#i will vague post on my fucking tumblr account.
officially-other · 4 months
*vague emotional screeching in the distance* /pos
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lizeon · 2 months
every day i spend on twitter, because that's where most of the starmin are, is a day i wish most of that community would move to tumblr just because the way this site works in comparison would be so much better for it. the ability to tag art and be able to find it later on your own blog no matter how far back it was posted. the way you can add on to each others posts. and also i just like tumblers post format much better. especially for making a vague / simple post and then going into more detail in the tags cuz you don't wanna put all that in the main post but like it's there for anyone that wants to read it. on twitter you gotta put it all in the main body of the post and i. do not want to do that
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angeltism · 1 year
ykw an entire love language is just. associating things to ONE being. only them! that concept? yeah that is Exactly One Being I Know. specific shade of that color? oh my god that's my buddy. a character? literally my bestie right there oh my goodness !! ^__^
#➳ the fool speaks#i just saw a fyo.dor pfp like smth on my edit account and i was like OH MY GAWDD !! [DISC FRIEND] !!!!!#the being also specifically liked my mu.u graphics and discord friend is also har.uka and f/os mu.u so it's so fitting too#and no disc friend does nawt have tumblr but like. if zhi did. that would have been it. pfp liked post and ALL#if i see a pic of minoai? that's two beings i know! that's their ship! it's real bc i know mino AND ai and they both f/o eachother! l#accidental l added to the tag and i can't edit tags on mobile oops#but mnai is nawt an l!!! will would kill me if i said that. mnai 🔛🔝 !!#and uu get the idea#and ok i only rlly gave examples for characters but this DOES also apply 2 colors and concepts prommy#also words#if uu show me a very specific shade of blue THAT'S SORA (disc friend mentioned above) !!!!!!! it is fucking BLOO. bloo-er than me.#actually no zhi is blue and red. nawt together but like. the concept of them both together.#hmmm nyeow that I'm thinking abt it only associations for zhir are coming up rn. is this bc they've been spamming my dms today.#smh I have nothing against the gays but y'all annoying god bless /ref /silly#ykw mentioning vaguely some tumblr mutual stuff too! iykyk ehe#pik.min in general#arc.ana twil.ight especially the pink bitch named breakfast (/ref) but also in general bc i know nobun else who knows it too#hrmmm... what else..... i know more than beings than sora will and the two awesome tumblr moots i just mentioned#oh! castle.vania#ok uhhhhhhhh damn it who else who i still talk 2 or interact with Literally At All fuck#all the things I'm thinking of are for beings whom I do nawt talk 2 anymore and all the beings I'm thinking of i cannawt think of one thing#specific for them#but y'all get the idea
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twosashi · 3 months
hi all! this is wendy @musashi. my tumblr blog was wrongfully terminated, i presume because i recently made a popular post that vaguely mentioned loving trans women and got sacked by the t/e//r////f mob's mass reporting campaign.
the official reason tumblr banned me was for "hoarding urls" which i very much did not do. i just had a lot of sideblogs, almost all of them active at some point or another. now no one can use those URLs because they are tied to a terminated account. if tumblr needed me to release some of the less active ones, i gladly would've.
it appears as though i was mass reported and tumblr just tried to find a reason to nix me because the ter//ve///s were clogging their pipes and i'm the easier answer to the trolley problem at their HQ.
many of these sideblogs are now gone, and i will be working to get them back up in time if i cannot get my account back.
i am putting on a brave face but i am fucking heartbroken. 14 years of my life were on that blog. that is literally half of my life on earth. countless pieces of art, memories, and snapshots of my adolescence and young adulthood just, like, gone. when i suffered from severe traumatic amnesia in 2016, it was that tumblr blog that helped me recall a TON of my life experiences & who i was. that blog literally saved my life.
with it i lose countless memories and almost 10k followers, as well as a community that i spent a very long time building up. tons of friends whos usernames i did not get, and anons who were never able to give them to me.
please share my story! my name is wendy. my old url was musashi. i liked ace attorney. i liked pokemon. i made youtube videos where i talked autistically about my faves. i liked to write, and make people laugh. i loved it here and i am sad tumblr has chosen to side with the mob instead of listening to that story. i have been here since 2010, and my blog and community meant so much to me.
please reblog this post. i am working hard to get my account back, but if i cannot, i want to find my friends and followers again.
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drdemonprince · 22 days
At one point he was down in between my legs, fingering me, and he made a throwaway comment about probably being Autistic. 
I leaned back, trying to relish what pleasure I was getting. “Well, we can talk about that subject, if you like,” I said vaguely, not really wanting to bring my professional life into things. 
He kept working away at my body, kissing between my lips and thighs. “Oh I know who you are,” he said suddenly. “Your book changed my life. In a way, I guess this is me thanking you.” 
I made him exit my body and we went to the kitchen to hash it out. It turned out he was a big fan of many things I’d written. 
“I’ve seen you around the neighborhood many times,” he confessed. “But you posted online that you don’t like when people come up to you, and so I always decided to leave you alone.” 
He said, “Your book is the reason I got divorced, actually. My ex-husband was a therapist, and when I showed him your book and said I thought I might be Autistic, he didn’t believe me. We have been separated for a year.” 
He asked, “Did I just make this weird, telling you when I did that I was a fan?” I told him that if he’d said it sooner, I would have never fucked him at all. 
People never realize that when they approach me, what they are doing is dragging me into work. It doesn’t matter whether I was at breakfast, or an orgy. I was just some guy standing there, enjoying his beer, but now they have made me the known scholar and author. And sure, my job might be meaningful, but that doesn’t mean I like to work. 
I tell my friend that I no longer want to be a public figure, and that I am planning how to make it all end. She tells me, “You’ve got to do what is the best for you, even if it’s something that the rest of us wants and can’t imagine giving up.” 
I ask myself, did I want this? It would be more flattering to say I didn’t, and play the role of the hermetic author whose work developed its own life purely because it was so good. But that isn’t true. 
From the moment I got a Myspace account in high school, I was publishing essays about my political views. I serialized multiple novels on Tumblr, guerilla marketing them with giveaways and custom-made images until they hit the Kindle sales charts. I have made memes, tried starting viral trends, coined phrases, and given hundreds of hours’ worth of media interviews. I write prescriptive nonfiction, for Christ’s sake. Of course people seek guidance from me. I offer it up! 
I have been strategic about how I dress, and my video backdrops, and retaken clips of myself speaking over and over again until they sounded right. I’ve hosted debates with my most vicious critics while I’m in the shower, started public beef with creators who had larger accounts than I did, and rushed to my keyboard when upsetting news broke, because I alone was possessed of the most correct take on it.
I wanted this. I didn’t know what this was, this internet fame I was chasing, but I did all I could to make it mine. I thought that by writing so much, I would one day be able to escape myself, maybe really feel connected to other people. Instead it has meant never being able to stop thinking about myself: how I am seen, what I am working on, how it all fits together, what comes next. It has also meant being spoken about, theorized about, and criticized, and developing a firm exoskeleton of disdain between myself and the world. 
I believe now that that it is immoral for any person to be listened to by ninety thousand other people. Holding authority and status like that runs counter to my anarchic ideals. I am not more important or correct than anyone. I should not be trusted to tell people which commodities to buy, which companies not to support, what to read, what to think, what words to use, or how to conduct their lives. 
All the other animals know there is no one way that a creature “should” live. There is only the way that it does. The world has no consciousness, no beliefs. It cannot pass judgment. We only feel so watched and evaluated because we have covered the planet with so many millions of our eyes. But we can stop performing dignified human goodness at any moment. 
