#i wasn't even mad at him but now i'll EXCUSE AND DEFEND HIM TOO. HE'S RIGHT I DON'T CARE
ambreiiigns · 6 months
ok i watched the first 4 episodes of jjk s2 i think i've had enough for today. i think that's enough for today i don't think we're watching more. honestly
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sarnai4 · 3 months
Deleted Scene??
This is something I noticed and am very curious if anyone else has too. Spoiler alert for RTTE. Is it just me or did both Grimborn brothers just randomly start hating Dagur? I think the first interaction between Dagur and Ryker was in "Night of the Hunters'" after the Riders tried to escape and it failed. Dagur makes a suggestion to kill one via throwing them off the side, Heather counters that to say they should spare them for Viggo, and Ryker just immediately implies that Dagur's an idiot. It's almost funny how unnecessary this was. It's also amusing to me how Ryker OF ALL PEOPLE would say, "Know who got the brains in your family." Excuse me, good sir, but you are not one to talk when you're taking orders from your baby brother, THE Viggo Grimborn. Hypocrisy aside, what Dagur said wasn't even foolish and would have actually been a smart move if they wanted to discourage the others. The Berkians would have been absolutely devastated if one of them had died that day. Instead, Ryker goes with Heather's plan, insults Dagur, and hits him on the back.
Just about every scene with them is like this. Heather even defends Dagur when Ryker complains in a later episode after seeing that not all the Riders left the Edge like Dagur wanted them to. In the same one, Ryker and Dagur find out that there were deserters. Dagur asks who and is upset when he learns that a Grimborn cousin turned traitor. Makes sense. He hates traitors and is a family-oriented person. This would shock him and he's always been an outspoken guy. When Ryker starts growling at him, he backs off and decides to suggest a new plan to make up for the losses. End of the tension, yes? The thing that was upsetting Ryker has stopped and now he can be calm again? Nope. He starts choking Dagur. Again, it nearly makes me laugh because it really comes out of nowhere. Why is he even mad at this point? Was Ryker that offended about Dagur talking about his turncoat cousin that even when he stopped, he still needed to be choked out?
This isn't even the last thing he does! In "Maces and Talons Part 2," Ryker threatens Dagur in case he thinks about hurting Viggo. I find this very amusing since this is the same man who had recommended killing Heather and is part of the idea to have Dagur imprison his own sister. But family means sooo much...when that family is Ryker's.
Viggo has way less scenes with Dagur, but they still manage to all be very passive aggressive. In his first line directed to Dagur alone, he practically calls him an imbecile, wondering if there are "any brains under all those scars and tattoos." Note to self: don't play a game with Viggo because you'll get your feelings hurt. Since we came in on the end, maybe Dagur really was just taking that long, but I also feel like his level of patience wouldn't have let him stand there for minutes on end without doing anything besides figuring out his next play. Since we've also seen Viggo insult Ryker's intelligence, I think this one is just because that's who he is and he will never respect someone he thinks is more of a physical threat. He's now making me think of that "mean nerd" trope in some stories where they try to bully the jocks by making them feel less than in other ways.
Viggo does take this a little further and have his first snappy scene too. This, of course, is directed at Dagur because why wouldn't it be? Not to sound like a broken record, but this doesn't feel necessary either. Yes, Dagur was being snarky, but Viggo also asked a pretty obvious question. Dagur would obviously know that the dragons were free if they're flying right above them. He just wanted to contribute to the plan since he is a chief in his own right. Not wanting to listen is one thing and I could understand Viggo not wanting to use someone else's ideas, but to say in a matter of words, "Fool, you exist to follow orders. Don't think. I'll do that for you," is a little bit of an overreaction.
The dramatic irony of this is how their hatred was warranted, but they didn't know it. Dagur really never was on their side and was planning to kill them, so unless a deleted scene happened where he just cursed out everyone with Grimborn blood, maybe they intuitively knew something was off with him. If neither of those happened, I think the Grimmies just decide to pick on the new guy and see how long it would take for him to turn on them.
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lansangprincess · 2 months
As someone who's Asian and also told you to watch Heartbreak High, I just wanted to vent about the racism in this fandom. It angers me how white characters like Spider and Harper are held to less high standard than characters like Sasha who's East Asian and Dusty who's half South Asian even from season 1. While I don't like those characters and didn't defend them in season 1 the way the racist fandom is reacting now makes me defend them from being held to a higher standard. People use "As a woman Harper doesn't feel she has more to offer than her body" and her past as a reason to justify her actions towards Malakai. The woman card and whatever her past is no excuse and she's as guilty as Dusty. Also Dusty only touched Malakai's shoulder and looked to Harper for what she had in mind, so I don't get how the fandom is saying he initated it to justify them liking Harper. Harper initiated the threesome by kissing Malakai first, not that it matters who initated. People don't use the race card for Dusty and whatever his past may be in regards to that. They loved Spider and campaigned for him getting development and showing his past in season 2 which he got out of popularity even though he too was a complete asshole in season 1. Spider sexually harassed Quinni by spreading rumors about her vagina even though he never slept with her and they shipped him with Amerie even though he was a bully who had a creepy obsession with her sex life. Spider blamed Malakai for the police case and it seems he may have a fetish for WOC. Spider didn't treat Amerie any better than Dusty did, so if it were a MOC in his place they wouldn't ship him with Amerie. Harper did regret the threesome but it wasn't for Malakai's sake but her own and she never apologized to Malakai. She regretted it because of how it affected her friendships, because she didn't like Dusty anymore and found the experience not enjoyable enough. People criticize Dusty for saying she took pleasure in the threesome and while he should be criticized for the part where he showed how insecure he was over Malakai he shouldn't be criticized for holding her accountable for the fact that she did take some pleasure in the threesome like he did. Also Harper was no more high than he was. I don't think she was criticized for the threesome in season 2 since she became friends with Amerie and Malakai after she called it slut shaming in season 1 when Missy criticized her while Dusty was rightfully criticized by Cash in season 2. It bothers me how she became friends with Amerie again after how badly she bullied her which was unjustifiable. If Amerie was in her place fans would hate her. They already criticize her. Devi from NHIE was hated on for less and it upsets me as a brown woman that they had her end up with Ben who never apologized to her for bullying and being racist to her, but the fandom loves him. He got mad at her over Aneesa because she didn't accept her apology for being cringe but never apologized to her for treating her like shit and didn't get mad at his white ex who actually started the rumor. She had trauma from him and cried over experiencing mean treatment in school. Made racist comments masculinizing her appearance and when he asked her to be his girlfriend talked about how big his ex's tits were. Tried to kiss her multiple times at his party but didn't help her out of his pool. I don't ship Daxton but Paxton had better arc than him but isn't liked as much as he isn't fully white. When Fabiola tried to hold Ben accountable for bullying he was like yeah but she broke my heart. I don't judge people for shipping them but I do judge them when they have the audacity to judge my morals as a brown woman over which fictional ships/characters I like.
Hi babe!
First of all, I saw this was a two-parter so I wanna let you know that I don't know when I'll be able to get back to you on the second part since it's also pretty long. Thanks so much for putting me onto HBH!! I've lowkey midkey started to love it a lot more than TSITP, which by the way, sorry if you have messages in my inbox about TSITP that I haven't responded to—the shipwars was hella draining and it took away the fun of being a fangirl for me.
Anyways, I'm still trying to digest all the points you've made and I'm just going to go with an assumption that you want to vent more than anything so I don't think I'm going to react on every point. Glad you feel safe to share in my inbox! (Even for tsitp).
I'm Asian also but regardless, I definitely agree that the support people gave Spider (esp in S1) to have redemption was disproportionate and weird >< Like, just because there was a plot twist that the reason for his behavior was he had a crush on Amerie—that didn't justify his behavior at all in my eyes ?? He was hella bigoted throughout the entire season and being rejected by the person you liked is not a reasonable excuse for that. Sasha was completely in the wrong for how she treated Quinni and she does require a redemption from that imo but her personality majority of the time is just being annoying and performative which doesn't beget hatred comparable to Spider's. Though for me, Season 2 Sasha didn't do anything bad, she was just entertainingly insufferable lol. Spider's redemption was well-written, I'm onboard for it but he still has a lot of work to do (and tbh I could've lived with Spider just continuing being a villain but that's not what we got and I'm just going with the flow of what our beautiful writers have given us). Sasha doesn't need a redemption for me bc she didn't do anything in S2. My forgiveness of her is dependent on Quinni's forgiveness of her and Quinni seems to have been able to move on, we'll see more of it when they work together in S3.
Though I also want to mention that I disagree with what you said about Harper… From what I've seen, a lot of people hate her. A lot of people don't forgive her for the threesome which I can understand but from my perception all of her decision-making was completely impaired and misguided because of her trauma, and I think that should be taken into consideration—she had no one to help her in the aftermath of what she went through and so had no idea how to handle it. What she went with for her own experience was to just kind of, pretend it never happened and go back to "being normal". If you watch the threesome scene back, Dusty took Harper's hand and placed it on Malakai's shoulder. He 100% had intentions of making things more intimate with the three of them. I can't really say the same for Harper. I can imagine that in the moment when Dusty put her hand on Malakai she genuinely thought she was helping Malakai cope.
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I Will Not Cower
"You're demonic scum and I'll see you hang," King Fennel spat. "Guards!"
"I dare you."
That was it. I was out of time, energy, and most of all patience. Here I was, still kneeling before him in some false show of veneration and he had the gall to try to make threats.
Slowly, I stood, letting my head raise and my eyes trail upward at the same pace. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Valerian looking apprehensive. Gods no, I begged silently, not you too. Anyone but you. If Valerian were to turn against me I didn't know what I'd do. A brief flash of my father's sickening smile made my stomach twist.
"I will not cower before you." There were probably laws I was breaking about how directly I was speaking to him and how unabashedly I glared. "The blood of a demon may run in my veins but the blood of your people is not on my hands. If you wish to judge me, I have plenty of sins of my own for you to peruse. Do not choose one I was not yet born to make."
The guards had hesitated in their apprehending me. Good. If they actually touched me I would try to disarm them as easily as possible but... I swallowed down the feeling of sickness that rose at the back of my throat. I was no monster. I was no murderer. Yet if it meant my life? My freedom? It would inevitably confirm me tto be the same beast in their eyes, but perhaps there was no convincing the world. Trouble was, I didn't know what that would make me in my own heart either.
Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves. My father had whispered in my ear. I thought he was only trying to get in my head, but now I was beginning to see he was right.
"If your guards touch me, I will not hold back. I will defend myself." I told the king evenly, hoping he wouldn't hear the bluff. Hoping it was a bluff. I didn't want to hurt anyone. The king held up a hand to stop the nonexistent advance of the guards and studied me pensively. A dangerous smirk quirked at the corner of his mouth.
"Very well. Not a one of my guards will touch you. You have until sundown to leave my country. If you are still within my borders by then, it is not the royal guard you'll need worry about." He tipped his head sideways, grinning in a way that felt so much like my father it made me sick. Yet I was the monster. "At sundown word will get out about the demon in our midst. Perhaps you can best two of my guards, but an entire city full of people?"
He was as good as calling my bluff. I hesitated fighting off two trained and armed grown men, there was no way I was about to fight against the average person. If the seal were broken it would be a slaughter. Even if it wasn't, it would be a slaughter until they managed to take me down.
Unless I just let them take me down to start with. Then the only one to die would be me. Judging by the air around the king now, it was exactly that he was counting on. I had no desire to hurt anyone and he was willing to use his own people to test how far that went. I ground my teeth. And yet I was the monster. What a disgusting excuse for a creature.
"Brother this is madness!" Valerian was trying to argue for me. Why was he bothering? We both knew it was pointless. I glanced over and the desperation in his eyes was evident. A pang of sympathy radiated in my chest. He was hoping his brother would see sense. He was hoping Fennel would become the same boy he grew up with. He was practically begging for it.
"Madness is turning your back on your own kind." Fennel told him without the slightest hesitation. His voice was like a knife. Sharp. Decisive. Cold. Just like a knife Valerian stepped back as if wounded. I could almost see the blood build and drip between his fingers as he clutched his chest.
The wound was entirely in my mind. A metaphor for the pain so clearly written across Valerian's face. Yet the anger boiled within me. My hands clenched into fists and I knew then that there would always be one person I'd consider becoming a monster if it meant killing him. How dare he talk to Valerian like that. His own brother. A soul so much kinder and more passionate than he could ever dream of being. A feral kind of rage threaded through my thoughts as I ground my teeth. How dare he hurt what was mine.
0 notes
blueeyedgeorgie · 3 years
Cancelled-Dream Was Taken
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A/N: Surprise bitch. Weren’t we expecting for me to release mcyt fanfics soon? If I didn’t tag my usual @‘s it’s because idk if you’d like to be tagged for mcyt content.
Pronouns: she/her
Word Count: 2.3k+
"You're so harsh on him!" Her hands sat on the keyboard, staring at the green human that stood on Y/n's computer screen.
She needed to be careful. While this was a heated moment, she couldn't let herself get too loud for multiple reasons. If she got too loud, Dream's stream viewers would be able to tell she was in the next room or they would just receive noise complaints from their neighbors.
"No Y/n! You're too soft on him! He needs to learn that he can't get away with everything. You're setting him up for failure." As the h/c girl listened to her roommate speak, she had to remind herself over and over again; 'This wasn't real.' Dream was mad, not Clay.
This had all been arranged as roleplay. Y/n would be leaving in a few days to go visit some of her family for a reunion, so Wilbur had been the one to think up the brilliant idea of what was playing out now; an argument between Y/n and Dream. The plan was to have Y/n get so upset she didn't log onto the SMP for the next few days, only to come back with a master plan to backstab Dream.
At first, Clay wasn't really on board with the thought of him getting angry at Y/n. They had been together for a little over a year, there wasn't a single moment they had gotten upset with one another. But surprisingly, Y/n had been the one to convince Clay it was a good idea.
The fans knew Dream and Y/n had a close friendship, Dream had always been so protective of her. But when this was going down, they didn't know how to act.
Every time Y/n would glance at her chat, she'd see thousands of comments rising up as new ones appeared. Comment after comment, it looked like the fans were shocked by the way this stream was turning out.
"I'm not setting him up for anything! He's a kid, Dream!" Y/n glanced from the chat,  back at the screen showing her PC game. Standing on her screen was Dream and Tommyinnit, she had accompanied Dream to visit Tommy.
"You're just babying him! 'He's a kid!' Well, he needs to learn to grow up eventually," his voice had been filled with such spite. It felt weird to hear Clay speaking to her like this in such a tone.
For a moment, she stared at the green man before a short scoff escaped her lips. "I can't believe you." With that, Y/n had pressed a few keys, turning her character towards the nether portal a couple of yards away. Before Dream had gotten the chance to speak again, Y/n began to move away.
"Y/n! Come back here!"
She flicked a few buttons, taking a moment to look behind her character to see Dream following. Good, everything was going according to plan. Within the next few minutes, she'd be able to log off and she'd be on vacation for the next few days.
The h/c girl ignored the green man as she stepped through the portal, taking her to Minecraft's version of hell. Almost done, she just needed to find a good spot to stop as she listened to Dream continue to speak.
"You can't keep ignoring me! You know I'm right in this. You know you can't keep defending Tommy. You know Tommy is driving a wedge between us-"
Perfect. Y/n had stopped just on the edge of a bridge, molten lava sat feet below them. If she fell, she'd surely die. "No."
"No?" Dream was a bit surprised to hear Y/n cut him off, but he stayed silent as he was prepared to listen to what she had to say.
"No. No more. I don't wanna hear you blame Tommy for us breaking apart. I want you to listen to me. You've been acting like much more of a dick than usual and I hate it. I despise it. You've changed for the worst because you think you can step on everyone. At this point, everyone fears to tell you the truth-except me. I'll be a hundred percent honest with you, you've been so egotistical, it's really pissed me off. This is your fault, Dream. Not Tommy's. You exiled a child for pulling a prank on a vacation house! Not even George's real house!"
"Shut the fuck up. I'm done, but I don't wanna hear you bullshit me. So shut the fuck up."
A moment of silence passed between them as Y/n stared at her screen. Just a few more steps.
And within seconds, Dream had pulled out his netherite sword. With one hit, she was falling back into lava. Y/n glanced at her chat, a look of shock on her face as she read over what a few comments said. A moment of silent tension had passed before Y/n had finally spoken up, removing her from the voice chat she was in.
"Alright guys, I guess that's enough for the day. I'll see you all... later." With that, she had clicked a few buttons, raiding Dream's live-stream as she ended hers.
For the next 20 to 30 minutes, Y/n knew Clay would be busy streaming. So she had decided to take a bit of time to wind down and think to herself.
Get a glass of water.
'Are the fans harassing him in his twitch chat?'
Sit down on the living room couch.
'The SMP fans were always so protective of me.'
Pet Patches.
'Was I too much when I snapped at him?'
It didn't seem like 30 minutes had passed when Clay had walked out of his streaming room, only to find Y/n on the couch with Patches in her lap. "Hey, N/n." "Oh, your stream is already over?" Y/n smiled, pulling herself out of her thoughts as she scoot over, giving Clay room to take a seat right by her.
"Yeah, did you lose track of time or something?"
"I must've. How did the chat react after I 'died'?" She smiled up at her boyfriend as he wrapped an arm over her shoulders, pulling her closer into his embrace.
"Everyone was filled with joy that you died."-Y/n playfully swatted at him. "Okay, okay! I got a few chat messages of people bashing me for it, but it's fine."
"Well, it's a good thing the chat wasn't completely littered with hate. How was it after my raid?"
"Honestly, not that bad as you expect. Like I said, just a few comments. Nothing bad, I just ignored it." Clay placed a hand on Patches's head, gently scratching her, followed by the animal beginning to purr.
"Good to hear, anyways... I'm not ready to pack. Do you think we can procrastinate?" The h/c girl let out a huff leaning against her boyfriend. "How?"
"I was thinking a bit of movie binging, cuddling, and ordering dinner?" A cheeky smile spread on her face as she spoke.
"It's like you read my mind."
The couple had made it through three movies, by now it was later at night. The sun had set and they had already door dashed some food. By now they were in the middle of watching 'The Empire Strikes Back.'
'I love you.' 'I know.'
The iconic moment between Hans and Leia had been interrupted by the sound of Clay's phone buzzing. "Why is George calling?"
"What?" Y/n was a bit curious herself. Considering the timezones, George should be asleep right now. Pausing the TV, she turned her attention to her boyfriend's phone.
"Hey Clay."
"What's up, George? Isn't it like early in the morning for you?" Clay raised a brow, moving his phone so Y/n would be able to see George as well.
"Yeah, I had to stay up to fix a YouTube video I need to get out today. I was about to go to bed and I checked Twitter-"
"Oh no." Clay made a short joke, only to be cut off by his friend.
"I don't know if it's trending for you in America, but you might as well look."
"What's going on?" He swiped up, taking him to his home screen so he could click on the little blue bird app. Y/n had grabbed her phone from the coffee table, opening up the app as well. "#Cancel Dream... #Y/n... #Dream SMP"
"Is... is Clay getting canceled for killing me in Minecraft?" Y/n scrolled through the tweets involving the hashtag 'Y/n.' She could see plenty of people defending her, but making it much bigger of a problem than it actually was.
"Oh, hey Y/n. But yeah, he is." George chuckled awkwardly, scrolling through his Twitter app as well.
"This is so fucking stupid."
"It really is. So we might as well get this cleared up with the fans as soon as possible. Do you want me to tweet something, or do you want to?" Y/n looked up at her boyfriend, it looked like he was thinking.
"Yeah, I'll tweet it. Don't worry about this, Y/n."
"Alright, whatever you say," she replied, pulling a blanket over her as she waited for Clay to finish typing his response.
"Here's what I'm gonna say: 'I can't believe you guys actually think me and @(y/n) are in an actual fight in real life. We have been good friends since forever, the fight was only roleplay. I love that you guys are so protective of Y/n, but no one's actually upset.' How's that sound?"
"I think that's good," George hummed softly.
"Yeah, I doubt you'll stay 'canceled' once you've explained to them it was all part of the SMP lore." The h/c girl smiled up at her boyfriend with a small nod.
