#shan yu one shot
madwomansapologist · 1 year
living as shan yu's prisioner/bride would include
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Shan Yu | AO3
synopsis: After the initial fear and distrust, you undertood that you only had one choice: adapt. And, going against everything you knew about yourself and the world, you discovered that it weren't that hard. That Shan Yu wasn't that horrible.
warnings: female!reader. shan yu (that's my wife. yeah, i decided that 30 seconds after meeting her. she's my soulmate, idiot) x reader (slow down, big boy, i have standarts. oh. you gave me a horse. you're kinda of reaching them). mentruation because i'm a whore for domesticity in moments of vulnerability. violence. not that dark. it's kinda about the first steps of falling in love when your logic says you're not supossed to. in this house we hate the misogynist version of Shan Yu in Mulan (2020).
note: that happened right before the end of this. hope y'all like it!
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• You felt guilty. So dirty. How could you feel that way about it? But it didn't matter how many times you told yourself that you shouldn't feel that way, you did it anyway. A heart feels whatever it wants. And yours feel free.
• That's something special about feeling the air against your body, the speed of your horse, the world moving on with you. Not despise you, not without, but with you. And it felt so good. Like it was supossed to be that way.
• When Shan Yu gave you a sorrel, he knew you wouldn't try to run away. Quickly after meeting him you knew you couldn't. It would be impossible for you to escape the Huns. And even if you did: then what would you do? Who would be able to help you? You knew that you couldn't, but Shan Yu also didn't gave you a reason to try.
• Yes, he kidnapped you. That is reason enough for you to at least try. But Shan Yu said he would make you his Empress. Endless times. He talked about how you'll reign beside him. You have classes about war, history, economy. The other Huns treat you like you had spend your lifetime with them. He'll make you his Empress. If he win the war, of course. And he promissed that you'll see your family again after the war.
• Shan Yu made clear that he wants your heart. He won't touch you, not without your consent first, but you're his bride. He made sure everyone knew that. You're his. His bride, his future wife, his mate. You don't know how anyone could fall in love that quickly. You believe him, Shan Yu have no reason to lie, you just don't get it. It may be that easy to him, but it isn't for you.
• You would never chose to be close to him if things were normal. The leader of the Hun army, an enemy of the Emperor, his fame precedes him. But things aren't normal, are they? You don't love Shan Yu, but you certainly don't hate him. And sometimes you think that he would be nice as a friend. Someone that would be easy to be around.
You were freaking out. You woke up in pain, and it took you a second to figure out what was that warm feeling in between your tights. Tears were rolling down your face when Shan Yu suddenly moved on his bed.
"Are you hurt?" You don't know how he did it that quickly, but when you looked at him Shan Yu had his sword on his hand. That man was ready to kill someone. The moonlit made it easy for you to see him, which means he could also see you. That made you feel so embarrassed. "Why are you crying?"
"Look away!" You shouted. Shan Yu almost did as you demanded, but he couldn't just ignore your tears. You tried to grab the bed sheets, but your sleep weaked your movements. "Just go back to your bed and leave me alone."
Shan Yu approached, and then he understood. He's experienced in the battlefield. Shan Yu would be able to recognized blood even if blind. "I will prepare a bath for you. It will help cease the pain."
"Stop", you could feel your body getting so warm. "Just leave me alone. I'm embarrassed enough."
Shan Yu sighed. "Embarrassed of what?" You pointed to the sheets. "Do you think that's the first time I see blood? Are you afraid I will faint?"
That made you chuckle. "No."
"I will prepare a bath for you." Shan Yu walked towards the bathroom. "Just sit down and wait."
That's what you did.
• Shan Yu isn't violent. Not to you. You fought his men, screamed at him, called him a liar: he never reacted. And he can be somehow kind when he wants to. You can sense that he's always checking if everything is okay with you. And he can be fun. In a weird, little bit off, kinda of way.
• Like how Shan Yu knows when he's better than someone and just let them dig their own graves. It isn't him being patient, coward or anything else: this is Shan Yu having fun. He likes the chase. You heard countless people calling him a monster, but you disagree. He's a predator.
• Fun. In a way that you don't really understand. And you would never say this out loud, not even under torture, but you feel that life would be easier with him. Or at least it wouldn't be the worst thing ever to stay beside him.
• Shan Yu isn't violent, has a good sense of humor, somehow respects you. Money would never be a problem. Even during a war, Shan Yu gave you clothes to fill countless wardrobes. And with him you're safe. You knew his fame, and now you know it fits him.
• It's nice to not worry about marriage. There is no family talking about how you should've already married to someone. There is no such a thing as spending sleepless nights thinking about what would happen to you if your father die before you can find someone. You don't worry about this anymore.
• So, yeah, somehow you enjoy that situation. Not love, and you certainly didn't dream with having that type of life, but you found yourself enjoying your time with the Huns. Your time with Shan Yu.
"You know that you don't need to run everytime, do you?" Shan Yu asked, scaring you. You didn't expect him to be behind you. You didn't even heard him approaching. Before looking at his direction, you could see that constant smirk on his face. "Horses are able to trot."
As usual, when you got the chance you ran with your sorrel, you did it. Feeling the air against you, a type of freedom you never experienced before. Exhausted, you waited for them to reach you.
For him to reach you.
Shan Yu grabbed your sorrel's rein, guiding him. You let him do it. Your body was already tired. Unlike him, you're not accustomed to ride for so long. And you could go to your carriage, Shan Yu wouldn't said no to you, but you know why he gave you that sorrel.
Before his gift, he led the army mounted on his horse while you stayed inside the carriage. Now, you can ride with him if you want to.
"Maybe I'm trying to runaway," if you know him well enough to understand the way his humor works, then he better understand yours. "Smarten up, big boy."
But you think there is another reason for that present. A thing that you noticed a while ago. The way he lighten up when someone mentions that you can fight. Or when you share your opinion, regardless if it's what he wants to hear. Shan Yu likes to see you fearless. He likes when you talk back. When you make sure everyone heard what you have to say.
"It's a joke," you told him. "I'm not planning on running away."
"Why?" Shan Yu said so calmly, but you could hear it was a honest doubt.
You also thought about it before. Why didn't you run away? Okay, using your logic you understood it wouldn't work out, but somethings aren't about logic. Humans don't usually do things only because of logic. Why your emotions didn't made you try everything you could? Why didn't you at least tried to runaway from him?
"I hope to never see a matchmaker again."
That made Shan Tu buffaw. "Alright," he nodded with his head. "It's a promise: you'll never see a matchmaker again in your life."
"Watch out," you smiled at him. "I may fall for your pretty promises."
"I'm counting on it."
• Things weren't perfect. Of course they weren't. But that feast was the last straw. There are some lines Shan Yu can't cross without you reacting. There are things that not even your logic can ignore. Things that made your heart decide to act. And of course it included him being violent. You should've know.
• All night long, you could feel his eyes on you. Those yellow eyes, following your steps like if you were a prey, would never go unnotice by you. Not even the loud music of the feast, the amounts of alcohol you drank, the way your feet were already aching because you danced for so long: you could feel Shan Yu watching you.
• You know he wants to join you. To dance with you, to hold you, to have you. You know that. But Shan Yu promised he would only touch you after you decided that you want him to do it. And you didn't say anything. You didn't try anything. You did not gave him permission, so he only watchs.
• At some moment, when it was already midnight, you fell. It wasn't anything important. It didn't hurt you. It was more embarrassing than anything else, but you were drunk enough to not care about it.
• Someone helped you getting on your feet again. Just a kind hand for you to hold on until you were sure you wouldn't fall again. For a second, you forgot about his eyes on you. You just hugged whoever helped you in a way to show your drunkness gratitude. And that was when Shan Yu made sure everyone knew he was still there.
• Shan Yu is quickly. Your mind, lacking sobriety, almost didn't record him moving towards you. You just noticed what was happening when Shan Yu hold the man by his throat, pulling him away from the floor. You knew he was scary, dangerous, cruel. You knew that. But you never saw it. You never saw how his eyes can burn others. You knew who Shan Yu was, but you never saw it.
• The poor man were turning blue on his head, barely able to struggle against the strong hold on his neck, trying to say something. Trying to say he was sorry. You were frozen in place, almost convincing yourself that it was all a nightmare, until Shan Yu dropped the man on the floor. He coughed, trying to breath again while thanking Shan Yu.
