#i was scared but my colleagues are genuinely so nice and the work is fun
w98pops · 1 year
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no big updates because i finally got a full-time job, and i have a lot of commissions and trades to draw. BEAR with me here guys 🥱
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thelikesoffinn · 2 years
Billy Hargrove was not irredeemable.
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This boy needed help. He needed someone to show him that life was not just pain and suffering, that there was more once you break through years of abuse.
And I'm not talking as a sappy fan here, but as a licensed social worker.
Without a doubt, this bitch would have been my favourite client. He already IS my favourite client.
Now, would it be hard to work with him?
Fuck yeah.
He would Rebel against anything I say, he would try to intimidate me and keep me far away, he would most definitely be rude as fuck and make fun of most things that leave my mouth. And he would flip his shit hard whenever I touch any subject he doesn't want to talk about.
On bad days, days where he was beaten and abused again, he would be an absolute menace. He would probably throw chairs and tables around, start fist fights with the other kids in my group and just be a proper pain in my arse.
So yes, Billy hargrove would be difficult. Especially in the beginning.
But that's what abused kids do.
They want you to stay the fuck away from them. Because all they know is pain. They've been hurt so much, that they can't believe it's not normal. That not every one is out to hurt them. Because people don't care for them. They don't care about them.
Social workers are "in it for the money" anyway. They don't give a shit, much less about them. Much less about kids like Billy.
Good things don't happen to them.
Good people don't just stumble into their lives.
Because nothing good ever does.
But you know what kids like Billy also do? What I've seen so many times at my job, working with troubled youths?
I've seen kids like Billy Hargrove beam at compliments. At genuine compliments, compliments that aren't used to get them to do something. They dead arse break a grin so wide it blinds you, despite not wanting to.
I've seen them get glassy eyes when you welcome them and tell them you're happy to see them around. Because they feel appreciated, like them being there is a good thing.
I've seen them slowly opening up, once they realise that I'm not going anywhere and that I, in fact, actually care about their well being.
I've seen them go all soft and huggy because they crave warmth and kindness. They crave what they never get at home.
I've seen kids have fun, fun that they've never been allowed to have at home. They are the older siblings, the only providers. They carry responsibilities the shouldn't have to carry at home. But with my colleagues and I, they don't. They can be themselves and have fun. Being silly, being young and being genuinely happy because they are allowed to be.
Just imagine Billy breaking an involuntary grin because you tell him how neat his camaro looks, all clean and shiny today.
Imagine him getting flustered when you tell him how nice it is to have him back with the group while you pass along some sweets or whatever.
Respect and responsibility? My arse. Everyone get the waterballoons, we'll have a fight. And we all know Billy would hold back at first, pretend it's stupid, before ambition hits and the kid tries to be the last dry one standing. he's laughing with the other kids, dripping wet by the end of it. And he enjoys it massively.
How he suddenly allows other people to pat his back, hug him or bump his hips. How he actually starts liking it, touch starved as the boy likely is.
Now imagine Billy Hargroves face once he realises that he doesn't have to scare people away because whatever his dad taught him was bullshit. That he really doesn't need to repeat any of the homophobic or racist slurs Neil threw around ever again because he doesn't believe them anyway.
So yes, Billy Hargrove was not irredeemable. He was not. He was a boy that needed work, definitely, but he was far FAR from being a lost cause.
Billy was just a poor eighteen year old boy that needed warmth and softness. That needed a chance to learn that people cared, truly cared, about him like no one in fucking Hawkins ever did. Not his father, not Susan, not Max.
Billy needed one person who understood him, cared for him and taught him that life was more than pain and suffering.
And its fucking bullshit that he never got to meet that person because killing him was easier.
No, he was not irredeemable and everyone who says he was just chooses the easy road. Because seeing and accepting layers is so much harder than saying he's a piece of shit, am I right?
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simsadventures · 4 years
Gilded: Chapter 1: To Bride or Not to Bride
Mob! Steve x Reader
Summary: Your life is a mess and you need a little help from time to time. But, when somebody proposes a plan to rid you of all your problems all the way to the far future, you’re suddenly not so sure it is worth it. Especially since the plan is proposed to you by the most notorious gangster America has seen since Al Capone: Steve fucking Rogers. 
Warnings: mafia AU, swearing (like, a lot this time), angst, struggles with money, loan-shark, sleazy men, harassing
Word Count: 7969
A/N: It’s finally here! It only took me around 6 months to bring it, and I apologise for the delay, but I hope I will make up for it with introductory this chapter :) Share your thoughts, let me know what you thought and what do you think will happen next :) xx
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist 
“Just, wait a second,” you said, your brows knitting together as you tried to piece together all the information the man in front of you had just given you. He was gorgeous, there was no question about that, but that wasn’t the issue here. There were many gorgeous people in New York, and you didn’t marry any of them. Yet, that was. 
“You want to marry me. But you still haven’t told me why, so?” You asked for what felt like the hundredth time that evening, and the man just smirked again, playing with his cuffs, never answering to your satisfaction. 
“I told you, honey, what I want, I get, and I decided that I wanted you, so, what is going to be? Are you gonna be a good girl for me or am I gonna have to force you, hm?” He smiled sweetly, but even you knew better. Behind that oh-very-sweet smile, there was venom and a ton of it. You rubbed your temples and plopped down on the nice-looking couch, thinking about what he was proposing. 
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2 weeks ago
“Coming!” You yelled through the loud music at the guests seated by the table number 5 where a group of guys was seated, hollering at you every two seconds as if you didn’t hear them the first time. You rolled your eyes at your colleague, who just laughed under her breath as you strode towards the clients. You put on your best fake smile as you approached them, and from the whistles, you assumed they appreciated it. 
“Thank God you came, sweets. We thought you were getting tired of us,” the loudest of them laughed, and the group followed his suit, making your clench your jaw even more. Oh, how you hated this type of men, who had nothing better to do than calling a woman pet-names, making her feel uncomfortable just so his friends could have a laugh and a story to tell. 
“What can I get you, gentleman? Another round of the same?” You asked as sweetly as you could, but it was getting harder by the second as they all eyed you like a piece of raw meat, ready to be devoured. 
“I mean, that would be nice, and could you serve us a piece of that sweet ass of course as well? We’d really appreciate it, pretty face,” the loud guy smirked sleazily, and you fought the urge to vomit in your face. One of the guys made the mistake of actually making a move to swat you across your butt, but your reflexes were quicker. 
You took a step back and breathed in, trying to calm your beating heart. This was, however, nothing new in your line of work, and you just learned to ignore it, or, at best, politely turn them down. Because, as you learned very early on, the manager didn’t appreciate if his “girls” were nasty to his customers. He almost made it sound like you were to provide your bodies with the beers, but you told him straightforwardly that that wouldn’t happen, and if his pub was one of these, you wanted to have nothing to do with it. All you were there to do was to work the evening and night shift to get some extra money on top of your regular job, and that was it. He even made a few remarks how he wanted you all to himself, but you politely declined every time and just tried to ignore it altogether.
“This ass is not for sale, I’m sorry, boys. But, the vodka shots are coming right up,��� you tried to give them your best wink but didn’t wait long enough to see if they accepted their loss or not. You genuinely didn’t care. 
The night continued in a similar manner, some people being inappropriate and you just ignoring their behaviour, and some people actually nice, even leaving you a few tips which always made you smile. You were beat when it was 11, and your shift ended, and you were thrilled today wasn’t one of those days when you had to stay there till 4 AM. It was then that people got really disgusting and you even had to resolve to hit a guy this one time because otherwise, you were pretty sure he’d manage to rape you. You sighed at the memory as you continued on your way home, just now remembering you left the tips meant for you in your locker.
Sighing you turned around and walked back towards the bar, and when you were in, you noticed three men in black suits talking to your coworker, who looked stunned and scared at the same time. You cocked a brow at her, and she discreetly shook her head, telling you that you shouldn’t come nearer. 
This time, you really frowned and looked around, but the rest of the pub looked exactly the way you left it, even with the assholes by the fifth table. But you listened to her and took a step back to one of the dark corners, watching what was going on by the bar. It didn’t take long, definitely not longer than 5 minutes before the men turned around and left the building. 
Your coworker looked positively alarmed by now, and you almost ran to her to ask what the fuck did just happen. 
“I have no idea, Y/N. I noticed them by table 10 like an hour ago, but I didn’t pay them any attention because that was Christy’s sector tonight and I had the veranda. And when you left they just came here asking about you,” she breathed out, and it was your turn to look alarmed. 
“The fuck? Why would they ask about me when it was Christy who took care of them?” You screeched, your brain not really comprehending the situation. 
“I have no fucking idea, Y/N. But, like, they asked your name and stuff, and like, if you were a regular waitress here or what. I didn’t want to tell them anything, I swear, but they didn’t take no for an answer. So I just told them your first name, I wouldn’t budge on your last, I promise, and told them that you sometimes worked here but that I didn’t know when was your next shift,” she finished, a little scared of your reaction now, but from the look of those guys, you knew they were bad news and that Anja did the best she could.
“Nah, it’s ok, An. I would do the same. I’m really grateful that you didn’t give them my last name, though, that was really thoughtful of you,” you smiled at her, and it obviously put her at ease as she hugged and hurried back to the veranda, where you both saw a few guests waving that they needed a refill. 
The hell did just happen, and why would three mysterious men ask about you? 
It couldn’t be that they found out, right? No… you made sure all the traces were hidden, forever, so, that wasn’t an option. 
No, you told yourself, there must be another reason for them to ask about you. But you didn’t want to find out. It was a one-time thing, these men were just confused, or one of them liked you or something like that, and you would never see them again. This actually calmed you down enough to start functioning again, and you remembered that you came for something specific, took the money and went straight home. 
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“This can’t be happening,” you muttered as you looked over your bills. There was so much to pay and so little money on your account that you actually started to sweat. You worked two jobs and still wasn’t able to afford to live a life where you didn’t have to worry about money. What was more, with the high taxes, your rent, subway card and food you went into red numbers, and that was something you definitely didn’t want. Nobody told you that as an Arts Major, you could still be struggling to stay alive in the city of New York. 
You went over the bills again even though you knew your math was correct and that you didn’t have enough to pay your landlord this month. 
Fuck, you muttered again and considered your options. You could ask your friends, but you didn’t want to bother them since you knew they were struggling as much as you were. You shared your apartment with two of your best friends who you considered a family by now, Caroline and Aidan. And while you knew they would do anything to help you, neither of their jobs paid enough to be able to help you as much as you needed this month. 
Your other option was asking your landlord to give you some more time before more money arrived, but just imagining the conversation gave you goosebumps because you could picture the kind of service he’d want from you, and you’d literally rather go and beg on the street than to sleep with that middle-aged pig. 
So, as you summarised it, the only option remained the loan shark. Tony was actually a nice guy, once you got to know him, and he was nice to you because you always paid precisely what he told you to when he told you to, and never asked too many questions or begged for more time. You were smarter than that, and, besides, you’ve seen too many movies with loan sharks to know what could happen to you. 
The first time you went to him was probably 2 years ago, straight from university when you still thought you could make it big in New York. Well, safe to say that you didn’t make it, and while you remained hopeful, you had bigger problems than becoming a renown painter, like not starving to death and other fun stuff like that. 
You were awfully scared to go to Tony, he had a reputation of being kind of an ass, but people also said that, compared to the other guys in the business, he actually had the fairest demands, and as you had no other choice, you just went to him. And because life was a bitch, you ended up going there on more occasions. Tony was kind enough always to lend even small amounts of money because you really didn’t need 100K. No, you always need like 1 or 2 thousand, and while the other loan sharks turned people like you down, Tony didn’t, and he never wanted more than like 400$ as a return, which seemed quite fair as the other guys always wanted 100% or more. 
Well, Tony, it was, as you sighed looking around your room, thinking how you even got where you were. But there was no time to waste pitying yourself, and so you shot Tony a quick message, as you always did, and to no surprise, he was very quick to respond that you should come by later that afternoon. 
You were just getting ready when Aidan burst through your door. He stopped mid-step, looking at you confusedly because you didn’t tell him you were going somewhere. 
“Got a date or what? You never go out on Saturday afternoon, not if you can help it,” he said sceptically, looking around the room as his eyes landed on the fumbled papers on your table, and the look of realisation hit him. 
“You going to Tony again? Y/N, we told you, we can help you, babe! Let us help just this once, please?” He pleaded with you even though he knew it was useless. 
“C’mon, babe, you know you and Caroline are not making much either, and you’re both glad to get by another month. Tony is like an old friend by now, really. I don’t mind it that much, and it’s definitely a better option than burying you two with me under this pile of shit,” you huffed as you finished applying mascara, but you didn’t even check yourself in the mirror, really not caring that much how you looked. You went to Manhattan just to meet Tony and would go straight back, quick mission, in and out. 
“You need to find a better job, Y/N,” Aidan smirked at you, and you just laughed because you both knew it was pretty much impossible, especially since you loved your day job with the only issue that it paid like shit. 
“You know this is my chance to be close to art and I really want it. I mean, it could happen that they promote me from being a receptionist to like, I dunno, being a secretary to one of the curators of the gallery, right?” 
He just huffed and kissed the top of your head, striding towards the door. It was only then that you noticed he was dressed to go out as well. 
“And where are you going, mister?” You asked with a mother-like tone, and he just laughed, turning around as if he was caught in the act. 
“So, you remember John?” He asked, sitting on your bed, and you actually laughed out loud at him. 
“Which one? I mean, there has been so many Johns and Peters that I swear to God I’m starting to think there are only men called John and Peter in the whole fucking New York. So, more info, babe, please,” you scooted to him and listened to which John it actually was he was meeting and was pretty excited about this. This was John the Ballet dancer, and he looked really nice, so far. 
John the Fake Mobster was a lying bastard, John the Hairdresser wanted Aidan for just that one thing but would never admit it, and then you didn’t even have John-the for the guys because they were all just idiots who didn’t see your best friend for what he was: an amazing, although a little extra person with a very good heart, great sense of humour and amazing hair. 
“Alright, well, you know the drill. Keep your phone on data so we can use Find your Friend if needed, keep your eyes open for anything sketchy going on, but, most importantly, enjoy yourself, babe. I’ll see you tonight,” you hugged him tightly and walked out of the apartment and into the busy streets. 
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If it were all up to you, you’d live in a secluded place, somewhere in the north probably, like outside Seattle, where you’d have a lovely little house, maybe by a river or by the ocean or something, where you’d have enough inspiration for your art and where you wouldn’t be annoyed by the little things, like the car horns blaring all the way to the night, people shouting underneath your bedroom’s window, and little things like that. 
But life was not a factory for fulfilled wishes, and you had to endure another day trying to make it in New York. You thought about all of this as you walked down the street to where you knew you could find Tony. You weren’t happy that you had to go to him, again, but you also knew that you didn’t need to worry anymore. You would have the money for your landlord by the end of the week, and when the gallery paid you, you would pay Tony back. Again. 
“If it isn’t my favourite girl!” You heard a familiar voice hollering from the shop, and you laughed lightly as you walked into the pawnshop Tony had set up in the lower Manhattan. 
“Hello to you too, Tony. Today a yellow day, or what?” You greeted him as you looked at his outfit, which was just a canary yellow tracksuit and a matching hat. He looked like a character from a bad movie, but you knew better than to say anything like that. 
“Yellow is very classy and trendy, thank you very much! Yesterday I wore this really nice green velvet tracksuit, and you should have seen some ladies walking by, they almost ate me with their eyes! I swear!” He added as he saw you stifling a laugh, but you just nodded in fake understanding, and both of you shared a relaxed laugh. 
“So, what can I do for you today, sweetheart?” He drawled, and you shuffled on the spot, always feeling slightly uncomfortable when it came to this part. 
“I need a thousand this week. Ton. I’ve been working my ass off, but the bills keep building up, and every time I think I’m out of it and I can live normally, there is always something holding me back,” you sighed, scratching your arms which was a nervous habit of yours that Tony grew quite fond of. 
He was almost sorry for saying the next thing, but this was way above his pay grade, and while he really did take some liking to you, and he would always give you enough time to pay him off, he knew who he couldn’t piss off. 
“Listen, Y/N, I have a proposal for you,” Tony started, and you frowned, not really knowing where this was going, but from the look on Tony’s face, you could tell it was nothing good. 
“There is somebody who would like to get to know you, and he has a proposal for you that he believes you can’t refuse. I don’t know any specifics, I just know he is willing to pay you a lot of money, and I’m talking thousands and thousands, Y/N. He said that nothing sexual would be involved because I told him that if he was looking for a one night stand, you weren’t his girl, but he assured me that this wasn’t it. He would like to meet with you and tell you all the details if you let him. And before you say no, Y/N, think about it. All you gotta do now is to meet him and listen to him, and he is one of those guys who don’t take no for an answer,” Tony finished, and while you saw it pained him to give you the message, you were too stunned to care. 
“What the hell are you talking about, Tony? Is this some kind of a sick joke? Like, did this guy tell you he wanted to talk to me specifically or just a girl desperate enough to come here?” You blurted, still not getting what he was about. 
“He asked for you, sweetie. I don’t know how, but he knew you’d come and told me when you did to give you the message and give you his address. Which is here,” he said, handing you a piece of paper with an address and a date with the time written on it, “and he told me that if you came and agreed to his plan, you wouldn’t have to worry about money this week or any other week. It could be your chance, Y/N. Look, the guy is extremely powerful, so, please, just go and meet him, and you’ll see, ok?” He was scared, and it made you scoff out loud. 
Great, so a loan shark was giving you a message to meet some mysterious, powerful asshole who wouldn’t take no for an answer and who probably stalked you as he knew you would be coming to Tony sooner or later. Just great, really. 
“It seems I don’t really have a choice, do I? Sheesh, Tony, at least tell me who this guy is and like how scared I should be. You gotta give me something because I can’t just go to some random house and be totally ok with it. Nobody can’t expect me to do so,” you pointed out, and Tony nodded in understanding. 
“Totally, yeah. I even asked if I should come with you, but I was told you should be alone. You should be alert, let’s put it that way. If I were you, I’d really think before I speak, because this guy doesn’t take anything lightly. And I think it would be best if you didn’t know his name, Y/N. Just… he doesn’t want to hurt you, all he wants to do is speak to you, so please, just do it,” Tony finished just as some customer came into the shop. 
You waited patiently because the conversation was far from over, but you knew better than to start shit in front of some stranger. Tony was evidently scared shitless of the guy, and it only fuelled your already growing anxiety. Tony was determined not to share too much information with you, but you didn’t understand why. Why could you not at least know the guy’s name? Who could it be? 
Your brain took a detour to a few nights ago back at the pub where you saw the men asking about you, and a cold sweat broke on your skin. It must have been connected, there was no doubt in your mind about that, and it filled you with so much dread you actually had to catch your right hand with your left to stop yourself from shaking violently. 
The doorbell rang signalling the customer left, and your eyes gazed at Tony, who was already staring at you apologetically. 
“And what about the money, Tony? It’s Saturday, and I need to pay my rent by Friday next week. Nice of the guy, whoever the fuck he is, that he wants to see me, but he won’t if I’m on a fucking street next weekend,” you seethed, and Tony was quick to walk around the counter behind which he was standing this whole time and walked closer to you. 
“He wants to see you on Wednesday, Y/N, and he specifically told me not to lend you any money, that he would take care of it. Whatever the fuck it means.”
“The fuck? I don’t even know his fucking name, and he will stop me from getting money to survive? What the actual hell, Tony? You can’t be serious right now,” you cried out in utter desperation because none of this was supposed to happen. You were supposed to come, chat a little with the goatee man, get the money and walk back home, where you’d watch some stupid TV show and drink shitty wine. 
But no, of all the people living in New York this shit must be happening to you. As you didn’t have enough on your fucking plate as was, some mysterious fucker had to be interested in you for whatever reason, and he wouldn’t let you live without talking to him first. 
“Can’t you just call him and tell him that I want to have nothing to do with him?” You asked when you felt calm enough to talk again. You didn’t even know whether you were scared or desperate or angry, but at best, you were feeling a mix of all these and some more, that was for sure. 
“No can do, sweetie, but I promise it will be alright, ok? You’re a strong one, I know that and whatever he wants from you, you can either give or can talk to him,” Tony smiled sweetly, and while you knew he was full of bullshit you let it slide because you just didn’t have it in you to fight with him when he was clearly just the messenger. Whoever wanted to speak to you, however, he would hear it from you because where were we that a guy just asks for a girl and the whole of New York delivers her to him on a silver platter?
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“You gotta be kidding me, Y/N. Are you seriously considering going there? For all you know it might be some elaborate trap and somebody’s gonna jump you and kill you in some dark alley,” Caroline screeched at you as she saw you getting ready after you came home from work. 
You had to ask for a night off from the pub since mister nobody wanted to meet you on your night of work. But you knew you couldn’t say no. Whoever it was, Tony was afraid of him, and Tony was a tough guy. And not that you wouldn’t be brave, but your bravery was mostly concentrated on being able to throw a spider out of the apartment or walk the corridor with the lights out, not really crossing some powerful guy who could do God-knows-what to you if you didn’t come. 
“C’mon, guys. You know I gotta do it. And I honestly think if they wanted to kill me, they would have already done it,” you muttered, trying to pick something to wear, that wasn’t too revealing, but you also didn’t want to go wherever you were going in a pair of baggy sweatpants you were currently rocking. 
“But like, what if they want to make a personal slave out of you, huh? Like, cuff you to a ceiling and serve them with your body, like a personal kind of slave, you know what I mean? You were not made to be strapped to a ceiling, babe,” Aidan panicked, and you actually had to laugh. 
“Your imagination never ceases to astonish me, Aid. Or are you speaking from personal experience?” You smirked as both you and Caroline laughed out loud at Aidan’s expression of utter disgust. 
“You two are disgusting, and I hate you, but that doesn’t change the fact you still don’t know where the fuck you’re going,” Aidan countered and you rolled your eyes at him. 
“I’ll keep my data on so you can see me this whole time, and if I don’t call you by 9 PM you can send the cops there, deal?” 
They both nodded in agreement, knowing this was the best they were getting. You were glad you had them in your life and that you had people caring enough to try and stop you from doing something stupid, but something in your told you that your life would be even worse if you didn’t go. At least this way you’d know the whole story, and you would be able to make an educated decision based on all the variables. 
“A’ight, but if anything sketchy happens, you run, ok? We can figure out the money, but we can’t figure out shit if you’re not here with us,” Caroline reminded you, and you nodded solemnly. 
God, you just hoped you weren’t making a mistake by listening to Tony. He even shot you a message in the afternoon, reminding you to go there because if you didn’t, it could end up badly for both of you. And it was actually one of the decisive arguments in the whole thing, surprisingly. You didn’t want anything happening to Tony, especially not because of you and your decisions, and so you just told yourself to suck it and prepared for the evening. 
You really couldn’t afford the cab, so you had to leave super early to be at the given address at precisely 7 PM. You also grabbed the book you were currently reading, Kim Stanley Robinson’s New York 2140, so that the ride to Manhattan wouldn’t be as dull and dreadful. You could think of the utopian future he depicts rather than thinking of your journey to the lion’s den, and that was the most promising image you created in your head about the place where you were headed. 
Not that you didn’t try to find the place on Google maps, but all the buildings on the address looked the same, and, actually, quite nice, so you had no idea what you were getting yourself into. 
Meanwhile, Tony texted you again since you didn’t reply to his previous text, and this time you took the time to craft a message telling him that yes, you were indeed headed to the manor and he didn’t need to worry about his own neck because you wouldn’t let others be hurt because of your incompetence or your cowardice. 
You knew you were getting off on Chambers St station and you actually took the time to think how many people living in Tribeca had to take the subway. The answer was, very obviously, zero, as the majority of the people in the subway were either passing or were clothed in a way you knew they worked in either one of the restaurants there or as a help. And you felt like one of them, because you too didn’t live in the wealthiest village in New York, and you too were going there mainly for business. Well, at least you hope you did. 
Checking every house number when you got to the street you were supposed to meet the mysterious guy at, you tried to find where exactly was the bat cave, and when you saw the number 112, you knew you found it. 
Your breath came in ragged huffs as you tried to gather the last remnants of your bravery as you walked up the stairs and buzzed on the door. Your head was spinning lightly, and you actually had to lean against the wall beside you to regain your composure. 
The door soon revealed a massive man dressed in a black turtleneck and a pair of black jeans, and you were actually quite surprised not to see him with sunglasses and an earpiece. If the situation weren’t so tense, you’d probably joke about it, but as it was, you just followed his lead as he beckoned you inside. 
“Miss Y/L/N, I presume? I need to see your phone and your belongings, ma’am,” he stated, and you raised a brow at him. 
“Excuse me?”
“It’s a standard procedure, ma’am. Everybody here to see the boss needs to be checked, just in case,” he stated, leaving no room for discussion, and while you sighed exasperatedly, you still handed him your bag and made a point by fishing out the phone and shoving it in his outstretched hand. He took a quick look through your belongings, pushing it against what you assumed was some kind of a metal detector before he pulled out another device. This looked like a big phone, and he scanned your bag once again. 
