#i woke up and y'all chose pain and violence again
madwomansapologist · 1 year
living as shan yu's prisioner/bride would include
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Shan Yu | AO3
synopsis: After the initial fear and distrust, you undertood that you only had one choice: adapt. And, going against everything you knew about yourself and the world, you discovered that it weren't that hard. That Shan Yu wasn't that horrible.
warnings: female!reader. shan yu (that's my wife. yeah, i decided that 30 seconds after meeting her. she's my soulmate, idiot) x reader (slow down, big boy, i have standarts. oh. you gave me a horse. you're kinda of reaching them). mentruation because i'm a whore for domesticity in moments of vulnerability. violence. not that dark. it's kinda about the first steps of falling in love when your logic says you're not supossed to. in this house we hate the misogynist version of Shan Yu in Mulan (2020).
note: that happened right before the end of this. hope y'all like it!
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• You felt guilty. So dirty. How could you feel that way about it? But it didn't matter how many times you told yourself that you shouldn't feel that way, you did it anyway. A heart feels whatever it wants. And yours feel free.
• That's something special about feeling the air against your body, the speed of your horse, the world moving on with you. Not despise you, not without, but with you. And it felt so good. Like it was supossed to be that way.
• When Shan Yu gave you a sorrel, he knew you wouldn't try to run away. Quickly after meeting him you knew you couldn't. It would be impossible for you to escape the Huns. And even if you did: then what would you do? Who would be able to help you? You knew that you couldn't, but Shan Yu also didn't gave you a reason to try.
• Yes, he kidnapped you. That is reason enough for you to at least try. But Shan Yu said he would make you his Empress. Endless times. He talked about how you'll reign beside him. You have classes about war, history, economy. The other Huns treat you like you had spend your lifetime with them. He'll make you his Empress. If he win the war, of course. And he promissed that you'll see your family again after the war.
• Shan Yu made clear that he wants your heart. He won't touch you, not without your consent first, but you're his bride. He made sure everyone knew that. You're his. His bride, his future wife, his mate. You don't know how anyone could fall in love that quickly. You believe him, Shan Yu have no reason to lie, you just don't get it. It may be that easy to him, but it isn't for you.
• You would never chose to be close to him if things were normal. The leader of the Hun army, an enemy of the Emperor, his fame precedes him. But things aren't normal, are they? You don't love Shan Yu, but you certainly don't hate him. And sometimes you think that he would be nice as a friend. Someone that would be easy to be around.
You were freaking out. You woke up in pain, and it took you a second to figure out what was that warm feeling in between your tights. Tears were rolling down your face when Shan Yu suddenly moved on his bed.
"Are you hurt?" You don't know how he did it that quickly, but when you looked at him Shan Yu had his sword on his hand. That man was ready to kill someone. The moonlit made it easy for you to see him, which means he could also see you. That made you feel so embarrassed. "Why are you crying?"
"Look away!" You shouted. Shan Yu almost did as you demanded, but he couldn't just ignore your tears. You tried to grab the bed sheets, but your sleep weaked your movements. "Just go back to your bed and leave me alone."
Shan Yu approached, and then he understood. He's experienced in the battlefield. Shan Yu would be able to recognized blood even if blind. "I will prepare a bath for you. It will help cease the pain."
"Stop", you could feel your body getting so warm. "Just leave me alone. I'm embarrassed enough."
Shan Yu sighed. "Embarrassed of what?" You pointed to the sheets. "Do you think that's the first time I see blood? Are you afraid I will faint?"
That made you chuckle. "No."
"I will prepare a bath for you." Shan Yu walked towards the bathroom. "Just sit down and wait."
That's what you did.
• Shan Yu isn't violent. Not to you. You fought his men, screamed at him, called him a liar: he never reacted. And he can be somehow kind when he wants to. You can sense that he's always checking if everything is okay with you. And he can be fun. In a weird, little bit off, kinda of way.
• Like how Shan Yu knows when he's better than someone and just let them dig their own graves. It isn't him being patient, coward or anything else: this is Shan Yu having fun. He likes the chase. You heard countless people calling him a monster, but you disagree. He's a predator.
• Fun. In a way that you don't really understand. And you would never say this out loud, not even under torture, but you feel that life would be easier with him. Or at least it wouldn't be the worst thing ever to stay beside him.
• Shan Yu isn't violent, has a good sense of humor, somehow respects you. Money would never be a problem. Even during a war, Shan Yu gave you clothes to fill countless wardrobes. And with him you're safe. You knew his fame, and now you know it fits him.
• It's nice to not worry about marriage. There is no family talking about how you should've already married to someone. There is no such a thing as spending sleepless nights thinking about what would happen to you if your father die before you can find someone. You don't worry about this anymore.
• So, yeah, somehow you enjoy that situation. Not love, and you certainly didn't dream with having that type of life, but you found yourself enjoying your time with the Huns. Your time with Shan Yu.
"You know that you don't need to run everytime, do you?" Shan Yu asked, scaring you. You didn't expect him to be behind you. You didn't even heard him approaching. Before looking at his direction, you could see that constant smirk on his face. "Horses are able to trot."
As usual, when you got the chance you ran with your sorrel, you did it. Feeling the air against you, a type of freedom you never experienced before. Exhausted, you waited for them to reach you.
For him to reach you.
Shan Yu grabbed your sorrel's rein, guiding him. You let him do it. Your body was already tired. Unlike him, you're not accustomed to ride for so long. And you could go to your carriage, Shan Yu wouldn't said no to you, but you know why he gave you that sorrel.
Before his gift, he led the army mounted on his horse while you stayed inside the carriage. Now, you can ride with him if you want to.
"Maybe I'm trying to runaway," if you know him well enough to understand the way his humor works, then he better understand yours. "Smarten up, big boy."
But you think there is another reason for that present. A thing that you noticed a while ago. The way he lighten up when someone mentions that you can fight. Or when you share your opinion, regardless if it's what he wants to hear. Shan Yu likes to see you fearless. He likes when you talk back. When you make sure everyone heard what you have to say.
"It's a joke," you told him. "I'm not planning on running away."
"Why?" Shan Yu said so calmly, but you could hear it was a honest doubt.
You also thought about it before. Why didn't you run away? Okay, using your logic you understood it wouldn't work out, but somethings aren't about logic. Humans don't usually do things only because of logic. Why your emotions didn't made you try everything you could? Why didn't you at least tried to runaway from him?
"I hope to never see a matchmaker again."
That made Shan Tu buffaw. "Alright," he nodded with his head. "It's a promise: you'll never see a matchmaker again in your life."
"Watch out," you smiled at him. "I may fall for your pretty promises."
"I'm counting on it."
• Things weren't perfect. Of course they weren't. But that feast was the last straw. There are some lines Shan Yu can't cross without you reacting. There are things that not even your logic can ignore. Things that made your heart decide to act. And of course it included him being violent. You should've know.
• All night long, you could feel his eyes on you. Those yellow eyes, following your steps like if you were a prey, would never go unnotice by you. Not even the loud music of the feast, the amounts of alcohol you drank, the way your feet were already aching because you danced for so long: you could feel Shan Yu watching you.
• You know he wants to join you. To dance with you, to hold you, to have you. You know that. But Shan Yu promised he would only touch you after you decided that you want him to do it. And you didn't say anything. You didn't try anything. You did not gave him permission, so he only watchs.
• At some moment, when it was already midnight, you fell. It wasn't anything important. It didn't hurt you. It was more embarrassing than anything else, but you were drunk enough to not care about it.
• Someone helped you getting on your feet again. Just a kind hand for you to hold on until you were sure you wouldn't fall again. For a second, you forgot about his eyes on you. You just hugged whoever helped you in a way to show your drunkness gratitude. And that was when Shan Yu made sure everyone knew he was still there.
• Shan Yu is quickly. Your mind, lacking sobriety, almost didn't record him moving towards you. You just noticed what was happening when Shan Yu hold the man by his throat, pulling him away from the floor. You knew he was scary, dangerous, cruel. You knew that. But you never saw it. You never saw how his eyes can burn others. You knew who Shan Yu was, but you never saw it.
• The poor man were turning blue on his head, barely able to struggle against the strong hold on his neck, trying to say something. Trying to say he was sorry. You were frozen in place, almost convincing yourself that it was all a nightmare, until Shan Yu dropped the man on the floor. He coughed, trying to breath again while thanking Shan Yu.
Shan Yu looked at every single person on the feast. Every single one. "No one touch what's mine."
Shan Yu wasn't only punishing him, but teaching everyone around him a lesson. And you can't deny, he was a great teacher. Everyone seem to understand. Everyone seem scared enough to never go against him.
But when Shan Yu looked at you, he didn't saw your usual challeging gaze. He didn't saw joy, or tiredness, or surprise. He didn't saw fear. When Shan Yu looked into your eyes, all he saw was disgust.
