#i went to the zoo today! w my friend it was fun
kuromi-hoemie · 6 months
god having to admit u can't dance is always so
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chuuyascumsock · 3 months
Dw, id never leave you pookers ;)
and stopp im going to squeak 😫
aw eddsworld sounds rlly sweet, im def going to check it out now :D
AND OMG WE TOTALLY WOULD MAKE THE BEST ANALOG HORROR TAPES???? FUCK I LOVE THEM SO MUCH- the world knew we'd be too powerful together and thats why we've never met 🥺 but im so scared to go camping, ive never properly camped before so i like... dont know how it works?? idk, i feel like id be too scared to sleep because of everything- or like id be thinking too much 😭😭
fr like if i met all my moots id def be way too powerful and giddy, like one of those tiny pomeranians that are always bouncing and yapping at everything 🥰🥰
oo how was the movie? we are def connected bc i saw an ad for that movie earlier today AND THEN I SAW YOU POSTING ABOUT IT???
damn :(( I hope you and libby have a good time w teagan, and fr AND DEF DONT LET A MAN COME BETWEEN NO ONE ESP IF THEYRE BEING MEAN TO LIBBY? i dont know her but she sounds awesome from what you've said and the fact that she's good friends w you must mean she is an amazing person ❤️💐 HI LIBBY IF YOU'RE READING THIS HOPE YOU KNOW THAT IM SURE YOU'RE AMAZING AND IGNORE ALL THE STINKERS !!!
dw babe ill eat all the stinkies 😋
and theres no bears where i live apart from in zoos T-T but dw ill say hi to the wild horses for you 😘😘
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(me on the right and you on the left 😋🥰💐)
Hi hi ^^ the movie was so good (I didn’t even watch the first one and I watched the second right after the prequel so it’s a mess lol). Dinner with Teagan, Libby, and other friends also went well. They went to the store after and I went home cause I was eepy and also wanted to get some stuff done, so I’m just sitting in bed.
Don’t worry about camping, the only thing you need to make sure is that you don’t walk into any insect nests or animal territories or you’ll learn that it’s not fun 😌 (I walked into a nest of yellow jackets as a kid and I came out looking bad, it was a whomp). Other than that, I’d say you’re good. Don’t use poison ivy as toilet paper either, that would suck I’d assume 😋
And horses? Dang, if only I was there, I’d know how to ride them (I was forced to take horse riding lessons when I was in middle school and I hated every second of it, hurray to the second place award I won once though for having a horse that listened to me though lol). Just imagine, this could’ve been us:
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itsdelicate · 2 years
sorry this is late but hiiii!!
YES exactly omg like when i wanted to get into f+tm it took me forever to choose smth to listen to first so i just asked a friend what to listen to. yea ur absolutely right. she did she did and then acted like it isnt one of the most addictive songs on her discography??? when i first heard the bridge i thought she said he looks so pretty like a devil and that did me in but the actual lyric is everything too lmao YES hey taylor just make the longest album all a bunch of 10 mins song thanks babe lol
omg thatd be so fun!! they came to my country and we totally missed it and my mom was so sad ab it like she was all "why didnt you tell me they were coming" lmaodsjk and i wouldve loved to go as well. aww its ur "i thought they were boo-ing me" sorta moment (thats the first thing that came to me lmao). YES which is why im trying to get into other artists cause soon im going to have listened the hell out of all the discographies of my fav artists djskmdlm
HAHAH yea good thing taylor is a master of putting depressing lyrics together w dancey beats akmddsnm i love slow sad songs cause of my mom i think cause she played those slow whitney houston and celine dion songs on repeat when i was younger lol
yea dont fall for the peer pressure to watch them its a lot and not so amazing anyways lol. i mean yea but some of the plot is bit iffy for me like the cultural roots of the whole avatar people and that dash of white saviour stuff in the first movie so its like eh.
OHH okok glad u had fun!! well i went to my grandmas in the weekend and went out w my cousins yesterday which was loads of fun!! def wanna do that again soon. wbu? did anything kinda fun or even pretty lame or really just anything lol
omg im actually a bit in the middle for me! lol like i do like it but its not smth i listen to as much as most of her other songs. it is!! im def never doing a whole ranking lmaokdwk OOH yesyes i love lwymmd since the mv like i thought it was the most iconic thing ever when i watched it and i wasnt even a fan at the time. ooh def closure!! i could not listen to it at first then after a long while i went back to it and tried to listen to it like the first time and LOVED IT!!! now shes everything to me and i will defend her w my life <3
how's ur day been? any little things in it that made u happy?
xxx ur secret santa
ahhh my reply’s late too that’s alright!! i’ve been working on assignments, very upsetting that it’s back to reality now 🥲
oooh that’s a great way to get into music! honestly only one of my friend’s is a big music lover so i never get recs from anyone except her ahsjd omg same i thought that was the lyric as well! no literally like give me a 10 min version of the great war,,,,
oh nooo it would’ve been so fun!! are you a big concert person? shdkf it was Exactly like that i thought they were laughing cause i was bad at singing or something 💀 i always end up switching from whichever album i’ve been playing non-stop! i just saw & juliet the musical last week so for now it’s the soundtrack instead of midnights hehe
sad bops are so good 😌 oooh very fair! what was your very first album you got on your own?
noted 😭 oh oof tbh idk what the avatar movies are about at all except that they’re blue msjfkf
aw that’s lovely!! i saw the life of pi play and & juliet last week and then also went to the zoo which was for my assignment (i study animal welfare) but also a nice day out 🥰
i want to like it more it’s such a fun song but idk why i just shdjf lover is my lowest ranked album although some of its individual songs are my fav! it’ll take the whole of 2023 to do an entire ranking tbh 😭 i think taylor can make a whole album faster than i’d be able to rank all her songs lmao omg yess and the mv whew, ooh yeah!! a lot of people didn’t like the “clanging pots and pans” LOL but it’s great!!
my day’s been good! i tried out a new recipe today and it was really successful so i’m pleased 😌 wbu!!
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kimmysurveyblog · 1 month
Do you like to cuddle with your S.O. or do you prefer your space? I prefer space.
What TV shows do you watch on a regular basis? None.
What is the last thing you scribbled down on a Post-It note? Uhh... I use a white board/app for notes. I wrote down the time I gave my daughter Tylenol.
Do you care if your produce is organic or not? No.
Do you have any children? If so, how old were you when you had them? If not, do you think you ever will? Yes, one. I was 30.
Do you get enough calcium? Probably not.
Are you nosy? I'm super nosy.
Are you happy with the size of your bedroom? Yes.
Where was the last place you went that was totally new to you, as in, it was the first time you’d been there? A zoo last week. We apparently have a zoo in the region I live in but I've never been there.
When was the last time you used someone else’s computer? Noo idea. I use my boyfriend's occasionally.
What’s the relationship status of the last person you talked to? Single.
Do you say sorry first? Sometimes.
Who will you be spending Christmas with this year? Christmas day we spend just the three of us. Eve and boxing day will be spend with my boyfriend's family.
Did you go to high school with your current best friend? No.
Have you ever been a passenger in a semi-trailer truck? No.
Whose was the last funeral you attended? My mom.
Do you avoid using public restrooms? Nopeee. My bladder is small. Impossible.
Have you seen any extended relatives in the last month? No.
Do you like eggnog? No.
Who is the person you dislike the most? I don't know.
Do you take part in paying the bills for your household? Bills, no. I pay for everything for our daughter though.
Do you know anyone with celiac disease? No.
How many siblings do you have? Are they all full siblings? One half brother. What’s the weather like today? Cloudy and chilly. Fall is COMING and I'm soooo here for it. :)
How do you usually celebrate New Years? I have a toddler so I do not. There is a 0% chance I'll be awake at midnight this year.
Do you currently have any alarms set? No. I set it before bed.
Do you like whiskey? No.
What type of milk do you like to drink? We have whole milk in the house because toddler, but I don't drink milk.
Do you have a first aid kit at home? Yes.
Are your parents dog or cat people? Is that different or the same as you? My parents were dog people. I am also a dog person.
What’s your favourite flavour of potato chip? Dill pickle.
Would you ever get a matching tattoo with someone? My boyfriend and I want matching shrimp tattoos.
What is your Chinese zodiac animal? Ram.
What form of communication did you last use to talk to the person you're currently interested in? Text.
Do you want to see someone right now? Always,
What was the last thing you looked up on YouTube? No idea.
Did the last guy/girl you kissed have any piercings? No.
Do you actually love your parents? Yes.
What pattern do the sheets on your bed have? Plain.
Where did you get the underwear you are wearing right now? An underwear sub service. My boyfriend gifted it to me so I'm not sure the brand.
Do you feel uncomfortable sharing drinks with other people? No.
Have you gone through a lot emotionally, or has life been easy thus far? I've gone through a lot. I hope the rest of my life is a lot easier on me.
Do you spend more time outside or inside? Inside.
Would you rather give up the computer or the TV? TV.
Last person to make you seriously mad? Neighbour.
Who have you recently made up with after fighting? No one.
What kind of toothpaste do you use? Sensodyne.
What were you doing this morning at 1am? Sleeping.
Have you used a tissue today? Yes. I've cried a bit today.
The last person that slept in your bed gets arrested, what do you do? He wouldn't get arrested.
When people ask "how are you?" do you say "good" even if you aren't? If I'm not actually good I say, "I'm okay".
How was your Friday? It was 3 days ago but I honestly don't remember lol. Fun, I think!
Did you speak to your father today? -
What was the last thing you drank? Water.
How did you wake up this morning? I woke up naturally 15 minutes before my alarm.
Some people were really destructive as a child, were you? No.
Who was the last person you were in a car with? Boyfriend and kiddo.
Who was the last person you cried in front of? My boyfriend.
Do you know anyone that is gothic? No.
Have you seen UP? No.
How is your mom? -
Do you feel comfortable getting up and giving speeches? No.
Have you ever dipped french fries in a frosty? Yes.
Would you prefer eating jello or pudding? Jello.
Last time you ate a salad? Yesterday.
Have you ever been described as “adorable”? Yes.
Are you a moody person? Sometimes.
What are you listening to? I'm watching Good Mythical Morning.
What video game could you waste the most time on? ACNH.
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that1guynobodyknows · 8 months
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What a nice weekend
Friday we had the last open mic I’ll have for a while lmao, it was fun but I’m done w playing and entertaining for people!!! They’re so annoying and don’t deserve all the hard work it takes to set something up, and it makes me realize how much I’ve grown compared to some of my friends who I don’t see regularly anymore. Not that I don’t love them. But I can see they don’t think of me as an equal and idk it kills me because I know they don’t do it on purpose. It’s just one of those things. Not to say I’m a saint, I know I’m not perfect towards them. I just hope they can find a little more peace within themselves.
