#i’ll probably need to listen to christmas island again lol
this year will be the year i get into illuminati hotties for real i promise
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vodika-vibes · 1 month
Helllllooooo ✨ I just found you and your writting is **chefs kiss** it reads so incharacter and there’s a comfortable blend between conversations and thoughts/descriptions. I can picture it so clearly, it’s like I’m reading a mini episode 😄
If requests are still open I really liked the last piece you did with crosshair and the med doctor and was wondering if you could write a sequel to it (doesn’t have to be, it can be its own thing too)?
I just love the idea of crosshair getting into the relationship, trying to keep it a secret and failing. I think he would want it to be secret cause 1) it’s all new to him, he needs to adjust and 2) he can’t let his brothers and omega rub it in that they were right 🤣 But because it’s a secret he now has to find time to be alone with the reader and it’s harder then he thought. Of course it all falls apart when someone catches them kissing probably 💀
Anyway, thankyou for reading my word vomit and for sharing all your writing with us 😄
You'll Be In My Heart
Summary: You and Crosshair are dating now, something you never thought possible before. And, when you end up stuck doing something that you vowed you'd never do again, Crosshair is there to help.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x F! Doctor Reader
Word Count: 1165
Warnings: Mentions of alcoholism, heated kissing
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly @bad4amficideas @justiceandwar98
@Mira-Loves-Star-Wars @tiredbi-peach @dukeoftheblackstar @Kimiheartblade @padawancat97
A/N: Hi there! I'm so glad that you like my work! Thank you so much for your request, and so you know, barring things like Christmas or medical emergencies, my requests are always open! The story title comes from the song I happen to be listening to when I start writing. Luckily, this time, is sorta kinda almost fits, lol
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“You have no idea how grateful we are that you were willing to come out of retirement,” You smile kindly at the older woman who’s holding both of your hands in hers, “Doctor Willis is a good man and a good doctor, make no mistake. But he is old and set in his ways. Some fresh eyes on the island will make life so much better.”
“Well,” You joke lightly, “That’s what I’m here for. And I’m happy to help.”
The older woman pats your hand lightly, “You know, dearie, I have a grandson a little older than you—”
“I’m sure he’s a fine young man, Mrs. Waters.” You interrupt gently, “But I’m still trying to get myself settled here.”
“Oh! Of course, of course!” She pats your hand again, and then stands, “Well, I’ll just run over to the pharmacy and get my new medicine and get on out of your hand, Doc.”
“Have a nice day, Mrs. Waters.”
“You as well, dear.” 
You lean back in your chair as the older woman leaves your office, and you sigh as you press the palms of your hands over your eyes. When you retired, you had no intention of un-retiring.
But when you arrived here and met the doctor and saw how he treated some of his most vulnerable patients…well, you had to do something. Even if that something was unretiring and rejoining a career that drove you to alcoholism before.
There’s a knock on your office door, and you drop your hands away from your face to check your schedule. But before you can pull up your calendar, the door slides open and a familiar man steps into your office.
“Ah, Crosshair.”
“I bring food,” He replies, holding up a bag of food from a local restaurant, “You have time?”
“For you? All the time in the world.” You kick an open chair over to him and watch as he settles in the chair and opens the food bag.
The scent of something delicious wafts towards you, and you release a happy sigh. Knowing Crosshair, he picked up your favorite meal and dessert for you to enjoy.
His gaze drifts from the food over to you as he hands you a container of food, though he doesn’t release it as you try to take it, “You good?” He asks.
You feel a momentary surge of annoyance, that you squash with ease. He would be able to tell that something was bothering you, wouldn’t he? He’s known you for ages after all.
“I’m fine.”
“You’re a terrible liar, kitten.”
“I’m an excellent liar, Cross. You’re just good at reading me.” You lightly tug your food from his grip and set it on your desk so you can open it, “Ooh, pasta!”
“I know your favorite food, kitten,” Crosshair points out as he opens his own container, “I’d better by this point.” He adds with a roll of his eyes, “Anyway, what’s bothering you?”
Crosshair stares at you, disbelieveingly.
You sigh, and stab a noodle with your fork, “Alright, alright. Stop nagging.” You grumble, “I just…” You sigh and stop your fork, “I never intended to return to medical work, Cross.”
“So quit.”
“I can’t do that. These people won’t have a doctor at all if I quit.” You point out.
Crosshair sighs and lowers his fork, “I remember how bad it was before we left.” He says quietly, “How you were drunk more often than you were sober, how you trembled whenever someone came to you for medical attention—”
Crosshair pauses, then moves his chair so that his knee is pressed against yours, “Look, kitten.” He pauses, to gather his thoughts, “I love you. And I want you to be happy. And the last thing I want is for you to try to destroy yourself again.”
Your lips twist at the memory, “I know.”
“Kitten,” He pauses again, and then he leans in and presses his hand against your cheek, “Cyare,” The familiar word tumbles from his lips in a sigh and you shiver, the only time he calls you that is when he needs you to pay attention to him, “If you need to quit, then quit. Everyone else will manage.”
“You do not get to destroy yourself to save these people. I won’t allow it.” Crosshair interrupts.
You blink at him, genuinely surprised, and then you release a soft laugh and reach out to press your hands against his cheeks, “What would I do without you?” You ask with a smile.
“Well, you’d still be working in a cramped little medical facility, for one.”
You laugh and lean in to press your lips against his, your lunch forgotten.
Crosshair eagerly tugs you onto his lap, his hand tangling in your hair as he angles your head so he’s able to deepen the kiss. “We’re going to get caught,” He mumbles against your lips.
“Your concern, not mine.” You counter, as you lightly nip his lower lip, causing him to tighten his grip around you.
You’re sure that Crosshair would continue the discussion, only you lightly drag your nails through his short hair, and all of his desire to bicker about it leaves him in an instant.
Crosshair’s strong hands adjust you so that you’re settled more comfortably on his lap, and he pulls you flush against him, wanting you as close as he can get you. And you’re more than happy to go along with it.
In fact, you’re so distracted by the press of his lips against yours, that you don’t notice your office door opening until you hear a muffled laugh and a throat clearing.
You pull away from Crosshair to glare at the person at the door, and then you sigh when you see who’s standing there. “Ah…Hunter,”
Hunter has a wide grin on his face as he looks from you to Crosshair, and then back again. “Just friends, huh? I hope you know I’m going to tell…oh…everyone.”
You turn your attention from Hunter to Crosshair, who looks deeply annoyed. “You do that,” Crosshair grumbles as he reaches around you to hit the door control on your desk, slamming and locking the door in his older brother’s face.
“Hey, doc! We’re having a family dinner this weekend,” Hunter calls through the door, “All of the significant others are going to be there. You definitely need to come.”
You absently trail a light finger down Crosshair’s cheek, your head tilting questioningly. He smiles at you and lightly kisses your fingers, “I’d like you to come.”
“I’ll be there,” You call through the door, “Now go away. I’m busy.”
You hear Hunter laughing, and then he’s gone, and you happily turn your attention back to Crosshair.
“Oh? You’re busy?” Cross asks.
You hum and press your lips to the sensitive skin under his ear, “I’m hosting a biology lesson.”
And Crosshair laughs, “I promise to be a most thorough student.” He promises before catching your earlobe between his teeth.
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firewoodfigs · 2 years
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some quick life updates before i yeet myself off to bed and trick my body into a regular sleep cycle: 
bali was great!!! i miss it terribly already. the people were lovely and the beaches were lovely and it was just nice to finally get away from this claustrophobic island of a country after nearly three!!! miserable!!! years!!! it was low-key exhausting because we fit so much into four days - we literally woke up at six in the morning on the third day to take a ferry to nusa penida (me, plagued by motion sickness: dear Lord take this cup away from me) and then did stuff like hike a ton in the tropical blistering heat and snorkel in ridiculously choppy waters. fun fact: I actually can’t swim so LMAO but well *shrugs* here I am... I say this calmly but in reality I was choking on seawater and yelling at my bf HAHAHAHA 
coming back home was super stressful because 4/9 of us who went on the trip got covid lol. I was fretting so hard on the flight home bcs my bf was shivering and breaking out in cold sweat from a fever that just came out of nowhere and the plane did not have BLANKETS because it was a transit flight. what. anyways when we landed and checked our phones one of our friends was like, “fuck, I’m positive”, and we were like, fuuuuuck. I was so sure we got it because all 9 of us shared a burger the night before, so we self-isolated for a few days just to be safe, but it turned out to just be stomach flu on my bf’s end. (I somehow got out miraculously unscathed...) 
also because I got bombarded with work the past two weeks bcs it was my beloved coworker’s turn to go on holiday after me... it was rough, man. I think I worked till or past midnight most days (although I generally try to take Wednesday and Friday nights off for Mental HealthTM) but honestly I'm just happy to not be fired because it was just me and my boss holding the fort together and i’m pretty sure I sent him trash at some point but he was genuinely so nice about it. like, he sent me an email with super detailed feedback and was like, don’t worry, it’s not stuff I expected you to know because it’s super technical, but just keep trying and you’ll get better and I was like yo... thanks... /cryingindaclub
I turned 25 recently and it is just. quarter life crisis ahoy. HELP. I need Taylor swift to write a song about being 25 and knowing nothing at all. actually I just need Dr Swift to drop a new album because I've listened to folklore and evermore so many times that it’s starting to feel a little repetitive and. idk. mad (woman) 
royai week completely slipped my mind with everything that’s been going on and my submissions will probably be really tardy (if they even get finished at all HAHAH) but the prompts this year have been really nudging me back towards writing again. they’re INCREDIBLE!!! I can’t wait to see how everyone interprets it - I'm sure it’ll be fantastic. i have to confess I've been kinda out of fma/royai lately bcs I've been working on other original stuff (also because my latest obsession is Star Wars LOL but this fandom was truly one of the best things that happened to me in 2020 and it’s just really nice to see everyone coming together again for the best week of the year. genuinely feels like Christmas in the summer but instead of mistletoe we have fic. what’s not to love?
anyways yeah tldr idk if I'll end up participating but I'm really looking forward to see what everyone has in store!!! x
ALRIGHT im off to bed take care and stay hydrated and safe mates I’m sending yall all my love to conquer the upcoming week <3 
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blackenedwhite97 · 4 years
Birthday Gifts-Reader x Aizawa [BNHA] {NSFW}
 “Idk if your requests are open or anything but can I get a (really detailed lmao) Aizawa oneshot? It's the reader's birthday and to celebrate it they go out with their friends (Aizawa, Mic, Midnight, those peeps) and they get drunk with Aizawa? Then Aizawa takes them to his house and they have a heated, drunken makeout session and end up doing it? And they wake up sober and all and they just look at eachother like 👀 Please and thank you (you can just delete this if you don't wanna write it lol)”
This post includes: , sexual content (so many), cursing, alcohol use and unprotected sex.
As usual I overwrote! Use the “keep reading” page breaks as your guide, the smut and fun times will be nested in between breaks for easy access to anyone who just wants a one way ticket, no lay overs, to horn town.
Author’s note: Requests are super cool and fuel me when I’m brain dead. If you want something sexy/ steamy please keep the character request over 18+ and keep it (fantasies/ role play aside) groovy and consensual.
Okay, birthday sex now.
 You could hear Midnight’s heals echoing down through the halls of your apartment, the thin walls couldn’t defend against her unstoppable strut. You looked yourself over in the full-length mirror you’d hung next to the coat rack, smoothing out your mesh shirt. You had tried your best to dress up, you had even rooted through your closet until you had found your good jeans. If you were honest with yourself, you were a full-time teacher and a full-time pro-hero, most social events usually demanded your hero costume, or your agency provided appropriate formal wear.
In recent years your wardrobe had thinned out considerably, any and all clubbing clothes were long gone or buried under the pile of ruined costume pieces you refused to clean out from your closet. The black mesh shirt you were wearing was borrowed, embarrassingly enough, from your niece who also had to supply the black tank top under it. You had never felt so desperate for clothes than when your niece had to start lending you clothes for your own birthday party. The one silver lining was seeing the scandalized look on your brother’s face when he saw what you had grabbed from her closet.
The front door swung open, Midnight’s spare key dangling in the lock.
“You know you can knock if I’m home.” You took stock of the mass of bags hanging from her arms.
She paused and looked you up and down. “A for effort but I have something for you to wear.”
You looked down at yourself then back at her. You had thought the mesh shirt was bordering on scandalous but compared to Midnight’s shimmering cut out dress you definitely looked like your sixteen-year-old niece had dressed you.
“But,” You gestured to your torso dramatically. “I did the mesh thing! That’s not hot?”
Midnight laughed and dropped one arm of bags unceremoniously on the ground.  She scurried around you towards the kitchen pulling out a very luxurious looking bottle of champagne. “It’s your birthday and you aren’t showing leg.”
Since becoming friends with Midnight you had found yourself being spoiled left and right by her. She enjoyed the finer things in life, fine clothes, good drink and gourmet food. She also enjoyed good company, which she reminded you daily that you fit that bill. It was nice, when it wasn’t overwhelming.
“Pink bag.” She said and pointed to the pile of bags on the floor. “I’m getting you laid tonight.”
Your mind tried to picture the dress and all you could come up with was different iterations of Midnight’s hero costume. While you adored Midnight and her style and confidence, it wasn’t quite you. Aside from that the bag was embellished with the logo of a local high-end boutique. Expensive. “How much-”
“It’s a birthday present.” She cut you off.
“Midnight I can’t take-” you tried again.
“Don’t refuse a gift,” the bottle of the champagne rocketed up and dented your low ceiling. “it’s rude.”
You pointed to the ceiling. “That’s rude.”
“Just go put it on!” she waved you off as she began a fruitless search for champagne flutes that you surely didn’t own.
You scoped up the bag and looked at your jean clad legs longingly, you could do so much in jeans and so little in a dress (without revealing yourself).  You peaked inside, a neatly folded mound of matt black fabric peeking through the decorative tissue paper. At least it’s not shiny.
As you headed to your room Midnight called after you. “The boys are coming here and we’re all splitting the cab there!”
Your heart jumped in your chest. The boys. Plural. Did that include- no he hates clubs. If he is coming over then that meant that he’d see you in whatever Midnight had selected for you. You grinned to yourself as you stared at the bag on your bed. Sneaky. No wonder she seemed so proud of herself. Although you certainly tried to keep it a secret, Midnight read you like an open book. She noticed how you trailed after him, stared at doors he’d left through.
You lifted the dress from the bag and left it unfold in your hands. It was simple, fitted and clean. You sighed in relief. A small bundle of lace fell out of the bundle to the ground and you looked down red faced to find a black thong on the floor.
“Put everything on!” You could hear the shit eating grin plastered on Midnight’s face.
You huffed and slid off your jeans, staring at the lacey panties with hesitation. Dressed fly up all the time, and you were somewhat of a public figure. But it would be hot to reach up your dress to find those.
You swapped your underwear and slid the dress on. You very quickly realized that you’d have to go braless, the plunging neckline wouldn’t allow it. You had to admit, Midnight knew how to dress just about anyone. When she didn’t get overzealous that is. A memory of the sequinned ball gown she tried to convince you to buy last Christmas for Mt. Lady’s party flashed through your mind.  You peaked into the bag, the shoes she’d thrown in were a pair of her own and were far too tall and had far too much ankle snapping capabilities for you. Luckily you had swiped a pair of heels from your agency’s closet, you were the only one with the right size of feet to wear them anyways. They were semi ornate burgundy heels that were tall enough to give you those sculpted calves but not so tall as to lend themselves to causing you serious bodily harm should you take a tumble. 
