#i was the weird kid in school that would befriend the Freak kids nobody else wanted to
abra-ka-dammit · 2 years
a video of a comedian with tourette's crossed my dash a couple days ago and i keep thinking about it because i realized id never actually.... experienced someone with tourettes? like it was a Concept in my mind that i knew existed and was out there but i'd never encountered it, and finally seeing it happen with a real life person was... idk, kinda jarring? because watching him i was like. yeah... if i didnt know what was going on id be pretty freaked out by that thing he keeps doing. and since my main touchpoint of tourette's knowledge was a south park episode largely mocking it, i only had a vague idea of what a real person with tourette's was like. obvs i knew it was more than randomly screamed obscenities but written descriptions of tics really dont do the actual acts justice when seen live, so it really was like. being slapped in the face with A New Thing I Don't Understand--which of course depending on the person can either lead to fear-based hate or acceptance of the new thing. i like to try to be the latter person.
and in my life, honestly just plain exposure has almost always been what makes me emotionally connect with "minority" groups, especially of the medical variety. its easy not to empathize with groups you don't belong to if you never actually have to see or hear them. it's easy to hate, then, too. without exposure to them, "people with tourette's" can just be a theoretical group of people you don't need to care about, because hey they must not number enough to matter because you don't think you've ever met one. hell, maybe they're not even real! but being introduced to real people who are Real Dementia Patients, Real Autistics, Real Tourette's Havers, etc.... seeing their human faces, hearing their human voices, seeing their movements and behaviors, learning about who and what they are and their experiences as that minority from their own lips; it helps you see them as human, and their status a human one.
theres not really an ending thought here. just having that wild experience of seeing something atypical "in real life" and coming to terms between my instinctual "what the fuck" and my logical "he has a disorder" to meet at "that's a person with a life experience I will never have or truly understand but i have no reason to discriminate against them for it, because they're really just another person"
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nightsoulsworld · 3 years
Hello Bestie, I have a request for a song fic with bayverse Donnie with the song Gotta Be Somebody By Nickleback
I dont really have an idea for it, maybe fluff if ya could
Thank you!
Hello, bestie ! Thank you for your ask! I hope you will like it. If you don't like it, message me anytime 💜💜
Sorry for any mistakes in song fic ♥️
Words: 1,037
Here we go
Donnie x Reader
Somebody to love
When Donnie met Reader, he never thought that he fall head over heels for them. The Reader was from the start very polite and nice to them. They were so happy that they are not with the people who thinks that they're freaks or monsters. Donnie immediately befriend them, cause both of them share the same interests and Donnie find finally somebody who understands him and his nerdy stuff. Of course, soon he felt more for them. He was completely amazed by them and he wanted really badly tell them how he feels, but he was afraid of that what they would think. He don't want them to think that he's weird or something.
Here he is, hanging out in his lab with them. But he can't focused on project in front of him, he just can't. The Reader and Donnie acts more like couple than best friends. They always cuddle, they share really big and long hugs, sometimes they give him little kisses on his cheeks. Donnie put his favorite song GOTTA BE SOMEBODY by NICKELBACK. Little bit more louder, but both of them love this song and they don't mind. Reader was lost in the thoughts. They don't focused on project either. They just stare at it.
This time I wonder what it feels like
To find the one in this life
The one we all dream of
But dreams just aren't enough
So I'll be waiting for the real thing
I'll know it by the feeling
The moment when we're meeting
Will play out like a scene straight off the silver screen
Donnie noticed and after few minutes he asked them; Okay, what's wrong? Something bothering you ? I'm fine,thanks Donnie. He don't take it from them. No, you're not! Are you sad ? Are you hurt? Did I do something? I said something to you ? He asked with inhuman speed. No,it's not you. Then what ? You know how you helped me study on that exam from Biology we had today. He don't forget. Yea, of course. Well, in school kids were laughing at me, calling me names cause I had from that exam 100%. Only me. Oh man. Y/N, come here. Donnie pull them into a hug and he rubs their back. Don't worry Y/N, those people don't appreciates how smart and intelligent you are. You know, the thing about smart people is that they seem like a crazy people to dumb people. Heh, you're right. Thank you Donnie. He kiss them on hair and rested his head on top of their and replied : Anytime Y/N. Anytime.
So I'll be holding my breath
Right up 'till the end
Until that moment when
I find the one that I'll spend forever with !
He took them to his bedroom, he closed the door behind them. Both of them say down on his circle bed and Reader after some minutes said : Can I be honest? Please, he replied. I've always loved the idea of not being what people expect me to be. This sentence made Donnie laugh that adorabl dorky laugh with his snort that make the Reader's heart melt. They always had thing for the nerdy turtle. They start to laugh with him. He makes them happy and they really appreciates that from him, even if he don't know what they feel for him.
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me like that
Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
Out on the street, out in the moonlight And, damn it, this feels so right
It's just like Déjá Vu
Me standing here with you
Donnie and Reader can clearly hear that song from his lab and as the big fans of this song they start to dance around the room and lip singing to lyrics. They have great time, Donnie twirl them and they giggled with that giggle that got him everytime.
So I'll be holdin' my breath
Could this be the end?
Is it that moment when I find the one that I'll spend forever with?
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me like that
Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
Ooh! You can't give up
When you're lookin' for a diamond in the rough
Because you'll never know when it shows up
Cause it could be the one, the one you're waiting on
Donnie pick them up and he twirl them in the air. They only laugh and when he slowly get them back on their feet, both of their chests touching, they both feel chemistry between them . They look into each others eyes and in the heat of this moment, they leaned in and he kissed them slowly.
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
And everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me, oh!
Nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
When they pulled away, big grins on their faces, he told them:Y/N, you're really amazing and beautiful, I love you with all my heart, will you do me a honor and will you be my girlfriend? Ohh, Donnie. I love you too and I will be more than happy to be your girlfriend. They said and he only smiled and hug them with one more, twirl. They lay down on his bed and they were cuddling and talking now as a couple. Soon, they fall asleep with big grins, dreaming of each other.
Nobody wants to be the last one there Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
There's else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
The end
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I hope you like it 💖💖💖
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hasliaran · 3 years
Undertale is owned by Toby Fox
Sooner or Later You’re Gonna be Mine is written by Staringback.
TimeHealsTale - Still a WIP by me.
Meet my undertale OC from TimeHealsTale which is an AU living rent free in my head. They are a canon MC that replaces the real Sans (age 5) after he got dumped into a tub of Void by Gaster to be forgotten.
Name: Comic Sans Du Font (Comic/Komi)
Age: 22 (5 years younger than canon Sans and 8 years older than Paps)
Job: Monster Healer that does House-calls. (Not a Judge; Sans disappeared because he was a Judge)
Profile in Game: Toriel’s Contact, The Smuggler, Summon Healer (after befriending; limited to 5 calls (diff. work phone no.); rapid calls will assume it’s a prank and not be picked up for a certain period of time.)
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This is not her usual outfit but I just really wanted to post it.
In my head, the scene goes …
- she fell into the void trying to pull out a deformed still 5 years old Sans when she was going through her father’s stuff in his lab dungeon. (Occurred after the barrier broke)
- Sans was in a mega huge test tube floating in pitch black Void essence (frozen in stasis as no time passes through Void), so she couldn’t see anything or knew he was inside. Only after she accidentally tipped it over, smashing it to pieces, when trying to push it out of the lab that she realised there was an effing toddler inside it.
“Dad, seriously?” Comic got fed up already with the mess her father left behind after he got scattered.
- Cue her trying to grab the kid out of the muck only to fall in and be dropped down into another universe with the little one.
(Yes, this is the multiverse travel scene excuse and I love it)
Back then, Sooner or later your gonna be mine just uploaded a new comic chapter on YouTube. Hence, my brain went overdrive and said it’s a free real estate. So, I imagined the duo getting found by the skeleton brothers before the story started from rumours of them pillaging around trash sites, random food thefts and small skeletons offering up to do odd jobs.
Other skeletons than them, huh, curious.
Them skeletons in that story was already huge as heck though, now imagine a five a year old and a roughly five foot skeleton with a slight build running around what was essentially a mob era in the 1920’s.
The first thing that would go through their thick skulls was KIDS, THEY ARE KIDS, WHO HERE F***ED AND DIDN’T USE PROTECTION ?!
So much shenanigans from just trying to chase them down. ^_^
In the end, Komi and Void/V (little Sans; Komi’s not that creative at naming) were lured in by food, an offer for a roof over their heads and warm baths. Yep, tragic.
Little sans doesn’t look like a sans anymore here but a mere smooth skull shell with two big eye sockets and nothing else. I meant that literally. No lips or teeth as those were melted away and a pitch black body with stumps for legs. (look at Hollow Knight; Ghost but without the horns and has smoothen out round cheeks at least. I love that game.)
The last thing he remembered was that his aunt (step sister actually but he knows her as auntie) giving birth in the Underground Hospital and his uncle (Gaster) pushing him into a tub of black liquid, watching him drown.
And now he can’t talk since his lips is sealed shut.
Moreover, someone with his name who looks like a lot like his auntie and a bit like his uncle was dragging him around somewhere. It’s hella weird and confusing and he can’t cry properly. (Yes, HK reference here)
Yes, there is a story here for the duo that will coincide with SoLY’reGBM. Mostly, with Komi claiming Bara Sans courting skills were lame as hell no wonder Frisk ran screaming. This happen only at the time they were all comfortable enough to diss each other. Still, she and V were treated like sassy annoying younger siblings.
