#i will never get sick of talking about baxter
meowzilla93 · 7 months
The people need little known facts about Baxter! Just like random headcannons, like what's his favorite holiday and why, etc. etc. Basically please just tell me more about this silly little man :)
*cracks knuckles*
me? talk about my favourite love interest in OL:BA?
Thought you'd never ask :P
favourite holiday? we already know his favourite season is fall cause nostalgia, and I almost wanna think that eventually Thanksgiving is his holiday
you absolutely know why but if i must elaborate
he is just so damn thankful for being able to reconnect with people he truly cared for, and that those people didnt give up on him; if MC romanced him, all the more thankful he has someone he can trust and rely on for the rest of his life, and that he can provide that back
but it wasnt always and only after Step 4; he needs to reconnect first for this to eventuate
and you just know that he will love hosting and cooking; any excuse to learn new recipes and show off his skills
before step 4 though? i dont think he had one, and thats his parents fault
any sort of events like these he had to attend with his family and be the 'expected perfect son' which he loathed
i do believe this is canon (pls correct if wrong) but i truly do believe he did not have any friends at his private school, and actively hated going
rebel Baxter? he sure was in his own way
spare periods between classes; he wandered off grounds to a spot where he could avoid the pompous populace
talk back to teachers? you can guarantee that; just more in that incheek way where they couldnt really punish him for what he said
can see him being the type to screw around in class and just be a bit of a bother to the teachers and students, but he was an A+ student all the way
guarantee that when asked to answer questions in class, if he was in the right sort of mood, straight up makeup facts just for the lols
(his parents might have put a stop to that real quick though)
mans was a brat we know this, and it was making the OLNF friends that made him question his life and his upbringing more
this is a touch more sad, but i think early on, he didnt really understand his parents position on things like the LBGTQIA+ community and such until he saw people he cared about be treated poorly by them, or heard what they had to say behind closed doors
i think this truly broke him and is what started the rifts in his friendships as he didnt know how to approach this (he is a kid, we cant expect him to know)
but what he did know, he NEVER wanted to be like his parents, and this is when he started his plan on moving to Virginia for uni
ahem, lets get back to some light hearted sweet stuff
i recon he went full platinum white once - pure white hair (you cannot take this away from me) but the upkeep of that was more insane than just handling black
favourite flower! rose. come on. even Cove said it in Step 1: Fancy!
though if we must choose a second option, Lupine
it has that really pretty purple colour (his second favourite colour after black and white) and its symbolism is very much on par with what he truly wants from life
google that shit, and tell me im wrong
100% reads smut; Im talking like Victorian era smut (Johanna Linsday, Amanda Quick type stuff)
October is his favourite month - the world around him was covered in that beautiful auburn colour
He loves pumpkin spiced lattes (with oat milk of course)
PRESENTS! oh oh when its Christmas time, this is the hardest thing for him because he doesnt just wanna buy something random, it needs to have meaning
You wanted to go see a museum? here are some tickets
Missed this movie when it was screening? Here is the Extended Release with all the additions DVD
You have a favourite flower or plant that you can never really have cause it doesnt grow in the climate you live in? In a frame you received a pressed and dried version of it, so you can always have it with you
.....i need to stop otherwise ill just keep going
(pls dont stop asking me though, ill talk about Baxter till death and will make a million more posts)
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chouettecrivaine · 10 months
Ah, Young Love! [Our Life: Now & Forever]
Fandom: Our Life: Now & Forever
Characters: Qiu Lin, Tamarack Baumann
Notes: takes place during Step 1, so he/him is used for Qiu as that is how he identifies at this point in the story!
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So anyway I'm obsessed with how everybody wants Qiu but Qiu only has eyes for MC once they meet so I'm thinking about his silly little boyhood crush. And then I couldn't leave best girl Tamarack out of the love fest so here's just a few little things I was thinking about with them having childhood crushes on u <3
Note that only the demo is publicly available and I am not currently a patron so anything here that is proven true is coincidence and anything proven false is just me having a little fun
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Qiu Lin
So like. I've seen Qiu call you pretty twice in the demo. Once when you meet him if you choose to call him pretty first, and again towards the end of what's available in the demo when he's listing off reasons why you should be allowed to join the club..
I just think that whenever he talks about you he always has to let it slip that he thinks you're cute. "They had on a really nice hair clip today!" "Their hair looked so cute when they took off their hat at school." "When I picked them up to walk to school, I was so surprised at how pretty they looked!"
When he told his parents about you he probably said "this really pretty kid surprised me in our yard and we went on a miniature adventure!"
Also (and note that my MC uses she/her so im gonna quote him using gendered terms but only for this one instance) When he's introducing you to one of his friends, he starts off with your name and says "she's a girl!" (Or whatever terms you have set)
So I just think he says the most basic facts about you with so much awe and wonder 🥺 like you wore overalls to school? He talks like you invented denim. You had a funny comment or joke? It's like he's never heard one before in his life when he retells it.
I feel like…the first thing that makes him interested in you is that you're new. Not only does this make you fun to mess with, but it makes you far more interesting than the people he's known his whole life. Plus you, unlike Tamarack, don't immediately brush off the cool things he wants to show you or do with you if it isn't immediately your cup of tea.
Darren and Baxter are sick and tired of hearing your name !! If you're not around Qiu wonders aloud at least once if he should or should've invite(d) you. If he did invite you and you had to decline, then he wonders what you're doing.
The type of kid to skip out on his weekend chores at home and go to your house to help you unpack instead
Ok so MC says they used to live in an apartment, right? Probably in the city? And MC was only allowed to play on their own because Golden Grove is "a safe neighborhood?" What if MC doesn't know how to ride a bike. What if Qiu teaches them…
Whether you get a hang of it or not, he daydreams about doing that thing where he rides the bike and you sit backwards on the seat or on the handlebars or something
When he finds out you can't ride a bike, he definitely shows off by riding around without his hands on the handlebars.
Will teach you how to jump off the swing set too, then will have competitions over who can swing the highest and leap the farthest
I feel like Golden Grove has a cute little main street with a bunch of locally owned shops. If you're interested, he'll show you every. single. business. Even if most of them are "granny shops" he isn't interested in. He'll let you poke around for a bit :)
He has a special page in his notebook for all the little notes and doodles about you
If you look closely at the note he gives you after class, you can see the remnants of a few tiny little hearts that he erased!!
Going back to him offering you to ride on his bike: he probably got you in trouble once because you were on your front lawn and he rode up asking you to go on an adventure with him on his bike. You're expecting a fun little 20 min ride through the walkable path in the woods that'll have you back home by dinner. Instead he takes you to town and buys you ice cream and the two of you have to struggle your way back up the hill on foot and it takes like an hour and a half to get back and your mom was worried SICK
Buys a pack of pens with one/some of your favorite color(s) and writes you notes exclusively in that/those ink(s)
If you and your mom go somewhere and he knocks on your door while you're out, you will come home to see him sitting on the steps to your front porch and waiting for you
Before class starts, he always gives you a funny face or a wave. If you come in late because of a doctor's appointment or something, naturally a lot of the kids turn to look at your entrance, and he immediately waves at you. Maybe even says hi to you out loud if he knows Mrs. Murray is in a good mood / he can get away with it.
If he finishes his work early or something, he'll turn around in his seat and just watch you from across the room with major heart eyes. He smiles wider and waves when you notice.
Anything you compliment him on, he immediately draws attention to around others. Say his hair looks good today? He'll hit you with a "oh but not every other day?" but then tell his seatmates about what you said.
Buys extra portions of his little snack bags of chips and candy or whatever he likes when he can so that he can give them to you during lunch.
Gets on a kick and will pester you about having a secret handshake until you let him come up with one. He likes having special things just you and him 🥺
Probably invites you to his hideout at a specific time and day every week and he gets soooooo excited for that time to roll around.
Tries extra hard in your favorite subject, even if it's one he hates. He's not trying to be top of the class, but he doesn't want you to think he doesn't care about something you care about!
If you like a class he's terrible at, he'll ask for your help! Or, if you struggle in a class he's good at, he'll volunteer to help you out even though he HATES the concept of doing extra schoolwork. That's how much he likes u
He'll do this with any windows but especially if one of your bedroom windows faces his: he will definitely pull a Taylor Swift in "You Belong With Me" and write notes for you guys to read to each other
Since he can't sit with you, he'll write you notes or make you doodles and then pretend he has to get up to sharpen his pencil so he can pass your desk and slip it to you
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Tamarack Baumann
Tamarack will straight up just stare at you 👁👁
She follows you around like a lost puppy and visibly brightens up when you're around
Looks forward to school because she gets to sit next to you all day! Like she'll skip happily along the path with you and Qiu and you'll ask her if she's looking forward to all these things and she'll just go "No!" and when you finally give up and ask why she says "because I get to spend the whole day next to you!"
When she goes to play in the woods, sometimes she'll spend a while in the shallower end of the tree line waiting to see if you'll come outside and play with her
Has definitely thrown sticks and pebbles at your back door to lure you out before she gets bored
Likes to go around and pick up the coolest rock, the prettiest flower, the biggest piece of tree bark, a leaf the size of her head…then before she goes home for the night, she stops by your house and gives what she picked up to you!!
