#i was planning small gifs but then i i was like WHY?
wosoamazing · 2 days
Alessia & Olympic Journey's
Alessia x R (Physio!R & Athletics!R) Warnings: semi panic attack?? one part is light sickfic vibes but idk let me know if there is something I should add
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You and Alessia had known each other since college having both attended UNC and been a part of their sport program, however she was a Footballer and you were a Track Athlete. You had met on one of the sport wellbeing retreats. They had mixed up the sports groups for a week, which allowed you to become close to Alessia and spoke everyday, so when you both ended up in Manchester after college it was a nice surprise, and you became even closer, at the end of one of the seasons Alessia asked you to be her girlfriend and well that was it.
She was playing at United at the time and you were one of the Physios for the women’s team at City. Them having been the only club that really understood what you needed to allow you to be both a physio and a high level athlete, working around your schedule, allowing you days off. It worked well, honestly so well it felt like a dream some days. 
However she had recently moved to Arsenal and you had contemplated moving with her, well originally you weren’t, planning on moving but when some of the London based clubs heard about Alessia’s transfer they thought you might be looking to move as well, and considering your reputation they all jumped at the possibility and gave you offers. But none of them really even matched what you had with City, especially when City offered you extra benefits, not wanting to risk their best physio to a rival club. You had the ability to connect with the players at a level most didn’t, you were one of them in a way, and they appreciated that, someone treating them who understood exactly how frustrating a small niggle is, who understood the frustration of a bad game, to the girls you weren’t just a physio but someone to talk to, who was at the exact same level as them, not someone who had injured out, wasn’t good enough, or was now older and retired.
You stayed at City, but you didn’t take their new offer, how could you when what they were already giving you was so much better than the other clubs. However they insisted on giving you the added benefits, so you had every second weekend off getting to go up and see Alessia play.
You and Alessia were spending the weekend together, which you currently didn’t know, even though she was sat up in the stands of the Manchester Regional Arena watching you train, you hadn’t noticed her, hadn’t unfocused for half an hour. It was something she admired about you, how much you poured your heart and soul into the sport you loved, how focused you were always, and how you never gave it anything but your all.
“I don’t get it,” Ella grumbled beside her.
“What?” Alessia asked, not moving from her position, she was leant forward slightly, chin resting on her hands, her elbows resting on her knees, eyes on you.
“Why does she like it? Why does anyone like it?” Ella asked.
“Why do you like football? Why does anyone like football?” Mary replied with a philosophical question to match Ella’s.
Alessia didn’t reply to Ella’s question, she was too focused on the way you had started to rub your temples between each run, and the way your eyes were now either squinted or closed now, she hadn’t seen them fully open in the past, however many minutes.
“Somethings wrong,” Alessia blurted out.
“Here we go again,” Ella rolled her eyes, as she did you sat down, legs bent up, before you slightly collapsed back to the ground, now lying down, hand covering your eyes, your coach bent down next to you, blocking Alessia’s view of your face, but she didn’t like the way your chest was heaving more than usual with your breaths. Ella let out a small “oh” at your actions regretting the way she teased Alessia just seconds ago
You stood up as your coach walked away, only just realising Alessia was there with Ella and Mary. You smiled slightly, gesturing for them to come down, which they did as you walked over to your bag.
“Hey baby,” Alessia said softly as she walked over to you, your arms immediately wrapping around her and your head dropping to her shoulder, hiding away in her neck, “you all good?” she asked, still concerned.
“Yeah, I just missed you,'' you told her as you released from the hug, only to be pulled into her side from her arm wrapping around your hips, letting your head fall to the side to rest on her shoulder once again.
“What are we doing tonight?” you asked the three girls, slightly hoping they hadn’t planned a crazy night.
“We are going to go o-owww” Ella started speaking, only to be interrupted by Mary stepping on her foot, the older woman noticing how there was definitely something off with you, also having grown slightly concerned.
“We are all going to go to our respective homes, Mary and Ella just came to support you at training,” Alessia informed you and the others of the new plan for the night, before kissing you on your temple.
“What do you want for dinner?” Alessia asked as you entered your home, hand in hand.
“I’m honestly not that hungry baby, I’m sure I’ll like whatever you pick” you admitted before dropping your bag at the door, and flicking your slides off “I’m just going to go have a quick shower,” you told her as you let go of her hand and walked in the direction of your bedroom. Alessia knew something was up, you never just left your training bag lying around, and usually when you had been separated for this long you would be asking Alessia to join you for a ‘steamy’ shower. She made quick work of unpacking your bag, before making some toast for you, plating it alongside two panadol and a glass of water, setting your room up exactly how you liked it, so you could just slip into bed once you finished your shower.
Alessia quietly knocked on the bathroom door before opening it, too much time had passed since the water was turned off for her liking and she was growing slightly concerned yet again. When the door opened she saw you standing leaning against the counter heavily as you gripped onto it for dear life, your towel now on the floor at your feet, having been wrapped around your body at one stage. 
“Baby,” she said softly as she walked into the room, “do you need some help?” you bit your bottom lip as you sunkenly nodded your head, Alessia quickly jumped into action, helping you get dressed before pulling you in for a tight hug, “you don’t feel well do you?” she asked, to which you just shook your head, she silently guided you to your side of the bed, watching as you climbed in before handing you the two panadol and the glass of water, before moving to the otherside of the bed, and climbing in, handing you the toast, which you took a few bites from before placing it back on the plate and shaking your head, “that’s okay, thank you for eating something, why don’t you try and sleep now,” you nodded slightly as you slid down the bed moving to lye down, you laid on your side as you looked at Alessia longingly and she knew what you wanted, so she moved to lying down next to you, facing you she opened her arms, allowing for you to snuggle into her, your head burying in her neck, as her hands started to softly run over your back, sending you to sleep quickly.
Alessia couldn’t help but be content, she wasn’t going to get to spend the weekend with you the way she wanted, but she still got to spend it with you, and if she was being honest there was probably nothing she loved more than hugging you.
“We might see each other,” you told Alanna as you worked on her for the last time that season, having both been discussing your plans for the summer, and the upcoming olympics.
“Yeah but we won’t see Alex,” Alanna joked as she looked over to the British player who laid on the bed next to her’s.
“I don’t know, with the amount of tickets Alessia’s bought I might be seeing Y/N at least,” she replied, to which you rolled your eyes. Alessia had bought enough tickets for every member of her family, and even ‘some’ of your friends, but it might be more than just some friends if Alex had a ticket as well.
“Why is there so much stuff, surely they don’t expect it all to fit in there,” you said as you flopped back on your bed, exhausted from trying to pack all day.
“Will you just let me do it now,” Lotte asked and you nodded not wanting to look at it all again, you and the three UNC girls were all in their shared apartment as you and Emily were packing for your next month, specifically the olympics training camps and the actual olympics, you had planned to spend your last day before you all went your separate ways together, kind of like old times.
“Baby, treat yourself, once slice wont hurt,” your girlfriend told you as the four of you sat on the couch watching a movie, the others having ordered pizza, which you refused to eat.
“No, it’s fine don’t worry,” “Bu-” “No Alessia, you don’t understand, one slice will hurt, you haven’t seen me eat even a square of chocolate for months and yet you thought ordering pizza the night before I fly out would be smart, let alone telling me to eat a slice, I get it you’re not going to the olympics, but I am, and I am not letting months of draining go down the drain by even eating one single bite of pizza,” you stormed off to your bedroom, needing a minute to breath, immediately regretting your words.
“She didn’t mean it, she is just nervous,” Lotte tried to reassure Alessia, as she saw tears starting to well in her friend's eyes. Emily had already grabbed her keys and gone somewhere.
“I just, I didn’t expect it, she has been fine all day,” Alessia said to Lotte who nodded, “but- I-I’m, I don’t know, why didn’t she say something about the pizza?”
“She did,” Lotte muttered under her breath, hoping Alessia didn’t hear her.
“When?” “When you asked if we wanted Pizza for dinner, she said she wanted-” “a chicken salad from that place down the road,” Emily interrupted Lotte as she walked through the door holding exactly that, which caused Alessia to burst into tears, both girls rushing to her side.
“She is my girlfriend and yet I didn’t even listen to her, I-I-” “Less, no it’s okay, you’re distracted, you don’t want her to go.” Lotte told her.
“Go. Go give her the salad, say it's from you, spend the night in your room with her, but please if the salad makes her that happy don’t be loud, I need some sleep before I get on the plane tomorrow.” Emily said.
“Oh don’t worry about that, we haven’t done it in weeks, it’s too risky, she might get injured. But thank you. I’m sorry,” Alessia told your friends before she wiped her eyes and took the salad from Emily before walking into your room.
“I’m sorry,” Alessia said as she walked into the dark room, walking to her side of the bed turning on the lamp only to find you asleep on her pillow, “baby, wake up,” she gently shook you, and watched as your eyes opened “I, well Emily got you a chicken salad. I’m really sorry, I didn’t hear you, but I should’ve been listening and not been so focused on what we wanted, I-” her sentence was interrupted as you pulled her in for a kiss which quickly got heated before she pulled away and held her hand up, and placed the chicken salad in your hands, you moved over on the bed and patted the space beside you, so she sat down and you quickly curled yourself into her side, enjoying the salad, whilst she turned on the TV, you both understanding what had happened, not needing to talk about it, you both knew you were nervous and not excited to be away from each other for so long and it all just kind of boiled over.
Alessia’s phone started ringing as she sat in her seat, waiting for your second event to start, it was due to begin in 15 minutes, so when she pulled out her phone to see your number flash up on the screen, she felt a wave of panic surge through her. She didn’t even get the chance to say anything when she answered.
“Alessia, you need to come down here now,” It was your coach, Alessia bolted up in her seat and immediately started walking, following the directions of your coach, she found him quickly and a lanyard was thrown over her head before she quickly followed the man to you. You were sitting on the floor against a wall, breathing quickly, looking panicked.
“Baby, I need you to breath for me, okay, you can do that, with me, in, 2, 3, and out, 2, 3, that's it keep going,” after a few deep breaths you had calmed down enough for Alessia’s liking, “what’s going on?”
“What if I stuff up again, I can't do it, I don’t want to disappoint anyone, I-” “Baby, that wasn’t your fault, that was the Swedish girls fault, everyone agreed, even the France coach was yelling at the officials at one stage, it was not your fault and it was unfair that they didn’t call it, but this is your event, the one you love. I promise you, I am so incredibly proud of you already and that wont change whether you get gold in this race or come dead last, you have done incredible to get to the finals of the 400m baby, and you won't disappoint anyone. But I know someone who will be disappointed if you don’t go out and at least try,” “Who?” you asked slightly nervous for the answer, “You,” she told you adamantly, and you knew she was right.
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moonlitstoriess · 3 days
Across the Universe-ch.7 (Fenrys x Reader)
Summary: Y/n has everything she needs in life. A family, friends, a safe place she calls home and most importantly a male whom she loves. What happens when it all changes when Y/n finds out about the betrayal of her lover and her so called family? Well, ending up in Terrasen and in queen Aelin's court was not what she expected but what she will need to start her new journey full of surprises.
Warning: mentions of trauma, violence, abuse
See masterlist
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All her life, she has been an outcast. After all, rumours spread fast when you live in a small place.
"She is cursed."
"No normal being has what she has."
"Stay away from her."
"Did you hear? She is not fae because of that."
All because of one traitor. All because she trusted the wrong 'friend' to tell and show it to.
It did not get better when the rumours reached him either.
She still has the burns on her legs from that night to prove that.
He was tying her onto the table. She was screaming, trying to fight him, pleading for whoever would listen, to come save her. No one came.
A slap across her right cheek.
"Shut your mouth! You have already embarassed me enough by having your deformity be the talk of every Illyrian camp to exist."
She was completely tied to the table. Her weak, bony, bruised arms and legs were secured to the edges with really tight and thick ropes.
"No! Let me go!"
That was when he took the heated metal, red-hot in appearance, and started to come closer to her.
He prepared for this. He was planning to do this to her all along because that iron did not get so hell-hot in a matter of seconds.
Maybe today was the day. Her end.
To her surprise, he applied it not to her chest, but to her legs. Nonstop, taking turns for each leg.
She tried. She really tried not to scream, not to give him the satisfaction of her pain but, how could she not? She was being burned for Cauldron's sake! She held out for a minute before succumbing into the pain.
She did not remember the rest because she passed out after who knows which burn.
She was 15.
So why her? Why was she the chosen one? Why should she close the gates? Was she not the cursed one? Why did The Book of Breathings send her here? What is her purpose?
So many questions. Seems like her plan to go home as soon as possible and leave them to deal with their own problems would have to be erased.
With a sigh, she looked up at the bright blue sky as she and Fenrys finally made it out of the warded area into the clearing.
Apparently, all this thinking has made her blind because the next thing she knows, y/n is colliding with a hard wall- no, muscle. She looked up to see that it was none other than Fenrys, holding her by her arms so she can balance her body once again. She was pressed to his body.
With an awkward move, she staggered back and tried to stop herself from blushing like a tomato. And from the amused smirk on Fenrys' face, she was doing a terrible job at keeping herself composed.
He let out a small chuckle as he came closer, "Let that be a lesson to not daydream while walking."
She scoffed and turned her face while crossing her arms, "I was NOT daydreaming."
She tried and failed to hide her sneaky smile.
He turned her around so that they were face to face as he said, "Hmmm sure, whatever you say. I can winnow us out of here now. Hopefully, this time you won't make a scene about it."
"I was NOT making a scene either, I was just- wait. Did you just say winnow? As in, the way we say it in Prythian?"
Fenrys simply shrugged before taking her hand and as the world around them began disapearing, all he said was, "Just a slip up. I will never say it again."
Y/n could not stop the smile that formed on her face.
When they arrived at the grand hall, the first thing y/n noticed was that her legs were sore after walking for so many days. Scratch that. Her whole body was sore. Sleeping on the ground does that to you. Damn those tall trees and their dense leaves, she couln't even fly! Going to bed right now and sleeping for a whole day or two did not sound like a bad plan at all.
The second thing she noticed was that Aedion's right arm was covered in bandages and hanging from a sling. How on earth did he manage to break his arm? Looks like they were not the only ones who had a tough journey.
And the third thing she noticed was a new face. Silver hair like moonlight highlighted a face so beautiful, y/n wondered if this woman was even real. Lips covered in a seductive red color that would make any being fall on their knees for her. When her eyes that were the color of burnt gold locked with y/n's gaze, the woman seemingly assesed her from head to toe. In turn, y/n did the same. She was wearing some kind of scale-embossed black, leather coat-dress with a silver chain around her torso, and a small, red fabric dangling from the chain. Her simple, black pants and knee high boots added an air of dominance to her overall look.
Was this Manon? Fenrys mentioned her name earlier but y/n was too distracted with the loud roars coming from that weird flying thing that she was almost not paying any attention.
"Don't shush me!"
"This is getting a little too intense guys"
"No, it is getting exciting. Just look at the way they are coldly looking at one another! Fight, Fight, Fi-"
"Gods, Aedion stop that! Are you a child?!"
Y/n was pulled out of her haze as she looked around the room to see everyone looking between her and Manon. Apparently, they were too intense with their assessment of one another.
Manon, seemingly unfazed, just kept on staring at her face with cool indifference. So, y/n did the same. She was not about to look scared in front of this woman.
Aelin, clearly seeing the tension, came forward while clearing her throat.
"Y/n, this is Manon. Manon Blackbeak. She is The Queen of Witches and our bestest friend." she said jokingly as she tried side-hugging Manon, to which the woman scoffed and removed her arm while smirking slightly.
So she was a witch. The Queen of Witches. Oh, Nesta would have loved her.
"Manon dearest, this is the one and only Y/n. Anddd I would be glad if you could stop giving her death stares now. You too, y/n."
Y/n held her ground under Manon's penetrating gaze, refusing to be the first to look away. She could sense the power and confidence radiating from the Queen of Witches, and while it intimidated her, it also intrigued her.
"Manon Blackbeak," Y/n echoed, her voice steady despite the tension in the room. "I've heard a lot about you."
Manon raised an eyebrow, her smirk fading slightly as she regarded Y/n with a calculating gaze.
"Have you now?" she replied, her tone neutral yet tinged with curiosity.
Aelin interjected with a nervous laugh, attempting to lighten the atmosphere. "Yes, Y/n, Manon here is not just the Queen of Witches but also quite the force to be reckoned with."
Manon's lips quirked in amusement at Aelin's attempt at diplomacy, but she remained silent, her eyes still fixed on Y/n.
Y/n took a breath, deciding to address the tension head-on. "Look, I don't know what your impression of me is, but I'm here to help," she stated firmly, meeting Manon's gaze with determination. "Whatever it takes to close those gates and protect our worlds....aaaanddd finally get me to MY world."
Manon's expression softened for a quick second, a hint of respect gleaming in her eyes. "Words are easy." she remarked cryptically, her voice low but carrying an undertone of acknowledgment.
Rowan cleared his throat, attempting to diffuse the palpable atmosphere. "Yes, well, we're all on the same side here," he said diplomatically, giving a pointed look to both Y/n and Manon. "Let's focus on why we're all gathered. There's a lot at stake."
Manon's gaze lingered on Y/n for a moment longer before she finally broke the stare, her expression unreadable. "Agreed" she said simply, her voice carrying a tone of authority that resonated through the room.
Lysandra got up to her feet "Very well then! Who wants to go first?"
The second she saw Lorcan open his mouth, Lysandra put up her hand as she said, "Nevermind, we will go first."
There were a few chuckles and a full on cruel smirk from Manon directed right at the angry giant.
The green eyed female turned towards her husband and Elide as she said, "Dearest crew mates, shall we begin?"
Aedion was about to say something when she also shut him up "Do not. I am still pissed at you for what you did. Elide, sweetheart, will you do the honors?"
Aedion rolled his eyes as he scoffed and grumbled something under his breath which made Eva let out a wide eyed laugh.
Elide sat on one of the chairs surrounding the large table and sighed "Well, as much as Lysandra just added dramatics and made it seem like we discovered something beyond shocking, we only managed to find one thing that could help us."
"Hey! We needed to add some dramatics to make it seem bigger than it is. Or else they will be disappointed that we don't come with much information. I guess it is all ruined now anyway." Lysandra finished before jokingly sticking her tounge out at Elide.
"If I may-"
"No you may not Aedion."
"Lysandra, please, starlight."
"Fine! Do whatever you want. It is not like I was able to stop you before!"
Y/n, feeling the tension between them, murmured to the blond queen beside her, "What happened with those two?"
Aelin simply sighed and shook her head "If only we knew."
Aedion cleared his throat before adressing the room, "So, after a two day journey JUST to reach the Sanctuary, we were able to acquire a meeting with the head monk. Thanks to Elide's lovely acting and sweet talking. Once we met with the wrinkly, bony, ghost-"
"He was not that at all! Yes, he was quite ancient but so sweet! He even gave us sweet drinks." Elide said before casting a glare at the blond warrior.
Aedion continued, "Yes. Well, he was only sweet to you. I still did not get over the fact that he called my wife a half-beastie."
Lysandra scoffed "You should have let me deal with him on my own! There was no need to cause that fight!"
At that, Aelin interjected "What fight? What on earth are you talking about?"
Lysandra pointed a finger at Aedion before looking at her queen "Did you know, your cousin-"
"What is wrong with protecting my wife-"
To everyone's absolute shock, it was Elide who shouted that word and got up from her chair, striding to the center of the room with a determined look on her face.
"Look, we went, I charmed the old folks, they allowed us to go through their manuscripts and ancient whatever else. Of course, even my smooth-talk had its limits because we did not get a full access and there were monks and sages looking over our shoulders at any point."
She took a deep breath before continuing, "So, what we managed to find was that the gates are indeed weakened. Apparently, the barriers between realms are awakening. And guess what? The Valg are exploiting these vulnerabilities to gain access to not just our world, but to any world possible."
She then looked pointedly at Aedion and Lysandra "There was this one specific manuscript. Its cover looked very promising I was just about to take it and quickly go through it but..."
Rowan crossed his arms as he urged, "But...what?"
She sighed before looking at no one in particular "But, a specific shifter and a specific warrior ruined it all."
"Wait what-"
"I ruined nothing-"
"Why me-"
Manon's voice cut through the growing commotion, "You fought with a monk because he called Lysandra a half-beastie?"
Aedion got up to his feet, although y/n did see how he hissed a little due to the condition of his arm.
"No. I was beyond mad when the monk said that in the beginning of our little visit of course, but Lysandra somehow managed to calm me. It was not until these two were searching for information and I was in the hall, looking through the window. That cranky old bastard once again came near me and....and fucking dared to not only insult MY wife again, but also MY queen. Saying things how, 'now she remembers them', that Aelin is a 'spoiled brat' and whatever not. I could not take it no more."
Utter silence was in the room as y/n, seeing the state he got into, carefully asked, "And how exactly did you break your arm?"
He sighed before plopping down on the couch and looking her fiercely in the eyes. "The bastard managed to push me quite forcefully with his magic into a wall. I beat him up in the end of course, but he still managed to win this one from me." He paused as he pointed to his arm before looking at his wife and then, cousin "But I would do it all again if it meant that I could rip his head out this time. The females of my household will never be disrespected."
Rowan came forward and put his hand on Aedion's shoulder, a sign of respect and gratitude for protecting his mate's honor.
