#i wrote and posted this fic months ago and should have posted this art here then
renae-the-turtle · 5 months
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Art for my fanfic, Charmy and the Dad Talk; I did the drawing and line art, and @alcadanon did the colours using alcohol markers!
Link to the fic here:
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booksandabeer · 1 year
Stucky, Fandom Longevity, and "Primacy Bias"
There’s this post that's been floating around the past few days about how the Stucky fandom in its heyday produced fic and art masterpieces like they were all collectively possessed by an unprecedented spirit of creative insanity. It’s a good, fun post and I agree with the person who wrote it. (not rb'ing because I didn't want to hijack their post with something that's only tangentially related).
It was indeed a magical time and the creative output in both quantity and quality in the two-year period following the release of CA:TWS is—with perhaps a few exceptions—unmatched by anything that I’ve seen before and since. However, going through the notes on that post, I noticed something that left me a little irritated and quite frankly sad since it is in congruence with, and to a certain extent the confirmation of something that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately.
For one thing, there are so many people in the notes expressing sentiments along the lines of “it was such a wonderful time; I wish I could go back; I miss these fics; I want to read these fics again,” etc., etc., you get it. And it feels a little silly pointing this out, but…you can just do that? Almost all of these fics are still right there, waiting for you to be (re)read. Yes, a lot of people left the fandom after The Great Devastation of 2019, but their stories didn’t just disappear. It's not like there is now a big, black hole where the Steve/Bucky tag used to be on AO3. So, if you miss these fics and you want to revisit them—just do it. Chances are the authors will be delighted that people are still finding and enjoying their stories all these years later. And—since apparently this needs saying, too, judging from the notes on that post: A lot of people seem to be very concerned with losing ‘coolness points’ for openly admitting that they still miss the ship and often feel tempted to dip their toes back into the Stucky pool. I don’t know how to tell you this, but if someone tries to shame you for simply enjoying or missing something, they are an asshole. Not to mention that all this is happening on tumble.com—'coolness' doesn't exactly live here. And that is a good thing, to be clear. Fandom is not about being cool. It’s about being as enthusiastic, as silly, as absolutely fucking unhinged about the things you love as you want to be. So, stop caring what other people think and enjoy yourself.
The other thing is that there seems to be a pretty widespread misconception that the Stucky fandom hasn’t produced any good fanworks after 2016.
First, that is patently and demonstrably untrue. There is so much incredibly good fanfiction and fanart still out there. Not as much as back in the day, sure, but it still exists. And more is being posted every day! Even some of the OG Big Names are still around. One of the most beloved Stucky series that started all the way back in 2014 was updated as recently as December of last year. The artist, who I believe the op is referring to as creating ‘baroque’ paintings, posted their latest Stucky art not even two months ago.
Second, I find this “primacy bias” more than just a little insulting to the many hardworking and incredibly talented people who are still putting their blood, sweat, and tears into creating for this community. And it’s one thing if people who have long left the fandom believe or say something like this, but it’s frankly irritating when I see people who are still very much active—and therefore definitely should know better—feed into that same false myth. Yes, it sucks that the Stucky ship isn’t as big as it used to be, but that doesn't mean there isn't any 'fresh talent' to be found anymore. I’m also not saying we shouldn’t still celebrate and recommend older works—I do it all the time! And it sure as hell doesn't mean everyone has to reblog absolutely everything all the time, either. Your blog, your rules.
But maybe we should put a little more focus on the good things, on the creators and the community we have now, especially if we want that community to still exist in another ten years. I mean, imagine you’re a person who’s just gotten into the fandom (because yes, there are indeed still new people discovering Stucky all the time) and one of the first things you’re being told is “eh, nice that you're here, but you’re about 7 years late; the big party is already over.” Does that seem like a fun space to hang out in to you?
So. Let’s all—and I do not exclude myself from this because God knows, I love to complain—spend a little less time mourning the ‘good old days’ that are never coming back anyway, and instead focus our attention on enjoying and appreciating both the incredible treasure chest of an archive we have AND the wealth of high-quality art and fic that is still being created by this wonderful community every single day. With this in mind:
🥳🎊Happy Stucky Week 2023!!! 🎊🥳
*I want to make it very clear that this is a general thing that’s been on my mind lately and that I’m trying to work through here—probably not very coherently. I'm not trying to tell anybody 'how to do fandom' and I’m most definitely not vagueposting about any particular incident, person, or group in this fandom. This isn’t a callout post. It’s an I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about this and I don’t know what else do with them post.
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fantomette22 · 27 days
Prom Night, goes wrong! (Part 2!)
Alright so it would have been too long to put it in my last post about some Lady Maria headcanons (part 1&2) so I will answer @heraldofcrow last question in a separate post here!
What about the prom night beast incident?
Ah yes one of the famous things I wish to write for my fic one! That i began to explain a while ago after doing a fan art for it (see the link below!). Now let’s explain in detail and very quickly (that's a like I wrote 2.7k works) what exactly happened that day!
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(Need to remade a better poster for it one day...)
Alright so we have Maria & co (other students) at the end of their 2nd university year, i think? Could be winter ball too but it’s easier that way I think (for Charles & Damian it’s like their 3rd year) (Not sure exactly when I am going to put the shadow of Yharnam encounter & fight in the woods too. Maybe a few months before XD) 
So, this is during the end of the year ball/prom night. Everyone is having fun, dressed very pretty, dancing, everything is great! What could possibly go wrong? 🙃
At some point in the evening Caryll decided to take a lil pause from all the noise etc of the party by going into a small walk into the adjacent corridors of the school. After walking for a while and loose in thoughts they look around and realize they are somewhere they don't recognize. 
They were a bit confused and then they heard some weird sound. Not the party… it’s coming from a room next to them. The door is closed or slightly open.
They open the door and it looks like a little study room? with a couple of bookcases.  And there’s a weird looking man crouching down in a corner. (Basically, looks like a huntsman from the main game).
Caryll is a bit scared at first but they think that it's some kind of patient of the medical wing who might have got lost. They try to get close to speak to the man but the guy doesn't seem to understand and mumble incomprehensible things. Then he became aggressive and almost attacked or threw something next to Caryll who decided to go back, close the door and run us as fast as they could from where they came from.
Once out of there at the end of the corridor, Caryll realized that place is one the forbidden areas of the college. Some corridors and buildings are forbidden to students & to some scholars & staff. Only a few are allowed in… Caryll was shock how they could have accidentally come here?! The door leading to the area was completely open when it should have been closed and locked and it wasn't. 
They didn't know what to do now. Didn’t want to have problems but the weird man worried them so they did the only thing reasonable to do!
Ask Maria for help XD (what a genius. Not the best idea but Caryll trust Maria with that kind of thing and she’s not part of the school staff)
Then, they came back into the ballroom and gestured to Maria. She thought Caryll wanted to dance with her or something so they began doing that 😂
Then Caryll explained the situation, a bit panicked while the others looking at them were like: wtf happen? Maria understands and they both go from where Caryll came from.
And freaking Micolash follow them lmao.
A few minutes later Caryll came back and gestured to the others to follow.
Ludwig, Rom, Damian and Charles (Cainhurst OC, future king anyway love this bastard but it’s another story) joined the team! 
They arrived in front of the forbidden corridor door with Maria & Micolash deep in thought and trying to understand what’s going on. Speaking about what would be the best thing to do. Then they all discussed what happened and Caryll re tell them what they just witnessed. 
There’re different ideas they speak off doing:
-Some think they should just close the door back and tell noting
-We can’t leave just that guy here!
-Some think they should warn someone that a sick/hurt guy is there and apologize & that the door was open anyway
-Others think that it could be a unique occasion to investigate and maybe learn a thing or two about the secrets of Byrgenwerth… What could happen hmm? 😅
(they ask lil questions to Rom for example, if she knew smt about it but she knew nothing besides what they already know).
They decided to brave the interdiction and go into that part of the building. 
They go in front of the door where Caryll saw the odd poor sick man and decide to go in, slowly opening the door & see the man crouching in a corner, holding his head. They try talking to him, saying they’re going to take him back to his room, help him. He either ignores them or starts to be aggressive and attacks them! They think that maybe he could be rabid?! 
Then there’s 2 possibilities (I’m still not 100% sure about all the details of this chapter):
-              Either they close the door to the man and wait for everything to calm down and continue to explore 
-              Or they fight with the guy and make a bookcase fall on him* 💀 (he’s fine just he’s not going to come after them of knock out) and then they close the door and continue 😭
There's a lot of secrets and rumors about Byrgenwerth after all… so they keep exploring, all the other doors are locked it seems and what’s inside isn’t probably very interesting. (They might have read a couple of papers in the last room but weren’t sure what it means) anyway they ended up in front of a closed door at the very end of the corridor. Apparently, it would lead into some basement.
They stayed in front of it for a while. Should they open it? Lead by their curiosity? Whatever they would discover would probably change everything…
Maria put her hand on the doorknob, turned it and…. It’s lock ^^
Well time to go back and discuss what they should do now! Aka maybe advise a competent adult XD
Lost in thoughts they heard a loud growl. They turn around and listen. Then scratches are heard from the locked door. Then like something is kicking it. The growl grew louder and the door began to break. An enormous, clawed hand burst from it. It’s a beast! (scourge beast type). It’s trying to tear the rest of the door apart! They panicked like you can imagine! They run and try to lock themselves up! In the room with the half-transformed guy of course… (only place they can go too).
And well either the man is already knock out or * That's where they fight him and incapacitate him. Now what should they do? Stay here in silence almost in complete darkness, putting a bookcase against the door hoping the beast goes away and the man isn’t going to attack them anymore? 
Still, it seems the safest thing to do for now. But then they realize, if they do nothing and let that thing wander around (the beast) it will probably go into the other corridors right? There are students in the hallways. And what if it burst in the ballroom?! Before the staff could react, evacuate everyone and kill the beast, that monster could kill so many people! They can’t just let that happen! So, they figure a kick plan to go warn the others and that such a tragedy doesn’t happen!
They safely open the door and try to locate the beast not far. They tasked Micolash to take Rom & Caryll and run as far as they can and to get some help! In preference of a discreet manner so not everyone in the school panicked 💀 (hoping no one lock the door behind them too). While Maria, Ludwig, Damian and Charles are trying to fight the beast & gain time.
They throw everything they could find to distract it: candelabra, furniture, books etc
The corridor isn’t that large too and maybe Damian got hurt a bit + time passed (for them it seems so long) so they ask Damian to make sure the others are good and get help. He would prefer not to let them alone but they are skilled in combat so he agrees and goes.