Shan Yu looked at every single person on the feast. Every single one. "No one touch what's mine."
Shan Yu wasn't only punishing him, but teaching everyone around him a lesson. And you can't deny, he was a great teacher. Everyone seem to understand. Everyone seem scared enough to never go against him.
But when Shan Yu looked at you, he didn't saw your usual challeging gaze. He didn't saw joy, or tiredness, or surprise. He didn't saw fear. When Shan Yu looked into your eyes, all he saw was disgust.
Your gaze alone made something itch inside him. But your words cut his soul in places he didn't even knew existed.
"You will never touch me," you whispered, only for him to hear. "I will never love you back. Hurt whoever you want, hurt me if you desire, you will never have me."
You told Shan Yu to smarten up. At the time it was only a joke. But now, after seeing how cruel he can be and hearing what he had to say, you changed your mind. Your heart feel smaller. You won't stay here for long.
Without giving him a chance to reply, you turned your back on him and walked towards your carriage. You stood there until you were sure no one had followed you. You put on your boots, grabbed a bag with food and water, and went to the stable.
You were lucky. Everyone was at the feast, which means no one was there to see you riding your sorrel. Which means no one was there to see you running away. Which means your carriage was empty when Shan Yu went there looking for you.
You knew the path you need to follow. Your could hear the river, you saw the birds flying north, all you need to do was to be faster than the Huns. And you're almost sure that they're all drunk.
At some point, maybe twenty minutes after you exit the stable, you heard another horse. You couldn't see it, but you knew it was Shan Yu. That scared you, made you shiver, but you didn't stop. You just went faster and faster.
Shan Yu is strong, but he's too strong. His horse wouldn't be able to compete with your sorrel. He can try, but you know for sure that your sorrel needs to worry about less weight.
He was close. But not close enough.
You don't know for how long you tried to make him struggle, but at some point it started raining. It was harder to see the path, you were shivering, and the ground turned muddy. You tried, you really tried, but nothing can control a horse's response to thunders.
You almost fell when he jumped, your hands burned holding the rein. You weren't so lucky the next time. When you collapsed on the floor, you felt like all the air in your lungs had imploded. You tried to move, the rain falling on your face kept you awake, but you couldn't stand. It burned.
And that gave Shan Yu exactly what he needed: time.
When another thunder came, you rolled to the side so your sorrel wouldn't step on you. You crawled on the ground, holding your head as if it would fall from your neck, and struggle to stand up. It hurts, it burns, but you're stronger. It felt like it was impossible, but you stand where once you fell.
It was hard to control your tears, and even harder to deal with the pain on your chest. You tried to hold your sorrel by its head, but he was so scared. You didn't stop trying to calm him down, but then you heard.
Shan Yu reached you. There he is, so close and yet so far away. Riding his own scared horse, rain dripping on his skin and marking his clothes. He wasn't wearing his usual fur. No. Shan Yu was still using the clothes for the feast.
That made you think less of him. You prepared. You have food, water, maps. And he just took a horse and went to search for you? Why would he act so unprepared?
With thunders ecchoing on your ears and pain spreading along your chest, the right answer didn't even passes through your head. Why Shan Yu was unprepared to the cold, to the rain, to the chase: because he was scared. He was scared that one second he wasted not looking for you would be the second that would separe you both forever. Because Shan Yu was scared. So scared.
"I won't stop trying," you shouted at him. It was so dificult to find strenght to say things, but you did it anyway. Screw it. Don't matter what he does, you will keep trying to flee away from him.
"Don't be stupid." Shan Yu jumped from the horse. You could hear the tiredness on his voice. He also sttrugled with his breath. "Are you trying to kill yourself? What would you do? Keep riding in the rain, waiting until the cold took your body?"
"I would rather die than live as your object!" You tried to mount your horse again, but he keep moving away from you. He was so scared. You caressed his fur, trying to make him stop. "For once, be honest with yourself. Face the truth. You don't love me. You won't have a happily ever after with me like in a old fairytail. I'm just someone you saw naked once. I'm not a person for you. I'm something that only you can consume."
Shan Yu walked towards you, but you moved away. He was trying so hard to be calm. All he wanted to do was took you on his arms, put you on his shoulder and walk you home. Home. There you could scream for how long you wanted. You could speak, he would hear, and things will change. He sighed. "That's not the truth and you know that."
"Do I? Because that is all I know. You saw me naked and now you do anything you can to make me let you fuck me. A person touch me and you almost killed him! Why won't you get over it? Find someone else!"
Then Shan Yu realized that no, you didn't know. You really didn't understand? How could you? He said to you so many times. Shan Yu made sure that you would see it, but you didn't. "I love you," Shan Yu didn't know what else could make you understand that. "I won't find someone else, because you are the one. We are meant to be. This isn't about your body. This isn't about your touch. All I do is to make you see it. To make you want to be mine."
You just glared at him, trying to understand what your mind wanted. Trying to understand him. "But why? Why do you feel this way about me?"
"Because you're like me."
"No. I'm not," you didn't move this time when he stepped closer. "I'm nothing like you."
"You want more of life," Shan Yu stood right in front of you. "You don't want to go back to a dead village, to go through the same day again and again, to no be remembered. I know you want more. You want to see the world. You want to feel free. It's your time to be honest with yourself. Face the truth. You want more."
Shan Yu wanted you to agree. He wanted you to say he was right, that you want more, that you want him. But he thought you would scream at him, push him away, declare your hate for him. He didn't imagined you would cry.
"I don't," Shan Yu stopped. He didn't knew what to say. He didn't want you to cry. He didn't want you to react this way. "Please, don't cry. Everything will be alright."
"I'm tired," you whispered. "Im in pain, I'm scared, and I don't know what I want. I don't know what to do."
"You're hurt?"
You nodded. "I fell."
Shan Yu sighed. How he wanted to just touch you. Hold you in his arms. Clean the trace of tears on your face. See where you hurted yourself. "We will come back to our carriage, we'll eat and rest. And when you're fine, you can decide If you go back home."
It was so dumb. So stupid. You could help but laugh, almost forgeting the tears. "And you would let me go if I want to?"
"I want to feel your love, not to see your disgust." Shan Yu sighed. "If you want to go, you can. But when i defeat the Emperor, when China became mine, I'll come back to you. And then I'll ask you once more if you want to be mine."
"You promise?" You didn't knew what to think about this.
"I do," Shan Yu answered. "Sadly, I do."
• That was the first night of a thunderstorm that lasted days. That was the first night of a thunderstorm that would make Shan Yu fall. That was the first night of a thunderstorm that would change your mind.
Next Part!
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
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@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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laughableillusions · 2 years
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Get absolutely fucked idiot
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optimistic-violinist · 6 months
Hot Take: Magnifico learning magic and learning how to protect the wishes would've been a better plot for Wish.
Think of it. We start with a town on fire and see Magnifico running away. Maybe he gets caught by the villain. "Any last wishes?" Maybe we see his parents or siblings tackle the villain and tell him to run only for him to watch them be killed (off screen of course).
We get a shot of our villain. I'm thinking a very Shan Yu-like from Mulan. Just, evil. Pillager. Bad Guy.
Magnifico escapes. Since he's gonna be voiced by Chris Pine still (of course), we get the ROTG voice over. "I never saw them again. I never saw my home again. And I vowed that that would never happen again. But that was a long time ago." Cue musical sting, pan up to the night sky and wishing star, title.
Fast forward, Magnifico is now a teenager. Has an adopted mother, living in a cottage in the woods or something near town. He's trying to study magic in his free time, his mother is worried about him getting in over his head. He wants to apply for the magic school in the town. Cue song a la "When Will My Life Begin."
He takes the magic exam and isn't bad, but isn't good enough. Maybe they're snobs, maybe it's really that he failed fair and square.
Note: Amaya also lives in this town. They're friends.
Breakdown that night. Cue "So I Make This Wish," almost verbatim and summons... STAR!
Humanoid Boy Star from the concept art, specifically.
They get talking. Magnifico is obviously starstruck (ba dum tish).
M: "you're, you're---"
S: stupendous, extraordinary, splendiferous?
M: magnificent
Cue discussion about why he's out there wishing, the magic exam, why he wants to learn magic, and Star offers to teach him.
Not sure what happens here. Probably mini-quest to get magic books or items. Upbeat montage song. At the end, hint that the bad guy is coming to destroy this town now.