You looked yourself over in the mirror and liked what you saw, a new confidence washed over you.
“I look hot as hell.” You declared under your breath.You opened your door, ready to show off Midnight’s hard work. 
All confidence drained out of you for a split second when you made eye contact with the Aizawa as he leaned on your counter, a wine glass filled with champagne.
“Uh, H-Hi!” you squeaked. Aizawa looked lost for a moment, probably trying to zone out the energetic conversation Mic and Midnight seemed to be having on the opposite side of the kitchen island from him. He straightened up at the sight of you and you could have sworn a light pink blush attempted to break through across his cheeks. You liked to hope it was you he was blushing at but told yourself he could be a blusher when he drank.
“Hi.” He rubbed his neck awkwardly. “You look…like the birthday girl.”
He blinked long and hard. That sentence was as awkward for him as it was for you. Midnight jumped towards you, arms outstretched and demanded a spin.
“Let me see my work.” She spun you around and leaned in close so no one could hear. “Is it all on?”
You grinned despite yourself. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Good.” Her hand patted your ass and she stepped away.
“You don’t have any champagne flutes!” She said, declaring a change in topic.
“I don’t drink champagne, why do I need champagne flutes?” You defended yourself and she slid a bubbly filled wine glass towards you, but also suspiciously close to where Aizawa was leaning. You took the glass and settled for a more comfortable distance from him, not that you didn’t crave getting as close as possible but you thought you should at least wait until you could blame any embarrassing advances on the alcohol.
“Yeah,” Midnight gestures at herself. “but I do!”
“They’re just skinny wine glasses, though.” Aizawa chimed in, his low calm voice hinting at entertained.
“Sho, my man.” Mic reached across the island and clapped a hand on Aizawa’s shoulder. “You are not a man culture.”
Aizawa turned directly to you, his deep eyes boring into yours. Again, you noticed that slight flush of color on his cheeks. “I think you wine glasses are just fine, don’t listen to these two.”
 You grinned at him. “Thank-you, on behalf of me and my wine glasses.”
Midnight jumped, pulling her phone from her ample cleavage. “Cabs here!”
Aizawa began collecting wine glasses but you waved him off. “Don’t worry, I’ll get them in the morning.”
He placed his in the sink before Midnight was practically yanking you and him out the door.
“I need my wallet!” you yelped trying to grab your purse on the way out.
“No, you don’t!  You aren’t paying for anything tonight!” she said wrapping a ridiculously strong arm around your shoulders.
Aizawa shot an arm out grabbing your purse off your coat rack as he was ushered out the door and handed it to you. “Uh, here.”
“Thanks.” You turned to lock the door, but Midnight was already pulling her key from the lock.
“Let’s go!” she sang as she began her unstoppable strut out of the building.
 Midnight had shoved you and Aizawa in the back seat of the SUV, demanded her jacket be given its own seat in the back with you and insisted it could not get wrinkled. She was really good at this. You ended up sitting in the middle seat, having to lean into Aizawa periodically when she would remind you not to lean into her jacket. It was a very nice faux fur jacket, but you knew fur didn’t wrinkle. And you were pretty sure Aizawa knew that too.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Keep Reading~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
There was a big surprise that was ill timed but all together commendable. When you entered the bar some of the guests were still scurrying into their hiding places, you pretended for everyone’s sake to be very surprised. You even jumped and grabbed onto Aizawa for support, which the thankfully played along with by “catching” you in your shock. You were flooded with drink offers, some by hero’s you’d never even met before. Big parties with lots of booze do that, make everyone want to buy the birthday girl a drink. You gladly accepted a handful of drinks before pawning them off on All Might who had the metabolism of a God and Aizawa who soon enough was drunker than you.
Midnight and Mic were in their element, dancing and singing away. The crowd was so drawn to them that after a while you were able to retreat to a booth in the back and watch them light up the room from afar. You spun your untouched glass of god knows what, watching the melting ice swirl around the nearly fluorescent liquid.
“What’s that?” Aizawa grumbled towards your drink as he slid into the booth next to you. At some point in the night his shirt had become progressively more undone, the sleeves were rolled up and his hair fell from its elastic. He smelled of booze but beyond that a subtle wave of musk and soap washed over you.
“Dunno.” You said pushing it away and leaning into his shoulder. “Stay still, kay?”
“Room spinning?” He asked, leaning into you.
You nodded and closed your eyes taking in his smell. Something about this was so comfortable.
 “I like this.” You said pulling on his shirt. “You look good in a dress shirt.”
“Thanks.” He chuckled. “You look beautiful tonight.”
You smirked. Hell yeah you did. “You should see what Midnight has me wearing underneath.”
There was a moment when all you could feel was Aizawa taking a deep breath beneath your head. “Is that an invitation?”
You opened your eyes and looked up at him. He was definitely blushing now, but there was no awkwardness in his eyes. They were intense, alight with heat and intent. You nodded against his shoulder and watched a smirk spread across his lips. A warm calloused hand found its way to your thigh and traveled upward under your dress, barely brushing the lace panties. It was barely a brush, but you felt excitement pull at your gut.
“Well, shit.” He breathed.
You swallowed your fear and decided that you were drunk enough to be able to blame it on that if this went poorly. You sat yourself up and pressed your hands to his chest, his hand stayed at its post between your legs and his eyes stayed glued to yours. You leaned forward, pressing your lips to his. He melted into you, his spare hand finding your hip. He instantly began nipping at your bottom lip and running his tongue across your lips until you gave into the wet sloppy drunk kisses. Not that you minded, you too were wet, sloppy and drunk.
His hands traveled everywhere, grabbing and stroking any part of you he could. By the time his hand found your inner thigh again you had swung a leg over his lap and he had begun to leave love bites across your collarbone and neck. You reached down and palmed him between your legs and he hissed, pulling away from you and taking hold of your jaw so he could look you in the eyes.  It took you a minute to focus on him, the heat running through you threatening to burn through your clothes.
“Not here.” He breathed, huffing when you stroked him through his pants again. “I’m not fucking you here.”
You pouted and slumped back, hitting the table filled with drinks at varying stages of finished. He caught you by the hips before you fell too far back and laughed, his eyes impossibly warm and soft. “My place is two blocks away.”
You slid off of him and pulled our skirt down, hiding what fraction of our pride you still could for any possible on lookers. You reached out towards him. “This is my get laid dress, so lay me.”
He paused for a second, shaking his head and chuckling. You cringed inwards, possibly the worst sentence you leave your mouth.
“I know what you mean.”  Aizawa said, ducking back to grab your purse from the booth. “Here.”
You grabbed it and latched onto his arm as the two of you leaned onto each other for support, hopefully creating the appearance of two only mildly buzzed people. You were both swaying, his hand unable to detach itself from your ass and yours keeping itself warm under his shirt. The walk was quick but clumsy, your “practical” heels failing you and demanding to be taken off over a sewer grate.
The most treacherous part of your journey was perhaps the dreaded keyhole in his door handle. You thanked god he lived on the first floor, at this point stairs were not an option. As soon as the door was open you were practically thrown inside to the dark apartment, your back hitting a wall a few feet from the door. He kicked the door closed behind him and was on you before the latch closed. In one smooth movement he hoisted you up into his arms and turned to place you on a set of drawers where you hit a glass key dish. It fell to the ground with a crash and off in the dark apartment a surprised cat yelped. You let out a giggle, holding onto Aizawa’s head as you pulled away to laugh. His head fell to your chest as he finished off the buttons on his shirt, shedding it and laughed with you. “You good?”
You nodded and pulled his face back to yours. He began working on your dress, the zipper on the back gave way under his surprisingly steady hands. In one swift movement he scooped you up and slid the rest of the dress from your body and placed you back down, this time careful to mind any stray key dishes. His hand ran along the wall looking for the light switch. The entrance to the apartment lit up with a dim amber light, his hair was mussed and his cheeks red, one of your love marks already bruising nicely against the pale skin of his throat.
You realized that you were nearly completely naked save the thong. Under any other circumstance you would have been mortified and scrambling for cover but given the alcohol and the way he was looking at you right now, you let the moment exist. He leaned forward pressing his forehead to yours.
“Beautiful.” He whispered.
“Pants.” You whispered back. “Off.”
He chuckled and obliged, dropping his pants and stepping out of them.
“Okay, sex now.” He huffed as he grabbed you by the waist and carried you into the barely illuminated living room.
He dropped you on the couch unceremoniously and manhandled you into position until you were sitting on the edge of the couch, your legs draped over his shoulders and his strong hands grasping at your thigh and breast. He trailed kisses up your thigh, his fingers hooking around your panties and tugging them down your legs. His hands left your body briefly, warm air hitting your face as your thong whipped past your head and over the couch.  His hands gripped your thighs tight, holding them in place on his shoulders and he ducked down and began his work.
At first it was slow, tentative, almost shy. Then he found the spot, the spot that made you shiver and clench your thighs. You felt his scruff rub against your sensitive skin as he grinned, his grip tightening, and you began to squirm. He lapped at your clit, slow then fast, nipping when your squirming seemed to slow, keeping the knot in your gut swelling with every move. You moaned and dug your hand into his wild hair, the soft curls swallowing your fingers. You held him closer, practically begging him not to stop.
The knot in your stomach swelled until your thighs shook and your breath came out in quivering waves. You wanted him to fuck you so badly that the thought of cumming now felt like treason. You pushed against his head, yet he was unyielding in his assault on your core.
“Fuck.” You breathed, trying to delay the inevitable. “Sho, fuck me already.”
He pulled back, his hand replacing his tongue. “Not until you cum first.”
“N-no, please. Fuck me.” You begged, the knot tightening impossibly.
“I’m drunk.” He huffed, his breath washing over your already hot core. “Once I cum I cannot be held responsible if I fucking pass out. Now hold still so I can give you a birthday present!”
He dove back into your core, this time renewed with an almost aggressive approach, not that you were complaining. Your hands tighten in his curls and you gave in to him, everything he was building up to until you were rocking into his mouth and mewling like a cat in heat. He slipped in two fingers, your slick greedy vagina gladly accepted them.  You felt him curse against you, no doubt the warm wet feeling of you wrapped around his fingers a siren’s call straight to his dick.  
He pumped in and out, his tongue never yielding until finally the knot in your stomach released and a wave euphoria and shiver racked your body, your legs and arms twitching as your body felt as if it was floating.He helped you ride your high, adding another finger and whispering a cacophony of dirty words in your ear. You gripped his shoulders as you came back to yourself, he was covered in a thin layer of sweat and his scent wafted in painfully alluring waved towards you. 
He lifted your weak legs and folded them into your chest, his boxers now discarded along with your lace panties, tossed into the dark abyss of the apartment. He placed a hot kiss to your forehead, then to the tip of your nose then to your lips. There he stayed as he lined himself up with your entrance and pushed forward. He was girthy and stretched you in ways you hadn’t expected.
“Breathe.” He pulled back, looking into your eyes. You hadn’t noticed you’d been holding your breath until now and let out the breath you were keeping locked away in your chest. Your body melted into the couch, forming to fit him perfectly as you relaxed. Again, he started slow, setting a pace while he figured out what felt right. He must have found the jackpot because suddenly his pace picked up, his breath hot on your neck. You felt a familiar knot, loosely forming in your stomach, your nerves still buzzing from your previous orgasms.
Aizawa reached forward, his hands finding your breasts as he leaned down into you. You were pressed back further into the couch as he drilled into you, the sound of skin hitting skin echoing in the dark. With each thrust the knot in your stomach tugged on itself, tightening. Aizawa paused, adjusting himself at your entrance before thrusting forward, stars shooting across your vision as a hot wave rattled through you. You’re mewls grew to yelps and gasps with every thrust, his grunts starting to match your love sounds.
You could feel yourself starting to shake, the tension in your gut almost too much to take, when he began to get sloppy. Every thrust became an endeavor as he struggled to find a pace he could keep while slowly coming undone.  His hands slid down to the couch, gripping the fabric like he was going to be whisked away at any moment.
“Fuck.” He cursed; his body twitching out of rhythm.
You grabbed each side of his face and looked him in the eyes, pools of deep lust consuming your vision. You pulled him close, suddenly craving his lips on yours. He mirrored your urgency and soon his pace evened out, each thrust stronger and faster than the last. You felt yourself clenching around him, your legs locked at his shoulders.
He pressed his head against yours pulling out of the kiss so he could look into your eyes as he came. He drilled into you until your yelps turned into a silent scream of pleasure as the knot in your gut burst for a second time that night. With a final, strong thrust warmth spread through you as he leaned into you, his uneven breaths washing over your skin. 
He slid down to his elbows as he rode out his own orgasm, his lips brushing your collar bone as he muttered sweet nothings to you.You twitched beneath him, stars and black spots dancing in your periphery. Your legs slipped off his shoulders and found rest at his hip, the two of you sweating and panting in the sweet afterglow of sloppy drunk sex.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Keep Reading~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The rays of sun that broke through the blinds berated your eyes, the searing white light like a smite from god with the hangover you were about the nurse. Groaning against the light you reached over to your bedside table for the bottle of water you put there before leaving for the night. Your hand stopped short at a wall of plush and springy fabric…like the back of a couch. Your eyes shot open, bright hot sunlight filling your vision. You groaned and scrambled backwards out of the light’s reach, kicking something on your way back.
“Fuck!” You knew that voice.
You blinked away the retina burns, and your stomach dropped. At your feet a very sleepy and very naked Aizawa was lying on his front, his arms folded under his head.
“Sorry!” you chirped; realizing it was him you had just kicked. “D-did we-”
Aizawa looked up at you, at first he seemed just as dazed and confused as you did but then a sly grin spread across his face. “Yeah, I’d say so.”
You looked down at yourself, realizing you too were very naked. You pulled your legs up to cover as much as you could and wrapped your arms around your chest. “Do you…remember any of-”
“Not at all.” He grumbled, sitting himself up and grabbing a pillow from the ground to cover his junk. “What’s the last thing you remember?”
You squinted into the distance, calling on fuzzy memories of fluorescent cocktails and straying hands. You could feel your cheeks heating up. “Your hand up my skirt.”
“Was that-”
“My idea? Yep.” You recalled.
“Oh.” He nodded to himself. “Good.”
You both sat in silence staring at each other.  A long-haired white cat leapt up onto the couch and rubbed its body up against your shins, begging for affection.
“Did you want to shower? I have some sweats you can-”
“Yeah, thanks!” you interrupted and jumped up, painfully aware of how very vey naked you were. You dashed towards the first door you saw.
“That’s my room, Bathroom’s down the hall.” You could feel him smirking at you.
“Right!” you said as you turned and strutted down the hall.
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One of the things I liked on romcom movie is probably the scene where guy suddenly do a love confession (by yelling "because I love you" or something similar to that) despite the intense arguments or now-or-never situation. Been binge-watching romcoms in Netflix lately lol. Can I requested this scenario for Kidd, Law and Marco? Thanks admin! and oh, Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
I’m so sorry for taking so long, angel! I hope you enjoy it <3
“Listen, Kidd,” (Name) huffed, while rubbing their temples, “I can't deal with your attitude right now.” They began striding away from the captain.