I think that celebrity is an evil, corrupting force that pits the human instinct for bonding against itself. Instead of appreciating the singing of our friends around the fire, we stream Chappell Roan until stalkers break into her house. Rather than playing card games together, we stan Twitch streamers, filling up their chats with highlighted messages until they acknowledge us. We long to be famous novelists because then we would have the social permission to write, and we don’t have the money or time to enjoy the activity on its own. 
I wrote about Chappell Roan, stalker stans, and how turning art into content creation ruins the work, and the creator's life. It's free to read in full (or have narrated to you by the app!) on Substack.
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jiraisupportgroup · 2 months
why do you get to sit in your heated home with daddy’s money and tell everyone who can and can’t wear jirai kei?
I don’t usually respond to stuff like this, especially because I’m fairly certain this was just ripped from a popular j-fashion creators video, but:
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I feel like I make it quite clear that when I talk about jirai kei it’s just my opinions. I openly state that I’m likely a dumbass and you should take my word with a grain of salt considering I’m not a spokesperson for the Jirai Kei community, I’m not an expert on Jirai Kei, I also don’t speak Japanese so I can’t rly access a lot of “OG” jirai kei content that launched the community.
Additionally: I’ve never stated that anyone can’t wear anything. The closest I’ve gotten to that is when I state that I don’t generally believe “jirai kei” is the appropriate term for the fashion (therefore you can’t rly “wear it” if we want to be super technical) or when I said that “fashion jirais” who complain about the community can fuck off.
Never at any point in that did I say that anyone can’t wear anything. If you want to wear girly kei or dark girly or larme or ryousangata or whatever the fuck you want to wear - by all means please do. My main point is if you don’t like the jirai kei community, don’t interact with it. You can post coords and find friends and have a lot of fun with the clothing if that’s want you want to do. You can buy Liz Lisa & MCM bags and generally live your best ryousangata life. You don’t have to interact with the jirai kei community to do that. Block the people you find annoying. Block tags, block accounts, block whatever you don’t want to see. No one is going to be mad at you for not wanting to interact with the “dark side” of jirai kei (as people love to call it for some reason) UNLESS you’re adamantly saying “the dark side is wrong” and then using a shitload of jirai-related tags. Other tags for these clothes exist. Separate the two if you want, I don’t give a fuck; jirai kei doesn’t own the clothing.
I’m not going to sit here and outright defend people in the jirai kei community posting people’s coords and bullying them, I’m not gunna sit here and defend the fatphobic or racist things that have been said on jirai kei twt. I will point out that those posts are not actually super common in the jirai kei community, and the people that post them generally aren’t very well liked by other landmines either, they also tend to be very young. It’s a really big community. There are going to be “bad apples” especially because it’s a community based around mental health issues. You can’t look at that handful of posts and say “the entire community is toxic and awful”. Venting & the like are very common, but it’s pretty rare that I see people actively posting hate like that, and there is a huge difference between the two. Most of the landmines I see are too scared to even make vague callout posts. Maybe that’s just Tumblr, idk, but honestly the amount of hate I see in this community is rather small.
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Secondarily to your point; my house is not fucking heated. I can barely afford to run the AC in the summer or the heat in the winter - typically I turn it on when my BF is here and turn it off when he leaves to save money. I have my own apartment. I work for my own apartment. I can barely fucking afford it. I make about $2700 a month and my bills add up to be about $2400 a month (and it’s not like an expensive or nice apartment it’s literally full of roaches and my oven doesn’t work). I usually end up spending about $100 of the leftover on cat food, and then have $200 left over for gas to get to work AND food AND toiletries for the MONTH.
I don’t have “daddy’s money”. I live by myself about 8 hours away from my family; they don’t have shit to send me. My dad died 3 years ago and left us with 50k in debt because he decided paying taxes was optional. When that happened - I was making 17.50 an hour and I had the HIGHEST WAGE out of anyone in my family. I was trying to finish college which I was attending on a scholarship bc I couldn’t fucking afford it, I was working overtime, trying to organize my dad’s funeral bc no one else in my family could do it, and paying tax payments. “Daddy’s money” was a negative sum. I frequently send leftover cash to my family if there is any just to help them in any way I can.
The cute and nice things I can afford are typically bought either because I pick up overnight shifts at my secondary serving job or from sugar daddies. Although I stopped sugaring about 3 years ago.
I started working when I was 15. I started SW when I was 17 to help my family pay rent. I did SW from about 17 years old to 21 and stopped shortly after my father died because I didn’t have the time anymore. And I fucking hated it but it made money.
Don’t fucking come at me saying I’ve got a nice house and daddy’s money when I’m sitting in a roach-infested apartment that I work myself to the fucking bone for & I spent multiple years trying to pay off my dad’s debt.
Fuck right off with that dude.
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caapsiizzereads · 1 year
Freedom felt like summеr then on the coast
Jamie Tartt x f!reader
Summary: just summertime fluff, you and Jamie having the time of your lives in Brazil and falling in love along the way
Words: 2,9k
Warnings: language, as usual
A/n: sorry to everyone who already saw this post yesterday, but tumblr was really testing my patience and i accidentally deleted it😀😀 so i’m reposting it now and if it glitches again i’m deleting my whole account🥰
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Sunset on the coast is always a great view, even more so if you’re watching it from a boat smoothly gliding through the ocean. You can feel the tiny sprinkles of water landing on your skin, the ocean breeze blowing through your hair, and Jamie’s fingertips lightly moving on your thigh as he’s comfortably leaning against your side. Despite having spent the day just hiking around the island and relaxing on the beach, you both feel a bit tired, so an hour-long boat ride is actually a good opportunity to rest before you have to drive back to Rio for another hour.
You get off the boat and walk back to the shore. Jamie’s hair is a mess, wavy from all the humidity (he says it’s annoying, but you actually find it adorable) and tangled from the wind. You run your hand through it, trying to somewhat fix it, and he smiles softly at you.
You’re walking towards your car, and Jamie puts his hand out palm up.
“Oh, come on!”
“You’ve had four caipirinhas!”
“And I’m good.” You’ve driven in worse states…
“You drove here, only fair if I drive back. Just to be safe.” Jamie is still holding his hand up, now looking at you expectantly.
“Fine.” You roll your eyes, but put the car keys in his open hand. “But I’m still picking the music.”
“What happened to ‘driver picks the music’?” Jamie asks teasingly, even though he really has no intention to argue with you on that.
“It changed to (Y/n) picks the music anyway.”
You are waiting for your drink by the bar, mouthing the words of the song and your body slightly moving to the rhythm. The bartender passes you your drink, and you happily pick it up and start making your way through the dancing crowd back to Jamie. Jamie is vaguely aware that someone is trying to pull him into a dance, but he can’t take his eyes off you. You have a carefree smile on your face, your body keeps gracefully moving with the song, and you’re clearly enjoying yourself. Another girl sways in your way, and you take her hand, making her spin as you smile breezily at each other. It reminds him of the first time he saw you two days ago.
Jamie can’t believe he’s only known you for two days. He’s not much of a believer in love at first sight, but what he felt for you that night is definitely real. Desire? Infatuation? Awe? Whatever it was, it’s only been growing stronger.
The moment you hinted that you wanted to take Jamie home with you that night, he felt like he won a fucking lottery. He wasn’t oblivious to all the eyes that were on you that night, and so weren't you. Yet you still chose him. And not even in his wildest dreams could he imagine where that would lead him.
You’ve never heard an accent like this before, so you ask him where he’s from. Jamie tells you that he’s from Manchester, England, and he’s in Rio to shoot a commercial for Nike.
“Are you like a model or something?” you laugh.
“A football player.”
“Ooo, are you good?” you looked at him, intrigued.
“Fucking great,” he declares proudly.
“Good. Imagine if I slept with a shitty football player… That would be embarrassing.”