"Alright, I'm gonna post it. George, I think you should go to bed because you're half asleep already."
Y/n turned, looking at her boyfriend's iPhone. "Go to sleep, Gogy!"
"Alright, alright... I'll talk to you guys later." The call had ended with Clay and Y/n saying goodbye to their friend while George simply yawned to them as a response.
As soon as the call was over, Clay looked at the response to his tweet. It didn't seem to be going too well. There had been a few fans who understood what was going on and responded with a paragraph as an apology for the misunderstanding. But most replies had been telling Clay he was bullshitting the fans or that he wasn't being honest.
"I'm sorry, Clay," his girlfriend had huffed as she read through the responses to his tweet.
"Honestly I'm just a bit pissed off. Literally, any time someone tries to 'cancel' me, it's over something stupid. I'm not a bad guy, it just feels like some people just don't want to see me succeed." Clay had excused himself to grab a glass of water from the kitchen.
It hurt Y/n to hear how upset her boyfriend was. He never got too upset over things, but seemed to take a small toll on him. "Hold on. Let me say something." The h/c girl couldn't be asked to post multiple tweets of her response to hate sent towards Clay over the internet. So what was better than a short video that could be posted to the blue bird app?
"Um, hey guys. I'd just like to make this quick. Stop sending hate towards Dream. The fight was roleplay and nothing more. I'm gonna be busy for the next couple of days so Wilbur thought of a good idea to help build SMP lore with me and Dream and we both agreed to the argument. Now stop sending the green man hate, or I'll commit war crimes or something-"
Y/n had been interrupted by the sound of Clay letting out a small giggle. "What? What did I say?"
"Nothing, just keep going with your video."
"Whatever, I'm cool. No matter what Dream says. Anyways, I'll speak to you all later." Y/n had hit the red button again, ending her video. Within seconds, the video had been uploaded to her Twitter account.
Placing her phone back down on the table, Y/n approached her boyfriend, wrapping her arms around his torso. "I'm really sorry about the hate, Clay. I love you."
"Don't apologize for something you can't control. I love you more." The brunette held his partner close, accepting her hug. Y/n always loved his hugs, she always felt so safe in his embrace.
The rest of the night had been spent with more cuddling and more Star Wars movies. Hours had passed before Y/n had even thought about the Twitter situation again. But for some reason, she had decided to look at the app again tonight.
It was 2 in the morning by now, Clay was half asleep. His head laid in the h/c girl's lap as she brushed a hand through his hair, her free hand opening up her Twitter app once again.
It had been a bit of a surprise to see a couple of trending hashtags had changed so quickly. What was trending now was #Dream, #Y/n,#(ship name), and #Dream's Laugh. This had to be about Y/n's short clip she posted. And by the looks of it, people had stopped acting so harsh towards Clay. But instead, they had decided to focus on the fact Dream and Y/n were hanging out together. Not to mention the fact Dream and let out a stupid little giggle because of Y/n. People had been apologizing to him through Twitter for being so hard on him.
"Hm?" Clay mumbled, not bothering to open his eyes.
"Pretty much everyone is apologizing to you over Twitter for being hardasses."
"Hm, that's good to hear."
"You're really tired, huh?" Y/n paused her scrolling to look down at her boyfriend.
"Yeah," He continued to mumble, followed by a short yawn.
"Alright, time for bed, babe." Y/n smiled to herself, beginning to carefully move away from Clay. "I can pack tomorrow and we can laugh over the stupid bird app tomorrow after you've gotten a good amount of sleep."
"I still can't believe Twitter tried canceling me over roleplay."
"I can't believe you got uncancelled by shippers."
Taglist: @notphilosopherstudentblog
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love-hatred-stuff · 3 years
Mad at him } Jung Jaehyun [nct]
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》 genre:
angst, light fluff
》 warning(s):
Jaehyun swears a lot & is kind of a dick, mention of other idols [ma johnny], um that's it ig
》 word count:
Crap, school is shit!
I was doing homework for hours now and I was still not finished with all of it. It was upsetting me, more than it should.
After I had let out a heavy and annoyed groan I heard my phone ring. Jaehyun, my boyfriend was calling me.
Wow, he actually had the time to call me.
He didn't contact me for a whole day and I was getting more pissed each minute. In the beginning of our relationship, he always made sure how my day was when we hadn't had the chance to meet up.
Today had been an absolute disaster what wasn't making my mood any better.
But I had to suppress my anger for a moment, because he was rather sensitive. What means, I better not get mad for no proper reason.
He started talking instantly after I picked up.
"Hey, sorry that I couldn't call earlier. How was your day?" His voice was monotone and I didn't like that, at all.
I felt the wish that he would've better just let me be for the rest of the day with that attitude crossing my mind. Though I tried ignoring my now mixed feelings.
"Yeah, nevermind. Mine was not the best day to be honest." I tried to reply like I normally would.
"What happened?" I wasn't in the mood to tell him about my whole day.
And because he hadn't had the time to pick me up yesterday too, I decided to tease and play a little bit. Maybe this would make my day better.
"Nothing, that's the problem. I am doing homework for hours now and my brain is about to explode. But luckily, I have Kai. He helps me out a lot, with my problems." It almost sounded like I was only talking to a friend and not my boyfriend. Acting like Jeahyun wasn't my boyfriend for almost two years now.
Since I knew, he gets angry when I'm close to other guys, it's the perfect idea to play with his feelings. Cruel, but effective.
"What do you mean, helping you with your problems? That's what I'm supposed to do. You should better get your ass here now!"
"Don't cuss at me. He's just a good friend I met in school Jaeh." I acted like I was trying to convince him that it wasn't a big deal, but in reality it was what I wanted, of course.
I wanted him to spend time with me, without telling him to.
"Do you think I care if he's just a friend? We had been friends too before we started dating, Y/N." He sounded pissed and I had to smile proudly.
"That's different." I wasn't allowed to mention that I would never replace him, like I usually would, because it had to sound a little suspicious.
"That Kai guy is going to get killed if he thinks he can have you. I want you to come over right now!" I almost giggled at his command.
"I don't think, you really want me there." I expressed my thoughts.
"What the fuck is wrong, Y/N? You know that's not true." I could hear his voice getting shaky and hard to control.
"Ok then. I'll be there in 10." I ended the call quickly before it could get too emotional.
I didn't like emotions, except for the ones I had for Jaehyun. They can easily let you make some real dumb decisions.
That's why I was a rather cold person. I was kind, but I wasn't someone who smiled all day and acted like nothing angered or annoyed me. 'Cause there were always things in my way.
Fortunately I was also a quite strong person, that learned to be in the past few years and I don't give up that easily or let some shit destroy me.
Jeahyun was also strong but I had better skills than him to get what I wanted and my influence on him was just too big to let him win. I always won fights, but that wasn't important in our realtionship. To me it was just an advantage that I would use in such situations.
I changed into a short but cute, rosè dress and a white cardigan with brown buttons, put my converse on and fastly walked to Jaeh's dorm.
I had needed fifteen minutes, but it was fine, he would wait for me longer.
I knocked like I always did, three times.
After some seconds Jaehyun ripped the door open and I slightly flinched.
"Holy Shit. What are you wearing?" He scanned my body. I could see, he found it hot but there was also some anger building up in his eyes, and it was rising fast.
"Nice to see you too." I rolled my eyes, inconspicuously also looking over his body. He was wearing sweatpants and a muscle tank top, showing his biceps and toned abs.
He wasn't getting his eyes off me.
"Y/N, this dress covers like nothing. I get it, your curves look absolutely stunning but you have to change!" He angrily commanded.
"Shut up, can I come inside now?" I asked with a hint of annoyance.
"Yes." He stepped away and walked through the kitchen, into his room.
I could sense his tightened jaw and all of his tensed muscles.
"Slow down. It's just a dress." I pronounced looking at him like I couldn't believe how childish he reacted, and at this point I really couldn’t.
"Do you have ANY idea of what the boys think about you when you're wearing this?" He asked and finally turned to me again.
"I would LOVE to know." I ironically said.
"I don't want my girlfriend to walk around like she's just some bitch. Because you're not. These boys are disgusting when it comes to something beautiful like you, Y/N."
Now I'm a bitch? You're done Jaehyun. I thought but grimaced at the hurting word he just said to me.
I know he also called me beautiful, but that wasn't the word that was spinning around my head just now.
When he noticed my face and that I didn't reply after some seconds he tried to apologise.. of course.
"Babe, you're not a bitch. I didn't mean it. All I was trying to say is-" He wanted to grab my arm but I moved back before he could do so.
"No, I got it Jaehyun. I only look like one." I snapped back at him. Not yelling but also not in normal loudness.
I was even more mad than before. And now, I was also hurt. Dangerous Combo.
"No- I- I think it's just too short, Y/N." He wanted to defend himself.
"I understand." My voice wasn't loud anymore at all, but it didn't sound like I meant it.
My voice was pathetically shaking and I was looking on the ground, thinking if it would be the best to just leave now.
"Maybe I should just go. I mean I wouldn't want a bitch in my room either, so..." Talking with a quiet voice, I looked up at him and I saw fear in his eyes.
"No, please-" He stepped forward and was going to take my arm but I backed away again.
"Don't touch me." I warned. His face was getting pale. I didn't miss his teary getting eyes either when I looked at him.
"I'm so sorry. Please don't leave. I really didn't mean it, Y/N. Please, I am just jealous of boys being able to see what usually only I see." He avowed.
"It's fine. I wasn't ready with my homework anyways. I should leave."
"Don't. I want you here right now. Please, I'll do anything." His begging voice spoke.
"But I wanted to get finished today."
"Y/N?!" Suddenly a different person asked excitedly.
I knew who it was and turned around instantly to look at his good looking face.
"Johnny!" I jumped in his arms and he was hugging me back happily.
"Johnny, not now-" Jeahyun was angry once again.
"Let me hug this precious little girl! Hell, you're getting hotter everyday?" Johnny laughed and we separated. He scanned me up and down and smiled mischievously.
"Honestly, if Jeahyun wouldn't date you, surely I would ask you out." He claimed.
"Definitely." I giggled softly.
He was always letting me feel good. And he was one of the guy friends of my boyfriend that I liked the most. He was funny, hella handsome and so nice over all.
Though everything remained on just a friendship, we just always casually played around.
"Hey, shut the hell up. She's mine." Jaeh growled at him and put his hand around my waist, taking back what's his.
I kept smiling but I was also trying to push his hand away, so it was difficult to keep a happy look.
Johnny noticed the awkward situation and started talking to me again.
"Anyways. Do you wanna watch a movie in the living room?"
I opened my mouth and was about to say something but Jaehyun was faster than me.
"No, we were busy." His cold voice was giving me goosebumps.
He could be scary, when he was jealous. I am talking out of experience. Not too nice ones.
"We were not, actually I was about to leave. But because I didn't see you in so long I will stay longer alright?" I suggested when I was back in my senses.
"That's perfect!" John smiled at me.
"You won't hang with my girl, Johnny." Jaeh protested.
I turned around to give my boyfriend a look.
"Could you shut up for a moment? It's my decision since you don't own me. And I'm a bitch right? So it's normal when I hang out with a lot of boys, isn't it?" I started to grow my confidence back but I was fucking mad.
He won't destroy my moment with Johnny right now!
"Did he do something?" The brunette boy in front of us asked.
He was almost two heads taller than me and since Jeah knew I liked taller guys, he was probably freaking out.
"No-" Jaeh started but I thought he could know the truth.
"He said, I looked like a bitch." I told him.
"You did what, Jaehyun?" His shocked voice asked, searching for a reassuring answer in our faces.
"I said sorry already. I didn't mean it okay?! But the dress she's wearing shows almost all of her legs, not to mention her half exposed butt."
"That's no excuse bro. Look, she looks stunning in this dress! There's no reason to fight over." His friend wanted to convince him.
"You better not look at my girl like that, or I have to punch you until you understand." Jeahyun pushed his chest with his fist.
"Calm down man. You should work it out before you come in the living room, I'll pick the movie in the meantime." Johnny decided and walked away.
"Do you let all boys touch you like him?" Now Jaeh asked aggressively, coming nearer.
Now we both had reached a certain line, so I tried to keep it low with my next words, struggling to find a compromise.
"No. I love you. And I wore this dress because I thought you'd find it cute too. Not to attract other boys. I won't wear it in public anymore okay? But you should the fuck calm down and let me talk to Johnny. After all he's your roommate and friend. He won't do anything I don't want." I explained with a strong tone.
His expression softened finally, giving me hope he'd give in eventually.
"Yes, I'm sorry. Will you forgive me for calling you... that?" He wanted to know with puppy eyes.
"I'm not over that yet. It hurted me, Jaeh. I will forgive you if you let me sit with Johnny and watch a movie with us." I claimed and cupped his cheek.
"Fine." He sighed.
We watched an action movie and had a lot of fun. In between time Johnny touched me unintentionally, during laughing and talking.
Jaehyun couldn't hold back and threatened that he would get angry if he would keep doing that. I told him it was fine and Johnny and I just continued like nothing happened.
Don't let your boyfriend treat you like he's in a higher position than you.
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I'll probably do a masterlist for all the groups I stan and write about.
Hope you enjoyed, stay tuned!!! ♡
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xiaotopia · 3 years
Longing For You
Pairing: Fem reader x Aether
Words: 10k+ I lost count
Genre: one-shot, platonic relationship, fuff, angst, slight crack if you squint
Cw // mentions of character death, blood
Hi! It's my first time writing on here and I just write what's on my mind I'm sorry if this is bad since english is not my first language ㅠㅠ I promise I will get better with my writing! Enjoy ^^
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That's what you are feeling. It's been 3 days you got stuck in this unknown land. You thought it was beautiful, it really was. But will you be ready to face what's in front of you?
You manage to survive with fruits like apples and cashews, at least that's what you thought the name was, because in your world they called it cashews. Even though it doesn't really give you enough nutritions, as long as you get to live you're okay with it. Heck there were almost nothing here. You wanted to explore the place more but there are monsters everywhere, and you- with no weapon, could only run and hide in hopes of not getting spotted by them. Will you ever survive?
Sighing, "just another day like this I guess"
you said before drifting to dreamland under a tree in a secluded area of the unknown land.
"She's still breathing"
"Paimon! What are you doing?!"
You could hear someone whispering- half screaming to be exact, at someone but you are more bothered at someone poking your arm with a stick. Groaning, you woke up and realized someone invaded your place. Ready to fight whoever that was, your actions suddenly come to a halt when you meet a pair of golden eyes and his tiny little companion. They were as shocked as you, well... I guess you are more shocked to see a floating kid beside the blonde boy.
Quickly, you hide behind a tree. Since you don't have any weapon to defend yourself what else can defend you other than a tree?
"w-who are you?! And why you can float?!"
you shrieked, the little floating kid crossed her arms and scoffed at your question. Why would she scoffed at you?
"excuse me young lady but we're the one who should ask you that!".
You just meet her now but god knows how much her high-pitched voice started to annoy you. The blonde boy beside her started to speak up before his companion could even say a word,
"I'm sorry she bothered you. I'm Aether, and this is my travel companion, Paimon. We found a group of hilichurls around here and we already fight them off before it could reach your campsite. May we know what is your name?" he asks as his pair golden orbs stares straight into you.
"Uh.. My name is y/n..."
He smiles, assuring you that they're safe and can be trusted, you slowly got out behind the tree when he stretches out his hand for a handshake. You grab his hand, reciprocating his action. "it's nice to meet you y/n".
"Aether c'mon please?"
"ugh fine"
It's been a month you had stayed in Monstadt, The Land of Freedom, and a month since your encounter with Aether and Paimon. She still annoys you though, but you're really grateful that she can keep the conversation going because it always turns awkward whenever you tried to initiate a conversation with people. You learned that Aether didn't come from this world too, separated from his sister by the unknown god and now is looking for her in Teyvat. Hopefully, you can go back home too.
You missed your family of course but you're also happy that there are people who willing to take care of you, especially Barbara. She treated you like her own sister, beside Jean. You learned everything here from Lisa and learned how to fight from the cavalry captain Knights of the Favonious, Kaeya. And Diluc? He's hot, but cold as ice at the same time and you went to the Tavern once, only to see him talking to a bard named Venti, about how the bard needs to stop drinking all of his dandelion wine before he runs out of it because of him.
Now, Aether is in front of you as you manage to persuade him to bring you to one of his adventures. He never let you tag along because he told you it's dangerous outside. Both of you are no vision holders, but he has the power of Anemo. It's still a mystery to you but he's an outlander so it would probably make sense why he can have such powers even without a vision blessed by the Archons.
"But! You only have to fight the hilichurls only while I take down those mitachurls, got it?" he says. Nodding your head aggressively, you started your journey with him as an adventurer.
"Let's go to Liyue!" Paimon says excitedly.
"That was close, thank you y/n"
Aether pants heavily, letting out a sigh of relief as you kick off the last hilichurl with your sword. Turning around to face him, you tell him it's nothing.
You three bumped into a hilichurl camp in the middle of the road of Bishui Plans. Unfortunately, those group of monsters noticed you before you three could even hide.
You were about to follow Paimon but Aether called you, you look at him as his face expressed shocked. You asked him what's wrong only him to point at your hips. You were confused so you look down where he's pointing at. Well now you're equally as shocked as him, if not because of the shining crystal blue orb hanging on your belt.
"What... I-I swear it wasn't there before?"
You whispered, questioning yourself because how did it get there? How did you even got a vision? What did you do? You know it's a vision because Lisa has taught you at the library back in Mondstadt. How? That was all in your mind.
You hear Paimon gasped, putting her hands on her mouth, "you got a vision! Let me see!". She flew to look at your vision before touching it to get a better look. "You got a cryo vision!" she exclaimed.
"Cryo? You mean I get the power of ice?" You question her. She nodded her, "Yes! Now you can help Aether to fight enemies!". Looking down at your feet, sighing. Aether asked you what's wrong and you simply said you don't know how to fight. Like actually fighting enemies with your own power, how to use it and how to handle it. What if you unintentionally hurt people around you? Aether chuckled at your response. You look up at him, tilting your head in confusion.
"Don't worry, I'll teach you"
"I wish kaeya was here"
"You don't like it when I teach you?!"
Chuckling at your friend, you said it's not that you don't like it when he teaches you. It's because "it would be easier if a cryo vision holder teaches me how to control the element", you says.
He let out a puff, while you were stroking Paimon's hair on your lap. She snores softly and you swear you could hear her mumbling sticky honey roast in her sleep. Giggling at her, you wonder how can she be cute and annoying at the same time. It's unfair you think. You turned your head to look at Aether and he was zoned out, as always.
"Mind telling me what's in your mind?"
You picked up his habits quite quickly, since you both attached to the hips all the time. You would notice he always does this when he's deep in thought. The same goes for him. You both can read each other like an open book.
He looks at you, smiling. Shaking his head and tells you he always thinks the same, about his sister. You smiled back at him, you assured him that you will meet her soon. And now, you both enjoy the calm breeze as you both watched the sun set over the blue horizon at the nearby cliff in Liyue.
"S-sticky honey roast... "
That's how you feel right now.
This guy just keeps pestering you for 20 minutes now. You got separated with Aether as he got something to do with Zhongli, the Wangsheng Parlor Funeral Consultant. Aether wanted to let Paimon stay with you but you said you're fine on your own and you would enjoy alone time in the time being while waiting for them.
But you didn't expect this.
"Can you stop following me now?"
"Why would I?"
Rolling your eyes, you bump into his shoulder, or Childe as he call himself.
"Oh don't be like that girlie-" " I have a name shut up" you sigh for the nth time. You need to avoid this man, because he's one of the Fatui, you don't want to involve yourself and Aether with them. That's why you've been running and avoiding him at all cost.
"Well you never tell me your name girlie-"
"It's y/n okay? Now go you're getting on my nerve..."
you mumbled the last sentence. He only chuckles at your reaction as he enjoys it. You were buying some street food from the food stall and before you could give your mora to the seller, someone beats you to pay for the food. You were not complaining though, you didn't thank him either.
"Okay then but can I ask you one last question, y/n?" he smiles widely while you only look at him, chewing your spicy fish cake, unamused. His question however, almost send you to you death as you were choking on your food.
