#i was standing around holding it swaying it to watch the hair swing haha
loafbud · 2 years
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i was asleep this morning and this Idia plush appeared in my dreams
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the-orbz · 2 years
DND!Rayn "Backstory."
(He has no class this whole story.)
Chapter 1
“Behold! A hunter! Yes, someone who knows how to follow these foes. Weak, we all are weak really, only some of us outshine the others. But who stands up to fight? Those who stand up may end up proving their worth, even if they do not learn magic; after all, training is what matters most.”
Rayn steps back, holding the weapon on his left, upwards, preparing against the foe. His boots stay in the dirt, holding his position to fight against this foe. Another mage, one who alters others to fight. He stares at them and how they cast their spells, as they force out another elemental out of a magic weapon. He watches them move their hands from left to right, their whole body swaying as they drag the dark blue liquid from his ally’s bow. Seeing the elemental form and standing up, and running to it to attack the moment it begins to target the archer. He swings his longsword with full might, cutting through the weak elemental and making a death stare to the mage.
“Hey bud calm down, I just want to liberate your magic.” The mage speaks shakingly as they step back, still trying to keep the promising tone as they speak; partially worried for their survival, but more aware of the elemental reforming behind Rayn.
He steps forwards, approaching the mage with his weapon before the elemental grabs him with magical ropes from itself, the mage beginning to cast a spell against him. He looks up to hope for an arrow to pass, to hope that the archer still fights despite their weapon now weakened. He closes his eyes.
- - - - -
The sun shines as he sits beside his friend, the grassy hill giving a wonderful view of the sunny city. The sun shines against the white bricks of the church, dark smoke rises from the forge, and carts stay near the markets. A leaf falls from the tree above them, spinning down like a spider, landing on his head.
“You got a leaf on you!” She chuckles with a hand to her mouth, reaching for the leaf and grabbing it off him.
“Awe, I was hoping to do my druid impression.” He looks at the leaf then her, putting his hands to his head to pretend to have antlers.
“Haha, Rayn do you think you could pull off a druid? I had to drag you out here~” She speaks as she puts the leaf back on his head, looking at his messy hair.
“Hey, research is important,” he replies, “And I do go out, I need materials to learn, specially making potions.”
“You have to enjoy the nature, not just search for materials dummy.” She playfully teases him, looking at the lack of mud on his boots compared to her’s.
“You could be a druid then, if you want to share nature that much.” He grabs the leaf as he speaks, putting it on her head.
“You really think so? There is so much to learn-” Her confusion of magic bleeds through her words, a subject that not many know.
“I wouldn’t mind helping you learn, studying magic can be fun!” He speaks joyfully, thinking of the possibilities that come from being able to study with her.
“Maybe I should! Do you think I am able to use magic?” Her hands press against the grass as she looks at him, a glimmer in her eyes as she speaks.
"Your dad is a paladin and your mom is a cleric, I am sure you will be able to.” He feels the grass move down, sharing her excitement over learning magic, beaming with delight as they talk.
“When do you think I should start learning?” She speaks with a smile and joy, already ready to study with him.
“I can set you up soon, maybe even tomorrow,” he replies, “if you would like.”
“Would I?” She puts her hands on his shoulders, shaking him with excitement, “Of course I would!”
“Okay Okay I will set you up-” He replies before being interrupted by her.
“Thank you!” She wraps her arms around him, gushing with excitement as she hugs him.
“You’re welcome.”
- - - - -
The arrow shoots over Rayn, hitting the mage in the shoulder. Rayn hears them shout and begins to shake, the elemental rushing over to aid its controller. Rayn seizes this opportunity and attacks the mage, swinging his sword from the right this time, slashing against the mage’s cloth armor. It attempts to escape after the swing, the elemental moving it, but just as quick as it starts, Rayn kicks at their thighs to knock them down.
“Do you have anything to say, tiefling?” Rayn scowls him, holding the sword to his neck as the elemental returns to the archer.
“Well, hunter, know that magic should not be confined to such things, be free from the shackles gods put. If you accept this, you can have power too.” The mage looks up at him, beginning to cast fireball before being shot again by an arrow, hitting their neck. “WOO perfect shot, told you this magic weapon was good!” The archer shouts from their position, the short wall giving him the ability to see the success.
“How the hell did you do that without hitting me?” Rayn glances over at him, denouncing his reckless behavior.
“It worked didn’t it? Nothing to worry about!” The archer calls him over, speaking without a concern.
“Fine,” Rayn responds as he walks over, not speaking loud enough for the archer to hear him.
“See how he uses a weapon, see the weaknesses that not having magic causes him? He could move his hands when restrained, yet that was no help. One blast could have ended that much faster.”
Chapter 1 End.
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match up No.12
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Anon said:
(Somehow this turned out to be longer than expected omg I'm sorry(。ŏ﹏ŏ) ) Hi! How's your day? This is my first time sending literally anything on this app and I'm really nervous haha👉👈could I request a mash-up? I'm a female, INTJ, Leo, I’m 1.61 tall , I have shoulder length black curly hair and hazel eyes. I'm really introverted and I rarely speak but when I get comfortable I like to talk and joke a lot! (1/2)
I like to think that I'm confident tho deep down I'm insecure about a lot of things lmao. I speak three languages (English, Italian and Arabic) I like to draw, I listen to music most of the time and I'm good at cooking tho I don't do it that often. That's all thank you (;^ω^)(2/2)
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Hey there! How are you doing? I am so sorry for making you wait for so long. But here I am hopefully giving you want you wanted. And there is absolutely no need to be nervous dear. You´re doing just fine. And I´m glad to know about more trilingual people in here. English, Italian and Arabic. What a beautiful but also interesting combination. Anyways I hope you will like with what I came up with. If there is anything you don´t like make sure to tell me. I will work on it and do it better. Other than that happy reading my dear anon!
Match up rules can be found HERE.
Warning(s): Maybe grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I´m still improving in every aspect (Please have mercy on that.)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: please tell me if you know who the artist is so I can give them the credits and tag them properly. Thank you. !!!
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- Well, well my dear anon. I decided to pair you up with Vinsmoke Sanji because I think that you need lots of love and appreciation. And I think that he is someone who can give you all of that and even more.
- You were walking around the deck of the Sunny. Thinking about everything but also nothing at the same time. One minute you were thinking about your friend who send you a letter just yesterday and minutes later you would be walking around with a empty head. For a person that barely talked or spoke up about anything your mind was always somehow occupied with something.
- Two months. Since two months you were sailing with the strawhats who recruited you to join the crew of the future pirate king.
- You liked all of the crew members. But out of all of them you liked Robin and Zoro the most since they were pretty chill and calm people. They were quite and didn´t talk much. You could be sitting next to them without having to hold conversations. You could be sitting next to each other without a glimpse of awkwardness.
- Every member of the strawhat crew knew that you weren´t the most talkative person and accepted you the way you were. But still they somehow always tried to get you to talk. And one of them tried that the most. That person was none other than the ships cook, Sanji.
- You were aimlessly walking around the ship with eyes fixed on the ground when you felt your legs getting tired. You were close to the tree with the swing so you took the opportunity to take a seat on the swing and slowly sway yourself back and forth. You were once again lost in your thoughts when you felt a blanket being placed over your shoulder. The sudden contact made you flinch slightly and look up only to find the first mate standing in front of you. “Oi are you okay? I went to train in the crow’s nest around 6 pm when I saw you walk around on your own.”, with a visibly confused and a tilted head you were looking the green haired man in the eyes. “And?”, you wondered. Zoro raised a brow. “Y/N. It´s half past nine now. Didn´t you realize how dark it got? You´re pretty weird but that’s fine since none of us are normal. Not even Nami who´s not a devil fruit user.”, the words of the swordsman made you laugh. “Thank you for the blanket but I am not weird. I am just not really talkative like some of ya´ll. ”, you said while cuddling into the blanket. “I am fine with that. In fact that makes me like you the most since you´re pretty chill. Anyways I gotta go and shower. It´s your turn with the night watch I suppose. Good luck with that stupid cook. Night.”, without waiting for a reply he left you alone.
- When you thought you were alone footsteps could be heard behind you. You took a look at your left just to find Sanji walking down the stairs in black pants and a white shirt. Rolled up sleeves showing that he left the kitchen minutes ago and a new cigar between his lips he walked down the stairs with one hand in his pocket. No matter how he put a step he always looked elegant and gracious. “It kinda makes me sad to see that you talk and even laugh with that marimo but not me. Did I do something wrong my dear?”
- Out of all the people on the ship you never thought of hearing such a question come from the gentlest and loving person. You never thought that he would ever ask such a question because you always thought he could and would understand you without having to speak about it. “You seem to not like me much. Are you?”, he said with a beautiful smile upon his lips.
- “It´s not like that. It´s just that he never makes me talk. He listens when I do but other than that he never tries to make me speak because he understands that I don´t like to talk much. And when I do out of nervousness he makes me stop and takes over. He might not look like it but he truly is a understanding man. And so is Robin.”, “And I am not?”, you shook your head and smiled back at the cook. “You´re different. You are my comfort and save place.”
- The words that left your lips made Sanji widen his eyes out of shook. For a second his mind went blank but quickly was able to pull himself back together. He lit up the cigar between his lips and put both of his hands in his pocket.
- Sanji always tried his best to get you to talk and look people in the eyes when you did but he never forced you into anything. He always tried his best to make you speak out your thoughts and opinion on everything as gentle as possible. He was always caring towards you and always kept an eye on you. He understands you better than you do. He can read through your facet that was supposed to show a brave and strong you. A woman that was not shy. A extroverted, active woman. He was able to look into your soul and give you whatever your heart desired. No matter if it was food, clothes, books or simply the comfort of a silent room.
- “I really appreciate your words. In fact I am honored to have you see me worthy enough to be beside and with you. Although I wish for it to be more than that.”, out of habit you tiled your head slightly to the side that showed your confusion. You were about to ask what he meant but got cut off when he pulled you back up on your feet. “Let´s go and have a little snack.”
- With no other words leaving you, you let him lead you to the kitchen not knowing that your little head tilt made his heart melt and his soul to bust the biggest uwu.
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He’s practically flying through the woods.
There’s no sense of fatigue as he slays another Stalkoblin, and keeps running.
“Son?! Hello?? Anyone!?”
The captain continues down the familiar twists and bends. Dead trees seem to bare fangs, and whispers seem to taunt him. But it’s all familiar. It’s all been done before.
Finally, there’s a spot of green in the distance. 
His sprinting turns to running, turns to jogging, to a hasty walk. The Royal Guard’s sword is at the ready, and he swings at stray ferns and branches as he descends further in the collapsed tree trunk.
Though night has fallen, the air seems to brighten as the forest comes into view. Moonlight sifts through translucent green canopies, and the fragile light blankets on the lush, vibrant earth. The air is crisp, with a faint breeze swaying at loose leaves and twigs. There’s the distinct aroma of roasted mushrooms somewhere, and it nearly makes Arcadius forget why he’s here.
His boots catch the dew of the grass as he walks. 
“Son?” he calls out. 
There’s not even an echo. 
The captain treks further into the lush gardens of Korok Forest. There’s a patter of wood to his left,and out the corner of his eye he catches glimpses of Koroks in the trees. 
He makes it to the open clearing.
“No… Please...”
The cracked ancient stone surrounds a humble pedestal. Flowers bloom at it’s corner.
It’s empty.
“Son?” he calls out again, a bit louder and more frantic this time. Someone quickly shushes him, and he looks down.
“Shshshsh!!” A Korok, as small as can be, tugs at his bootstrap. “Quite Mr, quiet! You’ll wake him up. He’s tired! He’s tired!”
Arcadius immediately crouches to the Korok’s level.
“Who?! Who’s tired? Is it a boy? Look like me? Fair skin, blue eyes, freckles, dirty blond hair?!”
The Korok spins in a circle several times. “Yes! That’s right! That’s right! He’s dirty, alright! We’ve all been playing all day, my friends, that boy, and me! We had a mushroom meal. Tasty! Tasty!”
The Korok suddenly stops spinning, and falls into the forest floor. “And then he paaaaaaaaaaaaasssed out! Very tired! We gave him a leaf! Haha! Haha!” They keep laughing to themselves, but they gesture with a little pointed wooden limb towards a tree to the side of the forest’s path. Arcadius practically sprints, despite how close it really is.
In the cool shadows of an old, green tree, a boy sleeps soundly. His little blond head rests comfy on a pile of ferns, and he’s curled his body up under a large Korok leaf. On his left is a small bowl, with bits of unattended mushrooms, along with a metal heap of discarded soldier’s gear. 
On the boy’s right, catching the dew of the grass, soaking in the light of the moon, is the Sword that Seals the Darkness. 
Arcadius just falls to his knees.
His vision is blurred for a moment, but he blinks the feeling back. He just grabs a fistful of leaves and says nothing more. Arcadius starts the action to wake his son, but thinks better of it. Instead, he simply stays where he is, watching his son sleep soundly for a long, long moment. It ends too soon.
The Great Deku Tree stirrs.
“Hmmmmm? Is someone there?”
The captain immediately bolts up at the noise, and faces back towards the tree with his blade at the ready in an instant. He says nothing.
“Ah...Arcadius. What a pleasant surprise.”
He scoffs. “Pleasant?! You’ve entrapped my son’s life and future!”
The great tree stretches the branches around it, in a similar motion as one might crack their neck.
“Arcadius...I am sorry. I do not choose these things.”
The captain is practically marching over, knuckles bone white as he clenches his sword. He stands just below the tree, on the bottom right edge of the triangular pedestal. 
“Choose another.”
“The Calamity approaches...this is what must be done.”
“NO.” He scrapes his sword against one of the large rocks, making a hideous sound. “This is bullshit. I was here! I was ready! I have nothing to lose! And you choose a child!?”
The tree takes a moment to frown. “I do not choose these things…”
“Then why’s he here, huh?!” He shakes his head to himself. “You’ve lured him. Probably with false tales of glory and pride and-and…” He starts sputtering to himself. 
The Great Deku Tree sighs. “I did no such thing. Perhaps it was the sword itself. Perhaps it was coincidence. Truly, Arcadius, I am sorry.” 
There is silence between them. Korok shuffle behind trees behind them.
“He is here…” the tree starts, cautiously, “...to fulfill his destiny.”
“No…” Arcadius whispers. His hands ball into fists again. “No.” He starts heading back to where his son was resting, sorrow on his face.
“You can’t have him!”
Roughly sheathing his blade at his hip, Arcadius ran to scoop up the boy in his arms, hugging him close. “Please. He can’t yet understand. He doesn’t deserve this. He doesn’t deserve...what I went through.”
The great tree is quiet for a moment, but soon the words are found. 
“I am sorry Arcadius, but there is no more time. If the hero does not begin his journey alongside the princess, it could potentially cost lives.”
Arcadius stills, just holding his slumbering boy for a moment, feeling his steady breathing by his neck. He closes his eyes for an eternity, savouring the moment. Then he sets the boy back beneath the tree.
The Deku Tree stretches again. “He is a capable boy. He will be a fine hero, Arcadius. There is no need to worry.”
Arcadius says nothing. He just walks.
The captain picks up the sacred sword, admiring it. “I know why I could never be the hero of courage…”
He turns and walks back towards the pedestal, daring to look back up at the ancient tree.
“It’s because I’m a coward.”
He takes the sword, and steps up to the pedestal. 
“There is a great danger coming to this land! This could cost lives!”
With a shining light, he sinks the sword back into its resting place, once more.
“Arcadius! What are you doing?!”
The man says nothing. He heads back to scoop up his son, swiftly heading for the exit. 
“Arcadius…” Oddly, the tree’s tone is not stern, but sympathetic. “If you do this, this could just as well doom the boy, as well as all of Hyrule.”
He stops in his tracks.
Silence. Again.
He keeps walking. 
“It’s like you said. I’m not nothing. There are still some things I have.” He turns his head, an apologetic expression on his face. “He’s all that’s left.”
A father walks out of the forest in quiet.
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sweetestlamb · 4 years
You're My Favorite Song
Summary: Just the babies in love, that's it.
Author's note: I don't want to let this show go yet so I'll be writing fics of moments I wish we had seen on the show🥺🥰 this one is just fluffiness but I have dirty thoughts planned too. I don’t know why but I really wanted to involve her family and make them not so awful haha, this might become a little series of just sweet moments between the babies. I want to do a jealous SA fic because I like the idea of her finally claiming her man instead of backing off like she usually does. But life is hitting me hard right now so no clue when that will happen. Hope you enjoy this one I had fun writing it! 
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The keys jiggle as she pries open the door, grocery bags nearly tumbling from her grip as she wrestles with the cumbersome door, finally stumbling in and clutching the wall for support. He's supposed to come back tomorrow and she wants to tidy up and make sure he comes home to a fully stocked home, he'd been adamant on the phone that this wasn't necessary but she'd already made up her mind.
She was doing it because she wanted to, loving him made her eager to make his life easier any way she possibly could, his smile was the best reward of all.
Slipping into her house slippers with floppy bunny ears- a gift from Joon-young, he'd jokingly called her his bunny whilst slipping the pink slippers on her feet. She'd been too flabbergasted to respond but every time she came over now she happily put on her slippers, treasuring every thing he gave her.
Especially his heart.
With a sigh she begins to clean, dusting the nearly dustless tables and fixing the slightly crooked throw pillows on the couch.
"He's so clean." She whispers aloud annoyed, finding that her efforts to clean are mostly unnecessary as Joon young hardly leaves a mess.
Moving on to the kitchen she begins to stock the cabinets, taking out noodles and instant tteokbokki- not spicy because her pianist can't handle his spices, she puts the fruits in a bowl on the table and stores meats and frozen veggies in the freezer.
After she's done the kitchen no longer looks so desolate, and she smiles proudly wiping down the countertop before lighting a scented candle she purchased the other day.
It was the same scent as her favorite lotion, sweet Japanese plum, every time he would wrap her in his arms he would burrow into her neck taking deep breaths before sighing and whispering that she smelt amazing. She'd bought this candle thinking he could also enjoy her scent, even when she couldn't be here.
Her work is done, but she hesitates to leave instead sitting on the couch, remembering the last time they'd been here together watching a movie, at least she'd been trying to watch the movie.
Her boyfriend, however had different plans. Shifting on the couch until they were firmly side by side, before plucking her hand and encompassing it with his larger palms. Soon after he started stroking her skin with his smooth thumb, dragging across her creamy skin. She'd only hummed as she continued to watch the movie, trying her hardest to stay focused.
"Song ah ssi." His deep voice rumbled as he called out her name, head almost on her shoulder now as he purred into her ears.
Turning to face him finally, she met his warm eyes glowing in the dark, peering into her face with promise.
"Yes, Joon young ssi?" She answered, his smile distracting as she barely contained her desire to taste it.
"Aren't you going to miss me when I'm gone?" He suddenly asked, bottom lip jutting out into a perfect pout.
She knew that he already knew the answer to that obvious question, every time he left she was a bit of a mess mopping until he called and sighing forlornly after their conversations ended. She couldn't help it she wanted him around all the time.
So his line of questioning does nothing but confuse her.
She merely tilted her head and looked at him, trying to uncover what he was really trying to insinuate.
He broke under her gaze, chuckling as his bangs flopped across his forehead.
Then he begun to tug on her hand that was still captured, softly then harder until she tumbled into his chest with a soft "oof".
"You were giving the movie all your attention."
Looking at him from under her lashes she couldn't help the indulgent grin that formed, "And just like that you got jealous?" She teased reaching up to playful jostle his hair, giggling as he eagerly pressed his head into her hand.
When he acted needy like this it made her heart pound, knowing she was the only one who was allowed to see this version of the usually stoic pianist.
Suddenly he begun to lean back, bringing her with him her hair fell around them in a dark curtain.
She moved to lay more comfortably on him before his hands on her hips stopped her movement. He looked at her intensely, his thoughts all but flashing on his face.
A blush blazing across her cheeks, not immune to his charm despite their established relationship.
"Come here."
She leaned down to meet him before the words had fully left his lips, sighing as he opened underneath her, his soft mouth slowly engulfing hers his tongue not far ahead, licking into her mouth swallowing the little moans and sighs that escaped from her throat.
His hands sunk into her hair, gently tugging her head as he moved her deeper into their wet dance, leaving her breathless.
She jolted as his hand swiped up her back, clutching at her shoulder and pressing her deeper into his hard chest, thoughtlessly she grinded down into him chasing the sensation that was shooting through her veins.
He broke their kiss at her bold move, meeting her with wild eyes as he panted harsh breaths landing on her face.
It was impossible to ignore the rigid line that poked into her heated skin.
His arousal was also evident in his fingers that were wringing at her loose sweater, and his hungry eyes that were captivated by her lips.
Shyly looking back at him, she bit her own lips before grinding again, harder this time throwing her head back at the jolt of pleasure the move caused.
"Joon young ssi."
Groaning he met her slow grinds, moving his hips while grabbing her neck and pulling her back into a kiss- frenzied and heated this time. Gradually increasing their pace until she was so wet her panties were shifting uncomfortably across her lips.
Opening her legs to hug his hips, she impaled herself firmly on his burgeoning erection whining when his plump head stabbed at her sensitive bud through all the layers separating them.
Running his fingers up her smooth legs, he lifted her skirt making his way to her soaked panties, lithe fingers stroking at her through the wetness before dragging the material out of the way and without hesitation he sunk into her, deep.
They'd ended up tangled on the couch, him licking her until she screamed herself hoarse as he watched with delighted eyes before gently throwing her over the arm of the couch and sinking deep into her with a grunt.
She shakes herself from the memory, primly pressing her legs together, cheeks heated in embarrassment and arousal.
"What are you doing? This isn't why you came here."
Her phone vibrations offer a welcome distraction as she searches her bag for the device, lifting it and squeaking when his name flashes on the screen.
Drawing in a deep calming breath she accepts the call.
"I miss you." She softens at his immediate exclamation, drawing her legs up under her on the couch.
"I miss you too." She answers honestly.
"Where are you right now?" He sounds vaguely out of breath, and she wonders what he's doing.
"I'm in your apartment, I came over to clean up and bring groceries."
He sighs fondly over the line, "I told you that you didn't have to do that." But despite his words she can hear how happy he is, loving all the attention.
"I wanted to. " She answers easily, leaning her head back onto the cushion.
Then the doorbell rings, caught off guard she jumps at the mechanical chime.
"Joon young ssi, are you expecting anyone or a package?"
He pauses before answering, humming thoughtfully.
"No. Unless Chris sent something, I'm not expecting anything."
"Do you want me to check what it is?" She asks not sure if he's okay with her opening his door or accepting packages in his behalf.
"Go ahead, my home is your home." He replies breezily, making her heart flutter effortlessly.
Ignoring the butterflies in her belly she jumps up tugging the sweater he'd lent her a few weeks away back up her shoulder, lightly jogging to the door in her slippers.
"Okay one minute I'm opening the door no-"
As she swings the door open she sees what was delivered to the door.
Joon young grins at her, waving with the hand not holding his phone against his face.