The following day was supposed to be Jamie’s last in Brazil, but he just couldn't get the idea off his mind. So after the shoot was over, he told Keeley that he was going to stay there for a few more days. She was there in the bar with him the previous night, so it didn’t take much for her to figure out what that dreamy look on Jamie’s face was all about. She gave him a cheeky smile and wished him a good time.
And two days later, here he is, having the best fucking time as you make his way back to him, give him a kiss, and pull him into a dance with you.
“So what do you do?”
“I’m an engineer.”
“So you, like, build machines and stuff?”
“Almost,” you chuckle. “I build bridges. Well, not by myself. I’m more of, like, an architect but for bridges.”
“That’s cool. Bridges are cool.” Now that he thinks about it, Jamie realizes that he has no idea how those things are actually built.
“Women in STEM,” you mouth theatrically.
Back at your Airbnb bedroom, you both are lying on your sides, your head on the pillows and Jamie’s head on your thigh, facing each other.
“What do you wanna do tomorrow?” you ask.
“I don’t know. Whatever you want.”
“We’ve been doing what I want for two days, tomorrow we’re going to do what you want,” you insist. “Come on, surely there’s something.”
Jamie hasn’t really thought about it. You’re good at navigating your way around and you know what you want, and Jamie has been happy to just follow your lead.
On your first full day together you wanted to go to the Tijuca National Park because you wanted to see the waterfalls. You were definitely right about that because the nature here is absolutely spectacular. Then you spent the rest of the day just wandering around the city and then watched the sunset from the Sugarloaf Mountain because that view was absolutely insane.
“Yep, looks good,” you decide after a quick look. You stole Jamie’s sunglasses earlier today, and you have no intention of giving them back until the end of your trip. They look better on you anyway. And these plasticky green ones seem like a totally good replacement. “Or…” you switch the glasses on Jamie’s face to a pair with a yellow frame. “Do you like these better? They have pink ones too,” you grin at him.
“Okay, I’ll get it if you get…” Jamie’s eyes stop on arguably the ugliest t-shirt in the store, “this.”
You know what he’s trying to do here, but you’re not letting him win that easily. You pick the t-shirt a couple of sizes bigger than yours, roll up the sleeves, and tie the bottom in a knot. “So, how do I look?”
Jamie’s mouth falls open. He doesn’t know whether he’s impressed or disappointed because you are still annoyingly attractive. “You could pull off a potato sack.”
“Bet.” You take your phone and start scrolling through your camera roll. In a minute, you turn your phone showing Jamie the picture. It’s from a few years ago, when you went to a Halloween party dressed as Marylin Monroe in her iconic potato sack look.
“Fuck me.” You were, in fact, rocking a potato sack.
“Already did,” you wink at him.
Today, you went to Ilha Grande. It was quite a long way, but it was totally worth it: the island had this very calm and relaxing atmosphere, the locals were very friendly, the beach was great, and the food was as good as always. It was a nice break from the busy Rio.
Jamie thinks about where he wants to go. There’s one thing that immediately comes to mind.
“Maracanã Stadium. We don’t have to go to a match, can just walk around. You know it’s one of the largest stadiums in the world?” Jamie gets visibly excited.
“There are matches?” You thought he said it was off-season.
“Yes. The Brazilian League has a different schedule, they are playing now. But we don’t have to go.”
“No, let’s go! If you want to. And if you don’t mind explaining what the fuck is going on to me.” You’re not much of a football fan, but the excited look on Jamie’s face is totally worth it.
Perk of a huge stadium: you can get tickets to the upcoming match literally the night before.
“How did you get into football? Like, did you always know that it’s something you wanna do professionally?”
Maybe it’s the knowing that in a few days he will probably never see you again, maybe it’s the fucked out state of his brain, maybe it’s just you and that thing about you that makes it feel safe to talk about things, but there, in the security of your dark bedroom, Jamie finds himself telling you the full history behind him and football. He tells you about his father and the impact he made, about his failures and regrets, about his accomplishments and dreams.
You don’t speak up much, just letting Jamie talk and use your hand as a fidget toy, and when he’s finished, the room goes quiet.
You squeeze his fingers, which are laced with yours. “Are you happy?”
He thinks on it for a moment. “Yeah.”
“You’ll be alright, then.” You smile at him, and it makes him feel so warm and content on the inside that he has no choice but to believe you.
The stadium is really fucking impressive and really fucking huge, and Jamie looks like a child in a candy store. He supplies you with an endless amount of trivia about the exhibits at the Stadium and the 2014 World Cup, which apparently had its final here. Your contribution to this conversation is that Pitbull and Jennifer Lopez wrote the theme song for it.
After the match, you go to the local Aquarium, which, according to Jamie and confirmed by Wikipedia, is the biggest in South America, but in reality, it ends up being pretty mediocre. Really makes you crave some seafood for dinner, though. This is a little bit barbaric, but at least you’re in it together.
You’re walking down the streets of Rio de Janeiro. They are filled with music, partying crowds, and friendly smiles – a carefree atmosphere all around you. Tomorrow is your last day here, and then you will go your separate ways.
Never in his life has Jamie felt this way. It’s like being in the spotlight of your attention is addicting. You are a lot, but he can never get enough of you. He doesn’t know how he’s supposed to just pack up his stuff and move one with his life now. He pushes the thought out of his mind. That's for him to worry about later. Right now, the air is warm, and your hand is in his, and life is fucking mint.
“So where are you going next?” Jamie asks while mindlessly tracing invisible patterns on your skin.
You pick up your phone and show Jamie a digital drawing of a bridge. “Budapest.”
“You're gonna build this?” Jamie’s eyes go wide.
“That’s the plan.”
“This is fucking insane.” He looks at you in fascination. “Do you have pictures of the other ones you did?”
You show Jamie the pictures of the three other bridges that you’ve worked on. In between, there’s a photo of you on a construction site, wearing a shirt, a skirt, and a hard hat. Jamie giggles when he sees it and takes your phone in his hands.
“What are you doing?”
“Sending it to myself,” he grins, pressing the AirDrop button. He accepts it on his phone and looks at it thoughtfully for a moment. “I can’t imagine you doing all of this. Not ‘cause I think you can’t or anything, just, like, you being all serious and wearing pencil skirts.”
You laugh. “Okay, first of all, pencil skirts are not required, but I look fucking hot in them. And second, you’d be so disappointed. Daily life me is so lame. I’m a terrible workaholic. My ideal night off is just staying at home with food, wine, and TV, alone. I thought about getting a dog, but I’ve killed every plant I’ve ever bought. I don’t even have hobbies, I just either work or do fucking nothing,” you chuckle.
Jamie looks at you dreamily. “I would’ve loved to get to know the lame you.”
A part of you wants to indulge this scenario, but you quickly push it away, not letting the moment sit for too long. “Okay, I showed you mine, now show me yours,” you smile eagerly.
Jamie opens a picture of the team, telling you a little bit about everyone. He tells you about his rocky history with Roy, about Sam and how you would totally love him because everyone does, about Isaac and his barbering skills that Jamie is still yet to use, some funny stories about the players and coaches. Your conversation only quiets when the sun starts to rise and you slowly doze off to sleep.
“C’mere.” You stand by the edge of the bed where Jamie is sitting, and he tilts his head to look up at you with a pleased smile as you start applying spf to his face like you’ve been doing it every morning. Jamie always wears his spf, but he just likes it better when you do it for him.
“I was thinking…”
“I don’t like this already.”
“Oi!” he pokes at your thigh, and you grin teasingly at him. “I was thinking…” he starts again. “Maybe we could, like, exchange numbers? Instagrams?”
“Jamie.” You stop him. You’ve mentioned once briefly that it’s not your first vacation fling, and you don’t do the whole exchanging contact information thing. He knows this.