Somewhere in here, we befriend Amaya more and Magnifico starts to fall in love with her. Cue cute romantic song, something about wishing for each other. Star in the background a la Eponine from Les Mis. NOW we can either go romance or friendship route: either way, there is pining about how he is a cosmic entity, ageless, can't stay forever, and Magnifico is going to grow up and do great things without him.
Oh no!! Bad guys are suddenly a lot closer! We've got to prep and do something! Potentially an ensemble/town song. Culminates in Star asking Magnifico what his wish really is. We see his wish is founding Rosas with Amaya at his side. Star reassures him that that's exactly what he's going to do and teaches him how to take and protect wishes. We got a duet a la "For Good" between them. Star tells him that he's going to be magnificent.
Big battle against the bad guys! Magnifico with his really cool sorcery powers! He takes the Bad Guy's wish to harm people and makes him forget it. Magnifico also gets a cool "Defying Gravity" song here with some line about promising to protect people's wishes and if he should ever fail or use that power for evil, may he be cursed or something. Foreshadowing, y'know?
We get one last goodbye as Star goes to leave. Do they kiss? Maybe. Do they have A SUPER TIGHT TENDER HUG FULL OF LOVR AND CARE. ABSOLUTELY. I LIVE FOR THAT. Probably a reprise of one of the songs here.
Fast forward once more to Magnifico as a young adult with Amaya, sailing on a ship as they discover the island that will become Rosas.
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timetravellingkitty · 7 months
Mulan 2020 sucks lol
Written and edited by yours truly
So, Mulan 2020 happened. And I am disappointed. Seriously disappointed. It is utter garbage. I would genuinely prefer it if I watched Mulan II 5 times in a row, and that's saying something.
There is so much to talk about because this has so many issues. I don't think my brain can handle a movie as bad as this for some time. It is a disgrace to the original animated movie.
(Who cares about spoilers?)
And yes, I can and I will compare it to the original movie because it is a remake. It is totally valid to see where this fell flat and where the original succeeded. I'm not saying it has to be like the original cartoon, that is stupid. As I mentioned, it's to highlight the failures of this movie.
Besides, even if we forget the fact that it is a remake, this movie is still horrible.
Mulan 1998 is a classic. It has great visuals, an awesome soundtrack, wonderful and compelling characters, a great message and a cool plot. It's just a great movie in general. It is an adaptation of The Ballad of Mulan, a Chinese legend. Both the legend and the animated movie are about a young girl named Mulan who disguises herself as a man to take her father's place in the army to fight back against an invasion.
As big of a success Mulan was, Chinese audiences thought some things were weird. For instance, having a dragon be a comic relief character, given that dragons are highly respected in Chinese culture. So of course, Disney decided to try another shot, claiming that they wanted to be more culturally sensitive, accurate and closer to the original ballad.
Mulan 2020 is a remake of the original animated movie, and was marketed to be more "accurate to Chinese culture and the Ballad". This claim is, of course, false, because they failed in that aspect. Say what you will about the cultural inaccuracies in Mulan 1998, but at least it was a great movie. Besides, Mulan 1998 didn't pride or market itself on being culturally accurate, the way Mulan 2020 did, so there's that.
I don't mind some changes. And honestly, if there's one thing I appreciate, it's that it isn't a carbon copy of the original (looking at you The Lion King 2019).
Li Shang's character is divided into two characters: Commander Tung and Mulan's love interest Honghui, apparently in light of the Me-Too movement. This is a dumb reason. Disney wasn't comfortable with a superior having a relationship with a subordinate? The hell? The romance between Shang and Mulan was only insinuated at the end, when Mulan wasn't even a part of the army anymore, so there's that. Also, Mulan gave her consent, so I don't know what they’re talking about.
Mushu isn't present in the movie. I can see why though. He contributed quite a bit to the soul of the animated version but a CGI dragon would be very distracting. Also, the director said that removed him to achieve a more realistic tone.
Grandma? No grandma. Mulan has a sister though, who only exists to mess stuff up.
The Huns are replaced with the Rourans and Shan Yu is replaced with Bori Khan.
Mushu is replaced with a phoenix, who acts as an emissary for the ancestors
There are no songs, except in the end credits, which isn't a bad thing. The instrumentals of the songs in the animated one play during some scenes (I'll talk about the music, don’t worry)
The characters in this movie are so boring. Our lead character Mulan lacks the charisma her animated counterpart had. She's utterly bland, uninteresting and poorly written. In the original, she knew she wasn't physically strong and that she couldn't solve her problems with her strength, so she used her intelligence and wit. She excelled by working hard and being strong willed and determined. This Mulan is a well rounded character.
Mulan in the live action is given Chi powers (Chi is a big part of Chinese medicine, in case you didn't know). Honestly, I wouldn't be as mad at Mulan being given superpowers, had they actually done this properly! Chi isn't like midichlorians, it's something that flows through everyone. Mulan is naturally born with dumb superpowers and has to hide them because as her dad says, " Chi is for warriors, not for daughters”. There is a problem:
It has been mentioned many times that Mulan needs to hide her superpowers otherwise she will be shunned and ostracised. Then why doesn't she get more repercussions everytime she uses her powers? The worst thing that happens is little Mulan getting looks of disgust when she uses them. On other occasions, when she is now a part of the army, she uses her powers in training and she doesn't get any backlash? What the hell?? Then why even bother in the first place?
The only way for this narrative to work is if Mulan got more repercussions for using her powers.
If I were to make the line "Chi is for warriors, not daughters," work, I would make it go something like this:
*At the end of the movie when Mulan comes home*
Dad: Didn't I tell you that Chi is for warriors, not daughters?
Mulan: "I am a daughter, but I'm a warrior too."
(Yes, I know this is similar to a scene in Avatar: The Last Airbender, but this would be better, tbh. Also, watch Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Let me compare the training montages from both movies.
In the animated one, there is an absolutely AWESOME montage of Mulan training side by side with her companions, slowly gaining their trust. She climbs the pillar with both medallions by using her wit, not by brute force. This Mulan worked hard. Besides, the fact that "I'll Make A Man Out Of You" plays over this is the only thing that makes it better (banger song, thank you Donny Osmond)
In the live-action, Mulan is supposed to lift up buckets and climb on top of a mountain. There are also other training scenes, but those aren't very important. In these scenes, she succeeds with the power of CHI. WHY? Mulan here just achieves her goal because she is oh so special. She didn't work to achieve her goal at all, because she is perfect. No struggling or development here at all.
Mulan in the animated version was more concerned about saving her father. Mulan in the 2020 version is a dumb patriot who can't even do patriotism right ("I know my place. It is my duty to fight for the kingdom and protect the Emperor") How very empowering.
In short, live-action Mulan can do no wrong. She has no flaws, no personality and no charm. Everything comes to her pretty easily, because MAGIC.
Li Shang's role in the live-action is divided between Commander Tung and Mulan's love interest Honghui, as mentioned before. Both of these characters are flat, dumb and boring. Tung exists to tell Mulan to cultivate her Chi and to train these idiots (and to offer his daughter’s hand in marriage to her, unaware that Mulan isn’t actually a guy, but eh). Honghui is there to be a stupid love interest, who gives us an “I am Spartacus” moment.
The witch is by far the most interesting character. She actually has more than one side to her, has SOME kind of depth and you can even feel sorry for her. She is supposed to serve as a foil to Mulan, given that both have similar powers. In case you've forgotten (which is something I wouldn't blame you for), she's an outcast who's now working with Bori Khan. Why is she an outcast? Because of her Chi. The witch has said many times that she could kill Bori Khan in a snap, then why doesn't she kill him? Because she needs acceptance? What the hell? She decides to pull out the whole "We're the same, you and I," stupidity to Mulan, and I can see that. It's just that the writers just didn't put much thought into it. “It’s too late for me” because you saw a woman leading an army of men? Also, why does she warn Mulan that Bori Khan is coming? Unless she's playing both sides, except her motivations aren't made clear enough for this to make sense. Finally, she dies for the dumbest reason. God, it just makes me so mad. She had so much potential, but no. They just had to mess her up.
Bori Khan? MORE LIKE BORING KHAN. Not much is there. His animated counterpart Shan Yu was scary and contributed to some of the darkest moments in the movie. This guy over here is just...nothing. That's all I have to say.