If you're not home then she leaves it on your porch with a note, usually held down by a rock if it's not something heavy 
She'll be over the moon if you give her cool rocks and stuff you found. Even if you're literally giving her trash, like if you ONLY give her bottle caps or pop tabs you find on the sidewalk, she cherishes them. Would make jewelry out of them tbh
Ok so quick tangent but there's a book I read in about 4th grade called Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli, and in it the love interest girl is the quirky type. One thing she has is a little decorative cart on her dresser which she puts rocks in every time she's happy and takes rocks out when she's sad. When the protag goes to her house and finds out, she explains how she has put the most rocks in it since meeting him. They kiss sometime after that and she puts another rock in and tells him about it. I think Tamarack would have a jar or a doll house bathtub and she would do the same thing, putting rocks in it when she's happy! So what I'm saying is give her plenty of rocks so she can exclusively use MC rocks for that 
Also will make matching jewelry for the two of you without even stopping to think if you even wear what she's making. She'll buy kits to make special rings and headbands, braid a million friendship bracelets out of multicolored string, use acorns she found to make earrings…anything! She is just as happy if you wear it then she is if you buy a jewelry display stand and show them off in your room. Eventually she adds keychains into the mix for some variety
Doesn't mean to spend a lot of her time waiting on you but she does. On weekends, instead of going directly into the woods, she'll just lie on her back in her yard and stare up at the clouds, completely still, daydreaming (about you) until she hears your door opening. Then she runs to you.
If any of your windows are open, particularly your bedroom window, she'll send a bunch of paper airplanes your way. Most of them make it! However, you've learned that if you find even one paper airplane inside, you're going to have to check that side of the house for more scattered on the ground
Grips onto your arms or your clothes whenever she can. You two are connected.
Makes a BIG effort to like anything that you like as much as you do! And when she follows you around, it doesn't really matter if you're doing something she doesn't care about. She just wants to spend time with you! It does make her whole week if you follow her into the woods, though.
She doesn't take notes in class, but you leave a writing implement out for her and sometimes she'll reach over and doodle a cute bear or something on your paper :)
If you say you're cold, she'll give you her scarf, no questions asked. Is also down to share but don't let her do that while you're walking because it WILL end badly 
Has wrapped the scarf around the two of you and tied you guys together before and yes it was the best recess of her life 
When walking, she tends to lean into you which sometimes almost turns into pushing you and Qiu into the road if you're not careful
Likes to drag you around places and pretty quickly invites you to her house. She doesn't tell her grandparents that she's inviting you over, so they're surprised by you almost every time, but they don't mind! She's dragging you up the stairs to her room too quickly for them to say anything anyway
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keenvictory · 4 months
"Minor possessive talk, mostly he's just a clingy loser" on the Cove drabble got me so good -- could you maybe do something similar for Derek and Baxter?!
Crazy about your writing, tysm for sharing!!!!
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Synopsis: Baxter's life is perfectly, aesthetically crafted. Until it isn't. NSFW drabble.
: ̗̀➛ Featured Characters: Baxter Ward x Gn!Reader
̗̀➛ Content Warnings: NSFW, slight possessive language, very very brief angst (i mean, it is baxter)
̗̀➛  Additional notes: Continuing my loser men agenda with Baxter! I will write a separate post for Derek soon, but finishing two things in a row has me antsy to post this one separately. Theres bottom!Baxter if you squint, but i tried to write him as a switch so take it either direction as you will. Mostly he's just a loser who makes sex way too romantic. I love him.
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Baxter wouldn't deign to call himself clingy. He was incredibly independent, really. Your relationship had taken a five year break and survived, he was perfectly content by himself.
But that didn't explain the sick thrill he gets having a clingy partner. There is something so delightfully addicting about being wanted. He loved it when he woke up to you wrapped around him, heart thundering when you burrowed closer at even the slightest twitch of movement, like you were scared he'd disappear.
That was where the thread of guilt came in. Of course you had clingy moments, he'd vanished from your life once, could you really trust him not to do it again? What did his word matter, ultimately?
It was hard not to think like that. He knew his own track record with relationships, and he wanted, more then anything, to not fuck up this one too.
It's never easy to chase those thoughts away. And yet you do it so effortlessly, with just the graze of your teeth, the scrape of your nails.
Baxter is putty in your hands when you mark him up during sex. He's obsessed with the way his pale skin looks after its been ravaged by you, admiring the scratch-marks down his back after he's fucked you, or the hickies and love-bites you've scattered across his chest. He'd let you ruin his neck with sweet bruises if it wasn't shockingly unprofessional.
I mean hickies on the wedding planner, on someone else's big day? He feels a shameful tingle of pleasure he can't deny at the thought. Baxter is so put together during the day that he absolutely falls apart at night, guided by your safe and sure hands. He cries, he begs, he sniffles as big, wet tears fill his red eyes. There was some alarm, the first time he cried during sex. The whole ordeal had been put on hold to make sure he was okay, until he'd shamefully and slowly explained to you that yes, he was perfectly fine. So, so good in fact, the tears had sprouted on an especially breathy moan.
And even though he begs so sweetly to leave your mark sometimes you handle him so tenderly and gently it sparks a whole different kind of need inside him. Love-making, he thinks, with his head nestled between you thighs, moaning with every tug of his hair, is a new world of pleasure. Miles beyond just sex.
But his favorite part of it all is the minutes just after. When he stumbles out of your arms to gleefully assess the damage, take in his tear-stained face, the pink hand prints on his hips and ass, his kissed swollen lips. The sight of it all has his spent cock twitching awake.
Just a little more, he thinks, stumbling back over to you. God his legs ache in just the best way. He's already hard again, cum beading at the tip without a care for his carefully crafted, elegant persona.
He pulls you into another kiss, sweet still, before nipping playfully at your ear.
"You've positively ruined me, dear." He purrs, a shiver of glee running through him as your hands find his hips again. "Want to do it again?"
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differenteagletragedy · 8 months
Cove isn't the stepdad, he's the dad who stepped up
Takes place after Step 3 -- you'd had the summer fling with Baxter and got a little more than you bargained for.
Cove noticed everything about you. He knew all your secrets, all the little quirks of your personality, and as much as he tried not to think about it, he knew all the curves and lines of your body, too.
So that fall when you started college together, sharing a humble two bedroom apartment and gaining your footing in the adult world side by side, he could definitely tell that something was off.
You were sad, for one, and when he tried to console you you'd shrug off his concerns, telling him that everything was fine. He might have chalked up your demeanor to the big life changes you were both going through, but then the sickness started.
At least a few times a week, he saw you dart to the bathroom, hand over your mouth. Sometimes he woke up to the sound of you in there, retching. More and more, he'd come home to find you laid out on the couch, looking more tired than he'd ever seen you.
But it was in November, when he accidentally walked in on you getting dressed in your bedroom, that Cove put everything together.
You were standing in front of your mirror in your bra and a pair of jeans low on your hips, still unbuttoned. The reason, he surmised, was because of the swell of your belly.
"Um ..." was all he managed to get out. You turned to look at him, surprise on your face, then pulled on a baggy sweater before meeting his eyes again.
"What's going on?" he asked quietly, looking down at your stomach. "You're not ... are you?"
Tears sprang to your eyes, and your hands instinctively went to your stomach.
"You are."
You started crying in earnest then, and Cove wasn't sure what to do. He took a few steps towards you then stopped, at a total loss.
When your tears kept flowing, he finally made the final few steps to stand in front of you and took you in his arms. You held onto him tightly, burying your face into his chest.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.
"I didn't want you to hate me."
Your voice was muffled, your face still pressed against him, but he heard you.
"I could never hate you," he said. "Not ever. Not for anything."
The "I love you" stayed inside his lungs, but the words were clearly implied.
"It's just ..." you leaned back a little, wiping your face before shifting to place your cheek back against his body. "It's just that I know I'm really young and this isn't what I planned on. You've always been so supportive and ... so proud of me, and I didn't want you to know that I let you down. And I know you never liked Baxter ..."
"You're not letting me down," Cove began, ready to launch into a speech about how highly he thought of you before his brain caught up with the rest of what you'd said. "Wait, Baxter?"
"It was just a couple of times, and I thought we were being careful, but obviously not," you laughed sadly. "I didn't find out until he left, and he won't answer my calls."
You were right, he never liked Baxter -- he thought it was an astoundingly bad idea when you'd told him you were dating him for the summer -- but now that disklike very quickly and easily morphed to hate.
Sensing that now wasn't the time to go off the handle, Cove took a deep breath and rubbed your back, still holding you close.
"No one else knows," you offered. "I've seen a doctor on campus a few times, but moms don't know, or Liz."
"Are you going to tell them?"
"Yeah, I just ... I don't think it's going to go well, the 'hey, family, I'm going to be a single teen mom, surprise!' talk," you said. "Not really looking forward to it."
He paused, then carefully said, "I can do it with you. The talk and ... this."
You pulled back again to look up at his face, which was smiling down at you.
"What do you mean, 'this'?"
"This," he repeated, glancing down towards your stomach. "You don't have to do it alone."
"And you don't have to do it with me."
"I want to," Cove insisted. "If you want me to."
He told you about how he he could take on extra hours at work to help with any baby-related purchases you needed to make, and how he would help you take care of the baby after it was born. He promised you that your family would be ok with it all, even if it took them a while to come around. He even got on his phone during the conversation and bought an e-book about pregnancy, just to show you he was serious.
"What did I ever do to deserve such a sweet best friend?" you asked when he was done, finally smiling.