Saturday I had my first assigned service group meeting!!! It was so awesome, we went to this one territory, and everybody is so freakin nice in the group!!! Wjkdidjfjfn I’m so hyped to do it every Saturday, I love everybody in it!!
Today I went to the meetinggggg and then we had a lil gathering at my mom’s house, and then Beth and Logan took me to the zoo!!!!! It was so fun, Kitana held my hand and we had Logan’s brother with us and Logan and him are two peas in a pod, so similar !!! Then we went to yoga, and Brandi blessed me again 😭😭, she’s so awesome!!!! I joke around with Logan and Beth that she’s my wife (she’s def married and 10 years older) but I was joking in the car she was my wife and Logan’s brother actually thought it was my wife and was about to ruin our whole entire relationship while he was talking to her but I totally saved it lmhffhjtfhii I would’ve kms jhfvj, but it was all good!!!
I really missed you this weekend. I hope your days are beautiful.
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seesiderendezvous · 5 years
#personal#i havent talked here since last week wtf i feel like i'm dead to the world#school starts a week from tuesday catch me ABSOLUTELY dying#i want to change my schedule but only flip one class with another so i can b w my pal in both classes but my counselor is dumb n wont let me#bitchaloid!!!!!!!!!1#um there's that and i rly need to get goin on my ap work i'm behind#but idec it's whatever at this point#guess i'll get a 1 on the exam#its those hours rn i want to talk but have nothing really to say#i watched top end wedding and yelled about that for a while bc GWILYM LEE COULD HURT ME ANYTIME#and yeah that's it rly#i went to the zoo today! w my friend it was fun#and tomorrow i'm going boating with another friend basically i'm a social butterfly#not really but it's ok!!!!!!#idk i feel like i'm forgetting smth? like i knew i sat down to write this but what for#i keep deleting things like it really matters bc who cares babey nobody!!!! i might as well yell abt taylor swift rn#bc that will lose any interest that was here originally LMFAO#anyways lover????? the best wedding song i've ever heard and i've heard pink in the night by mitski soooooo#it's so sweet and i fully cried to it yesterday it deserves a good cry#i love taylor swift and i always will uwu that face when you've been stanning since u were 6 and heard love story for the first time#someone talk to me abt her when the album drops bc i will be fully out of order by then#i have nothing else to say except i'd like a Hug goodnight all
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sergeantbuckybarnes · 3 years
everything i wanted // bucky barnes
Summary: Bucky asks you to pick Rebecca from school, as you spend the day with her, you can’t help to think that this is what you want, for the rest of your life.
Pairing: Chubby!Bucky x Reader (Single Parent AU)
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: fluff, so much fluff
A/N: As always, remember English is not my first language. Also, thanks to @coffee-books-music​ for proofreading this!
You can consider this as a part two of begin again.
And tagging @buckys-estrella​ because you asked me to!
divider by @firefly-graphics​
wanna be added to my permanent taglist? here
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You were in front of the Brooklyn Elementary School waiting for Rebecca, your boyfriend’s daughter. Bucky had called you and told you that something came up at the workshop and he couldn’t pick Becca from school, so he asked you if you could do it. You didn’t mind, you and Bucky had been dating for a while now, since the day you saw him at the diner waiting for a date that never showed up and you decided to be his date instead everything had been perfect.
You met Rebecca a couple of months later. At first, you were nervous, thoughts of her not liking you plagued your mind but Bucky always reassured you that she was going to love you. And he was right. The little girl was delighted with you.
The three of you did a lot of things together, you went to the zoo, to the movies… Bucky couldn’t help himself think that this is how things should have been with Dot. He knew he was a good father and Rebecca loved him a lot but he also knew his little girl needed a mother figure, that’s why he kept going on those dates. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have met you, someone that not only loved him but loved his daughter too.
The bell sounded, announcing the end of the classes for the day. They pushed the front doors of the building open, and you observed kids running out, excited that school was finally over. Your eyes caught the little brunette, she was peacefully walking with a blonde kid beside her.
“Becca!” you tried to catch her attention when you saw she was looking around looking for her father. When her eyes landed on you, a big smile grew on her face.
“Who’s that, Bec?” asked the boy who was still beside her.
“That’s my mom,” Rebecca replied, and with that she ran towards you without bidding goodbye to her friend. You picked her up in your arms, her little arms wrapped around your neck.
You asked, “Had fun at school?” She furiously nodded as she rambled on about what she had done, “…and Miss Larson asked a super hard question and I was the only one who knew the answer.”
“That’s my girl,” you high-fived with her as she laughed.
“Why did you come today?” she asked, tilting her face.
“Your dad is busy at work, so he’s gonna come home late.”
“So you’re gonna stay with me then?” she asked, hope and excitement clear in her voice.
You just nodded and she let a victorious sound escape her mouth. You laughed putting her on the ground and grabbed her tiny hand in yours. “Ready to go home?”
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It was late at night when Bucky came home, when he noticed you weren’t in the living room he made his way upstairs to see the adorable image of you and Becca sitting on her bed, his daughter between your legs while you brushed her hair.
Neither of you had noticed his presence yet, he smiled at the view in front of him, how comfortable you were with each other, it was so natural. The thought of coming home every day to this filled his heart with warmth.
Knock Knock
“Daddy!” Rebecca screamed when she saw her father on the doorstep of her room, but she didn’t run and jump into his arms like she would normally do.
“What? No hug today?” Bucky pouted, which made his little girl giggle.
Rebecca pinched her nose with her fingers “You stink, daddy!”
Bucky gasped with fake offense and averted his gaze to you for support, only to receive a “Don’t look at me, Becca is right.”
Your boyfriend raised his hands in surrender. “Alright, I’ll take a shower, but you, young lady, are going to sleep now,” he said, pointing his index finger towards his daughter.
“But Y/N is brushing my hair!” she whined.
“She can brush your hair another day. You’ve got to wake up early for school tomorrow,”
Rebecca looked up at you, “Can you read to me?”
“Honey, I bet Y/N is tir-” But you didn’t let your boyfriend finish his sentence. “I don’t mind.”
“Yaaay,” the little girl screamed happily. She got up from the bed and ran to get a book.
Your boyfriend gave you a “Are you sure?” look.
“It’s okay,” you reassured him, “You go shower.” Bucky nodded and left the room as Rebecca crawled back to bed and handed you a book.
She got under the covers, and you lied beside her, opening the book and started reading. “The little prince. Oh, I love this one.”
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Once Rebecca finally fell asleep, you gave her a soft kiss on her forehead and made your way downstairs. Your boyfriend had finished his shower just a few minutes ago, his hair still damp.
“She’s asleep?” he inquired, his arms wrapped around your figure. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, taking in the scent of sandalwood and bergamot. You hummed in response. “Thank you for today.” At this you pulled away from him, looking at his soft features.
“It’s not a problem. You know I love spending time with her.”
“I know. And I love you for that,” he caressed your face and pulled you in again. Joining his lips with yours, your hands reached the back of his neck and you tangled your fingers into his wet hair, earning a low moan from him. You smiled into the kiss, giving him a last peck before pulling apart.
You both sat on the couch, your head resting on Bucky’s shoulder and one of your hands on his round belly, drawing patterns with your fingers. He had one arm safely around you. As you were telling him your day with Becca, he noticed that in the tone of your voice, there was something bothering you in the back of your mind.
“Hey,” he gently grabbed your chin with his free hand and made you look at him. “What’s wrong?”
You licked your lips, a habit you had developed years ago and something you always did when you were nervous. You could feel Bucky’s eyes piercing into yours. A worried expression etched on his features. “Did Becca say something to you?”
You shook your head. Swallowing hard, you tried to find the right words, not wanting your boyfriend to misinterpret what you wanted to convey. “It’s just… today, when I went to pick Becca from school, there was this kid with her and when he asked her who I was, she said that...she said that I was her mom,” You weren’t bothered or mad about the little girl referring to you as her mother but to say it didn’t shock you when you heard the words leave her mouth. Especially because it was the first time she did it.
You loved Rebecca the minute you met her; she was an adorable kid, and you of course you had thought about spending time with Bucky and her for the rest of your life, but you didn’t know if that wasn’t something she wanted, if it was something Bucky wanted. So when you heard the little girl refer to you as her mom, something fluttered inside you.
“Did she?” You could see the slight surprise on his face, but still a large smile grew on Bucky’s face and you felt like you could sigh in relief. He didn’t seem to be bothered by it. Quite the opposite, actually. “How do you feel about it?”
“I- I really liked it,” you shyly admitted, a matching smile growing on your face.
“Yeah?” he asked again. He just needed to be sure, the smile never leaving his face.
“Yeah,” you laughed happily. Bucky caressed your cheek with his thumb, and shifted your position on the sofa a little, to have better access to your lips. It was soft and sweet, nothing in the world existed but you two, you could feel fireworks exploding inside of you. Kissing Bucky always felt special and magical, but this kiss had something different, something you couldn’t explain with words.
“Every time I’m with you, there’s no other place I’d rather be. You are my world, my everything, and I’d love to do nothing more than make you happy. Becca loves you, and she could never have a better mom than you. I love you, Y/N, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So I’m asking...will you marry me?”
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theowriteswhatever · 4 years
Zuko Story That Has No Title Part 2
So I already wrote most of this story, because my friend asked me to. But I’m just going to release it in chunks so I don’t overload your dash.
-Your pal, Bubbles
I told no one that I had saved Zuko all those months ago. I knew they’d probably be pissed at me for saving the life of someone who repeatedly tried to kill us. 
But I couldn’t just watch him die. He was still human.
Now we were in Ba Sing Se and everyone was bored of waiting to talk to the prince and was still trying to figure out the mysteries of this weird town. 
Katara had taken Toph, a new member of our group, to a makeover day. Aang was helping with some kind of zoo. And Sokka was wandering around probably thinking about Suki. 
I had heard of this nice tea shop in the poorer area of Ba Sing Se, but I wasn’t really allowed near there. So I devised a plan.
I put my (Y/H/C) hair in a braid and then into a bun, which I had never done before. I did my make up differently too. I then found a knee length green dress with flowers in my closet and put it on with a black cardigan. I looked completely different and knew Joo Dee wouldn’t be able to stop me. 
I poked my head into the hallway and made sure no one was there. Everyone was gone. Even Momo. I made my way out of the house and onto the monorail system. 
