#i wonder what happened to Charlotte? or maybe i forgot??
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Awwwwww 😭 I'm happy Blaine got to have a second chance at a family! This is wholesome!
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lachicavoltron333 · 4 months
Sometimes i do wonder, back in the last episode of the 2nd season when Portia is speaking to Jack, she tells him that she is a mother and then talks about her daughters telling him that they are hers, but my question is, was she talking about Philippa and Prudence, or was she talking about all 3??? Cause she mentions "three young ladies."
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But everytime i see her she is always fussing about Philippa and Prudence, but with Penelope she is always scolding her and often diminish her achievements.
Even saying that she is happy that one day she will take care of her (wich pen is obviously against and even dreading)
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And then in season 3 ep 2 she is telling her "do you earnestly believed you might find a husband in your 3rd year out?" Wich in general is just cruel to say that to your daughter who is being laughed at by the Ton.
1. I think she was suposed to be presented around the same time as Eloise, wich would be her 2nd year, she wouldn't really be a spinster (pen was probably against it, but once again had no say in it ).
2. She never tries to teach her anything about the marrige mart or even try to help her find a husband, unlike the other 2 who already have husbands (although for Philippa it was easy, for Prudence idk what happened other than the fact that they are already married)
3. She always let's Philippa and Prudence make fun of her and mock her weight, and instead of telling both to stop it, she continues to let them do it.
4. Calling pen a spinster even though she shouldn't be one and shouldn't say that about her.
Honestly watching scenes like this makes me believe more on that one theory i saw (i forgot where i saw it☠️) that said the reason why Portia treats her like this is because of the fact that pen is a constant reminder of what she used to be when she was younger (another thing that i would have liked to see in queen Charlotte Is a young Portia before she was a featherington , kind of like Violet for example)
And then comes debling, and all of a sudden she says that she has done very well, and is very proud of her, and poor pen feels like she finally did something right.
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And then debling steps away and chooses not to propose, and once again we see Portia say "what did you do?" Instead of asking her if she is all right. And then pen calls her out on it and she is stunned, she probably never had heard Penelope speak like that, ever.
Don't get me wrong, i love Portia, i think she is funny as hell and a great character, but why do you encourage your first two daughters but don't even try on the third one???
Idk maybe I'm just thinking too much about it (apologies for my grammar error, english Is not my language)
One thing for sure, i cannot wait for that confrontation between Colin and Portia.(I just saw a leak on twitter about it and I'm really excited)
Anyway thanks for hearing my rant.
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sl-vega · 6 months
meet the crew!-introducing: the fans
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beidou-owner of the CRUX music store/live house, and your second mom. She opened up the shop when you were seven, and since then, the two of you have been inseparable. She's C✧LESTIA's biggest supporter and the CRUX is your go-to venue for gigs. Despite the live house being small, it's gained a small following of loyal fans and customers. With it's charm and feel-good vibes, Beidou is proud to say that's she's the captain.
jean-owner of the Favonius live house and an agent for the WINDBLUME talent agency. 5WIRL usually practices and preforms at Favonius, and Jean has already made some offers to some of the members (mainly Venti and Scaramouche.)
nahida-scara's neighbour and honourary older sister. She may be young, but she's incredibly intelligent. Everyone in 5WIRL adores her and she's their #1 fan, (Aether says that she could easily be their manager if something bad happened to him). Nahida is one of the few people that Scaramouche has let close to his heart (yes he actually has one, shocker)
charlotte-a fellow classmate of yours, and editor of the school's newspaper. Charlotte's a journalist and a photographer, and she hopes to go pro one day. She's already scored an internship with the Steambird, a well-known newspaper, and she's already got some job offers as a photographer for semi-famous fashion companies. When she's not trying to make a name for herself in the world of journalism, she's taking photos of C✧LESTIA and 5WIRL.
yae miko-a famous model and a family friend of Scara's. Miko models for his mother's cosmetics company, which Scaramouche hates because he already has to see her enough at home, now her face is plastered over every ad he sees.
raiden ei-scaramouche's mother (though he prefers the term "legal gaurdian") and the CEO of Raiden Cosmetics, a successful make-up and fashion company. Her twin sister, Makoto, was once that CEO, but due to her unfortunate passing, Ei had to take over.
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additional notes:
-i don't wanna say anything else cuz i might spoil some things
-but i'll give you a little hint of what's to come:
-mommy issues
-yeah that should be self-explanatory
-i kid you not i forgot what a live house was while i was typing this
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Pairing: [BASSIST!] Scaramouche x [GUITARIST!] Reader
Genre: rivals/enemies to lovers, rivals to friends to lovers, fluff, crack (?), comedy, angst (?), slowburn, high school au, band au, modern au, social media au, smau
Synopsis: You're the lead guitarist for your band, C✧LESTIA and Scaramouche is the bassist of 5WIRL. The two of your bands have a friendly rivalry, but you and Scaramouche don't. On top of being academic rivals, you and him have never been on good terms. Always one-upping each other in grades and in music. Even your bandmates have grown tired of your constant bickering with each other. But when your usual practice hub gets flooded, you and the rest of C✧LESTIA are forced to find a new place to rehearse. So when 5WIRL offers to share their studio with you who are you to refuse? Of course, this forces you to spend time with your sworn rival whether you like it or not. But maybe the two of you can overcome your differences and actually be friends?
Or maybe even more?
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(OPEN) TAGLIST: @featuredtofu, @levianamor, @danfelions, @thatoneswordgirl, @lolmeowing, @bananasquash, @xiaosantenna, @glxssmemories, @kaitfae, @mujiwuji, @peaceindreams, @freyao7, @rinquinq, @justpeachyteastea, @ladyninggs, @b2ne, @skyoverkill1, @scaradooche, @morallyrainyday, @adres-tia, @justadvena6, @agaygothicmushroom, @huanator, @seaofdata, @kyon-cherri, @aether-darling, @ukinya, @sketcheeee, @ibawa, @shutingstar, @eutopiastar, @kunimix, @wonderful-worlds, @ectomotive, @yourfavoritefreakyhan, @b4tm4nn, @h3xi2g0n3
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ladybellissima · 11 months
Finding Love Katakuri x Reader Part 25
The first thing (Y/N) noticed was the unbelievable warmth around her body. Slowly her eyes opened and she found herself in Katakuri's strong embrace. Looking up to his peaceful, sleeping face, she smiled slightly. The first raise of the morning sun shone through the window. The warmth tickled on her skin and let her face snuggle deeper into his strong bare chest. Sighing in delight (Y/N) felt her husband moving. Compared to her, he wasn't a morning person and moaned frustrated of the sudden light. Smiling her gaze wandered up to his tired expression which lighted up after seeing her.
"Good morning…", her sweet voice reached his ears and let him smile. It wasn't a dream. Their shared night together really happened. He always thought how amazing it would be to wake up next to her. That the first thing he was able to see was his beloved wife. He had to admit that reality was much sweeter.
"We have to get up Katakuri…", she spoke with a hint of sadness.
"Sadly yeah…", he whispered and brushed her rosy cheeks lovingly. He didn't want to let her go. He wanted to have her by his side every single night. How cruel to taste heaven and the next moment it was taken away from him.
Turning (Y/N) got up from his embrace and crawled out of the bed. The blanket loosened around her and with it her carefree attitude. Realization hit her after feeling a cold shiver ran down her naked back.
"I totally forgot!", she hushed and quickly grabbed the blanket to hide her body. Red as a tomato she was met with a smirking General Charlotte who was laying on his side and enjoying the view.
"Shy? After what we did?", he spoke amused and his smile grew even wider after she become a stuttering mess.
"Maybe I should take you again to remind you.", he spoke in a seductive way. God was he making her nervous right now and embarrassed. Most of all embarrassed.
"Pervert…", (Y/N) replied and quickly ran into the bathroom to get ready. Sighing in delight Katakuri got up as well and stretched his arms. It was a wonderful morning. A perfect day with, what it seemed, also with a beautiful weather. Nevertheless he felt strained.
"Let's start this awful day…"
If (Y/N) would have known what was about to come, she sure would have take much more time to come to whole cake. And mostly would have stayed as long as possible in Katakuri's arms. Standing before his mother who had an evil grin plastered on her face, Katakuri looked down to his beautiful wife and struggled to say goodbye. Not because they weren't alone. At this moment he really didn't care about that, even if it meant to come out of his comfort zone. Not only that. It was also the realization of not knowing how long he wouldn't be able to see her.
"Katakuri I can't wait to finally have this treasure in my hands. You will leave immediately. Do whatever is needed to get it.", his mother's voice broke the silence and let him look up. That his mother already got a duty for him wasn't surprising, but that it would be such a dangerous one, even for his standards, let him get quite uncomfortable. On top of that he had to leave for god knows how long.
" Mama this Island is far away. Wouldn't it be better if someone supports him out there? It's brother Katakuri yeah, but all alone?", Smoothie stepped next to them with a worried expression on her face. On the other hand, Big mom just let out a laugh. Katakuri gave his sister a dangerous glare, which let her shiver of fear. Never would he take one of his siblings with him to such a suicide mission.
" He will do as I say and he will bring me this hidden treasure like it's described on this map here. I found it in one of the few treasure chests, which I got at Pudding's wedding. How sweeeeeet and exciting. Katakuri has to prove his loyalty and strength. I lost some of my presents, because of this damn Gummy boy. So I need this….. I want this treasure!! ", she shouted angered and let her daughter step back scared.
" Smoothie, You should prepare yourself for your own duty. You will go to Wano. The straw hats will soon get there….", Big mom added pissed of thinking about Luffy.
" I will go Mama. Don't worry.", Katakuri cut in to calm his mother's mood, which gladly lighted up immediately. Her look wandered to (Y/N) who felt devasted after hearing about Katakuri's soon to be journey. She knew that they get separated, but this was beyond her imagination.
"And you cupcake. My top chefs are already waiting outside. Go to the kitchen and surprise me with one of your doughnuts.", she sang happily and hushed her out of the room. Quickly (Y/N) took Katakuri's hand who pulled her closer and lead her out and away from his mother.
"I will guide her. You can leave."
Giving the top chefs an angered look, they quickly grabbed (Y/N) 's bags and rushed forward to the kitchen. Before she was able to let out her desperation, she was ingulfed into a strong embrace.
"Katakuri….", she whispered, while tears rolled down her face. Looking into her sad expression he brushed her cheeks lovingly.
"I am glad we could be alone for a moment…", he whispered and pulled his scarf down. Quickly he pressed his lips onto hers and kissed her deeply. She didn't want to stop. She couldn't imagine being here all alone while he was out there, risking his life for a stupid treasure. Grabbing his jacket by its collar he could feel her desperate try to hold him in place, to keep him by her side. Smiling bitterly he ended the kiss and rested his forehead against hers.
"(Y/N)…you still have my vivre card.", he spoke and kissed her cheek.
"I don't care. It's not the same…", she whispered exhausted and let him chuckle of her sweet words.
"I know.. But for now we have to endure this till we could be together again.. Do as you are told, then nothing will happen. My siblings will help you. And…", he spoke with a sad smile.
"wait for me (Y/N)…", he kissed her passionately which let her knees go weak and tears fell down even more. She knew that there is nothing to stop this nightmare. Breathing heavily they seperated and looked into each other's eyes. Giving him a weak smile she nodded, while brushing her tears away to calm down. Sighing Katakuri pulled up his scarf and looked around if anyone was in sight. Relieved that their moment was unseen he got up to take her hand in his.
"I will give my best Katakuri. But promise me to come back save..don't be reckless out there…please.", (Y/N) looked up to his intimating expression, which nodded seriously.
"I promise. I will come and get you as soon as possible back into my bed.", he spoke and let her gasp flustered.
"Katakuri!", she spoke embarrassed and avoid his amused expression. How he loved to see her like this. It pained even more to let her go, but it was worth it.
Slowly they walked along the corridors and (Y/N) could already hear the sounds of clashing pots, shouting people and excited footsteps. The sweet smell ingulfed their senses and soon she was met with a unbelievable baking show. The kitchen was huge. There was no place without spotting sweet ingredients or big machines. Gasping she stepped into the room and got the attention of the others.
"There she is! His wife in real!", the workers sang happily and took her hand to guide her. Quickly (Y/N) looked back to the door and got a short image of Katakuri who waved torwards her as a goodbye and left the scene. She couldn't stop, couldn't run back. How awful to let him go this way. Now she was really alone. Biting her lips to surpress the tears, she was pushed before Streussen who was sitting on a big chair made by a cookie and ordering everyone around. Wrapped up in bandages he seemed stressed. After he laid his eyes on (Y/N) his face lit up and he smiled more relieved than happy to see her. (Y/N) wasn't really paying attention to his outburst of joy, because she still felt her body shaken of her husband's leave. In a way it felt unreal.
"Here is the list.", Streussen pulled her back from her thoughts, while he shoved a long paper roll into her hands. Irritated her look fell onto the different described doughnuts and mostly on the delivery date.
"That's what Mama wants?", she asked in disbelief and looked into the amused expression of the head chef.
"Oh and don't forget the specials. You have to make some to support me.", he added amused to have all time in the world while (Y/N) was already late.
Looking back onto the list (Y/N) already knew that she would stay in this kitchen all day long. But in a way she didn't complain. It was a time killer. An exhausting one yeah, but she would be able to focus on something else than her husband's whereabouts. Sighing she nodded and took the cooking apron from one servant to put it on. Normally she was motivated after wearing this special piece of fabric, but this time everything seems dull and colorless. Nevertheless she obeyed, because that was the only way. Reaching into her pocket she touched Katakuri's vivre card for a mental support. Wherever he was, she had something to relay on, even if it was just a piece of paper.
On the other side Katakuri was packing a bag in front of his ship. He couldn't see that far into the future, but still he had a bad feeling about following this mysterious map.
"Katakuri!", Oven and Daifuku rushed to his side worried. Stopping he waited paitently for them to go on with his all too familiar cold expression.
"Is it true? You have to follow a map which leads you out of our territory?", Oven asked shocked, while Katakuri just kept his emotionless look. Sighing he lifted his bag and turned towards his ship.