Your gaze alone made something itch inside him. But your words cut his soul in places he didn't even knew existed.
"You will never touch me," you whispered, only for him to hear. "I will never love you back. Hurt whoever you want, hurt me if you desire, you will never have me."
You told Shan Yu to smarten up. At the time it was only a joke. But now, after seeing how cruel he can be and hearing what he had to say, you changed your mind. Your heart feel smaller. You won't stay here for long.
Without giving him a chance to reply, you turned your back on him and walked towards your carriage. You stood there until you were sure no one had followed you. You put on your boots, grabbed a bag with food and water, and went to the stable.
You were lucky. Everyone was at the feast, which means no one was there to see you riding your sorrel. Which means no one was there to see you running away. Which means your carriage was empty when Shan Yu went there looking for you.
You knew the path you need to follow. Your could hear the river, you saw the birds flying north, all you need to do was to be faster than the Huns. And you're almost sure that they're all drunk.
At some point, maybe twenty minutes after you exit the stable, you heard another horse. You couldn't see it, but you knew it was Shan Yu. That scared you, made you shiver, but you didn't stop. You just went faster and faster.
Shan Yu is strong, but he's too strong. His horse wouldn't be able to compete with your sorrel. He can try, but you know for sure that your sorrel needs to worry about less weight.
He was close. But not close enough.
You don't know for how long you tried to make him struggle, but at some point it started raining. It was harder to see the path, you were shivering, and the ground turned muddy. You tried, you really tried, but nothing can control a horse's response to thunders.
You almost fell when he jumped, your hands burned holding the rein. You weren't so lucky the next time. When you collapsed on the floor, you felt like all the air in your lungs had imploded. You tried to move, the rain falling on your face kept you awake, but you couldn't stand. It burned.
And that gave Shan Yu exactly what he needed: time.
When another thunder came, you rolled to the side so your sorrel wouldn't step on you. You crawled on the ground, holding your head as if it would fall from your neck, and struggle to stand up. It hurts, it burns, but you're stronger. It felt like it was impossible, but you stand where once you fell.
It was hard to control your tears, and even harder to deal with the pain on your chest. You tried to hold your sorrel by its head, but he was so scared. You didn't stop trying to calm him down, but then you heard.
Shan Yu reached you. There he is, so close and yet so far away. Riding his own scared horse, rain dripping on his skin and marking his clothes. He wasn't wearing his usual fur. No. Shan Yu was still using the clothes for the feast.
That made you think less of him. You prepared. You have food, water, maps. And he just took a horse and went to search for you? Why would he act so unprepared?
With thunders ecchoing on your ears and pain spreading along your chest, the right answer didn't even passes through your head. Why Shan Yu was unprepared to the cold, to the rain, to the chase: because he was scared. He was scared that one second he wasted not looking for you would be the second that would separe you both forever. Because Shan Yu was scared. So scared.
"I won't stop trying," you shouted at him. It was so dificult to find strenght to say things, but you did it anyway. Screw it. Don't matter what he does, you will keep trying to flee away from him.
"Don't be stupid." Shan Yu jumped from the horse. You could hear the tiredness on his voice. He also sttrugled with his breath. "Are you trying to kill yourself? What would you do? Keep riding in the rain, waiting until the cold took your body?"
"I would rather die than live as your object!" You tried to mount your horse again, but he keep moving away from you. He was so scared. You caressed his fur, trying to make him stop. "For once, be honest with yourself. Face the truth. You don't love me. You won't have a happily ever after with me like in a old fairytail. I'm just someone you saw naked once. I'm not a person for you. I'm something that only you can consume."
Shan Yu walked towards you, but you moved away. He was trying so hard to be calm. All he wanted to do was took you on his arms, put you on his shoulder and walk you home. Home. There you could scream for how long you wanted. You could speak, he would hear, and things will change. He sighed. "That's not the truth and you know that."
"Do I? Because that is all I know. You saw me naked and now you do anything you can to make me let you fuck me. A person touch me and you almost killed him! Why won't you get over it? Find someone else!"
Then Shan Yu realized that no, you didn't know. You really didn't understand? How could you? He said to you so many times. Shan Yu made sure that you would see it, but you didn't. "I love you," Shan Yu didn't know what else could make you understand that. "I won't find someone else, because you are the one. We are meant to be. This isn't about your body. This isn't about your touch. All I do is to make you see it. To make you want to be mine."
You just glared at him, trying to understand what your mind wanted. Trying to understand him. "But why? Why do you feel this way about me?"
"Because you're like me."
"No. I'm not," you didn't move this time when he stepped closer. "I'm nothing like you."
"You want more of life," Shan Yu stood right in front of you. "You don't want to go back to a dead village, to go through the same day again and again, to no be remembered. I know you want more. You want to see the world. You want to feel free. It's your time to be honest with yourself. Face the truth. You want more."
Shan Yu wanted you to agree. He wanted you to say he was right, that you want more, that you want him. But he thought you would scream at him, push him away, declare your hate for him. He didn't imagined you would cry.
"I don't," Shan Yu stopped. He didn't knew what to say. He didn't want you to cry. He didn't want you to react this way. "Please, don't cry. Everything will be alright."
"I'm tired," you whispered. "Im in pain, I'm scared, and I don't know what I want. I don't know what to do."
"You're hurt?"
You nodded. "I fell."
Shan Yu sighed. How he wanted to just touch you. Hold you in his arms. Clean the trace of tears on your face. See where you hurted yourself. "We will come back to our carriage, we'll eat and rest. And when you're fine, you can decide If you go back home."
It was so dumb. So stupid. You could help but laugh, almost forgeting the tears. "And you would let me go if I want to?"
"I want to feel your love, not to see your disgust." Shan Yu sighed. "If you want to go, you can. But when i defeat the Emperor, when China became mine, I'll come back to you. And then I'll ask you once more if you want to be mine."
"You promise?" You didn't knew what to think about this.
"I do," Shan Yu answered. "Sadly, I do."
• That was the first night of a thunderstorm that lasted days. That was the first night of a thunderstorm that would make Shan Yu fall. That was the first night of a thunderstorm that would change your mind.
Next Part!
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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djappleblush · 2 years
Cang lan jue crew really woke up and chose violence, like, "we're not moving on today" and I respect it.
Behold! The BTS that was just as painful as the actual drama scene. The way Dylan Wang and Esther Yu were both so immersed in their characters, the way Dylan had a hard time recovering from his emotional outburst as he embodied his character so well to be able to deliver the pain and heartache onto the camera, the way Esther stayed by his side and comforted him, saying, "I'm still here, I'm still alive" like b!tch how can you rip my heart out again like this? I thought I already recovered but apparently I didn't. Y'all know that moment when you thought you've moved on from the pain and then something happens that reminded you of that pain and made it 10x worse? Yeah, this is what this BTS did. The director/producer/writer knew what they were doing.
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hanniejji · 2 years
Woke up and got sad diluc father ideas? Got 3 sad ones. (TW! #3 contains mention of suicide!! You've been warned.)
Little phoenix falls into the abyss instead of getting hurt by the abyss. They're running away after a big argument with him. Then trip and fall into this big ravine. They end up being there for 12 days but in the abyss that's a year. By the time they return the sparkle in their eyes gone and they no longer Smile as sweetly as before. Their smiles almost fake. That is his child just not the same anymore, and they now wheeled a weapon they never did before and have a cyro vision. Maybe he could have done something to stop this... all he knows... it's his fault.
Little phoenix calls him master diluc and Kaeya now dad (with kaeya saying it's ok). He must have heard that wrong. His child just called Kaeya dad. He probably just misheard what they said. But then they do it again, and again, and again. When they first called Kaeya dad they apologized, when Kaeya why they called him dad. They respond that everything they've seen how a father acts and been told is what Kaeya did never what their father did. Every big events they had he showed up, never Diluc. When they got their Vision he helped, never Diluc. When they wanted to learn how to fight he helped, never Diluc. Every event in their life whether small or big Kaeya was there, never Diluc. Maybe it was the God's way of saying he messed up big time. To the point where he's no longer their father in their eyes.
#3 below this. WARNING SUICIDE!!
Little phoenix heard what everyone said as they walked by. It was their fault their mom's gone, they killed their mother, they took away their father's happiness. It's all their fault. So maybe if they took away the one thing that took his happiness away he'd be happy again... right? So when he comes home from bartending to change into his Dark Knight hero attire. He hears a random maids scream. When he rushed to see what's wrong it's coming from there room... when he walked in he couldn't believe what he saw. They now were lying on the floor as the maid had taken them down with a rope hanging above them. They no longer had a pulse having been dead for a while. He found a note it said "I hope this makes things better for you dad. After all I took your only happiness when I came along. So if I'm gone you can be happy again! Please tell uncle Kaeya I love him and I'm sorry." -signed Little phoenix.