Once I had arrived at the immigrant slums of Ba Sing Se, I made my way to where the supposed tea shop was. When I arrived at the opening to the tea shop, I practically gasped. I ran to hide outside the shop.
Zuko, with no ponytail, was working with his uncle around the tea shop. He seemed angry to be helping, which wasn’t out of character. 
I wasn’t recognizable, so I knew I could go in. But I wasn’t sure I should. But I took another look and the tea looked so good. And Zuko didn’t look as focused on regaining his honor, but more focused on helping his uncle and forcing himself to be upset about it. 
I came out of my hiding spot and walked into the building to sit in the front corner so I could make a quick escape if need be. Zuko approached me and I could tell he was forcing a smile. It took all my effort to not laugh.
“Hi, welcome to our tea shop. What can I get you?” He said in the most bored voice imaginable.
“2 chamomiles please.” I responded with a smile.
“2?” He asked, “But you’re alone.” 
“I thought maybe you could sit with me for a second. Unless you don’t like chamomile. Then I’ll take 2 of whatever you like.” I said as if it was no big deal.
He obviously thought it was a big deal. He practically stumbled backwards at the offer and his face went red. Even though half of it already permanently was. My face grew a little red too, but I stayed calm. He was still kinda in shock and it was a little adorable. Just a little bit.
“You don’t have to.” I said through chuckles.
“N-no it’s ok. I w-will. And um. . .chamomile is fine.” He said while stumbling over his words. He then rushed off to the back and started to make our tea. 
I could tell from where I was sitting that his uncle was laughing at his awkwardness and nudging him teasingly. I laughed a little bit, because not only was it sweet, it was unexpected. We had always seen them as ruthless people that were practically evil, but I had to remember they were still humans with emotions. All humans could love, except Azula. 
He headed back and set the tea in front of me and the chair opposite mine. He sat down and almost fell in the process. I giggled at it, but covered it with my nad. He smiled awkwardly and looked down at the table in what looked like shame.
I took a sip of the chamomile to hide the continuous laughter and my eyes went wide. “Is it bad?” He said in a panicked voice.
“No! No no no. It’s delicious. It’s probably the best tea I’ve ever had.” I said quickly so he wouldn’t worry. Lord knows this boy doesn’t need more worry in his life.
He cracked a near invisible smile. I had never seen him even come close to curling his lip, but right now I could tell that he was actually. . .happy. Which was weird. But nice.
“What’s your name?” He asked while scratching the back of his neck nervously. I had almost forgotten that I didn’t look like (Y/N) anymore. I hadn’t thought of what I would say my name is.
“Leeane.” I stammered out. He chuckled a little bit and I got scared for a second. What if he knew it was actually me? What if he knew and was about to give me a burn identical to his? “Wh-what’s funny?” I whispered in fear as I looked down at the table like Zuko had done just seconds ago.
“I just thought that was funny, because my name’s Lee.” He said with a smile. I completely forgot that he would be in disguise too. Although it was hard to not recognize his scar. Not that I would mention that. I let out an unintentional sigh of relief, but turned it into a laugh to play along. I looked up and became more confident. He smiled more when he saw me look up.
“I thought you were going to make fun of my name for a second there.” I lied. He chuckled a little bit and I did too. 
“No. It’s a um. . .it’s a beautiful name.” He said nervously before clearing his throat. I smiled and put my hand on his while I leaned forward.
“Why are you so nervous?” I asked with concern in my voice. 
He was honestly worrying me with how awkward he was. The group had always seen him as heartless and evil, but evil people can’t be like this. He can’t be so worried about messing up without caring a little bit. He had to care about me just a bit if he’s so shy and awkward. That or he doesn’t care and we just never realized how quiet he is. I guess when he isn’t talking about honor, he doesn’t have much else to say. 
“I’m not a people person.” He stated quietly and in an ashamed voice. I felt bad for him. Which while it’s normal for me to care for people, I doubt he was used to being cared for. Except Iroh always treated him like a son. But Zuko needed someone to treat him as something else. A friend.
*   *   *
Zuko and I sat for what felt like hours and talked, and I couldn’t help but feel bad for not telling him who I really was. But he wasn’t honest with me either, so I guess we were equal.
I eventually had to leave before the group got worried about me and had two missing group members to look for. I politely excused myself and promised to come back soon. Zuko stood at the door frame and waved goodbye before his uncle wrapped his arm around him and led him inside. 
Once I made it onto the monorail, I let my hair down and brushed through it to look remotely normal. I would probably look weird to them in green compared to my usual blue and my makeup was still a little different, but I doubt they would care. Katara might, but that wouldn’t be unusual. She always found something or someone to worry about.
I got back to the house quickly in an effort to avoid Joo Dee and any Dai Li. I finally made it without anyone stopping me and saw everyone gathered in the living room. They all looked exhausted and sad. Whether it was Appa, the impending war, or whatever happened today, I couldn’t guess. Katara looked up and smiled before running towards me to engulf me in a bearhug. “(Y/N), where have you been? I was worried sick!”
“We were worried sick.” Toph corrected in a sassy tone. Katara rolled her eyes and let go. 
“Why were you worried? I was fine.” I reassured all of them. But I could tell Katara wasn’t buying it. My change in clothes and make up also hadn’t gone unnoticed.
“We didn’t know that. Now where were you?” Katara demanded. 
“I just explored town a little bit, like all of you did.” I said in my “as-a-matter-of-fact” voice. But Katara still didn’t seem convinced. She raised one eyebrow and took another look at my personally unique outfit.
“Then why are you dressed like that?” She pressed.
“I wanted to explore the slums and didn’t want Joo Dee stopping me. So I disguised myself as someone else.” I admitted sheepishly. I knew she’d be mad that I went where I wasn’t supposed to go, especially in such a mysterious city. But I wouldn’t regret what I did. 
“You can’t do that! The Dai Li could find you and we would have no idea. They could’ve captured you or hurt you or. . .killed you! You have no idea how dangerous that was.” She screeched with her hands placed firmly on her hips.
I wanted to run off in an effort to not upset her. The last thing I wanted to do was make it worse. I wanted to maybe stay silent and not make her more mad. Everyone was watching and waiting for what I would do and I didn’t want to let them down.
But I couldn’t this time. I love Katara. I do. But she was being ridiculous. She was acting as if this was the worst thing in the world. And she was looking at me like I was the scum of the Earth. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to say something and this time I would not just apologize.
“Really? I go across town to go and explore a town we have nothing better to do in and then I’m in danger! We’ve been traveling the world going from one life-threatening situation to the next and the one day I can do something fun or nice or even remotely enjoyable, I come back to be told that I was in danger? I’ve been in danger from the second this all started and now’s the point where you decide to mention it? I had my first day in months today where I didn’t have to worry about getting burned, or crushed, or drowned, or being hurt by some kind of crazy freak and you decide to tell me I was in danger!” Katara was taken aback by my anger and looked like she felt bad. I took a deep breath and continued with more of a calm tone. “I appreciate that you care about me Katara and I know you mean well, but I finally had one day that I legitimately enjoyed. Please don’t ruin it for me.” 
Katara looked down and kicked some kind of rock around on the floor to distract herself. I sighed and made my way to my room. 
I shut my door and locked it and then began to wipe my makeup off on my sleeve. I took off my dress and looked at my old southern water tribe gear. I didn’t want it right now. It didn’t feel right. I crawled into my bed into just my undershirt and shorts and sat there staring at the ceiling. 
Soon enough I heard Katara knocking on my door, but instead of answering the door like I know I should have, I rolled over and forced myself to sleep.
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key-slam · 3 years
July 30th 2021
Today I went to the zoo with spike and evan. I dressed really gay but i forgot my good kandi. I stopped by at work to let my manager know i needed next friday off and so spike could drop off their application. A bunch of my co workers complimented my shoes n shit so that was great. Spike gave me a really cool handmade minecraft bee bag and some gel pens. Its an amazing gift and I love it so much. Spike and I waited an hour for evan to show up but apparently he went directly to the zoo. When we got there we tried to sneak in cause apparently we needed reservations. After we exhausted all of our options I realized I could just make them for in 10 minutes online. We saw a bunch of animals and it was really cool. I sent some pictures to Kory cause I knew he'd like them. Bought/stole some stuff from the gift shop and saw one of my old classmates there. He was a senior when I was a freshman but we had painting together. He's also the older brother of one of my middle school friends. He was gonna work at my job but the manager got fired and they never had him come interview. After that we went through the botanical garden but it wasn't as nice as usual bcos of covid regulations. We walked over to the lake but since it was almost time to leave we didn't spend time there. Plus there was a Quince going on. After I got home I called w Kory for a few hours. We watched Jerma sims and just talked. We're probably gonna call again in a few minutes. But if not I had a lot of fun talking to him earlier. Todays rating was 8/10, points off only for poor planning.
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suckitsurveys · 3 years
What battery percentage is your phone on right now? It’s at 75%. Do any medical afflictions run in your family? Yeah. Who did you last talk to in person and what did you say? My husband. We said goodnight to each other last night. What’s your favourite Mexican dish? I know it’s basic but ya bitch loves a good taco. Tostadas are also yummy but they don’t travel well so I haven’t had one in a while. OH and guacamole and salsa! Have you ever been to a professional sports game? Yes, several Cubs games, a few Blackhawks games, and a couple Bulls games.
How far do you live from New York City? About 800 miles west. How often do you talk to your parents? At least 4-5 times a week. What was the weather like in your town today? It’s 66 F right now. Are there any phrases or words that you say a lot? Of course.
