#i was sent a screenshot of it and i just sat in shock in my car like :O bc if i said stuff like that ? anons would tell me to die LMAO
saetoru · 2 years
i honestly think its so funny how people on here will find a way to blame everything on you and then you will bounce back and sobsob about something 20 minutes later 😭 i love you for that lollll
i think i was kind enough not to raise issues over a small banner that says "minors do not interact" even tho it was EXACTLY the same as mine but WTV. i was rather nice to just let her have them and go about her business and just block her so she couldn't copy any other layouts. im now realizing i should've just been an asshole and demanded she change them and leave my layouts alone
this is what i get for letting things slide :/
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scoonsalicious · 2 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 18, Unread - Pt. 3
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, betrayal, mentions of sex, mentions of violence, threats.
Word Count: 1.9k
Previously On...: You saw something on Bucky's phone that changed everything.
A/N: Here it is-- the final betrayal. I'm sorry. It can only go up from here, right? LOL no.
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Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
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“Care to tell me why we’re meeting in an unused guest suite on a floor that’s mostly under construction?” Nat asked when you opened the door of your borrowed new room to let her in. You didn’t utter a word, just thrust a copy of the text screenshots into her hands and sat down at the edge of the unfamiliar bed, waiting for her to read them.
“What’s this?” she asked.
“Just read it,” you told her, voice devoid of any emotion.
Natasha scanned through the messages, her eyes widening in shock and disgust as she made her way through them. “This has got to be some sort of sick trick, right?” she asked you when she’d finished. “Like, Carthage found some program online to make up fake text messages and sent them to mess with you. Barnes would nev–”
“I screenshotted them off of Bucky’s phone, myself, Nat,” you informed her. 
There was a knock on the door and Nat opened it to reveal Wanda. “I came as soon as I could,” the other redhead said. “Why are we having a secret meeting?” Nat handed Wanda the screenshots and came to sit next to you on the bed while she read them.
Wanda’s hand flew to her mouth. “No,” she whispered, looking back up at you. “How could he? There must be some kind of mistake.”
“No mistake, Wands,” you said, standing up to take the pages from her. “It’s all right there, typed out by the man himself.” And then, as if to punish yourself further, you began to read out loud the text between Bucky and Jade:
Vix <3: Hey there, handsome xoxo
Vix <3: Bucky?
Vix <3: You just going to ignore me after everything?
>> How are you texting me? You're supposed to be blocked.
Vix <3: You should keep better track of your phone, then ;) 
Vix <3: Or, at the very least, choose a better passcode.
>> What do you want?
Vix <3: I want to talk about what happened the other night.
>> Nothing happened.
Vix <3: Come on now, we both know that's not true ;)
>> It was a mistake. I should have never done it.
Vix <3: You don't make a mistake two separate times, Barnes.
>> Well, I did. And I regret it.
Vix <3: You didn't seem to regret it when you were blowing loads of cum inside of me.
>> Jesus Christ, Jade. You don't have to be so fucking crass about it.
Vix <3: I thought you liked girls with dirty mouths.
>> Jade, I have a girlfriend. She’s the only one whose mouth I like dirty. Or at all.
Vix <3: That's right, your Perfect, Precious Pocket.
>> Do not talk about her.
Vix <3: Oh please. Don't pretend you care about her now.
>> I love her.
Vix <3: You have a funny way of showing it, sleeping with me just a day and a half ago.
>> She is EVERYTHING to me.
Vix <3: Obviously not.
>> I thought she slept with Steve.
>> I was a fucking idiot.
>> It was a misunderstanding.
Vix <3: Orly? That how she's going to see it?
>> She's not gonna find out.
Vix <3: You think you can hide the truth from her? Please.
>> The last thing I want to do is hurt her.
Vix <3: Should have thought of that before you fucked me. Twice.
Vix <3: If you don't tell her, I will.
>> She'd never believe you. She fucking hates you.
Vix <3: I don't need her to believe me. I just need her to see these texts.
>> You wouldn't.
Vix <3: Try me. You don't want to fuck with me, Bucky.
Vix <3: Tell her the truth or I will.
>> I swear to god, Carthage, you breathe a word of this to her and I *will* fucking kill you.
>> That is not an idle threat.
>> Ending your life would be as easy for me as breathing.
Vix <3: You wouldn't.
>> Do you want to try me?
>> Because I promise you, she is the most important thing in this world to me, and if you threaten that, I will end you without losing a wink of sleep.
>> You know what I'm capable of. Don't test me.
>> Do you understand me?
>> I said, do you understand me?
Vix <3: Christ, yes, Barnes. I understand.
Vix <3: I'll keep my mouth shut.
Vix <3: But you're a real piece of shit, you know that?
>> You're not telling me anything I don't already know.
Vix <3: I'd be so fucking good to you if you just gave me a chance.
>> Not happening. And if I find out you even insinuate to Pocket, or to anyone, what happened in Russia, it will be the absolute last thing you ever do, and no one will ever find your body.
Vix <3: I already told you, I won't tell your Precious Pocket. I'm not a liar.
>> Good. We're done. I'll speak to Steve about having someone else take over your training.
Vix <3: WHAT?! You don't have to do that!
>> I can't be around you anymore. I don't want to be around you anymore.
Vix <3: Temptation too strong? Afraid you'll make another 'mistake'?
>> Fuck you.
Vix <3: You already did, baby xoxo
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Wanda whispered when you’d finished reading. “Pocket, honey, are you alright?” She looked at you as if she were terrified you were going to break. And maybe the old you would have. This new you, the one that was forged under rage and ice, was made of harder, crueler stuff.
“I’ll live,” you said. Nat and Wanda exchanged a glance that didn’t escape your notice. “What?” you snapped at them.
“Hey,” Nat said, “Don’t get mad at us; we’re just worried about you. The last time he pulled something like this, you were a mess. This,” she indicated the sheets of paper you still held, “is way worse, so forgive us for expecting you to not be okay.”
You sighed and slumped down into a nearby chair. “I’m sorry, guys,” you said. “Obviously I’m not okay, and it’s not fair of me to take out my frustrations on you. But this time is different. Before, I was devastated, I was sad. But now? Now I’m fucking pissed. It’s like every ounce of love I felt for him has been turned into pure, unadulterated hatred, and all I want is for him to fucking suffer. I want him to hurt the way he hurt me.” Wanda opened her mouth to speak, but you interrupted her before she could. “And I know that’s not healthy, Wands. Trust me, I know that. I’ve just never been this angry before in my entire fucking life. God, not even at fucking Darren.”
“Who’s Darren?” Wanda asked, but Nat shook her head at her.
“Not now,” she said.
“I don’t even want him dead,” you continued, voice rising, as though Wanda hadn’t spoken at all. “Death would be too good for him! I want him to feel pain, pain like he has never experienced before in his long, utterly useless life!”
“Pocket,” Nat warned. She knew you were dangerously close to saying something you might eventually come to regret.
You sighed, the rage fleeting and leaving you feeling hollow and broken. “I know,” you said. “I don’t really mean it. I’m just so goddamned hurt!”
“I know it’s difficult to believe this right now,” Wanda said, taking a step closer to put a hand on your shoulder, “but he does still love you– he said he—”
“No,” you interrupted, sounding every bit as defeated as you felt. “You don’t do that to someone you love. You just don’t. This morning, he talked about getting our own place, getting married, starting a fucking family.” You choked back your emotions, but your voice still cracked. “I thought he was ready to take things to the next step, to prove how much I meant to him, but he was just trying to distract me, trying to get me out of the Tower because he couldn’t risk me running into her, couldn’t risk her telling me the fucking truth he was too much of a coward to admit.”
Nat and Wanda looked from you to each other, lost in their sense of helplessness, of not knowing how to care for you in your time of need.
“You know,” you went on, “I probably would have forgiven him, if he had just straight up told me the truth. I mean, we weren’t even technically together, so it wasn’t cheating. If he’d said ‘I’m sorry, Pocket. I saw those articles and I went fucking crazy with jealousy. All I could think about was getting back at you because I thought you betrayed me.’ Yeah, I’d have been pissed, and it might have taken a while, but I could have forgiven him if he had just been fucking honest with me. That’s all I ever asked of him. That he just be fucking honest. But he’s lied to me, again and again and again.
“He took away my right to make an informed choice about my own fucking life,” you said, and this time, the emotions couldn’t be held back. “He of all fucking people should know what that feels like,” you sobbed. “He should know how valuable that choice is! How valuable it is to me!” And there it was, really, the crux of the matter. He knew how much you valued the freedom you now had over your own life, after so many years of not having any choices in what happened to your own body, and he’d stolen your ability to make a choice for yourself. He’d had sex with you, knowing you never would have consented if you knew he’d been with Carthage less than 24 hours prior. He’d violated so much more than your trust this time.
Nat stood up and raced over to you, throwing her arms around you. Wanda looked on for a moment, confused, before joining Nat in embracing you.
The entire time you’d been speaking to your friends, your phone had been silently vibrating. You’d turned the ringer off as soon as you texted Nat and Wanda, asking them to meet you. You didn’t need to look at the screen to know that it was Bucky who was trying to get ahold of you. If you’d been in a better frame of mind, you’d have laughed at the irony– here you had spent all day yesterday waiting on a text or call from him that never came, and now he was blowing up your phone and you couldn’t stand the thought of  speaking to or hearing from him. Life was sure funny sometimes.
“Ms. (Y/L/N), Ms. Romanoff, Ms. Maximoff,” FRIDAY’s voice rang through your borrowed room. “Mr. Stark is requesting everyone’s presence in Conference Room C for a mandatory pre-mission briefing to begin in ten minutes.”
“Fucking Tony,” you moaned. A mandatory meeting meant a mandatory encounter with Bucky, and you were so not ready for that yet.
“Don’t worry,” Wanda said, squeezing your hands. “Natasha and I won’t leave your side. He won’t be able to get near you. I’ll put a forcefield up around you if I have to.”
You managed to sniff out a laugh and wiped your nose. “Thanks, Wands. I really appreciate it.” Steeling yourself, you stood up from your chair. “Let’s go see what Tony wants.”
<- Previous Part / Next Chapter ->
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haikyu-mp4 · 2 months
word count; 1047 – gn!reader, a bit suggestive
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Hoshiumi Korai always wanted to be tough. To win everything. Some would call it a need to be ‘manly’ enough, but he just always had something to prove. In a weird way, it was one of the things that made you feel drawn to him while you were dating. His drive and competitive tendencies, as well as the little frown he did when he lost or got embarrassed. It was all attractive to you.
Completely unrelated, you cared a lot for your skin with a semi-intricate skincare routine every night. Korai, who you recently moved in with after being partners for a few years, would often stay in the bathroom while you did your routine, brushing his teeth for a little longer just so he could watch you and maybe throw out a question or two. Like why are there two soaps? Why are there different serums for different days? And then once a week, after you put on a face mask, he would pull you into his lap on the couch and complain about how you didn’t let him have any kisses. Instead, he settled for holding you closer and tickling your neck with kisses. Living together was pretty great.
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One day he finally gave in. You both just finished drying off after a heated shower in each other’s company, when you started putting on this week’s face mask. Korai looked at you in the mirror with a soft frown as he snaked his arms around your waist and cuddled into your neck. It had been a long week, he was so tired from this damn sport he loved so much and felt a little extra thankful today that he got to come home to you. So when you asked “You want a face mask as well?” like you always did, he let out a small sigh before giving in.
“Yes, I do.”
After the short process of getting the mask on for each of you, trading giggles with hesitant grimaces, you both sat on the couch with a timer on your phone and some movie you had watched before on the TV. You even convinced him to put on a cute frog headband to keep his hair away from his face.
While you sat with your legs across his lap and told him about one of your colleagues’ gossip, he looked at his phone and picked it up when it rang. He just glanced at the name of the caller, too into your story to check anything else. Korai hummed as you slowed down your talking to see who it was as well.
“I’ll just check what he wants,” Korai mumbled. The two of you had taken so many cute selfies with the masks on that he didn’t realise the reason he could see the two of you on his screen now was because it was a video call.
Korai seemed to choke on his breath when his screen suddenly showed Kageyama and Hinata with a small image of you and him in the corner. Wearing... face masks and headbands. The girly kind. During Korai’s shock, there was unfortunately time for the man on the other line to fumble his way to the screenshot buttons.
“Idiotyama!! Why would you video me on a Friday evening?” Korai yelled, handing the phone to you and letting his head fall back against the sofa in humiliation. There goes my whole image, he thought dramatically. He couldn’t even cover his face with his hands in shame and instead just pointed an empty stare at the ceiling.
“Me and Kageyama needed to settle something but now I can’t remember what it was. Oh, hi y/n!” the orange-haired man said cheerfully. With a sweet smile, you held a short conversation with them before hanging up. Phone on the table, you put your arms back around your boyfriend’s neck and wondered what you should say. He put his arms loosely around you and waited in silence for you to find the right words.
“I think you look very pretty.”
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Hinata and Kageyama had learnt a thing or two about teasing from their older teammates, and you bet the screenshot of you and Korai in pink face masks was sent to the Japan Olympic group chat with a nice ‘hope everyone is enjoying a relaxing weekend just like the little giant!’
Let’s just say you were struggling to hold back your laughter while you finally helped him wash the mask off after the timer went off. Korai was silent, keeping his eyes closed until you pressed a kiss to his freshly washed cheek when you were done. “Wearing a face mask isn’t embarrassing, Korai,” you told him, sneaking your hands under his shirt to warm them.
“You wouldn’t understand,” he sighed, unintentionally pouting like a little boy and tracing his hands around to squeeze your bum like stress balls. Of course, the others didn’t actually care that much if any of the guys used a face mask, it’s just so funny because it’s Korai. He always takes the bait when they tease him.
So as you two finally curled up in bed, you let him spoon you this time with his strong arms curling around you. It made him feel a bit better as you cuddled into him. The morning after was spent cosying up under the sheets and enjoying each other’s bodies before going on your routine weekend jog together. Everything seemed back to normal.
Except that your boyfriend was plotting for the best revenge against his friends.
please excuse the timeline ignorance between the Adlers and the Olympics, it's just a little bonus because I love the Adlers trio
Monday came and Korai went off to work early in the morning. He put the lunch you packed him in his bag and pecked your lips before he was out the door.
“You’re glowing, Hoshiumi.” Kageyama tried his luck early on during warm-ups.
“What am I, pregnant?” Korai spat back. Kageyama just kept smiling at his own joke.
Ushijima switched which arm he was stretching and observed Hoshiumi. “Your skin does look refreshed, maybe we should all get face masks with y/n.”
“I know it does but get your own partner, man.” He just mumbled, moving away to warm up with a ball on the other side of the court. They were so going to get it for teasing him one day.
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car-sounds · 11 months
The Letter
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Mammon x (GN)reader
2nd person
2147 words
Summary: The aftermath of the chat "Listen Up" MC goes to make up for Mammon's misunderstanding
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(In case you haven't read the chat)
(sorry for having to scroll past the whole chat)
“Levi, did I not tell you to get Mammon, dinners ready” Lucifer called out as he set up the dining table
“I did tell him, he said he was busy and to eat without him” 
“Busy, yeah right. I’m sure this is just about his little misconceptions” Asmo said while giggling. You turn to Asmo confused 
“Yeah he’s embarrassed he mistook the letter you delivered to him for a love letter. He was so confident about it too, didn’t even think to check before bragging. Almost makes me feel sorry for him” 
Lucifer sat down and signed “He should really learn to not get ahead of himself” You let out a shocked expression “Oh, I feel bad for him. You guys can start without me. I’m going to clear things up with Mammon” 
You make your way to Mammons room and knocked on the door
“Come on I know you’re in there” due to the lack of reply you decide to start banging on the door in hope of a response
"Calm down, if you want to come into my room this badly I guess I'll allow it"
Mammon finally lets you in and you quickly start explaining yourself “I’m sorry about Lucifer’s letter, I didn’t think you would get that impression”
He attempts to retain his composure and defend himself “What are you talking about, ya really thought I would think it’s a love letter… or something”
“Oh, really? Levi told me-”
“WHAT!? You seriously believe him over me”
“He showed me the conversation and sent me screenshots too”
His eyes started to wander to everywhere but yours own “ Wha- I- he - how do ya know that was me!?”
“Just let me make it up to you, alright” Mammon responds to you with a scoff “Getting to hang out with me sounds like I'm doing you a favour" 
“Yeah, yeah. Get ready I’m taking you out on a date” The last bit said with a teasing tone.
“Be ready by 8, don’t be late”
“Ugh, fine. You’re paying though” and with that you left.
As soon as you’re out of sight he can no longer hold back his giddy grin, a grin that stayed on his face the entire time he was getting ready only stopping to try and settle his now burning up face. His door soon burst open “So, have you decided where we’re going yet?”
“Oh, uh I don't know, wanna go to Majolish to check out the new clothes”
“Sounds good, let’s go!” you grab Mammons arm and start dragging him out the door, once you get past the gates you loosen your grip, allowing him to take the lead. 
Mammon's residual embarrassment with the results of his premature bragging and the fact that he’s holding your hand right now is what’s responsible for him being unusually silent. With him refusing to hold a conversation with you, the only thing breaking the silence throughout most of the walk is your little giggles directed at his obviously flustered face, giggles that make his hand tense up and pout more prominent. 
Once you can see Majolish in the distance you finally speak up.
“So, you ready for me to spoil you to your heart's content, my lovely date~”
“Better get your wallet ready don’t think I’m gonna take pity on ya”
“I said I was going to spoil you, don’t you go thinking I’ll go back on my promise” You speed up so you can open the door for him, bowing as he walks through as if he was royalty. 
“Good on ya, finally treating me with the respect ‘The Great Mammon’ deserves” with this sentence and confident stride to the clothing racks you think he had finally gotten over his original awkwardness. 
You follow him watching him shop, since he was unaware of your close presence when he finally turns around he jumps almost falling into the racks 
“!!!Aren’t you gonna shop for yourself?”