Sorry but I wanted more sadness... ehe~. Call me Ray though plz! (If you call me smt pronouns are they/them plz and ty!)
you really embodied the "woke up and chose violence" phrase huh? this is so painful to go through sheesh HAVE I NOT GIVEN Y'ALL ENOUGH ANGST 😭 MY POOR HEART NEEDS MERTHY, GIB MERTHY
these are all so fucking possible in the au because honestly, no matter how matured phoenix is, they're still a child. they think of things that are harmful yet to them it's the best decision.
at this point i want to hurry up the diluc fic because y'all are going wild with the angst 😭😭
just kidding, give me more pain :'D
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Bounty and the Hunter: Good Girl
Bounty and the Hunter: Good Girl
Summary: Sometimes you need to do a little reflecting after sucking the dick of a bounty hunter who could at any chance kill you…
Rating: Explicit (I know that you won't listen but if you're under 18 don't read or I'll tell your parents)
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: SMUT (it is 1000% cringey but a girl is doing her best), cockwarming, P in V sex, cumplay (is that a warning??), mentions of prostitution, cursing, a little touch of violence, cursing, sexy themes, if there's anything else let me knowww
A/N: Hello again!!! I know I said that I was gonna try and get this up on Valentine's Day but then I accidentally deleted a quarter of this so I had to rewrite it:( ANYWAYS I hope y'all like it!!
"I'm not done with you yet."
The words caught you off guard. You hesitantly turned around and slowly began to walk back to the pilot, wishing he'd just let you change into some clothes.
"Yes?" You answered meekly, standing behind him like you had when you fixed the dashboard.
There was a nice silence, the hyperdrive gave a low hum that you knew would help ease you to sleep. Sleep. Sleep sounded so nice, even though you hadn't been awake that long.
It was now that he turned around to look at you, the chrome helmet reflecting the fearful look on your face. The comfortable feeling you felt between his thighs was gone; it seemed to be a momentary blip.
"Your bounty is 60,000 credits. What do you usually charge?"
"Um, what we just did is usually 400 credits, and um all the way is usually 1500 credits. But that depends on what all that includes…"
Though you couldn't see his face, something told you that he didn't like the prices you'd just named. So slowly you began to get quieter until you just stopped speaking.
Suddenly you thought back to your first day at the first club you'd worked in when your first customer got angry at how much you were charging for a lap dance.
"I'm not paying that shit, listen whore you'll give me a dance for 20 credits and be happy about it," he'd yelled at you throwing credits on the floor for you to pick up.
When you refused, he'd slapped you; and though he was a thin man he had mustered enough strength to slap you to the floor. Rage had fluttered through your body and you could've killed him, opting to kick his ass out of the booth and tell the floor manager that he was trying to steal.
You remembered how the lights flickered and the music had stopped playing, as if it could sense the tension that existed, much like the lights had done a few hours earlier. That was the last time that a man had put his hands on you in anger; you didn't want someone to have that power, nor did you want to feel that anger ever again.
Suddenly you were snapped back to the current time and realized that once again your worth had been debated by someone who didn't matter.
"You asked what I usually charged, and I told you, that isn't a debatable fact," you said with a small trance of frustration.
"We're going to be lowering those rates for the duration of our time together. What we just did will be 100 credits,"
He was silent for a moment before giving a begrudging, "Okay."
"Sex is 500 credits, non-negotiable." Once again, he was just staring at you; you imagined that underneath the helmet he was squinting at you.
"Fine. But if anything else happens we adjust the price upwards."
He nodded and turned around to look out through the front of the ship.
You turned to leave the cockpit but was stopped by one last question of his.
"Is there anything you won't do?"
You chuckled, caught a little off guard by the question.
"Why? Are you into some messed up shit Mando?" He didn't answer, and you couldn't bring yourself to turn around and risk the chance of him staring back at you.
"No, there's nothing that I won't do…yet" you answered.
The ship was very cold, and your underwear did little to warm you up. So, after you knew that he was finished speaking you turned around and made your way down the ladder so you could get into some clothes and try to get some sleep. The ladder made more sound than you would've liked, but once you were in the lower half of the ship you were very glad to be alone. The fresher was smaller than the bathroom that you had in your old apartment. It didn't allow you much space to try and change clothes, but you were thankful to have a private spot on the ship. Walking out of the fresher you saw the pile of your belongings and a blanket. You tried to create a small spot on the floor, out of the way, for you to lay down in. Clad in a long shirt and leggings and covered in a blanket, you fell asleep to the muted whoosh of the ship in hyperdrive.
The dreams that you had in your small break of sleep were unpleasant to say the least, images of pain and carnage. Murder and violence flashed across your brain. You couldn't wake up; it was like someone was forcing you to stay asleep. The screams of pain and agony rang through your ears and no matter how hard you tried you just couldn't wake up.
Then you felt a hand grab your shoulder and try to shake you awake. Without a thought, the back of your hand hit the hard metal of Mandalorian armor. You hadn't gained full consciousness yet, but pain rang through your hand. You slowly started to wake up and see fuzzy figures, but the silver armor was clear as day.
"What the hell was that?" The Mandalorian asked now standing over you.
You looked around, confused and tired.
"It was a reflex, I guess. Sorry." You rubbed your right hand, hoping to stop the warm throbbing that was quickly developing.
"Do you always scream when you're asleep?"
Had you really been screaming? You wanted to reassure him that you didn't, but it had been so long since you'd been with someone who had been around to watch you sleep. But rather than run the risk of being thrown out, you opted to just lie.
"No, I was just having a bad dream."
"Alright. When we land, you're going to have to check out the ship," he said walking over to a little door that you assumed housed his bed.
"What's wrong?"
"For a moment, the power looked like it was going to fail, everything almost went offline."
He stepped into the little room, shut the door, and once again you were alone. You were still exhausted but the dream, now a vague memory, still had you on edge. In an attempt to try and clear your mind, you chose to lean against the cold metal wall of the ship and mediate. An old friend of yours taught you to meditate as a way to cleanse your mind of the trouble that the day brought. At first you had been skeptical but didn't want to offend your friend who wanted so much to help. Now you found it nearly impossible to go through the day without taking a few moments to try and silence your mind.
Your head leaned back against the wall, letting your shoulders fall and your arms go limp. The soft humming of the ship in the background of your mind as you closed your eyes and focused on your breathing. In. Hold. Out. Hold. The words of your long-lost friend rang out in your head as your body slowly relaxed and fell into a steady motion of deep breaths. The thoughts of the day began to trickle out of your focus; the steadiness of your breathing was all that mattered. It wasn't long before you felt yourself on the brink of sleep. As you started to succumb once again to the warm embrace of sleep, a thought entered your mind.
Protect the child.
You shot up in a panic. That wasn't your thought, it had been forced into your mind. Why had that come to you? How did it come to you? What child was it referring to? Your implant had made sure that children weren't ever a worry in your line of work, and the Mandalorian didn't have a child…did he? No, you thought to yourself. He would've said something if he had a child on this ship. Then what child?
Fear struck you in a way you hadn't experienced in years. Something deep in your soul knew that this message was the beginning of something big, something to be scared of.
You laid back down on the floor and tried to fall asleep, telling yourself that you'd be able to handle this better once you'd slept. As you fell asleep once again, you heard the words protect the child again.
When you woke up, it was because of the loud cursing that came from the cockpit of the ship. You decided not to investigate, choosing to get yourself ready for the day before you met the Mandalorian while he was in a fit of rage. The cursing had ceased by the time you were dressed and showered, so you decided to see if you couldn't try and fix the issue of power that he had mentioned last night.
Out of the front windshield you could see a planet in the distance, you let out a silent prayer that he wasn't going there to deliver you to someone.
"Hi. You mentioned something about the power last night, I thought I could take a look at it."
"We're going to be landing in a little bit. You can look then." He was still annoyed.
You nodded to yourself, noting that in the future it would be best to leave him alone at all costs. Looking around, you took a seat in the passenger's seat. The memory of how turned on he'd made you came back, and you tried to fight a blush that took hold of your face.
How can you be attracted to him? He could kill you or give you to people who will kill you. You've never seen his face! You know nothing about him, you told yourself. All valid points, but there was something that despite your better judgement still found yourself attracted to him.
You were jerked out of your thoughts as he turned his seat towards yours and grabbed your wrist before putting on what looked like a bracelet.
"It's a tracker. If you take it off, I'll know. If you put it on something else, I'll know. If you try to kill its power, I'll know. I found you once, I can find you again. If I have to find you again, I'll kill you."
You couldn't help but sit there in shock. Finally, you nodded and looked at the cross between a handcuff and a bracelet, a physical reminder of your capture.