Mulan's sister is only there to mess up the meeting with the Matchmaker. What a stupid change. First off in the animated version, it's Mulan who messed up, because she isn't perfect. She fails at being stereotypically feminine AND masculine, but in the live-action, she literally pulls off a Spiderman cafeteria scene, and the blame is put on the sister. In the animated movie, this scene is groundwork for Mulan wanting to prove herself and going on a hero's journey, providing depth to her character, but in the live-action, she's perfect. What is the point? (I know this section was supposed to be about the sister, but eh). The sister doesn't provide anything else to the movie, so thanks! I hate it. Moral of the story: Girls can do anything boys can, as long as they have superpowers. If you are born special like Mulan, you can be respected, whereas if you are like the sister, you have no significance and in the end, you can just fit in and be irrelevant. Congratulations!
The live action group of guys Mulan met and befriended in the army lack the charm and comedic timing of their animated counterparts. That’s it. Seriously. I have nothing more to say about them, because they don't really have anything going on. I don't even know why they are included, because their contribution is nil, save for them blandly speaking lines from the animated version’s songs ("I don't care what she looks like, I care what she cooks like"), which is seriously cringe.
The dad is there to tell Mulan that Chi is for warriors. A shame, because I really liked the dad in the movie. He was a source of wisdom for Mulan, whose greatest honour was having her for a daughter. In the live-action, he just takes the sword that Mulan is given at the end of the movie. The mom is meh.
The emperor is also meh. At least he was wise and cool in the animated version, but here he just does bed sheet kung-fu.
Did I mention that the dynamics between the characters are unnatural, forced, awkward in a bad way and in no way indicates any chemistry between them? Oh yeah, I didn’t, until now. They don’t establish much when it comes to emotion.
Simply put, Khan (Mulan’s horse in the animated version) had more personality than all of these characters combined
Liu Yifei as Mulan was a pretty terrible choice. She is just a block of wood, who has absolutely no range, and this isn't because of the writing. She is genuinely bad, and is regarded as one of China’s worst actors (I kid you not). She just can’t emote.
Jet Li as the emperor is meh. But hey, he doesn’t have much to do, so eh.
Jason Scott Lee as Bori Khan is fine. He doesn’t suck, but he lacks the command and authority of a character who is supposed to be intimidating, but I guess it has something to do with the writing of his character.
Donnie Yen is a martial art legend, but unfortunately, he doesn't have much range as an actor.
The best performance of this movie is that of Gong Li, who played the witch. Honestly, she is charismatic, charming and has an idea of what she is doing.
To save everyone’s time, simply put: most of the performances are bland and mediocre. Partly due to bad writing and partly due to most of the actors not being, well, good at acting.
So Disney went all “we like cultural and historical accuracy”, which is nice. For example, the Huns are replaced by the Rourans, a real tribe in China around the time Mulan was supposed to be alive. They also removed the hair cutting scene, because as iconic and awesome as it is, it doesn’t make sense. Chinese men wore their hair long too. You know what? I like these kinds of changes. I appreciate accuracy. If only Disney didn’t pride themselves on their accuracy when they got almost everything else wrong (They somehow got Mulan's house wrong lol). I don't know jackshit about Chinese culture so just go watch that Xiran Jay Zhao video it's very swag
In a surprising turn of events, this isn't accurate to the Ballad, like they had marketed it to be (I know, I’m shocked too). In a reference to the Ballad, Mulan is riding a horse and she sees two rabbits running side by side. She goes home and tells her family that she saw 2 rabbits, and she thinks that one was male and the other female, but she wasn't sure. This just misses the entire point of the Ballad.
Long story short, Mulan in the Ballad is actually a seamstress. She joined the army in her father's place. She defeats the barbarians and goes on a ten year long campaign with her friends, after which they meet the Son of Heaven (a sacred imperial title of a Chinese emperor). He offers her a high ranking position, which she refuses, because she just wants to go home. She returns home and her family welcomes her. Sometime later, her friends come to visit her, and they find out that she is actually a woman. The friends are shocked because she has been in the army for 12 years and in those 12 years, they didn't even realise that she was a woman.
Mulan then replies:
The male hare's feet hop and skip
The female hare's are muddled and fuddled
But when two hares are running side by side
How can you tell the male from the female?
Which is where the poem ends.
So, Mulan just going on, judging those rabbits like that makes absolutely no sense. The Ballad is about how no matter how different men and women look, when they live and fight amongst each other, who gives a damn about the differences? You know what would have made sense though? If Mulan got off her horse, went close to the rabbits, examined them, and then made the conclusion that one is male and the other is female. This would actually be sticking to the message of the Ballad. Also, why do they make it ambiguous as to whether she accepts the high ranking position? I assume for a sequel (yes, God save my soul). Here we can see another example of its impeccable accuracy to the Ballad.
Everything that made the original film good has been stripped away. Every moment that is meant to be emotional is very dull. For example, the scene where Mulan makes the decision to take her father's place in the army is supposed to be a very powerful scene. Mulan is risking it all just so her dad can be safe. She might be killed if discovered, and her family would be dishonoured.
When Mulan comes back from the Matchmaker, she has a moment of reflection while singing "Reflection". This is the beginning of her personal journey, discovering who she is. In this, after Mulan comes back from the Matchmaker, she doesn't have a moment of reflection. The army immediately shows up. Am I really supposed to believe that Mulan feels bad about this? That Mulan is really struggling?
When Mulan’s friends are singing, it suddenly shifts to the striking scene of the burnt village. This, in my opinion, is the best use of tonal whiplash. From this point on, things are getting serious, and the emotional weight of this tragedy is felt. In this, they just randomly show up at the village.​​ There is no seriousness (stop trying to tell me this movie is adult, mature and serious, it just looks like that on the surface).
Their attempts at being emotional are poor and unconvincing, and ultimately, the end product is an emotionless, soulless, depthless entity.
The director mentioned in an interview that she didn’t add songs into the movie because it is “unrealistic to break into song when you're in war”, and I don't think I’ve heard anything more false (apart from the concept of a flat Earth). Even I, who isn't going into war anytime soon, know this is false. They instead inserted instrumentals from the original film. Except, it's very weirdly placed. The instrumental for Reflection is placed when Mulan is fighting the Rourans after she reveals herself to be a woman. Like, there isn't any context. In the end credits, they had the original song "Loyal, Brave and True" sung by Christina Aguilera, which was nice. I don't really have much to say in regards to the music. The music is overall forgettable.
The action may seem weird, but this kind of martial arts is a part of the Wuxia genre, which is what they were going for. Well, they failed. The choreography is bad, the CGI is bad, EVERYTHING is bad. Honestly, if you want a good Wuxia movie, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon exists. The action is here stupid and stiff.
Why does Mulan take her armour off before going into battle? That is just stupid. Can't you just take the bindings off? Also, WHY OPEN YOUR HAIR-
Mulan really likes kicking spears (and pointy stuff in general). Seriously. It’s weird.
The CGI is okay I guess, I don't know. The phoenix in some scenes looks pink to me. There are some pretty visuals though.
It is very obvious that there is a green screen used in the scene where Mulan and her friends find the burnt village. And it looks bad. Pretty ugly. It looks bad. The green screen looks bad.
The war strategy is just weird. I can't really say anything about it in text form because how am i supposed to describe it, help- (she literally teleported behind the bad guys in the avalanche scene-).
I like how the animated film, which had a dragon as a comic relief and other silly stuff, is more mature than this.
For what joy does Mulan get another sword from the army? Also, shame the dad is all “oh look at the values written on the sword, they are honourable” even though in the original the greatest honour was having her for a daughter.
How was Mulan even able to tell the gender of the rabbits?
Why not just try to send a warning to the Emperor that the Rourans are coming to get him?
Why does Commander Tung let Mulan lead them-
Well, I think I have said everything I wanted to about this movie. I know I havent talked about its controversies but honestly, I am done. I am so done with this. This document took 5-6 months of my life. I am kind of proud of this, and there isn't much I have done to be proud of. I did procrastinate on this a bit, and I had stuff going on, but finally, I am done. In the future, if I remember something, I'll add it here, but I think that is unlikely. I never want to watch or even go near Mulan 2020 again. It's horrible, and there is barely anything redeemable. I hate it here. It’s been reported that a sequel is in development. If it’s true, of course I’ll watch it, how else am I supposed to validate my self hate? I am also, of course, the resident “friend who suffers for everyone else’s entertainment”. If you want a live action remake of Mulan, Mulan: Rise of a Warrior exists. Go watch it, it’s free on YouTube with subtitles. I really liked it.