He wanted to kiss you then, so badly. But instead, he just smiled back.
Several months passed until he finally worked up the nerve.
You'd had a smooth pregnancy, and like he'd told you, he was there every step of the way. He attended doctor's appointments and researched all he could, and when the time came to actually have the baby, he was camped out in the waiting room, ready to do whatever was needed -- you'd wanted your moms in the delivery room with you for the actual event.
He installed the car seat in the back of his car, then uninstalled it and reinstalled it a few times before finally feeling good about it. He assembled the crib, the bassinet, the changing table, and he made it all fit in your little two-bedroom apartment.
When you and the baby, a little boy you'd given your last name, were ready to come home, he carefully escorted you to his car that was waiting in front of the hospital and secured the both of you before embarking on the most cautious car ride the world may have ever seen.
From there, you settled into a new normal. You'd protested at first, telling Cove that he didn't have to do so much for your baby, but he insisted enough that you finally let it go and let him help. Your heart warmed seeing him hold your son, seeing so much love in his eyes, and Cove melted watching how sweet you were as a mother.
One night, when the baby was a few months old and sleeping for longer stretches in the night, Cove came home from work to see you in the kitchen, hair tied up in a sloppy ponytail and wearing one of his shirts. You felt like a mess, but he always thought you were so beautiful like this.
"Hey," you said, smiling back at him as you washed bottles in the sink. "How was work?"
"Good. How was baby time?"
He gave you a grin, then walked up to the sink and gave you a bump with his hip, moving to take over the dishes.
Not giving up so easily, you bumped him back. He laughed, then flicked some water at you.
"Don't start something you can't finish, Holden," you said, moving to put a hand on the sprayer.
"You wouldn't dare."
But you did dare, and a water fight commenced. Careful not to wake the baby, you sprayed water at him as he splashed his hand towards you from under the faucet.
In the dim light of the kitchen, with you finally laughing like your old self after a year of heartbreak and monumental changes, he threw all of his normal hesitation out the window and before he could calculate all the ways it could go wrong, he crashed his lips into yours.
A truce in the water fight was immediately formed as you kissed him back with just as much passion. Like Cove, you'd always been scared of your romantic feelings for him, scared they'd damage the friendship you had -- one of the most important things in your life.
After you found out you were pregnant, you'd let the dream of being with him go entirely, positive that he could never see you that way after having Baxter's baby.
But here you were, and here he was, and there was your baby in the other room, and somehow, things were perfect.
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wordsofoleander · 1 month
🌸 answer me, my prince!
a suave prince with all he could ever ask for. a starry-eyed editor who longed for more. two unexpected penpals from vastly different worlds.
they were undoubtedly fated to meet, but never face-to-face.
❥ 735 words ❥ tags: au, fluff, slightly angsty if you blink, very very self-indulgent, no beta we die like chads, mentions of cove, qiu, and my ol2 mc! ❥ notes: the hyperfixation was so strong i emerged from inactivity. i finished the comic this fic shares a title with last weekend and refused to move on,,, made for #baxtermcweek (day 4 prompt: au), hosted by @minthe-drawings
He doesn’t realize how long he’s repeatedly been opening and closing the empty book chest until he slams it shut a little too loud, snapping him out of his reverie. His eyes dart left and right and his ears stay alert in case he accidentally woke anyone up.
He hears nothing, so hopefully the coast is clear. He opens the book chest again, and the letter he’s waited all night for sits perfectly inside, having appeared out of thin air. 
He needs not wait to carefully examine the envelope or admire its design (far more cleaner-cut and colorful than what he's received from others over the years) as he immediately gets to reading.
Prince Baxter Alexander.
You’re getting better at pressuring me to reply to you faster and faster. It scares me a little.
Regarding your story, I think what you did for their sake was quite admirable. I can’t even imagine going as far as to pretend to be Cove’s fiancée for his protection, let alone for 5 years! But back to you. Since you didn’t end up falling in love with each other, does this mean Lady Ysabel’s lover is much more good-looking than you are? Would you mind getting a portrait of the Laird Qiu for your friend?
Silly Iri.
(You’ve never asked me for my portrait. You wound me. Nonetheless, I forgive you.)
You of all people should be able to know that not every long-standing friendship necessarily has the potential to end in romance.
Like us?
We are a bit of a special case because I do not think of Ysabel every day.
(Oh, what am I going to do with you?)
Ever the type to give people the answers they want to hear now, are you? You’re surrounded by far more impressive people in your daily life, people you can actually talk to and see.  I highly doubt that you think of me every day.
(PS It’s way past midnight, so I should probably get ready for bed if I don’t want to be late for work. Sleep well, my prince.)
Irina Clarice, my sick twisted friend.
What? Is laying my entire self bare to you, heart and soul, in the written word last night not enough for you? After all the times I’ve spent my evenings waiting for your letters?
I specifically chose this time of year to get away from my parents under the guise of avoiding the heat and helping the monks at the scriptorium. Summer, after all, is the perfect time to do something crazy, pursue a new beauty, to start anew. I confess to you that I imagined nightly sneak-outs to rendezvous with someone who’s caught my eye, but all this time, I’ve been holed up in the scriptorium’s writing room, idly and politely waiting by the book chest on my desk in anticipation to see if you have replied to what I’ve written about my latest misadventures. Before I knew it, I’d already spent the entirety of my summer getting to know you. Now I do know you, and there is no one else like you anywhere else in the world. 
Tragically, we shall never have the chance to meet, so I don’t think whatever it is I’m feeling in my chest can be called love. My fate is sealed. 
Still, whenever the sight of someone so beautiful catches my eye, thoughts of you fill my head, and I become almost upset, complaining that no matter who I meet, they will never be anything like my Iri. So, my dear friend, do not tell me that I do not think of you every day. 
I do not recall you mentioning having felt this way towards your childhood companions, nor your devilishly handsome Xander from the antique shop,  so I shall regrettably but with dignity take this as a victory.
On a lonely night on the month of heat’s end, Your Baxter Alexander.
(PS Clarence and I are departing tomorrow at dawn for Golden Grove to attend Qiu’s wedding, just in time for the beginning of fall. Bringing the book chest with me would be far too bothersome for such a short trip. I expect to be away for about three to four days.
Even so, worry not your pretty little head and get a good night’s rest without my letters to bother you, Iri. I hope you do not miss me too much.)
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sugar-omi · 9 months
(Didn't want to distract from your original post)
I am sooo normal about Yandere!MC and Seemingly Normal!Cove <- (he's not normal, a normal person would be terrified if a yandere commits violence in their name.)
Like Cove deserves it. All three boys do, but Cove is my favorite by a little bit. (Plus I think Derek and Baxter would actually be normal here and scared lol)
((Two iterations of my Cove!Mc are yanderes for him with four total iterations of said MC.))
He'd be so sweet and melty for the MC omg... his woozy blushy smile when the MC comes to him covered in blood and talks to him in a sing-song tone about how they took out the person being a creep to him and how nobody's gonna come between them/hurt him and how much they love and adore him, how he's all theirs forever and ever, and more sweet nothings.
Just the most down bad catastrophic romantic words you can think of coming out of someone who's shaking from adrenaline and covered in blood.
((3/4 iterations of my Cove!MC ended up promising him at 13 when they get together that no one will ever hurt him now if they have their way.))
Depending on how hopelessly in love (mind-broken) Cove is, I can definitely see him being down to have sex/you claim him once more after killing someone with the body nearby.
feel free to relog my posts w anything you wanna add!!! I love it n 7/10 times we all have the same brain worms n it's beautiful
my brain is tainted w the thought of kissing or having sex w cove with blood still on your hands... body doesn't have to be nearby but smth abt it is so sexy isn't it???
or cove joining you in the shower, washing the blood off of you and giving you head afterward while still in the shower, clinging into his hair and the shower head. it's a good thing you have one of those grippy shower rugs in here
idk abt mind break/sherlock holmes syndrome bc I like the idea of him alrdy being a little outta it but maybe it's like a gradual thing like all their life mc has said crazy shit n if they come home a little bloody well that's so fucking sexy n he's only mildly concern now that your lips are on him
I can totally see this cove being into bdsm shit though
he'd say it offhandly one day when you're having a jealous fit "well put a collar on me then"
and so you get him a few to choose from maybe and a tag
it shouldn't turn him on, this is beyond kinky probably, maybe a normal person would consider this sick.
but his dick is straining against his pants and his heart is racing and he's getting so hot n dizzy just thinking abt it
n when it's on he can't help looking at you for approval, and if you're a real dog then you clip a leash onto him the second he's facing you or while he's looking in the mirror you come up from behind and show it to him
he's nervous, that's really inappropriate but fuck if he's not happy to wear it
so you clip it on him "this way you can never stray far from me. you're mine."
fuck he'll random send you pictures while you're at work with his collar on under his dress shirt. he wears it everywhere.
maybe don't let your family see it though and keep smth more... normal. for him to wear
I almost forgot ong but he'd prbly get your name tatted on him
maybe a tramp stamp or over his dick, or over his heart. wherever you want really
I think I said it but he'll flirt just to see that look come across your face. to feel and see how dangerous you are, how rough you are
you'll beat the guy or girls ass from the bar until you're kicked out by force and then you'll go home and rearrange his guts for flirting with some bitch on purpose.
it always leaves his hips sore and his voice hoarse or gone, and you're putting ointment on some of your deeper bites or hickeys with an apologic kiss and tone.
omfg he'll even fuck you in the car, the person that was flirting w him earlier will come around the side and gets a front row view to the car shaking, fogging up, and then he can see cove's hand slap against the window and his green hair against the window as you fuck him up against the door
or if you're really risky then you'll fuck him on the side of the building, his pants around his ankles as you take him from behind and his knees shaking as you grip his hair, pulling his hair back.
the person can see cove moaning loudly and begging you to choke him harder, to hit him harder..
sees how he smiles and laughs when you call him a slut, telling him how dirty he is for wanting it outside and to be seen.
yeah this cove is a total freak n his sanity is questionable
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barkanon · 9 months
The days seem to blur by with the blank gray walls and concrete floor. The man inside wasn’t really sure how long he was there; one day, one week? He lost track after the 7th meal of cold rice and beans that was practically thrown through the door.
