#i was winging pretty much all of this but i like the end result <3
lavenoon · 2 years
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The world is so big, let them see
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bbunnyyy · 7 months
/dɪˈzʌɪə/ noun A strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.
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!! WARNING !! smutty themes f!reader x aizawa.
☁︎ Aizawa's touch felt like a fresh breath, your bodies flush against each other. ☁︎
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Summary: You and Aizawa end up getting stuck in one of the storage rooms in the left wing- not frequently visited. The tension in the air and the lack of space result in something...more.
A/N: hehe :3
A song to enjoy while reading this: if u think i'm pretty ⚬ Artemas
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Your eyes fixated on Aizawa's back as his shoulders moved slightly with each step he took. He wasn't in that same old hero attire for once, since there was a press event today. You admired his chiselled figure that was poking through the white shirt and tight pants he was wearing. You swallowed, noticing how much bigger he was than you. The classrooms were running low on paper, which made Aizawa sigh and beckon you to follow him to the storage rooms to grab a few boxes of materials he needed.
Biting your bottom lip, you thought about how the last few weeks with Aizawa had been. Each moment was so warm, yet strangely sensual. It came so easily between you two. Lost in thought, you bumped into a wall- the wall making an 'oof' sound. Since when did walls make those kinds of sounds? Turns out, what you thought was a wall wasn't a wall at all.
"Still sore from yesterday, L/N?" He said smirking, referencing your sparring session. "Maybe." You said dryly, pouting while looking away. Aizawa responded by resting his hand on the small of your back. Your eyes made contact with his inky ones. He maintained the contact, tilting his head as if asking you if something was wrong. Swallowing, he turned away and continued walking in silence.
Aizawa switched on the light, commenting on how dusty it was In there. "Hold the door open for me, need space to get the boxes out," he mumbled, moving to the racks stacked with various boxes labelled with markers in bold lettering. You held the weighted grey door open, waiting for him to grab the materials he needed. Aizawa walked right into a rack, making the boxes tumble.
"Aizawa!" You exclaimed as you lunged forward in an attempt to pull him away. His body stumbled into yours. "I could have taken care of myself, L/N." Aizawa stated, just as a soft click was heard behind you two. You looked at him, whose mouth was slightly open out of shock. Well, this was awkward. You laughed nervously- "Oops?"
"I hope you do remember neither of us have the keys to open this door?" Aizawa stated, rolling his eyes. He tried moving around, your body now facing the door. Aizawa grit his teeth, throwing his head back in frustration. All this moving wasn't helping. The air felt stiff and heavy, the smell of cardboard boxes filling the air. Your chest pressed against the door, and his body clung to yours from behind- no space to move around now. Looking at the floor, you breathed out trying to think while tapping your heels on the floor anxiously.
The tension in the air could be cut with a knife. Aizawa breathed heavily into your ear, bringing you back to the present situation. "Stop moving." He commanded, his voice deeper than usual. You tried looking back to take a look at his face, but his fingers dug into the flesh on your hips. "I told you to stop moving." Aizawa breathed out, punctuating each word with a firm silence. He sounded like he was...out of breath? You didn't understand why, opening your mouth to say something sarcastic when you felt something poke your bottom half.
Aizawa pushed you forward, using his body. You pressed your hands on the shut door, trying to support yourself. He pushed into you, almost out of instinct, a moan slipping out of his mouth, smooth like honey. "I'm- sorry." Aizawa said, his hard-on pressed firm into your ass. "There's no space to mo-"
"You don't sound very sorry." You stated, trying to sound confident but just as nervous if not more than Aizawa. "L/NNhh-" Aizawa breathed into your ear, feeling around your pockets for your phone. "I think we're past last names now," you stated, out of breath yourself- unable to believe this was actually happening. Aizawa hummed, his hips pressed into yours as his hands patted your pockets. His breath was hot and heavy, the moment felt so intimate despite the awkwardness and lack of professionalism. Pulling your phone out, you rested your head against his chest as he switched on your phone. "Fuck." There's no signal here.
"I guess we're stuck here for a while then, aren't we?" You joked, pushing back at him.
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klausysworld · 4 months
Hey hey! I was wondering if you could write a one-shot imagine about Klaus meeting a female angel who ends up being his soulmate? The angel is very skeptical at first because of all the things Klaus has done over the years and Klaus is drawn to her innocence and purity like some masochistic predator playing with its prey. In the end, Klaus becomes the overprotective loving mate he's known to be (could end in smut if you wish) Thank youuu <3
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In Life and Death
The Mikaelsons had been first introduced to the Underworld and the Heavens nearly 800 years ago when demons managed to find their way on Earth again. They had caused more havoc than the entire vampire race at the time and fought the Mikaelson's to the point where Klaus truly believed they would drag him down to hell.
The only reason that they hadn't was because a group of angels had stopped them. They argued that the Mikaelsons at that point still had the chance for redemption and that they shouldn't be targeted for a lifestyle that was forced upon them.
The demons were obviously enraged with the angels ruining their time on Earth and once everyone returned home, there was a minor war over who got to go to Earth and how often. The only way to obtain some sort of peace was to agree for nobody to go to Earth. They may hear about it in the papers and occasionally watch large events however no angel nor demon would step foot or wicng on that land.
This remained so for the next 800 years until a curious angel accidentally opened the portal back up.
Y/n had always been interest in everything that was new. Her father had scolded her for it as her mother had been just the same. Unfortunately it had been curiosity that had resulted in her mothers demise and this was the main reason her father so desperately wanted her to stay quiet and obedient to the rules to ensure her safety.
Much to his dissatisfaction, she didn't follow those guidlines.
It was difficult really. She wasn't bad, nor did she misbehave. She was very well behaved and lovely, she just got distracted rather easily and drawn to pretty things. But never were her intentions to cause any sort of upset or distress.
Y/n just couldn't help herself from touching every shiny or soft thing within reach, wanting to know what it was and what it did. Coincidentally, the case which the portal was hidden inside was covered in shells and pearls. She hadn't meant to be sucked into it.
And she certainly didn't mean to waken up completely naked in the middle of the woods with only her wings to cover her exposed skin.
Her vision was impaired for couple minutes before she came to. The sky was bright and blue while her surroundings were mostly shades of brown and the occasional green.
It had been a pack of werewolves who found her and took her to their little homes within the Bayou. Jackson, as the alpha, had taken responsibility of the peculiar girl. He and Mary had helped her into some low back clothes, careful not to touch her wings. Y/n found herself unable to move or speak for hours as she adapted to the harsh change of environment. Her consciousness came and went every few minutes and occasionally her wings would stretch out making the wolves back up out of cautious and intrigue.
A few of the others wolves brought some water to her and they helped her drink it. After a while she began to fully wake. By which point the sky had deepened and darkened to an almost obsidian. Jackson and Mary had fallen to sleep and didn't notice how the angel slipped down from the bed, feeling the grainy ground against her feet as she walked on wobbly legs and held her arms out to balance herself. It was strange. Her body was pulled down much more than usual and everything felt heavy rather than feather-light.
Thankfully she still had her wings and so with a couple flutters of her feathered support and she was hovering just above the surface. What she didn't realise was that the beating of her wings against the air caused a cool breeze to brush over here company and cause them to wake.
Jackson had quickly jumped up and began to gain her attention. Y/n was startled and ended up accidentally smacking him with her wing only to then hysterically apologise and hold onto him. What was particular was that when her hand touched his skin a rush of calmness came over him. His limbs went weak and he had to push his hand against the wall beside him to keep himself up.
Once Mary woke back up she managed to get Y/n to sit back down and tell them who she was and how she got there. Both wolves had been almost awestruck with the soft, hypnotic tone of her voice. Neither of them questioned her story, it was quite clear her wings were real and from the way she looked around with wonder it was obvious everything was new. But of course there was also sadness and worry in her tone when she spoke of her father and how he much think something dreadful had happened to herb and how she needed to get home.
Mary was against Jackson's decision to go to Hayley in hopes that she or the Mikaelsons may be able to help her get back to the heavens.
Hayley had come to the Bayou after receiving a very vague text from her betrothed. She was expecting something bad to have happned from his lack of information however when a flash of white whipped past her, giggling and squealing with two young children holding onto her wings, well Hayley really didn't know what was going on.
A moment later Mary came out, huffing and puffing for breath and yelling for them to be careful not to fall.
Unfortunately, Y/n hadn't abided to this suggestion and ended up falling over a log when the little ones were chasing her in their game of 'catch the fairy', despite her persistently informing them that she was not a fairy.
Jackson came rushing out a moment later to pick Y/n up. Her knees and hands were scraped red as path of tears slipped from her pain filled eyes. Her wings wrapped around him for comfort and Hayley found herself staring completely baffled.
Jackson caught sight of Hayley as he was carrying Y/n back to the hut and smiled, calling for her to come with him. She followed eagerly and listened as he explained what had happened in a hushed whisper while Mary shook her head and cleaned up the angels grazes. Y/n was horrified at the red substance that had pooled in her palms and Mary had to insist that she wouldn't die and go to the underworld for being so irresponsible.
It took very little convincing for Hayley to ring Elijah and inform him of the situation to which he too was instantly intrigued and willing to help. He said to bring the angel to the Abattoir this evening so that they could meet her formally and reluctantly Jackson agreed and gently convinced Y/n to go. Hayley watched with a small sizzle of jealousy as Y/n clung onto Jackson with all her will as he helped her weave through the streets in a way that wouldn't let her wings be seen by pedestrians. Thankfully it was dark so it would've been more difficult to see but still alarming.
Thankfully they made it with little hassle and got to the door which was immediately opened by an impeccably dressed Elijah. His eyes beaming as he took in the beautiful creature before him. Hayley cleared her throat and Elijah quickly greeted them all politely, bringing them inside before closing the door.
They were lead to a large dinner table where a stoppy Klaus wait at the head of the table and an excited Rebekah reside next to him. Her eyes lit up as she caught glimpse of pristine white wings and sat up straight. Elijah's voice filled the room as he spoke to the girl.
"In the past we have met with people from your home, they were kind to us then and so I hope to return the favour. I am certain that we'll be able to help you find your way home however I can't confirm how long this may take. Until then, we hope to make your stay on Earth as well as we can and in doing so we have set up a room for you-" he explained however was cut off my Jackson who argued she already had somewhere to stay.
Klaus snickered in response and rose from his chair "Pretty little things like her don't want to be out in the dirt" he quipped, narrowing his eyes on the wolf before him making Y/n frown and tug on Jackson's sleeve and whisper to go back to the Bayou. Elijah glared at his brother and apologised for his behaviour before coaxing everyone into their seats.
Klaus at the head with Rebekah to his right side, Elijah beside her and Y/n to his right with Jackson beside her and Hayley beside him. Y/n had slid to the edge of her chair in an attempt to be further away from Klaus. She didn't like the aura around him, aggressive power rolled off him in waves only she could physically see and feel and on top of that she could sense the distrust between him and Jackson. Y/n trusted Jackson, he kept her safe and looked after.
Klaus however didn't like how her hands held onto Jackson's jacket and her body leaned on his. For some reason it made his glare harden and his jaw clench uncomfortably. Rebekah was the first to talk. She couldn't help but gush over having a girl, no an angel in the Abattoir. She had fallen for an angel 800 years ago and he had adored Rebekah, they had even given her a necklace hand carved by a god to prove his feelings for her. It hurt both of them when he was no longer able to return to her world however over time they both moved on and began to forget.
However she was incredibly eager to get to know Y/n and befriend her. She wanted to learn all about how the heavens had developed. So she began to chat, and chat and chat.
Until eventually Klaus groaned and had the first course brought in, hoping that his dear sister would quieten down if she were eating. His eyes glanced over to Y/n as she looked to Rebekah like a deer caught in headlights and questions were fired at her left, right and centre. "Enough Rebekah, you're scaring her" he snapped as a small plate filled with colourful foods were placed in front of her.
She started at it in confusion before timidly trying it as the rest of them ate. The taste was bizarre and she couldn't stop herself from spitting it out with a noise of disgust. Elijahs brows rose while Klaus let out a laugh and took her plate away "Not for you love?" he questioned, amused as she went a beat red and wiped her mouth.
"I'm sorry" she told him sincerely, reaching for the plate back "I can eat it" she whispered but he shook his head.
"Not if you don't like it. We'll get you something better" He argued, taking it back to the kitchen making her sink in her chair, embarrassed. Jackson rubbed her arm soothingly while Elijah, Rebekah and Hayley looked at each other in confusion of Klaus's strange behaviour.