Aelin also came forward and sat next to her cousin, put her hand on his right shoulder, before continuing, "You should be more careful next time. I am grateful nonetheless cousin. Hopefully, those bony bastards will know their place from now on."
Before anyone could say anything, she cleared her throat and looked at her mate and Lorcan, "What about you two?"
The two warriors exchanged a look before Lorcan said in a voice so...not agressive or angry that y/n thought she must be hallucinating.
"Anyone who is standing might want to sit down for this one."
Rowan looked at his companion before nodding and then gazing at everyone else in the room.
"When we went to The Riftgate Ruins....while we were studying them, trying to understand anything about what was on them, we noticed that there were recent disturbances or traces of Valg magic that indicate current activity."
Lorcan came forward and continued the story on his brothers behalf, "Since I am, after all, the best and most skilled tracker that there is,"
Y/n nearly felt her eyeballs hit the back of her head because of how hard she was rolling them.
"Detecting Valg magic that leaves distinct residues and traces was not hard. Rowan and I found lingering traces of Valg essence or dark magic around the ruins, which clearly suggests recent Valg activity."
Y/n felt the room physically grow cold as the uncomfortable silence stretched on and on. Is it possible then? Are Valgs back?
Chaol, who was apparently standing by the doorway and listening, asked "But how? We killed them all during the war. Erawan is dead. Shouldn't their connection be severed?"
No one answered him. No one could answer him because no one had an answer to give.
Aelin, fear and determination evident in her gaze, said, "What if they are not all dead? But how would that be? Were they not connected to Erawan?"
Manon sighed before turning her head towards Chaol, "Yrene. Did she find something yet?"
Chaol came into the light and oh Mother above...did he even sleep? His hair was completely dishelved, there were bags under his eyes and why in the seven hells was he limping?
He said in a tired voice, "She is getting close. The language is clearly something she has never seen before so she is giving it her all. Give her some more time."
It was Lysandra who asked, "She won't let anyone into the room, is she atleast well? eating? sleeping? taking care?"
"Of course. My wife is my number one priority. I make sure that she is well."
Fenrys, who had not spoken until now, came closer and put a hand on the brown haired man as he said, "You need rest as well. We will take care of Yrene in whatever she needs. Do not forget what happens when one of you is not well. It affects the other."
What? Y/n made a mental note to ask Aelin on what on earth that meant.
Chaol nodded and got up as he said, "Yes, I will. For her well-being, I will. Just came to give you all the latest news. And apparently got shocking news in turn as well," a look directed at Rowan and Lorcan.
Aelin sighed, "Just go rest. You gave up much of your energy. You both did. We got it for now."
Once Chaol was gone, the queen looked at Eva, smiled sadly and said, "Thanks to Eva's precise book spotting and my exceptional page skimming skills, we managed to quickly find some interesting facts. The Book of Breathings contains ancient spells capable of containing the Valg. In fact, it has a specific text dedicated to sealing them. If this is true, it could only mean one thing, the Valgs already existed when that book was created."
It was Eva who came closer to y/n and looked up at her "But isn't that book in your world? How can we get it into this world?"
Y/n had no idea on what to say apart from, "The book was created using the last of the molten ore used to forge the Cauldron, I thought it only contained spells to control the Cauldron's powers. But if there is a specific area in it that is dedicated to the Valgs then it could mean that when it was created, the Vags attempted to endanger my world as well."
Lysandra put her face in her palms and muttered "This is getting worse by the minute."
Elide sighed as she turned her head towards Fenrys and said, "Please tell me you two atleast found something less....depressive."
Right. Y/n and Fenrys also had to tell about their findings. Great.
It wasn't until Fenrys came and stood near her that y/n realized how her heart was about to rip out of her chest. She was anxious and uncomfortable just by talking about what they found out.
All of a sudden, she felt this overwhelming amount of calm and soothing overtake her body. She turned her head to her right to see him standing right next to her now. She would never say it out loud but, y/n was glad that Fenrys was beside her during this revelation.
He seemingly understood her state because he cast her a quick glance before beginning to talk about their 'lovely' little journey.
Fenrys looked at everyone in the room as he recounted the events, from the appearence of the otherworldly seers to the revelations thrown upon them. Once he was done, the room went through another intensely extended period of silence as everyone processed his words.
Aelin had pure shock on her face while Rowan was just staring at the wall, his gaze unfocused, Lysandra tilted her head backwards and closed her eyes, Aedion stared at the ground, unmoving, Elide gasped before putting her hand on her mouth and looking at no one in particular, Lorcan had a frustrated look on his face directed at Fenrys, Eva was just looking up at y/n with wide eyes and Manon....well she was harder to understand but from the slight furrow in her brows y/n guessed that she was still analyzing Fenrys' words.
Y/n cleared her throat and came a little forward "Well, it seems like I can not go home until we solve your problem."
Aedion, still staring at the ground, replied "It may also become your world's problem if we do not put an end to this quickly."
Before y/n could reply, Rowan said to no one in particular "We need a properly constructed plan" before seemingly coming back from his haze and immediately leaving the room followed by a confused yet determined Lorcan.
Y/n saw how everyone, especially Aelin was still processing the information so, she said with a sigh, "I am going to rest. I do not think my mind is able to form any coherent thoughts right now." without looking back or waiting for an answer, she turned around and ascended the grand stairs.
Thirty minutes. Thirty minutes was all the time she could sleep for- or atleast force herself to sleep for. Her body was begging her earlier for some good sleep and food but now, as she lay in bed, she was neither hungry nor sleepy. After staring at the ceiling for the past thirty minutes, y/n huffed before getting up and going to change into a more comfortable attire.
Once she discarded her turtleneck, y/n gently touched her throat, pleasantly surprised by how effective Isolde's salve had been on her injury. The mark that had once marred her skin was now barely noticeable, a testament to the healing properties of the salve. With a contented sigh, she planned to apply it once more later, confident that it would soon vanish completely.
Choosing a clean white turtleneck from her wardrobe, y/n slipped it on, followed by dark brown pants and boots.
Once she was ready, y/n stepped onto the balcony, the serene evening view stretching out before her. With a deep breath, she leapt into the air, feeling weightless and free as she soared above the grounds, her mind momentarily liberated from the concern's coming their way. Where she was going, y/n neither had no idea nor did she care as her wings flapped and she felt a sense of happiness and relaxation fall over her.
Fenrys was tired. Exhausted even. There was so much happening that he could barely keep up. He trusted Rowan to make a proper action plan without his help because if he had to stand for another minute, he would end up falling asleep and kissing the ground.
But, after what happened between him and y/n in the woods, Fenrys also had another question bugging his mind. Who hurt her?
He knew that he shouldn't care. That she meant absolutely nothing to him and therefore, he should let her handle her own problems. In fact, he should be delighted that someone caused her discomfort here, made her realize she is not safe in this world. It should have brought him great satisfaction when he pictured her scared face.
But all it brought to him was an overflow of anger and violence. Something within him forced Fenrys to turn violent whenever he thought of her in danger. He will find whoever caused her that mark. And when he does....let the nonexistent Gods have mercy on them because Fenrys for sure won't.
But first, sleep. Just as he was walking the halls to get to his room, he saw her, flying high in the sky, looking so ethereal-
No. Don't be stupid.
He ignored her, continuing on his path. Just go to your room and rest Fenrys. Yes. You don't need to care for her. Or follow her.
5 minutes later, he was outside getting ready to shift into a wolf and....follow her. Whatever this feeling within him was, it was as if he was being tugged or pulled to go wherever she goes.
In his defense, Fenrys tried to reason with himself that he was doing this for safety. What if she was a spy? Maybe she was going somewhere to meet with her accomplice? He was doing it for his queen. For his country. For his family.
But even as Fenrys shifted and began his way into the woods, he knew what a lie it was. He has no reason to still see her as a suspect because even the seers confirmed her innocence. And value to the book apparently.
After what seemed like twenty minutes, he found her, sitting on a medium sized boulder, overlooking the grassy views of Orynth.
He slowly approached her. Like a beast sizing its prey. If he jumped her now, she wouldn't even have time to react before he ripped her throat. But for some reason, even thinking of such a scenario left a sour taste in his mouth.
Apparently she knew he was here because without even turning around, her honey-like voice said, "Seems like you have this severe obsession with hunting and catching me."
She knew it was him without even having to look back. It made no sense how she would always recognize Fenrys out of a thousand others. So, as the giant white wolf shifted beside her into the familiar male, y/n felt a mixture of excitement and curiosity. The transformation from wolf to man was seamless, a testament to Fenrys' mastery over his shapeshifting abilities.
He wordlessly came and sat beside her on the boulder, leaving a respectful distance between them even though just last night they slept in each others arms. It looks like he won't bring that conversation up anytime soon. She won't either.
So, y/n, still not looking at the male beside her, asked, "Where do your people live? Looks like the forests here are very large."
Fenrys who was apparently also preferring to look towards the view instead of her, replied, "These are the palace grounds. I know, they are quite big but the people live just outside this forest. There are towns and villages. Aelin's subjects love her very much."
Y/n smiled a little "Seems like she is a good queen then."
At that, Fenrys also smiled "Yes. The best."
After a minute of silence, he asked "How....how is your life back in your world?"
To say that she was shocked would be an understatement. Fenrys was asking her a question and not throwing another snark remark? Was he being civil with her right now? It surely must be raining rocks.
He should not have asked her this. What even made him ask her this? Why are you entertaining the idea of her? Get up and leave. Now.
But he did not move. Not even a single inch as he watched her turn her head and look at him for the first time since he arrived here. And....what a sight for sore eyes she was.
The sunset was casting a natural glow over her features as she angled her head towards him and those kissable lips began moving- enough.
"My life....well I have um....gone through many different moments in my life- well, I can tell you about my years serving in the Night Court?"
Why was she hesitating to talk about her life? Some uneasy feeling settled over him but he ignored it as he nodded his head slightly, urging for her to continue.
Y/n took a deep breath before looking back at the view "When I met my High Lord, I was a trainer-of sorts for my own academy. Anyways, he and I had some...common beliefs regarding well-"
She sighed "Illyrians. Females like me, coming from the Illyrian mountains. That place is....not a kind one. Towards females, I mean. The males there are so traditional, sticking to the old rules where the only job of a female was to cook, clean and work as some kind of a breeding machine. There is this tradition that when we become old enough...female wings should be clipped."
He felt nauseous. How could a place like that exist? How could- wait. Did that mean..."Did they treat you like that? Did they try to clip your wings too?" even saying these words made him see red.
She was clearly uncomfortable now. Her face suddenly became shiny with a thin layer of sweat as she started fiddling with her fingers and looking everywhere but at him.
Something is wrong.
"Velaris is a very beautiful place to live in. Rhysand, my ex High Lord, and his ancestors kept that city a secret for a long time. Protecting it from our enemies."
She was avoiding him but it was alright, he would not press on the matter. After all, he would also avoid it if she were to ask him about his past. About what Maeve would force him to do, about his years as her slave- No. Don't go there. Just listen to her soothing voice.
Why was she even telling him these things? Apparently she was greatly missing home and needed someone to vent to.
"Rhysand introduced me to his family who later on also became my family. Cas or well...Cassian, Amren, Mor and...Az."
She felt him slightly stiffen beside her as he asked, "Who?"
Y/n cleared her throat "Azriel. He um...he-I....we were....acquinted."
She saw Fenrys put his arms on his legs and clench his hands slightly as he asked, "Mate?"
Her heart sank. She hates that word. Despises it. Especially the memories it brings up about Azriel.
Clearly, her frustration got the best of her because she snapped, "Not a mate."
Did his shoulders just relax? Why was he mad at her?
With a sigh, she tilted her head backwards and looked at the sky "We...we were lovers. 52 years. We were happy and in love or atleast I thought that but clearly I was wrong because this whole time he took me for a fool and played with my feelings."
She was on her feet now, pacing around, fuming to herself "I was such a fool, you know. I thought we were mates, that the bond would snap at any moment. That we were destined to be together. In the end, he found his mate, cheated on me with her for two whole fucking years, confessed how he never loved me, how he only saw me as a placeholder for her, and how my so called 'family' knew of this the whole fucking time!"
She saw nothing, her heart was racing, her vision blurry as she continued, "Feyre, long story short, she was a human once then became a high fae. When Rhys first introduced her to us, I was the one who constantly kept her company, I was the one who ensured her well-being, her proper transition to her new life. I taught her how to improve her shooting skills before the war against Hybern. I was loyal to my High Lady. I would follow her to the ends of the earth."
She let out a cruel, mocking laugh before continuing, "Then came Nesta and Elain. Feyre's two sisters. The King of Hybern threw them inside the Cauldron and turned them into high fae against their own will! And guess what? It was me again who took care of both of them. Especially Nesta because she was so misunderstood. I was the one who stood by her side through thick and thin. I was the one to join her little training session's as a sign of support. That was where I met Gwyn. The cause for my downfall. I was the one who talked sense into Cassian about being a proper mate towards Nesta. I-"
Her words were stuck in her throat. She wanted to cry. No. She won't.
"I...trusted them Fenrys. All of them. Mor and Amren, they were like sisters to me. We fought back to back on battlefields together for Cauldron's sake!"
She suddenly turned around and looked at him but did not see anything as her memories took over her "Do you know what I was doing right before I came here? I found out that the male whom I loved for so long was unfaithful to me for 2 years! 2 years, can you imagine?! And everyone fucking knew. Everyone. I was there for them when they were at their lowest but no one ever was there for me when I started descending into darkness all because Azriel was a little coward! But I was an idiot. Of course they would defend him. Protect him."
It felt good. So good to finally let your emotions out. To let your anger out.
But she could not breathe. She fell on her knees. Her mind was being bombarded with memories, her vision was getting more and more blurry, she was-
Y/n suddenly felt her body being pressed to a solid chest. She looked up to see Fenrys on the ground, holding her tightly to him while a mixture of anger, concern, frustration and pain was written all over his face.
His hands gently smoothed her hair as she laid her head on his chest, hearing his beating heart, "Shhhh, calm down now princess. It is in the past now."
She pressed her face further into his clothing as she murmured, "That doesn't make it any less hurtful."
She felt him sigh, "No, it doesn't."
His voice was so distant now. Y/n moved her head away from his chest to take a better look at his face and...yes he was definitely somewhere far off now, staring into the sunset with a mournful expression.
She quietly asked "What about you? What is your story Fenrys?"
He slowly looked back at her "It is a long one."
Her hand moved before she could even think, finding its place on his cheek. A look of surprise passed over his features as his gaze landed on hers. She smiled slightly, "I am willing to listen."
He gave a weak smile back, "You didn't tell me your full story now, did you?"
She sighed and looked down while closing her eyes, "No. I did not."
The next thing she knew, he put his thumb on her chin, followed by his index finger under her chin, and lifted her head up.
They were so close now, his breath was hitting her face. She could count the freckles on his face. Oh how otherworldy beautiful this male was.
Fenrys' gaze fell onto her lips as he quietly said, "Then we shall talk of our lives some other time."
She gave him a slight nod. Did she? y/n could not even remember because her gaze was locked on his as they started inching closer and closer, their lips about to-
A loud rumble shook the whole place as they were both ripped back from their haze and immediately got up.
Y/n turned around quickly so that he wouldn't see her embarassingly red blush that was beggining to form on her face.
"I-um...thank you...for letting me talk my nonsense."
She felt his hand on her arms as Fenrys turned her around. He had a very serious look on his face as he said, "Do not apologize. You did not talk 'nonsense' you let your feelings out."
Before y/n could reply, there was that loud growl again. Fenrys chuckled "Seems like Abraxos is not happy right now."
Right. Abraxos. That giant beast thing.
"I don't understand how you guys have such giant beast thingies-"
Fenrys let out a full laugh at that and for some reason, y/n wanted to engrave that sound in her memory for ever. Because he is always an arrogant prick who does not know what fun means, she kept telling herself.
"Wyverns, they are called Wyverns. Did you see him yet?"
"What?! No, of course not."
"Then let's go."
"Fenrys wai-"
But Fenrys took her hand and they were gone. The next thing she knew, she was in the middle of the palace grounds and there was this large beast thingie- Wyvern in front of her.
Manon was also here together with Eva and Lysandra as the young girl tried petting it.
As they got closer, she could hear Manon saying, "How many times have I told you to not eat the flowers in the royal gardens?! Just eat the flowers here, you know Aelin and how pissed she gets about her sweet little royal flowers, just avoid me the headache and eat the flowers on this side of the land, you stubborn brute!"
Abraxos only snarled back as Eva and Lysandra laughed loudly.
Eva was the first one to notice them as she ran towards y/n and took her hand, dragging her towards Abraxos.
"Y/n! meet Abraxos, he may look scary but he is the sweetest little creature everrr!"
As she came near it, y/n let out a little uncomfortable chuckle, "Doesn't really seem like a sweet little innocent creature to me."
Lysandra put her hand on y/n's shoulder and smirked "Well, he is the weirdest that's for sure. Unlike other Wyverns who eat humans and whatever living being they can get their teeth on, this fellow over here eats...flowers."
She heard Fenrys chuckle behind her as Manon scoffed.
Before anyone could say anything, Abraxos moved towards her with surprising gentleness, his massive wings folded back in a display of docility. His scales shimmered in the final few rays of light coming from the sunset, reflecting hues of deep blues and black that glinted like polished gemstones.
Y/n stood frozen for a moment, unsure whether to retreat or stand her ground. Abraxos approached cautiously, his large eyes fixed on her with an almost curious gaze. She could feel the warmth of his breath as he sniffed the air around her, his demeanor unexpectedly gentle despite his imposing size.
Eva beamed beside her, her enthusiasm undimmed. "See? He likes you!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with delight.
Y/N managed a nervous smile, tentatively reaching out a hand to stroke Abraxos' scaled muzzle. To her surprise, he leaned into her touch, emitting a low rumble that sounded almost like contentment.
"He's... actually quite sweet," y/n admitted, her initial apprehension melting away in the presence of the gentle giant before her.
Manon crossed her arms, a begrudging smile playing on her lips. "Don't let him fool you," she warned, though her tone held a hint of fondness. "He's a soft spot for anyone who shows him kindness."
Lysandra chuckled softly. "Well, you've won him over, y/n. Not many can claim that honor."
Fenrys stepped forward, his usual guarded expression softening as he watched the scene unfold. "Abraxos has a way of surprising us all," he remarked, a note of respect in his voice.
She felt the world around them fade away as if it was just her and this beast who was starting to warm its way to her heart. How is this even possible?
A servant came running towards them as she said, "Dinner is ready your majesty and....ladies and...lord Fenrys...." The poor girl squeled and ran away the second Abraxos moved and everyone let out a chuckle, especially Fenrys who said while shaking his head, "Still can't understand why they don't call me by my name when I am not even a lord."
Lysandra and Eva began going towards the palace as the former said while still smiling, "Well it sure is hilarious to watch them stumble over their words when they are in your presence."
Fenrys smirked and moved towards the palace but stopped when he saw y/n still petting Abraxos.
"Aren't you coming?"
"You go. I will join you in a minute."
He smiled slightly but turned around and walked after Lysandra and Eva.
"You know that Eva has a crush on you right?"
Y/n was startled by Manon's voice. She was leaning against her Wyvern's side, arms crossed, watching y/n like a hawk. Seems like The Queen of Witches also hadn't left yet.
"What? No, of course she doesn't"
Manon looked towards the palace as she said, "The girl literally has hearts in her eyes whenever she looks at you. Clings to you like a koala bear. Besides, I heard her telling Lysandra how she can't wait to grow up and confess her 'undying love' for you. Poor child."
The silver haired witch looked back at her. Y/n let out a laugh that was soon joined by a small smirk on Manon's face.
"Well then, I guess I will have to wait for the next 5 years for her to come of age and confess her love to me. Pity that I am over a hundred years older than her." y/n said jokingly while still chuckling.
Suddenly, she let out a low hiss as her hand got pricked by one of the sharp, small scales on Abraxos, causing her blood to trickle down her palm.
No, not here. Please. Not now.
She had to hide her curse. Her lifelong secret. Her lifelong doom.
Manon can not see-
A gasp came from beside her as The Queen of Witches took her hand and inspected it. After what felt like an eternity, Manon raised her head, eyes slightly widened as she said,
"Your blood is blue. You are an Ironteeth Witch."
A/n: Sooo y/n's secret is out now. Wonder what will happen next;)) Thank you all for reading!
Taglist: @ladespedidas @mis-lil-red @going-through-shit @kaitttttttt @blackgirlmagicforever
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@fullmoon-94 @thecraziestcrayon @idkwahr
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Members Only 2
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, cheating, other dark elements. Proceed with caution.
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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Grace is in tears. She’s babbling as Charlotte and Mona try to mop up her running mascara. The bottle of champagne is empty and Lillian is mindlessly swaying at the window as the club lights flash into the room. It’s chaos. You’re not sure exactly what to do. 
You’ve been with Mrs. Shelby for a few months. Typically, she’s the sort for high tea or a luncheon. Often, you’re following her around to the elitist events and waiting outside watching your phone. Or you attend her privately why she rants about the newest designs be so hard to come by or that she can’t go to Paris whenever she wishes. Her biggest complaints are your most unlikely dreams. 
“I just don’t understand... I try so hard,” she garbles and slurs drunkenly.  