"W-what did you say?!" "I want to get to know about you"
Aether is not going to like this...
As expected, he was mad. No, he was furious.
"Why did you talk to him?!"
"I tried not to talk to him Aether, he kept following me when I tried to avoid him! To the point he creeps me out..."
Aether sighs, rubbing his forehead as Paimon watched you two arguing. Was this the only time Paimon shuts her mouth? Excluding the time she's asleep. She knows when to silent herself because this time, Aether is different in Paimon's eyes.
"So.. Did you agree?" he questioned, not giving you a glance. You shake your head, "No, of course I didn't. He's dangerous and he could hurt us if he has the opportunity..." Which is true. Childe is a harbinger, and you, just a mortal from another world who just got dumped to Teyvat out of nowhere.
Aether engulfs you in a hug, which surprised you. You could feel your cheeks burning from the physical contact. His arm wraps around your shoulder while the other strokes your hair, calming you.
"I won't let that happen to you, Paimon and me. I won't let him hurt us, I will promise you that I will protect you both from any danger. I don't want to lose another friend..." he says and the last sentence sounds more like a whisper to you but you understand him.
You also promised to yourself that you will protect paimon and him. Because you love them.
"Well traveller, you're quite stronger than I thought"
"Stay away from him!"
You yelled at the harbinger, keeping yourself from falling as you struggled to stand up. Paimon tried her best to keep Aether awake while you were guarding them, ready to attack him anytime.
Childe let out a loud laugh, as if he was mocking you and your companion. Shaking his head, he came closer to you.
"You know what, you're lucky that you didn't fall for my tricks" he chuckles. You were getting antsy everytime he take a step closer to you, "no one is fool enough to fall for a harbinger, Tartaglia" you sneered.
He was about to attack you with his hydro sword but you managed to dodged it with your power and turning it into an ice. You both fight for a while and fortunately, Aether came to help you.
After hours of fighting, that's what you think, you feel drained out. Slumping on the floor, you take a glance at Aether he was panting hard, Paimon at his side to support him. And Childe, he looks better than both you and Aether combined but he's still in a good shape.
As you were trying to stand up, you saw a glimpse of a woman at the corner of your eye. You widen your eyes and tried to push Aether away as you saw the woman was about to attack him with her sharp ice.
You made a wall of ice to protect Aether and Paimon from her attacks. However, you didn't do it for you. You didn't protect yourself and got hit by the ice. The ice wall from you melts, so does Aether's world when he saw you, bleeding from your own element.
Childe was as shocked too, he thought you were a genuine person, he really do. Is this what it feels when you know someone personally got hurt? He can't imagine what Aether feels now.
You fell, you felt dizzy as you hit your head on the solid ground.
"Y/n!" Aether and Paimon yelled your name, but why do they sound like they're miles away?
"Y/n! Keep your eyes open! Don't you very dare to close your eyes!" Your friend screamed. Paimon is holding your hand while sobbing on you. "Y/n you can't leave us! Paimon still want to have fun with you!"
All you can do is cry. You don't want to leave them. You still haven't find your way back home, you can't. But you were losing so much blood and all you could do is remembering your moments with your friends.
Aether and Paimon.
Aether holds you on his lap, you could feel his tears falling on your cheek. He cups your cheek as he stares into your (e/c) orbs. To him, it resembles the stars on the night sky. He wish he could look at them like this before.
Not when you're dying.
He put his forehead on yours as he keeps repeating "please don't leave" to you. You promised him that you will protect him, but not stay with him. Did you regret it? Yes. You wish you could stay but you knew at the end, both of you will leave eventually.
But you didn't expect that you would leave them like this.
With all your might, you hover your hand over his that was on your cheek, rubbing it softly. "Promise me, we will meet someday, wether it be in our next life or in different universe, promise me we will meet again" you said, voice getting hoarse and staring to his golden eyes. You want to remember his eyes, his nose, his lips, his everything.
"Paimon doesn't want you to leave!" your little friend cried, you let out a loud sob as you pull her to your chest, soaking your bloody shirt with her tears. You three tried to cherish your last moment together, even though it was a tragic one, like now.
Aether tighten his hold on you, Paimon cries harder when she saw the colour of your vision starting to fade, knowing you couldn't make it.
"Paimon loves you, y/n", all you can do is cry, before your last breathe you hear Aether says "I promise you, we will meet again.. I love you"
Your vision faded, you fall into a deep sleep and everything turns dark.
"She's awake!"
"Call the doctor!"
You slowly opened your eyes, the bright light hurting your eyes, still adjusting to the surrounding. You could feel your tears were falling. Why did you cry? Then it hit you.
You were in the hospital.
You remember what happened, was that all just a dream? It feels real, way too real for your liking.
"Thank god, you're finally awake!" your mom sobs. Wait, your mom is here? You're finally back? You were supposed to be happy but why did you feel sad?
"H-how long did I... Sleep?" you asked, voice raspy as your throat lacks of hydration. Your mom gave you a glass of water and you gladly drink it, your throat still hurt.
"2 months now, you got hit by a car and the guy felt bad. He even insisted to pay for your bills", your mom says as she hold your hand. It's been a few minutes but you missed them. Aether and your little friend Paimon.
"Oh.." that's all you can say. You really don't know what to respond. You were happy that you're finally awake but you also missed people you met in Teyvat. Are they real or just your imagination?
"I forgot to tell you, the person who pays for your hospital bill will visit you. He always visits you when me and your dad is busy with work", you nodded your head, didn't have the energy to reply your mom back.
Suddenly, the door opens, revealing a tall man. You face him, only to widen your eyes as you were shocked to see the person in your dream.
It's been a month since you got discharged from the hospital and been recovering well. You still struggle to walk on your own though, but nothing serious. Ever since you met childe, you both got along very well, not like the one in your dream.
"So... What I dreamed of during my coma was real?" You asked him, walking through the flowery path as the cherry blossom falls on the ground beside him arms clinging to his.
"Yeah. In fact, I'm still the same Childe in your dream!"
"Yeah as you wish. The only same thing is you keep paying things for me.. And being annoying"
You remarked. He only laughs and told you the reason why he keeps doing that is that it's the only kind action he could do, even now. But in reality, he felt guilty. He
"By the way, I want you to meet an old friend of mine. You won't mind right?"
"What's the point of asking me if you're going to introduce your friend to me now?"
"Geez woman, you're still the same"
you could only laugh at him. To you, he's a good friend but no one could replace Aether. If you met Childe, there's a possibility of you to meet Aether and Paimon right?
"Oi blondie! We're here!" Childe yelled, getting you out from your deep thoughts. You look up only to meet a pair of golden eyes that you've missed so much.
It feels like the time has stopped. He walked towards you and slowly, engulfed you in a hug. You were stunned, you meet him. You both found each other. You hugged him back, tightly. You let out tears of joy, he was relieved he found you that he also cried.
"You didn't forget me don't you?" You hear a feminine voice behind Aether, only to find Paimon crossing her arms, just like when you meet her for the first time. But what amazes you that she's in a different form. She looks... Like you. A woman.
Your eyes got teary again and went straight to her, giving her a big hug which she reciprocated. "I miss you so much Paimon" you burried your head into her neck. Paimon was happy she could meet her.
Childe and Aether could only look both of you with adoration. Aether cleared his throat, without looking at the man beside him, eyes still on you. "Thank you, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't find her"
The red haired man could only smile, "it's no problem. I couldn't face anyone after what happened in Teyvat. Think of this as my way to apologize". Aether couldn't answer, he only nodded his head to let him know he's listening.
You went to him only get a hug from you. You missed him so much. And you noticed Aether doesn't have his long braided hair anymore, which saddens you because you always play and braid his hair.
"I noticed that you finally got rid of your annoyingly long hair", you teased him. You hear him chuckled as he tightened his grip around you. "Can't let the annoyingly long hair distract people sweetie. People found it weird here"
"But I like it though..." you blushed at the pet name he gave you. You both just couldn't let go of each other now. He strokes your hair, enjoying each others presence. "I'm so glad that I found you", "me too, I'm glad you're here".
The other two friend only watched you two reunited again, hugging each other and won't let each other go because you missed each other so much that you both are afraid one of you vanished anytime. But it's real.
"Childe can we get some sticky honey roast?"
"Good grief, paimon.."
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
Beach Day Part One
You know how sometimes as a kid your family forgets you at a gas station on vacation? (No, just me?)
This is that except it's an island and it's Ed, Stede, and Izzy accidentally forgotten by the crew.
Didn't intend on starting another multi parter, but here I am. Going to do my best to keep updates as timely as irl stuff allows and try to finish these fairly quickly as well! Fingers crossed I manage that lol.
"I don't think I've ever heard the ship so quiet," Oluwande said. "Feels weird."
"Shhh," Jim murmured. "Everyone's content. Enjoy the silence."
"I would love to, but it feels weird. Doesn't it feel off to you, like something's wrong?"
Jim blinked. "You need to reduce the workplace stress level I think."
"I'm serious!"
"So am I! Come here, sit with me, relax. We can listen to the ocean, the gulls. Nothing to do or worry about, ship is probably on course as far as we know, and even if it wasn't that isn't our problem!" Jim said with a smile. They held out their arms and patted the bit of deck by them.
Oluwande sat down by them and leaned his head on their shoulder. "I'll try. But I'm telling you, something feels missing."
Ed stood, arms folded, and yawned as dramatically as he could.
He had hoped it would catch the eye of Stede or Izzy, both dusty dirty messes from wrestling one another on the ground of the island, but neither of them even looked up.
"Okay, it's been like, two hours," Ed sighed. "What was this fight even about?"
They stopped mid-roll, and looked at him.
"When did you get here?" Stede asked.
"...about two hours ago," Ed said slowly.
"Oh," Izzy winced as he detangled himself from Stede and tried to stand. "Fucking cramp."
"Here, here," Stede hushed, rushing to stand and hold him up.
"You threatened to kill me two hours ago, what the fuck is this?" Izzy scoffed.
"Being a gentleman!" Stede shouted. "I'm doing something nice for you! Nice, you know, how you can be towards others if you make a little effort?"
"No, Stede, baby," Ed tried to interrupt, but it was too late.
"I make a fucking effort," Izzy said, shoving Stede away from him and nearly falling over again in the process. "To be an actual decent pirate! Ha! Maybe try that on for size!"
"Izzy!" Ed scolded.
"No, you always take his side!" Izzy screamed, and they all paused. Even he seemed horrified by the childish statement he'd tossed out.
"I'm-" Izzy started, but Ed held up a hand.
"Not here. We're gonna talk about it, but back on board. We should be getting back anyway, everyone else is probably ready to go."
Ed took one of Izzy's arms, but he pushed him away and resorted to limping pitifully instead as his leg continued to cramp.
"I'm sorry," Stede whispered as Ed fell back to walk beside him. "I shouldn't let him get my goat so easily. Nor should I egg him on like I do...but I can't just let him talk down to me, you know?"
Ed snagged his hand and held it, swinging it now and again between them as they made their way back to the beach. "I get it. It's a hard balance, you know? Like any ship, anywhere you work, you might find people you don't click with or fucking hate outright. So you wanna defend yourself but there has to be like...rules and limits, or ways to work it out without..."
"Without slamming each other's faces into the dirt?"
Ed shrugged. "Ideally. I mean, what happened to 'talk it through as a crew?'"
"You're right," Stede sighed. "He just makes me so fucking mad that it's like I forget myself completely. But that's no excuse; I need to do better. I can do better, and I will."
"That's my man," Ed said warmly, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "Now we'll go talk compromise with Izzy onboard, and maybe you two can go a day without shouting at each other."
"The fucking ship is gone!"
They looked ahead in fear, to a still limping Izzy in the sand. He was waving his arms to the open sea, as if it would somehow bring the Revenge back.
"They fucking forgot us!" Izzy screamed. "We've all been or are the fucking captains! How the fuck do you forget us?!"
They ran up behind him, looking out to the same spot on the horizon.
"Like this," Ed snorted and chuckled, then sighed. "This isn't great though, yeah."
"It's almost fucking evening," Izzy said. "How long have they been gone? How long-"
"None of those answers are gonna help us right now," Ed interrupted. "Remember what you told me? Take a moment to breathe."
Izzy looked less than pleased to have his own words brought up to him, but he did as instructed, dropping to sit on the cooling sand, breathing slowly and deeply.
Stede was taking some calming breaths of his own, trying desperately to recall if they had marked the small island's location or not on their maps. If they had, peachy keen! The crew could swing back around and come get them! Would take a few days, but they could survive until then.
If they hadn't, however, then he wasn't sure how well any rescue mission might go.
"Wanna help me make a shelter?" Ed interrupted his train of thought. "Clouds look like rain, so if we go back into the jungly bit here we could get some decent cover."
Stede nodded. "Izzy, do you need help up?"
"No," Izzy grumbled, dragging himself up from the sand. "I hate this."
"Me too," Stede mumbled.
Ed grinned. "Me three! Look at that, we all agree, but most importantly!"
He pointed back and forth to both of them playfully. "You two agree on something! Yes, yay!"
"I don't know if 'yay' is the right emotion," Izzy growled.
"It is for me," Ed said darkly, and Izzy looked to the sand as if searching for the bottom of the hole he would dig for himself if he kept arguing with Ed.
"Shall we?" Stede asked, and they headed inwards to the island's small jungle.
Above them, the clouds greyed and thunder started to boom.
"He's been like this since we left that last island," Jim rolled their eyes. "All because Izzy and the captains are sleeping in, he thinks we forgot them there."
"We did!" Oluwande stressed, looking around the breakfast table for support. "Has anyone seen them since we first set foot on that island?"
Shaking heads all around.
"And did anyone see them get on the ship, or at all last night?"
More shaking heads.
"Okay then, so, logically," Oluwande started, gesturing for someone to finish his sentence.
"Logically," Buttons said. " They were eaten by a squid."
"No," Oluwande said gently.
"Maybe they were after we left them on that island," Buttons continued. "You don't know that they weren't; you aren't there right now!"
"Wait," Jim said. "Mr. Buttons, do you know for sure we left them there?"
"Aye," Buttons nodded. "Walked past them on my way back to the boat. Stede and Izzy either fighting or fucking on the ground, not sure which, and Ed watching. A fine Sunday activity of course, and-"
"Buttons!" Oluwande and Jim interrupted in one frustrated voice.
"Oh, and then I watched as we all got on, but never saw them come out of the trees. I did wave as we left though!"
"Why didn't you say something sooner?" Lucius asked.
Buttons shrugged. "Thought it was part of the plan."
"What plan?" Black Pete asked next. "There wasn't a plan, was there?"
"What would we need a plan for?" Lucius added. "It was Beach Day, lay on the beach and be lazy, there's the plan."
"Did any of us even stay on the beach?" Black Pete pondered.
"No, the sand was too hot so everyone went closer inland under the shade and found stuff to do there," Lucius replied.
"Didn't really have Beach Day then, did we?" Black Pete asked. "Or we fucked it up. Maybe we did need a plan."
"Please," Oluwande interjected. "Please, guys. We need to get turned around, immediately. As it is, who knows how many days away we are now!"
"Really good question," Jim agreed. "Cuz we didn't mark the island, I don't think."
"Fuck," Oluwande sighed.
"Fuck," Jim nodded.
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wanderinginksplot · 3 years
Just for Kix
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"Hey, look who finally decided to show up!" a friendly voice called out as Kix walked into the GAR's main medbay.
"Curl, you di'kut, there's no one else here," Kix complained, though the grin on his face took the sting out of the insult he tossed to his fellow medic.
"Yeah, but the others are on their way," Curl said defensively, gripping Kix's forearm in greeting. Kix squeezed Curl's 104th-gray vambrace in return before helping to gather some of the medbay's most comfortable chairs.
'The others' were the other medics of various battalions. Every few months, the GAR brought some of the older medics back to Coruscant to be recertified. This class was going to be great or terrible, Kix hadn't decided. With some of the brothers he heard were scheduled to be here, it could go either way, but it was sure to be memorable.
Still, it would be good to see everyone again. They had decided to meet here as soon as everyone's transports arrived. Classes didn't start until the next morning, but everyone needed a chance to complain about the idiots they were in charge of.
"Are all the transports here?" Kix asked.
Curl started to say something, but he was cut off by heavy footsteps approaching the medbay door. A large trooper stepped in, his sheer size and the weight of his heavy muscle making the floor reverberate a little with every step. His armor, altered to fit his increased muscle mass, was painted with swirls of 327th yellow.
When he caught sight of them, he bobbed his head and removed his helmet. "Kix, Curl," he said in greeting, his low voice rumbling through the room like thunder.
"Limit," Kix returned.
"Well, if it isn't the most popular medic in the GAR," Curl joked, beaming at the man. "Heard you couldn't keep the females away last time you were at 79's, vod."
Limit's face flushed. "Stop it, Cu- Curl. I get enough of that from my- my own men."
"Leave him alone," Kix chided, shoving at Curl's shoulder. "Keep it up and I'll tell Wolffe you were bullying Limit."
Curl was irreverent, but Kix thought that threatening to go to his commanding officer would make him back off - especially with a CO as ill-tempered as Wolffe. Curl seemed unphased, however.
"Oh, yeah?" Curl challenged. "Maybe I'll tell him you were messing with Limit. He's still mad at you for joking about his cybernetic eye."
"You j-joked about Commander Wolffe's eye?" Limit asked, looking shocked and a bit horrified.
Kix felt an uncharacteristic surge of guilt. Limit was everyone's favorite brother. Disappointing him was like hitting a youngling.
"You didn't have to see how bad it was, Limit!" he defended. "I was scraping black goo out of it. He's lucky it didn't catch fire, and Curl is lucky he didn't have to deal with it!"
"Yeah, but I had to treat your general that one time," Curl tossed back.
"And I'm sure it was terrible for you," Kix said dryly.
The one time General Skywalker had been injured and admitted he needed a medic, Curl had been the one to treat him. Kix had spent his entire career dragging his general into the medbay for every injury, but Skywalker came and asked Curl to all but perform a battlefield surgery!
Curl had been insufferable after that.
"You know better than to make fun of someone who came to you- to you for treatment, Kix," Limit told him, deep voice saddened.
"Yeah, Kix," Curl gloated, beaming from behind Limit's impossibly broad shoulder.
"Come over here, Curl," Kix invited. "I want to show you this new method of spinal adjustment I learned. Only a mild chance of paralysis."
The door opened once again, this time admitting a trooper who wore Coruscant Guard crimson even out of uniform.
"Wow, Ink," Curl commented. "Didn't even bother to dress up, huh?"
"Got off duty an hour ago," Ink grunted. "Didn't want to be in my armor longer than I had to."
True enough, the trooper wore a crimson shirt with sleeves that barely reached his elbows. Wearing civvies to a medic meeting, even one that wasn't GAR-official, was a bold move. Everyone's civilian clothing was open to mocking, and Ink was no exception.
Of course, Curl didn't limit himself to Ink's clothing.
"What happened to your arms, vod?" he asked, seeming to fight a grin.
Ink was known among troopers for his tattoos. Intricate, Mandalorian-inspired patterns traced along the entirety of his back, shoulders, and arms. Ink had been expanding the maze of tattoos lately, and they had now spread down his forearms almost to his wrists. Of course, Curl was probably talking about the spots where messy splotches of color filled the precise outlines of the pattern.
At Curl's question, Ink glanced down at his forearms and shrugged. "The Guard had to investigate a fire on one of the lower levels. There were some younglings there."
He said it like it was a full explanation and - from him - it was. Ink melted around younglings of every species, despite how much he scared their parents.
Kix hid a smile of his own. "How's life with the Corrie Guard treating you?"
"He shou-should be the one doing the treating," Limit joked.
"Hilarious," Ink deadpanned. "Guard life is good. Treated a sprained ankle last week. Di'kut jumped down a level and a half without a jetpack."
"Hey, you know the rules," Curl objected. "No med talk until everyone is here."
"Who are we waiting on?" Kix asked.
"Heeeeeyyyyyyyy!" Shatter cheered, bursting through the door like he had been waiting for an introduction. Sprain followed close behind, throwing his arms outward like he was accepting applause.
"You didn't start without us, did you?" Sprain asked when Shatter finally paused to breathe.
