best friend. “This is Buck. Started it all together in the beginning and hasn’t been able to shake me since. Buck this is my baby sister Marlene.”
Buck held out his hand for the girl and she gladly took it. “Nice to meet you, ma’am.” Her face pulled into a look of disgust. “Marley is fine. No need with that ma’am shit.” A small smile formed on his face as. “My mistake, Marley.”
He watched as her head tilted to the side, looking like she was trying to think of something. Her fingers snapped as she got it and said, “You know, he looks an awful like our friend Buck back in Wisconsin.” This time he laughed. The two Egan siblings in one place was going to be nothing short of trouble.
A/N: Thoughts? Likes or dislikes? Thank you for reading!
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crusty-chronicles · 6 months
I Saw Mommy/Daddy Kissing Santa Clause 🫣
Moon and Sun Christmas Special
Synopsis: Christmas Special with ✨ special surprise guests✨ crossover episode????? Just like last time, takes place after the events of our story, so minor spoilers.
An:  A lot of Kite loving because of what I have to write in our next chapter. LET ME HAVE THIS BEFORE I TRAUMATIZE ALL THE CHARACTERS AGAIN 😭😭😭😭. I'm begging!
It was surprising to say the least, that you'd ever find yourself surrounded by so many people. You were used to flying solo. To shivering in the cold this time of year. You never thought you'd get this far in life. Being able to experience so much love and warmth at once.
Yet here you are with three kids who you cherished as your own, and a partner who supported you through all your endeavors with unwavering patience.
And friends.
You'd actually managed to make friends along the way. Though some of them weren't exactly human, and one of them was a huge ass. But friends nonetheless.
You'd gained so much this past year. And now you'd get to enjoy them in full with an upcoming Christmas party. Though a part of you was still uneasy at the prospect.
And why is that you may ask?
Well, like with most holidays and events, you'd never been given the chance to celebrate before. The lights, the gift giving, the little traditions each family had was all very new to you. You were familiar with a few carols, but that was about it. You knew something like this took a lot of planning, so the last thing you wanted to do was mess it up for everyone.
Then there was the fact that the party was back at Gon’s home on Whale Island. (Who'd been more than enthusiastic to celebrate with all his new friends.) Where you'd meet his aunt Mito for the first time. Considering how terribly things went when you and Kurapika were introduced to each other, you were a little worried. You wanted nothing more than to get along well with her. She was arguably one of the most important people in Gon's life.
So after making sure your own affairs were in order, you and Kite hopped on the earliest airship for Whale Island. Or rather, the closest you could get to it before boarding a small boat that would take you the rest of the way there.
So much effort to reunite your makeshift family. But it would be worth it in the end. Seeing ‘your kids’ smile would be more than worth it.
“You nervous?” Kite asked from besides you.
“A little. I mean, I'm basically meeting his mom. If she doesn't like me I'm pretty much screwed.” You admitted.
He placed a hand on yours and gave a reassuring squeeze. Your nerves lessening at the contact.
“She will. You've got a knack for growing on people when you try. And I'm sure she appreciates you looking after Gon for as long as you did.”
You allowed yourself to relax at his words. Leaning your head on his shoulder and clutching his hand a little tighter.
“I hope you're right.”
“Have I ever been wrong before?”
You could hear the smile in his voice. And while you knew he'd never once steered you wrong, you wanted to pull his leg a bit. A part of you that just couldn't help but tease your partner.
“Not recently, no.”
He gave a light flick to your forehead before trying to untangle his hand from yours.
“Wait, wait, wait! Baby I was teasing, don't be so mean,” you pleaded. Locking him in a death grip.
“Yeah? We'll see how far teasing gets you with Mito.” He bit back, something you always liked about Kite.
He relented and let you cuddle back close after a few more minutes. Almost laughing at how quickly you melted against him. Though he couldn't really blame you. You weren't exactly a fan of the cold. And now that it was snowing, you were clingier than usual. As if trying to steal his warmth.
You were content to bask in the comfortable silence until you reached your destination, but something caught your eye. Something you didn't have a chance to bring up before you left. The rush to get here in time stopping you.
“You know it's nice to see some color on you. I don't think I've ever seen you wear red.” You addressed, referring to the new hat on his head. One that resembled the former blue. Except for the fuzzy pom on the back that gave it a festive appearance.
“Well ever since you stole my favorite hat, I've had to change up my usual look.” Kite responded playfully.
“If I recall correctly, you gave it to me after pissing me off.” You returned it with your own voice full of mirth.
“Yeah, I was scared you'd bite.”
“If you miss it so much, why don't I give it back?”
You looked up only to see his expression soften. A fond look that had your heart beating a little faster in your chest.
“Because it suits you better.” And then he turned away from you. A telltale sign he was embarrassed. His voice coming out almost shy when he spoke next.
“I like when you wear my clothes.”
A small smile made its way to your face. Remembering when he'd told you he liked your scent, and connecting that to why he didn't mind when you borrowed his stuff. Similar to the reason you stole them in the first place.
“I know.” You leaned up to place a kiss on his cheek. Watching as his face reddened.
“Now Boarding: Whale Island!” A gruff voice announced.
“That's our cue lover boy.”
Your mood immediately soured when you stepped out into the cold. A singular snowflake landing on the tip of your nose as if to mock you. It was no secret you despised rain with every fiber in your being. Snow was a close second. It was just frozen rain that left you twice as cold.
You didn't exactly have fond memories of winter either, and Kite could relate to your sentiment. He used to dread the colder seasons, but that was before he met Ging. Before he had his team.
You were a slightly different case, having been out on the streets a little longer than him. But you weren't alone anymore. You didn't have to worry about freezing or scrounging around for food. About trying to find some cover from the cold.
You'd always have a home as long as you were with him.
A reason to start enjoying the little things in life you've held a grudge against since childhood.
So when he felt you start to lag behind, he turned around and waited. Watching you hide your hands in your jacket to try and save them from the cold. A displeased frown on your face as you tried not to slip on the frozen grass. An expression he'd call comically grumpy.
You never did like the outdoors. But maybe he could help change that. At least this factor of being out. When you finally caught up, he coaxed your hands out of your pockets. Pulling them up and engulfing them with his. Blowing lightly to help warm them.
A gesture he noticed had your face heating up.
“I know you hate the snow, but maybe I can give you a reason to enjoy it again?” His voice was soft as he continued to hold your hands.
The warmth returning to your fingertips had you giving him a grateful look. It was surprising how you managed to fall deeper in love with the man before you. Then again, it was small things like this that had you falling in the first place. Giving patience and understanding.
You realized that standing here with him, being the object of such a loving gaze…It was more than enough for you to despise the cold a little less.
“I'd like that.”
Another flurry landed on your nose, but you didn't pay it any mind this time. Subconsciously leaning closer to your partner. The same time he shifted his face a little closer to yours. And right before you could meet him halfway-
“Y/N!” A familiar voice shouted before you were tackled down to the side.