They punch it and stuff and the beast is really trying to hurt them now. It managed to injured Ludwig’s arm. So, Maria & Charles ask him, beg him to go and that they will deal with it. He reluctantly agrees and leaves, holding his arm.
It’s just Maria & Charles now. Considering the characterization I plan on doing, you would expect Charles to have been in the first ones to go & propose to get help! But instead, even terrified, he tried to help and fight! What a true knight would do! It’s huge from him! But still… Even with the biggest effort of our 2 protags, the beast doesn’t stop trying to attack them and Charles gets badly injured. One of its claws got his forehead and he fall on the ground. 
Maria managed to push the beast away and look at the state of her friend. He’s not far from fainting but he holds on. His vision is troubled, & he doesn’t hear & is in shock. His head hurt so much he asks her if his brain is bursting out or smt. “NO, YOU’RE FINE IT’S JUST A SCRATCH YOU’RE NOT GONNA DIE!” Well, she can actually see the white of his skull in the cut … but hey it’s not crack open so it’s fine…💀
It's really a very bad situation. He can barely stand up. Maria knows she won’t be able to hold long. She has no weapons. That would make the difference. She got a bit hurt too, cuts, scratches and her dress is completely ruined too… she wait for the worst or a miracle… But then… *drum roll* LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OUR HERO FINALLY ARRIVED! Gehrman is here!!!! *applauds* 
So, he jumps in between her and the beast and shoots at it so it would take some step back. Bro only got like a lantern and a very shitty and small revolver or smt (it’s the first thing he could find, it’s not even the special quicksilver bullet they developed again such treats!)
He asks Maria to take Charles and go. The poor lad can barely stand and Maria doesn't want to leave Gehrman to a certain death! The groundskeeper thinks quickly and might have got an idea. It’s highly risky, he never tried before but he read about it and it’s their only chance so he goes for it! (he can’t just kill it with a very small gun).
The hallway has gone completely dark in front of them. Only the white and luminous eyes of the beast can be seen. Gehrman rolls on the ground one of the broken lanterns and waits. The gun in his left hand and contracting strongly his right hand at his sides. He prepared himself; the beast approached, growing closer and closer… it stands up, ready to attack and… PAN! He shoots it, destabilizing the beast. Then quickly hit it in the thoracic cage. No, he plunged his hand under its skin and ripped out its aorta! Half the man's face and body are instantly covered in blood. The beast falls on the bloodied ground with a spasm, dead… 
That's how Gehrman made its first visceral attack! 
Well Maria and Charles, were of course completely shocked by what just happened. 😨 They had received mainly droplet of blood too. Still, they were very impressed and admirative too 🤩?!  Gehrman turned around to them and began to shout “ARE YOU COMPLETELY CRAZY?! WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING HERE! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!” He’s rambling like crazy and Maria never saw him like that. Then Laurence & co arrived and things calmed down.
Of course, Laurence looks at Charles immediately and he tell him that despite seeing his skull he will be fine and they’re going to fix that up 😅 Of course the poor lad faint afterwards.
So, everyone calms down, gets patched up, and explains what happened. The guy under the bookcase is also hm… they deal with it…
I made those drawings of the aftermath yeah! 🥳
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(Poor Damian as already enough of their bullshit Shenanigans XD... my poor boy you're still going to follow them in worst thing until the end!)
Yeah, Willem ask the ones who got in direct contact with the beast & man to get some rabies shot XD (actually the beasts didn't had rabies... I think).
I know it’s supposed to be created in like 1885 but shhhhhhh it’s Bloodborne. (Like Molotov cocktails that appeared in the Spanish war of 1936-39 so like?!) 
(Also I don’t have all the details planned out yet but this is the draft I had in my head since well a huge while. For example, idk if more people should be aware that this mess happened? Because like they could close the entire place down, I think if that’s the case? Also maybe having two beasts would be more drama and maybe cool too? Like one does get into the ballroom but everyone has been evacuated so it’s just a fight with Gehrman, Dores, Gatekeeper & prospectors? Idk maybe too much. And last thing I don’t have a clear answer from why the door was open and where this thing came from. Close basement & experience? Manage to get inside the school? Underground passage to the labyrinth? Who knows hehe)
So, they all go to the principal office! For um big discussion… of course they broke the rules and they were very clear you could get expelled for going into such a forbidden place…
Big stress for Maria who thought that it's over she will get back forever at Cainhurst and her family will surely remind her how bad she failed… (even poor Rom start to get panicked of the idea… dear you LIVE HERE! You can’t get kick out of the entire place just some building 💀)
But! But, even if they shouldn’t have gone there they agree the open door wasn’t normal and by doing what they did they save lives! (and eventually the school & it’s reputation too!) so no they won’t get expelled ^^ But to some conditions:
-They can’t of course shoot on the rooftops what happen or take actions against the school
-Even if it’s the end of the year they will leave the campus as fast as possible (normally students stay a couple of weeks before returning home + master degree students aren’t finished normally + if you screw exams you maybe retake some parts. Now they need to return home quickly for the ones who don’t leave here XD no I stayed to chill here and go at the library…forbidden to go in some places for now)
-They will return a few weeks during the summer vacation to help & work at the campus (assists scholars in labs, clean up or even cut grass or smt yes Gehrman supervise Maria & Ludwig to cut grass with scythe lmao)
-A letter sends to their parents to well explain that but with very minimum details cough cough
Caryll tries to take the blame at first but they almost all argue with each others and they all take the same thing.
So, Maria and Charles return to Cainhurst. Maria thinks her mother is going to kill her because her dress is completely ruined and the letter and all but actually no. She’s just a bit confused about what happened, glad she’s ok and tell her she would get a new dress for the end of the year or her birthday lmao. Man, Charles too omg this man (I mean he have an excuse he almost dies and isn’t feeling great) but he’s getting pamper by so many people and girls XD
So Cainhurst pushed them to explain what exactly went down. And they are actually delighted to learn they tried to learn a secret from Byrgenwerth so they don’t have to worry for anything they won’t get reprimanded more. Charles is like I know right? They had some weird things going on. And Maria is like: What?! 💀 (why would Cainhurst be happy to know they are breaking rules and trying to learn stuff?!… oh poor Maria… you have no idea of the big surprise you’ll get in 2-3 years when Cainhurst would get interested in some hm “forbidden blood” Byrgenwerth got their hands on…”
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sailor-aviator · 6 months
Sailor-Aviator's FAQ
Hi! Welcome to my FAQ page! Here is a list of the different questions I get asked fairly frequently or things I've had to address more than once.
✨ Can I tag you in my fics?
Did I ask to be tagged? Then no.💛
(You will be blocked if you do this anyway.)
✨ Can I make fan art of your fics?
My brother in Christ…..we will have a spring wedding.
(Just let me know/tag me/give me credit)
✨ Can I be added to your taglist?
I do not have a taglist. If you would like to be notified on when I post, follow my sideblog ( @sailoraviator-library ) and turn on post notifications. I will ignore requests asking to be put on a taglist from here on out.
✨ Do you have a posting schedule?
Not currently, no.
✨ Can I request something?
Yes! But please keep in mind that I might say no if I'm not interested or comfortable with the topic. Usually, I will send you over to an artist/writer who I think might be able to fulfill your request if I cannot.
✨ You haven't answered my ask/request/questions or updated my favorite story in a while. Why?
While I try to get to requests, sometimes the writing juice just isn't plentiful for an idea. Also, I'm a grown woman with a full time job, friends, family, and other hobbies/obligations outside of this blog. I travel for work which means at any given time, I'm sitting in a hotel room after multiple hours of driving. If I have time, I try to answer everything, but I also have (as of 7.30.24) 94 requests sitting in my inbox, with some from a couple of months ago. Please be patient.
✨ I want to write a story, but it's similar to yours. Is that okay?
Listen, my love, as long as it's not a complete ripoff of one of my stories, I really don't care what you write. You want to write about mermaids? Please do! You want to write about cursed pirates? Go ahead! The nature of AUs is that you are going to use similar tropes for the stories, and the nature of tropes is that you are going to have similarities to stories that use the same ones. There's only so many ways you can write a meet cute in a bar.
✨ Will you promote my fic?
I try to reblog fics I come across, and promote the ones from smaller authors as much as possible. However, that does not mean my blog is a billboard for you to promote your fics on. I was once a small time author, so I know how hard it can be to get your stuff out there. Shoving your work at me is a guaranteed way to get me to NOT read it and actively ignore it in the future.
✨ Why do you have so many WIPs (Works in Progress)? You know you probably won't finish all of those, right?
I do, and that's okay. That's the nature of writing fanfic, unfortunately. Not everything is going to get finished. You also have to understand that just because I haven't touched a story in a month or two doesn't mean it's been abandoned. The writing muses just haven't given me inspiration or motivation to write for it. I will make an announcement and take something off of my masterlist if I have decided to abandon it.
✨ What are some thing I can do to get my writing noticed?
Tag appropriately. I cannot tell you how many people are going to scroll past your writing if you tag a character fic with the actor (for example, tagging a Jake "Hangman" Seresin fic with Glen Powell). In fact, you are more likely to get yourself blocked versus someone reading your fic. Make use of the "Read More" feature on your fics. People are more likely to block you than read your fic if they have to scroll endlessly past your fics. People will find your fics by searching the appropriate tags. Just give it time.
✨ What are some things I should do when posting/writing?
Do NOT write real person fic. It's one thing to write about a character that doesn't exist, it's something else writing about a real life person who will suffer the consequences when people will inevitably mix reality with fiction. How would you feel if someone wrote a story about you where you did all of these things you'd never do?
Put appropriate trigger/content warnings above your fic. If you are going to write about sensitive topics, it is SO important that you warn people before they reach the story. Writing about losing a child, cancer, or sexual behavior? Tag it explicitely so people can filter it. Do not censor your warnings and do not use "angst" as a catch all. Allow people to protect themselves.
✨ I didn't like [insert fic here].
I literally don't care. Telling me you didn't like something instead of scrolling without a hateful comment makes you a loser, actually.
✨ Do you take non-fanfic related questions?
Yes!! I encourage them, actually! Never feel like you can't shoot me an ask that's not related to fanfic or fandom because I love chatting!! Even if you want to chat with me about fics, I'm more than happy to do so!
✨ Who do you write for?
Mainly Top Gun Maverick at the moment, but I might write for other fandoms in the future! I wrote reader inserts, and it’s good to note that my reader inserts are female unless otherwise stated!
