#i’ll think of another hyper specific poll
Has anyone from Tokyo ghoul been nominated?
nope, and i closed submissions way earlier than i should have (this is my first bracket)
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tana-draws · 4 months
imagine wasting all your energy hating on angel when you can spend that energy on characters you love.
The “who hates Angel the most” poll was not done out of personal hate for angel, but curiosity of what other fans of the show think other characters think about him.
A lot of my posts involving Angel have to do with me thinking the dynamic (or at least, potential one) between him and Giles in s3 was interesting. For example, recently I reblogged a post and tagged it “Giles with angel.” This has nothing to do with my own feelings towards angel, more so a statement towards how I feel another character feels about him.
i don’t really hate angel as a character, my criticisms are about the narrative treatment of him (amends reminding us of how he murdered people, including a character we knew, just as an attempt to make us feel bad for him, s3 trying to acknowledge the events of s2 but rarely acknowledging how it effected anyone other than Buffy and angel, etc) and how fans treat him (acting as though characters are in the wrong for not liking him in s3/being upset about his resurrection/being upset about the resurrection being hidden from them)
Angel can piss me off at times (amends, also his crimes in s2 but I’ll exclude those cause soul or whatever) but I also find him funny sometimes. I also haven’t seen ATS so I’m not going to say I HATE him until I’ve seen the show he’s the protagonist of.
Most scenes I’ve reblogged seeming anti-Angel are scenes between Giles and Angel (because, as I mentioned earlier, I find their dynamic interesting,) specifically referring to three scenes I’ve reblogged: -reblogged the arson scene in passion and cheered Giles on in the tags (angel/us is currently soulless and also just murdered Jenny). -reblogged the scene between them from amends encouraging Giles to hurt angel (if angel has the nerve to ask Giles for help with an existential crisis after everything that happened I think Giles should have been allowed to respond by stabbing him a little. He’s a vampire he’ll be fine. Besides it’s not like he’s doing it unprompted angel if you’re going to seek out someone who hates you because you murdered their partner and tortured them, hoping they’ll help you, you have to expect that you might lose a bit of blood). -reblogged the scene right before angel/us tortures Giles and said I was going to stab angel/us (again, still soulless and about to commit torture). In none of these cases did I, to my memory, reblog a random gif set talking about how much I hate angel, because not only is that a dick move, I myself would not want people reblogging, say Fanart, of a character yapping about how much they hate them, but I’m also mostly nuetral on him in general, except when he pisses me off. (I have criticized the godawful take that people were “too mean to poor innocent angel” in s3 but pointing out that the other characters are allowed to have negative feelings towards him when someone claims otherwise is different than reblogging a random post about how they like him as a character that doesn’t use their opinion to villainize characters for having emotions, or a gifset of scenes where he doesn’t do anything wrong posted by someone who likes him, and going “actually you’re wrong he’s awful and I hate him”) I only reblogged gifsets and commented hyper-negatively when he’s doing/has done/will do something shitty, two of which, depending on how you interpret soul lore, weren’t even technically him.
I talk way more about characters I like than I shittalk angel. The last post I made on this blog about Buffy, if I remember correctly, was about how I had rewatched some assembly required and how Giles had no game. Look through the Buffy tags on my account and I think most of the posts will be about Jenny and Giles, and then some that aren’t about them but also aren’t about angel.
most of my issues are related to characters I like. I know it wasn’t technically him cause soul or whatever, but he killed Jenny, tortured Giles, tried to kill a bunch of other major characters, probably would have killed them if not stopped, made Buffy’s life hell, and tried to end the world (not really a character but still kind of a big deal.) even if it wasn’t technically him, it effects my view of him (AND AGAIN: most of my issues aren’t even because of the events, but because, in s3, those events were rarely acknowledged outside of “you should feel sad that angel is guilty for murdering a bunch of people” or “it’s so sad Angel and Buffy can’t be together (cause he murdered a bunch of people).” Which is more of a writing issue than a character issue.)
I can do what I want
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criminalmutantsins · 4 years
Top 10 Favorite Young Justice Characters
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10. Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle
Starting off the list is Blue Beetle. Young Justice introduced me to him, and I was hooked. He’s probably the most mellow and calming voice. His arc and relationship with Bart (friendship or not) were my favorite aspects of S2. They bounced off each other in every scene. I was very disappointed when Jaime and Bart were sidelined so much, and hope S4 changes this (particularly with Bart).
Jaime in the number 10 spot since he doesn’t really have much of a memorable personality. Still love him to bits though.
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        9. Will Harper/Red Arrow
Funny enough, I did not like Will. He was an asshole in S1; S2 kind of changed my mind about him but not enough since he didn’t appear as much. What really changed my mind was the episode “Private Security” (S3 Ep.4). I started looking back into Will’s storylines and, I have to admit, his is probably one of the best character development.
The first season had him unwillingly living a lie and betraying the people he cared for. In season 2 he was so consumed into finding the original Roy for five years, not even caring or focusing about his own life. I felt really bad for Will because he was probably going through an identity crisis and thought he couldn’t live his life without finding Arsenal. Probably felt guilty.
Seeing him living his own life and being happy with his daughter was so heartwarming. I smiled every time Will appeared in the latest season (totally ignoring the Will x Artemis fiasco), especially with Lian. I’m very proud of him.
I feel bad for putting him so low, yet I adore the next characters more.
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 8. Garfield Logan/Beast Boy
I have been a massive Beast Boy fan since Teen Titans so you probably can imagine how excited to see him. His origin story was unique and his brother-sister bond with M’gann was very sweet. It was pretty weird seeing how much younger Gar was than Dick, but I got used to it. I was bummed that Gar wasn’t in S2 as much; however, S3 truly made up for it. 
After watching Beast Boy being a great leader in S5 of Teen Titans, I wanted a leader-like and more mature version of him. Young Justice truly delivered with Gar being the leader of the Outsiders. It’s nice to see him treated with respect rather than as a joke because that was my biggest gripe with Teen Titans. Though it was weird seeing him not crack a joke at all.
Gar’s story with his mom was heartbreaking to see. I literally cried seeing his reaction to revisiting his trauma in S2 and S3; I just wanted to hug and tell him how awesome he is. My only complaint with Gar in S3 was that the Outsiders weren’t established until near the end of the season.
His voice actor being Greg Cipes also gives him extra points (He’s a chill guy and radiates BB energy).
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 7. Dick Grayson/Nightwing/ Robin I 
Sorry to all the hardcore Nightwing fans.
I love Dick (don’t get any ideas), but he doesn’t get enough development in the spotlight. One of the things I really wanted to see from him is his growth as a main leader, and his journey to becoming Nightwing. I was really bummed when these happened between the first two seasons.
To be honest, I don’t have as much to say about him other than straightforward qualities I enjoy about him.
1.His Voice (it’s so soothing)
2.His Personality (very charismatic)
3.Very Handsome (Probably in the top 3 my most handsome YJ Men list)
I put him higher than the others since he made a lot of contribution to the story and his new words (gotta love that aster!)
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6. Megan Morse/M’gann M’orzz/Miss Martian 
If I made this list during S1, M’gann would have probably been in my top 3 (maybe even No. 1), but S2 didn’t give her any brownie points.
I really liked S1 Miss Martian because of her kind heart, awkward girl next door personality. Her trouble fitting in the beginning reminded me of when I was going through a time in high school; seeing her having trouble as well helped me feel not so lonely. M’gann powers were (still are) my favorite since I am a big fan of mind-like powers. I would feel so powerful. Watching her identity crisis(?) arc was great too. I’ve had trouble feeling comfortable in my own skin as well as my social anxiety (I’m a mess) and I could understand how scared Megan was of her friends’ thoughts on her true form. 
