#i will throw the bigender headcanon into everyones face now that i know what to label my hc
impostorsshow · 1 year
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Sam. I hate sam's mouth
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doumadono · 7 months
I have an emergency request, one of my aunts is dying and I physically feel like I cannot cry
Maybe the reader (preferably female since that’s my assigned gender even though I’m Bigender), is living with Dabi who was bubbly and always trying to talk about random facts (I’m Autistic so that’s one of my only love languages) but grew distant after a phone call with their mother and gets news that their aunt is in hospice, and the distance led to an argument where the reader, blinded by anger, spills that the reason why they were so distant recently is that their aunt is gonna die soon, so, after hearing that, Dabi might bring gifts, like sweets, fast food, and comfort items that the reader enjoys, maybe even watching movies while cuddling on the couch
All seems to go well, until the reader gets another call that the aunt’s blood oxygen saturation is dropping and Aster has to say goodbye through the call, and after the call, the reader has that same, distant, blank stare that Dabi already guessed the situation
(And maybe where the reader has a hard time showing emotions and have a hard time crying?)
Dabi & his girlfriend with a dying aunt - headcanons
A/N: I'm truly sorry to hear about your aunt. It's okay if you can't cry right now; everyone processes grief differently. Take the time you need, and remember that your emotions are valid
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Dabi, being observant of your emotions, immediately senses the shift in your mood after the phone call with your aunt's update. Without prying, he stays silent, offering his presence as a steady anchor.
You feel the warmth of his arms around you, a steady and grounding presence. Silently, he guides you to a more private space where you can let go. "Let it out," he murmurs, his voice low and soothing. "Don't hold back. Scream, cry, do whatever you need to do. I'm right here."
As you bury your face into the crook of his neck, tears stream down, and Dabi encourages you to release the pain bottled up inside. "Throw it all out. Don't keep it in," he insists, his hands rubbing comforting circles on your back. "It's okay to be angry, to be sad. Let it all out."
You allow yourself to scream into the night, releasing the pent-up emotions that have been silently eating away at you.
Dabi doesn't flinch; instead, he holds you tighter, letting you know that this is a safe space for your raw vulnerability. "Feel the anger, let it flow," he whispers, his voice a steady anchor. "You're not alone in this. I've got you."
Dabi doesn't press for details, understanding the gravity of the situation. Instead, he simply sits beside you, offering a supportive touch or a gentle hand on your shoulder, providing a quiet assurance that he's there whenever you're ready to talk.
In an effort to bring a bit of comfort, Dabi surprises you with a care package. Sweets, your favorite chips, and comfort items that he knows you enjoy. Each item is chosen with care, a small gesture to bring a hint of joy during a difficult time. "I brought your favorite snacks. Thought it might help a bit."
His gestures are thoughtful, demonstrating a keen awareness of what might bring you comfort in this difficult time.
Recognizing the need for distraction, Dabi suggests a movie night. He lets you pick your favorite films, and you both settle on the couch, the warm glow of the screen providing a temporary escape from the harsh reality.
During the movie, Dabi pulls you into a comforting embrace. The physical closeness offers a silent reassurance, a reminder that you don't have to face the pain alone.
"I'm here for you," he whispers, his voice a soothing balm against the ache in your heart.
"I don't know how to handle this, Dabi. It hurts," you tell him, sadness lingering in your voice. "I don't know how to say goodbye, Dabi… I don't want to do that."
Sensing the moment is right, Dabi gently acknowledges the pain you're going through. "It's okay to feel overwhelmed and scared," he says. "You don't have to say goodbye. Just be there, even if it's through a call. Your aunt will feel your love, and that is what matters truly, yeah? I've been through some dark times. Losing people I cared about. It's alright not to be strong all the time."
Dabi encourages you to share your feelings whenever you're ready. "You don't have to carry this alone," he emphasizes, making it clear that your pain is something you can share without judgment.