You try not to listen too closely. You’re there to take orders and to make certain she is taken care of. The other women are looking after her just fine and you’d hate to embarrass her by consciously witnessing her unraveling. 
Mona burps behind her hand and you see how her throat locks up. She’s hardly in better condition. Charlotte is slumping from her foray into the tequila and hardly seems cognizant of more than try to clear away the grey streaks from Grace’s cheeks. 
You rush forward as Mona’s shoulders rise. You grab the metal bucket meant for ice and shove it under her mouth. She throws up and hugs the container as she fills it with alcoholic bile and half-digested crustini. Charlotte groans and covers her mouth. 
“Oh, Mona, why do you have to do that?” She whines, “ugh, I need to get out--” 
She hurries off into the attached bathroom and the door slams. Lillian is still entirely unaware. You wonder if it has anything to do with the pill she slipped from a small tin earlier. Whatever the reason, it doesn’t matter. What concerns you is what’s happening right then. 
Mona finishes and nearly drops the bucket. You catch it and set it on the bar. She slumps back and closes her eyes, her head lolling as she mutters. This is no way for refined women to behave. You could never have seen Grace like this, let alone these women in their Chanel and Louboutins. 
“Mrs. Shelby,” you go to your boss and lean down, “should I get the car?” 
“Where is my husband?” She snarls in your face, her tears dissolving at once. “I want Thomas. Right now.” 
“Mrs. Shelby, I don’t know if he’s still here--” 
“I don’t care if he’s here,” she snaps and pushes you away, “don’t talk to me until you find him.” 
You gulp and rub your shoulder where she shoved you. This isn’t good. It’s the very reason you don’t drink. People are so ugly when they do. 
You turn to Mona as she groans, half-bent over her lap. Charlotte returns in a stagger and Lillian sways with her head and shoulders slouched. Alright, you have a plan. 
“Lil,” you go over to the woman by the window, “can you help Mona? Your taxi is here?” 
“Taxi? Where’s the streetcar?” She demands. 
“It’s been delayed but the cab will get you all home,” you promise her, plotting how you’ll flag down a car once you get them out in the fresh air. “Mona,” you go back to the woman on the couch. “Charlotte, how about you help too! It’s been a long night, aren’t you all tired?” 
Your pulse is thumping in your temples. You rarely ever speak to Grace’s friends, especially not like this. You feel like a mother getting her children in line. The three companions finally cluster together, Mona clinging to the other two as they wobble towards the door. You lead them as if you’re dangling cheese before a mouse. 
It takes some time and a few close calls to get them down the spiralled stairs. On even ground, they move a bit better but the dancing bodies and hollers add to the disorder of the night. When you get them outside, a bouncer catches Lillian before she slip on her stiletto heel. He’s got a round belly and a leering smile. 
“Careful, ma’am, that’s a mighty fine dress to be mussing,” he warns as he sets her straight. 
You skirt around them and wave at a yellow car just down the way. As it heads towards you, you take out your phone and sift through Grace’s shared contact book. Oh gosh, where is Charlotte? You suppose if you send them to just one house, they’ll be alright. 
You find Charlotte’s address as the driver pulls up. The bouncer comes forward again to assist the women into the car and you thank him. He dips his head chivalrously as he folds Lillian’s legs into the taxi. You cringe and poke your head inside to instruct the driver. You hope they get there otherwise you might be handing out resumes again. 
You shut the door and turn back to face the club. You’re not the sort to frequent those places and only Grace’s presence lures you in. The bouncer walks you back to the doors and you flit back inside. You’re caught in the crush, sent crashing into another person by a flailing body. You fight through the crowd, putting your elbow up as you raise your other arm to protect your head. 
You trip free of the wall of dancers and reach the bottom of the stairs to the private room. You blow out a breath and look up, then around. You should try to find Mr. Shelby. You need help with Grace as it is but you’re terrified that you may get her into trouble. She’s drunk and she’s not thinking. You doubt he’ll be impressed with her in her current state. He rarely seems impressed with anything. 
“Are you looking for me?” The voice jolts you and you jump as you face the very man who’d only just been haunting your mind. You nod and blink dumbly. “My wife...” 
“Sir, um,” you look back and forth guiltily, “she’s... not feeling well--” 
“She’s drunk,” he says pointedly. “Hmm,” his lips curve but it’s not really a smile. “Yes, she does love her champagne. We discussed this before, didn’t we?” His dark lashes flick and his jaw squares as he peers up the stairs, “well, then, shall we go save her from herself?” 
“Um, sir, she didn’t eat much, maybe--” 
“Do not make excuse for her. I pay you to keep her busy, not to cover her tail,” he insists, “please, after you.” 
He gestures up the stairs and you lower your gaze, “I’m sorry, Mr. Shelby. I’m only concerned for her.” 
“Someone should be if she isn��t concerned for herself,” he remarks. 
You turn and start up the steps. He follows, closely. You lead him up the metal stairs and open the door to the private room. Your met with the shatter of the champagne bottle as it flies at the door frame next to you. You put your hand up as shards of glass rain across your right side. 
“How dare you leave me like that--” She snarls. 
“Grace!” Mr. Shelby brushes by you, nudging you gently out of his way, only to storm towards his wife. 
“Oh, there you are,” she sneers, “finally done with your whore--” 
“I’ve been about business while you’ve been here drowning in champagne. Champagne I am paying for.” He bends over her, looming dangerously. 
“Business,” she mocks then scoffs as she stares up at him defiantly, “sure.” 
“Don’t,” he warns as he stands straight, “I paid for you to have a night out. I thought perhaps you might appreciate that. I wonder when you became so spoiled.” 
She pouts and juts out her chin, “Tommy...” she reaches for him as he turns away, tearing his sleeve away from her grasp.
He marches for the door and stop right beside you, “are you alright?” 
“Sir, I was only startled--” 
You wince as he dusts off a piece of glass from your shoulder. 
“Get her home,” he demands, “but not at your own risk. I wouldn’t be so disappointed to hear if she blusters herself into the gutters.” 
He huffs and pulls open the door. You watch him go as Grace devolves into drunken sobs. You hope she doesn’t remember this. You’d rather forget it yourself. 
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wardenparker · 2 days
Hummingbird Has Landed, ch 18
Marcus Pike x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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After the debacle of his failed engagement and relocating to Washington to take charge of his task force, newly minted Special Agent Marcus Pike is ready to get back out into the dating pool once more. A slew of bad dates has him feeling a little down, and he takes an old friend up on an invitation to get away and get his head on straight. Imagine his surprise when he finds not only fresh air, but his soulmate as well - hiding in plain sight but in the unlikeliest of places.
Rating: M for Mature, but this blog is always 18+ Word Count: 9.8k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this series: occasional mention of American politics, pregnant character, food/alcohol consumption, mentions of clothing/regulated dressing for occasions, mentions of therapy because we believe in self care here, reader is in a previous relationship, love triangle, reader is mentioned as turning 30 during the course of the story, dom/sub dynamics, mentioning of pregnancy/babies, family planning, breeding kink* Flirting, sexy talk, nudity, tooth rotting fluff, Marcus has been getting buff. Summary: It's time for a White House wedding! Notes: Here it is, dears. The last chapter of Marcus Pike's soulmate story. Next week will be the epilogue, but I will be missing this beautiful family and all of its extensions like crazy. 😭😭 As always, please remember that the gif choice for each chapter does not reflect the appearance of the reader, only the tone of the chapter.
Ch1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8 ~ Ch 9 ~ Ch 10 ~ Ch 11 ~ Ch 12 ~ Ch 13 ~ Ch 14 ~ Ch 15 ~ Ch 16 ~ Ch 17
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After the rehearsal dinner, you had gone separate ways. For the sake of upholding a silly little tradition, Marcus had spent some time with his parents at their hotel before going home to have a night of personal reflection. You had gone with your siblings back to the White House residence for a sort of last hurrah sibling sleepover. Both Alex and June will be moving out of the residence this month to live with their soulmates, making your parents officially empty nesters. They've promised not to get teary about it, but you can't be sure that will hold for very long.
It's after a few hours of board games with your siblings – Alex policed the hell out of Junie when she tried to cheat, as usual – that you're climbing into the bathtub of your guest bedroom. Donna Pike had gifted you a little self-care basket for tonight with your favorite bubble bath, scented candle, face mask, and several other indulgent bits, but the missing piece of this bath is at the other end of a phone call. Once you're settled in, you dial Marcus's number and put your phone on speaker to set it on a stool next to the tub.
"Hey Hummingbird." Marcus's voice is warm and soft, happy to hear from you. He had known one of you would call the other, but he hadn't wanted to interrupt any activities that might have been going on. He knew everyone was having a game night. "How is your night going? Is it sad to say I already miss you?"
"If it's sad, then we're both sad." You chuckle quietly and shake your head, wishing he was beside you instead of on the phone. "Remind me why we agreed to sleeping apart tonight?"
"Something about 'tradition'." He scoffs playfully. "But I don't think that I can sneak into the White House." He laughs. "Something tells me that it wouldn't go over so well."
"You wouldn't have to sneak," you remind him. Calling him was the best decision you could have made under the circumstances. You're feeling more relaxed already. "The Secret Service loves you. You could drive right up to the place and they'd wave happily to see you."
"Only because they don't have to background check me." He jokes, hearing a small splash and smiling. "Are you in the bath?" He asks.
"Of course I am." Another laugh, from both of you this time, and you splash more loudly for him to hear. "Aren't you?"
"Not yet." He pouts, jumping up off the couch and grabbing his beer bottle to rush towards your shared bathroom. "Give me two minutes though and I will be."
"Your Mom made me a little bath basket." It's still the single sweetest gesture you can imagine from your mother-in-law. She must have poked around your bathroom last time she was here to find out your favorites. "I'm going to be so relaxed when I crawl into that giant bed."
"And cold." He chuckles, turning on the water and immediately starting to strip after he puts his own phone on speaker and sets it on the edge. "You always want to snuggle close when you want to warm up."
"I'm not sorry to tell you." The guiltless grin in your voice is obvious. "That that has less to do with warmth and more to do with the sexy naked man."
"Is that why we always end up having sex?" He chuckles quietly as he finishes stripping down to climb into the bath. "It's sneaky and I like it."
"It's not really sneaky," you defend half-heartedly. But both of you are laughing and it doesn't matter. "I just get so distracted by my naked fiancé. But I bet my naked husband will be even more distracting."
"Maybe." He groans as he starts to slips into the water and reaches for his phone again. "How was your game night? Did Junie try to cheat again?"
"Of course she did. For a girl who is so upright about pretty much anything else, she is a ruthless cheat when it comes to board games. I almost wish she'd take up poker and make us all a fortune." The soft groans and splashing sounds of Marcus climbing into your large, sunken bathtub make you smile all over again. "Comfy, handsome?"
"I am, but I have to admit...this tub is a little big without you in it with me." He reaches for his beer bottle and smiles as he remembers another time he was drinking the bath. "I guess I'll just have to imagine it like we did when I was in London the first time we took a bath together over the phone."
"Oh, I'm definitely imagining it." You lean back in the clawfoot tub you're in and reach for the face mask to really indulge. "I have to say, this tub is very definitely one person-sized. No hanky panky in the Lincoln bedroom's bathtub."
"I bet we could make it work." Marcus chuckles. "I can't believe you're staying in the Lincoln bedroom without me." He huffs playfully.
"Yeah? Mr. I'm getting ready for the wedding in the Oval Office?" Blowing a raspberry at him over the phone makes you laugh because you can perfectly picture the exact face he is making in response. "I can't believe you talked my mom into letting you do that. Talk about bragging rights."
He laughs, shrugging even if you aren't there to see it and wearing a smug grin. "It's going to make for one hell of a photo though." He brags.
"History books, baby," you hum as you apply the jelly-like face mask to your skin and sigh at the cool contrast to the hot water surrounding the rest of your body. "It's going to be in history books."
He hadn't really thought of it in those terms, but you're right. "You aren't getting cold feet, are you?" He asks, smirking slightly because he knows you are just as eager as he is for tomorrow. "It would be pretty embarrassing if you didn't show up when the wedding is in your parent's backyard."
"The only thing I'm going to have cold feet over is magazines and papers and the internet having their hands on our wedding photos." It is what it is. And you know that. If you truly had objected, you could have easily eloped, or elected to hold off on getting married until your mother is out of office. This is the way you're doing it and that's fine. "No, my love, I'll be there with bells on. Maybe even literally," you tease. "After all, I never told you what my something blue is."
"Are you going to tell me now, or do I have to wait to find out until tomorrow?" There is something so comforting in knowing that you are less than twenty-four hours away from being his wife.
"Oh no, you absolutely have to wait." A fact which makes you giggle mischievously. The shimmering blue nipple covers that will be safely tucked into your white shapewear are just for his eyes. Sydney had suggested tiny blue panties, but you wanted to do something a little more creative for Marcus.
“Evil.” He hisses, but there’s no heat behind his words. “I think you just want me to drag you out of the reception early.”
"The very idea that we wouldn't leave the reception early is laughable," you tease. "I've seen the suit you're wearing, baby. You're gonna look like a whole three-damn-course meal."
“And I haven’t even gotten a glimpse of your dress.” He pouts.
"Which is exactly how it's supposed to be. Tradition, remember?" The two of you had gone along with almost all of them. You did, however, opt out of the garter toss at tomorrow's reception. There will be none of that.
“Much to my dismay. I’m rethinking this tradition shit.” He huffs. “Not sleeping next to you when I’m not on another continent seems like a crime.”
"You'll get to see my dress in..." You glance up at the clock on the wall. "A little less than twenty-one hours."
“I know, I can’t wait.” It’s easy to admit, he’s looking forward to this. He has been for his entire life if he’s honest with himself. You are his soulmate.
"Me either." The broad grin on your face is audible, which only makes you smile even wider. "I love you so much."
“I love you too, sweetheart.” He hums quietly.
That particular sound is so comforting that you practically purr in response. "And I can't wait to be your wife."
“Mrs. Pike.” He coos softly. “Are you ready for all the annoying paperwork changes?”
"Oh, absolutely." Just because he can't see you nod doesn't mean you aren't doing it. "It's all already printed out, filled out, and sitting in a folder in the office at home. My dad promised to file it for me while we're on our honeymoon. I just have to sign everything and bring him the folder at Constance's birthday party."
He should have known. “You’re perfect.” He promises. “You are just….perfect.”
"I'm excited to be your wife." Something you always knew you would be able to say to the partner you chose to stay with forever. You just never imagined anyone as wonderful as Marcus.
“Twenty hours and thirteen minutes left.” He muses. “But now I’m thinking we should have had a morning wedding.”
"That would have been a good idea." It was an idea that was bandied about, but you had ultimately decided against it. Though you can't remember why at the moment.
“Yep. By lunchtime we could be back in our hotel room. Or back home.” Marcus smirks at the small sound of protest you give.
"I'm extremely excited that your parents aren't starting their housesitting until after our wedding night." Matthew and Donna will be taking care of your place, collecting your mail, watering your houseplants, and generally looking after things for the two weeks you're in Scotland. But tonight and tomorrow night they are staying in the inn so you can have some privacy for your wedding night.
“Yes. I would be very unhappy to have them sleeping right next door.” Marcus snorts. “Because they would hear things.”
"And your parents do not need to hear things." Especially not when Marcus gets you going and you can't keep your volume down. "Just like my parents do not need to hear things. And we will not need to hear things when our kids are grown."
“Our little girl is going to be a good girl.” He teases. You’ve had the conversation about when your children are older and are both on the same page. There’s not going to be separate rules for girls versus boys. That’s not fair.
"Need I remind you that you routinely call me a 'good girl' while fucking me into oblivion?" You laugh, though, knowing that this is very much a non-issue at the moment. "Good girl is a relative term."
Marcus chokes on the mouthful of beer he had been about to swallow. “No. No. Please don’t remind me of that.”
“Daddy and good girl can stay sexy for now.” Your laugh turns soft and you lean back in your bath again, imagining how red his face must be.
“You’re such a brat.” He growls, shaking his head. “Do you want me to spank you tomorrow?” The two of you have ventured into spanking and light bondage, finding it a fun new expansion of your sexual experience.
“Oh, I absolutely want you to spank me tomorrow. I thought that was a given.” And as much as the thought is tantalizing, you’ve already promised yourself you won’t masturbate yourself to sleep tonight. Somehow the idea of Lincoln’s ghost watching over that is too creepy.
“Already needy.” He teases, having snorted out loud when someone asked about traditional roles in marriage during the sit down interview. Both you and Marcus believe that traditional roles have to be fitted to modern times and there have been several private jokes about that.
“Always needy.” The correction doesn’t really mean anything, but you hum it softly like a coo in his ear.
“Fuck.” Marcus groans, loving when you drop your voice into that pitch. It makes him shiver and his already hard cock twitches. “You’re making it hard to keep my promise to myself.”
That actually has you laughing so hard that you snort and you pick up your phone with your dry hand to bring it closer. “Did you make a no masturbating promise to yourself, too?”
“Of course, because what is one night?” He asks sarcastically.
“One night is nothing,” you huff, giggling that you both had the same idea.
“And now you’re talking about me spanking you?” He growls, shaking his head. “Baby, you know what that does to me.”
“I believe the phrase ’Spank me, Daddy’ almost made you cum in your jeans last week.” A fact which you fully intend to exploit at a future date. At many future dates.
“Fuck.” He hisses, pressing his thighs together to apply slight pressure to his balls. “You’re not being nice. How would you like it if I didn’t let you cum tomorrow as punishment?”
“On our wedding night?” You laugh in utter disbelief, knowing he’s bluffing but finding it amusing that he’s trying. “You wouldn’t.”
He wouldn’t and both of you know it. “No.” He admits with a chuckle. “You’ve got me there.”
A soft, warm silence settles between you, and you look at your phone screen as tenderly as if it was his face. “We should get some sleep, my love,” you hum quietly. Even though you’d rather stay up and talk to him all night. There is a lot to do tomorrow.
“Do you want to go to sleep with the phone on, or should I let you go?” There have been a couple of times where you’ve slept with the phone still connected and he smiles as he remembers you snoring softly through the line.
“Are you going to tease me for snoring?” Like you can read his mind, you set the phone down again and start washing off the gently abrasive face mask.
Marcus laughs quietly. “No, I promise I won’t make fun of you.” He swears. “I think it’s cute.”
“You snore too, ya know,” you huff. But there’s no heat in it. Just soft affection from and for you both.
“I know. You don’t think I know that? With this nose?” He jokes, laughing at himself.
“I love your nose.” And if he were here with you, you would kiss it to make your point. The number of kisses you’ve left on the prominent, proud bridge is numerous. “I hope all our babies look exactly like you.”
“God no.” He groans. “I don’t want that. I would not look good as a girl.”
"Pike genetics are full-proof," you counter, washing off the last of your face mask and lifting yourself out of the bath carefully so as not to splash too much water. "All of your cousins are fantastic looking. I have no concerns for our kids."
He grumbles, unable to really articulate a rebuttal when it’s the truth that his cousins are all attractive. “I want our kids to look like you.” He murmurs.
"For better or for worse, I don't think we get to pick." Your bathrobe is nearby, and you slip it on to stay warm as you climb out of the bath. Marcus does have a point. You're always cold after a nice hot bath.
He sighs softly and smiles as he finishes his beer and hits the drain for the tub. “I hear they have those 3D ultrasounds now. Where you get a clearer picture of the baby? You think you would want to do that?”
"I'm on board if you are." The sound of both tubs draining in unison takes over for a few seconds but you step away from the tub to dry off and moisturize. "It might be kind of weird at first, but seeing more of the baby doesn't sound like a bad thing."
“Did you take a test tonight?” It’s silly but he had shoved a test into your bag in case. It’s still way too early, but he’s excited.
"I had my period less than two weeks ago," you remind him, although you grin at the idea and look over to see the small, wrapped test sticking out of your overnight bag. "It would be way too soon to show up on a test."
“Yeah.” He exhales in disappointment and sighs at his impatience. “Damnit.”
"Do you want me to keep taking tests during our honeymoon?" The lotion that Donna packed in your bath basket is the same scent as the bubble bath was and the whole bathroom smells perfumed and beautiful. "Or do you want to hold off until we get home again?"
“That’s up to you.” He doesn’t want you to feel pressured or have it take away from the trip.
"I think..." Once you're dry, moisturized, and wrapped up again, you pick up your phone to go back into the bedroom you'll be sleeping in tonight. "I honestly think if we test negative on our honeymoon it will upset us both. And we'll pretend not to be upset, which will make one or both of us pouty. Let's leave the tests at home, love."
“Agreed.” Marcus easily accepts that. “I don’t want anything but for us to enjoy our trip and not worry about anything. Not even your uterus.” He snorts. “Except when it comes to making sure it’s filled up.”
You hum in agreement. "And that is not a worry, it's a pleasure."
“Yes it is.” He agrees, wrapping the towel around his waist and padding into the bedroom to crawl into an empty bed. Hating how you aren’t waiting for cuddles already.
The sound of him getting into bed is comfortable and familiar, though you wish the mattress beside you was dipping with his weight. Unable to stifle a yawn, you clap your hand over your mouth to cover the sound and ask, “What time are you getting here tomorrow?”
“I’m just going to pretend like you don’t know I’m going to be there as soon as I can.” Marcus laughs. “Is there anything you need me to bring? Anything you’ve forgotten?”