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and will be updated as I get more questions!
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inventedfangirling · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
ah finally after a gazillion years i've been able to get around to doing this after being tagged by the ever sweet @fiercynn , so lemme straightaway get down to it.
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc.
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
hello there, i'm a 24 year old gray-ace panromantic desi on the romance positive end of the arospec (im still undergoing the wonderful but also often difficult and long journey of discovering myself so this is subject to change :3), i prefer going by my username so i'm not sharing my name.
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
i watched bad buddy exactly 3 months ago on the 15th of May, 2023. i watched all the episodes all on the same day and i know the date because after finishing the show i sent a 7 minute long audio note gushing about the show to my best friend. i ADORED it that much. and that's where all of this started. i loved the show so much and the lack of people i knew irl who were interested meant i had to find other people in the fandom to freak out with. i kept posting one after another favourite bad buddy edit of mine on my twitter page, gushing about it, but i got barely any response and that's when i reminded myself that tumblr exists and i should get back on here. and that's how i made this account 2 weeks after i watched the show and voila here i am surrounded by people who are as crazy about the show as i am and i couldn't be more delighted about it :')
favorite ship(s)
patpran and inkpa ofc
favorite character(s)
i love pat with all my heart, the man he ends up becoming along the course of the show is one of my most favorite portrayals of any man ever BUT pran is my actual favorite, he is my baby, (somehow both) my elder and younger brother and my best friend and he has my whole heart. his love, his hesitance, his anxiety, his bravery, his dimples, his FOREHEAD, his striped shirts, his precious heart i would DIE for him no questions asked.
favorite episode(s)
episode 11. each segment had something for the heart, i adored every single second of it...the sheer volume of beaut quotes from this episode is mind blowing! ("being with you already feels like freedom", "i can be anywhere as long as i have you", "we have been happier a lot too", "thankyou for trying to make a silly guy like me happy..." "i wrote this song for him", "one man can't change the world, but this world can't change me too"), and the soft loving looks of adoration making me clutch my chest, but also there was the quintessential patpran banter and bad buddy humour and wisdom i LOVE this episode with all my heart.
episode 5 is perfection. it comes second for me, but that kiss will always be number 1 <3
favorite scene(s)
rooftop kiss, balcony phone call, episode 7 ending when pat comes to save the day and the play, episode 11 red shirts commitment expression scene, and the final credits and post credits scene
one thing you would change about the show if you could
i wished the gangs didnt bully eo or anybody else even in the beginning, i get it shows growth but still i wished that was shown differently. also i wish we got a conversation where they talk about the guitar. and while we're here i wish it was somehow longer, i could have watched ohmnanon be patpran for HOOOURS.
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people?
traffic was slow for the crash years by @fiercynn aka the creator of this meme. i absolutely adored every single second of the fic. despite it giving me a WORLD of pain. all the pain made it more beautiful and everything was worth it in the end. like i said before you took a great thing and made it even better <3
every piece of art that @hereforlou comes up with. you are a GEM!
all of nanons gorgeous gifsets!!
same page video edit that even p'aof tweeted about. SO good.
enchanted (aka patpran's official song) and other patpran edits by this same SO very talented editor
mudhal nee mudivum nee - another beautiful edit but desi so its even better <3
this super clever edit of patpran to message in a bottle. it's an instant serotonin booster for me.
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
you can hear it in the silence - bad buddy bet era fic (the only one i've written till now)
my bad buddy textposts collection
my pran and pat's growth posts
this post that took me 20 mins to write but is one of my fav things ive written about the show
my long treatise of bet era patpran that took me a week!
list of accounts (hopefully i haven't forgotten any) whose meta and analysis and brainrot i absolutely adore- @miscellar , @telomeke-bbs , @grapejuicegay , @aroceu, @dudeyuri, @dribs-and-drabbles, @dimplesandfierceeyes, @sharingfandoms, @waitmyturtles, @ranchthoughts, @lurkingteapot, @lurkingshan, @thegayneurodivergentagenda, @kenmakaashi, @absolutebl, @charthanry, @bengiyo, @mahuhumaling, @panickedbisexualwatchesbl, @jemmo, @patspran, @fiercynn, @midnightfreeway, @fierceeyesanddimples and a couple more im sure ive missed. it was {and continues to be} a pleasure reading their thoughts about the show (or any other show that we've mutually watched).
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
message in a bottle because of this edit
daylight cos of this edit
enchanted, because of the infinite edits we've got from it and if im not wrong pat ohm has acknowledged it too
and basically all other romantic songs in the history of romance i guess :3
alrighty then i think i'm done with this tag. this was a LOT of fun to compile <3
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flowercrown-bard · 6 months
Why is the Roche/Ciri ship always only crap for you all?
Hey, i once read a draco x apple fanfic. I have no room to judge anyone's ship and I don't think I ever did that (outside of private conversations). What i am judging is someone ruining the fandom experience for other people. If you really are as upset and hurt by people hating on your ship as you say, I'm sure you understand why people don't like you hating on their ship. (btw it's hilarious that you sent me hate for rorveth and cirys. Literally the only character included here that i even know is Ciri. If you sent me geraskier hate there would at least be context since i actually ship it, but i have absolutely no opinion on those ships you mentioned. I don't even know them) You've been told by others why they are annoyed by your asks and obviously it has no effect on you, so i won't bother repeating what they've already said, but i do occasionally love hearing myself talk so i wil still write a far longer response than i should So this isn't a hate response, it's a love letter to fandom. So here's what made being in a fandom so special to me:
The support.
Fandom to me is, at its core, strangers sharing their excitement, inspiring each other and admiring what other people do. When i started writing i was so self conscious, i couldn't sleep after posting a chapter because I was so anxious. And i received so much support even for works that are really not that great. There's something so wonderful about cheering others on and getting cheered on. That sort of open and heartfelt support is not something you experience in real life and it made some hard times much better for me. It's incredible knowing that people across the globe collaborate, send each other prompts or getting really excited about something someone else did.
2. The possibility to just…not engage in conversations i don't want to be in.
It's so freeing to have the option to block people of just not respond. There's always some sort of controversy or just some takes i don't like. How wonderful that i can just not look at those things
3. Getting to be creative and knowing it makes people happier
Your fic or art isn't brilliant? Who cares. It's so freeing to create something out of love, for people who love the same thing. I started writing for the first time since i was a child because of fandom. I dabbled in creating fanart (and realised the medium isn't for me, which is also great to find out), i wrote poetry (which I never wanted to do) and badly recorded songs (which i felt so self conscious about). Was it all good? Ha, absolutely not. But i got zo try it out and i wouldn't have done that without fandom. There is no external pressure to be good (or if there is pressure from other people to create and be good, there are always a ton of others telling you why this pressure is unfair and should be ignored). There are no grades, no deadlines. Just the love and joy of creating and sharing your creation. Or not sharing them, if that's what you want. Both is fine and that's the point
4. Seeing people of all skill levels share their works
And all of their art is beautiful and meaningful, no matter if they qre a master of their craft or someone who pickef up a pen for the first time to try out this medium
5. Seeing different interpretations
I don't like many of them but it's so interesting to see how others are interpreting something. That can be anything from the question of who's a top to some in depth meta analysis. People enjoy different things and it's so cool to see what they focus on
6. The people in general. I pretty much left the witcher fandom months ago (i tried writing for it again but it was so hard that I gave up) but through it, i met incredible people, some of who have become irreplaceable parts of my life and i am so thankful for fandom for bringing us together like this. When i was in the fandom, i got to know people are so talented, unbelievably creative, kind, funny, supportive and so many other wonderful things (even those i never talked to directly. If you left a comment on something i wrote or made my days brighter with your own creations, you are amazing and i appreciate you a lot)
Basically, fandom for me was an experience that brought me joy and a sense of community. It's on you to seek out the fandom experience you want to have. If you want that experience to be one of bitterness and hate, I'm really sorry for you. But more than anything I'm sorry for the people who you drag into this by harrassing them even after they blocked you. If you want to stew in bitterness over shipping a rarepair, that's your decision. But if other people want to enjoy the fandom in a more joyful way, then that should be their decision too and you don't get to take it away from them and ruin their love. Because ultimately that's what fandom is to me and i treasure the memory of that love more than I value the opinion of someone who apparently takes joy in trying (and hopefully failing) to take that love away
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atla-confessions · 9 days
i need to confess so much sokka that my writinf style just gets known and i become that random cuckoo sokka confessor. will never happen but a loser can dream. ANYWAYS hi i love sokka! here’s random au ideas i have about him because. well what can i say. Sokka sokka sokka sokka sokka!!!!! brain melting!
au 1: sokka becomes like. 12 and a half or smth again during s3 [set after boiling rock but before southern raiders] and ill make it known i hc that his father left like two months or three before he turned 12 instead of him leaving when sokka was 13 . cringy i know but has it made me unbelievably happy to write? oh for sure. perfect amount of angst and happy potential. also i just wanted to see katara and aang’s reaction to a tiny ass 12 year old sokka who looks both ready to curl up and die and also ready to absolutely murder someone… despite him being shorter than aang. no romantic relationships other than like the canon ones like kataang because belegh he’s 12 again guys!!! friendship is magic!!! shit this was a big block of random stuff okay
au 2: he gets taken in raid and given to nobles. i think a long time ago i already made a random post about this but like. mai and sokka sibling core? it just popped in my head from a random old fanart i saw of them and a fic i read. also i think i still have the link for the art if anyone is interested?? i dont think so but if anyone does ill prob just like link it in s laterconfession. arts nice imo but it is subjective so idk. okay back to au so like. he gets taken in raid yaada yada. mai sibling ya. he reunites with katara during omashu and makes sure mai comes with him to join the gaang. things get rocky cuz he has a close bond with mai that katara is upset / envious about because she missed sokka. fair amount of angst but it gets better when everything is resolved aka katara and sokka finally have a talk about it all. sorry just love the mai & sokka potential. they couldve been the greatest and deadliest friends ever but you didnt hear that from me
okay wait i wrote a lot for just 2 aus i should probably stop i have school and its 12 am. okay goodnight dreams about sokka! sokka! sokka!
he my fave 🤗
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neotriobrainrot-reborn · 10 months
(hiya, reposting my masterpost because I'm a dumbass and had accidentally deleted the main post. And considering I changed the name of my ao3 and Twitter, I needed to make another one to fix it)
[ao3: CosmicEcosystem]
[Twitter: @MetallicForest]
[Alt Account: @goldenphalloides(Tumblr) and @goldPhalloides (Twitter)]
[Ey: Important Update to this masterpost. I decided to make an alt account called @goldenphalloides to store all of my writing and art so that it doesn't get drowned out by Reblogs on my main. You can still send stuff like asks and requests here ofc! But I'll just be posting the stuff on the alt!]