It was quiet as he returned before they all ate their starters and glanced across at each other, Klaus in particular couldn't keep his eyes off of Y/n. His fingers tingled with anticipation to feel her wings. Her feathers looked softer than clouds and he wondered how far they could stretch out, how fast she could fly or how high.
Briefly his gaze flicked to her legs only for his brows to furrow when he noticed the bandages wrapped around her knees.
"What happened here, sweetheart?" he asked, his fingers hovering over the covered skin putting Jackson on edge.
"I was playing with the young ones and collided with a branch or a stone- was it a branch or a stone?" she questioned, turning to Jackson with a quizzical expression.
"It was a log, it's like a branch only thicker" he explained and she nodded.
Klaus couldn't help the small chuckle that left him resulting in Rebekah smacking his side.
"What were you playing?" She asked, her voice gentle as she encouraged her new friend to share the earlier events.
"Well they called it 'catch the fairy' however I am not a fairy...but they didn't really understand that so I just went with it I suppose...is that allowed? Or is that technically a lie?" her voice grew quiet and she made eye contact with Elijah who only shook his head.
"Not a lie at all. You were very kind to the children to indulge in their games." he reassured and she silently nodded.
The group then continued to eat and spoke occasionally about the possibility of Y/n staying the night at the compound so she may use the bath tub and they can have clothes altered to her so that her wings may be comfortable. Eventually she agreed but Jackson also had to stay, much to the Mikaelsons disapproval. He stayed in Hayleys bed which made Y/n's eyes wide when she whispered to Rebekah that they should not be going to bed together without a binding marriage in place.
Rebekah had helped wash Y/n's wings in the bath before having a hairdryer in each hand in an attempt to dry them while the angel squealed and squirmed at the combination of heat and noise coming at her.
Eventually she was ready for rest. Klaus had peeked into the room she was to be staying in to see her dressed in a soft halter style top and comfy pyjama bottoms. The luscious skin of her back was on display to him as well as her slowly moving wings while she let Rebekah fit her hair into a silk bonnet. A melodic giggle sent a shiver down his spine making his fits clench and eyes squeeze shut for a second.
There was an insistent pull that he felt towards her. Whether it was simply because she was new and different or because she seemed so pure and innocent.
As the next day rolled around he found himself watching as she ate her breakfast from the doorway. His eyes followed the fork all the way to her lips and back down again for every bite.
Eventually she felt his gaze and looked back at him, her eyes wide as she swallowed down her last piece. A slight smirk was visible across his face as he made his way over and took her place, rinsing it off and placing it in the dishwasher before taking her delicate hand and leading her to the outside area.
It was covered in flowers and other pretty plants. Klaus let go of her and gestured for the sky.
"It's safe for you to fly in this area, the public cannot see you so long as you don't go beyond those hedges" He told her while pointing to the surrounding greenery that acted as a barrier.
Her eyes lit up and her immediate reaction was she throw her arms around the hybrid. Klaus went stiff when he felt her touch. Something about it was so incredibly soothing that he felt as though his body was melting against her. Without meaning to his body curled around her, keeping her against him as a wave of peace washed over him.
Eventually she pulled away, bringing him back to reality as he watched her take off into the hair and spin in circles so that her wings could truly stretch. He left outside to play while he got back to his duties though he would often glance from his window to see her coaxing small animals from their burrows and surrounding herself in the natural environment.
Something stirred inside him as she sat against the soft grass with a young rabbit in her lap, squirrels birds and little rodents all sitting around her and listening as she spoke a language not even he, the original hybrid, knew.
She was a gorgeous thing, he had decided.
It was obvious that she was from the heavens, if not her looks then her delicacy. Day in and day out he had yet to see any sort of anger bubble within her. She was unbelievably sweet, annoyingly so. However whenever he tried to pull a rise from her, guilt would swallow him when tears of light formed in her beautiful round eyes and he realised he hadn't caused rage but devastation and misunderstanding. Y/n would think that he hated her and she would want to go back to the bayou so Klaus would apologise and promise she hadn't ever upset him.
Her innocence was to be cherished, he realised.
She was the polar opposite of him, she was soft and gentle. Pure and clean compared to his rough and tainted soul. Usually it was something he found to be weakness and wanted to destroy but his instincts pulled through and screamed at him to protect and possess.
So he began to brush close to her.
He found that it wasn't just him who felt the peace that her touch carried, it wasn't just him who wanted to feel it some more.
Which meant that he needed to get his scent on her.
It was far easier than he had imagined. All he had to do was tell her that he really needed a hug and she would soften in a second to have him in her hold and feeling her unconditional comfort. Her wings would hold him close and often act as a blanket of sorts.
Too many times they had woken up asleep against each other, far too comfortable to complain as he snuggled her feathers and she warmed in response to the physical touch.
Klaus had managed to convince her that sleeping beside each other was not damning and that she would still be welcomed back to heaven. He would never let her go to hell. Never.
The only problem for Klaus was that under no circumstances would she ever consider the possibility of sex if she were not bound to him.
The hybrid hadn't considered marriage since his days of being a mere human. However he could not help the yearn that his soul, body and mind held for her. It was not just a physical desire but an emotional and spiritual.
Weeks went by, Elijah, the wolves and Davina were still trying to find a way for Y/n to get home but Klaus desperately wanted her to stay forever.
He had been trying to teach her how to live in a human world. Simple things like riding a bike and playing card games. He would hide his amusement behind his smile when she got that competitive fire inside her which almost always resulted in the cards being thrown and the angel storming off only to return five minutes later apologising for expressing wrath to which he would dismiss.
"I promise you, my love, in no way is that wrath. You couldn't commit a sin if your tried to."
Y/n would smile and shyly request that maybe they wouldn't keep playing the game and perhaps move onto something else. Klaus wouldn't ever deny her wishes and so would find something knew.
At some point Jackson would come over and ruin Klaus's fun as he watches Y/n fly over to the dirty mutt and start asking a hundred questions about how he and the others were. Once Jackson finally left, Rebekah would turn up or Elijah and take Y/n's attention again. Klaus would get annoyed, jealous but he knew he couldn't get angry. He got violent when he was angry and that would definitely not sit well with the darling creature that owned his heart.
So he would wait for her to go do something before whisper arguing with his siblings to let him spend time with his girl.
"Oh? Your girl is she Nik?" Bekah teased and Klaus snapped his jaw shut.
"No I-"
"Angels don't really have genders actually" Y/n chirped as she floated back into the room and sat down between them, unaware of the tension.
"You have female anatomy?" Klaus wondered allowed and Rebekah's eyes went wide in disbelief as she spun her head to look at him and his face went red as he realised the words were spoken. Thankfully Y/n was clueless and innocent so hadn't a clue why they seemed to think it was inappropriate.
"I don't know? I have mammary glands? At least I do when on earth...they seem common amongst females..." She mumbled, brows furrowed.
"What do you mean...when you're on earth? Don't you have bre- mammary glands when you're at home in heaven?" Rebekah asked this time and Y/n nodded, a little confused.
"Beauty is different here...my quality is that I'm the embodiment of beauty, or at least that's what I'm told and so beauty is socially constructed and I would adapt to suit the times and place. Here is very different to home, there I look much different. Everyone is quite strange here." She explained, tone soft and the two originals began to realise quite how different things had become since their two worlds stopped colliding.
"Are humans pretty to you?" Bekah asked, unable to resist asking.
"I believe all things hold value and beauty" Y/n nodded vaguely, "Some human coverings are um...different though" she muttered and Klaus smiled.
"You mean clothing?" He asked and she nodded when he gestured to his henley.
"They're very tight" She whispered as though it might offend somebody and Klaus chuckled.
"I think you would have liked when women wore dresses" He smiled and she tilted her head, not really knowing what he meant as she had seen Rebekah in dresses which were tight.
"I'll show you, dear" Bekah told her, knowing the angel wouldn't have picked up on what was said. Y/n smiled and nodded, accepting Bex's hand and being pulled to the dressing room while Klaus sighed and whined that he was being left out again.
But it didn't really matter because at the end of the day she would be curled up to his chest, in his arms, in his bed whilst wearing his shirt. She was already his whether she knew it or not.
Sometimes whilst she slept he was trace the soft features of her face, wishing to feel her lips on his, to have her promise that she would always be his.
Klaus Mikaelson wanted to marry and angel.
It was both utterly unbelievable and completely understandable at the same time. Some were baffled by the idea whilst others prayed that he would and that it may finally settle piece over the factions.
He almost managed to ask her but her father got to earth just before he was able to.
The doors had flown off their hinges and everyone was flung from the centre of the room from the sheer force that Y/n's fathers wings emitted. It was clear from the pure power that bounced from the walls that he was highly ranked, a throne angel most likely.
Y/n flung herself into his chest and apologised relentlessly as he wrapped his arms and wings around her. "It's alright darling, we'll be home in no time and no harm will be able to come to you" He promised, but she shook her head.
"I wish to stay" She whispered and her fathers brows furrowed.
"It wasn't a request my sweet. You're coming home. Earth is not for us, not now and not ever again. You're very lucky you haven’t been hurt. People can be cruel. Has anyone seen your wings?" He was checking her arms and wings while he spoke.
"No-" She whined and brushed him off making his expression stern. His eyes blackened when Klaus appeared behind Y/n, trying to pull her to him but a barrier around her repelled his touch.
"Be gone devil-spawn" The man warned and Klaus growled while Y/n frowned.
"He's not a demon Dad. He's a hybrid and a very nice one." She defended and her father scoffed.
"Darling, he's manipulating you. He belongs to Lucifers magic. Not ours. He's a walking sin. You need to be home and cleaned." He stated, no room for questioning.
"No!" She cried, flapping her wings to escape his grip. "He's good!" She whimpered as she managed to get a hold of Klaus. He held her tight, unwilling to let go. Y/n's father underestimated his daughters power as she put her own force field bubble around her and Klaus, ensuring that they couldn't be separated.
The male angel went silent for a moment, gaze narrowing and realisation dawning.
"How could you?" He whispered, "You've found a mate in a vampire? A spawn of evil?" He questioned but he knew the answer and deep down Y/n had too. Rebekah watched in utter shock at the understanding of what had really happened.
"I love him" She whispered and Klaus felt his entire body melt to hers. He nuzzled into her neck, ignoring the words her father threw until Elijah was finally able to make some sort of deal.
Y/n wasn't allowed to have any sort of physical touch with and supernaturals whilst her father was in the room. She must sleep in her own bed. To start off she may only visit Earth once a month which did not last long. Heavens hierarchy made an exception for Y/n to go once a week because of her 'mate' situation. If an angel couldn't be with their mate then they would often fade away into an emptiness. Therefore on Saturdays her father would take her over and attempt to 'get to know' the originals before letting her stay on Sundays by herself so that she may have fun with Bex, Jackson and Elijah and snuggle with Niklaus.
It was strange really.
Klaus wouldn't have ever imagined himself to be the desperate one in a relationship but he was always wanting her. Always touching her and trying to kiss any part of skin he could before she would tell him that he was getting carried away and that they couldn't act upon lust.
It took far too long to get her father to speak with Klaus civilly. The angel knew that his little girl would marry the creature before him. Their souls would be bound and he would have to do everything in his power to make sure that the darkness that tainted Klaus's soul didn't damn his child's too. His daughter would not go to the Devils den just because of a bond. He would rather form a case to get Klaus into heaven than let his sweet girl go down to hell.
Klaus had to damn near beg to marry Y/n. But it was proven worth it when he was finally able to present her with a hand crafted ring. He knew that Y/n would not want a diamond, it promoted greed, envy and pride. The ring he had made was much more meaningful and spelled to keep her safe.
Sweet Y/n had been bouncing up and down, flying round the garden, tackling him to the ground and attacking him with softly little pecks to his neck and cheeks as she squealed and asked how her father ever agreed.
The ceremony was ridiculous.
Klaus had completely underestimated the amount of angels that would come in support and fascination.
Everyone, including Y/n's father was respectful and accepting of their souls entwining and applauded in celebration of their love.
That evening, after dancing for endless hours and conversing with mystical beings, Klaus finally got to lay his angel down and claim her.
His fingers unlaced her dress slowly, savouring the sight as the fabric slipped away from her skin. He gently guided her hair over her shoulder so he could see her bare back. His fingers traced the length of her spine, between her wings, before his lips followed suit, placing a series of kisses. Goosebumps arose against her skin making him smile and tentatively ran his tongue over them, revelling in the way she shivered and the gasp that she produced.
"I love you Y/n" He murmured softly as his hands encouraged her dress completely away from her figure so that he could slide his palms up her navel, moving round her so that he may cup her firm rounded breasts. A little moan left her as well as a slight sound of confusion. "It's alright darling" He whispered whilst kissing the back of her neck, "Does it feel good?" he questioned despite knowing the answer as he stroked the pads if her thumbs over her nipples.