“Just my husband.” Words that will be perfectly true in less than twenty hours. “I was very silly to leave him behind tonight.”
“Yes you were.” Marcus teases, folding his hand behind his head and laying with the phone on his chest. “Don’t worry, he won’t let you leave him behind again for a very long time.”
“Never.” You promise him without hesitation. “I’m never going to be that foolish ever again.”
“Are you curled up under the blankets?” He asks softly, imagining your nightly routine since he’s seen it enough.
“Mmhmm.” The stack of plush pillows doesn’t quite make up for his absence, though, so you tease. “It doesn’t smell like you. I might have to count sheep or something to get that rhythmic snore going for you to fall asleep to.”
“I just imagine you sprawled out here on my chest.” He admits. “Cold feet on my legs.”
“Cold feet, warm heart,” you tell him with a drowsy giggle, though that isn’t quite the traditional saying.
“The warmest heart imaginable.” Marcus agrees, knowing you are getting tired. “I love you, sweetheart. Close your eyes, I’m still right here.”
“I love you.” You have from the beginning, you came to terms with that a long time ago. And by this time tomorrow, you’ll be his wife. It’s almost the day you’ve been working so hard for, and you can’t wait.
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Marcus is up early, his sleep is brief, but he feels rested. Energized because the day that has been planned for so long is here. He’s going to marry you. The phone is still connected and he smiles when he hears you start to stir.
It probably shouldn’t surprise you at all to wake up and find the call to Marcus still connected, but you smile sleepily and hum when your eyes fully open to show you how many hours you and your soulmate have been on the phone together just sleeping. “Good morning, my love.”
“Good morning.” He smiles as he sips on his coffee. “Did you sleep well?”
“Mmmm…” Another hum, but this one comes with a small grumble as you stretch and sit up in bed. “How long have you been awake?”
He snorts. “Two hours.” He admits, grinning when you huff in annoyance at him not waking you. “I couldn’t sleep anymore knowing that today is the day.”
“Our kids are going to be early risers like you, aren’t they?” You grumble in a playfully accusatory tone. “I tossed and turned all night because I was impatient for today.”
“I just kept waking up and looking at the clock.” Marcus admits. “I’m excited. Must be something interesting happening today.”
“Must be.” Before you can say more, a soft knock on your door announces that the day has officially begun. “That’s my wake up call,” you tell him, and the energy in your voice lightens noticeably. “I love you, Marcus Pike. Get your cute butt over here so we can at least be in the same building again.”
“Do you want to exchange gifts before you need to get dressed?” He asks. “Or wait until we are alone tonight?”
“Let’s save it for tonight.” His technically doesn’t exist yet, for that matter, but you’ll be able to explain better at the house. The shed that you’re having built for him behind the house will be whatever he wants it to be, but when you return for Scotland it will be filled with paints, tools, other accoutrements of whatever hobbies he is enjoying at the time – and enough space for kids or a dog to come and visit him.
“That works for me.” He chuckles quietly. “Just needed to make sure I was going to bring it or leave it.”
“It can be a sweet, private moment,” you suggest, and giggle quietly when the knocking outside comes again and more loudly. “Right before you put a baby in me.”
“Birdie.” The nickname is growled out, his thoughts immediately on peeling you out of your dress.
“Love you, baby, see you later!” You cackle into the phone, making a smacking kiss sound before hanging up and jumping out of bed to throw your robe on over your nightgown. “I’m up!”
The door is thrown open and Junie, Sydney and Selena flood the room with happy squeals. Sydney carrying coffee cups which she picked up on her way to the White House. “Happy wedding day!!!!!”
“Ohhhh, thank you loves!” The cup from your favorite coffee shop even says the same, with hearts and well wishes written out by the baristas this morning — which only attests to how often you go there and how well they know you. “Everybody feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed?”
“We have been waiting until a reasonably decent hour. What are you still doing in bed?” Selena huffs. “I know Marcus has been up since before dawn.”
“Your cousin is well known for his ridiculously early rising.” You huff, with a teasing roll of your eyes. “I tossed and turned all night. Thank god nerves don’t make me nauseous because I am very excited for food tonight.” The grin you toss at the other three is devilish. “Along with other things.”
“I don’t want to hear about that.” Selena shoves her fingers into her ears playfully.
“She acts like I haven’t been fucking her cousin practically every day since we got together,” you snort, sipping the coffee Sydney brought you.
“La la la. I can’t hear you.” She singsongs playfully before she shoots you a grin. “How does it feel to be hours away from being Mrs. Marcus Pike?”
“And how is Clark Kent stacking up to the task of being a Pike soulmate?” Sydney asks, knowing full well that the teasing is a mandatory topic this morning.
All of you giggle at the way conversations are rapid fire and merging. Everyone boisterous and playful. “He’s amazing. Especially when he takes off the glasses.” Selena teases, shooting finger guns back at Syd. “Now…Mrs. Almost Pike?”
"I'm going to become a Victorian lady and only respond to Mrs. Pike for at least the next month," you inform them with an unrepentant grin. "Just so you know."
“As you should.” Junie snorts. “You’ve waited a whole year for this day.” Making sure that she doesn’t spill her own coffee, she flops down on the bed with you. “Ready to get pretty?”
“We are all already ravishing.” Holding up your paper coffee cup, you tap it against Junie’s, Sydney’s, and Selena’s in salute. “But it will be fun to play dress up.”
“The dress is already out. Mom had the protection detail bring it in.” Junie cackles. “The Secret Service was protecting your wedding dress!”
“Our wedding dress,” you remind your sister, reaching out to gently tap her nose like you’re punctuating a point. The alterations had gone perfectly, of course, and Alex’s vest will be stunning when he marries David next year.
“Right now, it’s your wedding dress.” She counters with a grin. “And mom has ordered another box to have it preserved in for after the dry cleaning.” She wrinkles her nose. “Because I know you are going to have sex while wearing the dress. That has to be some kind of fantasy for you two.”
You really can’t help it, you just sort of snort and burst out into giggles at the genuinely disbelieving and slightly horrified expression in June’s face. “I promise I will take it off first,” you assure her when you can breathe again. “That’s the dress you and I and maybe even our kids will get married in, I promise not to have sex while I’m still wearing it.”
“I don’t believe you.” She huffs, grinning at herself and taking another sip of her coffee. “I don’t believe you at all. Not when Marcus is going to want to throw you over his shoulder immediately.”
“Oh he’s definitely going to want to.” There’s no denying that. June has a point, it’s practically a kink for Marcus to see you do anything wedding related. “But the dress is an heirloom. We’re not taking any chances with it.”
Junie snorts and Syd grins. “Hey….don’t knock it.” She warns your younger sibling. “You might change your mind about wedding dress sex when it comes time for you to dance with the incredibly sexy soulmate you’ve just pledged to spend your life with.” She grins. “Wearing a tux.” That makes Junie bite her bottom lip and bury her face behind her drink as her brain suddenly completely flips.
“I think we hit a nerve,” you giggle, on the absolute verge of delight to see Junie just as flustered as can be.
“Shut up.” She huffs and rolls her eyes, but she’s grinning when you all cackle at her. “This is your day. Not mine.”
“Sure is.” A reminder which has you bouncing up out of bed and stretching delightedly. The sun is shining, the day is young, and soon enough Marcus and the boys will be downstairs getting ready, too. “Which is why I get to tease you with this big bright smile on my face.”
“So I…made you something.” Junie admits, looking slightly embarrassed as she reaches into her pocket and pulls out some hair combs. Some of the extra beading that had come from the extra material of the wedding dress had been too good to waste and she had also made a tie clasp for Alex.
“Oh my god, June.” The gasp from your lips comes all the way up from the pit of your stomach, as your sister pulls out a piece of cloth tied up in ribbon like she’s walked straight out of a Jane Austen novel to give it to you. “Honey, you didn’t have to do anything, but thank you.” She’s always been a bit craftier than you or Alex. Good with her hands. With visualizing a project and executing it well even when things inevitably weren’t perfect somewhere in the middle. When you take the little parcel from her and unwrap it, tears spring to your eyes almost immediately. “Junie…” The two little hair combs are perfect, and of course she would know that since she sat with you during your hair and makeup trial a mere two weeks ago. “They’re beautiful honey. You made these yourself?”
“Yeah.” She smiles softly, happy you like them, even if you’ve never been the type to dismiss the thought behind any gift. “There was extra material from the dress that couldn’t be used, but the beads were too gorgeous to let go to waste.”
"I can't believe you made an heirloom." Selena sighs, barely tracing her fingertips over the delicate combs when you put them down to hug your sister fiercely. "Have you ever thought about selling the things you make? The jewelry you made me for my birthday is gorgeous."
“Not really.” She admits with a slightly self-conscious shrug. “I don’t know if anyone would want to buy them.”
"Then we'll all be the very happy recipients of your beautiful handmade gifts," you promise your sister proudly. "But if you ever wanted to try your own small business, every single one of us would do whatever we could to help."
“It’s something to think about.” Sydney offers with an encouraging smile. “I think you would do really well.”
"You never know what the future will bring." Selena adds, and she aims a wink at June before judging you toward the door. "Except for today. We have two hours until the hair and makeup artists get here, which means we need to get the bride down to breakfast."
“Breakfast!” Selena moans happily. “Breakfast at the White House!”
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“Nervous yet?” Juan smooths one hand down the front of his tuxedo and nudges Marcus’s side with a teasing grin. He knows that nervous isn’t quite the word for what Marcus is feeling now that it’s time for guests to start arriving and the evening to really begin, but his friend has been contemplatively quiet for the last ten minutes or so and a check-in seems the most minor of courtesies.
“Impatient.” Marcus is normally calm and collected, patience for days. Now, now his skin feels jittery, like he had three pots of coffee instead of the small glass of bourbon in the Oval Office about fifteen minutes ago.
“Like you’re about to crawl out of your skin, or like a kid the night before Christmas?” Juan asks, one eyebrow ticking up in Interest. The difference is important, though neither one is bad.
Giving a small laugh, Marcus’s shoulders roll back. “Both. It’s both.” He admits, looking over at Juan with a grin. “I don’t know how to even describe it. Except I wish this day could last forever and I want it to be over already.”
“Yeah.” The other man lets out a small bark of a laugh and shakes his head. There are some times when Juan is devastated to remember that there was many years when he and Marcus had lost contact. Marcus wasn’t even at his wedding despite Juan now being present for both of Marcus Pike’s. For as deep a bond as the men share, it seems like Marcus always should have been there. His emotional brother for so many years. “Come on,” he says, instead of voicing any of those thoughts. There is no need to make today bittersweet. “Let’s go greet your guests as they arrive. It’ll make the time go by faster and give you something to focus on.”
A task, something to do. That’s exactly what Marcus needs right now, because he really wants to go up to the residence and see you. The tradition is all that’s keeping him outside and he wants to keep from rehearsing his vows for a hundredth time. “Sounds good.”
“Alright, guys.” Juan turns to the others — to the other groomsmen in the Oval Office — and waves one hand toward the doors that lead the Rose Garden with a flourish. “Let’s get the night started.”
There is a knock on the door and it opens a bare inch. “May I come in?” Marcus almost laughs when the person the office belongs to is called in. Your mother is elegant in her mother of the bride gown and her smile is bright when she walks in. “I was hoping to speak with you a moment.” She admits and Marcus nods.
“We’ll be outside.” Juan offers, shuffling towards the Rose Garden door.
“I won’t keep you long,” she promises, smoothing the skirt of her satin gown as she slips into the room. She and the other parents had agreed on wearing formal black with accents of navy and gold to suit the wedding party and it had ended up looking quite elegant.
“Yes ma’am.” He won’t insult you by asking her if you’ve changed your mind, he knows that isn’t possible. He waits and moves over to the couch when she indicates a less formal audience than it would be if she sat behind the desk. Which every single one of the groomsmen did, including Marcus, and took pictures. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
“I wanted to check in on you earlier,” she admits, the pinched smile pulling at her lips having nothing to do with him. “Unfortunately the world at large does not particularly care that it is my daughter’s wedding day and I had to take a call. How are you feeling, sweetheart?”
“Great.” Marcus laughs, wondering if she thinks he has cold feet. “Honestly, I’ve been wondering why we didn’t have a morning wedding all day.” He admits. “I love your daughter and I am humbled to be her soulmate and have her choose me.”
"I don't doubt the two of you for a moment," she assures him easily. "No one who has seen the two of you together could ever have any doubts."
Sitting down, he smiles at his future mother-in-law. “That makes me happy.” He admits. “All I want is to be a good husband and man.”
"You are a good man, Marcus." She might have voiced concern far before this if he was not, but as far as this man's relationship with her daughter goes, she has been that most rare thing: a contented and approving mother. "But you know as well as anyone does, that things won't always be perfect. Sometimes things won't even be good. You've been through a lot as a couple already, and I applaud the mature and methodical way you tackle your problems together."
“You’ve raised a remarkable woman.” Marcus hums, proud of the stamp of approval. “All of your children.” He looks around the office in admiration. “This— holding this office, having this job is amazing and something to be proud of, but I believe your greatest achievement is the caliber of children you’ve raised for the next generations.”
"I've held them to a high standard," your mother admits, unashamed of that fact even as some might have looked at it from the outside and thought her unfair or asking too much at times. And maybe she was, but it never stopped you, Alex, or June from rising to the occasion. In fact, her three children have repeatedly met an ever-rising bar of expectation for their entire lives. "So I have to say both 'thank you', and agree with you. If the only thing I ever accomplished in my life was raising the three of them, I would still consider myself a remarkably accomplished person." She smiles at Marcus, resting a hand on his arm in that same reassuring and gently proud gesture she has shown to each of her children throughout their lives. "For what it's worth? The two of you are going to be a beautiful example of love and support for your own kids. All of those tough times will only bring you closer together. And when you need your family, we'll be here for you. All of us." If there is a bit of water behind her eyes, she isn't ashamed of it. It is an emotional day, after all. "I'm very proud to count you among my children, Marcus."
It’s not surprising that her profoundly emotional words makes him tear up slightly. Today will be a day where both of you will have moments where the emotions of the day, the love, get the best of you. “Thank you.” He covers her hand with his one and squeezes the back of it. “They say that when you get married, you also marry your spouse’s family, and this is one family I am proud to be counted among.”
"I think there is something to be said for finding friends within your family." She smiles, returning the gentle squeeze from him before she rises from the sofa. "But friends who are chosen family might be ever dearer. We're always here for you. Both of you. Birdie's father and I couldn't possibly be prouder of the two of you."
“Thank you.” He smiles. “Any words of wisdom?” He asks, always willing to listen to those who have succeeded for as long as your parents have. He would be a fool not to.
"Keep talking to each other." She knows that the conversations happen. Sometimes she hears about them and sometimes she just sees the fruits of the emotional labor, but keeping up with them is sometimes the hardest part regardless of how rewarding and healthy it is. "You're going to reach a place where you feel like you should be able to read each other's minds and you might start to just assume you're thinking or feeling the same things. Instead, the second you find yourself assuming, that should be your clue to check in with each other." Her hand on his shoulder is steady, and she offers him a reassuring smile. "Especially when it comes to your kids. They're going to surprise you every single day."
“Wise words.” Marcus smiles at the happy thought. “Did Birdie tell you?” He can only assume you have, since your core group of people know, but he wants to make sure.
“This morning at breakfast.” She beams happily. News of an impending first grandchild had brought her to near tears at the table. “We’ll be proud as peacocks when you’re ready to deliver the news. Until then, there is already plenty to be proud of.”
“Good.” He grins even broader at the idea of announcing the newest edition to the family soon enough. “First, we have some vows to say though.”
“You absolutely do.” Just one glance out the window shows both of them that guests are beginning to arrive full force, and her smile softens even more. “Go and say your hellos, honey. Let yourself be excited. It’s your day together.”
“Thank you….mom.” He tried the new title out as he leans in to kiss your mother’s cheek and then stands quickly.
“Go on.” She chuckles a little, smile brightening as Marcus heads for the door. “Oh! Marcus. One more thing.” When he turns like an excitable deer in headlights, she smirks. “You did get a picture at my desk, right? It’s going to be great in the wedding album.”
His grin is guilty, and he looks over at the desk. “Absolutely.” He admits with a chuckle. “Who wouldn’t?”
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Waiting has been the hardest part. Waiting just inside the confines of the White House to be signaled out by Miss Sharma. Two by two, your wedding party goes down the aisle toward the rose-covered archway where Marcus is waiting, with Malachi carrying Constance and her little basket of petals making the most fuss at the head of the line until it’s only you and your father waiting just out of view to make your approach.
“I know you’re ready, pumpkin.” With a tone that has nothing but love dripping from his words, your father tucks your hand around his arm proudly. “You look beautiful. Too beautiful to be on my arm, but I think you’ll find the man who compliments you perfectly at the end of this short walk.”
“Right now it seems like the longest walk in the world.” But you look over at your father — beam at him, really — and don’t even bother to stifle the boundless, giddy giggle that bubbles out of you. “You set a very high standard for how I expect the men in my life to treat me, Dad. I hope you know that. Marcus is the only person I’ve ever met who could surpass it.”
“He’s a good man.” He has spent time with Marcus and there is no one else he would want to be by your side. “He will be your partner in life and love, and make you stronger when you need his strength.”
“He’s more than I dreamed of.” Your fingers squeeze your father’s arm gently as the music changes, the quartet of musicians in the garden moving into a classic arrangement of Etta James’ At Last as your cue to start walking.
Marcus shuffles slightly, unable to stand completely still as the pre-determined music starts. It’s perfect for the moment and everyone in the audience turns to watch as you and your father step into view.
If anyone had thought you wouldn't be holding back tears already, they would be desperately incorrect. Thankfully, your family and friends know you well enough that when you sniffle slightly at the top of the aisle, with your eyes brimming in unshed tears of joy, it's only smiles and nods of understanding from those you walk past. Not that you notice. Not that you're looking at a single person other than Marcus. Not that you could ever tear your gaze away from the matching water that has risen in his eyes, the two of you brimming over with tangible joy that almost makes you want to break away and simply bolt right into his arms.
The second he sees you, it’s like the air has been sucked out of his lungs. The moment barrels over him and leaves him breathless as the stunning vision of you captures his full attention. He can look at nothing but you, his heart pounding in his chest and his eyes filled with unshed tears that this stunning creature, beautiful and wonderful in every sense, wants to marry him. He can’t even help himself, “I love you” is mouthed as you walk slowly towards him to the romantic song.
Love. Love hardly seems like a strong enough word right now. You mouth back to him, “I love you,” beaming as tears leak from the corners of your eyes, and when you finally put your hand in his at the end of the aisle it feels like your pounding heart grows wings.
Marcus nods at your father, but his eyes are on you, unable to believe how breathtaking you are. “You’re stunning.” He coos, making a ripple of adoration for the couple run through the wedding guests.
“So are you.” His family necklace hangs at your throat and your grandmother’s altered wedding dress hugs your figure, enormous symbols of the coming together that your wedding means for your families. The very real judge standing before you in the Rose Garden as friends, family, world leaders, and everyone in between watching on fade into the background for just one more second while you look up at Marcus. “Ready?”
Both of you manage to project the biggest grins towards each other. "Absolutely." He promises. He squeezes your hand, his thumb brushing over your skin gently. Nervous giddiness settles into his stomach and makes his entire body shiver in anticipation. Wanting this moment to be the perfect realization of the last year of planning.
However brief the formal ceremony might be, It’s stumbling tearfully through your vows that you know you’ll remember after today. The soft giggles from you and Marcus and the laughter and sniffles that ripple through the crowd as an echo of your happiness.
Marcus doesn't hear most of what the judge is saying, although he heard every word last night at the rehearsal. It was true what Juan said, once you see your bride, everything else fades away. The beautiful speech about soulmates and love is not even registering as he stares into your beautiful eyes.
"I," saying your full name almost sounds foreign for how much you want it to end in Pike already, "take you, Marcus Pike, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as long as we both shall live." The traditional vows were good for both of you, but you had agreed to add a little personal touch of your own to them. Something that made your vows yours alone. "I promise to keep your hand in mine through the parts of life we have never navigated before just as steadily as the parts that we have. I promise to love you in the big ways as well as the little ones, whether it's planning vacations and birthdays, or fixing your coffee in the morning so you can have that extra second to breathe before work. I promise to be the best wife and partner that I can be to you. To love you as an equal and to nurture the life we have together just as much as I will nurture any children we have." Through tears, you can't help but laugh softly as you look into Marcus's eyes. "No matter how many sets of twins we have." His family, and yours too, you're sure, laugh at that inevitability and there may even be some applause. "You love me and complete me in ways that I never knew possible, and I will spend my whole life loving you the same. Your love has made me a better woman, and I will not stop choosing you. My soulmate, my husband, my true love, and my very best friend."