How many boyfriends or girlfriends have you ever had? A few. They’re all irrelevant now except for my husband. Have you ever ordered a specially made cake from a cake shop? Yes. What’s the name of your first real boyfriend or girlfriend? Irrelevant. Do you clean your ears daily? Not daily. What accent do you have? Chicago/Midwest. What scent of air freshener do you keep in your bathroom? We have a coconut one right now. Have you ever dated a model? Lol. What’s the best job you’ve ever had? This one.  How about the worst? Party City. Do you have naturally straight hair? It’s gotten a little wavy over the past year actually. What is your ultimate goal in life? To get my health better managed and to be the best Auntie to my nieces. Have you ever visited someone in prison? No. What months were you and your siblings born in? I was born in September and my sister was born in July. Do you write down your passwords in a physical place to prevent losing them? No. What are your three favourite vegetables? Zucchini, Asparagus, Potatoes. How many times a day do you check Facebook or any other social network? A few times. When was the last time you had a blocked nose? A couple weeks ago. Who is your favourite comedian? John Mulaney and Stella. What colour are the socks you’re wearing today? I’m not. What did you have for dinner last night? Pizza and fried zuchini. What was the last concert you went to? Vampire Weekend in October 2019 in SLC. Are you an ugly crier? Idk, probably? Are any of us cute when we cry? What scent is the soap or body wash you use in the shower? Right now we have an ocean breeze scented one. Have you ever had sex in/on a vehicle? Yes. Who do you live with? My husband and our three cats. What letter does your street name begin with? W Do you do anything to groom your eyebrows? I tweeze them. When was the last time you ate at McDonald’s? Yesterday. I was craving fries and a root beer and grabbed some. What’s your favourite Popsicle flavour? Cherry or watermelon. Who was the last person you sent a Facebook message to and what did you say? I sent Mark a meme. Do you have any injuries at the moment? Not really. Have you ever been to an ophthalmologist? I don’t think so. Do you own any animal print clothes? Yeah. Are you tall, short or average? Would you change this? I’m short and no. When was the last time you went to a drug store/pharmacy? There’s a pharmacy inside my grocery store. I was there yesterday. As for a stand-alone one, that was back in April when I got my second dose of the Covid shot. Do you ever binge-watch TV shows? Yeah. Have you ever mustered up the courage to tell someone how you feel only to be rejected? No. Do you keep your files and documents organised in one place? Eh, yes and no. What’s your favourite sweet treat to bake? Box brownies, lol. Though last Thanksgiving I made a pumpkin pie that turned out amazing. That was fun. Are you good at flirting and letting people know you’re interested? No. What did you have for breakfast today? I haven’t had breakfast. It’s almost lunch time so I’m just gunna hold out. Do you prefer sweet or savoury breakfasts? Either. I don’t often do big breakfasts, so.  Do you like chick-flicks? Sure. Have you ever taken an acting class? Not really. I was in an improve group in grade school after school for a bit. And in one play in high school. When was the last time you watched one of your favourite movies? It’s been a while. How often do you use Youtube? Everyday. I watch a lot of YouTube. What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever dressed up as for Halloween? I dressed up as Nyan Cat one year and that was amazing. And my Princess Carolyn (from BoJack) costume is one of my favorites as well. And last year was LSP from Adventure time and that turned out really cool too. I made all of them from scratch.  Are you ignoring anyone right now? Nah. How do you usually style your hair? It’s either down or in a bun, for the most part. Do you have any tattoos? Tell me about them. I have 9 and I don’t feel like explaining them all.  Have you ever worked in a store while someone shoplifted there? Sure. When was the last time you used a stove? The other day. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to eat? Veal. Are you sitting, standing or laying (or something else) right now? I’m sitting. How many hours per week do you typically work? 40. What was the last pill or tablet you took? An Alieve the other day. How far away from your house is the closest grocery store? Less than two minutes. Have you ever lived in university/college campus housing? Nope. Who was the last person you complimented? My friend Sarah. Are you the type of person to take naps, even if you’ve slept plenty? Lol “slept plenty.” Do you have a crush on anyone at the moment? My husband. And Will Arnett.  The age old question: dogs or cats? CATS. When was the last time you saw your best friend? I can see my husband right now. I saw Sarah in January of 2020, Ellen in October of 2019, and Randal sometime in March or April, I can’t remember.  Have you ever been fired from a job? Why? No. Are you tired right now? Always. Do you like spring rolls? Sure. What do you live on in terms of a street, road, crescent, place, court etc? Avenue. How many purses or handbags do you own? Several. Do you get along with all your aunts and uncles? I have no living aunts or uncles. I have a couple great-aunts but they are elderly and we rarely talk. Have you ever eavesdropped and heard something you didn’t want to hear? Sure. When was the last time you used a pen, pencil or marker? A little bit ago. I have this coloring book I keep near me while I’m working and I just randomly fill in little shapes while I’m waiting for something to load.  What’s your favourite type of curry? Massaman curry, which is a coconut based curry. Do you often go to do or say something and then just forget? Ugh, I hate that. Have you ever had casual sex? Uh huh. What was the last thing you paid for with cash? My nails. What’s the last letter of your middle name? A. If your phone rang right now from a number you don’t know, would you answer? Nope. How long is your hair? A little past my shoulders. What was your first pet’s name and how did you pick that? We had two blue parakeets that were my 2nd grade class pets. My teacher asked my mom to take them for the summer and then asked us if we wanted to keep them because the school didn’t allow class pets anymore. Anyway, our class voted and named them Featherbrain and Lucky. Do you drink diet or regular soda? If I am gunna drink soda, I’m drinking regular. Have you ever been to Europe? No. Do you worry about your own health? Sure.  Who did you last make plans with, and what plans did you make? Randal and I were talking about going to the zoo or aquarium soon. Nothing set in stone yet.  Can you smell anything right now? Not really. How old were you when you got your first cell phone? I was 15. When was the last time you bought a pair of shoes? It’s been a bit. Mark and I are planning on getting some slides soon. Do you like fruit and vegetable combo juices? Yeah. Have you ever been on a spring break trip? Sure. Would you rather be warmer or colder right now? I’m fine at the moment.  How tall are your highest heels? I don’t wear heels. What’s your favourite flavour of frosting? Cream cheese. When did you wake up today? Around 7. Do you change your appearance often? No. What colour are the street signs in your town/suburb? Green. How many people do you work with? 10. What was the last thing you ate? Pizza. Do you have any plans for three hours in the future? Still be working. Has anyone ever made a comment about your weight that offended or upset you? Uh huh.
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jindoelf · 4 years
200401 HuyaTV live -Hyuk & Chul (Hyuk's birthday)
Hyuk said he could tell which is the spicy one and he likes spicy stuff so he chose the one that looks spicy!
Hyuk chose the spicy one!!
To him it isn't really a punishment he said he will eat it deliciously
Punishment for last week is to have spicy tteokbokki: There are two types of tteokbokki, one spicy and one not, and they have to choose randomly to eat
Hyuk started singing and the translator translated it while singing in Chinese
They have to settle today's punishment at the end today since it's the last broadcast
Hyuk said he will focus on the game so he won't talk
Hyuk really not talking man he looks super focused man
For a period he was literally like this, totally focused and not talking, super cute 🥰
Hyuk: Hello everyone, I'm killer. I kill all of you guys -
Hyuk asked what the popups on the left mean
Hyuk sounds so sad because he has no gun
scratch that he sounds so devastated
he tried to run over the other player w his motorbike
Heechul told Hyuk to get off and let him drive instead
So cute.. HC heard gunshots and asked Hyuk if it's him, and the translator translated in Chinese "是你吗? (Is it you?)“ and Hyuk answered in Chinese "是我 (It's me)”.
Punishment is downing Coca-Cola in one shot!
They have to share their feelings after the game and Hyuk was like I don't even know how I died...
Hyuk said he wants to take a polaroid at the moment when he burps but asked how come it's not coming out??
Q. The one who run over you with a car is actually an elf, how to you feel about this?
Hyuk: Really? *shocked*
He also said like he was ran over a few times... and then HC was like Ending Last Friend
No longer Ever-Lasting Friend, but Ending Last Friend
Hahah Heechul likes Stephen Chow's Journey to the West
Stuck again when Hyuk's answering what he does when he doesn't have schedules :(
Hyuk's only wish now is to hold a concert soon....
It's Hyuk's first birthday cake of the year!
q: although its a bit early, happy birthday! whats your birthday wish?
hj: my wish is to hold a concert quickly. the situation in the world is not good right. i hope it gets sorted out quickly so i can meet with elfs soon. this is my wish. lets meet soon everyone
He knows there are many advertisements and cafe events for him :')
hj: thanks everyone! everyone that made events in cafes and subways, etc, i heard there are a lot, but i can't go out much, so thank you very much, im rly touched
hc: its a relief that youre celebrating this with me. if itd been the other members theyd have smashed the cake into your face
hj: oh i hate it
Q. (Based on Chinese qn) What do you do to enrich yourself when you don’t have a schedule?
HJ: Lately we don’t have any concerts or schedules so ELFs must be also bored. Everyone can go watch our old videos. There are many concert videos as well as variety shows we’ve been on.
HC: Which show was the most memorable and fun to you?
HJ: There was an episode in KBS 체험 삶의 현장 (20060819) where we went to the zoo. The most memorable part was when we fed watermelon to the hippopotamus.
HJ: When I fed the hippopotamus watermelon, it opened its mouth sooooooooo widely. Then I put a hugeeeeeeee piece of watermelon into its mouth. It swallowed well(?). At that moment, I thought, although the hippopotamus is so big, it eating watermelon is still cute.
HJ: I felt it was a little pity when we filmed KBS 체험 삶의 현장. Usually at the end of the show, everyone would ride a unicorn and put the letter into the heart. But because we didn’t film in the studio, we didn’t have this segment, it’s such a pity.
(Hyuk didn’t even answer the original question in the end lolol)
cr. 鹃鹃要脸
heechul says that when they uploaded their polaroid photos the last time, people were saying those pictures that others took for him looks nicer than the selcas he took 😂 so he showed this polaroid to hyukjae that he just took and hyukjae said this is the worst HAHA
they turned on the main mic and said:
Heechul: hello i’m Huya tv’s kim heechul
Hyukjae: I’m killer. I kill all you guys
heechul was saying that during sj returns 1, he showed him in his underwear only and then he said it didnt appear on the broadcast but donghae took off even his(heechul's) underwear and he had to use the comforter to cover himself
one of the question that hyukjae got was that if he knew that the person who knocked him with a car during the previous broadcast was an elf and then hyuk was like "arent we supposed to be everlasting friends???" then heechul was like "more like ending last friend" 😂😂
fan: do you have a cologne that you like?
hyuk: i dont use cologne. I usually use a body lotion after shower because its dry. I like sweet smells like peach smells
fan: please recommend some songs to fans
hyukjae: uh....
heechul: halmeoni (harmony😂)
hyukjae: ah our donghae released a song with bewhy called halmeoni, please listen to it alot
heechul recommends the songs dorothy and love disease
Hyukjae: because KRY is D&E's rival group so I don't wish for them to release a new album
heechul: then how about Y&E?
hyukjae:...uh i might as well just rest like now with no schedules.
Fan: what is your birthday wish?
Hyukjae: my only wish now is to do concerts
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igothedistance-blog · 4 years
And again 7 years later...
Facebook Notes… 4 and then 3 years later! So I did one of these facebook trend notes 4 years ago. I thought it would be funny to compare then and now!
Pretty much because I’m bored out of my mind right now.