No one was really sure what he was, and no one wanted to take chances.
~ More under the cut below bc it's kinda long 9around 700 words SLDFKJ)! TW/CW include: References to human and animal death (including family death, and murder ofc), abuse, isolation, and alcohol abuse. Nothing too graphic, but I'd rather list out the warnings just in case! ~
The days seem to blur by with the blank gray walls and concrete floor. The man inside wasn’t really sure how long he was there; one day, one week? He lost track after the 7th meal of cold rice and beans that was practically thrown through the door.
No one was really sure what he was, and no one wanted to take chances.
The door clicked as it unlocked and three officers walked in. The prisoner inside was pushed against the wall and handcuffed by two officers and searched for any potential weapons. The third officer put a sort of muzzle on him, learning the hard way that the man will bite.
Finding no weapons, the officers dragged the shorter guy to another room and shackled him to the table before sitting him down.
Another man walked in, dressed nice though he still wore a badge. Two officers accompanied him in case the prisoner tried anything.
“Name’s Officer Pierce,” the well dressed man said. “May I have your name?”
“Ah, everyone calls me Bark, obvious nickname isn’t it?” The prisoner laughed, though no one else was amused. The room was deafeningly silent, though the man didn’t seem bothered.
“May I have your legal name?” Officer Pierce questioned, his voice a little more firm.
Bark spoke after a tense moment of thought, realizing he would end up losing any fight he tried. “… It’s Issac Baxter. But please, I really don’t like that name.”
The officer wrote in his notebook before looking back up to Bark. “Where are you from?”
“The United States, though I haven’t gone back in a long time..”
Officer Pierce wrote that down as well.
“What state?” The officer didn’t look up from his writing as he questioned.
“South Texas. Grew up rural,” Bark snickered, “farm and all!”
“Hm, what was your family like?” The officer asked casually, though it was clear it wasn’t just small talk.
Bark let out a sigh, his body growing a little tense and restless as he tapped his foot. “Well… I had a mom. I don’t know about a dad. I was raised by this other family - I never learned their names - they had my mom and I work a lot, my mom ended up passing from the heat when I was… 10 or so?” The prisoner wrapped his arms around himself, staring at the ground. “The family’s kids would make fun of me a lot, and the adults never really treated my mom and I well. Thankfully they allowed us to build our own little shelter in the yard, which at least shielded us from rain and hail…”
The officer wrote down notes quickly as Bark spoke. “What kind of farm work did you do?”
“Animals, mostly cattle,” Bark started. “That’s actually how I ended up collecting bones, any sick animals that would pass, I would wait for them to rot a little and then take what I could salvage! It took days but it would be worth it..”
The detective grimaced at the imagery before continuing his questions. “What happened to make you leave that?”
The silence was deafening as Bark tried to figure out his words.
“The… one of the adults would get drunk and.. violent. But I had enough. I took a shovel and hit him, and he didn’t get back up. The adult woman heard and… I knew they’d probably kill me for that, so I hit her as well. I think I still have the man’s skull, it’s got a large crack down over the left eye..”
The man hesitated before writing it down. “What happened after that?”
“I ran away. I don’t remember where I went. I’m pretty sure I ended up crossing into Mexico for awhile…”
Bark continued to recount the crimes and places he went, fleeing countries whenever he would be caught. He confessed to 56 murders, and said he was ‘unsure, but probably did’ murder another 60. He also confessed to 10 recent murders that happened the previous night, yet he adamantly denied the murder of the two inside the home.
After the interrogation, Bark was returned to his cell to serve his sentence in isolation.
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unsleepingtales · 3 months
Guys I’m gonna be real I am Not ready for this episode. But we press on!
Are you kidding me the episode is literally called Baron’s Game 😭😭😭 we’re so screwed
Love the spiritual possession warning in the description.
Mordred manor and cravencroft on the table!
They care about each other so much!!
Why does he keep calling her Figueroth
Riz now is your time to come out as aroace. This is it.
I never realized that Baron’s stark father was the nightmare king
Fucked upppppp
Brennan what is this.
Cait May I’m forever in your debt for Riz and Gorgug’s art <3 I love them more every time
Fingers out of his elbows?????
God I’m so aware that Kristen’s room is the chapel because of fics but it fucks me up every time
Also Fig sleeps under the piano. I know that’s not really feasible for the mechanics of this fight but Fig’s ‘room’ is the hollow under the piano in the living room
I like to spread it out 💀
I would 100% believe that Brennan is just having them roll dice for shits and giggles and to heighten the tension
WOOOOO canon Fig’s room mention. So she is still under the piano! It’s just not the way we were visualizing!
Spring break! I believe in you!
I love Riz’s theme music
I was right!!!!!! When I said that room looked like a chapel in my original battle set breakdown I was right!!!
Edgar!! Does this mean we’ll get to see my best friend Zayn???
Adaine’s room reveal :D
Fabian you have been in Adaine’s room before. You were there last week.
Oh my god oh my god oh my god
You’re sick for this
ONLY a 20.
Lou is having SO much fun with this
Oh my GOD the unrequited fabriz vibes.
Oooooh the Adaine’s room backdrop is so pretty. Cait please show us the full thing later? Please? I want to buy prints of the girl’s rooms as a fun fucked up triptych
Oh my GOD Adaine
Adaine crying ‘Fabian hit me’ got me in the emotions. Ouch.
Lay on Hands baby!!
Edgar :D
Is this a tongs situation 😬
We need an Edgar plushie. Please. Little ethereal ghost rat plushie
HATE that face from Zac.
Ally. Allyyyyyy
That’s definitely how that works yeah
Oh no.
I still love that Gorgug cast warding bond on Fig <3
‘Why do you attempt to fly with just a ribbon’ is a reasonable question. Following that up with ‘do you not think your friends would take you more seriously if you didn’t make bad ideas’ is INSANE
Oh my GOD.
No. Don’t do this to me man.
Love Emily’s creamy yellow Life Sucks Then You Die shirt. Feels very appropriate.
Sometimes your ex’s playlists slap ok!!
Fabian was generally menacing, Adaine is going directly for the throat with her Baronisms and it’s upsetting.
There is math to being mad!!! That’s my boy!!!
We go way back 😭
I fucking love sneak attack man
Why is there wolfsbane in Adaine’s room?
Do NOT do that????? That’s a cursed item that you should not touch???
Awww there’s a Vote for Kristen poster in Adaine’s room!
I love the long holding of the shot on Lou doing that dance
Zayn I know this isn’t you this isn’t what you want <3
Make him do a little dance??
Siobhan Thompson you’re brilliant
Oh god the clock
Awww little picture of Fig and Sandra Lynn and Baxter
Ask him bc he’ll tell you to do it and 😈
Them’s the breaks!
Adaineeeeee I love you
Jawbone nooooo
Does Ally fully just have a carton of raspberries back there
Devastating honestly
‘Don’t tell Fig she’ll be jealous’ I know they meant jealous of Gorgug getting to kiss Zara but. What if. I pushed the figgorgug agenda just a little further.
Reliable talent is soooo good
Zayn :(
I know it’s not really him but I miss my bestie
Baby Kalina 🥺
Conspirator??? Lydia Barkrock might be the other conspirator??? Have we ever heard Lydia talk about Kalina??
I fucking rule at sucking!!!! I suck ass!!!!!
Ooooooh beautiful cravencroft background
Nooooooo last week was so long and this was like half the length so it feels so short lmao
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Can i get Derek and Maya information? I wouldn't mind if you went a little bit into how they interact:)
YIPPEE! I love getting asks about my characters. OwO
Derek and Maya Info/Interactions:
TW: Small mention of Age Regression and Stereotyping
🍓Derek follows Aluminum around like a little lost puppy. It isn't because he is too shy to really talk to other people, mind you, it is because Aluminum is too scared to do so. While Derek can go up to people, get their attention, explain how his mutism makes him have to write down his words, then start a random conversation... Aluminum just can't really do that. So, Derek stands by, as one of the few people Aluminum is comfortable with, in case Aluminum wants to talk to someone. Plus, Aluminum is just an interesting fellow to Derek. He is so emotional, willing to snap at people and such without thinking, but unlike most snippy and snappy people, he will very quickly apologize for his words once he realizes he is wrong.
🦈Maya is very quiet and still, at first, but once she gets to know someone, she will turn into an energetic goofball. She will also play the most random of games, such as "slinky hunting", where she makes a slinky go down the stairs, before pouncing on it at random. Not many people like to play games with her, so she learned to play alone. Johnny likes playing her odd games, but tends to forget the rules.
