#i would lose my marbles
I hope to see more of your Optimus ghost au
maybe something went wrong when Optimus got sent to the real world and still had some ghostly attributes?
I meant to answer this forever ago, but alas, life is a thing. ANYWAY here it is! The continuation of this post I intended to make two eternities ago.
Previous part here.
Bad Habits
Optimus spent almost a half a vorn as nothing more than a wandering spirit. He grew accustomed to it and had exactly zero issues with his situation after a time and was rather content with himself after the emotions of mortality faded in favor of boredom. It was a dull existence, but not without its perks.
Spending so long as a ghost allowed his attachment to mortal emotions to fade to a degree. He no longer felt his emotions as strongly and instead found himself unconcerned with things, preferring instead to make commentary on it and watch from a distance. He came to enjoy being able to float wherever he desired without need for sustenance or rest after the longing passed. He was particularly fond of being able to think of a mech and transport directly to their location so he could watch and comment as he pleased.
By the time he arrived on earth to oversee Bumblebee's attempts to deal with the Decepticon influence there, and later the Fallen, he was completely at peace with his situation. It was boring, but Bee's companions were entertaining enough to keep him engaged. Then of course the other Primes dragged him from his peaceful existence and right in front of Bee and his team, wrapped him in a mortal frame once more, even going so far as the shove the Matrix in his chassis again.
It was so sudden and it hurt. He was certain that throughout the process he was screaming so loudly that if he weren't being remade, he would have damaged something. It was agony and when the work was done he could only fall to the ground limply, unable to move as he was forced to adjust to living again. Venting suddenly became a concious choice, touch and sensation were so overwhelming as to be painful, and he had no control of his field or even his basic biology. It had been too long and he had long forgotten the finer details of how to operate in a mortal body.
Bumblebee and his team were of course quick to assist, but Optimus merely flinched and groaned as they hauled him to his pedes only for him to be as clumsy as a newspark. Micronus spoke plainly, demanding Optimus end the Fallen himself and going on about how Optimus's frame was infused with the strength of all the Primes or something along those lines. He was too tired and overwhelmed to process much and so promptly passed out from sheer data overload.
When he woke he spent days slowly and rather painfully relearning the most basic of skills, ranging from walking to speaking. He could tell Bee was worried and that his team were disappointed and concerned. Optimus paid them little mind and focused himself on his task, opting not to be around the team as much as he could so as to not make a mistake. It was difficult adjusting, but he managed to fight the Fallen fairly well by relying on the Matrix to guide his steps and take partial control of his frame where he no longer had mastery.
However once the battle was over and Optimus was left without much to do, the oddities and issues that came from his almost half a vorn floating around as a ghost came to light rather quickly. The most obvious issue Optimus dealt with was the fact that he needed to be around other mecha again. He had always watched and commented on what went on around him, it was his method of coping. However now that he was living again, he quickly came to the realization that the personality he developed for himself to get by would no longer work in a social setting.
He hardly noticed at first when he would stand around, watching blankly as Bee and his team worked. He only realized how odd he must have seemed when he received fearful glances that spoke of worry for their performance in return for his staring. In those instances he often walked away without a word, regularly finding himself confused when he felt any actual strain to his movements before remembering that he was mortal once more. He also found himself not touching anything, just... standing and observing, reading over the shoulders of others instead of collecting a book by himself. The team were too unnerved to comment and so allowed the behavior and endured Optimus musings as he spoke as if no one could hear him.
Optimus wandered any and all parts of the base, uncaring of social norms and customs or even privacy. When he grew bored, he would walk the halls and enter into any room he felt like exploring, often walking straight into a wall expecting to pass through before he tried the doors instead. Bee and his team quickly learned to lock their doors at night so that Optimus wouldn't meander right on in without a care in the world. However sometimes that didn't stop him from being unnerving as he would pace up and down the halls singing songs and making all sorts of very bitter commentary.
