#i would die for henry and isabella
bethanydelleman · 10 months
Kinda of a downer and you don't have to answer this but your post about how one of the austen heroines could die giving birth made me think of how the heroes would grieve. Do you think they would remarry and such?
I don't mind. It's important to remember that in this era (and sometimes even in Western countries today), people aren't only marrying for love. If Mr. Darcy ended up widowed with a daughter, he might think the "right" and responsible thing to do is to marry so there is a mother in the house to look after the child. And having a mistress of the manor was a real job which was even more important when you had children.
I've written this. (it's sad obviously)
Now we know with Georgiana that Darcy is wealthy enough to basically replace a mother with staff (like Mrs. Annesley), but say an Edward Ferrars with five children might require either a wife or a female relation (who basically gets room and board) to manage the house and help with the children's education.
To give an example from a novel, in Wives & Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell, Molly's mother dies when she's very young. Her father is a country surgeon and not that wealthy. He ends up hiring a governess, both to teach Molly and to keep the house respectable (it's heavily implied he wouldn't have if his wife lived). However, when Molly reaches 17 and he realizes she's going to have suitors, he decides to remarry mostly so she has a chaperone. There is another widower in the novel who has only sons, he doesn't remarry and depends on his female relations to entertain.
As for the Jane Austen heroes...
Colonel Brandon and Captain Wentworth both have the kind of romantic personality that would lead me to think that they wouldn't remarry. They also are probably both wealthy enough to cover the lack of a wife with staff. Maybe Sophia Croft could help too ❤️ (Colonel Brandon has some family mentioned too).
Charles Bingley and Henry Tilney I can easily see remarrying, after an appropriate grieving period.
Edmund Bertram got over Mary, I bet he would remarry after Fanny. Just throw him someone wife-shaped (is my disdain for him coming through?) Also, given Fanny's weak state of health, he may be our most likely candidate. Reginald de Courcy would be like Edmund.
As for Edward Ferrars, he is pretty devoted to Elinor, but it depends when she dies. Life is long and can be lonely. I do see grieving taking him longer than the others.
With Mr. Knightley, he just doesn't really leave Highbury (lack of opportunity) and he lived as a bachelor for like, 38 years? So I feel like he's unlikely to remarry if Emma dies. Also, he can invite John and Isabella to live with him.
And Darcy. Firstly, I can see Lady Catherine pushing very hard for him to marry Anne if she's still alive and unmarried. Secondly, he's such a catch that he will definitely have women trying and he does engage in society (keeps a house in London ect.) so he has opportunity. However, he is picky and it took him 28 years to be so bewitched by a woman... I could see it taking him a while to remarry, but not because of grief but because it takes him a while to meet someone else he likes well enough to marry.
Also, just as a note, Jane Austen has very few remarried people in her novels, contrary to what was statistically likely at the time. Mr. Henry Dashwood and Mr. Fraser (Mary Crawford's friend's husband) are exceptions to the general rule. General Tilney, Sir Walter, and Mr. Elliot are some of the very few widowers and only the last one is trying to remarry. There are several widows and as far as I know none of them remarry.
There is speculation that Lady Lucas is a second wife, since Charlotte is 27 and has a 7ish year old brother (The famous Lucas Wine Boy). However, with about 20 years of fertility, this age spread is certainly possible with a single wife.
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wanderlustmagician · 3 months
ramble about some weird history fixation of yours
plz <3
Ooooooooo :3 you have said the magic words
I tried answering this from my phone twice and it wiped it. So had to wait on the tablet xD
I've always enjoyed doing research and reading on various bad ass women in history. I find it so fun and fascinating that several different countries can say that they're at their most prolific and successful when they're ruled by a Queen. It's usually the Kings where a lot of the drama is, but even then the Queens are being bad asses behind the scenes.
One area of history I circle back to a lot is Henry VIII and his wives. Mostly his wives, they're honestly the more interesting ones in that trainwreck. Catherine of Aragon was essentially being held hostage after her first husband, Arthur, and Henry's elder brother died suddenly. Arthur is super kind of tragic, to me. A lot of what little records of him remain show a very lonely existence. He didn't really get to be around his family a lot and grew up with a lot of expectations resting on him. He was only 15 when he died. Anyways Henry's father, Henry VII (and don't get me started on the naming thing back then, I do my family's ancestry stuff and it makes me absolutely CRAZY), didn't want to lose a very profitable alliance with what was a united Spain and, if I remember right, also didn't want to return her very expensive dowry. So he just... refused to send her back?? So rude. Anyways, little future Henry VIII spends that time learning the things he didn't get to learn when he was the spare and wooing Catherine. It works. She is successfully wooed.
They're married for 20 years. Two decades. The people LOVE her. She is an A+ Queen according to the people. She's invested in the arts, she's investing creating a culturally diverse court. She sponsors young noble ladies to go learn about the courts, culture, and arts in other ladies countries/courts. Anne Boelin is one these ladies she sponsored. We can get to her another day though. Catherine is emulating her mother, Isabella I of Castille, and her court. Things she learned at her mother's knee growing up. Being from Spain, she was a very devout Catholic as was her daughter, Mary.
Then after many years of being a devoted queen, suffering through the trauma and agony of many miscarriages and children lost young or stillborn, and having to live as a hostage - Henry VIII betrays her by casting away their now formerly shared faith, disavowing their marriage and casting away their daughter, and imprisoning her till she eventually dies. She never gets to go back to Spain, never sees her daughter again, and is forced to die dishonored and alone.
And what's worse, to me, is that Henry VIII loved her, but when it came down to making a choice between his wife and his legacy... he absolutely made the wrong choice and then kept making it. By the time of his death, he'd thrown both away.
I could have kept going but this was getting long and if I started on Anne Boelin, I wouldn't have been able to stop. Henry VIII did Catherine of Aragon dirty, but so did his father and a lot of the people in her life ( I think the only person who was ever on her side was Arthur, her first husband, but he died after like five months... so who knows how long that energy would have lasted.) However, Anne Boelin got done almost worse for how much he loved her versus how he handled the end.
I dunno if this is what you were hoping for but tadaaaa. Thank you for the ask Somer <3
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fideidefenswhore · 4 months
What if Anne Boleyn had lived to see Mary come to the throne? Do you see Mary doing everything she can to get rid of her? Would Anne suffer from the same fate as Thomas Cramner?
Mm, that's a popular AU to be sure, but I think the political realities would have been rather more complex in such a counterfactual.
First, I'd have to ask the circumstances of them both surviving and Mary coming to the throne-- has Henry had his marriage with Anne annulled, with her being exiled from court? Or has Anne been Queen throughout the remainder of his reign? Has she had a son? Has there been any alteration or reversal to the Act of Succession (1534)? Has there been any alteration or reversal to the Act that declared Anne regent for her children, should Henry die? Have all her child/ren died, or has Elizabeth merely been married abroad (ie, is she currently living at the French court, wed to whichever prince or duke)? Does Mary have a husband, and if so, who is he, and what wealth and power and claims (to the English throne, or others, or merely title) does he have?
Assuming the second, and assuming Mary, as a sole femme, has a successful coup regardless (so, perhaps Anne attempts to assume regency with Elizabeth but is overthrown), again, the political realities are going to be complex. Edward VI's death happening in such secrecy and him altering the succession to make Jane Grey his heir without the approval of Parliament were circumstances that were to her advantage; all bolstered the rhetoric and justification of her coup, accession, and reign (based on the Act of Succession of 1543, even though she reversed her illegitimacy therein). The Marian myth was that John Dudley, out of pure ambition and greed, usurped the royal prerogative (of both HVIII and Edward VI) and forged an altered succession to place his daughter-in-law on the throne (and, as you mentioned, Cranmer as well).
So, in these altered circumstances, Mary's task would be near impossible. How could her propagandists argue that Anne had done the same, when all she had done was adhere to Acts of Parliament which were very well-known by the people? What would the justification be for her arrest in this scenario, much less execution? Historically, after his arrest, Mary petitioned the Pope at the time to have Cranmer excommunicated (likely, she didn't want to have any parallels with her father drawn in the case of the execution of Bishop/Cardinal Fisher) before his execution. In this, she succeeded, and being thus excommunicated, Cranmer was no longer Archbishop of Canterbury upon his day of execution. I would imagine that she would attempt the same in this counterfactual with AB and Cranmer both, and whether she was successful in securing their excommunications might then inform her actions.
Edit: Tbh, what I conceptualize for this scenario would be more like a succession/civil war for the throne with two female claimants (so, Mary and Elizabeth/Anne’s regency), similar in nature to that of Princess Juana vs Princess Isabella in the 1470s (it would be … very difficult for Mary to argue Elizabeth wasn’t Henry’s child had these Acts of Parliament remained and Anne herself remained Queen, though, as Isabella did for Juana re: Henry IV of Castile, since she didn’t really manage to do that even in the aftermath of Anne’s adultery accusations, and she certainly tried) and I think it’d be a toss-up as to who would emerge the victor. Reason being, as I was just reminded of answering another ask, Anne was the greatest landowner among all the Tudor consorts. Mary I was also a great landowner by the time Edward VI died, because the council was at pains to ‘buy her goodwill’… this backfired, though, because it strengthened her base of power (Jeri L. McIntosh has done some fantastic work in this subject, btw), and played a huge part in why her coup succeeded. Simply put, landowning was power, was wealth. That’s probably what it would come down to, had she been granted as many lands during the beginning of the regency council for Elizabeth or whatever son AB might have had.
Another thing that would tip the scales would be if Mary received foreign aid via Imperial forces, but given Charles V never supplied any in 1553…
And again, excommunication, although Elizabeth or whatever son probably wasn’t going to be excommunicated as a minor (just like Edward VI wasn’t), maybe Anne might have been? This could also be a factor in whether or not Mary received foreign aid from any Catholic powers. Although, yk, HVIII and Elizabeth I both were excommunicated and yet they were never ousted from their thrones.
Anyway! Something to think about . Thanks for the intriguing question ☺️
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blackboar · 5 months
I find arguments for Richard's innocence offensive on logical terms. They're using a lot of slippery rhetoric that sounds convincing until you think about it, and I'm annoyed they think so little of other people they expect us to believe it.