"Mama is obsessed to know what treasure is hidden on this island. I will get it for her to gain her trust again and most of all my status. I want my wife back. At any costs.", he spoke seriously and was about to leave, but stopped in his tracks to give his brothers one last glance. Feeling completely helpless they watched him worried.
"I want you to keep an eye on (Y/N). Help her as much as possible.", he spoke strained and got onto his ship. The wind gave it a kick start and quickly Katakuri made his way out to the open sea. His look fell back to his home, which got smaller and smaller with every minute. He was wrong about the weather. It was a cold day. Droplets of rain landed on his face and fitted perfectly to his mood. Looking down onto his map he knew that things would take awhile, but hopefully successful in the end.
Whispering her name let his heart flutter. Just the thought of their sweet night together let his body shiver of excitement. God he would miss her. Every single minute would be a torture.
"Don't worry (Y/N) … I will be successful. "
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Chapter 35- Part 18
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“No idea”?? So the switcheroo was unintentional? How does that even- was that never the Emerald Brooch to begin with? Someone tried to pipe bomb Sirius from the get-go? My mind is going in so many different directions, I can't figure out anything right now-
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Y’know what, I completely forgot about this locked door, heck-
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Nevermind, we have no problems! Aside from…everything else that's happening!
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Even Shelly needs to go on the run now? Her Gym’s not even safe now…? Well- maybe Connal's not the threat to her, more so Team Meteor, she was a prisoner of theirs, they're probably not too happy she's escaped. Still feels bad though, her of all people ending up involved in all this deadly crime-fighting business…
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What Anna's going through is just as bad, though. Can't blame her for what she's feeling, losing an important item like that…
Oh that's right! We didn't even get the pendant or the ring back! Sirius still has them (assuming they didn't get reduced to ash in that explosion)! Well that puts a real damper on this yet again…
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Alright, I already checked all these rocks, so there's nowhere else to go but back to the Railnet.
Hmm…should I end the chapter here…? No, it seems like we're super close to entering Chrysolia, so let's at least do that first and then end.
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Due east, Charlotte said- yeah, doesn't look like there's anywhere else to go.
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But that's nice I guess.
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Ah, a crossroads! And a funny switch we can mess with! I wonder if there's anything hidden down this-? 
No! No, no, don't get distracted, you can come back and explore later, just keep going east!
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With…more switches, cool. And we can't actually keep going east this way, we need to head south now.
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catierambles · 2 years
Public Relations Ch.10
Pairing: Clark Kent/Superman x Charlotte Danvers (OFC)
WC 835 (it's shorter, but it sets some things up that're going to happen down the road)
Warnings: None
@kingliam2019 , @greensleeves888 , @peaches1958 , @brattymum96 , @ouroboros113 , @summersong69 what is that? 3 in one day? I wonder how long I can keep this up
1965 Shelby Cobra the header image is what the one mentioned looks like
Clark’s birthday arrived, but he hadn’t heard from her. Hadn’t even seen her the last couple days as she suddenly got busy with work. His good morning text was answered a couple hours after the fact and he admitted to being a little hurt. Maybe she just forgot? She has been really busy lately. It was around lunch when his phone pinged and he picked it up, seeing the text from her.
Come outside.
Come outside.
Odd, but okay. Getting up from his desk, he went over the elevators and rode them down to the ground floor, heading out of the building and instantly seeing her there out front, leaning against the Shelby that gleamed under the early summer sun.
“Charlie?” He asked as he stopped in front of her, “Why do you have the Shelby here?” She just reached into her pocket and pulled out the keys, handing them out to him. “Bit of an impromptu drive, don’t you think?”
“That’s not what this is.” Charlotte said and he looked at her in confusion for a moment before he got it.
“No.” He said and she nodded, smiling at him. “I can’t possibly…”
“Yes, you can.”
“Charlie, this is…I can’t…”
“Clark, you love the Shelby.” She said, “You still have to sign the title transfer paperwork, but happy birthday.”
“This is too much, I can’t accept this.” He said and she grabbed his hand, putting the keys in his palm and closing his fingers around them.
“Yes, you can.” She said and he pulled her into his arms, picking her up off her feet and holding her tightly, her arms wrapping around his neck. “Happy birthday, baby.”
“Thank you.” He said, burying his face in her neck. “This is…this is incredible. Thank you so much.” He put her down on her feet and pulled away to look at her.
“You can keep it at my house if you don’t feel comfortable keeping it parked on the streets of Metropolis, but it’s yours sweetheart.”
“Now that…” They looked over, seeing Lois, Jimmy, and a couple other people come out of the Planet. “Is a car.” It was Jimmy who spoke.
“My birthday present to Clark.” Charlotte said, “1965 Shelby Cobra. From my collection.”
“God damn, I want to be your friend.” He said and Charlotte snorted.
“I don’t give rare classic cars to just friends, Jimmy.” She said and there was a moment of silence.
“Holy shit, Clark.” He said and Charlotte snorted, pressing her hands against Clark’s chest and making him look at her as her hands slid up and into his hair as she pulled him down into a kiss that he very eagerly returned, his arms tightening around her waist. She pulled away after a little bit, giving him an apologetic smile even as her fingertips moved through the hair at the back of his head.
“I have to go.” She said, “I’ve been away too long as it is.”
“Busy day?” He asked and she nodded with a sound.
“I would have given you the car tonight after dinner, but I have a late meeting at LexCorp that I have to go to and this was the only free moment to breathe that I had today.”
“What does LexCorp want?” Clark asked.
“I don’t know.” She said honestly, “Lex Luthor and I avoid each other for the most part, but he asked for a personal meeting and it would be bad form and press to turn him down.” Charlotte said, “But I will text you when I get home and if you want to come over, you can.”
“Okay.” He said with a nod, but he still didn’t feel right about the fact that she had a meeting with Lex Luthor.
“Or, you can let yourself in and pamper yourself until I get home. Your choice.”
“I might do that, honestly.” He admitted, “I’ve been meaning to try out that whirlpool tub you have.”
“Knock yourself out.” She said and rose quickly on her toes, pressing a brief kiss to his lips. “But now I really have to go.”
“I’ll pull the car into the garage around the back and drive it over to your place tonight.” Clark said and she nodded. “Thank you, again. Want me to drive you back to the Tower?”
“You just want an excuse to drive it right now, don’t you.”
“Yes.” He said and she snorted.
“Yeah, I’ll take the lift back.” She said and he looked to the others who had been watching the interaction.
“Let Perry know I’ll be right back.” Clark said, “And if you want to tell him other things too, you can.” They pulled away from each other, Clark moving around the car to the driver's seat as Charlotte got into the passenger's seat. The engine turned over with a roar and he dropped his forehead to the steering wheel briefly, making her smile, before he pulled away from the curb and drove down the street towards Danvers Tower.
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branw3lls · 2 years
various clockwork angel thoughts
-listening to the audiobook so i can get through everything before chain of thorns. i’ve both read and listened to the infernal devices books so many times, and prefer to read but i have a deadline baby! miss elizabeth bennet herself, jennifer ehle, narrating is so fun. her choice to give gabriel a goofy ass lisp is so fucking nuts but i respect her giving us variety in her accents 
-thomas tanner making me sad this time for some reason! never cared too much about him before but the bit about how thomas and will were so close before jem arrived, shadow hunter and the servant boy 
-charlotte always worried and henry always making soothing noises, i think this is mentioned like 20 times in 3 books 
-holy water, holy water and blood 
-i would read a brother enoch novella
-i never really appreciate how much i like tessa as our protagonist. she strikes a really perfect balance for me. i’m never annoyed with her, i love her i get her choices, i’m so FOND of her, i want her happy, i want her to have it all. she could very easily be boring at any moment but never is 
-god this would make such a fun show! will it ever happen
-ok now how the fuck did balios and xanthos the horses become magic horses who can take a carriage places without a driver??? thomas or cyril always has to drive in TID but in TLH these horses are on autopilot! i’ve never seen cassie answer this in an ask and maybe i’ll find it this time in my re-read but please let me know if you know because it’s so fucking funny to me
- forgot about the mention of guns and why they can’t use them as weapons against demons and that henry has been trying to get them to work even back then and then we got to see that come back in tlh
-jessamine rules, truly so so mean and so so funny. i can’t believe jessie has just been hanging out as a ghost for 24 years
-i want to see grownup sophie and will hanging out. they are so funny in this book. sophie hates his guts 
-jem and charlotte also have a dynamic i love. jem supports and listens probably more than anyone else in the institute
-drama queen will makes me wonder what it would be like if we got midnight heir version of james. i do really love the james herondale we have but would LOVE to see what cassie was originally do with the melodrama
-i think i also love this series the most bc i don’t love faerie/ the fae or seelie queen/ court drama and there’s practically none to be found 
- i love everyone i love these people i love their children and i don’t want to see them sad EVER AGAIN
-are we gonna see tessa use her power in chain of thorns? i know tlh is not about the parents but i do think they’re all going to play a larger part in events or be in peril and have to be saved by their kids or something in that vain
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I finished the 5th Lady Sherlock and the first thing I wanna say is that I think this is a good book to read during rainy days. But maybe that's just because during the time I read it, it was almost always raining lol.
Okay but in all seriousness now. I gotta say, I feel bad for the women in this one. They got really bashed on, didn't they? It makes sense for the time period these books take place in, but damn. It was just relentless in this book. I was really starting to lose my temper with the man interrogating Lady Treadles, bombarding her with so many questions and making her uncomfortable. Ugh. Poor lady.
Don't get me started on the Holmes Parents either. When they came, I was like: "Oh, here we go. Parents of the year 🙄". Then right after when Mother Holmes complained about how awful Father Holmes was: "Well, you're not exactly a good mother either." And then when she got snippy with Livia, I lost it: "Mother! Go away, this is why no one likes you!"
See, I'm telling you, you'd get a laugh out of my reactions if you could see them 'live' 😂. All genuine too, not played up like how people react to things on Youtube or whatever.
Anyway. One of the things I was really satisfied with was Ingram and Charlotte finally getting their shit together! These two, just dancing around their feelings for each other and never actually doing any real confessions until now. It's about time! My patience was starting to run dry lol. "Just say it, goddamn it."
Now for the ending: I'm glad it ended the way it did with Christmas and everyone being together and whatnot (and Mother Holmes being gone, thank the lord). Ngl, I was genuinely afraid that Livia was gonna hop on a train to find Marbleton. So I was relieved when she was still with everyone. Phew. That would've been so dangerous for her.
Those are my thoughts on this one. I really liked it with the exception of the men being obnoxious. Ugh. And luckily for me, I also got the 6th book 4 weeks early so I can hop into that right away! Looking forward to seeing what'll happen next 👏👏
-Book Anon
Dang it, I knew I forgot something when I answered that other ask. I forgot this one lol
Yes! I completely agree with what you're saying! All of it!
The women did not deserve the bashing, but I liked the ending as well. Mother and Father Holmes are certainly ugh and I don't like them either. Your reactions sound valid and quite funny tbh. I think I really would like seeing them in person LOL.
And you managed to snag the 6th book 4 weeks early?? DANG look at you go! Good for you!!
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neshabeingchildish · 2 years
Share a Lie
It has been about a month shy of two years since I updated this, but I know that at least one human wanted to actually read it, so tah dah! Lol. I’m sorry. I love y’all. @adorkable-blackgirl @jacksope-lives The previous chapter has @chenoahchantel and I didn’t realize somehow that she was reading this. Or it’s been two years and I just forgot, but better safe than sorry. Tag, Sis. 
Share a Lair 20
Henry and Jasper thought themselves to be a couple of geniuses for what they were about to pull off. It was amazing really. While Max was miles and miles away thinking of proposing to her. He was trying to plan out how he would do it, what he would say, what type of fanfare needed to be involved. He thought about their first kiss under the fireworks and knew that he HAD to include that. He wondered if he should try to write her a song, since he was better at songwriting than when he was young. He wondered a lot of things, but mostly, he was worried if she would even say yes, and if she did, how soon she would be willing to get married. Could they elope that night? Could they rush to the courthouse in the morning and then have a small gathering followed by a stay in honeymoon, to make up for all the lost time? Would she want to wait until they were familiar with living with each other again, just in case all of their habits had changed? He was stressed out and he was freaking out.
Jasper left Russia a few weeks before Henry and Max did, and in that time, he stayed with Charlotte. She was thinking about not proposing to Max, but MARRYING him. MARRYING him, whenever he got home! She wondered, “Would it be too forward if Max got home and I had a wedding set up? That would be way too much pressure, right? He doesn’t like pressure, but then again, he likes grand gestures…”
“He LOVES grand gestures!” Jasper encouraged. “I say not as soon as he walks in, but like, maybe the secondary room.”
“The secondary… you mean the dining room?”
“Picture this! You can put up curtains here, going across the room. The two of you can be reunited here, and then the curtains open and BOOM! Wedding venue.”
Charlotte looked at the spacing and started to think of the guest list. The house was spacious, but not Thundermans family + Pages, Harts, Man Cave… “OR… You meet him outside, and then when you come in, BOOM! Wedding venue in here and that way…”
“Wait. How would I HIDE the wedding? Why not he walks in and BOOM, there’s me and TAHDAH! Also wedding?”
“That surprise is too much too soon,” Jasper said. She looked confused. It was literally a few minutes apart from his idea…
“What. If…” Charlotte started, in hour 47 of her and Jasper bouncing ideas off of each other, “I don’t do it right away, but I postpone it until April 1st, that way if he says no or just seems not into the shock of it, I can pretend it was all an elaborate prank and if I do that, then, he’ll feel more endeared to me.”
“I love that energy. I hate that wait. It would be a couple of weeks before you’d ask and by then, what if he’s already asked you and we’ve planned everything for nothing?”
“Do you think he’s thinking of asking me?” Charlotte wondered. Jasper was too quiet, trying to think of something to say to that. “He is?!?” Charlotte asked. 
Jasper nodded his head and said, “No.” When she held his head still and he realized he’d been nodding, he said, “DANG IT!” 
“Why would you spend all this time trying to help me propose when you knew that he would?”
“I wanted us to beat him to it!” Jasper said, as though she ought to know this. She mushed his head away from her and got up to leave the room.
