#i wonder how the fandom is doing
puffpawstries · 4 months
you guys wont believe what brain rot is coming back....
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so gonna update this blog a bit now
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somerandomdudelmao · 7 months
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Let me show you one of my original concepts :>
Because. Why not haha👍
Characters refs Masterpost
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moon-buggg · 1 month
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Hide and Seek. Viewers are free to imagine context for this<3
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serendippertyy · 2 days
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answermywearyquery · 2 months
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#just boc things
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clowningcrows · 12 days
so do we think that neil was always the first one to include people and support and accommodate them bc he knows a little too well what it’s like to be on the other side of it or
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
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This is everything the Stranger Things writers have posted publicly about the WGA strike:
May 3rd:
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Stranger Things writer Caitlin Schneiderhan tweets picture from personal Twitter account of sign from the strike that reads 'Pay us or Steve Harrington is toast'
May 6th:
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Official Stranger Writers Twitter account makes post on behalf of the Duffers Brothers. They have since pinned this tweet to their profile. "Duffers here. Writing does not stop when filming begins. While we're excited to start production with our amazing cast and crew, it is not possible during this strike. We hope a fair deal is reached soon so we can all get back to work. Until then -- over and out. #wgastrong
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May 12th:
Stranger Things writer Kate Trefry posts picture from personal Tumblr account of sign that reads, 'Byler won’t write itself'
As far as I know, the two writers that posted on their personal socials are the only writers from ST that even have personal accounts that are public, whereas the rest of the writers do not.
What does make me take a pause though, is that, while yes they did post these pictures from their personal accounts, which is about as official as it gets, they also cryptically did not include themselves in said pictures...
This just got me thinking about how Stranger Things is quite literally Netflix and vise versa. They are practically one in the same, where one without the other just doesn't make sense.
While this conflict of interest might run deep for many writers out there fearing to speak out against their employer, for us, the consumers, the fans, we as a collective have so much more power than we realize.
In contrast to the writers, streamers can't just fire their consumer base sometime down the line, out of spite for speaking out. Without consumers, neither Stranger Things nor Netflix would be what it is today.
We have the affordance of being able to speak up the loudest of anyone. And so why wouldn't we take advantage of that?
There are so many people out there protesting: writers, actors, others in the industry and even outside of it who are also taking a stand, many who need support so that they can continue to fight in the upcoming days, weeks, months, without being deterred by corporations that are making them feel greedy for demanding a contract that at most, asks that they be paid fairly.
And so I want to encourage anyone that is reading this, but fellow fans of Stranger Things especially, who have so much power in this strike when it comes to getting Netflix's attention, to consider taking the time to do whatever you can individually + with the masses as a community in order to best support the strike.
Follow the Strike! If you're active on various social media already, please be sure to follow the official accounts advocating for the strike via Instagram (@writersguildwest/@wgaeast), via Twitter (@WGAWest/@WGAEast). Engage with posts from folks that are out there daily, many with whom you can find by following tags like #WGAStrong, #WGAStrike and #WritersStrike. Although most fans are not able to join in picketing themselves, we can at least recognize all of those out there's individual efforts and do our best to show that we're paying attention and listening!
Spread the word! Show support any way you can by sharing posts and articles about the strike, or even fun memes to inform others in a more engaging way. This is the official site for the WGA strike if you want to learn more about what’s going on before diving in! And make sure to stay up-to-date here as things continue to unfold!
Donate! The Entertainment Community Fund is endorsed by the WGA for anyone that wants to support those affected by the strike financially. And this thread on Twitter is an incredible resourse, as it provides an ‘easy, one-click, stress-free, accessible-to-all-budgets’ ways you can support folks on the front lines.
Also! Consider donating through this link for the Entertainment Community Fund, where the money donated still goes directly to that fund, this is just an organizing page for Stranger Things fans specifically! By allowing fans to see how much of an impact we make as a collective, in real time, this could encourage even more ST fans to want to contribute. In a best case scenario, if this GoFundMe were to reach impressive proportions of donations from fans, that could lead to news outlets reporting on it, which could allow an opportunity for even more eyes on the strike, while also even more importantly being able to provide financial support to those that need it.
Trend! On social media, use #StrangerFansforWGA to trend or even just to reach other fans also looking to come together to support the strike!