One’s assumed to be a teenager another a preschooler. So both were admitted to schools by force and with threats for Komi by Gaster since he didn’t want them in the house 24/7. Also to just enjoy the fact they have money now to send someone in their place to experience school. Papyrus here loves it that someone gets to experience and tell him all about while also not being the youngest in the family anymore.
Komi, in hindsight was 50/50 about it. Hating the idea at first before going, huh, maybe it’s not so bad… Hence the outfit up there. ^
She only has been to pre-school when her mother was alive and nothing else since, Gaster, her father, deeming it useless and only had been homeschooled by him. As much as you could call being locked in a room and told to read/answer these sheets of questions or not she’s never allowed to feed Papyrus as homeschooling activities. It happened in a period of when she was 10 - 14, so Paps would be 2 - 6. Damn well, she learned to memorise and spit everything out like a photocopier.
Seeing the Gaster in this universe sorta freaks her out. Making her wait to be ordered and when she doesn’t gets the order or the orders were just a pat on the skull and be told to behave, nothing else. She will proceed to look at him funny only to realise that oh, this is not dad. The three brothers can see that gal there has been through some shit and it’s not the fun kind. This also makes them question whether they should let them go back to wherever they came from, and that’s a whole other bag of fish to fry.
Komi knows they are a mob family, accepts it because hey her dad had a dungeon where he cuts up humans and eats SOULs for breakfast so why not this?
Only to find out they are pretty nice for a family and was this what a family suppose to be like? She liked it.
Komi with V/Void -, I will protect you my new baby brother that I have adopted at first sight with my body and SOUL. Which she does, she was raised with her Papyrus who was always aimed at gunpoint by her father. Basically, a rinse and repeat cycle situation in her eyes. Only to find out that no, nobody was out to get V!
She felt so gosh darn free in this universe but felt as though she was missing something all the time.
Yep, her found family from back home. So, definitely gotta get out of here somehow.
While also going to high school and befriending your adopted uncles’s enemy’s niece. Fuku Fire. Definitely not telling them what she did. They are gonna get so pissed.
Fuku - I have befriended the cool kid that’s not afraid to talk back against adults and was already a pro in home economics, who is also a skeleton Monster, meaning from a rival family. My parents and Uncle *pedo* Grillby must never know.
Comic will also be going through the motions of life here while figuring out how V’s powers work to send them back home and be getting a supply of Uncle’s favourite mustard since he’s been bitching about it every day by now.
He and Gaster will most definitely never know.
Nah, they know. Comic is a freaking blabber mouth that tells everything to this version of Papyrus just like she does in her own universe. Confirmed, she’ll be outed within 3 days by Paps and a fight about who she befriends was not their business.-at Gaster - who then sees it as an opportunity. Which leaves her storming out yelling they are all the same. Gaster and her Gaster.
Shit goes down that day, and everything went A-okay. Komi would make attempts to not overlap her father’s image over this guy because really, this Gaster is the farthest thing to her dad that’s a centuries old psychopath craving the secrets of the multiverse who would instead have not let her run out the house unscathed for yelling nor talked through things with her when she was brought back.
Darn guy was pretty nice.
Sans and Papyrus of this universe : who are you and what have you done to our brother?
G: What was that?
S&P: Nothing. S: (mutters under his breath) bias piece of sh*t
Then there’s that scene where they now got a new area to govern. Komi and V finds it weird but okay. *shrugs*. It felt like they were going to govern their territory or something. Sounds like basic Royal Guards one-o-one shtick her middle bro’s and friends’ kinda work. Seems simple enough.
It was not simple. I repeat, it was not simple.
G: No, we do not have to patrol the area.
G: No, we do not do shifts to monitor criminal activities.
G: It’s just an area that we will get a claim to.
G: But I need the humans here to be comfortable with Monsters, so I am going to let loose Papyrus on them. Since, we also have you two as well. Feel free to interact with the Humans. Tell me if anyone gives you three any trouble, Sans and I will personally deal with it.
S: wut? Yes? Yep, whatever he says goes. Better listen to your elders, brats.
P: Really, Sans?
C: So-, you want us to help around with the people in the area? Like charity work? Give free food and all that?
G: (how did she jumped to that? but otherwise, she’s not wrong.) … Yes-, that. Feel free to use your green magic on them as well if you have to but only when necessary. I don’t want you to suddenly disappear because your own loose lips.
C: Alright. (Does an excited fist pump) This is gonna be awesome~! …. Heyyy, did you just-
P: And I will be sure to guard them. (No arguing here from the other brothers)
V: (pouts and hand signed) N-O-T—B-A-B-Y
P: (could only stare at this being that barely reaches his kneecaps) Of course, little one.
All I know is, all of them are sassy sarcastic shits and there’s way more to be continued here.
So byeeee~
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First Impressions
Summary: The Marauders meet in the train and get sorted into Gryffindor
REMUS P.O.V After that night my life changed forever. The night I was bitten. I don't quite remember much about my life before. But I know for sure my parents were happier. They support me I know. But I can see how my mum suffers and how my dad secretly hates who I am. He knew the Wizarding World better. Dad wanted me to avoid any discrimination. He told me they might lock me up at the Ministry. Therefore I couldn't go out to play, make any friends. Basically stay at home the most time possible. It was only the three of us who knew that secret. My dad made sure nobody else knew.
I had accepted Hogwarts wasn't a possibility for me. Dad didn't like talking about it. He said there was no use talking about Hogwarts if I wasn't going. So he taught me some spells and magic from an early age. But when I turned 11, the most funny thing happened. A man with a long silver beard who wore a tunic and pointy hat, came to visit us one day. He talked with my parents first. I heard them argue. And then the man talked to me.
"Hello Remus" he said smiling "Hello" I said looking at him strangely "I don't mean to be rude, but who are you?" The man smiled "My name is Albus Dumbledore. Headmaster of Hogwarts" I thought he was gonna tell me I wasn't able to go. I had it coming. But he took a letter from his pocket. It had my name. "Here is your letter" he said giving it to me "Inside you will find the instructions on how to get there and what to buy" "To go where?" I asked "To Hogwarts. The school of Witchcraf and Wizardry" he answered paciently "You would like to go, don't you?" Of course I wanted. But I couldn't. I looked at my parents. Mom had tears on her eyes, but she was smiling at me. Dad had an unreadable expression. "I can't sir" I said looking down "Why is that?" "Because I'm..." I looked at my father again. He nodded "I'm a werewolf" It was the first time I said it out loud. Normaly that word was forbidden at home. "So?" he asked like he knew. Like it was the most normal thing in the world. "I'm a monster" I answered "I could hurt someone" "You won't. We have all the measurements to avoid that to happen Remus. I explained everything to your father" I looked at my dad. He didn't seem happy. "Leave everything to me" he continued "The only question is, would you like to go?" I looked at my parents again. Was this safe? Could I? "You can go sweety" my mother said Dumbledore looked at me intensly. "Yes" I said very quiet "Yes" I repeated more loudly "I would like to go" "Then it's settled" he said smiling "I'll see you on September first Remus"
For the next few days my father was really in a bad mood. He and mom fought a lot. The reason? Me going or not going to Hogwarts. My dad didn't want me to, he said it was dangerous, my mom disagreed. I was tired of being locked up. And I was going, even if they wanted it or not. Mr. Dumbledore said it was safe, didn't he? So my mother took me to buy my school tools. "I'm taking your son to buy what he needs" she said Dad didn't answer. "You have to accept it Lyall and let him grow. He deserves to have a normal life" Mum always supported dad, he knew best about the magical world. But she sounded really angry. Dad didn't respond but directed my mum on how to get there.
I bought my supplies without any complication. Mom said I could get anything, that I shouldn't worry about money. And on September first, I couldn't hide my excitement. "Remus" my dad said waiting for me on the kitchen. "Say goodbye to your mum. I'm taking you to King Cross"
We drove there on a muggle car. Dad said he wanted to talk to me. The first minutes were very silent. I just felt very nervous. "Are you exicted?" my dad finally asked I nodded "And very nervous" He smiled "That is normal. I felt the same way on my first day" I smiled at that "You'll love it though" he said "Hogwarts is the most wonderful place on earth. A big castle. It has a lake and a forest. You can visit the local town Hogsmade. Believe me son. It is beautiful" I got more and more excited. Suddenly my nerves stopped. My dad usually didn't talk about Hogwarts. But I was enjoying how excited he sounded about that place. "What house were you in?" I asked "I was in Ravenclaw" he answered smiling
When we got to King Cross my heart was beating fast. I couldn't wait to see Hogwarts. When we got to Platform 9 & 3/4, I saw the Hogwarts Express. I couldn't be more happier. All of these was real. I almost run into the crowd when my dad stopped me. "Remus" he said. He had tears on his eyes. "I'm gonna miss you. You just be careful okay? And don't let..." "Anyone know about me" I finished "I know dad. Don't worry" My dad hugged me, really tight. "I'm glad you can go" he whispered into my ear. I had tears on my eyes. I was gonna miss my parents so much. They were everyone I knew. My only friends. "I love you dad" And I left very happy. I pushed myself into the crowd and I gazed at my father one last time.