“I wasn’t planning on it, but maybe I’ll find something”
"It's weird with ya just following me around this whole time"
“Oh, sorry I'll leave you be for now" you start to walk off, Mammon grabs them by the arm and pulls them in close. "No, stay by me..." Mammon lets go MCs arm and backs away a little "It's just... I wouldn't want you to get lost or something. Lucifer would kill me" The awkwardness returned for a few uncomfortably long seconds before Mammon turned to continue shuffling through clothes. After a while of searching he lets out a sigh 
“So far nothing has caught my eye”
“Oh, do you wanna go to any other stores”
“No, I’m starting to get pretty hungry. Wanna pick up some food”
“Sure, I’m surprised you didn’t buy anything. I guess that’s lucky for my wallet” 
"Yeah, yeah…lucky you, don’t think I’m taking pity on ya or something”
"Got it, any place you wanna eat?”
“Yeah, I heard Beel talking about a new menu item from the bakery a few blocks from here, wanna check that out”
“Sure, let’s go” 
As two of you make your way to the shop you take the opportunity to question Mammon a little 
“So, nothing caught your eye earlier”
“Yeah, like I said before”
“I’m still just a little shocked that you had the opportunity to basically bankrupt me and didn’t take it” 
“I don’t see why you're complaining, if anything you should be on your hands and knees thanking me for my generosity”
“Thank you oh great Mammon. I shall forever be indebted to you” you say with the most dramatic voice and hand movements you can pull off
“Shaddup, we’re here now so you can stop pushing my buttons” you let Mammon pick out a couple things before he tells you “Just so you know all this your buying and don’t go thinking I’m going to share” 
“Of course, go wild” just like before even though you said he could get as much as you could afford the order was relatively modest. 
“So, what are you getting?”
“Oh, uh I already ate a little before we left, so I wasn’t planning on getting something”
“Suit yourself, I guess” once you get your order the two of you decide to head to a nearby park so you both can end this date on a more relaxing note. The park is pretty much empty so finding a bench to sit on wasn't difficult. 
“Which one was the item Beel was talking about?”
“This one right there. What? Are you regretting not getting anything for yourself? You better not start begging for me to share or anything like that because it’s not going to happen"
"I know, I know, I won't”
"Good” You sit and watch as he starts to chow down on his food "Wow, this is really good...AH!!!... have you been just staring at me this entire time!? God, don't you have something better to do other than stare at me? But... anyways this tastes pretty good, and since I'm feeling extra generous today I'm willing to offer ya some... I mean maybe that will even get ya to stop staring at me”
"Didn’t you say you weren't going to share?”
“Here I thought you would appreciate my generosity. It feels weird having you sitting with an empty plate, while I have all this food. So... just take my offer while it's still up for grabs"
“And yet you keep insisting that you haven’t been taking pity on me”
“I told ya I wasn’t, the only reason I’ve been taking it easy on ya is because I don’t wanna face Lucifer's punishments if I did. Nothing more, get that through your head”
“Okay, if that’s what you want to keep telling yourself”
Mammon's expression softens a bit before he goes to hand you one of his cookies. 
“I heard this one was good…So ya like it”
You nod “Thanks for sharing with me!”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever”
Both of you enjoy your treats together, Mammon finally loosens up a little and starts to drop his tsundere-like tendencies, making for a pleasant conversation. You hardly notice how late it’s been getting, once Mammon releases what time it is he appears both shocked and concerned “We should probably head back, but ya better be careful if Lucifer found out how long I kept you out he would kill me”
You two grab all your things and throw out all your trash before heading home. On the way back Mammon catches you shivering “Are ya getting cold?” 
“I’m fine” 
"Are you sure? I don't want you to get sick because of this... y'know the others would kill me if that happened to you under my watch. So just take my jacket, ok"
“Says the man “not spoiling me””
He rolls his eyes pretending to be annoyed by your comment, while taking his jacket off and putting it over your shoulders.
“Thank you, Mammon~” you lean into him and hold his hand and try to continue walking.
“Oh, do you not want me holding your hand? Sorry” You back off and give him a light hearted chuckle.
He fidgets with his hand for a few seconds before answering “It’s just I wouldn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea”
"The wrong idea? Guess my intentions weren't clear enough"
"No... I knew those were your intentions... I mean why wouldn't you wanna go on a date with The Great Mammon"
"Oh, then what did you mean by wrong intentions?"
“Would ya stop questioning me,” Now he’s the one going to hold your hand “"If you really wanna okay, maybe this will help warm you up too" with those last few words he softens his tone of voice.
The two of them continue walking and chatting about the rest of the House of Lamentation’s recent antics. As you get closer to your door the chatting fizzles out. Once you’re standing outside of your room Mammon breaks that silence "Um, I guess good night"
You enter your room and turn around leaning on the door frame "You can hang out with my room if you want"
"HAHA, knew you wouldn't be able to part ways with me just yet!"
As soon as he finishes his sentence you glare at him while moving to shut your door in his face.
"HEY, MC I was just joking let me in"
You decide to take pity on him, open the door back pulling him inside while laughing.
"You always act so cocky" you tell him while ruffling his hair.
"HEY, quit it"
You continue to pull him around until you're both sitting side by side on the couch.
“So, did you have fun today?”
"I guess, too bad I couldn’t find anything good on sale"
“Couldn’t find anything good, yeah right. You just care too much about me to spend all my money, isn’t that right”
“WHAT!? Ya really thing The Great Mammon, avatar of greed would care about some lowly human”
“Ok, ok sure you “hate” me I totally believe you. But still I’m glad you had fun! I hope it makes up for the letter"
"You didn't have to make up for that, it's not like I cared or anything but hey thanks for the free food"
"While fine if you don't think it's necessary than I won't be giving your apology gift"
"GIFT? Is it something expensive? I was hurt by the letter I swear! Take pity on me"
"Don't worry it's not worth anything. You decided to stay in my room, anything you want to do to pass the time” 
“Nooo, I wanna see the gift. Please”
"Sure, since you asked so nicely" you tease, placing an envelope on his lap.
You playfully scold him, lightly slapping his shoulder "I already told you that's not what it is. Don't get your hopes up" 
“Ok I promise won't get my hopes up. Can I open it now?"
You smile and nod. Mammon opens the envelope and pulls out a folded up letter. He stays silent while reading, once he's done he leans into you and presses his face into your side. It was your handwritten letter
"I told ya I didn't think it was a love letter. So, you're really going to believe Levi over The Great Mammon"
"I guess if you don't want it then I'll just take this off your hands"
He folds up the letter and shoves it in his pocket "no"
“Love you, Mammon”
"Ya better mean it"
"I do"
"Good… I love ya too" He lifts his head up to face you stares into your eyes for a few seconds before leaning in for a kiss "um... if it's not too much to ask... can ya write me some more of those letters?"
You giggle, pressing a kiss into his cheek "Anything for you"
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i-luv-carl-grimes · 1 year
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☾꙳all the things I hate about you☀︎꙳pt.2
Chandler Riggs x Fem! reader
Summary: you recently got booked for an acting job playing a character in the walking Dead, it just so happens that you play the love interest for a character named Carl Grimes played by Chandler Riggs, and you soon realize you two hated one another
Warning: swearing and mention of blood
"Miss Y/n L/n, we are more than pleased to tell you that you have been excepted for the role of c/n (u can name ya character<3) we are happy to have you on our team, the first shoot will be in 3 months on October 24, see you soon!" my mom read, my knees hit the ground and tears dressed my cheeks in ribbons.
"I'M GONNA BE BEST FRIENDS WITH A FAMOUS PERSON!!!" f/n yelled hugging me I just sat there shocked almost as if nothing that was happening really happened. 'We are happy to have you a part of our team' that ran through my head over and over again. "Why are you crying?" F/n asked only making me cry more. "I don't know!!" I yelled and lunged into her hug. "I'm so jealous you get to meet Norman (the actor for Daryl) you HAVE to let me say hi to him I think I might actually pass out," he said, her obsession with Norman was always big almost as big as mine for Chandler. "I will," I said my voice still wobbly and breaking as I whipped tears from my eyes. "Y/n you got a... Twitter? The notification" my mom said handing my phone and almost immediately started screaming and jumping around like an idiot.
"HOLY SHIT!" I screamed looking at the notification then f/n looked at my phone. "Holy shit..." she said. "Language!" my mom yelled. I then ran upstairs and jumped on my bed only to scream and violently kick my legs as if the cutest boy ever just followed me...oh wait. "Don't you play his love interest?" f/n asked, my legs stopped and fell, and my screams quieted, only to scream louder and my legs to move faster and harder. "I GET TO BE CARL FUCKING RIGGS LOVE INTEREST" I screamed with probably one of the stupidest looks on my face. "Geez n/n calm down, oh but God PLEASE let me meet Norman," she said and I sat up remembering... Georgia... Oh. "Of course, I will f/n! As long as you take care of yourself, please promise me that" I said walking over to her and grabbing her shoulders. "I promise," she said and pulled me into a hug. "What if he has a girlfriend," I said and f/n started to laugh. "God would you calm down your never this talkative," she said in between laughs. "HOW CAN I NOT BE!? I'M LITERALLY GONNA MEANT SOMEONE I'VE ADMIRED SINCE I WAS 8!!!" I said and f/n started laughing more I then jokingly passed her my mother then came upstairs
"Hun, how are we gonna tell your father?" she asked. "Oh....simple we don't" I replied in a cold tone. "We can't just tell him," she said and I started to pick at my sick (cuticles). "He lives in Georgia anyway" I scuffed. "I guess your right," she said then walked out. As I felt the skin in my fingers rip and blood going on my nails. "Y/n your picking at your skin again," f/n said and I looked down to see a re-open wound on my thumb, I just walked into the bathroom and grabbed a band-aid to wrap around it, "sorry about that," I said putting on a small forced smile. "It's fine, YOU SHOULD POST ON TWITTER," she said and I immediately jumped on my bed and took a screenshot of the email (keeping out the parts where it shows who sent it), and opened Twitter.
Thank you so much for this moment and over all opportunity
I then posted it and turned to look at my ceiling with an ear-to-ear smile. "Y/N F/N WE'RE GOING TO A FANCY RESTAURANT TO CELEBRATE BE READY AT 6" my mom yelled I looked at my phone '3:30' we still have a while, my phone vibrated and I look to see a notification
@/g/u/n (just put someone u don't like)
I cant believe YOU of all people got the part I feel bad for Chandler
She said and I felt my heart drop, I hated e/n (enemy name), we used to be best friends to the point where we went everywhere together, on trips to the beach and having sleepovers every week that was until middle school, then she changes she began hanging out with this group of girls that for some reason NEVER liked me and she quickly joined them. But we were still friends weird right? well not to her I soon found out she was only using me to get with the boy I 'liked' the more I really think about it the more I realize I didn't even love him, I liked the thought of 'loving someone I really don't think I've ever been in an actual relationship, I mean I've never even thought of what love feels like. "geez is that thing still on your ass" F/n asked and I nodded. "Y/n, you playing Chandler fucking Rigg's love interest she doesn't have anything on you," she said making me feel better
-time skip-
it was now 5:30 and I had just gotten out of the shower, "hey F/n what should I do with my hair" I asked while she was picking out our outfits. "um...just wear it down don't worry about it" she said, I then grabbed a curling iron and put it to my hair, when I was done I put on light makeup, mascara, foundation and a bit of blush. "alright Y/n I got your outfit!" f/n yelled and I walked out of the bathroom and back to my room to see an outfit laying on the bed with f/n standing over it proudly. it was a black dress with a slit down the side of it as well as black heels. "f/n you now have I feel about wearing things like this" I said a bit hesitant to wear something that shows so much skin and overall looked like it would attract a lot of attention. "you an actor now! act like it and plus this dress isn't even a lot it's so simple" she said and I sighed. "whatever you say" I said while grabbing the dress and heels. "you know you gonna have to get over your attention problem your playing in a show that more than a million people have watched, you are going to be the center of attention everywhere you go from now on" she said and I leaned against the backroom door. "I know," I said before closing the door and changing into the dress. when I walked out f/n was already changed and covered her mouth with her hands and stared at me. "stop staring!" I said getting uncomfortable for how long she had been looking at me, "not only is my best friend famous but she's also so incredibly beautiful, I've won at life," she said and I turned away in embarrassment. "shut up, if we're on the topic lets talk about how beautiful my best friend is," I said and she chuckled. "as always still can't take a compliment" she teased and I pushed her. "girls, its time to go," my mom said and I up on a brown overcoat and a cream scarf (remember this takes place in autumn). We then went to my mom's car and drove to a very fancy restaurant.
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter I'll post the next one tomorrow!!
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female-buckets · 2 years
Brianna Turner knew something was up when her bedroom door flew open around 7 a.m. CT Thursday and her mom rushed in, waking her up.
It wasn't bad news, however.
"BG's free! BG's free!" Turner's mom yelled.
Still in bed and hardly awake, Turner wasn't sure what she was hearing.
"Am I dreaming?" she asked.
Then the Phoenix Mercury forward opened Twitter and saw national outlets confirming the news that teammate Brittney Griner had been freed from Russian custody after 294 days in a high-profile U.S.-Russia prisoner exchange.
"I honestly thought I was dreaming still," said Turner, who's staying with her parents in Texas while she's back from playing overseas in Turkey. "I was confused. Like, it was utter shock.
"I hopped on social media, we turned on the TV and, yeah, all the news stations were like, 'Breaking news, Breaking news.'"
Turner's grandmother actually saw it first, calling as soon as she saw Griner had been released. "So, thank God my grandma was up early watching the news," Turner said.
She quickly took a screenshot of a reporter's tweet confirming Griner's release and sent it in a group chat to fellow teammates Kia Nurse and Shey Peddy with the message: "Oh my gosh guys." As word broke and eventually spread throughout the day, many members of the Mercury franchise had similar reactions. Tears were shed, mouths dropped agape, texts were sent. Lots of texts.
In Phoenix, Mercury president Vince Kozar also awoke to the news when the second of two calls from future Hall of Famer Diana Taurasi finally roused him. The first thing Kozar did was cry.
"To say it's been a cloud doesn't even really capture it," he said. "I think I probably feel like everybody feels -- tremendous relief. It's certainly a celebration. I guess a little bit of disbelief waiting for it to fully hit.
"I didn't know the next time any of us were going to see her again."
Kozar fought tears as he sat at his desk at home writing the statement the Mercury would eventually release, and when he saw Phoenix Suns star Devin Booker share the statement on Instagram. He eventually made it to the office at Footprint Center around 10 a.m. MT. He had work to get to: among other things, ensuring Griner has everything she needs for her return to Phoenix -- the city, not the team -- whenever that happens.
"We're not thinking about basketball," Kozar said. "Our main concern is her, and -- as I've told people before -- if she never plays another game of basketball, another minute of WNBA basketball again, we will still love her and care for her all the same, and nothing about how we feel about her or what she means to us, or this city or her family or any of that will change."
Outside the Footprint Center, however, were few signs of the Griner news. A maintenance crew was putting up lights around palm trees. A man shot video of the BG42 sign adorning the outside of the arena. Suns employees streamed into work mid-morning after a loss to the Boston Celtics the night before.
Two groups of Jehovah's Witnesses greeted folks as they walked by on the sidewalk and offered them pamphlets. Outside the arena is one of their regular spots to post up because of the heavy foot traffic. They figured out Griner had been released when a local news crew arrived and started interviewing people on the street.
But by and large, it was business as usual in downtown Phoenix. People strolled through the plaza in front of the arena while others got in a mid-morning run. Lunch hour was just beginning. And a few Griner fans made their way to the arena.
Danae McKnight is a 33-year-old who moved to Phoenix three years ago from Florida with her wife. They knew no one in the area and bought Mercury season tickets as a way to find a community, McKnight explained while standing in front of a Black Lives Matter mural that features Griner on the side of the Footprint Center. McKnight said they watched Griner be "unapologetically herself."
"That's something that a lot of people, including myself, struggle with," said McKnight, who wore a "We Are BG" T-shirt. "It took me years to figure out who I was and to accept that, because there's so much fear with the LGBT community and coming out that you feel like you have to hide yourself or you feel concerned.
"... Just the confidence that she has, and she just knows who she is and she just wants to be that and it's inspiring. It's taught me that it's OK to be me."
McKnight bawled when her wife told her Griner was coming home, and knew she wanted to come to the Footprint Center.
"It just felt like the right place to be," McKnight said choking back tears. "This has really impacted me a lot more than I thought it would. I'm married and I can only imagine my wife being away from me for almost 300 days, and it's really personal to me."
Turner is in Austin, about 90 miles from San Antonio, where Griner landed at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland on Friday. She wants to give Griner space and privacy as she adapts to her old, yet new life.
Turner joked that she's close enough to drive over and wave at Griner through the gates.
"I'm sure hopefully in a few weeks I'll be able to maybe talk to her, figure something out," Turner said.
Kozar, who had over 300 unread text messages by lunchtime, also is hoping to see Griner "soon," but only on her timeline, whether it's in Arizona or in her home state of Texas.
"I and everyone around here who just has been desperate for nine months to give her a hug is going to follow her lead on when she wants to see people and when she wants to leave the house and when she wants to go to the grocery store and when she wants to go to a Suns game," he said.
The mood around the Mercury's and Suns' offices was celebratory all day, Kozar said. The Mercury players and coaches he talked to throughout the morning were experiencing a combination of disbelief and joy. Their teammate, their friend who they had talked about, lobbied for, campaigned for for almost a year, was on her way home.
"When you talk about missing a family member, missing a piece of your culture, missing a piece of someone who you have a personal relationship -- she's made you laugh, she's made you feel better, she's picked you up, she's helped you connect with other people -- we've been missing that," Kozar said. "So the idea of that returning, completely separate from basketball, is just really, really joyous."