That was when Jasper touched base with Henry, to get things happening on the other end. 
Charlotte was now convinced that all she had to do was show up and be beautiful and she would have the things that she wanted. She loved an easy road. In fact, she took all of her accumulated vacation days surrounding Max returning so that she could have some spa days, deep meditation, proper rest, and all of the things that were going to have her equilibrium right and her nervous system calm. She worked on some fashions to design photoshoot perfect couture gumballs. She upgraded the system of the auto snacker to ensure that both of their favorite things would be available, and she made every room in the house a romantic experience, except for Max’s lair, which she didn’t go in while he was out of the country. 
Not a single one of her hairs were out of place, her skin was perfection, her health was in peak condition. She couldn’t imagine that a single thing could go wrong. So, whenever Max called to say that his return was a little bit delayed, she was disappointed, but not upset. She could handle another few days… then it was a week, then two. She fumed about it. That would mean that many of her vacation days would go to waste. Not technically, since she was occupied in getting herself and the house ready, but she wanted ALL of that time for Max. She did work freelance, so she could adjust her schedule, but if she took on a client now and couldn’t manage their crisis within the next couple of weeks, that would SUCK. And if she didn’t take on any clients until after she and Max had their reunion time, that would affect her finances… not that she was hard up for money, but she liked to have a certain amount of wiggle room and stuff.
Ultimately, she decided not to take up any jobs until after, and that she would reschedule all of her touch ups and stuff for right before Max got back. 
Which. He surprised her about. Charlotte was curled up on the couch with an actual physical book that she recently bought, wearing her glasses, with her hair in bantu knots beneath a bonnet and wearing a pair of lounge pants, a college sweatshirt and some bunny slippers when she heard something at the door. It wasn’t like the security system to not announce someone’s arrival, unless it was an animal or something, so she figured, maybe it was. Maybe some passing critter was around the door. 
Then she heard the doorknob. “Oh no they not…” she said, placing her book down, face down and reaching beneath the coffee table for her zapper and cuffs. Whenever she heard the door open, she immediately zapped. ‘OUCH!” She heard Max call out and watched him hold his rib where she hit him. “THAT HURTS A LOT MORE THAN IT EVER DID!” Charlotte gasped and dropped the zapper and the cuffs as he laughed at himself and came in. “You altered that, didn’t you?”
“I DID!” She cheered, rushing over to him. She raised his shirt and saw where it had already left a mark. “The security system didn’t announce you!” She said, worried. 
“I’m good.”
“And you didn’t tell me to expect you!”
“I wanted to surprise you. Surprise!” he cheered and opened his arms. 
Charlotte was about to hug him, then she let out a huge gasp and begin to wave her hands towards herself and touched her bonnet and her clothes, realizing that she was not shaven or waxed, or dressed, or exfoliated, etc, and so on and so forth. Max ignored her freak out and pulled her into a hug, which melted every worry that she had about the imperfections of the moment away. “I missed you so much,” he said into her skin. “Sorry that I didn’t make it back on time.” Her head rested against him and she shook it. It didn’t matter. He was here now. They were together again. Their reunion could start. 
“Where is all of your stuff?” She wondered. 
“I left it in the vehicle because I needed this. To see you and hold you and kiss you.”
“You haven’t kissed m-,” she told him, but it was interrupted by him doing so. 
After all of the elaborate ideas and things, Charlotte had relaxed about it all. She spent the better part of two days closely cozied up with Max, and neither of them had mentioned marriage, even in passing. She figured that she had simply had a moment like other people spoke of - when they had all types of beautiful fantasies about a wedding day. She had never done that as a child or a teenager, so she figured it had been something that she just caught later in life and got over almost as quickly as she thought it up. 
She woke up to an empty bed a few days after he’d returned and sat up, confused, pulling the covers to her chest and looking around. There was a letter on the nightstand. She opened it and flower petals fell out. It was an apology from Max that he would have to get with Henry on some details that they forgot to tie up and would likely be at the Hero League Headquarters most of the morning. “Mannn…” She complained, throwing her covers off of her and irritatedly kicking her way out of bed. 
“Hey Char, we’ve got the perfect…” She screamed, reached for her bedside zapper and zapped Jasper right in the belly. “HOT CROSS BUNS!” He cried out and crumbled to the floor. 
“WHAT are you doing in my house?” she squealed. “And why does the system keep not alerting me?” She grabbed her bedside bathrobe so that she wouldn’t have to check on him naked and scurried over as he picked himself up. 
“Max disarmed it to surprise you,” Jasper said.
“That was days ago!” she fussed and folded her arms, “What are you doing here?” 
He pointed his thumb behind him, “Hen and I schemed to make Max be out of the house today so that you could set up the April 1st Proposal or Prank.” 
“What?” She asked.
“Remember, we talked about it a couple of weeks ago.”
“Yeah, we got a bunch of wild notions about weddings out of the way a couple of weeks ago. That doesn’t mean we are actually gonna do that.”
“I already have all the help and the supplies to set it up. I came over with Henry to pick Max up and then told him I wanted to stay here and gush with you about how the reunion was. Perfect cover. Perfect timing. Perfect plan, etc.”
Her hair was all over her head and she could feel the bags under her eyes, since she and Max had not been sleeping much in the past few days. “You’re out of your mind. Get out of my house, Dude.” Whenever she walked out of her bedroom, she saw what he meant by having everything… There were heroes all over her home using superpowers and ingenuity to set things up, including Max’s family. She took a step back and shut the door. “Holy shit, Jasper, they are setting up a surprise wedding!”
“Or an April Fool’s Day joke. Depending on how it goes.”
Charlotte rested her head against the door. “This is not a good idea, Jasper. This is not a sane thing for normal people to do. This is not even… WHAT do they think that they are witnessing? Do they think that today I am either going to get married, embarrass myself or save face?” 
“They think it’s a wedding!” Jasper said. 
“So, if he says that this is too much, even for him, they get to be let down by there not being a wedding.”
Jasper shook his head and sucked his teeth. “Oh, Charlotte, Charlotte, Charlotte, and you’re supposed to be the smart one.” Her head snapped in his direction and he lifted his hands, “If he says it’s too much, then you have pulled an April Fool’s Day joke on everybody here. Just like you planned!” 
“I did not…”
“It was your idea!’
“Did not mean…”
“It was brilliant!”
“I can’t do it!” 
“So what, then? We send them all home now and tell them it was an April Fool’s Day trick on them and not Max?” 
She shook her head and went into her bathroom to brush her teeth and wash up. Whenever she came out, Jasper was still standing there. “So, I guess we’re doing this,” she said, got her gumballs out of the night stand and picked up one that was blueberry lemon flavored, royal blue and gold colored. When she blew her bubble, she was noe wearing a royal blue pantsuit with a long cape. Not a hero’s cape, but an evening gown cape. She had gold jewelry and accents in her hair and shoes. Her hair was in a puffy pony hawk, and her makeup was perfect. “If I’m gonna make a fool of myself or anybody else, I’ll at least look good doing it,” she said. 
Whenever Max got back, with Henry in tow, the two were bickering. Charlotte rushed towards the door, while everyone else was in the back of the house and Max was fussing at Henry about how HALF of the stuff that they did today, he did already and still not comprehending how Henry lost or undid his work. But, whenever they saw Charlotte, the arguing immediately stopped and he stared at her. “Is it too much? You didn’t let me get prettied up for your return, so…”
“It’s. You’re…” Max stumbled over his words and Henry pushed past him.
“Char!” he cheered. He hadn’t seen her in the past few days. They hugged and he picked her up and spun her around and began complimenting her look when Max cleared his throat and they looked at him. Henry sighed and shook his head, “I GUESS you can have a word with her. It’s not like you’ve been with her the past couple of days and I haven’t even seen her once since we got back…” He went into the other room and Charlotte panicked that they might make a noise or something, but everyone was quiet. 
“You look amazing,” Max said. “I mean… you looked amazing when I came back.”
“Don’t lie,” she said, laughing nervously. 
“You’re so beautiful, you don’t HAVE to dress up, then when you do it’s like.. A shock to my senses.” He kissed her, smiled and said, “I want to show you something.” He took her hand and began to go in the direction of the door leading to the surprise. 
“What do you think you have to show me in there?” She asked and resisted moving forward. “I’ve lived here for three years, and I can guarantee that there’s nothing hiding in there that you could show me!” 
He laughed and made a face, “Okay… but this is the way to the backyard.” 
“There’s another way, that way,” she said and pointed at the front door. He frowned and tilted his head. “You know. We can walk around the side of the house and just…” 
“What is on the other side of this door?” He wondered, pointing towards the wedding. 
“A… Jasper… production. I swear, I only mentioned it in passing and he…” Max went through the doors and Charlotte stayed right where she was and held her breath.
Max looked around the room. It was decorated with white and gold decorations and there was a rolled carpet that went through the room and out to the back porch, and out to the yard… where there was an aisle and guests and… it looked like a wedding. “Oh shit!” He said and put his hands on his chest. 
“WHERE IS THE BRIDE?” Jasper called out, but pretended not to be the one calling out. 
“Oh shit,” Max repeated and back stepped into the house and turned and rushed back to where Charlotte was. “Charlotte, there is a wedding out there!” He said, with a laugh, then he was crying, or laugh-crying. He caught his breath and shook his head. “Ummm… So… There is a situation in our backyard.”
“Yeah, a bunch of people showed up here expecting to see a wedding,” Charlotte said. 
“Please, explain. This should be good. I’m gonna love this.”
She explained to him about how she had been thinking about them getting married, and proposing, and how it all got here. His face was a wide range of emotions through the whole thing, mostly smiles and laughs. 
“So… now, we have a wedding, in our backyard..”
“Or an April Fools joke,” he reminded her. She nodded, laughing at herself. “Let’s do it!” he said. 
Her eyes went wide. “Get married in our backyard?” 
He smiled. He loved a grand gesture and everything looked beautiful, but, “No. I’m not prepared to get married today, look at me!” He laughed. “Let’s prank them.” 
“How?” She wondered. He took her hand and they went out of the front door. 
“Are they getting ready? Does Max have a suit?” Barb wondered. “I can’t remember ever seeing him in a suit outside of his super suit…” People’s phones began going off and whenever they checked them, they saw a text from Max. It was a photo of him and Charlotte, getting ready to zoom away on his hoverboard and throwing a peace sign with the caption: April Fools! 
“No!” Jasper inhaled and rushed into the house. Sure enough, neither of them were there. Everyone else came inside, and they searched the house, and neither Charlotte nor Max were anywhere to be found. Everyone turned to Jasper. He shook his head, “Well. I am just as shocked as all of you.” 
Eventually, Henry texted Charlotte and told her that everyone had cleared out of the house. She read it to Max and he shook his head, “No. I don’t trust that. Could be him trying to get us back for the prank. I do not want to face my parents tonight.”
“Why didn’t you just let me say it was my prank?” 
“Are you kidding? They’d hate you! They expect this type of reckless abandon from me on such a day.” They were curled up on a blanket at the beach with the sunset on the horizon and he nuzzled her with his nose, “On any other day, I would have.” She laughed. “I’m serious. I would have seen that scenery and said yes and threw on a tux as soon as my speed allowed.”
“Well.. why didn’t you?”
“On April 1st? That’s is a Max Thunderman high holy day. I can’t let you marry me on a day like that! I would never be able to give you an anniversary gift that wasn’t some type of very extreme prank.”
“You could just… not do that.”
“With whose self control, Charlotte?” She threw her head back and laughed, then shivered from the cold. Max wrapped her tighter in his arms and blew heat on the back of her neck. She shivered again in warm pleasure. She would never get tired of that. He stroked her skin, “We need an anniversary that I can give my full attention to. April Fools Day and our anniversary have to be two very separate, but still hugely important days.” They listened to the water for a while, and after a time, Charlotte broke into the sound.
“What were you going to show me?” she asked. “At the house?”
“I’ll show you when we get back,” he said.
11:59 pm. Charlotte was exhausted, but they figured that they would let everybody party and eat and get over things and go home before checking to see if the coast was clear. They reentered through the backyard and it seemed that nobody was there, even though Henry’s van was still out front, so they knew that at the very least he and Jasper weren’t gone. “Here,” Max said and led her to a camellia bush. 
She gasped and shook her head, pointing at it, “That was not here earlier!” she said. Then she noticed that they lined the gate and seemed to go around the whole house. “What the butt…”
“Remember I told you that I made a super venus fly trap plant monster one time?” I put these camellia plant sprouts out when you were asleep and by my calculations for the growth formula, they were supposed to grow into a full bush right before the sun went down. I was gonna let you watch them grow and then after nightfall, I was gonna do this,” he flicked his wrist and she heard fireworks. When she looked up, she saw the question, “Charlotte Page, will you marry me?” 
He clarified, “I was struggling a little bit with whether or not you would believe me if I proposed to you on April 1st, but then I saw you and I just… didn’t want to wait.” She looked at him, her face unreadable. “If it helps, it is 12:01, so technically, April Fools Day is over, but I would have been serious, still…” She hoisted herself up to kiss him and he held her close. “Oh!” He went into his pocket. “I almost forgot…” he pulled out a box with a ring inside of it. It was small, which she liked, because she didn’t want it to be too conspicuous and it had the shape of one of the flowers in the yard as its head. “Charlotte, I know that a kiss should be a really good sign and all, but I actually need to hear you incriminate yourself and say that you’ll marry me.” 
“Incriminate?” She repeated, chuckling. Then, she slid her finger into the ring and said, “Max Thunderman, I will happily marry you.”
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kingsdee · 2 years
One 16 ramblings
SO- Bryce DID get sent back to the plain, but we had no idea what his reaction was, probably horrified.
But there was a good thing, we got to see what was going on in the plane again! So moldy/Charlotte was catatonic for maybe a month or two during airy’s disappearance and when the show was finally going on again, until she died and then disappeared, going to the waiting room. We can tell from the pose that Charlotte was in that the ONE waiting room is either exactly like, or IS the normal waiting room. She was most likely reaching out for a loved one or a friend, meaning that Liam’s experience in the waiting room was unique to him, meaning that Liam probably doesn’t have any loved ones to see, which is honestly kinda sad. Due to this though he saw the waiting room for what it truly is, most likely similar to toothpaste.
