#i went on a walk today picking up trash to make my neighborhood look a little nicer
nattousan · 2 years
inside you there are two wolves:
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dc-marvel-life · 2 years
My Only Love
Anon ask: Can you write a fan fic about Jason x reader where they first met then slowly fall in love Maybe some fluff?
Pairing: Jason Todd x reader
Warnings: Two curse word 
Word Count: 1926
A/N: These are old requests that I found on my computer, so I thought about doing them again. It’s the start of me coming back. Y/N/N - Your nickname 
You are in Wayne Manor’s garden living your best life waiting on the love of your life to share some exciting news with him. You couldn’t imagine that you would be living this life many years ago; it was like it was yesterday. 
You just ran away from your abusive house and it was your first time on the streets just at the age of 12. You already lived in a rough part of the neighborhood, but now it will be a little more complicated because you didn’t have a roof over your head. You found an alleyway to spend your nights and during the days, you go to school and come back to beg for money. You never were able to get much money, but enough to let you eat one meal a day. 
After a month on the street, you got used to the lifestyle and make the most of it. There were other runway kids on the street which you would hang out with for company. You were making the most out of the situation that you were dealt with. 
One night you were out late because it was getting colder outside and you needed more blankets. You were going through some trash to find some old blankets then you heard a man come behind you.
“Hey little girl, I saw that you got some money today,” the strange man said then pulls out a gun, “give me the money,” he says pointing the gun at you. You were too scared to move, you have seen guns before but this time it is pointed right at you. Then out of nowhere a young boy comes with a crowbar and hits the man with the gun in the arm. The man drops the gun and the boy picks it up.
“Leave the girl alone or I’ll shoot you,” The boy says and the man runs away.
“You need to be more careful out here at night,” The boy says.
“I know but it’s getting too cold and I don’t have enough blankets to sleep outside, but thank you. My name is Y/N” you say.
“Nice to meet you Y/N, my name is Jason. Do you live on the streets?” Jason asks.
“Yes I do, I had to get out of a bad situation,” you say and Jason looks sad. He tells you to follow him and you do without thinking because, for some reason, you trust him. He takes you a few blocks down to a house. He tells you to wait outside and you do. After a couple of minutes, he comes out with about three blankets.
“Here you go so you don’t get too cold at night. I would let you stay at my place, but my place isn’t any good” Jason says while giving you the blankets. You gladly take the blankets and go out to your alley to have a warm night's sleep. Every day since your first night meeting, Jason comes to see you. He would bring you different things every time. Sometimes he brings food, money, or just small talk. After a few months, you guys become close friends and he would make sure no one will mess if you. 
You knew that Jason got money from stealing or petty crimes, but it didn’t matter to you because you knew why he was stealing. Every night you were worried because something bad could happen, you never know in Gotham. Then one day, he just stop showing up to see you. At first, you just thought he was just busy and had something else to do. After a couple of days of him not showing up, you decided that you were going out to look for him. You went out during the night because it was the only time you had because of school. You went to the house that he took you to the first time you met him. You knock on the door and no one answers. It was weird because you can see the light on and hear movement inside, but you guess that he just didn’t want to see you. 
You start to walk back to your alley, then you feel like someone is watching you. You put your head down and walk faster, but you hit your head on a pole and fall down. You hear someone coming down from the building in front of you.
“Are you okay?” Jason says and you look at him to see him in a robin outfit.
“Why are you in a robin outfit, Jason?” you say ignoring that you just ran into a pole and he seems shocked.
“How do you know it is me?” Jason says then wraps his hands around your waist. He takes out a grappling hook and you both go up to the top of the buildings. Once you are at the top, he takes off his mask.
“Of course I know it was you, you are my best friend,” you say and Jason gives you a hug. He then explains to you what happened to him over the past few days. You promise to keep it a secret from anyone. After that day, Jason started to see you every day again in your alley. It was the best part of your day. After a while, Bruce was getting suspicious when Jason kept leaving every day so he followed him to you. Bruce felt sorry for you, so he gave you home with them. At first, you didn’t know if you should go with him, but then Jason looked at you and said that everything is going to be okay. Once Jason said that you accepted Bruce’s offer 
Jason was so happy that you accepted Bruce’s offer because he knows that you are safe now and doesn’t have to worry that much. Over time Jason and you got closer by doing almost everything together. Bruce, Alfred, and Dick would always watch you guys and place bets when you will get together. 
Over the years, you and Jason started to grow up together and you started to get feelings for him. You have never told him because you are afraid that he is going to say no. Little did you know at the time, Jason was having the same feelings for you. None of you acted on those feeling but they just kept on growing. 
After a while, you knew that you loved Jason and you wanted to tell him how you feel. He was about to leave on a mission, and you stopped him.
“I need to tell you something important Jason before you leave,” you say to him.
“I also need to tell you something important too. I want to do it right so can we talk once I get back” Jason says with his amazing smile. You nod your head and he heads out for the night. You go to your room and wait for him to come back. A few hours later you hear a knock on your door. You think it is  Jason so you jump up and run to the door only to see Bruce. He was still in his bat suit without the mask on. It looked like he was crying for days and there was blood all over him. 
Bruce didn’t need to say anything. You need what happened and cried into his arms. You cried yourself to sleep every night for a week knowing that Jason wasn’t coming back. It hurt even more since you never got the chance to tell him that you love him. 
Years later you graduate high school and college. You have your own place in Gotham and work for Wayne Enterprise. Life is going in the right direction for you, you even started to date. It was something new for you because you never got over Jason and that was holding you back. You got on dating apps and forced yourself out there. 
You were able to get a match within the first day and got a date for the weekend. He took you to eat at a restaurant and the date was not good. The man just didn’t pique your interest at all as Jason did. You finish your dinner and he walks your home, then you guys get robbed. Your date sees the thugs and runs away. You sigh and watch your date run away like a coward, then turn back to the thugs. You lived with Bruce Wayne most of your life, of course, you know how to defend yourself. Just when you were about to fight them, a man with a red hood comes out of nowhere and kicks their asses. 
“Your date is a bitch” the man in the red hood said. It was weird because you felt like you knew the voice.
“I know he is. That’s why this was the only date we will ever go on” you say and laugh.
“Let me walk you home so I know that you are safe,” the man says and you say yes. You haven’t trusted someone this fast since Jason when you were younger. You allow the man in the red hood to walk you home and into your place. You get in and grab your favorite blanket that Jason gave you all those years ago. 
“You still have that blanket huh, Y/N/N,” the man says to you. You look back in confusion because only one man knows that you have these blankets.
“Jason?!” you question the man with the red hood. Next thing you know, the man takes off the red hood to reveal a much older Jason. 
“I can’t believe it’s you!? I went to your funeral! This can’t be real” you say backing up from Jason, but he comes closer to you.
“It really is me Y/N,” Jason says and hugs you. You welcome the embrace because it feels like home. Jason sits you down and explains to you want to happen to him over the years. He said that after he got full control back, he needed to see you. You felt so bad for what he had to go through for all those years but so happy that he is back in your life. 
Since he got back into your life, you guys have barely spent any time apart. He stays at your place and even comes to work with you when he gets bored. All of those old feelings started to come back for Jason like when you were a teenager. You decided to tell him after all these years how you felt/feel about him. He felt the same thing way about you, and you guys start to date. After a bit, he proposes to you and says yes.
Now in the present day, you are in the Wayne manor’s garden waiting for Jason to come back with the rest of the bat-family. When they come back, they are all laughing and having a good time. Jason sees you and comes over to you.
“What are you doing here this late,” Jason says kissing you.
“I have important news for you,” you say smiling.
“What is it?” Jason asks and you smile while handing over a small box. Jason looks confused at first but opens the box to see a positive pregnancy test. Jason jumps up and down screaming that he is going to be a father. He goes around with the pregnancy test showing everyone he is going to be a father. 
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pbandjesse · 7 months
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My allergies are kicking off and I am exhausted. I had wanted to participate in house projects with James this evening but instead I have just been. Stuck here on the couch. Firstly I was freezing. Then I was just. So tired. Ugh. I will try to go to bed earlier tonight.
I didn't even sleep poorly. I would get woken up a few times. James pulled a lot of our blankets over themselves away from me. And I was cold. But it was fine. I was not thrilled about waking up but I was fine. I laid with James for a few extra minutes. But I would get up and things would be okay.
I asked James to make the bed with the. Blanket turned side ways so that we would have more length across both of us. And I hope that that works.
I would get dressed and felt okay. I really loved how my hair looked last night but of course it wasnt the same when I woke up. I sort of got it to a place I liked but I was still struggling today. I don't know what's up with me but I'm trying to be kinder to myself.
I left here earlier then I thought I would. I got a good hug from James before I left. And I got to see the pretty pink trees outside our house. Our tree hasn't bloomed yet and I'm curious what kind of tree it is. There seems to be a few of the pinks and them the rest may be the same kind but I do not know what kind they are. It will be fun to see how the neighborhood looks in different seasons.
I had a really nice drive to camp. No traffic at all. I listened to an album I loved when I was 12. And was just in a good mood.
I stuck to my morning plan and went to sweep top bar. Which took about a half hour. I flipped some mattresses and tried to make it look nice. And then I went to the office to go have my breakfast.
I would watch a TikTok that made me cry. About a girl and her dad having a really powerful connection over one specific song and he just passed away and it was just. A lot. I did not want to be teary when other people came in so I had to pull myself together.
Sarah would come in a little after 9. She had her own breakfast and we would start attacking our list of chores for the open house.
While Sarah would go work on cleaning the fort, I would design some table signs and then laminate then. The laminator did not work amazing but I ran all my signs through it twice. And headed out into the world.
I went over to the pioneers first and cleaned up the fire pit area. Moved the grill back in place. Fold red d the blue tarp. Picked up trash. It looks better. I also fixed a part of the fence and I think it looks good.
I would go and set up tables in the lodge. And clean the bathrooms. I was getting a lot done.
I started cleaning the signs outside. But I am short and could only reach half way. Which looked very funny. I got a lot of the green stuff off of the bottom halves though. And we would go with the gator later and I would stand on the back and we were able to reach two of the 4 signs.
I would go find Sarah in the fort. She was finishing up sweeping. I would help sweep the bathroom and we would finish up pretty easy.
We drove the gator to the Alaskans. I worked on the bathrooms while she swept. We had an excellent divide and conquer system and we got so much accomplished.
I would go over to tipis and picked up some stuff and tried to make it look nice. And since we were going to have our lunch break next anyway I texted Sarah I would meet her at the office. And I went for a little walk.
I walked down to the Glen to see if any of the frog eggs looked like anything yet. But nope. Still just dots. I'll keep checking. I want to see the tadpoles in there.
I continued the walk and went through and found some mushrooms and things and it was great. Just a really lovely walk.
I would have my lunch and me and Sarah both agreed we were so tired. So we took a long break before we would do anything else.
While I had my little break I would eat and watch videos. I did some research about cabinet colors to match with our pink wall. It was nice.
We would go back out and finished our last tasks. Used the gator as a ladder and cleaned the signs. We finished moving some beds. And I was proud of us for all of the hard work. We had lots of laughs driving around on the gator. It was a beautiful day. And even if I am feeling really self conscious I was still having a lot of fun.
We decided to go visit the horses. I hadn't met the new horse. And he is so sweet. We walked through the very muddy field and said hello to everyone. Have lots of pets and cuddles. And when we got to the bottom of the hill we saw a school bus pull up. And it was Aubrey! And she climbed the fence and starts walking and we're just standing there waving. And she finally noticed us and we were all laughing. We would tease eachother and walked up to her house together. She's a good kid.
We would head back to the office and checked in with Alexi about everything we accomplished. And it was nice that she was really happy with us and that made me feel nice. There was some stuff we couldn't do. Like putting the tent back together at homestead. But we did so much and I'm very proud of us.
Heather would ask me to design a job flyer. We need ropes specialists and apparently we are struggling to find them. I had fun making it and Heather would go in and change some of the copy which was fine with me, mine was mostly a place holder. We did laugh really hard when we realized that I wrote "flaying squirrel" instead of "flying squirrel" oops. Flaying a squirrel would be a good camp skill though probably.
I finished that up and when Heather said she was happy with it I was like. Okay! I'm going home! I will see you all on Sunday!
And I headed right home. It was a pretty good drive back, some traffic. Some people driving stupid. But I got home at 430 and got a pretty good parking spot.
When I got inside James wasn't home yet. I would bring the mail in. I closing s random Amazon package of pens? That neither of us ordered?? Very weird.
I went to put away some stuff. And found a jewelery box on the kitchen island with a necklace from James. That was originally supposed to be a Christmas gift but had gotten lost. But they found it and I was so happy. It's so sparkly.
I would go upstairs to take some photos of my possible outfits for Uganda. Which I'm still pretty unsure about but I'm getting clearer I think. And waited for James to come home.
When they got home they would play one round of their football video game. And then jumped right into tasks. I was kind of falling apart though. I got cuddled up on the couch and told James about the day. And they made me dumplings for dinner.
They would work on hanging the art I laid out some the shelf in the living room. And they got a lot of that done before the drill died and needed to be charged.
They would jump into painting the stairwell. And I would just be a little potato on the couch. But James said it was fine and just asked for my input when they needed it.
Now they are finishing up the hanging of pieces in the living room and it looks great. I'm so excited for how everything is coming together.
Now though I think I want to get a shower and get ready to sleep. Tomorrow I am hoping to go to thrift stores and possibly get the wood to build my skinny bookshelf. But we will see how the day unfolds. I just hope I can feel peaceful.
I have been feeling kind of stressed because I feel pulled in so many directions. Like I'm finally feeling better and so now it feels like everyone wants me to be doing everything and I just cannot. I need to be alone and I don't want to hurt my more extroverted friend's feelings. But man. I am tired inside. Walking around alone at camp today helped a lot. And I hope tomorrow helps too.
Sleep well everyone. I love you all. Goodnight
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rozzy02 · 11 months
Beginnings part one
Summery: Jennie Blake goes to a pool party with her friends, and they wind up mixed up in something they don't fully understand.
Words: 1372
A/N: I have about 6k words written but am splitting it up to just start getting the baseline intro out, There are four main characters; Jennie, Vera, Billie, and Klove. Jennie is the pov character for the intro bit. I'll come back and edit to fix somethings some time, but idk fr fr.
It’s a bright sunny Saturday morning as 15 year old Jenien Blake, or Jennie, as she prefers to be called, wakes up. Today is not just any ordinary Saturday, it is the last Saturday before Jennie and her friends start their Sophomore year of highschool. Jennie always liked school more than Summer break, she missed Commonwealth high. Not the schoolwork itself, that was always tedious, but her friends. Today was a rarity, Jennie and a few of her friends had been invited to a back to school pool party at her friend Dylan's “country club”, if you could call it that. The Madison country club was little more than a pool with a decent sized park around it. Jennie always thought a proper country club ought to have a golf course and fancy restaurant. The Maddison only had an overpriced snack bar.
Nevertheless, Jennie was excited, she loved to swim and many of her favorite friends would be there. Dylan had even promised to cover Jennie’s entry so she could save the $5 entry cost for a soda or something, but she would probably hold on to it for some time. She went to the bathroom to get her hair in a braided bun, she liked having her hair up, felt like armor. She always saw in those movies that the smart girl let her hair down and looked super pretty and Jennie liked to be left alone. Wanted to be liked for things other than her long strawberry blonde hair. 
She was quiet as she went onto the balcony to put on her sunscreen, she was pale and didn’t tan, simply burnt. She put a generous amount on her shoulders then sprayed her arms and legs and made sure to rub it in. She wished she’d timed shaving her legs better, they were prickles now and she would’ve liked it if they were smooth. She saved her face for last, going back to the bathroom to make sure she didn’t miss any spots or leave any large blotches. She’d have to ask Klove to get her back when she met up with her. 
It was almost nine am when Jennie put on her swimsuit cover ready to make the walk to Klove’s house across the railroad tracks. Jennie stopped by her mom’s room and knocked on the cracked door. Her mom liked to leave it cracked so their cat could come and go, but she also slept naked so Jennie closed her eyes as she went in.
“Hey mom? I’m headed out. I'll keep you updated when I get to Klove’s, then the pool, then when I head on  my way back tonight. Dylan’s dad is going to barbeque us some burgers so I’ll eat there. Love you” Jennie said softly, trying to shake her mom awake gently. She got a grunt of approval and went ahead and texted her mom to tell her the same thing, knowing she was still asleep. With her pepper spray handy Jennie headed out the apartment, bag slung on her back. It was her school bookbag, a Jansport her brother picked out with a donut print, her dad bought it for her before her 6th grade year. 
She walked through the neighborhood by her old middle school, Stonewall Jackson middle school. She always was uncomfortable that it was named after a dude who really liked slavery, considering half the student population was black. She remembers how Klove would joke that it was subliminally meant to keep the black kids in line, but really would make them respect the school less. Jennie walked past the school and grimaced at the sheer amount of trash the students would leave around, she passed several people walking their dogs or heading out for brunch. She got up to the big crossing where there was a Walgreens, and an old empty CVS they ran out of business, a bank, and a small strip of shitty walk in food places. Jennie hadn’t tried them herself, but she heard the Papa John’s was crawling with ants inside. 
As the light turned on indicating it was safe to cross Jennie jogged across. She went under the railroad tracks into the other side of town. The houses were just as big, but looked like they needed some love as her Nana put it. There was a big laundry mat by the food lion Jennie wishes was closer to her house. Being a little white girl she dealt with plenty of catcalling but ignored it knowing she’d be left alone because most of the guys here were black and they both knew how cops were. So she ignored them and they didn’t follow her. Jennie made it to Kloves house, a duplex that used to be a standalone colonial house. She checked her phone, nine-thirty, she was fifteen minutes early but that’s how she liked it. Jennie knocked on the door and heard Klove call her in. Klove’s place was cozy, small but homely, the walls were covered in family pictures or trophies from Klove’s parents or Klove and her older brother. He was much older, ten years older, and Jennie doesn’t know much about him.
“Heya dollface! You want something to eat? We got cereal?” Klove said hopping off the couch and heading for Jennie.
“Oh no, I’m alright. I had a small breakfast already.” Jennie lied, she knew she only had coffee but she wasn’t hungry and didn’t want to look bloated when they got there.
“Alright. I know better than to push you,” Klove said with a worried glint in her eye “oh Pops offered us a ride, I said yes because y’know it’d far as fuck”
“Language princess” Klove’s father said coming downstairs “Hey Jennie, next time have Klove get me to come pick you up it’s a long walk from your place isn’t it?” he said ruffling his daughter's untamed bed head. She stuck out her tongue at him and nodded in agreement.
“Oh, it’s alright Mr. Tannerson I don’t mind the walk, but I’ll ask Klove next time” Jennie replied trying to be polite. She was still just standing there waiting for Klove, who was drinking the milk from her cereal bowl.
“Alright, Jennie, I’m gonna go change into my suit then we can go! Dylan said we could be there by 10 right?” Klove asked. Jennie nodded in the affirmative. Klove was very hyper and quite rebellious, but she was always sensitive to the fact Jennie hated being late. Jennie appreciated it, she got sick of other people complaining about Jennie wanting to be on time to engagements. 
“Y’know, you’ve been a good influence of her” Mr. Tannerson said once he knew Klove was out of earshot. Jennie smiled, not knowing what to say. “I mean it, kiddo, I think she’s gonna do even better in school this year since you two are so much closer” It was true to be fair. Jennie would get frustrated with Klove, but wouldn’t push her away. On the contrary, Jennie helped Klove with her homework quite often, never doing it for her, always just explaining how it all works. Klove had begun to do better in classes as a result of Jennie’s persistence.
