#i wonder if i should just have a catch all video game blogging tag at this point lol
autopotion · 2 years
Played a lot of bastion today. I think I'm decently far through the story, zulf has already come and gone... Not the least because I'm not doing much of the side stuff lol. I don't enjoy the combat quite as much as in Hades or transistor, I also feel like the game (accidentally) encourages you to focus on one particular set of weapons because of the upgrade requirements. Like why would I switch out for an army carbine when I can just keep upgrading my fang repeater to be unstoppable? I've literally just been using that and the hammer, except for when the game forces me to change...
Which happens so frequently and is becoming incredibly annoying. I'm starting to dread finding a cool new weapon while I'm out on the field because it will replace a weapon I worked hard to upgrade, and the levels are getting harder so I can't afford to be saddled with a weapon I don't know how to use. That is one of my least favorite things about the game. My other least favorite thing is the sheer amount of evil stationary plants with various bullet hell attacks. Seriously why is the flora in this game so shitty!!
I like the art style, the soundtrack, and the storytelling though, as usual re: supergiant. My favorite bit so far is when you encounter zia for the first time and you just hear this distant singing, and rucks breaks the narration to be like "how did that song go again?" he pauses, we hear an unobstructed measure, and he goes "that's right." I know some spoilers so I know that the game is hinting that rucks's "narration" is actually him telling the story to zia retroactively, so he's literally asking for her musical input there. I liked that subtle touch
I can see why bastion was/is an indie darling, and why people like it more than transistor... I don't lol, I LOVE the combat in transistor and the emotional arc between the two protagonists was deeply compelling to me, and I'm not quite as compelled by bastion. I do think the central premise is very interesting though, in that you wake up directly after the end of the world and have to figure out how to carry on. On paper it seems like bastion would be just as depressing as transistor, but it certainly isn't. Brighter colors and more cheerful music, sure, but also... How do I put this. Bastion is about saving people. Transistor is about trying to save one specific person, and then discovering you can't. Both protagonists are stoic determinators, but bastion's narrative is hopeful where transistor's is vengeful. Bastion is trying to move on from tragedy, and transistor could only ever be a tragedy.
Whether bastion succeeds at what it sets out to do, I'll wait and see. I'm not as invested in the story as that of transistor's (or even hades', despite my laundry list of problems with rewriting the Persephone myth), but it's by no means bad, it's supergiant
I don't think I'm invested enough to try all the side challenges though lol, let alone immediately start new game+ like I did with transistor. I have too many games I want to get to to linger on one that I'm kind of lukewarm on
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pennielane · 2 years
I’m thinking of starting a Beatles blog but I’m worried about having like, no followers. I saw that it was recently your one year anniversary on here (congrats!) so I’m wondering if you have an advice about growing a follower base on here? Thanks I love your blog!!
hi! great question. i will start by saying that i’m not sure if gaining a big following should be your #1 goal (it will likely just put a lot of unnecessary pressure on yourself and might make this a stressful space instead of a fun one!). that being said, when i first joined i wanted to do two things: (i) make gifs because that’s my favourite way to express myself on tumblr; and (ii) have meaningful interactions with the community. i did not want it to feel lonely on here when i logged on. i’m a naturally shy person so this was VERY hard for me at first, but then i learned that this fandom is so lovely and mostly everyone is so kind. anyway, here are my tips:
engage engage engage! reblog, comment, ask people questions, message them directly. i admit i can be pretty terrible sometimes at answering messages but honestly, everyone i’ve spoken with in the fandom has been wonderful. everyone is always game to talk about the boys (i mean it’s why we’re all here, right?) so don’t be afraid to reach out to people and talk about the agony of not having live footage of we can work it out! (or is that just me and @idontwanttospoiltheparty’s own personal tragedies?)
use your tags. pretty much the #1 way i follow someone is if they use funny/interesting/thoughtful tags in a post they reblog from me. these kind of tags will always catch my attention; I promise you, people who make original posts on here (gif/text/image etc.) are always checking the tags on their reblogs (or maybe that’s just me idk)
find your niche and make posts! if amassing a big following is really your goal, this your best bet. however this is also the best way to make connections with people, so it’s a win-win either way! i would say the blogs on the beatles fandom are split into three different categories: the content-maker blogs (gifs, still images, art, videos, etc.), the discourse blogs, and the reblog-blogs. there are some sub-categories too (like certain discourse blogs i would categorize as more humour blogs because the content they produce is hilarious) and also lots of overlap (for instance, lots of great giffers also produce great discourse and i am definitely not one of those). if you can choose one of these avenues and stick to it, it’ll help create a sense of consistency with your blog and i think people will feel more inclined to follow. but also don’t put too many barriers around yourself! if you make gifs but also feel like spilling your guts out about the white album in a long discourse post, do it!
enjoy being here. this is the most important one. if being on here starts to feel like work, it will reflect in your posts. so make sure you keep your blog as fun for yourself as possible! as you gain a following you may feel a sense of obligation to make certain posts, or to post a certain amount every day, but you have to remember that this is your blog, and you (probably) started it to bring joy to your life. so try your best to keep it that way, and don’t be afraid to log off for a bit and come back refreshed.
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connordavidscamera · 3 years
Living, Learning, and Filming Ch. 2 | Connor Brashier
A/n: This is the rewritten version of this chapter which was originally posted on my Shawn account.
Summary: Days spent together could bring you and Connor closer… or bring someone else closer.
Warnings: is this a little jealous!Connor? 
Word count: 1.7k
Week 2
"Have you ever been in love?" Connor asks me.
I shake my head and tap a little at a spot on my nose. "I've been infatuated with a person. But no, never in love."
"Can you see yourself falling in love?"
I purse my lips, thinking it over. "Someday. I think maybe it just isn't the time for me yet. But it would be nice, I think, to find that comfort in someone. That someone that you want to spend every waking moment with."
I cringe at my answer, not because of what it was, but because in my head I can still see his face fall after I said it. He's so sure that I'll fall in love with him, but he's forgotten that this is a game. If one of us falls in love, we lose. But I guess we never discussed what would happen… if we both fell in love.
iMessage from: Hubby ;)
How's the editing going?
iMessage to: Hubby ;)
Think I need a break. Been at it for 3 hrs
iMessage from: Hubby ;)
Was hoping you'd say that
Before I even have the chance to ask what he means, his face appears on my phone. 
"What do you mean you're glad I said that?" I ask immediately after answering his FaceTime call.
"Well hello to you too."
I sigh, "Hi, Connor. Now what did you mean?"
"Come outside."
"What? Why?"
"Because I'm taking you to my place."
"And again I ask, why?"
"Because I want to hang out and Brian isn't home,” he says as if it’s the most obvious answer in the world. “Thought we could watch a movie or something."
"Connor, I really need to get this editing done. We have that check at the end of the week and -"
"So bring your computer. I can help if you need me to. Just come out, please? I’m bored,” he whines.
“But if I go-”
“If you don’t come down in five minutes I’m going up and getting you myself.”
“You don’t have my code.”
“I have another friend that lives in these dorms, I can have him let me in.”
I groan, “You’re too much. I’m not even ready. I haven’t put makeup on or anything.”
“Yeah, like you need it. Just put some shoes on and get your cute ass down here.”
I roll my eyes, “Whatever. I’ll see you in a minute.” I hang up before he can say something smug, which is likely. 
I slip into my favorite pair of jeans because, sorry Connor, but sweatpants is not an option right now. We’re not close enough for that.
“Y/n, look at me real quick,” I hear Connor’s voice from beside me and I sigh, rubbing my tired eyes.
“What?” I dare to glance over at him and he has his camera in front of his face, which causes me to cover mine. “No! Not now,” I whine, turning away from him, but he keeps recording. I try to focus on the overwhelming amount of video clips I have on the screen in front of me, but he’s distracting, annoyingly so. “Connor, I have to work on this.”
“Whatcha working on?”
“Our project, now please. Put that away,” I go to shove the camera away from me, but he catches my hand and laces our fingers. 
“Yeah, I’m working on it too. Gotta get you to fall in love with me somehow right?
I hum in response, feeling my cheeks burning up. His skin is so warm, and surprisingly smooth, I almost don’t want to let go. Almost. “Can I have my hand back, please?”
“Sure,” he lets go, but only after pressing a kiss to the top of my wrist. “Hey,” he says a minute later, camera still in his hand and facing me. 
“Hay is for horses,” I mutter, clicking a few keys on my laptop and watching the playback of the video. 
“What’s it gonna take for you to fall for me?” He asks, ignoring my comment.
“Stop trying so hard,” I admit too quickly. 
“And if I do, do I get to take you on a date?”
“Is this not one?” I smirk, giving him a side glance. The tops of his ears turn red, as do his cheeks, but only slightly. 
“It is if you stop working.”
I can’t help but laugh, “Alright,” I close my laptop and turn my body to face his. “Well?” I rest my arm on the back of the couch, my head leaning against my palm. “If I have to stop working doesn’t that mean you do, too?”
“Okay, okay.” He chuckles, “I can take a hint.”
“No you can’t,” I say jokingly before he turns off the camera. 
“I resent that. I can take hints.”
“Not when it comes to me, Brash.”
“How do you know I’m not just ignoring them?”
“Oh, I know you are. However, that’s not helping your case.”
“Fair enough.” he rests one arm on the back of the couch, his fingers just inches away from my elbow. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Depends on what it is.”
“When you said you’d never been in love, it had me thinking.”
“Okay. Should I be scared?”
“Have you ever had a boyfriend before?” He asks it like he needs to know the answer, his eyes so intense, looking into mine the way they are. It’s in this moment that I notice the slight blue that’s incorporated in his pretty green eyes. 
“Umm…” I casually reach for his fingers with my hand that was resting in my lap. “No.”
“Have you ever been close?” He questions, pressing our fingertips together.
“Define close,” I say, only focusing my attention to our hands and the way his skin feels under mine. 
“Have you been kissed?”
“You've been on a date?”
“If group dates count.”
“Eh,” he tilts his head from side to side. “No, not really.”
“Then no,” I shake my head. “I haven’t.”
“We’re gonna change that,” he says matter of factly.
“Excuse me?”
“One more question.”
“Wait, Connor.” I look up at him and I feel pinned down by his intense stare.
“Why haven’t you ever had a boyfriend?”
I sigh and shrug, “No one’s ever asked to be.”
“They’re goddamn idiots.”
I don’t know what to say to that, so I turn my head, focusing my attention to the movie on the screen, my fingers still playing with his, and he doesn’t move away.
“Hmm?” I hum, not bothering to look away from the screen.
“Would you like-?” before he can finish his sentence, the door opens and we quickly separate. Well… I separate.
"Brash, I brought - oh shit. Hi," the redhead says, while the tall curly headed boy behind him closes the door. "You must be y/n," he comes toward us and I stand, - which prompts Connor to do so also - holding my hand out to shake. "I'm Brian, Connor's roommate. And this is Shawn," he announces when we release our hands.
"Hi," I smiled, "I'm y/n. It's a pleasure to meet you both," I say, still shaking Shawn's hand.
"The pleasure is all mine." Shawn says, but he's still not letting go.
Connor clears his throat from beside me and his hand rests on the small of my back, causing my skin to burn under his touch. "Shawn, good to see you. What're you doing here?"
I don't know what compels me to do so, but I sink into Connor's touch, just a little bit, and his arm wraps loosely around my waist. 
Shawn shrugs, "The usual. Got a little studio time, have a show I'm going to." 
Connor nods, "Well make yourself at home. Does anyone want something to drink?" He focuses his eyes on me, "Baby, you want something?"
I know I should tell him not to call me that, but it sounds so good coming from his lips that I just can’t. "I'm okay. Thank you."
"It's getting late," I say into Connor's shoulder while we watch Brian and Shawn play FIFA. They both suck at it though and Connor makes sure to tell them every once in a while.
"You want me to take you home?" He looks down at me, and you can tell that his eyes are tired; I'm sure they match mine all the same.
He nods, "I'll go get your stuff from my room," he mumbles just loud enough for the boys to hear.
"You're leaving?" Brian pauses the game while both Connor and I stand up.
"Yeah, I have an eight am tomorrow, so I should get going."
"Be right back," Connor whispers into my ear, his lips touching my skin barely. I almost moan at the contact.
"Hey, y/n, before you go…" Shawn tosses the controller to the side and stands, his long limbs causing him to stumble a bit. "Can I talk to you about something?"
"Uh… sure,” I wring my hands together in front of me and nod. 
He walks over to the small kitchen area and leans against the counter. "So, uh… I'm gonna be in town for a few days."
"Okay…" I slip my previously entwined hands into my back pockets.
"And I was wondering, and you don't have to if you're busy or something. But I'd really love to get to know you. And, again, if you're not busy, maybe you'd like to… go on a date? With me."
"Oh." Shawn Mendes is asking me out. He's asking me out and he barely knows me. He's asking me out and -
"There you are," Connor smiles when he sees me, but it quickly falters when he meets eyes with Shawn. "You ready?"
"Yeah, um. Can I meet you in the car? I just want to finish up this conversation?" I'm avoiding his crazy beautiful, green-blue eyes when I speak because I know exactly what my answer will be if I do look into them. 
"Sure hon. Take your time." He brushes my arm with his finger tips before leaving the room.
"There's something going on with you and Connor, isn't there?" Shawn asks after we hear the door close.
"No," I shake my head. "Well… I don't know. It's complicated."
I hope you enjoyed! Please like, reblog, and leave feedback!!
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theshadowedqueen82 · 3 years
what you’ve kept hidden (i’ve always known), 7.2k words, Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Jim Lake Jr.
My Jimari Secret Santa gift to Aly (let me know if I should tag you!) combining the prompts for a confession with angst and a cute first date. Also on Ao3.
The video is blurry, filmed from a cellphone camera just behind a nearby building, but it's the best they have. There aren't any news crews in the area, but Toby is diligently looking for any other coverage on his phone. Jim doesn't think he could be watching this without him.
The camera is shaking as it shows the back of a man in a purple suit, holding up a girl with one hand and reaching for her earrings. Ash falls from the sky around them, and there are sirens in the distance.
It can’t end like this, is all that Jim can think. Ladybug's too strong, too skilled, too smart to be caught like this. She must have some sort of plan, some kind of power that can fix this. He’s seen her do it before.
Reports of magical heroes in Paris had slowly made their way to Arcadia a year ago. While most people had thought it fraudulent or some kind of publicity stunt, Jim was far less likely to dismiss claims of magic these days. He’s followed her rising career through a few blogs and home videos, watched a couple of newscasts, and found some comfort in the idea that he's not the only hero out there. He almost envied Ladybug for being able to go public with her identity, being able to see and communicate with the public she was protecting. At the moment all he feels for her is cold dread.
Hawkmoth makes a quick movement, and there's a shimmer of pink light. Jim wants to look away, grant her the privacy he knows is being violated, but can't seem to make his eyes move. As the costume falls away revealing a very familiar looking face, his jaw drops.
Jim doesn't quite remember when it started. Somewhere on the forums for one of the many games they both played, teaming up to defeat virtual monsters and chatting only through text. Over the years they’d grown closer, started voice chatting and then video chatting, beginning to share a little more of their lives and themselves. Their relationship had lasted far past the usual expiration date of online friendships and they were still going strong. She was the only reason he still spoke French, and he helped her with her English homework. They had fallen into an easy pattern of late night gaming marathons in middle school and homework sessions in high school, calling each other to chat during the time zone window where neither of them were sleeping to chat and swap baking tips and laugh over bad jokes.
She was the first person he’d told about Claire, back when he had time for things like crushes. She’d encouraged him to ask her out, and Jim had countered asking when she was going to do the same for Adrien. He wanted to tell her about the amulet, but knew that there wasn’t a chance. Besides, what would she be able to do? She was an ocean away, and even if she was here it wasn’t like she could grab a sword and fight Bular for him. Or so he’d thought.
“Is it Steve again?” she’d asked one afternoon, when training had gone rather poorly and he’d signed into their video call exhausted and with the beginnings of a rather sizable bruise on his shoulder. She couldn’t see it, but she was perceptive enough to notice the wince every time he moved.
“It’s not him,” he promised. “I’m doing some… extra curriculars. After school credit stuff.”
“Oh?” Marinette asked, her eyebrows rising. “Like what? I thought you had to turn down culinary club.” It felt like almost a lifetime ago, when he’d been occupied with trying to keep his grades up and take care of the house, when the fee for participation had been enough to make him put off joining until he could find a summer job and pay for it himself.
“Yeah, I joined… wrestling,” he decided, racking his brain for what kind of extracurricular could involve physical injury. “Trying to get my phys ed mark up, I haven’t been doing so great.” Which was true, due to a lack of attendance rather than ability but Mari didn’t need to know that.
“Wrestling?” she echoed, confusion in her expression. Jim had wondered if she was going to press, felt a cold knot form in his stomach at the thought of lying more to her. But to his relief she’d only frowned and accepted it, saying that it sounded dangerous and she hoped he’d try to be safer before changing subjects.
Now his mind is running through those old conversations, wondering if he’d missed any of the same signs from her. Any sprained ankles or healing cuts, any sign of a burden they could have shared.
“Marinette is Ladybug? Your Marinette?” Toby is saying, but Jim can hardly hear him over the buzzing in his ears.
Hawkmoth has dropped her, and she's coughing. Jim realises that he’d been strangling her, that she’d have a necklace of bruises marring her neck tomorrow. If she makes it that far, a nasty voice in the back of his mind whispers, one Jim immediately shoves away.
“Come on, Marinette,” he whispers, leaning closer to the screen like he could reach her through it. Hawkmoth has grabbed her arm and is starting to drag her away, but another figure strides forward and stops him. Chat Noir, Jim thinks with a rush of relief, and then anger, because how dare he let this happen to her? How could he let it come this far, let her be unmasked on live video, let her stand up to a supervillain by herself?
He redirects that anger, since Chat Noir has been trying to protect her, is probably taunting Hawkmoth right now trying to get him to release her. They're too far away for the video to pick up on their audio, but not far enough to keep Jim from seeing how he raises a hand, threatens to slap her. And how she flinches.
Then Chat Noir moves, lunges forward and there’s a flash of light that turns the video into a blur of static. They sit there in horrified silence for a moment before the feed shuts off completely, leaves them staring at a dark screen with an error message.
“NO!” Jim screams, and Toby’s scrolling through his phone but he’s not fast enough, Marinette is in danger RIGHT NOW and Jim doesn’t know what’s happening. Can’t see if she’s hurt more, can’t see if she’s gotten free, can’t see if she’s even still alive and nothing matters in this moment except the fact that there’s an ocean between them keeping him from helping her and he’s terrified.
It’s the longest two minutes of his life until they find another video, but this one’s only Rena Rouge. “-all okay,” she’s saying to the reporters who have finally showed up, far too late to catch anything other than a repaired and empty street with their cameras. “Hawkmoth has been defeated and turned over to the proper authorities, and everybody is safe.”
The reporters are falling over themselves asking questions, most about Ladybug ( what’s her name , like it’s not going to be all over the internet within the hour), and Rena declines to comment. “There will be an official statement released in the future,” she says before leaving, a pale and shocked reporter taking her place in front of the camera. She can only repeat facts Jim already knows, so he turns off the television and sits there in silence.
“She must be okay,” Toby finally offers, and Jim nods. Marinette has to be okay, not because of the reporters’ questions or Rena’s composure or even because she’s Ladybug, but because the alternative is too terrible to think of.
“Do you ever feel like you need to be perfect?” Marinette had asked him once, when Jim had noticed the dark circles under her eyes and the flat tone of voice, dulled from her usual vibrancy. “Like everything’s depending on you, and if you aren’t enough then people will get hurt?”
All the time, was his answer, but he couldn’t say why so he didn’t say it at all. “Do you feel that way?”
“Sometimes, yeah,” she said, and he knew that she too really meant always. “It’s just a lot, you know? With school, and the bakery, and…”
“And the akumas,” Jim guessed. The previous day had been a particularly drawn out fight between Ladybug and an akuma, and while he’d been confident Ladybug would win he still worried. This was Marinette's home, her friends, her school. And although they hadn’t discussed it in detail, Marinette trying to change the subject whenever he asked questions until he figured she simply didn’t want to discuss it, he knew the akumas fed off emotion. What was that like, being unable to let yourself be truly angry or afraid, with the constant threat of being weaponized hanging over your head?
“You don’t need to be perfect,” he’d told her. “You just need to be you. That’s all anybody can expect.”
“And what if I’m not enough?” Mari had asked, and Jim had wished that he could place a hand on her shoulder.
“You’re always enough,” he’d said.
Now he's wondering how many other conversations they’d had that were really about Ladybug, and wondering if there was anything he could have said that would have been better. Encouraged her more, made her job the tiniest bit easier. He can't remember saying anything monumentally stupid like let Ladybug handle it, but he wouldn’t put it past his memory to be a bit faulty on this matter.
How had he not known? How had he missed all the signs? Him of all people, who knows exactly what it's like to be fighting evil in between classes, how it feels knowing that you're the only person standing between genuinely evil beings and your home, what it's like keeping everything secret as you attempt to live a double life without either side crumbling.
He’d messaged her as soon as he got home, a quick are you okay before he realised that her phone was probably turned off if she wanted to have any peace. If Jim was exposed as the Trollhunter, everybody would be too busy with the underground secret society of trolls to really bother him. Ladybug was a national figure, and she’d just been unmasked on live television.
So Jim starts stress baking, because while he can’t make sure that Marinette was okay he can make sure that this pie crust stays perfectly golden brown. It doesn't help much, Marinette and baking being permanently linked in his mind after too many nights spent on the phone trying out new recipes together, but at least he’ll get some muffins out of his anxiety instead of just a sleepless night.
“What happened?” his mother asks when she comes home to a kitchen filled with assorted baked goods. She knows him too well for him to pass it off as nothing, and besides he’s tired of lying, but he doesn’t want to tell her about Ladybug. Maybe she’ll find out, but it’s not his secret to give.
“Marinette’s in trouble,” he says. “I haven’t heard from her, and I can’t...” he trails off, unsure what to say. Can’t stand not knowing, can’t help her from here? Can’t breathe properly until he hears her voice, hears from her that everything will be okay? All true, but saying it won’t change it.
