#i wish there were more gifs for edward
zegrasdrysdale · 7 months
Could you write some thigh riding smut with Ethan Edwards? Reader and Ethan are just friends when it happens so maybe they’re hanging out and it somehow leads to sex. Bonus points if there’s jealousy and dirty talk lol
[ that way ] e. edwards
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paring : Ethan Edwards x fem!reader
summary : jealousy gets the best of Ethan's best friend when she comes into town to watch him play some hockey
warning(s) : smut ! spoilers for "my best friend's wedding" (1997 movie), jealousy, dirty talk, thigh riding, multiple orgasms, p in v penetrative sex, protected sex
author’s note : you asked, i rewrote multiple times bc i wasn't happy w it, it deleted itself once, then i delivered (i hope). enjoy <3
The puck finds the back of the net. The lamp lights up and the horn goes off. Everyone that’s wearing a yellow and blue jersey in Yost Arena is on their feet immediately. (Y/N) celebrates with the crowd in her borrowed jersey. She smiles and cheers while all the Michigan boys come out onto the ice to celebrate their overtime win right in front of her.
Ethan looks up into the stands right at his best friend. He points at her with a smile on his face even though she’s about six rows off the glass. She waves at him before he goes back to celebrating with his team. He gives helmet taps and he gets helmet taps.
He looks good in full gear on the ice. She may have to come to Michigan more often to come watch him play. It's very rare that she gets to come out to watch Ethan play for Michigan. It's not like she hasn’t been watching him play their entire lives. Even when she wasn’t allowed to go out and watch him play.
One time when she was grounded at 13, she snuck out of the house to go watch him play despite knowing both of Ethan’s parents were at the game. They didn’t snitch on her though. She was thankful because she got to watch him score two goals and get an assist on the game winner. She's been like a daughter to them since she and Ethan met in preschool.
Slowly, the players make their way off the ice and she finds her way to the hallway with the door that leads to the locker rooms. She leans against the wall outside the door because she doesn’t want to see something that would scar her for life.
She shoots Ethan a text so he knows she’s waiting for him. He doesn’t respond so she assumes he’s either talking to his coach or taking his postgame shower.
To keep busy, she scrolls through her social media and likes a few posts. She tweets pictures of Ethan on the ice when he was warming up and when he scored a goal in the second period. They quickly begin to circulate on Twitter and Instagram.
The door opens and some of Ethan’s teammates begin to start walking out with their wet hair and casual clothes on. Some of them say hi and that it's nice to see her as they walk past. Rutger tells her that Ethan is coming out “soon”. Soon for Ethan Edwards is either five minutes or a half an hour.
“Soon” this time means ten minutes. Ethan comes out in a button up, his letter jacket, nice dress pants, and a Michigan beanie. “Hey,” he says. “Glad you could make it. Sorry I didn’t get to see you before the game started.”
She smiles and gives him a side hug. One of his arms drapes over her shoulders and her arm wraps around his waist. “I’m here for a few days so you can make it up to me,” she tells him. “What do you think of the jersey? Stole it from your closet after Seamus let me into the house.”
Ethan backs away and looks at (Y/N) in his jersey. She turns in a slow circle so he can get a good look at her in the jersey. “Looks better on you than it does on me,” he admits. “Good to know that you still rock my name and number on your back.”
(Y/N) laughs but she wishes she could rock his name in another way. “So what’s the plan for tonight?” she asks. “Just hang out? Watch a movie? Show me around Ann Arbor?”
Before he can respond, a girl comes running up from behind Ethan and jumps on his back. She wraps herself around him. “That was a sexy goal you scored tonight, Eddy,” she says into his ear. “Looked good doing it too.”
Ethan smiles and turns his head to look at the girl in the Michigan hockey hoodie. “You think so?”
“Know so,” she giggles. “You’re so hot when you put the puck in the back of the net.” The girl begins pressing kisses against his jaw. He laughs and (Y/N) bites her bottom lip so she doesn’t say anything. It takes everything not to say some snarky comment.
She knows girls constantly throw themselves at him. Ethan isn't afraid to call her after one of his one night stands. He is one of the most attractive guys she knows, he’s super smart, and one of the most talented hockey players that she's ever seen play. He knows it too and doesn't shy away from the attention.
It isn’t a secret that girls on this campus want to hook up with him or be with him.
What is a secret is her feelings for her best friend. She is no better than the girls that throw themselves at Ethan. If she could then she would, but they’re friends and that would be crossing a line that shouldn’t be crossed. There's no going back if that line gets crossed.
And she's terrified of crossing that line. It doesn't mean she doesn't get jealous of other girls that tell Ethan how sexy he is and how good he looks when he scores goals without crossing that line. She wishes she could be one of those girls that gets to throw herself at him.
"You and your teammates should come to the party that happening at the house tonight," she suggests. "I think it would be super fun to hang out with the hockey team. To hang out with you. You can even bring your little friend here. She looks like she could use a good party." The girl looks her up and down in Ethan's jersey.
That last comment really pisses her off though. She completely loses her filter, and she's not even sorry.
"Who do you think you're talking to?" she asks, eyes boring into the girl on Ethan's back. "You can hop right off my boy's back now and find someone else to fuck tonight because I promise you that he isn't interested in fucking you. Bye bye." She waves goodbye to put some emphasis on her words.
The girl lowers herself back to the ground with a roll of her eyes. Ethan looks between the nameless girl and (Y/N) as the nameless girl shoulder tackles her. She resists every urge to punch this girl in the face despite the pain in her shoulder as she walks away.
She looks back at Ethan when the nameless girl leaves the arena. She follows her outside so they can go home after a minute. He blinks at her when they get in his car before he says, "I don't think I have ever seen you get like that."
"Like what?"
"So possessive," Ethan tells her as he starts his car. He pulls out of the parking spot and heads toward the house he lives in with Dylan, Tyler, and Luca. "Almost like you were jealous of her."
Her head snaps in his direction to look at him. "I wasn't jealous of her," she lies. "I was protecting you. The amount of calls I've gotten at two in the morning because you're upset that another girl left you in your bed is a little ridiculous."
"You're not wrong about that," he comments. "I guess it is ridiculous."
Every time Ethan's girl of the night leaves him after a party or bringing a girl back after a game, he calls his best friend and she gets to hear all about the sex or how he thought she was the one that wasn't going to leave him.
She's gotten very tired of it so she's taking a stand for him.
"So, you never told me what the plan was for the night since it's my first night in Ann Arbor," she says as Ethan turns out of the parking lot. "We could go to that party she was talking about if you want, or I'm perfectly okay with staying in tonight since you have another game tomorrow."
Ethan glances at her as she drives. "Is there something you'd like to do?" he asks. "You're here for a week so I'm also okay if you don't want to go out tonight. There will be parties during the week we can go to if you're okay with snacks and a movie or two. I'm pretty sure my roommates are going out tonight anyway so we'll have the house to ourselves to catch up."
Ideas flow through her head. She wants to do a lot in the next seven days that she's in Michigan before she heads back to Alberta.
Tonight though, she just wants to spend time with Ethan without worrying about which girl is going to throw herself at him next.
"Movie night with snacks sounds really nice," she eventually tells him.
He smiles and makes a turn. "You can look through my Netflix when we get back to the house," he tell her. "I need to take a longer shower when we get back so while I'm in the bathroom, you can find a movie that we can watch."
She nods and scrolls through her phone while Ethan drives. It's not a long drive from Yost to the house he shares with three of his closest friends and teammates. It's maybe ten minutes before Ethan pulls into the driveway. There are no other cars in the driveway so he was right about them having the house to themselves tonight.
A very excited (Y/N) gets out of the car and Ethan is quick to follow her. She has an idea of what movie she wants to watch but she has to check to make sure it's on Netflix before she gets too excited about it.
Ethan disappears into the bathroom that's attached to his bedroom. She disappears into the kitchen to gather some snacks for them to eat while they have their movie night.
She makes some popcorn but also puts together a candy bowl filled with M&Ms, Reese's Cups, mini Twix, and Hershey Kisses. Sweet and savory choices for them. She even grabs two cans of soda that are in the fridge so they have something to drink.
When she walks into Ethan's room with the bowls of snacks and cans of soda, he is walking out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. She has to look away before she stares at the water droplets rolling down his chest.
"Jesus, E," she gasps. She almost drops the snacks and drinks so she can cover her eyes. Ethan uses his hands to cover his crotch like she can see through the towel around his waist. "You couldn't have brought clothes into the bathroom with you?"
"I did," Ethan replies. "I forgot underwear. I opened the door so see if you were in here and you weren't so I wrapped a towel around myself. You were in here when I came out to put on underwear."
She glances at Ethan as he pulls up the pair of boxers over his waist. His back is to her so she admires him from behind for a second. His thighs are insane and every single back muscle works as he dresses himself. He turns his head to look at her as soon as he's wearing a shirt again. She quickly looks at the snacks in her hands to act like she wasn't watching him get dressed.
"Warn a girl before you walk into a room with nothing but a towel on, Ethan," she tells him as she sets the bowls and cans down on the table next to his bed. She crawls onto the mattress and grabs the TV remote.
"It's not like you haven't seen me naked before," he says.
"It has been literally like fifteen years since I saw you naked," she retorts. "It's your fault we were even in that situation because you decided to cover both of us in mud. Your mother decided that it would be funny to bathe us together."
Ethan laughs and crawls onto his bed next to her. "My bad," he says. "Anyway. Did you find a movie to watch or are we winging it?"
She loads his Netflix account and replies, "I think I know what I want to watch but I have to make sure it's still on here. If it's not then we'll wing it."
"Okay," he slowly says. "What movie?"
As soon as he asks, My Best Friend's Wedding pops up when she goes into the romance movies section. Ethan raises his eyebrows and looks over at her when she clicks it. "Seriously?"
"What?" she asks. "It's a romcom. I know you don't watch many of those so I thought we could watch one of my favorite ones." Ethan frowns. "Come on, E. You'll love it. I promise."
He sighs as the movie begins to play. “If I hate it then we are going to watch Miracle or Mighty Ducks,” he tells her. Sounds like a plan to her so she nods in agreement.
She hands Ethan his soda and he cracks it open.
Picking My Best Friend's Wedding was kind of a hint in a way since Julia Roberts' character is in love with her best friend, who is marrying someone else. She didn't lie when she said it's one of her favorite romcoms though. She adores this movie and loves Julia Roberts.
He seems very into the movie though. Not once does he complain about how stupid it is. It's throwing her off a little bit.
Ethan reaches over her to grab one of the snack bowls around what she thinks is the halfway point of the movie. "I could've given it to you, asshole," she tells him. "You didn't have to reach over me when I'm trying to watch the movie."
"I just wanted some candy," he replies with a mouthful of chocolate. "I need to munch while watching the movie, (Y/N)."
She laughs and looks over at him as he stuffs a Reese's Cup in his mouth. She steals one of the Hershey Kisses out of the bowl and tosses it into her mouth. Ethan smiles and does the same. She shakes her head and goes back to watching the movie.
As she watches one of her favorite scenes toward the end of the movie, she's slightly on edge. She's very still the entire time. It's the scene where Julia Roberts' character Jules tells her best friend Michael, played by Dermot Mulroney, that she is in love with him and they share a kiss.
When she quickly glances beside her at Ethan, she finds him already looking at her. She quickly turns her head and looks away from him. Her cheeks begin to heat up like she’s embarrassed that he caught her looking at him.
He catches her chin and turns her head back so she’s looking at him again before she’s fulling facing the movie.
“Please don’t say anything or else I won’t be able to do this,” he says to interrupt her.
She raises her eyebrows in confusion as Ethan’s thumb brushes over her bottom lip. His eyes flicker down to her lips before moving back up to her eyes. The eye contact they’re holding makes her entire body shake with excitement and anticipation.
Ethan doesn’t make any moves. His eyes float and study every part of her face, taking in every detail that he can see in the mostly dark room.
Very hesitantly, she throws a leg over one of his thighs and she straddles his leg. Ethan pushes her hair behind her ear and cups her jaw.
The entire time, they hold each other’s eyes. The tips of their noses touch every time Ethan moves in then backs away like he’s unsure.
“Do something,” she whispers, desperate. Her hands rest on his chest. “Ethan. Kiss me.”
He wastes no time.
Ethan sits up and wraps his arms around her waist to pull her closer to him. He crashes his lips to hers like he’s done holding back. She leans into him and deepens the kiss, pushing him back until he’s sitting up against the headboard.
The movie is soon forgotten about behind her. All she can hear is her own heart pounding in her ears. She no longer had any idea of what is going on behind her because she’s so focused on what’s in front of her.
She feels Ethan’s hands slither up the back of the jersey she’s still wearing. She never took it off and switched to a pair of black Lululemon shorts after she took off her leggings. A smile forms on Ethan’s lips when he realizes that she still has on his jersey.
Ethan’s fingers run up and down her back at the same time hers find their way under Ethan’s Michigan hockey t-shirt. She presses her fingers into his abs and sighs. All she has wanted to do since Ethan built up the muscles he has now is touch them.
Now she can.
“Take it off,” Ethan mumbles into a kiss as he pulls at the jersey. “I love seeing you in it but it needs to come off right now."
She reaches down between them and pulls the jersey over her head, breaking the kiss in the process. When she gets the jersey off, she sees Ethan’s eyes are on her body. She bites her bottom lip and grabs the bottom of Ethan’s shirt.
Might as well get it off now before they get distracted again.
Ethan gets the cue and sits up. She pulls the thin fabric off of him and tosses it to the floor with the jersey. Her eyes meet his and she finds a hunger in them that she's never seen before.
Friends definitely don't look at friends that way so something is changing between them. Goosebumps form on her exposed skin as she realizes that this could be the beginning of something new. Their whole relationship is changing with every second and every touch.
He cups her jaw with both his hands and runs his thumbs over her cheekbones.
"You have no idea how much I've wanted you like this," Ethan softly confesses, looking between her eyes.
"I think I have an idea," she whispers as she leans in to connect their lips again.
Their lips make contact with each other and she presses her chest flush against his. In the process, she rolls her hips and grinds her clothed core on his thigh. She gasps at the pressure and Ethan's hands fly to her waist.
She tries it again and lets out a soft whine. She's surprised at how good it feels. Ethan smiles into the kiss as she begins to use his thigh to get off.
It makes sense to her that she would like this. She was just thinking about his thighs earlier when he was getting dressed.
The kiss breaks and she rests her forehead against Ethan's. Soft pants pass her swollen lips and Ethan smiles. "Gonna use my thigh to come?" he asks. "You gonna get off using my thigh, baby?"
"Mhm," she hums. "Feels good. Kind of in love with your thighs, E."
He laughs and helps her move her hips.
She can feel how muscular his thighs are through her shorts and his sweatpants. Just like she thought earlier - his thighs are insane.
A knot already forms in the pit of her belly. Her breathing has gotten very labored and she claws at Ethan's chest, definitely leaving behind some scratch marks he'll get teased for later by his teammates.
"Ethan," she breathes out. "Fuck."
He presses kisses to her jaw. "I got you," he tells her. "Go ahead. Come."
Almost like she was waiting for his permission, she comes with a cry. She ruins her panties and probably her shorts at the same time. Her fingers find Ethan's hair and she lightly grips his locks because she needs something to hold onto.
Ethan peppers her jaw and cheek with light kisses as she lays her head on his shoulder while she comes down from her high. He lightly brushes her hair out of her face and she hums a little "thank you".
"Feel better?" he asks. "Got it out of your system?"
She rolls her eyes and lifts her head as soon as she has enough strength to. "For now," she retorts. "Right now though, I need you to get inside of me because it's all I've been thinking about for years."
He smiles and quickly rolls them over so she's on her back. "Your wish is my command," he says as he hooks his fingers into the waistband of her ruined shorts and panties. "Hope you don't need to walk in the morning."
Her eyes widen as he pulls off the shorts and panties in one go. She lifts her hips off the bed to help him out. She's completely exposed to him now since she went without a bra under the jersey. She crosses her arms over her chest.
Ethan is quick to grab her hands and uncover her body. "Don't hide from me, baby," he tells her. "You're beautiful. I've always thought you were beautiful. You never have to hide from me."
She nods and Ethan gets on his knees between her legs. She watches as he pushes off his boxers and sweats. His dick pops out of his boxers and she bites her bottom lip.
Yeah, she’s not going to be able to walk in the morning. It really is a good thing she doesn’t have to go anywhere.
He leans over and reaches into his bedside table. He had a tiny silver package between his fingers when he comes back to hover over her.
“I need to make sure you are absolutely okay with this,” he says. “You aren’t going to regret this or anything like that. I don’t want you to think that I’m pressuring you-”
“Ethan, if you don’t fuck me in the next two seconds, I am going to get up and go find someone who will,” she interrupts.
His eyes darken when he makes the comment about going to find someone that will fuck her. “Oh hell no,” he mumbles before he tears the condom package open with his teeth. She smiles as he slides the condom onto himself.
Her fingers find a home in Ethan’s hair when he leans over her. She holds his locks from falling into his face since he does have longer hair. He lines himself up with her and meets her eyes. “I trust you, E,” she tells him. “I have always trusted you.” I love you.
With her reassurance, Ethan slowly pushes into her. She gasps and bites her lip. “Fuck, (Y/N),” he breathes out. “So tight. God.”
Being tired of hearing him talk, she leans up and presses her lips to his. She wraps her arms around his neck as he bottoms out in her. Ethan presses his hands into the pillows on either side of her head so he doesn’t crush her.
She rolls her hips so she feels Ethan move inside of her. A soft sigh passes her lips into the kiss. Ethan leans into her and deepens the kiss. Her fingers drag down his back as he finally begins to roll his hips so he moves in and out of her.
The sound of soft whines and moans fill the room until the sound of the bed creaking follows when Ethan speeds up his movements. She breaks the kiss and arches her back off the bed and Ethan kisses her chest.
“Such a good girl for me,” Ethan pants. “Making these pretty noises. Does my cock feel good inside you, baby?”
“S’ good,” she breathes out. “Feels so good, E. You make me feel so good. Fuck.”
He smiles against her skin. He pushes one of her legs up and lets it hook around his arm, and he’s able to move even deeper inside of her. She cries out in pleasure and her head begins to spin.
It’s been years since she realized that she was in love with her best friend. He is all she has wanted since they went to prom together in their senior year of high school.
Even if he doesn’t love her, the fact that he is on top of her means that he has to feel something for her.
This is a welcomed change in their relationship. Going from friends to this is welcomed.
Her legs begin to shake as her second orgasm of the night starts to build in her belly. Ethan changes his pace every so often but continuously moves deep into her so he’s completely inside of her.
She’s pretty sure her breasts are marked up because of the way Ethan keeps nipping and sucking at the skin. It doesn’t bother her.
Getting marked by Ethan is never going to bother her.
Ethan pulls out then slams into her. “Holy fuck,” she cries out. “Shit, E.”
“Just wanna make my girl feel good,” Ethan pants.
He does it again and she clenches around him. She comes without warning and with Ethan’s name on her lips. Her entire body shakes and her vision goes white.
It’s probably the hardest she has ever come in her life. No one has made her feel as good as Ethan has.
It must be a minute before she comes to because he has a cloth in his hand and is cleaning her up. Her breathing is extremely labored and her entire body feels heavy. He tosses the cloth to the floor with their clothes and she looks at the TV.
‘Are you still watching’ lights up the screen and she can’t help but smile at the realization of what just happened.
Ethan pulls the blankets over their naked bodies and asks, “What’s with the smile?”
She looks up at him and says, “I really liked it. I liked being able to touch and kiss you.”
“So, what I’m hearing is that you wouldn’t mind doing it again?” he questions.
“Absolutely not.”
A loud knock rings out throughout the room and Luca is on the other side as he says, “Walls are thin! I don’t feel like buying ear plugs so please keep it down! Also, it’s about damn time.”
She covers her mouth and laughs. Ethan rolls his eyes and gets comfortable. “I need to move out and get my own place.”
“I second that.”
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flippinpancakes64 · 1 month
the Cullens with a reader who can't show emotions and finally smiles after 10 years because of something cute the cullens did?
The Cullens when their SO finally smiles
I’m so terrible at making titles I’m sorry guys. Also for all of these scenarios I was envisioning that the reader is a vampire as well so do with that what you will
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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He turned you years ago now
And he’s known you for even longer than that
And for all those years, you have never outwardly shown your emotions
The most he gets from you is a furrow of the brows or a slight frown
It frustrated him a LOT at first
He just felt like he could never get through to you
But over the years of reading your mind and picking up on your other cues as to what you’re feeling, he’s learned to be okay
The two of you are sitting in one of your classes in school
Your Spanish teacher is currently talking about basic vocab for the upcoming unit
You two weren’t paying attention, choosing instead to just look at each other, when the teacher calls Edward’s name
“Mr. Cullen, mind telling me what this is called?” She points to the whiteboard that was currently displaying a picture of a shirt
The look on Edward’s face was priceless, a mix between betrayal, mortification, and confusion
“This is a t-shirt, the word is camiseta. I suggest paying more attention next time.”