The two of you sat in silence after that. Being around him was terrifying, you were trying not to get on his bad side by talking, but you knew that if you talked to him you could probably make him like you. All of it surrounded a common goal, don't give him a reason to turn you in. When you were getting ready this morning, you'd seen the people in carbonite, he could easily do that to you. But he hadn't, you kept reminding yourself. You knew that you had talent and had proved it to him last night. What you didn't know was if you were talented enough to stay out of trouble and stay alive.
Maker, you thought to yourself, I'd give anything to hear his thoughts. Not talking was beginning to take a toll on you. You'd never met a stranger, you had friends no matter where you found yourself. It was a trait that you prided yourself on, it was a skill that had gotten you out of a lot of trouble in the past. Yet, as you sat in silence with a single handcuff on, you felt powerless.
The planet slowly got closer, and the fear grew in your heart. There wasn't much that you'd be able to do if he were really here to turn you over, but it didn't stop you from trying to plan different escapes. Your hands weren't bound so it would be easy to grab the blaster from his belt. Killing him wouldn't do anything to help you. You could knock him out and kick him out of the ship. You weren't a pilot; you'd crash and burn. Eventually you had to face it, you were pretty much fucked.
He landed the ship in the middle of nowhere. You didn't have a clue what planet you were on, the rocky ground giving little in way of aid.
"I have some business to take care of. See if you can't figure out what's wrong with the ship. I'll be back." The Mandalorian said, getting up to leave the cockpit.
You just nodded, trying to prove that you had no intention of leaving.
"If you leave, I'll find you and kill you," he said before climbing down the ladder.
A painful lump formed in your throat as you watched him leave your sight. Sweat began to bead on your forehead and roll down the back of you neck. He wasn't going to turn you over. Relief ran through your body, and you let out a most welcome sigh of relief.
Once you had seen him walk away from the ship, you decided to get up and explore the ship a bit more. The layout was fairly simple, the only thing that was left for you to discover was his weaponry and what looked to be the carbonite chamber. Since you had the time to spare, you started to clean up the ship the best you could. The cleaning supplies that he possessed was limited to say the least. For the next 3 hours you scrubbed, wiped, scraped, and cleaned every surface that you could on the ship. When you were done, he still hadn't returned, and truth be told, the ship didn’t look any different. Since this was the first time you'd been with him while he was out on what you assumed to be a job, you didn't know how long it should take. That didn't stop you from worrying.
"Why do I care if he's safe?" You asked yourself as you ate a meal bar that had been packed in your bag from the club.
This would be the perfect time to try and escape, you thought. You were scared to say something like that out loud, you didn't know if he'd set up cameras to watch you while he was away. The only thing that you knew for certain about the Mandalorian was that you shouldn't underestimate him. Besides, you knew that you weren't capable of a life truly on the run. He was far more experienced and talented at the hunt and chase than you were and there wasn't a doubt in your mind that he'd find and kill you.
At some point you made your way back up to the cockpit, hoping that there was something to fix or work on. Being alone wasn't something you enjoyed. Your mind needed a distraction from its thoughts. Looking around at the dashboard you came to the conclusion that had been coming together for the past few hours. This ship is a piece of shit. It resembled a toy that was long past its prime, but was held together by tape, glue, and love. Everywhere you looked was evidence of a fight or altercation of some sort. In a way, all the damage gave the ship personality. Maybe its personality matched that of its owner, you wondered.
Slowly the day passed, and he still hadn't returned. You were now really worried, a plethora of scenarios as to why he wasn't back came flashing to your mind. Maybe he was just taking a long time, there had to be people who were better at hiding than you were. Maybe he was shopping…for eight hours. But the thought that you couldn't help but obsess over was that he was getting ready to turn you in. You didn't want him dead, but it was better than the alternative that ran through your mind. Just as you were starting to get really antsy and see if there wasn't a way you could track him on from the ship, you heard the cargo door open.
You weren't fluent in anything but basic, however you could make out a few words in Aqualish. Mostly curses, something about money, and a scream that didn't need any translating. Then there was silence, you didn't hear a blaster or any grunts to indicate a violent fight. Maybe he'd used the carbonite chamber. You could hear footsteps making their way towards the ladder so you sat in the passenger's seat and tried to make yourself as small as you could. He walked in, the sound of his shoes filling the silence that rang throughout the ship. The Mandalorian looked around at the cockpit before turning to look at you, his gazing burning into your skin.
"C'mere," he said softly.
This wasn't a tone he'd used with you before, it put you at ease. You stood up and walked up to him, noticing how he seemed to tower over you.
"I've had a long day and right now all I want is to feel your cunt around me. Is that okay?"
You struggled to keep your jaw from dropping to the floor. All you could bring yourself to do was nod with a stunned look in your eyes.
He sat down in his pilot seat and pulled himself out of his pants. He was half hard already, and even then, he was still much bigger than most of the men you’d been with before. You awkwardly stepped out of your pants and underwear, leaving you in just the tunic. While you hadn't expected anything in the way of foreplay, you were quite unwilling to go in dry especially with a man as well endowed as the Mandalorian who sat before you, languidly stroking his cock. Standing before him you now got a better view than what you got last night. His pants were pushed down to the top of his thighs and you got another glimpse at his tan skin and the chocolate-colored curls around the base of his cock. You watched as he caressed himself, taking his time to tease every ridge and vein that was now painfully taut. He had now turned to look at you as you stood waiting for him to give you a direction of what he wanted you to do exactly. You quickly realized that you were more than ready to take him, watching him begin to masturbate to the sight of you had turned you on and left you ready for more.
He patted his left knee and you walked over to him trying desperately to keep steady breaths. You'd never reacted to a customer like this before, and you couldn't understand what was causing you to act like this. Once you were standing between his thighs, he grabbed your hips and turned you around so and slowly began to pull you down onto him. Right before he entered you, he quickly asked, "Are you safe?"
Impatiently you nodded and muttered, "Implant."
With that confirmation he pulled you down onto him and thrusted himself into you. Your breath caught in your throat and for a second you forgot how to breathe while he let out a rather loud groan and pulled you to his chest. The feeling of him inside you was overwhelming in the best way and he hadn't even moved. Once a few seconds had passed and you had adjusted, you started to lift your hips up before he pulled you down and held you flush to him.
"Stay like this. I don't want you to move."
This was not something you'd done before. You weren't going to argue, feeling him fill you like this was not a feeling you wanted to be rid of. So, you sat like that, your feet dangling off the ground, back pressed up against the metal that covered his chest, whimpering every time he made the slightest movement. His hands were holding you down, and you knew that within a few hours bruises the shape of hands would develop along your hips. The thought of him marking you sent a wave of heat through your body and down to your now dripping cunt. "Fuck." You said softly.
You weren't sure how long had passed before he lifted his grip off your hips and turned to face the front of the ship so he could leave. It was a little weird, you were just sitting on your captor's lap as he was buried deep within you, watching as the ship left the rocky planet and flew into space. Once you were safe in hyperspace his hands returned, only this time to your thighs. His right hand rubbed little circles up on your thigh while his left hand made its way under your shirt. He was pleased to find that you hadn't worn a bra today, as he rolled your nipple between his thumb and pointer finger. Every little movement that he made sent a chill through the most sensitive part of you.
"Do you want me to move? You feel so good clenching around my cock, I can tell you needed this as much as I did."
He'd been inside of you long enough to take away your ability to speak, leaving you to whimper and nod.
You waited for a change in motion, pace, anything. Then slammed himself as deep into you as he possibly could, and an utterly guttural moan ripped out of your throat. You clenched down on him hard, letting you feel every ridge and vein on his cock as his hands guided your hips up and down on him. He was using you to get himself off, replacing his hand with your clenching cunt.
"I love when you squeeze me like that. If I knew you felt like this I wouldn't have taken so long today. Oh! Good girl let me hear those pretty moans," he groaned out into your ear.
He worked up to an impossibly good speed, pounding into you and hitting spots that you didn't realize existed, telling you how good you were for him in between your moans. At some point your hands found their way down to his thighs, your grip tightening every time he drove himself into you. "My good girl, so good for me, squeezing her tight pussy around my dick. Such a good girl." The pornographically loud sound of your wet pussy being abused was music to your ears, heightened only by the moans and whimpers coming from the man behind you. You could tell that he was getting close, his whines becoming louder, and his thrusts are becoming sloppier by the second.
"C- I want—ugh! I'm gonna cum." He yells.
You nodded and locked down on him, squeezing his cock with a vicious force as you let out a weak, "Cum in me."