"It does" She whimpered. With a shaky breath she turned over her shoulder to look at him as he caressed her. A smile adorned his face and a loving kiss was placed on her lips. Her eyes fell shut and she let him guide her. She was lifted and turned before delicately placed on her back before their lips detached.
Klaus's eyes lowered to the beautiful, white lace panties that hid her gorgeous core and matched her relaxed wings. His tongue darted to wet his lips when he took in the detail of the pretty frilly garter wrapped around her thigh. He looked back up to her eyes, tilting his head when he saw the nerves spread across her perfect face.
"I wasn't sure of the traditions anymore" She whispered, glancing down at herself, "Is it not right?" she questioned, her hand moving to pull the garter off but Klaus quickly took her hand in his.
"It's lovely, everything you do is without fault" He promised whilst leaning down to kiss her knee softly. "And this..." He gestured to the garter, "Is for me to take off sweetheart".
Y/n's breath got caught in her throat when his teeth captured the fabric and dragged it down her leg and away form her body entirely. He placed it on his bedside table before licking and nipping up her inner thighs, interchanging between left and right as he went. Her hands were unsure as they rested on her stomach awkwardly making Klaus smile to himself and guide her to hold onto his hair.
"You can do anything you want my love" He murmured, chuckling softly when she played with his curls.
Gentle petting changed to a pattern of tugs as his tongue pressed to her panties. The heat against her sensitive folds made her body arch and shudder before a sharp gasp left her when Klaus bit the fabric and tugged them off so his lips could press hot kisses to her glistening core. His tongue slide through her folds, tasting her addictive essence. She truly was sent from above.
A throaty groan left Klaus's throat as he encased her clit between his lips and sucked ever so gently. His hair was gripped tightly and her overwhelmed whimpers filled his senses.
"Klaus-" She whined, her body completely new to the sensations. Her wings stretched out across the bed and her legs were guided to do the same as the hybrid's mouth got to work.
His arms wrapped under her thighs, holding her hips up so his access was favourable. He licked, lapped, sucked and fucked her with his talented tongue until his face was face was dripping and tears of delight were stained down her cheeks.
Klaus panted as he wiped his mouth and chin sloppily; he lifted his head and pushed himself up into a kneeling position. His pupils dilated at the sight of his bride.
Her wings shifted to cover herself making the hybrid let out a breathy laugh as the feathers blocked his view. Her luscious hair stuck to her glowing skin as she tiredly pushed herself up and crawled toward him. Klaus smiled and wrapped his arms round her waist, under her wings and pulled her onto his lap.
Her face pressed to his chest only for her to pull away and look up at him "You're still in your suit" She whispered, her voice slightly rasped.
"You're tired." He murmured softly, smiling to her as he cupped her face and kissed her forehead sweetly. "We can continue in the morning my love"
"No..." She whined, guilt filling her. "You've been waiting for this night" She whispered, her hand rubbing his arm in a comforting gesture. Klaus wasn't sure where this restraint was coming from, in his head he would have fucked her in ten different positions by now but looking at her delicate face, her soft ethereal body and those loving, understanding eyes, he knew he would wait for the entirety of eternity for her if he had to.
"I don't want to hurt you" He uttered, stroking her face with his knuckles tentatively. "Rest" He urged but her head shook and her fingers plucked at his buttons so that she may feel the firmness of his chest beneath it and despite having restraint, he wouldn't go as far as physically stopping her.
Her touch was light against his skin as his shirt was slid down his arms and her face pressed to his abdomen, basking in his natural warmth. Her hands were nervous as they slowly undid his trousers, sweet girl didn't even know what she was looking at when he helped her remove the rest of his undergarments. Klaus knew she had no clue and couldn't help the smile on his face at her struggle.
"Don't panic darling" He encouraged. Gently he caressed her hands, slowly guiding them to his erect cock and telling her she could stop whenever she wanted to. Her hand wrapped round his thickness and he whispered weakly to her. "Thank you sweetheart" He muttered, "just gently stroke and I'll make an even bigger mess than you did" He teased breathlessly making her blush and follow his directions. Her grip slid up and down his length, her eyes lighting up when his moans and groans filled the room and built her confidence. "Good girl" He praised, his eyes drooping but he smiled when he heard her moan gently at his words. "Good girl" He repeated, a rougher edge to his voice as her hands stroked his faster and firmer.
"I want to do more" She whispered, tone bordering desperate "how do I do more?"
Klaus laughed softly before answering, "Can you use your pretty lips on me my love? No teeth, just tongue like I did" He murmured, squeezing his eyes shut when the heat of her mouth engulfed him. "Fuck, yes!" He gasped and her eyes went big.
"You mustn’t say that" She whispered and he nodded, apologising quietly while petting her head, hoping she wouldn't stop because of it. Slowly her head went back down and his went back.
His muscles tensed and relaxed as he stroked her head gently before sliding his hands across to her wings that would flex every now and then.
Her tongue was wrapped completely around his cock, sliding across his veins while her head moved up and down surprisingly enthusiastically. Klaus had never thought she would be an overly sexual creature given her being so pure for so long but in that moment he knew that they wouldn't be going a day without him being inside her.
She sucked him off beautifully, so wonderfully well that he almost had to second guess her innocence.
His fingers buried into her feathers, careful not to pull too harshly on them while his hips bucked up involuntarily. A muffled gag and strained moan left her and she looked up at him through her lashes. Klaus couldn't stop himself as he looked into her rounded eyes, his body stiffened and his lips parted as he came against the back of her mouth. Y/n made a sound of surprise and he quickly got his hands under her chin and pulled her away.
"Fuck, love I'm sorry" He whispered, gently cupping her face and grabbing the nearest blanket to wipe away the cum that painted her face. He cupped her cheek and kissed her lips. "I meant to pull out before..." He mumbled, annoyed with himself as he listened to her cough.
Once her breathing levelled she was able to look back up at him properly, he was worried for what she would say but she only smacked his arm lightly and shook her head. "Stop saying bad words!" she told him and he sighed, pulling her close and kissing her head repeatedly.
"I love you Y/n" He chuckled and she beamed back at him.
"I love you too" she smiled, squeezing his hand. Her wings stretched out before wrapping around them both, encasing their warmth and holding them together. Klaus gently rubbed his hand down her body, paying attention to her shape and gently caressing her waist up to her breasts. He squeezed them gently, leaning down to press his forehead to hers.
Her head tilted back and their lips pressed together while she relished in his touch. His hands glided down her hips and under her thighs, carefully lifting her up and lowering her down onto his lap. The head of his cock teased her entrance, slipping along her wetness. "I've got you darling" He whispered, guiding himself inside her.
Y/n whimpered softly and clenched her hands into fists causing her nails to dig into her palms. He gently gripped her hips firmly, guiding her to ride his cock whilst he thrust up to meet her body with a soft slap of their skin.
Her face pressed into his neck and her hot breath made his skin wet as she panted heavily. "Nik" She whispered and he groaned, his hips bucking abruptly faster.
"Talk to me darling" He murmured to her, stroking her skin soothingly. "Tell me what you need"
Y/n shuddered in his lap and clung onto him tightly, "I don't know" she whined, "just more"
Klaus smiled and chuckled. He kissed the top of her head before thrusting into her harder "Harder?" He offered with a smirk when she gasped, "Maybe deeper" The hybrid mumbled as he buried his cock into her so that it rubbed her cervix, "Or maybe you need it faster, hm?"
Y/n nodded and squeezed her knees against his hips. He spun her round quickly to press her winged back against the headboard so that he could thrust into her rougher. Klaus could feel his grip on her bruising her skin. A bead of sweat dripped from his forehead as he felt her warm walls squeeze him beautifully.
Their bodies moved together in a heated passion, both heavily panting.
Klaus dropped his hand down to slide his fingers over her clit. Y/n's head went back, her wings tensing and her mouth opening in a silent scream as he grunted and pounded into her as deep as physically possible. Little veins scattered under his eyes and he quickly shook them away and kissed from her jaw to her lips, absorbing her moans and swallowing them for himself.
He pulled away with a groan as he felt her body tightening significantly around him and her nails impaling his arms. Her wings flexed out and for a moment he worried they would start to flap but they fell back down as her body arched further.
"Oh sweetheart" Klaus muttered, rubbing her clit vigorously and bucking his hips quickly. "Come on darling...cum for me" He whispered, nipping her neck and licking the smooth skin to sate something inside himself.
Y/n's eyes rolled back and a heavenly sound left her as she felt her orgasm shatter through her. Her head lulled forward to lean against him and her eyes closed as his warmth spread through her. Two large wings held them together as their bodies pressed together without anymore movement.
"I love you my darling" He whispered earnestly, wrapping his arms round her waist and resting his head against hers. She smiled in his hold and sighed softly.
"I can't wait to spend eternity with you...in life and death" She uttered and he grinned.
"I'm going to worship you every night and day whether we're on earth or in the heavens or even if we ever went to-"
"Don't say it" She whined and he chuckled softly
"Forgive me, my love, it seems that I've said a few too many bad words this evening. I'll have to make it up to you" He purred and she giggled.
"You can make it up tomorrow" She murmured with a yawn and he hummed whilst gently lifting her up and carefully pulling out of her. Her skin shone with a thin layer sweat and she shifted as he laid her down amongst the sheets.
"I'm going to clean you a little in a moment but in the morning we'll bathe and ill help you with those gorgeous wings of yours" He promised with a kiss to her cheek.
"Thank you" She whispered, gazing at him with nothing but love.
As he wiped her skin clear, she thanked any and all versions of power for having her fall into the bayou that day, she thanked her father and the angels for allowing her marriage and she thanked the Mikaelsons for being the best family she could have wound up in.
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i-like-eyes · 1 year
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Trying to figure out how they'd work as puppets
More in depth analysis below the break
For those that don't know, typically the three most common variants of foam puppet are know as rod hand, live hand, and walk around. Examples would be Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Big Bird respectively. Rod hands are smaller in size and held up by, well, rods. Live hands have the puppeteer (or two!) insert their hand in a sleeve connected to the puppet for more interaction. Walk around puppets are full costumes the puppeteer wears, but what makes them puppets and not like, fursuits, is that there is still puppet mechanisms like moving the mouth or blinking.
Here is what comes from the website/Clown's tumblr:
Julie is a rod hand
Eddie is a live hand
Poppy is a walk around
Barnaby has a walk around and live hand
Howdy has a walk around and live hand
Sally is a live hand but "required an additional hand to help move her head, as it was much larger than other puppets"
Frank is said to have a fixed expression but his head could spin, rather he was rod or live or magic third thing I cannot figure out
Wally doesn't have any details regarding his puppet anatomy because he is special like that
Of note:
Julie likely has smth holding up all that hair (please be a fucked up skull please be a fucked up skull)
Poppy is a pretty standard walk-around puppet (she's just Big Bird), but I'm having trouble understanding how a human could fit into Barnaby or Howdy. Then again, 2d artwork of puppets tend to take liberties for the sake of stylization. So if someone were to make them IRL they'd either look really different or utilize tech I don't think was available in the early 70's
Howdy's legs could work on Squidward Spongebob Musical logic. Arms I have no clue, as a live hand he could have multiple people filling up those arms, but as a walk around idk cheap spider costume logic were the lower arms are attached to the upper arms ala a string?
I do not know what to make of Sally needing extra help to hold up other than that's so specific it might become a plot point
Okay Frank lacking details or having weird details that stand out is a running theme for him. He has no listed backstory whereas everyone else can say where there were from and who their family is. Every character's first name ends with a long "e" sound whereas Frank is. Frank. (His last name "Frankly" does cover that though). The fact that WHRP lacks any concrete detail on his creation is a story reason, what's the story no clue we are 5% in dudes
Regarding his puppet, he obviously had a fixed frown because puppet but also could spin his head. Now I have absolutely zero clue how you can have the head spin and also have room for the hand for the mouth, unless this is a rod puppet (Rizzo the Rat) where the mouth is moved by some other mechanism. All I can say is I'd suspect Frank to have a very stiff (read: not majority foam) head and body in order to hold up such a feature. If his head can detach, I can imagine a metal ring of sorts that his collar covers up
His arms are a different story. The website not clarifying how his arms work doesn't really mean there is anything particular about them, but I am going to over analyze is anyway dammit
Points for rod hand: arms/hands are slim, inspirations Bert and Mr.Robinson are rod hands, lack of other rod hands/variety reasons
Points for live hand: Sally also has slim hands but is live hand, not all live hands have thick arms (looks at how small Ernie's upper arms are compared to his fore arms), Beaker hasn't been listed as an exact inspiration for Frank but look at him, and most importantly is Poppy. Poppy is noteworthy for being the only walk around puppet without a live hand counter part. As a result of having wings for hands the puppeteer cannot realistically perform any of the baking tasks in her segment. As a result she gets help from Sally, Howdy, Eddie, and Frank. The former 3 are all live hands, and one can assume that because of this Frank could be a live hand as well
And finally I know he's said to not super expressive but my heart says that he would look great with the eyebrow mechanism Bert and other puppets have.
