#i wrote something!!!
bolontiku · 2 years
I wrote something....
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With this guy
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wetblanketpioneer · 4 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Star Wars: Rebels, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus & Hera Syndulla Characters: Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Kinda?, Fluff and Angst
“If that happens—” “Don’t say it, Hera—” he said, taking a step back. Kriffing hell, she loved when Kanan said her name like that; gruff and warm like a piping hot cup of tarine tea. Yet in this particular instance, Kanan’s voice was tinged with bitterness, more like Javarican espresso. “I’ll hire you. You know I would.” “Don’t-” “Of course that depends on how well you do tonight.”
~~continue reading~~
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"that could've gone better" for the prompts? ^w^
"That could have gone better."
Desdree twisted around to glare at her boyfriend. "Ya think?"
The turian grimaced before firing off a shot over the concrete barrier he was ducked behind.
"Shepard, what the hell is going on down there?!" Joker asked through the coms.
"I'm kind of busy being in the middle of a shootout, I'll get right back to you!" The commander yelled over the gunfire.
"It's not like it's my fault." He grumbled.
"But you just HAD to make that joke, huh?" Tali asked sarcastically as she started a drone up.
"He gave me a straight line!" Garrus protested.
"Babe, you do not need to take every opportunity you see." Shepard said before popping over her cover and gunning down three Batarians.
"How many are left?" Tali asked.
"It's not like I was counting." She reloaded her gun with a slam.
"Ah, screw it." Garrus yaked a grenade out, pulling the pin out in the same move, and tossed it over the barrier.
There was silence for one second. The the grenade exploded.
Desdree turned slowly to glare at Garrus. "You had grenades this WHOLE TIME?"
Garrus tilted his head in confusion. "I always have grenades." Tali'zora sighed.
Shepard shook her head and turned on the comm. "Joker, we're all done here, ready to come up."
"Aye, aye, commander."
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thenobleprincex · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Downton Abbey Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tom Branson/Lucy Smith, Tom Branson/Major Chetwode, Lucy Smith/Tom Branson/Major Chetwode Characters: Tom Branson, Lucy Smith - Character, Major Chetwode, Sybbie Branson, Henry Talbot, Mary Crawley, Cora Crawley Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Post-Movie, Getting Together, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations Summary:
Tom Brason is settling into his relationship with Lucy when he sees a dead man walking.
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gracetrack-higgins · 6 years
my darling @wordshakerofgallifrey requested a prompt from me and here it is!! it features the ever adorable Higgins-Conlon family, as well as cameos by her precious Kelly Kids (which i’ve been informed are half-mine and i’m a v proud mother) 
23 for Sprace “Exhausted Parents Kiss”
“Hold m’ hand, hold m’ hand!” Spot insisted, holding both hands out to his daughter and niece, who grabbed on tight, each dropping their weight so he’d have to swing them to stand upright again.
“Holdin’ down the fort back there, Racer?” Spot called over his shoulder and smirked to see Race with one nephew on his back and the other dragging him by the hand after Spot.
“C’mon Uncle Tony!” Corey Kelly shouted as he tightened his grip around Race’s neck, “You’re too slow!! Uncle Sean’s beatin’ us!!”
“Yeah Uncle Tony!” Pete added, “We wanna sit in the first car on’na roller coaster!!”
“The girls can’t sit b’fore us!” Corey shouted a little to close to Race’s ear, “Hurry hurry!”
Race broke into a light jog to meet his husband and the girls, the boys cheering.
“Who’s sittin’ wit’ me on the coaster?” Spot asked, grinning at the girls next to him, hands still in his, who were bouncing with excitement.
“I will!” Brooklyn shouted, “It’ll be soooo fun Daddy!”
“I wanna sit by Brooklyn!” Lucy exclaimed, reaching for Lucy’s hand, pulling her to skip, forcing Spot to turn with them as they skipped in a circle.
“Looks like it’s you an’ me boys,” Race said to his nephews, “You sure you’s up for The Cyclone?”
“OF COURSE.” Corey and Pete both shouted, Corey sliding off of Race’s back and taking his uncle by the hand as they approached the entrance of the famed coaster, Race out of breath as he followed Spot and the girls inside.
Spot smirked as he let the kids run ahead of him to get to through the line while he and Race walked through the ropes together, hand in hand.