The wistful look in Jamie’s eyes doesn’t help at all. “But I like this. Don’t you?” He affectionately runs the back of his hand along your leg.
“Oh, I fucking love this. But the expiration date is exactly what makes it so good. We don’t have anything to worry about, we don’t owe each other anything. We just have a really good time, and then we go back to our lives.”
Maybe Jamie doesn’t want to just go back to his life, but he knows that arguing here is useless and it’s better to just enjoy your last day here together.
You go to the Botanical Garden and have lunch at Parque Lage, beautiful sceneries. The night, as usual, ends with getting drunk at the bar and then going back home and having some mindblowing sex.
“Does it always feel like this?” He doesn’t need to explain, you exactly what he means. This is an answer in itself.
“No.” You can give him that much.
You get up and get ready together. Your flights are only a couple of hours apart, so it makes sense for you to just go to the airport together. There’s some heaviness in the air between you that hasn’t been there before.
You arrive at the airport, go through all the regular procedures, and settle in the waiting area.
The boarding for your flight is announced, and when most of the crowd disappears, you get up. Jamie stands up too.
“It was really nice to meet you, Jamie Tartt,” you smile tenderly at him.
“Yeah, you too.” He envelopes you in a tight hug.
“Come on, London boy, keep your head up.” You kiss him on the corner of his lips before you turn around and walk away through your gate.
Jamie smiles to himself. You were still wearing his sunglasses on the top of your head.
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It’s been six weeks since Jamie was back in London. He would say that everything has gone back to normal and he doesn’t miss you at all, but that would be one big dirty lie. Because the truth is that not a day goes by that he doesn’t think about you. He looks at the pictures that he made of you a bit too often, he checks every new person who follows him on Instagram, hoping to see your name, he keeps the sunglasses that you jokingly bought for him in his drawer. Everyone on the team has heard about you at this point. He even googled that fucking bridge in Budapest, how pathetic is that.
Today is Richmond's first match of the season. It’s a home match against Leeds United, so it shouldn’t be that hard. The team is in great spirits, and everyone is feeling very optimistic about the match.
They were right because they win the match with a final score of 3-0. Great start to the new season.
Jamie’s talking with Sam on his way from the Stadium, when Sam interrupts him and nods ahead with a mischievous smile. Jamie turns to look, and he’s met with a familiar face looking back at him. He knows he’s staring, but he just can’t believe his eyes.
“So you didn’t lie, huh,” you smile smugly at him. “You are pretty good.”
“You’re here,” he mutters, mostly to convince himself that it’s real.
“I accidentally stole your sunglasses. Thought you’d want them back.”
Suddenly, Jamie recalls a news headline he saw not so long ago. “They are making a new bridge in West London.”
“We are.”
You burst into laughter when you got the offer a day before you were supposed to sign the Budapest contract. You don't usually believe in stuff like fate, but if that’s not it, then what is?
“You’re here,” Jamie repeats excitedly now. He closes the distance between you and pulls you into a hug, slightly lifting you from the ground. When he puts you back down, he still keeps his hands on you, like he’s afraid you’ll disappear again if he lets go.
“It’s a big bridge. Gonna take a while.”
“Good,” he breathes, pressing his forehead against yours. “Hope it fucking takes forever.”
A/N: the alternative title for this fic was ‘I just wanna burn this bridge to see if you’ll come right back to me’, but we’re sticking with Taylor themed titles for now
A/N 2: reader’s job is a reference to Jamie’s line from s2 if you haven’t figured by now… and there are two(?) Taylor Swift references in this fic too
A/N 3: yes, i totally did an excessive research on Rio’s landmarks for this
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deadgodjess · 1 year
It's really funny how Twitter is rolling out this rebranding on like, a design level, outside of just Elon's whole man-baby routine.
They didn't have a new logo created, they're just using a Unicode 𝕏, it's for math. It can't be trademarked because it's not a distinct logo so they have 0 control over how, if, or when people use their branding on other sites, which is just an insane situation for a major social media company to create for themselves.
Search engine optimization. You are a major social media company, you want to be THE PLACE people go for social media, news, etc, right? Well, good luck chucklefuck, because while X is the top search result, it's also the ONLY one on the first page (on duckduckgo) that refers to the social media site. Search Twitter and it's the entire front page of search results including news articles and Wiki articles about the social media site.
Association with porn. X-[anything] sounds like a porn site and XVideo IS a porn site. That's what you're contending with, and while I personally don't believe there's anything inherently shameful with close proximity to porn, on a professional level most companies are going to notice that and have to seriously consider if they want refer people to their X Account to see their X Posts on their X Feed and you see what I'm getting at here? Which then gets into...
The sheer brand recognition of the Twitter name. There is NO other social media site with the kind of brand recognition that Twitter has. Zuck would sell his right nut for the kind of brand recognition Twitter has. They have their own word for posts! Facebook doesn't have that! Reddit and Tumblr don't have that! Myspace and LiveJournal and Xanga also never had that! All for the far more generic 𝕏. No one's Booking on FB or Ditting on Reddit or w/e. But on Twitter they be Tweeting. Saying you tweeted someone tells people EXACTLY what site you were on immediately. Now they're what, X-posting? Well that's short for "cross-post". Posting on X? Looks like you're being vague about what site you were using on purpose. "I @'d [so-and-so] on X" doesn't have the same ring it, either.
They didn't make all their rebranding decisions BEFORE announcing and rolling out the rebrand, so now we have a site called 𝕏 with a LOT of the on site references to the site itself and it's features still called Twitter [thing] and you still post using a button that says "Tweet" (as of 7.29.23) and they JUST settled on a word to replace that with. USUALLY when a company is doing a rebranding, especially one with the kinds of resources Twitter has available, they plan it all out well in advance and do the roll out all at once rather than this hodgepodge thing that's going on. This is a big one and I don't think Elon understands how unprofessional this looks. This doesn't look like the work of a team of skilled, experienced web developers, designers and marketers. This looks like a site being ran on a shoe-string budget ran by a disorganized child making decisions on a whim.
Okay so I can't fully divorce the design decisions from Elon's general fuckery, but you get my point. Like, all the behind the scenes and PR shit is bad enough but even if we didn't know he had a tantrum over the name of PayPal and hadn't been all over the site being loud and wrong about everything, just these decisions listed would be enough to show what an entitled, inexperienced, immature walnut he is.
And it's really fucking funny.
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dreameralive · 1 year
Here's my probably incorrect assumptions about what social media sites the undersiders would use if it was 2023 instead of 2011 or something
Taylor: Tumblr. Will post really sad, in depth posts talking about her experience with bullying and her family and how alone she feels sometimes and then reblog a bunch of bug photos (like, at least 20 in a row) and then go dormant for like 2 months and then repeat the cycle when she finally regains the energy to post
Alec: reddit, twitter. Reddit but only so he and Aisha can post like really outlandish obvious troll posts in aita and legaladvice, tumblr so he can stare at princecore aesthetic moodboards and nod approvingly (he will only like it but never reblog, his blog is like a barren wasteland)
Aisha: tumblr, twitter. All fucking over the scene kid aesthetic. Reblogs and retweets Kandi making tutorials and sparkledog ocs and 2008 geocities blinkies or something. Everyone always sends her asks and makes vague posts about forgetting they have her as a mutual
Brian: reddit, twitter. Retweets exercise advice and goes on a fuckton of exercise subreddits but also frequents parenting subs and asks questions on how to properly deal with whatever Aisha has done this week and everyone who comments thinks he is actually a dad and not just the world's most emotionally repressed 17 going on 45 yr old boy. Gets into arguments with obvious trolls all the time on both sites and gets really needlessly upset and personal over it. The person who argues with him most on Twitter is actually Aisha on an alt account (she knows it's him and is doing this for the bit, he does not know it's her)
Rachel: can't read or write v well :( but if she could it'd be tumblr maybe? Or twitter? Unsure. All I know is that her account would be filled with really blurry photos of her dogs with no captions or tags or anything with the occasional all caps really angry rant post about people petting her dogs without permission. The people that follow her are mostly there to study her like they're a scientist and she's an interesting discovery they've found under their microscope. They also all assume she's like 60 and not like 15
Lisa: twitter, reddit. Have few thoughts on her but if she were to get into arguments she would use "sweetie" "honey" and ":)" condescendingly to whoever she's arguing with. This isn't Lisa hate btw i just think she truly is That Person
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neriumxoleander · 7 months
If you could explain, I'm only learning this now! What's going on with Gato? I've only seen vague posts but I know all social media is gone (because by god fucking twitter apparently) I've seen from the fake gatobob account post about recent events and I'm soo confused. Could you please shed some more light on this? If you are as clueless as I am, you don't need to respond. - @your-very-own-anon (mod speaking)
Sorry for the late response, I've been trying to retag some things while I'm focused on this account for once. I'll try to be brief? please don't take me as the authority on this, I just happened to get into the tags while it was unfolding earlier today. still going under a read more though. i suppose a tw for mentions of racism and xenophobia are warranted. And please do not interact if you are a minor or have no age listed on your blog, I will block you.