I should point out that puppets from the 90's (Dinosaurs and TMNT come to mind) used more robotics in order to achieve more expression with the characters, but I don't think that kind of tech was common place in the 70's and would apply here.
The big take away is that this post was made for practical reasons; I am just Quite Fond of researching this kind of thing. This will probably not get you any lore, but it could provide context for the characters. I personally suspect that Poppy not being able to fly or perform tasks she swore she could will play a big of her character. In general I think that what other puppets can and cannot accomplish will play into the theme of figuring out who you are. That's the real fun.
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purplealmonds · 9 months
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Continuing to fire on all cylinders to make this Sky 🤝Mononoke collab a reality! 🐲⚖️🌊
Process GIFs and artist commentary below the cut. ⬇️
Left: Process GIF Middle: Just the background, cos I really like how it looks! Right: Illustration without the collab logo
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And here are my notes on my inspirations and references. There's a lot of 'em, so instead of embedding relevant images one by one I put them in a callout sheet! For accessibility, I also included transcript (with bonus ramblings) below each sheet.
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Ofuda circle modeled in Google Sketchup 2017, then lightly transformed in Photoshop to flare out. I tried my best to hand-draw these, but it the results came out really clunky and stiff. I figured if Mononoke shamelessly utilizes 3D in their show, I can too!
Krill and sky kid composition roughly inspired by the Ayakashi DVD cover illustration. On the surface level, the krill's black-and-red color scheme mirrored that of the bake-neko. Not to mention, in the world of Sky, the krill would be the best fit of a mononoke-like entity. The red background is also a nod to the red skies seen during a shard eruption in Sky.
Sky kid gesture based on the Festival Spin Dancer's Tier 3 poses and the Medicine Seller's iconic pose in the Zakishiwarahi episode as inspiration. This was the idea which springboarded this illustration into existence. I wanted to do my take of the Medicine Seller's pose, but in a more dynamic manner: rotate the pose to a profile position and set the ofuda in a diagonal, flared out arrangement.
Cape inspired by tenbin design featured in the 2024 Mononoke movie. This one's an interesting one - I wanted the cape to be a stiff material that doesn't "flap" when in flight - similar to the Aurora wing capes. It ended up looking like a kite of sorts, which I'm not entirely opposed to! I haven't had the opportunity to showcase the back view of this cape design, but I envision it having some mechanical aspects to it - the "wing" which are flared out in this illustration fold in like moth wings, and a little bell is attached to the "tail" part and it jingles a little whenever the sky kid flaps!
Bandana is based on the Scaredy Cadet's hairstyle from the Season of Assembly. Mask design utilizes the 2023 Days of Style mask and the Nintendo Pack mask as bases. Pretty self-explanatory. I basically went onto the Sky wiki and found the cosmetics that most closely matched what I was looking for. Then if necessary, I went to the Office space to do photoshoots to get the appropriate camera angles for them all.
Seasonal pendant inspired by the classic Medicine Seller's necklace and the eye motif featured in the 2024 Mononoke movie. Possibly the only one-to-one homage to the classic Medicine Seller design here, but his garnet necklace was too good of a match to the seasonal pendant. A side tangent: does the new Medicine Seller possess a necklace, let alone a mirror? So far all the shots of him don't feature it. Fascinating.
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Dark dragon krill anatomy references a custom figurine crafted by @/escaflowne_n07 on Twitter. Until I found this, I was honestly at a loss finding reference for this - be it on the internet or during in-game photoshoots. The lighting on the krill in-game focused on its menacing silhouette rather than its structure. And not to mention, getting a close-up shot almost always set off the dark creature's aggro. I have no idea how this guy found the references to put this model together - well done!
Mantas, elder constellations, and sun dog references murals in the Cave of Prophecy. Krill aside, the overall illustration was leaning a little too much towards Mononoke so I tried finding opportunities to insert more Sky into it. Added bonus is that now there's storytelling in the background: during a shard eruption, a giant krill rises from the frothing waves of dark water to hunt down a flock of mantas.
Clouds behind the sun dog reference the ones featuring heavily in the Umibozu episode. This illustration has a lot of ocean theming, so I figured this would be appropriate.
Rendering style of the background is lightly inspired by the 2007 Mononoke illustration. Mainly having a 2D inked style to contrast with the more polished render of the sky kid. Funnily enough, this was a tertiary inspiration, which lead to the discovery in the next point!
Dark water waves and sun dog composition heavily references Hokusai's "The Great Wave". The waves were modified to be bottle-green of the Golden Wasteland's dark waters. The sun dog is in the spot where Mt. Fuji is in the original composition. these were all hand-drawn by the way! I merely emulated the style of the source material. As a side note, I also borrowed the spotted sea spray rendering for the krill's red spotlight.
Background pattern taken from the ofuda design featured in the 2024 Mononoke movie poster. Mainly to add some gritty texture to the sky. I worked pretty hard to replicate this ofuda design as a high-res asset so I wanted to use it more!
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petermorwood · 1 year
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I COULD MURDER A CURRY... Well, at least commit a certain amount of violence on one.
In other words, I wanted something curry-ish the other day without taking much trouble over it, so I threw this together from what was in the cupboard, fridge and freezer.
(There was rather less than I expected. That's been fixed.)
When I discovered we had no lamb or chicken it ended up as unintended vegetarian, and can as easily become vegan; just leave out the ghee. If my result is anything to go by, all variations will taste great.
NB #1, there's no salt; the preserved lemon has plenty.
NB #2, metric measurements are correct, Imperial are approximate, but this whole recipe was pretty vague from start to finish, so wing it.
That's what I did. For instance, preserved lemon is Moroccan not Indian, yet it worked just fine.
Lemon and lime lentil curry
1 tablespoon ghee or coconut oil (I used a 50-50 combination)
2 onions peeled and chopped fine
2 tablespoon hot curry powder
1 tablespoon mild curry powder (or 1 hot / 2 mild if preferred)
6 cloves of garlic peeled and chopped fine
2 400g / 14oz tins chopped tomatoes in juice
1 400g / 14oz tin kidney beans, drained and rinsed
250 g / 1 cup red lentils
250 g / 1 cup each of red, green, and yellow peppers, sliced and coarsely chopped (optional; we had them in the freezer)
2 heaped tablespoons lime pickle, chopped fine (hot or mild as preferred; Patak brand is good. I used home-made hot)
2 heaped tablespoons preserved lemon, chopped fine (again, I used home-made) *
1 tablespoon garam masala
* If you can't source preserved lemons, use the zest and juice of at least one fresh lemon (two might be better). If you've only got bottled lemon juice, add 125ml / 1/2 cup of it when the tomatoes go in.
Heat your preferred cooking fat in a pan (a wok is even better), add the chopped onions, and cook until soft and translucent. If desired, cook until starting to brown (this may take up to 45 minutes).
Push the onions to one side, allow the fat to flow into the centre of the pan, add the dry spices, combine well with the fat and cook for about five minutes.
Add the garlic and cook for a further five minutes.
Add the kidney beans and lentils to this mixture, stir well, add the peppers, lime pickle and preserved lemon, and stir again.
Add the chopped tomatoes, and one tomato-tin full of water. (Also add the lemon juice (and zest), if that's what you're using instead of preserved lemons.)
Stir well, turn the heat right down, cover, and simmer for about 30 to 45 minutes. (This is where I'd have added 2 cubed chicken breasts, if I'd had them).
Check occasionally to ensure nothing is sticking, adding a little water if required. Taste during this process, and adjust the seasoning. (Which means, if you're using fresh lemon or bottled lemon juice, this is when to add some salt.)
When the lentils are done (I like them a little al dente), sprinkle on 1 tablespoon garam masala, stir it in then serve.
Accompany with Basmati rice, or chapatis (flour tortillas / wraps will do just fine), or naan bread, or any combination of these. I did a mix of 1/3 brown Basmati / 2/3 white Basmati.
@dduane pointed out that what with the carbs, protein, dietary fibre etc., this is also quite healthy. That's an unexpected bonus for something I just thought was no trouble to make, tasted good...
And didn't involve committing even a minor felony, though a slice of apple tort to follow would have been nice... :->
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snapscube · 11 months
So do you have a spoiler free review of the Spider-Man 2 game, for people like me who haven’t bought/seen the game yet? (I lack money so I have to wait for Christmas lol)
I can give you my top-down thoughts yeah!
Gameplay-wise, it's a night and day improvement over the first game in basically every regard. I've heard some mixed opinions on the new gadget/abilities system, and I had my own hang-ups here and there, but once I got a feel for it and started actively looking for ways to cleverly use them and upgrade them it really clicked. The flow of combat is amazing. The swinging mechanics are a MONUMENTAL improvement over Spider-Man Remastered and Miles Morales. Those games had fantastic swinging, don't get me wrong, but they always had the issue of having a pretty intense speed cap and a disappointingly small amount of maneuvers to play with and master. This game introduces not only the web wings, which add a whole extra dimension of traversal to play with, but also still manages to improve the swinging itself more than I ever expected. Tight cornering, loop-de-loops, slingshots, and more are ALL introduced and work amazingly. And on top of it all, the speed cap for traversal is a 3X INCREASE when fully upgraded. And you feel it IMMEDIATELY, because even the baseline speed is so much faster from the jump. The game just plays beautifully in every regard, easily worth the price of entry for that alone.
Story-wise, I've mentioned I have some hangups about the pacing that I'm still working out. I just started a second story playthrough so I'm giving it time before I form any "final" thoughts, but my gut experience was that the first Act comes out the gate firing on all cylinders. The characters feel so alive, the world is breathtaking, and there's a ton of intrigue. But then once you hit Act 2 and 3 things speed up in a way that can feel a bit unnatural. One thing that helps this though is making sure to pace out your playthrough with side missions. It doesn't fix the pacing entirely, but there are so many side missions in this game that honestly feel just as integral and worth doing as the main story. I would say definitely try to do as much as you can to pace out Act 2 a little more with side content, cause much like Miles Morales this feels like the kind of game that lives and dies by its side stories. The secondary cast is incredible, and there's a ton of easter eggs and emotional beats that are integral to the overall picture of this game but just aren't in the main stuff. But the beats that hit in the main story hit REALLY HARD. The game definitely has the common sequel problem of shooting for a lot more and as a result kinda ends up a lot messier. The first game is still more of a quintessentially good Spider-Man tale than this one. But that is NOT to disparage this one at all. It is WORTH experiencing, for sure, I just think maybe it could have used some more polish. But there are a ton of moving parts, so I can totally see how they ended up with what they did.
I have a lot of other thoughts but those are sorta the big two pillars I can easily discuss without encroaching on spoiler territory and without writing basically a whole article.
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cherrywhite · 2 months
TSV Fan Favorite Survey Results
Last week I made a small TSV survey for the heck of it and ended up getting way more results than I originally expected!! Wanted to share the results.
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When I'm in a "Who's your favorite TSV main character" competition and my opponent is Carpenter 🤯 (Okay but.. is anyone surprised?)
Fun fact: for a while Hayward had only one or two votes and idk why that surprised me so much. Though I'm shocked he got more than Faulkner overall
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Top 5 minor characters, as voted: Val > Shrue > Sibling Rane > Gage > Sid Wright
Also unsurprising! Though I regret that I didn't word the question as "Pick up to 5" instead of top 5. Val almost got 100% of the votes in this category... off by 4.. I respect you but also who are you 4 I just want to know
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Top 5 side characters, as voted: Acantha > Nana Glass / Greve > Charity / Elgin > The Homesick Corpse > Chuck Harm (though Cross came very close to tying!!)
Acantha at the top is also unsurprising! Though.. looking at the top one.. looks like we all have a thing for old ladies, huh? Definitely my mistake in that I didn't add Em and Vaughn in there to begin with💦 Shoutout to the one person who voted Helen. Also, we love to see that Daggler got 0 votes.
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Favorite God, as voted: Th Cairn Maiden > The Many Below > The Trawlerman > The Watcher in the Wings > The Saint Electric
The Beast that Stalks in the Long Grass and The Last Word each got one vote. Also, The Chitterling got a vote. Henge, the god Hayward mentions in s1, the one that takes things people wish to lose, got two votes! :D Idk why, but it's such an unexpected pull to me, it makes me happy to see it was remembered!
