#i would be running in just shorts and a sports bra in p much all weather
bright-and-burning · 6 months
went for a run !! 2 miles but i’m going for consistency not intensity now i think. literally was still sweating when i got out of the shower. a) why do i sweat SO much no matter what and b) why do i get too hot for even wearing a t-shirt while running as soon as the temp goes over 50F. luckily i kind of plateau in that like 80/90F doesn’t feel like 4x as bad. but why am i hot like its 80 when its 60 AND when its 80
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junovrsmp4 · 4 months
one of the girls
part 1. the arrangement
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Chris Sturniolo was bad news. You knew it, every girl within a 100 mile radius knew it. Your own brother had warned you to stay away from him, despite being his best friend. That didn’t stop you from wanting him though.
pairing: chris x reader
pt.1 summary: despite all the warnings, and his reputation, you're intrigued by chris. on your 18th birthday, u find out exactly why he's bad news. and like a drug, u get addicted to him. cue, the arrangement
warnings: ABSOLUTE FILTH, very very plot heavy, rough sex, oral, choking, slapping, over-stimulation, mild bdsm, p in v, degradation, slight age gap (reader is 16 and chris is 18 when they first start fooling around, reader is 18 and chris is 20 when they first have penetrative sex)
word count: 6.9K (lmao i think this is going to be a thing)
author's note: so, i found out as i was writing this that @worldlxvlys has a fic with a very similar premise because its inspired by the same song, check it out if u havent already, its so fucking good
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It had started out innocently enough.
Chris was your older brother’s best friend, so naturally he was always over at your house or your brother over at his. You remember the first time you’d seen him, sitting on your living room couch, dressed in a black t-shirt and denim shorts, sporting a silver chain. You’d just run down the stairs, yelling for your brother to order you some food when you spotted him. The shock of seeing a complete stranger- a hot one, at that- had you stopping dead in your tracks. You remember how you’d just stared at him like an idiot, before turning around and sprinting back up to your room. You cringe a little, every time you think back to that moment, how you’d been dressed that night, in one of your old sports bras and baggy shorts, your hair an absolute mess.
Awkward first meeting aside, you got to know him, little by little. Sometimes, through little anecdotes reluctantly shared by your brother at your behest, and sometimes, from the man himself. Every time he came over, you’d make excuses to be around him and your brother, and you remember how he’d always smile at you, include you in conversations even when your brother would groan on about how annoying you were being and try to push you back to your room.
So of course, you developed a crush on him.
As a thirteen year old, you would make up cute little scenarios in your head of how you might confess your crush to Chris, and maybe he’d tell you he always liked you too, or maybe, maybe he’d be the one to confess first, with a bashful, awkward smile, and you’d become boyfriend and girlfriend and live happily ever after.
It didn’t take long for you to get over your little fantasies though.
While it hadn’t been obvious to you at thirteen, as you grew older, you witnessed the whirlwind that was Chris Sturniolo, the guy who got every girl’s attention, showed them a good time, and then left them in the dust when he got bored, before moving onto the next.
Your brother, bless his soul, did warn you to stay away from Chris. Had tried multiple times, to tell you how much of a player he was, how he just had a rotation of girls ready to go, and was always looking for someone new to ruin.
“He’s no good,” he’d said. “He’s my best friend, and he’s like a brother to me, but I wouldn’t trust him around you, alone.”
“Why are you friends with someone like that then?” you’d asked.
Your brother hadn’t been able to give you an answer then.
Knowing what you did about Chris didn’t get rid of your interest in him though. You’d long since let go of the silly fantasy of being his girlfriend. It had been a childhood delusion and nothing more, but you still found him…intriguing. The way he commanded every room he walked in, the way every girl around him fell to their knees to be able to service him in some way, the way guys hung around him in hopes of having his appeal somehow rub off on them, it fascinated you.
Even more fascinating was how Chris seemed to be so obviously putting up some sort of front. There was an edge to the cool, suave persona he seemed to be parading in for everyone else.
For every person who told you to stay far, far away from Chris, all they did was stoke the little part of you that wanted to see just what he was really like.
Besides, we all know what they say about curious cats; curiosity may kill them, but satisfaction definitely brings them back.
The party was already in full swing by the time you’d made it through the front door. The entire house was lit with flashing lights, bright and blinding, the music so loud it seemed like it almost thrummed straight through the bodies that surrounded you, almost consuming you and swallowing you into the heart of the party.
A party to celebrate the end of an era, and you turning eighteen.
You hadn’t wanted anything crazy, but trust your friends to go behind your back to plan something big.
“It isn’t just your birthday, ya know?” they’d said. “We’re finally done with high school!”
It seemed like they’d invited everyone who was anyone in your town, because you don’t even recognize some of the people at the party. Friends of friends of friends, and so on, you guess. Some were your seniors in high school, who had graduated way before you and your friends. It helped that your birthday and graduation coincided with summer break, because it meant a lot of the older kids were back from college for the holidays, which guaranteed the presence of more…discreet party favors.
The air was thick with smoke, from weed, tobacco, and god knows what else, the humidity only amplifying the feeling of breathlessness you feel every time you’re in a big crowd. You spot your brother and his group of friends huddled together, taking up a section of one of the big couches, all of them nursing beer bottles. All except one.
Chris’ eyes are on you the minute you step through the crowd. Unlike all the other guys sitting beside him, he opted out of drinking, and was instead smoking a joint, plumes of smoke slightly obscuring his face. He looked relaxed, leaned back with one arm stretched over the top of the couch, legs spread out. His eyes scan you from head to toe, and you see the way he glides his tongue across his bottom lip before biting into it. Your breath catches in your throat when he slightly shifts his hips, his eyes flitting down and then back up at you, like he’s silently asking you to go sit on his lap. You almost go over to him, slightly swaying on your feet, before you remember where you are and who’s sitting right next to him. You stand there long enough to see some other girl swoop in and plant herself on his thigh, looping her arms around his neck and leaning close to whisper in his ear.
Your brother spots you just then, and you make a show of pointing a thumb at Chris and rolling your eyes, like you’re not desperately wishing it was you that was on Chris’ lap, before making your way to the make-shift drink station that had been set up on the dinner table, where you find Matt fixing drinks for his friends and himself.
“Hey kid,” he drawls out, bobbing his head to the music, and swaying slightly as he pours drinks for the people around him. “Happy birthday!”
His outburst has everyone nearby yelling out their own wishes, and you thank everyone, accepting side hugs and shoulder pats from a bunch of them. One of them even comments on your outfit, telling you that you looked sexy and asking if you wanted to ‘hang out’ with him for a bit, with a waggle of his eyebrows.
You look down at yourself, flattening your palms over the black mini skirt you were wearing, the length, obscenely short. You’d paired it with a black bralette, a cropped mesh top with a watercolor wine print and platform ankle boots. Your friends had helped you with your hair and makeup, and you knew you looked really fucking sexy, if you did say so yourself.
You yell out a quick thanks but decline the offer to hang out, before asking the Matt to pour you a drink. You can still feel Chris staring, but you don’t dare look back, because looking back would mean giving in to him. Not yet.
You had a game to play after all.
Funnily enough, the game between you and Chris had started with a literal game. Specifically, his last lacrosse game for Sommerville High.
You usually didn’t care to go to school events, especially to watch a bunch of people play a sport that you didn’t understand, but it was also your brother’s last game that he’d be playing for your high school, so you’d gone to show your support. Your parents had been there too, and they’d taken a seat next to Chris’ family.
“Oh, this is such a bittersweet moment, isn’t it?” you hear Mary Lou ask your mom, who nods solemnly. They strike up a conversation about their kids, how they grow up oh so fast. It’s funny watching them lean over to talk to each other while Nick sits between them, looking bored out of his mind.
He catches your eye and breaks out into a grin, before politely asking your mom if she’d like to switch seats with him, which she excitedly accepts.
“Never thought I’d see you at one of these,” Nick comments as he looks down at the field, eyes searching for his brothers, you assume. “Want some?”
He’s got a bag of popcorn that he tips your way, and you thank him before grabbing a handful. You make idle conversation for a while, mostly about how he, his brothers and your brother would be graduating soon, and about your classes. You avoid the topic of the triplets ever-growing YouTube channel; you don’t need Nick knowing you obsessively watch every video of theirs.
Nick was a welcome presence; where his brother Chris managed to put you on edge and make you feel hyperaware of his presence, Nick was comforting, grounding.
As disinterested as you are in sports, the energy of the field gets to you eventually, your eyes tracking the same three players, 3, 4, 15, Chris, Matt, your brother, over and over, while listening to Nick chime in occasionally about the score. You have enough awareness to pick up on the energy of the crowd, and it looked like the Sommerville players were doing really fucking well. You watch your brother and Matt make a couple of saves, and Chris going full offense by scoring a bunch of points for the team, all while clutching onto Nick as the two of you cheer each time.
It’s down to the last few minutes of the game, and you watch with bated breath as both teams turn the ball over to score a point or stop the other from scoring.
“Wait, what’s going on?” you ask Nick. With only two minutes left, you notice all the players running to the edge of the field and forming team huddles.
“Timeout,” Nick says before taking a sip of his drink. “Coaches probably want to discuss final strategies with the team, but it won’t make much of a difference at this point. We’re winning this thing!”
“Oh, I see…” you mutter, and your eyes gravitate towards player number 3. You can’t see much of Chris’s face from this distance, but you watch as he swings an arm over your brother’s shoulder. His head tips upward slightly, and for a second, you almost feel like he’s looking right up at you, but that would be crazy.
The game is back on, and you watch as your brother immediately springs into action, trying to get the ball that one of the players on the rival team had managed to grab. A shrill whistle blows, and Nick winces beside you.
“Shit- what’s wrong?”
“Your brother just got a foul, kid,” Nick says with a shake of his head. “He was playing really well though, damn.”
One last minute. You watch as the Sommerville team expertly passes the ball around, going back and forth between a bunch of the guys as the other team tries to bat it from them. You don’t even realize you’re holding your breath when you see Chris has the ball now, and with just a few seconds left on the clock, he makes the last score of the game, and the crowd goes fucking wild.
Everything else was a blur after. You remember being ushered onto the field by Nick, your parents joining you as the players all took pictures together, as a team, with their families. You remember seeing Chris’ eyes widen as he took in your presence, before quickly flashing you his signature smirk.
“Look who decided to finally show up for a school game!” he’d said, arms cross over his chest, and you’d remember feeling small under his gaze, holding onto to Nick’s arm to hold back from flinging yourself at him in front of all these people, in front of your family.
The next few minutes had been spent taking pictures, and there was a particular moment when both your mother and Mary Lou had asked for a big group photo, and that’s how you found yourself pressed up between Chris and your brother, who had his arm slung over your shoulder. You still remember the way Chris’ fingers brushed against yours, your breath catching in your throat when, in an extremely bold move, considering you were with your families, he’d linked his pinky with yours.
That’s how it had started. Looks exchanged across rooms, stolen touches hidden from everyone else’s eyes. A pull and push, a game of who’d break first. It was like something that emboldened Chris that day of the game, and he’d test the limits to what you’d allow him to do to you. The goal for him seemed to be to get you to let down the invisible guard you’d put up whenever he was around, to get you to admit something even you weren’t aware of. Your goal was to get your fill of Chris in hopes of satiating whatever curiosity and hunger you had for him before you had to watch him with some other girl as soon as he got bored with you.
There were nights after that game when he’d come over to your house to hang out with your brother when Chris would sneak into your room, under the pretense of going to the bathroom or to grab a snack.
It was during those nights that you’d exchange rushed, heated kisses, Chris grabbing onto your waist while you clutched at his shoulders, pulling him close before quickly pushing him away, breathless. He’d swipe his tongue across his bottom lip before sinking his teeth into it, fighting back the grin that threatened to take over his face.
“Go out with me,” Chris had asked one night, leaning against your dresser and fiddling with the rings you’d left there from earlier that day.
“No, Chris,” you had replied, already back to reading the book he’d pushed out of the way when he’d crawled over you to kiss you. You tried to ignore the way your lips feel swollen and bruised from where he’d bitten them.
“I don't know why you’re playing so hard to get,” he said with her arms crossed over this chest, his lips quirked up in his signature smirk. “You clearly want me- why not date me?”
You can't help but let out a chuckle at that.
“Everyone and their mother knows you’re not the dating kind, Chris” you said, with a tight smile. “You’re going to bail the minute it gets too real, before going with one of the other girls in your roster.”
The silence that follows makes you look up from your book, and Chris is watching you with a look you can’t comprehend.
“Touché. So you’re good with being one of my girls then? I just don’t want you to come crying to me later saying you were hoping I’d be your boyfriend or some shit.”
You roll your eyes, hating the way his words made you feel. It was pathetic, chasing after crumbs, knowing you wouldn’t get anything more. You knew what you were getting into, and you weren’t expecting anything more. but it still made you feel like a fool.
“By the way,” Chris begins to speak, arms crossed tightly across his chest, his shoulders stiff. “The only reason I bail-” he says the word with a harsh tone you’d never heard from him before, “-is because all of you seem to have already set your minds on being with me for one thing, and one thing only. Not that I’m too mad about it.”
He’s scowling now, and you see the muscles in his jaw flex, like he’s gritting his teeth. He was definitely mad, about what exactly, you weren’t so sure.
“What do you mean?” you’d asked, but Chris was already walking out of your room.
You’d spent the rest of the night wondering what had gotten Chris angry. There was a part of you, the one that really, really enjoyed Chris’ attention, that was worried you’d pushed him away, but a bigger part of you wondered if this was for the best. You’d gotten more than you’d ever imagined from him, and it was probably best to leave it at this before you ended up getting swept up in…him.
It didn't matter in the end, because that same night, after making a show of leaving out the front door to go back home, he’d snuck back into your room through your window and spent an hour leaving harsh kisses and bites on your lips, your neck and your collarbones.
He was clearly taking out his frustration from earlier on you, his fingers gripping at your waist and thighs as he pressed your body down onto your bed with this own.
He took, and took. Took your breath away with his kisses, took your wrists in his hands, grip tight as he held them down on either side of your head, all while laying claim on you and your body. Just like you wanted him to.
Realizations were made that night, because as soon as Chris had gotten his fill and left, you’d made yourself cum, over and over, as you imagined him being rougher with you, laying his claim on you with harsher, more painful touches to your body.
Parties like these really weren’t your scene, but you did enjoy being a fly on the wall, observing all the people around. Drunk teens and young adults giving into more baser instincts, their judgement clouded by the various substances they’d consumed. Some were loud and brazen, engaging in risqué activities right where everyone could see them, some hidden in dark corners, making out with each other.
You’re still nursing your first drink, letting it pull you into a tipsy haze, and you vaguely register the guy standing beside you talking about something you had absolutely no interest in. He’s got one arm against the wall as he leans into your personal space, his lips close to your ear as he speaks, to make sure you can hear him over the loud music. You let out noncommittal hums and nod occasionally to seem like you’re listening, but your eyes are trained on Chris and the girl who’s currently sitting on his lap, a different girl from the one you saw when you first walked in, grinding down on him.
Just as Chris turns his head in your direction, you turn your head towards the guy next to you, bringing your free hand to his and pulling it to rest on your waist. You smile up at him and laugh at a joke he’d just made, something incredibly unfunny and slightly problematic even, before telling him you were going to go grab another drink.
You head into the kitchen, where you get pulled into a conversation with a couple of your former classmates. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Chris slip into the kitchen as well, before he squeezes past you. What no one sees is the way his hand lingers on your lower back as he moves past, dipping low to grab your ass, before quickly moving to the group of people that were also in the room, slinging his arms over the shoulders of two guys before delving into a loud discussion about this seasons lacrosse game.
Heat blooms across your face, and you bite your lower lip to keep from shouting across the kitchen at Chris to just fuck you already, because that wasn’t the plan. You had to have more control than that now, because this was the only time you’d have it tonight.
Your mind wanders back to the several texts you’d exchanged with Chris over the years, after you’d first started your…dalliance with him. They were sparse, you mostly kept your conversations minimal over text, but there had been one night last year, when you hadn’t been able to sleep and had found yourself sending the one text you thought you’d never send to Chris.
> i need something
You’d immediately regretted it. You thought you’d worded it in such a way that you could pass it off, pretend it didn’t happen, or that it was meant for someone else, but you knew Chris would be able to tell exactly what you meant. He would be able to figure out everything you’d thought of him since the past year, every dirty thought, every horny fantasy you’ve had since you first started letting him kiss and touch you, only ever with your clothes on, nothing that progressed past heavily making out and groping each other, leaving you panting and breathless, and him hard.
It was 2 a.m. on a Thursday night and your text could only mean one thing.
You’d put your phone down, trying to go to sleep, hoping that, come morning, if Chris did reply to you, you could pretend you had sent it by mistake, but the anxiousness you felt made you pick your phone back up, and you saw it, the three dots that meant Chris was typing a response.
> U need to go to sleep
That would have been the responsible thing to do. You imagined being bolder, but you were only sixteen, and you had no experience flirting with guys, especially with guys like Chris, so you’d sent off a quick text apologizing, and telling him it was meant for someone else.
> Is that true? Who was it meant for?
> goodnight chris
> Tell me who
> no
> Need is a strong word, almost sounded like u wanted some late night lovin’
You don’t think, you couldn’t think, not with the way your blood rushing in your ears makes you feel slightly faint, and before you know it, you reply with-
> well i feel strongly about it
> Strong feelings can be dangerous
> i want something dangerous
You were being honest. Chris was dangerous. This was dangerous.
> Want? Or need?
> need
There was a long pause, no ellipses indicating Chris was texting back, and for a moment, you think he’d abandoned you, that he was probably texting the many other, more experienced, girls he could be with.
> Dont fall asleep yet. I’ll be there in a bit.
> okay
> So the text WAS meant for me then
> shut up
> :P
The abrupt shift in tone of the conversation had made you giggle a bit, but you remember how you’d waited with bated breath for Chris to show up outside your window, before letting him into your room.
Chris had spent those early morning hours teasing you with his mouth and hands, whispering dirty little things into your ears, coaxing your needs out of you, demanding you tell him exactly what you meant with that text, with one hand wrapped around your throat, applying just enough pressure to make you feel breathless but not take away your ability to breathe, because you told him you wanted it, while the other one dipped down into your underwear.
You’re so fucking responsive, even to the slightest touch, he’d said. Everyone thinks you’re such a good girl, but here you are, sneaking around with your brother’s best friend, what would everyone think?
You’d let your body melt under his touch, letting him envelope you with his touch, his words, his scent.
I think about how you’d look with my cock inside you. I think about tasting you. I think about holding you down and fucking you until you can’t hold back your sweet little moans. God, you’re so fucking desperate for my dick, aren’t you?
And you were, you really fucking were, because no matter how much you pretended to be unfazed by him and his touch, the truth of the matter was, every moment you spent with him was followed by you locked up in your room with your fingers desperately pumping in and out of you, imagining how he would fuck you if you actually let him, how he’d open you up and push his dick into you, how you’d be so full of him.
That was the first night he’d touched you, really touched you, the first night you’d cum from fingers that weren’t your own.
A loud laugh accompanied by a friendly slap on the shoulder pulls you out of your thoughts, and you let out a weak chuckle as your friends remark on how out of it you seem, even though you’ve only had one drink. You look up to see Chris looking back at you over his shoulder, and when you meet his eyes, he jerks his head up slightly, and you know exactly what he’s trying to indicate.
Come upstairs.
Your eyes widen and you shake your head as imperceptibly as you can, even though you’re going to do exactly what he wanted, and you see how it gets him excited, because Chris liked being teased, liked how you played so hard to get, and you loved playing it up, acting all coy and innocent when both of you knew otherwise.
You tell your friends you need some fresh air, but instead of making your way out to the backyard, you slowly make your way upstairs, pushing past people and hoping to all powers above that there was at least one room that wasn’t occupied.
You take your time checking every room on the floor, opening doors to people in various stages of undress, quickly yelling out apologies before moving to the next, until finally, you come to a door furthest from the stairs leading up to the floor. It was quieter here, the music from downstairs was almost muffled. You press an ear to the door, and when you don’t hear any noises from the other side, you excitedly turn the handle to open the door, but it doesn’t budge.
Locked. Fuck.
Just as you’re about to turn away, you feel a presence right behind you, the heat of a body. The strong scent of weed washes over you as hands come up to rest on your hips, before warm lips brush over the shell of your ear.
“Look what we have here,” Chris whispers in a teasing tone, sending a tingle up your spine, making your skin break out in goosebumps. You shiver slightly as his arms encircle you, before he rests his chin on your shoulder, looking down at the door knob.
“It’s locked,” you whisper back, your hands coming up to hold onto his forearms.
“I know,” he mumbles, before holding out one of his hands, and you see a set of keys.
“Go on,” Chris says, nuzzling into your neck, pressing open-mouthed kisses to your burning hot skin. You quickly grab the keys and fumble with the lock as Chris’ hands wander down between your thighs, grabbing onto them as he presses into you from behind. You feel his length, not hard yet, but still hard to ignore, and the possibilities of how tonight is going to go has your head reeling.
You finally get the door open, and you stumble inside, Chris not far behind. You watch as he grabs the key out of the lock, before following you in and locking the door from inside this time.
You have half the mind to ask him how he got the keys to the door, how he thought of keeping it locked, but all that goes out of your head when he swivels you around and pushes you up against the wall, one hand cradling your head as his lips descend on yours. His fingers grip the hair at the base of your neck and pull, making your head tip back and you gasp as both pain and pleasure bloom and settle low in your stomach, your thighs clenching, and he takes that as invitation to lick his way into your mouth, his tongue fighting and very quickly winning for dominance. Your knees almost buckle from the intensity of it all, from just how turned on you are.
Here you were, with Chris Sturniolo, your brother’s best friend, pulling at your hair, grabbing you so hard you’re sure you’ll have bruises on your hips and thighs by morning. It was a heady feeling, being wanted, and being wanted by Chris was like experiencing the best high from the best drugs.
Chris lets go of your hair to grab onto your hips, pulling your waist away from the wall and grinding you against him, like you were just here to help him get off, and it still surprises you, how much it turns you on. The thought of being just a body to be used, a body that Chris owns and controls.
Your hands find purchase in his hair as you gasp under the assault of his mouth on yours, his teeth biting into your lower lip and pulling, before going back to twisting his tongue with yours. It’s a messy kiss, rough and just painful enough that it has you wet and dripping. You feel the way your underwear sticks to your folds, and the patheticness of your own arousal turns you on even more.
Chris’s hands snake up your stomach under your top, making it bunch up right below your neck. His gaze is heated as his eyes rove over your body, before he’s pulling your bralette down, and the fabric of it bunches up tight below your breasts, pushing them up further into Chris’ face. He takes no time before licking and sucking on your nipples, groaning as he grinds his growing erection against your thigh.
“Chris- please, please-” you whine, body writhing under his attention, hips bucking as you try and find some relief.
“Stay still,” Chris says, and it almost sounds like a growl, which has the opposite effect to what was intended. Your moans get louder and he bites your nipple, your chest arching off the wall.
Chris straightens up, one of his hands coming up to smack you on the cheek before grabbing you by the chin, forcing your head back against the wall.
“Stay. Still.”
The slap had been more shocking than painful, but it still turns you on, just how rough Chris is being with you right now, and you think about how much rougher you hope it gets.
Chris peers down at you, his grip on your chin relentless. “Will you stay still and quiet?”
You nod against his grip, teeth sinking into your lower lip to hold back a whine.
“Good girl,” he says, thumb stroking your lips before pushing into your mouth. You instantly wrap your lips around it, tongue laving at the tip of it before sucking it deeper into your mouth. You see Chris’ pupils dilate as he watches you, mouth falling open slightly as he heaves deep breaths in and out.