Oh boy. Season 2 basically ruined her. Learning what she would do to enemies was terrifying to see and left me wondering what happened to Miss Martian that made her step this far. What she almost did to Superboy was almost unforgivable. You do not try to manipulate with your boyfriend’s mind when you guys have an argument! Shame on you M’gann. If Superboy hadn’t forgiven you then I wouldn’t have either.
Good thing S3 somewhat redeemed her. Her kind heart was noticeable again and she refused to do that mind trick again (thank god). Very excited for the Superboy and Miss Martian wedding! Please creators, I beg of you to not skip over it. I want to cry my eyes out in happiness!
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 5. Kaldur’ahm/Aquaman/Aqualad 
Now we’re in the top 5 with Aqualad (*ahem* Aquaman) starting it off.
Creating Kaldur was the best decision the creators ever did. I love him with all my heart!
He added diversity to the original team and was a great leader. S1 was not his breakout season, though the second season definitely was.
Kladur played the villain so well that he deserves an automatic Oscar. I never doubted that he was with the heroes, but he didn’t disappoint. My favorite part about Aqualad’s performance was when he rose from the ocean slowly like a cliché villain (he made it work), and the line he said right after he “killed” Artemis; it sent me chills. Love it! 
Pretty disappointed that he didn’t appear as much in S3. Very happy that he is a part of the LGBTQ+ community and is in a happy relationship. I’m a part of the community and loved that there was finally some representation in one of my favorite shows. Even so, I have to criticize how rushed and sidelined it was. I hope Kaldur and Wyynde’s relationship gets development.
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 4. Kon-El/Conner Kent/Superboy
Like Will, I did not like Superboy at first. Mainly angry and volatile characters were never really my cup of tea. I do understand why he was upset and felt bad for him; I just handle anger the direct opposite as him. My love for Conner started growing around the end of S1. He was very sweet towards Miss Martian (bless him for not caring about her appearance) and his anger was in control.
Season 2 pretty much switched my opinions on him and M’gann. It was awful what M’gann almost did to him. That scene with him being so sad that what she did ruined that special bond they had almost made me cry. I wanted to give him a hug. He grew so much too since I don’t think he would have handled the whole M’gann drama as well in S1. A lot of furniture would’ve been broken.
I gotta admit something. I almost put Conner near the bottom (maybe no. 7). A comment in a poll in Amino changed my mind. I wrote a poll asking other fans who did they prefer SB or MM. At that point I said SB, though I didn’t think much of it. Someone (specifically yjfangirl) responded “Superboy has the best development in the show.” This had me thinking about how far SB has gone. In the beginning, Conner was an angry guy who felt alone and rejected by the person who he was meant to emulate. Now he is happier and living for himself rather than to be the next Superman. He’s getting married people! A little detail I noticed when rewatching S3 was Superboy mentioning to new characters that they weren’t obligated to be a hero because of their abilities. I adored this! The main reason why Superboy was created to be Superman if the original ever died, and another one of Luthor’s puppets. But he strayed from that pressuring path and is doing his own thing. Conner doesn’t want other people to feel like he did. What an absolute pure soul.
Also, yjfangirl, first I want to say Hi (*waves*)! Then say thanks for writing that comment. It made me really think about the bigger picture with SB and my love for him as grown exponentially. You probably didn’t mean to do that, but I still want to thank you. 😊
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 3.Wally West/Kid Flash
We’re in the elites now.
I don’t know how to explain it, I just love Wally. He makes me laugh, and his character growth was great. At first, Wally was this cocky flirt who didn’t take the hero work as seriously. That changed in “Cold-hearted,” one of my favorite episodes in the series. This was when I really started seeing more of Wally than being this dumb flirt. It was great seeing him actually caring about helping people since I believed for a long time that he wanted to be a superhero to just have powers rather than actually protect others. The regret in his eyes when he thought his impulsive behavior killed Perdita helped me see who he really was- this somewhat arrogant speedster who had a kind heart. Episodes that can make me change my perspective on characters are truly special.
I was very upset that he wasn’t in S2 a lot. I understand why since he gave up the life, but I was still bummed. Seeing him being so loving and protective towards Artemis was amazing. Spitfire is my favorite ship and I will not give up on them. All I want is a happy ending! The penultimate episode of S3 was a hint that it will happen. Watching the S2 finale was heartbreaking, I cried watching him disappear, his love for Artemis being the last things he said. Artemis’ reaction did not(I just wanted to hug her). 
I have more to say, though I’m leaving it for another post. 😉
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 2.Bart Allen/Kid Flash II/Impulse
Picking between Bart and Wally for second place was tough. Took me a while to decide; I’ll talk about it later on.
The moment Bart made his appearance, I absolutely adored him. He is amazing and I live for his hyper, fun attitude. His arc and relationship with Jaime were my favorite aspects of S2. What can I say, their chemistry is great to see.
That scene when he was meeting the Flash family was so adorable. His excitement was infectious and spoiling his dad and aunt’s births was hilarious! I watch it occasionally whenever I need a good laugh or reason to smile.
Unlike most time travelers- at least the ones I’ve seen- Bart was very involved with what was going on and befriended his biggest enemy- evil and weirdly huge future Blue Beetle. He was pretty careful about disclosing very important information and took things very seriously. You never know if disclosing everything was the thing that brought the world to chaos.
What I found interesting was his choice on how to interact with everyone. He seemed pretty gloomy in the future, but decided to portray this cheerful, devil-may-care attitude to be more likable. I understood (still kind of do). I had terrible mental health issues and I pretended to be happy in front of loved ones because I thought they wouldn’t care about me anymore. Bart got some brownie points for that.
I was dissatisfied when his role was greatly reduced. I wanted the creators to go further with Bart by revealing his past and how it affected him. He was pretty much comedy relief. You couldn’t imagine how disappointed I was, especially with it involving my second favorite character. Season 4 better change that.
I know that you shouldn’t assume a character’s sexuality, yet I really hope Bart is gay. There needs to be more clear representation and Bart can be one of them. I’m also a Bluepulse and Bartuado shipper (fine with either one as long as Bart’s bond with each of them stays strong).
Anyway, I mentioned that I would explain why I chose Bart for 2nd place over Wally. It mostly stems from wishful thinking. I really want S4 to have Bart as a main character since I believe the future will be strong plot point in the season. Development could surely happen such as Bart opening up more about what he went through. Let all those feelings go.
I’m going to write an article on my hopes for S4 when a release date is announced. Bart and Wally will most definitely be talked about.
We are finally near the end!
And my No. 1 favorite character is…
Drumroll please!
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1.Artemis Crock/Tigress/Artemis
That’s right people!
Artemis Crock, original member of the Team and daughter of villains!
She is such an inspiration to anyone who wants to go their own past without their parents’ support.
It’s hard to describe how much I love Artemis. She’s brave, strong-willed, and a kind person. It’s crazy how great of a person she is after all the terrible things that happened to her. I look up to her because I don’t have a healthy relationship with my parents (verbal and mental abuse) and there are times I don’t feel strong enough to stand on my own. I want to carry the amount of strength Artemis has as my own.
After all that happened in S2, it was amazing to see Artemis come back to the team and train the new generation. It must have been hard to walk away from a safe, comfortable life for a chaotic, dangerous life. I admire that in everyone, but I hold more respect for Artemis since “the life” “killed” Wally. I wanted to hug her so bad.