The Platform was crowded with people yelling, saying goodbye, crying. But a certain boy got my attention. He had the most ridiculous hair I've ever seen. It looked like a big net. His mother was trying to contain his messy hair. "James Fleamont Potter" the woman said "this happens when you use magic on your father's hair potion" "Well I looked ridiculous with it" the boy protested "You look ridiculous now" she said trying to use her wand to fix it. Each time it got bigger. "Oi mum" he said avoiding her touch "People are watching". I couldn't avoid laughing. Not only for his hair, and his name Fleamont, but because I'd never been around boys my age. And I was happy. They were just like me. But the boy noticed me. Too late. "What are you laughing at freak?" he asked annoyed "Nothing" I said going red "James..." his mother warned "He was laughing at us" She smiled at me apologizing. I left before getting into a mess. Remember Remus, you can't make friends. It would make everything complicated. Well as things were going I didn't think I could get a friend any time soon. And as I thought that, I stepped into the train.
SIRIUS P.O.V Blah, blah, blah. I couldn't pay attention to my mother anymore. She spoke some nonsense about how I needed to be a good Black, live up to the family name, and how I should get into Slytherin. Befriend all the children of the 'good families', pureblood families. All I wanted was to get into adventures, do as I please without my parents punishing me. I was just smiling at Reggie. He cried the night before because he didn't want me to leave him alone. I had to make sure he knew I was safe, Hogwarts would be amazing and he could join me next year. Suddenly my mother pulled my ear like she used to. It hurt like it used to. "Aaargg" I protested "Are you listening you little prat?" she whispered in my ear. The thing is that when people were around she acted like a loving caring mother. But she wasn't. "You shall act properly and not do any stupid thing. If I get one letter complaining about your behaivor..." She pressed her fingers press into my ear, making it hurt even more. "You will see child" she continued. She let go off me. My ear was red "Have a good year sweetheart" she said smiling evily. I sighed "Goodbye Reggie" I said as I tried to embrace him. He opened his arms but my mother stopped him. "Go, or you will be late child" she said
So I left wondering into the crowd. I was relieved to be apart from my parents, but I already missed Reggie. I was distracted thinking all that when I bumped into someone. "Oi watch it asshole!" he yelled I looked at him and the first thing I noticed about that boy, was his hair. It look like a net. Bunches of hair pointed everywhere. "Ha" I said as he picked his suitcase from the floor. "What?" he said pissed off. "Nothing" "Watch where you are going, looser" he said "Sorry" I said looking amused at his hair "What happened to your hair?" "Are you making fun of my hair? "No. I think is cool" I said wondering what my mother would say if I had a hair like that. "Bloody asshole. I know you are laughing" he said, then he smiled "Bad experiment with my dad's potion. He made a famous hair potion, you know?" "Oh bloody hell" I said surprised "Are you a Potter?" My mother had told me the bloodtraitor Potters. She said I should befriend the purebloods, didn't she? Well, watch me mother. "You have a problem with that?" "No" I said amused "You are now my best friend. Fancy finding a compartment for the two of us?" The Boy looked at me for a while. "Wicked" he said As we started walking he spoke. "I'm James by the way" "Sirius" I said "Sirius Black"
Turned out James and I had too many things in common. We were both rebels. He told me about all the best pranks he had done. I told him mine. We agreed to make some mischief at Hogwarts. "So tell me Sirius" he asked me "You like Quidditch, right? Because if you don't I'll have to kill you and get another friend" I laughed at that "I'm serious" he said "No, I'm Sirius" I joked. He laughed. "But yeah I love Quidditch. But I haven't played it before" "What??" James was very shocked "My parents don't like it when I play" Or I do anything. "My dad was right" he said "The Blacks are weird... Oh, no offense" I smiled "You're right" I said "They are kind of weird" If only he knew...
Somebody entered the compartment. A ginger girl was there. "Hi" she said "Can I seat here?" She was crying James raised his shoulders. And I gestured her to enter. She came in. We looked at her puzzled but she ignored us looking at the window. A boy with a very greasy hair came in a few minutes later. He looked at us with disgust. "Honestly. I thought it would be only us on the compartment" James whispered to me I nodded. "Did you see that kid's hair?" I asked him. We both giggled. It was greasy and stuck to his face. Ten times worse than James'. The kids talked about some Petunia girl, but honestly I tried to ignored them. James and I kept eating sweets from the trolley he had bought and taking about Quidditch.
"Who wants to be in Slytherin?" said James out of the sudden. Apparently he was paying attention to their conversation. "I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?" he asked me. Shit. Slytherin. Everything my family wanted was for me to be in Slytherin. They would kill me if I didn't get there. But James seemed like a nice lad, I didn't want to lose him. "My whole family had been in Slytherin" "Blimey" he said "And I thought you seemed all right" I was! I was better than my family. "Maybe I'll brake the tradition" I said. I really wanted to. "Where are you heading, if you've got the choice?" Maybe I wanted to be in the same house as James. "Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart, like my father" he said lifting an invisible sword. The boy across them made a disgusting sound. "Got a problem with that?" James asked him "No" the boy answered "If you'd rather be brawny than brainy" What was this kid's problem? I needed to defend my new friend. "Where're you hoping to go, seeing as you're neither?" I said James laughed at that and I smiled. The girl stood up and looked at us in dislike. "Come on Severus, let's find another compartment" "Oooo..." we imitated her. She was very annoying. "See ya, Snivellus!" I said as we laughed. "Nice one mate" said James "You are funny" "Tell me about it" I said smiling
We talked a bit more for a while. When two boys entered. "Can we sit here?" a chubby boy with blond hair asked. "We were kicked out of the other compartment. Two older students wanted to snog" he made a disgusting expression. As the next boy came in James groaned. "You again?" he asked to the skinny boy with sandy hair and a big sweater. He had a few scars on his face. I thought that was interesting. He looked cool. "You know him?" I asked. "He made fun of me and my mum at the platform" James protested "I didn't" the boy said. "Whatever you say weirdo" said James The boys came in. But James and I tried to ignore them. The chubby boy who introduced himself as Peter talked a lot. I mean like a lot. James glanced at me annoyed by him. I smiled. The other boy who's name was Remus sat very quietly reading a book. In no time, the train stopped. "Holy sweetbeans!" said Peter looking through the window "We are here, we are at Hogwarts!" My heart dropped into my chest. Finally I was home. If only Reggie could be here.
JAMES P.O.V Blimey! I was at Hogwarts. It was even more impressive than my dad had told me. I could see the big castle from the station and I smiled. I really needed glasses though, the castle looked blurry but beautiful. Anyway, all the adventures and mischief I could get into. And the thing I was most excited about, Quidditch. I was going to become a professional Player, so I needed to get on the team. Besides I had my new friend Sirius. Dad had told me bad things about the Blacks, but he was different. I had so much fun with him in a few hours, than any other of my friends.
"Firs' years, firs' years these way" I could see the biggest man I've ever met. A few children gasped when they saw him. "Me name's Rubeus Hagrid, keeper o' keys an' grounds at Hogwarts. Follow me, I'll take ya to the castle" "Wicked" I said. I looked at Sirius who seemed very nervous. But he hided it smiling at me.
Hagrid took us to the side of the lake where little boats were waiting for us. The chubby boy wanted to be near us. What an annoying lad. He thought just talking to us made him our friend. He was wrong.
I watched the boy Snivellus and the whining ginger girl get into a boat. I smiled to myself. "Got an idea" I said to Sirius "I think Snivellus needs a hair wash. Don't you think?" Sirius smirked. He knew what I was thinking about. "Leave it to me" he said "But cover me" he took out his wand and I put myself in front of him. As I did I saw the weird kid from the train looking at us in suspicion. "What are you staring at, looney?" I asked. First he made fun of me and my mum and now he was planning to snitch on us. Lucikly he just looked the other way. Sirius said something under his breath moving his wand. Suddenly the first boat turned around and all the kids inside fell into the water.
Everyone laughed. "Good one" I said to Sirius shaking his hand. "Blimey!" said Hagrid who went to save the kids. He helped them to get to the boat again. They were shivering and coughing. Snivellus looked at us like he knew what we did. "What is so funny?" he asked "What Snivellus? You didn't enjoy your swim?" asked Sirius smirking. I laughed. I was having too much fun already. "Yeah" now said the chubby boy "I-I-I think you scared the giant squid" he said Sirius and I laughed even harder. The boy looked pleased to himself. And in the corner of my eye I saw the looney kid rolling his eyes. "At least I don't have a nest for a hair" Snivellus said shivering. Honestly, it had been a mistake. I wanted to make my hair look cool. "Well I can just fix it with shampoo, do you know what that is? I think you don't" I said. Nailed it. All the kids laughed at my comment. "A'right" said Hagrid "Enough o' that. If ya keep fightin' I'll have ter tell Dumbledore"
As we got into the castle. I got more exicted. Hogwarts was amazing. Even from inside. Me and Sirius pointed everywhere smirking. "Welcome children" said a very tall woman "I'm Professor McGonagall and oh..." she stopped looking at the kids that were wet and shivering. "What in name of Godric Gryffindor happened to you?" "Th-the b-boat t-turned by it-tself!" said a boy I smiled to myself. McGonagall looked shocked. "It's not true!" said the girl from the train "It was bewitched. By them" she pointed at us. "What?" I asked "It's true" said Snivellus. Bloody Snivellus. "I saw them" "How can you say it was us?" said Sirius "We didn't do anything" "Yeah, we didn't" I protested but I was worried watching at the chubby boy and the looney. They saw us. But surprisely they didn't say anything. "Oh please, you laughed" said the ginger girl. Honestly how annoying was she. "Beacuse it was funny" I answered "Or because it was your idea" she said "We are 11 year olds, we don't know any spell" "Maybe you do, you're purebloods" "How do you know that?" "I don't, I'm just guessing"
"Enough!" yelled Professor McGonagall "Don't worry Miss. eh..." "Evans" "Miss Evans" she continued "We will find out the responsables" she glared at Sirius and me through her glasses "In the meantime, you will be sorted in one of the four houses: Gryffindor" I smirked "Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin" I made a disgusting sound. The chubby boy laughed. "Follow me" said the Professor ignoring me.