“Who thought it was a good idea to take all four knuckleheads ta Coney Island?” Spot asked, squeezing Race’s hand in his.
Race smirked. “Wish I knew, so I could punch ‘im for thinkin’ this was a good plan.”
“So we’re blamin’ Jackie, right?”
“Oh yeah.”
Spot laughed, and so did Race, Race slipping his arm around Spot’s shoulders.
“As long as Brooklyn has a good time, I don’t care how exhausted them Kellys make me.” Race said simply, “I have no clue how Jack an’ Kath got enough energy for all’a them.”
“No kiddin’.” Spot smirked at his husband. “Speakin’ of which, we ain’t never havin’ no more kids.”
“Done.” Race said immediately. “Brooklyn’s enough of’a handful all on her own!”
“You’s tellin’ me. But hey, it’s Brookie’s day, an’ if she wants ta go to Coney Island wit’ her cousins, we’s gonna make it happen.” Spot winked at Race, smiling as Race nodded and they caught up with the kids again, Brooklyn beaming, letting go of Lucy’s hand to adjust the birthday girl crown on her head. Spot took the crown from her, placing it on his head.
“You don’t wanna lose this, do ya?” He teased, “This ride’s pretty fast, Miss Brooklyn. I dunno if you’s ready.”
Brooklyn pouted, hands on her hips. “Daddy! Give it!” she pouted, and Spot replaced the crown on her head. “I’m a big girl! I’m gonna ride all the coasters!”
“You’s gonna make Papa throw up if ya do that.” Spot insisted, winking at her. “Ya know he’s a wuss.”
“Rude.” Race shoved Spot’s shoulder lightly. “Last I recall, you’s the one what threw up when we was here last.”
Spot brushed him off. “Details details. Ain’t no one throwin’ up today, right kiddos?”
The kids all giggled, and Spot nodded firmly.
“Good.” Spot wasn’t about to admit that he was feeling rather queasy, since this was the eighth roller coaster they’d ridden that day, and all the Coney Island fair food they’d been eating was certainly not helping.
He ushered them through the line as it came up to be their turn, Brooklyn and Lucy both proudly just making the height requirements, and got ready to board the roller coaster cars.
Race reached over the railing to pull Spot’s shirt collar toward him, planting a kiss to Spot’s lips quickly.
“Good luck, Daddy.” He teased, winking at the two excited girls at Spot’s sides.
“Yeah, you too, Uncle Tony.” Spot said, squeezing Race’s hand before they both let go to board the coaster.
“Here we go again.” Spot muttered to himself tiredly as he buckled himself and the girls into their seats, ready to have his eardrums burst, his stomach flipped upside down, his energy levels decreased by tenfold (again), and reminded himself to never, ever promise to take four kids to a theme park ever again. His husband glanced behind him and met Spot’s eyes in exhaustion, and Spot instantly knew that Race was thinking the exact same thing.
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candykydfairy · 6 years
I can see myself in the resounding reflections of the past
Memory through sound to reconnect
The life can't be that bad with the rhythm
Often lost as of late, yet stagnant in any form of motion
Fuel to be found through all varieties of notes
Memories embrace far better than any body can
Lust should wander in any regard & settlement ought have the most positive of definitions
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Magnus Burnsides post Ravens Roost drabble
Magnus Burnsides looks at rubble and he wants to feel angry but all he feels is empty.
He strolls past broken buildings, past alleyways filled with decay, and his throat feels dry and his ears are buzzing and he might be crying but those are the only things that he can feel.
There’s the smell of smoke and gunpowder lingering in the air, and when Magnus closes his eyes he can almost pretend he’s at some sort of party, a barbecue of sorts, instead of a wake. Almost.
He can feel clothes hanging to his body, clinging to him. He feels a trophy hanging limply in his hands. He can’t remember what it’s from or what it’s for. Right now there’s only one word on his tongue.
The air is putrid and filled with the smell of death but he persists, he calls her name at every corner, every intersection.
He can almost see her, in his mind’s eye, coming round the corner, wearing tattered brown pants, thick black hair pulled into a tight ponytail. He imagines her panting, navigating through the broken stone and bodies on the street, smoot covering her skin. She would see him, searching ahead, or hear him call her name, and she would run to his side. He would hold her like it was the end of the world, grip her tightly and never let go. That’s what he’ll do, if he sees her.
