#i will be hcing them as that
sniffermynose · 5 months
ocean queen lizzie is bigender
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shittyutmv · 1 year
Guess who’s back back again
Does Killer is gay?
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jk he has a bunch of pride pins i think . like a whole lot . collects them killer belongs to rahafwabas
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turtletangerine · 9 months
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Simon and the bad bitch he bagged like 1000 years ago with his antiquarian rizz
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revelisms · 9 months
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Lil' comic of a scene from a fic I haven't gotten around to writing.
(basically Vi and Jinx have reconciled, Silco is alive, and Vi is begrudingly finding herself beginning to look up Silco as a mentor/father figure. She accompanies him on an errand run, one of which winds them up at the old cannery, and emotions bubble up biiig time 🥲)
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gl1tt3rpvke · 1 year
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shoutout to girlies with BPD, gotta be one of my favorite genders
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evilmagician430 · 1 year
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help i thought about randal and satoru for too long and now i have drawn a beautiful picture of girlhood and love and companionship and childhood memories as viewed through a transgender lense
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beau-rebloga-coisas · 5 months
You can be aro and gay. You can be aro and bi. You can be aro and pan. You can be aro and lesbian. Fucking shit, you can even be aroace and any of those words because sexuality and romantic orientations are complicated and you might be aroace and gay.
You can use any word to describe your attraction for forever and after for any reason and no one should require a PowerPoint presentation to decide if you're using the right labels or not
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rainyaarts · 1 year
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Shiver doodls!!! with a handful of shye content as well :) 👍
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pineapplesaresweet · 1 year
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notes this time because there were so many people commenting on the design
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pasteilian · 1 year
I’m wondering if the mutation ooze doesn’t work as well on more Predator type animals  especially the solitary type of predators 
We see in canon Donnie and especially Raph maintain a lot of their animalistic behaviors while Leo and Mikey have a better hold on their human traits so maybe it’s harder for the ooze to completely erase the instinctual behaviors of predator types 
Just thinking about how Donnie and Raphs diet would become more meat based as they grew because their species are primarily carnivorous  
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religiousqueer-inbox · 5 months
Religious Queer culture is quietly headcanoning characters as religious and queer, knowing fandom would probably dox you for it /hj
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r3dlif3 · 1 year
Brianna Boho :
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The Chosen :
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Shayne and Damien:
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mt10lt20 · 8 months
AC Sketches - 5/ 7/ Zero/ 6. When your wingman/woman has your back.
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longelk · 1 year
oh i thought of a good reason why amber & james would look alike. they didnt want the devs to notice james got swapped out lol
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lovesickeros · 1 year
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☆ lost in orbit
{☆} characters tsaritsa {☆} notes cult au, drabble, gender neutral reader {☆} warnings violence [ implied ], unhealthy relationship {☆} word count 0.6k
She had resigned herself to apathy – to burying her love beneath the cold, hard soil and letting it rot amongst the graves of a long dead civilization, burned to ash in only a day. Yet how quickly it all fell apart in her hands, slipping through her fingers like sand, no matter how desperately she tried to cling to it.
Was she not diligent enough? Was she so weak that she faltered at the first person who showed her genuine trust and affection? Had all her work been for naught?
A part of her revolts – the same woman who watched the sky burn and the ground beneath her feet crumble into ash. It would be so easy to wrap her hands around your delicate throat, to squeeze until you finally saw her as the monster she knew she has always been.
Yet she doesn't think she could. The look of betrayal, of fear..oh, it would ruin her, she knows.
Perhaps that makes her weak. Perhaps you have made her weak.
Perhaps she does not mind as much as she should.
You trust her, after all – enough to sleep in her bed like she couldn't just kill you before you ever knew what was happening to you. Your body was so..fragile, in this mortal shell you descended in. How easy it would be to snuff out your life, here and now.
Yet she doesn't.
Instead, she looks at you like an old lover – with all the love of a woman who had died in the ashes of a dying civilization, of a woman who thought she could love no longer. Emotions she fought so hard to suppress well up in her chest and fill the empty space where she knows her heart should beat. Try as she might – and oh, how she tries – she can never quite stem the affection that consumes her every waking moment when she sees you.
It is like an addiction that she cannot rid herself of, no matter how she tries. She always finds herself back at square one – back to you.
Her hand lingers against your cheek, undue affection filling the empty spaces in her chest until she feels like cannot breathe. She traces her hand along your jaw, her vision narrowed on the softness of your lips.
Yet that same thought rises unbidden to the forefront of her thoughts. Love was a dangerous thing – you both knew that. To let it fester and rot her from within..she would be throwing her plans out the window, and for what?
Because she was too weak? Because the affection and trust in your eyes whenever your looked at her made her feel whole, like she was more then just an Archon playing God with the fate of the world?
You do not even stir as her thoughts toil like a brewing storm. She swallows the lump in her throat, removing her hand like she'd just touched a piece of hot metal. A part of her still screams that it's for the best, that you've corrupted her enough, torn apart her plans in the span of a week, a mere blink in time..
But it goes silent as she leans in, pressing her lips to your cheek. She will not let the thought fester, tonight – she will let herself be weak, if only for another day. If only to covet the affection that she finds herself drowning in for just another day.
And when you stir, she pretends that she had never thought of it at all, that she has only ever known love with you. Even if her heart that does not beat leaves a stabbing pain in her chest in the agony of knowing that even this is futile..
She lets you wake, let's the recognition and the affection fill your vision until she is all you see – two stars locked in orbit, unable to break away.
And when the day comes that you collide, she will be holding the blade that drives into your chest, and she will know nothing but love when she does.
#sagau#genshin sagau#self aware genshin#genshin impact sagau#self aware genshin impact#tsaritsa#fellas is it gay to think abt murdering ur lover bc u love them so much#everyone hcing that her lover died in khaenri'ah but what if she killed them..#tsaritsa killing her lover so they dont have to walk down the same path and suffer the consequences when celestia retaliates>>>#tsaritsa killing her lover bc to her them dying is better then living and she refuses to let them be corrupted by going down the same path#i just think shes a little silly!!! a little goofy!!!! i forgive her#theres just smth abt tragic lesbians and also tragic lesbians whose tragedy is one of their own making#yknow :)#but at the SAME TIME. her lover dying and wanting her to move on and LIVE but shes so spiteful shes willing to destroy herself to#destroy celestia. she doesnt care abt what happens to her bc if her lover isnt there with her then what does it matter? she has nothing lef#to lose.#characters who become their lover would hate bc living in a world without them is agony>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>#also i only tagged unhealthy relationship bc the tsaritsa is. unhinged but shes actually v normal in the relationship#she loves u!!!! and shes a good lover!!! she just thinks abt killing u sometimes bc she loves too much and its easier to kill u now vs lose#you later on where it will hurt WORSE#also bc smth smth she thinks itll make it hurt less if she kills you vs someone else bc she would actually LOSE IT if someone hurt u#spoilers it does not and she spirals and is haunted by what shes done and constantly tries to lie to herself to justify it. it does not wor#did i scare off the normal ppl w this one.......maybe!!!!!#i meant morally grey at best when i said morally grey at best!!#crawls back into my ditch okay im shutting up now
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