#i watch 911 🚒🚒
perplexed-confusion · 2 months
I feel like we should all be a little more obsessed with Tommy calling Buck "adorable".
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House reference in the wild.
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fanaticallyfleeky · 1 year
That was anticlimactic
And not because of you-know-what (😒). But it felt rushed? If that makes sense? Like how did everyone go from gravely injured to completely fine in 5 seconds, no recovery, no nothing. It just felt like half of the episode was missing. I literally checked the length twice just to be sure.
I get the whole “they thought it was the last season bla bla” but then even more this was an unsatisfactory rushed ending on literally all storylines?
I’m a little disappointed, ngl
But nevertheless, love to this fandom 💛 let’s not get divided over this
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garfieldsladybird · 2 years
“You cant preserve a perfect moment.”
“That’s what makes it a moment.”
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dawntainbobbynash · 9 months
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The way he talks about your father and the trips to this place, you've kept him alive for Harry.
And that's why I brought you here. I have had 18 years with my daughter. I have watched her grow into an amazing, strong young woman.
But my son...
He's still a boy.
Oh, man.
🚒 911 rewatch 🚒
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daffi-990 · 8 months
✨ Inspiration Saturday ✨
Tagged by @jesuisici33 and @911-on-abc. Thank you lovelies for the tag 😘
Today’s snippet is from the Rival Firefighters 🚒 fic and I’ve been having so much fun writing the chapter it’s in. I couldn’t resist making a moodboard for it either cos you know I love a good moodboard.
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It’s been a long and hectic week and Eddie is extremely grateful it’s Shannon’s weekend with Chris. He loves his son and loves spending time with him, but Eddie is feeling so wound tight and needs to let off some stream in a not suitable for children kind of way. Halfway through the week he’d caved and opened up Grindr (he doesn’t usually use the app, preferring to make connections in person) and had matched with someone called Firehose. The name was a bit odd, but the guy was flirty and seemed fun and Eddie needed some fun. So they’d agreed to meet up Saturday night for drinks at a local club.
Eddie’s been to this particular club before so finding it isn’t a problem. It’s still early according to club going times, a little past 9:30 pm, so getting a car park is stress free which Eddie is grateful for. He hates not knowing a parking situation beforehand. He parks alongside a dark green jeep (or is it grey? He can’t tell in the crappy car park lighting and why is he focusing on the car’s colour anyway?) and does a quick check of his reflection in the rear view mirror before hoping out and making his way inside.
Firehose said he’d be at the bar and that he’d be wearing a dark grey short sleeved button down and that he was tall. Eddie hopes the guy isn’t one of those guys that says they’re 6 foot two but in reality are only 5 foot seven or something. Not that he’s opposed to short men, it’s just he prefers them tall and with enough muscle that he knows they could man handle him if he asked.
Eddie scans the bar and sees a guy that matches the description Firehose gave him. He can only see him from behind as the guy is turned in his seat watching a boisterous game of pool, but he’s very tall and his shirt is grey and stretching over a well muscled back. The guy’s hair is a dirty blond and looks to have been styled with something that has tamed his curls but has left his hair still looking soft. He has a sudden urge to run his hands through it. Maybe later. Eddie begins to move towards him and just as he’s about 3 feet away, the guy turns back to the bar and Eddie gets a side on view of his face.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Firehose, no, Buckley, turns in his seat at Eddie’s remark, a wicked grin lighting up his stupid smug face as realisation of the situation dawns on him. Firehose. The name suddenly makes so much more sense. Of course the guy Eddie was supposed to be meeting up with tonight was Buckley.
No pressure tagging: @callmenewbie @hippolotamus @lover-of-mine @wikiangela @thewolvesof1998 @exhuastedpigeon @fortheloveofbuddie @eddiediaztho @forthewolves @athenagranted @callaplums @captain-hen @wildlife4life @eddiebabygirldiaz @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @rainbow-nerdss @try-set-me-on-fire @spotsandsocks @devirnis @disasterbuckdiaz @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck @honestlydarkprincess @monsterrae1 and anyone who wants to play and has something they want to share -> consider this your tag ☺️
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tommykinard6 · 1 month
Invading your inbox, like you asked :) <3 I would love to hear more about your omega Eddie, alpha Buck and omega Tommy headcanons? If you want to share them. 🧯🚒.
Nonnie, this ask makes me very happy, thank you 🥹
First off! This here is my Buddie a/b/o fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/24914782/chapters/60292255
I haven’t updated in a long time and I’m not sure when I will; my writing style has changed. But that’s something!
Omega Eddie is very much house husband, stay-at-home dad vibe. Not that I personally think he’d leave firefighting, but it’s the vibe, ya know? He’s been in control and struggling and trying to do everything alone for all his life. He needs to be pampered and taken care of. He definitely wants more kids, but is hesitant to commit to having more without knowing they won’t be abandoned again.
Buck is a gentle alpha. All he wants is a family and to provide the life, love, and stability he didn’t have growing up. Protective mode goes hard with him. Any threat to his mate(s) and he’s gone.
