#i was still problematic & stupid!
freaky-flawless · 6 days
Do you guys think we'll ever get another boy doll? Idk why, but it feels really unlikely to me.
At the start, Deuce got 3 dolls pretty much right off the bat, and then hasn't had another one since. (Honestly, I'm a little worried he might be getting the Ghoulia treatment, especially since neither got music videos and were exclusives)
And other than him, we just have a Clawd doll with a bad face, and Heath, who was apart of a budget line. He didn't even get a normal doll release with a phone, snacks, or even a pet.
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shokveyv · 4 months
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shut up
#transformers#maccadam#drama#i like the cover#people saying it's too 'sexy' are the problematic sexists#this same shit happened with z0ner's cover. yes i bullied her too because i believed the stupid shit you guys were saying#I MANAGED TO GROW UP BUT YOU PEOPLE ARE STILL DOING THIS TOXIC SEXIST ASS DANCE#i thought i was the bad person but honestly it's yall and your bullying asses#you're disgusting for bullying artists just because they draw women how they want#GROW UP.#I LOVE DRAWING CURVY SLIM SEXY ROBOT GIRLS#THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT#WE SHOULD FILL THE WORLD WITH MORE OF THEM BECAUSE IT'S WHAT I WANT TO SEE#IF YOU WANT TO SEE SOMETHING ELSE... DO IT YOURSELF!!!! MAYBE ONE DAY THE COMPANY WILL LIKE YOUR ART ENOUGH TO HAVE IT ON A COVER#i like milne's stocky arcee just as much as average arcee from TFA just as much as svelte arcee in this cover#i really thought it was me that was why i left the fandom due to my ignorance but coming back and seeing this petty ass drama you guys#are unleashing... im realising that you guys are the problematic ones. omfg#you make it so unfun to be in this fandom. might as well publish the most recent animation i was working on then take the ones i've already#finished into hiding. you people suck the joy out of drawing for transformers.#transformers was my last bastion out of depression and you guys reminded me why people shouldn't get into transformers#getting back into tf revitalized my desire to draw and held me back from suicide. but knowing how toxic environment you guys are...#there's no reason to keep living with such inhospitable negative toxic bullies.
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tragicotps · 6 months
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Random gifs of Marisa Coulter smiling [8/∞]
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nebulousmedic · 9 months
Hey not a ask and you don’t have to answer this publicly but on your nsfw twitter, I noticed you drew the mercs drinking while having sex and I wanted you to know that drunk sex is r/ape/non-con. They’re intoxicated so they can’t properly consent so I recommend editing those pics or deleting them!
Scout is not intoxicated in the drawing. I imagined it happened the next day at night, perhaps? Since I did depict him hungover, or even a couple days after since an 0rgy like that does require proper planning and preparation
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james-winston · 1 year
omfg I am so behind on this (and yes I’ve only become aware of it because Nicholas Galitzine offof rwarb is in it) but they’re making a fucking Duke of Buckingham series!!!
And you’re all sitting there like “who??” well let me tell you about this absolute fuck.
George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham was the favourite of King James VI&I and by favourite I do mean it in the gayest of ways. (He started life as Sir George, the shittest of titles, and fucked his way to a Dukedom.)
Long story short, here’s a list of things I need to see in this series or I will SUE:
George slut dropping his way into James’s bed. (I mean, he danced for him, but whatever the 17th century equivalent to slut dropping was you can bet George was doing it.)
The exasperation of James’s advisors when he picks yet another beautiful young man to fuck and give totally unreasonable amounts of money and power to.
Even funnier if they show them actively helping George overthrow James’s old favourite before realising “oh shit this one’s worse.”
George failing consistently at every job he was given. (Yes I know he didn’t actually but where’s the comedy in competency? Give me himbo George or give me death.)