That set him off as he held you down, thighs shaking, moaning loudly. You feel him deep inside, pulsing as you milked his cock for everything it had to offer. The feel of his warm cum all over your fluttering and spasming pussy left you unable to do anything but just whine. Slowly, you began to roll your hips around, helping him work through the last of his orgasm and giving yourself one last moment to relish this feeling.
"Maker. You're my good girl, aren't you?" He asked, gloved hands rubbing up and down your thighs.
You lean back against him and just hum a soft yes. You even close your eyes for a second, wishing that you could stay like this forever. There wasn't ever a time that you were so satisfied with a client, no one had ever made you feel this good. But true to character, the Mandalorian was no normal customer, so it shouldn't have been a shock to feel his ungloved finger circling your clit.
With his gorgeously thick and soft finger, he circled your clit. It was all too much; your body shook uncontrollably as he ripped a near earth shattering orgasm out of you. You tried to run from the feeling, tried to push him off and stop the overwhelming pleasure that he brought you, but he wanted you to sit there and take it. Your vision went out and you could've sworn that you'd lost consciousness for a minute, coming back to the sound of the Mando's heavy breathing.
When you were fully aware and capable of using your legs, you slowly pulled yourself off of him, letting out a sad whine as the fullness left. As you stood up and tried to balance on wobbly legs, a hand came between your thighs, gathering up the cum that was dripping out of you.
"Open up."
You turned around and eagerly opened your mouth. His fingers pushed into your mouth, as you sucked them clean of the taste of the two of you. Your tongue swirled around his fingers, making sure that you weren't leaving a single drop before he pulled his hand away from your mouth. When he was satisfied with your work he nodded and started to tuck himself back into his pants.
You grabbed your pants and pulled them on, reminded once again just how cold the ship was. Unlike last night, you decided to stay with him in the passenger's seat.
As the lights of hyperdrive flashed across your eyes, you were reminded of a life where you were free and innocent. Ideas of living a peaceful life in your mind with no idea of what the future would hold. You didn't expect to be here, working as a prostitute, everyone you ever knew and loved dead. You didn't expect to be hiding from the people who took your family from you, you'd always thought of yourself as a fighter. It was amusing just how different life was from what you expected as a child. But that was all naivety, even as a child you'd been taught that the life of someone like you was one full of challenge and hardship. You just never expected to be one of the last jedi, seeking refuge with a Mandalorian.
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iateyourdoggo-part2 · 3 years
Chapter 4 (this chapter will probably be the sadist chapter and could be a smoll surprise at the end)
so im trying to make a chapter every 24 hrs... i think. so um thnx for reading my previous stories and pls enjoy this one!
red = violence or de@th
orange = tw that arent violence (could be violent for u)
blue = able to read for everyone i hope
tw: violence (kidn@pping, @buse (slightly), r@pe (slightly, dw its not too much)), caps, de@th mention, siblings
There was only 1 day until Saika's mother came home and it was today, and Saika obviously wasn't excited for that. Saika went for a walk until she got dragged into an ally by a masked person and was knocked out. She felt her surroundings as she was being dragged away. She couldn't see anything though. The floor was cold and the room was dark.
Saika's blindfold was taken off and there stood an old man who looked like a huge creep. Duct tape was on her mouth and her hands were tied. The old man walked up to her and started to touch her legs seductively. Saika was powerless. She tried to prevent the man by keeping her legs shut and kicking him. The creep was mad. He put up his fists when the creep fell to the floor. It was Aori! Aori helped untie Saika and took the tape off her mouth. Saika jumped into Aori's arms and cried. Aori started to cry too. They both felt a huge amount of pain of one person who was hurt.
Other footsteps were heard, slowly coming towards them. A small figure stood at the entrance.
"S-Saika-chan!?" Kinako cried. Tears were already falling down her cheek and ran up to Saika.
Saika let go of Aori and hugged Kinako. They both were relieved that they both were safe. Kinako was small and vulnerable. Saika hated that and didn't want anyone to force themselves onto her. Saika wanted Kinako to be hers more desperately than ever to protect her. The two loosened the hug and were now inches away from eachother's faces. Both quickly let go and turned around blushing very hard.
"W-we should go now," Kinako suggested, "It's very cold now..."
Everyone left the place and was back in the sun. The sun warmed them up until they were satisfied. Saika went back home to see her mother is already there.
"WHERE WERE YOU?!" her mother screamed.
"I-I w-was k-kidnapped," Saika replied stuttering. She still was crying a bit and her eyes were red.
"This is why I told you to marry a man. You're too weak to fight men off. Girl's are not fighters either. That is a man's job. You're so weak you couldn't even bribe the man with money instead!"
"COULD YOU STOP CALLING ME WEAK?!" Saika cried. Her eyes were filled with more tears. Tears of anger.
She felt a pain on her cheek to realizing her mother had slapped her.
Saika's rage fell down by that last sentence. Her eyes widened in shock.
"Saika darling, I am very most sorry." her mother said, acting like nothing happened, "I have gotten a little non-ladylike. How silly of me!"
"W-what do you mean dad is dead?" Saika muttered.
"I-I.... um.. Don't worry! You can forget about him. He is already dead, and is the least successful of the family.", her mother replied calmly.
Saika stormed into her room went on her phone.
Hiya saika chan!
May I stay over your house for a bit?
of course!
Thank you!
get packed! i will meet u at the park!
Saika got ready and packed her stuff. She walked downstairs and already saw a note on the kitchen bench.
Dear Saika,
I have left for a small break. I will be back and do not go anywhere.
Kind Regards,
Your mother.
Saika ignored it because she knew that her mother was going out to a fancy restaurant. Saika got to the park and saw Kinako again. Saika followed Kinako to her house and before they entered, Saika was warned.
"Be prepared, Saika. I promise you, it's not that bad but prepare. Your. Self."
Saika gulped and went inside. What she needed to prepare for wasn't really what she expected.
"I'm home!" Kinako called out.
A bunch of kids started running up to her and a commotion of loving siblings made Saika giggle a bit.
"Onee-chan! Who is that?" one of them asked.
"Kisaki! It's her date remember!!!" the other said which looked like the other boy's twin.
Saika blushed a bit.
"AHHHH! SHUSH!" Kinako blushed so hard.
After getting everyone under control, Kinako made dinner with Saika.
"Where do you want to sleep?" Kinako asked, "I don't have a spare room sorry!"
"D-do you think I can sleep with you?" Saika asked still blushing.
Kinako looked away from the cooking pot into Saika's eyes. She blushed again (so much blushing) and replied with a simple "Sure!".
Dinner was done and all the kids were done showering. They all finished eating and went to do their own things but Kai went to bed.
Kinako and Saika took turns to shower. Kinako showered first, then Saika. Kinako waited in her room staring at her ceiling fan. She replayed Saika asking to sleep with her. She was so inside her imaginations she didn't realize Saika was waving her hand infront of Kinako's face.
"Kiiiiiiinaaaaakoooooooooo!" Saika whispered.
"What are you doing...?" Kinako asked.
"Seeing if you were alive on earth and not in spce!"
The two giggled until talked until 11 pm. Kinako checked to make sure the kids were all asleep and went back to her room. Saika was already under the covers and Kinako went under. They fell asleep to facing each other's backs both having their dreams take over.
Kinako woke up to hear pictures being taken. She slowly opened her eyes to see all the kids at the door, with a phone, taking pictures of her.
"Why are you taking pictures?" She asked flatly.
They all pointed at Saika who was hugging the smaller person in her sleep. Kinako jaw dropped and was blushing once more.
All the kids snicker until Tsubaki said, "Time to get ready now guys!"
All the kids said "aww" and left.
Kinako giggled and faced back at Saika who was still dead asleep with her arms around Her. It was very warm and Kinako slept for 10 more minutes not wanting to wake Saika nor wanting to end it.
When Saika woke up, she felt a small tight person hugging her stomach and she was hugging the person back. She then realize who it was. (Y'all know I don't need to repeat uwu!) She was staring in shock and awe that she was closer to Kinako than she could ever imagine. Literately. She felt something weird on her chest. She looked down and I wonder what she saw... Kinako's chest upon Saika's. She was hotter now and was so wrapped in the soft touch of Kinako.
"Mmmmm... Saika." Kinako muttered in her sleep.
Saika was so red, she was as red as a rose. It was really awkward when they both got up together. 0.0
They made breakfast and pretended it didn't happen. Saika and Kinako chose to skip school today. Kinako asked Aori to pick up the kids from school.
Kinako and Saika were cuddling on a couch under a blanket. They were watching movies. Saika looked at Kinako who was glued to the movie. Kinako realized and looked back at Saika. They both were now an inch away from each other's faces. They started to slowly lean closer until they both felt a pair of soft lips on their faces. It was deep and passionate until they stopped for air. They stared into the other's eyes and then looked away madly blushing. Their gazes slowly went back to each other, about to kiss again when they heard something from the window. It was Aori and the other kids taking photos. They all went to hide behind the old shed in the backyard but Kinako was already there.