An ‘oof!’ escaping you from the force. Arms quickly wrapped themselves around you in a hug that took the air straight from your lungs. You could make out a flash of green in your discombobulated state, already knowing who the culprit was.
“Hey, munchkin,” you wheezed out. You might or might not have been slightly disappointed to have your moment ruined. But the eyes beaming back at you with so much affection made up for it.
“I'm so happy the two of you could make it! We've been waiting for you all morning.” Gon released you and immediately enveloped Kite in another bone crushing hug. To which he responded by giving a pat on the head.
“We? Where are the other two demons?” You asked as you stumbled your way back up.
“I wanted to be the one to come get you, so Killua and Alluka stayed back to help my Aunt get everything ready.” He answered.
The three of you starting your trek to his home. Making small talk of what you've been up to these past two months. And while the answer for you and Kite was obvious, you were a little surprised to learn Gon had been spending time here with Mito.
Good. He deserved some time to relax after everything.
“Just so I'm not caught off guard again, who else did you invite this time?” You wanted to know if you should mentally prepare to see Kurapika there.
You two weren't on the worst of terms anymore, but it was still too tense for you to be comfortable.
“Mostly everyone from the extermination team. Bisky and Master Wing, too. Which reminds me…” Gon looked back at you with a thoughtful expression.
“You haven't met Zushi yet. I think you'll really like him.”
You briefly remembered him and Killua telling you about the boy they met at Heaven's Arena. The one who although wasn't as strong, had just as much ambition and heart to make up for it.
“I'm sure I will if he's a friend of yours. Is that everyone?
“Hmmm, oh! My dad's coming.”
You and Kite looked at each other in surprise. Shocked that Ging would actually put in the effort to come. Maybe he'd gone a little soft traveling around with his kid?
“Really? How'd you get him to commit?” Kite questioned.
He knew Ging had a habit of making himself scarce last minute. And of saying things he really didn't mean…And not really liking being surrounded by so many people. Maybe that was why you two got along decently well.
“I didn't. I think it was something Y/n told him. You know they can be really scary when they're mad.”
You decided to ignore that one. Instead taking a second to remember if you'd threatened the former zodiac.
“Oh. I got after him for missing Halloween and told him I'd shave his head if he missed Christmas, too.”
“Yeah that checks out.” Kite confirmed, which earned him a playful bump to his shoulder.
It wasn't long after that the three of you finally reached Gon's home. It was a rustic looking building with a chimney on top. Smoke actively coming through it. It definitely felt like the type of place he would grow up in.
Cozy with a hospital feel to it.
He unlocked the door and ushered the two of you in.
“I'm home! And I brought guests!” Gon called out.
“We're in the kitchen!” A voice sounded off. Mito’s, you assumed. Followed by the clanking of pots.
“You can set your stuff down over there,” Gon offered. Pointing towards an unoccupied corner where there were already several bags placed down.
Weird. You shrugged the thought off and left your backpack with Kite following suit. The former silver haired hunter taking your hand and giving a reassuring squeeze as you approached the kitchen.
‘Well, here goes nothing.’
You walked in to see Alluka vigorously stirring a bowl with Killua cutting up some vegetables besides her. Your eyes drifting past them and towards the two women fussing over the stove. One who looked to be in her late twenties/early thirties and another who was far older.
This kid had a grandma and didn't even tell you!?! If you'd known, you would have brought her something too.
But there was still one more person in the room you hadn't identified yet, and it was…Ikalgo? The octopus ant busied himself with cleaning up any spills the kids made.
Gon really wasn't kidding when he said he invited the extermination team. Ants included. Though you really didn't mind, not anymore. They deserved to have a normal life like everyone else. To enjoy a normal life.
“You better not cut yourself with that knife, gremlin.”
The sound of your voice catching everyone's attention. A beat of silence before Alluka jumped off her chair and ran over.
“Momma/Pappa! Daddy!” She did her best to wrap her arms around you both. Rambling happily about how she'd been tasked with baking the cookies. Looking up at the two of you before pointing towards Kite's hat.
“Ooh! You're wearing a hat like Santa's! Don't let momma/Pappa take it from you. You look nice with it.”
Her words instantly instantly melting both of your hearts. With Kite leaning down slightly to address her.
“I won't, so don't you worry.”
She beamed before making space for Killua, who looked like he was going in for a hug at first. Only to grab at you and Kite's intertwined hands, hastily pulling them apart with a glare.
“Didn't I already lay out the ground rules? No hand holding! No hugging! No kissing!”
“Killua!” You scolded. You would have found the situation funny had it not been happening to you. Thirteen and he still had a problem with you dating.
“I said no! And if I catch you doing any of those, I'll zap you.” He threatened. Summing a bolt of electricity to prove his point.
At his mini fit, the other two women laughed. With who you guessed was Mito trying to hide hers by covering her mouth.
“I take it your Y/n?” She asked before her gaze shifted towards Kite.
“And you're Kite?”
The two of you nodded with your partner extending his hand forward.
“It's nice to meet you.”
“Likewise. I'm glad I finally got to meet the people who Gon just won't stop talking about.”
“Moooom!” Gon complained. Not wanting Mito to start spilling all his secrets.
“What? It's true. What was it you said? That it was like having a second home?” She teased.
The boy in green his his face in embarrassment while Killua snickered besides him.
“That’s news to me. When he's with us it's always ‘my Aunt Mito used to do this’ and ‘my Aunt Mito taught me how to do that.' You added on. An ‘oh no they're conspiring’ coming from Gon.
“Oh does he?”
You knew then and there that you'd get along with her just fine.
“Let's continue this conversation later. We can trade stories without being interrupted,” she suggested.
“Noooo! That's not fair.”
“Anyways, make yourselves at home. The others went to go get some more ‘supplies’ for us adults.”
“Others?” Kite questioned.
“Yeah. Morel, Knuckle, and Shoot got here before you guys,” Killua answered.
“They also brought Meleleron, so that's about half of us.”
At least you two hadn't gotten here last. You'd arrived just in time to help by the looks of it. You looked to Kite for confirmation before offering.
“Is there anything you need us to do?”
“Well-” before she could finish, the three kids rushed your partner.
“Tree! Tree! Tree!” They chanted before pulling him into the living room. A very confused expression on his face as he was hauled away.
“We kinda waited for Kite to decorate the tree. He's the tallest and Alluka wanted to be picked up to put the star,” Ikalgo explained before bustling after them.
“Hey! Make sure they don't work him too hard! And keep them out of trouble!” you instructed.
“You got it!” Followed by the sound of a box falling.
You cringed at the sound before facing Mito again.
“I'm sorry about that.”
“Don't be. Kids are a handful at this age. I'm surprised they didn't break anything sooner,” she assured.
“You're telling me. They go through phones like water. I wished they'd be a little more careful but-”
“Boys will be boys.” You said in synch.