Dabi's words are carefully chosen, aiming to provide reassurance without pushing you beyond your emotional limits.
He reassures you that he's here for the long haul, ready to support you as you navigate the complex emotions that come with loss.
Dabi's demeanor remains calm and collected, providing a stable presence for you.
He respects the gravity of the situation, recognizing that sometimes, the most powerful support comes from simply being present.
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raggstorice · 10 months
Flash Headcanons: Gender
(send help I don't. I don't even know my own gender.)
Riddle: Bigender. Her mom is a hater but it's okay because we hate her. (His Dad is supportive)
Ace: Trans Male. I've already made a backstory post for Ace but I am willing to do another one factoring this in.
Deuce: Cis male but is a MASSIVE ally. Throwing hands with all Transphobes
Cater: Non-binary. Will not tell anyone unless they know them very well. If asked I will expand.
Trey: Trans Male. Parents are very supportive.
Leona: Trans Male. Farena is supportive. Parents are not. (Let's be honest. With the way Leona turned out (depressed.) His parents cannot be good.)
Jack: Cis. But, like Deuce, will fight for his friends. Throwing. Hands.
Ruggie: Fem non-binary. Uses They/He pronouns. (Me? Projecting? I would never.)
Azul: Trans Male. Got bullied for having a very bad haircut. He's traumatized. Family is very supportive. Jade and Floyd are supportive in... their own ways.
Jade: Demi boy. He/They. Nothing else needs to be said.
Floyd: he's just.. Floyd. (I cannot explain this. It's simply a vibe)
Kalim: Non-binary! Came out to Jamil first. Makes an effort to wear their flag colors every day. Has a little pin on his Cardigan.
Jamil: Cis male but the most supportive person to exist. Like- 'Ace you're on your period and are currently facing pain so bad that you're literally curled up in bed while writing this- I mean can't participate in basketball practice? Cool I'll tell coach. Here's a heating pad, chocolate, and some painkillers.'
Vil: Trans Fem. Non-binary He/She.
Rook: Cis and again very supportive.
Epel: Demi boy and will crossdress for funsies.
Idia: Questioning. They prefer They/Them but They're open to all pronouns
Ortho: Ortho's a boy! He thinks. He's a robot boy.
Silver: Cis male, doesn't quite understand gender but is supportive nonetheless!
Malleus: Agender! Do fae have gender? Since it's a social construct maybe they just don't?
Lilia: Cis male very supportive of his kids and everyone else!
Sebek: Demi boy in denial. He'll figure it out eventually...
Crowley: Agender uses He/They
Crewel: Masc Non-binary. Again. Vibes
Trein: Cis male. Had a trans daughter. Incredibly supportive.
Vargas: Fully transitioned trans male. Like, surgically and stuff.
Sam: Non-binary. He's just- VIBES
Lucius: Cat gender. What were you expecting?
Neige: Bigender. She's so CUTE.
Chenya: Cat gender Masc non-binary.
Cheka: He likes being a boy. All he knows about gender is that his unka didn't like being a girl so he became a boy!
Najima: Demi girl. She/they.
Authors Note: Dear god this took so long I'm sorry. I was having a crisis. Also I did my hair today and now I can actually see my curls and it's great!
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braindeadskeletons · 4 years
Introduction Post!
Hey everybody! So I decided that I'd settle down and properly do an introduction post. It's something I've been wanting to do for a while but just haven't gotten around to doing it. Now that there's quite a few of you guys (many that I'm now personally friends with!) I decided it's about time that you get to know me a bit. If you'd like to know more about me read below the cut!
Hi! My name is Mina, formerly known as Brain! I’ll still answer to the name Brain but I prefer Mina :) Whatever name you want to throw at me via inbox will work really. My pronouns are she/her and he/him. You can switch between both or just stick to one. Doesn’t make a difference!