All the fun I had had with Sirius made me forget about the Sorting and suddenly I was nervous. But I tried to hide it. But my friend looked paler. "Don't worry about it" I said "I'm sure we will get into Gryffindor" "How are so sure about it?" he asked I wasn't "I just am. I'm confident. And... We will make amazing pranks mostly every day" I said smiling. Sirius smiled back. "BLACK, SIRIUS" Mcgonagall yelled. Sirius sat and the hat was placed on him. Please be a Gryffindor. Sirius was so cool. I couldn't stand him being in another house. Finally the hat yelled 'GRYFFINDOR!' There was no clapping or cheering, just pure silence. I saw the Slytherin table. Everyone was shocked or angry. I decided to be the first to clap. Then everyone followed me. Everyone except the Slytherins. As Sirius passed to the table I smiled at him and we hit palms. He was pale. Why? He was in Gryffindor. Many names passed. Evans, the ginger girl got into Gryffindor as well. I could see Snivellus pale expression. "I guess not even your girlfriend stands Slytherin or you" I told him. "Shut up" he responded Few other names passed. I was getting more and more anxious. The looney boy also got into Gryffindor. Really? "Seriously they let anyone in" I commented. The chubby boy laughed awkardly. By the time he got into Gryffindor as well I lost my pacience. Honestly if Snivellus got into my house as well I was gonna get mad. Finally Mcgonagall called my name. As I walked toward the chair, I got a weird sensation. What if I didn't get into Gryffindor? What if I got into Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw or worse Slytherin? People like Evans, or the looney kid or the chubby one could get into Gryffindor but not me? I sat down as my heart beated fast. But the hat nearly touched my head when it yelled 'GRYFFINDOR'. And I smiled like a maniac. "Yes!"
PETER P.O.V I really liked Remus. He was the first person I talked to. And he had been so nice. Then I met James and Sirius. Being their friend would be incredible. And they didn't like Remus. At least James didn't. But they were my dormmates now. And Remus was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he decided Hogwarts was too much for him and decided to leave? I tried not to think too much about it.
James and Sirius were chatting on James' new bed. I decided to join them. "...and honestly did you hear? That Evans girl was going to give us away. What a prig. Maybe we should prank her as well" James was saying "Yeah I know" responded Sirius "Oi, do you think she and Snivellus are dating?" he asked smirking "Argg, disgusting mate" James said and Sirius laughed "Although they would make a great couple, you know? Annoying one and annoying two" Sirius smirked. "Who? The ginger girl?" I asked "Oh she is pretty, right?" They both looked at me. "Speaking of annoying" James whispered to Sirius. Then he looked at me smiling "Mate" he said "What was your name again?" I blushed. "Peter" "Peter" said Sirius "There's your bed. Why don't go to organize your things or something?" James tried to hide his laughter. Oh boy, being friends with them was going to be way more difficult than I thought. "Okay" I said standing up and going to my bed. The boys continued chatting. Suddenly Remus got into the dorm. And everyone looked at him. I smiled. "Hi" I said coming towards him He smiled at me. "Where were you?" I asked "Everyone picked up a bed already. There's yours" I said pointing at the one near the door. "Any bed is fine" he answered smiling. "I was taking to Dumbledore" I stopped listening, looking at his scars. I wanted to ask him what were those for. I've never watched a kid like that before. But I didn't dare to. "So, Looney" said James to Remus "Don't mind me asking, how did you get those scars?" I was shocked at his question. And I admired his confidence. Why couldn't I be like that? Remus looked pale. He didn't answer. "I think those are cool" Sirius said smirking "You're like a rebel. Did you get into fighting on the street?" "He looks like a pirate" I said smiling "Wicked" "Like a what?" Sirius asked. I forgot he was a pureblood. Before I could respond, James spoke. "So? Looney? Are you gonna answer?" Remus sighed. He probably had been asked that many times before. "I fell of my bike, when I was little" he said James and Sirius looked at each other. "What's a bike?" they asked at the same time. I laughed at that. Remus and I smiled at each other. We were the only ones who knew about the muggle world. Remus rolled his eyes and went to his bed closing the curtains.
The next weeks passed too quickly. And I tried to befriend James and Sirius. But they seemed to ignore me. And Remus was trying to ignore them. Hiding in his books. I wish I could tell you Remus and I became best friends. I really liked him, and we talked now and then. But I honestly prefered being with the other boys. They seemed like they had fun. So one day at Potions I overheard them speaking about their next prank. They were planning on painting the slytherins hair pink. "Sounds great" I said "I could help" "Honestly" James said "Who is taking to you?" I ignored him. "Maybe I could be the distraction. You know how much I love to talk" "Or maybe you can shut up" James said a little too loud. "Boys" Professor Slughorn said "Eyes on your potion" "Maybe he's right" whispered Sirius "we do need a distraction, to get the ingredients for the potion" I smiled to Sirius. "Have you gone mad Black?" James asked "Potter! Just imagine our sweet Snivellus with greasy pink hair. He'd be a sensation" We looked at Snivellus sitting two tables away. James smiled. "Fine" he said "But if you spoil this Pettigrew, we'll never speak to you again" "Thank you!" I said. Professor Slughorn glanced at me so I lowered my voice "I promise I won't dissapoint you. I think we are going to have so much fun and then we could..." "Hush" said Sirius And I stopped talking but I was smiling.
The prank was a success. We got detention. But it was worthy. I was part of the group. I felt bad for Remus though, he was lonely. Always reading some book or something. I could tell the boys to include him, but I was scared of losing them. It wasn't until Professor McGonagall paired us up together, that I spoke to him.
"It feel like ages since we've talked" I said to him. "Because now you hang out with your new friends" he said looking at James and Sirius. "I'm sorry I..." "It's fine Pete" he said smiling "I'm not good at friendships anyway" "Why?" I asked him He didn't answer. "Besides, I don't know why you like them. There are both idiots" "They are actually not. They are cool" "Pete, they treat you like shit" I didn't answer. I didn't know what to say. Partially it was true. But I like being around them. I felt powerful.
It wasn't until the end of October that something changed. We were gathered in our dorm. Planning the next prank for Halloween. Dancing skeletons to be placed on each table. "You want some sweets?" I asked Remus who was sitting on his bed reading a book. He looked oddly sick. He said no and continued to ignore us. "I told you he is weird" James whispered. Sirius looked at Remus curiously. "Anyway let's continue" said James "What spell do we know that would make them move?" "Tarantallegra" I suggested "No but we need them to do what we want them to" We all thought for a while. Until Remus sighed "The Locomotion Charm" he said. "Who asked you, Looney?" said James "Wait shh James" said Sirius "What did you say?" Remus sighed again "You can control them with that one" "We could use that one" Sirius suggested to James "What?" James asked But Sirius ignored him at looked at Remus "Can you teach us? We could get you some chocolate or something" Remus was silent for a while, but then he rolled his eyes "Fine" "Okay, Looney" said James "But if doesn't work, you're gonna pay for it"
It worked. The skeletons were a success and we didn't get detention because Dumbledore liked them. He said they were appropiate for the festivities. A few days later as we sat at breakfast, Sirius yelled: "Hey Lupin" Remus looked at him "Come sit with us" "Mate" James protested "Why did call him?" "He is a genius. We could use that kid for future pranks. And he is our dormmate Potter. Grow up" "Shuttit" James protested I couldn't avoid feeling a bit jelaous. And insecure. I really liked Remus, I did. But what if James and Sirius decided he was better or cooler than me? What if I lose them? And end up having not friends at all? "James is right he is kind of annoying" I said "See?" James said pointing at me "I thought you liked him" Sirius said "I do" Remus sat next to me. "What's up?" Sirius smiled at him "How are you Lupin?" "Good" Remus looked at us but no one spoke. "So, what? Do you want me to teach you another spell? Because I would like more chocolate for it" Sirius laughed. "You're funny" He was paying him more attention than he ever payed to me. Don't be jelaous Pete. They are not going to abandond you. Right? "He's not funny" James whispered "That spell you gave us was useful" Sirius continued "Where did you learned it?" "Emm... My dad taught me some spells before coming here" "Wicked" "Why did he tought you spells if you were gonna learn them here?" James asked "Just in case?" "Maybe you could be useful for our next mischief" Sirius continued "Sirius..." James protested "What?" Sirius asked "We all agree he is brilliant" Here we go. Maybe Remus would be better friend than me. Please James say something. "I mean..." said James "Oh please James..." said Sirius making a pout "Agree with me. It is my Birthday" "What?" I asked "It is your Birthday mate? Why didn't you say anything?" James asked "I'm saying it now" "Happy Birthday Sirius" I said "Happy Birthday" Remus said "Thanks" then he looked at James "So?" "Let me ask you something, Lupin" James said looking at Remus "Why did you made fun of me and my mum?" Remus smiled "I wasn't... I mean I kind of was. Your hair was a mess?" Sirius laughed "C'mon mate, your hair looked ridiculous that day" James fumed at Sirius with his glare. "I didn't make fun of you" I said trying to still feel included. "I thought it was cool" "Thanks Pete" said James. I felt relieved James was speaking to me for once in a good tone. "I guess we could give the Loo... Lupin a chance" Sirius smiled. And Remus blushed. "What do you think Pete?" asked Sirius Wait, was he asking my opinion? I felt I wasn't part of the group. That they were only using me. But I was wrong. They were asking for my opinion. Suddenly I felt relieved. I was their friend. The boys looked at me. I smiled "It would be amazing for Remus to join" Remus blushed even more. But he smiled. "So it's settled" said Sirius smiling "Up to plan the next prank boys" "Wait" said Remus "Who said I wanted to be part of your gang?" but he smiled. We all laughed at that.