🍓 Derek would probably meet Maya when Aluminum goes to the Playplace. The doctors try to keep the pediatric (child) patients separate from the adults, but the Playplace is open to everyone. Mainly kids go there, but Aluminum does visit from time to time when he age regresses, with Derek keeping a close eye so he doesn't hurt himself. Since Maya likes to play games, she often visits to calm down after doctor's appointments.
🦈 Maya would most likely be in awe of Derek, because she has never seen anyone so tall before. She had heard of the cow people, after her Mama mentioned one falling out of the sky, but never seen one. With her being a bit more comfortable in the hospital, as well as her watching Derek care for Aluminum, she would most likely end up climbing him like a tree.
🍓 That is, apparently, how friendships are made. Within the day, Derek has become a sort of big brother figure to Maya. She would say Father figure, but Baxter has already taken that role, so she said he would have to settle for brother. One of the main things that occur is Derek protecting Maya from people who are rude or causing her stress. Since many see Landsharks as "bloodthirsty, like any normal shark", people tend to make fun of her. Now, although Derek doesn't have horns, the sight of an 8 foot tall, hulking figure of a cow man is bound to at least cause aggressors to hesitate.
🦈 Maya is a bit more perceptive of small things about Derek, mostly how he seems uncomfortable with people drinking strawberry milk. So, although she likes strawberry milk, if she and Derek are eating lunch together, she'd end up choosing chocolate milk. She'd also end up introducing him and Aluminum to her uncle, Baxter, and Johnny the moth boy. Baxter would probably end up "adopting" him, much like he did Johnny and Maya.
🍓 Due to Derek being 8 feet tall and a little on the heavier side, he doesn't fit into any of the patient gown s that the hospital has. There are a few other patients in the same situation. So, because he doesn't fit into any gowns, they gave him scrubs to wear, instead. There is talk that the reason they don't have big enough gowns, even though they have scrubs that fit, is because the hospital assumes that every sick patient will, naturally, be skinnier. Either way, due to Maya's trauma regarding healthcare workers, it was a large part of why she had to observe Derek before greeting him. She thought, due to his scrubs and him following around a patient (Aluminum), that he was a nurse, doctor, or another type of worker at the hospital. Once she realized he was a patient, she gave him a little, handmade strawberry pin to wear so she doesn't lose him in crowds of workers.
🦈 Maya is so tiny that Derek sometimes picks her up when they get in a crowd. He thinks that, if he doesn't, she'll get crushed. There was one time where Baxter lost Maya in a crowd at the lunchroom, causing him to scream "Where's my baby?!" In response, Derek stood up, put Maya on his head, and had Aluminum shout "There she is!" Due to him being the tallest in the room, Baxter quickly saw her and calmed down.
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sailor-toni · 2 years
Casper Highs Football Captain: Danny Fenton (OneShot)
You can also read this on AO3, FF.net, and Wattpad
Danny Fenton was your normal fourteen-year-old boy, black hair, blue eyes, upper middle class, and captain of the Casper High football team. He was your perfectly normal all-American teen, expect for his parents. The jumpsuit duo never fail to embarrass their only son. Recklessly driving around Amity Park, screaming and hollering about ghost, ducking in an out of alley ways at strange hours of the day, holding small vials of green slime for their portal to a world unseen. Danny rolled his eyes at that. World unseen, more like world untrue! There was no such thing as ghost.
At least, that’s that he assumed, and everyone knows what happens when you assume.  
“YO, Fenton catch!” The leather hit Danny’s hand at the perfect angle, the slight sting of leather against skin gave him no pause.
“You have to do better than that to get me off my game Baxter!” Danny said tossing the ball back at the quarterback.
“Hey Fenton!” Kwan rushed over, throwing one of his arms over Danny’s shoulders, “How was your weekend bro. I didn’t see you Katie Smiths party on Saturday.”
“Oh yeah. I got in trouble with my parents and they forced me to spend all weekend cleaning their test tubes and lab equipment,” Danny said.
“What? Really? That blows man, you missed everything. Katie came out of the closet and made out with Cindy. Dash got absolutely destroyed and carried Mark Flinch to the roof and threw him onto Katies trampoline. The cops were called. It was dope man,”
“Yeah Fenton, Kwan and I had to climb over a fence to get away from the cops.” Dash joined the two tossing the ball in-between his hands.
“Yeah, I was like, I’ve never seen a fence that high before! and then I did it. It was sick. Maybe I should do parkour,” Kwan said.
“You gonna start a YouTube channel Kwan? Kwan’s amazing Parkour. Like comment and subscribe,” Danny said.
“Danny man, you’re not gonna ring the notification bell?”
“Depends on how good your skills are man.”
“Kwan’s got some skills man, He was like a little spider money, climbing up those walls like he was Spider-man or something,” said Dash, who slammed open the front door of Casper high, crushing a smaller teen in a red hat with its heavy metal side. “Move it!” He snapped, “Anyway Fenton you missed Paulina.”
“Or better yet. She missed you,” Kwan said.
“Paulina? I told her I was grounded.”
“Maybe she didn’t get your message then, because she was looking for you all night and she got destroyed. At one point her and Valerie were on top of the table crushing cans and jugging them down. Her shirt was soaked.” Kwan teases, mimicking the gestures she must have been making that night.
“And she was wearing a white shirt,” Dash said.
“Sucks that your whack-job parents grounded you thought. It would’ve been the perfect night to make a move,” Kwan said.
            The three stopped at Danny’s locker. The inside covered in Casper high banners and a growing pile of dirty gym clothes. A broken mirror was hung in the back, grey skin would sometimes flash along its surface.
“You think? I don’t know if she actually likes me or not? I think she just sees me as a friend,” Danny said. In truth he didn’t know if he liked Paulina. Or maybe he didn’t like girls that way? It was not a thought he like to admit, or talk about, or even entertain. He shoved it to the dirty gym pile in his mind. Maybe Paulina wasn’t his type and he was over reacting. He assumed.
“Nah man, she is like totally into you,” Kwan began.
“She wants that D man.” Dash finished, his tone was much more malicious than Kwans.
“Can we not call it that?” Danny asked.
“She wants the little Fenton.” Danny and Kwan burst out laughing.
“Let’s not call my junk little either.”
“I would prefer if we had school appropriate conversations Mr. Fenton.” Mr. Lancer stood in front of his room, a copy of The Picture of Dorian Grey in his hand.
“Ah Mr. Lancer” “Hello Mr. Lancer.” “Hey Mr. Lancer.”
The three were suddenly quiet. Their previous laughter now gone from their sullen faces.
“Keep the locker room talk for the locker room please.”
“Of course, Mr. Lancer” “Sure man.” “Got it Mr. Lancer”
The three began shuffling away, small giggles stifled as went.
“SAM MANSON! Dress code directly prohibits showing one’s midriffs!”
“But Pau-“
“NO BUTS! Either find a jacket or go to the nurse and change.”
            Everyone was looking now. Watching Sam and her crop top of misfortune.
“NO! I see other girls around school wear tops like this every day! And there’s no reason for me to have to hide myself!”
“When you attend Casper high you are expected to dress in a work appropriate attire and no workplace would allow such sexual clothing. This is the rule for every student here, nobody is even special; treatment.”
“Change now or else I will have to call your parents.” Sam backed down at that, pulling a black jacket from her bag.
“Is this better!?” The jacket was covered in patches and metal studs.
“Not ideal but it’ll work,” Mr. Lancer said, returning to his book. Sam’s face twisted in anger, turning a bright red.
“Oh no, looks like one of the losers is getting mad,” Dash whispered to Danny.
            Sam’s head snapped to the three, the sour look on her face gave Danny goosebumps. She marched past him, bumping into his shoulder. No apology was given.
“What’s her issue?” Kwan asked.
“Who knows, maybe its her period or somethin’,” Dash says rolling his eyes. Danny lets out a long sigh. His body was already aching from the weekend, and today was already going great.
            All day. Every time he went into a classroom or went to use the bath, all anyone could talk about was Katie Smith’s party and how he had missed it. All freakin day. It wasn’t his fault. And it wasn’t his parents either, but what was he going to tell his friends. Sorry I missed the party Katie but I got arrested by ghost and had to spend all weekend breaking out of jail! The thought of Danny even saying it out loud made him shiver in shame. Words like that were a quick one-way ticket to weird-o loser land. Population, his parents and Sam Manson. Speaking of Sam…
            She had spent all day glaring at him. He didn’t even know they shared a History class till he felt her eyes bring a hole into his back. Right now, they were in English class, otherwise known as Mr. Lancer territory. His classroom as covered in pictures of classic books, quotes, and shelves of books. Most of the shelves were bending under the weight of his French and Spanish versions of Dante’s complete trilogy. Danny wondered why anyone would read books that big. Maybe in the past when they didn’t have phones reading a book that big would be fun, but Danny was one of the few people he knew that liked books and even he wouldn’t object himself to that.
            Glancing behind him, Sam looked away. Her makeup looked fresh. Turning back to the front, where that kid in the red hat was helping Lancer with the smart board was. W-was it a hat? Danny always wondered what it was and why nobody ever asked him to take it off. Oh God, his thoughts were rambling again, and SHE was staring at him again.
“Hey what is your issue?” He harshly whispered.
“What issue?” She whispered back. Even her quiet whispers were dripping in venom.
“You’ve been drilling holes in my back all day?”
