#i’m gonna hug him and won’t stop for the following three weeks
seokjinsonlyone · 5 months
and on june 21, 2025 i’m latching onto yoongi like a tick and i’m not letting go
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crowwritesaway · 2 months
Yandere Male Idol x Female Idol Reader Pt. 4
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Her phone wouldn’t stop ringing. She was doing a live. She was at her home. “Hi.” She greeted her fans. Her eyes followed the comments that were coming fast on her screen.
You guys looked so cute ☺️
Omg, I can’t believe you are dating. My Y/N + Eli ship has sailed ❤️
She frowned. They must have spotted us at the airport. She kept reading. One comment in particular caught her attention.
I can’t believe they kissed.
Y’all shut up before she gets upset.
I can’t wait for your album.
You felt confused. Kiss? What are they talking about? A knock came to the door. Eli walked in. He was out of camera. You waved him off. You had told him to stay off camera.
Who’s that?
Is that Eli? Show him, please. <3
Yesss!!! Are they about to confirm their relationship?
Eli ignored you and sat down next to you. “Hi.” He greeted your fans. You sighed. Ring. Ring. Ring. Your phone kept ringing. You silence your phone. In your mind, it had to be some stalker. They always called during lives so you ignored it. I’ll check afterwards. It’s not safe nor important.
Eli smirked when he got the comments gushing over your closeness. “Yeah. We’re together.” He said, smiling cutely at the camera. You looked at him. “Yeah, together for work.” You said, elbowing him. Eli laughed. “Are guys happy?” He asked, trying to hint if they approved of your ‘relationship’.
Yes! I knew it. My favorite couple.
Work couple obviously. You heard Y/N. Stop assuming.
Ha. And they said I was delusional. I knew Y/N + Eli was real.
Moderator entered the chat. You let out a sigh of relief. Your company had sent out a moderator to control the comments. You smiled at the comment that thanked you for making music. However, some obsessive fans took that as you smiling at their comments confirming your relationship.
The moderator was deleting comments that insinuated that you both were dating. They vanished with a blink of an eye.
Eli smiled. That smile hid the anger well. The second he saw moderator pop up on the screen, he held back from cursing out loud. “Well, I love y’all but it’s night and we need to get some sleep. We have a lot of plans.” Eli blushed. You nodded. It was nighttime and you both were tired from the traveling.
“Yeah. We’ll update you when we can. Have a great week! We love you. Bye.” You ended the live. Eli laid his head on your shoulder and threw a suggestive wink before the live ended.
“Eli. Clingy Eli.” You shrugged him off. Eli groaned. “My grumpy Y/N.” You shook your head. I can’t win with him. So stubborn.
You pulled out your phone. The screen lit up. Your eyes went wide. 60 missed calls and 30 unread messages from your manager. Oops. Eli grinned. It worked. Eli pulled you into a hug. You reluctantly hugged him back. “I’m gonna go sleep.” He let go with a pout. Eli got off the couch. “See you in the morning.” He walked off. “Night.” You said, swiping through the messages.
They all asked if you were dating Eli and why you both kissed at the airport. Are you both dating? Since when? Y/N. Pick up the phone. This needs to be confirmed or denied. Listen. For now, we’re going to delete any rumor. Call me back when you can.
“I’m not dating Eli.” You sent the message before tossing the phone aside. I can only imagine what is trending. You laid an arm over your head. Does Eli know? No, he wouldn’t have kept this from me. Ugh…it’ll go away. It’s just a rumor. Why get angry over this?
Your leg moved up and down. What if it doesn’t? I rarely get called for a rumor. I’ll sleep it off. Tomorrow will be better. You picked up your phone. “Okay. I’ll deal with this. A meeting is scheduled to deal with this. Bring Eli.” You huffed. You glanced at the time. I got six hours. Mmm..more like three. Sleep won’t come easily.
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Stay around for more of Yandere Male Idol x Female Idol
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liliansun · 11 months
ENCHANTED TO MEET YOU : 20 : deserve to be heard (2.2k)
w. shit hits the fan so be prepared, mentions of alcohol, renjun gets a lil violent but it’s nothing graphic, crying..lots of it
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After you and the girls get out of the car, you and Joy locked arms. Her eyes looked troubled, something within you telling you she was feeling anxious, but you gave her a reassuring smile and that seemed to be enough for her. Neowa and Mal were the most excited between the five of you, scurrying up the steps to the same two doors you felt held so much for the night ahead. “C’mon slow pokes, we have the whole night to go!”
“Exactly, the whole night so why don’t y’all stop running and wait on us?” Sal’s response earned a laugh from the rest of you while the two girls stood by the doors. “We can’t help it that you're moving slow.” Mal threw her arm around Neowa, smiling as you three came up to them. The doors opened, revealing a slightly tipsy Renjun with Mark on his left and Jaemin on his right. “My girls are here, took y’all long enough.” Renjun pulled you into a hug, smiling as he then made his way around with his sudden burst for physical affection. Mark immediately put his arm around Joy, smiling at her while she giggled at something he said. Jaemin sent a wink to Mal, to which she pretended to be gagged by and rolled her eyes.
“C’mon, let’s go find everyone.” Renjun grabbed your hand, leading you inside following behind everyone else. “What happened to us meeting at the front?” He shrugs, keeping a grip on your hand to ensure you wouldn’t get lost in the crowd. “Chenle and Jisung went off to do shots and they are hard to keep up with, mainly because Jisung won’t leave Chenle’s side, especially when he’s been drinking.” A smile spread across your lips, making a mental note to tease Jisung about his cute dynamic with Chenle in the morning.
Passing by the seating areas, you loop through the kitchen and find mostly everyone in a not so crowded space. Almost everyone at least, Chenle and Jisung are still not around and you can’t help, but notice you don’t spot a new face. “Where’s Haechan?” Jeno looked to Renjun, hoping at least someone knew the whereabouts of the boy in question. Letting go of your hand now that he knew you were safe, he groans, rubbing his temples with frustration. “I told him to meet us here.” He turns to you, an almost sad look in his eyes. “I’m gonna go find the devils incarnate, please don’t wander off.”
Your heart went out to Renjun, you knew he still felt guilty for leaving you the last time even after you assured him over and over it was okay. “Stop worrying, I’m here with everyone else, go find your friend.” He gave you a smile before he went off into the crowd and the group started making small talk. “Yo, I have the best idea.” Mark captured everyone’s attention, suddenly feeling shy under all the gazes. “We should play a game while we wait for Renjun and Haechan, chances are Renjun will be a while before he finds him.”
“Sounds like fun, but I’m just going to be honest, all friendship is temporarily thrown out over a game of uno.” Mal threw her hands up in defense before locking eyes with Jaemin who was smirking at her. You could sense something was stirring between them and the thought made your smile grow. “Oh you’re on, I’ve never lost a game of uno.”