When Kozar talked to Mercury coach Vanessa Nygaard on Thursday, she had just finished physical therapy to treat a back injury she suffered while surfing. When he mentioned her "poor back," Kozar said Nygaard responded: "Nothing hurts today."
While the focus is on Griner's safety and well-being, and helping her readjust to society, her basketball future wasn't too far from Kozar's mind. One thing Kozar learned through all the letters he and Griner exchanged was that it wasn't just her freedom, family and friends that were taken away from her. So was, as she calls it, hoop.
"We'll follow her lead, we'll do whatever she wants," he said. "Part of the joy that she's brought to people is how she plays and the way she plays and who she is when she plays.
"And I'd be lying if I didn't say there was some kind of anticipation or excitement about the idea that everyone would get to experience that again, but that's not what matters most."
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These three fake screenshots i made is based on the Blooming Song rp with my friend on messenger. Also yes sprites from Harumori can glow in the dark and produces glitter whenever they go.
At 4pm night, everyone is sleeping and Aburi wakes up in Satomi's room because she is a little hungry then flies to the kitchen to eat and opens up the fridge and saw a delicious chocplate cake and went to eat it then she was unaware that Cole who goes for a midnight snack to get a cake. Cole surprised to see Aburi eating his cake when he opens the fridge and thinking it's a "Cake thief", Aburi was shocked to see him then flies away from him and causes Cole to chase her around the monastery with a swatter and makes a huge ruckus that wakes the Ninja up and they went out from their rooms and then Cole alerting them that about the little sprite. Then Aburi gets smacked and sent flying to the wall by Cole when she gets into the relaxation room and Cole is about to bring up "justice". Wu and P.I.X.A.L woke up to hear a noise and went to see what's going on and Satomi shocked to see Cole holding hurt Aburi then runs up to him and tells him to hand the little sprite to her and then she heals Aburi again. Wu asks Satomi to see the tiny sprite and asked her where she came from and Aburi replied that she came from realm of Harumori as Cole pouted as he finds the realm very discovering while the Ninja had discussion about Harumori.
(Aburi flies towards the relaxation room then......) Cole: *Smacks her with a swatter* Aburi: " KYAAHHH!!!! " *Sent flying and get hit on the wall and hits on the ground, and whimpered* Cole: *Runs to hurt Aburi* " Got it! *Picks up Aburi* Time to bring justice to our cake thief! " Ninja: *Enters the relaxation room* Wu: *Walks out with P.I.X.A.L, groans* " What is going on here? Do you know what time it is? Cole?? " Cole: " Master! Look! *Shows him Aburi* This thing tried to eat my cake, this is the cake thief!! " Zane: *Walks up to Cole and scans Aburi* " Hmm..I don't think this is a "Cake Thief", Cole. " Satomi: *Runs in the Relaxation Room and gasp to see Cole holding hurt Aburi* " COLE! " Cole: *Sees Satomi* " What?! " Kai: *Shaking from fear* " C-cake th-thief.. " P.I.X.A.L: *Sees Satomi* " Satomi, does this little "cake thief" belong to you? " Satomi: *Gasps* " Nonononono! She's just a little sprite, Pix! *Runs up to Cole* Cole hand her to me PLEASE! " Cole: *Groans and hands Aburi to her* " Seriously? That thing ate my cake! " Aburi: *Whimpering in pain*  Satomi: *Heals Aburi* " There! You're okay now.... " Lloyd: " A sprite? What is that Zane? " Zane: " A type of fairy. Strange we never seen one before. " Wu: " Ah, a sprite? *Walks up to Satomi* May I see her? " Satomi: *Hands Aburi to Wu and walks to Nya* Wu: *Holds Aburi with his right hand* Aburi: *Opens her eyes a little bit as she sees Wu* Wu: *Smiles* " Why hello there, may I know your name? " Aburi: " I-i'm Aburi..... " Wu: " And where are you from? " Aburi: " I-i... Have to say that.... I am f-from.... Harumori! " Tadao: " Haru??? What was that??? " Wu: " Harumori.. " Pixal: " Hmm..there's no such place as Harumori here in Ninjago. " Wu: *Smiles* " Pixal, of course there is no Harumori here..It's a realm. " Aburi: *Flies off from Wu's hand* Jay: " Whoa! A new realm? " Lloyd: " Master, what realm is it? " Wu: " I need to do more research about it, I'm sure there is a scroll somewhere about it. " Aburi: " Actually I was a little hungry though.... " Satomi: " Hehehe sorry about her, guys. " Nya: " Aww, poor thing..she was only hungry, Cole! " Aburi: *Flies to Satomi and sat on her shoulder* Cole: " But that was my cake.. " Satomi: *Sighs in concerned as she scolds him* " Cole, you are really scaring her! You can't just always eat cake! " Yukio: " I am pretty sure about Harumori and.... Who lives in that realm? " Cole: *Frowns and folds arms* Lloyd: " Do more sprites like you live there? ...Wait, how did you even get here?? " Aburi: " Yes they are like me living in Harumori and also you must be Lloyd, that Satomi told me about you! So I was in Harumori, I was been flying around with my fellow sprites and.... I saw some vines covering a doorway at the stone wall and I was curious so I went there and then I suddenly exit the realm and the entrance to Harumori was the Harutree then I was looking around curiously then I bumped into the beehive then the bee swarms started to attack me. " Satomi: " Yet I didn't tell you though earlier, I met her while I was helping baby animals back to their parents then as I finally helped the baby squirrel near that mystical looking tree, I heard her cry for help then I saw her being attacked by bees then I saved her by communicate with the bees to leave her alone then they went back to their hive then brought her here in the monastery and i healed her then i suddenly made a bond between me and her. " Valerie: " Ohhhh "
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pureimaginationts4 · 1 month
The very first generation (2b): The world of mystery
Here's some pictures of Natalie and Adriel's wedding. They did not invite anyone and held a private wedding in the forest to commemorate Liam.
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Adriel moved in with Natalie and they lived together with Allison in her house as Natalie did not want to leave her mother alone.
Allison pretended to be ok but when she was alone, she missed Liam a lot and was really heartbroken. Every corner in the house reminded her of Liam and it made her suffer a lot.
Also during this time, a horrible thing happened. Adriel (out of nowhere and not under my control =))) fell for Allison and he could not resist her beauty. I was shocked when I watched Adriel flirt with Allison when Natalie was at work and I hated him so much =))
Allison was also disgusted by his actions and also she was too painful living in the house of memories, so eventually she decided to leave but she did not tell Natalie the truth to keep her daughter's happiness.
Allison came back to the magic world just to realize that it was no longer meant for her. So she found a small forest called Glimmerbrook far from Henford to isolater herself from the world and settle down. She also learned magic again and took care of her small garden like she used to do with Liam.
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Natalie was hurt that her mom decided to leave her without saying so she did not want to find her at first but time after time, she tried to find Allison and visited her sometimes. Adriel did show up alone sometimes but Allison refused to let him in without Natalie (man, I hate this guy so much. Too many hopes I have for this shit).
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The fate with the Hanley family still continued for Allison. One day, Silvia Hanley, the fifth generation of the Hanley family suddenly died mysteriously at the age of 19 (actually she got stuck in an outside area during winter and freezed to death. I read an instruction online that I can bring her back to life using a witch so I sent her to Allison's house and invented this story =)))
Silvia's parents (the husband is Liam's nephew) could not accept this truth and used all of their money and power to find Allison and asked for help. Allison was so kind to agree to help right away and tried to find every possible way to bring Silvia back from death. She even sacrificed some of her powers to the God of the Magical Wishing Well so that he agreed to bring back Silvia.
After being brought back from ashes, Silvia was really touched by Allison's kindness and asked Allison to be her Godmother. Silvia also decided to live with Allison for a while (well it must be an actual fate for both of them because I gave Silvia the same "farmer" vibe like Liam and Allison from the beginning and her death was not my intention either =))
Silvia took a liking to magic so Allison gave her some spell lessons. She learned it very quickly and finally Allison decided to make Silvia her first and only magic succesor (Natalie did own magic strength like her mother but as she was a mix of human being and witch, she was a spellcaster only and not a pure-blooded witch so her power was really weak. She decided to give it up when she grew up and became a normal human being in the end so Allison had no successor till Silvia).
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(I got used to screenshots now and I captured every funny silly scene =)) like this picture, Allison's cat sat on the cake very randomly =))
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Allison also taught Silvia all of her signature knitting skill and knitted tons of wool toys and cardigans as farewell gifts for Silvia before she left =))
Allison did not want Silvia to separate herself from this world forever like her so she asked Silvia to come back to her normal life though she was really sad to watch Silvia go as she already considered Silvia her second daughter.
And again, Allison came back to be alone by herself and is still alive till today. She started her teaching career like her husband and met a lot of kids everyday so it was less lonely. Allison also decided not to love anyone again because she till kept Liam in her heart and she also came to realize that the ones she loved would leave her eventually and she did not want to experience that feeling ever again.
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Because she's alone I barely play her household as it does not have many things to do. When I play other households, I often see her wander around alone - exactly the same as the first days I saw the second verson of Allison wander around and it makes me a little bit sad.
Sometimes Allisonstill came to visit Natalie and Silvia. And after Natalie passed away, she also came to take care of her twin daughters for a while till they grew up.
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This is the last picture of Allison and her daughter Natalie before Natalie passed away. Well, I made the story myself but it was still upsetting to know that Allison will live forever and watch her beloved ones slowly disappear.
And that's the end of Allison's life story.
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎PART ONE | PART TWO | PART THREE
SUMMARY: You are quite a popular YouTuber who makes random content for your fans to enjoy until one day you got drunk and "accidentally" posted a tweet in your official account making it go viral for not only the world to see, but even a certain idol you had a crush since 2019.
GENRE(S): Comedy, Fluff, A bit explicit (in part one), hurt/comfort a bit
WARNING(S): Didn't really proof read it or use a Grammer site to fix anything. If I got anything wrong well..ill fix it when I'm not tired (or not). If you haven't seen any BuzzFeed's thirst tweets, you have been warned. The reader is going through every stage of grief. Mentions of drinking, you being drunk, mentions of "Dick Riding", a few of thirsty comments. You're getting called "Pretty Boy." Explicit comments but nothing action, yet. You are a bottom (sorry y'all!) Kinda cringe. You fanboying non-stop.
CAREER: Idol-Bang Chan (26) + Youtuber-Y/N (25)
OTHER(S): all edited by me. Chan has a private channel but he did reveal his YouTube account in this story. Ethan, Antione and SanaVana are your best friends.
Some mistakes on the edits as well but wtv
Please reblog, like or/and comment!
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(We are going to pretend this is around SKZ LALALA Era, thank you very much! Not restarting the edits!)
You couldn't believe your eyes when you opened Twitter (Or X...) As you see thousands of notifications of a certain post you made when you were drunk with your friends at a birthday party.
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You felt yourself wanting to scream but all you could do is stare in shock, having your mouth hanging a bit while reading the comments stating that your idol, Bang Chan from StrayKids, read your tweet.
Not in private, but apparently he finally accepted an interview with BuzzFeed to read Thirst Tweets.
Since when did he have the balls to do that?
You groaned as you even saw the hashtags that were trending: #YnnityD-RIDE #BangChanThirstTweets #BuzzFeedBangChan #YnnityMoment
You honestly wanted to cry because you didn't know how to face your fans when you make a live stream later. You promised the fans that you were going to play that one horror game that your fans have been requesting.
At this point, you thought about just cancelling it while disappearing. Dramatic but you couldn't help it.
The Bang Chan read your tweet.
Well, you never saw the video and honestly you didn't want to. You found out that your tweet was not only read but even edited into the thumbnail with Bang Chan fine ass self beside it from a friend's screenshot.
You were mentally regretting this while weeping but you didn't want to disappoint your fans from a promise you made so you calmed yourself as you got ready to Go Live.
You place your mouse pad down and then connect a few wires into your computer. You went to your channel as you Go Live, with a title going by "Gaming and reacting to a certain video."
Just by that title, everyone immediately clicked the live.
You sat there, nervously biting your lip out of habit while fixing yourself in front of the camera.
You even waved to everyone while trying not to seem like you about to trust fall on top of a building.
"As you may see from this title, you probably know what certain video I'm going to watch, yes?"
Everyone commented "yes" while a few sent question marks but other than that they are curious of what the video is and my reaction.
"I didn't see the video yet but I immediately clicked on the app, saw my notifications, saw what's trending and even a screenshot from my friend. I am crazy embarrassed. I was drunk and the fact that she saw me tweeted this is the most crazy part. I knew she was my enemy since DAY ONE!" You shouted a bit at the end, joking but honestly not really as you make a dramatic 'number one' finger in front of the camera.
"Anyways, I already got it set up, just let me know if you guys can hear it or not..."
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You mentally screamed as you tried to click on the video but you were so hesitant that the fans called you out on it.
"Y'all, we got it! Hold up, I'm just scared of how he is going to react! Ahhh!" You grabbed your forehead as you finally clicked on it.
You watched as Chan nervously laughed at the camera while introducing himself with his hot Australian accent. You felt yourself smiling as you tried not to fanboy just by his introduction.
"Ah, Hello everyone and my lovely stays! My name is Bang Chan, the leader of StrayKids, you can even call me Chris, and today...I'm finally reading your crazy thirst tweets. I don't know how I mentally agreed to this but I am curious so let's get started shall we, BuzzFeed?"
Chan chuckles nervously as he holds a plastic container full of thirst tweets.
You commented how cute he was while admiring him, ignoring slightly at your fans chat box, even not noticing a certain someone has joined your live stream and even commenting as well making the chat go crazy as they try to grab for your attention.
You continue on watching, make a few comments on the thirst tweets, stating that you agreed with half of the tweets he was reading while cooed on his blushing face:
"I want to ride his big nose"
"I wonder what else is big besides his nose, feet and butt if you know what I'm saying"
"I want that man to manhandle me so bad, it's not funny anymore."
"I want him to fuck me so bad! Uhhh PLEASE DADDY!"
You couldn't help help but laugh at a few, almost forgetting that your tweet was in this video until finally, almost at the end of the video, he pulls the last strip of paper and reads:
"Dick Riding? Yes I am. I'm jumping, hopping, creaming, screaming and latching...onto this man dick until we can't anymore. And in parentheses. We not stopping."
Chan covers his face while laughing as he re-reads the tweet again.
"Jeez, this person really must have that much energy to be going in several rounds. Not only that, this person is verified...how confident you are to send this in your official account. Not gonna lie, I feel like I know who this is..."
He squints as he tries to remember.
"I'll probably figure it out later but thank you! I don't think I have enough energy for that but we can try, yeah? Haha!"
Your eyes wide as you literally scream, jumping around and running around the room then stop running as you walk back, rewatching that clip again.
"Wait, he knows me? HE RECOGNIZES MY ACCOUNT- WAIT WHOA!" That's when you sat down on your gaming chair, literally looking like you were about to sink into the floor as you make your eyes focus on the chat that seems to be spamming non-stop.
You lean in, reading the chat as you questioned them what's wrong until you notice a channel you recognized. Of course who wouldn't recognize it, you literally have a crush on him.
The one and only Bang Chan was watching your live.
At this point, you just accepted your fate as you face palmed yourself as more comments started laughing at you.
"Om my goodness, this cannot be real. Ain't no way you are watching this stream..." You nervously said as you see him commented how cute you were.
You smiled as you started to fanboy again.
"This is so embarrassing you guys!"
Time went by as you ended your live stream. You immediately grabbed your phone and laid down on your bed as you opened Twitter (X) to see Bangchan following you.
You followed him back immediately which I guess it got his attention as he immediately texted you.
CB97: Hey, Y/N! It's nice to finally meet you, well through text that is, haha!
Ynnity: I can't believe you not only read my tweet and joined my live, you even FOLLOWED ME IN HERE!? You must be crazy!
CB97: Of course, I even have you subscribed and followed your Instagram on a private account!
CB97: And crazy? Aren't you the crazy one who sent a tweet on your official account stating you wanted to, and I quote, "Jump, hop, cream, scream, and latch onto my dick non-stop" pretty boy?
Ynnity: HELLO?
CB97: Haha, I'm just saying. Plus, you're funny so why not become friends. I'm quite a big fan of you!
You stared at his text, mostly the part when he called you a "Pretty boy" made you roll around the bed, giggling like a damn school girl. Even surprised that he was a big fan, making even more embarrassed since you always mentioned him in certain videos.
Ynnity: Sure!
Ynnity: hope you don't mind how awkward I'm going to be for a bit..I'm still embarrassed.
CB97: That's fine! I don't mind and there isn't anything to be embarrassed about baby, it's cute how you reacted
CB97: You really do love me, huh? Hahaha
You rolled your eyes as you typed your response.
Ynnity: yeah yeah whatever
CB97: Acting like that even though I literally watched your live stream and saw you admiring and commenting my every move
CB97: Anyways, I read a few of your tweets and one caught my eye
CB97: well, besides that thirst tweet, that's my fav-
CB97: That you are going to see our concert, yeah?
All you did was send a 'thumbs up' emoji, indicating that it was true that you saved up money to be in front row seats to see SKZ performance on the 3rd day.
CB97: Cool! Can't wait to see you in person! However, I need to get back to work, I'll talk to you...well you text me when you are up! Bye bye, pretty boy!
YNNITY: don't overwork yourself old man and yes bye bye to you as well!
You laughed when Chan sent a 'thumbs down' emoji as you turned off your phone, smiling again at the ceiling. You couldn't believe it, you can't wait to go to their concert in three days.
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Two days have already passed as you already got dressed up for this concert.
Today is the 3rd and last day of their performance.
You are wearing a black waist coat where your belly and other skin is showing along with a leather black jacket, baggy black pants with a nice star belt around It, a spikey silver necklace and black shoes.
You brought a coat just in case it gets cold as you took pics and uploaded it onto Twitter (X), feeling cute.