She’s also one of the kindest people in the show, the events in S3 being the best example. When Zatanna was crying about her dad, Artemis was there to comfort her. It was so sweet! Roy and her also took in Halo and Terra like they were a part of the family; the archer treated them like the best big sister. That rainstorm scene was heartwarming to the core.
Wouldn’t Artemis be an amazing mother? Lian and her have a strong bond like a mother and daughter; I loved it, and Lian is in good hands with Roy and Artemis. Though Jade deserves a chance to be a mother. Artemis also seemed to enjoy taking care of those kids in that S1 episode. Wally too. You guys know what I’m guys insinuating. 😉
Get ready for some fanfics on that someday.
My favorite Artemis-centered episode was the second to last episode of S3. I was waiting for this episode centering around Artemis missing Wally and learning to move on. It was great yet heartbreaking. Nothing bad happened. That Will and Artemis kiss never happened. Everyone makes a mistake. No matter how terrible it was.
Anyway, seeing Artemis and Wally living their lives and having a baby gave me life, even if it was fake. It was a vision of the future. I will believe this until there is confirmation that Wally will not come back.
Did anyone else cry when Artemis was so desperate to, but Wally wouldn’t let that happen (the real Wally would do that)? They are a great example of a healthy relationship with all the love and support they have for each other. I want that.
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eyebeastposts · 3 years
EyeBeast 2021 Interest Survey Results
The votes have been cast so let’s do a quick recap of the results and address a few things.
General Interest
Male Subjects in Fetish Stories: 57.5% Yes, 42.5% No
Female Subjects in Fetish Stories: 99.1% Yes, 0.9% No
-No surprise considering most of the subjects of my stories are female focused.
Preferred Subject of Fetish Stories:
Females: 70.8%, Both Male and Female: 22.6%, Male: 6.6%
Futa (Females with male genitalia): 53.8% Yes, 46.2% No
-I’m honestly surprised by the response to this question considering how taboo the subject of futa appears to be.
Direct Sexual Content in Fetish Stories: 77.8% Yes, 22.2 % No
Burping: 85.4% Yes, 14.6% No
Farting: 75.5% Yes, 24.5% No
Body Hair (arm pits, groin, belly, etc.): 54.2% Yes, 45.8%No
-In retrospect, I probably should have let people vote on the amount of hair on a person’s body.
IQ Loss/Mental Regression: 50.9% Yes, 49.1% No
Personality/Mental Changes: 77.4% Yes, 22.6% No
-Interesting to see the division between straight up intelligence drain as opposed to the general idea of mental changes considering how close the two subjects are.
Hypnosis: 66.5% Yes, 33.5%No
-I haven’t touched this subject very much, but judging by the reaction and my own interests, I wouldn’t be opposed to trying a hypnosis story again in the future.
Expansion and Growth
Weight Gain: 96.7% Yes, 3.3% No
Slob: 83.5% Yes, 16.5% No
Belly Expansion: 53.8% Yes, 46.2% No
-Strange considering how popular WG appears to be.
Breast Expansion: 62.3% Yes, 37.7% No
Butt Expansion: 74.1% Yes, 25.9% No
Inflation: 52.4% Yes, 47.6% No
Pregnancy (Female Only): 57.5% Yes, 42.5% No
Muscle Growth: 67% No, 33% Yes
Giant/Giantess Growth: 62.7% No, 37.3% Yes
Blueberry/Fruit-Based Expansion: 55.7% No, 44.3% Yes
Vagina Expansion: 66% No, 34% Yes
Penis Growth/Expansion: 60.8% No, 39.2% Yes
-Interesting that Penis Growth outdid Vagina Expansion considering the survey shows a higher a approval rate of female subjects. Must have something to correlate with the futa approval rate.
Shrinking: 71.2% No, 28.8% Yes
Personality TF (Nerd, Bimbo, Himbo, Princess, Punk, Goth, etc.): 69.3% Yes, 30.7% No
Uglification: 62.3% No, 37.7% Yes
-Odd considering how close it is to slob, one of my more popular subjects.
Shortstack TF (Goblins, Dwarves, Imps): 56.1% Yes, 44.9% No
Age Progression: 62.7% No, 37.3% Yes
Anthro Animal TF: 51.9% Yes, 48.1% No
Full Animal TF: 76.9% No, 23.1% Yes
Humanoid Inanimate Object TF (Statues, Mannequins, Sex Dolls): 77.4% No, 22.6% Yes
Non-Humanoid Inanimate Object TF ( Clothing, Sex Toys, Appliances): 80.7% No, 19.3% Yes
Male to Female Transformation: 55.2% Yes, 44.8% No
Female to Male Transformation: 75.9% No, 24.1% No
Deviant Transformations (Fuckplant/Succplants, Buttfaces, Dorses/Queen's Stallions, Lady Pots, etc.): 67.9% No, 32.1% Yes
-Honestly surprised this category did this well, but that might be due to the sheer variety this subject matter covers. Might have to do another series of polls with each one individually to get a better idea.
Overall, I’d say the results were rather enlightening. If a subject you are interested didn’t get a high approval rating, it doesn’t mean I won’t ever write about it. I intend to keep things varied up like I usually do, but I will consider my options when doing polls in the future regarding these kinds of things.
Miscellaneous Questions and Comments
Starting off, let me address a few things people have mentioned I missed in this survey.
Hyper Expansion
-I kind of include this along with the other expansions, however my personal preferences usually steer me towards nothing too big with my stories. It’s very rare that I go anything beyond the size of a house for anything.
Bodypart tf ( butt tf, breast tf E.T.C)
-I find that very similar to inanimate object TF, but I can see enough differences to make it a different category. That being said, I’m not sure I’m too fond of the identity death usually associated with these.
-Noted and definitely on the table depending on if the right story comes along.
-I originally had this on the poll, but I decided it’s more lumped into the Personality TF category.
General inflatable transformation like pool toys. Also flattening.
-I consider those part of the inanimate object TFs. As for flattening, nothing against it, but my usual repertoire consists of making things grow, not the other way around.
Head, hand, leg, and other body part inflation
-I’ve done head expansion to a certain extent in my recently done Raven slob story. As for the others, I think they’re a little to niche of a topic for me. Not forbidden, just not something I’m particularly interested in.
Fart Inflation
-Considering the positive reaction to both the inflation and fart category, I would have to assume this is a definite yes for most of my audience.
Candy/Sweets TF
-This has always been something I’ve wanted to do, but could never think of a good scenario to place it in. I’ll definitely put it on the table once I find the right premise for it.
Supernatural transformations (demons, angels, mythical creatures, etc.)/ Monster People
-For demons and angels, I feel like those should be included with the personality TFs. As for creatures, that depends on what we’re talking about. May need to do separate polls for each type to gauge interest.
Robot TF
-Not a particular interest for me, plus it kind of falls under the humanoid object TF category
Mutant TF
-Too vague
-Falls under both the uglification and/or anthro TF categories
Strong Fat
-A little too specific but seen as favorable with the results of the WG and muscle growth categories.
-Part of the personality TF category.
-Sort of close to hypnosis, but I can see enough differences to warrant a separate category. Just have to be careful to tread the line without going towards anything to icky in terms of rape or anything like that.
-See hyper growth.
Clothing TF
-Already covered in inanimate object TF
-An excellent addition that’s more than welcome in my stories. Will definitely need to include this in a future poll.
Comments and Questions
Now let me address some questions and comments from the survey.
“But what about princess deadpool? watch the second deadpool musical.”
-I didn’t realize there was a Deadpool musical to begin with. I’ll have to take a look at that.