March 1, 2009 at 9:31pm VS October 13, 2013 at 11:51pm VS
December 27, 2016 vs. July 2, 2020
A - Available: . ..  >  Yep > Yep > Yep > Yep
Age: 16  >  21 > 24 > 28
Annoyance: there are so many things.  >  Pessimism > Underestimation - Animal: my cat and my dog (Tiger and Tobi)  >  Lola the puppy > Lola (4) > Patrick the cat (12)
B - Beer: : /  > umm Mic. Ultra > Stella Artois - Mr. Blue Sky
Birthday: may 18 > same > same - 
Best friend: TM and AAH > TM, AAH, MOT, BR, AW, AB, JB > Same - AAH - Body Part on opposite sex: -  > Eyes > same - > DD, ZE, & the other usual suspects
Best feeling in the world: reaching the top of the mountain > feeling like I’m where I’m supposed to be > being myself with friends and no inhibitions - 
Blind or Deaf: umm… > blind > same - 
Best weather: 40/50 degrees. not too cold. not too hot. > 50s/60s > same - same 
Been in Love:still waiting on that one > been infatuated. (so no) > not yet - nope
Been on stage : frightening but memorable : ) > same > same - Improv Shows 
Believe in Magic: Not particularly > sadly, no > same - nope
Believe in Santa: I did… > for the kiddies! > Yeah looking back, I believed way too long > aww
C - Candy: twizzlers, sour patch watermelon, junior mints >Twizzlers & Sour patch watermelon > same + anything Cadbury and Maltesers - 
Color: purple > purple > powder blue - 
Chocolate/Vanilla: twist > twist > twist - 
Chinese/Mexican Food: quesadillas vs. sweet and sour chicken …? cant choose > STILL CAN’T CHOOSE > still can’t - 
Cake or pie: key lime all the way > yep > yep - 
Continent to visit: Australia > same > same - 
Cheese: feta > same > Parmesan
D - Day or Night: Night > Day > day - 
Dancing in the rain: one of many things i have yet to do > still need to do this! > still haven’t!
E - Eyes: I have the color is debatable. at first glance; brown > I have brown eyes. > they’re truly mostly green, but with brown rims - 
Everyone’s got: ipod > iPhone > iPhone > airpods
F - First thoughts waking up: what time is it? i’m probably late for something > … pretty much the same > how much is today gonna suck? (but not in a depressed way, in an preemptively annoyed kind of way) - 
Food: kiwi > watermelon! > grilled  cheese > same or oberweis oreo shake
G - Greatest Fear: fear > failure > inadequacy - 
Goals: good college > becoming a  wonderful teacher (among about 4 trillion other things) > landing a full time teaching job - Being a better teacher than I am.
Gum: usually something i have with me at all times > Orbit Sweet mint > spearmint whatever - 
Get along with your parents?: … do any teenagers? > Yes > medium > medium
H - Hair Color: red? > Auburn brown > same - w/ touch of blonde on the end
Height: 5'8" > same > same - 
Happy: could be happier > yes > could be happier - same
Holiday: Christmas > same > same > same
How do you want to die: not in any way to do with suffocation. > same > same > same
I - Ice Cream: mint chocolate Chip > B&J Greek Yogurt Raspberry/Chocolate AMAZEBALLS > Hagen Daaz chocolate peanut butter > same
- Instrument: piano > acoustic guitar > my guitar > same
J - Jewelry: rings > ALL THE RINGS > rings > rings
Job: previously Dairy Mat employee > just babysitting for now > Long term teacher substitute > 4th year teacher
K - Kids: most definitely > At least 3 > at least 3 - same 
Kickboxing or karate: Kickboxing > same > same - same
Keep a journal?: only on trips > I TRY to > I try to > I haven’t been trying to. 
L - Love: if only > Not yet. still waitin on that one > still waiting - I may have been in love... but unrequired. 
Letter: G > J > I - what?
 Laughed so hard you cried: Good times : ) > I mean I laugh a Ton.> same > same
M - Milk flavor: Whole > same > 2% - same 
Movies: twilight, HP, He’s Just Not That Into You, The Holiday, Disturbia etc. > The Perks of Being a Wallflower, My Best Friend’s Wedding, Hook > Kings of Summer, super 8 and all the previous ones - same (there are probably ones I could add but I don’t feel like it. 
Motion sickness?: only on large boats… > not really, no > no > no
McD’s or BK: McD’s > McD’s > McD’s > same
N - Number: 12 > 12 OR 7 > same? same?
O - One wish: to be happy > to fall in love and have a great relationship > same > same
P - Perfect Pizza: square cheese and green peppers > BEST > same - same
Pepsi/Coke: Coke (zero) > DIET COKE ONLY > same > same
Q - Quality: high > same > same > same
R - Reason to cry: death, bad day, betrayal, separation > just get it out. let it happen > SAME - same
Reality T.V.: HATE IT! > DOUBLE HATE > LOATHE ENTIRELY - nope nope nope 
Radio Stations: 93.9, 95.5. 96.3 etc. > same > SAME  haven’t listened to radio in a LONG time
 Roll your tongue in a circle: no > no > no - nope
 Ring size: 9 > same > same
S - Song: LOST + Viva La Vida > Think Twice by Eve 6 > All we know by the chainsmokers - Midnight by coldplay 
Shoe size: 10 > same > same - same 
Salad Dressing: Ranch > same > same - greek dressing from greek isles
Sushi: not so much > I’ve learned to accept the california roll > same - I’ve delved into some other ones...
Skinny dipped?: … : P > yes. yes I have. > not since then, though - still haven’t since then
Strawberries/Blueberries: Strawberries > same > blueberries> tbd
T - Tattoos?: probably not > pretty soon, actually! > :) - :) :)
Time for bed: it varies > it varies: usually after 12a > I really need to go to bed earlier - same 
Thunderstorms: love them > LOVE THEM SO MUCH> love love love > same
U - Unpredictable: unfortunately - not really > I’m so predicable. > same > same
V - Vacation spot(s): ideally; Australia. > Australia, Ireland, London > same > I’ve done England, Ireland and Scotland but would totally go back 
W - Weakness: not being able to keep something in > if something is funny, even if its wrong, I cannot keep from laughing > same problems - IDEK
 Which one of your friends acts the most like you: hmmmm idk. we’re more opposite/ complimentary > perhaps Spallison? > I think that’s true but Adriane and I also have a lot in common > Him
- Who makes you laugh the most: TM > I think Adriane > My peeps > Him
- Worst feeling: anticipating the worst; it happens quite often > feeling like I’m alone somehow > being misunderstood and belittled by my family - 
Wanted to be a model: nnnooopppeee > new > no - Nope
Worst Weather?: heavy snow/rain to the point where you cannot see (the roads) > I second that > yes, I agree > good point, me. 
X - X-Rays: not fun. especially when you’re sitting there in pain. > Yeah don’t like those > no bueno > no gracias
Y - Year it is now: 2009 > 2013 > 2016 (but not for much longer) - 2020 and what a #$$&ing year it’s been. 
Yellow: depends on the shade > my current bedroom is actually yellow . but it’s an acceptable shade. > pale yellow I can handle.
Z - Zoo animal: sloth > *self five* same > go us! > agreed!
1. Slept in a bed beside you;TM > Allison Greene > I can’t remember... Liz 
2. You went to the mall with?; TM > IDR > myself > IDR
3. You went to dinner with? TM and Kail > j'Qwellin and Adriane > Allison Greene > Joe
4. You talked to on the phone? LIZ > Momma > Liz > ASWP customer
5. Made you laugh? Ginny + Lydia > Maggie > Liz > Dylan
6. Hugged you? mi madre > Maggie > Grandma Curcuru > Him
7. Said they loved you? AAH > Sammy > Heather > Mom
8. Held your hand? Sammy > Avery > Anna > Anna
10. You cried over? … : ( > Cory Monteith > Grandpa Curcuru > Me... 
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
Nanny Anon 2
Nanny Anon 2
Sept. 17
Tumblr media
Sept. 18
NANNY ANON, well’ I’ve packed and ready to go ,himself came to say goodbye and thank me for being in the wee-ones early development, It was quite touching. The mistress had the maid drop off a card reference last night and left this morning without a word. ( no surprise there). M and her mistress are looking forward to next week when I move in to the P. And I can’t wait to start a new chapter with a loving family. It sounds wonderful and never again will I have to utter the words ‘ all too…………”
Sept. 22
NANNY ANON, hello darlings ‘ I’m having a wonderful day with little C&L , M is taking G to see Star Wars so I have the the wee-one and little C. This afternoon we’re going to bake fairy cakes , although little C wants to make Unicorn cookies and take them to school tomorrow … it’s a privilege to be in a loving home with such a wonderful mistress and adorable children, last night I cried with joy. And M and I have such a history of professional duty together. What a joy for a white Lady TTFN 😌😌
Oct. 3
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, we have been Sooooo busy with the little ones while the mistress and W have been engaged on royal duties. The mistress is such an understanding and compassionate woman she insists on the nannies as being part of the family and treats M and I the same. We have such fun with the little ones , there’s a tree house in the gardens which C seems to have turned into a Unicorn palace with daily visits from her school chums ‘ it’s a hoot ‘life is good for a white Lady TTFN.
Oct. 5
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, both M and I are getting a program together while the mistress and W are away, we both want to take them on a scavenger hunt at high grove with C&C. Unicorns will probably be involved and G is into Star Wars. So it’s going to be a full itinerary. Little C is platting her hair at the moment and loves the tree house playing with her school chums. It’s a wonderful life for a white Lady. TTFN.
Oct. 6
NANNY ANON, Hello Darlings, Little G came back from the match with a football signed by the team , and C had a book explaining the women’s World Cup. G is now officially a fully fledged supporter, such a fun day, the children are so exited I can see bed time will be fun. M and I are getting ready for an outing with the little ones as soon as the mistress and W depart for the tour. There off to the in-laws today so M and I are go into F&M for tea …… TTFN.
Oct. 15
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, M and I have just returned with G&C from Thorpe Park ‘ I’m exhausted!! We went on all the rides, Little C wanted to have another ride on the Big Dipper ‘ o dear I nearly lost my breakfast ……… they had toffee apples and candy floss and G had to have tree rides on the water Shute ‘ I came over all emotional remembering Diana doing the same ride with W&H. O DEAR ‘ all too much for a white Lady 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 TTFN 😢😢😢😢
Oct. 19
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, The mistress and himself returned to a rapturous welcome from the children ‘ lizards ,Unicorn costumes and hugs lasted for over an hour , it was a joy, I think the first stop was BP so we waited a while but it was an exiting evening. This weekend M&I have the time to ourselves as the whole family are going to the country. We shall have a spa weekend in Bath and indulge in a lot of R&R. All To much for a white Lady. TTFN
October 20
NANNY ANON, hello darlings,” O joy and jolly japes”Tonight we all trip over to the in-laws to watch the“ Docudramarama” the mistress has asked her sister to come and himself is off to pick up C&C ! M and myself are busy making savoury and sweet popcorn 🍿 boss baby is having fun strapped in the Bouncer and G&C are playing 🦎and🦄 , it’s a joy to be part of a loving family ‘can’t wait for the fun to begin. God bless the future monarchy. TTFN.