He has to take a moment. Choked up and threatening to break down into the tears that are surely going to be present in the video, not that he gives a damn if the entire world sees how emotional your vows make him. Swallowing harshly and clearing his throat, the family and friends gather chuckle when he has to clear his throat and he shakes his head. "How can I beat that?" He asks, grinning at you before he straightens slightly. "I, Marcus Pike, take you –" he says your name in the warmest tone, "to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, in joy and sorrow, as long as we both shall live." He vows proudly. "From the moment I met you, I was drawn to you. My heart already knew what my mind had not yet figured out. You are my match. My mate in life and love. The perfect balance that completes me." He smiles at you, pulling your hands up to lay joined over his heart. "More than my soulmate, you are a wonderful, vibrant woman. One that I choose every day. I choose to love you, to build a life with you that we will look back on years down the road with pride." Squeezing your hands, he hums. "I promise to listen when you need an ear to talk to, to hold you when you need a shoulder to cry on. I promise that I will stand beside you when times are tough and celebrate with you when they are good. To find joy in waking up beside you every day and thanking the universe for placing us together. To protect the life that we build, the children that we have and put you and our family first before anything else." He says your name again. "I am the luckiest man in the world to have your love and your marks on my body. I will always choose you, my one true love. My wife. My soulmate."
In that moment, you could care less about protocols or order of events, and instinctually close the small gap separating you and Marcus to kiss him. There is a smattering of laughter and a little more applause, but the kiss doesn’t last long enough for the judge to do more than raise an eyebrow at you as if to disapprove. “I couldn’t resist,” you admit sheepishly, taking Marcus’s hands again as another wave of laughter rises out of your guests.
"You don't ever have to resist with me." Marcus promises with a happy little giggle of his own. Both of you turn back towards the judge. He shrugs slightly, "Proceed." He tells the man, unwilling to say sorry for that candid moment.
"The rings?" The judge asks, looking to the wedding party to move the end of the ceremony along. Malachi pops up with Constance still strapped to his chest in his impeccably tailored suit. The nearly identical wedding bands are distributed to you and Marcus and the judge nods. "Repeat after me, please. This ring I give in token and in pledge, as a sign of my devotion. With this ring, I thee wed."
"This ring I give in token and in pledge, as a sign of my devotion." You have to take a breath as you place the band on Marcus's finger and finish the promise with a shaky voice that is filled with more happy tears. "With this ring, I thee wed."
Marcus stares down at his hand as you slowly push the ring onto his finger. Humming when it is in place and feels perfect on his hand. The rings that he has already given you are stacked on your finger, the promise ring, the engagement ring and now ready for the last piece. "This ring I give in token and in pledge, as a sign of my devotion." He turns the ring to show you the engraving on the inside of the band right before he slides it onto your finger to complete the set. "With this ring, I thee wed."
Two hands, one heart says the inside of your wedding band, and as the judge is finally pronouncing you man and wife, you barely manage to tear your eyes away from the place where he has added this band to the others that he has given you. It's his eyes you're staring into again when the judge has his last words on the matter: "You may now seal your union with a kiss."
It's only fitting that the kiss that joins you together in holy matrimony include the infamous dip that had been photographed and talked about before your soulmate status was even known. His lips are curved against yours as he holds you dipped down low to the ground, the guests clapping and cheering as the clicks of the cameras go wild.
If he’s showing off just a touch, you’ll forgive him easily. After all, it is the perfect full circle moment for the two of you, a year and half after that first dance.
Pulling you upright, Marcus kisses you again, happiness making him giggle against your lips. “Mrs. Pike.”
“Finally.” You breathe, giggling right along with him, and clinging to his arms for support. “Finally.”
“Finally.” It’s almost a crime to have to break away from you so that the two of you can face your guests and walk back up the aisle. Sydney hands you your bouquet and shamelessly wipes the tears from her eyes, ready to follow after you on her own husband’s arm. The ceremony was perfect, and now everyone is ready to cut loose.
Walking you back up the aisle, Marcus is beaming, his smile lighting up his face and there isn’t anyone there who can deny that he is happy. He kisses your hand and squeezes it when you look over at him. “I love you.”
“I love you.” Flowers and all else disregarded, you throw your arms around his neck once you’re back inside the White House and pull him into a kiss. The judge, Juan, and Sydney will follow in a minute to sign the marriage certificate with you but right now you’re all alone.
“I can’t believe that we made it through the ceremony.” Marcus admits with a small laugh as he goes in for another kiss.
“Barely did.” Your giggles bubble over, pouring into kiss after kiss. “I’m sure the one story that will get told over and over is that I kissed you during the ceremony.”
“I was about to kiss you, so I wasn’t upset at all.” He admits with a grin.
With your arms around his neck and his own around your waist, the sparkling shine and shimmer in your eyes is endless. “We’re married.”
“Technically not yet.” He teases. “We have to sign on the dotted line and make it official.” Still, that’s just paperwork to him. Not important and those vows you just exchanged.
“Paperwork.” The derisive noise you make comes with a wave of your hand. “It will be filed in no time. The vows are the important parts.” You hum softly, warmed through with bubbling joy. “And the I do’s, of course.”
“The I do’s are the most important part.” Marcus agrees, feeling like he could move mountains and conquer the world. Anything is possible with you by his side. “And you look amazing in that dress.”
"Me?" You practically blow a raspberry at him and run your hands down the lapels of his tuxedo, careful not to muss his boutonniere or the square of gold fabric in his breast pocket. "What about you? I'm over the moon that my Dad convinced you to go to his tailor because you look drop dead gorgeous."
“You like that, huh?” There’s a slightly smug edge to his smile, preening at how your eyes light up as you stroke his chest. The workouts have been helping and he had actually found he didn’t fit into his old tux anymore. His chest and shoulders were too broad now.
"Oh yeah." And if it weren't for seeing your friends approaching through the window, you might just show him how much. Instead, you hum a promise for later. "I'm going to have fun peeling this off of you tonight."
“We don’t have to go right to the reception.” He smirks.
"There are already two Secret Service agents who have probably heard us have sex," you remind him, smirking as men of the same agency open the door from the garden to let your wedding party into the Oval Office. "We don't need to add more to the list."
He rolls his eyes playfully but he doesn’t protest, knowing that now is not the time to sneak away. Everyone will be waiting for pictures to be taken and then for your entrance into the reception.
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The decision to have a live band rather than a deejay means that the band leader is the one introducing members of your wedding party as they filter into the ballroom. Juan's mother has whisked baby Constance away for the rest of the night and Malachi leads the rest of the party into entering the ballroom, but it is the announcement of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Pike that has you nearly floating into the room with your hand in Marcus's.
“I like the sound of that, don’t you?” Marcus asks, knowing that instead of a receiving line, the first order of the night is your dance as husband and wife.
“I think it’s perfect.” You agree, hand in his as the two of you move into the center of the dance floor. You’ll have your formal dances and then dinner can be served, leaving the rest of the night to be a wonderful party for everyone to enjoy. At whatever point the head table moves to make speeches, you will grin and bear the embarrassment. For now, you get to dance with your husband.
The sweet strains of your song start to play and Marcus hums with a loving gaze directed towards you. “You’re perfect.” He corrects you gently, pulling you closer to him. “And you’re my wife.”
“I’ve been waiting to hear this new verse again since my bridal shower.” The gentle reminder of his exquisite stunt that day makes both of you smile as you start to dance together.
He chuckles and listens to the song as it plays to match up the time. “As you love me, the world turns round. The birds sing, with songs of joy. My heart and soul are always yours. And life will be, La vie en rose.” He croons to you softly.
“I love you.” Holding him close in the dance seems like such a small thing to do, but keeping each other in your arms as you move around the floor is a beautiful kind of ecstasy tonight.
“I don’t think love is enough to describe what I feel for you.” Marcus admits. “Worship is closer. But it’s still not quite there.”
“Just don’t put me on a pedestal.” It’s something you have to remember not to do with him sometimes — not let yourself get carried away as thinking of him as perfect or worshipping him as your ideal partner. You’re both human, and fallible, and while your communication has been good it has to be maintained. Now, dancing with him, you look up and find his eyes watching you. “But today has been…perfect so far. More perfect than I could ever imagine.”
“We are going to have our ups and downs.” Marcus doesn’t have any illusions of perfection. “But there is no one I’d rather weather a storm with.”
His hand presses to the small of your back, spread out over the tattoo that marks you so decidedly as belonging together. Being meant for each other. Being two halves of one complete heart. “I couldn’t have said it better myself.” You murmur, and squeeze his other hand gently in the dance, swirling through the crowd of family and friends, and listen to the last lyrics as they ring out loud and clear.
Give your heart and soul to me And life will always be La vie en rose
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog@haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime@vabeachazn @purplerain04 @weho2kcmo @madnessofadaydreamer
HHL: @haileymorelikestupid @anoverwhelmingdin @storiesofthefandomlovers @missladym1981 @babeincolor @angelofsmalldeath-codeine
My Masterlist!
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ornateorchid · 22 hours
Rock The Boat
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summary: Kyle plans on taking you out for a surprise summer day-trip. However, those plans are unexpectedly changed when the boat breaks down in the middle of the ocean. Inspired by the song "Rock The Boat" by Aaliyah.
warnings: fem!afab!reader, smut, unprotected piv, established relationship, stranded on a boat in the ocean, wrote this on my phone lol
a/n: wrote this for @glitterypirateduck's vacation mode challenge using prompts 105- the boat engine dies and 112- vacation sex.
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"When did you get a boating license?" you asked Kyle as he started up the boat engine. You were sitting on a bench next to the engine, and the loud rumble made it difficult for you to hear your husband's response. You watched the marina disappear from view behind you as he steered the boat towards the ocean.
"A few months ago," he shouted over the noise of the engine after realizing you didn't hear him. "I wanted to surprise you."
"Well, it worked," you raised your voice to be heard. "But what's the occasion?"
Kyle gave you a sly grin, "can't I do something nice for my wife?" He maneuvered the boat further out into the water and you felt the boat's speed increase. "We're going to a secluded island. Not many people know about it. It's gorgeous."
"It sounds lovely," you smiled and held on tightly to the side of the boat, enjoying the feeling of the wind blowing through your hair. Kyle drove for another 30 minutes before the sound of the engine spurting brought you out of your languor. He cut the engine and the boat slowly came to a stop in the middle of the water.
"What's wrong?" you asked.
"I don't know," Kyle frowned, his brow furrowed as he examined the engine. "The gas tank was full, I don't know why it stopped." He sighed in frustration and turned off the ignition. The silence was deafening.
"So, we're just stuck out here?" you asked nervously. You were suddenly hyper-aware of the fact that the two of you were all alone in the middle of the sea. You had no cell service, and the only way back to the shore was by swimming, which was not possible given the distance.
"For now," Kyle sighed as he plopped down next to you. "I'm sorry, this is turning out to be a bust. I really wanted today to be special."
You gave him a reassuring smile, "it's okay, the view is beautiful." You glanced at the bright blue water and the horizon beyond.
"You're beautiful," Kyle looked over at you with a smirk.
"You're so corny," you rolled your eyes, but a small laugh escaped your lips.
"You're so pretty," he replied.
You giggled. "Don't start."
"Stop it," you said, but a smile still remained on your face.
"That's enough," you warned.
"No more," you insisted.
"That's it!" you cried, and pounced onto Kyle. The two of you wrestled around until he had you straddling his waist. You planted a hard kiss on his lips, effectively silencing him.
You were about to pull away when Kyle pulled you back and deepened the kiss. Your eyes fluttered shut and you moaned against his mouth as his hands traveled down to squeeze your ass. His touch caused a surge of pleasure to course through your body. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pushing your hips against his. He let out a low groan and began to kiss your neck.
"Kyle..." you whispered his name.
"You like that?" he asked, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear. His hands gripped your hips tightly and he rocked you back and forth against the his hardened cock. You could feel your swimsuit bottoms becoming damp and a familiar ache growing in your lower abdomen.
"Yes," you gasped, moving against him more urgently. You could tell he was just as eager as you were because his breathing was heavy and he was kissing you more fiercely.
Your hands slid down his chest and tugged at the waistband of his trunks. "Take these off," you pleaded. "Please, I can't wait any longer."
"Patience, love," he teased, but you could see the hunger in his eyes. He helped you remove his shorts and pulled you back onto his lap. You could feel the head of his cock brushing against your pussy through your bottoms, and the friction was almost too much to bear.
"Fuck, please," you whined.
"Shh, I've got you," he assured you. His hands slid down to the waistband of your bikini and pulled them off of you. He tossed them aside and his fingers began circling your clit.
"Oh, fuck," you moaned loudly. Your head lolled back and your hips bucked against his hand.
"Look at you, so fucking needy," Kyle purred. He plunged two fingers into your aching cunt and you let out a loud cry.
"Don't stop," you panted. You were so close, but just before you could cum, he pulled his fingers out of you.
Before you could voice your complaint, he pushed his cock into you and your walls clenched around him. You both let out a breathless moan as he thrust into you.
"Oh god," you gasped. The feeling of being filled so completely was almost too much to bear. His movements were slow and deliberate, and you could feel every inch of him as he slid in and out of you.
Kyle gripped your hips so tightly that you were sure he would leave bruises. The thought only spurred you on as you rode his cock faster and harder. The sounds of your combined moans and the wet slap of skin against skin filled the air.
You could feel yourself getting close, and your legs began to shake. Kyle sensed your impending orgasm and sped up his thrusts, his cock hitting that perfect spot inside you over and over again. You cried out his name as you came, your vision blurring as waves of pleasure washed over you.
He continued to thrust into you, chasing his own release. His fingers dug into your hips and his breathing became erratic. Finally, with a loud groan, he came too, his cock pulsing as he emptied himself into you.
You slumped forward, resting your forehead on his shoulder as you tried to catch your breath. His arms wrapped around you and held you close. You could feel his heart racing beneath your touch, and a small smile spread across your face.
"And you said today was turning out to be a bust," you breathe, turning to face him with a smile.
He laughed and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, "yeah, well, maybe we should get stranded together more often."
You let out a laugh and shook your head, "yeah, maybe."
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a/n: abrubt ending oops sorry
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starlightazriel · 2 days
bad boy az x school girl au part 3 (fem reader)
warnings: 18+ as usual, smut, angst, drug addiction, drug abuse, underage drinking, very dark childhood, abusive parent, age gap (sophomore x senior)
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Regular sex. I was having regular sex with Azriel. It seemed quite surreal actually, that someone like me would have regular sex with anyone, let alone Azriel. He would wait for me on that same bench, or sometimes with his car, leaning up against it to be sure I saw him. It was definitely strange, people knew my name now. I didnt ask him if we were dating, though it felt like it.
We did more than just have sex, and I couldn't deny that I was completely in love with him after only several weeks, despite not knowing much of anything about him. Only what he chose to show me. It was starting to get colder, the fall air getting more crisp as winter approached. Azriel and I had plans tonight, plans that I was very much looking forward to. So when I left school that day I was expecting Azriel to be there, leaning up on his car and waiting for me. He wasn't there though, my heart sank. Right on time with my disappointment, my phone buzzed. Raincheck butterfingers? im sorry. There was never any warning in advance, no reason why, it would just be some short message that he had to reschedule and it always came right when Id leave school looking for him, only once it was a few minutes late.
Azriel looked down at his phone, read, typing and then just like that the typing stopped, nothing. It wasn't the first time he had blown her off, she never left him on read though. Normally, this wouldn't bother him, it wouldn't matter, normally he wouldn't have a second thought about being left on read. With her, it was different for some reason. Like disappointing her was just, gut wrenching, which he didnt know how to feel about that either. Azriel could see the way she looked at him, he could see how happy she was when she was around him, she didnt think about her parents arguing, or about the social pressures of high school, or the pressures of deciding what school she was eventually going to go to when she graduated. He knew it was unrealistic, for someone like her to be with him. He felt like he would just drag her down, like he wasn't nearly good enough for her. Im really sorry I have to handle this. A double text, he never did that, but again, with her, things were just different, she was too innocent, too much of a sweetheart. Plus, he was older, he was supposed to be the responsible one, so that's why he sent her a second text.
He knew that it would have to come to an end eventually, he knew that he would have to break both of their hearts when the time came.
She didnt read the second one, he cursed again and shook his head, parking in front of his house and jogging inside. He went up to his room, sat on his bed and took a few bong rips, Rhys' name lit up on his screen but he let it ring. He'd go talk to him later. He pulled himself together and pushed his night table aside pulling the board on the floor up to reveal his stacks of cash he had been saving over the years, hustling came easy to him, he had been doing it since elementary, he had bought candy bars for a dollar and sold them at school for three, secretly of course, back of the playground, boys bathroom, under the bleachers... Eventually middle school came and the candy bars turned into selling his dad's cigarettes, then high school, the cigarettes turned to pills, weed and mushrooms.
He had each of the stacks separated with rubber bands into a thousand dollars each, he grabbed a band, shoved it in his pocket and replaced the floorboard, pulling his night stand back over it.
With the cash in his pocket he headed to the police station. He pulled up, snapping the rubber band off the cash so it didnt look as much like drug money. "Afternoon boys," he strode in, the cops knew him well I mean, it was a small town for one and he had gotten into plenty of trouble in his days, and for two the neighbors had been calling on his dad and him for domestic disputes for years. And besides that, he had bailed his dad out of jail a few times a year at this point. They never asked where Azriel got the cash, maybe they just didnt give a fuck to care about a teenager and his drug addicted father. "What's the damage?" he mumbles, placing his scarred tattooed hands on the counter.
"750 today," the officer says after checking some things on his computer, Azriel winced before carefully counting the cash and placing it on the counter mumbling, "he's lucky I don't leave his ass in here," he shoves the remaining cash in his pocket before sitting down on a nearby chair to wait for them to retrieve his father.
He sighs as they bring him out, each year he seemed to get worse, heroin, cocaine to balance out the tiredness, really he knew his dad would do whatever he could get his hands on. His face was skeleton thin, pale and bruised, eyes sunken in with dark circles surrounding them. Azriel stood, turned, and started walking out of the building not saying a single word to his dad, really there was nothing to say. There was never a time that he had gotten along with his dad, before his mother abandoned them he had beat his mother until she couldn't take it anymore, he would never forgive either of them, he knew that, he would die hating both of them, and the only hope that he had was to eventually leave his dad and never see him again either. For now, until the end of the school year, it was what it was. Which was another reason why dating y/n was just unrealistic and out of reach, he planned to leave after graduation. To get as far away from this town as he could, even if it meant leaving Rhys and Cass behind, even if it meant leaving her behind. She was just a girl anyway, one he had only known for a few months in fact.
"Hurry up," Azriel muttered before getting into the car, he checked his phone again, nothing from her, she had to be angry with him. That was new, and he didnt like it. He had stood her up a handful of times, none of them had been intentional, simply circumstantial. His dad eventually hobbled to the car, getting into the passenger seat and slamming the door behind him. No appreciation, no thank you, nothing. Azriel pulls out of the station and begins to drive back to his house.
"Cigarette, boy," his dad demands, leaning back and sighing as if he had just got done after a long days work, he hadn't worked for years, for years Azriel had been burdened with paying the bills enough so they at least had hot water and heat. Azriel rolled his eyes and tossed a half empty pack to his dad, not wanting to be bothered for another one when he finished the first. His dad growled at the gesture, "if you weren't so damn disrespectful boy, maybe your mother wouldn't have left us, she couldn't bare to see that damn ugly scowl anymore," his dad grunted, Azriel scoffs, his hands gripping the steering wheel.
"Yeah, that's why she left," he muttered and came to a screeching hault in front of their house. He still recalled the day his mother left like it was yesterday, the night before, she had tried to protect him, his father had been belligerently drunk the night before, enough that he had barely been able to speak. He had only been seven years old.
He remembered the pain best, the blood soaking his shirt from his busted lip, his entire body aching and sore from the tumble he had taken down the stairs. His dad had pushed him because he had left one of his toys in the hall and his father had stepped on it. He remembered being curled up under his bed, hugging his bruised body, crying as he listened to the screams from his mother. Wincing every single time that she cried out. His dad yelling, the sounds of her body hitting the floor over and over again. He remembered waking up the next morning, still under his bed his body aching he remembered feeling like he couldn't move but forcing himself out, he had to check on his mother. "Mom? Where are you going?" he had asked she was covered in cuts and bruises, her eyes both swollen almost shut, he remembered wanting to cry, but not wanting to make her sad. She had been at the door, bag slung over her shoulder. "Oh Azzie baby," she had started crying at the sight of him, rushed to the bottom of the stairs, she hugged him tighter than she ever had before. "He's going to kill me Azzie, I have to go, I will come back for you, Im so sorry baby, stay strong okay?" she had told him before she left. He didnt know then that it was the last time he would see her. Azriel had waited five years before he decided that his mother was either dead, or wanted nothing to do with him because of his father, and he hated them both for it.
"Get out," Azriel reaches over his father with his long arm to open the passenger door, flicking his head toward the house. "I got shit to do," he mumbles not giving his dad even another look.
"Give me a hundred boy," his dad demands, Azriel takes a deep breath, anger coursing through his veins, he wanted to rip his throat out. "Come on boy, been in there for a whole day, you left me in there, I know they called you last night," he didnt move from the car. Azriel didnt have time for this, he had seen his father in withdrawal more times than he cared to admit and he didnt want to deal with it tonight, too much to do. Reluctantly he fished around in his pocket pulling out a fifty and tossing it at him.
"That's all I got, bail was expensive," he muttered and nodded toward the house again. "Goodbye," he says and he hears his dad grumbling about how disrespectful kids are today and that he better not come home tonight or he'd get his ass beat, Azriel wasn't worried though, he was bigger than his father now and anyway he knew by the time he returned his dad would be nodded off on the couch, he never got so lucky for an overdose, only once but he had been younger, he knew he would go into foster care until turned 18 if his dad died, so he had called the cops. He still had spent 6 months in foster care that year before returning to his father.