“What is that?” You asked, unable to stop your curiosity. 
“Checking if you’re not bugged,” he answered matter-of-factly as he continued before he put the device down, clearly not finding anything. Where would you even get a bug, and why would you do it? You rolled your eyes inwardly but kept a straight face in front of the man, just in case he was watching. Which he was, as you found out by him waving in front of your face and showing you to follow him. 
You braced yourself for whatever was awaiting upstairs and obediently walked behind him. 
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As you walked through the house, you got the impression that whoever lived there was wealthy, but that kind that didn’t really put on a flashy show. There were no chandeliers, no heavy curtains and stuff you pretty much imagined this place would look like and that image had nothing to do with the Beast and the Beauty dance room, nothing at all. 
But this was… modest. Everything was very contemporary, some prominent brick here and there with mostly grey floors and the furniture was most definitely customary but, again, it was plain yet luxurious. You assumed that’s how the really rich people lived. They knew they had the money, and the people around them knew it as well, so there was no need for diamond stairs and a golden toilet. 
A few names surged from memory as you heard your coworkers discuss the wealthy New Yorkers, but you didn’t want to assume anything before you actually saw the person, so you just walked by the halls before the man stopped in front one of the rooms and quietly knocked. 
It was not surprising when another man dressed exactly like the guy leading you appeared from the room and took a quick look at you before he said something to whoever was behind him. When the affirmative came that you could indeed go in there, they shoved the door open and what you assumed was a living room appeared in front of you. It corresponded with the whole house, but your attention was caught by one specific thing. Your brain had its own world, and when you saw one of Tunji Adeniyi-Jones’s paintings from his last year’s exhibit, you almost fainted. He was your favourite contemporary artist. And seeing his work outside of the gallery was practically an otherworldly feeling. You gaped at the beautiful play of colours, and your heart swooned at the perfection of the brush strokes. 
“Ehm,” you heard somebody cough beside you, and it startled you so much you actually jumped to the side, your hand flying to your chest in a feeble attempt to will your heart to stay calm. 
You took the intruder in and found out that unlike every other man in the room (and there were a few, as you noticed) this guy wasn’t wearing all-black attire. He was in a comfortable-looking creme sweater and a pair of dark blue jeans, everything fitting him as if the clothes were sawn to his body. 
Which, as far as you could tell, was the body of a Greek God. 
“See something you like, honey?” The man interrupted thoughts, and it just crossed your mind that he was really rude, not letting you breathe even for a second before he had to make his presence known. 
“Yes, actually. I’m quite a big fan of the artist whose painting you have there, so I admired that. And you are?” You trailed at the end, signalling that while he was very handsome, you had no idea who he was and why it was that you needed to come to him this evening. 
“Straight to business, huh? I like that. I’m quite surprised Tony didn’t tell you who I was. Was he scared you wouldn’t have come if you knew?” He didn’t wait for your answer, however. “Well, honey, I’m Steve Rogers, and I am very pleased to meet you,” he smirked at your stomach dropped. 
Steve Rogers? That Steve Rogers? It wasn’t possible. 
“You gotta be kidding me,” you muttered as you scratched your arms nervously. 
“Oh no, on the contrary. I’m all too real, Miss Y/L/N, and from the looks of it, I’m glad Tony didn’t tell you, you look like you might faint. Are you feeling alright?” He asked like the smug asshole he was, and you just turned away from him, taking a deep breath before you finally turned back around to face him with a pokerface. 
“I’m alright, thank you. So now, can I know what it is you want from me so much you stalked me and made me come here, pretty much by force?” 
He scoffed but showed you to follow him to the sofa. When you didn’t budge, he simply took you by your elbow and pretty much shoved you down to the plump sofa. 
“Force, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I simply asked you to come visit me, is it so wrong? But yes, you are right, we should talk about why I invited you here. You see, Y/N, I’m in need of a wife, and after long calculations, I came to the conclusion you would be perfect for the job,” he said straightforwardly, and it was now that you felt like you’d faint. 
“Marry me? Are you fucking insane?” You couldn’t hold it in any longer. Form the pissed off expression on his face, you could see it was not the right move, but he couldn’t expect any other reaction, really. 
“Easy, honey or I might have to use the said force to shut that smart mouth of yours,” Steve mumbled dangerously, and you swallowed harshly. 
“Right, you’re a notorious mobster, and I’m literally nobody, and if you killed me, nobody would miss me. Good, now that’s out of the table, why do you want to marry me? And what does it mean you are in need of a wife? I mean… you are notorious for dating a different girl every week, can’t you just marry one of them if you’re in such a great hurry?” 
“No, honey, I can’t. All you need to know right now is my proposal. So, here it is. You will marry me, we will stay married for a year and then get a divorce. You will have everything every girl ever wanted: loads of clothes, all the time in the world to do whatever the fuck you want, you won’t have to work, and I will pay for everything and more. You will live here so you won’t have to worry about your rent money, and I will also pay your student loan, on top of which you will be paid 20.000$ every month for playing your role. And when the year is over, you will walk away rich, without any debts slowing you down and you will be able to do anything you want. How does that sound?” 
“It sounds like it’s not a proposal but a directive,” you smiled sweetly and stood up, pacing the room and scratching your hands like crazy. This was not happening, no, no, no!
You needed the money, you really did, and getting rid of the debt from your student loan that would have been sweet too, but at what price? On the other hand, you thought, how bad could it be to just be somebody’s wife for a year? He did make it sound pretty easy. 
“What would be expected of me?” 
“Well, you would go with me to every event and pretty much listen to everything I say,” he shrugged as if it was the most natural thing to say to another human being. 
“Like, you’d ask me to spread my legs for you here, and I would do it?” You asked, suddenly very angry that the man just assumed what kind of a person you were. You were desperate, but not that desperate. 
“Oh, no, honey. That is one of the reasons why I chose you: I’m not attracted to you, so no, I wouldn’t ask you for any sexual favours. We could even put that to our contract if you’d feel better, but, really, you have nothing to worry from me,” he again said with ease, and you didn’t know if you were glad he just told you this or really pissed and ashamed.
Not that you thought you were some kind of a beauty, far from it, but he also didn’t have to be so upfront about it. And now you understood it even less why the hell he chose you.
“Just, wait a second,” you said, your brows knitting together as you tried to piece together all the information the man in front of you had just given you. He was gorgeous, there was no question about that, but that wasn’t the issue here. There were many gorgeous people in New York, and you didn’t marry any of them. Yet, that was. 
“You want to marry me. But you still haven’t told me why, so?” You asked for like the hundredth time that evening, and the man just smirked again, playing with his cuffs, never answering to your satisfaction. 
“Honey, what I want, I get, and I decided that I wanted you, so, what is going to be? Are you gonna be a good girl for me or am I gonna have to force you, hm?” He smiled sweetly, but even you knew better. Behind that oh-very-sweet smile, there was venom and a ton of it. You rubbed your temples and plopped down on the nice-looking couch, thinking about what he was proposing.
“Then why choosing me if you don’t find me attractive? Not that it’s an issue, I’m just really trying to understand the situation here,” you said, totally ignoring the threat in his voice as you needed some much valuable answers. 
“Right, well, first of all, as I already mentioned, what I want, I get, honey, and you should always remember that. Secondly, it was your ability to keep a straight face, even though I can see the ability is not endless. I need somebody who will be sickly sweet to both my friends and enemies alike, who won’t mind a few sleazy comments from the old fuckers, and who will look like an obedient wife. I need somebody who will blend in and who will look trustworthy, and not like she was to stay only for a week. And when I saw you in that pub where you used to work, I could see you had what it took to be in this life, even if only for a year,” he finished, and you were glad you were right at least about the guy, Steve, also sending the people to sniff around your workplace. But then it hit you. 
“Where I used to work? I still work there,” you said dumbfounded, and Steve chuckled humorously. 
“Oh no, you don’t. You see, I need my wife free all the time and I need her here with me. Look, Y/N, this is getting tiring, and I really need an answer now. What is it gonna be, huh?”
“Like I even have a choice. You just said you would use force if I said no, so, what am I supposed to say, huh? I don’t want to get married, but I don’t have any money and your snoopy ass is getting in the way of my life, and you ended one of my jobs, and before you say you terminated my contract in the gallery, please think about it again. That job is very important to me, it has always been my dream to be in a gallery surrounded by beautiful art, and, by chance, having my art there as well. 
I don’t know Steve, your offer is very generous, it really is, but I don’t think I’m the right one,” you sighed finally and looked around the room, ignoring the boring looks from Steve. Then you saw the clock and you almost panicked, it was two minutes before 9. 
“Oh my God, I need to call my friends, or they’re gonna call the cops,” you said quickly already dialling Caroline’s number. You told her you were fine and that no, you weren’t a personal slave yet, but that you’d tell them everything when you got home. When the call ended, the venom was back in Steve’s eyes. 
“If you think you can talk to people about anything I have just said, you are terribly wrong, doll,” he seethed, and you were taken aback, but you didn’t want him to think he intimidated you.
“Well, if you think I’m not gonna tell my family about this, then it’s you who is terribly wrong, Steve. We tell each other everything, and if I considered this proposal of yours, it would mean Aidan and Caroline would know about this, at least that I’m marrying you for more than my undying love for you,” you spat back, and Steve saw the determination in your eyes. He knew he had to compromise with you, even if only a little bit. 
He already found out everything about you, he knew your whole life, your past, everything his people could find on the internet. And what he got from the search was that you and the people you lived with were extremely close. He considered getting rid of them but realised it would only push you away from what he needed from you. And he needed a wife ASAP. 
The mafia was still very conservative, and as he was the only boss without a constant woman by his side, he was sometimes excluded from important meetings that happened on “family retreats.” And he needed all the info there was if he wanted to be the best of the best. Or, the worst of the worst, if we were being literal. 
“Fine, but they will need to sign a contract saying that they will keep their mouths shut,” Steve smiled back, and you nodded, your head already spinning. 
Were you really considering it? But was there any other option? You needed the money, and it would’ve be great if you didn’t have to care about your student loan for the rest of your life. You would see the world, just like you wanted, you would have time for your art, and you would be free after only a year. That didn’t sound that bad. Sure, you’d be affiliated with a known mafia boss, but that was nothing you couldn’t handle. But there was still a question Steve didn’t answer. 
“What about my job at the gallery? If you made them fire me and I’m gonna find out tomorrow, I can’t even begin to consider this. I want that job, I want to work at that gallery, Steve.” 
“Fucking hell, I could buy you the gallery if you agreed!” He shouted, exasperated that it was taking so long. He really didn’t get it. He was proposing a life in luxury, and he knew that the majority of women in New York would be more than happy to be seen by his side. But you? You had to be difficult and even demand stuff. Fucking hell…
“But whatever, you wanna work there, fine. Whatever, I don’t give a fuck. Do we have a deal or not? I have better things to do with my evening than just bargain with you, honey,” he accentuated the pet name that you already hated.
Well, this wasn’t how you imagined your proposal to go. Not that you were too keen on the whole idea of a marriage, but still, a girl could dream. Yet, here you were, actually considering getting tied up with a mobster for a year just because he offered you enough money and a life that you felt like could be interesting, if only for a year and with a man who blatantly told you he wasn’t interested in you in that way. This was the only reason you didn’t feel as dirty as you expected because you knew he would never touch you and never want you to do something sexual against your will. 
You were used to lying through your teeth ever since you were little, your parents made sure you knew how important it was to keep your secret, and dangerous life wasn’t something you only heard of on TV. All this made the decision slightly easier, as you finally made up your mind. 
“Fine, but we still have a lot to talk about, Mr Rogers,” you set your jaw and outstretched your hand to shake on it with him. 
“Whatever, Mrs Rogers. Consider your rent paid and I’ll see you on Friday when we discuss our matter in greater detail. Now, if you excuse me,” he kissed the top of your hand and walked away. 
Well, this would be fun, you told yourself as you watched the man you would soon call your husband walk away from you, and contemplated whether you made the right choice. But your life wasn’t great as was, as much as you tried to fill it with laughter and happiness, and, in a sense, Steve offered you an out, even if only for a little bit. 
Here was to nothing, you hollered at yourself in your mind and followed one of the turtleneck-guys out of the manor and into the chilly air of evening New York.
/ Next Chapter >
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bowieandqueen11 · 4 years
Feel Like I’m Falling / Will Graham Imagine
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Request: Yo can I please request a will graham x reader that follows the “grump character falls for the sunshine character” trope? However you wanna do that is cool :) 
I’m sorry this is so terrible @soggy-enchilada​ but I LOVE HIM
Comments are always appreciated! <3
Will Graham was definitely an odd man.
You had never really spoken to him at work - too afraid to, in fact. Anytime you had walked past the office he was currently discussing new murders in, or rushed past his lecture theatre, he was usually either holding something with inordinate amounts of caffeine in it, or instead using his hand to rub the frown lines above his eyes.
When you had asked Alana about Will, she completely closed off, just warning you to stay away from the man, that he was trouble. Yet you couldn’t help yourself, and you also couldn’t believe that someone who owned that many dogs could be anything other than a good man, even if you weren’t quite brave enough to test that theory.
Will had spotted you of course. He knew who you were - your name, your age, your job, where you lived. Professional interest, he had told Jack, in a fellow colleague. In reality, though, the only time Will Graham felt calm was when he looked at you. It scared him, being able to look into someone’s eyes so easily, which is why he did it so rarely.
You had never really spoken to him at home, either. Living near Will Graham was a fun challenge in itself, especially when you were both each other’s only neighbours for miles around. When you did bump into the strange man, very rarely, it usually only ended with you cheerily wishing him a good day and him mumbling a goodbye in reply, eyes down and darting over his feet as he blushed to himself.
You had never caught the small stare he always threw back at you once you had wandered off home. 
You never thought that tonight, of all nights, you would finally become intimately acquainted with him. Humming to yourself, you tap your hands on the steering wheel as the warm orange glow of the radio brightens the otherwise navy darkness of the front seats. You had always loved the drive home from the FBI Academy, the dusk and scattered starlight always was such a beautiful contrast from the dreary atmosphere and pressure of your office.
For Will, as he walked along the dusty road, still not fully aware of his actions, the night had fallen with such a bitterness, such a void of colour that had rutted the once green fields and had left everything cobbled and broken under the moonlight - everything, except the falling of his steps. Those stayed strong, despite the cold stealing every bit of his warmth, his breath no longer visible under the stray stretlighting, as he felt the icy road beneath his bare feet. 
When your headlights flashed bravely over the man, swallowing in the figure standing in the middle of the road in nothing but a sweat soaked t shirt and tight fitting boxers, getting your brakes to stop on time was a near failed challenge. 
‘Mr Graham?!’
Leaving the engine running, you clambered out of your car and towards Will, who had finally started to waken from his nightmare by the bump of your front bumper against his bristling leg. It took him one, two, three moments as he blinked rapidly, arms coming up to huddle the tops of his freezing arms, before he spotted your stunned expression standing on the road as well.
‘J-Jesus! Are you okay? What are you doing out here - you must be freezing!’
His chin trembled a bit before he managed to get his mouth open enough to reply. His head shook a little as well, his brain still not fully awake, and yet fully shocked by the look of genuine concern on your horrified face as you managed to take a step forward.
‘I... I can’t remember. I must have been having a strange dream. It - it felt like I was falling, like I wasn’t really in control of me.’
‘Well, let’s get you nice and warm first and then we can figure this out together.  Come on, you can come stay at mine for a bit, it’s not far from here.’
He jumped a little, as you grabbed onto his wrist, but finally relaxed into your touch as you led him, shivering, over to your passenger side.
Surprisingly, Will had allowed you to place the blanket around his shoulders without much displeasure. He was feeling slightly less awful now, more put together, definitely steady as he sat on the edge of your settee and waited for you to come back. He played with the stray edges of the woven material, obviously well loved, full of frayed strands and balled wool that smelt so obviously like you it overpowered him. Pulling it tighter around his chest, he sighed as he gripped onto it like a lifeline, as if it were more substantial than an old piece of loved yarn, and instead the only thing keeping him from tumbling head first into the abyss again.
‘I hope this is okay - I know you usually like coffee, but my mother always told me hot chocolate is always the best remedies for cold nights and lonely hearts! I don’t mean to imply that you’re - I-’
You glanced at him for a moment, a blush beginning to colour the edges of your cheeks as you giggled lightly and offered him the mug. He found himself offering a genuine smile back, his lip twitching at the edge as he took it out of your hand, thumb clumsily brushing over yours as the small curls of steam rose.
‘That’s okay, none taken.’
‘Was that humour, Mr Graham?’
‘A futile attempt, and please, call me Will. You have seen me in my underwear, after all.’
‘Two attempts at humour, I must be dreaming!’
He looks away, grinning to himself and failing to suppress a small laugh as you place your own cup next to the fresh bouquet of lilies that proudly lies as the centrepiece of your living room table. He takes a sip, trying to hide his shyness in the hot swirling milk, but his eyes still watch your every movement as you squat down by the fireplace, hoking the logs around a bit to try and get the blaze burning a bit brighter. You could feel his eyes on you, silently taking in every little flick of your fingers, every time you bit your lip in concentration or every time your eyes sparkled with joy. He was analysing you, trying to figure you out, trying to understand how you made him feel like this by doing so little.
‘Are you warm enough? I have some extra blankets, and a couple of coats, and some duvets up in the attic, and some -’
Will relaxed against the sofa cushions, his smile unaffected as he looked over at you. 
‘I really should go, I’ve caused you enough trouble tonight without having to take care of me on top of that.’
‘I honestly don’t mind... it’s actually quite nice to have some company. Are you sure you’re feeling alright now? I wasn’t sure if you were awake or asleep when I found you.’
‘I’m not even sure if I’m awake now.’
A smile crept up your face, and the air grew thick with a tenderness that couldn’t help but make Will breathe slower, deeper, happier. He wasn’t used to this, feeling so calm, so normal, so wanted.
Will Graham never thought he would find himself falling so easily.
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safertokiss · 4 years
Concentrated Interests
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A/N: Hola my friends! This fic was my entry for the Secret Fic Swap I participated in with a couple of close friends on here and it was written and dedicated to @nerdgirljen​. It was so much fun to write and thank you guys so much for all the support and love!
Category: Fluff and SMUT
Word Count: 3.3k
Spencer had never really understood the concept of soulmates or love at first sight.
In his mind, it defied pretty much every scientific law about human interaction out there and was simply a coping mechanism for those who were romantically unlucky. At least that was what he had thought until a certain tech analyst walked through the BAU’s doors and into his life. 
He was frozen. Totally and utterly enamored by the woman his eyes were currently attached to. He watched her stumble into the bullpen, a large box situated in her arms, seemingly impairing the entirety of her vision and coordination, evident by the way she kept bumping into things in her path. It wasn’t until she hit a particular desk corner and spilled the contents of the box, her belongings scattering across the floor, that Spencer broke out of his stupor and took action. 
“Woah there, let me help you with that!”, he exclaimed, immediately rushing to her side and starting to collect some of the fallen items to put back into the box.
“Oh, thank you so much. Gah, this is so embarrassing. I promise you I’m not always this uncoordinated and clumsy”, she explained with a nervous chuckle. After everything was picked up and they both had stood up from their crouched positions, she hurriedly straightened out her skirt before outstretching her hand. “Hi, I’m Y/n.” She immediately noticed the slight panic that crossed his features at her gesture and was momentarily confused.
“I-uh-I kind of don’t, um, do the whole hand shaking thing. Yeah, uh, the number of pathogens spread through a handshake is staggering. It’s actually safer to...oh god I’m sorry you didn’t ask for a full-out science lesson. It’s, um, really nice to meet you, I’m Reid. Doctor. Spencer”, he sputtered out nervously.
Chuckling softly, Y/n retracted her hand, opting to instead lightly nudge his shoulder. “Well Reid Doctor Spencer, it’s nice to meet you too”, a teasing smile adorning her face as she spoke. Spencer quickly felt a warm blush spread across his features at the absurdity of his introduction.
“S-sorry about that. What I meant to say is that my name is-”
“Pretty boy!”
Both of their heads swiveled towards the sound, searching for the source, before landing on a man across the room.
“Hotch needs us in the briefing room. Stop flirting with the new girl and get your ass in here!” They watched him walk away chuckling before turning back to each other.
“Pretty boy huh? Well I guess it’s fitting, I mean you do have really nice cheekbones and dimples. And your eyes are kind of beautiful. Not that I ummmm-not that I think you’re beautiful or anything, it’s just uhhh...um...I’m gonna stop talking now.” Spencer could feel the blush returning to his features, watching the same happen to her, from the frenzied rambling that had just poured from her lips, but he found it endearing on her and quite honestly, really adorable. 
“I-uh I gotta go, you know, um deal with that, but it was very nice meeting you”, he sputtered out, sending a small wave in her direction. She shyly giggled at his nervousness which was surely reflected on her end as well. “See ya around Reid Doctor Spencer.”
“Spencer. It’s um-it’s Spencer.”
“Spencer”, she repeated back softly, nodding him off with a gentle smile on her face.
Spencer Reid was in love. The longer she was around him the more he realized he was completely and utterly in love with her, all of her. She was perfect in his eyes, intelligent, funny, a bit nerdy and just so adorable. The problem was just that he had absolutely no idea how to tell her how he felt. He had never really been the type to express his feelings to someone, especially to a girl as beautiful as Y/n. 
The female species wasn’t exactly his strong suit and he was very aware of that fact, painfully aware. However, he stayed hopeful that someday soon he’d muster up the courage to express his affinity for her. Realizing that today was definitely not that day, Spencer tried to push his conflict to the back of his brain so he could try to get some work done. Not before noticing that Y/n was slightly late, though.
Less than a minute after he noticed her absence, she came bursting into the bullpen with the largest grin adorning her features, an obvious pep in her step. Spencer watched as she skipped over to the rest of the team who were gathered around Emily’s desk, close enough where he could pretty much hear the majority of the words exchanged and profile their reactions.
He heard JJ ask what was making her so chipper this morning, and he chuckled softly to himself as he heard her immediately start rambling about whatever had her so elated. 
“Oh my god guys, you’ll never believe it! So a couple of weeks ago a good friend of mine asked me to help her with her website, because well...tech geek and all, so I got to mess around with all the software and went crazy! I was able to fiddle with the source code a bit and authorize a super high CRO and SEO to get her website out there. Not to mention all the growth hacking I was able to curate! Cool right?”
Y/n stopped to take a breath and noticed that the entirety of the team was staring at her with vacant expressions on their faces. She looked on with widened eyes as she asked, “What?”
“CRO?”, JJ questioned. Morgan awkwardly chuckled out a similar questioning tone, “SEO?” Of course that left Emily to bring up the rear. “Did I hear growth hacking in there?”
Her face scrunched up in confusion at all the questions that had just been hurled her way so suddenly. “Huh?”
“Baby girl we have absolutely no idea what any of the things you just mentioned are or what they do”, Morgan explained with a sympathetic smile on his face, as the other members nodded in agreement.
Spencer watched as Y/n’s face quickly morphed into one of utter disappointment at the knowledge that her colleagues had no clue what she was going on about. She had seemed so excited when she entered the bullpen earlier so he assumed she was probably very much looking forward to getting to talk all about it with her friends.
“Oh...that’s ok. Sorry for bothering you guys, sometimes I just get a little too excited and tend to ramble. I’ll um-I’ll talk to you guys later.” Y/n flashed them a small smile before making her way over to her desk, situated across the room near Spencer. 
“Hey Spence”, she shyly waved as she passed, a deflated look on her face. Trying to lift her spirits at least a little, he returned her gesture with a huge grin and wave, happy to see her smile brighten a bit at his enthusiasm. 
Once she was seated and facing away from him, he immediately found himself feeling overwhelmingly upset over her predicament. He hated seeing her look so defeated and down, she didn’t deserve to ever feel like that. She was simply too angelic for those kinds of feelings to permeate her mind. 
Spencer wished more than anything that he knew what she was talking about so she could go to him. He’d let her ramble to him for hours on end if it meant he could listen to her melodic voice and see her beautiful face up close. 
All of sudden Spencer slapped his hand against his head and groaned, “Of course you dipshit”, before pulling up a couple tabs on his computer.
For the next few hours his work was forgotten as he studied and learned pretty much everything there was to know about technical analysis and the programming that Y/n seemed so ecstatic about, anxious to give her, at last, a companion to discuss her passion with. 
“See you later Reid!”
Spencer’s head snapped up as he heard the people around him saying their goodbyes and goodnights, realizing that he had been distracted by his screen the entire day and that it was already time to go home. He watched as his friends walked out together, all laughing about something that Morgan had said, before noticing movement in the corner of his eye. 
As he turned his head he noticed that the only person who was still there in the bullpen with him was Y/n, and she was staring at the posse that had just exited the room, a longing look plastered across her features that broke his heart. Taking a deep breath and deciding it was now or never, he rose up from his seated position and made his way over to her, hoping that he had learned enough to lighten her mood.
“Hey there!”, he exclaimed when he had found himself right behind her. As soon as the words started escaping his lips, she jumped in her seat, her hand flying to her heart.