He was not asked to do much save for rest and recover and to focus on reorienting himself. Thus Optimus continued with life as if he was still but a ghostly specter since nothing was expected of him. He watched, he wandered, and he tried in vain a great many times to transport back to Cybertron to check in on Megatron and Knockout as he would have as a spirit.
There were other things beyond his simple inability to socialize. Optimus hardly rested and when he felt any sort of strain he was always left startled and confused as to what to do. He completely forgot about fueling for nearly a week and was confused as to what was wrong with his frame before Bee handed him an energon cube looking more concerned that Optimus forgot that he needed fuel more so than his lack of fueling. Not only that, but Optimus tended to walk everywhere, never transforming and never running. He just walked without a care in the world even when there were actual issues that required speed to be seen to. He was only reminded of his alt-mode when the team yelled at him to transform when he got caught up in a fight by tailing the team.
Pain was one of those odd things he never really understood after being restored. He knew it well while he lived, but upon his restoration every wound was a stark and noticeable thing. Even the slightest trip could have him holding back a scream as pain and damage reports flooded his processors. The team didn't understand, and neither did Optimus. They stopped bringing him on missions shortly after his battle with the Fallen because of his oddities. He didn't mind much.
Optimus also just... didn't recharge. He needed it, but he wouldn't rest until he passed out cold without meaning to. He would spend days going without any recharge simply because he was unused to it and preferred being up and about so he could continue to watch. It frightened Bee and his team to find Optimus stalking silently, watching and waiting as they worked. Sometimes the Prime would sit in total silence on top of the cars in the junkyard, commenting and laughing as they trained or busied themselves. He was generally left alone due to how freaky his action were, however Optimus was startled when one outraged Sideswipe had enough of his words and addressed him where the others were too nervous to do so.
Optimus: How very disappointing.
Sideswipe: What?
Optimus: During the war even the youngest of soldiers could throw a right hook correctly. What happened to the teachings of warriors? Did it fade from the veins of Cybertron now that peace has been granted?
Sideswipe: Hey-!
Optimus: Look at that, now the youngling is upset. No self control at all. He won't last a day in an actual battlefield.
Optimus: .... Apologies.
The Prime looked genuinely shocked to be addressed and that was the final nail in the coffin. Optimus stopped talking entirely and fell silent, instead continuing to hover and watch. He pulled away from everyone with a cold apathy that left the team fearful of something that wasn't there. It was during this time that the lingering aspects of Optimus's long time as a wandering ghost began to become obvious to the team.
Before they refused to ask, chalking Optimus's oddities up to him getting used to living again. But now that they looked, they could see everything.
Optimus was unusually quiet for a mech of his size, to the point where it made no sense whatsoever. It was as if the world itself refused to acknowledge he was there. Every movement was near silent, his plating hardly ever making a noise and his steps obscured by a strange calm that made it impossible to locate the Prime with hearing alone. Even his colors felt muted at times, his frame almost blending into the background because of some strange force that decided Optimus was not allowed to be noticed unless he wished for it.
It was odd, very odd, and highly concerning. Thus without any idea what to do, Bumblebee took the initiative to call upon Ratchet for aid, a call that was also answered by Megatron the moment the former warlord heard that Optimus was restored. All the while Optimus continued to watch, to wait, and observe. Silent as ever and content to remain a simple wraith, forgotten by the living and exiled from the ranks of the dead.
