#i watched a movie today and it wasnt that good BUT i did finally watch Phantasm yesterday and ohhh i loved it
lesbianwithchainsaws · 6 months
Does anyone wanna talk about horror movies? I wanna talk about horror movies!
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ilovechuuy4 · 7 months
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ᰔ୨୧ Tell me everyday I get to wake up to that smile ୨୧ᰔ
Characters; Chuuya, Fyodor, Dazai, Atsushi
BSD Men and what they would do for Valentines~
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Scenarios˚ ∘ ٭୨୧∘
Atsushi 🐯
→ Atsushi will go out of his way to get you multiple things, chocolate, flowers, stuffed bears/tigers etc. He'd spend million of dollars on you if he had it
It was around Atsushi come back from the ADA workplace as you sat on the couch waiting for your boyfriend, Atsushi, to arrive back. You wanted to do something cute for the 14th of February which is well, Valentine's Day. You sat directly to the left side of the couch, watching a movie until he arrives.
Meanwhile, Atsushi wasn't making his way home but to the energy markets and stores with a thought in mind. He was ready to make your day even better than before. He searches around the markets grabbing a lot of different things. He was going to spend money, money on you he didn't care how much every thing he got was.
As an hour goes by, Atsushi finally ended up at the cash register. His hands full of all types of goodies. A stuffed white tiger that was as large as his forearm, light red and pink roses and another flower variants, and different sweets and chocolates some in those heart boxes, some name branded. With a bright smile and about 100 dollars spend, he walks home seemed pretty proud of himself.
He didn't think of asking you to be his Valentines because well, your his S/O so why did it matter if he asked? He hums softly as he makes it to the apartment, fumbling with the keys of the front door before unlocking it, walking in and shutting the door with his foot. "Mhm, my precious baby? I'm home." He hums softly putting every thing on the counter.
You perk up and bit, standing up from the couch and skittering over to him. "Mmh, hi my love." You murmurs out hugging Atsushi. "Hey, will you uh- be my valentine?" Atsushi says with a soft smile. You smile back, kissing his cheek softly. "Of course, why wouldn't I not?" You say with a cheeky grin taking the stuffed tiger out the bag.
"Hey this looks like you, silly." You said with a chuckle. Atsushis arms wrapped around you, his face slightly buried in the crook of your neck. "Yes because I want you to think of me every time you see it, happy Valentine's baby.." He says with a laugh.
Chuuya 🍷
→ Chuuya, like Atsushi, goes all out but with the amount of money he has he definitely goes above and beyond, flower petals, candle lit house, fancy gourmet dinner cooked by yours truly and you can't forget the wine that will be neatly set on the table.
It was the time just half passed 6pm and you were on your way back to the home your boyfriend owned. The sun was already slowly setting the hues of the color filled sky shining I to the small puddles on the ground. The weather wasn't the best today but it was all fine if you get to spend the say with your boyfriend.
You take out your keys from your bag, carefully unlocking the door to the large apartment or well penthouse. Once you walk in you see your boyfriend, Chuuya, in some pants and apron, no shirt and lied was he attractive. "Oh, hey doll your back? How was work, hmm?" The ginger said with a smirk, his pearly whites showing off.
"Oh it was same old same old, what are you cooking?" You hum, letting down your H/C hair from the short/long ponytail you had to have up for work. "It's just something simple, steak with peppercorn sauce, that sound good darlin'?" He hummed out, the food looked delicious this wasnt just "something simple" you knew chuuya loves to go all out when it's days like this.
"Yea, something simple?" You said with a mock smile as you watched him cut up the freshly cooked steak that was medium rare(or well done) and then placed them on the plate along with Cajun potatoes and spicy slaw the steak topped with the peppercorn sauce. "I hope you're hungry because I made this special just for you." He said, cringing a bit at his own words as he slips it onto the dinning table.
You make your way to the dinning table and sit down, you watched as Chuuya poured y'all both a glass of wine. "Go ahead, dig in doll I'm not judgin'." The orange haired male said with a shit eating yet cheeky grin as he started to eat his own food. You had to admit, the presentation was amazing as you picked your fork up and began eat, Lord was it amazing it tasted as if you were at a 5 star restaurant reservation.
Y'all soon had finished eating, Chuuya stands and gently slips the glasses and plates along with the utensils into the sink before coming back to the table. "C'mere I wanna love up on you." He said gently patting his thigh, what was he some weirdo trying to get a cat to come? Either way it worked. You stood up and reluctantly slipped onto his lap. He left out a soft groan as he feels your entire body sink onto him, he loved it, he basically worships your body.
"Yea, this is nice." He mutters his arms around your waist and his face buried in total he crook of your neck, placing soft messy kisses on the nape of your neck. "Mmh? Yea a bet it is." You tease, running your nails through his messy orange hair massaging his scalp. "Yea, it really is. I love you doll, Happy Valentine's Day." He murmurs gently biting down on your neck.
→ Fyodor innitonally thought valentines day was just a cringe and corny day but now that he has you he spoils you the best he can~
You and Fyodor have been dating for almost a year and a half and for that year y'all haven't really celebrated Valentine's Day not because y'all hate it just because you both don't know what to do for one another. But obviously today was different for Fyodor he wanted to make this a good Valentine's Day for the both of you.
He saw one of those videos of someone making paper roses out of book paves and took it upon himself to make at least a bouquet of these paper flowers. He started it when he was free from work and you were off with friends. He was on the very last flower, his slender fingers trembling softly as he taped and glued each one together.
Once finally finished he put them in a paper wrapping some were painted a soft purple and others were just the paper color. He only has a few different chocolates, he wasnt 100% sure what to get you since this was his first time buying Valentine's things for a S/O. He had also worked on a hand written note that was a bit cringy but his heart was put into everything and that's what mattered.
You shortly arrive home as he finished up, he stood up quickly grabbing the things and walked to greet you. "My myshka your home? How was your day out?" His thick Russian voice seeped into your ears making you smile as you took off your coat and shoes 'nd putting them in their desired places before going over to hug your boyfriend.
"It was alright they all had their boyfriends/girlfriends around so they left pretty early." You said with a slight smile. "Oh I'm sorry I wasn't their, maybe I should just come next time?" He said with a slightly closed mouth smile. "No it's alright Fedya don't worry about it too much."
"No I will come next time it's just I was busy making this stuff for you." He said taking the paper roses, the note and a few box's of chocolates off the kitchen counter. "It's not too much but it's the best thing I could have thought of, I hope you like it my love." He said kissing your hair.
You smile softly as you read the note, you could tell he put a lot of time in this entire thing, the paper roses, the note and just going out to get the chocolates. "Awe, thank you Fedya..i really appreciate it." You said as the slight smile faded into a bigger one.
"You're very much welcome, you're my everything and I wanted to try this Valentine's Day thing out with you at least once. Happy Valentine's Day my myshka." He hums before putting a slow, tender kiss onto your lips.
→ Dazai is NOT like the others in this one bro his broke ass can't afford any of that he's bringing you to the goddamn cheesecake Factory ୨୧
When Dazai arrived home he said he wanted to bring you somewheres as he seemed to be in a rush, he told you to get ready nothing to fancy though. So that's exactly what you did you dressed in something slightly casual not too causal though and then helped Dazai fix up his bandages before y'all headed out.
It was about a 30 minute walk from yalls apartment to the place and ones you saw what it was you smile softly, the cheesecake factory. You love the effort he's put into all of Valentine's Day for the both of y'all. "The cheesecake Factory? Mmh thank you 'Samu." You said with a smile.
"Of course babe~ Let's go let's go inside now sweet cheeks." He said with a smile, he was definitely feeling all giddy as he gently tapped your ss to get you to go inside. Once inside the waiter greeted y'all, you assumed Dazai made the reservation prior or when you didn't know because how else would y'all get in so easily? Once sat in the back of the restaurant y'all ordered the drinks the two of you preferred.
Dazai hums softly his hand gently rubbing your thigh as y'all looked through the menu, Dazai ended up getting the warm crab dip as an appetizer for the both of you. "Dazai, my love, when did you make the reservation? I didn't see you make it any this week?" You said, cocking an eyebrow. "I did it some time, that's for me to know not you babe.~" He said with a cheeky grin as the appetizer came out.
The lighting of the place was warm and calming as you 'nd Dazai spoke about what food y'all should order, he told you to get what you wanted and he wouldn't hold you back which was pretty weird but oh well? Soon the waiter came back to take your orders. You ended up just ordering the filet Mignon with the green beans and mashed potatoes. While Dazai got the Cajun jambalaya pasta.
