#i would really appreciate it :(((((
burningblake · 10 months
i've been using google docs for so long and it's such a comfortable app to write on, not to mention the fact that I can work on the same file on my laptop and phone, so all this AI shit really saddens me and angers me. Like it's either use an app with ads popping up every other second or get your words fed into machines, ain't it? this is what we have come to. it's honestly depressive. i wish capitalism stopped taking the soul and humanity out of everything.
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grapenehifics · 1 month
The most difficult part about writing about Mandalore for me is not only do I have to keep track of the characters and clans and who is allied with who at any given time but also where is that goddamned darksaber??
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sushisusii · 1 month
Toffee Emergency Room Vet Bill
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She had an ER visit and came out of it safe and sound. If any kind souls would like to assist me in paying this off I will have it posted below. Thank you.
The first thing she did when she woke up was look up at me.
Toffee hasnt been able to lay her eggs, we got an xray done to find out that she was indeed egg bound. The first 3 eggs were all black and necrotic. They were hard and rectangle shaped, stuck against the inner walls. Had I not gotten her looked at,It would have caused her death.
This was unusual and they don't know why it had occurred. But she had 24 eggs inside of her, including the first 2 she managed to lay, that would make 26 eggs in total she made. (Talk about being an over achiever)
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and is resting. She needs daily care so the wound can heal properly. But that isnt a problem at all. I am just glad that she's safe and is still alive. If she doesnt perk up and start acting normal, I have to call them and bring her back. But now she needs rest.
TLDR: Toffee was egg bound with narcotic eggs and needed emergency operation.
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iamblueraspberry · 3 months
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Guess who's doing this again.
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readers-folly · 8 months
please stop reading at 3am
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no i didn’t stay up until 4:30 what are you talking about
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thekillingmoonmoon · 6 months
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thekillingtimethekillingmoon -> thekillingmoonmoon
something wicked this way comes...
#killingmoon comback 2k24
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fandomaya · 2 years
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"How can you touch my face like that after all that you did to me?"
"How can you forget that these are the same hands that loved you"
"Yes, but these hands hurt me too..."
"I know, but can't you give me another chance?"
"I wish I could, but in the sky of our relationship, the clouds of hurt are far too dark and wide that the rays from the sun of our love do not reach me anymore"
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devilsangelxxx16 · 1 month
if anyone screen recorded the smosh sitcom livestream, can you post it on YouTube? I couldn’t buy a ticket and I really want to watch it. Thanks
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ziggy-the-moon-man · 10 months
Barbie listens to Silk Chiffon by MUNA and the first thing that comes to her mind is Gloria.
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wanderingcas · 5 months
a huge goal of mine this year is to sleep earlier, get up earlier (i have a toddler and she's dropped all her naps so my time is no longer my own except for mornings before she wakes up). the kicker is i have insomnia and adhd. does anyone have advice on how to literally do this lol every time i try i'm awake staring at the ceiling until 1 am
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eerrratt · 2 years
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I'm sorry that the proportions are wrong (especially the hands), I made this ref just for the colors because as you have already noticed I use many very similar colors and I don't remember all of them.
this were supposed to be an ugly sketch but, well... looks good (I guess)
I will also make a ref for moon and probably one for eclipse, if my inspiration doesn't die again.
something else I want to say is that thank you so much for all the support you all have been giving me lately, I am literally just someone who has just arrived and I didn't expect this, thank you :D
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mrsnanami7 · 6 months
does anyone know where i can find a destiel fic? The title was Amnesia and it explored discrimination against angels and things like that and castiel is like very against dating humans because of what they did to angels. but then cas meets dean im college and they fall in love but this part its set w them already as adults and cas gets attacked by humans and loses his memory. dean has to basically help him fall back in love w him or hope cas gets his memories back. pls pls i LOVED this fic but i cant find it and its the only destiel fic i would LOVE to reread please help!!!
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thenerdyalchemist · 11 months
My Calendar is LIVE :D
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yourmomssidepiece · 2 months
i’m not that interesting but ask anyway also i’m really bored 😓
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alvojake · 25 days
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I’ve got a ton of big bills coming up and with the cold my work hours have been shortened and my disabilities have been flaring daily, if anyone has any spare change to toss my way so I can get myself some weed for the pain and build up a small financial cushion it would be largely appreciated** 🥺
I’m happy to do tarot readings, energy readings, and I have some nsfw content available as well! Even $1 helps honestly, we’re at that level rn
venmo is virgobones, pls don’t tag this post as mutual aid or donation!
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**with BHM here, please prioritize the donation posts for Black people and POC, and only donate here if you are able!! Reblogs are also greatly encouraged!
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