“Take off your panties,” he says as he pulls his thumb away, swiping it over your nipple. He chuckles as you jerk away from the cold, wet touch. His fingers flutter over your skin as you quickly shove your underwear down your legs, and you think about kicking them away, but Chris holds out his hand.
You hand over your underwear, soaked from your arousal, to Chris, who pockets it with a smirk.
“Hm, good girl,” Chris mutters, before patting the side of your leg. “Spread your legs.”
You peer up at him through your eyelashes as you spread your legs apart and the cold air in the room hits your heated core, making you quiver.
Chris doesn’t take his time. His body presses up against you as he brings a hand up your skirt and to your core, two fingers sweeping through your folds to gather the wetness that was dripping out of you before pumping them in and out of you, each thrust of his fingers punching a gasp out of you.
The room fills with the wet, obscene sounds of Chris’ fingers squelching in and out of you, and he adds a third finger, twisting and spreading them inside you to stretch you out.
“Fuck, Chris, I need you-” you moan, your hips rolling and pushing down to meet Chris’ fingers. You bare your throat to him as he presses his nose to the spot under your ear, his teeth scraping down your throat. His fingers continue pumping into you, pressing repeatedly at the spongy bundle of nerves that had you clenching around them, and that’s how he gives you your first orgasm of the night.
“You’re such a slut for me, aren’t you?” Chris asks, nipping at your jaw. “Look at how fucking wet you are.”
He steps back and holds up his fingers, glistening from the wetness, and spreads them apart, and you see the strings of your fluids clinging between his fingers, some of it dripping down onto his palm. Your breath catches in your throat when Chris brings his fingers to his mouth, sucking on them and moaning at your taste. He’d done this before, when he’d fingered you, and it made you squirm each time, seeing this visual confirmation that he enjoyed your taste.
Your eyes flick down to Chris’ crotch, where you see the clear outline of his hard dick, and you realize that this is the first time you’re actually going to have a dick inside you. You remember the first time you’d seen it when you’d asked him if you could suck him off, and he’d had you kneel for him, before pulling it out of his sweatpants and feeding it into your mouth, guiding your head up and down his length, before he’d eventually just jerked off and cum all over your face.
You watch him as he pulls it out now, and you can’t explain how oddly attractive his penis is. You didn’t think you’d find a penis attractive, but Chris’ was. It was long and thick, but not too thick, and it curved slightly to the left. It was ruddy now, from all the blood that had rushed down to it and the head of his dick glistened from the precum that was beading and dripping out of his slit. Chris wraps his hand around it, stroking it slowly to gather his precum and slick it up.
You make a move to step towards him, thinking he’ll move things to the bed, but Chris grabs your hips and turns you to face the wall before lining his body against yours, pushing you into the wall, with your face turned sideways, your cheek pressed down against the cold surface. You hear the telltale sounds of a condom wrapper being torn open and rubber being stretched over skin.
You look back at Chris, eyebrows furrowing, as he hikes your skirt up your ass, lining his cock up against you and grinding it between your cheeks.
“You’ve been waiting for this, haven’t you?” Chris whispers in your ear, his hand coming up to circle your throat, pushing up to tip your head against his shoulder. You feel his other hand reach down between the two of you, before guiding his dick into you, and your eyes flutter close when the tip slides through your folds to push into you, stretching you. Chris keeps his grip on your throat tight, and braces his other arm against the wall right beside your head.
Your body opens up for him, accepting him into you, as Chris sets a brutal pace, his dick driving in and out of you, leaving you breathless.
“Chris- oh god, f-fuck, ngh-” you whimper, your hands scrambling to grab onto him, one hand clutching at his bicep, while the other comes up to grip the wrist of the hand that is squeezing your throat. “Harder, please- fuck, fuck, fuck- choke me harder-”
“Such a fucking slut, what would everyone think if they knew you were up here begging me to choke you, huh?” Chris rasps out against your temple. “What would your brother think?”
You clench around him, eyes rolling into the back of your head as he continues restricting your airflow, arousal and shame making your blood run hot in equal measure.
“You love being split open on my cock, don’t ya? Your pussy is fucking dripping around it,” he grunts, punctuating his words with harder thrusts into you, the head of his dick hitting the bundle of nerves that has you seeing stars.
“Yes, yes, yes-” you chant, legs quivering as you gush around Chris’ dick. “I’m gonna cum-”
“Yeah? Cum on my dick, c’mon,” Chris rasps, the hand that was braced against the wall moving to rub against your clit, making you buck up against him. “Fuck, you’re so fucking tight still.”
His fingers rub furious circles over your clit, which has you clenching rhythmically around him, and it doesn’t take long before you cum around Chris’ cock, the force of your orgasm wracking through your body and making you quiver violently.
Chris keeps thrusting into you, chasing his own orgasm, and you’re hit with that thought again, of being owned and controlled by Chris, because it was the truth, wasn’t it? He hadn’t even bothered to get either of you fully undressed, hadn’t taken you to bed, because you were just a means to a satisfying end, a warm body that accepted his rough, painful, attention.
And you loved it.
All you hear are the sounds of skin slapping skin and Chris’ grunts and moans over your own punched out whimpers, and now Chris has both his hands on your hips, gripping them hard as he pulls you back onto his dick, his blunt nails digging into your skin and leaving a delicious burn. You don’t know how long it lasts, but eventually Chris comes with a muffled cry, biting into your clothed shoulder as he fills the condom.
“Fuck,” you breath out, slumping forward against the wall, wincing when Chris pulls out, before bringing two fingers up to glide through your folds, still wet, but now also puffy and raw from the constant rubbing.
Chris guides you towards the bed, and you hold onto him because your legs won’t stop shaking. He helps you fix your clothes, pulling your bralette and top back down your torso and smoothing your skirt down your thighs. He tucks his dick back into his pants before disappearing out of the room with the used, and now tied-up, condom in hand.
You sit on the edge of the bed, dazed and out of breath still, and Chris comes back a few seconds later with a wet towel which he gently swipes between your legs, while kneeling before you, letting out a chuckle and a sheepish ‘sorry’ when you wince and jerk away from the cold and rough towel.
Chris stands back up, and goes to say something when his phone buzzes. He looks down at it, letting out a low whistle at whatever message he’d just received.
“I’ve gotta go,” Chris says, his thumbs flying over his keyboard as he types out messages.
“One of your girls?”
“Huh? Yeah,” Chris says distractedly, before tucking his phone into his pocket. “You going to be okay?”
“Alright, happy birthday again” Chris says, bending forward to place a quick kiss to your cheek before patting the top of your head and leaving.
You flopped back onto the bed, sighing as you push your hair out of your face, your legs rubbing together to try and warm yourself up in the now too-cold room. And it was only then that you realize that Chris had left with your underwear.
> you have my underwear asshole
His reply came much later that night, after you’d already gotten home, using a pair of cycling shorts you’d snagged from the closet in the room Chris had left you in and bunching them up under your skirt to make do as underwear for the rest of the night.
> Oops
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author’s note: idek if i like this one y'all (: likes, comments and reblogs r much appreciated <3
taglist 🩵 (comment on my pinned post to be added or removed):
@luverboychris @bigbeefybitch @liz-stxrn @slut4chriss @slut4mattsturnio1o @sturniolosgirl @coochiedestroyer1 @cutiepiess4l @kvtie44 @vschrissturn @hercigaretteblush @fwskullz @m4rriii @anabanana28 @sturniolosange1 @webbersturn @odeezier @johnniesrealwife @freshsturns @marlenafortuna @carolineheartsmatthew @incndescentglow @starniolosposts @urfavgirllyyyyy @mattsturniolosworld @lilyloveschris @sturniozo @lookingformyromeo @heartss4matthewq @lanasturniolo @zina25sworld @ezziewinchester @s-s-842 @sturnlova @whyarefictionalmennotreal @55sturn @cheetahmadi @sturniolowhore @cupidsword @sturnsblog @lovehoneygirll @breeloveschris @littlemisswhore @worldlxvlys @sturniolo04 @sturnioloco @littlemisswhore @pandacake128 @chrizznmetswife
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sc0tters · 5 months
Make It Up | Quinn Hughes & Trevor Zegras
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summary: when you get left at the lake house with trevor and quinn, what happens when their bet has a way of helping you.
pairing: quinn hughes x fem!jack hughes best friend x trevor zegras
request: yes/no
warnings: mature themes, threesome, p in v (unprotected), oral (fem and m receiving!), mild choking, degradation, spanking, swearing, weed, and drinking.
word count: 6.74k
authors note: strap in people for our @sweetestdesire smut where our inner whore was truly released. I hope you all enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing it! and did this take me a week? yes…
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“Don’t be so stupid!”
You heard Trevor groan as someone - who you could only assume to be Quinn - hit the boy on the head “I’m just saying that maybe we should let her decide who gets her?” Trevor’s shrugged still letting his hand nurse the sore spot on his head.
The boys were sat on the couch unaware of the fact that you had woken up and crawled out of the comfort that was your bedroom “you make her sound like she’s some toy bro.” Quinn scowled, knowing you were worth more than that.
But the younger boy laughed, taking the captains apprehension for something else “look if you think I could fuck Y/N better then, I’ll understand if you want to concede.” His words made your eyes go wide finally realizing that it was you that they were talking about, not one of the girls who stayed in the area for the summer.
The idea within itself was complicated, you were Jack’s best friend. Had been since you both ended up reaching for the last coke can in the cooler during a party.
It was that awkward moment as your hands touched “you can have it.” Jack offered letting his hand drop.
You were a gorgeous girl that had Jack wondering why he hadn’t seen you before “we could split it.” You shook your head as you smiled.
That offer was far more suitable for the two of you as he nodded ‘I would but I sorta got this rule that I need to know your name before I share a drink with you.” He made this exaggerated sigh that made you laugh.
The hockey player watched you playfully roll your eyes “it’s Y/N.” You mumbled holding your hand out to meet his “Jack.”
But somehow they didn’t really care for the innocence of that memory that was the foundation of which your friendship with Jack was built on.
“Oh you are so fucking on.”
With their handshake it now felt time for your presence to be known “you boys coming with for a run?” You forced a smile onto your lips acting like your mind wasn’t going a million miles a minute thinking about what they wanted to have be in store for you.
Their faces were red as their eyes went wide with fear wondering how much of that you had heard “geez, you’d think a bunch of athletes would be a little more cooperative.” You raised your hands in surrender assuming they wanted to discuss more of their conversation.
So they watched you walk off, sliding your shoes on before you sent them a salute. The boys grew jealous of your shorts and sports bra watching the material hug your breasts and the curve of your ass before you left them alone.
The desire that filled their bones was almost enough to have them run after you. But with the reminder of the fact that, the house was set to remain with just the three of you for another five days, they knew they could wait. After all, they couldn’t allow themselves to be seen as too desperate right?
Your initial plan for the summer was to have one last bit of fun before you headed off to work. After college you were left with two different offers which ironically enough, were in Vancouver and Anaheim. So now you were left with a measly week to reveal to them exactly which one you were going to take.
Now part of you was willing to just pick yourself, but being so indecisive by nature. When the idea came up of someone else picking for you, you practically chomped at the bit. Still refusing to let the figments of fantasy that your mind created around the boys plan, that they still didn’t bring up to your face.
But truthful it was all they could think about when they watched you fall asleep on the boat as the three of you grew used to each other. Settling into a routine what seemed to almost always have you in your bikini “I’m bored.” You whined skipping the song on Trevor’s playlist as you didn’t think you could handle the sounds of Drake once more.
You had been sat on the arm of the couch as you watched the boys play pool, after giving up when you lost for a fifth time in a row. As you sat up straight it made the boys smile turning their attentions to you “so what do you propose we do?” Trevor had a blunt between his fingers as he offered you a hit.
His eyes practically jumped into what felt like your soul as you nodded. Opening your lips slightly as you allowed him to rest it on your lower lip. Both boys watched in awe as your eyes never left Trevor’s “now breathe out f’me pretty girl.” His voice was soft as it made you feel at ease letting some of the herbal taste still on your tongue before you followed the instructions.
Trevor brought the blunt up to his own lips as even Quinn walked over to the two of you “what do you wanna do now doll?” The pet names had you feeling fuzzy when his hand was placed on your thigh.
It made you squirm as the alcohol in your system had you feeling everything in a tenfold strength “I want you both.” You confessed bringing the white claw that you were drinking to your lips to taste the mango flavored drink.
The boys swore they were dreaming, like their prayers had been answered and heavens gates opened. Yet when they remembered that they hadn’t brought it up to you panic did start to set in for the two of them.
Part of you realized your minor error and smiled as your cheeks turned a soft shade of pink “maybe it could help me decide where I go.” You shrugged running your fingers through your hair “and besides, it’s not like the two of you didn’t already want to fuck me.”
Trevor smirked running his fingers along his jaw as he looked down at you “y’know it’s rude to talk about someone behind their back.” He pointed out shaking his head, as if he was pretending to be disappointed that you had listened in on their conversation.
But instead a soft laugh left your lips as you took his dying blunt from him letting it rest between your fingers “thought it was worse to talk about someone though?” You quipped back bringing your feet up to the couches on either side of you, revealing the wet patch in your red bikini bottoms as you smirked “so if anything, I think we should be starting with an apology.” Your words were directed to them both as they couldn’t but almost cum on the spot as they watched your hand run down your bare thigh, with your baseball jersey - that you had most definitely stolen from Luke - falling to your sides.
The air in the room grew warm as the boys wondered who should really make the first move “princess if you want us to act sorry then you gotta do something for me first.” Quinn spoke up, almost in awe of how your eyes looked up at him when you nodded.
Quinn placed his fingers under your chin forcing your head up “go sit on the table f’me please.” Even as he had a tone strong enough to make your entire body squirm, he was still the well mannered boy that his mom raised him to be.
So of course you listened, short bursts of movement left the felt material against your ass “who do you want more of an apology from?” Trevor went to step in front of you as it was he who came up with the original idea of the agreement. Meaning that he was sure to be the most logical to be blamed.
But instead your eyes never left Quinn “someone who thought his morals were too good to fuck me.” The captain let his head drop as he realized that you had also heard the part where he tried to say no.
Somehow Trevor wasn’t disappointed to be shut down, instead he found himself comfortably on the pool table behind you “rest your pretty little head f’me doll.” Trevor mumbled spreading his legs to allow you to rest against him.
His fingers brushed over your collarbone as he smiled “Quinny you gonna fuck her or keep us both waiting?” The younger player couldn’t help but grumble still jealous that it wasn’t him between your legs.
Quinn tapped the pads of his fingertips over the insides of your thighs “been thinking about getting you like this since I met ya.” His confession made you blush as you remembered the day you picked up Jack’s FaceTime call from the older boy.
So you sent him a smile as he tapped your thigh motioning to you to push off of your hips making his cock throb against his boxers at the way you were so responsive to him. It took him a moment to hook his fingers into the bottoms of your swimsuit as he sucked in his breath, watching in awe at how your panties slid off of your legs “you’re such a pretty fucking girl.” Quinn murmured to himself as he pressed his hands on the table to stop you from shutting your legs.
He kissed up your skin, making sure to not miss a spot in his efforts to spread his love equally between your two legs “please.” Your voice drew a shaky whimper “since you asked so nicely.” The captain smirked, dropping his face down to meet your cunt.
His tongue was rough against your slit “shit!” You gasped pushing back against Trevor as your eyes fluttered feeling the new sensation
It made him smile as he watched your head look up to him “hi pretty girl.” Trevor mumbled as he cupped your cheek keeping you close as his lips hovered over yours.
He pressed a soft kiss against your lips wanting to keep your attention but as Quinn slotted his tongue into your cunt, it made you moan unintentionally giving Trevor the chance to slot his tongue between your lips. Quinn enjoyed how you tasted on his tongue letting his nose bump your clit occasionally to draw your eyes back to him “fuck Quinn!” You whimpered feeling the scruff of his beard against the inside of your thighs.
The captain practically treated you like you were his last meal, constantly sucking and licking as he replaced his tongue with his fingers letting the calloused skin stretch your cunt out. Quinn took the opportunity to watch you in awe “is this a good enough apology f’you?” He mumbled finally letting his tongue focus on your sensitive clit.
Your mind went foggy as you arched your back letting your ass press against Trevor’s boner that tried to push through his shorts “think Quinny boy asked you a question doll.” You could feel the younger boy’s warm breath against your neck as he ran his fingers up the sides of your chest.
His hands were rough as they found their place on the bikini top that did little to cover your breasts “since you won’t need this tonight.” Cockiness soaked his voice as the door air hit your hardening nipples, feeling the fabric that once covered them get pushed to the side.
Incoherent whimpers of apology felt from your lips as Trevor caught your breasts in between his fingers “s-so good.” You nodded feeling your fingers tug through Quinn’s locks that you had somehow convinced him not to cut coming into summer.
The new pain in his scalp made him grunt as the sensation traveled down to his cock, only making his tongue as his fingers move faster as he curved his fingers that thrusted into your cunt “I’m gonna.” You warned feeling your body grow tight as your toes curled when your eyes locked in on him.
Trevor’s antic’s only seemed to increase at that point rolling your sensitive peaks against his skin, bringing his lips down to suck at your ear lobe as he let his grunts echo on your ears.
You bit your lip as you squirmed, Quinn still attacking your clit in awe of the way you became a mess in his hands. As he tapped the pool table with two fingers from his free hand it seemed that he and Trevor had a secret language “he want’s you to make a mess on the table sweet girl.” Trevor’s mumble was all that you needed to finally reach your orgasm.
The walls around you absorbed the sounds of your cries and the way that you used each of your hands to each one boy close to you. Your body came crashing down from the high as if you had been brought to shore by a wave that knocked the wind out of your chest “lay off her for a second.” Trevor almost felt like he was getting protective over you as you struggled to regain your breathing with Quinn still lapping away at your cunt.
Quinn’s chin glistened from your juices and you couldn’t help but whimper using the remaining bits of your energy to lean forward to kiss him. Getting to taste your salty release on his tongue as it mixed with the array of drinks that he had been having through the day “fuck baby.” Quinn let out a grunt as he had to pull away from you just as you got into the kiss when his phone went off.
The contact that illuminated his screen was Josh and you couldn’t help but furrow your eyebrows at it “I need to take this.” Quinn sighed wanting to kill his friend as he saw the previous two miss calls from earlier in the day.
You nodded - not like you had much choice anyways - as he left the room, leaving you to breathe against Trevor “hi pretty girl.” Trevor laughed as he caught your grin.
He helped you sit up straight “you still with us?” His voice was soft seeing your eyes begin to grow heavy.
Adrenaline coursed through your veins, body coming down from what could have been drowning. Once not being able to even breathe but now sat trying to process all that had happened “of course I am.” You grumbled looking down to see your breasts still out of your bikini top.
His hands reached for the two parts of triangle fabric before he pulled them together covering your breasts when you yawned “okay we are getting you to bed.” You wanted to argue with him but Trevor instead pressed a kiss to your lips.
It was enough to silence you honestly in surprise of such a soft gesture “I promise I’ll make sure to fuck you tomorrow.” He offered making your cheeks go red as he helped you off of the table.
You sent him a sweet smile ignoring the way that your thighs pressed together as the alcohol in your head made your eyes go heavy “don’t fall asleep before I figure out how to take your makeup off.”
The memories of that night stayed in your mind even as you lay on the seat at the back of the boat letting the sun coat you skin in a gorgeous glow. Even as you pretended to be asleep, no slumber would be powerful enough to nullify the power the boy’s gaze had. It wasn’t the sun that cooked your body, it was instead the attention that they sent you.
Last night was painful for them both as they had to sort themselves out, yet the sight of you in that new bikini reminded them of the important message: this is a marathon, not a sprint. Yet still Trevor couldn’t help but jump off of his seat as the moment that Quinn killed the engine. The area they picked was quiet, in the years they went not a single person beyond the group in the boat had been seen.
That was partly the reason why they picked it today. The soft marks on your neck reminded them of the night before, and they both needed more “you know I can feel you watching right?” You blurted out feeling the sun that once shone on you, now partially blocked by a body that stood over you.
Trevor smirked as he clicked his tongue “should have given us a show then.” He winked watching you sit up straight to look at him “do my best ones with a bit more music than this.” Your words were intended to be playful but instead Trevor pulled his phone out of his pocket as he scrolled to a playlist.
You expected to hear the soft sounds of whatever rap music that was on his Spotify playlist, but instead it was your own picks in the yearly lake house mixtape you crafted. Quinn had joined the two of you in the back of the boat “don’t be a brat.” His hand tugged through his hair making you remember how it felt between your fingers just hours before.
The boys knew you were good but letting them watch you in nothing more than what seemed to be your tiniest bikini as you let your ass hang in there air “fuck pretty girl.” Trevor couldn’t help palm his cock through his pants locking eyes with you.
You licked your lips attempting to crawl to him in the most sultry manner possible “should I finally make you feel good?” You asked as you placed your hands on his knees, using the little upper body strength that you have to push yourself onto him.
The sight made the boys mouths water as you straddled the Ducks player’s thighs “think I should fuck you yet?” The question oozed from your lips as he whimper, feeling your hand close over his “please.” Trevor nodded wanting every inch of you in that moment.
Your lips were soft against his ear “you wanna join my show and put one on for Quinn?” You sucker at his lobe grinding your cunt against him as you pulled his hand out from his pants bringing it to your breast instead “oh shit.” The boy whined as he swore he felt your folds spread for his cock.
Quinn had no shame letting his shorts go halfway down his thighs. His cock was in his hands as he pumped himself “need to hear your words.” You cooed pushing into your knees as you let the flimsy material of your bikini top catch his eyes.
Your breasts looked perfect - they always do - but now that sight has his shorts ready to rip at the seam “use me doll.” Trevor forced the words out from his lips with a deep breath, trying to keep some once of strength.
His eyes locked with yours as you froze, checking that he was being serious “want your cunt all over my cock.” He begged making you catch your lower lip between your teeth.
You got up making his expression grow hurt “gotta take these off unless you plan on fucking me through them.” You pointed out and you swore that there was something in the air that made them both contemplate it for a second.
But as they watched your bikini bottoms drop to the ground they realized what it was all truth “fuck Y/n please.” Trevor tugged his shorts down finally letting his cock hit his pelvic bone “you are so responsive.” You grinned letting your ass meet his cock.
He hissed at the feeling of you dragging his cock over your slit before you sunk down on it. You had opted to sit facing away from him so that you could have a similar effect on Quinn too “shit baby.” Trevor watched your legs spread on either side on the boat bench before you began to push off of his cock.
The movements were ones that the two of you quickly fell into letting him help you out as your walls hugged his cock letting him guide the pace “this pussy is heaven.” Trevor announced making Quinn grow jealous.
He had seen you first, so you were meant to be his. But somehow you were sat making Trevor feel good “wanna suck your cock.” You blurted out snapping your head to Quinn who nodded.
The boy tucked himself back into his shorts as he got up, paying little attention to the sounds of your skin slapping against Trevor’s lap. Your legs tucked to the sides, trying to make it easier for you to bounce as his cock grazed your sweet spot.
Trevor was feeling awfully possessive as his fingers dug into your sides taking charge of the thrusts pace “can’t have you move.” He gritted as you leaned forward to kiss Quinn, forcing Trevor to elongate his thrusts in order to feel your cunt in its entirety.
Quinn’s lips were rough against yours as you let your hand trail down to his waistband, tugging them down to his sides “you poor guy.” You clicked your tongue as you went to wrap your hand around his cock.
But Trevor lay a hard slap to your ass that made you jump “behave before we make sure to fuck you like the real whore that you are.” He warned tugging at the bow of your bikini letting the material fall from your breasts again “sorry Quinny.” You apologized batting your eyelashes at him as he smiled.
The older boy ran his fingers through your hair “think you know how to make it up to me.” He nodded as you dropped your head “cause you don’t get to cum until you’ve finished him off in your mouth.” Trevor’s words were meant to make you freeze with fear, but instead you took it as a challenge.