Y'all didn't wait too too long until the food arrived and y'all started to eat. The food was good it wasn't five star but it was a good 4.5. Y'all finished eating about 20 minutes later and y'all were completely full but Dazai had one last thing. The waiter came back once more and placed down a cheesecake that was to go.
You looked at it, reading the strawberry glaze that was made into words "Happy Valentine's Babe" is what is read, you smile softly as you feel Dazai's hand still rubbing your thigh. "Alright let's go home?" He asked with a cheeky grin as he stood up, leaving the right amount of cash on the table for a tip.
Once y'all leave, the cheesecake in a bag y'all walk down the sidewalk back to the apartment. You unlock the door and walk inside, the brunette placing the cheesecake on the dinning room table. "That was a nice date, my love." You say with a closed mouth smile.
"Mmh? Was it sweet cheeks? Well I'm glad you liked it." He said, he was so cocky but you still loved him. His slender arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you in. "But I bet their cheesecake isn't as sweet as you~" He said as he quickly pressed his lips against yours, his tongue slipping passed your lips. "Mmh, happy Valentine's Day Babe~" He muttered against your lips.
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ccswife · 2 months
Oh No..
part 4: is it working?
pairing๛: kate martin x iowau!reader
synopsis๛: kate catches you watching your saved edits of her
warnings: slight angst (barely)
not a lot of dialogue in this one, but low-key proof read :D
It's sunday morning, and you wake up to a bright ray of sun in your face, peeking through the barely-shut curtains. turning over in your very, very warm bed, you notice the time on your phone.
as well as some notifications..
notification center
3 messages from bear🐻
[goodmorning star sunshine!]
[hows the hangover?]
[r u alive]
you reply to her texts and chat for a little bit. she admits halfway through your in-depth conversation about what you drank and what color your throwup was, that she didnt remember anything from last night. ANYTHING. your head was already reeling from the raging hangover you had aquired, and this made it ten times worse. you begin to play a game of eenie-minie-moe with yourself. "do i tell her? do i say nothing? do i ruin it? do i protect my own feelings?" after at least 7 minutes, you come to the conclusion to not say anything. hey, you know what they say! ignorance is bliss!
you climb out of bed and grab some clothes to go take a hot bath. bathes are very good on tense muscles, and aroma-therapy helps to ease anxiety, reduce inflammation and sooth headaches. it was about 10 when you hopped in, and you planned to stay there till the water got cold. after the fact, you showered quickly to wash the grime off and get the hairspray out of your hair. finally getting dressed into a comfy pair of sweats and a oversized shirt, you go to cook some breakfast. cooking breakfast always was a good thinking time for you, as it wasnt super busy in the mornings and you could stand there and watch the eggs or pancakes cook whilst contemplating every decision you have ever made leading up to that moment. todays topic was " what the hell did i do to get into this position with the girl i love!" and it did not dissapoint! feeling that the topic was actually taking years off your life, you decide to give yourself a kate break and call out of work for monday. you used the "im sick *cough cough* and i never take days off!" excuse and it worked surprisingly well!
after a calm morning and breakfast, you chilled on the couch and put on a random show for some backround noise. it was now about 11ish, nearning 12. scrolling through instagram reels, you get a notification that kate posted on her story. (yes, you have her story notifs on.) clicking on the notif, it brings you to her story.
you nearly dropped your phone.
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another woman....hiding her face..... LUNCH DATE?!?!?!?!? so shes seeing someone? you've never seen this woman in your life, so obviously a secret. even from you, her best friend. honestly, it took some life out of you. with everything going on between you two, you didn't exactly know how to feel. did you deserve to feel like this, like you had been "betrayed"? part of you knew that that was a little dramatic, but nevertheless still very valid. if there was one thing that Kate and the girls had taught you, its that your feelings will always be valid, whether they change or stay the same. these specific feelings made you lose your appetite, and frankly the will to live. aggressively turning your phone off, you get out of the deep crevice you were shoved in on your couch and make your way back to the bedroom.
"and here, I shall lay"
you dramatically say as you fall onto the bed, draping a hand on your forehead as you do so. you opt to watch "Crazy Rich Asians", just to believe-in some sort of love, and cuddle up in between the sheets. half-way through the movie, you feel multiple buzzes from your phone. opening it up, you see a bunch of texts from a very worried gabbie and caitlin. they know what happened last night, so the story she posted as alarming to them as well.
gabbie babbie wabbie
y/n are you alive
caity baby
we saw kates story
obviously its not u cuz ur not tagged
r u ok
gabbie babbie wabbie
lil harsh there cait...
caity baby
whoops sorry
but r u alive
get out of bed
gabbie babbie wabbie
answer pls we miss you and wanna know ur alive
caity baby
after scrolling through the messages, you liked a few and explained you were ok, and that you took tomorrow off and are gonna lay in bed for a while. they remind you to eat and be good to yourself and you reluctantly agree and promise to them that you'll comply. finally finishing your heart-wrenching movie, you fall into a light sleep. periodically you respond to your texts, as kate had been texting you quite normally. this includes all the regular nicknames and stupid jokes she always made. you'd be lying if you didn't love the normalcy she was exuding, and that it didn't bring you comfort in your relationship. it just solidified your decision to not tell her about last night, in order to keep what you two have now. you were sure that you could shove all the feelings down and support your long time best-friend in her romantic endeavors (not with you). at about 7 o'clock, kate asked if she could 'stop by' and obviously you agreed.
IF you were being 100% honest with yourself, you were seriously nervous. you hoped that you wouldn't slip about what happened and how you felt about the insta story. at exactly 7:16pm, kate knocked on the door of your apartment and you graciously let her in, immediately being engulfed into a bear hug. she had the biggest smile on her face as she pulled back to look at you.
"hello beautiful" she tucks a piece of hair behind your earn, rubbing her thumb against your blushed cheek. "I missed you today! it feels like its been forever" she pouts at you, doing her signature puppy eyes.
you giggle at her and reply in a blissful tone. "ive missed you too katie bear, how was your day?" pulling away from you, she starts to walk to your bed room, you following close behind. " it was actually really good! I had a really good lunch today. you would've died at how good it was. it was some Italian place downtown." she draws out the emphasis on 'really', and continues to talk as she plops on to your bed. " I went out with my friend nancy, she graduated last year and is interning at a dental place by school" you join her on the bed. "oh yea? is she a new friend?" curiosity killed the cat, but you tried to be as discrete as you could with the tone of your voice. obviously since she was talking about it, she is open to the subject. kate goes on to rant about how she's her new friend, how they met at a coffee place, blah blah blah. then she gets to the surprising part.
"-and then after we talked about edits, she mentioned how she has a whole folder of them! I dont think ive met anyone with a folder of women's ball edits! it was so funny, and then she mentioned how there were a few of me in it! I laughed so hard I-" after she said that you stopped listening and internally crashed out. never met anyone with that?????? does she not remember catching you???? it genuinely boggled you how one of the only people that remembers every single detail about you could forget that. deciding again not to say anything, you mentally join back into the conversation and give her 'mm's and 'ohh yea's to let her know you were acknowledging her rant. the conversation slowly turned into showing each other stupid tiktoks and reels. both of your eyes began to droop, and whilst laying on each other, the two of you fell asleep.
and together you peacefully slept, blissfully unaware of anything else happening in the world
a/n ◕‿↼ : wooooo finally chapter 4!!!! I finally got a laptop so this is way more fun and wayyy easier to do so im a tad bit more motivated. I know this one wasn't the most exciting and didn't hav much dialogue but there's a lot to come guys dont worry I'm cooking up some good chapters. love you pookies! enjoy pls🤗
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magisland · 2 months
chapter XXI : sleep tight
wc: 717 words
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“woah..” you said as you finished your meal, “you really know how to cook, im impressed”
seokmin chuckled, “was it good?”, you looked at him in some kind of disbelief, “good? that was the best meal i’ve ever had! im looking forward to eat more of your food in the future”. the boy smiled warmly before standing up and taking the empty plates and bowls to the sink, “im glad you liked it”
“thank you… you saved me today”
seokmin shocked his head and smiled, “it was nothing, really”
“no, it wasn’t ‘nothing’. it meant a lot to me, i owe you”, seokmin smiled when he heard your words and leaned towards you, “forget it and lets watch a movie”
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seokmin froze when he felt your head on his shoulder, it took him a while to finally relax his body and pay attention (more like trying to) to the movie once again.
“this movie is nice, im liking it”, you said while grabbing one of the snacks and opening it up, “yeah.. im liking it too”.
he tried so hard to not sound weird so you wouldnt notice his reaction to your touch, but it was hard and he failed. it wasnt like he did not like it, it was quite the opposite actually, he loved it. but it was unexpected and he got nervous.