Parliament calling James to task on George being a fucking useless nuisance and James standing up in front of parliament and literally saying, “You may be sure that I love the Earl of Buckingham more than anyone else, and more than you who are here assembled. I wish to speak in my own behalf, and not to have it thought to be a defect, for Jesus Christ did the same, and therefore I cannot be blamed. Christ had his John, and I have my George.” (Huge points for throwing Jesus under the gay bus too.)
James practically arranging George’s marriage for him and then riding his horse around the park crying because George, shock, got married.
What better be the dirtiest sex scenes ever broadcast on British television that lead to the “master and dog” letter.
The consistent drama queenery from James, e.g:
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I refuse to tag this as a spoiler because it happened 400 years ago: George smothering James and then playing the heartbroken widow to his son. (Historically debated, if anyone wants details shoot me an ask.)
George getting stabbed to death in what was probably the justified climax of him being the most irritating man alive.
George’s assassin getting the warmest send off ever given by any crowd at a public execution cause the people hated George so fucking much.
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redysetdare · 5 months
I wish the denmark joke has stayed dead. it is literally the most unfunny asexual joke we got.
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aleksanderscult · 6 months
Sorry bad manip it's me !
It's that one ! That damn video I told you about ! I was literally disillusioned when I heard his review review ! But girl ? Did your brain regress as you got older or something ? From what I remember she really said things that made me hallucinate. (Oh and definitely don't take a look at the comments under this video, most of it is stupid. We are still entitled to the enigma of if Alina was not a summoner of light the Darkling would never have wanted to her. This argument annoys me because in fact, one could outright say that there will be no story and probably never a trigger for Mal to "open his eyes" to his "so-called" feelings for Alina. Because I remember that he proudly fucks everything that moves at the beginning of the book and clearly speaks about it to Alina while letting their friendship gradually deteriorate and also letting his friends call Alina stick...)
That girl: "Maybe I am toxic"
Me: "I don't know maybe you are toxic."
Also she really bought the whole "Mal has changed in R&R" bullshit that Leigh presented, huh?
Honestly, I never cease to be surprised from the amount of people that swallow whatever an author, actor, director is giving them. We have really put famous people on pedestals.
Okay so, according to that girl and her beliefs:
1) We must believe that Alina found happiness after she lost her powers because the narrative told us to.
2) We must believe that Mal changed for the better with zero development because the narrative told us to.
3) We must believe that Malina is a healthy ship because the narrative told us to.
4) And we must believe that these books are the best YA books that exist out there because....NY Times said so?? I don't know.
It's one thing to love, enjoy the books and still acknowledge their big flaws and another to love the books and think they're perfect.
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eclaire-went-bam · 4 months
hey, what happened to the left believing in second chances? what happened to the belief that if somebody's tangibly doing better, they deserve that chance? you guys realise how common problematic beliefs were when the internet was younger? like, when gamergate was a thing? not that long ago? you guys realise most people on the internet are not from the same moral background as you? you guys realise keeping people out who have changed their beliefs, is only going to discourage more people from doing better? are you guys crazy? why are y'all bringing moral purity into this? it's a powerful thing to recognise things you've been taught were wrong & to then move away from it, especially when you're in a community around it either irl or online. being in a community is such a powerful force in most people's lives. not everyone had the perfect background & not everyone had access to being as educated on social issues as you did. it's fine to personally not forgive someone's problematic history & not interact with them, but to actively exclude them from the cause? get off your high horse, you're harming the movement by gatekeeping it to those with a perfect moral background.
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lord-squiggletits · 7 months
Idk if my previous posts were unclear but I don't remotely hate any Optimus version that isn't IDW or think they suck. Every Optimus is good and there's a fan (or multiple fans!) of every version of OP no matter how obscure or underrated (as well as all the other characters).