You gave a small laugh.
“You too huh? I can't even begin to count all the times they've gotten into trouble. You know when I first met them, they were being tracked down by some psycho. Then forced to play killer dodgeball.”
“That sounds like Gon. Adventurous as he is, he just can't avoid getting scuffed up in the process. I let him explore the woods once when he was smaller. Turns out he wondered into a fox bear’s territory. He came back covered in scrapes. He's lucky he didn't get eaten.”
It was a story you'd heard before from the young boy himself. But a different perspective didn't make it any less interesting. You were grateful to have another person to relate to. You were also relieved she didn't seem to hate you for having an important place in Gon's life like Killua's mother.
Then again, his whole family was crazy.
“Well he is Ging's son. I wouldn't expect any less of him. Getting into trouble seems to run in the family,” the older woman spoke at last.
“Explain the other kid then. The two of them together summon pennywise the clown. Our poor Halloween was ruined. I'd place my money on them being cursed.” you joked.
“Maybe it's just a boy thing?” She suggested.
You felt like you were a kid again. Gossiping and chatting with the adults while your peers played out in the snow. It was nice.
“Speaking of Ging, did you know he's coming over?” You asked.
“I did.” Mito confirmed.
“And how do you feel about that?”
You knew the two of them hadn't left things off on good terms. With Mito suing him over custody over Gon. But despite that, Ging hadn't really held a grudge over it. That didn't mean Mito didn't.
“I'm not exactly happy to be seeing him again. He was a prick for most of his life,” Venom in her tone. But it was quickly replaced by something more somber.
“...but Gon's been wanting to spend more time with him. He's actually looking forward to it. And if seeing my cousin's stupid face is enough to make him happy, then I'm okay with it.”
You gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
“I’m sure he appreciates you making the effort. And hey, I've got some dirt on Ging if he gets on your nerves.”
You eyed each other with evil grins.
“Do tell.”
“You ever heard of a pregnancy stone?”
A few hours had passed, and by now the rest of the guests had arrived. Knov and Plam were first. Followed by Wing and Zushi. The latter having run off exploring with the other three kids. Then Bisky, who'd gasped when she saw you.
‘Look at you! I see the bags under your eyes finally left! You seem happier.’
And then she proceeded to hound you for details regarding your relationship. You had a feeling she was already tipsy before she arrived. Your suspicions being confirmed when she loudly announced-
“It's no fair. First you managed to pull a beautiful lady like Palm, and now you have that hunk keeping you warm! Tell me your secrets!”
You wasted no time slapping a hand over her mouth. Feeling eyes on you as you walked Bisky to the couch.
“Haha, that's enough alcohol for the day.” Your voice coming out awkward. Not noticing the way Kite's head had ducked down in embarrassment during his conversation with Knuckle. Not really wanting to discuss your relationship either. He'd prefer that to stay private.
And judging by the way you were handling the situation, so did you.
“And that kids, is why we don't drink.” You said before turning around.
Your usual group of three was now four. With Killua scowling at Bisky for her comment. His expression softening at a tug to his sleeve from Nanika.
“Can we make cookies big brother?”
“Yeah, but we have to ask Gon’s aunt first. Remember her house, her rules.” He explained.
Nanika's empty eyes then looked up to Gon. Giving a pleading expression.
“I'm sure she wouldn't mind. As long as we're supervised.” He assured.
With that, the five of you were making your way to the kitchen. The previous batter chilling in the fridge. What would end up becoming your back up cookies because the kiddos wanted to make a new batch together.
“Okay, let's see if we can't make something edible. Have any of you baked before?” You asked.
All four of them shook their heads no. You should have taken that as a sign to ask Mito for help.
“I'm pretty sure we need flour,” Zushi suggested.
“Flour, got it. Any idea how many cups?” You reached for a measuring cup.
“If we're gonna make a lot of cookies, then we should use a lot of flour. Try four cups.” Gon instructed. And because he actually had some decent cooking experience, you believed in him.
Oh how wrong you were. The process was akin to the blind leading the blind. The five of you none the wiser to anybody's mistakes. Sugar? Five cups duh. Cookies had to be sweet, as per Killua's thought process. Baking powder or baking soda? Throw a tablespoon of both in there was Nanika's suggestion.
Butter? Let's toss two sticks in for texture. Liquid! We can't forget liquid, you'd reminded. Resulting in you eyeballing the amount of milk. An egg? Yeah, let's crack one of those babies open. By the time you were finished, the mixture was solid enough to put in some Christmas molds and into the oven.
“Cookies take about 15 minutes, right?” You questioned.
“Sounds about right,” Gon confirmed.
The five of you waited for them to come out. A surprisingly pleasant smell wafting through the air. And when you'd pulled them out, they looked like regular sugar cookies. But you should've known better. You couldn't cook for the life of you, yet somehow you managed to make something edible.
It was fishy.
You didn't have time to worry about it though. A knock on the door catching your attention. You offered to get it, telling the kids to let the cookies cool before answering it. On the other side stood a very familiar ruins hunter who'd made it after all.
“You!” You pointed at him. And before he could get so much as a word out, you dragged him inside and sat him down next to Kite. He flashed him a ‘what the hell is going on’ look to which the other just shrugged.
“Sit. Wait right here.” you ordered.
“Me and the kids made cookies. As a father, you've gotta try them. And no matter how bad you think they are, you say you love them.” At least you figured that was how it worked.
“So I have to lie if they taste like shit?” His bluntness making you glare.
“Yup, because your boy took the effort to help make them. And if Kite has to try them, so do you.”
Ging glanced over at him, trying to find an out and regretting his decision to come.
“Don't look at me. Have you seen what I'm up against?” Kite gestured towards the three kids looking hopefully up at him. With Zushi doing the same to poor Wing.
“If I get food poisoning, does that mean I get to go home early.”
You pinched harshly at Ging's cheek before grabbing a small serving tray. Placing several of the festive cookies on top before making your way back to the living room. The four kids eagerly eyeing the adults for their reactions.
“At the same time?” Wing asked. The other two men begrudgingly nodded. One of them knowing damn well if you were in the kitchen, it'd end badly.
With a count of three, they each took a small bite. Immediately Wing started coughing. Covering his mouth as he sputtered for a proper response. How was it dry and soggy at the same time????
Zushi looked up at him worried.
“Is that a good reaction???? Don't tell me…” Eyes widening at the thought he'd poisoned his teacher.
Wing stopped him from walking over. Trying to give a nonchalant wave of his hand while he continued to cough.
“These are-these are really good.” His voice coming out in a higher pitch.
“Have you considered becoming a chef?”
Zushi beamed up proudly at him. Hugging his arm with a ‘I knew you'd like them.’ Your other three monsters still waiting for feedback.
Kite tried his best not to look affected. Key word: tried. But the fact that the taste was both burnt and sickeningly sweet wasn't making it easy on him. It was an internal battle to swallow without gagging.