“you okay?”
“uh? im fine.. just a bit cold, are you cold? im gonna bring a blanket so we can share”, seokmin said already standing up, you quickly leaned your head back and chuckled, “seokmin, im good”. you found really cute the way he reacted, already knowing he was like this because of your move, little did he know you were almost screaming from frustration and indecision about making a move or not before thinking fuck it and resting your head on his shoulder.
he grabbed a blanket and got back to the couch, covering both of your lower bodies, “this feels nice, doesnt it?”. you looked at his nervous, yet caring expression and nodded with a smile on your face.
you two kept watching the movie, but your head wasn’t resting on his shoulder anymore and he missed it, mentally cursing himself for getting up to grab the blanket. he wanted so bad to feel you closer to him one more time, but he couldn’t ask you to place you head on his shoulder once again and he was too afraid to make a move.
its okay, seokmin. you can do this, she placed her head on your shoulder first so that means she feels comfortable around you, right?
he took a deep breath and slowly wrapped his arm around your shoulders, trying to get a reaction out of you. when he noticed you didn’t take his arm off your shoulder and even got a bit closer to him he took a deep breath and decided to be a bit bolder, he started to caress your shoulder.
you kept glancing at him, trying to see if he was looking at you or noticing how fast and loud your heart was beating, but you never caught him looking back at you (maybe because he was too afraid of making eye contact with you at that moment). it stayed a few minutes like this and when you were starting to relax you felt his hand on your head, gently pulling you closer to him and trying to make your head rest on his shoulder once again.
you swallowed hard and shifted your position to get more comfortable while letting his hand slowly guides your head to his shoulder. once you were finally just like he wanted, you heard a quiet sigh leaving his lips while his hand caressed your hair before resting on your shoulder again.
after quite a while in silence, the movie came to an end and seokmin turned off the tv before speaking up, “so, did you li-“ he stopped talking when he turned his head and saw you sleeping on his shoulder. the sight of you with your eyes closed and mouth slightly open was way too cute for him. he grabbed the blanket and covered you till your left shoulder and watched you sleep for a few moments before pressing a light kiss on the top of your head, “sleep tight, yn”
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in a world where when you turn 18 you share an invisible string with your soulmate that only you and your respective soulmate can see it, seokmin, also known as dokyeom, is an actor in the musical theatre world that doesnt have a soulmate and keep it as a secret. meanwhile, yn works in a bookstore and doesnt seem bothered at all by the fact of not sharing a string with someone. is it possible to change the destiny and find your soulmate even tho you dont share the invisible string with anyone?
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divinesolas · 1 year
Hi there ❤️
I saw that your requests are open and i would like to request something if you dont mind.
Maybe one where reader has the same age of ethan but she was in a relationship with Richie (she meet Richie in the store when she was hired and Richie was a worker at that store ) but Ethan was in love with her (they go to the same school /college) so he got heartbroken when he discovered that reader its dating his brother the time that he went to the store to buy something (angsty) In the end he convinces her that he is a better option. Thank you so much ❤️
The better brother
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Warnings | highschool!ethan (seniors), RICHIE 🤮 (you are 18 richie is 20 ethan is 18 quinn is 19), you and richie work at a convenience store, neglected and insecure ethan, cursing, richie is a major asshole, angst with happy ending !!! seriously richie is an ass. not proofread !!
wc | 2.4k
a/n: thank you for the request i really liked writing this prompt! maybe a little different than what you wanted but i hope you enjoy!!
"Ill see you later." "bye richie." he kissed you on the cheek before he got out of the car and walked into work. You had school today so you just had come to drop him off, you watched him walk in before driving off.
The two of you had been dating for almost two months now. You started working at the same place as him, for four months, he was the store manager so you two were constantly with each other and he asked you out soon after.
You were happy, mostly. Richie was nice yes but he seemed kind of distant most of the time unless you two were at work and you were helping him stock or he needed a ride to work. But he was nice, yes....
You dont wanna think about it any more as you arrive at school. You get out of your car and walk towards the building, "Good morning." You turn and see ethan standing in his usual spot waiting for you like he always does.
Ethan has been a friend of yours since the beginning of the school year, he was sweet and smart (and super cute.) You two had a couple of classes together so he waited outside for you every morning so he could walk to class with you.
"Good morning e." He smiles at you and you smile back, "did you finish the paper for english yet?" you groan, "dont even remind me." he laughs and begins to walk along side you to class.
Ethan didnt know when he began to like you. Maybe it was when on the first day of school this year when you sat down next to him you smiled or maybe it was when you didn't mind as he talked your ear off about comic books or maybe it was when you comforted him while his cat was at the vet and he had to go to school.
He didn't know and frankly he didn't care all he knew is that he liked you, he liked you so much he didn't know how to tell you. Everyday he would try to build up the courage to confess to you and once he finally tries he sees your smiling face and he fails.
Today at school you looked especially gorgeous, he tried to tell you but he just wouldn't come out and hes so frustrated with himself, why cant he just suck it up and say you looked pretty. On the walk home hes beating himself up, maybe he should just text you? no you said you had work after school he shouldn't.
He rolls his eyes at the text from quinn to pick up a bag of takis for her and tries to tell her no but shes insistent he gets them so groans as he begins the walk to the store. He finally arrives and begins to look around to find the chips, where the hell were they?
He finally finds the isle and spots two employees standing in the isle stocking the shelf, they look so familiar-
"it wasnt that bad."
"you cannot be serious the menu was actually horrible."
oh my god, it was you. and his brother? he hides around the corner unable to take his eyes off the scene, you work here? with his brother?
"well i liked it." you shrug as you put another bag on the shelf.
"you just dont understand good movies babe its not my fault."
He feels his stomach drop as he watches richie kiss you, no. He might throw up as he watches you shove him and shake your head saying something about being at work. his eyes begin to water as his hands shake.
Richie. Of course. the shadow he'll always live behind, the man he can never compete with. His older brother, hes the star of the family, his dad adores him so much to the point ethan was so neglected by his father to the point he decided to take his mothers name instead. His father never cared, not when he had his star son.
In his shock ethan drops his phone and it hits the hard ground with a bang, "shit." this was awful, ethan bent down to grab it but unable to spot it behind his watery eyes. The loud sound must have alerted you two and he looked up to see the two of you standing over him.
"Ethan?" You looked the most shocked to see him. He quickly looked back down and grabbed his phone hoping you didn't see his watery face.
"oh hey ethan." richie wrapped an arm around your shoulder with a smirk while greeting him. ethan cant even look at you. Of course youd date a guy like richie, he was a lot cooler than he was. God why did he have to suck so fucking much?
"you know ethan?" you sound confused as you look at richie, ethan looks at the ground wishing it was open up and shallow him whole so he could get far far away from here. "of course i do hes my baby brother, isnt that right ethan?" he's mocking him. ethan's tears begin to flow freely down his face.
You brush richies arm off and take another step closer to ethan, you look concerned and it makes him feel awful he was so fucking embarrassed.
"Ethan are you okay?" Ethan nods his head and races out of the store ignoring you yelling after him. He begins to sob as he feet hit the ground hard as he runs away from the store.
At some point he cant run anymore, he can barely breath because of how hard he was crying. He sits at some random bench and cries his heart out.
His heart is broken. its squeezing in his chest, he puts his hand over it and wishes he could just rip it out of his chest because that's exactly how it felt.
You stand frozen in the store looking at the soot ethan was just standing. You move to go after him before a hand grabs your arm, "dont worry about him babe." You turn to richie who was a smirk on his face.
"He was clearly upset-" Richie rolls his eyes, growing more annoyed at the conversation about his brother, "hes always been a fucking crybaby, it's nothing to sweat about. fucking annoying." He mumbles to the last part under his breath but you can hear it and you stare at him in disbelief.
"Hes your brother you shouldn't take about him like that-" richie groans and throws his hands uo in the air, "thats just how he his babe," "dont call me babe." "hes a fucking whiner! thats just how it is, he always has been. And he never shuts the fuck up sometimes like jesus christ no one gives a shit about your fucking comic books man. Me and dad make bets to see how long he'll keep his mouth shut." He laughs to himself as he reflects on the memories but you can only stare at him in disgust.
Who the hell was the guy standing in front of you? Your face contorts into anger as you feel yourself get defensive over ethan, "You make me sick." You hiss at him, "How dare you talk about him like that?" He rolls his eyes, "Why do you care so much-" "Cause hes my fucking friend! and you disgust me with the way you talk about him. I feel like i dont even fucking know you right now."