Oct 27
NANNY ANON … hello darlings, still about ,things are hotting up for Halloween 🤡👹👻 the children are expected to wear their creepy costumes and my darling mistress is taking them and other little ones around the the village with the parents. M and I are going as the Markle Sisters 👯‍♀️ So don’t expect to return without egg 🍳 on my face 🤣🤣🤣all too much for a white Lady TTFN
Oct 28
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, WELL, WELL, WELL, I’m flabbergasted absolutely stunned darlings, I’ve just received an invitation from my previous mistress and himself to a private meeting in SH London for the opportunity of returning to her employ. Apparently the wee one is missing his nanny!!! and this is causing a lot of headaches for the mistress as she wants to be able to leave the wee one with a nanny she knows will be a bonding influence. I’ll keep you all updated as to my decision darling.
Oct 29
NANNY ANON, hello darlings ‘ salutations to all who grace the blog of our beloved Skippy. 🐼. WELL , I’ve made the decision I was debating on yesterday. I’ve decided to remain at KP in the employment of the present mistress ( god bless her and himself) because I ‘ much like M have fallen in love with little 🦄🦎And 👶. It’s a constant privileged challenge to be part of this family, The Sunday night gatherings looking at the social media laughing at the ageing train wreck. Love to all. TTFN. 🤣🤣
Nov. 1
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, Little C is refusing to change out of her Halloween costume 🦄, and we’re all going down to Sainsbury’s to buy some giant marshmallows to roast for the rugby match. When C digs her little feet in there’s no movement. The mistress is having quite a debate with the little one trying to see reason. In the end the RPO got her to change by promising her he’d find a police helmet as a substitute. All too much for a white Lady. TTFN
Nov 4
NANNY ANON, hello darlings ‘ O joy!! Today M&myself take little C and G (with their poppies) to RP zoo with RPO. ( one of the zoo keepers are going to fix a Unicorn to a zebra 🦄for little C.) and G will gain access to the reptile house to look at all the 🦎🦎 “ what larks pip old chap” the mistress is having some down time back at KP with little L. Afterwards we’re all of to Harrods for 🍨🍦. So much joy for a white Lady. TTFN.
Nov 9
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Nov 11
NANNY ANON , hello darlings, my day off with M. We are exhausted darlings, absolutely knackered. Little C had a sleepover with four friends (fiendish demons) , OMG it was the sleepover from hell , first’ we put them all in the nursery, made up beds and lots of 🦄🧸🛴🏓🍪🍿🧁🍕👧👧👧👧stuff to play with and favourite eats. Only problem they didn’t want to sleep, himself had a few words to Little C at one in the morning because of the screams. All too much for a white Lady. TTFN. Bless.
Nov 18 (Royal Variety)
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, tonight M and I had too draw lots as to who went to the RVP. I lost , so I’m looking after the little ones. The mistress spent the afternoon getting ready as the dresser fitted the last tucks to the bodice. My goodness she looked magnificent when she walked down the stairs all the little ones cheered and clapped. Tonight it’s a treat, we’ve ordered 🍕 PIZZA and knickerbocker glory’s such a joy. All too much for a white Lady. TTFN.
Nov 19
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, a wonderful evening was had by all at the the RVP. The mistress and himself stunned all who met them with there relaxed countenance, early that evening the little ones started to write a present list to Santa. Little C was the most vocal inquiring how Santa arrives on his sled and parks his reindeer on the roof of KP and shimmy’s down the chimney ( she’s now asking to sleep near the fireplace to meet Santa ???? ) all too much for a white Lady,TTFN. 🎄🎄🎄🎅🎅🎅
Nov 21
NANNY ANON, M and I went to see “ The sound of music “ tonight, we both love the film. We spent the day with the little ones and C had somehow got hold of one of the mistresses cameras 📸 and was ( would you believe it) taking photos of M G boss baby and me. I asked her to give me the camera as it was mummies and all I got was , NO !! later I saw the snaps she took and was surprised. I returned the camera to the mistress who looked amused. Little C been watching mummy. TTFN. 📸📸📸
Nov 22
NANNY ANON, haddow darlig 😷🤧🤧 I dink I got vlue, my node I’d all blogged up , god a rodden hed and snoddy node. The lidda wonds is so fuddy, lidda C broughd be up bregvast od a tray. Bledd, da midredd called he dogta ad he gave be sum pawasetamol , M Id doig grate. Ib dink I’ll ged sub shudii , ord doo buch for a wide Lady, DDFN.
Ohhhh flu has hit KP! Hope you have a quick recovery 😔❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 23
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, still a bid bunggd up, but I’m sure I’ll be ok within the week, M and I are looking after little G and boss baby today,the mistress has gone to a shopping mall outside London with little C for Christmas shopping. Things are hotting up for the holidays and this weekend they bring the Christmas 🎄. Then we can have real fun dressing it. Back to wee boss baby 👶. TTFN.
Dec 3
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, M&I very exited,tonight is the school nativity play and the mistress and himself has invited us. G is a wise king and little C is an “angel on high” …… M wickedly suggested boss baby could be baby Jesus 😱😱, But I don’t think the school is ready just yet. Little C has to say “and behold ‘ the three wise Kings” can’t wait, it’s going to be a hoot!! We all helped to make the costumes , G wore his this evening and looked very regal ( prophetic), and little C with wings.
Dec 7
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, is the mistress pregnant ‘ all I can say is little Lottie wants a pony for Christmas and himself has quite rightly affirmed that she’s much to young. I think in a couple of years great auntie Anne would be the first to help her into the saddle. We’re all looking forward to the forthcoming banquet ( I wonder if the mistress will wear the emeralds)’ enough gossip, all too much for a white Lady, TTFN.
Dec 8
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, Lottie has just returned from a visit to the “stables” at the royal mews. (Enough said) , himself has retired to the lounge after breakfast 🥞, pancakes and crispy bacon 🥓 with maple syrup to laugh at the Sunday tabloids. The mistress is having a “late morning” so M and myself are busy with boss and George who is finishing his homework 📚. Another Sunday joy. TTFN.
Dec 10
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, it’s manic at KP , in a good way !! the mistress is becoming enthusiastically involved in her tennis lessons, ( several professional players lining up to coach her) my lips are sealed, Little Lottie is on a mission … it’s a day long mantra from the darling girl , anyone who she thinks will have sway with W&K is propositioned about the “pony”. I think some of her older school chums ride out. I bet Gan Gan soon enters the equation. All too much for a white Lady. TTFN.
Dec 11
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, busy this morning ,decision to choose what C&G will wear for the Christmas walk to the service , winter coats and warm socks are the key. It’s going to be a joy seeing them for the first time at the Sandringham service with W&K. M and I are going home for Christmas M has invited me to Spain with her family, wonderful and the food darlings, I’m in for a real treat. Little Lottie will certainly have a pony ride for Christmas I’m sure, Such joy!! TTFN.
Dec 13
NANNY ANON, hello darlings , we have cancelled our holiday In Spain 🇪🇸, duty calls darlings, we had a chat with the mistress and himself last night and decided we’re going to accompany the family for Christmas, it’s our love for the children and to help the mistress, a joy really. Also the BP PR are briefing the DOD of C about forthcoming commitments. On a lighter note, tonight’s Blog night 😂😂😂 skippy,pg,and troll the colonial Banshee. All too much for a white Lady. TTFN.
Dec 16
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, Little Charlotte is Bewildered as to why there are no unicorn pony’s. The answer Zara gave was Unicorns are different , pony’s are special, clever Zara!! Lottie is full of questions, ( that age) it’s a daily challenge of wits. Last night was blog night, such fun ,all the usual suspects, where is @printskylie ? Never miss pg and her interpretations, so clever , the mistress loves skippy and Hunnymae , duty calls!, all too much for a white Lady, TTFN.
Dec 16
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, O’thank you all so for your messages, the unicorn presents 🎁 look fab. I’ll pass on your message, but I’m sure the the mistress has all information directed to her MPC. ( amazing device). W&K are both very high Tech. My life is full of love and joy, I’ve got Lottie a picture edition of “ The night before Christmas”
Dec 17
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, the children all sat watching TV, and watching mummy and daddy make cup cakes and roulades. EPIC . The kitchen is now centre of the universe, Lottie and George M and I making cup cakes and roly poly Christmas chocolate logs. Lots of mess and icing sugar. 👦🏼👧👶🧁🍰🍪🎂🍩 it’s boss baby, “ Mary Mary” Christmas 🎄 we are blessed, TTFN
Dec 18
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, himself is taking C&G ice skating this afternoon, I think this is another diversion from pony’s. It’s a dismal afternoon,raining in London so I think the little ones will enjoy the outing , the mistress is off to play a few sets of tennis with her coach. M and I are going to check online for some new clothes for boss baby, he seems to grow by the day!! This is a busy time leading up to a family Christmas, I think it’s Sandringham this year but arrangements are 
Dec 29
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, such a busy Christmas, the little ones were so exited with presents and gifts from the public. The mistress had a clearinghouse Of presents 🎁. A large amount of them go to local hospitals. Believe me they are talking thousands!! There’s a pink Flamingo in Little Lotties bedroom though.M and I are going to have a wee holiday over the new year, it’s been a wonderful Christmas. All too much for a white Lady,TTFN. ( sorry for no posts) been V. busy with the little ones.
Dec 31
NANNY ANON, hello darlings, M&I and a bottle of celebrity plonk, our night off so it’s on with a movie,feet up and relax. All the i are crossed and the Ts are dotted , o dear the drink 🥤 has taken effect ………… we both wish shoo a happy new year and prosperoush , prosperoust, positives, O you get it , we never normally celibate like this , o dear, all too much for a white Lady ,TTFN. 🍹🍷🍾🍸🥂……………☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️
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laylabahiti · 5 years
i originally posted this task in march 2017, so almost 3 years ago (wow). i already regret looking at this old one lmao
001. name / age / pronouns
2017: xee / twenty / she, her 2020: xee / twenty-three / she, her — fun fact, mine and evy’s bdays are 2 days apart #taurussquad
002. which character(s) do you play?