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 years
The Other ML Crossover Nobody Wanted
How many of you have read Petshop of Horrors?
No wait! Come back! I swear it’s not too horrible this time!
In a non-Miraculous version of events, Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a bullied and lonely girl. She’s creative and resilient, but has few friends and low self esteem.
Things happen similarly to Origins in canon. The first day of school comes and she’s already figuring it’s bound to be another bad year. Her parents attempt to help by sending her off with a box of macarons to share to try and make friends.
Only instead of Master Fu, she happens to run into a rather peculiar man. Androgynous. Different colored eyes. Long nails. And wearing full oriental clothing.
She helps him and even offers him one of the her bakery’s macarons (which he loves). And somehow, he can tell she has problems. Despite herself, she admits to her fears and her desire to have friends.
The strange man introduces himself as Count D, and as a way of thanking her, he directs her to his Petshop, where he says he sells hopes and dreams. And he offers to find her her perfect companion.
With little else for it, she decides she’ll at least check it out and agrees to go with him.
At the petshop, he offers to give her a pet that will help her and takes her to the back of his store...which strangely seems bigger inside than it should be. He leads to to a particular room.
And inside is a young blond boy who D says is going to be her new pet.
“You can’t just give me a boy as a pet!”
“Don’t be silly. This is a cat.”
Despite the Count’s reassurances, Marinette remains skeptical, but ends up having little choice in the matter. D tells her that this “pet” will help with her problems. And the boy (who calls himself “Chat Noir”) insists on going with her and swears to protect her.
She’s reluctant and demands to know the catch. D is impressed she bothers to ask, but remains vague. At best, he reassures her that as long as she’s good to him, he will return the favor.
So Marinette returns home with a “cat”. Said “cat” is very affectionate and rather needy of her attention. But he’s a great listener and will let Marinette vent to him all of her feelings. He’s also supportive and encourages her. He becomes her friend, as weird as he is.
She wants real friends.
The next day, when she goes to school, she discovers a new student.
Who is her cat.
She panics and tries to hide him, only to discover that everyone else sees him as a regular kid. Not only that, he’s pretty and popular and Marinette vicariously becomes popular for knowing him. She doesn’t really like this though since she figures people are only really interested in her because she knows him.
While “Adrien” is getting along with the other members of class, Marinette goes off by herself to begrudge his interference in her social life. Chloe of course takes the chance to antagonize Marinette and try to steal her seat to sit behind this cute new boy she’s heard about. This is how Marinette meets and befriends Alya, who is also a new student. Together, they stand up to Chloe and decide to be friends.
Chloe goes off in a huff, and they think that’s the end of it.
But once class starts, Chloe sees “Adrien” and freaks.
It turns out that Chat Noir in this human form looks just like a boy Chloe knew. A childhood friend of hers named Adrien Agreste.
Chat gets a little down after this and doesn’t want to talk about it. Which is fine by Marinette, because that is what the internet is for! And new best friend Alya is on the case to help her solve this mystery—because this Alya is a fan of mysteries, and a new transfer student from out of nowhere who looks just like a kid who died is definitely a mystery. And possibly supernatural.
With Alya’s help, Marinette discovers a young male model named Adrien Agreste, son of Gabriel Agreste of the fashion company. Adrien was a model for his father’s brand until he collapsed one day and passed away suddenly. Gabriel Agreste has been holed up in his mansion ever since, and has refused to leave his home or make any public appearances. But he has been known to have a particularly volatile temper, seemingly going out of his way to upset people for unknown reasons.
Chat Noir develops a strange interest in the case and asks to visit. She’s wary, but agrees and takes him to the mansion. Somehow, he knows the access codes to unlock the gates and doors, and manages to get her inside.
The mansion is strangely empty.
They work their way through the rooms, including Adrien’s old bedroom, which looks like it’s been untouched for at least a year. They eventually find their way to Gabriel’s office.
And discover a secret entrance to a hidden basement below.
Down there, they discover a pale, sunken-faced, sickly Gabriel Agreste single-mindedly focused on caring for a strange cocoon. The man is clearly unwell and possibly mad, as he insists the cocoon is his comatose wife. And that everything he’s doing is to wake her.
It becomes clear that like Marinette, Gabriel was also a customer of Count D’s petshop. Only his “pet” is apparently an insect of some sort whom he has been bewitched to see as his dead wife.
Chat Noir is furious and confronts him for neglecting his son for “this”.
The truth comes out.
Adrien Agreste died due to malnutrition, exhaustion, and stress. He had been overworked as a model, working long hours and was kept on a strict diet. Adrien was horribly neglected and desperate to get any sort of approval from his father, so he forced himself to keep at it until his body eventually gave out.
Gabriel Agreste had been a broken man after his wife’s “disappearance”. When he came upon Count D, he was introduced to a “pet”—a cocoon containing an exotic species of moth, which took on the form of his wife in a state of stasis. He signed the contract to keep her and had been focused on “waking” her ever since. To the point of obsession and neglecting all other things.
Including his son.
Chat Noir is strangely angered by this. It takes Marinette’s interference to calm him and keep him from attacking the broken man.
Not that it mattered anymore.
Because Gabriel had a contract for this pet. With three rules of his own to follow:
1. Keep her in a cool space with plenty of moisture.
2. She is an empathetic creature and needs to be stimulated by proximity to high emotions.
3. Do not let her feel isolation.
In lines with these terms, Gabriel had been spending all of his time with her so she would not be isolated. In addition, he had taken to intentionally upsetting people in order to stir up high emotions—often of the negative variety—in some mad attempt to “feed” or stimulate her in hopes she would awaken. In this way, the third rule made sense to him in that if she was empathetic and could sense emotions, she could feel a lack of them and would die if she felt alone.
Gabriel is desperate. He’s been at it for years and still no sign of life from the cocoon. He’s insistent that he keep trying though, because everything will be better once she wakes up.
It’s Marinette who figures out what’s actually happened. And she has to break the news to both Gabriel and Chat.
Gabriel misunderstood the second and third rule of the contract.
For the second rule, she needed to be exposed to high emotions. They didn’t all have to be negative. Happiness counted. Love counted. Excitement and pleasure and bursts of creativity and even all the little mundanities of life would count just fine. But Gabriel thought that the highest emotions were the ones that got the most physical reaction, and had thus been consistently making people around him miserable for this purpose.
Then the third rule, she needed to not feel isolation. For this, he stayed with her constantly. But he failed to realize that this didn’t only mean that she could feel isolated, but that as an empathetic creature, she could feel when OTHERS were isolated.
Like Adrien, whom had been neglected by his father and locked away in his room when he wasn’t being used as a dress up doll.
For years, Gabriel had been exposing her to constant negative emotions of everyone he dealt with and neglecting his own son. That’s a lot of bad feelings he was creating, and a lot of sad/mad/scared/hurt and just all around painful feelings he’d been forcibly exposing her to.
Without realizing it, Gabriel had been poisoning her all along. That’s why she never woke up. And now she never will.
Gabriel refuses to believe it. He breaks down. His wife was lost to him again—for good this time and by his own hand. His son was an unfortunate casualty of his obsession. All former friends and companions driven away. Even his own health and well being was neglected. He was a truly miserable man.
With little other choice, Marinette calls the authorities to get Gabriel some help.
She notices Chat Noir had left and leaves Gabriel to the care of health care workers.
She eventually finds Chat Noir in Adrien’s room.
She also finds a picture there. One of the few of a genuinely happy Adrien Agreste.
And his pet black cat affectionately named “Chat Noir”.
“I hated this room. It was always big but empty. And no matter how much space I had, I always felt trapped. I could never leave. Never go out. Never interact with anyone else.”
“And your room is so much smaller. So I should be worse off there, shouldn’t I? But it’s warm. And so full of life. And you’re there. And I was so…so happy. It was like what home used to be. What home should be.”
“How could that make such a difference? I didn’t understand it. Because I thought…surely he loved me the same, right? He slumped. “I just wanted to know why. That was all I ever wanted. And now I finally do and…I can’t stand it.”
“It just makes me hate this place more.”
“Tell me. Are you…Adrien?”
“I was. I think?” He shook his head. “I don’t know anymore.”
He looked to her, wounded and desperate and practically begging all at once.
“Can I stay with you?”
That night, Marinette slept in her bed, exhausted from the events of the day.
A warm ball of fluff purring as he was held securely in her arms.
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angelicallmemaybe · 4 years
Hermione had known that she was different long before her parents suspected anything. It wasn’t just the flowers that miraculously bloomed overnight after dying in the winter frost that gave told her something was amiss. Nor was it the way that the cruel teacher at her primary school, Mrs Parkett, somehow managed to lose all of her hair in a freak accident after telling Hermione off correcting her spelling. No. It was the ghosts.