What's more questionable (or at least annoying) is when fandom ignores canon character personalities in favor of writing specific archetypes that are either out of character or repetitive/stereotyped to the point of annoyance. As an example of this, it would be a female character being called the Team Mom just because she's a woman existing in a group of (primarily male) characters even if she's not remotely motherly or nurturing. Or, as a more topical example, how often I've seen Transformers ships where even though both characters are canonically masculine (or gender neutral), fanartists love to turn one of the characters small and weak (or even outright feminine) to turn the ship into Strong Dominant Seme and Sweet Cute Uke to fit a specific kink or romantic fantasy, even if it's a disservice/OOC to portray those characters like that.
In other words, a fandom's popularity of certain characters, ships, headcanons, etc is often more informed by tropes and forcing canon to adhere to one's personal tastes, as opposed to approaching canon and trying to understand it on its own terms. I'm not talking about the quality of the source material, but rather the way that the fandom interprets the source materials in ways that don't make any sense, approach it in bad faith, or just generally don't care about canon at all. So I'm not saying one OP is better than another, my problem is when fandom consistently focuses on certain stereotypes or flanderizations of a character, and then any character that doesn't fit the popular (often stereotyped) mold is ignored or virulently rejected. In other words, I think popular fandom often does a DISSERVICE to characters whether they love them or hate them, it just takes different forms.
So, just as an example, I think one fandom caricature of Optimus that I see a lot (and heavily dislike) is making Optimus some sort of shrinking wallflower type who's innocent, sweet, and virginal, in contrast to an opposite caricature of Megatron that's big, strong, dominant, and rugged, and making ship art that forces the characters into some kind of seme/uke or borderline heteronormative romance. Despite the fact that canon Optimus (in, say, TFP for example) is tall, broadly built, deep voiced, dignified, assertive, and strong (physically and morally), completely incorrect interpretations of him as a shy feminized uke type are still pretty common to find. And it makes you ask yourself why it is so many people make MOP ship art of them of The Small One and The Large One or The Small, Cute One and The Big, Violent One when it's completely different from canon. It feels as if such fanart is made by people who just want to see seme/uke style slash ships, and if canon doesn't give them what they want, they'll simply trash it and replace it with their own version, even if it's completely OOC.
So when I said in my other post that people don't like IDW Optimus because he can't be fit into caricatures like happy dad or shy twink, I'm not saying it to say "other OPs who resemble that suck," I'm saying it to express "Fandom tends to simplify characters into easily palatable and comfortable tropes, and when they encounter a character they can't do that with, they respond by ignoring or even hating on that character."
Other versions of Optimus have the problem where fandom turns them into a stereotype instead of the actual character they are, e.g. portraying TFA OP as some poor abused damsel with no self confidence and crippling anxiety being abused by his superiors, and then they talk more about this fake uwu smoll bean cinnamon roll version of TFA OP than they do about actual canon TFA OP. And honestly I can't think of any prominent content/meta about G1 OP that isn't just "he plays basketball and does funny one liners and is Team Dad/Grandpa." (Hell, you even get that with non-Optimus characters that get simplified to just sexy twink, old grandpa, comedy relief, evil ex, Diversity Win-- She's A Lesbian, third wheel to the favored ship, etc even though there's way more depth to them than just their surface level stereotype.)
IDW OP's problem is that he can't be stereotyped like that so instead the fandom ignores him. He's not small, so they can't stereotype him as a skinny twink getting topped by a burly uke. He's not jovial or happy go lucky or extroverted, so they can't stereotype him as Team Dad or Comedy Relief. He's assertive, blunt, and has a temper, so they can't stereotype him as a shy wallflower in need of protecting. He makes catastrophic mistakes and is responsible for bad things happening, so they can't stereotype him into a sweet cinnamon roll who has never done anything wrong in his whole life or The Infinitely Wise and Kind Paragon. There's no Big Bad Authority Figure who was mean to IDW OP and traumatized him, so they can't excuse the bad things he did as "he's traumatized so he couldn't help it" and wave away his flaws as "it's his abuser's fault, they made him this way." IDW OP has the kind of depression where he's grumpy, shut off, and angry-- as opposed to the shy, sad kind of depression that just stares forlornly out of the window in a beautifully tragic way-- so they can't make him into a sad woobie kicked around unfairly by life.