"Just a short story about Wolffe," Limit admitted, looking guilty. "Sorry."
"Nothing to apologize for, Limit," Shatter forgave easily, gripping Limit's forearm in a quick warrior's greeting.
"Besides, we've all heard about Wolffe's eye," Sprain added. "Kix has been complaining about it for months."
"Was I supposed to stop?" Kix asked, mildly affronted. "I can still smell it!"
"Gross," Ink contributed.
"Gross? I'm gonna assume you're talking about that sad excuse for civvies," Shatter jabbed. "I mean, I wasn't gonna say anything, but it looks like something a Weequay would wear."
Ink snorted. "At least they didn't run out of dye for my shirt like they did with your hair."
Everyone else in the room chuckled at that - except Sprain, who had a single streak of dye up the back of his hair to match his brother. Shatter's was 212th gold, of course, while Sprain's was 41st Elite Corps green.
"I would be more offended by that if we weren't talking to the unanimously-voted best medic in the GAR," Sprain said, grinning.
"Is it true you actually got Fox to sleep more than five hours straight?" Shatter asked.
Kix perked up. This was new information… Fox was infamous for his lack of regular sleep, and infamously stubborn when it came to setting professional limits for sake of his health.
Ink leaned back in his chair and crossed his color-swatched arms over his chest. "I can neither confirm nor deny that story. Medic-patient privilege."
"C'mon, Ink," Curl wheedled. "No one's ever gotten Fox to sleep that long, especially not an almost-shiny like you."
Ink shot a glare in Curl's direction.
"However you d-did it, good job," Limit congratulated sincerely. "The Commander needs to take better care of- care of himself."
"We're here to learn new stuff to use on the field, right?" Kix mused slowly. "Well, I have a general who likes to avoid sleep. Can you give me some tips, Ink?"
Curl snorted. "Maybe another medic just has to ask."
Sprain, having heard the Curl-treating-Skywalker story before, just elbowed Curl. "Yeah, Ink, help Kix out. Of course, I don't need any help at all, since General Unduli believes in living a life of balance..."
"Shut up, Sprain," Shatter told his brother. "We get it; your general actually takes care of herself. Ink, if the circles under Kenobi's eyes get any darker, I'm going to get called in for dereliction of duty. Help a vod avoid a court-martial, would you?"
Ink sighed. "I can't be specific, but… did you know that certain Coruscant businesses will package unflavored protein powder in stim packages?"
Shouts of laughter greeted his carefully worded advice.
"Is that ethical?" Limit asked, sounding a bit troubled by the idea of deceiving a patient.
With a shrug, Ink told him, "More ethical than letting the Head Commander catch a plasma bolt in his shebs because he's too tired to function when his overlapping stims wear off."
Limit still looked doubtful, but Kix made a mental note of the trick. The general and commander didn't use stims except in dire circumstances - claiming that the Force sustained them - but the captain was known to be more reliant on non-sleep methods than Kix would prefer. And don't even get him started on Fives and Echo. When the ARCs were attached to the 501st, Kix could feel his heart working overtime.
"Speaking of catching a bolt, is it true you threatened to shoot one of your troopers, Curl?" Kix asked, relishing the looks of shock on the faces of the other medics. He had waited until everyone was present to drop that particular bit of news.
Curl looked surprised, for once. "How did you hear about that?"
"I have my ways," Kix said mysteriously. It paid to be friends with officers from other battalions, and his friendship with Sinker had proven it on multiple occasions.
Looking murderous, Limit drew himself up to full height. "You what?"
Curl knew when to get out of the line of fire and took a few steps away from the mass of muscle that was Limit. "It's not as bad as it sounds! Some of the members of the Wolfpack were experimenting with their jetpacks. I overheard a plan to drop a trooper from cruising altitude and have the other men catch him on the way down. I told them that they wouldn't have to worry about the enemy if they tried it."
Shatter blew out a breath. "Your battalion is something else, Curl."
That was the general consensus, if the nods and grunts around the room were any sign.
"So? Am I forgiven, Limit?" Curl asked, his eyes dancing.
Limit clenched his jaw. "I just don't think there is any- any cause to threaten one of your own troopers. Their safety is your concern, and they get enough threats from outsiders."
Sprain looked curious. "And what do you do when one of your troopers refuses to consider his own safety?"
"I talk to him," Limit answered simply. "Last miss- mission, Lieutenant Galle tried to hide an injury from me. When I found out about it, I treated- treated him and we had a talk about the responsibility of command and the importance of being at your- at your best when the lives of your vode are at risk."
"How did he take that talk?" Kix asked. Galle was notoriously stubborn and took criticism extremely poorly.
"He cried and admitted that I was right."
Surprised laughter met that pronouncement.
"Psychological warfare is the worst kind," Ink told him. "I'd rather someone just shoot at me."
"You don't mean that," Curl said, though his voice made it a question.
Shatter raised his eyebrows. "Would you rather get shot at or have Limit tell you that your life choices were bad?"
With a long look in Limit's direction, Sprain shrugged. "I'd go under fire any day."
"And I sup-suppose you all just threaten your men?"
"Sometimes, you can bribe them instead," Curl countered, keeping a steady distance between Limit and himself.
Any attempt at coherent conversation disintegrated from there, as the medics fell into arguments about the best way to handle stubborn patients. Kix fought a grin as he listened to them all. With medics like these fighting for the Republic, the CIS didn't stand a chance.
A/N - As a note, stims are canonically injected, but this is a theoretical powdered version. (Go with it.) I know some of you have told me your hopes for a happy ending for Kix. While I'm sure he continues to help where he can in his current timeline, the sequel era just doesn't inspire me enough to write a sequel-based happy ending for him. However, the idea of a medic group chat is one that has stuck with me throughout this series, and I wanted to include it in part here! You already know Curl, Shatter, and Sprain. Limit was introduced in the Bly chapter of Nobody Listens to Kix. Ink is new and got his name from his tattoos (not because of my username, I promise!). I hope it provided a lighthearted end to this particular fic.
Unfortunately, this is the last chapter of this story at this point. Unless I get some new ideas or surrender to my urge to write more about these OCs, this is the end of this particular story. If anyone has interest in a different work about several members of the Coruscant Guard, I have one I'm publishing as my new weekly-updated story (found on my masterlist). If not, no worries! It has been an absolute joy writing for you! Thank you, as always, for reading! Have a wonderful day!
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hot-wiings · 4 years
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Abuse Trigger Warning.
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Requested By: Wattpad User
Edited: 11-26-2020
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You felt exhausted as you unlocked your front door. You had a fairly shit day, and you knew it was bound to get worse. Your shit day started with you being late to class, this wasn't the first time it happened and it resulted in detention accompanied by a phone call to your father. You couldn't be mad at the school, not really, they were just enacting the school policy. You had no one to blame but yourself.
You knew your father was fairly pissed at you, he always was. You knew the minute you opened that door he was gonna start the same old pattern. He would yell, he would get angry, he would hit you. You would either stand up for yourself and get beat worse or take it quietly and let it be over with. With a deep breath in and out you opened the door and closed it behind you quietly. You hoped that if you were quiet then you could sneak past your drunken father who spent most of his time wasted on the couch. Your hope was diminished as you saw him standing before you, semi-drunk, sober enough to walk and be cruel. Sober enough to hurt you. 
"You're finally home."
You barely had time to place your bag on the ground before he gripped his hand in your hair and pulled you away from the door and closer to him. 
"Don't 'hey' me, you're in so much trouble."
His hand squeezed your jaw, making him grip your cheeks hard. You knew there was going to be light bruises formed on your face later. 
"Your school called me, they said you received detention. You little shit! I'm paying for that school so you can become a hero, not so you can fool around." 
Before his words registered in your head, his hands were on your body. He slapped you, he punched you and hit you until you were on your side. On your side, he kicked you and kicked you until you begged him to stop. He didn't stop until you heard a crack and you were simply positive he broke something. All he did was grin down at you sadistically, happy he caused you such permanent pain. 
"Go to your room you worthless excuse of a hero. You're lucky I pay for that school."
You weakly pulled yourself up and limped your way upstairs to your bedroom. You closed the door before slumping yourself on the bed. You let the tears escape. A downpour of feelings on your cheeks as you tried to muffle your sobs.
You hated him so much, and you hated him even more for leaving you with this feeling. You wanted to get help, help from your teachers, help from your boyfriends, but you couldn't. He was right, you are a poor excuse of a hero. How could you ask for help when you shouldn't need it? Why didn't you defend yourself? Why didn't you ever fight back? Katsuki and Eijirou we're such strong heroes, they should be ashamed to have you as a girlfriend.
You tried to quell your sobs as your cell phone rang. You picked it up quickly, hoping your dad didn't hear it, and looked at the caller ID. Eijirou <3. You were glad he hadn't face-timed you, you didn't want him to see you in such distress, you didn't want him to see you so weak.
"Baby, what's up?"
"Hey sweetheart, I was just calling to see if you needed a ride to Katsuki's house."
"A ride..."
"Yeah, a ride. He invited us to his house for Thanksgiving, remember?"
You scowled as you pressed a hand to your swelling ribcage. You hadn't remembered, you tried not to remember the holiday as it was. Thanksgiving was a depressing time for you. It was your mother's favorite holiday. She died when you were young but you still had the distant memory of her dancing around the kitchen making a perfect holiday feast. You and your father tried to avoid it, avoid the memory.
"No, no. Of course, I remember. I'm... I don't think I need a ride."
"Are you sure...? You sound upset, are you okay?"
You bit your lip as you let another lie tumble from your lips.
"I'm fine babe, just a little cold from the weather. I'll see you and our other babe when I get there later."
"Okay... We'll be waiting with warm arms and kisses."
"I love you... Bye."
You sighed as you pulled yourself from the bed. You had to cover up these wounds, and find some advil for the pain. Maybe you even had time to take a cold shower to take down the swelling.
"Well... Now I know why you got detention. Of course, my daughter has been working herself out to multiple boys."
"I- I- I-"
"Your mother would be ashamed of you... The only reason I'm not bashing your head in now is that people would notice, but I guarantee you, I'm pulling you from that shitty school and placing you in a conversion institute."
He snatched your phone from you and place it in his pocket before leaving your room and latching the door, leaving you with no means of communication or escape. No one to call. No one to save you. You had enough. You couldn't take another minute of it. You couldn't handle the anxiety of not knowing when he would decide to beat you, the horror of waiting for him to strike you with his fist. You could bear the pain, but everyone had their limits. You wouldn't let him change you. You wouldn't let him take away Eijirou. You wouldn't let him take away Katsuki.
You frantically dove into your closet for some clothes that would cover your entire body. Your jeans dug into your bruised side but you didn't let yourself dwell on it. You found one of Katsuki's hoodies and quickly slipped it on, you needed something to cover your arms, the smell of his sulfur and cinnamon brought comfort to yourself.
You didn't give it a second thought as you slipped one leg out of the window and slowly brought out your other leg. You turned your body so it positioned you with your body facing the window and slowly lowered yourself down as far as you could reach before you jumped. You landed on your side, knocking the wind out of your lungs. You let out a string of coughs before pushing yourself up and running straight to Katsuki's house. You didn't pay attention to the pain in your chest, or the fact that it had begun to rain down on you. You just ran. 
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You left a string of frantic, hard knocks on the door of the Bakugo residence. Although the Bakugou family had been expecting both you, Katsuki's girlfriend, and his boyfriend, Eijirou, that wasn't until much later in the evening. You received no answer to your knocks and as you looked in the driveway you noticed no cars. Nobody was at home.
This day reached its climax and it couldn't possibly get worse. You were all bruised up from your father, he wanted to send you to a conversion camp, you had no phone, you were soaked to the bone and the rain just turned to hail. You slid your back down against the Bakugou's door and you pulled your legs up to your chest in a bent position. You let little sobs out as you formed your body into a ball to try and create heat.
You spotted a car pull into Katsuki's driveway and you tried your best to smile and perk up. You tried your best to make it seem like your father hadn't beat the shit out of you, like your skin wasn't oozing black and green colors. You tried to make it seem like you were happy and normal.
Masaru Bakugo walked up to his front door with an umbrella in one hand and his keys in the other. There was confusion placed on his face when he saw someone balled up against his front door, but that confusion morphed into worry when he saw it was you slumped up against his door.
"[Y/N]...? Is that you? C'mon, Let's get you out of this horrendous weather."
You were quick to stand up and move to the side as Masaru fumbled with his keys and unlocked his front door. Once inside, you felt bad that you were dripping water all over their home floor. Shy and embarrassed, despite being in the Bakugo home many times, you looked at your feet and mumbled out an apology.
"I'm sorry for getting your floor dirty."
"It's fine! Let me go find you some towels and some dry clothes."
A warm feeling spread in your stomach as he walked off. You loved Masaru. Katsuki had been out to his parents for a while now, and they'd known you and Eijirou for a decent amount of that time. Masaru was so nice, so kind, and he never made you feel bad about your sexual orientation. He treated you like an addition to his family, he treated you like a daughter and it made going back to your own father hurt so much more.
Katsuki's father came back shortly with towels and some of Mitsuki's old clothes in hand. He smiled at you as he handed over the items. His smile was warm, it made you think of the small, soft moments you shared with Katsuki. Everyone said he resembled his mother, but you could see the small attributes he got from his father.
"Mitsuki took Katsuki to the store with her. They're probably gonna be there awhile knowing how stubborn they are, they're probably stuck in the stuffing aisle arguing over what brand to get. If you ever come over and we're not here you're welcome to use the spare key. It's under the rock by the azalea bush."
"Thank you, it's very nice of you."
You smiled as you took the clothes from Masaru and headed off to the bathroom. It was a pair of leggings, a tank top, and a couple of towels. As you dried off and put the fresh clothes on, you grew nervous. You could see some bruises peeking out, and there was a handprint on your arm. You just needed to get to Katsuki's room and steal one of his hoodies before Masaru got a chance to notice the bruise.
You walked out of the bathroom with your wet clothes wrapped in a towel, you tried keeping it to your arm to hide the bruises. As Masaru took your clothes it was all for naught.
"I'll put your clothes in the washer so you can take dry clothes home."
You knew he saw it. His eyes lingered for too long, and his tone changed, yet he didn't mention it. Once Masaru left to take your clothes to the washroom you made your way upstairs to Katsuki's room and slipped on one of his hoodies before going back downstairs. Unbeknownst to you, Masaru made a concerned phone call to Mitsuki while you were putting on one of Katsuki's hoodies.
"You're probably cold from being outside so I made some tea."
"Thank you."
You smiled at Masaru as you took a seat on the cream-colored sofa across from him and picked up your cup of tea. You took tiny sips as Masaru tried to word out and voice his concerns to you.
"I noticed a bruise on your forearm, how did you get it?"
The shame and embarrassment of the truth flooded your face – not to mention if you told him, then it would somehow get back to your father. He would hurt you worse. Like you've done to your teachers, and many others, you lie to your boyfriend's father.
"Oh, that? I was sparring with someone from school."
"If hypothetically, someone was hurting you, it would be okay to tell me."
"No one's hurting me."
"[Y/N]... It's not just your arm. You have bruises forming on your face, Katsuki spars and he doesn't get hurt like that. It's okay to tell me... Even if it's someone like Katsuki, I know he can get rough sometimes... I would believe you."
Masaru knew it was wrong to play into your feelings for Katsuki like that. He knew his son would never hurt you, he might have been a handful, but Masaru raised him right. Masaru needed to play into your feelings to get you to fess up on who was hurting you. Masaru reached out and grabbed your cold hands. He looked at you, practically pleading you to tell him the truth. Masaru had a way of talking to you that made you want to be honest about it and hearing him toss out Katsuki's name hurt you. You broke down, tears streaming down your face, as ugly sobs escaped you.
"No, Katsuki would never hurt me. It's--It's my dad. He can get mean sometimes, and he got really mad..."
Masaru took your teacup and placed both yours and his on the table before he pulled you in his arms as you spilled and blabbed about all your father did to you. It was so foreign to you, the feeling of being in a man's arms, a father's arms. To be held and comforted without being hurt. You couldn't remember a moment where your father held you and said everything was gonna be okay.
"He found out about my sexuality. I can't- I can't go back."
"It's okay, it's gonna be okay. You don't have to. What your father does to you is wrong. It's not right. I'm not gonna let you go back there, okay?"
"Thank you."
Your words came out in choked up sobs, but it didn't stop Masaru from keeping a tight hold on your body. It didn't stop him from rubbing comforting circles in your back, something he did for Katsuki when he was sick as a young child. Once your sobs quelled Masaru pulled away and looked at you earnestly.
"Why don't you go rest in Katsuki's bedroom. I'll send him up once Mitsuki gets home."
"Okay... Thank you, Masaru."
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As you laid in Katsuki's bed you felt overwhelmed. Anxiety and dread coursed through every vein, cell, and fiber of your being. You didn't want Katsuki to come home. You didn't want to talk to him. You didn't want any confrontations. You didn't want to see the pity on his face when you told him your dad beat you, you didn't want to see the disgust on his face when he realized what a shitty hero you are.
What kind of a hero can't even protect themselves from their father?
You didn't want to have to tell him, that was if Masaru hadn't already contacted Mitsuki and Katsuki at the store. You didn't want to have the conversation you knew you would need to have once he got home. To top that off, you didn't want to tell Eijirou. How could you face him? How could you tell him that your father hurt you? He was going to beat himself up for it. He was going to be mad that he didn't protect you. You could already envision the teary-faced he'd give you, and it filled you with such dread. You never wanted to fill your partners up with such sadness. You never wanted your partners to feel such hurt due to the expense of your hand.
You weren't sure how long you lied there in Katsuki's bed. The scent of his shampoo lifted from his pillow, and the smell of his nitroglycerin filled your lungs as you laid buried in his blanket. Sometimes you would even get a whiff of Eijirou's shampoo, residue from late-night study dates, and cuddle sessions. It was all very comforting, as you laid there motionlessly. Even as you heard the door creak open, you didn't move from your spot to see who it was. Even when you felt a big, warm hand placed on your hip you didn't lookup.
Once Katsuki's rough voice made contact with your ears you rolled your body over so you were on your back, groaning ever so lightly as your bruised back made contact with the mattress. Gazing up into the red eyes of your rougher lover, you tried to make your smile reach your eyes. 
"Hi, how was the store?" 
"Don't do that."
To anyone else, it would have sounded like Katsuki was being hostile, like he was being rude and gruff. You heard differently. You could hear the pain in his voice, you could hear the worry and fear laced in his rough demeanor. As Katsuki dropped to his knees and grabbed your hand you could see the way this bothered him, you could see the way he was worried and the way this tore him up. 
"My dad called my mom, don't pretend everything is fine when it's not. Don't pretend that your not hurting. Don't pretend with me."
"So he told you everything?"
"Just that my dad saw some bruises on you, said' you should tell me yourself."
You squeezed your eyes shut to prevent the tears from leaking out, to prevent the tears from falling into a downpour. Katsuki moved his other hand up to your face and cupped your cheek in his warm hand making you feel secure.
 "Just tell me. It's gonna be okay, I'll make it okay, I'll make it better."
"My dad hurts me Katsuki. He psychically hurts me, and now he knows about you and he wants to send me away." 
The tears poured out of your eyes, they streamed down your cheeks and dripped down onto your shirt as little sobs clawed their way out of your throat. Katsuki wrapped his arms around you and tugged your body close to his, with his face in the crook of your neck, he buried himself in you. If asked he would have denied it, but Katsuki let his own tears fall. 
"I'm not gonna let anyone take you from me. I won't let anyone take you from me and Eiji."
When Katsuki pulled away you felt a pain in your chest. It was sharp and strong, Katsuki barely noticed as you placed a hand on your chest. He barely noticed until you began coughing. Your little cough turned into a fit, and little bits of blood came out with each burst of air out.
"Katsu, I don't feel so good."
"Fuck, [Y/N]... It's-It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. Just stay awake." 
As Katsuki scrambled to pick you up bridal style, it felt like your lungs were on fire. You were light-headed as your head rolled against his shoulder, and the last thing you registered before your head went dark was the sound of Katsuki begging you to stay awake. 