"I'm taking your phones away for a week." Kinako sad plainly, "You too Aori."
The kids, including Aori, gave their phones to Kinako. They all went inside and relaxed. Saika stayed at Kinako's house for a week.
She wasn't excited to go back. She wanted to stay with Kinako. She wanted to live with her. She wanted to be with her. But she couldn't because of her mother.
If Saika could choose to spend her life for 1 thing, it would be Kinako.
And thats another chapter done! thanks for reading once more and sadly this story will end in a few more chapters :(
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@d4nkug0 @just-a-potterhead @ibukis-music-shop @ultimate-plushielover @godly-gummybear
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moonstruckbucky · 6 years
Prowl [2] | b. hargrove
SUMMARY: Billy doesn’t believe in werewolves.
PAIRING: Werewolf!Billy Hargrove x fem!Reader
WARNINGS: Language, graphic depictions of violence, blood, pain, smut, you’ve been warned
NOTES: Wow guys, thanks so much for all the feedback on the last chapter! I’m glad y'all are enjoying this! This chapter is 3.2k words long so grab a cup of tea, cuddle up and enjoy! Honestly this could have gone longer, but I figured you guys would appreciate a part four over a longer chapter ;) As always, feedback is appreciated! Reblogs and comments and replies mostly!
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chapter two.
The next morning, you woke with a crick in your neck from sleeping in the arm chair. Billy wasn’t on the couch, but you could hear someone digging around in the fridge in the kitchen. Rubbing your eyes, you stood up uneasily, knees wobbling from being cramped on the chair all night.
“Billy?” you asked around a yawn. Your boyfriend was bent at the waist, his entire top half buried in the fridge. “What the hell?”
“Do you have any hamburger?” he asked, shoving aside juice, eggs, and yogurt. He yanked open the vegetable crispers, the sandwich meat drawer, before slamming all of them closed. “I need to go get hamburger.”
“Billy, what the actual fuck? It’s 9 in the morning! Why do you need hamburger?” You were pretty sure your brain was spinning in effort to keep up with him. He barely looked at you as he closed the fridge and headed to the door. You grabbed his arm to stop him. “Wait, wait, wait. Let’s slow down here, okay? I need to get dressed, and I need to check that wound before we do anything, okay? Then we can go get a real breakfast that isn’t hamburger.”
“Fine,” he grumbled and then he proceeded to pace around the kitchen.
“Can I trust you to stay put?” you asked with an arched eyebrow. The look he gave you was withering, but you were used to his foul moods. His body warmed with the effort of glaring, something he’d never noticed before but didn’t put much thought into now.
You backed away from him, keeping your eyes on him to make sure he didn’t bolt for the door. When he appeased you by dropping heavily into a kitchen chair, you turned and headed down the hall to your bedroom, changing quickly and swiping a brush through your hair.
Billy sat quietly but in annoyance, his knee bouncing as his ravenous hunger put him in an even worse mood. He couldn’t remember being so hungry. And everything was louder—the clock on the wall ticked a loud beat that echoed inside his head, bouncing off his skull like a pinball machine; the faucet was drip drip dripping and he thought he might go crazy; the fridge was humming, a low sound that, to anyone else, would have been barely noticeable, but to Billy, it was as loud as the music he played in his car.
His fingers curled into his jeans, leg jittering more rapidly as his aggravation mounted. He could hear you humming to yourself in your bedroom down the hall, and it stalled his souring mood for a second as he smiled fondly. But then he heard your cat in the living room scratching at his post and he growled deeply in his throat. In the back of his mind, there was a flicker of confusion over his suddenly-acquired sharp hearing, but the annoyance over the offending noises outweighed it.
Billy’s head fell into his hands, fingers tangling in his curly mullet as he willed the sounds to just go away. Then his ears pick up the sounds of your footsteps, your socks soft on the carpet, and there you were again. Eyebrows furrowed, you stepped over to him, kneeling before him.
Any other time, Billy would’ve had an innuendo to go along with the action, but his head felt like it would explode, both from the overload of sounds and from his anger climbing higher.
“Billy?” you asked worriedly, pulling one of his hands out of his hair. “Billy, what is it?”
“Everything,” he hissed between clenched teeth. “I can hear everything. I’m about to rip that fucking faucet out of the sink.”
Confusion muddled your mind as you laid a hand on his collar, bloodied from his wound. The gauze was stained red, but the blood was dry. You peeled off the tape, lifted the gauze off the wound, and felt the color drain from your face.
Billy picked up on the change immediately. You smelled different. Your face was stark white as your eyes, wide and fearful and tremendously confused, stared at his shoulder.
“What? What is it?” he asked, tilting his face to see, but it was futile.
“It’s…. It’s gone,” you mumbled. Billy stood up from the chair, nearly knocking you back on your ass as he did so, and hurried to the bathroom to look in the mirror.
Sure enough, the wound was gone, the skin healed over as if it had never been there to begin with. But his skin and his clothes were still stained deep red, the only evidence that it had, in fact, existed.
“What the fuck?” he whispered, terror eking into his voice despite his better judgement.
“Billy, what the hell is going on? Unless you have some badass immune system, that- you—” You huffed a breath, trying to rein in the panic that was quickly flooding your system.
“I know,” he said, turning to you and grasping your face between his hands. His blue eyes met yours, and in them you could see his panic as well. You took a steadying breath, hands rising to hold onto his as they held your face. “What the hell is happening?”
“I’m not sure, Billy, but we’re going to find out.” Your voice was soft, comforting, because the panic in his eyes was growing. You’d have to be the reasonable one in this situation. “Come on. Let’s go get something to eat and then we’re going to the library.”
Normally Billy would fight you tooth and nail against going to the library, so when he just nodded compliantly and followed you, you knew he was desperate. You drove to the little breakfast diner in town, knuckles white on the steering wheel. You and Billy chose a booth away from the door and away from the few other patrons.
“Okay,” you sighed, reaching into your purse for a pen and sliding a napkin across the table, “let’s make a list of what’s going on, okay? So, first one: rapid healing.”
You wrote it down as the waitress appeared with two mugs, pouring bitter, burnt coffee into both. You fixed yours with hefty amounts of cream and sugar, ignoring Billy’s wince before he prattled off a massive breakfast order to the waitress.
Slightly wide-eyed, she scribbled everything down, repeating the order of sausage, two pancakes, hash browns, toast, three scrambled eggs, and extra bacon, extra crispy. Once she was gone, you wrote down ravenous hunger on the napkin and then, more as an afterthought, improved hearing, as you thought back to his comment in your kitchen.
When the food arrived, Billy drained his coffee in one swallow and tore into his breakfast like a man starved. Your food sat mostly untouched as Billy inhaled his bacon, alternating between chewing and gulping heavily from a tall glass of orange juice. A few of the patrons at the bar sent him and you dirty glances; you hoped your returning expression was apologetic.
“You gonna eat that?” Billy asked around a mouthful of bacon. He then reached over and stabbed your sausage patty and tore off a huge chunk.
“Slow down, Billy,” you hissed, eyes bouncing to the people at the bar. “You’re drawing attention.”
“I can’t help it. I’m so hungry,” he whined, swallowing the bite and draining his orange juice. His plate was completely cleared of food, and he was staring at yours with a pleading expression. With a roll of your eyes, you pushed your half-eaten plate across the table to him, and it was empty in minutes.
“My, we were hungry,” the waitress commented as she appeared to collect your plates. She shot a wary glance over at Billy, whose hands were fidgeting on top of the table. No doubt he was tempted to ask for more food, but you spoke before he could open his mouth.
“Everything was delicious. Can we get the check please?” You smiled sweetly at her, apologizing with your eyes for Billy’s behavior.
She dropped the receipt on the table and you snatched it, glanced at the total, handed her some bills and told her to keep the change. Then you all but dragged Billy out of the diner, glaring half-heartedly at him. His eyes were sweeping up and down the street and then he suddenly winced as a car alarm blared. Your glare softened to a look of sympathy, and you laced your arm through his to lead him to the library.
“I’ll buy you a burger later, okay? Let’s just figure out what the hell is going on with you.”
The library was nearly dead, fortunately. The librarian, a middle-aged recently divorced woman, peered over her glasses at you and Billy, her lips tilting downward. No doubt she knew who he was and did not approve of his being in her library. You smiled tightly at her before leading Billy to the back, sitting him down in a chair while you scoured the shelves. Your first stop was the medical section. Billy frowned at the pile of books in your arms as you hobbled back to the table. He stood and took half the pile from you, and the two of you settled in.