Afaik, everyone accepts Isabella had Edward II killed and replaced him with their son. Everyone accepts Henry IV had Richard II killed after replacing him. Everyone accepts Edward IV had Henry VI killed after replacing him. John is believed to have killed his nephew and taken the throne. Some even think Henry I had William II killed to replace him.
What I'm saying is, evidence or not, everyone just assumes any deposed king is automatically killed by the usurper, which is why they fought so hard to keep the throne in the first place. And if you're the usurper, it makes sense you "tie up the loose ends" by removing your predecessor in case they escape and do the same to you and your family.
But even with all those examples, Ricardians act like thinking Richard killed the boys he usurped is completely ridiculous and has no basis in reality, and you shouldn't think it unless you have camera film of him doing it personally! But if you did have a video, but it was a servant killing them, they'd say he was taking orders from Henry VII and everyone was just framing Richard!
They want to say the "usurper's usurper" (Henry VII) was the one who really killed them, but when in history has the 1st usurped king ever been alive to be killed by the replacement's replacement? It'd be like saying Richard II survived all that time and Edward IV really killed him.
I really don't like the way they start with a reasonable point (like we can never be 100% who actually did it, which is true) but if you agree there they act like you agreed your whole belief system is wrong! If you admit they got even one thing right they jump on it as weakness and proves the most crazy ideas are credible. So you can't even give them any credit there, but when you won't budge bc you know what they do, they pretend you're some hate filled lunatic which proves it's all been a conspiracy against Richard and you can't be trusted bc you're part of it.
If you don't have absolute documentary evidence, you're not allowed to believe Richard did it in all probability, and they won't accept a single point you have. But if they get one little thing right (like everyone's names) then you have to accept everything they say!
But look at it from Richard's point of view. He was a kid when he and George were hostages and if Edward IV hadn't become king both of them might have died to wipe out all the male Yorkists. Richard knew that because Edward wasn't killed by Lancaster he came back and got the throne. Then because Edward of Lancaster escaped to France he came back and Henry VI was reinstated. Then as Edward IV got away that time he came back too and killed both of them.
So in Richard's life he saw over and over again that if the rival claimant doesn't die they will come back and try to kill you and your children. So why wouldn't he kill the Princes to protect himself? I hope I don't sound like I'm excusing him, but I just think killing them is the most obvious thing to do.
If we believe this theory that Perkin and Lambert were who they claimed, that just proves deposed heirs will come and fight for their birthright. Like when have they not? When did any royalty/noble cheated out of what was his just shrugged and gone off to live quietly and bothered no one? It never happens! Which in itself proves Richard was "right" in a way to kill them.
Given everything that happened to Richard's own family in his lifetime, why would he let a rival stay alive and spend the rest of his life worrying they might get out and kill him one day like rivals always did, or reappear in his son's reign and kill him? Literally how does he benefit keeping them alive? How can he be the strong, capable ruler Ricardians say he was but leave a time bomb under his house?
I disagree that everybody thinks Edward II and Richard II were killed by their successor. While an overwhelming majority think that for Richard II, there is controversy around who killed Edward II and even if he was killed.
but when in history has the 1st usurped king ever been alive to be killed by the replacement's replacement?
It did happen. Justinian II killed not only Tiberius III but also the one he usurped the byzantine throne from, Leontius. Byzantines are special but it's not impossible to be killed by your usurper's usurper.
If we believe this theory that Perkin and Lambert were who they claimed, that just proves deposed heirs will come and fight for their birthright. Like when have they not? When did any royalty/noble cheated out of what was his just shrugged and gone off to live quietly and bothered no one? It never happens! Which in itself proves Richard was "right" in a way to kill them. Given everything that happened to Richard's own family in his lifetime, why would he let a rival stay alive and spend the rest of his life worrying they might get out and kill him one day like rivals always did, or reappear in his son's reign and kill him? Literally how does he benefit keeping them alive? How can he be the strong, capable ruler Ricardians say he was but leave a time bomb under his house?
Yeah, that's why most people connect the logical dots and think he killed them because otherwise, it doesn't make much sense. I think he probably took his ancestor John for example, because he survived killing his nephew Arthur.
What I hate is those saying, 'They weren't a threat because Parlement proclaimed them bastards, ' which is either an argument made in bad faith or a complete not getting it. In general, I think some of those discussing Richard's guilt do not consider the time's constraints and structures.
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realcatalina · 2 years
Everything wrong with Spanish Princess-1x03
I am shocked! They actually know that Isabella asked for both dowry to be returned, and for jointure to be paid to her. 1st accurate thing. But ruined by -if you are not with child, you are to return to Spain-which didn’t happen.
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This type of litter in Tudor England? What will be next? Dragons? Fucking her nephew? Whitewalkers?! This belongs to Game of thrones!
What was tudor litter at those times? Not this!
You know how i mentioned that early tudor carriage? There were 2 versions, one was basically narrow vagon, the 2nd was basically litter tied between two horses.
Royal litter in early 16th century England was between two horses!!!:
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not carried by men(that became fashionable later in 16th century):
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Catherine didn’t go to Arthur’s funeral(nor her ladies. It was against custom and she was recovering from almost dying! So she couldn’t really speak to Harry at that time either. English royals didn’t attent Arthur’s funeral either.
On donkey as Jesus or as Virgin Mary? Really?! That happened when Catherine arrived to London for first time! Not at funeral!
Chair is prepared for her? When it is against custom for her to be there?!
Once again what is up with her headwear?
Margaret Beaufort rightfully wishing to get answer about whetever or not Catherine is with child. Reason why Catherine didn’t say she was virgin straight away in real life, was that she was still sick, and recovering!
But let’s make her into liar!
By the way-Henry VII saying they are obligated to return dowry is not true(certainly against English law-if marriage was consumated) and was to be part of heated negotiations before next bethrohal-with Spanish claiming English owed to return it and give jointure also whetever it was consumated or not. (completely against English customs and laws. So spanish were unreasonable and greedy, not English). Henry VII offered to pay Catherine her jointure, but wanted rest of her dowry(as per english custom), spanish pretended to not know about it. That is what happened in real life-read my posts about spanish correspondence with their ambssadors in England. I was shocked by it. 
But it is mere myth that Henry VII was the greedy bastard and that he was obliged to return the dowry-that is merely spanish version of events, not the full truth.
Curse mentioned again. 
That Catherine would live a modest life upon returning to Spain? Is she crazy? She’d be married off again, same with her household! They’d not live in penury!
Catherine lying about her marriage to Arthur. They made her into liar! Tbh, for any good catholic this would be sentencing themselves straight to hell.
And sentencing her future children to death! Willingly! (according to some scriptures, if you marry your husband’s brother, your kids will die as punishment for such sin. By making her into liar and still persueing match with Harry, they make her into horrid kind of mother. And they won’t stop in season 2.)
To be married off to France or Austria?! France had no elegible prince, and Austria had no marriageable person either. Most likely match for Catherine in case she didn’t marry Henry VIII, would probably be Christian II of Denmark. 
And they excuse her lying as avoiding life of poverty and her servants having bleak future?! This is so false! 
Henry VIII being desperate again? Spanish correspondence proves it was Spanish side which was desperate for the alliance, desperate to get help against France. Not English! This is so false!
French King was marching against Ferdinand’s holdings in Italy, not preparing to invide England!
Flirting between not yet 12-year old Henry and Catherine.
She gives him crossbow, which real Henry wouldn’t really apreciate it. He loved English longbow. 
Catherine’s mother fighting battle while pregnant with Catherine?! Isabella never fought in battle in her entire life! And had she done so while pregnant, she’d be the worst kind of mother! This is not admirable at all!
It’s endangering your own child! (and if you disagree, seek therapy)
Isabella was skilled in hunting, not in sword-fight. Same with Catherine.They are setting up ground for pregnant warrior Queen at Flodden! Which didn’t happen! 
Sparing scene is pure fiction too. Iin real life, since she didn’t know how to fight and he as boy was trained to it since childhood, he’d kick her ass if they tried. I mean straightaway.
You can see the sword bend, it is a prop. How did that make final cut?!
Catherine seducing Henry?! He was ten! She wasn’t a pedophile!
Then prince holds a sword against Ovieto, but in way as if he never held it in before. And cuts man for fun. Because he is the worst! If you didn’t get it. 
By the way what Henry is wearing is pure modern fiction, historical armour didn’t look like this nor did normal clothes. 
The fictional Catehrine says she fast on Wednesdays. But real Catherine fasted on Wednesdays and Fridays! I had big argument with Thistle about how often and how much Catherine fasted, and I get how some people would not be informed well about fasting habits back then. But Fridays were obligatory for everybody!
Isabella could be just as foxy as Ferdinand. Such poorly written conversations. Also lady Margaret Beaufort was actively trying to delay her granddaughter leaving for Scotland in real life. She was biggest advocate against Maggy going to Scotland so young! And they make her into uncarrying grandmother, while in reality she wasn’t!
Lady Margaret actually trying to physically check Catherine’s breasts?! There is no way she could tell if woman is with child just from that! So why would she try?
Another of Catherine’s lady is willing to be ruined, by having affair. Because apparently everybody is rotten to the core. Except Catherine-all her actions are actually excusable-because she is the heroine of the story.
Catherine wants Lina to lie, lady Pole to lie as well. Setting them straight to hell! She is damning them to purgatory!
Unaccompanied Catherien again, unchapperoned. This is crazy! No dona Elvira, and dozen of other Spanish ladies which always surounded Catherine! Crazy!
As is Henry hunting with crossbow. I get it is easier to train actors with that. But proper English shooting techniques with longbow would looks SO impressive. English had special way of standing, with foot turned, and then leaning to the bow, instead of just drawing. It’s actually pretty impressive in videos!  
Harry sitting on throne? He’d not dare. By the way in real life, Henry was brat as child only when somebody died, he was lashing out from grief.
Henry being impressed that supposedly Isabella’s warhorse can kill man with single kick?! Warhorses were trained to that! To kick around etc. English had horses trained to do that too! There are so many videos about how properly knights trained and how their horses were/are trained, including how to go backwards, sideways, jump over body, how to kick etc. Such well-trained horse would cost more, but most of high nobility could afford those. Royal prince would not be impressed by this. Not a even slightest chance of it!
Since Catherine didn’t speak English yet, she couldn’t speak with any English royals in English at least! She could understand when Henry VII spoke at her(presumably in Latin).