Now let’s talk about scenty/Amelia 
Her reaction to Charlotte asking her about if she missed her family and friends and about her name implies that she most likely forgot about them AND even her own name during her time on the plane. Which I don’t know how I feel about, sad? Suprised?  Wanting to kill airy?  I wonder if this almost happened to Liam, though probably not considering that it was said by another character that he was set on going back home until 200 (I believe) shifts until airy came back.
Anyways this is the end of my theory dump/random thoughts about the newest episode of one- byeee!!
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succulentsunrise · 3 years
How Sweet
- innocent hesitance, lingering longing.
My piece for the YamiChar Week, Day 6: Sweet! It is both a stand-alone and a continuation to my previous YamiChar Week fics!! 🥰
Day 5 | All | Day 7
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The fireplace crackled slightly as the fires devoured the wood. Charlotte Roselei was sitting in an armchair, legs crossed and slightly leaning to her right hand. A little smile played on her lips as she sat there, the other hand holding a cup of rum. In the corner of the room, a grandfather clock rang. Her gaze strayed to it lazily - it was already an hour over midnight. The darkness behind the windows was slightly abated by the outdoor lights. The only pity in that was the fact that she couldn’t see the stars like this. Charlotte raised her cup a bit closer to her lips, stopping to lean her cheek on her hand. It would be impossible anyways to see the stars. It was still raining. She took a sip, crinkling her nose a little as the hot rum hit her tongue. She had maybe added a little too much honey.
“Hot,” she complained to the other person in the room.
On the opposite side, sitting legs wide and leaning to his thighs, was Yami Sukehiro. He had a small knitted shawl on his shoulders to keep him warm. He held the cup with both of his hands, and gently blew on it as if in response to her complaint.
“Never had watered down rum, but thanks,” Yami said with a rough voice. “Would’ve been a bother to turn back home at this time.”
“It’s not just water,” Charlotte laughed. “It makes it warm. Good for preventing a cold.”
Yami gave her a suspicious glance, but tasted the drink nonetheless. His expression didn’t change much. She wondered if he had liked it. Perhaps it had been too sweet, after all.
“It’s alright.”
The admittance came slowly and tiredly. Yami looked ready to go to sleep. Charlotte smiled at him, feeling in her heart a softness grow. He looked rather cute like this. It was probably the previous wine talking in her head. She hadn’t drank that much, but she was a lightweight, after all. She would have to find a room for Yami to sleep in. Her heart leapt at the thought of having him sleep near her room. Her thoughts strayed to imagine him sleeping next to her - feeling his stubble against her head - pressing her face against his neck - having those arms embrace her - oh, it was too much. Fanciful thoughts that brought a red shame to her cheeks. She chuckled nervously to herself, hoping that Yami would think it was just her being tipsy. Such thoughts were really too much.
“What’s so funny?” Yami asked with an earnest stare.
“I thought of a joke,” Charlotte answered quickly.
“Oh. Do share.”
Charlotte laughed nervously again, quietly putting down her drink. A joke - quickly, she needed to think of a joke. Something about rain? Rum? Love? Her mind ran blank. No matter how much she tried to come up with a joke, she couldn’t find one. She hoped that Yami wouldn’t see through her lie.
“Oh, I forgot it,” she said with an embarrassed tone, looking away.
Charlotte heard Yami sigh, and could feel his eyes studying her. She drank more to hide her nervousness. The strong flush on her cheeks seemed to be here to stay. She decided to divert the conversation elsewhere.
“I’ll give you a spare room, but we’ll have to prepare it ourselves. No one’s awake anymore.”
“Ourselves?” Yami inquired.
“Of course I’ll help you.”
“How sweet.”
Charlotte pushed herself up clumsily. How sweet, indeed.
“Come then,” she beckoned, starting to lead Yami towards the rooms.
The one she had ended up with was far away from prying eyes - still a room, but a bit further away. Away from her own room, too. Was she trying to hide Yami’s presence here? Yes. She didn’t want questions. How would that make Yami feel..? She didn’t know. Would he even care? He didn’t seem like that kind of a guy. Still, he might be hurt by it. Perhaps she could tell him it was for his sake, to save him from the gossip that her girls sometimes got into. So far, he hadn’t questioned, luckily. She picked up linens on the way, taking unreasonably long trying to decide which ones would fit well together. Yami was silent most of it. They entered the room together. It was a lovely room with a classy bed, rather sizable wardrobe and a small fireplace to warm it up.
“You might want to burn some wood to warm up the room,” Charlotte remarked. “If you can stay awake that long.”
Yami shook his head, his eyes appraising everything around before he spoke.
“That puffy blanket should be quite enough.”
They set up the bed together, dividing the tasks. Charlotte could see him sometimes shiver a little bit. Really, the man was impossible. A fire would warm this room much better, even if he’d have to stay awake a little longer.
“I’ll light the fire,” she said softly, turning towards the fireplace.
An arm caught hers, and Yami pulled her closer to him. The softness in her heart was replaced by surprise, and then - embarrassment. He was so close. Her head was tilted upwards, looking up to him. His breath smelled sweet and smoky. It wasn’t the best, but Charlotte was certain her own breath wasn’t any better. His eyes moved slightly, searchingly. She couldn’t even swallow down her nervousness. Her heart was beating fast. She almost felt like she had stopped breathing.
“There’s no need,” Yami said silently, perhaps softer than he had intended.
His eyes fell down just a bit, and Charlotte mirrored the act. Her gaze landed on his lips. Her stream of thoughts had stopped at this moment. She didn’t quite know what to do or what would be proper. She wanted to rise to her toes to reach the man’s face and press her lips against his. She wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and embrace him. She wanted no more and no less.
“Good night.”
Yami’s voice was hushed. The gaze had returned to meet hers, and there was gentle stubbornness in them. He looked almost regretful as he leaned in and pressed a kiss onto her cheek. His hand barely caressed her cheek. Charlotte stared for but a second, then looked down, flushed.
“Good night.”
Her own answer was perhaps more laced with disappointment. She turned to leave, hoping that the arm would stop her again.
It didn’t.
Charlotte walked back to her room, feeling suddenly very tired. She didn’t feel like she had energy to consider what had happened very realistically. Instead, she thought of the stubble scratching against her cheek, the soft and sweet touch of his lips on her cheek, and the burst of happiness it had brought to her.
In the morning, she might regret it, but at that very moment, Charlotte Roselei was rather happy.
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x0401x · 4 years
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Violet Evergarden Short Story
Please feel free to message me about possible corrections. If you can, consider supporting the creators by purchasing the official releases. In case anyone is feeling generous: Ko-fi | PayPal. ( ╹◡╹)っ’・*
The ingredients that led me to my current self were:
A teaspoon of queen’s pride.
Two tablespoons of love for my husband, a one-sided feeling now required.
Plenty of tears shed in a forest capital where I had no supporters.
Mix the tear batter with the stubbornness of a princess from the country of white camellias, then put it in the oven. Once it bakes until it becomes tough enough to give one a hard time cutting it even with a knife, it is done. No one can tear a bite off it so easily.
My adult self was reborn this way.
But then, what about her? I wondered what kind of adult my favorite girl was by now.
Just as I was curious about this, good news arrived.
   The Queen and the Auto-Memories Doll
   The marauder came around the time when the red roses were in full bloom.
Said doll, whose lustrous golden hair fluttered in the wind, had jewel-like blue eyes that nailed people down. A dignified young woman, intimidated by nothing. That was the kind of marauder she was.
If I were to talk about my relationship with her, it would be a long story. If I were to explain it leaving out the many stories that happened between us, I would probably say that she was a key figure who became the mediator of my love story in the past, as well as an Auto-Memories Doll engaged in the ghostwriting business at a certain famous postal company.
Although she was the kind of girl who seemed like she could live in solitude forever, she was different when she appeared before me.
“It has been a while, Lady Charlotte.”
I had invited her into our kingdom as a guest of honor because I heard that she was taking a long vacation and traveling around the world – so the passage of time could change people this much.
“I will rush to anywhere that my clients desire...”
The girl, who used to be so ephemeral in the past, had grown up and brought a man to accompany her on the journey, so was it not fitting to call her a marauder? At the very least, she had opened an air hole in my unchangeable royal palace life.
“No, pardon me. This is Violet Evergarden on break from duty, Your Majesty, Queen Charlotte.”
I whispered with the dignified gaze and voice tone of a queen, “It’s been a long time, ghostwriter. No... Violet. Thanks for coming even though you’re on vacation.” I then fixed my stare on the man standing next to Violet.
My adorable ghostwriter possessed a beauty that shone distinctly even in within the palace, which congregated fine-looking women. Therefore, it would not be strange at all if she eventually had a deep relationship with some gentleman, but by no means could I tell if he had that sort of relationship with her.
He greeted me after Violet. Apparently, his name was Gilbert Bougainvillea.
“What’s the relationship between you two?”
As I asked straight to the point, Violet and Gilbert looked at each other’s faces.
Violet then opened her mouth, “He is my former superior officer.”
“So you are related through work.”
“Yes, but I am no longer registered in the military, so maybe I should say that he is my benefactor, whom I am on close terms with nowadays...”
“So you’re close to your benefactor... enough to go on a trip with him, huh.”
Perhaps unable to precisely define her relationship with him, Violet fell silent. But from this, I was able to catch the glimpse of a womanly shyness that I had the feeling I had gone through before.
“The word ‘benefactor’ alone indeed does not cover it.”
“Dear me.”
“I would like to use a more suitable word if there was any, but even I, who work with ghostwriting, do not know an appropriate term for it...”
“Hum, Violet, I’m sorry.”
“‘Reverence’ is not enough and ‘adoration’ might be too trivial...”
“I’m sorry; you can stop there. He’s also embarrassed. You don’t want other people to ask too much about those things, right? It’s under development, isn’t it?”
He smiled, seeming a bit awkward. He was an adult man but looked slightly childish when smiling.
——Isn’t he a fine man?
Hair the color of dusk, blessed physique and virile facial traits. There was some elegance in him. His looks had a male allure that was capable of exhilarating the courtiers of the palace.
——Such a pretty emerald iris.
He was a stunning man. The look in his eye was grievous and had a darkness to it. A mysterious man with an eyepatch. The hardships that he had been burdened with until now oozed out of him. His scent was different from the one of the palace’s knights, but I could feel a similar air coming from him. His build seemed reliable, which looked even more remarkable as he stood next to Violet. I wondered if he had not been quite the pretty boy in his younger years.
He appeared to be apart from Violet in age. I suddenly recalled that I had asked her in the past about what she thought of age gaps between men and women.
——Did she not say no back then because of her relationship with him?
I had many guesses, but I did not voice any of them. I was an adult now.
“Erm, there was an introduction before you came into the room, but I’m going to introduce myself again. I am Charlotte Abelfreya Fluegel. The queen of this country.”
I was Charlotte Abelfreya Drossel before. My lips were finally used to the greeting ever since my name had changed. Even so, I did not want Violet to call me a queen.
“Violet, you put the title of honor ‘Your Majesty the queen’ on me earlier, but you can refer to me in the same way as before. I want you to do that.”
“Is that not disrespectful?”
“It isn’t. I’m asking for it, after all.”
“I will punish anyone who opposes to this. Got it, Violet?”
“Yes, Lady Charlotte.”
Right, that was better. After all, when you called me that, I could feel as if I had returned to the times when I was in my homeland where white camellias bloomed. I asked the same thing out of Mr. Bougainvillea, but he refused it due to it being discourteous. Well, this was our first meeting, so maybe there was no helping it.
   After that, Violet and I were left on our own. Mr. Bougainvillea took his leave, saying that we must have had things to talk about. I also drove all of the ladies-in-waiting out of the reception room and was at last actually able to breathe.
The suffocation I felt from my daily life in the royal palace did not come only from wearing a corset. When I thought that there were no longer any stares keeping watch on us, I made merry like a little girl.
“Yes, Lady Charlotte.”
“Violet, Violet! You’ve become an adult, huh!”
“Yes, Lady Charlotte.”
We had first met when we were both girls, so when we reunited, I could feel as if we had gone back to those days. But I did not know if she, who was always expressionless, was happy about it, yet just when I thought this, Violet’s lips were faintly forming an arc.
——My, she laughed.
Much too surprised, I forgot about conducting myself like a queen and opened my mouth wide. “Violet! You...!” I touched her cheeks with both of my hands.
I should not be doing something like that to her, as she was a lady and no longer a girl, but I felt like confirming if such a natural smile was not my hallucination. I kneaded her cheeks pliably. Violet let me do as I pleased.
“Lady—Char—lotte—” Violet spoke, sounding like having her cheeks kneaded was inconvenient.
——How soft; so you had such soft cheeks? No, more importantly...
“Wh-Wh-What’s gotten into you? You’re the one who pinched your cheeks saying you couldn’t smile that one time!”
“My per—formance has im—proved.”
At first, I could not catch what she was saying very well. “My performance has improved”. After ruminating for the words in my head, I finally understood it.
This mood. This sensation that almost felt like a toy doll was talking to me. I could actually feel that, yes, Violet was indeed in front of me.
Overjoyed, I let out a high-pitched laughter, just like a little girl. Then, I took Violet’s hand. I squeezed it tight, putting into it my sentiment of deep affection for her, the possessor of mechanical arms. “Hey, I’m truly happy to see you. Have you been doing well?”
“Yes. Lady Charlotte, you also appear to be in good health.”
“I became a bit of an adult too, right? How do I look?”
“Yes, you have become an adult woman.”
When I said that I was currently pregnant, Violet blinked, and then told me to “please sit down”. Her attitude was as if she were protecting me almost like a knight. But I shook my head. I invited her to a stroll. Once I told her that walking a little was best for a mother’s body, as expected, she offered her arm in a knightly manner and escorted me.
That part of her had not changed.
“My husband is in the middle of government affairs, but you should be able to see him tonight.”