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All Katsuki could do was pace the white floor in the hospital room. His hands came up and tugged at his blonde roots as angry, volatile thoughts raced through his head. He paced, and stomped around, and tugged to keep his tears at bay. He barely paid attention to the voices in the room telling him to calm down, all he heard was the heart monitor. How could they expect him to just sit? How could they expect him to be okay when you were the one in the hospital bed? 
“Katsuki, you need to sit down. Pacing and getting worked up isn't going to help.”
“I know that! Do you think I don't know that? I know it isn't going to help, I know nothing I do is going to help! I couldn't help her, that's why she's in here!”
His words came out harsh and rough. They were sharp and all Eijirou could do was frown at his hands. He knew all the emotions Katsuki was feeling. He knew them all because he was going through the same thing. You didn't tell them what was going on at home, you didn't tell them and they didn't know. They didn't know and didn't help you. They couldn't help you and now you were in the hospital. 
All Eijirou had in his head was every interaction with you, maybe if he had noticed it, noticed the signs, he could've helped. He had noticed the way you made sure you were home by a certain time. He thought you were a good girl. The way you always asked your dad for permission for things, no matter how small and minuscule. He thought you were a daddy's girl. You always wore hoodies. He assumed you liked wearing what was his. He was so wrong.
“I couldn't help her, and you couldn't help her either. It's not your fault she's in here.”
“But I should've! I should've seen the signs!”
Eijirou pulled himself up from the stiff hospital chair he was sitting on and walked over to Katsuki. He pulled Katsuki against himself and murmured sweet words into Katsuki's ear as he let him pour his heart out. He let him flurry his heart out, he let him cry. 
“I should've helped her, I should've helped her.”
“I know... I should've helped her too, but all we can do is hope she wakes up.”
It was as if a miracle happened at that moment. Amongst their crying, despite the slim chance of survival, your eyes fluttered open. They fluttered open and your hands moved out, reaching for something, for someone. Your head hurt, and the last thing you remembered was being carried away by Katsuki.
You tried pushing yourself up into a sitting position but Katsuki and Eijirou were quick to get to your side. Katsuki gently placed a hand on your shoulder, keeping you down as he had reached out for your hand. 
“Don’t move, it’ll hurt.”
“What happened?”
Eijirou pulled your hand he had gripped up to his mouth and kissed your knuckles. Your heart broke at the sad expression he gave you. It tore you up to see such pain and agony on his face. 
“Your dad... he broke your rib, and it pierced your lung. It caused you to get internal bleeding, had Katsuki not been there when you were coughing, you might not have made it.”
“You know? Who told you.”
“You passed out, you almost died! Was I not supposed to tell him, you dumbass!”
“Don’t yell at me!” 
“[Y/N]... You almost died. The doctor was barely able to fix your lung, you waking up is a miracle in itself, and you're still going to need more surgeries to fix your lung.”
You squeezed your boyfriend's hands in understanding. You had worried them. This incident wasn't like when you were eight and your dad gave you stitches, or when you were ten and he broke your arm. He almost ended your life. 
“I’m sorry... I should've told you.”
“Why didn't you? Did... Did you not trust us? We would never hurt you, we would've helped you.”
“No, I trust you. I do! It's stupid...”
“I don’t care if it's stupid, I've spent the last four hours in this goddamned hospital for you, you could at least tell us why you kept it a secret.”
You closed your eyes and tried to stop the tears from falling. You pulled your hands from theirs and buried your face in your palms. 
“I’m so fucking pathetic! That's why I hid it... I didn't want your help, because I should've been able to handle it myself. I'm supposed to be a hero, but I can't even stop my father from hurting me, it's so pathetic. I'm pathetic.”
Katsuki pulled your hand against his lips and his other hand wiped away your tears. Eijirou was quick to follow suit. They desperately wanted to pull you against themselves, to hug you tightly as if you'd disappear, but they knew it would hurt you, they knew you were still too fragile 
“You're not pathetic. You're strong, you're so strong.”
“Fuck, you're strong. You handled him by yourself for so long on your own, but you're not on your own anymore. The cops got your X-rays, between your broken ribs, and old healed bone fractures, it's enough evidence to put your father in jail for a long time.”
A smile spread across your face as Katsuki spoke his words to you. You dreamed of the words for such a long time. You dreamed of the day you no longer had to endure him. You dreamed of it, you yearned for it, and now it was here. 
“My mom and dad want you to live with us. You'll, come, right? You have to, my parents love you. I’m gonna smother you with my love, and Eiji's gonna be over every day. We're gonna take good care of you.”
“I will, I'll be over every day, and we'll watch your favorite movies, and eat your favorite food. We’ll take care of you.”
“I’ll come. I’ll come live with you Katsuki.”
“Fucking good, I need you to be close. I need you to be close and safe.”
As Katsuki kissed your forehead, Eijirou left kisses up your arm. Your fears of telling them about the abuse were far from your mind, as was your father. You were ready to start your life with your boyfriends, you were ready to move in with the Bakugo’s, a couple who would love you like a daughter, the right way. You were ready to start this peaceful chapter of your life.
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OHSHC Rewrite: Episode 3a
Beware the Physical Exam!
Host Club x reader
Summary: Y/n has to deal with Maria's nephew coming for a visit right before the physical exams.
Word Count: 5k
Episode Masterlist
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"Welcome ladies!"
You were outside talking to some of your clients, and they were excited that you wore a kimono for cosplay. In the middle of talking to them Kyoya appeared smoothly, trying to sell picture books of the host club. It made you wonder, how did he get those pictures?
A little later you didn't have any clients so you asked Honey and Mori if you could sit with them, and they agreed. You and the girls became quiet once Honey tried to make some tea. He was mixing too hard and almost everything had spilled out, but none of you knew what to say. You bit your lip and looked from the girls to Mori, who understood. He leaned over to Honey, saying, "You overdid it."
Honey looked at the almost empty bowl and looked very sad. "It's okay Honey-senpai! I'll drink it." One girl exclaimed.
"Yeah, if it was anything more it would be too much!" The other one chimed in.
He then beamed again. "Really?" He looked at you. "What do you think y/n-chan?"
You smiled. "I think you made enough for the ladies to not have to drink too much. It's very modest and considerate of you Honey-senpai. It shows how good your heart is."
He jumped into a hug with you. "Thanks y/n-chan!"
Once the Host Club closed for the day, you wandered around looking at the cherry blossom trees. Tamaki saw you and decided to try to work his charm again.
"Hello y/n."
"Oh, hey senpai." You gave him a small smile.
"The flower viewing reception went quite well. What do you think? Aren't the flowers today captivating?"
"Yeah, they're really pretty."
He took this as his chance. "Even so, it's rather daunting being admired than doing the admiring."
You sighed. "Wow senpai, I can really see how much you're blooming today." You said sarcastically.
"You noticed! Yes, today my beauty is in full bloom." He then flicked a heart with his fingers to you. "I bet you'll fall you me soon."
"I'll take that bet." You joked.
Tamaki smiled and was about to say something back when the twins interrupted. "So y/n, what are you gonna take for next term?"
You paid no mind to Hikaru's arm around your shoulder. "I haven't really thought about it yet."
"Why don't you take conversational French with us?" Kaoru suggested.
"Yeah, it does make sense," Hikaru added.
They then turned back to Tamaki, evily smiling as they said, "Since we're in the same class."
Tamaki sat near a tree and hugged his knees into his chest. "Say, mommy dear?"
Kyoya smiled. "What is it now, daddy?"
"It might just be my imagination, but it seems like the twins get to spend more time with my little girl."
"Tamaki, you're just now realizing that?" It was like Tamaki was struck by lightning. "If you look at these two charts, you'll see that the twins spend roughly 8 hours a day with y/n, which is a third of her day. You, on the other hand, spend a mere 3 hours with her, meaning about 12% of her day—"
"I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!!" Tamaki quickly grabbed your shoulders. "Listen to me y/n, daddy wants you to stop hanging around those two shady twins!"
"Who you calling shady boss?" Hikaru asked.
"Yeah, take a good look at yourself!" Kaoru added.
"Tamaki-senpai, please calm down. It's just a class together." You took his hands off your shoulders. "You know what? If I need any help in French then I'll most likely go to you."
"Really?!" His eyes shown, only to go to confusion. "Wait, what do you mean most likely?"
"If I need help in the moment, I'll ask the twins." He began crying again. "Senpai, calm down—"
"All daddy wants is for you live a wholesome life!"
You sighed. "Why do you call yourself that?"
"Y'know y/n," Kyoya said. "It's pretty impressive that you're taking a class to learn a fourth language."
"Thank you senpai." You smiled at him.
"What does he mean by fourth?" Kaoru asked.
"Oh, Maria's latina so she taught me Spanish."
"A hispanic mother huh?" Hikaru said.
Kaoru then added, "You're very exotic."
You looked at them with an annoyed expression. "Sure." You then remembered something. "By the way, do you guys have anything you're doing this weekend?"
The twins looked at each other and then back at you. "No, why?"
You grinned. "Then let's do something! Anything."
They were taken back by your sudden forwardness. "What's got you so excited?" Hikaru asked.
"Yeah, where did this come from?" Kaoru added.
"Maria's sisters are coming over and one of them hates me."
"Why?" Hikaru asked.
"Cause I'm not Maria's biological kid. It's stupid. But it's not her I'm worried about." Your face then turned to a grimace. "It's her son, Satan."
"Geez, what's with the name calling?" Hikaru asked again.
"He gets his annoying personality from his mother, and he loves to go out of my way to try and get me mad. It makes him feel better or something. One time he cut the head off of my stuffed dinosaur my first mother had bought for me." You pouted.
Kaoru asked, "Just because Maria's not your mom?"
"Yeah, he feels like I'm at a lower class than him, and that I need to learn to stay like that. Maria tried to fix my stuffed dino, and God bless her tomboy heart, her sewing skills are terrible. It looks like a voodoo doll now." You sighed, shrugging. "Anyways, I wanna see his face as less as possible. So, you do two wanna hang out over the weekend?"
"Why are you so weird about Hikaru and Kaoru?" You asked. "They aren't even doing anything."
"I'd hate to break up this little chat," Kyoya said. "But do you recognize the name Alarico Gonzalez?"
You whipped your head over to Kyoya's direction. "Why?"
"Because he's from y/c and just booked each host towards the end of host hours for tomorrow."
"It's him." You grumbled. "I'm gonna go clean up."
Tamaki then spoke up. "It's not to fret about. This is obviously a romantic comedy fic, and me and y/n the main cast! That means that in the end I'll swoop in and make her feel better."
"Yeah, then what are we?" Hikaru asked, referring to the rest of the hosts.
"You boys are the homosexual supporting cast!" He then drew a line on the ground with a stick. "So please make sure that you don't step over this line."
"This is ridiculous." The twins said.
"And boss, I don't think you get it." Hikaru said as he smiled.
"Y/n-chan values friendship very much." Honey said.
"And she considers all of us her friends." Kaoru said.
Kyoya chimed in. "If you were to take her away from the rest of her friends, she would probably become quite unhappy and limit her contact with you."
"That means that the rest of us get to spend more time with her, while she ignores you." Honey said.
"Especially more time with us," Kaoru said. "Since we're in the same class."
You walked up to them. "Okay guys, I'm done—"
"Tamaki grabbed you again." Don't worry y/n! I'll let you go with the twins this weekend."
"I mean, that's nice of you to say, but I wasn't asking for your permi—"
"As long as the rest of us go as well!" He then turned to everyone else. "Listen up gentlemen. We are all going to hang out with y/n this weekend."
"Sure, I guess. If you wanted to come senpai, why didn't you just ask?"
"Nevermind that!" He panicked. "Make sure you choose where you want to go."
You smiled sweetly. "Okay!"
The next day you felt irritated, knowing it was only a matter of time before you see Alarico and his stupid face. Kyoya reminded you that during host hours you had to be on your best behavior, which meant that you couldn't defend himself.
The twins were staring at you all day. They made in incredibly noticable when you were setting up the tea sets. "Can I help you two?"
"You haven't smiled at all today." Kaoru said.
"Yeah, this isn't normal."
"Don't worry, I'll make sure to smile when the guests come." You went around them and kept working, setting everything up.
"Why do you look sad y/n-chan?" Honey asked, trying to guilt trip you. "I don't like it. You're not like that because of me, right?"
"Of course not senpai. You're a sweet person." You said with a straight face. "Now excuse me." You continued and eventually finished up everything. You then walked to your place to welcome the girls. Sucking in a breath, you put on a smile.
"Welcome ladies."
You greeted your clients and they talked to you about what was going on with their lives. You threw out compliments and encouragements, and you hoped your smile would pay off. The stress was slowly coming off of you and your smile was becoming real. You did enjoy talking to all of your clients after all.
Your smile eventually became forced when Kyoya told you that someone requested for you to greet them at the door. You walked over to the door and opened it, smiling as best as you could. "Welcome sir."
He slapped your back hard. "Hey nickel. Long time no see."
You remained calm. "I didn't know we were using our nicknames Lucifer."
"Nickel?" Kaoru asked.
"Y/n would play the guitar and sing in the streets to save up some money. That's how she could afford to move. She would come home with bucket full of change. It's hilarious. So I call her nickel." He said, breaking out into a laugh. Though he was two years older than you, he was the about the same height as the twins. He then tossed his coat to you. "Show me where I go."
"Your first appointment is with the King. Right this way."
He looked you up and down. "This suits you nickel."
You ignored his comment. "Have a nice time."
You went back to your couch and talked to your clients. Meanwhile, Tamaki smiled warmly. "It's nice to meet you. The only person I've heard of from y/n is your aunt."
"Yeah, well, that's because she doesn't like what my mom and I have to say." You could feel his smug smile staring at the back of your head. You kept talking to your girls, trying to ignore him. "She just needs to accept who she is."
"And that is?" Tamaki smiled.
He smirked at Tamaki. "You know what they say, you can take the girl out of the streets but you can't take the streets out of the girl." Tamaki frowned. "Hey, what do you think of her? She was very keen on starting over, so I was wondering if she would be willing to share her past."
Tamaki tried to keep his princely self in tact. He smiled and sat up straighter. "I think she's a bright and smart person to be around. I enjoy her company, as do the rest of us here. And yes, she has shared some information with us regarding her past. We are her friends, after all."
"Trust me man, you don't wanna be too deep in her friend group. She had some really weird friends in y/c, and it's cause she's weird herself. She's got a lot of issues, and I wouldn't blame you if it sent you running." You knew what he was trying to do. Tamaki knew it. The rest of the hosts listening in knew it too. He was trying to isolate you, just to mess with you. "Well, gotta go to my next appointment."
He then got up and walked over to the twins' table. They hesitated to speak, but knew they had to be nice. "Nice to meet you." They said.
He quietly laughed. "Do you guys like to answer questions at the same time?"
They shrugged. "Sometimes."
"That's... strange." He grinned. They looked at him, offended and annoyed. "That's also the opposite from y/n, which is even stranger to me."
"Shit." You mumbled. You began to breath a little unsteadily.
"What do you mean?" Hikaru asked.
He laughed again. "You guys don't know?" They stared blankly at him. "Y/n has a twin brother. He up and ran away before their mom died. Apparently all three were supposed to leave together, but her brother left them high and dry."
You were starting to panic. Other people were turning their heads. Exposed. You felt so exposed.
"Excuse me for a minute." You quickly left the room and sat down on the floor, trying to catch your breath. You couldn't breathe, and your eyes began to sting from tears forming. You just couldn't breathe.
Tamaki and the twins shot up and ran to the door, but we're stopped by Kyoya. "Go back to your seats. There are guests waiting for you."
"Are you kidding?!" Hikaru barked.
"We need to see if she's okay!" Kaoru added.
"Kyoya, step aside!" Tamaki exclaimed.
"I don't have any appointments right now. I'll check on her. Go back to your seats." He then quickly left.
He saw you on the floor and sat down right to you. He put his arms around your upper arms and began to squeeze you tight in a hug. You tried to push him off, but he wouldn't budge. Soon you stopped moving and your breath stilled.
"Thank you." You weakly said.
"Of course."
"How did you do that?"
"It's a pressure point that calms a person's nerves." You weakly smiled at him. "How long have you been having anxiety attacks?"
You looked down. "I don't know. Years. It's been a while since I've had one up until now."
"Have you been medically diagnosed?"
You frowned and shook your head. "Let's go back in." You patted his thigh and got up. You stuck your hand out and he took it, having you hoist him up. You brought back your smile. "Thanks again senpai."
He nodded, though he also felt like the conversation needed be revisited, and would have to make sure of it. He opened the door for you. "Y/n!" Tamaki and the twins zoomed over to you.
"Sorry if I worried any of you. I just needed some air." You then sat back down on your couch. "Momo, let's resume our conversation."
"O–okay." She said, unsure whether she should ask if you were okay. "Is it okay if we take a walk in the maze? It's wonderful weather."
You grinned. "If you want to, I want to. Let's go."
When you two left, Alarico scoffed. "Still a damn baby." He then checked his watch. "Oh, switching time."
He walked over to Honey and Mori. Honey smiled at him. "You made y/n-chan really sad, so I think you should say sorry to make up for it. Kay?"
He shrugged. "I don't have to make up for anything. Like I said, she just doesn't like what I have to say. She doesn't want to face her reality, and I'm just trying to help her see it."
"So," Momoka asked you with your arms interlocked. "I was wondering if you would like to talk about what that boy you knew said."
"And here I thought I was host." You teased.
"Well, as a host it's your job to make the customers happy." She quietly stammered. "It would please me so if you had someone to talk to."
You scrunched up your nose. "You are way too nice Momo. It's grossing me out." You then looked straight ahead. "But it's much appreciated." You felt her eagerly stare at you. "Okay, we can talk."
"Really?" You nodded, and she hugged you.
"Out of the people I talk to everyday, and those who make an impression on me, I'm glad you're the one to want to talk to me like this." She smiled brightly. "Now, lead the way to that nice sitting stop first. I have no idea where to go." She nodded and took your hand, rushing to the spot.
Honey's face became darker. "Don't say mean things about y/n-chan, or I won't forgive you."
"No offense kid, but how old are you?"
"He's the same age as you." Hikaru angrily said as he sipped tea.
"Even so, some may argue that he's twice a man as you." Kaoru said as he also angrily sipped on his tea.
"Who knew important people would actually care about some rando girl from the nowhere."
"Don't talk about her like that." Mori said, standing up to hover over him.
"Stop talking about her like that, now." Honey warned.
Alarico scoffed. "Sorry little man, we're out of time." He then walked over to Kyoya, who was writing in his notebook. Honey was about to attack, but Tamaki quietly assured everyone that he knows Kyoya would handle things. "You seem to be the only who isn't phased by anything I say. That's good, since everyone's being weird about y/n."
"I assume it's due to the impression she's left on everyone here. It seems like the hardships she's had to endure has shaped her into a hard working and ambitious person."
"More like audacious." Kyoya just kept writing. "Not much gets to you, huh? That's pretty uninteresting."
"Well, I don't have a lot to worry about considering the position I'm in. You see, my family owns the largest police force in Japan. Just one phone call away and I could have over a hundred men in less than five minutes. So you see, I in fact do not have anything to worry about in this particular moment."
He frowned as you and Momoka came back in. "We're back." You happily announced.
"Did you ladies enjoy your walk?" Tamaki asked as he greeted you two at the door.
You and Momoka looked at each other and smiled. "We did." You said. "I had the pleasure of learning a few new things about Momo."
"Y/n! Those are secrets!" She blushed heavily.
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna say anything. Anyways, have a safe way home."
"You as well." She said, leaving.
You closed the door and saw that Alarico was the last person there. "Okay Lucifer, let's get on with this. Shall we?"
He said nothing but smirked at you as he bumped your shoulder walking to your couch. Everyone watched. You sat on opposite ends. "So, your friends don't know about Christian."
You calmly smiled. "He's not in my life, so there's not much to say about him. How've you been doing back in y/c?"
"You mean back home?" He asked tauntingly.
"This is my home now. A step up, don't you think?"
"For now, yeah. How's money been? You still singing in the streets?"
"Nope. Don't have to. Maria got a management position at this club. She got the job from a friend she made at a store. His name is Ryoji, and he's awesome. We've had dinner at his house a few times. His daughter's pretty chill."