Julia is not around the next corner, either.
Magnus isn’t sure when he started crying. He doesn’t recognize the tears pouring down his face, doesn’t even notice until he realizes that there’s a noise nearby, a strangled weeping kind of noise. Magnus searches for someone to rescue only to realize the sound is coming from him.
Magnus laughs, a humorless bark. He can’t save anyone in this situation. Not even himself.
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chakyan-n-blog · 7 years
⋆: closing the distance ⋆ l.hb
❝distance means so little, when someone means so much... ♡ ❞
vixx  ⋆ lee hongbin  ⋆ 1631
In the four years you’ve been dreaming, you never thought your dream would come true. You never thought this day would come. After the neverending months of calls that lasted for what felt like forever, series of texts that went on for hours and the collection of tiny gifts and mementos that you held close to your heart, you were gonna be able to close that distance. The thousands and thousands of miles of distance that held you and Hongbin apart for nearly four years now.
Four years. You spent four years constantly checking your phone for a new text from Hongbin, or a new Twitter notification, or anything to stay updated on his life and vice versa for him. You spent four years on the phone, calling with him despite his busy schedule, even as an idol. You spent four years clinging onto the little times you got to Skype with him, despite the drastic time zone difference.  You spent four years loving a Korean idol, and you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
To say you were amazed you even had a relationship with an idol is an understatement. He was famous, he was someone untouchable, yet you managed to have a connection with him— not through your love for the Korean culture, but rather through the love for games— especially Overwatch.
You would had never expected to meet the love of your love over Overwatch of all things. You never really thought that you would have a life-changing experience because of a game. You loved games, yes, but you weren’t really one to revolve your life around playing them. Though you did spent a lot of hours playing League or Overwatch, you wouldn’t deny that...
It was funny how you met Hongbin honestly. You had a friend, Jooyoung, who came from Korea who was surprisingly close to some idols. They weren’t popular idols, but they were still idols, and it had amazed you that Jooyoung still kept in touch with them despite their busy schedule. Jooyoung had invited you to play Overwatch with a few of her friends and their friends, and that’s how you ended up in a call with Hongbin and a few other people, playing the addictive game.
You don’t remember how or why you guys clicked— you just did. Despite your poor Korean back then, you managed to hold pretty interesting conversations with Hongbin that left you wanting to talk to him more. Overwatch, addicting as it was, helped you two grew closer, the two of you usually playing against or with each other whenever the two had the time.
The two of you became close friends insanely fast, and the next thing you knew, you were constantly talking to Hongbin whenever you had the chance. However, the two of you didn’t get into a relationship until a year after your friendship started. You were both nervous and scared of getting into a relationship, with him being an idol and all, but the two of you couldn’t ignore the intensity of your feelings. So you decided it was worth a shot.
It was hard. You weren’t gonna lie. It was hard not being able to feel Hongbin’s arms around you when you were having a bad anxiety attack, and it was hard not being able to feel his plush lips against yours. It was also really hard to keep your relationship a secret from the online world, to protect both you and Hongbin. While Hongbin constantly reminded you that his fans— Starlights— would accept you, you still felt burdened, and afraid that you weren’t enough for him.
Despite that, despite the distance and despite all of the insecurities, the two of you pulled through. While the two of you couldn’t be there for one another physically, you always knew he was there for you mentally. The days when he was there for you physically were days you cherished the most. With his busy schedule, he rarely got the chance to sit down and talk to you for hours, much less come visit you for a few days, but whenever he had free days, Hongbin didn’t miss the chance to fly over to your country to visit you.
You, on the other hand, often booked flights to Korea to see him, whether it’d be for a concert or in private. You attended a few of his fanmeets, being able to showcase your love from him in public, despite you having to— not necessarily “fake” your love for him, but rather hide what you truly felt, and Hongbin had to do the same. In the end, you both got to see each other, the breaks between each visit going from six months to only two.