“Oh honey,” his mom says, and she’s hugging him and Jim lets himself fall into the embrace. He hopes Marinette has her parents with her right now, hopes they’re hugging her and letting her melt like he is now, hopes more than anything that she’s safe and happy because she deserves to be.
If she were here nothing would keep him from getting to her house. He’d scale the wall and meet her on her balcony, wait by the back door until somebody let him in, do whatever it took to see her. But all he can do is wait for her to reply.
His phone is ringing. In the moment it takes for his half asleep mind to register the noise he’s already reaching for it. The ringtone is a familiar rock song, one he associates with Marinette before Jagged Stone, and a shot of adrenaline clears all the remaining drowsiness from his mind when he remembers why this call is so important.
“Marinette?” he says, the words tumbling out of his mouth as soon as he presses the button and lifts the phone to his ear, and he hears ragged breathing on the other side.
“Jim,” she gasps, and he feels as though a weight has been lifted from his shoulders.
“Are you okay?” he asks, standing and starting to pace.
“I’m fine,” she says, and then she’s crying. “I wanted to tell you. I’m so sorry.”
“Mari,” he says, wishing that he could be next to her, wrap an arm around her shaking shoulders and hold her close. “I don’t care about that, I’m just glad to hear that you’re safe. You don’t know how worried I was.”
“I didn’t mean to,” she replies, and he can still hear the tears in her voice. He hates the sound, hates her choked gasps as she cries, but would take them any day over not hearing from her at all. “I wanted to tell you, I just couldn’t. Hawkmoth... “
“I know,” he says. “I understand.” And he does, more than she knows, and a knot of guilt forms in his stomach. He knows how it feels to want to tell, to share this incredible burden with your best friend, and he understands exactly what prevents that. “I’m just glad you’re okay. You don’t know how scared I was.”
“I know,” she says, and she sniffles. Her tears seem to be running out, and Jim takes a deep breath.
“What happened?” he says, and then it all comes spilling out. She talks about the plan they had, how she was going to be the distraction, how it all went wrong when they found Hawkmoth’s identity (and something in his chest clenches at that, the scar of an old betrayal aching again), and how the ladybugs repaired all the physical damage but they couldn't undo the unmasking. All of Paris knows who their hero is, after she’s worked so hard to keep it a secret.
“I was so worried you’d be upset,” she says. “It’s been such a big part of my life, and I wanted to tell you, but… ”
“I understand,” he says. “Superheroes always have a secret identity.” She gives an embarrassed laugh at that, and he could picture the blush spreading across her face. “Marinette, would you promise me something?”
“What?” He had been sitting down but now he stands, walking over to the window as he decides how exactly to make his request.
“Please, don’t do this again,” he says. “I know you’re a hero, I know you’re smart and capable and strong, but please. Don’t put yourself in danger like that again.”
“Jim… I don’t think I can promise that,” she says, and Jim nods. It’s part of the job, and he can’t make the same promise back. Though she doesn’t know it he's been as much danger as she was, if not more. And he probably will be again.
“I know, I know,” he sighs. “Just… be careful. Seeing you in danger, and I was too far away to do anything, and I… I haven’t even gotten to tell you…” he trails off as his mind catches up with his words. Tell her what? That she makes him smile more than anybody else, that hearing from her always makes his day better, that when he thought she might have been killed the world felt wrong until he heard her voice? All true, but not what he’d been about to say.
“Jim?” Marinette prompts, and he mentally shakes himself.
“We haven’t even gotten to meet,” he says. “In real life. And you’re not allowed to be hurt before that happens.”
“Right,” she says, a bit of a smile returning to her voice. “But all bets are off after, right?”
“It’ll be different after we meet!” A smile begins to tug at the corners of his mouth. “I’ll be able to protect you.”
“Which one of us is the superhero again?” And just like that they fall back into their usual easy banter, and it feels like nothing has changed. It’s like he always knew, like no secrets have ever hung between them, because more important than her being Ladybug is her being Marinette. Yet woven through it all is a pattern of relief, a whispered we’re here and we’re safe as steady as a heartbeat carrying their conversation.
They talk well into the early hours of the morning, and when his alarm wakes him Jim finds the phone fallen on the pillow next to him. They must have fallen asleep talking, as the phone informs him they spent far more hours on call than he remembers, and there’s a text from her. Goodnight Jim! Thank you.
He holds his phone to his chest and stares at the ceiling, eyes stinging from not enough sleep, and wonders just what he had been about to tell her.
They parked a news van outside her house. She kept the curtains drawn and couldn’t go out, communicated to her friends and other heroes over phone calls and video chats. The official press release had been delivered by Rena Rouge and Carapace. Chat Noir had vanished; Marinette told him that his identity wasn’t her secret to share, but he was safe and recovering. But Paris still wanted to hear from Ladybug, and she just wanted to be left alone.
Chloe had surprised both of them by hiring a full bodyguard detail to guard the shop. Marinette thought it was her way of apologizing for some of her earlier behaviour at school, but she was mostly grateful that she hadn’t asked any questions. Her parents were trying to run the shop but kept getting people who just wanted to meet her, and had ended up resorting to mainly doing deliveries to keep gawkers out of their house. Marinette couldn’t leave, and although she tried to stay positive Jim knew she was feeling trapped.
“Come stay with me,” Jim had said, the words out of his mouth before he could think them through. But it made sense. In America less people knew or cared about Ladybug’s secret identity; she could take a vacation and wait out the media storm, return when she could take a walk outside without needing to worry about paparazzi.
It had been a whirlwind of planning, dates and phone calls from both their parents, but the day has finally arrived. Chloe lent Marinette her private jet; her parents will follow in a few days once they can close down the shop and move into a small condo they’ll be renting. So Jim has prepared a spare bedroom, given what little Ladybug memorabilia he has to Toby with threats to keep him from showing her any of it, and warned the trolls that he’ll have a houseguest. He has not informed them that he’ll be telling her about being the Trollhunter. It’ll be easier to ask forgiveness than permission, when they don’t know Marinette like he does. She can keep a secret, and she deserves to know.
He had thought about bringing a sign, but was worried it might call unwanted attention so refrained. Now he wishes that he brought one, if only to have something to hold. What’s he supposed to do with his hands? It’s ridiculous, this is Marinette, but it’s also the first time they’ll be seeing each other in person and he can’t help but feel suddenly uneasy, like something will go very wrong the moment she steps off the plane. What if he steps forward to greet her and steps on her foot? Or trips and falls into her? And that breaks her nose? Or maybe he’ll knock her over completely, and...
His catastrophic thoughts ground to a halt the moment he sees a flash of hair so black it’s almost blue, and suddenly he’s running forward and so is she. They have never met each other before but they’re flying into each other’s arms, and she fits so perfectly it’s like they’ve done this a million times before.
“Hey,” he says, a little breathless as he pulls back to look at her in the eyes, and he’s smiling so broadly that his cheeks hurt. Marinette’s smile is even more beautiful in person.
“Hi,” she replies, and they stand there for a moment in each others’ arms only to jump apart when his mother clears her throat.
“Marinette, it’s good to meet you,” she says, pointedly ignoring the blush spreading across Marinette’s face. Jim can feel his own cheeks heating and suddenly finds the floor very interesting as he attempts to gather himself, to concentrate on all the words he was planning to say instead of only thinking of the way she felt in his arms.
“It’s lovely to meet you too Ms Lake,” Marinette says, composing herself quickly and holding out her hand.
“Please, call me Barbara.” His mom shakes her hand with a warm smile. “How was your flight?”
“It was good, thank you,” she says.
“First class treatment! What was it like?” Jim asks, and she grins at him.
“I saved you some of the pretzels,” she says, pulling out a package of them from her pocket. 
“And this is why we’re friends,” he says, and she laughs.
“Because I give you food?”
“No other reason,” he says.
“Glad to hear your friendship is so easily bought,” she teases. “A single pack of stale airline pretzels?”
“Private jet pretzels,” he says. He returns her grin and then their smiles soften. “It’s really good to see you.” The words aren’t enough, can’t convey the sense of rightness he feels at having her here, but she seems to understand anyways.
“You too.” Marinette blushes and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. The moment is broken by a man clearing his throat, somebody who looks like he just walked out of a Men in Black movie which is contrasted by the pastel pink suitcase and duffel bag he’s holding.
“Excuse me ma'am, we can bring your luggage to the vehicle,” he says, and they’re both stepping forward in tandem.
“Oh, thank you but that’s okay,” she says, while he’s saying “I can take that for you,” and thankfully the man doesn’t fight as they pull the luggage from his hands (her with the duffel, him with her suitcase) because even with his Trollhunting-obtained muscle Jim’s not sure he would win a tug-of-war with him.
“Shall we?” his mom says, leading them out to the car, and Jim feels a rush of excitement as it begins to sink in that he can finally show Marinette his home.
“It’s not a limo, but I hope it’s fancy enough,” he says, and she rolls her eyes.
“I’m sure I’ll manage.” Then her mouth quirks up in a grin that he recognizes, and she takes off after his mom. “Race you!” she calls.
“You don’t even know which one is ours!” Jim shouts back, while trying to convince the wheels on her suitcase to maintain a pace they were never built for. They fall into the backseat with flushed cheeks and racing heartbeats, and he spends half the drive home pointing out things for her to finally put an image to and the other half admiring how much better she looks in person compared to a video feed.
The creaking floorboard wakes him up. Not that he’d been sleeping too well anyways, his dreams a confused muddle of anxiety he's thankful didn’t break out into a full nightmare. He considers rolling over and trying to go back to sleep, but then remembers that Marinette is here and there’s a chance Draal has ignored all of his warnings and decided a midnight snack is appropriate right now. It takes a moment to locate his house robe and shrugs it on over his pyjamas before creeping into the hallway. Marinette’s door is also open.
He finds her in the kitchen, softly opening cupboards. She’s already located a mug and it’s waiting on the kitchen island, and her eyes go wide and she winces an apology at him when she sees him.
“I didn’t want to wake you,” she says, and he shrugs as he heads for the drawer where they keep their tea bags.
“It’s fine,” he says, holding them up for her to inspect. “Chamomile?” She nods and he starts the kettle boiling. “Jet lag? Or something else?” She looks away, and the dark rims under her eyes are too pronounced to come from one night.
“I don’t think I want to talk about it right now,” she says, and Jim nods. He pours them both a cup and beckons her over to the couch.
“If we use subtitles we can watch something,” he says. “Unless you’d rather be alone.”
“No,” she says, sitting down next to him. She’s wearing a blanket over her shoulders and pulls it up, tucks it around her until only her head and her hand holding her tea are poking out. “Company is good.”
They don’t say anything else as Jim pulls up Beauty and the Beast (the Disney animated one, she’d told him years ago it was her comfort film) and sets the subtitles to French. They’d been speaking English all day with only occasional slips into French, but he thinks she might need something familiar right now. Halfway through the villagers singing about how strange Belle is she shifts and her free hand creeps out of the blankets to the couch cushion between them.
“I keep seeing their faces,” she whispers, the words solemn and heavy. “There were casualties when we fought him.” He hasn’t heard anything about casualties, probably because Lucky Charm always fixes everything at the end of the battle. Everything but the guilt in her voice, the fear in her eyes, the way she flinches when he reaches out and takes her hand in his.
“It was his fault,” he says. “Not yours.” Her breath hitches a little, and he knows she’s on the verge of tears. “You saved them. You did everything you could, and you won.”
“Are you disappointed?”
“What?” He turns and looks at her, the movie forgotten as he tries to figure out what on earth he has to be disappointed about.
“I know you admired her,” she says, her eyes flicking over his face. “Ladybug, I mean. And to find out that it’s just me, and that I’m…”
“Marinette, you’re amazing,” he says honestly, squeezing her hand. “You’re brave and selfless and kind, and the only difference between you and Ladybug was that she had superpowers. You’re a hero with or without them. I could never be disappointed.”
Maybe she moves towards him or he moves forward first, but however it happens they’re bundled together in a hug. She’s shaking, and Jim wishes more than anything that he could take this from her. She doesn’t deserve this burden even if she is strong enough to carry it, and it’s a tragedy she has to.
She pulls back a little and they watch Belle sing about adventure, still wrapped in an embrace made mostly of blankets, and when Maurice heads into the castle he shifts slightly and reaches forward for the box of tissues, silently offering it to her.
“Thank you,” she says, grabbing a few.
“I wish I could help more,” he says, and they both know he’s not talking about the tissues. She looks at him, eyes still a little too wet, and gives him a smile.
“You did,” she says, quiet conviction in her voice. “Jim, you were my rock. Some days the only thing that kept me sane was knowing that I’d be able to talk to you afterwards, even if I couldn’t tell you the details.” He tightens his arm around her shoulder but says nothing, and her face scrunches up in a frown. “It’s true, you know,” she says. “I didn’t need you fighting beside me. I just needed a friend. And you were always there, no matter what time it was or how little I was saying.”
Their minds are likely both flashing over other midnight conversations, texts sent in the middle of classes and calls made by sneaking out of study hall, and although they were sparse on some details like names and events they certainly hadn’t hidden how they were feeling.
He still feels guilty, still wishes that he could have been next to her in that final battle and all the previous ones, but he has to trust that whatever little he was able to offer was enough.
The movie goes on and he feels something in his chest tighten at the library scene, as all the characters sing about something there that wasn’t there before. But was it really, he wonders? He always wants to protect his friends, always wants to help people, but sometime when he wasn’t looking Marinette quietly claimed a piece of his heart that he only just realised was missing. Falling in love with her was so easy, so natural, that the landing was soft enough to go unnoticed.
“I think I’m in love with you,” he whispers as Beauty and her Beast dance through the dazzling ballroom, and his stomach falls at her silence until he looks down and realises she’s drifted off to sleep, head using his lap as a pillow and hands curling around the blanket. 
I’ll tell her soon, he promises himself as his own eyelids start to droop. But they have time, and right now they both just need to rest.
It was an awful fact that whenever one promised to do something tomorrow the fated day never arrived, forever shoved aside in favor of endless todays until it's suddenly Marinette’s last day staying with him. She still likely has a few more months in Arcadia, but the packed suitcase in the hallway makes him feel like his window's closing. It was so easy to let their conversation be light and easy, to spend their days biking through the town and introducing her to his friends, that he’s managed to put it off until now. But today would be the day.
They’d planned a picnic. Just the two of them, and if he’d actually had this conversation before this could be their first date. She’d insisted on finding a red checkered blanket to spread on the ground (they’d eventually found one in a thrift store) and they’d made each other weird sandwiches (peanut butter, bacon, and banana for him, pear walnut for her), and everything was loaded in his picnic basket. The amulet was in his back pocket.
Maybe it’s better this way, he thinks, staring at his bike like it'll offer some sage wisdom for the situation. If she doesn’t feel the same it would be awkward if she was still in the same house. Or if the trolls freak her out he supposes she won't mind moving, but he can’t help but feel that confession will be the easier out of the two. After all, he’s met Tikki, and kwamis seem a bit more shocking than trolls.
“Ready to go?” Marinette asks, closing the door behind her, and Jim nods and smiles as she mounts her bike.
“No earrings?”
“I think Ladybug deserves a day off,” she says, and he wonders if Tikki knows some of what he wants to say and has decided to give them alone time. “Let’s go!”
She’d memorized the layout of the town very quickly, something she credited to years of biking being her main transportation through Paris. She also had a bad habit of looking for cars driving the wrong way while crossing the road, and he was trying to at least get her to look both ways before darting out into the street. His caution has sadly not yet caught on, and she’s quickly outpacing him as they ride towards the woods.
They dismount and leave their bikes behind a bush before walking further into the woods, Marinette admiring the surroundings with wide eyes.
“No forests in Paris?” Jim asks, and she shrugs.
“There’s some parks, but nothing this size,” she says. “And this is just here. You can walk in any direction and run into more forest.”
“Maybe we can go camping,” Jim suggests. “When your parents have gotten settled in, we can spend a weekend at Yosemite or something.” He hasn’t gone camping in years, but he’s learned plenty of wilderness survival skills from Blinky. Granted he was fairly certain only a few of them applied to humans, but it would still be fun. He’d probably find trollish lessons fun if he was doing them with Marinette.
They plan their camping trip as they cross a river, and Marinette’s laugh distracts Jim enough that his foot slips off a rock and ends up drenched in river water. She’s concerned at first but soon enough they’re both laughing over it, and they finally reach the clearing. Buttercups and daisies dot the grass between dandelions, and they spread the blanket and lie down, looking up at the cloudless sky.
“I bet the stars out here are beautiful,” Marinette says. “We have to come back some time at night and stargaze.”
“I can try and borrow Toby’s telescope,” Jim agrees. “Have you gone stargazing before?”
“Not really,” she says. “You can’t see too many in Paris from light pollution, and my nights were usually too busy to stop and look. You?”
“Same,” he says. “I’ve tried to pick out constellations a few times, but I’m terrible at it. They all look the same to me.”
“You just have to start with what you know!” Marinette says. “Find Orion’s belt or the Big Dipper and go from there.”
“So you have gone stargazing!” He props himself up on an elbow to look at her, and she shakes her head.
“No, I’ve just used star maps,” she says. “I was making a skirt design that used constellations and I wanted it to be accurate!” 
“You know you could probably just make random dots and nobody would know the difference, right?”
“I would know the difference!” she says, sitting up. “Haven’t you ever taken pride in your work? Done it right for the sake of doing so?”
“Of course! I used to drive my mom crazy by insisting on making pie crusts from scratch.”
“They taste better that way!”
“Exactly! But I never had time to make them, so we went without pie for a while until I caved and went store bought.”
“Jim!” she gasps, her hand covering her mouth in faux horror. “Never let my parents hear you say that, they’ll never let us speak again!”
“Scandalous, I know!” he agrees. “But if I have you to ask for help I won’t need to resort to such desperate measures in the future.”
“You can spend all day baking with my dad, he’ll love it,” she says. “He thinks that’s the best way to get to know somebody, so expect an interrogation while making a layer cake.”
“An interrogation? Don’t they already know me?” Marinette blushes and looks away.
“They do, but not as well as they want to,” she says. He sits up, but she still refuses to meet her gaze. “After all, they think… well…”
Tell her now, his mind screams at him. This is the perfect time! But suddenly his tongue is made of lead. “Marinette,” he says, and it’s a wonder she can hear him over the sound of his suddenly too loud heartbeat. But hear she does, and her head turns towards him maybe a little too quickly.
“I…” And despite how much he wants to tell her, for whatever reason the only words he can force out of his mouth are “Would you like a sandwich?”
“Oh,” she says, deflating a little. “Yeah, sure.” His hands tremble a little as he opens up the picnic basket and passes her the food. He grabs his as well; the plan is for them to take the first bite at the same time, but he’s not sure if he can manage to eat anything from the way his stomach is twisting. “Ready?” Marinette says with a grin, but it’s not as wide as it was before.
“Wait,” he says, and she wrinkles her nose at him.
“This is a bad time to tell me you’re allergic to peanut butter,” she says, and he smiles.
“Not that,” he says. “I was actually going to tell you… well, I…” She doesn’t say anything, just stares at him with eyes bluer than the sky, and Jim wonders why this moment is harder than leaping into the Darklands.
“Marinette, you’re a great friend,” he says, and he wants to kick himself as he sees her face fall. “That’s not what I meant!” he says, and now she just looks confused. “I mean, I wanted to say that while I love our friendship, I also… I might think of you as more. More than a friend.” HIs cheeks are ablaze and he can’t meet her gaze, instead choosing to focus on his sandwich. The pickle juice will make the bread soggy, but eating it is the last thing on his mind.
“Jim, is this a date?” Marinette asks, and her voice is soft enough that he can’t discern her feelings.
“Maybe,” he says. “It can be, if you want it to be.” And he’s so ready to hear her gently turn him down (he knows she likes Adrien, and he’s just Jim! He can’t hold a candle to an actual model) that he almost misses her reply.
“Yes, I’d like this to be a date.” He looks at her, and he’s never seen anybody look as happy as she does in that moment.
“You mean you-”
“Yeah,” she says, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “I think I’ve liked you for a while now. I just wasn’t sure how to bring it up.”
“Me neither,” he says. “I thought Adrien-”
“We’re friends,” she says. “And Claire?”
“Friends,” he says. They went on a date once and it was terribly awkward, and at the end they agreed a platonic relationship was better. But he doesn’t want to think about Claire right now, not when Marinette is there and she apparently likes him too. “I figured it out when I was watching the battle,” he confesses.
“Because you learned I was Ladybug?” she asks, and he shakes his head.
“Because I realised I couldn’t lose you,” he says. “It was more of a catalyst than a deciding factor.” It’s not Ladybug he fell in love with, it’s Marinette and all the little things about her that make her extraordinary.
“I figured it out on the plane ride over,” she says. “Alya told me to tell her all the details about ‘my new boyfriend’ and I spent the whole flight thinking about that.”
“Oh,” he says, and his cheeks are beginning to hurt from his smile. “I should have told you sooner, shouldn’t I?”
“Yes!” Marinette agrees with a laugh. “We could have been dating this whole time!”
“It’s only been a few days,” he says. “And besides, I don’t think we would have done anything too different.” Now that he thinks about it a lot of their excursions around the town could have been dates: going to the museum, petting the dogs in the pet shop, eating at his favourite cafe, visiting the library.
“I could have done this sooner,” she says, and she leans forward and kisses him. It’s a quick peck on his cheek, but he feels as though a shock of electricity has gone through him. “Sorry,” she says, pulling back. “I should have asked first.” But he puts down his sandwich and reaches out for her, slowly cupping her cheek.
“May I?” he asks, and she nods. And he lowers his lips to hers. 
It’s not like a dream, or something magical. It’s better than that because it’s real, he’s really and truly here with Marinette and they are kissing, and when he finally pulls back he can’t help but marvel at the flushed and beaming expression she’s wearing because of him.
“You’re lucky I did that before I ate the sandwich,” he says, and she laughs.
“I’d let you even with pickle breath,” she says, and not even the strange food combinations they’ve made can cause their smiles to dim. They eat and exchange the second half of their sandwiches, and drink lemonade and eat apples and toss the cores as far as they can (he’s got more strength, but yo yo throwing has made her accuracy unbeatable). And as the shadows are beginning to lengthen he doesn’t want to leave, exit this perfect afternoon and go to the next moment where he’ll have to let the rest of the world into this new and wonderful thing, but decides that since the future will hold second and third dates and hopefully many dates after that it won’t be so terrible letting this one end.