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I'm also known as The Condiment Queen or Mustard Monarch
(if you know you know)
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This is my cutie 'mascot' I guess you could call it. Sona? I don't really know. She's a mixture of those plague doctors designs and a shy guy from mario! I've had her for years with no real use until now. I'm just happy that she has a purpose now!
(I had a picture with her color palette but I lost it. Whoops. She's basically just got a white mask and her robes are dark purple if anybody was curious. My babe is also super tiny. Half of Sans' height if I had to put it to a scale that everyone here would understand. Idk I just like knowing dumb details like that about mascots/sonas.)
To be honest the main thing that encouraged me to actually do this post is when I was asked for a face reveal and I realized hey uh,,,I'm highly uncomfortable doing that?? So here's my little gal that'll take my place where my face should be!  Hope that doesn't disappoint anybody too badly lmao.
Some Facts about me!
I don't feel comfortable sharing my exact age but I'm a minor! Please keep that in mind as you interact with me. I don't mind people who are 18+ speaking to me or interacting but just be mindful of the ages when you do!
(Highly doubt that any of you will be weird about this fact but you never know. Tumblr has some real weirdos roaming around.)
My favorite skellie boys are UF! Sans, MF! Sans and HT! Sans. Not really an important fact but I just feel like you can tell a lot about a person from skeleton preference alone so there's that if you were curious for any reason. 
I'm also a cancer! My birthday falls on July 15th. Once again, not really an important fact but if you're the person who analyzes based off of zodiac alone there you go. No I'm not a whiny little shit who cries at the drop of a hat over anything I swear;; 
This is a lgbtq+ positive blog! I accept everybody on here <3 
Unless you're a pedophile trying to pose as lgbtq+ aka those weird ass "MAPs" You have no place here. See yourself the fuck off of my blog. 
Anyhow! I'm bisexual, bigender and polyamourus! I have three wonderful S/Os named V, Monty and Blue! I love all three of them a whole bunch so if you hurt any of them I'm gonna kick your ass!! Yeah I'm only like 5'1 and can't do real damage or so you may think but I'll break your kneecaps. I'll find a way <3 
I'm currently developing a new au called 'Underemedy!' I can't elaborate much on this project but one day I'll be creating a masterpost on this au to share with everyone! So until then I hope you're all excited for whenever that comes out!! I've been working with a wonderful team of people on this (who will all be tagged properly on the masterpost) and we're all very excited to get this out to you guys!
 I’m also one of the mods of the blog @badtotheeyepatch​! I’m working with the lovely Snazz on this room mate self insert au that we’re super excited to share with you all! At the time of me writing this we’re only at the beginning of this project and I’m super excited to get the story out there for everyone to see! I’d really appreciate it if you would consider checking out both blogs! Even if you aren’t interested in any kind of self insert au there’s plenty more content that could be your taste that I highly recommend checking out!
Additionally I’m one of the members of the X Reader Squad! The squad is made up of Brain (that me), Viper, Jacket and Rainy! You can find the link to Viper’s blog higher up on this post ^^^ while you can find Jacket here and Rainy here.
[This section of the masterpost will be edited properly once I got a good idea of how this section will look! Big project on the way that’ll be taking this spot once it’s ready to release.]
I created this blog with the goal to make people smile!! That's seriously what I wake up everyday to do like I hop on here so excited to see how you guys are doing and interact with you all!! My main content is incorrect undertale quotes but I can also do quote requests for certain characters, matchups (when I get the motivation to work on them), headcanons, and possibly more in the future! Depends on what you're all interested in seeing! Any and all suggestions are on the table!
With all of that aside I think that's all you need to know?? If you can think of something I should add to this because you wanna know just holler at me. I was kinda just going along with whatever came to mind to say lmao so this is a bit of a mess. Probably left some stuff out. 
Anyhow! That's it for me! If you made it this far thank you so much for reading all the way through, it means a lot! I'll see you all around <3
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transdestiel · 7 years
Before I write about some sweet agender Cas headcanons I want to take a few minutes and talk to you all about labels, how we label ourselves and what labels should mean to those around us.