As there was also the fact that I was carrying the child of King Fluegel, I had changed residences from the royal palace and was resting in the royal villa for now. A garden spread out outside of the villa, which was a good place for a walk.
In Fluegel, nicknamed the Forest Kingdom, both the royal palace and the land surrounding it were enclosed by trees and green meadows. The garden also had a feel unlike that of Drossel, its atmosphere somewhat idyllic. If I were to describe just the environment, I would say that it was a nice place for children.
“A dinner party... is too ceremonious, so I’m thinking of just having a banquet in the royal villa. You’ll stay over, right? I also want you to meet Lord Damian...”
Violet’s eyes went left and right, as if searching for vestiges of Mr. Bougainvillea, who was nowhere to be found. “If that person says it is all right...”
He was supposed to be having a tour around the palace’s interior with the chamberlain by now. I had told the latter to convince him to agree, so there would likely be no problem. The chamberlain was a capable person.
“Please. Just one day is fine. One day is fine, so... Violet, I want to spend it with you.”
“Will you not be bored in my company?”
“No way. If I were, I wouldn’t have told you to ‘come here because I want to see you’.”
“Are you still unused to life here?”
“Yeah, I have clashes from the smallest to the biggest things. It’s gotten better in comparison to the beginning of my marriage, but in the end, I’m all alone in this country. It’s probably hard for you to understand how happy it makes me to be able to see a face I know... but I’m really glad.”
Hearing these words, Violet made a face that looked like she was giving it a thought. “Will you not summon Madam Alberta?”
Alberta was the woman who had influenced my life the most – the courtier who had acted as my foster mother. She was also in the position of chief of the ladies-in-waiting, so she could not go so easily to the princess who had married off to a different country.
“I’d like to. Lord Damian is making sure that she’ll come if my child is born safely. After fulfilling my role as a queen, I can finally... finally ask for what I want.”
“So it could be said that the more valuable the person’s circumstances, the more inconveniences they face.”
“Yeah. Besides, Alberta probably doesn’t want to be away from her country...”
“It did not seem like it to me. Though this is my own speculation.”
“Is that true...? Hey, speaking of which, you were in Drossel before coming here, right? Why did you go see Alberta before coming to me? Was it a geographic issue? Did you have plans to come here?”
“No, we did not have plans to come to Fluegel.”
My mouth distorted. Were my feelings unilateral? That was what I thought, but as she added, “It would be a problem if civilians carefreely came to visit someone from the royal family”, I was at a loss for words. It was just as Violet said.
She said with a face that feigned ignorance at my complicated maiden heart, “In a way, there is a reason. Madam Alberta once interceded for me to take the job of private tutor of a certain lady from the nobility, so I also went to the royal palace in order to report it to her.”
“My, you’d started doing that kind of work?”
“No... she... that person was an exception.” Perhaps remembering this person, Violet looked into the distance for a bit and then closed her eyes. “After that, too, she would introduce jobs to me whenever possible... so my company’s president also told me to express my gratitude if I ever had a chance to see her. Even if I had not... I wanted to show Major – my companion – the beauty of that country.”
“Is that so...? I’m happy. The beauty of my country is my pride.”
“Yes. I could not have thought that we would come here as per Madam Alberta’s arrangement.”
The courtier Alberta was once my wet nurse, and to Violet, she was a work intermediator. Alberta had persuaded Violet, saying that, since she had come nearby, she probably wanted to see me.
Having received the news about Violet’s visit from Drossel, I had sent a carriage from Fluegel to pick her up without thinking about her convenience. As a result, I had hindered the vacation that this much-demanded Auto-Memories Doll probably was finally able to have... as well as the time that she was getting to spend with her significant other.
Calling her over in a way that bordered forcefulness might be an arrogant conduct coming from the royal family.
“Violet... did you not want to come to Fluegel?”
“That is not the case.”
“Yes; it is the country that Lady Charlotte married off to, after all. I had interest in it.”
“Thank you... I’m not free, so... I can’t go anywhere on my own... I had no choice but to bring you here.”
As I said this, Violet nodded with an “I am aware”.
   Afterwards, we talked about what happened in the meantime that we had not seen each other. About how Lord Damian and I were able to properly fall in love with each other after marrying. About how Violet had managed, through ups and downs, to find the most beloved master that she had been looking for. About the fact that he was Mr. Gilbert. About her wish for two of them, in the life that they would have from now onward, to go to the countries that she had visited as an Auto-Memories Doll, because she wanted him to become acquainted with them as well, even if it took some time. We talked about such things quiet and lightly.
I was so happy for being able to have this kind of conversation with her that I could not help myself.
“Speaking of which, Lady Charlotte, it seems you are funding an orphanage.”
“You think it’s hypocritical of me?”
“No. To tell the truth, a girl who is being taken care of over there is supposed to work with us in the future.”
“Eh, is that so? I... built that orphanage because I was influenced by you.”
We opened our eyes wide at each other’s information, hearts pounding, and then broke into giggles.
Aah, when was the last time that I had been so free of wariness with someone? It was really fun. How many more times would I get to see her like this?
“By the way, how’s the Auto-Memories Doll that was with Lord Damian during the Public Love Letters doing?”
Even though we had barely just started chatting, I suddenly thought about that. It was a bad habit of mine. I was quick to picture the end of things.
“She is doing well. It seems she is... always having fights with her lover, but...”
Life was short. Many things passed in a blink of eye.
“Is that okay?”
I spent my time burying down the intervals in which I could not see her.
“It is. Our company is the same as ever. Everyone is doing fine.”
Even so, we could not be together forever.
We would spend time together today and tomorrow, and once we parted, there was a possibility that we would never meet again. After all, I was a queen and Violet was an Auto-Memories Doll. A woman who could go nowhere and a woman who could go anywhere. As one would expect, our social positions were different.
——Aah, Charlotte, stop thinking, I reprimanded myself. Although this moment was unbearably fun, I was conscious of its end, which caused my chest to tighten somewhat.
I was together with Violet in the time when red roses blossomed. The hours we spent talking in the garden would probably become irreplaceable to me. I might recall it over and over.
——This might not be the case for Violet, though.
Friendships could also be unrequited. That was exactly why this moment was both too happy and too painful.
“Lady Charlotte.”
Having my name called, I frantically raised the corners of my mouth, which had gone down before I realized. A queen had to be always smiling elegantly, as to not make the subjects uneasy.
“Wh-What is it?”
Even though I excelled at faking a smile, for some reason, I could not do it properly right now.
“What is the matter?”
I would end up accidentally showing her my original, anxious self when she was in front of me.
“Nothing; it’s just that my heart is filled to the brim.”
Being overcome with emotion at the irreplaceable “present” out of the blue in the middle of a conversation and feeling sad about it was incomprehensible and nothing but a bother to the other person.
“I simply... thought that I was indeed lonely.”
Violet. I might be no more than a character that had not even amounted to a single page of your life.
“I really wanted to see you.”
But you had played a huge role in mine, so you would always be in my heart.
“Because I’d been remembering the things you said to me whenever I was having a hard time.”
Whenever I was sad and about to burst into tears, your face would appear in my heart and you would speak to me.
“Weird, isn’t it? If you think about it, we aren’t that close. I’m just a client to you anyways. Just one person in a crowd. But...”
But I had never forgotten the things you had done for me.
“But, y’know...”
You had supported my love. Allowed me to be selfish. Told me that I was a crybaby. You were the only girl about as old as me that I could be myself when interacting with.
To me, you were my girlhood itself. A symbol of the time when I lived in Drossel, fell in love and was simply Charlotte. It was almost as if I were embracing my child self.
Could you tell? My chest was hurting a lot. What a pain. Why did people become like that when growing up?
“I like you.”
Why did we think that these moments in which we became weak were so bad?
“Lady Charlotte...”
In that instant, Violet came closer, and just when I wondered if she was going to kiss me, she reached out a hand.
“‘I want to stop your tears’.”
And then, the tip of her finger scooped a drop of the tears that were about to overflow.
“If I am certain, I had once told you this, Lady Charlotte.”
I was a bit dumbfounded. I did not think she still remembered that.
“Are you still a crybaby...?”
When she gently asked me that, I felt like one more tear would leak. I suppressed my eyes in a panic. “No way I’d be. I’m a queen already.”
“I have Lord Damian too. I’m his wife.”
“I’ve become strong. I... got a bit weak just now, but it was a temporary thing.”
“Yes, I am aware.”
Aah, you. Violet.
“Lady Charlotte, if you like...”
You were extremely insensitive sometimes.
“...if you ever have a chance to travel to Leidenschaftlich...”
And cruel.
“...by all means, do call me. I will hasten to join you.”
But kind enough to make me cry.
“I want to show you that city one day...”
You had no idea that you were saving me with your casual statements.
Before I noticed, Violet was offering me a handkerchief. I accepted it, and while hiding my crying face but making at least my voice sound all right, I said, “I’ll go; I’ll definitely go there one day. And when I do, show me around!”
Violet replied, “Yes” with a tone that indicated she was probably smiling.
Surely, even if I managed to meet Violet again someday, the same thing would happen. It was precisely because we could not see each other that I would be both happy and pained once I managed to see her.
“Of course. If it suits you, I can draw up a written oath... Ah, Lady Charlotte. Major is back.”
The contents of our conversations had changed from before. We were no longer talking about one-sided love letters. I would not sulk or curl up on my bed in front of her.
“No way; I can’t show him a face like this.”
Still, it did not matter how many years passed.
“You look beautiful.”
It was not as if my feelings would be gone.
——We were able to meet today like that. Even if we part ways tomorrow, you’ll surely be on a voyage somewhere around the world.
“Aren’t my eyes red?”
“No, Lady Charlotte.”
When I thought about that, I started looking forward to it. Should I try to write her a letter telling her that I wanted to see her by the time that the tales of our journeys had piled up?
“Your Majesty, may I also join Violet?”
“Of course; here, sit down.”
I had already decided on an opening phrase for it.
“Major, I was told a wonderful story. Is it all right to talk about it?”
“Aah, tell me, Violet.”
“The orphanage that Lady Charlotte built is...”
   Dear Ms. Violet Evergarden, Are you doing well?
I want to see you.
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nelavili · 3 years
I'm still processing Season 6 and as an unpopular opinion I'm not too happy about it as a whole. I feel horrible for not enjoying it as much as the Cast/Crew would like me to, but I just can’t change this feeling I have.
Just to clear my head I'll write the things down that irked me. I don't want to start any discussion, they're only my thoughts on stuff ‘n thangs. Huge spoilers ahead, please don’t read if you haven’t watched.
I admit it, I have probably more sympathy for the bad twin than I should. And after the whole S5 I thought we get a bit more closure with him. I didn’t expect a redemption arc, after Michael killed Remiel, Dan and Chloe it would have felt wrong. But after the “Everyone deserves a second chance” the dude is down in hell, scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush. Really, Lucifer? That’s cruel after such a righteous line.
When Luci realized he could help everyone, even if he hated them, I hoped for a dive into the twins’ relationship but it was like Michael didn’t even existed anymore. And if someone needed therapy it would be the twin with the huge inferior complex. That could have been so interesting. (I had hoped that he'd sat on the couch at the end, but noooo we get the Frenchman.. such a disappointment.)
Maybe Tom Ellis didn’t want to play 2 roles again, or there was no time, but I feel that was a huge opportunity wasted.
What even was the plan of Michael? To get God to retire and wreck havoc on earth to get Dad back, so Mickey can take over as the new God? And then what? Wipe out humanity? I see no endgame here.
I liked Ella’s Story so far. But she stole the personal file of Carol and even broke into his house.. and everybody is cool with this? Carol might be crushing on Ella pretty hard but if somebody tells you they broke into your house, because they feared you were hiding something bad, You run for the hills. But the dude isn’t even phased.
I’m glad Carol is a good guy, though. Even if he’s kind of bland.
Ella finding out the truth on her own came out of nowhere. I would have found it better if they would have her act a little suspicious over the whole S5. But since they wrote S6 while S5 was shot, a little to late for this.
The scene at the wedding was amazing. I had so much fun with her outburst there.
Ghost!Dan was my favorite by far in this season. And I really liked how he wanted to help and tried to find out what he still felt guilty about.
I am so glad he got to spend his afterlife with Charlotte and I laughed so hard with the pudding. Didn’t expect that, in a positive matter. :D
The scene with Trixie killed me. Bawled so hard as soon as Kevin got teary eyes. That really gripped at my heartstrings.
But how could he go to heaven while in a body of a killer when his daughter stands right next to that killer?
Comedy-wise Dan is top notch
I missed her so much.
It felt like she was an afterthought with everything. She recently lost her Dad and Chloe spends most of the time with Lucifer. I really missed the scenes with her and Luci, they always were so adorable.
They explain it later that she’s at a science camp, but I honestly thought Chloe chooses Lucifer (and later Rory too) over her.
She wasn’t at Chloe’s deathbed but here I’m not sure if the scene with Rory isn’t placed somewhere at the threshold to heaven where only celestials are able to enter. But if she wasn’t there because Chloe sidelined her in favor of Rory, then I can understand her absence.
I love Linda, she always gives good advice but nobody’s ever took it.
Her book probably would fly under the fantasy tag if she ever published it. Still, it felt cringey.
It was so sad that she thought she was a bad therapist.
Apparently she wants to keep helping celestials because it’s better than helping humans. In the end, celestials have the same problems as humans just on a bigger scale. But okay.
Amenacop was good, and a nice nod to Dan who put in the application.
It made him realize that he only can change things when he has more power. I’m white and no american so I don’t know if the BLM theme there was well enough executed. Got me wondering.
The apocalypse just being Angels who are incompetent was a letdown. Like this whole season.
I really like him as god. And I am glad he took the position in the end. Even if he could have decided this a bit earlier.
I like her sarcasm and her character.
Didn’t like the whole time travel, time loop and daughter spiel. I’m not a big fan of time travels or couples getting a kid just for the sake of a happy end or to add extra drama. I could have lived without a Deckerstar baby. Instead they could have focused on Trixie for a change.
The time she spent with Lucifer on the 4th August was precious though.
How in hell did the Frenchman capture her? How did he even know how she looked? IIRC Dan hasn’t seen Rory while in that body. Dan just went over to Trixie that’s why I thought he’d capture her and not Rory.