If you’ve somehow made it this far, thanks for reading. I congratulate you for putting up with whatever this is. I would also like to take a moment to congratulate myself for actually committing to this. It was painful yet fun to complain about this to the best of my ability. If anyone wants to add anything to this, feel free to do so. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m out. I have lost my faith in humanity, and I have other things to complain about.
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mr111202 · 11 days
The Strange Parallel Between Mike Wheeler and Disney’s Mulan (The Mike/Disney Parallels 1/2)
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Okay, I know what you’re gonna say: “Wait, Mulan’s a Chinese girl from the Hun Dynasty, and Mike’s an American boy from the 1980s. The hell do you mean??” Admittedly, it does sound strange, but stay with me here. I’m not saying that Mike and Mulan are the same person, definitely not. But, they both do have one big similarity in common:
Their self-confidence issues, and the need to protect those who they love.
In the beginning of her movie, Mulan is shown to have some major self-confidence issues. Most prominent with her thinking that she’s brought shame to her family for not being “the perfect daughter” cause she failed to impress the matchmaker.
Like wise, through season four, we can see that Mike is also struggling with his own self-confidence. The most famous example that people like to use is the Van scene before Will whips out his painting. Mike talks about how he feels inadequate and useless when it comes to his relationship with El (“she’s Superman, and I’m Lois Lane. But even that doesn’t work.” To paraphrase). And, if we do take in the aspect of Mike being gay as well, it can also be said that he feels this cause he thinks he’s not “the perfect son” cause he likes boys.
Both characters feel inadequate and feel like as if they constantly let people down.
Then, later on in the Disney movie, Mulan decides to disguise herself as a man to join the army. Not cause she wants to or to prove a point, but cause she doesn’t want her father to get killed in battle. She seems to be the kind to risk her life for those she cares for. She does this again when she saves Shang during the avalanche, despite her bleeding from a stomach wound via Shan-Yu’s sword.
Similarly, Mike has been shown to be the kind of person who will risk his life to keep the people he loves safe. There’s the time in season 1 where he was ready to throw himself off the quarry to save Dustin from Troy. Then there’s the time in season 3 when he took a pipe to Billy’s back during the sauna test to save El. Then, also in that same season at the finale, bro threw his skinny ass body at Billy (who’s jacked and possessed) as a way to keep El safe and buy her time to escape the mall.
With all that said, this is something I personally want in season five. I sincerely doubt that the Duffer Brothers would do this, but a girl can dream.
I want Mike to have his Mulan moment.
Much like how Mulan developed confidence in herself thanks to her experience in the army, I want Mike to be able to grow confidence with himself and be able to accept himself for who he is (that he’s great the way his is, and that being gay and loving Will is okay).
And much like how Mulan was able to use her smarts and wits to defeat Shan-Yu, I would like to see a scene where Mike uses his own smarts and wits to come up with a plan to defeat Vecna, affirming Will’s statement in the van scene that Mike is the “Heart of the Party”. Much like how Mulan is kind of the “Heart of the Army”.
Though admittedly, a little montage or a creative time shot of Mike getting buff wouldn’t be too bad.
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marubien · 6 months
How would you rewrite Mulan 2?
I'd just begin from scratch really. I tried to come up what would I keep from the existing sequel and I think that's maybe just the yin-yang necklaces. Which were a deleted idea from the first movie anyway.
Easy and lazy answer would be to go with whatever idea they had in Mulan 2's deleted scene, battle sequence, (check it out, it's super cool). It's like spy-ninja-duo of Mulan and Shang working like a badass couple. Mulan 2 concept arts (part 1, part 2) are not too bad either, and although they definitely have some usual Disney sequel cliches(eg. having the girl Mushu dragon), I'd still think I could enjoy it a bit more than what they ended up with.
Then there's Barry Cook's draft, aka the co-director of the original movie wrote synopsis for the potential sequel when he heard that Disney was considering of doing sequel to Mulan. In fact there was going to be Mulan 3 as well, apparently Mulan 2 ruined it as it was too badly received. There's hardly anything known of Barry Cook's draft details, just that soon-to-be-married Mulan and Shang are sent to north since things are happening there, and at the end there would have been an epic battle between Mulan's ancestors and Shan Yu's deceased army.
Actually I lied earlier what would be easiest and laziest. That would be just doing the visual novel The Palace of Secrets. Seriously I wouldn't change a thing.
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There's many directions where one could go with the sequel really, some fanfics have done pretty amazing job exploring different options. I have made a post where I put up some fanfic recommendations, but some are like one-shots so they could hardly be sequels.
Personally, rather than a sequel movie I really really would like to see Mulan tv-series. Something like Tangled: the Series. It could have the sillier filler episodes but the main plot could be epic. Series could also make possible to explore side characters' character arc in more detail. I have played with this idea before too, with my friend @mulanxiaojie.
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I'm quite satisfield how the first movie ended, but I'll list some pointers that I and I think most would like to see in a continuation story:
Mulan getting a career
Mulan and Shang getting together
Chi Fu x Matchmaker :P
And then some that are not really necessary but would be really interesting to see, just to list some of the potential sequel tv series could have:
Fa Zhou's past
Mulan's and Granma Fa's relationship
seeing the other guardians besides Mushu (and the Great Stone Dragon)
developing Gang of Three as invidual characters
exploring historical China
an actual villain (should be basic but the sequel didn't have that)
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hannahhook7744 · 4 months
Isle Representative Group Chat! (Part 3);
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Usernames: Captain/Theeleganthannahhook/Captain Elegant= Hannah Hook, adoptive daughter of Zarina the pirate fairy and Captain Hook. livelaughfuckyou= Zee Snoops, daughter of Madame Medusa and Mr. Snoops. theisleshottestprince= Lucas ‘Luke’ Tremaine-Westergaard, son of Prince Hans Westergaard and Drizella Tremaine. Gothbitch= Darcy Aoratos, daughter of Hades and Narissa. thegoddessoffear= Skia Aoratos, daughter of Persephone and Hades. Dashadowman= John Facilier, son of Ursula and Dr. Facilier. Clever= Kailani ‘Clever’ Athanasiou, daughter of Ursula and Dr. Facilier. Flamingkaratemaster= Treycor Fae-Aoratos, son of Maleficent and Hades. Princess Peach= Peachy Gothel, daughter of Mother Gothel and Captain Flynn. Yellow devil= Remi de Vil, son of Cruella de Vil. Gothmermaid= River Le Beak, son of Lord Fathom and Beatrice Le Beak. WarriorBri= Shan Bri, daughter of Shan Yu. Thescarletking= Aaron King. Redbitch= Anna King. Thephantomstabber= Alexander ‘Alex’ Procrustes Aoratos-Sinclair ||, son of Helga Sinclair and Hades. Sunshine boy= Noah Aoratos, son of Persephone and Hades (he's 8).
Chapter 6: Damn it, Julie.
Trigger warnings: sibling on sibling violence, stress, anger, swearing, threats of knife violence, etc.
Co-written with @igetthedisneybox as usual.
6/01/2024 at  12:20 PM.
livelaughfuckyou: that would be our elegant captain
theisleshottestprince: Why are you trying to sleep, it's noon?
Thephantomstabber: Fuck you. Fuck your mom. Fuck your whole family!
theisleshottestprince: Well, someone's cranky.
theisleshottestprince: No wait that's how you always are.
Thephantomstabber: Do you want to get shot?
Princess Peach: No threats in the GC Alex!
Thephantomstabber: You're not the boss of me. 
6/01/2024 at  12:30 PM.
Sunshine boy: Whys Luke laughing?
Sunshine boy: And whys Alis swearin?
thegoddessoffear: Luke is laughing because Treycor smacked Alex because he was being a dickhead–don’t repeat that word–and Alex is sweating because Treyocr smacked him. 
Princess Peach: Noah’s in the chat, nobody’s allowed to swear starting now!!!!
Redbitch: How long has he even been here????
Gothbitch: His mom gave him a phone, remember?
thegoddessoffear: I forgot mom did that.
theisleshottestprince: I thought that happened weeks ago?
Sunshine boy: It did!
Sunshine boy: I was just tryin’ to think of something to say!
theisleshottestprince: Darcy, babe, I'm adopting your brother.
Gothbitch: The fuck you are! 