“Jesus Christ Spence! You scared the complete shit out of me!”
Chuckling softly at her overreactive response, he moved to sit on her desk, facing her heavily breathing sitting figure. “Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just saw you that you were still here and was wondering why you hadn’t left with everyone else?” She quickly looked down and blushed at his questioning, embarrassed of her answer.
“Oh I-um they just looked like they were having a lot of fun and I didn’t really want to interrupt so I thought I’d stay back for a little bit to-uh finish up some stuff.” Once she finished her unconvincing explanation, Spencer leaned back a bit and studied her. While this was something he found himself doing often, always getting distracted by her spectacular figure, he focused on her body language more than anything, noticing the dark circles underneath her eyes.
“Y/n, you look absolutely exhausted. Have you even been sleeping lately?”, he asked, genuine concern laced within his words.
“Y-yeah I haven’t really. I’ve kind of been pretty preoccupied in the last few days helping out a friend. It’s really fun, but it’s also very time consuming”, she stuttered out, a small smile gracing her lips.
“Oh right! I had heard you mention that earlier today! That must be awesome getting to basically build your own website!”
“I swear I feel like a kid in a candy store doing that kind of stuff. I just find it so relaxing and exciting at the same time!”
“I totally get it. I was really impressed with how well you were able to manipulate the site’s conversion rate optimization-did you know that a site’s CRO and SEO are considered as two of the most essential tools required to run a thriving website or online business. It’s actually astounding how much the results differ between competition depending on their efficiency.”
All Y/n could do, while Spencer rambled on and on about her most passionate subjects, was sit there in complete awe. The sound of the tech-geeky words that spilled from his beautiful lips was simply orgasmic. Never had she met someone who seemed as enthused as her when it came to all her technical endeavors, and she didn’t know exactly how to react. Her biggest crush on the entire planet was sitting in front of her spouting off facts like they were going out of style.
However, amidst all the wonder that circulated through her being, confusion washed over her.
“Wait hold up! What’s going on Spence?”
“Uhhh, what do you mean?”, he questioned shyly, a blush coating his face.
Narrowing her eyes at him she expanded her questioning. “I’ve known you for months now and I can guarantee I have never once heard you mention anything even remotely technical. In fact I’ve heard you explain time and time again how confused you are by the complexities of the simplest of technology. Spill, pretty boy”, she demanded, maintaining eye contact with him.
Figuring out that he had been caught, he shyly lowered his head as the blush on his face deepened, embarrassment coursing through his veins. “I-I noticed how excited you were this morning when you came parading into the office, the wide grin that adorned your face, the skip in your step. And I heard you ramble on and on about your friend’s website and you just seemed so damn happy and then they basically just shut you down right away because they didn’t understand and I-uh I hated seeing you like that and wanted you to have someone to talk to. So I spent all day today researching and learning so you could have someone to talk to, so you wouldn’t feel alone. I-I’m sorry if that’s creepy or if it’s too-”
Spencer was suddenly cut off mid-sentence as lips smashed against his own, effectively shutting him up. His eyes immediately widened at the bold action, before he melted into the kiss, desperately responding to her fervent advances with an equal passion. 
Y/n moaned into his mouth as his tongue probed at her wet lips, begging for entry. The feeling of their tongues entangling was euphoric and they both wanted, needed more. Spencer gently grabbed her and, turning so they were both facing it, lifted her onto the desk and stood between her legs. As the kiss deepened, their hands began to tear at each other’s clothing, Y/n hastily undoing his tie and dress shirt as he all but ripped off her blouse, groaning at the sight. 
“God Y/n you’re so fucking beautiful.” He watched her eyes roll back into her head at his words as she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him even closer. “Please Spence, I need you. I need you so much baby.” His eyes sparkled at her desperate plea, mirroring her need wholeheartedly.
Backing away slightly he unzipped her skirt and dragged it down her legs along with her panties, quickly reaching up to also unclasp her bra. “You’ve got me baby, you’ve got me.”
She surged forward and reconnected their lips, her hands weaving their way into his hair and tugging hard. The groan that escaped his throat lit her body on fire and further ignited her need for the man in front of her. His hands, that had been cupping her face, drifted downward stooping to briefly toy with her breasts before reaching his intended destination.
She moaned loud and deep as his hands cupped her sex, gently rubbing his fingers against her. He could feel her buck her hips slightly, searching for more. Receiving the message loud and clear, he inserted his pointer finger into her, reveling in the throaty groans that poured from her lips. As he added more digits into her and gently rubbed her clit, their lips moved rapidly against each other.
Y/n needed more, letting her hands lower to the obvious bulge that was straining against his slacks, palming him incessantly. Moaning hoarsely, he pulled away and quickly undid his pants, desperate for some sort of relief. As he stepped out of his slacks and boxers, he watched her eyes widen as they took in the sight in front of her.
“Woah.” He nervously chuckled at her response.
“Uh t-thanks?”
Giggling at his uncertainty she reached out and dragged him in once again, feeling his swollen tip bump against her, both of them moaning at the euphoric feeling. Realizing how fast things had moved, he pulled back slightly to search her eyes. “Are you sure baby?”
Falling even more in love with him, her smile widened as she nodded. “I am so very sure Spence. I-I love you.” She watched the grin that spread across his face at her confession.
“God Y/n, I love you so fucking much.” As soon as the words left his mouth, he lined himself up at her entrance and swiftly thrusted into her dripping heat. The overwhelming feeling caused both of them to let out matching groans of pleasure, Y/n latching onto Spencer and wrapping her arms around his shoulders to get a grip. Once he was sure she was ok, he started slowly thrusting in and out of her, soon setting a steady pace.
“Oh Spencer! You feel so perfect inside of me! So, so good!”, you exclaimed, cries of pleasure leaving your mouth.
“Baby you’re so warm and tight around me, I love you so much!” 
“I love you t-too!”
He gradually increased his already brutal thrusts, Y/n feeling herself fastly approaching the brink of ecstasy at the hands of the resident genius. Leaning back on her elbows, Spencer used the opportunity to pound even harder into her wanting body, his own release just around the corner. 
“Are you going to cum for me pretty girl?” She couldn’t control herself after hearing his dirty words, unaware that he was capable of such a thing, feeling her eyes roll back once again. She nodded fervently, about to crash over the edge. All rational thought was out the window once his fingers found her throbbing clit, rubbing incessantly, catapulting her into her climax, her pussy clenching around his rigid cock as she came.
“Oh my god Spencer!”
Her reactions were simply too much for him, groaning and moaning uncontrollably, finding his thrusts sputtering out of control as his cock twitched deep inside of her, quickly reaching his highly anticipated orgasm. She felt his seed fill her up completely as he panted out her name over and over again, both of them coming down from their highs, breathing deeply.
“Wow. Fucking wow,” she blissfully sung, a wide grin coating her lips.
“Y/n, baby, that was insane. You’re insane.”
He helped her off the desk so they could redress and finally leave the office, noticing how late it had gotten. They couldn’t help themselves from sending each other giddy smiles as they put on their clothes and eventually made their way down to their respective cars. 
Neither one of them seemed ready to leave each other just yet, some unspoken feeling crackling in the air between them. Taking the initiative, Y/n leaned forward, gently connecting their lips in a kiss that held the same passion from earlier, but was much more relaxed and romantic. Pulling back after a few moments, Y/n’s eyes sparkled up at Spencer’s as she spoke.
“Spence, what you did earlier...no one’s ever done something like that for me. You have no idea how much it means to me that you would go out of your way just to make me feel comfortable and happy.”
“Y/n, I promise you I wanted to wholeheartedly. Nothing matters more to me than your happiness. I just-I just love you so damn much. I think I have since you walked in and dropped all your shit on the floor”, he said chuckling. 
“Heyyyy, that was one time jerk”, she defended, a matching chuckle evident in her voice. “But I know what you mean. I think I’ve loved you since you introduced yourself as Reid Doctor Spencer, that memory will forever be embedded in my mind.” She couldn’t stop the light giggle that fell from her lips at the thought of their first meeting.
Meeting her eyes, suddenly a bit shy, he gently cupped her face, “What if, from now on, I introduced myself as your boyfriend?”, he asked cautiously, anxiously waiting to see how she reacted to his proposition. Instead of answering right away she jumped forward, throwing her arms around his neck and connecting their lips once more.
“I would love nothing more, my gorgeously intelligent boyfriend.”
Taglist: @hopebaker​ @pastathighs​ @psychedellic-phase​ @gloryekaterina​ @sleepysnapesnake​ @racharr​ @etherealgubler @furiouspartyrebelhoagie​ @andiebeaword​ @liaabsurd​ @cielo1984​ @starkeybaby​ @victomizedbyreginageorge​ @rainsong01​ @moonlight-jukebox​ @gretaamyk​ @httpnxtt​ @rachelxwayne​ @watermelonstyl​ @goldnratio​ @peakyblinderficrecs @cheyxminds​
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rfamess · 4 years
RFA + V and Saeran at a party!!
alright friends. picture this: a party. what kind of party? that is for you to think about. i’ll give my 2 cents on what they prefer, but their behaviors still stand. If you’ve ever been to a party, (and I consider just hanging w friends a party as well... literally anything is a party if you want it to be a party) you know DAMN WELL you can find a specific type of person at every single function. we’ve got the corner standers, we got the emotional rollercoaster, the bitches getting crossed, the couch chillers, the flirt, the table dancer. you get the vibe.
in short, this is a (very) drunk rfa at a party.
- you already know this guy only drinks wine.
- two bottles; one red, one white (very bold) double fisting them.
- wine drunk is the best drunk lemme tell ya.
- he is just so relaxed. GODDAMN he’s chill
- he’s so chill that he could walk up to zen and take a drag of a cig. shocking. why would he do that? he would never do that! (he’s drunk bby)
- personal morals have left the chat
- definetly happy and very social. Likes to tell very good stories— and they are good. very funny guy
- total opposite from his work self, which many people know. it’s refreshing to see him let loose
- and when i say let loose i mean let loose
- oh, the function? he owns it. not only is he the life of the party, it’s actually in his penthouse. he literally owns it.
- he has the potential to throw a gatsby-like party, but he likes to stick with his close friends and colleagues. people are allowed to bring a plus one. the more the merrier. but not too many lol
- oh this guy? he’s a professional partier. balls to the wall type drinker.
- shotgunning beer, pong master, stack cup, ride the bus, shots, up jenkins. he plays them allllll
- very competitive. VERY. he gets really into it, but he’s not like a competitive jock type, he’s just very passionate.
- he will accept his losses with grace and dignity, as well as with a nice handshake with his opponent.
- his passion sometimes causes him some accidents. will probably bump into you, apologize and call you some sweet pet name, and then return back to his zone.
- everyone loves to talk to him. not just bc he’s handsome, but he is just so genuinely nice and can hold a great conversation, even while completely obliterated.
- he’s the kind of guy that goes around and makes sure everyone is having fun
- smooth moves. very flirtatious, duh. can literally charm anyone.
- ngl he’s probably also a horny drunk. he’s not creepy or anything. he is definitely very courteous and respectful, but sometimes he has a lot on his mind...
- you can probably find him at one of jumins gatherings, at a work friends house, clubs, etc.
- he also loves themed parties. he really gets into it
- he goes so hard.
- another themed party lover. especially costume parties.
- would probably show up in a costume even if it in fact was not a costume party.
- sorry, have you ever listened to tik tok by kesha? seven literally IS the party. “the party don’t start til I walk in”
- freestyle dances literally any chance he gets. definetly starts a dance circle— everyone loves a good dance circle
- he’s not a good dancer. he’s not bad either. but dancing with the stars is not in his future
- he’s wasted, but even if he wasn’t, he’d still be the life of the party. it just becomes magnified by however many drinks he’s had.
- very much parks and rec tom haverford vibes. snake juice episode. classic.
- he gets antsy to build things for no reason. tries to do small physics balancing things or maybe just do something productive, like cooking. he never cooks so he has no idea what he’s doing. will probably set the smoke alarm off, sprinklers will be going and people will be partying with INDOOR RAIN.
- that’s his legacy— the guy who set off the sprinklers at that party that one time
- you could probably find him crashing random peoples parties. he hears one going on in some apartment on the street and somehow he gets in and nobody questions it.
- you already know he gets DRANK.
- he doesn’t drink alcohol, the alcohol drinks HIM.
- he always goes over his limit. not bad enough where he’s incapacitated, but he for sure blacks out a lot of the time
- he’s kind of like a mix of his two besties ;) zen and seven. he’s a dancer, but he’s a COMPETETIVE DANCER. lol he probably challenges people to a dance off or contest. also likes table top games.
- he is prone to.... emotion. which is okay! but it happens
- once in a blue moon he’ll cry over something minor, but then start crying-laughing over it 2 seconds later.
- he finds a wii console buried tucked away in a drawer somewhere. he really brings it together when mario kart or wii sports resort gets pulled out. especially if it’s the sword play one. his find gets him clout at the party lol
- probably sees someone he thinks he wants to talk to... he overthinks how to approach them a little too much. but he’ll take a shot and go do it
- it always works out, he’s very friendly and likeable.
- he attends his college parties and always ends up making friends but he’s also hammered so he might not remember it much.
- probably wakes up in a random field somewhere the next morning. he is very confused.
- she goes to town on hard liqour. she can handle it alright.
- genuinely wants to fight everyone. not in a bad way, more of a “let me show you how fucking strong i am” way. it sure brings an audience
- people accept her challenges— she always beats them. probably turns them into drinking competitions too.
- like zen, she’s very competitive. she might lose her composure a little bit, but always self soothes and gets right back into it.
- 2 words: HYPE. WOMAN.
- she can get ANYONE excited about ANYTHING. always cheering others on and having them break out of their comfort zone (if they choose to do so).
- very big emotions. fangirls a lot. flirts a lot. a little dramatic, but she’s very entertaining.
- another great story teller— she loves to talk to people about the things she loves or crazy things that have happened to her.
- once she sobers up a little more, she is quite the helper. she helps clean up, helps people who might be throwing up. she’s a gentle care taker and welcoming presence :)
- she attends house parties a lot. usually her office friends, but sometimes zen brings her to his friends parties.
- she doesn’t party a lot since she works so much but when she does, she goes DUMMY!!
- very creative guy. he’ll have a conversation with someone and midway through he goes HOLD THAT THOUGHT!! because he’s had a little intrusive lightbulb moment. runs to go write it down or do a quick sketch then return to said conversation.
- if there’s a hot tub, he’s in it. he’s so in it. he has a glass of champagne and just sits. a lot of the time he never changes he just keeps his clothes on in the water. people question his judgement
- he’s not super animated like a lot of others, he’s more chill, but he’s also very excitable.
- he’s very giggly. anything could make him laugh.
- he really stays true to his hobbies while drunk too.
- photographer/videographer. but since he’s at a party and he’s drunk, they aren’t professional photos. a lot of them end up blurry. but a lot of them turn out great!
- he leaves disposable cameras everywhere so people can just pick them up and take their own photos— he sends out all the pics after they get developed.
- he’s definetly the type to go around making sure everyone is safe and helping them whenever possible. he doesn’t take a lot of time for himself :(
- he parties with jumin at his penthouse. they have a lot of the same friends and it’s a familiar place.
- he doesn’t go to giant parties either, mostly just friends in the comfort of his or someone else’s home.
- I don’t think Saeran drinks very much, to be honest. But hypothetically….
- he’s obsessed with making fancy cocktails. they are so beautiful. but they get infinitely worse the more he drinks them lol
- his parties are always with his close friends, probably at his own house. he’s more of a homebody. and the presence of his friends is very grounding
- he really likes to play tabletop-turned drinking games
- he also likes to make games up! kind of like true american in new girl. he’s actually really really good at making up rules on the spot and they always turn out super fun.
- he’s definitely the kind of guy you want at your party if you want to have a lot of fun just doing random shit.
- speaking of random shit, just like his brother he also gets spikes of energy to just go do something. he makes homemade ice cream in a plastic bag. he rearranges the furniture. he will learn magic tricks in about 2 minutes and then show everyone he knows.
- will try and flirt with you. like a lot. he’s incredibly endearing and gets kind of handsy. and by handsy i mean he wants to hold your hand briefly. both of his hands clasped around one of yours.
- he likes to do really harmless pranks. like so harmless that they’re just hilarious. he’ll take someone’s phone and sign them up for mailing lists they don’t want. he might replace a family photo with something else. or maybe just hide behind a wall and jump out and scare someone when they walk by!! PRANK CALLS. classic.
- he’s really funny. like really fucking funny. without even trying. and boy does he love to make people laugh. he’s comedy gold and a pro with the one-liners.
- after drinking he will fall asleep ANYWHERE. on the floor, in a chair, under a desk, on top of a desk, he could fall asleep standing up. all his friends have pictures of him just sleeping in strange places.
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astro-rain · 4 years
delicate; b.barnes
chapter two - “bucky”
delicate masterlist
word count: 1.4k
summary: after arriving in wakanda, (Y/N) figures out who and what she’s there for (with the help of our fav young genius)
pairings: bucky barnes x fem!reader
[A/N]: not my photo
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"Christ, you're astonishingly intelligent. How could you possibly need my help?" (Y/N) asked. "I'm kind of a joke compared to your big brain."
As the young Wakandan princess showed (Y/N) around her extremely impressive laboratory, she thought back to her conversation with Sharon.
"I'm needed? In Wakanda?" she said, dumbfounded. "What am I gonna do? Help them hunt for food?"
"Well, that's the thing," Sharon began. "Wakanda isn't what you think it is. The third world country we all thought we knew is just a facade to protect the true nature of Wakanda."
(Y/N) stared, not following. Sharon continued.
"It's actually a highly advanced, technologically progressive metropolis. They have some of the smartest people and most exceptional innovations in the world. It was all a cover up."
She nodded, finally understanding, "Well, I can't say that I blame them for hiding from the world. I can only imagine what would happen, especially from the hands of America."
Sharon chuckled. "Steve settled things with T'Challa, the former prince, and the royal family are allowing him and Barnes to take refuge there until further notice. Evidently, they have the tech and the minds to undo whatever damage Hydra did to Barnes."
"Well, I could do this by myself, but my focus is predominantly on electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and high-energy particle physics," the young princess explained, gesturing to various pieces of state-of-the-art tech around her lab. "I'm not really an expert in social sciences just yet; that would be you. I was told you were exceptional. Oh, and Captain Rogers needed someone he could trust on short notice. So, here you are, on account of a Sharon Carter, right?"
"Absolutely correct... your highness?" (Y/N) replied, though it was more of a question than anything else.
The princess laughed a genuine laugh, "Oh, no need for formalities! We're colleagues now and we're going to be working collaboratively. Please, call me Shuri."
"Got it," she nodded, smiling and slightly embarrassed. "...so, not to sound like more of an idiot than I probably already seem, but what exactly is this project we're working on? No one really thought it would be a good idea to tell me before I took the plane ride to another continent- which is lovely by the way."
"Well," Shuri started, gesturing her to follow along as they walked through the rest of the lab, "you know that man who allegedly bombed the UN conference in Vienna, consequently killing my father and forcing my brother to assume his place as king?"
(Y/N) gulped. "Yes."
"Yeah, he's here. He's the project. But don't worry! He didn't actually set off the bomb; he was framed."
Oh. Okay. What was she supposed to say to that? (Y/N) couldn't figure out an answer so she continued to nod and try not to look too idiotic.
"As you already know, he has suffered greatly. He's not in control of his own mind. Our job is to dismantle whatever programming Hydra drilled into his poor brain through years of abuse and torture."
(Y/N) remembered the horrible things she read in his file. The trauma, the cruelty, the destruction of humanity. Suddenly, she was no longer at a loss of words... or thoughts. She was going to help an innocent man. Well, the truly innocent man who was locked inside Hydra's homemade killer.
What was done to him was a monstrosity; it was, up to date, the worst thing she had ever seen done to a human being. And, if she can do anything to help take away or relieve some of that pain, she was happy to play her part. A good way to do that was probably to zone back in to what Shuri was saying.
"...and there's two main components to this. Number one is his physical pain. Meaning the biochemicals and neurons in his brain in addition to his arm and the nerve endings and anything else of his that they broke: the stuff I will take care of. Number two is his mental pain. Meaning his psyche, trauma, behavior, emotions, and all that other fun psychology stuff that you will take care of."
"So, I'm basically operating as a therapist?"
"Basically. Among other things."
(Y/N) stared at the floor in front of her, letting it all sink in. She was going to therapize the Winter Soldier. Whatever that was going to entail was a mystery to her. He was nothing she'd ever heard of. Of course she was extraordinary at her job, but this was new territory for her.
Unaware of what else to say, (Y/N) blurted out, "So... you said he's here..."
"Yes. Follow me, you can come meet him."
Maybe that wasn't the best thing to blurt. He is innocent, but that doesn't stop him from scaring her a bit... even though she's never actually met him in the person.
She followed behind as Shuri led her out of the lab and through a multitude of different rooms and hallways. She was nervous, indeed. She was in a place she'd never been with people she'd never met about to see a person with a caliber she'd of never imagined.
(Y/N) wondered what he'd be like. Would she be meeting who he was before Hydra sunk their claws into him? Or would she be meeting some hybrid of the man he used to be and the pain he's been forced to endure? She wasn't sure what to expect. But she didn't have time to imagine another scenario when Shuri opened a door and they were greeted by a freezing cold breeze.
"Don't mind the cold. It's supposed to be like that," Shuri said as she held the door open and walked inside.
(Y/N) wrapped her arms around her midsection before her mouth dropped. In the middle of the room stood a giant glass chamber holding no other than James Barnes inside. It looked so strange to her, surreal even. He was frozen? Suspended animation. She didn't think humans were supposed to look like that. He almost looked dead. The slightest shiver ran down her spine.
"He's in a state of cryogenic sleep," Shuri explained. "Completely alive, but the chamber reduces his metabolism to its lowest possible level, allowing his body to be preserved for long periods of time."
"That's... slightly horrifying. I've heard of cryogenics, but I've never seen it first hand. How does it even work?" (Y/N) inquired as she ran her hand lightly across the glass.
It's so cold. She couldn't imagine being in there.
"In cryogenic sleep, an antifreeze agent is added, replacing the water in his cells. Then, the tissue is cooled to -220 degrees Fahrenheit, but instead of crystallizing into ice, the chemicals clump together and become solid. They're actually molecularly similar to glass. This new glass form prevents the cells from bursting and, theoretically, this could hold him in stasis forever."*
"Wow," she mused, still awestruck, staring at the chamber.
"Something wrong?"
"No, I'm good," (Y/N) chuckled, "it's just that advanced science is just shocking sometimes. And when you said I was going to meet him, I didn't think you meant like this."
Shuri smiled. "Oh, I didn't."
And with that, all it took was the push of a button and the chamber came out of dormancy. It was whirring and hissing, and (Y/N) could feel the temperature slowly start to rise. She glanced up and witnessed what looked like a miracle as color began to bloom onto his previously blanched features. He too was coming out of dormancy; he was coming alive.
(Y/N) almost startled when his eyes opened, but remained completely still when the chamber door opened. James blinked a couple times, taking in his surroundings. He looked anxious; she could understand why. She tried not to meet his eyes.
I'll let Shuri take the lead on this one, she thought.
As if on queue, Shuri gave him a polite smile and started to undo his restraints.
"Hello Sergeant Barnes. Welcome back! My name is Shuri, T'Challa's younger and much smarter sister. This," she gestured to (Y/N), "is Dr. (Y/L/N). Together, we'll be conducting your treatment plan."
He stepped out of the chamber, shaking Shuri's hand. He had almost a foot over her but towered over both of them regardless. Then, he turned to (Y/N). She wasn't sure what to think.
"It's nice to meet you, Sergeant Barnes," she said with a curt smile, as she shook his hand. Cold. She pretended not to notice.
He looked down at her and for a moment she thought he looked docile. Benevolent and soft.
His eyes are very blue.
"Please," he said, a kindhearted gentleness coating his voice, "call me Bucky."
- - -
* = info on cryogenics from inverse.com
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jaybear1701 · 3 years
The Outpost is, without a shred of doubt, a shithole.
And Ellen Waverly secretly loves it, even though her fellow ASCANs frown at the tavern’s dilapidated exterior. Anybody who’s anybody knows about the dive bar frequented by astronauts, engineers, and other NASA staffers. Spoken about with hushed reverence, the Outpost is hallowed ground, a right of passage, and a frisson of excitement courses through Ellen as they pause just outside its entrance.  
“This is it?” Dani Poole eyes the peeling red paint of the watering hole’s sign, uncertainty lacing her voice as she clutches the strap of her purse.
“Yep.” Molly Cobb lights a cigarette dangling from the corner of her lips. She pulls the door open, hinges squeaking, and the odor of cheap beer and stale smoke wafts out. “You gonna stand out here gaping all night?” Molly strides in without waiting for a response. Patty Doyle’s right on her heels, as usual. 
Neither bothers to check if the others are following, but Tracy Stevens manages to catch the door before it swings shut again. “Let’s go, ladies.” She ushers the others inside. “Can’t let Cobb and Doyle have all the fun.”