“I haven’t touched your back.”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it Manson.”
“No, I don’t know anything, Fenton. Please tell me, what do I know?”
“You’ve been staring at my back like I killed your dog, all day. SO, how about you drop the attitude and stop. I didn’t do anything to you.” She seemed to know just how to piss him off.
“Of course, innocent little Fenton can do no wrong.”
“What is wrong with you? I-“
“Mr. Fenton! Would you like to join the class?” Like a god dam demon Mr. Lancer appeared next to his head, with his arms crossed and a face of displeasure. Turning around he mumbled a response before writing down whatever was on the smart board. After a few moments he could feel her glaring at him again.
            As soon as the bell rang, Danny was out of that room. Paper and books hasty shoved into his bag as he made his way to the cafeteria. Several students waved hi to him, and tried to engage in conversation. And all of them asked “Where were you Saturday?” It was starting to become exhausting having to reexplain himself to everyone. It made the trek to the cafeteria feel like shopping with Paulina, stopping every few minutes to go into another store.
“Oh, Danny!” Speak of the devil, “Where were you Saturday? I missed you,” Paulina said
“P-Paulina, I was grounded. Didn’t you get my text?” Danny Said.
“You sent a text?”
“I must not have gotten it. You know how bad my phone is.”
            The two walked to lunch together, Paulina almost dangling off Danny’s arm, her jacket was wide open reveling her pastel pink crop top. All of lunch Danny was nervous about Lancer, or another teacher yelling at his friend, but it seemed fine.
“Oh Danny,” Paulina’s sickly-sweet voice clung to his ears like taffy.  
The hallway was quickly pouring out students faster than people can get into a Walmart on Black Friday.
“Yes Paulina?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to help me with my science homework tonight?” Her arms here under her breast pushing them up.
“Uh no thanks I’m still in trouble with my parents and I don’t think they-“
“But I don’t know if I can pass Mrs. Crossant’s test this Friday without your help,” she said, leaning forward, so that her top reveled more skin. Danny put a book over the opening.
“If I get in anymore trouble, I’ll be kicked off the team. I’m sorry but I have to go. Maybe Dash can help you?” He slammed his locker shut, “Have a good night Paulina.”
            Fast walking around the corner, he burst into a full-on run. Throwing caution out the window, as he ducked under a bush. Cold white rings enveloping his body, he let the air phase through him, lifting him high above the school Now sporting snow white hair, and neon green eyes Danny was free. Soaring through the city, dancing on the tops of buildings. No one called out to him. Nobody cared about him. It was just him and the open blue sky.
“BEWARE!” And other ghosts. If it wasn’t for his parents he would be a propaganda poster for the perfect American boy, but he would gladly trade that away to stay above the clouds. Nobody knew phantom the ghost boy, a halfa born from a lab accident n his parents’ basement. And Danny wanted to keep it that way. Plus, it was fun to watch ‘Invisible hero saves jewelry store’ videos on YouTube.   
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The Good Ends to a Long Engagement
Summary: The Wards receive a visit from a few Oregon friends and Baxter comes to a very important decision.
Rating: K - Intended for general audience 5 years and older. Content should be free of any coarse language, violence, and adult themes.
Words: 2400
Notes: It came out as Main Character Bashing Week, but that’s not what I meant with it. I don’t think Cove would be a deadbeat, but, well, that isn’t any help against being eaten by a shark or something.
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The summer was upon California once again. Days are getting longer and the extra sun shoots up the temperatures, a nice day to spend on the beach or by the pool.
Jamie is lounging on the kitchen table after washing up the lunch dishes, as her fiancé prepares a pair of cups of coffee for them to share. Baxter has sent his stepson upstairs to prepare for receiving visitors anytime soon, so the couple has a few moments of silence between them, something that rarely comes by when there are children involved.
"It will be good to see Frankie again, huh?" The woman says, conversationally, as she wipes the back of her neck with a towel.
He hands her the cup of coffee and takes the chair next to her.
"Yeah. Yeah, it should be interesting." He responds, not very enthused.
Jamie laughed softly. Although the people coming over were his childhood friends, coming from his hometown, she knows that the only one happy about the development would be herself, and maybe River, her son, if he is sufficiently convinced by the prospect of playing with the closest thing to a cousin he has.
Liz never got around to motherhood, being more than happy as a cool aunt, Terry and Miranda still had not found a footing, financially-wise, in expensive South California to apply for an adoption and the Adams had a little baby girl, who was adorable, but could not play with a ten-year-old boy. Neither his father or step-father had any siblings, so his closest friend in age amongst extended family was Asher Second, and they got along famously.
She and Francine Second had bonded over the experiences of single motherhood over the time they spent over in Golden Grove for Thanksgiving. The pair exchanged numbers and talked at length over the months, culminating with an invitation for them to come down to Los Angeles for a visit. The Oregonian woman asked her friend, Renee Murray, to come along for the ride and share the drive, so the Wards would be hosting four people for a couple of weeks, along with baby Sawyer Second.
Baxter detested going back to Oregon for visits, but he disliked it even more having Oregon come down to California. He likes Renee well enough, and does not particularly dislike Frankie, but he is certainly indulging his fiancée and step-son on this one.
“Don’t be sour, love. It’s going to be fun!” She said, lifting the cup to her lips, then made a face. "Ugh. This is yours."
"No, I don't…" Baxter tried the cup in his hand, sure his face was unintentionally mimicking hers. "Yeah, this is definitely yours."
"I bet Sawyer is so big by now!" The seamstress said as she took her cup from him. "I remember how big River got during his second year. It just seemed like I'd blink, and suddenly he was reaching for things he couldn't even see a week ago…"
She shook her head, smiling at the memory. Her little boy was so cute as a baby! A little head of blond hair he got from his granddaddy, those chubby little fingers reaching for the seashell mobile they made for him…
Her fiancé hummed his acknowledgement, but he elected not add anything to the conversation. He does not understand much about children that young, even if he is good with River these days.
“Every new job I took, I had to make sure I could child-proof it. He was always getting into things, always so curious…" She trailed off. "I wonder how Frankie is getting along."
"I heard that she had to stop working on a project she was making a lot of leeway on when Sawyer got sick last year." The ma said. "I know how that feels, to an extent, but I'd imagine being a single mother would complicate things."
The other mother nodded. "I'm sure she didn't mind, though. You realize pretty fast that putting your child before your career isn't a decision you have to make, it's the thing you just do. When River was born, I had to put a lot of things on the shelf."
River, while a well-loved and much-anticipated child, was not a planned one. She and Cove were not even twenty when he was born, and they both understood that they had to make sacrifices for the life that was coming to them. For him, it was pro surfing, and for her…
"Your singing?"
"Yeah. Couldn't play around with that when I had a newborn crying for me every few hours." She said, smiling softly. "There was college, too. Our disposable cash vaporized overnight, and we depended on Mr. Holden to pay our bills… I wouldn't have had that big wedding that every girl dreams of."
"You and Cove ever talk about getting married?"
Jamie shrugged. It has been so long since she thought of that, it feels almost foreign to think that she was once engaged to someone else, even if she loved, and still loves, that person dearly.
"I mean, after a certain time frame, it comes up in most relationships. We loved each other very much and, if we had the money for it, I’m sure Cove would go along with it, but, well, we never discussed it seriously. We were too young, just taking one day after the other, and then I popped out a kid! We figured we'd keep existing, keep putting River first, keep doing what we had to do. Besides, he was never one to want to agree to some big fancy party anyway." She said with a little laugh. "I don't think I was ever able to picture him at a wedding, even ours."
Her phone began to ring, or, rather, Baxter recognized it as her alarm tone.
"What's that for?" He asks.
"Ah! It’s two already? Frankie and Renée never drove in LA, so they’re a bit spooked by the heavy traffic. I proposed meeting them on a gas station off the freeway, so I’m heading over there." She explained, pushing her chair, picking up her purse and keys and walking over to the bottom of the stairs. “River! Come on, it’s time!”
“I’m coming, mom!” He called from upstairs.
“Would you like me to come with you two? I can bring your car back and you can drive Ren’s?” He offered, calmly.
She turned to him, smiling. “Ah, thanks for the offer, but I thought you’d have an appointment this afternoon, so I asked Miranda for help. I’ll pick her up on the way.”
A ten-year-old boy stumbles down the stairs and off the door. “I’m ready!”
“Say goodbye to your step-father before you go!” The woman shouted from behind.
“Bye, Baxter!” He says from the driveway.
“Bye, buddy!” The older man shouts back, laughing. "Between Renée and Miranda, how are you possibly going to entertain all those excitable kids?"
Jamie grinned at her fiancé.
"I’ve had plenty of practice, this will be a piece of cake. See you later, okay?" She said, leaning over to kiss him. "Love you."
"Yeah, love you. See you."
Still exhausted from the previous day's hair-raising client, all Baxter wanted was to rest for a while before his house was taken by Oregonians, preferably on the company of his lovely fiancée. Alas, no hope there.
So, he went up to his study and settled on the couch. His attempt to read a book under the cool hum of the AC turned into an unplanned nap.
When he awoke, more than an hour had passed, and he could tell from the sounds downstairs that the house was definitely up three kids under the age of thirteen. And judging by the crying that suddenly wafted up from the bottom floor, Sawyer was definitely one of them.
"Oh, oh, hold on there, little baby." He heard Jamie say from the other room. "Come here, lay down."