You wished you had gotten a picture of the snarl on his face
You couldn’t help the smile that formed on your lips as you giggled silently at Edward’s frustration
Instantly, all of his negative emotions were gone
You, the love of his life, the light of his world, the stone statue in his room, was smiling
He was in awe
He knew that he could never forget anything, his memory too perfect for that, but he still tried his best to commit your face to memory as best as he could
You noticed him staring and straightened your face out
He let it go until class was over, but as soon as the bell rang he grabbed you and pulled you into the hallway
“I always knew your face was capable of emotion”
“Nuh uh. My face is actually always permanently stuck like this”
Even if you never smile again, he can finally rest easy knowing what your gorgeous smile looks like
Even if it was at his expense
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She’s sort of used to not being able to pick up on emotions
Jasper’s always been more focused on not killing people, it’s not often that he’s comfortable enough to laugh
But then again, he shows discomfort on his face
You show nothing
Sure she was a little frustrated by it, but she got over it
Despite that, she loves you, and she loves everything about you
It’s not like this is a dealbreaker or anything
So life moves on
You were turned a couple of years ago by Carlisle, but you and Alice are only now getting married
You wanted to make sure that you could invite your human family without wanting to hurt them
And ten years was plenty time for that
You were currently standing back to back with Alice, the ends of her flowy dress were tickling your ankles
It was time for the first look, and you both were so excited
Carlisle and Esme stood nearby, Rosalie right in front of you two
“Okay, on the count of three, turn to look at each other. One, two, three”
You both whipped around
And before you stood the ethereal Alice
Dressed in a flowy dress with light purple accents, flowery clips in her short hair, and a huge smile on her face
She looked amazing
There were no words in your mind to describe her
So you just smiled
A big, toothy grin as you took in your future wife
You didn’t even get a chance to say anything before you were almost tackled to the ground by Alice
“This is the best wedding gift I could have asked for!!! I saw in a vision that you gave me an amazing gift but I didn’t get to see what it was! Thank you thank you thank you!”
“Alice I didn’t get you a gift?”
You were so confused
“Of course you did, silly. This right here.”
And with that she kissed you right on your smiling mouth
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He’s sort of similar to you
Whenever he’s out in public, he’s too focused on not letting his urges take over
He doesn’t usually smile at jokes, frown at problems, or just generally emote
But when he’s home and away from temptation, he becomes more himself
Only, you don’t change
You’re the same stonefaced self you always are
It’s not too hard for him to deal with, he can feel your emotions
He knows when you’re happy, sad, angry, scared, everything
But of course, he has always wondered what your smile might look like
If he could sleep, he would dream about it
But he never pushes you
It’s a nice, October day
The trees are orange, yellow, and red. The air smells like honey and hot cocoa, and Jasper’s taking you to a horseback riding farm
He wanted to connect to his roots, and prove to you that he was capable of riding a horse at one point
You were both set up with your own horse
Yours was named Princess because she always carried herself with a certain pride
Jasper’s was called Toothache cause he likes to hit people in the jaw
He insisted on taking the difficult one, he claimed over and over that he would be okay
You and Princess were quick buddies, galloping around the pen with ease
Jasper was still trying to get within five feet of Toothache
He decided to try approaching from behind, seeing if the element of surprise would work
But all that got him was a hoof straight to the jaw
You couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of your throat, a quick, dry guffaw as you looked on in disbelief
Jasper was almost too preoccupied with his anger at the horse to notice, but he did
In an instant he was next to you, staring deeply into your face which was now lit up with laughter
“Horse be damned, we’re goin home, sugar”
He cuddled you the rest of the night
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She was and is very frustrated at your lack of emotion
She’s not asking you to smile 24/7
But once would be nice
The two of you were out and about
Carlisle needed some more supplies for his home clinic, but his schedule for the week wouldn’t allow him to go get them himself
So he wrote a list for whichever one of his kids wanted to go get them for him
You wanted to do it, and since Rosalie loves you, she decided to go to
That’s how you ended up standing under the awning of a RiteAid as the rain beat harshly against the ground
Originally, you guys were going to wait until the rain stopped to run out to Rosalie’s car
But it’s been 7 minutes (not that you were counting) and it only kept pouring
“Do you want to make a run for it?” You asked
“And get my hair wet? No thanks. We can wait, unless you’re in a rush?”
“No I’m good”
And so you kept waiting
As you were standing there, a car veered into the wet parking lot, tires squealing as it turned the sharp corners
It whipped past the front of the store… and splashed a huge puddle onto you and Rosalie
You stood there shocked for a moment, vaguely registering your newly wet socks, when you heard Rose shriek next to you
“I’m gonna kill that fucking asshole!”
Cue a complete meltdown
She’s yelling about the manner in which she will stalk him, slowly make him paranoid, skin him, and then leave his body for his family to find
All while looking like a wet rat
You can’t help but have a goofy smile on your face, your beautiful wife ranting angrily about some stupid teenager
“Are you laughing at me? I swear to god I’ll skin you too. This is unbelievable!”
Once she’s calmed down later she can’t believe that she missed a once in a lifetime opportunity because she was so angry
A couple kisses should calm her down though
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He prides himself on being a pretty funny guy
He cracks jokes all the time
I mean, his speech at Bella and Edward’s wedding was full of jokes and innuendos
His ego gets a little bruised every time you don’t laugh at one of his jokes
He knows that you don’t laugh at anything, but still
He would LOVE to be the exception
But 10+ years and he’s started to lose hope about that
That doesn’t stop him from trying though
You two were walking in the mall, hopping from store to store as you bought everything and Emmett carried it all
Across the aisle, you see two people, a guy and a girl
The guy was wearing one of those alpha wolf t-shirts, the words “mess with the alpha, you get the roar” printed boldly on the back
The girl was wearing galaxy leggings, a shirt with a potato on it, and a cat ear headband
The guy took his fedora off of his head, holding it up so that it covered both his and his girlfriend’s faces while they kissed- for far too long, you might add
As you were standing in complete awe at the sight in front of you, you felt Emmett lean close to your ear
“Don’t wowwy kitten, daddy wiww pwotect you”
You lost it
You let out a loud laugh followed by giggles, doubling over as you clutched your middle
Now it was Emmett’s turn to stand there in shock
“Out of all of the carefully planned out, methodical jokes, pranks, and everything else, you laugh at a Daddy’s Kitten joke?????”
He doesn’t know whether to be happy or angry
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Again, she’s a little upset that you don’t show how you feel
Mostly she’s just worried that you’re gonna end up being emotionally constipated like Pre-Bella Edward
She does not want to deal with that again
Over the years, she’s gotten both more relaxed and more concerned
More relaxed because she’s come to realize that that’s just how you are
More concerned because you would really think that your SO would show some kind of emotion over the span of so many years
But whatever
She tries not to worry too much
Esme had recently joined a local book club with some of the other moms in their newest town
She loved her little group of friends, it gave her an excuse to leave the house
One of the girls had a birthday coming up, and Esme decided to bake her a cake
You’re sitting at the kitchen island, soft music playing from the radio as Esme floats around the room
All of the ingredients litter the counters, looking out of place in the normally empty kitchen
She’s humming as she’s whisking the eggs and milk together
You’re content just to watch her, making occasional small-talk in between phases of her concentrating
Hours later, it’s finally done
Nothing too extravagant, a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and delicate lettering of the woman’s name on top
Esme’s standing behind her creation with a huge smile on her face, pride obvious in her expression
Only she’s got something else on her face too
A little smear of the chocolate frosting right above her chin
You walk over to her, grabbing her face in your hands
She’s beaming at you, and you can’t help the small smile that makes its way onto your face as you wipe off the frosting
She stares at you for a moment with her mouth open, before she shoots you a loving gaze
“This suits you, darling, you should do it more”
And she kisses that smile right off
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He’s probably the least concerned
He’s met many people over his many years of life
No two people are exactly the same, and some people are really different
You don’t show emotion, that just makes you unique, it makes you you
So he’s not too worried
He questioned you briefly while you were still alive if you had depression or something like that
But after you said no, he let it up
Carlisle is sitting at his home desk, writing some papers for the clinic
He’s stressed, very visibly so
And you know exactly why
A new patient came in not too long ago, a young girl who he told you reminds him a lot of this girl he used to babysit when he was still alive
She’s incredibly ill and no one can figure out why
All of the tests show mixed results, the only concrete knowledge they have is that she’s dying
The dark circles under his eyes are prominent
He hasn’t gone hunting since the girl arrived by ambulance one night over two weeks ago
And before that he hadn’t hunted in a while
His skin is greying, his motions are visibly slower, his reactions more delayed
Even at this state, he’s in better condition than most humans, but this is not the man you know
Which is why you’re here with him
You’ve been trying to convince him to go hunting for a while, to just take a break and rest, but he won’t listen
So you’ve resorted to just hanging out with him
It’s better than nothing after all
But as you look over his shoulder to see what he’s writing, you find that you can’t make anything out
Various letters of English words are mixed in with Greek and Chinese characters, accent marks hover over letters, and the punctuation is all messed up
“Carlisle… is that a new language you made up?”
He stops for a second, sets his pen down, and really looks at what he’s been writing for the last 10 minutes
And then he just starts laughing
And you can’t help but smile too
“Are you finally gonna admit defeat and come relax for a little bit?”
He spins around to face you, fully taking in the smile on your face, before rising to place a kiss on your forehead
“Fine, let’s go cuddle”
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Vampire! Bella:
She thinks you’re freaky
She’s always been a bad liar, so she can’t hold back reactions even if she wanted to
You can’t seem to react even if you wanted to
She thinks it’s so weird
She’s tried her hardest over the years to get something-anything out of you, but nada
She’s sort of given up by now
You two are out hunting
She insisted on running all the way to New Mexico to find a cougar, so off you went
You’re running through the trees, dodging branches and leaping over roots as you both follow on the tail of your prey
“Go that way, I’ll go this way, and we’ll trap it”
“Got it” you said, and veered off to the right
You managed to come up on the side of the cougar, pouncing on it and taking it down after a bit of a struggle
Only, you noticed Bella was nowhere to be seen
You left your now dead food behind to go searching for her
All it took was one call of her name for you to hear a response… very very far away
“Where the hell are you?”
“Down here!”
You looked down over the cliff’s edge to see Bella at the bottom
Dirt on her face, twigs in her hair, and her high heeled boots broken
You couldn’t help but laugh
“Really? That’s what it takes you fucking asshole? Me falling off a cliff? Oh, you’re so dead when I get up there!”
So naturally you make a run for it
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moodriingz · 9 months
Into Your Room | L. Hughes
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Summary | Luke breaks up with the reader and they're both miserable
Pairing | Luke Hughes x reader, Jack Hughes x platonic! reader, Ethan Edwards x platonic! reader
Warning | Breakups ? and maybe three curse words ? that's about it!
Author's Note | This is my first post! I'm so excited because I love this song and all I could think about for a couple of days was this scenario. Please send requests and what you think!
You and Luke started dating while he was at the University of Michigan. Sure, you knew when He went to play for the Devils long-distance would be difficult because of your classes and his practices and games but you wanted to try. So it came as a shock when Luke broke up with you halfway through the summer after his NHL Debut.
“Y/N I really think we need to take a breather,” said Luke while you were both watching the sunset on the beach of the lake house. 
“What?” You asked. It felt like your world came crashing down out of nowhere. You guys had barely been together a year. But you were inseparable at school and during the summers. 
“Yeah, I just need to focus on hockey right now and you have your classes. I just don’t think it’s going to work out,” Luke rambled.
“But I want to make it work. I told you that before you left for New Jersey,” 
“I don’t want to be held back because of some relationship,” Luke said and you stayed quiet. Your heart was shattering and he was stomping all over it.
“Ok, I’ll get all of my stuff and go back home. No point in wasting any time I guess,” You said with blurry eyes.
You packed up your bag and got ready to go. You saw Jack on the way out and gave him a hug goodbye.
“I don’t know what He’s thinking. I’m sure He’ll come around. It'll all work out,” Jack said into your hair even though it felt like he was trying to convince himself instead of you.
“It’s fine Jack, just take care of him for me,” you said and left the house and got in your car without looking back at one of your favorite places in the world. 
I will run after your moving car
And I will follow you
You're my northern star
Luke was miserable for the rest of the summer. He didn’t want to admit it but he was lost without you. He wished he stopped your car as you left. He regretted everything he said. He was just scared you would find someone better than him at school now that he wasn't there.
Luke told himself that once the season started he wouldn’t have time to think about how much he missed you. Boy was he wrong.
He stalked your Instagram in his free time. He was sure he was almost always the first viewer of any story you posted and had to force himself to ignore your profile picture anytime it came up when he opened the app.
You looked like you hadn’t missed a beat once you got back to school. Always posting when you’d go out with friends or when you’d study at your favorite coffee shop.
You both had so many great memories there anytime you’d post your coffee order he could basically hear the espresso machines and the smell of coffee. He'd remember your laughter from when he had gotten foam on his top lip. Or the time you were so nervous for finals and wouldn’t look up from your computer until he got you a refill of your coffee. Your smile was so bright from such a small gesture he knew he had to do anything he could to see it.
Except he did the opposite. His last memory of you was full of tears as he watched your car pull away. He didn’t know what to do. Luke was a mess while you seemed fine. How could he ever convince you to take him back?
You don't know how much I need you
Yeah, I feel the weight
It's crushing me
You were a mess coming back to school. You missed Luke more than you thought you would. The two of you spent so much time together and when you couldn’t be with each other you would text every chance you’d get.
You missed his goofy smile and curly hair. Luke Hughes was everywhere. The memory of him was in the Library where you would have study dates, He was in your favorite bar where he couldn’t take his eyes off of you all night, He was in your classes where you would sit together and whisper random things back and forth. He was everywhere except where you needed him to be. With you.
Your friends always dragged you out even when all you wanted to do was stay in and watch your favorite TV show and wallow. They always made sure to take good photos so you could post “to make Luke know what he’s missing” they’d always say. 
They basically had a schedule set of when to study with you or get coffee. You didn’t mean to make them watch over you as much as you did, but you couldn’t help how much you needed Luke. 
Finally one night You convinced them that you were too busy with homework to hang out when really you were going to watch the New Jersey Devils season opener. Ethan Edwards saw right through your lies about studying because he knew you liked to finish most of your work at the beginning of the week.
He insisted on watching the game with you and you let him because he was the only one who remotely knew what you were feeling. You both watched pregame, and when the commentators showed Luke all you could notice were his eyebags and how tired he looked. Your heart shattered all over again.
You watched him get his first assist of the season and your heart clenched. If you were still together he would’ve called you after the game and told you all about it. Now you just felt like a spectator while he was all you could think about. Ethan turned to you and noticed how upset you were with tears threatening to spill over. He was tired of seeing his friends destroy themselves.
So, maybe, take me into your room
Without you, my soul is eternally doomed
You're the center of this universe
My sorry ass revolves around you
No, I can't do without you
Jack couldn’t take Luke’s self-pity anymore. All he would do was look at his phone and play hockey. Jack could tell it was affecting Luke more than he was letting on. His eyes were almost always bloodshot and he looked like he was moving through the motions at practice. 
Luke was a shell of his former self and Jack knew he had to do something. He texted Ethan because he knew that besides Luke that’s who you would talk to the most. They both started plotting to get you back together. The Devils had a game against the Red Wings right before Thanksgiving and knew there had to be some way to get you there.
Ethan practically begged on his knees for you to come to the game. He told you he was gifted the tickets and would feel horrible to not go. Everyone else had already left for Thanksgiving, leaving you as his only option.
You weren’t stupid. You knew the game was against the Devils. You had the date marked in your planner as when you would have seen Luke if you were still together. You both looked forward to the game because it was the first time you would’ve seen him play in the NHL and then you would've gone to his parent’s lake house for Thanksgiving the next day. At least that's what was supposed to happen. 
You only agreed to Ethan because you felt bad no one else could go. Ethan promised no funny business, and you could leave the game the second the final buzzer went off. It felt safe and you could see Jack. You missed Luke, but you were also close with Jack. It was something Luke loved about you, how great you got along with his brothers. 
Luke had no idea about the plan Jack and Ethan were brewing. He was especially miserable because he knew if he didn’t mess up the best thing in his life several months ago, you would be at the game cheering him on. He was in hell beating himself over it. All he wanted was to see you in the Jersey he gave you right before his NHL debut. 
Ethan came and picked you up all giddy when he noticed you were wearing a Hughes 43 jersey.
“What? It’s the only Devils gear I have, and I’m sure as hell not going to cheer for them in a Red Wings jersey,” You said without taking a breath.
“I wasn’t even going to say anything.”
You two find your seats and you realize how close to the ice it is. You’re on the Devils side facing the bench a couple rows up from the ice. Luke is definitely going to see you because of your proximity.
“If you had told me how close we were going to be I definitely would’ve worn-” You said before getting cut off.
“Don’t even finish that sentence we’re rooting for my team tonight,” Ethan said talking over the music.
The Devils start coming out for warm up and it doesn’t take Luke more than two seconds to see you. You both lock eyes and don’t look away. He notices you’re in the jersey he gave you, and his heart flutters with hope. He just stands there looking at you until Nico pushes him to tell him has to get ready for the game. You, however, look like a deer in headlights and your heart stops. You hadn’t seen Luke since the summer. Tears start to gather in your eyes and you know you have to leave.
“Ethan I can’t do this. I can’t be here,” You say with tears starting to fall.
“Please you promised me plus he can’t even do anything he’s on the ice,” Ethan says trying to convince you knowing it won’t work.
You start to gather your things when Luke notices. He rushes across the ice and knocks on the glass to get your attention. You instantly regret looking his way, but his eyes look desperate and excited your heart flutters the tiniest bit. 
You read his mouth as he begs you to stay. You just look at him and Ethan debating what to do. You decide to stay and see what happens. Ethan's right he can’t do anything while he’s on the ice, right?
I'm throwing stones at your window
To get you to notice me
Don't make me stand outside, in the pouring rain
With a freshly ripped human heart from my rib cage
And a boom-box
How pathetic, babe
It was a hard loss for the Devils, but the end of the game meant you could finally leave. Ethan was right, Luke didn’t bother you for the rest of the game besides constantly looking at you when he wasn’t on the ice or there was a faceoff right in front of your seats.
As you and Ethan are getting ready to leave you get a text.
From moosey
please don’t leave
i really want to talk
You showed Ethan and he looked at you bewildered.
“You never changed his name?”
“I never had the heart,” You say looking back down at the texts. The three bubbles show up and disappear over and over again.
“I think you should go. What's the worst that could happen, right?” Ethan asks. 
“I don’t know he can rip my heart out all over again and tell me off for coming to his game,” You say, swaying on your toes to your heels.
“He won’t do that trust me,” You don’t even have the energy to ask Ethan as your anxiousness bubbles up to your throat.
To moosey
where can we meet?
From moosey
come down to the locker room i can tell security you and ethan are coming
To moosey
Luke has to stop himself from running to you when you get to the locker room. He wants to pick you up and spin you around like he used to do after his Michigan games. Instead, he walks up to you and says a simple hi.
“What did you want to talk about?” You whisper nervous about what he has to say.
“Us.” Your breath stops ready for him to tell you off for coming.
“I fucked up ending our relationship,” He says with his eyes turning red.
“Luke, why now? I was ready to fight for us but you dismissed me like I was nothing to you.” 
“Because I was scared,” He admits. “I was scared you’d find someone who’d be able to give you more attention than I could. And that’s what you deserve, but God I can’t be without you. You’re the opposite of nothing, you’re my everything and I’m so lost without you. The last couple of months have been absolute hell.”
“You should’ve talked to me. I would’ve told you there’s no one better for me than you. The last couple of months have wrecked me.” You tell him.
So, don't turn away
You must know how much I need you, need you
Yeah, I can feel your pain
I hate to think how bad I treated you
But I know a place
Where the darkness can't reach us
“Please forgive me. Please can we just forget this all happened?” Luke begs you.
You just nod and launch yourself into his arms for a kiss. He deepens it by holding you in by your hair. Your heart flutters and you never want this moment to end.
“Would it be too much to ask you to spend Thanksgiving with us? I just don’t want to spend any more time away from you. But I get it-,” Luke asks nervously before you cut him off.