Gothbitch: You have more siblings than I do and my dad is literally a god . Go adopt your own siblings!
theisleshottestprince: But your brother is adorable!
theisleshottestprince: My siblings, minus Dizzy and the triplets, are just annoying. Or dead. 
Thephantomstabber: I was being attacked and none of you did anything?! 
Gothbitch: We all agreed to stay out of siblings’ arguing. 
Thephantomstabber: BITCH YOU'RE MY SISTER!
6/01/2024 at  12:40 PM.
Princess Peach: Treycor! Stop hitting Alex!
Flamingkaratemaster: Wasn't me this time. 
livelaughfuckyou: so we jus gonna ignore that h is still screaming or
Gothmermaid: oh, Julie Foulfellow just brought one of her contracts again.
Gothmermaid: *broke.
Thescarletking: that and her dads won't stop approaching children and breaking their contacts. 
livelaughfuckyou: i see. continue on w ur argument spawns of hades
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ryin-silverfish · 7 days
So I did a brief review of when writers from the Warring States and earlier would place the legend of Yi.
Yellow Emperor's Reign: Spring and Autumn Annals of Lu Bu Wei (吕氏春秋) and Mozi's writings. Yi is listed as inventor of the bow and arrow, alongside other inventors from the Yellow Emperor's period. 吕氏 also mentions ten suns appearing before Yao's reign, but as a good omen. Also quoting from Zhuangzi, 吕氏 has Yao saying that “lighting fires while the ten suns are out" is a waste of effort, because their light cannot make the already bright environment brighter, just like Yao remaining on the throne cannot make the realm a better place when the sage Xu You is already going around helping people.
Xia Dynasty: Shang Shu (尚书), Guo Yu (国语), Zuo Zhuan (左传), Tale of King Mu (穆天子传), Qu Yuan's Tian Wen (天问), Confucius, Zhuangzi, students of Mozi. The three history books, Shang Shu, Guo Yu, and Zuo Zhuan all present Yi as an usurper of the Xia Dynasty who was then betrayed and murdered by his advisor Han Zhuo. Shang Shu also rationalizes Yi's shooting of the suns as a campaign against the Xi and He clans, two noble families charged with calculating the calendar, but who had neglected their duties. The Tale of King Mu also calls Yi the Xia Dynasty ruler of Yoqiong. Confucius and Zhuangzi both cite Yi as a powerful archer, but bad ruler. However, Zhuangzi portrays Yi as a man who understood his own faults and could not take pride in his ability to judge character. Mozi's students related a story about Yi receiving a jade pendant from heaven before his final failure and death, as an allegory of pride going before a fall. Qu Yuan has the most complete summary of Yi's myth, presenting him as a Heaven-sent hero who was meant to save the people of Xia, but usurped the king's throne, stole a river god's wife, abducted the woman Xuan Qi, lost Chang-E when she went to the moon, and finally was punished by Heaven and fell to the schemes of those around him. Other texts also mention Yi, but he's still implied to be a Xia Dynasty figure because there are pre-late Warring States texts setting him in any other time. Guizang, one of the earliest texts to contain Chinese myths, states that Yi shot down the suns and Chang-E stole the elixir of immortality and went to moon. Shan Hai JIng mentions Yi received a bow from the sky god Di Jun to slay monsters. Mencius mentioned Yi being murdered by his jealous student Feng Meng, but stated Yi bore some responsibility for the crime (neglecting mortal education). In contrast, Guan Zhong and Han Fei regarded Yi as a principled man dedicated to his craft, who understood the philosophy and not just the act of shooting an arrow, and who was the protective figure. Yi is often listed alongside his disciple Feng Meng as the example of a good archer.
Yao's Reign: Huainanzi (淮南子) and its oral sources. Yi shooting the suns is set during Yao's reign. Xunzi also mentions Yi as a title that can be given to any good archer. However, he also makes references to Yi and Feng Meng as specific individuals, in which case he's likely referring to Yi from the Xia Dynasty. ("Yi and Feng Meng cannot aim accurately with crooked bows"; "Yi's methods are not lost, but Yi is no longer in this world.") Meanwhile Han Fei makes vague comparisons between Yao and Yi as enforcers of the law, but never specifically calls them contemporary.
Later Han Dynasty commentaries would make the sun-shooting Yi from Yao's era a different individual than the Xia Dynasty Yi, but the myth of a single Yi who both shot the suns (or the individuals responsible for tracking the sun's movements through the year) and usurped the Xia throne came first and was the most popular before the Qin Dynasty.
Wonderful collection!
I only have one small correction: Qu Yuan's Tianwen does not make any connection between Chang'e and Yi.
There are lines about the death and revival of the moon, and the animal in it (夜光何德,死则又育?厥利维何,而顾菟在腹?), as well as the lines asking about why a woman in fine white robes is decorating herself in jewelry, followed by a question about where she gets the "fine pills" and why she cannot hide/keep them. (白蜺婴茀,胡为此堂?安得夫良药,不能固臧?)
It is commonly interpreted as referring to the Chang'e legends, but at least in the poem, it's not connected to the Yi-related lines.
Also, though the version of Guizang quoted in the ask mentions both Yi and Chang'e next to each other, the Qin era bamboo slips excavated from Wangjia Tai only mentions Chang'e stealing the pill of immortality and flying to the moon.
From what I know, though both the Yi and Chang'e mythology were floating around in the late Warring States-Qin era, they weren't yet connected to each other.
The earliest passage that featured the "Yi gets immortality pills from QMoW, Chang'e steals it and fly to the moon" plot is from Huainan Zi , and in the eastern Han annotation of the passage, they became husband and wife.
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darkmasterofcupcakes · 4 months
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You have to somewhat appreciate how Shan Yu reacts to Mulan revealing herself to him. He doesn't show any real shock at seeing that she's actually a woman, or try to deny that she was the one who basically killed 99.9% of his army with one canon shot out of the inability to accept that he was defeated by a woman. No, he just has this moment like he's mentally scolding himself for not realizing she was the real person he should focus his desire for revenge on, not Shang.
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omnybus · 2 years
Tonight on "Well, I Think It's Interesting..."
Shan Yu's not my favorite Disney villain by a long shot, but this is honestly one of his best scenes, and makes him far more memorable than most C-list Disney antagonists. It's easy to write off Shan Yu and the Hun army as just an overwhelming horde of violent destroyers, but this one-minute scene demonstrates what truly makes Shan Yu fearsome: he's not just strong and ruthless, but smart as well. From observing a few small clues, he manages to piece together that an imperial ambush is ahead of them, and uses that knowledge to his advantage. Not only that, but his soldiers notice these as well; they're not just a gaggle of dumb thugs. Yet instead of simply avoiding the ambush, Shan Yu leads his men towards the village, not only saving his men time and resources traveling but also demoralizing their opponents (as well as giving the Huns supplies to raid from the village).
Aside from establishing characters and foreshadowing the fate of the village in later scenes, it ties in with one of the reoccurring themes of the film; not every goal can be reached through sheer brute force. Being clever and observent allows you to approach problems from different angles, and find solutions by working smarter rather than harder. Consider how Mulan managed to retrieve the arrow back at camp. While everyone else was trying to climb the pole while ignoring the weights tied to their wrists, she used them to rappel herself up the pole, which she and her comrades utilize during the final battle.
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isleofdarkness · 10 months
how many kids are there on the isle? you've said things about low casulties being <500 kids but there also dont seem to be THAT many villans but i guess 2nd and 3rd gen?
Unfortunately, if any adult is sentenced to the Isle for any reason, their children may get sent to the Isle with them. Most of the Isle population is people who spoke ill of the monarchy, participated in civil disobedience, or even who just committed minor crimes but who were part of a marginalized community so they got the worst sentence.
The amount of villain kids (children of the actual Villains) is around 400. That includes grandchildren.
And the amount of civilian kids, kids who are the kids of criminals, is around 10,000.
Civilian kids are the ones who usually die in this stuff. While many gangs will try to protect civilian kids in their territory, it's neither safe nor possible to alert all of them to the nearest safehouse for when the fighting starts. Some gangs with a larger territory, like Harriet and Diego, may be able to set up fake safehouse that don't hold any value besides protecting civilian kids, but most don't have the resources or the people to do that. Protecting civilian kids is pretty much impossible- you need runners who know where the kids are who are fast enough to avoid being shot and smart enough to not get tailed, you need fake safehouse because you can rarely trust a civilian kid to not accidentally (or purposefully) rat you out, because they're rarely raised in a gang or army context, and you need a lot of planning to be able to successfully pull all of this off in the heat of a battle against gods know who. No matter how much they wish it was possible, it just isn't.