She throws herself into his arms, standing on the tips of her toes to place her chin on his shoulder. He instantly returns her hug, wrapping her in his warm embrace.
Minutes roll by as they sway in each other's arms.
He begins to draw back first, tenderly putting her hair behind her ears.
"Move in with me."
She looks at him. One blink, two blinks.
"I want to come home to you everyday."
They had already discussed this, moving into together in the future when they were ready, both agreeing it was too soon.
"I know we agreed but I missed you so much and seeing you in my house in my clothes. I just....I want you here. I'm ready."
Her mother is definitely going to kill her, she'd been irate when she'd showed her the ring on her finger. Loudly complaining that they'd just been broken up how was it possible that they'd reconciled and were already engaged.
She hadn't been able to explain it to her, too happy to be brought down to earth and finally her mother had sighed before leaving with a final, "You've changed since being with him."
Her mother is right. She has changed and she might like the person she's becoming.
"Okay. I'll move in."
She's unprepared for him to lift her up and run into the apartment.
Her cheeks hurt from her huge smile.
Weeks later all her belongings are packed into boxes, labeled and neatly stacked. She says goodbye to the room where she's spent most of her life, practicing, crying, sleeping, reading, worrying, being.
Joon young had insisted on coming over to formally meet her parents, despite her oppositions fearful of her mother's wrath. Her mother hadn't spoken to her all week, passing by her room with deep sighs and blazing glares.
Brushing lint off her skirt she stands up walking to the shower.
She gets a text from her fiancée as she's blow drying her hair.
I'm outside.
With a deep shutter she walks to the door, buzzing him in and waiting by the door. When she hears footsteps outside the door, she pulls the door open before he can ring the bell.
"Hi." She greets him with a wave, taking notice of the flowers in his right hand and a bottle of wine in the left.
From over her shoulder her father's voice interrupts them, "Oh good! You brought alcohol good idea, my wife will need it."
She turns to lightly glare at her dad but he simply shrugs at her, taking his seat at the table.
Turning back to Joon young she offers him a reassuring smile, "My mom isn't that scary, you'll be okay." She lies, moving out of the way and allowing him to step into her home.
When her mother finally joins them, she's wearing all black from head to toe. The look on her face promises nothing good, her eyes narrowing into thin lines as she glares at Joon young.
Immediately he raises to bow at the waist, offering the flowers. After a moment's hesitation she takes them before thrusting them at her father, who rushes to find a vase to put them in.
Sliding into her seat, her mother's eyes remain locked on Joon young.
"I want to marry your daughter."
Song-ah and her father both twist to look at him in shock.
Under the table she nudges him, not sure this is the best thing to break up with her mother currently dressed for a funeral. Probably Joon young's.
"Oh really? And why's that? Didn't you two break up before, how do you know that you're ready for marriage? It's not as trivial as dating you can't just break up when things get hard."
Song-ah freezes in her seat, this is the most her mother has said all week. And with a chilling blow she realizes that her mother is worried about her, and she's showing it the only way she knows how, with anger and biting judgment.
"Yes, she broke up with me because I wasn't making her happy. After we broke up I realized that nothing mattered to me without her in my life. I'm happiest when I'm with her. I know I can't control her happiness but I'm going to try my hardest to put a smile on her face everyday."
Tears pool in her eyes, and finally spill when he captures her hand in a tight hold under the table.
Her mother scoffs, "When did you get so emotional?" But she simultaneously hands her a napkin to catch her tears.
After a pregnant pause, filled with her sniffles and Joon young squeezing her hand while stroking her fingers her mother finally sighs in defeat.
"Okay, you do that. She's your problem now."
That's all it takes to break the tension that lingered in the air and suddenly her father is chatting amicably with Joon young, filled with questions about the piano and whether or not he likes baseball. She watches them quietly, shoveling food into her mouth.
As dinner simmers down, her father has cajoled Joon young into agreeing to watch a baseball game with him, accepting his new son in law with open arms excitedly  clapping his shoulder  as she helps her mother to clear the table.
"Thank you for dinner, it was delicious." Joon young bows again, her mother's eyes lose a bit of their icy chill.
"You're welcome." She answers simply before walking away.
Then she suddenly stops, speaking without turning around. "I expect that you two will come for dinner at least once a week, she might be your future wife but she's still our daughter."
"Yes, of course." Joon young answers, gripping her hand tighter.
"Fine. Get home safely."
And with that she's gone, sequestered into her bedroom.
Her father's smile is a warm blanket after the cold dinner, "I think she likes you. The last time my other daughter brought home a boyfriend she wasn't nearly as friendly."
"He's not my boyfriend." She surprises them all with her immediate response.
Joon young perks up in pride, stroking her ring. His joy is palpable.
"That he isn't." Her father agrees, simply looking at them both. Before he continues, "You can walk him down, your mother wants you to sleep here tonight."
She nods.
When they get outside, he swings their hands in the space between them.
"I've been waiting to do this all night." And with those words, he yanks her into a kiss his lips tasting of the wine they drank.
He gently tugs at her jaw, pulling her mouth open to his exploration dipping and devouring her. Hands sensually sliding around her waist and pulling her flush against his body.
She loses drag of time and when she finally draws back, his blissed face greets her.
"I wish you were coming home with me. You look too pretty right now."
She blushes under his gaze, burying her head in his collar, overheated.
They stand in each other's arms, his hands stroking her back as she inhales his distinctive scent- masculine and clean.
"Well aren't you two just precious?" Her sister's voice cuts through the air, she jumps in the embrace but doesn't draw away.
They both turn to greet her, Joon young bowing again.
"Mom's been watching through the window so hopefully you two have only been hugging this whole time."
Her eyes widen as she peers up at the window, her mother's iron stare penetrating through her.
Her sister chuckles, "Oh look at the glare. You two were definitely doing more than hugging. Nice one, she won't be angry at me for drinking late now."
She glares at her sister's smiling face.
"You should go up." He softly says pulling her into a final hug, she nods before pulling away and walking away with her sister.
She turns to wave once more and he smiles from the same spot, lovingly gazing at her.
As they stand in the elevator, she avoids her sister's gaze.
"You've changed. You seem happy." Her sister mumbles.
She stills at the words, mulling it over before meeting her sister's gaze.
"I am. I'm really happy."
When she falls into bed, her phones buzzes and she already knows who it's from.
Good night, I love you.
Twisting in her bed, she squeals like a teenager clutching her phone to her chest.
She's so happy.
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stevenbasic · 4 years
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...so here we are.
”...you’re tripping me!”
“I am not tripping you…” I said, as I watched her quizzically examine her keycard, which she had just pulled from her purse as we stumbled down the fifth-floor hallway, towards her room, “you’re just...really drunk.” 
“I am…” she said, voice suddenly serious, playfully so, “I really am…” 
And then she laughed like a banshee...
”Melissa shhhhh…!” I hushed her - a few drinks deeper than I thought I’d be this evening myself and trying to keep from laughing, “people might be sleeping..!”
“Ppppsssfhh… “ she sputtered, slipping her keycard into the top of her dress and waving me off dismissively, strutting ahead of me several paces. I watched her totter on her huge heels, admiring the sway of her womanly hips even in her drunken state. “It was sooo fun tonight with the band,” she said, again entirely too loudly, raising her hands above her head, now starting to slowly writhe to her own music as she walked.
”You were certainly having a good time,” I commented, outright staring now at her ass as she rolled it lasciviously, dancing by herself. In her skintight dress her cheeks shook with their own breathtaking swagger, more aggressively wanton than anything she had done earlier, and now entirely for my benefit. She was just being playful, she was sloshes out of her mind, but the end result was earthshaking, jaw-dropping. 
As she strutted, her swollen glutes slid up and down in syncopated rhythm stretching the material of her dress to the limit with every hit of the unheard bass. Three horizontal folds were now stretched across the apex of her butt, bunching the inadequate fabric with every surge and gyration of her deliciously voluptuous rear. I watched as her dress rode further up her thighs until she giggled, reached behind herself, and pulled the hem back down. 
“Dr J were you looking at my butt when I was dancing tonight?” she asked, plainly. 
“What?? When?!?” I stammered, remembering pointedly the times earlier when I’d been doing just that, “N-no..!”
“It’s really, really filled out recently,” she continued, all the while popping and gyrating her womanly hips to an unheard beat, causing her powerful looking glutes to bounce back into action. Oh god, they practically had their own gravitational pull and despite myself I still couldn’t look away. “I mean, look - itz a tank -” With that she shook her impressive glutes even more aggressively, in an earthquake of flesh and muscle, back and forth, back and forth, punctuating each swing of her hips with a  “Boom, Boom, Boom!”
“M-Melissa..!” I implored, trying to laugh, and trying not to moan...or faint - she may have more muscle in that rear than I have in my whole body - “Someone might see!”
At that she laughed and turned back, eyes half-lidded, and stepped right up to me as she spoke up. ”Oh shusssh it’s jush us...” she chided, throwing her arms heavily around my neck and looking down at me with a sozzled twinkle in her eyes, “...shorty.”
She giggled. 
I looked up at her. Christ, she was so tall: with her heels, six-six? More? I shuddered, immediately feeling so short, so small, eyes right at her collarbone, at the rings of her gaudy golden necklace. She tilted her chin up, making herself seem taller still, and peered down her nose at me. 
I felt a sudden surge of her perfume overtake me. 
“How’z the air down there?” she giggled, and played her fingers through my hair. I struggled, but suddenly felt myself unable to fight it: I glanced down into her breasts. 
My heart pounding, I looked back up at her. I saw it in her eyes: her energy was wild, drunken, unpredictable.  She seemed to be holding herself back on a short leash, albeit tenuously. If I was going to be the one to stop things, it should be now. 
Or, well...soon. 
“Here,” she slurred, as suddenly she reached behind herself, steadying her weight on my shoulder with her other hand. Half-struggling in her inebriation, she clumsily removed one shoe, then the other. She threw her arms again over my shoulders, big sparkly stripper-heel sandals dangling behind my head from her fingers. Now, with her barefoot, we were a little more face-to-face. 
Who am I kidding?
“There we go…” she purred, still looking down into my eyes, “...that better?” 
“s-s-sure…” I stammered. Truthfully, she was still a good five (or more..?) inches taller than me, but at least I felt less...dwarfed. Eyes at her chin, nearly her big, brightly-painted lips...which she pursed for me in a drunken air-kiss. 
“Mwah!” she smooched...and then she did it again. She pursed her lips - slowly, more dramatically this time -  into a big, glossy kiss, pausing, letting me look at it, and then smacked the air between us again. “Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!”
Then she cackled like a crazy lady. 
She laughed, turned, and draped her left arm over my shoulders, her right around my middle. She glomped onto me, putting her - ooof -  weight on me, and announced: “Now...where’s my room?” 
“You’re so drunk, Melissa,” I replied, as I slowly began again to guide her down the hallway, acutely aware of the press of her big, soft breasts into the back of my right arm. 
“It’ss your own fault...“ she slurred, “you an’ that...bartender, you wanted to get me drunk didn’t you? <giggle!>” She was stepping clumsily, feet entangled in mine. 
“Oh my god am I going to have to carry you?" I joked, struggling to keep her upright, keep her from listing into the wall. Jesus she was heavy. 
"haha yes!!" she laughed, suddenly putting both arms around my neck and leaning into me, putting her full body wei-
“Ohhhhahahaha!!” she laughed pulling me down. We fell right over, me careening into the wall on my left, both of us crumpling to the ground in an awkward heap, she on top of me. 
Her laughter filled the hallway. “Am I that big??” she screeched, laughing again and, as she slowly started to extricate, to untangle her limbs from mine, she got to her knees, then to a crouch. She offered me a hand, as I was still righting myself. I took it and, as she began to stand, she told me “Looks like I should be the one carrying YOU!"
As soon as I got to my feet, I was swept off them. 
"WHoOOAhhhh...!" I cried, as Melissa reached her right arm under my knees, her left supporting my back, and scooped me off the floor. Suddenly I was in her arms, cradled to her like a-
“Melissa!!” I exclaimed, shocked. How is she..?!?
“Hush now, mommys got you!” she laughed, hoisting me up a bit more, settling my frame in her arms, and setting off again in a walk. “You just shush and let her take you home!”
“Stop..!” I cried, at once both humiliated at my new situation - I was being carried like a child by my new Office Manager - and awestruck. How strong is this woman?!? “Melissa put me down!!”
“You’re so light!” she marveled, as she strode with shocking ease down the hall, bearing me with less effort than seemed possible, “How much do you weigh??” 
“I, uh, I d-dunno…” I answered, finding myself flabbergasted into submission by this show of strength, “like...o-one fifty?” The power in her arms and the soft press of her chest into my right side had cowed me, and I was now passively letting her carry me, arms pinned helplessly. I looked down the hall, her door was approaching. We didn’t have far to go, and I coul-
”Omigod I outweigh you by almost forty pounds,” she crowed, “and...I just keep getting bigger…and bigger...and <hic!> bigger...<giggle!>”
I looked up at her, she down at me, her thick dark hair framing her face. That hiccup had shook my whole body. She was smiling, obviously amused at the whole situation, while I was thinking-
i’m still losing weight…
“Here we are, my roooooom…” she announced, coming to a halt and turning to the door, number 536. She made no effort to put me down, and merely held me (and her shoes, still) as she asked “Get my key for me?” 
“Wh-wh…?” I stammered, confused, “Wh-where?”
“Riiight there,” she said, looking down at her chest which - squashed into my right arm and side - bulged up over her top. And held her keycard. It was tucked into the bodice of her dress. I could just see the tip of it, white edge peeking just shy of where it lay, slipped between the dress’ neckline and her right breast. 
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Oh no I c-can’t...
“It’s okay...they won’t bite,” she chuckled, and waited for my next move. She hoisted me again, settling me more firmly in her arms, and giggled at my dilemma - I was obviously too frozen by my meekness and modesty to just reach for her tits. “C’mon…” she urged, stifling a giggle, “you can do it…” 
I pulled my left arm as free as I could and, heart racing, summoned my courage and gingerly reached for the card. Just as I did, she mischievously took a sudden deep breath, inflating herself up inside her soft, elastic dress just to make my task more difficult. Lord god I couldn’t help but goggle as her huge boobs bulged.. “Melissa…” I complained, hearing myself whine but unable to tear my eyes away. She only laughed at my plight and encouraged me again.
“Itz right there, sweetie…” she cooed, and finally I was able to pinch it, take hold of it without touching her skin, and slide it out while she giggled again at my dilemma. I held the card aloft and, as she crouched a bit for me, slid the card into the lock to unbolt the latch. 
“Good boy!” she praised, managing with her right hand to grab the handle and push open the door. With me in her arms, she stepped into the room. “We’re home..!” she announced, as the door closed on its own behind us, with a portentous <thud>.
As she walked us in I saw that her room, of course, looked a lot like mine, just as a mirror image. A single king sized bed dominated the main space, a good-sized flat screen hung from the wall over a long set of drawers. A single chair with a small table sat in the corner, next to the floor-length shades, which had been drawn. The rooms here at the hotel were done in a modern-beachy style, if there is such a thing, sort of like the rest of the resort.
Currently, the lighting was dim, the covers pulled down and pillows arranged: touches from the staff that likely visited over the past few hours. Melissa walked us right up to the bed and, unceremoniously, dumped me onto it, head up near the pillows. I bounced a little on my back; the mattress was quite firm.
Immediately I started protesting. “I should go,” I said, starting to sit up but not moving from my position; Melissa had leaned over the bed, near my feet.
”No no no..! <hic> You need to relax..!”” she charged, as she grabbed one foot and began to pull my shoe from me.
“Uhh...M-Melissa..?” I queried, watching her as she dropped one shoe, and began working on the other, “I...I think I’d best-”
“Shhh, shhh….” she directed, yanking the second shoe off me, tossing it aside, “therrrrre….now you can’t tell me this doesn’t feel better…” She stood up, blew a lock of hair off her face, and-
Jumped on top of me!?!
The bed shook, and she was laughing, as she’d just launched herself off her feet and fell onto the bed with me. I was knocked back as she’d landed at my right side, her arms straddling me, and she immediately fell down, her head hitting my chest, resting itself up near my shoulder.
“Let’s snuggle…” she cooed, purring and clucking, her nose nuzzling into my neck. She was drunk, sooooo drunk; she would of course never be this physically affectionate normally. This was beyond the pale.
“M-M-Melissa…” I began, trying to mount a defense but with the soft press of her body against mine: the face nestling into me, the strong arms around my thin chest, the big breasts squashed into my side and now a huge, long leg draped across my hips...she had me not only immobile but struck helpless. My heart raced. This was too dangerous, too much, but I was paralyzed by my own weakness, unable to move a muscle.
“MMMmmmm thisss feels so nice....” she purred, smacking her lips and rubbing her nose up my throat, “just the two of us, together, finally. I’m so happy…”
Good god I can’t let this happen, I can’t, I thought, the repercussions of infidelity storming through my brain, but being drowned out themselves by the temptations of Melissa’s body, the scent of her hair, the thought, the idea, the possibility of her peeling that dress down and-
Oh my god, what’s happening…? Her leg had found its way on top of me and was moving towards - jesus, I was hard. If that knee or thigh came to- Stop it! I told myself, Stop!
I shifted myself, turning my hips away from her, trying to avoid her leg. She moved, up my body a bit, her leg rubbing against me, still trying to find purchase, find something. She’s doing this on purpose… Jesus just the thought of that drove me harder, swelling me up towards my belly. I can’t let her feel...
In a show of resolve I didn’t know I had, I turned more, away from her to my left, flipping myself onto my left side. to shield myself. I faced away from her, bit my lower lip. My eyes were watering with the effort.
I heard her whine behind me - “awwww…” - but then, undaunted, she cuddled up closer, squashing her big, soft breasts into my back and spooning me. She raised herself up just enough to whisper directly into my left ear.
“Remem...ember when we did the pictures…? On the beach..?” she breathed, her voice so close, filling my head and making my loins clench.
I tried to keep from moaning, and was able to stutter back. “Y-yeah, like...three d-days ago..?” I was obviously aroused, she must have known that. In her drunkenness, she either didn’t care or just found this incredibly amusing.
”Did you have funnnn?” she asked, still purring into my ear. The buzz of her sozzled voice was thrilling, so intimate, and again I nearly groaned. 
“y-yeah I did….” I replied, thinking I should just stay quiet, thinking that - if I just waited here, immobile, quietly - maybe she would slowly fall asleep, pass out. But...god help me, I didn’t. Instead, I kept talking. “...I can’t believe how much...different you look, now, compared to back then…” fuck what am I doing…?
“You mean my boobs are bigger?” she said plainly, voice popping in my ear. I could hear her smile, and felt her nose nuzzle my hair. 
Again - only because she was drunk, I continued. “W-well...y-y-yes…”
”You’re right,” she purred, so drunk, “They’re soooooooo much bigger. I was maybe a triple-D back then, or an E or something...I dunno….but now I’m…” 
Her voice trailed off...but she was still breathing into my ear. Almost imperceptibly, I felt her press her breasts into my shoulders.
“Y-y-you’re w-what…?” I peeped. I couldn’t believe I was asking this.
”Omigod I don’ even know…” she giggled, “an H? Like an H-cup now? But even those, my new ones….they’re sooo tight now…”
“R-r-really..?” I asked, sounding entirely too curious, too eager.
She paused.
”Soooo Dr J…” she began again, “while we were doing the pictures...how you had to keep going into the water? Was that because you kept getting a bonerrrr..?”
“What???” I exclaimed, shocked, “Melissa!!!”
“Well...was it??” she giggled, relentless and pressing in closer.
“Melissa! No!!!” yes.
“Oh c’mon...it’s okay..!” she laughed, starting to sit up a little behind me, “I know it’s hard to hide. Randi told me…”
“Randi told you what??” Oh my god this is a nightmare!
”How...y’know...big you are <giggle!>”  she pressed, pausing, looking down at me, “So...how big are you?”
“C’mon, tell me!” she cried, playfully, sitting up more and putting her hands on my hip to start to pull them tow-
Abruptly, defensively, I turned onto my stomach, facing the headboard and biting my lip again. I heard her sign in amused frustration.
“Melissa I can’t-”
”Oh shush...we’re frien’s, right?” she persisted, slumping herself again down next to me, “And it’s juss us here…” She put her mouth right next to my ear again, and bit my lobe impishly.
”Melissa this is so i-inappr-“
”....And I just told you how big I was...creepy guys are constantly asking my, like, bra size,”  she continued, unvexed, her voice slurring, perceptibly slowing down, “I’ll tell you anythingg. That my waist is twenty-two inches, my hips are thirty-eight. I’m six-one, a hundred and eighty...eight..poundsss...”
Jesus christ. I had to fight to keep myself from rutting my now fully stiff shaft into the mattress, dry humping the bed.
“So, c’mon...you tell me now....how big is it?” Her voice was getting more sleepy.
”oh my god…” 
”I know...you, you’re such a gentleman…” she drawled, “I mean I was so drunk tonight you could have totally taken advantage of me...you’re such a good...husband...”
With a pause, as I lay there on my belly tense and stock-stiff, she paused, drunkenly switching gears.
“I’m sorry your wife is so mean...” she whispered, “I’m sorry she’s...the way she is...to you…”
I lay frozen.
"If you were myyy husband I'd…well, I’d be differenttt..”
She was slurring.
“You wouldn have to work so hhard...”
I shuddered as she...oh christ...started kissing my ear, tenderly, gently. God help me I didn’t back away.
“I wouldn' let you lift a finger..."
Oh my god, Melissa...Melissa...
"...and I'd have a million babies for you."
That did it. “M-Melissa…” I whispered, as I turned to her with my lips…
She had passed out.
BIG help from Doubleburger, vman2000, kjm7997 and Antares. And apologies that - tho I did the morph myself on the first image - I don’t know who did the original morph in the second. Plz advise!
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brianc521 · 5 years
Valentines | CEO Peter
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Peter was a classy man. He wasn’t one that went for cliches and he wasn’t one to fall for the world's antics on celebrating a ‘day of love’ just as a ploy to spend money on candy and flowers. 
Last year, since you were in love with the idea of valentine's day, he agreed to take you to dinner, allowed you to dress him up and then dress him down at the end of the night.
Hearts and flowers weren’t totally this thing, or well at least not in public. 
This time around? Different story.
Peter is really lovesick. He is head over cufflinks in love with you. You’re wearing his ring, and your initials are tattoo’d just behind his ear. He is devoted to you, and he wants you to know that. So he might have gone a little crazy. It really didn’t help that he hasn’t seen you all week.
You’ve been in Ohio, with he who shall not be named, on a work business trip. You were meant to be home yesterday morning, but weather loves to fuck things up. Your plane was delayed and you didn’t end up getting into town but around 3 am this morning. Since your brother lives just around the corner from the airport, and you and Peter live a good 45 minutes away, it just made sense to crash at Ashtons. 
Peter understood, and really didn’t want you driving that far while being dead tired, he needed you safe. With that said, it still really sucked to spend yet another night alone in the cold sheets. 