"if you like him so much than you go fuck him or something." You stand in shock, who the fuck did he think he was. you grab your name tag and rip it off your shirt. "Go fuck yourself richie. I quit and we're fucking done." You storm off and he sighs, "you cant be fucking serious right now." you turn back to him, "yes richie i'm done serious you make me sick."
He rushes over to you and grabs you by the arm, He looks at you with a disgusted expression, "over him? really?" Youre face contorts to one of disbelief, "Yes! Youre a piece of shit! ethan is a nice guy, much nicer than you."
He shakes his head at you in disbelief as he lets go of your arm, "What so youre in love with him or something, i didn't know you were a fucking whore. Its good were done i dont wanna be dating a slut."
Your fist slams into his jaw and he hits the ground, hard. "Never. Ever. Speak to me like that. And if i ever catch you talking shit about ethan i will do worse than punch you seriously." You spit on him as you walk out slamming the door hard behind you.
You feel yourself shaking with anger. Was that a stupid decision, maybe. did you regret it? hell no. You can barely believe richie and how mush of an ass he was, thankfully you found out sooner rather than later.
You can barely even be bothered with richie right now, but right now all you can think of is ethan, you begin to look around trying to see if you can spot ethan, he doesn't drive so he must have walked here.
"Ethan?" You call out and begin to walk in what what hopefully the right direction, you're mind races as you try to find him. Was he okay? He was clearly crying before, you continue to call for him before you see a figure crouched over on a bench. Ethan.
You rush over and call for him, "Ethan." You sit next to him and you feel your heart drop at his shoulders which are shaking and you can hear him sobbing into his hands.
You try to grab his face out of his hands but he doesn't let you, "Ethan please." You feel your heart break as he shakes his head furiously, "Leave me please." His voice breaks as he tries to speak, you can barely make out his words. "Im not going anywhere, ethan please."
He reluctantly moved his hands from his face and you cup his cheeks, you frown as you see his teary eyes, his wet face and the pout on his face. "Ethan." Its hushed, you pull him into your arms. he wraps his arms around you tightly as his head finds its way to your neck as he begin to cry again.
You attempt to comfort him by running your hands through is hair, "what wrong ethan? please talk to me. I hate seeing you like this." His cries only get worse, "ill never be good enough." youre confused, "dont say that ethan its not true-" "of course its true! ill never be good enough for anything or anyone, especially not you."
You freeze, the hand in his hair stops its motion as he continues, "why am i so awful, if i wasn't so terrible, if i wasnt so annoying, if i was him, you would choose me. Why cant it ever be me who gets choosen?"
You pull back and grab both of his cheeks, hes look down at your lap. You wipe the tears of hiss face, "Ethan-" "I dont want your pity." he continues to look down and he pulls away from you and begins to furiously wipe his face with is sleeves, "Ethan-"
"hes always had everything i ever wanted, i dont know why im so surprised he got you too." Your heart is racing at the implications of his words, does he mean- "of course he got the girl im in love with."
You rethink over everything interaction youve had with ethan over the past couple months. you always looked forward to seeing him every morning at school with his smile and his awkwardness. He told the most horrible jokes but they made you laugh so much that when you thought about them later in the day you laughed to yourself to the point you must have looked crazy to everyone around you, he always cheered you on if you had a test and always made time to help you study even if it conflicted with his schedule. You hated the days he was out of school, they would feel lonely and empty and you would spent the whole day texting him. even the thought of his smile made you smile- oh my god. You were in love with him.
With richie it felt like just passing time, like you knew it was never going to be you and him in the end but you still wanted it to work. You grab his face for the third time and force him to look at you. "Ethan, you have to be honest with me, do you mean what you're saying?" He nods, "Of course i do, ive been in love with you for forever." he covers yours hands with his, "i know youre with my brother but i need you to know i've always loved you and if you could ever consider the possibility of liking me back-"
You kiss him and you feel in gasp against you, he soon enough begins to kiss you back. It feels like electricity running through your body as the sparks between you two fly out everywhere. It was perfect, richies kisses were rushed, like he wanted to get it over with but with ethan he was slower, like he wanted to savor every second of you and every bit of you.
You two pull away for a air and he stares at you in disbelief, "im in love with you too ethan." His eyes widen as he shakes his head, "no no youre not richie-" "me and richie are done. Hes a dick." Ethan laughs, "I realized while he was talking shit about you that it was never him. When he was talking about you and then me i got so mad i fucking quit and punched him across the face." you laugh as his mouth opens in shock, "no-" "yes! because i felt so much for you. i love you ethan and im sorry i didn't realize it sooner."
A huge smile falls on his face and yours reflects his, more tears begin to fall but this time theyre happy ones, "god im so fucking happy right now." you laugh as he pulls you into another kiss.
"did you really punch him?"
"yeah and i fucking spit on the asshole too."
"I fucking love you."
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billyloomiswhore4 · 1 year
I always thought Billy and stu were selfish and it took them a LONG time to agree to share, so in your universe, how did they take it when they realized the other likes the same person and how did they come to the agreement to share?
warnings: Billy x Stu content, sexual content, violence, she/her pronouns
ok so i definitely think Billy was pissed when he found out Stu liked you. Stu wasnt angry per say but he was annoyed.
heres how it happened.
Billy and Stu were watching some random gory movie together in Stu’s room. Normally Billy would be intently watching the movie but today his thought were focused elsewhere. It had been about a week since you moved to Woodsboro and he couldn’t stop thinking about you.
His mind is quickly taken off of you when Stu starts palming himself through his jeans.
“Jesus Christ, Stu. Be subtle about it would you?” He’s annoyed. As much as Stu touching himself turns him on, he would rather not admit it.
“I’m sorry man, but are you even watching the movie? by now you would normally be cumming in your pants.” Stu laughed as Billy sneered at him.
“I would not.” He crosses his arms across his chest, and he huffs.
“Anyways,” Stu decided to change the subject, still rubbing himself. “have you seen the new girl that Sid and Tate have been hanging around?”
“Yeah. What about her.” Billy attempted to act uninterested.
“Well..she’s hot.” Stu stated and Billy felt anger rise in his chest at how he’s talking about you. “I mean, I would definitely consider her final girl material if you know what I mean.”
“So you like her?” Billy tried his best to make that sound less resentful
“I mean yeah, man. She’s totally the perfect girl for me.”
Billy clenched and unclenched his fists, took a deep breath, and then turned to Stu. His face was void of all emotion.
“No, Stu. She’s not the perfect girl for you.”
“huh. What do you-“ Stu stopped flat when he saw the look on Billy’s face. The one he has when Stu has royally pissed him off.
“She’s not the perfect girl for you because she’s mine.” Billy’s hand went to Stu’s shoulder, his grip threatening.
“No, Dude…” Stu whined. “That’s not fair. How come you get to have her?”
“Because…” Billy’s hold on his shoulder tightened, and Stu gulped. “…I said so.”
It took some convincing once Billy calmed down but eventually he caved and decided they could just share you.
Stu was incredibly annoyed by the whole situation but also was kind of scared of Billy.
Billy was scared too, but because he was worried he was going to lose you to Stu. Since his mother left he’s had some intense abandonment issues.
When they decided they could just share you it became a good thing. and the rest is history.
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fruit-salad-ship · 1 year
star wars au was on my mind, cool fine, ok. love the dynamics!
I wanted to write smut, but something else happened: Plum planning this great day so Peach would unwind and chill out, so she could try to perhaps charm her enough to give her some smooches, so she finally has a point of refrence for the crappy romance novels she reads. The day goes great, they spend the evening doing things neither got to do growing up: Being teenagers, being dumb, drinking, trying on outfits, trying different hiarstyles, listening to music, just goofing off. It becomes apparent to peach that her cage, the arena, her life, the lack of freedom, lack of choice literally stripped her down to a pawn in someone elses game. She sees plum in the exact same cage, its plush, and fancy, but theres still bars on the windows so to speak. They drink more, and things get heated, in a very gentle way seeing as Peach is a deer in the headlights (as I had intended, I wanted to write some smut today!) During this interaction Plum is taking the lead, course she is, this big dope she was trying to charm all day wouldnt even know what to do, she can hardly make a choice for herself, let alone anything else. Plum is very cautious with this all of course, doesnt want Peach just not saying 'no' to please her. Clothes are removed, its nice, but Plum cant not notice every scar, every dink, every little mark on this womans body, and she gets so wrapped up knowing that every sexual encounter that Peach has ever has has been unwanted, and not in any way good! Poor thing. Crime has happened here!! Plum ends up crying about it, middle of them trying to enjoy this moment and she caves, cries, tries to brush it off, and peach does the only thing she can think of. When she was sad, when she was hurt, when she was alone, all she ever wanted wa ssomeone to hold her and just be there. She never got it, but she can now give it. Bundles her companion up in her lap, and just waits it out.