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Top 5 s1 episodes, as voted: Chapter 4 > Chapter 7 & Chapter 15 > Chapter 1 > Chapter 13 > Chapter 3, 8, 11, & 12 (tied with 3 votes)
Fun fact: of season 1 episodes, only 4/15 episodes weren't picked as someone's favorite!!
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Top 5 s2 episodes, as voted: Chapter 24 > Chapter 29 > Chapter 19 > Chapter 17 > Chapter 23
Also not surprised because chapter 24 is also my favorite (probably my most relistened to episode and it still makes me cry). Though, I will say, I was surprised chapter 20 didn't have more votes since that one also seems to be a favorite writing wise!
Fun fact: of all s2 episodes, only 1 episode wasn't picked as someone's favorite! (okay, idk why it's important to me to point out, I just think it's interesting!! Though I can admit I could probably phrase it better. I think the fave episodes are spread out pretty evenly for each season though, which is really neat in my opinion.)
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Top 5 s3 episodes, as voted: Chapter 46 > Chapter 38 > Chapter 37 > Chapter 36 (we are not immune to a good tragic love story, I see) & Chapter 43 > Chapter 44
For a while, Chapter 38 had the most votes which I thought was.. idk how to better phrase it, but.. sweet. Because Carpenter's returning home episode was the fave of s2 and if Faulkner's returning home episode had also been the fave... something something we sure do love these terrible siblings, huh? But! Unsurprisingly the finale is the big fave of the season. How many of us have recovered from it??
Fun fact: Of season 3, only 3 episodes weren't chosen!
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Boooo I shouldn't have given y'all the option to abstain from picking!! "Don't make me choose," you cowards!! /lh
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mandatory link to this recommendation
Favorite episode title:
Hi. So, um. I'm an idiot. And didn't realize that Google Form automatically turns short answers into a bar graph. So unfortunately, the results for this one is..well
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And half of these are the exact same title with slightly different phrasing 🙃
BUT I'm nothing if not determined so I went through and organized everything though I didn't make a pie chart. Needless to say. I think we all know the favorite episode title (care to make a guess?)
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Favorite episode title: But We'll Never Be Rid of Each Other (25%)
Its Wrath Shall Scald the Sun came second with only 9% of the vote. We sure do love our doomed siblings, huh?
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tblsomedoodles · 6 months
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My Leo and Mikey for FW's good future.
(part 2 of 3 that i promised (oof) like 2 weeks ago. Yeah, it's been chaotic on my end.) (Donnie and Jennika can be found here.) (i'm still working on raph. Maybe by friday)
edit: Raph is here
I'm exhausted do multiple pet shenanigans so I'm posting this instead of waiting. (I'll do asks tomorrow. Tired)
again, all info under the cut
Leo is, like Donnie, 24 by the time they find Raph's bitties. He goes to college part time b/c he has other things he wants to be doing but also is slowly working towards getting into Mystic medical school. As much as Mama wants him to take over the nexus and hotel at some point, he'd really rather become a doctor like Leatherhead.
By now he's mostly gotten past his fear of medical procedures, though he's still not a fan of being treated by anyone except himself. There are a few things that still set him off (Like Bishop's genetics lab) but usually he's pretty good now.
At this point he's running the Battle Nexus's medical wing (not exactly practicing in it b/c he's not legally allowed, but he does run it.) And is in charge of the human side of the Nexus hotel (with use of a cloaking broach.) (Mikey helps but Leo's the face of it now.)
And Mikey! Mikey's 23. He went head first into art and mystics and just didn't look back. The dude has had art shows in both the hidden city and new york (though he never shows up to the nyc ones in person. It makes him a bit of a local cryptid as far as the art community goes lol.)
He's in college for art and has a nice little following online as well. Mostly for original work, but he does post jupiter jim fanart sometimes that is generally well liked. (he used to post Lou Jitsu fanart too, but the fandom was just too horny for his dad for him to be comfortable continuing doing so.)
His mystics are very powerful at this point. Probably more powerful than his apocalypse self was at that age (or ever) due to having proper access to training and food. His primary eyes glow gold almost constantly as a result of his extra mystic use, which he kind of likes since they used to be an amber color before his mutation.
I think that's about it.
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Trimax Thoughts Vol. 5 Pt. 3
Here we go again. (Gah I'm so behind sorry guys) More thoughts on Vash's no good, very bad mental health, this time focused on trauma symptoms and his uncharacteristic lack of foresight and planning when it comes to confronting Knives.
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[ID: A panel from Trigun Maximum Volume 5. Vash is hunched over among the rubble. He is not drawn in extensive detail, being merely eyes, an open mouth, spiky hair and a mass of feather-like projections covering his whole body and culminating in a single large wing protruding from his back. End ID.]
Again, this is going to get a little heavy, and became quite long. You have been warned.
(Sorry, the image of fluffy Vash has very little to do with anything... other than the fact that he is actively having a breakdown in that scene I guess. I just really wanted to include that panel. Lol.)
To start with, at the very beginning of my read of the manga, I commented on how Vash clearly demonstrates some pretty textbook avoidant behaviours. Then I took note later on of Vash's concerning lack of self-regard, resulting in little thought being given to a future for himself after confronting Knives.
Well. It gets worse I'm afraid. 👍
Vash displays enough clear signs of trauma in the manga that I am convinced he actually meets criteria for a PTSD diagnosis (specifically surrounding July). I'm a student in this field, not a professional, but I'm going to loosely run over the trauma symptoms he displays. <-This is important for the point I am trying to make.
Category 1: Intrusive Memories
Flashbacks - Yeah, all throughout Volume 5 as the memories of what happened all come rushing back at once (with Hoppered and Meryl unfortunately caught up in his trauma-induced breakdown. rip you two I am so sorry)
Nightmares - A bit harder to say. There aren't nightmares about July it seems, on account of his having forgotten the event. He dreams about Rem frequently though, it can be assumed, only for her to be wrenched away from him shortly before waking. This was in Volume 1 of Trigun.
Severe Emotional and Physical Reactions to Reminders - Volume 2 of Trigun, shortly before Fifth Moon. Vash freezes in place when he spots the doctor, which clearly triggers some kind of faint recognition and sense of horror. He doesn't notice Knives approaching until he is right in front of him.
Category 2: Avoidance
Of Thinking/Talking About It - Vash notably doesn't actually question anything to do with July, which you would think he would, if he can't remember anything. He just knows that the city was destroyed and Knives was there - up until Fifth Moon, I don't think there was any doubt in his mind that it was Knives who was responsible. After this, he spends two years in hiding, out of fear of himself and a lack of desire to engage with reminders of his past.
Category 3: Negative Changes
Hopelessness - For a guy who wants people to have hope... he doesn't allot much to himself... :(
Memory Problems - The core issue before Vol. 5. Vash had no idea what happened in July. He even blocked out part of Fifth Moon.
Negative Self-Opinion - "I should never have been born." "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" :(
Difficulty Maintaining Close Relationships - Always leaving people without saying goodbye. Still rarely calls Meryl and Milly by their names. People have to chase after him if they want him around.
Detachment - His go-to when everything gets too much. See the Leonof fight for a good example.
Difficulty Experiencing Positive Emotions - "Ya always smiled all cheerfully, but it was so empty it hurts just lookin' at ya."
Category 4: Physical/Emotional Reactions
Always on Guard - He can't use his real name most of the time. He trains all the time; has to respond quickly to ever-present danger.
Self-Destructive Behaviour - ...it's Vash. :/
Irritability/Angry Outbursts/Aggression - Very much so. Anger is a driving motive and we see this flare up whenever Knives is so much as mentioned. He even gets uncharacteristically short with Meryl when she tries to stop him from confronting him, and Vash does not tend to be very rational or composed in situations where he is genuinely angry. <- I will be coming back to this point.
Overwhelming Guilt or Shame - ...again. It's Vash. :/
Other Complications that can Arise:
Depression (this should go without saying. he's fighting so hard to feel every scrap of fleeting joy he can)
Suicidal Thoughts and Actions (I went over this before. These have cropped up in almost every volume so far and I expect this to get much worse)
Eating Issues (This appears to be Stampede specific, but I thought I'd mention it anyways)
So, uh. I hope this is enough proof. He clearly does have severe trauma, and well, that's not really a surprise, considering what actually happened. Vash inadvertently killed an entire city's worth of people. Absorbed them, even. Deeply traumatic for someone who doesn't want to hurt anyone at all - but this is not the only part of July that was traumatic.
Let's go back to the aggression part of the response - the "fight" aspect that sometimes arises when put in stressful situations that reminds one of their trauma. See, Vash's anger is something we as readers see a lot in the story but that's because we primarily see major scenes where he is pushed to his limits. In all actuality, for those parts in between, he's a chill and friendly guy. Does he get irritated? Quite easily. Does he always have a bit of simmering resentment in him? Sure. But this is not the explosive kind of rage we see when he is confronted with Knives. Usually, Vash is more prone to introspective melancholy or bitterness than violent rage - for as much as we see it, the latter is actually rather uncommon.
So, too, is the way he "confronts" Knives. Vash is typically very in control of himself; he's confident with his skills, clever and adaptable, and generally speaking, very good at planning out his next moves. In a gunfight, for as much as he would prefer not to be wrapped up in it, he is in his element. Even when there is uncertainty, he still eventually takes decisive action. ...except where Knives is concerned.
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[ID: Two screenshots from the Trigun manga. The first is from Volume 5 of Maximum. Vash aims his gun with a serious expression and says "I've finally caught up with you... Knives." Knives looks at him, taken aback. The second image is from Volume 2 of Trigun. Vash shouts as he raises his gun rapidly to aim at Knives, blurred with quick vertical lines to make the speed of the motion obvious. His expression is furious. Knives looks at him, part of his face shadowed, again, looking taken aback. End ID.]
...hello? Sir? Why are you just pointing your gun and like. Not doing anything? Like he keeps aiming his gun and then just... holding it there. Even Vash in Stampede fired on Knives' weapons. This guy, for all his rage, hasn't unleashed a single shot unless the situation forced him to. In fact, Vash's entire wording surrounding Knives and how he is going to stop him is also extremely vague. He says things like "settle the score" and "send him to hell", which, to me, initially implied killing him... but Vash has no issue using the word "kill", and he never actually says that about Knives. He says he's going to stop him, but fails to actually specify how. I cannot stress enough that this lack of foresight is actually deeply uncharacteristic of him.
But here's the thing.
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[ID: Part of a panel from Trigun Volume 2. Vash's thoughts are set on a white background. They read "We... I... should never have been born." End ID.]
He switches his wording here. The subject of the sentence changes from "we" to "I". Even in his mind, he can't muster that kind of sentiment about his brother. He's angry with Knives, even hates him... but I strongly disbelieve he actually wants him dead. Knives is his brother, man. That still means something to him.
You might be wanting to pause me here and ask why I framed the confronting of Knives as an aggressive response due to trauma, as opposed to just vengeance/retribution for Rem and for July. Yeah, well, there's an interesting contrast to be made here. Look up at the two confrontation images again.
Before July, Vash is level-headed when confronting him; angry, but in control. After July, he is yelling and openly bitter and wrathful. There's even a difference in him looking for information on Knives and his associates. In July, he's just asking around. There's none of the darkness we see in the series proper. By contrast, his mood does a sharp turn after July whenever Knives is so much as mentioned. More than that, there's this, too.
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[ID: Knives stands facing Vash so only the back of his head can be seen. His head is next to Vash's gun. Vash looks startled. A speech bubble shows two exclamation points. End ID.]
...Vash is... actually scared here. Knives is approaching him and he's frozen due to the feeling that something sickening happened, even though he's the one holding the gun. July was stressful and terrifying for Vash even before the angel arm went off, and dare I say, already traumatic.
Vash knew two things in that scene, and pretty much only two things:
His arm was transforming uncontrollably, something he had no clue prior to this it could even do.
Knives wanted him to "release" his power, which would "swallow" everything in the place they're in. Clearly Knives intended harm to others with whatever power lay dormant in Vash.
This is already a terrifying situation - body horror on top of the certainty that something horrible is about to happen if he loses control - and it shows. He is visibly panting and struggling with the exertion of trying to suppress it, and Knives is not helping in the slightest by asking him piercing questions like he is, taking advantage of Vash's vulnerability here to make him tip over the edge and somehow admit that it was all a lie and deep down he feels the same as Knives. Now, notably Vash doesn't deny occasionally feeling hatred for humanity - he just tells Knives to "stop it". But Knives, instead, doubles down with his questioning.