“What about that game we played last week?” Jeno intervened, pushing his shoulder against Jaemin. “That didn’t count, you cheated!” Jeno and Jaemin start to bicker over the game they recently played while Mark led the group to a spot where they could all sit around. Once the game started, despite its delay due to Jaemin wanting to sit next to Mal and Neowa threatening to ruin his chance at fatherhood, almost everyone was close to winning except you. “I hate everyone in the circle, this is cheating at its finest.”
“You were the one who said we can stack cards, you can’t get mad now that you have to draw half the deck.” Jeno snickered at your grimace, earning a finger thrown up at him from you. You’re shuffling through your cards when you hear Renjun’s voice calling out to everyone. “I found him, it took forever and I had to drag him downstairs, but I got him.” Everyone started to stand up, your friends were eager to meet this mystery boy Renjun and his friends had gone on and on about. From what they’ve mentioned of him, he seemed like a nice person to be around and you’d be lying if you didn’t say you were equally eager to meet him. Renjun walked into the room as you set your cards down, tugging the boy behind him. As you looked up, your eyes locked with his and you couldn’t tell if you were going crazy or not.
Haechan immediately made eye contact with you and his blood ran cold, feeling a wave of anxiety rush through him. “Guys, this is Haechan, the one we’ve been telling you about. Haechan, that’s Joy, Mal, Neowa, Sal and Y/n.” You didn’t notice Joy’s worrying look when she glanced your way, your brain trying to figure out what exactly was going on. “Bro where have you been and why do you look so pale?” Jeno looked at Haechan, confused at his behavior. The Haechan they knew was bright, he was captivating and he was the reason behind most of their laughs, but his friend looked like he wanted to be anywhere, but here at this moment. “Hyuck?”
Your voice caught everyone’s attention, making Haechan want to open a hole and crawl inside. “Do you two already know each other?” Jaemin curiously asked, glancing between the two of you. The girls felt something was wrong, making their way to be by your side. “Y/n, please let me explain and I prom-“
“You’re going to have to do a lot more than explaining.” You’re confused, pain starting to bubble in your chest as you see the panic spread on his face. “What’s going on?” Sal asked, wrapping her arm around your waist and pulling you into her side. Joy let out a sigh, chewing on her lip as Mark rubbed her back. “Hyuck is H and apparently he’s also Haechan.” The room felt like it was silent, despite the party that was still going on in the rest of the house. The music and sounds of people moving around were deaf to your ears as you start to rethink these last few weeks. “Y/n, please talk to me and I can explain it all.” He took a step forward, reaching out for your hand, but was stopped by Renjun.
“You’re H? And you knew about it this whole time? You knew her this whole time?” Renjun was furious, a new sense of anger settling deep into him and started to make him think the worse, wanting to do the worse. Grabbing Haechan by his collar, his whole body shook with rage as Mark and Jeno immediately rushed to get Renjun away from Haechan as soon as possible. “Woah woah, hey, think about what you’re doing.” Mark tried to reason with his friend, not wanting anything that he’d regret later to happen now. Haechan didn’t seem phased, he knew he deserved this and he truly didn’t care if he got one to the face right now because the look you were giving him hurt worse than any physical pain ever could.
“Think about what I’m doing? He didn’t think about what the fuck he was doing.” Renjun spat back, trying to get Mark and Jeno’s hold off of him. “Renjun, let’s go walk it off, now.” Jeno wasn't usually confrontational, but he knew Renjun wouldn’t try anything on him and that’s ultimately what convinced Renjun to leave the room with the two boys and Jaemin to accompany. “Can we talk, just us two for just a second?”
“Do you really think you deserve to be heard?” Mal was protective, about to try and get her own hands on the boy she just met and already wasn’t fond of. “Guys, can you give us a second?” Neowa nodded, grabbing Mal’s hand and walked her in the opposite direction of Haechan in case she tried anything. Joy bit her lip, feeling guilt of her own for not telling you sooner. She didn’t think things would turn out the way she did, but she too felt like she didn’t protect you from what you may be feeling. “We’ll be in the other room, okay?” Sal whispered to you, kissing your cheek before removing her arm from around you and walked out the room with Joy.
“Please don’t cry, pretty.” His voice sounded strained as he took small steps towards you. You hadn’t noticed the tears that rolled down your cheeks, standing frozen as he got closer. Hesitantly, he brought his hand up to your cheek, brushing off the tears that continued to fall. Pushing his hand away, you turned your head to wipe away the tears with a sniffle. “Why did you lie to me hyuck? Can I even call you that? Is that even your name?”
“Y/n, I didn’t mean to lie to you, I-“
“So why did you?” The question felt like it had too many answers and none at all. Hung up like a piece of paper in the air that neither of you knew how to get to. “You had every chance, every opportunity to tell me it was you and you didn’t, you just continued to lie to me.”
“What would you have done when I saw you on campus because I’m assuming you don’t go to SMU, hell I don’t know what to believe from what you told me anymore.” He wanted to rip his hair out, running his fingers through his hair as he let out a shaky sigh. He moves to a seat, plopping down to steady his spinning mind. “I don’t know what I was thinking, I honestly don’t, but I can tell you everything I said to you, everything I feel for you was real y/n, you have to believe me.”
But you didn’t, you didn’t know what to believe. You had opened up to him and let him into your life and he shined light in every dark corner of your heart and now he has the pieces in his hands. Your lack of response was making him worry, not having the courage to look up and make sure you were still there. Usually, he didn’t show any of his emotions in front of people. He was the type to let it all out when he was alone and cope the only way he knew how, but he was breaking down in front of you and his tears too were pouring down his cheeks.
“I fucked around and played with girls to try and fix what someone else broke and it followed me. I don’t—I didn’t want you to see that side of me and when I told you my name was Hyuck instead of Haechan it wasn’t because I wanted to lie to you.”
“I wanted you to know me, Lee Donghyuck instead of Haechan, the guy who led girls on without second thought and I wanted to tell you so bad, but I was scared of what Renjun would say to you if he found out it was me and I didn’t think we’d get here this fast and all I can say is I’m sorry y/n, I’m so fucking sorry.” He was now crying into his hands, leaning forward as he rethought his every decision and painted them black with regret in his mind. You may have been the best thing to come to him in the last year and he fucked it up on his own and he feels an all too familiar feeling in his chest.
You still stood there, speechless at his sudden confession while you too continued to cry, but in silence. Part of you wanted to reach out and wipe away his tears, tell him that it was okay and all was forgiven because you hated to see people cry. But you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, because it wasn’t all okay. The world around you continued to spin and everyone was continuing with their lives while you questioned yours. You didn’t want to give in to someone who hurt you, again, because you learned from your previous relationships that it never ends well when you do. So you did the next best thing you could think to do and you left.
You left Haechan there alone, hearing the sounds of his sobs replay in your head and when you found your friends, you found out Joy had known for a few days and it felt like the pain and betrayal was never going to end. It was all too much for you, too much in one night to withstand. Feeling like you had nowhere to turn to and didn’t know who to trust, you walked out those same two doors you had left through weeks before, except now the smile on your face from that night had been left behind.