The stench, now mingled with sweat and other odors barely concealed by fading cologne,  intensifies the second Ellen sets foot inside the dimly lit bar. She wrinkles her nose and, as her eyes adjust, they walk past a beat up cigarette machine into a tightly packed space where all eyes immediately fall on them. Ellen thinks she recognizes some of the men from around the halls of JSC, but in all honesty they blended together in a uniform mass of white oxfords, skinny black ties, and thinly veiled disapproval. They were all just waiting for them to fail.
“Same shit, different toilet,” Molly mutters under her breath. Still, she throws her head back high, cocksure, and swaggers toward a pool table with Patty. Her heavy boot steps draw even more attention, not that Molly pays it any mind, acting as if she’s frequented The Outpost all her life. Like she belongs there.
Ellen does her best to follow Molly’s cue, straightening her spine and making her way around a jukebox that’s seen better days to the last empty table. “First round’s on me,” she announces, surprising even herself. 
“That’s mighty generous,” Dani says as she and the others take their seats. The legs of their chairs scrape across the slightly sticky wood floor. They all pretend they don’t see the little brown insects that scatter from beneath the table.
“What would you like?” Ellen asks before any of them decide to hightail it outta there. 
“Round of JD,” Tracy responds. “Least that’s what Gordo has when he’s here. If that’s all right with y’all, of course,” she adds to murmurs of assent.
“Coming right up.” Ellen beelines for the bar, continuing to ignore the stares from around the room that make the tips of her ears burn despite her carefully curated air of indifference.
She manages to find a small opening between the occupied, but is disappointed when no one’s there to serve drinks. The bartender probably took a quick break, she thinks, focusing her attention on the black-and-white astronaut photos that line the wood-paneled walls. Idly drumming her fingers against distressed mahogany, she wonders if her picture would ever be prominently displayed alongside the likes of Armstrong, Glenn, and Aldrin. Of if she’ll wash out, as her mother seems to be expecting.
An unsubtle cough interrupts Ellen’s musings, and a man leans an elbow on the bar to her left, a little too close for comfort. 
“What’s a pretty thing like you doin’ in a place like this?” He slurs out the oh-so-creative pickup line, alcohol sharp on his breath.
It takes all of her willpower not to roll her eyes in disgust. Instead, she pretends not to hear him, but he persists. “Never seen ya before. Y’all tourists or somethin’? Sightseein’?”
Irritation spikes in Ellen, who has half a mind to correct him, nondisclosure agreements be damned, when another voice cuts in. “Jimbo, what’d I tell you about scaring new customers?”
Ellen turns her head to the right and… Oh.
She’s not quite sure what she expected when it came to The Outpost’s barkeep. Based on the decor, she wouldn’t have been surprised by someone schlubby and indifferent and borderline antisocial. But Ellen most certainly isn’t expecting one of the prettiest women she’s ever seen, with strawberry blonde hair pulled back in a careless ponytail, bangs hanging just above eyes as blue as a cloudless sky. And just like that, Ellen’s starting to understand the appeal of the place. 
“C’mon now, Pam,” Jimbo drawls, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. “Jus’ tryin’ to be friendly.”
“Uh huh.” Pam cants her head to the side, unconvinced. “Get outta here before I call your wife.” After he slinks away, Pam gives Ellen an easy smile, bracing her hands on the bar. “Sorry ‘bout that. What can I get for you?”
It’s not until Pam’s closer that Ellen remembers to breathe, the influx of oxygen allowing her to regain control of her faculties and notice the pin fastened to Pam’s maroon t-shirt. It reads in bold white letters against a black background bespeckled by stars: A Woman’s Place Is In Space. 
Ellen’s stomach swoops in delight. 
“You okay?” Pam asks when Ellen doesn’t answer right away.
“Oh, er,” Ellen intelligently answers in a manner befitting a future astronaut. “Yes, sorry.” Heat rises in her cheeks. “Drinks?” She vaguely gestures toward the other candidates, and the pool table where Molly’s lining up a shot that sends a striped ball straight into a corner pocket. “For me. And my…” Her what? They aren’t exactly friends. Rivals would be closer to the truth, but that would sound weird. And she’s already being weird. She eventually settles on, “Colleagues.” 
“Drinks,” Pam repeats, eyebrows disappearing beneath her fringe.
“Yes, um, please.” 
“Sure thing.” Pam nods, thoughtfully observing the other women for a moment before fixing her gaze back on Ellen. “Got something particular in mind? Or should I surprise you?”
Ellen somehow manages not to smack the heel of her hand to her forehead. “Sorry. Jack Daniels for, uh, seven.”
“You got it, space cadet.” With a wink, Pam pushes off the bar to fetch a set of lowball glasses and arranges them in a neat row.
It takes a few seconds before Pam’s words catch up with Ellen. Was Pam referring to Ellen’s embarrassingly delayed response or… “Space cadet?”
“You all are the female astronaut candidates, aren’t you?” Pam reaches past several rows of bottles to fetch the whiskey. 
“What, uh, what makes you think that?” Ellen nervously brushes her hair behind her ear. No one’s supposed to know who they are until they graduate. If they graduate.
Pam shrugs, the tip of the bottle’s spout poised above the glasses. “Groups of women don’t really wander in here. Plus, some of you match the scuttlebutt I’ve heard here and there.”
“NASA types like to talk, especially after they’ve had a few.” 
“That’s…  not unsettling in the slightest.” Ellen tries and fails to tamp down a swell of unease, wondering if they’d all be bounced from the program if word got out.
“Relax.” Pam chuckles, as if reading her mind. She tips the bottle forward, expertly eyeballing  two fingers of brown liquor per glass. “What’s said here stays here. Unless you’re a reporter, then I’m sworn under our unofficial Baldwin rule to kick you out.” 
“Definitely not a reporter,” Ellen says, recalling Ed Baldwin’s very public misstep in calling out NASA after the Soviets landed on the moon last summer. Relief eases some of the tension between Ellen’s shoulders. She shifts from one foot to the other, curiosity getting the better of her. “So, what have they been saying? All good things, I’m guessing,” she jokes weakly, all too aware of the rampant sexism among many, if not most, of her male counterparts.
“They wouldn’t dare say anything negative within earshot of me.” Pam taps her equality button. “Would never get a drink otherwise.” 
Ellen can’t stop herself from smiling as Pam finishes pouring, sets the bottle down, and crosses her arms.
“Let’s see, I’ve heard that two of them were in Mercury 13. Have chips on their shoulders.” Pam nods toward Molly and Patty playing pool. “I’m guessing they’re the ones over there acting like they own the place.” There’s an underlying current of respect in her voice as her line of sight drifts toward the lone table surrounded by women. “The blonde? I’d bet all my tips that she’s Tracy Stevens. Got those Hollywood looks that’d be Gordo’s type.”
Ellen has to admit she’s impressed. “And me?” She asks before she can stop herself.
Blue eyes darting across Ellen’s face, Pam appraises her in a way that sparks flutters against her ribs. “I’m afraid I haven’t heard about you, Ms...?”   
“Waverly.” Ellen sticks her hand out. “Ellen Waverly.”
Pam grasps her hand, grip firm yet gentle, palm warm and smooth. “Nice to meet you, Ellen Waverly.”
“And you’re Pam.”
“That’s right.” Neither of them moves to let go. “Pam Horton.”
Another patron accidentally jostles Ellen’s shoulder and she immediately drops Pam’s hand. “Can I get a couple of beers, Pam?” He asks.
“Just a sec.” She says, transferring the whiskey glasses to a round serving tray.
“So, uh,” Ellen clears her throat as she reaches for her purse. “What do I owe you?” Pam waves her away. “First round’s on the house.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that.”
“It’d be my pleasure.” Her smile is genuine, radiant. “It’s the least I can do for the first American women heading to space.”
Ellen ducks her head, pleased yet embarrassed. “We haven’t passed yet.”
Pam looks her straight in the eye, and says without hesitation, “You will.”
Warmth blooms inside Ellen’s chest from Pam’s sincerity. “I… thank you." She hopes her face isn't as red as it feels. "We’ll make it up to you.”
“Prove all the assholes out there wrong, and we’ll be square.” Pam pulls out two beer bottles, swiftly pops off their caps, and hands them to the man. She inclines her head toward the tray of Jack Daniels. “I’ll have these out to you in a jiffy.”
With one last nod, Ellen makes her way back to the table, heart pounding and already vowing to return to the shithole that wasn’t so shitty after all. 
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tsuumu · 4 years
hq boys and their part time jobs.
yet another unseries headcanon post made by yours truly! unlike my last one which you can find here, i won’t be involving every single major hq character so that’s just a heads up!! i can’t always envision stuff fully with every single person...
kageyama tobio: this boy thought that applying to work part-time at a sports shop would be fitting ‘cause of his love for volleyball, completely unaware that this would involve way too much social interaction and tolerance???? like he thought he’d just have to look like someone who does sports and occasionally restock yoga mats but these loud ass kids are coming up to him asking for this that and the other for sports he’s never heard of. suddenly he regrets the entire thing. plus, he has no idea how to use the cash register and it’s his worse nightmare to ring up items without wanting to stomp a hole into it to get the customer’s change.
hinata shoyo: shoyo went straight for the pet shelter because he’s in love with playing with the little puppies. this boy will full on roll around with them, stuff them under his shirt so their heads poke out and just.. intergrate and become one of them... the doggies love him so much n always clamber to sit on his lap because hinata treats them with so much love and kindness!! customers looking for pets often joke about taking him home bc he’s just as excitable and friendly as the actual dogs. he’s also really good at convincing people on the fence to get a pet and explaining their individual personalities because he knows them so well :(
nishinoya yuu: he said: supermarket assistant so he could ride around on the carts, intimidates literally every customer with his ungodly enthusiasm but is determined to help EVERYONE, he’ll run around the store taking people where they need to go but only if he actually remembers where they’re situated. otherwise this boy is like “yeah they’re just... that way.” and bolts in the other direction. gets along with all his colleagues and tells them all about his tournaments with karasuno. he’s not the star employee but it wouldn’t be the same w out him.. often asks the manager if he can taste test the market’s pastry section to which he is rejected every single time.
tanaka ryuu: he’s convinced working in his local gym was him in his element, he wears that tag thing like a badge of honour and just walks around showing people he works there instead of actually doing his job??? he’s also overly enthusiastic and will sometimes cheer on the people working out as if he’s some kind of zealous personal trainer and everybody is like “literally how old is this guy??” he’s surprisingly awesome at reception duty because he’s always chatting to regulars about how they’re doing... the practical side like schedules and paperwork he leaves for someone else, everyone just puts up with him bc he’s a mood setter.
sugawara koushi: don’t get me started on this boy as a teacher’s assistant, like he helps little kids out with their work, tidies up the class during their break times and reads them stories?? he’s THAT senior boy who’s the biggest sweetheart and seeing him handle kids so well is like ... does he want some of his own ?? i’d like to offer my expertise he’s always got a smile on his face, gets along with all the staff much older than him, he’s like this perfect boy they all dote on and he gets super flustered saying he just really likes helping out the children and making them smile. often brings them little snacks too and they all call him big brother BYE.
tsukkishima kei: he does some low-key shit that’s kinda wholesome like working with the eldery or tutoring kids but prefers for literally nobody to know about it because anything he does outside of school is his business. he does it because it’s good pay, there’s not much else to it. if anybody found out he’d be super irritated tbh it’s just an invasion of privacy to him but eventually wouldn’t care because every kid is getting part-time jobs these days.
oikawa tooru: bye he’s THAT guy who got his job at a retail store because he’s pretty. like he has no real interest in clothes or anything but he takes the job as a place to validate himself when girls come up to him purposefully to flirt. he’s winking and laughing with them and also NOT actually doing his job but he brings in customers so at least he’s somewhat useful. doesn’t know how to fold clothes or hang stuff on hangers properly for shit and everyone lowkey wants to kick his ass but he’s actually very friendly and outgoing even if he has no clue what he’s doing. keeps asking if bra sizes come in small, medium and large and everyone just tells him to shut up.
iwaizumi hajime: when picking a job he was like “well what am i good at?” and went from there. he ended up as the local pool’s weekend lifeguard because he had the qualifications and time. again, everyone his age just tries to hit on him and he’s annoyed because it distracts him from the actual purpose of his job. he takes it seriously and impresses his colleagues with his swimming talent and knowledge on first aid. iwaizumi lowkey scares the little kids and they’re kind of afraid to ask him for help so he’s been working on looking a little more friendly.
kuroo tetsurou: kuroo as a tennis instructor assistant or just something sporty other than volleyball because he’s a multi-talented king?? like he’s not a professional by any means but he helps out the youth club and gets along with kids a few years younger than him. fills in for refs at tournaments, makes sure equipment is safe to use and is SUPER good at cheering club goers up when they lose or fail or can’t seem to do it correctly. he often refers to his experiences as nekoma’s captain to relate to them and they really admire his resilience and ask him to tell them more stories!!
kenma kozume: had to be dragged out to do a part-time job. was absolutely against the thought of it until hinata mentioned a friend of his who’d moved to the prefecture near kenma got a job at this new game shop. he was like fine and applied. he just kinda sat and people asked him questions about the games but he refused to do any further socialisation or actual grunt work like shelving, he quit pretty soon after, he just wanted the money to buy a game he ended up purchasing on his way out lmaoo
bokuto koutarou: he was dead set on having a volleyball related job, fukurodani have a club for junior players from all over the city to come and practice together. he was like?!? “and nobody told me??” he’s perfect for it as the captain and ends up as a secondary coach. he shows off A LOT and like kuroo, encourages the kids when they’re down. except kuroo is a more sit down, hand on shoulder, casual talk kind of guy. bokuto gets ridiculously sentimental and tells them dramatically about his lowest memories as captain when fukurodani lost and the kids are genuinely as emotional because of he way he tells it??? idk but they love him and he’s a ball of passion that keeps them going.
akaashi keiji: we are talking pretty waiter at a local gormet restaurant that gets tipped SO MUCH for his true professionalism. knows how to handle every situation with ease and is super calm, doesn’t care at all if someone from his school is there. he’s really just chasing that bag and he’s doing it well. bokuto often picks him up after his shifts so they can do stuff together but akaashi requests it be something calming since he’s tired after work... bokuto is like,, “so no to rock-climbing? alright i’ll reschedule..” the other waiters lowkey HATE the fact he gets tipped so well and they try and figure out his secrets. he has none. he’s just good at his job. i could see kiyoko working a similar job or somewhere lowkey like a flourist or bakery. she’s equally as professional and admired.
ushijima wakatoshi: ANY JOB. give this man any job and he’ll be able to carry it out like he’s been doing it since he popped out the womb. often mistaken for a grown adult so he gets jobs pretty easily? very very professional and aims to do everything perfectly. i think he’d also prefer a vb related job just like bokuto but something that could really get him somewhere big, smth to do with olympics like a paid internship for them .. can you even intern for the olympics lmao?? maybe something for the japanese team. it’s a lot of work to balance school & intern life but he’s very comitted and knows it’ll benefit him in the future. (kageyama was fuming when he found out he could have done that instead of his current gig).
tendou satori: has a job he’s very under-qualified for but somehow pulls off. he’s chilling at the hospital or law firm three times a week after classes or somewhere ridiculous but he’s doing just fine!! doesn’t actually do professional work n helps with small things but it impresses the hell out of everybody he tells, has no interest in persuing those careers but it’s fun for him, he gets paid VERY well for a boy his age and his personality creates a nice, talkative atmosphere in these seemingly tense environments.
miya atsumu / osamu: they both work at a café for novelty because they’re these handsome, athletic twins and it’s a thing that brings people in. they do a lot of fan service stuff and osamu is EXCELLENT like he was made for this job but atsumu is awful at keeping his cool. osamu will be chatting up customers, trying to persuade them to order more and atsumu is having a heated tustle with the coffee machine that’s broken down for the third time that day and it really ruins the magic osamu is trying to create. atsumu has probably sworn loudly. has probably almost been fired. he’s bad at playing along and flirting because he literally just wants them to leave so he can sit down lmao. osamu uses the pastries in the café as inspiration for his own at-home baking fiascos because it’s a stress-reliving hobby.
terushima yuji: he’s that boy in shoe shops that tries to sell you sneakers and he knows literally everything about them even when you really didn’t ask... looking to hit on girls that come in because shoe knowledge is obviously very sexy! alternatively you might catch him in a tattoo shop or sumn real appearance based and he definitely remembers all the regulars and greets them like they’re close friends, we’re talking inside jokes. always seems to know what tattoo people are looking to get purely based on their appearance and initial impression...
the list of unemployed:
yachi: too scared to do ANY job that requires interaction, she’s plagued by it.
hoshiumi: fired for picking too many fights with customers.
kyotani: EVEN WORSE THAN HOSHIUMI though he was strangely very efficient at paperwork.
suna: quit on the first day because it wasn’t what he expected and he doesn’t care about money that much.
lev: his family are like.... rich?? n nobody really expected it but he’s like yeah i really do not need one of those lmao.
yamaguchi: broke things, spilt things, smashed things. he really was trying his best..
aone: intimidated customers too much so they let him go (he was just STANDING THERE.. he deserved better).
sakusa: local venues are filthy, ushijima got the internship spot, no other job interests him enough to persue.
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themonkeycabal · 4 years
Wandavision Ep 6 Spoilers
No really, spoilers. 
Previously on Wandavision — Wanda told SWORD to shove their drones right straight up their asses, Vision woke up to the reality that his utopian sitcom life was in fact a dystopian hellscape, their children were extremely creepy, and Agnes was being bizarre as hell and super sus. In the real world, Acting Director Dick was a dick, and Darcy and Jimmy welcomed Monica into their sciencey weird-crime-fighting team. Monica also mentioned an aerospace engineer she knows, which some suggest may be the first mention of Reed Richards in the MCU. I have conflicted feelings about the Fantastic Four. Mostly I never liked them. But, I'm open to revising my opinion.
Oh, and also X-Men 'Verse Pietro showed up suddenly and that was fun.
Anyway. the roommate and I tried to sort out a timeline — so Monica unBlips and goes back to work at SWORD three weeks later. AD Dick tells us Wanda stole Vision's body nine days previously. That means, just three weeks ago Wanda was in the middle of a battle, lost her boyfriend, was Snapped, was then unsnapped to fall right into the middle of another battle. Lost THREE additional teammates. And then sometime in the following week found out a shady government agency had Vision's body and she probably went "OH HELL NO". Because that's what I would say. So she goes to SWORD, dents a few doors, takes Vision's body and swans off to New Jersey. Look, she's been through a hell of a lot in the last couple weeks, is what I'm saying. I don't blame her a tiny bit. But, also, I don't think she's entirely behind this.
10-year old boy plus video camera = the 90s. Obnoxious opening credits. But, you know, I kind of liked them (as a one off). WAYYY better than last week's.
It's Halloween, and *sigh* Billy is breaking the fourth wall and narrating to the camera. There's childish twin bickering as you expect, Tommy's the wild and crazy twin, and Billy's the buttoned up twin. And Pietro is passed out on the couch at 4 in the afternoon. Living his best life. He teasingly scares the boys, chases them around, and there's awkward child acting.
Wanda comes down the stairs in the classic Scarlet Witch costume, and says she's a Sokovian Fortune Teller. Sokovia was more wild than I realized.
Genuinely funny flashback to Wanda and Pietro trick-or-treating in Sokovia as kids, 'the year we got typhus'. lol. Was it the fish that gave them typhus? Or was that just a special treat? Wanda doubts this version of events, and Pietro suggests she suppressed the memory due to the trauma. This gives Billy the chance to tell the camera that mom's been weird since uncle Pietro turned up to crash on their couch.
Next it's Vision's turn to appear in the classic Vision costume. Yikes. Wanda thanks him for humoring her, and he says there were no other clothes in his closet and they have a very weird second where he's not playing along and she's not sure what to do, and then he breaks into sitcom character says something about "just kidding, i know how much you love mexican wrestling" like it's a luchador costume, and then there's some super weird flirting. TMI you two.
Meanwhile, Pietro is a large child and the kids love him, of course. So there's that.
Back to Wanda and Vision, she's ready to take the kids out trick-or-treating, but Vision says he can't go, he's on the neighborhood watch and must patrol the streets ever-vigilant for wild gangs of child hooligans who might TP trees. He's gone off-script and it takes Wanda a second to figure out how to play this. She says it's the boys' first Halloween so he has to be there. Pietro breaks up the almost argument and says he can be a father figure-type and he'll help with the boys. Vision's still pretty off-script but Wanda doesn't fight it but looks uncertain, and he goes off to protect the night — or early afternoon.
Pietro is a child hooligan and wants to go do hooligany things with the kids. Wanda says he doesn't have a costume and he grabs Billy and they speed off only to return dressed in classic Quicksilver duds. Well, cheap-looking, thrown together Quicksilver duds. I laughed. The hair. lol. Good one.
Outside in the real world. The Hex field is still kind of glowing red and making bad force field noises. It only started doing that when Wanda got pissed in the last ep. Oh, goody, it's Acting Director Dick. I've learned his name is Hayward. I don't care.
Blah blah Stompy Mc-I'm-In-Charge blah. Monica is not pleased about the whole trying to kill Wanda with a missile while she was talking to her plan. AD Dick just says "now we know who we're dealing with". Um … what? You tried to kill her and her response was to tell you to go away. Yeah, boy, she's a monster.
Darcy is there to helpfully remind AD Dick that Wanda made him look like the fool he is. ILU girl. "Hey, there he is; the guy who almost got murdered by his own murder squad." Jimmy just makes a 'i'm so disappointed in you and your choices' face at him in the background.
I despise characters like Hayward. They are so tedious. Narratively they are there to incite conflict, but given the situation conflict naturally exists, surely there are other ways to bring up/drive that tension without the trope of the government heavy ready to solve the problem with the most extreme amount of force available to him. OH no! Our plucky heroes will have to find a way to save the day and fight the Man! Can they do it? Boring. It's too bad General Talbot went insane and then died; he could probably give tips on How Not To Be That Guy.
Hayward wants to know if Darcy works for him and she's like "dunno my dude", Monica claims her, AD Dick says "which one of you is the sassy best friend" and Jimmy's like, that is quite enough Acting Director Not Very Nice Man. "There's no time to diminish your colleagues when you're about to start a war you can't win." AD Dick just wants to take out Wanda so the whole nightmare ends. Monica's like um, we literally do not know what's going on. Like, for real we have no clue. So that might not, in fact, end the nightmare, Director Murder Britches.
They argue a lot and Director Dick goes off the rails. Dude's like more unhinged than seems warranted. Unless he's just so embarrassed that he pissed himself when Wanda returned his murder drone to him, he's decided SHE MUST BE DESTROYED FOR THE GOOD OF … NEW JERSEY AND MY SOILED UNDERWEAR OR SOMETHING. 
"Captain Rambeau, you are an impediment to this mission!" Oh no! He's gonna tell her all about how hard it was to survive in a post-blip world, all those lucky blipped don't know what it was like! You just can't understand! Monica tells him not to use that as an excuse to be a coward. I'm so bored with this scene. Let me guess, the trio will have to go behind his back to save the day.
"Maybe it's a good thing you weren't here with your mother died. Because, clearly you don't have the stomach for this job." … non-sequitur much? Or is he saying she would have inherited the Director-ship (which should probably not be how that sort of agency works, let's be real). Is this scene five hours long, or does it just feel that way?
The Dick banishes the trio from his base.
"Hayward is way over-stepping his provisional authority". Jimmy Woo, you're so great. Monica says he's up to something. Yeah a tactical nuke and murder. Clearly he doesn't want to actually solve the problem, he just wants the problem to go away with a big show of macho explosions and whatnot. I suspect he might be in over his head, like he was not meant to be Acting Director, let alone Director. Also, he's a boring cliche stereotype and I loathe it.
JIMMY! I legit did not see that coming. He just pure hauls off and clocks one of the soldiers escorting them off the base, to a transport truck or something. Monica seems just as surprised for a second but then she's like "hell yeah!" and jumps in. Darcy sort of stands back and watches. lol. "Why didn't anyone tell me the plan?"
Oh look, it's my shipping container! They put the soldiers in there. Guys, it was for Hayward. Come on.
The trio disguise themselves with ponchos, which is a big step up from the usual MCU disguise of "baseball hat". That was a good bit in Ant-man and the Wasp "it's not a disguise, it just looks like us at a baseball game" (I watched that like last week. I missed Luis). Anyway …
Back in the sitcom world. The kids are ready for their early afternoon trick-or-treating. They're still talking to the camera. It's so awkward. I'm not a fan. I get it's meant to reproduce the very 90s Nick-era sitcoms and so, you know, it's spot on. Still, though.
Pietro is encouraging and supportive. "Unleash hell, demon spawn!"
Dang there are a lot of kids in that neighborhood. Wasn't Vision wondering last episode why there weren't any kids? Is the program correcting itself?
Wanda tries to test Pietro, asking him about some kid at an orphanage when they were kids. Pietro calls her on it, and says he knows he looks different. Wanda wants to know why that is. He says, "You tell me. I mean, if I found shangra-la, I wouldn't want to be reminded of the past, either." Hmm.