“I'm really glad that you finally told me,” she says as they pack up the picnic, shaking the crumbs off the blanket before folding it. “Despite how hard it was to get the words out.”
“Next time I’ll just use Romeo’s speech,” he says. “But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Marinette is the sun.”
“I’ll need to brush up on my Shakespeare if I want to keep up,” she says, and he shrugs.
“If you want, but I can’t think of anything better than you,” he says. “The words you speak, I mean. And the way you say things.” His cheeks are burning again, but she smiles at him and gives him another kiss.
“Sometimes you talk too much,” she says, and he nods and kisses her again. All good things must come to an end, as kisses are limited by lung capacity, but he can’t bring himself to mind now that the prospect of many more kisses await both of them in the future.
“If this is the result, I don’t think I mind being unmasked,” she tells him, and he nods. “Plus, we don’t need to play the awkward secret identity game this way.” With a flash he remembers that there were two things he wanted to tell her about, and while he doesn’t think this will be a dealbreaker he’d much rather get it out of the way sooner rather than later. He’s learned his lesson about hiding things from Marinette.
“Actually, there was one more thing I wanted to tell you about,” he says, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the amulet.
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twinkleallnight · 4 years
Losing her (Chapter 3)
Book : The Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam x MC, Drake x ??
For previous chapters: catch up here
Prompts: This is my first attempt at prompt challenge that I accepted. It was posted by @riseandshinelittleblossom and I was given these lines by @openheart12 . The lines appear bold in the story.
Special thanks to my dear friend @bbrandy2002 for pre reading and keeping up with me at all the odd hours. Can't forget to mention @speedyoperarascalparty who helped me with the texting message video in the begining of the story. Thank you so much dear.
Tags: @ao719 @bbrandy2002 @choiceskatie @drakewalker04 @gkittylove99 @hopefulmoonobject @jovialyouthmusic @mrswalkers-blog @mom2000aggie @speedyoperarascalparty @texaskitten30
Part 3:
In the morning my eyes open to the notification sound from my phone. It’s from Livy.
That last message makes me jump out of the bed. It is my favourite event- The Derby.
As I get ready my thoughts wander around the little banter I had with Livy over chat. I find myself smiling as I remember all those times, we had these talks growing up. It has always been like this. Every reply would always be to tease each other. Two years ago, she officially took over her duchy from her aunt Lucretia, who was a caretaker till Livy grew up. I shied away from there, as I found it inappropriate for a commoner to be a regular visitor to a Duchess. And now, we are left only with messaging each other. I hardly look at her in public. I shake my thoughts as they turn serious.
I need to go to the stables early. I quickly get ready and head to Liam’s room. I knock on the door and walk in without waiting for Liam’s reply.
“In the name of good Lord! Can’t you wait for a moment before I answer the damn door!” Liam shrieks trying to cover himself.
I give out a laugh and turn my back. “Okay, I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you that I am heading to Honeyhill downs a bit earlier then our plan. Ember is not well and she may feel left out while other horses are out for the race. I’m going to stay back with her. I will join you at the tents just before the race.”
Liam puts on his robe and comes to face me. “Do you realise you talk about that horse as if she is your girlfriend? Seriously, if you show even a tiny bit of same affection towards a human being you may have a real lady to call yours. And why didn’t you inform me last night?”
“I would have but that would have meant disturbing your little precious moment at the maze with your”, I say using air quotes, “girlfriend.”
Liam’s eyes give away a surprised look just for fraction of a second before composing himself. “I really like her!”, he says solemnly. “And I hope things work in our favour. But with this crowd of nobles I fear I will lose her.” Suddenly his demeanour changes and he looks at me with pleading eyes. “Can you help me by looking out for her? Especially when I am drowned in the rituals of the court.”
I know his feelings are sincere and I understand that this is important to him as Liam never asks anything of me-ever. He is a man who knows giving away for everybody. So I immediately agree and assure him that I will watch out for Riley.
I drive my truck and reach the stables well in time to give a quick check of all the horses. As planned, I stay back with Ember. When it’s about time I give her a pat, “Next time you will be fit enough to race, sweetheart! For now, you relax. I will come to check on you again tomorrow.”
As I move out of the stables I find Riley wandering nearby. “You seem to be lost.”
“Oh! Hi! Yes. Maxwell instructed me to move to the pink tents after meeting the press. But I can’t find pink tent anywhere.”
“Misinformed! You need to go to the white tent. Come on and I will show you the way.” We start walking in the right direction.
“You will be watching it from the same tent ?” she asks .
“No. I will be with Liam in his private tent.”
“May I join in too?”
“I am not sure. Let me check.” I quickly message Liam and get a prompt positive reply. “Lets go.”
We walk to the enclosed private tent around the racetrack. “There you go.”
She signals me to be quiet by placing a finger on her lips. I look at her puzzled. She moves in the tent behind Liam. He is staring at the racetrack busy in his thoughts. She makes a sound to scare him “Booh!”
He jerks up out of his seat, scared, but takes her in his arms within the next moment. She giggles in his warm hug and he has the broadest smile on his face. He looks up at me n mouths the words, ‘thank you!’ I m unknowingly smiling wide looking at the spark in my friend’s eyes.
As we settle down the race begins and we place our bets. I excuse myself in between to give the two love birds some time with each other. As the race comes to an end I escort Riley to the ladies group.
As I leave her, I get a glimpse of Livy's eyes staring at her. There is a flash of sadness before she covers it up with her cynical smile. I turn back to join Liam as we head to the lawn picnic. My mind is still trying to process what I saw in Livy's stare. I need to talk to her.
Queen Regina makes appearance at the lawn picnic. But what surprises everyone is Madeleine accompanying her. The former crown prince Leo abdicated the thrown after his social season. Madeleine is his ex fiancé. So everyone is wondering why is she here now?
Soon it is made clear that she is participating in Liam’s social season, as well. I look at Liam and we share our uncomfortable feeling over this awkward moment.
The teams are declared, Queen with Madeleine and Liam chooses Riley in his team. The game begins but my attention is caught by the pain in those green eyes.
I am not able to keep my eyes off Livy's face. What is it dear? I want to hug her right now and ask but I know I cannot be near the duchess without any urgent matter to discuss.
I lose interest in all the fun and game because, my mind is revolving around the same thought. I am going to meet Livy soon after this. I don’t realise when the game ends and when Max drags me along to the tea table.
Riley and Liam are seated already. There is another lady at the table. Riley perks up to make introductions. “ I am pleased to make your acquaintance with Lady Hana. Though we are competing as suitors here, I have found a great friend in her.” Hana’s brown eyes light up as she smiles and nods in curtsy. I acknowledge.
I settle down next to Liam. He senses my uneasiness and raises an eyebrow. I try to convince him with a smile and shake my head.
“Nothing that can’t wait for later.” I whisper.
We start eating the tiny tarts and just spoonful of snacks, something I hate about these events. I complain in the end that I m still hungry. Riley brings up cronuts and the rest of the table gets excited about trying the cronuts at a nearby bakery. I look at Liam wide eyed when I see him agreeing to sneak out of palace on Riley’s proposal. Liam is going all head over heels; my friend is planning to break rules! Whatever happened to the ‘stick to the rules' guy? Anyways, we plan to meet near the maze after sunset.
As we break off, I rush to the palace to catch up with Livy. I walk around her room for some time till I find the corridors clear and then tap urgently on her door.
“Come in,” her sharp voice calls out.
“Livy, it’s me!” I say as soon as I enter in. I feel weird. It’s been almost an year since I met her in private.
She is standing in the balcony, holding a glass in her hand, her eyes lost in the landscape somewhere in front of her.
“Livy?” I call out again as I get closer to her.
“ I don’t like it.” She says.
“Don’t like what?”
“This,” she shows her hands thrown out in general. “All this! I am stuck. We are stuck.”
“What’s going on in your mind, Livy?”
She frowns and glares at me. “First you move away now Liam is moving out.”
“I am pretty much here.”
“Yes, you are. Like everyone else is. For the crown.”
“I am still not getting what you want.” I purposely tease her more. She needs to lash out to get back to normal. Her Nevrakis' blood needs to boil enough before the outburst. “The events are going great and everyone is enjoying. Liam is happy, I think, really, very happy.” I push into her barriers a bit more.
I see the emeralds of her eyes getting clouded red with tears. There it comes. I brace myself. It is not an easy feat to stand alone against the wrath of Olivia Nevrakis.
“Just a year ago, I had all three of you, who called themselves my friends, with me!” she snarled. “ I was fine handling the heavy weight of the duchy of Lythikos all alone because I knew I had all of you to lean on. To keep me alive and human enough. Not the robotic royal machine I have to be in front of those high-headed nobles.”
“But you”, she jabbed a finger in my chest making me loose my balance. “ You were the first to conveniently wiggle out of the warmth that kept me together.” I stand straight again. “And now Liam is going all goofy puppy around that American. Fine! He is in love. I am happy for him. But he forgets,” she controls a sob, “forgets to be with me even on my parent’s death anniversary! Something that we have been doing together since I lost them.”
“ I am sorry Livy! I am so so sorry. I didn’t realise..” I don’t know what to say. I have always been worse, never having the right words in handling such situations. I try to move ahead and hug her, comfort her. But her palm faces right at me, stopping me.
“No. Not now. Not anymore.”
“Livy please!”
“I can see it’s getting worse. You kept treading outside my room long enough.” I looked at her with a shock. Nothing is hidden from her. She knew it was I outside her room!
Gauzing my thoughts, she continues. “I can recognise your footsteps. You should better know that by now.! You are scared to come and meet me or talk to me. I told you when I took up the duchy that I don’t care if you are a commoner. But you still continue acting Mr. Weird. I can’t take it anymore.”
She wipes the tears now rolling down her burning cheeks. With a new resolution, she blurts out, “It’s better that we stay away. I don’t want to be in and out of the comfort zone every other day. It’s better I take all the pain and hurt for once and all.”
I make another attempt to mellow her down. “Don’t do this Livy. Please!” I try to change the mood. “Riley has planned a sneak out cronut party. Come! We will enjoy ourselves together. It will be a nice change from the formal events. Max will be there too.”
She looks into my hopeful eyes one last time and then turns her back. “ I think I made myself pretty clear there. I don’t want to get hurt again. One day you're going to wake up and notice that you should have tried. I was worth the fight. It was nice knowing you. Enjoy your cronuts. Good bye!”, she walks away to her private chambers.
I stand there dumbfound. Suddenly my shoulders slump and I feel a heavy weight on my chest. After few minutes of inaction, I drag myself out of her room to the lawns outside. Somehow this is one moment where I don’t care if anyone catches me coming out of her room. I wish I had been brave enough earlier too, to not bother about who was watching me.
It feels like the worst day of my life. Losing her.
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plays-the-thing · 4 years
Netflix’s Witcher: What Makes a Good Adaptation? – A companion piece
If you’ve somehow found this without seeing the video first, here’s a link:
In this video I analyze the screen adaptations of Lord of the Rings, A Song of Ice and Fire, and the Witcher series. I use the comparisons of the three to discuss what makes adaptations in general work and to explain why I feel the Witcher is heading down the road to mediocrity.
However, this is a hugely complicated subject, and the works themselves are also complex, especially Martin’s work. I make plenty of claims in the video that a reasonable person could disagree with without any explanation for why I think they are true. Unfortunately, if I were to go down every rabbit hole that I touch on the video would be hours long, so I have to gloss over some potentially confusing or controversial statements.
Enter this post. Here I will be attempting to pre-empt any questions that I think people may have, and go through my thought process on certain claims. I don’t recommend that you read the whole thing. Each explanation will be followed by a timestamp and relevant quote from the video that I am expanding upon so that you can quickly search the page and find what you are looking for.
 I’m sure there will be things I don’t think to cover, or things that are poorly reasoned both here and in the video, so feel free to ask additional questions. Just please check to make sure you aren’t asking something that I already covered here.
 I will also be attempting to give as much credit as possible to all the wonderful writers and creators who have influenced my thinking with regards to these works. I’ll be linking as much as possible to my sources, as well as to additional content that expands on ideas I mention. Also I’ve included some personal tidbits and commentary, just for fun.
 Under a cut for length.
Huge props to the people who put together the behind-the-scenes footage of LOTR. I’ve watched all the bonus footage numerous times in my life. If you have any interest in the nitty-gritty of how movies get made, I can’t recommend it enough. It really shows all the work and complexity that goes into making movies. That they even get made at all is honestly incredible, especially massive undertakings like LOTR.
[3:30] And if you've ever wondered what the hell happened to The Hobbit, to me it seemed like they were indulging all of these worst impulses instead of catching themselves and editing them out like they did in LOTR.
As soon as I saw that they were making three Hobbit movies my hopes plummeted. It just reeked of executive meddling, and of trying to make the story into something it just isn’t. Lo and behold, that’s what we got: sticking in loads of unnecessary and thematically incoherent material to stretch out the runtime and make it more “epic.” I couldn’t bring myself to watch past the first one, but Lindsay Ellis has an excellent video series exploring in detail what went wrong with the trilogy.
[8:40] If you followed the events and the chronology of the book they would just hang out with Faramir for a little bit and then the movie would end
Technically it’s more complicated than this because that’s already following the revised movie timeline. In reality, Frodo would have just left the Black Gate. They *are* moving the events around to some extent, usually by a few of days here and there, but they can’t move stuff together that takes place weeks apart or the whole timeline would crumble.
[9:55] You can call it the theme, the soul, the spirit, the point, or whatever else you want, but the great works of fiction have something at their core that pulls everything together and elevates it into art. It’s a difficult thing to describe, but I think this scene perfectly tapped into the soul of Tolkien’s work.
Huge shout out to Bob Case and his video “Blame of Thrones” for first introducing me to this concept and the language of the “spirit” of a work to describe this phenomenon. In many ways the first two parts of this video are merely building on the LOTR-GOT comparison that he makes in that video, digging a little deeper and looking at more specific and concrete (and spoileriffic) examples of what he’s talking about so that we can apply these ideas to the Witcher…and beyond. Like all his work, it’s excellent. His YouTube is pretty much inactive these days, but he also occasionally writes content for Shamus Young’s blog if you want more of his work.
Alright, here it is: the section that really caused me to want to make this companion piece. Earlier I mentioned that I have sympathy for the GoT showrunners, and I really do. Martin’s work is incredibly complex, and so this section dominates the blogpost because there is so much to explain and no way that I could explain it all in the video without incredible bloat.
First I should mention that I, and all the writers I am going to credit here, share a very specific interpretation of Martin’s work. This isn’t the only interpretation. I doubt it’s the interpretation of the majority of readers. Obviously, I fully believe it is the correct interpretation, but the showrunners clearly had a wildly different one.
People who have this interpretation express it in different ways. Joannalannister collects hers in her tag #the-meaning-of-asoiaf. PoorQuentyn expresses it here, and in his analysis of Davos, Quentyn, and Tyrion. Other writers express it in their own ways.
With my lit degree hanging over my head, I can’t help but see it as a problem of competing artistic movements. To me, HBO’s Game of Thrones is part of the art movement of the past few decades, namely postmodernism. Art movements are complex, but basically postmodernism is the cynical reaction to the sincerity of modernism which came before it. Cynicism is, I think, the defining trait of Game of Thrones.
But it is NOT the defining trait of the books. In my view, Martin’s ASOIAF is part of the art movement that we are moving towards, which is starting to become known as metamodernism. Metamodernism is a reaction to the nihilistic pessimism and cynicism of postmodernism, and replaces it not with the unbridled sincerity of modernism, but rather oscillation between the two modes. It can be both ironic and sincere, deconstructionist and constructionist, apathetic and affectual. Once you have peeled back all the layers however, it is ultimately hopeful and optimistic. It embraces a sense of radical optimism. In metamodernist works optimism is often radical because the world the characters live in can be so dark. But that darkness serves only to highlight those characters that can hold fast to virtue amidst such darkness.
So, be warned. If you believe that Martin’s work is all about controlling the Iron Throne, and believe that cynicism is for the wise and honor is for fools, we just aren’t going to see eye to eye.
[12:45] Ned is a competent northern politician who has some trouble adapting to southern culture. Through a combination of bad luck, some understandable mistakes, and a misconception about his position, he fails in his goals.
The show didn’t invent the idea of Stupid Honorable Ned. Plenty of people believed this, even before the show. Obviously I believe they are wrong. If you would like to read more about it I would suggest Steven Attewell’s analysis of Ned’s chapters that he does on his blog, particularly Eddard XI and Eddard XIII. Steven does a much better job of analyzing Ned as a political actor than I ever could.
[13:00] Most of these changes are subtle…the best example is the council debate about whether or not to assassinate Daenerys.
Many of the ideas in this section are pulled from two essays by turtle-paced: Poor Doomed Ned and The Argument to Assassinate Daenerys. Turtle goes deep into the details of the differences between the Ned Stark of the books and the show, and I skimmed some of their comparisons for my argument. Steven Attewell’s analysis of this chapter is also worth reading.
[14:09] It’s a good argument, and I think in the books we are expected to mostly agree with Ned, both morally and politically.
When I say “expected” I mean from the authors point of view, which of course relies on me being correct about my interpretation of Martin’s work. Obviously I think I’m right, but if you don’t agree with my interpretation you may not agree with this statement.
[14:16] Notice also that the supporters of the assassination: Littlefinger, Varys, Renly, and Pycelle are all villains (all except Pycelle are trying to destabilize the kingdom), and the people who oppose it, Ned and Barristan, are heroes.
Each of them represents a different sort of evil. Littlefinger is a scheming sociopathic villain. Varys is a well-intentioned extremist whose willingness to commit utterly heinous acts in the pursuit of his goals makes him a villain. This is because, as Huxley puts it, “The end cannot justify the means, for the simple and obvious reason that the means employed determine the nature of the ends produced.”  Renly is narcissistic ambitious evil, willing to throw a realm into war to satisfy his own ego, and is totally uncaring about the lives of other people. It isn’t precisely correct to say that Pycelle is a villain because he represents the banality of evil. He thinks he’s just doing his job, but he’s morally bankrupt and politically corrupt.
[16:40] It would take too long to list all the ways that Tywin is awful, and everyone knows it.
To clarify, I mean that everyone in-universe knows it. For some god-forsaken reason, some readers seem to think that Tywin was just being effective after he unleashed the Mountain on the Riverlands and violated every military and political norm in Westeros.
If you are going to say that he is “Machiavellian” I would encourage you to actually read The Prince, where Machiavelli says “Nevertheless a prince ought to inspire fear in such a way that, if he does not win love, he avoids hatred” and goes into the reasons why.
[17:17] Tywin on the other hand accomplished a lot of short-term gains by being as treacherous and dishonorable as possible. But this has a cost: by proving themselves fair-weather allies they surround themselves with the same. Nobody trusts them, and so their allies scheme and betray them.
Oberyn and Doran are both scheming in their own way to revenge themselves on the Lannisters for the deaths of Elia and her children. The Tyrells poison Joffrey and scheme to spirit Sansa away to Highgarden.
[17:36] Ned failed due to a couple of minor mistakes, some bad luck, and treachery.
I mention a few times that Ned, and more broadly the Starks, get “unlucky.” Again, Steven Attewell does an excellent job of documenting this with his keen eye for how GRRM cheats political realities, but I’ll note a few of the many ways George has to bend over backward to screw the Starks.
In AGoT Catelyn leaves King’s Landing roughly around the same time that Tyrion leaves the wall, and both are on horseback. In order for them to meet at the Inn at the Crossroads Tyrion has to travel roughly 2,000 miles in the same time that Catelyn travels 400 miles. This is basically impossible, but necessary for the plot so that Catelyn can lose Tyrion at the Eyrie. If she had caught him somewhere further north she could have simply chucked him into her own dungeons and managed his trial herself.
Cersei has been trying to kill Robert for goodness knows how long with just as unreliable methods as “get him drunk on a hunt.” In order for Ned to get screwed she has to succeed in killing Robert at precisely that moment. If it had failed like every one of her other attempts she is most likely dead, because Ned would tell Robert the truth about her children as soon as he got back.
In order for Theon to take Winterfell, veteran military man and castellan Ser Rodrik Cassell has to stupidly empty the Winterfell garrison while he knows that Ironborn raiders are running loose in the North, not even leaving behind a mere twenty-five to fifty men that would have completely thrashed Theon’s assault. If Theon can’t take Winterfell, the Red Wedding doesn’t happen (as Martin has told us that the real inciting incident of the Red Wedding was the fall of Winterfell).
[17:41] However, killing him was a terrible idea, and backfired on the Lannisters instantly.
Continuing this theme, the Lannisters were in an absolutely horrible position at the beginning of the War of the Five Kings. They pretty much just have their bannerman in the Westerlands. Stannis seems to have the support of most of the Crownlands, and he and Renly are splitting the lords of the Reach and the Stormlands (with Renly having the larger chunk). The Starks have all the support of the North and the Riverlands combined. The Lannisters are surrounded by enemies who outnumber them on all sides. Killing Ned immediately jumpstarts a war that will almost certainly crush the Lannisters. That it didn’t took some very thin plotting and improbable developments at times, but overall George made it work. For more analysis of this, again check out Steven Attewell Blog: Race for the Iron Throne.
[17:48] Tywin was killed by both a guest whom he considered his ally, and his son.
I firmly believe Oberyn poisoned Tywin. Here’s a good rundown of the evidence. Beyond simple means, motive, and opportunity it also provides neat answers to lingering odd questions like why Tywin rotted so oddly and aggressively, why Tyrion knew he would find him in the privy, why Oberyn was willing to chuck his life away for a confession before seeming to have secured revenge against Tywin.
It’s also thematically juicy. I love the idea that Tywin, who so egregiously violated Westerosi norms culminating in the total breach of the social contract at the Red Wedding, was a victim of contrapasso. He can’t be protected by social norms, so he gets poisoned by his guest and ally. Did Tyrion know he was dying? Had he put it all together? Was that bolt really an act of mercy? Perhaps it was one final service to the Lannisters, to keep the dream of their alliance with the Martells alive. Who knows, but boy is it interesting to consider.
[18:13] his alliances fall to pieces, and his children are abandoned by even their own family.