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summary : college was enough to deal with, barely passing classes and struggling to keep up with what was going on in each was a daily struggle. not having time to catch someone’s eye was fine with you, that was until you met him. there was something about him that was enchanting, so you went out to find him, hoping you kept him up the same way he did you.
prev : 21 : she’s safe : masterlist
taglist : @jaylaxies @snowflakemoon3 @jinsoul-gf @roboknight117 @shwizhies @dinonuguaegi @makiswrld @sunflowerbebe07 @xtrataerrestrial @n0hyuck @222brainrot @blackjello @i6renj @cutesince2000 @lcvehyvck
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siriuslysmoking · 10 months
Wandering Very Far | Chapter 10
(The Year Everything Flipped Upside Down Masterlist)
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—And then one day A magic day he passed my way And while we spoke of many things Fools and kings This he said to me "The greatest thing you'll ever learn Is just to love and be loved in return"— – Nat King Cole
She’s made peace with the idea of dying before they even make it to the Wheeler house. The car is filled with silence as Steve drives to the house. She watches the scenery during the drive. As many times as she thought that she was going to die she didn’t expect this, many times she thought she might die, but now she knows that this is probably the end. For her.
It’s funny, how a few weeks ago she was writing college essays and applying for scholarships, now she’s fighting monsters in her head. That doesn’t seem fair.
But she’s going to die and that’s okay. 
Nancy and Robin will meet them at the Wheeler Residence since there isn’t enough room in Steve’s for anymore with the two of them and the three in the back.
She might not even make it to her eighteenth birthday. It’s in a few days but the last thing she needs to do is celebrate her life that’s going to end in a day or two.
There’s no way to stop it, no leads, nothing that could stop this. It’s fate, you could say. No way to stop it, no way to stall. Steve and Alex can hear the three kids whispering in the back about something, but Alex pays no mind, just stares out of the window of the empty road.
When they arrive Y/n decides she should call her mom, she’s been gone since she left yesterday morning for work, and knowing her mom she has another day before she files a police report. Nancy points her to the phone hanging on the wall in the kitchen.
“Hey mom…”
—Y/n, sweetie, where have you been?
“I’m sorry, I’m staying at Nancy’s for a few days, I forgot to call you.” Y/n bites her lip, holding a muffled sound, something about talking to her mother is bringing it out, making her realize she is going to die.
—Okay… Just keep me updated.
“I will.” Y/n takes a deep breath, “I love you mom.”
—goodbye, sweetie
“Mom.” Y/n rushes, “I love you.”
—I love you too, silly
“Bye, mom.” As she hangs the phone on the wall back in its original place. She lets out a shaky breath before climbing down the stairs to the rest of the group. Steve, Dustin, and Lucas all sit on the dusty old couch sitting in the basement. Y/n sits on top of the desk across the room with her feet on the chair. 
Her leg starts shaking as she focuses on her breathing, in and out, she reminds herself.
Steve is quietly murmuring with the younger boys while Nancy, Robin, and Max work on the Victor Creel look. “Did you call your mom?”
“Yeah.” Y/n mumbles to Steve. Steve stands up, moving over to her, standing in front of the chair, his hands on the top of the chair.
“Wanna go get some air?” Y/n just nods to Steve, sliding off the table, and stepping down from the chair. She follows him up the wooden stairs to the main level, making their way out of the back door to the fenced in backyard. They sit next to each other on the stairs of the deck. “Want to talk about it?”
“I’m gonna die, Steve.” Y/n looks out into the sky, “He’s gonna kill me.”
“We don’t know that.”
Y/n chuckles, shaking her head, she does know. They’ve all tested their luck with the line between life and death. It’s time someone pays up their dues and if it happens to be her, she’s okay with that. “I am.”
She pauses, Steve stays silent, licking her lips, she speaks again, shrugging. “It’s okay, though.”
“Alex…” Steve murmurs, shaking his head, wrapping an arm around her body, encasing her in a side hug. “Don’t say that.” he closes his eyes, feeling his throat start to close, making his voice come out all shaky and wobbly “Please.”
“It’s the truth, Harrington.” she shrugs, resting her head on Steve’s shoulder, accepting his warmth. “I’ve accepted it, you should too.”
“I won’t.” Steve’s voice comes out harder this time, “I’m not going to accept that you’re going to die.” he shakes his head, “‘cause, you’re not.”
She doesn’t risk saying anything else, she just wants to sit in silence with her friend, being comforted, that’s what she needs right now. If he doesn’t want to accept that she will probably die, that’s fine, he will accept it though, in time. When the time comes he’ll have to.
“You can’t die.” Steve bows his head, “You can’t.”
“I can’t promise you I won’t.” she speaks, nuzzling her head into the warmth of his neck. “I’m sorry, that I can’t.”
“College, work.” Steve mumbles, “Moving in together, that’s what we planned. Together, we were going to be adults together, a shitty two room apartment, going out to bars on the weekends with Robin.”
“Movie nights, dance parties, cooking.” 
“We need to have that.” Steve lifts his head, looking in her eyes, “We deserve that. Normalcy.”
“Yeah…” She trails off, “we do.”
“You hungry?” Steve’s eyes light, “You gotta be hungry.” He stands and grabs onto her hand, lifting her up as well to her feet.
Steve was always a good cook, it’s what he does in his free time. Of course he needed to eat and with his parents always  being gone he had to pick it up, when he was younger and he couldn’t drive to go get something to eat he worked with what he had. Cooking was Steve’s thing. Baking was Y/n’s. They fit together. 
Steve was her best-
No, Chrissy was her best friend. But she is her fucking soul mate, platonically speaking. If she had to choose someone to be by her side in all of this it’d be Steve.
Steve raids the Wheeler’s ridge while Y/n sits on top of the counter. Steve is in his element so she doesn’t even think about bothering him, he is mashing up an avocado as his pan heats up. He has bread, a tomato, two different cheeses, and a whole load of spices.
It takes him maybe ten minutes to finish it. “Tadah!”
He presents the sandwich after plating it, he has another plate in hand with more of the same for the rest of the group. “It’s a grilled mozzarella sandwich.”
He scoots it towards her eagerly, waiting for her to try his masterpiece.  She does, taking a bite, not until now did she realize how hungry she really was. She just hums into the bite.
Steve does a celebratory dance while walking over to the stairs, yelling at the younger ones that he made something to eat while heading up the stairs to tell Robin and Nancy.
I totally lied about it being a long chapter, sorry lol. next chapter might come a out a week late because my work is gonna be double the normal hours since the dad has to go back to work, if you didn't know I'm a nanny, and the dad's a teacher and he goes back to school before the kids do, and the mom's a doctor. okay enough about my job.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter, likes and reblogs are super appreciated. as always if you want to be added to the tag list ask in the comments! <33
Much love!!
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huggybug · 2 years
what happens in vegas… - mark estapa
word count: 2.4k words
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“He’s fine” 
“No he’s not” You argue, “He’s just saying he is” Luke sighed as he watched you type furiously on your phone.