Tommy is commonly mistaken for an alpha. He’s not built like a stereotypical omega, all muscle and bulk. It’s partially a shield, against his family and the world around him, and partially just who he is. He finds it hard to be an omega, convinced that he’s always doing it wrong. He’s primarily attracted to alphas, but no alpha has ever felt secure standing side by side with him. Not to mention the fear he had working at the 118. He hid his secondary gender, pretended to be an alpha, but the captain was aware of all of his mens’ designations. And as we know, Captain Gerrard was a fossil, out of his time and not one for omega rights.
Indulge me in a little polyfire for a moment.
Buck doesn’t know what he’s doing, courting two omegas at the same time. Both of them have walls up, wary eyes and reluctance to be truly themselves. He knows both of their pasts. He knows that Eddie was abandoned by his alpha (after a long and tenuous relationship where neither were innocent) and lives with a constant fear of it happening again. He knows that Tommy’s been failed by every alpha figure in his life save one army mentor and has been rejected too many times, always too much for his previous partners. They’re both haunted, and so is he. The idea of courting both at the same time is ludicrous.
But then he watches them as they open up towards each other, accepting each other as prospective mates and partner omegas. Nothing quite stops the rumble when he comes home to find them both asleep in the nest, curled around each other.
And he watches as they both open up to him, the wariness leaving their eyes. And he thinks it could actually work, the three of them together.
Now when the discussion of pups comes up, that’s a doozy.
If you want to hear my NSFW headcanons for the a/b/o 911 verse, feel free to ask further!
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matan4il · 1 year
What are your hopes for season 7? Also what do you think might change with abc? Do we have an indication of when we might get s7? Thanks for all your metas! I don’t even watch the show but I’ve been deep in the ao3 and the tags for a few months so it’s been good to follow along 💖🚒
Hi Nonnie! Awwwww, thank you so much for the kind words about my weekly meta posts. I'm really glad if they helped!
What are my hopes for s7? I think to say Buddie going canon is a given. I have wanted that since 201 gave us one of the wildest "enemies to friends to..." runs in human history. I would like for the show to do it well, but I don't have specifics in mind, because I really just so want it to happen. And of course, gimme all the Buddifer love!
I also wanna get to see and enjoy Henren with the girl they'll be fostering, and I want it to be successful this time and culminating in adoption. I wanna see Denny with his new sis, with all the love and struggles that entails. I also kind of hope maybe they let the fire kids interact again, and maybe Chris has some interesting thoughts for his dads after seeing it can be really cool to be a big brother...
I want meaty personal storylines for all the characters we love, but I recognize it's a difficult balancing act on an ensemble show. I want the Love Interests not to take up too much of the space that is already not always enough for the characters I do love, so I kind of hope one of them would be already gone by the time s7 starts, while the other will leave shortly after, but I want these departures to have significance for Buddie and lead to actual breakthroughs so we don't keep repeating this cycle.
I have no idea what changes to expect from ABC, the logical ones to me would be to look at what can bring 911 more buzz, raise the ratings and help make the show profitable. To me, that screams letting Buddie go canon, but I have no idea if that's the route they'll choose to take, or if they don't think any changes are needed, because 911 was, at the end of the day, Fox's best performing scripted drama. But the latter wouldn't make sense to me, to just take the show as is.
I hope this helps? Have a great day! As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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carlos-tk · 8 months
tag 9 people you want to know better
thanks for the tag @reyestrandd sorry I’m getting to it about a week late
current book you’re reading: I read a few at a time so this is the current roster -
general fiction: yellowface by r.f. kuang
fantasy: the curse of saints by kate dramis
romance: love, hate & clickbait by liz bowery
nonfiction: you should talk to someone - a therapist, her therapist and our lives reimagined by lori gottlieb
last song you listened to: honey by troye sivan
currently watching: nothing 😂 I don’t have any time atm lol
current fic you’re reading: life so busy I barely have time for these either but the few on the roster atm are -
your first string by @strandnreyes (I’m on ch.4)
teach you how forever feels by @three-drink-amy (I’m on ch.9)
your gentle hands are stained with the blood of anothers by @birdclowns (new chapter!! is going to be my train read tomorrow)
come sail away by @chicgeekgirl89 (waiting for the final ch.)
and I just finished through thin walls by @noxsoulmate and @juuls (read the first ch. but listened to the second and I loved it! my first podfic!)