“Alrighty, old man, let’s get to the pool!” Klove said, jumping down the stairs. Mr. Tannerson downed the rest of his coffee and got up to grab his keys. Jennie glanced at her phone nine-forty-six, they’d get there at an acceptable time. Klove raced to the car and opened the door for Jennie, she was sweet like that. It was how Klove would say ‘I love and appreciate you’, doing stuff like this. Jennie hopped into the back of the car and Klove hopped into the seat next to her. 
“Ah, so I'm the chauffeur for you lovely ladies, am i?” Mr. Tannerson said, chuckling. Klove rolled her eyes, as Jennie buckled in. Since they got a ride, they made it right after ten. Jennie texted Dylan when they got there and he met them outside.
“Bye thank you!” the girls said in unison as Mr. Tannerson drove off, blowing a kiss to his daughter, laughing as her cheeks got red and she blew another raspberry at him.
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veenixdreamjournal · 2 years
Took a break from this, was kinda tiring-
Well, at least I bring thee a clusterfuck today. First dream had something to do with Code Lyoko. Can't remember much but I was constructing a scene. I was sorta inside it and could manipulate everything. I distinctly remember putting the main characters on a bridge that was inside Lyoko somehow, way too detailed of a place for any virtual world from that show, looked more like a factory. It was also an older version of my bedroom/living room. Quite the odd configuration.
I was still inside the scene but was drawing it instead. It was just a drawing while still being there. I was conceptualizing a comic and redesigns while I noticed a sort of waiting line for an event that was based around being stuck in a single place for a day. You were assigned a leader who could move the place you were stuck in a partner that just was there with you. You could exit the area for a short while but you'd lose HP. We just chilled like that for a while but then the leader decided we should take a bath. We weren't ready of course and didn't bring clothes so we just chilled there in our underwear thinking about getting back inside disgusting sweaty clothes after a bath. But we came up with a plan! Detach our legs and make a dog robot that could bring us extra clothes out of them. Genius if I say so myself. No, really, that was actually a good idea because our legs were made out of blocks that could be detached withs some help. Took us an entire day somehow and even though the challenge was technically over we still persisted. My mom even took a peek inside the bathroom to wave at us and I scared the hell out of her with a detached leg. We decided to be friends after that as both of us never had one. It makes me kinda sad because the partner was one of the only people who interacted with me positively at my middle school irl. I don't think the dream ever actually finished, I just remember us wondering how the hell we were gonna pilot this thing.
The next dream had nothing to do with the previous one. I was visiting my non existed aunt in the US. We were in her van trash talking american roads. Yes. That was the dream. At least the first half because we also went on a walk around the neighborhood and spotted a pupper and barked at him. He ran up to us and wouldn't go away so I stopped and gave him some pets. We had to go unfortunately and we didn't want him sticking around so he wouldn't get lost. Aunt grabbed him and YEEEEETED him in the right direction and he LANDED MAJESTICALLY WHAT A GOOD BOI and happily obliged. I'm not even sure what breed he was but he was smol, brown and supper fluffy with curly fur.
This last dream actually happened before all the other ones but I only remembered it just now. I was in a classroom. We were messing with some guy I think? He then decided to turn literally toxic and touched us, infecting us with parasites. They could be washed off before then entered our bodies so everyone rushed to the public showers. I somehow got in as another person was exiting. They were men's showers and I found some funny facial hair stuff. The pictures on it reminded me of Mumbo Jumbo's stache. I hurried but never really properly showered because taking clothes off took me very long and the lock was broken so people were just barging in with me half naked. One of these people was a doctor who stayed around and gave me checkup. Yeah I don't get it either.
I also had a few short dreams in between all those. You could call them interludes. One where a man had to pick a kid who made the best meal to go with him and the rest would die. There was an entire table where the kids didn't even try and came with nothing. It was kinda sad. Two of them managed to escape when nobody was looking but it was winter so they probably died anyway.
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What the meow? | Eddsworld
Hola everyone :) how are y'all today? Anyway for all y'all eddsworld simp's there will be description below this note
Key words: y/n - your name; c/f/c - cats fur colour
ew Tom x neko!reader
Basically the reader can turn in to a cat :)
Warnings: a bit of angst but overall fluff
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(not my gif)
---y/n's pov---
Ahh the great city air, it could be a little... unsettling, but you get used to it after a while, and it reminds me of home... Of family, family i had so little time to experience, but i guess time is valuable.
As i sat on top of the coke factory, looking at the beautiful lights of the city, my c/f/c fur flowing through the wind, i suddenly heard a mouse, or mice? "oh shoot i think it heard us!" One mouse said, "well crap balloon-ears now it's gonna have the determination to kill us even more!" The other mouse cursed at the first one, "shut it boys, I'm not planing to kill you." I said turning towards where i heard the two mice
"oh so you're vegan?" One of the mice said walking out of its hiding place, it seemed to have brown fur with white spots, "I'm not vegan, you just don't seem appetising to me." I said, "what's yo name kitty?" The other mouse walked out of its hiding place, it seemed to be like his brother but the colours were switched, "yours first." I said turning towards them, "the names are Juan and Hans, I'm Juan, the smart one, and that's Hans, the second smart one." The first mouse, Juan, said, "Hey we're equally smart!" Hans said pushing his brother, "anyway what's your name kitty?" Juan asked, "the names y/n." I said, "nice to meet you Ms. Y/n, anyway my brother and i will be on our way, we hope to see you in the near future." Hans said as he started running in a different direction, his brother following soon after, i sighed and went down the building myself.
I walked down a very peaceful neighborhood, and decided to mess with the residence, i went towards a house that seemed the most appealing to me and started scratching on they're door, soon enough a man with a green hoodie and dark brown hair opened the door, "aw, look at you, you're so cute, you must be cold, c'mere." He said picking me up, "hey guys!" He yelled closing the front door with me still in his hands, but holding me more... comfortably, "god edd, what have I told you about picking up stray cat's from the street, it's gonna trash the house all over again, just like the stray you picked up like, a WEEK ago!" A person yelled walking in to the room we were in, and he seemed like an... interesting being, he had light brown spikey hair, a blue hoodie and black eyes, or no eyes?
Another person walked in to the room, he seemed to be holding a mirror and looking at himself with admiration, god i wish I had that kind of confidence, anyway he had a purple hoodie with a green overcoat and ginger hair
"why is everyone yelling here- OH LOOK A CUTE CAT!" He yelled running towards me and picking me up from the warm green hoodie person, which was probably named edd that i heard from the no-eyed person, the ginger haired person spinner me around making me more and more dizzy by the second
"Matt stop you're making the cat dizzy!" Edd said as he stopped the ginger, or let's say matt, from spinning me and the dizziness slowly faded away, "anyway, I'm going to take the cat to Ringo, so that they can maybe be friends." Edd said taking me away from Matt and setting me down next to a cat that i assumed was named Ringo, "It's late guys maybe we sould go to bed." The no-eyed person said, "yeah I'm gonna go off to bed." Edd said, "ah yes, i need my beauty sleep." Matt said heading off to his room I'm guessing, as Edd and the no-eyed person followed him, they turned off the living room and hallway lights as they left the room
"hello new friend!" A squeaky voice called out, "what's your name? Mines Ringo, oh i hope you can stay! It's kind of lonely being the only cat here." Ringo said walking around me in circles, "oh well, the names y/n." I said, "so how long are you planing to stay here?" Ringo asked, "well untill those three get sick of me i guess." I said, "aw, they won't get sick of you! well as long as you don't turn the whole house around hehe!" Ringo giggled, "well then, i guess I'm staying here s bit longer than expected " I said, "what do you mean expected? Did you have a past home?" Ringo asked, "well it's kind of a long story-" "oh please please PLEASE tell me! I really want to know, and maybe i can show you all the cool tricks around here!" Ringo said, "well umm, i have this cool thing i can do, and every time my past owners saw it, they emidiatly kicked me out, or before i could show them they would just get sick of me and throw me out on the streets, some of them had reasons to kick me out, like money problems, children problems and all that, but most of them jus throw me out for no reason, honestly by now I'm just begging for someone to let me inside they're home so that i can sleep somewhere nice and cozy, but most of the time i sleep on the cold street's." I said, "wow, that's sad, I'm sorry." Ringo said, "it's not your fault, anyway let's change the topic to something more fun." I said
"well you mentioned a power, could you show me it!" Ringo said getting exited, i looked left and right to see if someone or something was watching, but luckily there wasn't, "okay but do you promise not to tell anyone." I said leaning closer towards Ringo, "paw promise!" Ringo said
I sighed focusing on the calm sound's from the outside, and just like that, i turned in to my human form, my clothes were lightly torn, but probably fixable, i looked down at Ringo to see their mouth hung open and start to move making slight noises, oh yeah I forgot i couldn't understand animals in my human form, i could in my half cat half human form, which basically meant that my human form would add my cat tail and ears, but it was too much energy to waste, i would be out of energy for the next hour and who knows what could happen
I again focused on the calm noises from the outside and turned back to my cat form, i could now understand what Ringo was saying, or let's say i could now hear him speak words but i couldn't understand him from the speed of his words, "yeah it's cool to turn in to a human but then I won't be able to understand animals, unless i wanted to be a human with cat ears and a cat tail but the other humans would freak out." I said
"that's a super cool trick! Okay in the morning I'm going to show you around! But right now im really tired, the first thing I'm going to show you is where i sleep, follow me." Ringo said walking towards the hallway, i followed them and they lead me to a door that had tons of drawings on it, "this is where i sleep, which is where my owner Edd also sleeps!" Ringo said, "well since i probably can't sleep there I'm just going to go to the living room and find a spot, goodnight Ringo." I said and turned to walk to the living room, "goodnight y/n see you in the morning!" Ringo said and walked to Edd's room
I entered the living room and walked towards the couch, jumping on it and laying down on a pillow and slowly entering dream land
I slowly woke up to someone petting me and talking to someone else, "i can't believe this cat didn't trash anything, not a single scratch i can see." Someone sad still petting me, and i started to purr, "see, i told you the cat wasn't bad, maybe we sould give it a name!" Someone else said, "yeah what do you think, i mean by looking at them." The person that was petting me said, picking me up, fully awaking me, "hmm how about Edd junior!" Edd said, "nah, what about Matt junior!" Matt said, "guys can we just give them a normal name, Oh! How about y/n!" The no-eyed person said, i meowed happily when he mentioned my name, "looks like they're happy, so y/n it is." Edd said chuckling
The no-eyed person that was holding me put me down on the floor and started talking about random stuff to Edd and Matt
"His name is Tom." I jumped at the sudden voice, "what?" I asked, "that person that was holding you, his name is Tom, just thought you might want to know his name, since he's your new owner." Ringo said, "wait what?! Owner!" I yelled and started to walk away from the three boys, Ringo following, "yup! I mean he gave you a name." Ringo said, "but y/n is my real name!" I said, "well he doesn't know that." Ringo said, whatever, you said you were gonna show me around." I said, "oh yeah follow me! There are so many things i want to show you!" Ringo said happily and they started running, i ran after them, "hey slow down!" I yelled
---time skip---
It was now night time, i sat on the window looking out at the stars, "well I'm gonna go to sleep guys." Edd said, "yeah me too." Tom and Matt said at the same time, they got off the couch and turned off the TV, "night guys." Tom said, "night." Edd and Matt said, Edd was the one to turn off all the lights before going to bed himself, "well I'm also gonna go sleep since I'm tired, but if you want me to stay i could." Ringo said, "no you can go sleep if you're tired, I'm just gonna continue looking at the stars for a while more, then I'm gonna go to sleep." I said, "alright then, goodnight y/n." "Night Ringo." Ringo quickly left the room and entered Edd's room
I sighed against the window, after some time they were probably gonna kick me out like everyone else, and I'm going to have to live on those cold street's again, at least i could find a warm outworn sweater to keep warm or something similar
I shook my head and decided it was probably time for me to go to bed too
I lied down on the couch pillow and tried to fall asleep but i couldn't stop repeating the words Ringo said to me this morning, He's your owner now, i sighed in anoyence as i stood up from the couch and walked down the hallway towards Tom's room, his door was thankfully slightly open, so i shoved my head through the crack and walked in his room, i saw his bed and jumped on it seeing him on his side slowly breathing, did he fall asleep that fast? I asked myself, i just shimmed my way under his arm and quickly fell asleep
---time skip---
I've been at the Edd's house residence for over two weeks now, Ringo and i have gotten pretty close and so did Tom and i, and i even started to have feelings for Tom, not like feelings that he was a friend, but a lover type feeling
Often times i would go somewhere to hide so that i could have a breather in my human form, and every time i was in my human form i would have those ripped clothes and honestly it was starting to get kind of irritating, i mean i couldn't just walk towards a clothes store and get clothes, even if i did i would maybe get carried away and buy a couple more pairs, leaving Edd, Matt or Tom to eventually find it, so i sticked to my old clothing
"hey guys wanna go to the movies today." Edd asked randomly as Tom Matt and him were sitting on the couch watching god knows what on the TV, "i mean sure we haven't been to a movie theater, or seen a movie since like forever." Tom said, "yeah it would be great!" Matt said, okay so tonight we're gonna go to the movies, be prepared at eight because i am not planning to wait any longer than that." Edd said sitting up from the couch and walking towards his room, i looked at the clock on the wall, that was roughly an hour away, "ohhhh we can have the house all to ourselves!" Ringo cooed, "yeah i could turn in to a human and give you cat nip from the top shelf or something." I said turning towards them, "oh yes please- oh wait Matt said we don't have catnip anymore." Ringo said a bit disappointed, "oh well, hey why don't you go to Edd's room and think of what we can do." I said, "great idea! I'll be back!" Ringo said, jumping down from the window we were sitting on and running towards Edd's room, so sweet yet so naive, "pst! Kitty!" I heard a whisper, i looked down to see
Juan and Hans? "What do you want you two?" I asked jumping down from my spot and leaning toward the hole they were in, "we heard your friend talking about not having catnip, they seemed pretty bummed, but i can give you the good's, just as long as it comes with the right cost." Juan said making a money motion with his hands, "okay what do you want for a box of catnip?" I asked looking around too see if anyone was near, and luckily Tom and Matt already left to go change, "how about a slice of cheese, each." Hans said, "fine." I said, "okay meet us at your backyard at about fifteen minutes." Juan said, "okay, but you better be there in fifteen minutes with that box of catnip or I'm ripping your heads off." I said, "okay okay, jeez." Hans said and turned around running out of the hole as Juan followed, i looked around and quickly went towards the kitchen, luckily there was a block of cheese already displayed on the cutting board with a knife next to it, since i have no thumbs in my cat form i could quickly turn in to a human and cut it, it may be risky, but it'll be worth it!
I looked around the room one more time before sighing and quickly turning in to my human form, i grabbed the knife and cut two slices of cheese, "hey guys have you seen my tie?" I heard Matt yell walking towards the living room, i panicked and quickly turned in to my cat form, i sat down on the floor looking at Matt inocently as he walked right by the kitchen, i exhaled and looked at the clock, I've been cutting cheese for thirteen minutes?!?! I quickly grab the two slices of cheese and ran towards the backyard, seeing the two mice in the corner hiding with a box of catnip, "a deal is a deal." I said putting down two slices of cheese the two mouse brothers took they're assigned slice, i took the box of catnip and walked inside, pushing it under the couch for later
"alright guys i better see you walking towards my car in five minutes you hear me!" Edd yelled as he walked out of the front door, Tom following suit, "hey Ringo i got something for you." I said, "what is it?" They asked, i went under the couch and pulled out a new box of catnip, "YOU GOT ME CATNIP!!!!" Ringo yelled all exited as they jumped at the box and started eating the catnip, "okay just don't eat all of it please, you're gonna want to save some for later." I said, "now I'm just gonna go change clothes." I said as i walked towards Tom's room, seeing Matt walk past me towards the front door
I entered Tom's room and closed the door, turning into my human form, seeing my old ripped worn out clothes i cringed
I walked towards his closet and picked up his hoodie and a pair of knee high shorts, i quickly put it on as i looked at myself in his mirror proudly
The door suddenly slammed oped, "now where did i put my wallet-." Tom stopped in the middle of his sentence as he looked at me with wide eyes
He suddenly started to scream, i looked left and right and heard footsteps fastly approaching, in a rush i quickly turned back in to my cat form as Edd and Matt burst in it the room, "what's happening!" Edd yelled, looking around, but he just saw Tom on the floor and me sitting inocently on the floor, "why did you scream Tom?!" Matt yelled in a panic, he looked at me, and then Edd, and then Matt, and continued to shift gazes, no words coming out, "whatever, let's just go I'm not going to miss this movie because of nothing." Edd said grabbing Tom by the arm and started dragging him, he continued to stare at me with a horrified look in his face.
"well crap."
---time skip---
It was now night time, all three of the boys were in bed, including Ringo, i was just left staring out the window, Tom probably forgot what happened today, right? I asked myself
I just shook my head and went to Tom's room without a second thought, i saw him sitting on his bed, seemingly waiting for me
I jumped up to his bed and sat down in front of him, "y-you can turn in to a human." Tom whispered as to not scare me as his face turned red, "I've been sleeping in the same bed with another person in a different form all this time." Tom said
I sighed and slowly shifted in to my human form, Tom looked at me shocked, and i hugged him, "I'm sorry please don't kick me out." I said tears threatening to fall from the corners of my eye's, "who said i was going to kick you out." Tom said, "yes you might be a shape shifting cat thingamabob, but this is still your home, i know my reaction was kind of weird, okay let me rephrase that, my reaction was loud, but that still doesn't change the fact that this is your home, and it'll stay that way." Tom said, tears were falling down my cheeks like a waterfall, "but wait why did you react like this, i mean if i was in your place i would probably be freaked out for the next like weeks!" I whispered quietly, "it's because, well i kind of have my own power." He said, "wait what?" I asked, pulling away a little to look at him, "yeah i kind of have like a monster form, but instead of me controlling it when it's out and when it's not, it gets controlled by strong kind of negative emotions?" He said, well more like asked, "woah, you can turn in to a monster." I whispered with amazement in my eyes, "well yes, but it causes a lot of kayos." He said chuckling awkwardly, "okay can we just go to bed because i am really tired." Tom said, "sure, I'm just gonna turn in to my cat form, give me a second." I said and quickly turned in to my cat form, he smiled down at me and lied down on his bed, i lied down next to him as he hugged me and quickly fell asleep
Let's just say from then on things got a lot easier in the household, and Tom and Y/n got the love story they both deserved :)
God this one took longer than expected-
Anyway hope y'all enjoyed, since it is night time i will be checking this fanfic in the morning for any grammatical errors
For now i hope you all have a great day/ afternoon/ night
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a kiss from the moon | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: All these years, all these summers, Jeon Jungkook has loved you. His problem? You have no idea. Mostly because he has always said it far too platonically and thrown up in your lap after saying it. Drunk. Fuck. Oh, yeah, and you're also Park Jimin's best friend since preschool. Shit.
warnings: language; alcohol consumption; pining; JK gets distracted by (your) tits during his quest, typical; non-idol!BTS - purple-haired!Jungkook x sleepy af, noona!reader, ft Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung radiating big soulmate energy; childhood friends-to-lovers
yes, it's JK from the 'Butter' beach photos
“I love you!”
You lifted your head out of the mountain of pillows, groggy and hazy, squinting at the moonlight filtering through the floating curtains. The night breeze was warm, drifting in softly with the low hum of cicadas. But what was that other sound? That other sound was familiar, wasn’t it?
You heard your name being shouted, followed by, “Wake up!”
You made a face and stumbled out of the bed, sticking your head out of your bedroom window, your own hair flying back and smacking you in the face.