“Mhm. It's got an interesting flavor.” His own voice coming out strained.
Nanika and Killua high-fiving at the ‘success.’ But you knew. You could tell just by looking at the discomfort on their faces. Buuuut, there was a reason you weren't the one eating. And you were not going to be the one to crush the kids’ dreams.
A game of sorts, to see who would crack first. Surprisingly, it wouldn't be Ging. Who'd made the mistake of popping the whole thing in his mouth. Sitting deathly still with wide eyes.
“It's uh, certainly an experience. Wow.”
And it was enough for all four kids to celebrate. Cheering before making their way to the kitchen to clean up. But not before Knuckle decided to try his luck. Walking over to the serving tray with a ‘You're overreacting. They can't be that bad.’
Only to take a bite and instantly regret it. His face scrunching into itself as if tasting something sour. Going to spit it out before the sound of Morel's voice filled the air.
“What's wrong? Go on swallow. Or are you not man enough?”
He gave a glare at his master's taunt. Taking a few seconds before attempting to get it down. Only for his stomach to heave it back up. Making a dash for the restroom while the others have a laugh at his reaction.
So maybe you couldn't bake either. Lesson learned.
It'd been a little chaotic after that with the kids competing against each other. Gingerbread houses that were more frosting than gingerbread being judged. Only for Gon and Killua to sabotage each other by tipping their houses over. Paper snowflakes that ended in minor cuts. With all three of the boys giving up in favor of playing swords with the scissors. Alluka being the only one to complete hers. And of course, who could forget building snowmen. All four of them kicking down each other's before it inevitably ended in a snow fight. At which point they decided to team up against you.
To which you responded by asking for back up. Using the many arms of Ikalgo to throw more snow at them, along with the invisibility of Meleleron to launch surprise attacks.
You came back in cold and sniffling for a small break. Stumbling upon most of the adults with drinks in their hands. You supposed someone had to watch the kids while the adults had fun. But to be fair, you weren't really a drinker, so you couldn't complain.
You made your way to the kitchen in the hopes of finding some hot chocolate. Only to look down at the sink and see the leftover dishes from the kids. You let out a small sigh before starting to clean up. You were a guest after all. It'd be rude to leave Mito with all the work while you were out having fun. Your thoughts stopping as you heard footsteps approach.
You turned around to see Kite. A small smile making it's way to your face as he helped you finish up. Leaning forward and resting his weight against your back.
“Call me selfish, but I'm glad you managed to get away from the kids for a bit. I get to keep you to myself for a moment.” He admitted.
“And why's that? We practically spend every waking moment together. Don't tell me you're jealous?” You teased, grateful to have his warmth again.
“...No. But we're at a party and I've hardly talked to my own partner. I'd like to borrow you back please.” He lightly nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck. The ticklish sensation making you laugh.
“You have me. I guess I'm a little excited to be celebrating. Can't help but get caught up in their excitement too.”
“Well, there's one tradition we haven't done yet.”
“And what's that?”
Kite angled your head up.
“We're under a mistletoe.”
At that, your face went hot. Your teasing expression turning shy. You were briefed in on some of the common traditions. Mistletoe being one of them just in case. And even though you thought it was strange, you couldn't help but find it endearing. Especially when the requests was coming from Kite.
“You wanna kiss me?” You asked.
“Do you want to?” It was shy. Coming from a place of not wanting to make you uncomfortable. Your heart melting at the fact.
You leaned closer to each other. Warmth radiating off and mingling with the others. And just when your lips were about to touch, a loud zapping sound startled you both. Stumbling over each other before looking up to see the mistletoe charred.
“Hey! What did I say about kissing!?!?” Killua scolded, hiding Alluka's eyes with his hand. Gon and Zushi behind him giggling.
“And anyways, there's not a mistletoe anymore, so I better not catch you again!” Then he ran up to you and started dragging you away.
“Y/n!!! Let's go make snow angels!”
You gave an apologetic look towards Kite before once again getting dragged away. The taller male shaking his head with a small smile. It was always a handful taking care of the trio. But they made his life more lively, filled with smiles and laughs. So he couldn't say he minded having them around.
A few more hours of playing in the snow until the kids retired to Gon's room for the day. Opting to finish the day playing video games. Which meant, it was finally time for you to unwind.
You'd let yourself get tipsy with the rest of the adults. Belting out ‘Santa Baby' along with Gon's Aunt.
“Ms. Mito! I had no idea you had such a lovely voice!”
The two of you cackling and holding each other up with you telling her she should let herself have fun more often. An ‘I know! It's been a while since we had friends over!’ escaping her.
It eventually turned into you and Morel placing bets on who'd be the most blackout drunk once the night was over.
Unaware of your partner watching fondly as you exaggerated your speech with your hands. A carefree grin on your face while you talked. It was rare to see you so at ease. In your complete element around so many people.
“You're whipped.” Ging's voice snapping him from his thoughts.
A bright red consuming his face at being caught.
“Shut up. I am not.” Kite denied.
“Then how come you keep staring over there? You've got little hearts in your eyes.”
The red on his face grew darker. Was he really being that obvious? Or was Ging just really observant? Whatever the reason, he didn't want to be teased for it.
“I'm allowed to admire my partner when they're having fun.”
“Whipped. Your aura doesn't lie~” A cheeky smirk on the ruins hunter's face.
“Yeah?” Because there was something Kite knew would embarrass Ging right back.
“Yours doesn't lie either. You've got a soft spot for them and Gon. I don't remember you offering to be my teacher so easily. As a matter of fact, I don't remember you staying in one place this long.”
The way Ging had crossed his arms and this head let him know he got him.
“I helped Y/n out, big deal. That doesn't mean I'm soft. And so what if I'm not currently traveling? That doesn't prove a damn thing.” He denied.
“It's okay to admit you like someone's company,” Kite started.
“You've never really had someone who could keep up with your smart ass remarks and give them right back.”
A ‘humph’ sounding from the ruins hunter.
“It's also okay to admit you want to spend time with your son. He's a good kid. Exactly like you…Except he has manners.”
“Is that so, father of three?” Ging taunted back.
“Yeah, father of One. Single mom.”
“We don't talk about that…Fine I wanted to spend Christmas with my kid, sue me.” He admitted at last.
“Was that so hard?”
“I would rather eat those cookies again.”
It was dark out before long. Most of the party goers either checked into a hotel for the night or were still drinking out on the porch. All that was left to do was put the presents under the tree. Of which had been hidden while the kids were out playing.
Originally, everyone was gonna place their gifts a little after midnight. But considering most couldn't see straight right now, you volunteered. It was no surprise Kite would follow you.
What was a surprise however, was how you managed to snag the Santa coat from Knov and convince your partner to wear it. Saying ‘We gotta have a backup if the kids wake up.’ Along with him picking up his hair to avoid it getting in the way.