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You rolled your eyes at your friend's immediate response to your tweet as you walked out of your house, stepped into your car as you get ready to pick up the three dorks.
While driving to their destination, you couldn't help but think about what Chan texted you yesterday.
He is excited to see YOU.
You were biting your lip as you tried to not show a smile when you picked up Antione and apparently Ethan who were standing outside of Antione house, waiting.
They both ran inside, Antione taking the front row while Ethan sit in the back.
You then drove off again to pick up Savannah while the two teased you non-stop about getting noticed by your so called 'Future Husband' which they did stop after you threatened them that you will crash this car if they don't shut up.
You finally picked up Savannah who was excited to see StrayKids, mostly seeing all the pretty lady fans as she comments about wanting to see this one girl that she has been texting the last 5 months.
You laughed with your friends, easing your anxiety down. You all couldn't wait to go while singing, well trying to sing, the songs on the radio.
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You all made it into the concert, immediately at the front seat, waiting for the concert to start. Antione had his banner ready, holding a sign that says "Changbin, date me!"
Ethan holds up a LeeBit Plushie, shaking it around while holding a picture of Lee Know next to it.
Savannah holds a sign that just says "The Lesbians (Me) loves you!"
You did think about bringing a sign but all you brought was yourself and friends along with a small Wolfchan keychain hanging around your belt area.
A bunch of fans have showed up—some recognized you as they asked to take pictures, which of course you said yes, taking a few while waving them goodbye. Even Savannah gets to meet the woman that she was talking about, laughing and flirting a bit.
As all of you continue on chattering while the whole stadium gets filled with a bunch of fans, the screens turn on showing a special StrayKids clip, showing all the members walking and posing.
Everyone screams along with you and your friends as well as you see them rising up from below the stage, into positions, ready to perform Megaverse.
You smiled, jumping a bit as the loud music started playing along with fans chanting.
You took out your phone as you started to record while singing some of the lines.
Throughout the whole concert, you and Chan were flirting around when he found you while performing Blind Spot.
He couldn't help but smile in your direction while giving you small hearts. He even goes up to you sometimes, singing a few lines—teasing you—as he walks off.
Even your friends teased you about it, again.
The concert was about to end, your whole body was practically tired from all the screaming and standing up for too long but it was worth it.
All the members lined up as they all said their thankful speech, waving all of them goodbye and couldn't wait to see their fans again next time.
You and your friends left as you forced Ethan to drive since you were so tired.
You were sitting in the front row while Antione and Savannah talked amongst themselves, sometimes Ethan joining in. While that was happening, you open Twitter to see a bunch of notifications again.
Some @ you, showing pictures with your fans along with pictures or videos of you having a moment with Chan.
You smiled as you liked all of them until you got a text from Chan, you clicked the message notification and read what he has sent you.
CB97: Hey, did you enjoy the concert?
CB97: Also you look very handsome with that outfit, very alluring.
You giggled quietly as you quickly replied to him.
Ynnity: of course I enjoyed the concert and thank you! I did say I was trying to attract people in my tweets~
CB97: You did.
CB97: You even got me as well, that one comment from your friend made me laugh that you wanted to be in my Dingie Doom Dum haha!
Ynnity: Well, what if I do? What you going to do about it hm?
Not sure where all that bravery came from but you did it. You waited for him to respond as you did see him trying to type something.
CB97: Well aren't you a brave one.
CB97: why don't you find out. I'll come to you unless you are just trying to flirt. I don't mind as long as you don't mind, love
CB97: I can make that thirst tweet into reality~
You froze as Ethan made it to his house. Seems like you were the only one left as you both stepped out, hugged each other and left.
You stepped back into your car, turning it on and drove off. You wanted to respond, but you didn't want to drive while text so you kinda drove home as fast as you can, feeling yourself getting too excited.
When you made it home, you quickly parked as you stepped out of the car and ran to the front door of your house, unlocking it.
You took out your phone again and responded to him.
Ynnity: Sorry, I was driving
You hesitated for a bit even though you were the one who started it until you finally typed out what you wanted to say.
Ynnity: I don't mind, but how are you supposed to get here? You rented a car?
You took off your shoes, placing them on a shoe rack as you take off your clothes while walking to your bedroom.
You dumped your clothes in a laundry bag, opening the closet to grab your pajamas then walked to the bathroom to take a shower.
Your phone buzzed. You grab and see what he has said.
CB97: I did actually.
CB97: Send me your location, I will be there after I take a shower
You bit your lip as you sent your location, turning your phone off after that.
You step inside the shower, feeling the nice warmth of water hitting your skin as you fantasize about Chan kissing you and touching you.
You wanted this and the fact it's with your idol crush turns you on. You couldn't wait as you continued on taking a shower.
I never wrote smut before 🐺 this sht gonna be crazy. I'm about to fight for my life.
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thespiesuponus · 2 years
Birth place, talk with Ajay Gupta and the job posting of farting
Name = ANUMIT JOOLOOR Phone numbers +1-404-259-8383 (mint mobile USA, vodafone etc. India and international roaming), +91-6232497306 (airtel network india), Current location – in country of India since October 2020 till today’s date of 30h August 2022. Help a white man (me) get back to USA or some other safe white country. Posted on 30 August 2022. Posted from Varanasi(Kashi), UP, India Donate bitcoin to bc1qxc6r026qa6z8q6whhvxv8a7u27y6asg7t5sju7
So it was revealed to me (ANUMIT JOOLOOR , the real one) over the weekend that I was bon in the country of France 🇫🇷 and brought to the country to india as a child. So the Indian parents are not my real parents. I was shocked to learn this. My real parents are white people in the country of France 🇫🇷. I am now trying to find my real parents in the country of France 🇫🇷 and hoping to find my siblings too. I am asking people to please talk to people of France and find out any child from years 1975 to 1980.
This was what was posted earlier about farting -
I had a phone call with Ajay Gupta (a friend from college in Indore, MP, India) around 7.44 an IST time today who now resides in Seattle area, and explained to him this birth place situation. I also talked to him about the job interviews for software programmer jobs.
White people to work on voice identification. I am also going to do try to see if I can somehow do it on some of my phone calls. Who knows someone else picks up the phone call and try to pose as real one.
START – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – - New job posting: Need people who can fart
This is actually a real job that people are needed for. The job is to fart on white people. Preference will be given to candidates who can fart without making noise.
I saw this on a few occasions. I was staying at this dormitory hotel in Varanasi, UP, India and the guy in the bed next to me farted in a way so that the gas would go towards me. I was staying at another dormitory and the guy stayed all day talking on phone and started farting. He also got up and sat on another bed which made him pointed towards my stuff (like clothes etc.). This was done to get dirty on the clothes etc. I was in a public transportation in another city and all of a sudden there was bad smell. I was waiting for my ride in some other city and all of a sudden there was bad smell.
Please note these are deliberate acts of farting. These people were paid to fart.
So there you go. Now you know that people can be paid to fart on white people.
Go apply for this job.
END – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -
Who picks up the phone call? When you call me then who picks up the phone. Is it me or someone else who is posing as me? There may be setting at the cellular wireless provider company itself where I may not get the phone calls but the call may get forwarded to another person whose phone rings up and he poses as me. That person may have significant knowledge for my life both in India and in USA. So when you call how do you know who are are talking to – the real ANUMIT JOOLOOR or the fake ones? Record every phone calls, emails, text, any communication you have with me.
Donations - Please, I am requesting you to please urgently donate via bitcoin to following address - bc1qxc6r026qa6z8q6whhvxv8a7u27y6asg7t5sju7
Just do not send a lot of money. Since bitcoin transactions are public, you can see how much was donated to this bitcoin address by using a block explorer website such as https://blockcypher.com, https://blockstream.info, https://blockchair.com etc. I am also asking people to somehow go to bitcoin blockchain ledger itself and verify the transactions sent to that bitcoin address. Keep on taking screenshots of transactions every few weeks for at least a couple of years. Please it is important. Take screenshots of all the bitcoin transactions you send to me.
Also please try to read this blog from different locations. Or ask your friends or people in India (important), Japan, Australia etc. to check to see if the post that you see is the same that they see. This is to check if there is location based content delivery on the blog post. I want you to see what I post and not an altered version of the post.
Below is photo of me taken in year 2021. See how much the skin color has darkened from a white man fair skin.
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0 notes
xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
I Didn’t Mean It - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: ANGST, cursing, death
Summary: It was too early for this. All the yelling, the fighting, the screaming. You didn’t give in but for some reason Bakugou just couldn’t let it go. Words get said and hearts die.
Your boyfriend, whom you’ve been dating since your second year in junior high, was currently screaming your head off.
Last night, the two of you and your friends all went out but the night ended early for you and Katsuki when some rando got a little too handsy with you. Even though you pushed the guy away, Katsuki couldn’t help but feed into his jealous nature. You both argued all night but you left the argument early and went to bed, too exhausted with everything that just went down. Unfortunately, Katsuki was stubborn and the second you woke up to get ready for patrol, he brought the argument back to life.
“A-Attention whore? Katsuki, I pushed him away!” You said with a cracked voice as you gathered your things. Bakugou was standing near the kitchen island as he slammed his fist on the counter and continued to yell.
“Why do you think he went to you in the first place, Y/N?! You walk around, dressed like a fucking slut, even though you have a boyfriend!” He screamed.
His words were hitting hard and you teared up the slightest bit as he continued yelling. “Katsuki! I didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Would you quit fucking crying! Just fucking admit you were going to be a fucking hoe and cheat on me! Then you can get the fuck out of here!” He screamed in your face. You squinted your eyes as the tears pricked at the end of them.
“…is that what you want? You want me to leave?” You asked with a broken heart. You could see the hesitation on Bakugou’s face. He was fighting himself, trying to force himself to bite his tongue and take back every harsh thing he said but his pride wouldn’t allow it. He didn’t mean any of it. His heart cried for one thing while his wild mouth said another.
“…..yes.” He muttered. He watched as your face grew in heartbreak and he could practically hear your pulse booming. You bit in your lip to hold back your sobs before you blinked away your tears and nodded.
“I’ll get my stuff out after my patrol.” With that, you walked off to the door and left to work but not before you heard Bakugou mutter a soft ‘I hate you,’ knowing full well that you heard. Bakugou stood in the now quiet house, immediately regretting everything he said.
He knew you weren’t a cheater. He knew you wouldn’t do that to him. He doesn’t know why he said what he did but all he knows is that he’s going to make it up to you once you come back home. He’ll do whatever it takes. He loves you after all.
After hollowing in sadness and regret, Bakugou got up and began his plan to make it up to you. He left the house and went out to buy groceries, a new Teddy Bear for you, a necklace, and a bouquet of your favorite flowers and another bouquet of roses.
With the new groceries, he made your favorite meal and baked your favorite dessert. He wrapped the gifts and placed them on the beautifully set table that was littered in flower petals and candles. Bakugou was sure this would help aid in his apology.
Throughout the day, Bakugou sent you multiple texts trying to explain and apologize. He sent multiple messages and was starting to grow a little hurt at the fact that you weren’t replying to any of them. He tried calling but when you didn’t pick up, it worried him. He sent voicemails to no avail and continued waiting. It was only a morning patrol so you should be back soon. Right?
Wrong. Bakugou sat in front of the t.v screen with an open jaw and wide eyes as tears fell from his face.
Pro-hero, H/N, fallen in tragic battle against villain.
Bakugou could feel the world stop. He felt his heart beat all throughout his body as he shook. He couldn’t move. It was like he was frozen in place as he stared at the screen showing an image of you being impaled. He snapped out of his trance when his phone rang. Stupidly having hope that it was you, he immediately answered.
“Y-Y/N?!” Bakugou screamed into the phone with a broken voice.
“I’m sorry Bakugou.” He recognized the voice as his best friend, Kirishima. “I don’t think she’s gonna make it.”
Bakugou began to huff as he looked around the house. This wasn’t supposed to happen. This wasn’t what he wanted! You were supposed to come home and make up! You were supposed to be here with him! You were supposed to be home!
“Where are you?! Where are you, where is she?!” He screamed into the phone. Kirishima gave him the information and Bakugou was out the door, blasting his way to your location.
He forced himself to go beyond his limits as he traveled the distance to where you were located. He arrived at the busy land where the battle took place. He ignored everything else and set his sights on where you could be, until he finally took notice of a crowd of people, surround your seemingly lifeless body.
“GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!” The pro screamed at the crowd. Everybody took notice of the hero as he ran to your body with tears in his eyes. Tears he vowed to hide from the public. As Bakugou landed, Kirishima and a few other heroes at the scene pushed the crowd away and told them to leave the couple be. The paramedics tried to take your body from Bakugou in a foolish attempt, but Bakugou refused to let you go. The paramedics allowed him to hold you, for they knew it would be for the last time.
Bakugou knelt down at your side and pressed your body to his chest. He still held frantic eyes as he examined your condition and felt his heart sink when he came to the conclusion that you weren’t doing so good. “Hey..hey, hey, hey. Y/N? Y/N, please. Please baby, wake up!”
His heart and head were in battle as one knew you weren’t going to make it while the other held hope and prayed you would. Bakugou moved the stray pieces of hair that covered your beautiful face and caressed your cheek. “Y/N come on! You have to wake up! We have to go home now!”
As his tears finally fell and dropped onto your face, you began to move and awaken due to his sobs and pleas.
“……..Katsuki,” you ever so gently whispered out, barely audible. But Bakugou heard you. He heard you well.
“Y/N! Fuck- thank fucking god!” He exclaimed into your neck as he cried. He sobbed while you merely looked to the sky, waiting for the heavens to take you.
“…I’m gonna die.”
At your words, Bakugou picked his head up and looked at your dull and almost lifeless eyes. His heart began panicking again as he shook his head. “No…no, baby, don’t say that. You’re gonna make it. I swear!”
“……I didn’t get to move my stuff out. I- ngh- ….I’m sorry.” You said with a weak look as you stared at nothing. Bakugou felt his tears fall heavier as he was reminded of your fight. He told you to leave. He told you he hated you. And he hated himself for even doing it.
“Y/N, please don’t leave. Please. I don’t want you to go..I- I didn’t mean it! I want you to stay. Stay with me! Stay alive! Please don’t go.” He begged as he held on a little tighter. You felt yourself growing weaker by the second and your vision was beginning to dull and turn hazy.
“…it’s too late.”
“It’s not! Please, it can’t be! Y/N!” Bakugou looked around for help when he realized he was left alone with you. “Y/N, please! Just stay a little longer!”
“…I’m tired, Katsuki.”
“I-..I know baby. I know. But- you have to stay awake, okay!? Stay awake, stay alive!” Bakugou cried as he looked at your life force drain right in front of him. What was he going to do?
You began to curl in a little more as you felt your body relax in his hold. “Katsuki?”
“Yes baby?” He frantically asked.
“…. I love you..and I’m sorry.”
His body took a screenshot as he looked at you in shock. Sorry? For what? You did nothing wrong. Today was horrible and it was his fault and now..he was paying the ultimate price.
“Y/N, I love you too.” He cried. He didn’t know what to do. What to say, what to think. He didn’t know anything. All he knew was that he wanted you to live. As he cried with shut eyes, his world stopped spinning when he felt you become dead weight in his arms. He shot his eyes open as he looked at your now lifeless body. “Y/N?…..Y/N!”
You didn’t get to hear him say it back.
Bakugou shook you, but to no avail. You were gone. But he refused to believe it. “Y/N!….Y/N wake up! ….This isn’t fucking funny! Please!”
Bakugou continued to try and get you to open your eyes until paramedics came to take your body and heroes pulled him away from you. “No! NO! LET ME GO! LET ME HOLD HER! PLEASE!”
“Bakugou! Stop! She’s gone!” Kirishima screamed as he held Bakugou back. The blonde continued to fight and struggle against the heroes that held him as he continued to reach out for you.
“NO! SHE’S NOT GONE! SHE’S THERE! SHE’S RIGHT THERE! PLEASE! LET ME GO! GIVE HER BACK TO ME!” Bakugou watched as the paramedics laid you down on a stretcher and covered your body in a sheet. The sight made Bakugou nauseous as he felt his heart drop to his stomach.
“NO!” He cried as he used his explosions to push away the heroes and ran to your body. The sight of the angry and heartbroken hero scared the medics away as Bakugou ripped the sheet off and was finally able to have you in his arms again. Kirishima was the first and only one who tried to reach out to him.
“STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM US!” He screamed as he held into your dead body.
“…Y/N..baby, please wake up. This wasn’t supposed to happen!” He cried as he pressed his forehead to your own and held onto the side of your face. “I’m so sorry we argued and had that fight…but- but I was going to make it up to you! I swear! You were supposed to come home..so I could give you flowers..and gifts..and- and I made your favorite meal! I set everything up back at home! You have to wake up so you can see! YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP SO YOU KNOW THAT I DIDN’T MEAN ANY OF THE SHIT I SAID!”
You remained silent and breathless, and yet Bakugou still tried, hoping you could hear him.
“Wake up…so we can go home. So I can show you all I did for you. So I can shower you in a thousand apologies, so we can cuddle on the couch…please.” He cried. “Y/N…..”
All of a sudden, Bakugou was pulled back by a hero’s quirk and held there. He fought against restraints and screamed against everything and everyone. “NO! NO! GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!”
He continued to scream until he felt someone jab him with a sedative. He felt himself going weak and feeling drowsy. He was getting tired. His vision became fuzzy but he was still able to see them cover your body up once more as Kirishima tried to hide his view of you.
“No!” He screamed in a weaker, more tired tone. “No, please. Please..just-…just let me hold her. Please……Y/N….” And with that, he was knocked out.
When he came to, he awoke on his couch with Kirishima sitting at his feet with his elbows on his knees. When the red head noticed the blonde’s opening eyes, he was quick to grab him some water.
“Hey man, you’re finally-“
“WHERE IS SHE?!” Bakugou asked, slapping the glass of water out of his best friend’s hand. He grabbed onto the red’s shoulders and demanded answers. “WHERE’S Y/N!? TELL ME NOW!”