2017: my complicated af beaN layla. idek what’s going on with her at this point. 2020: i’m screaming i can’t believe i thought 2017 layla was complicated. i had no idea what was to come. i picked up biel not long after that. also had katalina aka brucey’s wifey n i miss her. juliana is a fairly recent addition and, i’m about to spill the beans, a glücksburg is coming.
003. nationality / ethnicity / timezone
2017: american / lots of white european and the other half o’ me is ashkenazi jewish / right now i’m back and forth between pst and mst. homeland is mst though. 2020: obvs nothing has changed except no more back and forth with timezones. strictly mst now.
004. tell us a bit about your  home state.
2017: it’s the first day of spring and we almost reached 100 degrees F :’) we don’t really have autumn or spring here tho. it’s either hot as balls summer or frozen. no in between. like, as soon as temps get below 70 F people break out their jackets. 2020: welcome to the desert, “it’s a dry heat”
005.  favourite color / fruit / season
2017: green / honeydew melon / spring 2020: still green and all its shades / tbh idk how i chose a fave fruit bc i raaarely eat it but bananas and watermelon too / “spring”
006. favourite books + writer whose writing style you admire the most
2017: this isn’t a fair question smh. i have too many titles and names going through my head at once to answer this. 2020: still no fave so i’m just gonna answer this with what i’m currently reading. it’s called suffer strong and it popped up on my insta feed last week (big brother is listening and they know i’m a stressed mf) cheese moment: i admire all ur writing styles :~)
007. what kinda music do you listen to + any fave bands / musicians
2017: listen to a lil bit of everything. these ‘favorite’ questions are difficult for me to answer 2020: same answer tho i grew up listening to the eagles so they hold a special place in my heart n soul. i get to go see them in a couple months (hopefully w my dad) and i’m v excited
008. what are you doing for a living / what are you studying?
2017: lmAO well rn i work in the kitchen of a gas station (sah classy). 2020: went from working in the store to working in corporate *finger guns* apparently i never said what i was studying but i was still in school then. justice studies with a minor in military leadership and certifications in human rights and socio-legal studies. then i studied astrophysics with minors in cyber intel + security and math for a semester, but i didn’t want any more debt ajskdf
009. what’s your dream occupation?
2017: IDK but it has to involve happiness and a nice salary. i have to feed my zoo somehow. 2020: what r dreams lmao
010. relationship status
2017: single then. single now. single forever. 2020: every time i think about putting myself out there, something happens. i don’t have time to date atm
011. coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
2017: it depends on the weather. if it’s cold i’ll have hot chocolate. i usually drink tea at meals whenever though. 2020: i blame my work for all the coffee i drink now, but still all of the above. 
012. dream holiday destination?
2017: santorini 2020: honestmeme....where the hell did i pull santorini from. idk i was supposed to go to iceland for study abroad last year but yknow i withdrew from the university. i still wanna go tho
013. the thing you’re most proud about yourself
2017: not afraid to stand up for myself + others 2020: young me made it sound noble but honestly i’ll put ppl in their place, i don’t have patience anymore jakdas. but tbh right now i guess it’s my perseverance? life has been shitty for a few months but u gotta keep on truckin’
014. tell us a bit about your family!
2017: goD they’re nuts. i’m the middle child out of all my siblings but the youngest on my dad’s side. large age gaps are common, like half my sisters are old enough to be my mom. lots of grand babies and great grand babies. when we’re all together (like this past weekend) it’s ….wild. communication is v poor too. i only have one brother out of my eight siblings, and all those siblings are only half-related to me. at 5′5 i’m one of the tallest in the fam which says a lot. 2020: they’re still nuts n i don’t speak to my mother anymore. i should probs add that my parents have been divorced since i was a few months old so she hasn’t been in the pic for a while. even when she had custody of me jaksldf find me ron howard i’ll give him the rights to my life story
015. how long have you known your closest friend?
2017: three years. 2020: we’re going on 6 years jaksdf i’ll be maid of honor in her wedding this year. i also have another friend that i failed to mention last time but we’ve been close for 9 years (jfc)
016. superpower you’d like to have?
2017: invisibility 2020: mind reading so i know who’s Fake jaklsdjf
017. celebrity you’d like to meet?
2017: john stamos ?? idk i never really thought about it. i’ve met michael phelps though!! 2020: ig i’ll stick with stamos?? ooh or steve carrell or jennifer aniston. 
018. guilty pleasures
2017: chocolate and french fries. i love love love french fries. 2020: now my guilty pleasure is dr. pepper bc i cut it out of my diet.
019. pet peeves
2017: mouth noises (misophonia). people talking over each other and not listeninG. lowkey people leaving the toilet seat up or leaving toilet paper in the toilet like…just flush again. 2020: i really went off on tp huh?? another pet peeve is people committing to something then backing out/flaking without a heads up
020. do you have any hobbies?
2017: sports !!! i’m a grade a heaux for sports. tennis, archery, golf. anything that doesn’t require lots of muscle ya feel. one of my ~hobbies~ i guess is organizing things. i have multiple planners and use them all daily. 2020: i miss how sporty n active i was jkasdf this is my hobby.
021. where would you like to live in the future?
2017: i would looooooove to live in san diego but i’ll probs be stuck in the desert drylands. 2020: tbh i was looking into memphis homes bc it’s cheap compared to here but i don’t really care where i end up. just want a place of my own yknow
022. tell us a story about a thing that recently happened to you! it can be a funny, scary, sad story, your pick!
2017: redacted bc it was college angst lmao and not pretty 2020: i found out this morning that my cell phone # is somehow linked to some random guy a few miles away and idk how to fix it online. got some texts today and yesterday this one guy called me 6 times back to back while i was on the phone with someone else. i guess that’s another pet peeve of mine, pls leave a message if it’s important jaklsdf
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mushroomsnotebook · 5 years
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01/17/2020: 9:48 AM
currently in - gen chem ii
last day of the school week! the first week went pretty well. this is my last class, so i'm probably gonna eat somewhere with my friend and go to the zoo since my dad gave me a membership for christmas.
after that i'm gonna go to the university's community garden. then after THAT i'm going to a party my sister's friend's having. idk how that's gonna go 👉👈 i hope i have fun. the amount of food that's gonna be there is making me a little anxious, idk i don't wanna eat a lot today.
anyway today's actually been pretty good so far, besides the fact i had a little trouble getting out of the house today. the city looked extra pretty when i drove to school, and i was feeling pretty sentimental. i picked up my friends and they made me laugh a lot throughout class. i really love them. also, we are going over blood cells in anatomy and physiology which makes me super excited and i just finished cells at work!! i'm working really hard on my notes because of that lmao. now, i'm waiting for my chem class to start :)
so here's today's plan:
finish class
go somewhere to eat w my friend
go to the zoo
go to my sister's friend's house
study a little bit while i'm there
go home
clean up a bit and do chores
try to exercise
watch TV
contribute to australia fire causes
bedtime :)
sorry for the long post, i just wanted to talk
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Survey #232
“i’ve never bought a suit before in my life, but when you go to meet god, you know you wanna look nice.”
Do you have trouble typing when the room is dark? No, I don't look at the keyboard. When’s the last time you had a headache? I had an abomination of a three-day-long headache before my cycle like a week or two back or something. How often do you take surveys? Not as much as I used to now that I actually have school, but occasionally. What did you last write on paper? I think some items to Mom's shopping list? Does anything on your body hurt? No. What do you currently hear? "Bullet" by Hollywood Undead. I can hear cars outside, as well as Bentley biting himself incessantly. Sounds gross. Do you have any goals you’re trying to fulfill? As for in the near future, hopefully - I'd pray if I believed in it by this point - start losing weight again. Grow more in my photography, 1.) because I want this so badly and 2.) there's no way I could handle the stress of school and a "real" job but we're in serious need of money right now. I'd really like to make progress with driving too, but I haven't been able to in months because a headlight in broken, the license plate or whatever is expired, and the car can't pass inspection, so Mom doesn't want me at the steering wheel and get pulled over for it. Being on the borderline poverty line is A BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you ever do the dishes? I'mma be real, real honest here. Not really. Reason being we don't have a dishwasher and I am super queasy actually hand-cleaning dirty dishes, I get frustrated because I feel I don't clean them well enough (being a germaphobe is also fun), and my OCD goes absolutely insane trying to play Tetris with the drying rack thingy. All that being said, it's my least-favorite chore. At your house, does everyone eat together as a family? No. We started to drift apart when I was... maybe a pre-teen? When did you last have butterflies in your stomach? Sara decided she wanted to try making out and I was fucking terrified of going too far or scaring her. Are you independent or dependent? I'm embarrassingly dependent. Who last made you smile? My pup. How did you find Bzoink? Taking surveys for so long. What’s your dream job? If travel and heat weren't considered, a meerkat biologist. Do you brush your teeth twice every day? Just once. Do you have a pool? No. Are the streetlights on? We don't have streetlights on my road. When you wear a hoodie, do you pull the sleeves over your hands? Not unless I'm really cold. Do you trust anyone, besides yourself, fully? Sara. I would say Mom, but I'm entirely aware she's lied and made stories up about Dad. Do you believe the saying “once a cheater, always a cheater”? No. I've never really understood this. People change. Are you in any advanced classes at school? I bypassed the freshman English class, yeah. Well, is that considered "advanced?" I don't believe it's like an AP course or anything, but it's not a class I'm supposed to be taking as a freshman, so??? How often do you eat your favorite food? Every once in a while. Have you ever fallen asleep on public transport? (including planes) Probably. What was the last TV show you watched? Uhhhh I think it was all the way back when Colleen and I were still friends and we checked out The Good Doctor. Or it was either Parks and Recreation with Sara and her family or Avatar: The Last Airbender, also with Sara. Where was the last place you went on vacation/holiday to? Who’d you go with? The beach with Colleen, her husband, and their son. Well, does that count since it was only for a day? Does the place you work have music playing? What sort? I don't have a job. What’s your favorite type of donut? It varies between chocolate frosted, glazed, and plain. What do you usually eat for breakfast? If I even eat, it'll probably be like, a meal replacement shake or Pop-Tart. Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? Surprisingly. When was the last time you went out for dinner? Like at a sit-down restaurant? Hm. I think it was El Tapatio with my mom and Nicole maybe near two months ago. What was the last thing you said to someone else in person? Idr, something to Mom. Do you use Windows, Mac, Linux, or something else entirely? Windows. How many times do you call someone on the phone a week? Like zero, usually. Have you cooked anything today? What was it? No. Do you have a lot of cousins? What are their names? Yeah. I'm not sharing all their names on the Internet, and besides, I don't even know most. What does your shampoo smell like? I don’t know. What about the body wash or soap you’re using at the moment? I don't remember, even though I got out of the shower like an hour ago. Any movies you’ve seen recently that you’d recommend to me? No, I barely ever watch movies. Why did you last go see a doctor? The primary reason was for my night terrors. Do you know how to play Minesweeper? No. What was the last thing you bought online? A new heat lamp for my snake Venus. Where do you usually park your car? I don't have a car, but Mom parks in the driveway behind the house. Does your mail get delivered to your house or do you have to collect it? It's put in the mailbox on the other side of the road. Are you more logical or creative? Creative, I'd say. Do you cut tags out of clothing so they don’t itch and bother you? Usually. How many times a year do you go on vacation? Pretty much never. Can you curl your tongue or do anything else cool with it? I can curl it a little bit, but my snake eyes piercing prevents me from doing it all that well. What was the last job interview you went to? For a deli position at a Food Lion. Got the job, lasted not even two hours. :^) What embarrassing music do you listen to? I'm not really *embarrassed* of any I listen to. Just kinda surprising to admit to some people sometimes. What’s your biggest talent? Writing, I guess? What’s the best gift you ever received? My dog. What fear would you like to overcome? More than ANYTHING? Probably being judged in a negative way or being seen as "weird," and not in a good way. AvPD is a bitch and makes me less open about myself (mostly just irl, but yeah), which I REALLY don't like. Would you rather ride in a hot air balloon or hang-glide? Hm, hang-glide, maybe. I dunno. What habit would you like to break? Procrastinating, lately. Describe the most romantic moment you’ve ever had. I can think of a few, but here's the one that had the most biggest effect on me, I think. There was one time Jason and I were kissing, I told him I loved him, and he whispered, "I love you too, wife," before going back to kissing me. Remembering that still hurts, a lot. I know now us separating was for the better, I don't want someone who doesn't have faith in my strength, just the memories like those from the time I was convinced our love story was a fairy tale are very painful. Just typing it caused a discomfort in my stomach. What’s your worst personality trait? Laziness, probably. Or impulsiveness. Have you ever cheated on a test? No. What’s your favorite karaoke song? I don't sing karaoke. Do you know anyone with two different colored eyes? I don't believe so. What was the last thing you bought for someone else? Sara's anniversary present, which was a pillow that said something along the lines of, "Hug this pillow until you can hug me" or something. Do you like hot fudge sundaes? My fat ass can't even associate with you if you don't like HOT FUDGE SUNDAES????????????? Do you like to sleep a lot? It's funny, I tend to like naps during the day, yet I don't look forward to trying to go to sleep at night. It always takes longer, and there's also the possibility of just waking back up and struggling to fall back asleep for the rest of the night. Is there a garbage can in the room you’re currently in? No. Have you ever been in a class that you thought you were too smart for? I don't think so. Can you type without looking at the keyboard? Yeah. We had a mandatory typing course in middle school, so I learned it exceptionally well. Have you ever been snorkeling? No. Who was the last person you apologized to? Maybe Sara? Do you throw things when you’re frustrated? NO. I am very conscious of not expressing my anger with physical violence of any sort. How much do you get paid at your current job? N/A Are your friends mostly older than you or younger than you? I think younger. Would you ever get a pet tarantula? Nah. Do you want to dye your hair? Ugh, you have no idea. What’s your favorite zoo animal? Meerkats, duh. Is there anything in your room you’d be ashamed to show to your parents? I'm VERY self-conscious of my artwork, so I'd be mortified if my mom saw my drawings, even though there's nothing "wrong" with them. I'm just shy about 'em. Have you ever accused someone of cheating when they weren’t? Yeah, hence the end of that day-long relationship. Him cheating was a lie from his insane ex, but at the time, I just believed it, but it was absolutely for the better. He wasn't for me. I really shoulda just listened when my art teacher literally took me aside one day and warned me about him. Wha'd'ya know, he wound up on house arrest or something similar, and who the hell knows what he's done by now. When was the last time you played hide and seek? I played with my niece and nephew some months ago. Don’t you hate when people stare at you? Fuckin' yes. I'm too self-conscious for that shit. Have you ever accidentally caught yourself on fire? Well thank god no. Are you Jewish? No. Does anyone copy the things you do? No. Is your dad still alive? Yes, yay. Have you done anything lately that you instantly felt was a mistake? Possibly. What melts your heart/makes your knees weak? Watching Mark with kids causes me severe physical pain. What would you consider unforgivable? Rape. What are your views on spontaneous human combustion? Freaky. Parasite Eve first made me think "oh shit what if this could actually happen," and I've also watched a Shane Dawson video about it, and the idea of it possibly being a real thing is absolutely terrifying. How many dryer sheets do you put in an average load of laundry? I think Mom uses one or two? I dunno. Have you ever felt trapped in a relationship? No. What is your favorite frozen treat? Ice cream. Do you have a sexual fantasy? ...What is it? There's probably something I could think up. Maybe like bang on a church pew or something lmao idk. Who was the last person to insult you? I'm not sure. What color is your brush/comb/whatever? White. Is it wicked hard for you to sleep when its hot in your room? It is almost entirely impossible. Have you ever purposely given someone wrong directions? No, but then again, it's not like I even give them. I have a horrible sense of direction and don't know street names, highway numbers and locations... What is your favorite thing to do with your best friend? I'm not sure. Everything is fun with her. Are you easily offended? It depends. In most contexts, no. Have you ever acted as tour guide for friends/relatives from out of town? Not really. If you were an anime character, would you be a yandere or a tsundere? HAHAHA I AM PAINFULLY A YANDERE. If you have glasses, do you get days when you don’t feel like wearing them? No, because I like to see. Have you ever played bingo at an actual bingo hall? No. Ha ha, this reminds me tho, I can't recall if he did it once or just WANTED to, but my brother may have gone into one, yelled "BINGO," and immediately left. Did your parents ever collect any magazines they didn’t want you to read? Uhhhh no. I'm quiiiiite sure neither of my parents had those. Have you ever pledged money to a Kickstarter and it reached its goal? No. I probably would if I had excess money and really believed in it, though. Is there a color combination that holds a significance to you? Because Jason's favorite thing in the world was the Joker, seeing purple and bright green together is one I just prefer not to see. I wouldn't call it a PTSD trigger, like I don't freak out about it, it's just like an "ugh ew" sorta thing. If you use Facebook, do you ever look at the Memories page? No. I cringe 90% of the time when they pop up. Do you have a drawer where you just throw some random stuff? No. Have you ever had to provide an alibi for something? No. What’s the funniest shirt that you own? I have a Batman one I'm trying to shrink back into that says something like "I wish I was Batman but I'm poor and hate fighting" & I love it. What is something you absolutely refuse to pay for? Idk off the top of my head. Has a stray/runaway cat or a dog ever followed you home? Cats, I think? If so, what did you do with it? Fed it with the other cats, and I'd assume Mom would've called the owner's number if given. If you could grow a beard or a mustache, would you? I'm a cisgender female so like... Is there a stranger you expect to see every day? No. What is something you take pride in? I'm proud of just how deeply and genuinely I care about people. And my writing and photography, mostly. What does the nicest dish set you own look like? All our dishes are literally the same, and they're ancient. I think they were my grandma's but given to Mom. Pattern's worn and everything. They're ceramic with a floral design. Why did you stop working at the last place you were employed? I absolutely cannot be in a position of responsibility or customer service, and the environment was way too busy. What would you do if you found out your ex was pregnant/fathered a child? I... don't know how I would react? Picturing it, I first feel like I'd be so happy for him, but I KNOW my PTSD would act up at some point shortly after and I would probably end up in a bawling ball (lol "bowling ball" that wasn't intended sorry) because "that was supposed to be me," but then I'd be fine again after I got all that emotion out. Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in front of you? Someone at school. You can smoke outside, and it's the one thing I don't like about my college. Are you very close to your siblings? Not nearly as close as I wish we were. How often do you watch the news? Never. Do you have a dishwasher? No. What is the worst lie you’ve ever told? I don't like talking about it. Well, it wasn't a lie, but I stretched the truth because anxiety's a goddamn asshole. Where is the last place you drove to? I drove to, probably home. What is your favorite Disney movie? The Lion King. I may even like the live-action remake more, but I can't say with certainty. Do you have a fan in your room? Yeah. What color is your lampshade? I don't have a lamp. Do you like to wear belts? Not anymore. What is the most expensive electronic in your room? This laptop. Only a year old and yet it's so abused with how much it's used. Are you involved with any charity work? I wish I was in the position where I could, anyway. Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? No. Have you ever hatched an egg? OKAY SO! I remember in elementary school, maybe like 1st grade or something, we incubated a chicken egg and hatched it. I can't remember where it went. Do you chew gum on a daily basis? No, I rarely do. What brand shampoo do you use? Suave. When is the last time you went to an amusement park? Years ago shortly before the breakup with Jason and Dillon. Or Dustin. Whatever his name was. Do you have a garden shed in your backyard? Nope. Are you obsessed with anything? Y'all know I don't know how to love in moderation, not even remotely. Do you prefer non-diet or diet soda? I hate diet, and the artificial sweetener also gives me serious headaches. Who was the last person you hugged? My mom, maybe? What did you do when you found out Michael Jackson died? We were swimming in the pool while Mom or Dad was grilling, idr. What’s your best friend’s favorite band? Pink Floyd, Evanescence, and Within Temptation. What’s your favorite kind of beer? Never tried it, don't want to. How do you get songs out of your head? Binge it 'til I'm tired of it lmao. Have you seen all the High School Musicals? I've only seen the first two. Do you dress appropriately for your age? I don't know? Probably not? Do "normal" 23-year-olds wear graphic tees? What’s your favorite word? "Serendipity." What’s the worst sickness you’ve ever had? A serious stomach virus that made me puke all the food I'd eaten since birth. Do you take compliments well? Of course I appreciate them, but I get shy. Are excessive piercings sexy or trashy? Well they're definitely not "trashy," but SERIOUSLY excessive ones, I don't usually find attractive. But it really depends on the person, the size, and where. What do you put on toast? Cinnamon, sugar, and butter. The Southern cinnamon toast. Have you ever watched Fear Factor? I LOVED it when I was younger, and I still enjoy it if I happen to see it. Joe Rogan was one of my earliest crushes, too. How many songs do you have on iTunes? Over 1k. What song reminds you of summer? MAN I remember as a kid, back when I liked country, my sisters and I loved "When The Sun Goes Down" by Kenny Chesney. Big summer vibes. Has a bird ever flown into your window? OH WOW I don't think so, but I do remember one flew into the car's grill when I was very young and going on a trip. Safe to say it died.
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