Gato deleted her social media accounts this morning (tumblr, twitter, pillowfort) and explained on patreon it was for her mental health and safety (which... safety? hm) and someone here immediately claimed the gatobob url. which happens, it's tumblr. but this person is using it basically as a callout center.
the callout seems to be about an incident that happened in the patreon exclusive discord server before it got shut down a couple months ago. tldr according to this person, someone (a mod?) made a racist comment towards someone, and gato apparently handled the situation poorly and neither her or the mods apology were really that great. I was in the server as a lurker more than anything, but I don't remember being there when this happened.
other people sending in asks to this new gatobob account have also been calling her out for xenophobia, but I have a feeling that's looking a little bit too much into statements she's made about her games being redistributed in Russia and Spain specifically if i recall correctly.
this new blog is demanding gato and the aforementioned mod properly apologize for their behaviour, but in my opinion, this is a really weird and bad way to go about it. Smart to use her url as a way to boost the problem, but... I haven't seen any solid evidence besides some very vague screenshots, none of them including the racist remarks (the screenshots they've posted so far definitely aren't good responses or apologies if they ARE linked to this incident, and it should have been taken seriously) And the victim from the racism incident is NOT the person running the new gatobob account, so it feels very weird to me that this person is taking it upon themselves to stir everyone up and demand things from gato and the mod.
as far as I can tell, gato hasn't said anything about this on patreon, although she's likely taking her separation from social media very seriously. If she is aware (and I'm sure she's getting plenty of DMs about this on patreon), she'll likely make a post there addressing it in the next couple days, but that's just speculation.
I'm keeping a mostly neutral stance in this whole thing, but I'm encouraging people to not interact with this new gatobob account. There's nothing we can really do; they aren't impersonating her, posting anything against ToS as far as Im aware, and people have been hoarding urls for years. Just... listen and learn, I think is all I can suggest. Form your own opinions, but don't go on a witch hunt about it, if that makes any sense.
I'll try to answer other questions, but I'm just one guy on the internet who doesn't usually get tangled with things like this. Please be patient.
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discluded · 2 years
Build Jakapan, Daemi's Poi, and other individuals stepping forward
I like my peace, but this situation is very serious and deserves to be documented clearly for the international/English-speaking fanbase, which was my original goal of archivism on Tumblr. Some of the posts have already been deleted and others will be washed away with the sands of Twitter time.
Please do not talk about this in terms of "drama" or "tea" because that does a disservice to the victims and people here on Tumblr who may have lived through these experiences watching you treat their trauma like nonsense.
I have no stake in this and do not claim to know the full truth. However, rather than seeing everyone vague about what's happening, I want to provide an account of what people on Twitter are seeing above the noise. I will try to keep this post updated with important developments when appropriate.
My only ask is please don't comment to my inbox about this post. I understand your anger and hurt, but I need to take care of my own well-being. Make a dummy account if you want to talk about it; I will not censor the comments section of post as long as you are reasonable and not victim-blaming.
Finally, please be kind to each other, including Pond (as long as he is doing the right thing) and [Jan 23 update: lmfao fuck Pond] the other actors in BOC given that Poi specifically said she hid this from the cast, and also especially fans who loved Build and were blindsided. There is no "deserved" to be upset, people who invest their love and free time into something are allowed to be hurt... the only thing that matters about a person's integrity is how they choose to act with this information.
tw: domestic violence, intimate partner violence, abuse, threats, photos of bruises, rape, miscarriage
On approximately Jan 19 2022, right after the BOC line-up announcement), Daemi announced they would be breaking up as a writing duo, which prompted fans to speculate about the future of Kinnporsche season 2. Daemi as a writing duo is made up of two members: Yok and Poi.
In the next day or so, Poi insinuated that Build had stolen the idea for 4 Minutes from her and given it to Sammon, who then helped cut her [Poi] out of involvement in the new series. Build responded to this by publicly crying and issuing a statement, going above BOC's management. Pond was with Mile in Pairis at the time/flying home and responded to Instagram comments that they would investigate fully before issuing a statement.
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Approximately the next day, on Jan 22 2022 local time, Poi came out with a statement and chat logs with proof that she used to be in a relationship with Build, and he had cheated on her, financially manipulated her, physically abused her, and threatened to kill her.
The original translator is a ManUtd fan and had no involvement in the fandom but took the time to do the translation since it was blowing up on Thai twitter and known fandom translators were not doing them. They then deleted those tweets after being harassed by Build's fans, but has continued to tweet about the situation.
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(please click on the image for the full translation of the chat, I stacked them to save space)
Here is an additional Thai summary of Poi's claims and an english translation of that.
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Some people noted that in the original IGS where Poi references this abuse on approximately Jan 19, she used stock images from Pinterest. Those claims included that she had a miscarriage due to the fact he had hit her so hard. Poi again confirmed that she had a miscarriage and noted she had hospital documents to back up her claim. She also addressed the comment that she used stock images due to the fact that Instagram is a visual social media.
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Poi also confirmed that the legal process was already started. Given her history with the BOC cast, she might have also felt the need to get the story out of accusations of her lying and starting "drama" about the situation by posting her chat logs and photos.
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Subsequently, Build shared messages that Poi had sent him regarding a situation with a sponsor in an attempt to make her look like a "crazy" woman, but incriminated himself and deactivated on Jan 22 2022 (possibly temporarily).
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During this time, additional people came forward about being a victim of Build. One Thai fan came forward about knowing another of Build's former girlfriends, who was the victim of gang rape. However, the OP is getting permission from this individual to tell the story first and so the story may not be released to the public. Update Feb 10: Most likely false. (leaving text here for honesty that this rumor existed and debunked)
Another one of Build's ex-girlfriends, who was previously silenced and shamed by his fans, confirmed again that she was physically assaulted by Build 8 years ago.
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I will not add the tweets with evidence of Build cheating on Poi/involvement with other women while supposedly dating one of them as while cheating on a partner is bad, it is a personal indiscretion and not a crime unlike the situations highlighted above.
As for the fact that both authors in Daemi sexually harassed other actors in KPTS, I am not excusing those actions. People, notably WOMEN, should not have to be perfect victims to be believed. You don't have to like Poi or approve of her past actions to think she does not deserve to be abused.