“Personally i always like if there is transformation between couple like male and female. Or even female and female. Rather than one transformation. Like i like it when one of slob, transformation can share with another person”
-I share this sentiment. Nothing better than two people indulging in one another’s desires. Although, I feel that’s for any fetish, not just slob.
“Your stuff is always a pleasure to read! Question though would be what are YOUR favorite things to do and such due to some of your things being commissions? Other than that you are quite grand at making kinky stories!”
-My personal favorites are just anything that can give me a challenge and an opportunity to try out things I haven’t thought of before, ergo my tendency towards variety.
“Dude i stay up day and night waiting for you to post everytime you do it makes me feel better about the evening btw if you want to chat sometime my discord is (NAME WITHELD)”
-I appreciate what this person is trying to do, but they really shouldn’t be posting information like this so willy nilly. Thank you for the offer, but you have to realize that there is a time and place for these sorts of things. Please do not come at me with friend requests or anything like that out of the blue. Regardless, I do thank this person for their kind words.
“I really like some of your darker stuff. I don't know if it's a common sentiment but I love unhappy stories.”
-I tend to avoid going dark in my stories, this is due in part to the prevalence of bad ends I’ve seen in most fetish content, especially things like hentai or doujinshi. Like I’ve said, it’s not off the table, but I usually prefer to keep things on a lighter tone in my stories.
“For the record Fat giantess slobs are the best.”
-That seems very subjective, but I won’t deny it’s a good combo.
“Recently I have noticed that you been doing a lot more slob material then just about anything else for the past few months. I admit I'm not a huge slob person it kind of comes down to my mood. while I would appreciate more variety in your subject matter you are the writer and I (and several others) appreciate you sharing your artistry with us.”
-A lot of that comes from what both my commissioners and people on my Patreon ask for. Keep in mind that I do have to oblige people that give me money to write. I do try to find time to write other things though.
“Just do what makes you happy. But i'd love to see more male focused expansion/transformation.”
-As I’ve said, I’m up for it, but I need the proper story and opportunities.
“male on female facesitting/squashing/trampling is always good.”
-See the above question.
“Do you ever feel discouraged to write something if it's about something you don't enjoy OR feel like you write too much of? Other than that, keep up the good work, take care of yourself, and good luck with your future stories!”
-For stuff I don’t enjoy, it depends. If it’s a fetish I’m not into, I treat it as way to try out some new things and vary up my writing ability. Whether or not I learn to appreciate said fetish is another matter. That being said, I’ve made it well known what fetishes I won’t touch at all such as rape, scat, or vore. I find that I don’t have too much of the second problem since I keep finding ways to vary things up with similar fetishes with either varied scenarios or interactions.
Various words of encouragement
-Thank you to everyone that sent me these, as they’re always a good pick me up for the day.
Finally, the Disney Princess empathy votes are:
Rapunzel: 37.7%
Alice: 24.1%
Belle: 20.8%
Tianna: 17.5%
Now you may be asking what this survey is for. Well…that’s for me to know and for you to find out at a later time. Although, I may be prompted to answer any requests about any associated writing things that come from this survey.
Thank you everyone who took the time to answer the survey and let their opinions be heard. In the end, we had over 200 people participate to give a pretty sizable sample size. I may consider doing several more of these in the near future to focus on specific topics and cover things I may have missed.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
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We have created a video tutorial showing you step by step how to do that. In short, vidgeos uses live API’s and other tech elements which enable the videos to be translated in real time as well as display viewer specific information which isn’t possible with a standrad MP4 video. That said, you can easily record your vidgeos into MP4 videos using screen recording software such as Camtasia, videomotionpro and other FREE screen capture software.
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stfumoffathaters · 7 years
That io9 article
As you may or may not be aware, io9 used a story about Russell T Davies knowing who the next Doctor is a jumping off point to run an attack article on Steven Moffat’s history of comments about a female Doctor. As you might expect from the previous snippet I posted, it is rather an unfair representation, so let’s unpack it a bit: 
It looks like the new Doctor has been cast. After accepting an award at the British LGBT Awards, former Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies told Guys Like U that the next season already has its next Doctor. Davies was responding to a question about whether the new lead should be a woman, a question posed to current showrunner Steven Moffat multiple times over the years. And he’s been very consistent.
Moffat’s been answering this question since at least 2013. Exactly one day after it was announced that Peter Capaldi would take over as the new Doctor, Moffat explained his decision to DigitalSpy, saying that it “didn’t feel right” to cast a woman at the time since he didn’t think enough fans would want one. He even went so far as to say female fans were the ones most adamantly against it.
It’s absolutely narratively possible [that the Doctor could be a woman]... And when it’s the right decision, maybe we’ll do it. It didn’t feel right to me, right now. I didn’t feel enough people wanted it... Oddly enough most people who said they were dead against it – and I know I’ll get into trouble for saying this – were women. [They were] saying, “No, no, don’t make him a woman!”
To start with, it seems slightly unfair to start an attack on Moffat over this by using Russell T Davies; a man who previously gave this bizarre quote on the subject in 2008: 
“I am often tempted to say yes to that to placate everyone but, while I think kids will not have a problem with [a female Doctor], I think fathers will have a problem with it because they will then imagine they will have to describe sex changes to their children. I think fathers can describe sex changes to their children and I think they should and it’s part of the world, but I think it would simply introduce genitalia into family viewing. You’re not talking about actresses or style, you’re talking about genitalia, and a lot of parents would get embarrassed.”
I still don’t even know what the fuck this means, unless the Doctor is suddenly going to become a nudist after regeneration. Yes, Russell has learned over the years but it’s definitely still the worst thing either of them has said on the subject.
Moving on, the argument that Moffat’s statements on this are consistent (ie. consistently anti a female Doctor), there’s this from their own website. As for the answer Moffat gives, there is nothing there that wasn’t true at the time according to polls. He wasn’t saying most women were ‘vehemently’ opposed to it, he was saying that most of those that were were women. As far as I can remember from polls that were conducted around the time, more men were against overall but of those that were vehemently against more were women. There’s an argument that people not being ready for a female Doctor (which I wasn’t at the time) is no reason to not actually do it, but when there would have been huge BBC pressure to keep everything stable, I’m not surprised that he didn’t and went with Missy instead. 
Moffat would later shy away from the “women don’t want a female Doctor” defense and double down on suggesting it could happen one day, but not that day.
Speaking at the Hay Festival in May 2014, he said he’d consider casting a woman in the role, but only when the time was right, adding that it shouldn’t be a forced “political decision.”
A person will pop into the showrunner’s head and they’ll think. “Oh, my God, what if it was that person?” And when that person is a woman, that’s the day it will happen... It will not happen that somebody sits down and say we must turn the Doctor into a woman. That is not how you cast the Doctor.
Beyond the fact that “political decision” is a loaded term that justifies continuing the status quo, Moffat is kind of a hypocrite.
For example, during the same Q&A session, Moffat revealed that Capaldi was the only person he brought in to audition for the Doctor. The “person that popped into his head”:
Peter Capaldi just kept popping into my head. I got him round to my house to audition. And he didn’t know he was the only person auditioning.
This mirrors his selection of Matt Smith, who had previously auditioned for Sherlock (another role Moffat defended as quintessentially male back in March). This means only those in Moffat’s immediate line of sight stood a chance, and no one else was given an opportunity to show what they could bring to the role.
The political decision thing is a fair point, but the full context of the quote is interesting:
“A person will pop into the showrunner’s head and they’ll think. ‘Oh, my God, what if it was that person?’ And when that person is a woman, that’s the day it will happen.