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1004tyun-archive · 1 year
CRYSTAL IMMA HAVE TO WATCH YOUR VIDS LATER BUT- look at this im gonna cry, the last vid with the girl sliding down the steps?????? why can't that be me-
OMFG i saw this on my fyp yesterday and i was so shocked they were really out here taking a field trip with txt as the background characters 😭
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starsillys · 6 months
clicks for better quality methinks:3 (I am going crazy)
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Also I forgot to mention yesterday I got this little ,, little fucken children’s bath toy that lights up different colors when you touch it and it was a very big impulse buy um,,, I love u jade the jellyfish
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Also,, um rr,,, Sonny (imo I think it is) drawings WHAT I think he took on the form of that you censor box in the new beginnings story and just. Slowly distorted himself over time to appear more humanoid in denial of being entrapped in a computer as a formless lifeless entity
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theminecraftbee · 11 months
-slamming bolt upright in a cold sweat- what do you mean verbal contracts cleo. what do you MEAN verbal contracts cleo. artists if you're doing commercial work you're A) charging much higher rates and B) making them SIGN A CONTRACT, right? right? you understand why that's VITAL, right? why having a written contract is VITAL for commercial work? you understand? you make them sign a written contract? please if you go looking in proper artist/graphic design circles i'm sure you can find a basic form that's legal in your locality and doesn't require you talk to a lawyer but if you're doing commercial work you're MAKING THEM SIGN A CONTRACT RIGHT--
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gatoburr0 · 3 months
She’s such a good mother figure it makes me cry.
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Quick something because my brain has rotted to a degree.
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stormyoceans · 3 months
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tategaminu · 1 year
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"Keep my boyfriend out of your f***ing boat”
I'm pretty sure this mofo Finnegron (I'm not bothering remembering his name) is the one who kidnaps and beats Callum up so I hope Rayla whips his ass.
What if- WHAT IF. He asks her to fight in the arena again giving Callum in exchange for winning. She didn't win in the short story because she got discracted cuz Callum but maybe she will win now because he wants to save him! her weakness being her strenght now!
I doubt it will happen but It sounds angsty enough and I like it
Either way she gonna be insane trying to save him.
Edit: it ended up being the other way but I'm happy.
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skelelephant · 6 months
hello artist who wants to make a genderbent au of a male-dominated piece of media. In front of you, you’ll see a copy of Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Fienberg and a google image search for the word “butch”.
You have two hours to come up with designs for some of these characters that aren’t femme. If you can’t accomplish this, your drawing hand will be removed from your person.
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jentlemahae · 1 year
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littlefankingdom · 1 month
Everytime something happens in France in a comic, I realize how little researches comics writers do. And like, if they are this bad with my western country, how bad it is with third-world countries they talk about???
In Nightwing (2016), Raptor is from a circus that was near Paris during Mary Grayson's childhood, so more than 40 years ago at least.
In this flashback, they accuse the mayor of Paris of having given leprosy to the romani and of keeping away the meds they need. Already, with our healthcare's system, it's hardly possible, as they would be able to go to a hospital to get the help they need. Do they think "public healthcare" means the state has a direct control on medication, because that's not the case at all. The French gov control the money put into medication, how much is bought, but a mayor has no power over this. I just don't understand how something like this could happen. You can totally write a racist medical scandal in France, but makes it make sense with our system.
But also, Paris didn't have a mayor until 1977, so if it's before 1977, impossible. And, Paris' mayor from 1977 to 1995 is JACQUES CHIRAC, who was the PRESIDENT after. They wrote a story implying that a French President kept medications away from sick people, was discovered and was still elected President. And, yes, the French government is far from good and they have deeply harmed the romani, but like, maybe don't write shit like that. (Also, Chirac was really against the war of Iraq, and stood up against the US, which France is still paying the price for to this day. So I don't really like an USAmerican to criticize Chirac. Like, we can do it, others can do it, but not USAmericans, y'all have done enough) I'm pretty sure that wasn't the goal of the writers. No, what happen is that they didn't do researches about Paris' mayor and so, wrote that shit.
This may be inspired by the contaminated blood's scandal in the 80s-90s, which was worst in France, but no mayor was found guilty, it was doctors who knowingly contaminated patients with a deadly illness. And the French government was held accountable, even if they had no hand in it, as a matter of principle.
