#i wish i was cooler
darlingkairos · 6 months
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I watched the grinch again
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sketchy-tour · 5 months
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Beta playing pool beta playing pool beta playing pool beta-
ANYWAY! I brain rotted about this idea for a hot minute! Take these beta doodles. Putting them in your hands. Now I can properly beam Beta playing pool into your minds with a visual! Enjoy
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igura · 7 months
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wardrobe notes for my silly au; travelling king thranduil
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spacemilkbag · 10 months
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aimseytv · 1 year
whenever i post about being a lesbian everyone replies with different flags and i feel like ripping my shirt off and howling at the moon while screaming THIS POST IS FOR LESBIANS THIS IS JUST FOR THE LESBIANS
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overtake · 3 months
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via rbr on ig
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worldwithoutmiracles · 3 months
took out my ADHD meds this morning and went to put the pills in a little pile on the same part of the kitchen counter I usually put them on while I get some water. only to find... there was already a stack of pills there.
so I guess I was *not* medicated yesterday, when I kept getting distracted and flustered at work and couldn't figure out what was going on...
on the plus side, this morning I got to feel like I had hunted and gathered my own amphetamines in the wild, plucking them from the kitchen counter where they grow naturally. it was like enrichment in a zoo enclosure.
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rileyclaw · 2 years
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thank you for 200k+ views on fish in a birdcage y’all!!
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biganimal92 · 2 months
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father's favorite
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gatorgrumbles · 28 days
I respectfully request art of Cooler
I just need more of him
There is not enough love for my husband and I needd more
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You're absolutely right. There should be more love for him
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akq96618 · 5 months
[ King ohger soul eater au ]
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here it is! the rough idea doodles for other kings! It's just started with giramie (you can find them here ), but i think it will be fun if i added the others too
+ some more trivia below
(warning: big spoiler for soul eater manga, and me nerding over soul eater)
for those who aren't familiar with soul eater, the series revolve around the story of meister and demon weapon (human who can transform into weapons). The students of of Shibusen, school build by 'shinigami' take on missions to collect souls and protect the city from the world's threats.
The school parted into 2 types of class, N.O.T (Normally Overcome Target, class for those who just want to control their powers, pretty much just like a normal class) and E.A.T (Especially Advantaged Talent, consist of the 10% students in shibusen, class for students/agents who use their powers to battle evil)
-this au sets years after soul eater manga ending, where human and witch can already living side by side
-Morfonia used to be in NOT class, but then she moved to EAT class after reunited in shibusen and being partners with rita (they're childhood friends)
-Suzume supposed to be gira's weapon partner, since the Hastie and Dybowski family been on some kind of..bound? relationship? for a long time. But racles don't want gira to be a meister, so he took both of the dybowski siblings as his weapon (welp, gira still finds jera anyway)
-Top 3 EAT class academical rank: Rita, Himeno, Yanma (it's quite a tie with jeramie sometimes), gira is somewhere in the middle, or below-
-Top 3 EAT class physical rank (as in like, PE class): Gira, Rita, Jeramie, (you know where yanma at right)
-yeah i use racs and himeno's p1 hair bcs i love them
-Rita can see someone's soul, while Gira can 'sense' someone's soul perfectly (like, what kind of people they are) and know kishin's soul before they turned into kishin egg (kishin egg: evil souls)
-Sebastian is not a student but he still go to shibusen to accompany himeno as her butler and demon weapon
-before met yanma, shiokara used to be Mayuta's demon weapon partners along with usuba (sniper rifle) and akka (brass knuckle ring)
-Jeramie is a child of demon weapon and witch, his mom run away from the witch realm because she possesses healing magic, which is unforgivable and hated by the witches
-and jera got his black blood from his mother, who didn't know that she was used to be medusa's (antagonist witch in SE) experiment object. Medusa thought she's a failed object, so she throw nephila out of her object list.
-before Jeramie met Gira, he wonder all over death city to find who killed and ate his parents' soul
-Gira don't really like to live in the Hastie's main mansion , so he rented apartments near shibusen together with Jera after decided to be his Meister. As a condition to allow gira living out of the Hastie household, Racles ask Duuga, the Hastie's butler, to visit gira's place from time to time
-Jeramie had this 'madness of hope' that triggered his black blood
-i'm thinking about 'madness of justice' for gira but 'justice' will suit rita more...
i don't think i'll elaborate more about this au, but who knows
here's more giramie in madness + blackblood armor bcs i like to draw them in that
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shuploc · 5 months
Kay but also? 👀👀👀 Do you think you'll ever share a screenshot of your TAV from bg3? Bc I truely enjoy all the unique characters ppl come out with, names backgrounds, everything?
This is such a boring answer, but my Tav is literally just me 😭
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I know a big component of DnD is to play as a made-up character, but since there's a bunch of options for customization in the game, I wanted to see if I could make a character that looks like me and I got surprisingly close!
Fittingly, my plan was also to play my first run as if I had been isekai'd into Faerûn, and pick the dialog options that were closest to what I would have said myself if I had been in those situations
But anyways, super sweet of you to ask, I'm really sorry for the boring answer though 😅
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ancient-romes · 3 months
my hot take is i prefer it when people give tucker brown eyes instead of teal
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francy-sketches · 4 months
made a pie chart of asoiaf dragon colors bc I was curious about it ^_^ my verdict is asoiaf is severely lacking in cool dragon designs why's there so much grey/brown/green I need more prettygirls. (I based this off of the books/grrm's descriptions, so vhagar is counted as bronze and vermax is undescribed even tho they're green in hotd. also quicksilver is technically undescribed but I counted her as silver bc of the name)
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also heres a version not counting the undescribed ones
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catterrificposts · 20 days
Watching Jenny Nicholson’s Evermore video right after the Star Wars Cruise is huge whiplash. Like, one is a broke theme park with a lot of charm, versus an overpriced theme park with 0 charm. Coughing baby vs. coughing baby, but at least one of the coughing babies is willing to LARP with you.
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Shit Dumpster Log #2: Things That Will Never Happen Edition
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