I’m referring here to the infighting between the Tyrells and Lannisters (and Martells, though they never had any intent of staying true to the alliance) after Tywin’s death (though there was some before as well, just intensified after Cersei takes over from Tywin). Kevan forces Cersei to take the walk of shame, and Jaime and the rest of the Lannisters abandon her to that fate.
[19:41] Just like Lord of the Rings, and the Witcher, ASOIAF is clearly dedicated to anti-violence. Not pacifism: all three works have heroes dealing out retributive violence in order to try and restore justice.
I understand it might be odd to suggest that three works which feature so much violence can be dedicated to anti-violence, but depicting something is not the same as endorsing it. I would argue in the case of Martin’s work in particular that his depiction of violence, so un-romantically brutal and direct, is intentionally revolting, and therefore is designed to be anti-violence. Martin purposefully makes you want revenge on certain characters, gives it to you, and then forces you to stare at the inhumanity of this thing you thought you wanted. Yeah I wanted Theon to pay, but not like that. Yeah, I wanted Cersei to pay, but not like that. Yeah, I want the Freys to pay, but I don’t think I’m going to like what Stoneheart is going to do to them.
There is a certain amount of this in the Witcher as well. I can specifically think of one scene in The Blood of Elves, but I promised no Witcher spoilers.
The violence in LOTR is much more romanticized, but as Faramir says: “I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” The hero is still Frodo, who doesn’t fight anyone or anything in the whole story. Frodo is a pacifist, but his pacifism is enabled by others who are willing to fight.
[20:07] In a Dance with Dragons Daenerys allows the old slave-holding class to maintain too much power and so they immediately attempt to continue the old violence of slavery. Daenerys did not commit enough violence against the slave-owners, so they were allowed to continue existing, and as long as they existed they were always going to abuse and oppress the ex-slaves.
A couple years after the release of ADWD, an obnoxiously wrong and poisonous idea began to creep into the ASOIAF fandom: Daenerys’ violence against the slaveowners in Slaver’s Bay is dangerous and immoral, and peace is the better option. This idea was most persuasively argued in the Meereenese Blot’s series of essays.
I’ll quote some of the conclusion here:
“They are supposed to feel this generic distrust for everyone, and to fail to grasp that their peaces were actually quite successful. Dany is supposed to conclude — wrongly — that her behavior through most of the book was silly and foolish. And if you came away with those impressions too, it’s perfectly understandable…The whole plotline is designed to maneuver Dany into a mental place where she’ll decide to sideline her concerns for innocent life, and take what she wants with fire and blood.”
This idea, much like the idea that Daenerys is some sort of unhinged fascist just waiting for the right trigger, makes me unbelievably angry. This idea that I am supposed to value the life of the slaveowner and the slave equally, and that maintaining a “peaceful” slave-owning society is an acceptable alternative to violent revolution is so fundamentally revolting to me, that it turns my stomach even to write that sentence.
Some fans went even as far as to suggest that Daenerys’ occupation of Meereen was a parallel to the US occupation of Iraq, and that she was engaged in erasing an authentic slave-owning culture that she despised. If you read the above series of essays, you can see that they are, at the least, enabling that kind of thinking.
To be clear, I do not consider any slave society to be worth a damn thing. Anything that continues it is evil and all that attempts to destroy it is good. That being said, once again Steven Attewell does a better job than I ever could of rebutting the ideas of the Meereneese Blot, and explaining how the correct parallel of Daenerys’ actions in Meereen is the American mistake of abandoning radical reconstruction. He describes her actions in Meereen as abandoning a revolution half complete. I highly recommend reading it, especially if you are American. 
Martin is not a pacifist. He has said he would have fought in WWII. He demonstrated against Vietnam. As far as I know, the first time George ever used the words “Fire and Blood” was in a book released in 1982 called Fevre Dream:
“I never held much with slavery […]. You can’t just go… usin’ another kind of people, like they wasn’t people at all. Know what I mean? Got to end, sooner or later. Better if it ends peaceful, but it’s got to end even if it has to be with fire and blood, you see? Maybe that’s what them abolitionists been sayin’ all along. You try to be reasonable, that’s only right, but if it don’t work, you got to be ready. Some things is just wrong. They got to be ended.”
Daenerys is a slave-freeing, slave-owner-killing Hero with a capital H. She has made mistakes. I weep for the lives of the slaves that she has thrown away by abandoning her revolution, by failing to give the people of Astapor the strength to defend themselves, by maintaining a false peace that allows the Meereneese KKK to kill ex-slaves in the night.  I shed no tears for the slaveowners that she has killed. When you treat other human beings as property you forfeit your right to Prosperity, Freedom, and Life. Preferably in that order—I would prefer that a slave society could peacefully transition, that those who attempted to continue it could be locked up, and that bloodshed could be avoided. But sometimes violence is necessary.
Daenerys will make more mistakes, I am sure. I believe that she will swing too far in the other direction, temporarily. But that’s a topic for another time.
[20:57] She comforts the hound even as he threatens her and helps him on his path from violence to peace.
Sandor did not die, despite what the Elder Brother told Brienne. He uses his words very carefully, to suggest that the Hound is dead, but that Sandor Clegane the man is simply “at rest.” He has become a brother of the isle.
“On the upper slopes they saw three boys driving sheep, and higher still they passed a lichyard where a brother bigger than Brienne was struggling to dig a grave. From the way he moved, it was plain to see that he was lame.” - Brienne VI, AFFC
[21:40] If they don’t understand why Tywin is a villain then of course they won’t understand why the Others are the main villains of the series, and will probably replace them with some blonde queen. And if you don’t understand that the cold of the human heart is the real enemy than of course you’ll think you can stop winter by just stabbing it. Like Tywin would.
In the books the Others are the villains. They are what the whole story is building towards, much like in LOTR the story builds towards Frodo casting the ring into the Fire. Martin has said that he thinks that the finishing chapters of LOTR, like the Scouring of the Shire, were important, so we may see something like that, but the clear emphasis will be on the existential evil, and cleaning up Cersei or Aegon “Targaryen’s” mess will be a clear step down in importance. It’s something that the heroes have grown beyond, but still need to handle, just like Saruman in the Shire.
[22:04] There’s nothing wrong with liking Game of Thrones, or disliking Lord of the Rings, or anything else.
I really do mean this. I am going to be critical of things you like, and am going to praise things you love. People are different, that’s to be expected. I am not here to pretend that people should only like the things I like. I’m interested in what makes these stories work. I said much the same thing in my last video about some of the new Star Wars properties. People tend to get really attached to the media they like (I’m no exception) and that can color our perception of criticism. Do try to keep in mind that if you like something I criticize it isn’t an attack on you. You have a sacred and personal relationship to the things you enjoy that no one can take from you. I like all kinds of stuff that other people might consider bad, and that’s okay. Actually it’s great, because it gives us something to talk about.
I may genuinely hate Game of Thrones because it butchers something I came to love, but that doesn’t mean I have anything against the people who do like it for their own reasons. We’re all just out here enjoying what we like.
There is less in this section for two reasons. First, I promised not to spoil anything past the material covered in the show and I’ll stick to that here. Second—full disclosure here—I haven’t read all of the books because after Blood of Elves I got pretty bored and from what I had heard they did not improve in quality, and if anything got worse. Having already felt that going from the anthologies to Blood I was happy to end my reading there.
If something I say is contradicted by a later book that I didn’t read feel free to let me know.
[23:31] First I should mention that Sapkowski’s works are not on the same level as Tolkien’s and Martin’s, who are the best and second-best fantasy authors of all time. I have enjoyed the Witcher books that I have read, but they are not anywhere near as complex or beautifully written.
This is just my opinion, see above paragraph. I really do think that it’s a pretty common opinion though. I’ve read it before, and you often see people recommend the first two Witcher anthologies in a “if you like it maybe see if you like the rest of them?” sort of way. Book sales numbers also support this, though by all accounts they are exploding in the wake of the show.
But, one potential issue is that I’m reading a translation so I have no idea how good Sapkowski’s prose actually is. You get a lot of sentences in the US edition like: “it must be both bothersome and irritating.” Translation is art, not science, and passages like these make me worry that the translator is just translating each phrase without worrying about all the subtlety that makes language beautiful. These are minor examples of course, but they worry me about what else might be changed. So take my criticism of his writing with a giant, translated, grain of salt, in that I don’t read Polish.
[23:58] Despite this, Geralt the Witcher has been worming his way into popular culture for years, interestingly on the back of a series of video games
Google trends clearly show that the video games are what primarily generated interest in the character before the show. There were no English editions until around the time the games started coming out, and the US editions all feature concept art from the games on the covers. The release of the subsequently translated books after the games received very little attention in comparison to the games.
[24:15] In my opinion, that decline of focus on Geralt was the greatest weakness in the books, and the focus on Geralt is the greatest strength of the games. Because Geralt is at the core of what made Sapkowski’s story and world engaging in the first place. He is a fascinating character in a way that Ciri, who is a fairly standard fantasy “chosen child,” could never be.
This is just my opinion, and I explain why I think Geralt is so great in the subsequent paragraphs. Reasonable people can disagree on this, but I’ve come across more than a couple fantasy characters who could be generically described as “royal orphans with special powers.” It’s not exactly novel. Geralt is pretty novel, at least in terms of what I have read.
[24:49] He suffers many of the same psychological problems that characters like Tyrion and Brienne suffer from in Martin’s work
The technical name for these kinds of issues is “internalized bigotry.” This happens when you get treated consistently horribly by the society you live in due to some fundamental fact about yourself that you didn’t choose, and eventually you begin to believe and “internalize” their opinion of you. For example, people expect Tyrion to be unlovable, conniving, lecherous, and debauched. Eventually he simply leans into these characteristics, because in a way it’s almost easier to be what people expect you to be.
[25:48] To top it off, he hides all this inside a cynical and nihilistic exterior, he pretends he doesn’t care when in fact, he cares more than anyone.
The shot that accompanies this, of Geralt looking intently at what’s happening in the room while others tend to be watching with a sort of mild curiosity like you might at an unexpected circus performance, did an awesome job of conveying this idea.
[26:36] This was kind of a cool idea, but predictably their scenes ended up being generally less interesting and engaging then Geralt’s. Yennefer’s were sometimes fantastic but Ciri’s rarely were.
This was the opinion of fans that I most commonly observed. I don’t have any empirical evidence of this. If you have any that either supports or contradicts this please let me know, I would be fascinated to see it. I could see someone really loving Yennefer’s scenes, and I personally enjoyed a lot of them, but I don’t understand how someone could walk away from the first season with Ciri as their favorite character of the three. I’ll come back to this in a later section.
[27:40] In many ways the first two books, and the games, have more in common with Sherlock Holmes than they do most other fantasy stories.
Really a more accurate comparison would be Philip Marlowe since Geralt is definitely more of an American Pulp detective than a British one. I do love the similarity between Geralt’s Witcher Senses in The Witcher 3 and Sherlock’s detective vision in Crimes and Punishment. I can’t make the same comparison to a Philip Marlowe game, because no one’s made one yet.
Actually that’s not strictly true. There was one game that came out in 1996.
[28:12] But Netflix’s Witcher has barely a whiff of detective fiction anywhere. I think this has caused a lot of fans to feel alienated by the show, even if they can’t explain exactly why.
It’s not reasonable to expect people to know why they like or don’t like something. It’s a feeling, and unless they have experience with writing, narratology, literature, film studies, or just read a lot of tvtropes.org, they are not likely to be able to put their finger on what it is. This causes people to disproportionally blame the things that are most obviously wrong. The premiere example of this is Jar Jar Binks in The Phantom Menace. Jar Jar was obviously bad, but he doesn’t even come close to the top ten biggest problems with the movie. It was much worse that there was no main character or understandable plot and drama. Check out Red Letter Media’s legendary review for more on that.
I think a similar thing happened with Ciri, in that her story was sort of obviously underwhelming and so received a lot of flak, but there are deeper problems with the show.
[32:04] The third change is more subtle, but I’m worried that this Geralt genuinely believes in neutrality.
Just like Ned, the showrunners would not be the first to espouse this view. This quote in particular about “evil is evil” is obnoxiously peddled about as a justification for fence-sitting despite the fact that Geralt’s actual behavior doesn’t support it at all.
I don’t know for sure if the showrunners genuinely think Geralt tries to be neutral. There’s some evidence for yes in the first episode, the Borch episode, the Striga episode, and a couple of others. There’s strong evidence for no in the Duny/Pavetta episode. We’ll just have to see.
To be clear, when I mean “neutral” I mean in the face of immediate violence or injustice. Geralt often doesn’t care who is king, as he explains to Ostrit. But he won’t let a Striga continue to kill people just for coin.
[37:20]  When the writers took away Ned’s best arguments for his actions, when they took his story of existential triumph, of not compromising his morals, and turned it into a simple tragedy, they showed they clearly did not understand his heroism.
See PoorQuentyn’s explanation of existential heroism, and how it applies to ASOIAF.
[37:58] In the books, Ciri and Yennefer are included in the story through their connection to Geralt, because he is our hero and the foundation of our connection to the world. In the show they are included before ever having met Geralt, and they take up time that could have been spent focusing on those devilish detective details that make Geralt’s stories and character work.
Originally this video had a lot of discussion about how well these two other characters worked, but it ended up being kind of useless because it comes down to personal opinion, and the writers failure to properly use Geralt massively overshadows whether or not someone liked or didn’t like either of the other two leads. Again, I get why someone could like Yennefer’s scenes. I get why someone could maybe even like her scenes more than Geralt’s. Anya Chalotra did great. I thought the writing was a little weak at times, but on balance pretty decent. Geralt gets the benefit of all his stories being straight adaptations, and she didn’t, so it was a pretty decent job.
On the other hand, I thought Ciri’s storyline was a giant waste of space. When I think of all the best moments in the show, Ciri doesn’t show up in any of them. She spends the entire season running away from and interacting with fairly minor and forgettable characters that did not need to be introduced in this season. Calanthe, Eist, and Mousesack were great characters and the actors gave great performances, but that did not make up for the fact that her storyline went nowhere and did nothing to justify its inclusion. If someone loved Ciri’s storyline I would genuinely be interested to know why.
[39:10] I do have some sympathy for the writers of the Witcher.
Many times in this video I mention sympathy for various writers. Moviemaking is a massively complex undertaking. If you know anything about the difficulty of getting these things together you’ll know that it’s an absolute miracle any movie gets made and takes herculean effort from everyone involved. Television series are arguably even worse because they are longer, more complex, and often have a lower budget despite that. The people involved are honestly doing their best, and I recognize that, even if I criticize the product.
[39:47] They are in this unfortunate position where they can’t really pull the majority of their writing straight from the books because the material isn’t really strong enough by itself.
The books are very dialogue heavy. As I allude to, the one scene that was very close to the book is that scene with Filavandrel and it’s just obnoxious because the two characters just dialogue at each other. It goes on even longer in the book. How well that works in a book is up for debate but it wasn’t going to work on the screen, and it didn’t.
These problems are not insurmountable though. You can put other footage over these monologues. You could have included some footage of Elves fighting in their war. You could have footage of the “cursed” daughters of Lilit being locked in towers or autopsied while Stregobor explains it. I get this is more budget, but that budget went other places.
On the other hand some great scenes that I think would have translated excellently shot-for-shot from the book with little additional budget, like Renfri and Geralt in the Alderman’s attic, are entirely cut. Ah well.
[40:25] Well, I have my theories, but it in the end it doesn’t really matter.
I have a sneaking suspicion that somebody thought it needed to be more “epic” than the first two books are, so we got all this princess and political stuff in early. If there’s any merit to the idea that this series “copied” GoT, it’s somewhere in here, just like how the Hobbit got poisoned with all of the “epicness” of LOTR.
[44:54] Lastly, I’m gonna do my best to put out more regular content going forward. I’m aiming for at least one video a month.
I place no limitation on topics. It’ll probably be mostly media analysis, but if I’m honest I’m just going to write about whatever interests me. That’s the best way to keep myself interested.
That being said, if you have something you think I should analyze let me know. If I’m interested, I might do it.
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Catch Me If You Can (17/?)
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298 days. That’s how long Killian Jones was away from a baseball field. It’s less than a year, only part of a season for him, but it might as well have lasted a decade as he alternated between physical therapy and spending an excessive amount of time sitting on his couch.
But then he came back and won the World Series.
It’s something no one saw coming, and it’s certainly not something anyone who knows about his arm would predict. Now it’s a new season with new possibilities, and anything could happen. On-field reporter Emma Swan will be there to cover it all even if she is not his biggest fan right now.
Asking her out live on-air will do that.
Rating: Mature
A/n: Everyone enjoying all of these post-season games? Even if your team has already lost like mine 🙈 Anyways, we’re back in London for one more chapter here and @resident-of-storybrooke is still the mvp for reading all of these words. 
Found on AO3: Beginning | Current
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Tag list: @xellewoods @galaxyzxstark @eala-captian @mariakov81 @ultraluckycatnd @royalswan @shey-starsfury @sals86 @iam2307 @ashley-knightingale @karenfrommisthaven @scientificapricot @captswanis4vr @ultimiflos @jamif @idristardis @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @tiganasummertree @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @captainsjedi @teamhook @notoriouscs @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog @cs-forlife @andiirivera @jonirobinson64 @qualitycoffeethings
Emma can feel Killian’s nose nudging between her shoulder blades, his scruff scratching at her skin, and as good as it feels, she can’t help but curl further into her pillow and bring her knees up to her stomach, hoping that he’ll leave her alone so that she can sleep longer. So much longer. Jet-lag is a bitch, and she just wants to sleep forever. They don’t even get a day off when they get home, and just thinking about it has her dying.
Why in the world did she get sent over here when she’s only writing an article and doing social media stuff? Jeff should have come with her, Ruby too, but right now, she can’t really complain.
This bed is really soft.
London is wonderful.
Killian smells really good right now. He shouldn’t smell this good this early in the morning, and he probably got up to brush his teeth and put cologne on or something stupidly wonderful like that.
But she’s tired, and all she really wants is to sleep some more and for the pleasant ache between her thighs to lessen a bit so she won’t be thinking about it all day long. It’s a wonderful memory to have to think about as her day goes on, but still, a girl has got to be able to walk without her mind going to weird places.
The new phase of a relationship is so damn fun.
Sighing, she hugs her pillow more closely and keeps her eyes shut only for Killian to place the softest kiss in existence on the back of her neck that has the shiver multiplying its intensity by ten with each new vertebra that it reaches.
“Did you know that you are a kicker in your sleep?” he murmurs, his voice hoarse and gravely like it always is in the mornings. She really likes that. Like, really. “And that you are also a heat seeker, and I am in no way safe from your assault.”
“That sounds like a hard life,” Emma mumbles, still not bothering to open her eyes.
“The hardest. Do you know that we’ve only ever spent the night together in hotels? You’ve never even seen my bedroom. We somehow have never made it past the living room.”
“You’ve never seen mine.”
“True,” he sighs as his hand inches over her waist so that his nails can run over her stomach, making the muscles flutter. Or maybe those are the damn metaphorical butterflies. It doesn’t matter. “We should remedy that when we get home.” Home.
He means New York. He doesn’t mean his apartment or her apartment. He simply means the city they both happen to live in, but knowing that doesn’t change the way her heart is hammering in her chest, that residual feeling of being terrified that this is all going to blow up in her face still lingering. It’s not there as much as it used to be, some of the fear tampering down the more comfortable she becomes with Killian, but as old ones fade away, new ones emerge like one of those creepy aliens in movies.
Killian isn’t like Walsh or Neal or any of the people who have hurt her. Anyone with half-functioning eyes could see that, and it’s reaffirmed in how he supports her every day. He sends her articles she’s written in the past with little notes attached to them on what he thinks. Sometimes he shares links to YouTube videos of her interviews, asking her how she noticed the strategy they employed to win that day or simply complimenting her on thinking on her feet when she gets put in a tough situation. The only people who could possibly support her more are Ruth and David, but Killian is very much inching up to the top of the Emma Swan fan club.
He’d probably make t-shirts. Several. And wear them under all of his clothes, the dork.
Dark and broody but also dorky. That’s how she’d describe him if she had to in three words or less.
So she’s not worried that he’s going to demean her or belittle her or make her feel unworthy like she has felt in the past, but there are so many other ways for him to hurt her. Their relationship getting out, for one, could destroy her professional credibility, at least for a little while. That’s something she thinks about every time she sneaks out of her hotel room and into his. It’s ridiculous hard to find a time when someone isn’t in the hallway. But what if he’s secretly shitty in some kind of other way? What if he doesn’t continue to be so open and honest with her? What if he realizes that her hang-ups are too complicated? What if he realizes that he doesn’t want to be patient with her when she does have her freak outs? He’s so damn patient with her, always waiting for her to make the move before he does, and there’s no guarantee he won’t get tired of that.
Why is this the morning that she thinks about this?
Probably because the reality of them telling their friends and family is hitting her. It was her idea, the guilt of lying to everyone overwhelming her, but now the actuality is overwhelming her even more.
Last night, she told Killian that she would go to Addy’s birthday party under this insane plan that he has of them fake running into each other in the hallway, and the reality of meeting his family is kind of freaking her out. She’s never met a boyfriend’s family before, which was always such a blessing, and now she’s invading Killian’s niece’s birthday party.
Where his brother, who he absolutely admires in every way, will be, along with his wife and their kids and all of these other people who are important to Killian.
Emma wants to run. She knows that she does. Feelings overwhelm her, the feelings she has for Killian most of all, but she thinks she’d rather be overwhelmed by the happiness that he helps her feel rather than the anxiety.
The new phase of a relationship is fun but also terrifying.
“Are you inviting me over for a sleepover?” she finally asks, hoping that Killian can’t tell that she’s freaking out a little bit.
Killian hums into her neck, and she finally opens her eyes, the brightness of the sun shining through the curtains blurring everything for a moment. “I am. I can get you all kinds of snacks. We’ll wear our best pajamas, watch movies, play truth or dare, maybe have a pillow fight or two.”
“Do you get all of your sleepover knowledge from 2000s rom coms?”
Emma chuckles before turning on the mattress, shifting into Killian’s space like he shifted into hers, and when she’s turned in his arms, she blinks at him, taking in the unshaven scruff and unruly hair that most definitely hasn’t been tamed. She likes that too. His hair is always doing different things, and she can’t decide what she likes best.