Soooooo, that amped up his wanting to do something special for you.
The man not only had the whole store catered for breakfast for you and your employee’s, he also had your office completely filled with dozens of bouquets of roses and sunflowers (your two most favorite flowers). 
But that’s not all. You kept finding little gifts everywhere. Opening your desk drawer to grab a notepad left you munching on a box of chocolates. Accepting the shipment for the day had you hugging a 6 ft teddy bear. 
You called him once the shipment guys left, leaving you alone in the back of the shop.
“Mrs. Mendes, Happy Valentine’s day!” Stan answers cheerfully. 
“Hi Stan! Happy Valentine’s day to you too!” 
“Thank you Mrs. Mendes.” 
“He busy right now?” You ask, chewing on your thumb nail. 
You hear some shuffling and a murmured voice. “He’s about to step into a meeting, he’s walking past me as we speak.” 
“My wife?” You hear in the background, and then suddenly his voice fills your ear. “Hi Baby.” 
“Hi Love.” You sigh, melting into your seat from the sound of his voice alone. “I don’t wanna keep you.” 
“Please do.” He responds.
“Bad meeting?” 
“A fire is about to go out.” He nods, using some code to tell you he’s about to fire someone. 
“Oh, well then call me after.” 
“Or better yet, I’ll pick you up after.” He quips. 
“I got the rest of the day off.” He bribes. 
“Okay, when should I expect you.” You grin.
“Really? You can come?” 
“Baby, I’m the boss, I can leave if I want. I’ve just spent the week working for this place in a different state.” 
“It’s sexy when you say things like that.” You hear a gag and then Peter’s rough chuckle. “Fuck off Stan.” 
You smile and bite your lip, taking notice of how good of a mood he’s in. 
“Well? Am I ditching this place or what?” 
“Be ready in 30, this fire won’t take long.” 
“Okay, and Mr. Mendes?” 
“You’re always sexy.” 
He chokes a bit and you giggle as you hang up your phone, strutting your stuff off to the sales floor to tell Micheal you’ll be leaving soon.
You start running a little when you see him leaning against his 2019 Porsche 911. He looks too good to be true, and he’s all yours.
“Baby!” He cheers, standing up straight to catch you as you jump into his arms. 
Your legs wrap around his waist, locking your ankles at the small of his back. His arms tighten as you bury your face in his neck, and he kisses your neck as he takes in a deep breath of your perfume. A plus from you working at a body shop, you always smell so good. 
“Fuckin’ missed you.” He mumbles against your skin. “Don’t ever leave me for that long again.” 
“I won’t, that was pure torture.” 
He walks you around to the passenger side of his car, tapping your bum a few times to get you to hop down. 
“Can I drive?” You grin at him, eyeing the car. 
“If you’re good maybe I’ll let you someday, but today I have plans in store that are meant to be a surprise.” He says helping you into the seat. He shuts your door, walking around the car and slipping in himself. 
“Can I have a kiss then?” 
“You don’t even have to ask that question.” He hums, leaning over the console to plant his lips on yours. 
“Thanks for my flowers, chocolates, and teddy bear. Although I don’t need a teddy bear, I already have you.” 
“Okay, so you’re going to be extra cheesy today?” He raises his eyebrow at you as he pulls out of the parking garage. 
“Me? You sir had me drowning in roses today.” 
He grins, shaking his head. “I’ve arranged for Bailey to get your gifts at the end of the work day when the store closes. I don’t want him messing up your conversion walking in and out so much.” 
You stare at him in awe and lean over to kiss his cheek. “The team says thank you for breakfast, and I’m saying thank you for being an incredible husband.” 
“Speaking of that.” He clears his throat. “We keep calling each other husband and wife.” 
“Yes we do and it confuses the hell out of everyone, I love it.” You giggle. 
“What if it didn’t anymore?” He inquired. 
“What do you mean?” 
“What if I told you we’d actually be married by the end of the night?” 
“What if I told you Bailey was setting up an Officiant right now?” 
“Really?” You squeal turning to him. “What about the wedding we’re already planning? You know with our Mom’s, the planner, the dress designer?” 
“We’ll have that.” He nods. “But it’s taking too long to make you my actual wife. So what if we got married today, and again in a year when the wedding’s planned. We’ll know we’re already married, to everyone else they’ll celebrate our marriage, for us we’ll celebrate our anniversary?” He grins, looking at you.
“I think I’m in love with you, and that I’ll do anything you want.” 
“Anything?” He teases. 
“I mean a honeymoon has to happen right?” You tease back. 
“Oh Baby you don’t even know what you just asked for.”
You stare at yourself in the mirror and smile. Peter had taken you to pick out a simple dress for tonight, then to a jeweler to pick out his and your ring, and then dropped you off at home with a stylist team to glam you the fuck up. 
Bailey holds the door for you as you climb into the limo. Peter’s going full out tonight. Pulling out all the stops.
The drive to the venue is short, mainly because you’re heavy in your thoughts, but before you know it Bailey is opening the door for you and helping you out. 
You’re handed a bouquet of roses and sunflowers while ushered into the dim building. A few of the stylists fuss about a few strands of your hair, and fix your dress a bit. When they finally have perfected your look they scurry away.
Music starts and Bailey appears to open the double doors for you. “Ready?” He asks softly.
“More than ready.” You smile at Bailey.
“You make a beautiful Bride Mrs. Mendes, thank you for being in our lives.” With that Bailey opens the door and watches you walk down the aisle. 
Peter has booked out the most amazing venue, it’s empty, save for an arch in place behind Peter and the officiant. Raul and Shawn stand in the front row, both in nice slacks and a button up shirt. Raul’s in red, Shawn’s in yellow, matching your flowers. They both smile at you and watch you walk to Peter at the end of the aisle. 
Before you know it Peter is dipping you down to kiss you fiercely, you’re named Mrs. Mendes, officially, and suddenly the world is just right. You finally feel like you belong in this crazy place. 
“Congrats!” Shawn cheers, Raul whistling as Peter stands you back up, hand firmly gripping your ass. 
You giggle as you pull away, turning towards the boys. Peter kisses your cheek and is ready to whisk you off, but you laugh harder as you stare at Shawn and Raul.
“What are you laughing at Sis?” Raul asks. 
“You look like Ketchup and Mustard.” You lose it when they stare at each other and laugh too. Peter lets out a good belly laugh and shakes his head. 
“Let’s go, I’m ready to take my wife home, and kick these losers out.” He tugs you down the aisle. 
“Oh we can at least get the McDonalds boys dinner.” You giggle, cackling at the fact that your jokes are just gonna keep on rolling. 
“Wow, make her a Mendes and she suddenly feels like she can tease you.” Shawn says to Raul, nudging his elbow. 
Raul grins and rushes towards you and Peter, swooping you up over his shoulder, twirling in circles. “Oh Sis, what’s the matter? Feeling a little dizzy?”
“Raul stop!” You laugh, hitting his back repeatedly. 
“Raul.” Peter stands straight, crossing his arms over his chest. “Put my wife down before something seriously happens to you.” 
“Ooh, scary.” Raul scoffs, setting you back on your heeled feet. You sway and reach for Peter as you try to regain your footing. 
Peter swings you up into his arms, holding you with one arm under your back and the other under your knees. 
“What is with you two and picking me up?” You ask, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“It’s customary for the groom to walk his wife over the threshold.” 
“We’re not home though.” You point out with a raised eyebrow. 
“I’m practicing then.” He grins, leaning down to kiss you softly. 
“Okay, we don’t need to see you practice for the honeymoon.” Shawn gags. 
Peter rolls his eyes, looking to Bailey as you all step outside. “Bailey, take Mickey-” He points to Shawn, “And Dee-” He points to Raul, “Home so I can take my wife away from the greasy mess they are.” 
“Haha.” Shawn rolls his eyes. “Very funny dickhead.” Raul shakes his head. “You wanted us to match her flowers, we were good brothers and followed your orders. Should be thanking us.” 
Peter smiles, looking at his brother, setting you down and engulfing each in a huge hug. “I do thank you. Thanks for being the witnesses to the greatest achievement of my life.” 
Each brother wraps you up in a big hug, leaving you with your Husband. 
“Well Mrs. Mendes,” Peter holds your hand as he leads you to his Porsche. “What do you say about driving me to the beach house?”
“I get to drive?” 
“I told you if you were good you could.” He nods opening the drivers side for you.
“And if I want to be bad?” 
“Oh Baby you’ve got a whole mini honeymoon to be bad.” 
“Mini honeymoon?” 
He nods, leaning against the car. “Beach house this weekend, alone. Month in Bora Bora once you’re settled at work.” 
You raise your eyebrows, grinning at him. “So I have a lot of time to be bad.”
“Do your worst Mrs. Mendes.”
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ackermancurse · 5 years
im super excited to see ffh !!! on another note tho, (sorry for nsfw) imagine thighriding w peter. him holding your hips to control your movements..
AN: kinda got carried away and wrote a whole essay haha but this is my first time posting smut on my blog so please give me feedback! i’d love to improve
Warnings: swearing, 18+ Peter Parker, SMUT!!!
When Peter and you decided to finally get an apartment together with the help of your families you were excited, possibly a little too excited. The two of you always had to plan when you guys could have sex since your dorm rooms weren’t the most ideal place. It especially became less ideal after Peter’s roommate caught you guys fully going at it on top of the covers, not your brightest moment. So to say you were ready to have sex without worrying about someone random barging in was an understatement.
The past week was very busy for Peter that his routine became unbearable for you, it was your first week alone together after all. Peter got home from lectures, worked on assignments, went to study groups, and then came home late at night too tired to do anything.
Watching him walk around in his grey sweatpants and tight t-shirt was absolutely unbearable for you. After he left to his study groups it was like clockwork trying to get yourself off using any and all methods to relieve some of the sexual frustration.
Tonight you decided that you were finally over trying to get off at imagining Peter do stuff to you that you needed to take things into your own hands.
You decided to wear Peter’s red t-shirt that he absolutely went crazy about whenever you wore it, it was like a seduction technique you had. You opted to wear black lace underwear underneath, again Peter’s favorite pair, and no bra. You knew that this was going to finally give you both the action you craved.
Peter’s face was illuminated by his laptop screen as he was typing away for an essay at the kitchen table and of course he was wearing those grey sweatpants that made you tighten your legs together.
You make your way into the kitchen to grab yourself a glass of water, reaching for the glass on the third shelf.
It was of course to high so the shirt you were wearing lifted and revealed your underwear. The tapping on the keyboard went to a very slow pace at this change of events and you smirked to yourself, Peter was definitely looking.
After trying to grab the glass you sigh and turn to face Peter. Once you turn he instantly types away again, “Peter can you help me grab this cup please?”
He stops.
“Uh yeah sure,” he coughs and his hand taps lightly against the table before standing up and making his way towards you. He was hard and you could see it through his sweats. Your underwear was damp at the sight knowing you only got him hard with what you were wearing.
He grabs the glass and hands it to you, making direct eye contact and you notice the dark lust filled pupils.
“Thank you babe, sorry to interrupt you,” you pout and Peter’s eyes wander down your body.
He clears his throat again.
“Don’t worry about it. Anything for my girl,” he places a hand on your hip and drags you close giving you a kiss. You bite down on his bottom lip and he moans quietly, using one of his turn ons against him.
You poured yourself water and drank it at the counter watching him type away feeling your underwear getting more and more damp by the second. His concentration was killing you.
Setting the glass in the sink you sway over to Peter and standing behind him you wrap your arms around his chest. Peter turns his head to look at you and you place a peck on his lips. He looks back to the screen and types more. You begin leaving kisses along his jaw and his hands shake as they try to concentrate on typing. Once you got to his neck he slightly tilted it and you leave wet kisses, another moan escaping his lips. You stop.
“I’m not tired yet can I sit on your lap and watch you write until I get sleepy?” you innocently ask your boyfriend.
He hesitates, “Mhmmm.” Peter knew that if he tried to speak his voice would sound too needy. He knew that he hadn’t spent as much time with you as he had hoped. He knew that you were both sexually frustrated out of your minds. He knew that once you sat down on his lap that you guys would eventually get to rip your clothes off and have the sex you both desperatley needed.
You sit with your back facing Peter and try to find a comfortable position. Grinding your hips ever so slightly and feeling Peter’s hard on underneath you. You droop your left arm around Peter’s neck and watch him type away once again.
The veins on his hands were poking out, a sign that he was getting close to losing it.
That’s when you swing your legs to face him and run your fingers through his hair. His eyes close and you hear his breath tremble at your touch.
You slowly start to move your hips along his thigh and moan out at the friction. Peter shuts his laptop and pushes it further towards the center of the table. Your arms wrap around Peter’s neck as his head tilts back in pleasure.
His hands find your hips and help guide them to help your movements. They were extremely tight and you knew that you would have bruises in the morning.
Grazing his cock every once in awhile with your core Peter would let out the loudest groans you’ve heard.
Feeling the pit in your stomach that you have been wanting forever your movements become rapid and you are biting down on your lip.
You let go of the tightness and pant hastily soon feeling Peter release in his sweats as he sighs in content.
“Fuck we needed that,” Peter mumbles as he kisses you passionately.
You stare into his eyes and nod, “Hell yeah we did.”
“Now I don’t know about you but I could go for another round,” Peter pants and two of you rush to take off your clothes.
When you get off of Peter’s lap you notice the wet spot on his light grey sweats and feel yourself getting hot. Peter drops his sweats and you notice another hard on in his boxers.
You lift the red shirt and Peter stares at your bare breasts, your nipples hard from the cold air. You sit on the kitchen table and slowly pull down your black lace underwear while watching Peter pump himself in his hand.
Right as you pull the last bit of your underwear off your leg Peter latched his lips onto yours.
He kissed along your jaw down to your neck and landed on your breasts. He twirled one of your nipples in between his fingers while he sucked dark purple marks on your other breast.
You moan out and he places more kisses until he is face to face with your core.
Peter’s index finger slightly grazes your clit and you whimper, “Wet already?”
“Please Peter I-I need you,” you stammer as you feel Peter’s hot breath against your core. You felt your back arching off the table and you tried bucking your hips towards him.
“As you wish,” his hands pushed your hips down and his the tip of his tongue enters your core.
He licks rapidly and you were a moaning mess.
“God Peter just like that,” you say and your hands shoot down to his hair, tugging him closer.
Peter felt himself grow harder at how much you needed him and how he knew that only he could make you feel this way.
Your thighs wrap around Peter’s head as he continued to lick your clit wildly. Then he caught you by surprise by entering a finger.
“You look so pretty baby girl. So so pretty enjoying my tongue and finger,” Peter says before licking your clit again.
This was it. You started seeing stars.
“I bet you tried pleasing yourself but nothing compared to me huh?” Peter questioned as he entered one more finger and began moving faster.
“Oh god yes. N-Nothing c-compares to you. I needed you s-so bad,” you cry out as you feel your legs shake and the tightness in your stomach becomes unbearable.
“Now princess I want you to let go, let go all in my mouth. I want to taste you,” Peter latches his lips once more to your core and with a loud moan you release.
He slurps up all your juices and uses his fingers to clean the corner of his mouth, licking every bit.
He grazes his finger to your core and you wince. He brings it up to your mouth, “Suck.”
You oblige and suck his finger, tasting yourself.
Peter’s hand goes back down to his member and he pumps himself at the sight of you. Panting and sweaty all because of him.
He sits back down in the chair and continues to stroke his member, moaning quietly.
When you finally catch your breath you push yourself off the table and kneel on the floor in front of Peter’s cock.
Your hand replaces his own and Peter’s head falls back.
You let your tongue swirl the tip in your mouth and Peter whimpers.
Without warning you sink your mouth down all over Peter’s cock, “Fuck.”
Staring up at Peter his eyes are shut forcefully and his lips are slightly parted. You moan against Peter when you feel him hit the back of your throat and his hands grab a fistfull of your hair. He forces his eyes open and he looks at you staring back at him.
“God baby you’re d-doing so good. Do you like my cock? Did you miss me face fucking you?” At the last comment he bucks his hips upwards and you feel tears well in your eyes.
You felt another tightness in your stomach again. You were getting off for the third time and it was just because Peter was moaning because of you.
Peter’s cock twitched in your mouth and you were ready to taste him after such a long time.
Your head was yanked off of his member and you gasp, “Sorry love as much as I want to cum in your mouth I’d rather cum inside you…. You’re still on the pill right?” You nod and he smirks.
He helps you stand up and you hover over his erect member. You feel the tip enter your core slowly and you both let out sighs in pleasure. That’s when Peter grabs a hold of your hips and slams into you, bucking his hips.
The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room as you bounced on Peter’s cock. Your breasts bounce in front of Peter and he flicks his tongue against one of your nipples.
You moan out, “Shit I missed this.”
“Tell me about it. S-so many times I wanted to fuck your brains out when I g-got home,” Peter stammered and your hand fell to your clit moving back and forth rapidly.
Peter speeds up his thrusts and you were screaming his name, letting profanities fall out of your lips.
You feel Peter twitch inside you and the tightness in your stomach was almost about to be set free.
“I-I’m gonna cum,” you say as you look into Peter’s eyes, resting your forehead against his.
“Fuck… I am too. C’mon baby cum for me,” Peter groans as he looks deeply into your eyes. You feel yourself clench around him and let your juices fall out. You pant and Peter chokes on his breath when he cums inside you. Both of your eyes were closed as try to catch your breath.
You kiss Peter and open your eyes. He smiles a sloppy grin at you as you push his hair away from his face. He leans your forehead down and presses a small kiss.
As you stand up off of Peter, your legs tremble as you walk to retrieve the red shirt that was thrown on the ground.
You throw the shirt back on and put your hair in a messy bun, “You are so beautiful.” You turn and see Peter smiling at you, now fully clothed.
Walking over to the fridge you grab 2 gatorades you had bought earlier that day. You hand Peter a blue one while you take the red one. You sit back on his lap and the two of you drink in silence.
“Well I’ll leave you to finish this essay,” you give him a kiss and head to your shared bedroom. You uncover the bed and lay peacefully with the lights off.
A few minutes later you hear shuffling in your room and the bed sinks next to you. Peter’s face was inches from yours and you look confused, “What about your essay?”
He chuckles, “Yeah about that… If you were paying attention to the screen I wasn’t writing anything. Just a bunch of random words.”
You laugh and place a kiss on his lips, “I love you.”
His thumb softly rubs against your cheek, “I love you too.”
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bethelina · 4 years
Big Trouble in Radiant Garden
Contains: Tiny Ven, Big Terra, Big Aqua, Big Lea, Big Isa, size shenanigans, handhelds, protective angst
Word Count: ~4,475
Warnings: Drowning mention, Birth by Sleep mid-game spoilers(?) 
Summary: When Ventus leaves Castle of Dreams and arrives in Radian Garden, he finds that he is still only a few inches tall. Ventus spots Terra and tries to flag him down. Unfortunately for Ven, it isn’t Terra that notices him, but the Unversed.
Note: I’m sorry for this stupid little dabble, but I was challenged to rewrite the scene where Ven and Lea meet, but in a G/t context. I wasn’t planning on posting this, but I was pressured into it. XD This was a quick one-shot, so it’s not my best writing. But it’s a fun little haha romp nonetheless. 
Ventus strode across the smooth expanse of stone that comprised a great courtyard, looking at his surroundings with wide eyes. Something felt off about this new world. For some reason, this enormous courtyard seemed to span a mile in diameter, easily. Behind him and flanking the edges of the great expanse lay huge swaths of flowers. Flowers that stood taller than the young keybearer.
 “What is going on?” Ventus muttered to himself. His mind must have been playing tricks on him, but he quickly realized something was terribly wrong. It wasn’t just his imagination.
 “Why am I still so small?!” he shouted to no one in particular.
 The last world he had visited had been truly bizarre. He had found himself greatly outsized by everything around him. At first, he assumed it was a world of giants. He could now see that he had somehow shrunk down to just a few inches in height. And to make matters worse, leaving that world did nothing to alleviate him of his… condition.
 Previously, he had met a young lady named Cinderella. She was so big (or rather, he was so small), he had easily fit within her hand. She had mistaken him for a mouse, which didn’t make any sense to Ventus. Granted, she did have talking mice as friends… and those mice also wore clothes. During his travels, Ventus had learned that every world was completely different and unique. He had accepted that talking mice wearing shirts and shoes was par for the course.
 “I wonder what happened to me?” he asked softly. He lifted his arms and examined them. Holding out his hand, he easily summoned his keyblade. “At least that is still okay.” Sighing, he dismissed his weapon and rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess I better start walking.”
 His trek across the courtyard was taking a lot longer than he expected. This place was even bigger than he had originally thought. He considered summoning his keyblade glider, but decided against it. He couldn’t afford any locals spotting his otherworldly weapon. Speaking of which, he spotted a giant young boy walking alongside an even bigger man near the far edge of the expanse. He would have been shocked to see their huge sizes, if he hadn’t already met Cinderella. He briefly wondered if they would be mindful of his tiny size. Thankfully, the two were walking in a different direction.
 After nearly ten minutes, Ventus reached the far side of the courtyard at the bottom of a huge slope. The flowers, with their assortment of colors, intrigued him. Just for fun, he decided to measure himself next to a yellow tulip.
 “Yep, they’re taller than me alright,” he chuckled to himself.
 Behind him, Ventus felt a rumble that quickly grew in intensity. Someone was coming! THUD! A shoe twice as long as he was pounded the ground right next to him. Before he could think, a curtain of cloth swept over him and sent Ventus rolling away into the flowerbed.
 “Ah!” Ventus fearfully shouted when he finally stopped rolling. It had all happened so quickly. The titan didn’t hear him and continued on his path. Shaking his head, he slowly lifted himself upward, unable to see past the tops of the flowers. As quick as he could, he ran out onto the paved floor to catch a sight of the giant that had sent him sprawling.
 His heart dropped. The giant of a man wore sweeping, light-brown samurai pants, a dark skin-tight shirt, and had stylized brown hair.
 “Terra?” the boy whispered, reaching out a tentative hand. Terra seemed to be on a mission, focused forward, and getting farther with every booming step. He hadn’t even noticed that he had nearly trampled little Ventus in his haste. And if Ventus didn’t do something soon, he would never notice him.
 “TERRA!!!” he shouted, scrambling into an all-out sprint. His heart pounded and spurred him faster after the quickly retreating giant. What was he going to do if he couldn’t get Terra’s attention? His mind raced with fearful predictions. He had to catch up to Terra! He just had to!
 THUD thud thud. He was too far away. There was no way Terra was going to see him now. Ven slowed to a walk, finally collapsing to his knees, his hands bracing on the stone. Squeezing his eyes shut, he quietly asked, “How am I supposed to get help now?”
 Ventus didn’t have very long to contemplate before he heard more sounds of life around him. This time, they were the unmistakable squirming sound of Unversed. Jumping into a defensive stance, he summoned his keyblade.
 “Oh no…”
 A group of the squiggly floods surrounded him, accompanied by three archravens. Normally, Ventus would have these pesky interlopers dealt with in no time. That is, if they were not several times his size.