Once again the blind leading the blind with you two stumbling over each other. Trying your damn best not to laugh.
“Shhh! Shhh! We have to be quiet!” You whisper shouted.
“I'm trying! You keep tripping over Christmas lights, hun.”
You were lucky to sober up enough halfway through. Plugging in the Christmas tree while you were at it. To be honest, you weren't sure the kids still believed in Santa. Well more like Killua and Alluka. It was no secret their parents were terrible. Not letting their kids have a proper childhood.
But nevertheless they hadn't taken this small thing from them. Both justifying their lack of presents had been because they used to be assassins. Whatever worked, you guessed. As long as they were happy.
“Love?” Kite spoke up.
“Yuh.” You straightened yourself out after placing the last gift.
“We're underneath the mistletoe again.”
“Oh?” And even in the dark he could make out your cheeky smirk.
“The kids are asleep and everyone else is still outside drinking. There wouldn't be any interruptions this time. If you wanted to…” Becoming too embarrassed to finish his sentence.
“So I get to have one of my presents early?”
He stammered for a response before you pulled him closer by the tacky red suit. Lips finally meeting in a kiss that was more than a little uncoordinated. But as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you even closer, the both of you couldn't care less.
Unawares to everything else around you but each other. Especially to the four kids that had tiptoed their way around the corner and gawked at the scene in front of them.
In the middle of the living room stood their big sibling. Smooching Santa Claus. And passionately if they may add.
Killua instinctively covering Alluka's eyes. Giving Gon a horrified look that he returned. Zushi about to say something before they slapped a hand over his mouth.
And then they heard a hushed whisper that made the four of them rush towards their room.
“I love you, Y/n.”
“I love you too. More than anything.”
You woke up in the morning with what had to be the worst headache of your life. Surprisingly, the kids hadn't rushed your room to open presents. It was odd, but you figured they didn't wanna bother you.
Everyone had gathered in the living room to exchange gifts. Groggy, hungover, but content. You knew something was off when the kids hesitated to open what they got. Eyeing the ‘From Santa’ with hostility.
“What's the matter? You're always so excited to open your gifts.” Mito questioned the boy in green.
He eyed the other kids from his peripheral before answering.
“No reason. Maybe I've matured this year.”
“Yeah. We don't have to open gifts. It's not like we're materialistic,” Killua backed up.
Almost every adult stared at them in shock. These kids didn't to open presents??? Had they been swapped out and replaced by imposters.
“Are you two being serious right now? You're acting like the gifts are boobie-trapped.” You scolded.
“Maybe they are!” Alluka argued.
“Alluka Zoldyck!”
She huffed before crossing her arms. All four kids in solidarity with not touching their gifts. Wing trying with Zushi, only for the small boy to shake his head and turn away. The sight was baffling.
“C'mon bud. You don't want to see what you got?” Kite asked Gon.
And that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Unable to keep the secret of what they saw last night. Kite deserved to know didn't he?
The room going silent at the accusation. Eyes shifting around before everyone tried to stifle their laughter. Ging doubling over with tears in his eyes as Kite's face went a bright red.
“Y/n was kissing Santa by the tree! We saw them! But he probably blackmailed them with our gifts!” Killua speculated.
Your own face heating up. What the kids saw was you and Kite. They probably didn't recognize him well in the dark with his back facing them. But they had enough imagination to fill in the gaps, unfortunately.
It was going to be a long morning. And judging by how rest of the adults laughed knowingly at what really happened, you wouldn't be getting any help.
At least you'd had enough hindsight in your drunken state to think the kids might've walked in on you placing presents. It'd be a memorable first Christmas for you.
Tags: @fandomhoe101 @justxiao @bekataylorgriggs @zellwa
An: A little rushed because I simply did not have enough time. I wrote the first half of this with love, and the second half cracked out on NyQuil because I got sick. Which is why this is coming so late. Anyways- HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!! TO WHATEVER YOU CELEBRATE AND PRACTICE !!!!
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Post COLS what if- the war never happened Malec didn't get back together and life goes on.. Maybe they stay friends Alec becomes the consul the work together a lot maybe friends with benefit maybe a lot of longing or jealousy or whatever your take of it I would love to read it!
Alexander Gideon Lightwood
The name hovers in the air, bright like the shining sun. Like an irrefutable fact that no one can change now.
His name.
The Consul.
Alec has everything today.
Or almost everything.
Jace and Clary wrap him in a hug as the room cheers up at the results. He’s never expected this—out of all the things he’d wanted to become as a kid, consul was never one of them because Alec never let himself dream that far.
Dreams aren’t for people like Alec. Especially after he lost his most important dream.
But regardless, Alec is ecstatic today because now he has so much power to change things.
So many laws he can change.
Alec has a list.
But the first person Alec wants to inform this about isn’t here. Alec wants to change that. He wants to create a world where no one gets left behind.
After an exhausting day of proceedings and greetings, he finally portals back home.
Home isn’t the institute anymore.
It’s not Magnus’s loft either.
Home is a small 2 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn that Alec moved into a few years back.
Alec, who never fully felt home at the New York institute found a home in a warlock’s sanctuary. And even if he doesn’t have access to that, he can never go back to the institute.
Out of all the things Alec learned from Magnus, this one stands to be the most important—that a home, should always, always be a sanctuary.
It should be safe.
As much as Alec loves the institute, it’s not a safe place for everyone and Alec wants his house to be a refugee for others. A place where anyone can come without fear. The world that Alec wants to create requires that.
When he reaches home, there’s a surprise party for him and while Alec is exhausted, he smiles at everyone around him. Alec, who never believed love could be so easy for him knows now, how much he’s loved.
Before he can even control it, his face changes into a smile and Alec turns to greet the man.
“Magnus, hi.”
“Hi, darling.”
“You came.”
“Of course, I came,” Magnus smiles at him. There’s an obnoxiously large hat on his head that say “Legalise Free Ice-Cream.”
“What’s this?” Alec laughs.
“I heard big news. This is my first formal request to the new Consul,” Magnus grins, pointing at his head.
Alec shakes his head fondly.
“I figured that you would be too busy from now on, so I decided now would be the time to get all the favours I can.”
His cheeks turn red as he blushes. “Shut up.”
There’s a few second of comfortable silence as Magnus peers at him.
“How does it feel?” He asks, finally.
Even after everything, Alec can never lie to Magnus. Neither does he want to.
“I don’t think it’s hit me yet,” he says honestly. “I’m the Consul.”
Magnus beams. “Of course you are. There is no one else I see more fitting for this role.”
“Thank you.”
“Your welcome.”
Alec shakes his head, “Not for the congratulations. But for everything. You made me better.”
“You did. Just accept it.”
“Okay,” Magnus smiles sweetly at him, but Alec can see the blush.
They have a few drinks and Alec loses Magnus in the crowd a few times. And then he keeps on finding him again and again. Always gravitating together.
It’s a cruel, cruel twist of fate.