"Look at you making little friends. Just like at the liquor store." You grinned, and he scooched closer to you. "Y'know, I just don't get the hype for you. There's something about you that I don't like."
"I'm well aware."
"I don't know where to put my finger on it." He looked you over. "Maybe it's because I've seen those nasty scars on your legs. It a pretty big turn off."
You grinned and shrugged. "Maybe that's it. Maybe it's because you don't like what I have to say about you. Just maybe."
He didn't like that. He grabbed your jaw, holding it tight. "Or maybe it's your face. I've seen the pictures of your parents, and you have your dad's looks." He roughly took away his hand. "Get me some tea."
"Of course." You calmly got up and went over to pour the tea.
"Hey, who was that Momoka chick? She was hot. You think she's easy to bed?" He then laughed.
"Hikaru, what time is it?" You asked as you stared straight ahead.
"Uh, 5:02?"
You nodded, setting down the tea pot. You calmly wrapped your arms around Alarico's shoulders, leaning in as if you were about to whisper him something. Instead you kneed his dick. He yelped and fell to the ground. "You bitch!"
"It's after hours now so I can say whatever I want." You looked down at him. "I don't give a shit about what you think of me, I never have. You know it, and you hate it. But when you talk about sleeping with a sweet girl just to spite me, that's when I get pissed."
"Fuck you!" He rolled to his side.
"Never talk about her in that way, ever, and stay away from her. Don't even try to fight me on this. It wouldn't be the first time I've kicked your ass. Now it's time for you to leave. Go." He got up and stumbled away.
You turned and saw everybody looking at you. "Well," Kyoya said. "I believe it's time to clean up."
You all began to clean up in silence. It was almost unbearable for the twins, as well as Tamaki. Hikaru and Kaoru had finally snapped when you accidentally bumped into them. "Excuse me—"
"Oh, that's what was bugging you?"
"Among other things." Tamaki said. "But that is a good question."
You remembered the fond memory you had of that night and giggled. "It happened one time, and it was totally his fault."
"Well, what happened?" The twins asked.
"He thought that it would be funny to scare me so he could hold it over me. But his plan for it failed miserably. He made a plan to come through our window in the middle of the night with a ski mask on and act like he was robbing us."
"But if it was in the middle of the night, wouldn't you be asleep?" Honey asked.
"Yup. He's not the smartest person around. Anyways, right when he climbs in he trips over our shoes and was unintentionally makes a lot of noice. I woke up and assumed there was a robber in the house, so naturally I grabbed the bat from under my bed and—"
"Why on Earth would you have a bat under your bed?" Tamaki asked.
"In case some idiot decided to put on a ski mask and climb through our window." You giggled, and everybody smiled in response. "Anyways, I ran up to him and swung to his stomach. He fell, and broke a flower pot in the process. When he got up, I swung again. He once again fell, but this time when he tried to get up he slipped and landed on our table, breaking it. He fumbled around and tried to grab onto this shelf, but the house was old and the shelf came down on him."
The twins bursted into laughter. "Where was Maria during all this?" Kaoru asked.
"Sleeping! I swear, I don't know what she'd do without me. There was so many crashing sounds!" The twins laughed again, and this time Tamaki chuckled as Honey giggled. "So I'm about to swing again, but he takes off the mask and yells at me. We're yelling at each other, and I drop the bat on the floor. That's when Maria finally comes in, by hearing the bat, and just asks if I'm okay. Super relaxed and half asleep."
The laughter erupted again. "What happened after that?" Hikaru asked.
"I told her that Alarico was trying to rob us, and she says hands down the most 'I don't care' question ever: So, like, I can go back to sleep then right?" More laughter. "I told her no, and she called her sister who came there dead silent. She wrote us a check for the damage and they left. One of the most satisfying experiences of my life."
Everybody was smiling at the story. It was no wonder why you became a host. You were very interesting. "Do you think you'll be in trouble when you get home?" Kaoru asked.
You shrugged. "I mean, Maria's sister will yell at me, but that's kinda it. Maria thinks that I should only be punished if I'm in the wrong. He was being a creep to another girl and I defended her honor. Not in the wrong, and I'll probably just get a smack to the back of the head."
"Seriously?" Hikaru asked.
You shrugged. "She is Latina. And don't worry, since she's not the wealthiest person here, Maria's sister won't try to fight the school or anything."
"Not the wealthiest? What does that mean?" Tamaki asked.
"They're high middle class so they flaunt their money at people who don't make as much. She's a Karen."
"A Karen?" The twins asked.
"I don't believe I'm familiar with the term." Kyoya said.
"It's when someone makes a not bad situation so much worse for no reason. Like, let me speak to your manager for something dumb or my child would never do that when their kid is horrible. Stuff like that."
"Geez, you have to go home to that?" Hikaru asked.
You pursed your lips. "I really don't want to go home right now. Maybe I'll visit Ryoji's house. Or maybe I'll just stay at a fast food place for a bit."
"We'll come with you." Hikaru offered.
"Yeah, it'll be fun." Kaoru added.
"Thanks guys. Let's go then." You began walking towards the door, but stopped and turned around. "And thank you, all of you. I'm really happy that you guys still like me."
"Wait y/n!" Tamaki zoomed over to you, invading your personal space. "I want you to be careful around those shady twins, okay?! Daddy just wants the best for you!"
You ruffled his hair and smiled. "I'll be fine senpai. You trust that I'll take care of myself, right?"
He looked at you, almost in a daze, and smiled. "Of course. Have fun." You nodded and left with the twins. "Well Kyoya, it seems like our little y/n is very capable of handling her problems."
Kyoya put on a smile and said nothing. On the outside, it could easily be seen as that. But that wasn't the case. You should see someone about your anxiety. You should accept help. That meant that he would have to tell Tamaki.
After having a fun time with the twins and getting chewed out by Linda, you went to bed hoping that the club wasn't actually upset with you.
The next day you got up and quickly left early before anyone else woke up. Unfortunately, you skipped breakfast in order to do so. So there you were, eating a breakfast burrito from WacDonald's on the steps of Ouran, way too early for anyone to be there yet.
The silence was pretty nice. It was peaceful, and the school was beautiful. You did notice someone though. A man in a lab coat. He looked lost, but you decided not to think anything of it. It was probably just a school doctor, since it is physical exam day.
Later on you threw away your wrapper and bought some coffee at a gas station. That's when some people began arriving. "Hey, you're the honor student, right?" One person walked over and asked you.
"Um, yeah. I'm sorry, I don't think I know you."
"I'm in the same year, though we're in different classes." He said.
A few minutes later the twins arrived to school, though they were peeved to see you talking to another guy. They ran over to you and began dragging you away.
"It was nice to meet you!" You called out. They then put you down, hearing you huff. "What was that for? I almost dropped my coffee."
"Who was that?" Kaoru asked.
You shrugged. "Some guy. He just came up to me and started talking."
"More like flirting." Hikaru grumbled.
"No he wasn't." You took a sip of your coffee. "Do you guys want some?"
Hikaru hesitated before shrugging. "Sure." He took a swig.
"Kaoru?" You offered.
"Are you sure that's Kaoru?" Hikaru asked, trying to trick you.
"Yes, I am." You said, taking back your coffee. "I'm not stupid."
Before they could say anything, you all heard. "Y/n~!"
A gush of wind passed you three as Tamaki ran over to you. "Morning senpai."
"Did those two shady twins hurt you last night?! I knew I should have gone with you!" He took your hands.
"No, they didn't. Calm down senpai. It was actually nice." You smiled at them.
"Oh, right." Hikaru took out an old phone. "Here."
You just stared up at him confusedly. "You don't have a phone, and this is my old one." Kaoru explained. "I don't use it anymore, so you could have it."
"Um, that's kind of a big thing to give someone." You nervously smiled. "You could turn it in to a phone company and get some money for it. Or maybe some store credit, depending on the company."
"We don't need money or credit stuff." Hikaru said. "Just take it."
You hesitated before taking it. You then smiled and wrapped your arms around each of their necks. "Thanks guys!"
"You're welcome." They smiled before looking darkly at Tamaki. Before Tamaki could say anything, the twins then pulled away. "Well, let's go to class!"
They rushed you off. "Bye Tamaki-senpai!" You called out.
Tamaki got angry. "But what about the plan?!" He barked.
"What did he say?" You turned as they carried you.
"Nothing!" They said.
Instead of going to your class though, you ended up going to the Music Room. "What's going on? Why are we in the host club class?"
Tamaki then stormed into the room. "You two could have waited for me!" He barked out again.
Kyoya then came out. "Y/n, we've come here today to talk about a problem regarding you."
Author's Note: I hit the limit for the paragraphs I can write (since there's a lot of dialogue), so I had to cut it short.
I guess I have to split it up into 2 parts and put the fast food part in my own filler .—.
Tag List: @krustykrabbspizza @animefan7420 @strangerthingsholland @the-dead-fucking-sea @blue-eyez-7
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Excuse me what.
Maeda, you fucking owe me Ohagi for this pervert writing. This really looks like some ecchi shits going on. But we all know that Sanemi is also drunk on that respect women juice.
As you can see or know, there are no bras used by women in Taishou Era unless those who live in big city like Tokyo (after Western influences). They used some sort of bandages to cover their breast.
You know what's coming.
Shinazugawa Sanemi x Pillar! s/o (NSFWish Warning: Explicit words)
After some incident, you are injured and Sanemi brought you to small village for temporary treatments. He couldn't reach out Kakushi because your crows and Sanemi's are both injured.
Like always, when you woke up, Sanemi will scold you with loud voice and the person who treat you, were too afraid to make him calm down.
"Sanemi, lower your voice. It's not just us here."
Both of you planned to leave in the morning, considering the demons were hiding and it's great opportunity to take a breath.
"It's a new type demon which attacked you yesterday. We had to go back to headquarters as fast as we can and report this to Oyakata-sama."
"You could leave me, I'll catch up."
"No. I won't. Beside, you are the one who recklessly encountered that demon. You should be the one who report it to Oyakata-sama."
Sanemi, the thick bull-headed, will never say that he didn't want to leave because the male villagers were eyeing on you.
When you got better, you asked about your swords and uniform.
Your sword was fine but your uniform is another story. It torn up and was really in havoc. You saw it with your own eyes. With all of these shreds on your uniform and the pants, it's miracle you still alive until now. You couldn't distinguish between mere fabrics or Demon Slayer Uniform.
Which is really bad.
This village was poor. You wanted to buy their clothes, and that's the problem. The women here only have one or two kimono at the moment. But luckily, there was one girl who let you buy her kimono. It's pink and not really in good shape but at least you could wear it. Of course, you willingly to pay her.
"What you are talking about? Buying their kimono? How did you defend yourself from the demons' scratches?" Sanemi scoffed. He pulled something from his bag. "I got one spare."
"You do? Is it yours?"
"No, Maeda gave me. I don't know why but that woman just shoved this too me. 'In emergency case for (y/n)', she said."
"But still, I need kimono to disguise myself. We are going to across the town. My haori was ripped too."
The morning comes, and you get ready for your trip back to headquarters. You started with your clothings. You wrapped around the bandages, covering your breast.
Sansmi already gave you the uniform, so you just grabbed it out from the table, and started to wear it.
"...it's not pants? This is a skirt?" You frowned. "Whatever."
Sanemi was waiting outside the room, crossing his arms while sitting on the engawa.
"Hey, are you done?!" He shouted to you, impatient.
"Wait a minute."
You maybe sounded calm but you literally sweating over the uniform you wear.
The skirt was short. It's not even reaching under knees, and only covered half of your thighs. But more importantly,
You tried your best to button your upper front uniform. You held your breath, deflated your chest. You pulled the button, and reached the hole on the other side.
But you make it worst. The button snapped from its place and fell down onto the floor. Your peevish head became angry and tried with another buttons.
Until there are no buttons left. It all fell down and you just stared at them in defeat.
For fuck sake, (y/n), you're so fucking dumb
"IT'S USELESS!!" You stood with your knees and palm, feeling super tired from just an attempt to button your front. How should I cover my chest when the battle start?! Maeda you siiiiiick!! If you really wanted to help me, then at least make the bigger size. I'm not Sanemi or Mitsuri!!
"Hey, what are you complaining about?! If you didn't out in 1 minute, I'll leave you!"
"Wa- Wait! Aaah..." There are no time left to fix the buttons, so you just let it be showing your bandaged cleavage and wear your kimono as double.
It's actually worst than Mitsuri. Mitsuri's still buttoned her highest and lowest part of the uniform. But you? All of the buttons didn't compromise to your luck today. It showed more skins than you thought.
Maeda, curse you.
You opened the door. Sanemi was so mad the irk mark on his forehead appeared.
"I- I'm sorry. Hahaha...." You felt so uncomfortable under your kimono, but you did your best to hid it.
"Tsk. Nevermind. Come on, we're losing time."
You leave the village along with Sanemi. Your crows resting on your shoulder. You patted its little head.
Of course, it didn't always go well like you predicted.
When night comes, the same type of that demon attacking both of you again. You still put your kimono on. It limited your movements.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WHY DID YOU KEEP YOUR KIMONO?!" Sanemi shouted towards you, still busy dodging the attacks.
'I will just being a burden if-'
You gripped your sword, panicking. Should I? Should I put out my kimono?
"AAAHHHH SCREW IT!!" You put off your kimono, throwing it out to nowhere.
He stopped for a moment, mouth opened.
The demon slapped him out, make him flew away and hit the tree.
"Huh?!!! I don't know, it didn't fit to me!!"
You finally revealed your front-opened button bandaged cleavage, and your short skirt. You kept your distance while shouting 'Quick, it will attack again!' to Sanemi.
"WHAT THE FUCK?! THE FRONT BUTTON?!" He propped his feet on the ground.
"I broke them all!!" You spinned around, almost got clawed but it managed to reach your bandage.
It ripped out.
Ah shit, here we go again.
"I HATE THIS AAHHHH!!!" You screamed in embarrassment, starting to think that this demon is a pervert.
Sanemi tried to not too distracted by your chest, attacking from the other direction. But he can't, he simply can't.
You crunched your knees to the ground, making brake motion so your body wasn't bounce back.
But that's not the only who visibly bouncing right now.
"Sanemi, we should destroy the middle core first." You panted. He couldn't focus, he couldn't focus at all while looking at your bare breast, making up down motion. "Hey, Sanemi!!"
"FUCK!" He jumped first. "Cover your chest!"
"Wait, it doesn't have to do with my chest?!"
He didn't know what to do anymore, it was like BOOM. His mind couldn't be clear, he can't concentrate on his next move.
The demon was easily swinging its claw and spinning its hand around. It resulted with Sanemi injured on his forehead while you got crossed wounds on your chest.
"Don't mind me!!" You landed on the tree, panted for a while before jumped again towards that demon.
"Breath of Wind, second form!"
"Third form!" It finally worked out, it's finally annihilated.
You huffed, gasped for more air. You put your hand on your chest, fresh blood from the cuts was flowing out.
"It seems that the injury wasn't that deep." Sanemi approached you. He wiped the red liquid on his temple carelessly. "Why don't you say that the uniform didn't fit for you?"
"We're in hurry, remember?"
"So, you walked around the town... With that."
"Look, I don't want this, but I have no choice, okay? Besides- Ow."
The sharp pain came again, you held your wounded chest.
"Nevermind that, come here. I'll stop the bleeding."
He found an abandoned post in that forest. Ordering you to sit down, he started to prepare the emergency treatment.
It's not just a mere flush, his face was burning when he sutured your breasts. Focus, Sanemi, you're the one who offering her help, are you?
"What are you blushing at? We've done 'that' for many-"
"Shut up! It's different!"
Well, it's actually embarrassing though, you bite your lips, averting your eyes to somewhere else.
"Hey, don't let out weird sound."
"It hurts..."
"Hold it." He tried, tried so hard to keep focusing on your wounds. His heart throbbed, it was like asking him to let it out from his ribcage.
He had to admit that you looked enthralling in this shape, torn uniform, some scars on your skins that never make him bothered, you shivering under his gentle touch while trying to maintain your preposition.
It's all perfect that he had to hush his bulge under his pants to calm down.
"Done." He stood up. You opened your eyes, letting out relieved breathe. "Could you walk? Or should we stay here for awhile? If it's still hurt, I could bring you to Butterfly Estate."
"No, you're injured too. Let's rest here together."
It's your turn to take care of his wounds. He sat down on the wooden board. Your knees propped you up, making creak sound on that board. You kneeled in front of him, wiping the blood out of his temple. You disentangled the bandage on your hand, starting to wrapped his injuries on the head.
Didn't realize that Sanemi kept staring on your chest, really close to his face. Your breast was jiggling lightly, following your movements while busy bandaging him.
Hold it, hold it, Sanemi. Not now.
His half-lidded eyes were hazy. Unconsciously, he moved his head towards, kissing your wounded chest.
You jolted a bit and looked down, the sting pain and his soft lips were mixed on your skin, making tingling sensation.
"Sa- Sanemi? Ow..."
"You're lucky that it's not poisoned." He hugged your under breast, still kissing your tender skin lightly.
"I- I guess." You made ribbon shape like on his head, pushed him slowly with your hands on his shoulder. "I- I think we should inform the Kakushi, about... The uniform and maybe better treatments. My crow has healed and could fly again."
"Right." You send message thorough your crow and after some flapping test, your crow flew away from your place.
Sanemi put his haori and uniform off, he's only wearing the white shirt now.
"Get some rest." You nodded, laying down and sleep sideways. He covered your with his uniform and your lower part with his haori. "I'll guard this area."
"With this thin clothes, you'll get cold." You pulled his shirt, shyly. "Would you mind sharing?"
"What sharing?"
You guided his hand, made him sleeping beside you. You lifted his uniform and covering both of you.
"Now, this is fair." You hide under his chin, putting your face in front of his chest. "We could share warmth together."
"I didn't mean to sleep. Who will prot- "
"Morning will come soon anyway. Just 1 hour rest."
"Argh, fine!" He pushed your back head, bringing him closer to his chest. He put his chin under your head, hiding his red flush because he could feel your breast against his bare chest.
Both of you eventually fell asleep while hugging each otherz with legs slipped into each other.
"Hey, wake up." After some time, he slowly shook your body. You rubbed your eyes and propped your weight with your elbow. "Here's the new change."
"Hm? Where did you get this?"
"Maeda came here."
"She did? Where is-"
"Yeah. Don't worry about her. Now, change. Quick."
"O-Okay." You started to put off your rotten uniform in front of him.
"You even didn't mind to say 'Turned around.' to me." He said that but still not averted his eyes off from your slow movements.
"Why? You always saw me naked after all."
"Ugh, just change."
No matter how many times he looked at it, that gorgeous body of yours will be always be his weakness.
"Guys, did you see Maeda?"
"I wonder where is- wait, who is that floating on the river."
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wonhosbuttflower · 4 years
The Quidditch Aftermath
Pairing: Gryffindor San x Slytherin Reader (gender neutral)
Genre: Fluff (with an argument in the middle, though I don't think you could call it angst)
Words: 2.9k
Summary: After a Quidditch match gone wrong, you and San end up arguing about it.
A/N: Okay, so this is my first time writing this kinda of thing, so please bare with me :)
I'm really nervous about actually posting something I've written, but I had so much fun writing this that I just wanted to put it out there and maybe someone else will have fun reading it too ^^
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'I'm glad he's okay.', Jongho lets out in low, dragged voice as the four of you make your way out of the Hospital Wing.
'Heey, c'mon, man. It's not your fault. Even he recognises that.', Wooyoung assures him, putting his arm around his friend.
'Of course he's okay, Jong... The fall wasn't even that bad. Besides, Woo is right, it wasn't your fault.', it's your turn to assure your friend now. You put your own arm over Wooyoung's resting over Jongho's shoulders.
'It's not like you meant to hurt him... You did your job well, Jones was just... kind of dumb... trying to avoid the Bludger.', you add almost in whisper. Wooyoung lets out a loud laugh. Seonghwa gives you a somewhat disapproving look.