Lina hears of Inquisition for first time?! Where did she live prior? Certainly not Spain. And real Catalina of Motril would know from first hand.
 By the way children of corvetos would not be killed(in most cases, there were some few occasions such as Lisbon’s massacre in Portugal in 1506), but instead they’d be stolen from their parents and sent elsewhere to be raised as catholics.
To be up after darkness fall, was not that common. Even supper at court was set before nightfall-on most occasions. 
Racist English again, making advantages to unwilling women. So untrue. Catherine’s ladies were firmly under hold of dona Elvira, as was Catherine herself. Until late 1505.Then dona Elvira left, but most ladies stayed.
Men pissing in fireplaces and such, that sadly did happen and Henry VIII during his reign tried to put end to it in his court.
Isabella in real life only pretended to sent for Catherine(to go back home), it was diplomatic ruse, to get better deal in new match.
Catherine lies about consumation again and implies Arthur was impotent. Lies directly to her future husband. I don’t get this, because at same they want to make Henry VIII into villain and at same time they made it so that he’d be completely justified at wanting annulment, and be rid of this lying bitch. 
They also make it seem as if marriage between Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon woudln’t happen had she truly been wed to Arthur. Which is untrue! So how come he understands they have to get dispensation? It’s weird. 
Annulment and dispensation are not same thing, but it seems writers don’t get.
Henry VIII making loving promises behind his parents back?! At age 11?! Parents decided bethrohals and marriages, not other way around!
Elizabeth of York gave birth and died  at February 1503(clearly they shooted at summer or spring). They have her pregnant since before Catherine’s arrival-hence prior to October 1501. They have her pregnant for over a year! I wish that was end of timeline inaccuracies, but we’re just about to get started.
There was no requirement for bride of English prince/King to be maid. Elizabeth Woodville was widow! Catherine wasn’t lady Diana! (although from wedding dress from shoulders up you’d not able to tell)
Also Arthur’s parents didn’t believe Catherine, or didn’t want to believe.
Elizabeth of York gave birth prematurely, true, but in Tower of London. Those gardens-no way it is set in Tower. Once again so very few servants and ladies! Elizabeth of York had almost an army of ladies!
Also, Margaret Tudor would have probably witness her mother going into labour several times-she’d not be shocked and crying, if it is always like this-by that point in that scene, there was nothing to explain her to be so freaked out.
And men weren’t allowed into birthchamber. Another inaccurate chemise.
More about curse. And yet people believe this to be accurate account of history!
Catherine asks lady Pole to lie. Asks her to go to purgatory! Yey! Again, Catherine is the Jezabel, who drags people to hell!
God, the bed Elizabeth of York dies in the scene, is so not Tudor bed!
By the way, little princess lived for few days and was christened as Catherine(probably after Catherine of Valois). She wasn’t stillborn. Elizabeth of York lived for another 9 days after birth. She didn’t bleed out on spot.
It’d not even cost them much if they decided to use same room, changed things a bit, had one shot on exteriors with text-nine days later, and showed Queen feverish and about to die! You cannot excuse this with budget cost. It’s just being lazy.
Midwives’d not cover Elizabeth of York without changing her clothes and bedding, and they’d certainly try to save her. They make her midwives look as inconsiderate or incompetenet. Which despite Queen dying, they were not.
More of witchcraft.Why would Elizabeth bleed from mouth?!
They got scene of children grieving by their mother’s bed wrong.
This was real life:
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Child Harry sobbing at his mother’s empty bed, while his sisters are by fire.
We can see that the bed is in purple(purple in iluminations and many paintings turned violet-grey-it’s basically version of darkening of pigments(here it is still recognizable, but in some cases it ended up as grey with tiniest hue to violet, so it is entirely possible the girl on left is wearing purple and not grey). 
The bed in ilumination showing her grieving son, is the late medieval type, which still appears in iluminations of late 15th century as they didn’t switch to four poster beds immediately, and some not at all. Also, as court was on move often, they often took all furniture with them, beds included and presumably this type of bed is easier to set up. The bed could have canopy(or curtains drawn, set aside(as on right) or pulled up (as on left and ilumination above)-so that’d be out of way. It was practical. This is the correct bed they should have used.
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Why would Margaret assume her mother is death and not simply asleep?! This makes zero sense! Such lazy writing! Good acting, but lazy writing!
Catherine writes to her mother that she is virgin only after Elizabeth of York dies-in February 1503! This is insane timeline screw up! By that time she was pre-engaged to Harry for about half a year! The negotiations were in full swing, and made official just few months after Elizabteh of York’s death.
I agree with Thistle, they shouldn’t have written disclaimer that they altered some things, they altered all of it!
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lancastrie · 10 months
@ofanjous continued from x
Grief had hardened Isabella’s appearance: that heavily jeweled, sharply chiseled countenance, proudly poised on her long neck, now worlds apart from the Queen who once governed England, languishing under the protection of a weak, unstable King. Yet, time had failed to shave away the vestiges of striking allure – beneath the pall of grief and enmity held the bones of an exquisite women, once professed to be the most beautiful of all European brides. But the rank fog that hung over the battlefield, smothering the blood-soaked soil from which Henry had snatched his crown, and the unearthly wails of husbands, sons, thickening up the ground with their gorged bodies, had devoured Isabella’s patience for him; a moth-eaten thread. Henry saw it clearly: the revulsion burrowed in the amber of her eyes, molten.
To her, Henry Plantagenet would die an Earl of March – worse still, a usurper.   
Her words were slippery, a gore-slicked dagger’s shaft. The King maneuvered about them with a soldier’s vigilance, careful not to permit his own ire to ignite, to lick into a full-fledged flame. In truth, the boy’s loss clung to him, like the smell of that acrid, demonic fog rolling over Towton, engulfing those it blanketed in smoke. But then, had God and St Gabriel not gazed smilingly upon him, that scarred, mud-soaked face, the sour haze dissolving under the weak heat of an April sun? Blazed his blood-soaked tunic with Kingly glory? ‘We all have our crosses to bear, Isabella,’ Henry uttered. ‘Not one among us is without taint of sin. And, if my memory serves me, there be some among us who question if the blood spilled that day truly ran blue. The Almighty himself has proclaimed me King – His chosen vessel. Whose mortal tongue am I to refuse the decree of Divine Providence?’
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Fixed on the crucifix surmounted above them, Henry returned his gaze to hers, the clash like steel blades, and continued: ‘we both suffered that year.’ Grim memories of his own father – stripped, tortured, mocked by Edmund’s legions – flickered in his eyes. A paper crown, so whispered witnesses of that macabre day, placed onto his brow before that heavy head struck a pike. ‘Whether the son of a king, or that of a butcher, Fate has been cruel. It is a sad day in England when so many lives – boys with implacable promise – are lost.’ Henry made to lay his hand across Isabella’s but, as his fingers hovered over hers, the coolness of her flesh – like that of an immortal corpse – compelled him to stop. ‘Is it not high time we drain the rivers of blood, and come together in concord of our shared isle?’
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 9.13
585 BC – Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, king of Rome, celebrates a triumph for his victories over the Sabines, and the surrender of Collatia. 509 BC – The Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus on Rome's Capitoline Hill is dedicated on the ides of September. 379 – Yax Nuun Ahiin I is crowned as 15th Ajaw of Tikal 533 – Belisarius of the Byzantine Empire defeats Gelimer and the Vandals at the Battle of Ad Decimum, near Carthage, North Africa. 1229 – Ögedei Khan is proclaimed Khagan of the Mongol Empire in Kodoe Aral, Khentii: Mongolia. 1437 – Battle of Tangier: a Portuguese expeditionary force initiates a failed attempt to seize the Moroccan citadel of Tangier. 1501 – Italian Renaissance: Michelangelo begins work on his statue of David. 1504 – Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand issue a Royal Warrant for the construction of a Royal Chapel (Capilla Real) to be built. 1541 – After three years of exile, John Calvin returns to Geneva to reform the church under a body of doctrine known as Calvinism. 1584 – San Lorenzo del Escorial Palace in Madrid is finished. 1609 – Henry Hudson reaches the river that would later be named after him – the Hudson River. 1645 – Wars of the Three Kingdoms: Scottish Royalists are defeated by Covenanters at the Battle of Philiphaugh. 1743 – Great Britain, Austria and the Kingdom of Sardinia sign the Treaty of Worms. 1759 – Battle of the Plains of Abraham: the British defeat the French near Quebec City in the Seven Years' War, known in the United States as the French and Indian War. 1782 – American Revolutionary War: Franco-Spanish troops launch the unsuccessful "grand assault" during the Great Siege of Gibraltar. 1788 – The Philadelphia Convention sets the date for the first presidential election in the United States, and New York City becomes the country's temporary capital. 1791 – King Louis XVI of France accepts the new constitution. 1808 – Finnish War: In the Battle of Jutas, Swedish forces under Lieutenant General Georg Carl von Döbeln beat the Russians, making von Döbeln a Swedish war hero. 1812 – War of 1812: A supply wagon sent to relieve Fort Harrison is ambushed in the Attack at the Narrows. 1814 – In a turning point in the War of 1812, the British fail to capture Baltimore. During the battle, Francis Scott Key composes his poem "Defence of Fort McHenry", which is later set to music and becomes the United States' national anthem. 1843 – The Greek Army rebels (OS date: September 3) against the autocratic rule of king Otto of Greece, demanding the granting of a constitution. 1847 – Mexican–American War: Six teenage military cadets known as Niños Héroes die defending Chapultepec Castle in the Battle of Chapultepec. American troops under General Winfield Scott capture Mexico City in the Mexican–American War. 1848 – Vermont railroad worker Phineas Gage survives an iron rod 1+1⁄4 inches (3.2 cm) in diameter being driven through his brain; the reported effects on his behavior and personality stimulate discussion of the nature of the brain and its functions. 1862 – American Civil War: Union soldiers find a copy of Robert E. Lee's battle plans in a field outside Frederick, Maryland. It is the prelude to the Battle of Antietam. 1880 – The Basuto Gun War breaks out after the Basuto launch a rebellion against the Cape Colony. 1882 – Anglo-Egyptian War: The Battle of Tel el-Kebir is fought. 1898 – Hannibal Goodwin patents celluloid photographic film. 1899 – Henry Bliss is the first person in the United States to be killed in an automobile accident. 