Or I guess they just stereotype IDW OP as "evil bastard with no redeeming qualities that's mean to everyone for no reason, plus the writers forced everyone to like him just because he's Optimus Prime" even though that isn't accurate either.
Put bluntly, IDW OP forces fandom to contend with the idea that someone can be a good person with good intentions but still fuck up on a massive scale and maybe end up hurting more than they helped. IDW OP is messy, ugly, flawed, mean, stoic, closed off. When IDW OP has mental breakdowns or has his feelings hurt, he's loud and angry and harsh, and the consequences of what he did while he was unwell continue to haunt him long after. In other words, he actually experiences negative emotions the way a real person would, and sometimes when he's under the influence of negative emotions, he lashes out or does stupid things (like a real person might) instead of inoffensively crying in a corner somewhere. He isn't sanitized enough for a fandom that only wants Perfect Pure Good Optimus Who Never Hurts Anyone Even By Accident, so instead of IDW OP's mistakes and dark moments being treated as the logical end point of a person put in constant no-win situations until he breaks, he gets treated as if his mistakes and flaws make him an irredeemable bastard with no good qualities who should've fucked up less often to make fans actually like him.
And this is all in a fandom where 90% of the characters are war criminals and a good half of them have massacred organic planets. But god forbid IDW Optimus ever make a bad decision in a stressful situation. Or be mean to someone. Or have a character arc about how blindly idolizing people as paragons ends badly for everyone involved because no one can be that perfect. He is simply The Worst Optimus Ever and there's absolutely nothing about him worth discussing.
And just to be clear, the problem isn't the fact that some people don't like IDW OP, or he's just not their thing and they don't care.
The problem is the fact that he's consistently and actively hated by the fanbase who makes a concentrated effort to say he sucks and make sure none of their fan works ever include him. It's literally at a level where I stopped looking in the Optimus tag on this website because I was tired of people randomly going "and btw IDW OP sucks and I want to drown him in a ditch" in posts that weren't even about IDW, and I stopped looking for MegOP fic on AO3 because most of it is IDW Megatron/clearly TFP or G1 inspired continuity soup Optimus. Places that are Optimus friendly for Optimus fans, where I could reasonably expect to find positive conversations, but instead get sucker punched by hate about the character The Space Is About. And I can't even have conversations asking about why they do, bc the way 90% of them talk, I can tell they literally just didn't read the comics or deliberately misinterpreted the story.
I find it bizarre and frankly, tragic, that the hate train for IDW OP is so pervasive that people actively erase and replace him from fan works IN THE IDW UNIVERSE in a way that no other character is targeted in. I have tried so hard to understand why IDW OP gets this sort of hate and erasure when other characters who were as bad or worse than him have perfectly normal takes about them that go "yeah he kinda sucks but he's cool and I like him" or "who cares if he's problematic IRL, it's a story." The only conclusion I can come to is that because Optimus Prime (TM) has a specific brand image and is locked into being a cultural icon, he's held to a standard of The Ideal Perfect Hero instead of the way better standard of "Is he an interesting, well written character?"