“Have you talked to him? Has anyone?” You were supposed to be in Montreal with him but you had to cancel last minute and Mark assured you it was okay but you still felt horrible. So, you were at home, in Michigan, watching the draft with Luke.
“I haven’t since a couple hours ago but I’m sure Eddy’s talked to him” Luke nods, pulling out his phone, presumably to text Ethan. You’re about to ask what you should do for Mark when your phone starts ringing. You don’t have to look to know who it is; excusing yourself from Luke, you walk down the hall, away from everyone so that you can talk to Mark in private.
“Hey Marky” You answer quietly, unsure what mood your best friend would be in.
“Were you watching?” His voice is rough and you feel a sharp pang hit your heart.
“You shouldn’t have. It was a waste”
“Mark…” You sighed.
“Don’t try to make me feel better, okay? I just… I don’t want to think about it anymore” You knew better than to push your luck with this so you bit your tongue, changing the subject instead.
“You’ll be home tonight, right?”
“Yup, heading to the airport now”
“Okay” You let out a breath, “See you later then”
Three solid knocks on your front door sent you running through your house, desperate to see your best friend.
“Hey- woah!” Mark stumbled back when you flung yourself into his arms. “What’s going on?”
“I missed you and I know you don’t want to talk about it but I’m sorry, I really wish things had gone better” You could feel him deflate in your arms but it was only for a second before he squeezed you tight.
“I missed you too” It had only been about a week since you last saw him. “But I actually have some news”
“Oh yeah?”
“Mhm can I come in or do I have to tell you out here?” You rolled your eyes, dragging him into your house. You two ended up in the kitchen and you slid a drink to him, waiting for him to crack it open before he finally tells you the news. “I was invited to Vegas for development camp”
Your eyes widen and your arms shoot up in the air in excitement. “Mark! That’s amazing!” You hug him quickly and he laughs, thanking you in between.
“Yeah it’s next week so…”
“You’ll be gone next week?” You ask, feeling almost a little dejected. Although you’re quick to stuff that down because it’s not fair, Mark’s doing big things, really important things and you shouldn’t be upset with him for missing something as silly as your birthday.
“I know we were going to go to Toronto with everyone but…” You we’re officially going to be legal in Canada so Brendan decided months ago that your birthday trip would be to Toronto and everyone would meet there for a few days. The plans weren’t very well thought out since a lot of the guys would be at their respective development camp but you were still excited to go be with some of your friends again.
“What? No, c’mon it’s fine!” You waved your hand, smiling as if that would make your words more true. It was fine. You weren’t going to stop him from following his dreams just so you could go drink in Canada.
“Y/n…” He said quietly. You could tell he felt bad and you absolutely hated it.
“Mark…” You mocked right back at him. “I’m serious, we can go another time, it’s not a big deal”
“Why don’t you come with me?” Mark’s eyes lit up, as if he just came up with it on the spot.
“My parents can’t go so I was just going alone but you should come! I mean you won’t be able to legally drink but… Moyle’s gonna be there! He can get us shit and we’ll party in the hotel room” Mark’s mind was running a mile a minute, the plan unfolding as he spoke.
“Nolan’s going?” You ask, confused as ever.
“Yeah and Briss will be there. C’mon Y/n/n it’ll be fun!” You’re pretty sure he was already looking for flights so there was no point in saying no.
“Okay fuck it let’s go to Vegas” You still had to talk to your parents but with how much they love Mark, you’re sure there would be no problem.
“You’re so stupid” Luke groaned over facetime that night. He was busy training for his World Juniors tryout camp but as soon as he got the text about your impromptu trip, you had an incoming call.
“Wha- Luke!” You whined which made him laugh.
“Sorry, you and Mark are stupid” Luke said with a grin. “Do you really think this is going to end well?” He asks, raising an eyebrow and when you don’t answer right away, he must take it as you don’t understand because he kindly begins to explain it to you. “You’re going to Vegas. With Mark. Mark Estapa, the guy you’ve liked since you met him but have been too scared to make a move”
Okay so maybe you liked Mark. He was a good guy, he took care of you at school and made sure you got home safe from parties, even if it meant walking across campus in the dead of winter. Mark was… he was your best friend but your relationship with him was very different than your relationship with Luke, your other best friend.
“I’m not scared” You weakly defend.
“Yeah okay” Luke scoffed.
“I’m going to Vegas with my best friend and you’re not ruining it for me”
“I’m not stopping you… just don’t make me say ‘I told you so’ when you come home” Luke said with a smirk.
“What exactly are you telling me Hughesy?” You sigh, not sure if you actually want to hear any more from him.
“If you go on this trip, you’re not coming out of it single” You laughed. Loudly.
“I managed a whole school year Luke, I’ll be fine” Luke shrugged, shaking his head.
“Alright say hi to Mark for me, unless you’re too busy kissing then don’t worry about it”
“Goodbye Luke” You say, rolling your eyes as you hang up.
“Welcome to Vegas, Baby!” Brendan yells as he slings an arm around you, dragging you out of the airport while Mark trails behind, dragging both of your suitcases.
“Where’s Nolan? Is he here already?” You ask as you watch the boys pack all the bags into the back of Brendan’s car.
“You just saw me for the first time in months and you’re asking about Moyle?” Brendan asks, offended.
Mark laughs and you smile, sliding into the seat next to him as Brendan gets in the drivers seat, taking a double take at the empty passengers seat beside him.
“What am I? A fucking Uber?” Brendan shrieks. “Ugh I didn’t know I’d be signing up for a week with the lovebirds, you guys are even worse than you were in AA, now you can’t be separated in the same car?” Luckily, the playful teasing from your friends wasn’t anything new but that didn’t stop you both from blushing.
You stayed quiet, watching out the window as the Las Vegas Strip came into view. Brendan talked almost the whole drive with Mark answering whenever he could get a word in.
Brendan helped you guys cart your stuff up to your room before disappearing, promising he’d be back later with Steve and Nolan, ready to celebrate your birthday. You asked him to bring along any other cute boys he found along the way; he laughed, Mark scowled.
“Happy Birthday to Y/n!” You winced as the boys serenaded you fairly off key but you clapped at the end anyways.
“Now drink!” Brendan cheered, sliding shots in front of each of you.
Your little birthday party had been going on for a couple hours now. Brendan had been forcing everyone to take a shot every 20 minutes, it was like he had a timer going. Nolan and Steve were honestly almost passed out on the couch while you sat with Mark on one bed and Brendan was sprawled on the other.
“We should go out” Brendan says suddenly, shooting up from the bed.
“We’re all underage” Mark points out and then glances at the couch, “The only two legal ones are already too far gone” You giggle when Nolan’s hand rises, flipping Mark off.
“I’m going out” Brendan announces, typing away on his phone.
You look to Mark who just shrugged, watching as Brendan moved around your hotel room, collecting his things.
