#i was reading some EMT ian gallavich fics
romidoes · 26 days
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he protec he attac but most importantly he judges
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mickittotheman · 2 months
hello new friend! ✨️
saw that post about random questions for your stories, i am yet to read much of your works besides the most recent galladrabble!
so help me get started, what's your favourite fic you've written? maybe your favourite line even? what inspired it?
New friend❗️❗️❗️❗️ 💫✨️ Thank you so much for the ask, I've been waiting to get home from work ALL DAY so I can answer this lol.
So, I do have some (very old) works floating around from past fandoms, but so far the only gallavich fics I've posted have been my drabbles.
But! I have been working on a gallavich fic since like a few weeks before I even made this sideblog, and by "working on", I mean "like over 100k into it so far and not even close to done"
Posting full chapters before I'm done with the entire fic always makes me nervous because what if i have a new idea and need to go back and change something, but I'm always happy to share scenes in the meantime!
Basic premise is it's a vaguely canon-compliant-ish au except they never met growing up. Ian is in his EMT post- Caleb era, and Mickey is newly escaped from the Milkovich House of Horrors and working as a bartender. Inspiration wise, I got this idea for one specific line (from IGGY of all people. like don't get me wrong Iggy is cool and all, but I honestly never thought about him that much until my need to write a stupid pun overcame me) and it somehow snowballed into an Entire Plot.
Anyways, long ramble aside, I have included one of the earlier scenes below if you are interested but if not of course that's fine okay byyyyeeeee 🫣 🤐 😶
“Third drink of the night, Red,” Mickey says, sliding the newly filled glass of sprite back over to him. “Gonna hafta cut you off soon.”
“Ha fucking ha,” Red grumbles. Glares. Doesn't even try to hide the amused sparkle in his eyes.
He’s been acting weird today, though. Weirder than he usually is, and he’s already usually pretty fucking weird, so that's saying something. 
He keeps shooting Mickey these little looks. Scrunching his brows together. Fiddling with his glass.
Mickey braces himself when Red suddenly takes a deep breath and opens his mouth, dreading what the guy might say. Might ask.
“Why do you call me Red?”
Mickey blinks. Out of all the questions he’d been steeling himself for, that hadn't been one of them. He’s not expecting it. Not expecting the serious look on Red’s face as he asks it. “Uh. Your hair. It’s red,” Mickey says like an idiot, as if the guy isn’t fucking aware of that fact.
Red huffs and rolls his eyes. Squints at Mickey suspiciously. Fiddles with his drink again. “Kinda starting to feel like you just don’t know what my name is.”
“Yeah, I don’t,” Mickey snorts.
Red falters. Nearly tips his glass over. “Seriously?” he asks. Looks a bit put out, a bit annoyed, a bit hurt, and over all really fucking ridiculous. “You don’t remember my name?”
Mickey cocks his brows. “You never fucking told me it, man.”
“I did! I–” Red’s eyes dart around, and Mickey assumes he’s flitting through his memories, trying and failing to find the moment he introduced himself. His skin goes all flushed (and Mickey doesn't think its adorable, because it’s fucking not) and he buries his face in his hands dramatically. “Oh my god. I am such an idiot.”
Mickey bites at his lower lip to reign in the smile threatening to pop up. Raps a fist on the bartop. “You good? You’re looking kinda red there, Red.”
Red splays out his fingers and aims a glare at Mickey from behind them. “Ian. My name’s Ian.”
Mickey rolls it around in his head, on his tongue, getting used to the flavor of it. Ian. It’s good. Short and sweet, just like ‘Red’. Same amount of letters and everything. Flows better, though, the kind of name that sounds good when it's drawn out long and slow in a groan.
Holy fuck does Mickey need to get it together, this shit is getting fucking ridiculous. 
Red– Ian– has regrouped himself while Mickey’s brain was falling to shambles. His pouty glare is back to full strength as he crosses his fucking treetrunk arms across his wide chest and fucking focus, Milkovich. “You didn’t think to fucking ask me what it was? This whole time?”