“Yah! Jeon Jungkook, are you trying to wake up the whole damn neighborhood?!”
“Get down here!”
You put on your best disgruntled expression and peered down at the form on your front lawn, shoving your own hair aside.
“What are you going on about?” you muttered, seeing Jeon Jungkook looking up at you, puffing his cheeks, long wet purple hair fading to gray because of the chlorine from swimming all night at that party Park Jimin had invited you to earlier today, to which you had responded, no thanks, I’m going to sleep all day, I worked three double shifts in a row and I have zero desire to be flung into your family’s swimming pool at this time, but I will acknowledge that your offer is very generous, and then promptly passing out for a good – you glanced at your phone with the pink bunny case Jungkook had given you two summers ago – ten hours and it was still not enough for you to comprehend why your best friend’s best friend was standing on your front lawn yelling at your parents’ house that you were watching for a month while they were in Italy getting drunk on far too expensive wine and eating cheese they probably couldn’t pronounce.
Jungkook was shirtless, clad only in orange swim shorts and sandals like a fucking hooligan. He was clutching a plastic red Solo cup and he threw it at the house, yelling your name again.
“Oh my fucking God, don’t litter, you idiot!” you bellowed back, throwing yourself away from the windowsill and crawling on the floor to your bedroom door like the evolution of mankind, making it from all fours to two legs by the time you got to the stairs – good thing too, you might have broken your neck if you were still disoriented – and you dragged yourself downstairs, yanking your white slip dress straight. Not your choice of pajamas. Your mom’s, who told you to be more ladylike, whatever the fuck that meant, and who also informed you in the same breath that it was your only choice of pajamas since they donated all your clothes from high school.
You go to university and your parents yeet all evidence that they had a child and go vacationing.
Good for them.
You wrenched your front door open and shoved your feet into your dad’s giant brown sandals and clapped your way over to the pink-faced, mildly drunk, shirtless man in swimming trunks on your front lawn.
“It’s two in the morning. Why are you standing here drunk and professing your love like some kind of deranged Romeo?” you sighed, rubbing your eyes. “Why aren’t you at Jimin’s?” You spied the red Solo cup and picked it up, whipping your head back to Jeon Jungkook.
He was staring at you with his mouth open.
He didn’t say anything for a good ten seconds.
“Alright, fine, let me call my loser of a best friend and tell him to pick up his loser of a best friend, so I can go back to sleep,” you muttered, about to turn around.
Jungkook seemed to sputter back to life. “Wait, um, noona–”
“He speaks! He’s not dead.”
“A… Ah… Um…”
You squinted at him and reached up to knock the side of his head. “Hello? Anyone in there?”
Jungkook blurted out, “I love you.”
His breath smelled a lot like alcohol.
“Yeah, I got that. You also said that when I got you through your Chemistry and World History exams. Both times. You also say that to like, what, six of your guy friends? Don’t get me started on the amount of times you’ve said it and thrown up in my lap right after. Don’t do that this time,” you added sternly, prodding at his chest. “I’ve got one set of pajamas because my mom forgets that human beings change clothes, so throw up on the grass.”
“Uh… that’s pajamas…?”
“Lady pajamas,” you grumbled sarcastically, lifting the lid and chucking the crumpled Solo cup into your parents’ trash can. “Since I’m not lady enough apparently according to my mom, even though I’m ninety-nine percent sure giant band t-shirts are completely unisex but, whatever, it’s just a dress, not a big deal.”
You looked at Jungkook, who looked back at you, who put your hands up and gestured him to say something, who in response rose his hands and flapped them in confusion, giving you absolutely zero helpful communication. The movement reminded you he had gotten his right arm and hand tattooed in the last couple years, the black ink standing out against tan skin. You hadn’t seen him too many times during your university years, too busy completing research papers and staying late nights in laboratories, only to now end up working on hospital software and sitting on your ass all day. Life, eh? These past three days were spent on working through bugs for the next software update and you had maybe lost all social skills as you attempted to unravel lines of code that you stared at for forty-eight out of the past seventy-two hours.
“Do you need a cookie? A shower? The Bible?” you offered, waving your hands. “Maybe tell me why you’re here, yes?”
He was staring and you realized you were slightly bent over in your gesture, your breasts firmly pressed into the cups of the slip dress. You straightened and Jungkook’s wide dark brown eyes went back to your face.
“I… I didn’t realize you had come back, noona.”
You raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking about? I told Jimin last week. He said he was hanging out with you and Taehyung. I figured he’d just tell you guys then.”
Jungkook shook his head quickly, gray-purple hair flying about. He pointed to the left, where Jimin’s house was several blocks over. “He only mentioned it just now, when he was throwing up in the bathroom from doing eight shots in a row because Taehyungie dared him.”
“…. Maybe he needs the Bible…” you muttered, shaking your head.
Then the realization hit you.
“Did you walk here from Jimin’s and straight up abandon the party?”
Jungkook tilted his head and thought about it. “Yeah.”
You looked around to find the camera and see if you were being pranked, but there was no camera because this life wasn’t purely for entertainment, right? Nah, this wasn’t The Matrix.
“Hah, well, what’s wrong? Are you upset I didn’t go to the party or something? I had three double-shifts this week, I wasn’t going to be any fun passed out before actually drinking–”
“Yoongi-hyung was passed out before drinking.”
“In some ways, I swear that guy and I are the same person,” you laughed, shaking your head. “Anyway, I’m sorry I didn’t go and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I really banked on Jimin not being an airhead, but once again he is, so maybe I should reconsider him as my best friend…”
“Noona, I…”
You looked up from your mental consideration of Park Jimin’s pros and cons, the first pro being he punched that ex of yours that cheated on you with some Tinder hookup and that was already enough to stop contemplating, so you blinked at Jungkook curiously, looking into wide brown eyes, long strands of ash-purple floating around his handsome face from the night breeze, brushing against his parted lips, highlighting the mole underneath them, placed perfectly in the center like a kiss from the moon itself.
“Can I take a shower and sleep it off here?”
You tilted your head. “Yeah, sure. You can borrow my dad’s clothes. You should call Jimin though. You don’t want him to panic that he lost you.”
“Y… Yeah, okay…”
Jeon Jungkook really thought he could say it this time.
Collected all his courage and ran, ran as fast as he could, couldn’t believe Jimin had neglected to say she was coming home over the summer for more than a day, days without her reminding Jungkook that he was a coward for not saying it when he could have, having lost his most important person in the world because he was too afraid of telling Park Jimin that he was in love with his best friend.
He remembered that smile wearing nothing but a large t-shirt, sitting on Jimin’s bedroom floor, crushing all of them at UNO and cackling as Jimin blew up for ending up in last place for the third time in a row, yelling that the game was rigged, and Jungkook remembered thinking, I should tell her tonight.
And he didn’t.
He remembered her saying to Taehyung that she just wasn’t into girly things. They were having this argument over pizza and Taehyung was waving his around saying she should at least try a dress on every once in a while, never know, might actually like it, and her rolling her eyes as she shot back that she didn’t have to do anything just because it was stereotypical for her gender. Taehyung told her to stop using big words and waved his hands, accidentally flinging his pizza slice into her lap, and Jungkook remembered thinking, I should tell her after we clean up.
And he didn’t.
He remembered seeing her prepare to leave for university once again, holding a small package from the internet and handing it to her, a small but practical belated birthday gift, both of them surprised when she opened it, not the matte black phone case he had ordered, but somehow mixed up with a pink bunny phone case that had no business being owned by someone who didn’t like girly things.
“Oh, shit, I’m so sorry, I didn’t order this–”
And she laughed, shaking her head. “That’s okay, I gotta go, thanks anyway, Jungkook!”
The years went by and every year Jungkook told himself, this is the one, and every year he just couldn’t say it.
He thought he could say it now, drunk and furious at Jimin for not preparing him for this moment, but on his way here Jungkook figured that perhaps this was preferred, that maybe it was better that he couldn’t sit around nervously overthinking what to say.
But, of course, the problem was…
He had already said it in a platonic way.
He really fucked himself throughout the years.
Jungkook sighed, now wearing borrowed clothes, holding the note of her handwriting as he rubbed his hair with the towel.
I washed your shorts and they’re hang-drying now. You can sleep in the guest room. I left a glass of water and some hangover meds. If you need anything, I’ll be asleep but you can attempt to wake the dead if you want.
He walked down the hall, towel around his shoulders. Her bedroom door was open. He stood outside the entrance, sighing, seeing her sleeping form and her bedside table, her phone sitting on the charger.
His breath caught in his throat as he recognized that pink bunny phone case.
“Where’s Jungkook?”
“Probably at her parents’ place, confessing his love,” Kim Taehyung snickered, picking up the beer bottles left behind next to the pool.
“Hah, of course he would leave without cleaning up,” Park Jimin grumbled, pushing the recycling bin along as Taehyung tossed each bottle inside.
“You think he’s gonna tell her?”
“He didn’t even tell me,” Jimin muttered, shoving used napkins into the bag hanging off the side of the recycling bin that he was going to toss into the trash later. “I had to find out from you. I think he’s hopeless. Why does he like her anyway? She’s fun to be around, yeah, she’s good at school, yeah, knows a lot of random facts, yeah, if you get into philosophy with her like Namjoon-hyung does, you begin to question humanity and reality, yeah, but other than that…”
“You hitting on your best friend, dude?”
“I mean, she’s kinda hot, she wouldn’t say no to me.”
Taehyung snorted.
Jimin smacked him in the ass with the recycling bin.
“Anyway, he’s probably just standing in her bedroom creepily watching her sleeping.”
Jungkook stared down at her sleeping form.
He looked up, looking out the window into the late, late night. He was tired, and yet he couldn’t sleep, too busy wondering.
I don’t deserve her if I’m not brave enough to say it.
You squinted at the large form in your bedroom.
“Why are you just staring moodily out the window?” you mumbled, rubbing your eyes. “Is something wrong? Are you hungry? I can make you a snack…”
“Noona, do you know what the worst feeling in the world is?” he asked softly, still looking out into the warm night.
You grunted and scrunched up your face. “Stepping on a Lego?”
You heard Jungkook laugh and you smiled a little despite your groggy state, hearing a little bit of his old self, the younger Jungkook hanging out with you, Jimin, and, later, Taehyung, the four of you getting up to no good. Somehow, in the past few years, he had gotten quieter and quieter, at least around you, but then again you only came home to visit for a day or two before going back to university.
“Have you ever been in love, noona?”
“Yeah, with the red bean popsicles they used to sell at the ice cream trucks, but then they stopped, those assholes, I’ve never been so heartbroken in my life,” you grumbled, remembering the day where the ice cream man told you they were sold out and your young teenage heart shattering.
“I love you, you know.”
Was this a fever dream? Why did he keep repeating himself? You looked over to his back, still looking outside onto the street, the street where you all used to run and laugh every summer, pretending you were surviving in the wild and not in the middle of a suburban neighborhood, sitting around sipping lemonade and complaining about the heat even though you all could have gone inside, lighting sparklers at night and seeing whose would last the longest even though such a thing was only based on chance anyway.
“Is that the worst thing you’ve ever heard?” he added quietly.
“The worst thing I’ve ever heard was accidentally hearing Jimin jacking off. Twice.”
Jungkook finally turned around, giving you a disgusted look. “What?”
You placed a hand on your face and sighed heavily, trying not to remember. “For some reason he thinks the bathroom isn’t echoey or something, like, at least do it in the shower, so the water masks the sound…” You chuckled, shaking your head. “Anyway, I would much rather hear you say you have love for me than listening to Jimin getting off.”
“I don’t have love for you.”
You raised your hand from your face and shifted your gaze to him, half-smile lingering on your lips from remembering Jimin’s carelessness. You made eye contact the second the words left his mouth, those brown eyes shrouded in shadows, but still so clear, a little helpless, a little sad.
“I’m in love with you,” Jungkook whispered softly.
Your eyes widened.
A soft breeze swept through the window, lifting the purple-gray strands from Jungkook’s face, revealing his lost, desolate expression.
The cicadas hummed.
A car alarm honked loudly, screeching through the night.
Both you and Jungkook jerked to face the window. You bolted out of bed and you both threw your hands onto the edge of the window, yanking it shut, wincing at the loud noise.
“Ah, jeez… what the hell…?” you groaned, slumping to the ground.
“What’s with people…?” Jungkook muttered, falling to the floor beside you, yanking the towel off his shoulders.
“Fuck, I pressed the wrong button!”
“Taehyung, what the hell, turn it off!”
“I was just trying to put the tangerines your parents gave me in my car!”
“I don’t care what you were doing, turn it off!”
“Anyway, sorry, you were saying something important and you got interrupted by some dumbass,” you sighed, nudging Jungkook with your shoulder.
“Uh… well, that was it…”
You blinked at him, tilting your head. “What, that you’re in love with me?”
“Y… Yeah?”
You blinked some more.
“Not the, want to go to the arcade and see who can get the highest score in PAC-MAN or go watch shitty action movies and rate the unrealistic plot lines or dare each other to eat whatever expired delicacy is in Taehyung’s fridge, kind of love?”
Jungkook made a repulsed face. “I regret eating that tofu. Don’t think I can ever look at uncooked tofu without gagging a little now…”
You leaned over and caught his eye.
“Do you mean the… want to date and get married and make babies, kind of love?”
His lips parted and the moonlight lit the small mole placed perfectly underneath his lower lip.
A delicate kiss from the moon itself.
Then you realized he was staring at your tits.
You yanked the neckline up a little and Jungkook started, looking back up at you with wide eyes.
“Sorry, I’m just not used to you in a dress, sorry, I’m being really rude–”
“It assures me that you’re at least interested in the making babies part,” you chuckled.
His ears turned red and he reached up to cover them, trying not to look down. “S… Sorry…”
He chewed on his lip, messing with his earrings with his fingertips. “Um… yeah, that kind of love. The latter kind.”
You lowered your hand. “You’re not messing with me, right? I swear, if this is one of Taehyung’s elaborate ideas to mess with me, I’m going to ki–”
Jungkook shook his head quickly, purple hair flying about. “I’m not joking around. I wanted to tell you for a long, long time, but…” His eyes darted about, panicking a little, before looking back to you helplessly. “You’re Jimin’s best friend, besides Taehyung, and what if… what if you thought I was gross or something and then I don’t think I could hang out with you guys anymore, but then you went to that prestigious university far away and I thought, I’m so stupid, I should have said something, anything, but every time I could even think about it, I didn’t know what to say, nothing seemed right…”
He let out a big sigh and tapped his head against the windowsill, closing his eyes.
“Also, I said it before and threw up in your lap right after, so that kinda fucked me up.”
“Can’t say I was really feeling the romance, yeah.”
He groaned and covered his face with his hands.
“I’d date you though. For real.”
Jungkook removed his hands and blinked at you. “What?”
You chuckled. “Why are you acting so surprised? I’m not going to date Jimin, blergh, I’ve known that guy since I was in preschool. I’m not dating Taehyung, I’m pretty sure he’s on a different brainwave than other human beings.”
You smiled at him and turned around to pick up your phone, holding it up.
“I don’t like girly things or cute things very much, but I kept your gift because it was from you and, funnily enough, I think it made me realize that I was rejecting femininity because society puts such a negative connotation on things young women like and because my friends growing up were primarily male, thus I wanted to seem cool or relatable so I rejected stereotypically feminine concepts…”
“… What?”
Now it was a confused what.
“Uh, never mind,” you laughed awkwardly, putting your phone back on your nightstand. “Anyway, Jungkook, you made me realize things about myself, and I love being around you, but I thought a handsome guy like you would want to date a pretty girl, and I’m not really that.”
Jungkook furrowed his brows. “What are you talking about? You’re the prettiest girl in the world. No one could ever be prettier than you.”
You felt your neck heat. “Yo, don’t inflate my ego when it’s not the truth,” you chuckled sheepishly, waving a hand. “You’ve been drinking anyway. Alcohol makes everyone prettier.”
“It’s the truth.”
Was he drunk or were you drunk? Why was Jeon Jungkook getting closer?
“Would you really date me?”
You stared into those chocolate eyes and smiled.
“Yes, I would.”
And you leaned forward and kissed him.
His eyes widened, staring at you and you closed your eyes, pressing your lips to his, inhaling his scent, memories of hot summers and mirthful laughter filling your head, standing beside Jungkook and kicking Jimin and Taehyung’s ass at table tennis even though Jungkook was doing most of the work, finishing a movie together after Jimin and Taehyung had passed out on the couch on top of each other and talking excitedly about it until you both fall asleep, getting lamb skewers after Jimin and Taehyung went off to eat ramen in a huff, unable to agree on the same meal as a foursome, but it was fine, no, better than fine, perfect even.
Because you were with Jungkook.
You broke the kiss and opened your eyes, smiling at him.
He blinked slowly, looking down at you.
His hand raised, fingers spreading out longingly. You quickly reached up and pushed it back down.
“Jungkook, I swear, I do want to touch you in a less than holy way, but maybe not when you’re wearing my dad’s clothes, including his underwear, because that’s really fucking weird.”
Jungkook looked down at the brown t-shirt and beige shorts. “Oh. Yeah. Right.”
“You know, come to think of it, I feel like Taehyung has slowly stolen Jimin from me over the years, so maybe this was fated…” you mumbled, remembering at the moments you had shared with Jungkook were because your other two friends had abandoned you.
“I feel you, sometimes I feel like a third wheel…”
“I’m so sleepy.”
“I’ll tuck you in first, but I’m going to get us some water so we don’t die tomorrow morning.”
“Ugh, Jimin, bring another pillow please.”
“Hah, fine, but you’re buying breakfast tomorrow…”
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Not a Coincidence
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A/n: so this is for the first snow collab and im absolutely obsessed with fluffy in love minho so please enjoy!
Tag List: @woodiegochile @mini-meanhoe @leggomylino  @hanstagrams @desertofdessert​ @hoes4hoseok​ @jeonqqin​ @geminirules​ @crscendoforsung​ @mrsunshine999​ @jisungsjheekies​ @hannie-squirrel00​ @cotccotc​ @kodzu-ken​ @konenichi​ @yangs-jeongin​ @binniebutter​ @orangegyu​ @skzwriternet​​
Warnings: Minho being a tease (that's it)
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary:  There's a common saying that whoever you connect eyes with during the first snow, you are destined to spend forever with.
Minho has always had a crush on you and has made no attempt ot hide it. You’ve always just brushed it off as your friend’s flirty personality, but maybe a certain act from the boy changes your mind and an old saying about fate pushes you two together. 
Genre: fluff, romance, friends to lovers au, confession au, winter themed au, first snow collab
There was absolutely nothing to do today. It was cold and somewhat dismal afternoon. On a day like this one, you thought only one thing was best and there was only one place you wanted to spend it. The movies. There was nothing like spending a chilly day in a theater with good popcorn and great films. 
A crisp and chilling breeze blew through your hair as you walked down the street. The warm welcoming lights of the marquee were within sight, simply a block away. They shone like a beacon through the gray overhanging clouds that made the afternoon seem rather dismal. Your heart beat faster in your chest, joy filling your body and replacing the cold. 
Pulling your phone from your pocket you panned up to the marquee and held up a peace sign. The device clicked as it took the photo and you smiled looking down at the image. Puffs of warm air left your lips as it met the cold winter weather around you. Moving up to the windowed box, you purchased a ticket for a random romantic comedy. 
After getting your popcorn and a soda, you entered the theater only to find it completely empty. Shrugging, you found your seat and scrolled through social media while waiting for the previews to play and lights to go down. You pulled up the picture you took earlier and put a filter on it before posting with the caption:
‘There is no place like the movies’
Not a second after the post was sent to your feed, the phone in your hand buzzed with a notification. ‘@iknowleeknow has liked your photo’. There was no helping the laugh that bubbled up in your chest. One of the great mysteries of the world would be how Minho always seemed to know when you posted. Without fail he was always the first one to like your photos.