This will change as I post more fics and make other changes, so anyone can check this at anytime and be caught up!
With that out of the way, sup! I decided to make a Masterpost that'll involve stuff I've written, drawn, and stuff I may plan on doing in the future
Most importantly, sorry for not writing anything in a while, I was burnt out, It's a work in progress, but I am trying to get back into writing, which is why I made this post in the first place
These are a list of the series/fandoms I'm interested in and will write for:
(Keep in mind that this entire post is subject to change as time goes on)
Epithet Erased
The Amazing World of Gumball
In Stars and Time
Spiderverse Movies
Bug Fables
A Hat in Time
Little Witch Academia
Mario (in general: stuff like paper Mario, the Mario & Luigi RPGs, etc)
Sonic (In general)
Little Nightmares
The Owl House
The Mother Series (Mother 1/Earthbound 0, Earthbound/Mother 2, and Mother 3)
More to be added or possibly removed as time goes on
For anyone that had previously sent a request for something that I've never gotten too(I know there was at least 4 stuff I still haven't gotten to even months later), I do apologize for that. Life had hands I just wasn't ready for-
Regardless, I am now getting back into the groove of writing. My requests are open and I will take asks. Whether it's in the form of a writing request, or ya simply want a space to ramble: Ask, and the Golden Forest shall provide! You can send a request in any form, whether it be through an ask, a post (as long as you ping me), a submission, a DM, any method goes!
Though, you should keep a few things in mind:
I am free to deny requests & Asks. I'm just writing for fun, and to improve it to something I'm proud of, but mostly fun!
While I'm not opposed to writing romance, I do prefer Gen/Platonic stuff a lot more as I love platonic dynamics more than anything else! It's more of a personal preference than anything.
Please be patient. Believe it or not, I do have a life and some things will take me longer to get to than others, so please be patient and I'll get to ya!
Just practice basic courtesy
My list of boundaries are pretty simple, but important
Proshippers & anyone who agrees with that nasty crap DNI (Do not interact) with me
If you're racist, homophobic, Transphobic, a bigot, or in any way and in any shape & form against the LGBTQIA+ community, DNI with me.
that's about it as far as it goes. Below here will be a list of stuff I've written categorized fandom to fandom. Each fic will have a link. a summery, and my thought process when writing it.
Before I show what I wrote, it's important to mention that I've only written stuff for Epithet Erased so far. I am branching out now into a variety of more stuff now, but this is just to let ya know so it doesn't look completely weird.
Epithet Erased:
The Power of Friendship (and a gun)
An old work I wrote about a year ago where the entire premise is if Phoenica had a real ass goddamn gun during her encounter with the Wolf. I know they don't exist in the epithet world, but it was a Crack fic I wrote in 1 hour for April fools
Neo Flavored Cookies (726 words)
A short one-shot about Molly, Trixie, and Phoenica trying to bake cookies. Pretty fun overall!
Everything's (not) Okay - Broken Royalty part one (13k words)
An unfinished fic involving an au where the Fleecities were abusive.
This was one of the first things I've written, and looking back on this, I kind of hate it. I don't really like a lot of the writing decisions I've made. A lot of it was ooc, even for an au, and a good amount of moments didn't feel too put together. However, I would be wrong if I said this fic had no value. It personally kickstarted my writing journey!
I do want to mention that I do and don't plan on finishing it. While the work is discontinued, I am working on something called "Re-Spored" which will basically involve rewrites of my old fics (like this, for example)
Spotify Drabbles (100 words)
Just a drabble challenge thing I did a while ago. I don't really plan on updating it past chapter 1.
Amphibia Erased Neo - Part One (Over 20k words)
An old fic I'm kind of fond for, although most of them are technically old lol.
The premise involves Molly, Phoenica, and Trixie getting warped to Amphibia in the Calamity Trio's place. As of now, it's discontinued as I plan on rewriting it for "Re-Spored". There's a lot I didn't like when looking back on this(like the characters feeling ooc since this was written before Prison of Plastic, not enough unique moments/scenes, etc), but I'm still fond of it since I had fun writing it!
Hedgehog Heaven (481 words)
Just an April fools fic I wrote about with Mushroom Girl (background character) being obsessed with hedgehogs. Nothing much, but it's a fun read
Mushroom Girl Drabbles
As the name says, it's a drabble list about a background character that earned the status of blorbo. I do plan to have 10 chapters of drabbles!
Spiderverse Movies (ITSV and ATSV)
[WIP: will be updated]
Bug Fables
[WIP: will be updated]
A Hat In Time
[WIP: will be updated]
[WIP: will be updated]
[WIP: will be updated]
Little Nightmares
[WIP: will be updated]
Amphibia Erased Neo - Part One
A fic which involves the Neo Trio(from Epithet Erased) going to Amphibia in the Calamity Trio's place. At no point does the Calamity trio show up, but I'd say it's fun to read! However, keep in mind it is discontinued. I plan on rewriting it as a part of "Re-Spored" with the chosen name being "Amphibia Neapolitan Flavor" (name is subject to change)
The Owl Ho2use
[N/A, will be updated]
[N/A, will be updated, though I am only getting into the series most recently so this may take a bit more time than the others]
[N/A, will be updated]
[N/A, will be updated]
Mother Series
[N/A, will be updated]
WIP (Work In Progress)
Fractured Bell
Fandom(s): Epithet Erased
The Respored (aka rewrite) version of "Everything's Not Okay - Broken Royalty Part One". For context, scroll up until you see "Everything's (Not) Okay"
I'll just say it up front, nothing about the story I had in mind for the original version of the fic justifies it even being more than one chapter, let alone 20 and a multi part thing. Barely anything about "Everything's (Not) Okay" made sense in my eyes, looking back at it. The original plot was faulty, everyone was ooc even for an au excluding maybe Rick, and if I ramble even more about how much I don't like one of my old fics I'll be on my death bed. Ironically, I'm still fond of it, but more In a "Aww, well aren't you an adorable piece of garbage" way.
So involving this rewrite to keep things short, will be only one chapter. The chapter will most likely be a long one-shot(possibly up to 20k words. At the bare minimum, it'll be around 7,500 words), but still a one-shot
Tldr: I'm turning Brokeon Royalty into a One-shot and naming it "Fractured Bell"
Amphibia: Neapolitan Flavor
Fandom(s): Epithet Erased & Amphibia
The respored (rewrite) of "Amphibia Erased Neo"
I kind of like the original version better than Broken Royalty, but it still had its problems. The chapters weren't really too unique, and while the frogs(like Sprig, Polly, etc) were in character, the human characters(Molly, Phoenica, Trixie) weren't.
The rewrite is meant to be a complete overhaul of the original fic, where it changes nearly everything from the original.
Garden of Fungi & Flowers
Fandom(s): Epithet Erased
Just a short One-shot involving how Mushroom Girl meets the blond girl with a flower in her hair, nothing much! Just full of fluff!
That's basically it. Wouldn't call it a list, but it's there!
With everything out the way, hop into my ask box to your own comfort! Even a simple "hi" is pog! :D
Update #1: I've added Wordgirl, Celeste, Zelda, and the Mother Series to the fandoms I'll be writing for (Though keep in mind that I'm only getting into these recently so it may take me some time to gain enough knowledge of the characters before I start writing)
Update #2: I added a category called "Current WIP" where it details personal stuff I'm writing outside of asks/requests
Update #3: I Made a small post that briefly details what tags I use and what they mean. It'll be linked below this
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steddie-island · 29 days
20 Questions for writers
I was tagged by @runninriot over 2 months ago Thank you friend 😘🥰
I've done one before but I like answering these types of questions so I'm doing it again.
No pressure tagging @wynnyfryd @stervrucht @wormdebut @mugloversonly @augustjustice
Pressure tagging @v3llichor who saw this over my shoulder and said "I wanna fill one out!" 😂😘😘
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
37, all but 1 of which were posted between October of last year and now. Which I'm really proud of. 🥹 The only other fic I'd written and posted was for Frasier back in 2020.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I write Stranger Things mostly, but I've written Good Omens, Frasier, and Destiel (I haven't written for them in a loooong time though.)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Just Because We Get Around (Part 1 of my Fuck his dad series. Steve is Dustin's dad, Eddie is Dustin's college friend, they fuck nasty and then there are feelings. It's silly and cheesy and I still love it even if I think about renaming it at least once a week. 😂)
Mutually Beneficial (Written for this art by @2jihiir0 😌 There may be a part 2 coming if I can ever get Inspired to work on it again WE'LL SEE!)
With Extra Nuts (Eddie sees Steve in his Scoops uniform, they fuck nasty in the back room about it.)
Dustin's Dad (Has Got Me Down Bad (Part 2 of Fuck his dad, wherein Dustin finds out. 😌)
Vixen (Steve wears lingerie to a Christmas party. He and Eddie fuck nasty about it when they get home. There's a pattern here. 😂)
5. Do you respond to comments?
It definitely takes me some time sometimes but I try to! Even the ones that are just like, hearts or a laugh emoji. They took their time to not only read my fic but to leave a comment and I want them to know that I appreciate it. 🥹
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I had an answer here but I had completely forgotten about A rush kinda like the old times (I still cross your mind). It's Stommy, with Tommy reaching out to (fem) Steve after he gets engaged. There's lots of reminiscing but it's bittersweet because Tommy's clearly not happy, and Stevie isn't going to give him what he wants.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have a transfem Steve series (Wallpaper, Long Haul, Candles) that gave me so much joy to write. I don't really write unhappy endings (IDK maybe that'll change but I kind of doubt it. to quote T Swift, "I'm just too soft for all of it.") but these three just. I'm really proud of them. Part one is Stevie coming out to Robin, part 2 is Eddie, and then part 3 is Stevie getting dicked down a happy ending to her birthday. I was nervous to write these, because I'm not trans. None of it is from Stevie's POV, it's from the POV of the people who love her. And that's what I wanted to show. A beautiful trans woman who had been through so much hell before life decided to throw gender stuff at her, getting to come out, getting to be herself, and getting so much love and support from the people around her. 🥹🥹🥹🥹
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully no (knock on wood)!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
All kinds? We have monster fucking and some good ol' sapphic steddie semi-hate fucking and some Steve playing Billy Loomis (with the softest fucking aftercare in the world, tbh). 15 of the fics I've posted are explicit (it feels like there should be more but I think that just means they're all in WIP purgatory, who knows when/ if they'll see the light of day).