Mickey shrugs. Rubs at his lip. “Figured if you wanted me to know you would’ve told me.”
Ian uncrosses his arms to flail his hands around. Nearly knocks over his drink again. Mickey sagely reaches over and pushes it out of the danger zone. “Of course I wanted you to know! You think I wanted you to refer to me in your head by the color of my hair every time you think about me?”
“Who the fuck says I spend anytime thinking about your sorry ass?” Mickey shoots out, immediately on the defensive, because yeah, maybe he does spend too much fucking time thinking of Ian, but he’s not just gonna fucking admit to that.
Ian perks up at that. Grins that fucking grin that Mickey knows by now means trouble. “Didn’t say they had to be thoughts about my ass, specifically, but–”
“Shut the fuck up, Red–”
“Ian,” Mickey mocks. He doesn't think he’s entirely imagining the way something sparks in Ian at the sound of his name in Mickey’s mouth, but he could just be confusing it with the way something in his own body gets set ablaze. 
They both swallow. Mickey can see Ian’s adam's apple bob with it. He forces himself to tear his gaze away from Ian’s throat.
He thinks maybe Ian might be flirting with him sometimes. Maybe. But he’s not sure. Isn’t used to this. 
Before, he’d always scope out his options, settle on a guy who seemed safe enough. Wouldn't have to say a word. Would just catch their eye, cock his brow, and jerk his head towards an exit. If they followed, great. If not, whatever. No skin off Mickey’s back.
He’s never done whatever this shit is. If this shit even is anything. Which, again, it could be.
Probably isn’t. He’s probably just gone too long without getting his dick wet. Is probably just pining like some fucking school girl after the unattainable quarterback, seeing signs that aren’t there. Fucking pathetic.
It ain't right. Mickey’s not fucking pathetic. He’s just not.
That’s what he tells himself, at least, when he’s leaning his back against his front door hours later. Breath still panting, hand still shoved down his now sticky boxers, tongue still tasting Ian’s name, not even having made it to his fucking bed in his rush to get in and get off.
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transmurderbug · 7 months
I'm so very late, but I got tagged by Evie @energievie (hi, neighbor!🤪),💙 Nosho @creepkinginc💙 and Jess @jrooc 💙 to answer some of these wonderful Gallavich- related questions by @callivich, so imma dive in!
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once? So many. Africa by @ian-galagher, Paragraphs, Restoration and Life, or Something by @palepinkgoat, Anyways... and Here and There by NotAWriterButITry, Lost Lullabies and Silent as Sunlight by @wellimhavinga3outof10day .... Oh, yeah so many 😂 I like repetition. But also these are so good.
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration? A lot of drawings. My skills are VERY rusty, but who knows. Maybe one day. Also a ton of fic ideas. I have many, many plots in my head. However, I need to finish my current WIP before I start any bigger projects ✍
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else? A very open and loving community I've rarely seen before. So many creative people, so many different interpretations. I love it here.
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of? I'm obsessed with trans!Mickey stories and I love any kind of content that works around/with both Ian's and Mickey's traumas. Let it be AU, different meeting, canon- compliant trauma from each other, etc. Anything. (I'm a big fan of healing through creativity, can you tell?)
What’s your favourite season? And has this changed after multiple rewatches of the show? I can never point at one season and say it's my favorite. I love all (even the weaker ones, I just like getting through them faster) for different reasons. With that said, the early seasons (1-3) will forever hold a special place in my heart. S4-S5 and S10-S11 (maybe not plot-wise...) are honorable mentions too. (Did I just basically list almost all seasons? Yes. Does it matter? No. I say there are no rules). Through all my rewatches, this hasn't really changed either 👀
What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough? Slight TW here. Ian's attempt at the the bridge, before the car accident at the end of S6E3. It was a very short scene, and I feel like it's not talked about enough. I partially blame the writers, because it was essentially just used as a way to introduce Ian to the EMT carrier path, but still.