Your tongue ran over the underside of his cock as your eyes locked with Quinn’s “fuck it’s like she wants to be treated like a slut.” The Hughes boy grunted as he tugged his fingers through your hair.
Quinn was big in your mouth, his cock was hitting the back of your throat as he refused to let you even think about teasing him. Your eyes fluttered as they got into a rhythm. For every time that Trevor thrusted deeper into your cunt, Quinn would pull back.
Only for them to then switch roles “wonder what Jack would think seeing his best friend between us?” Trevor asked as he let his hand travel down your clit.
A moan let your lips when your cunt clenched around his cock, at the feeling of his fingers against your sensitive nub “think she likes the idea of being caught like that huh?” Quinn egged you on.
He let his head fall back when you tilted your head forward to take more of his cock in your mouth “this mouth was made to be fucked Jesus.” The captain let out a grunt as he felt your nails claw at this thighs attempting to help gain back some control.
Even with that you still gagged on his cock treating it like a drug that you needed so much more of, for each time Trevor’s cock hit your cunt deeper. For every time you swore you felt the ducks player in your brain, he seemed to push you that much further.
You were a moaning mess as your legs began to shake swearing that you felt a bruise form on your pelvis “aghhh.” Your saliva dripped down your chin as your cunt clamped around Trevor.
At that point Quinn was doing all of the work fucking your throat “fuck you are gonna make me cum.” He tugged at your hair making you moan as he felt his cock throb against your tongue.
Trevor was doing everything that he could to not coat the walls of your cunt as you clenched around him “play with her tits.” He knew you weren’t going to last long as your cunt gushed around him “she fucking loves it.” He added with a smirk as you whimpered, forcing your thighs closer together as the thought of them taking about you like you weren’t there made you squirm.
His hands were rough against your breasts and that combined with the feeling against your clit and how Trevors cock was practically in your stomach at this point, was too much for you. Tears flooded your waterline as your body thrashed against them.
Quinn felt his orgasm quickly approach as your throat tightened around his cock finally sending him over the edge “shit doll.” Quinn’s thrusts grew inconsistent as he pressed his fingers into the back of your scalp as he “fuck you are gonna make me cum.” He tugged at your hair making you moan as he felt his cock throb against your tongue.
So it seemed that one tug of your nipples was enough to finally let Quinn shoot his release into your mouth, sure to not waste a drop of it. Your nose was pressed against his skin as he caught his breath thrusting once or twice more. Certain that his cock was milked dry before he pulled out “holy shit.” As the captain fought to regain his breath again it sent Trevor into overdrive.
His pace grew animal hearing the grunt that left Quinn’s lips as he watched you swallow his release as if it was nothing “shit Z.” You whimper letting your own fingers tug at your breasts when you were spun around to face Trevor.
The boy was desperate to watch you cum “a deal is a deal pretty thing so go make a mess on my cock.” Was all you needed to hear to fall against him “fuck Trevor!” Your teeth sunk into his shoulder to muffle your moans when your walls clenched around his cock.
Your eyes rolled back into your head as you felt his release mark up your walls when he planted your hips against his to try to stop you from squirming anymore “holy shit.” You gasped as your chest heaved trying to process the black specs that were still in your vision.
They laughed watching Trevor reach behind you to do up your bikini top when they heard the sound of a boat engine “it seems we might have some company.” And with that you were back on the boat bench with a towel wrapped around your hips as you waited for a chance to put your bottoms back on.
The boys thought that the timing of the other boat was horrible, but you were just glad that you had came before it decided to.
You walked back to the house from the dock in Trevor’s shirt as you laughed priding it now as your own. Quinn watched the younger boy almost chase you up the grass making you squeal like you were going to lose, even as the hockey player had the cooler in his hands “guys.” You were quick to freeze the moment you realized that the front door was left wide open.
Trevor took the chance to bump into you as he grinned “told you I would get my shirt back.” He smirked until his eyes followed yours bringing up similar questions “nice to see someone finally show up.” Josh teased as he locked eyes with you.
This wasn’t the first trip you had met him on and your cheeks grew a soft tint of red when he looked down realizing that he had walked into a rather interesting dynamic “the three of us were just on the boat.” You explained bringing your hair in front of your neck to cover where Trevor had his hands on your throat “hey guys.” You and Trevor did little to hide your glares at Quinn as the eldest Hughes boy walked up.
Quinn awkwardly smiled looking towards his friends for any kind of help “was gonna tell you two last night but then you went to bed early.” He shrugged making the mental note to apologize to you after on in the day.
That was all hours ago and now it seemed that the plans of the summer of sex were now nothing more than a fun memory. You couldn’t sleep properly in the now fuller house so as you saw the time was three a.m, you opted for a midnight snack. It was a common occurrence for you as you continued to curse the creaky floorboards that sat beneath your feet.
Quinn had heard it as he too struggled to sleep with the sounds of Josh’s snores now coming from next to him “you really did fuck me over buddy.” Quinn sighed as he raked his fingers through his hair wanting to be mad at the boys for how their arrival was indeed a giant cock block. Quinn had tried convincing them to come at least a day or two after their proposed date, but the requests clearly fell onto deaf ears.
In the kitchen you stood with a bowl of fruits that you were grateful you cut up the day before. The mix of mango and watermelon was tasty on your tongue as you cracked open a white claw, figuring that you might as well give yourself the time to relax properly “you got room f’one more?” Quinn asked as he walked down the stairs to see you comfortably situated against the counter.
Your eyes sharpened as he continued his walk towards you “depends.” You sighed putting another mango cube into your mouth “your friends gonna come down and decide that they want some too?” The spite in your voice made it clear to him that you were still so beyond annoyed that he had done that to the two of you.
It made the captain scoff “look I didn’t ask for them to come early.” He shot back as he rolled his eyes “so don’t fucking bitch about it like it is my fault.” He warned you clearly not impressed by the new attitude you had.
However his words only seemed to light a fire beneath you “well what are you gonna do if I don’t stop being a brat?” Your words were curious as you bit into a piece of mango accidentally letting the juice of it slide down your chin and onto your t-shirt “because you aren’t really the kind of guy who is gonna fuck me back into my place.” You took a step closer to him as you reminded him of the game of never have I ever from last summer. When Quinn decided to let Jack and Trevor know that they were disgusting for having had slept with girls whilst everyone was under the roof of the house.
But this time something snapped in Quinn. His lips were quickly on yours as you swore you had never seen so much anger in his eyes “you think this is a fucking funny joke don’t ya?” The hockey player spat as he pushed you onto the counter where you placed the bowl behind you “hell you’re probably soaked at the thought of me fucking you for them all to hear.” He added pushing the sleep shirt you wore up to reveal the white panties you had beneath it.
He let out a grunt seeing the wet patch on them “why did you have to act like such a fucking brat if all you wanted was to be fucked?” The boy asked letting his two fingers collect your wetness as they made their way between your folds.
Your lips pressed together as you stopped yourself from letting out a moan, but that only made him more annoyed as he pushed through into your cunt “don’t tell me you’ve forgotten how to speak already?” Quinn spat as he brought his hand to rest around your throat “n-no.” Tears formed in your eyes as you felt the skin of his palm graze over your clit.
Quinn felt his cock grow hard as he felt you clench around him “please.” You begged bringing your hips up to meet his fingers as you so badly needed more “use your words.” He instructed as he began to slow down his thrusts using it as a warning against you.
You shook your head as your fingers gripped at the edge of the counter “need your cock.” You blurted out making his fingers force themselves even deeper into the gummy walls of your cunt “think you deserve it?” He taunted bringing his lips dangerously close to yours.
The boy wondered if he was being too rough with you all of a sudden “just wanna cum on your cock.” You whined not having a care in the world for the concerns that had flashed across his face.
Those words made him tug your panties down over your feet as he let them form into a ball “would hate for the boys to hear ya.” He pointed out placing them into your mouth as he pulled you off of the counter.
Before you knew it, you were facing the staircase with your stomach against the counter as Quinn lined up his cock with your entrance. He took the time to spread his precum across your slit as you let out a muffled moan “fuck Z was right about how good this cunt is.” Quinn let out a grunt as he felt your walls quick to hug him.
Trevor knew he shouldn’t have chugged the whole bottle of water before bed, but somehow he did it and was now wide awake after going to pee. But what stopped him from ending back in his room was the fact that your door was wide open and you were now nowhere in sight.
It made his lips form a frown until he saw the low light creep up the stairs that came from the kitchen. He thought that you must have just been tired wanting a snack and he smirked to himself as he went to offer you some company.
The creaks of the floorboards made you whimper as your eyes went wide “fuck princess maybe someone is gonna walk in on you being such a slut.” Your cheeks were stained from your tears as the boy continued to let his hips snap into yours.
The idea of it happening made your cunt clench around him as he lay a slap on your ass “but maybe it’s what you wanted all of this time huh?” Quinn taunted you as a muffled moan left your lips letting your spit soak your panties.
Your heart pounded against your ribcage as you grew nervous seeing the feet walk down the steps as you swore that Quinn’s pace had somehow gotten quicker as he made bruised your pelvis consistently pressing against your g-spot “would you look at that.” Trevor smirked as he caught sight of Quinn fucking you. You looked like a mess, Quinn’s hand in your hair and your mouth stuffed with your own panties “honestly I am offended that you guys didn’t wake me up for this.” He pointed out as he walked down the remainder of the steps.
Trevor felt his cock grow hard as he was finally able to see the proper sight of how Quinn fucked your cunt “let me hear ya now then.” His words were soft as he pulled your panties from your mouth.
With that came a string of loose moans that had your entire body shaking “doll is he fucking you good?” Trevor quizzed as he gripped your chin between his fingers.
You whimpered with a nod as your lips formed a pout feeling his free hand reach down to rub at your clit “woulda fucked you too but it seems I’m too late to the party.” The ducks player faked being hurt as the view of your blown pupils were enough to make him feel better.
Your cunt squelched as the sounds of skin slapping echoed off of the walls around you “shit.” Your head fell forward as you rested it on Trevors shoulder feeling your eyes screw shut as each boy played apart in your pleasure.
The boys locked eyes with each other as they knew they shared the common goal of making you cum “squeezing me so tight I might lose my dick in it.” Quinn warned as he tugged his fingers through your hair letting out a grunt as he felt his cock throb when you clenched.
Trevor felt your tears soak his skin as he forced your face up to look at him “what’s got you all sad pretty girl?” He taunted you pressing his thumb into your clit harder when you whimpered.
You felt your eyes flutter as pleasure built in your stomach as your hands gripped at Trevors shoulders “just wanna cum so bad.” You confessed feeling that if you hadn’t been between the two of them that you would have been on the floor in a mess.
It made the boys moan in delight as they began to think about how needy you were “oh I think you know how to ask is better than that.” Trevor clicked his tongue as Quinn wanted to reach over to kill him, worried that he couldn’t handle much more of fucking you.
Your throat felt raw as Trevor used his free hand to wrap around hit “please let me cum.” You pleaded “just wanna feel so good on his cock.” Trevor looked to Quinn who nodded “go on pretty girl.” Trevor nodded finally giving you the green light.
The coil in your stomach broke as Trevor’s pace of his rough fingers against your clit didn’t let up, much like Quinn’s thrusts as he fucked you through your orgasm “shit shit shit!” You chanted the course of words as your body shook clenching around Quinn as it trigged his own orgasm.
His release sprayed up the walls of your cunt placing his mark on you too as they didn’t stop their actions until you went quiet. Quinn’s cock hit the inside of your thigh as he pulled out of you.
Trevor brushed your hair out of your thighs as he heard the sound of the floor creaking once more meaning that someone was awake.
As your adrenaline crashed your eyes went wide pushing the boys away from you as you pulled your shirt down over your ass “panties?” You asked forgetting which boy hand them.
Trevor pulled it out of his pocket as he tapped your ankle to help you put them on “now I might not be a genius, but unless we want a real audience I suggest we go to bed.” Trevor pointed out as you nodded feeling Quinns cum soak your panties as it pressed against your slit.
You nodded as the boys helped you back up the steps picking up on your shaky legs it left them needing to carry you up the stairs.
Watching them leave your room you were brought back to the decision that you knew you needed to make, only one of them could get you. Sure they could share for the summer, but you had a job in one of their cities.
The summer had gone by in the blink of an eye and now you were in his apartment getting ready for the first day of work “happy first day to me I guess.” You teased coming down from your high as you had woken up to him between your legs.
It was truly his favorite place to be “I am just making sure that your day is off to the best start.” He shrugged as he crawled through the sheet and let his face hover over yours as he let your release act like a badge of honor.
You rolled your eyes as you laughed “you’re such a goof.” You mumbled as you kissed his lips shaking your head.
He melted into it as he grinned “but I’m your goof.” Trevor reminded you as he pulled you into his arms letting you roll onto his stomach as he kissed your head.
You hoped that Anaheim would be just as good to you as he was.
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You move into a new neighborhood and have one hell of a hot neighbor. 
(I tried to find out how long Negan and Lucille were married but couldn't find it, if anyone knows please correct me.) NO BREAKOUT! WARNINGS~ P in V, fingering, licking, smut, pregnancy (just in case), hair pulling, swearing, If i missed any sorry. No beta reader, any mistakes are mine alone.
WORDS~ 2354
It had been a year since Lucille had passed for Negan, and he never thought about moving on after losing his wife. 
That was until you moved in next door. The day you moved in, you had smiled and waved at him as he smoked his cigarette next to his bike that he had been working on when you drove up the road.
That day he watched you as you picked up heavy boxes and crates refusing the help that the men offered you. He pegged you to be a hardworking, no shit taking type of woman. He peaked over when you and a guy were raising your voices to have a disagreement about something, he liked how you stood your ground up against a man who was much larger than you. The sun started to set, and he watched as the trucks drove away and you walked inside the house, the porch light flickering on as you closed the door.
Negan could see you close your bedroom blinds but still your silhouette showed what you were doing, Negan couldn't help but watch as the dark shadow took of pieces of clothing, he should stop watching, stop being a creep, but he couldn't. He went to bed that night with his fist gripping his cock thinking of you.
The next morning you were up bright and early, ready to go for a run around the neighborhood. You got into your running shorts, sports bra and sneakers and started stretching on the porch, it was a quiet street, you took the chance to look over to your neighbor's house. He had been outside most of yesterday, two things caught your attention, the first his bike and the second how handsome his was. During moving in yesterday you found yourself glancing his way as he lay on the ground, fixing something underneath the bike, the way the shirt rode up a little showing off his happy trail. The way he would roughly wipe the grease off his hands, your mind wandering to those big hands wrapped around your body, inappropriate to think about seeing how you were just moving in. 
You started your run slow around the block, noting the streets and where they lead to, making a daily run plan in your head. Turning the corner to your street you see your neighbor outside once again working on his bike, you slowed as you approach him. "Morning" you say as you slow to a stop.  Negan stands up from his bike, wipes his hands on the rag and smiles at you. "Morning. You're certainly up early, names Negan, seems to me that we are neighbors" he says gruffly. "Yeah, we are, names Y/N. I saw you yesterday out here, she yours?" I nod to the bike. "Oh yeah I took her off my mate a while ago, needs a little TLC but she'll be up and running soon." "That good to hear." I smile at you. "So far you're the only neighbor I've seen out so early." Negan laughs, "The neighborhood is sort of filled with older folk, you and I are the oddballs here. Most of them come out in the afternoon when it starts cooling down." "Oh true, it's a nice area, was lucky to get this place, seemed like it was a popular house." Negan couldn't help but stare at you, looking you up and down as you chatted away. "You wanna come inside for a coffee or tea?" Negan offers throwing the rag over the bikes seat. "Yeah, I could go for a coffee, as long as I'm not interrupting your day?"
"Nah you're all good love." Negan chuckles and leads you inside. His house is nice and neat, you look around as he leads you to the kitchen. "Take a seat, I'll put the kettle on." You sit down at the counter and smile and watch him as he grabs the coffee cups. "Should have asked this earlier, but you got a girlfriend or wife that might get upset about another woman in her house with her man?" You speak softly. Negan places the cups down, along with the spoons, coffee and sugar. He looks at you and smiles weakly.
"I am a widower. Lost my wife just over a year ago to cancer." "I am so sorry; I didn't mean to make you up...." Negan interrupts you. "It's fine you didn't know; I get it you don't wanna be making enemies the first day you move in." He continues "Lucille well she would have loved you I think, she barely spoke to any of the people here, a young girl like you would have been perfect to talk to take on shopping trips, you know all that." Negan chuckles. "She sounds amazing. How long were you married for?" You ask as he grabs a photo of her off the fridge, you study it. They looked so happy. "Oh man would have been about 10 years." "Well, you look happy in this photo" You hand it back to him and smile. "I was, been down in the dumps since losing her. What about you? You got a man I should be worried about?" "Hell no, single as shit." You say as you watch him mix the coffee, milk and sugar with the spoon, "It's the reason I wanted to start new, new place, new men to check out, you know" You take the coffee cup from his hand and thank him.
"Bad break up?" He asks taking a sip. "Abusive ex, so yeah and no, the breakup was well and truly needed." "Fucking pathetic male hitting women, would never lay a hand on a woman in that kinda way." Negan says getting angry. "Well, he didn't like it when I finally snapped and knocked him the fuck out, he went to his side chicks house, and I hightailed it out of there."  "Abusive and a cheater, how the fuck did a nice girl like you get with that kinda guy?" "He was my brother's mate, we met at teens, hooked up and only when we lived together, he got abusive and controlling." 
Negan just nods and continues to drink his coffee, staring at you. "What?" You ask smiling. "Nothing, just can't believe some fucker would raise his hands to the likes of you." He rounds the counter getting closer to you. "He taught me one thing, how to stand up for myself." You say, almost in a whisper. Negan's hand comes out and gently touches your face, his thumb gently brushing across your cheek. You breathe hitches as you lock eyes with him. You take in the salt and pepper hair, his facial hair, the way he smells like gasoline and cologne.  "Y/N I know it's wrong, I just met you, but I can't explain why I felt drawn to you." You blush at his words; you felt the same. Since you laid eyes on him yesterday it was hard to not think about him.  "Please tell me you feel the same" He moves his face closer to yours. "I do" you respond, moving your face closer, your lips almost touching. He sighs and, in a blink, his lips are on yours, kissing you deeply. Your hands grip his chin, nails digging into his skin. His hands one travels to your neck, the other travels to your hair, gripping it tightly. Making you gasp as he pulls it. Negan slid you off the stool into his arms, never breaking the kiss as he made his way carefully to his bedroom. He kicked the door close behind him and walked over to the bed, placing you down gently, crawling on top of you, his hands making quick work of his shirt, tossing it to the side of the bedroom. You look down at his bare chest. He sat up and you followed him, your hands reaching out to touch the small amount of chest hair he had in the middle of his chest. You smiled up at him as you kissed his chest, working your way over to his nipple, you take it between your teeth biting it, getting a groan out of him.
Negan couldn't help the noises he was making, your teeth gently grazing over his chest, nipples and neck were so good. His arms wrapped around you as you moved close, nibbling your way up.
"Shit" he moans. You smile at him and start to undo your sports bra "I seem to be a little overdressed" you whisper, his hands stills yours.  "Allow me to fix that" He says pushing you back down to the bed, ripping the zipper of your bra down harshly, you move your arms out of the holes and it disappears into the room, at this point you don't care.
Next to go were your pants, Negan isn't gentle with them either, he grips both pants and underwear and pulls them down, tossing them, leaving you naked under him, you can see his pants are struggling to hide the erection he has going for you. "Fuck your beautiful" He says kissing your inner thighs, making you giggle a little.  "Sorry, it's the facial hair" you explain when he looks up at you and raises an eyebrow. Negan smiles and keeps kissing you, moving up closer to your wet core. The giggles turn into gasps as his tongue licks your slit. Not going inside, just teasing you. Your hand reaches out to his hair, gripping it, you try and push his face down, but he stops you. "Needy little bitch, aren't you?" He growls, his words turning you on more. You were never one for dirty talk, usually it would turn you off but when he says it, it's doing the exact opposite, feeling yourself get wetter from not only his tongue but your own want. You moan as he uses two thick fingers to spread your lips and his tongues circles your clit, you arch your back at the pleasure. Negan keeps licking adding the twonfibgers thay held your pussy opened to him, you feel filled with those two digits pumping inside you. He keeps licking your clit when fucking yoi with his fingers, first gently, then getting rougher and rougher, until you tell the orgasm you been building releases and he laps it up like his life depends on it.  When he moves over you, his face is wet with your juices. You smile at him and he brings his face closer "Go on baby, taste yourself" Negan waits for you to move closer to him, to kiss him, your tongue licking at your cum. "Fucking sweetest pussy I have ever tasted" He growls, he sits back as he undoes his pants, just enough to release his cock and line it up to your enterance. He kisses you deeply as he slides into your pussy, you gasp having to adjust to his size.  But once he is fully seated inside you he doesn't move. You both lay there, panting. "Such a nice warm little pussy, I think Ill just let you warm it a bit before I fuck you senseless." He smiles as you try to move your hips, desperate to fuck him but he stops your tries. Smacking you on the side of your ass "Naughty girl. Can't you wait a little bit?" "No" you whisper. Negan laughs as he pulls out, almost all the way only to push himself back into you fast, getting you to gasp and moan. He continues this torture. Out.......slowly. In....hard......out.....almost all the way, just the tip toying with your pussy. In hard, his balls slapping your skin. Your moans mix with his, the pleasure building up again. It wouldn't take to long for you to come again. Negan's thrusts were getting erratic, he couldn't hold off the oncoming orgasm much longer.  "Negan please....." "You close baby girl? You close?" Negan grunts thrusting again hard. "Mmmmmm yeah...." You moan, you feel yourself start to tighten.
"Oh my god, your gonna fucking milk me baby?" Negan says, going faster.  It takes 3 more thrusts and your cumming around his cock, arching your back as your pussy grips on to his cock as he continues pounding into you. Negan grunts loudly and moans as his movement stop and you feel his cock pumping inside you, releasing his seed into you.
He rolls off you, but bringing your body closer to his as he lays there, coming down from the high. Negan laid there, his heart racing, he could feel yours beating underneath his arm, causing him to smile. "Just know I don't usually jump into bed with neighbors" You say after a few minutes of silence. "Neither do I, but I just couldn't help myself." Negan kisses your neck.
"What happens now?" You ask.
2 YEARS LATER. You sit on Negan's lap as you watch another set of neighbors move into the street, the street was starting to get a lot of young folk. You lean back and smile as Negan nibbles your skin.  "That was you two years ago baby girl" Negan says as his hand toys with the helm of your shirt, gently rubbing over your swollen belly.  "Sure was." Your hand entwined with his. To some you and Negan moved fast into this relationship, within 6 months you were moving in with him, at 8 months he purposed marriage to you, 12 months you had a small wedding with your family attending. Now you sit on his front porch, 6 months pregnant expecting twins, a baby boy and a baby girl.  "I'm glad I moved into this street, I'm glad we met that day on my run."  You tell him.  "Oh trust me darling the feeling is very mutual." Negan says pulling your hair, making you arch back to give you a deep kiss. "Fuck" you whisper knowing that that alone was turning you on.  "Let's go inside baby" Negan says standing up with you in his arms, not allowing you to walk. You start kissing his neck as your wrap your arms around his neck. 