The kids speed off with uncle Pietro. Wanda wanders over to talk to neighbor Herb, who has a g-man earbud in and is clearly part of the neighborhood watch. In the background Pietro is stealing all the candy and smashing pumpkins and spraying the place with silly string. The hijinks are so wacky. Wanda tells Herb maybe Vision can help out with the chaos, and Herb says Vision isn't on duty. Oh no, he lied to her!
Herb goes weird "is there something I can do for you, Wanda? Do you want something changed?" Hmmm.
Elsewhere Vision is wandering the wild streets of Westview. He finds people caught in some type of weird decorating loop, the woman seems trapped but aware.
Commercial time!  What the fuck was that. "Yo-magic! The snack for survivors." No, really, what the fuck.
Night has fallen, the twins and the twins walk the streets. Wanda's making the boys give back all the candy they stole. She says Pietro is a bad influence. He says "I'm just trying to do my part, kay? Come to town unexpectedly, create tension with the brother-in-law, stir up trouble with the rugrats, and ultimately give you grief. I mean, that's what you wanted, isn't it?"
"What happened to your accent?"
"What happened to yours? Details are fuzzy, man. I got shot like a chump in the street for no reason." AHAHAHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHA! no really AHAHAHAHAAH! Thank you, Pietro! Holy shit, perfect. That's some delicious shade. I expect to see this gif'd fifteen different ways when I load tumblr today.
"Next thing I know, I heard you calling me. I knew you needed me."
The kids interrupt. And now all of a sudden Tommy can zoom. Character development!
Everyone is so careful to give Wanda what she wants. Why? She's not cruel. Who wants to keep her pacified? And whoever it is cannot possibly be pleased with AD Dick messing things up. Assuming it's an outside or outside-ish force/entity, of course. I mean, I don't think she's doing this entirely, she might be the battery powering it, but despite her thing last episode to get SWORD to leave her alone, she does seem a little confused about the where, why, and how things are going.
"Don't go past Ellis Avenue." Just a kid thing or a boundary of the sitcom control world?
In the real world, our heroes are sneaking through a tent city and into the server room. The scene with Pietro and Wanda discussing his accent is playing in the background. Darcy seems put-out that Pietro was recast. lol. "He brought the wrong face."
Darcy hacks into Hayward's devices. "Hayward figured out a way to look through the boundary." "And he didn't share it with the group." I don't like Hayward. 
Something is blipping on the map on the computer. Jimmy asks if it's Wanda, but Darcy says "it's tracking the decay signature of vibranium". So Vision. Monica wants to know why Hayward is tracking Vision. Well, I'd super like to know what SWORD was doing with Vision in the first place, because they weren't just storing him, they were doing something. So …
Jimmy notices that there are other dots, the ones closest to Vision, who are other residents. Jimmy says the ones near the edge of town are barely moving.
Back to Vision. He's found a cul-de-sac to patrol. Everybody's frozen in place, the street lights flicker. Eerie. They're all dressed for Halloween. Does this mean the field is shrinking, or the effects spreading and so it's closing in, slowing and then freezing people who were earlier moving about just fine? Vision is unaffected by this whatever it is. He turns himself into himself and flies off, up above the town. part of the town is dark, and part alive with voices and laughter.
He spots a car at the edge of town. It's Agnes. She seems frozen-ish, but when he asks what she's doing there, she says "Town Square Scare. Where is it?" all robotic like. Vision helpfully tries to give directions. lol. "Took a wrong turn, got lost" she says.
Vision touches her head and she wakes up. "You! You're one of the Avengers. You're Vision. Are you here to help us?" "I am Vision. I do want to help. But, what's an Avenger?"
Hmm. Well, I guess he did say last week that he couldn't remember anything before Westview.
"Am I dead?" she asks. "No, why would you think that?" "Because you are."
Agnes starts screaming "Dead" at Vision. She's not coping well. Vision says he's going to try and reach outside town and try to figure this all out. "How? No one leaves. Wanda won't even let us think about it." I SUSPECT YOU, AGNES! Why would Wanda keep everybody trapped and miserable? I could see if she did it on accident, but this implies she's purposefully hurting people. I don't buy it. Agnes, again, seems to be in the right place at the right time to make Vision doubt Wanda. You're a very suspicious character, Agnes.  
She starts to laugh. "All is lost." Vision touches her had and she resets to sitcom Agnes. Somehow she can move again, she turns the car around on Ellis Ave and heads back into town. So, that answers that.
Vision walks across the Eillis Ave to the field beyond.
Meanwhile, Darcy continues to hack. Monica gets a text and says "that's it! My way back into the Hex will be here in an hour." Jimmy's all ready to boost a ride to take her to meet her aerospace buddy. But, Darcy says, nope. Can't do it. Monica's been through the Hex twice, and it's rewritten her cells. "It's changing you." Monica is undaunted. "I know what Wanda's feeling and I won't stop until I help her." Alrighty then.
Jimmy's finally going to get to hotwire a car! But wait, Darcy's not going with them. AD Dick has something hidden behind one last firewall. Darcy thinks it's big and can help them. She's going to find it.
I don't think Jimmy had to hotwire that humvee. It just started right up. Motorpool, pfft - they always leave the keys.
Back in Westview. Halloween continues at Town Square. Pietro asks Wanda where she was hiding all those kids. Whu? Says Wanda. "I assume they were all just sleeping peacefully in their beds. No need to traumatize beyond the occasional holiday cameo, amiright?" What is Pietro. "Hey don't get me wrong, you've handled the ethical considerations of this scenario as best you could. Families and couples stay together. Most personalities aren't far from what's underneath. People got better jobs. Better haircuts for sure."
"You don't think it's wrong?"
"Are you kidding me? I'm impressed. It's a pretty big leap from giving people nightmares and shooting red wigglywoos out your hands." No, really, what is Pietro? "How'd you even do all this?" Hmmm.
"I don't know how I did it. I only remember feeling completely alone. Empty. Just endless nothingness." She looks back at Pietro and for a second he's dead Pietro. Poor Wanda.
Darcy continues to hack Hayward's systems. Cataract classified weapons something something. They're still tracking Vision. Who continues his walk across the field and comes to the hex. He tries to push through it. Looks painful. SWORD rolls out to go overreact at him. He makes it through the barrier, kind of. It's a struggle.
Hayward standing there looking like a jackass "he really does want out, doesn't he?" Like he’s just amused by this turn of events, or watching a lab rat try to get out of the lab. 
Darcy's standing behind watching all of this. Bits of Vision sort of fly off and back into the Hex. Darcy says "oh no!" and runs towards him, screaming for them to help him. Way to give away your sneaky hiding, girlfriend.
In Westview. Billy looks up, he can hear what's going on outside. "I hear daddy in my head. He's in trouble."
Vision calls for help, while SWORD prioritizes arresting Darcy. Phil Coulson would never have behaved like this. Boo to SWORD. Vision is dissolving. It's kind of gross and sad.
Wanda asks where Vision is, and Pietro interrupts "Don't sweat it, sis. It's not like your dead husband can die twice." Wanda wallops him with some red wigglywoos.
Billy sees soldiers and thinks Vision is dying. Wanda stops everything and makes a big red boom. The Hex appears to be expanding. Whoops, now you've done it AD Dick. He runs away like the brave brave guy he is. They leave Darcy handcuffed to a jeep. "Are you serious right now?"
The Hex overtakes Vision and then Darcy. Trapped soldiers become clowns, and we're in the circus. Well, SWORD seems like a circus, so Wanda's not wrong. I'm pretty sure Jimmy and Monica made it, but sadly the bravest Director who ever braved also escaped. He deserved to be a circus clown. Better luck next week, Wanda.
Well, I just don't know anymore.
Hayward doesn't care about Wanda, except where I think because of this someone will figure out what he was doing to Vision's body. And Vision is ultimately the thing he cares about in all this. I hope Wanda drops a house on him.
Quit suggesting I watch Age of Ultron next, Disney. It’s not happening. 
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chittsu · 5 years
college!au with Lucas
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it happened again. I did that. another college au is here and again, I hurt myself while writing this…… Lucas is so powerful, man… you’ll see how whipped I am below…
college!au; fluff c’mon it’s about this giant dork expect to sink in the feels sea; bulleted scenario; drinking game: take a shot every time you read the word ‘man’; 7161 words good lord thankfully it’s not over 9k or I’d be scared; LUCAS IS THE BEST BOY
summary: you might think that you have feelings for another boy, but when Lucas starts working with you, you quickly realize that you could be wrong about the perfect boy for you,,, or should I say,,, you are wong ;)
enjoy! :)
Lucas is popular at your university
he’s hard to miss with that height and that face and those muscles and this smile and that laugh
okay I think you get the point
he’s probably the most handsome guy on the campus and thanks to that, you can rarely see him without someone hanging on his neck
the fact that he’s a transfer student that can’t speak the language here too well is even better because - he speaks less = he seems more mysterious and that’s apparently what ladies like
on top of that, he’s just so positive? no one has ever seen this man sad or angry, he’s always smiling and talking to strangers as if they were his best friends 
he knows almost everyone and has lots of friends everywhere; whenever he appears on the campus he can’t go 5 meters without someone waving at him
or when he laughs loudly at Winwin’s joke, 20 people in the corridor laugh with him
he has some great achievements as a swimmer; he’s probably the most popular member of the uni’s swimming team thanks to all those fangirls dying to see him without his shirt on and with wet strands of his hair sticking to his forehead
he focuses mostly on the sport, as he got in this university thanks to a sport scholarship and he takes pride in it
and you’ve never expected yourself to interact with him but the moment he walks into your life (and steps on it but wait for that) is when he starts working with you
you’re a bartender at a club popular amongst students; you’ve been working there for a few months now and you feel pretty stable at this job
sometimes it’s hard to simultaneously study and work, but you need to earn money to pay your rent and be independent
the first time he shows up at work is already intense
he seems to walk in slow-motion, his bangs falling softly on his forehead before he pushes them back with his long fingers
he then waves at your manager and smiles at him, showing his perfect teeth
you stare at him but you can’t even blame yourself for that; this boy is glowing, everything about his is so eye-catching - it’s literally like a world-class actor came in
when his eyes land on you, your breath hitches
you start cleaning the bar eagerly because you should at least pretend to be working right
and that’s weird - you’re usually confident in yourself
but, I’ll say it again, Lucas is like a god so that’s fair
as every good k-drama goes, your manager tells you that the two of you will now work together and since you have more experience, you should help Lucas a lot at first
‘sounds like I just got promoted’
'I won’t pay you more if that’s what you’re thinking’
you force a smile and when he turns away from you to look at Lucas again, you roll your eyes HARD, earning an amused look from Lucas
after they talk about, what you suppose are some organization matters, Lucas joins you behind the bar
'I hope we will work together well’ he says, smiling at you confidently; you can imagine that he uses this smile as his weapon
'if you don’t change your clothes, I don’t think that’s possible’ you shrug, not giving him the reaction he usually gets
'y/n… behave please’
you roll your eyes at your boss again
'okay, follow me, I’ll show you where you can change’
you throw the cloth on the bar and go to the back of the club, not even checking if Lucas follows you; you show him his locker and give him the clothes he needs to wear and he even starts to take off his T-shirt before you leave the room like he doesn’t care
you RUN to the bar again and continue cleaning it; Lucas reappears pretty quickly wearing his bartender uniform; by that I mean, black buttoned shirt with black pants and a black apron
you can’t help but check him out when he finally meets you at the bar; the curves of his lips go up automatically like he knows that you know that he knows that he looks good
you love and hate that smugness of his; come on, with that face you’re pretty much prepared for him to be a jerk
you put on your best professional face
'so as you may know, I’m y/n. I’m supposed to teach you stuff but honestly, I don’t even know what I’m doing here so it might be difficult’
'sounds great’
’ … just, make the orders and keep the place clean. if there’s a problem-’
'then I’ll just smile and everything will be okay’
he shoots finger guns at you and you raise your eyebrows; he laughs loudly soon after, covering his mouth with his hand
'that might work tho’ you admit defeated
'on you?’ he asks eagerly, the spark in his eyes reminding you of a child getting Christmas presents; you’re about to discover that he always looks like this
'don’t even think about it but our boss seemed quite whipped if you ask me. NOW-…’
okay, let’s be real here
Lucas is kinda used to people throwing themselves at him wherever he goes; that’s the price he has to pay for being this attractive
and as much as he doesn’t want to take advantage of this, he’s quite self-confident
so when he finds out that he’ll be working with you, there’s this thought that this job might be easier than he expected; everyone would try to help him out as much as they can, right? which means, he wouldn’t need to try too hard
and he’s actually relieved to discover that it’s not the case with you
you don’t treat him like everyone else does
you jump right straight to the work, showing him some of the recipes and you actually expect him to do well; but luckily, he’s ambitious and he wants to be good at this job so he lets you see the focused and serious side of him
that makes you change your mind about him as well; you were expecting him to be lazy and not interested in this job unless it’s about flirting with the customers but you’re wrong about that
you start talking and you find out the reason for him taking this job
apparently, he doesn’t want to be a burden for his parents and wants to start living more independently; also, he has his hobbies and he wants to be able to spend his own money on them
you’re surprised at how hard he works on his first day; he obeys everything you say, he’s careful about the recipes and even though he might not be fast and making them yet, he tries to learn them by heart; also, it’s nice to have a strong colleague that lifts heavy boxes with so much ease
but well, the girls start to go insane very quickly
when they notice that he’s the bartender, you get a crazy amount of orders and it’s honestly one of the busiest nights you’ve ever worked on
Lucas sends multiple apologetic looks your way when he sees how fast you have to move because of him
he tries to keep up as much as he can, but the girls just keep on talking to him and ask him questions and there are just so many things he has to do at the same time that he feels like he’s going to go mad very soon
BUT in the midtime, your tip jar is getting fuller and fuller with every minute and it’s the first time you’ve seen something like this
and even if Lucas makes a mistake and gives a wrong drink to the wrong person, no one even cares
the relief you feel when you can finally change out of your uniform after the night = indescribable
you’ve just finished changing when Lucas comes into the staff room, the tip jar in his big hands; his eyes are bigger than usual and he’s not even smiling which you find incredibly disturbing
'hey, y/n… that was crazy, right’
'crazy? bro, I can’t feel my legs' 
'I know, I feel guilty about all of this so and I couldn’t even help you as much as I wanted to… so take this’
you eye the tip jar that he holds up your way, then his face again, then the tip jar again
'I can’t take this, we both worked for it’
'it’s not fair, I didn’t do as much as you’
'well, if you weren’t there I wouldn’t even get a single coin’
'just take this y/n, don’t make it harder’
'I’m NOT taking this’
'OKAY THEN, what do you think about that. let’s take the money and eat something really good together’
you furrow your eyebrows at him and your stomach growls with hunger as you couldn’t even go on a break because of the amount of work
'so it’s settled’ he smiles widely, putting the jar on the table before starting to unbutton his shirt
anyways, that evening you go to get the biggest pizza available because 1. Lucas eats A LOT 2. you eat a lot as well
and that’s the moment when you decide that you were completely wrong about Lucas; he’s such a fun guy to be with, talking with him is so easy and also dangerous because eating and laughing this hard at the same time is life-threatening
the first day of working with Lucas ends with both of you smiling brightly as you wave at each other before parting ways and you’re excited for more
what he likes the most about you is how unfiltered you are, how real and genuine you act with him compared to everyone else that pretends to be someone else just to catch his attention 
while you, you’re clumsy. weird. chaotic even.
he still remembers how hard he laughed at you when you slipped on the wet floor which you’d just washed
but he also remembers how hard YOU laughed then, you were unable to stand straight as your body kept shaking with laughter and he decided to come and help you up but guess what? he slipped too
and your boss found both of you laying on the wet floor, roaring with laughter 
that was probably the best icebreaker for you
ever since that unlucky incident, you find yourself smiling at Lucas more and more, even when he just asks you if you ran out of tequila
but he’s like that too; he can’t wipe the smile off his face and he constantly chuckles and giggles and whenever the two of you talk, you both radiate such positive energy
the moment Lucas shares his favourite memes with you is the moment you just know this friendship is real
when it’s one of those Tuesday shifts that you actually like since not many people visit the club then, you and Lucas can chill; usually, you either study or, well, look at memes
or watch something on netflix under the bar on Lucas’ phone since it’s as big as your laptop, sharing earphones casually; sometimes you just want to watch it peacefully but he keeps on pausing just to throw in some joke or comment that makes no sense but even then, his goofy face still makes you smile
he still flirts jokingly but you’re used to it
'can you take this outside Lu’
'okay but will you go out with me’
'I told you it doesn’t work with me’
'that’s why I like you’ and he shoots finger guns at you
he’s also extremely caring and protective; when you show up to work looking terrible as you haven’t slept in 2 days, he makes you go and take a nap in the staff room while he covers for you
or once, when an old man starts saying some nasty stuff to you, he just appears in front of you, blocking your view completely with his wide back and you’ve never seen him this serious
he stares at the guy dangerously and says 'I would like you to leave the club now sir’
and when the man argues and threatens to complain to the manager, Lucas just hits the bar with his fist so hard that the whole club shakes, making the man run away instantly
but when he turns to face you, his face is calm and bright again
'are you okay?’
he can be so cute also
you once find him studying something at work, under the bar and you’re like ! he’s ambitious
and since you know the topic pretty well, you offer help
you meet in the library and he randomly shouts EUREKA or AHA! when he understands something making everyone jop
and you’re like.. okay so that’s the last time we came here together
and when you meet in the corridor on campus, he waves like crazy your way, his face so so bright and so happy it almost gives you butterflies
sometimes, after you finish work, Lucas watches you disappear in a crowd wondering why you’re not attracted to him
it’s not that he wants you to; he likes this friendship and he finds you unique because of the way you act around him and whatever you two have is important to him
but he can’t help feeling slightly… disappointed?
there’s something Lucas doesn’t know about you yet
you have something going on with Jaehyun
and something is the essential word here
Jaehyun is known for being scared of commitment and for months you’ve been seeing each other without putting a label on it… but the situation exhausts you and makes you feel bad
you knew how he was yet still you developed feelings; how embarrassing is that, to get upset over a boy the way you do sometimes
you see him with other girls and you can’t do anything about it because, he’s not yours
you can go weeks without messaging each other, seeing each other and sometimes you even get used to your life when he’s not in it
but somehow, he always finds the moment when you’re ready to let him go and asks you to meet him
usually, it’s when no other naive girl wants to meet up with him
and somehow, you still fall into the trap
Lucas finds out about you and Jaehyun one time when he accidentally hears you talking
since Jaehyun is a member of a band that plays gigs at the club every weekend, Lucas never paid attention to how much time you actually spend talking to him - he thought it was natural, you knew each other well and worked at the same place
but he should have paid attention to how you talk with him
you just seem different whenever you’re near Jaehyun; you’re much calmer, much more graceful, either curling your hair on your finger or playing with the material of his jacket’s sleeve
so after Jaehyun leaves, Lucas approaches you with his eyebrows furrowed and you welcome him with a smile
'who was that’
’… Jaehyun, you know him’
'no, I mean that girl talking to him’
you lift your chin confused, your eyebrows furrowed now as well
’… I was the only one talking to him’
'that?? that wasn’t you, you didn’t snort even ONCE’
and then you, well, snort unwillingly and he just throws up his hands basically yelling 'SEE’
'come on Lu, don’t be dramatic. that’s what people do when they like someone’
'oh, pretend? I don’t do that’
you roll your eyes at him, finding the way he reacts a little exaggerated but you also don’t know how to deal with him when he’s like that
'well, not everyone’s perfect like you, Xuxi’
'listen, it’s not okay man. you’re a great person, you’re funny and smart. why would you pretend to be different? this guy doesn’t know it yet but he’s missing out man’
you blink a few times, your eyes not leaving his serious face; his chocolate eyes and pouty lips; the warmth that spreads in your body makes you feel a little uneasy and the only thing you can say now is 
’… bro’
he swallows suddenly and diverts his gaze towards the exit before it lands on you again; his perfect smile back on his face now
‘want me to drive you home after?’
'HELL YEAH but quick question, will we survive this?’
'just look at me’
and he turns around in, what seems like, slow motion and when your eyes meet again, his playful smile has already changed into his charming, lady-killer smile
'do I look dead to you’
'did I really have to check you out to make this judgement’
'that was a bonus’
and he winks
you hit his chest with your fist, which was a stupid idea because his chest is way harder than you expected it to be, earning a laugh from him
he doesn’t know it yet, but what he said really moved you; you just suck at expressing your gratitude 
anyways, after work you stand together in front of the exit, watching his big, black motorcycle 
he zips up his leather jacket, his face so smug and so confident that you almost want to push him; he side-eyes you, the longer strands of his black hair meeting his forehead, giving him some retro charm
'you’re not scared, are you?’
'me? scared? very unlikely’
'I was just judging by the way you’re squeezing your purse now’
your knuckles are white now and your ears are starting to get red; you press your lips into a straight line from embarrassment and Lucas, again, chuckles
he offers you the helmet, his voice calmer and deeper when he speaks
'I’ll drive slowly. don’t worry, you’re safe with me’
you look up at him, your eyes reflecting the street lights and Lucas’ smile fades; he clears his throat before putting the helmet on your head, a little too suddenly
before you can put it on properly, Lucas is already sitting on the motorcycle; he pats the place behind him
'Lucas, if we end up dead, I’LL KILL YOU’
he shakes with laughter and your face brightens proudly; you sit just behind him, letting your hands wrap around his waist… in a completely friendly, don’t-want-to-get-killed way
'hold on tight, m'lady’
Lucas adds so much excitement to your life; you never expected yourself to be excited to go to work as you do recently or to watch bad movies just to make fun of them with him
and look at you know, you’re riding a motorcycle with him; your cheek pressed to his back, your hair blowing in the wind, with the stupidest grin on your face, doing something you’ve never thought you’d do
Lucas enjoys it as much as you do; the smile is playing on his lips whenever he feels your hands grabbing on the material of his leather jacket
it almost ends too quickly for you
'we’re here ma'am’
'what? already?’
'oh, look at you! weren’t you pissing your pants before?’
you slap his back jokingly before focusing on taking off your helmet; he watches you above his arm and your gaze stops on his side profile for a little too long
'thanks for not getting us killed’ you say, your feet finally landing on the ground 'be careful on your way home’
he waves at you, his lips spreading in a big, warm smile and he watches you until he’s sure that you made it to your block safely
because you’re so focused on Lucas, you almost forget about Jaehyun; he hasn’t messaged you in some time and when he shows up at the bar, you’re either busy with work or talking to Lucas and you don’t even know that it irks Jaehyun a lot
one Saturday, he comes up to your bar, leaving the rest of his bandmates at their usual table; the way he looks at you makes you nervous already, but since Lucas is at the back of the club, you have to serve him
'what can I get for you?’
'are you and Lucas a thing now?’
you smirk, grabbing a glass to clean it; his eyes are so intense you can’t look into them
'why, does it bother you?’
'of course it bothers me, the girl I’ve been seeing is constantly with another guy now’
'so that’s the problem? I’m the problem here? we’re not even a couple Jaehyun, and you’re the reason for it’
'well, I guess you don’t even care about it now that you have Lucas, huh?’
'and it’s you telling me that? you meet a different girl every week’
'well, at least I change them and Lucas? he’s always around you, it’s been like that for months now and it makes me look like an idiot’
'are you for real now? are you drunk?’
'it’s not something you should care about anymore, y/n’
and he pushes his body off the bar and joins his bandmates again with long, angry strides; only after he’s out of your sight, you let your body shake with the emotions and nerves
Lucas stumbles into the club but stops abruptly, seeing you dead serious like this; his whole face falls and he appears next to you in no time, his hands rubbing your shoulders to calm you down
'hey hey hey, what’s wrong?’