Plums so sorry, adamant it wasnt something Peach did, spends as long as shes allowed in the crook of this big womans neck being cuddled into a calmer state. They order take out and watch movies and just cosy up. Plum low key mad at herself, shes not allowed to cry about Peach's trauma, while that dope just sits there steady as a rock. She should have been the one to hold this woman while she had a little meltdown.
My want for smut was derailed by my own brain. It took one look at the situation and made it realistic and sad and difficult in comparison.
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lil doodle for feels.
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thegeminisage · 19 days
star trek update time! I AM BEHIND. tuesday we watched voy's "message in a bottle" and ds9's "who mourns for morn?" thursday we did ds9's "far beyond the stars" and last night we did voy's "hunters" and ds9's "one little ship."
message in a bottle (voy):
i know vaguely how voyager ends because i have an internet connection but im still like omg omg omg theyre MAKING CONTACT WITH EARTH omg omg
like the whole episode i was so sure something would happen and they would get close but make no progress bc thats been the name of the game so far but THEY DID IT!!!
the emh was great here too. it was fun to see him next to someone who is basically who he used to be. that said, i didn't love who they cast for the other emh...i think it would have been more fun if it had been another zimmerman look alike or. better yet, julian bashir. julian bashir in this episode would have made it PERFECT
seven of nine shocking that guy was amazing. everyone say thank you to seven of nine for finding the communications relay
i get where b'elanna is coming from w seven but like............b'elanna is easily the rudest person on this ship. and i dont hold that against her i know where she is coming from but its hard to see her go damn seven youre rude when she is always snapping at everyone lskdjfgh
that said: Girl Fight
anyway "60k lightyears feels a little closer today" i welled up fr. great job everyone
who mourns for morn? (ds9):
i think i owuld have liked this episode a lot better if it didn't come so close to the magnificent ferengi episode...it's like very typical quark shenanigans and even though he IS my best friend now i don't think this was his best episode. he spent this whole episode just like...trying to do shenanigans and get money which is fine but it's all v surface level stuff. season 3 esque, if you will. the other episode had way more substance to it
that said, i love morn as a like bit character and i love that we found out increasingly improbable and fantastic things about him - cat burglar is almost as good as secret prince
even better when he got back and quark was like DON'T SAY A WORD after we've been talking about how talkative he is all episode and we have not heard him utter a single word in six seasons. incredible
i also like the two aliens who talked really slowly. very fun on-screen presence.
odo giving quark shit in this episode was also pretty good. like he was doing absolutely nothing illegal and odo literally didn't have anything better to do than harass him. E QUARK!
far beyond the stars (ds9):
this episode.
it is such a shame that avery brooks never did anything major outside of ds9. like, a handful of made for tv movies and that's IT?? ik i keep saying this but the man should have been an a-lister. holy fuck. he is SO talented it's insane
i was kinda hoping this guy was sisko's ancestor - that somehow for some reason the prophets were torturing him with visions too? but the fourth wall thing was really good too. and it also freaked me out i love a good fourth wall break <3
outside of the plot of this episode being good, the acting from everybody was phenomenal, but again, ESPECIALLY avery brooks...why can't tng and voyager holodeck episodes be like this?? jesus christ. like this had almost nothing at all to do with ds9 and i still loved it
aside from that, what a treat to see everybody out oft he makeup. some people i recognized ONLY by their voices. we had to pause and rewind several times to focus on what they were actually saying because we were so shocked at how different they looked, and in odo's case, sounded!
anyway, 10/10 episodes. bonus points for the fake jadzia going "oh my gawd she's got a wooorm in her belly" and giggling in disgusted delight <3
hunters (voy):
NEWS FROM HOME THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!!!!!! i SAID everybody say THANK YOU to seven of nine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was so sure harry wasnt gonna get a letter i was shocked when it finally did come in
tom not getting his letter but knowing one was sent vs b'elanna having no one who loves her enough to send a letter but still learning all her friends are dead...i was glad she gave him a reality check but at the same time...they do kind of work. both of them left behind such shit situations that their lives actually IMPROVED once they got to the delta quadrant and that is Something. semi-reluctantly, i now get it
TUVOK'S A GRANDFATHER......................we've been speculating about his babies and potential grandbabies for 3.5 seasons and now we finally have some ANSWERS!!!!! this is obviously his first grandson but i would still love to know how old the rest of his kids are...i doubt theyre like Babies but young adults? older teens? no one tell me i want to find out on my own
thuh-rilled that janeway finally got dumped by mark. absolutely baffled as to why she and chakotay talked it over like that if they weren't gonna be endgame...when tf did they decide to get him with seven instead? like i don't object because then i don't have to pick between jc and j7 i guess but what the fuck?? it makes no sense. i'm not really Seeing jc7 in my mind palace yet but i'm trying
one little ship (ds9):
this one was so funny. spend an entire episode struck by the lighting bolt from mario kart
o'brien being like saauuur preoccupied with his size also...hilarious. he wanted to kill julian every time he made a pun. don't worry o'brien your wife will understand
that said, really good when julian talked him through those repairs. i think it's easy to forget how fucking smart o'brien is but julian literally did not forget. he solved problems.
"fry every cell in my tiny body" or whatever tf julian said. his tiny, tiny body
when worf was worried about his wife but she came to save him but she was 1cm tall
sisko delaying the repairs was really good...i feel like he meets a jem'hadar and the first thing he tries to do is make them feel a sense of personhood so they can get angry about the injustice of their situation. like, it shows that he has empathy but it's also an incredibly effective tactic - people like as respect sisko as a captain and as someone who fights fairly, honorably, and effectively in battle, so they all hold his opinion in high regard - and the sitch with the jem'hadar is SO skeevy that like of Course they are mad about it. so he can pretty easily manipulate them if he plays his cards right which is? fun and sexy
bonus for kira becoming hysterical at the idea of o'brien and the others becoming that tiny. i think this is when he started to get insecure
edit: i did forget to say initially i really hated the use of "alphas" in this episode. it was very bad and i did not enjoy it any time they said it.
TONIGHT: voy's "prey" and ds9's "honor among thieves."
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fandommemequeen · 9 months
my 2023.
yearly retrospective time LETZ GO!!!
last year i said 2022 sucked but uh,, 2023 was definitely worse :'o)
with the rise in queerphobic legistlation, school getting progressively harder to stay on track with, my dad dying, and just everything else that ive had to endure this year, its been difficult. but.. i somehow made it.
and you might be wondering how i got through everything. did i touch grass and magically everything was sunshine and rainbows? buy some overpriced self help book or online course that changed my life? No <3
i just,, did what i normally do. i played video games, talked with my friends, watched youtube, brainrotted over fandoms, listened to music, came up with cool outfits, somehow made it through skool, drew, wrote, cosplayed, roleplayed, made kandi and crafts, and just overall found ways to find joy in the small things, which goes a long way when youre trans in a world where your joy is an act of rebellion.
i also had some cool fandom moments this year! season 7 of siivagunner has been AWESOME, return to dream land deluxe was great even if it fricked with the lore a little, THE TOH FINALE WAS SO FRICKIN GOOD, marios madness may be my new fave fnf mod, NPMD THREW ME BACK INTO MY HATCHETFIELD FIXATION, i FINALLY got the kirby planet robobot soundtrack cd and the limited edition quiznos training game physical edition, i found ways to actually enjoy WDY again and leave behind itz toxic fandom, i got into pokepasta, tintn, gogos crazy bones, playtime with percy, inside job, tadc, i started listening to mal blum and against me and chonny jash, im currently being dragged into eggotama as we speak and im getting back into mpdsap,,
but the fandom that had the most impact for me this year was the june archive and restoration project. getting into TJA led me to discover bowlbys other works and get into one of the best fandoms ive ever been in, thanks in part to the june archive and restoration project fanserver. ive met so many cool people through that server, and getting to chat and VC with them has always been a blast. [yknow what? shoutout to all my friends that ive loved talking with all throughout 2023 yall are awesome]
back to life stuff for a moment here, i got to do a lotta cool stuff this year! i FINALLY homebrewed my 3ds [with a bit of help from jaco xd], GOT TO SEE THE HAUNTING OF NIGHT VALE LIVE, put together some awesome cosplays for gencon and halloween, im getting better at rhythm games, i got SECOND PLACE in my skoolz national cybersecurity codebreakers competition, i had an awesome bday, i went to go see barbie [my first movie in theaters since lockdown] and fnaf and both were AWESOME!! all of this despite everything thats happened in 2023!