“You very obviously did,” Emma sighs, running her hands over the muscled curves of his biceps, “but that’s okay. That’s where all of my knowledge came from too. The closest I’ve ever gotten to one that’s not, like, a sexual thing is when Ruby and I room together on road games.”
“I don’t think that counts because then Robin, Will, and I have had a ton of sleepovers, and none of them involve any of the fun things I was talking about before.” He reaches up to cover her hand with his before leaning in and lazily moving his lips against hers. There are a lot of things she’s learning at twenty-seven, and one of them is most definitely how much she likes lazy morning make out sessions. They’re definitely one of the seven wonders of the world. “And who said there was going to be nothing sexual about our sleepover? I was definitely planning at least a little something.”
Her nose scrunches up, and Killian moves to gently bite it, making her laugh. “We can have something sexual happen, but only if it’s during truth or dare. No funny business otherwise, mister.”
His lips part like he’s going to say something, and she runs her hand up and down his arm as she waits. But then he blinks one long, slow blink and shuts his mouth, whatever words he was going to say curling back on his tongue.
“What?” she questions, moving her leg against his.
“Nothing,” Killian smiles, pressing forward to run his lips over hers again, making her toes curl from the way that he knows just what to do in a kiss to make her happy. “I was simply thinking of this sleepover we’re going to have, and how I need to buy some better pajamas for it. I can’t have you seeing me in anything less than decent.”
“You’re not wearing any clothes right now.”
“And I’ve yet to hear a complaint from you about that, so I think this may be decent attire.”
“Well then,” she sighs, slowly running her foot up his calf again and watching his eyes darken, “I think it’ll be perfectly fine attire then too.”
This is stupid.
This is so, so stupid. She can’t believe she’s doing this. It’s ridiculous. The most ridiculous thing in the entire world. Okay, maybe not in the entire world, but she’s feeling extra dramatic right now.
The most dramatic, and that’s not an exaggeration.
Killian told her to meet him in the hallway where all of the suites in the stadium are located, and she’s been standing her for fifteen minutes pretending to look at her phone instead of actually looking at her phone and answering emails or something. Or checking stats for the game. She should be doing that, but they’re still in the top of the first inning, and she’s pretty sure this is going to be the game that never ends.
And she’ll be stuck in this hallway in London for the rest of her life and die in the yellow maxi dress that she spent thirty minutes picking out because she had no idea what to wear to her secret boyfriend’s niece’s tea party birthday. She’d also debated on going out and getting a gift despite their conversation last night, but then she’d reminded herself that she’s not technically planning on coming to this thing. It’s some kind of fake spur of the moment thing, and bringing a gift would ruin that.
She needs to calm down.
This is fine.
A set of doors to her left open, and she sees Killian walk through. She’s so used to seeing him dressed in his uniform or sweatpants and some kind of team-branded t-shirt when they’re in a baseball stadium that it throws her off when she sees him in tight-fighting blue jeans with a light blue button down tucked in, the sleeves rolled up and several buttons at the top undone so that she can see little tufts of black hair and the silver chain that he wears to keep his mom’s ring next to his heart.
Athletes have all kinds of traditions and superstitions for every part of their life, but her favorite is that Killian keeps that ring on him at all times.
“Hello, kind acquaintance,” he teases when he sees her, eyes darting around the hallway while he steps closer, “funny running into you here looking absolutely gorgeous in that dress. I’d say it’s perfect for a tea party.”
“You are ridiculous.” “You have got to stop saying that about me like it’s new information.” Killian steps up to her then, looking around once more before quickly dipping his head to kiss her while grabbing her ass like they didn’t just see each other two hours ago when she finally left his room. “You do look just beautiful, though. Sometimes I don’t know how I got so lucky.”
Heat immediately rises to her cheeks, but she tries to shake it and the butterflies in her stomach off. “I ask myself the same thing about you all the time.”
Killian rolls his eyes at her before holding his arm out. “You ready to go?”
Her eyes glance down at his elbow before looking back up at him. “Why are you holding your arm like that?”
“Because it’s proper to escort a lady to an event by giving her your arm when you walk, and I like to do proper by such a lady.”
“Killian,” she protests even as her heart absolutely hammers in his chest, “we can’t do that. There are people.”
“There’s no one. Indulge me for sixty seconds, okay?”
Maybe it’s that she’s feeling overwhelmed and like taking a risk or maybe it’s the way that he smiles, but something about him has her taking his arm and placing her hand in the crook of his elbow as they walk down the hallway until they’re at the double doors of the suite.
“It’s going to be fine, Swan,” Killian promises, squeezing her hand before letting go and pushing the door open so that the sounds of children excitedly talking fill their ears and her eyes take in all of the people in the room.
It’s not many, less than are usually in a big suite, but she can see at least fifteen kids, most of them children of players, and maybe ten other adults. That doesn’t seem like the right ratio, but these kids are old enough to be semi self-sufficient about most things. Everything is fine. She’s just nervous, which only gets worse when Killian’s niece spots them.
“Uncle Killian,” Addison screeches, stopping where she is and running toward the two of them in her blue dress. Killian immediately crouches down to her level, opening his arms to her and taking her into the tightest embrace before lifting her off of the ground while Addison nuzzles into his shoulder.
It may very well be the cutest and most heart-warming thing she has ever seen in her entire life.
“Happy birthday, my little love,” he sighs, swaying her as they stand. “How are you six years old? I’m pretty sure you’re still supposed to be a baby.”
“I’m too big to be a baby. Don’t be silly.”
“Don’t be silly?” he guffaws, pulling back and adjusting his grip on Addison. “Darling, I am always silly, but so are you. You’re basically the silliest goose.”
Addison scrunches up her nose, and Emma can see Killian in her there. It might be the dimples or the blue of her eyes, but Emma can see something even though both of Killian’s nieces look exactly like their mom. She is not weird at all for noticing these things. “We have talked about this. I am not a silly goose. I am a girl.”
“Geese can be girls.”
“Did you bring me a present?”
“A present?” Killian gasps, tickling Addison’s sides so that she giggles. “Am I supposed to bring you a present? No one told me.”
“But it’s my birthday,” she pouts.
“Did you bring me a present on my birthday? I don’t remember.”
“Yes,” Addison groans, holding her head back. “I drew you a picture of us.”
“Oh, that’s right, that’s right,” Killian sighs, glancing to the side and winking at Emma, which definitely doesn’t do something weird to her heart. “You did. I have it framed on my bookshelf because I love it so much. I do have a present for you, but your mom and dad told me that I had to leave it at home so you can’t open it until you get back to America.”
“What is it?” she gasps, not at all deterred by the fact that she can’t open her present yet.
“Addy,” a male voice sighs, and Emma turns her head to the side to see Killian’s brother standing near them, and that definitely does something to her heart, “remember what we talked about? You have to be patient.”
“But I’m excited!” Killian puts her on the ground so that she’s no longer at eye-level with all of them, but her confidence might as well make her six feet tall. “Where’s Lucy? I don’t see her.”
“She’s sitting with Mommy. Why don’t you go find them while I talk to Killian and Ms. Emma here?”
That’s when Addison’s attention turns to her, and suddenly she feels like more eyes are on her than when she’s on television.
Is she terrified of a six-year-old? No, that would be ridiculous.
(Also, Killian’s brother knows her name, and while that’s not weird, she feels like it is. Then again, she knows his entire family.)
“Who are you?” she questions, her hands on her hips and eyes focused.
Emma plasters a smile on her face, one that was already there even if she didn’t realize it, before squatting down so that she’s eye-to-eye with Addison.
“Hi, Addison. My name is Emma. I work with your uncle.”
“Are you a baseball player?”
“No,” Emma laughs, and she looks up at Killian when she hears him chuckle. He simply shrugs his shoulders and waggles his brows across his forehead. “I wish I was, but I work on TV. You know those people who ask Killian all kinds of questions?”
“That’s you?”
“That’s me.”
Addison smiles, the teeth she has missing obvious, before she steps a little closer to Emma and touches her dress, running her fingers over the material. “I like your dress. It kind of looks like a princess dress. Are you going to stay for my party?”
“Only if you want me to.”
“I do. Do you want to come and look at my cake with me? It’s shaped like a unicorn.”
“Sure, sweetie,” she answers, smiling at Addison and taking her hand as she’s dragged off to the other side of the room, leaving Killian and Liam behind.
For the next hour, her best friend in the world is Addy Jones, who very much takes Emma under her wings as she shows her around the suite and introduces her to all of her friends. The only real experience Emma has with kids is Leo, and the four-year difference between six and ten is kind of insane, but it’s not hard to adjust and talk about all of the right things. It gets a little more difficult when she meets Lucy, if only because Lucy is one reserved little girl, but Emma notices that she very easily follows in Addy’s footsteps and has her own little personality, even if it’s quieter.
Lucy Jones also very much loves her uncle, and it makes Emma’s heart do that funny stuttering thing every time she looks up and sees Lucy sitting with Killian as he animatedly talks to her and makes her laugh with this little high-pitched squeal. She’s always known how much Killian loves his nieces from how he talks about them and how he has pictures of them in his apartment and on his social media, but seeing it in person is this whole new thing. He’s in his element, even more than he is when he’s on a baseball field like the one just outside, and this smile that’s been with her most of today continues to increase, the corners of her lips constantly ticking up whenever she thinks about him.
Which is a lot.
Probably more than a normal amount, and she just loves him so damn much that…
Holy shit.
She loves him.
She loves him.
Why is she realizing that right now as she sits at a table with people she doesn’t really even know while she watches him very obviously stick his pinky out while drinking tea teaching Lucy to do the same?
How in the world did this happen?
And is she terrified or so incredibly excited that it feels a lot like the fear that’s been weaving in and out of her days lately?
Does he love her too? Can he? She thinks that he can, that he does, but how is she ever supposed to know for sure? It’s been a good while since she actually felt this way, and she’s not sure that she trusts her heart to realize the difference.
“It’s Emma, right?”
Emma looks up from her seat to see Elsa Jones standing above her, blonde hair pulled back into a complicated braid and soft smile painted across her lips.
“Yeah, yes, that’s me,” Emma stutters, holding out her hand to shake Elsa’s. “Elsa?”
“The one and only. Well, kind of,” she laughs before pulling out the empty chair next to Emma and sitting down. “It’s so nice to meet you. I feel like I know you from your job.”
“Funny, I feel like I know you.”
Okay, so that’s probably pretty creepy. Was that creepy?
Before Emma can think about it too much, Elsa laughs, something that sounds genuine, and Emma has to remind herself that this is just another person who she knows is kind. There’s nothing to be afraid of. She talks to people for a living.
“I would bet. Killian talks far too much, so you get a lot of information out of him when you’re likely just looking to talk about the game. I really liked the special you did at the beginning of the season. It felt very much like him as a person, which I’m always so happy to see.”
“He’s a great subject. It’s not easy getting a lot of these guys to be charming and funny about things other than baseball, so I love when I find one that knows how to open up. And he’s so good with your daughters. I hope I’m not intruding on your day, but Killian – ”
“Found you wandering the halls and dragged you along?” Emma arches her brow, but Elsa simply waves her away, shaking her head from side to side as she glances out the windows to the game that Emma is only half paying attention to even though it’s her job. “Liam told me. You’re not intruding at all. Addy has gone on and on about her pretty new friend Emma, and any friend of my girl is a friend of mine. Plus, we Joneses owe you about a million apologizes for my dumbass brother-in-law asking you out.”
She has to cover her mouth with her hand as she laughs, a snort escaping her before she can stop it. “Did you guys give him hell for that? I feel like he does deserve it.”
“Oh, most definitely. Killian is not a super spontaneous guy, especially when it comes to women, not anymore at least, so I’m not entirely convinced someone didn’t spike his water bottle. I actually choked on my own water bottle when I saw it happening, so I gave him hell for that too.”
“Good, but I’ve forgiven him as long as he never does something like that again. Our working relationship is much better now because he can basically never say no when I want an interview.”
“True,” she says, her smile somehow brighter. “You’ve got to use those kinds of things in your favor. I do it with Liam all the time. It works like a charm.”
“What does?” Liam asks as he steps up to them.
“Hi, sweetie,” Elsa greets him, tilting her head back so that Liam can kiss her. “Have you met Emma?”
“I did when she came in, but I didn’t get much of a chance to talk to her before Addy dragged her away. So, it’s nice to meet you, Emma.”
“It’s nice to meet you as well. I was telling Elsa that it’s good to put real faces to names I’ve heard so much about.”
“You’ve heard a lot about us?”
“Oh, y-yeah,” she mumbles, internally cursing herself again. “Work and all. I know far too much about the lives of all of the players, which is both a good and bad thing.”
“I would bet. Do you know about – ”
“Yesterday?” she asks. Liam nods his head, his smile tightened. “Yeah, I know. It was shitty, but it happens. And I’m glad Will and Killian and some of the other guys stood up for me like that, even if Killian was an idiot for messing up his hand. But I feel like I’m part of the team sometimes, and it’s nice to know they have my back.”
“Emma,” Addy squeals as she runs toward the three of them, completely ignoring her parents, “Killian said to come and get you to ask if you wanted to join our tea party. He says that you don’t know how to drink tea, and I have to help you.”
Her eyes immediately glance over to Killian, and when he moves his brow across his forehead, laughter bubbles inside of her stomach and her mouth falls into a soft smile. The ridiculous fool.
“You know what, Addy,” she sighs, “I don’t think I know how to drink tea. You and Lucy will have to teach me, okay?”
“I know. Come on.” Addison tugs at her arm until she rises from her chair, excusing herself to Liam and Elsa before she’s dragged across the room and over to the table where all of Addison’s friends and Killian are eat snacks and drinking tea, which looks a lot more like orange juice, and Emma is told to sit down in the chair next to Killian who is holding Lucy’s goldfish snacks while she inspects all of them. “Uncle Killian, I brought Emma over. Emma, do you want orange tea or apple tea?”
“Um, orange tea.”
Addy nods her head before she’s running off to the other side of the table and leaving Emma with Killian and Lucy.
“So, you need to teach me how to drink tea then?”
He shrugs his shoulders as he attempts to flip the hair that’s fallen over his forehead back. “My brother and sister-in-law had cornered you, and I thought you might need a little saving. I knew that you were a little nervous about meeting them.”
“How could you possibly know that?”
“You talk in your sleep.”
“I do not, you as – jerk,’” she corrects, stopping herself when Lucy looks up at her. “Hi, sweetheart. I like your dress.”
“Thank you,” she says quietly, sweetly. “It’s yellow. Yours is yellow.”
“I know. We’re basically twins. Are you going to eat your goldfish?”
Lucy softly smiles, little blonde curls falling in her face, before picking up a handful of her snacks from Killian and offering them over to Emma in a sweet gesture that definitely rivals everything romantic that her uncle has ever done.
“Thank you, Lucy.” Emma pops one into her mouth only to look up at Killian and see that his eyes are crinkled, those little lines showing up, and her stomach pleasantly twists at the sight of it. She realized that she loved him less than twenty minutes ago, and there are still a lot of crazy feelings processing in her brain right now. A lot. “Do you want some, twenty-nine?”
Killian blinks, almost like he doesn’t recognize her nickname for him, before reaching over and taking some of the fish that she’s offering him. It’s cheesy and very romance novel-ish, but she swears that she feels sparks when his fingers brush over the palm of her hands.
“Thank you, love.”
“I have your orange team, Emma,” Addy shouts as she comes back to them, balancing a far too full plastic cup of orange juice that spills a little on the carpet until Emma takes it from Addy’s hand.
“Well, thank you, Addy. But it’s your birthday. Shouldn’t I be helping you do something instead of you handing me my tea?”
Addy hums at this, her forefinger tapping against her chin while her foot taps on the ground. “You can help me open my presents later, okay?”
“That sounds like a deal.”
“Working hard or hardly working?”
Emma pulls the headphones from her ears so that she can hear Killian better, even though she could most definitely hear the cheesy phrase that just came out of his mouth. His family is flying back on the team plane, as are all of the other players’ families, and since she is Addison Jones’s new favorite person as of seven hours ago, she was asked to sit with all of the Jones clan, which has really just been her sitting in a seat by the window with Addy and Lucy switching seats until the both of them were corralled by their parents to go to sleep. And now she’s got Killian sitting next to her, which is what she was hoping for but isn’t the most subtle thing in the world.
They are not subtle people even when they probably think they are.
She’d never make it in federal law enforcement or something like that.
“My deadline is in an hour, and I had to pay twenty-seven dollars for WiFi so that I could send it in.”
“So, working hard?”
“Do you want me to leave?”
“No, no,” she protests, reaching down to take another sip of her coffee. Her jet-lag is going to be even worse of a bitch tomorrow. “You can stay. I just have to check my stat facts, and then I’ll be finished. It’s kind of hard to work when everyone else is asleep and it’s so dark in here, so, you know, I’m drinking all of the caffeine to stay awake. I think I have a food baby made of unicorn cake.”
“Aye, me too,” he laughs as he pats his stomach. “That was too much sugar.”
“No such thing.”
“Oh, but there is, darling.” His hand brushes over her forearm, and she can see the slight scabs and marks from him punching Arthur yesterday. Nothing new has been said, no suspensions mentioned, and she hopes that it stays that way. She also hopes that nothing like that ever happens again.
“How does your hand feel?”
“A little sore, but I’m right as rain. It’s a good thing I have several days off, yeah?”
Emma groans, shutting her eyes just at the thought of getting up to work tomorrow like most people on this plane except for Killian and Robin. “Don’t remind me. I’m going to look like a zombie tomorrow, and feel even worse than that. If I ever go overseas again, it’s going to be for long enough to adjust to the time.”
“You and me both,” he yawns, and she’s totally endeared by the way his face contorts there only for him to smile at her with a tired, boyish grin that she’s endeared by even more. “Finish up your article, my love, and then I say that you at least try to go to sleep.”
“Always looking out for me.”
“You know it.”
Her hand reaches over his scarred one so that she can squeeze it, which is all she can really do right now. But honestly, being right here next to him simply sitting together after all of the craziness of these few days – baseball, meeting her boyfriend’s family, asshole players getting punched, quick tours of London that went by in a blur, and realizing that she loves Killian – is more than enough when it’s already absolutely everything.
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mfackenthal · 4 years
The MFackenthal Show with Guest Star @usuallyamazinglyaverage!
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banner by @whenyourheartskipsabeat
Megs:  Hello Hello Hello!!!  Oh my gosh, I cannot believe it has been so long since my last show.  It’s truly so wonderful to see all of you here!  Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to catch up on my old shows and to encourage me to continue with them!  But enough about me, I am not why you are here today.  Today, you are here to meet another AMAZING guest.  Please help me welcome to the stage @usuallyamazinglyaverage​!
Mar shyly walks on the stage and gives Megs a hug.  They sit down on the couch facing the audience, their bodies angled towards one another. 
Mar, I am so glad that you are here today.  Thank you for agreeing to be on the show! 
Mar: Megs, I am delighted and simply honored to be here.  I can’t believe I am on The Mfackenthal Show! 
Megs: And I am so glad you are here.  You and I connected over a shared love for one Ethan Ramsey and I have loved watching you grow as a writer! 
Mar:  Awh, Megs!  I think I’m blushing! 
Megs: Oh stop!  You’re an amazing writer.  And we’re going to talk all about that shortly, but first, can you tell us when you joined the fandom and what brought you here? 
Mar:  Well, I officially joined in mid-april 2019, when I created my blog, but I’ve been following the choices fandom for much longer than that. While I’ve been a part of other fandoms before, this was the first time I really wanted to join in.
BRRRRRING!  BRRRRRING!!! A phone rings from somewhere backstage. 
Megs and Mar look at each other with questions in their eyes.  Megs looks behind her for the source of the sound, but when it stops, she just looks at Mar and shrugs.  
… I discovered the choices app by chance in the Apple store one weekend, while looking for something to distract myself with. I always loved games that featured in-depth romances, so of course my interest was peaked immediately. The first book that got my attention was Big Sky Country. I was instantly hooked. After I read that one, I browsed through more books and found Open Heart. Pixelberry had just released the first few chapters - and that’s when the real fun began! Hospital drama? Interesting plot? Quite a few really cool love interests? Sign me the heck up!  Of course, the one who got me really into it was our resident smartass doctor, Ethan Ramsey... Which is why I looked through tumblr right after finishing chapter 3, to see if a fandom for this strange and wonderful game existed. The rest is, as you say, history.
Megs: And just about a year later, you’re still here!  And so is Open Heart 2!!  Eeek!  That last chapter you wrote with Ethan helping MC work out and then showering.  Damn girl!  If you haven’t read it yet, folks, check out the link at the bottom of your screen: 
While Megs is pointing out the link, a red phone booth is rolled out onto the left side of the stage beside the couch.  Mar just glares at it.  Megs doesn’t seem to see it at all because it’s behind her.
Megs:  The fandom is an interesting place.  What do you love about the fandom?  What do you dislike? What would you like to say to the fandom? 
Mar:  The better question is, what don’t I love about it? There is so much talent and kindness in this fandom, it’s sort of mindblowing! I was welcomed with such enthusiasm and I have made many (hopefully) lasting friendships as well. But, like all fandoms, we have our problems. Some people will never get over the fact that the opinions of others will often differ from their own. That kind of toxicity is a part of every fanbase, unfortunately. 
The phone in the phone booth starts ringing.  Megs jumps up and practically into Mar’s lap. 
Megs: What the hell?!  
Megs and Mars just hold each other for a moment. 
The phone keeps ringing.
Megs:  Umm, should we answer it? 
Mar:  Not it! 
Megs:  What?!  They’re probably calling for you!
Mar:  Megs, this is your show.  I’m guessing it’s for you. 
Megs:  Hmm, that is strong logic.  Let’s just ignore it and see if it stops. 
Mar:  Sounds good to me. 
Megs:  Okay, umm, what were we talking about … 
Megs:  damn it! Why is it still ringing?!  I guess phone booths don’t have voicemail, huh?  Okay … umm … shakes her head … okay, tell me, what do you do when you’re not producing work for the fandom; what do you do for fun?
The phone stops ringing.