What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale? Expanding their business, maybe getting their own house/apartment. They will definitely get a cat. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0
I'm not tagging anyone, because I'm like 2 days late, but if anyone hasn't done this before, consider yourself tagged. 🐄
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astaraels · 7 months
i was tagged by the lovely @callivich for some fandom asks, let's fuckin goooo
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once? Cold Feet by aeli_kindara; In a Haze of Smoke & Fire by IanRightsOnly; please don't say I'm going alone and broad-shouldered beasts by biblionerd07; Cooperative Gameplay and Bright by grayola; to think that we could stay the same by teatrolley; love, let your hands be tender by sadwhales; to stop our hearts from drowning by enbytim; Redheaded Stepchildren by ZebraWallpaper (there's a lot, I know)
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog? anything with 5x10 i'm a slut for love and violence interplay
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about? honestly when/if ian and mickey do eventually end up with a kid (it would happen completely by accident, of course) they're the biggest girl dads ever.
What’s a fanart you love looking at? this one is g o r g e o u s
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration? well, i'm currently working on a soulmates au fic that's canon-adjacent of seasons 1-5, so that's been fun! (featuring romantic and platonic soulmates because i refuse to write only the romantic kind :p) i'm also fond of writing character study fics when the mood strikes. i haven't been motivated to write fic and post it in nearly ten years, but i'm very happy that shameless and gallavich have helped me knock some of the rust off the old writing skills.
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of? SHOTGUNNING. where are all the shotgunning fics. also nurse!mickey (I read a fic with this once and it's a crying shame there's no emt!ian/nurse!mickey fic--at least none that i've ever seen...)
What’s your favourite season? And has this changed after multiple rewatches of the show? i've only watched the show through once but honestly s4/5 are my favorites, but i have a special place in my heart for s1 and s10.
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved? I mean the fact that they managed to convict mickey of attempted murder and debbie of statutory rape is insane. (the age of consent is 17 in illinois! and it's literally sammi's word against mickey's AND debbie's! but it's fine, just fine, everything's fine...)
What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship? these two are the most siken-coded ship since dean/cas. in particular: little beast, saying your names, you are jeff, and wishbone. I even named my gallavich playlist on spotify after a siken poem, and half the chapter titles in my long fic will end up being from his works as well....
What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale? i think things are gonna go okay for them! i think that they may make their way back to the south side, but in a house of their own not too far from the other gallaghers. i like the idea of them ending up with a little girl of their own but i can also see them just being cat dads and being the best uncles to ian's siblings' kids. i would love for them to reunite with svet and yev later down the road, as well. there's endless possibilities <3
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darlingian · 7 months
Thanks for the tag @mickeysgaymom!
Gallavich Questions!
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once? Garden Song duology by @gardenerian is one I come back to time and time again. Same with The Menagerie by @crossmydna. Also @sam-loves-seb's oodles of one-shots. There's one for every mood it seems 🥰
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog? The van kiss sequel! EMT Ian. And any artsy beautiful gifsets!
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about? I think about childhood Gallagher's so much. Ian especially.
What’s a fanart you love looking at? @steorie 's Gallavich art is STUNNING.
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration? I really want to do something with the song "Bitch" by Meredith Brooks for Debbie. The song is perfect for her! (If you don't know the song, this isn't Debbie slander I promise. Haha)
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else? I didn't think I liked AUs. SILLY ME.
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of? I adore some good dystopian fics. There are some, but I'll always take more.
What’s your favourite season? Season 5 or 11!
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved? Not necessarily a pothole but I wish they'd talked about their past more. I wish Mickey talked about Mandy in later seasons. I wish we knew what happened with Mickey's mom.
What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough? I am obsessed with the "you're such a fucking barbarian" "thank you" moment. THE LOVE THERE. The understanding. The complete acceptance of each other. It's just so fucking perfect.
What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship? The song "Little Hell" by City & Colour.