It was two hours later when you slammed your book closed, groaning in frustration. None of the medical textbooks yielded anything of import. None of the symptoms Billy was experiencing matched up with any of the illnesses in the books, and you were close to giving up. Billy was faring no better. His frustration and rage was mounting rapidly, his teeth and fists clenched tightly, even though there wasn’t really a specific reason for his rage.
Until he realized that his mood was feeding off of yours.
He looked across the table at you to see your head in your hands, fingers tugging at the roots of your hair. Forcing himself to calm down, he reached across the table and pulled your hands away from your hair, thumbs stroking gently over your skin. Immediately he felt a change, a slight calmness, as your shoulders slumped in defeat.
“I’m at a dead end,” you muttered, voice thick with frustrated tears. Yours eyes met his for just a quick moment before darting away, and Billy frowned. “Are you sure we can’t go to the hospital?”
Billy sighed and gave you a look that had your shoulders dropping further. “Fine. Let me go back to the books then.”
You pulled out the napkin, reading and rereading Billy’s symptoms as you walked up and down the aisles. Somehow in your wanderings, too far deeply into your thoughts, you’d ended up in the Horror fiction section. Your eyes skimmed the titles, not really seeing them, until the cover of one caught your eye and you froze. Spinning on your heel, you went back to Billy, who was leaning his head backwards, staring at the ceiling.
“What did you say it was that bit you?” you asked hurriedly. Billy’s head flopped forward and he shrugged.
“Not sure. It was big, and it looked and sounded like a dog. Why?” He sat up straighter as you whirled on your heel and went back to the Horror section. “Y/N!”
Picking up the novel that had sparked a possibly stupid idea, you cradled it gently as you moved onto the Mythology section, focusing primarily on cryptids. Eyes flitting over the spines, dancing across titles, until your eyes found one that might contain the answer to the question bouncing around in your head. You yanked it off the shelf, along with a few others you found further down the shelf.
Billy jumped when you dropped them onto the desk and slid the first book off the pile. His eyebrows pinched together as he read the title.
“The Book of Werewolves?” he read. “Are you serious?”
“God, I hope not….” you muttered, tucking into the first book.
“You really believe in werewolves.” It wasn’t a question but a statement, with an inflection of disbelief. Your eyes snapped to his.
“You believe in secret government agencies messing around with other dimensions?” you shot back, sufficiently shutting him up.
It was no longer a town secret, what happened at Hawkins Lab in 1984. After the death of Bob Newby, the lab was forced to come clean about both his death and about a girl named Barbara Holland’s. You’d gone to school with Barbara, though you’d belonged to different friend groups, but you and Barbara talked here and there in the classes you shared.
Somehow the notion of werewolves seemed more believable than other worldly dimensions and monsters with petaled visages.
Billy’s knee jittered under the table as the two of you skimmed the pages. Finally, after the fourth hour of sitting in the library with fuck all to go off of, you yelped in happiness.
“Found it! Look at this.” You turned the book around and pointed to a paragraph. “Subjects stated they experienced sudden rage or mood swings, insatiable hunger, improved hearing, and brute strength. Later they claimed they also experienced excruciating headaches and aching pains similar to those of arthritis. Rapid healing was also observed from subjects who had injured themselves or received injury. Billy, this is everything you’ve been experiencing!”
“Yeah,” he began skeptically, “except for the small fact that werewolves don’t exist!”
“They could!” you responded indignantly. “I mean, what else could have bitten you in the woods?”
“A coyote?” He held his hands out in a helpless gesture, and you could only cock an eyebrow.
“A seven-foot coyote?”
Billy groaned and dropped his head backwards. “I know it sounds stupid but….fuck, how can I just all of a sudden believe I was bitten by a werewolf?!”
“Keep your voice down,” you hissed, glancing around the nearly empty library. Billy rolled his eyes as you looked at him again. “Werewolves might not make sense to you, but I for one am not ready to say they don’t exist. Now, I’m going to check these out because if it turns out that werewolves do exist, that means that you are eventually going to turn into one.”
Billy watched the color drain out of your face as he felt himself go faint, as if that realization suddenly came to both of you all at once. Not once did you think that those bitten by werewolves would become them until you said the words aloud, and now that they were out there, you felt a sudden, all-consuming fear for Billy. He was going to become a werewolf.
Billy’s eyes flitted over your face as you calmed yourself down. No sense worrying until there was something to worry over. This could all just be a coincidence right? A horrible, freaky coincidence.
You invited Billy over after the library, holding true to your promise of a burger in exchange for his patience. Billy ended up ordering the biggest burger Benny’s offered, piled high with cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and onion rings. With a side of fries. You got it to go, but Billy tore into the french fries in the car, chewing noisily and grunting every so often. You looked fleetingly at him worriedly, wondering if that insatiable hunger for anything would graduate to a hunger for meat.
You sat at the kitchen table as Billy dumped your food out onto the tablecloth, not even bothering with dinnerware before tearing into his gargantuan burger. Grease dribbled down his chin as he chewed, taking breaks only to sip from the soda he’d gotten. You, on the other hand, handled your burger much less animalistically, one of the werewolf books open beside you. Careful not to get grease on the pages, you dipped a fry in ketchup and chewed slowly, taking in every word about werewolves.
Halfway through your burger, you sat up straight, pushing the burger away and pulling the book closer to your body.
“Billy! Look at this!” He grunted around a mouthful of food and you grimaced at the grease trails on his chin. “Okay, you’re not a total animal yet so please, clean yourself up.”
The look he gave you was highly unimpressed but he swiped a napkin across his face anyways. Tossing the soiled paper down, he scooted his chair closer to you and found the passage you pointed to.
“A werewolf will cease to change when the werewolf that bit him is killed either by silver bullet or by wolfsbane poisoning.”
“Okay….so there’s a cure, but how do we even figure out who bit me? Can’t werewolves go out in sunlight?” Billy asked.
At some point between the library and your kitchen table, Billy had decided to say fuck it and go along with the werewolf theory. It was the only plausible thing to explain the constant pains his stomach was putting him through. Not to mention your faucet was still dripping and he was pretty sure there was a mouse in the cabinet.
“They can…. Wait, did you ever see Silver Bullet? It came out last year,” you said. Billy shook his head, causing you to sigh and drop your shoulders. “Uncultured swine. Anyway, in the movie, Marty meets the werewolf face to face and he sets off a firework that takes out the thing’s eye. Then the next day, his sister goes around to houses under the guise of collecting cans for a drive and she basically rules out anyone who doesn’t have an eye patch. Long story short, they end up discovering its their priest who’s the werewolf and they kill him.”
“Okay, so we should lure this thing out, injure it in some way that’ll be obvious, and they once we know who it is, either shoot him or poison him…. Yeah, yeah that’ll be a piece of cake,” Billy muttered, burrowing his head into his hands. He groaned loudly. “Can you fix the goddamn faucet? It’s driving me insane!”
You tried to ignore the snapping tone of his voice, knowing and understanding that it was a symptom of the bite, but it didn’t stop the slight pang in your heart. You scraped the chair back and walked to the sink, twisting both knobs until they were tight and the dripping stopped. You took a deep breath, dropped your head between your shoulders, and let the gravity of the situation pull you in.
After the events of 1984, you thought the supernatural mumbo jumbo was over and done with. You hadn’t been directly involved, but you knew the ones who were—Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers…. Not to mention Nancy’s and Jonathan’s younger siblings and their friends. Senior year was rough for them, and they were excused often from class to go see the guidance counselor. More than once you caught Nancy or Steve staring with glazed-over eyes out the window, while Jonathan suffered from panic attacks.
Now you were directly involved with the fact that Billy may or may not be a werewolf. You didn’t look up as Billy’s chair scraped backwards on the linoleum floor, but you relaxed into him as he stepped up behind you and wrapped an arm around your chest, the other hand settling on your hip.
“I’m sorry I snapped,” he muttered, kissing your temple with a sigh. “I can’t really control my mood anymore.”
“It’s okay,” you responded quietly. You leaned your forehead into his cheek, your fingers dancing across the skin of his forearm. “We’re going to figure this out okay? We’re going to fix you.”
Prowl Tag List: @GOFFICIALM @eoduunbi @ssstutteringbbbill @le-petit-lulu
Billy Hargrove Tag List: @casaharrington @moirasimagines @billyhardgrove @dacremontgomerylover @dacresgirl @hotstuffhargrove@thatonecurlygirl @delicatelyherdreams @hargrove-mayfield @swirlyoreo
Permanent Tag List: @so-not-hotmess @hotstuffhargrove @moirasimagines @baebee35 @deathbyarabbit@disagreetoagree @cherryblcssm @alex–awesome–22@sophiealiice @yknott81 @cassiopeia-barrow
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sisterwifeudaku · 6 years
King’s Trip
T’Challa , M’Baku, Redeemed! Erik
Warning: Mention of death, slight cursing
Word count: 1,914+ words
Note: This is part one to a fandom collab started by @royallyprincesslilly !! @blackandfair I can’t wait to see what you come up with!!