Certainly this is something I’ve struggled with myself. I have changed how I labeled myself so many times over the last 18 years. And now that I’m pretty much a month away from turning 30 I still suspect things will change in the years to come. And a huge part of that is accessibility of information. I know so much more now than I did 5 years ago even. So much of that is due to peoples’ willingness to talk about their experiences. I’ve had a couple good friends over the last little bit make some startling yet relieving discoveries about themselves based on the experiences I’ve shared. And then they’ve panicked a little because oh man what do they do with this new information and how do they label themselves. Well I got good news friends, you don’t gotta do anything with this right away, you can just let this info sink in and when the right term comes to you, you’ll just know it.
Some people seem to just instantly know who they are and ti’s super cool. However for some of us it takes a long time. You start out with what works for you at the time and as you learn better terms you adapt. My personal journey went: ??? > maybe lesbian > probably bi > idk I guess lesbian > shit i guess bi > OH MY GOD PAN (why am I like 23 and just learning about pan???) > probably should have been a dude but oh well i’ll work with what I got > WHAT DO YOU MEAN ROMANTIC AND SEXUAL ORIENTATIONS DON’T GOTTA MATCH UP > I am 27 and aromantic and I’m gonna cry my bitter aro tears that I didn’t know what being aro meant until now > wow I am so not cis... > probably on the ace spectrum... but like idk > agender/genderqueer/bigender/genderfuluid/??????? > dude, autochorisexual grey ace > let’s just go with genderqueer...
How you label yourself is 100% up for you to decide. It’s ok to pick generic lables. It’s ok to change how you label yourself. People aren’t cereal, we’re living, changing organisms that are constantly learning and growing. Each new experience shapes us in some way. Certainly finding the right label feels amazing (I won’t lie, I legitimately cried when I figured out I was aro because I was just so relieved I wasn’t broken or messed up) but it’s ok to use use what’s easiest. I love generic lables. I’d rather just tell people I’m queer than explain to them that I’m genderqueer, pan, aro, grey ace (autochorisexual) and probably polyamorous.
But the most important thing to remember is that labels are for you. They’re not for other people to use against you. You don’t have to accept the labels that other people try to pin on you. When people try to use your labels against you, shame you for them or try to deny that you should even use a label remember that the labels are there for you and not them. People can call you a potato all they want but if you don’t think of yourself as a potato you’re not a potato.
Let me throw out a real world experience now. When I was in my senior year of high school in 2005 it was still pretty rare to have people come out of the closet. Sure we had marriage equality here but it still wasn’t stuff that typically came up. There was like 1 openly gay student at the time and then a lot of rumors that went around. I was in my “idk I guess a lesbian” stage at this time and I came out to some of my closest friends but never made a big thing out of it since I was a) painfully shy and b) didn’t want to make a big fuss out of it. This worked out pretty good for me until close to the end of the year when in a panic my friend comes up to me and is like “oh my god there are rumors going around you’re a lesbian!” and I just looked at her and went “so? It’s not like it’s a lie.” And she was all upset because what was she supposed to tell people that came up and asked her about it (because nobody actually came and asked me to my face during this whole ordeal). What I told her was “You can say whatever you want. It honestly doesn’t matter to me. It doesn’t matter what everyone else calls me. It’s not going to make me any more or less of a lesbian.” And it didn’t matter. Since I gave 0 fucks what other people called me the whole thing blew over in like a day and by the time graduation came around most people didn’t even remember this happened.
Ok so this went on way longer than I intended. But hopefully this helps at least one person out. Please remember that my inbox and private messages are always open. If you’re questioning and don’t know what to do seriously come talk to me. I’ve spent way too many nights (mornings?) coming through sites for information. I’m always willing to share my personal experiences and listen to yours.
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