#i wasn't feeling rushed
anewp0tat0 · 1 year
I tried but not very hard to see what the anniversary date was, and i decided to just prepare myself for the 16th or the 18th... it was the former. so, as always, but this time truly by accident... happy belated 17th birthday Black Butler!! I truly hope this year is amazing for us.
this year, I decided to use an idea I had wanted to try for a while but I never thought I would be able to pull off. and I still probably couldn't in the best way.... but regardless, here is a made up last chapter scenario.
you can also see this comic on webtoon here. whatever your fancy, if you please :>
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freylaverse · 2 months
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How do we fall in love? Harder than a bullet could hit you. How do we fall apart? Faster than a hairpin trigger.
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 7 months
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Sacrificial Lamb
another little symbolism moment with my oc inquisitor maera modeled on 'innocence' by William Adolphe-Bougueraeu
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madphantom · 2 years
I'm starting to feel like my current horror film project is just cursed
Like, I made a first attempt to shoot it back in early 2020, but just when I had a cast the pandemic started.
In late 2021 I made another attempt, had everything ready, but then the pandemic worsened and due to Covid restrictions I couldn't meet up with everyone for the shoot and we just gave up.
Then last fall I started my current attempt after joining my film club, this time around with a larger cast and crew. I wanted to start shooting in January, but had organization issues, so I pushed back the shoot to early March.
Two weeks before the planned start, one of the actors suddenly said he won't be able to make it, but luckily I found a replacement fairly quickly.
The same day another actor texted me to let me know he's in intensive care in the hospital and might not make it to the first day of shooting, so I moved all his shots to a later date.
One week before the planned start a stand-in actress left the project because she noticed she had exams during the time. I texted several other people to no avail until I ultimately found someone after three days.
All this and the new availabilities led to me pushing the shoot back two more weeks.
And now we wait what's gonna go wrong until then.
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honeycreammilkshake · 24 days
That sudden shift scene without showing how Sukuna 100% evaporated makes me believe yuji really did eat sukuna. We didn't see the trio reunion since they obviously would be mad at Yuji eating Sukuna again!
Ah, that's a great point, anon! We've only see Uraume fully evaporate, not Sukuna. While this could be just the story's (admittedly rushed) way of confirming Sukuna's death, it might also be an intentional choice to mislead us.
The way the scene between Yuuji and Sukuna ends with only a close-up of Yuuji's (disappointed) eyes and the lack of his reunion with the trio leads me to think that our boy might have some sinister intentions planned out... if he does decide to bring the king of curses back, just to show him some more love, that would be so fitting for him.
I want to see him take a little blobkuna or curse-infused doll of him home and start caring for him while Sukuna's just like, "If I had my full power, I would make you suffer for this brat" or "I'd would have rather you let me die than endure the boringness of your life" but secretly he's warming up to the treatment and keeps demanding even more of Yuuji's attention. The trio are horrified by how much Yuuji indulges Sukuna like he's a cute evil cat.
Sorry for how late this is! Hope you're doing well, anon <3
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breezy-cheezy · 2 years
Vash cuddling Meryl or carrying her around like a teddy bear because she's Smol and Sof and Warm. 🥰
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Wow that looks big in this format. E. Extra tol Vash? (click for better quality)
Meryl is not happy with these arrangements. Vash may have found a new weighted stuffie jkHDSKFLS
(new requests are closed now btw)
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alectoperdita · 3 days
jou makes kaiba a character bento of blue eyes. kaiba believes this is a murder attempt via starvation because how can he eat blue eyes
Anon, I'm not sure if this was what you were hoping for, but here we go.
"Fubuki, if you don't put on your jacket this minute, I'm punting you out the door like a football!"
A child's screeching echoed through the high-ceiling foyer, followed by two sets of footsteps pounding across the marble.
Seto listened, barely straining to make out the sound of his husband giving chase to their four-year-old son. There was Fubuki's obstinate "no!", the clatter of some piece of furniture, and Katsuya's bitten-off swearing. After a beat, he considered getting up and checking on them.