This is not the only time in this scene Vash has tried to get Knives to stop. Knives does not stop at Vash's distress. Vash tells him to stop, he doesn't. Vash points his gun at him (again, he doesn't fire), and Knives still does not stop. In a last ditch attempt to reason, Vash somehow psychically transmits the faces and feelings he has towards all the people who were kind to him - you can see some of the residents of July, Ship 3's Luida, Doc, Brad and Jessica, and probably others he's met on his travels. Knives loses it and shoves him on to the ground.
I think Vash was well within his right to take self-defensive action here - and indeed, I really think that's what happened when he fired the angel arm at Knives.
Look, I really like it when intentional mistakes are made and characters have to deal with the consequences, and I think there are scenes in which this can apply to Vash (namely, I can think of more than a few drawbacks to his passivity in early Trimax, and his conflict with Wolfwood holds a lot of complexity on both sides)... but I have to be real honest with you, I don't think this is one of those times. I disbelieve this was a fully conscious choice on Vash's part.
For one, we've established Vash does not actually want Knives dead. Second... I may just be reading into this too much, but again, there's something in the way the eyes are drawn.
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[ID: A set of panels from Trigun Maximum Volume 5. Knives is drawn with an intense expression; he looks confident, but there is a "thump" sound. Knives looks down, brows furrowed and sweating, to see the barrel of Vash's angel arm pointed at his chest. In the last panel, a gap between Knives' fingers reveals one of Vash's eyes, blank and devoid of iris or pupil. End ID.]
I'd initially thought the blank eye thing had to do with the release of Vash's power from the angel arm, but that appears to not be the case. It doesn't coincide with the charging of the arm - the arm is active and charged past the point of no return here with Vash's iris and pupil still visible during Fifth Moon, and we see Vash's eyes blank well before the angel arm forms in Volume 5, when he is undergoing intense flashbacks to the destruction of July. Vash's eyes even go blank when his powers are not active at all - again, during the start of his flashbacks.
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[ID: A set of screenshots from the Trigun manga. The first is from Trigun Volume 2. Vash's eye, with iris and pupil and a welling tear, can be seen between Knives' fingers, as Knives screams "Destroy them all! Vaaash!". The second is from Trigun Maximum Volume 5, where Vash is hunched over on the ground as his body sprouts feathers and lines appear on his face. He is in clear distress and his eyes are blank. The third is from Maximum Volume 4. Vash screams and throws his head back. A close up of his eye shows it is blank, welling with tears. End ID.]
I am about 80% confident, give or take, that the blank eye thing pertains to Vash's mental state - as in, how mentally present he is versus him being out of control and checked out of reality. He needs to be snapped out of it - thoughts of Meryl and how she needed help, Elendira's intervention... but there was nothing to snap Vash out of his panic and that flood of raw emotion during July. It was a spur of the moment automatic response - the angel arm is a gun, Vash is very confident with a gun to the point its basically instinct, he's being pinned and trapped and something he doesn't understand and can't control is happening to his own body, people might be about to get hurt - he wanted it to stop.
Unfortunately, the worst possible consequences were a direct result of his desperation. Vash's automatic attempt at self-defense took out an entire city and swallowed all the people within it.
I do think that if it was self-defense over an active choice, the outcome would be pretty much the same and doesn't weaken the scene. For one, this would mark pretty much the only time we see Vash act in close to pure self-defense. He has such a disregard for his own safety, it's incredibly heartbreaking to think that the one time he actually did try to defend himself, it resulted in such a horrible tragedy. It might explain why, after remembering bits and pieces from Fifth Moon onwards, he becomes even less compassionate with himself and even more prone to just... taking the pain. Second, the effect is the same as if Vash chose to fire the arm consciously, because due to Vash's terrible sense of self-worth, self-defense is not a reasonable excuse to him - even though it was a traumatic experience for him, even though he would likely understand someone else in his position, he is going to treat himself as though the blame lies solely on him, regardless of the automaticity of the action itself. Vash blames himself and whether or not the reader determines his actions to have been automatic or conscious, he is going to treat himself the same either way. He is going to forever carry that guilt with him no matter what the intent behind the arm's firing initially was.
With the context of July now, I don't think I can believe that his lack of willingness to kill is purely Rem's influence anymore. I think Vash truly, honestly, does not want to harm or kill anyone; his abhorring of (in his eyes) unnecessary violence is genuine. (This does not mean he never gets angry or hates people - we know he can and does!) But it's like there's a middle step between Vash's anger and Vash getting close to lethally pulling the trigger, and that middle step is "stop it".
Stop doing this. Stop hurting people.
Stop. Stop. Stop.
When faced with someone who wants to hurt others, who actively causes harm and won't listen to reason, Vash becomes dangerously hyper-focused. The closer that person is associated to Knives, the less control he has over his own anger, and the more he goes on the warpath. The problem is though, that Vash has made a promise to Rem, sure, but also he really doesn't want to hurt people, but then he also wants it to stop, and when your options are limited, sometimes the fastest and most effective way to make it stop is... to just kill the person. And I strongly believe this is why, in the heat of the moment, his usual calculated actions become less well thought out and almost vague, because... well... he's fighting with conflicting pieces of himself. His morality and his bleeding heart make him want to spare people, but that explosive aggression that is primarily a trauma symptom (!!!) is demanding he take immediate action to just make it stop.
That's really what it boils down to. All that aggression and emotion comes bubbling out of him, because he's just so tired... and because that's... well. Trauma.
(Yes, I will comment later on how Knives' anger is just as much a trauma response, but I'd like to have a little more info on him before I analyze too much on that front. Kind of fascinating how their go-to reaction is anger for the both of them, but put towards wildly different goals. These twins can fit so much mental illness in them.)
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I finally got enough courage to post this, so here’s one of my Wings of Fire OC’s I made/drew, Lotis! Her name is based off the Lotis Blue Butterfly, and she is a tribrid. She has a Silkwing mother, and a Rainwing/Sandwing hybrid father.
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I’ll put the backstory, abilities, lore and stuff under the cut, alongside a version with no background and her outline, as well as the generation method that I used to make her/get the inspiration to make her, as it’s pretty long.
Though admittedly a bit clumsy, Lotis is very sweet, and charms pretty much everyone she meets. Her mother is a silkwing who escaped the hives, and fled to Pyrrhia to live a new, truly free life. After a lot of travel, she ended up in the rainforest, finding the rainwings most welcoming, and finding their way of life good, as well as the plentiful amounts of fruit. Here she ended up meeting a sandwing/rainwing hybrid, who was the result of the magical tunnels leading from the sand kingdom to the rainforest, allowing a rainwing and a sandwing to meet up and mate. They fell for one another, and eventually had a child. This child was born with piebald patterns, most likely the result of underdeveloped rainwing color changing scales that can’t change meeting the near white of the sandwing, causing this mutation. This dragon is on the thinner, leaner side compared to most other dragons, but is a bit stocky compared to her mother. She lacks silk, and hatched with her wings, and though she has a tail barb, she has no venom whatsoever, and lacks the venomous fangs of rainwings. She has silkwing antenna though, which she can not only use to sense vibrations like a normal silkwing, but the emotions of other dragons, due to her mother having shown kindness and given aid to an animus dragon while on her journey, who then gave her a gift, saying that her next child would be able to always tell the emotions of others and help those in need. When Lotis hatched, she had the ability to sense the emotions of other dragons with her antenna, which was overwhelming at first when young, but she grew used to it and learned to control it, similar to mindreading and nightwings. She will often curl her antenna up when overwhelmed though. This power, along with her naturally sweet and charismatic disposition, makes her very good with dragonets, especially young or freshly hatched ones. She will happily befriend just about anyone, and will immediately come to another’s aid if she senses they are upset or unwell. She plans to eventually try and get a job at Jade Mountain Academy once she is old enough, but is happy for now just helping out with the younger dragonets in the rainforest. She is unable to change colors, but this does not bother her in the slightest, and she will proudly display her multi-colored and butterfly-like patterned frill to any younglings who take an interest in it. She also likes earrings, though more simple ones, and almost always wears some that she got from her mother. Her name is one her mother gave her, in reference to a kind of butterfly, but it is often confused with the flower of a similar sounding name, and will patiently (if tiredly) correct anyone who misspells it. She also got the friendly nickname of “Splotch”, for her piebald pattern and white splotches.
Here is the version with no background and the outline of her, as promised
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Tada! I had trouble deciding on the colors, but she was very fun to draw. I originally drew her on paper, before tracing her and coloring her in a drawing app (mostly because I liked the original too much to color her+it was cleaner).
Here’s the generator thing I used to get the description and traits for her and all that, which was also very fun and helped me get through my art block. I didn’t make this, so credit to the original creator of the generation method, HoneyBeest.
This was incredibly helpful for getting the description and personality in my head, so I could draw her and make a backstory and all that, and get through my art block (which I had been trying to do for weeks, if not a month or two) and actually draw something.
Now, please keep in mind, this is mine! Do not repost (steal and put on other websites especially without credit)!
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inviisiiblelee · 7 months
The Beginning of a Lifetime
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Word Count: 2,030 Rating: Teen and Up Audience Relationship: Alastor/Vox Additional Tags: Vox is named George Taylor, Vox is Brand New, Alastor Has a Heart (Hazbin Hotel), Fluff, First Meetings, i love writing about first meetings, Vox died in the 40s, Probably only a handful of years after Alastor at most, Alastor Takes Vox Under His Wings, porting from AO3, link included above if prefered. Notes: Always based around headcanons. I named him George Taylor simply because its a really non-unique and generic type of name. Meant for a boring, plain little man. I thought about V names like how Angel is Anthony, but I was looking up popular names for boys born in 1890's when I headcanon Vox was probably born and wanted to stay within the top of popularity. A (late) entry for RadioStatic week day 1. Enjoy! <3 Meant to rival in name my other work, The End of a Lifetime, too.
George Taylor was not a violent man in life, and to be faced with so much violence immediately in Hell? He was absolutely not ready. Not only was he unprepared for the levels of pure chaos, but even his own body was beyond a little different. He couldn’t say it didn’t make some sense, he’d only died with a large television set dropped directly onto his head. Turns out that’s quite enough pressure to cause the skull to give in and be crushed completely. He had enemies, sure, while alive, it wasn’t something that could be easily avoided in the line of business he had pursued, at the end of the day. And some of those people were more temperamental than he was, but that was where his disarming charm was used the best. He could talk a majority of people down from a direct conflict, could sugar his words just right so that they would feel reassured. White lies, little seeds of doubt or warmth, a way of wriggling into their hearts and minds. He was good at it. He was just a plain, simple man, anyway. What was intimidating of someone as plain as him? Dressed well and groomed, with an easy smile and all the patience in the world. A soft voice, dulcet tones, easy airs of confidence and pleasantry. It worked.
His life’s final confrontation was impossible to ease down, and George was not a fighter in any way. He could be quick on his feet, but fear, while motivating, didn’t make it easy. It wasn’t as though it wasn’t a fair experience - he’d gotten the man booted from his job, needled down with debt, and serving time for something he definitely did not do, as a star witness who lied on the stand in full confidence and with the performance of a lifetime. It made sense he was murdered, and it made perfect sense he found himself here in Hell, something he did, at least, gather quickly.
He didn’t anticipate some sort of warm welcome, of course, no group of happy campers to explain how things worked or to help him out, but he also didn’t quite anticipate being jumped and pushed into an alleyway by a small group of three rough looking demons (he had to guess? Surely that was what they were called?) who threw him to the ground, searched his pockets, slammed his head against a wall, and took his slightly worn out jacket and his shoes of all things, considering he had nothing else to offer. He wasn’t sure how a television of a head could lead to the pain shooting through his back and limbs, and while he was unsure of anything else that was injured, it hurt more than he liked to admit, and trying to stand led to such severe vertigo that he slid down against the wall and just stayed there. 
He had never been so beaten down so fast while alive, even as a sickly sort. He was often ill, pushing through regardless and a little less than sturdy as a result, but he’d always been able to keep some sort of victimization at bay. Yet here he was now, exhausted already, in pretty poor shape and relative thundering pain, hazy vision and some sort of buzzing in the back of his mind that was steadily growing. It was a little distracting, really, and he sort of leaned into the sound, trying to follow it, the odd tones and shifting noise. It reminded him of an older time, before he was a television personality, back when he worked in the industry fixing problems with the tech. It was a sound mostly associated with audio problems, really. He wondered how deep the effects of having such a … changed physical form went. He hadn’t even had the opportunity to really look or examine it much before things went down, anyway.