“Take those two with you, they’re not crashing here” Mark said motioning to the two older boys. Brendan huffed but agreed, helping them off the couch and towards the door.
“Happy birthday kid” Steve slurred as he tripped out the door. You giggled into Mark’s shoulder.
“Be safe!” Nolan yelled as Brendan shoved him out of the apartment, the door closing quickly behind them.
The room is quiet except for the music still pumping through the speaker connected to Mark’s phone but you don’t say anything. You look up at Mark, he’s staring into space and it makes you laugh for some reason which then steals his attention.
“What?” He asks, laughing a little. You giggle in response, realizing just how much of an affect the alcohol has taken on your body tonight.
“You’re so pretty” You say with a straight face before breaking out in giggles.
“You’re prettier” Mark says back with a wink. “C’mon, let’s go walk around”
“It’s like 1 in the morning” You check your phone before looking up at a grinning Mark.
“We’re in Vegas, the city that never sleeps”
“That’s definitely not Vegas”
You were thoroughly drunk. Mark was practically carrying you down the Strip while you two giggled away. You were gone for an hour before you made your way back to your hotel, stumbling through the lobby like it was your first day walking.
Mark guided you into the elevator and pressed the button to your floor as you leaned tiredly into him. “Mark”
“What?” He asked, looking down at you.
“I’m a horrible friend” You say suddenly, feeling tears prick at your eyes.
“What- no, you’re not! You’re my best friend!” Mark slurred, stumbling through his words.
“I’ve been lying to you for months, that makes me bad”
Mark froze. The elevator doors dinged as they slid open but Mark stayed rooted in his place, staring down at you.
“Lying?” He said after a moment, clearing his throat.
“I’m sorry Mark, please don’t be mad, I swear I didn’t want to ruin this but I should’ve told you. Just please don’t hate me” Your mind was running a mile a minute, trying to redeem yourself and save the sinking ship that was your and Mark’s friendship.
“Hey, no, I would never” Mark grabbed your hand, pulling you down the hall and into your room, shutting the door behind you. He expected you to head to bed but you stayed standing in front of him, obviously signalling that the conversation wasn’t over. “You can tell me, you know. Whatever it is, I promise I won’t be mad”
In that moment, something told you there was no going back from this. Maybe it was the softness in his eyes or maybe it was the way his thumb brushed against the back of your hand. Whatever it was, it made you think of Luke.
“Ugh Luke’s gonna kill me” You we’re already dreading having to tell him he was right.
Luke was unfortunately never wrong, especially when it came to you. However, this time you weren’t sure you were that upset about it.
“Luke?” Mark asked, not having a clue as to what Luke has to do with anything.
You decided… no time like the present. “I like you” You blurted. “I’ve liked you since I met you and I really hope you like me too but if you don’t… what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas so you can’t tell anyone!” It was your loophole. A stupid one but nonetheless, a loophole. Nobody would find out about this embarrassing confession because Mark couldn’t tell a soul, due to Las Vegas law.
“You like me?” Mark echoes, trying to figure out if what you were saying was in fact true. You just nod.
Mark is at a loss for words but luckily, he does t need any. He leans down, closing the gap between you two and suddenly his lips are against yours and then, fireworks are exploding because you are kissing Mark. Mark Estapa is kissing you!
Once you break away, Mark’s looking at you with a soft, fond look and you can’t help the blush that rises to your cheeks.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to do that” He says happily. “But… how does Luke fit in with this?”
You fill Mark in on everything Luke said about this trip and even some of the stuff he’s said in the past about you two. Mark informs you of the relentless chirps he got all season from the boys and it makes you laugh. After talking about it, you realize you’ve both practically been in love with each other all year but had yet to voice it so it obviously went unnoticed.
“We’ve kinda been stupid huh?” Mark asks and you laugh, agreeing.
“Yeah but it’s okay, I like ‘em a little dumb anyways” You wink and Mark shakes his head.
“Shut up” He tugs you closer and suddenly he’s kissing you again. You can feel him grinning into the kiss which makes you smile.
Everything feels so surreal. You’re in Vegas with the boy you like who apparently likes you back. Maybe this is the one thing that happens in Vegas that doesn’t necessarily have to stay in Vegas.
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genevievemd · 1 year
A Special Gift
Book: Open Heart (Beyond) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Genevieve McClure) Word Count: 785 Rating: G Category: fluff Trope(s): 
Summary: Gen and Ethan have a special gift for their parents on Christmas morning. 
Warnings: none
A/N: Shoutout to @coffeeheartaddict2​ for helping me figure out how far along G would be come Christmas 2023. You’re a real MVP
Also this little ficlet is another entry for @choicesficwriterscreations​ Holiday Event! 
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December 25, 2023 
She watches the snow fall outside the kitchen window, mentally cataloguing how beautiful her hometown is when covered in a fresh blanket of snow. And of course, how magical it is to have a white Christmas. 
They had decided last year to spend this Christmas in Maine with her family, for the first time in almost five years. Her mother had insisted that Alan join them as well, and if Natalie wasn’t back in Boston almost 9 months pregnant and unable to attend, it would be the first time Genevieve had her whole family together in one place in over a decade. 
She can hear Ethan in the living room of her childhood home, talking quite loudly and happily with their fathers. Their laughter bounces off the walls and it warms her heart. 
Gen had everything she’s ever wanted and more. 
On its own accord, her hand travels down to her stomach. She and Ethan had found out a week ago that she was pregnant with their first, after almost seven months of trying. Gen had almost given up hope that it would happen without medical intervention, but then after a fainting spell at work and quick blood test, she and Ethan got the news they’d been hoping for since May. 
“Hey Mom, before Henry, Clara and the kids get here, Ethan and I wanted to give you, Dad and Alan a special gift.” Gen turns to her mom, still washing and putting away their breakfast dishes. None the wiser to the secret her daughter was about to spill. 
“Oh? What is it?” Marie puts the dish towel down, her full attention on Genevieve. 
“Come in the living room.” 
Marie follows her into the living room, Ethan and Gen sharing a knowing look as they enter the room.
“Come sit here.” Ethan stands, gesturing to the couch. He quickly walks over to the tree to grab two small boxes. 
“What’s going on?” Alan looks at his in-laws and then at his son, curiosity on his aging face. “Are we in trouble?” 
“If anyone is, it’s probably me.” Robert joins Alan in laughter, the two getting an eyeroll from her mother. 
“Stop it.” Marie playfully hits her husband’s arm, before once again giving her daughter her full attention. “I’m ready for my present.”
“You and Robert are sharing one.” Ethan happily hands Marie a gift and the other to his father. He moves away to stand at Gen’s side, as if he could tell she was nervous.  Her arm coming around her waist and pulling her tightly against him.
“Open them.” Gen’s voice trembles, her eyes watering as she watches the soon to be grandparents rip at the wrapping paper.  
Within seconds Marie lifts up a handmade ornament and then screams, the plastic bauble falling to the floor. “Oh, honey! Really?” She runs over to Gen and gathers her in a tight hug. 