What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale? I think Ian finds a way to be an EMT again. Mickey expands the business. Hires Sandy. They get a house on the Southside. They get a dog. Ian plants a tomato garden in the backyard. They babysit their nieces and nephews all the time. Mandy comes back and moves into their spare bedroom for a while. That spare bedroom ends up getting a lot of use by stray neighbourhood kids who need a place to stay.
@too-schoolforcool @deedala @michellemisfit I wanna see your answers!
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babygirlmickey · 1 year
I’m catching up on some tag games so I’m gonna put them all under the cut hehe
Tagged by @ardent-fox @mishervellous @deedala and @auds-and-evens !!
three ships: gallavich obviously:/, Ian x his watch, and my og spirk…I’ll be down bad for them forever
last song: figure it out - RYLY
last movie: ummm I think it was when I forced bestie to watch Star Trek into darkness:-)
currently reading: still working thru my emt course book ! Also started reading heartstopper vol2
currently watching: I was watching the recruit on Netflix but I got bored of it LMAO
currently consuming: a bagel w strawb cream cheese from dunkies
currently craving: the worlds longest nap 🥲
Tagged by @creepkinginc @tanktopgallavich @metalheadmickey @stocious @heymrspatel and @vintagelacerosette
name: camryn
age: 21
where in the world are you?: new yawk
the meaning behind your URL: self explanatory. Mickey = Babygirl
your second favorite color: oooh um maybe green or blue or brown
any pets?: mmm 20-odd cats (I take a lot of "unadoptables" and hospice cases)
favorite season: autumn!
last thing you read: last thing I finished (other than some fics) was the first heartstopper book which I was forced to read at gunpoint
last song you listened to: since I’m listening to music as I write these now it’s disco nights - wiley beckett
what are you wearing right now? Gray sweats and an orange crop top
a hobby of yours: photography!
your comfort show or movie: parks and rec and psych!
and finally, what are you up to today?: Ran some work errands including transporting supplies to my friend who just took in a litter of kittens and doing intake exams on them for her:) here’s a pic of one
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tagged by @creepkinginc (deleting some of the questions on this one bc they're the same as above)
your favorite color: yellow!
a song that always puts you in a good mood: I'd rather go blind - Etta James
your favorite flower: I don't think I have one! I pretty much like all flowers except lilies
it’s a beautiful sunny day and you’re going on a picnic with friends. what snack are you bringing to share? triscuits and cream cheese. ultimate delicacy
bumblebees or butterflies? butterflies!
describe your ideal weather: hmm either 50-60 degrees, cool and sunny OR 60-70 degrees with a downpour thunderstorm B)
museum date or nature walk? nature walk if it's cold out, museum date if it's warm
it’s movie night in the park and your turn to choose, what are we watching? no one in their right mind would ever let me pick the movie
and finally, share some sunny words for your friends & followers: ily guys you're all so talented and friendly and amazing and I love my little community on here!!!
If any of my beloved mutuals wanna do these let's just say I tagged u :-)
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callivich · 3 years
😈🔥Kinktober Gallavich Prompts🔥😈
For October or you know…whenever 😉 Also includes some writing resources! NSFW & 18+ only
Sexy Gallavich Prompts 🔥 - Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 Tropes Prompts: Pornstars 🥵
@gallavichthings - Gallavich Kinktober Prompts 2021 Gallavich Kinktober Prompts 2022 Gallavich Kinktober Bingo Prompts 2023
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Prompts for fics, headcanons/meta, art, or discussion. Interpret these however you like and feel free to use them as just a jumping off point, you don’t have to stick to the exact prompt or wording! Btw, if anything along these lines has been written, please do recommend them to me!