However, gangs do try to help the civilian kids in their territory. They're one step below a gang member. Resources are spread to them, gang members will protect them if they happen to see something happen, they can call Sanctum. Some, like Harriet, will even bring civilian kids into the fold and give them jobs in the gang (one of Harriet's advisors, Joss, is a civilian kid, for example.) They're allowed to join the Silver Cross, but they rarely do because they don't have a Villain parent to make people afraid to kill them. There are quite a few who have jobs as runners between gangs or between members of Sanctum, where they alert other gangs that Harriet's gang is under attack or alert Shan Yu that there's a Sanctum at de Vil manor, and they provide an invaluable service.
Still, there's too many of them to protect and also too many of them to hire and bring into the fold. That's why the massive relocation efforts to come are going to be mostly focused on getting the civilian kids off of the Isle. They're easy targets for those who want to hit a particular gang right where it hurts, and they can't protect them in an all-out war.
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shewholovestoread · 11 months
My Journey To You - Thoughts and Impressions Part 1 of 2
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I realise that I've been missing these past few months, i've been on a consumption binge but with little to no bandwidth to write about any show/film irrespective of how much I may have loved them. (depression is an ass) But I can, once again, feel thoughts tingling in my brain and I've decided to get back to writing, something that I deeply enjoy. Anyway, enough about me, let's get started.
To keep the post from getting obscenely long, I'm going to split it into two. This post will be about the technical aspects of the show. Part 2 will focus on the characters.
My Journey To You is a 2023 fantasy, Wuxia show (shows/films that are based in ancient China with martial arts warriors being capable of superhuman feats, like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon). It was highly anticipated owing to the amazing trailer (one of the best I've seen)
Plot: The series tells the story of Yun Wei Shan, a spy longing for freedom, who infiltrates the Gong residence to complete a mission. In the eerie and treacherous Gong residence, she encounters love and friendship, embarks on a journey of self-discovery, and finds the determination to move forward. Together with the rebellious nobleman Gong Zi Yu, they grow and mature through their shared experiences. (via mydramalist)
It stars: Yu Shu Xin (Yun Wei Shan), Zhang Ling He(Gong Zi Yu), Ryan Cheng (Gong Shang Jue) and Lu Yu Xiao (Shangguan Qian), Tian Jia Rui (Gong Yuan Zhi), Jolin Jin (Gong Zi Shang) and Sun Chen Jun (Jin Fan)
Written by: Edward Guo.
Series directed by: Edward Guo & Luo Luo
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I'll talk about everything I liked before I get into the stuff that I didn't.
Right off the bat, this show has some of the most gorgeous characters you'll come across and this applies to both the men and the women. The costume and make-up departments do an amazing job making already attractive people look ridiculously attractive. They also help the actors really inhabit the world seamlessly. The costumes are especially incredibly detailed and intricate, you can see the care that went into crafting the look for each of these characters. Shout-out to Huang Wei (costume designer) and Shi Hui (Make-up)
One of the best aspects of the show is the cinematography by Wei Hong. This show is aesthetically beautiful, so many absolutely stunning shots. Chinese shows (and Korean shows) love slow-motion shots, and while at times, it can be a bit much, this show makes great use of them, especially during the fight scenes.
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The cinematography is helped to a great extent by the excellent production design, courtesy Jiyao Zhang. Like the costumes, the production design too is detailed and intricate. The world feels fully realised and yet also lived in. Each of the different clan mansions, the Front Hill and Back Hill are so incredibly different and distinct that you can immediately tell where you are. An insane amount of hard work went into the show and it shows in every frame.
You can tell that they had a good budget to work with and every bit of it was spent on making the show look as stylized as possible, there is not an ounce of realism to be found here, cue slow-motion beautiful hair flying shots. (Every day I bemoan my inability to make gifs) But the screencaps below illustrate the beauty of the show, it's so gorgeous that you could literally use screencaps as wallpapers.
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The fight scenes in the show are some of the best I've seen. They are intense and thrilling and always coherent, you can always tell who's fighting who. The fight scenes are also so aesthetically pleasing, like an exceptionally deadly dance.
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Now, we come to the not-so-great stuff.
First off, the marketing. The show was marketed and advertised as an action fantasy show and while there is action and it is excellent, it's not an "action" show. The main focus of the show is on the characters and the internal power struggle of the Gong family. There are also whole scenes, sometimes making up the bulk of an entire episode which are just conversations. I've seen a lot of viewers disappointed and it makes sense. they thought they were coming for action and instead they got verbose conversations.
The pacing also comes to a near-halt in some of these scenes and instead we're treated to lengthy expositions which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it becomes tedious when it happens repetitively.
Now, let's come to the worst thing about the show, it's ending, specifically the last 5 minutes. This end is ridiculously mindbogglingly bad when you consider that there is almost no confirmation on a 2nd season. It's just such a bad idea to end on a cliffhanger like this. If they wanted to leave things open for a potential 2nd season, they could have ended with the Wufeng elders coming together at that character's home, possibly to hold them ransom or something, like literally anything else.
if you're planning on watching this show and I do recommend it, keep in mind that it does get slow and don't watch the last 5 mins of the show. Trust me, you'll like the show a whole lot more if you follow that approach.
Part 2 HERE
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laughableillusions · 2 years
Oh my? Whats this?
He Who Plays With Fire
Its my silly little Shan Yu one shots now on ao3!! You can now read them in a more organized format!!
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whump-side · 2 years
Whump Challenge
I got tagged by @whump-captain to participate in the challenge. If you see this and want to participate, feel free! Don't by shy~ 1. Favorite whump trope(s)? Anything that'll make a whumpee bleed from the side. Shot, stabbed, you name it !
2. Least favorite whump trope(s)? I'm really not into whump with a whumper or pet whump. 
3. Top 3 whump scenes and why? No.6 episode 11. Oh man, this whole episode goes so hard, if you know, you know Detective Conan Chapter 251-254. I remember obsessively rereading these chapters as a 8yo kid No third place because there are 100 scenes fighting for the 3rd place in my head so I'll leave this empty
4. Top 3 characters to whump and why? Lance from Voltron. I love goofballs getting whumped. The switch between their goofy personalities to just pain, yes. Kaeya from Genshin. If anyone has good whump fanfics, please send them this way. This man is a walking whumpee Can't think of a 3rd character so I'll say my OC Birb 
5. Favorite fandom for whump (show, series, etc)? Anime/manga, animated show (Voltron, Avatar, in these kind of styles where adults look like adults) or Webtoons 
6. Do you prefer written or watchable whump? Watchable but I also enjoy written 
7. Do you also like hurt/comfort? Hell yes ! 
8. What do you think the difference between hurt/comfort and whump is? Hurt/comfort : gentle pat pat to soothe the pain Whump : stab stab to do the pain 
9. How would you explain whump to someone who’s not familiar with it? Angst but add pain, blood and injuries to it. 
10. Is there any old whump you particularly enjoy? (say, pre 2000?) It's gonna be 2000 exactly : Mulan. The moment when she realised she got hurt by Shan Yu. 
11. Why do you think you like whump? Good question it's always been there since I was really young. 
12. When did you realize you liked whump? Never, as mentioned before, it kinda was there all the time. 
13. Favorite posts with whump (gifsets, picspams, etc) ✨Art✨ 
14. Are you “out” to people in real life? My bff know that I love "angst" especially when it's bloody. I think I told them once that I found the whump community, but I'm sure I didn't say the word whump specifically 
15. How did you find the whump community? I was probably looking at "injured" or similar tags until I think I found an anime whump gifset and connected the dots when I saw the tag "whump" 
16. Any unusual mediums you like for whump (plays, music, vlogs, etc)? Stock photos. With enough imaginations, lots of things can be whumpy. It's like using a filter but with your brain. 