"Fuck is wrong with you?" Cass asks as Azriel entered the apartment belonging to his two older and oldest friends, they were all brothers at this point. They were the only real family he had. Since he could remember Azriel had always been around older kids, smoking first, drinking first, having sex first... Rhys and Cass had always been around, they had once rode bikes around their neighborhood and egged the principals house after Azriel had gotten suspended from the bus for sticking gum to the back of Stacy Willets seat which had got all stuck in her hair, now older and more mature he realized that was bullying. Azriel had only been nine years old when they had egged his house, Rhys and Cass had been twelve. He had met them when he was only five years old, first day of school, a fresh kindergartener wanting to impress the two third grade boys, naturally it happened at the bus stop, Azriel had impressed them by pick pocketing a fellow students pack of gum. Stealing of all things, he guessed he had always been bad, ever since he could remember.
"Just had to bail out my fucking deadbeat again," he grumbles, plopping himself down on the sofa and reaching for the spliff that Cass was holding in his hand, he passes it to Azriel, raising a brow. "Where's Rhys? I need work," he mumbles inhaling the smoke and sinking into the back of the couch.
"Well you're in luck, he just went to pick up," he doesn't comment about his dad, he knew Azriel didnt like to talk about it. "Skate while we wait?" he asked, throwing his hands up as if to ask how about it? His lips drawing in slightly in a turned down smile.
"Yeah, need that," Azriel says and shrugs, standing up to grab his favorite of Rhys' boards off of the racks they had on the wall, even though his was in the trunk of his car. He recalled the days that the three of them would skate every single day after school. They would meet up, get high out of their minds while they walked the woods trail from the school to the skate park and skate until it got completely dark out, not even stopping to eat. They had graduated his freshman year, and the last few years of school had been torture without them, he had other friends, they just weren't real friends he supposed until butterfingers. He couldn't help but smile which earned him a suspicious look from Cass as he grabbed his own board off the wall before leaning it against the couch.
"Peanut butter and mushroom jelly?" he asks and laughs. Azriel puts the now stinger of a spliff in the ashtray, Rhys' board still tucked under his arm and nods.
"When have I ever said no?" He asks him and smirks, sitting at one of their kitchen stools, placing the board over his lap now. He checks his phone while Cass places two pieces of white bread on the bare counter, smearing jelly on one side peanut butter on the other, he then retreated and came back dumping an eighth of shrooms onto the sandwich. Azriels stomach twisted when he opened instagram to see that she had posted a story, she never posted on her socials, he didnt much either, but still. His thumb hovered over it, debating on whether or not he should look, he knew girls were complicated, everything they did was a message.
"If anything will cheer you up it's this," Cass says as he cuts the now sandwich into two equal halves and hands one to Azriel. He takes the sandwich and takes a large bite, almost half already gone and he chews, the board still balancing on his lap. He would never get used to that earthy taste, like he had just picked up a pile of leaves and rotting sticks off the ground and was just chewing on them, he scrunched his nose, glancing up at Cass for only a minute to see him pouring two glasses of orange juice a similar expression on his face.
Azriel just shook his head, setting the sandwich down to take a swig before he finally just decided to watch the damn story. His heart leapt seeing her face on the screen now, a selfie? Since when, did she post selfies? Jealousy was the only thing that stopped him from hearting it. Azriel knew he was popular, yes it was in a different way than the jocks and the cheerleaders but still, he knew how people were noticing her since he had started walking the halls with her. He shoved the rest of the sandwich into his mouth and opened the text thread again, seeing that she had read his last message only about twenty minutes ago, this only annoyed him further. So you can post but you can't respond to my message? Triple texting a girl, who even was he anymore? "You alright?" Cass' voice pulls him from his thoughts and he locks his phone, swallowing the rest of the sandwich and washing it down with more juice.
"Let's go skate," he says and stands backup, the board tucked under his arm again. Cass seemed to accept this as an appropriate answer, he knew him and Rhys had to look out for him, they were like his older brothers, but prying, wasn't the way to look out for Azriel, it would only make him not return their calls for weeks until he sorted whatever it was out on his own. They made their way to the parking lot which had a convenient rail with a cement base near the sign for the apartments, the rail was already left scraped and bare on the top from them skating from time to time.
Azriel was definitely slightly drunk, it was late now, well past midnight as he walked from his car that he parked on the end of her street. It was freezing out now but he still wore a tshirt and jeans, his tattoos gleamed in the moonlight, he noted how trippy they looked, the effects of the shrooms him and Cass had done still wearing off. When Rhys had finally got back, they went out, Azriel using his fake since he wasnt twenty one. He had gotten half of the pills off that Rhys brought back, but he wasn't worried, he knew he'd sell the rest at school tomorrow, too damn good not to. She still hadn't responded to him and he had only gotten increasingly annoyed as the day had went on, so when he stumbled into her back yard, it was with intention.
He walked around the side to where he knew her window was and began throwing small rocks, they made small clinking noises before falling back onto the ground. "This is so fuckin stupid," he muttered to himself, shaking his head, he knew he looked like a complete idiot and he was about to go home before he saw the glow of her desk lamp and then, there she was, her brows furrowed as she peered down at him from the second story window. He watched her pry the window open, a smile threatening at his lips.
"Azriel what are you doing? It's a school night," she asks, the tone of her voice like a yell and a whisper at the same time. He couldn't help it, he smiled then, because, of course she would care about that.
"Let me fuck you before you go back to bed," he says back, and he didnt even have to see her up close to know that she was blushing beet red up there. There's a long pause of silence and he looks up at her, raising his arms the same way that Cass did earlier.
"How are you supposed to get in?" she finally asks, huffing out a shaky breath, keeping her voice at a low volume.
"I'll climb," he responds as if it's the simplest task in the world, there was a small roof in front of her window, it covered the back porch area.
"And how will you get down after?" she asks, as if challenging him.
"That's not a now problem butterfingers," he says back, shrugging his shoulders. He doesn't wait for her to say anything else before he's using one of the patio chairs to stand on and he somehow manages to get himself onto the roof and nearly falls into her room. Her hand covers over her mouth.
"Azriel be quiet my parents are sleeping," she hisses softly but he is on his feet by the time she finishes her sentence, he looks down at her, studying her face as if something would now be different.
"Y/n," he was too drunk to care about the surprise that crossed her face and then flush that crept onto her cheeks as her hands slowly dropped at her sides. He had never really said her name before, not outside of class when he had been talking to their teacher. Her lips parted slightly and she stared at him, waiting for what he was going to say next. "Why did you ignore me today?" he finally asked, there were so many things he wanted to tell her, but he knew he couldn't, it would only hurt her in the long run.
"Because you blew me off again, apparently to get drunk," she wrinkled her nose slightly, she may have tried to play it cool, but Azriel knew she was nervous.
"I promise you, it wasnt like that at all," he shakes his head, now feeling slightly nervous as well, which wasnt normally a thing for him. There was a lot of new things with her though. "I had to pick my dad up, and then you weren't texting me and yeah, somehow we ended up here," he finally says, her face softens, which it seemed to any time he mentioned his dad. She really knew nothing, but she knew it was something, he appreciated her understanding, and he appreciated that she never asked any prying questions.
"Im sorry for ignoring you," she finally says after a small pause of silence, he breaks out in a smile and then remembers the selfie, his smile didnt falter when her grabbed her face in his hands, her breath hitched.
"Im going to need every name that slid up on that picture you posted, Im going to lace their weed," he says casually, she didnt even have time to process before his lips were on hers. He kissed her hungrily, claiming her with a dominance he hadn't used before and he pushed her toward her bed, she let out a small gasp as her knees buckled against the bed. Azriel knew if he hadn't drank so much he wouldn't have came here, he knew he wouldn't have been here claiming her as his. Selfish, he was being so damn selfish.
He yanked her pajama pants from her body, placing kisses on her bare torso as he did, her tank top had ridden up just under her breasts that were now peaked, nipples poking the thin fabric. "This?" he mumbled, pressing his palm onto her pussy, holding it, shaking his hand just a little bit causing her to gasp in pleasure as she looked down at him, face flushed, lips parted, propping herself up on her elbows so she could see him better. "This is all mine, do you understand baby?" he asks, his eyes locking with hers, dark with lust, tone unwavering as his eyes bore into hers, searching. He had never in his whole career of having sex behaved this way with someone before, he was too damn drunk to be afraid of it. "Answer me," he says, as she had seemed to be lost for words, her brows twisted with pleasure as she panted before him.
"I understand," she breathed out, he let out a small grunt of approval finally releasing his hand from her and pulling her panties off, humming in approval.
"Look how wet you are already," he dipped his head down, taking a small lick of the wetness gathered at her opening, humming softly in approval at her delicious taste. She whimpered softly beneath him and he stood, her eyes widened a bit, and she looked at him curiously. "On your stomach," he mutters humming again in approval as she rolls over onto her stomach without hesitation. "Fuck," he groans before burying his face into her again, he licked her opening, wiggling his tongue inside her deeper, his nose pressing into the pucker of her ass, she gasps again, trying to pull away a bit but he holds her hips steady, inhaling her sweet sent as he continued to move his tongue. She buried her face into her pillow and he noted the way that her fingers gripped her sheets and her pillow, her knuckles white like she was hanging on for dear life.
He pulled back a bit, licking all the way up from her ass to the top of her neck, goosebumps covered her body and she let out a muffled whimper into her pillow. "This was all you needed wasnt it?" He asks, moving her hair aside so he could ask right in her ear, his husky voice making her toes curl. "Needed me to lick your sweet little cunt and fuck you til you see stars so you can stop acting like a little brat," his lips were right next to her ear, causing a shiver to shoot through her, she only moaned in response. Now this, was more his style, never claiming a pussy as his own, he never cared about having someone to himself. Everything was different with her.
He grabbed one of her smaller pillows, his other hand sliding down her side before he lifted her a bit, sliding the pillow underneath her. He cursed quietly at the sight,, her ass now poking up for him at the perfect angle, her pussy gleamed in the dim light of her desk lamp. He didnt have time to undress, only enough time to free his aching cock from his jeans and shove it into her, making her cry out softly.
"So fuckin wet," he slurred a little bit, his fingers digging into her hips as he began to fuck her, harder, faster and needier than he ever had. She gripped the sheets tightly, no words, only soft moans and whimpers escaped her lips. Her body tensed, and he knew it was coming, he braced himself as her walls tightened around him and she gushed, crying out softly as she came all over his cock. "Oh fuck," he moaned again, the feeling of her sending him over the edge as well, he pulled out, spilling everything onto her ass, his breath ragged as he marveled at her beautiful body. He collapsed next to her, and silence fell as they caught their breath, she was peering at him now with only one eye, her face still smushed into the pillow, it made his heart melt. "No more ignoring me," he mutters, still breathless as he studies the half of her face he could see, he wanted to remember this moment forever.
"I might just do it every day if I get this treatment."
a/n: that got so dark for a min there idk what's wrong with my fucked up mind, y'all gonna have to brace yourselves for the next part :( don't forget to tell me what you think
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neteyamloverr · 2 days
𝙲𝚊𝚗 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛 ?
Steven Grant x FemReader
Angst + Smut
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A/N: Enjoy my second Fanfic!
Summary: Your best friend Steven is going through a break up with Layla and he needs you and your comfort + You get your get back on Layla.
wc: 5.5k
Contents: Angst, break up and cheating mentions, Cry-baby Steven, Sub!Steven, Pathetic perv Steven, Oral m!Receiving, tit-fucking, extremely angry layla, dirty messages, reader has a cat
Stevie has sent you two chats.
Your phone’s loud announcements echo through your bedroom while you’re brushing your teeth in the other room. You go to check what could be so urgent that he’s texting at almost midnight.
Please, come over
I need you.
No matter how late or unusual this is, you feel obligated to go help him. He never texts you this late, he's definitely not a night owl, and he’s your best friend. Your ride or die. You'd do anything for him, even if it meant ditching your plans to have a personal care night. So you start up your car and head over to Stevens place, thinking of the long hot bath that could’ve been.
Arriving at his door, you knock softly. Shuffling can be heard getting closer to the door of his flat and he unlocks it quickly. “You told me to come over? What's up?”
He immediately pulls you into a tight hug, making no effort to hide his tears
“Hey- don’t cry…” you hug him back tightly and he leans his head into your shoulder, sobbing loudly. You don't want to disturb his neighbors so you slowly walk forward into the small apartment to kick the door shut behind you. “You're okay. Shhh…I’m here”
Despite your efforts to calm him down, he continues sobbing into your shoulder, gripping your body tightly while trying not to be so loud. He was trying to get his breathing under control, but his efforts were failing him. You try to pull away from the hug but he doesn't want you to let go. He just holds you even tighter and buries his chin in the crook of your neck.
“Look at me-” you manage to get his face up and hold his cheeks in your hands. “What’s wrong?”
He shakes his head, not wanting to tell you but it looked like he had something he wanted to get out.
Now you’re going to have to play the guessing game.
“Tell me what's wrong. Why are you crying…?” He takes a huge breath in, trying to contain the sobbing. He starts to mumble something but it's difficult to understand what he's saying. You wipe his tears with your thumbs “Speak up Steven…You know you can tell me anything right? Who hurt you?” His lips quivered as he tried to speak again, putting your ear against his face, trying to hear him better. He mumbles something about cheating and you realize he must mean Layla.
“Was it Layla?!” you say angrily
Welp. That was a mistake. Mentioning her triggered another round of crying. You roll your eyes “That bitch…I knew there was something off about her.”At least you guessed right first try. With the grip that he had on you, his arms were practically crushing you. His babbling was incomprehensible and the sobbing was louder. His eyes were puffy and red and you felt bad. Really bad. You haven’t seen him cry anywhere near this much before. Layla really did a number on him.
You always knew she wasn’t genuine about him. From the first moment you met her, you didn’t like her and she felt likewise about you. You constantly argued with each other and she always told Steven that one day he's going to have to choose—“Me or her, what's it gonna be Steven?!” and Steven wouldn’t choose. He’d just stay silent and he felt bad that layla was alway trying to start something with you
“Stevie, love, I need you to calm down. Breathe okay? In and out.”
Nodding his head at you, his grip loosens slightly as you guide his breathing and calm him down. He's somewhat able to control himself and stops crying but his face is still wet. The first words he says are “I’m sorry.” You know he’s quick to apologies, even when he’s not the one at fault.
“It’s okay, but I can't help you unless you tell me.”
He takes a deep breath in and says quietly “She was…she was kissing another guy…in our bed…” He looks down, avoiding your gaze. You felt a pang in your heart at what he said
“I’m so sorry you had to see that…did she say anything to you…?”
His tears start to fall again and his grip around your waist tightens once again, not yet ready to let go, and you caress his cheek.
“I'm right here…Talk to me.” At this point your shoulder is soaked and it's slightly hard to breathe because of the way he's clinging onto you.
He stutters. “She said that she d-didn’t care about me…that I was worthless, clingy—and I loved her s-so much…” Now he cries into your chest.
“I know Stevie I know, it's okay, Shhh…” You shush him as best you can, rocking his taller figure in your arms. “You don't need her. You never needed her, it's okay. You have me.”
He finally stops crying but his chest heaves. He starts to let go of you, nodding. “I’ll never leave you I promise” You whisper into his ear as he reluctantly removes his arms from your waist. He lets his arms go limp to his side with a sad look on his face.
“Did you eat anything yet?”
He shakes his head no, keeping quiet.
“Did you even shower?”
He shakes his head again. Gosh you think to yourself. He can’t even take care of himself. “Okay um…” you rub your forehead “You should go pack a bag for a few days. You're coming to stay with me.”
He seems surprised by your suggestion, although not in a bad way. “Really…?”
“Yes really. I’m not leaving you alone like this.”
He nods and goes to the other side of his flat, grabbing a bag and stuffing it with clothes and essentials while you wait near the front door. Five minutes later he comes back with a backpack on his back and a few other things in his arms.
“Okay come.” you both walk out the door, locking it and heading to the car. He follows behind you like a puppy, keeping behind you at a slightly slower pace. The car ride is quiet. Not an awkward silence but a comfortable one.
When you reach the door to your house, you let Steven in first and he's greeted by your cat. He tilts his head in surprise as he rubs against his leg, but then smiles to himself. When he reaches down to pet him, he meows and walks towards me. “Hi baby, you missed me didn’t youuu” you pick him up and litter him in kisses, petting and spoiling him with scratches on his belly while he purrs. Steven watches as you baby your cat and talk to him in a high pitched voice. He thinks it's actually quite cute. You put the cat down after a few seconds and head to the kitchen.
“Can you lock the door for me?” You put your key up and open the fridge to heat up the rest of your dinner from earlier that evening for Steven and take out ice cream for yourself.
Steven nodded and locks the door, then leans his body against the doorframe of the kitchen
“You’re acting like you’re a stranger to my house” you chuckle “Go sit or something. And you can put your bag in my bedroom”
He mutters an “Oh” and walks toward your bedroom, Coming back out to the kitchen empty handed.
“Here’s your food” You slide over the plate to the side of the table he's sitting and he starts eating, but slower than usual. Usually he'd just immediately devour the food in front of him within minutes but with his mood affected, he's not like that anymore.
He finishes chewing his first bite and swallows it down, taking in a breath before speaking.
“Thank you…for letting me stay here…”
“It’s no problem. I would’ve stayed at your place but you know, the cat and gus, that wouldn’t have gone well…”
He chuckles “I know but still, I appreciate it anyways…You’re the only one who would’ve done this for me”
Steven finishes the meal and asks “Did you make this?...It was really good”
You turn around from washing the dishes in the sink. “I did actually, thanks Stevie ” you speak over the running water, smiling to yourself at his compliment. Meanwhile, he looks away and blushes when you call him by his nickname. He loves when you call him ‘Stevie.’ ‘It's okay Stevie ,’ ‘Stevie come here,’ no matter what it was, you called him that all the time, more than his actual name.
You sigh after finishing the dishes and sweeping the kitchen. “I think I'm gonna head to bed soon. You can do whatever you want really. You know where everything is.”
After thinking over what you said, he speaks up. “Do you have a spare bed I could use? I don’t want to disturb you or invade your space”
He was always so thoughtful.
“Oh- no I’ll sleep on the couch and you'll sleep in my bed.”
He looks at you surprised that you’re willing to sleep on the couch alone just so that he can sleep on the bed. He shakes his head refusing. “No..n-no… you should sleep on the bed. I’ll stay on the couch.-”
“I want you to be comfortable”
“But I have a blanket and the couch is comfortable anyway-”
Sometimes a little too thoughtful…
You appreciate his concern but he's just making things difficult, although you know he doesn’t mean to.
“Steven.” you cut him off sternly and he knows you’re serious this time. You didn’t call him Stevie.
He flinches at the tone and volume of your voice and freezes. After a few seconds of silence he says “W-what…?”
You sigh and go lay down on the couch. He pauses for a few seconds—should he take the couch or your bed? He makes a final decision and takes the couch too.
“No, Steven. Get up.”
You roll your eyes at difficulty “If I sleep in the bed, will you sleep in the bed too?”
You plan on sleaking out of the room later on into the night when he falls asleep to go to the couch. He looks to you, considering the offer you had given him before he speaks up. “Yes. I will.”
You let out a sigh of relief. He’s like a child sometimes. “Okay fine. Whatever. Go take a shower. You need it”
He’s taken off guard by that comment, blushing in embarrassment. “Yeah, I probably do…”
He goes into the bathroom of your room, taking off his clothes and stepping into the hot shower. He feels the water hitting his skin and starts to relax a bit. Leaning against the wall, closing his eyes, trying to forget about the rough day he had.
While Steven is in the shower, you undress yourself in your room, stripping away the clothes of your tiring day. You wrap yourself in a thin towel and sit on your bed, ready and waiting for the shower and entertaining yourself on your phone.
He’s out of the shower fairly quickly, within 10 minutes. He tries not to take up too much of your time because he already knows he’s starting to get you irritated.
He walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and hair damp. Damn does he look good, toned and muscular. To be honest he looks oiled up with how wet his body still is.
“It’s your tur-...” his words trail off and he pauses for a second in the doorway, staring at you from across the room. He looks like he's seen a ghost and it’s because of you—the way you’re sitting in your short, thin towel. It's riding up your thighs.
He tries so hard not to look at you as you get up because he knows it would be inappropriate to stare while you’re in nothing but your towel. I mean it was barely a towel really…
You hold it tightly around your body and the material is so thin the outline of your nipples slightly show through. His breath catches in his throat when he notices and Steven mutters to himself. “Oh my god..”
He can feel heat arising between his legs. “I-I’m finished…” He sure was about to finish. He stammers, trying to keep his eyes on your face and not your nipples, but fails miserably. “Okay” you reply, distracted by your phone. He moves from the doorway and you stand up from the bed, unaware of the effect you had on him.
As you walk towards the bathroom your ass almost shows from underneath the short towel and Steven goes red. He puts on a sweatshirt, towel still on his lower half and tries to think of other things, laying in the bed to distract his mind from thinking of your body. “I’ll be in the shower for about a half hour so don’t wait up for me okay?” you say over your shoulder. You close the door to the bathroom and get into the hot shower.
His mind was telling him one thing but his body is telling him another. Even though he tries to resist his urges, he’s losing the battle against himself. In the shower, you play soft music and hum along but by that point, he can’t resist his desires anymore. He starts to imagine what you’d look like naked, water dripping down your body, and hair wet.