He found his calling to help the souls in hell only because Rory traveled back in time? No man, he already took the step with Jimmy Barnes in preparation to take over as god. I don’t think it’s far fetched to believe that he would have the same epiphany without Rory there.
But without Rory, he wouldn’t have been helping Ghost!Dan to go to heaven. Though, before Rory traveled back in time, Lucifer was already trying to help Dan. They probably would have needed more time to figure out about what Dan felt guilty about, but figure it out anyways.
How did he even got Chloe pregnant? Was it his subconscious deciding he was ready to be a father? Amenadiel had to believe that he was human to get Linda pregnant. Or maybe it’s because they always thought they couldn’t impregnate a human and self-actualized it that way. Anyways, it’s a tiny hang-up I have with it.
Somebody else besides me thought that the scene in the panic room was awkwardly long? I know they thought Lucifer would vanish somehow, but it seemed too much to me.
His singsong while the magician talked about the trick. :D
I don’t want to even get into the whole time loop thing because I think it’s ridiculous(ly bad).
It took a lot of time for him to realize that he didn’t want to be god, after he put it on hold for a second time. Even Chloe could have asked him if that is really what he wanted. Could have spared us an episode or so. Why is the communication on this show so bad? Q.Q
I loved that he helped Maze with Eve to get the wedding back on after their fight.
He didn’t say goodbye to Trixie  - again. What a nice step-devil..
It’s been Chloe, Rory and his family since he found out she’s his daughter. Not even mentioning the one kid who probably loved him before even Chloe fell for him.
For someone who is all about free will and led a rebellion against God for it, he was quick to accept that he has a “fate”. I thought he’d find another way, or at least try to. Nope, he just did what his child wanted. And they disguised it at his “choice”. Doesn’t look like a choice to me if your daughter begs you for it and you have to promise it. Just getting along with what your child wants.
Why does everyone need to shoot him? Just cut him until he bleeds. The Americans and their fixation on guns. Nice parallel to Chloe though.
Lucifer trying to fix the relationship to Rory with gifts was so cringey. I don’t know why but I couldn’t watch him sing/dance in that scene.
Both him and Amenadiel didn’t want to become like their Dad because of the reasons stated in S5, yet Lucifer exactly did. Another letdown.
As soon as she knew Rory was her and Lucifer’s daughter it was all only about Lucifer and Rory. No thought of Trixie? I understand she was worried about being a bad mother to Rory, but come on, you’re being a bad mother to your first child right now.
She was ready to go to heaven with Lucifer. And Trixie does what exactly without her parents? Living with her Grandma because one of her parent died and the other one is abandoning her? It’s like the writers forgot about Trixie while forcing Rory on us.
The addiction to the necklace got old pretty fast.
And that whole fight against Lucifer felt unnecessary just to add more drama.
She gets mad at Lucifer for not telling her everything while not telling him that she went back to the LAPD. It’s Lucifer, he always has things on his plate. Double moral, pretty much.
She looked so gorgeous at the wedding, oh my god.
Most of the Deckerstar scenes were good. I got tired of the obvious naked cuddle times, surprisingly. Somehow it felt not like the ones in S5 and it bothered me.
I thought Chloe would finally get to know about everything Lucifer did for her, but I didn’t expect her to read it in Linda’s book. And that she only took away that he left her every time they had an emotional breakthrough.
They spend Lucifer’s last day at the beach and once again, no thought of Trixie. I’m sorry I repeat myself here so often. But this whole season wronged Trixie so much.
They face the baddie without any backup.  At least get Amenadiel with you.
Other things
The use of music between scenes was too much for me. Got annoying at some point.
I appreciate that they wanted to show us snippets of past Deckerstar scenes but here too, I felt like it was too much.
Couldn’t really follow the timeline. Maybe it were the cuts.
What’s been the point of bringing Adam into the mix? Just to wrap up Maze and Eve’s story? For Linda having another celestial to therapy?
The animation in the Jimmy Barnes Hell loop was AMAZING. I laughed so hard.
I’m not saying that Deckerstar shouldn’t have sacrificed everything for the time loop to stay intact, I say that the whole daughter-time travel plot shouldn’t have had happened. They never even talked about having kids, and then ignore the whole existence of the one kid that’s already there.
I really need all the Michaella fanfics, please. My first ship that’s actually a raft, because they never officially have met. RIP lmao
The acting was great as usual, all my problems come from the writing and the plot.
In the end, I really feel frustrated, underwhelmed and disappointed by the whole season. I didn’t have high expectations other than the same writing quality like S5. My excitement for that Season died as soon as Rory told Lucifer that she’s his daughter, to be honest. I waited for a plot twist that never came. Then the whole time loop shit.  I’d rather have waited one more year for S6 if the plot would have made more sense, since this felt like a first draft of a whole other show. And now I wished that S5 would have been the last season. If I could travel back in time, I’d rather not watch S6.
I can honestly live with the fact that Luci and Chloe are in hell, trying to help souls to get to heaven. (But hello, not the murderers perhaps? Or I want Michael sitting on that couch right now.) But the fact that both “chose” to sacrifice their time together with their family and friends just because it’s fate now and parents have to make sacrifices for their children; and anyways there’s an afterlife because (human) life is just a blip in our existence… nah thank you. I do not want it.
I’m probably not gonna rewatch S6 anytime soon.
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luckynatured · 2 years
It was hard for Matt to forget when he met Hilbert. Not that he wanted to in the first place; it was a happy memory for him! 
He was so uncertain about his spot in the team at first, but Hilbert's cheerful attitude and Merlot's reassurance helped him out. And now look where he was! He was even able to evolve into a Zebstrika, something that never would have happened had he stayed in the wild.
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With that said, Hilbert's attitude regarding the newest member of the roster - a Venipede that Hilbert had named 'Charlotte' for some reason - was a total reversal of what Matt knew. The discomfort in Hilbert's face was clear as day. Apparently he didn't like bug-types? Matt had a feeling that was the case (given his relief upon meeting that Pidove in Pinwheel Forest), but to actually see it was a whole other thing.
Since Charlotte was the first encounter in this forest, however...Hilbert had to at least try, right? That had to be why he was letting her crawl up his arm and onto his shoulder, right? He guessed it would help that her Ability was Swarm and not Poison Point, but still. Matt wondered if there was anything he could do to help lighten the mood. 
After everything Hilbert did for Matt, it was the least he could do.
Then it occurred to him. Since his evolution into a Zebstrika, he was closer to Hilbert's height. He wondered if he was tall enough to reach Hilbert's hat? He wasn't sure, so maybe he should get some backup for this. Maybe Michelle? The others wouldn't be able to get on his back as easily as her, so she was really his only choice.
He looked around until he spotted Michelle - she was sparring with Jude. And it looked like they were just wrapping up too. Perfect.
Matt trotted over and watched the spar play out. 
It was honestly pretty fierce, how Michelle fought. Jude struck back just as hard, but he seemed to be having a harder time keeping up. That showed in how he swung at Michelle, which was blocked by one of her scalchops. The Dewott then used the opening to swing at Jude's face with her other scalchop. Surprised, the Krokorok jumped back. Michelle didn't have time to recover, so she ended up spinning due to the momentum of her swing.
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(You've definitely improved,) Jude said. He seemed oddly out of breath. (I give. We should take a break now.)
(Whaaat? But I'm not tired yet!) Despite her complaints, Michelle put her schalchops away. Matt could tell from looking at her that she wanted to say something about how out-of-breath Jude was, but she stopped herself. By that point, everyone knew it was a sore spot for Jude.
(Hey, cheer up Michelle. I was actually going to ask your help for something,) Matt called. Michelle and Jude glanced over his way.
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(Hi, Matt!) Michelle greeted, a bright smile on her face. (Didn't see you there! So how'd I do? You think I'm getting stronger, right?!)
Matt suddenly got the impression that he was caught in an argument again. Not a hard thing to do, with a teammate as short-tempered as Michelle. (Uh...yeah. You nearly caught Jude off-guard!)
(Watch it,) Jude warned. Despite the harsh tone, there was a small smile on the Krokorok's face. (So, what'd you need her help for?)
Matt blinked. (Oh, I almost forgot! Michelle, get on my back? You'll see in just a moment.)
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For Hilbert’s part, he’d admit that letting Charlotte crawl all over him might not have been the best idea. But he figured that was the fastest way to get comfortable with her. The rest of his team was relaxing and having fun (although he saw Michelle sparring with Jude some time ago).
It did seem to help that Charlotte was bashful; maybe she was just as awkward about this as he was? He couldn't be too sure - the only impression he got from her (other than her bashful nature) was that she seemed to be pretty restless. Kind of the same way Jude was, now that he thought about it.
He was so wrapped up in what he was doing that he didn't notice Matt coming until it was too late. The Zebstrika stopped right in front of him and reached up to take the brim of his hat into his mouth. That made it easy to pluck the hat from Hilbert's head, and he trotted away with his new prize. Michelle was on his back too, and Matt tilted his head to the side to give the Dewott access to the hat.
For a moment, Hilbert stood there in shock. Did Matt just-? "Hey! Matt!"
Michelle took the hat from Matt's mouth, and put it on her own head. Of course, the hat was too big for her; it flopped over her eyes almost immediately. That didn't stop her from marching in place, and shaking her hand like she was rolling a pair of dice-
Oh. Oh, so that's what their plan was? Okay, it was on now.
Hilbert laughed at the impression of him and began chasing after Matt. Charlotte (having been on Hilbert's shoulder the whole time) managed to keep her grip, and she seemed as amused by the two's antics as Hilbert was.
The rest of the afternoon was spent with Hilbert (and the rest of the party!) chasing after Matt and Michelle. He even enlisted the other's help in tracking them down - Charlotte included. By the end of it, Hilbert seemed a lot more comfortable with Charlotte's presence; he was all smiles, even as she crawled down his arm and back to her PokeBall.
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dreadpoetssociety · 4 years
I Just Want My Brother
TW: Kidnapping, Abuse, Death, Drugs, Mentions of blood. 
Prompt: hi! i loved ur reid x sis!reader!! i was wondering if u could do one with reid x teen sis!reader and maybe she was a witness to something or got kidnapped and survived or something so they have to give her a cognitive interview and she refuses to do it unless spence is there or the one asking her the questions
Note: I really liked this request. I feel like I may have gotten off topic a littttttttle bit, but I tried my best! Also, sorry for any grammatical mistakes! 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Sister!Reader
Word Count: 3589
You were never really one to defy your elder brother’s rules, given how lenient he was with you, but it was supposed to just be one fun night out with your friends. The night scene that your friends adored was never really your cup of tea due to the horror stories Spencer would come home with. Girls getting kidnapped going on a run, girls being drugged and killed at a party, girls just going missing off the streets never to be found until it was too late, things like that. After a while, he slowly stopped giving you the gory details when he’d noticed the actual effect it had on your own life, whether or not you chose to acknowledge that when begging him to tell you more, but not knowing what was out there did scare you. Especially after stealing one of Spence’s files and looking at the photos that it held.
But, you were feeling daring on this particular night. Your friends finally convinced you to sneak out of the house. Spencer wouldn’t be back from his current job until morning, and even if you did get caught, you were generally a good kid. You bent the rules from time to time, but most high-schoolers you knew were sneaking out regularly, skipping class, doing hard drugs and even getting arrested from time to time. How bad could you be? At least, that was the reasoning your friends put into your head.
So, you thought hey, if you ever have kids, mind as well at least have one cool story to tell them. You didn’t even bother to go through the apartment window, you just walked out the door and met your friends out on the street. It was nearly midnight, but the night had just begun. 
It was hours of going to this person’s house and that person’s apartment, stopping by a random party and making noise in the streets, until finally, your friends made it to a bar. 
“You know,” you laughed a little anxiously, “maybe we shouldn’t. I mean I don’t even have a way of getting in there.”
“Y/N, chill. I know your brother freaks you into obeying the rules, but those things he sees have like a .0001% of actually happening. Like what are the chances really?” your friend, Elliot, smiled at you. 
“Actually, about one out of 300,000 people get kidnapped, which doesn’t seem like a lot, but the actual percentage is-“
“Y/N, we’re fine! Kids do this all the time. Plus, I already paid that Barry kid to make you a fake. Consider it an early birthday gift.” your other friend, Sheila, pulled out her purse and passed you the piece of plastic. Although incredibly concerned, you were impressed by how realistic it was. You sighed. 
“Fine, you’re right.” you laughed, “But there’s no way I’m convincing that bouncer that I’m 21.”
“Confidence is key. Just stroll past him like you know what you’re doing. If you look nervous they’ll know. I swear, Y/N, those dudes can smell fear.” Elliot laughed. The three of you made your way to said club entrance, and although the bouncer did seem suspicious of you, he just let you in anyway. 
The club was loud, there was a band on stage and lasers going throughout the room. Alice and Elliot didn’t hesitate to drag you to the bar first. You’d drank a little before, but you’d never gotten buzzed, let alone completely drunk. It wasn’t really your style, and thankfully, Elliot and Alice respected that. They pressured you to do a lot of things, but not anything like drugs or alcohol. They merely pushed you out of your comfort zone sometimes, and irregardless of whether or not the adults around you thought they were a good influence didn’t matter to you. 
“We’re going to go dance, but we’ll be nearby if you don’t want to join us! Just make sure not to go too far alone, Y/N” Alice stated, knowing you would absolutely not agree to dance with them. You smiled and nodded and the two went off to do their thing within your sight. 
“What can I get you, young lady?” the man at the bar caught you off guard. 
“Oh, uh, maybe just a glass of water?”
“Ah, designated driver I presume?” he laughed.
“Yeah, something like that.” you replied, “Someone’s gotta keep an eye on those two.” you nudged your head towards your two friends who were living it up with some other people in the crowd who you think might’ve been your age, too. You were sort of surprised at how easy it was to get into this club, considering so many of your peers get thrown out of it or get caught. 
The man passed you the water and walked off almost a bit angrily. Understandably, though, because water is free.  You made a note to leave the man a tip later anyway. It was the least you could do. You played with the straw, took a few sips, and watched as your friends danced the night away. 