10. Do you write crossovers?
I have one I've been working on for months that's a Marmalade/ Baron x Eddie fic but I also haven't touched it in months. 😅
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of (knock on wood again).
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so but that'd be cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not one that's been posted yet but I actually have two written with my spouse that we're going to upload eventually!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I love Steddie, I've found so much community here, but I would be remiss to not acknowledge the fact that Destiel had such a strong hold on me for years. I've made so many friends because of it, I literally met my spouse writing it.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I honestly don't know. I'm intending on finishing the ones I have started but my WIP folder is kind of daunting so. Who knows?
16. What are your writing strengths?
Even though I don't write it often I think my angst is pretty good. I've also been told that I make things feel very alive, and that's something I try hard to do, too (and am glad that I can do, I've only been writing for over half of my life even if I'm only just now posting it! 😅)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes. I struggle SO HARD with action scenes. It's something I'm working on, something I've been working on for a while, but I feel like my pacing is way off and needs a lot of work.
I also can't write slow burn to save my fucking life. I just want them to get to smoochin' already!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I would do it but I would want to be so careful and not have a scenario where I translate it as one thing and someone comes along and says "she said he smells like dirty socks and liver" or something. 😂
19. First fandom you wrote for?
That I posted, Frasier. First fandom that I started writing for in general was Spn!
20. Favorite fic you've written?
This is the same answer I gave last time but I think it has to be Don't go where I can't follow, which was I think my 2nd Steddie fic? It's under 1,000 words but it's the one I've reread the most. There's lots of hurt/comfort packed into those 990 words. It was written as a kinktober prompt, written in an hour and posted in the middle of the night and IDK. I just really love it.
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 month
Tumblr media
i thought i dropped a thank you post but i guess not! thank you everyone for getting me to 500 followers!
i think when i started this blog i wanted to grow to big silly numbers—who doesn’t—but now i’m just impressed there are 500 accounts out there that want to see my work.
at this point i’ve already achieved a lot of goals i didn’t expect to achieve with vtuber fanfic of all things. wrote 5k+ word fics, beat yearly word counts, achieve a following and lovely people in my inbox. hell, i’m writing a video game and with tons of talented people working right along with me.
this is all to say nowadays i try less to see my follower count as 505 people and more of 1 person that enjoys me x505. the individuality of it. and in turn what i wrote isn’t what 505 people would want—it’s what i want, by 505. there is no greater joy than self-indulgence and it shows in the art you create. i’d like to imagine that even if a follower was only here for one character, or one post, or has forgotten i existed, then i was at least entertaining for a second. i’m really happy with that.
so to the people who have liked any of my posts and nothing else: thank you. to the people that follow and are pleasantly surprised when i’m on the dash: thank you. to the people who see my works in the tags and move on, or have moved on from vtubers entirely, to everyone that wouldn’t see this: you have my deepest and sincerest thanks
if you’re familiar with my sideblog you may remember a while back when i reposted a mysta rias tweet that changed my life (genuinely): “do what makes you feel creatively free.” i had just watched a k9kuro clip before writing this, too, on communities and being an entertainer creating a space for viewers. i know i’m pretentious but i’d hope i’m not so pretentious to call my blog a community but—the people who enter my inbox give me life. the replies and reblogs and comments make my day, genuinely. i still remember things people have said months, even a year ago. something funny: on occasion someone’ll say something sweet and it’ll give me the motivation to sit down and start writing when i had none before. if not a community, then i consider you all within my circle nonetheless, and with delight.
to everyone that has thanked me for the fic—thank you for your time, feedback, and for reading. to everyone that hopped into my asks to brainrot or thirst or ask just anything: you always make me laugh, thank you. to the people that reblog, especially: i would have never seen this milestone without your support. i write on tumblr and not other socmed because i seek the comfort of a fandom that understands how to support its artists and reblogs, which increase visibility, are how i can connect to others even if for a moment. you have my deepest and sincerest thanks
though i do admit when i’m not writing i am a lurker myself at times. likes are invisible support. thankfully tumblr doesn’t have views (one less statistic for me to freak out about!) but i’ve gone through entire blogs myself without leaving any sign. i’m trying to get better at that but the point still stands.
to the invisible people that have read my fics without interacting, to the people without an account, the ones that know me because i crosspost or by word of mouth and not through tumblr: thank you. i think of my notifications as an optional guestbook and i have no idea how many people have visited me in all, but that doesn’t change the fact that people have read my works. you have my deepest and sincerest thanks
to my friends, finally. on this blog i have my briskadetsona, and i try to act entirely in character with unit 4402. it’s because i don’t like networking and dreaded doing that online too. but the curtain parts and this is one of those times. the messages i’ve sent have never been a chore.
my mutuals, anons, and fellow tumblr users: you are why i get corny like this. i have a lot of admiration for you, thank you. the people who know my discord: we should shoot the shit some more, thank you. the people that let me gush about my stories and headcanons and my upcoming fics: i don’t think you’ll ever realize how much that means to me. thank you. to all of you who have heard me speak, read my texts, had no expectation: “folks like you are the reason i’ve lost count of the dreams i’ve fulfilled in just a few years.” thank you dearly. thank you. you have my deepest, and sincerest, thanks
i know i’m dramatic and cheesy but i do enjoy reflection and i hope this grants you perspective. tysm
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itsjaywalkers · 2 months
hi! i’ve been a lurker for a while so i’m just wondering if you had any advice on coming into the marauders tumblr fan space ?? i used to be a semi big acc in another fandom on twitter a few years ago so this is very New to me and everyone here seems so sweet and cool ! i haven’t written any full fics but i have like hundreds of little aus and snippets id love to share 😭 you were one of the first marauders accounts i followed from ao3 so really i just feel more comfy, also i love your writing <3 your jeggy and bartylily are actually The Only Ships Ever for me
hello darling!! and omg i wish i did but . i don't think so?? i was also very nervous about making this blog and actively participating in this fandom bc it had been . A While . for me. like, i never stopped being in fandoms bc i love media and i'm mentally ill lmao but the last time i wrote fics for one or interacted with other ppl i was?? 16??? 17?? besides i was in marauders twt first for like a couple of months and it was a fucking nightmare so i was lowkey terrified lmao
but honestly, if u really wanna be here then i think u should just go for it!! follow all the blogs u like and i can assure u that at least a handful of them will follow back. and even if they don't, send them asks!! interact with their posts!! reblog their art!! that's how u make friends in my experience, and if ur less anxious than me u can even try and dm them about something u both like or have in common. sometimes it'll flow naturally and nicely and you'll get a friend out of it and other times it'll end in a sweet conversation. and that's fine!! it's part of the process. just . don't force it and focus on having fun and enjoying what u like and sharing ur own art with others <33 post those snippets and aus, i'm sure lots of ppl will love them
and stop that's so very lovely!! it's still so crazy to me that there are ppl who follow me from ao3.. like !! wdym u like my writing to the point u wanna know whenever i share one of my silly stories !! see my posts and everything i have to say !!! what !!!
thank u very much babe <3 i'm very happy u enjoy my fics and that u love both my jegulus and my bartylily. they're all so so so dear to me and like u said . The Only Ships Ever
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teaveetamer · 1 year
I'm sorry, Raxis has a history of sporking fic? He has a TVTROPES page about it?
Then literally, aside from defending his saintly waifu.png's delicate honour, grounds - moral or otherwise - does he have to stand on? He knows what the purpose of sporking is, in theory. He should know that sometimes it's just about discussing a fic, thematically, in depth, to see what it says or how it fails to say them, instead of just plain mockery.
Or maybe it's that he's only ever sporked a fic to insult or send harassment towards the 'cringe' author, so he's unable to comprehend that anyone else might do it for any other reason.
I'm sure Raxis thinks he's the main character and all, but even this is way more transparently hypocritical than usual.
YEEEEEEEEEEP. He even wrote his own little character profile on the Das Sporking TV tropes page. Which was a community primarily geared toward mocking Twilight and Fifty Shades originally, so you might not be off about the "sporked fic just to insult or send harassment towards the 'cringe author'".
Also like here's the thing. He's gonna claim it was a long time ago, and that's true, but he's 35. He was also editing the Das Sporking TV tropes page back in 2013, 2014, and 2015, which means he was at least 24 or 25 and active in these communities. The earliest he could have possibly joined up is 2009, when he was like 21, given this entry:
Tumblr media
Where Raxis writes that his first spork/intended spork was the Sword Art Online light novel, which was released in 2009 in Japan and 2014 in America?
Also he's still editing the pages. He only marked himself down as "retired" last month when people started calling him out for being a hypocrite for trying to shit talk BWIIDT when he was an active sporker himself.
Also you're? Still doing it? You're LITERALLY sporking a fic right now. YOU CALL IT A SPORK. Like yes if this was just some dumbass shit he did as a teen or even a twenty-something then I wouldn't bother bringing it up, but he's still doing it. So uh yeah, it's still relevant? Especially when you spend most of your fucking Reyna sporks whining about what a big ol meaaaaaaaaaaaaanie BWIIDT is for... pointing out racism and sexism.
Like you, a cishet white man, spent your 20's when you were a grown ass man, in a community apparently known for shitting on teenage girls who like Twilight and you appear to have done no reflection or growth on that.
I did cringe and offensive and ignorant shit ten years ago too (granted I was an actual teenager ten years ago). Like, I definitely had some weird hangup about Demisexuality. Thank GOD I don't think I ever posted any of it publicly. And now ten years later I'm not such an ignorant fuckwad and I don't think or say those things anymore. You know what I don't do? Claim to have learned from and regret my mistakes, continue to post demi-phobic shit all over my social media accounts, and then get mad at people for calling out my hypocrisy because "you're bringing up stuff I did ten years ago!"
It was ten years ago but shit ain't changed, so why wouldn't your past behavior still be relevant? Especially since you were old enough to know better then, and you're sure as shit old enough to know better now.
Also I just want to point out the irony of Raxis breaking THE FIRST RULE of the Das Sporking wiki with his sporks
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Sooo you had no idea linking to a fic directly could possibly cause harassment, huh? That was just a big oopsie on your part?