and as for my creative projectz,, DIGIVERSE REBOOT EPISODE 3 FINALLY RELEASED BACK IN MAY!!!!!! holy frick i was SO PROUD of that,, in addition, ive been doing character reveals for gamerz epic megamix take, i created the doomed timelines awoken au, and ive strengthened my artstyle into what it is today while learning how to use my drawing tablet :3
in addition, getting into TJA and watching bowlbys animation legacy made me think about my past as a creator, and i started work on giving my old book ocs from my days in the TWOW fandom the care and attention they deserve, even if it means some slight redesigns or rewrites. speaking of TWOW, EWOW IS OUT AND IM GETTING BACK INTO TWOW AFTER YEARS!! feelz good to be back, and im hoping i can maybe properly host a minitwow at some point in 2024!
overall 2023 wasnt great, but i stayed silly and had fun despite it and i think thatz very swag of me!
now, every time i do one of these things, if i do an overconfident "bring it on" type message at the end i almost always end up regretting it, AND i am absolutely terrified about 2024 so i am not taking my chances!
so i leave u with this sentiment towards 2024 instead:
i gotta survive The Horrors anyway, might as well stay silly and do what i like while im doing it :3
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beachesgetpeaches · 1 year
Ok I just want to say that it feel so GOOD and SO RIGHT to be here and watching this fourth season of Succession as it unfolds. I just think this is a show you can't experience as well when stuff is out, I mean if someone wants to watch it next year they will likely know how Logan dies.
There will be no suspense of belief the way we felt it going into this episode blind. Because I felt it, I did not trust Tom... for a while I thought it was some crazy fucking mindgame, some whatever the fuck play, coming from idk who. We were all in fucking disbelief, we were all there with the siblings in that room just being absolutely shocked. Because surely they wouldnt do that, surely Logan Fucking Roy is not going to randomly die (technically off screen btw) in--what??--episode three of the fucking final season?
And even as you start to accept that yeah this may be it, you are also there with Roman who is like well maybe he is still alive. Technically, I knew that there is no chance they can turn that plane around on time and touch down for proper medical care... I still believed he might somehow by some fucking miracle live- maybe the plane wasnt that far out, maybe tom called just as it all happened so theres some (pun intended) room to breathe (lol, too soon?). No way in hell Logan Roy dies off screen, in an airplane not even mid-final-season?
You just can't live that outside of today. Because succession is so very well written, this episode is going down in gd history, it is pop culture already, one of the most iconic media (tv movie whatever) moments ever. I love this show.
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indigo474 · 7 months
full moon finally -24th -
James had me lift heavy thursday... tuesday too- my shoulders, back and chest- it's a good kind of hurt. I noticed right away my warm up sets were heavy. i thought maybe i was doing volume- nope- PR today. he said i could do it xyz way or i could do it the way he has it set up- my choice. the last time we had a similar conversation in regards to split squats, i did it MY way and it wasn't easy- there is no easy. so, i did it the way he wanted me to do it- 215x5x2... the best thing is- no pain. I have to get my ass out for a run.. or i get to get my ass out for a run..
I had to have a conversation with my Mom about what people eat.. i felt bad for not cooking but i would have needed a little bit more time to come up with something. I asked her like hey what DO you guys eat? She said spaghetti and meatballs- Madison and i looked at each other. Also, salad.. I can do that. We talked about Easter and what that would look like. She mentioned a burger on the grill- i could do that.
Madison and i had an argument abut how to make mashed potatoes. no need to follow a recipe. My tone. my tone. People only have a problem with my tone when they don't like what they are hearing- what i'm saying. X use to tell me about my tone- i've heard it in work- from 1 person and again i dont think it would have mattered how i said what i said- this person would have received it in a negative way because she was being shady and i was calling her out on it- it's something i have become very aware of. it is something i can change- what i cant change is how someone receives what i am saying.
I noticed the gnome i have in my living room was facing the wall. I asked Madison why she moved it-she said she didnt. she says she felt like someone was in the house on Thursday while she was upstairs in her room. she says she wasnt scared but felt she wasnt alone and she claims to not have moved the gnome- and life goes on and it's normal to think you are not alone and someone or something moved the gnome- i would have noticed Thursday morning if he was facing the wall. I havent noticed anything else moved.
we watched a movie last night- the nightmare before christmas- i remember it being on but not actually watching it.. I didnt care for it- the pumpkin king Jack Skelliton was/is an asshole who caused a lot of pain and destruction-selfish- I didnt care for the musical numbers and would have liked to see Sally and her love for JAck and that story line explored a bit more.
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ambalambs · 1 year
Nine People Tag
I was tagged by @riinoaheartilly! thank you! <33
Last song.
welcome home by coheed and cambria if you can believe it lol the song randomly got stuck in my head a couple days ago and i could not for the life of me remember what the song was. i finally found it today and its still good lol
Last movie.
Some movie on netflix called 65. it had dinosaurs and space ships in the trailer and looked like a fun time so i put it on one evening. surprisingly wasnt that bad
Currently watching.
I've been watching Buffy for the first time! and the old 90s trigun on the side
Currently reading.
i am still trying to get through the lightbringer series by brent weeks. i still have one more book after the one ive been working on forever. but i did kinda stray from it and started reading this collection of old 1800s era ghost stories. sometimes i just find myself missing the way old stuff is written. its refreshing
Currently craving.
mangos >_> 
Last thing I searched for writing drawing. 
i looked up references of people playing the violin cuz miko. always miko lol
Three ships.
oh geeze this is always a hard question for me. what are ships lol ummm i guess wol/graha, fenris/hawke, and any character i love/happiness
im not sure who to tag so anyone else who also wants to do this go for it!
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dogstarblues · 1 year
1. watched 3 twilight movies with friends. did not hydrate but oh well. if i could be a twilight vampire and never have to have an ibs flareup again? well.
2. watched my big fat greek wedding with roommate
3. made a breakthrough in therapy. can finally mentally call my ex awful for abusing me instead of maintaining "she wasnt that bad because she didnt mean to" and blaming myself for being traumatized LOL. like it was a real litany of "if i didnt try so hard to be loved, to be acknowldedged, if i had let go, i wouldnt be this harmed." but. well.
4. made roast chicken for roommate this morning
5. made myself lunch, ate leftovers for dinner and breakfast. i kinda feel sick now after eating a leftover but whatreyagonnado?
i feel like i talked too much today and wore people out but. im glad today was a relaxing movie day with 3 musty mormon trash unintentional comedies (the way pattinson plays edward is SO fucking funny to me, just unhinged behavior) and one intentional comedy. it was a good juxtaposition of absolute dysfunction with a romance of pure joy and kindness and embracing. i think i wanna take tomorrow morning for reflection and tomorrow night for my hair. tomorrow afternoon will be work + chat and ill do some crocheting and hopefully painting. i need to nourish myself somehow. i dont know what ill do for food tomorrow. maybe just some sauteed spinach and butter, scrampled egg with veg tzaziki and markouk again, pasta with tomato sage lemon sauce. or oatmeal.
i have Bella's Theme stuck in my head. dadadaaa da dada dada dada dada dada dada da daaa. soundtrack had no right being that good.
well! good night. sleep tight. dont let the bedbugs bite!
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bayuutober · 4 years
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Risetober day 10: family
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spicy-tomato · 3 years
Can i pls req dream being reader's sugar daddy :O - 🌼
sorry this took a hot sec ive been working on this one for a while cause i really liked the idea, so here you go :)) it ended up being like 2k words so im sorry
You had it all, anything you could want and more. Wanted to go to rome? Done, your plane leaves tomorrow. Dream absolutely spoiled you and you couldnt be more happy about it. It started off as a thing to help you with rent, but the longer you did it the more you enjoyed being able to get what you wanted when you wanted. Today was your weekly lunch with dream, you had both agreed that at least once a week he would take time off to get lunch with you, it made you smile to see him take time for you. As the tease you were, you decided to wear something a little revealing to tease him since he had cancelled your shopping trip with him the day before. You put on a low cut crop top and some shorts that show a little too much before fixing your hair. You hear you phone ding, getting a text from dream,
Daddy dream <3
Hey baby, i'm out front whenever youre ready to go
You smile and put your phone in your pocket before walking out to his car and getting in. you kiss his cheek quickly “hi daddy” you giggle and smile at him
“Hi sweetheart” he looks you up and down before smirking “like the outfit, all for me?” you giggle and nod before he starts to drive to the restaurant, one hand on your thigh. “Do you know what you want? You know the rule, anything you want no matter the price. And after that we can go shopping to make up for my cancelling yesterday.” you smile at him
“I know, and we dont have to dream, we can just hang out. Its been a while since we did that. Maybe we can go somewhere for you to make it up to me instead” he smiles and squeezes your thigh as he pulls into the parking lot of the restaurant.