“No I’d love to come, I miss everybody.”
“Did I miss it? Did our plan work?” Jack comes into the hallway shouting excitedly.
“What plan?” Luke asks Ethan and Jack.
“You didn’t,” You say.
“Oh but we did, who do you think gave me the tickets?” said Ethan mischievously.
“Well I guess your plan did work, good job boys,” you say with a blush on your cheeks.
Luke kisses your cheek and tells Jack you are spending Thanksgiving with the family and you won't be going anywhere anytime soon. You finally feel like you’re back where you belong. While Luke feels the relief of finally having his world back. 
No, I can't do without you, baby
Maybe, take me into your room
Without you, my soul is eternally doomed
You're the center of this universe
My sorry ass revolves around you
You— And again
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hxney-lemcn · 9 months
Affections + First Kiss — General! Scarecrow, Riddler, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Catwoman x gn! reader
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summery: affection and first kiss headcanons.
tw: mentions of abuse (physical and verbal), mentions of toxic dynamics
a/n: I've never wrote headcanons for multiple characters in one thing before, so enjoy! I love them all.
wc: 2k
Master List
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Scarecrow
❥Jonathan wasn’t used to a kind touch. Being bullied growing up, being beaten by the bat. No, all he knew was the harsh touch of a fist. The relentless shoves. The purpling of bruises that always showed after. The red blood that would drip from his nose. The burning hatred that steadily grew towards those who wronged him.
❥So when you came into his life, he would flinch if you raised a hand. He would unconsciously back away. The warmth in his heart that you stirred was unusual to him, a feeling he’s never felt towards anyone. He was used to the bitterness after an interaction, not longing. 
❥You eased him into it. Only when you two started dating did he ever think twice about your touch. He knew you held back your affections. He watched you lift a hand up, only to bring it back down to your side. And to Jon, that meant the world. He felt relief when you didn’t push him into uncomfortable territory, and he respected you all the more for it.
❥Although a part of him wished you would hold him. Touch him. He wondered if your skin felt as soft as it looked. Though he also feared that your touch would sting, and the comfort you brought would be no more. No, he would never reach out first.
❥Starting out slow, he let you hold his shoulder. No matter how careful you’ve been for however long, you slipped slightly. It was a gesture not many think twice about. Holding onto someone's shoulder as you look over them, holding onto them for balance. It was only when you felt him tense under you, his ramblings pausing, that you realized your mistake. Yet, Jon had only reassured you that you did nothing wrong. 
❥Having realized that Jon seemed to open your touch, you continued. Lightly brushing your hands, shoulder touches, even just sitting closer. It was like you were single handedly rewiring Jon’s brain, teaching him that not all touch hurts. That he too deserves a kind hand. The flinching had dulled, and he would even look forward to you being near him. 
❥So when you finally got to kiss him? He was a dead man. You got him hook line and sinker. I hope you weren’t expecting to leave him any time soon, because after you opened him into a world of warm affection, he doesn’t want to let go. 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Riddler
❥Touch is a big no no. Similar to Jonathan, Edward had been bullied from a young age. Teased and ridiculed, shoved and hit. If not from his peers, then from his own father. His world was cruel for as long as he could remember. In fact, his brain started to warp, perceiving the hits as a form of love, no matter how hard he tried to deny it.
❥Edward Nygma is a touch starved man. He longs for the comforts others seem to get so seamlessly. Yet at the same time, he doesn’t want anyone touching him. Tap his shoulder if you dare.
❥You were no different, at first. You quickly caught on to his distaste of touch when he reprimanded someone for getting a little too friendly with him. But you managed to weasel your way into his estranged heart. With how respectful and kind you were, he quickly found himself ensnared with your affection. Even hands free you managed to boost his ego and make him feel, should he dare say, loved for. You gave him praise that he had longed for, which earned you a seat right by his side.
❥It was also partly to keep a closer eye on you. Part of him preened at your praise, and another was weary. Why were you so kind? He was a well known criminal, he knew better than to just believe you were doing it out of the kindness of your heart. Y’know the saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
❥I honestly don’t know how you deal with it. He always tries to catch you off guard with a riddle or puzzle. He pushes you away by ridiculing you and belittling you. Yet you won’t stop. You keep spilling his praises, and it’s so baffling to him. Yes, he is the smartest man in the world, but you managed to become a riddle. Good luck now.
❥When you first touched him, it was an innocent hug. He had managed to pull off a heist and got away from Batman without a scratch! Of course he had no doubts about his success, you didn’t either. When he got back to the hideout, you were clapping while singing his praises. Edward felt on top of the world, adrenaline rushing through his veins. When your arms wrapped around him, your scent clouding his thoughts, your warmth leaching into him, he found himself reciprocating.
❥Now, whether your dating or you’re just friends, it matters little to the green clad man. You had given him a taste of a touch he’s always longed for. And he realized that he’s more comfortable around you than he’d like to admit. He never reaches out first, but he’ll never turn you down if you want to hold his arm. 
❥His teasing towards you turns lighter, just as his heart feels. So when you finally seal the deal with a kiss, he’ll make sure you never slip through his fingers. 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Harley Quinn
❥She will smother you with affection right out the bat. Hugs, hand holding, kisses, you name it. You don’t even have to date her for her to leave a smooch on your lips. Harley Quinn easily trusts people, and you’re no exception. She finds comfort in touch, so why should she deny herself it? She also finds it expresses her genuine affection for you in ways she couldn’t verbalize. 
❥If you don’t like PDA, please tell her right away. She doesn’t understand it, I mean why wouldn’t you want to show your love to the world? But she also doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable, so if you wanna keep it behind closed doors, she’ll try her best. But don’t be too surprised if she sneaks in a little smooch or hug if no one’s looking.
❥Harley Quinn is one of the most affectionate rogues out there. But it’s not always sunshine and rainbows with her. She had been in a seriously abusive relationship, and you have to help her remember that she doesn’t have to walk on eggshells around you. That no matter the argument, you won’t raise your hand to strike her. It takes her a long time to come out of that headspace, if ever. It’s a good thing you’re by her side to help coax her into healthier practices. 
❥If we want to get a little darker, Harley may try to treat you like the Joker treated her. It’s scary to see her go from bubbly to dark. Her features twisted into a wicked sneer as she asks that you’ll never leave her. That no matter what, you’ll always love her. During these moments, you gotta stand up for yourself. She’s trying to gain a sense of control she never felt in her previous relationship, and you have to make her snap out of it. When she comes to and realizes what she just did, the look of utter terror in her eyes is the most heart wrenching thing. She’ll sob, pleading that she didn’t mean to, that she never wanted you to go through that, that she’s terrified of becoming him.
❥Please hug her, kiss her, squeeze her gently. She loves it. All Harley wants is to be loved and to love, and getting affection shows her how genuine you are and is the biggest comfort for her. Feeling your warmth, feeling the softness of your skin, it brings her peace. 
❥The first time you made the first move to kiss Harley, she nearly did a backflip. Her little sugar plum made the first move! I hope you didn’t have anything planned, because Harley won’t let you go for the rest of the day.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Poison Ivy
❥I’m not sure how you weren’t just killed or turned into one of her goons. She’s not one for humanity. She keeps a sharp eye on those who dare tread into her territory. There’s no way to beat around it. She drugs you, finding out what your true intentions are. It has to be something she deems worthy enough to keep you around. She barely puts up with Harley as it is. 
❥Once you gain your free will again, you have to continuously prove your loyalty. Of course she can guarantee it herself if she has to, but you’ve managed to catch her eye. So prove your worth to her, prove that her interest in you isn’t just a mistake. It will take a long time. She’s been wronged one too many times, and she won’t make that mistake again.
❥Even if you manage to gain her trust, she won’t drop her walls around you. Though she’s a bit nicer. Ivy knows that a person works better with praise, but she also means it deep down. She doesn’t say what she doesn’t mean, so don’t take her words for granted. Not that you really can when her perfume scent always seems to cloud your senses. 
❥You let Ivy make the first move when it comes to touch. For a seductress, she won’t touch you if she doesn’t have to. Not to mention the toxins that fill her blood. Who knew if one tap on her shoulder meant your certain doom…but maybe that was a bit of the thrill you loved when being by her side. Though you’ve seemed to find a small soft spot in her heart, right next to Harley Quinn. She wouldn’t tell you that though, best to leave you on your toes lest you get too comfortable. 
❥After going so long without a single touch from the green goddess, when she started playing with your hair, you found yourself seizing up. Ivy brushed her fingers through it so gently, yet all you could wonder is if it was finally over. If she grew bored of you, or if she started to find you bothersome. But her gentle reassurances lulled you. Her warm voice and gentle hands relaxed you. It was then that you realized her affections for you ran deeper than she led on.
❥You’re first kiss was electrifying. That underlying thrill that your life was held in her hands. That she killed men with the very action she committed tenderly with you. Yet deep down you knew she wouldn’t hurt you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Catwoman 
❥It's not easy catching her attention. She won’t settle for less than perfection. She is catwoman after all, she has a reputation to uphold. So when she looked at you, and I mean really looked at you, she decided why not have a little fun? Whether you’re a villain, anti-hero, vigilante, or civilian, she’ll take time out of her busy schedule to drop by.
❥She likes to give mixed signals. It keeps you far enough for her to feel in control, yet it also satiates her hunger. She’ll lean in real close, only to grab something from behind you type of beat. She loves to watch you become a stuttering mess, but she doesn’t mind if you banter back. It’s all a part of the fun.
❥No matter how close you seem to get, you’re somehow still a mile away from Selina. She slips away from your affection without you even realizing it. She always turns the moment into a suggestive one. If she left it tender, then it would be too real. It takes time for her to warm up to you and really trust you.
❥If anything, the first kiss happens before anything truly tender. The kiss catches you both off guard, neither sure who started it. Selina tries to wrap it into something that doesn’t make her heart stutter. Tries to turn it suggestively like she always does, but with the way you tenderly hold her cheeks, she feels herself melt. Finally, she succumbs to these feelings you managed to stir within her, and she isn’t sure if she wants to thank you or curse you out. Maybe she’ll settle for a dinner, tab on you of course.
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ashwhowrites · 8 months
Can you please write Older! Eddie x reader, where Eddie presents Reader with Wayne or his friends but they don't trust in reader, but then she proves them wrong, and they're like, she's good for Eddie or something like that? (Maybe Wayne will be more interesting to me personally bc he's Eddie's uncle, but I can completely see the Hellfire Club and Wayne all being like, we don't trust her!)
I had most of this written in the beginning of the month but couldn't find the motivation to write the perfect ending. But! I just finished it and hopefully it's an ending that made the story worth it. Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy it 🫶🏻
Young girls and trust don't mix
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Eddie was in his 40s and struggled to find anyone. He'd been single for years and never found out what falling in love was. He slept around and never had an empty bed, but there wasn't a spark or anything. He was a rockstar and his life was on the road. He prepared to never be tied down.
It was a shock to everyone when Eddie released to the world that he had a girlfriend, and more of a shock when they learned she was in her twenties. The headlines went crazy and girls were filled with envy. The most wanted bachelor was now off the roaster. And when Wayne heard the news, he was immediately concerned.
He wanted Eddie to find a nice girl and have a family. A young girl? Wayne didn't believe she was going to lead him into a marriage. She was too young for that and Wayne feared she was around for the fame and fun.
"Wayne, I don't want to talk about this again!" Eddie groaned, he sat on the small couch in his tour bus. Y/N's head rested on his lap as she skimmed through a magazine.
"Eddie, I'm just telling you! Dating a girl that young doesn't seem logical. Look into the future, like five years, do you think she'll still be around?"
"Yes," Eddie said without missing a beat.
"Edward, you met her after your show, right? She's a fan and you know how dangerous and manipulative a fangirl can be." Wayne warned. A conversation both men had over and over. Yet, none of it changed Eddie's mind.
"Night Wayne." Eddie sighed and hung up. He took a deep breath to calm his anger and chucked the phone across the bus.
"Still doesn't like me, huh?" Y/N said as she skimmed the magazine, but her eyes looked up to meet his.
She couldn't lie, it pained her that the most important person in Eddie's life didn't have positive thoughts about her. She understood Wayne's worries and she wished she found a way to prove him wrong. She knew she was young, but there wasn't a doubt in her mind that she'd walk down the aisle to Eddie. She wanted his hand in hers forever.
"I just don't get it! I've been with you for almost a year and he still fights me on it. He thinks you are a groupie since you go to all the shows with me."
"I know, babe," Y/N sighed, she sat up and cuddled into his lap. "but! He hasn't met me yet. Your last show is in Hawkins, then we'll have a few months for me to win him over. He might need to meet me to trust me. All he has is tabloids, of course, he's skeptical."
"But why isn't my word good enough?" Eddie groaned, his face in her neck as he breathed in her sweet scent.
"Because only idiots fall in love." She teased as she poked his side. "He just thinks you blinded, love."
"I'm going to make him love you. Just like I do." Eddie promised.
"Maybe not like you do is a good idea." She joked.
"Haha." Eddie faked a laugh as he nibbled at her neck. She giggled and squirmed.
Y/N vowed to make Wayne accept her.
After a few more days of sold-out shows and arguments over the phone with Wayne, Eddie's show in Hawkins arrived. Eddie was extra nervous about the show since Wayne would be there and Y/N was supposed to be meeting him. Eddie wasn't sure what he'd do if Wayne didn't change his mind about her. He didn't want to break up but he didn't want to live with the pit in his stomach of the two most important people in his life not getting along.
Y/N was focusing on Eddie's eyes as she applied the black eyeliner when Wayne was escorted into the dressing room.
"There the big rockstar!" Wayne joked, Y/N stepped back to allow Eddie to stand up and embrace the older man in a tight hug. She smiled at the moment as both refused to let go first. Y/N knew how important it was for Eddie to have Wayne here. To see him perform after years and years of not making it. Tonight was the first night Wayne would see Eddie as the rockstar he finally was.
Wayne pulled back with a smile, his eyes never looked to the right to see Y/N.
"I can't wait to see ya perform!" Wayne said the anxiety in Eddie's stomach tightened.
"This is the biggest crowd of the tour. I think I might barf." Eddie admitted. He was terrified. He hated coming back to Hawkins, to a town where he was nothing but scum. The rest of the world loved him, but what if home still didn't? What if he went out there and everyone hated him?
"Baby, you will do amazing," Y/N reassured him, her words caused their heads to turn. Both Wayne and Eddie looked at her with two different expressions. Eddie, who looked grateful and soft. Wayne, looked like he wished she didn't speak.
"Wayne, this is my girlfriend, Y/N." Eddie proudly said as he wrapped his arm around her waist. She smiled and held out her hand, Wayne stepped forward and shook it.
"Pleasure to meet you, Sir." She said as their hands released each other.
"Right, so Eddie! Where will I be sitting?"
"Next to my girl," Eddie said with a big smile
Y/N walked silently with Wayne as they were escorted into the front row of the stadium. People screaming as she passed through. She waved and smiled, being as polite as she could. Wayne tried to not roll his eyes as she soaked in the fame. Another thing Wayne was always telling Eddie about.
"So we'll sit and he gets about half an hour to do his vocal exercises then he'll be out," Y/N said, sitting down in the small chair. She tried to ignore how awkward the air felt. She took a minute to look at the crowd, and it truly was the biggest crowd she'd ever seen.
She and Wayne sat in silence as they waited for Eddie to come on. But Y/N couldn't help but notice the clock struck 8, and Eddie still wasn't on the stage. She tried not to worry and figured the stage management was running behind.
She stood up when Eddie's manager came rushing towards her.
"Y/N? Eddie is asking for you." Eddie's manager said as he whispered into her ear, she nodded and turned to Wayne. "I'll be right back!" And raced after his manager. Wayne didn't think twice about standing up and following behind her.
Eddie was panicking. He made the mistake of looking at the crowd, and now he couldn't feel his legs. He sat on the floor, hurdled up, and ate at his fingernails.
"Eds?" He heard Y/N call from outside the door, and she softly knocked. She waited a second before she opened the door, her heart cracked seeing a nervous Eddie huddled on the floor.
"What's wrong?" She asked as she sat on the floor. Eddie didn't speak but moved to be in her arms. It was like their bodies communicated as Eddie began to relax.
"It's okay to be nervous, but trust me, they will love you. They are your fans and here to support you." She encouraged them as she rubbed his hand.
"What if I'm not good enough to be something good in this town," Eddie confessed. He was too ashamed to look up at her and to see Wayne.
"Nonsense. You were always something good. They never learned who you were, because if they did, they'd love you. They'd see how sweet, creative, and funny you are. But this is their chance to treat you the way you always deserved. Go show them what they missed out on."
Wayne watched as Eddie jumped up with a new confidence, the atmosphere of the room lifting as he threw his guitar over his shoulder. He felt ashamed of the way he acted, it was easy to tell Y/N was the best thing that ever happened to Eddie. In a shitty town that only gave him hell and a family that was filled with betrayal. He still managed to find someone to bring his spirits up.
Maybe she deserved more credit than Wayne thought.
Wayne watched as Eddie performed his life. And he couldn't help but embrace the energetic energy Y/N brought. She sang every song, knew every lyric, and danced perfectly to every beat. It was clear that she had every part of his songs memorized. He also noticed how much Eddie looked back to her, his eyes landed on her every few minutes. Then a small smile appeared before his eyes moved on.
There was something really special about the relationship Wayne was seeing, and he knew he accepted it right then and there.
After the show, Wayne apologized for his actions and words. But Y/N didn't hold it against him. She understood where he came from and was happy to have changed his mind.
Eddie was grateful Wayne gave her the chance because the sight of them getting along was the best thing Eddie got to experience.
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thesharktanksdriver · 4 months
The strongest star (platonic)
This is determination from Whitebeard’s point of view when y/n met him and his crew. I decided to make this to flesh out my first post and also thought it would be fun since y/n is kinda an unreliable narrator in their own way due to forgetting a lot of details and events.
Master-list for the series here
Tag list: @peachsuka28 @emptynessinmyworld @badluckinfrench @j-s-l-m @tigerfang-rage @madokamagicaa @rymtea @angstylittleb1tch @badluckinfrench @emmbny @kenkenmaaa @yunho-leeknow @chibiduck
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for as long as Edward Newgate could remember, he wanted a family
As unconventional as it had seemed he had always dreamed of a family of his own
That was his dream that led him to the sea all those years ago
The freedom to pursue and accomplish this with the oceans cruel and caring waves
He’s old now, a man accomplished and still having his family grow
So when Marco brings a small child aboard Newgate can’t help but be a bit giddy
It’s been years since the Moby dick had such a young one aboard its old planks
He remembers like yesterday it once did
Children he found bruised and starved, cold and alone with eyes begging for warmth and comfort despite how scared they were
He was once like that, and he swore he’d not abandon those kids like others did for him
Those children grew up now to be some of his many kids
Years heavy on them as they are for him
He watched them grow from scared to proud and strong
And most of all he watched them grow to be happy with the family harboured on a couple planks of wood on the high sea
Each night rocked by the waves with full bellies and a smile on their faces
So it’s safe to say he is hopeful when Marco marches up, carrying a small child of about 10?