#squiggposting#discourse#i tried my best to phrase this in a way that didnt invalidate different tastes#but like honestly. some ppls tastes suck. or are actually problematic and not in a fake way#like as an example from the main text avoe#i hate it so much when gay ships are made seme/uke - dominant/submissive - fem/masc#when that not only isnt in character or accurate to canon. but is also really boring at best or homophobic at worst#i cant control ppl's opinions but i can still think theyre boring stupid or even downright offensive#i have SEEN pretty much every popular TF character or pairing get flanderized somehow#so it's not just my attachment to OP in larticular#and i find it very frustrating when it seems as if ppl arent fans of the very media they consume#and they turn an interesting story into cookie cutter stereotypes#and then when the story isnt a cookie cutter stereotype easily divisible into black and white#they hate the characters and story and call it trash#might delete later bc i feel cring#but this is oretty much the culmination of all the thoughts and discussions ive had#with multiple people#anyways ive seen enough fandom discourse posts about The State of Fandom#and The Same 5 Tropes Recycled just copy pasted into different fandoms#what i speak of isnt just about my fave. rather my fave is a victim of this fandom tencency#and it is a FACT that fandom will force characters into offensive stereotypes that dont even make sense#tldr sometimes fanon.....is way worse than canon#also i revised and edited this like a billion times to make sure i wasnt hasty or vague or mean#so if i still made a mistake. whatever i guess this post took hours#it's not about wanting absolutely everyone to love my favorite#it's about the fact that ppl actively hate him even in spaces that are about him/ships he's in#to the point i have to not interact with strangers bc i never know if my fsve will randomly get shit on#and on top that the hate is mostly based on surface level assumptions and misinformation#so not only is my fav hated in a way no other character is. they dont even hate him for canon facts#sucks to see the fandom so thoroughly full of hate by ppl who arent informed bc they never gave canon a chance
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heal2ninjagogirl · 6 months
sometimes i wonder what happened to the ninjago fandom during 2020-2021, was it just a normal fandom or literally just toxic and problematic
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raymondshields · 2 months
Mobile theme + avatar updated. It's simple. I see cyworld with dirtbike, I marry cyworld. And Shino gave us permission to have an avatar of Mask so now we have an avatar of Mask.
He says nya, by the way.
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gu6chan · 5 months
Sometimes I think about my very short-lived experience watching Happy Sugar Life and how the only real potent "message" i got from it was through the fanbase with the realisation "wow okay so we are NOT past the 'women can't be paedophiles' narrative huh" because i remember so gleefully checking the comments only to be hit with shit like "they didn't have sex so i don't think it's paedophilia" or "given her past i don't think she INTENDED paedophilia" or the time i saw an rp blog for the mc like "I interpret it as platonic :)))" like mc wasn't dressing an 8 year old up in a wedding dress, grooming her, doing vows, kissing her on the mouth and making plans for how they'd elope and marry each other
Like okay, you're entitled to your interpretations ofc but at what point does it stop being an interpretation and start turning into cope because this is NOT the topic you want to do that with!!!!!!
#gu6chan's musings#the rp blog in PARTICULAR pissed me off (perhaps personally speaking as a mun who tries to be as BLUNT with this as possible) bc its like#some of yall really want to rp fucked up and problematic characters until they get actually fucked up and problematic; huh#like i get it we ALL have limits but MAYBE before tackling a subject so sensitive you could just..... maybe think 'this muse isn't for me'#instead of TAKING OUT THE MAIN FOCUS OF HER CHARACTER AND WIDDLING IT DOWN TO 'PLATONIC'???? do u know how insensitive that is to actual#grooming and CSA victims. maybe im overreacting!!!!! but literally; when it comes to this: do it straight or dont do it at all#it was an experience and as painful as it is im glad in a way it IS two girls because for an otherwise trashy anime it sure did open my eye#to how how high the bar needs to be set before women can be considered 'paedophiles' and not just 'awww; she's so fond of kids :)'#ESPECIALLY given the mandatory anime tragic backstory!!!! because the amount of people using that as justification as for why she WASN'T#seeing shio romantically was.... *crumples*#like yeah; right!!! bc as we all know victims don't become abusers at all and when they do theyre 100% aware of it#im just saying#y'all would NEVER have pulled this shit if it was being done with two dudes and it shows#'leonard isn't in LOVE with seere; he just made out with him in SR because he was projecting his grief. he doesnt know how to show it :('#<- how some of these bitches sounded fr#anyways its happy sugar life it's not that serious 😭 yall are still stupid tho