'I… I need to go outside for a bit, okay?’
he just nods his face but his lips become pouty which expresses how worried he is about you now; he looks around, trying to find a sign of what could have happened and when his eyes meet Jaehyun’s, he knows
he takes off his apron and leaves it at the bar, making his way to Jaehyun; he seems unstoppable
'oh, there he is. how is it going with y/n?’ Jaehyun asks, sitting more comfortably in his seat
'listen’ Lucas starts, his voice so dark that Jaehyun stops smirking immediately 'be careful around her, she doesn’t deserve your shit. if I see her hurt one more time because of you, we’ll have a big problem here’
and not giving him the time to respond, Lucas goes back to work
he can sense that you don’t want to talk about it, so when you come back to the club, he changes the topic and keeps you distracted
only when you’re cleaning the bar as the last task of that night, he says 'you know what, let’s go to a party! Yuta is throwing one on Friday’
'bro, I’m not invited’
'because he knew you’d come with me’ he shrugs, sending you one of the winks that you roll your eyes at
you sigh, cleaning the bar quicker now 'I don’t think I want to go’
'I checked my sources, he who shall not be named won’t be there’
your eyes travel to his completely calm and unfazed face; his eyebrows quirk up as if he’s asking what’s wrong
'did you really ask around for that’
he just shrugs, as it’s a normal thing but you’re once again overwhelmed with his caring nature and you have the urge to hug him now that you resist
'bad news tho, we’re working on Friday’
he puts his hand out in front of your face and smirk, before pointing at himself
'fear not m'lady, this face will get you anything’
and you just, scrunch your whole face from the cheesiness and reach to his cheek, squeezing it like he’s a baby
however, he was right
it’s a miracle but he manages to convince your boss to give you a day off and even if you don’t want to, you just have to go to the party now
Lucas feels responsible for you and he even picks you up from your apartment and drives you there
he tries to spend as much time with you as he can, but you get reminded of how popular he is and how many friends he has; every time he finds you and chats with you, there’s someone dragging him away from you
and usually it’s a girl trying to get him to dance with him; he’s too nice to decline most of the time, but even when he’s dancing with someone else, his eyes always find you
you stick to your group of friends but something’s wrong with your mood today; you just watch all of the couples - like Taeyong with his girlfriend slow-dancing to an upbeat song like nothing matters, their eyes not leaving each other for even a second - or especially your best friend with Taeil who you used to have a big crush on before, and your mind seems blocked 
you spend most of the time with Hyuck and his date and they’re so fun to be with, you’re laughing a lot whenever you with them but you just have to leave them alone when you see how Hyuck looks at her as if he wants to kiss her so badly
you find your oasis in the bathroom
sitting in the bathtub with the door closed never seemed so relaxing; you take a few deep breaths and check your phone, finding no new messages but you look at cute dog pics so it’s fine
then, you see Lucas’ name on the screen; he’s asking where you are so you tell him
he joins you in the bathroom soon; he locks the door after coming in, and he takes in your current state; you also take in how handsome he looks with his dark hair pushed back with gel and his shirt fitting his body perfectly
'did you drink a lot? why are you hiding here?’
'no, I guess I’m just not in the mood for a party’
he exhales, letting his body rest on the edge of the bathtub
'sorry, I shouldn’t have made you come here if you didn’t want to’
'no Lu, it’s fine. the idea was great, it’s just that there’s something wrong with me apparently’
'what do you mean?’
you catch his gaze and you sigh, feeling stupid immediately; you prop your head on your head
 'is it… because of him?’
'I don’t know anymore. the worst thing is that I knew it was gonna be like that with him and yet I still went with it’
'I guess I just wanted to feel how it is to be loved without getting too serious, too real. it’s scary’
'you deserve to be loved for real, y/n’
he falls silent, turning his gaze away from you to be able to think straight; you watch his side profile closely, your eyes taking in every inch of his skin
'why don’t you have anyone tho? there are queues asking for your number in the club every night’
'I don’t want to hurt anyone. I’m childish’
your forehead wrinkles, your gaze getting so intense that Lucas senses the way you look at him and returns the look
'yes, you’re goofy and childish sometimes but you’re so much more than that, Lu. you’re so positive, warm, caring and smart. you make me smile so much, do you even realize that?’
you watch his Adam’s apple moving when he gulps, his lips parting when he comes up with the response
'would you date me then?’
the atmosphere is so intense that for a moment there, you think he’s actually genuine about it; after a while, you let yourself smirk
'bro why do you keep asking this joke is getting old’
'I’m just waiting for you to change your answer’
you’re almost unable to hear this as someone starts knocking on the door loudly and screaming to open up
but you do hear it
Lucas takes your hand in his to help you up from the bathtub
when you’re out of the bathroom, you go straight to the kitchen to grab a drink, not expecting to see Jaehyun there
but for some reason, your heart doesn’t jump in your chest at his sight
he eyes Lucas who’s standing behind you; the corner of his lips lifts up in an ironic smile
'can I see you alone y/n, or are you dragging him with you everywhere nowadays?’
'don’t start, Jaehyun’
you’re surprised to see Lucas this tense; it’s like he’s sending daggers Jaehyun’s way and Jaehyun doesn’t back out in that battle as well
he comes closer to Lucas and looks him in the eyes
'isn’t it difficult to like someone who doesn’t like you back? you must be hurt whenever you see y/n with me, huh?’
and Lucas can’t take this anymore
he pushes Jaehyun powerfully; his body lands on the kitchen counter and before you can apprehend the situation, Lucas punches Jaehyun and they start fighting right before your eyes
thanks to Johnny and Yuta, you’re able to pull them away from each other but their fierce gazes and shaky breaths imply that they might jump to each other throats anytime again
you put your hand on Lucas’ shoulder to get his attention; he rips his gaze off Jaehyun just to see your big eyes and his body melts
you take in the sight of his face expression changing so quickly when he meets your eyes; something in your chest rises when you see his lip bleeding
'let’s go, okay?’
you apologize to Yuta and everyone who witnessed this before going out of the house with Lucas right behind you
‘y/n, I’m sorry, they said he wouldn’t be there and-’
you stop next to his motorcycle and he halts too
'why did you fight with him? are you really this dumb Lucas? you could have pulled a muscle, what about your competition next week?’
you don’t notice the way his face softens immediately
'is it really something you worry about? aren’t you curious if he’s okay?’
you just let out a big sigh before bringing you fingers to the blood on his lips; he hisses with pain
but when he looks down on you, the both of you freeze; your index finger brushes against the skin on his cheek, and you don’t even realize it; his face moves towards your palm, wanting to feel your warmth and he doesn’t realize it as well
you take your hand away from him
'can you… take me home?’
the next time you meet at work, it’s another busy night for you two and you forget about everything that happened on the party because,, there’s just,, so,, much,, to do
well, you don’t exactly forget about what happened - it just seems like both of you ignore it
around 3 AM, it finally starts to get a bit calmer and you’re even able to go to the bathroom
you leave your phone on the bar and excuse yourself
and Lucas really doesn’t want to do it, but when you get a text, his eyes travel to your phone automatically
and when he sees Jaehyun’s name there, he takes the phone in his hands
he can’t believe his eyes, seeing how Jaehyun wants you to meet him again
he’s about to throw a fit, he wants to go out and find Jaehyun and punch him again right now but then
'what do you think you’re doing’
Lucas turns around quickly, exposing himself with your phone in his hand; you furrow your eyebrows, he gulps
'I’m sorry, it’s not like that, I just-’
you snatch your phone from his hand; your gaze stays focused on the words that Jaehyun sent and you don’t move
'y/n, I’m sorry. I just have enough of this dude and I don’t want you involved with him’
'why? why are you so protective?
'he keeps on hurting you and you let him, if I need to fight him again to change this then I will’
'it’s still my choice to make, you have no right to look through my messages like this’
'I feel stupid, I’ll never do it again, just…’ his eyes travel all around the room before he manages to let it out 
'please, don’t meet him’
your shoulders drop at the sight of him like this, so vulnerable and worried; he plays with his fingers waiting for your response anxiously and your heart sinks
you delete the message from Jaehyun and put your phone in your pocket; you speak after gulping heavily
'I won’t meet him’
'you won’t?’
'it’s time to stop being naive. you’re right. I deserve to be loved’
one of the corners of his lips lifts and his mouth stretch into a wide grin; his hand finds its way to your hair and he ruffles them softly
'I’m relieved now’
'Lu, was he right then? is that why you punched him?’
Lucas stops, blinking a few times before he finally understands; he expects to see the disappointment in your eyes but when he doesn’t, it gives him the courage to speak
'I… I care about you, okay? and I don’t want to see you cry. I don’t want you near Jaehyun. I don’t want you sad, hurt or sick man’
his lips, again, get all pouty and his big, round eyes look straight into yours; this time, you welcome the heavy feeling in your chest gladly 
you stretch your hands towards him; he puts his hand on the back of your head and brings your face to his chest, your whole body fitting perfectly with his in a hug
his hands travel up and down your back and you press your body even closer to his to get more of his warmth
you feel him kissing the top of your head before he pulls away from you and for a second your heart seems so close to exploding
'now, m'lady, it’s time to clean!’
'no, Lu, do it alone, I’ll pay you’
‘you can’t afford me’
and like that, all the tension disappears; you and Lucas go back to what you had before and act like the bestest of friends at work but also on the campus
you help him study at his dorm, getting to know his friends better but they also visit you two at the club and sometimes, you and Lucas don’t have the time to talk alone even
you go out to eat regularly after work thanks to the tips Lucas still gets
and you even go to his swimming practises to cheer him on,,, you also see him shirtless and suddenly you don’t mind him changing next to you in the staff room
you also cut things with Jaehyun completely; he seems sincere when he apologizes to you and you know that deep inside, he isn’t that bad
but he’s bad for you
and there’s someone so much better right next to you, someone that you would trust with anything - also your heart
you watch Lucas swim across the swimming pool, you two are the only ones there at the moment
when he finishes, he throws his arms in the air and yells 'YEAAH!’ as if he won the Olympics or something
and you laugh at him, shaking his head
he comes out of the water, drying his hair with a towel messily; he then hangs it on his shoulder and sits at the edge of the swimming pool next to you
'was I cool’
'yeah, but then you screamed’
'I just can’t keep the emotions inside man’
you look at him with your eyes smiling and he shrugs smugly
'you know, you haven’t asked me if I wanted to go out with you for a while now’
'you told me to stop joking like this and you know I’m obedient’ his hand travels to his ear that filled up with water
'the answer might have changed’
Lucas stops; he tilts his hand and presses his lips together, waiting for you to continue; you look down on your hands before speaking up again
'I know, it’s sudden and it makes no sense but I love spending time with you. you make me feel so important and with you, I can’t stop smiling… I just want you to know that I think I like you’
his expression doesn’t change, he’s still serious and he tries to find out if you’re honest by looking into your eyes
'only after meeting you, I realised that whatever feelings I had for Jaehyun, they weren’t real. he has never made me feel the same way I feel when I’m with you and I needed some time to realise that, but I finally did’
he brushes the hair from your face, a smug smile appearing on his face
'will you go out with me then?’
your nose scrunches when you laugh and you get overwhelmed when you feel his fingers tracing the skin of your palm before he intertwines your fingers
'I’d love to’
and you don’t expect him to screech the way he does, covering his face with his other hand as if he just heard the cringiest thing in the world
and you to calm him down but you also laugh out loud; you’re both not able to contain your smiles
he moves his face closer to you and kisses your nose first, then his lips find yours and he pecks them a few times sloppily before finally, landing your first proper kiss on them
he presses his wet body to yours and shivers overcome your whole body and you’re getting wet as well but you don’t care
eventually, Lucas drags you into the water with him and after you yell at him, you begin splashing each other with water and kissing and laughing maniacally
he warns you though
he says that he was never serious with anyone before and he might turn out to be the worst boyfriend ever
but it’s totally not the case
you’ve never imagined yourself to be so happy 
he’s still your best friend and still behaves the same way as before; every time you’re with him your cheeks hurt from laughing and you can’t contain your happiness
he’s still caring; when you’re sick he makes sure you take care of yourself; he calls you after your studying sessions and keeps talking to you until he knows you’re asleep - because you tend to stay up late and then you’re like a zombie the next day
he’s still protective; whenever someone talks to you without showing respect, he just appears next to you and asks them politely to change their ways
his words might be polite but his gaze sure isn’t
he gives AMAZING hugs, it’s like your body melts into his and you weigh nothing; one hug of his and you suddenly have no problems, life is beautiful and flowers are blooming
and the feeling of his hand holding yours? indescribable
it makes you feel extremely safe and reassured like there’s nothing that’s impossible for you
whenever he laughs at your jokes, you feel like the funniest person in the world and you just want to make him laugh and laugh and laugh; his chuckles sounded obnoxious once but now they’re the best sound in the world in your ears
and when he looks at you with his big brown eyes, you feel so beautiful; when he smiles at you, you feel like you can do anything
you sometimes can’t believe how lucky you are to have this big dork next to you; when he falls asleep while studying with you in the library (yeah you take him there again), you count his eyelashes and trace your fingers across his cheeks and play with his soft hair and just, admire how handsome and perfect he is
he’s also unstoppable
whenever he sees your gaze falling to his plump lips, he just goes for it and cups your face in his big hands and kisses you hungrily, as if he hadn’t just kissed you a few minutes ago
he loves giving you random kisses
at work, you can be just making an order for something when he suddenly comes up to you and gives you a peck on the cheek unexpectedly and it leaves you blushing EVERY.TIME.
still, your random make-out sessions in the staff room make you blush the most
or when you’re explaining something to him, he just shuts you up with a quick kiss
and you look at him with a straight face because,,, you were talking about some real important stuff,, but when he grins at you and his cheeks go up like this, you can’t even be mad
he’s so proud to show you off in front of everyone; he’s always holding your hand or having his arm around your shoulder or just touching you in some way
and your friends are as positive as him, they love you
and whenever you interact with them as if they were all your best friends of 12 years, he just lights up with pride
the thing is, none of the people that had a crush on him before seems mad about him being in a relationship? they actually seem to love him even more because seeing you two interact makes everyone’s hearts just go crazy
you’re so incredibly sweet together, you don’t even fight
Lucas would hate himself forever if he ever hurt you; so,,,, he just lets you win all the time
there was only one fight between the two of you, early in your relationship and he cried and you cried and you just ended up hugging and comforting each other on the floor
since then, Lucas has decided to never start a fight and since you’re easy-going as well, you don’t really need to fight
you both shower each other with compliments and support all the time; your texts are filled with heart emoji and memes basically
but you secretly love the moments when you lay down in your bed talking about everything just before you doze off; none of you knows exactly what you’re talking about it but it’s just so wholesome and listening to his deep, hushed voice just makes you fall in love with him again and again
in conclusion, you’re so in love with Lucas and you tell him that for the first time after he wins a competition
he’s all wet and tired and not breathing properly even, when you throw yourself at him
and he lifts you up and twirls with you in his arms and you leave sloppy kisses all over his face
'I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you..’
’…. is 'man’ your pet name for me’
and he laughs hysterically and you just shake your head before joining in
so yeah, you’re undoubtedly in love with the biggest dork of them all, Lulu
you once get startled when you come across Jaehyun on the campus; you squeeze Lucas’ hand to warn him not to do anything stupid
but Jaehyun smiles at the two of you and acts incredibly friendly? 
you’re not friends with him but you’re in good terms; actually, you’ve heard some stories about him falling in love? 
but that’s… a story for another time >:)
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missartus · 4 years
Merry Christmas!
Figured that I should write a post at Christmas, given all the chaos that’s been 2020 lol. Well, for one, Covid’s still here and so it’s still been pretty hard for everyone. Personally, my Christmas obviously changed in a way that it’s more chill this time around. Not that I’m complaining ‘cause this is probably my most preferred way of celebrating the holidays, but I’d rather have a chill Christmas because I wanted it and not because the circumstances forced us to. I didn’t even bother to dress up nor put on some makeup because I was really lazy to do so, and to be honest, the Christmas spirit isn’t really as felt this time around. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who feels this. 
Anyway, I didn’t really intend to make a depressing post LOL. It’s the other way around, actually. I’ve been meaning to write something for a few days now but I’ve been lazy. I actually wanted to say that given all the chaos, thankfully I had a couple of things that kept me sane. They’re mostly new hobbies and interests, and some may come off as a shock, even. So here are my life updates so far. A list of things that helped me survive 2020 😌
It started with a box of pancake mix. A few months back, I was supposed to make some pancakes for an afternoon snack, but then I was kinda tired with eating pancakes that I wondered if there is any other way I can turn that mix into. I eventually ended up with these hard chocolate turnovers lmao. After that, I was suddenly baking almost every week. So far, I’ve baked coffee buns, lemon bars, pandesal!, pound cakes, cookies (ofc), and cinnamon rolls. I’m targeting to go for naked cakes but I am yet to buy an electric mixer. For someone who hates measurements and all, it’s a shock for me to be into baking. But it’s been so therapeutic for me. The kneading of the dough, the whisking, mixing, the rise, the waiting on the oven — so zen. I guess, it’s cause it keeps my mind off of things, and whenever I bake, I’m just so focused on what I’m doing. So it’s like, I’m in my own bubble of productivity for a long while. Also, I’d say it kinda helps with my self-esteem, as baking has allowed me to prove to myself that I can do something delish. Whenever I look at the finished products, I couldn’t believe that I, me, Mich, me, did that! I think that happened when I made pandesals and when I really liked the cinammon rolls. I was like, “Omg, I can’t believe I did this!” Aside from my fam, I’ve sent a few of my pastries to friends as well, and some say that I should start a business already lol. But that’s so far from my mind right now. I mean, I’d want to, in the future. But not sometime soon. I still want to enjoy this season where I’m plainly learning and enjoying the process of baking. I don’t, and am not, prepared for the pressure and hassle of it all yet. 🤪
I’ve been working out for a few years now but I wasn’t as consistent as how I’ve been the past couple of months. I used to workout every freaking day, but lately it would just be about thrice or four times a week. My past blog posts would give you a hint about my relationship with my body and food. It hasn’t been really nice in general, but working out really does help me improve my mindset towards my body image. Admittedly, I began working out because I wanted to lose weight, but eventually (and thankfully), it transformed into me working out because it makes me strong and it benefits my mental health a lot. I do a variety, although most times I’d do cardio, then I’ll just pair it up with either weights or another round of cardio but dance.
The process has been fun, and I don’t really pressure myself or limit myself when it comes to food. I still eat whatever’s there, but right now it’s all portion control, really. In all fairness, I think because I’ve been working out, my appetite isn’t as huge as it used to be. I get fuller fast these days, and I rarely binge-eat, unless I re-stock on Korean grocery food hahahaha. Anyway speaking of Korean, here’s my last interest update...
Yup. As in that K-pop boyband. As in Bangtan Sonyeondan. As in that band who’s taking over the world. What a plot twist, right? I’ve never been into K-pop to begin with, so BTS (and eventually, K-pop in general) is probably my biggest musical plot twist so far. I initially was supposed to write a whole separate blog post about this (because that’s how OBSESSED I AM WITH BTS) but I figured that I’ll just include them in this “life update” entry. But for real, it began back in October, when I saw this screenshot of RM’s WeVerse comment/reply to a fan. I’m pasting it here for reference lol.
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For some reason, I was really impressed after seeing this. I’ve known the band for a while already. I know how big they are and I even have friends who are huge fans. I’ve seen a couple of their online content in the past as well, but I think it was this image that made me really realize why they’ve been getting so much attention and why their fanbase just keeps on growing. This was the first time that I “got it”, if you know what I mean. Anyway, a bit after that my ARMY friends messaged me and I was immediately swooped into the world of BTS. I don’t regret any of it though haha! I have so much feelings about this topic (lololol) but I’ll try to hold back. Who knows, I might continue with that separate blog post anyway 💁‍♀️ My bias is Namjoon (my goodness, this man is such a dream), while my bias wrecker is Jimin. Although I think my bias wrecker changes everyday now lmao. 😂 I’ll say this though, it wasn’t their pretty faces that got me. If anything, I think that really comes as secondary, because what made me an Army was their talent, their story, and their character. These boys are really men of substance, and their songs and advocacy can attest to how principled they are. Their songs have also helped me so much as I am still in the process of improving myself, my mental health, and all these introspective things. I remember this one time where I bawled my eyes out when I was reading through the English translation of Answer: Love Myself. In a year when I almost lost myself again due to how depressing this year was, it feels good to root for something, or in this case, someone, and see them flourish in success. They really started at the bottom, and I guess in a way their story also inspires me to keep on doing what I’m doing, knowing that someday, everything will make sense and I’ll finally make it. 
BTS also led me to listen to other K-pop acts as well such as Day6 (another fave!), Monsta X, Shinee, IU, Henry, and BlackPink (very recently hahaha) Ok, I’ll stop right there. 😬 Funny how I just cannot get the K-pop hype for so many years, and now I’m genuinely enjoying it. It’s become my go-to work soundtrip also as I don’t get carried away by singing along to the lyrics as, ofc, it’s in a different language lol.
I remember last year when my colleagues at work gave me this plant and they assured me that it won’t die but it did. It kinda made me think that I don’t have a green thumb and that I can never maintain a plant. But guess what, I have about 7 plants now and THEY’RE ALL THRIVING SO WELL. I’m so invested in these plant babies and I’m so proud of myself that they’re all so alive and doing well. There were some scares, I admit. Like this one time when I attempted to re-pot my Syngonium Arrowhead and it almost died lol but I re-did it and thankfully it resurrected hahahahaha. Again, just like what I said about BTS and my baking, my plants are also testament to how it feels nice to root for (no pun intended) something and see them thrive, and how it feels so satisfying and reassuring to see something that I’ve been taking care of live healthy and happy. 
So yeah, there’s that. 
Those are what my life has been circling around these days. As I’ve said, I’m very grateful that I got into these things, little as they may seem as compared to others. But hey, they make me happy, and I think at this point in time, as long as something makes you happy and sane, that’s all that matters. You do you, girl. Wow, I can’t believe that I wrote this long. It’s been a while since I did! Anyway, I’m gonna end this here now as it’s getting late and I still have stuff to do. 
Merry Christmas!
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ktheist · 5 years
in the absence of the light
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taehyung x reader. 2k words. angst.
it started with two strangers sharing a lighter.
It was drizzling when the door swung open.
A man probably in his 20′s was covering his head with his hand as though he wouldn’t end up sick with damp clothes and dry hair. But each their own. He’d brought out pack of cigarette and fully intended to light it when he placed it between his lips and patted his body to come up naught.
Otherwise, why would he have asked you.
“Say, you wouldn’t have a lighter, would you?”
It was nice of him to ask as you took a drag of your own cigarette.
He’d mumbled out a thanks when you’d offered to light it up for him - actually, the only exchange that could pass as an offer was the click of the lighter and the fire that you’d shielded away from the wind and droplets.
He was Taehyung by the way. You murmured with your own introduction and a wave your hand. The cigarette tucked between your index and middle finger.
You spoke of many things, like how you were doing two jobs to pay for rent and how he was riding on a full scholarship and was innocently amazed because he never worked a day in his life - his parents wanted him to concentrate on his studies. It was his first year and you were halfway through yours. Architecture was his major but he had always loved music - particularly jazz. He heard they played jazz a lot here so that’s why he came here. You told him you handpicked the songs and would invite the bands for every Friday.
Then his phone rang, it’d been brief but for someone who was already brighter than the sun, he just seemed to glow when he was talking to the person at the other end.
“It’s my girlfriend, she’s here and has a sneaky suspicion I’ve snuck out for a drag or two.”
“You never get past them.” You remarked.
Taehyung became a regular who would sit at the bar and asked you about your day. That was, if he wasn’t with his group of friends or girlfriend. You could be wrong, but you thought you saw him by himself more than you did with company.
There was a wistful smile playing on his lips as the music filled the otherwise solemn pub.
“What are you doing this Thanksgiving?” He asked one day.
“Here.” You absently said while polishing shot glasses.
“You’re not going home?” It was almost innocent how he sounded surprised at your answer. “Spend it with your family?”
“Nah, I got class the next day. Besides, they pay double on holidays.”
You didn’t remember agreeing to it per se, but somehow you ended up at Taehyung’s place after work on Thanksgiving. Hugging Sooyoung, you’d passed her the bottle of - decent - wine you picked up on the way here with your recently received paycheck. When Jungkook, one of Taehyung’s friend that you figured became your friend over the time he patronized the pub, went over with his booming loud voice and bear hug.
“Look who showed up!”
The invitation was strictly no-kids which meant a heck lot of booze and borderline illegal ‘fun’. You were slightly buzzed when you took a drag of your cigarette on the door step of Taehyung’s house.
“I’m thinking of proposing to Sooyoung,” his cheeks had been pink - you weren’t sure whether it was the effect of the alcohol or the thought of marrying his significant other, “I’m gonna go buy the ring tomorrow.”
“You got any idea in mind?” Your voice had been coarse but you blame it on the shouting and laughing when Jungkook was giving Namjoon a lap dance because of some bet he lost. “What her preferences are?”
He ran a hand through his long hair, smiling cheekily and shaking his head, “can you help a friend out?”
You breathed out a half-chuckle, “what would you do without me?”
“I know.” His chuckle was more genuine, freer as he accepted the bud you passed.
Taehyung had picked the simple diamond encrusted ring that you pointed out when you went ring-hunting that day after Thanksgiving.
He’d got on one knee in front of his family and friends - of course, you were invited as well - on Christmas eve. You advised him against his idea grand rose petals and candles in the park because for one, it was cold and two, you had gotten to know enough of Sooyoung to know she would hate the extra public attention.
In some ways, you two related to each other when it came to Taehyung and his overzealous escapades.
Sooyoung literally jumped into your arms and engulfed you in a bone-crushing hug when she saw you in front of the door, “thank you.”
“What do you mean?” You pretended you didn’t know.
“We’re both aware Taehyung couldn’t have picked out a cute ring that caters to my preference without a little guidance.” She nudged your arm and winked.
You couldn’t help but laugh.
She saw the pack of cigarette's you didn’t have the time to slip back into your pockets and tsk-ed in a maternal kind of way - though your own mother would bite your head off every time she hugged you and noticed the smell of smoke on you.
She knew Taehyung had already made an escape but she was letting him off the hook tonight.