 “That’s not fair!” he shouted at them. “Why aren’t you small like the Unversed in Cinderella’s world?”
 The floods merely twitched their spikey appendages as they silently judged him. One made a lunge, and Ventus quickly countered with his keyblade. It barely budged under his pressure. Another was approaching from the side. With quick thinking, Ventus threw his keyblade in its direction. His weapon bounced off its side, only annoying the creature more than anything. These things were way too big!
 He winced and held out his hand for his returning keyblade. However, an archraven plucked him off the ground as easily as it would a worm as it took to the sky, forcing his keyblade to clatter across the stone.
 Ventus watched with horror as the ground fell away from him. He dangled precariously from the beak of the bird by the scruff of his collar. “Put me down this instant!” he shouted. The Unversed didn’t seem to care.
 He held out his trembling arm and willed his weapon to return, his whole body being battered by the winds whipping by. As soon as it reappeared within his grasp, the boy thrust it backwards toward the monster. The motion only succeeded in twisting him around. Without anything to stand on, he was horribly unstable.
 The archraven flew at stomach-churning speed, passing many houses, stores, and fountains. Ventus scanned the rapidly passing scenery. Something around here could be of use.
 Even better, someone—two someones.  
 In the courtyard below stood two keyblade wielders. One had cropped blue hair, while the other was nearly responsible for his earlier demise. They both were squaring up with an (even more) monstrous Unversed.
 “Aqua!” shouted the tiny blond at the top of his lungs. “Terra!”
 Aqua and Terra didn’t seem to notice. The archraven was circling too high. Not to mention they had their hands full, deflecting attacks from the huge armor-like creature. Just when Ventus was about to give up hope, luck would have the archraven swoop down toward the two new victims.
 “AQUA! TERRA!” He twisted, kicked, and shouted with all his might. “Up here! Look up here!!”
 Aqua’s head whipped around as she zeroed in on her dangling friend. A gasp escaped her lips. “Ven?!”
 Ventus waved even harder. “Aqua! It’s me! Help!”
 Terra finally noticed the commotion. A look of confused shock rippled across his face. “Ven? What happened?” The armored Unversed didn’t let this opening go to waste as it zoomed forward with a counterattack. The two older keyblade wielders refocused on their enemy, just barely holding their ground.
 “We’ll come help you Ven! Just as soon as we can!” Aqua yelled, her eyes still locked on the enormous monster.
 The archraven must have decided these two new victims weren’t worth its trouble. With two powerful flaps, it zoomed off. Ventus irritably swung his keyblade at the bird again. He swung back and forth, but made no contact.
 An idea quickly brewed in his mind and he began swinging from side to side, gaining momentum. At the peak of his swing, he threw his keyblade in an arc upwards—right at the creature’s eye.
 “Let me go!”
 Amazingly, it hit the target despite the forward motion and air resistance. The archraven recoiled and opened its beak just enough to allow his collar to slip out. Ventus’ expression went blank as he fell.
 Falling towards the ground backwards was the most terrifying thing Ventus had ever experienced. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t think. Then—splash! He was submerged in water. More water poured and spilled all around, mixing together with the already accumulated liquid. The boy spun round and round in the churning water, unsure of which way was up. A panic welled up inside him, and air began to bubble out of his lungs.
 Something large and cushiony swept underneath him, pulling him upward. He breached the surface, sputtering and gasping for air. Feeling the surface of his leathery platform, Ventus quickly realized what he was sitting on—a hand. He looked upward past the orange top and yellow scarf to the face of the giant who had saved him.
 The teen’s sea-green eyes widened as they locked onto his tiny form. He exhaled and shook his head in wonder, his bright red hair swaying as he did so. “What are you?” he asked curiously, the giant’s voice reverberating around him. “And what were you doing in the water?”
 Ventus laughed nervously and began to wipe the water off of his face and arms. The guy looked to be about his age—maybe a year or two older. If he was kind enough to pull him out of the water, he was mostly likely in safe hands. “I kinda fell in.”
 The redhead smirked. “I noticed.”
 “Lea,” said a booming voice behind them. “What are you doing now? Rescuing stray puppies from the fountain?” Another teenage boy came into view. This one had similar eyes, but his hair was a dark blue, not unlike Aqua’s. “We have things to do.”
 Lea turned to his friend. “Not a puppy, Isa…” He held his hand out to display the tiny human held entirely within his cupped palm.
 The giant named Isa zeroed in on Ventus, subtly balking at the sight.
 “Hi, I’m Ventus,” he offered to the two giants with a little wave. “But you can call me Ven.” Since they were so big, he could only look at one at a time.
 The redhead cued in on his tiny motion, a huge smile breaking out over his face at the sight. “The name’s Lea,” he said with bravado, pointing his free thumb at his chest. “And this doofus—” he added, pointing backwards, “is Isa.”
 Isa bonked Lea on the back of his head. “I think you’re confusing yourself with me.” He attempted to appear annoyed, but a whisper of a smile on his lip betrayed his front.
 Ventus grinned up at the two giants, feeling much more at ease. He was suddenly glad that it was a warm day. Even though this giant’s hand gave off a nice warmth, he would have caught a chill from that dunking. Regardless, when a small wind whipped around them, it sent a shiver up his spine. The giant seemed to notice and removed the yellow bandana from around his neck. He extended it out to the tiny boy standing in his palm.
 “Thanks Lea,” Ventus said, graciously accepting a very small corner of the enormous cloth as he began to wipe himself down. It could have been cut in half four times, and each piece would have been able to cover a double bed with room to spare. “And thanks for saving me.”
 “No prob. You’re really small, you know? You could get hurt!”
 He rubbed his face and neck down. “You’re telling me.”
 Isa watched with quiet curiosity, a faint smile still lingering on his face.
 He finished wiping the remaining water as best he could and returned the bandana into the awaiting hand. Lea lowered the parachute-sized cloth out of sight, presumably to his lap Ventus imagined.
 “So Ven, what are you?” Lea asked, lifting him a bit higher. His eyes searched him with curiosity. “Some kind of fae?
 The tiny blond felt a bit self-conscious under the scrutiny of such large beings. Was fae another word for a fairy? He had never met a fairy, but if they were the same size as his current stature, they would be tiny things indeed. Ventus made a mental note to be slow and gentle should he ever encounter one.
 “I’m not normally this small,” he said, looking down to examine his body. “I’m usually at least this much bigger.” He hovered his hand a few inches over his head. At least, it was a few inches relative to him.
 This elicited a full-blown smirk out of Isa and a hearty laugh out of Lea. The hand holding Ventus shook with his laughter, causing the blond to stumble. Before he could fall, the other hand came swooping up to steady him between finger and thumb.
 “Heh, sorry about that, little guy.”
 Ventus let go of the retreating fingers and tried his best to give a confident stance on his ever-shifting platform. “It’s alright,” he said, giving a thumbs up. “I was my proper size this morning. And then…” he motioned to himself, “this.”
 Ventus did not think it wise to mention this size seemed to be a left-over from the previous world. He knew, above all else, he had to keep the knowledge of other worlds a secret.
 “Did someone preform experiments on you?” Lea asked, his eyes growing. A curled finger approached and gently lifted one of Ventus’ arms for closer examination.
 “No,” the blond said. He allowed this but shifted nervously on the enormous palm. He didn’t think the giant would hurt him; nevertheless, he couldn’t help but feel uneasy at being so easily manipulated. “Well, at least, I don’t think so.”
 Lea’s finger withdrew. “It’s like someone tried to make you the size of a squirrel, Ven!”
 “More like a mouse,” Isa added.
 “Never heard that one before,” Ventus sarcastically retorted with a playful grin.
 “Maybe it was that wizard who moved in recently,” Lea mused.
 Isa shook his head. “More likely, it was the lord scientist.”
 “Who?” Upon their looks of disbelief, Ventus quickly added, “I’m actually not from around here.”
 This seemed reasonable enough to Lea as he explained. “The lord of the castle. They call him Ansem the Wise. He’s a scientist, goes everywhere in a white lab coat.”
 Ventus cocked his head. “Wait. Does he have really long blond hair?”
 Isa nodded silently.
 “I think I saw him earlier today. He was with a little—eh, well—a young boy. Blue hair.”
 “That’s him,” Lea said. “The two of them like to get ice cream from the same place we do.”
 “Same flavor too,” Isa said.
 “There’s been some weird stuff happening around here lately. We think he’s doing some experiments.” Lea continued. “We’re kinda worried about the kid. He’s never said so much as a word to us. The lord seems a nice enough guy, but…”
 “We’re not entirely convinced,” Isa finished.
 Ventus nodded at the two giants.
 “We hope that the lord isn’t doing any kind of experiments on him. But something is happening. Somewhere in that castle.”
 “Which is where we were going before you got side-tracked, Lea,” the blue-haired teen said in a tone that reminded Ventus of the Master.
 “Yeah, but how could I have let our new little friend drown?” Lea flashed him the biggest puppy-dog eyes as he lifted Ventus level with his head. The tiny boy had to grab his raised thumb for balance, flashing a nervous smile at the blue-haired giant.
 Isa sighed and shook his huge head, placing a hand on his side. “You’re obnoxious. What am I ever going to with you? The both of you.”
 Lea flashed him an even wider smile, chuckling. He lowered Ven back down to mid-chest height, suddenly very solemn. “If Ven’s size really is the result of one of his experiments, we can’t let lord Ansem get his hands on him. Or any of his minions, either. We have to take him somewhere safe.”
 Ventus frowned as he concentrated. He didn’t know about this Ansem guy, but he would rather be safe than sorry. In any case, he needed to get back to Terra and Aqua. They could surely help him. Knowing how skilled they were, they were bound to be finished with the Unversed by now. If only Ventus could find them. He was way too small to go about searching for them all by himself. Even if he could find them, who’s to say they would see him? Terra didn’t notice him from just a few feet away, and nearly stepped on him to boot. However, if he could have these two new friends to help him, perhaps it was possible.
 “About that,” Ventus started, “maybe you could help me. I’ve been looking for—”
 But Ventus was never able to finish his sentence, for at that very moment, a voice from a mile or two down the path (from Ven’s perspective) shouted out, “Excuse me!”
 An eternal moment of shock froze the three teenagers. Just an instant later, it was over. The hand that had been holding Ventus suddenly folded up around him. A small yelp escaped his lips as the pillars of flesh encased him in darkness. He was rotated and lowered in an arcing motion, making his head spin. Dazed, he tried to piece together what had just happened. By his best guess, Lea had him in a fist and was hiding him behind his back. He pushed the leathery skin away from his face. He only hoped Lea could keep him hidden from this new giant, whoever it was.
 “Have either of you seen a boy about your age,” asked the voice, muffled by the folds of skin. A familiar voice. The fingers around him tensed up as the voice continued. “He has blond hair and would be about… this small.”
 Ventus began squirming around in the darkness. He had to somehow inform Lea that this person was his friend. The giant hand squeezed him twice in quick secession, silently asking him to keep still and quiet. The squeezes were gentle but nevertheless frightening. He realized how easily one of his tiny bones could be broken at the slightest oversight of one of these giants. Even accidently, a great deal of harm could befall little Ventus, and there was no way he could stop these titans, which to him may as well be forces of nature.
 “What’s it to you?” came Lea’s voice with a certain sharpness. Although his voice was muffled through the thick skin surrounding Ventus, it still boomed around him.
 “No need to get angry,” said a female voice. “We just need to know if you’ve seen him.”
 It was just his luck. By trying to protect him, these giants were keeping him from the two people who could potentially help him. It really wasn’t his day.
 “You two get out of the castle much?” Isa’s voice snidely remarked.
 “What?” asked Terra’s voice.
 His chance at reunion was quickly slipping away. Ventus struggled with renewed vigor. Again, the hand squeezed, just as gentle, but this time slower and sustained. Lea wasn’t going to release him in front of Terra and Aqua.
 He slipped his hand through the small opening made by the creases of skin. Fervently, he patted his minuscule hand against the outer skin of the giant one. Whether Lea was too distracted to notice or couldn’t feel the slight sensation, Ventus didn’t know.
 There were no options left. Ventus summoned all of his strength and breathed in deep and steady. He cupped his hands around his mouth and aimed for the small gap in the skin.
 Everything stopped. And then, his world in the darkness flung into motion again.
 “Where is he?!” Terra shouted. His voice came from just beside Lea. “Where are you hiding him?!”
 Lea’s hand jerked in every direction, seemingly all at once. Ventus thought he was going to be sick. Then the motions grew sharper.
 “Let me go!” Lea shouted. “Don’t you dare take him! I won’t let—aaaahhh!”
 The tiny boy was rotated upside down as Lea screamed in pain. Light streamed through parting fingers. And for the second time that day, Ventus found himself falling through the air.
 Because this fall was so brief, he had only enough time to yelp before landing into a second hand. This new hand, which was smoother with slender fingers, pulled him away from the action. From his vantage point, he could see Terra gripping Lea’s shirt with one hand and wrenching Lea’s wrist back with the other.
 “Don’t you touch him!” Lea sputtered, but Terra only gripped his shirt tighter.
 Disorientated and a bit stunned, Ventus looked up into the face of his new holder. “Aqua?” he managed, dazed.
 Aqua held him close, but only glanced down once before returning her sights on Isa. She had her keyblade pointed squarely at him. He returned her icy glare, lowering into fighting stance.
 “You gonna hurt us?” Isa snarled. “We’ll make sure to return the favor.”
 Ventus shook his head and gathered his wits. “EVERYBODY STOP!” he yelled, surprising even himself at his own volume.
 All four giants turned their eyes upon Ventus. He took a shaky breath as he met their gazes, one by one. “Nobody has to hurt anybody!”
 “Ven?” asked Aqua softly. “What are you talking about? These guys were trying to kidnap you.”
 “Kidnap?” Lea said sharply as he wiggled in Terra’s loosening grip. “Isn’t that what you’re doing?”
 “No, no!” Ventus shouted, waving his tiny arms to keep the giant’s attention. “Terra, let him go! Aqua, please! The Master would be angry if he saw what you were doing.”
 Aqua and Terra shared a confused glance but complied. Once released, Lea brushed his shirt in a huff. Isa watched Aqua’s keyblade vanish in a sparkle of light before lowering his fists, still looking on edge.
 “Lea, Isa, these are my friends. They don’t work for Ansem!”
 “You don’t? Why didn’t you say so earlier?” Lea said in a huff as he crossed his arms.
 “And Terra, Aqua, they saved me. They were only trying to help.”
 “Ven,” Terra said, his huge face coming closer, “then why did you shout like that? We thought you were in danger.”
 “Well…” Ventus turned his hands up. “They thought you were going to take me away to do some experiments. So I had to shout to make sure you didn’t leave without me.” He didn’t have the heart to explain his earlier attempts in alerting Lea. But Lea quickly put two and two together. His face turned pink, and he averted his gaze.
 “I don’t want my friends to fight!” he continued. “You were all just trying to keep me safe. Please, can’t we all get along?”
 The four giants read each other’s faces, relaxing by degrees.
 “Lea, Isa, these are my two best friends, Terra and Aqua. We train under the same master. Terra, Aqua, this is Lea and Isa.” Ventus pointed to each in turn. “They rescued me from drowning.”
 “I can’t exactly take credit for that one,” Isa offered. “It was all this doofus.” Lea grinned at the recognition, putting a hand behind his head. His mood was quickly improving.
 “I’m really sorry for all the trouble,” Terra said with a slight bow. “Thank you for protecting Ven.”
 “’Was no prob,” Lea said, waving away the praise. “But could you do me a solid? You gotta tell me where I can get one of those magical disappearing and reappearing swords!”
 Terra and Aqua shared a nervous glance.
 “Is that all you can think about? New weapons?” Isa said with a raised brow. “Didn’t you get those stupid frisbees last month?”
 “They are not stupid. You’re just mad that you lost to me in every match we’ve had since I’ve gotten them!”
 “Heh, if I was mad, you’d know it,” Isa coolly retorted.
 All three keyblade wielders released a breath at the change of topic.
 “Lea, didn’t you say something about a wizard?” the tiny boy said.
 “Oh yeah! Let’s go see him together! He might be able to help you.”
 Aqua held Ventus closer, venturing a look at her vulnerable friend. “What have we got to lose?”
 “Hmm, yes. This is strange magic,” mused the wizard, stroking a lengthy white beard. “Strange magic indeed.”
 Ventus stood on a wooden table in a room stacked full of books and glass beakers. The wizard was using a wooden stick about as thick as he was to lift his limbs and direct him into different positions. Meanwhile, the other four giants stared down at him from around the rounded table. He was starting to feel like he really was in an experiment.
 “Can you help him, Merlin, sir?” Lea asked, trying to sound respectful.
“Now, now, my boy. You simply can’t rush these things, you know.” Merlin pulled a pair of wiry glasses from a pocket and put them on. Instantly, his already giant eyes magnified several times. Ventus didn’t know whether he felt more self-conscious or like laughing. The two emotions seemed to balance each other out, so he was able to contain himself.
After several minutes of mind-numbing silence in which Merlin continued to manipulate Ventus as he hemmed and hawed, the wizard pulled back and plopped back into a huge red armchair. “That is an easy enough spell. I’ve cast it several times before myself. However, there is something otherworldly about this magic. You’d have to go and find whoever cast this upon him in the first place. I’m afraid that if I tried to dispel it, I would only cause undue harm to the poor boy.”
 Lea and Isa looked downcast, but the three keyblade wielders shared a knowing look.
 “Ven,” Aqua asked slowly. “Have you been this small… in other places.”
 Ventus understood her messaging at once. “Yes, with a girl named Cinderella.”
 Terra stood suddenly. “I think we need to pay a certain godmother a visit.” Aqua nodded in agreement. He placed his hand flat for Ventus. The blond hesitated only a moment before clambering up onto the sprawling hand.
 “Wait, you’re leaving?” Lea said, a hint of sadness in his voice.
 “Don’t worry. Once I’m fixed, I’ll be back,” Ventus said as he turned to face the huge redhead, one hand resting on Terra’s thumb. “We’re friends after all, aren’t we?” He raised his tiny hand out toward the giant.
 Lea blinked, smiled, and leaned forward. Gently tapping his pointer finger against Ventus’ hand as a high-five, he flashed him a giant of a smile. “Always.”
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ella-se-vuelve-loca · 5 years
Chapter 11
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Grand Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
(Y/N)’s P.O.V.
“Something is different about you.” Victoria said while lying down on my bed as Andrea sat down on the floor painting her nails. “What do you mean?” I asked while looking through my closet, looking for an outfit to wear. “I don’t know. You just seem so much more.. chirpier and like there’s a zing to your step or something.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Hey, I’m not saying it’s bad. I just haven’t seen you with that certain look in your eyes in a while, so it’s nice to have that (Y/N) back.” I just smiled and held up two different types of blouses. “It might have something to do with that certain curly haired boy of hers that she’s been seeing.” Andrea chuckled and I felt blush creep up my cheeks.
“You’re probably right on that one.” Victoria laughed as I just rolled my eyes and held up both blouses against my chest as I tried to choose which one I should wear. “Wear that black one with the roses on them, it shows off your cleavage more.”
“Vicky!” I laughed and looked between the two pieces of clothing.  “Where did he say he was taking you again?” Andrea asked as she finished painting her nails and started to dry them off. “We’re going mini golfing first and then there’s a new carnival that just opened up recently, so we’ll be heading there later.” I smiled at the thought about the activities Joel and I had planned together today.
“Girl, you haven’t told us much about him. I want – no, I need details! What does he do? Does he have any siblings? How much does he bench? Does he have any friends he can hook me up with?” Victoria laughed at the last one. Of course she would ask questions like that. She wouldn’t be Vicky if she didn’t.
“Calm down!” I chuckled. “It’s just a guy..”
“Yeah, ‘just a guy’ my ass. You’ve been smitten over him since that party.” Victoria laughed as I started applying my makeup. “Well, who wouldn’t be? He’s sweet, funny.. a little shy..” I looked through my rage of different color lipsticks. “Absolutely loves his career..” I picked out a simple red lipstick and lip gloss and opened the cap. “He’s a gentleman.. quirky and goofy at times..” I applied the lipstick over my lips as I continued to list off the traits I’ve gotten to know and love about him.
“He’s very romantic..” I stopped for a second as I thought about the last time I saw him and.. that kiss we had that night. My heart still flutters when I think of it. “He’s what I would define as an old school love kind of guy… and I really admire that.” I looked at my friends through the mirror and saw them both have big smile on their faces as I spoke highly of Joel. “What?”
“Nothing… I’m just.. I’m so happy that you found someone different. Someone who’s not like Enrique..” Victoria spoke. “He was a complete ass.” Andrea retorted right after as I gave them a small smile. “Well, Enrique is in the past. I think.. I think I’m finally getting over him, girls. I’m ready to start dating again..” They cheered and gave me hugs from behind. “Fin – fucking – ly! I told you someone better will come along and treat you like the queen you are!” Andrea cheered.
“And now you’ve found him!”
Yeah… I guess I did…
“I absolutely suck at this!” I laughed as I tried to hit the ball into the hole, but ended up completely missing. “You’re good at bowling, but not mini golfing? I think I found your weakness.” He laughed as he walked behind me, observing. “No, I just – I’m.. not quite familiar with this..” I smiled and tried once again.
“Let me help you because this is painful to watch.” He chuckled. “It was funny the first 5 courses, but now I’m just starting to feel bad.” He laughed and positioned my body so I can finally get a good swing. “Shut up.” I laughed as he told me to stand with my knees and hips slightly bent. His hands rested on my waist as he helped me. Oh, be still my heart…
“Lean forward a bit and bring your club up not too high because this is  mini golfing haha and… swing.” I swung my club and actually hit the ball close to the hole, not missing completely like I have for the past few courses. “See? Using my techniques actually work.” I looked up at him and smiled. “That’s because we’re on your turf and you know more about this than I do. If we were bowling, I would’ve beaten your ass already.” I laughed as his hands were still on my waist, slightly holding me against his body.
His eyes had dropped down to my lips and back into my eyes, making my heart swoon at the thought of kissing him again. I slightly leaned up into his touch and felt the urge to feel him against me once more. He bit his lip and slowly backed away, taking my hand in his. “C’mon, we still got a few courses left.” He said smiling. Tease…
In the end, guess who ended up losing this game of mini golf. Me, I lost. But you know what? Even though we’re both really competitive and love to win… honestly just being with him was enough. It’s obvious that this isn’t my sort of sport, but he enjoys it so much and I hope to get better so we can keep coming back.
“Man, I haven’t gone mini gulfing in a while.” He spoke as we got back in his car. “Really?” I asked as he nodded, strapping our seatbelts in. “I travel a lot and have been super busy. It’s not everyday where moments like this happens where I’m not off going into a sound check, doing a promo, getting interviewed, going to dance rehearsals, or writing and recording new music.” He said, starting the ignition to his car.