He doesn't give a shit about Reyna's fic. He just views it as a way to dunk on the "Edelcrits" and specifically BWIIDT, which is why he CONSTANTLY brings up BWIIDT in his posts about Reyna (I've seen a few more snippets). Like he genuinely thinks it hurts our feelings when he mocks a fic none of us had ever even fucking heard of before. It doesn't, it just makes him look like a massive fucking tool.
And like I pointed out in this post, BWIIDT started talking about Cap's fic because people were out here shoving it down fandoms' throat and insisting it was "essential" to understand canon. Like it was getting recc'd to Joe fucking Zieja, and it has SO MANY problematic elements. Racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. I won't rehash them all.
What even are Raxy's criticisms of Reyna's fic, other than "it's cringe", "I don't like how she writes Edelgard", and "BWIIDT hurt my feelings by talking about a fic I like"? And again, what the fuck does this random fic author have to do with anything BWIIDT has done? If your issue is with BWIIDT then why do you insist on dragging a random person in for no fucking reason?
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misssleepless12 · 3 months
Okay. Hi!
I'm someone who really likes writing, and drawing, and just thinking of situations to put my favourite characters in. But I used to get really nervous posting it because I was scared nobody would like my ideas as much as I did. Maybe my writing was bad, there's better writers out there. Maybe my art wasn't good enough, there's better artists out there. But I came across some of your works months ago, along with some other lovely fanfic authors for blue lock, and I was so inspired by everything. Your Rinsagi characterisation is absolutely on point and I adore it so so much. Your TabiEita fics made ME a TabiEita shipper. Thank you so much for all of that.
I actually wrote a 25k Rnis fic of my own, and I actually posted it a few months ago. It was my first time posting a big fic and I felt incredibly proud of myself for overcoming the anxiety and doing it. And now, today, I read one of your works again and I went, hey, maybe I should tell them how much I love their work. How much it inspires me to keep writing and drawing. How happy it makes me to read at their work and look at their art.
I'd have said this months ago, but today I'm finally writing another rnis two shot that I might actually post. And I thought I'd thank you for sharing your writing, and thank you for helping me overcome my own anxiety indirectly. You're amazing, and I really really appreciate you. Hope you have a wonderful day!!!
- A
OMG!! Hello dear anon! 🫶
First things first, I'm very proud of you for not only writing your own long fic, but also overcoming the anxiety to post it! I've been doing this for almost a decade at this point and even I still have to fight off the impostor syndrome all the time when I create; 'there's better artists' 'there's better writers' yeah and there always will be, but only you can tell the type of stories you wanna tell. So don't hold yourself back! Keep writing/drawing all the silly, funky things that make you happy, dear anon! I'm cheering for you! 🥰
Also, GLAD TO HAVE YA IN TABIEITA HELL it's my favorite pastime to drag folks down here with me lmaoooo. And I'm so glad you enjoy my rinsagi works! 💖 They mean so much to me, and to hear you like my characterization makes me very very happy!
But this whole ask has made me SO HAPPY anon, you have no idea! I'm so touched by all your kind words, and utterly thrilled that my silly soccer boy nonsense has inspired you so. It's because of people like you taking the time to tell me how you feel that I'm able to keep creating, and I can't thank you enough for that. Wishing you the best of luck with your new rnis two-shot (mayhap I'll come across it in the wild 👀), and all projects to come. You've got this!! ✨✨✨
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liz-allyn · 2 years
how can I get my fics to get attention like yours do? working your ass off and then getting 20 notes sucks. and I’m trying to become a better writer and honestly crave the validation like you get from your followers. hopefully you’ll see this! Obsessed with S&V
Hi my fellow 🖋️!
Thank you so much for your comment, and thank you for thinking so highly of me!
answers for fic writers after the cut
So honestly? I don't know how to get followers. This blog has been running since 2021, and I only started writing fic < 1 year ago. I've become so much more well known (ha) in the TASM fandom because I've hung out here a long time. I don't have a secret to engagement or understand how tumblr 'works' that well (ie the algorithm that social media sites use to decide what to put in front of you). There are still people I freakin' worship on this site who don't interact with my fics at all, haha. AND flip side, some of the best writers I've ever seen are on here and their fics have less than 100 notes. I have learned that persistently I'll look over into other peoples' yards and be like "fuck. how did they get 4K followers?" or like "wow, she just posted this yesterday and it has over 1k notes."
as for working your ass off and getting 20 notes—CAN CONFIRM: that sucks. some fics I wrote for fun. some fics I wrote for the creative challenge. but pretty much on all of them I've left a little piece of me, of my soul and the lessons i've learned in my meandering partial journey. blood on the keyboard. and those fics? the really great ones (or ones just as good as sugar and vice)? they still don't have many notes.
But I will acknowledge that my following dramatically increased when I started posting S&V. I think I had ~900 and that blew up to 1.5k. There are a few factors in this:
Always post fics with fic art (with gifs! if possible) - This is the number one thing that draws me to read fic. I like art that looks cool. I also have been playing around with Canva Pro for 3-4 years (it's my fav) and I'm animation-adjacent as a day job, so pushing myself to think about graphic design has been really good for me. I find it fun to come up with a whole aesthetic for your story, whether it's a mood board or a color scheme (I usually have 'branding' on the brain). If you don't want to play with fic art, at least find an appropriate gif. Use the actor's face. I also think the gif search on Tumblr sucks balls but it's really worth it to have the right gif.
Pay attention to the hashtags of other popular fics in your fandom - when I started paying attention to notes, this was the best advice. I was using all kinds of tags that made sense to me, but weren't effective. In the web version of Tumblr, I can search for a tag and see how many followers it has. It's significant if #peter parker x reader has way more followers than #tasm!peter x reader. Also trends come and go, tumblr has their hotboy of the month and it rotates. there have been months were TASM Peter was non-existent in the last year, and months where we're getting *fed*. Pro tip with tags: I have a separate Google Doc with a list of hashtags that I copy and paste to save time. After a while, you should try reblogging with different hashtags
Use a spelling or grammar checker - I'm not a grammar fac*st but if I open a fic and everything is misspelled, almost no punctuation is used, and I have to work really hard to understand your story, then it's not going to go far. (With respect to writers who post work in English, and it's their second language). I never pay much attention to the occasional misspelling or grammar mistake, but when it looks like you sent your fic via text message or tinder chat, I just can't. I personally use Grammarly, but I also hate it and think it's buggy and overpriced. If anyone else has a better option that works with Google Docs, let me know!
Never write your fics in Tumblr's post editor. That has nothing to do with engagement but that shit is buggy as hell.
Avoid putting too much text up front before the fic. I put author's notes at the end. I try to keep summaries short. I try to focus on what someone absolutely needs to know to understand this fic, and I *mostly* try to avoid apologizing to the reader ahead of time for what they're about to read, for it being too long, for it being weird, bleh bleh bleh
If you're writing a series, make people reblog to be tagged. I've seen lots of people do taglists and then they give up because it's a pain to manage (and it is), plus you have a bunch of people that go "add me to the taglist!" or "next part, when?" and they didn't even reblog what you've already written. I think that's been one of the really big factors behind S&V's success
Make navigation as easy as possible - this is web design 101 (which I flunked repeatedly), but a masterlist is good to have. If you're in a series, a link back to the previous chapter + next chapter is good to have, I've also recently started putting a link back to the masterlist. people that know more things about stuff than me told me that you want to make things as simple as possible for viewers to get from one page to another. (that's why youtube links are shit on tumblr, even videos are meh, but GIFs work so well and attract so much attention). this is a visual site, so big images or headings or links with color help to draw the eye's attention.
Write what you want to write. Because you really need to gain enjoyment from writing, and it should never feel like you're a content factory. Do this 9 out of 10 times. The 10th time, write what people want to read. My first mob fic was These Violet Delights which I thought was so smart, and I was so proud of, and I planned this whole series out for. But also I tag things accurately, and some people (even my moots) are uncomfortable reading about those topics. Then when I started S&V I was extremely self-critical because I didn't want to write something filled with tropes and cliches. And then I sort of got off my soapbox and let S&V be its own thing, full of tropes and cliches, because they're popular for a reason, and they're fun to read, and it's okay to have candy for dinner every once in a while. And I've been able to pivot my plans and create something I'm pretty proud of.
It does help to stay consistent in the fandom you're writing for. Either by writing or reblogging other writers. Just don't make yourself feel like you're a slave to Tumblr and you must stay active at all times f o r e n g a g e m e n t. Everyone should take breaks when they need to.
Don't listen to my advice because no one knows how to hack tumblr. There are some posts that have sooooo many notes and I'm like 'why?' Meanwhile, my heart's been ripped open in LED pixels on screen and sometimes it passes by.
I hope that this was useful! And if not, I'm sorry for the long post. I look forward to reading your fic (whoever you are), and feel free to tag me when you write your next thing!
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queerwolfsstuff · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @eyesofatragedy67
1. How many works do you have on A03?
121 so far, that number will increase within the next couple of months.
2. What's your total word count?
Holy shit, and that's not including the word count of unpublished works or the original novel I'm currently editing!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Actively: Supernatural; Good Omens; Our Flag Means Death; Red, White, and Royal Blue, (MAYBE DEAD BOY DETECTIVES BACK OFF)
Past: South Park; High School Musical; Beauty and the Beast; Harry Potter; Blades of Glory; and Glee.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos:
Top 5 in general (this includes co-written fics):
In a Mirror, Darkly (written with @anyreiart) - 3,068
Red, White, and Royal Blue Balls - 2,365
Playing with Fire (written with @anyreiart) - 1,748
That Wasn’t Supposed to Fucking Happen! (written with @anyrei) - 1,387
The Heart of Ophelia (written with @anyreiart) - 1,357
Top 5 Solo Fics:
Red, White, and Royal Blue Balls - 2,365
La Rose Cachée - 1,146
Twenty After Four - 390
You Know I’m No Good - 326
And Walk Yourself to the Laundromat - 318
5. Do you respond to comments?
UGH, not as much as I should, and I used to be really good about responding to all comments, but presently my inbox on Ao3 has 4402 “unread” comments and I just… I can’t, it’s too overwhelming at this point with working two jobs. But I read and genuinely appreciate every single comment, even if I can’t reply to every single one!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ah. That’s a toss up between Nothing’s Gonna Change My World and Through the Rift Series. In my opinion, the former, but I’m sure Any would beg to differ.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oooh, fun! Ummmm. Most of them have happy endings (both literally and figuratively). I guess the “happiest” ending goes to the crack fic I wrote for Any’s birthday seven years ago. Crack in the Fourth Wall
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Oh, you betcha. The first time we got a shitty comment on a joint fic, Any said, “We’ve made it!” Thankfully, when a certain newsletter was dismantled, the anti-destiel harassment died down. I/We still get the occasional “concrit” comment from readers who think it’s an okay thing to give unsolicited writing advice, and I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Constructive criticism cannot exist in already posted fanfiction world, you aren’t being constructive or critiquing, you’re literally filing a complaint, leaving a bad review. So either embrace the fact you’re a shitty 1-star Yelp review Karen, or stop leaving concrit.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Craziest crossover?