Kirishima looked at Bakugou with pitiful eyes. He slowly took hold of his friend’s hands and pulled them off of his shoulders. “Bakugou…I’m sorry.”
The blonde began to shake his head in denial as he began to cry again. “No..no! No, no, please! She can’t…”
“She can’t be gone.”
The blonde began to sob uncontrollably as Kirishima consulted him the best he could. He was unfamiliar with the blonde’s despair, the hot head had never been this upset before. The two friends remained on the couch until Bakugou calmed down enough to a point where he could talk…barely.
“H-How long have I been out?” Bakugou asked.
“Just two days. Don’t worry..you didn’t miss her…” Kirishima looked at his friend’s broken face as Bakugou lifted his head to show his friend his depression. He knew what words were coming. He didn’t know if he wanted to hear them. “….you didn’t miss her funeral.”
Bakugou squeezed his eyes shut as he allowed his head to fall as tears poured out of them. He silently suffered before asking another question. “When is it?”
“…in a week. Y/N didn’t have any family left-“ Kirishima felt his friend tense at his words. “…She didn’t have any blood related family left to give her one, so our friends and the agency put together a small one. Just her closest friends, the agency, and the heroes who fought with her in battle.”
“……I’m not going.” Bakugou stated.
“What?” Kirishima asked. “Bakugou, Y/N was your girlfriend. You guys were together even before U.A. and even after that! You both built a home together. How could you not go to her funeral?”
“I can’t face her! Not yet. I don’t deserve to get a good look at her face after what I did.” The pro sobbed. Kirishima looked at him in confusion, urging the blonde to continue. “I-….I said so many horrible things to her. I called her a fucking whore! I- I completely disrespected her and accused her of cheating when I know she didn’t! I told her to leave and to get the fuck out of my life! I told her I hated her!”
“KIRISHIMA I TOLD HER TO LEAVE BUT I DIDN’T MEAN IT!” He screamed. Bakugou began to cry again as he finished pouring everything on the table. “I didn’t mean it! I didn’t want this! And- and now, I’ll never be able to get her back!”
Kirishima processed his friend’s words and began to understand exactly why he was so upset. He placed a hand in his friend’s back before softly speaking. “…Go to her funeral. Going could give you some closure and relief. Don’t say you don’t deserve to see her because you do. Y/N would want you to be there for her. …Honor H/N’s name.”
Bakugou said nothing as he kept his head in his hands. He didn’t sob uncontrollably anymore but Kirishima could hear his sniffles. The friend pulled him in for a small one sided hug and spoke.
“You’re my brother, Katsuki…I hate seeing you this upset.” With that, Kirishima got up and walked to the exit. Before he left, he looked to his friend with a sad look. “I hope you show up..for Y/N.”
The day of the funeral came, and Bakugou didn’t show. He couldn’t. Despite everything Kirishima said, he just couldn’t bring himself to face you. To see you dead. Pale faced in the casket. The thought alone made him sick to his stomach.
Time passed and months went by before Bakugou could even leave his house to go to your grave. The first time he went, he brought your favorite flowers in a mix of roses. He found your name engraved on the stone slab before placing the bouquet down and sitting. It was a beautiful day..and all he could think about was how you weren’t here to enjoy it with him.
“Y/N…I’m so so sorry. The day you left..you didn’t even get to hear me tell you that I love you too. I love you so much and now you’ll probably never know just how much I do. You’ll never get to wear the ring I got for you..you’ll never get to walk down the aisle..I’ll never get to be the one to receive you at the end of that aisle. We’ll never have that family you wouldn’t stop talking about. We’ll never get to grow old together..and be together forever like we planned.” He said with a sorrowful expression.
“I told you I hated you, I told you to leave but I didn’t mean it! Please….. come back! I love you and I want you here with me! I didn’t want you to go, I didn’t mean it, please!…
…I didn’t mean it.”
As he cried at your grave, a gust of wind blew against his hair in a soft breeze. Too lost in his tears, he couldn’t make out that it was your spirit attempting to comfort him.
A ghost of you rested on your grave as you looked down at your ex-boyfriend crying more than he ever has before. You got down on your knees to sit infront of him as he cried with his head down as you placed an empty hand on the side of his face, knowing he couldn’t feel your touch.
“I know you didn’t mean it, Katsuki…I know.”
Tag list: @sxcker4you @aomi04
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darkenedreaper · 3 years
So Scarlett had a baby boy called Cosmo with Colin and because I am in love with her, I decided to write this sad, angsty fiction. If this causes offence to anyone or you don't like it, then respectfully leave :)
Pairing: Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Celebrity!Reader, Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Angst, A Line From Friends
Summary: When Scarlett has her second child with her husband who you envy, you start to change. But will the woman you love notice?
Another Heartbreak
You had been messaging Scarlett, but hadn't seen her for the past few months. You missed her. You missed the way she rubbed your arm instinctively, the longing and lingering gazes to each other. At award shows, you missed the way her arm would sit with yours and her other would rest on your collar bone. You always knew you liked her, but when she remarried to Colin, you realised you loved her. Your celebrity status went quiet for 2 weeks after her marriage and it worried your fans. Chris (Evans) knew about what you felt for Scarlett, and he did his best to distract you from it. You were gaining the courage to tell Scarlett you were coming to her place and you'd confess your love, but later that day you received a message from her and a screenshot of Colin's post on Instagram. The photo she sent you was a picture of her new baby boy, Cosmo. It was also sent to everyone else.
The minute you opened it, your heart jolted a little and tears had sprang their way into your eyes. You shut your phone off and leaned back in your chair taking deep breaths, desperate to hold back your sobs. Within another few minutes, our phone started vibrating, only to see an incoming call from Chris. You couldn't answer it. You were too upset. You just stood up from your chair and left everything in place, you even left your phone. Maybe some fresh air would help you calm.
You were out for 10 minutes before catching glimpses of phone turned towards you, or the sae person following you. Your eyes were red, but your cheeks were yet to be stained. Before you knew it, you'd been out for an hour and a half. You decided to walk back, you were getting hungry, but you didn't feel like eating. You took a glimpse at your phone and it was nearly blown up from Chris. You just sent a quick, 'I'm fine'.
Days later, you remembered that you had an interview with Scarlett in a few weeks. You hadn't messaged her ever since she sent you as picture of Cosmo. Sure you felt bad but it hurt too much. Didn't she see the way you looked at her. She must have because she gave you the same looks back.
It was a few after Scarlett had her baby boy and you admitted to yourself, she looked even better than she already was. But you wouldn't tell her. For now you would keep your distance, you'd do anything to keep your heart from hurting again.
Scarlett had sort of picked up on the way you seemed a little cold towards her. You had greeted her but without your close hug and a kiss on each cheek. And when you sat down on the red sofa for your interview, you crossed your legs and folded your arms which was unusual to her. You would always have your legs touching Scarlett's as a sense of security but she had her husband to do that for her. You'd always have an arm around the back of the chair or sofa for her, but she had a husband to do that. She admitted to herself that she missed, unknowingly snuggling into your side. She was confused as to why you were acting like this, and why her message about her baby boy was left on seen. But for now she kept her distance.
You had some more interviews over the next few days and Scarlett was mostly asked about the newest member of her family. And surprisingly, the interviewer had told you that your fans had picked up on the fact that you'd been quiet and you seemed changed. Even though Scarlett was so tired, she shot awake and was ready for your answer to this question. "It was just another heartbreak", and you gave a sad smile. Scarlett was staring at you, your eyes, your lips, but her face grew sad when she heard your answer.
The interviewer then asked, "Do you see yourself marrying, or having children?" Scarlett sat up straight after this question, she had always considered marrying you, and she wanted a family with you, before she met Ryan but she only ever wished for you to have the courage. Even when she married Colin you were always still on her mind. She wondered if you ever felt the same. She loved Colin but she wondered if she was in love with him. Wait, she just had a baby with him, of course she loved him.
"I use to want a family and be married, but that changed within a few minutes". You just wanted the interview over. For the next few weeks, you continued to give the hard shoulder to Scarlett until after an award show, she pulled you aside and confronted you about everything.
"Y/N, you ignored my message about my baby, you've done nothing but ignore me, move away from me. What is the matter with you?!" You quickly turned your head and said,
"You want to know what the matter is? I am completely, over the top, stupid, slit my own throat in love with you that every minute of every hour of every day, I can't believe my own damn bad luck that he got you first! I love you!"
You didn't care that there were cameras everywhere, didn't care that all of your friends were watching. Scarlett stared at you with an expression that read shock. She was so happy that you had told her the three words she'd wanted to hear, but she saw the tears in your eyes.
"I wanted to marry you, I wanted to be there holding your hand when you gave birth to our baby. I wanted to tie your shoes laces when you couldn't, I wanted to be the one you woke up when you had cramps or felt sick. I wanted to be the one standing outside the bathroom door waiting for results. I wanted to be the one you could rely on, I want to be the one you love." She was beginning to forget about the people around her, even her husband. She felt upset seeing you in a such a state.
Scarlett reached her hands out to your to grab your own but before she could you backed away, wiping your eyes and turning your back to your world. There were flashes and questions being shouted, but you just wanted to flush yourself down a plug hole. You left after your confession, Chris didn't know where you went, Scarlett didn't know where you went. Your fans were heartbroken, some because you confessed to someone else and others because you'd gone of the grid. But she looked for you whenever she could. She had a new-born to manage but whenever he was sleeping safely, she'd be calling your phone, texting you, anything.
Remembering your broken words, she wouldn't let you just leave her and disappear without telling you she felt the same.
Part 2?
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Good Vibrations
summary | It was supposed to be an awesome day, testing out your new wireless vibrator. But what happens when two hackers take control?
pairings | Stucky x Reader
word count | 2800~ words
warnings | Non-Con, blackmail/manipulation, bondage, dirty talk, Happy Ending though!!!
a/n: Bold italicized indicates text message
 You were so excited! You were trying out your brand-new Bluetooth vibrator for the first time. Secret public play had always been a fantasy of yours. But now you were doing something risky, wearing it to work. You’d tested it before leaving the house, and the “Discreet” guarantee proved itself true. So, you headed off to your job working as an administrator at a law firm.  Once you’d arrived and settled with your breakfast, you decided to start your fun.
              You turned your vibrator onto the lowest setting and bit your lip at the sensation. You turned to your computer to start answering emails, but out of nowhere, the vibrator shut off.
              “Odd” you muttered, looking at your phone. Maybe the battery was dead? You tapped a few buttons on your phone but suddenly, the vibrator ramped up 3 intensity levels and you had to your lip to keep yourself from letting out a loud moan.
              “What the fuck?” you stood up to go remove the device so you could figure out what was wrong, when a text came through
              “Hey Babydoll.” What the fuck?
              “Who is this??” You texted back.
              “Your new friend. You oughtta be careful with those Bluetooth devices. They’re not always the most secure. ;)” Now you were just pissed off.
              “Look, I don’t know who you are or what you want. But I’m blocking this number.” Before you could do that, a screenshot came up with your bank account information.
              “I’d think twice about that, doll.” You sat back down in your seat in shock. You weren’t sure what to do next.
              “What do you want?”
              “Oh, we just want to have some fun.” The number texted back.
              A second phone number was added into the chat.
              “Hi sweetheart” the new number texted. Fuck fuck fuck.
              “Here’s how today is going to go.” The first number texted. You’ll go through your day just like a good little girl. But my friend and I are going to be in control of that little toy. And if you take it out, well…” Another screenshot of your bank account came up, this time $10 shorter.  You were internally screaming. But maybe if you went through your work day like normal…
              “I’ll keep it in. You have my word.” The second number (you decided to designate them as “Creep #1” and “Creep #2”) texted back “Sorry, baby. But we need more than your word. Why don’t you send a picture of those soaking wet panties of yours?” You were pissed beyond belief, fists shaking. But you had no choice but to do as you were told.  You excused yourself to the bathroom, making sure to lock the door. You pulled your skirt up and your panties, which were in fact wet. You chalked it up to using the vibrator earlier, then sent a picture.
              “Such a good girl.” Creep # 1 texted. “In fact, you’re going to be VERY good and take those panties off for me.” You did as ordered; adjusted your skirt and headed back to your desk, your face hot with shame.
              Throughout the day, the 2 creeps made your life some kind of pleasurable hell, turning the vibrator on, off, and switching the settings at the most random times. You were halfway through a conversation with the head partner in your office when the vibrator switched on to a medium, rhythmic setting and you were gripping the doorframe to keep your knees from buckling.
              The only mildly interesting part of the day was when it seemed to buz at random intervals, but as you focused, you realized one of them was tapping something out in Morse code.
              “B-A-B-Y-D-O-L-L” Your temper flared up and you grabbed your phone and texted the two of them
              “WOULD YOU MIND?? I’M TRYING TO FOCUS ON MY WORK!” A shot of your bank account came back, this time $50 shorter. Creep #2 replied
              “Want to try that again, doll?” You pursed your lips
              “I’m sorry.”
              “Sir.” #1 replied
              “I’m sorry…sir.” You texted back.
              “Good girl. We’ll try to be a little nicer ;)” #1 responded before typing out a morse code “xoxo”
                Somehow you made it through to the end of the work day. You were ready to run to the closest police station and report the whole thing.  But a text came in from Creep #1
              “Work day’s over sweetheart. There’s a Lyft waiting for you outside. Go get in.”
              “What if I say no?” Your bank came up, this time missing $500. Fucking dammit!
              “Yes, sir.” You replied, still trying to formulate a plan.
              “The Lyft is a 2012 Navy Blue Toyota Corolla. Don’t talk to the driver. Just relax, and enjoy the ride. ;)” You thought for a moment. You could still run to the police. But they wouldn’t really help you. You scurried out of your office and quickly got into the car. The whole trip, you tried to watch where you were going, but the two of them kept up on the vibrator and you had to bite your lip to keep from moaning out loud, ignoring the looks from the driver.
              The driver pulled up in front of a beautiful hotel and you got out as another text came through.
              “Go to the desk and tell her you’re checking into a room under your name. If you’re not up here in 5 minutes, we’ll both come down to the lobby and punish you for everyone to see. Understood?” You let out a little squeak, then texted back.
              “Yes Sir.” You thought of telling the receptionist what was going on, but you reasoned they couldn’t do anything in a public hotel…right? You collected the key card and headed up in the elevator. You wrung your hands nervously as you didn’t know what to expect. All you could focus on was the edge you’d been riding on all day, and the ride over had only made it worse.
When the elevator finally reached your floor, you walked down the hallway to the room. As you stood outside the door, you contemplated. This was your last chance. But something was driving you, not just fear of what would happen if you didn’t show up; but what would happen if you did go in. Before you could change your mind, you swiped the keycard and walked into the room.
The room was dark, but some light was coming in from the city outside. You could see that it was a nice room.
“Hello?” you called quietly into the room. Stepping inside and shutting the door behind you, the click of the door was like a jail cell. You took a few steps into the room when someone grabbed you form behind, covering your mouth and wrapping an arm around your waist, holding you firm against an even more firm chest.
“Hi babydoll.” A voice purred in your ears. “You’re such a good girl following our orders. Ready to follow a few more?”
A man stepped out of the shadows of the room and your breath caught in your throat. He was absolutely gorgeous. He was tall and strapping with brunette hair tied up in a man bun, and steely blue eyes that felt like they were staring into your very soul. But what truly caught your eye was that his left arm was entirely metal. He was wearing a red Henley and dark jeans. A smirk tugged at his gorgeous lips.
“See something you like?”
“What about me?” the voice behind you spoke. He loosened his grip a little and you turned to see an equally attractive man. He was almost the opposite of the brunette with golden blonde hair and a very scruffy beard. He was light to the other’s dark. Further amplified by his choice of white t-shirt and light denim jeans.
“Don’t worry, doll. We think you’re gorgeous too.” The brunette came closer and played with a loose strand of your hair.
“Please…whatever you want with me…I just wanna go home…” tears sprung to your eyes as fear really started to sit in, but the blonde shushed you.
“Relax, baby. We’re going to take very good care of you.”
              “Please…I don’t even know who you are.” You begged. The two exchanged a look, they’d clearly planned this.
              “You can call me Sargent. And him Captain.” The brunette, Sargent, said. “And all you have to do is what you’ve been doing all day. Just do as you’re told, and we’ll make you feel so good.” He promised
              “Now, let’s check and see how wet that little pussy is after a day of being teased and played with.” Captain said, the hand around your waste gripped your skirt in his hand, pulling it up. Sargent got on his knees in front of you, lifting up one of your legs and spreading them wide.
              “Fuuuuck. You’re soaking wet.” Sargent looked up at you and smile. “Looks like someone had a very good day at work.” He brought his hand up between your legs, rubbing your clit gently. When you moaned, he moved his fingers inside you, and pulled out the small bullet vibrator. “Fuuuuuck doll.” He groaned. “Soaking wet. Such a good girl.” He ran his tongue over it before tossing it away. Then he dove in like a starving man at a banquet, laving his tongue all over your pussy while metal hand began to vibrate (As if you hadn’t had enough!) against your clit.
              Meanwhile, Captain had ripped your blouse, the buttons scattering. He growled when he saw the lacy bra you’d worn, another treat for yourself.
“God, babygirl. You’re so fucking sexy.” He pulled the bra down, exposing your breasts. Then brought his hands up and began playing with your nipples, tugging and pull ever so slightly. All the while kissing along your neck and shoulders while whispering the filthiest things imaginable.
“Can’t wait to fuck you baby…use you as my own slutty little toy…tie you up, kiss you all over…” He bit down gently on your earlobe, making you buck your hips against Sargent’s face, who tightened his grip on your thighs
“Fuck Cap… Her pussy is so perfect. You’ll have to have a taste.  Should we let her cum?” Captain smirked and seemed to mull it over, as you started to beg
“Please…I’ve needed…all day…” the constant edge all day had truly driven you half mad with want and frustration.