“You sound like you have a lot on your plate.” I chuckled. “It’s a lot, but I love my career. It makes me happy.” He smiled and started driving off to the next place. “Do you.. maybe have a sample of a song I can listen to? Just so I can get myself familiar with your band and your style of music.” I asked. “Sure! Give me a second..” He waited until we hit a stoplight so he can hook up his phone and went straight to Spotify.
“Just scroll and choose any song you’d like.” He handed me his phone as his hands went back on the wheel as the light was about to turn green. I looked down at his screen and saw the name of his band and the picture of the artist along with it.
“There’s five of you?” I asked as I started scrolling through the many songs they had. “You got that right haha we all met through a singing competition called ‘La Banda’ that was started by Ricky Martin and Simon Cowell.”
I clicked on a song and looked back up at him, seeing a smile spread across his face as he heard the familiar music coming from his speakers. “Mi Medicina, that’s a good one.” He chuckled as I started listening to the lyrics. He started singing along as his fingers tapped on the steering wheel. I swayed my body back and forth, enjoying a song I can’t believe I’ve never heard before until now.
“When I get home, I’m definitely checking out more music.” I laughed. “These are so good!”
I looked up for a split second and saw someone had messaged him. I didn’t mean to look, it just popped up. “Oh uh somebody had texted you.” I placed his phone down, stopping myself from picking a different song through his playlist. “Oh, who was it from?” He asked. “It’s from someone named Emilia.” I noticed a heart emoji next to her name. It got me thinking about what kind of emojis he has under my name.
“I’ll just check in a second when we get out. I don’t like texting or calling when I’m driving. Safety first.” He smiled and drove until he found a parking spot. We unclicked our seatbelts and opened our doors. “We’re here.” We got out of the car and I looked around. Funnel cakes was the first thing I could smell as we walked closer to the ticket booth.
I took out my wallet and went to pay, but Joel was quicker and took his money out first. I took his hand and brought it back before he could pay the ticket booth guy. “Princesa, I got this.” He spoke as I chuckled. “I know you do, but so do I. Let’s just split it. I’ll pay for half and you pay for the other half. A win – win.” I suggested.
“I can’t really win with you, can I?”
“Nope. Only at mini golfing.” I chuckled as we both handed our money in and received our tickets in return. We thanked the guy and started heading towards the middle of all the rides and mini games we could do. “What do you wanna do first?”
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“Can you give me the one of the top left?” Joel asked as the guy took down the stuffed turtle and handed it to him. “There ya go!” The man smiled as Joel then passed me the stuffed animal. “For you, mi amor.” He chuckled as I took it from his hands, hugging it close to my body. “Gracias, Joel.” Balloon Pop was just one of the many games we both played together.
Throughout our date, we had eaten funnel cake, gone on multiple rides, played games… I mean, what could be better? Spending time with him and hearing his laugh just made me realize that I did not want this night to end. We continued walking, his arm around my shoulders, as we looked for another activity for us to do.
I took out my phone and went to selfie mode. “Hey, mind if we take a photo together?” I asked as he smiled. “Of course.” I held up the phone so both of our faces could be seen on my screen. He placed his head on my shoulder as I snapped a photo. We made a couple silly faces and I even got a photo of where he kissed my cheek. It was quick, but I got the photo.
“Did you get my good side?” He joked as we both looked down at the pictures we took together. I’m definitely keeping these. “Oh shut up.” I laughed as we continued walking until we found ourselves in front of the Ferris Wheel. He pointed to the ride with his finger, asking if I wanted to get on as I nodded. We handed in our last tickets, got inside the little cart and sat down. The little cart slowly moving back and forth as we got ourselves comfortable.
I looked at him and smiled. How could someone like him be with someone like me? How did I get so lucky? He’s everything I’ve been looking for. After a few moments, we started to move and soon everything around us was below. “I’m so glad you don’t have a fear of heights or else this would be a problem.” He laughed. “You and me both.”
I looked up at the sky and chuckled. Just now realizing how long we’ve been out as the sun was no longer shining. “Now this is the way to stargaze.” I leaned my head against his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me, bringing me closer to his body. I swear, it’s like I could feel my heart just fluttering with me being this close to him.
My fingers played with his rings as I thought about my previous relationship. Enrique would never take me out on dates like this. We would just stay at home, order out and call it a night. I can’t remember the last time he would ever do something nice for me. Joel on the other hand, is much different. I appreciate someone who’s actually trying. I never thought he would text or call me after I gave him my number. If anything, I thought it would end up being a booty call or he would end up forgetting about me and that night.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” I chuckled. “I’m just gonna assume you’re thinking about my beautiful features then.” He laughed as I looked up at him. “Oh, yeah definitely.” I said chuckling. He smiled and moved a stand of hair away from my face. “You wanna know what I’m thinking about?” I nodded.
“How much fun I had today. Completely destroying you in mini golf..” We laughed. “And… how beautiful you look..” Is this a dream? I smiled up at him and leaned up, closing the distance between us. Kissing someone at the top of the Ferris Wheel? I can now cross this off my little bucket list of cute cliché things I’ve always wanted to do. I reached one of my hands up into his curls as I could feel his hand against my cheek, holding me there.
I honestly feel like I’m moving on from Enrique and I’m on a good path with someone new. I pulled away and smiled, looking up into his eyes. “Joel?” I asked. “Yeah, mi amor?”
“Do you remember when you asked me about why I was hiding from someone in my job?” He nodded. “I do.” I sighed and cleared my throat. “That guy..” He waited for me to continue. I haven’t talked about Enrique like this since we broke up. “Was my ex.” I looked below us and saw people walking off to play the games they had there as I looked at anywhere but him. “We were together for a few years. We were high school sweethearts.. I knew that there were multiple reasons why I should’ve broken it off with him, but I saw past all of them because I loved him.. and that’s all that mattered to me.”
He intertwined our fingers together as I continued. “I guess I was so blinded by love that I never noticed how different he would act whenever I was with him. He used to be so affectionate and just one day, it’s like he shut it off. Like he decided that he no longer loved me.” I cleared my throat and continued. “I was an idiot for thinking that this would pass and we would be okay.” I bit my lip.
“Well, one day, I came home and found him in bed with one of my co-workers at his place. He told me that they’ve been doing this behind my back for months.. and he dumped me on the spot.” I stayed silent for a second, collecting my thoughts.
“So, the day that you decided to surprise me at work, he was there.. with her and I didn’t want him to see me.” I chuckled and looked back up at him, noticing that we were now going back down to the ground and our ride was just about over. “Wait, you still see them? Both of them?” He asked as I nodded. “Yep. He comes in randomly to visit her and I try not to be too close around them so much. I always try to avoid them whenever I notice that they’re around.”
Our ride stopped as we hopped out. “Who is this guy? I want a name.” I chuckled as we started walking around. “What for? It’s in the past and quite frankly, I’m happy where I’m at right now..”
“But that’s still no way to treat a woman.” He spoke and held my hand, making me stop in my tracks and turn to face him. “All things happen for a reason because look what good came out of it.” I reached my hand up and moved some of his curls away from his face. “I met you…”
I noticed his facial features change for a second as he held up his hand to mine that caressed his cheek. “(Y/N).. there’s something I.. I mean..” I shook my head. “You don’t need to say anything. It’s in the past now.” I smiled up at him, taking his hand in mine as we continued walking. “I gotta be honest, it felt good to get that off of my chest.” I can finally move on from that prick and be with someone who’s actually worth my love and time.
We walked back to his car and got inside. “Thank you for sharing your story with me, nena. I know it was probably difficult.” We strapped our seatbelts in. “Thank you for listening.” I felt like he was stuck in his thoughts the whole ride back to my place. We still kept that happy vibe between us, but I couldn’t help but feel like he had something that he wanted to say but was holding back. It was almost as if he was holding his breath.
He walked me to my doorstep as I reached for my keys. “I had a lot of fun today, Joel.” I smiled. “I did too.” He chuckled and slowly leaned in, planting a sweet short kiss upon my lips. One of his hands rested on my hips while the other was above my head against the door. He pulled away and paused for a moment, biting his bottom lip. “Eres muy hermosa and you deserved better, you know that right?”
I slowly nodded. “I just.. I need you to know that. What he did.. that’s not how you treat someone you love. I can’t leave you knowing you might be feeling like shit when you talked about him. I know it’s made you think a bit differently on relationships and getting close to someone like that again, but I’m really happy that you told me about him and got that off your chest.” I smiled and reached my hand up to play with his curls.
“It felt good to just let it all out in the open. I think holding it in kind of prevented me from getting back out there, you know? I can see now that he wasn’t meant for me and.. I’m definitely okay with that.” I leaned up and placed a kiss on his cheek. “I really did have a wonderful time tonight.”
“I did too.” His fingers lifted my chin up to him as he pecked my lips before pulling away and smiled. “I’ll call you later, okay?” I nodded as he walked back to his car. I haven’t felt this feeling in such a long time. I’m excited for what the future is gonna bring. He stopped at the drivers’ side and turned back to me, waving bye. He got inside, turned his car on and drove off as I headed inside my place.
I leaned against the door and bit my lip, slipping off my shoes. Oh yeah, this is definitely for the better.
Next Chapter
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saikostories · 4 years
MHA - Take a Break
In which quirks do not exist, and Midoriya is a professional boxer (Tododeku)
Shouto shouldn’t have been surprised when he heard the loud thumping of the punching bag from the room down the hall. This had been happening all week long.
He wasn’t usually here this late at night but he knows that the gym is normally empty by now. He had lost track of time while practicing in the dance studio, too wrapped up in his routine. It wasn’t until he left to fill up his water bottle that he saw the light on in the boxing ring down the hallway. He crept over to the entrance quietly trying not to draw any attention to himself. When he peeked in the room, he saw Midoriya Izuku there in the ring alone, going at it with the punching bag. He was wearing a black tank top and some muted green boxing shorts. His hair was stuck to his sweaty forehead, coving his face.
Shouto had always loved watching Izuku fight. Izuku was a brilliant in the ring. His movements were quick and the way he swayed around the ring made it seem like he was dancing. There was beauty in his violence and every punch thrown was full of power. He didn’t seem like a fighter at first glance. His soft smile, and his bright, kind eyes gave off the impression that he wouldn’t even hurt a fly.
Or at least, that’s was Shouto thought at first. Oh, how wrong he turned out to be.
Izuku wasn’t just good at fighting, he was fantastic. Of course, Izuku always says he used to be terrible. He says he was beat all the time as a kid but Shouto has a hard time believing that whenever he watches him in a fight. The boxer claimed that it wasn’t until he started training under his coach Yagi Toshinori that he started getting good. He practiced almost everyday at the gym with some of his buddies, Kirishima, Jirou, Kaminari and Iida. They were all almost equally matched. Every fight Shouto had watched he wasn’t sure who was gonna win, especially when it came to Izuku and Kirishima. These last few months Izuku has been doing really good. He was working hard and it was clearly paying off. He seemed to be pulling ahead of everyone and sometimes he would even come out a match with only a few bruises.
Recently though, he began falling behind. He was taking more hits than usual, he was getting knocked down a lot easier and he didn’t seem as quick. Each fight he came out a little more beat up than he should be. Everyone could tell too. Kirishima tried talking to him about it, but Izuku just brushed it off and said he was “just a little tired today.” or he assured them, “It’s okay! I’ll be back on my A game before you know it!” followed by his bright smile.
That bright smile didn’t seem to bright lately.
He’d been staying pretty late these past two weeks, and Shouto was starting to get really worried.
Looking at him now, in the boxing ring alone with a punching bag, Shouto could tell his movements were unusually sluggish. The thumping of Izuku’s fist hitting the bag filled the room.
Shouto felt like he should step in, but he wasn’t sure if it was even his place. He had never seen Izuku like this before. It was like he was seeing something no one was supposed to, something private. He was angrily throwing hard punches. They were wild and they weren’t good either. They were all force and no precision. Izuku must have known this too, because after throwing a particularly harsh punch he yelled out loud in frustration. It came out more like a strangled sob and his hands slowly slid down from the bag and to his sides.
Then he just stood there in silence and the only sound in the room was the creaking of the punching bag still swinging back and forth, and the short uneven sound of Izuku’s breathing. He slowly took off his gloves and sunk to his knees on the ring floor.
It wasn’t until he brushed his sweaty hair out of his face that Shouto got a better look at him and he could tell he looked absolutely terrible. He was obviously exhausted, the bags under his eyes were dark and his breathing seemed uneven.
And, oh. Izuku was bleeding and he was bleeding pretty badly.
Izuku jumped at the sound of his voice and frantically looked up while trying to wipe the tears from his eyes.
“H-hey, how long have you been here...?” Izuku asked, voice hoarse.
“Long enough.” Shouto said as he slowly approached. “You’re bleeding.”
“Haha yeah.” Almost as if on cue he spit out some blood that got in his mouth from the cut on his upper lip. He looked back up and tried to give Shouto a small smile but it looked... wrong. “It was an accident. I wasn’t paying attention when Kirishima and I were at it earlier. He offered to help me but I told him I’d be fine. Just a little cut, nothing I can’t handle.”
It can’t have been too long ago, Shouto thinks, since he’s still bleeding.
“Come with me.” Shouto says as he extends his hand to Izuku, “let’s get you cleaned up.”
Izuku hesitates, but then he half heartedly smiles and takes Shouto’s hand. After standing up, Izuku suddenly raises a hand to his forehead wincing and Shouto can tell the boxer must have gotten light headed from standing up so quickly. He gently places his own hand on Izuku’s shoulder to steady him before he can even think twice about it.
The two of them walk, or rather limp, out of the empty ring and down the hall over to the bathroom near the dance studio. They walk in a comfortable silence, Shouto’s hand still on Izuku’s shoulder. He turns on the sink, soaks a rag and begins to clean up Izuku’s bloody nose and the deep cut on his lip. He does what he can for the black eye but unfortunately he can’t do much until they get some ice.
“Why are you pushing yourself so hard?” Shouto says bluntly but there’s still a hint of worry in his voice.
Izuku seems taken aback by this, but he doesn’t look up to meet Shouto’s eyes.
“I have to. I’m falling behind.”
Shouto has a feeling that isn’t the whole truth.
“Midoriya, you aren’t falling behind you’re just-“
“But I am.” Izuku cuts him off sharply but suddenly his expression softens, “Sorry, I didn’t mean-“
“It’s alright. I get it. But you have to take care of yourself. It’s alright to push yourself but pushing yourself this hard is what’s causing you to fall behind.” Shouto frowns, “You’re hurt, and you’re tired and I hate seeing you like this.”
Izuku closes his eyes and leans forward to rest his head on Shouto’s shoulder, “You’re right. You’re always right.”
“Not always,” Shouto says, leaning into the touch.
Izuku opens his eyes and looks down at his hands which are bruised and wrapped in medical tape. “I’m just scared.” He says suddenly very very quiet.
Shouto frowns even more, “Of what?”
“Toshinori. He’s getting really sick again and I’m just so afraid I’m gonna loose him.” Izuku whispers. His hands are shaking now, Shouto can feel it.
“Oh Midoriya.” Shouto sighs. It suddenly all adds up. His sudden slump, his sudden need to throw himself into work. It’s so like him. Izuku has always been a hard worker. It just makes sense that that’s exactly what he’d do in a stressful situation. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” he sniffs, “not mine either. I just, don’t know what to do you know? I feel so helpless all the time when it comes to this. Sometimes it feels like the only way to unleash all these feelings is that stupid punching bag.”
Shouto only hums in response. He knows how much Izuku’s coach means to him. He wonders how long the green haired boy had been bottling up all these feeling.
“You’re so strong, you know that?” Shouto says to him. “I really don’t know how you do it.”
That earns a laugh from Izuku and it makes Shouto feel a little bit better. Izuku slowly lifts up his head and smiles back at him.
“You’re always looking out for me, aren’t you.” Izuku says and it’s not a question, it’s a statement.
“I really like you Todoroki.” Izuku says sheepishly looking down at his hands again.
“I really like you too Midoriya.”
“No I mean, I really like you.”
Shouto’s heart stops in it’s tracks and he feels his face heat up. “I’m glad to hear that. Because I really like you too.”
Izuku let’s out a breath he must have been holding and he nervously laughs running his bandages hand through his sweaty hair.
“Can I kiss you?” Todoroki asks gently.
“Please.” Izuku wheezes and just like that their lips meet.
It’s slow and delicate and Shouto can taste Izuku’s blood from the cut on his lip. His hand gently cups Izuku’s face and Izuku’s calloused, bandaged hands meet them there.
They break apart and touch foreheads and Izuku starts to chuckle.
“What?” Shouto asks smiling.
“Nothing I just,” he looks up and his eyes are bright but still filled with tears, “I’m just really really happy I met you Todoroki Shouto.”
Shouto smiles and asks, “Can I finish fixing your face?” while raising the bloody rag that was abandoned on the counter.
Izuku laughs, “Yes do what you must.”
Shouto walks him home that night. Partly because he wants to make sure he makes it there alright and partly because he doesn’t want to leave him yet. It’s lightly snowing in the city and Izuku stays close to him, their hands linked for warmth. When they get to Izuku’s apartment the two of them stop at the front door.
“Why don’t you stay tonight? I wouldn’t want you to walk alone all the way home in the cold.” Izuku says softly.
“Sure.” Shouto squeezes Izuku’s hand tightly. “You’ll probably need help getting up the stairs anyway.”
Izuku laughs at that and the two of them enter the building, stomping off the snow from their shoes on the rug on the floor.
Shouto wishes that things could stay like this. He wishes that he could take away all of Izuku’s troubles and keep that kind, bright smile on his face, but he knows it won’t last. However, Shouto makes a vow in that moment, to stay by Izuku’s side no matter what.
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thicahgase7 · 4 years
{7:05 am}
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For @wikihoeofgot7​​, the biggest Mark stan I know and love
Song: Lovestained by Hope Tala
[A/N: I would just like to note that the Y/N in this oneshot has A.D.D (Attention Deficit Disorder) which I also have so I hope I was able to show that a bit. But I hope you enjoy]
Slowly opening your tired eyes, you try to see if he’s still next to you but find him missing, his phone still resting on his nightstand. Groaning, you crawl over to his side and reach for the phone, checking to see who’s calling: someone from the group no doubt. Sure enough, one of the boy’s names pop up on the screen and you chuckle to yourself.  
Getting outta bed, you let out a groan while stretching to wake yourself up more, wondering where he was. The bathroom? Turning your head to the bathroom door, you could now hear the water running and music playing. Placing the phone back, you started to walk in the room but froze with a thought. Ooo you could surprise him with breakfast! Yea, that’s what you’ll do! But, checking your breath, you scrunch your face up. Maybe you should brush your teeth first..
You enter the bathroom, the music getting slightly louder now that you’re in the room. His back is facing you as he hums along to the song and you pause, stopping to admire his wet muscles. Instinctively, your hand reaches out to him but you stop yourself. You came in here to brush your teeth and go make breakfast, not attack him in the shower. At least, not for now. Focus! Careful not to make a sound, you keep looking between the shower and your hands, grabbing the toothbrush and slathering it in toothpaste.
“Wild wild wild, when I’m with you all I get is wild thoughts!” You cover your mouth, a laugh almost escaping you as he sings from the top of his lungs. Checking to see if you’ve been caught, he lathers his hair and still doesn’t turn around. He sways from side to side, body rolling while running his fingers through his soapy hair. Knowing you only had a minute or so at the most, you quickly brush your teeth, thankful that the music is so loud it covers the sounds of the sink.
“Wild wild wild thoughts!” Okay, any longer and you’re honestly gonna burst out in laughter but the way he’s dancing in there, you smile at him before turning around and closing the door quietly. You tell yourself you need to record him next time he does this so you could show him and his friends later if he’s being annoying. It would make things even since he shared with the boys a video of you snoring. Wait, what were you doing? Right, breakfast! You reach for your phone and head out of the room, unlocking your phone and looking up recipes. You notice a text from Yugyeom but ignore it for now. You figure you can answer him later.
What sounds good right now? Eggs benedict? You weren’t sure you had the tools to make that. Turning the corner of the hall, you continue to scroll for recipes. Pancakes? Hmm, last time you made them, they ended up a bit thicker than usual. What could you make? You suddenly feeling pain shooting from your hip and look down. While searching on your phone, you rammed yourself into the kitchen island, its corner hitting your hip bone. You hiss, crippling to the floor as you try to breathe slowly.
“Dammnit.” You start to rub your hip, hoping the pain will go away faster if you did that. You only had to wait for a few more seconds before the pain is gone entirely. Grabbing the edge of the countertop, you pull yourself up and sigh while glancing around. Just what the hell could you make? Your eyes rest on the fridge and you figure you should actually see what you have.
Let’s see: eggs, shallots, leftover takeout, milk, hmmmmm maybe? Checking your phone for more recipes, you notice you have notifications on snapchat. Opening the app, you notice it’s from most of the boys. You decide to send a quick picture of the kitchen, making a funny face before opening Pinterest. Your feed pops up to memes of the boys, other kpop memes, pictures of places, and regular memes.
“Ooo, a meme of GOT7?” Scrolling past the meme, you see a video of a kid slamming their face in the cake then seeing a cute duckling wadding through the water. Each swipe of your finger, a new meme pops up and you giggle to yourself. Maybe you should show some of these to him when you have a chance.
“Sooo, were you gonna grab something or did you just open the fridge to stand there looking like a dork?” You gasp and try to look behind you as hands wrap around your waist, the fluff of dark hair in your eyesight while his lips grazing your neck in a quick peck. You swat at his hands, your heart racing at the slight scare he gave you. You didn’t have to see his face to know he was grinning.
“Mark! You know you can’t just pop outta nowhere!” He chuckles, pulling you closer to him to feel the rumble of his chest on your back. You swear this man will be the death of you. Literally, he’s gonna give you a heart attack one day.
“Aww, I’m sorry my love. I just couldn’t resist~.” Rolling your eyes, you close the fridge doors as he still holds onto you. You start to squirm in his arms, hoping he’ll at least let you turn around to face him, but he only squeezes tighter. You try to look at him, placing your hands on his forearms.
“Umm, excuse me sir, but are you gonna let me go?” He snuggles his face in your hair, his nose rubbing against the nape of your neck.
“Hmm, and why would I do that?” You sigh, leaning on him while looking around for some excuse to make up. You finally rest your eyes on stove, looking at the knobs and handle of the oven. What were you even doing in the kitchen? You came in here for a reason and just what were you gonna do? Your attention snaps to the sound of the fridge opening again, one hand reaching for eggs while his other still resting around your waist. That’s right!
“I was gonna make you breakfast!” He lets you go to place the eggs down on the island, looking over at you with a lazy smile. Before he could go back to get more stuff, you squirm your way between him and fridge, feeling the cold air on your skin. He cocks an eyebrow up at you, the smile never leaving his face. “Oh, is that so?” You nod, turning around to quickly think of something to make. Eggs, butter, leftover rice and-! You got it! You run over to the cupboards to grab the one thing you need along with the spices, him moving out the way as you place your ingredients down.
“Yup, I wanted to surprise you with breakfast, but I guess I got distracted,” you chuckle nervously. When you glance back at him, he shakes his head while leaning against the counter opposite you. You watch as the muscles in his arms flex with the motion before paying attention back to him, his head tilted to the side in a curious expression.