Kidd glowered at the back of his crew mates head. “You’re my subordinate so you’ll deal with my attitude whenever I want you too.” Kidd snarked back, while following them across the deck. He personally didn’t think he was being too unreasonable. All he wanted was to make sure his crew mate wasn’t being a moron.
“Kidd, I have a mission to start. One that you assigned to me,” (Name) tried to dodge around their irritated captain, “You don’t have send Killer as a babysitter. I can do this.”
“The last time you went on a mission you almost died (Name),” Kidd’s voice was starting to rise as he continued to follow them, “You’re too weak by yourself.”
“Weak!?” (Name) gawked at Kidd. His words stung but they refused to let it show. They shouldered passed him and stormed below deck, to get away from their insufferable captain.
Kidd followed them down the steps and was about to step inside his crew mates quarters but a heavy wooden dorm slammed in his face. With his metal arm, Kidd banged his fist on the door and hollered, “Open up, (Name)!” He couldn’t hear a response from his crewmate and he jiggled the locked handle. The captain’s fuse had began running shorter than usual, he was ready to pull the door of his hinges.
“Just go away,” a soft, tired voice came from the other side of the door. Hearing how empty they sounded Kidd stopped trying to get pull the door open. The locked door handle slipped out of his metallic grip.
“I can’t let you go on your own,” he said in a defiant tone. He stood his ground and waited for a response.
“Fine. I get it,” the voice dripped with irritation, and the door creaked open, “Since I’m so weak, I’ll just start my life over on our next island.” An angry glare was sent Kidd’s way.
For a moment, Kidd was shocked, he never expected such malice to come from (Name). The pair stared at each other for several tense minutes. The longer each pirate stood staring at one another, the hotter Kidd’s blood was boiling.
“What’s wrong, Eustass?” (Name) sneered, “Did a little weakling like me upset you? You don’t have to worry about me for much longer.” They once again pushed past Kidd and sent an angry expression at him over their shoulder.
“Damn it, (Name)! Knock it off!” Kidd barked at his subordinate.
“I will when you let me go on my mission,” (Name) leaned against the rail, proud of their childish remark.
“I can’t do that,” Kidd growled, a darkening expression covered his face.
“Why?” They snapped back getting increasingly irritated.
“Because I love you, dumbass!” Kidd grabbed their shoulders tightly, his face grew practically pinkas he realized what he’d said.
“What?” was all (Name) could say in a soft stunned voice.
He gave them one more tight squeeze before letting go. “You heard me. You’re too valuable,” Kidd grunted before marching off in embarrassment.
Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Law took a long sip of coffee.
It was too early for this.
“Guys please,” Law grumbled, “Knock it off.” He watched as his crew mates stopped bickering for a moment. Law relished the silence and let himself enjoy his cup of coffee.
“Another all nighter boss?” (Name) asked, leaning against the table, Law was sitting at. They chuckled when he grunted in reply and drained his coffee cup. That was all (Name) needed know. It was clear that the captain hadn’t slept a wink of sleep. “I’ll keep to coffee flowing,” they smiled, gently.
“Why do you get to take care of our captain?” Bepo grumbled, “It’s like you’re obsessed with him.”
“Obsessed?” (Name) grumbled, “You’re one to talk, fluff butt.”
Bepo gasped, but before he could say anything, Sachi chimes in, “Captain probably doesn’t need anymore coffee. It’s gonna make him sick.”
(Name) rolled their eyes at their crew mates, “Law is a doctor I think he’ll know when he’s had enough.”
Law could only groan and lay his head on down on the table. He could feel that a migraine was creeping up on him. He shut his eyes and tried to drown out the arguing around him. In moments like this, he wished he had Corazon’s powers and shut out the sounds.
The smell of fresh coffee revived him, and Law groggily lifted his head. He saw (Name) filling up his mug again and he greedily drank the bitter nectar gifted from the gods.
Law’s bliss was interrupted by the sound of his crew arguing continuously over and over. Shouting above all of them was (Name) and they were just too loud, too early in the morning.
“(Name), I love you so much, but please stop talking,” Law groaned, sipping his coffee again. It took him a moment, but he choked on his drink when he realized what he’d let slip.
(Name) giggled and blushed darkly. “I think I’ll get you more coffee,” they bent down, kissed Law on the cheek and ran off to the kitchen.
“Marco,” Ace chided, “Stop frowning like that. It’ll give you wrinkles.” The ravenette gave the blond a gentle nudge with his elbow. “(Name) will be just fine. Have faith in our medics.”
Marco bit the inside of his cheek. “You don’t get it Ace. If they don’t recover, their blood is on my hands.” Marco ran his fingers through his hair. He could feel his friends eyes trained on him but couldn’t bring himself to look back.
One of the nurses peaked out of the medical ward and spotted Marco and Ace waiting outside. “Well, we’ve patched up, (Name), But they’re in pretty rough condition.” The nurse informed them.
The air felt caught in Marco’s throat, “Are they awake?” He managed to get out.
“Yes, but they are feeling a little bit woozy,” the nurse offered a sympathetic smile, “If you would excuse me, I need to inform Whitebeard on (Name) status.” The nurse bowed a little and hurried past the men.
“Wanna go check on them?” Ace prodded at Marco, “You should ask what happened.”
With hesitation Marco nodded and maneuvered his way towards (Name)’s infirmary room. He knocked on the door and stepped inside.
“Hey, pineapple boy,” (Name) smiled weakly from their bed.
“How are you feeling?” Marco asked, scanning their body and feeling stricken at the sight on their abdomen. Bright white bandages had been wrapped around their midsection, as well as their face, left arm, and both legs.
“Take a wild guess,” (Name) sassed back playfully, “I’ve been better, but I’ve also been far worse.”
Marco smiled back a little, before feeling a lump in his throat and tears pricking his eyes. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, biting his lip. He cursed a tear slipped down his face and quickly wiped it away.
“Marco?” (Name) reached out and winced at the pain in their body, “Are you alright?”
The man grasped their hand and held it tight, “I’m so sorry. I’m suppose to protect the people I love and I failed you!” He gasped.
(Name) lit up a bit and turned their head away to hide their blush. “Do you mean that, Marco?”
Marco squeezed their hand tighter, muttered ‘damn’ under his breath. “Yes, more than anything,” he replied and place a gentle kiss on (Name)’s hand.
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lemoncakepanda · 5 years
Top 50 NaLu Anime Moments {Pt 3}
I am so sorry it took me so long to write this! This week has been a roller-coaster to me, especially since Tuesday. I got so busy, and every time I would log into tumblr, I would only look at my dashboard and have absolutely no energy left to write. Without any further delay, let me show you guys the rest of my top 50, and today we’re covering moments 30 through 21.
Part 2 can be found here.
30. “I’ll be lonely, you idiot!” (Ep 265).
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This moment still makes me so emotional. Like... i’ve said this before on my previous top 25 moments, so there’s nothing much to add, but I love this moment because it shows how much Lucy began to rely on Natsu. How much she needed his presence around her, despite always kicking him out and scolding him. And then to lose all that? Just like that? To be filled with such a huge sense of security, the certainty that someone will always be there for you, and to have that ensurance taken away from you? That must’ve hurt. That must’ve broken her heart and it’s no wonder she’s so upset with Natsu when he comes back (again, I get why Natsu had to leave and I’ve already given my thoughts on it, but I also get Lucy’s side) and must’ve stung extra harder bc she’d just lost Aquarius, something she also never thought would happen. But yeah, this is why I like this scene, despite it being sad. It was great character development for Lucy, showed the development in NaLu, and it also pushed the ship forward by giving if conflict and separation, which only resulted in bringing them closer in the future. Also, I also like how Natsu only left a note to Lucy and no one else. She really is his most precious person, along with Happy.
29. “Let’s save the tears for when we win.” (Ep 159).
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As a big sucker for moments where Natsu comforts Lucy, this one’s gotta be in the list. Despite being in a team of 5, despite her whole guild being there, only one person came to pick up Lucy and lift up her spirits and that was Natsu. It could’ve been anyone, really. Erza or Gray. But Mashima thought (and I agree) Natsu would make the most sense, because of how deep the NaLu relationship runs, to showcase how they’d grown even stronger since Tenrou Island, and it worked! Natsu, who’d once called Lucy useless to her face, coming up to her and telling her she was amazing, even though she lost? Lucy, who was always so annoyed with Natsu and his fighting, looking up to him with tears in her says saying “i’m all fired up”? That’s the kinda development we strive for.
28. “You’re Lucy of Fairy Tail, aren’t you?” (Ep 23).
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I swear, this ship makes me want to scream. And here we come back to a time when Natsu and Lucy were still growing as a team, and still didn’t know each other that well, but already had so much faith on one another. This, I feel, is the first time (after, you know, the tower jump) where it showed that they actually cared and understood each other, mostly Natsu, in this case. Everyone else told Lucy not to cry, not to blame herself because of what her father did, meanwhile, Natsu merely reminded her of who she was. Where she belonged to. And like Lucy said later in the arc, she believed her mother would want her to follow her heart and do what she wanted, and this was probably the first time someone other than Layla showed Lucy that her choice was hers to make, and hers only. Like i’ve said before, what Natsu said, what he did for her here, helped shape Lucy into the person she is today, as well as it’s what also helped Lucy to start relying more on Natsu emotionally, whereas she relied mostly on him physically, to protect her.
27. “Lucy!” (Ep 303).
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This moment... is much lower on my list here, whereas it was so high on the first one, but that’s mostly because my opinion has changed, as well as new moments have arrived that I loved much more, and some other moments too I now realize I took for granted, and took a high spot in my list. But nevertheless, it’s still a very special moment. And despite my problems with the animation, I have to admit that I like the desperation in Natsu’s eyes as he holds onto Lucy for dear life, after almost losing her (big sigh bc we know what happens a few eps later); and he even forgets about the other people around them: Mest, Brandish, even Happy! I like how she came first here to him, how he didn’t even hesitate before grabbing her. Now, how he came from that position to groping her boobs with all his might later, I can’t even explain, just... you know... Mashima.
26. Natsu and Lucy versus Jacob. (Ep 299).
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Listen, this... this is one of the funniest fights I’ve ever watched on anime. While I like the pacing better on the manga, I really liked the execution of it in the anime, and hearing Natsu and Lucy’s “dirty talk” was one of my dreams coming to life, lmao. Natsu and Lucy once again showing how great they are at teamwork, and why they work so damn well together, how their thoughts align and how their trust on each other plays a huge deal on their victory. Plus, hello, it’s this moment which gives Mavis the inspiration to defeat Zeref, so it’s an extra big moment, i’d say, despite being severely underrated. Still on topic, I liked how when Lucy was undressed in front of him, Natsu was like “how is this supposed to be hell?” and say what you want, but just because he didn’t blush didn’t mean he wasn’t enjoying that view.
25. “Thank you for protecting our future.” (Ep 187).
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Not really a NaLu NaLu moment, but still a very sweet NaLu moment. In case you don’t know (and for that reason, you should not be reading this list), the one in the picture is Future Lucy, and what makes this moment so special is that, even though that’s not present Lucy, it’s still his Lucy. He trusts her word completely and understand she effort she’s made, and all the horrors she’s been through, and he kneels down to the ground, craddles her head and presses his forehead to her, to express how grateful he is for what she’s done, and to show that he appreciates her, even if she’s not from his time. And this must’ve meant so much to this Lucy, because she lost her Natsu; she watched him die (the anime even does a little flashback), and she is back at the warmth and the softness only one person could give her, and she thought she’d never have that again. And then there he was, right in front of her, still the same man she’d always known. Still believing in her. Also, a small bonus: present Lucy is watching all this with a sweet smile and a soft blush on her cheeks.
24. “Don’t worry me like that.” (Ep 310).
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And now we’re back to me wanting to scream because of these, bc hey... look at this! How come these two f*ckers started a goddamn a relationship and not even realize it? Like, it’s not even possibly platonic at this point in the story! There’s no friendship that can explain this, especially when it’s purposely being parallel with Gruvia, a canon romantic ship, and especially because we know what led up to this moment. And then you have Lucy holding onto Natsu, so relieved that she found him and squeezing him closer to her, despite not knowing what happened to him or what he’d just done, and Natsu whispering her name, listening to her voice once again when he thought he’d never listen to it again, having her so close to him when he thought he’d lost her... and you want me to not ship that? You want to tell me that’s platonic? I can’t even. I literally can’t even. That’s all I have to say about this.
23. “I want a piggyback ride.” Drunk Lucy round 1. (OVA 4).
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While I love Lucy jumping on Natsu and wiggling her body onto his during the christmas ova, I have to admit this moment here has a special place in my heart, which makes it higher on the list. Maybe it’s because it was the first time we saw Lucy drunk, and was still a time when we started to really get NaLu moments, and Lucy’s feelings were still 50/50 to us, and then you get this, and Drunk Lucy is all f*cking over Natsu; she has hearts around her when she’s happy because she saw two Natsus, she makes him omelet (how? idk) and wants to feed it to him, is upset when she thinks he rejects it, wants him to make her purr... this alone should tell you a lot, is all touchy-feely with him, and basks in how warm he is, with her eyes closed. And Natsu, my boy... you coulda just run. You didn’t have to stay there and you didn’t have to obey her, lol. I bet he was freaked out because Lucy had never given him this much attention before, so he didn’t know how to deal with it. Always nice to see some Lucy > Natsu action, so let us all thank Mashima for the existence of Drunk Lucy, who makes this more possible than regular Lucy bc she lives in denial, lol.
22. “Beautiful”. (Ep 73).
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A classic moment, and one that is immensely loved within the NaLu fandom, and rightfully so! Not only is this the most beautiful tree i’ve seen in anime, but also gave so much more depth to Natsu and Lucy’s relationship, despite being a simple omake. I’ve mentioned this before, but after Phantom Lord arc, there was very little development on NaLu, and most of their scenes together were reapeats of things we’d seen before: them reuniting after the team is separated, working together to solve it, reuniting again, trusting each other, yada yada. Very nice, but still, mostly just friendship and nothing that really stood out. This moment here, where Natsu uproots a tree for Lucy just because she was sick and couldn’t come to see it, then putting it into a boat so it could float all the way over to the front of her house... can be seen as a platonic gesture, and probably was made with that intention on Natsu’s part, but the thing is, these kinda things only happen with them. Yes, Mashima could have given this moment for someone else like Erza or Mirajane, or even Wendy, who was new to the series and probably didn’t even know about this: so why didn’t he? The answer is quite easy, and y’all know it. Development. Growth. Natsu was upset Lucy couldn’t come and join them, didn’t even crack a smile during the whole festival, but he wanted Lucy to be able to, even if he didn’t get to see it. He wanted to make her happy. That’s very special of him, and I think there was already a little of romance there, he just didn’t know what it was, so he just followed his feelings and went for it. Okay, enough gushing and analysing, time to end this list.
21. “What do I look like to you?” round 1. (Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry).