Baxter rose automatically, but he stopped, unsure of what he could really do to help. He was good with River. He was good with Asher. He had met Sawyer only once and was still very unsure of how to act around toddlers. Better to leave that up to the resident child expert.
He eventually wandered down the stairs anyway when his fiancée’s voice shifted out of speaking. He found her sitting on the couch with all three kids around her, smiling at them as she sang some song he did not recognize. The scene gave him pleasant domestic feelings, which he was slowly growing used to experiencing.
The event planner leaned against the wall, watching. She was smiling, her arm around River, Asher sitting on the ground in front of her, and Sawyer laying on her back, her head tipped to the side to see her as she sang.
" Close your eyes, have no fear. The monster's gone, he's on the run and your mommy’s here. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Beautiful boy.”
Asher was subtly rocking from side to side with her lyrics. River was smiling, looking at her in that quiet, contented way he always did whenever she sang. Sawyer was, for once in his life, still, as if mesmerized by Jamie's voice.
"Uh, Baxter?"
The man jumped.
"Renée." He cleared his throat. "Didn't see you there."
"You never see me coming when you’re like that, with hearts on your eyes." She said, teasing.
The man narrowed his eyes at the cheap shot. “Don’t you think it’s a bit hypocritical of you bringing that up, huh?”
“That’s what childhood acquaintances are for, love. Besides, Frankie and Tamarack turned out to be great friends to me when I needed those, so rest assured I ate my words heartily.” She smirked. "But, being perfectly honest, you did look particularly deep in thought today. What's eating you, my friend?"
Baxter looked back toward Jamie. She smiled when she sang. She made one believe that the lyrics coming from her were the most profound words in existence.
He bit his lip. "Renée?"
Baxter waited a moment, thinking, then shook his head, turning to leave. "Never mind."
"That was a good day!" Jamie said as they ascended the stairs. "I just hope I wore them out enough that poor Frankie isn't exhausted trying to keep them entertained before bed."
"Frankie expressed a clear interest in having them for the night." Baxter pointed out. "It isn't as if you passed them off onto her. Plus, this is good. Because I, uh, I need to talk to you. We-We need to talk."
The woman cocked her head. "Like, we need to talk? Or we need to talk?"
"I don't know what that means."
She let out a quick laugh.
"I'm sorry." She sat on the edge of the bed. "What's the matter?"
"Nothing!" He said quickly. "I mean, no, not nothing. Nothing is what I did… Mean to say, I guess. Jamie?"
She tipped her head forward. "Yes?"
"I… You, you said to me earlier that you'd given a lot up when River came along, because he came first." He frowned, uncomfortable with his staccato sentences but unable to transition into a more efficient method of speaking. "You gave up things. Singing, vacations, free time, a big wedding. All of that."
He cleared his throat, hoping it would reset his speech. It is a difficult thing he has to say, but still, he would think he got the worst part down a long time ago.
"And I know nothing… Nothing has come up with us, really, we have work, and River, and work, and I know I said work already but we work a lot." He paused for breath. "I can't give you a singing career or all those hours you worked that second job back. I can't give you… I can't bring Cove back for you. For you and for River."
"Please." He said quickly, firmly. "Please let me finish."
She nodded.
"I know our relationship is… It is different from what you may have expected when you were younger, it is different from most, and I know I can be a bit challenging sometimes with this feelings stuff, but I know how I feel about you, and I don't see that going away, and…" He paused. He really should have thought this through. He knew what he wanted to say but it is hard to get it out. "I want to marry you, Jamie."
The problem of how to say it sorted itself out, in the end.
“Not as in getting engaged. I remember that we are engaged, that we’ve been engaged for well over a year at this point.” He said, with a bit of humour in his voice. “I want us to go on to the next phase, I want to plan our wedding, I want to call you my wife.”
Jamie blinked in surprise, her mouth falling open just slightly. She is not sure where he had been going with his speech, but she had not been expecting that, he was certain, but he forged on.
"Together, you and I, we made so many beautiful weddings, we made sure many a couple had their dreams come true, and I want that for us. A big party, with everyone we love, with all the little silly details that we find so beautiful, something that we will remember and tell our great-grandchildren. No expense spared. That last job we took, well, you know what it paid, and we have no greater need for it."
He dropped to the ground, he was several paces from her, and walked on his knees to her. Her own knees were a foot or so apart, and he pushed them to their respective sides so he could scoot closer to her, simultaneously and awkwardly shifting to rest on only one of his.
"So, what do you say?" He asked, giving her a small smile. "You and me? Big party?"
Jamie smiled at Baxter, amused. Ah, her silly little man, how she loved him.
"I think I'd like that big party." She said, her voice full of emotion.
He held up a finger. "Only if you spend the rest of your life with me afterwards."
Tears escaped her eyes as Jamie grinned, giving a happy laugh and kissing his face all over. She leaned forward, whispering his name and curling her arms around his neck.
Our Life Masterlist
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q-gorgeous · 10 months
What Will It Be? Chapter 6
nothing like being threatened into silence am i right
The walk back to Mr. Lancer’s classroom was automatic. Dash wasn’t thinking about where he was going but he definitely got back to where he needed to be. Was he really doing this? Trading Danny’s life for a scholarship?
But if he didn’t then he wouldn’t have a life anymore either. 
“Hey, are you good, dude?” Kwan whispered across the aisle between their desks. Dash didn’t even remember sitting down. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Dash let out a choked chuckle. “No, no ghosts this time.”
“Oh.” Kwan paused. “What did they want with you at the office?”
“They-” Dash couldn’t tell him. 
“Was it bad news?” 
Dash took a deep breath and shook his head. 
“No, actually it was pretty good news. I was offered a full ride scholarship from some recruiters.”
“What? That’s sick!” Kwan smiled at him and it made Dash sick to his stomach. “What college?”
Dash’s heart pounded in his chest. He hadn’t thought that far ahead. 
“I… I can’t remember.”
Kwan’s brows furrowed. “What? How can’t you-”
Mr. Lancer cleared his throat, interrupting him. 
“Do you two have something you want to share with the class?”
They both shook their heads. 
“Then it’ll have to wait until after class. Mr. Baxter, open your book to page 213. We’re going to be reading through Romeo and Juliet today.” 
Dash numbly pulled his book out of his backpack and flipped through the pages until he reached the beginning of the play. 
“Thank you. Ms. Sanchez, can you continue where you left off?”
“‘From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of starcrossed lovers take their life; whose misadventured piteous overthrows doth with their death…’”
The universe felt very cruel to him today. Like it was trying to play some sick, twisted joke on him. There was no doubt in his mind that he was living in a tragedy now. That he and Danny were destined to be star crossed lovers, never to be together. Dash would have hoped that if he didn’t get to be with Danny that it would’ve been because he just didn’t like him. Not because he was kidnapped, never to be seen again. Who knows how long Danny would survive like that if they thought he was some ghost. 
His thoughts drowned Paulina’s voice out and he could feel himself start to get lost in his head again. Something hitting him in the face startled him out of it though and he looked down to see what had hit him. 
Kwan had thrown a ball of paper towards him and it landed on his desk. Dash picked it up and opened it. 
Was it about your dad?
Dash furrowed his brows. He wouldn’t be acting like this if something happened to his dad. 
No. He tossed the paper back to Kwan’s desk. A few seconds go by before it flies back over to him.
Your mom?
Dash’s hands clenched around the note. Reminders about his mom were always difficult. If he had heard about anything happening to his mom he wouldn’t even be here anymore. 
No. There’s nothing wrong.
He threw it back and rested his cheek on his hand. He tried to ignore the note when it came back again but then Kwan started throwing smaller paper balls at him. Dash sent him a glare and picked the paper ball back up. 
You know you can talk to me about anything, right?
Dash frowned at the note. He couldn’t. Not anymore.
Yeah, I do. But it’s fine. Let’s just pay attention to class. Lancer already called us out once, let’s not make him do it a second time. 
Dash tried to find where Paulina was reading from but realized that they had passed a couple pages since he was last paying attention. He finally found the line she was reading as she finished it. 
“Why, such is love’s transgression. Griefs of mine own lie heavy in my breast, which thou wilt propagate to have it pressed with more of thine. This love that thou hast shown doth add more grief to too much of mine own.”
Dash wasn’t very good at speaking this weird Shakespearean language, but he too had grief and guilt that will forever linger in his heart as long as he was forced to keep this secret.
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mangoamango · 1 year
hi hello once more. I am here to talk about cats again, specifically Baxter, the Scrungliest Cat.
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To quote tumblr user elodieunderglass's delightful post, he is Scrofulous. He is exactly like if Izzie Hands was turned into a muppet, and then that muppet was turned into a cat. He is like a goth Oscar the grouch.
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He has a big bald patch over his right eye, which is also a different shape than his left eye. He looks like he has never heard of a brush, despite the fact that I brush him multiple times a day.
When he was pulled from the hoarding situation, his teeth were all little brown nubs. $800+ later, he now not looks like a muppet, he truly embodies the muppet spirit bc his teeth have all been removed, and he has a kermit the frog mouth. He is free of pain, but also his tongue gets stuck out probably like 50% of the time he’s grooming himself (despite the fact that it looks like his grooming routine is “roll around in dirt”).
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He is, despite his extremely crusty outside, the sweetest cat (sound up for his gravely rocks-in-a-tumbler gasoline purr).