As I was working on this prompt set, I came across some resources that people might find useful (haven’t read everything on these so can’t vouch for them 100%) -> kink wiki (descriptions, inspiration, & writing resources) // words to include in sex scenes // big list of smut writing resources // writing smut resources // Halloween Kinktober Prompts // General Daily Kinktober Prompts // 3 Gallavich kink memes on livejournal (old/defunct) // Active Gallavich smut meme on dreamwidth
AU: Ian & Mickey work in a sex store. There’s a lot of unresolved sexual tension between them. It gets worse when one of them suggests they test out some new sex toys and report back with the results. Either Ian or Mickey suggests maybe they should do it together - just for research purposes. Or one accidentally interrupts the other testing out a sex toy.
Mickey & Ian visit a nude beach & either have lots of fun or one of them gets hit on and the other gets jealous.
There’s a person in the apartment across from Ian and Mickey’s who starts watching them have sex. At first they are pissed off, but turns out….they kind of like being watched.
Sure, they’re married and they’ve got rings to show this. But it doesn’t mean they don’t still enjoy leaving marks on one another.
During a heatwave, the AC breaks in their new apartment. Good thing their fridge has an ice-maker, so they have lots of ice to cool down with and maybe play with too….
Their parole jobs have them on different schedules, they miss each other and they start to send each other dick pics. Soon, it evolves into sexy videos & they find themselves competing for who can send the kinkiest video.
Ian hasn’t forgotten about the “gonna get you pregnant” line that Mickey said during sex. He decides he’s going to say it to Mickey, just to see what reaction he gets.
Unable to decide what to roleplay - they each write down a load of suggestions on pieces of paper to pick out of a hat. Including things like: boss/employee, security guard/thief (Mickey has the Old Army uniform), soldier/general, one night stand/blind date/Grindr hookup, Jedi/stormtrooper, EMT/patient (they have the ambulance!), new cellmates in prison, etc.
AU: Mickey signs up to work at a high end escort agency. Before he starts work, he has to go through a special induction with one of the agency’s best escorts - Ian. The induction includes them trying out different “services” together (positions or acts etc) in order to figure out what Mickey would like to offer to his clients. (Or it could be an interview rather than an induction and Mickey has to impress Ian.)
Ian crosses the border with Mickey - when they get a motel room, Mickey wants to get out of the dress as quickly as possible but Ian convinces him to keep it on just a bit longer.
While waiting for Ian outside their apartment building one evening, Mickey gets mistaken for a prostitute. He’s pissed off but it gives Ian a roleplay idea.
As soon as Ian sees the large, full length mirror at a yard sale, he knows it would be perfect for their new bedroom so that they can watch themselves have fun. Mickey isn’t sure at first but he quickly comes around to the idea.
Mickey has switched from boxers to boxer-briefs & Ian is more obsessed than usual with Mickey’s ass (spanking, body worship, praise…he just cannot get enough).
When Mickey called Ian “sugartits” it was because Ian’s chest was looking so damn good. & he’s going to show Ian exactly how hot it gets him.
AU: Mickey attends a kinky Halloween party at a sex club. Everyone is in costume and he hooks up with a mysterious guy who, afterwards, he can’t stop thinking about. Will they ever see each other again?
It’s on their wedding night - when they are feeling sentimental and complimenting each other - that they both discover they’ve got a praise kink.
They’ve got a brand new bed, new sheets, & a new headboard. Obviously, they need to break it in - that means the gag, the handcuffs, the blindfold, their box of toys. It’s gonna be a long night.
“I definitely love one.” Sometime after this moment, Mickey decides to show and tell Ian just how much he loves his cock.
Sometimes all Ian wants to do is watch Mickey with a sex toy and tell him what to do.
Ian & Mickey discuss their favourite fantasies & maybe even indulge in one or two.
Just because they’re married & living together, doesn’t mean they don’t still jerk off sometimes. Ian wants to know what Mickey’s thinking about when he does. Mickey decides to give Ian a show. (Or vice versa).
AU: Somehow, Ian and Mickey switch bodies. The first thing they do? Have sex and explore their new bodies.
It’s Mickey’s turn to pick what they do for date night. Ian expects to be taken to a dive bar but is surprised when Mickey says they’re staying in the apartment. Turns out Mickey has been practicing something - a special lap dance & striptease for Ian.