The Victorian townhouse that the Grangers lived in was much too big for a family of three. And with her parents working long hours at their dental practice, Hermione was often left to her own devices. None of her schoolmates ever came over; it was hard to make friends when you were constantly infuriated by their improper pronunciation or inability to learn that the word was specifically and most definitely not pacifically. Moreover, it was difficult to make friends when your only companions happened to be invisible friends that nobody else could see.
Although the oak tree that stood in the front garden of the townhouse was resplendent, Hermione couldn’t help feeling that it was perhaps some kind of omen. She knew that they were often considered symbols of death for the way that the leaves would shed, eventually rotting and dying. A symbol of sacrifice. But her parents were excited. Their clinic was doing well, and they’d finally be able to move out of their tiny apartment into an actual house.
“We’ll have room for a library, Mione,” her father had said. She’d been just tall enough for him to pat her shoulder without stooping. “And you’ll be able to invite all your school friends over,” said her mother. Hermione didn’t bother mentioning that she didn’t have any friends. Although she was only ten years old, she was very perceptive; she’d seen the worried glances her parents had cast at each other when she said that there wasn’t anybody in her class she’d like to invite over for her birthday.
Maybe her parents were right to be positive though. After all, whose to say that she wouldn’t befriend one of the kids in the new neighbourhood. Nevertheless, her intuition was right, in a way. The ‘Sold!’ sign outside of their house hadn’t been gone a day when Hermione started hearing things, seeing things.
Lights would flicker off for no reason before switching back on. “It’s just the old wiring,” said her parents. “Lots of old houses are like that.” But they never noticed the way that the light switches moved, as if some invisible being had their hand on the actual switch. If Hermione were being truthful, her parents didn’t notice a lot of things. They had no response when Hermione asked about the laughter that sounded through the house during the dead hours of night. The melodic sound haunting and low, as if whisked away by a phantom breeze.
After Hermione told her parents about that incident, she’d vowed not to tell them about any of the other weird happenings. The ticking of the clock had woken that night. It was an old thing, a gift from a great aunt. And it had broken years ago. And yet, in the new house, it would tick every night. Hermione hadn’t felt scared by its impulsive ticking. Just irritated. She had an algebra exam the next day. What would she do if she didn’t get a full nine hours sleep? She’d padded downstairs, ignoring the chill that went through her as she crossed the threshold of her room. Her parents’ voice glided up toward her, set against the white noise of the static that took hold of the television at stochastic intervals.
"Maybe it’s time to see a psychologist. Or some kind of doctor.”
Her mother’s voice had been hesitant, and wavering, as if she were holding back tears. Hermione held her breath, titling her head in order to hear better. She ignored the handprints that appeared in the condensation of the window by the living room. They were small, the size of a child’s hands, and yet Hermione hadn’t been anywhere near it.
She hadn’t been able to catch her father’s murmured reply. The shrill laughter had cut across the quiet of the living room once again. And yet, her parents seemed oblivious to it.
A tear fell from Hermione’s eye, as she pulled back, padded quickly away from the room and up the stairs. She leaned her head against the faded wallpaper.
“I don’t want to be alone.” Her voice came out, barely a whisper.
“You aren’t alone.” The voice sounded bemused.
Hermione blinked and the figure came into focus. His features were clouded as if he were trapped between worlds, and when she put her hand onto his, she felt that cold sensation yet again. The boy was barely older than she was, and yet he had spent over a lifetime in the house. Watching the newcomers, welcoming them with morse code messages written in the flickering of the lights and scraping of the pipes. Why didn’t anybody notice the way the scrabble tiles on the coffee table always spelled out greetings? Why hadn’t anybody seen that was there always a singular white piece not in formation? A pawn moved ahead a couple spaces, or a white knight waiting valiantly to attack the enemy pieces.
Over time, it became clear that Hermione’s parents were correct in their belief that the new house would do their daughter good. While she didn’t make any new friends with the neighbours’ kids, Hermione seemed perfectly content to while away her hours in the library. Oddly enough, she never seemed lonely. Once or twice, her mother had inquired who her daughter had been conversing with. Hermione had always replied that she was just reciting lines fro her books. Most curious of all, was the fact that Hermione expressed no surprise whatsoever when her letter from Hogwarts arrived. It was if somebody had already told her all about it.
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
About Tash Adaar
I know nobody asked, but I want to tell! :) Check out more about Tash using the tash adaar tag - link here or at the bottom.
what is your inquisitor’s name & race? Ataashi “Tash” Adaar - later Lord Ataashi “Tash” Adaar Hawke-Tethras of Kirkwall.
what is their sexual orientation? When Tash grows up, he prefers the company of men.
what do they look like? Drawing here.
how did they feel about being called “the herald of andraste”? Tash finds it strange, but to be frank, enjoys the preferential treatment he gets from it.
what are their religious beliefs, if they have any? Tash believes in the Maker, but he doesn’t subscribe to the Chant of Light. He has a pretty philosophical belief for one so young, and often wonders if all the gods of all the cultures are real, or if none of them are, or both. Solas’ musings on the Fade do nothing to help him determine the answers.
what is their opinion on the mage/templar war? Tash really wishes everyone would stop fighting each other and talk things out more. He understands why people fear mages, but thinks templars are supposed to protect mages and help them become better, not fight and abuse them.
who is your inquisitor’s best friend? Technically Varric or Cole, although they’re more surrogate family. Being so young, most of the Inner Circle serves a parental or uncle/aunt/older sibling role. So... his best friend might have to be Kieran. Morrigan is a bit surprised at the friendship between them.
who is their rival? Tash has not found it in him to forgive Sera for putting a sack full of lizards over his head and seriously freaking him out. But even so he considers Sera a friend, and while she didn’t apologize, she told him she’d prank anyone he wanted if he asked.
who is their love interest, if they chose one? do you ship them with anyone else/non-romanceable options? Tash is a kid of about 11-12, so no love interests. However... I do sort of ship him with Kieran, as they both are sweethearts, and I think when they’re older, they’ll be really sweet together.
warrior, rogue, or mage? Mage. Knight-Enchanter.
how do they feel about the dalish? Tash thinks the Dalish are unnecessarily unfriendly. He thinks that generally they’re rather mean. However, he is fascinated by the stories of their gods, and pesters Solas to no end for more Dalish tales.
how do they feel about the qun? Tash thinks that the Qun is no better than slavery, and is absolutely disgusted by it. 
how do they feel about the chantry? Tash feels persecuted by the Chantry due to his magic and his horns. He wonders if Cassandra is right and it does more good than ill, but Tash believes that it is unlikely for mortals to actually know the will of the Maker.
which demon is most frightening to them? Imshael was the most frightening demon Tash encountered, even more so than the Nightmare, because Imshael could likely convince anyone to do anything.
did they choose the qun or the chargers in iron bull’s personal quest? why? The Chargers. Not only does Tash have utter disdain for the Qun, he realized that it was a test for Bull and can’t stand how they put him through that. He saves the Chargers without hesitation.
when are they the happiest? Before the Inquisition, he was happiest when his fathers and brother would take him to the Grand Tourney to see the melee. Now he’s happiest sitting in front of the fire, writing or reading while Varric writes on the desk behind him and Hawke plays with the mabari.
how do they feel about the mark/the anchor? Tash feels weird about the mark. It’s definitely useful, and is indirectly responsible for him making so many friends, but he hates when it hurts him, and it makes the whispers he hears grow ever stronger...
upon first meeting cole, were they afraid of him? Tash adores Cole, and loves how he can voice the strange thoughts whirling in the back of his mind. Tash also uses Cole as a human teddy bear sometimes when the nightmares get to be too much, as it reminds him of when his brother used to hug him.
did they use the templars or the mages to close the breach? Tash used the mages, although there’s a part of him that feels very guilty after hearing that Therinfal Redoubt fell to demons.
what was their court approval like at the winter palace? did they have any fun at all? Tash quickly achieved 100 Court Approval at the Winter Palace, mostly by just being polite, despite starting out at a huge deficit due to being a Qunari and a child. Tash loves dancing, and also danced his way to the top of the Court, even getting in dances with Cyril de Montfort and Lady Mantillon.
someone is encroaching on their love interest. how do they respond? Young Tash will be very petty, maybe even set Sera on the encroacher. As he grows older, he becomes more proficient in the Jane Austen school of polite put-downs under the tutelage of Vivienne.
what is their favourite weapon? Tash likes his staff, but he really admires warriors using swords and shields. This stems from his early crushes on the warriors, knights, sellswords, mercenaries, and chevaliers in the Grand Tourney of Markham.
are there any creatures in the wild that they refuse to/are reluctant to kill? why? Fennecs, because they are adorable. He also cried when they had to hunt rams. Tash likes meat, but he prefers not to see it when it was alive. Also Tash doesn’t like killing snofluers because they don’t do anything but waddle around. Tash tends to have a way with animals, even once befriending a bear in the Hinterlands, so he doesn’t like killing any wild animals he’s bonded with.
what is their opinion on blood magic? would they ever use it, if given the chance? Privately, Tash thinks blood magic isn’t so bad if the blood is given consensually. Mostly Tash is afraid of the sight of blood, so he probably would never use it and publicly displays a conservative opinion of the practice. 
what is their favourite place within playable regions? The Storm Coast. Tash loves the combination of the rain and ocean, although the shiny and sparkly Val Royeaux is a close second.