The youngest on the ship as of now was Ace and a few from the spade pirates that assimilated to his crew
But he hadn’t raised them, Moreso taken them in and not having the opportunity to truly nurture them in the way he had wanted
They were teens, a fraction of their lives already lived which meant he missed out on significant moments of it
He hadn’t been able to meet Ace’s brothers or be sure to in-still in him that he’s loved
Hadn’t been able to convince spade that he was more than what everyone in his home thought of him
As an old nostalgic man Newgate missed the feeling of being there for something important like that again
And he thought for a moment he could have that again until he noticed your eyes
He’s seen the terrified, angry and hopeless that looked up at him once before
Most of his sons whom he took under his wing had a variation of that when meeting him
But yours are….something else
He’s reminded of the night sky
A sight that he’s been more than familiar with his entire life as he looked to the stars and wished for people to call home
Despite just being eyes he sees more
Bleak empty darkness, swirling with the unknown with the distant twinkling flecks of stars
They are all encompassing and unassuming at the same time
Pits of dullness that shows the withered age that only a seasoned sailor could have amongst the cruel waves
A loss of innocence and all that a child should have
Yet at the same time somehow retains some of it despite it all
It’s conflicting and hypocritical all at the same time yet it’s there all the same
Those eyes stare up at him, no fear but instead apprehension fills its place
If nothing before could have convinced him that he wanted you apart of his family than this did
But he’s known from the moment you stepped foot on this ship he wanted you to have a home here either way
On the Moby dick you start off as a quiet presence that later grows into something bigger
Perhaps even bigger than yourself as the his sons and daughters seek out your company like moths to a flame
He can’t exactly blame them, not when he himself wants so desperately to grasp and hold that light
But he sees your apprehension when around him
The way in which you try to skirt around his presence as best as possible
Something you do exceedingly well
So Edward for your sake decides to take a seat back and watch what happens
Waits to see you ease up on your own time
God knows the amount of patience he has from dealing with Roger all those years ago and his rowdy kids
So he knows when to back down and let the stage set itself
Watch the act before his role is to come
And Edward does exactly that
He watches and waits
Eddie watches as you draw the crew in like a gravitational pull
It’s slow at first
Your cautious but you let your guard down
At first it’s with Marco
Being the one to take you onboard he decides that your his responsibility and take to it like the mother hen that he is
Seeing you inured stumbling out an alleyway really hit him hard
Perhaps harder than you had even noticed
It gets worse especially after you seem to brush off your injuries
He hovers around you a lot under the excuse of checking your wounds but you seem to know better
You always seem to know better
But either way you don’t say anything and simply grumble a bit about him
Moreso out of annoyance than actual disdain
But either or, Whitebeard watches as his first commander stays by your side
Eventually getting you to drop some of your barriers ever so slightly
Like the chipping in a wall that would lead to a crack
You talk and Marco listens
As do others who eventually join in on listening to some of your stories as you sit between the rails of the railing
Feet dangling through the gaps and swaying back and fourth as you tell stories
Everyone listens
Some even stop in their trail just trying to hear what you tell Marco as he similar sits beside you
Clawed feet of his half Phoenix form and firey blue wings tinged in gold crackling gently
The real breakdown comes when he offers to fly you around
Everyone can see something in you ignite at that
Genuine excitement only caused by child-like wonder
It’s one of the only times on your stay he had seen it
The child buried beneath whatever had happened to you peaking out from the brush
This was a good sign
One that Edward is glad to see himself as you soar with Marco
Blue flames giving you warmth even with the cold harsh winds
When you eventually land once more Edward can’t help but smile at the surpassingly content expression painting your face
That crack in your defence grows
The next to chip away at that metaphorical wall is Thatch
The cook quickly making his ways into your good graces when he has you help about in his kitchen
You seemingly can’t really stay still, mind always racing and wanting to do something
Never taking the time to relax
Thatch says you take to tasks quickly, finishing as quick as you started much to his surprise and exasperation
Whitebeard laughed at that at the time
So you were quick to pick up things
Knowing tasks like the back of your hand no matter how big or small
He’s also seen it, when you gave some of his sons tips in raising the sails or properly cleaning the deck quicker
Thatch won’t admit it to anyone but himself but Whitebeard knows he cooks more food for you than he’d usually would for someone on the ship
Even when Ace or Teach hound him for more food he angrily shoves them off
Then filling your plate once more
Thatch is the one who tells him of the time you cried eating his meals
Mumbling that it reminded you of her
Your mom
Apparently you don’t remember her anymore
Just the vaguest scent of her meals and a glimmer of a smile she would give when cooking
It….sticks with Eddy more than he’d like to admit
Forgetting was an unfortunate thing that came with time
Whitebeard considered himself lucky in not forgetting much over his years
He still remembers the loneliness of his childhood
The bloodshed and alienation on Rocks’s crew
Going off to make his family after the god valley incident
Recruiting his many sons
Finding some cold and alone while others sought him out as a father
Remembers when he first met the idiot he’d call a rival
How Oden would eventually become his little brother and hearing years later of his death by Kaido
The guilt still weighing on his shoulders even now
So in every sense of the word Eddy considers himself lucky in being able to remember
But you don’t have that same privilege
Your memory fraught with missing pieces
Leaving you trailing off for a moment as you regal a story that leaves everyone on deck listening intently
They all notice that you stare off quite often while doing something
Your mind wandering to whatever is it that your thinking of
Sometimes you even mumble to yourself
Though Eddy is never close enough to hear the mumbles others sometimes mention them to him
Names and places
Dates and times
Events and descriptions
But one thing brought up is something that raises his eyebrow
Things only the Roger pirates could’ve know or seen
He already suspected something when seeing the coat draped across your shoulders
You may think your slick in thinking he didn’t recognize that old thing but Eddie knows better
He’d known Roger far too long and arduously to not recognize his gaudy red coat (hypocrite a voice in the void cry’s out)
When his frien….rival was executed he had noticed the coat he wore was different
A darker red and cheaper material
But at the time he gave no thought to it
To wrapped up in a certain kind of grief to really think twice
But now that coat is on your shoulders
Pristine rose red contrasted with the cyan blue of your bandana and cloth sash
You couldn’t have known Roger, your too young to do so
Plus that idiot had two apprentices not three
So that option was x’d out the list
As him and his commanders talked
But you being a kid of one of his members was certainly a possibility
And the only one Edward could ever imagine Roger giving his coat to was Rayleigh and he had essentially dropped off the map years ago
So the conclusion that your maybe Rayleigh’s kid and that he was potentially dead was the conclusion drawn
It’s safe to say that it is something that weighs on not only his commanders mind but also Edwards
Because of the similar situation to Ace
The only other person you had tried to avoid on this crew for some reason
But maybe you somehow knew of his origin and that’s why? But even that seemed unlikely
Roger could keep his lips shut when the situation called for it
Something that he now praised his dead friend for
But on the topic of Ace…it was odd
You avoided Ace like the plague
Whitebeard understood why you avoided him, the giant who was named the strongest man in the world and feared in all blues
But Ace? He was practically a puppy vying for your attention after seeing you interact with literally everyone but him
He’d never thought he’d see his son who’d used to be like a snippy stray dog now practically begging for attention
But here he was
Well, more like they were since literally everyone else on ship it’s finding this all too hilarious
But also kinda sad
It’s not like they’d force you to get along with him if there had been a solid reason
But seemingly there was none
You just avoided him for whatever reason
Jittering in discomfort and leaving when you saw his signature orange hat
And they’d thought it would remain like this
But like all else Whitebeard sees things change
(Just as he saw the sea change when Roger died and ushered a new era)
The final piece to break down that barrier of yours is Ace
The one besides Whitebeard himself you had been the most barred against
It starts with a small conversation
And then on deck he sees both you and ace talk more
And more
And eventually Ace is placing you on his shoulders with his hat on your head
Or taking you out on striker as the smaller boat races around the Moby Dick
It’s a sight for sore eyes
Ace once again lighting up like a bright flame
The same happiness restrained for when talking of his brothers
Or of that person who had given him the small charm he covets as if it were the greatest treasure
Something he had been initially teased for until revealing its story
The small worn down little sun dangling from his wrist representing someone who he wanted to find once more
To thank for caring for him despite his bloodline
Because Ace saw himself as a blotch on the world rather than a blessing
It was something that Ace had hid well but as his father Edward could see the conflict in his eyes
He Tried his best to resolve it but it had yet to go away
But when Ace talks of the Brothers made over a sip of sake, a small sun charm and now seemingly you
It seems for a moment to melt away
Like the strongest of metal being smelted before hardening once more
So Edward watches in amusement as Ace lets you hang from his arm
Or how his son tries his best to seemingly impress your young eyes with tricks of blazing flames
Ace doesn’t seem to notice though that anything he seems to do leaves a proud look in your eyes
But Eddie does
Whitebeard can’t place as to why but he decides to leave it
Simply enjoying his new child and Ace bonding as if they had knew each other for years
The flame brazen boy igniting excitedly like a match as your smaller hands find his and dance to the drunken shanty music
Singing songs you seem to know and regard with an almost melancholy smile as Binks Booze begins to play
Only giving more evidence to your possible heritage
And then you eventually approach Eddie himself
The fearless Whitebeard, strongest man in the world
Golden yellow eyes staring back down towards yours that reflected a starry night
He asks you about your family in which you answer vaguely
Though he expect no less of an answer he notices that the way you explain it is practiced
And despite how practiced it is it leaves him dealing down worry
You’d been on your own for a decent amount of time now
Just seemingly drifting from how you described it
No one but yourself and the sea to keep you company
Only the clothes on your back and small mementos from travels to carry on with you
Whitebeard ponders who the “friends” you’d made along the way but you don’t say names often
Just nicknames
Sneaky but he’s raised enough rebellious boys to see past all the tricks
You change conversation but Edward allows it
Instead you ask him questions, something no one would usually dare to do when being questioned from him
He’d have to admit you have some guts for a kid
Typically he’d call people who did something like that a brat but he lets it slip this one time
And he answers your questions
If only to try and ease you into seeing that he is more than just the epithet of strongest man
That first and foremost he’s a father and perhaps he could be one to you
But instead you inquired about Roger
Another itch to prove your perhaps Rayleigh’s child
So Whitebeard answers truthfully talking about the man he once considered friend
To be honest Edward never really knew how to quite characterize his and Roger’s relationship
On one hand Roger was a man that Edward had respected deeply. Someone who was not only equal in power but also in kindness
God Roger was so stupidly nice to just about everyone as long as you didn’t somehow anger him
But On the other hand Roger was one of the stupidest men alive
Running head first into a battle with nothing prepared
Roger and him were both Friends and Rivals all at the same time
Along with being two sides of a coin
Men who loved more passionately than anyone else
Men who’d do anything to protect all that they loved even if it killed them
In some sense Whitebeard knows he should be happy in being the “victor” in their rivalry yet he’s not
Because they never did settle a score because there was no score to settle
And Eddie no matter how hard he’d try to deny it missed that goof
For as annoying as he was he was equally charming
Something that was infuriating
Because of course Eddie had to become friends with that man
Of course Roger had to go and get himself killed
And it’s Eddie who’s left to mourn
Eddie who’s left to watch the world change and grow old
Eddie is always the one left standing
And it’s there with that you ask him about mourning and how he deals with it
And Edward can’t help but give a pitied stare
A child should not know grief
A child should not know how to mourn
And yet you do
You always seemed to know something your not supposed to
A thing both equally dangerous to you as it is others
……geez you really must be Rayleigh’s kid
Whitebeard smiles, looking down to the coat hung heavy on your shoulders
For a moment he sees Roger there, smiling at him as usual
He tells you that even when someone is gone they leave bits of themselves in the world
Eyes subtly glancing towards a distracted Ace and Izou who listens nearby
Their presence still lingering in all those that they touched by literal and metaphorical
Because when someone leaves you they never really do
They change you
Mold you into the person you are and could become wether that be good or bad
Because Whitebeard despite knowing Oden and Roger are gone can still feel their presence on this ship
The splinters from when battling Roger as he was flung onto the Moby dick
The room in which Oden carved his name in the wood along with Toki’s within the shape of a heart
Sees glimmers of Roger shining through Ace and his firey temper along with his compassion
Watches Izou mumble under his breath about how Oden would have loved to have been on this adventure
Those 3 sake cups still sit in Edwards office
Below a collection of objects and photos of all his lost children
He still mourns them
As any father would
Still wonders if they would forgive him for falling them
But when he does so he remembers their still there
Their fingerprints engraved on a old grizzled heart
At hearing this you nod, pulling that old coat on your shoulders closer
As if someone was hugging you through its luxurious red cloth
His words have seemed to have comforted you and he’s glad
Perhaps even lifting some of the grief off your chest
If so Edward is happy
Because a child should know no grief
And he’d like to change that
Would like to remold your melancholy little heart back to what it should be
That of a happy child
He and his children itch to ask you to stay
But even when Marco offers you a room here
Or when Ace just straight up asks you to stay
You always reply the same way
That like the sea herself you are untethered
Maybe one day you’d find a place but for now you must keep drifting
You have people to meet
Friends you call family to see once more
Everyone here wishes for you to stay
Some ask their father to perhaps to pull the same thing they had pulled with Ace
But Whitebeard doesn’t relent on wanting you to join by your choice
Even when he feels his will want to crack when one night after talking with you under the starry night you fell asleep in his palm
Curled up and small as he feels small tears drip down and pool beside you
Or when it wants to crack even more when he catches you one night in the crows nest singing
The almost haunting sound echoing and reverberating across the ship
The Moby herself sitting at your side, her Klabautermann joining you in song
Or the almost final blow when he realizes that you breath new life in the ship without even knowing it
It’s unseen by your eyes but Whitebeard knows his sons and his ship enough to know when it’s more lively than usual
How your words capture them
He’s watched as you sat atop a barrel telling tales and seeing everyone huddle around you like ducks
Pausing in their duties or even sitting down to ask questions or for you to elaborate more
Grown men and women enraptured by stories of the sea and all its beauty
Even he himself couldn’t help but find himself entranced by your words
The way in which you tell them all are too detailed as to not be true
But Whitebeard does not relent
Does not stop in his judgement no matter how hard it will be to let you go back on that dinky little ship you called your own
It’s sail made of spare sheets with sewn in patches giving it splatters of colour
But when that happens Whitebeard promises to throw you a grand goodbye
Promises that when you do come back they’d have a room ready
That Thatch would make food that reminded you of a once lost home again
That Marco would tend to your wounds and let you scrape the sky
And that Ace would light up with a flame of a stars intensity
But they never were able to throw that goodbye party
That party would be the next one after the one that was meant to just enjoy being with you once more without having to say goodbye
But then you decided you’d help Thatch after seeing he could barely walk in a straight line, so you paused the celebrations for yourself and went to that kitchen celler
Going to place that damned devil fruit to be locked away
But then minutes ticked by
And so Ace decides he’d go find you, saying he’d have to convince you to tell Eddie of your story about the island in the clouds
The joyful atmosphere continues
And then comes Ace’s horrified scream for Marco
Cutting through the atmosphere as the usually chipper boy runs out the kitchen with you in his arms
Bloodied little you
You sit there in Ace’s arms
Bleeding heavily from a large slashing stab that has your blood practically gushing out and into the ground along with Ace’s arms
Despite that though
Despite the pain you should be in Edward spots an oddly content look on your face
Eyes looking up towards Ace but instead of tears filling them it’s a bittersweet look
The look of I’m sorry
Ace and you sit in Edward’s palm
Your small form cradled by his sobbing son who pleads for you
Blood still fresh on his hands and now smeared across Edward’s as well
A child should never die
Let alone in someone’s arms
For they shall carry that weight of them in their arms forever
So he tells ace to lay you down in his Palm
And Ace can only do so reluctantly
Ace turns to run to Marco who’s dashing across the ship but you stop him grabbing his hand
Making his son pause
You smile despite it all, a bright and beautiful smile that rivals the sun and all stars in the sky
Then looking to his charm as you pull out a similar one nestled in that coat pocket of yours
“You found me” it comes out as a pained rasp that makes Whitebeard’s heart ache
It aches more seeing Ace’s expression
Pure grief
Just utter pure grief
Ace clutches you
Begs you not to leave
To please not leave him after finding you
To tell him who did this to you
Your eyes squint as if trying to remember, but then light up with recognition
You give a small laugh, one that makes Whitebeard go still as does Ace
Teach….thats why he wasn’t on deck
As that happens pieces of you shatter
A bright shining gold flashing in the night sky
Sparks of starlight and stardust congregating in the air
Scattering somewhere into the sky
In a fevered state you utter a last word to Ace
When your gone everyone is in a stunned silence
Because what just happened
But then Whitebeard thinks
He thinks all the way back to Roger
The last time he saw Roger the bastard had gotten suddenly silent asking Eddie if he knew of a song, a myth
A star that once dead formed back once more in a new part of the sky
A song was made about it once, something from the Rumbar pirates that had long died among the waves
But then he thinks back further
Back to those 3 days and nights they had fought on that abandoned island
And then he remembers
As Roger sent him flying with a punch Eddie skidded by the Oro Jackson
And for the briefest of moments he thought he spotted something shining in the darkness of a cracked open door
More rather the peering shining eyes of someone
At the time he tried to question Roger but he was as unmoving as a stubborn horse so Eddie had left the topic
He had forgotten of that experience years later
But now it comes rushing back
As does that myth of a undying star
It seems Roger was hinting at something all along
Sly bastard
Seems you weren’t Rayleigh’s kid after all
Maybe you were more Roger’s kid than anything
But….Eddie had taken in one of Roger’s brats before
His sobbing son is evidence of that
And perhaps he will do so again
“Hmf….sly bastard. Their out there, we’ll find them again” his words are spoken with conviction as a sobbing ace looks up to him, his golden eyes soften at his sons expression “their still alive Ace, just displaced when they die. Roger rambled to me a myth about it the last time we met. A star that never died and reappeared in the sky, I thought it was nonsense but maybe he was right”
“But how-“
“Think my boy. How could they be the one who had cared for you all those years ago when they’re that young? My best guess is a devil fruit” he sees the emotions swirl in Ace’s eyes as his sons nods shakily. Hands clutching the sun charm of his bracelet and scared to let go. Edward’s eyes travel from his son to his other children, the gold that was once softened now hardening once more as anger replaced it. Teach….a son now a traitor had to be delt with.
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notti-stellate · 1 year
Jacob Black x Fem!reader
a/n: Writing this definitely healed a part of me.
Warnings: Heavy angst/ fluff at the end, body image issues, insecurities, self deprecating thoughts, ect.
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I stood there in front of my mirror, tears streaming down my face as I turned sideways. I spent too much time staring in the mirror again, all my insecurities slowly revealing themselves the more I tried to hide them. I felt like the ugliest girl in the world, practically burning holes into my stomach from my intense glare. The thoughts plaguing my mind were pure hatred and disgust.
I was glad Edward wasn’t here, his concern when he read my thoughts always made things worse. How could he love someone so disgusting? I thought to myself. I sighed knowing Jacob would practically kill me if he heard me. He hated when I talked badly about myself, always claiming they weren’t true. I could never believe him no matter how hard I tried.
I found myself sitting on my bedroom floor, sobbing, wishing I was someone else. I’m not sure how long I was there before Jacob came in, his original plans of surprising me with a date night going out the window the second he saw me, knowing what happened almost immediately . I was so absorbed in my own self-hatred that I didn’t realize he was there until I felt a warm arm wrap around my shoulders.
I looked up with tears still falling freely down my cheeks, meeting Jacob's own watery ones. Seeing the tears well up in his eyes made a new feeling flood my heart, guilt. 
“I’m sorry” I mumbled out, my voice coming out shaky and small.
“You have nothing to be sorry for” he whispered, pulling my shaking frame into his chest.
There were a few moments of comforting silence as I willed myself to stop crying. 
“Y/n,” his voice broke as he spoke, “I need you to listen to me. You are the prettiest girl I have ever seen. God, I wish you could see yourself from my eyes so you can see just how perfect you are. I’ve loved you for years and no matter what you look like I will always love you just how you are.” 
I felt the corners of my lips tug into a small smile as I listened intently to every word he said. I took his hand as he pulled both of us off the floor and sat me on my bed. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled us both into the comfort of my bed. He laid his body on me with his head resting on my chest and arms wrapped around me, acting as both a weighted and heated blanket.
“I love you, so much” I sighed
“ I love you too, sunshine” he mumbled, pressing a kiss to my shoulder.
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twilightt-fantasy · 1 year
stand up [v. kings]
description: Hey- I have yet to see any of these (kinda?-) But I was hoping if you could do a Poly relationship with the Volturi kings, where the reader is shy as heck and is related to the one and only, Bella swan? Have a great day/afternoon/night <3 :)
requested by: anon
warnings: Bella bashing.
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She had always been second to Bella.
Always, didn’t matter what the occasion or skill was - if she could do it, she was certain that Bella would somehow make it better or, if not, find a way to put the attention back on her.  
It was tiresome and aggravating and drove a wedge between her and her mother. Charlie wasn’t nearly as bad as Renee when comparing the two of them, which is why the younger swan wildly preferred her father.
When she found her mates and moved to Italy, the relationship between her and her mom eased a bit. She wasn’t around as much to hear Renee fawn about Bella and Renee instead used the time she did speak to her to wonder how her new - modified version - life was.
She had hoped her and Bella’s relationship would mend itself as well but, of course, that wasn’t the case.
She had been swept into Bella’s world unwillingly and Bella hated that she had to share her little piece of heaven with her sister. It stung her even more that her mates were the very Kings of Volterra, the same ones that nearly stole Edward away from her.
She was not shy about voicing her opinion either, even in front of the kings. She knew they would never do anything to harm the family of their mate if that was what she wished.
Though, the human’s patience was beginning to run thin.
Especially now, as Bella sat in the quiet area of Aro’s study with her husband, sister, and her mates. They visited a couple of times a year, Bella using the chance to show off her new immortality that her sister had not yet received.