AU: Ian works at a tattoo shop where he does piercings. One day Mickey comes in, wanting a simple ear piercing. Ian is instantly attracted to him but figures he’ll never see him again. But Mickey comes back, wanting more piercings (maybe nipples?) & there is a lot of sexual tension between them as Ian does the piercings.
There is one thing Mickey likes about the West Side - it’s the sex shop that’s a few doors down from Whole Foods. & if Ian wants to spend money on fancy vegetables, then Mickey is going to spend money on fancy sex toys.
It’s Ian’s birthday & he’s got a simple request - they stay in their apartment over the weekend, Mickey has to be naked at all times, and the only place Mickey can sit is on Ian’s lap.
It’s Mickey’s birthday & his request is also simple - he wants Ian to surprise him with something kinky, something that maybe they haven’t done before or have only done rarely.
They’re each training a new employee for their security business. They’re gonna miss working together, so Ian suggests Mickey wears a plug as a little reminder of him, and makes sure to text him throughout the day asking him how it is.
It’s Halloween, so naturally they are discussing which fictional monster (vampire, werewolf, ghost, etc) would be the best to have sex with. & naturally, they disagree.
Post-wedding, every time one of the Gallagher siblings tell them to shut the fuck up, Mickey just gets louder, much to Ian’s amusement (& horniness).
The amazon package is definitely addressed to Ian Gallagher, but it’s definitely not the nice, new bedsheets they ordered. It’s some lacy lingerie. They should return it….but fuck it, they can’t be bothered. After they reorder the bedsheets they wanted, they wonder what they should do with the lingerie…..
Mickey gets off on choking so much that even Ian just casually touching his neck turns him on. Which would be fine, but they’re at a Gallagher family dinner.
It’s a stupid competition - who can last the longest (edging/endurance/orgasm control or denial). But they are both very competitive and want to win.
Ian decides Mickey needs a sexy punishment for not telling him he was getting out of jail in s10 - Mickey had promised Ian he would let him know so that Ian could pick him up. Mickey may just have been hoping that this would happen. ———
5 times they try a new kink and enjoy it + 1 time they try one that doesn’t do it for them.
5 times they try dirty talk - getting better and better at it each time + 1 time it’s really bad.
5 times Ian is dominant + 1 time Mickey is (or vice versa).
5 times they use handcuffs + 1 time they break a pair.
5 times Mickey is a bossy, power bottom + 1 time Ian is.
5 times they get off on their size difference (could be their heights or other differences in size….).
5 times they explore a different sense - sight, sound, smell, tase, and touch.
5 sex videos they make or 5 kinky pictures they take.
5 nonsexual things/objects that somehow they manage to make sexy/kinky.
5 times they get off on manhandling each other.
5 times they have shower sex + 1 time they have bath sex.
5 times Ian spanks Mickey + 1 time Mickey spanks Ian (or vice versa).
5 times they get messy + 1 time they clean each other up.
5 times they get off on nearly getting caught + 1 time they actually do get caught (and still get off).
5 ways they discover a kink + 1 they don’t have to discover because it’s so obvious.
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y0itsbri · 3 years
*holy fuck, it’s GALLAVICH time* 💖🧑🏻‍🦰🧑🏻💖- share one (or more) Gallavich fic or art or post that you’ve enjoyed recently, or share something you’ve created recently, or just feel free to say how much you love them! & pass this on to your fellow Gallavich fans!