1899 – Mackinder, Ollier and Brocherel make the first ascent of Batian (5,199 m – 17,058 ft), the highest peak of Mount Kenya. 1900 – Filipino insurgents defeat a small American column in the Battle of Pulang Lupa, during the Philippine–American War. 1906 – The Santos-Dumont 14-bis makes a short hop, the first flight of a fixed-wing aircraft in Europe. 1914 – World War I: The Battle of Aisne begins between Germany and France. 1922 – The final act of the Greco-Turkish War, the Great Fire of Smyrna, commences. 1923 – Following a military coup in Spain, Miguel Primo de Rivera takes over, setting up a dictatorship. 1933 – Elizabeth McCombs becomes the first woman elected to the New Zealand Parliament. 1942 – World War II: Second day of the Battle of Edson's Ridge in the Guadalcanal Campaign. U.S. Marines successfully defeat attacks by the Japanese with heavy losses for the Japanese forces. 1944 – World War II: Start of the Battle of Meligalas between the Greek Resistance forces of the Greek People's Liberation Army (ELAS) and the collaborationist security battalions. 1948 – Deputy Prime Minister of India Vallabhbhai Patel orders the Army to move into Hyderabad to integrate it with the Indian Union. 1948 – Margaret Chase Smith is elected United States senator, and becomes the first woman to serve in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the United States Senate. 1953 – Nikita Khrushchev is appointed General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 1956 – The IBM 305 RAMAC is introduced, the first commercial computer to use disk storage. 1956 – The dike around the Dutch polder East Flevoland is closed. 1962 – An appeals court orders the University of Mississippi to admit James Meredith, the first African-American student admitted to the segregated university. 1964 – South Vietnamese Generals Lâm Văn Phát and Dương Văn Đức fail in a coup attempt against General Nguyễn Khánh. 1964 – Martin Luther King Jr. addresses a crowd of 20,000 West Berliners on Sunday, in Waldbühne. 1968 – Cold War: Albania leaves the Warsaw Pact. 1971 – State police and National Guardsmen storm New York's Attica Prison to quell a prison revolt, which claimed 43 lives. 1971 – Chairman Mao Zedong's second in command and successor Marshal Lin Biao flees China after the failure of an alleged coup. His plane crashes in Mongolia, killing all aboard. 1977 – General Motors introduces Diesel engine, with Oldsmobile Diesel engine, in the Delta 88, Oldsmobile 98, and Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser models amongst others. 1979 – South Africa grants independence to the "homeland" of Venda (not recognised outside South Africa). 1982 – Spantax Flight 995 crashes at Málaga Airport during a rejected takeoff, killing 50 of the 394 people on board. 1985 – Super Mario Bros. is released in Japan for the NES, which starts the Super Mario series of platforming games. 1986 – A magnitude 6.0 earthquake strikes Kalamata, Greece with a maximum Modified Mercalli intensity of X (Extreme), killing at least 20 and causing heavy damage in the city. 1987 – Goiânia accident: A radioactive object is stolen from an abandoned hospital in Goiânia, Brazil, contaminating many people in the following weeks and causing some to die from radiation poisoning. 1988 – Hurricane Gilbert is the strongest recorded hurricane in the Western Hemisphere, later replaced by Hurricane Wilma in 2005 (based on barometric pressure). 1989 – Largest anti-Apartheid march in South Africa, led by Desmond Tutu. 1993 – Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin shakes hands with Palestine Liberation Organization chairman Yasser Arafat at the White House after signing the Oslo Accords granting limited Palestinian autonomy. 1997 – A German Air Force Tupolev Tu-154 and a United States Air Force Lockheed C-141 Starlifter collide in mid-air near Namibia, killing 33. 2001 – Civilian aircraft traffic resumes in the United States after the September 11 attacks. 2007 – The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. 2007 – The McLaren F1 team are found guilty of possessing confidential information from the Ferrari team, fined $100 million, and excluded from the constructors' championship standings. 2008 – Delhi, India, is hit by a series of bomb blasts, resulting in 30 deaths and 130 injuries. 2008 – Hurricane Ike makes landfall on the Texas Gulf Coast of the United States, causing heavy damage to Galveston Island, Houston, and surrounding areas. 2013 – Taliban insurgents attack the United States consulate in Herat, Afghanistan, with two members of the Afghan National Police reported dead and about 20 civilians injured. 2018 – The Merrimack Valley gas explosions: One person is killed, 25 are injured, and 40 homes are destroyed when excessive natural gas pressure caused fires and explosions.
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dontdropthattuturu · 3 years
Henry Tilney is a bitch and i like him so much!!
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simpforsix · 3 years
Lorien Legacies Characters as things I’ve said
John: I just want to see what will happen! *sets hair on fire*
Five: I’m an evil little man!
Six: I have two lighters and a knife in my backpack. If someone breaks in I will fight them.
Marina: Sometimes I worry about myself but then I remember that I’ve already hit rock bottom.
Eight: Do you think if I do this it will be bad? Actually, never mind I don’t care. *does something stupid and gets hurt*
Nine: *gasps and throws hands in the air* I’m not dramatic!
Ella: *while in punk makeup* I’m baby!
Sam: I have memorized Harry Potter Trivia Pursuit. Try me bitch.
Sarah: I would be concerned but honestly I’ve seen worse.
Adam: Taking safety precautions is for pussies... please don’t tell my psychiatrist I said that.
Malcolm: Please don’t be concerned about how I know how to clean up blood. Just ignore it and move on.
Henri: I’m your father now. Wear sunscreen.
Bonus: Legacies Reborn
Nigel: My gaydar has never been wrong. One time I thought it was wrong but it turned out that I was ahead of the game. The gay-me if you will.
Caleb: Half my brain is stupid and the other half is trying to stop me from dying.
Taylor: Why do I want to move? Out of the place where conversion therapy is still legal? WHY DO I WANT TO MOVE??
Isabella: I used to be bullied for how tall I was. Who intimidates men now, bitches?
Ran: *talking about applesauce* This is evil and I can’t eat it.
Kopano: What would you do if I started eating this quilt right now? You come back and there’s just no quilt.
Nine: These are my children, and I would die for them. Also, I am unqualified for this job, why did you hire me?
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inky-duchess · 4 years
History Bites Special: The Six Queens
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This is the first in a long line of posts where I pick the best moments of history and the antics historical figures in order to give you inspiration for your WIP. Think of History Bites like prompts, only juicer and 90% accurate (results may vary) as I regale you with interesting tidbits about
On this day, Henry VIII died. Unlike last year, I won't be remembering Henry. We will be remembering the Queens and their achievements.
Katherine of Aragon was the daughter of Isabella of Castile, a power Queen Regnant. She lived to see the fall of the Moorish Empire in Spain and the treasures of the East Indies brought back by Christopher Columbus.
Katherine was almost wrecked at sea in her first journey to England. They fleet turned back and the second journey got her safely to England. The first thing she did was attend mass. During her journey, the King, Henry VII decided to go visit her early actually bursting into her chambers to see her.
After her first husband died, Katherine was proposed as a wife to his brother Henry. Her father refused to pay out her dowry, so the wedding was put off for years and years leaving Katherine in poverty as the King of Aragon and King of England basically had a pissing contest. Katherine sold off jewels in order to eat.
When Henry VIII went off to fight in France (another male ego pissing contest that achieved nothing), Katherine handed Scotland its biggest defeat in history. She led troops at Flodden, winning a battle where the Scottish King died. When she wrote to Henry as well as sending him the Scottish king's coat and banners, she mentioned that she had wanted to send the body of the king but the nobles were being pussies and said no. It may have been the shadiest letter of all the Tudor period.
Henry was actually terrified of what Katherine could do. When yelling at one of his advisers, he admitted that Katherine had a chance of beating him in battle. Katherine never did don armour and trample Henry in battle. A shame.
Anne Boleyn was two. Anne was raised abroad in the courts of France and the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, she served the shrewd Margaret of Austria who was fond of her. When Anne returned to English court, she was considered a catch because she was so clever and worldly.
Anne did catch the eye of another man, Henry Percy the son of the Duke of Northumberland. The two were deeply in love and it was rumoured that Percy was going to put aside his father's choice and marry Anne. Cardinal Wolsey broke it up and Anne was banished.
Anne was rather a deft hand at creating catchy and shady mottos. Her first was "Ainsi sera, groigne qui groigne,” which means “Grumble all you like, this is how it’s going to be".
Anne was quite sharp at times. She had her aunt, sister and the King's best friend banished from court. She wore yellow after hearing that Katherine of Aragon was dead, in a mockery of the Spanish mourning tradition. She ordered that the Princess Mary be stripped of her title and serve her own daughter as a maid.
Anne as quite determined. She held Henry off for seven years before agreeing to sleep with him, she stood up to him and the powerful men of the kingdom whenever they went against her and she saw the foundations of the Church of England being laid down due to her influence.
Anne also had a dog named Purkoy, who she adored. When the dog died, Henry had to tell her himself and she was distraught.
Jane Seymour was next. Jane is really debased as being pliant and rather dull when compared to Anne but Jane could be just just as bitchy. On the day Anne walked the scaffold to her death, Jane picked out her wedding clothes.
Jane reconciled Princess Mary and Henry. She acted as a catalyst in bringing them together. Henry yelled at her but in the end she had her way.
Jane begged for mercy for the rebels in the Pilgrimage of Grace. It was rather a ballsy move but she stuck to her guns until Henry reminded her of Anne's execution.
Anne of Cleves was four. Anne grew up in the Duchy of Cleves, her brother being the Duke and a member of the Protestant League. Anne was Henry's last choice of bride as he wanted a French Princess but they told him fuck off so his advisor Cromwell sent Hans Holbein, the court painter to paint the infamous portrait. Henry saw the picture and decided to marry her.
Like his father, Henry couldn't wait to see the bride. Dressing in disguise, Henry went to see Anne. He pressed a kiss on her and she recoiled. She hadn't a clue who he was. Henry left rather wounded, yelling that she looked like a horse and smelled bad.
Anne was oblivious that Henry was working against their marriage from day one. When speaking to her ladies, it became clear that nothing went down in the bedchamber. When she was sent away for her health, she was utterly flummoxed by a letter stating that their marriage was at an end. Anne wept but then picked herself up and took Henry to the cleaners. She got estate after estate from him and became the richest woman in England.