Halfway through your third year of the relationship, Hongbin had asked you to permanently move to Korea— and possibly move in with him. While he was still contracted to Jellyfish Entertainment as a VIXX member, he had the choice to move out and have his own apartment, and he wanted to share it with you. You were perplexed by the idea at the time, but the thought of living with Hongbin and being able to wake up in his embrace sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
It was a lot of planning, a lot of talking to both of your families, his company and whoever else had to be involved. At first, his own members were against it, fearful that the relationship would have been leaked and you would be in danger, however Hongbin had reasoned with them. He wasn’t a rookie idol anymore, he had the right to have relationships, and he knew Starlights would understand. He believed in Starlights, and he believed that your relationship would last.
On the other hand, your family was quite worried about you leaving the comfort of your home and culture and taking on a new one. They respected you as an adult and your decisions, however it didn’t stop them from the constant warnings and often or not questioning your decision. You would be leaving your family, your home, your country— everything you knew, to be with someone who lives in a whole different country and who lead a whole different life from yours.
You knew it would take awhile to get used to South Korea. You were thankful you were already fluent in the language, having studied it for most of your high school and college life, plus conversations with Hongbin were 99% in Korean rather than in English. With your constant visits to Korea, you were familiar with the culture, and one time, during your early college life, you had the chance to study abroad in the country. Thanks to that experience, you knew little bit about the living conditions and how they acted. Despite that, it was still a life changing decision—you knew that, but you knew, without a doubt, that this is what you wanted for your future. You knew it was gonna be tough switching your entire life around, but you firmly believed you would be spending the rest of your years with Hongbin.
Your family trusted you, and they trusted Hongbin. It was an emotional goodbye, and you had promised them that you would visit for holidays whenever you could. You were gonna miss your family, there was no doubt you were gonna miss them like crazy, but you knew that you would have felt even more miserable if you were to wait out your relationship with Hongbin. It was a tough decision, but you knew you made the right one.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived in Seoul, South Korea—” The flight attendant's voice snapped you out of your small daze, and you felt excitement and nervousness bubble all at once. Finally, after four years, you’ll be closing the distance forever. In a few minutes, you would be in the arms of your love. Once you were given the okay to depart the plane, you were rushing down the aisles and through the airport hallway. You had sent a quick text to Hongbin about your arrival, and you couldn’t wait to see him waiting there for you.
Passing the gate, you could easily spot out Hongbin standing there, an uncontrollable smile on his face, topped with his cute dimples that you adored. In his hands was a bouquet of roses. Cheesy, but it warmed your heart at the thought of him getting something for you.  He looked just as anxious and nervous as you, but the excitement was clear.
“Hongbin!” You called out, a big grin breaking out as you quickly ran over to the male, jumping into his wide arms with an excited cry, tears already pricking at your eyes. Hongbin let out a laugh, hugging you close to him as he kissed you lightly on the forehead. You reluctantly pulled away from him to meet him with a longing kiss on his lips, which he reciopated with glee, pulling you impossibly closer.
Pulling away slightly breathless, you smiled brightly at him. “Hi,” you whispered.
Hongbin mirrored your big grin, kissing you once more on the forehead, “Hi,” he breathed out in relief. He took in all of your features, his brown eyes warm as his smile grew impossibly wider. “Hi,” he repeated, burying his head into the crook of your shoulder. You could feel his grin on your skin and you couldn’t help but laugh softly, voice almost ready to break in happiness. “Hi, welcome home,” Hongbin mumbled and you couldn’t stop a tear from leaving your eye.
Home. You were home. In his arms. You get to call Hongbin your home for the rest of your life and the thought made you laugh softly as you hugged him closer.
“Hi, I’m home.”
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yourdeadprince · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Overwatch (Video Game) Relationships: Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada Additional Tags: LotR!AU, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Elf!Hanzo, Human!McCree, Slow Burn, Fluff, Fluff without Plot, Pining, Constant travelling, Sharing Body Heat, Silly McCree, Young McCree, Young Hanzo, young mchanzo, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Secret Crush, Bad Elvish Translations, Falling In Love, Awkwardness
Summary: Jesse is a tramp without a purpose in life. He wanders from place to place, trying to figure his life out. One evening, he meets another lost soul in a move and offers a place by the fireplace. Having a company is always better than being all alone, isn't it?