Casting is the dark arts of television. It is everything. That decision is central and absolute to everything you do. It’s the difference between a television programme and a sensation.
So you don’t mess around with that; you don’t cast for any other reason than for passion and for aesthetics. It’s not a political decision, it’s an aesthetic decision and will always be.” 
I’m not sure whether Moffat realises that and considers deliberately casting a white man just as political as casting a woman or a POC; as some of his comments about casting Bill Potts would indicate; or simply doesn’t understand that it’s not politically neutral, which is problematic.  
The charge of hypocrisy on the other hand is a reach. The worst that can be said of the Capaldi decision is after an immensely stressful anniversary year Moffat wanted to work someone who he got on well with; who liked his work, a known fan of the show; and a brilliant actor who was perfect for the part. Had it been pretty much anyone other than Peter it would have been approaching unacceptable. In regards to Matt Smith, it’s simply bullshit. To start with he auditioned for Watson, not Sherlock, and was told he would be more of a Sherlock. Secondly, we know through Neil Gaiman the role was offered to a black actor (it’s not specifically said to have been 11, but the circumstances for 9 and 10 don’t fit) before it was offered to Smith. Thirdly, and finally, this from Andy Pryor:
“And then with Matt [Smith], Steven Moffat [the writer] really didn't want a younger Doctor, but I just insisted on auditioning Matt because he's an old man in a young man's body."
So, the idea Moffat always wanted Matt (when outside of the Sherlock audition he had likely never seen him, if he was involved in that audition at all) is complete nonsense. 
He says a woman “could” be the Doctor, if she’s the first person to pop into his head. But after over 50 years of white men, it’s absolutely always going to be a white man that pops in there first — especially if the person who is the showrunner is himself a white man who surrounds himself with roles that are traditionally played by white men.
Yes, it’s difficult to argue this isn’t an element sometimes, but I don’t think it necessarily applies to the casting of either Capaldi or Smith, Capaldi because of the aforementioned reasons and Smith because he had to go through an audition process and the guy who initially popped into Moffat’s head was black, inferring from Gaiman’s statement.  
However, it’s not just about women not getting the opportunity to try out for the role, though that’s a big factor. Moffat never really thought about having a woman be the Doctor because he thinks they’re better suited as the Doctor’s companions, saying as much during a BAFTA talk in 2015.
There’s an aspect to it where you could say that if you made the Doctor female you’d lose a fairly unique rare role model, I’m not sure if I’m completely persuaded by that argument purely because I don’t think the Doctor is the role model of Doctor Who. He isn’t. Because you can’t really base yourself on the Doctor. He’s off the spectrum, barking mad, from space and has lots of mysterious abilities that we do not. How do you base yourself on that? The role model is actually the other character, his best friend, the person who deals with this out of control, overgrown schoolboy racing around the universe being rather too imperious and too interfering for his own good.
This isn’t the only time that Moffat has said he doesn’t see the Doctor as a role model, but his track record doesn’t support the companion being the true hero (and not just because he’s called the Doctor the “hero figure”).
While companions are given more character development, coming into the Doctor’s life to learn something about themselves and teach the Doctor something in the meantime, Moffat’s defense is pretty insulting. It assumes that only men can be emotionally stunted, hyper-intelligent weirdos who roam the galaxy causing and solving mischief.
We’ve had male companions in the past, albeit typically alongside female ones. And in his argument, Moffat never says the companion has to be female here, but he is saying that the Doctor is male, so the only female lead in the show could be the companion. And as he describes companions, they’re put in the uncomfortable position of being the Doctor’s emotional core. This reinforces the stereotype that it’s a woman’s role to bring emotional balance to a man, but men can’t or shouldn’t do the same for a woman.
I’ve already covered the first bit of this, where I’ve said he’s arguing that the Doctor isn’t really a role model, which is why the argument that making the character a woman would not be specifically a loss of a unique male role model (which is an argument I’ve seen put forward by a female writer of DW tie-in books in Doctor Who Magazine). A hero figure and a role model aren’t necessarily the same thing, especially given the multiple deconstructions of what the Doctor actually is during Moffat’s tenure.
Also, ‘it assumes that only men can be emotionally stunted, hyper-intelligent weirdos who roam the galaxy causing and solving mischief’? Errrr, River Song and Missy, anyone? Definitely Clara’s style too, it’s only her humanity that stops her being the Doctor, not her gender (and there’s sort of a fix for the former). 
‘but he is saying that the Doctor is male, so the only female lead in the show could be the companion’. He’s very specifically not saying that, but if you misunderstand if not deliberately misread what he says you are going to continue making an arse of yourself. The rest is rather undermined by Rory and Danny being much more the emotional balances in their relationships with Amy and Clara than vice versa. 
It gets even more muddled when you consider Moffat’s actual track record. A 2014 study showed that Moffat’s female companions had, on average, fewer speaking lines than Davies’, and Amy failed the Bechdel Test far more times than her predecessors. Clara did improve the scales, and Bill has been pretty solid so far, but the numbers still tend to fall below what existed before.
Ughhhhhhhh. Long time readers and followers of this discourse will be aware of the so-called study the author references here, which was discredited (well, by us, at least) because of falsified data and bias, and no rigour whatsoever. This is the point where this becomes a loaded article, attempting to prove an assessment already decided (much like that study!)
Moffat himself was asked about the accusations of sexism later in 2015, replying that he understood the concerns, in theory, but also didn’t think they applied to his show specifically. He also added that his wife is a “powerful woman,” which is always a helpful defense.
It’s a big and complicated issue and I never quite know how to respond to it. The general point being made by these people is correct. We need better female role models and representation on screen. We need all of that. Maybe this is my dim-wittery but I do not understand why Doctor Who of all shows is singled out as a misogynist show. And I’m really not like that. I’m sure I’m to the left of a lot of my detractors, but I don’t want to argue with them because I think generally they’re right. We do need to do better.
The interview was not just about sexism, but took in a range of topics and oh, look; the ‘powerful woman’ quote was not a defence but in response to one of a series of questions about his themes; this particular one being ‘you’ve often introduced a strong woman with an enigma at her core’, to which Moffat responds: ‘It’s hardly something only I’ve done. And I’m married to a very powerful woman.‘ Presumably meaning that his character creation is in part inspired by his wife. 
As for the quote...he’s not saying he doesn’t deserve criticism, but when questions need to be asked about shows such as Game of Thrones, The 100, maybe even Once Upon A Time (in my opinion, please do not ask what I mean by this) it is very unfair to single him out in particular. 
Moffat’s years-long pattern has been to evade the question with a “maybe at some point,” or defending his decision to cast male Doctors for... insert his latest reason here. I honestly don’t believe Moffat ever seriously considered a woman for the job during his tenure as Doctor Who’s showrunner, and probably still wouldn’t be if he were sticking around next season.
He’s continually said he’d think about it, pointing to his choice to turn The Master into a woman, but his hiring practices have continually put himself in situations where a male Doctor was a given. And his reluctance to alter his (male) Doctor and (female) companion dynamic is apparent.
This is all a belief, and it’s therefore difficult to disprove, but I have already disproved or significantly undermined the bits based on facts. It’s not known whether or not women auditioned for Eleven, either. 
There’s also his attitude that selecting a woman would be a forced political choice, instead of something that could serve and grow the narrative. It’s even echoed in his advice to new showrunner Chris Chibnall, published in March of this year, saying his next Doctor should be a “friend” instead of someone who serves an “agenda.”