But then, bright amber eyes, framed by golden blond bangs, peered up from his lap. Asuka, swinging her legs gently, reached out with one chubby hand to offer him a mini-sausage off her plate.
"They'll sort it out," he muttered, both to himself and her.
Her response was to wave the sausage more insistently. The beginning of a pout formed on her stained lips.
Quickly, he bent over and took a small bite. This was their bargain: she finished her breakfast as long as he ate with her. The taste was a bit on the bland side. But she was three, so they didn't want to flavor her food too heavily.
Beaming with pride, his daughter stuffed the rest into her mouth. Her cheeks puffed out, reminiscent of a chipmunk.
Seto couldn't help but grin at the picture he made. His hand was halfway into his pocket for his phone before he caught himself. God, he was becoming one of those parents.
Thankfully, his husband's reappearance in the kitchen door restored his dignity. Katsuya's hair was tousled and sticking out in every which way, reminding Seto of their youth. He leaned heavily against the door jamb, using the frame to support himself and the bundle hefted under one arm. Fubuki kicked his feet wildly as they dangled in the air, but it wasn't in a tantrum. He enjoyed being carried like a sack of potatoes for some reason.
"Got 'em," Katsuya grunted, pushing his bangs out of his eyes. It was a dreadfully handsome look on him. "Is Asuka ready to go?"
Seto plucked the napkin off the dining table and wiped her face clean. As soon as he finished, he invited her to wordlessly hop down from his lap. Without further prompting, she lifted both arms so he could help her into her jacket.
"Now she is," he announced and stood.
Asuka laughed and twirled, before running to join Katsuya and Fubuki.
As much as Seto could spend the rest of the day staring at his impossible family, the kids were due at kindergarten and he had an early meeting. While Katsuya tidied the children's appearance, zipping up Fubuki's jacket resoundingly so he couldn't throw it off, Seto brought over the bentos from the kitchen counter.
He arched a questioning eyebrow at his husband as he handed them off. "Don't you think you've overdone it?"
In addition to each child's usual bento box, there was a two-tiered one. Then again, Katsuya always slipped comfortably into the role of house husband when it was the off-season for the pro-circuit.
Warmth spread through Seto's body when their hands brushed. Katsuya's fingers purposefully lingered on his wrists. Nor did he let go after he closed his palms over the back of Seto's hands, drawing him in for a short kiss.
Katsuya smiled. "Nah, the big one's for you."
"You didn't have to."
"Someone says you've been skipping lunch lately. So now you don't have an excuse."
Seto sighed. "Isono."
"I'm not giving up the identity of my mole that easily." Katsuya gave a wink.
Another kiss, a muttered goodbye; and then they were gone. The mansion always felt eerily quiet without them.
Meetings were the bane of his existence. On days like today, when they were packed back-to-back, Seto longed for a megalomaniac or two. At least they had the decency to settle matters, even if it was of life and death, through Duel Monsters.
He collapsed into his office chair for the first time since he arrived hours ago. At the moment, he couldn't bear to check his inbox and see how many messages awaited his attention.
Likely too many.
For now, he wanted to enjoy the peace and quiet of his private office.
Eventually, his gaze roamed across his desk's surface: paperwork, pens, photos of his family, a black two-tier bento box.
He straightened.
He'd completely forgotten about the lunch Katsuya made for him until now.
Well, it was lunch time. He didn't have an excuse now as Katsuya said earlier. And he so hated to disappoint his husband. Plus, he liked Katsuya's cooking.
The top level contained an assortment of side dishes: a small salad, stewed beef and vegetables, and a couple of the same hot dog octopuses Katsuya always made for the children's bentos. But the tier below that? Seto gawked at what he uncovered.
Katsuya had been making character bento for Fubuki and Asuka since the start of autumn. The kids loved showing off their colorful arrangements to their classmates. Over time, Seto too had watched his husband get increasingly more creative and elaborate with their lunches.
It appeared he was no exception.