'What? I'm sorry but it's true! I mean, I'm not saying he's dumb in general... I'm just saying he made a dumb choice.', you try to defend yourself. Wooyoung laughs harder. You can see a shadow of a smile creeping up on Jongho's face, which makes you happy and a little proud of yourself.
'Fair enough.', Seonghwa says, shrugging his shoulders and smirking. 'I guess it was kind of dumb of him... He could've avoided that ridiculous fall.', he adds.
'You really think so?', Jongho asks him, hopeful.
'Of course, Jong. Y/N/N and Wooyoung are right... This wasn't your fault. Even Jones told you that.', Seonghwa tells him.
'You can't blame yourself for this. You even came here to apologise to him, which is more than most people would do. These accidents happen all the time in Quidditch... You know that better than anyone. Remember when you hit that post and had to stay in the Hospital Wing for like three days?', you let out.
'Outch. Yes, still hurts to think about that.', Jongho says, lost in his thoughts.
'Right, but you didn't blame Adams for it... Even though he was the one who sent that Bludger your way.', you add.
'Well, of course not. I mean, Adams is cool... I know he didn't mean to hurt me, he just had to stop me.', he agrees.
'Exactly!', you and Seonghwa let out at the same time. You punch Jongho's shoulders lightly, in an affectionate way.
'Oh. Yeah, you have a point. And Jones didn't seem too upset about it, honestly... Which is a good sign, I guess.', Jongho says.
'Dude, it was barely even a fall okay? He doesn't even have to spend the night there. I've had worse injuries from classes, Jong. Honestly, don't even worry about it.', Wooyoung says.
'He does have a point... I mean, remember the explosion during Potions?', you ask, making everyone start laughing at the memory.
Of course, you and Wooyoung were in the same class, so you were there to witness the moment. Neither Seonghwa nor Jongho were your classmates though, since the first one was in the year above yours, and the latter in the year below. But the four of you became close friends through being in the Quidditch Team together, so they knew the story all too well. You were all together laughing in the corridor when you notice someone moving your way.
'Oh, there's Choi... Do you think he's too upset about losing?', Wooyoung teases using a low enough volume so that the newcomer can't hear his comment all the way from where he is. They are friends, after all. You and your teammates share a playful smile.
'Y/L/N!', San shouts from his place.
'Oh, he doesn't sound too happy, that's for sure.', Seonghwa comments, giving you a smirk.
'Hey, Choi. Great catch during the game, by the way.', Jongho greets San once he's standing next to your group.
'Yeah, it really was... Shame it didn't really change anything in the end.', Wooyoung says ironically, taunting San. You can't help the smirk that forms on your face. It's nothing new, really... You always tease each other about Quidditch, but you're all still friends despite your differences. But, friends or not, San shoots daggers at Wooyoung after his comment, and then at you, probably noticing your amusement at the remark.
'Don't mind Wooyoung... He's just teasing you.', Seonghwa intervenes. 'You did play really great, Choi, congrats.', he adds, genuinely.
He's not wrong. Gryffindor did loose against you, but it was because the Chasers were rubbish and the Keeper was too easy for you and your friends to beat... But despite that, San really was an amazing Quidditch player. By far the best on his team, and all the games they did win were thanks to him. He was also the best Seeker in school, even better than your own... But Slytherin was lucky enough to have really strong players in the other positions, making yours the best team. No one could argue that. Even though you had had enough points in advance to win today's match, San had still caught the Snitch, and in a spectacular move too.
'At least we don't need to knock other players off to win.', San lets out.
'San!', you cry out his name. You can't believe he said that. He knows Jongho... He knows he didn't do it on purpose and that he must feel bad for it. You can see Jongho looking hurt and you blame San for throwing him back down after you three had just barely gotten him back up. 'Shut up!', you add almost right away.
'I guess that's why you never win, then.', Wooyoung shoots back at San, annoyed at his comment. You can't help but agree with Woo, San had this one coming his way.
'That's enough, Wooyoung.', Seonghwa steps in, warning his friend. 'Hmm, I guess we should go now, before someone says something else they'll regret.', he adds. You also agree with him.
'Fine. We have a victory party to prepare anyway...', Wooyoung lets out in a teasing tone, looking straight into San's eyes with an angry and defiant expression. 'C'mon, Jongho.', he says, pulling his friend along.
'Goodbye, Choi. And I'm sorry for Jones, I really am.', you hear Jongho say as he gets dragged away by Wooyoung. San just stares at them, not saying anything, not reacting. And for some reason that just makes you more mad at him.
'C'mon, Y/N.', Wooyoung calls out for you to follow them.
'You guys go ahead... I'll meet you back at the Common Room. I need to have a word with this one first.', you tell them, gesturing towards San with your head. You don't even bother looking at him.
'Are you sure? We can wait, if you want.', Seonghwa asks you.
'I'm sure... Thanks, Hwa.', you assure him.
'Okay, we'll see you later, then, Y/N.', he says before starting to make his way down the corridor with the other two. You turn to face San, giving him an angry look.
'Now, us. What the hell was that all about? Why would you say that in front of Jongho? You know damn well he didn't do it on purpose! He feels terrible about it and we had just gotten him to see that it wasn't his fault... And you ruined that, you made him feel even worse!', you let out all at once, angrily.
'But it was his fault. He knocked Jones off of his broom!', he lets out.
'No... He sent a Bludger at Jones, and Jones is the one who got all clumsy and flew straight into the Bludger's trajectory!', you set him straight. 'Jongho is a Beater... He was just doing his job. It's not his fault Jones was an idiot.', you add.
'The guy is in the Hospital Wing, for Merlin's beard!', he lets out.
'So what? We've all been there after matches or practices... That's Quidditch for you, it's not exactly an easy, friendly sport, it's fast and it can be quite violent sometimes, that's just how it is. Besides, he wasn't even that hurt... He said so himself. You know, just now when we came to check up on him and Jongho apologised to him for the accident. Which is exactly what it was, an accident.', you tell him.
'Maybe he's not that bad but he could've been seriously hurt!', San lets out impatiently.
'But he wasn't, was he? So why are you going around being a jerk to Jongho for something that could have happened, but didn't?', you accuse him.
'I... I didn't...', he starts but you cut him off.
'Why do you even care anyways? You don't even like Jones that much... You're always going on about annoying he is.', you shoot at him.
'Well, that doesn't really matter, does it? He's still my teammate.'
'Whatever... Are you even actually mad about Jones? Because I think this isn't about that, I think you're just mad because even though you caught the Snitch, you guys still lost to us.', you let him know.
'I don't care about that, Y/N.'
'Okay, now you're just straight up lying. We both know you wanted to win as bad as I did. It's not really your fault the rest of your team sucks.'
'Well, of course I wanted to win... Everybody likes to win but that's not what I meant. I'm not mad that you won, I'm mad at how you won.', he exclaims.
'I don't care why you're mad, San, that's not an excuse... You had no right to speak to Jongho like that. It's one thing to tease playfully, like we always do... It's another thing to be actually mean and hurtful just for the sake of being.', you tell him, still hurt.
'Hey, I wasn't the only one being mean now, was I?', he tries to defend himself.
'And Seonghwa told Wooyoung to shut the hell up, did he not?', you argue. 'But in his defence, you were the one who started it. You came straight up after Jongho and that was a jerk move. You know that. You actually hurt him and he did not deserve that. He's your friend! Hell, he's my friend and I hate seeing him get pushed down.'
'Why are you only defending him, then? You didn't defend me in front of Wooyoung, did you? And I'm your friend too!', he lets out with a hurt look.
'Wooyoung wouldn't have said that if you hadn't attacked Jongho like that. Besides, Jong did nothing wrong to begin with... He only did his job. You would have done the exact same thing if you were in his place... If you were a Beater, you would knock Bludgers at any one of us and you know it.', you tell him.
'I could never do that...', he lets out.
'I could never risk doing that to you, Y/N.', he almost whispers.
'Well, I guess that's why Slytherin will always win over Gryffindor then... Because we can separate our personal relationships from what happens on the pitch. It's a game and the fact that your friends are on the opposing team shouldn't stop you from doing what you need to do to win.', you say, maybe a little too coldly.
You didn't mean to attack him, it just came out like that. You can see he looks lost in thoughts and you wonder how to deescalate this whole thing. You have to try to say something to lighten up the mood.
'Well, that and... you know... our team is obviously better.', you add almost instantly in a much softer tone, flashing him a playful smirk.
'I guess I can't really argue with that.', he agrees, smiling slightly. 'I'm sorry... I didn't mean to be a jerk. I'll talk to them later and apologise to Jongho, okay? But I really don't want us to be mad over this.', he adds.
'Good... You should do that.', you tell him. 'And you know I can't actually stay mad at you. Also, I would punch Wooyoung if he ever actually hurt you. Or anyone else for that matter.', you add, smiling.
'I believe you!', he chuckles.
'So... do you want to tell me what this whole thing was really about or what? Because I know you and I'm pretty sure you're not actually mad at Jongho, or Wooyoung, or me.'
'I... I think I was just worried, honestly.'
'Worried? Worried about what, San?, you ask him.
'I don't know... I just don't like seeing you play. I saw Jones falling off his broom and all I could think of was that it could have been you.', he lets out in a low voice, his eyes stuck on the floor under his feet.
'You... were worried about me?', you let out, stepping closer to him to stand right in front of him.
Of course he worries about you, you're one of his good friends. You know that's what he means by that. If only he knew how you always worried about him, thought about him, cared about him. You didn't want him to know how you felt, you didn't want to ruin your friendship.
'Of course I worry about you... I could never stand to see you get hurt. I... I like you, Y/N.', San lets out in almost a whisper, looking up to you only after he finishes talking. You hope to Merlin he doesn't notice the flush of red warming up your cheeks.
'I understand, San... I couldn't see you get hurt either. We're friends so, you know, of course I like you too.', you say with a shy smile, hoping he doesn't see through your expression what you actually mean. 'I would hate to see something like that happening to you. But, you know, we all knew what we were getting ourselves into when we signed up for Quidditch Team, didn't we?', you add.
'What?', he asks, confused. He sighs deeply. 'No, Y/N. You don't get it... I actually like you.', he says. You freeze in your place.
'Wha... What?... What do you mean?', you stutter. He takes a deep breath before stepping forward, his face only a few inches away from yours. One of his hands cups your face, his thumb grazing your chin while his other hand rests on your back, just above your waist. You feel unable to move, holding your breath, your hearts about to beat its way out of your chest.
'This is what I mean.', he simply states before pressing his soft lips against yours. It's a sweet, quick kiss... One that leaves you wanting more. You don't know what to think or say. You just know you've never felt this way before. It's all so new and exciting.
'San...', his name escapes your mouth like a sigh. A good one. He smiles, still holding you tight, your chest against his. You can't help but smile as you notice how his eyes disappear and his cute dimples show up on his cheeks.
'I'll take that smile as a sign that you do get what I mean now. And... I suppose I can try that again...?', he half states, half asks. You nod slightly, agreeing with him.
He kisses you again, this time for longer. It's a more urgent and passionate kiss this time, as if the two of you melt into each other, trying to create something new. You smile into the kiss, as does him.
'Wow... I've been waiting for so damn long to do that.', he simply says when the moment finally stops, still smiling. You can't stop smiling yourself.
'So have I. Wish you had done it sooner.', you let out, making him laugh.
'Well, you could've done it too, no? You didn't have to wait for me to do it.', he jokes.
'Well, last time I checked, you're the Gryffindor, not me... You are supposed to be the brave one here!', you tease back and you both laugh. The hand he had cupping your face lets go of it and he reaches down to take you hand. You intertwine your fingers with his.
'Fair enough.', he agrees. 'Sorry I took so long.', he adds, placing a soft kiss on the back of your hand.
'Hmm... San?'
'Yes, Y/N?'
'You know this doesn't change anything, right?', you question him, looking innocent. He raises his eyebrows at you, worried.
'What do you mean? Do you... not want to be with me?', he asks, genuinely scared that he read the situation wrong.
'No, no, no! That's not it... I do! I want that very much. I... I really, really like you, San.', you quickly assure him, smiling. He sighs slightly, relieved. 'But us... you know... being together... It doesn't change anything. I'll still keep kicking you pretty little ass at Quidditch.', you explain. He lets out the loudest laugh.
'So... You think my ass is pretty, uh?', he teases. You roll your eyes at him, laughing.
'Don't get full of yourself, okay? It's not a bad butt... But I've seen better.', you tease back.
'No, you haven't.', he tightens his grip around you, moving his free hand from your back to your waist.
'Okay, fine... maybe I haven't. But you still won't be able to distract me, Choi. We'll just keep winning.'
'I believe that, Y/L/N.', he says with a smile while his thumb rubs circles on the back of your hand. 'As long as you don't get hurt doing it, I think I don't even mind losing to you that much.', he tells you sweetly.
'Well, that makes winning over you less fun, then.', you pout at him overdramatically.
'Hey, I didn't say I'd go easy on you. I still want to win.', he defends himself with a chuckle.
'Now that's better. Well, I'm a Chaser, so I won't exactly knock you off your broom... But I can't make any promises about Jongho, so you better be careful on the pitch. I'd really hate to have to visit you in the Hospital Wing.', you joke. 'Don't... Oh, please, don't tell him I said that. I was joking. It really was an accident.', you quickly add, making San laugh at your awkwardness.
'Don't worry... It'll be our little secret.', he says, kissing your forehead.
A/N: As this is my first "work" of this kind, I would really appreciate any thoughts and critiques you would like to share with me because I really wish to improve my stories and writing, so all opinions all more than welcome and my dms are always open ^^
Thank you so much for reading this little story and I honestly really, really hope you enjoyed it :)
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ghostofbrock · 4 years
venomous words
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on a rainy afternoon in new jersey, the kids didn't have an option to go outside or not since they knew how strict their mother was on days like this and how their father would react if he saw mud tracked into the house. they'd be toast with the chancla.
so ellie played with her barbie dolls on the carpet in the living room floor with a small smile on her face, giovanni sat on the couch and watched over his baby sister while trying to look for something to watch in netflix, specifically a movie. luke and auggie were upstairs in their room playing whatever the newer generation was into. the two boys were in sweats that had crumbs on them since the boys were munching on potato chips as they played their game. their mother had just arrived from long and stressful day at work, she sat in her car for a minute or two to collect herself before entering her home where her babies and husband would be waiting for arrival. well maybe just her babies... once again.
she covered herself with her purple umbrella since it was pouring rain as she got out her car, closed the door and locked it before walking to her front porch that wrapped around the house. she closed her umbrella as soon as she was covered by the porch's roof. she grabbed her house key out of her pocket and opened her door.
"mom's home!"
she hasn't stepped foot into her home and she was already called out by her kids. luke and auggie jumped out their beds and ran downstairs as soon as they heard their older brother yell. ellie dropped her doll and skipped over to her mommy as gio stood up from the couch and walked over to her.
as sara closed the door behind her and turned around, she was attacked by hugs all over her body. from her thighs to her shoulders, her children had her trapped in a loving hug.
after she kissed them each and asked about how their day went, they went back to what they were doing before she came home. later they were expecting a home cooked meal that she always provided for them since mattia rarely cooked for them nowadays and sara didn't like having her kids eating fast food all the time either for their health. at times it was acceptable but if they didn't need to eat it then they wouldn't.
sara was now sitting at the island that was in the kitchen, she opened the bottled water she grabbed from the fridge and took a sip.
"how was work?" her oldest son's voice came from behind her. he walked from behind her to next to her and leaned against the marble island. "stressful. overwhelming. busy. i don't know how i'm gonna do it..." she rubs her temples with a groan. "don't over work yourself, ma. you got this, you always do." gio rubs his moms shoulder softly and flashed her a smile. a smile that made her feel better and made her smile.
"i know it's just that i wanna do as much as i can for this project. i've worked my ass off for years for this to finally happen and i'm so close. only a few more months of ridiculous amount of stress then i'll have my own clothing line." a weak smile formed on her lips, gio's heart swells at the sight. he knows how much his mom has been wanting this but he also knows how much she can overwork herself.
"isn't dad helping you with any of it? he said he would, right?" gio asked with his mother with hope as she took another sip of her water. "uh yeah. he is but there's certain things he can't help with." she gave her son a tight smile laced with lies.
truth is mattia hadn't even talked to sara about her huge project that she has been working on for over a year now. he thinks his wife can do it herself because of how strong she is but little did he know how weak she was getting from handling everything by herself. she was never the one to ask for help but this time she did ask for help from her husband but his answer?
"you're being dramatic"
so she never asked again and instead asked her close friends who were of course open to help with anything she needed. she knew that the kids had brought up the project while they talked to mattia recently either at dinner or something similar. and being the good father mattia is he had to lie because he knew if his kids found out their parents weren't helping each other out then they'd question why and jump to conclusions which leads to arguments and picking "sides".
"oh yeah. i've been helping her with scheduling everything and keeping the tabloids updated. she's not as stress thanks to me."
sara would just simply nod and give a small nod to the kids and glare at mattia who just rolled his eyes at her.
"like what?" gio asked. "it's personal business stuff, g. don't worry about it, okay? i'll be fine. but did your dad take you guys out for breakfast like he said he would?" she changed the subject with a smile.
gio avoided eye contact with her which she automatically meant no.
"h-he just forgot. that's all." he stuttered a bit. sara tried to remain as calm as she could. she didn't want to lash out in front of her baby and took a mental note to talk to mattia tonight about not taking the kids out for breakfast.
"you don't have to lie to me, ya know? i won't get mad at him." she sighed and gave her son a reassuring look. "when i woke up this morning he wasn't here. he sent me a text as well saying that something came up and he had to go meet up with his manager for a gig." he simply explains. "so i made breakfast for us instead and lunch too. he sent us money for post mates but i was just mad-" he stopped himself from venting to his mother about his father.
"i didn't use the money. that's all." he shrugs as sara looks at him with sympathy.
"he promised me that he'd try hard for us. to try being more involved... why would he lie?" gio claps his hands together. "sometimes work gets in the way of things, honey. trust me if he could clear his schedule for a whole week just to be with us he would, okay?" the fact that sara was defending mattia wasn't something she wanted to do.
she had to because she didn't want her son to think bad about his own father, she was trying to protect at least both of them.
after their little conversation sara made dinner while the kids were being entertained by the activities they were doing before she got home. as sara looked over at the clock, she sighed.
it was seven o' clock and mattia still wasn't home. usually he'd send his wife a text saying that he was going to be home late but when sara checked her phone she had no new messages. the kids were now sitting at the table with their mother. she sneaked a quick text to mattia before eating with her babies.
sara: are you on your way yet?
she got no response after she sent it. she called twice and still nothing. she was beyond livid at this point. first, he didn't take the kids out for the day, then he doesn't respond to her text or calls her back? this was the third time this month that this occurred. she didn't show it but she was pissed off at dinner and while she tucked this kids into bed.
"is daddy gonna tuck me in too?" ellie asked as she held onto her stuffed giraffe. "yes, baby. of course. when he gets home i'll tell him to come and give you a kiss, okay?" sara's soft voice said as she placed a strand of hair behind her ear. ellie simply smiled at her mother.
"goodnight, angel. te amo." sara kisses ellie's nose. "buenas noches, mommy. te amo mas." the two giggled. once sara finishes tucking in her kids, she goes to her bathroom to take a shower. she then changed into some house shorts and one of mattia's shirts that fit her like a dress.
she went to the living room and ate ice cream as she watched good girls. without even knowing it, she fell asleep on the couch. she was woken up by someone whispering her name softly and rubbing her cheek gently with their palm.
she opened her eyes to see mattia with a smile. oh how much she wanted to wipe that stupid smile off his stupid face.
"did you make dinner?" he questions her. "yeah. we ate already so i put your plate in the fridge. now if you excuse me i'm going to bed." she was too tired to deal with him right now. she would have to be up bright and early tomorrow for meetings and such so she just didn't want to argue with her husband right now.
she got up from the couch and tried walking away but mattia reached out for her hand to stop her.
"you guys didn't wait for me? what happened to family dinners?" he asks with a pout as he held her hand. she quickly glanced at the clock on the wall for a time check.
2:34 a.m.
"i was not gonna wait till now to eat with you and neither were the kids, mattia. family dinners means that everyone has to be here at reasonable times." she sighs and glares at him. "where were you anyways, mattia? it's past midnight and you barely got home." she questions quickly and changed the subject.