i feel like a lot of y'all see all the tumblr fics/ art that i like/ create -- (as well as mel's wonderful masterlist) -- so i'm gonna use this opportunity to share some of my favorite gallavich-centered ao3 fics! 🖤🖤
Old Rules For New Side Pieces @goodkwuestion - fbi boys, ocs to die for, truly earns the tag dramedy
Sex Advice, Milkovich-style series - office setting, funny af
Where the Feigned Wind Falls @ianrightsonly - bar owner/ musician ian & tattoo artist mickey, fake dating
Teenage Dirtbag @thisaintmacys-bitch - high school cheer ian & musician mickey (and milkoviches), so so sweet
The Tension & The Spark - single dad mickey & call center worker ian
Miles Between Us @xgoldendays - au 1970s, road trip, diner, slow burn, canon-typical violence
Can't Figure You Out - workplace, infidelity, secret relationship
Silent as Sunlight - college au, deaf mickey
Catch Me, If You Can - gymnastics au!, ian is pretentious, mickey is his new spotter
Flyboy and the Gearhead - mechanic mickey, fighter pilot ian
Signed, Sealed, Delivered - prison pen pals, friends to lovers
if he's the moon, i'm eclipsed - s2/3 era, blind ian
The Casanova Catering Conflict - personal chef mickey & model ian
life without you has been hard - ian visits mickey in prison
but i'd rather be broken than empty - they spread out a blanket and look for shooting stars, post 4x12, depression
Gotta Love A Man in Uniform - emt ian & cop mickey
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields @gardenerian - straight up stealing mel's summary for this - if something can come from this southside dirt, from which no one expects anything ripe or healthy or vital, what else could grow here? he could grow here
Crush - mickey won't tell ian who his first crush is
The One Where Fiona Finds Out - fiona pov, s4 era
softer, softer - ian teaches mickey how to be soft, hurt/comfort
On Ice - olympic au!, ice skater ian & hockey mickey, wonderful ocs, seriously haven't stopped thinking about this in months
Unknown Number - ian and mickey stay in contact while mickey is in mexico, just enough, s8 au, texting
Like Real People Do @gallavichy - security mickey & escort/ emt ian, a classic, a must read
Southside Scumbags - 3x03, ian and mickey break into a swimming pool, the tension!
Cooperative Gameplay @gallavichy - an all time fav, youtuber mickey & working-at-a-diner/bar-while-figuring-it-out ian, celebrity/groupie to friends with benefits to lovers, LGBT+ issues
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gingit-cake · 3 years
The Gallavich Economic Ladder
Featuring the occupational range of our favorite fictional couple, in the third largest city in the U.S. Latest listicle starts below the gif; try to stay focused. :)
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Illegal work - dangerous, cash / off-the-books:
Mickey: Running guns and drugs, Mafioso, pimp, sex worker
Ian: Underage dancer/Sex worker
Retail/Service work. This is typically hourly, low-wage work with minimal benefits except at the higher end (e.g., fine dining), in large corporations (e.g., Starbucks), or after a long period of employment  
Mickey: mall security, florist shop, Bartender, waiter
Ian: Macy’s seasonal hire, Amazon warehouse, teacher’s aide, waiter
Career ladder possibilities - highly dependent on wages, benefits, unionization, ownership, and potential for burnout. We often think of these as blue collar, pink collar, or working class labor in the US. 
Mickey: Sanitation worker, construction, electrician, police officer, IT/programming, chef, social worker, private security/private investigator, teacher, nurse, mechanic
Ian: EMT, paramedic, teacher, nurse, social worker, electrician, counselor/therapist
Protective/uniformed services - Typically good career ladders, especially for men, who are over-represented in law enforcement and emergency services. Often unionized with reasonable wages and benefits, with modest educational requirements.  
Mickey: police officer, federal agent
Ian: EMT, paramedic, federal agent, police officer
White collar - typically college or graduate degree required, high salaries, includes finance, business, law, research and consulting, tech, and medicine, mainly.
Ian: lawyer, doctor, tech sector (varied), corporate exec, actuary
Mickey: doctor, tech sector (varied)
Creative industries + sports - wildly varied - tattoo artist seems to be the most common for Mickey, and they’re both written as commercially successful more often than not when given these jobs:
Mickey: tattoo artist, visual artist, chef, professional sports (baseball, hockey, gymnastics), model, porn star, musician
Ian: poet, musician, comedian, professional sports (baseball, hockey, gymnastics), photographer, porn star, journalist
Categories/jobs are not mutually exclusive. Culled from all our amazing writers on AO3. Not exhaustive, of course. Rather than link to fics, I decided to link to material about these different professions in Chicago. Please contact me if you want the fics, but I hope you’ll read some of these news stories and research reports too!