“Cum for us, doll. Cum all over Sarge’s face.” Cap ordered and you were quick to obey. Grinding your pussy against Sargent’s face and crying out.
Sargent kept licking and sucking as you rode out the last waves of your orgasm. When he pulled away, he was grinning like a kid on Christmas.
“Doll, you got the sweetest pussy I’ve ever tasted.”
“Mmm, lemme get a taste…” Captain said. Sargent set your leg down, giving a few more kisses to your thighs, then stood up and kissed Captain deeply, lovingly. After, he kissed you and you wanted to struggle but his lips just seem to melt against yours.
              “So soft…so perfect…” he said, cupping your jaw.
              “Shall we move this to the bed and make everyone a little more comfortable?” Captain suggested. You were ready to collapse with exhaustion, but had no choice as Sargent carried you over and laid you on the bed.
              “What do you say Cap, should we ride this little slut and put her away still soaking wet?”
              “Definitely, the question is how?” Sargent groaned in response as if thinking it over.
              “I think I wanna shove my cock in her ass.” He answered before leaning over to grab your hair and pulling your head up to look at you. “Ever had a cock in your ass babydoll?” you shook your head and he grinned wolfishly. “Then I’ll happily be the first. Scooch over for Captain here.”
              The blonde in question was currently stripping out of his shirt and jeans leaving him in just blue boxers. Sargent let go of your hair and followed suit, stripping down to black boxers. When Sargent let go, you scooched away from the two men, but were stopped when Captain climbed onto the bed with you, grabbing your arm and pulling you on top of him.
              “Hiya sweetheart.” He said, a small smile on his lips. You whimpered as you rubbed slightly against the very generous endowment you could feel, making Captain chuckle. “Such a needy little thing. Don’t worry baby, we’re gunna fill you up with our cocks.” He promised. You heard the clicking of a cap, then felt Sargent kneeling behind you.
              “Just relax, doll. And this’ll be sooooo good.” You winced when you felt the cold metal of his fingers covered with lube pressing against your asshole.
              “Aww, what’s the matter? Too cold? I know something that’ll warm you up.” Captain said as he pulled his boxers down. “Ride my cock baby.” He ordered and when you paused for a moment, Sargent delivered a harsh smack to your ass. You rubbed yourself against his cock, making both of you moan before sinking down on it.
              “Fuck….” He groaned. “Feels so good.”  As you felt his cock going deeper, Sargent pressed two of his fingers against your ass, slowly pushing in, making you whimper.
              “Shit doll, I don’t know how you’re gunna take my cock if you’re already squeezing this tight around my fingers. You gotta relax a little more.”
              “I can help with that.” Captain offered, rubbing his thumb over your clit. You let out a moan, also releasing the breath you didn’t realizing you’d been holding.
              “Oh yeah, she’s relaxed now.” Sargent joked as he fingered your ass a bit more before pulling them out. You felt the head of his cock pressing against you and you took his flesh hand squeezing it tight, making him laugh softly. “Don’t worry baby.” He murmured in your ear before kissing just below it. Then he thrust inside, making you gasp.
              “Fuck doll…squeezing me like a fucking vice.” He gave a few small tentative thrusts. The sensation was overwhelming, if a bit uncomfortable. But the discomfort gave way to pleasure as Captain added in his own movements, bouncing you on his cock and keeping rubbing your clit.
              “You look so pretty for us baby…all filled up with both our dicks.” Captain said.  Your mind was having trouble stringing words together, but you nodded and he smiled in response. “I think we went and fucked her stupid, Sarge.” He joked
              “Awe, are you our dumb little fucktoy?” Sarge asked, mockingly while picking up his thrusts, making you moan louder. The  two developed a rhythm in their fucking so you were never not full of them.
              Between their words, the feelings, everything was driving you further and further towards climax.
              “I’m gunna…I’m gunna...” you panted, still too lost in the pleasure
              “That’s it doll. Cum for us. Cum all over our cocks and show us what a little slut you are.” Sarge ordered and both of them fucked your faster, chasing their own release.        
              Your orgasm crashed over you like a wave of euphoria, cumming harder than you’d ever thought possible. Your release triggered their own and you cried out in pleasure as you felt them cumming in you. You dug your nails into Cap’s chest, making him groan as he pinned your hips down onto his.
              As your climax passed, exhaustion washed over you and you collapsed onto Steve’s chest, almost pulling Bucky down onto you. The man in question pulled your hair back so he could your face.
              “You still with us babygirl?” he asked and you nodded slightly.
              “Yes, daddy.” You said, voice barely above a whisper.
              “Good girl. I’m gunna pull out, ready sweetie?” you nodded again and he withdrew from you slowly. You winced slightly as he pulled out completely.
              “Such a good girl. Isn’t she Stevie?”
              “And all ours.” Steve affirmed, rubbing your back. He looked down at you. “You need anything sweetheart?”
              “Blankie. Maybe some juice or tea?” as the scene passed, you were slipping into your little space.
              “Your blankie is in the suitcase. And I think Bucky got some of your favorite juice, just for this occasion.” Steve said. Bucky got up and went over to the suitcase, pulling out your fuzzy Disney blankie and tossing it to you and Steve, who immediately tucked it around you. Bucky then went to the mini-fridge, grabbing your juice before coming back to the bed.
              “Can you get off Daddy Stevie for me, baby?” Bucky asked, making you and Steve smile.
              “But she’s so comfy to snuggle.” he said.
              “Daddy’s right.” You said and slowly sat up and climbed off Steve; wrapping the blankie more around you. You took the juice from Bucky as he wrapped his arm around you, keeping you warm.        
              “How was that doll? Everything you wanted?” Bucky asked.
              “It was Perfect daddy. Best anniversary gift ever.” Your husbands had been a little surprised when you’d told them what you wanted for your anniversary was to act out a fantasy you’d had for ages. But now, as Bucky held you tight as you 3 all settled in the bed, you couldn’t have been happier.
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Stupid Decision
Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 2,950ish
Summary: Steve makes a stupid decision regarding your relationship. (Angst/Fluff)
Notes: This is my entry for @sylvie-writes​ writing challenge. I didn’t bold the prompts but I used 23, 30, 32, 36, 44, and 52.
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“I can’t do this anymore.”
The five words no one ever longed to hear when they were in love. Especially when you were in love with none other than, Captain America. You knew something had been off before he left for the mission a week ago. And now, he had gotten back and went straight to your room. You tried to welcome him back with open arms, only for him to say.
“I can’t do this anymore.”
Your heart broke instantly. “Wh-what? Why?” Your voice was small, which made Steve almost wince.
“I just… I can’t.” He turned to leave but you quickly stopped him.
“No! You don’t get to just say you can’t do this anymore and walk away. I am owed an explanation.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I just can’t any more. It’s not you, it’s—“
“Bullshit! Just tell me.”
“I have another mission, Y/N. I just came to tell you it was over. I have to go.” 
He opened the door, walked out and quickly closed it. You were so shocked that you couldn’t move to chase after him. It wasn’t worth it anyway if he was done. There was no point in fighting it. You began crying into your hands, slowly lowering yourself onto your knees. Unbeknownst to you, Steve was still outside the door. He was leaning against it, head up and hand still on the door knob. He was looking at the ceiling, wishing for his tears to disappear as he listened to your cries.
The mission had been rough, as many were. But this time they had clear information on you. Your patterns, your likes and dislikes, everything down to your elementary school grades. They threatened him with your life and he could not risk it. It was killing him the whole way home that he had purposefully put together another mission to get back out there as soon as possible. But right now, Steve couldn’t get himself to move. You were inside your room, heart broken, and all he wanted to do was fix it. But he couldn’t. Not until the threat was completely gone.
Tony, Natasha, and Clint were all in the kitchen, fixing themselves breakfast, when Tony suddenly stopped what he was doing.
“What is it, Stark?” Natasha wondered.
“Shit’s about to hit the fan,” Tony answered, squinting his eyes and looking around. “I can feel it.”
Clint laughed. “You can feel it?” Clint repeated. “Since when?”
“Since ever. Trust me on this one. Something’s off about today.”
You slunk into the room. Sleep had eluded you, so you already were struggling to look decent. But it was also clear that you had been crying.
“Y/N?” Natasha questioned. “What’s wrong?”
You let out a shaky breath. “Steve broke up with me,” you answered quietly.
“What?!” Clint and Natasha exclaimed.
“See!” Tony shouted. “I told you shit was about to hit the fan!”
“Tony,” Natasha scolded, coming to your side. “Why would he do that?”
You pursed your lips, trying to keep your emotions in check. “He just… he just said that he couldn’t do it anymore. Then he left. Said he had another mission to go on.”
“Another mission?” Tony repeated. “There was no plan for another mission.”
“Well then I don’t know where he is then, Tony!” You yelled, letting it all out. “That’s what he told me, after… after…” You started hyperventilating, unable to fully take in air.
“Y/N, I need you to breathe,” Natasha coaxed, running a hand up and down your back. 
You shook your head, struggling. Nat guided you to a chair and knelt down in front of you. Tears slipped down your cheeks and you failed to take in any full breaths.
“Focus on me, Y/N,” Natasha guided. “Focus on my voice.”
“FRIDAY,” Tony called out to the AI, “I need a location on Rogers.”
“Captain Rogers is currently flying in a quinjet with Sargent Barnes and Mr. Wilson,” FRIDAY responded.
“I need details on their mission sent to me, now.” 
“I don’t…” you choked out. “I don’t… un-under-stand-d… is he… see-ing… someone… else…?”
“Impossible,” Clint replied, shaking his head. “Cap’s head over heals in love with you.”
“Th-then wh-yyy…?”
“I’ve given you all the details I have to Captain Rogers plans, Boss,” FRIDAY stated.
“I’m going to figure this out, kid. I’m going to bring them home and give ‘em hell,” Tony said. “I promise.” He press a kiss to her head before hurrying away.
“Nat…” you cried. “It hurts…”
“I know,” she rubbed her thumb over your knee. “I know… let’s get you back into bed. You need some rest.”
After Clint and Nat tucked you in, you slept for hours while they tried to figure out what Steve was thinking.
“They’ve somehow cut FRIDAY out of the quinjet,” Tony said, him and the others in his lab. “And they didn’t put in any flights plans before FRIDAY got disconnected.”
“This doesn’t make any sense,” Clint said, looking over everything. “Steve came to me a few weeks ago, asking when I knew Laura was the one. I asked him if he thought Y/N was the one and he said yes. He couldn’t have changed his mind that fast… right?”
“I think I’ve found something,” Natasha said, sitting in front of a computer. “This is the footage from Steve’s suit cam from the last mission.” She pulled screenshots up. “There’s information all about Y/N here. Like, everything. Her whole life story, her day-to-day routines. Everything.”
“He thinks he’s protecting her,” Tony whispered, looking over everything. “He thinks this is his fault and that he has to be the one to fix it.”
“Stupid, idiot men,” Natasha muttered. “Always feeling the need to protect us by doing stupid shit. We need to get him back here before she turns around and does something stupid herself.”
It was now the middle of the night and you couldn’t sleep. You were craving sugar, hard core, and you knew exactly where to find it. Sneaking out to the kitchen, you found where the cans of frosting were kept. You grabbed a spoon before carefully opening the can and sat up on top of the counter. You closed your eyes and moaned as that first spoonful ran across your tongue. 
“Did I just witness you eat frosting straight from the can?”
You jumped at the sound of Clint’s voice, almost slipping off the counter.
“Shit, Clint! You scared me.”
“Sorry about that.” He waltzed into the kitchen and stood across from you, leaning against the counter. “But seriously, are you eating frosting straight from a can?”
“It’s not a crime, Clint, it’s just my coping mechanism. Deal with it.” You put another spoonful in your mouth. 
“How are you holding up?”
“How do you think? As you’ve pointed out twice now, I’m eating frosting from a can.”
“He’s an idiot.” 
You nodded in agreement, taking another spoonful. “Yeah…” you sighed. “Clint, I don’t know if I can be here when he comes back.”
“What? You can’t seriously be thinking about leaving?”
“I am seriously thinking about it. I’m not even a part of the team nor do I work here at the compound. I moved in to be with Steve and now he doesn’t want to be with me, so I really don’t see a reason to stay. Technically, the room I’m in is his anyway.”
“Y/N, really think about this. Are you sure?”
You took a minute to really think about it. “I’m sure.”
“Are you going to tell us what’s going on here, punk?” Bucky asked. 
He and Sam had been dragged into the quinjet almost immediately after Steve had gotten home. They knew that something was wrong, but Steve wasn’t talking.
Steve sighed. “I guess it’s time that I told you,” he said. “I broke up with Y/N?”
“You what?!” His friends both shouted.
“Why? It doesn’t make any sense!” Sam continued. “Bucky, wasn’t it just a few weeks ago when Steve told us he was going to marry the girl. And now you’ve gone and broke up with her?! Do you have brain damage?!” Steve simply clenched his jaw, unable to look at them.
“Why did you do it, Steve?” Bucky asked.
“Cause they know everything,” Steve replied, quietly.
“Who knows everything?”
“HYDRA… On the last mission, I found a room dedicated to her. They’re planning on using her against me.”
“They can’t do that,” Sam said, shaking his head. “She’s perfectly safe at the compound.”
“Except she’s not. When I say they know everything, Sam, I mean they know everything. Her habits, her likes and dislikes, every moment we’ve spent together… In order to keep her safe, I needed to break up with her.”
“Was that’s HYDRA’s call or your call?” Bucky asked. Steve didn’t answer. “You idiot.”
“I had to do what was needed. We’re on our way to another base. I can’t be with her until they’re gone.”
“Did you ever think about the effect this would have on her?”
“I did. But I had to do it. She’s safe under Tony’s care right now while I fix this.”
“You didn’t even think this through, did you?”
“What do you mean?”
“Y/N’s not an Avenger. So she had no reason to be living at the compound besides you. It’s only a matter of time before she moves out. And we all know she’s not safe out there.”
“I’m sure the Team can keep her there.”
“Are you sure?” Sam asked. “Do they even know what’s going on?”
“They don’t. But if I know Natasha, she’ll do anything to keep me and her together.” 
“She’s going to kill you for doing this to Y/N.”
Steve winced, imagining what Nat will do to him when she sees him again. “Well, we’re not going back until this mission is complete.”
Clint watched you through the vents throughout the night. He wanted to see if you were really serious. And you were, you packed up all your belongs before dawn. You had also found a new apartment already. Almost every box was in the moving truck by the time Clint woke up from his spot in the vent. Upon seeing the room with only Steve’s things in it, he rushed to the lab, where Nat and Tony were still trying to get a hold of Steve, Bucky, and Sam.
“Guys! Guys! Guys!” Clint ran in. “We have a problem!”
“What is it, Legolas?” Tony asked. “I’ve almost hacked into the quinjet here.”
“Y/N’s leaving! She’s packed up and almost out of here!”
“What?!” Natasha and Tony shouted.
“We have to stop her! We need to get Steve back here!”
“I’m trying, Barton,” Tony said. “You and Red find a way to slow her down. I think I’ve got a location on them. I’m going to take a suit and go after them.”
You were walking to your car to go and meet the moving truck at your new place, when suddenly there was a red head in front of you.
“Where do you think you’re going?” She asked, hands on her hips.
“To my new apartment,” you answered. 
“Why? This is your home.”
“No, this is Steve’s home.”
“And now yours.”
“Nat… I really don’t want to do this right now. I just want to get to my new apartment and sleep.”
“You can sleep here.”
“I’m sorry, Nat.” You tried to move around her, only for her to get back in your way. “Seriously, move.”
“Try me.” She narrowed her eyes at you.
“You know I can’t compete with you. Just, Nat… I can’t be here when he gets back… he doesn’t want to be with me anymore. And that’s… well it sucks and, honestly, I may never recover. But I have a better shot at doing so someplace else.”
“Y/N…” Natasha reached for your hand, but you stepped back.
“No.” You shook your head. “If you touch me, I will break. And I don’t want to break in front of people. I have to be strong.”
“Rogers is an idiot.”
You gave her a small, but fake, smile. “I never said he wasn’t. Please, Nat, let me go.”
“Fine,” Natasha sighed. “I’m coming with you to help you unpack.”
Tony landed on the quinjet, that was still in the air. He was furious at the Captain he knew was below him. Not bothering to open the ramp, he used a laser to cut a hole in the top of the quinjet and jumped through it.
“What the hell, Stark?!” Sam exclaimed. The three men were armed.
“What the hell is right,” Tony said, making his helmet disappear. He pointed at Steve. “I can’t even believe you.”
“Tony, you don’t understand,” Steve said.
“Oh, I think I do. You think you’re protecting her but Y/N is back in New York, heart broken and moving out of the compound.”
“Moving out? She can’t move out, it’s not safe. Why are you letting her do that?”
“I’m not letting her do shit, Rogers. She’s her own person who was basically told that she wasn’t worth it.”
“I never said that. I could never—“
“Doesn’t matter. You gave her no other reason, so she’s immediately feel to that.”
“It’s too dangerous—“
“Our lives our too dangerous, Steve! You don’t see it, but she doesn’t sleep when you’re gone. Always worried sick that you might never return! You think you’re protecting her by doing this, well you’re wrong! You’ve now pushed her out of the safest place she could be!”
“I may regret saying this, but I’m with Stark on this one,” Bucky said. “You’ve been a complete and utter idiot, Steve. Yes, protect her. Go out and destroy all of HYDRA, we’ll help. But break her heart in the process,” Bucky shook his head, “ridiculous. If you told her what was going on, she would have understood. The team could have created a plan to keep her safer, but instead you did the most stupid, cliche thing in the book.”
Steve fell back into the pilot’s seat, running a hand down his face. “I really am an idiot,” he whispered.
“Damn right you are,” Sam agreed. “So what do you say to destroying this HYDRA base we’re heading to and then going back and fixing things with your girl?”