She survived all the Queens and Henry, living to see Mary I's ascension even riding in the coronation procession. She was particularly fond of Princess Elizabeth, even teaching her how to make pancakes so Elizabeth could care for herself.
Catherine Howard was five. She was just a child when Henry decided to chase her. He was not the first old sack of shit to molest (yes, it was. He and M*nnox were fucking wrong. Don't gimme that shit about the times.) Catherine was maid in waiting to Anne of Cleves when she was noticed by Henry. See a pattern here? And Catherine was Anne Boleyn's cousin to boot.
Catherine is usually portrayed as a flighty woman but in reality, Catherine could be quite kind. When hearing that old Countess Pole was in a draughty cell in the Tower, Catherine paid for clothes to be made for her to keep her warm.
When Catherine was in the Tower, she asked for the block to be brought to her so she could practice her execution. Before the axe fell, Catherine was rumoured to cry out, "I die a queen but I would rather die the wife if Culpepper," who was her alleged lover. It is probably myth but one can't help but wish she said it as a last fuck you to Henry.
Kathryn Parr was the last and certainly not least. She had been wed twice before Henry, her last husband dying only a few months before Henry began making eyes at her. Kathryn wanted to marry Thomas Seymour but out of duty married the King.
Kathryn ruled as Regent when Henry went off to France for ego reasons. She brought all the royal children together, mothering Elizabeth and Edward and acting as ally to Mary. She managed to convince Henry to reinstate the Princesses to the succession making them princesses again.
Kathryn was a reformer and scholar. She penned the first novel published by a woman in England. She studied theology, listening to sermons by the controversial preacher Anne Askew. Henry didn't like Kathryn questioning his opinions and drew up a warrant for her arrest. The warrant somehow found its way to Kathryn and she immediately went to Henry and began to repent all her "offenses" (her having an opinion). Henry forgave her. Kathryn was the only queen to survive Henry's displeasure and cling on to her position.
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bethanydelleman · 7 months
Northanger Abbey Readthrough Ch 17
Her whole happiness seemed at stake, while the affair was in suspense, and everything secured when it was determined that the lodgings should be taken for another fortnight.
I relate to this so much! I remember when I was younger making so much on a single event and thinking my world would be destroyed if it didn't work out. And Catherine is beginning to have some idea of what COULD happen:
Once or twice indeed, since James’s engagement had taught her what could be done, she had got so far as to indulge in a secret “perhaps,”
Unfortunately, the Tilneys are leaving! But
“Perhaps,” said Miss Tilney in an embarrassed manner, “you would be so good—it would make me very happy if—”
Now why is Miss Tilney embarrassed here? The rapidity of Isabella and Catherine's friendship has been contrasted with the more rational friendship of Eleanor and Catherine prior to this, and Catherine's expectation is nothing but correspondence, so I have an idea that it was just too soon in their friendship for such a big ask. Eleanor also knows that her father is plotting to get Catherine and Henry together, so I think both of those factors are making her hesitant to extend the invitation to Northanger.
Then we have another clue of the General's true character. As the mistress of Northanger, it should be Eleanor giving the invitation. We see this in Pride & Prejudice, when Darcy encourages Georgiana to invite Elizabeth and the Gardiners for dinner. However, instead of waiting for his daughter to proceed, the General steamrolls through and invites Catherine himself. Later, Eleanor will outright say:
I trust you will acquit me, for you must have been long enough in this house to see that I am but a nominal mistress of it, that my real power is nothing.
This shows that General Tilney is intruding in the female world and supplanting his daughter's authority as a woman. Interestingly, Henry Tilney also intrudes on the female world, especially with his famous love of muslins and his ability to pick fabric for his sister, but the way he does it is from a position of appreciation, not control. Henry even mocks the false superiority of men, attesting that just as many of them read novels (often dismissed as female trash) as serious books. Henry blurs gender lines, General Tilney makes the gender divide worse by imposing his will on the female world.
General Tilney's speech is also so Isabella Thorpe! Just more intelligently strung together, "we should leave it without a single regret... happy beyond expression," and the false depreciation of Northanger is all so hyperbolic. The effect of education is on display, but so is the similarity between their characters. Both use language to deceive.
The circumstances of the morning had led Catherine’s feelings through the varieties of suspense, security, and disappointment; but they were now safely lodged in perfect bliss; and with spirits elated to rapture, with Henry at her heart, and Northanger Abbey on her lips, she hurried home to write her letter.
Excuse me while I die of cuteness again!
Now, I have heard criticism of the Morland's decision to allow Catherine to travel to Northanger Abbey, given what happens at the end, but I can't say I agree. The Tilneys are a respected family and we know that Mr. Allen has inquired into their reputation. I also suspect that the General has never before sent a teenage girl 70 miles home unaccompanied, so it's not like anyone would have suspected something like that! The Morlands and Allens know each other well, it is sensible for Mr. Morland to respect Mr. Allens judgment (we as readers have no reason not to). So I give this decision a pass.
Her passion for ancient edifices was next in degree to her passion for Henry Tilney
This section is also so real:
It was wonderful that her friends should seem so little elated by the possession of such a home, that the consciousness of it should be so meekly borne.
The Tilney children certainly have extra, hidden-to-Catherine reasons for disliking their home at Northanger, but who among us has not been guilty of this ourselves! How many live right beside an attraction and have never visited it for some reason? Or fail to appreciate the cool things about their own home because they have become mundane? I remember visiting my friends' farms as children and being shocked that they didn't play in the hay barn every day, it was so fun! But humans can get used to anything.
Also, we learn that the abbey has been in the hands of the Tilneys since the Reformation, which is when King Henry VIII switched from Catholic to the Church of England. That means the Tilney family has held the abbey for about 250 years, so they are certainly not a newly wealthy family. I've always wondered why General Tilney had a profession, if he was a younger son or if it was a family tradition, though I suspect that both General Tilney and Captain Tilney are and were safely posted at home and never went abroad. It does fit with the General's controlling personality that he would force his children into professions, probably that he chose himself for them.
I've also heard that General Tilney's controlling personality and focus on punctuality can be blamed on his military background but I would like to shot that down as vicious slander against members of the military. I say this as an army brat myself, my dad served for 12 years, including a tour in former Yugoslavia.
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tinymiko · 3 years
Coffee and cream
Henry Cavill/ thick woman
Rough sex, swearing, road rage, one night stand lots of swearing seriously I have a filthy mouth
So this is the first time sharing here and the first fic like this I've ever written be gentle. Also it's 4:50am and I'm doing this on my phone so formatting sucks.
Coffee and cream
Henry waited in line at the Starbucks half tempted to take off the ball cap and hoody in order to rush the service. Taking a look at the crowd he quickly changed his mind, his mother always said patience was a virtue. Besides getting his coffee 2 minutes earlier wouldn’t make up for the crowd of fans who would inevitably detain him for at least thirty minutes. He loved his fans was grateful for them but sometimes he wished he could grab a cup of coffee without getting mauled.  
He scooted towards the rear wall hunching in on himself watching the people come through the doors enjoying watching people without them watching him. A rush of hot air blew in as the door opened again. A small woman walked in head down auburn curls swinging down to her back blocking his view of her face. He wasn’t sure why he wanted to see her face but he felt compelled to move forward eyes tracking her as she waited in line. She was striking  pale skin dark eyes, long lashes. She had small lips that seemed to be perpetually smiling. Henry moved closer. Close enough that he got a whiff of her perfume,, she smelled like coconuts and he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at his lips. No heavy floral perfume or overly sweet vanilla for the little lady. Coconuts was strangely appropriate, exotic sweet like her smile.
He shook his head and backed up wondering just what it was about this woman that had struck him so. She was pretty no doubt but not the most beautiful he’d seen, hell not even the most beautiful in the Starbucks. She had drawn attention though, more than a few eyes followed her. It wasn’t just that she was tiny barely reaching his chest she was undoubtedly a woman, thick and full. There were no gentle slopes or subtle curves on her. No the little doll was like a mountain road, round and dangerous curves. The sharp dip of her waist almost cartoonish in comparison to the ample hips and the swell of creamy breast. She was built like a brick shit house.
Henry was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice he had moved so close to her until she bumped into him. Her little hands steadying herself on his abs and he felt his gut clench in desire at the heat of her brief touch.
“ I’m so sorry sir, I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
“No I apologize, I hadn’t realized I was so close to you. I was a bit impatient for my coffee I guess.”  Henry took a deep breath when her brown eyes widened in recognition
“No worries it’s as much my fault as yours patience is a virtue I never possessed, especially not when coffee is involved. Besides it’s a hazard of being small sometimes people don’t see me down here.”
She smiled and then walked towards the pickup line grabbing a comically large Frappuccino. She walked back over to him handing him a grande caramel latte with Henry scrawled on the cup.
“I think this is you.” She told him an amused smirk on her face before she turned and walked away.
He stood for a moment just watching her go before chasing her out the door his long legs catching up to her quickly.
“ You know who I am?”
“ of course you’re huge dude plus a ball cap does not a disguise make.” The smirk was back on her face and Henry got the feeling she was laughing at him
“why didn’t you say anything?”
“ Because no one deserves to get attacked by fans before their first cup of coffee and you were practically crawling into your sweater trying to hide. Which is hard to do when you’re that big so kudos on that.”
Henry looked at her with disbelief before letting out a loud guffaw.
“Let me buy you a cup of coffee.”
“Already got one cutie besides I gotta go to work but enjoy your coffee. Also I loved you in the Witcher the wig really does it for you or does it for me however you want to take it.”
She climbed in a black SUV with a grunt that had him smilin, why did the smallest people drive the biggest cars.
“wait can I buy you dinner tonight. I'm in town for a few days training with Gracie.”
“The ju jitsu guy?” she asked.
“ yeah how’d you know?”
“I’m Puerto Rican we’re raised on boxing and MMA well that and dominoes. Anyways I really do have to go my boss is a hard ass and I’m already  late.”
“wait, just can you call in. I don’t know anyone here and I’d really like to thank you for not outing me.”