After a while, though, you began to feel off. Dizzy even, and you couldn’t think clearly. It was a hot summer night in a hot crowded club, the one cup of water you drank all day was right in front of you, so you figured it was the heat. You decided to take a quick trip outside to try and catch some air.
It was when you left the club that it really hit you. The world was turning, and you were barely able to stay awake. 
The club was located in an area that wasn’t super lit other than the one club sign. The bouncers must’ve been in the midst of switching shifts because there wasn’t one outside. 
“Hey young lady, you okay?” a man’s voice was all you could make out of him. You could see him, but you couldn’t, and it didn’t make sense. Someone grabbed you and the world went dark.
You woke up slowly. You didn’t recognize your surroundings, the walls were concrete and disgusting. The room reeked of something. 
You tried to stand, but something was holding you to the floor. Having looked down, you noticed sort chains attached to both wrists. Your heart sped up, but you didn’t scream.
How the hell. . . you thought. How did they get me here? 
The last thing you could really remember was the water. What was in the water? It was too slow to be ketamine, too fast to be rohypnol. You wondered. Oh my god, gamma hydroxybutyric acid. Or cherry meth. 
You heard someone make a noise and instantly forgot about the debate in your head. Being able to think more clearly, and your eyesight less blurred, you began to take in your surroundings. There were windows in two two of the walls without glass. Taking a look, you noticed three other women in you line of sight. One in the room with you, who was starting to wake up, and two through the left and right windows. Straight ahead was a doorway that showed a room with a table on in the middle.
It was then that you really began to understand what was happening. The exact thing you were afraid of this whole time. Your breath sped up, your heart was nearly coming out of your body, your blood ran cold. 
“Hey,” the girl was awake now, “I’m Charlotte.” you looked at her wide eyed. Here you two were, chained against a wall, she was bruised and bloodied up and down, and she decided that it was appropriate to introduce herself? 
“What’s happening?” you didn’t even think to reply back to her. She could be anyone. She could be the person who took you, acting as your friend. Your paranoid mind raced through multiple scenarios.
“Look, you’ll be fine as long as you listen.”
“Listen? Listen to what? To who? Who took us? What are they-“ 
“You need to calm down.” she whispered, “If they hear you they’ll come. They haven’t been so nice to the noisy ones.”
If anything anybody had never shut you up before, that certainly did. You could feel the fear in every nerve of your body. he other girls around you faced the floor. One was in a party dress, the other in a pan suit. Looking at them, the girls had nothing in common. One had dark hair, the other had her hair dyed a faded blue, and the last was blonde, each with a different eye color and skin tone. You tried your best to think like your brother, but you couldn’t. Unlike him, you weren’t a genius, you were just average.
You heard a door creek open and all the girls instantly looked up. Through the doorway of your room, you saw a masked man walk in. You could almost hear the other girls’ hearts pumping. You watched in terror as he began to step towards you. When he got into the room, though, he turned towards Charlotte, and began unchaining her.
“No, please!” she cried, “Please, I’m sorry.”
“Shut up.” 
Charlotte went quiet. He aggressively picked her up by her arm and dragged her to the table, of which he pinned her down onto and began to strap her in. It wasn’t long before he opened a cabinet out of your view, and pulled out various rusty tools.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” you asked. You didn’t even think out what you were doing. What the hell do you think YOU’RE doing, Y/N? you thought to yourself. Unconsciously, you knew that you can’t profile this guy like Spencer could, you couldn’t talk your way out of this, but you could protect the girls around you. How? By pissing him off. 
“Don’t speak, woman.” he growled.
“What are you going to do about it? Kill me?” he slammed a knife-like tool straight down into the table a millimeter next to Charlotte’s abdomen, “What? Did I hurt your masculinity, big boy?” 
He unstrapped her quickly. You figured what was coming for you next, and it wasn’t long before you were on that table. The leather restraints were on way too tight, there were splinters in your back already from the poorly sanded wooden table, which you figured was on purpose. And all you could do was watch, and scream, as this man did whatever he wanted to you. hitting you, cutting you, seemingly testing out tools you’d never even seen before. The camera on the ceiling told you that he was recording this all to watch later.
And all you could do was scream out your brother’s name.
You didn’t know how long you were there. Hours, days, weeks, you had no idea. Time didn’t exist down there. Ever since your first encounter with the man, you tried to deter him from the other women around you any time he came around. And fortunately for them but not for you, it worked.
All of the pain and screaming left you numb, but it wasn’t until you saw him get angrier with one of the other girls that you weren’t able to comprehend your situation anymore.
She hadn’t been doing well, the one in the party dress. The color in her skin was drained, making her paler, her eyes sunk. And you watched as the man pulled a knife from his pocket, and stuck it right through her heart. The screams from you and the girls flooded the room, and it was like the air in the building was being sucked out. 
You would never forget it.
You were asleep when suddenly you heard the door open again and your body began to shake. But it wasn’t the man who came in.
“Reid! I got her!” the sound of Morgan’s voice echoed in your ears. Spencer burst into the room, and while Morgan Prentiss, JJ, and Rossi tended to the other three girls, Reid and Hotch came straight to you.
“Y/N? Oh my god, Y/N, you’re going to be okay. We’re going to get you out of here.” Spencer panicked as he tugged at the chains, “Come on!” 
“Y/N, do you know where the unsub went?” Hotch asked. You looked at him, you understood his words, but all you could manage to say was,
“Liquid cherry.” 
“No, cherry E.” you were so distorted, either from the pain, or from the shock.
“Y/N I don’t understand.” Hotch said.
“Liquid cherry?” Reid repeated, “Y/N, do you mean Liquid E?” you nodded.
“Cherry meth.” Hotch confirmed. You don’t even know why you brought it up. It wasn’t important, and although that’s what the man used on you, it wasn’t even relevant at this point.
The rest was a blur. Being free had a different meaning to it for you then. But yet, you were brought into an interrogation room after the ambulance had deemed that you didn’t have any truly hospitalizing injuries, just horrible bruises along with scars that would probably never fade away. You looked down at the table.
Emily Prentiss and JJ sat on the other end of the table. 
“Y/N, we know you’ve been through something traumatic, but that man is still out there. The other two girls aren’t conscious, and you’re the only one who knows what he looks like.” Prentiss explained, “You might not remember, but we if you’re able, we want to do a cognitive interview with you. It might help you remember details you didn’t know you picked up on.” 
“I don’t want to be here alone.” you whispered. JJ sighed sadly for you, “I don’t want to do it unless it’s Spencer.”
“I know, Y/N, but your brother is personally involved now. He can’t work on this case.” she said. In your heart you knew why, and you understood completely. But your mind just didn’t follow, and you shook your head. You looked up, and the color of the room and placement of the mirror seemed to eerily familiar, and the scene switched.
There you were, back on that concrete floor, screaming out for Spencer. All you wanted was for your brother to come save you. You saw the man walking towards you. You screamed louder as he got closer.
You felt someones hands on your shoulders and the scene had changed again. You were breathing heavily, the interrogation chair was on its back, and you were in the corner of the room. Emily and JJ were crouched with concerning eyes in front of you.
“Y/N? It’s us.” 
“I can’t do it.” you sobbed, “Not without him. I won’t.”
Emily and JJ looked at each other and nodded. Emily walked out of the room while JJ sat on the floor with you.
“You’re safe now.”
“He’s still out there he’s not going to stop.” you whispered, “I just want my brother. I just want Spencer.”
She held you tight.
“We won’t let anything happen to you. Spence won’t let anything happen to you.” she reassured. 
It wasn’t long after that Spencer finally entered the room and signaled that it was okay for JJ to leave.
“Y/N,” his voice was soft, and you instantly felt safer in the presence of your brother, “are you sure you can do this?” you nodded in response. As much as it terrified you, you didn’t want that monster hurting any other girls. He was still out there somewhere. Spence helped you up and fixed your chair. You sat across from each other.
“Y/N, I need you to close your eyes.” he said. You did so, “Now think. What’s the weather like before you met the unsub? Was it cloudy, light, dark?”
“It was night. The sky was so clear.” you replied, imagining the time in your mind.
“You’re going out. Who are you with?” he asked.
“Alice and Elliot. Spencer, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have broken the rules.” you cried. Spencer hadn’t even considered the thought of you sneaking out until now, but had decided that it was a talk for another time, if he thought you’d ever be able to handle it.
“Don’t worry about it, Y/N. I’m just glad you’re safe.” he said. With your eyes closed, you couldn’t see the tears pricking your brother’s eyes. He’d seen many tragic things, done some of the most gruesome cognitive interviews, seen the most disgusting and vile actions done by the most heartless of monsters, but none of that beat this. His own sister. He’d watched the tapes that the man had recorded , and his heart sunk every time you screamed out his name, but his anger grew just as much, “Where did you guys go right before you met the unsub?”
“The club on 16th street.” you stated, seeing yourself and your friends right outside the doors, “Alice and Elliot convinced me to go in.”
“What are you doing in there?”
“Alice and Elliot went to dance. I don’t like dancing, so they stay near me while I sit at the bar?” you realized that you talked as if you were presently there.
“Who is around you? Anyone you recognize?” he asked.
“No, I’m alone with the bartender.”
“Is he talking to you?” Spencer questioned. It was then that you recognized something.
“What can I get you, YOUNG LADY?” the bartender’s voice echoed in your mind, and aligned with the man who asked if you were okay outside before you were taken. You realized that the size and stature of the man who had tortured you matched with the bartender. You gasped and opened your eyes quickly. You were visibly distraught, so Spencer grabbed your hand in a quick attempt to comfort you.
“Y/N, are you okay? If it’s too much we can-“
“The bartender, Spencer.” you huffed out, “He said something to me and spoke to me outside after I was drugged.”
“Do you know what he looks like? Or his name?” he asked. Your thoughts were so fragmented now that you couldn’t remember, and a few tears slipped down your face as shook your head, “Do you want to try to keep going? You don’t have to Y/N I don’t want to put you through this again.”
“No!” you yelled, “No, it’s okay. It’s important. I can do this as long as you’re here.” He smiled slightly at how much you trusted him, but it quickly faded.
“The bartender,” he started, “He’s talking with you, what’s he saying?”
“He asks me if I want a drink. Calls me ‘young lady.’” you replied, as you saw yourself seated at the bar. The man just looked like a blur to you, and you tried so hard to remember him.
“What’s around him?” Spencer asked. 
“Well drinks, obviously. Alcohol.” 
“What kind?”
“He’s got all kinds of fancy bottles. Jim Beam, Captain Morgan, Patron, Bacardi,” you paused, “The Smirnoff is the same color as his shirt. A red shirt as a bartender. He stands out in an odd way.”
“His shirt, is he wearing anything? A name tag?” 
“He has a lanyard. It’s got pins on it and a picture with his-“ you see his name in big black letters on the end of the lanyard, “Andrew Vaughn. The drug is started to hit me now Spencer I-“
“Hey,” his voice was soft as he quickly got up and hugged you, “you’re safe now. I’ve got you.”
“I’m so sorry!” you sobbed into his shirt, grabbing onto him. He put his head on yours.
“It’s not you’re fault Y/N. You’ve been through something traumatic, you can’t be sorry for it.” he said.
“If I hadn’t gone out like you told me, Spence! And those other girls. The one in the party dress! I watched her die! He just stabbed her and she bled out in agony, Spencer!” you nearly yelled. You almost couldn’t breathe, and your face was wet with the tears.
Spencer’s heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. Reid knew some what of what you were going through. He reminded himself of what it was like when Tobias Hankel, and tried to think of how he wanted people to treat him then when he was freed, and how long it took for him to be okay again. He never really was, and he was afraid that you would never be able to feel safe again, but understood why you wouldn’t. He just wanted to take care of you, and blamed himself for not being there.
Within the next few hours, Hotch had refused to let a very angry Spencer go with the team to the unsub’s house. The BAU, although, successfully brought your kidnapper into custody.
“You don’t have to worry now, Y/N” Morgan said to you, “We’re gonna make sure he never sees the light of day again. He’ll live the rest of his life behind those bars.” 
“Yeah.” was all you managed to say with the slightest smile as you walked through whatever precinct you were in. 
“Y/N, Garcia told me to tell you that if you ever need anything, she’s here. I think the same goes for the rest of us.” Rossi explained.
“Thanks. I owe you all everything.” you said.
“Let’s get you home.” Spencer put his hand on your shoulder, careful not to touch any of your injuries, and the two of you walked out together.
You would never be the same after that, but at least you had your brother by your side.
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lyranova · 3 years
Children of the Future:
Chapter 10: Finding Maelie
Hi guys! Sorry i haven’t been active here lately, I’m hoping that’ll change soon and i’ll be able to post more for you guys this weekend 🥰! Here’s chapter 10 and I hope you all enjoy! Also if I forgot to tag anyone please let me know!
Taglist: @eme-eleff @crazyclownthanos @jovialnoise @talpup @simpingforthisonedeer @melissa-novachrono @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @bowandcurtsey (i couldn’t remember if you wanted to be tagged or not Aine 😅) @ckjwnnbc
Word Count: 3,216
Warnings: None
“ Where was the last place you saw your sister?” Gauche asked as he, Grey, Yami, and Aloys stood outside of the Castle. They had all agreed to help him look for his sister and, of course, it had to be now that he wanted to look for her. The dark haired boy frowned in thought as he tried to remember.
“ Back home. Right as we entered the Time Gate, she was right next to me, but when I woke up she was gone.” He muttered the last part softly as he looked away. Grey walked over and placed a gentle hand onto his shoulder and smiled reassuringly.
“ It’s ok, we’ll find her I promise!” She told the boy confidently, Gauche tilted his head slightly, Grey was much more confident and comfortable around Aloy’s then anyone else. Maybe because he was a little timid like her? Or was it because he was her, no, their son?
“ Ok, that gives us almost nothing to go on.” Gauche said with a sigh and the boy glared icily at him.
“ ‘Almost nothing’ is better than completely nothing, y'know.” He grumbled, Yami quickly cut between the two before Gauche could retort.