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Please, don’t kill me for not having this on top 10, I wanted to put it there, because HELLO, LOOK AT THIS PICTURE, I NEED 911, I- HOW CAN THEY STAND SO CLOSE TO EACH OTHER! MY BOYFRIEND SAW ME GIFFING THIS AND ASKED “IS HE TRYING TO KISS HER” AND I JUST FREAKED OUT, SOMEBODY SEDATE ME! Mashima, what were you trying to do with this? Were you trying to kill us? Like, why does Natsu want to know what he looks like to Lucy? And why he’s gotta stand so close to her that their noses are brushing, just to ask her this? AHSIAHSJJAOSJAAKA, I KNOW THE ANSWER, BUT I STILL NEED ANSWERS! Okay, I was able to calm down a little. I really truly love this moment (love dragon cry in general), and I love how Wendy interrupted them and knew immediately she’d walked into something intimate, the poor thing, lmao, I wish that was me. But really, this is just Natsu taking any excuses he can to stand super close to Lucy even when it doesn’t make sense, because we all know he’s just got it real bad for her.
Will try to post part 4 tomorrow, but no promises. My baby niece is staying over and she takes up all of my free time, lol.
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cyncity2000 · 4 years
73 questions tag! tysm @goodlesson , can’t say i’ve ever had anything like this before but hey it’s not like I have anything better to do rn 😅 
answers under the cut! i tag @rene-royale @teenager-confused-tired @sawafilmtoday @onedoesnotsimplystormthebastille if you feel like it, but no pressure bc this is a LOT and took me a couple days to finish lol
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? um. could be worse, could be better?? so 5. 
describe yourself in a hashtag? no. twitter and all its shitty hashtags can go to hell.
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? weird question. nobody?? i wouldn’t want to??
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? not to be all dan smith on main but like...’come to this please’
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? uhhhh idk. i’m very open about most aspects of my personality i’d say
what’s your wake up ritual? stay in bed as long as possible and then YEET at maximum speed so i don’t waste the day
what’s your go to bed ritual? tell myself i should go to bed. pick up my phone instead. regret it in the morning.
what’s your favorite time of day? 2pm or 9-10pm 
your go to for having a good laugh? macdoesit or drawfee videos on youtube. truly the best.
dream country to visit? i wanna go back to england and france, also i’d love to visit literally anywhere i could
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? falling in love with my college roommate probably,, didn’t see THAT coming
heels or flats/sneakers? bitch i’m 5′10″ with size 12.5 feet. converse.
vintage or new? vintage looks cool. i am not cool. so new.
who do you want to write your obituary? idk man i don’t wanna think about that now???
style icon? if you knew me irl you’d know style is not a word in my vocabulary
what are three things you cannot live without? my cat, my friends/gf, and my cd collection 
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? i do not bake or cook, the real world is going to kill me immediately
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? i’d be too stressed to make food for people but i’d love to like. go OUT for dinner with...dodie, dallon weekes, and pj liguori. they’re all just cool people i follow and i wanna know what they’re LIKE. 
what’s your biggest fear in life? failure due to lack of confidence, motivation and direction in life :)))
window or aisle seat? i’d say window but i am long boi so aisle is usually nicer unless i trip someone by accident
what’s your current tv obsession? still supernatural, also brooklyn 99
favorite app? tumblr :D
secret talent? despite my crippling procrastination issues i’ve almost always been a straight-A student 🤷‍♀️
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? drove myself two hours to a concert in february, or maybe the time i did a really hard ropes course or went to the badlands?
how would you define yourself in three words? introverted, distracted, nerdy
favorite piece of clothing you own? maybe my waterparks sweatshirt bc i had a dream last night that i donated it and then went back to the store to buy it back lmao so subconsciously i must really like it
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? you gotta have that one pair of black jeans that goes with anything imo
a superpower you would want? flying. it’s the only recurring dream i’ve ever had and it’s my only answer ever
what’s inspiring you in life right now? all the people doing big or little things to help. the ones doing instagram lives or sending money or supplies to people in need or just giving me more faith in humanity
best piece of advice you’ve received? can’t remember any. why doesn’t anyone give me good advice
best advice you’d give your teenage self? do your laundry on time. don’t wear...whatever that was to school. just wash ur fuckin clothes. also don’t let it bother you that you’re single the whole time. you’ll get there.
a book everyone should read? they both die at the end by adam silvera. you WILL cry. but you will love it. 
what would you like to be remembered for? i have no idea. being a non-shitty person at least.
how do you define beauty? happiness.
what do you love most about your body? idk being tall is kinda nice
best way to take a rest/decompress? get a blanket. comfy clothes. my cat. put headphones on. put some music on or watch youtube.
favorite place to view art? on tumblr and instagram! i follow soo many wonderful artists it’s great
if your life was a song, what would the title be? Oh No (What Is She Doing Now?)
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? piano or guitar. i suck at both and if i could be good at ONE i’d be happy
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? been thinking about this tbh. somewhere on my arm definitely but idk where D:
dolphins or koalas? dolphins!!
what’s your spirit animal? a cat?
best gift you’ve ever received? for christmas my sister bought me a cute lil box meant for displaying concert tickets and it was the most thoughtful thing ever. also the AMAZING studio headphones i’m currently using that my mom got me like three years ago for christmas
best gift you’ve given? probably when i bought me and my best friend tickets to see the Sherlock S4 finale in a movie theater 
what’s your favorite board game? cards against humanity, one night ultimate werewolf/alien, settlers of catan
what’s your favorite color? porpleee 💜
least favorite color? hmm they’re all valid except for like. puke green.
diamond or pearls? neither lol
drugstore makeup or designer? neither 😜
blow-dry or air-dry? blow-dry but i never do bc it takes y e a r s
pilates or yoga? yoga!
coffee or tea? both but only hot tea or frozen coffee 
what’s the weirdest word in the english language? thanks to tumblr the word ‘defenestrate’ has entered my vocabulary and I do not regret it
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? either. chocolate is chocolate 🍫
stairs or elevators? tbh stairs, i’m just a lazy bitch
summer or winter? winter. cold > hot
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? i’d still get tired of it :( i need that variety!!
a dessert you don’t like? none. dessert is dessert and it is all valid if i can eat it
a skill you’re working on mastering? writing, working from home, playing the guitar
best thing to happen to you today? currently watching mike gross play old brobecks tunes :’) he also just saw my comment yay
worst thing to happen to you today? i had cheesecake for lunch. sounds good but it’s the only thing i’ve had today besides a piece of chocolate and my body is Not Happy
best compliment you’ve ever received? someone on fanfiction dot net once left me a comment saying they’d almost cried at my story and called me “a true writer” and it’s honestly one of the only thing that keeps me writing...i’m still mad they weren’t signed in so I’ll never be able to thank them for it.
favorite smell? lemon, cookies, fresh-cut grass
hugs or kisses? hugs!!
if you made a documentary, would it be about? somethin gay probably
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? honestly...probably “who the fuck is keith” fjadskljfd
lipstick or lipgloss? like peyton said chapstick is the only valid answer
sweet or savory? depends how i’m feelin, love both
girl crush? besides the obvious one (my girlfriend), honestly not many? there’s this one girl i follow on insta who’s big in the panic! fandom and jESUS SHE’S SO PRETTY. also the girl who plays kaia in supernatural is CUUUTE
how do you know you’re in love? has only happened to me once but for me...i already loved her platonically for months and then suddenly one day i was like oh. why am i getting the urge to kiss you rn. oh no.
a song you can listen to on repeat? anything by idkhow or bastille. never gets old.
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? not to copy peyton but i would love to know what goes on inside my cat’s head
what are you most excited for about this time in your life? next semester of college!! i got into a super-competitive dorm and i’m gonna have my own room and live with nine other people and gahh i’m just so excited to be chaotic with all my friends again and meet new people :’)
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Was your childhood wasted by something? It was wasted by the fact that I had to grow up faster than all the other kids so even though I kept up with all the trends, had all the cool toys, and knew which shows to watch, I still spent a great chunk of my childhood silently stressing out about stuff happening at home. Would you rather die during an adventure or die like a normal person? LOL ‘like a normal person.’ I’d want to pass harmlessly, which I guess is under normal. I’d hate to be killed by something that was meant to be an adventure, like skydiving gone wrong or falling off a cliff. Those would hurt exponentially more too, so no thanks. Have your parents ever put you on a diet? No, I’ve never had to be on one.
Have your parents ever tried to commit suicide? [trigger warning] No but one time my mom had a strange breakdown and verbally threatened me and my dad that she was going to do it. It remains one of the weirdest, eeriest few seconds of my life and I don’t really like thinking about it. Do you have a gag reflex? I don’t know, but I probably do. I haven’t...tested it lmao. Do you ever fantasize about trying drugs? No, fantasize is a loaded term. I think about the possibility sometimes, but I’m not obsessed with the idea of acquiring weed or anything like that. Have you ever put gum in someone's hair? Nope. That’s a hilarious prank to do to someone being shitty though, hah. Would you rather have sex before you're married or wait till marriage? I can be eitiher, I’m not picky about this kind of stuff. I've been having sex in my current relationship. Have you ever not gone to school, just because? I only did this in high school because my former school had events that I found irrelevant and that I didn’t want to go to. In college, if I wanted to cut an entire day’s worth of classes I had to have a very good reason why. Do you know anyone who can play the bagpipes? No, but lol this question reminded me of the Friends episode where Ross learned the bagpipes to play for Monica and Chandler’s wedding. Have you ever let someone hit you? [trigger warning] No. In the few times my mom put her hands on me I was always in the fetal position to protect myself. Do you own a hand warmer? A what? I’ve never heard of that but we don’t really need that here. Do you have friends in other states/countries? Used to. When I was in different fandoms throughout my teenage years I gained friends from North and South America and Europe; I also have Filipino friends from grade school and high school who’ve migrated to the US and Canada. As for locally, I do have tons of friends who came from different provinces/islands. My school has a very diverse community and we have students from all 81 provinces, probably. Do you ever pay attention during church? No, unless the priest says something ridiculous then I start listening to see how even more stupid his homily gets. Otherwise I’m daydreaming, fantasizing, and imagining for that whole hour. Do you have self control? Funny you should mention this while the song playing on my Spotify is Hayley Williams’ Sudden Desire which is precisely about self-control, hahaha. Anyway, it depends on the situation and how desperate I am for something. My self-control is probably the worst when it comes to food though; I’ll always end up picking up whatever I’m craving no matter how late it is, how far the restaurant is, or how much money I have left. Have you ever broke a window? Nope. When was the last time you freaked someone out? Idk maybe this afternoon when I was playing with my dog and squishing him and talking to him in all sorts of voices lolol he always looks so freaked out when I do it to him. Have you ever gone on a date with a weirdo? No. I don’t really do dates. Who's the last person you called a bitch? I’ve never called anyone a bitch directly, but I did call my mom that when she was out of earshot yesterday. Do you drink kool-aid? I don’t. Have you ever dropped something hot on your foot? No. I’d hate for that to happen, I’m scared of getting burned. Do you watch porn? Less than before, but yeah I do; though a big reason why I watch it less these days is because the government blocked a whole chunk of porn sites off of our internet networks at the start of the year haha. The content in the remaining sites aren’t as impressive as the ones I was used to, so I stopped watching. Have you ever missed someone you hated? Sometimes I’ll miss the good times I have with Athenna, but I just have to remember that her attitude never improved in college and I’ve heard other people call her weird so I’m guessing she still acts shittily. Is anyone in your family disabled? Yes, I have an aunt with Down syndrome. What do you want for Christmas? That’s a long time from now. It depends on what I need by December. How many moles do you have? I don’t know if I have some that I’ve never seen yet but I’m aware of 5 that I have. Do you make your bed everyday? Yes. It’s much more relaxing to come back to a neat bed after a long day. Do you know how to ride a bike? :( No I don’t. My dad is super encouraging though and will always cheer me on to try getting on a bike again every now and then. Do you own any comic books? I own a couple, from back when I wanted to get into comic books because my favorite wrestlers CM Punk and AJ Lee were both comic book nerds. I tried so hard to like them, but at the end of the day it just wasn’t my thing. What is the nastiest dare you have ever committed? Probably the time I dropped my siomai on the ground and a friend or two told me to eat it while the rest of my friends told me not to. I went with the unpopular opinion and put the siomai in my mouth only to feel the small dirt/rocks that have gotten on it, so I promptly spat it out haha. Do you know anyone who has been raped? I don’t think so. Are you an atheist? Yes.
Have you ever owned a goldfish? Yes, I had several of them as my first pets. Our old house was very crowded and chaotic and definitely not conducive to bigger pets, so my parents would get me fish so I can practice having pets.
Who was the last person to call you beautiful? Gabie, I think. How many times have you been stung by a bee? Zero. I run away from bees when I see one. What was the last flavor of gum you chewed? Spearmint, I think? That’s always the kind JM brings to school and I usually ask him for a piece of gum. When was the last time you used tape? February. My org was hosting an orientation for interested applicants in the college auditorium, so we posted arrows all over the building so guests would know where to go. When was the last time you said fuck? Ooh I’m not so sure. Probably last night when I had a video call with Gabie since I curse around her the most.
Have you ever stolen something? A pen or five, yep. What's the last movie you watched? Two for the Road. Who's the last person you watched a movie with? Just myself. But the last time I did see a movie with someone, it was with Gabie. Where were you yesterday at 5 PM? I was in the dining area, probably. Who would you like to kiss right now? MY GIRLFRIEND
When was the last time you had tic tacs? Ages ago. I don’t get to have it a lot. When was the last time you ate chicken? We had wings for dinner two nights ago. Who was the last person you told to 'Shut the fuck up' to? Probs Gabie, in a joking manner. Why were you last nervous? My parents were fighting last night and I heard some banging upstairs. Whose pants did you last take off? Again, my girlfriend’s. When was the last time you were disturbed? Also last night hearing that ^ Why did you last feel awkward? Been a while since I’ve had a reason to feel that way. When was the last time you got in a fight with your best friend? With Gabie, two nights ago. I haven’t had a fight with Angela in over a decade. Have you ever asked someone for a tampon? Nope, because I don’t use them. Who was the last person you read a book to? I don’t read books to anyone. Who is the person you say the most naughtiest things to? Hahahahaha. Dirty talk isn’t my thing but the last time was Gabie, probs three years ago when I tried it for the last time and still didn’t dig it. Who was the last person to send you a letter? I forgot the last person to greet me on my birthday... I think it was Patrice. How do you feel about war? Not a fan. Do you like cupcakes or muffins more? Cupcakes. Have you ever pushed someone on purpose? Just my siblings when we were younger. Have you ever slapped someone in the face? My brother, after he slapped me first. This was shortly before I stopped talking to him completely.
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nikatyler · 5 years
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Felt like doing some replies the ~ old fashioned ~ way. I should be packing, but I don’t wanna. One good thing about this semester is that I don’t have classes on Monday morning, which means I don’t have to go to Prague on Sunday. But I’ll be once again going home late on Friday -_- Oh well. Maybe I could skip the lecture every once in a while to go home on Thursday afternoon.
I’m scared. Not really of what I’ll have to learn because I know that even if it’s difficult, I’ll probably get it in my brain in the end. Somehow. I’m more scared that once again, I’ll be left alone. I haven’t really found a stable friend group. I mean, I talk to some people sometimes, but I wouldn’t call it a friendship. One friend that I thought I could rely on doesn’t even bother saying hello to me anymore. I don’t know what I did to him, he just stopped talking to me. But maybe it’s for the best. Even when we still talked, I couldn’t believe how judgemental he was, and I often wondered if he talks about me like that too when I can’t hear it. He probably did. Oh well, I’ll see what I can do. I hope I’ll run into someone who is kinda like my best friend from high school.