Isabella took a deep breath. She was really trying not to freak out. Henry fucking Cavill was talking to her! Asking her to dinner her plain little Isabella Sanchez. Of course she had immediately recognized him, who wouldn’t.  She had also recognized how hard he’d tried to blend into the walls and she felt sorry for him. How hard must it be for him to do anything without being mobbed. She was still trying to decide if it was worth hearing her boss's mouth when a group of girls came out of Starbucks. Unfortunately at that same moment Henry had taken off his cap to run his hands through his hair. The girls immediately squealed and rushed towards him. Not taking the time to think Isabella unlock the doors to her Suburban and yelled for him to get in. The car shook with the force of his body jumping in the passenger side and Isabella pulled the car in reverse tires squealing while she made an illegal turn onto the highway.
“ Wow thanks! I’ve never been actually been in a car chase.”
“that was hardly a car chase.” She said smiling
“Could have fooled me.” Henry muttered loudly.
“I could drive you back to the fangirls.”
“ no you’re a fantastic driver I didn’t fear for my life at all.”
Isabella snorted. So she had a lead foot she got him out of there before he could be molested by overly caffeinated fan girls.
“ I’m Isabella by the way.”
She held one hand towards him while quickly changing lanes and swerving around a slow driver.
“maybe you should keep both hands on the wheel.” He suggested with a dry chuckle. He was also not so discreetly putting on his seat belt. Isabella rolled her eyes. With his shoulders she wasn’t sure anything short of a head on collision would even jostle him.
20 minutes later they were pulling into his hotel and Henry had never been more glad to see a hotel in his life. The fact that the GPS has estimated their driving time at 40 minutes instead of the 20 minutes of near flying it took may have accounted for that. Isabella was sweet and funny and scary and the craziest driver he had ever had the displeasure of riding besides. He wasn’t sure how they had survived or how she hadn’t gotten arrested. She violated more laws than he had known existed cursing in English and Spanish at anyone that didn’t drive fast enough. So anyone driving the speed limit or below. He was a bit terrified of her, turned on to and he wasn’t sure what that said about him.
“ come up to the room well order room service besides I think I need some Dramamine”
“You can’t complain if you didn’t die that’s the rules .”
“I’m not sure I could complain if I did die.”
She snorted at his muttered words maybe she should have taken it easy on him but honestly she loved to drive loved the speed being higher than everyone else for once it was exhilarating.  She followed him to his room half worried half horny and wondered if she should be more concerned. She didn’t usually follow strange men to their hotel rooms. He had looked so panicked when those girls spotted him she couldn’t just abandon him.  She usually had good instincts about people and hers were saying he was a good person. of course her mind was telling her instincts she was thinking with her lady bits and well her lady bits weren’t thinking at all.
They ordered sandwiches and talked while they ate. Henry found himself telling her about his childhood about his love life or recent lack of and everything in between. Isabella was surprisingly easy to talk to. She wasn’t afraid to call him on his shit or to eat with gusto and he was glad. Hollywood and their   and gluten free salads were getting old. He missed comfort foods and comfortable people.  He laughed loudly as she told him about her uncle and father nearly getting into a fist fight over a game of dominoes how her aunt had forbidden the game since the “incident “ as everyone now called. Isabella called It hilarious and was still lamenting the lack of video footage of the two men dueling with canes while cursing up a storm. ( this actually happened)
It was nice really nice actually. He hadn’t felt so normal in years so when she stopped talking to take a drink he kissed her. Pulling her lush little body to him until she was straddling his lap. Her hips rocking against his hardness causing him to hiss.
He should stop he hadn’t meant to go this far but she felt so goddamn perfect in his arms. Squirming in his lap the heat of her cunt burning him through the jeans he was wearing. Fuck it he thought for once throwing caution to the wind. He wanted this wanted her. Isabella with her kind eyes and loud laughter her crazy road rage and gusto for life. It beckoned him a sirens call that he was lost to. He had spent years playing the game enjoying the fruits of fame. Had models and actresses all long limbed lithe all the same. Henry realized as he grabbed a handful of hips that it was like eating rice every day. It would keep you alive but was hardly living. Isabella this vibrant stranger was like a feast after years of famine.
 His hands traveled her back down to cup the fullness of her ass.  He pulled his mouth from hers to run his lips against her throat nipping at her jaw. She tasted like heaven sweet and salty and just fucking divine. Her fingers clawed at his back as ground herself harder against him he could feel her wet heat through the thin panties she wore. Her skirt uselessly rolled around her waist.
“Fuck Henry please”
Her pleas went straight to his cock and he ripped her blouse from her body tearing it in two leaving scraps hanging from her arms. Her nipples dusky rose and pebbled in his hand. He couldn’t help but suck one into his mouth before letting it go with a loud pop. She clenched her thighs and bucked her hips riding his Jean clad cock ferociously.
“You like little doll” he pulled the other nipple into his mouth sucking harder and she made little mewling noises. Dhe was going to be the death of him. He had known the second he had gotten into the car with her. He just hadn’t known she would ride him to death mewing like a kitten while fucking like the devil.
“more please harder"
Never one to deny a beautiful woman Henry pulled her still writhing body off him and tossed her bodily on the bed. She landed on the hard but he didn’t stop just ripped the rest of her clothes from her body. Before shoving his own off. Henry paused to look at her his gaze burning her body. The tattoo of a fiery heart on her hip the scar from an old belly piercing. Her glistening pussy just begging to be tasted. So he did he dived into the bed his weight  making her bounce a bit. Spreading her legs he passed his tongue over her slit. She squirmed trying to  close her legs but he held her thighs open scooting until she was trapped by his shoulders. Pinned beneath the massive girth of his muscular body. Every pass of his tongue sent a jolt between her legs. He plunged his tongue  in and out of her sopping hole fucking her with his tongue. Isabella screamed it was too much his weight his smell his touch everything was too much and she thought she might die of pleasure. He thrust two fingers into her cunt twisting and turning them while his tongue lapped at her clit. Her stomach clenched and her back arched obscenely  her breast jutting in the air and she convulsed the strength of her orgasm taking over her body. She shook with after shocks and Henry crawled up her body his face shiny with her slick.
Isabella felt her body tighten in response seconds before she was sure she was going to pass out but looking at his face covered in her juices his tongue darting out to catch errant drops. She was wet all over again. Pulling his face to hers she licked at the seam of his lips tasting herself. Her fingers ran through his curls and she tugged on them impatiently. In  answer he plunged into his bulbous head stretching her to capacity. He stopped halfway her little cunt so tight that he was afraid he’d hurt her if he fully sheathed himself. Henry could feel the sweat dripping down his head a vein in his neck bulged with the effort to keep still. He wouldn’t hurt her not after she’d been so kind no matter how much he wanted to let go. To fuck her into the mattress.
“ Fuck your so goddammit tight. I can’t fuck, we’re going to have to go slow little doll or I might hurt you. ”
Isabella took a deep breath slammed her hips forward fully sheathing him. She was full so full she could swear he was going to tear her in two but she needed it, need his big cock to fuck her into the wall.
“don’t you hold back don’t you fucking hold back.”
Fuck was all he could think when the tiny woman slammed her body down on him. He pushed into her his big hands holding her hips in a bruising grip as he pulled out to the tip than  slammed her body down his erection over and over. He had lost it. He knew he was holding her too tightly slamming her little body to strongly. The small part of his mind that still was coherent cursed his weakness even as he continued lifting her up before yanking  her down his cock till finally he felt his balls tighten. He wanted to make it good for her though the absolutely filthy sounds of him gliding in and out of her soaked cunt made him think it already was good for her. He managed to capture one luscious tit in his mouth biting hard to keep it as she thrashed screaming a second release and he roared incoherently feeling his seed fill her up he couldn’t help the smug smirk before finally collapsing on the bed. He had enough presence of mind to make sure she landed on top of him so he wouldn’t crush her then fell asleep.
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
Interesting that it happened in Spain, too
ferdinand, who was pushing for this marriage, too, seems to have made the point/in its defense, cited the case of two of his daughters marrying the same husband. i believe catherine’s ‘team’ once the GM materialized did the same. however, odd as it sounds, the levitical prohibition very specifically states that it applies to anyone who marries his “brother’s wife” (but not brother’s widow, technically, another point of catherine’s, although considering ‘marry’ is the verb here, was that really how the verse was meant to be taken? as an edict against bigamy but specifically of this sort? when it’s prohibited in another verse? so went henry’s ‘team’). the rest of the levitical verse makes no mention of marriages to your sister’s husband, this seems to have actually happened with alarming frequency in royal marriages, and notably philip ii believed it would be possible in his suit to wed elizabeth i. 
so, arguably the case of isabella and maria of aragon marrying the same man (namely, the second having issue, including sons) didn’t really apply...at least not as far as what henry’s argument was for his marriage’s invalidity. 