Though she hadn’t said much, her mocking eyes and hateful scoffs were not missed by anyone. The Kings were as polite to her as always but she could not return the sentiment.
Her sister hated it and knew her mates did as well. They tried hard to be nice to her and the Cullen family, the least she could do was pretend while she was here.
Hell, even Edward managed to be respectful and hold up a normal conversation.
Finally, after Marcus had attempted to start another conversation with Bella to which he was met with a snarky comment, the mate of the kings had had enough.
“Bella, enough.” Her voice, normally quiet and demure, was loud enough to shock everyone into silence. 
Bella looked to her sister wide eyes, Edward looking between the two of them warily.
Aro, Caius and Marcus all wore varying shades of surprise and pride, their attention fully on their mate as she stared down her sister. Bella was gaping at the human, not used to the loudness of her voice or the displeasure on her face.
“Marcus was simply asking a question, trying to get to know you better. The least you could do is pretend to be polite and have some decency while you’re here.” She was angry now, the years of being pushed behind Bella and constantly being pushed down building up in her. “They’re nice enough to let you come here because you’re my sister but one word, and you won’t see me again and we won’t extend any favors to you.”
“I can’t held that I was pulled into your world and I can’t help who my mates are no matter how much you remind me that you hate me being involved and you hate them.” Bella opened her mouth to argue, to which the human raised her hand, showing she was not done. “But they’ve treated me better in a short time than you have treated me my whole life. You have no right to come here and disrespect them and myself when they’re just being nice.”
She huffed, pausing when she noticed the looks she was getting around the room. Her face turned red then, realizing what she had just done in front of everyone.
Bella was only staring back at her sister, looking only the smallest bit ashamed. Her golden eyes looked towards Edward, who only looked back briefly. “You’re right, I apologize.”
She nodded back, cheeks still burning. “I think we should end this for tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
With that, she stood heading out of Aro’s quarters and heading towards her own. She knew her mates would be close behind her and left the door open for them, smiling sheepishly when they appeared.
“I can’t believe I just did that.”
“Neither can we.” Aro laughed, reaching forward to grab her hand and kiss her cheek. “That was fantastic.”
“I have to agree.” Caius took her other hand, a smug smile pulling at his lips. “I never saw it coming, though it needed to be said for some time.”
“I was just so sick of her treating you guys like that.” She sighed, leaning her head back into Marcus’ chest as he appeared behind her. “You all have been trying to be nice to her and that’s how she repays you. I can handle it but she shouldn’t take it out on you.”
“You shouldn’t have to handle it.” Marcus murmured and the other two nodded in agreement. “She’s your sister, Bella should treat you better than what she does.”
She scoffed. “You’re telling me.”
“Come on.” Caius tugged your hand, pulling you back towards the bed. “No more talk of Bella tonight. We’ll put on a movie or something to get your mind off of it.”
She smiled, leaning up to peck Caius’ cheek as she followed them each to her bed. The four of them got comfortable, her resting in the middle of Caius and Marcus while keeping a hold of Aro’s hand.
Even if her rant towards Bella didn’t change anything, she knew she’d have the three kings for the rest of eternity to love her and accept her in all her ways.
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sage-exe · 2 years
Edward x (gn!)reader
Pairing: Edward Cullen x gn! reader
Summary: You had a wet dream where Edward fucked you and he wishes to make it a reality.
Word count: 1810
Warnings: nsfw, afab, nicknames, praise, somnophilia, corruption kink,consensual sex, cuddle fuck, slight breeding kink
Authors note: I hope you guys enjoy!! I just recently got back into twilight so I needed to make a fanfic about it, leave suggestions for stuff if you want! <3
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You began to stir as the bed dipped down from the weight of another person. Edward smiled as he saw you fast asleep, gently brushing away the wisps of your hair from your face with his ice cold hands. You kept mumbling in your sleep and he tilted his head a bit curious as to what was going on in that head of yours.
He knew you would normally mumble in your sleep when you have a nightmare so he began to get worried, however one thing slipped from your lips that made him stop dead in his tracks.
You whimpered his name, as clear as day. He knew exactly what you said but he had to be hallucinating. Then you began to beg, you begged for Edward in your dream and he couldn’t help but smirk. He laid down right by your side and held you close in his freezing embrace before your eyes began to flicker open.
“Are you alright sweetheart? You were talking in your sleep again” You look around, trying to get your bearings before you realize what you were dreaming about. Your face turned red and you looked away from him embarrassed.
“Answer me my love..” his voice was but a whisper in your ear as his grip on your hips tightened. Your chest felt tight as your face turned a few shades darker than normal.
“I..I’m ok.. I..I was just sleeping..” he hummed and rubbed small circles in your hips.
“Yeah..? What were you dreaming about sweetheart?” You froze as you tried to think of a lie on the spot, however his hands working into your hips were throughly distracting.
“U..um.. I..” he chuckled deeply in your ear and one of his hands slid down to your inner thigh, causing your breath to catch.
“Common darling, spit it out.” He was teasing you, and you became more aware as you tried to close your thighs together, his cold touch making you shiver and your brain hazy.
“Mm.. just.. dream about you..” you admitted embarrassed.
“Oh yeah? Was it a good dream?” You nodded your head slowly, unsure if he was going to be nosy. He hummed softly against the nape of your neck as his hand slid down into your pj shorts and rubbed against your already leaking cunt through your panties.
“Hm I’d say it was a wonderful dream~” he cooed in your ear as you jerked from the small friction to your sensitive body. He laughed as he smoothed a finger over your aching clit, driving you mad.
“Want me to take care of you darling? I’ll make you feel real good..” nothing but a whimper and some mindless pleas escaped your mouth as you nodded your head.
“How adorable~” he hummed against your neck before he sat up, pulling you toward the edge of the bed by your hips. He slowly tugged off your bottoms just to watch you squirm before he knelt in front of you.
“Put your legs on my shoulders sweetheart, I’ll make sure you feel nice and good” You whimpered and nodded your head, doing as you were told and propping your legs on his shoulders. He wasted no time now, licking up your leaking pussy to taste you, his grip on your hips tightened as he did so. His tongue prodded along your clit as he began to suck at the sensitive spot. You gasped and covered your mouth to hide your vulgar noises.
“Oh sweetheart.. if I’m going to please your sensitive mortal body I’d wish to indulge myself in your erotic beauty…”
His words were so lewd that you couldn’t help but clench around nothing, tears already brimmed in your eyes.
“Don’t cry my love, you’re doing so good” he hummed and began to eat you out, tasting your arousal on his tongue with a tight grip on your hips. You couldn’t help but tug at his hair with your hands as you moaned out, arching your back.
“E..Ed..Edward.. plea..” he chuckled against your cunt as he continued to eat you out, pressing his tongue against your most sensitive spots. You couldn’t help but cry his name into your hand while rutting onto his tongue.
“You taste amazing sweetheart..” he cooed as he nibbled on your thigh. You shivered and begged mindlessly beneath him, his seductive gaze burning your skin.
“E..Ed.. want to c..come..” he smiled and rubbed soothing circles in your hips.
“Oh you sweet little thing… why didn’t you just say so?” He delved down between your legs and caused a moan to fall from your lips, your mind just so hazy from how good he was making you feel. You teared up as you neared your orgasm and nearly cried out as it washed over you. His tongue still abusing your poor red clit made you breathless as the feeling in your stomach was still tightened.
“ ‘S t..too much..” you could hardly utter a few words as he lifted his head, licking up the mess you left on his lips. His eyes were a hard black color as his teeth grazed against your neck, you heard him inhale and moan softly against your skin.
“You blood smells heavenly..if only I could just b..bite..” you looked up at the ceiling in a daze as he relished in the sound of your quickened pulse against your neck. Your hands found their way in his hair as he leaned down to kiss the rest of your body, lifting your shirt above your head. You shivered and gasped as his ice cold hands grazed over your breasts. Goosebumps rose on your skin while your nipples hardened under his touch, making you lean your head back.
“Ple..Please…” you heard him chuckle against your neck while one of his hands trailed back down towards your stomach to rub slow circles into your sensitive spot between your legs.
“Shh… I’ll take good care of you, you’ll allow that right? Let me fuck you with my dick instead of just my hands and mouth?” You quickly nodded your head and whimpered softly at the pinch of your clit.
“Y..Yes please.. w..want.. that so bad..” you gasped out and held onto him tight. Your thighs began to shake as his fingers grazed over your sensitive parts ever so slowly, a smirk pulling at his lips.
“Of course my love, let’s get your pretty cum all over my fingers yeah?” You gave a slow nod as his fingers shoved inside of you. The way his long fingers curled inside you and hit the perfect spot made you squirm and gasp, moaning his name absentmindedly.
“Yeah does that feel good baby? Why don’t you tell me?” He chuckled and left a small kiss on your forehead.
“F..Feels so g..good.. ‘m gonna come s..soon..” you managed to slur as you looked up at him in a daze. He hummed as his fingers kept working into your sensitive flesh, a soundless moan and gasp coming out of you as that feeling built back up in your stomach and broke. You cried softly as the orgasm rushed through you, every nerve in your body stimulated from it.
Exhausted and dazed you looked up at Edward for permission to finally doze off, despite the fact your body still ached for more.
“You can rest my love, let’s get you comfortable..” you whimpered and turned to your stomach, holding onto a pillow as you lifted your leg to wrap around it.
“K..keep going..please..” was all you could mumble till your eyelids closed. Edward stared at you in disbelief, blinking a few times before he rushed to get his clothes off. He sighed softly as he pulled his dick out, rubbing it against your wet cunt. He let out a breathy moan as he pumped his dick a few times and pushed it inside of you. He felt you stretch out from his girth and he bottomed out, panting softly and gently gripping your hands from behind. He fucked into you slowly and gingerly, making sure to not wake you. Your sleeping face was so peaceful, your eyebrows furrowed in pleasure while your mouth hung agape. He wanted to take in every moment he could with you, inhaling your scent while he slowly picked up his pace, the sound of your lewd pussy clenching around him was driving him mad. He had to use every last ounce of his self restraint to not pound into you right then and there. He held you close to his chilly body, relishing in your warm body and planting soft kisses on it. His hands roamed your body while he thrusted into your aching cunt. Your back arched and he managed to fuck deeper into you. “Fuck baby.. feel so good..” he mumbled into your skin as he kept thrusting. He was so overwhelmed by how good you felt around him that he never realized how close he was till his dick was twitching inside you and he became soft. He huffed impatiently and pulled out, his cum dripping from the tip and leaking from your cunt. Just the sight of you filled up with his cum made him groan under his breath as he rubbed his cock. He shivered at the loss of your warm cunt around him and gasped softly as he shoved himself back inside you. He started to lose all of his self control as his pace became inhumane. The faster his pace was set the faster it would take him to reach his next climax. The rocking of the bed and the snap of the headboard soon woke you up and you whined, nuzzling into the pillow you were holding onto.
“Shh shhh I’ve got you l..love go back to sleep..” you gave a small nod and squirmed a bit at how full of his seed you were. Your eyes felt heavy as he held you flush up against his bare chest from behind, his hands interlaced with yours. He pressed soft kisses to the nape of your neck and hummed.
“You did such a good job my love..” he whispered in your ear as he cuddled up behind you. He made sure to have a blanket over top of you so you wouldn’t shiver against him, although with as hot as your body was it was relaxing having his cool body temperature. Your body felt so relaxed against his as you whispered a quiet
“I love you..” this caused a smile to break out on Edwards face before he kissed your neck again.
“I love you too, now get some rest sweetheart, we can wash up in the morning..” you nod and your body relaxes once more and you find yourself passed out in a vampires arms.
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lousypotatoes · 6 months
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Song Recommendation:
Singin' In The Rain - Gene Kelly
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
90 years ago...
Soft jazz music played in the dimly lit club. People all around were dancing, drinking, and laughing. 
At the bar, stood a woman, taking a long drag off her cigarette, waiting for her date. She wore a green flapper dress, white satin gloves, and had the most beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes.
"This gent better hurry up," she muttered, taking another drag off her cigarette. 
"Can I get you anything, miss?" the bartender asked. 
"Just a little martini please," you said, keeping your eyes on the door.
"Right away, miss,"
As the bartender made her martini, she looked around the club, seeing people dance and having her fun with their friends. 
'I wish I had people like that,' she thought. 
"Here's your martini miss," the bartender said, snapping her out of her thoughts. 
"Thank you sir," she said, pulling out some dollar bills out of her purse and placing them on the counter. 
"Apologies for the delay, Gloria," said a voice. She turned her head and saw her date walking towards her. "I hope it didn't cause you any inconvenience, darling."
"It weren't no bother, Edward," she said, a fake smile on her face. "I already ordered from the speakeasy, hope you don't mind." 
"I don't mind one bit, sweetheart," Edward said, looking her up and down. "You're looking mighty fine this evening," 
Her eye twitched. She hated men like this. "Why thank you," she said. "It took me quite a while to get all dolled up like this."
"It surely was worth the effort," he said, licking his lips. "Care for another round, Gloria?"
"No thank you," she said chuckling. "I haven't even polished off my first one yet,"
"Suit yourself, darling," he said. "Hey barkeep, mind pourin' me some whiskey?"
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"Care to dance?" Edward slurred, finishing his sixth glass of whiskey. She could smell the alcohol on his breath. "I promise I won't bite, doll," 
She bit the inside of her cheek. She really hated having to deal with people like this, but it was her job, and she couldn't turn the money it offered. 
"Ain't no harm in it, I suppose," she said, putting down her glass. "I'm a little bit rusty when it comes to dancin'." 
"No worries sugar. As long as I'm tanglin' with you, I'm alright," Edward said, grabbing her arm. "Say, I could show you a thing or two," he said suggestively. 
She had to hold back a laugh. Men like this really were simple creatures. "If you play your cards right, who knows what might unfold," she said, winking at him. 
This caused Edward to smirk. "Alright then, let's see what the night brings us, shall we?" 
"We shall,"
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After two hours of dancing, talking, and drinking, all that she learned about Edward was that he was self absorbed asshole. He never asked her about herself, instead just talking about how much sex he'd had. 
"The dough better be worth puttin' up with this jerk," she muttered, as they swayed on the dancefloor, their bodies pressed up against each other. 
"What's that, sweetheart?"
"I reckon it's high time we go back to your place," she got on her tip toes and whispered in his ear seductively. "Don't ya think, Ed?"
"It's about time you asked, darling," he said, squeezing her ass. "You'd be downright stunning with all those threads off."
"Sounds like a plan," she said, removing herself from his grip. "Let's blow this joint,"
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"Oh Ed," you panted, your back up against the alley wall. "Shouldn't we wait till we get to your pad?"
"I've been waitin' all night already," he growled, nipping at your neck. "Ain't waiting no more."
"That's what I was hopin' for," she said. 
"What's that supposed to mean, doll?" he said, still nipping at your neck. 
With a scream of pain, Edward slumped onto her, but she just pushed him off her and onto the ground. 
"Men like you, they turn my stomach, see," she said, polishing off her gun with her dress. "Ain't that a hoot? You really thought I was into you." 
Edward was writhing in pain. He tried to get up, but she just kicked him back down. 
"Who-" he sputtered, blood coming out of his mouth. "Who- Who the hell are you?" 
"Well, I'm not Gloria, that's for certain," she smirked, putting her finger back on the trigger. "I'd sure love to stick around I chat, but unfortunately, I cannot. 
She aimed the gun at his head. "It's been a real pleasure knowin' ya, Edward."
"Wait! Please don't sho-"
Edward's head lolled to the side, his eyes lifeless. 
"Serves ya right, you filthy pervert," she said, putting her gun back into the strap under her dress. 
She moved Edwards body further down the alley. Nobody would find him till morning. 
"Damn! He got blood all over my new shoes," she said, walking out of the alley. "Guess I'll have to get them cleaned proper."
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The walk home was uneventful, besides men hitting on her. She felt very calm and at peace.
Everybody in town knew her as the sweetheart who owned the most popular flower shop in New Orleans. "Oh, if only they knew," she said to herself, giggling as she opened the door to the 'Employees Only' room to her flower shop. 
Stepping inside, she heard the barking of her Yorkie. "Honey!" she exclaimed, scooping up the dog in her arms. "Oh, I missed you so much, my love!"
She put her back down on the couch and went over and turned on the radio. "We'll go home as soon as finish some work up." she said to the snoring dog, as she carefully took out her blue contact lenses, revealing E/C eyes. 
The phone started to ring, walking over to answer it, she took off her blonde wig and set it on her big, oak desk. 
"This is Y/N, to whom am I speakin' to?" she asked, ruffling her fingers through her H/C hair. 
"This is Winston," a deep voice said. "Did you off him?" 
"Well that all hinges on you, Mr. Winston," she said, sitting down. "You got the dough?"
"Yeah, I got the dough,"
"How much?"
"One thousand,"
"Wonderful!" she exclaimed. "Let's rendezvous at Broussard's at noon tomorrow. Does that work for you?"
"I suppose so yes,"
"Marvelous! Till then, Mr. Winston," she said, as she hung up the phone. 
She didn't like the song that was playing on the radio. Picking up the phone once again, she dialed the radio station number. 
"You've reached Alastor Altruist!" said the voice at the other side of the line. "To whom do I have the pleasure of speakin' to at this late hour?" 
"The names Y/N," she said into the phone. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir."
"What a beautiful name you have, Y/N," he said, making her smile. "The pleasure's all mine, I assure you."
"I was hopin' I could put in a request for a song?" she asked. "If it's no trouble, of course."
"Why it's no trouble at all, my dear!" he exclaimed. "What's on your mind?" 
"Singin' In The Rain by Cliff Edwards," she said, "It's a wonderful song."
"It's a real classic, ain't it?" he said. "You'll be hearin' it right after this song,"
"Thank you so much," she gushed. 
"You're quite welcome, dear," Alastor said. "Have a good night, Y/N."
"You as well, Alastor," she said, hanging up the phone. 
There was something about each other's voice that the both of them enjoyed. They both hoped they would hear it more often. 
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I really wish I was in hell with him right now :(
this banner was made by the lovely @al-of-the-stars i'll be usin it for the rest of this fanfic
stay safe and drink lots of water <33
xoxo, Izzy
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saylorsaysstop · 1 year
Smart Mouth | Stephen Strange x Fem!Reader 18+
a/n: so this little fic stems from a dream i had a couple nights ago that went just like this... note to self. don't take a melatonin and read spicy strange 😋 or do if you want to wake up the following morning in quite a sweat 😅🦋
warnings: spicy strange, hint of choking, Strange is def a dom while reader is a sub, no full-blown smut but enough to tease, and Wong being comedic relief
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“Why are you hiding from Strange?” Wong asks from his spot at the table in the library. You lift your eyes to stare at him, pretending that the book in hand occupies your attention. 
“I’m not hiding from him.” You huff. 
No, you most certainly were hiding from Stephen. You had annoyed him earlier during a training session to the point that you had the audacity to question his skill. And he was a man who never wanted to be tested, especially by the likes of you. 
“I heard you screaming at him earlier,” Wong whistles. 
“Wong,” you mutter with a warning shot behind your tone. 
“Yes?” he responds with a snort. 
Huffing, you roll your eyes and return to the book. Of course, it was a book you’ve read many times before in the past, one that if Stephen finds you reading will judge you immensely. They were words that you simply glanced over, the meaning behind them not in the least of your worries. You just wanted to get away from him. But now you regretted coming to the library because you knew Wong loved to tease you about your unbridled attraction to Stephen. 
“Stop staring at me,” you can feel the intensity of his eyes on the side of your head but he did that all on purpose. He chortles, tsking you as he flicks to another page. He knew it wouldn’t be long before you and Stephen broke one another. He just loved witnessing the buildup. He claimed that you and Stephen’s interaction was far more interesting than a soap opera on television. As you slide further into your seat, your ears catch the faint flickering of what could only be–
“What are you doing?” Stephen demands, stepping out of the portal. His dark red cloak – which you nicknamed Cloaky to get on Stephen’s nerves – whips with the movement. 
“She’s hiding from you,” Wong belly-laughs but quiets when you send him a death glare. 
“You’re hiding from me?” Stephen approaches you. “You should be learning.” he takes the book from your hands. “Why is this here? This is Twilight.” 
“Is it?” you answer defiantly, pretending that you had not one ounce of care in your bones. Which at this moment, you didn’t. “Huh. Guess vampires like mystical arts too, yeah? Can you finally tell me why Edward Cullen sparkles in the sunlight?”
Wong snorts from behind you, this time Stephen delivering the fatal glare. 
“What is wrong with you?” he demands, crossing his arms in that judgemental way he only knows how to. 