As for sims stuff, I know I still owe some things to some people and I feel bad about it. You’ll get it eventually. I’m actually looking forward to doing it too. Makeovers are fun. I’d also like to release some more sims, I have one more sim dump and then some old legacy characters I want to share, plus some BC contestants that didn’t make it. They like to get eliminated in the first rounds.
Also, thanks for the comments on my mental health update post. I’ll see how this turns out and if it doesn’t get any better (I’m kinda hoping that better weather brings better mood, it worked before), I’ll start looking for a therapist or something. No offense to my parents but talking to them about this didn’t help in a slightest. They just don’t get it. And I swear I’m not reverting back to the “I’m an edgy misunderstood teenager” phase. Even though “edgy misunderstood teenager” is an aesthetic I still live for. Whatever that means.
And thanks for the tips on the laptop post. I’ll keep them in mind and I’ll probably ask again when the time comes and I actually buy a new one.
Ahh...I guess that’s it? Replies under the cut. As per usual, they’ll probably be the shorter part of this post, but oh well.
abysims  replied to your photoset  “Let’s find Lilith Vatore some love! In my game, I’ve had Lilith in a...”
Honestly Cassandra and Lilith would be amazing (... In my Glimmerbrook Academy story Cass is actually gonna have a huge crush on Lilith so I'm voting for that, yas!)
Ooooh that sounds great! Also, I’ll have a post announcing the results of the post coming up later, either today or tomorrow, but...spoiler alert: Cassandra might have won ;)
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “Simmer - Get to Know”
Lol this thing with Mermaids made me remember that when my friend and I were like 12 years old, a 6-year-old made her a "proposal" and we answered him that she'll marry him when he buys her a house by the sea in Prague
Omg sea in Prague sounds kinda cool, my faculty would be so close to the beach *-* Haha but at the same time it’s kinda terrifying, where would the sea come from? From the north? From the south? Would that mean my home doesn’t exist? Or, actually, considering my town was built on a big hill, would that mean I live on an island? And which part of Prague would be under the sea and which one would stay?
Sorry, I got distracted thinking of this AU where my country actually has access to the sea :D But we used to have it, back in like I think 12th or 13th century. We’re wayyyy smaller now.
amuhav replied to your post “Me, looking up some specs of my current laptop: you're...you're...”
If it's anything like me with my first 'gaming' laptop, the store clerk basically straight up lied to me about how good it was, and I was too young and naive to know better �� sims 3 almost burnt that thing to a crisp ������
Lmao I have a similar story with my first laptop, we were told that it has this super amazing graphic card...and it wasn’t amazing at all, as I later learned when my laptop broke.
amuhav replied to your photoset “Sims Moodboard Challenge I was tagged by @blurrypxls,...”
Oh no... don't make me want to go back to pinterest and do more of these �� They're ADDICTIVE
THEY ARE! I haven’t done much today, but I’ve spent a lot of time there all through this last week.
amuhav replied to your photo “I need to stop. This is more addictive than scrolling through memes....”
Pssst, not to enable or anything, but Picasa 3 has this nice feature where you can take a bunch of pics and it makes them into a nice collage. That's how I made mine, and then used them as my desktop backgrounds ��
I think I’ll use Photoshop, like I do for everything else, but thanks for giving me an idea for my new background! I used to have my sims or some other characters set as a background, but now that I take my laptop to school I feel a bit uncomfortable with that, so since October I’ve had this kinda boring background and I’ve been meaning to change it into something nicer, I just didn’t know what to put there. Now I do.
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Sunset: “How dare you pretend you’re Father Winter?” Father Winter:...”
Holy crap, Sunset is a lot more buff than I ever realized. Those arms! ��
Yup. That’s because she has to get her Athletic skill higher for work. I think her muscle slider might be at max, actually!
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Father Winter: “That’s it! You’re going on my Naughty List. Your...”
How could she not with with muscles like that?? Damn his Christmas magic!
Next time we should just call Caleb. I mean, he defeated Grim Reaper with no problem, surely Father Winter won’t be any more difficult for him!
fataleromeo replied to your photoset “Sunset: “Okay, cool. You won’t give us gifts but I have a special one...”
Lmaoooooo, get him, Sunset! ������
He deserves it
asplashofsims replied to your photo “~ daylight”
Cute picture! ♡ I hope you feel better soon and omgg winx club, it's my guilty pleasure for sure hahah all the childhood memories��
I love Winx Club so much. It’s a little ridiculous and the plot holes are terrible (and don’t let me talk about anything after season 4, those are not my Winx D:), but I can’t let it go.
blubrich replied to your post “I forgot how traumatizing Toy Story 3 was ��”
Especially the ending! ��
YES. I remember the whole cinema was crying.
Also, Toy Story always unpacks this weird guilt in me haha. Because as a child, naturally I was like “I would NEVER abandon my toys, I’ll keep them forever!”. And now...they’re in boxes...under my bed and in the basement...some of them I gave away or to my younger sister, who then also gave some away because she’s fifteen now. I still have my plushies and teddy bears in my bed though, it would be too empty without them :D
silverspringsimmer replied to your audio post “(via...”
I love Within Temptation and they got me into heavier music later, too!
I don’t even remember how I found them. I was just bored of the music I was listening to all the time back then, so I clicked through playlists and stuff on Spotify and somehow I landed on their page, I guess. And I immediately fell in love.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your audio post “(via...”
Oh this song was the first song of this bad which I heard! It was also 5-6 years ago.though I do not listen to them often these days.
I think the first song I heard was What Have You Done, which I liked and still like very much, but then I heard this one and went kinda crazy because it just sounded so epic and exactly what my poor slightly depressed fifteen years old soul needed. In one day, I completely switched from pop to metal and it took me a few years to appreciate my old favourite music again. (I know that I say all the time that I’m a Taylor Swift stan, but actually I only really started LOVING her music again last year.)
I’ve always thought that it’s kinda funny that in my Music class, for the first semester I prepared a project about Taylor Swift. In the second semester, that changed, the old pop loving Ronnie was dead, and my new project was about Within Temptation :D But I remember that I was actually upset that day, I chose to show my classmates the video of What About Us and they didn’t appreciate it. And then after me, my other classmate had a project about some singer who had this weird song about getting high. They wanted to replay it. I was so bitter, in my head I was like “this song that I showed you has an interesting meaningful message and you’d rather listen to a song about drugs, how dare you?! You’re absolutely terrible!”
Yeah. I mean, I get it today, but I was so, so bitter.
amuhav replied to your audio post “(via...”
I recently found out they had a new album out (and Nightwish had a new single out too ��) and early 2000s emo teenage me immediately surfaced and threw money at my screen!
Ahhhh I’ve basically had Noise on repeat since it came out, I love it so much! And the video is cool too. I can’t wait to hear the whole album. Nightwish never disappoints, I hope I’ll one day get to see them live. I’ve had a few chances but then it never worked out.
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syndullastars · 4 years
tagged by @brontes thank you !! ♡
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? like a 5.5 maybe
describe yourself in a hashtag? #AHHHHHHHH
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? does anyone actually like to do love scenes cause it seems like it’d be pretty uncomfortable to me
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? rolling with the punches
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? probably that i’m actually a mess hahaha
what’s your wake up ritual? bathroom, brush teeth, wash face, contacts, breakfast and then get dressed
what’s your go to bed ritual? bathroom, brush teeth, contacts out, read until i’m ready to sleep
what’s your favorite time of day? depends on the season, but since we’re coming up on summer i’ll go with that twilight time of the evening between like 7 and 9 when the sun is setting and you can hear all the crickets and other insects singing and everything seems blanketed in this otherworldly glow
your go to for having a good laugh? old messages/videos/photos, cracky memes and shitposts
dream country to visit? new zealand
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? my parents surprised us with a trip to disney once! my sister and i literally cried lmao
heels or flats/sneakers? sneakers
vintage or new? depends, but usually new
who do you want to write your obituary? whoever wants to i guess
style icon? padme amidala (yes a fictional character)
what are three things you cannot live without? family, friends, and good stories
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? i use red pepper a lot, but not in everything. so probably too much salt
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? my best friend, my sister, my mom
what’s your biggest fear in life? failing / not living up to my family’s expectations of me
window or aisle seat? window, but only if i know the people next to me. i get up way too many times to bother them if i don’t lol
what’s your current tv obsession? the clone wars :(
favorite app? apple music or messages, bc those are the ones i use most
secret talent? all my talents have long been put on display and used to give me stress lol
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? moving across the country for school probably
how would you define yourself in three words? perceptive, self-aware, empathetic
favorite piece of clothing you own? maybe my fila disruptors? basic i know but they're very stompy
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? a nice pair of jeans i think
a superpower you would want? telepathy
what’s inspiring you in life right now? art and the people who make it
best piece of advice you’ve received? forgive and let go (but don’t forget)
best advice you’d give your teenage self? stop worrying so much about being well-behaved and fight back. tell people what you think even if they don’t want to hear it
a book everyone should read? everyone has different values and interests so i don’t think i can recommend one book that everyone should read
what would you like to be remembered for? being a good friend
how do you define beauty? beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so it’s whatever i think is beautiful, and also whatever anyone else thinks is beautiful
what do you love most about your body? if we’re talking about features then my eyes, but overall i’ve worked hard to get strong and i love how effortless everything feels now
best way to take a rest/decompress? lounging around and watching something, maybe with friends depending on my mood
favorite place to view art? i guess it depends on what type of art
if your life was a song, what would the title be? keep on
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? piano or saxophone
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? it would be small, just under my hairline on the back of my neck. but i would never get a tattoo anyway
dolphins or koalas? dolphins !!
what’s your spirit animal? i don’t think so
best gift you’ve ever received? probably books that i asked for
best gift you’ve given? i design a themed calendar for my best friend every year and she always really loves that, but also i did something very elaborate for my sister last christmas and she was laughing about it for weeks. the pieces are still arranged in a shrine in her room lol
what’s your favorite board game? clue, or trivial pursuit but only if it has a fun theme
what’s your favorite color? all of them!
least favorite color? there are no bad colors
diamond or pearls? pearls
drugstore makeup or designer? you could hand me one of each and i wouldn’t even know the difference
pilates or yoga? i’ve never done either so idk
coffee or tea? coffee but i like both
what’s the weirdest word in the english language? discombobulate, canoodle, phlegm
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? dark for sure
stairs or elevators? stairs, i hate elevators
summer or winter? both
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? just the thought of that makes me tired of every single food in existence lol
a dessert you don’t like? anything fancy
a skill you’re working on mastering? life drawing and general storyboarding stuff, for school and career purposes
best thing to happen to you today? the clone wars finale :((((
worst thing to happen to you today? also the clone wars finale :((((
best compliment you’ve ever received? a few of my friends have told me that i always know exactly what to say, and that makes me happy bc i try very hard to understand them and be what they need so i’m glad it pays off
favorite smell? pine trees and snow on the air, but also sunscreen and the sea
hugs or kisses? hugs
if you made a documentary, what would it be about? honestly it would be about star wars, but specifically george lucas and his vision and how the unique position the franchise is in, where multiple authors and creators are contributing to it at any given time + the disney rebranding + the fact that star wars fans have always seemed to adamantly want to discard lucas’ original intent has led to the way fan circles view star wars now and how wildly different those views can be from what lucas intended
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? the clone wars finale lol
lipstick or lipgloss? lipgloss
sweet or savory? savory
girl crush? natalie portman
how do you know you’re in love? i’ve only been in love once and it was a very fledgling thing but it was like, they’re always on your mind, seeing them is simultaneously like there’s no ground under your feet and also like there’s no oxygen in the room, and being with them makes you insane just the same as not being with them makes you insane
a song you can listen to on repeat? right now, youth by glass animals, but it always changes
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? definitely no one! my life is like a well organized library (even if maybe some books are missing or damaged lol) and i would hate to be dropped into an unsorted pile of books and have to organize all over again
what are you most excited for/about this time in your life? well real life is kind of on hold but my cousins and i just merged our quarantine circles which is a lot of fun so there’s that lol
this is long so i’ll just tag a few: @yensofrivia @daenerystargaryes @elizabethswcnn @kristnbell ( feel free to ignore ofc ♡ )
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thrift-shop-fiction · 6 years
Wreaths and Windows
pairing: Jin x reader
genre: flufffff
warnings: swearing but does anyone actually care? blood (but only a teeny bit)
a/n: I honestly love this concept lol
Why on earth would you want your windows done in the middle of Winter? That was a question you needed to ask your dozens of recent customers. Thankfully, you were now on your way to your last customer of the year. The van trundled over the cobbled street before coming to a stop with a jolt and a slight creak outside a  long row pretty terraced house. According to your information this was the residence of a Mr. Kim.
You slammed the van door shut, shivering as a blast of cold air hit you. Snuggling further into your fleece, you walked across the bridge like structure towards the shiny black door with two long windows and a decadent holly wreath.
Ringing the door bell, you listened to the sound echoing within the house. As you waited, puffs of white escaped your lightly chapped lips with every breath, teeth chattering lightly.
After what seemed an age, but was only thirty seconds, the door was opened by a tall, broad shouldered man with plump pink lips curved into an inviting smile. His coffee coloured haired was parted slightly off centre, providing you with more of a view of his smooth, pale skin. Round glasses perched atop his nose paired with a loose cream turtle neck and black jeans completed the ethereal look to the supposed Mr. Kim. You started slightly in suprise, expecting to see a short, rather stout middle aged man with bald patch, but instead being greeted with an extremely attractive young man with no bald patches in sight.
“Uh, hi! Are you Mr. Kim?”
“Yup, but you can call me Seokjin, or just Jin.” Much like the smile that was still affixed on his face, there was something so warm and comforting about him.
“I’m Y/N, I’m here to do your windows,” you attempted to return his smile as you gestured back towards your tacky blue van which proclaimed the slogan “Every Glass is the name, Windows is the game” (you cringed every time you read that slogan).
“Your slogan is shit,” Jin stared at the van, equally disappointed
“Yup, what windows are you needing done?” “All the front ones,”
“Jesus Christ, time of year to do it,” you glanced up at the three storey house and immediately regretted your choice of trade.
You stood on a ladder which was swaying precariously in the violent gale.
“I fucking hate my job,” you muttered for the umpteenth time today. Windows were hard work, even without the bitter cold and high winds. Your fingers were just about frozen off after the second window, and you were wearing gloves! The door clicked open far below you, looking down, you smiled lightly at the welcome sight of Jin holding two steaming mugs of what looked to be hot chocolate with mountains of whipped cream, topped with a ton of tiny white and pink marshmallows. You practically drooled at the sight.
He jerked his head as a notion for you to come down, and you immediately complied.
“I thought you might need a warm up,”
“You thought correctly,” Jin laughed as he passed you a mug. As soon as you took a sip, it tasted like the best thing you had ever drank.
“Must be a really shit job, especially at this time of year,”
“Yeah, I absolutely hate this job,” this elicited another laugh from Jin, his laugh sounded like wind screen wipers but at the same time it sounded strangely nice?