I actually don’t write crossovers, but keep your eyes peeled! I recently participated in the CasDean Reverse Crossover Bang, and in a little over a week, I’ll be posting my Harry Potter crossover fic featuring art by the amazing @rezal-art!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not technically, or in a way that could be proven, but a very popular fic very much felt like a rip off of one of mine and Any’s fics, one that a well known author (a friend of the author of aforementioned rip off) made it a point to tell potential readers to not read the ending of because said author didn’t like the polyamory of it all.
Even funnier, that same author shortly after wrote their own poly fic. So, I guess personal preferences used to justify telling people to not read someone’s fic can sometimes beget a change of heart if it gets you more comments/readers.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Any and I have had a couple of our fics translated into Chinese, Russian, and Spanish! And we are here for anyone who wishes to translate any of our fics, just let us know and send us a link, and we will include it in the notes!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. At this point, I prefer to not write alone. Any needs to stop allowing it to happen.
14. All-time favorite ship?
Okay, so… technically, it’s Destiel. It’s the only pairing that survived the end of its series. Dean Winchester and Castiel are my two favorite archetypes of characters and their specific dynamic transcends canon bad endings and any type of universe.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don’t have any! The last time I posted a WIP, it took me a couple years to finish, so I promised myself I would only post completed fics from now on.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Comedic scenarios and dialogue. I like the funnies and the speakings.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
DESCRIPTIONS. I fucking hate it, okay? Why can’t you all just know what’s in my damn head? I also have a toxic, codependent relationship with commas and sentence fragments.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
A little mixed. So, barring it being like… Latin, or a more archaic language that you use an unreliable online translator for or a language you speak, I believe for believable dialogue, you should have a friend or someone who can confirm/verify that the language is written correctly, otherwise, I vote you write, “they spoke in x language,” and interpret in the narrative. And no writing an accent in dialogue for characters where English is a second language phonetically! Like, authentic structure of a sentence, rhythm, or word choice is fine, but let’s not be offensive folks.
19. First fandom you ever wrote in?
Harry Potter over twenty years ago now. I’m an old.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Oooh, that’s fun. Ummmm. For co-written, it’s a toss up between Five Dimensions, or Dean’s Crusade: A Dance with Self Discovery with @anyreiart or Heaven on htraE with @eyesofatragedy67 and for solo it’s a toss up between I Wish for This and La Rose Cachée
Tag time! @anyreiart @punk-is-notdead and whoever else wants to do this!
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kemakoshume · 2 years
Secrets Whispered in Writing — gojo x f!reader x geto
summary: Traveling through Edo-era Japan under the guard of two samurai—Satoru and Suguru—you find yourself in the mecca of art, music, and sex. You write your feelings down in your diary. Gojo and Getou are nosey.
· this is a samurai champloo!au based on episode 12 of the series. you don't need to watch the show to enjoy this but you should definitely watch it. it's amazing.
a/n: remember that samurai champloo fic i wrote for the lovely @cyancherub's "back from the dead" collab like... almost a year ago? lmao. well, i rewrote it, added a bunch to it, and made it satosugu x reader. so, here's that :) also posted on AO3. only the diary entries are in first-person; the rest of the fic isn't.
warnings: threesome (M/M/F), oral sex (f!receiving), double penetration.
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❁ July 2nd — Sunny, then cloudy ❁
Gojo, Getou, and I landed in Edo for an extended mission today.
This is our fourth town and sixth month together. Things feel good.
I don’t have much to say about Edo except—wow. The people here are wild.
They make beautiful art with lacquers and textiles finer than silk.
The music feeds the soul and the food fuels carnal hunger.
They have sex without sexuality, and they have it in abundance.
Just between us, dear diary, the desire to throw myself into the debauchery of this town grows more and more with every hour we spend here.
What am I to do?
❁ July 4th — Cloudy ❁
I met a prostitute in a bar today. She was very lovely.
She asked about my companions and how a country girl like me learned how to tend to two strong samurai.
I didn’t tell her that they aren’t technically samurai.
They’re just two bozos with a little training and nice reflexes that can wield swords.
But anyway… I also didn’t tell her that I don’t ‘tend’ to them.
I’m afraid to admit that I want to.
❁ July 5th — Rainy, then foggy ❁
Today, I saw something that my eyes could’ve never imagined.
I’ve heard murmurs for ages that men here explore in ways that they don’t in the countryside. Today, I saw it.
Two men, out in the open inside our ryokan, making love like men do to women.
Now I can’t help but wonder if those two do the same when I’m not around.
If they’ve ever thought about it…
❁ July 7th — Rainy, with sun ❁
I saw that prostitute again.
She suggested that the boys and I go to a bathhouse.
We went, and I saw it again.
Two men, but this time with a woman—another worker.
All three of them, together. I didn’t know that was possible.
❁ July 8th — Rainy ❁
I can’t stop picturing it.
The three of us, like those people in the bathhouse.
If it were possible.
❁ July 10th — Warm, and wet ❁
A handsome man who paints portraits asked me on the street if he could draw me.
I said yes. He showed me his home, and he drew me nude.
He asked if I could touch myself… like the yuujo girls that sit in the shop windows do to attract customers.
I said yes. He drew that too.
My mind raced with thoughts of Suguru’s polished hands and Satoru’s slick tongue the entire time.
❁ July 11th — Cloudy, with sunshine ❁
Things feel funny.
Getou held my waist today as he walked past me.
He and Gojo haven’t fought in two days.
Well, each other, at least.
They’ve fought plenty of other people.
❁ July 12th — Foggy ❁
We’ll only be in Edo for one more day.
I don’t want to leave.
The energy is infectious.
I’ve caught it like a disease.
❁ July 13th — Sunny, but cool ❁
Gojo suggested we stay another night.
He conned a guy out of a home to stay in.
Getou and I said yes.
❁ July 14th — Sunny ❁
I figured it out.
I know you two are reading these. Getou—give Gojo my regards.
And answer my questions ~
“So, are you going to explain yourselves or just sit in silence all night?”
You looked down at the two men from your position at the head of your shared sleeping room, staring down at them sitting on the floor in front of you while you leaned on the homeowner’s large wooden desk. Satoru sat with his long legs crossed at the knees—his arms folded in a similar fashion across the lean muscle of his chest. Suguru did the same, though his large indigo blue haori sleeves hid his muscular arms, and his hands were interlaced in his lap—almost like he was meditating. Their faces housed similar scowls, though Gojo’s was characteristically indignant while Getou looked typically temperate.
For a moment, the room was vacant of your voices. The only sound that was audible between the firm wooden walls was your breathing—heavy against the weight of your breasts beneath the lining of your delicate yukata. The mid-summer warmth bled into the air, making all three of you bead lightly with a thin sheen of sweat.
“Well?” you said, your tone insistent as the sound of cicadas nestled in the trees grew louder from outside the ryokan.
Gojo huffed, shaking out the pleasantly clean—for once—mop of wavey white curls on top of his head.
“You’ve got a lot of nerve calling us cowards when you were busy hiding your feelings in your diary,” he said, his voice gruff as he moved his line of sight from the floor and fixed it on you. “Yeah, we read your stupid diary! Shouldn’t leave shit lying around if you don’t want anyone to see.”
A deep inhale of air filled your lungs, only for it to be expelled twice as fast. “Satoru,” you said, your eyes pointed and glaring at the wild-haired man, “that was one of my personal things. I don’t touch your swords, so why would you touch my diary? It’s basically the same thing!”
He scoffed, something akin to a laugh bubbling in his throat. “Do you protect us with that journal, princess? Can that journal cut your cute little fingers off if you wield it wrong? Hm?”
You huffed, sputtering out rushing words to negate the man’s sentiments. Though, as even Getou breathed out a chuckle, you knew your protests fell on two sets of deaf ears.
“So, no then?” Gojo said, cocking his full lips into a lazy smile. “Hear that, Suguru? She thinks her diary is the same thing as a sword.”
Your foot hit the floor with a dull thud as you stomped one down in petulant irritation. “That’s not what I said! And, anyway, it’s still my thing. My private thing. You had no right to read it!”
Satoru adjusted his body, sitting so that his right leg was still crossed, but now his left was propped up—making the already lanky man look even larger as he spread out his limbs.
“I didn’t read anything,” he said, feigning innocence—as the man was notably illiterate. “But, you can’t stand here and play the dumb card with us, princess. You say you didn’t want us to see, but you left the thing on my side of the room—and you know I’m nosey. And you left it here unattended, out in the open, knowing that Getou here can read. For something you’re so protective of, you sure do a lousy job at keeping it hidden. Unless—”
“She wanted us to read it, as proven obvious by the last submission in the journal,” Suguru said, lifting his gaze to look up at you as well. “And your incessant desire to know our thoughts about the ill-kept secrets you filled the pages with.”
Despite your higher position, being the one standing, suddenly you felt small in front of the two men. Getou—the stoic man with long black hair and piercing eyes, with dewy milk-white skin unwithered despite your days in the sun, and Gojo—the other man sworn to protect you on your journey, with untamed hair and tan skin—facial hair that added a more masculine edge to his thinner physique, and a tongue as quick as the draw of his sword.
The two couldn’t have been more different in most ways. Suguru was refined; Satoru was a menace. Yet somehow, despite the difference in their dispositions, in moments like this, they couldn’t have felt more similar. When they were toying with you with their words, passing you back and forth to be teased and taunted in that way you begrudgingly enjoyed, their similarities shined. They were always at their best when it came to playing with you.
“Well, out with it then,” Gojo said, tapping his foot impatiently. “We’ve already decided to share you, so get on with it and ask.”
You blinked, your lashes fluttering in disbelief as you scoffed. “Share me?” you said, followed by a series of incomplete thoughts flowing out in a blur from your lips. “I—I just… share? Me, with both of you? Do I look like a geiko to you? I mean… Satoru, I would never, and Suguru, you barely even look at me half the time. So, I—”
Suguru stood up without a word, crossing the small distance between where he sat and where you stood with three long strides. Your protests ceased as he slid his body against yours, his front flush against you as the man held your face in his hands.