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minakoaiinos · 5 months
Several things about the **** and **** drama is how many people have hopped out to go omg so is the lady we have decided is the only big bad villain responsible for planting all of the hate against insert group/idol here when I watched in real time for all of those examples their own fans jumping on their favorite idols for things that were clearly just scraps of bad rumors they just completely made overblown THEMSELVES under the guise of trying to look 'critical about their faves'
#yeah it was min heejin that randomly made you think le ssera sucked and you all completely fucking ran with it to the point i even saw...#...fearnot accounts being like wow they can't sing all of the sudden :/ and the tweet would get hundreds of thousands of likes#and i am still pissed off about the you know who situation#weeks and weeks they leaked videos of him (which probably fucking was her in hindsight) and tried to misconstrue words#only for them to finally land on he watched problematic anime :( and i saw so so many txt accounts on here and twitter immediately hop on..#...without knowing anything about anything immediately denounce him as a freak for watching a SHOW and commanding people be 'critical of...#...their faves' despite using any critical thinking skills about the situation at all. they heard third hand he had watched an anime...#...with a scene that show literally framed as bad and were like i'm not parasocial!! he's a creep!!#like you guys did that i watched you guys do that in real time to yourselves#it's like that post i rbd about kate middleton a few weeks ago where everyone acts like becoming part of an internet mob is always...#...someone else's fault like they were being compelled to post about her against their will like you guys did that too#someone like redacted may have planted the seed but you guys are always stupid enough to run with it and blow it up#oh i forgot this bit but i see kpop fans pride themselves on not being parasocial and are all OFC i am critical of my faves 💅#and then being critical is believing the first person on twitter that says something bad about them like that's not critical!!#obviously there are bigger problems with **** and idk this lady but the amount of fans that have been like so she's the kdrama villain...#...and i am a poster lead innocently astray by everything! is so. yeah sure.#pat yourself on the back for that one
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a-a-a-anon · 5 months
any other asian/poc sunny fans in awe of how popular the "solves the north korea situation" episode still is. not rcg perpetuating the infantilization of asian women (as if an asian child looks the same as an asian woman right?) and the tiger mom stereotype, having a scene where an asian person just happens to know martial arts, and having the asian characters speak in super exaggerated accents all in one episode (listen to tania's/sun li's real accent here). and then when it came to talk about it in the podcast they were half apologetic but mostly embarrassed/awkward for like 2 minutes and then kinda just moved past it. "our hearts were in the right place." it's all so different from when they portray the gang doing racist things because in this case they're portraying asian people as though they're Like That (in this universe).
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2023himbotournament · 2 years
You know what I can be openly and unabashedly biased if I want
anyway so uh #milksweep he has Found Families (photographic evidence:)
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makerofmadness · 2 years
I have officially seen someone say that yogurt cream cookie is problematic I think. Like what did the prettyboy (affectionate) ever do to you.
though in all seriousness I'm guessing it has to do with the general "middle eastern" inspiration for yogurca. Like, just smooshing a bunch of different middle eastern cultures together into one thing. And also making it desert-themed since that's a stereotype about the Middle East that people have I think (just. All desert).
And the person was basically saying do not interact if you like yogurt cream. Presumably for this reason.
maybe there's more to it but I don't know because i'm an uncultured swine
But like. I'm of middle eastern descent (more specifically Iranian/Persian, which I have also noticed some trace of in Yogurca [e.g. the use of the word "bazaar," which is a farsi word). And I still really like yogurt cream. He's one of my favorite characters.
Like sure you can argue he's a bit "problematic" for what I stated above but like. That doesn't mean you can't like him while still being critical. And even then it's not like THAT bad (I'd still call it bad but it's not like. Trying to actively portray middle easterners negatively or anything).
Or does my opinion just not matter despite this kinda concerning me???????
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