besides this very-recently discovered one, the only royal marriage i know that would have been a levitical prohibition was one of a royal of naples and his half-aunt in the 1490s. there was no issue from that one, but i don’t believe henry used the precedent. both actually have different caveats, which is interesting ("If a man has sexual relations with his aunt, he has dishonored his uncle. They will be held responsible; they will die childless.” vs” If a man marries his brother’s wife, it is an act of impurity; he has dishonored his brother. They will be childless.” ...so one has a proscribed but unspecific punishment, [’they will be held responsible’], an ascribed punishment from god of ‘they will die childless’, meaning there is no way to not, versus an ascribed punishment from god of they will ‘be childless’...meaning as long as the marriage is intact. tl; dr there’s a lot of skepticism about henry’s faith as it pertains to the GM in general, but campeggio didn’t judge him ‘as studied as any great theologian or jurist’ in the case for nothing)
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minervacasterly · 3 years
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Queen Mary (I) Tudor -The Woman behind the Legend of 'Bloody Mary'
"As Mary continued to face Protestant treason she became even more ruthless, with the infamous burnings intended to eliminate what she perceived as a stubborn and destabilising minority. In our context we see Mary's actions as those of a fanatic. In her context she was eliminating fanatics, and of the most dangerous kind, incorrigible rebels against God and queen. But Mary also had to work positively, to build a future, and this unravelled in the face of her infertility and declining health. She failed in her ultimate duty to produce a child and this meant, once again, that the wider family was key to the future. Mary's preferred choice as her heir, was Margaret Douglas, could not compete with the claims of Henry VIII's second daughter and, as Elizabeth took note, it was the knowledge that she would succeed her sister that fueled the disorder and rebellion against Mary. With the loss of Calais in the last year of Mary's life it would be easy for her enemies to paint the young, Protestant Elizabeth's accession as a brilliant new dawn. It is as such that it is still projected. Mary remains associated with her late seventeenth-century sobriquet 'Bloody Mary', and an infamous recent advertisement for the London Dungeon depicted her face transforming into a demon-zombie. Elizabeth, by contrast, has been played in films by a series of beautiful actresses: Elizabeth is ever Cate Blanchett, fairy queen, to Mary's bitter, grey-faced Kathy Burke. Yet these sisters were neither simple heroines nor villains. Both were rulers of their time and we can only understand Elizabeth if we see, as she did, what the Tudor sisters had in common and how she could learn from Mary's example. Most significant for Elizabeth was the fact that Mary's Protestant enemies had sought to redefine the nature of a 'true' king. They argued that religion was more important than blood, or victory in battles -a true king was Protestant- and that all women were by nature unsuited to rule over men. Elizabeth's response was to offer her ordinary subjects a theatrical representation of herself as a 'true' ruler: the seeds of which had been sown by Mary herself in her speech during the Wyatt revolt, in which she is a mother who loves her subjects as if they were her children. Here was a female authority figure accepted as part of the divine order." ~Leanda de Lisle, TUDOR
"The blackening of Mary's name began in Elizabeth's reign and gathered force at the end of the 17th century, when James II compounded the view that Catholic monarchs were a disaster for England. But it was really the enduring popularity of John Foxe which shaped the view of her that has persisted for 450 years. Attempts to soften her image have been made, but their tendency to depict her as a sad little woman who would have been better off as the Tudor equivalent of a housewife is almost as distasteful as the legend of Bloody Mary. To dismiss her life as nothing more than a personal tragedy is both patronizing and mistaken. One of the main themes of Mary's existence is the triumph of determination over adversity. She lived in a violent, intolerant age, surrounded by the intrigues of a time when men and women gambled their lives for advancement at court. Deceit, like ambition, was endemic among the power-seekers of mid-Tudor England who passed, in procession, through her life. Pride, stubbornness and an instinct for survival saw her through tribulations that would have destroyed a lesser woman. Her bravery put her on the throne and kept her there, so that when she died she was able to bequeath to Elizabeth a precious legacy that is often overlooked: she had demonstrated that a woman could rule in her own right. The vilification of Mary has obscured the many areas of continuity between her rule and those of the other Tudors. Today, despite the fact that much more is known about her reign, she is still the most maligned and misunderstood of English monarchs. For Mary Tudor, the first queen of England, truth has not been the daughter of time." ~Linda Porter, THE MYTH OF BLOODY MARY
"Foxe's account would shape the popular narrative of Mary's reign for the next four hundred and fifty years. Generations of schoolchildren would grow up knowing the first Queen of England only as "Bloody Mary", a Catholic tyrant who sent nearly three hundred Protestants to their deaths, a point made satirically in W. C. Sellar and R. J. Yeatman's 1930s parody 1066 and All That. Mary's presence in a recent survey of the most evil men and women in history is testament to Foxe's enduring legacy. But there is, of course, a different Mary: a woman marked by suffering, devout in her faith and exceptional in her courage. From a childhood in which she was adored and feted and then violently rejected, a fighter was born. Her resolve almost cost her her life as her father, and then her brother, sought to subjugate her to their wills. Yet Mary maintained her faith and self-belief. Despite repeated attempts to deprive her of her life and right to the throne, the warrior princess turned victor and became the warrior princess turned victor and became the warrior queen. The boldness and scale of her achievements are often overlooked. The campaign that Mary led in the summer of 1553 would prove to be the only successful revolt against central government in sixteenth-century England. She, like her grandfather Henry VII and grandmother Isabella of Castile, had to flight for her throne. In the moment of crisis she proved decisive, courageous, and "Herculean" -and won the support of the English people as the legitimate Tudor heir. Mary was a conscientious, hardworking queen who was determined to be closely involved in government business and policy making. She would rise "at daybrea when, after saying her prayers and hearing mass in private," she would "transact business incessantly until after midnight." As rebels thereatend teh capital in January 1554 and she was urged to flee, Mary stood firm and successfully rallied Londoners to her defense. She was also a woman who lived by her conscience and was prepared to die for her faith. And she expected the same of others. Her religious defiance was matched by a personal infatuation with Phililp, her Spanish husband. Her love for him and dependence on her "true father", the Emperor Charles V, was unwavering. Her determination to honor her husband's will led England into an unpopular war with France and the loss of Calais. There was no fruit of the union, and so at her premature death there was no Catholic heir. Her own phantom pregnancies, together with epidemics and harvest failures across the country, left her undermined and unpopular. Her life, always one of tragic contrast, ended in personal tragedy as Philip abandoned her, never to return, even as his queen lay dying. In many ways Mary failed as a woman but triumphed as a queen. She ruled with the full measure of royal majesty and achieved much of what she set out to do. She won her rightful throne, married her Spanish prince, and restored the country to Roman Catholicism. The Spanish marriage was a match with the most powerful ruling house in Europe, and the highly favorable marriage treaty ultimately won the support of the English government. She had defeated the rebels and preserved the Tudor monarchy. Her Catholicism was not simply conservative but influenced by her humanist education and showed many signs of broad acceptance before she died. She was an intelligent, politically adept, and resolute monarch who proved to be very much her own woman. Thanks to Mary, John Aylmer, in exile in Switzerland, could confidently assert that "it is not in England so dangerous a matter to have a woman ruler, as men take it to be." By securing the throne following Edward's attempts to bar both his sisters, she ensured that the crown continued along the legal line of Tudor succession. Mary laid down other important precedents that would benefit her sister. Upon her accession as the first queen regnant of England, she redefined royal ritual and law, thereby establishing that a female ruler, married or unmarried, would enjoy identical power and authority to male monarchs. Mary was the Tudor trailblazer, a politiccal pioneer whose reign redefined the English monarchy." ~Anna Whitelock, MARY TUDOR: PRINCESS, BASTARD, QUEEN
Furthermore, as the country shifted from Catholicism to Protestantism, people began to find it easier to vilify her. During the Victorian age, England was at its height. People would say that the sun never set on the English Empire, and as a result, there was a growing sense of nationalism. Previously beloved figures like Queen Elizabeth I, Kings Edward III, Henry V, among others, were no longer kings and queens for people to admire and look upon but national symbols of pride, who were almost god-like. Edward III's victories against the French, Henry V's conquest of France, Elizabeth's Protestantism and victory against Spain with the Spanish Armada and other Catholic rivals, were extolled, and glorified, while Mary I's foreign ancestry was looked down upon. Ironically, all of these monarchs were also foreign in one way or another. You can say that Queen Elizabeth I wasn't because her parents were English, but what about her paternal ancestry, or her maternal one? No matter which way you look at it, she had foreign ancestry as much as any monarch. In fact, the Victorian era's own monarch, was of foreign descent as well! Victoria wasn't even an English name. She was named after her mother, Victoria of the Saxe-Coburg clan who was German and she married her cousin, who was also German. It was very common for royals to marry other royals, which meant that their offspring would be of foreign descent. In Mary's time this wouldn't be a reason to look down on her, on the contrary, she could point to her royal ancestors, be they foreign or not, with pride as a sign of how much royal blood flowed through her veins, making her eligible to be her father's heir. But as it has been pointed out before, times change and with it, so does our view of every historical figure.
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thehammondlegacy · 3 years
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Hammond Palace - 4 pm.
Henry: Bellie! I thought you weren’t coming this week. That’s a very short dress, dear!
Isabella: I wasn’t, but I got some news from my sister’s boyfriend saying that you offered her the title of Princess Royal, but I thought he must have heard wrong cause that’s not possible right? You know, cause I’m your eldest daughter after Maggie.
Henry: Well...
Isabella: I knew it!! How can you do this to me?!
Henry: Please, dear. It’s not what you think.
Isabella: Really? Then why would my younger sister get the title that should go to me?!
Henry: Because she has earned it, dear.
Isabella: What?! How?! She’s not even attended any engagement!
Henry: Why don’t you sit so we can discuss this calmly?
Isabella: Why should I? There is nothing else to discuss!
Henry: Isabella, sit!
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Henry: You are my eldest daughter after Maggie, that’s true, but you haven’t been working lately and I’m worried you won’t change that, dear.
Isabella: I’ve been attending engagements overseas for you! Isn’t that working?
Henry: Not when it also entails staying an extra week on your destination to party and shop.
Isabella: I have friends overseas, what should I do? Say no to celebrate their birthdays?
Henry: No, but did you have to stay for a whole week? 
Isabella: Fine, I’ll give you that one! But why does Emmie deserve the title more than I do?
Henry: Your sister may not attend as many engagements as you do, but she has 250 patronages to which she helps every month. She has also decided to dedicate her life to the realm by saving lives. I wanted to give her something so she and Elijah could stay with us and also reward her hard work.
Isabella: Could it also be that she is your favourite? 
Henry: You know I don’t have a favourite. This has been decided by Maggie and I. We both agreed Emmie deserved it, not because she is better than you, but because she has earned it.
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Isabella: Of course Margaret was involved in all this! You just care about what your precious Bunny thinks and you didn’t even cared about how much I care about this title! 
Henry: This is useless, Bellie. I’m not giving the title to Emmanuelle and I’m not giving it to you either.
Isabella: Wait a minute, if you are not giving it to her, then who are you saving the title for?
Henry: Well-
Isabella: No!! You are saving the title for someone who hasn’t be born yet??!! This is ridiculous!!
Henry: Isabella-
Isabella: No!! I’m sick of this! I’m sick of being ignored by this family!! I always do what you say! I always follow the rules!! Why can’t you reward that?
Henry: You are not getting the title, but I have a big job for you.
Isabella: What?!
Henry: You did a great job with your sister’s wedding, dear. And both Maggie and I have decided you should take care of the planning of every royal event from now on. Also, when Margaret’s daughter gets older enough to get the title, you are the one who will train her to become the best Princess Royal. I know it’s not the same as having the title, but you and I know how important that role is, and because I’m hoping my sister doesn’t die before me, I rather save it.
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Isabella: So I have to plan every event while my sister and brothers shine?
Henry: Darling, you shine as well, and sometimes even more than anyone in this family. 
Isabella: That’s not true. 
Henry: It is true. And everyone will know that you planned every event. You’ll plan your sister’s coronation, your nephew’s wedding and many more important events. You will make history by becoming the first female royal to plan a coronation!