The chat was brief, but definitely lightened your spirits. In about two hours, you were onto the last windows- the door. You rung the door bell yet again, and were greeted with the smiling, albeit confused, Jin, almost like Déjà vu.
“Jin, you need to take off the wreath,”
“Do I have to? It’s pretty,” It was practically impossible to argue with that logic, and that sad pout. But the wreath had to go, for just now at least.
“B-but,” Puppy dog eyes? Really? Did Jin seriously think that doing that would change your mind, as if! Okay maybe. Nope, your gone. You have to be heartless to resist that!
“Okay fine, I’ll try,”
“Yay!” You swear you felt your chest warm up just the slightest bit at his delighted smile, he looked like a kid in a candy store, but that was definitely just the heat from the house.
Apparently it was possible to hate your job more than you previously thought. Trying to fit such small windows with a wreath in the way was a nightmare.
“OW! Shit!” Thick crimson blood oozed out of the fairly large cut on your pointer finger.
“Y/N! Are you ok?” The had been flung open mere seconds after your cry, and now a worried Jin was holding your finger. His brows were pinched together as he examined your finger, looking for any glass that was still stuck in your finger, to his great relief, there was none.
You were quickly ushered inside by Jin who was still holding your finger. He sat you down at his kitchen island before dashing off to find a first aid kit. He came running back, dark green box clutched in his hand.
“Jin! Calm down. It doesn’t even hurt that much,”
“It could be dangerous, it was glass that cut you!”
He gently took you over to the sink and washed out the cut before dabbing lightly at the jagged wound with an antiseptic wipe. You hissed as the wipe touched the sensitive flesh, causing Jin to look up at you even more concerned.
“Are you ok?”
“I’m fine! You don’t need to worry,”
“I can’t help but worry!” You blushed slightly, either from the proximity or his words and you noticed Jin’s cheeks were dusted with pink too.
After Jin wrapped a plaster decorated with fruit around your finger carefully you got up.
“Where are you going?”
“I need to finish your windows,”
“Are you sure you’ll be ok?”
“Yes, I’ll be fine Jin, I’ve only got a tiny bit left to do anyway.”
You completed the last window with a worried Jin watching over you the whole time, fretting that you would only make the wound worse.
“Well, I best be on my way, don’t wanna take up any more of your time,”
“Umm actually I was wondering if you would maybe like to stay for uh dinner? I bought a load of steak cause one of my friends were coming round but they had to cancel and it’s a lot of steak so…”
“I’d like that,” you spared Jin from babbling on more much to the relief of the rather red faced man.
Watching Jin cook was something you just couldn’t get bored of, his pink apron was just a bonus. The look on his face while he made the delicious smelling meal was that of pure joy. And the jokes he cracked all the while, although terrible, warmed your heart.
Just as it had smelt while cooking, the steak was exquisite, as were the potatoes and carrots.
“You’re such a good cook, Jin,”
“Thanks, I learned from my Mum, she’s an amazing cook,”
“So is mine, but I can’t cook to save my life,” the both of you laughed and went back to eating.
At around eleven, after a bottle of red between you, a couple of movies that neither of you had payed attention to, and a lot of talking you were extremely glad you had gotten this job.
You yawned widely, realising the time.
“I should probably go,”
“Yeah, you look really tired,”
“So do you!”
You walked out the door but were stopped by Jin
“Make sure you get home safe, ok?”
It was at that moment that Jin, being the absolute nut case he was, tripped, and was less than an inch away from you. Your heart was beating out of your chest and you were redder than the holly on Jin’s door, as was he.
To your suprise, Jin leaned forward and captured your lips in a soft kiss, which you immediately melted into. Jin tasted like cinnamon and nutmeg along with other Christmas spices, and just a hint of red wine.
All too soon he pulled away and stepped back
“G'night Y/N,”
“Night Jin,” You walked away and drove off along the cobbles, a smile on your face and butterflies in your stomach. And Jin watched the van until it disappeared into the night, happily walking back into his house, already anticipating your next meeting.
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jasonblossomsghost · 6 years
1-64 and 65: If you were a bird, what kind of bird would you be?
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?mm no more my own? i dissociate Constantly
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?4 unless i’m w someone else then 1
3. The person you would never want to meet?drumpf
4. What is your favorite word?hmm idk iridocyclitis is fun, a meme, and i work for an eye doctor so relevant to my occupation
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?i like weeping willows and i cry a lot so
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?we’re really doing this again huh
7. What shirt are you wearing?a long sleeved red and navy striped shirt that my mommy gave me
8. What do you label yourself as?a disaster
9. Bright room or dark room?bright room. fun fact: when i was ab 13 i could not sleep unless my overhead light was on. sometimes if im doing really badly i still need it lmao
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?uhh iirc i was talking to my boyfriend and playing wordscapes
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?idk 19 is going ok so far
12. Who told you they loved you last?my boyfriend
13. Your worst enemy?either myself or this one coworker of mine who i genuinely hate
14. What is your current desktop picture?just the preset one,,, idc that much lmao
15. Do you like someone?i mean my s/o is pretty cool sometimes
16. The last song you listened to?Outside - The Early November
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?me bitch tf
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?that one coworker... this one patient at my job who degrades me and my coworkers constantly
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?no one and nothing... i like to do things myself
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)idk tbh 
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?don’t really like this question or the phrase opposite sex in general  so pass /:
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?nah i’m Talentless
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?you know overflow drains in like bathtubs? until i was like 10 i had to have my back against them bc i was scared people could watch me through it 
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.i live off popcorn so i dont eat or like sandwiches really
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?put it in savings. i’m tryna move out in 6 months
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?hmm idk. i have a friend in san francisco i havent seen in forever so that would be lit
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?smirnoff 100%
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? no geminis
29. What is your favorite expletive?fuck
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?i was gonna say my fire safe box that has my social security card, birth certificate, etc then i was like wait a minute... but tbh idk maybe my laptop? or my purse?
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?my childhood was like 98% trauma but like.. it made me not suck that bad so i’ll keep it
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!i wanna move to seattle but thats in country so.. no idea. sweden? i like ikea
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?don’t fuck w the dead. no one is coming back
34. What was your last dream about?last sunday night i dreamt i woke up monday (christmas eve) and didnt go to work even though i was supposed to (paranoia. i had the day off lmao)
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?i am very good at loving dogs
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?yeah lots of times lmao
37. Have you ever built a snowman?yep. shitty but a snowman
38. What is the color of your socks?black
39. What type of music do you like?depends. sad boi music lately
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?sunrises 100%
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?i can’t drink milk /: but maybe strawberry
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)i am gay idk sports
43. Do you have any scars?quite a few! i’m a clumsy clusterfuck
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?i’m currently in college for poli sci and after i graduate w my BA, i wanna go to law school
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?idk?? like i hate myself but i also dont really wanna change anything
46. Are you reliable?generally yes. but i am known to cancel plans bc i’m depressed lol
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?hows life dude
48. Do you hold grudges?oh hell yeah not gonna play like i dont
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?nope dont like that At All
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?nothing really stands out... probably something from work but i take 100 calls a day so? they all blur together
51. Are you a good liar?really good. i don’t lie though. i’m actually brutally honest bordering on asshole
52. How long could you go without talking?dayssss i love not speaking
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?uhh freshman year i had an awful side part... next
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?yeah! i’m really great at cooking and baking!
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?not really? i took 2 years french and 4 years spanish and to pronounce properly i have to talk differently so i guess i kinda take on an accent then? but not actually
56. What do you like on your toast?i have celiac and gluten free bread is like $5 i dont eat toast lmao
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?i had to do a portrait in the style of francis bacon for my art final
58. What would be you dream car?ideally something that uses clean energy other than that idc
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.no and no.. i just shower what y’all doing in the shower
60. Do you believe in aliens?1000000%
61. Do you often read your horoscope?not often.. like if i happen across it i’ll read it
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?i’m not sure. m is a nice letter
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?dinosaurs bc they were real
64. What do you think about babies?honestly? terrified of them 
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.if i were a bird maybe a magpie? or a crow or raven? or one of those really annoying parakeets
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rynne311 · 6 years
65 Questions You Aren't Used To
Tagged by @an-all-write-life, thank you lovely!
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
I think I may have answered this one before, but basically no.
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
1, maybe 1.5.  I really don’t mind the dark, but sometimes it’s the unexplained sounds that will get me.
3. The person you would never want to meet?
I don’t know if any of you watched Community, but Troy loved LeVar Burton, he was his favorite celebrity.  Even though Troy loved LeVar Burton, the most he ever wanted was a picture/autograph, he explicitly told Pierce that he never wanted to meet him.  When Pierce brought LeVar Burton in as a way to mess with Troy, he was completely starstruck and could not speak, he just sat there wide eyed and terrified of disappointing his hero, until he ran away from dinner screaming.  Long story short, any sort of media hero I have I wouldn’t want to meet because I’d probably make Troy look like a normal person with how starstruck I got.
4. What is your favorite word?
Oh boy, this is a lot of pressure! I don’t want to offend all the other words.  I’ll go with onomatopoeia because it’s kind of fun!
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
An oak, I guess.  They look pretty as they change, and dropping the acorns can cause mild annoyance, which I seem to be able to do pretty easily for the friends and family around me.
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
Why does it have to be Monday??(I answered this when I started working on these yesterday)
7. What shirt are you wearing?
Simple pink and gray stripes.
8. What do you label yourself as?
9. Bright room or dark room?
Dark, it just feels kind of relaxing and like it’s time to unwind.
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Sleeping - I’m kind of boring and go to bed by 10:30 (usually earlier) every night, so I’m definitely dead asleep at midnight.
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
I actually really enjoyed ages 18-20, and 23 was pretty good too.  I’m sure I’ll hit a good stride of ages again, but until I hit that sweet spot, I’m just going to roll with it and have the most fun I can.
12. Who told you they loved you last?
Umm, probably my friend Alex telling me she loves me more after I had sent her a second reminder in a night that I love her. Or my mom.
13. Your worst enemy?
Honestly, I’m probably my own worst enemy.
14. What is your current desktop picture?
It’s the generic blue design that came with the laptop
15. Do you like someone?
In any way other than platonically, no not right now.
16. The last song you listened to?
Either “Rich” by Maren Morris or “Hotel Key” by Old Dominion on my way into work.
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
If I dislike someone that much, shouldn’t they just be left to suffer...like forever.
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
It would be too easy to say some of those politicians that I think are awful and spewing hate, but that’s probably who I’d want to hit the most. But then I’m putting hate and violence out there and I aspire to be better than those I wish to punch in the face.
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
Yeah, people shouldn’t own people. What I would be more interested
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
Probably my eyes or smile.
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
Umm, I sure hope that would mean I would be tall! At least considerably taller than 5’2” and then I’d go and reach stuff on the top shelf...without a step-stool.
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
If I do, it’s news to me.
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
My fears are pretty run of the mill.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
I might just be pretty boring and say a really good grilled cheese with like a good kind of cheese like pepperjack or something.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
If only that would cover all my loans! I’d probably treat myself to something like a new pair of heels or just save it for a bit and maybe put it towards Christmas presents.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
Probably back to Spain.  I loved the four months I lived in Salamanca and want to go back! Also, my host family was amazing, and I’d love to visit them again.
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
I’d probably get some Barefoot Pink Bubbly, but I’d be a little suspicious of some greater ulterior motive.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
Everybody has to be left-handed lol, actually establishing some sort of guidance for rights and behavior, making sure that all groups are treated equally and fairly.
29. What is your favorite expletive?
Shit. As much as I curse in real life, I try to avoid it in my writing, instead opting to find other words to express the sentiment, although that isn’t always possible.
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
Probably one of my mom’s jewelry or memory boxes that has mementos from my late grandma in them.  It would mean the world to her and I was close with my grandma too, so I’d still be able to preserve a piece of her.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
As much as I’d love to erase any bouts of poor mental health I’ve had in the past, I’ve learned from them and without that experience, I wouldn’t be prepared to tackle my next big challenge whatever it may be.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
Just like in question 26, I’d probably move to Spain!
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
As much as I would love to bring my godfather back, it wouldn’t be fair to take him from the afterlife, or to put his wife, kids and the rest of us who love him through that pain again.  If I could open some sort of communication between this life and the next, I would absolutely offer it to him.  At least being able to communicate would probably be able to heal some wounds for a lot of us here, and I’d love for his 10 year old son to get to know him outside of the stories he hears from me and the rest of his family.
34. What was your last dream about?
Selling houses and moving...just all around kind of odd.
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? -  Are you a good listener?
I’d like to think I am, yes.  Recently at my weekend job, I was clocking out for the day and finished one of my purchases and the woman in front of me had a bag that was just a little too heavy for her to carry, so I brought her bag out to the car for her.  I ended up spending another 20 minutes out there with her talking, well she was doing most of the talking, and before we went separate ways she kept thanking me for listening to her.  So if that is any indication, yes I am a good listener, also it broke my heart that she felt the need to thank me for listening to her because it tells me that she really isn’t getting much of that in her life.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
I’ve been to the emergency room twice, but never admitted to the actual hospital.  And both of those visits were within three days.
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
Grew up in New England, it’s kind of a mandatory part of childhood here.
38. What is the color of your socks?
Gray and teal
39. What type of music do you like?
Country, plus some pop and rock
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
I’m rarely up for sunrises, but when I was in college, I was pulling an all nighter in our computer/printer room and I got the most spectacular view of the sun rising over the mountains in Vermont.  It made up for the severe lack of sleep I was experiencing.
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
I don’t sport.  As far as American football goes, I suppose the NY Giants, but in reality it’s more of anyone who isn’t the Patriots.
43. Do you have any scars?
A few on my arms from stupid stuff while growing up, like fighting with my sister.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
I graduated from college 3 years ago and still don’t know.  Maybe to know and be happy and secure.
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Physically - the list is kind of long and pretty personal.  Otherwise, I’d get rid of those nasty things like my anxiety and depression.
46. Are you reliable?
Almost to a fault where some people have tried to take advantage of it so they could slack off.
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Have you found the happy path you want to be on?
48. Do you hold grudges?
Yes, but it’s something I’ve been trying to work on.  I’ll stop and think what did this event/person impact my life and is it still important?  That’s been pretty helpful for letting things go.  I doubt I’ll ever be able to move on from things immediately, but being able to step away after I’ve had some time and choose forgiveness really does help.
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
Probably once when talking about childhoods and one girl brought up how she got sent to water therapy because she would insist that she was a mermaid and didn’t have legs to walk.  If I remember correctly, they thought this was her way of manifesting her fear of water, but really with her red hair, she just wanted to be Ariel from Little Mermaid.  It was definitely a wild ride of a conversation.
51. Are you a good liar?
Yes and no.  I’ve got some tells, but over the past few years, I’ve gotten much better at hiding them.
52. How long could you go without talking?
If I’m not talking because I’m mad, at least a few days.  I love talking, so if there isn’t much of a reason to be silent, I’m probably going to be talking.  There have been a few times I’ve been home alone and will just begin talking to the dogs or the cat as I’m going about my business.
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
As much as I like them every time I get them, bangs! Within a few months I’m done with wanting to deal with the maintenance and they never looks as good as when I first get them done.  Some folks look absolutely amazing with bangs, but as a long term thing, they are just not for me.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
Yes! I love to bake.