“I’m quitting.” You had lamented in a puff. “I got a job - a real job at a big shot company.”
“Holy shit. Why didn’t you tell us at dinner?” Taehyung’s eyes had lit up so bright, you almost didn’t understand how someone could be so happy for another person for landing a job you’d seen coming anyway.
“I didn’t want to steal a spotlight.” You shrugged.
“Steal the spotlight? This is the best news I’ve ever heard, you’ve been working your ass off, you deserve the job  - it’s like double good things happening in one night!”
Then the answer hit not much later; that you were his friend, dare you say one of his closest.
To your surprise, Taehyung showed up to your graduation. He drove a whooping one hour to get your university. He moved away when he got a lucrative job offer - the only mode of communication you had was Instagram. And you’d only posted a story of the hall where blue caps were mostly visible.
“Oh, you have my blessing.” Your mom cooed when she realized the man with a bouquet of sunflowers and roses were walking up to you.
“Mom, that’s Taehyung.” Your tone is warning - the last thing you need is your mother making it awkward. “He’s engaged.”
“Well, I don’t see a fiancee anywhere.”
Thankfully, your mom had kept her mouth shut, greeting and asking about his background like a mother who was mildly curious about her anti-social child’s friend.
To be fair, you had plenty of friends and went to a bunch of parties in between work and studying. You just didn’t bother to keep in touch with them after you left.
“Where’s Sooyoung? I thought you guys are together twenty-four-seven.”
Taehyung’s smile had turned sour but he quickly shook the question off, saying something about wedding preparations.
But Taehyung being Taehyung eventually spilled the predicament as he took another shot at the bar where you used to work.
“I don’t know if I’m making the right choice, you know? We’re both so young - I just started working and she’s asking why I don’t have as much time as I did for her.” It was like a broken tap, everything just poured out; his anxiousness, his hopes, his dreams, “what if it gets worse? What if work demanded more of my time and she’s left alone at the house? I don’t want to bind her like that.”
You weren’t much of a talker so you hugged him and muttered words you hoped would mean something to him.
“It’s going to work out, Tae.”
It was a minute later that you realized Kim Taehyung, the bright, shining sun out of your - his, then - circle of friends, was so terribly scared that he was breaking down in your arms.
“I’m so fucking scared, ___.”
You kept repeating those words over and over again until he stopped shaking. He’d looked up and you thought he had the prettiest brown eyes you’d seen. Someway, somehow, the lips you thought looked the softest was on yours. He tasted like cheap liquor and salmon from the dinner you had before he drove your parents to their hotel.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what got into me-”
“Don’t mention it,” you cut him off with a wave, “I need a smoke. You got a lighter and cig? I ditched mine in my drawer when I heard my mom was coming.”
That night, you learned two things that shifted the stars in your world.
“Actually, I quit smoking six months ago.”
1) The sides you’d both revealed to each other was based off everything unhealthy in your lives - namely the packs of cigarette's you couldn’t recall how much off and 2) you realized you were losing the man you never had in the first place.
“Rise and shine, sleepy-head.”
There’s a smell of pancakes and something bitter. The two somehow came hand-in-hand. It took you five seconds to stretch body, another five to realize the other side of the bed was cold and empty, the last five was reserved for the realization that someone had waken you up.
A kiss landed on your temple as you rubbed your tired eyes, already sitting up. There’s a tray on your lap that smelled delicious - as were the other things Jungkook had conjured up in the kitchen.
“Look what came in the mail.” He waved his iPad in the air as he slipped into his side of the bed, arm touching yours.
You mumbled a ‘what?’ in between bites of the savory goodness before the answer is shoved in your face. It took you another five seconds to adjust to the light but when you trailed the cursive font, you knew this day was going to come.
Ladies and gentlemen,
You are invited to Kim Taehyung and Park Sooyoung’s wedding.
Please, RSVP at your earliest convenient.
Almost two years passed since that night. You still kept up with each other, commenting on the other’s stories but that was as far as staying in contact went.
You’d met Jungkook when you were transferred to the branch office of the company you’d been working at. As the manager of the project you were transferred to oversee, you couldn’t escape the brains of the company in collaboration with yours.
At first, it was dinner with the whole team. And then, since you were both of a leading position, you’d went to dinner as colleagues to discuss about the project. At one point, you took his invitation to his place in satire reminiscence of your younger self. Next thing you knew, the project was a success and so was your dating life - for once.
“Should we bring two presents?” You look at Jungkook who looked back at you before the both of you broke into laughter.
For well-off directors, you two were pretty shady.
Sooyoung always had the warmest hugs.
“Careful, don’t break my other half.” Jungkook had commented when you were too nice to tell her you needed to breathe and possibly uncracked bones to function.
“I didn’t know you were together!” She squealed like a child who saw her favorite persons finally - as she said - together. “Tell me all about it.”
“It’s a long story.”
“I have all the time in the-” Before she could finish her sentence, one of her bridesmaids were on her side and in a blink of an eye she was whisked away to greet another seemingly important guests.
You’d danced with Namjoon for the first half before Jungkook swept in because he was ‘too bored waiting for my other half to ask me for a dance’.
“To be fair, I was dancing to one of Frozen’s soundtracks which you almost always told me to ‘go away, ___.’” You mimicked his squeaky version of Elsa’s rejection.
“Me? Never!” He had the audacity to sound flabbergasted.
You’d rolled your eyes and rested your head on his shoulder when a slow song came on. In the soft flow of the melody, your eyes met Taehyung’s who was dancing with his bride.
There’s a wistfulness in the way you both smiled at each other that brought you back to the back of the pub on that rainy day.
It’s brighter now.
check out my masterlist for other fics!
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daisylincs · 4 years
Staticquake 20, 13 with enemies to lovers
20 = Teacher AU and 13 = Detective AU. With enemies to lovers!! Oh, this is going to be FUN. 
Daisy is a teacher at Shield Academy, a unique school in that it's specifically for orphans, specifically to help them find a family in friends. For Daisy, an orphan herself, the school's mission means so much. She never had access to something like this when she was stuck in the system, but she knew it would have changed her life if she had. And seeing how it changes little orphans' lives every day means everything to her. 
Then, one horrible day, it comes out that one of the school's top board members, John Garrett, is completely corrupt. The asshole was siphoning funds off people's generous donations to Shield, and using them for his own illegal means. 
Everyone worries that the school is going to be closed down, Daisy more than anyone - this place is her life and soul, and a passion project in the way none of her colleagues can really understand. 
But luckily Coulson, their headmaster, has a kind of grudging partnership with the local police captain, Talbot. So instead of being shut down, they just have to have a detective in each class until they find out who was helping Garrett (because there's no way he was acting alone.) 
For her part, Daisy HATES it. This is a school for helping little orphans find families, dammit, not for freaking them out by having a cop standing over them the whole time. 
And no, she doesn't care how cute he is. 
(Because of course her assigned detective is cute. The universe is unfair that way.) 
That doesn't change the fact that she hates him. 
She has to give it to him, though, he really tries to be nice at first. "I'm Lincoln," he says, holding out his hand for her to shake and offering her a nice smile. 
"Yeah, I don't care," she says coldly, brushing past him and leaving him standing, surprised, in the doorway. 
He doesn't get the memo, and tries to corner her before her next class. "Hey, uh, I don't think we met properly earlier -" 
"No, we didn't," she interrupts, slamming her coffee mug down with a lot more force than necessary. "And I'm not interested in meeting properly now, either." 
She gets up and leaves him gaping after her again (if she's not careful, this is going to become a thing.) 
The next period, he seems to have learned his lesson a bit, and just wordlessly holds open the door for her. (She steps on his toes on the way past.) 
And for the rest of the day, she takes a vindictive kind of pleasure in making him fetch and carry for her the silliest things for her. If she has to have a cop standing there spoiling her lessons, she figures, she might as well make use of him. 
Now it doesn't matter how nice a person you are, eventually you're going to get annoyed when someone keeps sending you off on senseless errands. Daisy knows that perfectly well. In fact, she's counting on it. 
"Why are you so determined to hate me?" a frustrated Lincoln demands when her kids have left for the day, folding his arms and glaring at her. "What did I ever do to you?" 
"You mean aside from scaring my kids and spoiling my classes?" she replies archly. "You're here, and you're a cop. Isn't that enough?" 
"I'm a detective," he corrects. "And what do you have against the police?" 
"That's none of your business," she says, letting her voice bite cold. "See you tomorrow, Sparky." (That last bit as a mockery of the lightning-bolt insignia of his department.) 
The next day (and the next), she makes it her personal mission to make his life as much of a hell as possible. If he thought yesterday was bad, oh boy he hasn't seen anything yet. Computers keep breaking, cables and whiteboard markers keep disappearing, and somehow it's always his job to go find replacements. 
And that's not even the best part. That's when she sweet-talks Nick, their grumpy one-eyed cook, into giving him chilli sauce instead of ketchup with his burger, and salt instead of sugar in his coffee. 
Really, it's no secret that Daisy hates Lincoln. And it shouldn't be all that surprising that he starts to hate her right back. 
And he's a cop. So he has full right to pull her over for questioning whenever he likes. 
Which of course he does. Constantly. 
Everything about him just makes her so irrationally furious. There's the way all her colleagues seem to like him - which, excuse me, guys, he's a cop?? He's literally here to investigate you! And there's that mocking smile he gives her when he pulls her out of class at just the right time to annoy the living hell out of her, the smile that makes her want to slap him so hard because he should not be allowed to look that attractive while being such an asshole. Then there's the fact that he won't stop bugging her about why she's so against the police, which somehow always evolves into the two of them yelling at each other about "stubbornness" and "none of your damn business" and "bloody infuriating!" 
Honestly, their feud is becoming the stuff of legend in the school. She swears she saw one of her older students, a mildly obsessive girl called Ruby, recording one of their shouting matches the other day. 
And it's not just the students. On no less than fifteen occasions to date, Hunter has made it his personal mission to drop into her class and go "killed each other yet? No? Oh, what a shame." 
Mack's in on the joke, too, and teases her relentlessly about it. He's even taken to calling Lincoln her boyfriend, which is the most ridiculous thing she's ever heard. It's just Hunter's idiocy rubbing off on Mack - there's no way she and Lincoln would date, ever. He's the worst. And even if he is kind of cute, that's TOTALLY not the point. 
Jemma just shakes her head at the whole thing. "You're acting like an idiot, Daisy," she says in her yes-I'm-right-and-we-both-know-it voice. "Both of you are. And you're going to regret it someday." 
As always, Jemma is right. 
Because Talbot somehow gets it into his head that she, Daisy, is the one who was working with Garrett. 
"But that's ridiculous!" she shouts, and everyone in the room agrees emphatically. "Shield is my life, why the hell would I betray it?" 
It's then that Lincoln comes in. 
And Daisy just thinks, oh, shit. 
Because of course the cop that's been monitoring her thinks she's the biggest asshole in the world. He hates her, and now that she thinks about it, her behaviour towards him could actually very easily be seen as aggression because she didn't want to be found out. 
Oh, shit. 
She's dead. She's so, so, so dead. 
She starts to panic a little. Shield is her entire life - she pours everything she has into this school, into helping these little orphans find a family in friends the way she's found a family in her colleagues. If they take Shield away from her, she doesn't know what she'll do. 
She meets Lincoln's gaze, sure that she's going to see triumph there, but all she finds is confusion. 
"Daisy?" Lincoln asks, incredulous. "You think Daisy's working with Garrett?" 
Talbot nods. And to Daisy's total shock, Lincoln shakes his head firmly. "That's impossible." 
"What do you mean?" Talbot asks impatiently. "She's the computer science teacher, it would be easy for her to steal funds like this." 
"But she'd never do it," Lincoln says, firm. "This school means everything to her. She cares about it and the kids here more than anything." 
"It's not Daisy," he repeats emphatically. "You got that?" 
Grudgingly, Talbot agrees, and the whole room sags in relief. Daisy's colleagues rush to hug her, but all she can feel is numb disbelief. 
Lincoln defended her. Lincoln defended her. After all the asshole-y things she did to him, and all the times she went out of her way to make his life a living hell, he defended her. 
She's still standing there in a state of shock as everyone trickles out of the room. It's only when Lincoln makes to leave that she snaps to her senses. 
Grabbing him by the arm, she pulls him into an empty classroom, ignoring Mack's knowing little smirk. 
"You defended me," she tells him, still holding on to his arm. "Why?" 
"What, you thought I was going to let that moustached dirtbag drag you off to jail for a crime you didn't commit?" he asks archly. 
She shrugs, suddenly feeling like she's really misjudged him. "No, but… you hate me."
"So maybe you're not my favourite person in the world," he says, and that gets a smile out of her. "But it's obvious that you care a lot about these kids. The way you smile when they look at you, and the way they smile back - it's honestly incredible. Very few people will care so much about kids who have so little. I don't need to like you to see that you're an incredible person."
Daisy is genuinely touched. Okay, so maybe she did misjudge him, just a little. And maybe she was a little unfair to hate him immediately. 
"I'm an orphan, too," she admits, properly meeting his clear blue eyes for the first time. "That's also why I hate the police. They were always the ones who pulled me from foster home to foster home. I guess after a while … every bad thing that happened, I just associated with them. It’s an orphan thing, I think." 
"So that's why you hated the idea of a police detective in your class," he says, his eyes flooding with understanding. 
She nods, dropping her gaze. "Yeah. And it's unfair to you, I get that, but…" 
"Don't apologise for having a shitty past," he says, firmer than she expected. "No-one's ever going to blame you for it." 
"I'm not apologising for that," she says, meeting his eyes again. Wow, they really are very blue. "I'm apologising for taking it out on you. That was wrong." 
"A little," he admits. "But hey, I'm not entirely blameless in this, either. I was kind of an asshole, pulling you out of class right when it'd annoy you." 
"Kind of an asshole?" she snorts. "Try the dictionary definition of asshole." 
“And what does that make you?" he asks, arching her eyebrows in a way that should annoy her but is instead making her catch her breath. 
"I don't… know," she says, suddenly sharply aware that she hasn't let go of his arm yet. Oh, and they've also somehow drifted closer during this whole conversation, so that there's now barely ten centimetres of space between them. 
God, this is awkward. And it's only made worse by the fact that Daisy definitely just thought about kissing him. 
She makes to pull her arm away, cheeks burning, but Lincoln stops her with a hand on hers. "Wait." 
And that one word is enough to spur her into action. Firmly closing the last distance between them, she wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him. 
She kisses him with all the annoyance of a thousand arguments, where she raged at herself for finding him so attractive just as much as she raged at him. She kisses him with weeks' worth of denial and repressed feelings, and hot damn. 
That's a kiss. "What do you say," she says when they break apart, totally breathless, "we turn this into a whole different kind of fighting?" 
"I cannot believe you just said that," he says dryly. "But I'm in." 
"Good," she says, and kisses him again. 
(The police department finds Garrett's mole a few days later - the douchebag-y Phys Ed coach, Grant. But for some reason, Lincoln keeps coming back to the school. And for some reason, Teacher Johnson never yells at him or tells him to leave.
Teacher Simmons just rolls her eyes whenever any of the students ask her about it. "Cluelessness," is all she'll say in explanation, before walking away to go plan their next science project with her boyfriend. 
The whole school figures it out eventually, of course. Daisy and Lincoln aren't exactly subtle. 
But everyone is really, really happy for them.
The End.) 
This is my favourite bullet-point fic yet - thank you thank you thank you lovely anon for this wonderful prompt!!
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lou-is-creative · 5 years
Unpredictable (pt 8)
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ꜰᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ: 6 Underground
ᴍᴀɪɴ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ: Four/Billy // Eight/???
ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ: Four/Billy x male!Oc
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7: Other plans
ꜱᴏɴɢ:  Death of me - SAINT PHNX
𝔹𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤, 𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤. 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥!
AN: Pic isn’t mine, sorry this took so long, have fun!!
TRIGGER WARNING!!!!!!!!! VIOLENCE !!!!!!!!!!!!
Eight had stopped his car in front of a small bridge. He and the others observed the scenery quietly.
Six security men were eying the car suspiciously, while holding their guns a little tighter. One of them, who seemed to be a little bit lost and unsure, was pushed forward to do a check up.
The ghost opened his window, putting on a slightly frightened face to maintain his image.
He greeted the stranger and the other looked quite happy to not be the only one who didn't quite know what was going on.
"Who are you and what do you want? This bridge is private property."
"Uhhhh I am.. Jacob, I want to visit Amanda... But I guess I'm at the wrong address?"
The man in front of him started to relax a bit.
"Oh okay, you're Jacob. Well that is something different. We were told that you'd come here. Not exactly that you'd come with such a cool car, but we knew you'd come"
Eight smiled, genuinely happy he found someone else who liked his car. Five groaned.
"You like it? It's brand new."
"It looks very nice. And- oh, you have a watch in the same colour?"
The guy asked and the proud owner of the matching watch on his wrist looked at it, smiling cheekily.
"I do, yeah. Thought it looked great together."
Now even the guy with the gun started to look rather interested than business like.
"It does, so what model is it exactly?"
He let his gun sink and eventually even put it away to take a better look at the interior design of said car.
"Mercedes C-class, AMG of course. Engine too. Maybe I can show you later, if we have some time left"
The boy in the car let the guy look, completely aware of what he was doing, as he heard a familiar voice speaking. Familiar, but not necessarily liked.
"Eight stop talking about your fucking car, no one cares."
Not letting anyone see how pissed he was, the newest member of the group just smiled it off.
"You'd do that? It would be awesome."
"Of course, but only if I have the time. Could be that I gotta rush back, if you understand. But it would be nice for next time!"
He looked at his watch shortly.
"God, I really have to go, can I pass? I swear we're gonna talk again after all of this but I really have to leave."
Eight raised his hand to say good-bye and the security man stepped aside, giving his colleagues a sign to let him pass.
"By the way..."
Eight started his engine and looked at the security man one last time, smiling softly.
"Keep that up, you're doing a good job. I was shit scared to be honest."
And the smile he got back was the most sincere the man with the gun could offer. A quiet 'thank you' left his mouth before Eight passed the bridge. It was one of his talents to know exactly what a person needed to hear.
"Thank god you're finally done."
He heard Five groan and his hands immediately clenched around the steering wheel.
"Okay, that's enough. I know exactly how to do my job and I don't need your comments. So watch your mouth and focus on your own task."
It got very quiet for a moment in the room in which all the other ghosts were in. Everyone was holding their breath.
With Eights natural born gift, to know exactly what others wanted to hear, it wasn't very hard to determine ones weak spot. It does sound like something very practical, something good even, but paired with his lack of impulse control, it did more damage than anything else.
Just like it did at this exact moment. He started a war.
"Listen here, you little brat. If you knew how to do your job, I wouldn't have to say anything."
Five fired back and Four got tensed. He knew exactly how much of a bad idea it was to refer to Eight as little.
"Did you just call me little brat?"
"Are you deaf?"
"Oh no, my ears work very well I just figured you might be a little smarter than that. But seems like I was wrong."
"My mother told me to always tell the truth. And what are you besides an annoying little boy with a weird obsession with his car?"
"I think you need a snickers. You're being a bitch."
Before Five could say anything, One interfered.
"Concentrate on the mission, Eight. You can continue your quarrel later."
"She started it."
Eight stated.
"God how old are you two, twelve?"
Seven interfered and Five snapped once more.
"He is."
"Oh don't confuse your mental age with mine, honey."
"SHUT IT. Both of you."
The ghosts turned around. Four, who was sitting in the very back of the room, couldn't hold it anymore. He hated fights. They were stupid and totally unnecessary. And they also reminded him a lot of the things that happened in the past. He didn't need to see people fighting. Again.
Silence spread and Eight passed the second security stage. He pulled his car over to the parking spot he was guided to and stopped the engine before smoothly getting out of his car.  He didn't need to turn around to know that his girlfriend would rush over to him and nearly suffocate him with her hug. But he just chuckled lowly and turned to wrap his arms around the petite girl, pulling her close.
"I'm so happy to see you again."
He whispered, placing a gentle kiss on top of her head before hugging her even closer. She eventually let go and looked at him with shining eyes.
"Me too. God I'm so glad my dad took interest in the car you drive. Or else he wouldn't have invited you. He's obsessed with Mercedes, you know? So he wanted to see your car."
Eight hid his grin well and smiled instead before he laughed nervously, scratching his neck.
"Well I am very glad he has such a great taste in cars. And that I chose this one."
His eyes lingered on her slim figure.
"Is it just me or did you get even more beautiful?"
Amanda grinned a little and hit his shoulder.
"You're unbelievable."
She giggled as she checked him out from head to toe.
"You look decent. Like a guy my father would accept."
Eight chuckled softly and shook his head before he clapped his hands once.
"Great, it was the look I was going for. So, where do we go now? And should I be afraid? I mean after the two security check ups..."
"No, that's just routine, don't worry! Oh and, we should go inside before he thinks that you're late. That would be unfortunate. Come with me."
The blonde girl grabbed Eights hand and pulled him along. She was excited, he could tell. And so could the other ghosts.
Watching a person who was at the brink of falling in love was truly amazing. It was their energy, their smile, their way to express themselves which never failed to make others jealous. And so did Amanda.
She left an impression. Two and Three intertwined their fingers, Five glanced at Four and he couldn't help but smile back.
Maybe it was fate. Maybe all of this was supposed to happen. But no one would ever question Amandas role in this.
Eight, who now found himself in foyer of the mansion turned around a little, his eyes widened and his mouth opened a little.
"Wow it looks nice in here."
Amanda shrugged slightly as she looked around.
"It's good for a prison."
Eight turned to her and raised a brow.
"I mean, I'm locked up. My father will not let me go anywhere more than once a week."
"Are you in danger? Because that would explain the armed guys at the bridge."
"They aren't just at the bridge. They are literally everywhere. Well, not completely everywhere. I've convinced him to send them away from my rooms."
She told him proudly and Eight nodded shortly.
"So, will you show me your rooms later? I bet they look pretty."
"I think you're being a little too fast, young man."
Eight looked up and there, at the upper end of the stairs he stood. Jim Wright. Father of Amanda Wright, subject of this whole mission.
"That is why I used the term later, Sir."
Eight grinned a little as he faced the man who was now walking down the stairs to greet the two of them.
"My name is Jim Wright, or Mr. Wright for you. I'm Amandas father."
Eight shook the other mans hand and looked at him with a strong gaze.
"It's an honour to meet you, Sir. My name is Jacob."
"Strong handshake, I like that."
Mr. Wright looked at him until the boy gave in. The man then took his hand away and eyed the boy.
"I thought you'd be taller."
Eight bit back a growl and although he heard Five laugh, he didn't say anything to it.
"Well, I may not be tall, but height is no indicator for ones intelligence or future. And that's what really matters."
"Well said, well said. So, Jacob, what are your plans for the future?"
"Get a proper job, buy a house, maybe found a family, the usual stuff, Sir."
Again, he was eyed suspiciously but he didn't mind.
"And what would that proper job be?"
"Dad can't we talk about this while having lunch? I bet Jacob is hungry."
Amanda spoke up, being kind of annoyed by her father who just sighed and gave in.
The three of them walked upstairs and Eight grabbed her hand before he faced her shortly. The way she smiled told him more than a thousand words ever would.
She was falling for him. For the way he looked at her, the way he caressed her hand in his, the way he spoke to her with words so sweet.
But she didn't know him. She didn't know the man that held her hand. She didn't know the eyes that lingered on her. She didn't know the mouth that voiced all the sweet words she was longing to hear.
Because it was his decision what she saw. It was his decision to hide the man he really was. The boy that was devoured by anger and the desire for revenge. The person no one saw because it was no one anyone would want to see.
Still, there was good inside this mess. Even though, within the chaos of his being, he sometimes doubted that it was still there. Because he couldn't see it, he couldn't find it. But when he saw people laugh because of him, or smile, he knew it was still inside of him. A part of him. Although he would never see that it was bigger than the wish for revenge, the anger and despair. There was one person who would show him.
While Eight was completely into the mission, the other ghosts were focussing on other things. One, Five and Two had an eye on their youngest ghost while Three, Four and Seven were in the middle of a heated card game while drinking beer.
"Okay so, you think you're good, huh? Just because you have one card left?"
Seven asked before separating the cards in his hands in three different parts and placing them on the table.
"King, ace, one, two."
He stated and continued.
"Three queens."
Seven placed the next three cards on the table and Four and Three looked at him with a death glare. But that would never stop Seven from placing the cards he had left on his hand on the table before putting one of them aside.
"And seven, six and five. I won."
His grin was, again, bigger and wider than anything else.
"Oh come on, Seven you're cheating again."
Four complained, throwing the one card he had left on the table. Like a child who didn't get what it wanted for Christmas.
"In the job I used to do, cheaters were shot in the hand."
Three said and played with his gun while looking at Seven.
"No one gets shot in the hand in here, for fucks sake. What are we, a group of children?"
One interfered and Three placed his gun aside. Close enough to reach, of course, while he focussed on Seven.
"I didn't cheat. Not this time!"
"Of course you did! Wanker."
Four said and grabbed the deck before mixing it again.
"Why don't you believe me? I really didn't cheat this round!"
