#i wouldn't want to be friends with a rf lol
Trying to have a reasonable discussion with a r****m is a lost cause, specially on social media. They have already made up their minds about the world and how it affects them. They are immersed too deeply in that ideology due to years and years of trauma, disappointment and loss. It's gotten to the point that it has manifested in STRONG and DEEP hatred, anger and bitterness. This isn't easy to get rid of. The vast majority of them have actually been ingrained stuff like this since childhood because most came from either extremely rigid or chaotic households with all types of fucked up and toxic ideas being taught to them. This resulted in repressing or desperation, which led to them getting exploited and abused by others outside of their family. To be honest, they need to be re-born in order for them to truly abandon an ideology as twisted as r*****l f******m.
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avidrawsthings · 11 months
Wasn't there a Winx Club au you mentioned some time ago? I could've sworn I saw it a long time ago but I can't seem to find it now. If you're still doing it how would things go in it?
Omg yeah quite a while ago lol I even tried drawing Reina close to the show's style but gave up after struggling way too long on it. The ideas have always been there, but my mind is always the equivalent of having too many tabs open on your browser. Winx Club au is just one of those many tabs, so my ideas are only pretty basic for now.
Changes to Setting:
All the schools are co-ed, including the big three of Alfea, Cloud Tower and Red Fountain. Honestly, I've always felt there was missed potential in not having male Fairies and female Specialists. I also remembered that RF was said to teach Magic as well as combat, so its students are Mages as well.
Even as a kid I always wanted to see more about the Witches outside of the Trix, but got frustrated with how the writers didn't really know or care what to do with them.
In this setting, Witches don't have the same negative reputation they do in the show. They don't initially work with the Fairies because of misunderstandings, but once that's cleared up everything's good. Some go as far as being friends with them cuz why wouldn't they?
The Squad:
This is basically which of the three schools Reina and friends would be in. Their respective elements are based on the ones I gave them regarding Vytarian Magic here, here, here, here, and here. There's still a few I haven't done yet so I'll include them here. I'll include the Quidditch squad cuz why not?
Andre | Element: Fabric | Fashion buddies with Stella
Penny | Element: Potions
Chiara | Element: Healing
Victor | Element: Water and Ice
Diego | Element: Mirrors
Badeea | Element: Paint
Alanza | Element: Music | Good friends with Musa
Orion | Element: Equilibrium
Ricardo (Graduated) | Element: Dreams and Rainbows
Cloud Tower
Reina | Element: Roses | Good friends with Flora
Rowan | Element: Paper | Good friends with Tecna
Ben | Element: Lightning
Tulip | Element: Gel and Illusions (Transferred from Alfea)
Merula | Element: Gravity | Self-proclaimed "Strongest Witch at Cloud Tower"
Ismelda | Element: Dolls
Jae | Element: Shadows and Food
Liz | Element: Fauna
Beatrice | Element: Dolls and Poison (Transferred from Alfea)
Red Fountain
Talbott | Element: Wind | Weapon: Wand
Barnaby | Element: Earth | Weapon: Gauntlets (Transferred from Cloud Tower)
Tonks | Element: Transmutation | Weapon: Staff (Transferred from Cloud Tower)
Bill (Graduated) | Element: Negation | Shield
Charlie | Element: Dragons and Fire | Weapon: Sword
Erika (Graduated) | Element: Steel | Weapon: Club
Skye | Element: Fire | Weapon: Orbs
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lowdoseenby · 4 years
I've been questioning my gender for a couple years now. And I'm pretty sure trans/non binary. Specifically agender. But, I still feel doubt about it or like I'm faking it. I have thought and said things that I wouldn't have before. Like wanting to go on T or get top surgery. Even change my name. However, the feelings of doubt and confusion are so strong. Maybe it's even imposter syndrome? Is this normal at all to feel? I guess overall it just feels like I'm choosing it. When I know you can't choose to be trans. I'm sorry if this is an odd ask xD
hey friend !
it actually is really common to doubt yourself, so you are certainly not alone in these feelings. imposter syndrome, even when we recognize it, can be difficult to overcome. 
as for faking it, you have to make an active choice to fake something. you can’t make a counterfeit bill on accident, you do it on purpose. someone who winds up with a fake and uses it isn’t faking anything, they are doing what is logical. if you aren’t purposefully faking your experience, you are not faking it. and if you change your mind at some point, that doesn’t mean you were faking it either, you just started understanding yourself better. 
our identities are fluid. the pillars of our life, our interests, our friends, our tastes, our bodies, none of it stays the same forever. they shift as we grow and learn and experience and understand them better. you shouldn’t expect a gender identity handed to you at birth to be one that must last forever. even my cis partner understands his own gender identity now better than he did in high school. so if you are questioning your gender, and your questioning how you might want to change your gender presentation, and that changes over time, that is not a bad thing. you’re changing and learning and growing, celebrate it and understand yourself better. I was out for 8 years before i ever thought about changing my name, or let myself consider a medical transition. i am so thankful for allowing myself to transition, i am so much happier than i was when i was trying to convince myself it wasn’t an option (and why not is beyond me now lol). 
transition, change, gender, it’s a scary subject. fear, uncertainty, hesitation, that’s normal to feel right now. but those feelings don’t mean you’re making a wrong choice, they mean you’re really thinking it through, even the bad parts. that’s good. 
i can’t tell you what your gender is, only you can, but i can offer this advice. 
-it’s okay to need validation from others. we are social creatures, we need validation and attention. it is okay to seek out validation, and experiment with your presentation. there is no harm trying things on and seeing how they make you feel. only the folks you feel safe with need to know. it’s okay to see a gender therapist for this too, you don’t have to know your identity to see one, i promise. 
-consider your surroundings. my life has only gotten better the more i have surrounded myself with and radical inclusivity. it is hard to tell myself i am not valid for x reason when i would never say that to someone else. if you are searching for certain exclusionist, T*RF, or detransition content to hurt yourself or convince you you are doing something wrong, you probably won’t get anywhere good. i mention this because a lot of the folks i talk to these days tell me they do this. there are better ways to learn about your identity than partaking in content that thinks you shouldn’t identify a certain way to begin with. like the scientific method, for example. as silly as it sounds, it’s a valid way to question your identity, and an ingrained way many of us problem solve. [I also want to mention that detransitioning is a very nuanced topic misunderstood by a lot of people. I am not trying to imply folks who detransition are exclusionists or transphobic. I mean simply that people seek out this content to tell themselves ‘see, they got it wrong, so i must be wrong too.’]
-consider your community. even when i was sure of my identity, i felt so insecure about it. and duh, i was surrounded by almost exclusively cishet and non-queer people. even as allies, it’s not like i felt like i could relate to them or openly discuss my queerness. i sought out queer communities. they let me discuss my identity with other people who understood. i felt pride more genuinely, i felt understood by someone else. i got to see other peoples transition stories and know that i wasn’t alone, and that a unique transition doesn’t mean it’s a bad one. i am not saying ditch all your friends, but consider joining a discord or a club and meet other queer people. 
-you deserve to feel secure in your identity. everyone does. whether it is cis or trans, binary or not, you deserve to know for sure instead of always feeling unsure. 
i know i’ve rambled. i’ve been typing on this post for an hour. i just have so many feelings and things i want to share with you !! i really hope any of this helps. i am always happy to try and answer questions like this, feel free to reach out again  here or in my dms or what not. 
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