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Special Needs
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Gif credits
Pairing/AU: DBF!Joel Miller x F!reader, no outbreak
Rating: +18, Minors please don’t interact, NSFW
Summary: Joel lets you convince him that you can help him get back in shape. (Do you remember the episode of Friends where Monica convinces Chandler to work out with her? The idea came to me while watching that episode. What came out of it, however, has almost nothing to do with that episode. LOL but I used the name Geller as a tribute)
Word count: 4254
Warnings: smut, age gap (reader is 22, Joel's age is not explicitly mentioned but I would say around 46/48), pov switch (I hope I succeeded because it's my first time), reader has breasts and vagina, she is wearing shorts and a sports bra and has a ponytail, other than that there is no other particularly accurate description of her, brat taming dynamic, power dynamic, unprotected p in v (reader is on the pill, please take precautions IRL), spit, cum eating, oral (m receiving), face fucking, fingering (f receiving), sex in a public place (a park LOL), risk of getting caught, swearing (A LOT), Joel is mean, reader is mean too and also a total brat, rough sex, praise kink, a little bit of orgasm control, a lot of bickering, Joel wears shorts (!!!), Joel comes inside her, sort of (?) seed kink, pet names (mostly good girl, honey, bratty little thing, cheeky little thing, babe), use of the term daddy once, readers calls Joel and old man and other nicknames multiple times, Joel slaps reader once during sex, I don’t even know what to say, you all, it’s pure filth 💀 Title is from a Placebo song.
As always, English is not my first language so please be kind, no proofreading, no editing, no beta, it’s all my fault and I’m very sorry, I hope this makes sense, otherwise pretend it never existed, thanks.
And thank you so much for reading my silly little stories, I'm still in disbelief that anyone is interested in what I write 😭
Joel hadn’t considered everything when you suggested it. He’d looked at your big, shining eyes as you told him he didn’t need to pay a lot of money to join a gym, you’d take care of getting him in shape.
Running had always been a part of you and you did it every morning so there wouldn’t be any problems.
Luckily, you had just returned from college for the summer and would be spending three months at your parents’ house before classes started again.
At first it seemed like a sentence, you would have preferred to go to Europe with your roommate but you had decided to save the money you had earned working as a waitress and you didn't feel like asking your parents for them.
As soon as you got out of your dad’s car, you saw Joel waving at you from across the street and you remembered when you had a crush on him. You thought you’d put it behind you and that it was just a passing teenage nonsense.
That day you realized that it wasn't like that, it hadn't gone away at all.
Two weeks had passed and your father had invited his best friend Joel for dinner.
Sure, why not.
You were so nervous that it took you an hour and a half to choose what to wear, your mother had come to your room twice to see what the hell you were doing and why you hadn't gone down to the kitchen to help her yet.
Why the hell did you get yourself into that situation?
After all, blowing your savings in Europe was probably not such a bad idea, after all you are 22 and had the right to enjoy your holidays. Stupid conscience, by now you could have been in Spain or Italy or even France.
You ended up wearing denim shorts and a crop top. Pretty much what you usually wore, but you thought you saw Joel peeking at your thighs few days before and you obviously liked the idea.
When your mother saw you she didn't make any comment, she had never made a fuss about how you dressed. And she certainly didn't imagine that those skimpy denim shorts were there to get her husband's best friend to look at you, it didn't even cross her mind. You were above suspicion.
When you saw him enter the dining room followed by your father you almost lost your breath.
Why was he so damn attractive? You should have convinced yourself to forget about him but you hadn't. You had tried to do it that night too, until he mentioned that he wanted to join the gym and you almost interrupted him and said "you could come running with me."
You felt like you were watching yourself from the outside and if you could you would have slapped yourself. Why had such a bullshit come out of your mouth.
You actually knew very well why.
Joel looked at you with a surprised expression. “Are you sure?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Of course! Excuse me, you live across the street, is it possible that you’ve never seen me running? I’ve been doing this for years.”
“I never noticed, kid, honestly noticing your habits is not a priority in my life” Joel had replied nonchalantly.
Your father had laughed, covering his embarrassment.
Of course he knew. He had seen you scampering around the neighborhood in those skimpy shorts and that way-low-cut sports top. He had also wondered where the hell you had bought that stuff, didn't the good old tracksuits that covered everything exist anymore?
“Well, you could at least try. We’ll start with a short route. Just a few miles, do you think you can do it?” You replied, batting your eyelashes and looking at him with an angelic expression.
“Sure, kiddo, I sweat all day to earn a living,” he retorted defiantly. “Who do you think I am?”
“An old man” you said candidly.
This time even your mother, who was usually composed and cared more about education than anything else, giggled.
Joel looked at you with an ironic expression “ok, little girl, I'm in”
“Good, then I'll see you at 6 because it will be too hot later, I'll come and knock on your door” you replied mischievously.
“Pfff Do you think it’s a problem for me to wake up early? I’ve been waking up at 5 for decades”
“Sure, but tomorrow is Saturday”
Joel rolled his eyes and let out a sigh.
You had won, incredible.
Your father looked at him smiling and shrugged, “what can I say, I have a smart daughter”
Oh sure, you looked so pleased with yourself.
You hadn't won the war yet though.
The next morning you wake up at 5, get ready, put on the shortest shorts you could find, a sports top that reaches just below your breasts, and go out quietly so as not to wake your parents.
You knock on Joel's door at 6 o'clock sharp, imagining his expression when he saw you.
Joel opens the door with a cup of coffee in his hand “hey girl! do you want a cup of coffee?” he asks you with a seraphic expression painted on his face.
He would never give you the satisfaction of being caught unprepared.
“I’ve already had it at my house. Don’t try to postpone the inevitable Mr Miller.” he hates it when you call him that, it makes him feel old and you know it.
“When did you become so simpering? I need to have a chat with your father.” he smirks.
“Of course” you reply rolling your eyes “So are you ready or not? I won’t wait all morning.”
“I was born ready, little rascal, I'll take this to the kitchen and then we can go”
“K, I’ll wait here”
You drum your fingers on the door frame as you watch him walk away. “Tick tock, tick tock,” you taunt and he turns to glare at you as he walks past the kitchen threshold.
You have to admit, he looks pretty cute in shorts, in fact, who are you trying to fool… he has amazing legs.
And clearly, even if you never tell him, you think that he doesn't need anything and that the effort he puts into his job has already shaped him enough. This is just an excuse to spend time alone with him.
“Come on, let’s go,” he says, closing the door and putting his keys in his pocket. “Keep up with me, old man,” you say, smiling before stepping off his porch and running as fast as you can.
You hear him swearing behind you as he tries to catch up. After a hundred meters you see him coming up beside you and he’s out of breath “you did it on purpose”
“Of course” you giggle looking straight ahead.
“Can we slow down a bit now or were you planning on giving me a heart attack?”
“Okay, okay, I don't want you on my conscience, Mr Miller,” you start walking at a fast pace “we can do this for a while”
You turn to him and see his face all red and sweaty. “Damn, are you down already?”
“Not a chance, little girl. And stop calling me Mr. Miller, you know it gets on my nerves.” he grunts trying to catch his breath
“Yes I know, Mr Miller” you reply with a flirtatious tone and you know he didn’t miss it because he turns to you and looks at you and his eyes say “I’m going to make you regret this”
“So, why did you come back here this summer?”
“College is expensive and my parents already do enough for me, I’m trying to save as much as I can.”
“It’s a smart move and indeed very thoughtful” he admits
"See? I'm not as bad as you think” you say glaring at him while you keep the pace “While we’re on the subject, you might not call me kiddo, I’m not a kid anymore.”
“Yeah, whatever, kiddo. I’m good now just in case you are interested”
“Ok, you asked for it” you say in a challenging tone and start running again as fast as you can.
“Hey!” He shout “you little cheeky thing!”
“Blame yourself for it, geriatric” you shout back.
Joel huffs and tries to run faster to catch up with you as you run away laughing.
He doesn't mind being behind though, he can see your ass bouncing hugged in those ridiculous shorts you've put on that barely cover your butt cheeks.
He’s not supposed to think certain things, but you've been mischievous since you got back.
He has noticed how you look at him and how you always try to argue with him, he is pretty sure that this is your way of flirting and he finds it quite funny.
And well… you're definitely cute, much cuter than he remembered.
He forced himself not to do anything because you are his best friend's daughter but you don't make it easy for him.
And now you’re here in those skimp shorts and that sports bra so small that your boobs look like they could pop out at any moment.
And the worst part is your attitude.
Fuck, you’re making a mess in his pants lately.
“Come on, old man, you can do it” oh you are so insolent in persisting in calling him old, he really should teach you a lesson.
He tries his hardest to reach you and you slow down, let him get a little closer and run away again.
“Jesus Christ” he cuss under his breath and try to run faster and you let him getting closer and then you sprint away again laughing and calling him a couch potato.
You keep going like this until he can finally reach you and he grab your wrist.
You turn to him “Hey! Let go of me!” you look like an angry kitten ready to scratch.
“Now we're taking a break,” Joel hisses.
“What the hell? There are still two miles to go”
“I SAID. We’re taking a break. Now”
“Okay, lazybones, whatever you want, don't get too nervous”
Joel is looking mad, which is so dumb, you were just kidding and he should know it.
It turns you on to see him like this though, you have to admit it.
“How about you let go of my wrist for starters?”
He lets go and looks at you askance.
He's drenched, little drops of sweat slide down the column of his neck, his black, soaked curls are plastered to his forehead, his damp t-shirt lets you glimpse the shape of his nipples.
God, he’s gorgeous.
His labored breathing sounds like a hoarse roar as he tells you, “I know what you’re trying to do.”
Yeah, you shouldn't be so horny for Joel but you can't help it.
“I’m doing nothing” you shout
“Don’t scream” his voice is low but nark.
He looks around, you are near the park and there is no one else.
Apparently you are the only ones who had the crazy idea of ​​running at 6 on Saturday morning.
He grabs your arm and drags you inside, you try to resist “Joel!” but you don’t really want to. He stops behind a tree and pushes you against it.
“You’re trying to do nothing, huh? You haven't been trying to tease me since you got here, have you?“
“No” you say, but you're so delighted that he noticed.
“So at the Geller party last week you didn’t intentionally drop your glass in front of me and bend over to pick it up so I could see your panties, right?”
“I dropped a glass, that's all,” you coo.
“And not even the day you stood naked in front of your bedroom window? You knew I was in the garden, you saw me“
“I was in my room and I had just showered. It's not my fault that you are a voyeur”
“Sure. And the other day when I met you and your father at the cafe and you were eating ice cream? Even then you weren’t trying to do anything?”
Oh. He noticed that too.
Yep, you were busy with that spoon. Pretty cliché of you, you felt so silly.
But apparently it worked.
“It's you who sees mischief where there’s nothing”
“Oh sure, I imagined it” he hiss
You feel the bark stinging your back as he presses you against it, his arms at either side of you stretched out against the tree.
You could duck and run away if you wanted to. The point is, you don't want to.
“And tell me, what did you think you were going to do with these shorts and this top?”
“I was thinking of running” you shrug, and you look at him batting your eyelashes.
He snorts, “You’re such a brat”
You raise your chin slightly, resting your head against the tree “So what?” you ask defiantly “What do you want to do, you moldy old rag, punish me?”
He presses you even more against the tree, staying an inch from your face. You can feel his breath blowing on your skin.
“This attitude will not bring you anything good”
“oooh how scary”you whisper, looking him straight in the eyes.
He licks his lips “Is this what you want?”
His mouth is crushing on yours in a second, his tongue forces your lips and slips inside licking you hungrily and leaving you breathless, his beard scratching your skin.
You grab his cock through his shorts squeezing it and you can feel it’s already hard.
He pulls off and hiss “Fuck, baby, you don’t waste time”
“Yes, I never liked wasting my time” you purr
He takes your hand and raises your arm, pinning it against the tree. “And you think you deserve that?” he asks you authoritatively.
“What the fuck. Of course I do”
“I don’t think so. Here's what you're going to do now. You're going to shut your mouth and do what I tell you to do.”
“No” you hiss
“Oh you will, brat, if you want my dick”
He looks around again to make sure there is no one in the park. “Kneel down.”
“On the ground?” you raise your eyebrow
“Yeah, on the ground princess. Kneel”
“But I-”
“KNEEL. Fuck, don't make me raise my voice, someone might hear”
You kneel in front of him and he pulls down his shorts just enough to pull his cock out.
It's huge.
You swallow, wondering how you're going to fit it in your mouth.
“Open” he orders
“It won’t fit” you’re suddenly intimidated.
“It will fit, darling, open wide”
“But Joel…”
“Open. Wide.”
You open your mouth as wide as you can and wait. He spit in his hand and strokes himself a couple of times and then starts to slide it into your mouth, onto your tongue.
Your gag reflex almost gets the better of you when you feel it hit the back of your throat.
His salty, musky flavor is all over your mouth.
Luckily you manage to hold back and look up at him “Just like that, honey. See how much easier it is when you stop being a brat?”
He grabs your ponytail and starts moving your head up and down its length, the ground scrapes your knees, you try to breathe through your nose but you're still tired from the run and it's not like Joel has given you so much time to recover.
You close your eyes and try to focus on your breathing but Joel immediately scolds you “eyes on me” and he tugs on your hair.
You grunt and in response he starts fucking your mouth again harder than before.
“Do as I say or your pussy won't even get touched today.”
And you stupidly think “well, I can do it myself” and you bring one hand up your shorts, right above your clit.
“What do you think you’re doing?” you immediately hear him say as he takes his cock out of your mouth.
His hand is still tight on your ponytail, he pulls your head and slaps his cock on your cheek.
“This is what you wanted, right?”
“Yes” you murmur
“A little bit louder, babe. I can’t hear you”
“Yes” you repeat.
“You don't have an ending until I say so, you understand?”
“Good. Stick out your tongue for me, baby”
And you do. You want it too much.
He goes back into your mouth and starts rutting into it savagely.
You feel tears stinging your eyes and the ground is now unbearable under your knees but you don't protest anymore, his big fat cock throbbing between your lips and its veins sliding on your tongue are too delicious to do without.
You feel your panties getting soaked.
You look into his eyes again and you can see a pleased expression painted all over his face.
It's so infuriating and rousing at the same time.
Fuck, Joel Miller.
You don't even know how long he keeps fucking your mouth, you’re totally cock drunk at this point.
His orgasm takes you by surprise, you feel his seed invade your mouth and drip down your chin.
He finally pulls back and smear his seed all over your lips with his thumb.
He forces your lips with his finger “lick it clean, babe”
And you do, like a kitten starved.
“Such a good girl” and his little praise goes straight to your clit.
He finally gets you off the ground and he puts his cock back in his pants.
You look down at your knees, they’re full of grass and dirt, you brush them off with the back of your hand and they hurt. Great. You already know you’re going to get bruises.
“What are you going to tell your parents?”
“That I gave you a blowjob in the park after running. What do you think? Jesus, I'll pretend that I fell to the ground like an idiot" and you roll your eyes.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me, bratty little thing” Joel smirk defiantly.
You sit up and lean back against the tree. You tug on his shirt, pulling him closer to you. “So are you going to fuck me or are you too old to come twice in a row?”
He doesn't even answer, he takes your wrists and holds them still against the tree with one hand, while he slips the other one past the elastic of your shorts and into your panties.
His thick, calloused fingers slide over your folds “You’re already soaking wet” and without warning he slides his index and middle fingers into your hole while his thumb presses on your clit.
You gasp so hard and he just says “God, you’re so tight, babe” and he starts curling them up into you “How does it feel?”
“Good” you whisper “so good, Joel, I feel so full”
“Yeah baby, that’s what daddy’s fingers are made for, to fill your pussy well” his scent mixed with sweat pervades your nostrils, he lowers his face to your neck and bites your skin while he doesn't stop moving inside you.
“Fuck” you hiss. You're intoxicated by him, your head is spinning “fuck, don’t stop, please”
“You drive me insane, you know that?”
And it’s absolutely true.
Joel shouldn't say this, but you've been stuck in his head like a nail since the day you got back and you won't leave him alone.
And now that he has let go of the leash of his inhibitions, it seems impossible to stop. He no longer knows how many times he has stopped to look at you, completely sucked in, his eyes glued to the curve of your ass or the roundness of your breasts, your nipples that peeked out from the fabric of your shirt.
And he managed to remain quiet anyway, until you pushed yourself to the limit by suggesting to go for a run together. And now he's even more fucked, because he's realized that feeling your mouth wrapped around his cock, your body on his, your tits pressed against his chest and your pussy opening up to his fingers is enrapturing.
And your shitty attitude actually makes him hornier.
“Fuck” he says in a hushed tone “Gosh, babe, you’re so pretty like that, all worked up over my fingers.”
“It feels so good, Joel, so good” you whine and you can hear you heart pounding in your chest so hard, he’s tormenting you as he slowly moves his fingers in and out of you “More, I want more”
“Ask nicely” his voice is firm
You look him in the eyes and you wonder why he can't be satisfied with your gaze, you're sure it’s eloquent enough at this moment.
“Please, Joel”
“What do you want, honey?”
“Your cock”
It’s incredible that you’re doing this in this park, you’re begging him to fuck you here.
In an hour at most it’ll start to fill up with people, probably even some of your neighbors who have known you forever. “Manners, babe” He bites one of your nipple through your sports bra and sucks greedily, wetting the fabric.
“Your cock - ah - please”
He lets go of your wrists and his hand comes out of your underwear, your pussy aching for a release.
He pulls down your shorts and frees his cock again, he puts your panties aside and takes his cock in his hand “spit” he orders you.
You look at him for a moment without understanding, dazed at the idea of ​​having to take his massive cock in your cunt, which is what you asked for.
He snaps his fingers in front of your eyes “wake up honey. spit on it” he repeats.
You gather some saliva in your mouth and then let it drip from your lips, letting it fall onto his cock.
“Good girl. You'd be even better if you didn't make me repeat things twice, we need to work on this”
He pushes you back against the tree and slides inside you in one go and yes, you are dripping but his intrusion still rocks you for a moment.
It burns.
He stands still and looks you in the eyes “listen, we don’t have much time princess, don’t pout like that”
“Asshole” you say under breath.
He slaps you “watch your mouth, pretty thing”
Your cheek burns and yet you’re never been so aroused by anyone before.
“Fuck. Just… fuck me, please. Please, Joel”
He grabs your ass cheeks and starts moving inside you. You try to stifle your moans but one escapes your lips “God! Please Joel, please”
“Shut up. I wish I could stuff your panties in your mouth, brat” He silences you with a kiss while you think you wish he could.
And you're so delusional that you think "next time."
He licks into your mouth while he’s pumping into you, hitting your cervix just right, again and again.
And you’re almost there.
He pulls away from your mouth to catch his breath “Joel - I think - I think I’m coming”
He’s still pumping, faster and harder.
You hold onto his shoulders and clench your fists into his shirt “Joel I’m - ah- coming”
“Yes I feel it, I feel your pussy squeezing me, you’re doing it so good, so good for me, baby.”
“Joel” you're begging him, you're so close that you feel like you've lost your mind “Joel, please”
“Come for me, baby” he finally says against your skin “come hard for me”
You’ve been waiting for his permission and now that he's given it to you you feel your whole body shudder as a devastating orgasm washes all over you.
You're quivering against his broad chest, digging your nails into his shirt, trying to moan as little as possible to avoid making yourself heard.
He holds you tight as your legs shake.
He's still inside you and starts pumping harder after giving you time to calm down a bit "where do you want me to come?" "Inside" you whisper
"Fuck, baby, seriously?"
"Yes, I'm on the pill, please Joel, please fill me up"
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, oh my god, please give it to me”
“Yeah, you want it, huh? You want my cum dripping down your legs, huh?
You nod “yes, please, please Joel”
And he explodes inside you an instant later, you feel thick sticky streaks of his seed painting your walls and he’s grunting so hard.
He takes it off you and puts it back in his pants, you fix your panties and shorts as best you can and you already feel it dripping between your thighs and it's a sensation that drives you crazy.
“Fuck, you’re so gorgeous like that, all sweaty and hot for me”
You smile at him, actually grateful “it was amazing”
“Come on, let's get out of here before anyone sees us”
As soon as he finishes saying this, you see a man with a dog on a leash pass by on the other side of the park.
You run away as fast as you can and once outside Joel stops on the sidewalk, bending over and putting his hands on his knees to catch his breath. “Fuck, do you think he saw us?”
“No, I don’t think so. But you know what? I don’t care.”
“You’re such a bad girl.”
Maybe you do, but you really don’t care, you’re too happy.
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moodymelanist · 11 months
"If there's anything you want to see feel free to drop it in my ask box", you said on AO3, and did you think I would pass up this opportunity?
I'm actually leaving most of it to your imagination; I'm only asking you to please, p l e a s e write some soft and kinky Nessian stuff with emphasis on Cassian's curly hair, the eyebrow scar, you know what I mean 👀
Thank you so much in advance!
for you? anything 🩷 hope this scratches your itch!!
also there’s only a few days left in the month so I’m gonna try to get through what I can until then. if there’s a prompt you want to see now’s the time to send it!
Nesta shifted to make herself more comfortable, looking down at the broad expanse of her boyfriend’s back as she straddled him. “You still green, baby?”
“So fucking green,” Cassian replied, his voice a little muffled by the pillow he was laying on. “I’m ready.”
The two of them had always enjoyed things rough, and it had been a natural extension to look into all the different ways they could get each other off with a side of pain. Cassian had been the one to ask Nesta about trying this particular kink, and Nesta had risen to the occasion without missing a beat.
She’d ordered special candles off Etsy, spread out a large plastic sheet over their bedroom floor, and gotten some oil to help with cleanup. All she needed to do now was light the candle and get things started.
“I have to rub you down a little first, okay?” Nesta said, reaching for the little bottle of jojoba oil and pouring some onto her hands.
“Like that’s a hardship,” Cassian replied, teasing.
She smacked his back lightly, spreading a little of the oil onto his skin. “Idiot. Let me do my thing.”
“Yes ma’am,” he responded with a little chuckle. His amusement quickly faded as she started rubbing her hands across his back, both of them enjoying her skin on his. “That feels nice, sweetheart.”
“Enjoy it while you can,” she told him with a huff of laughter.
“As long as you’re involved, I’ll always enjoy it,” he answered.
Nesta just fondly rolled her eyes and kept rubbing oil into his back. She loved seeing him spread out and comfortable for her like this — the muscles of his back gleaming in the low light, the sounds of his contented breathing. She even reached up and gently massaged his scalp, thoroughly enjoying the way his pretty curls felt sliding across her fingers.
He was so beautiful it made her ache sometimes.
“You’re gonna put me to sleep, Nes,” Cassian mumbled after a few minutes. “Feels too good.”
“I’m glad you’re relaxed,” Nesta replied sweetly, reaching for the hand towel she’d stashed nearby. She quickly wiped her hands clean and grabbed for the candle instead. “You ready?”
“Yeah,” he answered.
“Okay. Don’t move.”
Nesta carefully held the candle and poured a tiny amount onto her own arm to test the temperature, hissing at the slight burn. It quickly melted into a much more subtle heat, and her hiss faded into a shaky exhale. It felt so much better than she’d been expecting; maybe Cassian had been onto something after all when he’d asked her to do this to him.
The temperature of the wax was just right, and Cassian was practically vibrating with anticipation under her, so Nesta decided to finally give him what he wanted. He was only wearing a pair of boxer briefs while she was in a sports bra and matching shorts, so she made sure to carefully angle the candle away from herself before she poured a small amount onto his right shoulder blade.
The effect was instantaneous. Cassian inhaled sharply as the wax cooled on his skin, a deep shudder running through him. “Fuck.”
“How did that feel?” Nesta asked, rubbing soothing circles into the small of his back.
“So good,” Cassian answered immediately. The wax had dried quickly, leaving a little red circle on his skin as a tangible reminder of what she’d done. “Keep going.”
His wish was her command. She poured another little red dot, this time on his left shoulder blade, and thoroughly enjoyed the way his breath hitched when the wax hit his skin. “Looks like someone’s enjoying themselves.”
“You have no idea,” he groaned, his body shifting under her as he made himself more comfortable. “Don’t stop.”