“Stop talking,” he said firmly, making the rush of words halt on your tongue. “We read enough to know what you want. Do you want it to be a reality, or are you content with it being a personal fairytale forever?”
You looked up into Suguru’s deep onyx-colored eyes, somehow tinged even darker with a hint of something you’d never seen on the man’s face before. The fixed position of his jaw, like the man was holding back words—which, for him, was strange—enticed you to nod as he lowered his hands to your hips, guiding you to sit back on the desk.
“Good, then lay down.”
You did as you were told and laid down on the desk, feebly attempting to hold the slipping fabric of your yukata closed in the front as the fabric stretched in the new position.
“Oh, now she’s shy,” Gojo murmured, rolling his eyes as he stood too, coming over to sit next to you on the heavy desk. “But you showed that hack painter the goods with no problem?”
Satoru gripped the obe keeping the thin fabric closed, looking down at you with those crystal-blue eyes in wait until you nodded your head and moved your hands—removing them from where they’d been gripping the garment tight to shield your bare skin beneath.
“Are you hustling us?” Suguru asked, running his hands up your nude body beneath the fabric, causing it to pool around you like a halo as the fabric fell off of you and down onto the desk, only still connected to you by the sleeves. “No wrapping for your breasts. No drawers. And your skin is so supple—practically begging to be touched.”
He wasted no time in dipping his head down then, leaning his tall body over your smaller frame easily to envelop you in his warmth—the weight of his mouth on your skin sending heat down from the crown of your head to your feet as a shiver coursed through your body. He nosed your neck, nipping the area with his teeth before soothing the pain away with kisses while his hands traveled the curves and dips of your body.
Gojo watched, looking down at you both as Getou took one taut nipple into his mouth and sucked before moving his attention down the length of your torso.
“You smell wonderful right here,” Suguru said, kissing his way down until he was squatting, his face level with your cunt. “So wet for me, and I’ve barely done anything to you. Have you thought about this for that long?”
You nodded, willing to throw away a bit of your pride as the man’s mouth hovered so close but still too far away from where you wanted it.
“Me?” Satoru said indignantly, scrunching his nose in irritation. “I thought this was supposed to be a group project, casanova.”
The blue-eyed man adjusted his body to be comfortable as he lowered his head, taking one of your nipples into his mouth and sucking. You ran your hand through Gojo's hair, lightly gripping the soft strands to keep his mouth on you as Suguru lifted your legs, pushing them back and resting his arms against the back of your thighs to keep them open.
“It’s like a little pearl,” Suguru said, mostly to himself as an airy moan left your lungs due to Gojo adding his hands to the mix, pinching your unattended nipple with his fingers.
He lowered his mouth down to your “pearl” then, flicking the muscle tentatively at first, then relaxing into the motions as you wiggled your hips to make him move.
“See?” you said, your voice not sounding like your own as you spoke. “You two work together great. Perfect partners in crime.”
You felt more than saw Suguru's eye roll as he smacked the soft skin of your inner thighs, and Satoru very subtly added his teeth into the next bout of suction against your sensitive nipple. The slight sting of pain added to the pleasure, and you felt the feeling growing beneath your skin as their tongues worked harder against your body.
Satoru moved, adjusting to lay on his side next to you as he toyed with your breasts. The sound of their tongues on your skin was loud in the quiet room as your high crept up on you, building to a fever pitch until you felt nothing but wet heat and saw infinite darkness behind your eyelids. Soft whimpers and long moans poured out of your mouth to accompany it.
“Do you want to taste her? She tastes divine,” Getou murmured toward Gojo, his words slurred slightly as he licked you gently as your orgasm came down. He looked like a man starved; like he couldn’t care less that the “end” had occurred. He just wanted more of you.
Satoru lifted his head, stopping his mission of marking any skin he could get his mouth on. “I wouldn’t describe pussy as divine, but you do your thing. I want to feel her inside,” he said, looking down to watch Getou flick his tongue against your slick folds with reverence again before hopping off of the desk.
“Let’s move this party down to the floor, hm?” Gojo said, running his blunt nails along the sensitive skin of Suguru’s neck as he walked behind him. He slotted his hand in the man’s hair, pulling his head backward to remove him from his daze of feasting on you.
You couldn’t hear well over the beating of your heart in your ears, but you’re sure you heard a slight whine tumble from Getou’s mouth just as a disappointed groan left yours.
“No,” you said, pouting with irritation as Gojo coaxed Getou backward with his hold on his hair. “I felt another one coming.”
He hummed, guiding Suguru down to the ground that was padded with thick tatami mats. “Don’t pout,” Satoru said, walking back over to you. “You’ll get yours again, princess, don’t worry. Waiting for it a little won’t kill you.” He wasted no time lifting you off the furniture, carrying your weight easily with his deceptively strong arms.
He sat you down in between Suguru's legs allowing the other man to hold you close to his chest with his arm wrapped around your waist. As you settled into his lap, your eyes focused forward on Gojo, and you couldn’t stifle the gasp as you saw his length. It hung free from his pants, heavy and blushed at the tip between his legs as he approached you on the tatami.
“Don’t act all innocent,” he said, leaning into your space to kiss you before slotting his legs with Getou’s—caging you between them both. “You’ve seen a dick before.”
You blinked dumbly, wondering how much an insufferable man could be blessed with so much girth. “Not one like that,” you muttered, yelping with a shout as Gojo landed a swift spank against your sensitive bud.
“Shut up,” he groaned, resting his hand on the firm bone above your cunt while his thumb dipped down into the mess of sloppy wet slick coating your sex. “Getou, get your cock out. I want to try something.”
The typical temperate man made no contests as he normally would. He simply lifted your body enough to wiggle his pants down and placed you back down in his lap, pressing his hard length against your back.
“It’s out. Now what?”
Gojo smirked, pushing your legs toward your chest as he sat up enough to be kneeling.
“Hold these,” he said, gripping your thighs until Getou’s hands replaced his—holding you open and exposed for the world to see.
“I’ll get her nice and ready, then you can have your fill, Suguru.”
Gojo fisted his cock, running his hand up and down the length a few times before nestling himself against your entrance—impatiently asking for your approval with his eyes. You nodded as Getou tilted your chin up to meet his gaze, and he kissed you—deep and filled with passion you didn’t know the man was capable of while Gojo sheathed himself into your wet heat, groaning as he bottomed out.
“Jesus, you’re soft. Everywhere, but fuck—right here. Inside,” he said, his breathing ragged as he began to move. His characteristic ruthlessness came out in full force as he wasted no time thrusting into you, making your body jolt and rub against Getou’s abdomen, and thus his cock trapped in-between.
“A little less rough, Gojo,” Getou said, a weak moan spilling from his lips as a particularly firm thrust that made him rut against you harder than he meant to. “I’d rather not cum on her back, at least not like this.”
Satoru laughed, loosening his grip on your hips as he looked the other man in the eye. “Well, get inside of her then, dumbass. I’ll wait.”
You allowed your body to be rag-dolled as the men exchanged places inside of you—Satoru’s hard length pulling out as Suguru slid inside.
“‘S’ different,” you said, moaning into the exchange as Gojo’s girth was switched with Getou’s length. “Fucking good. It’s really good.”
Suguru cooed at you, kissing you messily as one of his hands found your nipple while the other gripped your waist—holding you still while Suguru fucked you. Satoru busied his hands with your clit as he let the other man get his fill, tugging his own cock as he watched his fuck into you nice and deep despite the position.
Gojo and patient were two words that had never complimented each other well, so when he pressed his length against your entrance, with Getou still inside, all you could do was beg for more despite the surprise. You gasped when he lightly breached your cunt, accidentally slipping in when you slammed down onto Getou’s cock. Satoru had been jerking himself off with his tip against your folds. Still, once the idea was there…
“Do it again,” you said, taking a deep breath when Suguru stopped his thrusts for a moment to process what you were asking for.
The two men communicated something with their eyes and then directed their looks down to you.
“Well, she did say she wanted us both, right? Like that prostitute and her clients at the bathhouse?” Gojo said, faltering as your breathing quickened once you pieced together that the two were okay with what you wanted.
It should have terrified you. Absolutely petrified you, but it didn’t. Your heart raced with excitement as the two men positioned themselves to do what your dreams couldn’t have conjured on their own. You felt your cunt drip with want at the mere thought of it, and the two men—the men who put their lives on the line for yours daily, who loved you so deeply in their own ways— were both ready to make it happen.
“I want it,” you whimpered, wiggling your hips back and forth to entice the man to move. For one of them to do something. “I want you both.”
You could feel Suguru’s body tense as you said the words, but you lulled his worries with a massaging squeeze with your walls around his cock—eliciting a deep moan from the man and at that moment, Satoru made you whole.
His cock nestled in snug against Getou’s, stretching you to your limits, then he moved. Slow at first, with nothing but careful intent in his eyes as he let you adjust. But after a few minutes, filled with distracting kisses and caresses on all the spots you needed their hands the most, Gojo fucked you—and you saw stars. Everything was shrouded in darkness after that. Your eyes snapped closed, and your ears no longer processed sound as the overwhelming sensation of fullness processed in your nerves, driving you to the brink of insanity as the two men rutted into you—grabbing any flesh they could reach while tangling their tongues with yours—and each other—before you were all reaching your peaks, stuffed and satiated with the warm trembling of post-coital glow.
It was bliss.
“What else do you want to try, Satoru?” Suguru panted, breathless as you all soaked in each other’s presence on the quickly cooling tatami mats. Kissing and cuddling once Satoru pulled out of you, while Getou decided to leave his cock inside you for warmth.
“Hell if I know. She’s the creative one here,” Satoru said, a lazy smile gracing his face again as he pulled you into a kiss.
“That she is.” Suguru purred, nuzzling his nose against the crown of your head. “We have all the time in the world to try everything you dream of and more, princess.”
You hummed, letting the two kiss you and touch you to your heart's content, falling into the rhythm of ‘want’ all over again.
“You know… you two never really answered my question,” you said between kisses, interrupting Suguru as he rubbed circles against your clit with his long middle finger.
“The question being?” he asked, resuming his movements as he stopped trying to rack his brain for the answer on his own.
“Have you ever done this when you’re alone?” You asked, placing a quick kiss on the samurai's throat as you gazed at Satoru. “Did you think I didn’t notice you kissing, too?”
They looked between each other, scowled, and groaned a matching, “only in your dreams.”
Though the slightest hint of hesitation gave them away, and the night of exploration continued.
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