Just choose the best person for the job and any other agenda, however worthy, should be ignored. It has to be the best person for the Doctor that Chris is writing for... Chris is going to be working with the actor for quite a few years and it is a pressure cooker. It can be tough, so you need to choose your friend wisely. So long as it works for the good of the show, that’s fine.
I mean, I have genuine issues with the political choice idea, but there’s an argument here that he genuinely just might not want to get people’s hopes up or protect Chris Chibnall from backlash of dashed hopes as his friend, or both (especially if he didn’t yet know the casting, where he could be under orders from above to be diplomatic if asked)? 
Additionally, he could well be saying that if you decide you’re going to make this change, you do that as part of the narrative and then cast for it, rather than casting first and then writing around it. Which would make sense, because it’s how he cast Missy and Bill. The friend thing is ‘choose someone you can actually stand to work with’, nothing more. 
Moffat’s most recent answer to this question came just a few days ago in an interview with BBC Radio 4 (via We Got This Covered), Moffat went into how he chose Smith and Capaldi as his Doctors, saying it wasn’t a matter of purposefully choosing white men for the job, it just so happened that the perfect actors for the job were both white men. What are the odds, right?
“I didn’t not cast a woman… I cast a man. I didn’t [cast a woman] because I wanted to cast Matt Smith and I wanted to cast Peter Capaldi. I didn’t think it was a terrible idea, I just thought, ‘I want to cast those people’ – that was it.”
Of course, we know that he didn’t see anyone else and he didn’t want to let any one else’s thoughts intrude onto his mystical process of waiting for someone to pop into his head. This is why Moffat’s reasons are so elliptical and confusing: he didn’t affirmatively rule out women, he just never gave anyone but his preferred choices any thought whatsoever. So when asked to defend it, he can’t, really.
Hmm, okay. We’ve been over that Moffat’s probable first choice to play Eleven was a black man but even if it wasn’t, Matt didn’t just pop into Moffat’s head as anything other than the results of the audition process. He proved himself more suited for what Moffat wanted as a result of that. There may have been subconscious bias involved in that decision but that statement just isn’t true. 
Despite Moffat’s insistence to continue playing the same tune, there are hopes the new showrunner will change things up, giving audiences a female Doctor or having the iconic character regenerate as a person of color. The actor’s been picked, so it’s too late to petition, but it’s never too late to hope. Casting a more diverse Doctor would revitalize the show, encouraging a new audience while challenging current fans. So, what does Chibnall himself have to say about it?
Nothing is ruled out, but I don’t want the casting to be a gimmick and that’s all I can say.
For once, I completely agree, though I note the statement was made before Moffat’s advice was given. And tbh Chibnall has no real excuses left, and puts the show at risk of stagnating if he doesn’t change. 
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At some point your life, you’ve probably had a run-in with ads generated by third-party cookies.
Think about it. Have you ever browsed an online store, then gone on to a social media network just to see a pop-up advertisement for the exact products you just looked at? Unless you’ve given your email to the ecommerce store you visited, this ad was likely generated with third-party cookie data.
When you visit a site that generates third-party cookies, the site places a tracking code — or cookie — on your browser. The code then allows that website to learn about the other sites you’re visiting and builds a user profile around you. This enables brands and advertisers to generate and launch the sometimes creepily pinpointed ads. Third-party cookies are different from first-party cookies, which can only give brand information about the sessions a user has on its own site. According to a number of publications, Google Chrome will only phase out third-party cookies, while first-party data is still intact. And, since Safari and Firefox blocked third-party tracking years ago, this strategy was already becoming outdated. However, while this move won’t heavily impact some brands, advertisers who’ve relied on third-party Chrome data for their strategies are frantically wondering. “How will I create the same sense of hyper-personalization without the third-party cookie?” In fact, a number of advertising agencies and organizations have already spoken out against Google’s move. Meanwhile, some marketers are also concerned that Chrome’s third-party cookie phaseout will force brands will have to use Google Ads to create the pinpointed ads they used to launch. The truth is — there’s plenty of alternatives to both advertising and tracking fueled by third-party data. And, many marketers are already actively using and benefiting from them. Below, I’ll walk you through four alternatives to hyper-targeted third-party ads as well as three ways you can continue to track your audiences without third-party data. While some of the tactics on this list will take a bit more time and strategic energy to execute on than automatic ads generated with third-party data, these alternatives can still help you learn about your audience target, develop a buyer persona, and pinpoint ads or marketing materials to the right prospects. Alternatives to Hyper-Targeted Ads Driven by Third-Party Cookies 1. Circulate content in email newsletters and email-based ads. When someone signs up for a newsletter subscription, they’ve discovered your brand or website and decided that they want to learn more about your company, your services, or your industry. So, by subscribing, they’re already indicating that they want to see more of your content. As an email marketer, emailing your subscriber audience with a mix of content and product offers related to your industry is a low-hanging fruit opportunity. Because your email subscribers are ready and willing to learn about your business or product, they’re likely to engage with what you send them — even if this means they just read and remember your campaigns. Additionally, if your larger subscription audience holds two or more types of audiences, you can segment your lists and send emails to specific demographics. For example, if your company sells sales and marketing software, you can send certain offers to subscribers in marketing roles and subscribers in sales roles. As an advertiser, you can also leverage another company’s email newsletter for your sponsored content. For example, if you discover a non-competing company or publication in your industry with a huge email list, you might want to consider placing an ad in their newsletter. Although this audience didn’t subscribe or show interest in your own newsletter, these subscribers have already shown interest in learning about your industry or products sold within it. Because of this, they might engage with your ad, offer, or content. Need more convincing, nearly 60% of consumers say marketing emails influence their purchasing decisions while U.S. brands spent an estimated $350 million on email ads just last year. Right now, it’s clear that email marketing is alive and well. If you aren’t using it already, you might want to add this to your product marketing strategy. 2. Launch targeted ads on social media. Social media advertising tools allow you to launch hyper-targeted ads, or target promoted social media posts, to people in your industry, target demographic, or show similarities to your own page’s followers. These ads also often allow you to take advantage of contact list retargeting, which you can learn about in the next list item. Here’s an example of one paid Pringles promotion which was likely circulated to Rick and Morty fans on Twitter, as well as audiences within the show’s demographic:
If you’re a B2C brand, social media advertising could be especially helpful to you on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. For those in the B2B industry, targeted ads could be incredibly beneficial on professional networks like LinkedIn. Additionally, if you’re interested in creating video content to market your product within a number of industries, you can also upload and launch optimized video ads to YouTube. 3. Test out contact list retargeting. Retargeting is when you upload your own contact list to a platform, such as social media networks or search engines. Then the platform’s ad program either targets your content to users that share the same email, or a mirror audience that shares similar demographics to those on your email list. While third-party cookies allowed advertisers to automatically launch pop-ups and ads to people who’d visited certain websites across the web, retargeting is a more manual process that similarly allows you to target users that are interested in your product or service after simply uploading your contact list. One example of just one of the many websites that allows you to do this is Pinterest. In a recent blog post, a PPC consultant highlighted how he used retargeting lists on Pinterest to upsell one company’s current customers, To do this, he uploaded a list of customer contacts to Pinterest’s ad tool. Then, when ads were launched, Pinterest users who had purchased something from the company saw content promoting a higher-priced product from the same store. According to the case study, the company was able to upsell many contacts through this process. 