Nesta kept going, experimenting with where and how much wax she dripped onto his skin at once. By the time she’d covered a fair amount of his back, Cassian was panting and actively rocking his hips against the floor for some kind of relief.
“I bet you could come from this,” Nesta mused, thinking out loud.
To her delight, Cassian furiously nodded his head up and down. “I can do it, I can, I just need—”
“You just need a little help,” she finished smoothly. She loved seeing him get like this, all desperate and begging for her. “I think I can do that.”
“Please,” he said, groaning as she ran her nails down a sliver of bare skin.
“Turn over,” she told him. She shifted off his back and held the candle far out of the way so he could turn over without any problems, a stab of arousal hitting her as her eyes trailed over him.
Cassian looked… God, how was she supposed to focus like this? His eyes looked nearly black in the low light, his skin gleaming with a mixture of sweat and whatever oil had spilled over from his back, and all his attention was wholly focused on her. He looked like something out of her wildest fantasies, especially with his hair fanned out across the pillow and the way his chest was heaving for breath.
She was going to devour him.
Nesta somehow managed to get more oil on his chest and stomach without causing an accident, and then she was straddling him again. His cock was hard and insistent against her, and she took a second to collect herself before she reached for the candle. She couldn’t let herself get distracted by how badly she wanted to sink down and ride him like her life depended on it; she was a woman with a mission, and she intended to finish it.
“Ready?” Nesta asked.
“Yeah, yes — ah!” Cassian answered, cutting himself off with a little gasp as she poured a drop of the candle onto his stomach. He jerked upwards and ground his cock against her and the look on his face was so delightfully shocked that Nesta had to fight the urge to kiss it off him. “Oh.”
She smirked down at him, more than pleased with his reaction. “That enough for you?”
“Fuck, you’re gonna kill me,” he said, panting. He reached up and grabbed her hips so he could have as much contact as possible. “Just don’t stop.”
She rolled her hips against him and pulled another groan out of him. “I got you, baby.”
It was almost too easy to reduce him to a shuddering mess from there. The more wax Nesta poured onto his skin, the harder Cassian would thrust against her, and the closer he brought himself to the edge.
“Fuck, fuck, don’t stop,” Cassian begged, grinding hard against her. “Nesta—”
“Yeah?” Nesta poured a few lines of wax onto him, some possessive urge motivating her to paint an N onto his chest. His eyes were a little wild as he cried out and thrusted hard against her. “You’ve been so good for me, Cassian. I want you to come for me.”
She could tell he was teetering on the edge but he wasn’t quite over it yet, so she added, “Come on, I need it, I want to feel you—”
Cassian groaned her name loudly as he finally came, squeezing down hard on Nesta’s hips and rocking up against her. She didn’t stop moving against him until he finally stopped writhing, his breath still coming hard and fast, and she leaned down to press a series of kisses to his face and lips.
“So that’s definitely going on the list,” Nesta said once she’d gotten all the wax off Cassian and cleaned up the living room. They’d showered and she’d bundled him up in some blankets while they waited for their post-sex takeout to arrive.
“I think we’d have a serious problem if it didn’t,” Cassian replied from his pile of blankets, smiling sleepily.
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @charming-butt-insane | @oversizedbats | @melphss | @sv0430 | @podemechamardek | @autumnbabylon | @live-the-fangirl-life | @julemmaes | @that-little-red-head | @jmoonjones | @sayosdreams | @thewayshedreamed | @hiimheresworld | @brieq | @pearlfortears | @swankii-art-teacher | @nerdperson524 | @snickerdoodlechittybangbang | @imsointobooks | @nesquik-arccheron | @sweet-pea1 | @champanheandluxxury | @dustjacketmusings | @mrs-shadowsinger04 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @goddess-aelin | @arinbelle | @talkfantasytome | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @duskandstarlight | @letstakethedawn | @vidalinav | @c-e-d-dreamer | @dealfea | @katekatpattywack | @burningsnowleopard | @thatsowlmazing | @avidromancereader | @a-little-disguised | @kale-theteaqueen
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daswarschonkaputt · 2 years
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modern au fem!hanwenzhou
okay so like, pretty much all my art is someone else's fault. i stand by this. this is the fault of @antique-forvalaka (henceforth siv). blame or thank her. she just showed up unprovoked and was like, "fem!wkx has a flat ass and fem!zzs is big tiddy tomboy," and i was like, "umm???" what was i meant to do? NOT draw them? it's a modern au because i don't fuck with drawing hanfu.
most of these were drawn when i was too sick to write and lemme tell you i 100% underestimated the effect of a cough on drawing art. the lineart on wkx's piece took me so fucking long. i even had to go back in and redo bits of it. that's why some of it looks wonky but shhhh don't look.
assorted headcanons beneath the cut:
this was the first one i started drawing, and then i nearly gave up because zzh's face is the fucking worst to draw. like, i even tried tracing a still and it still didn't look like him. okay, thots:
f!zzs has long hair that she takes relatively good care of but she pretty much always just ties up and ignores
she keeps it long because she sometimes does infiltration missions and it's helpful to appear super feminine
she knows how to be pretty and well presented but she literally never gives a shit
left alone she will happily sit in a sports bra and panties and eat ramen
oh yeah when she's lying low after leaving tc she disguises herself as a male vagabond. @luckydragon10 is very attached to f!zzs's fake stubble.
the hoodie look is an adaptation of my favourite zzs look from woh which is the meili look. look i am a simple woman, put the characters in a veiled hat and my brain just goes hrrrrnnnnng.
oh hello other actor in this drama who is incredibly fucking hard to draw. luckily i had already drawn modern wkx before so i was a bit more used to his face. okay, some more thots:
the first one i drew was the big profile which is labelled in the csp file as tiddies out wkx
in my head f!wkx has a flat ass and flat chest bc siv said so, but she wishes she were curvy like wkx
she's very much styled after a femme fatale, emphasis on the fatal
she's pretty much always immaculately turned out, perfect make-up, perfect clothes, all very expensive
i had to draw her in stockings and garter belt. i just had to. also that lace texture killed me and took me like half of wanda//vision (which i was watching in the background) to get right
part of the reason i even did modern au was because i wanted to draw wkx with a sniper rifle
on that note the sniper rifle is traced from a photo bc i am lazy and at that point was very ill
"oh? so you have chosen death~♡" -- that's her vibe
fave wkx is angery wkx up in the top right corner. i drew her last.
one big regret that i didn't draw her splattered in blood and smirking like lelouch from code geass. i just think that would be neat.
thank u han ying for having a face that i can draw. thank u actor for having distinguishable features for my face blind self. thank u. thots:
this was the last set of these that i drew and i had to think long and hard about what to do for her. i knew i wanted her to be shorter than zzs but curvier than wkx but that was literally it
originally when i started drawing f!hy i gave her short curly hair, like close to a pixie cut, but i couldn't make it look right, so i went back to siv and extracted her suggestion of a side cut or undercut
in my head, hy and zzs run two-man missions all the time, with zzs as front woman and hy as tactical support/getaway driver
siv said to me that she sees wkx playing dress-up with hy bc hy is more receptive to it than zzs and i was like oh yes so that's why there's a little classy hy over on the right
also the more i drew f!hy with her little undercut and sweats i realised she looked like a fuckboi and i was here for it
special shout out to my favourite tac gear item: the throat mic. they're just so sexy. don't come at me.
shout out to fancy dress ass-kicking hy. the backstory here is that wkx put her in a pretty dress for a nice evening out only for it to devolve into a battlefield so hy takes off her heels and just starts blasting.
oh yeah special shout out here bc my brain was just like "play with the colours" so i did and now there is no consistent colouring for this set.
anyway i love hy's little button nose. so cute. love drawing it.
ok i'm done.
standard disclaimers for my art: all of it was drawn in clip studio paint (my beloved). i use pose references using the built-in 3D models and assorted poses i've downloaded from the store. faces are drawn using stills from the show i've founded on google images. when i draw fashion there's a high change it's from runway collections, in this case hy's dress is from the paolo sebastian moonlight serenade collection, specifically this one. and the fancy han ying look is adapted from ashi studio fall/winter 2017, specifically this look.
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itsthestutterforme · 3 years
You Left, Not Me 2/2 (Druig x reader)
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Notes: GIF is not mine, sexual themes (finger, p in v penetration),
Prompt 1 credit @oopsprompts :"Maybe there were no right choices in that situation, but you definitely made the wrong one."
Prompt 2 credit @scvrllet :"You were the one who walked out. Not me."
Your right eye twitches once you heard everything Sersi and Ikaris had to say. Something still didn't sit right with Ikaris. There was something he wasn't telling any of us and you fully intended to find out what.
You let the burning hot water run over your face until the twitched fell to a stop. You turn off the faucet and step out of the shower with steam still rising from your skin.
You wipe yourself down before wrapping yourself in a bathrobe. You brush your teeth and finished your face regimen before officially leaving the bathroom. "Took you long enough," Ikaris teases. "Oh shut it, we all can't have flawless skin like Sersi and Thena."
You made your way into the bedroom where Druig sat on your bed giving Stella a belly rub. "Hi," you greet. "Hello," you heart flutters at the sound of his accent. "You saved my life back there," he stands from the bed and stuff his hands into his pockets.
"You would have done the same for me." There was moment of silence between you and you knew he was in your thoughts. "You can ask me, you know. I've always been transparent with you." You explain.
"I know. But the things that you don't say because you think they're irrelevant, are the thoughts that matter the most to me." He states.
He trails his hand down the side of your face. "They're beautiful," he adds. "It's those thoughts that I missed when you left me." You jerk your head back and step away from him. "When I left you?"
"You were the one who walked out. Not me." He says and you laugh in disbelief. "I told you I wanted a changed of scenery. I told you that the city had more to offer. It made more life." "What, I'm not enough life for you?"
"Stop putting words in my mouth, Druig. We wanted different things. And I've always compromised for you so when didn't you do the same?"
"They needed me," "They were fine before you got there. What was the real reason?" "Call me selfish all you want, but I couldn't stand the thought of something else making you happy instead of me." He admits.
"Nothing that I found here will ever compare to how much I love you. And maybe there was no right choices in that situation. But you definitely made the wrong one."
He was suddenly at a loss for words. It would have saved you both a lot of heartbreak if he had just talked to you. Sighing in defeat, you add, "Can you go so I can change into my clothes, Druig?" "I'm an idiot," he says, lifting your head up by the underside of your chin.
"Druig," you warn and he shushes you. "My beautiful, beautiful, Y/N." He leans in so close that you could feel his breath on your lips but he chooses not to kiss you just yet.
Stepping closer to him, you press a slow kiss on his lips. You pull away a little and smile when he follows your lips.
He smooths a hand over your backside to pull you into his chest and kiss you again. "If we met under different circumstances, you and I would never leave that bed." He whispers and nipped at your jawline. "Naughty boy," he hums at your words and your hands find his chest.
"Close the door, I still need to get changed." You turn around and pull open your drawers. The door closes and you pull out underwear, a sports bra and a two piece pajama set.
"You never stopped training, did you?" He asks. Looking over your shoulder, you see him holding up your boxing gloves.
"Centuries after the deviants were supposedly gone," he adds. "To be completely honest, I needed to feel safe. I don't always absorb things and without that I'm just a mere mortal."
"Don't sell yourself short, love. If you and Ikaris had a one on one battle, no powers, you will kick his ass." He explains.
You pull on your underwear and drop your robe. You were able to put on your sports bra before his hands were on your hips, sliding his lips along your shoulder.
"I have to put on the rest of the clothes," "Why, they're just gonna come off anyway." His hands travels down your tummy. "Druig," you scold.
"Yes my love," you turn around and meet his gaze. Those damn mischievous eyes. Those eyes always make nearly impossible to keep your panties on. "That's the idea, darling."
"I was hoping you heard that," cocking his head to the side, he walks you into the dresser. "You know if this is going to work, I have to absorb the sound waves from the bed."
"Now look who's being the naughty one," "In order to do that, I need to release the electric energy I have right now." "Then release it," "It could cause static," he lifts his hands suggesting to do it. When you hesitated, he pulls off leather jacket and sets it on the chair.
A confident smirk plays on his lips as he takes off his sleeveless tank top. Sighing when you see his toned chest pecks.
"Guard the room," you tell Stella and she opens and closes the door with her mouth. She lays down in front of the door with a grumble.
"Good girl," you tell her. You open your hands and release the electricity as static energy until there wasn't any more energy left. You chuckle when you see Druig's hair standing on end.
"Told you," he looks at himself in the mirror. "Bollocks, I look like-" "You've been electrocuted," "Well I was going to say what Makkari looks like in the morning, but I guess that works too."
"Oh stop it," he smiles soon falls as he cups the side of your face. He dips low until he captures your lips in a slow, warm kiss. Your lips lock and he lifts you into his arms with ease.
Carrying you to the bed, you link your legs around his waist and he pulls away to watch your reaction when he rolls his hips against yours.
One hand touches the headboard, absorbing the energy and preventing any sound from being heard in the other rooms. Your back arches and he desperately kissed you like his life depended on it. Your grip on the headboard tightens as his tongue caresses yours.
He continues to rock against you until he felt your juices leak through and onto his boxers. "You wet enough for me, love?" he whispers against your lips.
He stops his rocking motion, earning a low whine from you. He slips his hand into your underwear and drags his fingers against your velvelty folds.
"Druig, please," you whisper. "Looks like you are to me," He pulls you underwear down a little and does the same with his boxers. He slides into you with little resistance and you bite down on your lip to prevent crying out.
He buries his head into your neck as he rocks into you with short, deep thrusts. You gasp when he brushes against a spongey spot deep inside of you. When his thumb finds your clit, you were going to scream until he swallows your sounds with a series of kisses.
He smiles arrogantly agaisnt your lips when you groans softly. He links his hand with your free one and sped up his face until your vision blacked out with your orgasm. Your entire body trembled under his touch and he talks you through your orgasm.
"Atta girl. Look how beautiful you look under me," he says. He chases his release soon after and he collapses ontop of you. You finally let go of the headboard.
You were curious to see what the energy sounded like. Once he catches his breath, he rests his chin in between your breasts.
You trail your fingers along his jawline and caress his cheekbone with a soft smile. His heart flutters at your soft touch. "I should have gone with you," he says.
"It's water under the bridge," you comfort. "I'll make it up to you. I'll give you the world if you asked."
"What do you want to do when this is all over? If we survive this." You ask. "Everything," "It's a shame we're already married, because now I want to ask you all over again." He adds and you chuckle at his words, he presses a kiss to your palm.
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fict1onallyobsessed · 3 years
You’re Stronger Than Them
Yelena Belova x Reader
Summary - Yelena doesn’t like the look of the scars littering her body.
A/N - I use Celsius as a measurement of temperature lol
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She had a lot of time to think lately. She didn’t mean to make her mind spiral, yet she found herself staring at her body a little too long after a shower; when she walked past a mirror; when you put your arms around her.
You’d realised something was wrong. But the poor woman had been through enough, so why couldn’t she wear hoodies in 40 degree wether? It was her choice and only her own, now that she was out of the red room and living her own life, she could decide for herself.
You let her strange behaviour go, supporting her as much as she’d let you until you noticed she wanted time alone. You loved her so much, but you knew better than to invade her personal space while she was in a depressive episode.
That was until you walked in on her sobbing, standing with only shorts and a sports bra on in front of her large mirror in the bathroom.
You were by her side instantly, concerned that she was hurt in anyway shape or form.
“What’s wrong, Lena?” You looked over her quickly, noticing no visible injuries on her skin. She immediately covered her torso with her arms, making your brows furrowed in confusion. “Are you hurt?”
She avoided your eyes by looking to the side. She could easily walk away for you if she wanted to, but something about your concerned gaze stopped her. You stood in front of her, cutting off her sight from the mirror once you had an idea on what was going on.
“Baby, look at me.”
She sniffled, tears falling down her red cheeks before she finally shyly looked into your eyes. Her arms remained around her waist to try and cover most of her skin from you, but when your slowly ran your hands over hers, she released her grip on herself.
“You’re so beautiful, my love.”
“No, I’m not.”
Your brows furrowed, questioning where this all was coming from. Something snapped in her when you’d said that. She moved to the side to look into the mirror again, looking at her exposed part of her skin before pointing so some scars on her side.
“These scars.”
She then pointed to her thighs.
��They’re everywhere.”
Then, she pointed to her stomach.
“Here too-”
She couldn’t even finish her sentence before she was crying again. She pulled her face into her hands, releasing sobs that rattled your heart. They were sobs, ones you’d never think you’d hear.
You hugged her tightly, placing her face into the crook of your neck while her hands were still covering her eyes. You let her cry it out, knowing that stopping her right now would just make her cry more.
Once she’d stopped, you kissed the side of her neck up to her cheek and littered her face in little pecks.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.”
You cupped her face, looking directly into her tear stained face before pecking her lips.
“You hear me?” One of your hands moved to trace a big scar on her side, smiling gently. “Even with these. It makes you, you. Don’t let anyone say otherwise, not even the little voice in your head, okay?”
She listened intently, feeling your fingers run over several visible scars that had healed in her skin.
“These just mean your stronger than whatever tried to hurt you.”
She scoffed at your comment, trying to shy away again from your affection, something she’d barely received in the Red Room.
“I don’t want you to think they’re disgusting.”
Smiling sympathetically, you sighed. You never think that, not ever.
“I love every single thing about you. Scars included.”
She watched you as you lifted her arm, kissing her wrist before moving upwards to kiss each and every scar that lay upon her skin.
She was surprised to say the least, but her heart melted when you did it. You really did care for her, love her, despite what she thought were her flaws. She didn’t deserve you in her life, being so kind to her after she killed for a living. She didn’t think she deserved good.
You proved her wrong. After that interaction you made sure to complement her everyday. Whether it was little comments about how she styled her hair or what she wore, it would always boost her confidence and ensure her you loved her.
You also took it upon yourself to call her nicknames such as “beautiful” or “gorgeous”. Usually you’d do it in the morning as she was snuggled up to your chest, your hand playing with her hair. Everyday, without fail, she’d go red at the pet name and hide her face in the crook of your neck.
Eventually she’d believe you, believe you that even she deserved to be loved.
Taglist: @emily0013 \\ @xxromanoffxx \\ @emilyprentisslittlewhore
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smediumsmeatbae · 3 years
Release (Part 2 of Relief)
PAIRING: Ari Levinson x ExCIA!Reader
SUMMARY: A bonfire, beers, and Ari. What else could you want? 
WARNINGS: Ari Levinson (yes, hes a warning), smut - NO ONE UNDER 18 OR I’LL TELL YOUR MOM, so much smut, like half this thing is smut, pwp, oral sex - female receiving, p in v penetration, no condom (seriously, wrap it), swearing, stupid stunt in a van, drinking, two idiots in love, fluff, slight angst in the beginning
A/N: This is finally a follow up to Relief. Please read that (it’s short and kinda sexy) before you read this. 
As always, please do not share this work outside of Tumblr without my express written permission. 
Likes are amazing. Comments and reblogs are better. (And keeps content fresh!)
There was hardly a friendly word spoken between Ari and you as you two ran the truck down the desert road. The only thing that was spoken were orders and info that had to be communicated for the safety of the mission. Other than that, the van stayed relatively radio silent on the way back to the hotel. 
Looking out the window, you felt so small compared to Ari, whose broad shoulders, muscled arms, and big hands seemed to swallow up the van. There was also an energy radiating off of him and while it didn't exactly feel like anger (although that was probably there) awkwardness was definitely at the forefront. He sat beside you, taking big, long drags of cigarette after cigarette, trying to calm his anger? Nerves? You didn't know. You silently cursed yourself for not knocking before walking in on him. Had you not been so careless, Ari and you would be talking about what music you were going to play at the bonfire that was waiting for you all. Now all you could think about was the grip Ari had on his cock, running it slowly up and down, taking his time. Oh how you wished he'd take his time on you. After you left your husband, it had been so long since you had felt a man, you were touch starved. After earlier that evening, you had probably missed your chance with Ari. 
You picked at a spot on the upholstery of the van, trying to think of what you could say. You really did feel bad for walking in on him. An apology just didn't feel good enough for that level of humiliation. 
"Stop that." A gruff voice scolded. 
You froze your movements like a child who had just been caught. Looking up at Ari, his hands were knuckle white on the steering wheel, eyebrows furrowed. It was then you realized that your picking of the fabric was a lot louder than intended. 
Your jaw ticked but you decided to let it go. You deserved that one. Clearing your throat, you looked over toward Ari. 
"Sorry." You squeaked out. 
"You got a lot to be sorry for tonight, huh." Ari muttered under his breath.
"Ari, I just wanted to apologize again for walking in on you. It was an accident, I swear." 
You thought of something bold, something probably dumb, but something that would hopefully make you two even. 
"So since I saw something of yours, it's only fair you see something of mine." 
You twisted your body towards his, lifting up your shirt and sports bra in one swift motion, giving him a perfect view of your breasts. His eyes went wide and mouth went slightly slack as he stared at them. Suddenly, the cab lit up with artificial light and there was a horn blaring towards you two. You let out a scream and Ari cried "Shit!" Ari swerved out of the way of the bus just in time. He slammed on the breaks and the van stopped on the side of the road.
"Are you insane?!" 
He looked so distressed but you couldn't do anything but howl with laughter. You took in big gulps of air as tears rolled down your cheeks. Slowly, a smile started to creep onto Ari's face and he was laughing with you.
"Jesus Christ, you're trouble." Ari snorted.  
He shifted the gears on the van and started to make the way back to the hotel. The tension in the cab had finally broken. You were glad to have your friend back. 
Rolling into the parking lot, you already saw the glow of the bonfire ready and waiting for the two of you. You couldn't wait to get out there and truly relax after this day, especially now that things were patched with you and Ari. 
Jake, and Max were sitting around the bonfire when you two came over. Sammy and Rachel were dancing to songs coming out of a small radio. Rachel smiled seeing you, ran over and took your hand so that you could dance with them too. A small laugh escaped as you twisted and twirled your body around to the beat of the music. Ari came over too, two beers in his hand and gave you one. You clanked beer bottles together and smiled, taking a long drag off of the bottle. It was still frosty and tasted so good. Ari took your hand and spun you around a couple of times, dancing alongside you. 
After a couple more hours and a couple more beers, you sat down beside the fire, wanting to rest a bit and drink the last of your third beer. How Deep is Your Love by the BeeGees came on to the little radio and was met with groans from Sammy and Max. 
Ari came into your line site, arm outstretched and a soft smile on his face. You looked up at him, a heat coming to your cheeks. Setting your drink down firmly in the sand, you took his hand and he helped you up from the log you were sitting on. 
"Hey, I like this song!" You defended jokingly. 
"Dance with me then." 
Then you were dancing, his arms wrapped around your waist and your arms around his neck. You looked up into his eyes and his intensity bore into you. You almost felt like you should have looked away but it was captivating you. A warm glow stayed upon his hair and face as the bonfire caught his features and you couldn't help but lean into him more. His shoulders flexed under your touch and you couldn't help running your hands over them a couple of times. 
Maybe it was the beer, maybe it was the early days events that had you turned on right now. Maybe probably… It was purely Ari. All you knew is that you wanted more from him. 
"You wanna go inside?" Your voice low, so that the others couldn't hear you. He nodded and you led him by the hand to inside where the reception area was. 
"Beautiful night out, but it was getting co---" 
You kissed him, cutting off his sentence. You had to do it then, you didn't know when you would get the courage to ever do it again. You had to stand on your tiptoes to do it, but your lips connected and electricity sparked though your body. 
You removed your lips and took a step back, cheeks flushed and hand at your mouth. Ari looked stunned and that was enough to feel your stomach drop. You shouldn't have kissed him.
"M'sorry. It was probably the beer or something. I'll… I'll just go." 