“Nothing, Master Doctor. Nothing.” you shrug her shoulders. Stephan pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance. “Can you go away now? I was really enjoying my read.” you pluck the hardcover out of his hands. 
“You didn’t look like you were enjoying your read. You looked like you were hiding from him.” Wong continues to play both sides.
“Stay out of it!” You and Stephen both announce at the same time. Stephen looks down at you and huffs. 
“Come on,” he slams the book shut and tosses it in Wong’s direction. “We’re trying this again.”
“No, we’re not.” you shake your head at him. “You got your balls twisted because I told you that I could do better than you. Maybe drop your ego and listen.” you cross your arms over your chest.
“You know what your problem is? That mouth. It constantly runs. No wonder you can’t learn anything. When you should be paying attention to someone greater at the arts than you, you’re running your mouth! Do you have an off-button?” Stephen hisses.
You snarl. “Sure do. But it’s in a place you’ll never touch,”
Stephen grows heated by your words. Wong wished he could summon popcorn because his daily soap opera was on and boy was it getting good. His eyes look back and forth like he’s watching a tennis match, seeing how Stephen would possibly react to the strong-willed nature of you. The elder draws in a sharp breath hands resting on his hips. You scoot your chair back, wood scraping against the floor, and stand before him. 
“Well? Anything else before I’m dismissed?” you smile.
He underestimated you incredibly. You take another dangerous step closer and rest your hands on his wrists. “Or is this the part where we kiss and makeup and I promise to do better?” you pout, bottom lip dramatically pushed out. Stephen’s blue eyes appear much more like blue flames. The heat of his body radiates, almost pulverizing your resistance to not try and tear his clothes off. 
“We can’t keep doing this and you know it,” Stephen lets down his resolve only slightly but it was far too much because you sneakily took the sling ring off his hand and in one quick motion, opened a portal to the outside of the sanctum. You had at least managed that art. You giggle as you toss the ring back to him, the portal collapsing shut, the only fragments left being an amber-colored spark. 
“Oooh, she’s good,” Wong comments. “She got you real good, Strange.” 
“Wong!” Stephen growls. “Who’s side are you even on?” 
Wong shrugs his shoulders. “Right now? Hers. Stealing your slingy and opening a portal to escape through? Smart girl.”
Stephen looks down at the ring in his hand.
“I can’t believe she stole my slingy,” he mutters before shaking his head and opening a portal to chase you. You’re happily walking down the sidewalk in front of the sanctum, the loud beeping of car horns informing you that Bleecker Street is very much alive. 
You whistle, unknowing of the consequences that are about to find you. You take the next corner and walk just beneath an oak tree when out of nowhere, a portal opens and Stephen is darting out in front of you. 
“Oh crap,” You skid to a halt, turning around and racing in the other direction. He was walking like prey after their meal, blue eyes bright like an incoming iceberg. Only this time, you were the Titanic about to be struck. 
You quickly speed-walk, whispering incoherent sentences in your mouth. You glance over your shoulder and see that he’s disappeared into thin air. Maybe the city was on fire. Maybe Bruce decided to throw something at someone’s car. Maybe Thor–
“Where are you going?” Stephen’s voice is loud and right in your face. A gasp flees your mouth as Stephen’s tall stature looks even bigger when you’ve been caught. You swallow and look up at him, his body inches from yours.
“Away,” you say, attempting to duck out from under his arm but it was useless. Stephen entraps you against the yellow parked taxi cab, hands bracing the hood. You can only peer so many inches above his muscular forearms. His chest rose and fell in a steady pattern but his facial expression told the story. With a clenched jaw and twitching hands, you had royally ticked him off. 
“Are you mad because I took your stupid ring, made a portal, and ran away from you?”
“Actually, yes. Yes, I am.” Stephen grumbles. “You’re inexperienced. That was stupid.”
You roll your eyes. “Oh so now I’m stupid?” 
Stephen grimaces. “Women… No. You’re not stupid. But what you did was stupid. You could’ve opened a portal to a different place where I would’ve had to save you instead of punishing you.” 
You chuckle, observing him under your lashes. “Whatever. You’re not gonna do shi-” 
Your words are cut short and your breath is strangled when Stephen suddenly wraps his hand around your throat. He presses the entirety of his weight against your body and for a moment, you can feel every ounce of heat radiated from beneath his robes. He glares at you with a sinister look in his eye, his hold on your throat making you experience a head rush. 
“You listen up and listen well, darling. That little game you played? Irresponsible. You’ve made me very upset, but do you understand what that means? It means you’re deserving of a punishment, and oh darling am I going to punish you… I’ll have these pretty little cheeks all damp with tears, this aching core of yours dripping with my cum. I’ll have you so spent you won’t be able to train tomorrow morning. You’re my toy tonight and I’m not going to stop playing with you until I’m satisfied. Do you understand?” 
Your body develops chills. He turned you on so badly. You lick your lips and nod your head as he presses his thumb over your pulse, feeling the sudden ramping of your heart rate. 
“What does a good girl say to the man who owns her?” Stephen’s warm breath fans your lips. 
“Yes sir,” you gasp, feeling his grip loosen. He lets your throat go and you cough, working to catch your breath.  “Good girl,” Stephen grips your hand and opens a portal– one that leads you directly into his bedroom for the punishment of your life.
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
Sitting on charlie swan's lap trying to get his attention/distracting him or just talking about yor day.
word count: 0.6k
warnings: age gap, talk about getting married, quickly proofread, hoping tumblr doesn't screw up my ending again
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"I want to marry you," you hummed from Charlie's lap, fingers digging through his beard as you cupped his face lightly in your hands. If the man hadn't been caught by surprise by you settling right on his lap without a single word, that little statement certainly did it. He lost all interest in the game he'd been watching, abandoning his beer on the table next to him, hand instead moving to your back to support you.
"You do now?" his tone was curious giving away just how intrigued you had him with such a simple sentence, bringing it up just as easily as you'd remind him to stop for milk before coming home from the station.
"I do," you nodded and sighed, in thought as if you were picturing it, tuning out the details, and then you smiled, holding onto him a little tighter and he didn't mind, simply adoring the sight of you dreaming wide awake. "Nothing fancy, just us two and Bella, maybe Edward, definitely Billy and Jacob," you were moving, shifting so you were almost straddling him, truly the only comfortable one but he was willing to wait it out. "We can go down to city hall and I can wear a pretty white dress with big poofy sleeves and we can go to the diner afterward to have pie instead of cake, we could have our first dance as husband and wife right in this living room."
"You don't think you deserve more than that?" his hand was brushing up and down your back, soothing you, telling you that you had all of his attention, telling you to keep going.
"More than you?" you shook your head, unimpressed by the foolishness of the question, how could he think a future with him wasn't more than you'd ever deserved to begin with, let alone that you'd need more. "Got any ideas for our song?" you quipped and he shrugged, fighting a smile when you moved your hands to his head, threading through his hair as you gave your own question some thought.
"Something from the sixties," he beat you to it and the smile that dipped into your lips proved that he was on the right track. "Though I don't think it matters, I'll step on your toes no matter what," you giggled, he was very right but you didn't think you'd mind if he did.
"We'd be barefoot," you informed him, happy to edit your little dream to make it perfect. "So it wouldn't hurt as much," you added and he smiled, he didn't dare hide it, happy to see you happy, knowing that after the week you'd had, seeing you like this meant the stress was fading.
"Sweetheart," he almost purred and the softness of his voice made you shiver, leaning into him, elbows on his shoulders as you nodded to make him continue. "Is this a proposal?" he pressed and you bit your lip, considering it, and that was where your perfect plan reached a plot hole, you never decided on that part.
"Maybe," you shrugged and then shook your head. "No, it's not," you decided and you weren't all that happy to hear a car pull up in the driveway, Bella coming home from a night out with Edward. "Don't think we're ready yet, but I know we'll be ready one day," you explained and it was ridiculous, the way you wanted to melt into his arms even more, feeling silly for how sure you sounded of yourself but it made him fall in love with you even more, as simple as it was, as silly as it was, as clear as you could see your little wedding day, the future he saw with you was just as clear, now more than ever.
"And what if I'm ready now?" you bit your lip, wishing there was a way to make time stop for just a few more minutes so you could appreciate this moment with him as you tried to figure out what exactly you'd done to get so very lucky.
"Then you'll just have to be patient, Chief Swan," the kiss you gave him wasn't at all long enough for his liking and he wasn't at all impressed when the front door swung open and robbed him of you, your hand lingering in his hair for barely a second before you were skipping to the kitchen. "Hi, Bells," you sang as the teenager came into the house, met by the sight of you holding a plate full of brownies you'd baked earlier, something sweet that you needed after a long week and you were sure she needed them too. "You hungry?" you were already pulling out a little plate from the cupboard so there wasn't really a choice in the matter as she nodded.
Bella squeezed her father's shoulder as she passed him on her way to you, earning a mumbled greeting as he tried to focus on the game he was so entirely captivated by just a few minutes before but it was harder than he thought it would be. You jumped onto the counter listening to every word of Bella explaining her date in a whisper while nibbling at the chocolate treat but you were more than ready to lock eyes with Charlie as he turned around to meet your gaze.
"Marry me," he mouthed with a lovesick look, one you'd only gotten the chance to see on very rare occasions and you had to bite back a giggle as you shook your head with a slight shrug and a daring smile.
"Soon," you mouthed in reply and when he turned back to the television with a soft sigh his attention was further from football than ever before because if this was what his future would look like then he wasn't sure just how patient he could be.
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tlkfaerie · 1 year
Ribbons ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻ੈ✩‧₊˚
pairing: Finan x reader
a/n: Response to a lovely request! My first request, actually! Finally doing a solo Finan piece :) A bit soppier than I had originally planned, but I love it and I love Finan soooooo. Also the circumstance / sequence of events aren't entirely accurately in line with the events of the show but we move.
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MDNI!18+ : TW finan x reader, dom!finan, virgin!reader, virginity loss, manhandling, kissing, very brief mentions of loss, fingering, p in v sex, confessions of love, slight breeding!kink
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔    .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚     
Things were tense when the men staggered back to the stronghold. They had won their latest battle involving Mercia and Bloodhair, though at the cost of a disastrous curse upon Uhtred's family. You selfishly prayed for Finan's safety, despite the two of you not being together. You were great friends, and though the others were familiar to you too, it was Finan that you truly wished to return in one piece.
You spent your time at home praying for the souls of those who had been lost, thinking about the wise words that Hild so graciously bestowed on you. You felt her absence more than ever, needing her sweet guidance, but aware that she was already spread thin. Everyone was.
As winter crept into your home, you wallowed slightly, missing everyone. But you had a duty, an alehouse to run. It was where you had met everyone originally, and had turned into somewhat of a cornucopia for Coccham. You knew that in order to keep spirits high, you'd have to open it up and welcome everyone in. Your hearth was where you had first met Finan, sitting with Uhtred as the two of them laughed. Hild had introduced you, and your speechlessness was the source of several laughs.
You had sat with them on the table that night, laughing with Hild, who you truly saw as your aspiration. Uhtred noticed this, joking about how you reminded him of his children, which had made you huff slightly. You were embarrassed of this, but Finan assured you that you were alright, muttering some joke about how you clearly had the spirit of a warrior within you to deal with these drunken men.
It had been a slow night, but you would rejoin them when you could, smiling at Finan every now and then. Finan's eyes had scrunched up too, but his lingering look had you blushing all throughout the night. From then on, the warriors had frequented your place. You and Finan would often sit and chat. He loved that he could talk to you. For once, it was not about war, or combat, or blasted shield walls. He was sick to death of hearing the names Alfred or Edward, and you gave him peace from all of that.
It filled you with warmth to see everyone so carefree and jolly, especially as it was your father's wish when he opened the alehouse to make an honest place of it. Every now and then, a regular face would vanish, and you felt it like a sting in your core, but you carried on nevertheless.
You lived just above the alehouse, walking down the steep wooden steps as you tried to alleviate your chill. Nothing seemed to work. Lighting candles and preparing some food for the hungry travellers that would arrive soon. You had heard news that the travelling party were returning from Winchester within the next few hours, feeling sadness at the inevitable loss and pain that would be felt all through the town, but also the deep, hidden feelings of desire that you so heavily pushed to one side.
Every time you saw Finan leave, you felt a tinge of regret within you. After all, he was Uhtred's right hand man by all accounts, and great responsibilities were often given to him. What if he were to never return? You supposed it was silly to think more of your confessions being told than him returning with his life, but you were sick of pushing down these feelings. You felt like some sort of angel when his gaze fell on you, which it did, often. And when he would come in for a final glass of ale, though what you didn't know is that he was really just looking for an excuse to talk to you.
He had seemed grave when you saw him last, trying to keep smiling at you but looking away darkly every now and then. You, none the wiser, had given him a cheerful departure, promising a full meal for him and his friends upon his return. You had assured him that the plate would be waiting for him, only if he came home in one piece. The gesture was halfhearted, though to him it was a challenge. He had left beside Uhtred, meditating upon his horse about you.
Finan really, really loved you. He was always incredibly outgoing, and so you assumed he would just wed someone more like him, but Finan dreamed of you almost every night. It tortured him that he was so quick with his words, and yet they seemed to disappear from him whenever he saw you. Your plump lips, your wide eyes, full of life and unsoiled by the rot of death. You were the exact opposite of what he encountered on his missions and tasks, and though he loved his life alongside his trusted Lord, he wanted something to do it all for. And that something was you. He would make sure of that.
As both of your feelings nearly spilled over each other, it was time for someone to do something.
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It seemed like you had wasted your whole day, silently waiting for the evening to come, when finally, you heard some commotion - your heart sent flashes of longing through you. You felt somewhat pathetic, watching the door of your alehouse for that specific person to come through. But, when you know, you know.
Suddenly, a stream of townsfolk walked in. Some came holding hands, some even came with their children, which you didn't mind, offering them some meat pies and ruffling their hairs. You spoke with some of the women, delighted to have their husbands back and eager to get you away to spend time with them soon. You joked about being stuck behind the brewery, handing out copious pints of ale. Within the next twenty minutes, your hands were so sticky that you started flapping them furiously.
Finally, you made your way outside, wanting to do a round of everyone sitting on the benches. There, you found Finan and Osferth. Sihtric was over in the corner, with his wife, the two of them beckoning you towards them.
Giving them quick greetings, you drunk in some of the news from Sihtric, who informed you that Uhtred was still in Winchester for some time with Hild, and that he had suffered a great loss. Your head bowed at that, not wanting or needing to know any more. You wished the both of them and their children well, before granting a weak smile to the two men now before you.
Osferth gave a weak smile, fondly remembering happier times in the alehouse and wishing he could match his previous energy. You hugged him tightly, knowing he was more sensitive and newer to the trade of being a warrior, though you didn't expect him to hold on so tightly to you. You sunk into his unfamiliar embrace for a moment, before Osferth pulled away.
And there he was. Finan. You had never seen him looking more tired, slightly long hair giving him a dishevelled look. Though equally, he was beautiful. No amount of sadness could take away the kind, observant look in his eyes. He seemed to be in his own world, and you didn't want to disturb, but then he looked at you, and the faintest smile stretched onto his lips.
You wanted Finan to hold you. You wanted his warm embrace then and there, but something told you it would take a little more time. His brows are furrowed and a strong wrinkle emerges between them, telling you that he is far from relaxed. You gulp slightly, the promise of a meal still hanging in the air.
With a hand still on Osferth's shoulder, you said nothing as you gave him an empathetic nod, tilting your head and smiling as best as you could. Your chest filled with relief when his little wrinkle disappeared. The shadows lifted just slightly, and there he was. He understood you somehow, an unspoken look flittering between you, and then you were gone.
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There was so much you wanted to talk to Finan about. You ached to have your friend back, even if that dynamic did pain you. He still came to the tavern, even when Uhtred returned, though he was unusually silent as weeks flew by. Even as things picked up and spirits were back to normal, Finan seemed to be stuck somehow.
You entertained mostly Uhtred and Sihtric most nights, helping them heal ever so slightly with perhaps a little too much ale. You had even begun watering it down less, which did not go unnoticed by them. You prayed with Osferth too, mostly to keep him company.
It wasn't until a whole month had passed that you could no longer take it. Finan's usual loud voice could no longer be something of the past. You needed to tell him how you felt. You knew that you had to do something tonight.
You spent far too long in the mirror during the hour before you would open. You knew it would be a busy night, as the snow had finally ceased, and people were no longer cooped up in their homes. They would want warm drink and entertainment, and you would give them just that.
"Come on, Y/N." You nudged yourself, looping two ribbons into the two braids that you had meticulously gathered with your unruly hair, pinching your cheeks before letting out a slight laugh. You hadn't realised just how much you truly valued Finan's entire personality until it changed whenever you came near. Surely freshening up a bit would impress him?
Meanwhile, as though he was mirroring you, Finan ran his hands through his hair, sitting patiently in his own company. He had been surrounded by his loud companions all day, laughing and working, enjoying any semblance of peace that he could. The Irishman thought of nothing but you, however, and felt that if he did not do something soon he would combust into a million pieces.
Truthfully, after his last visit to Mercia, he had pulled back from you slightly. He needed you so deeply, but couldn't bear the thought of making you wait around for him, worrying if he would come home or not. There was also the additional danger of his weapons everywhere, his being at Uhtred's side constantly, and the threat of having something so precious to him be so targeted. He wanted you more than he wanted to breathe.
After that first day where you had been babbling to Hild in your alehouse, he was stunned. He was in awe of how you ran the place, even with the death of your father, never allowing anyone to step on your toes, even though he would have been more than willing to help. He admired your trust in things, never fearing of the worst, unlike he had. Since his days on the ship, all he had craved was something, anything, to come home to.
Nothing had filled that space until he saw you prancing around the alehouse, clumsily spilling drinks and shaking your sticky hands in his face to annoy him, your loud laughter echoing in his mind even now as he had tried to pull you into the mess you had made.
The memory shone in his mind, so prominent that he quite literally couldn't think straight. He didn't want to be absent towards you now, but his very existence intermingling with yours was a threat to your life, and perhaps your happiness. Could he do that to you?
As the tavern bustled into life, you couldn't stop fiddling with your braids. Some of your friends had offered to touch them up, which only worried you more, but they teased you still, pinching your cheek when you had confessed to them what you were going to do tonight.
You would your hands into the handles of at least ten cups, delivering them to the table of several hefty warriors who barely fit on your stools, making a mental note to get some warrior-friendly seating arranged.
"Here you are boys," you greeted them lightly, recognising a few, particularly Uhtred, who looked like he had seen better days. His hair was loose, strewn all over his face, but a smile graced his face, which reassured you.
"You might want to slow down, Lord," you teased, anticipating his reaction. He cocked his brow, piercing blue eyes observing you graciously. "Y/N, you're too good to me. Too good." He raised a glass to you, and you playfully rolled your eyes, a renewed sense of confidence overtaking you.
As you were about to turn around, you collided with hard leathers, belonging to a very firm chest. Towering above you was Finan. You quickly fiddled with your braid, hoping he would be enticed by them. So stupid, you thought to yourself.
"Have you forgotten what incredibly handsome men look like, or are you just surprised to see me?" said Finan, voice just above a whisper. Your eyes widened at his question, hand coming up to slap his bare arms. He hadn't been this perky in a while, and it shocked you, to say the least. You were happy to see him back to normal. Though he always carried an air of dominance with him, the softer side of him was always welcome.
There was a strange determination in his eyes, as if he had woken up. "Trust me, with you in front of me every day, I could hardly forget what a handsome man looks like." Your emboldened state of mind matched his newfound confidence, and the two of you were back to being the same people that you were when you first met. Finan forgot, just for a second, about the reek of death and its hanging in the air.
Instead, he took you in. Your fresh braids, which he suspected you had done just for him. He felt so warm, even in the bitter winter, and your eyes gazing at him as though he was the kindest man on earth brought him more security than anything else in the world.
His presence alone was enormous. You had to shake your head to remember what you were really here to say to him. He had laughed at your previous remark, taking the confident proudly.
"You look so beautiful, Y/N." he stated fondly, content to spend the rest of the night with you. Your cheeks heated at his words, and you looked away, but not before his strong hands found your chin, raising your face to meet his brown eyes once more. He simply could not wait any longer.
"You always look beautiful, and I'm sorry if I've ever made you feel like you aren't", he huffed, acknowledging his own mental absence. You felt the tenderness in his touch, against the rough scarring on his hands. You smiled sadly, wishing he didn't have to be treated so roughly. Your softer hands found his, holding them tightly.