did they feel suspicious of dorian upon first meeting him, because of his tevinter heritage? Tash was slightly afraid of getting to know Dorian because he was afraid the whole Qunari-Tevinter thing would mean Dorian would hate him on principle. But he quickly warmed to Dorian after the altus correctly determined he was a Vashoth.
as a whole, how do they feel about tevinter + the imperium? Tash likes the idea of mages being able to govern, but hates the idea of slavery. Besides, Tevinters tend to hate him on sight, so he’s wary of them. He’s also SO over their pointy outfits and asymmetrical fashion.
did they encourage cullen to continue taking lyrium, or to stop? for what reasons? Tash urged Cullen to stop, not only because Tash gets really weirded out by lyrium, even the blue kind (sometimes he thinks he hears it whispering and refuses to even take lyrium potions) but also because he doesn’t want Cullen to lose his mind to it. Cullen was so ashamed when he threw his lyrium kit and nearly hit Tash in the head with it that he became that much more motivated to quit.
does it bother them to sleep in tents when on the road with the inquisition? Tash dislikes sleeping in tents, because his horns don’t let him get comfortable. It gets even worse after Josephine commissions special horn cushions for him at Skyhold. 
are they an optimist, a pessimist, or neutral? An eternal optimist. An optimist who is scared of everything. Although living with Varric and Hawke makes him slightly more of a cynicial optimist.
if varric wrote a book about your inquisitor, how would they feel about that? Tash loves Varric’s writings, and is super excited and honored to be written about. Of course, it gets annoying later when people start expecting him to be more like his self in the book.
do they get along with vivienne? Tash gets along exceptionally well with Vivienne, to the amusement and confusion of many of the Inner Circle. He respects her skill in both magic and the Game, and although he disagrees with her about the Circles, he even becomes known as her protegee.
are they afraid of anything specifically? Spiders, all insects, Tranquility, blood, darkspawn, dragons, heights, the dark, the Qun, archers, and nugs.
what was their reaction to the destruction of haven? Tash was more than a little traumatized by the events. He already had a fear of dragons, and now he is terrified of them, as well as iffy around fire. Thankfully he helped get most of the people out of Haven or he’d be even more fearful.
how do they feel about “the game”? Tash enjoys playing the Grand Game of Orlais, as he has a natural flair for etiquette, and loves being able to use it to his advantage. He also loves the sparkly masks.
are they especially protective of certain inquisition members, even those capable of defending themselves? Tash had a huge crush on Blackwall, and was very protective of him. Tash is likewise close to Cole, Josephine, Varric, and Cullen.
do they like their skyhold pajamas? Tash finds them to be comfortable, but wants to wear something in brighter colors, immediately going to Vivienne or Josephine to make it happen.
are there any insults they find to be especially offensive? (i.e. “knife ear”/”rabbit” for elves, “oxmen” for qunari, ect.) Tash hates being referred to as an “ox,” but also can’t stand being called “Qunari.” He prefers to be known as a Vashoth, or at the very least a Tal-Vashoth.
if varric gave them a nickname, what would it be? Tash’s nickname is Dimples, for the little divots that appear whenever he smiles, which is frequently.
do they enjoy being the inquisitor? Tash enjoys being able to help people and influence events towards helping people. However he was slightly traumatized at losing his arm and immediately stepped down afterwards.
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happybirthdaydany · 3 years
“This ain't for the best My reputation's never been worse, so You must like me for me
Sometimes I wonder; when you sleep Are you ever dreaming of me? Sometimes when I look into your eyes I pretend you're mine, all the damn time”
Finding people and latching onto them tight with her metaphoric claws was one of Tabby’s many specialities. She chalked it up to being forced to grow up with a family that was only a family by name. The people that shared her blood were crappy and flaky; she’d never tell anybody because it’d sound like she was fishing for sympathy, and she hated when people did that, but she had only seen her mom about three times since turning eighteen. All three of of those times had ended in a screaming match where her mom read her the riot act for being ‘out of control’ as if she was an expert in anything aside from having a litter of kids she wasn’t ready for and abandoning them, so Tabby avoided that woman like the plague. 
It did mean that holiday season got a little tricky though. She’d been able to go with Morrighan to the Mooney Christmas these last couple of years but something told her that even if their friendship was on the mend, it was a little too soon to go home with her for the holidays. Pierre was staunchly on Team Morrighan and had barely talked to Tabby since Knot-Gate and her other best friend Molly had her own issues with her family that made a happy little Yo Christmas just about as impossible as a Purr one. Being stuck at a school where she was still the target for annoying ass were-rumors was the last thing she wanted but there wasn’t really much of an option, or at least she’d thought so until she got a text from Isaac.
The text wasn’t much -- it was just him checking in on her, really -- but it still made Tabby smile. It was weird how a small suggestion in who should be her escort to a Halloween party from Molly had turned into some random werecat boy becoming one of her better friends by the year’s end. She’d never given Isaac the time of day before, thinking him not cool enough for her, and now that she knew him better, she’d learned that yes, he wasn’t cool, but he was plenty of other good things. He was smart, obviously, but he was also a hustler, someone who wanted big things and had big dreams, just like Tabby did. He was judgemental in a fun way and sweet in a backwards way, and...
And thinking about how great he could be was becoming a weird habit. Tabby wrinkeld her nose at herself and texted him back that she was okay and just dreading the holidays alone. She hesitated for a second and then asked if he wanted to bring a friend home. She regretted it almost immediately, but that’s how it’d been with Isaac from the start. She’d been all too honest which was so beyond weird for Tabby, who liked to lie for fun and who ran from the truth like it was a cold dose of ice water. And when the three little dots popped up letting her know that he was responding, she held her breath like she was waiting to see if she’d passed the freaking MCAT or something. Since when was Isaac Mewton’s answer about anything that important?
“Motherfucker,” she hissed, turning the phone screen off so she couldn’t see what he responded. She didn’t want to look. Either he’d say no and Tabby’s heart would break at being rejected by him or he’d say yes and she’d have to spend the holidays with him pretending she didn’t just realize that she’d done fucked up and developed feelings somewhere along the lines. Was she really so vulnerable that him being nice to her when nobody else was made a fool out of her? Or was it because of something else? Some weird part of her that liked opening up to him in specific, that wanted to hear his particular spin on life. She didn’t want to know why this was happening, because even though she was completely hot and irresistable, she knew Isaac wouldn’t feel the same. Yes, he’d befriended her when most wouldn’t, but that was one thing. He knew her better than a lot of people did, so he knew exactly why Tabby was the absolute wrong person to date...
But she was always the best person to fuck. She was the best stripper, the best lay, the best person to not take seriously, and maybe if she’d gotten to a place where she actually thought she might be falling for Isaac, she was just fooling herself. Sure, Tabby’d been better later, but beneath it all, she was still Tabby. Tabby didn’t spend the holidays wishing the mild-mannered guy would take her home to meet his family. She was the kind of girl who’d get drunk or nail a stranger or all of the above... and so she stuffed her phone into her bra and got up, letting instincts take her to the nearest bar where she could just drink and forget all the reasons this year had been so weird.
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johnnys-silky-hair · 7 years
"Conversations with myself (my soul)"
 Soulmate!AU | Non-Idol!AU | Female Reader |
Genre: Fluff, slight angst in the beggining
Member: Kim Mingyu.
Warnings: Violence, Mentions of abuse, Curses.
P.O.V: Second Person.
A/N: It’s my first time writing something in this style (it’s my first time writing so many things, i’m such a no0b). This is really long. Also, i watched this old video of SVT talking about their ideal type and Mingyu said he would like to date a bad girl since he is a good boy, i didn’t knew that when i wrote this, but oh, well. English is not my first language so let me know if there is any spelling mistakes.
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You see your soulmate life when you sleep.
It can be a dream or a nightmare, depending on their day.
Mingyu feels like every one of his dreams are nightmares, because your life is absolutely terrifying.
When he was just a kid he would be sad and say “I dreamed I was a mean person who hurt other people and cursed at my parents. But you guys weren’t my parents” and his parents would look at each other and be like “tell us about your dreams every day, ok?” And they would low-key want their son to be single for the rest of his life since then.
When you get to know Mingyu parents is going to be really hard to prove them you’re an actual good person.
Mingyu grown up low-key scared of you and imagining how did fate thought he was compatible with a delinquent.
Like, he would apologize for budge into someone while walking and you would dead ass push someone on the floor for being in your way.
But Mingyu still feels the bond you two have and always kept defending you saying​ that you probably have a reason or that you’re going to change.
And he’s right.
When Mingyu had nightmares he was seeing from your point of view your parents fighting. Your parents hit each other and out of frustration you would go to your school and hit someone weaker than you in the same way.
In his nightmares he saw terrible things happening in your home with your parents, and in his normal dreams he saw you doing exactly the same you saw.
Your parents drank too much? Smoked? Cursed? You would do everything the same in your school.
Mingyu played with his own hand as if he could grab yours, wanting to assure you and tell you can solve things in other ways.
Of course you didn’t felt it, this was something to a different type of soulmate. But you saw it when you dreamed. Wake up every day with a worried face and looking around thinking about what could be done to make you feel better was a part of his days so you always saw it.
When you started getting older you knew it was time to stop being... well, an ass to society.
But your reputation was the same. Everyone still was afraid of you, and you were so ashamed of the years of bullying you did to everyone that you never tried to befriend with no one either; you just isolated yourself.
One day you when you were still outside school because you didn’t want to go home you saw a teenager beating a kid a lot younger than him asking for his money. You stared a bit thinking “I can’t believe I used to be this trashy” until you decided it was your obligation to go there.