Years ago, Alec had believed that it would be impossible for them to be in the same room again. To be able to talk. To be friends but life proves him wrong once again.
They found each other again after the breakup.
Just in a different way.
Magnus is still the person that Alec loves the most in the world. Still, the very breath inside his chest.
They’re just not together anymore.
But Alec’s okay with it as long as he gets Magnus in his life.
“So, what’s your first order of business as the new chief in town?” Magnus jokes.
Alec frowns. “I’m not really sure. There’s a lot I want to do but I don’t know if I’ll be able to do that. Just because I’m the consul I can’t—“
“Breathe,” Magnus calms him down. “You have all the time. You’re like ten hours into your term, darling.”
“Hmm. There’s one thing that’s on my mind though,” he bites his lips. Not sure how many will react. Not wanting to see the reaction either.
Alec inhales deeply. “I want to make marriages between shadowhunters and downworlders legal.”
He avoid Magnus’s gaze at that not because of what he’ll see on the warlock’s face but because of what Magnus might see on his.
Longing has become a part of Alec now. He’s okay with it. He doesn’t want Magnus to see, though.
They’ve long since walked around the boundary of being friends, Alec doesn’t want to shake that.
He still doesn’t know a lot about Magnus. The man has shared a lot in the past few years but there’s still a lot that Alec doesn’t know. Things that Magnus might never share with him.
“Hmmmm. I’ve been thinking for a while. Remember Jian? I was thinking of what he said, how it feels when your love is prohibited by the world. Helen and Aline too—they’ve been together for years but the world doesn’t recognise that. I think people deserve that.”
He finally musters the courage to look at Magnus. There’s a dumbfounded expression on his face and something akin to pain. Alec’s not sure what to make of it.
“What do you think?” He hesitates.
“It’s uh—it’s a great idea. You’re a great idea,” Magnus speaks but then closes his eyes. “I meant, it’s a great idea, Alec. I’m just surprised is all.”
“Yeah. I don’t know how I’ll make it happen but yeah, it’s been on my…on my mind,” he swallows.
Alec imagines a wedding then.
He’s marrying Magnus in this imaginary wedding because there’s no one else for him.
He’s not sure about the location—they’d never reached the point in their relationship where they’d discuss potential locations.
So much, he doesn’t and will never know.
Even his imagination can’t comprehend a complete image.
“Well, twenty years from now, if you ever want to marry a shadowhunter and you can, please send me a thank you card for making that happen,” Alec jokes, then bites his lips instantly realising how much the even the idea hurt.
He really is an idiot, huh?
Magnus’s eyes turn sad before he speaks, “there’s never going to be another shadowhunter for me, Alec.”
And in another world, Alec might take that as proof that Alec is special. But Alec doesn’t feel that here so he speaks the first, unfiltered, idiotic thought he had. “One mistake was enough, I get it.”
“Alec, no,” Magnus’s voice is low and sad as he says the words.
Before they can dwell more on the words, Jace calls for Alec and he takes the opportunity to leave the conversation. “I’ll be back.”
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amethyst-halo · 4 months
can you tell us more about the popdwap au?
yea sure!!!
the gist of it is that it's a floyd doesn't leave au to start. when the bros break apart and stuff he can't bring himself to set out right away, and then he just sorta never gets to leaving until rosiepuff gets taken by bergens. when she does, he gets a little freaked out about his ability to protect branch on his own, and decides the two of them should leave the tree. he's been saving up to take on a solo career, and doesn't make the choice lightly; he doesn't know if and when the escape tunnels will be finished and he doesn't feel like they can stick around anymore.
floyd and branch spend a while traveling around the troll territories, meeting the different trolls around as floyd figures out his solo career's details. most of the other trolls are a little skeptical of them, since they're pop trolls, but they either leave them alone or warm up to them since they're just kids. they end up settling in the rock kingdom for a little while, where floyd makes his start, to give branch some stability.
it's very much a shitty position, though; floyd is 14 when they set out on their own, forced into a single guardian position and essentially losing his teen years. it doesn't help that branch is struggling to understand why their brothers left, often asking floyd where they went and if they really loved them and stuff like that. the first time he asks one of those, floyd decides he isn't forgiving his brothers, at least not easily. this attitude rubs off on branch very quickly, alongside the growing guilt as he comes to realize how fucked up it is that they're living that way so young.
meanwhile, clay returns to the tree just in time for the escape. he quickly finds viva, who doesn't know about floyd or branch's whereabouts, but she does know about rosiepuff being taken which she relays. they stick with everyone and get out the other side, helping trolls as best as they can. when peppy comes out, viva asks immediately about poppy.
peppy reaches into his hair, and finds that poppy is missing. viva immediately bolts back into the tunnels with clay right behind her.
she calls for her sister to no avail for a while, and clay starts trying to urge her back out because he knows they won't find her, but viva refuses. until the ceiling begins to crumble, and clay has to shove her out of the way, getting hit on the head in the process. with no way forward and a definitely concussed friend, viva turns back.
poppy's okay though!!! she gets found by a troll and ends up as a putt putt troll :)
clay and viva help start building the new pop village, leaning on each other since they both "lost" their siblings. viva becomes queen sooner than poppy, since she's 12-13 years older, so she's already queen by movie 1 timeframe. this is sorta where i haven't figured everything out yet; ik the movies happen but i dont have details ;v;
viva is definitely a lot like poppy; she's excitable and loves to throw parties and scrapbook, and braiding hair is still her way of telling others she likes them. since she has more time to be queen by the time the movies hit, she's a little more settled into her role and a little less sensitive to criticism.
clay steps up as her right hand man, helping her organize plans and keeping track of literally anything involving numbers and safety. he's still very set on being the serious one, but he can't help but be a little silly here and there. in his free time, i think he'd like to write books!
at sooome point floyd and branch end up moving to mt. rageous for both floyd's solo career and branch's restarting music career. they end up rooming with my oc rosewood! she's chill she's also a solo artist lmao
at another point floyd and branch end up going to a gig at vaycay island, only to discover bruce runs the biggest restaurant there with his wife. bruce is excited to see them, but they aren't that happy to see him considering he'd left them. their interactions are short and cold at best. still deciding on if floyd gets to rip into him about leaving bc he definitely deserves to
floyd does still get caught by velvet and veneer; branch is also almost caught, barely getting away in time. he enlists rosewood's help in finding a way to get to him, which he does, but he figures out he can't get floyd out of there without help. after spending an agonizing month or so trying to come up with literally any other plan, branch gives in and goes looking for his brothers for the perfect family harmony. he gets clay first, then john dory while on the way to bruce's. they get lost on the way back to mt rageous and end up by the golf course, where viva finds poppy is alive!
eeexcept she doesn't remember viva at all. and when viva starts to explain what happened, the memories flood back and overwhelm her, causing her to flee.
but poppy isn't in charge of the putt putts, it turns out. it's actually a much older grandma rosiepuff, who managed to escape the bergens and wound up with the separated trolls. of course, clay and bros are ecstatic to see her, clay and branch especially, and she asks about floyd which they fill her in on. rosie's in no shape to help save him, so she makes them promise to come back once they get him out of there.
on their way out, poppy comes back and decides she's going with them. she's apprehensive, and insists to viva she wants to figure everything out at her own pace, which viva is all for.
when the brothers start fighting on the road, branch is quick to get angry, saying he thought they'd have better priorities after 20 years. viva sides with him quickly, especially getting at clay for wanting his brothers back for 2 decades only to start fighting again almost immediately.
and againnnn i don't have anything else figured out but its kinda this a/b/c plot with viva and clay to branch and floyd to poppy over the course of like. 20+ years!
yea thats what i got so far!!! wahoo!!!!!