Now that you thought about it Minho was the first to a lot of things. He was always the first to congratulate you when you got a promotion. He was always the first person you called whenever you wanted a dinner date you could count on. He was the first to take care of you when you were sick and he always was the first to wish you happy birthday even if it meant him staying up until midnight. 
While the thought had often crossed your mind of Minho being something more than a close friend, you knew that Minho couldn’t possibly see you as anything but that. Sighing, you tossed a kernel of popcorn in the air, catching it in your mouth.
The lights in the theater began to dim and your eyes trained on the screen watching the trailers begin to play. Sitting in the dark, you felt at home watching images move across the large silver screen. Fifteen minutes of movie advertisements had passed and now you sat completely in the dark, waiting for the film to begin. There was always this feeling of excitement. Sitting completely alone in the theater, no light in the room, just waiting for something exciting to happen. 
The shuffling of footsteps brought you out of your trance. Turning you saw a man about your age coming down the aisle. Paying him no mind, you turned back as the screen lit up with the opening credits.
“Y/n? What a coincidence!”
You turned at the sound of your name. The flashing lights from the film illuminated the face of the man sitting a few seats away from you. Shadows sloped  across his handsome face, but you would recognize him anywhere. “Minho? What are you doing here?” You whispered, despite the theater being empty save the two of you. Your friend shrugged and moved to the seat beside you. 
“I just felt like seeing a movie.”
“Minho, this theater is on the opposite side of town from JYP.”
“I was in the neighborhood.”
Before you could say something more Minho reached over and put a piece of popcorn in your open mouth. “Shhhh. The movie is starting.” Following his finger, you saw the screen lit up with the faces of two actors who had been quite popular lately. 
Chewing on the salty snack, you recalled the way the pads of your friend’s fingers delicately brushed your lips. Praying the dark hid the color rushing to you cheeks you cleared your throat before reaching for the soda and bringing the straw to your lips. For the next forty-five seconds you attempted to concentrate on anything that was happening in the movie, but your whole entire body was focused on the man next to you.
“Soda?” Minho turned at your voice, before giving you a nod. 
Holding the cup by the lid, you lifted it over your lap and towards the singer. You jumped feeling his hand over yours. Instead of taking the vessel from you, he instead let his fingers brush and hold over your as he brought the straw to his lips. A chill went down your spine and you did your best to hide the way your stomach flipped in excitement. 
For the remainder of the movie, which was by far the longest two hours of your life, you struggled to keep your nerves under control. Occasionally your arm would brush against his, or Minho would lean over to make a joke, his lips brushing you ear. 
If you hadn’t known better, you would think Minho was doing this on purpose just to get a rise out of you. But you did know better. Minho flirted with everyone. He even flirted with his best friend, Jisung. He knew how to press your buttons and enjoyed seeing you flustered. 
“That was a shitty movie.” Minho groaned as you both stood up from your seats. He stretched, leaning sideways before bending down and picking up the your trash. You smiled watching him throw the bucket and cup away for you. 
He returned and picked up both your coats before walking down the row with you. “What do you mean? It wasn’t that bad!” Minho laughed, holding the theater door open for you. “It wasn’t great, but it was a good romance.” 
Your friend scoffed and helped you put on your coat. He slid your arms into the sleeves with care and pulled the fabric tighter around your body. “Please. That guy was terrible. Worst lead ever.” Minho pulled on his jacket, hand finding the small of your back as the two of you ventured back outside, leaving the warmth of the movie theater. 
“He was not that bad.” 
Minho stopped completely, just before the end of the awning. Knowing he was not going to move again until he proved his point you squared off with the man. The look of disbelief clear on his face. 
“The man did not even know how to kiss! It was so sloppy! I can only imagine it was like making out with the love child of an anteater and Jabba the Hutt. There is no way you can call that a real kiss.”
“An anteater, Min?”
He shrugged, “Yeah. Way too much tongue action.” 
Minho smiled seeing you laugh and look around before meeting his eyes again. “Oh- and your an expert?”
“Self proclaimed.”
“The worst kind.”
“Says you.” Minho smirked and messed with the collar of your coat. “My knowledge is extensive and mindblowing for your information.” You nodded, lips pursed together trying to hide a smile. “Should I prove it?” 
His brow rose, almost begging for you to challenge him. Not waiting to see what you would say, Minho pulled you into his chest. He leaned down and brought his lips to yours. Despite the cold wind, your entire body felt warm. You felt his thumb brush over your cheek  and the other press against your back holding you against him. The kiss dragged over your lips, making your knees beg to give out. Minho grinned feeling your hands slide under his coat and hold onto his waist.
Pulling away he still wore that blissful smile. Something cold blew onto your nose, interrupting the moment. Your eyes crossed trying to see what it was, making Minho laugh. The both of you turned and looked out on the street to see snow falling. The first snow of the year. 
“I have something to confess,” Minho spoke still looking at the falling snow. Your arms wrapped fully around his middle, finding warmth under his coat and embrace. “I wasn’t in the neighborhood.” You chuckled, looking up at him finally seeing his warm dark eyes. “It wasn’t a coincidence. I saw your post and looked for all the theaters with movies playing in the next thirty minutes. Once I found the theater....I didn’t know which movie you were seeing so I kind of bought tickets for all of them.”
“Minho, why would you do that?” You asked with a grin. 
“Because I like you. I wanted to see you.” You were at a complete loss for words, blush filling your cheeks. Minho noticed and smiled. Again, he leaned down and kissed you, taking your breath away. “That’s a real kiss by the way.”
You giggled, teeth catching your bottom lip. Minho grinned and laced your fingers with his. Further making your heart beat faster than you thought possible, he maneuver your hands into his coat pocket. 
“You are the expert.”
“The expert is taking you out for dinner.” Minho stated with a smirk as the two of you walked out into the gently falling flurries. The two of you walked through the snow, your hand warm from his touch and the embrace of his coat pocket. “And you can’t say no.”
“Wasn’t going to.”
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duncanxtrent · 3 years
The Punks vs the Parents
(A quick none ABC related Duncan story based on a wondeful prompt by @trash-that-loves-total-drama. Go follow them for more good Duntrent stuff ;) Anyways on with the story)
(Also for context, Trent, Geoff, Katie, Sadie, and DJ all also attend the daycare along with the other kids)
*insert Baps and Beeps by the TDR kiddos intro here*
“UGH!!!!” Duncan screamed
Duncan stormed into the daycare. Visibly angrier than normal.
“What in the world?” DJ glances at him confused.
Duncan just storms to his time out corner and quietly crouches in the corner.
“Are you ok, dude?” Trent asks
“NO IM CLEARLY NOT OK!!!” Duncan shouts.
“What’s going on?” Beth asks
“My parents are coming over…” Duncan mumbles.
“They are?!?!” Beth shouts in excitement.
“EEEEEEEEEE!!!!” Owen squeals wearing a lot of Banana and Cheese merch.
“Oh great… Another cringy concert…” Gwen groans.
“What? No! Those guys aren’t my parents anymore…” Duncan counters.
“WHAT?!?!” Everyone screams.
“What happened?” Owen cries out in sadness.
“Well…” Duncan trails off.
“Letting your child set off several kilograms off explosives?! Leaving your child alone for months at a time?!?! Leaving the child with only 2 weeks of supplies in food per month?!” The social workers screamed.
“What? We needed money for props!” Cheese explains.
“Yeah.. And besides I don’t think it was that bad!” Banana adds.
“Your son is literally in the hospital after collapsing of exhaustion and starvation…” The child care worker sighs.
Banana and Cheese just look down at their feet.
“Oh so that’s why you weren’t here Monday through Thursday!” Beth concludes.
“Yeah, I was in foster care for about 2 weeks before a new pair of parents adopted me. A pair of local cops…” Duncan explains.
“That doesn’t sound so bad!” Trent says
“It’s just… Listen I don’t want them coming…” Duncan sighs.
“Well we can try and stop them. I’d be glad to help!” Trent offers.
“And this is why you’re my best bro!” Duncan says clapping Trent on the back. “Let’s do this!”
The two of them quietly sneak into Chefs office. They pay Owen some cookies to distract Chef while Trent messes around with the computer.
“Alright what should we do?” He asks
“How about you shut down some traffic lights? That should cause some chaos!” Duncan offers.
“Sounds like a plan!” Trent types some things into the keyboard and shuts down some traffic lights in the neighborhood.
Jackson eagerly bounced up and down in the police car as June quietly drove to the daycare.
“I’m so excited! Visiting my son in the Daycare, and getting to present to his class! I can’t wait to see him.” Jackson excitedly cheered
“We’ll be there in a bit. Just be patient.” June explains.
“Do you think we’ll meet this infamous Trent he’s always going on about?” He asks
“Probably… Not many people were absent today…” June explains
“Oh I can’t wait to meet him. He sounds amazing from the way my son described him.” Jackson sighed.
Suddenly the radio in their car went off.
“All units we have a traffic light shut down on the corner of Maizono and Kuwata. Please call in to direct traffic.” The police chief reports.
“What?! Come on!!!” Jackson shouts.
“That’s awfully inconvenient.” June mumbles.
“UGH!!! And just when we were going to see him too!” Jackson cries planting his face into the dashboard.
June looks at the map and sees the daycare is only a couple blocks away.
“Hey Honey do you think you could run today?” She asks
“Yeah why?” He asks sitting up.
“Well what say I go handle the incident with the traffic lights. And you go run to meet our son at the daycare.” June offers.
“Really?! You mean it?!” Jake asks excitedly.
“Just be careful ok?” June smooches Jake on the cheek.
“I will! Thanks!” Jake says hopping out of the car. June drives off to handle the traffic incident while Jake begins running back to the daycare.
Back at the daycare
“Seems like THEYRE on their way to deal with it. They shouldn’t be around for the whole day!” Trent explains.
“Awesome! Thanks dude!” He says quickly hugging Trent before retracting and hopping down.
Duncan begins humming and walking back to the main room when the door bell rings.
“I’ll get it!” Chef calls approaching th door.
“Probably the mail man…” Duncan assumes.
Chef opens the door and wouldn’t you know it? Jake is standing there patiently waiting to get inside!
“Mr. Fuego! A pleasure to see you!” Chef waves.
Duncan stops in his tracks.
“I-I’m sure it’s another-“ Duncan is cut off.
“DUNCAAAAAANNN!!!!!” Jake runs past Chef and immediately picks ups and squeezes his son in a hug. Duncan struggles to get out but eventually reluctantly accepts and hugs him back.
Jake sets him back down and Jackson crouches down. “How ya been little dude?!” He asks excitedly.
“How’d you get here so fast?” Duncan asks in retaliation.
“Your mother and I were supposed to help with a traffic problem but she offered to take care of it while I ran here.” Jake explains.
“How nice…” Duncan mumbles, red in the face.
“You ok little dude? The summer heat getting to you?” He asks
“No no… Everythings cool Dad…” Duncan stutters.
“Ah good! Wouldn’t want anything happening to my little buddy!” He says ruffling Duncan’s hair.
He stands up and turns to Chef. “How’s my son been doing?” He ask
“That’s actually what I invited you to talk about.” Chef explains
Jake looks at him with a questioning face. Chef leads Jake to his office and sets Jake down in the chair in front of his desk.
“What’s going on?” He asks
“Your son is an absolute menace in our school! He’s constantly setting off explosives! Bullying the other kids! And he’s always destroying things!” Chef explains.
“What?!?! That doesn’t sound like him at all!!!” Jake says genuinely shocked.
“You mean he doesn’t experience this behavior at home?” Chef says obviously expecting that he does.
“No! He’ll knock things down on one rare occasion when he’s running around, and he’ll usually apologize for ti even. And whenever other kids are over he’s always incredibly nice playing with them! The parents even confirmed this!” Jake explains.
“See exa- Wait HUH?!” Chef says clearly shocked.
“Did you really come here to lie to me about my son, Mr.Chef? I’ll have you know I can easily arrest you for that.” Jake glares.
“N-no! Your son always exhibits this behavior at school! I don’t know why he doesn’t do it at home!” Chef explains.
“You’re sure?”
“Yes!” Chef insists
Jake sits back down “Well then if you would like I wouldn’t mind observing your classroom for a bit to see this ‘behavior’ you claim he has.”
“Ok sure! I could use the extra hand.” Chef offers.
Jake nods and walks outside the office to observe the kids.
Outside, Duncan was fully prepared to knock over Cody’s tower. But sees his dad mid way and stops and turns around quietly.
Cody turns around looking confused.
Later the kiddos are eating lunch together when Beth accidentally trips Duncan over.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry…” Beth shouts.
Duncan quietly gets up and Beth expected a violent response but instead Duncan simply reached out his hand.
“It’s fine! Everyone makes mistakes!” Duncan says shrugging.
Duncan just quietly walks over and begins eating his lunch, which was thankfully I damaged due to the fact that it was still in his lunchbox. But Beth just looked at him confused.
Another transition
The kids are quietly finger painting, and Courtney ‘accidentally’ spilled some paint on Duncan.
“Oops… Sorry…” Courtney says sneakily.
Duncan growls for a minute but then takes a deep breath and faces Courtney.
“Can you please be more careful next time? I like this shirt.” Duncan asks shockingly polite.
Courtney just looked at him confused.
“Im going to go clean up…” Duncan walks off to clean up in the bathroom.
“What the?” Courtney stares at him confused.
And another transition because TDR moves fast
All the kids are quietly napping away and Trent approaches Duncan, quietly scooting up next to him.
“Dude what’s going on?” He ask
“What do you mean?” Duncan asks
“You’ve been incredibly well behaved the entire time we’ve been here. What’s going on?!” Trent says clearly confused.
“I just wanted to not break the rules! What’s the problem with that?” Duncan shrugs.
“Yes but that’s the attitude you NEVER have!! What’s going on?” Trent asks
Duncan looks around for a moment. Then sighs and gets up quietly.
“Follow me…” Duncan asks.
Trent gets up and the two of them head to the bathroom where Jake can’t see them. Then Duncan turns to Trent.
“Listen… I’m trying to be on my best behavior for my dad. Ok? I don’t want him to know that I’m this thug punk guy that beats people up on the daily.” Duncan explains.
“Why? Just because he’s a cop doesn’t mean he’ll hate you if you’re a thug…” Trent explains.
“No! That’s not it! It’s just…” Duncan sighs “Dad and Mom were way better than Banana and Cheese were. They actually gave me attention! They never abandoned me or had me cook my own food just because they were busy. They helped me! They cared for me. Yes they punished me which is a little unfortunate but the punishments weren’t ever extreme. The worse I ever got was having to clean out the toilets for a couple days. And even then they helped me by showing me how to do it. Dad and Mom, they are the only adults I actually trust. And I don’t want them to think I’m just a bad kid who just puts on a show for them for the sake of getting love and cookies or whatever. I love them… I love them too much to betray them…” Duncan begins noticeably crying.
“Dude… Are you ok?” Trent asks reaching a hand out.
“IM NOT CRYING YOURE CRYING!!!” Duncan sniffles.
“Hey dude it’s ok…” Trent reaches around and hugs Duncan. Duncan quietly hugs him back.
“It’s fine dude… If you wanna start changing your ways. I’ll be by your side no matter what…” Trent says patting Duncan’s back.
Duncan lets go. “Thanks…” He mumbles wiping his eyes.
“Should we head back now?” Trent asks
Duncan nods and the two of them open the bathroom door…
To find Jake standing outside the door, with tears streaming down his face.
“Ah nuts…” Trent mutters.
“Dad… I-“ Duncan gets cut off by Jake picking up Duncan and pulling him into a hug. This time Duncan only has a slight hesitation before pulling his Dad into a hug as well. The two of them sit there quietly hugging as Trent stands by and awkwardly watches.
“You really love me that much?” Jake mumbles.
“Of course I do. I love you so much, Dad. I don’t wanna hurt you…” Duncan responds.
“I love you too…” He says hugging him harder.
Finally Jake sets down Duncan and wipes his eyes. “I get it though. You always loved to play the villain. It’s not necessarily good for you, but if it’s what you want to do that fine with me. Just don’t do anything highly destructive, ok? And nothing majorly emotional damaging obviously. Basically just don’t go too big.” Jake explains.
“Ok Dad…” Duncan hugs Jakes leg before wandering back to the nap room. Trent gets up to do the same but Jake stops him.
“So you’re the Trent I’ve heard so much about!” Jake says smiling.
“Hmm?” Trent looks at him confused.
Jake crouches down. “Duncan talks about you all the time at home. He considers you his best friend, I’d almost say he loves you. He really is a good kid at heart, I want you to know that.”
“I’ve always known that…” Trent chuckles.
“Good. You seem like a good friend for my son. Hope to keep seeing you around.” Jake says ruffling Trents hair and standing up.
“Thanks…” Trent is about to walk back but stops.
“One more thing…” Trent says turning around. “Do you have any embarrassing photos of him?” Trent asks
“Whaddya mean?” Jake asks
“Like photos of him being cute or dorky or stuff that isn’t cool or villainous or whatever.” Trent explains further.
“Ooh! Yes actually I have the perfect photo I’ve wanted to show for a long time.” Jake explains.
Jake pulls out his phone and scrolls through his photo till he finds the photo in question. He crouches down again and shows Trent the photo. In the photo, A starry eyed Duncan is clinging to Jake’s arms in a white shirt with red sleeves smiling giddily as Jake smiles back at him. The photo was presumably taken by June.
“That is so cute. I love it.” Trent laughs.
“He’s so cute isnt he?” Jake smiles.
“He is! Anyways that’s all! Have a good day Mr.Fuego!” Trent says wandering off.
“You too!” Jake says waving.
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baby-grayson · 4 years
Kind Stranger|Part 4|GBD
Read Part 1 Here Read Part 2 Here Read Part 3 Here Word Count: 3k  Tags: @evergreendolan​ @someonetogray​ @vintagedolan​ @prettyboydolan​ @dolansficsandpics​ @graysavant​ @baby-turtles​ Image Credit to @graysonsbailey​ (her edits are THE BEST)
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Ethan heard the front door close behind Grayson, but he was surprised by his brother’s embrace soon after. Ethan wrapped his arms around Grayson, somewhat confused while asking, “Whats up bro?” Grayson spoke from within the crook between Ethan’s shoulder and his back. “I love you bro” Ethan, still holding onto Grayson but, getting more confused by the moment replied, “I love you too bro”
Grayson pulled back to look at his brother, “I know you want the best for me and I’m sorry about what I said last weekend. I’m sorry for springing the news about Kate on you like that. But you should know that she makes me happy.” Ethan pulled back slightly at the mention of her name, a part of him had forgotten about her. But he released a small smile when he saw the kind, puppy dog eyes his brother gave him. A part of Ethan recognized these eyes as the look Grayson wore many times when they were teenagers: Grayson declared he met his soulmate no less than seven times. Grayson took the upturn of Ethan’s lips as a sign to continue, “I’m going out with her tomorrow.” Ethan tried to maintain a happy look for Grayson’s sake but inside he was skeptical. “I’m happy for you,” he started, “just be careful.” Ethan was the older brother afterall, even though Grayson was bigger in every way. But it was often Grayson’s’ big heart that needed Ethan’s protection the most. As if on cue, Grayson’s phone sounded with a ping. He dropped his arms from Ethan as the twins stepped apart. Ethan saw Grayson’s entire face turn upward when he looked down, “Is that her?” Grayson nodded, looking up to meet his brother’s eyes. Ethan felt like a third wheel and decided to leave the room. Grayson did not notice his brother step out of the room, too involved with the virtual version of Kate in his hands. He read her text a few times over: I hope living with your brother isn’t getting too unbearable. Grayson pressed his tongue between his front teeth as he smiled and typed: We’re pretty good at making up. Suddenly, he regretted the way that sounded. Does that sound too touchy feely? She’s going to think they fight all the time…well they DO fight all the time. He followed with: We never picked a time for tomorrow.