Additionally, if you believe that Poi's past actions are indicative of her character, I want to clarify why people were upset with him in summer 2022 since that was not documented on Tumblr either. Having bad opinions online is not a crime, but they do show a pattern of behavior from him from attitudes to actions. Build's comments/attitudes from that situation are consistent with his abuser behavior that is documented above. (1) (2) (3) (4)
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Any additional documentation from past victims will be a link to the reblog since I will run out of image space on Tumblr. I will not document things like BOC suspending Build for the time being since those are widely seen and have an English translation.
Final update update as of Feb 10, 2023: Updated on the false allegations about rape and this being debunked since it's important. Please do not ask me for updates about him; I don't care about him, he makes me miserable, people whose careers I do care about don't have to deal with him anymore. Please do not make me responsible for your mental health.
Jan 28, 2023: Build has left BOC. At this point, there's nothing else I can provide as context in English that will change people's minds so let's respect that this will be processed in a court like it should have been in the first place. Take care of yourselves friends.
Final notes: Genuinely fuck Pond.
Jan 25 2023: link to the latest post with evidence from Poi and Mynk
Jan 23 2023: Kind anonymous provided IDs which have been added. Clarified position on Pond, with link to latest comment. I have more posts with translations from Thai twitter and will update another day.
Please take care of yourselves and your mental health. 🙏
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nanjokei · 1 year
further guidance for newcomers coming from reddit
hi arriving redditors. here are some things i don't see most posts mention. this is for people who conquered the baby steps of joining the site. i think they're pretty important! also me clarifying on some stuff i've seen people word very vaguely consistently in their guides
under the cut because it's a chunky set of bullet points! with a few that also discuss how to keep yourself in a safe and fun browsing environment for yourself and others (mostly quality of life)
if you have any questions either send me an ask (anonymously is ok too) or reply to the post
you can enable a custom theme that shows on the web in your blog settings, if you so wish (blog settings > visibility) and then (custom theme toggle to on) this is the classic tumblr experience, but it's ok to want to hide your blog from the public. however you won't be able to link stuff on your blog to people without tumblr accounts
you can find custom tumblr themes by searching resource blogs like theme hunter or just in the tags in general (like "tumblr theme" or just "theme" and see where the other tags you may find to refine your search takes you)
tumblr is currently trying to enact changes to appeal to "new users" that make the website less friendly to its current inhabitants, such as fucking with quality of life and muscle memory and even stuff integral to the culture of the site. if you see people complaining, i highly advise against going "this sounds kind of nothingburger" and assisting in sending tickets to support the drive against such changes
there is a 250 post per day limit. you probably won't hit it though.. maybe? but people used to make post limit blogs (seperate email) for that. but that is for heavy usage users.
you can make as many sideblogs as you want. you are free to divulge whether or not it's you. of course use common sense to gauge whether or not it matters. but side blogs can be anything: maybe you want to categorize things, maybe you wanna make one into a huge fan page/blog for a specific hobby/celeb/show/game/etc, maybe a quieter space, maybe posts you feel don't belong on your blog, maybe even a blog where you reblog resources to exclusively. the possibilities are endless! (maybe not for porn, it's a little harder to skirt by these days even with muh community labels)
a lot of posts are incredibly vague about whether or not you can leave comments on reblogs. i think it truly depends. for example, if it's praise for artwork, i feel like it is truly best left in the tags. the artist can see it still! it shows up in their notifs when you reblog. in comparison, when it comes to funny text posts and pictures, you can comment as you like, but consider TPO (time place occasion). it helps to check the notes (comments only filter) to see if the quip or comment you wanna make has already been made or if OP made further comments later. again, it's a call to use your judgement and everyone has a different tolerance for this kind of thing
i see many people or perhaps most came from LGBTQ+ centric subreddits so i am surprised i'm not seeing this mentioned often: there are unfortunately a lot of terfs here. please stay safe. install shinigami eyes and engage in blocking sprees whenever possible.
in account settings, not blog settings, there is a section called "content you see". it has filtered tags and filtered post content. the difference is filtered tags is specifically for tags, for example, if you want to hide a certain show you don't like, you can have the site apply a peek-a-boo filter on it (this content contains #TAG, as in click to view). you ask, what if the person on my dash doesn't tag it as that? that's fine! it also takes into account the original poster's tags. the OP didn't tag it? then filtered post content might help. MIGHT. it's pretty helpful and unlike twitter's mute list, as far as my experience, it is not broken. for example, if you write [SHOW NAME THAT YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE] in plain letters (with aliases as seperate entries just to be safe) it will filter any post that has the words in the body of the post. pretty useful! use this to curate your dash further or even filter out triggers.
speaking of tags. a lot of people are also vague about this. i'll say it clearly. you can add whatever tags you want to a reblog. there's no limit (aside from character lim per tag)! there's no social faux pas, unless you're being backhanded at someone's creative work, like reblogging just to dunk on it or going "i like the art but not the character" etc. when it comes to your own posts, try to avoid tagging irrelevant tags (for example, if you're making a lot of posts that are tangentially about cardcaptor sakura, think about if it belongs in the tag or not. think of it as whether or not it deserves an OC flair on reddit). again, people's tolerance differs, but especially on older media and slow tags people do not appreciate random tangential text posts (for example "i wanna watch ccs!" and nothing else)
in terms of culture, tumblr has a weird balance between "you can ask for context" and "lurk for 10,000 moar years". i would not know myself. i've been here for 12+ years *shrug* you'll have to gauge it for yourself. most things you can google "[tumblr user] callout" and figure out from there LOL (yes that's usually what happens). i DO encourage trying to garner it from context, especially for terms.
due to the looser moderation(?) on here, LGBTQ+ and other minorities use their own discretion reclaim slurs freely. join in, or put the slurs in your filters. it's fine not to join in as that's your personal comfort, but this is a heads up that the culture is like this since i'm not sure how the moderation is in places like r/196 are. (sorry i used reddit for entirely different things ><)
DO NOT TAG D0NATION POSTS WITH #D0NATION OR ANY OTHER VARIATION. this is SO important. it's best not to tag donation posts AT ALL. tumblr internally flags them and suppresses the post. just reblog silently (d0nate if you can) and move on (censoring just in case lol)
search is useless for finding specific posts. give up before you even try. your best bets are google, asking for help on the dashboard, or just hoping it shows up on your dashboard one day (it probs will, maybe not immediately when you need it though)
i called old tags "slow" but not dead earlier: tags Do Not Die (though some just kind of randomly get wiped or lose posts, idk, it is some post-2018 indexing weirdness) so you can find fanart and posts from 2012 and it's ok to reblog! the essence of tumblr is the continued circulation of people's creations
please do not repost screenshots of tumblr posts unless they are no longer accessible (reblogs locked for example) 😭 i am seeing this happen already. this is the one thing from reddit you're gonna have to let go of. twitter and other place screenshots are OK (probably, some people don't like them). but don't let your page look like one of those r/(etc) post aggregate bots on twitter is what i'm saying. once you explore a tag enough times you'll know what is usually appropriate to post (usually derivative meme templates are OK, but don't overdo it (tho this just falls under "dont spam") (also this is MY personal preference, so if the climate of the tag houses a lot of memes, go ahead!)
in general reposting content that isn't your's is kinda eh. especially reposting people's art without explicit permission. there are art reposters who in the modern day usually ask for permission, of course there are internet spelunkers who repost content from old web and dead sites. there's a lot of nuance, but i highly discourage reposting things you didn't make yourself unless it's stuff like official art and whatnot. photography and other stuff from other people, use your judgement. and as an aside i know "stolen memes" are r/196 and other meme subreddit cultures but it's not exactly appreciated here and i feel like if the reposting gets out of hand tumblr users might get real tired of it. the humor isn't really the same here in that sense, i suggest posting them in a sideblog that archives such things so they aren't lost and/or keeping them in your community tags. ofc no one can stop you!! but the whole highly derivative fried meme thing is very reddit. the culture could not be more different even if we are similar in many ways. i mean this in the nicest way possible >_< if you're not sure, DON'T REPOST.