Static was building in his head, and George was finding it hard to think. The sound of it shifted and changed every moment, pitch and tone flowing up and down like someone trying to tune an old instrument, except interspersed by buzzing and screeching of something electronic. Like a speaker ruined by water, or being in general interfered with. He tried reaching out to it mentally in some way, a sort of … internal troubleshooting. It felt weird and almost nauseating to explore, but he was trying to make any sense of it. He found he could sort of lower the volume of it, but it kept rising even when he did, steadily, and eventually he gave up, letting the buzzing, shrill feedback take over his mind. 
He barely noticed a shadow tower over him.
But he did. He saw it projected along the ground and over his person, and his heart dropped into his stomach. A soft little plea for mercy escaped him, and he realized he had been whimpering quietly for a little while now. He hadn’t noticed in the whirlwind of emotion and sensation, and something akin to tears appeared to be dripping from his screen. It felt weird. A chill settled over him, and he felt fear sink into his soul. 
George looked up at the person causing the shadow. Shades of red, black accents, a demon dressed rather formally and holding something that looked like both a cane and some sort of … microphone? The buzzing was so loud in his ears, and then it abruptly cut quiet as the looming form spoke.
“Good to see you, old friend.” A hand was outstretched to him, the friendliest gesture anyone had shown him so far, at all. 
Old friend? For a moment, all George could do was stare at him, this strange … person? Man? Devil? And then it clicked. 
Was that Alastor? They had met a couple of times over the years they lived on Earth simultaneously. A radio host, whose voice George was fairly familiar with when he would make his trips through his area. They’d met in person only a handful of times, at various functions that George ended up at per his workplace. The two had shared a few conversations, and he remembered them well, one of which being recommended to look into broadcasting himself, a compliment that George had taken quite seriously. Alastor had been a hell of a man when alive, certainly, in spite of what he thought he knew of his potential crimes. It wasn’t as though it was his job to judge, and it wasn’t as though he felt he had been in any danger. He remembered hearing about his death, finding it quite regrettable and sad, even. It was quite the accident to learn of. But Alastor was far from who he expected to run into, let alone to be recognized by.
Idiot. It was the only thing he could seem to say, even as he reached forward and placed his own hand in the other’s. His blue fingers contrasted so starkly against the red of his old acquaintance’s. But he found support and strength in the grip of his friend’s, and Alastor helped him stand and steadied him easily when he swayed. He was smiling wide, and George wondered if he was really that happy to see him. He couldn’t help but feel a little relief - okay, a lot of it. A weight was being lifted from his chest, seeing someone familiar, someone he would happily trust in this moment. Maybe a little naive, or a dangerous line of thoughts, but he couldn’t help himself. 
“The one and only!” Alastor replied, chipper energy in the words. “You look an absolute mess, friend, what happened?”
“Oh, uh,” George hesitated to respond, but it was hard to miss the clear evidence of an attack, anyway. Or at the least, the torn clothing and dazed expressions. “Someone stole my jacket and shoes.” He said it with a shrug, and he offered his own easy smile. It was something he could do, at least. He could pretend, in this moment, that it didn’t matter. 
“How shameful of them! Come along, I’ll get you sorted out straight away. What did they look like?” The question had him blinking, and then scrambling to remember. It hadn’t even happened more than an hour ago, so he gave what description he could. Alastor simply nodded, looking away in what he thought was some sort of consideration. He placed a hand on George’s back, urging him out of the alleyway finally, leading him down the sidewalk.
“Sorry, I’m just a little out of it still,” he said quickly. “Just got here and I didn’t quite think it would all be so … immediately exciting.” Carefully chosen words as he examined his surroundings, peering around to finally get a sense of where he might be, the state of things around here. He’d barely made it a few blocks on his own, before. 
“Worry not, we’ll get you right as rain in no time at all,” was all Alastor offered, and George fell into step with him cautiously. 
Things were odd. Alastor brought him to what seemed to be a tailor, offering to cover him getting repaired and refreshed clothing for the time being. He didn’t ask for anything from George as they left, but he couldn’t help feeling relieved. He noted that many seemed to shy away from Alastor for some reason, fleeting glances and then people crossing the roads, as if to get away from him. It was a weird thing to see - Alastor was still only smiling, seemingly unbothered by any of it. 
“What’s with the parting of the crowd?” George finally asked after a little more walking, entirely unsure where they were even going, now. 
“Oh, they’re merely getting out of the way,” Alastor said simply. “I’ve made a few waves here, they know to move pretty well.” He said it so jauntily, George couldn’t find a reason to mind it. If Alastor had made a name for himself already, then all the better, right? Good for him. 
They walked only for a few blocks before George realized they were within sight of the group that had attacked him. Stepping a little closer to Alastor, without realizing it, he tensed up. Alastor seemed to notice, however.
“Is that them?”
“I- I think so? The one on the right has my jacket, at least.”
“Stay here, yes?”
“Uh. Okay.”
Alastor broke away from him with a few strides and approached the small group of other demons. Alastor’s height towered over them, and they seemed very startled by his presence. George stayed where he was told, unable to hear the conversation, though it was clearly mostly Alastor speaking to them at length before holding out one hand, palm up, expecting something. A moment passed, and then something in the air changed, and the buzzing static and feedback roared in his ears all of a sudden. He saw the space around Alastor darken, saw a long, strange set of antlers begin to grow from his temples. Dark shadows formed around the trio, and those around otherwise were quick to clear away at the display, but George could only seem to stare. The shadows traveled up and wrapped around each of the demons, and he snatched George's jacket and shoes from them, as well as other belongings. The shadows squeezed harder and harder, until they were certainly pleading desperately, before being abruptly consumed into the ground without further showing. Alastor draped the jacket over his arm and returned to George’s side, holding his things out.
George blinked a few times before remembering himself, taking them from him with a rushed set of thank you’s, which Alastor only waved away with a quick dismissive comment. They fell into step together again, and Alastor asked if he felt fine enough to join him for lunch.
“Oh, yeah, of course. I’ll be fine, thank you.”
“No thanks necessary. What else are friends for? You must catch me up, I’m sure we have plenty to discuss, so stay close, hm?”
“Definitely will do.”
And, well. Vox would be a man of his word, for as long as Alastor wanted him there.
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genopaint · 22 days
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Back again with what should be week 31 of the Daily Dragon Challenge!
As always you can follow me on twitter where they’re posted daily
And read more info on each of them below the cut
Daily Dragon #210 / #211 - Blue-Eyes White Dragon / Red-Eyes Black Dragon
MORE dragons I knew I wanted to do from the start. Something Yugioh related is LONG overdue but god DAMN the dragons in this series are not easy to draw!!
Certainly not perfect, but considering I'm tired and they're tricky designs I think they could've come out a lot worse! I hope you like them!
Daily Dragon #212 - Mimring
WE GOT ANY HEROSCAPE FANS IN THE HOUSE!?!? The characters from that game are so cool and have stuck in my head nonstop ever since I was a little kid. So many good memories of this figure's wings falling off.
Daily Dragon #213 - DRAGON.EXE
[ GIF / FLASHING LIGHTS WARNING ] Uh oh... Well, I'm sure that file wasn't important... Thank you all SO much for voting! That's that on July, this fella ended up being the most popular!
Here's the results :
DRAGON.EXE - 2 Votes Megalogon - 2 Votes Black Hole Dragon - 1 Vote Drake Typhoon - 1 Vote Eggodon - 1 Vote Chocodon - 1 Vote Bombodon - 1 Vote Bog Rex - 1 Vote Cleoboros - 1 Vote Vampire Wyvern - 1 Vote
This time, the tie breaker was decided by my mom :)
I won't toot my own horn, but there were a few dragons I was pretty pleased with this month. But I think my ultimate favorite may have been the Black Hole Dragon. With Exor, Vampire Wyvern, and Gila Devil being close runner ups.
Here's the 2 frames on their own. Since I always gotta go that lol I hope you enjoyed the little gif effect thing I just randomly decided it would be cute! But yeah, that's the end of July! Very exciting! My birthday isn't too far off!
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Daily Dragon #214 - Bahamut (Final Fantasy 3)
First dragon on my sort of hiatus and also somehow the first true Bahamut of the challenge! I want to draw each FF Bahamut as I play the games, but I've been LONG overdue on this one. I beat 3 back in January
Daily Dragon #215 - Godzilla
This was a drawing I started for a previous day but abandoned. However, looking at it again tonight I actually REALLY liked how the lineart looked, so I finished it! The King of the Monsters is here!!
And before people say "oh this isn't a dragon" there was a palm tree included in this challenge. a palm tree. that was a dragon.
Daily Dragon #216 - Bio Dragon
A strange dragon made in a lab by people trying to play gods. They're incredibly ferocious, made with the most powerful traits of various reptiles. Such as camouflage and toxic spit.
This is a redraw of an old dragon, I don't have an exact date but I want to say its sometime pre-2017??
and yes... yeah... its another poison one
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thelaurenshippen · 4 months
this month's mixtape is Desperate Hollow! I write notes to all of my playlists and this month, I also wrote a ton about the process of working on this story, so if y'all are interested in that too, I'm happy to post that writing here! just let me know. but for now, music and rivals-to-friend-to-enemies-to-lovers feelings.
here are the basics that you need to know: Tex Bullock (a name he chose at 11) joined the notorious Barlowe Boys after he was orphaned at 8 years old, with Barlowe taking him under his wing. Sawyer Watson was similarly orphaned years later and fell in with the gang when he and Tex were both 14. they did not like each other at first. but fast forward thirteen years and they've become the best of friends, with feelings beyond friendship buried in both their hearts, when a confrontation with Barlowe leads to Sawyer shooting Tex in the chest and leaving him for dead. 
fast forward again, seven years this time, and Sawyer has been living in a dead-end town (Desperate Hollow, of course) when who should roll into town, horseless and clearly running from something, but Tex. 
that is, more or less, everything you need to know that happens in the first few chapters. okay, let's get into it: 
1. "Bottom of the River" - Delta Rae
This playlist was started so long ago, in 2019, and since then I've honed so much about the story, even though I haven't touched this playlist. As a result, a lot of the songs are seeking a vibe that I hadn't quite clicked into - this is definitely a vibe song. It sounds to me like dragging yourself across dusty plains, hoping that salvation will come find you soon, either in the sight of civilization or in death. Essentially: where Tex begins.
2. "Born This Way" - Bear and a Banjo
Though both Sawyer and Tex have their own playlists (which I'll be sharing over the next two months) as well as several different ship mixes, there are certain songs that are more one or the other on this playlist. Sawyer's life before joining the Barlowe Boys was fairly peaceful - as a Black man living in Montana, he didn't exactly have it easy, but he had parents who loved each other and loved him. That sense of family is something he never quite gets back with the gang.
What happened to my freedom, separated my family/Bringing me to the foreign place/Now I'm focused on surviving in the midst of evil/Don't think it's ever gonna be the same
Fun fact! This song is actually from a fiction podcast about a fictional musical collaboration. 
3. "Devil's Backbone" - The Civil Wars
Meanwhile, Tex was raised by a criminal father, his mother having died when he was eighteen months old. So when Barlowe found him and showed him the kind of affection and guidance his father never did, it was easy for Tex to fall into line on the criminality side. Sawyer is a lot more moral than Tex in a lot of ways - he's never killed anyone, whereas Tex has earned himself a pretty fearsome reputation. Sawyer doesn't always approve of what Tex does but...that doesn't mean he doesn't have a weakness for him all the same. 
Don't care if he's guilty, don't care if he's not/He's good and he's bad and he's all that I've got
Also, Sawyer was raised in the church whereas Tex's dad was probably? Irish Catholic but I don't think he ever talked about God with Tex. Neither one of them is very religious anymore, but I love the line Oh Lord, oh Lord, what do I do?/I've fallen for someone who's nothing like you
4. "Tell That Devil" - Jill Andrews
I found this song because it's the theme for  Wynonna Earp, a delightful supernatural Western with lots of queerness. 
I gave you all I got to give/I know that ain't no way to live/so I told that devil to take you back - so much of the conflict between Tex and Sawyer is about loyalty, to each other and to Barlowe. I think this could work in multiple ways--either one of them saying it to Barlowe, or Sawyer saying it to Tex. 
5. "I'm a Wanted Man" - Royal Deluxe
This is a Tex song - both how the world sees him and the way he sees himself. 
I would kill again to keep from doing time is more or less a plot point, and you should never ever trust my kind is a central conflict within him. 
If you asked me to change/I don't know if I can/I'll always be who I am
Royal Deluxe is all over these playlists - they make "outlaw rock" which in my view, is essentially cowboy-outlaw roleplaying fanfic. I'm so glad it exists. 