“Anywhere you want baby, only the best for you.” you look down and blush, moving over to lean your head on his shoulder as he moves a hand to pet your hair. “Ill take you anywhere anytime and get you anything you want.” you cant lie, at times you had thought about being more than just his sugar baby, having a real romantic relationship, but he was always so busy that it made it seem almost impossible. Sure he took time out to be with you but it was never a lot unless you were traveling. He didnt tell you a lot about his job either, just knew that he had a large following and that he didnt want anything serious and put his partner in a bad situation, but damn if you havent thought about him coming home to you and calling you his.
“Baby? You okay? You zoned out.” he waves a hand in front of your face and you blink back to reality.
“Yeah, sorry i just got a little distracted. Lets go get some food!” you pull away from him and he gets out, walking around to open your door for you and holds a hand out to help you. “Thank you” you smile and take his hand as you step out, he closes the door behind you and puts an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side as you both walk up to get a table. You get seated immediately and he pulls your chair out for you. “Is there a single flaw with you?” you ask genuinely, he just laughs and shakes his head.
“Theres a bunch you dont know about me, sweetheart.” you roll your eyes as the waitress comes back with your mimosa and his water, asking for your orders. He orders for you and him before she walks off to put them in. He always knows what you want and orders it for you. It makes you smile that he likes to take care of you. You shake that thought away and go back to mindlessly talking with him, waiting on the food. It comes shortly and you both start to eat. “Where do you want to go? Japan? Italy? Oh we havent been to paris in a while, maybe there.”
“I think paris would be great, its always so pretty this time of year, maybe we can have dinner on the eiffel tower again!” your eyes light up at the thought of going back to paris. Last time you went was last spring, you both walked around and had the most wonderful time people watching and shopping. You take another bite and he looks like hes about to say something before he stops himself and looks down. “What is it? Is something wrong?” you look at him concerned, scared you messed something up.
“Its nothing darling, dont worry.” you both finish up lunch and he pays before helping you up and leading you back to the car. “I have something id like to ask you when we get to paris if thats okay, its nothing bad i promise its just something ive been meaning to ask for a while is all.” you nod as he opens the door for you and helps you in. “now, a pretty girl like you needs pretty new clothes for the trip, lets go get you some.” he smiles at you as he gets in, resting a hand back on your thigh as he starts the car, leading you both to the mall.
You spend hours in there going to different stores and trying things on, him getting you whatever you wanted without any hesitation. You walk back to the car with armfulls of bags and a couple new suitcases. “Thank you so much daddy, youre the best.” you kiss his cheek and he turns a little red.
“Its no problem baby, why dont you stay over tonight and we can leave in the morning to head to the airport. I can help you pack and we can watch a movie.” you smiles and nod, putting your bags in the back of the car and your new suitcases in the trunk.
“Id like that…” you think for a second about how nice it would be to wake up next to him every day and how nice it is to fall asleep next to him when it happens, even if when you did wake up after he wasnt next to you. The cold bed always made you remember that you would never be more than this, not that this was bad in the least its just sometimes you wish you could be more. He drives you both back to his apartment building and helps you out, grabbing most of your bags, only leaving you to grab the suitcases as you enter the building. He lived on the top floor in the penthouse, expected for how much money he had. You set your stuff down in his room, your new clothes already laid out nicely thanks to him. He walks up behind you and hugs you from behind.
“Youll look so good in all of those baby, gonna be the prettiest one in paris.” he kisses your neck softly before pulling away and taking your hand, leading you to sit on the part of the bed not covered by clothes. “Let me go run you a bath and you can pick out a movie.” you nod and he walks to the bathroom, leaving you alone on the bed. You turn on the tv and start scrolling through netflix looking for a movie, finally deciding as he walks back in and picks you up. You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck, moving your head to rest on his chest as he carries you to the bathroom. He sets you on the counter and takes your shirt off carefully, leaving kisses down your neck and chest and he moves down to take your shorts off. You lift yourself gently to help him take your shorts off. He takes them off quickly before nipping and kissing your inner thighs, ghosting over your core. You whine and try to move closer to him before he presses your hips down into the counter.
“Stay still baby, dont wanna have to punish you. Daddy just wants his desert.” you nod quickly and stay still, his head diving to softly kiss your clit, causing you to whine. He chuckles and starts to slowly eat you out, almost at a teasing pace. You whine and grip the counter, trying to keep from pulling his hair. He pulls away and smiles, “good girl, being so good and not pulling my hair. Just letting daddy eat you up.” after he says that his hands move down to your thighs open as he starts to eat you out like a man starved. You let out a loud moan and throw your head back, your hands moving to his hair and tugging closer. At this point he didnt care about you pulling his hair, to blissed out by hearing your sweet moans and tasting you. Your cries became louder as he dragged you closer to the edge. as you were almost there he stopped, causing a loud whine from you as he moves up to face you. He looked like heaven like this, face covered in your slick with eyes dark from lust.
“Now my good little girl, i want you to get off the counter and bend over for daddy.” you quickly move off the counter and do as your told. “Such a perfect little girl, i want you to watch as i make you feel good, got it? You look away and i stop,” he chuckles and grabs your neck after you nod. His hand moves from your neck to your hair to hold you in place, making eye contact with him through the mirror.
“Such a precious little pet for me, arent you?” you whine as he lines up with your entrance, teasing you, causing you to press your hips back against him. He smacks your ass roughly and pulls you against his chest by your hair. “Thats not very nice bun, its almost like you want me to leave you all worked up.’’ he smirks at you before pulling you roughly back against him, ripping a scream from your throat. He sets a brutal pace, leaving no time for you to adjust to him. He keeps the pace, your legs starting to shake as he brings you back to the edge of your orgasm before quickly throwing you over it. You let out a cry of his name, trails of tears starting to run from your eyes as he keeps going.
“Pretty little bunny, always so good and tight for me. Gonna breed you so good. Fuck you until i know it takes.” he tugs your hair roughly and starts to bite and suck at your neck, leaving marks in his wake. You whine and cry, moving your hands to tug at his hair. “So close princess, gonna fill you up so good.” he moves a hand to your clit to punctuate his statement, causing a louder cry to come from you as you tip over the edge once again. His hips start to stutter as he fills you up, riding out his high with shallow thrusts letting out a few more quiet moans before pulling out of you carefully. You whine and tug at his hair as he does so. He picks you up carefully as he pulls away.
“i figured we could take a bath and then cuddle before we pack and figure out what time we should leave for the airport.” you nod and he carries you carefully over to the tub, setting you down carefully in it before getting and sitting behind you. He starts to wash your hair as you slowly drift off to sleep. You wake up briefly as he lifts you from the tub and carries you to the bed. He moves the blankets back and sets you down gently before crawling in next to you , pulling the blankets back over you.
“Be my partner,” he says as you turn towards him
“Only if we can still go to paris” you giggle and he nods, kissing the top of your head before you both drift off.
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technowoah · 3 years
if you're taking asks for the prompts, can you do 11 and 17 from the angst list with george but have a fluffy ending? she/her pronouns pls
I Can Make It Right
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Thanks for the request babe! The way it came out was gender neutral i dont think I user she/her, but it still works trust me!
George x reader imagine (established)
11) "It's not important apparently"
17) "You already made me feel like shit so might as well finish me off"
⚠︎ angst with happy ending, unresolved issue but they're gonna fix it dont worry 😌, angry George, swearing
*** = flashback
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You had stood infront of your bathroom mirror finishing up your makeup for the night. Your hair was already done and you had a nice outfit on, not to fancy and not too comfortable. While listening to a playlist George had made for you, you had put down the brushes you were using. It didnt really matter if you cleaned up your makeup that was littered all over the sink right now, but right now you were feeling good.
Today was your and George's 3rd year anniversary and you couldn't be happier about it. Today you two were going to dinner and doing something else which was supposed to be a surprise for you. It was a night on the town.
George and you met 4 years ago actually. You two started out as acquaintances, the slowly grew into friends and then one day he asked you to join him to dinner. At first you were oblivious to his actions, thinking he was just being a good friend, but turns out the more dates you two went on the more you caught on. He officially asked you to be his girlfriend 3 years ago today.