Now it was impossible for Gen to keep the tears at bay, looking over her mom’s shoulder to her husband. Who was all smiles himself, waiting anxiously for his dad to read his own ornament. 
“Ethan, this is...” Alan smiles widely, standing to embrace his only child. “I’m gonna be a grandpa!” 
“How far along are you?” Marie pulls away from Gen, full of tears of joy as well. 
“About 8 weeks, so, it’s still early.” Gen places a hand on her stomach and reaching for Ethan again. “We aren’t telling anyone else until after my first trimester, but we wanted to tell you three.” 
“We won’t say a word.” Alan pats Ethan on the shoulder, sniffling. “A family of your own?” 
“Yes. Never thought you’d see the day, did you?” Ethan can’t help but laugh, knowing it wasn’t long ago that his father was convinced Ethan would never settle down completely. 
“I did not.” Alan moves to pull Genevieve into a hug, the pair sharing a tear smile. “Congrats, to you both.”
“Thank you, Alan.” 
After a few more moments of more tearful hugs and excited cheers, the five of them settle on the couch and love seat. Gen and Ethan offering their parents all the details they know, the prospective due date of August 4th and the slightly dramatic ordeal of how they found out themselves. And all of them full of smiles. 
Though it all still felt like a dream to her, and that Gen would wake up any moment in her and Ethan’s Boston apartment with no baby in site. But it was real, and her husband’s hand in hers and pregnancy test on the counter back at their home was the proof. 
They were having a baby, and their Christmases would never be the same again. 
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A/N: I think this will be my last Christmas fic for the year, I might do a NYE one but we’ll see. 
Hope you’re all having a wonderful holiday!
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tngrace · 1 year
Blast From the Past
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Ryan, Grace's ex, shows up in Cali. Needless to say things get out of hand quickly.
🏷 the discord: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @bayisdying @cycbaby @askmarinaandothers @breadsquash
Bradshaws Masterlist
Grace & Bradley had been together for four years, engaged for one, and were only over a month away from their wedding when Kevin surprised Grace by saying he was coming to visit. He was going to be out their way for race week, and wanted to come see her before he'd come back for the wedding. 
Grace was excited but also suspicious because Kevin rarely made surprise visits. Once race week was completed, he showed up to stay for a few days. His first night over dinner she decided to question him. "Why are you really here Kev? You're gonna be back in a month for two whole weeks. What's going on?" 
"I can't just visit my lil sister when I'm already out here?"
"You can. But usually after race week you're ready to get home and see the girls." 
Bradley stays out of it, letting Grace grill her brother all she wants because she does make a point. Kev sighs as he sets his beer on the table and looks between them. "Fine. I did want to come visit but I also have some news."
"Let's have it." She feels Bradley lace their hands together under the table and she squeezes his, letting him know she's ok.
"Ryan showed up at the shop two weeks ago." 
"In Florida?!" Her hand unintentionally squeezes Bradley's tighter and she knows without looking his whole body has gone tense. 
"Yea. Apparently he looked me up. Was looking for you but wouldn't say why. Course I didn't tell him shit except to fuck off and that he'd signed the papers three years ago so let it go." 
"Did he?" Grace asks softly. 
"He left when I threatened to call the cops for trespassing. I dunno that he'll be able to find you. But I wanted you to be aware he was looking."
"You know she's safe here right?" Bradley finally speaks up. 
"I know. I'm not worried. I just don't trust him." Bradley gives him a nod at that. They change the subject, sensing Grace’s desire not to discuss him, and they end up enjoying Kevin’s time with them the next couple of days. 
Grace won’t admit she’s rattled by what Kev told her, but she’s also not going to let it stop her from living her life. She’s safe; she’s happy; she’s found her family, and she is only a few weeks away from her wedding. She is not going to let Ryan ruin that. She knows Bradley is more on guard when they go out, and while she understands, she also wishes she could get him to relax more. 
She realizes a week after Kevin left that it’s a good thing he’s more on guard because she’s completely caught off guard at work one night. It’d been a busy night; she’s floated between the kitchen and the bar all night. The Daggers had occupied the pool table corner all night, and she’d checked in with them on a break. She hears the kitchen door open and she just assumes it’s Bradley based on the footsteps. 
“What are you doing babe?” she laughs without turning around. 
“Glad to see I’m still babe.” The voice makes her freeze, the pan in her hand hitting the floor with a clatter. If the jukebox hadn’t been playing, she knows everyone in the bar would’ve heard it. 
“What are you doing here?” It comes out quieter than she wishes as she spins around and faces her ex. 
“Kevin didn’t pass on my message? I’m hurt,” he feigns hurt, his hand going to his heart.  
“Oh he did,” she hears growled behind Ryan. She lets out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding hearing Bradley’s voice. 
“What the fuck are you doing in here?” Of course Grace should’ve known that Baylie would’ve followed Bradley. She was just as protective as he was, and when Bradley had passed on Kevin’s message, the whole Daggers had been watching her more closely. 
“I don’t think this concerns either of you,” Ryan sneered. Baylie and Bradley both walk around him, Bradley putting himself between Grace and Ryan, as Baylie pulls her into a hug to make sure she’s ok. 
“I don’t think customers are allowed in the kitchen. So gonna have to ask you to leave.” 
“Not til I talk to my wife.” 
“Ryan just leave. There’s nothing left to say. We’ve been over for a long time. You finally signed the fucking papers remember? So just leave.” 
“Last I checked, she was EX-wife,” Jake says from the doorway, making sure to put emphasis on the ex. Grace peeks around Bradley to see Jake, Mickey, Javy and Reuben in the doorway. She knows if they’re loud enough, Ice, Mav and Slider will join them. 
“Not until we talk.” His voice was full of anger at their audience, and she knew he was a stubborn bastard. 
“I have nothing to say to you.” 
“I have plenty to say to you, bitch!” 
Bradley has to physically hold Baylie back at that.
 “Penny, my dear?” 
“Yes Jake?” she yells from the bar.
“Can we skip the bell?” 
Grace doesn’t like that gleam in Jake’s eye. She knows things are fixing to get ugly. 
“Jake, no!” She steps around Bradley and Baylie despite both of their protests. “I’m not the same young naive girl you manipulated and abused. You don’t get to walk into my place of business and start shit. Kev told you to fuck off and maybe you should’ve listened. You’ve got three seconds to get your sleazy ass out of my kitchen or I’m letting them throw you out. And if you ever set foot in this bar or kitchen again, I will throw your ass in jail faster than you can say my name. Get the fuck out Ryan and never come back. Forget you ever knew me.” 
Ryan growls and moves to lunge, but Jake grabs him. “You heard the lady. Out!” 
Javy grabs his other arm and they drag him kicking and screaming out of the bar. Jake still gets to dump him in the sand, Mickey and Reuben grabbing his feet once out of the kitchen. 
“Damn babe that was hot,” Baylie praises. 