4. Consider Google’s Privacy Sandbox in the near future. While Chrome will no longer use the third-party cookie, Google will still allow advertisers to use Chrome’s first-party cookies to target ads. Chrome will reportedly allow brands to use its first-party cookie, while still protecting the data of Chrome users, via Google’s proposed Privacy Sandbox. At this point, Google has only announced plans for the Privacy Sandbox, so it’s still unclear how it will work and what the interface will look like. However, since it will leverage Chrome data, marketers expect that this will allow advertisers similar hyper-targeting similarly to third-party cookies. In a January 2020 interview with Digiday, Amit Kotecha, a marketing director at data management platform provider Permutive, explained the key features of the proposed Sandbox: “The most significant item in the Privacy Sandbox is Google’s proposal to move all user data into the [Chrome] browser where it will be stored and processed,” said Kotecha. “This means that data stays on the user’s device and is privacy compliant. This is now table stakes and the gold standard for privacy.” If you’re an advertiser, you should continue to follow news about the Privacy Sandbox in the near future. This will help you learn more about how it will work and how you can leverage it for your own campaigns in the future. Alternatives to Third-Party Cookie Tracking 1. Leverage email marketing data. Because people need to subscribe to your email list, marketing email is one of the best ways to learn about what your most loyal audiences want to consume or learn about. And, according to Digiday, many publishers are quickly creating strategies that allow them to learn from their e-newsletters. For example, if you create a newsletter with a few different types of blog posts featured, you can see how many people are clicking on each link. With this information, you can determine which blog posts are most clickable to your audience and which they are less interested in. This data can guide you to create a content strategy where you’re creating more of the “clickable” content and less of the content which seems less popular. Aside from learning about which content is most clickable, you can also use interactive features in your emails, such as surveys and polls, to learn more about your audience, their demographics, and what motivates them, This combination of qualitative and quantitative data can help you create, refine, or improve on your buyer persona. Monitor Social Media Insights Since you use social media to learn about your current audiences as well as similar groups you might also want to draw to your website, you can use the data you capture on these networks to learn what your audiences will engage with and what types of strategies will help you grow your audiences. Aside from getting insights on how well your posts or certain types of published content are performing on a given social platform, you can also get valuable information about your following, such as their age range, location, and other demographic information. For example, here’s an image of age demographics that you can find on a YouTube video’s analytics dashboard:
Source Additionally, while third-party cookies allowed you to see what other websites your visitors had been on, some social media networks can show you other insights to give you an idea of what your competitive landscape looks like. For example, if you have a Facebook Business page, you can use Facebook Audience Insights to see a list and basic data about how your page stacks up to similar Facebook pages in your industry. This can give you an idea about what similar audiences are looking at other than your own page. With this information, you can identify who your competitors are and look at their own social media marketing strategy to identify what they’re doing better than you and where you can improve upon their tactics. Use your CMS or website’s first-party data. Third-party cookies might be getting phased out, but if you primarily use your website’s CMS for analytics, you’ve likely already been using first-party cookies primarily. Since a CMS, like HubSpot’s, usually uses first-party cookies to track basic demographics, visits, setting, and other visitor preferences, you can still gain and leverage a lot of first-party data to create solid campaigns or content strategies. To give you a better idea of what you can do with a CMS, here’s a screenshot that shows off HubSpot’s list of analytics tools:
A World Without Third-Party Cookies Ultimately, Google’s third-party phase-out is just one of many moves made to make the internet safer for users. And, because the third-party cookie was already blocked on other browsers, including Safari and Firefox, marketers have already begun to move on from using this type of data. While the loss of the third-party cookie might be shocking to some marketers, many of the advertisers who were still leveraging it will be adapt eventually due to the many new ways that we can collect and leverage data online. However, the most important lesson this phaseout teaches marketers and advertisers is to not rely on one avenue or technology for data gathering and ad production. While those who’ve used a number of advertising strategies and alternatives along with third-party data will adapt more easily to this change, companies that have relied on the third-party cookie for all or most of their advertising might have to scramble to test new alternatives. To learn more about the proposed third-party cookie phaseout, the advertising industry’s response, and the controversies related to the move, check out this blog post.
Source link
source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/7-marketing-alternatives-to-tracking-cookies/
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maxximillian · 7 years
Phenibut—the mood-enhancing nootropic smart-drug (that I finally gave a try)
Phenibut just might be your new wingman (or wingwoman)
There were a lot of nootropics to choose from but I had a specific scenario which I was seeking to see if I could improve so it was easy to narrow it down to Phenibut.
As you may know (and if you didn’t you now know!) that I am the host of three podcasts, two are fiction—audio drama—podcasts. I perform these works—yes, I do all the voices—and I engineer myself. I’m coming to the close of my first year, which is to say that I’ve recorded and produced an episode of either comedic or suspense fiction every week for the past 49 weeks.
Some of those episodes are over an hour long. I have experimented with a few different methods of production but early on I realized that the best (read: most efficient) way to produce an episode is to spend a minimal amount of time editing so, unlike my audio drama brethren who record a number of takes then choose the best take to edit into the mix, I rehearse my episode and perform it straight through. I sometimes mispronounce a word, and when I do—just as an engineer would—I roll back to just before the flub, hit play then tap the red button to record to punch myself in at the point where I left off, leaving no trace of a break in dialogue. Over the year, I’ve learned to come in on the middle of a phrase with the appropriate inflection—you can never tell when you’re listening where I may have broken off to correct a mistake but it’s a better experience for me not to mess up in the first place. It allows me to lose myself in the piece and really get into the emotionality of what’s going on in the story.
Some sessions run more smoothly than others. That is to say that some days my reading is more fluid than others. I’m doing what I love so there’s no such thing as a ‘bad’ day but I have wanted to feel more in control of my performances. Before many performances I feel anxious or excited. My general solution is to start off the recording session with a big fat glass of red wine… and then maybe another. Which works. It’s a lovely thing: wine. I love it. (You too, right?)
Here’s the thing about wine, too much turns my reading pear-shaped. After a few glasses I might as well hang it up. So you can see, for some of those longer episodes—or on days where I record more than one episode, wine isn’t a viable solution.
Enter Phenibut.
I’d heard about it mostly from people who were using it in social situations as an alcohol replacement—it’s reported to give that same calming mood lift and genial sociability that I could expect from a couple drinks. Since a couple drinks is what I generally have to smooth out my performance anxiety, I thought I should give it a try.
After reading literally a hundred or more reviews, I decided to place my order from LiftMode. Why? LiftMode had mostly five-star reviews. Repeated in each of the reviews were comments that their orders had arrived quickly—a big green check mark in my book. Some customers left video reviews on YouTube—yes, I looked on YouTube for reviews! I found several unboxing vids of LiftMode customers showing off their wares. The packaging was clean and packed with obvious care. Plus, the product reviews all seemed satisfactory—customers seemed enthusiastic about the quality of the products, and the consistency.
The LiftMode website is nice to look at and use. It was easy to find what I wanted, explore all their products and place my order. There is a lot of useful information on their website, and there’s even a little box on the side for customer support. I used that box to ask a few questions and received a friendly email from customer support within minutes answering my questions in a way I could understand.
Certain beyond a doubt that I’d found a reputable company, I placed my order on liftmode.com.
Within a few days a small box came in the mail. It was clean and undented. Inside were all the products I’d ordered with a receipt, a quality assurance report, and a scoop in an appropriate size to accurately measure the product—there was some love and appreciation inside that box too, I could feel it.
The recommended dosage for Phenibut varies but the range suggested is from 500mg to 2000mg per day. As with anything employed to achieve a result, it’s best to go with the minimum effective dose. Also, Phenibut has the potential to achieve two effects: nootropic and calming. A larger dose might feel nice but I didn’t want to be too relaxed in my performance, or succumb to the irresistible urge to take a mid-afternoon nap in the sunshine.