this is just advice from me, but when liveblogging a show, it's nice to tag it with a unique tag, such as #[your name/nick] plays [game]. i find it's ok to tag series name to some posts that are more substantial, people are happy to see others enjoy what they love, but using a unique tag also helps people track YOUR liveblog since they may save the tag to look at :)
put your age or whether or not you're an adult somewhere where people can see, (and your pronouns too or lackthereof). whether or not if it's on your bio, or an about page, or a carrd. please. it's a matter of curation and safety. some people don't wanna follow minors by accident and vice versa, just as a means to curate their space
people write alt text and image descriptions in the post bodies pretty often. yes it's built into tumblr, but either some people forget or the feature... refuses to work that time. yes it's BROKEN. if you feel like you can contribute alt text for an image in an adequate fashion, go ahead!
try not to reblog people's personal posts. asking people never hurts!
you can restrict non-followers from replying to your posts, or turn off replies all together. as far as i know it's not possible for seperate posts unfortunately, just a blog-wide toggle. when replying to someone specifically, be sure to @ them so they can see it!
for a long time, only the first 5 tags you used in an original post mattered. a lot of people still repeat this, but in my experience this seems to have... changed?? i can't say for sure, but my posts appear in tags beyond the first five. just to be sure, tag the most relevant things first! (or not, if you have your own strategy LOL)
you're free to not tag trigger warnings (it's nice to do it for others tho especially if they ask) but please tag flashing images as such. #epilepsy warning, #flashing, #flashing image, #flashing, etc.
REPORT BOT BLOGS. it blocks them for you anyway. just blocking doesn't do anything for anyone
you can add other people to a sideblog to make it a group blog. this is how blogs with mods work, or even collectives, it has a lot of uses in general so have fun with it! be wary it requires getting someone's email so be safe about that and try to do it with people you trust.
this is advice from me since i noticed after publishing this post that a lot of reddit users don't tag things. you don't have to btw!! but my advice that brightens up the website: if you reblog cool art, writing, music or photography (taken by OP) and you like it a lot, i highly recommend leaving compliments in the tags. we live in an age where creative creation is increasingly unappreciated and people are quiet silent— creators get no feedback therefore no encouragememt to keep creating. this is more like a personal plea, but like to reblog ratios have become DIRE. people are apathetic and scared to interact with people's creations even though on here they are actively ecouraged to. if you like art or fic etc i even more highly recommend you reblog it. likes don't do anything! reblogs = more eyes on it. let's support each other's creative endeavors 🩷
don't fall for the trap of trying to make tumblr into reddit, or trying to recreate the feeling of a subreddit. it's not gonna work. try to adapt. it's easier said than done but lol. rome wasn't built in a day. operate your blog like your own space rather than trying to recreate a hub. the tolerance for trying to change tumblr culture is super low and a lot of people who are much meaner than me will probably try to bully the idea into the ground. and people DO get mean. (like playground namecalling, but people have no reservations about it, so it's stuff that would probably get you banned on reddit)
if your post gets traction and the note notifications annoy you, deleting the original post will make the notifs stop coming. a lot of people reblog the post to keep it on their blog then delete the original to effectively "mute" the notifications permanently.
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exileisover · 16 days
Here’s a fun little thought exercise to all the toxic tumblr users who seek out accounts they disagree with (e.g. #gaylor accounts such as mine) for the sole purpose of harassing the account owner — why do you care so much about what I write on my blog? Why does it bother you so much that someone else has an opinion/belief that is different from yours — so much so that you choose to spend your precious time anonymously antagonizing people with shitty little comments and hateful direct messages?
Are you truly so arrogant as to believe that your personal opinion is the only possible way to think? Or are you just bored with your sad little life so you try to bully people (again, anonymously, like a coward) on the internet?
And are you really going to pretend that you have a leg to stand on when you have your own ridiculous fan theory accounts? Really?
I mean, at least I can admit my account is silly. It’s not something I take seriously. It’s for fun. I don’t really care that much if my #gaylor theories are real or not. I just like to occasionally take short breaks from my extremely demanding and stressful job to piece together the intentionally vague + delightfully cryptic “Easter Eggs” into alternative possibilities vs what the mainstream hivemind believes about this pop culture phenomenon we are all bearing witness to.
That’s it. I like puzzles. I like tswizzle, and I’ve been following her music since her first album waaaaaay back in the day. I was there, it was rare, when we were all teenagers growing up with Taylor as she debuted and grew her music career and I noticed that some of her lyrics and her little booklet clues and her MySpace posts were a little gay sometimes. And then kissgate happened in real time (I followed the whole thing as it went down, alllll those years ago), and I was like “oh yeah that tracks, she’s probably bi” , and when she was singing “you can want who you want — boys and boys and girls and girls”, and I was there following along for the Big Sur trip and so on with all the other events that have occurred over nearly 20 years. It’s interesting to me. It’s not serious, it’s just fun.
But you sad, pathetic and pathologically poisonous internet trolls who apparently live to spread negative energy and try to bring that bad juju onto my happy little blog… I don’t get you people, and I don’t give a damn if you think I’m wrong. I do give a damn if you come onto my page and try to harass me, because wtf. I don’t come and harass you on your dumb pages.
So with that being said, leave me alone and take a hearty “go fuck yourself” on the way out.
Ps - Karma is real, and it’s gonna bite your virulent hater asses for the way you treat people (anonymously or otherwise).
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Garykernal or known as Runin, Module0, Mothnwizard, Blaketwo, or any other possible account is a stalker. There is more under the cut. More parts will be posted, We have to break up all of this into segments. Keep in mind, Gary is 25 through this all. The person who is a victim allowed for at least their age to be stated, that being 19. There is a minor in this situation, but for now this post is about the oldest of the victims.
Green's Story
This user has stalked and harassed a club penguin blog for some time now. Unfortunately, this blog had to be created to warn other users about this person. Green is a victim of Gary's behavior. They did not know Gary very well. Written by them, they said this to me:
"I vaguely knew them, like you pass by this person on Tumblr and like a few posts and I saw them in a discord (they got invited by someone) but after all this they got banned from said discord. They obsessed over me to an unhealthy degree, I kinda just rarely replied to the dms they sent. They only knew me for a week before confessing they were in love with me. I wasn't interested, I was kind in turning them down because I didn't want to date anyone. I was clear in this, though things persisted. Gary would flirt with me, yet I wouldn't fully process it nor did I really want to engage with it. It was clear to everyone around that it was uncomfortable. I was scared to say anything in fear of causing issues. Well, guess that went out the window considering how this went down. They would draw ship art of themself and I. My sona isn't a sona, it's my real physical self. They had an entire whiteboard fox where they drew us kissing and whatnot. Sorry White, I rather not send that to you. They would ask me to send them images and tag it as us when I didn't know them well and sure that isn't a horrible thing to do, though they crossed my boundaries a lot. They had brought up my abusers in a conversation at random while I was already stressed out. I asked them to stop at the time, they did not respect that. I ignored them even more at one point, my friends knew how overwhelmed and scared I was to come out about anything. They were my rock in this time. Yet, I was still functional with what I knew at the time. I thought it was a baseline creepy stalker they couldn't have gotten any worse than this and I'm just pissed they harassed my friend Coral because I blocked Gary and decided I had to cut them off. They were bad for my mental health, they were bad for me. In the screenshots I sent you, it all came down because they decided to look up my old username (which I did not tell them at all so they had to go digging for that) and then dmmd me about it and it felt off. Thank god I cut them off then. From what I learned recently, not only did Gary have a shrine of me, but Gary had drawn porn of them and I. When I learned this, I threw up not only because it was of me when I, in fact, do not like to be sexualized nor would it even be a normal and sane thing to just draw nsfw of a real physical person. That's just gross. I'm not a fucking oc nor am I a character from a media. I'm a real person. Flesh and blood. Yellow and I were mortified, Yellow being my current partner who has known me for years before we started to even date. Yellow had to comfort me when I left my college classroom to go throw up. All of my friends were in my dms trying to comfort me, tell me it was ok, but I feel violated. I don't care if it's stupid that I feel that way, I'm not famous. I'm not someone that should be sexualized. I'm a victim of CSA and SA, this gave me paranoia and a flare up in pstd. I know this is heavy. I hope you're able to speak for the other victims too. Coral I feel bad for, they were harassed by Gary and now a friend of Gary's to let Gary contact me after I blocked them. I'll pass you onto Coral now, after that I think you should talk to the minor who Gary sent nsfw dms to as well. Red I feel most bad for. I know that I'm the main victim of Gary, but dear lord did Red go through shit."