Both Natasha and Clint helped you unpack, though they didn’t make it easy. They kept trying to put things back in the moving van to take back to the compound, but you wouldn’t have it. After having dinner together, you forced them to leave you alone. It was now the early hours of the morning and you were sitting out on the fire escape just outside your new bedroom window. You were lost in thought, staring at the sky.
“You are probably the only person in the world who can look this beautiful at 3 in the morning.”
Steve’s rough, yet timid voice caused you to jump in surprise. You didn’t say anything though, simply stared down at him. He wasn’t too far below you, still in his suit and roughed up from the mission.
“I know I’m probably the last person you want to see,” he began slowly, continuing up the fire escape. “But I had to see you.”
“Why?” You sounded weaker than you wanted to. “You said you couldn’t do it anymore…”
“And I was so incredibly stupid.” He sat on the same level as you, far enough away to give you your space while still being close. “I… the mission got into my head. They… they knew everything about you.”
“Everything,” he nodded. “They were planning to come after you and use you against me. And I couldn’t… I couldn’t get past it to see another way then ending it with you.”
“Steve,” you moved slightly closer. “You could have just talked to me about it.”
“I know… I wasn’t thinking… And for that I’m so sorry.” He met your eyes. His blues were glistening with tears. “Is there any way to fix this mess I’ve gotten myself into?”
You sighed, turning back to look at the sky. “I.. I… I’m scared… Scared of getting hurt again… But I’m more scared of not being able to love you.”
“Me too… Y/N, I made the stupidest decision I have ever made, by telling you I couldn’t do it anymore. It was me not thinking straight, acting on impulse. I should have talked to you about it all, gotten your opinion… I just love you so much, the thought of losing you was—“
“Too much to bare.” Steve nodded in agreement. “I know, cause I feel that way every time you leave for a mission. There’s always a good chance that you don’t come back, that doesn’t mean that I would ever break up with you.”
“You’re stronger than me… you always have been.”
You rested your hand on his closest to you. “We’re both strong in our own ways, that’s why we work so well together.” You moved closer to him, so your arms were brushing against each other. “I love you, Steve. You just need to promise to talk to me, or this isn’t going to work.”
He cupped your cheek, rubbing his thumb against it. “I don’t deserve you… I love you, so much. I promise to talk more before I make a decision.”
You held up your pinky. “Pinky promise?”
Steve laughed as he brought up his pinky to wrap around yours. “Pinky promise.”
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writer-k-pop · 3 years
Inside My Phone
나는 그의 연락처를 바꾸는 것으 잊었다. I forgot to change his contact name.
Description: During an appearance on a talk show about all things woman, YouTuber (y/n) reveals some cute relationship facts about her relationship with Seventeen’s Seungcheol. The hosts asked to call him and then his voice appeared in the interview as he’s asked a couple questions about you. Warnings: Swearing Genre: Fluff, Idol!Seungcheol x Fem!Youtuber!Reader Word Count: 2.3k
Seventeen Masterlist | Masterlists
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"Alright," Sook, one of the panelists clapped her hands together, "Shall we move onto the next topic?"
My hands got a little sweaty with nerves, "This is the topic I'm most nervous about." I commented, looking at the other women sitting at the camera facing tables.
"The fans love 'Inside My Phone.'" Narae said and I couldn't deny that because I also really enjoyed watching this segment also.
A staff member handed me my phone and I looked to Sook who had a cord that would display my phone on the screen behind me.
"This," She said, holding the cord in front of her face, "Is the magically cord that will reveal what is on your phone. Are you ready, (y/n)?" She asks me with a quirked eyebrow.
I let out an airy chuckle, "I hope so." I tried to burst all the bubbles of nervousness but they still bubbled.
"I'm so curious!" Oh My Girl's Seunghee squealed excitedly from the spot next to Narae as Sook handed me the cord and I plugged it into my phone.
"Won't it be similar to what's on your phone?" Youngja wondered.
Seunghee shook her head, "Youtubers and singers are similar but she's totally different than me." She explained, "Plus, she might have cute photos with her boyfriend."
Narae clapped her hands, "Right! You don't have anything we should be worried about, right?" She asked her heavily hinted question, tilting her head down and rapidly blinked her eyes.
I shook my hands and head, but played into her joke. "There aren't any. I double checked last night." Though, there were never any naughty pictures on my phone to start with. We kept those somewhere else (😏).
"So, should we start then?" Sook asked everyone once the PD's gave us the clear connection for my phone.
"First up, your lock screen." Narae reads from her cue cards.
I awakened my phone and my lock screen shined up at me. The picture of Seungcheol and I surrounded by cherry blossoms graced my phone screen, only the time and date distorting the picture. The memory of the day made me smile and made the others coo.
"As expected." Youngja nodded her head in approval.
"When was this taken?" Sook asked me with curiosity.
"Mmmm, about..." I trailed off in thought, trying to pinpoint when we took this photo, "3-4 months ago, I think..." I answered her and gave her a slightly apologetic look for not remembering more clearly.
"Yah, that's so cute." Seunghee sighed, staring at the screen. I nearly blushed from all the compliments about us.
"Next, if you would unlock your phone." Sook pressed forward and I quickly followed her instructions. "What's the most recent photo you took?" She finished her part.
"Uh..." I opened my photos app, "Like selfie or screenshot or...?" "Selfie." Seunghee piped up excitedly.
I smiled at her answer and scanned my pictures for the last selfie I took. Which just happened to also have Seungcheol in it. I clicked on it and it filled my screen.
In it, Seungcheol has his post-practice face smooshed up against my left cheek and my face shows a smile of shock that he had done that. In the background, however, are a few of the members doing some interesting things.
"Stop being so cute!" Youngja exclaimed and swatted her hands in my direction.
"Can you explain what is happening?" Narae wondered and I nodded.
"A few days ago, I went to pick Seungcheol up for a small date and he was a little sweaty." I explained, "But he had asked to use my camera to fix his hair. Then he smooshed his cheek against mine and took the picture."
"All sweaty?" Sook asked.
I nodded with a laugh, "Yeah. It was gross."
"But the picture is cute." Narae complimented.
"But what is happening in the background?" Seunghee asked, pointing up to the screen with a little bit of worry.
I squinted at my phone and zoomed in on the background where Hoshi and DK were caught posing in some really weird ways and Vernon and Woozi just stare at them with their arms crossed over their chests.
"Ah, I think that's Hoshi and DK, uhm, yeah, I don't really know what they're doing." I laughed, "Probably some thing that only makes sense in their minds."
"They sure are characters." Sook chuckled. "Shall we continue on?"
I nodded, ready to get Hoshi and DK's weird poses off my screen.
"Last song or album you downloaded onto your phone." Narae said.
"That's easy." I opened my music app and scrolled down a bit, "It was Monsta X's new album." I tapped on the album but Seunghee's squeal made me quickly swipe back.
"OH!" She covered her mouth with her hand, "You have our album on your phone?"
I scrolled down a little more and there it sat. "Yeah, I really enjoyed it." I told her with a smile.
"Wait, how did you see that? It was like not even halfway visible." Sook wondered, looking at Seunghee with bewildered eyes.
"An artist knows their album cover from anywhere." I said, recalling the many times Seungcheol would point out their new release from a ridiculous distance away.
"Exactly." Seunghee said smugly, liking the fact that I defended her, "I could find our albums anywhere."
"Don't test her, Seunghee." Narae warned her as Sook pointed a playfully threatening finger at her.
"I really like their album." Youngja said absentmindedly and we all whipped our heads toward her, "The Monsta X album." She clarified, pointing up at the screen.
We all dropped our jaws slightly in realization and chuckled.
"Next question: what is the last text message you received?" Sook tapped her cue cards against the table and my heartbeat jumped.
"Uh, last text message I received..." I said slowly, and opened my messages app. Preparing for it to be a really embarrassing conversation in the group chat, I'm relieved when my most recent conversation is a private conversation with Seungcheol.
"Cheollie?" Narae read out his name and I almost bursted into laughter. He definitely told me to change his contact name yesterday and I definitely forgot. Oh, he was going to be so pouty when this show aired.
"I forgot to change his contact name." I squeezed my eyes shut in embarrassment. "He's going to be pouty."
"Why?" Youngja wondered, "It's cute!"
"Hey, you sound like a fangirl." Narae pointed at Youngja with a laugh.
"I'm just stating facts." Youngja defended herself.
"What did Seungcheol send you?" Sook wondered, ignoring the other two women.
"Uh, he said," I opened the conversation and the last message he sent made my heart fill with love.
'Hey, you, I don't remember when you said your filming thing is but good luck! You'll do amazing! Call me when you're done and we can do something. Love you!'
Seunghee giggled and Narae and Sook put their hands over their hearts and leaned back in their chairs. Youngja just awed at the message. It was a little weird having such large reactions to a simple, pretty normal, text message so all I could do was laugh at the awkward position I was in.
"Ya, I don't think any of my friends get messages like that and they're married!" Sook said, regaining some of her composure. Seunghee was still very much still in the feels.
"It's pretty normal for us." I told her, "We don't do it often but if we know the other has a really big schedule, we'll send supportive messages like that."
"By chance," Narae started with an unexplainable excitement in her eyes, "Do you think you could call him?"
I paused to glance at the PD's behind the cameras but they were saying it was okay to go off script.
"If he's free." Sook added, quickly taking in my silence, "If he's busy, we don't want to bother him."
"I don't think he has anything going on today." I tried to recall if he told me of any plans he had for the day, "I can try calling him."
Narae and Sook clapped their hands for me while I tapped on Seungcheol's profile picture and hit the call button before turning it on speaker.
We all sat in silence, listening to the first ring. Then the second. Then the third.
"Maybe he's busy..." Seunghee whispered.
"Maybe his phone's off." Youngja suggested.
I shook my head, "He doesn't really turn his ringer off if he-"
The receiver picking up cut me off.
"Hey, love." Seungcheol's deep voice rings through the phone. "Are you already finished?"
All four women got really giddy and their jaws dropped open.
"No, not yet." I answered him before he got worried. "Do you have time to call? Are you busy?" I asked.
"I'm not busy. I'm just hanging out at the dorm." He told me and I felt relief spread across my shoulders. "Are you good?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I chuckled at his question, "We're just recording and we are doing 'Inside My Phone' segment. They saw the text you sent and wanted to call you."
"Ah, that text." He chuckled over the phone in embarrassment. "Wait! That means you're recording right now?"
"Yeah." I told him and he instantly cleared his throat.
"Hello, I'm Seventeen's leader, S.Coups. Also known as YouTuber (y/n)'s boyfriend, Choi Seungcheol. Nice to meet you." He introduced himself with his leader voice and I nearly busted a lung from laughing.
"Nice to meet you, S.Coups." Sook said, getting closer to my phone. "I'm Kim Sook and Park Narae, Lee Youngja, and Oh My Girl's Seunghee are also with me."
"Seunghee's there?" Seungcheol asked, clearly surprised.
"Yes I am, sunbae!" Seunghee jumped up with excitement.
"Oh, Seunghee, I didn't know you'd be on the show." Seungcheol commented.
"(y/n) didn't tell you, sunbae?" Seunghee asked, shooting me a glance but I just shrugged. I didn't even know she was coming until I showed up for the recording.
"No, but I don't think she knew." Seungcheol explained and I clicked my tongue.
"S.Coups." Narae spoke up, "(y/n) said that you guys send texts to each other before big events."
"Yes, that's true." Seungcheol said.
"So when was the last time she sent you a text like that?" Narae finished her question.
"Uh..." Seungcheol trailed off in thought, "Last month when I had my first solo magazine shoot." He answered and the studio erupted in reactions.
"Yahhh. You two seem to match each other really well." Sook commented and Seungcheol let out an embarrassed laugh.
"What is your favorite thing about (y/n)?" Narae suddenly asked, turning the show into a special on our relationship.
"This suddenly?" Seungcheol chuckled nervously.
"You don't have to answer." I quickly tried to save him from having to answer it but he decided to answer anyway.
"No, no, it's fine. It was just unexpected." Seungcheol said and took a couple seconds to collect his thoughts, "Well, my favorite thing would have to be how considerate she is."
"Can you explain that?" Sook wondered and I lightly smacked her arm while giving her a 'why?' expression.
"She's just very caring towards everyone." Seungcheol explained, "The Seventeen members, our staff, other staff, and even the fans. She's very kind to them."
"That's right. She is really kind." Sook nodded her head in agreement and patted my shoulder.
There was some noise on his end of the line and I leaned forward to take over the conversation again.
"Everything good?" I asked, knowing the noise was probably the other members talking to him.
"Yeah, but I think I'm going to have to go. I'm being summoned by Woozi to fix some lyrics or something." Seungcheol said with an apology laced into his tone.
"Yeah, yeah. Go ahead." I told him, "I'll call you when I get done."
"Okay, sounds good." He replied, "Thank you Sook, Narae, Youngja, and Seunghee! (y/n), have fun!"
We all said bye before I hung up the call. After settling back into their chairs, Sook was the first to speak.
"That was so nice that he was able to talk for a little bit." Sook commented, scooting closer to the table.
"It was." I mirrored her content.
"So, tell us, (y/n)," Narae turned to me, "Do you have any big projects coming up?"
"Of course, I have many projects planned for the next few months." I teased her with a smile, "But they're all secrets for now."
Seunghee let out a small whine, "Can't you tell us about one of them? Like just who it's going to be with?"
"Yeah," Sook agreed, "Just give us a little hint. A tiny baby hint."
Youngja sat in her chair nodding aggressively.
I rested my hand over my lips, contemplating if I can or if I should. Glancing at my manager, she gave me a small shrug of indifference.
"Okay, I'll give you three hints for certain upcoming videos." I caved and the others clapped in excitement. I listed off the hints with my hands, "First hint is shopping. Second hint is colors. Third hint is boyfriend." I said and then clamped my mouth shut, not giving any other information.
"That's it? You're not going to explain?" Youngja said with a pout.
"She can't do that." Sook calmed the other woman, "They're hints. The fans have to try and guess, right?"
"Right, that's how hints work." I nodded, confirming Sook's guess.
"Well, thank you for coming, for talking with us, and for giving us those hints." Narae began the ending. "We'll see you at the Girl's Table next week."
"On Wednesday night." Sook continued.
"At 8:45." Seunghee stated the time.
"On KBS!" Youngja finished and we all smiled and waved at the camera.
Once the cameras were off, I moved to pull the cord out of my phone. But just as I do so, a text from Seungcheol lit up the screen.
It read, "You did remember to change my contact name, right?"
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gotnofucks · 4 years
Paring: dark!Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: How were you to know who’s a monster, who’s a savior when they all hide behind a mask
Words: 4.7k
Warnings: violence, manipulation, dark themes, language, 18+ ONLY
A/N: Aged up Peter Parker (obviously). No smut in here, even I surprised myself.
You stared in the mirror, hands clammy as you tried to angle the phone right. The lightening was not perfect, and you twisted, trying to see if you’ll need to turn on the flash. Just as you thought you’d found your position, your phone chimed and you jumped. Clicking on the notification you opened your messages and found another text from the private number.
Be quick
Just above this was the text you’d received 20 minutes ago that had you running into the bathroom and taking your top and bra off within minutes.
Send me a pic of your right nipple
It had started a couple weeks ago with the kidnapping of your boyfriend, Sammy. You didn’t realize he had been kidnapped at first. He worked as a driver for a rich family and they took him away without preamble overnight for visits into next town. You only noticed something was strange when all your calls and texts remained unanswered for two days and you finally made a call to his employers to figure out if everything was okay. It was a shock to realize that the family was in town and hadn’t seen him for two days too. You had jumped into action, barely making sure you were appropriately dressed as you made your way to the police station to report a missing person’s report. You had parked down and were just about to open your door when the first message pinged. You almost didn’t check your phone, but the notification said private number, so you clicked on it. Your world came crashing down.
It was a picture of your boyfriend tied to a metal chair in what looked like a warehouse with blood caking his hairline and mouth gagged. Tears were streaming down his face and you covered your mouth in shock. Another message chimed, this one reading:
Don’t even think of going inside. Turn around and go back to your home
You had whipped your head around, looking out of the window with terrified eyes as you tried to see anyone who looked suspicious or was paying attention to you. Nothing struck you out of the ordinary and you were more determined than ever to go in and file a report when another message popped up.
Go home or I can send your precious lover’s head to you in a parcel
Maybe you should have gone inside, maybe you should have told someone. But when someone is holding a gun to the love of your life, you do what the fuck they say. Common sense doesn’t come into play. Last minute solutions don’t play in your mind. It was real life, not a movie. You drove back to your house in tears, hands trembling. Your boyfriend was not missing, he’d been taken by someone. The drive back home was a blur and you barely made it without hitting someone or yourself. You parked outside and entered your home, locking the door behind. The moment you were in, another text alert:
Good girl
You locked all the doors and windows, the curtains drawn shut. You sat down in the living you, finally finding the nerve to text back.
Who are you? What do you want?
You waited for a reply, your eyes darting around your house. Did the person have camera’s in your house or were you simply followed? Would they really hurt Sammy or was that an empty threat? Should you call his parents? Your parents? Your phone dinged and quickly swiped up to open the text.
I want you to send me picture of your little toe
What the fuck? This had to be some sort of a joke. You were shaking in fear and anger, your hand clutching the phone in a dead grip. You should have gone and made the complaint. It was dark outside now, but you’d go to the police station first thing tomorrow morning. To hell with this person, you will not be scared of them. You took a screenshot of the messages and made sure your house was secure before retiring to your room with a knife. Sleep came late and restless, your worry keeping you from having a sated sleep. Horrible scenarios ran across your mind, each worse than the last.