He swayed in his seat when she replied: I’m free all day, so whatever works for you works for me :)
Grayson sat in thought, trying to figure out the optimal time to visit an aquarium on a Tuesday. He knew he would wake up at 7AM and want to eat breakfast. Vainly, he questioned whether he should work out before going out with her. He knew his muscles would appear plumper and more impressive if he did. The idea of working out triggered the thought of showering and doing his hair. He tried to add everything together in his before writing: I can pick you up at 9:15 :) ****
A low, slung towel draped around Grayson’s waist while he picked out his outfit. He mixed and matched a variety of pieces, while cursing at himself for not bringing more options to the rental he was sharing with Ethan. He tried on a button-down shirt and some dark jeans before deciding that he looked way too formal for an aquarium on a Tuesday morning. He traded the button down for plain white shirt and looked in the mirror. He gulped down hard and stripped down to his underwear. He threw his clothes on the floor. He decided on a comfortable blue sweatshirt and shorts. Peering in the mirror, he wondered if he looked seasonally challenged with his long sleeves and exposed legs.
Grayson swiped the keys to the van from the top of his dresser. The keys to his shiny Porche were collecting dust in a jacket pocket Grayson hadn’t worn in months. The sports car was left to waste in the driveway while Grayson pulled out the van and set his phone to navigate for Kate’s apartment. Despite his usual confident demeanor, Grayson’s thoughts betrayed his self-esteem. Was he wearing enough cologne? Was he wearing too much cologne? Should he be earlier? Was he too early, should he be fashionably late?
He pulled onto her street, regretting his sweatshirt as he sweated like a sinner in a church. He almost didn’t recognize this part of LA. Graffiti lined some of the shopfronts; trash lined the street drains; people walked with their eyes pointed down. Grayson didn’t frequent this side of the city often. He pulled up to her apartment, beaming when he saw her sitting on the front steps of a large, white apartment building. Grayson stepped out of the van as Kate picked her purse off the stairs. “You ready?” her voice was sweet. When Grayson nodded, she added “Thank you again for offering to show me around.” “Not a Problem,” Not a problem at all.. Grayson opened the passenger side door of the van for the Kate, but immediately noticed her small stature. Kate tentatively raised her bad leg up to the edge of the van, intending to swing up to the van seat. She took in a sharp breath when Grayson’s large hands found firmly held her waist and lifted her up. Kate’s face converted to a blush tone while she muttered a few words of thanks, while Grayson grinned ear to ear and closed the door behind her.
“Tropical fish are actually migrating away from the tropics,” Kate remarked, and she and Grayson watched the insides of a large tank. They walked slowly, taking in more of each other than the aquatic life around them. “It’s because climate change altered the warm currents coming from the South Pacific.” Grayson nodded and took in a slow breath. How does he say this without sounding like an ass? “Why do you know so much?” Okay, maybe that was a little asinine. “You have all the facts, even back at the beach.”
The top of Kate’s cheeks turned a shade of pink, making Grayson regret asking anything. “I’m a Ph.D student at UCLA.” Grayson stopped walking. “I’m trying to be a doctor of Environmental Engineering; I do research in the effects of climate change.” Grayson’s mouth hung open slightly. He struggled to find the words to describe what he was thinking. He struggled to find the thoughts he was thinking. “That’s so cool,” his voice unsteady with awe. “I love the planet” Didn’t everyone? “I’m a vegan.” Kate started laughing, seeing through Grayson’s astonished exterior. “I’m not, guess I’m a bad environmentalist.” Grayson grinned and bit his lip, looking down at her. Her aura was infectious, her presence asked him to be the best version of Grayson.
“I miss Philly though. Home is home, you can’t beat that.” Kate almost looked wistful. “What’s it like?” “It’s a city of neighborhoods, there are so many different personalities in a really small area. In one day, you can visit Beverly Hills, San Francisco, and Nashville all at once. And the food is so good!” Kate gushed, more missing her home than telling Grayson about it. Her eyes went somewhere else for a second before meeting his gaze as he spoke.
“Complete opposite of New Jersey, “Grayson nearly laughed. “My brother and I used to ride our bikes and these four wheelers all the time. When we weren’t in school, we were usually covered in mud. This one time my brother and I were riding our bikes up this hill, and when we made it to the top—I shit you not—we saw a giant grizzly bear.” Kate’s eyes went wide, “No Way!” Grayson nodded vigorously, “We ran like hell. But then we got to the crest of the hill—this is where I am the hero in the story—I remembered from TV that you’re supposed to stay super still to avoid bears. And that’s how I saved my brother’s life when we were like seven.” Grayson wore a triumphant look, eliciting a giggle out of Kate. “So you know, come to me if you ever need rescuing from a bear.” “Hopefully I won’t ever need to,” the erupted in laughs together. Kate threw her head back and Grayson felt his face go warm when he realized how melodic she sounded.
“I do need to ask you a favor though,” Grayson’s eared perked up as Kate started, “Could you take a few touristy pictures of me to send to my mom back in Philly?” Grayson smiled brightly and nodded, “Of course I can. What about in front of the dolphin wall?” The thought of Kate sending cute pictures was endearing to Grayson, it reminded him to send pictures to his own mother. Grayson stood back and framed the picture in his phone while Kate sat on a ledge in front of a tiled wall. Her wide smile warmed Grayson’s heart. He was really so happy to take that picture, to create a memory of how beautiful and happy she was in that moment. Kate bounced off the ledge and over to Grayson to inspect the pictures he took before “Do you want any?” Grayson nodded and handed her the phone. He went to sit in front of the wall while Kate started taking pictures. Grayson smiled wide, saying “cheeeeeese” and garnering a warm laugh from Kate. Grayson pulled up the hood on his baby blue sweatshirt, hearing more giggles from Kate.
An older woman with two kids by her side gently tapped Kate on the shoulder and offered to take a picture of her and Grayson together. She sat beside Grayson, while he wrapped a muscular arm around her petite frame. She leaned her head in toward him, letting him drink in her sweet scent. ****
Grayson parked the van in front of Kate’s apartment. He turned toward her; his stomach became a ballroom for butterflies. Grayson tried to muster up words but found them lodged in this throat. Kate smiled at him, her eyes turning up, “I had a great time today. Thanks for bringing me out. It’s hard since I don’t really know anyone in the city.”
Grayson took in a large breath, he reached for her hand. He interlocked their fingers and noted how her dainty, soft hand felt against his large, rough one. He felt his face turn warm and his eyes go slightly glossy when he caught her looking down at their hands. “I had a great time too,” Grayson’s entire being felt light and airy despite his size. They took a minute to look at each other, letting the silence fill the cabin of the van. Grayson broke the silence and the stare to look at her apartment, “Do you live alone?” Kate nodded and pointed to a window on the left side of the building, “Yeah, it’s not much but it’s what I can do on a grad student’s salary. You know the life.” Kate chuckled and looked at Grayson, expecting a knowing look of understanding. Instead, she was confused by the slightly blank look in his usually warm brown eyes. Grayson looked at the floor of the van and muttered, “Yeah LA life is hard.” He remembered that he was holding hands with a beautiful girl and that now was not the time to be awkward. He gave her tiny hand an affectionate squeeze and followed with, “I’m glad I can make it easier for you.” Cheesy. Cheesy. Cheesy. He could do better.
Kate smiled at him, kindly. Grayson’s anxious inner monologue paused to make way for an affectionate, puppy dog smile. Kate ran her thumb gently over his from where they interlocked. Grayson felt a warm, happy feeling bubble up in his stomach. He squeezed Kate’s hand again, appreciating how familiar the feeling of her tiny hand was starting to feel. Grayson bit at his bottom lip. I should say something. I should say something. I should do something. He was looked down and didn’t notice Kate’s gaze to melt into a similar version of Grayson’s puppy dog stare. Her eyes wore pointed down slightly and her pupils widened, fixated on the enigmatic, hypnotizing, Adonis of a man sitting next to her. “Hey Gray,” her voice was just above a whisper, gentle, and kind. Grayson removed his eyed from the floor, escaping the trap of his thoughts while he looked back at her, “Yes?” Kate crashed her lips onto Grayson’s. Her lips wrapped onto his top lip while he ran a hand through her long dark hard, resting it on the back of her head as he pulled her in closer. Kate laid a hand against his chest, feeling his firm pec underneath her fingers. Grayson leaned into her, kissing her back and taking in her bottom lip: nearly intoxicated from her scent. At that moment, every love song Grayson had ever heard played in his head. I have loved you for a thousand years, I’ll love you for a thousand more…..And All of Me Loves All of You, love all your curves and all your edges…When I see your face, there’s not a thing that I would change
Grayson bounced through his front door, whistling a happy tune and rocking on his heels as he stopped in the kitchen. Ethan looked up from where he sat at the island, “You’re happy.”  Grayson nodded and pulled up a seat next to Ethan. “I had my date. It was perfect dude,” Ethan recognized the wide-eyed look on Grayson’s face. “She’s amazing, like actually the coolest person I’ve ever met.”
“I’m happy for you dude. Did you talk to her about..everything?” Ethan didn’t feel like referring to the episode of Grayson yelling in a New Jersey diner parking lot.
“No. But wait until you hear this, she’s like a scientist who is trying to save the planet” Grayson beamed, very proud of his not-girlfriend. His beam dimmed when he saw the solemn look on Ethan’s face. “You should tell her Gray,” Ethan didn’t try to disguise the pragmatism in his voice. Grayson the romantic often forgot the hectic life of Grayson the business man; Ethan was the only thing keeping Icarus from flying into the sun.
“We just had our first date, I’m not about to show her everything I’ve been up to for the past five years” Grayson’s defensive tone did not match his relaxed demeanor.
“Look, Gray, if this is going to get serious. She deserves to know. You’d be doing yourself and her a favor by having this conversation sooner rather than later.”
Grayson’s wet hair soaked his pillowcase that night. The towel he wore out of the shower laid strewn on the floor. A thin white sheet rested over his waistline. He grabbed his phone from his nightstand. His intentions were to call Kate. He thought back to what Ethan said, about inviting her over to purposefully talk about what he did for a living. The idea of the conversation he didn’t want to have sat uncomfortably in his mind: not because he thought she would react badly but because he refused to accept that what his life was special enough to warrant a dedicated conversation. He was not looking forward to it. However, he was looking forward to kissing her again.
Her lips were plush and soft. Her tiny hands framed his face to well when she pulled him in earlier. Her sweet, citrusy scent only got better with proximity; her entire essence was completely decadent to him. She was like a guilty pleasure; there was something so invigorating about the escape she offered him. She intoxicated him: demanding the attention of every single one of his senses when they were together in an indulgent and dizzying way. She ignited his most innocent and romantic fantasies: he dreamt of sleepy Sunday mornings in a plush bed, dancing barefoot in the kitchen in the refrigerator light, and sharing the stars under the night sky from the safety of a shared sleeping bag. In a deeper place, Grayson’s other nighttime daydreams took hold: took enough hold to cause the thin sheet of fabric over his waist to start to bulge. Before his bodily functions got the better of him, the wet, naked, smitten man picked up the phone to call his not-girlfriend.
“Hey there,” her voice was sweet and song-like. Grayson felt a smile grow on his lips. “Miss me already?”
Grayson’s mouth went slightly dry when he thought of how to respond. Instinctively, he wanted to say miss you all the time. But he decided that was too much for after their first date. “I wanted to hear your voice,” oh shit, that was creepy. He quickly followed up with his next comment, hoping the first part wouldn’t sit on Kate’s ears for too long “I wanted to invite you over tomorrow.” He took a breath, thinking that he sounded like a second grader inviting their friend over for a game of soccer.
“That sounds good! You mean over like to hang out at your apartment?” Kate asked which elicited a blush from Grayson, maybe he did imply a non-truth earlier today. “Yes, kind of, I share a house with my brother not an apartment.” Grayson sounded formal; he knew he sounded format.
“Oh,” Grayson noted the hint of surprise in Kate’s voice, “Is your brother going to be there?” “He should be but I’m not entirely sure.” From the other side of the phone, Kate’s thoughts stopped for a minute. Was the genuine, sweet guy who could barely muster up the courage to kiss her really asking her to hang out at his house when no one else was home? “I would ask you on another real date, but it’s hard since everything is closed” Grayson felt bad for giving her a half-truth. He also felt thankful that his thin white sheet was soaking up the sweat from one of his hands. From the other side of LA, Kate nodded but then realized he couldn’t see her. “Text me the address and I’ll be there. Same time tomorrow morning?” “Great!” Grayson grinned, his smile beaming at the ceiling above him. His toes wiggled underneath his sheet, dancing in celebration for his romantic victory. Riding the high of today he felt the courage in his stomach build until it bursted out of his lips as “I had the best time today.” “I did too,” Grayson heard Kate’s smile through the phone. “And Grayson..” she started cautiously, “you’re a good kisser.” Grayson’s blush overtook his face. His stomach bubbled with a mixture of confidence, victory, nervousness, joy, romance, and surprise. “You are too,” and with that he felt his happiness bulge under his sheets once more and instantly knew he should gently end their call before his excitement turned his white sheet into a tent. A/N: Hello! This chapter was really hard for me to write, any feedback is valuable! I tried to make this progress the story, give the correct amount of information, but also be kind of fluffy. Let me know what you thought~
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justjessame · 3 years
Starting Over Chapter 12
“Brooke?”  I shook my head when I heard Connie’s voice on the other end, the sounds of cartoons playing in the background told me she was home.  “Are you alright?”  The worry in her voice made me feel guilty for not calling more often, or checking in at least.  
“I’m fine, worrywart.”  I settled into my spot on the couch, smiling as I caught a whiff of Bucky’s scent.  “I -”  I took a deep breath and bit my lip.  “I’m sorry I haven’t -”
Connie shushed me.  “Stop,” I closed my mouth, worried that she was going to tell me that she didn’t have time for fairweather friends and that she had a family to take care of now.  “You don’t have to explain anything to me, Brooke.”  It felt like my heart restarted.  “I can’t imagine how you must have felt coming back.”  I heard a rustling in the background and then the noise that had sounded like cartoons went away and it got quiet.  “Sorry about that, Bryn wanted to watch Tangled again.”
I smiled, my goddaughter, or she would have been if I’d been here to do the honors was three years old.  “Tangled is a good one.”  I was happy that Connie was willing to talk to me, that she was willing to make time, even if I’d pushed her away.  “Is that her favorite?”  
Connie laughed and I was happy to hear that it was as familiar to me as my own.  “She likes all of the princesses.  Joey is thinking we’re going to have to push up the trip to Disney by a year.”  I was grinning at the thought of Joey Amoruso playing girl daddy through the Magic Kingdom.  “Don’t worry, I made sure she got to see Beauty and the Beast, too.”  That got a laugh out of me.
“I can’t help loving Belle,” I argued, and listened to her snort.  “How’s your mom?”  Connie worked at her mom’s beauty salon, she’d started as soon as she was tall enough to reach around a customer’s head into the sink to wash their hair and after high school didn’t blink about going straight into cosmetology school.  
“You know Mertle,” her mom’s name was Ismerelda, but some hard of hearing old lady had misheard it once and called her ‘Mertle’ to our forever hilarity.  I laughed.  “She makes me do Mrs. McGillicutty’s hair now, every damn week, just because she got tired of doing the same style over and over.”  I remembered Mrs. McGillicutty, she was a sweet lady, but a little dotty.  “Today was my half day, Bryn’s preschool runs a half day every other day.”
“Who keeps her on the off days?”  I got up to grab a drink and listened as Connie told me all about the nightmares of finding childcare, even with an extended family like hers.  Falling back into the type of conversation that two friends have, if one had gone away for a while.  I grabbed a glass of water and my eyes landed on the flowers that Bucky brought me, a smile finding its home on my lips again, I sat down at the table and talked to Connie while I pulled the vase closer and played with the petals.  
Before we said our goodbyes, a good hour and a half after we’d started talking, Connie finally asked the question that I knew she had to have been burning with since she saw my name appear on her phone screen.  
“Not that I don’t LOVE hearing from you, Brooke, but what brought this on?  Why now?”  I’d wandered back to the living room, curling into the chair that Bucky sat in, letting the residual scent of him cradle me.  
“I met someone,” she squealed, causing a tiny mimic to happen from the background and I chuckled.  Good God, she had a mini me.  “You’d know him, actually -” I bit my lip.  “EVERYONE knows him or knows of him.”  I squinted, shit, should I tell anyone?  
“Tell me EVERYTHING.”  But then I heard a male voice, Joey her husband.  “Shit, the conquering man returns.”  I snorted.  “You are NOT off the hook, Brooke.  I expect details and a NAME.”  I promised she’d get both and then we said goodnight.  
I’d missed a text while I was on with Connie.  Another attempt at a selfie, this time it had part of another person that I found out was supposed to be Sam when I read the accompanying text message.  “See UR cuter.”  I was grinning, but the next message made me sigh.  “Stuck w/ Sam. :(“ 
Sad face emoji indeed, I thought.  Contemplating what type of reply I could send to a 106 year old without pushing him away or over a cliff, I went back to the kitchen where his flowers were still holding tight.  Thinking about how creative I felt like getting, I found the largest bloom, went to the bathroom and brushed out my hair. I tried to remember what the women from Bucky’s younger days might have done to look tempting.  Dramatic eye, red lip, then putting the flower behind my ear I hoped like hell that I didn’t look completely ridiculous before clicking off a shot and sending it.  
“Too bad. Sam’s a lucky guy. :*”  
I was washing off my work and thinking about reheating some more leftovers for dinner when my phone chirped.  Glancing down I was left smiling by his answer.
“No, I am.”  
Dinner, a shower, then bed.  Well, after a LONG staring contest in the mirror where I did my own personal pre-bedtime mantra.  It was rote, and I did it with the same vigor that I’d done it with every other time.  And I was just as certain that it would work as well.  
Without Bucky, I had my bed remade and I was settled back on my pillows.  The soft blue glow of the television had been a nice addition, so I flipped it on.  Turning the volume down so it was the same murmur that was soft enough to not keep me awake, I hoped it would work as a surrogate for the anchor that Bucky’s presence seemed to be.
The flashes came red, blue, unnameable colors. The feelings of pain and suffering, darkness and terror creeping closer and trying to pull me back.  I still couldn’t see what caused it, where the pain came from, what was so terrifying that I felt trapped by it.  What or who was trying to drag me back to wherever I’d been was still as unknown as it had been when Thanos snapped his gold encased fingers and after the Blip the answers were still unavailable.  I didn’t feel as pinned down or as in danger or being yanked away from home, so I was still tethered to reality.  I just had to wait through it, to survive the feelings that I couldn’t figure out, until the flashes of colors came to let me know the end was coming and I was waking up - coming home again.
I woke to a text from Connie.  
“It’s McGillcutty’s day. Come visit me. PLEASE.”  I shook my head at the plea, but it wasn’t like I had plans or a job to get to.  I hoped she knew I wasn’t planning on spilling ALL while she was cutting hair and styling the neighborhood ladies, because I hadn’t been gone so long that I’d forgotten how fast gossip travelled.  
“Fine.” I hit send.  I got ready and grabbed some toast and a bottle of water.  My bag with a book, my earbuds and a charger for my phone, just in case, and I was out the door and heading to Connie’s mom’s salon.  