“Well, I guess we had the same idea.” You can’t hide the surprise on your face as he waits for a response. He was gonna make you breakfast? You feel warm and fuzzy starting to bloom in your chest at the thought but then push it away, your competitive side getting an idea.  He sighs after a moment. “I know that look, what are you planning?” A grin starts to form on your lips as you try to feign innocence.
“Oh nothing…I was just thinking, maybe we could have a cook off? See whose breakfast is better..” You can see the glint in his eyes after saying that, his grin matching yours as he walks over to your side.
“Yea? And what’s the prize of winning?” You shrug coyly, stepping away from him to grab a small pan.
“Bragging rights? Loser has to do chores for a week?” You’d hope he would take the bait. Knowing how competitive you both are, you were simply waiting for him to raise the stakes. He tsks, shaking his head.
“Chores for a week and loser has to do something for the winner, whatever they pick.” There is was. If you win, there could be a bunch of possibilities for you: make him give you a massage, record him doing aeygo, dress him up in something ridiculous and send him out in public. The list was endless. But you had to be sure he wouldn’t back down from this, so you peered over at him with eyebrows raised.
“So the loser has to do whatever the winner wants them to do?” He doesn’t back down, his grin only getting wider as he shrugs.
“I’m a man of my word. I just can’t wait to do whatever I want to you.” There was no way in hell you were gonna lose. You nod, getting excited to see him eat his words.
“Deal. Let’s go!”
You both run around the kitchen, trying to get whatever you needed for your dish. The rest of the guys kept snapchatting you, making you pause and talk about whatever came to mind to your boyfriend: how your sister was doing, how Kelly from work was causing drama, etc. He would nod occasionally, commenting here and there before reminding you to focus on making the food.
You guys started playing music, letting whatever genre play out. Since your home more often than Mark, most of the music was more up your alley: reggaeton, rap, pop, just overall upbeat music. You were swinging your hips and just moving along the beat. Mark would join in with you and sing the songs he knew the words to. You almost brunt the rice and spam had it not been for him.  You were just about to make the eggs and toast when you heard your ringtone go off.
Checking your phone, you open a snap of Coco and whine. You throw your arm around his shoulder, peering over in his pan before showing him your phone.
“Look, Mark, it’s Coco! Aww, we should get a dog!” He laughs, his hands busy flipping something in the pan.
“Haha maybe, but then what kind of dog would we get?” Mulling it over, you chew on your lip. Hmm what kind of dog? You didn’t know. A boxer? Maybe a small dog? Ugh why was this hard?  “Hey, by the way, you want sweet or savory?”  At least you knew the answer to that question.
“Sweet, always.” Glancing over at you, he sneaks a quick kiss from your lips before putting the food on a plate. Damn, he’s making crepes.
“Okay, I’m almost done with your dish. What about you?” Shit, the eggs and toast! He laughs when he sees your bulging eyes. “I’m guessing not.” You shake your head, heading back to your side of the stove.
“Ahhh, how many eggs do you want?” He faces his back to you, blocking you from seeing what else he was doing to your food.
“Two.” Turning on the fire, you toss in the butter and eggs. While that sizzles, you rush over to the loaf of bread and turn back to Mark, him rinsing something before moving back to the cutting broad.
“How many pieces of toast?” He hums for a second, the sound of chopping coming from his hands.
“Just one.” You quickly turn the toaster on and place the bread inside before heading back to the pan, grabbing a spatula. You pray that the eggs don’t break as you flip it over, looking like the prefect over easy eggs. Just as you’re patting yourself on the back for this, you spot Mark eyeing you with a grin on his face as if he were a child at a candy store. You give him a look, trying to hide as much of the pan from his view as possible with your body.
“You better not be peaking at your breakfast!” He shakes his head and laughs, turning back to his hands.
“I don’t need to peak to know that I’m gonna win this battle.” You chuckle mockingly, checking on the eggs.
“Oo ho, is that so? Aight, bet!” After a few seconds, you slide the eggs onto the plate, next to the fried rice and spam. You see in the corner of your eye, Mark going back and forth before covering his creation and placing it on the island.
“Sooo, you done?” Covering your own meal, you spin around and cross your arms causally.
“As soon as the toaster is done, I will be.” He chuckles, leaning over the island with his hands clasped together.
“Sooo…” You lean over across from him, matching his goofy grin.
“Sooo…” He tilts his head to the side, dancing a lil to the beat of whatever song was playing.
“You come here often?” You burst out laughing, watching his eyes crinkle in joy as you hit his arm lightly.
“You dork!” He keeps dancing, walking around the island until he grabs your hands, bringing you close and spinning you both around. He begins to hum along to the lyrics, his lips brushing against your ear.
“You need to make me lovestained…” Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pull his face in to give him a kiss.  His arms tighten around your body as you continue, open-mouthed while you run your fingers though his hair. He brings his hands to your face, cupping your cheeks before breaking away and grinning, your noses touching as he just stares at you lovingly. “God, I can never get tired of looking at you.”
You begin to open your mouth to say something when the toaster rings, Mark stepping away from you and walking back to his side of the island. You feel your cheeks burn from his remark while you turn around and busy your hands to put some butter on the toast. He could be such a sap sometimes and him making your heart swell right not was not fair!
Facing him once more, you place the toast next to your dish and grin.
“Alright lover-boy, who’s going first?” Shaking his head at the nickname, he shrugs.
“Up to you.” You know you’re gonna win so you have an idea, smirking at him while sliding your dish closer to him.
“How about, we open each other’s dish at the same time? That way we can enjoy our food without the other getting cold?”
You honestly you thought you would win the battle but when you both revealed your dishes, your mouth began to water at the sight. Mark had made you strawberry crepes, the cream and strawberry looking like heaven on a plate. You had tossed a glance at his face, catching the hunger in his eyes looking at your food. You knew both of you didn’t wanna admit the other was the winner, so you just started eating. But as soon as the cream touched your tongue, you couldn’t stop the moan coming from your mouth. Mark snickered and leaned closer.
“So, I win?” You had two options: admit defeat or be stubborn. To be honest, you could try to deny it all you want but you already knew the answer. On the other hand though, admitting defeat means he’s gonna make you do anything he wants. So you just scoff, trying to act like you didn’t just moan at how good Mark’s cooking is.
“Please, I was just so hungry that I got excited to have the food in my mouth.” He leans close, the smirk on his face only getting wider while holding a fork up to his lips.
“Oh yeah? Well I thought I fed you enough last night, you kept begging me to-” You quickly scoop a forkful of fried rice and shove it in his mouth before he could finish the sentence, scoffing at him.
“Stop making it sound dirty. I kept begging for some chicken wings while you refused and we still ended up getting take out. ” After swallowing his food, he tilts his head to the side with a grin.
“You gotta admit that that Thai place was pretty good though.” You sigh, looking away from him.
“Yea, it was pretty good. Anyways, eat your food.” Chuckling, he begins scarfing down his food while you try not to swallow your food in one go. You both keep glancing at each other to see if the one of you will admit defeat.
You end up finishing first and watch him as he eats, a smile planted on his face the whole time. He flashes a wink and grabs your hand, drawing circles with his thumb onto your skin while eating the rest of his food with his other hand. When he places his fork on the now empty plate, you kiss his cheek and pick up the plate, letting go of him to put it in the sink.
“I hope you’re not planning on washing the dishes.” Turning around, you stick your tongue out at him.
“And why not?” Getting up, he walks over, his eyes never leaving yours while placing his hands on either side of you.
“You still haven’t told me who won.” You poke his chest.
“Neither have you.” Shaking his head, he leans close to bring his lips against yours, his hands now moving to your hips. When he pulls back, his eyes dance with mirth.
“How about we both say what we think?” You nod, your hands placed on his chest.
“Alright, count of three: one-” He grins.
“Two-” You laugh.
“Three.  I won.”
“I won.” Gasping, you smack his chest while he chuckles. “Oh come on, I made you your favorite!” You step away and pout, crossing your arms.
“And you seemed to really enjoy my breakfast.” He nods thoughtfully, his fingers snaking through your arms and bringing your hand up to his mouth, lightly kissing your fingertips. You refused to give in and just stare at him despite feeling a blush creeping onto your face.
“Of course I enjoyed it, love. You made it for me.” Ooooo what a smooth talker. “So who won?” You figure you should be just a lil petty, just to mess with him a bit. He lets you go while you go to grab your phone, seeing notifications from the boys before turning back to him and grinning. You have a good amount of space between you, perfect for what’s gonna happen.
“I won and you can’t change my mind.” He raises an eyebrow, his lips pulling into a teasing smirk. “Oh yea? And what if,” he pauses, looking down before meeting your gaze, a playful glint in his eyes. You take a slow step back, waiting for the right moment. “I tickle it out of you?!” Now!
You run away, laughing madly as he chases after you, through the hall and finally diving into your bed, trying to hide under the covers but Mark’s way too fast for you. He jumps on the bed, pinning you under him as he tickles your sides.
“How you like that?!” You try to wiggle and squirm out of his grip but its no use, you cackle like crazy before you reach out and get him back. You manage to tickle his sides as well, using your momentum to roll over and get on top of him, his laughter filling the room.
“And how about you?!” You both can’t stop laughing, a sea of flying limbs and booming voices going on. If anyone came in, they would think you guys were crazy but you honestly didn’t care. This went on for a bit longer with either you or him on top of the other, having no clear winner. You guys called a time-out, laying on the bed and panting.
“Whoof, that was fun.”
“Yea….” Tring to catch your breath, you stare at the ceiling and listen to his panting. Nothing is said for minute before you break the silence.
“Soooo, you wanna cuddle?” He sighs, sitting up to look down at you.
“Oh god yes. Come here.” He moves over to lay on his pillow, lifting his arm up as an invitation and you waste no time to crawl over and curl into his side. Wrapping his arm around you, he hands you your phone. “By the way, you might wanna answer Yugyeom. He texted you six times already.” Your eyes widen, you totally forgot to get back to him  about doing a campaign with him.
“Shit. Hey, wanna do a CoD campaign with me and Yugyeom later? He said he’s bringing Mortal Kombat too.” He chuckles.
“Is that why he’s texting you?’ You nod, starting to text him back.
“Yea, he wanted to hang with us and I forgot to respond to him last night.” He shakes his head, smiling.
“Sure why not? Have him come over later so we can do it together.” Answering Yugyeom, you send a text and then open up tumblr.
“Bet. Hey, babe look at the memes people made of you guys.” Scrolling to your likes, you show him your phone. He scrunches his face as he goes through them, sometimes laughing, grinning, or cringing at the stuff.
“The stuff they come up with is always surprising..” You nudge him slightly.
“it’s just their way of showing their support and love.” He tilts his head to the side in thought. “You think I should make an account?” Shaking your head, you laugh.
“Hahaha no, don’t. If they find out you made an account, all hell would break loose….Have Bambam make a fake account.”
“Okayyy?” Resting your hand on his stomach, you keep scrolling.
“Trust me. Bambam could pull off having a fake account, so could Jackson but he might slip up.”
“You really thought about this, didn’t you?”
“Yup.” You get sent a link of an interview of BM from Sunny, Mark closing his eyes and you lower phones volume.
As the video plays, you get a pop up of an order receipt from your email. You click it and see an order made for a ring. You certainly don’t remember ordering anything recently. The interview still plays on in the corner of your phone while you stare at the receipt, completely ignoring whatever the people in the video were saying.
“Mark?” He slowly opens his eyes, peering at you from his eyelids.
“Hmm?” You show him your phone.
“Did you order a ring online?” His eyes go cartoonishly wide and snatches the phone outta your hand. You watch in shock as he hovers over your phone and tries to hide from you. After a few seconds, he flashes a weak smile.  “Uhhh, what was that?”
“Just a big fan of BM.” Just then, the video screams “Big Tiddie Gang!”, and Mark laughs nervously. You just look at him, knowing damn well he was lying.
“Mark, did you place an order for the ring?” He looks around until he feels your stare and slumps.
“Ugh, fine. Yes, I placed the order for the ring. I was gonna ask you to marry me when it came in and all that.” You feel your heart catch in your throat as he doesn’t look you and fiddles with the blanket. You sit up and jump on him, kissing him as you fall on the bed.  He doesn’t fight you as he kisses you back, his arms wrapped around your back. You laugh as you look back and see his shocked expression. “What was-”
“It took you long enough!” His shock turns into laughter, squeezing you close and resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Well excuse me for trying to plan something romantic.” You scoff and pull away, looking down at him.
“Screw romantic.  You could’ve just asked me with a ring pop and I’d be happy.” He laughs again.
“So it that a yes?” Rolling your eyes, you give him a pointed look. “Of course, it’s a yes!” You curl into his embrace, resting your head on his chest. You couldn’t help feeling like everything just felt right in the world in this moment. Knowing that this man wanted to spend his life with you and having all the time to show him what he meant to you made your eyes prick up. You refused to cry from happiness and instead grinned.
“Sooo, you’re a fan of BM and the big tiddie gang?” He laughs loudly, kissing the top of your head.
“Shut up.”
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angelic-holland · 5 years
Timshel Preview - Peter Parker x reader
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“You are so brave and quiet I forget you are suffering.” - Ernest Hemingway
Warnings: none for the preview! 
A/N: This takes place within chapter 4 (flashback) and chapter 6 but it was the first thing I ever wrote for the series so I wanted to share it with you! It gives better insight to Peter and Reader’s relationship after introductions of the storyline and background details of earlier chapters. Italics indicate a flashback! Prologue coming September 1st! 
Word Count: 1.6k
The cool breeze sent a shiver down your spine as your hair blew across the back of your neck, goosebumps raised at the sensation. Your eyes surveyed the city below you. An Apple store across the street, you were told that’s a type of phone, which still didn’t quite make sense to you. A hot dog stand to the left of you, Peter took you to one once after your first day of school when you punched Flash in the face. You didn’t understand why he was so excited for you to try your first hot dog. It was gross and rubbery, which you told him and the hot dog seller before he dragged you down the street, saying he needed to teach you manners. You held your arms in front of you, blinking your dry eyes as you stared at hands that didn’t seem like your own. Nimble fingers spread as you look up at the sky. It’s a soft orange with purple hues as the sun sets over the buildings of Queens. You remember the first sunset you ever experienced and you squint as you try to recall whether that memory was real or not. 
At the Avengers facility, you were locked in that room still, four gray concrete walls that were unbreakable, nobody trusted you. Except for Peter. Bright-eyed, still naïve Peter. He broke into your room one night and asked if you ever saw a sunset before. You had tilted your head curiously at him, “why would I want to?”
“Because it’s beautiful, my favorite part about being here is the sunsets,” he nods towards the hallway and you’re hesitant before following him. Your feet move with grace and ease as you walk down the chilly hallway. 
“Are you cold?” He asks, stopping so quickly that even you don’t pick up on it until you collide with him. You swiftly back up several steps as he turns around.
“No,” you lie, not used to the temperature here. Used to the excruciating heat of the Red Room. 
‘You learn and train the best while sweating,’ Nadia would remind you day after day.
“Here,” he shrugs off his sweatshirt, a dark blue with the words ‘Midtown School Of Science and Technology’ above a picture of an atom. 
He sticks his hand with the sweatshirt towards you and you tilt your head again, confused.
“It’s cold outside but the roof has the best sunset,” he nods, eyes insistent.
“What do I do with it?”
“Just put it on, trust me.”
Trust. It was a word you understood. You knew it in six languages. Belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. 
It was something that was built over time. You trusted Nadia. You trusted yourself. You didn’t know if you could trust Peter Parker. But your body told you that you were cold and your heightened survival instincts told you to put the sweatshirt on, so you did. 
He smiled softly as you pulled the sweatshirt over your head before turning on his heels and walking to a door that led to a set of stairs. 
“Is this where the sunset is?” You ask, following him to an overhead door which he pushes open. Light streams in and illuminates his face before he climbs up and outside, onto the roof. He sticks his hand out and you look at it curiously as you climb the stairs. You climbed onto the roof with ease, his hand ignored. 
“Come on, sit here with me.”
You watch as he runs to the side of the building, feet stopping as he reaches the edge, settling on his knees before turning back and smiling at you. 
You follow, fingers playing with the sleeves of the blue sweatshirt. You sit next to Peter, feet swinging against the edge of the building as he points up above the treeline.
“So?” You look at the sky, shrugging.
“The colors, the sun makes the sky look like all these colors it usually doesn’t. See, the orange, just like freshly squeezed orange juice.”
“I’ve never had orange juice,” you interject, wondering what that might taste like and if it tastes better than the water you were used to drinking.
“I prefer apple juice but I’ll bring you both to try sometime.”
“And the red undertones, see the darker color right at the tops of the trees? That’s like the color of a- a cherry ice pop,” Peter says at the same time you speak up.
“Like the USSR flag,” you suggest and Peter turns to you, face scrunched up as he laughs. You attempt to mimic his movements, shoulders up and down, the melodic sound coming from his parted lips.
Peter pauses, eyebrows raised in concern, “are you okay?”
“Haha, yes, I’m laughing.”
“That’s laughing?”
“I don’t know,” you turn your head back to watch your legs move back and forth, frowning.
“Sorry, it just looked like you were making fun of my laugh.”
“Why would I do that?”
“No reason, I just-,”
“I’ve never laughed before, so I’m trying to figure out how to.”
“Oh, it’s just something, something that you do, it comes naturally.”
“I don’t really know what’s natural.”
“You’ll learn, eventually.”
“Will I?” You’re skeptical as you look back to the sky.
“See the light purple? It reminds me of this time my Aunt May burnt eggplant parmesan because she didn’t cut it in half, stuffed it full of cheese like a turkey and it burnt to a crisp in the oven. We constantly have to buy the firefighters gift cards,” Peter says, and there’s that laugh again. 
“Like a turkey?”
“Yeah, for Thanksgiving? Oh sorry, I keep forgetting that you don’t know this stuff,” his voice is apologetic as he watched you carefully. You can sense that he’s staring at you, even as your eyes are trained on the sunset.
“It’s okay,” you nod, because this was the first time any of these people tried to understand you other than probing and interrogation. His voice wasn’t mean, it wasn’t cold or calculated. It seemed genuine as you began to understand what that meant. 
“How can I describe these colors? To make them feel beautiful.”
“Well, I guess you’ll just need to make new memories, and you can associate the colors in those memories with the colors of the sunset. But you don’t need to have memories to find it beautiful.”
“But it’s easier. To have something to compare it to.”
“Yeah,” Peter nods as he watches you scoot further along the edge of the roof, till only your arms were holding you up, fingertips gripping the edge, “we should go inside.”
“So soon?” You sigh, eyes scanning the treeline as your body swings, how easy would it be to jump down, you’d land on your feet but the adrenaline you might feel as the wind rushed past your body would keep you up that night, which was better than falling asleep with your nightmares. 
“I’ll get in trouble if anyone finds out we’re here.”
Trouble. You knew a lot about trouble, what happened at the Red Room if you caused trouble. And even though you couldn’t trust Peter Parker, even though he was just a boy who lent you his sweatshirt, you didn’t want to see him get in trouble. 
So you allow yourself a moment longer staring at the sunset, feeling his stare on you before you get up and let Peter walk you back to your room. You forgot to give his blue Midtown sweatshirt back as he’s already closed and locked your door. That night you fell asleep curled up with his sweatshirt held tightly against you. And you didn’t wake up in a cold sweat screaming for Nadia, that was the first night you didn’t have your nightmare. Nine hours of uninterrupted sleep. Peaceful.
Your feet were strong and steady against the bricks at the edge of the roof. You sway a little, body tilting towards the ground below you. You long to feel something as you stare at the people rushing around below you. Innocent to the girl standing thirty stories above them. You hear someone join you on the roof, a small ‘thud’ is the only indication that a person is there. You know it’s Peter because you didn’t meet him in the alley for his patrol thirty minutes ago. How he found you, you weren’t exactly sure. Probably by swinging through the city. You weren’t too hard to find, all black clothes, your mask stuffed in your back pocket, the glint of your simple silver necklace shimmering against your T-shirt.
“Would you believe me if I said I was here to see the sunset?” You ask, not turning, arms moving to stretch wide at your sides. 
“No,” his voice is closer and the hairs on the back of your neck raise as you feel his hands, the smooth spandex of his suit covering his fingers, on your hips, lifting you gently to pull you back from the edge. 
“You don’t trust me?” You ask, turning as his hands drop back to his sides. You stare at the masked boy in front of you. 
“What’re you really doing here?” He asks, avoiding your question.
“I just want to feel something,” voice breaking as you look away from Peter.
“This isn’t how you should,” He says, “c’mon, I’ve got an idea,” holding his red and blue covered hand up at you.
You raise your eyebrow skeptically at him but let your hand slowly touch his own, your palm resting against his, his fingers interlacing with your own.
Tagging some mutuals as well as my favorite Peter writers to spread the word! Lemme know if you want me to untag you!! @naturallytom @peterporkerpete @peterplanet @honeymoonparker @starksparker @marvelouspeterparker @notobsessed-justobservant @laureharrier @mcuspidey @spideypeach @spiderboytotherescue
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nonoahstop · 5 years
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Ah, thanks for the new favorite song! This was very cute to imagine in my head… I did this as if it was first person mode from the LI, hope you enjoy! It helps if you have this playing in the background as you read. Also I ran out of lyrics from the song for everyone so I added in the opens from the lyrics on Google❤ The main 6 overhearing MC singing Baby Mine to their baby Asra: 
I woke to hear the sound of soft footsteps making the floorboards creak. I reach out across the bed to feel for my other half but it is empty. Slowly I push myself up to see. I find them holding our child close, head on their shoulder, rocking and swaying while looking out of the window. A soft smile crosses my face, just seeing them there as the moon glows on their face, that’s my love… So caring, so gorgeous, I love them. I hear a soft hum followed by a song as they stroke our child’s head, soft white hair. Their voice is so wonderful and calming. I let out a satisfied hum.
“Rest your head close to my heart” they turn to face me thoughtful eyes watching. “Never to part, baby of mine…” they lift a hand over our child’s back and I can feel my heart ake, their love radiating through yet another combination of our hearts together.
I slip out of bed and pad my way over wrapping my arms around their waist and kissing them lightly at the side of their temple. “Your voice is so soothing… Can you finish the song?” They comply with a smile and begin singing the song again. We both stand and sway watching the sun slowly rise over the city streets from the window, the occasional deep breath or wiggle of our baby interrupting me from dozing off. 
I saunter down the halls mind full of thoughts. I have not had a great amount of time to spend with my family recently with important meetings and trying to keep up my appearance. It has been a nightmare since the masquerade… I hear the crying of my child cut the cold tension in the halls and I speed up my pace. As I reach the door the crying fades away and is replaced with the humming and song from my dear spouse. I choose to stand by the door watching from a distance as they sing to them, tickling and swirling shapes on their exposed tummy, giving off sweet little giggles and gurgles. I do not hear them sing very often, most times it is when they are getting ready in the morning or taking a bath with me, but this is nice, watching the two loves of my life, in complete bliss. 