I understand it's a fiction, and they didn't literally wrote "Chirac did this", but it's kind of clumsy. (Especially because of everything I wrote earlier about Chirac's politics and how the US is still punishing France for being against killing civilians and destroying Iraq. France was doing the right thing, and the US worked so France would go back in line and treat Arabs like shit. Do not think western countries are free from the US' imperialism)
And in no way I'm saying that you cannot write France being awful, I know my gov's crimes (rn, they have deported homeless out of Paris for the Olympics, the President is refusing to acknowledge the left won the elections and to take a leftist prime minister so we have no prime minister since mid July and fuck democracy I guess, they support Israel's crimes against humanity, and are behaving like the colonizers that they are in New-Caledonia, sending the armies against the Kanaks that have not enough power on their own land), I'm just saying it should at least be believable enough to work. (Easiest way: make the cops racist. Boom. Also, French cops talk like vilains, it's insane.) And also, not about someone touchy like clumsily painting badly a president that was punished by the US for doing the right thing.
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teenytinyapprentice · 2 years
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Luke is finally... FINALLY forklift certified everyone!!! I am going BANANAS over the level 5 vision stream ghkjfg NWOS is going to teach me how to draw weird robots if it kills me apparently so I better just hit the ground running and start figuring it out now (and how to draw their new looks of course hehe;;)
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bitternace · 6 months
Xemnas and Xigbar for 37 if that number hasn't been done? If it has, how about 74?
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no puedo pedirle lo eterno a un simple mortal // ay, todo lo que he hecho por ti.
[ID: a mostly black and white drawing with a purple overlay of xigbar and xemnas shown from the hip up on the left side of the image. the background is black and has some diagonal lines with a bit of transparency on the right side. the shadows are harsh, with only a bit of light falling on their faces.
they stand before each other turned to the audience. xigbar, holds the handle and the middle of No Name before him, head tilted down as he looks to the audience. xemnas stands a full head taller behind xigbar, his left hand held some distance below the bladed tip of No Name, his left eye is covered by his fringe.
xemnas visible eye is painted ochre with a white pupil, while xigbar's eye is white and gold. The eyes on no name's handle and the gazing eye on the blade are a vibrant cyan. the caption reads the spanish lyrics "i can't ask a simple mortal for a forever" and "oh, everything i've done for you." /End ID.]
close-up under keep reading.
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#capisnotonfire#PUTS MY HAND TO MY STERNUM AND FALLS TO THE FLOOR ON MY KNEES /affectionate#warning to whoever might open the link; there's a slightly suggestive several 'ay's at the beginning porque shakira it's also bass heavy#OBJECTIVELY THE FUNNIEST SONG THAT COULD'VE COME UP. it's the gift that keeps on giving!!#this specific remix's been on my top list... several years; top five for a couple. i've loved it forever. top radio edits ever.#it's basically about a guy that makes up excuses to hide he's cheating and a gal that's fed up with his bullshit and is like. okay. bye.#i briefly considered going with............ right now i know my heart is yours <- in regards to i'm already half-xehanort#as per usual not ship art but it would be HILARIOUS if it was. it would've been able to go so many incredibly funny tragic ways#nano does reqs#my doods#xigbar kh#xemnas kh#IT TOOK SO LONG. putting this out there because i WILL lose my marbles if i do anything more. it's not as polished as it could.#fret not if you've asked for a req i am still doing 'em this one just. kicked my ass (been busy). i tried a couple of things and failed#THEN the file corrupted like 9 hours in and i wanted to die a little (thank the heavens my drawing app has a#thing to get back corrupted files through their screen recording) but i GIVE UP (affectionate)#Does this make sense thematically? Fuck if i know. i forgot all lore (half serious). it looked cooler in my head (jesting)#anyways. mwah tysm for the ask<3#i love posting at mystifying times (i finish at terrible hours and get excited)#described#74
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wikitpowers · 6 months
WAIT what if the last shadowhunter just means the last shadowhunter as we know them? like there will be a newer, even more advanced race of shadowhunters? like everyone who is one now will get an upgrade of sorts???
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eerna · 10 months
The Oleander Sword is so good. literally feeling like kicking my feet and giggling rn. what happened to Tasha Suri in that year between book 1 and book 2
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2docked · 2 years
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We sail today
Tears will drown in the wake of delight
There's nothing like this built today
You'll never see a finer ship in your life
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johnslittlespoon · 3 months
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when we all get drafted in wwIII
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