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thekingofgear · 4 months
The Smile's 2024 Tour Rehearsal Setup
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On March 5 and March 6, The Smile shared photos taken by Ade B during rehearsals for the band's 2024 tour dates. In the photos, the band are set up in Air Studios’ Lyndhurst Hall. It's a space where Jonny has frequently recorded orchestras, including for the Phantom Thread soundtrack. A photo from circa-2014 revealed that Radiohead’s string arrangements for Spectre (and possibly Man of War) were also recorded in the room.
The Smile’s live setup largely resembles the one they used for their tour dates last year. This isn’t a surprise, since many songs from the band’s latest album were written on the road. However, there is some new gear which seems to be intended for material off the new album. Further down in this post, we’ll list all of the gear, but we’ll highlight the changes first.
Electric Cello
Almost certainly the biggest surprise is that Jonny has added an electric cello and an electric viola to his setup. In the past, Jonny has occasionally played bowed string instruments on recordings, but they were always acoustic instruments, and he's never brought them on tour. Most of the time, Jonny only used his viola to sketch out string arrangements, which were then recorded by other players. And at live shows, Jonny has always bowed his electric guitar or bass to emulate those string arrangements, whether it's the harmonics on Pyramid Song or the col lengo crunch on Burn The Witch.
However, Jonny has started to play the cello more regularly in the past few years. In an interview from the 2010s, Jonny mentioned that he could make noises that he’s happy with on a cello, but claimed his left hand isn’t precise enough to perform with it. Then in 2019, he mentioned that, compared to viola, the cello "feels much more natural to hold and so much easier to make a nice sound on — I only wish I had moved on to it when I was a kid” (The Times). In 2021, he was credited with cello in the liner notes for the Power of the Dog soundtrack, applying banjo-style technique to the instrument. And this year, he was credited with cello in the liner notes for Wall of Eyes. In fact, Jonny can be seen playing his acoustic cello in a couple of polaroids posted in March 2023, during the recording of the new album.
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A closeup of the electric cello (left) and viola (right).
Digital “Upright” Piano
On every tour since 1997, Radiohead have brought an acoustic upright piano on tour. Usually they brought a Yamaha U1, though more recently they’ve favored a Kemble KC121 (essentially a U1 built at Kemble’s factory in the UK, rather than by Yamaha in Japan). The same was true for Atoms for Peace shows in 2010 and 2013. The Smile followed this trend, bringing an acoustic upright along for all of their tour dates from 2021-2023.
However, given how few of the Smile's songs require piano, it’s understandable that they’d switch to a digital instrument instead. The one they chose is a Nord Grand digital piano, which features fairly authentic piano hammer-action made by the piano maker Kawai.
For some solo shows in support of Anima, Thom brought a Waldorf Zarenbourg for sampled acoustic and electric piano sounds. Thom only played it for a couple songs each night, so it was understandable that he didn’t want to tour with an acoustic upright. However, it’s interesting that The Smile are still using their vintage Rhodes electric piano, rather than using the Nord Grand for Rhodes sounds in addition to acoustic piano sounds. Perhaps keyboard action is the reason: the hammer action of the Nord might be accurate for piano, but it’s probably a little heavy for Rhodes playing. Plus it’s clear that the band enjoy having a lot of keyboard on stage to experiment with.
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Closeups showing the Nord Grand in its custom black stand.
Sequential Prophet 6
One benefit of the digital piano is that its shorter stand leaves space for a keyboard to rest on top. For this tour, Thom has brought along his Prophet 6, which he previously used for the Suspiria soundtrack and for shows in support of Anima. This isn’t the first time that the band have mixed piano and synth. Thom did velcro a Dave Smith Instruments Tetra to Radiohead’s upright piano from 2012-2013. However, that synth saw little use, perhaps because of the Tetra’s minimal control layout.
The band now have three Prophet synths in their active setup: the Dave Smith Prophet ’08 beneath the modular, the Sequential Prophet 5 REV4 on top of the Rhodes piano, and the Sequential Prophet 6 on top of the digital piano.
Earthquaker Devices Blumes
In addition to the Earthquaker Devices Plumes overdrive on Thom’s board (note the green), it looks like he’s added a Blumes overdrive as well (the similarly-sized yellow box). The Blumes is intended as a bass-friendly version of the Plumes. Thom was already using the Plumes with his bass guitar for a very punchy sound, so it’ll be interesting to see how he uses the bassier Blumes.
The green of the Plumes and yellow of the Blumes can also be seen on Thom’s backup pedalboard, which is resting on top of one of the gear cases by Thom’s guitar stands.
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Closeups of Thom's guitar and vocal pedalboards (left) along with his backup guitar pedalboard (right).
Eventide Pitchfactor
It looks like Thom has added an Eventide Pitchfactor to his vocal pedalboard. It's in the spot where he had an Eventide H9 on the last tour, so it's likely that he was using the H9 for pitch shifting sounds. The H9 features all of the algorithms from the Pitchfactor (as well as the other Eventide pedals), but it has far fewer knobs so controlling it is more cumbersome.
Jonny's Setup
Jonny's Chordophones
Gibson Les Paul Standard Natural Finish (late-1970s)
Fender Precision Bass Natural Finish (early-1970s)
Electric Cello
Electric Viola
Dusty Strings Ravenna 34 harp
Jonny's Gibson Les Paul Custom and ES-125 are probably on a stand out of view.
Jonny's Guitar Pedalboard
Currently unknown, but likely similar to his summer 2023 pedalboard.