Grace turns red, as she shakes her head. “I’m…”
“Don’t you dare,” Baylie tells her hugging her tight. “We should go file a restraining order,” she suggests to Grace seeing Bradley’s agreement. 
Once Grace pulls back from Baylie, she sinks into Bradley’s arm. “Bay’s right. The squad can clean up in here, and we’ll go do that right now. Should call Kev and suggest he do the same.” 
“I’m not leaving the cleanup to our friends.” 
“Yes you are,” Baylie says, the boys and Cin rejoining them. “We got this right?” They all nod their agreement, and Grace relents. She knows they’re not going to let her stay after that. 
“Alright fine. But yall really don’t have to.” 
Cin and Baylie pull her into hugs. “Go. We got this.” 
“Thank you,” she whispers. She lets Bradley tuck her under his arm as they head out. Thankfully they don’t see Ryan anywhere around as they head to the Bronco. “You ok?” He asks her once they’re settled.
Her hands are shaking as he pulls out and heads to the nearest station. “Yea… Yea… I just… I didn’t think he would do anything now. Hell, we've been separated for almost six years! I don’t understand.” She feels tears of frustration well in her eyes and she hates it. Hates that he’s still fucking with her life. 
“Hey… Hey it’s ok. We’re fine. Grace look at me.” He squeezes her knee as he drives. “It’s going to be ok. Why don’t you go ahead and call Kev?” 
She takes a deep breath and nods. The conversation goes about as she expected. Kevin wants to come out and kill the bastard, but Grace is able to convince him not to take anymore time away from his business since he’s bringing the girls in a few weeks for the wedding and staying for two whole weeks. She promises that Bradley and their friends have it handled and they’re going to get a restraining order at the moment. Talking to Kevin calms her some, and besides stopping by the house to get a copy of the divorce papers, they’re at the station within thirty minutes of leaving the Hard Deck. 
Getting the restraining order went easier than she expected, and she’s exhausted by the time they get home. Bradley sends a group text to update the Daggers and his uncles while Grace gets ready for bed. She’s asleep as soon as her head hits the bed, snuggled safely into Bradley’s side. It takes him longer to fall asleep; he’s going to kill that bastard if he shows his face again. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do to protect his girl. 
They’re lulled into a false sense of security over the next few days; Ryan doesn’t show his face again, and they assume he’s gone back across the country. Despite that, Grace is rarely alone, so that might have something to do with it. The retired Flyboys take up residence at the Hard Deck while Grace is there and the Daggers are still on base. And once the Daggers are free, someone is always glued to her side. She appreciates it, she really does, but she also hates how they’re changing their lives for her. Which is why after four days of no sighting, she’s able to convince the girls to pick her up at her house to go for her final dress fitting later in the morning, instead of being there as soon as Bradley leaves. 
She hears a car pull up outside, and while it’s a little early, she’s not surprised. She gathers up her things, heads out the door and locks it. “Good thing I was ready early,” she calls over her shoulder with a laugh. 
She expects to hear some laughter and teasing from the girls, so when she turns around and sees Ryan standing at the bottom of her steps, she freezes. Her hands clutch the keys tighter, and she turns to open the door once more, but he’s right there grabbing her wrist, stopping her. 
“Let me go!” She wrenches her wrist away and backs up. “I have a restraining order against you. You have three seconds to get away from me, or I’m calling the cops!” 
His hand jerks her phone from her, throwing it across the yard. 
“Ryan, you don’t want to do this. We’re over. Done! You signed the fucking papers. Go home!” 
“I signed them because you were costing me so much money!!!” he screams. She backs up again, but she’s quickly running out of room. “Every time I had to pay. Money! You cost me money! We were good baby, so good,” his hand brushes her cheek and she flinches. She’s praying the girls will be early now.
“Ryan. Leave. Just leave.” 
“It took me three years to fucking find you.” His hand grips her jaw, and she bites back the whimper. She refuses to give in to him now. “Three years!” His hand moves from her jaw to her neck, pinning her against the house. 
“Ryan,” she gasps as he squeezes harder. Her hands try to pry his hands away; she brings her knee up, but he backs away. “No I don’t think so bitch! You ruined me. Ruined my name all over town. You’re not even worth it! You weren’t good at anything, especially not the sex! But fuck if I’m letting you go now! If I can't have you then no one will!" 
His hand gets tighter, just as Grace hears a car door slamming. She hears voices, but she’s too busy trying not to pass out. 
“What the fuck?!” Ryan screams as he lets her go. Grace collapses to the porch, panting for breath. She just barely registers Baylie on Ryan’s back. In the next instant Baylie is around in front of him, punching the daylights out of him. She vaguely registers Alana’s voice somewhere and she slumps against the house working on her breath. 
Ryan falls down the steps as Baylie takes his knees out. He’s screaming and cussing, but he doesn’t stand a chance against Grace’s overprotective best friend. Grace hears bone crush as her breathing finally starts evening out. “Baylie. Don’t. He’s. Not. Worth. It,” she pants. 
Baylie doesn’t hear her though, and when Ryan goes to swing at her, Grace screams before she sees Alana taser him. Ryan flops on the ground before going still. Baylie gets another punch in, splitting his lip. Her hands are busted and bloody, and they’re just pulling the taser strings off, when another vehicle skids in. 
She lets out a sob when she hears Bradley. He’s in front of her before she knows it, his hands gently pulling her into his arms. “I got you baby. I got you. You’re ok.” He murmurs it over and over, as he rocks her. Grace clings to him, burying her face in his neck. He glances over his shoulder to see Mickey checking over Baylie and Jake and Alana talking. Ryan starts coming too just as the cops arrive. 
Jake and Mickey step between him and the girls, Jake’s boot pushing him back onto the ground. Bradley is a little surprised to see his Uncle Ice and Uncle Slider pull in behind the cops. 
“What the hell happened?” Slider asks, running over to check on Grace. 
Baylie and Alana are already crouching beside her and Bradley and Grace finally uncurls from Bradley’s chest. Bradley is finally able to inspect the bruising around her neck, and Slider sees the instant the unleashed anger is begging to let loose. His hand settles on Bradley’s shoulder squeezing, effectively keeping him in place. Ice had joined them, after making sure Ryan wouldn’t come near them for the moment until they figured out what had happened. 
“We were coming to get her to go for the final dress fitting, and when we got here, the bastard had her pinned against the house by her neck.” Baylie is still fuming, but Mickey is rubbing her back and holding her close which seems to be working to calm her. 
Bradley growls until he sees Grace shrink into herself some more, and he takes a deep breath blowing it out. He pulls her back into his arms, burying his face into her hair just breathing her in. “She was safe. She was in his arms. Nothing like this would happen again,” he kept repeating in his head as he held her.  “I called Bradley then the cops, and Lucky girl just attacked,” Cin chuckles. “When he went to swing at Bay, I tased him.” 
Ice and Slider exchange looks. “B, Grace has to give her statement. Why don’t you go in and get the restraining order and we’ll stay with her.” 
“No. I’m not leaving her.” 