Mar:  Oh, the silence is wonderful, isn’t it?  Well, when I’m not writing for the fandom or interacting with other fans, I go to school. I’m currently finishing up the first year of my apprenticeship, to become a nursery school teacher/educator. The whole thing is super stressful, but it’s my dream to one day work with kids and teens. So I endure, haha!  
As for fun, You already know that I love writing and reading, of course. I also play a lot of video games, they have played a huge part in life since I was about seven years old. I also meet up with close friends, when I have the time. 
Megs: Speaking of writing - I totally got sidetracked by that damned-
Brrrrring!  The phone starts ringing again. 
Megs: looks down dejectedly - phone.  Ugh!  I hate phone calls.  How about you, Mar?
Mar:  Oh Megs, the truth is I’m a dork! I can interact with people under normal circumstances just fine, I am usually quite confident. But talking on the phone? Nope. Job interviews? Total nope. Flirting? Absolute no go. I’m a social disaster when it comes to that kind of stuff.  The phone is the worst. 
Megs:  Awh, well, you’re doing great on my show.  We would never have known any of that!  I’m guessing you told my producers about hating the phone and they decided all these phones would be funny because I also hate the phone.  I was really hoping you’d want to answer these phones ... but I guess our shared hatred that means it would be really mean of me to ask you to answer this phone then, huh? 
Mar:  In fact, it would be. 
Megs:  Hmm … well, I have an idea … 
Megs goes into the phone booth and picks up the receiver and then just drops it back on the base.    
Megs:  There we go - we can just say we got disconnected.  .  
Mar just laughs while Megs looks very smug and proud of herself. 
Megs:  So, let’s talk some more about writing.  What’s your favorite work that you have written?
Mar:  Mhhh, I actually think that changes every time I post something new! My more recent works are the ones I often enjoy the most, because I can see the improvements I made, I can see progress in my writing. People may have noticed that I write a lot of smut - which is also a favorite pastime for me. Something about writing it just tickles my fancy, I have so much fun doing it!
Megs:  What a healthy attitude!  Can you share with us your writing process? 
Mar:  To be honest, I don’t really have one. I write when inspiration strikes and when I feel up to it. When an idea excites me, it usually takes me a lot of time to get it done, because I want it to be just right. What I do need for writing is music that fits the topic of the fic though. If it’s something fluffy, I’ll listen to romantic songs. If it’s something smutty, I’ll listen to sexy songs. It helps me get into the right headspace for whatever I’m about to write.
Megs:  What advice do you have for other writers? Especially other fanfic writers? 
Mar:  Best advice I can give is not to think too hard about it. Just go with the flow, write what feels good. When the words won’t come, step away from your work and take a breather. Eat something. Do some sit-ups. Watch an episode of your favorite show. Just come back to it later, your inspiration will strike eventually.
Megs:  That is sage advice. 
Mar:  Now Megs, I have a question for you.  How and where did you get the idea for the interviews? I’ve never seen anything like this on tumblr!
Megs:  That’s a great question, Mar.  The idea was the brainchild of a group of people.  It started with me trying to find a way to add something to the fandom that didn’t involve me writing a fic.  At that time, I said I wasn’t a writer.  I read and I left reviews and that was as much writing as I was willing to do.  I was gaining followers though and I wanted to do something to give back to the fandom.  Through the help of people who are no longer with us, but also @maxattack-powell​, @lizeboredom​, and a few others, I learned that people were truly interested in learning more about each other but the connections could be hard to make.  I figured this was where I could help the fandom.  While I hate the phone, I love messaging people via text and I have no fear in messaging someone and asking questions.  If they don’t respond, that’s okay!  So I came up with a set of questions and wrote the first show as though I was just at a bar or something.  When people really enjoyed that, I came up with the idea of serializing the show and here we are!
And that’s the end of today’s show.  Mar, thank you so much for coming on today’s show.  To everyone in the audience, thank you for coming to today’s show!  I look forward to seeing you on our next show!!
The phone starts ringing again. 
Megs:  I bet that’s my producer calling to remind me that to say that tickets can be purchased online or over the phone.  Luckily for you, I won’t be the one answering the phones.  Because this is what that would look like:   
Megs gets up and this time she picks up the receiver and instead of putting it back on the base, she just lets the phone hang.  It swings back and forth.  
Megs takes Mar’s arm and together they walk off stage.  
And now for the tags.  I’m only tagging people who have specifically mentioned an interest in The MFackenthal Show.  If you want to be added to the tag list for these or removed, please let me know!
@hopefulmoonobject​ @queen-among-writers​, @hopelessromantic1352​, @lilyofchoices​, @msjpuddleduck​, @theroyalweisme​, @lady-kato
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kindnessinpain2000 · 5 years
I’m new to the fandom can you please reccomend me some jeronica blogs
Hi there! I absolutely can!
All right, so to start off we’ll head to the Archie Classics, which is presided over by @jugheadandveronica. They share all the Jeronica moments from the Archie comics for those who don’t have access them!
Next we have @wellfuckimdumb who creates incorrect Jeronica quotes for all of us to enjoy!
Then it’s @veronicassadboi who is who is basically the president over our little corner of the Riverdale fandom. She writes us fanfic, supports our creations with reblogs, AND is putting together a Jeronica themed playlist for all of us to enjoy! (You can find the playlist on her account.) In short, she’s awesome, I love her, and she’s the best account to start exploring Jeronica from!
Next is @thesocialpariahtable who is basically the embodiment of this,
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Basically, they are the one who makes the rest of us pause in our crumb hunting and then laugh at our fascination with this ship. 10/10, every fandom should have one.
And then we have @jeronicamush. An occasional reposter and manip creator. Is super sweet if you happen to catch them online. Pretty much a shooting star!
After that we have @dark-is-my-imagination who is is pretty much our Vice President! Currently they are prepping everyone for the new Jeroncia Week, which begins on the 27th of this month. (You can find everything you need to know about that on their account.) You can hear everything you need to about the latest Jeronica content in the s4 episodes from them and if you have a pressing question that you want their opinion on, their anon box is always open!
@hemiss So sweet. So kind. Has actual pictures of soft baby bunnies on their account. Need I say more?
@dailyjeronica who is basically a library of Jeronica content. If your looking for something new to enjoy like a gifset, or a fanfic, they will probably have what you’re looking for and if you want to get the word out about one of your own creations, use their hashtag and they might add you to their collection!
@sapphicveronicalodge who is really only 1/10th a Jeronica blog, but has so much eclectic taste and hilarious commentary that she is well worth following!!
@thefudge is so cool. Makes beautiful gifsets and writes pretty words that make me happy!
@half-ok If you want a good laugh, go to her blog. Only blogs about Jeronica occasionally, but is always down for a good convo and will probably tag you in tag games!
And then, last and definitely least when it comes to this list of awesome people, is my side blog, @jeronicascene-finder. This blog is practically just a Jeronica blog too, lol, but @jeronicascene-finder is where I’ve based my side project of finding every single Jeronica crumb on the show so that people can create gifsets, fan videos, and even canon based fanfics, without having to rewatch episodes or scour the internet in order to find what they’re looking for. 
There are so many wonderful Jeronica blogs, and I know for a fact that I haven’t managed to include them all on this list, (for which I apologize,) but I think that these blogs are a good starting off point for someone who’s just starting out. 
I’m so honored that you wanted my opinion and hope that you know that you are SO welcome in our little corner! Everyone here is so kind and supportive, and I’m sure that you’ll feel like one of the family in no time. Feel free to message me so I can check out your blog too! 
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Hold my girl
Part 4
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No one really knows about TRR Main characters past …. Most of this series is based on flashbacks from her childhood. I’ve changed the main characters name to, Freya Johnson as Riley Brooks is used in my other series.
Freya is in love with Drake, but he hasn’t returned the feelings- instead just acts horrible towards her. Will Freya return back to Cordonia with the court or will she stay in the USA after the UN party.
Catch up with Part 3 here
@annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @whenyourheartskipsabeat @jovialyouthmusic @nz1091 @yukinagato2012 @indiacater @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @cordonianroyalty @custaroonie @beardedoafdonutwagon @dcbbw @qammh-blog
“Lady Freya, how nice to see you’re sticking around.” Madeleine smirked, along with a sarcastic tone of voice.
God I hate her. No that’s really nasty Freya. Use your Oscar winning fake smile. Daniel would be proud.
“Madeleine. I’m here to do you a favour.”
“Oh and what would that be?” Madeleine laughed in Freya’s face, Freya just wanted to punch her in the face- forcing her to pay a visit to the nearest plastic surgeon.
“You need to call this shower off now!”
“Really Lady Freya? I’ve been more than patient with you. I’ve looked over Liam’s obvious affection for you, endured your presence on this tour but I see no reason why......”
Suddenly Freya’s phone buzzed in her pocket. It was an email from Justin with the attachment of Tariq’s statement. Smiling, she knew that the previous smirk on Madeleine’s face would soon falter.
“If you won’t listen to me Madeleine, watch this!” As Madeleine watched the video the colour from her face slowly drains.
Maybe she feels bad? No this is Madeleine, she has no feelings.
“I see. I’ll think of something to tell everyone. Thank you for bringing this up to me. If it had played in the middle of our wedding shower... I... thank you Freya.”
“Yeah well I know what public humiliation feels like. I wouldn’t put you through that.”
What the fuck is up with you Freya. If anyone deserves humiliation it would be a snake like Madeleine. Just proves I had a good upbringing from Grace and Paul for thinking about other people as well as myself.
“I suppose that you do at that. You’re far more generous than given credit for.” Madeline walks towards the stage leaving Freya alone.
Always remember that if anyone is nasty towards you in anyway- it is most likely because they are jealous of you. Don’t allow anyone to make you feel bad. Keep your head held high. I love you baby girl.
Freya you are my daughter, I am so proud of the young woman you have become. You are so strong and determined. Never judge anyone, always have empathy towards everyone, no matter how much you may ‘hate’ them. I love you
Nobody likes us? So what? Ignore them. You’re my best friend. As long as I have you and you have me, that’s all we need. I’ll always have your back. Team Daniel and Freya!
Freya was forced to leave her memories as she saw Madeleine about to make a speech.
“Ladies and gentlemen if I may have your attention please... I’m afraid we will have to.....”
Immediately the room is filled with buzzing noises one after the other- the same noise echoing all around.
Freya’s friends come up towards her looking shocked.
“You told Justin to not publish the statement right?” Drake asked, looking concerned towards her. Wondering why Justin would ignore her wishes, wondering why Justin would cause more trouble for her.
“Yeah. I text him- look.” Shaking, she passed Drake her phone. Looking back up towards her, he had sorrow in his eyes.
“Well I don’t know what happened but....” Maxwell panicked, it was like deja vu- a vendetta against Freya occurring all over again.
Freya heard everyone whispering around her. Penelope mentioned Tariq’s name whilst Madeleine gave Freya dagger eyes, she then heard Liam.
“They found him!”
Everyone gathered around Freya’s phone as they watched the statement. Tariq had confessed the truth around what really had happened that night at Applewood. That he was in the wrong, he apologised for all the events that had taken place in the room, and for not coming forward sooner, explaining Freya had nothing to do with it. It was a mix up and that he had invaded Freya’s privacy. Freya looked around giving everyone who was looking at her a dignified nod.
“Excuse me guys, I’m just going to get a drink of water.” All her friends looked concerned at each other as she walked away. She needed some air. She could hear all the commotion happening inside but needed to speak to her friend.
“Hey Dan, can you speak?”
“Frey what’s up?”
“It’s all over, my name is cleared.”
“That’s great sweetie, are you okay?”
“Just relieved. It’s over. No more whispering about me behind my back. They are so petty here- it’s like being back at high school. In fact no it’s worse! The fact that they are nobles you’d think they have manners, school kids have the excuse that they are kids.”
“Well you got through it then and I’m sure you will now. You’re strong Frey, if you wasn’t you wouldn’t have returned to face that shitstorm. You are determined but stubborn at the same time. They should have been afraid of you and to learn not to mess with a New Yorker.”
“Yeah, strong thanks to mom, dad and you. Talking about mom and dad, I haven’t had chance to see them. I feel guilty, and I know that sounds stupid but are you free tomorrow afternoon?”
“Of course I am. I’m sure they’ve missed you. You need to update your diary. Erm Frey?”
“You know when I said I needed to ask you something in that text? That’s what I wanted to ask. To ask if you’d been up to see them.”
“No Daniel. I feel guilty not going. No one from Cordonia knows about my past. Just gotten through one scandal- didn’t want to cause another one.”
“Well I’ve been up a few times and explained to them, and kept their graves tidy. Hope you don’t mind.”
“Of course I don’t. Thank you Dan! That means so much to me. Can you do me a favour? I need to send some things to your email - could you print them off for me and bring them tomorrow?”
“Sure thing Freya. See you at 2? Love ya sweetie.”
“See you then. Love ya”
Freya walked back into the room after talk with Daniel. She couldn’t believe what he had told her, he was a true friend. As she walked in Liam was on stage.
“ I propose a toast to Lady Johnson.”
Everyone in the room followed Liam’s toast. Freya saw Madeleine started to walk over just as Justin barged through the door.
No. Not dealing with this tonight. I feel like punching Justin.
“Hey guys, I’m going to head back. I’m really tired.”
“C’mon Jono, lets all get out of here before the press turn up and ask questions.”
Freya agreed with Drake, wondering why he was being so sincere for once. Along with Maxwell, Bertrand and Hana they headed back to the hotel. There was silence all the way back. She just wanted to go to sleep before seeing her mom and dad the following day but her friends insisted on coming inside with her.
“What a night!” Hana gently broke the silence between the friends.
“I can’t believe it’s over- finally.” Freya sighed as she kicked off her shoes and threw her bag onto the couch.
“Nor can I.”
“I had a feeling you would all come here. I came as soon as I could. I can’t imagine how you are feeling after what my father put you through and what happened with Tariq.” Freya nodded and smiled at everyone.
How did I get lucky to gain such amazing friends? And I’m about to leave them all. Thank god for social media.
“I just feel relieved. It’s over. I’ve spent so long with schemes hanging over my head.” Maxwell jumps into the conversation- quite literally jumping. Freya raised her eyebrows at him, wondering how much alcohol he had managed to consume in the short time that they had attended the wedding shower.
“Now that you’re in the clear this calls for a celebration!”
“What did you have in mind?”
“What has amazing fried food, carnival games and crazy rides?” He said excitedly, with the biggest grin painted on his face.
“It’s Coney Island. He wants to go to Coney Island.” Drake now jumped into the conversation. He couldn’t bear anymore hints from Maxwell- they could possibly be there all night guessing. Freya laughed. “I see...”
“Yep! You. Us. Tomorrow morning? Liam can come too if he wants.”
“An excellent idea. I have things to do tonight but tomorrow sounds great.”
They arranged to meet at 10am before her friends left her room.
10am, that leaves me four hours to do Coney Island with my friends then get to my parents graves at 2pm to meet Daniel. How am I going to get away from them all without telling the truth of where I’m going? I don’t want to lie to them. Just then Freya thought of something. She had a plan.
Freya couldn’t sleep after her name being cleared. Flashbacks occurred in the back of her mind from all the social season. Anyone else would have given up straight away.
Getting out of bed, she quickly showered and got dressed into a sports bra and leggings and decided to go for a run as she always did. It always cleared her mind for a bit. It was 6.30am. Plenty of time before she had to endure Coney Island with her friends. Not that she wasn’t excited to spend time with them, she just wasn’t as thrilled to be going. She went all the time. It was ‘old’ for her.
Grabbing her phone, headphones and bottle of ice cold water, Freya headed to the front door to leave for her run. As she got closer there was a knock.
Ffs Maxwell!
“Liam? I was just going to curse you thinking that you was my alarm clock also known as Maxwell!”
Liam stared at Freya, considering all the shit she had been through she could still crack a joke even at this time of the morning.
“Lady Freya, I thought I’d be disturbing you but looks like you are ready for the day and are going somewhere?”
“Yeah I couldn’t sleep. My New York brain kicked in. Whenever I couldn’t sleep, I’d go for a run to clear my mind. I’m just going now.... don’t worry I’ll be at Coney Island for ten. I’m not usually long.. scared of having a heart attack if I work out too much.”
“I don’t doubt for a minute you’d be late. And even if you was, this day is about you so we’d wait for you. I actually wanted to ask if you wanted to meet me before we went - for breakfast or a coffee somewhere? I’ve cleared my appointments for today.”
“Sure. What time? I’ll be an hour tops.”
“Ring me when you’re back. And I’ll come and collect you.”
“Okay. See you soon.”
Liam patted his pocket checking the box was still safe once Freya had left. They hadn’t been close recently- she kept ditching his suggestions of meeting up one to one. He believed it was because she didn’t want to cause another scandal whilst he was engaged to another woman.
But now her name had been cleared, he had considered asking her to become his Queen. She had won over the press during the social season, and now her name was cleared she could prove them all right that she is an amazing woman.
An hour later Freya rung Liam, he immediately jumped out of his chair and grabbed his jacket. Just assuming he wanted to talk about her name being cleared, she didn’t think anything of it.
“Morning, did you enjoy your run.”
“Yes thank you. It’s good to be back to normality.” Liam wondered what she meant by the words back and normality.
“I see, so I thought we could go and visit the Statue of Liberty again?”
“Sure. Then we could beat those losers to Coney Island.” She laughed.
Liam admired the Statue of Liberty as he did that first night he met Freya, who went all out to make his dream come true about visiting her. Freya noticed that he was in a trance, assuming it was most likely due to the memory.
“We’ve come along way since we were last here.”
“Yes.” Liam couldn’t string a sentence together, deep down he knew she would immediately refuse his proposal due to their relationship drifting apart. Sitting down on a bench with the Statue in the distance, they both remained silent.
“Last time we was here, I was besotted with you. I always believed that if fate would bring us back together that I’d marry you.” Freya’s natural complexion suddenly drained, she wasn’t ready to break his heart. Any of their hearts in that case.
“I was going to ask you to marry me, be my Queen- but I knew deep down that you’d always say no after how my father treat you. I don’t blame you. I can see from your facial expression that you need to say something...”
“I ... I ...”
“Freya what’s up? I’ve never seen you speechless before. You’re strong. You’re determined.”
“Liam, I am those things. But deep down I’m constantly breaking down. I opened up to Duchess Adelaide at the UN party- I was drunk. I should have told you all about my past. Maxwell briefly knows. I’m so sorry Liam.” Liam looked at her bewildered, not knowing why she couldn’t talk to anyone regarding her past. After explaining about it all- he wore the same expression that Adelaide wore- both speechless.
“I’ve never seen you speechless before your Majesty.” She joked.
“You should have told us all. We all complained about our past to you. If you are feeling homesick- I’m not going to keep you tied up in a dungeon. You can leave Cordonia whenever. We can all make it a regular vacation.”
“Liam... I’m not coming back to Cordonia.”
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southernbell91 · 5 years
Some Secrets are Better left Dead Chapter 2
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I groaned as I rolled over, reaching for my phone, the Golden Girls theme song playing for the 3rd time this morning, Wade was anything if not persistent. “What!?” I croaked into the phone, my dry throat painfully obvious.
“Is that any way to talk to someone who has an order of Donuts and Coffee on it’s way to your front door as we speak?” My Best friend Wade asked feigning annoyance. “Now get your ass out of bed before the grub hub guy eats your Birthday breakfast.”
“Birthday?” I mumbled, glancing at my phone checking the date, sure enough March 9th. “Oh shit” I whispered seeing the excess amount of notifications on my phone. “Seriously, it’s the same day every fucking year, after 24 of them you would think you would have this figured out. Remind me, how are you the smart one again?” he asked sarcastically.
“Shut up” I grumbled, climbing out of bed after hearing a light knock at the door.”and Thanks for Breakfast Wade,I gotta run I’ll talk to you later”
“Anytime Ace, at least one of us remembered. Oh and Happy Birthday”. After taking the food, and thanking the driver I plopped down on the couch to catch up on the morning news.
I was mindlessly scrolling through my social media, listening to the News when the newscaster caught my attention.
“Tony Stark steps down as head of Stark Industries, former assistant Pepper Potts named CEO” She says.
  Now, why in the hell would Billionaire Tony Stark pass running his company over to a glorified secretary? I rewound the clip while chugging my coffee watching for any hints of anything strange, well stranger than the segment itself. The Video showed Tony at some Gala, cheesing it up for the camera as usual, a fiery redhead on his arm. Stark was a notorious playboy, aside from his assistant he seemed to have a different woman on his arm for every event he attended. The clip also showed Starks massive tower in the heart of New York City, it was his newest project and had only gotten completed a few years ago when he moved his company here from California, after having changed his focus from Military grade weapons to energy, there were rumors already that stark was working on a new facility somewhere but no one had managed to lock down a location, yet. After watching the clip 3 more times I decided I had my new project, I was going to get to the bottom of Starks strange behavior. What could it be Illness? Midlife Crisis? Maybe even blackmail? Whatever it is im going to get to the bottom of it.
 I jumped from the couch and started working on getting ready to head to the office, putting my shoulder length chestnut brown hair into a high ponytail tossed on a vintage Tee and some jeans and slid on my blue converse, my signature work look, then I was out the door. 