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
A little bit.  With practice I can start to imitate other regions of the US and with enough drinks, I’ve tried an Irish accent.
56. What do you like on your toast?
Butter with a bit of cinnamon sugar.
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
If painting counts, and I’m going to say it does for this, then a nice riverbank landscape I did at a paint and wine studio near me.
58. What would be you dream car?
Jeep Wrangler - like Lorelai’s in Gilmore Girls
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
Not really, I’m mostly focused on getting what I need to done and getting out.  I might go through an argument in the shower while I’m washing my hair, but that’s about it.
60. Do you believe in aliens?
I guess so, but that’s more of the universe is so expansive and I think it’s a little narcissistic to think that we are the only ones occupying it.  Besides, if there are no aliens, how will Superman exist to come and save us some day??
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
I don’t, and most of the reason is I don’t believe in them. It’ll pop up in other stuff I’ll be reading, but it always frustrates me that pisces are put at the end of the list so I don’t even try.
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
R! Yes, it is my initial, but I also like doing the sign for it in my sign language class.  The sign is like you’re crossing your fingers, so it’s like R has some mystery and is keeping a secret.
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
64. What do you think about babies?
They are really cute and I like getting to spend some time with them.  It can be really fun to watch someone experience so many things for the first time, especially things we take for granted.
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of. - Worst movie you’ve ever watched?
Leprechaun in the Hood without a doubt!
I’ll tag anyone else who wants to do this! :)
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peggyfromtheblockk · 6 years
Get to Know the Blogger
Hey! So, I’ve realized aside from a few comments here and there, I haven’t really talked on here at all! This sad thought made me realize it was time to share a lot of unnecessary stuff so maybe you can get a basic--detailed--idea of who I am. So here’s a bunch of word vomit and feel free to come talk to me, I promise I’m a lot nicer than a lot of my answers make me seem lol
Name: You can call me E.
Age: 20
Zodiac sign: Aries
Height: 5’7
Languages spoken: English but I do remember a few random words of Spanish
Nationality & Location: American and Michigan
Work: Currently working in the infant room at a daycare
Favorite fruit: Blueberries
Favorite scent: Lavender, vanilla, or apple
Favorite animal: I really love otters and llamas
Favorite fictional character: Dana Scully of course (though, I do have a soft spot for Stella Gibson)
Favorite candy: KitKat’s but currently I’ll devour almost any chocolate given to me
Favorite holiday: Christmas and Halloween. But probably Halloween more because I love the prep and the actual day, whereas I just really love the prep for Christmas
Favorite season: I really like autumn because my hometown and college towns are so beautiful but I love spring because I love everything coming back to life
Favorite Social Media? Twitter, but like, stan twitter
Favorite thing about where you live? I just love that I have some of my favorite people within literal minutes of me. It’s a really comforting feeling. And we have a fair every year which is gross but entertaining at the same time
Favorite swear word? Probably shit, but fuck and damn do escape quite often
What are you listening to:  As of right now When I Kissed The Teacher from MM2
What Books Are You Reading? I have three books I haven’t finished and haven’t touched in like two months. We, Beaches, and Yes Please
What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed? Around 1 in the morning usually
What Makes You Happy? A lot of things, though I don’t always realize that. I’m usually an “It’s the little things” person too. BUT to answer, Gillian and msr never fail to make me happy
What Are You Craving Right Now? I could smash a plate of spaghetti right now
What Is Your Gender? Female (she/her pronouns)
What Is Your Sexuality? Bisexual but I’m definitely like 85% women, 15% men
What’s The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters? MAMMA MIA 2 IM SO EXCITED
What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest? I’m a sucker for blue eyes
What Do You Wear To Bed? A tee and shorts usually but if I’m in The Mood I’ll wear just a tee (Yes, That Mood)
What Sounds Are Your Favourite? I love the sound of a campfire and babies laughing or babbling literally melts my heart
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Usually, their eyes but I’m drawn to those with a bright genuine smile
What’s something that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Being With My People. They never fail to make me feel warm and fuzzy. Also when I get a cute little note from my favorite professor on an assignment because she is like the light of my life  
What are your hobbies? When I’m not in school I like to read and I’m able to write some. During school, you can find me watching x files, sleeping, or enjoying movies or music
What’s your favorite book? I love anything by Laurie Halse Anderson and really anything in the YA genre
What inspires you? Gillian is really inspiring to me because of all the work she does to help others. Bette Midler too
What’s your favorite place in the whole world? well, ok. So, I love Mackinac Island because it’s so beautiful and peaceful (even with thousands of tourists covering the tiny location) but I also just love when I’m with my people. When I’m with one of My People wherever we are, that’s my favorite place because I’m really happy. Also, I really love my work because nothing exists outside those four walls except the babies I take care of
What do you typically have for breakfast? A big cup of coffee and the occasional bagel or bowl of cereal
What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? The first semester of my sophomore year I had this 60-70 page case study due for the end of the term for an education class. For at least a week I would stay up until about 5 am working on it, go to sleep, get up at 7:30 am and do it all over again. That’s been my most stressful and sleep deprived time of my life so far and just looking bad makes me shudder. At least I got a 99% on it
What makes you angry? A lot of things. Let’s not get into that.
What makes you nervous? Uh, everything. But thinking about the real part of my future (bills, working, adulting) really gets me going
Do you wear glasses: Yes and these specific frames fucking suck and my eyes keep getting worse (my doctor told me I’d need surgery before I turned 30, wtf thanks dude)
Do You Have Freckles? Yes and it used to bother me how many I have but thanks to fics that mention Scully’s, I’ve become fond of them
Do You Sing In The Shower? When my family or suitemates aren’t home, then yes I usually belt it all out but usually, I stick to humming
Do You Collect Anything? Postcards and shot glasses. And llama things now too apparently
Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean? Pool because it’s clean and I can see the bottom
Do You Study Better With Or Without Music? It depends on the subject or the task but I almost always need some type of constant sound
Do You Save Money Or Spend It? Save it usually but I also tend to spend it all on a big impulse purchase
Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now? That’s why I’m here lmao
Do You Have Strange Dreams? Alright so I just started taking Zoloft and before it, my dreams would be weird but like unrealistic-weird, like having-a-bad-trip-weird. But since starting the med, my dreams have become realistically-weird, like sometimes I wake up and question if that all really happened
Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning? When I’m at school, yes, but when I’m home I usually just say fuck it because I’ll be back in it at least 8 more times
Do You Like To Read / Write? I love to read (fics, duh) but I do try my hand at writing but I struggle to finish anything and I’m terrified to post any of my work on here
Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About? YES and it’s just barely halfway into summer break and I’ve got a huge assignment due the first day back
Do You Get Homesick? Sometimes but I really do love my college life and wouldn’t change it
Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More? A mix but because of work, jeans most days
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Sarcasm is my middle name
Do you believe in miracles? Yeah I think so
Do you have any special talents? I don’t think so but I’m good at taking care of kids. Sometimes my supervisor calls me the baby whisperer lol
Do you have any pets? Three cats and a dog and some succulents
Do you have any siblings? A little (half) brother and then technically I have four other half-siblings but they don’t know I exist
Do you believe in the paranormal? Absolutely. A big secret of mine….I actually could, and sometimes still can interact with spirits...Just call me Mrs. Spooky
Do you play any instruments? Nope but somehow I have managed to have a guitar and a keyboard in my possession. I do sing though and was in choir for 7 years
Do you have any crushes? Do celebrities or fictional characters count? If no, then no
Do you have any bad and/or anxious habits? I just have panic attacks a lot lmao and I tend to get really bitchy and mean when I’m anxious which I feel bad about but I can’t stop it
Do you believe in anything enough to fight for it? My right to marry whoever I want and have kids with whoever I want and be in control of my body. There’s probably more but those have been on my mind today
Do you keep a journal? Yeah a few actually but I lose motivation after a little bit and it takes so much to start it over
Do you like your age? Yes and no. I’m an adult which is cool and all but like….most of my friends are old enough to drink and it really pisses me off that I’m 9 months short of legally doing that. I’m super responsible and mature for my age like what will 9 months do to change that? It’s just stupid that I can join the military and go thousands of dollars into debt but I can’t have a glass of wine with my mom at a block party. UGH. American laws  S U C K
Do you like your own name? Yes, I love my name. When I was a kid I hated it, I didn’t get the sentiment of being named after someone. I finally got the sentiment around the time my grandma started getting sick. Now that she’s gone, I know just how blessed I am to carry on the legacy of my full name and try to make her proud.
Do you have any scars? Oh plenty, I’m really clumsy. My most notable is the one on my thumb from a freak childhood accident that nearly cut my entire thumb pad off. What a wild time
Do you have a strong accent? I’m from Michigan so apparently, I have a strong Midwestern accent but I don’t hear it. But anytime I’m on the phone/skyping with my friend from Missouri, she always points it out and laughs
Do you talk to yourself? Probably too much but also not in the way that I think is expected. I’m just constantly talking in my head like a constant tv interview about whatever the fuck I’m thinking about which 99% of the time is msr lol
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: All of the above
Beer or wine or neither: W I N E
When was your blog created: I knew this was the place to find the best gifs and fics and I wanted to be in the fandom more since I’m so new. Also, I wanted to try my hand at fic writing but I continue to lose the motivation or the courage to write/post
Last movie you’ve seen: Hotel Transylvania is pretty much on repeat in my house thanks to my little brother, so most likely it’s that
First job: My first job was customer service/field hand on a blueberry patch but my first legit legal job is/was at a daycare
Pet peeve: The first I can think of is slow walkers because I walk so fast because my legs are like a mile long
The color of your eyes: Green but they used to be giant sky-blue saucers
Night owl/day person: I don’t like getting up before 9 but past midnight I’m a grouch
Tattoos:  None yet, but I have two planned, it’s just a matter of money and timing
Like to cook: Not really but I can cook enough to survive which is typical for college
Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 20 Give the last two lines: “Action: Today I will be kind to myself. Affirmation: This is who I am, and I feel glad to be me” - We
Last Person You Cried In Front Of? I cried while holding a baby at work because my shift is changing so things will be different and also my hormones are really out of whack right now
If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be? Any shade of purple
Name One Movie That Made You Cry: Beaches is my go-to crying movie, same goes for Steel Magnolias (what a typical answer, I know)
If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be? Cher, Reba, DD, Bette Midler or Straight No Chaser. Reba especially though because she’s going to be near me soon but it's a 21+ event and I’m nine months short of that so I’m really pissed I can’t go
Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents? Carve pumpkins but I do a damn good job wrapping too
Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set? I loved it even though it made me sick. There’s a park down the street from my campus so if I’m really upset, I’ll go down there and blast my headphones and swing until I forget what’s happening. It’s really therapeutic
Name Something That Relaxes You: I have some relaxing instrumental playlists and I’ll put one of them on, turn on my lavender oil diffuser, and hop in a nice hot shower (and the hot water at college doesn’t run out so I can pretty much be in there for like ever really) or I’ll watch a fav movie that tends to soothe me
Scary movie or happy endings? Happy endings give me life. The fluffier the better
When was the last time you cried? I’m sure I’ve cried today and just don’t remember. There’s literally not a day that goes by that I don’t shed tears but I literally cry so easy (This video or this video will make me cry almost instantly)
Where would you like to visit? I’ve wanted to visit Barcelona and California since I was a kid but in the past 4 years I’ve really wanted to visit New York and Greece
Describe your favorite people in the whole world? I’ll just sum all five of them up with they literally make me feel so warm, happy, and validated. I love them so much I could cry just thinking about them. And don’t get me started with Gillian because I do often cry when I think  about her I just really love her a lot ok
Who would be your ideal partner? Gillian Anderson, Dana Scully, or Fox Mulder of course. No, but I want someone who’s like me morals/humor wise
Most used phrase? Right now I’m really into saying “Yikes” but “god fucking dammit” leaves my mouth A LOT
Most used word? Probably “like” as much as I hate to admit it
Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert 100% except when I’m with My People of course because I feel comfortable with them
Who was your first real crush? I had plenty of crushes during early school years but I think my first real one was on a school employee. Wowza I was head over heels for her and the very obvious knew-it-was-coming heartbreak hurt a lot
How many piercings do you have? Just my first holes in my ears but I’ve been thinking about getting my Helix pierced (upper portion of the ear)
How do you deal with stress? Uhhhh I panic first lol. I tend to listen to music—very specific songs that I know will drown out the anxiety/stress, or sometimes I’ll write what I’m feeling, go for a walk, read an absolute favorite fic in my list, watch x files, or I’ll just scroll through my thousands of pictures of GA lol
How many pillows do you sleep with? Three, sometimes four and then I have four accent pillows when I make my bed. Too many, as I’ve been told by everyone
Have you ever been to the hospital? Been to? Yes, plenty of times. Been in/admitted? No, thankfully
Have you ever met any celebrities? In 2016 I went to a rally for Hillary that Cher was speaking at so like…I was in the same room as her. AND THEN my friend shoved me up to her path as she was leaving and she touched my hand and I literally nearly passed out
Have you ever been in a position of authority? I am always deemed the mom friend so I’ll let you figure out that answer...
Have you ever drank underage? Yeah but nothing crazy. I just really like my wine. The craziest I’ve ever gotten was after I turned in that case study, I chugged half a bottle of wine (on an empty stomach), got bad heartburn, and then went to bed for like 14 hours
Are You Easily Influenced By Other People? Depends on the person, but I’d have to say no unless it’s Gillian/Scully/Stella
Are You A Picky Eater? I say yes, but compared to my brother and my uncle, no
Are You A Heavy Sleeper? Usually yes
Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life? Just my momma, but I do see my *gag* father around my hometown every now and again
Are you religious? Not really. I used to go to church a few years back, and then went to another church which ruined a lot of stuff for me and then I went through some tough stuff that made me question, idk
Are you a good liar? I like to think so (I say that as if lying is something I should be proud of), at least to everyone but my mom because I swear I can pull off the best lie ever and she always sees right through me
Are you a clean or messy person? My home life is messy. My room is trashed but the things that are put away are organized. But life at college is completely opposite, my dorm is very clean and organized and I clean it top to bottom every weekend
If you made it this far, thank you for putting up with my crazy long first post, and I’m sorry that I practically vomited my thoughts into a jumbled mess but I wanted to share myself with you! 
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themeltedheadaches · 7 years
Autumn: What’s your favorite thing about Autumn?
the brisk turn in the air, crunchy leaves, drinking warm drinks, cuddling, the fashion!!!!, i can’t pick!!
Apples: What’s your favorite type of apple?
granny smith for life bro but lately i’ve been having fiji apples for breakfast and that’s chill
Apple Cider: What’s your favorite seasonal drink?
HONESTLY i love drinking hot apple cider through a cinnamon stick, it’s a family tradition but it’s more for around christmas. for fall i love coffee bean and tea leaf’s pecan latte but there are no cbtls around campus :( so i’ll settle for the bistro’s cinn-full latte :)
Apple picking: if you could go anywhere, where would it be and why?
rn, i’d really like to visit my brother in pittsburgh! i miss him :(
Big sweaters: do you prefer the cold, warmth, or a perfect in-between?
the cold holy fuck no contest at all
Bonfires: Do you prefer going out or staying in on a fall evening?
depends on the type of evening! if it’s a brisk kind of cold, i love to go out. but if it’s rainy and i’m sleepy and haven’t been having time to read much, i’m staying in, no question.