I was at the salon by the time both slices of my toast were finished and most of my water was gone.  Tossing the napkin I’d wrapped my breakfast in in the trash when I walked in, I almost missed the hush that fell over the entire room when I entered.  Almost.  Shit.  Standing up I realized that all eyes were on me.  Great.
“Brooke!” Connie beckoned to me from her station at the back of the shop, one she’d picked out when she was still washing hair.  “Put your eyes back in your heads,” she rolled her eyes.  “It’s JUST Brooke.”  I shook my head, only Connie would try to brush off the fact that I just walked into the neighborhood hen coop after steering clear of it for a full six months, and I looked five years younger than I SHOULD.  
Her mom grinned at me and called out a “looking good, Brookie” as I passed, getting a little red added to my cheeks, but aside from that Connie had shamed most of the clucking hens into at least pretending that they weren’t amazed by the very sight of me.  I made it to Connie’s station and found that she’d prepared for my visit by grabbing one of the waiting area chairs and brought it back so I wasn’t stuck leaning against the wall or counter.
Plopping down, I watched as she went about styling Mrs. McGillicutty’s hair.  After I’d said a polite hello to the elderly woman, of course.  It was almost mesmerizing, watching Connie wrap each curler with the blue washed thinning hair of the bird thin woman.  And as she wrapped she talked.  
“You remember how Tawny and Sam were planning on getting married the year after we did, right?”  I told her I did, and she snorted.  “Yeah, that went south so quick.”  I heard Margaret Andrews pipe up from two chairs down that it wasn’t all that surprising.  
“They were on again and off again so much growing up, I’m surprised either of their mamas let them make that much of a plan.” She offered up.  I bit my lip, the hen house was raring to go.  
Connie’s eyes met mine and I could see them sparkling with mirth.  And we were off, the mission seemed to be to get me back in the swing of things and she’d brought the troops.
I got another ‘selfie’ in the middle of my visit with Connie and I glanced at it and bit my lip.  It was marginally better.  Bucky was at least visible and discernible this time.  I couldn’t tell where he was, but the message wasn’t optimistic about my odds of seeing him soon.  
“Baltimore w/Sam.”
A sigh escaped and Connie glanced up from where she was cutting Kelly Taggert’s hair.  Since Kelly was someone who wasn’t exactly in our sphere prior to leaving school, much less before the Snap, Connie held her curiosity at bay.  Too bad Kelly didn’t get the memo.
“Bad news, Brookie?”  I glanced up, thinking about reminding Kelly that very few people had the privilege to call me that, and she most definitely wasn’t one of them, but held back.  This was Connie’s place of business after all.  
“Not really.  Just spam.”  Fuck it, why give her any grist for the mill?  Connie could smell my bull from a mile away, but Kelly didn’t know me from Adam.  
“I hate that, there should be a way to input a block for those automatically -” and she was off.  I grinned at my phone as I typed a reply to Bucky. 
A selfie was out of the question, not with this crowd.  “I’m socializing. Willingly.”  
Kelly was still telling everyone, because her voice could pound a nail into a wall it was so fucking loud and annoying, all her ideas for dealing with spam texts, emails, telemarketing calls and on and on.  I almost felt bad about setting her loose.  Until my phone chirped and I got another selfie from Bucky looking shocked in answer to my text.  
Tucking my phone away, I set back and let Kelly rant until Connie finished her hair.  
I stayed until closing and it wasn’t as bad as I’d thought it would be.  Connie told me that her sister-in-law was keeping Bryn after preschool, and we had some time to just relax and chat.  I had a feeling she made those specific plans after we talked on the phone, she was just that freaking curious.  
She grabbed two cans of soda from the breakroom and plopped into the swivel seat her customers usually sat in while she played fairy hair godmother.   “Spill.”  I rolled my eyes as I cracked open my can.  
“You only invited me to hang out today to ply me for information about my personal life, didn’t you?”  I squinted over the top of the can as I took my first drink.  She grinned and nodded, not the least bit shamed.  Swallowing, I dramatically sighed.  “Fine.” I couldn’t stop the smile that started growing at the thought of Bucky.  “Do you remember when Mom and Dad took us to the Smithsonian?”  
She was staring at me like I was crazy and didn’t know where I was going to go with the trip down memory lane, but she nodded as she opened her own drink.  “Yeah, we were like ten.”  
I bit my lip.  “We were,” it had been a fun trip, just Connie, me and my parents.  For Connie who had siblings and me as an only child - we both had a blast.  “We went to the Captain America exhibit.” 
“God we went to ALL of the exhibits it felt like, your dad was gaga over the Air and Space one -” she stopped, suddenly HEARING what I said.  “Wait, the -”  Her eyes met mine and went wide.  “NO.”  
“I bumped into him,” my hand went to my chest, still a little bit tender.  “He’s - he’s amazing.”  
Connie leaned forward and looked almost exactly like she had when we were 15 years old and I told her that Todd Garrison kissed me behind the bleachers during the pep rally.  Wide eyed and excited, she bit her lip.  “Is he -” she looked like she couldn’t quite decide what to ask first.  “Tell me EVERYTHING.”  So I did, within limits, sort of. 
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cpd5021 · 4 years
Gone - Part One
Hello and welcome to another story by yours truly. I have a few one-shots written for my One-shot Wednesday challenge and this is something that has been floating around my head for a while now. It’s pretty angsty, just FYI. I would probably rate it a T...maybe even an M in the second part. I intend on this being a two shot. Part one is from Jay’s POV and part two will be Hailey’s. There is a brief hinting at some sexual abuse/trauma. Nothing graphic but I don’t want to trigger anyone so here’s the warning. Thanks for stopping by another random thought from my brain. Hope you enjoy!!
Jay’s POV
My 6am alarm blared through the darkness of my room, causing me to groan and roll out of bed. I threw on some track pants and a sweatshirt and made my way out of the apartment for my morning jog, shivering at the cold November air. I found that starting my day with some exercise helped to keep me motivated throughout the day and it was always a good way to clear my head from the nightmares I suffered the night before. Although, to be honest, they had been coming few and far between as of late. I finished my jog and returned to my apartment, hoping in the shower quickly before throwing on some clothes and heading back out the door for work. I stopped for coffee on the way, grabbing two, as per usual. One for me and one for Hailey. When I pulled into the lot I noticed her car wasn’t here yet, but I was pretty early so I didn’t think anything of it. I jogged up the steps in the building, exchanging a brief banter with Platt and then trudged up the steps into Intelligence. I set Hailey’s coffee on her empty desk and then made my way over to sit down at mine. The bullpen seemed extra quiet this morning, possibly due to Hailey and Vanessa’s absence. Their banter usually filled the room, with Vanessa typically carrying most of the conversation while Hailey just nodded and smiled in response. Vanessa had been sent over to Narcotics as a loan out to help them with an undercover case so she would be gone most of the week. I settled into my work, bringing my computer up and planning to work on some open files until my partner arrived and we got sent out on a case. Adam, Kevin and Kim all sat at their respective desks doing the same thing. Footsteps sounded from the stairwell, causing me to look up just as Voight breached the top of the steps. He strode through the bullpen, looking down at the phone in his hand and looking rather moody. He stopped just short of his door and turned to face us. 
“Alright, we’re already running one man short today so we’ll have to swap some partners around. I just got word from patrol of a body over in Grant Park. Let’s get ready to roll on that.” 
His eyes scanned the room, taking in the nods being sent his way. 
“Kim and Kevin, why don’t you head that way and we’ll meet you there. Adam you’ll ride with me today. Where’s Hailey?”
He finished with a look in my direction. I glanced over to her still empty desk and gave him a shrug. It wasn’t like Hailey to be late and now she officially was. 
“I’ll call her on the way over.”
I stood from my chair, pulling out my phone and heading down the stairs behind Kevin and Kim.
My first call went unanswered so I sent a text as I made my way outside to the truck.  
Hey, not like you to be late. We’re rolling out on a case. Call me.
I hit send just as I reached the drivers side and climbed in. I started the truck and sat for a moment, an uneasy feeling settling in the pit of my stomach. My impatience got the best of me so I decided to try calling again. Once again, the ringing went unanswered. I pulled out of the lot, intending to point towards our scene but something in me made me reconsider. I picked my phone back up and dialed Voight. 
“Hey, I can’t reach Hailey. I’m gonna swing by her place and see what’s up.”
I made the turn leading me to her neighborhood, not really caring if he was about to tell me no. 
“Alright, just meet us there.”
Came his gruff response and I disconnected, picking up the pace as I drove. I pulled up in front of her townhouse and noted the black SUV in her driveway. So she was still home, maybe she had slept through her alarm. I jumped out of the truck and made my way up her steps but the closer I got, the more my heart sunk. As I cleared the top step I could see that her front door was open just a crack and the marks along the frame told me it had been forced open. Without hesitation, I pulled my gun out from its holster and pushed the door open. There didn’t appear to be anything out of place in the entryway, so I eased into the kitchen next. Finding that empty I made my way into her living room, which looked normal aside from a blanket laying beside the couch, which wasn’t something that raised any real concern. I cleared the rest of the lower half and then crept up the steps. The first thing I spotted was a potted plant that had been knocked onto the floor, my first real sign of a struggle. I refocused my aim in front of me and scanned the little landing at the top of the steps. Her bedroom door was open slightly and I made my way inside. Her bed was unmade, the covers tossed all about the mattress. I didn’t know if that was unusual or not as I had never seen her bedroom before, but as my eyes scanned the rest of the room my heart sunk even more. Her drawers had been pulled from the dresser, with clothes strewn about the floor. The mirror above her dresser was shattered as if someone had punched it. I stepped into her bathroom quickly, finding it empty and headed to clear the rest of this floor. I pulled my phone back out and called Voight again. My heart hammering in my chest as I awaited his answer. 
 I swallowed hard, still struggling to process what I had just walked into. 
“Hank, we have a problem. I’m at Hailey’s. There’s signs of forced entry and a possible struggle and she’s not here.”
My voice cracked as I said the last part and I forced myself to swallow hard again. 
“Call it in. Have them ping her phone. We’ll be right there.”
And with that he hung up. I looked around her room again, my head throbbing at the sight and then did as Voight instructed, heading back down to wait in her kitchen. I tried calling her phone again while I waited for everyone else to show up, just for the hell of it. My heart sunk even further when I heard her tell tale ring coming from a spot on her counter. Her phone was here so it was no use pinging it. I walked over to the phone that was lighting up with my face. Normally I would have smiled at the ridiculous picture she had of me as her contact info but I could only feel an ice cold wave of worrying settling into my core. I picked up the phone and swiped it open, thankful she didn’t have a passcode on it. I hesitated for a moment, feeling like I was breaching her privacy, but then brought up her texts to see if she had made any plans to meet with someone. Finding nothing but messages exchanged with me and Vanessa, I switched to her call log and found nothing useful there either. I could hear car doors shutting outside and looked out the window to see Voight and Adam jogging into the house, Kevin and Kim right behind them and a patrol car in the distance. Voight came into the kitchen, giving me a look that I’m sure was meant to be reassuring but it fell flat with the way I was feeling. 
“There’s nothing downstairs but her bedroom is trashed. A plant knocked over in the hall. Her phone is right here so can’t ping it.”
My words came out choppy and broken but they all nodded in my direction, taking the information in. 
“Anything on it?”
Voight asked, nodding to her phone still clutched in my hand. I shook my head no and tried to fight the hopeless feeling that was taking over me. Voight took charge then, delegating everyone onto a different task. I knew he was speaking but I couldn’t understand what he was saying, his words sounding mumbled as they reached my ears. I watched as he walked over to me, I felt his hand grip my shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze and making me focus on what he was saying. 
“Jay, I want you to head back to Intelligence, in case she shows up.”
My temper flared then and I bit my tongue to hold back what I wanted to say. 
“Don’t do that. You’re not benching me. She’s my partner and I’m going to help find her.”
My nostrils flared with the held back emotion. Voight, still gripping my shoulder, stared into my eyes, searching them to get a read on my mental state. He must have realized this wasn’t a battle he was going to win so instead he gave me a curt nod, releasing my shoulder, before he turned to leave the kitchen. We spent another hour at her house, looking for anything that might help point us in her direction but came up with nothing. Eventually, we all left, returning to the 21st to go over what we knew so far. With each minute that passed my heart sunk even further. I listened to Adam ramble off the limited facts we had, heard Kim saying something about traffic cams and how she hadn’t seen anything indicating who had taken Hailey. Kevin came up to the board and pinned a picture of Hailey onto the board, writing the word missing underneath her face in bold, red letters. The sight made me clenched my fists under my desk as I struggled to control my breathing. I didn’t want to sit here, I didn’t want any of us sitting here, but truthfully there was nowhere else to be right now. We had nothing to go on. Kim had talked to her neighbors, both of whom had seen nothing suspicious. Kevin had widened his search of the traffic cams, hoping to find something in the mix of cars that was the early commute from her neighborhood. Adam was scouring her CI files, looking for anything that would indicate someone had gotten a beef with her and could be our possible suspect. Voight was working in his office, making calls to his own CI’s and trying to pull anything out of them he could. And I just sat at my desk, feeling hopeless and useless as my partner was out there with god knows who. I had to find her. 
Hours passed, what felt like an eternity, before we got a lead. Kevin had managed to find a truck that had pulled onto her street early this morning, speeding away about a half hour later. It wasn’t much, but it was something. We managed to blow up the image and got a plate off the truck. After what felt like another eternity, we got a name back. 
“Jacob Mendyka, 33 year old male, no known connection to Hailey or any of her CI’s. We got two LKA’s and patrol is headed out to check them now.”
Kevin rambled off the new information while Kim wrote it out on the board. I didn’t want patrol to go check, I wanted to do it myself in case they missed something. But I knew it was the quickest option. Shortly after, Kevin’s phone rang and my eyes trailed him as he paced around the bullpen. I could tell by the look on his face when he turned back to us that there was nothing new to report. 
“First address was empty, no sign that anyone’s been there in a while. Waiting on the second address still.”
He looked directly at me as he spoke, everyone seemed to be doing that. She was my partner after all, of course this would be affecting me the worse. Kevin’s phone buzzed again and he shook his head when he read the text. 
“Second apartment is a bust too. Sorry man…”
He trailed off, looking at me again. I was standing up, leaning against my desk, but the realization that we were basically back at square one had my temper flaring. 
I yelled, my anger boiling over. I struck my desk with my fist, knocking over the jar of pens and causing everyone to jump. I ignored them and the stinging in my hand as I walked out of the bullpen and into the breakroom. My hands gripped the counter in front of the sink and I dipped my head down, trying to get a hold of myself. I heard someone enter the room but didn’t bother to look up. Adam came to stand beside me, placing a hand on my shoulder. 
“Hey man, we’re gonna find her.”
He tried to comfort me but I was still reeling. I forced more air into my lungs as I nodded in response, not trusting my voice to speak. We stood in silence for a moment, Adam not sure what else to say and me not wanting to say anything. Suddenly, Kim’s voice traveled loudly into the breakroom and we both bolted out to see what was up.
“I’ve got something! Jacob has a property in Wisconsin and I have him heading north on 94. I notified Illinois State Police to see if they can cut him off.”
Her words spurred everyone into motion and soon we were all in the vehicles, ready to follow him. I could only hope that this was the lead we needed and that we could find her in time. I hoped into the truck and squealed out of the parking lot, everyone else behind me as I began the near five hour race to Wisconsin. 
Kim called with an update about an hour into the drive. Illinois PD had been unable to locate him. I pushed the gas pedal down further, eager to close the gap between us. The local PD had been notified and they had a patrol car in place at the address but it was a huge amount of property, spanning nearly one hundred acres. They assured Kim they had K9’s available to track if needed.  
We rolled into the small Wisconsin town in just shy of five hours, traffic hadn’t been bad and I was more than pushy with my driving the few times it had become an issue. Kim got ahold of the officers holding down the property, only to be told no one had arrived yet. Voight sent Kim and Kevin to meet at the local sheriff's office in the hope that this tiny town might have traffic cameras. As I drove down the main street of the town, I found that possibility highly unlikely. Adam, who was riding with Voight, had managed to get some information on the property from the local courthouse and it included a map. I glanced down at my GPS as I got closer to the address and then made the turn on the long driveway leading into the woods. A few feet back, out of sight from the main road, sat the local patrol car. He informed me no one had come onto the property and the small cabin at the end of the driveway had been empty. I thanked him and continued up the driveway with Voight and Adam in the car behind me. I came to a stop in front of the building that was more of a shack than a cabin and jumped out of the truck. Voight pulled up beside me and they both got out. Adam came to the hood of their vehicle and pulled up the email of the map on his phone. 
“Ahh...there’s like three points of entry on this property. They only sat on this one.”
He groaned in frustration at the realization they could already be somewhere on the property and the one patrol car had been useless to stop them. I rubbed my face, once again struggling to control my temper and looked at Voight for what to do next. He looked around the small clearing around us before letting out a sigh. 
“There’s no way we can search this alone. Adam, get a hold of local again and have them bring out the dogs.”
He looked my way again and I shook my head in frustration. There’s no way I was waiting for them to assemble their K9 teams. I had adam send me a screenshot of the map and set off on one of the trails behind the cabin. I watched as Adam and Voight took the path opposite of mine. Just before I entered the trees I could see Kim and Kevin pulling in with two sheriff cars behind them. I started with a brisk walk but soon was jogging along the rough terrain. I glanced down every now and then at the map on my phone. If this map was accurate, it would lead me to another clearing in the middle of the woods and I hoped that maybe there was another building where I would find Hailey. I don’t know how long I ran before I finally burst into the clearing. I let out a yell of frustration when all I found was an old deer shanty, but still jogged over to check it anyway. I pulled out my phone again, trying to decide which direction to point next when Voight’s name flashed across my screen. 
“Jay, back to the cabin. We’ve got her.”
My heart stuttered with his words. I didn’t want to get my hopes up until I saw her for myself so I quickly pointed back in the direction I came from and set out at a full force run. I burst back into the first clearing, my lungs burning from the jagged breathes I had been taking during my run. My heart pounded in my chest as I jogged across the field, watching in horror as a cot was pushed into the back of an ambulance. I was too far away to see clearly but I was almost certain I saw blonde hair at the head of the cot. My heart stopped again at the sight and I closed the distance between us at a run. I reached the ambulance just as the door was slammed in my face. I went to open it back up but Voight stepped in front of me. My temper flared and I was ready to move him out of the way but he held firm.
“Just give them a minute Jay…”
He shook his head at me and the look I saw in his eyes had me panicking. I tried to look through the small window in the door but it was too tinted for me to see in. After what felt like forever, the door opened and a younger looking EMT poked her head out. 
“We can take one in with us, but we need to get moving. She’s in rough shape.”
Without hesitation, and without anyone moving to stop me, I instantly stepped forward and climbed into the rig. The girl motioned for me to sit on the bench beside Hailey and as I sat down I looked at her for the first time. She looked ice cold, her normally pink lips were a frightening shade of blue. Her eyes were shut and sunken. Her hair was drenched as it spread out underneath her and I noted the blood caked into her head. I watched as another medic placed a mask over her face and began pumping the bag, blowing air into her lungs. I looked down the rest of her body and realized she appeared to be naked, although they had loaded layers of blankets on top of her. I looked at the floor by the foot of the bed and saw a pile of bloodied clothes laying there. That made me feel a little better, knowing that the medics had removed her clothed versus whoever took her. The ambulance lurched forward then and the sound of their sirens filled the tiny compartment around us. I watched as the one girl, who looked much too young to be doing anything of the sort, started an IV in Hailey’s arm. Normally the sight of needles would have got to me but I was too distracted by Hailey’s appearance to care. She looked up at me then with a gentle smile. 
“You can hold her hand if you want.”