And as I said, your reputation was still the same, so when you tried to stop him the boy recognized you and backed away.
Even when you tried to get the younger boy from the floor and ask if he was okay he was scared of you and promised you that the other boy stole all his money and he didn’t have any to give you.
That broke your heart in pieces. You asked him to wait for you there and he did because he was so freaking scared, then you got back to that boy who stole him.
Mingyu was all proud thinking about how you were against violence now, but then you beated the other boy to give the kid’s money back.
After all, you have years and years of being used to fight people. You have high pain tolerance and you’re really strong, so you decided to keep fighting people, but for good reasons.
Even though, no one knew it was for good reasons and everyone you protected was still scared of you. smh that’s frustrating
You felt terrible thinking about that, but then you saw in your dream how your soulmate were telling everyone about you. With that super cute voice of him he said that you were ‘so cute and a justicer to the weaks’ and that made you smile so hard for the whole day.
“He thinks i’m cute” you kept thinking all day, and was the longest time you ever smiled.
Your dreams went from Mingyu ashamed saying “my soulmate punched a balconist from a store to stole ramen for dinner for the third time” to proud saying “today a girl from my soulmate’s school said that she would rather kiss shit than kiss the boy who confessed to her in public, and guess what my soulmate did? She grabbed the girl by the hair and made her kiss poo”
You were always really lonely. You used to have toxic friends who were delinquent as well, but you became their enemies when you decided to protect the ones they hurt. You didn’t liked your parents either and for the first time after a long long time you felt alone again.
But you’re not really alone. You have a mate. Right Mingyu?
You were the one who tried to communicate with him first. You didn’t want to talk to him in person yet because you were ashamed of who you were. Even if he is really proud of you now, you remember that he still is afraid of you like anyone else.
You used to look a lot in the mirror before because you tried to look mean and strong on purpose, but now you don’t look as much anymore because you can’t STOP looking mean and strong.
By the way Mingyu is missing your face so much. He thinks you are gorgeous and he can’t wait to look at your pretty face and make you smile. Even if is a pure smile (he never saw this one) or those means smirks that send shivers down his spine.
Then one day when Mingyu go to sleep and he saw how your day was, he got concerned because you were really anxious and quiet. You go to the school bathroom, looked at yourself in the mirror and you said “wow, I feel like an idiot. How do I even, will I just start talking alone? You’re going to talk alone too right, Mingyu?” And your voice started rough and dry, but was getting softer at every word, and the way your voice sounded so so cute when you said his name at the end made him roll around in his bed.
Then a girl walked out of one of the bathrooms cabinet and gave her a weird look and her gaze became so strong and angry and she said “what the fuck are you looking at?” With her voice back at the dry rough tone and Mingyu smiled in his sleep. Oh well, he likes you a lot, reader.
Everything you did you shyly talked to yourself, in hopes he was going to see and interact with you.
“I think I’m going to buy a snack now. You noticed I like late night walks to the convenience store, right?”
“I really don’t wanna pay for this, but I will. *Sigh*”
The next morning as soon as he woke up he smiled and got straight to his bathroom and with his bed hair and semi-crossed eyelids he didn’t even washed up his face and smiled saying “of course I will talk to myself for you, Y/N."on his dorky voice, and he kept staring in the mirror as if he was staring you. My dear, you had an incredible dream that night.
He answered everything you asked him.
"I did notice you walk a lot at night. I firstly thought it was dangerous but then I noticed it could be more dangerous to whoever tried to hurt you, anyways”
Mingyu is low-key savage, nobody never talks about it
Then talking to yourselves became a habit. People don’t really said nothing to you, they didn’t dare, but Mingyu friends teased him a lot.
“Y/N, this is Jihoon, a friend of mine.”
“There’s no one here, Mingyu.”
“Don’t be rude, you know she is going to see this through her dream.”
You guys became really close; finally.
The day you two would meet. I know you were waiting for it.
You would be the one who would see him first.
It was late night and again you would go to the convenience store get yourself a snack, it would be really empty as usual. But this time there was only one person, you could easily see his face because he was really tall. He was wearing a black hoodie and talking really loudly to a snack on his hands and you could hear “You always buy this snack but doesn’t matter how many times I buy it, I hate it, I can’t stand the taste but I still buy it because reminds me of you. I can’t believe I came here just to buy this thing” his voice was so loud and sounded so dorky with his strong accent, you couldn’t help but let out a giggle.
You just stayed there waiting him to notice you, and he only did when he got on the register that was right next to you.
He gave you a quicker glance then looked to the register and then give you THE glance like “WAT?YU!”
And he looked at you with a derp face like “:o” while holding his breath, and after just staying there you let out another giggle and oooooooh he melted. When he heard your laugh he left the air come out if his mouth and his “o” lips became a smile, and a really amazing smile. Your soulmate is so handsome, reader.
You said “Hi, Mingyu” and he legitimately squealed, out loud squealed with no shame while squirming in the balcony like a fanboy then turned again to you and cutely said “Hi, Y/N”. He wished you liked hearing him saying your name as much as he loved hearing you say his, and you did.
Then you two had a late night date and it was beautiful.
You explained him that it was actually really far from your house, but you robbed all the convenience stores close to you so you had to come all your way.
You also asked him why didn’t he noticed that the convenience store next to his house was just like the one you always visited and he said “I thought all convenience stores looked the same”.
How could someone so tall and intimidating-looking be such a softie?
While looking at you out of nowhere he let out a small chuckle and you asked what he was laughing about with loving eyes, but then he said “whenever I saw you, you looked so big and intimidating but you are actually so small and cute” and by reflex you punched him in his belly. Yeah, reflex. Disrespect + You = SIKE
He lowed himself in pain but kept laughing so you smiled as well and had opportunity to pat his hair. OMG YOU FINALLY PATED HIS HAIR IT WAS YOUR DREAM
That became a really commum thing.
When Mingyu properly introduced you to his many many friends they were so excited and nervous to met you, because Mingyu talked about you his whole life, and part of the things he said was actually really scary. But they were excited nonetheless.
You were so nervous you looked a lot more scary than normally you would. Like, you stared at them so deeply they thought you were angry but actually on the inside you were “TRYTOLOOKFRIENDLY”
But then you start getting along well with them and you got so happy. They all got so head over hill’s about you because you slowly showed such caring expressions.
Mingyu started getting really jealous because you are so similar to Jihoon and Minghao, thinking that any of them would be a better soulmate to you. You were showing affection towards them too, but then you turn to Mingyu and be like “They are the firsts friends I’m ever having, thank you so much!” And would hug him and “!!!!!!”
There’s really no need to Mingyu get jealous. You have such a softie face to your new friends, then your expression get even more cutie when you look at Mingyu, then it gets dark when you are alone. It’s super amusing to watch.
You two look great together. It’s the power couple. You two protect each other. When you’re feeling sad Mingyu’s hug solves anything to you. He makes you feel safe physically and emotionally when he hugs you, it’s like no one can hurt you if he is with you.
And you also protect him, you’re like his small bodyguard surrounding him. No one teases him when you’re next to him. Once Minghao whispered to Mingyu “Do you think Y/N would get mad at us if we made fun of you?” And Mingyu smirked and said “Totally. I already told you about her, remember? She would probably make your life a living hell.” It was a lie, you would make fun of him with the boys.
And when he was feeling sad you would run your fingers on his hair and back hug him. You two are so mother-like to each other, it’s like a married couple.
Talking about married couple, he basically lives in your house now. He said “It would be the best if I came here to see her then her going to my house. That’s my obligation as a responsible boyfriend and I’m don’t think it would be appropriate otherwise.” to your parents and you all was like “!!!!! Who is this man??” He is mostly there to protect you because he knows by his dreams how your parents are, and also because you eat junk food every day and he wants to cook for you.
Of course as soon as possible you two are going to live together. Even through you two never talked about marriage, you two whispers to each other about living together while you both are laying in the sofa of your house.
You guys first kiss omg
So you two really like play-fights and tease each other
And you are really strong, but Mingyu is obviously more
Just a little stronger tho, so Mingyu always win the play fights but is not as easy as he tries to seem like
When you’re like laying on the floor with slightly heavy breathing he is on top of you panting like a dog, having difficulties on talking like “see? It was a piece of cake” and you calmly say “let’s go one more time” and he is like “PLEase nOo” and lay on top of you so you don’t get up.
It is like this in different situations too COF COF but it’s too soon to talk about that
When you two where playing fight in a yard he saw his friend watching it by afar
His friends faces was a mix of surprise about how strong you were and amusement in how Mingyu was getting his ass beaten.
But the play fight was just who can press the other on the floor for 10 seconds. They started with both on their feet and now Mingyu was sitting on the floor while you hold his wrists trying to make him lay down
When you did drop him all you needed to do was keep him there for 10 seconds, but he didn’t want to be embarrassed in front of his friends and cheated. Was when he kissed you.
Who would keep their right mind while Kim Mingyu kissed them? That’s way you let go of his wrists to put your hands on the floor next to his face, he grabbed you by your legs and exchanged places. Now you were on the floor with him on top of you and he kept deeping the kiss. You saw his whole life so you knew you were his first kiss, but it certainly felt like he was experienced.
When he separated his lips from your and looked into your eyes, he smiled and said “you must have being on the floor for 30 seconds now”
Oh this smug fuck
When he looked all proud to his friends again they were shyly looking away and a not so discrete Lee Chan was messing on his phone with the camera turned to the two of you
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