       25 minutes later I strolled into my office at the Midtown Journal, a woman on a Mission. I knew I wouldn’t have long to prep for our weekly assignment meeting,  so I sat down and started digging. I started with known associates, business and other. Pepper his assistant was an obvious one, along with his Driver slash Security Happy Hogan but other than the basics there wasn’t a whole lot there, at least not on the surface. I looked into Tony’s former business partner Obadiah Staine but came up empty, his departure from the company had been very sudden 3 years ago, right around the time of the switch from Weapons to Energy and he hadn’t really been heard from publicly since, definitely something to look into. A few more quick social searches showed that Stark had suddenly been seen hanging out with notorious Scientist Dr.Bruce Banner, that was strange. Banner had vanished off the face of the planet a few years ago after an experiment gone wrong and had only resurfaced in the last 6 months or so.   I started scrolling through a collection of pictures of Tony from the last year and was surprised to see that redhead again at least a dozen times, who was she and why was she important enough to be seen with Tony “I don’t wear the same thing twice” Stark? Definitely something to look into. Glancing at the clock I quickly saved everything I could into a file aptly named “Mr Money Bags” and jotted down some notes to mention to my editor and headed towards the conference room for our weekly Meeting. Being one of the only investigative Journalists on the team had its perks, it afforded me more time to dig into my article, I wasn’t a slave to a deadline like everyone else working on weekly prints, but that didn’t mean I didn’t have to still sit through these boring meetings while everyone presented their assignments for the week.     An hour into the meeting, 35 minutes of which was spent listening to the Sports columnist and entertainment editor argue over who should cover some game that involved the husband of some Pop singer or something, it was finally my turn to present. I straightened up in my seat practically twitching with nerves over this prospective article. Uncovering the truth about Tony Stark could not only put our Little newspaper on the map, but throw myself and our staff to the next level, but I wasn’t blind to the fact that Tony was also one of the wealthiest men in the world and that fact alone made him dangerous.     Dean, along with his brother Sam, was the Editor in Chief of the paper and the one who gave me my big break, Sam was more like friendly competition given he was the other Investigative journalist on staff. I glanced from Dean to Sam and back to Dean before speaking.     “It was announced on the news this morning that Tony Stark is stepping down as CEO of Stark Enterprises, now before you go giving me that look hear me out.” I Said, noticing Deans expression shifted, as if he was prepared to argue. The Financial editor glared at me, probably mad I scooped his story. “Stark is stepping down and handing over his fortune 500 company to his assistant Pepper Potts. That strike anyone else here as strange?” I asked glancing around the room. A few heads nodded others looked confused themselves, Deans expression was unreadable as he let me continue. “Something is going on there, of all the people to pass it to why her and why now? I wanna do some digging and see if I can’t find the bigger story behind this sudden change. I want to unearth everything I can about Tony Stark and blow this story out of the water.”  I finished, watching Dean for any type of reaction. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sam move slightly before he finally spoke. “You realize this could be nothing right? Also, digging into a man as powerful as Stark could be dangerous, why don’t you let”   “No!” I cut him off quickly, “I can handle it Sam, i'm not passing this story off to you, besides don’t you have some Slumlord to shake down or something?” I added rolling my eyes, irritated he would suggest I just hand off an assignment like this.
“Look im just saying Layla, you already have a laundry list of Enemies and I would hate for” “And Im sure starks list is bigger Sam” I cut him off again, glaring daggers at the shaggy haired brunette.
“Alright alright” Dean cut in, finally speaking. “You get 14 Days, come up with something Substantial in 2 weeks or I pass this story off to Sam. And It should go without saying but let me remind you to be careful”
I nodded, happy I won this confrontation, another 25 minutes later assignments had been passed out and we left the meeting everyone going our separate ways, I rushed straight to my office ready to jump into this.   Moments after I sat behind my desk I heard a light tap, looking up dean was standing in my doorway arms crossed leaning against the frame.   “ I know you’re determined to turn this into a story, I just wanted to remind you to stay safe. Sometimes the story isn’t worth risking everything.” “As Henry Anatole Grunwald Said “Journalism can never be silent: That is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air.” You may think im crazy Dean, but I feel it there’s a story here and Im gonna prove it.” He must have seen the determination on my face because after a heavy sigh he conceded “Ok, let me know if you need anything. I’ll do whatever I can to help you find the story. And if you need backup don’t hesitate to take Sam, I know he annoys you but he’s nearly as good a journalist as you, just don’t tell him I said that.” He added. I chuckled at his confession and nodded, “Thanks, I’ll let you know if something comes up.” He gave my a quick nod and tapped the door frame a few times before backing out the room, I fired my computer back up and sighed.   I’ve got work to do. 
Tags:  @lancetuckershairgel  @stuck-y-together   @buckmesideways22         @eurynome827    @book-dragon-13    @marvelous-meggi  @spacemansam @cametobuyplums  @loricameback    @collinsstanharbour       @marvelgirl7 @jewelofwinter @jobean12-blog​ @sebastiansloserclub​
12 notes · View notes
theonyxpath · 4 years
Once more into Milwaukee, old friends. That is said with true anticipation, as I’m looking forward to the Mid Winter Convention and also all of all the wonderful people who go to it and run it – including almost all of our Onyx Path Monday Meeting crew.
I also look forward to it with a tidal wave of nostalgia, as Milwaukee, and the Hilton where Mid Winter is held, was also where White Wolf booked our Gen-Con rooms and our parties in the years after Vampire first came out. So there’s a lot of overlay of memories as I walk (stagger) through the hotel and downtown.
Now, as to what we’re doing there now?
First, we’ll be officially announcing four projects that are on our plate this year at our Onyx Path Q&A Social on Friday. From there we’ll also talk about them on the Onyx Pathcast live from Mid Winter, and on our social media. So even if you miss the Q&A, and it’s been sold out for quite some time, keep and eye and an ear out (and maybe an arm, YA lit readers) and you’ll hear about them.
And like I mentioned last week, if you have any questions you want us to answer at the Q&A, send them in via the Comments section of this blog.
Dark Eras 2 art by Luis Sanz
Thursday features panels and seminars for folks wanting to get into or do better in the TTRPG creation biz, and we have a bunch of our folks helping out there; from Eddy Webb’s Developer Bootcamp, to Matt McElroy and myself sitting in on the Kickstarter tips session in the morning. There are freelancer panels with a bunch of our, well, freelancers, like Crystal Mazur and Danielle Lauzon, that are also happening throughout the con.
In fact, on Saturday, there’s a V5 Chicago By Night panel with Matthew and a host of writers from the project that should help illuminate the darkness. Not of a vampire’s soul, but of why Mike Hollywood wrote about particular Chicago landmarks – that sort of thing.
We’ve also got folks demoing and playtesting, with a few secret playtests being run, throughout the convention.
VtR2e Spilled Blood art by Andrea Payne
Let’s back it up, and I’ll talk about Wednesday, which is our all-day Onyx Path Summit where the Monday Meeting crew will be reviewing 2019 and looking towards the next couple of years.
Some of that is just stuff we have to do like budgeting, but the vast majority will be more process and project focused brainstorming.
Some of that will be to review the notes from the team that I’ve posted these last 3 weeks. We’ll look mostly at what we can improve, but we’ll definitely add in the good stuff we did all last year. And there is a lot of that last year. After all, we all need to remember the highs as we take a hard look at what could be done better.
So if you want us discussing your ideas for what we can do to sharpen our saws or new avenues to look into- please drop us a note in the Comments here. We’ll add your thoughts to the mix in the appropriate discussion. We intend to come out of this year’s Summit with strong directions for how to improve what we do while still moving forward with new projects and possibilities.
Last year, for example, one of our directions was to increase our Actual Play presence – and so we made decisions through the year that brought on more venues for that. Such as boosting our Twitch channel to the point where there’s at least one stream running a day and often more.
So, we’ll see what this year’s Summit brings us!
Meanwhile, (Blood) Cults of the (Bloody) Blood Gods (of Blood) for V5 continues to wow us on Kickstarter, and with more than a week left, we’re still going strong! We’ve passed the Chicago By Night KS in terms of number of backers and the pledge amount (in fact we’re just a hair from being 400% funded as I write this). Check out the raft of Cults of the Blood Gods vids and interviews happening just this last week in the Media section below!
Yugman’s Guide art by Shen Fei
New Years Resolutions from Onyx Path:
Here are the resolutions of our usual Monday Meeting cast of characters as we look out into 2020. Note that these are before our Summit this Wednesday, so some of them might refocus after that. Maybe not!
I’m going to revamp how I track and plan my projects so that things are less likely to be late or rushed. I’m also going to be more realistic about my workload and not let myself get overwhelmed because I thought I could do more than I reasonably could. It’s going to be a good year for projects!
Mirthful Mike:
My big one for 2020 is to work on my control issues… namely contracting more of the layout duties rather than trying to tackle 95% of them myself. This not only means bringing in at least one or two more designers, but also working with the devs on updating some of the tagging stuff that I’ve been manually tweaking over the years. 
I’m resolving to make better use out of the tools we have available for project management and team communications. We have a lot of projects in development and tools to make managing them easier, so I should be more effective using them.
I resolve to manage my time better on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.
Now that the core Trinity Continuum is out, I’m looking forward to being able to deliver upcoming supplements and game lines a lot faster. We were able to hit the ground running over December with a good handful of releases, and I’d like to keep up a lot of that momentum.
I resolve to clear up the clutter in my work process so I have more time to focus on projects. Being busy is a great problem to have, but it is still a problem if there’s a dozen different things that all need your attention.
I resolve to play and run more games outside my normal horror comfort zone! I want to expand my knowledge of rules and settings in 2020. While I love being the Vampire guy at Onyx Path, it would be fantastic to confidently take on more fantasy and science fiction work, and for me, that requires running more D&D, Scion, and Trinity!
Last year, I was able to do much more creative work as James Bell’s efforts as our Kickstarter Concierge really kicked in and I could step back from KS planning and execution: and it was great! For 2020, I resolve to continue pushing forward with more and more creative efforts, from continuing with the ongoing reviews of our projects as our fantastic creative teams pitch and outline their ideas, to full read-throughs of finished PDFs, to expanding the unusual ideas that help define our projects and game worlds.
For example, I feel like I was able to add some fun to the TC: Aberrant KS with the lead-in webcomic, and with some of the character-based design elements for the book, and I think we can run with similar things for our other books. Maybe it’s time for us to come up with a new Deluxe book idea, to play around with some fun packaging that evokes the project specifically.
There’s a lot to look forward to with so many fantastic games to work on, and we’re all excited to be creating our:
Many Worlds, One Path!
V5 Cults of the Blood Gods has passed $119,000 and 2010 backers, and has trumpeted forward passing through Stretch Goal after Stretch Goal right into the new year!
Onyx Path Media!
This Friday’s Onyx Pathcast is a live broadcast from the MidWinter Convention in Milwaukee! Check it out direct on Podbean, or your favorite podcast venue! https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
We continue on the V5 Cults of the Blood Gods train this week, starting with an interview between 307 RPG Podcast and one of the book’s co-writers, Jacob Burgess: https://307rpg.com/?p=128
Podcast 67 – Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: the Masquerade) with writer Jacob Burgess
Strange Adventures provides coverage of the Hecata from V5 Cults of the Blood Gods right here: https://youtu.be/TcXwmrLlEPk
Noted Vampire YouTuber Outstar has made her own fantastic video covering V5 Cults of the Blood Gods right here, and it’s worth checking out: https://youtu.be/_oUk-doDepo
Red Moon Roleplaying continue their actual play of The Family, a V5 Cults of the Blood Gods story involving Matthew Dawkins, Klara Herbol, Bianca Savazzi, and Jason Carl, with episode three right here: https://youtu.be/TcH3RZO3Z7s
Our Twitch channel continues with its streams of superb content, including Aberrant, Scarred Lands, Changeling: The Lost, Changeling: The Dreaming, Mage: The Awakening, and Vampire: The Masquerade! Follow us on twitch.tv/theonyxpath to watch us live or catch up by subscribing!
Likewise, continue to tune in to us on YouTube for actual plays of Changeling: The Lost, Pugmire, Vampire: The Masquerade, and much much more!
Subscribe to us on youtube.com/user/theonyxpath
And the Gentleman Gamer, Matthew Dawkins, continues his Gentleman’s Guide to Scion over on his channel, youtube.com/user/clackclickbang
And here’s even more Occultists Anonymous actual plays of Mage: The Awakening for you!
Episode 70: What We Leave Behind The cabal get breakfast with Shanna in order to get some first-hand information about the Mysterium caucus in Mexico. After the sun sets, they have an appointment with a ghost imprisoned in a bench.https://youtu.be/pE4n8Pfgml4
Episode 71: A New Oracle The cabal checks in with Jimmy “Smalls” Patinko and arranges for a jailbreak for their friend out-of-time, Judd. The Leaf Theater Players take to the stage!https://youtu.be/ky8qO-OFP9g
The Story Told Podcast continue their Exalted actual play with episode 22 of the Fall of Jiara, their Dragon-Blooded story: http://thestorytold.libsyn.com/fall-of-jiara-22
Blood on the Tamesis has published a fun video on playing a Lasombra using the resources in the soon-to-be released V5 Chicago by Night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utI8P5C0AJk&feature=youtu.be
Devil’s Luck Gaming continue their fantastic and epic Scarred Lands Pirates of the Bloodwater campaign over on their Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/DevilsLuckGaming
And back over to Red Moon Roleplaying to close us off with the penultimate episode of The Sacrifice for V5 Chicago by Night, run by Klara Herbol and including Matthew Dawkins as a player: https://youtu.be/9N29X-PWhsQ
Drop Matthew a message via the contact button on matthewdawkins.com if you have actual plays, reviews, or game overviews you want us to profile on the blog!
Please check any of these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games!
Electronic Gaming!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is awesome! (Seriously, you need to roll 100 dice for Exalted? This app has you covered.)
On Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue from which you bought it. Reviews really, really help us get folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these latest fiction books:
Our Sales Partners!
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scarred Lands (Pathfinder) books are also on sale at Studio2, and they have the 5e version, supplements, and dice as well!: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/scarred-lands
Scion 2e books and other products are available now at Studio2: https://studio2publishing.com/blogs/new-releases/scion-second-edition-book-one-origin-now-available-at-your-local-retailer-or-online
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e at the same link! And NOW Scion Origin and Scion Hero are available to order!
Starting today, DTRPG and its affiliated Community Content sites begin the New Year, New Game sale! A huge number of our PDFs are on sale from all of our game worlds, as well as a Big Scion 2e Bundle with 4 PDFs being offered for $13! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/299474/NYNG-Scion-2E-BUNDLE
As always, you can find Onyx Path’s titles at DriveThruRPG.com!
On Sale This Week!
This Wednesday, we will be releasing the Advance PDF for Trinity Continuum: Aeon Ready Made Characters on DTRPG! We’ll also be releasing the C20 Novel, The Cup of Dreams, and the Tales of Good Dogs Pugmire fiction anthology in the Nook and Kindle stores!
Finally on Wednesday, we’ll be opening the Storypath Nexus Community Content site for Trinity Continuum projects with templates and art packs to get you started, and several projects already submitted to the site!
2020: Midwinter: January 9th – 12th, in Milwaukee, WI. Come see rare appearances by Onyx Path art director Mirthful Mike Chaney, Impish Ian Watson, and a rare US appearance by The Gentleman Gamer himself, Matthew Dawkins! Also, most of our Monday Meeting crew: Eddy Webb, Dixie Cochran, Matt McElroy, and RichT!
We’ll be holding panels, running games, making announcements of hitherto unannounced projects, recording the Onyx Pathcast, and holding down some seats in the Monarch Lounge!
Check out David Fuller’s Athens, Ohio Scion actual play tie-in adventure (soon to be coming to the Storypath Nexus community content site) that will be running at Midwinter. The event url is below: https://tabletop.events/conventions/midwinter-gaming-convention-2020/schedule/402
And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
N!ternational Wrestling Entertainment (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Contagion Chronicle Ready-Made Characters (Chronicles of Darkness)
Trinity Continuum: Adventure! core (Trinity Continuum: Adventure!)
Duke Rollo fiction (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
TC: Aberrant Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
RUST (Scarred Lands)
Under Alien Suns (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Many-Faced Strangers – Lunars Companion (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Second Draft
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
TC: Aberrant Reference Screen (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks (Chronicles of Darkness)
Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart (Chronicles of Darkness)
Manuscript Approval
Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum Core)
One Foot in the Grave Jumpstart (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e)
Player’s Guide to the Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Post-Approval Development
Scion LARP Rules (Scion)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
Titanomachy (Scion 2nd Edition)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Geist 2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #1 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Mythical Denizens (Creatures of the World Bestiary) (Scion 2nd Edition)
Pirates of Pugmire KS-Added Adventure (Realms of Pugmire)
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad (Scarred Lands)
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant core (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Terra Firma (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Lunars Novella (Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Buried Bones: Creating in the Realms of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
Post-Editing Development
TC: Aeon Ready-Made Characters (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
W20 Shattered Dreams Gift Cards (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
TC: Aeon Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Vigil Watch (Scarred Lands)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Wraith20 Fiction Anthology (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
Hunter: The Vigil 2e core (Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition)
Let the Streets Run Red (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
In Art Direction
Contagion Chronicle – Finals coming in.
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant
Hunter: The Vigil 2e
Ex3 Lunars – Art is in.
TCfBtS!: Heroic Land Dwellers – LeBlanc working on finals.
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed – Contracted. Already seeing sketches.
Cults of the Blood God (KS)
Mummy 2
City of the Towered Tombs
Let the Streets Run Red – Art notes and contracts finishing going out this week.
CtL Oak Ash and Thorn – Figuring out art notes.
Scion Mythical Denizens – Need sketches for fulls.
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad – Got some finals in.
Vigil Watch – Need one more artist.
Legendlore (KS)
Technocracy Reloaded (KS) – Got notes out to artists for halfs and splats.
Scion Companion – Working on art notes for that.
In Layout
Trinity Continuum Aeon: Distant Worlds
Pirates of Pugmire – With Aileen.
Dark Eras 2 – At WW for approval and they will be back after the New Year.
Trinity Continuum Aeon Jumpstart
They Came from Beneath the Sea!
VtR Spilled Blood – 2nd proof with dev.
Chicago Folio – Halfway through layout.
At Press
V5: Chicago – Shipping to the KS fulfillment shippers.
Geist 2e (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition) – Being printed.
Geist 2e Screen – Being printed.
DR:E – Being printed.
DRE Screen – Being printed.
DR:E Threat Guide – Helnau’s Guide to Wasteland Beasties
Trinity Continuum: Aeon RMCs – Advance PDF going on sale on Wednesday.
Memento Mori – Gathering errata.
M20 Book of the Fallen – PoD proof on the way.
Trinity Continuum Storypath Nexus Community Content – Goes live on Weds.
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
Late last week was my granddaughter’s one-year birthday! If she demolishes life as completely as she did her birthday cupcake – the kid’s gonna be alright.
3 notes · View notes
marshmallowgoop · 5 years
@kuribo4indahouse replied to your post “[[MOR] Getting my stuff reblogged by big blogs always kinda feels...”
Don't worry too much about tumblr. Tags are weird. People often just won't see things they would like. My tumblr isn't anything to write home about, but sometimes I'm sirprised nobody sees some things I post that I think are of interest. And then snothr blog posts the same thing and it gets tons of notes. I think tumblr's system gives preference depending on several factors. I have like 1200 followers, I guess that is quite a bit but not that much? So your stuff is probably being missed by many KlK fans on this very site, it's weird. :/ 
Don't worry about it. Your coverage of the KlK game is absolutely amazing btw, I think you'd work well as a game's journalist for example...or just media/film journalist.
I hope I made sense lol, I'm a little sleep deprived
You made perfect sense. Thank you for writing all this when you were so tired. I have too much to say to put well in a reply, so I hope it’s okay if I post this as a non-reply. Do let me know if not; I’ll take this down right away.
I agree that Tumblr is highly flawed. If content includes outside links or somehow seems “spammy” by the site, then that content won’t be searchable. You might be able to find the content by scrolling through the tags, but tags aren’t looked at as much as the search—in fact, it’s actually impossible to go through Tumblr tags using the mobile app—and if content isn’t searchable, it will never be recommended to other users, either. 
Because I’m careful to cite my sources (and write a lot, I guess?), the majority of my work isn’t searchable. That means that the only way folks will find anything I do is if they happen to go through tags, follow me or check out my page, or if a big blog reblogs my work. And that’s the thing: Tumblr—and social media in general—is so much about being noticed by the right people.
And if you go to your Tumblr settings, click “Labs,” and opt to enable the “Reblog Graphs,” you can really see this phenomenon in action. 
Tumblr media Tumblr media
All you have to do is hit the little bubble icon at the bottom of posts on your dashboard or blog:
Tumblr media
For example, check out the Reblog Graph of a recent post of mine that did fairly well:
Tumblr media
The orange dot here is my root post, and each of the blue dots represents one reblog. Because I’m a small content creator (and this post isn’t searchable), only four blogs reblogged the post straight from me, whereas 13 blogs reblogged the post from a bigger blog. If that bigger blog hadn’t reblogged my work, it’s likely that none of those 13 blogs would have reblogged my work, either. They probably wouldn’t have even seen it.
Of course, this is just how society works. Joe Nobody’s not gonna make much of a name for himself until he’s noticed by someone powerful and influential who can help make him big. But social media sites like Tumblr hurt so bad because it’s just so clear to see how much you don’t matter unless someone huge thinks you do.
I mean, I fall into this thinking, too! So often I’ll see a post that I think is really good, but it’ll have very few notes, and popular blogs won’t have picked it up at all. I’ll wonder to myself, “Is this creator someone that I shouldn’t be supporting? Is this a repost of someone else’s work that people are ignoring as they should?” 
And... that’s sad! It’s sad that I think this. It’s sad that I’ll have blogs “like” my posts and only reblog them when someone big and popular does—and sad that I catch myself doing this, too. It’s sad that your worth is so decided by a few powerful people at the top.
On a personal level, I’ve had so many doubts and insecurities about my work because I’ll see essays that make similar arguments to my own but garner so much more praise. I’ll see YouTubers make videos on topics I’ve literally written a book’s worth of meta about cite “recommended reading” and never include anything by me. They say that “comparison is the thief of joy,” but comparison is also a way to help push yourself to be better. What are others doing that I’m not that gets them noticed?
Maybe Tumblr isn’t the best place for my kind of content. Maybe I need to start making video essays. Maybe I format my posts badly. Maybe folks have a personal problem with me. 
My frustration is that I’m unsure of my own quality. I know I have a lot to learn and improve on, but I believe in what I do. I cite my sources, I proofread, I strive for accuracy and make sure that I can back up all of my arguments and claims. I’ll spend hours writing and rewriting until I get a post the way I want it, I’ll scrub through tons of video footage to confirm that I’m spelling that word right, I’ll take numerous photos to be sure that the one I’m putting on my post is the best it can possibly be. 
I think about presentation and readability and keep my paragraphs from going on too long. I include pictures and gifs to break up the word blocks, and I think about the placement of these images and the relevancy of them. I think about making my language engaging and exciting, even when talking about more academic concepts, and I’ve worked a lot on improving my grammar and making myself as easy to understand and as accessible as I can. I’ll watch an entire movie or read peer-reviewed journals or papers to make my responses to asks extensive and interesting and nuanced.