Isabella: I thought mama planned yours.
Henry: She supervised it, but she didn’t planned it. I’m telling you, Bellie, you are amazing at orginizing events! This is your role within the family.
Isabella: So that’s what I’m going to do?
Henry: Well, there’s something else we need to plan. Just to be ready.
Isabella: No! I’m not doing that! I’m not planning your funeral!
Henry: Dear, listen-
Isabella: No!! You cannot ask me this!! I’m your daughter and, when that happens, I don’t want to be supervising everything!! I want to be with my family!!
Henry: Alright, alright... I’ll ask someone else. I just wanted to have it done by someone I trust, but I understand. However, I need you to promise me that you will make peace with your sisters. I can’t bare the idea of you not getting along once I’m gone.
Isabella: You are not dying, papa. 
Henry: We are all dying, darling.
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cristinborgia · 3 years
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Catherine had four pregnancies and they all came to fruition with healthy children being born to adulthood.
Francis II of France- he was king of France for almost 30 years and considered a peacemaker king, succeeding in making peace with countries like Spain and England that had been in combat against the French since the reign of Francisco I.
Francisco married Leonor D’Este, one of the offspring Alfonso d'Este and Lucrezia Borgia. Francisco and Leonor had seven children, but only four would reach childhood and three died before the age of five:
Lucrezia of France (1526-1569) was queen of Poland when she married Seguismundo II of Poland. They had a son in common, Alexander II of Poland.
Felipe VII of France (1528-1581) was King of France for six years and was called “Felipe el loco” because of his delusions, his thirst for revenge and his mood swings. He died of malnutrition and was succeeded by his brother, Enrique.
Henry II of France (1529-1599) was king of France after succeeding his older brother, Philip VII and was considered an intelligent king, but not very sociable and cold-tempered. He married María Manuela from Portugal, having nine children with her.
Mary of Francia (1532-1588) was Princess of Wales when she married the heir to the crown, Enrique Tudor son of Enrique VIII of England who was the ex-husband of her grandmother, Catherine of Aragon. The couple had five children, but only two reached adulthood.
Margaret of France- she was queen consort of Denmark by marrying King Christian III of Denmark. Margarita was considered a beautiful woman like her mother, but she was more ambitious and flirtatious and she was a great influence on her husband.
It was a great influence for her children, especially for her son Henry I of Denmark and when he ascended to the throne upon the death of Cristian III in 1559, Margarita was his regent, but only four months after the death of her husband, the queen contracted smallpox and died shortly after at 44 years of age.
Her constant visits to her conjugal bed with her husband led to her giving birth to ten children, but two of these would die in infancy.
Henry I of Denmark (1536-1573) was King of Denmark and the first of his name to reign for 14 years. He was the adored son of his mother and was almost always by her side, being her greatest support. Enrique married his aunt, Dorotea from Denmark with whom he only had one son, Enrique. In his second nuptials he married his niece, Catherine of Denmark, with whom he had three children.
Stephen of Denmark (1538-1600) was a cardinal in Denmark, known as "The White Cardinal".
Christopher of Denmark (1541-1589) died single and without issue.
Alexandra of Denmark (1542-1590) remained single.
Carlota María of Denmark (1543-1563) was Princess of Asturias when she married Felipe of Austria, son of Felipe II of Spain. Charlotte bore two children to the prince, Alexander and Catherine, future queen consort of Denmark.
Catherine of Denmark (1545-1603) married her uncle Juan, the Younger, and they had a son, Juan.
Isabel Carolina (1549-1589) nun.
Charles of France- He was Duke of Brittany from his birth until his death. He was considered a good administrator of his territories, but also a casanova having different lovers and illegitimate children.
Carlos died in 1561 at 43 years of age from a hunting accident when he was shot with an arrow in the chest by one of his close friends.
He married Ana de Lorena and they both had five children, but only two would reach adulthood.
Philip of France (1538-1604) was Duke of Brittany on the death of his father. He morganatically married his mistress, Diana, with whom he had four children and all were legitimized by Francis II.
Anne Mauricia (1540-1577) she married the little brother of the Duke of Suffolk Henry Brandon, Charles Brandon and with him she had two daughters.
Isabella of France- she was Duchess of Viseu by marrying her nephew, Leonardo of Portugal, the only son of Duchess Maria of Portugal and her husband.
She was more the tutor than the wife of Leonardo helping him with the administration and expenses made by the Duchy of Viseu.
Isabella had a good life with her husband until he passed away in 1588, leaving the princess a widow. Isabella survived two more years until she died in 1590 at the age of 68 from a cardiac arrest.
Despite the great age difference between her fiancées, Isabella managed to give her husband three children:
Juan (1554-1620) was Duke of Viseu at the death of his father. He married Elena of Habsburg with whom he had two daughters, Elena and Ana.
María Carolina (1555-1605) was betrothed to her uncle, Felipe II of Spain to be her last wife, but the king ended up rejecting her because of her delicate health. She shortly after she became a nun.
Catalina Mariana (1559-1623) was Duchess of Parma when she married Alejandro Farnese and they both had six children.
Catalina tuvo cuatro embarazos y todos llegaron a buen termino naciendo niños saludables que llegaron a edad adulta.
Francisco II de Francia- Fue rey de Francia por casi 30 años y considerado como un rey pacificador logrando hacer la paz con países como España e Inglaterra que habían estado en combate contra los franceses desde el reinado de Francisco I.
Francisco se caso con Leonor D’Este, uno de los vástagos Alfonso d'Este y Lucrecia Borgia. Francisco y Leonor tuvieron siete hijos, pero solo cuatro llegarían a la infancia y tres murieron antes de los cinco años:
Lucrecia de Francia (1526-1569) fue reina de Polonia al casarse con Seguismundo II de Polonia. Tuvieron un hijo en común, Alejandro II de Polonia.
Felipe VII de Francia (1528-1581) fue rey de Francia por seis años y fue llamado “Felipe el loco” por sus delirios, su sed de venganza y cambios de humor. Falleció victima de desnutrición siendo sucedido por su hermano, Enrique.
Enrique II de Francia (1529-1599) fue rey de Francia tras suceder a su hermano mayor, Felipe VII y fue considerado como un rey inteligente, pero poco sociable y de carácter frío. Se caso con María Manuela de Portugal teniendo con ella nueve hijos.
María de Francia (1532-1588) fue princesa de Gales al casarse con el heredero a la corona, Enrique Tudor hijo de Enrique VIII de Inglaterra quien era el exmarido de su abuela, Catalina de Aragón. La pareja tuvo cinco hijos, pero solo dos llegaron a edad adulta.
Margarita de Francia- Fue reina consorte de Dinamarca al casarse con el rey Cristian III de Dinamarca. Margarita era considerada una mujer bella como su madre, pero era mas ambiciosa y coqueta siendo una gran influencia para su marido. Fue una gran influencia para sus hijos, en especial para su hijo Enrique I de Dinamarca y cuando este ascendió al trono a la muerte de Cristian III en 1559, Margarita fue su regente, pero tan solo cuatro meses después de la muerte de su marido, la reina contrajo viruela falleciendo poco después a los 44 años de edad.
Sus constantes visitas al lecho conyugal junto a su marido lograron que ella alumbrara a diez hijos, pero dos de estos morirían en la infancia.
Enrique I de Dinamarca (1536-1573) fue rey de Dinamarca y el primero de su nombre reinado por 14 años. Fue el hijo adorado de su madre y casi siempre estuvo a su lado siendo ella su mas grande apoyo. Enrique se caso con su tía, Dorotea de Dinamarca con la cual solo tuvo un hijo, Enrique. En segundas nupcias se caso con su sobrina, Catalina de Dinamarca con la cual tuvo tres hijos.
Esteban de Dinamarca (1538-1600) fue cardenal en Dinamarca siendo conocido como “El cardenal blanco”.
Cristóbal de Dinamarca (1541-1589) murió soltero y sin descendencia.
Alejandra de Dinamarca (1542-1590) permaneció soltera.
Carlota María de Dinamarca (1543-1563) fue princesa de Asturias al casarse con Felipe de Austria, hijo de Felipe II de España. Carlota le dio dos hijos al príncipe, Alejandro y Catalina, futura reina consorte de Dinamarca.
Catalina de Dinamarca (1545-1603) se caso con su tío Juan, el Joven y tuvieron un hijo, Juan.
Isabel Carolina (1549-1589) monja.
Carlos de Francia- Fue duque de Bretaña desde su nacimiento hasta su muerte. Fue considerado un buen administrador de sus territorios, pero también un casanova teniendo diferentes amantes e hijos ilegítimos. Carlos falleció en el año 1561 a los 43 años de edad por un accidente de caza al ser disparado con una flecha en el pecho por uno de sus amigos cercanos.
Se caso con Ana de Lorena y ambos tuvieron cinco hijos, pero solo dos llegarían a edad adulta.
Felipe de Francia (1538-1604) Fue duque de Bretaña a la muerte de su padre. Se caso de manera morganática con su amante, Diana con la cual tuvo cuatro hijos y todos fueron legitimados por Francisco II.
Ana Mauricia (1540-1577) Se caso con el hermano pequeño del duque de Suffolk Henry Brandon, Charles Brandon y con el tuvo dos hijas.
Isabella de Francia- Fue duquesa de Viseu al casarse con su sobrino, Leonardo de Portugal, hijo único de la duquesa María de Portugal y su marido. Fue mas la tutora que la esposa de Leonardo ayudándolo con la administración y los gastos hechos por el ducado de Viseu.
Isabella tuvo una buena vida al lado de su marido hasta que este falleció en el año 1588 dejando a la princesa viuda. Isabella sobrevivió dos años mas hasta que falleció en el 1590 a los 68 años de un paro cardiaco.
Pesé a la gran diferencia de edad entre los prometidos, Isabella logro darle a su marido tres hijos:
Juan (1554-1620) Fue duque de Viseu a la muerte de su padre. Se caso con Elena de Habsburgo con la cual tuvo dos hijas, Elena y Ana.
María Carolina (1555-1605) fue prometida con su tío, Felipe II de España para ser su ultima esposa, pero el rey acabo rechazándola por su delicada salud. Poco después se convirtió en monja.
Catalina Mariana (1559-1623) fue duquesa de Parma al casarse con Alejandro Farnesio y ambos tuvieron seis hijos.
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