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"I'm just asking you both the same question I did in family counseling...how are you two going to run Wakanda if you can not get along?" The therapist posed the question making the cousins sit back and digest what was said.
A technique that they had learned during one of their many sessions. Erik was the first to speak up and voice his opinion.
"You right Iyanla. We gotta do better in order to be better for all these nigg- the citizens of Wakanda".
The therapist, actually named Fundiswa laughed lightly at the joke Erik threw her way. After knowing her and sharing his darkest secrets with the woman he felt comfortable enough to crack a little joke here and there. At first she thought he just didn't want to say her name but he later explained why he called her that, "she fixes and saves lives and that's what you're doing. I never had anyone to talk about my feelings with", so you gladly excepted it as a way of him showing that he cares.
T'Challa looked at his cousin and smiled. He had witnessed him battle with his demons from the moment he stepped foot on Wakanda soil and he had come so far.
"My dear cousin you have taken the words out of my mouth. I agree we must do this for not only our Citizens but ourselves as well" the two slapped hands as they sat on the couch.
"Great! Now if I recall M'Baku was a problem for you N'Jadaka correct?" The man nodded and ran a hand over his lowcut fade.
"Ok so why don't you two invite him and go on some type of trip perhaps? That way you can bond and talk about whatever issues that are bothering you." Fundiswa suggested. The royal family did group sessions as well as individual sessions which showed her that they all had secrets that they have yet to share with one another.
" So you saying we should have a guys trip?" Erik spoke rubbing his chin hairs.
"I like it. E it sounds very interesting." T'Challa spoke up before standing and looking at the time.
"Ms. Fundiswa thank you for this suggestion. We might need a How people say brocation-" T'Challa stated only to be cut off.
"Nigga I know you didn't just say brocation. We need a cooler name like Kingcation or some shit." Erik said as he stood up and stretched his limbs.
The two men bid the therapist farewell as they began to walk down the hall towards T'Challa's office.
"Inform Lord M'Baku that I would like to meet with him." T'Challa told his assistant as she nodded and ran off to do what she was told.
"Thank you" he yelled out as she sped walked down the long hallway.
The following day the Royal Family stood waiting for the Great Gorilla to exit the vibranium ship. Being the man that he is, M'Baku chose to make a grand entrance having his soldiers chant and bang on drums.
Shuri and Queen Mother looked at one another with questioning gazes before looking to T'Challa whose face held a smirk as his hands stayed behind his back.
"Brother why is it that every time Lord M'Baku comes to the palace he does something this extra?"
"Well princess" a beat "I am a big man and a big man deserves an even bigger entrance" M'Baku answered walking on the rose petals that were thrown at his feet.
As the large man greeted the Udaku family he stopped at Erik.
"Outsider" he stated with a small nod.
"Mr.T" Erik stated back curtly
Before M'Baku could say anything else T'Challa stepped in and began to talk.
"Before the two of you start to argue let us talk in my office"
Once they made it to the room the two male's bodies possessed the seats on the opposite side of the vibranium desk facing the King. It was quiet as he observed the two in front of him. Sure he had his issues with them both but after a year of therapy and coming to terms with everything that had transpired since he became the king he learned to let go of any and all animosity towards them, mostly his cousin.
"M'Baku" a beat " For years you have been voicing your opinion on how we run things here and once you decided to no longer isolate your people from the rest of us I noticed the hostility towards others." The king spoke as he sat back in his seat.
"Well we believe now that in order for us all to move forward we must put the ill feelings aside. And what better way than to learn more about one another"
"That is not the worst idea I have heard but why is he here" M'Baku asked, pointing to Erik who sat beside him mugging him.
"He is here because he will be learning more about us and vice versa" he responded in a matter of fact tone.
"I see" a few seconds passed before he finished his statement.
"You make a valid point. A true warrior and king must put his feelings to the side and focus on his people". It was silent before he spoke up again.
"So how exactly are we going to do this?"
"N'Jadaka go on and tell him" T'Challa spoke. He had no time to plan anything with his busy schedule so he gave Erik that task along with his trust to ensure that he would make the right decisions for the mini vacation.
"Ok so peep this shit" the man stated as he stood up and clapped his hands.
"So we going on a lil kingcation for 10 days. Starting off in Cali for numerous reasons" he stated before bringing in a chart and laser pointer.
" To show you all where I'm from, California knows how to party, and lastly we can do something at the outreach center so it's not just all play" he listed off folding his arms once he was complete.
"I for one find that to be a good plan. Count me in cousin" the king stated pulling at his father's necklace.
"Perhaps I can attend. Just keep Agent Ross' people away from me" M'Baku stated.
"So that settles it huh? Kings take LA" Erik stated with a smile. He missed home just a little. It wasn't better than Wakanda but it was all he knew for so long.
"Kings take Los Angeles" T'Challa and M'Baku reiterated before M'Baku started to bark.
Here all three of them were walking off the ship with the a decent amount of Dora Milaje and Jabari warriors for protection walking into the outreach center in California.
"Better to get it over with now than to wait until I get you two fucked up off the Henny" Erik said when in reality he just wanted to see the place where his father took his last breath.
The whole time T'Challa showed the two around Erik's mind was racing and when they got to the exact area of where the worst day of his life had happened so did his heartbeat.
He stood there in the entrance as everyone else piled into the room reliving the tragedy.
His chest got tight as he looked over at his cousin who had been trying to get his attention for the last few minutes.
"N'Jadaka what is wrong?" T'Challa questioned as he observed his odd behavior before it clicked in his mind. This must be where his father, T'Chaka, had taken the life of his own baby brother. 
"This is where I became an orphan. Where I saw my father laying in a pool of his own blood." He spoke up as the room fell silent and he continued. He didn’t want to keep talking about the issue but the large range of emotion he felt at the moment made him just blurt everything out. Perhaps it’s what he needed.
"Sometimes Iay awake at night thinking about that day. What time I woke up to my father making me breakfast, he hated cereal and refused to let me eat it. And how we watched Saturday morning cartoons together before he sent me to get dressed and play outside with some kids from the building. That night he let me stay out a little later since Uncle Ja- Zuri came over to talk to him. I was usually asleep when this happened but this time he let me play. I always think of that day and how I wish I was in my bedroom. That way he could have killed me too, taken me with him, or I could have protected my daddy since nobody else would" by the end of his little speech everyone had a sympathetic look on their face and some were even wiping tears.
He didn’t feel completely better but it was a start. He had explained his sorrow infront of his cousin one time and that was when he took the throne in ritual combat. Yet this was the first time Erik noticed how the king and his people cringed at the thought of the previous King’s actions.
"Shit coulda been different man" he spoke before a few tears fell from his eyes. T'Challa looked at him before wrapping an arm around his shoulders leading him to a corner so they could talk.
" I know you are in pain now and this pain may never end but you must know your baba is no longer suffering. I too have lost my baba to a senseless act of violence but I know I must keep moving on, it is fine to cry and express that pain but life must still go on" he spoke as he rubbed his cousin's back.
"N'Jadaka" M'Baku spoke as he made his way towards them.
"I am sorry if I interrupted however I just wanted to give you my condolences. No child should have to go through what you have went through. I don't want you to take this as pity but you have earned my respect sir. You dealt with that tragedy and still managed to live on"
"Good looks man. 'preciate it" he said extending his right hand for a handshake.
"You know what you a ok nigga" Erik responded as they dapped one another up.
"Aye T y'all niggas got a kitchen in here. Crying made a G hungry as hell" he spoke making some of the employees of the center laugh.
"I believe so. Follow me" the king said leading the group towards the cafeteria area.
"Aweee shit is that fried chicken" Erik said as he looked at the kids plate when they walked past.
On his way to get himself a plate Erik saw a speaker and auxiliary cable sitting on a vacant table. He smiled as he pulled out his phone and connected it to the speaker.
All of a sudden the children jumped up to dance as Tupac Shakur's "California Love" blared through the area. "Now let me welcome everybody to the wild Wild West a state that's untouchable like Elliot Ness" the kids and the adults screamed as they jumped and danced. Erik smiled at the sight of people enjoying life. The place he dreaded and felt unsafe in was a place these people loved and felt safe. The place that took so much from him gave so much to the community. It provides education, jobs, sports, and a place for families to prosper. He could deal with his demons if it meant less problems for the youth to endure.
"So how do you like it N'Jadaka?"
"Man T this shit is dope" he spoke before grabbing his tray.
"So you do not want to leave after we eat? You are fine here today?" M'Baku asked raising his brow.
"I'm a hunnid man we can chill out here. They lit" he responded with a genuine smile watching the kids.
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