Before you had a chance to move, Ari crashed his lips into yours hungrily, as if he were trying to drink you up. You whimpered and moved back into him. Bringing your arms around his shoulders, you took fistfuls of his shirt. He smelled of bonfire, of sweat and sand and seawater, as well as something else that was distinctly him. Lips, full and pink, tasted like beer with a hint of cigarettes. Breath panting, his hands squeezed your hips, trailed down to your ass, eliciting a small moan from you. 
You were a frenzy of kisses and licks, trying to map out as much skin as you could. You took hold of the buttons on his shirt and undid each one, placing kisses on the new skin that had opened up with each new button. Ari was grabbing for the tail of your shirt, pulling it up and grazing your skin with his hands as he went further up. You lifted your arms up quickly, allowing him to lift the shirt off. Hands slid under the band of your sports bra, making you slightly shiver at the contact. In one swift movement, the article of clothing was off. Arms were around your waist and head dipped down, a nipple in between his lips, arching your back with a sigh to grant more access to him. 
His hands found purchase on your ass again and squeezed, indicating he wanted you to jump up. You obliged and wrapped your legs around his torso, feeling his hardened cock beneath your core. You capture his mouth into yours and let your hands roam his broad shoulders, dragging your nails across them and up the nape of his neck. 
"Take me to bed, Ari." You whispered in his ear hotly then nibbled and sucked on the spot below his ear. He gasped at the sensation, pulling your body closer to him, almost enveloping you. 
Pads of his feet to the tile floor met your ears as he walked you two toward his bedroom. You couldn't get enough of each other as your tongues intertwined, hands feeling, searching, learning. This had been a long time coming. 
Finally, you felt a soft mattress under your back as Ari hovered above you. You could smell him on the sheets and it was intoxicating. He took a small moment to himself to look at you in the quiet darkness of his bedroom, all sprawled out for him. Sweeping a loose strand of hair behind your ears, he put his weight onto his left arm as he hovered above you. 
You felt your cheeks warm as you failed to suppress a giggle. He chuckled with you and cupped your cheek with his free hand. Leaning down, he softly and slowly kissed your lips, taking his time tasting you. His hands took yours and held them above your head, entwined fingers. He took in air through his nostrils and let it out with an almost growl, making you squirm beneath him. 
"Hey pretty girl." 
There wasn't much light in the room but what you could see was that the cerulean blue in his eyes that was usually so clear and full was now just a sliver. He stared down at you hungrily, as if he wanted to devour you. Shivering in response, your panties already a mess, you reached up to kiss him. He obliged and leaned down to meet you, and a long, passionate kiss ensued; him dragging his hands down your arms and putting a hand on either side of your rib cage, right under your breasts. With his thumb, he lightly grazed one of your nipples, making you arch a bit into his touch and a breathy moan escaped you. 
"Love those sounds you're makin'." Ari hummed, moving down to lick and suck on your neck. He made sure to hit the sensitive spot behind your ear; you turned your head a bit to grant more access. 
Hands now free, you roamed his shoulders and placed your hands in his thick long hair. His locks felt exquisite; fluffy full and so soft. You ran your hands along the sides of his head, hair running through your fingers. Ari was paying more attention to your breasts and had started to swirl his tongue around one of your pert nipples. 
"Oh, Ari." You sighed in delight, loving the way he was taking his time with you, like you were a dessert he wanted to savor. 
Hands wandered down to your belly, down toward your hips, and then down to your thighs squeezing all the way. He worked his way into your inner thigh, calloused hands making contact with soft skin. Your breath quickened as his hands inched closer to your dampened core, the fire burning in you growing hotter. 
"Gotta open you up for me." He hummed, his thumb stroking lightly over your clothed mound. You spread your legs so that he could have more access. "Gonna make you feel so good." 
You could almost hear the smirk in his voice as he took off your panties and settled himself between your legs. Throwing one of your legs over his shoulder, he looked up at you, a devilish look on his face. He took his other arm and secured it around your other leg, making sure you'd stay where you were. 
"That is the prettiest pussy I've ever seen." He groaned. "Looks so good." 
He dipped his head down and dragged his tongue all the way up your slit. A choked moan left your mouth, every nerve ending standing at attention. 
Ari dipped back down and began to suck and lick on your clit, making your back bow at the sensation. You were so sensitive for him, every lick he was doing was driving you crazy. Then, he inserted two of his long fingers into your wet heat, massaging the spongy area and making you see stars. You grabbed on to your breasts, tweaking and pulling your nipples until they were stiff peaks. On seeing you, Ari moaned and added more vibrations to your sensitive clit. 
"Oh god, Ari." You trembled. 
"I got you, sweetheart." 
Ari doubled his efforts. Sucking on your clit and pounding into you with his fingers. You sucked in air and snapped your eyes shut as the first wave of euphoria crashed over you as you let out shallow moans and pants. Ari finger fucked you through and once you had come down, he slid back up to you and kissed you filthy, you tasting yourself on his tongue. 
"Mhh, so close. M'gunna…" 
"Let go, baby."
He pulled one of your legs over his hip and steadied himself. Slowly, he entered you; a beautiful incandescent burning stretch found you and you keened at the feeling, arching your body into his. He bottomed out and you saw a look of pure bliss cross his face. 
"Feel s'good. So perfect for me." He whispered in that deep voice that had butterflies in your stomach. 
He began to move a little, wanting you to get used to his size first. Then he picked up the pace, the moans from your lips encouraging him to go faster. He held onto his head board for leverage as he rutted into you over and over. You cried out, scratching your nails up his back. He moaned from the sensation. 
"Need to feel you more." You looked at him. "Can you sit?"
As if Ari knew exactly what you were thinking, he pulled out of you, the loss of his length making you shudder. He sat, his back to the bed board, rock hard dick settling on his stomach. You hoisted yourself into his lap, and sank back down on his length, eyes rolling to the back of your head as he fit impossibly more into you. 
"Oh fuck." Ari growled, grabbing a handful of your ass and started guiding you up and down on his length while you used your legs to thrust. 
You began to climb higher again, panting and moaning out, saying Ari's name as if it was the only thing keeping you to the bed. You clutched your hands around his hair and drew him to you, his mouth catching one of your tits as you hugged his head to you. You didn't know how much longer you could hold out.
Ari smacked one of your ass cheeks making you cry out. He settled his feet so that he could pump into you harder. Skin shining with sweat in the moonlight on his brow, he looked so beautiful, so free. 
"Come with me." He panted out. 
All it took was a few more thrusts, and you were gone. Yelling out Ari's name, you laid your body on his chest, forehead to forehead, feeling his orgasm through you as well. His chest was heaving in time with your own. 
Slick with sweat all over your body, you rolled off of him, trying to catch your breath. You were fucked out and cum filled, your eyes still hazy with stars in them. You looked over at him to see that he was already looking down at you, a dopey smile on his face. 
You bit your bottom lip in between your teeth and smiled at him shyly. 
"I've wanted to do that for a long time." He panted out. 
"Really?" You asked, a hint of surprise in your voice. 
"Ah-huh." He nodded. "Even before you were married. I just never had the guts to ask you out. Thought I'd lost my chance." 
"I thought I lost my chance earlier today when I walked in on you." You chuckled. 
"Next time you wanna see me... in all my glory, all you have to do is ask." He cheekily smiled at you. 
"I may just do that, but for now sleep. And you're going to make breakfast for me tomorrow."
"Yes, ma'am."  
A/N: Welp, if I’m going to hell, at least I had a fun time getting there. :D
Requested a followup on this story: 
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Sub Tsukishima
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as much as I do love pegging this does not make an appearance this one unfortunately. also two tsuki posts in a row whoops
Tsukishima x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Grunge, public sex, shower sex, thigh fucking, Fem dom, brat taming, cum play, cream pie, this is rancid 😌
Word count: 1,700 (about)
Summary: Mud volleyball leads to shower sex leads to sub tsukishima
You could hardly recognize Tsukishima he was so caked in mud. only his glasses remained clean. 
“I hate you, I’m never doing this again,” he snapped. running a dirty hand through his equally mucked up hair. 
“Oh fuck off you had fun,” you said. you were just as dirty as him. sure, maybe mud volleyball wasn’t the cleanest sport, and yeah the water was freezing but it sure was exhilarating. you caught the collar of his jersey and pulled him down kissing him, and spreading a little bit of of mud on his face. 
“you’re disgusting,” he scoffed but you could see the blush on his cheeks. 
“you love me,” you cooed and he didn’t deny it. 
“Love you or not there is no way I’m letting you get mud all over my car, we’ll have to hose you down like a dog,” he snickered, making you roll your eyes. 
“Oh and I suppose it’s fine if you muddy up the car is it? come take a shower with me jack ass,” and you tugged him to the locker room. 
Technically the showers were coed, and the two of you were alone and Tsuki had seen you naked before. But a blush still creeped up his neck and colored his cheeks when you stripped your shirt and sports bra off. you reached into one of the stalls and turned the water on stepping back to let it heat up. 
“Are you just going to stand there staring like a pervert Tsuki or are you going to take a shower? you teased stripping off your spandex shorts so you were completely naked in front of him. 
“shut up,” he snapped, too distracted by your bare body to come up with anything more biting. 
“Oh I get it you want to shower with me but you’re too embarrassed to say so, is that it?” you teased pulling back the curtain a second time and stepping into the small shower stall beckoning him in. Tsukishima didn’t bother to argue stripping off his own clothes and joining you. 
The shower wasn’t built for two people, not that you minded clinging close to your boyfriend. 
“Stay close so I can see you,” he murmured taking you in his arms. 
“you’re filthy,” he sighed his hands trailing over your arms scraping the mud and grit off of you. you smiled and kissed him again. The water cascaded over both of your bodies warming you. 
You ghosted your hands over his pecs teasing his nipples with your nails drawing a small moan from his lips.
“Careful Kei someone might hear then we’ll get in trouble,” you teased, It was true, it was likely someone else could walk in any minute and interrupt anything nasty the two of you did. 
“shut up it’s your fault for getting me all riled up,” he complained, you looked down and saw his hardening cock 
“awe baby you got hard from just a little kissing?” you asked sweetly.
“It’s you’re fault, I can’t help myself,” he growled his hands going to your hips and pulling you so you were flush against him. 
“of course I get hard when a pretty girl touches me,” he sighed against your neck. 
“like I couldn’t make you cum hands free,” you scoffed. Kei smirked 
“is that a promise baby?” while he was distracted you pushed him up against the linoleum wall catching his wrists behind his back and pinning him in place. 
“if you behave,” you threatened Tsuki smirked
“I love it when you try to dom me,” he teased, you didn’t bother responding, you knew he’d be begging for you any second, like the big brat he was. 
with one hand you grabbed his throat keeping him in place with the other you reached for the showerhead. 
it was one of the detachable ones, you took it off the handle and adjusted the setting so the water came out in one continuous stream.  and lowered the showerhead to his throbbing length making him gasp. You clamped your hand down around his throat and his knees buckled. 
“awe dose that feel good baby?” you teased teasing his cock head with the nozzle. he clenched his jaw his hips bucking involuntarily precum leaking from the head and down his shaft.
You moved your hand from his neck to his hair tugging on the short blond hair that was still dirty with mud. you pulled hard making his eyes rolls back in his head a deep guttural moan ripping from his throat sending a rush of heat to your core. 
“you’re such a fucking slut,” you laughed, tugging on his hair again.
“Still think I can’t make you cum like this?” you teased, 
“fuck (y/n)-” he moaned 
“That wasn’t an answer Kei, do you want me to keep teasing you like this until you cum or do you want me to really fuck you, baby? I need you to say it,” you demanded taking the showerhead away from his sex. his eyes went wide and he groaned at the lack of friction. 
“you didn’t make me cum,” he pointed out, breathing heavily, his cheeks flushed. 
“You didn’t ask permission,” you shot back. you shifted closer closing your thighs around his cock shifting jerking him off with the fat of your legs, and hooked the shower head back in place freeing up both hands. 
“f-fuck,” he moaned, and just like that his resolve crumbled  “Jesus (y/n) I want you to fuck me I want to cum,” he whined. He could be so polite when he wanted to be.  you pulled back submerging yourself fully in the shower’s stream and leaving Tsukishima alone pressed against the wall, a pained look on his face.
“I don’t know baby, sure you begged once but you’ve been a real brat the rest of the time, and I don’t think you’ve earned it,” you said squeezing out some of the provided soap and running it through your hair casually, after all you did need a shower you were filthy, the translucent arousal slipping down your thighs not withstanding. 
Tsukishima knew he could pounce on you and take what he wanted, you probably wouldn’t even mind if he bit his way up your neck and shoved his cock deep inside your wet cunt over and over again until he came. But it wouldn’t be as good that way. 
Hot shame bubbled up in his throat as he tried to speak, his eyes fixated on the dirt cascading off of your perfect body. He wanted you so bad but he wanted you to take him. it was embarrassing to say but some how he managed. 
you smiled “theres my good boy,”
Tsuki went to your arms kissing you feverishly, getting called a good boy was like fucking cocaine. You took his dick in his hand pumping it slowly.
“Please,” he moaned again as you kissed his Adam's apple. the word was getting easier to say, and more importantly, it was making you do what he wanted you hooked one leg over his hip and slid his cock inside of you easily. he moaned at the feeling. Tsuki knew that if he weren’t queit someone would hear but he couldn’t stop the jolts of sound that left him with each thrust of your hips, your cunt always felt so good around him.
You stuffed two, clean, fingers into his mouth gagging him. Tsukishima was only too happy to suck. 
“You feel so good Tsuki, you fuck me so good,” you priased quietly your free hand running through his hair shaking loose some mud. 
“god you’re fucking filthy I can’t belive I let such a dirty boy have his way with my pussy,” you sighed kissing his neck again, you could feel his cock throb inside of you, it didn’t seem to matter if you were condemning him or praising him your voice was enough to send him closer to the edge. 
“But you’re going to be a good boy about it aren’t you? yeah you’re gonna wait for me to tell you it’s alright to cum then your going to lick my pussy clean because you love me and you’re so fucken desperate to cum you’re willing to do anything I say isn’t that right baby?” you demanded and he said a muffled yes around your fingers wich made you smile
“your cock is so hard it’s fucking throbbing Kei, you’re going to cum if I keep this up aren’t you?” another slurred yes. 
“it’s okay baby go ahead and cum I want to feel it,” 
No sooner than the words had left your mouth he bucked forward nearly knocking you off your feet and you felt his orgasm hit his semen filled you, before dripping down your thighs when he pulled out and being washed away by the still-warm spray of water. 
Tsukishima’s legs gave out and he had to catch himself against the wall as he tried to steady his breathing. you went back to washing yourself waiting for the Bratty Tsuki to return. 
“I cannot belive we fucked in a public locker room,” he said sounding disgusted. 
“would you have preferred it if i rode you in the mud pit?” you teased, you examined yourself and found you were mostly clean, you couldn’t say the same for your boyfriend however. Mud still caked his arms and thighs it was stuck in his blonde hair and there was even a bit on his ear.
“get out,” he ordered and with a giggle you complied wrapping your towel around yourself as you left the shower leaving him alone. 
“after I get out of this shower this never happened,” he said shutting the curtain, you rolled your eyes and started digging through your gym bag for the clean clothes you’d brought. Just then a thin river of semen ran down from your cunt to your knee. Guess you weren’t as clean as you thought. 
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i8jisoo · 4 years
𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 ⇉ skz with pregnant!reader 
hyunjin x reader | part four of dad!skz
↬ genre; fluff
↬ warnings; pregnancy, lots of cursing (i have a streak), birth, n kkami bein a meanie
↬ notes; ok this might be my fav in the series | 1.5k wc
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u and hyunjin actually were broken up when u found out about the pregnancy
u waited (stalled fuck off) until five months since u really didnt know what to do with the news
u kinda feel like ur insane, playing your ex-boyfriends music constantly and watching interviews of him but it kept u company and gave u a reminder that u still needed to tell him
u got this rly cute popped out bump, just rly kinda like those movies but u know its gonna get bigger and grow to have stretch marks
one day ur just sitting on the sofa of your apartment n the next thing u know ur door is being opened and hyunjin is barging in
ofc ur in a sports bras and a pair of basketball shorts cause they r comfortable and shirts r overrated
ur there with set out marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate, as well as peppermint sticks on the side just eating them together
ur in the middle of eating a smore u had put together
u swallow ur smore slowly, sucking on ur fingertips n just staring at him
“oh my fucking god- and it’s true?” 
ur honestly so confused until u remember u dont have on a shirt n ur bump is showing
ur standing up in a millisecond, hyunjin getting more upset by the second just looking at u
“why— how? how could you just not tell me?”
baby boy has those angry tears and the strained voice hes just so upset and the guilt is setting in for u
“i’m five and a half months.” 
fuck hormones cause next thing u know ur crying and u cant do anything to make it stop
u guys really can’t be mad at each-other, ur relationship was filled with nothing but kindness and it ended only because u two felt it was going no where
ofc u two argued about it and in the end hyunjin was the one who walked out
“we can try again. you can move back in right? we can stay together and put back the pieces.”
u agreed n by the next morning he was there to help u pack ur things up n take them back to his place
he ends up seeing the box of baby stuff, with unopened bottle packages and sonograms, as well as a disc that was labelled as your 3D ultrasound
u find him just sitting there, staring at the black and white sonogram with tears freely falling down his cheeks
he doesn't even notice u next to him until ur thumb swipes the tear away from his cheek
u two just smile at each-other, his arm wrapping around u n pulling u in to his side
“that’s our baby?” he asks, not removing his eyes from the little white blob that barely was the size of a jaw breaker n u just whispered, “yea, it is.”
ur relationship doesn’t exactly get back into what it was at first,,
ur both nervous and cautious around each other
at first he insists he can just sleep on the couch so u can take his bed but u insist u both can sleep together
hyunjin doesn’t mean to but he somehow always winds up with his arm around u n ur bump every morning
he will talk to the bump n tell them how they r gonna have the best mommy n daddy 🥺
“did u know ur mommy is one of my favorite people to be with? i know ur gonna hear the story one day of how we became parents but i have always loved her, even when we weren’t together i loved your mommy. i hope one day you will love someone as much as i love your mommy, i hope you get your mommy’s personality bub.”
ur fake sleeping wbk but u dont move so u can let him talk
around eight months u two are way more comfortable n are getting closer
he lets u borrow his clothes because u used to do that even when u weren’t pregnant and he figured they were more comfortable & better looking than ur maternity outfits 😣
he rly goes the whole nine yards, buying anything u can think of for the baby n he’ll sometimes wake u up from ur sleep (if he’s rly excited) just so he can show u what he bought
hyunjin is in love with u and kkami cuddling together
also when ur due date got closer u both def went out for walks with kkami or played in the dog park with kkami
(u couldn’t really be as active as hyunjin but it was fine with u just watching)
something within hyunjin changes n he just gets so shy n flustered around u ^.^
he’s crushing so hard on u and u can guess he is but then again u two were just living together for the pregnancy
it’s probably three in the morning n hyunjin had just came home
ofc u were crying
a rly cute dog ad was playing with a baby in it as well :(
u explain n hiccup while doing so
hes so s o f t at this moment
he presses a soft kiss to ur lips n ur like wow thats um—
he doesn’t even care how shocked u r this man goes back in for more kisses
“i want you, i wanna be a real family. i wanna one day marry you, have more babies or get other dogs, that’s all i’ve ever wanted since the day we met.”
enywayz u two r dating,, a g a i n
spooning half of the time during ur last few weeks of pregnancy, but the boys come over frequently n for some reason jeongin is always bringing presents?? its cute but u guys RLY didn’t need anymore toys for the baby
u guys r just cuddling n he’s got one hand on ur bump before ur like
“ow,, fuck that hurt.”
“hey don’t swear around the baby!”
u just suppose it’s a hard kick since the baby had been active a lot recently n the pains had been occurring often
kkami is very cuddly today n he’s giving u kisses
hyunjin lowkey jealous cause kkami doesn’t ever give him kisses like that  ⸜( ⌓̈ )⸝
yall ever seen the thing where dogs know pregnant people the best n they can like SENSE something goin on??
well kkami was on it 
baby kkami is sniffing u n just restless in ur lap n its a lil weird cause kkami is ALWAYS sleeping or sitting still cause kkami has turned as lazy as u n hyunjin
u have this feeling but instead u just tell hyunjin u gotta pee :P
newsflash: u didnt n as soon as u got up, boom, theres ur water breaking and running down ur leg
“it feels gross.”
ur literally whining about ur pants while a baby is coming out of ur ... hooha 😳 n hyunjin is freaking out
he’s rushing around the rooms n making sure everything is in the bag and nothing gets left behind
last thing on his mind is changing ur clothes
though he does, putting u in his baggy sweatshirt and a pair of his shorts
hes freaking out lets be honest the thought of u giving birth is fuckin scary
hyunjin is so out of it and spaced out while ur cool n talking normally with pauses everytime theres a contraction
“aish, why are you so worried? i’m the one that should be worried!!”
ur not cool after an u hit the four hours in labor mark
u do not want to be t o u c h e d
touching u is off limits ur so sweaty n ur body feels like its crumbling u cannot deal with someone holding ur hand or holding u
hyunjin just sits there
hes kinda in a different realm while he stares at the clock on the wall
hes so ready to meet the baby but apparently ur body was exactly 4 centimetres not ready :(
hes just trying to distract u by talking with the boys n his other friends, all of the face timing to talk to the parents to be 🥺
yall r wrapping up a call with jeongin when u have the built up pressure feeling again
he doesn’t even explain to jeongin hes so quickly to hang up n ask u whats wrong
“i— it feels like i have to push.”
he’s already pressing the pretty lil white button on ur bed for the nurses n doctors
they confirm that u indeed r ready to push and that the baby is in position
hyunjin trying to take a peek WHAT A WEIRDO
yall hearing ur baby has a head full of hair and u just give hyunjin this look
like WTF no wonder why u had so much heartburn its because of ur fuckin rapunzel baby daddy
here comes the cries, loud n u just heard the quietest sob from beside u which was hyunjin
“it’s a baby boy, congrats!!”
his lil puppy baby boy 🥺
he had a lil pout like his daddy n his brown locks on top of his head
it was kinda creepy how similar they looked
anyways u dont care ur lil boy is p e r f e c t and nobody could dare tell yall different
u would disagree anyways because thats ur lil pouty baby boy n hes so cute 🥺
“we got a pretty good break-up story right? one for the books.”
he’s got baby boy in his arms bundled up but that doesn’t stop u from smacking his arm before kissing him quickly
“yea, we do.”
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©️ maysdiors 2020 :: all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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Teacher Knows Best 1 (One shot) Negan X Mark OC (Walking Dead) (Yandere)
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am back with a new chapter a request from Months ago with Mark or Marie who was a student of a college professor Negan and meets him again in the RV Scene. Enjoy!)
(marks pov)
I sat in the RV as I hear talking from outside. "Let's get you all on your knees-dwight- check the RV." I hear as I hid in the shower, behind the curtain. It didn't take long before I was found though as I was grabbed and dragged out, thrown to the ground as I groan.
"On your knees..now."
I slowly get on my knees as I look over at my brother and my father as I tried to not cry.
One of the men walked over. "What's wrong little boy-- you gonna cry?" He mocked as I tried to choke down a sob as I hear another voice. A.. A familiar voice.
"Well I be damned." He says and I looked up at him. "Little mark."
I stare shocked as I shook. "W-What..? I-I..I-I don't.. understand..I-I want m-my daddy" I said as I held my hand out to my dad beside to me.
He glared at him and picked me up and I started to scream. "No no no n-no!!!"
I was horrified as I reach out for him.
"We can talk--please don't take my boy! He needs me!"
"He is not you boy anymore." He says. "He is mine."
I looked at him scared as he suddenly handed me to two other people.
(Negan's pov)
I looked back at Mark as I smirked as he had ended up passing out from crying.