His friends keep on pressuring George to propose already, they think it's been long enough. The only thing close to marriage is a promise ring. He put the ring on your finger as a promise that one day he would marry you, everytime you doubt that he will propose you turn your attention to the cute ring on your finger.
You had turned off the bedroom lights and sat on your bed finally relaxing after struggling to find a decent enough outfit for tonight. George said that he was going to pick you up around 6:00 and now it is 5:47 so you had some time to spare.
You had found yourself scrolling through tiktok because you had nothing else better to do at this moment. It was a guilty pleasure of yours even though you and george both joked around about hating tiktok.
Time began to tick away so you had checked the clock on your phone which said 5:57 pm. You had grabbed shoes that you set up against your bed, slipped them on and grabbed all of your belongings for the night. You stationed yourself in the living room waiting till George came to the door.
Nervousness always came up before a date, it was the anticipation actually. You were excited and nervous about the date as you always were, but today for you was special. It was three years worth of beautiful love. You remembered the time he first said I love you too, it was just like it was yesterday.
"Hey y/n." George looked towards you. You both were sitting on a plaid, plush blanket with a brown woven basket ontop in between you two. It was just like the movies and that why you cringed because of how cheesy it was when George led you to it.
It was sweet, it was extremely sweet and you loved these dates that George always brung you too. You always felt special when you are sitting next to him.
You responded to George. "Yeah Gogy?" You laughed at the use of his nickname.
"Im trying to be serious right now and you call me Gogy." George smiled and shook his head. "Anyways, you know I love you, right?"
"Of course I do-"
"No I love you. I mean. I'm in love with you." George reached to rest his hand ontop of yours and repeated himself. "I'm in live with you y/n."
You wasted no time answering. "Im in love with you too."
George didnt show up yet, but there was no sweat. He was only 3 minutes late, maybe he ran into traffick. Your stomach was rumbling, but you didnt want to eat yet since you two we're planning to go to dinner. Patience is key, and it wasnt like he wasn't late before.
You started to get worried, it's been 10 minutes and still no sign of your boyfriend. You had gotton up several times to check outside of your door only to be met with no one. Your mind was jumping to conclusions about if he forgot your anniversary, but you shut those thoughts out for the time being.
Okay this is getting out of hand. You brung out our phone and began to text George, you couldn't believe that you had waited this long before texting the man.
Where are you? Ive been waiting for 29 minutes?!
[Sent: 6:20pm]
George what are you doing?
[Sent: 6:20pm]
You awaited his text message with your phone faced up on the coffee table infront of you. You didn't want to believe that George woukd forget, or overslept, but that was becoming truth the more minutes passed by with no call or text.
Calling him was useless, because he didn't answer. He didn't hang up on you he just wasn't picking up the phone, like he turned it off. You started to get worried if something happened to him, if he was in a situation where he couldn't call or text you. You wondered if he was safe at home and not out in the middle of the street.
In a flash all your worries subsided when your phone lit up with a notification.
ThisIsNotGeorgeNotFound is live:
Im Playing golf with my friends
That son of a bitch. Pissed off was an understatement, you were fuming. How could he end up streaming at home when you had constantly reminded him about this day, he knew damn well about this day too. How could he?
You ended up grabbing a jacket and your purse and ended up driving to George's place. It seemed like he was mocking you in a way, he knew you had notifications on for Twitch. You loved to support him and his career, but this was making a fool out of yourself.
Your hand tightly gripped the steering wheel as you tried not to run every red light you cane across. You finally came across George's home, you found a place to park and quickly got out of your car and sped walked your way to George's residence. Finally making up to George's door you knocked harshly on the door probably making more noise than what you intended too. You continuously banged on his door until you got fed up.
Remembering that George had given you a key to his house you dig through your purse to get your set of keys out anr unlock his door. You stomped inside his house and closed the door behind you.
"GEORGE! GEORGE!" You yelled through the house. You were being reckless and annoying, but you didnt care at this point you were fuming and needed to tell George how you feel.
You had made your way to George's recording room where he was talking to his friends on discord. George looked towards you in shock clearly not hearing the sounds you were making throughout his house.
"Y/N?!" George yelled and muted his microphone.
"What the hell are you doing?" You exclaimed back.
"Im streaming thats what Im doing!" George sassed back at you, not paying attention to his screen and the chat.
"Dont get smart with me. End the stream."
"What?! No!"
"You heard me, we need to talk." You crossed your arms across your chest. Your heart was beating too fast for your liking and you tried to calm yourself down, but George's comments were getting to you.
George was about to unmute himself and get back to the game. "No we dont-"
"GEORGE END THE FUCKING STREAM! This is embarrassing! Talk to me cause you have some explaining to do." You snapped at him.
A silence tell upon you two and he glared at you before turning to his stream and closing it out.
"Okay guys! Go watch the other boys streams I need to go now! Bye!" George quickly ended and turned off everything.
He turned around to you still sitting in his chair. "What? What do you want?"
"Do you know what today is?" You asked.
"April 30th." George answered bluntly.
"Thats all you have to say?" You asked in shock. "It's our anniversary dickhead!"
"I fucking know that." George said.
"You do? So why did you start streaming and we had dinner plans?!"
"I told you we were streaming! You weren't listening to me!" George stood up from his chair when he said that.
"When the fuck did you tell me this?!"
"A couple days ago! You didn't listen!"
"But you knew that was our anniversary! And we made dinnerr plans-"
George yelled over you. "A month ago! We made those plans a month ago so excuse me for forgetting!"
"So all these other years you remembered our anniversary and went out of your fucking way to cancel other plans around that date, but today you didnt because why?!" Tears were threatening to fall down you cheeks, but you wouldnt let him see you like that.
"Because I planned this already with the boys! And AGAIN you werent listening to me when I said that-"
"There were several other times that you could've told me too! But you didn't!" You sniffed trying to keep the frustrated tears inside.
"I already planned this and I cant go back on my promise-"
"But you can with me?!" You yelled and George stopped talking. He's just studying your face at this point and you hated this silence.
"Its not important apparently." You said while walking out of the recording room.
"You're being a bitch." He mumbled.
"Excuse me?! That is so disrespectful!" You spun around yelled at him.
"You already made me feel like shit so might as well finish me off." George said in a annoying tone.
"Yeah you should feel like shit! I feel like shit too so-!" You threw your hands up in exasperation and stormed out the room. You had made it to the door before George called out to you again.
"Y/n! Y/n! Please!"
"No! Just..." You paused before opening the door and ushering your way out. "Call me when you get your shit together.
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You were currently curled up on your couch eating leftovers that you had in the refrigerator. That had satisfied your hunger for the night because the dinner was canceled that night. Your anger and sadness had subsided and you were only left with an unusual feeling in your heart. Your relationship felt incomplete, this fight felt incomplete. You didnt break up with him, but you were waiting for closure.
The TV was the only light in the room. It illuminated what it wanted to, you didnt care if it was too dark. Usually you would be cuddled up with George at this ungoldy hour, but you weren't and that made you tear up.
Your sadness was still there, your anger towards George turned into pity. You were sad about the actions he took, but somewhere in your heart you could forgive him. You could forgive and move on if he would come to you.
Speaking of, you had a knock on your door. You didn't have the strength to get up, but you did. Shuffling your way to the door you sluggishly opened it to find George standing there with his hands in his hoodie. The person you wanted to see, but at the same time you wanted to slam that door in his face.
"Hey." George spoke and you gave him a small smile, nothing more.
You turned around to find your seat back on the couch where you were comfortable, but also giving him a silent invitation to come inside. You had sat down on the couch not paying attention to George, but you knew he closed the door, took off his shoes by yours, and put his keys on the table by the door like he always did. It was like a routine to him.
George ended up awkwardly standing beside the couch as you ignored him.
"You know, if you didnt open the door I would've used my keys like you did." George tried to spark up a conversation, but you only hummed in response. You were scared that if you spoke, you would cry.
George ended up making his way to the couch sitting beside you and pulling you into his embrace. Your head was on his chest and you began to sob. You missed this it's only been a few hours, but you had felt that in those few hours you had lost everything. You continued to sob into his hoodie as he rubbed your back and shushed you, whispering sweet nothings into the air only for you to hear.
"Im here, and Im sorry. Im so fucking sorry that I did this to you and I only hope that you can forgive me." George said, his voice cracking a little when he said that. You kept crying.
That's what you wanted to hear all along, that's what you needed. You could forgive him in due time, you always will because you love him, you will always love him. You both can always make it right.
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