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aetheriumwar · 8 years
i told her i loved her on a sunday
when the seasons changed, we were on a beach. we breathed in the chilled air, you looked at me. 'y'know, winter makes everything go cold,' i took a shaky breath, my hand lost in yours, along with my heart. my mind told me to run. runrunrunrunrun. 'and it kills things,' my voice was quiet, and for a second i thought you couldn't hear me. 'they grow back every spring,' 'what if spring never comes?' what if boys fall in love with boys who grow cold and kill their hearts? what if the sun never rose and all that was left was cold? you didn't answer me that day. you were gone before the first snowfall. i met a girl. i'll call her spring. she drinks coffee and she keeps me warm. spring came, and i grew back. what if boys fall in love with girls who help them grow? what if she is the sun? she answered my question. said i wouldn't need to worry about her arrival -- she was never leaving. snowfall hasn't come yet. my chrysanthemums are growing and my lilacs grew strong. my hand doesn't get lost in hers, how can i get lost at home?
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manhattanmirage · 9 years
Guys! I started a real blog! If you want, go read my first post and let me know what you think!
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homucifucker · 10 years
I see galaxies in your eyes and nebulae in the way your breath fogs up in the winter, billowing, crashing clouds of ugly words from your beautiful mouth and sometimes I swear I can feel your Freeze Death expanding, tucked in a nook of your personal universe because there's a part of my memories that makes darker your image day by day it's getting harder to remember the warmth in the way you held my hands.
(and i'm cold, sweetpea, you're Mercury in your synchronicity)
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iwriteabout5sos-blog · 10 years
i just want to be luke's girlfriend i want him to take me on tour and mention me in interviews even though i hate it i want him to call me up in the middle of the night saying he really misses me and i want him take me out to try a new restaurant with him and kiss me when no one's looking and hold my hand while he's driving and a million other things i am so UPSET
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deckhandcirrus-blog · 11 years
Where the Light Bends at the Cracks | Self
Sunset was falling on District 4. The sky was ablaze with it, all gold and orange and red, its colors seeping into the sea, melding into an impenetrable wall of flame.
"You need to stop looking at the sun so much; you'll hurt your eyes."
Cirrus shifted his body a little to look at his mother. Seated on the very edged of the bow, it was a precarious task, but soon her face was in full view, its planes wrinkled and browned by the sun, each imperfection uniquely and wonderfully hers.
"It wasn't just the sun I was looking at, mother. I was looking at all of it--the sea, the sun, the sky..." He trailed off, caught up in the landscape.
"It is beautiful," she agreed, grabbing his arm and climbing up over the rim of the hull to sit next to him, dangling her feet over the water. "You never get tired of it, do you?"
Cirrus didn't say anything, just looked back out, his eyes trailing a seagull in its flight over the water. He watched as it dipped down into the sea and came back up with a shining, slippery fish in its claws, flying off to some unseen nest to enjoy its catch.
"Our curfew is soon. We should head back--you know how the peacemakers get when we're late."
"What if we didn't go back?" he blurted out, unable to hold it back any longer. Instantly his mother tensed up beside him, her hand clutching his forearm.
"Cirrus, we've talked about this..."
"But what if? You must think about it sometimes, mother. We could find a way to disable the tracker, get rid of the bomb, and just go. Past the hunger, past the misery, way out beyond the horizon. I bet there are whole worlds out there that we're just not allowed to see, but what if we could?" 
"Cirrus," his mother said sharply, fingernails digging into his skin. "You know how it went when Arran tried to disable his tracker. He was blown up into microscopic pieces; there was no body left for the peacemakers to find. Are you really willing to bet your life on a world that might not even exist?"
Her words broke something in his chest, made him feel heavy, hopeless. He looked down, swallowing any rebuttal because he knew nothing he could say was good enough.
"Look at me, Cirrus. Look."
He looked back up--and regretted it. His mother's face was stern and serious, and her eyes--they were so, so tired.
"I know family isn't enough for you, but it's all you've got," she said, her voice breaking mid-sentence. "Don't forget that."
"It's not like that--"
"I'm going to find your father." She let go of his arm, sliding down from her perch beside him. "We're going home."
And with that she was gone. Cirrus sighed heavily, turning away from her so she couldn't see the frustration written all over his face, the despair that was slowly sinking into his soul.
Looking back out to sea, he found that the water had lost its sparkle.
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inefficientt · 11 years
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