I dosed 500mg of Phenibut Free Amino Acid.
After about 40 minutes I was sure that I was feeling a subtle improvement in my mood but I didn’t experience the other effects I’d read about. I decided to dose larger the next time.
The following day I dosed 750mg of Phenibut … and recorded an episode straight through without stopping once to punch myself in.
I was mind-blown.
My read was flawless.
But the thing that impressed me the most was this: the performance had been effortless.
I’ll continue to experiment with my dosage. It may be that 750mg isn’t even my sweet-spot. We shall see. I’ll keep you posted.
I’ve heard about Phenibut being helpful to people in social situations and I can personally attest that it is helpful in performance situations too. I tried it again, and again I was able to replicate that same effortlessness in my work.
Generally I need to intensely focus to maintain the high-quality concentration required to read long passages aloud without making errors, simultaneously imparting the appropriate emotion and vocal inflection in my narration to keep the listener engaged and be hyper-aware of which of the characters is speaking and about to speak—each character has his or her own cadence and dialect, and I have to keep them clear so that the listener always knows who is speaking. It takes a tremendous amount of focus to do all that while at the same time listening to myself—keeping an ear out for mispronunciations or words spoken too low… there’s more, but you get the idea.
For me to flow effortlessly through an entire episode without stopping seemed like a dream. When I’d reached the end of the recording, the pessimist in me said, 
  “Yeah, but listen back to it and see if you actually did such a great job.”
Of course, you’ve heard of the writer or painter who got into some powders or a bottle of good wine and created a masterpiece only to discover the next day that their masterpiece was a piece of sh*t —LOL — hey it happens to the best of us. But guess what?
The next day it was still a masterpiece.
No matter what it is you do throughout your days and nights, I encourage you to give this a try and compare your results experientially. If you paint gnomes for a living, or are a writer like me, or any type of performer certainly—if you do anything that you feel could be easier with enhanced confidence, focus, or cognition, I hope you will give LiftMode’s Phenibut a try. You can buy a sample — which itself will give you between 2-10 doses (depending on the effect you want to achieve) — for less than $5. Here’s the link.
As with anything, read the guidelines, ask questions if you don’t understand something; use it responsibly—and if you try it, let me know about your awesome experience.
Something to consider: Phenibut is available in capsules and bulk powders. If you don’t have a .001 gram scale at home and do not plan to invest in one, I suggest choosing the capsules. As you experiment to find your most beneficial dose, you’ll want to know exactly how much you’re taking so that you can replicate your results once you hit your sweet spot. You don’t want to be guessing about what that is — after all, this isn’t iced tea mix we’re talking about, these are nootropics. The scoop included is helpful but it’s a measurement of volume and can at best provide an approximate range of  the amount of product in the scoop, and there will always be variations depending on how densely you pack the powder into the scoop and how high you’re piling the powder upon the scoop: no scoop can provide you with an accurate measurement the way a scale can. Capsules have the additional benefit of being easy to transport for travel and to consume on the road should you wish to do so. They are also more discreet. The quality of your experience will be the same no matter which you choose. Bulk powder has the advantage of being administered sublingually, which means that you won’t have to wait for 30 minutes for the capsules to dissolve in your belly. If you’re a mad scientist like me and you do want a scale, consider this one.
And if you’d like to take a listen to my fiction podcasts, here they are: The Mollyville Dystopian Suspense Audio Drama and my award nominated Afterlife Paranormal Audio Drama Podcast — Afterlife is nominated for multiple awards, including Best New Original, Long Form, Small Cast, Ongoing Production and Best Writing of a Fan/Adaptation Production. At the time of this posting the polls are still open. Here’s the link if you’d like to cast a vote for me. Whether you choose to vote or not, I hope you’ll take a listen. It’s a deep little podcast, and darkly funny so I’m told. If you like what you hear, please tell a friend who you think would appreciate it and let me know you’re listening. I always appreciate a hello. You can find me on twitter at @maxximillian.
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Phenibut—the mood-enhancing nootropic smart-drug (that I finally gave a try) was originally published on MAXXIMILLIAN DAFOE
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Vidgeos - The Next Generation In Video Marketing Technology
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/vidgeos-the-next-generation-in-video-marketing-technology/
Vidgeos - The Next Generation In Video Marketing Technology
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    Here’s Why Engaging Videos Are So Important:
You See These Words?
95% of Your Audience Skims Right By Them.
Professional videos are seriously important.
Especially when it comes to landing pages. I mean think about it…
How often do you actually read the text that’s way down here?
(How often do you think your prospects read the text down here?)
The words you are reading right now are what most people skim. They are here with the hope that you might come across them – but they aren’t the reason you ever buy anything. If you’re like your audience, you’re actually only reading the bold words and headlines.But that’s ok because…
Video On The Other Hand? Video Converts.
Video has the power to capture attention, keep prospects on your page, and engage them with your message.
Every marketing “guru”, guide, course, book, blog and case study has a statistic for every niche, market and business that reads “split testing reveals: video can convert over 46% higher than other types of content.”
I mean, let’s be honest…
You’re reading these words right now because the video at the top of this page captured your attention. At this point, practically everyone knows about the power of video. I don’t really need to tell you (but I will do it anyway…)
Take a look at every single bestseller on ClickBank and ask yourself: What do I see? The answer? Engaging videos on each and every single sales page.
Head on over to JVZoo’s top 10 list. Go ahead and do it every day or week. I’ll bet that all 10 top sellers for today are using a video on the sales page.
Or you can ask the 71% of B2B, B2C, and online marketers polled in a recent study who agreed: Video content converts higher than any type of marketing content.
BUT – Not Every Video Converts. Think About It.
Poorly produced videos rarely increase (they can actually hurt) conversion rates…
And when you throw just another slideshow together, you run the risk of telling your audience:
“Don’t take me seriously. ”
You know, for a fact, that’s the cold hard truth. Just consider your own experience. You click on links all the time, see videos on landing pages, and think:
“Ok, is this guy FOR REAL with the COLOR OUTLINED TEXT, outdated transitions, and 20-year-old pitch?
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Check our FAQ below, or send our support team a message
Can I also host my videos with your app?
Yes, we have connected Vidgeos with the most reliable hosting platfrom Amazon S3. All your vidgeos will instantly be published into your S3 account from inside our app so you can stream your videos with confidence using the best servers online.
Is there any refund guarantee?
On this Facebook™ special offer page, not only can you get Vidgeos for a low one-time price, rather than a monthly price, but you’ll also be backed by our full 30-day money back guarantee.
Try Vidgeos for 30 days and if, for any reason at all, you’re not happy with your purchase, contact [email protected] for a full refund. No small print, no funny business.
What file format do vidgeos come in?
In short, vidgeos uses live API’s and other tech elements which enable the videos to be translated in real time as well as display viewer specific information which isn’t possible with a standard MP4 video. That said, you can easily record your vidgeos into MP4 videos using screen recording software such as Camtasia, videomotionpro and other FREE screen capture software. We are also building in an export feature for you to export your videos into MP4 format.
Can I record vidgeos videos into MP4 format?
We have created a video tutorial showing you step by step how to do that. In short, vidgeos uses live API’s and other tech elements which enable the videos to be translated in real time as well as display viewer specific information which isn’t possible with a standrad MP4 video. That said, you can easily record your vidgeos into MP4 videos using screen recording software such as Camtasia, videomotionpro and other FREE screen capture software.
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