"I suppose I sh-" but before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a loud crash. You were quick to inspect the commotion, not realising that the two of you were still firmly holding hands. It hadn't occurred to you until his grip tightened, dwarfing your entire hand in his. You couldn't help but smile, especially when you discovered what the scene before you was all about.
Two women were having at it, fighting like animals. These were women you knew, and so you were shocked to see them go at one another, enough even to draw blood. You considered for a moment why two familiar faces would be fighting, but the two had recently mentioned their escapades with Osferth, who was a babbling mess at the scene before him.
Finan cursed. Truly, he couldn't help but laugh. Of course, this stupid baby monk would intervene in some way, he thought to himself. You giggled at Osferth's expression as the women were finally separated by Finan, who begrudgingly let go of your hand. He felt so juvenile, clinging to you like a crush, but he simply couldn't help himself.
"Umm, I thought monks weren't allowed to hump," was all he said, before leaving the poor boy to defend for himself, returning to you. As he walked over, you felt the life reemerge within him. He was smiling so much you almost couldn't take it.
"Now that's a hero," you laughed as he spread his arms out, congratulating himself. You couldn't keep yourself from moving about, however, unable to stay still in his presence. Your mind constantly filtered through possibilities of what he was about to tell you, meanwhile your own looming confession was being stuffed further and further back in your mouth. You weren't entirely sure what he was going to say to you. Perhaps he was going to tell you to stay away from him . . .
Any suspicions of his rejection, however, were entirely forgotten when both of his hands came to cup your face. The act felt so intimate that your legs almost quivered, and you braced yourself to fall over. His head leaned back slightly, and he breathed heavily, taking you in. Finan, filled with confidence, had bee brought to his knees by you. You and your ribbon braids.
"Can we talk somewhere, please. Perhaps when it's a little less busy, lady?" you understood, but couldn't help the frustration that grew within you as your conversation was prolonged yet again. You simply nodded, but that didn't seem to be enough for him, judging by his widening eyes.
"After closing, Finan, come up the stairs, I'll be in my room." You hadn't realised just how suggestive that sounded until Finan's eyes widened even more, and he cocked his head with a cheeky grin, retorting something about you being more forward than ever. You slapped his chest, mocking his childishness, though before you could fully manage to hit him, he grabbed your wrist with ease.
His arm flexed, and he quickly pulled you in, your feet stumbling to keep up with his strength, until you felt his breath on your face, and you were close enough to be touching his lips.
"Quite the invitation, lady," he half joked, but in reality, he as already counting down the hours. "I will be there, Y/N."
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After what felt like the longest night in history, the last of the crowd finally retreated from the alehouse. You were itching to see Finan. Since the two of you last spoke, you had barely seen him. Uhtred was shamefully taken home by Sihtric, who you were amazed was sober. The rest of the men and women left together, and you said your final goodbyes, closing the doors. This time, however, you didn't lock them.
You trudged upstairs, tiredness hitting your body. After hours, you finally took a seat on the edge of your bed, fiddling with the silly plaits that you had worried so much over. You sensed Finan's presence when there was a slight moan of old wood being pressed as he walked up to meet you. You had so much to say to him you could hardly contain yourself, rising from your sitting position.
Finan gave a polite knock, but didn't bother waiting, bending under the doorframe before returning to his natural state, giving you an incredibly sheepish look. You stuttered slightly, but told him to sit. You quickly realised that a man had never been up to your room. It was spacious enough, with a large bed of furs and enough space for plenty of candlelight.
"Please, sit, Finan." you held your hand out as if to show him the way, guiding yourself to the edge of your bed. Finan let out a small laugh at your sudden formality, bending as if giving you a mocking bow before sitting next to you.
Even though he had been the one to initiate conversation last time, you made it your mission to get there before him, wanting to get your own point across before he said anything to you.
"Finan, I have to tell you," you started, feeling an awful mist of tension heating up your body suddenly, " I just - I hate," you sighed in frustration, groaning as you could hardly get the words out. Finan seemed heavily amused, beckoning you to continue.
"I just really enjoy when you're here." Pathetic. "And I don't like it when you're gone away for weeks. And I worry for you when you're not here, even though I have faith in you."
Once you break the seal, you can hardly stop. Finan takes in every word as though it is gospel, but you hardly notice as you babble on.
"Obviously you're strong, and umm, and handsome, and you speak well enough to get yourself out of trouble,"
"Oh, do keep going, lady. I've never been so flattered." he raised a hand to his chest, feigning shyness. You glared at him, embarrassment curling itself around your neck, blocking any clear thought from entering your head. Finan quickly sensed your frustration, placing a hand on your thigh to steady you.
But that just made it worse.
"And then I think we're good, but you don't speak to me f-for weeks, Finan. And then you touch my thigh like this!" You could almost laugh at yourself, truly, "and I just want you all of the time, and I think we . . . I think we should be together."
With your final declaration out of the way, you feel a fatal sense of worry overcome your body at his shocked face. The hand on your thigh doesn't move, however. It tightens.
"Y/N," he starts, and you brace yourself for the worst, "Please, I want to be with you too. I stayed distant, because, well because I didn't want anything to happen to you. If I am with you, then I'll have something to actually fight for," he looked down as he continued, clearly stressed, "but then if I have something to fight for I'll have something to lose as well."
You began to understand him clearly. With what he had seen, particularly with recent events, there was always a risk involved. Perhaps what made him so good is that everything he previously needed to protect was always on the battlefield with him. The two of you together would be a constant source of worry for him. You could be kidnapped, taken hostage, injured while he was away.
"But, Finan, every time you've left, nothing has happened to me. I'm here, aren't I? Entirely whole."
"But it's different, or, it would be different," he stressed, hands flying up as he spoke.
"The only difference is I'd be yours. And I want to be yours, Finan."
He looked at you then. Really looked at you. His hand ran through his beard, and any semblance of composure that he had snapped when you bit your lip. Perhaps he was being ridiculous. Perhaps he was thinking about things too deeply. After all, he was an entirely competent warrior. If anything happened, he would be able to solve it.
He could barely control himself any longer, when your hand came to fiddle with the ribbons weaved into your loosening braids. You had never looked more innocent and enticing - he physically couldn't stand what you were doing to him.
Meanwhile, you took note of his chest heaving, feeling your own heartbeat gain speed. You decided to let even more out, noticing his gaze shifting to your hair.
"I plaited these for you, I thought they would impress you." The sheepish truth had you looking down, realising that the two of you had been stupidly restricting one another whilst simultaneously trying to impress one another in a hideously drawn out back and forth. Sorrows had settled, and now you wanted him. You needed Finan.
"They do impress me, most definitely," he assured you, teasing you slightly with his reaction. He found you utterly adorable, that you had done some little change to please him, "but you already caught my attention without the ribbons, Y/N."
The cross around his neck gleamed as it dangled, moving slightly as he leaned down to meet your face as you sat beneath him on the bed. The tenderness of the moment had been replaced by burning passion.
"Finan, I-"
"Say my name again."
"Finan-" You couldn't even finish before his lips crashed into yours. Everything melted away when you kissed. Every semblance of a problem disappeared, and it was just you and Finan. He revelled in the idea that you were his woman, spoiling himself with the very thought of it.
You, meanwhile, were growing incredibly impatient. The man in front of you was something else, his muscles straining as his hands trailed down to your waist and picked you up. You instinctively wrapped your legs around his strong waist, arousal beginning to leak from within you as his grip tightened. He couldn't get enough of you, and he never wanted to let you go.
"I hope you know, love, that I'm keeping you forever." He smiled, adjusting you a little so that you felt the bulge of his crotch just underneath your sex, friction causing you to whine slightly. You weren't entirely sure if Finan was aware that you were a virgin, but the feeling of his body against yours prevented you from saying anything.
"Let me hear you." he demanded as he looked up at you, and thought he was still the Finan you knew, an air of seriousness had overcome him, and the words that came from him were dominating. You understood now how he managed to control armies the way he did.
You buried your head between his neck and shoulder, drooling slightly as you let out a moan at Finan's undying strength. With your undergarments pulled to the side by the stretch of his fingers, he made sure to move you up and down ever so slowly, rubbing against his crotch even more until your naked sex could take it no more.
The fabric of his trousers was an obstacle that you needed to be removed as soon as possible. Though the friction created waves of pleasure, the way he was holding you had you panting for more.
"Please, Finan, take them off." you looked into his eyes, which held an amused stare. He took your worn out image in, unable to believe how lucky he was. Any negative thought about the relationship between you two could be dealt with later, right now he had you securely in his arms, entirely fucked out without him even properly touching you yet.
You fastened your legs around his waist, which made him laugh. "You're telling me what to do now, is it?" truthfully, he would let you do or say anything you wanted. He was wrapped around your little fingers, and he knew it well.
"Love, I can't do what you ask if you continue to cling to me like a pup," he wore a toothy grin on his face, amusement growing in time with your own frustration. You loosened your thighs from his hold, and he set you down gently on your own bed. You fidgeted when you realised what would happen once his trousers were off, if you even managed to wait that long.
You watched him undo his breeches, only to around halfway, not even letting them slide down his legs before he came to you again. You leaned your head into his arm, nuzzling instinctively into his hold like some trained animal. You felt you would burst, declaring "I love you," before he could say anything else.
"I love you too, you and your ribbons." he flicked your braid with his finger, drawing you in to a loving kiss. You were slightly stunned at his lack of hesitation, any precaution having been abandoned by him. Finan felt it as well, the swell of pride that filled him as he announced his love for you, not even questioning the words. He knew them to be true, and he knew that with you as his woman, he was entirely complete.
Your next words, however, did catch him off guard.
"I've never been with a man, Finan." you confessed, maintaining eye contact with him as you waited for his reaction, worrying that he would be less eager to bed you with your inexperience. Finan tried to fight the impure thoughts as they wavered in his brain, unable to keep his hands off you as he thought of a way to reassure you without sounding too patronising, as he usually managed.
When he still didn't say anything, it prompted you to finally look away from him, wondering if he really cared about it as much as you thought.
"Hey, where's my lady gone?" he moved to sit beside you, feeling somewhat of a fool that his bulge was straining against the half of his breeches that still hung from his hips, and you with your dress bunched up so high that all he could think about were the stockings slipping down your delicate thighs. You didn't have the faintest idea of the impact you had on him right now.
He wasn't entirely sure how much more restraint he could exercise. "I don't care about that, I want to be the only man that ever gets to touch you from now on, anyway." he buffed his chest to try and make you laugh, but you didn't give him the satisfaction of laughing, too engrossed in lulling over the words he had just uttered.
"I want to be your only woman, Finan." and with that, you kissed him forcefully, adjusting your body so that you could straddle his frame, his heavy arms wrapping around your waist, bringing you further into his kiss. His hands moved down to your ass, squeezing firmly. Your mouth remained open when he allowed them to slip further down your thigh, toying with the hem of one of your stockings. They were cheap things, made for you with the purpose of convenience, and yet he was treating them like they were pure gold.
"I don't think I'll be sharing you with anyone anytime soon, love," he managed to whisper into your ear, your hands finding his hair and gripping tightly when he inserted two fingers into you, the promise of 'getting you ready for him' hanging in the air. The feeling was unlike anything you had experience, a welcome intrusion to your core. You felt his fingers curl, pushing up as far as they could go, meanwhile his thumb also occupied a space on your clit, rubbing ever so gently whenever he could to bring you pleasure.
You felt your thigh muscles trembling as you still straddled him on your knees, his head on your shoulder, occasionally kissing your neck, creating his own little mark on you. Finan knew he was possessive. He had to remind himself to be gentle with you, however, removing his fingers and inserting them again, wanting to tease you slightly.
You gave a quick tug to his thick hair in retaliation, which he seemed to like as he groaned and leaned back in order to see your face. You couldn't help a satisfied grin, otherwise looking rather empty as you thought of nothing but pleasure.
"Careful there," he said, returning his attention to kissing your neck, marking it with a slight bite. His warm lips on your skin affected you in ways you hadn't thought possible. You wondered why he hadn't put his fingers back inside of you, but you felt him fidget beneath you, until his cock was fully out, brushing back and forth against your sex. The two sensations together, of his lips and his cock, very nearly sent you over the edge embarrassingly soon.
The ghost of pleasure kept pulsating at your core, his hand moving his cock back and forth ever so slowly, sometimes seeming as though he was about to slip in and then releasing altogether from you. You hated it, the absence and the longing, playing tricks with your mind and turning you into some kind of depraved whore.
"Finan, I swear-"
"You swear what, lady?" he taunted you, still not close enough as his arm adjusted its claim around your waist, your breasts squishing into his own chest as you practically kneeled over the top of him, wanting to push him down to finish the job yourself.
"If you don't hump me soon, I will personally ban you from this very alehouse." shocked at your own feistiness, you hadn't imagined Finan to take your word so literally. Before you knew it, your back hit your bed of furs, and Finan now kneeled above you, playing with himself, tugging back and forth, his hard cock so prominent you felt it would break you.
And break you it did. His tip finally breached your walls, before his entire member felt your insides. Your core was so full, so unbelievably full. The pressure seemed to build before he even began to move, and you released several short pants, biting back a moan that he seemed to want to encourage out of you as he moved his hips just slightly, his muscled core meeting your soft, pliable thighs, now up in the air, hanging from his grip.
You were entirely at his mercy, so pliant for him, and so good for him. "I hadn't expected you to listen well, and you proved me right," he started, moving in and out once, so tantalisingly slowly that you felt every curve, vein and pulse going through him, "I told you to be careful, didn't I sweet girl?"
Though he was teasing, he still wanted to make sure you were okay. He didn't move until your face lost the scrunch and your eyes opened to look at him, heavy breathing turning into moans as your impatience move.
"Move, Finan." And that was all he needed to hear, moving in and out of you with some force, his hands clamping into the soft flesh of your thighs, still admiring the stockings that you wore, reminding himself to ask you to wear them more often.
Your lips fell open in a gasp when he sped up even more, soft 'good girls' coming from his lips in murmurs. He let go of one of your thighs, letting your leg fall to the bed, while his free hand now moved to your stomach, pressing down on your core and feeling exactly where he was inside of you. He pumped so rhythmically that you began to think you'd truly reached heaven, the additional pressure applied by his strong hands becoming too much for you.
He watched your face, assessing you to ensure you were still comfortable. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt you in any way. You felt funny, a strange tingling, almost like a warning, reaching your core.
"F-Finan, I think . . ."
He shushed you, understanding what you meant. Who was he to deny such a lovely maiden what she wanted? "Just breathe, Y/N, don't fight it, sweet girl," he guided you, the pressure of his hand increasing. He maintained his pace, feeling your walls tighten and squeeze around him, clamping so hard he struggled to keep up.
"Come on, there we are," he further encouraged, and normally, you'd tell him to shut up, his words embarrassing you slightly, but you were so filled with delicate pleasure that you couldn't risk losing it. The immense pinch in your core finally snapped, and you were coming around him, pumping him for all he was worth as your arousal came to its peak. Your face made him positively weak at the knees.
"There we go," he cooed, his hand coming to your clit to stimulate you more, though you began begging him not to, trying and failing to grab his wrist in the process. You bit your lip instead, eyes all glossy and strained as you looked at your lover as though he was God. Perhaps he was, because no mortal man should have been able to make you feel so good.
"Please come, Finan." you whined sweetly, and he could never deny you as he had done before. He would listen to you if you told him to do anything, let alone come, which he did gladly, pumping you full of his seed, thinking briefly about the pups you could share. The pups that you would share.
His heart pumped ten times as fast as he bred you, vowing to be the only man to touch you ever again. His possessiveness had seemed to grow in the last hour, and he lifted you suddenly onto his lap, caressing the top of your head as you panted in unison.
"We'll speak properly tomorrow," he began, stroking your now undone hair. Your ribbon barely hung on, and you wound it around his fingers, the fabric reminding him of your sweet confession, something that he knew he would tease you about for years to come, but secretly loved, "sleep for now, love."
He stayed awake for most of the night, observing you every now and then, mostly focusing on the sway of the candlelight. He had seen his lord go through so much, and now he had something too precious to lose, he vowed that the same would not happen to him. Even if it cost him his loyalty.
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szasfuckingwife · 1 year
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WARNINGS: smut, black cat is white in comics but there’s no mention of race here, black reader in mind tho, british slang, gwen stacy is mentioned but it’s the gwen in hobies earth NOT ghost spider gwen , royal family existence
a/n: wrote this for my black british ppl dem, hobies existence kinda made me proud. i put some british slang/phrases here n there. also, black cat is an underrated love interest i wish they put her in a movie.
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It’s midnight, what better time to steal the crown jewels? Yes, it’s heavily guarded and there’s a slim chance you’ll even make it out alive but you needed them more than some overrated family. They don’t even belong to the royals, right?
You navigate through the tower of London, looking for something worthy of taking and risking your life for. Last time, you took (what was apparently) Queen Victoria’s robe and one of those fancy looking crowns. This is light work to you, but since you know the guards will be changing shifts in fifteen minutes, all you want to do is get the big one and leave.
Oh, what’s the big one you ask? St Edwards crown.
Yes, it’s not entirely ethical, robbing something from the most notorious robbers in history but it’s better off them and in someone elses hands, you figure.
Someone reliable, honest and responsible like you
Plus, your not greedy, the charity organisations were frequently shocked when ‘Anonymous’ donated $1,000,000 every month or so.
When you come face to face with with St Edwards Crown, your eyes widen behind your black goggles in amusement. The diamonds looked so…big.
After you fawned over the gleam of all the rubies and diamonds, you took out your laser and, carefully, cut a circle into the glass. Slowly, and gently, you pulled the cut glass away from the rest of the box.
Once your gloved hands touched the crown, you felt an odd chill in your spine.
“Oh, don’t mind me, love, just enjoying the show..” That familiar voice causes a smirk to appear on your face. When you turn around, you see that same patriotic red and blue covered by silver spikes. He’s leaning on the wall, arms crossed. You wonder how long he’s been standing there.
Or if he even cares that you’re stealing from his beloved monarchy.
“Spidey, strange to see you here…” You smirk before quickly replacing the real crown with a replica so no weight detectors could go off. Hobie smirked behind his spiked mask, “Strange to see me ‘ere? In my city?”
You loudly roll your eyes, putting your new souvenir in your bag. “Y’know what I mean. Did you see what I got this time?”
“The big one…Look at you! A year ago you were robbing the richest men in Dubai..” He chuckled as you smiled at his compliment. His heavy boots almost scare you when he walks up to you, he could alarm a guard.
Not wanting to cause a breach in security, you took out your grappler and shot up to the ceiling, “I’d love to stay with you, Bee, but a new apartment is calling my name!”
Bee. He smiled at the nickname as he remembered the many times you’d say it.
He stares at your every move, and how every one of your movements makes your body look so damn sexy. Your latex black suit giving you that perfect silhouette, not to mention the fluffy white fur on your calf and chest that ultimately made you look regal.
“For fuck sake..” He sighed. He remember what Miguel commanded.
‘Stop being an anarchist or whatever you call yourself and actually try capture the bad guys!’
Suddenly, five bright flashes shone into Hobies eyes, blinding the man as security guards rushed into the room. They had their tasers in one hand and flashlights in the other, analysing the room and the shattered glass from the glass roof. All Hobie could do in response was kiss his teeth.
“Took you lot long enough…” He raised his hands, surrendering as if he was trying to make them think that they had control.
They stepped closer to him, “What are you doin ‘ere, Spider?”
Hobie groaned again. The fact that this was the useless security the stupid government spent so much on made him sick, “Tryna catch the cat that’s been stealing shit from all around the world, you donut!”
One of the security guards looked at the missing artefacts and looked back at Hobie.
Hobie scoffed, “I knew you man were racist, but you’re really gonna accuse a black man for stealing these fucking jewels that don’t even belong to that bloke in the castle?!”
The security men didn’t know what to think, looking at each other to answer spiderman. They didn’t even know spiderman was black! “N-No! I would never-”
“Shut up, just shut up.” Under his mask, Hobie smirked. He webbed up to the ceiling, leaving the security guards gobsmacked. “If I ever see you again, it’s wraps, understand?”
They all nod.
“Wasteman…” he muttered, before chasing after you.
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You ran along London rooftops, your movements a little slow due to the heaviness of your bag. This stealing shit was tiring, you hoped once you sold the jewels, you’d be able to live comfortably for the rest of your life.
After a few more leaps, you rested on the top of the shard, overlooking London and it’s nightlife. From here, you could see Leicester square and almost smell the food. You sighed, taking in the city.
Dreams of getting rich might’ve blinded your vision, but the rush feels exhilarating.
“You dropped this..” You turn around seeing Hobie, without his mask. He held a shiny ruby in between his fingers. “Come get it, kitty.”