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Your Wish is Granted
Author: MarzgaPerez
Rating: Mature
Status: WIP, Updated December 2019 1/?
Words: 2082
Summary: The story begins in Season 6, right around E10, after Ian passes his EMT exam.
This is a bodyswap fic, so it contains some magic (ala “Big” style), but I’ve picked a darker time in Gallavich canon, so the tone will be angsty at first.
Tags: Body Swap, Prison Mickey, Season 6, Caleb present
Picking a WIP to go into the New Year with. While I’ve seen body swap ideas in other fandoms this is definitely a first for the idea that I’ve come across for Gallavich. It’s a interesting take to approach it with post break up season 6 boys. Only one chapter has been posted but I’m a big fan of MarzgaPerez in general so I expect it to be a fun fic!
Read it here x
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ao3feed-gallavich · 4 years
Your Wish Is Granted
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2F7O2j2
by MarzgaPerez
The story begins in Season 6, right around E10, after Ian passes his EMT exam.
This is a bodyswap fic, so it contains some magic (ala “Big” style), but I’ve picked a darker time in Gallavich canon, so the tone will be angsty at first.
Not to worry though. I love our boys, and there will be some fun and growth and endgame Gallavich, so come along for the head fuck!
Words: 2082, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Shameless (US)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Ian Gallagher, Mickey Milkovich, Caleb (Shameless US), Svetlana Milkovich, Kev Ball, Veronica Fisher, Gallagher Siblings (Shameless US)
Relationships: Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, season 6, Bodyswap, Bipolar Disorder, Endgame Gallavich, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Some Humor, Dick worshipping at some point, Prison
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2F7O2j2
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ao3feed-gallavich · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2AGjgLX
by GallavichObsessed2107
Based on a prompt by maryellen590:
How abt this, you make it where some local young girl keeps having babies and she gives them to mickey & Ian to raise something and by Ian being a EMT she gives birth to twins first and tell them she doesn't want them and they adopt them bc they babies have red hair and can pass as Ian's kids. But she keeps giving the kid she has to them to raise Idk work with me hehehehe
 P.S. Make them all from this young lady that's my only request & the last kid she has maybe It will be mickey's by using a turkey baser like Vee's mom did
I hope you like it :)
Words: 916, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: gallavich - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Ian Gallagher, Mickey Milkovich
Relationships: Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich
Additional Tags: family fic, Daddy!Ian, Daddy!Mickey, Fluff, Domestic Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2AGjgLX
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ao3feed-gallavich · 7 years
Together (Thick and Thin)
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tNvkFu
by Army C (arh581958)
Mickey shrugs off his shirt. It falls to the floor with a quiet thump. A bandage covers his chest. It’s loosely wrapped. It’s for precaution. Some days, he leaks. Some days, he doesn’t. He just doesn’t want to succumb to admitting that his body’s irreversibly changed for Ian.
Words: 2387, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 9 of Comfort
Fandoms: Shameless (US)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Mickey Milkovich, Ian Gallagher
Relationships: Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich
Additional Tags: Gallavich, Bottom!Mickey, lactating!Mickey, Top!Ian, EMT!Ian, Mechanic!Mickey, Future Fic, Alternate Universe - Future, Future, Male Homosexuality, Homophobic Language, nipple sucking, Nipple Play, Nipple kink, Lactation, Male Lactation, Lactation Kink, breast feeding, bipolar!ian, I just really want Ian sucking Mickey's nipples, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Bipolar Disorder, Bipolar Ian, Established Relationship, Co-Dependency, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Fluff and Smut, MICKEY'S NIPPLES, Domestic Ian Gallagher/Mickey Milkovich, TW: read end notes
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tNvkFu
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