A rather faithful depiction of his ace monster stared back at him. Shaped out of suspiciously blue-tinted rice, his Blue-Eyes roared triumphantly at a background of black rice. It was mostly the head, neck, and upper shoulders with a hint of the wings, but Katsuya had captured its essence, using carefully cut pieces of dried seaweed to fill in the finer details and contour.
Seto wondered how long it took him to make this.
He snapped a photo for posterity. Then he tested his husband.
I think your plan may have backfired.
Katsuya responded instantly.
Why's that?
There's no way I can wreck her majesty.
I love you, even if you are a huge dork.
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tinyclowndancer · 10 months
pspspsps porretta besties from the dark place who refused to bring this song to its end here's a little something for you. 🎙️
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sainz100 · 2 months
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Max Verstappen | 2024 Belgian GP | 📸 via Verstappencom's Insta
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restinpeacesensei · 5 months
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traditional style 💖
#akoya gero#gero akoya#cute high earth defense club love#binan koukou chikyuu bouei bu love!#boueibu#my art#my akoya wanted to join in the vintage dress-up party too!! \;;w;;/#ognvuhgh i wanted to have this done earlier bc other people were doing art so fast for the new outfits but it got dragged out#it was Mostly done a few days ago and i made final edits and was going to post it just before i rushed out to work#i put it up then i was like '??? wait there's a color blob in the wrong place i thought i fixed that???'#i was down to my last minute and didn't have time to do it so i was like auuuughhgh and took the whole thing down#on the Next day i opened the file again to see what was wrong and the color blob was NOT THERE#so im like ??? why did it suddenly appear again in the png. so i looked and i made an error in naming my files#i accidentally named one of the versions 30 instead of 03 so it sorted into the last place instead of the actual most recent version (07)#so that is the reason i ended up being 1 minute late to work. and the lesson to me is i should not try to post at the absolute last minute#(i say this but if i don't get smth done i can't stop thinking about it. it bothers me constantly to have something almost finished but not#(and then it's difficult for me to focus on other tasks so this is why i feel like i have to just get it done before i switch tasks)#anyway i wasn't totally sure what era the traditional outfits are supposed to be from. im not knowledgeable about fashion actually T.T#i googled 'when were suspenders popular' and ended up just looking at old photos and clothing patterns from the 30s-40s#photos from back then were black-and-white can you believe it.. you have to actually look at drawings and paintings to find color#everyone who left me messages elsewhere: THANK YOU SO MUCH!! \>/////</ i will reply soon!! \;;W;;/
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pixelatedraindrops · 5 months
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Yuma Month: Day 6: Comfort
Keep nice and warm when you’re recovering 💜
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
I got 26 asks for ya’ll, sorry they’re a bit late!
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..Bruh. Where have you been for the last 4 months?? Scroll down on my blog for like 3 seconds. You’ll find dozens of posts talking about my FNAF AU. How I’ve spent weeks rewriting the timeline, how certain comics aren’t canon anymore, how I’m working on my Recap/Repair project WHICH MIND YOU, part 1 is the most recent post I’ve made.
Also I will give Gregory any story that I want, thank you very much.
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Hey, buddy. Listen, you’re up here at a 10 right now, I’m gonna need you to come down to at least a 4, okay?
Also I hate to burst your bubble, but If you want a faithful interpretation/version of Vanessa? You don’t want my blog.
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Ah, sorry. I don’t do commissions no.. Thank you though!
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AU comes first, movies later lol
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Awe, thank you! I did my best! :} Also I don’t have a jester Anon, feel free to take the title!
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Uhg. That’s really frustrating. But I actually heard word that he finally took them down. I never checked to confirm but its a nice thought. Also thanks for letting me know!
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Thank you so much! Also I don’t think I’ve actually seen any Don Bluth movies.. or if I have I didn’t know they were made by him-
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Thank you so much! Also nooo, sorry. Those game’s events don’t happen. I built my AU mostly on games that I myself have played/ones I know a lot about. <:/
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I haven’t actually thought about it too much. Just figured eventually they’d meet and hit it off-
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<XD I’ll do my best! Thank you for the reminder,
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Awww, you’re too kind. Thank you so much!