You rolled your eyes at his banter and stood, walking towards him. As much as you tried to get him out of your head, his smile alone sent thousands of butterflies to your stomach. “Why are you following me so much, hm? Thought your big bad boss made it clear there’s a Gwen Stacy here that you have to be with-”
“And when have I ever listened to him?” He steps closer, placing the ruby in your hand. You watched him as he carefully removed your mask from your face, finally seeing your face.
You recall the time when he told you about this Gwen Stacy and how Miguel clearly expressed his disappointment that someone as smart as Hobie would ruin the multiverse due to his selfishness and some ‘petty thief’. As much as you understood all this about canon events and the multiverses, you loved Hobie too much to let him go to that fashion designer, Gwen Stacy.
However, after a lot of thinking, you decided it was best if you left him, not wanting him to face any problems with Miguel.
But, you miss him. You miss the smell of his cigarettes, the sound of his guitar, the feel of his naked skin pressed against yours.
It was for the best.
“Hobie, go away.” You try to snatch your back from him but he moved his arm above your head. His smile deepens as you cross your arms, looking up at you.
God, he missed you.
“Me and Gwen? It’s like watching paint dry. It’s boring. And most importantly, she’s not you!” His callous hands stroke your cheek, has he ever been this soft? “All I want is you.”
“You can’t have me. Miguel will have your head-” “Let him have it!” Hobie exclaims, as if that is a reasonable answer. You curse under your breath, pinching the bridge of your nose.
Hobie chuckles slightly because he knows you, and he knows his love for you. But when he sees you look at him sternly, all smiles stop.
“Why can’t you just understand that I want you to be safe, fuckin idiot..” You sigh. Hobie sighs too, but out of frustration. The two of you were like immovable object meets unstoppable force. Both as stubborn as each other.
He grabs your face and rests his forehead against yours. You cringe slightly at the feeling of his eyebrow piercing but look into his eyes anyway, “Fuck Miguel. I’m safe with you, I want you.”
Bastard, you thought before planting a kiss on his lips. He held you tightly, gripping onto your hip before deepening the kiss. Hobie’s kisses are something you’ve missed, especially the horny, sloppy kisses like the one you share now.
His hands search for a zip or any easy way to undress you as remove his punkish denim jacket. The feeling of you two undressing each other whilst standing on top of a tower is inexplicable. All you want right now is him, all of him.
He finally finds the zip to your suit and he marvels at the reveal of your chest, it almost makes him stain his trousers. It also didn’t help that you were wearing only your panties underneath.
Hobie would pay thousands, millions if he could see you dressed in nothing but the many jewellery you stole.
You’re just so badass.
“Lay…down..” He whispered in between kisses. You did as he said and lowered yourself to the floor. You stay mindful of your bag of opulence, trying not to knock it off the tower and bash someones head in.
He follows you down, not breaking his steamy kiss. By now, you both are half naked, staring at each other with nothing but pure ecstasy. “Ya gonna let me make you feel good?”
Whilst Hobie males you feel oh so good, you decide it’s time to make him feel just as good. You flip him over and straddle his crotch, staring down at your ex.
No, your boyfriend.
Hobie was already hard just by looking at you, but you grinding on his lap and leaving wet kisses on his torso may send him to a whole different dimension.
You let your fingers travel until you find the hem of his boxers, batting your lashes at him when you pull them down.
Now, Hobie was huge, you know this, but after months of your short lived ‘break up’ you truly forgot how big he felt inside you.
“F-fuckin hell..”, He groans, you figure he must’ve forgotten how good your gummy walls feel when he thrusts up into you. You instantly feel his hands grip onto your hips, rocking you back n’ forth while he feels you nipping at his ear. “Fuck sake, Y/N.”
After a few small movements, you begin to ride him. Your ass bounces off his pelvis as you moan in satisfaction. Hobie looks at you as if you were an angel, but then he sees your claws scratching his chest and he realises you are anything but.
“I missed this..”, You breathed, trying to uphold your dominant side. But it felt too good. “I missed you..”
You’re achingly close to your orgasm just when Hobie flips you around on your back. He looks beautiful with the stars behind him. “Missed you too, kitty.”
Wet, breathless kisses are left on your breasts as if Hobie wants to take you all in just incase something happens. You feel his cock slide inside you again as he whispers into your ear, “You’re so fuckin tight.”
His thrusts speed up as he builds up that sensation again, he wants to decorate your insides with his cum and there’s nothing you want more but for him to do so.
If anyone walked onto the roof and saw the sight of Spiderman fucking the Black Cat so roughly, they’d either faint or run to the newspaper agencies, claiming insanities. But, you wouldn’t mind if someone caught the two of you.
I mean, by the way you’re moaning, you must want someone to find you.
“I’m gonna…cum..” You mewled, gripping onto Hobie’s arms He closed your open mouth with a kiss, letting your moans fall onto his tongue. “Hobiee…fuck!”
“Wait f’ me…I’m so close, babe!” He nipped at your neck as you moaned for the whole city to hear. “Fuckin shit!”
With one more thrust, both of you shook as you climaxed, Hobie kissing your forehead repeatedly. The moans were gone, and replaced with panting. You quickly found your panties and suit and dressed yourself.
You heard Hobie whistle, then chuckle, “Got to do that more often, love.”
“We can after we take this to your place. I’m fuckin freezing, I need hot chocolate!”
“The way I make it?”
You look at his cocky smile, “Duh?”
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The next morning, you find yourself clad in Hobie’s Sex Pistol tee, sipping hot chocolate opposite Hobie who’s leaning in his chair, tickling his guitar strings.
“What are your plans for today?” You ask, resting your head on your hand.
“Nuffin..” He sighs as he concocts a new melody with his instrument. “You?”
“Nuffin..”, You sip your drink once more and stare off to the distance.
There is a gentle moment of silence before a blue hexagon appears in Hobie’s living room. You look at Hobie in confusion, why would his spider society choose to come this early?
From the portal, Gwen and a brown haired man holding a ginger haired baby walk in. You’ve met Gwen a couple of time but not the middle aged man.
“Hobie, we need your help with this spiderman called Miles- WOAH!” The man spoke before notcing you, someone he’s never seen before, in Hobies apartment, in Hobies shirts.
“Uhhh…Hobie, there’s somebody in your-” “Peter..” Hobie began, before taking the baby from Peter.
“That ain’t somebody..” He gave you the baby in his hands.
The cute baby looked up at you curiously as you smiled down at her.
“That’s my gyal.”
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sexyandhedonistic · 2 years
The Art of Successful Prayer
How to Avail Yourself of the State Akin to Sleep
"Prayer is the art of yielding to the wish and not the forcing of the wish. Whenever your feeling is in conflict with your wish, feeling will be the victor. The dominant feeling invariably expresses itself. Prayer must be without effort. In attempting to fix an attitude of mind which is denied by the senses, effort is fatal.
You should awaken within you the feeling that you are and have that which heretofore you desired to be and possess. This is easily done by contemplating the joy that would be yours were your objective an accomplished fact, so that you live and move and have your being in the feeling that your wish is realized."
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I. Intro.
In this post, I will guide you through the procedure of using the state akin to sleep to retrieve the feeling of the wish fulfilled. The state akin to sleep is a state of relaxation and receptivity akin to the feeling attained just before falling asleep in which you are able to shut out the limitations of the objective world and obtain reality of the subjective state. The drowsiness of this state facilitates the procedure of persuading yourself to believe that you are that which you desire to be because minimal effort is required to direct your attention towards the wish fulfilled. If you feel the wish fulfilled, you will live in the end and if you live in the end, your assumptions will harden into fact.
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II. How to do it:
"If your world would change, determine what it would look like; then construct a scene which would imply you are there. If your mental construction comes close to your fulfilled desire, your little daydream will become a fact!" / "If the suggestion is given with conviction and confidently accepted by the operator as true, then you have the ideal setting for a successful prayer." - Brazen Impudence / Prayer, The Art of Believing Ch. 4
The first step is to define your objective. Have a clear idea of what it is you would like to be (or be in possession of).
Next, ask yourself, “what does the end of that goal look like?” For example, if you would like to manifest a prestigious job opportunity, you’d be congratulated on it. If you’d like to manifest a change in appearance, you would receive compliments (It doesn’t need to include another person, but you may find it more helpful in order to feel it more real). Whatever the end looks like, it must always be an event that implies its fulfillment, that it is done. This is the wish fulfilled (more on that later).
Get into a comfortable position. You can lay down or sit upright, it doesn’t matter, do whatever feels most comfortable.
Relax. You can do some breathing exercises, listen to music, have a warm drink, whatever it is that makes you relax. 
Induce a moderate degree of drowsiness where you can still concentrate on the wish fulfilled, but be sure to not feel too drowsy where you find it difficult to focus. When you feel like you could move but you don’t want to (because you’re too comfortable), that’s when you’ll know you’re in the state akin to sleep.
Construct a scene that implies the fulfillment of your desire by making elsewhere here and then now, then feel it real by incorporating your senses into it and imagine yourself being present within your imaginal scene from your perspective. Confine your scene to a single action. If your scene implies that you have received wonderful news, do not wander off in your visualization by doing a thousand irrelevant things afterwards, simply stick to the congratulations and mentally feel yourself being present in your scene. Repeat the scene until it takes on the tones of reality. [A tip from Edward Art: Focus on feeling it real (feeling the wish fulfilled) first and then the sensory aspects of your scene will follow]
If you do this right and you’re able to shut out your senses and concentrate on that single sensation of fulfillment. You will actually feel as though it is all actually happening at this very moment, as if you are there presently. When you choose to exit the imaginal scene, you will quite literally feel surprised at the fact that you are back in the comfort of your home and not where you were a minute ago.
"As soon as man assumes the feeling of his wish fulfilled, his fourth-dimensional self finds ways for the attainment of this end, discovers methods for its realization" - Remain Faithful to Your Idea
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III. The lullaby method
"If you cannot concentrate on an act, if you cannot snuggle into your chair and believe the chair is elsewhere, just as though elsewhere were here, then do this: Reduce the idea, condense it to a single, simple phrase. Whatever the phrase is, let it imply that the assumption is true, that it is concrete, that it is already a fact and you know it." - Assumptions Harden Into Fact
If you find it difficult to focus on a scene and feel it real or if you simply cannot conceptualize what the end would even look like, follow steps 1 through 4 and do the following:
Condense the fulfillment to three words or less and repeat them over and over again until your mind is dominated by the single sensation of thankfulness. Meditate on this phrase until you accept it as a fact.
Something that helped me understand the lullaby method was the following analogy: Think of a moment where you were repeating a word to yourself over and over again until it no longer sounded like a real word. The lullaby method is almost like that except in the opposite direction. Instead of repeating your three words until they don’t make sense, you repeat them until you are consumed by the acceptance of them, as if they do make sense. 
Examples of three words that imply the end:
I made it, I passed, I got accepted, I found it, they said yes, I won, I am (beautiful, healed, employed, successful), thank you, it is done, it’s finished, isn’t it wonderful?, I AM
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IV. Revision
If your goal is to revise an incident, you do the exact same process:
Construct a scene that would suggest the preferable outcome. If you dropped your phone and broke your screen, imagine that you caught it instead. If you received undesirable news, imagine what you would have preferred to hear instead. 
Again, if you cannot conceptualize a scene of the ideal, pick three words that confirm the end. For lullaby, you can stick to “It never happened”
It could take some practice or maybe you’ll succeed at feeling it real on the first attempt. There comes a point where after visualizing or repeating those three words long enough that it’ll simply feel real. When you step out of that state you will feel surprised to realize that you��re no longer where your scene implied that you were. The vividness of your scene will feel as a real occurrence to you. Whenever I do the lullaby method and step out of that state I am filled with a sense of relief, as if my prayer has been answered. That’s how you’re supposed to feel after inducing the SATS rather than “hoping” that what you just did is enough.
Although you can induce the SATS at any time of day, if you choose to do it before bed (which is an excellent idea and I’m about to explain why), you can take that feeling of the wish fulfilled and fall asleep in that state. Always fall asleep with that satisfaction clouding your consciousness. Your prayer has been answered and there’s nothing left for you to do (but you can turn to the SATS whenever you need a reminder of the wish fulfilled).
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V. Wish fulfilled briefly explained.
“When I speak of feeling I do not mean emotion, but acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled. Feeling grateful, fulfilled, or thankful, it is easy to say, "Thank You," "Isn't it wonderful!" or "It is finished." When you get into the state of thankfulness, you can either awaken knowing it is done, or fall asleep in the feeling of the wish fulfilled.”
I remind you to proceed with this state not with the intention of doing in order to receive but rather to acquire the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Much like a prayer, think about it through the word "wish". Imagine what it would be like to ask for a wish and know that it's been granted, or asking for something and knowing you will receive it. How would you feel?
"The only condition required is that you believe that your prayers are already realized." - Feeling is the Secret Ch. 3
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VI. How to you know if you’re in the state akin to sleep.
You’ll know you’re successfully induced this state where you’re still capable of moving but you don’t want to. You know when you rest your head on your arm or hand and you’re so comfortable that you don’t even want to move? That’s the state. It's like when you're so exhausted you throw yourself onto your bed and do not want to move because you immediately get comfortable, that’s how you should feel.
You’ll also know when you’re able to still guide the direction of your thoughts, if you’re too drowsy to the point where you’re slurring your words or cannot stick to your scene you've gone a little too far. You want to be able to focus and control your attention with as little effort as possible.
Symptoms may vary from person to person but here are the ones I personally feel that confirm I’m in the SATS:
My body feels slightly numb and will mildly twitch
My breathing is slow and short, my chest doesn’t rise much.
I am aware of the silhouette of my body but I cannot feel where my limbs touch.
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VII. Misconceptions.
You do not need to physically impair the body.
You do not need to do this at night before bed.
The lullaby method is not affirming until you fall asleep.
Visualizing during the SATS is not a daydream, you are literally harvesting your future by assuming what the end looks like and then feeling the wish fulfilled.
You can induce sats at any time of day.  Neville himself recommended inducing it at a specific hour every day and soon enough you would automatically begin to feel drowsy at that same hour every day.
It is preferable to visualize in first person rather than in third person as if you are watching a scene unfold because you are meant to feel the scene as real as possible, as if you are actually there at this very moment. 
The affirmations are ideally condensed to three words or less so you can focus on them easier. I had personally found this to be much easier for me to remain focused when it’s only three words and not longer because I eventually start slurring my words.
How I personally induce the SATS:
I prefer to do it sometime between 18:00-21:00 when I have no intention of sleeping
I make myself a cup of tea (lavender or chamomile) so I feel relaxed.
If I struggle to focus I'll do a small ten minute guided meditation beforehand.
I then turn on brown noise or theta waves on noise canceling headphones.
I repeat to myself, “I am relaxed” “I am sleepy” until I start feeling drowsy.
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VII. Final words.
I strongly advise you to approach the SATS not as a method but as a way to feel that your prayer has been answered. Do not induce the state in hopes of trying to “be” something because you can’t become what you already are. Utilizing your imagination during the SATS can be such a fulfilling and rewarding practice that I would encourage you to partake in it purely for enjoyment even when you are not specifically seeking the wish fulfilled. Remember to have fun with the SATS and let your imagination run free. ʚ♡ɞ
"Your prayer must be answered if you assume the feeling that would be yours were you already in possession of your objective. To pray successfully then, you must yield to the wish, that is, feel the wish fulfilled." - Feeling is the Secret Ch. 3
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ilovetheriddler · 3 months
Reluctant Comfort.
(Arkham Games) Edward Nigma x F!Reader.
Word Count: 1,170.
Contents: You're upset, Edward Comforts you in his own way.
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You were distracted and distraught as you made your way back to Edward "Lair," as he called it, your arms full of bags containing more parts and pieces for his contraptions. You had been working as his assistant for a few months now. It most definitely wasn't easy by any means, especially not with how he regularly acted. He was more egotistical than anyone else you had ever met, but he was also undeniably brilliant. Honestly, if he wanted to, he could probably create quite a few things that could ultimately help people, but no. He was purely dedicated to his riddles and his urge to destroy and humiliate The Caped Crusader, Batman.
However, the main thing that currently had you upset wasn't actually anything to do with your "employer," No, it was the result of a run in you just had with one of the boys who used to harrass you in high school, and even though you knew you shouldn't waste any thought on someone who had treated you so poorly, it still ate away at you how he seemingly had a very successful life. He had a loving wife, a high paying job, and he was seemingly well respected. You originally tried to push away your frustration at this by thinking that maybe he had changed since high school. Maybe he was actually a decent guy now? No, no, he wasn't.
You had walked over to say hello, and he gave you the most pitiful look you had ever seen, as if he was disgusted by your very existence. That same infuriating look he gave you all throughout high school. Once he recognized you, he couldn't help bragging about how good his life was. And you knew that you shouldn't wish bad things on this guy, that you should take the high road. But it was really difficult when it was someone who had made you so miserable.
You eventually made it back to Edward's Lair. You walked inside and sat the extra parts and pieces down on the counter. You looked over and could see Edward right where you'd expect to find him. Hunched over his workbench, frantically scribbling out new ideas for his creations onto any scrap of paper within a five feet radius. He looked as disheveled as always. His question mark shirt was unbuttoned and covered in stains from oil and overall dirt. His white tank top underneath was somehow even more filthy. He's covered in sweat and grime, with bandaids scattered onto random places on his arms and face. Yeah, that was your employer, alright.
He hadn't bathed in days. You had been practically begging him to at this point because honestly, he's starting to smell, and you can't handle it. Of course, he just ignored you anytime you brought it up. He always got like this whenever he believed that he had come up with a brilliant plan to take down batman. He briefly glances up at you, his usual slight scowl present on his face.
"It took you long enough! I was beginning to believe that you simply perished or something along those lines!"
"I um... Apologize, Mr Nigma, I... tried to get back here as quickly as possible..."
He was a bit surprised and frustrated at your tone of voice. You were clearly upset about something, and he knew that it would obviously hinder your assistance to him. So he stands up from his workbench and begrudgingly makes his way over to where you were currently standing.
"Alright, spit it out! What insignificant thing is bothering you?"
"It's um... nothing. I just feel a bit... upset, I guess, because I ran into someone who used to be a jerk to me back when I was younger...:
"... And? Is that it?!"
"Well, it's just.... I suppose I'm just frustrated. He's seemingly really successful and happy in life despite how he treats people... I guess I just... always kind of thought that some type of Karma would happen, you know?"
He clenched his jaw slightly in frustration before he sighed.
"So let me see if I have this correct. You're upset because some Imbecilic Fool who used to harrass and humiliate you when you both were teenagers is now successful and seemingly getting everything he desires. Do I have that, right?"
".... Um... yeah, that's basically it....."
"Well, it's absolutely foolish to allow that to bother you! I don't want you wasting a single ounce of energy thinking of that moron. Do you understand!?"
He stared at you with a truly bone-chilling intensity as he waited for you to answer him. You remained silent and simply nodded in response. You could still feel his eyes watching you as your gaze remained glued to the floor from nerves. He let out a noise of somewhat frustration.
"I don't like to repeat myself, so listen carefully! I don't give a damn about whatever he said to you in the past or when you saw him earlier. It doesn't matter! He's just a dimwitted fool clearly, while you have the privilege, the honor of being my trusted assistant! So, take some pride in the fact that I consider you competent enough for my plans."
You were somewhat surprised and taken aback. Despite his usually harsh tone, he almost sounded as though he was... giving you praise...? Or at the very least, what would count as praise and appreciation from somewhat that acted like he did. So you couldn't help but be slightly touched.
"Y-yes, sir.... I understand...."
"... Excellent, now. Bring those spare parts over to my workbench, I need them for my latest project."
He has a somewhat slightly smug look on his face as he returns back to working on his plans. You bring over the materials he asked for and set them down before you clean up some of his scraped pieces of paper, ideas he came up with but then decided weren't worth pursuing so he tore them up in a fit.
About a week later, you're confused when looking over the cameras he had set up to watch batman attempt to solve his challenges and riddles. You could clearly see what appeared to be the same guy who used to torment you in high school. Why was he trapped in one of Eddie's contraptions?
Edward walked into the same room as you and sat down in front of his monitors. He could tell that you were overall confused and unsure as to what exactly he's up to with his latest tester for his newest challenge.
"I don't see why you're so shocked, I mean, after all... I can't allow someone to speak ill of my assistant, only I'm allowed to do so! If anyone else does, then they're practically insulting me and my decision to hire you!"
In a way, it warmed your heart slightly. Was he the best man for you to have secretly developed feelings for? Absolutely not. But you couldn't control it. You were utterly infatuated with him.
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