Boots: Favorite pair of shoes/boots you own?
i love my black booties! they’re lace-up with a really cool velcro buckle and spikes on the ankles, plus they’re wedges. they are My Party Shoes and YES i almost broke my neck in them last satruday and YES it took three people to get them off of me that night HOWEVER they are so worth it they’re adorable and i never used to wear them in high school??? why??? !!!!
Black friday: what is one thing, if anything, you would sell your soul to own?
honestly nothing lmao i can’t think of anything i want that badly…
Candles: What’s your favorite fall scent?
i love every fall scent tbh i’m such a sucker, but i LOVE the smell of campfires, and applecider, and that fake pumpkin-spicy smell, but my absolute favorite is the smell of cold rain on cement, how it’s kind of almost cinnamony at first and then it mellows out and smells so clean and cold and it makes your hands a little chilly and i just can’t stop smiling when i open my window and that smell drifts in!!! (and then my roommate yells at me lol)
Caramel Apples: Favorite Halloween candy?
uhhhh fucking kit kats (still salty about that one time @samfloras fuckin ATE ALL OF MY KIT KATS BUT W/E) or honestly peanutbutter m&ms!! OH SHIT NO fuckin crunch bars. yes. bless those things i only ever eat them around halloween.
Cozy blankets: where do you feel the most safe and at home?
probably my living room back home, i used to always curl up on the couch where there’s the most light with a book and a blanket and just exist knowing my family was somewhere close, and i could look out the window and see the world outside. by the time i left for college i slept out there more than i did in my own bed tbh. at college tho, i definitely feel happiest in the hall lounge (my hall is so codependent and cute i love us) b/c there’s always someone to talk to or cuddle with or just exist with, too. so it’s kind of the same deal as what i needed back home.
Chilly air: what’s your least favorite and favorite type of weather?
least favorite - humid heat
favorite type - brisk but with clear skies
corn mazes: do you have any secret talents/abilities?
i’m fucking bomb at balancing trays in the dining hall and also blocking out how the foot tastes???
Fairs: Have you ever been to a state fair? How was it?
i Have Not :(
Flannel: How many blankets do you sleep with in the fall/winter?
as many as possible! but usually three-ish (one sheet, one blanket, and a comforter)!
Falling leaves: you’re stranded on a desert island and here’s the twist; what three things do you NOT bring with you?
1) a hairbrush 
2) an umbrella 
3) jeans
Fuzzy Socks: How do you spend a night in in the fall?
quietly and with lots of tea and music and coziness, preferably
Halloween: Do you plan on going out for Halloween this year? And as what?
uhhh hell yeah my school has a pretty small party scene but apparently we go ham for halloween?? i have no idea yet, but probably a basic witch (aka dressing up witchy but also ~basic~ and carrying around starbucks??)
Haunted houses: what’s your scariest memory? (if you don’t have one/ don’t want to talk about it, what’s your biggest fear?)
my biggest fear is spiders or anything crawling inside me tbh
Hay rides: if you could pick absolutely anything to be your form of transportation, what would it be?
Hot Chocolate: How do you make/order your hot chocolate?
honestly i love nestle’s hot chocolate mix even though it is Tasteless AF but hey 
Holding hands: do you believe in soulmates?
i believe there are people in our lives that we are meant to meet for some reason, but i don’t believe there is only One Person Out There who’s the Only Person You Need, bc that’s kind of :////
Hot tea: when was the last time you kissed someone (if you haven’t had your first kiss, who would you like that first someone to be?)
uhhhhhhh augustish i think???
Leaves: What’s your favorite color the leaves turn?
Mini pumpkins: How do you decorate for fall/Halloween?
as much as i can! i love cute candles and fake leaves and lights and spooky decorations 
Pumpkin: Do you carve a pumpkin for Halloween?
usually! my hall is gonna have a pumpkin-carving event bc of fucking course we are, probably someone’s gonna chop their hand of tho 
Pumpkin Spice: Is pumpkin spice worth the hype?
absolutely not
Pumpkin Pie: What’s your favorite autumnal dessert?
pumpkin pie! 
Rain: How do you spend a rainy day in?
reading, listening to music, drinking a hot beverage and looking at the rain, splashing in puddles, cuddling up with a fantastic blanket, pointing at the windows and yelling “look at the rain” at whoever will pay attention to me
Sweaters: What’s your favorite sweater?
this one i just bought like last weekend!! it was a very hungover purchase tbh!! but it’s gray/white/maroon and it has a hood and it’s HUGE like 3 sizes too big and i wear it as a dress and it’s so cute and honestly it’s the softest thing ever on the inside 
Scarves: What’s your favorite album to listen to in the fall?
anything by the 1975, anything by wolf alice, anything by keaton henson, screentime by addie pray - i have The Chillest autumn playlist on spotify tbh
Scarves: if you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life what would it be?
what i wore last saturday! the black booties i’m obsessed with + these high-waisted leggings from torrid that lace up the backs of the calves + this criss-crossy bralette + this sheer long-sleeved shimmery black shirt…… i looked fucking bomb thanks
Smelly candles: what’s your absolute favorite scent?
lavender bc it has so many tender memories attached to it, my grandmother’s perfume (bluegrass), the lotion my step-dad rubs my mom’s hands with every night - i could never pick between those tbh
Thanksgiving: what is something/someone you’re the most thankful for? any particular reason?
i’m so thankful for my family (which of course includes friends) bc they’re everything good in me and my inspiration
The color orange: do you have a specific song that reminds you of autumn? what is it?
“somebody else” by the 1975, (for late cold tired nights) “email” by addie pray, (for studying in a coffeeshop), “10 am Gare du Nor” by keaton henson (for when it’s rainy and sad out and you’re feelin it), and “feel right” by esme patterson” (for brisk days and brisker walks)
Wool socks: what’s something you look forward to in fall?
the weather officially changing and seeing it on campus!! getting apple cider at the bistro!! family weekend!! going home for thanksgiving, letting everyone know how much they mean to me, finishing my damn scarf
Windy nights:if you could go to any concert whose would it be?
WOLF ALICE i’m SO MAD they played in LA over the summer AND I MISSED IT and now they’re playing in hollywood AT THE AMEOBA!!! AND I’M GOING TO MISS IT AGAIN!! AAAAAAA it’s not like they’re lowkey one of my favorite bands that NEVER are in the united states ever lmao !!! :(((((((
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ts-seychelles · 5 years
EP. 13 - “The Last Check Mark I Need” - NICOLE
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IDK WHATS GOING ON. But I don't trust Jared and nicole or Johnny. I think im going I don't wanna wrongly play. But them.not knowing the vote count is sketchy
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This entire past tribal went horrible - Vilma went home and she was a huge ally who was very involved in my game, but I found out a few things of her not trusting me so BITCH BYE (jk ilysm) - Regan exploited our alliance that we had between me, her, Augusto, which was SO pointless on top of ALL OF THE REASONS where regan pissed me off today, but honestly, I don't feel the need to go into it again bc just lol at this point she's honestly fucking insane (sorry ily but you're fucking nuts) - Nicole just failed to understand why I voted for her, and I feel so bad about things, especially considering we hungout irl a few days ago, and I told her I wouldn't vote for her.. I also feel bad that Jared has turned into a lowkey sociopath this game and nicole is getting wreckt for it - This BAD PUBLICITY over this reward challenge when people dont want me going to ghost so they can kill me instead - Dan is PISSED at me for all of these chats getting exploited, being left out of the nicole vote and just the consistent lying to him. Jared played so many FUCKING games today that threw him, Dan and I under the bus, and it was just nuts, and he blew up both of our games in a way that wasn't necessary..... and there were just other ways to plan it out What I WILL say is that I'm turning Asya into like.... one of my closest allies bc I think she's fucking awesome, and I think we're in the same boat, and if it's up to me, I don't want her going anywhere.. I'm plenty okay voting out anyone who isnt augusto asya roxy at this point..... everyone else can probably burn? I'll see how long I can keep Jared around. Eventually, enough is enough and I may just have to throw in the towel and vote for Jared, but I'm going to try to not think about that bc my intentions are to still stay pure to Jared so GOSH lord help my soul
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Lots to explain, let’s start off with the most obviously trivial. Regan talks about herself...a lot. Like, a lot. Regan is most definitely the most self centered person I’ve ever met. She knows it so like, it’s not mean that I’m stating it. But anyway every day in the tribe chat she goes on for sooooo long about herself and so I made a fun little game where when she sends a rant about her life I say “Merry Christmas Everyone”. It started on Christmas, so it wasn’t that funny BUT every day since it’s gotten progressively funnier and funnier. Ricky and Alex chimed in a few times and then I got Johnny in on it. It’s becoming such a moment every time it happens and the farther away from Christmas we get, the more ridiculous Regans responses get to it. Now, back to business. Last night I almost got voted out. I am BEYOND thankful that when I went to Ghost Island I was able to get the Sapphire Idol and will it to Jared during the second or third round. We have been trying to hold on it for so long in order to use it correctly to save both of us and tonight was the PERFECT oppurtunity. We not only did THAT but we flushed two idols since Regan used hers for no reason and Vilma left with hers. (I feel so bad I wish she would have used it and rocked out Johnny). Today I’ve made substantial progress with Asya and Dan but I really don’t think it’s enough. Which makes me nervous. I feel like going going home these next two rounds is going to be so sad for me. I have the fucking legacy advantage and having to give it away before I even can use it would kill me. Regan better calm herself with her agenda to get me out because if she doesn’t fucking relax I will 100% get her out with the legacy advantage just for fun. Finding a fourth to vote with us is going to be actually terrible. I’m hoping I can be immune so that the tables are forced to turn. I really don’t want to go. Maybe Jared will find something at ghost island to shake things up. I feel like crap about this game because Asya has painted a picture of how I COULD win. But that makes me feel like nobody will let me get that far. I just want to win so badly this is like the last check mark I need in order to feel successful in this community (as cheesy as it sounds).
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So I’m really boo boo the damn fool huh. Vilma leaving last night was literally heart wrenching. After hosting her in Cayman Islands, she was probably one of the most deserving of the unfinished business casting. She’s an amazing person, friend, and ally. I really am gonna miss her a lot in this game. As it stands rn, everyone is being shady. Especially Johnny, but honestly, we been knew. Regan leaving the chat is fucking annoying. She’s unwilling to vote anyone but Nicole. I promised Nicole I wouldn’t write her name down this game, And I intend to make that happen. I wish there was a way that me and Nicole could lowkey get the votes split 3-3-1 on us this week to force a rock pull, but there’s literally no way. When I think about it, splitting up Nicole and Jared is smart, however, in my opinion the wrong person is on Ghost Island rn. I’d much rather vote out Jared than Nicole and that’s just that on that. I may honestly just throw a vote or self vote this round bc I literally can’t bring myself to vote out Nicole. If Nicole wins immunity, I am a little worried for my ass soooooo. Idk what’s best rn.
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OKAY LISTEN..... I'm proud of myself bc I've gotten to that point of ORGs where I feel I'm done doing 800 long ass confessionals every round, but nonetheless, I've gotta do one each round, and I'm trying to make it good, so here's the content from my host chat about why im considering what im considering today: I am hoping that the Regan/Nicole thing continues until right before the vote, and this round is going to be everyone depending on my vote because I'm the swing, and I'm hoping people are going to be patient with what my decision is, because I'm likely not going to make it until right before tribal...... jk im voting for regan, but they dont need to know that ;) i know by voting out regan, im making it harder for myself to get to the end, but I'm REALLY trying to surround myself with threats so I can get to the end. I was the first person this season to make an "out there" game move, by playing my idol and taking out Ricky, and since them, i am trying my damnedest to just hold back my threat level, so people just let me go further and further. I don't have MANY options beyond that at this point Oop apparently regan is voting for me.. that's a mood Now here's me ranting about taking out Dan vs Regan: Regan is more easily controlled, and she has been working closer to me this entire game.. She is a goat and likely won't win at the end, but she's a very likely candidate to get to the end at this point just because she's such a goat Dan, on the other hand, has been a strong ally, but he voted for me once, and has been wishy washy with his allegiances since he voted for me the first time (when I used my idol), and promised us so many things, but Dan has pretty good relationships and is unpredictable, but he's sworn up down left and right that he wants finals with Augusto and I. The BIG reason for keeping Dan is that Roxy and Augusto, who are probably two of my top three closest, and most trusted allies, are going to be more reliant on me next round for numbers, and even more when it gets closer to the finals, they may feel more compelled to take me to the end because there are too many big threats left in the game but if i vote for regan then i might be jeopardizing my specific spot in the game, and I'd have the potential of my allies turning on me
So I guess here's an ACTUAL confessional since I haven't really planned on making anything else, but I feel bad Regan fucked my entire game up because she thought she was being cute after last tribal. Everyone was on a call during that reward challenge (not getting into it... literally fuck the hosts bc that changed the entire game, moving on), and they were all spilling shit because Nicole got mad that four people voted for her, and then Nicole and Dan both started making this game feel really personal, and honestly, it just felt icky to me that they were bringing it to a personal level when it was a game move. I understand what Nicole is going through bc (T B H Jared) Jared is a sociopath in games, and he really just doesn't have a chill switch sometimes, especially when dealing with nicole, so like..... idk, people started feeling bad for nicole bc jared YELLED at nicole after tribal on that call apparently, and ig it had to do with me, and more of an exposing me party YAY, but idk.. so I feel bad for her too I deem literally everyone in this cast currently a close friend, so this is never ever going to be an easy decision from here on out. Every decision is going to be painful. My entire plan for the day was to pretend to be indecisive about how I wanted to vote, when in reality all day, my intentions were to vote for Regan, however, things have changed sadly............... I'm voting for Dan tonight, and I don't see myself changing my mind before tribal for many of many reasons. I mostly just feel that if Dan stays, I could POTENTIALLY not have numbers next round since Dan is consistently playing double agent, and jared nicole and asya could come together and vote out either roxy or augusto, and then i'd be fucked, especially considering those are probably the two people im trying to get to the end with (without screwing over jared and losing his jury vote uwu) Also, the biggest reason I've gotta do this is to just not upset the people who've been the best to me since we've merged. Augusto and Roxy have been nothing but helpful to my game, and Dan was the FIRST of my allies to turn on me, and that still hasn't been sitting well with me since it's happened. I'm moreso doing this for my allies than anyone else, and knowing that Roxy, Augusto, Regan and I are likely not going to break until we get to the end ish? (But also Asya queen is getting to the finals if it's the last thing I do. Regan can LEAVE before Asya does, but that's besides the point hmmmmmm) My other big fear with voting out dan is that im voting out such a meat shield.. going into the f5 with any combination of asya augusto roxy regan puts me in a lot of trouble to get 5th or 4th, and I'm foreseeing a world now where I get 5th or 4th because those are the people I chose to go down the stretch with, but we'll see... I think I can maybe have a few tricks up my sleeves to attempt to get me there? oops?
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IDK THE TEA IS THAT im voting johnny with nicole and dan and idk if i can pull this off
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Nicole and I decided this plan to get it to be 3-2-2 and I’m so nervous it’s gonna fall through. I’m shaking in hangout rn omfg this is so stressful
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