Thank you to everyone who donated, liked, or reblogged the original post. Thanks to you we were able to help Bax achieve his scrungly muppet status, and no longer be in intense pain when he eats!
If you would like to donate to Baxter, or any of the other cats, you can do so here:
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I posted 6,287 times in 2022
That's 1,487 more posts than 2021!
74 posts created (1%)
6,213 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,303 of my posts in 2022
#gotta show the hub - 118 posts
#reference - 36 posts
#self reblog - 24 posts
#recipe ref - 24 posts
#art reference - 24 posts
#ref - 21 posts
#art ref - 20 posts
#recipe - 20 posts
#skyrim - 17 posts
#skyrim dragonborn - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#see what i take out of this is that tigger has the family he searched for in his movie now. like three 100 acre wood folks are his family 2
My Top Posts in 2022:
Caryalind, sweetie, I KNOW these trap doors must be confusing for someone who's never been inside nordic ruins but come ON. You saw S I X people go through it. It's not that hard you just have to be fast!
69 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
Olba wedding DLC summary
Baxter: any thought on what your surnames will be?
Cove: we're going with mine, Holden.
Jamie: yeah, Holden deez nuts!
87 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
Skyrim au where everything is the same except you can marry Cicero
94 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
okay so I thought about this yesterday after hours of playing Potion Permit. Imagine if the chemist was terrible, aboslutely TERRIBLE, at taking care of themselves but amazing at taking care of the town. Imagine no one notices or knows until one day after the clinic had been packed and the chemist had to leave to go get more ingredients, Rue notices the next day that the chemist has a bloodied bandage around their leg or arm or something and they're just going about buisiness like normal. It's obvious they are sick with fever and infection, but they are so worried about taking care of her needs that the chemist is forcing themselves to work through the pain.
later that day, once better, Rue tells her father about how the Chemist is doing. by the time Myer gets to the Chemist's house, they are unconcious and burning up. So Myer sends for someone better suited for carrying a person and the Chemist is taken to Mathoe's clinic and the whole town is worried for however long it takes for the Chemist to heal.
The chemist gets the talking to of a century from a town full of people who care (but hated them not to long ago)
117 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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161 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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differenteagletragedy · 7 months
Hi, would you be willing to do some headcanons about mc and Cliff? (platonic of course). I just love Cliff so much.
ME TOO! Here you go :)
-- When they move to town, Cove has never had a friend like you before, so Cliff is SO EXCITED to see how close you two become.
-- Pizza parties? Trips to the movies? Amusement parks? Cliff is thinking of everything a kid would ever want to do, making plans for it and asking your moms if you can come too.
-- If 8-year-old you needs a booster seat, he'll just get one and keep it in his car, ndb.
-- As time goes on, you become like another kid to Cliff, which means you are the second best kid in the universe.
-- Do you have a play at school, or a recital or a sports game? Even if Cove isn't involved, Cliff is there and cheering loud.
-- Is there some kind of "Bring Your Dad to School" event? Cliff is going to be there for Cove, and he would never put himself in that role for you without you bringing it up first, but if you want him to be there for you too then he will!
-- And then he'll cry.
-- Your moms put him on the list of people who can pick you up from school. Sometimes they get busy, and since Cliff owns his own shop his schedule can be a little more flexible. If you get sick and need to be picked up from school, he can come get you!
-- He's at work one day and the school calls, and he tells Mr. Suarez that he has to go get you, and a regular is in there like "I didn't know you had another kid!" And "No, I don't -- well, yeah, kind of." And then he'll cry.
-- Cliff cries so much I love him
-- If you're a girl, I think Cliff would be a protective girl dad. Like he's not trying to enforce any stereotypes, but he makes it clear that if you need any help with anything, if anybody bothers you then to come to him and he'll take care of it.
-- Like I just imagine in Step 3, you working at the tropical place with Cove and some people give you a hard time, like maybe another employee is being inappropriate or weird, and Cove mentions it in passing and Cliff is like "Oh really?" Then he goes to the restaurant later, finds whoever it was and gives them quite a talking to.
-- It's just that whatever you do, regardless of whether Cove is involved or not, Cliff is there for you in the same way a parent would be. College graduation, any sort of event, anything.
-- He has pictures of you in the family photo albums, both because you're always around and also because you're family.
-- Even if you end up with Baxter or Derek, if you have kids then Cliff is grandpa. He'll babysit and be involved.
-- What I'm trying to say is that Cliff is your dad, and it's not like a "oh, he's like my father" thing, no, he is your dad.
-- If you get married to Baxter or Derek and want him to walk you down the aisle, he absolutely would but be ready for the waterworks.
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fabuloustrash05 · 3 years
Fabuloustrash05’s Fanfic Collection
Here it is! A master post of all the links to every single one of my TMNT 2012 fanfics plus my TMNT 2012 Rewrites! This way it’s easier to find all my fanfics and to know when they are updated or when a new one comes out. Happy reading! <3
Disclaimer: I do NOT own the rights to Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 series
Check out my fanfics on AO3 and Wattpad
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~ Rewrites ~
• TMNT 2012: 10 Years Later Headcanon
• Shinigami As The Villain
• Rewriting Irma From TMNT 2012
• What If Mona Lisa Was In More Episodes?
• Rewriting The Season 5 Halloween Arc
• 2012 Caseynardo’s Love Story
• 2012 April O’Neil’s Hairstyles
• Fixing 2012 Apritello
~ Fanfictions ~
Courting a Salamandrian
Fanfic Cover
Raphael and Mona Lisa have been together for a few years and have never been happier, but one night Raph begins thinking about his life with Mona and he decides that he's ready to ask Mona Lisa the big question that will change their lives forever. But will something or someone get in the way of couple's happily ever after? Follow the story of Raphael and Mona Lisa's courtship!
Wattpad Link
Note: This fanfic originally started on Tumblr (Chapters 1-8 are still here available to read) but it was transferred to continue on AO3 and also on Wattpad.
Turtles in the Roaring 20s
Fanfic Cover
In 1923 New York City, Splinter is the proud owner of the famous underground jazz club, The Dojo. The famous singers for the club are his sons Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo. The story follows the Hamato family as they run their jazz club and face many challenges such as financial problems, nosy reporters, elitism, prohibition, family disapproval, and the mafia.
Wattpad Link
Warning: This story contains swearing, use of cigarettes and alcohol, and adult themes.
TMNT 2012 Princess Bride AU
When Kintaro is stuck in bed sick his friend Usagi decides to visit and read him a story about adventure, miracles, and true love between a turtle and a lizard.
Wattpad Link
~ Oneshots ~
A Gift For You 
Raphael has a special gift for Mona Lisa on their anniversary.
Tell Me About Her 
After defeating Baxter Stockman and his mutant bug army, Splinter and Raphael get to talking and discuss a certain alien girl that holds a special place in the hotheaded turtle's heart.
It’s Mona Lisa’s first Christmas ever and she’s about to learn a certain holiday tradition with Raphael.
After fighting some Purple Dragons, Mona Lisa returns an injured Raphael to the lair to heal his wounds.
Warning: Discussion of trauma and injuries
The RaMona Club 
Raphael and Mona Lisa are out on a date, unaware that their friends April, Mikey, and Casey are watching.
Raph and Mona Lisa are about to celebrate their first 4th of July together, but the fun for the couple changes once the fireworks start and Mona begins acting strange.
Warning: Discussion of trauma and PTSD
Halloween Party 
One year after the monsters attacked New York City, April decides to host a Halloween costume party to make up for the Halloween that got interrupted last year.
Raphael isn't too happy with the new recruit for the Salamandrian army Mona Lisa has been training with lately.
Shinigami’s Secret 
After the brutal battle with Tatsu, Shinigami was taken to the hospital to heal. While recovering, Mikey comes by to visit Shini where she ends up telling him one of her deepest secrets.
The Tortoise and The Fox 
Slash goes out on a solo patrol around New York City and meets a mysterious mutant, the former assassin known as Alopex.
Too Good To Be True 
Raph runs into someone while out on patrol.
Warning: This story contains NS/FW, nothing extreme, just making out, but this is just a warning to those who need to know.
First Date
After a complicated long distance relationship, battling Lord Dregg and Newtrailzer, and saving the planet Earth, Raphael and Mona Lisa are finally going on their first official date. And what a better way to have a first date than for Raphael to give Mona Lisa a tour of the big apple!
Once An Enemy, Now A… Friend?
After over 25 years Xever Montes (aka Fishface) returns to New York City for a one final grand heist before he retires as a thief for good, but during the mist of his scheme, Xever gets stopped and is confronted by a familiar face.
Not Leaving Her Side
What happened during that time Mona Lisa was blacked out after she was stung by the Scorpinoid monster on Lord Dregg's planet?
Eye of The Beholder
Mona Lisa comes across some of Earth's fashion magazines and has a heartbreaking realization.
Falling For Ya
How Raphael and Mona Lisa first met. (ROTTMNT Ver.)
Breaking The Ice
With the Kraang defeated and New York saved, Casey takes this opportunity to ask Leo to join him for a night out, just the two of them. Alone. As friends. Just friends! Totally not a date… Right??
Family Vacation Gone Wrong
Raphael and Mona Lisa's children want to go on a camping trip! What could go wrong?
Different Timelines & Galaxies
With he and Renet facing a road dump in their long distance relationship, Mikey turns to Raph and Mona Lisa for advice.
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