Everything I write that’s longer than a few sentences generally takes, at the absolute minimum, two hours of my time (including this!) I’m sure some of my more ambitious posts have pushed 30 hours, if not more.
And some of those ambitious posts? They get maybe 20 notes and not a single comment.
So, I wonder. Am I making content that people don’t like because it’s bad and I need to get better, or am I just doing all the wrong things to get noticed? Or do people—especially the big, influential people—simply hate me?
This is why social media contributes to such poor mental health, and I know I’m far from alone. There are people who work so much harder than me who get so much less for their efforts. There are so many passionate, dedicated, kind people who don’t receive the attention they deserve—such as yourself, kuribo4indahouse!
Thank you for your sweet words. I know I shouldn’t be a game journalist because I’m not really a gamer and that’s not my expertise, but to be taken more seriously and become more recognized as a media journalist or commentator would be a dream come true. 
I don’t know if I have what it takes, but nobody can know. All I can do is keep improving and trying, and even if I don’t “make it,” I love what I do, and I’m very thankful to those who support me.
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startofamoment · 5 years
to all the WIPs i’ve loved before
rules: post your favorite parts of 3-5 fics that have been sitting abandoned in your drafts for ages. (for extra shame, throw in when you last worked on each thing.) tag 5 other writers to reflect on their life choices. 
a pen pals au of sorts in which jake and amy share a desk and communicate via post-it notes (last edited: december 2017)
Amy is going to murder her deskmate.
The literal trash heap that greeted her last Monday was one thing, the sticky orange soda stain from last month was another thing, but this – this blatant disregard of property and boundaries and the sanctity of office supplies – is the Last Straw.
Spread out across her entire desk is a good fourth of the Post-it notes from the brand new assorted set she got from her brother Tony. They’re all arranged to look like various Star Wars icons, and a few of them are filled in with marker for apparent color correction. It’s horrifying.
Grumbling, she begins taking apart Post-It Yoda, keeping the salvageable pieces in a stack and throwing out the rest. When she’s cleared her entire table, she grabs her favorite pen and a fresh sheet then writes:
Hi, Please refrain from wasting my Post-its in the future. Thank you. - Det. Amy Santiago
She stares at it for a moment and decides, since this is probably the only passive aggressive note she’s going to write her deskmate, she might as well add:
PS: I would appreciate it if you would leave our desk clean at the end of your weekend shifts.
After checking it over once more, she places it in the center of her desk, ready to be read the following Saturday.
a dianetti cake shop au in which rosa owns and runs a store called arlo’s (last edited: june 2017)
Gina takes a moment to look over some of the cakes on display before clearing her throat and leaning over the counter. “’Scuse me, can you help me get a custom cake order started?”
“Sure.” The baker wipes her hands on a dish towel before grabbing a small notebook and pen from one of her pockets. “What’s the occasion?”
“Some old geezer’s leaving our precinct to enjoy retired life, or something like that.”
“Retirement party? Cool. Tell me about this guy.”
“Oh, sweetie, I don’t know or care about him. I’m just here cause my boss told me to order a cake.”
A smirk forms on the baker’s lips. “Ha. Do you wanna just do a standard cake order then? I usually do the custom cakes for more personalized, special events.”
“That’s probably smart. Which one of your standard cakes say: ‘Congrats on being old and rich enough to never work another day in your life, but sorry you’re almost dead’?”
She snickers. “I don’t know about that first part, but how ‘bout an angel food cake as a ‘hope you go to heaven when you die’ sort of thing?”
Gina grins and fishes through her purse for her wallet. “Oh, you should know my expectations on this cake are out of this world high. I’m only here because Yelp told me you’re the Beyonce of baking.” (Actually, she’s here because at least three reviews claimed the baker-slash-owner was “terrifying” and “gorgeous.” – They were right, on both accounts.)
a sequel to i could listen to you all day // the “after ever after” story in which jake and amy navigate their first year together as soulmates (last edited: march 2017)
Jake’s phone buzzed on his desk, breaking him out of his happy daydream. He picked it up and opened a new message from Gina.
“god, quit making heart eyes at the new girl!! your conscience would be v disappointed, kiddo.”
Gina, who had been watching him like a hawk from her desk, expected him to get all flustered and to text or yell back something overly defensive. She raised a single eyebrow when his face instead broke into a goofy grin and he straight up giggled.
Across from him, Amy looked up from her case files. “What’s so funny?”
He shook his head and mumbled something about memes and the internet.
She rolled her eyes, but the corners of her lips curled up into a smile. After he redirected his attention to his computer screen, her expression morphed into the same openly adoring look he had on his face the entire morning.
And then it all clicked.
If Gina had stopped to think about it, she would have recognized the new disappointment she felt in both herself (for taking this long to put two and two together) and her childhood best friend (for not keeping her in the loop). As she had not stopped to process anything, she instead yelled across the bullpen: “OH MY GOD. JAKE AND AMY ARE SOULMATES!”
All work stopped, and everyone fell silent. For a good minute, all that could be heard was the faint snoring from Captain McGintley’s office.
“Gina,” Rosa half-snarled, half-whispered. “You can’t just say that.”
“Oops, my b. Y’all know I have no conscience now so…” She giggled, winked at the leather-clad detective, and went back to her game of Kwazy Cupcakes.
Jake let out an awkward laugh. “Well, uh, that was -”
Out of nowhere, Charles appeared right in front of their desks. “Is it true, Jakey? Was Amy the voice in your head all this time?”
“I -” He glanced at Amy for help.
She bit her lip and shrugged.
This wasn’t at all how he envisioned making the announcement, but there was no use denying it. Still looking straight at her, his face softened into a smile. “Yeah… We’re soulmates.”
Charles squealed loudly. “You said the S word! Does that mean it’s official?” He gasped. “Have you said ‘I love you’? Have you met each other’s parents? When’s the wedding? What are you naming your first child?”
pretty much a crack fic inspired by the media’s post-olympics obsession with tessa and scott // my spin on a vm au bc i still refuse to write jake and amy as ice dancers (last edited: may 2018)
Like many of the other bizarre situations he’s found himself in, this all started with Gina. Over the last year or so, she’d been posting random photos and videos of all of them at the precinct. (“I’m devoting my energy to my new project, Ginazon,” she’d declared to the entire bullpen. “It’s a one-stop online portal for my legions of followers. I’m just giving the people what they want!”) Given that this was Gina of all people, Jake wasn’t at all surprised to find out that each post garnered hundreds of likes, but he’d never bothered to venture into the comments section. He’d never known about the apparent niche following that had formed, the group of fans – for lack of a better word – waiting with bated breath for him and Amy to get together.
Charles had only spurred them on, what with all the various Easter eggs on his culinary blog. (“This place has everything,” he’d written once. “My co-workers Jake and Amy even gave it their stamp of approval after they’d shared a quick lunch there before a long stakeout. Make sure to ask for the winter salsa; it’s wonderful!”) He’d sworn that none of it was intentional and that he would never do anything to sell them out, but everything he’d written had still been catalogued and analyzed by the pseudo-experts of the fandom. At this point, Jake’s main regret is not reading Charles’ weekly email blasts.
Their downfall – or rise to viral glory – came when someone from the so-called G-Hive happened to be in just the right place at just the right time, catching their (second) completely-platonic, spur-of-the-moment, done-in-the-name-of-justice kiss on camera. By the next morning, “Undercover Cops Lock Lips Before Locking Up Wanted Criminal” had been viewed on YouTube over a million times.
With everything about the entire situation already being so weird, they’d decided to just ignore their newfound fame in the same way they’d pretended the kisses never happened. (“We’re a great team. We work great together. Nothing should mess that up,” he’d said, repeating nearly his exact words from the night before.)
Evidently, there was no escaping this though. A formal press conference was set up, which wasn’t too out of the ordinary for cases that caught the general public’s attention, except they’d ended up having to say more about their dating lives than the investigation or arrest. He can still feel his heart lurching in his chest at the first relationship-related question, still hear Amy loudly stammering out some vague answer about being “very professional.”
a smutty soulmate au in which jake and amy unknowingly share dreams every now and then (last edited: november 2017)
At this moment in time, Amy Santiago is undeniably, incomparably, drop dead gorgeous.
More specifically: she’s in the hot red dress Kylie convinced her to buy on their last post-trivia night celebratory shopping spree; she’s wearing a matching killer shade of lipstick picked out by her fashion-forward, shockingly sexual 13-year-old niece; and she’s got her hair swept into that one elegant yet fun side ponytail that caught her eye in a magazine a few weeks back.
Normally, she’d be proud of herself for managing to pull off such a look, except–
It’s been a good several hours since she tossed her dress into the hamper, wiped the makeup off her face, and tugged the elastic tie from her hair. She’d buried her head into her pillow and wheeze-cried herself to sleep shortly after changing into her pajamas, so overwhelmed with shame and disappointment over the night’s party-gone-wrong.
The thick haze shrouding her current surroundings tells her she’s in another one of her soulmate’s dreams, which helps a tiny bit in explaining her current appearance but really opens up more questions than answers.
tagging: @santiagoswagger​ @three-drink-amy​ @do-me-decimalsystem​ @arnie-santiago​ @sergeant-santiago
for the record, this was inspired by @disruptedvice​ and @elsaclack​’s responses [x,x] to the writing meme!! i thought it was super clever of them to feature little snippets from various works and felt this would be a good way to give unfinished/abandoned fics some love! 
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vampireloreskill · 5 years
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Get To Know Me 
tagged by @fourfinefreshfishforyou a billion years ago, thank you so much!! i actually Did have fun filling this out even if it took me forever 
 anyone who still wants to do this can say i tagged them!
1. WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? Who wrote this? A fed??
3. BIRTHDAY? This year
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? Would you believe me if I said Warriors
5. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ALIENS OR GHOSTS? Ghosts no, aliens sort of... I’m not sure I buy into whole other civilizations but I find it hard to believe that there isn’t some kind of life outside of our planet even if it’s just bacteria 
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? Rick Riordan is pretty cool
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG?  Your Type - Carly Rae Jepson
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? I’m a big fan of defenestration
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO?  Your Type - Carly Rae Jepson
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? I don’t like to blanket recommend shows because everyone has such different tastes
14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE TO WATCH WHEN YOU’RE FEELING DOWN? Tbh I just mope around until I either feel better or give up and go to sleep
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? This is an Assassin’s Creed and Sims zone ONLY
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? Strangers on the internet knowing my second biggest fear
17. WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? Objectively it’s probably my ability to see things from other people’s perspective but TBH I much prefer my sense of humor and ability to laugh at my own jokes whether or not anyone else finds them funny 
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? My inability to self moderate
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? I want to say neither,, but I may be leaning towards dogs in recent years :/
20. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? Winter, but lately Autumn has been sneaking up on it
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? Being small... I loved hiding in tiny spaces and being picked up
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? *cowboy voice* Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time...
24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? Dark brown
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? At this point it’s basically black but I still like to say dark brown
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? God, my family, probably a lot of people idk I catch feelings easily
27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? Literally no one but God 
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? A lot of seemingly random celebrities, if you count constantly reciting names in specific patterns as thinking 
32. WHO OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER CAN YOU TELL ANYTHING TO, IF ANYONE? I’m not sure what the opposite of shrug emoji is but the answer is still no one
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? I’m not, but someone needs to tell me that
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? I’m not sure I have any phobias? Irrational fears, Sure
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? I REALLY want to get into dollhousing
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? I know I said Les Misérables in a previous tag meme but I now remember that I actually read the first book in C.S. Lewis’s space trilogy a while back more recently
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Spider-man: Into The Spiderverse which was........ AMAZING 
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? When I was younger I had a lap harp but that’s about it
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? I’m not a fan of naming names in this context sorry!
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? A lot, but I’ve concluded that for any powers gained I would inevitably just end up becoming a super villain and/or batman so hard pass
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? When I first wake up, and just lie there trying to hold on to what I was just dreaming about
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? It’s basically physically impossible for me not to grin like a fool watching Wander Over Yonder
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? Does Wii Bowling count
47. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A HAND-WRITTEN LETTER OR NOTE TO SOMEBODY? I don’t know? Probably when I wanted to wake up at a certain time
48. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? Sometimes? Depends on how possible it is that I could fall
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? Dry skin currently 
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? I was going to say no but I have the distinct feeling that I have even though I didn’t remember absolutely anything about it except maybe the auditorium?
54. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU WORRY ABOUT? Not growing as a person
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? Not really, but I do like the ability to turn on lights if I need to
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? My vocal cords were made for Christmas carols and little else. But yeah, sometimes.
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? I’m not... sure?
58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? I’ll let you know when I’ve found it
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? Where I already do
63. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE? I feel like I could make an educated guess in an emergency
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? I feel like it’s probably pop or disco tbh
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? Jesus 
68. DO YOU READ COMIC BOOKS? Here and there, the only series I’ve actually read all the way through is Cable & Deadpool (2004) but I want to get into Venom
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? Not to be cliche but injustice of any kind
70. DO YOU PREFER TO READ ON AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE OR WITH A REAL BOOK? Real book, I like turning pages and the way the cover fits into my hands. Can’t say I’m a fan of the smell though.
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5′2 or so
75. CAN YOU COOK? If it involves anything other than a microwave or a toaster then,,, no
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? Vampires, villains in love, wood paneling 
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? Intrusive thoughts, Marius Pontmercy, mint flavored toothpaste
79. WHAT IS YOUR SEXUAL ORIENTATION? Bisexual but like it’s Complicated. Also this is the first time I’ve ever actually said that directly so ✌️🎉
80. WHERE DO YOU CURRENTLY LIVE? A fed wrote this
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Earlier this month
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? I don’t really follow any, but I used to be obsessed with the videos of this one guy who acted out crossovers of DC/Marvel characters with action figures and had a really great voice
84. DO YOU LIKE TO TAKE SELFIES? I do! I just never do anything with them once I’ve taken them lol
85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP? I don’t have one right now, but I adore choose your own adventure ones
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? Pretty good with my adoptive parents. I want to be closer with my birth mom but I don’t... really know how to go about that without being a disappointment. Never met my birth dad which has been eating at me somewhat lately.
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? Do you take me for a clown
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? Yes, I’m a nondenominational christian 
92. DO YOU FIND OUTER SPACE OF THE DEEP OCEAN TO BE MORE INTERESTING? The ocean, it’s teeming with life and I find it bafflingly fascinating how there’s still so much we don’t know about it
94. ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING? Almost every single time we go shopping in Sam’s Club I get inexplicably feverish and nauseous and feel like I’ve thrown out my back until we get to the check out. That and I may have a dairy allergy? But honestly my stomach is acting out every other day so who knows really.  
98. DO YOU PREFER THE FOREST OR THE BEACH? Aesthetically, the beach, but forests are less sandy
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR?  mmMM I don’t really lie, like, seriously about stuff that I can recall? I’ll jokingly say stuff that blatantly isn’t true and even then I sometimes feel guilty and confess seconds later. Unless you count lying by omission? Or saying stuff like “I’m fine” LMAO. The World May Never Know
101. WHAT IS YOUR HOGWARTS HOUSE? We Don’t Discuss Harry Potter On This Blog, but ravenclaw all the way and any test that tries to sort me into hufflepuff isn’t Valid 
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? Generally just when I’m alone
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? I’ve tried, but I just don’t have the attention span for it asdfgh. Sometimes I write down my dreams though.
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Convince someone else to pick it up and check for ID
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? That’s a personal question
111. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU WISH WAS REAL? Count Dracula from Monster Family (2017) ok so,,, i know he tried to freeze the entire world because a married woman rejected him but LISTEN
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? Mm, not karma per say, but I do generally think that what goes around often comes around in way or another
117. WHO IS THE SMARTEST PERSON YOU KNOW? Idk! there a lot different types of smart people
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? Nice try, but someone might actually read this
119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER? I’m basically nocturnal so... yeah
120. WHAT COLOR ARE MOST OF YOUR CLOTHES? Various jewel tones
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? Not that I know of
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 21
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? I can’t really think of one right now
125. DO YOU PREFER SWEET OR SAVORY FOODS? Whichever I’m in the mood for!
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timouke · 6 years
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I mean I tried xD and I miserably failed
Get to know me tag!
I was tagged by the wonderful and amazing @racingllama! Thanks a lot! This was a lot of fun!
RULES : Post a pic of your simself with your traits and answer the questions!
I think my traits would be: clumsy, dog lover, and geek!
I now tag @sweezlee, @coliemoon4sims4 @chimaerae @nadi-nadi @artemisa02 @newerquality @electricsoftie @caramellet @petitesimss @redyuyu @sailing-simmer @markslatina @blurri-sim-kid @ilovesaramoonkids and anyone who wants to do it!
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? Heidi, Pimpo, Bro, Loyis:)
3. BIRTHDAY? February 21!
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BOOK SERIES? aNY. I love books. I love romance, action, comedy. Anything.
5. DO YOU BELIEVE IN ALIENS OR GHOSTS? None, but I do believe in alien ghosts.
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? I’m gonna get killed for this but... Veronica Roth?
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? Ehrm... that’s a hard one. Paper Crowns by Alec Benjamin
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? Paper Crowns by Alec Benjamin xD I’m I too predictable?
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? Yep! I play Zelda and hORROR RPG’s
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? (incoming cliche answer) being forgotten.
17. WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? I can sense when people don’t have good intentions, that’s why I have almost no friends.
20. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? Winter because of Christmas and my Birthday!
21. ARE YOU IN A RELATIONSHIP? I am told to say no.
22. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU MISS FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD? I could be days without showering without feeling guilty!
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? Loyis, but she’s in Germany right now. And I’m not, which is sad.
24. WHAT IS YOUR EYE COLOR? Brownish black? Blackish brown?
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? I grabbed one hair and it was black, and I grabbed another one and it was brown, now my life is in shambles..
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? AHHHH *throws myself to the ground* (loyis)
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? Yep! Answering these questions!
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? Sims, anime, my dogs. That’s my laifu.
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? I loved the shows everyone now considers bad, like Johnny Test or Kick Buttowski, but Dragon Ball Z was my childhood.
32. WHO OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER CAN YOU TELL ANYTHING TO, IF ANYONE? I’m not allowed to answer this question or I’ll cry
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? Only if my grandma is present. She makes everyone superstitious, she is a witch, in the good sense.
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? I’m afraid of flushing the toilet. Don’t ask! Yes, I do flush the toilet.
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? Anything in front of a computer.
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? The Psychoanalist by I don’t remember who, but his style is a little too slow and descriptive!
38. WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. Now I’m in love with Newt. He’s mine now.
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? None, but my brother is a musical prodigy so that’s something.
41. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP 5 FAVORITE TUMBLR BLOGS THAT YOU FOLLOW? Everyone! Every single person in the sims community is super talented!
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? I request mind reading.
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? When I sleep, when I’m not thinking.
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? My doggos, specially all of them.
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? Ice skating but it hurts a ton
48. ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? No, I am heights.
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? Stupid people (me)
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? Yep, it’s kinda like a tradition in my family to go to one every year!
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? Whatever world Bleach is set in. I wanna marry Ichigo Kurosaki.
54. WHAT IS SOMETHING YOU WORRY ABOUT? Yep, everything everything everything
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? Nope, I am darkness
56. DO YOU LIKE TO SING? Sure, but I can’t, I sing like a sick cat.
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? What’s that “school” you speak of?
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? In Japan! Anywhere in Japan! Just in Japan!
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? Yep! I have three fake huskies
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? Both. I never sleep. What’s sleep?
62. DO YOU LIKE SUNRISES OR SUNSETS BETTER? Sunsets, I prefer nighttime!
63. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DRIVE? Nope, I honestly should learn.
64. DO YOU PREFER EARBUDS OR HEADPHONES? Earbuds, they’re cute and tiny.
65. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? Yep, I’m in fact wearing  them right now! How did you know?
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? Early 2000′s scene music.
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? My dad
68. DO YOU READ COMIC BOOKS? Yep. All the time. I am a comic book
70. DO YOU PREFER TO READ ON AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE OR WITH A REAL BOOK? A real book! I like to hold them and the smell!
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? I have between 1 and 3 brothers
73. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? A snack! It was yummy
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 1.55 inches.
75. CAN YOU COOK? Nope, who needs food anyways?
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? My dogs, my life and myself!
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? My dogs, my life and myself!:)
78. DO YOU HAVE MORE FEMALE FRIENDS OR MORE MALE FRIENDS? I don’t know, I haven’t counted them!
80. WHERE DO YOU CURRENTLY LIVE? Juarez, Chihuahua. You’ll never find it.
81. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TEXTED? The love of my life!
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Right now. I’m crying right now.
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? Joanna Cedia. I stan.
88. WHAT IS A PLACE THAT YOU’VE NEVER BEEN TO, BUT YOU WANT TO VISIT? Germany, i’d like to see my grandpa’s home country!
89. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE NUMBER? 42. It’s the answer to everything.
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? Yep. No. Im juggling right now.
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? I guess not.
93. DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF TO BE A DAREDEVIL? No, I’m too wholesome for that.
96. CAN YOU WIGGLE YOUR EARS? No, but I know someone who can!
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? Nope. I can’t do that.
101. WHAT IS YOUR HOGWARTS HOUSE? Hufflepuff. We rock.
102. DO YOU TALK TO YOURSELF? No! Stop exposing me!
103. ARE YOU AN INTROVERT OR AN EXTROVERT? I’m definitely an introvert!
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? I have tried! But I’ve never been able to complete one.
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? I don’t know. I know I wouldn’t keep it!
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? Yes. A lot. Don’t touch me.
111. WHAT FICTIONAL CHARACTER DO YOU WISH WAS REAL? Ichigo Kurosaki! Let me marry him!
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? Nope! But I’m planning on getting some!
113. WHAT IS THE BEST DECISION THAT YOU’VE MADE IN YOUR LIFE SO FAR? I don’t know, my life isn’t over yet.
115. DO YOU WEAR GLASSES OR CONTACTS? Glasses but you’ll never catch me wearing them!
119. HAVE YOU EVER PULLED AN ALL-NIGHTER? I never sleep. I always pull all-nighters.
121. DO YOU LIKE ADVENTURES? YEP! Let’s go on one right now!
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? I guess, even accidentally. Maybe everyone has been on TV.
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 18
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? “What if it doesn’t work out? Ah, but what if it does?”
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