Green stated that they felt bad for how they typed everything out a bit messy. They wanted to get their feelings out so I reassured them it was fine. This is Green's final messages with Gary. After the final message Gary sent, they blocked them.
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I asked Green for any final comments on this. "I know that I only have these screenshots to back up my end of things, though Coral has some and Red has a ton. Though if I had to state any last thing to Gary and their system, especially from my system- Yellow and I together in this, fuck off. Delete that gross porn you made of me you vile freak. You're one of three people now I can never forgive in my lifetime. I hope no one has to deal with the shit I did. To your system, if anyone has a shred of sense in it, destroy that shrine to me. Scrub away every single little bit of ship art or nsfw art that Gary made of me. God forbid this, if anyone else drew art of us together I hope they block you. Stay away from me, stay away from my system, and stay away from my friends and my family. I can't forgive you for the trauma you put on me. Maybe someday you'll be a better person, but people who send nsfw messages to minors deserve to burn. I hope Red is able to recover from this like everyone hopes I do."
Thank you Green for letting me post this. I wish the best for you and your recovery.
Coral's story -> Red's story/closing statements
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greatrunner · 6 months
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@tododeku-or-bust's post asking for examples of racism (experienced/witnessed) in fandom has got me thinking about how abstract the experience of antiblackness is once you (as in me, because I can only tell you my perspective) 'remove' yourself from the situation or the situation is considered 'settled.'
A lot of that is, obviously, a defense mechanism. If I didn't learn how to dissociate or numb myself from said experiences, I think I would be in a much worse place than I am right now.
But it also highlights how much I spent on Tumblr reading or experiencing antiblackness in different fandoms. Within the moment, the experience is raw and extremely triggering.
Left 4 Dead 2, Pacific Rim, Princess and the Frog, and Star Wars were probably the most active I'd been within a fanspace on Tumblr, and the antiblackness that ran rampant in those spaces was pretty vile.
At every turn, instead of owning up to the acts of passive and active racism, yt and non-Black users would break their backs to defend their position as 'not racist.'
The absolute refusal to investigate why they were so comfortable calling characters like Rochelle and Tiana boring or annoying compared to Lottie or Zoey allowed antiblackness to run rampant because, "I should be allowed to dislike a character!"
Do you know how aggravating it was to watch old-ass shows like Buffy and Angel at 14-then-22 and watch not only the writers but the audience (or LiveJournal or Television Without Pity) demonize characters like Charles Gunn and Robin Wood for doing things they cheered white characters on for doing... on the same shows? All while engaging in some truly racist stereotypes? It feels like you're going crazy when you see it. It made me wanna cry for help.
The fact that I had to remind Star Wars fans that 'DLF didn't mean it that way' wasn't an excuse for how LucasFilm treated Finn or John Boyega. That "actual racism" was benign, passive, uncritical, and often intentional.
The fact that much of my Pacific Rim experience was watching yt fandom call Stacker Pentecost an "asshole" or "control freak" because he was holding Raleigh and Chuck to account, or they wouldn't engage with his and Mako's relationship with the same respect they did with Herc and Chuck's.
I decided not to engage with the media outside of isolation or friend circles. As I moved further and further away from it, and it became vague and less sharp, I'd start to question, "Was it really that serious?" When so many people failed to read the room and centered themselves as victims of 'harassment,' was it really that serious?
And I have to remind myself, "Yeah, it was." Even as it becomes hard to verbalize or put into words to recall, it was and is that fucking serious.
And the worst part of all of this? Most of those racist shitheads knew that too. But they could get away with it, so...
The point ultimately is to drive people who'll challenge positions out of those spaces. That's why so many fanspaces don't promote growth or shifting dynamics. They prioritize anti-intellectualism and infantilization of the self or the work itself.
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justjesse116 · 2 months
Yooo, eeeextra long, kinda rambly dabihawks post incoming. I talk a fair bit about myself, because that's where my experiences come from, shocker there. God speed.
Woooooof here I am being extra emo about dabihawks tonight, so sit back and pull up a chair while I make good on outlining exactly what my main malfunction is concerning them, for the 3 people that care. One ticket to sad bitch island, population: me.
So I'm beginning this by saying; no this is not about canon dabihawks, I do in fact think those bitches are not good for each other from what I've seen, HOWEVER. I tend to look at things as they could be, not as they are, and the potential here is just ridiculous.
Source? Me. And people I know. And what I mean by that is I've lived as close to Dabi's life as I feel anyone is going to get without turning into a real life murderer, and I know plenty of people (myself included) who share plenty of attributes, aspirations etc with Hawks as well.
And I know, I know, they're fictional characters and there's no way anyone can pin down who they truly are, but I guess that's kind of my point. There's just enough suspension of disbelief that you could explain away pretty much anything, but that's true for most fanon pairings, and not my point.
SO. Onto my main point.
..........Human nature.
I hate to get all psychological but STAY WITH ME. As long as I can remember I've been very independent, the "I don't need anybody" type, because life had so thoroughly kicked the shit out of me that I was downright afraid of human connection because it always ended badly and I was always so hurt by it. Well now, later in life, and a couple diagnosis later, not only can I better sus out which relationships are worth pursuing, but I can understand what I'm looking for from other people and how to get it. And do you know what it is that I want now, no matter the cost to myself? Yessir, it's love, as fucking cringe as that is for me to say. Who saw that coming, eh?
There was a meme of sorts another user posted on Tumblr of the LOV and what they all wanted most as tweets or something, and someone else edited it(?) to have all of their reasons just say 'LOVE ME, LOVE ME, LOVE ME', and that lives rent free in my fucking head.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it turns out love is, in fact, the answer.......(*soft gag*) Shit do I hate to admit that.
Dabi and Hawks understand at least broadly what the other has gone through, so they would at least have a vague understanding of one another from that. People underestimate the power of empathy.
I'm gonna be kinda toxic here and say I'm at a point in my life where I need a partner to argue with. I need to bicker, and I also do NOT need to be surrounded by yes men, I need someone to call me on my bullshit, and I feel like they would truly be like that together. Going along with the understanding, I feel like they're very well suited to holding the other accountable.
Their chemistry in my mind is undeniable. I'm a red/blue pairing bitch, I have no defense for that one.
And I'm not gonna lie, at this point I'm having a very difficult time articulating what other reasons I have beyond projection, so perhaps I'm full of shit??
There's the ever constant popular trope of both their relationships with Endeavor complicating things, their quirks being incompatible, the, you know, literal backstabbing etc, but for my purposes that's all neither here nor there. Because there is something about their relationship, both as it is and what it could be, that makes me half feral. It's The Good Shit™.
Yet again, all this to say that I truly believe despite Dabi's villainous tendencies and Hawks' position as the No. 2 hero, at some point both of those shits are going to be mighty sore for a similar connection, and I truly believe they are best suited for one another.
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