God he was so fucking hot, even after the world went to shot. He was the hottest one at the campus..and god I've gotten off to him so many Times. Especially after..
I watched as Mark once more walked into gym class wearing these- these tiny.little gym shorts and a tank top with a sports bra
I was stunned by it those thighs were so thick and beautiful. I would recognize them anywhere! And that ass! But the best of all was his pretty face not just because it was a pretty boy face but he had the kindest eyes and nicest smile. It was that that caused me to try and get close to him, pressing against him from behind while he stretched, I'm pretty sure he pushed back into me one time.
Then when we did actual stuff. God just the memory made me rock hard
"Mark I've noticed your grades are falling.."
"...I'm just..stressed out..I'm not exactly accepted here.."
I did notice that some of his classmates even tormented him. It was like freaking highschool and not university
"I was hoping...well I was hoping to..to drop out maybe. I don't think this is a class for me." He said as he played with his hands.
If he dropped out I would not be able to see him.
"Mark-look you're a great athlete, I'd hate to see you leave. You have so much potential-and I'd miss having you in my class--" I was cut off when he kissed me and pulled away.
"I'm sorry sir--" he looked away
I pulled him back into another kiss and he gasps.
However he slowly wrapped his arms around me before I pull away. "No-I-I don't want you to feel I'm taking advantage." I mutter as he looked at me.
"You're not! Please."
"Mark this is wrong--" he pulled off the shirt he was wearing showing the bralette he was wearing underneath.
I moaned and her pressed into me.
"Please I want you~" he moans
"and no one needs to know..I promise" he said his voice breathy as he looked up at me with lidded eyes as his hand slowly rubbed down to my shorts.
I groaned and thrust into his small delicate hand
He shuddered as he pushed his hand past my boxers and wrapped his hand around me.
"I'll tell you a secret sir.." he muttered as he slowly began to stroke me. "I'm not wearing any underwear..~"
I groaned and slipped my hand in his shorts and feel a very large cock in my hands
He let out this..well adorable moan as he gripped onto me. Like this was a new experience.
"Is this your first time~" I tease
However his face went red as he looked away. "Is..it that obvious..?"
I smirked and kissed him again I was his first~
I grip onto him as I let my hands run down his body as his hand went to move away from my cock as he grabbed onto me.
"Can..can I see it..?" he asked
"Of course you can baby~" I sayI held him get onto his knees as he looked up at me. I always imagined him to be a little sex crazed, but he really was as he pulled my shorts down with my boxers as he stared at it.
"I-it's really big.." he said looking up at me as he wrapped his small hand around it.
I moaned as he began to work my cock. It was clumsy but god it felt good.
He really had soft hands. "Can you fit it in your mouth baby girl?" I asked as I was letting go of whatever professionalism I was trying to hold. I was only fooling myself.
He looked up at me as he took the tip into his mouth only to make a face.
"Hey don't make that face, don't be a brat." I said as
He pulled away. "N-Not that..I just..I realized..how am I supposed to fit it all in?" He asked as I eased up and actually laughed.
"You don't got to put the whole fucking thing in- just put as much as you can in that little mouth of yours." I said as he went back down on me as I groan. "Jesus fucking Christ-you've got one hell of mouth of yours works fucking wonders." I groan out.
He blushed and started to bob his head.
"Yeah! Use your fucking sexy mouth on my fucking cock you slutty little baby~ so good for daddy~ so damn good~"
He let out a moan as he shuddered as a wet spot appeared on his shorts as he gripped my thighs, his nails lightly digging into my thighs as he thrust a little to get friction on his own cock. Little cock hungry slut~
"Yeah you like daddy's huge fucking cock you naughty cock hungry little slut~" I purr
He moaned again in response as he tried to take more of me but was unable to as he kept trying as I hear a knock on my door as I stop.
"Shit-- under the desk." I said as he scrambled under as the principal came in.
"Sorry for dropping by with no notice. I just wanted to check if you are available still For the track and field."
"Yeah I should--shit!" I cried out when I felt his mouth on my cock.
"I-I just remembered- I have a meeting at 7 pm that day?" I said.
"Oh it's ending at 6 pm. You'll be okay." She said as she smiled and left, closing the door.
I looked at her as she looked up at me and smirked around my cock the little minx!
I grab onto her hair. "You want to be a little brat huh?" I asked as she simply smirked more moaning at the grip I had on her. "Then I'll just fuck that naughty mouth of yours until you behave." I said as I grab her head and force her to deep throat me as she gagged around me but I held her head in place With my hand. Smirking as she let out a whimper as she began to drool.
"Not so much a brat now?" I say and began to fuck her sissy girl throat
She gagged a bit as she gripped onto my knees but slowly gained a rhythm.
"That's right, fucking take your teachers fat cock down your throat!"
She moaned as she stroked what wasn't in her mouth. I smirked and soon came thrusting all the way in and cumming straight down her throat. She swallowed all my seed like a good little slut~"now.." I said as she perked up, looking at me excited. "because of that little...stunt- you're going to have to leave to get to class on time." I said as her Smile faded.
"Wait-n-no come on-- you can't D-Do that. P-Please. Please daddy."
"No no, but if you are good I will see you after class~" I say and she nodded and tucked her cock.
Oh baby she was mine~
(End flash back)
That was our first time together~ but we did so much more~
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter done, I hope that you all enjoyed and stay sexy all my friends!]
[Also this is the 100 post to this!]
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Hot and Bothered, CH. 1
Reader-chan is in a poly relationship with Hawks and Dabi, who may or may not be with the League of Villains. Use your imagination for that. Viewer discretion is advised.
Content: bondage/rope play, slight choking, slight degradation, oral, cock warming 
Ch. 1 / Ch.2
Your muscles were aching during the final lap. You woke up this morning nearly at the crack of dawn to get your daily run in before it got hot. Boy, were you surprised that it didn’t matter what time of day you started your jog. It was going to be warm, sticky, and humid all day. You realized that too late but pushed yourself to be active. Despite having cut your run time in half, you were a sweaty mess by the time you swung open the front door.
You quickly chucked off your socks and sneakers before heading towards the kitchen. Without hesitation, you opened the freezer door and shoved your head inside. A groan escaped you as the cold air blasted you. Last time you checked, Dabi was still asleep, so he wouldn’t come out of bed until at least noon, if not later. He was a heavy sleeper, and anything short of the apocalypse wouldn’t do the trick. You hadn’t seen Hawks for about an hour and assumed he’d flown off to perform his morning shift on patrol. You saw him making a cup of coffee just before you left for you jog.
Juggling two lovers, your job as a freelance writer, and an active lifestyle was difficult at first. Once the kinks (no pun intended) were worked out, things slowly fell into place. You had your face smooshed on a packet of frozen peas when your heard footsteps encroaching towards the kitchen. At first, you thought it was Dabi breaking out of his daily routine of not getting out of bed until the afternoon. As you listened more closely, the footsteps couldn’t have been his. They were lighter and more—shall we say—peppier? A pair of arms wrapped around your stomach.
“Don’t be wasting my electricity, doll. You’ll let food spoil if you keep it up.”
You were surprised. You turned your head to look over your shoulder to find Keigo in nothing but his baggy sweatpants. Just like you left him. Keigo pulled you close, your ass pressed firmly against his groin. He shut the freezer door at the first opportunity and nuzzled the side of your neck.
“Keigo! Don’t! I’m gross and sweaty. I just came back from my jog. Shouldn’t you be at work, anyway?”
“I got somebody to cover for me this morning. This means,” Keigo moved his lips to your ear and whispered, “You guys get to enjoy me all day long.”
You shuddered as his teeth nibbled on your lobe. You jutted his stomach with your elbow.
“I’m serious, Keigo. I’m not the mood. I just came in, and it’s super sticky out there. I just want some water and cool down.”
His gentle yet playful smile put you off guard. Before you could reach for the fridge door, Keigo beat you to it. He pulled out a cold-water bottle. Instinctually, you reached out for it. However, he had other plans in mind. You watched him unscrew the top and take a gulp of water. You were about to scream in protest when he mashed his lips on top of yours. Coldwater trickled down your throat and your chin. Keigo took another long drag from the plastic bottle and repeated the process. He made you drink from him until your shirt was a bigger mess. There was already a sweat stain down the middle of your tank top. Now you had a droplet going down to your teeny, tiny shorts. After each drink he gave you, Keigo licked your lips. He was begging for your attention. Wantonly, you whined as he kissed you on the mouth, no water this time. He turned you into a sloppy mess.
His fingers dug under your top; his nails dragged ever so slightly against your already hot skin. Keigo glued his mouth to yours. Letting his hands wandered over your flat stomach, he guided you into the living room when you were distracted by his tongue tangling with yours. He released you for a moment. Just long enough to ditch your tank top. Your sports bra was shoved up to your clavicle, thus exposing your breasts to his greedy eyes, hands, and mouth. He stared at your chest for a moment. It seemed like he waited for the beet red blush to spread from your cheeks to your neck before swooping in for the attack. One hand groped your breast, and his mouth teased the other without mercy.
Your eyes made a pre-cautionary glance towards the hall. There seemed to be no sound coming from your bedroom where Dabi, presumably, lay sleeping. If he caught you together doing something nasty without him, there was hell to pay. Dabi always looked for reasons to punish the two of you. Keigo was pressing his luck.
“K-Keigo, we shouldn’t be doing this!”
He chuckled. His eyes never left yours as he gave your nipple a kitten lick. You knew that he was a switch. If Dabi entered the room, that predatory stare he pinned you with would vanish. Keigo closed his eyes only for a second and opened them again just to watch you watching him take your breast into his mouth as suck as hard as he could. You had to put your hand over your mouth to prevent the piggish squeal escape from your throat and alert Dabi to the goings-on in the living room.
Keigo switched places. He started to give your wet nipple tweaks and tugs while sucking on the other. You shivered to the point of coming just from that. He must have sensed how close to the edge you were when he stopped. You managed to suck in some air during the brief reprieve. You looked down and saw the tent in Keigo’s pants.
“Turn around,” he said.
“What? No. If Dabi finds out—”
You should be infuriated that he had the nerve to clap you on the ass cheek when you were in the middle of talking.
“Turn. Around.”
You didn’t disobey him this time. You turned, bent over, and put your hands on the sofa’s arm. Keigo chuckled behind her. His hands slipped down to your hips. Thumbs dipped underneath your shorts and edged them down along with your panty. You weren’t about to give him everything he wanted, so you clamped your thighs close together. It was hard to manage to begin with now were you were a hot mess. Both literally and figuratively.
“Good girl. I didn’t even ask you to bend over yet, and you did it all of your own accord. That of itself deserves a reward.” He kicked your legs apart.
You couldn’t see him fumbled with the tie around his waist to help ease his pants down far enough to pull out his engorged cock. One hand cupped your ass while he occupied his other hand by rubbing the shaft. You felt the head of him teasing that soaked bundle of nerves. You bit your tongue to keep from begging. Only two thoughts monopolized your mind. One, you really wanted Keigo to fuck you. Two, you wondered what would happen if Dabi caught the two of you going at in the living room. The thrill of getting caught breaking a house rule sent a pleasurable chill down your spine. It almost made it worth to risk punishment from the man who lived to dole them out.
Keigo’s head pressed into your slick center while you were distracted by your own thoughts. He pushed and pulled away, never once giving you the whole thing. You whined; he laughed at you for it.
“A second ago, you wanted to quit while we were ahead. Now, look at you. You want it, don’t ‘cha?”
He shoved his cock halfway inside your smooth opening, but it wasn’t enough. He listened to your whine.
“Beg for it,” he growled. “Like you mean it.”
Slowly, Keigo pulled out until the head of his cock remained inside you. He let it stay there until you gave him what he wanted.
“D-Dammit, Hawks,” you knew he loved it when you used his hero name in the bedroom. “Fuck me already. P-please.”
“Since you asked so sweetly…”
You screamed into the pillow as he shoved himself all the way in. He made you dizzy from it, and having him thrust hard and fast made it worse. His nails dug into your hips. He gripped you hard while his cock sank deep into you. Your teeth clenched tight around the pillow. Saliva coated the rim of your mouth and the pillow.
“I couldn’t—ah—help myself when I saw you with your—fuck—ass sticking out like that. I don’t get…to have you all to myself nowadays. So,” he moaned, “Let’s enjoy this while we’ve got time alone together.”
Keigo pounded away at you. The sounds of wet flesh slapping together resounded. It was enough to almost tip you over the edge. His hands gripped you even tighter.
“Fuck! You fit like a glove, baby-doll.”
You should have warned him about keeping it down. At least you covered your mouth. Not that it did much good. Your pathetic cries were still audible, and you’d be grateful if Dabi’s heavy-sleeper habits failed you not. Keigo’s thrusts came in rapid succession, pulling and pushing you with him. The intensity of his movements was sure to rearrange your guts like it was his fucking job. All sense of heroism flew out the window when he was inside you.
In. Out. In. Out. In…
“K-Keigo,” you moaned into the pillow.
“Hold on a little longer…Ha-ah. A little more.”
A little more came later than he said. You lost all sense of time while he was drilling you. White heat seared down your spine. You panted as you clenched around him. You felt liquid running down your thighs, and the sloshing sound increased. Keigo’s thrusts became erratic and helped spiral you towards another cliff. You came a second time while he painted your insides white. Your torso collapsed against the sofa’s arm. As soon as Keigo let go, your legs buckled underneath. You vaguely heard a faucet run. Keigo returned and gently wiped away the evidence of your mutual crime. He helps you fix your clothes before pulling his pants back up.
“Now, why don’t you hop in the shower while I make breakfast.”
Just on schedule, Dabi didn’t get out of bed until around one o’clock. You were thankful Keigo decided not to be a cheeky dick and ask him if he heard anything unusual this morning. Dabi wasn’t fully awake. He knocked back at least two mugs of coffee, and even after that, he was barely a functional human being. It was supposed to be a lazy day with Keigo home to play video games with you and Dabi. There was nothing out of the ordinary about dinner, though Dabi kept looking between you and Keigo. The only thing odd about the evening was when Dabi actively helped clear the table.
Keigo stepped into his office for about an hour to answer a business-related phone call. You watched Dabi closely, guilt churning in your gut. You noticed how Dabi lounged on the couch with his arm on the couch’s. The same spot where you gripped while Keigo plowed you this morning. His lazily scrolled through his phone, and his fingers drummed a slow beat on the couch’s arm. You nervously sat on the other side of the couch, trying to distract yourself by the T.V. Keigo finally came out of his office in the middle of some random romantic comedy you stumbled into.
“I’m heading to bed soon. Anybody joining me?”
“I need a shower first” You jumped off the couch and ran to the bathroom.
You ran the shower cold. You hoped to wash away this morning with Keigo and the fear of Dabi. You didn’t know how long you’d been standing in there, hoping that the day would just be over when you heard a moan. It shouldn’t have been all that surprising; either Dabi or Keigo was getting a head start. If you didn’t get in the bedroom soon, you’d be late for the play.
You walked into the bedroom in your towel only to find Keigo already tied to the bedposts with some familiar red rope. Dabi was busy between Keigo’s legs, sucking him off. Keigo’s face was red as the ropes that bound him. Dabi had him tied with his back entirely against the bed’s headboard to spare pressure on his wings. Dabi still had his mouth full when Keigo turned a pair of hazy eyes towards you.
“H-He found out a-after all—SHIT!”
Dabi gave him a long, languishing suck and gently scraped his teeth along the edges. Your thighs clamped together as you felt the first wave pool in your core. Dabi lavished Keigo’s cock with smooth kisses and tongue lashes. Only after you’d been standing there dumb as a post for a solid five minutes did he acknowledge your presence in the room. He licked his lips wet with Keigo’s pre-cum.
“If it isn’t the other troublemaker.” In slow motion, Dabi got off the bed. “Wanna remind me what the house rule is, princess? What agreed to do to each is only fair when we’re together?”
A blush crept over your cheeks. You tried not to stare at Dabi’s black pants hanging loose on his hips or the bulge forming in the center of them. You bent your head down to stare at your feet, trying to look as guilty as possible. Your hopes were that he would find you pathetic enough to grant a gentle reprieve from the punishment he seemed to have in mind. His hand grabbed your jaw and forced your head back up. His fingers and thumb squeezed your cheeks nearly to the point of bruising.
“I’m not such a heavy sleeper to be unable to hear two needy sluts fucking each other without my permission. I know you didn’t start it, princess. A sweet little girl like you? No. Never.”
He yanked the towel from your body and pointed towards the bed.
“I wanna see your best reverse cowgirl. I want you to put it slowly.”
You crawled on top of the bed and over Keigo’s shapely legs. You did as you were told. You stroked Keigo’s cock before sliding it in just as Dabi wanted. You let out a breathy moan as Keigo’s cock bottomed out. You didn’t dare move outside of Dabi’s commands, which hadn’t instructed on what next to do. You watched him walk towards you but never touched the bed. His thumb rubbed your lower lip.
“You two…” said Dabi after a torturous moment of silence. “Are going to stay like that until I say otherwise. I want you to think about our house rules and why they exist. If you’re good, maybe I’ll let you come.”
Dabi shucked his pants down to the floor, kicking them away with his feet. His boxers went with them. One hand snaked behind your neck, slithered into your hair, and grabbed a fistful, bringing your head down to his swollen cock. His other hand went to your throat as he forced himself down. He made you swallow his cock, all while keeping a light constriction on your throat.
“You sounded so…needy this morning. You were begging for cock like the little cum slut you are.” He released your hair and grabbed it again. “You were so busy having fun that you didn’t think about little old’ me. How selfish.”
Instead of letting you bob your head, Dabi pushed his cock to the back of your throat and out again. Drool pooled around your chin as it dribbled beneath you. You let the tears flow while he fucked your throat. The feeling was always so incredible having two holes stuffed, but only one of them was giving you any pleasure. Dabi’s cock was long and thick, and the metal rivets from his piercings hit the right places, whether in your cunt or being shoved against the roof of your mouth. The restrictive grasp on your throat made it all the more pleasurable.
“Moan louder, I know you want to.” He let go of your neck and placed his hands on either side of your head to make fucking your throat easier.
It was a delicious order you couldn’t resist performing. You moaned loudly around him as he moved back and forth. His movements were becoming erratic, the faster he moved. Any moment now, Dabi would shoot his load down your throat, and you, the willing victim, would be more than happy to take it all.
But that’s not what he wanted.
Dabi tightened his grip on your head as the end was coming soon. You felt his balls tighten as they slapped your chin. All of a sudden, Dabi pulled out all the way. You thought he was going to come on your chest. He liked to mention how good your tits looked with his cum decorating your chest. Instead, he turned and spent himself all over Keigo’s chest.
He smirked at the mess he made of each of you. Sweat was gleaming down your brows. Though you couldn’t see him, you felt Keigo twitch nervously. He yanked at the ropes that bound him, but they held good. The best he could do was shift his weight a little. His cock twitched inside you just from watching Dabi fuck your face and finish on his chest. Dabi bent from the waist and picked up your abandoned towel.
“I think I’ll freshen up a bit before we get started again,” said Dabi.
“Wait, what about us?” Said Keigo.
Dabi paused in the door. He stood in the doorway buck naked and with all the confidence in the world. He made one grin at you two. You knew neither of you would be getting much sleep tonight. Not with that shit-eating grin on Dabi’s face.
“Control yourselves, and don’t move until I get back. Then, I’ll give you a nice reward. This’ll teach you.”
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catlynhoss05 · 4 years
Home Sweet Home Ch. 1 P. 3
Meeting The Farm Family!
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Pairing: OC!baureader x Emily Prentiss x Criminal Minds
~starts in season 4~ (also, check out the links to see what Remi’s abs look like and to see what her arms look like when she flexes as well.. The links are all on the HSH masterlist.) (Click here for song when cued)
Chapter Summary: After the team finishes up with the case and return back to Remi’s childhood home, the team are in for an eventful evening. However, when the following day comes around, Emily’s in for a BIG surprise that makes everyone -herself included- say, “ABOUT TIME!!!”
     After everyone had finished up with supper and the dishes were all cleaned up, Remi had excused herself so she could go and check the chickens. What Remi wasn’t expecting was that Asher had let the mean chicken -that only hated Remi- out of it’s cage to roam around the coop. The mean chicken liked everyone EXCEPT for Remi and Asher knew that. When she had left the house to go to the chicken coop, Asher turned back to the rest of the boys as everyone was just lounging around and started grinning like a fool.
     “Asher, not again. You do remember the last time you messed with her, right?” Benjamin asked with a smile. “Oh, I remember. I still have that scar, but it’s totally worth it though.” Asher laughed. The team looked at each other with confused looks. “What’s going on?” JJ asked. Before anyone could answer her question, everyone heard Remi scream for Asher, and she sounded BEYOND pissed. “Oh God. She’s pissed… Remove anything glass and/or any valuables and BACK UP.” Harris explained, him and his brothers grabbing every piece of glass that was in view and hurrying to put them out of the way before Remi came back inside. Once everyone was backed up out of harms way, Remi had appeared in the patio doorway covered in feathers, a few broken eggs, and some chicken feces. Her fists were tightly clenched, and her face was red, which Emily was really turned on by seeing Remi so riled up. “You bastard.” Remi muttered. “If you two are gonna fight, take it out back so you don’t get everything dirty.” Carol insisted.
     Nolan had pushed Asher out in the middle of the room to wait for his impending doom that is an angry Remi. “Rem-Remi, look. I am sorry, but we have not seen each other in a few months since you left for D.C. and I-I was just messing with you, okay? That’s just what we do.” Asher tried reasoning with his sister. However, that did not help much because that’s when Remi started charging at Asher, who decided to make a run for it out the front door. As Remi chased Asher around the house and to the back yard, everyone that was left in the house had all came out onto the patio to watch the scene. “So, uh… You two are okay with letting them fight it out?” Morgan asked Carol as they all looked on. “Since we have a total of 12 kids and Remi being the youngest and the only girl, we let them figure out their issues/problems that they have with each other on their own. Sometimes, depending on the situation, they fight it out and if the fights get way to out of hand, that’s when we have to intervene.” Carol explained, earning understanding nods from the team. 
     Remi had finally managed to tackle Asher in the middle of the yard and ended rolling together for a few seconds. Once they stopped rolling and were both laying in the yard on their backs, they started laughing and Remi had forgiven him. They both got up off the ground and made their way back up to the house. “Hey, hey… Both of you, shoes off before going inside the house. And take a shower after showing your team where they will be staying, Remington.” Joseph, Remi’s dad, ordered. After Asher and Remi kicked off their shoes, they had both followed everyone back inside the house. Remi went to grab her bags by the front door before turning to face the team to decide where everyone would be staying. “Okay, so I’ve thought about how the sleeping arrangements will be until Will, Henry, Jack and my doggo, Louisa, get here. So, until then, I have a double bed that has a mattress in my old room that is set up so JJ, Penelope and Emily can stay in there with me. You three ladies can borrow some of my old clothes and a pair of boots if needed. Uh, Hotch… You can stay in Asher and Eli’s old room. Rossi, you can stay in Sawyer’s old room. Derek, you can stay in Ryker’s old room and Spencer, you can stay Dallas’s old room.” Remi decided.
     Hotch and the team all came over and grabbed their bags from the entryway and followed Remi upstairs to the rooms. Once Remi showed the men to their rooms, she then led Emily, JJ and Penelope to her old room that was down at the end of the hallway. “Okay, here we are. Oh, and about that secret that I had mentioned about earlier.” She paused as she worked on picking the lock to her bedroom door. “Ha, there we go, got it.” She chuckled, standing back up and turning towards the 3 women. “I-I finally got the lock picked… Anyway, the reason why I had said that I would show you ladies that secret of mine is because, well…. Come in and see for yourselves.” Remi suggested with a smirk, opening the door, and walking into the room. Emily, JJ, and Penelope followed her into the room a bit cautiously; not knowing what to expect exactly. When they took in some of the contents that were hanging on the wall nearest to the doorway, they were not expecting what they were looking at. “Oh wow. This is your secret, Remi? A collection of awards, newspaper clippings, plaques, ribbons, pictures and big trophies?” JJ asked. “Well, sort of…” Remi trailed off.