“ Look, if you two are gonna squabble and bicker I’m going to send you both home. Together. Where you have no option but to speak and spend time together, understand?” Yami threatened, the two nodded but continued to glare at each other. He turned to Aloys.
“ Where did you wake up?” He asked, the boy looked around for a moment.
“ Somewhere deep in the woods. I came through the east side of the Capitol so I’m assuming the East Woods.” He said with a shrug, he wasn’t the best at directions so he easily could have been mistaken, but it was his best guess at the moment.
“ Alright then, let’s start there.” Yami said as he stepped onto his broom. Gauche and Grey did the same and Aloys sat behind Grey on her broom. The four quickly took off into the air and headed towards the East Woods.
“ Captain,” Gauche called as he flew up next to him. “ You know it’s a long shot we’re going to find anything there right? Even if we happen to find the exact spot where the kid woke up.” Gauche pointed out, Yami looked over at him and nodded.
“ I know, but it’s the only lead we’ve got.” Yami countered. Gauche looked away, he knew the Captain was right, even though he didn’t want to admit it. He fell back a few feet and flew a little behind him. Yami shook his head and let a small sigh escape his lips.
So much for getting back home early.
Charlotte looked around the house with a confused frown; where was everyone? She seemed to be the only Captain to have arrived so far, and the kids were nowhere to be seen. She looked down the halls before placing a hand on her hip, where could they be? She looked up as she saw a flash of pink outside the kitchen window. She tilted her head before walking out the side door and heading to what one would consider a backyard. She quickly dodged as a spell went flying past her head.
“ Be careful Josslyn you could’ve gotten someone killed if you don’t learn to watch where you’re aiming!” Hikari shouted, Charlotte frowned as she approached the two girls, were they training?
“ Geez, tone it down Hikari, it’s not like anyone got hurt. Oh hi Captain Suke-, I mean, Captain Roselei.” Josslyn said as she suddenly noticed the blonde Captain approaching them, Hikari turned around and smiled at her ‘mother’.
“ Josslyn, Hikari,” Charlotte nodded at the two before standing in front of them with her arms crossed.” What are you two doing?”
“ Training.” They answered in unison, both girls looked at each other before laughing a bit, they did have the tendency to answer at the same time. Charlotte smiled softly before nodding.
“ I saw, you’re both pretty good. But,” she turned to Josslyn. “ Hikari’s right, you have to make sure your spells are perfectly aimed and well timef, otherwise an innocent might get caught in the crossfire.” Charlotte lightly reprimanded the pink haired girl, who looked away and muttered under her breath before walking away.
“ I’m gonna train on my own for a while.” She threw over her shoulder to the mother and daughter, Hikari went to open her mouth but Josslyn cut her off. “ I’ll be right over there so you can see me, I promise I won’t run off.” She added, Hikari closed her mouth and nodded before turning to Charlotte.
“ Where are the boys?” The blonde asked, Hikari looked around for a moment before her eyes landed on them.
“ They’re over there, by the looks of it Alistar is teaching Ace about what kind of plant that is.” She chuckled and Charlotte laughed a bit as well.
“ He really loves plants doesn’t he?” She asked, she had only known him for less then a day but considering he told her about what all plants the spices in the kitchen had come from and their origins, that was the little information she was able to gather from the white haired boy. Hikari nodded.
“ He does, it’s one of his many quirks. But he doesn’t go on and on about plants all the time, only when he sees one that he feels like telling you a bit about.” She chuckled again, Charlotte tilted her head a bit.
“ He seems like a very nice young man.” She tried to sound casual, but she was digging for information on the two, but only just a little. She quickly shook her head, ‘What are you doing Charlotte?! Their love life isn’t any of your business! You’re starting to sound like one of your girls!’ She scolded herself but she saw the dark haired girl nod in agreement.
“ He is. He’s probably one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet, but there’s a little more to him than just that. He’s smart, brave, kind of quiet, and despite all the challenges life has dealt him, he always tries to smile.” She told Charlotte fondly before shrugging a bit. “ He has the second biggest fanclub in the Golden Dawn, right behind his dad, and I tried to get him to go out on a date with a couple of girls from his fan club. But he wouldn’t do it.” She added with a small sigh and shake of her head, Charlotte looked from Hikari to Alistar curiously.
“ Is there someone who has his heart already?” Hikari frowned in thought for a moment before shaking her head.
“ I don’t think so, I’m his best friend, so I would think he would tell me if there’s someone he likes already.” Hikari said, he would tell her right? I mean, after all they’ve been through and all the things they knew about each other, he was bound to tell her if he had a crush on someone? Right? Hikari shook her head quickly before changing the subject.
“ Why aren’t you and my dad together already?” She watched her ‘mother’s’ face turn a bright shade of read and she began to stammer nervously, apparently she wasn’t expecting the question.
“ B-Because,” Charlotte looked away. “ Because I’m not strong enough yet, Yami deserve’s to have a strong capable woman by his side. One that can protect him just like he protects everyone, one that can stand on her own and be his equal in every way. I’m not there yet I’m afraid. But,” she smiled softly before looking at her ‘daughter’. “ I think I’ll get there eventually, it’s just going to take some time and, as Yami put’s it, I’ll need to surpass my limits.”
Hikari smiled, she was proof her mother was right that she would eventually get there. But there was also worry in her smile. She was worried about how her, and her friends, appearance here would affect the timeline. Would her parents still get together like how they did originally? Or would she somehow influence it? She didn’t know, and that made her nervous.
Gauche couldn’t help but wonder why him, why did he have to get stuck with Aloys?! The boy seemed to be closer to Grey so why didn’t the Captain send him with her? He couldn’t help but glare as the Captain divided the four of them up when they had arrived at the East Woods, if he didn’t put Grey and Aloys together because they had the same magic type then why didn’t he send Grey to go looking for the girl with Gauche? There was only one logical answer:
He was being punished for earlier, he had to be.
But now that the two were alone he could actually look at the boy. He seemed to be 16, his hair was a dark brown-ish blue shade, he had a similar body type to Gauche but shorter, if Aloy’s was anything like him he’d probably hit his growth spurt soon, he also seemed to be much more quiet now then he was earlier. From what he had seen back at the Castle, Aloys seemed to be nearly identical to Gauche, but now that he had settled down, he seemed to be more like Grey.
“ Stop staring at me old man, you’re making me nervous.” Aloys muttered as he glanced at his ‘father’, Gauche rolled his eyes and looked away.
“ Stop calling me an old man! I’m only 4 years older than you!” Gauche argued, Aloys smirked.
“ Still older.” Gauche growled.
“ The Captain should’ve sent you with Grey, she’s better at dealing with you.” He told Aloys, who nodded.
“ I wish he would have too, that way I wouldn’t have to deal with you old man.” Gauche quickly whipped around to glare at his ‘son’.
“ Momma’s boy!” Aloys turned to look at his ‘dad’.
“ Sister lover!”
“ What did you just-?” Gauche growled dangerously low when Aloys suddenly gasped and took off running past him. “ Hey kid, wait!” He quickly followed after him.
“ This was it!” Aloys shouted as he stood in a small circle of trees, he looked around wildly. “ This is where I woke up! Maelie! Maelie are you here?” He shouted as he walked into the center of the circle. Gauche pulled out the communication device and quickly gave Yami their coordinates.
“ You’re sure this was it?” Yami asked as he looked around, they were almost dead center in the East Woods, why had he been dropped here of all places? Hell, how did the kid not get lost in these woods? He watched as the umber haired boy continued to look around the area.
“ Yeah I’m sure, because I thought it was strange that all these trees were in a circle. It’s kind of ominous.” Aloys said with a shrug, suddenly a flock of birds came flying out one of the tree’s and Grey let out a shriek before hiding behind Gauche, who sighed and shook his head.
“ It’s just bird's Grey, and will you please stop clinging to my shirt?” He asked, honestly he didn’t actually mind her clinging to him, but he wasn’t about to let anyone know that. Grey only seemed to cling tighter to his shirt.
“ I-I’m sorry Gauche, b-but this place is just so t-terrifying!” Grey stammered, her eyes shut tightly and her face as red as a tomato. She wanted to go home. This place was much too scary and she didn’t like it at all, but she was somewhat comforted by Gauche’s presence. He always seemed to make her feel safer, even braver at times. Aloys tilted his head slightly as he watched his ‘parents’ but he didn’t comment.
“ It doesn’t look like anyone else was dropped here except you,” Yami said as he crouched down at the ground. “ are you sure you two walked through this ‘time gate’ together?” Aloys snorted.
“ Of course I am, I was holding her hand the entire time.” He explained, the other three frowned, if he was holding her hand, then how did they get seperated? Yami looked at the sky for a moment; it was beginning to get dark, they either had to find the girl quickly or call it a day.
“ It’s getting dark,” Gauche said as he also looked at the sky. “ we’ll have to call it a day for now and search again tomorrow.” Aloys began to quickly shake his head at his ‘father’s’ words.
“ No, No way! We have to find her! She’s only 9 years old, in a new and unfamiliar place! She could be hungry and scared or someone could grab her and take off with her!” Aloys shouted.
“ Yeah, she could be all those things. But she could also be anywhere in this city, or even anywhere in this country! How are you going to be able to find and look for your sister if you can’t see where you’re going because it’s too dark?!” Gauche shouted back, Aloys clenched his teeth and looked away; he knew Gauche was right, they wouldn’t be able to see much of anything in the dark, but she was his little sister, he had to find her. He promised.
“ W-What if it was Marie?” Grey asked softly as she opened her eyes and looked up at the brown haired man, he turned a small shade of pink and looked away. “ If it were her that were missing, wouldn’t you keep searching all the way until morning and beyond if you had to?” She heard him make a small noise in the back of his throat, he knew she was right, if Marie were missing there would be no stopping him until he found her.
Gauche looked at Aloys and saw a familiar, determined look. One he had on his face many times, especially when it came to something, or someone, important to him. He sighed and scratched the back of his head.
“ Fine, we’ll keep looking for the girl. But if we don’t find her by morning then we’ll stop and regroup. Got it?” He asked Aloys, who smiled and nodded in agreement. Gauche looked at Yami. “ Captain, if you need to, you can head back. We can handle this.”
Yami stared at Gauche and Grey for a moment before a smirk made its way across his face. He walked past them and towards where his broom was leaning on a tree.
“ Alright, if you need me you still have the communication device I gave you. So use it if you’re in trouble.” Yami instructed before he stepped onto his broom and lifted himself into the air and flew off into the direction of the shared house.
Though, he had a feeling they wouldn’t need to call for help.
Yami landed outside the house with a soft ‘thud’, it was already dark out, a small piece of him hoped that they found the girl and were on their way back. But considering she could be anywhere made him doubt they would be able to find her in one day. He opened the door and, just like this morning, everyone was seated around the dining table getting ready to eat.
“ Oh, welcome back Captain Sukehiro!” Alistar greeted warmly and with a cheerful smile, Yami nodded at the white haired boy before walking towards the other. Hikari turned to face her ‘father’ and she also smiled, Yami blinked a bit, he almost forgot her smile was the exact same as Charlotte’s. He gave her a small smile before he sat next to her.
“ Rough day?” Hikari asked before putting a piece of food into her mouth, Yami looked around the table and noticed everyone was either eating or had just finished and were cleaning up the kitchen. He shrugged.
“ Not too bad I guess. I had to inform everyone about being on the lookout for other kids, and lo and behold, I was called to Julius’s office again for another kid.” He muttered as he poured himself a small glass of wine and took a sip.
“ Zora already told us that,” Charlotte said as she walked in from the kitchen. “ Who was it this time?”
“ Grey and Gauche, their son Aloys attacked the Magic Knights guarding the Castle and of course Julius had to step in. He’s a chip off the old block when he’s pissed.” Yami said with a small smirk, it was amusing that when the boy was angry he acted just like Gauche, but otherwise he was more like Grey. He silently wondered if their daughter was the same way, or if she was the opposite? Hikari quickly put down her fork and looked at him.
“ Aloys is here? Is Maelie here too?” She asked as she turned in her seat, Yami let out a small sigh before shaking his head.
“ She’s lost apparently, Gauche, Grey, and Aloys are still out searching for her.” Yami explained before she suddenly got up and headed straight for the door, with Alistar right behind her. “ Where are you going?”
“ To help them look for her! I can’t believe you left them out there to search on their own!” She said angrily, her father was never this way, he never abandoned someone who needed help!
“ Now wait a minute-.” Charlotte started but was cut off.
“ No I won’t! Why did you leave them to look for her on their own, why didn’t you stay and help them?!” She asked Yami, he stood up and looked at her.
“ Because I trust them.” He answered simply. “ I know they’ll find her and they won’t stop until they do, I gave them a communication device in case they needed me. But I don’t think they’ll need to use it.” Hikari glared at him before turning around and grabbed the door knob.
“ Trusting them isn’t a good enough reason.” She muttered before pulling the door open and being greeted with a purple shirt, one she recognized.
“ Gauche?”
As the dark haired girl’s gaze traveled higher she noticed Gauche was carrying a small girl in his arms, one with dark blue-ish brown hair and wearing a blue and white dress.
He was holding Maelie.
“ See? I told you.” Yami smirked, even from a distance he could see Hikari’s cheeks tinted with pink. Alistar chuckled slightly before patting her on the shoulder.
“ It’s ok, everyones wrong sometimes.” He tried to comfort, but in a teasing way since it was very rare for Hikari to be wrong. She quickly muttered something under her breath as she moved to allow the Adlai family inside. Grey closed the door softly behind them before following after Gauche and Aloys.
“ Where can we put her?” He asked the Captain’s, Yami jerked his thumb to the left.
“ There’s a room where the girls are staying, she can sleep in there for now.” He said with a shrug, Josslyn sighed and stood up from the table.
“ C’mon I’ll show you.” The pink haired girl quickly led them down the hall, Aloys turned around to face everyone.
“ We’ll explain later.” He laughed, he seemed to be much more relaxed and at ease now that they had found his little sister. He turned back around and followed the others down the hall.
Sorry the ending isn’t the best, I couldn’t think of how to end it 😅. I might have a small scene where they find maelie in the next chapter but i’m not sure yet 😅. Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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