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Holy cow, that far back?? Man, well, I apologize for the completely unhinged content you were subjected to- <XDDD
But also thank you so much! Hearing that I have such an old fan is really cool! And your patience and support for my project means the world! 
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Thank you! I’m so glad you like them! :DD
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aaaa thank you so much!!! Same to you! :DD
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Does being glued to the couch for 8 hours because of being in a constant state if dizziness count as a break? :D If so, back to work I go weee!!
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AAAAA that’s so cool! Having no dead kids in the story is really refreshing! (something I never thought I’d type-) Also I love their designs! Especially Foxy’s, seeing him so tall is different to me, but cool! XD 
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XD You can always count on me to jump fandoms at the perfect time! Also oh man, that’s a tough one. I’m really torn between Engineer and Soldier.
On one hand you have Engineer. He has so many things I love in a character. He’s a tough Texan that has a healthy dosage of southern hospitality. He has total dad vibes. I love the way he interacts with the other characters as well. Like in Expiration date, taking off his helmet to show some respect to his team as he gave them the grim news. Also being mostly gentle about how he worded the news as well. He spent what he thought was his last 3 days on Earth, helping Medic to try and find a cure, overall just working in his last hours to try and help his team. Even when it should have been pretty hopeless.. Also the way he bursts into the room, “Guys! Hey, Fellas! Listen! Its just bread that gets tumors! :DD” Tossing his arms over Soldier and Medics shoulders and smiling with them, UHG he’s so cool.
I also love all the headcannons people have made about his character. A lot of people, me included, like to think that engineer cooks breakfast for the team sometimes. Eggs, Bacon, pancakes, you name it. I also love the thought that after a rough battle, where they lost and the whole team is cranky and aching. Engie goes out and fires up the grill and makes everyone some good food as a pick me up. Burgers and hotdogs, shish kabobs and sandwiches, just MAN. Such a fun idea and such an awesome character. 
His design is also really fun to me. Overalls and googles, with a hard hat that’s slightly crooked. And of course his wicked gunslinger that’s kept under wraps. Not sure why he covers it up, its awesome! ALSO His dialogue in the game is a real hoot, I also like his GAME PLAY. Although I’m a pretty lousy Engineer myself, I love the idea of being able to support my team the way he does. People can fall back and be fully protected by the Engineer. A sentry to keep you safe, a dispenser to replenish your ammo and health. And a kind hearted man to pat you on the shoulder and say, “You alright son? Here, take a seat for a while. You can get back out there when yer ready. I’ll keep an eye on you till then.” like OUHG, so much fun. I absolutely adore everything about his character.
On the other hand, there’s Soldier. He is so unbelievingly stupid, so mind blowingly absurd, and so incredibly big hearted and ridiculous. His antics and overall hilarity have brought me to tears multiple times and never fail to make me smile.
I don’t think I have a super gushy, character analysis-y reason why I like him so much. He’s just really funny, his character is so fun and ridiculous and he always makes me laugh. So that’s why its so hard to pick between Engie and him-
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Sorry, I dumped that comic long ago.. but who knows? Maybe someday I’ll feel inspired and come back to it. My hyper fixations have been known to be quite unpredictable-
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I straightened up and got 3 water bottles, I hope you’re proud of me! :}
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Thank you so much!! :DDDD
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Oooo, that’s so interesting!
Meanwhile there’s me who has completely deleted her from my brain and refuses to acknowledge her existence- XDDD
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All I’m hoping for is that they make it scary.
I want little kids to come into this movie chanting “FNAF! FNAF! FNAF! :DD” And run out screaming and crying moments later.
FNAF at its core, is a disturbing story. With gruesome themes and horrible tragedies and disgusting people. It is not meant for kids. I feel like FNAF recently has been really dumbed down and kid-ified. Which makes me kind’a sad..
I tried not to let that rub off on my AU. It may be light hearted for now, but the truth about the past and the disturbing story of William will not be buried for long..
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Thank you for the reminder, I’ll do my best!
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Awe, thank you! Once my Recap/Repair is done I gotta get around to drawing some of them!