He wonders what it’d be like to touch you…to feel your soft skin under his finger tips, and he finds himself getting hard under the towel. He feels so guilty for having those thoughts about you but he can’t help himself. You’re just…so…beautiful, and so caring to him. You show him love like no one else. He needed your presence to clear his mind from everything anyways. Maybe it would help with the stress too.
Since you’re going to be in the shower for a half-hour, he figures he’s just going to get this over and done with and you don’t have to know about it. He takes off his sweater and starts to massage himself through the towel, closing his eyes, imagining that you’re the one touching him. Steven groans and his pace is increasing. He knows he shouldn't be doing this, especially in your bed, but it feels too good to stop.
You scrub your arms with soap in the shower, still humming along to the song you played on your phone. All of a sudden you think you hear a groan and stop humming for a moment. Maybe I'm just hearing things… You think to yourself. He notices the absence of your voice and also stops, thinking that he's been found out. But when you continue again, completely oblivious, so does he.
He takes off his towel and finally puts his hand on his hard length with urgency. He can’t believe how turned on he is just by seeing you in your towel, knowing you’re naked underneath. Steven has seen you in low cut dresses that show half your chest, short skirts that expose your plump thighs, and nothing but his oversized shirts and the shortest shorts he's ever seen, and yea maybe he got flustered. Maybe he got turned on…a lot…But he’s never had the guts to please himself to the thought of you.
He moans louder, almost whimpering, your name falling from your lips. He needs to stop before he cums all over himself but he can’t stop moving his hand. He squeezes his eyes shut, mouth agape, and his legs shake as he reaches his climax. His cock throbs against his palm, shooting cum onto his stomach and chest. Steven pants, out of breath, feeling embarrassed and ashamed at what he just did. But at the same time, there’s a part of him that wants to do it again…
You're still in the shower, scrubbing your legs, completely unaware that he was jerking off to you and cumming in your bed. The guilt is starting to eat away at him as he continues to stroke his cock, taking in your scent of you on the clothes you took off just before your shower. You’re all he can think about right now and he's not stopping. This time, he moans too loudly, loud enough for you to hear it clearly. When you stop humming to listen, he's too in his head to notice. You listen carefully. There it is again, that groan…You get out of the shower quickly, only drying your legs so you don't drip too much water everywhere. Concerned, you hastily wrap your towel around your chest and open the door of the bathroom.
You finally walk in the room looking worried. “Steven? Are you oka-” You stop in your tracks, water dripping on the floor from your still wet hands.
Steven sees you exiting the bathroom and his heart races, only this time from the fear of getting caught. He scrambles to cover up his mess with his towel. How could he have been so stupid. Now you’re going to think he’s some kind of pervert.
He looks at you with a mixture of shame and embarrassment. His face is red and he tries to pretend nothing happened but it's obvious. You see his legs still trembling and the cum on his chest, and he’s red and sweating.
You blush at the sight and stand there, stunned. You expected to see him hurt, not him fucking his hand and smelling your clothes… “Steven were you-” you struggle to get the words out. But he answers. “Yeah, I- I was-” he clears his throat, unable to meet your gaze. “In my bed?!” you cut him off, not angry but confused as to why he would do it in your bed
“Look I’m sorry, i-it won't happen again” He tries to sound sincere, but he can’t help the way his heart is racing for you or the bulge he’s covering in the towel. He takes a deep breath and forces himself to look at you. “I just-”
“You just what??”
“I just can’t stop thinking about you…” he admits, voice barely above a whisper. His heart pounds in his chest, and he wants nothing more than for you to understand.
“But you just got cheated on by layla-”
“I know but with everything that’s happened with her, what she did to me, I really just needed some kind of release…I thought that this would help me to feel less stressed, and after seeing you in that towel, basically naked, I couldn’t stop imagining you and you turned me on and I’m saying too much now, aren't I…I should shut up now.”
He rambles, desperately trying to explain himself to you
“I’m not trying to make excuses,” he says softly. “And I didn’t think it would be a big deal y’know, because you’d be in the shower for 30 minutes but you got out early…”
“I know Steven but-” you feel bad that he has to resort to this for stress relief and you walk closer, within arms reach.
“I know, I'm sorry, I’m so sorry…” his body still trembles slightly from the aftermath of his orgasm and the adrenaline rush of being caught.
“You’re the last person I have left, please don't leave me…I won’t get over her without you…” It's the truth but he doesn’t wanna admit it, especially with the mess he's made of himself
You reassure him.. “I already told you I’m not leaving you”
“Then please, give me another chance," he pleads, grabbing onto your hand. “I promise I’ll make it up to you. I just need you in my life right now…Please don’t push me away”
His pleading finally gets to you and you decide to help him.
“I’m not upset at you, I just wish you’d asked for help sooner…” your voice is filled with understanding, not resentment like he thought it would’ve been
“I should’ve…You’re right…Look I’ll do anything-”
“I’ll help you Steven. I’m not going to leave” Your skin is still damp from the shower
“Thank you” he whispers, his voice cracking slightly with emotion.
“Sit on the bed” He nods and listens to you, moving to sit on the edge of the bed, still holding your hand in his. “Take the towel off your lap for me” He didn’t know you meant help in that way.
You get on your knees in front of him
”I said take off the towel.”
you instructed him once again. He watches you get on your knees and he hesitates for a moment.
”You wanted my help didn’t you?” You say looking up at him from the floor
Steven nods slowly, unable to tear his eyes away from your damp chest
”Yes…” He removes the towel, letting it fall to the floor, revealing his semi-hard cock.
“Don’t be shy. I’m gonna make you feel good, okay?”
“Okay,” he mumbles.
You gently run your fingers over the head of his cock, coating it with his precum and his body jolts.
“I’ll do all the work. Don’t even lift a finger.”
He watches as you lean forward, your lips brushing against his swollen tip. It twitches in response and he groans at your touch, closing his eyes. Wrapping your hands around the base, you press kisses against it and start to work your hands and tongue.
He was already halfway to his orgasm because of his… previous actions.
You let the towel loosen around you and use your breasts to squeeze around his length. He couldn't help but yelp in surprise at the sudden pressure and the warmth that emanated from your still damp chest.
He swallowed hard as his hands trembled. “You like that, Stevie?” you say to him with a sweet, low voice.
Steven nods his head, looking down at you with half lidded eyes
There was no way he could form a cohesive response right now. All he could do was let out a strangled moan as the words caught in his throat. All he could do was feel; Feel the pleasure that your hands brought him, feel the ecstasy coil tight in his gut.
His hips jerked forward slightly, trying to chase the sensation as he muttered a string of incoherent words. His breath quickens at the sight of you–fondling your chest, squeezing them together up and down his length.
The way you control him is so intoxicating, he’d obey anything you ask of him.
You can tell he’s sensitive so you speed up your movements, making his hips buck involuntarily, hand reaching down to grip at your hair. This time take him down your throat completely, head bobbing up and down causing you to almost gag until tears form in the corners of your eyes.
Just then, you think of an idea and stop sucking for a moment.
“Please…Keep doing” he begs.
“Just wait for a second. Let’s text Layla.”
He looks down at you with a puzzled look on his face.
“S-sorry what…Why…?”
“I said let's text Layla. On your phone. I want her to know what she could’ve had so let's send her a message”
Still looking confused but complying with your request, he picks up his phone and opens it to the contacts until he gets to layla and gives it to you. You text Layla: ‘I know what you did.’
She surprisingly texts back.
‘So fucking what Steven?’
‘Oh, I’m sorry this isn’t Steven. I should’ve made that clear. He’s not available right now.”
‘Who is this??’
‘His best friend. You remember me right?’ The tone of your text sounds like you're almost taunting her.
‘Why the fuck do you have Steven’s phone??’
‘Because he’s a little…preoccupied at the moment’
You go back to talking to Steven
“Don’t say a thing unless I speak to you okay?” you say to Steven
You start a voice message
“Sure…?” He somewhat gets the gist of what you’re trying to do but he doesn’t realize it involves the embarrassment of Layla having to hear him moan…he doesn't realize it’s a voice message, not a text.
“Wait what are you-” When you begin to move your hands around his hard length again he lets out a deep moan. “Oh- bloody-” tears form in his eyes from the immense pleasure you’re giving him.
“Baby shhhh…you don’t wanna wake the neighbors do you?”
He nods and tries to stifle his moans
The phone records the voice message for 30 seconds. And for those thirty seconds, all that can be heard is the wet sounds of you sucking him off, moans of your name, and just as he’s cumming for the second time, the recording cuts off and sends to Layla.
He releases into your mouth with a loud moan, bucking his hips again, legs shaking violently. One hand grabs a fist full of your hair and the other grabs the sheets for stability. He came so hard he’s sure you sucked the soul out of him. He might’ve woken his neighbors too.
Layla: ‘are you fucking him?! I never thought you’d stoop so low… hoeing around like that…Fuck you and Steven’
You reply
‘You're a homewrecker, a whore, and a skank who cheats on good people so I don’t wanna hear shit from you.’
‘You have no right saying that to me-’ Three dots indicated that she was typing another message. Before she could send it you shut her up.
‘I'm not arguing with a bitch that's ran through. I hope you catch an STD.’
As Steven comes down from his high, you still stroke him slowly, already having swallowed his cum. It’s a good thing you’re good at typing with one hand.
Layla blows up his phone with text messages, the sound of notifications ringing through the room.
Once he’s able to speak again he keeps apologizing, letting go of your hair. “I’m so sorry- did I- I pulled your hair too hard didn’t I…I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s okay Steven, you didn’t mean to. You don’t have to apologize for enjoying yourself.”
“A-are you sure? I just-”
“Yes, Steven” He still looks slightly guilty
He smiles warmly at your understanding, heart still beating rapidly as he slows his breathing.
You fasten the towel around your waist and thighs a bit but it’s loose on around chest
“Thanks for… um… for helping me out…”
You smile and sit close to him, bare leg touching his.
“Of course Steven”
He smiles back at you before speaking again
“I… I really needed tonight. My week’s been pretty rough… and I’m just happy that tonight turned out the way it did… and that I got to spend it with you…”
You glance to his lips and he catches it.
He slowly inches his body closer to you, hand now gently resting on your leg, near your upper thigh. His eyes are fixed on your lips, as if he’s trying to decide whether or not to go lean in or pull back
“Steven I um-” he kisses you.
He seemed to surprise himself when he did
“I’m sorry… was… was that ok…” he says to you, his cheeks feeling hot now and his face going completely red.
Even you’re surprised at his boldness “yea I-“
He places his lips against yours in a soft, gentle kiss again—but this time he lets them linger yours before stopping, realizing he’s starting to get carried away. He can’t help but smile at your reaction.
Now you’re the one who’s embarrassed.
he looks away, laughing quietly to himself.
“Um… I’m sorry I- I didn’t mean to get that ahead of myself… I just-”
He looked back over to you before continuing
“I wanted to kiss you…again”
You chuckle lightly. “no it’s okay, that was…nice”
“That’s good… I’m glad”
He looks at your lips as he speaks, wanting to kiss you again.
“You still have a lot to learn tho…”
“Yeah I know… maybe we should practice-”
You put a finger on his lips stopping him from talking. “but not tonight. It’s been a long night, and I have work later, okay?”
He sighs softly, feeling disappointed that you’re refusing to let him kiss you more. However, he understands your reasoning and he simply nods his head.
“I’m gonna brush my teeth again and then clean off my chest so I can get to bed. You should clean off too cuz y’know…” you make a gesture to the cum on his own chest
He suddenly remembers his…current state. He looks down at his chest and realizes how messy it is.
“O-oh… yeah… okay, good idea…” he whispers as flusteredly
He quicky stood up from the bed and headed over to the bathroom to clean up
After you’ve cleaned up and left the bathroom, he continued to stand there for a few more seconds, reflecting on your night together. It was just a few hours ago that you were his best friend and nothing more. But now… after only one night, you made him just about the happiest he’s ever been
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A/N: Give me feedback in the comments as alwaysss. The angst will be posting soon after this. Like, repost, and leave requests to support!! And I PROMISE in the summer time, I wont keep disappearing 😭 School is finished now!!
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Box Of Wishes
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Summary: Brain refuses to come up with something decent, let alone translate it, so this is basically everyone’s wish: Threesome with Drilla and Clark.
Pairing: Drilla Moloney x F!Reader x Clark Connors
Warnings: +18, smut, threesome, mixed feelings (because c’mon, it’s a threesome), adult language, explicit sex scenes, anal sex, double penetration, vaginal sex, mutual masturbation, oral sex.
Tags: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @daddyhausen , @melissahausen , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @mjfass , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @moxkindagirl , @sunshinevirus , @im-just-a-mississippi-girl , @ripleyswhore , @brideofinfamy
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Your eyes stared at the small wooden box with uncertainty. It sounded like a good plan - under the influence of honeyed whiskey - but now, in your sober state of mind, you weren’t sure anymore.
“Dan, this is stupid. I don’t think we should do this” You sighed, leaning back to rest on the couch. An annoyed grunt escaped your lips once you remembered everything you wrote in there. Why did my drunk ass think it would be a good idea to write down every secret sex fantasy I’ve ever had? You thought to yourself as Dan’s hand came to rest on your thigh.
“C’mon, Mousey. This could be fun” He smiled, “Don’t give up that fast. Let’s see what comes out of it and then we’ll talk about it. What do you say?”
“I think it’s unfair that only my fantasies are in there”
“Well, that’s because you feel embarrassed to tell me what you want, little mouse. I want you to feel comfortable enough to say what you’re in the mood for. I don’t like to think that I'm the only one getting satisfied in this relationship”.
“But you’re not, Dan! I like everything we do-”
“Yeah, but we’re only doing what I want to do, and that’s not how this works!” Dan’s lips came to rest upon your cheek, “C’mon, little mouse, let me see what you’ll draw”.
With one last deep breath, your hand sank inside the small box. The several pieces of paper tickled your fingertips, matching the light scraping of Dan’s beard against your jawline. It was a nice distraction that unfortunately didn’t last that long.
“Oh fuck, no. No, no, no, no!” Your eyes widened in shock. Your legs had a mind of their own, quickly dragging you away from Dan and the couch.
“What is it?” He asked with a concerned frown. “Mousey, what’s wrong?”, after only silence answered him back, Dan swiftly caught the piece of paper - that fell upon the ground - in his hand and it took him a few seconds to process what was written.
Threesome w/ Clark was scrambled with pink ink on the white paper. He’d done this before with Clark, but it was usually with one-night stands where feelings were the last thing involved. But this was you, his little mouse. Dan had a lot more to lose if things went wrong, but at the same time, he felt it was unfair to say no. This was your first fantasy, the first time you agreed to share it with him - even if through a piece of paper.
“Mousey, come here” Dan pats the seat beside him, “Let’s talk about it, love”
“There’s nothing to talk about, Dan! We’re not gonna do it!”
“Love, it’s-”
“Save it, Moloney! The answer is no!”
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Your eyes stared intently at the four cans of Coke you managed to drink in the last 10 minutes. That was the first rule: everyone needed to be sober. Your hands shook, but you were uncertain if it was due to nervousness or the caffeine.
“Do you think I should take another shower?” You asked while trying to sniff your armpit
Dan held back a chuckle as he stood up from the armchair by the window to make his way toward you on the hotel’s bed. “I don’t know, let me check” He spoke as seriously as he could. Dan’s nose followed an invisible line from your upper arm to your neck, where he took a deep breath in before teasing your pulse point with his teeth.
“You smell divine” He whispered in your ear “Kinda makes me want to start without him”.
That was the second rule: everything would start once all three of you were in the same room.
Dan’s lips traveled from your ear to your cheek, and then finally to your lips. His teeth playfully nibble on your bottom lip, tugging and pulling until he captures the flesh with his lips. His arms circled your waist, pulling you closer to his body. Your lower belly pressed against his half-hard cock, and a small huff escaped your lips when he slapped your ass.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to start anything until I got here” Clark spoke from the door, his voice coated with amusement.
Dan’s unsatisfied grunt echoed in the room as he pulled away from your lips “I didn’t start anything! I was just kissing my girlfriend…can I at least do that?”
With a humorous smile, Clark closed the door behind him. “Sure, suit yourself!”. Settling his wallet and phone on top of the bedside table, Clark’s eyes met yours over Dan’s shoulder. The light blue slowly shifted to a darker color the more he watched Dan’s head burying on your neck.
Clark sat on the bed, taking off his snickers and throwing it by the door before pulling himself far back on the bed until his back rested against the headboard. Blue eyes stared intently as Dan pushed you down on the bed. “Forget that he’s here for now” The dark-haired man whispered in your ear when you stiffened once Clark’s hand brushed your hair away from your face.
“Just focus on me, mousey. Pretend it’s just the two of us, ok?” Dan softly whispered, pulling away from your lips after you nodded in agreement. “Tell me what you want, little mouse”, his gruff voice stated, eyes searching for an answer right before you said, “I wanna taste you. I miss having your cock in my mouth”.
“Fuck, love. If we’re gonna go down that road, I won’t last much”.
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Dan’s upper body rested against the headboard, much like Clark’s - who still watched you from the side. Your nails softly scratched up and down Dan’s muscular thighs, a soft hiss escaping his lips as you sucked on his tip.
“Oh fuck me, so fucking good” He bites his knuckles in an attempt to gain some self-control back as you kept staring at him with his cock in your mouth. “Fuck, you drive me mad. So fucking mad!” Dan snarled, tugging on your hair as you giggled.
Clark understands the appeal now. You are a beautiful woman, but Clark never really understood why Dan spoke so highly of your sex skills whenever he was insanely drunk. You seemed innocent, a casual lay. Intimate but quite boring if he was honest with himself, Clark often called it “safe sex”, you just go with someone who will offer you good sex, not mind-blowing but ‘ok for a Friday night’ sex. Nothing crazy, just that simple casualty that satisfies you for a while.
You weren’t the typical “hot gym girl”, the ones Clark would go for quite often, but you were…bland? He felt like it wasn’t the best description, it sounded mildly offensive somehow. Maybe because it was you? Clark likes you, you’re his best friend’s woman - a woman he was for some reason dying to fuck right now - but Dan’s girl no matter what. You’re a kind person, truly a sweetheart, you are fun, smart, and looks-wise you are very beautiful, however, there is an innocence that shields your womanly beauty. To Clark you were beautiful, in an “I’ll put her in a tiny jar” kinda way, not in a “I wonder what is like to fuck her” way. So the countless times he spent hearing Dan praise you as a sex goddess incarnated were confusing, “must be the alcohol” Clark thought to himself whenever Dan started his monologues of how his ‘little mouse ruined him for any other woman’. Drunks tend to tell the truth, Clark knows that, but he also knows they tend to exaggerate reality. So he didn’t think much of it, a part of him felt curious as to how much of that was true, a matter that never got fully discussed because sober Dan threatened to punch Clark in the face if he ever dared to speak of you like that.
“But you were the one who told me those things yesterday!” Clark always pinpointed the obvious.
“I was drunk, very needy, incredibly horny, and emotionally vulnerable! It was your job to not pay attention to one single word I had to say! I was just venting” Was Dan’s typical answer.
But now, as Clark stares at you between Dan’s thighs, he finally gets it. You are a devil sent, a vixen able to murder a man with only a look. The giggles that escaped your lips every time Dan slapped your face, the way your ass wiggled in the air with excitement, the eagerness you exude to have Dan’s cock back in your mouth, the way you smile every time he calls you his “good little bitch”, has Clark’s cock painfully hard in his white boxer briefs.
He’s never been with a woman like you, so powerful, so hypnotic, so confident. It was driving him insane. A primal part of Clark has been awoken. He needs to have you…he needs to have you right now.
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So sweet, so addictive…your taste, your little moans, the way you pushed yourself against his face. Clark’s hands closed around your hips, pulling you further back into his face.
“Oh my god” You moaned softly, pulling away from Dan’s cock to rest your face against his thick thigh.
“What’s wrong, Mousey? Does it feel too good?” Dan chuckled, his hand pushing your hair away from your face as you stared up at him.
“Yes, sir. So good” You replied weakly, leaving small butterfly kisses on his shaft - that rested against your cheek.
“Fuck, you look so fucking gorgeous like this” Dan praised, pushing your hair away from your face as your eyes closed from pleasure.
Clark pulled his head away from your core, backing up from between your thighs to watch your reaction to his fingers traveling up and down your folds. His thumb drew lazy circles around your clit, keeping you on edge as his middle and ring finger slowly entered your pussy. He watched you gasp loudly before your lips opened wide to secure Dan’s cock back in your mouth.
It was a hypnotic sight, Dan was solely focused on you while you were completely focused on the sensations. Clark couldn’t stop staring at you, his fingers slowly changed in pace and pressure, he was testing all the little things that made you moan louder, frown deeper, and beg for more. Clark was reveling in the feeling of having so much power over you, of how expressive your body was and how much it would silently tell him everything he needed to know. There was no over-the-top moaning, no character being played, no attempt to be “the best fuck he’s ever had”, no fake orgasms, no need to impress him with crazy positions and tricks.
It was simply pleasure in its rawest, purest, deepest, and most sincere form. And that’s what made this experience so carnal and desire-driven to him, the raw honesty of it all was the main cause for his uncontrollable need to feel you around him.
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Blurry vision, dry mouth, hoarse voice, shaky limbs.