Jonny's Guitar Amplifier
Fender '65 Reissue Super Reverb No1
Fender '65 Reissue Super Reverb No2
Jonny's Bass Pedalboard
Boss TU2/3
Boss DD200 (replaces Akai Headrush E2)
Two Notes Le Bass preamp
Jonny's Bass Amplifier
Ampeg SVT Classic amplifier head (1990s)
Ampeg SVT Classic amplifier head (backup)
Ampeg 8x10" Cabinet
Jonny's Laptop Setup
Apple Macbook Pro
Furman M-8Lx
MOTU MOTU Midi Express XT No1
Focusrite Clarett+ 8pre No1
MOTU MOTU Midi Express XT No2
Focusrite Clarett+ 8pre No2
Radial Engineering SW8 8-channel auto-switcher
Hinton Instruments Z4 Quad Channel Long Haul Converter
Blackstar Live Logic 6-Button Foot Controller No1 (kept by laptop)
Blackstar Live Logic 6-Button Foot Controller No2 (velcro'd to Studiologic pedal)
Jonny's Synthesizers Setup
Sequential Prophet-5 REV4
Peterson Strobostomp HD tuner (for Prophet 5)
Earthquaker Devices Avalanche Run delay/reverb (for Prophet 5)
Studiologic MP-117 MIDI Pedalboard (controls Prophet 5)
It appears that Jonny has stopped touring with his Oberheim SEM Pro synthesizers, which he'd used for bass sounds on previous tours. So he's likely either using samples or his Prophet 5 for all of his bass synth needs.
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A closeup of Jonny's setup.
Thom's Setup
Thom's Chordophones
Martin 00-18?
Fender Jazzmaster Black Finish (1963)
Fender Jazzmaster White Finish (1964
Epiphone Casino Royal Tan (mid-1960s)
Epiphone Casino Sunburst (circa-1962)
Gibson SG (1964) No1
Gibson SG (1964) No2
Martin 00-18?
Fender Jazz bass
Gibson EB-0 bass
unknown classical guitar
unknown (semi-)hollow bass
Fender Mustang bass
unknown (semi-)hollow electric guitar
Thom's Guitar, Bass, and Vocal Pedalboards
Thom's current pedalboards seem mostly similar to the ones he used last year (see Thom's pedalboards page), aside from the changes mentioned above and the removal of the Soma Cosmos from the guitar board.
Thom's Guitar Amplifier
Vox JMI Vox AC30/6 (1962)
Thom's Bass Amplifier
Fender Super Bassman head
Fender Super Bassman head (backup)
Fender Bassman 610 Neo cabinet
Thom's Synthesizers
Waldorf STVC
Moog Matriarch
Sequential Prophet 6
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A closeup of Thom's setup.
Tom Skinner's Synthesizer Setup
Tom Skinner's Prophet Setup
Dave Smith Instruments Prophet '08
Roland FS-5U (sustain pedal for Prophet '08)
Tom Skinner's Modular Setup
Boss TU-3S tuner
JBL GO3 Portable Waterproof speaker
Unknown 4-knob Mixer
Elektron Octatrack MK2 (sequences the modular)
Make Noise Strega
Make Noise 0-Coast No1
Make Noise 0-Coast No2
Mutable Instruments Yarns MIDI-to-CV
Make Noise Richter Wogglebug random generator
Make Noise Echophon delay
Vermona twinOUT dual balanced output No1
Vermona twinOUT dual balanced output No2
Some other modules aren't possible to identify from this photo, but they probably match the ones seen in previous photos.
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A closeup of Tom Skinner's synth setup.
Shared Keyboards
Nord Grand (in custom black stand)
Fender Rhodes piano
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itslouisan · 23 hours
Time to have C!Techno headcannons!!!
Heyo, seems like finally I reached my 2nd favorite cc ever! I think techno's character is REALLY interesting, with great writing and details and I can definitely add some hc of my own in there, so without further ado, let's go!
(btw @syndicatedsystem you might like some of my headcannons involving Jschlatt and Techno I talk about here so yeah! Also feel free to discuss em' with me or make asks abt it, hell your blog inspires me a lot)
(I lost the name of the artist if anyone knows please tell me)
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• Techno has some braids in his hair, the longer, the more he values the person
Longest: Philza, it's braided with gold details
2nd longest: Ranboo, has a amethyst crystal for purple
Mid-term: Wilbur, he braided it in consideration of a battle friend and some good times with Will, he doesn't hate or likes Wilbur, but still can't deny they do have a connection
Shortest: Tommy.
• Techno prepared a space in the cabin for Tommy in case some day, his demons and the hell he was looking for, finally was found, he'd welcome Tommy with open arms, since he'd view that the kid suffered enough and had the time to change and face any consequences he'd need to face, the space is safe, always available, but, he'd never tell Tommy that, he keeps it hidden, he's not ready to be vulnerable to the demon child again and openly say Tommy could count on him, not until Tommy makes the first step.
• Keeps the pickaxe that blinded Quackity as a trophy, this and keeps all weapons from powerful enemies with him as a reminder of a great battle he won once again
• Likes to write poetry about people and events, he'd never give them to the person, but keep it in a dusty small box in his room in the attic of the cabin
• Techno was friends with Jschlatt before everything went to hell, they liked to talk about random bs while watching the fire crack at night and drink some cheap booze for Jschlatt and coffee for Techno
• I view Techno also having some boar traits, so yeah territorial as FUCK don't mess with his stuff or house, also he chases pray like crazy and can eat almost anything without a problem due to that
• Doesn't CARE for alcohol, just doesn't like the idea of having a hangover afterwards since he'd be unable to fight the next day
• Would gossip with Jschlatt, Tommy and the syndicate like, ABOUT EVERYTHING, I imagine him and Jschlatt favorite hobby is shit talking people they hate
• Techno being aro/ace also means if you flirt with him, he'll just stare at your soul and bully the shit out of you, sometimes calls Phil and/or Jschlatt to roast the shit out of the person, also WILL defend himself from any creeps and defend his friends from ANY strange people since for him touch is STRICTLY a death sentence and something that takes time
• Techno smokes when stressed or in the syndicate room, making Phil always carry an extra lighter for him just in case, the 2 used to be smoking buddies before Phil quit when he adopted Chayanne and Tallulah
• Techno in the QSMP is an entity, a god watching above everyone but never leaving Phil side and the eggs side, sometimes he'd talk to Tallulah directly, or influence Phil like a voice in his head to do the right thing in his vision or appear to Chayanne in his dreams to have a chat
• Can and will drink blood from the enemies
• Loves to talk about skulls and anatomy of the body in general, a dark fact, due to respect to Jschlatt, after he died (not considering revival, I view revival as either the decomposed body coming back to life in a LESS but STILL fucked up state or a kind of new body that is the users body in the afterlife coming to the alive realm, if you guys want, I can make a post about this) picked and kept Jschlatt sheep skull, with horns and everything
(art by sadist)
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• Would talk about historical wars and battles with his own analysis and commentaries on it, making a great history teacher
• totally collects greek mythology stuff, books, items, anything.
• Has a couple of tattoos but one that is pretty badass is a wither skull with red smoke on his ribs in the right, a tattoo of a emerald in the inside of his left wrist, a tattoo of a squid with a fork on it's head in reference to the potato war on his right wrist really tiny and "everything starts with blood" and "the voices demand blood" written in his tights
• My boy 100% has piercings due to piglin culture, around 75% of them being made of gold
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