6. "I'm Bad" - The Last Vegas
More of a vibe song, but I do think this is a little bit how Tex sees himself sometimes. He doesn't relish violence, doesn't actually really want to be an outlaw, but it's pretty much all he's ever known -- this is my note from 2019 or whenever I first wrote the notes and I don't have much to add to it (other than to say I'm not sure Tex doesn't relish violence. It's complicated. I did tell you the story got darker). Hindsight being 20/20, if I were to remake these playlists now, this would go on the Barlowe playlist. But this and the Tex and Sawyer playlists have been so baked for so long, I can't conceive of any other song placement. 
7. "Raise Hell" - Brandi Carlile 
If Tex has an anthem this is it. For some reason, I didn't end up putting it on his personal playlist, because I think it fits the ~vibes~ better.
I've been down with a broken heart/Since the day I learned to speak/The devil gave me a crooked start/When he gave me crooked feet - This is sort of the companion to "Born This Way". Tex's father took a lot more shape since I wrote this initial note, but it applies even more now. Tex was never going to walk straight (dual meaning intended). 
I dug a hole inside my heart/To put you in your grave/At this point it was you or me/And mama didn't raise no slave/You took my face in both your hands/And looked me in the eye/And I went down with such a force/That in your grave I lie - I was coy with my notes on these lyrics previously, but it does work on multiple levels - Tex and Sawyer both have to bury each other in their hearts after that deadly confrontation and, for seven years, Sawyer thinks he put Tex in his actual grave. Which, from his perspective, might as well be his own grave for as much as he wants to exist in a world without Tex. Anyway, yeah, graves are a thing in the book. 
8. "Dangerous" - Royal Deluxe
Mostly a vibes song - I like to think of this as a theme song of sorts, for when Sawyer and Tex were in their early twenties, perfect partners, taking the West by storm and becoming figures of legend. 
9. "Blood on My Name" - The Brothers Bright
As I said, Sawyer is the less violent of the two, doesn't like being an outlaw at all really but that doesn't mean he isn't deadly. Tex wears his anger like a well-worn coat, but Sawyer's rage is buried deep.
Yes, Sawyer's rage is buried deep, but it's also different from Tex's - it's a simplification, but Tex spends most of his life angry at himself, Sawyer spends that time angry at the world. After Sawyer shoots Tex, those positions switch. Tex is the one who has blood all over his reputation, his name, but Sawyer's one kill (so he thinks) haunts him in a way killing never bothered Tex. 
There's a reckoning a-coming/And it burns beyond the grave/With lead inside my belly/'Cause my soul has lost its way/Oh, Lazarus, how did your debts get paid? - brain goes brrrrr at this re: Sawyer, but I've got to save some thoughts for the actual book. 
10. "Gun in My Hand" - Dorothy
Why did love put a gun in my hand...Why did love put a knife in my heart - I mean, that really says it all.
All the talk of redemption, revenge, opening up scars...delicious. 
Was it for the thrill of pushin' my hope to the edge - if I think about this too long I'll spontaneously combust. 
11. "Desperado" - Rihanna*
Okay, okay, okay - this is the keystone song of both this playlist and their relationship. I love it. It's modern and cool but has that old West swag and, okay, look, this might be a stretch, but "Desperado" sort of sounds like "Desperate Hollow" said with a drawl and GAH. I love this song.
I'm not tryna go against you/Actually, I'm going withcha/Gotta get up out of here and/You ain't leaving me behind/I know you won't, 'cause we share common interests/You need me, there ain't no leaving me behind - the premise of this story initially really hinged on one fact: that Tex and Sawyer needed each other to get out of Desperate Hollow.
There ain't nothing here for me anymore/But I don't wanna be alone - I have so much to say about this lyric but I don't think I can without writing an essay that gives away the whole book, so I'll shut up.
If you want we could runaways/running from any sight of love - again, if I speak--
12. "Heaven and Back" - Emily West
I don't know, I just wanted to end this playlist on a kinda romantic song! this is one of those songs that just feels like them and I can't describe why.
A big reason this song is on the playlist is that, back in 2019, I was building a pitch for a big studio that ended up going nowhere, but the exec I was working with sent me this song at the same moment I was putting the final touches on this playlist and it just clicked in my brain. 
I want you to be my man/I want you to be more than a friend/I dare you to break our plans
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that-g3-artist · 19 days
Super powers au??? 0.0
Do tell…
Another outline! This one is just a vague idea for the boys having super powers, that I haven't written cause it's pretty close to several other super power AUs i've seen lmao
I'll just paste the whole outline under a cut, it's not very long
Main power: time travel
basically save scumming--can go back in time to reset things
CAN go forward, but it's a lot harder and a lot more unpredictable so he usually doesn't
had a lot of trouble controlling it when he was younger, accidentally launched himself 7 years into the future and had trouble getting back
got caught in a 3-day time loop when he was physically 11
now prefers to only go back a few minutes at a time if he absolutely needs to
a LOT older than he looks
secondary power: fierce deity
basically Super Rage
glowing eyes, face markings, super strength, energy beams, basically unstoppable
has a very hard time controlling it, only brings it out as a last resort
terrified he could one day hurt the boys
main power: persuasion
similar to charmspeak from heroes of olympus
can control people with his voice
doesn't need a trigger phrase, but it needs intention
much easier to get someone to do something they already want to do--can't really make someone jump in front of a bus
very tempting to use it for selfish reasons, tries his hardest not to, especially on civilians
will absolutely use it to get other boys to sleep tho
main power: shapeshifting
can turn into a wolf (duh)
pretty much same as in canon, just no shadow crystal
secondary power: shadow travel
similar to midna's teleporting
doesn't have very good control of it yet, can sometimes end up in places he didn't mean to go
main power: flight
no wings, flies kind of like superman
loves flying high, can't do it often cause they're hiding
can build up a LOT of speed if he has enough space
secondary power: prophetic dreams
doesn't have control, dreams come when they come
has a hard time understanding what he's seeing until they actually come to pass
they often scare him
main power: shapeshifting
different from twilight's, can't change his whole form, but can shift his appearance
has a "default" face he goes for, but no one knows for sure if that's his real one
sort of good at mimicking people, but it's better if it's just someone made up
control can slip with strong emotions--most often manifests in his hair changing color
ALWAYS trying out new crazy hair colors at home
main power: super regeneration
he's basically deadpool
he has no idea if he can actually die, nothing's stuck yet
SUPER reckless as a result--drives the others insane
insane pain tolerance mainly because he's just used to everything ("it's just a flesh wound!")
main power: healing
basically his life spell, can be used on others or himself
can be very exhausting for him to overuse
very nervous about people exploiting him for his power
secondary power: thunder
hasn't quite figured it out yet
keeps accidentally shocking people
has potential to use all his canon spells
will be seriously powerful once he gets enough control
main power: splitting
can split himself into four people
not just duplication--they're all pieces of himself
VERY disorienting for him, especially when he's younger
has a lot of trouble controlling it, splits with strong emotions
main power: wind powers!
potential to be VERY powerful
can summon anything from a breeze to a hurricane
as a kid, tho, he mainly uses it for pranks
winds respond to his emotions, don't piss him off
secondary power: ghosts
doesn't manifest until he's in his teens
doesn't really understand what it is at first, just little wisps
eventually they solidify into actual ghosts
I've also had ideas for a while of them being stuck in some shady government facility to exploit their powers, but then this amazing fic came out so idk if i want to do that anymore
(send me one of my WIPs and i'll tell you about it!)
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pomplalamoose · 7 months
can we get some hc’s for being dilf!lukes work wife pretty please 👀💗
a/n: for inclusivity's sake this is written for a gender neutral reader so everyone can enjoy <3
Hiiiii dear anon!!! Thank you so much for your request🩵
I'm not going to lie though, I found it somewhat difficult to think of Dilf!Luke with a work spouse due to his past and the way I generally like to imagine him to be.
But the concept really intrigues me and I have some ideas, so let's make some specific adjustments for this post to work:
• Dilf!Luke's first wife never died
• in fact he was never married to begin with
• his child is the result of a happy relationship which eventually ended in mutual agreement
• (otherwise he'd never allow himself to grow close to someone in a way like this)
• generally he's a slightly more positive version of himself, especially when compared to my other posts
On the other hand, here are some things that didn't change:
• he's always polite and hospitable, though keeps a distance between himself and everyone else
• a little bit intimidating with how he carries himself
• comes across as stern, though not as strongly as he does in my other posts
• even here I do not mention what kind of work it is he does, except that the two of you work together. I think it's fun to let everyone fill in the blanks with what they'd like best :)
• so imagine the first weeks at a new job: the new surroundings, hours, daily routines, tasks, co-workers...
• possibly you're one of the youngest among them as well and feel a little bit out of place, struggling to fit in among the already established relationships of your colleagues
• it's a lot and you find yourself wishing for someone to take you under their wing, even if it's just for the very beginning
• someone who looks out for you
• someone to have lunch with, to sit beside in meetings
• someone who takes time for you, to patiently answer any questions that might arise
• and maybe, if you're being honest, it's not just anybody you're hoping will do so
• handsome Mr. Skywalker, or Luke, as he introduces himself, works in the room just across the hall from yours, often brightening your surroundings simply by existing
• the most horrible day tends to change into a good one as soon as you catch a glimpse of his remarkable eyes or his private smile directed just at you
• a coincidental meeting by the coffee machine, on the stairs or in one of the many elevators is ways an event you think back to in the evening
• before you know it you're developing a major crush on him and, honestly, how could anyone not feel drawn to him?
• his looks
• his obvious kindness
• to the way he greets you by name when you clock in, his voice still a little bit rugged from sleep
• quickly it becomes your sole mission to catch his attention at least once a day, if even for the tiniest amount of time, just the smallest of interactions
• (you'd happily keep him company for hours on end if that's what he wanted but for now you'll take anything you can get)
• if only it weren't for a little problem
• (not to mention the rather obvious age difference)
• what you were already suspecting becomes a disappointing reality once you start to get more included by your other coworkers
• "he's generally well liked but sadly keeps to himself most of the time"
• "we already tried to get him out of his shell"
• "I see the way you look at him and believe me, many of us have been there.", a very nice elderly lady tells you
• "It's better to get him out of your head, my dear"
• "he's not one to seek out friendships or... other connections at work"
• and while you know they're probably right, that you should put your focus elsewhere, your thoughts can't seem to leave the mysterious older man alone
• like, you didn't even try!
• and so, more or less undeterred by your colleague's words, you make it a habit to include Luke into your work day
• after all there is no harm in being nice
• and no harm whatsoever in maybe flirting a little bit
• it does take him quite a while to warm up to you, though eventually, slowly, his careful kept distance wavers
• it starts without you realizing it at first but then, one morning, a steaming mug of your favorite tea/coffee sits on top of your desk to greet you
• (he's definitely a person to remember small things only mentioned in passing)
• maybe you don't connect the dots right away, still too tired to think properly
• and for a while you're confused, left to wonder; you can't even remember telling anyone about your favorite drink
• when you DO though and peek your head into his room to thank him, his response isn't more than a slightly amused expression that makes your stomach flutter
• sure this will have happened the first and only time, you try not to get your hopes up until small, colorful sticky notes appear in the files he returns to you
• they're often hidden, not to be spotted immediately, showing hand drawn smiley faces or fun little doodles
• and sometimes, when you're lucky, sweet messages written in Luke's familiar handwriting
• (those you treasure the most)
• suddenly, during lunch breaks, you often find yourself in the same spot in the park nearby (maybe intentionally so, maybe not) and end up spending them together
• during small talk that soon turns to more in depths conversations, you learn he likes to bake
• faced with your excitement it's not long after that he'd bring a batch of freshly made cookies with him just for you
• it'd definitely become a regular thing too, with him even trying out new recipes to ask your opinion and being super happy when you like them
• I think this is the point where, going forward, you'd only grow closer over time, eventually reaching that stage where it makes sense to call him your work husband
• he'd recommend books or movies to you, maybe music as well, that he thinks you'd enjoy and likes to hear about what you think he should try in return
• if you're currently learning a new language he'd memorize a few phrases to surprise you with simple greetings or compliments
• (alternatively he doesn't need to and would casually mention that he is in fact fluent, offering to practice with you)
• he'd like to surprise you with litte things to put on your desk
• maybe a fun plant, some cute organizers or, his favorite, completely obscure and very unnecessary trinkets he came upon on random that made him think of you
• on days that he knows will be particularly stressful, he brings in a few pretty flowers for you
• sometimes they're bought, sometimes he picks them on his way through the park, sometimes (very rarely), though he'd never admit to it in front of you, they're stolen out of someone's garden
• when you need a break he covers for you, no questions asked, seamlessly stepping into your role and everyone's way, keeping the others off your back
• during team celebrations, he ensures you get the best piece of cake or the best seat, or whatever it is you want at that moment
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