Devotion, need, fulfillment, desire, passion, pure instinct.
It felt like a dream, a dream he never wanted to end. Is this what sex supposed to feel like? This connection, the sensations…the feelings, the thoughts. Everything else seemed so shallow now compared to this.
The one-night stands lost their value, their fun, their distracting nature. They left his balls and soul empty, but this? Clark never felt so alive before in his life.
You were straddling Clark’s hips, facing him, his blue eyes stared directly into your soul, you were reveling in the feeling of his cock slowly sliding in and out of your pussy, going in the opposite direction of Dan’s movements.
Dan’s lips rested against your ear, hushed words escaping his lips. A secret, meant for only you to hear.
“You’re still mine, right, Mousey? Only mine?”
You looked over your shoulder to the pair of dark orbs behind you. Your lips covered his in a passionate kiss, pouring every ounce of your heart into it, trying to express every emotion you felt with your lips, but still, it didn’t feel like enough.
You pulled yourself away from the boys, their confused frowns soon disappearing once you turned around in Clark’s lap to now face Dan.
You guided Clark’s cock into your ass this time, where Dan was minutes ago. You felt the rubber of the condom going in easily as Clark softly whispered “Oh my fucking God” from behind you.
With your eyes now staring at Dan, you guided his hand to your pussy, silently asking him to fill you up with his fingers, and he instantly did.
Your fist closed around his cock, gliding up and down his thickness. “I’m yours only. No one compares to you, no one can replace you” Was your answer. Your voice was hushed, mere above a whisper, mirroring Dan’s tone.
“Can we please never do this again? I don't think I have what it takes to do this again. Not with you…my feelings are too raw, too real, too deep. I can’t…I feel like I’m losing you”.
Your hands momentarily stopped stroking him and you asked with concern “Do you want to stop?”
Dan’s free hand closed around your fist as he guided your hand to continue to stroke him. “No” He answered with a reassuring smile, “I just don't want to share you with anyone else ever again”.
“Consider it done” You smiled back, moaning when the sync of his fingers and Clark’s cock became too much for you to bear.
“Are you gonna cum, little mouse?” Dan smirked upon seeing your half-open lids.
You nodded in agreement before Dan pulled you away from Clark to toss you on your back on the mattress.
“What the fuck, man?” Clark protested, eyes snapping open at the sudden lack of your warmth covering him.
“I want her to come in my mouth” Dan growled, his lips already hovering over your pussy. His tongue darted out, tasting your wetness.
“Didn’t you want to know how good at giving head she is?” Your boyfriend asked his best friend. “It’s time for you to find out, mate” Dan smirked, his lips already returning to his favorite place in the world.
Clark quickly removed the condom, throwing it somewhere over his shoulder. You eagerly licked his crown, earning a moan from the blonde man.
“So you were wondering all along?” You teased with a mischievous smile.
“Yeah,” The blonde man chuckled. “And I can’t wait to find out” His hands caressed your hair back so he could get a better glimpse at your face “But something tells me I won’t regret it, baby. If anything it’ll fuck me up” Clark’s throaty laugh died in his throat the minute your lips closed around his tip.
Yep, he was, beyond any reasonable doubt, completely fucked.
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ronearoundblindly · 5 hours
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Okay, so, hear me out.
I know I've got a Beauty and the Beast AU coming for skinny!Steve, but @darsynia gave me/let me have this idea of a Cinderella AU with him, too, except he is the Cinderella character who gets transformed to live his dream for a day.
I present to you to setup of:
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*All photos from Pinterest
Steven is the only child of an exiled prince, and due to happenstance of the aged Warrior King Phillips having no male heir of his own, Steve becomes true royalty overnight.
His cousins, Princesses Margaret and Sharon, angry at the circumstance of their demotions at court, offer no help to the young, small, and often sickly new king.
No one is allowed to see him until his coronation. The few knights and advisors who have laid eyes on Steve are sworn to secrecy, and though he has a mind for strategy, Steve is burdened by his appearance.
Given the coronation crown the night before the big ceremony, Steve stares deep into the massive yellow gem at its front and wishes to look like the "ruler they all want to see."
And he does.
He wears the heavy crown easily, he stands tall over most of the court, and he carries a heavy, steel sword at his hip for the first time ever without the blade dragging across the stone floor.
The court is elated. No one looks twice, not even the handful of men who knew, but that's the magic of the stone...
Steve meets a seemingly endless stream of people, but the most curious is the apprentice of King Phillips' military advisor, a young man he saw befriending a stray cat in the courtyard while everyone else ogled and angled for him. The apprentice's eyes...there's just something about them...
After a long celebration feast where he charmed the nobility with humility, practicality, and honor, Steve falls asleep small again, but certain he can win over the whole realm if he can simply be known for his actions, not his physique.
That becomes the plan; Steve will work behind the scenes, make the kingdom better for people high and low, and then he'll be loved and accepted for who he is. In the meantime, he, in his natural form, can act as a sort of messenger or page boy 'for King Steven' and move around freely. Why not? They all are on the lookout for a man standing two hands higher and broader than him.
One of his first visits is to his inherited military advisor. Of course, Steve doesn't expect the apprentice to live inside the family home, possibly somewhere on the estate maybe, but after a long ride to get there and a long discussion while sitting in the man's study, Steve asks if he might walk the garden before leaving.
He asks about the woman by the roses, and his advisor simply replies "that's my daughter."
Of course, he won't bother to introduce him. Steve's an untitled nobody like he's been his entire life thus far.
Steve might not have seen the resemblance, truly, if not for the exact movement of your finger to gently lift a wilting petal back into place.
It's the move the apprentice made when scratching beneath the cat's chin, and he'll never forget that smile.
"You," he blurts, startled at the otherwise drastic change in your appearance.
You jump back before composing yourself, shielding your eyes from the bright sun above as you look him over.
He's more alarmed by your curtsy than you are by him, watching you bow deeply where moments ago your father dismissed him offhand.
"Your Majesty," you say to the ground.
You recognize him like this? How? How is that possible?
His wish was granted. They all saw a perfect soldier, but that's just the thing: you didn't want to be ruled by a perfect soldier.
You wanted a good man.
You, who secretly longs to offer more to your father and family than a bartering chip for marriage, same as his cousins, need the king to be a good man because then he'll understand this...
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A/N: Ok, full disclosure, I might already be very protective of this one, so we'll see if I can bring myself to put it all out there. Anyway! Thank you for the gif, Brandy! It was a great opportunity to get this down.
Also, if it's just an idea/intro, do I include the taglist? Idk. I hate pinging y'all if it's not like a lot of content.
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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inkspiredwriting · 17 hours
Love, Hate, and Everything in Between
Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
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Y/N and Five had the kind of relationship that was equal parts fiery arguments and undeniable chemistry. They bickered over everything, from the best way to handle temporal anomalies to whose turn it was to make coffee. But beneath the constant banter, there was a deep connection that neither of them could ignore.
One particularly intense day, after a mission that had gone sideways due to Five's impulsiveness and Y/N's stubbornness, they found themselves alone in the Umbrella Academy mansion. The argument that ensued was explosive, with both of them yelling and gesturing wildly.
"Why can't you ever just listen to me?" Y/N shouted, her face flushed with frustration.
"Because your plans are always overly complicated!" Five shot back, his eyes blazing.
They stood there, breathing heavily, the tension between them palpable. Then, without thinking, Five stepped forward and kissed her. It was as if all the anger and frustration melted away in that moment, replaced by an intense, undeniable passion.
What followed was an incredible night filled with laughter, whispered confessions, and the kind of intimacy that transcended their usual love-hate dynamic. For once, they let their guards down completely, and it was magical.
The next morning, however, brought a new challenge. Klaus, ever the nosy sibling, had noticed the change in the atmosphere. As Y/N and Five tried to navigate their way through breakfast without making eye contact, Klaus sauntered into the kitchen, a knowing smirk on his face.
"Well, well, well," Klaus drawled, leaning against the counter. "What do we have here? Did our favorite bickering duo finally decide to make up?"
Five rolled his eyes, desperately trying to keep a straight face. "Klaus, mind your own business."
Y/N, blushing furiously, tried to focus on her coffee. "Yeah, Klaus. Can't you find someone else to bother?"
Klaus chuckled, clearly enjoying their discomfort. "Oh, but this is so much more fun. You two were like a ticking time bomb, and I, for one, am thrilled to see it finally go off."
Throughout the day, Klaus continued to drop hints and make suggestive comments, much to the annoyance of Five and Y/N. During a meeting, he winked at them, causing Luther and Diego to exchange puzzled glances.
"What's with you today, Klaus?" Diego asked, narrowing his eyes.
Klaus grinned. "Oh, nothing. Just appreciating the beauty of love in unexpected places."
Five groaned, rubbing his temples. "Can we please focus on the task at hand?"
Y/N shot Klaus a warning look, but he just winked at her. "Oh, come on, Y/N. Lighten up. It's all in good fun."
As the day wore on, Five and Y/N found themselves constantly bumping into each other, their usual bickering now tinged with a new, playful energy. Despite Klaus's relentless teasing, they couldn't help but steal glances and share secret smiles.
Later that evening, after everyone had retired to their rooms, Five found Y/N on the rooftop, staring out at the city. He approached quietly, slipping his hand into hers.
"Sorry about Klaus," he said softly. "He's impossible."
Y/N laughed, leaning her head against his shoulder. "It's okay. He's actually kind of right. We were a ticking time bomb."
Five smiled, pressing a kiss to her temple. "Yeah, but maybe that's not such a bad thing."
As they stood there together, wrapped in the warmth of the moment, they realized that their love-hate relationship had only made their bond stronger.
And if dealing with Klaus's teasing was the price they had to pay, it was a small one. Because for the first time, they knew that they were exactly where they were meant to be—side by side, ready to face whatever came next.
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raplinenthusiasts · 4 months
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the cutest thing you'll ever see
cr. 0613data
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roominthecastle · 1 year
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disdaidal · 10 months
Sometimes I really kind of envy you native English speakers who make writing and posting fics seem so fucking easy. With near perfect grammar and hardly any typos. Or those of you who are capable of writing & updating your fics whenever the muse hits you just right... and not like, once in six months. Actually, try two years lol.
Whereas me, a non-native speaker, who occasionally struggles even with basic English grammar:
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I'm fine. Totally.
#personal#okay so i've been writing this one piece of fiction for a while now#actually two but i've seemed to put the other one on hold for a while at least#(i may have mentioned this already like five times during the past two weeks but my point is i'm still working on it)#many thanks to @ihni who recently gave me some words of encouragement <3 and ofc @catzy88 who gave me even more insp *saatananauru*#and i'm actually really kind of enjoying it because there's no pressure to write it and post it#i write it in small sections. whenever i feel like it. giving myself enough time to plan it and think about it. even getting new ideas#and for once i'm trying not to keep editing and fixing it as i go. i just write whatever crap comes to my mind and just let it flow#i try not to think about how many mistakes and typos i make because that way i'm never gonna get it finished#but at the same time... when it's finally time to go through it#fix typos. missing words. possibly poor grammar. i know i'm just gonna hate it so fucking much lmao#but i'm really trying my best here okay. and i'm trying not to rush it. for once#because i used to write like this as a teenager. when there was nowhere really to post your original stories (thank god for that)#so i did it in my notebooks. and i quite enjoyed it doing that way#and i'm not sure why i'm even rambling this because most of you are never gonna read it anyway lol. so who gives right#but it matters to me and i'm feeling good about writing again so here i am rambling about it. no matter if you care not. so cheers mateys <
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lovethistoomuch · 2 months
me starting to watch law and order: it's so nice to just casually watch a show that is mostly story driven, to have the characters constantly change and not get too invested in anyone. i love this feeling of casual entertainment without being hyperfixated on any character/ship.
jack mccoy walks in with his goofy smile and strong sense of justice, immediately forming the cutest friendship with his assistant and being an absolute delight to watch.
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me: oh no...
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So, I feel like I’m losing my mind. I keep seeing metas about how Aziraphale wants Crowley to return to Heaven and be an angel again because he wants them to be on the same side/be good/change/etc., etc., etc. but I don’t see that at all. I actually see it as the very opposite.
Aziraphale loves Crowley just as he is. But there’s something more. Something huge.
Aziraphale loves Crowley and because he is an angel who is stuck in seeing things as black and white, he constantly praises Crowley for being nice. For being good. For being kind.
Aziraphale has watched Crowley on and off for 6,000 years. He watched him thwart the plans of Heaven and Hell because it was unjust. He spared the lives of innocents. He did small things that made Aziraphale happy just because (like making Hamlet successful and saving valuable books). And because Aziraphale sees things in black and white, he sees all the things Crowley has done as nice, as good, as kind.
Crowley vehemently attests he’s not nice or good or kind.
He’s not exactly wrong nor is he lying when he says this. When Crowley spares goats during a cruel bet over a righteous man and swallowing laudanum to prevent a suicide, when he prevents Armageddon by working with Aziraphale and stopping the Anti-Christ from being the Anti-Christ, he’s not doing the nice/good/kind thing.
He’s doing the right thing.
Crowley chooses to do the right thing without hesitation. He is better than all of Heaven and Hell who have callous and dispassionate view of all existence because he questions, because he makes choices. Crowley sees the world for all its messiness and he sees himself. He sees a place where he fits in. He sees the blurred edges.
And Aziraphale sees that, even if seeing the blurred edges is hard for him.
But here’s the thing that Aziraphale can’t voice.
It’s the reason why he told Crowley about being allowed to return to Heaven and become an angel again. He doesn’t want Crowley to change. He doesn’t think Crowley is flawed. Or not enough.
It’s something that is so monumental that it cannot be put into words. Because to put it into words would be more than blasphemy. It’s down right unthinkable for anyone in Heaven, Hell, or Earth to say what Aziraphale knows deep in his soul.
God was wrong to cast out Crowley.
Aziraphale believes Crowley can/should return to Heaven because he knows that Crowley should never have fallen in the first place. He wants him to be forgiven because when Crowley fell it was unjust. Aziraphale is trying to correct a mistake. He’s trying to do the right thing.
Yes, Crowley would never accept returning to Heaven. And Aziraphale was wrong to even suggest it (although that conversation is another can of worms to unpack).
Aziraphale loves Crowley. He loves him exactly as he is. He doesn’t want him to change. Aziraphale knows that Crowley the best of all of them. He wants to change Heaven because of it. Because God was wrong and Aziraphale knows it.
Aziraphale may have difficulty seeing beyond black and white, but when it comes to Crowley he sees everything crystal clear and in vivid color.
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sanjisblackasswife · 19 days
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JJK Men with a GF with a Fat Ass (NSFW-ISH)
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…I’m taking a small break from drawing and I missed doing HCs. Shaddap.
Ft. Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Toji, Choso
Black ! Fem Reader in Mind
CW: Twt Links!, mentions of sex, men are a bit OOC
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Gojo definitely does this to you anytime you lay on his lap. And if he finds out you’re not wearing any panties under it…welp..all plans are now cancelled
He’s a pervert and it’s your fault.
He’s never really seen women of your stature often so when you both were younger he was so BLUNT with his thoughts about your body.
“You have a very voluptuous—“
“Imma stop you right there….VO-WHO?”
“You don’t know what the word vo—-“
“No, I know. I’m confused as to why you are using that word when talking about my ass.”
Gojo is 6’6-7” , he’s a big nigga, but can he handle a big behind?
No he cannot.
He constantly uses his blindfolded eyes to shamelessly watch the way your walk across the room in public. His poker face is actually impressive, but if you couldn’t see how tight his fist were in his pockets it’d prove otherwise.
He’s so hot damn childish he does this shit sometimes because he thinks your ass is perfect for playing on
When you wear moomoo’s or a big shirt it is his favorite
Your ass is free to move and shake to its desire and he just watches in awe. He loves you bad.
Another thing he loves doing is napping on your butt, he doesn’t sleep often, unfortunately, but he can attest that the best nap he has ever taken was in between your plush thighs and ass.
He blames his pretty little girlfriend as to why he is now an ass man.
He takes these kinda pictures with you which sometimes leads to him pulling down your underpants and massaging it with his bare hands to then licking or kissing it to then…eating…you…out…while you’re standing.
He loves watching you put on clothes.
Having to shake, jump, and wiggle yourself into some pants is actually so sexy to him.
If your butt is anything like mine and is HEAVY. He LOVES it even more , watching the way the movement in your butt and thighs to match is something Geto finds so so mesmerizing.
One thing about Geto he’s very sneaky, he’ll come up behind you to help pull up your bottoms you clearly need no help putting on, and everytime he does you can feel a slight pressure on your ass that is a verrrryyy familiar feel to a bulge.
He can’t help it, your ass is so pretty.
Sitting on his lap is a must, whether he is talking with someone in public or doing some work he needs to feel your weight on him.
The first time you sat on his lap you swore you heard a groan. When you turned to ask him if he was okay, his cheeks were very pink.
He denies it to this day, but even if he did it’s your fault because why does your ass feel so good against his pelvis?
Showers with Geto are so insufferable in the best way because once you finish cleaning yourself your long haired boyfriend can’t wait to practically grind and jump against the cool shower wall.
He definitely loves hugging you from behind, swaying you back and forth. To others it’s a cute gesture seeing such a big man hold you so close, practically dwarfing you , you only you and him know the real intention begin it was just him whispering how good you look in that dress and how badly he wants you.
Geto is such a sensual person next to nanami. Even after sex and you’re laying with him in a bliss he finds his way to continue his love by kissing and licking you down and praises of how beautiful and sexy you are even after such activities. He calls it “Cleaning you up”…little perv.
“‘Was wrong?… Embarrassed?”
“Good, now c’mere.”
Ass eater.🫵🏾
That’s an ass eater he eat ass🫵🏾.
Toji “Ass Eater” Fushiguro
You thought gojo was shameless? Toji is WORSE
As an ass connoisseur he prides himself on always reminding you how fine you are to him.
“You like my dress?”
“Hell yes, mama. Turn around for me.”
SWAT to the ass just to see it recoil
He definitely slaps and GRABS. It’s kinda hot though because he’ll do it anytime anywhere
For example you went with him to some horse racing game for him to make bets and got hungry so you headed to grab a few drinks and snacks. Before walking past him, his legs were spread, tooth pick in his mouth and just like clock work you feel a firm hit to your Jean covered behind.
“Sssh, Baby im watchin the game….what? Your ass was all in my face what else could I do?”
Whether you are a chunky girl or a skinny girl with a larger butt he don’t care he quite actually is your biggest fan.
Of course Toji being the ass eater he is almost every other night is spent just like this or sitting on his face. He never seen himself as a pleasure dom kinda guy. With his one night stands he only had sex for himself, but with you of course being the first woman he finally got to love after MamaGuro he takes his time with you. It’s a slutty sight but he knows it’s exactly what can get you off before him
Toji is your new seat btw.
Not just his pretty face but his lap too.
He’s a big strong man so don’t EVER think or assume you’re too heavy for him.
This man here.
Freaky king but a king none the less.
He loved every part of you.
Which is what he does say and prove everytime you both are together but he does have a small little quirk about him that you aren’t sure whether or not to point it out
Most men guide their woman by putting their hand on their lower back
Nanami however does this
ESPECIALLY on date night.
Just like Geto he loves to watch you dress, but also dresses you himself
“Wear this, yes? It compliments your skin beautifully.”
“You sure it’s not, because it’s a bit tighter below the waist?”
And now hes blushing.
He’ll admit. Whenever you come and visit him during lunch to feed him a home cooked meal he hates to see you go but LOVES to watch you leave.
Especially with that sundress you wear during the spring.
Nanami definitely is another man that will practically BEG for you to sit on his face.
“It’s okay, baby honest. Use my face.”
One of his favorite ways to eat you out is like this. It was actually so embarrassing for you at first only because of his SLUTTY MOANS. Which was something you wouldn’t expect from a man like him, but you wasn’t complaining!He whined and whimpered so shamelessly inside you, you couldn’t even make eyes contact after cumming on his tongue.
Lord bless him.
He is very….confused to say the least.
He never understood the attraction of women’s part.
Of course he found YOU attractive, but that was all over until he seen your shape.
You usually wore baggy clothing like him. You decided to change really quickly at his new apartment and he was watching you.
Who knew you had a BODY LIKE THAT on you
“You’re sex—cute…”
Choso isn’t necessarily a shy man, but more hesitant when it comes to touching and complimenting you…
You’ve told him time and time again he is free to touch you when he wants but you sometimes have to guide him.
Usually when he wants to grab your ass he walks DANGEROUSLY close behind you.
So a few times you take his hand and place it on your cheek. For a moment he just rubs his hand across the soft skin and then SQUEEZE.
Choso loves to kneed and rub on your ass while he licks you so usually it’s 69 or you laid to your side.
Another things he actually loves seeing you in are sweats with a small top. Your lower body being heavier than the top is so attractive and you look so squeezable he can’t help but to hug you from behind
Please. Please PUH LEASE wear thigh high socks around him the ones that go RIGHT UNDER the cup of your ass and shake it JUST A LIL in front of him.
Moans at the sight everytime
No like literally MOANS by just looking at your ass jiggle.
He doesn’t think he’s a pervert but from how he grinds and jump against your ass while you sleep says otherwise.
If yall are wondering why I didn’t really speak on backshots it js because ALL OF THEM GO FERAL DOING IT.
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