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otogariado · 1 year
i am actually glad that fionna's finally starting the part of her character arc in the last ep that involves seeing the people and creatures she fights (and usually kills) as actual living beings and not just video game NPCs or something. she was shown to be brash and physical with others since the first ep, and while i'm not gonna sit here and say she should be more dainty or some other crap like that, i am glad she's finally starting to realize how her actions affect other people and that the reality of the multiverse is sinking into her. interesting stuff!
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That scene towards the end of the S3 trailer
The one where Shadow is running to save Sonic from disappearing
What if by that scene, the main conflict is changed? Nine is no longer actively trying to get ahold of Sonic, to drain the paradox prism energy from him. Just like Shadow and his focus on saving Green Hill over the Shatterverse before, he concedes that *nothing* will exist if they can't fix the paradox prism (assuming that the crew comes to the conclusion that they need to fix the paradox prism to have a chance at fixing the rapid breakdown of the shatterverse).
What if after episodes of fighting Nine and avoiding having his prism energy taken from him, Sonic gives himself over willingly. Nine has just realized how far he took things, how tunnel visioned he became on a goal with the sacrifice of things (and a person) he cared about. What if he feels guilty, resolved to help fix the universe they live in before anything else, and Sonic *asks* him to drain the energy this time?
And no matter what Shadow or Nine or anyone else says, no matter how uncertain doing so would make Sonic's fate uncertain and put it at stake, they can't refute the argument. Doing this could kill him (just like back on Ghost Hill, when Sonic asked for Nine to give him energy to match that of the prismatic titan), but is there any other way to save the shatterverse?
I'm not sure what the answer is myself, but perhaps they hope so. They're running out of time, and if they can't fix it, all of them will die. So, they all form a plan.
What if Nine feels this guilt as he drains the prism energy from Sonic? What if he feels more awful (and a little jealous) when it's up to Shadow to ultimately save him (because Shadow's the only other one who can move quite as fast)?
What if Shadow runs and runs, desperate too to make sure that Sonic won't die? What if he's frustrated at Nine and Sonic (because why did it have to come to this?), but also frustrated at himself (because maybe if he could have been there with Sonic, or maybe if he was the one searching the shatterspaces before, maybe he could have stopped all this before it went too far, maybe he could have kept Sonic safe from this fate)?
What if Shadow enters that shatterspace with Sonic in his arms, hoping so badly he'll pull through, trying not to think about what'll happen if he doesn't?
And what if Nine is the next to enter the shatterspace, arriving before anyone else? What if Nine watches Shadow hold Sonic's barely existing form and feels a pang of jealousy, and a waterfall of guilt. What will he do if Sonic doesn't pull through?
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byfulcrums · 1 year
Spitfire could've been so much more if it weren't for the time skip
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dreamlogic · 1 month
#talked to my credit union about pre-approval for an auto loan. im gonna frow up#tldr; i just started a new job after completely depleting my savings over the last couple months#and my fucking car has decided that NOW is the time it wants to begin its death throws after 17 years & 190k miles#so rather than wait for the engine to explode on the highway or something i'm spending money i don't have#(many thousands of dollars that i will need to borrow. specifically. 🤢)#to shell out for a newer & hopefully more reliable car before winter hits. and then i'm just gonna pray my new income can cover it!!!!!#on one hand i'm excited cuz it'll be the first car i've ever owned that wasn't a shitty hand-me-down with over 150k on it already#and i am absolutely drooooooling over the one i'm gonna test drive tomorrow#but on the other hand. it feels very precarious to take on this amount of debt right now and i'm FREAKING THE FUCK OUT.#i was worrying this morning tha ri was rushing into things and maybe it would be better to try to hold off for a couple months#but then i had to use my own car for work today instead of a fleet vehicle and the engine started displaying Silly Behaviors*#(*RPMs doing whatever they feel like randomly & a noticeable Clunk whenever i'd shift gears)#and since this thing has already cost like 1k in two emergency mechanic trips in the last two months#i feel justified in my decision to just take the L and hope nobody will look at it too closely when assessing its trade-in value 😔#ctxt#money talk cw
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