She nodded towards the blankets laying over Hailey’s waist. Without thinking, I immediately reached my hand under the blankets, finding hers and clasping it in my own. I was shocked at just how icy she felt and began rubbing my fingers over her palm, hoping to warm it up a little. I realized this was the first time I had ever held Hailey’s hand and if I had ever imagined it, which, to be honest I had, this was certainly not the manner in which I thought it would happen. I was silent the entire way to the hospital, listening to the beeping of the monitor, the choppy conversation shared between the two medics as they exchanged medical terms that were way over my head, and just watching Hailey’s chest rise and fall with the air the other medic was still forcing into her. Finally we came to a stop and I hoped out of the rig beside the cot. The tiny building standing above us, with its flickering EMERGENCY ROOM sign hanging just above the ambulance, paled in comparison to Chicago Med. But, I supposed that was to be expected. Small town, small hospital. I walked beside the cot as they pushed her in, never letting go of Hailey’s hand. I felt slightly satisfied when I noted that it had warmed ever so slightly in my grip. They wheeled her into a small room and suddenly we were surrounded by a team of staff. I heard someone ask me to leave but ignored them. They lined the cot up next to the bed and one of the nurses started pulling the blankets off of her. I felt a sudden wave of embarrassment as Hailey’s bare chest was exposed beside me, but averted my eyes to the bruises covering her torso. With another sweep of her hand, the nurse yanked the rest of the blankets off, exposing Hailey’s lower body. Thankfully, most of her was covered by a pair of black boyshorts but they didn’t conceal the dried blood caking her thighs. I swallowed hard at the realization of what that could mean but pushed the thoughts from my head. A firm hand gripped my arm, causing me to look away and down to see a shorter woman with a reassuring smile on her face. 
“You need to step out so they can look her over. We’ll let you right back in when they’re done.”
Reluctantly, I let go of her hand and stepped away from the bed. The woman led me out of the room, turning to tug the curtain shut behind us, but not before I watched them slide her over onto the hospital bed. I saw the pool of blood Hailey had left on the EMS cot and my heart ached at the thought. The woman led me out to a tiny waiting room and instructed me to have a seat until she returned. I was only there for a moment before the rest of my unit stormed in, immediately heading my way and starting a barrage of questions I couldn’t answer. Voight silenced them and they all picked seats along the row next to me. Voight chose the chair beside mine and we all fell into a silence as we waited. I tried to push all the worst case scenario thoughts out of my head but the sight of her bloody thighs is something that would haunt me until I knew otherwise. I prayed that she would make it through this and I could have my Hailey back. I paused for a moment as I considered that thought. My Hailey. Sure, she was my partner, my friend, but in all actuality...she wasn’t mine, not really. I pushed back the awful thoughts swirling about my head as suddenly a new line of thinking made its way to the forefront. 
My Hailey.
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juniebjoneswrites · 4 years
Bring Me Home // Harry Styles
Steps From The Past (4)
Just one chapter from ya boi’s big debut!
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T/W: brief gross teacher
/the past/
It’s been three weeks since Eli’s death, a week ago they declared him a missing person. I haven't spoken in five days, haven't left my bed in three. I watch the sun rise and set, rise and set like a melody that if maybe I can get it just right, I won't have to hear it anymore. I won't have to hear anything, not my sister crying in the room across the hall or my parents arguing in hushed tones in the dead of night. I won't have to hear my ragged breaths or the stomach pains from not eating. But I do hear. In the mornings when the birds wake I try to find comfort in their tunes and the warmth of the sun but I'm so frozen over that it can't penetrate my ozone. I like to think I have gravity as if the dust is being pulled down, settling over my body, and sinking into my skin. I imagine it trying to absorb my energies and become whole again but I tell it if that were possible then I wouldn't be lying here. At night I don't hear anything for long periods. Time is broken up by sirens and stray animals foraging in trash cans. I try to listen for whispers that come from just out of reach in case he wants to speak to me or to let me explain. But I know that if he didn't want to listen in life then he's definitely not going to in death.
It's the middle of the day and my mom brings me another sandwich I will not eat. My sister's room is loud and heavy with her music. She sets the plate on my night stand and picks up the old one. My eyes are closed but I can feel her staring at me as she makes her way to the door. I let out a breath as I think she's left, but she puts the plate on my dresser and crawls into bed. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me close and tight. She smells of lavender and honey and I feel her warmth trying to seep into my bones. I want to cry and scream and make her hurt because I can't make anyone else hurt. I need somewhere to direct it but there's no one to blame but myself.
I watch myself thrash, yell, and cry. The snot from my nose is uncontrollable. I am inconsolable. I watch as I lash out at her, she feels my pain but she doesn't run away like I want. I want her to be afraid, to leave me, but she pulls me in hard. I push back harder. I want someone to hurt. If the anger can't escape what will be left of me in the end? Will the heat melt my ice? Boil me over and spill my secrets?
But I am frozen. My anger and pain are locked away under my cold skin and a sunken face. Moving would give way to screams and emotions that I don't deserve. So I let my mother hold me and do the only thing she thinks she can. I let her warmth radiate as it tries to thaw me. When the tears come silently, still with enough coldness to become snow, I slowly bury us alive. The thing with moms is that even as I bury us here I know she won't flinch.
On day eight I find myself in the kitchen standing in front of the stove. The blueing hues from the window tells me the sun will soon rise. I shuffle around maybe aimlessly, maybe not. I'm not sure. I don't realize my hands have a plan until I'm sitting at the table with them wrapping around a steaming mug of hot chocolate. The smell is dark and sweet, making my mouth water. I take a sip and let it scald my mouth and warm my belly. More shuffling comes from behind me.
"Josie?" I croak, slightly startled by my voice.
"Mmm," She sits at the table across from me and stares at the mug. I can see her thinking it over before she grabs her own. I watch her pour the boiling water and mix it with chocolate powder. When we were younger we tried to eat the packets with a spoon and ended up choking.
I want to talk to her. Or do I just want to hear her voice? I don't know. Either way she doesn't speak and neither do I. She pulls my chair away from the table and climbs on my lap. I wrap my arm around my sister's waist and press my face into her side, letting out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. She slides her arm around my shoulder, resting her head on mine. I sip my drink. She sips hers.
"We should shower today," She softly says after a long while. We do smell.
"I haven't cared,"
"Me either,"
"You do smell pretty bad," I say. I might be grinning. She lifts her head up and makes a pained sound. I finish my hot chocolate. We don't take a shower, just walk to her bed and fall asleep until the sun sets again.
I finally take my mom's advice to run but I don't initially start this first time out of the house. I take labored step after labored step and push my legs forward like a puppet. I'm groggy and hazy and the world won't slow down. It's kept going at the same pace it always has. It didn't take time to mourn or review it's checks and balances to see if it made the right choice. It just kept going and now we have to find our way back in like jumping on a train at full speed. I don't check my footing or where I'm placing my hands as I Jump, I go blindly.
Being in the everyday motions feels like hitting the train car at full speed. My palms are sweaty and my breath comes like a punch to the gut. I find things to latch on to. I sit on the bench at the library we use to go to and pretend we're all there people watching. "That woman over there looks like she tells the birds her life as she feeds them," Mia once said, I can hear us laugh but I can hear Elijah laugh the loudest. When I see my reflection in the library's windows, it's just me. I walk away.
I find myself at the skate park where Josie taught me to skateboard. I wiped out, taking most of the blow to my knees. I think there's still a rock in there somewhere. In high school I watched Isaac ask Allie to be his girlfriend before Isaac realized he actually liked Jonah. We joked that Allie must have been a bad girlfriend. When Mia was 13 she told me that a neighborhood guy tried to feel her up behind the drop in ramp without asking. Elijah overheard and the next day we saw him with busted knuckles; when we asked him about it he just winked and shrugged. Mia blushed.
I walk by the elementary school we grew up in, only a mile or so from the high school we graduated from years ago. I wonder if our names are still under the desk in math, room 104. There was a scandal there about a teacher seducing a student and allegedly trying with others. No one found out who the girl was, they kept the information closed. But I can't see the science building without remembering how Allie never went back for Mr. Samuel's lessons after he asked to see her after class, she wouldn't tell me why. It wasn't until my sister broke down his classroom door after school that I realized. She saw his hand on my thigh and kicked the chair from under him. She pushed his chest down, "You'll get what you deserve." And he did.
The ice cream shop across town was walking distance from where my father worked and he would give us money on Fridays to get some, so long as we brought him back one after. That's where, in 10th grade, Jonah and Isaac found a dog with three legs wandering around eating from the garbage. They managed to entice it with ice cream and take it back to Isaac's. He had a dog already but his parents took him in anyway. They named him Berry after the strawberry flavor they captured him with.
Once at a roller rink Jonah fell and Josie accidentally ran over his finger. She stumbled to a stop and crawled back to him, screaming. He was laughing so hard from her reaction, and probably the shock, that he hadn't cared about the blood coming from his fingers. I sped us to the hospital while Elijah called his dad. By the time we got there the shock had worn off, leaving him with the pain. We called him hook for the rest of the year on account of how the bandages made his hand look. He just smiled as Isaac held his other one.
Once Sam told me I should be nicer because no one would want me. Sam is three years older than Elijah. Josie is two years older than me. Sam and Josie used to spend a lot of time together in her room listening to music really loudly. I knew what they were doing but I was still angry that she didn't ever want me to hangout with them together. So when Sam came over I went to see Elijah. Two can play that game, I thought. And two, they played.
Elijah kissed me one afternoon on winter break after we played outside for hours. My whole body was freezing but his lips were soft, albeit cold. As he took my hand and brought me back inside I thought of Mia and her secret glances his way. Blushing when he'd sit next to her, how she always seemed to have just what he needed, when he needed it. I couldn't look at her the next time I saw her but Elijah acted like nothing happened so eventually I let myself think nothing did. That following summer he took her to the movies and she told me that when they went back to his house they had sex. I smiled and told her that as long as she wanted to, then I was happy for her. On the drive home I thought of his bed.
When I got back I wanted to talk to my sister but as usual, Sam was there so her door was shut. I banged and banged until finally she opened it. "What?" She asked annoyed and out of breath. I guess she could see my youthful confusion and anger, I was 16 and she was 18. I knew what they were doing but I didn't know what I was doing. She sighed and opened the door wider, Sam looked annoyed. I shot him a dirty look and he stood up defensively. She was my sister.
"What's your problem?" He asked. My sister raised her eyebrows at him.
"You're my problem," I sneered.
"I was just sitting here,"
"Yeah well now you're not, so you can leave," I threw him his sweater. He laughs, "You know what?" he snatches his shoes, "No one's going to want you if you're going to be such a bitch all the time," With that my sister smacked him across the back of the head and pushed him from her room. He whirled around, "Why do you think Eli didn't choose you?"
"Because he was too busy hiding from you!" I screamed at him, slamming her door in his face.
I leaped face down on her bed and screamed into the pillow. Asking what happened, she crawled on the bed and rested her body on mine. "He slept with Mia," I told her through pillows and tears. But I didn't tell her that on that winter day on break, I did also.
(1) / (2) / (3) / 4 / (5) / (6)
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calmlftv · 4 years
can you hear me? - l.h.
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description: luke is a kind stranger you bump into on a bad day; the beginning of a long and beautiful journey.
word count: 2.8k
warnings: n/a!
w/n: i don’t see a lot of writing involving specifically hearing impaired readers, and as a hearing impaired writer, i decided to make something myself! 
taglist: @spicycal​
You have had it up to here with being hearing impaired. 
While the normal amount of annoyance about them occurred every day - like trying to properly fit them in your ear, changing your wax trap, all that - this day was different. You had woken up and realized your charging station had been unplugged somehow, meaning your hearing aids hadn’t charged all night. Also meaning you would have to wait another hour before you were able to wear them again, pushing back the routine you so desperately needed to maintain your mental health.
After plugging it in you huffed down the stairs, your roommate already sitting at the table for a Zoom class. You signed hello and went to the coffee maker, starting your own cup before turning to your roommate. 
“Did you unplug my charger?” You signed, their eyes quickly looking away from you in guilt. You threw your hands up in frustration before continuing. “Why?! What were you doing in my room anyway?”
Your roommate kept their eyes on you as they answered a question for their professor, your hand on your hip as their barely audible voice filled the house. No doubt they were talking at a normal volume, but it might as well have been a whisper for you, the hard consonants barely reaching your ears before disappearing as you turned around. You put together your coffee in your favorite mug, not even waiting to hear your roommates excuse as you carried it all back up the stairs to your room, probably making enough noise to wake up the neighborhood. 
After that it was a small series of things that pissed you off; the wind blowing through the microphones in your hearing aids, the too loud sounds of construction a few streets away, the sideways glances as you signed your order to your barista at the coffee shop. You were used to the extra attention you would get when you advocated for yourself like that, but today it just became the tipping point; loneliness enveloped you as you sat in at a table in the corner, angry tears pricking your eyes as you folded your hands in front of you. 
The noises in the shop only added to your frustration until you forced yourself to leave, your chair harshly scraping against the floor as you stood too quickly. In your rush to get out the door you stumbled, bumping into a solid body before you landed on the sidewalk, your to go cup spilling your drink all over the place. 
You froze in place until a gentle hand wrapped around your arm, a stranger carefully helping you up as your ears were ringing. Slowly a voice faded into focus as you looked at this person’s face. 
“-so sorry,” he was saying, his blue eyes crystal clear as they met yours. Your head was tilted up quite a bit, the man wildly tall. “Are you okay?” 
It took you a second to answer, your voice wavering a bit before it found the strength. “Y-Yeah, I’m alright,” you said, straightening a bit. His hand was still on your arm. “I feel like I should be the one apologizing, I wasn’t paying attention and I didn’t hear you-” 
The kind man chuckled a bit, his hand giving your arm a squeeze. “It’s alright, love, no harm no foul.” He looked at the now empty cup on the sidewalk and sighed. “Your coffee, on the other hand…” 
You chuckled a bit, moving to pick up the cup and throw it in the trash. “Yeah, the unfortunate casualty,” you joked, looking back at the man. Your eyes fixed on his lips as he spoke again, the natural pink tint a bit distracting. 
“Could I buy you a new one?” You opened your mouth to protest, the man quickly cutting you off. “It’s the least I could do.” 
You thought about it for a second before you nodded, letting the gentleman hold the door open for you as you stepped in. The overwhelming sounds flooded over you again, more sideways glances as you ordered with sign again. The man raised his eyebrows but kept his mouth closed as he paid, picking up your drinks and motioning towards the very table you had just vacated. 
Both of you sat, your drinks sitting between the two of you as your eyes flicked between Luke’s eyes and his mouth; reading lips was a skill you had been forced to learn from a young age, and it definitely had its benefits when you were in a noisy spot. 
“What’s your name?” The man asked, his hands moving around his cup. 
“Y/N,” you said, a smile on your face as your hands mimicked his. “What’s yours?”
“Luke,” he said, lifting his cup to his lips. For a brief moment they were covered, your hearing aids missing the words he spoke. 
“What was that?” You asked, your previous frustration already building again. 
He set his cup down and smiled. “You have a pretty name,” he repeated, his volume just slightly louder than before. “It’s kinda loud in here, huh?” 
You nodded, taking a sip of your drink. You took a breath and calmed yourself down before he continued. 
The two of you chatted for a bit, you asking Luke to repeat himself every so often when he covered his mouth. His brows would furrow when he would make a joke that you would miss, his lips pulled into a smile that would falter when you would just be confused. 
Eventually the cafe got quiet, the crowd leaving as the time went by. You breathed a sigh of relief every time someone left, the noise level quieting and making it easier to hear Luke. You both got on quite well, Luke obviously enjoying your company as he asked you on a date. A blush appeared on your cheeks as you accepted, the two of you exchanging phone numbers before continuing with a new conversation.
Another missed joke floated from Luke’s lips, you pausing and struggling to hear his words until you asked him to repeat it. 
“Can you hear me?” He asked, brows furrowed in confusion. 
You blushed again, looking at your cup. “Um...no,” you answered, wincing as the door scraped open. “I’m, um….hard of hearing. You keep covering your mouth.” 
Realization dawned on Luke’s face, his hands flattening themselves on the table. “Oh my god,” he said, wincing as he thought of all the times you asked him to repeat himself. “Oh my god I’ve been such an asshole.” 
You shook your head, covering his hand with your own without thinking. “No it’s okay! I didn’t say anything sooner-” 
“-but I should have asked when I asked you about the signing,” he finished for you, running a hand through his blonde curls. “I’m so sorry, y/n, I feel like such an ass.” 
You chuckled lightly, shaking your head. “Really, Luke, it’s fine.” 
Luke sighed to himself, his hands falling back on the table. “I’m gonna make it up to you, okay? On our date?” 
You smiled, another blush appearing on your cheeks. “Deal,” you agreed, knowing by now that he was too stubborn to let it go. “I’m looking forward to it.” 
He smiled at you, more of a beam really before he finished his drink. The two of you wrapped up your conversations and walked out together, Luke hugging you goodbye before walking away in the opposite direction as you. 
You had a dumb smile on your face as you got home, your roommate sitting on the couch watching a TV show as you walked in. Their hands and fingers immediately started flying, apologies about your charger spewing from them before you stopped them. 
“It’s okay,” you reassured verbally, your hands matching them. “I’m not mad anymore.” 
They sighed in relief, scooting over to make room for you. Together you watched whatever trashy reality TV you wanted, your mind dancing with thoughts of your date with Luke. 
A few days later you stood in front of your full length mirror, staring at your high waisted jeans and tucked-in blouse as you assessed your look for your date. You turned and grabbed an oversized jean jacket and threw that on, nodding to yourself as you looked it over before grabbing your phone. 
Can’t wait for tonight! Luke had texted earlier, a smile on your lips as you read it. Promise it’ll be nice and quiet for us. See you soon, x.
You quickly sent a text letting him know you were ready and about to leave, receiving an address in response. You tucked your phone into your pocket and grabbed your keys, stepping out and closing your door before descending to the living area. Your roommate was reading a textbook on the couch, flashcards and various colored pens scattered all over the coffee table in front of them. They looked up at you and grinned. 
“Date night?” They asked, sitting up and taking in your outfit. “Of course it is, you don’t look this hot for nothing.” 
You laughed, shaking your head. “Shut up,” you said, walking over to peek at what they were doing. You hadn’t been in school for a bit, opting to stop at an associates before taking a much needed break. 
Your roommate nodded and you smiled reassuringly, putting a hand on their shoulder and giving it a squeeze. “You’re gonna do great, bubs. I gotta go, but when I get back I can help you study?”
They nodded and smiled, shooing you out of the house before you were late. You obliged and blew them a kiss, jumping into the car and pulling up your Maps app to type in Luke’s address. 
Upon arrival you were a bundle of nerves, your fingers twisting the rings you had put on around until the skin begging you to stop. You stepped up to the door and knocked three times, waiting patiently before the door opened. 
Luke was smiling at you, a white shirt on his torso and ripped black jeans on his legs. He had put some product in his hair to hold it back a bit, some stray curls still falling against his forehead. 
“Hey,” he greeted, stepping aside to let you in. “C’mon in, it’s a bit cold out.” 
“Thanks,” you said kindly, taking your shoes off at the door. Luke helped you out of your jacket, handing it on the hooks by the door before he led you into the house. 
The smell of food hit your nostrils as you passed the kitchen, the dishes already cleaned and set to dry on a rack as he led you through the room. He stopped in the dining room, turning to face you with a big smile as he gestured towards the set up he had put together. 
The table was set with a beautiful array of food, a wonderful presentation of it already sitting on your plate as he guided you over. He pulled out your chair for you and helped you in it, a giggle escaping you as you sat and admired the candles he had also set. 