“Don’t you mind what they say, let those eyes sparkle and shine…” they boop their nose and they give out a smile, I see my love giving one in return. 
“Baby mine, baby mine…” As they finish the song I settle myself behind them and look over their shoulder at our now asleep and relaxed child, my hair sliding down my loves arm. 
“Your voice is amusing my dear… It is perfect and silky, you should sing more often.” they let out a small chuckle.
“You were listening? Hm, maybe I will…” They lean in and rest their head against my shoulder and smile looking up at me. 
After a long day at the clinic, I can finally come home. The weather was awful today, raining as well as some thunder here and there, it made me think of them both the whole day. I know they’re just next door but I was quite booked and couldn’t visit, there has been a small bug going around the schools as of late and its been consuming my time. I open the door and chuck off my coat hanging it on my arm. I hear a soft inviting voice swaying its way down from upstairs and I follow it. I swing around the corner recognizing the song as one that my dear has sung for me many times before on a hard sleepless night. I join in as I walk over to them, swaying holding our child looking lovingly at them.
“From your head to your toes” I tap each place as I sing and they let out a happy gurgle. My heart swoons as my love begin to harmonize. 
“Baby mine…”
“You’re so sweet, goodness knows…”
“Baby mine…”
“You are so precious to me” I take their chin and tilt their face towards me.
“Sweet as can be, baby mine…”
“Baby mine, baby mine…” A smile curls on both our lips and I bump my forehead against theirs looking down at our peaceful child a cheeky smile accentuating their cute chubby cheeks.
“Oh wow… It’s been a while since I’ve heard that one- you should sing with me next time we go to the Raven your voice is stunning, I adore it!” They let out a laugh.
“The reason why I haven’t sung that in a while is because you are getting better at having a good nights rest. And if you want me to sing with you next time we go to Barths I suggest something that won’t knock them out?” I look down at our child and yawn…
“Heh… Yeah…”
I lie there looking at my newborn child, so precious and soft as they wriggle in place drowning in all the fluff that surrounds them. They’re too delicate for this world. I’m too scared to touch them sometimes… I feel something so small and adorable surely can’t look fitting with someone… *sigh* Like me… As I watch over them they begin to cry up a storm.
“Oh shhh, it’s okay! Uhh… T-the baby!” I look over to my spouse in worry as they make their way over from the small kitchenette.
“Muri, my love, you can’t hurt them… Everything is okay.” They pick up our child and cradle them carefully. “I know its all new and weird but we’ll get used to this…” They intertwine one of their hands with mine. “Hmm, you know I found out that they really enjoy listening to people sing, I was doing it yesterday and it put them straight to sleep, heh…” They get up and walk over to the fire, sitting down with the baby. “Come here watch this.”
“…Okay…” I blush and sit down next to them. They start up a melody and I feel a bit more relaxed than the beginning. I watch the song work wonders on comforting our child. 
“Baby mine, don’t you cry… Baby mine, dry your eyes…” they stroke their hair, rocking back and forth looking into their bright shining eyes. They are wonderful, so caring and patient…
Out of all the time I’ve known them, I never expected for them to have such a beautiful and melodic singing voice, I secretly wish they would do it more… I wrap my blanket around them both and watch as our child slowly falls asleep. My spouse hands me the child and brings a hand up to my cheek.
“Everything is fine…” they rest their head against my shoulder and begin to hum again before I know it my eyes are closing and I’m falling asleep.
I stop my gardening to look up at the sky and watch the sunset for a beat. It’s getting pretty late… I turn to see my love sitting on the bench playfully tickling our child and blowing raspberries onto their tummy. The echoing of their giggles and gibberish noises bringing a wide smile to my face. I make my way over.
“Hey, there hot stuff, how’s it going?”
“Haha, how old are we and you’re calling me that?” 
“Not old enough!” I wrap an arm around their shoulder trying to avoid getting mud on them. “Hows the little one?”
“Too rowdy” They sigh “I don’t know what to do” They give me a sheepish smile.
“Hm, you know what I loooove, it might help…” They raise their brow. “Your singing!”
A blush spreads across their face “Oh shush… Mmm, okay…” I sit back and wait for them to start.
I listen to their voice hit all the right notes, slowly melting in a pool of love, as they stroke our child’s eyebrows, holding their head up with one arm. Their eyes slowly slide shut and they wriggle to get comfy, an arm poking out and slumping on top of theirs. 
“If they knew all about you, they’d end up loving you, too.”
I watch the sunset hit of their face highlighting every point of beauty on them, (AKA every point!) and sink into the bench tuning in till the song ends. 
“Your voice one of your many wonders…”
“Mmm, thank you…” they give a peck to my cheek and sink back into the bench with me. We share a piece of silence, something we haven’t had for a few days.
I feel guilty about the argument we had today, I shouldn’t be so snappy on them especially with our new child… I should stop fussing over everything, I know they have things covered but I guess it’s hard, it’s not like I’d ever admit that though. I find myself making a sheepish look even though no one is around.
I push open the door to our bedroom and am shocked to not find them there.
“W-where are?…” I turn in my heels and make my way over to our child’s nursery. They have to be there it’s too late at night to be going out for a stroll. As I approach the door I hear soft singing coming from inside. I push it open gently and see my love standing on the balcony rocking our child giving them kisses between every verse. My heart softens at the view as I make my way over.
“My dove your voice is so smooth and soft…” I wrap an arm around their waist and they turn to face me.
“Thank you… They were a little grumpy so I thought a song would work.” They begin to hum again and I watch contently pulling them both in against my chest in a loose hug. I listen in as their voice perfectly reaches every note. I hear our child let out a soft sigh and a few mumbles here and there.
“All those same people who scold you, what they’d give just for the right to hold you.”
They hum until the song fades off.
“You should show off your talents! I would- not saying my singing voice is bad but… It’s just in the works.” I give them a wink and a small peck to the lips. “I can prove it!” 
I clear my throat and attempt to sing the same song again my voice not reaching the notes quite as well. I see our child wriggle and open their eyes looking up at me with a small pout. 
I hear a laugh from my love. “Woahohohou they did not like that!”
I look away blushing with a grumble. “Maybe not…”
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artistic-writer · 5 years
Sparking the Pavement :: CS Moto GP AU :: E :: Ch 3
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Title: Sparking the Pavement by @artistic-writer Rating: E (eventually) Summary: Killian Jones has everything he has ever dreamed of.  He likes fast bikes and even faster women, that is until almost losing his brother makes him rethink his life choices.  And then a chance encounter with a blonde bombshell on the race track gives him the chance to change and find love, but as usual, team politics get in the way and for the first time in his life, Killian can’t just get what he wants.  Moto GP racing AU. A/N: Ch 3!  Many thanks to @hollyethecurious who agreed to beta this, and to @doodlelolly0910 who regularly listens to me ranting about wanting to write when my fingers don’t want to work. And @darkcolinodonorgasm who understands how relevant real-life race rules are haha and @effulgentcolors for writing The Wife which has not only inspired me to word again after getting a puppy, but has helped me decide on where this story is going.  You’re all going to love it, but be super suspicious of me in the mean time :D
Taglist: @resident-of-storybrooke @hollyethecurious@kmomof4 @hookedonapirate @winterbaby89@courtorderedcake @initiala @cocohook38 @branlovesouat @teamhook @snidgetsafan @sherlockianwhovian @shireness-says @wingedlioness @lenfaz @therooksshiningknight @ilovemesomekillianjones @bmbbcs4evr @blowmiakisscolin@deathbycaptainswan @onceuponaprincessworld@chinawoodfan  @seriouslyhooked @snowbellewells@wordsmith-storyweaver @jennjenn615 @delightfully-difficult-pirate @doodlelolly0910 @tiganasummertree @hookedmom@thejollyroger-writer @rachie1940 @unworried-corsair @cs-forlife @notoriouscs @killian-whump @darkcolinodonorgasm@mariakov81 @strangestarlighttree @effulgentcolors
Three weeks. Liam had been dead for less than a month, and already the team was hiring a replacement. Logically, Killian knew they would have to eventually. There wasn’t a race team out there that could manage without a team of mechanics to fix what the riders broke race after race. Most riders were also mechanics, and it was a sensible field for retired riders who still needed to hear the squeal of tyres on the asphalt, but you couldn’t be a rider and a mechanic, Killian knew that. Logically.
Logic didn’t bring his brother back. Logic didn’t help him when his team needed a mid season photoshoot to happen before he returned back to full time racing. The time it took Killian to get kitted out in his leather suit was twice as long as it took for the photographer to get his shot. Killian Jones and Will Scarlet, sitting atop their bikes, both faking the smiles they knew the fans wanted to see took far less time than either of them anticipated and gave them the rest of the day morning to do whatever they liked.
Killian headed out to the team owned practice track to clear his head. It was quiet this time of day and not many people used it during race season anyway, so he had taken his bike out there to think whilst on his extended leave of compassion. He had needed time, more time than allowed, but the team understood and let him. Killian had immense balance, every rider did, and he would often do laps at what most people would consider a snail's pace just to hear the roar of his engine and his tyres on the tarmac. The bike would speak to him and he would answer, giving her exactly what she wanted and opening her up on the home straight.
Only, today was different. When Killian arrived at the track, someone else was already there, someone he hadn’t seen before, and they were thrashing the hell out of a motorbike with a matte black paint job and pristine brushed steel trimmings. Killian wandered over to the start line, the leather pants he was wearing squeaking with every step. His leather jacket was unzipped and his henley underneath had the top three buttons undone because of the almost stifling heat that beat down upon the track.
He waited, making sure that his bike was secured on its kickstand before the mystery rider came flying around the last bend at breakneck speed. They sat up, dropping a gear and ignoring the protest of the engine as the bike slowed down, nearing the worn, patchy paintwork of the start finish line. Killian bent down and placed his helmet on the ground next to his feet, promptly straightening back up, crossing one foot over the other and leaning on the seat of his bike.
Killian recognised the bike instantly. It was a Suzuki Hayabusa, one of the fastest road legal motorbikes in existence, but it had been heavily customised, most likely to reduce weight and increase speed. It purred, the highly advanced liquid cooled, four cylinder, 16 valve engine much more powerful than most cars. The Hayabusa had a top speed over over 390 km/h, and he had no doubt that it had been hitting those speeds, especially with such light cargo. Killian frowned as the bike approached, the rider almost shaken from the seat as they revved the engine once more.
Silence fell over the practice paddock as the mystery rider cut the engine and kicked out the bike stand. Killian watched, fascinated by the way the rider moved, dressed head to toe in black leathers that matched their bike. They were shorter than he was, thinner and more shapely and as they kicked their leg over the bike, slid to the floor, and pulled the crash helmet off their head, Killian realised why.
She was a woman. A beautiful one at that.
Her hair was silky golden, tumbling from where it had been stuffed into her helmet like it had just been combed smooth when she shook her head. It framed her face and pulled his gaze to her green eyes that glinted in the sunlight, even as she squinted. Killian felt his heart speed up at her presence, his skin prickling in his leathers at the sight of her in her race gear, every curve accented to his view. She took a large breath and smiled at him, a cock sure grin of pride and flirtatiousness that had him shifting his weight when his groin began to tingle.
Killian didn’t know who she was or where she had come from. The track was restricted for employees only, so she had to at least work for the team to be able to be here, and the thought of that made him mirror her grin. If she worked here, he would see her more often, but who was she? She moved in slow motion, sauntering over to him, the sounds of the world fading away from him as he narrowed his focus onto her and only her, a lump forming in his throat that he desperately tried to swallow.
He didn’t mean to, but a low hum of appreciation escaped Killian’s mouth before he could stop it as he dragged his gaze up from her feet to her face. He fixed his stare on her mouth, the gently plumpness of her lips and the slight dimple in her chin underneath that gave her a cuteness that Killian was sure would be his downfall. She held her helmet at her side, swinging the matte black gear in time with her walk until she was finally within earshot of him and her perfumed scent overpowered him, cutting through the darkness of his mourning like a break in the storm.
“You know, I can get you a picture if you’d like?”
“I’m sorry?” Killian blinked, clearing his thoughts with a shake of his head.
“Of me,” she said with a slight chuckle. “So you don’t have to keep staring.” She arched her brow at him, a sideways smile telling him he had been caught.
Killian blushed, the heat creeping into his cheeks before he had time to look away. He sighed a nervous laugh, his hand reaching up to paw at the patch of skin behind his ear, a trepidatious habit that made him wish he had put on his helmet already.
“My apologies, lass,” Killian finally said, dropping his gaze to his feet. He pushed himself off of his bike, the kickstand groaning with the release of weight, and extended his hand to her. “Killian Jones,” he said smoothly, his lips ticking up at the corners when she took his hand.
“I know who you are,” she said firmly, gripping his hand. The warmth of his skin was electrifying and sent a shiver down her spine. He didn’t pull his hand from hers, and neither did she, his long, slender fingers gripping her almost to her wrist.
“Is that right?” Killian gave her a raised brow, intrigued by her boldness. She nodded but gave no words, simply biting her bottom lip and pulling her hand from his. Killian missed the contact immediately, the shine of light she was offering him taken away, the blemish of losing his brother quickly seeping back into his being.
“I’m sorry,” she offered gently, as if reading his mind. “Liam Jones was one of my inspirations as a kid.”
“Aye, mine too,” Killian uttered softly.
“He’s the reason I got into racing,” she told him honestly. “I wanted to be as good as him. Going fast wasn’t enough, you know?”
Killian nodded in agreement, a smile forming across his face at the memory of his brother. “It warms my heart to know he inspired someone other than myself.” She smiled at him, that warming presence Killian was already addicted to flooding back into him. “So,” he began, nudging his head towards her bike behind her. “You race?”
“I did,” the woman smiled back at him. “Moto 2.”
“Moto 2,” Killian repeated impressed. “Big bikes, big names. Maybe I know yours,” he prompted boyishly. He scratched behind his ear for the second time, a salacious smirk playing on his lips.
“Maybe you do,” she shrugged, her eyes flitting to his lips.
She moved, the sway in her hips deliberate as she walked past him to his bike. Killian followed her movement, turning on the spot and letting his gaze fall to the stretch of leather over her behind. Normally leather would be unflattering, but somehow she pulled it off, her fitted gear holding his attention for far longer than it should have. Killian inhaled, his hands balling into fists at his sides, his fingers itching to touch the siren in front of him. He waited, enthralled as she wet her lips and whistled at the sight of his bike.
“Yamaha YZF R1. This is nice,” she almost sang, extending the words as she ran her fingers along the curve of the fuel tank. “I like the blue.” She looked up at that moment, a flash of emerald making Killian’s heart almost stop. “It matches your eyes,” she rasped, locking eyes with his.
Killian swallowed hard, suddenly much hotter in his leathers than he should be. The way she was caressing his bike was too much, her fingers smoothing over the high gloss paintwork as gently as the breeze. Killian’s heart hadn’t beat this fast since he won his first race and he hadn’t realised how much he missed it until now.
“What’s your name, love?” Killian asked again, his voice low and slightly hoarse from the dryness that had taken root in his throat.
The woman smiled and unzipped her black leather jacket, flicking her hair over her shoulder and leaning over the seat of his bike. Her elbows pushing into the soft leather and it was Killian’s undoing. He couldn’t help but stare, her breasts nestled comfortably in the confines of her low cut red top creating a delicious cleavage for his view. She was doing it on purpose, he was certain, and it was only when she spoke again that he was able to drag his eyes back to hers.
“Tell you what,” she began, a playful smirk on her face. “I’ll race you for it.”
“For your name?” Killian frowned, quirking his eyebrow at her.
“Why not?” she shrugged with a grin. “One lap. If you cross the finish line first, I’ll tell you what it is.”
Beguiled, Killian let a soft laugh escape his mouth. He bent down to retrieve his helmet, testing the weight of it in his hand before looking back up to her. “And if you win?”
She sighed. “I haven’t decided yet.” Her smile reappeared, lighting up her face in the infectious way Killian noticed it always did, making him mirror it immediately.
Killian licked his lips, his smile fading as he tilted his head to one side. “Are there any rules, love?” he asked her, his tone more business and serious.
She hummed in thought, looking around the deserted track paddock. It was just them and their bikes, hers far faster than his as a stock machine, but the modifications they both had done to their bikes put them on the same level. Or so she hoped.
“No rules,” she grinned, righting herself back into an upright position. Before Killian had time to object to his loss of view, and with a gentle squeak of leather, she lifted her leg and straddled his bike. Her delicate hands gripped his handlebars and she gave them a squeeze with a sigh, knowing he was watching her every move. “But I think I want to ride your bike,” she said softly, accenting the last words as a euphemism.
Killian’s lips ticked into a playful smirk. “You won’t win on my bike,” he told her through the smile he was unable to shift. He emphasised his point by motioning to his bike with his helmet.
“Won’t I?” She narrowed her eyes, lifting her helmet to rest on the fuel tank. She shook her hair back again, tilting her head so that she could slide on her helmet and buckled the under chin strap. “You know what?” She muttered, her cheeks squished into the helmet. “I’ve decided. If I win, I keep your bike. That sound like enough of a challenge for you?”
With a last smirk she pushed her visor down into place, the shadowy black plastic blocking Killian’s view of her gorgeous green eyes and snapping him back to reality. The roar of his engine followed as she turned the key and it sparked to life, the deep throaty rumble of his shorter racing exhaust pipe filling the paddock. She zipped up her jacket and leaned forward, twisting the throttle so the engine revved in the familiar growl Killian could swear turned into a purr under her attention.
With a kick of her slighting heeled matte black boots, the stand peg sprang back into position against the side of the engine, and she was off, throttle fully open and the bike rising up onto it’s back wheel like a well trained stallion. She held the wheelie for a long while, finally dropping the bike back onto two wheels and returning to the start finish line with a few final revs of the engine.
Killian was in love, he was pretty sure. It was hardly possibly to describe the feelings he was experiencing as anything else. She mesmerized him, called to him through the sound of the engine and even though he didn’t even know her name, he felt like he had known her forever. She knew bikes and it was clear by the way she handled his that she could tame even the mightiest of beasts. She revved his bike’s engine again, one foot barely on the tarmac by her toes, body hugging the fuel tank as she focused on the road ahead of her.
Killian finally willed his feet to move, heading for her bike, the engine so shiny he wasn’t sure it had even been ridden in yet. A quick inspection of the tyres told him it had been, no presence of bobbling to suggest they were new. Maybe she just liked a meticulous bike? The rest of it was pristine, the dull black paint normally prone to blemishes and smudges absolutely clear of both.
With a careful lift of his leg, Killian mounted the Hayabusa, kicking the stand back into its resting position and righting the bike. Another rev of his bike told him she was growing impatient, and he would be lying if he said he wasn’t keen to know her name, so with a turn of the key he started her engine and the second roar of a bike reverberated around the paddock.
Her bike felt foreign between his legs, but welcomed, the vibrations from the engine causing the muscles in his legs to shake violently in the way he loved. He pulled his helmet down over his head, adjusting the fit so he could see and then walked the bike to the barely visible start line. Beside him she twisted her wrist down again and the engine of his bike screamed out its annoyance at being stationary for so long. Killian slapped his visor down, his world turning a grey through the polarized perspex, and echoed her revs with a twist of his own wrist.
The mystery woman looked to him at the same time as he looked to her, holding up three fingers and then pointing to the road head. Killian nodded, her signal clear; on the third rev they would go. One lap, less that two minutes.
She revved the bike once, the engine squealing before the sound disappeared into nowhere, the bike between her legs calming. She did it again, and Killian did too, the back wheel of the bike he was riding squirreling a little, a fresh smear of rubber from the tyre appearing on the tarmac. The anticipation between them was almost palpable, both of them lowering their bodies to the fuel tank, getting as close to it as possible for aerodynamics and increased speed. And then a third rev echoed out across the track and the squeal of tyres was all that could be heard as they both took off for the first corner.
The Hayabusa had more torque, tearing off the start line with a ground shaking rumble. Killian tucked in his knees and elbows, the wind rushing over his shape like he wasn’t even there. The Yamaha wasn’t far behind, the woman’s lighter weight nothing for the huge capacity engine, and Killian cast a quick glance to under his armpit to judge the distance between them. She was good, using the inner racing line to cut up the inside of him, whizzing past him as he sat up to assist his braking towards the first corner.
She had no fear, barely leaving herself enough time to brake efficiently as they approached the bend, her tiny frame leaning into it despite her lack of knee protection. Her knee was millimetres from the ground, the bike travelling at around 128 km/h, but she had no reservations about accelerating out of the bend and leaving him behind. Killian was barely out of the corner himself when he saw she was swinging over to the other side, knee down around the next bend, the familiar sound of a gear change echoing through his ears.
Killian focused on the back of his bike, the unknown woman riding it handling it like she hadn’t ever ridden anything else. The bike bowed to her every command, even when she pushed it to its limits down the straights. It was here Killian could catch up, the power he wielded in the Hayabusa far greater than the Yamaha, and he slipped up the inside of her and overtook her with ease. But his bike was heavy, and it took a longer time to accelerate out of corners, so it wasn’t long before the blonde beauty was leaving him in her dust once more.
The track had an ‘s’ bend about a third of the way around, something that ever rider had to slow down to almost a stop for. It was tight, and there was a straight approaching it, so Killian used the opportunity to zoom past her in the hopes he could dominate the narrow section. He was wrong. She was a speed demon, or just full out crazy, but she managed to slip the 379 lb machine right past him, their thighs brushing when they were upright in the middle part of the meanouvre. She even had time to look over to him, and even though Killian couldn’t see her face through her visor, he was sure she was smiling.
Neither were in their racing wear, and that would slow them both down, so the rest of the race would be down to their ability as racers. Who was the most brave? This track had a few notorious sections, Killian knew that better than anyone and had recently learned the hard way that no one was immune to failure, regardless of ability. Liam was a far better rider than he could ever hope to be and he had been snatched from humanity in the blink of an eye. Maybe that was why, even with the faster bike, Killian took his time, being more than cautious around the twists and turns that made up the track, losing time in hesitation as the mystery woman sailed to a victory.
There was less than a wheel length in it as they crossed the finish line, both throttles fully open, engines screaming to deafening volumes. They both sat back up on the cool down lap, allowing the bikes to roll around the track and their racing hearts to return to normal. With the engines idling on the start finish line, they both pulled off their helmets at the same time. Again her hair tumbled effortlessly over her shoulders whilst Killian’s looked like he had been pulled through a hedge, adorably sticking out in all directions.
“Woo!” He yelled over the sound of their engines, a boyish grin on his face, cheeks pinked from adrenaline. “What a rush!”
“Yeah!” She screeched, slapping the fuel tank on Killian’s bike like she was praising a horse.
“You,” he pointed at her, losing his words. “I-.”
“Did you enjoy losing?” She panted, her own adrenaline speeding up her heart.
“To you? Absolutely! You’re a bloody brilliant rider, love,” Killian offered, catching his breath.
“And how did your bike look like from behind?” She quipped with a wink. “Bet it never looked so good, right?”