     “What do you mean ‘sort of’?” Emily asked, confused. Penelope gasped after reading one of the many framed newspaper clippings on the wall, her gasp scaring Emily and JJ. “If you looked closely at the stuff on the wall, and I am quite sure that Penelope hit the jackpot on what my secret is, you would’ve read that I’m a two-time world record holder for bull riding. And before you ask what I mean when I said ‘two-time’, the first time that I broke the world record for bull riding was when I was 25 and the second time was when I was 29 and broke my first record time.” Remi explained to her female coworkers. JJ, Emily, and Penelope were all standing there in her room, starring at her with their mouths agape, as they tried to take in the information they were just told. “I’m also one of the top 5 best rodeo riders in the world.” Remi had finished explaining.
     “I have a question to ask, and they probably do as well. Anyway, I could not help but notice this newspaper article of yours that is about Saddle Bronc Riding. What is that exactly?” Penelope asked, pointing at the article on the wall. “Saddle Bronc Riding is, in a way, sort of like bull riding yet it’s not. Bull riding is where you are obviously on a bucking bull, where as Saddle Bronc Riding is where you are on a bucking horse, or a bronc horse, earning the name Saddle Bronc Riding. However, there’s also Bareback Bronc Riding which I personally think is more difficult then the other.” Remi chuckled. “That’s interesting and awesome.” Penelope and JJ laughed. “And fucking hot.” Emily admitted aloud, silencing the room for a few seconds before Penelope and JJ started laughing again and making Remi blush a deep red and become bashful.
     “That’s why my files are classified and why you couldn’t find any information on me or hack into my said files. Or even do a simple background check on me, Miss Penelope.” Remi laughed as she picked up her go-bag off the floor and putting it onto the cot bed. “How’d you know that I did that? Oh, and have you met any famous people?” The bubbly tech genius laughed as well as the other three women. “Honestly, I did not until you just admitted to doing so, but I did have my suspicions though. And yes, I have actually.” Remi laughed as she grabbed some clean clothes out of her bag before turning around to face Penelope. “Who all have you met, Remi?” Emily asked, setting her bags by the cot bed. “I have met George Strait a few times.” She smiled, then excused herself so she could go and shower before going to bed.
     After Remi had left the room to go and shower, Emily, JJ and Penelope had all changed into their pajamas for bed. When Emily had finished changing her clothes, she turned to face Penelope and JJ and sat down on the cot bed. “Why do you the two of you get the king-sized bed for?” She asked quietly. “Because we got to the bed before you did. Plus, you need to get a move on with the whole crush on Remi situation. And yes, that means sleeping in the same bed with her if that’s what it’s gonna take.” JJ whispered. After about 20 minutes or so and after everyone got ready for bed, Remi had returned to her room wearing only a white Calvin Klein sports bra, matching white Calvin Klein’s boy short underwear with only the waistband showing and gray sweatpants that rode a bit low on her hips. Her hair was damp and askew from her somewhat drying her hair with a towel. Emily was still sitting on the cot bed while JJ and Penelope had already gotten comfortable in the king size bed.
     Remi started to chuckle as she took in the state of the two in the king size bed. “I see that you two already made yourselves comfortable.” She laughed. “Well, it is pretty comfy.” Penelope laughed as well as JJ and Emily. Remi turned her attention back to her belongings that were still on the cot bed and moved them off the bed, setting them down in front of her closet. When she turned back to face Emily, she noticed that the raven-haired beauty was gawking at her and she smirked. “See somethin’ you like, Prentiss?” She asked as she moved a bit closer to Emily. “And if I do, are you gonna do something about it?” Emily quipped, leaning back onto her elbows on the cot bed. Remi just chuckled and moved to get a pair of socks to put on before getting into bed. “Are you gonna do anything, Remi?” JJ asked, wiggling her eyebrows at the young agent.
     Before Remi could do or say anything to JJ, they all heard some whispering coming from the other side of the closed bedroom door. “You’ve gotta be kidding me. Every fucking time I have a girl in my room and the door just so happens to be closed.” Remi muttered, finishing putting her socks on before digging through her closet. “Nice looking ass you got there, Remington. But what are you looking for exactly?” Emily asked, hearing Remi bump her head on something and hearing her murmur a quiet ‘fuck’ under her breathe. “Aha, found it. And must you call me Remington?” Remi laughed as she pulled out her old red whip. “Wait, are you actually going to use that on them?” Penelope asked, sitting up in bed. “Oh, heavens no… You know how bad that would hurt them?” Remi asked. “They’re all scared of my whip. I would never hit anyone OR any animal with it. I only keep it around just to scare my brothers off if they’re buggin’ me.” Remi explained, walking over to her door quietly and made sure that the ladies stayed quiet.
     Remi opened her door and shouted ‘HEY’ at Colten, Oliver and Nolan who were eavesdropping on their sister and her female coworkers. The three boys took notice of the red leather whip that was in her hand and started to run back down the hallway and down the stairs as well. Remi started to laugh as she went back into her bedroom and closed the door. “Oh man. That was great and tickles me every time.” She smiled, walking back over to her closet, and putting her whip back in its place. “Hey Remi.” Penelope spoke up. “Yes?” “What is that on your inner left bicep?” She asked curiously. Remi lifted her left arm to see what the tech genius was talking about. “Oh, that’s just my birthmark.” She explained, yawning, and stretching her arms above her head. “I think it’s time for us to get some shut eye.
     Remi crawled onto the other side of the cot bed furthest away from the door since Emily already made herself comfortable. They all said their good nights to each other before drifting off into much needed sleep around 10 p.m.. Sometime around midnight, Remi had woken up because she had to go to the bathroom but had realized that she could not get up out of bed. “Uh, Emily?” She whispered. “Emily…” She whispered again but harshly this time. When the raven-haired beauty did not respond or make any attempt at moving off her, Remi decided to fix the problem herself. In one quick motion, Remi thought her plan would go smoothly as she wanted it to. And boy, was she wrong about that. She was hoping that she could smoothly roll Emily off her just enough for her to quickly jump up off the bed. However, when Remi had managed to roll Emily off her and back to her side of the cot, Emily started to wake up when Remi had her hips straddled with her knees and both of Remi’s hands on either side of her head.
     “Uh, hi.” Remi whispered nervously. “If we’re going to do this, Remi, we’re going to have to be fast and quiet.” Emily whispered, grinning up at Remi. “As much as I would love that right now, we can’t. Plus, you were sleeping on top of me, and I have to pee.” Remi chuckled, getting off Emily and making her way to the bathroom. Once she came back to her room, she closed the door and then crawled back into bed to go back to sleep. “Night, Em.” She whispered. Emily smiled sleepily at the nickname that she used. “Night, Remi.” Emily took in her coworker’s sleeping figure and absolutely wanted to devour every inch of her and to be devoured and loved by her as well. But she knew that it was not the time or place to do that. Around 4 a.m., Remi’s alarm on her phone started to go off, waking up the young agent. She hurried to grab her phone to turn off the alarm so it would not wake up the other 3 women.
     Once she got the alarm turned off, Remi carefully got out of bed and started to get dressed before leaving the bedroom, trying not to wake up her sleeping coworkers. As she made her way downstairs to get something to drink and to do a few morning stretches, she noticed all 11 of her brothers cuddled up together in the living room, chuckling to herself. Remi put on a pair of her old cowboy boots that she wears for whenever she’s home and works on the farm, grabs a few trays with a bunch of egg cartons on them and she heads out to collect eggs to make breakfast for everyone. About 2 and a half hours later, around 6:30 a.m. or so, Remi was relieved that she was finished with cleaning the chicken coop, feeding the chickens, and collecting eggs for breakfast for everyone. Grabbing the trays of filled egg cartons, she heads back to the house to start making some food. Remi kicks off her boots on the patio before entering the house and was greeted by a few of her brothers, Hotch, Rossi and Spencer awake and sitting at the island in the kitchen.
     “Good mornin’, carbon-based lifeforms.” Remi greeted, earning some groans from Spencer and Rossi. “Well okay then. I got some eggs to make for breakfast if y’all are hungry.” Remi offered, watching Reid, Hotch and Rossi perk up at the mention of food. “Got any coffee?” Hotch asked. “Pfft, who do you think I am!?” Remi and Hotch laughed. “Yeah, it’s over there on the counter.” She pointed out. The rest of the team, Remi’s brothers and her parents started to wake up and make their ways downstairs to the kitchen and out of the living room for some food and coffee. Everyone got a plate of food and some coffee before sitting around the kitchen and living room and enjoying a nice, hot meal together. After a while when everyone was finished and just sitting around talking and drinking coffee, Sawyer spoke up from his seat on the couch. “So, Remi.” He paused, taking a sip of his coffee. “What, Sawyer?” She called out as she was filling up her coffee mug.
     “When are you gonna make your move?” He asked, everyone else also chiming in. “What move?” Emily asked confused. Everyone, including Remi’s parents, were smiling at Remi, and waiting for her to say something. Remi came into view of everyone from the kitchen, looking like a nervous wreck. “Uh…” She cleared her throat. “We can do it now if that’s alright with everyone.” She suggested, getting a ‘yes’ from everyone except for Emily. Emily was sitting at the island along with JJ and Penelope while the rest of the team and Remi’s brothers were sitting around on the 2 sectionals in the living room. Remi came over and stood in front of Emily with something behind her back. “You’re going to kill me, aren’t you?” Emily asked, making everyone laugh. “No, I’m not gonna kill you… I have a surprise for you though. Well, technically two surprises. Anyway, these are for you.” Remi smiled, revealing a bouquet of beautiful red roses, and handed them to Emily. “Oh my gosh, these are gorgeous flowers, Remi. Thank you.” Emily smiled.
     It was still noticeable that the raven-haired beauty was still confused on what the second surprise was going to be. Remi smiled, offering her hand to Emily. “C’mere. I still have that second surprise for you.” Emily took her hand and followed her over to the grand piano that was in the den. There was also a violin, a drum set and an acoustic guitar that were also set up in the den as well. Remi had motioned to Harris, Elijah, and Wyatt to come over as well. Remi had pulled out the piano bench and had let Emily sit down first before sitting down next to her. Once the three boys were ready for Remi’s cue, she had slightly turned to face Emily before they started playing. “Emily, I’ve had the biggest crush on you ever since the moment we had officially met the moment you had accidently spilled your ridiculously hot coffee all over my shirt on my first day at the BAU.” Remi explained, laughing at the memory. She turned her body back to face the piano. “Emily Prentiss, this song is for you.” Remi smiled.
(Cue Song)
(Harris plays violin; Elijah plays drums; Wyatt plays guitar; Remi obviously sings/plays piano)
You don’t have to go now, honey
Call and tell ‘em you won’t be in today
Baby, there ain’t nothin’ at the office
So important it can’t wait
I’m thankful for the weekend
But two days in heaven just ain’t gonna do
This is gonna take forever, darlin’
Girl, I just got started lovin’ you
 What’s the point in fightin’ what we’re feelin’
We both know we’ll never win
Ain’t this what we’re missin’
Let’s just stop all this resistin’ and give in
Let me wrap my arms around you
You know you don’t want to leave this room
Come back and let me hold you, darlin’
Girl, I just got started lovin’ you
   Everyone, especially Emily, were all enjoying hearing Remi and her brothers sing and play the song. They’re also relieved that Remi finally had told Emily how she felt about her and was finally doing something about it.
What can I say, I’ve never felt this way
Girl, you’re like a dream come true
After all the love we’ve made
It sure would be a shame
If we let this moment end so soon
So won’t you lay back down beside me
Girl, just like I know you’re wantin’ to
Trust me when I tell you, darlin’
Girl, I just got started lovin’ you
 I ain’t gonna stop
Oh yeah
 What can I say, I’ve never felt this way
Girl, you’re like a dream come true
After all the love we’ve made
It sure would be a shame
If we let this moment end so soon
 I’m thankful for the weekend
But two days in heaven just ain’t gonna do
This is gonna take forever, darlin’
Girl, I just got started lovin’ you
Come back and let me hold you, darlin’
Girl, I just got started lovin’ you
 Gonna hang out all week long
Laughing, loving, kissing, hugging baby
      After they finished the song, Remi turned herself so that she’s facing Emily and her cheeks started to turn pink as well as the tips of her ears. “So, will you be my girlfriend, Emily?” She asked bashfully. “Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend and it’s about time you asked.” Emily laughed as well as everyone else. Remi beamed, cupping Emily’s face in her hands and leaning forward a bit to kiss her sweetly. Everyone started to cheer, and Penelope decided to shout, “ABOUT TIME!!!” The new couple broke apart from each other and started laughing at Penelope’s excitement when she shouted. Remi and Emily had both stood up from the piano and moved so Remi could put the bench back where it was before exiting the den. They stopped in front of the team when Hotch spoke up. “You both do realize that you’re going to have to go Strauss and tell her, right?” Hotch asked in all seriousness. “Yeah, about that. She already knows.” Remi smirked. “How does she already know about you two getting together?” Hotch asked, clearly confused as his eyebrows furrowed together as everyone else’s did too.
     “Remember that rare sighting of Strauss smiling and being nice to me last week?” Remi asked. “Yeah.” Rossi spoke up. “That’s because she had pulled me into her office and asked when I was going to ask Emily out. And how do y’all think we got 2 weeks of paid vacation time to spend here in Nashville after the case?” Remi chuckled, receiving shocked looks from everyone including Hotch. “For some odd reason, Strauss actually likes me. I don’t know why though.” Remi paused. “And don’t get any ideas about having me asking her for more paid vacations… MORGAN.” Hotch and Rossi laughed, watching Derek putting his hands up in surrender.
     It was around 8:30/9:00 a.m. when there was a knock at the front door. “I’ll get it.” Colten said, getting up from his spot on one of the sectionals. Everyone else was just sitting around together enjoying each other’s company for the time being. Remi and Emily were sitting together on a couple bar stools at the island in the kitchen. “You know, the way that you’re sitting right now is giving me the perfect view down the front of your shirt.” Remi grinned happily, making Emily blush a little bit. “See anything you like!?” Emily asked teasingly. “Oh, very much so.” Remi played along, leaning into kiss Emily. Before the two could kiss, Colten came back into the living room – there is a big opening that connects the kitchen and living room together – and had a few guests with him. “Hey, look what the cat dragged in.” Colten chuckled, moving out of the way to show everyone that Will, Henry, Jack and Louisa had arrived.
     JJ, Hotch and the rest of the team had gotten up off the couch to greet them. “Louisa… Hey sweet girl.” Remi called out as she crouched down so she could greet her dog. Louisa practically ran over and jumped into Remi’s arms and immediately started giving her kisses. “Okay, okay. That’s enough for now. Can you sit?” Remi asked, watching Louisa do what she asked. Remi stood back up and turned to Emily who was smiling at her. “Should I be jealous!?” She asked sarcastically. Remi rolled her eyes at her girlfriend with a smirk. “Emily and the rest of the team, this is my 2-year-old German Shepard, Louisa… Louisa, this is my team that I told you about and this is Emily.” Remi said. “Louisa, can you say hi to everyone?” Louisa barked and nudged Emily’s leg with her paw. “She wants you to shake.” Remi smiled.
     “Hi, Louisa. I’m Emily… I’m your mom’s girlfriend and coworker.” The raven-haired beauty smiled, shaking the dog’s paw. As Louisa made her way around the room to each team member – also including Jack, Henry and Will – to shake hand and paw, Will looked between Remi and Emily before turning to JJ. “Wait, girlfriend?” He asked, earning a nod from everyone. “About time the two of you finally got together.” He laughed.
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mrs-daddyissues · 3 years
~ C H A P T E R   2 ~
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~ Masterlist ~
Pairing: Alfred Pennyworth x OFC
Series Summary: Sarabi Nichols is Bruce Wayne’s life long friend that aids in creating weaponry and making outfits. When she was younger she had a thing for Bruce but now her taste has aged. Considerably. Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce’s guardian and butler is more her style now. Despite this knew found liking, Sarabi feels trapped. She can’t talk to Bruce about it and clearly can’t mention it to Alfred. The only person she has is her best friend, Claudia. Sarabi has to fight the things she feels for the older man because he could never feel the same way back, right?
{Normal} Playlist
{Slowed+Reverb} Playlist
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 1426
Author’s Note:
This part should be much more interesting but be warned, this story is kind of a slow burn *evil laughter*. It is a bit slow but the pay off will be worth it. I promise.
Sarabi awoke to find herself wrapped in the warm embrace of her bed. The black and gold covers engulfed her body as soft morning light poured through the sheer window curtains. Sarabi was still dressed in her clothes from the night before. Sarabi couldn’t remember how she got here, the only thing she could think of was the massive headache she had.
She arose from her slumber and planned to go find some Advil when something on her bedside table caught her eye. It was a bottle of Advil, a glass of water and a note written in elegant handwriting.
For that headache, Miss Nichols.
“Thanks, Alfred,” Sarabi grumbled as she gulped down the tablets quickly. She smiled softly at the note knowing from how she was addressed and the handwriting that the British gentleman left it for her. That was Alfred’s best quality, his gentlemanly persona that he carried for anybody he met. ‘How sweet of him’ Sarabi thought to herself before rising from the comfort of her bed.
She dragged her feet towards the walk-in wardrobe to look for an outfit. While she was gone, Bruce had bought even more clothes for her as it seemed. She picked up a new baby pink sports bra, matching shorts and didn’t even bother with shoes. 
After taming her hair as well, she trudged down the large Wayne Manor stairs and into the kitchen. As she neared the kitchen, her nose picked up the most delectable smell. She turned the corner, chasing the smell and ran straight into Alfred’s chest. She let out a surprised yelp as she felt her feet slipping. With effortless grace, Alfred wrapped his arms around her and stopped her fall. He pulled her back up against his chest as Sarabi’s heart raced. Her heart wasn’t pounding just because of the near fall but because of how his light brown eyes stared into her’s behind his glasses. 
Though it was only a few seconds it felt like an eternity. Sarabi could feel her body relax but also tense simultaneously. She felt good. She felt at peace but her heart still fluttered. Her stomach did a small somersault that she barely picked up on. The things she was feeling confused her. Was she just jittery because of the near fall? Or was it something more? Sarabi shook the thoughts from her head and hoped that Alfred couldn’t sense the change in her demeanour. 
“Miss Nichols, are you alright?” Alfred asked concerned as he slowly let go of her body. Sarabi felt a sort of melancholic cloud drift over her as his arms slipped from hers. This feeling scared Sarabi most of all. 
“Yes, Alfred, thank you. I could smell your cooking and came running,” Sarabi hoped her joke would ease the tension and it worked. Alfred let out a small chuckle before moving to the side so she could walk to the bench. 
“So, should I take it as a compliment that you ran right into me?” Alfred queried as he pulled out one of the bench stools for her. 
“Most definitely,” Sarabi sat down as Alfred started dishing up her bacon and eggs. 
“Ah, Master Wayne, how did you sleep?” Alfred delicately placed Sarabi’s plate on the bench before dishing up another for Bruce who had just walked in. 
“Like shit, I mean crap,” Bruce corrected himself as Alfred stared him down. Bruce took a seat next to Sarabi and devoured his food. 
“Where is Claudia?” Sarabi inquired, looking around for her bestie and partner in crime.
“Miss Flynn awoke very early and went back to her apartment for work as it is a Monday,” Alfred answered, pushing his glasses up his nose.
“Oh okay. Wait, how in the hell did I end up in my bed?” Sarabi asked Bruce but from his bugged-out eyes, she knew he had no idea. Bruce had never been a good liar, well, at least to her.
“I have no clue, Sarbi,” Bruce stole a quick glance at Alfred that Sarabi noticed. She looked over at Alfred and his face remained stoic. Sarabi saw a glint in his eyes as his orbs locked with hers.
“Alfred? Did you?” Sarabi questioned as Alfred cleaned up the dishes. Sarabi wondered how Alfred could manage but she guessed it was possible. He was skinny but still well built from his years as an SAS soldier. He was strong but lean.
“Yes, Miss Nichols, I did. I hope you don’t mind. If you do then I apologise,” Alfred sincerely stated and Sarabi smiled.
“No that’s completely fine, thank you. I’m surprised you managed to carry my ass up those stairs,” Sarabi snickered as she stood up with Bruce.
“I am full of surprises, Miss Nichols,” Alfred quipped as he continued washing up. 
Sarabi’s voice caught in her throat so she slowly staggered out of the kitchen. She gulped in air as confusion filled her veins. Sarabi had no idea why these things were happening to her body. She had no idea why Alfred, of all people, was having an effect on her.
Sure, he was handsome in a classic sort of way and definitely would’ve been hot in his prime time. He also had a hypnotic voice. If Alfred talked about Wall Street statistics she’d be invested. Sarabi would not deny that Alfred had a lot going for him. He was attractive, charming, gentlemanly and kind but he was also about 45 years her senior. That in itself is wrong on so many levels but still, her body and heart felt something. Sarabi couldn’t put a finger on what it was but decided it was a mixture of fatigue and the headache that still lightly pounding through her head. 
“Sarbi, you alright?” Bruce placed a strong hand on her small shoulder, noticing her thoughtful but confused face. 
“Yeah, yeah, fine,” Sarabi shook the puzzled look on her face and smiled. Sarabi couldn’t speak to Bruce about this and felt that even Claudia wouldn’t understand. Claudia made jokes about Alfred being grandad hot and so forth but never had a thing for him. Plus, she was much more interested in Bruce and Diana Prince. Claudia was a classic bisexual, having no idea whom she found more attractive. ‘Bruce’s got the abs and money but Diana’s got the face and body of an angel’ she would always rant to Sarabi. One day she preferred Bruce then the next day it was Diana. Claudia had no idea of Bruce’s or Diana’s secret identities as Batman or Wonder Woman but she knew their maskless personas well. So well that she had battles over which one she could sleep with first. Sarabi had tried to tell Claudia that neither would be interested but she still tried.
“Ready to get back to work?” Bruce suggested and Sarabi patted him on the back.
“I’m actually excited to see what shit you got yourself while I was gone,” Sarabi slapped Bruce on the arm as the two made their way to the infamous Bat Cave. 
“What am I working on today?” Sarabi curiously asked as she walked towards her working desk still kept in prime condition. Alfred was a clean freak and clearly kept her desk scrubbed and spotless. 
“Gauntlets that absorb and dissipate energy, my own idea,” Bruce smugly showed off.
“Actually, Miss Prince’s idea. She’s had those gauntlets of her’s before she was born,” Alfred answered as he stepped out of the lift.
“And Wonder Woman’s gauntlets are there to minimise and weaken her powers. Talk about a real superhero with real superpowers,” Sarabi teased as she sat down at her desk.
“Watch your mouth, Sarabi before you lose your job,” Bruce warned with a wag of his finger.
“You know you love me,” Sarabi blew a kiss in Bruce’s direction as he stalked off to train or do paperwork, it was either of the two.
“Good one, Miss Nichols. I do remember Diana reminding me of how her gauntlets lessen her powers,” Alfred sat down beside her and pulled off the cloth covering the gauntlet idea.
“Here it is or at least the idea,” Alfred corrected himself as they both stared at the drawings.
“Shall we get to work?” Sarabi turned her head to Alfred and instantly regretted it. His stunning brown eyes caught her attention and sucked out all her sensibility. There was another stomach backflip before she snapped out of it.
“Most definitely, Miss Nichols,” Alfred shuffled closer to her and the two worked tirelessly on the idea Bruce swears he came up with.
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<<CHAPTER 1<<  ~ ~ ~  >>CHAPTER 3>>
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