"i was out. it's not a big deal, babe." he scoffs at her.
"not a big deal? if it's not a big deal then why can't you tell me where you were?" she remarked quickly and crossed her arms over her chest.
mattia gives her a look, as if she was crazy or something. all she wanted to know was where he was at, what was so hard about that?
he started walking to the kitchen, sara quickly followed him.
"sara, i've had a long day. please don't start with me right now..." he huffs as he opens the fridge and grabs his plate of cold food. "says the guy who comes home late smelling like alcohol and cigarettes." she looks at him from across the island.
"i didn't do shit! all i did was go to a bar with alejandro and alvaro after i finished my meetings. they drank but i didn't because i knew you'd react like this and treat me like some kid!" he was getting frustrated with her at this point, he showed it by banging his fist on the island. his breath reeked of alcohol so she was even more pissed off that he was lying to her about drinking.
"all i wanted to do was come home to my wife and kids. a nice home cooked meal and after the kids go to bed and we all settle down, maybe some good sex with my wife but i can't have that can't i? ever since you've gotten this attitude all you ever do is complain! you're on bitch mood twenty four seven, sara!" he was now raising his voice at her.
sara had no energy to argue with him right now. literally nothing left. she had a long day, she just wanted to sleep. she looked at him with tired eyes, she scanned his facial expression and saw the anger he always had all of a sudden now. right now she ignored it and walked away, but he didn't let her.
"where the fuck are you going?" he turned her around a little bit too rough. "to bed, mattia! i'm too tired to deal with your bullshit right now." she stated as she tried not to yell at him.
"whatever. go ahead, walk away. that's all you're good at since you can't do anything right. you definitely can't be a good wife." his words felt like knives. she felt like her heart was getting stabbed completely, over and over again.
she walked off, pretending that what he just said didn't phase her and went upstairs quietly so she wouldn't wake the kids.
little did she know, gio was hiding behind a pillar near the stairs where he heard everything.
she went to the room which she shared with her "husband" and jumped into bed. she laid in bed for a minute, thinking about what mattia said. his words repeating in her head like that one song that could never get out of your head.
"you definitely can't be a good wife."
those venomous words scared her pretty much. she couldn't believe he said that... why would he say that? was she really not a good wife? what was she doing that made her so horrible to him? was it the kisses? was it her cooking? was it her looks? was it the sex? the constant need of having him around? what was it?
whatever it was made her feel like she wasn't good enough which was not the case.
sara was always good enough.
she cried herself to sleep that night. and hours later she felt his presence next to her body, his arms wrapped around her keeping her warm but it didn't make her feel loved like it usually did. no, she had a different feeling. she felt like she was in bed with a stranger. why was she feeling this way? shouldn't she be happy that he was still willing to sleep in the same bed with her?
all the questions she thought of made her feel more insecure, not about herself but about her marriage with the man she loved so much. the last thing she wanted was to lose him, it would ruin her.
she hopes for an apology of some sort. perhaps a date to make it up, she'd be willing to forgive him. she knows he lied about not drinking, mattia could never say no to not have a beer or three with the boys. he wasn't thinking straight, she knows her husband too well.
he just didn't want to admit that he was drinking because he didn't want to feel more guilt than he was already feeling since he missed out on dinner.
so the next morning she was woken up by the smell of pancakes and bacon. she went downstairs and saw gio and mattia cooking at the stove, auggie and ellie coloring on the table while luke looked sleep deprived as he walked into the kitchen with his mom.
"morning, amor." mattia walks over to her holding a plate of stacked pancakes with all the works. he bends down a bit to kiss her oh so sweetly, they both smile into the kiss. "i handled everything you needed to do today so we can all spend quality family time and to start off the day i thought of making breakfast." he hands her the plate where she takes it and sits at the table. once everyone is served the all began to eat.
"you have to cook more, pop. these smack!" auggie speaks as he licks his lips. "maybe i will." mattia laughs as he looks over at his son. "how'd you sleep, ma?" gio asked simply. the way he asked her sounded like he knew something (which he did since he heard what his father told his mom last night) but no one thought too much of it.
"good, baby." she lied with a smile. gio could tell that she was lying but he wasn't going to confront her about eavesdropping on her and mattia.
they all ate breakfast in peace and with joy. gio couldn't stop looking at his mom and dad. especially, his mom since she seemed so happy. didn't mattia's drunk words hurt her? was she really pretending that nothing happened between her and her husband? he couldn't believe she was still protecting mattia after what he told her.
"what's up with you?" luke nudges his older brother's elbow slightly. "what?" was gio's response. "you keep on staring at mom. i get that she's beautiful but it's starting to look weird now. quit it." luke let out a dry chuckle after he spoke.
gio just rolled his eyes and finished his breakfast. once the family finished eating they were told to get ready for a day out. mattia said that he'd be taking them out to the carnival since it happened to be in town.
"hey, can we talk?" mattia closed the door behind him as he walked into his bedroom. sara was sitting at her vanity deciding what necklace to wear that she had in her jewelry box.
"yeah, what's up?" she nods and turns her body to face him. he sits in the edge of their bed as she sat across from him in her spinning stool.
"first off, i want to apologize for last night. i know i should've gave you a heads up about dinner and coming home late. yes, i did drink and i didn't mean any of what i said. i was drunk and stupid. i'm sorry, mamas." he gave a look filled with guilt and he really didn't mean those things that he told her last night.
"tia... i accept your apology, okay? you just had me worried because you weren't texting or calling me back. and i just had a stressful day overall yesterday." she sighed. "i know, baby. you shouldn't be overworking yourself either. i also took the liberty of organizing all of your meetings and handling the little things for your project. i know you've wanted this for the longest time and i hate to see you so worrisome about the little things, babe. i wanted to help you." he explains which made her heart feel a certain way. only he was able to give her that feeling as crazy as it sounds.
"i really do have the best husband in the world, huh?" she giggles. "and i have the best wife ever. being all sexy and shit." he winks at her which makes her blush.
"come give me a kiss." he adds and she obeys. she gets up from her chair and straddles mattia's lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and plays with his hair. she dips her head down, he catches her lips with his own. the kiss was soft and sweet, all of their worries seemed to wash away. almost as if all their problems went away as well... boy were they in for it.
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skzsoft · 4 years
raising our voices
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stray kids 9th member au,, m.list
conflict between two members has been going on ever since kirei joined the boys. three weeks go by and kirei decides she has had enough of it, but perhaps getting involved wasn’t the best decision.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
every family fights. i knew that, however i didn't expect it to happen so soon in stray kids. when i first met the rest of the boys, they all seemed to get along perfectly. they all seemed incredibly close during that first practice we had together. but it had been nearly three weeks since then and i had quickly caught on to the conflict happening between jisung and hyunjin. i also discovered, from jisung, that there was no specific reason for their feud; they apparently just didn't get along.
when i first noticed the snappy comments between them, all i wanted to do was get them to stop. i felt this urge to try and resolve their conflict, but seungmin discouraged me from doing so, saying that it was probably best that i didn't get involved. i understood at first, whatever their issue was it wasn't any of my business. however, as these three weeks went by i had to admit that the whole feud was starting to become more and more of my business, and everyone else's too.
the constant nagging between the two was tiring and always brought the mood down whenever the group was practicing, we could never catch a break. even if it was their issue, it was affecting the whole group. i can always see it on the members' faces, the look of irritation or fatigue. so it became evident to me pretty quickly that their business was also my business, it was the whole group's business.
not all of us happened to live together just yet, so far there was only a few members living in a dorm together. the company had told us that they would let us all move in once we started shooting the reality show, so for now i was living alone in my parents house.
my parents are currently living in my hometown, gold coast, back in australia. but they own a house here in seoul, which i've been living in by myself for the last few months. this meant i could escape the arguing when i was home, but this still has never stopped the constant urge to intervene anytime hyunjin and jisung fight.
today happened to be a bad day, i arrived to practice late because my bus from school got delayed. i also left my umbrella at home this morning, not aware that it was meant to rain, and got soaked on my way back from school. and the cherry on top was that i forgot to put a change of clothes in my locker at jyp, meaning i had arrived in a drenched school uniform with nothing to change into. minho has very kindly let me borrow his spare clothes, which consisted of merely grey sweatpants and a black tshirt.
i was not in a good mood to say the least, and i was certainly not in the mood to hear any arguing between hyunjin and jisung.
the practice started off normally, with a quick warm up and some stretches like we usually did. we also started learning some choreography for warrior's descendant, the song that we'd perform at the upcoming showcase. it was just about one month away so we has time to practice and perfect the dance.
there was one particular move that jisung seemed to have trouble getting the hang of, which didn't really matter for now as we had a lot of time to practice before the showcase. hyunjin, however wasn't letting him off the hook.
"jesus jisung you can't even do this simple move, how the hell are we going to able to debut if you keep making small mistakes?" hyunjin remarked, frustrating jisung who didn't hesitate to snap back.
"at least i can rap and sing properly, shame you're only good at dancing"
usually i was patient with the two of them, but my mood today definitely did not have the patience to tolerate their pointless arguing. usually i'd try to think before i say anything or try not to raise my voice, however i wasn't in the right head space to do this today.
"oh my god can the both of you stop arguing for once? it's tiring and it's bothering everyone here,  grow up guys." i snapped mindlessly, not realizing an argument would break out afterwards.
"yah, it's none of your business. so stop trying to get involved in something that doesn't regard you. if it bothers you so much you can go back to the female trainees." he spat, looking directly into my eyes with a vicious stare. it was probably the first time i had ever made actual eye contact with him too. i was to angry to even care about what he had said about me, all i wanted was the feud to stop.
"hey hyunjin don't say things like that" minho butted in. hyunjin didn't pay much attention to him however.
"look leave kirei alone she hasn't done anything, all she wants is peace, but your too much of an ass to make any effort at all" jisung said, defending me. i appreciated his defence, but i also wanted to speak for myself.
"you're making it everyone's business by constantly starting shit!" at this point i was just mad, mad that he wasn't listening, mad that he was being selfish and disregarding how everyone was feeling.
over the last three weeks, i hadn't had any trouble getting to know the others guys. i was able to get really close to them, even changbin who had been awkward for the first week — turns out he was just overwhelmed by my addition do stray kids, but also constantly reassured me that he did want me in the group. the only person that i had made no progress with whatsoever was hyunjin. even when i tried starting up conversations during or after practice, he'd always give me short responses and just walk away. there was simply just zero effort being made, and it was becoming extremely frustrating honestly. this probably added to the reason i was getting riled up.
"okay guys! cut it out! seriously!" it was bang chan's loud voice resonating through the whole practice room that made the three of us silent. we all stared at him, not knowing what to say at all.
"i'm honestly really disappointed in how unprofessional the three of you are being right now. kirei, you're right, the bickering is incredibly tiring for the team, but raising our voices like this only makes it worse. i'm expecting more from you three in the future. so please, just cool off for the rest of the practice and figure this out peacefully in your own time." bang chan finished, clearly not impressed in how the three of us had acted today.
in a way, i was frustrated that my efforts were being discredited. but i ultimately understood chan, he was only doing his job as leader. perhaps i had acted irrationally, we all would have been better off talking about everything privately.
the rest of the practice went by without any more snarky comments. i think the two boys got the message, loud and clear. when practice finally came to an end, i noticed chan giving the three of us a look, a look that seemed to be encouraging the three of us to talk. so, i said goodbye to the other guys as they packed up their stuff and left; i once again thanked minho for the clothes.
soon the practice room was left with only myself, jisung and hyunjin. not wanting to waste anytime, i immediately began to question hyunjin.
"look hyunjin, i have absolutely no problems with you. i want to be friends, so if i did anything to you can you please talk this out with me? for the sake of the team." i questioned, he seemed to have let his guard down quite a bit. he sat down cross legged on the floor, jisung and i quickly followed.
"i'm sorry i've been such an asshole to you for the last three weeks, you really don't deserve it i'm just an idiot." he said running his hands through his hair, visibly annoyed at himself. he looked up at me, and i gave him a look encouraging him to continue.
"i guess, when i first met you during that monthly evaluation i had been crushing on you for a few weeks and i was just shy and awkward. i got over it pretty quickly but when chan mentioned you were joining us, i don't know, i just felt weird. and when you finally came, i just felt even more awkward because i didn't know how to react this whole 9 boys - 1 girl concept. either way, it's no excuse to the way i've treated you, especially today. so i just want to say sorry, i really am." what chan had said seemed to have really made hyunjin think, because he had poured his entire heart out in a matter of minutes.
i felt grateful that he had finally let his guard down and told me what was going on. i had to admit i didn't expect him to have crushed on me, but it was in the past, nearly two years ago, it didn't matter anymore. on the other hand, i could sense how jisung  felt in that moment, probably not expecting hyunjin to open up like had.
"i understand hyunjin, and thank you for saying all of that. i accept your apology. i just hope that we can be on good terms and get close now" i stated, to which hyunjin nodded and gave me a warm smile. in three weeks he had never smiled at me like that, it made me happy.
"well, i guess i'm done here then" i said, getting up from the floor and grabbing my things. i looked at jisung, who's was begging with his eyes for me not to go. but i knew that it was better if i left them, it was their issue not mine and they needed to figure this out for themselves.
"please try to talk things out, i don't care if you guys aren't best buddies afterwards. just at least try to resolve it or agree to be professional. i'll see you tomorrow boys." i finished before walking out of the practice room. i felt satisfied with how the day had wrapped up, sure it had it's ups and downs but i learned a lot.
we were a family, and no family is perfect. we argue, we fight. but in the end family is family, the love will always be there.
word count :: 1.7k words.
stream go live. thank you for listening to my TED talk.
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The Maze Trials: A Gally Fanfiction
Pairing: Gally x Emi(OC)
Summary: Emi, first girl the Glade has seen. Tougher than she looks and more than ready to prove it. Since day one her and Gally have been at each other's throats. Fighting constantly and not just with their words.
(Gally fanfiction which will include smut. It also has an actual story line. Think of it as an AU to the original Maze Runner. It'll mostly follow the main story line with some changes. Mostly focusing on Emi and Gally and their relationship.)
Chapter Twenty-One
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The next day I wanted to get a chance to talk to Thomas privately but it seemed Newt had him preoccupied. Newt had stolen him for the day to show him the job of a farmer. I could already see how smitten the blonde was with the new boy. I also noticed Gally keeping a very close eye on Thomas. He seemed to get very tense any time Thomas was close by.
"Will you please stop staring at him?" Gally asked angrily.
We were in the process of repairing a part of the homestead. Gally was working beside me. I was off in thought staring towards Newt and Thomas. I should have known Gally would notice that.
"I'm sorry. I keep getting caught in my own head." I chuckled lightly turning back to my work.
"I'm aware. I see you find him just as interesting as everyone else." He mumbled.
I stopped what I was doing to look at him. What on earth? Is he jealous of the greenie? I grabbed his hand to get his attention and stop him from working. He looked at me. His expression full of anger.
"Gally, I'm not interested in him like that. I just want to know if my dreams are true." I said softly.
He rolled his eyes pulling his hand away from me. He started working again.
"Ah yes, I almost forgot you were dreaming about him too." He stated threw clenched teeth.
This time I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not dreaming about him. I dreamt about him. One time. Like I said it was more of a memory than a dream." I tried to get him to understand.
All he did was scoff. I knew it was pointless. How could Gally understand what I was going threw? I couldn't expect him to understand when even I didn't. I just hoped he wouldn't stay mad or cold towards me for too long.
All of a sudden I heard a distant scream. I shot up into a straight standing position.
"Help!" I heard the boy shout.
I whipped around seeing Newt in the distance. He was standing looking into the woods. I could hear the shouts getting louder. It wasn't until I saw Fry, Newt and a few others running full speed that Gally and I followed them. At the edge of the woods barely out of the tree line I saw two boys. One chasing the other. The chaser jumped grabbing the other boy pulling him to the ground. Gally and I picked up speed as we watched the boys struggling against each other. It wasn't until we got closer that I saw it was Thomas with Ben on top of him.
"I'll kill you!" Ben growled as he wrapped his hand around Thomas' throat.
We were still a few feet away when Newt appeared out of no where. He used the shovel in his hand to hit Ben knocking him off of Thomas.
"Hold him down!" Newt shouted grabbing one of Ben's arms.
Gally grabbed his other arm while Fry pushed down on his shoulders. He was struggling like a mad man beneath the three of them. I stepped to the side to get a better look at the glader being restrained. When I saw his face I knew immediately what was wrong. I'd never forget what that looked like. That sickly looking skin and the mad eyes. It still haunted my dreams sometimes reminding me of the day I was almost killed by another glader.
"What the hell happened?" Fry shouted at Thomas.
"I don't know! He just attacked me!" Thomas shouted back clearly still shook up.
At least Thomas wasn't seconds from death like I was.
"Calm down Ben" Gally said softly.
The crowd of boys broke open revealing our leader Alby. He slowly walked threw the boys to get to where Ben was still being held down.
"Alby" I said softly.
He turned his head to me.
"I know what this is." I stated with the fear showing on my face.
Alby knew immediately what I was talking about. He would never forget that day either.
"No, no, no" Ben started to cry as he looked up to Alby.
"Lift up his shirt." Alby ordered.
"I didn't mean it!" Ben cried out.
Gally pulled his shirt up to reveal a nasty looking open wound on his stomach. Ben growled.
"No, no, please" Ben whined.
Everyone gasped at the sight of it. Some of the gladers seeing this for the first time. Gally looked at it for a moment. He raised his head glancing over to me. I was frozen with fear. My hand clamped over my mouth as I looked at the wound.
"He's been stung. In the middle of the day?" Gally said aloud turning to look at Frypan.
"Please, please just help me." Ben started to cry.
"Put him in the pit." Alby ordered then glanced back to me.
"Come on, everyone help get him to the pit." Frypan said as several boys moved to help them.
"No. No. No! No! No! Don't do this! Please! Listen to me! Listen to me!" Ben shouted and sobbed as several gladers picked him up.
Without another word Alby walked away. The rest of the gladers dispersed leaving Thomas and I standing there staring after Ben. I stepped closer to stand at Thomas' side.
"Just so you know I was attacked by someone who was stung also." I said hopefully making him feel a little better.
"You were?" He questioned turning to look at me.
I nodded.
"You were lucky. My attacker almost killed me. He was seconds away. If it wasn't for Gally I wouldn't be here right now." I stated with a small smile.
"What happened?" Thomas asked.
I shrugged.
"He was the runner that Ben replaced. He had gotten stung on one of the days Minho and him were later than usual getting back to the Glade. The next day he attacked me. Usually I'm pretty good at defending myself but I was caught off guard. He had his hands around my throat and I couldn't move him. Gally tackled him off me right before I passed out. I woke up in the Med-Jack's hut a few days later."
"So this has happened before?" Thomas asked.
I shook my head.
"It's never happened this early in the day. Never in the middle of the day. My attacker was stung in the evening close to nightfall. Right before the doors closed." I explained.
"Walk with me" I said then lightly tugged his shirt.
He turned and started following me. We were both silent for a few minutes before I finally decided to ask him what I needed to know.
"Can I ask you something?" I questioned as we walked.
"Now, this may sound absolutely insane but just hear me out ok?" I said glancing a him.
He nodded.
"Do I feel familiar to you?" I asked looking down at my feet.
Thomas suddenly stopped walking. I stopped a few steps ahead of him. I turned to face him.
"Actually you do. A little bit. I had a dream last night. It was all these flashes of different things and a woman's voice repeating the same phrase. But I remember one of the faces that flashed in it. You were one of them. I know that must sound odd but it's true. It was more like a... like a-"
"More like a memory than a dream?" I asked knowing I was right.
He nodded with a look of surprise on his face.
"I've had a few dreams like that. I had one the night before you came up in the box. It was the two of us having a conversation. We were younger and I called you my brother. My twin brother." I stated watching his face for a reaction.
He chuckled softly.
"How odd is that?" He asked with a smile.
"Very" I said simply.
I excused myself from Thomas to go check on Alby. I knew what was going threw his mind. He was going to banish Ben. I knew having to do anything like this took a toll on him. I wanted to try to help if only just a little.
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