“I wouldn’t know, love,” Killian grinned, revisiting the now imprinted image of her perfectly shaped rear as she sat astride his bike. “I wasn’t looking at the bike.”
Killian couldn’t tell at first if the rosy tint to her cheeks was from her blush or her tight fitting helmet, but when she averted her eyes shyly, he knew it was the former. It made him smile, cheeky and juvenile, just like the way she had somehow made him feel when the last three weeks had been nothing but empty.
“Might I add that the front is just as beautiful.” When she looked back at him, Killian raised an eyebrow, tracing the ridges of his teeth with the tip of his tongue.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” she muttered through her smile, nodding reassuringly.
It was Killian’s turn to blush, thankfully mostly hidden behind his already reddened cheeks, only the tips of his slightly pointed elven ears giving away his true feelings. He averted his eyes, focusing on the ignition key in front of him, his vision shaking with the motion of the bike. “Can I ask you something?” He said suddenly, turning the engine off and looking back over to her.
“As long as it’s not my name,” she smirked. “Loser,” she teased.
“Quite,” Killian laughed. “Do you miss it?” He added, pointing to the bike between his legs. “This thing has more power than any other road legal bike, nearly twice the top speed of that thing,” he pointed to the R1 she was sitting on and she looked down at it. “And yet you beat me,-”
“You let me win,” she cut him off.
“I assure you, love, I did not,” Killian laughed with a defiant shake of his head. “You’re a fantastic rider who clearly misses racing. What happened?”
Her smile faded instantly and she swallowed hard. Killian could see he had tugged at a nerve, possibly one that had been cut and continued to fray over many years, and he immediately regretted his words. Her silence was deafening and when she lowered her head and took a long, steadying breath, Killian felt like the worst person in the world.
“You know what?” He said quickly, slapping his helmet with both hands to gain her attention. She looked over to him and he smiled a weak, apologetic smile. “How about dinner?”
“It’s a bit early for dinner,” she chuckled.
“Tonight,” Killian insisted. “I don’t need to know your name to take you out, do I?” He poked out his bottom lip and pretended to be upset by the prospect of her declining, lifting a cocky eyebrow at her before his lips turned up with a smirk. “And you can still keep the bike,” he added, hand over his heart.
“Really?” She didn’t believe him, even if she had won it fairly.
“Aye, love, I’m a man of my word.”
He gave her a smile, one she was sure had won over the hearts of every one of his fans, and one she felt powerless to resist. She studied him for a moment, smitten with his charm and handsome features, something she said she wouldn’t fall for again, but was failing miserably to ignore. She knew him. She had seen the headlines. Killian Jones, World Champion, playboy. She regarded him with a narrowed gaze, unsure if she was just another Killian Jones conquest or if he was genuine. Had the media got him wrong? Was he a man of his word?
“Okay,” she said finally, a coy smile spreading across her face. “Tonight. Do you know how to plan a date?”
“Oh, this is a date now?” He teased with a wry grin.
She rolled her eyes playfully. “Who knows? Maybe if you play your cards right, we might follow up dinner with a little dessert.”
Killian ran his tongue over his teeth, eyes flicking over her leather clad body still nestled atop the bike he had just lost like she belonged there. What he wouldn’t give to see her in that exact position sans leathers, the sounds she would make with the rumbling engine pressed against her most intimate region something he was having a hard time not imagining. He looked up to her, eyes darkened by his lustful thoughts that made her breath catch in her throat. “I assure you, love, there will be nothing little about dessert.”
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subasekabang · 5 years
Long Dream –Live Remix– (A Side)
Title: Long Dream –Live Remix– (A Side)
Rating: T
Word Count: 7598 total, 3758 this chapter
Characters: Coco, Joshua, Neku, Beat, OMC, OFC
Warnings: Major character death
Summary: Her Magnum Opus nears completion, and as her audience approaches, she hurriedly arranges one final rehearsal.  Elaboration on a pet theory of mine, built out of Final Remix spoilers.
Every day streets are crowded with people
Every night streets are jammed with these noises
Things are so strange, are they real or a dream?
Where am I now, trapped in this city of illusion?
Neku surveyed his surroundings.  It didn’t take him long to recognize them.
“This is Cat Street…”
“Yo, finally!” Beat said, running a few steps ahead.  “We can get outta Shibuya from here!  I’m so ready to be done with this crappy Game!”
Neku looked up the street, murmuring, “Unless the way ahead has been rearranged too…”
He tensed a bit as Coco stepped up behind him, the tiny Reaper saying, “No worries fam!  See, the way ahead looks, like, totez clear!  That super tough wall you guys just made it past must’ve been the last challenge!”
Neku’s eyes caught on the café just ahead.  Even in this situation, it still sparked a very complicated emotion in his heart.
“Yo, whatchu waitin’ for,” Beat said, “an engaged invitation?  Le’s go, man!”
Beat took off.  Neku followed at a slower pace, saying, “Hold on!  While we’re here, shouldn’t we ask Mr. H what’s going on?”
The other boy skidded to a halt.  “Huh?  You think the H-Man’s gonna tell us anything?”
“He might.  We have time to spare—it can’t hurt to ask.”
Coco made a face as she walked up next to him.  “Uuuuh, source?  That guy, like, oozes bad vibes.  You should totez just finish the Game!  That’s all that matters, yeah?”
Neku shook his head.  “I still want to know what’s going on.  Out of the people who might actually know, Mr. H is the only one with an address.  We might not get another chance.”
The Reaper rolled her eyes and shrugged.  “I mean, I guess, but like, why risk it?  The finish line is literally right in front of y’all—just cross it and end the Game.  Then if you still wanna talk to Coffee Weirdo, just walk right back in and do it then!  It’ll totez be less stressful once we’re off the clock!”
Beat nodded.  “Yeah, man!  We gotta get this over with either way.  Plus we might get an explanation jus’ for winnin’!  We’ll keep the H-Man as a back-up plan, aight?”
Neku crossed his arms.  “I still feel like this would be less risky.”
“Aw c’mon!” Coco said, skipping down the sidewalk.  “You srsly need to chill, Neku!  Let’s just finish the Game already.  Besidez…while we stand here chatting, the other Players are still fighting Noise and stuff.  Like, uh, Shiki?  Do it for her!”
“Right: Shiki and Rhyme is still out there, Phones!” Beat said.  “We gotta end the Game now!”
With a sigh, Neku grumbled, “…Alright, I guess we shouldn’t keep them waiting.  But soon as we’re done, I’m coming back to get answers.”
The three of them ran down Cat Street, with Coco trailing farther and farther behind.  Eventually she came to a stop, and just watched the boys continue with a wide grin on her face.
“Ugh, finally,” she said to herself.  “This pair was WAY more stubborn than the last, 7.8/10 too much effort.”
Neku noticed they had lost her just as he and Beat ran over the city limits.  The next thing he noticed was pain.  Intense, searing pain, like his entire body was on fire.  Judging by the way Beat had toppled over on the ground, the same thing was happening to him.  Neku fell to his knees as the agony worsened.
Coco slowly approached them, taking care to not actually cross the limits.  “This is fine!  All according to keikaku.  Congratz on winning the Reaper’s Game: Expert Mode!  Oh btw, keikaku means plan.”
Beat cried out suddenly.  Black and red flames consumed him, burning brightly for a few seconds before vanishing, leaving not even ashes in their wake.  Neku’s eyes widened in horror.
“What did you do to him?!” Neku demanded.
“Erased him, duh,” Coco said.  “Though technically wasn’t me, actually my baby that did it.”
“He needs loads of food to grow up big and strong.  I’ve tried, like, a gazillion different things, and the Soul of super tough Players like you two is what works the best by far!  ty so much!”
The pain only grew.  Neku screamed, doing all he could to endure it despite knowing he was failing.
Coco put a hand to her ear.  “Mmmm whatcha say?  Couldn’t make that out.”
It wasn’t long before the flames consumed Neku as well, and then he too was gone.  Coco put her hands on her hips and smiled.  The world around her shifted, wavering like a mirage until it all melted into one swirling void of bluish clouds.  Before her spawned a massive creature: a tapir with purple skin and six tusks, yellow tattoo-like protrusions in the shape of flames erupting all across its form.  Its red eyes focused squarely on Coco.
“Yay!  Look at you, you absolute unit!  You’re, like, so strong now you could body anyone!”
Coco threw herself onto the tapir’s trunk, hugging it tightly—the creature gave a guttural rumble in response.  She could sense its power increasing, and giggled happily as she took a step back.  The tapir lowered its head and nudged her gently.
“Okay, okay.”
Reaching up, she scratched the tapir’s trunk.  It tilted its head and squeaked.
“Aw, who’s a good boy?”
Coco hopped up to the top of its head, lying down so she could reach far enough to scratch behind its ear.  The tapir lifted its trunk and trumpeted happily, then floated up and down in place, jostling Coco only the smallest amount.
“Haha, very good, such cute, wow!”
Soon it settled down.  Coco propped up her head with one hand, continuing to slowly pet the tapir with the other, and let out a long sigh.
“Tapez my dude, I’m, like, so glad I have you.  ngl you’re kinda my bff.”
The tapir grunted, swinging its trunk slightly.  Coco swayed along.
“I dunno when it’s going down…but I’mma make sure you get through it.  You’re one of my peeps too now!  So it’s a legit promise!”
Coco extended her pinky.  The tapir inclined its head a little and flexed its claws.
“Oooooh right.  Well, still totez binding lol.”
She pressed her face against the tapir’s skin, letting her eyes close.
“Aaaaaah, we’re almost there, Tapez.  Should just need, like, another few rounds and you’ll be a prime example of the ideal Noise body!  Though tbh if the next pair is as annoying as this one, totez just gonna yeet them straight into your stomach.”
Her phone chimed.  She opened one eye to look at the screen, and then rolled onto her back and groaned loudly, kicking her legs about in frustration.
“Uuuugh for real?  Fine, whatevs.”  She paused to pet the tapir one more time.  “Sorry Tapez, I gotta bounce.  brb and then we’ll go find you some more treats!”
The tapir squeaked a farewell, and then Coco stood up and shut her eyes again.  Focusing her power, she elevated her Vibe and reached out with her mind to feel for the world she wanted to travel to; after so many times, it was easy for her, and in mere seconds she had concrete beneath her feet.  Opening her eyes, Coco looked up at the skyline of Shinjuku and smiled brightly.
I love my city tbh.
Feel the people, hear the voices
They are reaching out to catch you
Feel the rhythms, hear the noises
You are beating all the visions
Coco moved through the city at a slow pace.  Shinjuku was a travel hub, a place that was purely transient for most: each moment was fleeting, but each brought something new, something different, and that everlasting tumultuous tide of life fascinated Coco in a way nothing ever had before.  Each second was something wholly unique, and she never wanted to miss even one of them.  She spun around on a corner, taking it all in, and just laughed to herself.
“Having fun, Atarashi?”
Her good mood was spoiled instantly.  She grimaced over her shoulder to see Joshua standing there, looking every bit as smug as she remembered him.
“fml what are you even doing here Kiryu?” she asked, turning around and crossing her arms in a huff.  “Can’t you, like, take a hint?”
“Nice to see you too.”  He raised a hand to his chin.  “Hm.  I’m curious: why is it you hold onto your wings even in the RG?”
Gesturing to them, Coco said, “Aesthetic.”
“…And what aesthetic would that be, exactly?”
“fyi I’m headed to a super important meeting rn so unless you’re finally ready to fite me irl then I, like, don’t even want to hear it.”
Joshua chuckled and brushed aside a lock of hair, which only made him seem even more smug and made Coco even angrier.  “Stimulating as that has the potential to be, we’d both be in quite a bit of trouble with the folks upstairs if we were to have a skirmish.”
“Oooooh good point,” she said as she turned away.  “And I bet you’re, like, already in hot water after the way you went off.”
“Nothing to worry about on that front.  I’ve spoken with my Producer and he assures me the matter has been put to bed.  Things in Shibuya will be staying the way they are.”
Coco spun around.  “WTF?!  You two are out of trouble just like that?  I literally have no words!”
“Hm?  Why, I would assume your Producer has been apprised of the details as well.  Has he not passed them along to you yet?”
There was a short delay, and then Coco glanced aside and grumbled, “That must be why he sent me that txt…”
“I take it you’ve been too busy with your side project to stay on top of the paperwork.”
Coco locked eyes with Joshua.  He was still smug, that would never change, but now there was a deadly undercurrent to his words that demanded Coco’s attention.
“tf are you even talking about?” Coco asked.  “You really need to stay in your lane, Kiryu.”
“That’s rich, coming from you.”
“Well for starters, I know you’ve been poking around my city.”
“omg!  Tourism is a crime now?”
“Considering our circumstances I believe it falls more under ‘corporate espionage’.”
“It’s totez hilair to me that you consider the UG a corporation.”
“Setting that aside for the moment, there’s also the fact that you’ve been shirking your duties as Composer to jaunt off to an alarming number of parallel worlds as of late.”
Coco smirked.  “Aw, u just jelly I can travel between worlds without needing to call an Uber to get back.”
Joshua shrugged.  “I admit, it’s a skill I’ve yet to master—even my alternate selves seem to have difficulty with it.  One came to call on me recently, you know.  Said something about a bizarre Noise erasing two former Players in his world.”
Yawning loudly, Coco said, “Kiryu can I, like, get a tl;dr?”
Joshua’s face began to darken, the undercurrent gradually rising towards the surface.  “Well Atarashi, it certainly sounds like you’ve been attacking alternate Shibuyas.  If so, that’s something I believe qualifies as ‘in my lane’.  Wouldn’t you agree?”
Coco cackled.  “Pffft omg are u srs?  I am DECEASED y’all, the guy who just tried to wipe his whole city is acting protective up in this bitch!  lmaoooooo!”
Joshua stared hard at her.  “Coco, do think for a moment: how do you suppose the Higher Plane would react to this news?”
“What, are you, like, planning to tell them?  If you’ve got some proof then hmu.”
Joshua didn’t answer.
“lol that’s what I thought, smdh you better sit down Kiryu.  Even if I were, like, messing with parallel worlds or whatevs, why would the Higher Plane even care?  Angels from this world have no jurisdiction there.  It’s free real estate.”
Slowly, Joshua nodded.  “…Alright.  Perhaps you have a point.  Let’s leave the Higher Plane out of this hypothetical.  The only one you need to be concerned with…is me.”
The air suddenly felt very heavy.  Coco actually needed to remind herself to breathe, but she made sure her reaction wasn’t obvious.
“So, Atarashi.  Explain to me why you’ve been killing Neku in so many parallel worlds.  And, do try your best to make it a very good explanation.”
Coco brought her hands up to her face, twisting slightly away.  “lololol I’m confused.  Mad cuz I beat your record?  Or want to make sure I don’t off this world’s copy of Edge Head before you can tell him he’s worthy of your grace?  Honestly?  I ship it.”
Joshua paused.  “Neku himself isn’t the issue here.  But if you’re making a move into my territory—“
“Yeah yeah yeah, cuz you care, like, SO much about your territory!  I am SHOOK seeing you come in here acting like the authority on protecting your peeps!  I could learn so much about my job from watching you!”
“I’m feeling a bit of déjà vu.  I could have sworn I’ve already told you that a Composer’s job is simply to judge their people, and that it is only the existence and boundaries of their respective UG that require protection.”
Coco covered her mouth.  “omg!  Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?”  She dropped her hands and stuck out her tongue.  “jk obv you’re full of it.”
“I don’t see why I should need to divulge my motivations to you of all people,” Joshua mumbled, “but if you must know…I was under the impression that Shibuya was not worth keeping around.  Now that I’ve seen it still holds potential, I of course have every intention of preserving the seeds that I’ve sown.”
Coco scowled at him, but didn’t speak at first.  Nearly a minute passed before she said, “Then tbh?   I’m not your enemy.”
Joshua’s eyebrows went up.
“It’s, like, only a matter of time before a new kind of Game starts up Kiryu.  Their Game.  And I’m gonna be mad prepared when it does.  If you had literally a single brain cell you’d totez be doing the same thing.”
By the time she was done, Joshua’s eyes had narrowed down to a suspicious glare.  “Surely you’re not referring to the party I’m assuming?”
“Like, who else?”
Joshua stared down his nose at Coco as he considered his next move.  Coco grunted, drew out her phone, and checked her messages.
“My, you truly are impossible to figure out,” Joshua sighed.
Coco gave her best Clearly Fake Smile and replied, “Because you’re an expert at that lol.  I’m nothing compared to your galaxy brain.”
“I think I could do it if not for that absurd…shall we call it a dialect?”
“Uh, this is how people talk now?  Hello?  If you knew anything about people, then like, you’d already know that, but as always you have 0 friends so buh-bye.”
“…Hm.  And, exactly how many friends do you have, Atarashi?”
Coco frowned.
Joshua turned.  “But, alright.  If this is some plan to deal with the Inferno, then I’ll drop the matter for now.  But, one thing I’d like to make clear before I go.”  He took one last glance back at her, eyes full of ice.  “I will not tolerate any interference in this world’s Shibuya.”
He was off without another word.  Coco suppressed the urge to shudder, turning back to her phone and mumbling half-formed syllables as she made herself look busy.  She looked back up to be sure that he was gone, and then sighed and tucked her phone away, gazing over Shinjuku once more as she waited for the tension to leave her body.  It was immediately replaced by joy.
“omg whoops.  Rōjin is totez still waiting orz.”
Is it angels?  Is it devils?
Whispering in my ears
Is it emotions?  Is it illusions?
I need to be with you
Coco poked her head through the shrine’s gate.  Looking up the path, she could see a bald, tan-skinned man with a stoic face sitting at the building’s entrance, his eyes already locked onto her.  She flinched.
“Uuuuh what’s up gamers?” she blurted as she stumbled forward.  “I know I’m, like, totez late, but I have a tru legit reason for it, get a load of this!”
The man was Seiji Rōjin, owner of the shrine and also Shinjuku’s Producer.  He offered not a single word as Coco hurriedly explained her encounter with Joshua to him.  When she was done, he nodded and closed his eyes; Coco looked around awkwardly for a few seconds, and then took a seat next to him.
“You must leave your Opus be,” he ultimately said.
Coco started.  “Uh, excuse me?  Abandon all my hard work just because that nerd doesn’t want me near his bf?  I think the heck not!”
Rōjin opened his eyes to look at her.
“…Um?  Something else?”
“The Higher Plane demands a Game.”
Coco blinked.  Then she rolled back, digging her fingers into her scalp and shouting, “AAAAAAARGH, srsly?!  I know I haven’t held a Game in, like, forev, but can’t they just let me handle thingz down here?  Please say sike!”
Rōjin said nothing.  As she accepted the reality of the situation, Coco’s heart sank.
“But…Tapez…”  She groaned.  “…Is, like, a teeny bit of faith in me too much to ask?  They know I’ve got mad skillz!  When you taught me how to make Tapez, you said I was one of only, like, three Composers whomst’ve ever been able to control Magnum Opus Noise—they should be totez impressed with me already!”
“The Higher Plane demands more of your position than mere talent,” Rōjin said.  “It demands discipline.”
Coco pulled herself back into a sitting position.  “I am, like, sooo disciplined!  I legit wanted to tear Kiryu’s face off, but I didn’t!”  She got back on her feet as she went on, “Like, sure, this is about Shinjuku, but the whole reason I’m working on Tapez is so he can protect my peeps!  Making sure he’s bad enough to dunk on anyone is literally The Best Thing I can be doing rn!  The Inferno is out there, you know, somewhere, and we dunno when they’re gonna throw hands!  And now I have to take time out of my counterattack schedule to run some basic-ass Game?”
She whirled back to face Rōjin.  He didn’t say anything.  Coco stared at him for a few moments, realizing she was getting a headache.
“…heck.  We don’t really have much of a choice, do we?  If the Higher Plane wants a Game so bad, then like, we gotta pull together a Game.  Tapez will just have to chill for a week I guess.”
Coco put a hand to her head as she trudged past Rōjin for the door.
“Ugh, lemme see, the Conductor obvs needs to show, and we should probably @ all the Officers too.  idk who’s gonna be the GM this week but they—“
The pain in her head suddenly turned sharp.  She paused mid-step.
Her vision blurred, then went dark.  And then she saw Shinjuku again, but it was…different, somehow.  As if viewed through some sort of filter.  She saw the streets, the people, and then a glowing red symbol up in the sky—and then the streets were empty.  Not a single soul was left in Shinjuku.  No, not quite, next she saw one person: a girl who slowly walked forward with a blank look in her eyes.  The girl stared straight ahead, but couldn’t see Coco.  Still, she opened her mouth to speak.
“All that’s left in the world is me.”
Coco gasped as the shrine came back into focus.  At first she was too surprised to make any sense of the event.  But as she breathed, she processed it, and her eyes shot wide as pure dread came over her.
Rōjin stood, watching her with furrowed brow.  Coco’s entire body shook as she turned to face him.
“I…I saw it again…!”
She jumped forward and grabbed Rōjin’s shirt.
“It was the same vision!  You remember, right?  From, like, WAY back when I first asked you about Magnum Opus Noise?  I saw it again!  Shinjuku was erased—it was an Inversion!  I-I…”  She looked down as tears started to form in her eyes.  “I haven’t seen anything since that day…why now?  Is…is the Inferno about to attack Shinjuku?  Is that what this means?!  Are we out of time?!”
She felt a hand on her head.  Looking up, she saw Rōjin staring back at her, his face as calm and stoic as ever.  Coco swallowed hard, and then exhaled slowly.
“R-Right…right.”  She managed a chuckle.  “Like, look at me, crying in the club like a little bitch!  Thanks bunchez, Rōjin.”
She stepped away and wiped her eyes on her sleeve.  Coco found herself looking up at the sky, as if to verify what she had seen hadn’t actually come true…at least, not yet.  The same skyline greeted her.  But this time, she just couldn’t feel happy about it.  This time, it made her feel resolute.  She turned back to Rōjin.
“Sorry fam.  But I, like, can’t just sit on my ass and play a Game rn.  The Higher Plane might not be convinced, but I just know the Inferno’s on their way to end my whole career, and I’m not about to take that.”
Rōjin paused.  Then, with a single nod, he said, “Mood.”
Coco giggled.  “omg, you’re, like, literally the worst!”
She left the shrine and made her way back up the street, thinking, Dunno how much more time I have to beef up Tapez.  My boi’s totez strong, but I can’t be too careful, and probs don’t have much time for last minute boosts.  I need to, like, think of how else I can improve his chances…
Her feet slowed, and she looked back at the shrine.
…Hm.  I wonder what she would think?
Coco crossed her arms.
I mean, she’s gonna be totez disappointed there’s no Game.  But like, she’s still my Conductor, yeah?  If I can’t trust her to back me up, then who can I trust?
She turned and got moving again.
At the v least I gotta ask.  Whatever it takes…my Shinjuku is going to survive.
Every day noises are killing these people
Every night noises are waiting for me but
Don’t run away, we’ve got no time left to fear
Where are you now, still it’s showing me illusions
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