next on my watch list: anything 😂 idk what’s even new on any of the streaming services I have. maybe yellowjackets 🐝 i’m extremely behind 😢
current obsession: 911 lone star brain rot only 👆🏼🚒
no pressure tags @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @celeritas2997 @inkweedandlizards @birdclowns @strandnreyes @inflarescent @carlos-in-glasses @heartstringsduet and anyone else who’d like to 💗
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jerrydevine · 22 days
tagged all my 911 liveblogging as 🚒 for you all who do not need to be subjected to my posting that was the tumblr post equivalent of the 3 pages of images i took when i watched the first kim ep live 👍
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perplexed-confusion · 23 days
Love how it should the recations of everyone's partners (and family) but for Buck it was Eddie
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eddiediaaz · 1 month
(Different anon) Hi! I'm new to the fandom and just wanted to say that I definitely ship BuckTommy and Buddie - I started this show because I saw a gifset of Tommy kissing Buck and rapidly fell head over heels for them (I was fucking giddy for the lobby kiss I have to tell you) and started reading Buddie fanfic and fell for that ship too and I just adore both relationships and yeah! Fandom is meant to be fun and enthused and I'm glad to say I've found 911 blogs to follow that are that (Yourself included!! I love your stuff and your header is a favourite shot of mine!) 🚒💛
hehehehe i love that!! welcome to the fandom and sorry some people are so rancid lol, i swear we're not all like that! tommy and buck are very cute right now, they are clearly smitten which other and it feels good to watch them. i was also SOOO giddy over that hospital lobby kiss, it was perfect gdfkjdfhbdf. buddie is so ingrained in my being at this point lmao, it's not even funny 😅 i love them both on different levels, of course, so i'm just enjoying it all!! fandom is meant to be fun and enthused, exactly! it's really important to follow the right people in fandom spaces, otherwise it becomes insufferable real quick. i'm glad you like my stuff, thank you so much 🥰 and YES that header shot is also a fave of mine hehe
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liabegins · 2 months
hi lia! hope you're well!
my question to you is, who/what is your favorite part of 911 and what got you into watching the show?
hey rachel!! i’m alright thanks, hope you’re well too!! 🫶🏼
oh that’s a hard one, because i can’t put everything i love about 911 into short thingy🥺 but i just love the whole cast and the whole dynamic of them, and how wonderfully created the characters are (individually and together)!!
the storylines are interesting (obviously there are plots that i don’t even want to remember [cough] sperm donor, hen cheating arc [cough]), but generally i love how they focus in a similar amount on emergencies at work and their personal lives. oh and how diverse the episodes are (sometimes funny, sometimes i cry like a baby) and that they’re not constantly about the same thing/history
and what got me into watching it? i think i saw some buddie edits on instagram and i was like „woah they look so cute together, i need to check this show someday” lmao. obviously i forgot about it after a few days, and then like one year later(?) they added disney+ in my country and the title was in recommended things 🫶🏼
and now here i am, with new obsession about wee woo show 🚒
🪐 ask me anything 🪐
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heystephen · 1 year
is there a place to stream 911 or is it only on tv, i’m so wildly curious abt the show but only have streaming services!
i watch it on hulu and i think it’s also on sling 🚒
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mvltisstuff · 11 months
hello!! the rookie is 10000/10 and i definitely think you should watch. it’s my current hyper fixation so i could be a little biased but it’s also on abc which is where greys anatomy is and 911 is moving and i think it’s got a similar vibe with 911. it’s real funny and has amazing characters, dynamics, and plot lines. (and it’s why i requested the stuff with reader being athena’s apprentice 😅) but PLEASE don’t let me pressure you, esp bc i asked for a fic. i hope if you get to it, you enjoy ❤️
also thank you, i appreciate it ❤️ but you deserve best wishes and more, you make amazing fics for people and clearly put so much effort and seem so sweet. so i hope you have a lovely evening (i saw you’re from ma, me too!! now i know what time i day to wish you a lovely time 😂) remember to keep taking care of yourself and plenty of water!! today was nice but the heat is no joke ❤️
i’ll def consider watching it!! it sounds like something i’d really enjoy as i’m a MASSIVE fan of shows like greys and 911. i’m rewatching impractical jokers rn just for fun, but maybe once i finish it i’ll take a look. thank you for being so lovely once again 🩷🩷
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heartstringsduet · 1 year
Thanks for tagging me @welcometololaland and for making me think about this way too hard probably. 🚒 - 911 Lone Star (my current obsession obviously)
🎼 - Glee (my former obsession and only mildly embarressed about that)
⚒ - Arcane (the animation, the characters, the EVERYTHING. Huge recommendation if you haven't watched it)
🧇 - Stranger Things (duh.)
🏳️‍🌈 - Queer Eye (the wholesomeness is next level)
☃️ - Dash & Lily (I watch it every Christmas now. There's just something so sweet about it) 🌞 - Gravity Falls (Most superior 'kids' show with an actual stoyline and not at all making me cry about sibling relationships I never had that way or something)
🎓 - Community (Peak silly.)
💸 - Succession (Peak silly + business drama)
Honorable mentions: Himym, Yellowjackets, Mythic Quest, Euphoria, Naruto, GBBO, White Lotus, Phineas & Ferb - (listen I am a complex person who finds so much solace in animation but also loves great storytelling and drama) I tag: @miidnightraiin , @carlos-in-glasses , @alltheprettyplaces and whoever wants to tell us their it-shows :D
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