17. Any meta about whump you’ve been dying to share? None that I think of at the moment. 
18. Whump fic(s) you’d love to see? I'd love to read some Thoma whump from Genshin Impact. Haven't check now if there's something new with him 
19. Whump you’re looking forward to? (Maybe something teased or something you haven’t seen yet?) I am well fed with whump at the moment 👌 
20. Top 3 favorite whump fics? Oh god. I never save fics and then regret it when I want to read them again. The Purity of Sin by IcyPanther. I red it in one sitting before going to bed and then I realized it's 4am when I was finished There was a fanfic with Lance getting pneumonia while being stranded with Shiro and I can't find it ;-; A fic with my fem!Hawkle and Fenris my bff wrote me a few years ago 👌
21. Tropes you think are overdone? Whumper/Whumpee and captive whump. Let whumpees be hurt by nature in the wild far from any humans for a change. 
22. Tropes you think we could use more of? Environmental whump or whump without a whumper. 
23. Favorite sites/archives for consuming whump? Tumblr, AO3, Pinterest, Youtube 
24. Have your whump preferences changed recently? If so, why? Recently nothing has changed, but I'm always down to explore new tropes. Like I did with a tiny whumpee some times ago
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speckle-meow-meow · 1 year
ok hear me out-
mulan!dabi x shan yu!fem!reader
its were dabi was one of the armies greatest fighters but on one battle the enemy manages to take off dabi’s helmet (the rest of the imperial army hasnt seen dabis face before) so after the battle the imperial army kicked dabi out (like how mulan was kicked out) because they thought he was a monstrosity/spy for the hun’s so after he got kicked out he goes to reader for help because they used to be childhood friends but the reader ran away because of the pressure of being a female
ok thats all just pls make it end with them killing the imperial army
also pls make this a very long oneshot
I'm terribly sorry anon
I have procrastinated on this way to much, I don't even know where to start on this.
Also the only time I can really make long one shots is if I'm feeling inspired or I have lots of ideas.
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So I had a realization a few days ago that I want to put down here, 'cause holy shit.
Disney really has never shied away from showing us death as a part of life in their animated films. From the beginning, so many of their movies have had an onscreen death or shown us the immediate aftermath of a character's death.
So, since it interested me, and I want y'all to share my epiphany and suffering, here's a list of all the onscreen deaths/bodies we see in Disney animated films.
At least, the ones I and my friend @soldiershunterswitchesandroyals could think of.
Going chronologically by movie:
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs:
Queen Grimhilde (aka, the Evil Queen) - chased by the dwarfs off a cliff and falls to her death
Pinocchio - drowns; brought back when the Blue Fairy turns him into a real boy
Cinderella's father - shown on his deathbed from illness in the introduction sequence
Sleeping Beauty:
Maleficent - stabbed in the heart by an enchanted sword and falls from a cliff; we see the dead dragon body in the background after
Diablo (Maleficent's raven) - turned to stone by Merriweather(?)
The Black Cauldron:
Gurgi - jumps into the Black Cauldron to make the sacrifice of a life to destroy it; comes back to life shortly after because it was a willing sacrifice
The Horned King - dragged into the Black Cauldron by its destruction
The Great Mouse Detective:
Ratigan - falls from Big Ben during the climactic fight
Oliver & Company:
Roscoe and DeSoto (Sykes's Dobermans) - fall onto the subway tunnel's third rail and are electrocuted during the chase scene
Sykes - drives into oncoming traffic at the end of the chase
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?:
Marvin Acme - found murdered
An animated shoe, the Weasels, and Judge Dune - dissolved in the Dip
The Little Mermaid:
Ursula - run through with the prow of Eric's ship
Flotsam & Jetsam - hit with lightning from King Triton's trident when he's freed from Ursula's spell and explode
Beauty and the Beast:
The Beast - stabbed in the back by Gaston; is brought back when Belle breaks the enchantment
Gaston - stabs the Beast and then is flung from his back, off the parapet and into the chasm miles below (Easter egg: we can see skulls in his pupils right before he falls)
Hocus Pocus:
The Sanderson Sisters - hanged for witchcraft in the beginning; turn to stone and shatter when the sun rises at the end
Emily Binx - has her life force devoured by the Sanderson Sisters
Thackery Binx - finally gets to lie down and take his final rest when the Sandersons are destroyed and walks off into the sunrise (aka, to Heaven) with his sister's spirit
The Nightmare Before Christmas:
Oogie Boogie - Jack unravels his seams, and Sandy Claws steps on the final bug that holds Oogie's consciousness
The Return of Jafar:
Jafar - destroyed with his lamp's destruction
The Lion King:
Mufasa - trampled by the wildebeest stampede
Scar - killed and eaten by the hyenas
Kocoum - shot by Thomas
The Hunchback of Notre Dame:
Quasimodo's mother - falls down the stone steps of Notre Dame while trying to keep Frollo from taking Quasi from her during "The Bells of Notre Dame"
Frollo - Falls from the bell tower into boiling oil
Aladdin and the King of Thieves:
Sa'luk - turned to solid gold and sinks with the rest of the island when the giant turtle dives
Megara - pushes Hercules out of the way of a falling pillar and gets crushed in his stead; the Fates cut her thread; returns to life when Herc brings her soul back from the Styx
The Hydra - crushed by a rockslide
The Nemean Lion and the Erymanthian Boar - during the "Zero to Hero" sequence
Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas:
Forte - literally falls apart when he falls off the wall where he was bolted
Most of the Hun army - crushed and frozen in the avalanche
Shan Yu - blown up by a ton of firecrackers
A Bug's Life:
Hopper - eaten by a bird
Tarzan's human parents - killed by Sabor; we see their bodies when Kala searches their treehouse
Kala's unnamed son - carried off by Sabor
Sabor the leopard - killed by Tarzan
Kerchak - Clayton shoots him
Clayton - entangles and hangs himself in the vines; we see his feet at the top of the screen and his full shadow in the flash of lightning
The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea:
Morgana (Ursula's sister) - frozen in a block of ice and sunk to the bottom of the ocean
Atlantis: The Lost Empire:
Kida's mother - chosen and absorbed by the crystal to protect Atlantis
King Nedakh - traumatic brain injury; he got cold-cocked with the butt of a rifle
Helga Sinclair - falls from the hot air balloon and is swallowed by lava flow
Lyle Rourke - touched Kida's crystal form and crystallizes, then falls into the lava flow
Return to Never Land:
Tinkerbell - killed by Jane's disbelief and brought back by her apology and renewed belief
Treasure Planet:
Billy Bones - spaceship crash
Mr. Arrow - Scroop cuts his lifeline and he falls into the black hole formed by a supernova
Scroop - kicked overboard into deep space
Finding Nemo:
Coral - eaten by a barracuda
Brother Bear:
Sitka - dislodged a glacier to save his brothers from an enraged mama bear and falls to his death
Koda's mother (the same bear) - hunted down by Kenai in vengeance
The Incredibles:
Syndrome - sucked into a plane's engine by his cape
Thunderhead - cape snagged on a missile fin
Stratogale - cape caught in a jet turbine
Metaman - cape caught in the door of an express elevator
Dynaguy - strangled; cape snagged on takeoff
Splashdown - sucked into a vortex
Lilo and Stitch II: Stitch Has A Glitch!:
Stitch - glitches while trying to leave Earth and crashes his spaceship; dies in the recovery pod; revived by Lilo's love
The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning:
Queen Athena - crashed into by a pirate ship
Ellie - cancer
The Princess and the Frog:
Ray - Facilier steps on him
Dr. Facilier - dragged into the Other Side by his Friends from the Other Side
Mother Gothel - extreme old age; turns to dust when Eugene cuts Rapunzel's hair and removes its magic
Eugene - stabbed in the back by Mother Gothel; brought back by Rapunzel's tear
Mor'du, the demon bear - crushed by a falling menhir (standing stone)
Wreck-It Ralph:
Calhoun's fiancé - eaten by a Cy-Bug in her backstory flashback
King Candy/Turbo - eaten by a Cy-Bug, fuses with it, then is killed in a Coca-Cola eruption
Big Hero 6:
Tadashi - ran back into a building on fire and was killed when it exploded
Baymax - sacrifices himself to propel Hiro and Abigail out of a collapsing portal; later rebuilt by Hiro
Inside Out:
Bing Bong - stayed in the Memory Dump to let Joy continue her journey
Grandma Tala - old age; we see the manta ray that's her spirit join Moana as she leaves the island
Héctor - poisoned by Ernesto
Ernesto de la Cruz - crushed by a fallen bell
Frozen II:
Queen Iduna and King Runeard - drowned in the shipwreck (we also see this happen in the first movie, but it's made explicitly clear here)
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