“Hope this is all okay,” he said, sitting down and adjusting his own chair before speaking again. “I wasn’t too sure what you’d like, so this is just a little bit of everything.” 
You giggled again, the nerves you were feeling disappearing as you got to settle in. “It all looks amazing, Luke,” you said, picking up your glass of water as he picked up his.
“To a hopefully amazing first date,” he smiled, clinking your glasses together before taking a sip. “If you want anything other than water, just let me know, I have a lot of other things in the fridge.” 
His nerves were palpable, your smile only growing as you picked up your fork and started eating. “Oh my god,” you said after your first bite, covering your mouth as you chewed. “This is amazing, Luke.”
He beamed, food sitting on his own fork before he took a bite himself. He sighed and nodded, proud of himself as the two of you ate together. It got quiet for a bit, the only sound being the clinking of your silverware as you both ate peacefully. It wasn’t uncomfortable, to your surprise; it was almost a welcome silence, both of you wordlessly on the same page as you just enjoyed being near each other again. 
Once you were both finished you helped Luke clear the table, both of you laughing as you talked and joked around. He had asked you about your hometown when a new noise sounded by you, causing you to look around for the source. 
Luke found it before you did, a smile on his face as he chuckled. “Piggy, you gotta wait for your turn to talk,” he teased, a beautiful white bulldog lumbering around the corner with the sweetest face you’ve ever seen. 
“You have a dog!” you said, your voice a bit higher than normal as you knelt down. The doggie smile made your heart melt, your hand reaching out towards her for her to sniff. 
“That’s Petunia,” he introduced, the dog sniffing your hand before giving it a lick. “She’s a bulldog-terrier mix and a very spoiled pup.” 
You laughed a bit, lifting a hand to scratch her ear. “Definitely should have led with this, Mr. Hemmings,” you teased, Petunia happy to let you pet her as Luke knelt down beside you, chuckling. 
“I definitely should have, she loves you,” he said, smiling as he pet the dog and kissed her head. You noticed the obvious affection in his eyes as he looked at his dog, the sight of that melting your heart once again. 
After your brief break with Petunia the two of you got back to cleaning up, Luke even making you some tea while you sat at the island in his kitchen. 
“When did you learn to sign?” Luke asked you, leaning against the opposite side of the counter with his steeping tea in front of him. He was fiddling with the bag, fingers playing with the string as you wrapped your hands around your warm mug. 
“I started when I was 9,” you answered, breathing in the scent of the spices in your tea. “My parents got me into a class when we got my diagnosis.” 
Luke nodded, listening intently. “And it’s both ears?”
“Yeah, bilateral,” you answered, your fingers also fiddling with the steeping bag of tea. “My doctors think it might have been caused by a lot of different things, but we’ve never really been sure of what made me hard of hearing.” 
Luke nodded again, his eyes moving to his cup before he pulled out the tea bag and set it on a saucer by the sink. He took yours and did the same, setting it back in front of you before grabbing out creamer and sugar. 
“And you mentioned you wear hearing aids,” he said, more of a statement than a question as you both fixed up your teas. “How do they work?”
You nodded to the statement, his question making you smile. It was obvious that he wanted to know everything, a student at heart who was eager to learn. 
“Well,” you said, sitting up a bit as you pulled out your left hearing aid. His eyes went wide as you did, fixed on the technology as you giggled. You pointed to the small piece that sat in your ear. “This bit sits in my ear, generally settles right against my eardrum.” Your point moved to the top piece that slipped behind your ear. “This has microphones in it that take in the sound, which travels down this tube.” Your finger snaked along the plastic tubing connecting the two pieces. “The sound comes through the piece in my ear and vibrates my eardrums, which helps make my inner ear do its job.” 
Luke nodded to your explanation, sipping his tea as you spoke. The way his eyes closely followed your gestures and how closely he was paying attention made your heart skip; no one’s really listened like this before, a whole new gleam to his beautiful blue eyes as he asked you questions and learned more about you. His interest was obvious, another thing that was new to you, but you loved it, drinking it in until he walked you to his door. 
He grabbed your jacket for you and held it as you put it on, his hands sliding down your arms for a second before he pulled them back. You smiled and turned around, your hands in your jacket pockets as you both stood by the door. 
“Thank you for tonight,” you said sweetly, a blush creeping up your cheeks one more time as you spoke. “This was really fun.” 
Luke smiled back at you. “So does this mean I get a second date?”
A laugh escaped you. “It absolutely does. I’d love to have a second date.” 
Luke grinned, his arms wrapping around you in a hug. When you pulled back you pressed a kiss to his cheek, his cheeks lightly tinted pink as you did. 
“Goodnight, Luke.” 
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nancypullen · 3 years
You guys, we're just a short walk to the "ber" months! If this month zips by like the last couple, we'll be smack dab in September before we know it! I love that. I 'm not wishing my life away, but I sure am wishing this summer away. With Tennessee still at a 30-something percent vaccination rate, we haven't really gone anywhere or done anything. No baseball games, no festivals, no fun. Sure, we're vaccinated but that shot is meant to keep us from severe COVID, hospitalization, and death. I don't want it at all. I've got friends who had it, never ended up in the hospital, but months later are still battling symptoms. No thanks. Soooo, on Saturday night we got real fancy and picked up a sack of Taco Bell and went to the drive-in to see Jungle Cruise. The movie was bad, but the company was excellent and the nachos were delicious. No regrets.
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What can I say? I'm a cheap date. Before I forget- I've had some questions about the refrigerator pickles. Yes, they were a success. When the first jar was ready for the frig I had the mister taste one and critique the flavor. He said there wasn't enough of a vinegar bite. I added an extra tablespoon of vinegar to each jar and after that he deemed them perfect. In fact, he's enjoyed them so much that he's mowed through the whole batch (4 jars). Today I'll be picking and pickling some more. After that I may pull up the cucumber plants. They're starting to look like they've lived a good life. Besides, IT'S AUGUST. We're nearly finished with summer! Can I get an amen? The bell peppers still have plenty of production time, I've had a pretty good crop and there are still lots of baby peppers on the plants. I'll give them a stay of execution for now. I've been at my desk making cards again. No special occasions, just nonsense.
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Today I plan to make one for someone special who is battling health issues and maybe a couple of back-to-school cards for teacher friends. It would be kinder just to send them haz-mat suits. That's it, you're all caught up on the fast-paced life we're living - drive-ins, pickles, and paper crafts. In about three weeks we'll mask up and FLY to Baltimore. This will be the first time I've been on a plane since February of 2020. Holy cow! Eighteen months feels like a lifetime. Anyway, we've got a meeting with a builder, we plan to visit a couple more towns that we missed the first time we went exploring, and hopefully, HOPEFULLY make a final decision of some sort - even if it's just agreeing on a spot. We've had zoom meetings with the builder and have been going over floorplans and options - I'm still not convinced it's our wisest choice. I'd love a sparkling new home with hand-picked finishes, but there are a lot of hidden costs. We built this house in 1999 and it was all pretty straight forward and we knew exactly what we were getting for our sale price. This time around everything is an "option". Oh, you want a light above the kitchen island? That's another $800. What's that, you want steps to the front porch? We can do that for $1800. Every extra window is $500 or more, and (surprise!) most rooms only have one. The optional stone fireplace is $7,000. They don't sound like much one at a time, but added together it's a bundle. Buying finishes through the builder is very convenient, but far more costly. The same granite or quartz kitchen counters the builder will install are a thousand dollars more than Lowe's or Home Depot - the very same granite! And you know darn well that the builder is buying them at a contractor's price. The catch is that you must have a countertop in order to close. So if you have them install a basic laminate and choose to replace it with granite of your choosing, then you're paying the new installers extra to remove and haul away the laminate that you didn't want in the first place. Ugh. We've also remembered that we are not HOA people. The neighborhood we are considering is really lovely - it sits on a golf course (we don't golf) and has a community pool, fitness center, etc. Of course, there's a fee for all of that. That fee also includes trash pickup and lawn maintenance. Mickey would never mow again! He likes that. BUT, and for me this is a big but, they control every shrub or tree you might want to plant. No trees with a trunk diameter over 12 inches. They also hit you for $650 every January for maintenance of water and sewer. They're on public sewer and water, so I'm not sure what that covers. Of course, we can always purchase a lot elsewhere and build on that, but odds are that would entail having a well and septic put in and I am not a fan of that at all. The allure of building is that we could control the timeline (pretty much). If we broke ground in September or October could list our house in the spring and make our move. That gives us time to book a moving company and have a schedule that doesn't create panic. Our other options are to keep scouring real estate and jump on a house that meets our needs, list our house, close on our house and the new house in a timely manner, cross our fingers we can hire a reputable moving company on short notice, and drive to Maryland with two cats...or...list our house, close, hire a moving company, drive to Maryland with two cats, put everything in storage, rent a place until we find what we love, then hire movers again to get everything from storage to the new place. I'll be honest, the worst part of both scenarios is the idea of driving with two cats. They may have to be drugged. I'm currently liking this house in Ocean Pines. It's a little wonky-looking, but the interior and the lot are appealing (that dappled shade is perfect for hydrangeas!). I'm crazy about that screened room. https://www.homesnap.com/homes/for_sale/MD/Ocean-Pines/p_(21,21266)/c_38.381705,-75.146285/z_12/m_7,107492455 I've
already decorated it in my mind. It's 5 miles from the beach, the community has 5 pools ( 1 indoor), tennis courts, pickleball courts, walking trails, playgrounds, etc. No hidden fees. Every Saturday there's a farmer's market, and everything we'd need from a good hospital to Home Goods is nearby. The biggest drawback is that it's two hours from the grandgirl. Two hours is much better than our current eleven hours but that's definitely not the easy drop-in we'd hoped for. Arrgh! They'll just have to move. Ha! Alright, I've dumped my brain out on here and I'll leave you to pick through the mess and make sense of it. I have to run out to mail a box, then I'll feed the mister, fold some laundry, and make a couple cards. That's kind of a terrific Tuesday. No complaints from me. Besides, we're now just 89 days from Halloween! The stores have had fake pumpkins out since mid-July, they know the way to my heart. One more reason not to buy a lot outside of a neighborhood- no trick-or-treaters! Can you imagine if this was to be my last official Halloween? Tragedy! Gotta' run. Stay safe. stay well, and be kind to each other. XOXO, Nancy
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riotfuckery · 5 years
Love takes some work
A/N: Hello it’s me, your neighborhood big tiddy goth gf and lowkey weeb. Uhhh I just want to thank all of you for reading this and I hope you enjoy my trash writing! Anyways, enjoy my Shinso fluff . Also shoutout to some but not limited to my fav writers to help me get inspired to write again after many years. Sending lots of love and good vibes to all of you @ikinabi @kiriwhore-sama @shinsouzone @adoringwords @birds-have-teeth @kingtamakimurder @meganshinsou-tm @trafalgar-temptress @queensynderella @lady-bakuhoe
Shinso Hitoshi was in love. Madly and irrecoverably in love. From your shiny (h/c) hair to the ugly cackle you have when you laugh at your friends antics. He loved everything about you with every fiber of his being. But life isn’t so kind as to give us what we want, we have to work for it.
His love for you started one late night in the common area of the dorms. He was up with his usual bout of insomnia and took a break from looking at memes on his phone to make himself a cup of tea in the kitchen. That’s where he found you waiting in the kitchen for the water to boil to make your own tea. You heard his footsteps and turned to face him.
“Hey Shinso, what are you doing up so late?” you asked softly, as to try not to wake anyone up but still loud enough for him to hear across the kitchen. You were dressed in a fluffy pair of cat pj pants and a oversized black plain shirt.
“I should be asking you the same question” he asked, his tone more gravelly than normal but not missing the sass.
“That’s fair, well I’m making a cup of tea since I can’t sleep, how about you?” You answer especially interested in hearing his response.
“I was actually about to do the same thing so I guess I’ll wait till you’re done so I can make mine” he said
“Well I put in enough water for two cups so come on over and pick your tea” you smiled at him while you turned to get your own choice of tea and mug.
He gave a you a shy smile and put a hand to the back of his neck before he walked till he was next to you. He chose a simple green tea with a cat mug and set it down on the counter next to yours.
“So what’s got you up so late?” You asked. Your lidded sleepy eyes and slightly messy hair from rolling around in bed made his heart beat a little faster than normal.
‘What the fuck? Why is she so cute? Also not hesitating to answer as well’. His mind was racing a million miles an hour but just pushed it off as being sleep deprived.
“Oh, ya know the usual bought of insomnia” he replied with a slight grin. You on the other hand were looking at him in the same way, little to his knowledge. The amethyst eyes that were excentuated by his seemingly permanent dark circles and even messier bedhead put you in a daze where you could only focus on him.
You snapped out of it quickly, much to your dismay when you realize you had to reply to him. “I feel that” you giggled quietly. “It’s actually nice having someone to talk to late at night instead of questioning my own sanity at 3am” you looked up at him with a gentle smile. Just then the electric tea kettle clicked off, signaling it’s done it’s job.
You gracefully grabbed the tea kettle with a hum, pouring Shinso and yourself water into the mugs. He said a small thanks and went to stir his own tea while you did the same. You were humming “everything stays” from adventure time while you put in your add ons.
Shinso was silent, quietly listening to your humming with a small genuine smile on his face. You stopped humming and turned to look at him shyly “hey uhm, if you don’t plan on going to bed immediately, do you wanna hang out for a bit?” You asked him, suddenly being painfully aware of how attractive he really is under the low lighting of the kitchen. You cursed yourself for being nervous and cursed the small blush you can feel on your cheeks while taking a sip from your tea to hopefully hide it.
Saying he was caught off guard was the best way to put it. He was hit with the tidal wave of realization that you, the cutest and kindest girl in class 1-A who didn’t hesitate to speak to him despite his quirk or his class wide announcement that he wasn’t here to make friends, just asked him to hang out?????
He hesitated for a moment, thinking it was some kind of prank or get at him to do a favor for you but when he looked at your shiny doe-like e/c eyes that held no bit of maliciousness or hate toward him, the walls that he put up to protect himself from getting getting hurt started to crumble.
“Sure if that’s alright with you” he responded in his signature deep and lazy tone. Your eyes twinkled for a moment and he swears he could hear the cracks the cracks in his walls getting bigger.
Crack crack
“Of course it is Shinso, I always thought you were really cool and you seem like a great person so I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want to” you smiled up at him. His heart rate that had seemingly just calmed down came back with a vengeance. He was wondering if you could hear it from where you were.
He blushed at the comment and shyly put his hand on his neck once again. He was thankful you hadn’t called him out on it. You started to walk over to the common room couches and he followed. You plopped down then patted the space next to you on the couch with a playful smile.
It was from then on, your late night couch talks with tea and whatever dumb show on the lowest volume setting possible became special to him and you. You were always waiting in the kitchen with the kettle going when Shinso showed up. The more you talked the closer you became. He could practically hear and feel his walls crumbling down whenever you were around him.
It was soon that you exchanged numbers and even sooner that you considered each other best friends. Talking about everything to horror movies and tv shows to the meaning of life. But no matter how much you were together, the late night couch talks were always your guys’ favorite. You both even indulged in platonic cuddle sessions while hoping the other couldn’t hear the racing hearts and see the small blushes that were happening.
Soon enough he couldn’t go to sleep without some sort of physical contact from you. So when one night you were MIA from your late night couch talk and cuddle session, he sent you a text asking if you were okay and when he got no response he panicked. He sneakily rushed his way to your room and knocked on your door softly. When he got no reply but only heard the sounds of sniffles is when he hesitantly tried the door to see it was unlocked.
He stepped in quickly and shut the door behind him quietly. That’s where he saw you curled up on the floor trying to hide your sobbing from the world and himself. He quickly rushed over and sat in front of you. You gasped and looked at him with dull eyes for a moment before looking to the side away from him. His heart was aching at the sight of your puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. He himself wanted to cry but he held it in for you.
Your quirk, ghoul (shoutout to Tokyo Ghoul) was considered very powerful but very volatile. It would go haywire whenever you were angry. Your eyes turning black with a red pupil and red veins around it. You would also sprout bright blue wings made of what looked like water tended to spread and shot arrow like darts to take down opponents. Your nails would sharpen to claws and teeth would sharpen into fangs along with a boost in your strength, speed, and reflexes. After years of training and you have great control of your wings but not your eyes and nails.
He knew what people said about your quirk as people said the same thing about his. He knew that it would get you down sometimes but you would always brush it off with a smile while always defending him in return. They called you a demon and a monster. One look from your black and red eyes had most people snap their mouths shut. He’s never seen you like this though, so when he saw you looking so broken his heart shattered for you.
“H-hey kitty, what’s wrong?” He cursed himself for stuttering and panicking in front of his crush. The tears were still freely falling while you were trying to hold in your sobs. He moved his hands to your face while wiping away the tears with his thumbs. You still refused to look at him. He took a deep breath and tried to steady himself.
He tried again “Kitty, you can tell me what’s wrong, I’m here for you okay?” You took a deep breath and held his hands on your face, nuzzling into them for a second before you looked at him. Your eyes were in ghoul mode and your nails were sharp as the tears were still streaming but you were no longer sobbing. He lovingly stroked circles on your cheeks and looked at you patiently with a small smile on his face. He didn’t flinch or widen his eyes at your change.
You took another deep breath and looked him straight in the eye. “Some kids called me a monster and that no one would every willingly love me without being simultaneously being terrified of me, they said I would be alone for the rest of my life. And I know they say that all the time but today it was just too much. I don’t want to be alone for the rest of my life and I especially don’t want to scare you away because you’re my best friend and I can’t imagine my life without you Toshi” the fear in your voice was breaking through and by the end the tears started again.
You could see him getting angrier but not at you, at those dumbass punks. He never stopped wiping your tears and he waited patiently for you to finish.
He was angry, so incredibly angry by the way his muscles tensed and his eyebrows furrowed. But the soft and loving look in his eyes never waived from yours. “Kitty, you’re my best friend and I plan to stay in your life forever. So you’re stuck with me till you kick the bucket okay?” He relaxed when he saw you smile shyly and nod your head a little. He was never great with words so he did what he did best and used his actions to say what he needed to say.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead which caused both of you to blush. Thankfully it was dark so both of you couldn’t see pink tinting each others cheeks. He moved his hands from your face and held one of your hand with his, interlacing your fingers together. “Cmon kitty lets go to bed, I’m sure you could use some rest.” He spoke gently. He guided you to your bed and pulled you down with him.
He released his hand and you moved so your head was on his chest. He put his arm around you and held you closer while playing with your soft hair, gently combing through it and petting it. He laid his head back on your pillow and reveled in the feeling of you so close to him, your hair smelled like f/s and felt so silky in his rough and calloused hand. You intertwined your legs with his on instinct and wrapped your free arm around his waist sleepily. The gentle (but fast) steady beating of his heart lulling you to sleep almost immediately. What you said said next make his pink cheeks red and the tips of his ears burn.
“Thank you so much for everything Toshi, for being you being you and for pulling me out of my meltdown. I love you so much.” Your voice was heavy with sleep and it sounded like music to his ears. He didn’t have the time to say it back as he heard your soft even breaths and your light snores. His chest was about to burst from the joy and relief he felt. Tiny happy tears stung the corners of his lavender eyes and he took another deep breath of steady himself as a wide grin overtook his face.
The walls had broke fully now, all his love for you came pouring out like a broken dam. His dreams of being with you now having a chance to become real. He kissed your forehead for the second time that night, the grin still on his face now down to a sweet smile. “I love you too kitty, I’ll be here in the morning when you wake up. I’ll always be here for you” and with that he kept petting your hair until he too fell asleep. And it was some of the best sleep he’s ever gotten.
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