Seven defended himself and watched the blonde place the cards on the table again.
"That's why playing with you is no fun."
"He is right. Maybe we should play with the new kid instead."
Three said and Four nodded.
"Well, I think Four and the new kid are playing their very own games, Three."
Seven joked and the skywalker raised a brow.
"What do you mean?"
He asked and Three looked just as confused as Four.
"Oh, don't you play that little game where you test each other’s boundaries?"
While Sevens grin grew bigger, Fours cheeks heated up.
He was just about to say something, but he then paid attention to One.
"Eight don't do anything stupid now."
The voice of their leader sounded so serious, that even the three guys in the back were now completely concentrated on the monitors. They saw a room with a huge desk and various golden decorations. And they heard a door close and an exchanging of words.
"So, Sir, you wanted to talk to me alone, right?"
The tall man turned around and looked at the boy in front of him. He looked small and a little bit frightened.
"Yes I did."
"Good, because the two huge security guards make me really nervous."
Mr. Wright laughed a little and shook his head.
"They won't say anything, they will just stand there."
Eight turned around and looked at them in concern before he faced the father of his girlfriend again.
"But you said alone, not with two big guys waiting to strangle me. I think the strict father of the beautiful girl I am dating is frightening enough. Your whole person is enough authority to be scared."
And again, the young boy did know exactly what it was the man in front of him wanted to hear. All he needed to do was patting the guys ego. And the other gladly ate what Eight fed him.
"Well, I guess you are right. Sasha, Drake, you can take a break. Eat something or... Whatever."
The two big men who were covering the door walked out, keeping their faces straight.
Eight didn't pay much attention to them anymore, while the man made the mistake to turn his head towards the door.
It was already too late as he faced the boy in front of him again. His fate had already been sealed.
Eight, who took the opportunity to ram his knee in the others stomach and push him down on his knees, had now gotten out the small knife he had.
"One scream for help and your daughter will die."
He whispered as he gave the back of the man a strong kick so he'd face the ground, not being fast enough to catch himself with his hands.
One asked, voice as tensed as the speaker himself. The other ghosts were quiet. What on earth was the boy doing there?
"I assume you know what I need, and I suggest you give me the information I came for if you don't want to die."
If the guy wouldn't have been so afraid at this moment, all of that wouldn't have worked in the first place. But he was.
Eight knew enough to know it would be working. One had told him plenty of things and the way the man behaved only confirmed his assumptions.
He was a coward. Scared to die, no willpower, he was nothing. A no one. Someone who was intelligent enough to earn a lot of money but needed a sense in life to feel good. He needed to be part of something big to have at least a glimpse of power to him. Losing power, losing his grip was something the man was afraid of. But there was one thing he was more frightened of. Death. To lose his home, his daughter, his life.
And through that, Eight knew that thinking of the possibility to die scared him more than anything else.
"Give me the coordinates. Now."
"I- I don't have them!"
"Wrong answer."
Eight hummed and kicked the mans side. He whined in pain.
"Shh, don't be a pussy, you don't want your daughter to get hurt, don't you?"
"Don't- don't hurt her..."
"Start talking and I'll take it into consideration."
"The address is saved on my computer."
"Sounds good, why don't you go get it for me, hm?"
Eight grabbed the man by his shirt and pulled him up.
"Hands behind your head. Keep them where I can see them. Good."
He then led him to the computer and forced him to sit down on the chair before placing the beautiful blue knife on his throat.
"One try to make a noise and I will end your life right away."
The gulp of his victim was audible as he typed the password with shaking hands and searched for the address.
As soon as it was visible, One grabbed his smartphone and searched for the address via google street view.
"Thank god for technology."
He mumbled and took a closer look at the pictures he found. He was looking for one specific sign, a logo, that would confirm that it was the right information. And he wasn't left disappointed. The moment One found what he had been looking for, he turned to face the monitor.
"It's the right address, now get the fuck out of there so I can kick your ass for being such an idiot."
One advised and Eight slit the throat of the man with one swift motion, careful not to dirty himself.
"Shh, lie down, there you go."
The boy waited for his victim to give in to his fate and laid down his head on the table. It looked like he was asleep.
Satisfied with his work, he cleaned his knife on the black chair before he hid it under his dress shirt again.
He made his way to the door, ready to leave the place, as he heard footsteps approaching. The door he was hiding behind was opened and someone walked in.
Eights heart wasn't the only one that stopped for a mere second.
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Little Love Notes
Outpost! Michael + Reader
A/N: Hello, there lovelies!
Just wanted to thank y’all for being awesome and the nicest to me lately, I know that sadly I am a bit “emotionally constipated”, but I really appreciate y’all, you are the most precious thing ever and I appreciate your love and feedback, so as always... LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!
Mostly because I am extremely inexperinced in the “smut aerea” so, please let me know what you think about it: if you think it sucks or it doesn’t, or anything else... please, it will help me be better for the newest ideas and drabbles I have in mind!
And after this, I hope that you will enjoy it, so I will leave you to reading!
SUMMARY: You have grown accostumed to leaving little cute notes on your boss’ desk, and this got you fired, as soon as Mr Langdon discovered the identity of his secret admirer... but appreantly it does’t end here...
WORDS: 4,5 K
WARNINGS: Rough (Unprotected: guys... please don’t do it withouth a condom, it does not only protect from unwanted pregnancies, but also it is against STDs) Sex (with things such as spanking and a lot of rough handling), Oral Sec (Female Receiving), Semi-Public Sex (Reader is on the phone at a certain point). “Sir” Kink, but generally BDSM relationship going on!
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She was Mr Langdon’s favorite at the office, since you were neat, clean and completely scared of him.
Enough, not only to be extremely polite with him, but also she was extremely formal in every approach to the point that her friend, Gallant, joked that she would one day bow down to him, as a way to salute him, since once she had accidentally saluted him, in the old military way.
But she had done one thing which would have been considered highly unprofessional if Langdon ever found out: she had sent him little love notes.
They hadn’t meant to be love notes, she had just thought he needed something that would comfort him, after the loss of his foster mother, Mrs Mead, which had taken a terrible toll on him since not only he had been not as evil as he usually was to everyone but he had taken a work leave.
As one of the few people he trusted she had felt the need to cheer him up a little, and since she couldn’t do nothing face-to-face with him (he had almost fired Coco when she had given him her condolences) she had left a few sweet and encouraging notes, not the type you found in self-help books, but the one that might have been useful, because she felt them deeply.
She had been sure he would have either dismissed it as a silly joke or thrown it in the bin, but instead he had left a similar note on his desk (which she had found when she had gone to drop another one) with a “thank you” and a “😊” near it, which had actually shocked her, but she had been happy that he somehow had appreciated her note and that it had helped him.
She had started leaving more notes, always being careful, making sure nobody recognized her, meanwhile she dropped the notes off, usually doing it during the lunch break, and strangely she had always gotten responses from Mr Langdon, who had been growing more cheeky the more they shared notes.
This prompted her to feel more and more confident in herself and it was just a question of time before she made a mistake.
Which she did after two months of successfully avoiding getting caught, with a rookie mistake.
All the notes had been handwritten since Langdon didn’t know her handwriting (she wrote everything with her computer), but the  she had had to write down Gallant’s “happy birthday” note, passing it even to her boss (Langdon had actually sweetened after her notes) and she hadn’t realized that it showcased perfectly her elegant handwriting.
She had just gone home and thought about the new note to write him.
The following day, she had realized the mistake, but only when he had shown her the “birthday note” and “her notes”, after he had called her in his office.
She had almost fainted, not helped by the fact that Langdon stared at her as if he had wanted to burn holes through her body.
-I can explain…- she had just mumbled, blabbing a bit and looking at him as if asking for pity, which he wouldn’t give, because his eyes were again on the notes, the handwriting in common, they were so disinterested that she should have predicted what had come next.
-You don’t need to, Mrs (L/N)- and she almost breathed out a long, relieved breath -… you are fired-.
She had wanted to protest but it was as if her windpipe had been clogged and she couldn’t emit any kind of noise and she still couldn’t talk, although tears streamed down her face and Gallant immediately asked what was wrong, if he could do anything for her, but she just shook her head and she had basically run away from the building.
At home it hadn’t felt better.
She had started thinking about how not only she was unemployed but she had been fired, which would make it extremely hard for her to get another job after what had happened.
Even more if Langdon decided to make her life a living hell and share the news that she didn’t understand the professional boundaries.
What she didn’t know was that a month after she would be in a new and cooler job.
And the funniest thing, which she didn’t understand at all, was the fact that her newest boss didn’t know about her being fired, since Langdon had actually been the one who suggested and wrote a recommendation note about her to her new boss.
When she had been asked why she chose to change the job she hadn’t known what to do, except blatantly lie her way through the rest of the interview.
And she tried to forget about the entire note thing, till Gallant proposed a dinner with her ex-colleagues, and to kill two bird with one stone she also proposed to go to her ex-office and collect the few things she had left behind.
She knew that Gallant would have gladly done it for her, but she wanted to have some kind of closure.
And maybe met with Langdon.
He scared her less now that she didn’t answer to him and she was actually curious to know why he had recommended her.
But when she felt him walking in on her arranging her things in a paper box, swiftly and even more swiftly feeling his intoxicating perfume coming from behind her...
She had turned around only after he coughed to make his presence known, doing it slowly and controlling her moves in order for her to turn around again if he glared at her, but he just looked surprised.
He didn’t expect her, there.
-I am just getting my last things, Gallant told me I had your permission…- she started blabbing, but he stopped at her, smiling meekly, which surprised her, since it seemed genuine for the first time in for ever.
-… I know about it, actually… Gallant has told me…- but he wasn’t expecting her to show up right to his face, and she didn’t know if he was still angry for the notes or he was just surprised -… we need to talk-.
They did indeed, but she wasn’t feeling in the mood, all her curiosity had gone to waste for her anxiety.
-I actually have a dinner in thirty minutes, and Gallant is waiting for me…- which was true, but she was sure that she could have made time for Langdon, she always made it possible for him to have a little bit of her time, no matter what she was doing, no matter how she felt, because she cared for him and was scared of him like he was the freaking devil.
But now, that she didn’t have to endure his government of terror and torture, she felt free to deny him any kind of request he had, even more since he acted like a dick about what had happened with the notes.
It might have been highly unprofessional, but she didn’t think it was worth being fired, mostly when he appreciated the notes.
She was thinking this and turning around to her box, when he pulled out his hand, to latch it with hers, squeezing her in a position nearer to him, getting her to almost screech out at the sudden move, but luckily she kept the scream inside at last, just glaring down at the entire manhandling which had been going on.
-Please, let my arm go- she mumbled, asking without any intention to wait for his answer, tugging on it immediately and the grip didn’t loosen.
-It’ll take just five minutes of your time and I will give you some answer I  know you are looking for- he proposed to her, meanwhile loosening his grip, but it was still too firm for her to get away from it, so she just huffed out a breath and nodded.
-And you are going to leave my wrist in peace- she also added, making him smirk, before immediately leaving her wrist, nodding at her command.
But he kept himself close to her, almost making her breath the same air that came out of his luscious lips (she hadn’t thought about those lips, when he had talked to her… nooo…).
-I just wanted to start with saying I am sorry for firing you, it was one of the worst working choice I have ever made-.
And her eyes widened enough that he seemed to understand her disbelief and added an “I am serious”.
-… oh… ehm… my notes were extremely unprofessional- she honestly didn’t think it, but she felt like if she told him the truth, this miracle would disappear.
Because not only he hadn’t apologized to anybody, in the time she had worked for him, but he also didn’t feel regret for treating his employees badly, so either he had gone straight up crazy or he had genuinely developed regret, in her absence.
-I found them extremely cute…- his voice again told the truth, and again she was left surprised by what he had said in the span of two minutes -… and I overreacted, thinking it might have been some kind of twisted way to make fun of me… “oh look at the boss being all cute and everything…”, but I knew you better than that and I should have thought you were  jus trying to be a nice person-.
Which she wasn’t, but the fact that he had actually said it, made her gain an immediate shot of confidence.
-… I haven’t had many genuine people around, if I can say the truth, so maybe I might have not thought about the fact that you just wanted to comfort me, for which I am very thankful-.
She swore she was either hallucinating or five minutes from fainting.
-It isn’t so bad…- she managed to spit out -… all is forgiven, Mr Langdon-.
-It’s Michael, since we are not colleague anymore- and then he was again too closer, but this time he didn’t retreat and he growled the following words right into her mouth -… and let me tell you I am very happy we aren’t, so I can do this-.
And he kissed her.
He kissed her, holding her tight under him, an hand behind her back and one behind her neck, holding her close and gently dipping her down, meanwhile his lips traced hers gently, asking for permission with his tongue to enter her in a much more chaste way than the one that her core suddenly craved, since it had opened for him from the moment he had firstly grabbed her.
And this is what got her to open her eyes and throw him away, off of herself, trying to realize when she had actually closed.
Immediately her back hit her old desk and she  mumbled a pained moan, meanwhile he was thrown just a few centimeters away, but he looked much more shocked by her rejection than actually the fact that she had managed to move him away, touching the place where she had pushed and just looking at her as if it was the first time it  had happened.
Which was not that hard to believe.
Since he was so dreamy and damnably attractive with his elegant posture and his perfect fashion sense.
And she was pretty sure that she wouldn’t have resisted him either, if he had a gently explained his crush for her and not been an emotionally constipated asshole.
-… so after three years of me working for you, you fired me to have a chance to kiss me? – she didn’t want to sound that smug, but she just got her boss to admit not only he was sorry, but that he somehow liked a lowly nobody like her, because it wasn’t just a trying kiss… from the way he seemed greatly affected by it, it might have been a “kiss which had finally happened”.
-Not just for a kiss- he matched her teasing tone, although his azure eyes didn’t dare to meet her -… and I somehow got you back on your feet didn’t I? -.
Which he did, since this meant that he had actually made her new boss hire her, alongside hiding the fact that he had fired her.
-… maybe...- she left her thoughts pending on whether to drag this out with teasing or jump into his arms, before turning around to get the box in her hands, wanting to leave him hanging there dry and unhappy, exactly how she had felt at his rude words -… and now if you excuse me, I have a dinner to attend-
And she made exactly two steps before he corned her between the desk and his body, pushing himself into her, and she was extremely thankful that she had actually worn a skirt, so he just had to push it up and pull down her stockings and panties all together, leaving her naked for the air and his hands.
Her box fell down and she was pretty sure that her treasured shell-box had been destroyed but she honestly didn’t care, when Langdon’s… Michael’s body was pressed right into her, making her feel every inch of the manhood her previous colleagues gossiped about… and it was so much more than they would expect .
-Don’t even think about it- he mumbled into her ear, meanwhile his hands spread her thighs apart, caressing them gently, before slapping one harshly at her useless try to resist his order -… I finally got you where I wanted you so… let me at least explain-.
-First, you try to bribe me with work offers and now you try with your dick, oh I am so glad I got fired! – she mumbled, and he slammed her decidedly unkindly on her desk, grabbing an hold of her hair, clearly telling her to shut up.
-I liked you more when you were a scared little mouse, following all my orders- he mumbled, meanwhile his fingers caressed her outer lips, the one down there, meanwhile her others were smeared with blood, since she had cut them with her teeth during his push -Can’t you go back to that, Mrs (L/N)? –.
He was a kinky bastard as he was rumored to be, she shouldn’t have been surprised, really…
But she just nodded at his request, not daring to turn around, meanwhile he caressed her, pushing himself more internally, still teasing her, but also making sure she knew where this would be going, meanwhile his lips laid kisses on her exposed neck and his free hand, fooled around with her shirt, groping her over it.
-… I need words, Mrs (L/N)- and right now when she felt the words coming at her, he remembered her something else -… and call me, sir, lovely-.
And he slapped her core, getting an even higher pitched scream and she was thankful that she had actually saw the cleaning lady get out when she walked in, she had in fact left her keys for her to close everything, because the noises were so loud and definitely explicit.
-… yes, sir- she mumbled, trying not to think of the pain she felt in her head and the pleasure she instead felt in her nether regions.
-Yes, sir… what? Speak up, Mrs (L/N)…- she felt the smirk forming on her neck before the new slap at her cunt -…you were always so good with words-.
-I will follow your orders, Sir- she repeated slowly, feeling deep waves of pleasure crash into her as Michael slipped a finger in her core after her confession, laying a mark on her, as if to say he say he owned her, inside and out.
-Better- he mumbled, meanwhile his finger slipped out of her and went back inside, but his head retreated from her shoulder, its warmth leaving her, and she tried to turn around, but he kept her hips linked to the table with a tight grip -… don’t turn around, sweetie, I am just going to give you a surprise reward-.
And she didn’t understand what he meant till she felt something even more wet than her folds and rough on her hole, caressing it, without dipping inside, till she let out her first moan, again loudly, finally getting him to intensify the entire thing with probing inside her with his tongue, meanwhile his fingers caressed the sensitive bundle of nerves.
She gripped extremely tightly the edges of the desk, pushing down a few papers, meanwhile she felt herself go through what could only be described as a mystical experience.
She felt the tell-tale first in her stomach tighten and relax and tighten again and…
-Michael! – she protested as he slipped out of her, pushing himself away just to come closer and slap her ass, enough that it freed her of any even feelings of her impeding climax, making her cry out at her own mistake, this time a “sir” escaping her lips.
-Much better, sweetheart, but I would much rather know if you feel as heavenly, as you taste- and he ripped himself off of her, just enough time for him to lower his pants and get his manhood out, making her taste it, just pressing it against her opening, gently caressing her with it, meanwhile he pulled her hair to get her to crane her neck back at him to give her a messy kiss on the lips, making her taste herself.
And he entered her.
She let out a huge huff, feeling him smirk against her, and before she could reprimand him for the low blow he started moving.
Fast enough that she totally missed her grip on the desk, being just pushed against it, without no control on the movement, just being thrown against as a doll, and the fact that she enjoyed it was a bit strange, but she honestly didn’t care, not when Michael hit her perfectly with each movement of hips, meanwhile he smeared saliva on her neck, trying to bite her and when he did, she let out a moan which barely covered the drill of her phone, adverting her that somebody was calling her.
They both stilled, almost as if they had been caught, letting the drill replace the luxurious sound of flesh slapping on flesh.
Her phone was on her bag, next to her, and all she had to was bend down and get it.
It would have been an easy thing…
… without a cock in your cunt…
She looked back at Michael, who seemed almost as taken aback as her, but swiftly smirked  at her, devilishly, meanwhile he exited her and made a gesture which meant she better get the call.
She just rolled her eyes, annoyed by what the hell he was plotting and also for the fact that she was feeling extremely empty.
It was Gallant and as she got a good look at her screen through teary eyes, she understood why: she had said it would take her five minutes to collect her things and she had been with Michael for twenty minutes straight, but worst of all as she made to answer Gallant, Michael’s re-entered her, making her moan straight in the phone.
She honestly was traumatized of what Gallant might think.
-Don’t give us out, sweetheart- mumbled Michael in her ear, before gently kissing it, and keeping up a fast-paced pace, thrusting her against the desk and if the moaning hadn’t given her out, the thrust of her skin against metal would absolutely reveal she was fucking her ex-boss.
-… (Y/N)? – asked Gallant, he seemed confused but he gave her the chance to explain it with her words -… what’s taking you so long? -.
“Michael being an asshole and not letting me cum” but she refused to say it to her best friend and ex-colleague, who still worked with Michael, not wanting to put that image in his head, alongside spread rumor about being fired just so that her boss could fuck her.
-Oh… I just caught Mr Langdon and we ended up talking…- she knew that in between saying this entire phrase her voice had broken down and raised up at least five times, enough that one might ask if she had developed a cough -… I am sorry, I will be down in five minutes-.
Because again she felt a tightness in her stomach and this time she hoped Michael wouldn’t pull any kind of stunt.
-Oh, perfect- Gallant’s voice wasn’t as giggly as it was before the mention of Langdon, maybe he was worried  that he had again made her cry, but she was just thankful she could end that embarrassing conversation and stop biting her lip to keep any sinful sounds in -…but what were those noises? -.
She rolled her eyes more out of annoyance than pleasure, although what was going in her nether regions was indeed very pleasurable, since Michael had started caressing her pleasure pearl, which was perfect erect in his grasp.
-… I just knocked something accidentally to get the phone, you know… silly me- she mumbled, meanwhile Michael slapped her ass, making her yelp and she turned around to glare at him, meanwhile she held the phone so tight in her hand that she was sure by the end of this she would need a new one.
She whispered to him, about either quitting or just getting over with it.
Big mistake…
He bend her even more over on the table and she was now crunched painfully completely with the desk hitting her stomach, but the pain didn’t matter when she felt him hit a spot which had never been hit either by her finger and any other man, none that there had been some as experienced as him, who seemed to know her body more than her.
-Don’t tell me what to do- this time there was no pet name and she accidentally let the phone tumble down, unable to oeld it.
But at least this got her to only focus on her pleasure, building slowly and this time she knew what she had to do before anything else happened.
-Please, sir, let me cum- she whispered it and she thought he hadn’t heard her till he just laughed sarcastically at her plead.
-Maybe if I can hear you, I will let you cum-.
-PL…Ease… Sir… Let ME… CUM! – she tried again, gaining all the breathing she owned and feeling her lungs burn because of the strain, but by the way the caresses on her clit turned into harsh and quick slaps she knew that she had done well, enough to hear an animalistic growl:
-Then do it-.
And sweetly she felt her legs give out under the utter pressure of pleasure, moving liquidly from her stomach to her core and there, it became butterflies of true pleasure between her legs and she …
… she blacked out for a minute, still shocked by the intensity of what was going through her.
She just felt two arms steadying her from behind to avoid her falling without elegance on the desk, meanwhile he exited her, getting a moan of annoyance from her, but he made it all up by actually caressing her thighs gently, without no intention to arouse her (not that he would need it), but to relax her sore muscles, meanwhile his other hand searched for something on her desk.
She didn’t understand what it was till she felt him try to clean her down there with a tissue, collecting their mixed releases, the proof that she hadn’t be the only one to enjoy it and she was secretly thankful for being on the pill, and hoped that Michael was as clean-polished inside as he was outside…
He had gone back to his boss persona, although a blush coated his cheeks (she didn’t understand if it was from the physical activity or anything else), when she turned around to lean her sore back against the deck, searching for some relief, meanwhile he distanced himself a bit to let her oversensitive skin breath, but keeping up what he was doing with the hand cleaning her, till he was satisfied and gently slipped her panties back on, meanwhile helping her tuck the shirt in her skirt.
He had a gentleness to him that she hadn’t expect, but she appreciated it still.
And was particularly starstruck when he kissed her gently on the lips, caressing her almost lovingly and reverently and when they broke apart he looked at her as if it hurt to distance himself from her:
-Don’t you have a dinner to wander off with? – he mumbled at her, looking down at his polished shoes, but she gripped his face, making him look up at her; was he seriously being all shy after he had taken her like a whore.?
-After that stunt I don’t think I can stay still on my legs- and she caressed his cheek much more to adapt herself to the fact that it was all real, that it had all happened.
-I am pretty sure that all you have to do at a dinner is stay sit- he mumbled, using again his teasing tone, but with no fire to it, just kindness and willingness to make her laugh, meanwhile he caressed her aching back, all because of him.
-… I don’t think I can do also that- she replied, already feeling the burn of his previous slaps and the way he had roughly abused her poor back, now that all the pleasure had subsided -… I am probably going back home and get a good bath-.
He nodded and turned around, to let her do that, but she just gripped his jacket and kept him there.
-… and after all I have just gone through, I think I deserve at least a bath- which was a clear invite to follow her back home -… you can draw one for us, meanwhile I write a note-.
This almost got him to giggle and she thought it was the nicest thing she had ever seen and she wanted to see more.
-Ehm… that is very… very tempting- he mumbled almost thinking about it, before picking her up full bridal style, getting a screech both for the sudden move and for the aching muscles in her body -… that note better be good-.
-Oh let me tell you how it starts… - and she smirked looking up at him -… “dearest Mr Langdon, you are a dick but yoa have an even bigger…”-.
She couldn’t finish the sentence because he had pushed her up his shoulder in a much less elegant way, before delivering a sound slap to her ass, getting a very loud pained moan from her, before uttering a “these brats never learn”.
Maybe she was glad shehad been fired for those stupid notes.
Gallant kept on shouting for his best friend on the phone, he had been already confused because his friend sounded stressed and pained on the phone.
Which he understood since she had to talk with her boss, but also that seemed a bit exaggerated but then he heard something, something which made him understand pretty clear that his best friend wasn’t in immediate danger.
“PL…Ease… Sir… Let ME… CUM!”.
Apparently, at least, somebody would get lucky tonight.
I hope you enjoyed it, lovelies!
This piece was so out of my comfort-zone, so please if you leave any kid of feedback I would be extremely grateful, because it would mean that you appreciate my creations and thye don’t go to waste!
Also tagging @so-langdon  since she told me she was interested into reading this! (if you want to be tagged too, let me know through a message or an ask).
Love you, lovelies!
-Heco Hansen.
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