While I know this post probably wont reach anywhere outside of Tumblr, I want to make a point to encourage those of you that are on other platforms to inform fans in those spaces about the strike and what they can do to help!
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We might not all agree on everything, but I think we can agree on at least one thing... @Netflix & all major streamers and networks out there, who are still refusing to make a fair deal: PAY YOUR WRITERS!
In the mean time, if you're interested in working on different ideas for initiates we can carry out as a fandom, please reach out to me! I might only one person and I might not have all the answers and solutions, but I do know that with more of us working together, our odds of making an impact are much greater!
Over and out!
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thebrainrotsreal · 10 months
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Minor spoilers for the latest episode, so look elsewhere: Love it when I can hear Chekhov's gun loading while watching a show. Introducing/confirming super hearing right out the gate? Agonizing screeching sound that fucks with Mark? Cecil wanting Mark on a very tight leash? Can’t wait to see when this gun goes off.
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for dca fandom members specifically: have you played and completed security breach?
when i say "complete" i specifically mean "played through it at least once and got to 6am", whether you got all the endings and/or achievements is irrelevant to the question
another additional note is that if you've played other fnaf games but haven't completed those then that still counts as you playing them and you can answer yes to that!
no shame towards anyone who hasn't played the games! this is just to see what the general statistics are among everyone here
please reblog for a larger sample size! thank you ♡
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yuridovewing · 24 days
genuinely embarrassing how blossomfall gets more fandom sympathy than breezepelt. “boohoo my sister is disabled and my mommy is emotionally abusing her paying more attention to her than me and i hate my stupid ass sister for getting herself disabled and wish she died. also im a grown ass woman.” vs “my dad hit and neglected me as a child and isolated me from my clanmates and it left me maladjusted and seeking validation from terrible sources and its implied hes like this because he’s drooling after the one that got away” like how is this not cut and dry. you cant even soak in the shitty “well breezepelt was a shitty kid” excuse because blossomfall was also shitty before and after the incident. tbh, id argue she’s shittier because breezepelt actually did change his behavior while blossomfall is just as bigoted as ever.
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wildflowercryptid · 8 months
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it's all fun and games until your goofy ass kinnie jokes actually start to bring some interesting similarities to light.
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lexumpysfunland · 6 months
can i shove em both in the broom closet
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what did you do? I wonder what they're doing...
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add1ctedt0you · 9 months
Canonically speaking, jc' reaction to someone he doesn't like/has strong negative feelings towards, because that person was a jerk to his sister, is to regulate his emotions according to how his sister feels. In a jyl lives au, after wwx's return, canon jc is going to his sister, saying something like: 'while I think we should throw at least a cup of tea at him because he left us you and a-ling like that, it's your choice, jin zixuan was your husband. What are we feeling now, jiejie?'
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always-a-joyful-note · 2 months
More music-based media and music in general needs to take a page out of Revue Starlight and make their songs at minimum 6 minutes long. Intersperse it with dialogue or intrumental breaks if you want, but I expect it to drag at least 8 minutes in length
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cantheykillmacbeth · 8 months
i think Bubby from HLVRAI could kill Macbeth
Yes, Bubby from Half-Life VR But The AI Is Self-Aware (aka HLVRAI) could kill Macbeth!
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There are a couple of layers to analyze here, but he still qualifies regardless of which one you look at:
You could look at this from the angle that he is canonically an NPC inside a video game, and was therefore coded instead of born by an unknown party. This angle applies him for the Unconventional Birth Clause while leaving BPC completely ambiguous.
You could also look at this through the lens of the in-universe game's story, in which Bubby was a science experiment grown in a tube by Black Mesa, which is directly confirmed through the encounters with his "prototypes"- previous attempts to create the "Ultimate Life Form." As HLVRAI takes place in Half-Life 1, there have not yet been introduced any female scientists working at Black Mesa (later installments of the Half-Life series introduced female characters that worked at Black Mesa, but none appear or are mentioned in HLVRAI), so this angle makes the Birth Parent Clause much more plausible while still firmly applying Bubby for the Unconventional Birth Clause.
Thank you for your submission!
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2sw · 4 months
hey guys. I don't mind people reposting my gifs on other sites to express their own love for sam, I love to see it actually, but please do not use mine for archive/gif accounts. thanks xx
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