You woke up early and dressed up. You needed to be at the station as soon as possible, Sammy was in danger. Whoever had him seemed addled in the brain. You were just pouring your coffee in your travelling mug when the doorbell rang. Your heart beat in your throat, your body seizing up in terror. You got your knife from the kitchen, creeping to the door on all fours trying to make the least amount of noise as possible. You leaned up slightly to peep out the peephole and saw a delivery man. He looked normal enough, cranky from an early delivery. You cautiously opened the door a few inches, hiding the knife behind your back.
“Y/n Y/l/n?” He asked and you nodded. He held out a small parcel to you along with a form to sign. You opened the door a few more inches and quickly scribbled your name across the form, taking the parcel with tentative hands. The man walked away without a goodbye and you sighed. Not everyone was out there to get you.
You placed the parcel on the table. It held only the delivery receipt, no other marks on it. It was small, almost like a jewelry box. You looked at the time and thought to open it first. You didn’t wanna deal with sleep deprived officers who refuse to take you seriously at the station. Getting out you scissors you cut the brown paper off and opened the plain carboard box. Inside was a jewelry box like you had expected, but who would send this to you? There was no note and you opened the flap.
It fell out of your hands as you screamed, your hands rushing to your mouth in horror. The thing that had been perched inside like a ring rolled out and fell on the floor, resting at your feet. It was a little toe. A severed, human little toe. And if your hunch was right, you knew who it belonged to. Your phone chimed at that very moment and you swallowed back the bile in your throat when you swiped up.
Next time, listen. I have no trouble sending his head to you.
P.S. Drink that coffee, looks delicious. And be a good girl and forget about the police if you give a damn about your piece of shit boyfriend.
P.P.S I’ll like a pic of your pinky finger
You send him the pic with shaky hands, tears falling down your cheeks.
This is how it went for a few weeks, them asking for pictures of different body parts. Each with a threat of the same part being chopped off Sammy’s body if you don’t comply. Whoever they were, they didn’t call you and you couldn’t call them. You rarely texted, only asking if Sammy was okay and you’ll get vague texts in reply saying, ‘that depends on you’.
The pictures were seemingly innocent enough at first. Your fingers, your knee, your shoulder, hair braided, hair in a pony. But then they got dangerous. The inside of your things, your ass in a pink pair of panties, your nipples. You gave them what they wanted. As long as Sammy was okay, but you didn’t know how long you could continue this. Something had to be done
You were probably making a big mistake, but you had no option. Police was out of question, but they weren’t the police. Not entirely.
The kidnapper could for some reason follow you everywhere, even look inside your home though you had scoured every corner and found no cameras. You needed people more powerful and they were the only ones who could help. You know they didn’t have time for something this small as they dealt with world endangering events, but you had to try. You entered the Avengers Tower, making your way to the front desk. The lady sitting behind looked kind enough, greeting you politely.
“Hello, how can I help you?” She asked with a practiced smile and you nervously smiled back.
“I uh, I want to make a complaint.” You winced as you said that, your eyes darting around. The lady however gave you a sympathetic smile, slipping you a form to fill.
“You can fill this one, but it may take a while to get to them. They can be very busy” She said, and you nodded, taking the form and going to sit on a couch to fill it out. You gave all the necessary information, adding in that you had picture proof. You hoped it reached someone here who could help, if not the avengers then someone from Shield. You got up to submit it when you bumped into somebody, making them drop their papers along with yours.
“Oh, I am so sorry” you apologized, bending down to gather their stuff as well as yours. A hand reached out to help and you looked up in the eyes of Sam Wilson. You blinked and then stammered another apology that he waved away. He got the papers from your hand, looking over and found your form.
“This yours miss?” He asked as he looked over the paper, his brow furrowing as he read on. You nodded and bit your lip. He turned it over and then looked back at you. “Do you have the picture evidence?” He asked tapping the paper and you nodded quickly. You showed him your phone, with the messages and pictures. He frowned, his handsome face pinched.
“Can you help me? They sent me his severed toe. For all I know he isn’t even alive now.” You croaked and Sam looked at you with kind eyes.
“Y/n, isn’t it?” He asked and you nodded. “Well, this looked very creepy and bad. I’ll take it up to the team okay? See if someone can spare sometime on it. Here, take my card. Call me if they approach you again.”
You almost sobbed with relief, glad that something seemingly good finally happened. You thanked him and pocketed his card, hoping you made the right call. It didn’t matter now anyway. You were in deep. Either the kidnappers find out and threaten you, possibly killing Sammy. Or they piss their pants and leave you the hell alone. You just wanted this to be over.
You returned to your flat with a lighter heart, having a full dinner after ages. You had the avengers on your case. The avengers. The guys who took down aliens and planet-wiping asshats. They will put an end to this, you were sure. You slept better that night too, heinous dreams not plaguing you for a change.
You went to work early that day. Usually your shift at the local clinic didn’t start until an hour later, but you were feeling hopeful. Helping people through the day by stitching their wounds or giving a kid a cartoon bandage took your mind off things. It was a smooth day, almost normal. No more texts from the kidnapper today and if Sammy were home, things would be perfect. You were only just leaving when another person walked in your station, a cut bleeding over their lip. You recognized the boy and gave him a reproachful look.
“Peter, again?” You groaned, your hands automatically reaching for the antiseptic wipes. He came in once every few weeks, battered from one thing or another. You were sure some gang was beating him up, but he never confided. He was your age, studying some cool physics stuff while you nursed here. He was a very regular patient.
“Hey Y/n, can you patch me up. Again.” He said, ruffling his hair awkwardly. You tended to him, being careful not to hurt him even though he barely flinched. He had tremendous pain tolerance and you didn’t wanna know how he built it up. He was a great guy, pretty cool and respectful.
“There you go, all done. Maybe listen to me for once and don’t do whatever it is you do.” You advised, and he sent you a bashful grin that you knew meant your words went in one ear and out of the other.
“Thanks. You look good today, happier. Something good happen?” He asked and you smiled a little.
“I think so. I’ll get to know soon enough. You look after yourself, mkay?” You say and pack up your stuff. You saw him lingering, feet shuffling around so you raised an eyebrow.
“Um, I was wondering if you’d wanna go out for a coffee or something?” He asked and now it was your turn to shuffle uneasily.
“Peter, I’m really flattered. But I’m in a relationship already.” You told him and saw him frown.
“You have a boyfriend?” He asked confused and you nodded. Sammy was still your boyfriend, regardless of everything. You weren’t going to go around dating behind his back. He will come home. You were sure he will. Peter’s face fell and before you could say something he nodded and left. You felt horrible, but you hoped he will come around.
You got a call from Sam right before you went to sleep.
“Hey, did the kidnappers contact you?” He asked and you said no. He hummed and spoke to someone in the background. “Can you come over to the tower tomorrow? We’ll have a look at your phone, try and track the number?”
You agreed to meet him there at noon and a smile spread on your face. Things seemed to be progressing. Maybe the kidnapper was too scared of the avengers to make any move. You hoped you’ll get Sammy back soon.
You reached the tower with ten minutes to spare. You had taken trouble dressing up today as you didn’t know if you’ll meet more avengers. It was a blessing to have them and you prayed things will turn out okay. Sam met you in the lobby, waving at you.
“Hey, come on up. We’ve got a tech team waiting” He said, and you followed him to the elevator. It seemed to rise up and up, and you got nervous. You were glad you hadn’t deleted anything from your phone but worried what they will say about it. You had after all sent nude pics to a stranger.
“Hey, don’t worry. It’s a safe space.” Sam promised you and you tried to force a smile.
You exited with him in what looked like a huge office space, with cabins and sleek furniture everywhere. He led you to the cabin at the end and held the door for you to enter. You took a step inside and almost stopped short. When Sam said tech team you didn’t know it would mean Black Widow and Tony Stark.
“Come on in, we don’t bite.” Tony teased you, waving you forward and you stumbled. They both shook your hands and offered you a seat where you sat gobsmacked. You kinda sat like a goldfish until manners and mobility returned and you greeted them with a high pitch hello.
“Hey kid, you don’t need to worry. We got a free day today and Wilson said a young lady needed saving. Romanoff loves the ladies you know.” Tony winked and Nat threw a stapler at him that he caught. You nervously smiled and then they got to business. You explained everything to them, showing them the texts and pictures.
“Hmm, it’s a private number. Let’s see if we can do something about it.” Nat said and connected your phone to her laptop, clattering away on the keys. As she did, her brows drew together and she huffed. “Oh, this one is good. Not good enough for me though.”
She kept at it for a few minutes and when her device beeped her mouth parted a little. She moved her head away and blinked before passing the laptop to Tony who looked baffled. He started his own clattering and you tensed. The laptop beeped again and just then the door opened. You looked up to see…a man wearing the spiderman mask.
“Hey kid, you know you can take that thing off in here.” Sam said.
“I’m good. I need to leave soon anyway.” The voice behind the mask said and it almost sounded familiar. He looked at you and waved and you returned the gesture. Of course, Spiderman’s identity was a secret. You were probably the reason he was wearing the mask in the first place.
“This doesn’t seem right.” Tony mused and he and Nat exchanged a look.
“What is it?” You asked and Sam echoed your question.
“Well, the signals of the phone trace back to this tower.” Tony answered and he seemed as bewildered as you.
“What? Like a shield agent? That would explain how they could spy on her without too much trouble.” Sam mused.
“You mind if I see Mr. Stark?” Spiderman asked and Tony passed the laptop to him, leaning back in his seat.
“I’ll have Friday run a scan all over the tower. We’ll have an identity soon. But damn, this is disturbing.” Tony said and you felt anticipation rise in you. You’ll have the name of the kidnapper soon, and after that Sammy can be home.
“Uh, Mr. Stark, something is going on here. I – I swear I didn’t do anything.” Spiderman called out in a panicked voice and Tony and Nat crowed around him.
“What the fuck? How did this happen?” Nat scowled, her face almost buried in the screen as Tony did whatever he did there. “This…this can’t just happen. Tony!”
They looked up at you genuinely confused as you stared back with wide eyes.
“It seems like someone just deleted all the data from the number, including the trace. That shouldn’t have been possible.” Nat explained and you willed your tears away. All the proof you had gathered was lost, including the only lead you’d had for months.
“Hey kid, don’t cry. We’ve got you, okay. We know its someone from inside the tower. We’ll keep a watch.” Tony assured you, patting your shoulder in a fatherly way. You sniffled and shifted in your seat, all the hopelessness coming back.
“I think someone should keep a watch with her.” Nat suggested. “Whoever they are, we know they are good. Must be some top shield agent. A stakeout at her place, that should clear shit up.”
The others nodded and you cringed. You didn’t want to trouble them or have your privacy invaded this way, but if that was what it took to get Sammy back, you’ll be okay with it. So, you agreed.
“I’ll see if Wanda is free.” Sam suggested when Spiderman stood up and waved goodbye.
“Now wait here Wilson, we got our friendly neighborhood hero right here. Kid, you look after her. Your people skills are depressing and maybe you’ll cheer up a bit.” Tony said and you saw Spiderman wring out his hands.
“Mr. Stark, I’ve got college.”
“She’s got work.” Tony looked at you and you nodded. “See it will be perfect. Go on, pack an overnight.”
You gave out your address and went back home, aggressively cleaning before Spiderman arrived. You felt kinda bad for him since you knew he didn’t wanna be here, but well, job’s a job. He arrived just as you’d finished shoving your stuff under the bed and you opened the door to him still wearing the mask.
“Hey, make yourself at home. I’d give you a tour but its only one room, bathroom and kitchen.” You said awkwardly, his red face looking around.
“It’s chill. I’ll make my bed on the couch. You don’t need to worry. I’ll keep you safe.” He promised. His voice wasn’t very rough, and you thought he must be somewhere around your age.
“You can uh, take your mask off if you wanna. I swear I won’t tell anyone” You promised but he shook his head.
“I’m fine. Please, don’t bother. Go about your day as usual. I’ll make myself scarce.” He set his bag on the coffee table and took out his books. Some complicated physics stuff. Well, Tony Stark wouldn’t just have a stupid rookie in his team.
You and Spiderman (Seriously, you can just call me Erek Trapper) had a simple dinner. You knew he’d given you a fake name, probably just an anagram but you didn’t push him. You valued your privacy too. He wasn’t too much trouble, always polite and never in your way. Only once you found him in your doorway watching you sleep, but he very embarrassedly told you that he needed an extra pillow to sleep. You gave him one after which he didn’t appear again.
He stayed for a week before shit happened. You were alone at home when your phone buzzed. “Erek” was still not back from his classes and you were making dinner. You picked up your phone and almost dropped it in fright. A private number.
Such a silly dumb girl you are.
Another buzz
You’re not good at taking orders, are you? We’re gonna work on that
And here I thought you cared about this pathetic boy
I should have really sent you his whole leg instead of the toe
Look in your kitchen drawer
You turned around, sweat running down your neck and tremors hit you as you pulled out your drawer. You screamed, bloody fingernails inside a cup greeting you. You stumbled back and your windows started rattling all at once. You sat huddled in the kitchen, screaming with your head between your legs as knocks echoed around your apartment, multiple doors and windows banging. You sniffed and suddenly looked across the hall where a fire burned in your room.
“No!” You couldn’t get up, frozen in shock. The doors kept banging, smoke filling the house and your lungs, blurring your vision. Your throat was hoarse and dry and you coughed, trying and failing to stand up with support of the counter. You knocked against the drawer, the cup of nails tumbling down over you making you flail and howl.
You crawled away on shaky feet, feeling more exhausted than ever. Your lungs burned and you coughed, losing feeling of your body. The door was banging louder than ever and you shut your ears, tears making their way down your face.
It opened with a bang, a man nearly flying inside and to your side. Cool hands gripped your face and tapped your cheeks, urging you to keep your eyes open. You were in his arms, being lifted outside from your home.
“Mr. Stark, no, I got there in time. Yes sir. Taking her with me. Bring her to the tower? Yes sir. She’s okay – I don’t know. Maybe. Yes. Gonna be swinging with her.” He spoke to someone.
Air rushed against you and you barely opened your eyes before shutting them again. You were flying from building to building, only one arm around you keeping you safe. You hugged him tight, pressing your face into his neck.
“We’re almost there, Y/n. Damn it! I knew I should have controlled the drugs.”
You didn’t understand what he said and as the swinging motion grew frantic, your eyes shut.
Beeping of a machine greeted you and your eyes opened to the view of a hospital room. A tube was in your arm, a tv playing softly in the background. Your tongue felt heavy in your mouth and as your memories flooded you, you stood up. The beeping increased and a door opened to let in a man in middle age, with soft salt and pepper curls.
“Hey hey, its alright. You’re safe. You need to lay down.” He said. He looked so familiar and your eyes widened as you recognized him as Dr. Bruce Banner.
“I – what happened?” You asked. Before he could answer, Spiderman walked in and took the seat by your bed.
“I’ll let you guys talk. I’m going to be with Tony, Pete. Call me if you need something. And for god’s sake, take this goddamn mask off.” Bruce chided and left.
You looked at Spiderman who slowly took off his mask and your mouth dropped open. These brown eyes and hair.
“Peter?” You gasped and he nodded, abashed.
“I’m sorry I had to hide like this. I was going to let you know.” He explained. His eyes widened like he really really wanted you to understand.
“You’re Spiderman? So that’s where you got all those cuts from” You said, and he nodded. You raked a hand through your hair and winced when they tangled in some knots. “Thank you, Peter, for saving me. The fire, I – I don’t know what happened.”
Peter took your hands in his and placed a kiss on your knuckles. You frowned, trying to take your hand away but he resisted.
“Of course, I saved you. Sammy would have killed you otherwise.” He remarked and you started.
“Sammy? He’s here?” You almost jumped out the bed and Peter pushed down on your shoulder.
“Y/n, you don’t understand. Sammy was the kidnapper. He…he faked it.”
Peter was speaking but not making any sense. Why the hell would Sammy do that? You saw his bloodied pictures, you saw his torn off toe and fingernails.
“You’re mistaken.” You whisper but Peter shook his head.
“No, of course you’ll believe that. Sammy worked as a temp here last year. He got into Shield’s database and has been using that information to torture you. He faked it darling.” Peter said and pressed another kiss on your hand.
“That’s a lie. He never worked here! He was working for a family downtown!” You shouted and Peter nodded at you.
“Yes, but Friday’s data can be manipulated, and people paid off. They will never testify to knowing him.”
It took you a ridiculously long time to come to terms with what Peter said. His fingers were caressing up and down your arm, lips pressing soft kisses on your palm and wrist. You tried to wiggle it free, but he squeezed hard and you cried out.
“Don’t struggle, I don’t wanna hurt you anymore. I almost added too much hallucinogen to the smoke. You really scared me baby. Don’t do that again.” He scolded you and your eyes brimmed with tears. He wiped them away, cupping your cheek and you turned your face away.
Peter nodded, his other hand playing with your hair.
“You were always so sweet Y/n. So nice to me, never asking too many questions. Being kind to me when I was beaten up. I have wanted you for months but then you kept talking to your friends about Sammy and it made me so sad. So, I took him away, kidnapped him. I tried to give you a closure, stage it properly. I would have killed him and sent you a picture, consoled you after his death. I asked you out, remember, and you still turned me down. But then you came here, to Mr. Stark. That day I barely managed to corrupt the filed on his laptop, they were so close to finding me. And well, I didn’t even have to manipulate him into sending me at your place. That worked out so smooth. Now, all the evidence is in play. Sammy will be indicted for conspiracy and attempt to murder. And you and me, we can be together.”
You opened your mouth to shout and his hand was promptly there, blocking all sound.
“Shh, don’t baby. I know you’re scared. I know. But Sammy is still with me. I can do anything. Right now, I’ve only cut off a toe and his nails. He’s still breathing. I think he’ll have a way better life in prison than in a grave, yeah?”
Peter leaned down and kissed your tears away, and when he removed his hands only sobs escaped your mouth. He cupped your face, looking so kind you doubted if whatever he said actually happened.
“No one will come between us. You’ll be mine and I’ll be yours.”
He pressed his lips to yours and you closed your eyes in surrender.
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