“I’ll get it,” Slider says, heading off an argument between Bradley and Ice. They rarely happened, but Slider still remembers B’s teen years when he took them all on at times. 
“It’s in the safe.” Bradley didn’t have to give the code, all his uncles knowing it. 
Bradley softly kisses Grace’s head. “Come on baby. Let’s get this over with.” He helps her up, tipping her chin up. He softly wipes her tears, his hand gently brushing over the bruise. He gives her a soft kiss before wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Baylie takes up her other side, Alana beside Bay. Jake and Mickey follow behind with Ice. Slider quickly rejoins them with a copy of the restraining order. 
Grace recounts what happens, Baylie and Alana offering up their parts. Bradley would tear him out of the cop car and beat him to death if Jake and Mickey didn’t have their hands on his shoulders and Ice and Slider weren’t standing between him and the car.  “Get him out of here,” Ice declares, feeling the rage radiating off his nephew once the girls are done with their statements. “And make sure they know we are pressing charges.” 
Grace sinks deeper into Bradley’s side and she’s grateful when Ryan is gone. “We’ll call the shop and reschedule,” Baylie offers. 
“Thanks,” Grace whispers. She turns to hug both of her friends tight. “Are you ok?” She asks Baylie. 
“More than fine babe.” 
“Should let Mickey clean you up,” she offers Bay a small smile. 
“Should probably stop fighting so much,” Bradley mutters. “But this time you get a pass.” He gives Baylie and Alana hugs for saving his girl. Bradley takes Grace inside to check her over; Jake and Mickey leave with their girls, the girls promising to get her another appointment soon. Slider text Whiskey to make the kids some food, while Ice text Mav to see if the hanger is unlocked so they can get the kids out of there for the night. With a solid plan in place, they depart as well. 
Bradley has Grace sitting on the counter in their bathroom checking her over. “You sure you’re ok?” 
Her hand reaches up to cradle his face. Her voice is a little rough, and Bradley has her drinking water to help. “Yea, I’m ok,” she promises. “It.. Yea I was terrified there for a minute, but… the girls showed up just in time.” 
She rests her head against his chest just listening to his heartbeat as his hands rubbed up and down her back. “I’m sorry,” she whispers causing Bradley to freeze.
“Grace… baby… you have absolutely nothing to be sorry about.”  His hands pull her head up and cradles her face between his hands. “This is not your fault. You didn’t ask for this.” He gently wipes her tear tracks before his hand gently cradles her neck. The handprint infuriates him to no end; he feels her hands lay over his, and he drags his eyes up to hers. 
“I’m ok. I’m right here.” 
He kisses her hard at that as he holds her close. The ringing of his phone breaks their kiss. “Hey Aunt Whiskey, you’re on speaker.” 
“Hey kiddos. I’ve got you some food, and your uncles have a plan for tonight. So let me in?” 
“Yes mam,” Bradley chuckles. He helps Grace down and they go back to the front door. Whiskey passes the basket of food to Bradley as soon as the door is open, and then she’s pulling her baby into her arms. “I’m ok,” Grace repeats as she sinks into Whiskey’s hold.
They slowly pull back as Bradley inspects the basket. “What’s all this for?” 
“You two are going out to the desert for tonight. You still have your key right B?” 
“To Mav’s? Yea?” 
“Ok good. Take that basket of food, yourselves and some clothes and get out of here. Oh and Mav says everything there is good to use.” 
“Wait. Are you saying…?” 
“Yes. Mav said go for it.” Bradley absolutely lights up at that, even though Grace is confused. Bradley hugs Whiskey tight. “Thanks Aunt Whiskey.” 
“Wasn’t my idea kiddo. Was all your Uncles.” 
“I’ll text them on the way.” He gives his aunt another hug and smile, before she hugs Grace and takes her leave. 
“Bradley what is happening?” Grace asks as he starts throwing some clothes into a duffle. 
“Mav’s letting me fly the P-51 without him!” 
“What? Seriously?” 
“Apparently.” He pulls her into a tight hug. “You wanna go flying baby?” 
He helps Grace up into the plane before joining her. He taxis out of the hanger, and they’re in the air before she knows it. It’s exhilarating and gorgeous, and it’s really amazing seeing Bradley in his element. She falls more in love with him every day, but there's something special watching him fly. They fly around for about two hours, both of them relaxing and forgetting the day. When they land, Bradley is not surprised to see Mav there. Mav helps Grace down and pulls them both into hugs, relieved to see and feel that his kids are ok. They head into the hanger to eat and relax, Mav providing plenty of stories as distractions to keep them from thinking about the disaster earlier. 
“With you? Always,” she smiles. She is terrified of heights and he knows it, but she also trusts him more than anything. They get to the hanger in about three hours, Grace facetiming Kev on the way. She reassures him that all is ok and that Ryan is in jail, but that she also can't wait to see him. She loves Bradley and her family here, but she would kill for one of her brothers hugs right now.
"Hey. Go enjoy flying for thr first time and I'll see you in a couple weeks ok?"
"Yea Kev. Will do. Love you."
"Love you too lil bit."
Bradley parks the Bronco out of the way once they arrive. He leads her inside, and while she’s been there several times with him, it’s the first time they’ve been there alone. Bradley checks the plane over; he’d called Mav on the way to make sure it really was ok, and he was elated when Mav gave his explicit permission once more. 
Ryan is in court the next week; he thankfully pleads guilty and they don’t have to go to trial. Now that he’s thankfully locked away and out of their lives, they turn their focus back to the wedding in a couple of weeks. It’s going to be the best wedding ever. 
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thenerdybaker523 · 1 year
12 Days of Christmas: December 24
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@12daysofchristmas @zsjaywhite
Title: Two Christmas Surprises (Or is it Three?)
Theme: December 24 (Presents)
Fandom/Character: Orange Cassidy
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 770
❄ I don’t own any of the GIFs or Photos in this.
❄️ Sequel to Snowy Kisses.
❄ James ~ Orange Cassidy ❄ Dustin `~ Chuck ❄
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Abigail’s POV:
Since James and I had arrived at Dustin’s house last night, I’d had a little follower. Walter had not left me alone, anywhere I went, Walter was right there with me. He even slept in the bed with me and James, much to Dustin’s dismay. Waking up before James and Dustin, I decided to make breakfast for all of us. Changing into some sweatpants, sweatshirt, and a pair of heavy socks, I headed down stairs and started on breakfast with Walter trailing behind me. I was halfway through making pancakes when Dustin and James came downstairs. Dustin came over and kissed my cheek before grabbing a cup of coffee. I turned my head and kissed James before he went and got some coffee. They both leaned against the counters on either side of me, Walter keeping an eye on both men from his spot by the fridge. 
After we ate, I told Dustin that I needed to grab something from my old room. James ended up following me upstairs. What I had missed was the looks Dustin and James exchanged. Grabbing Dustin’s gift, I went to head back downstairs, James stayed and said he had to make a phone call quickly then he’d be down. Not thinking anything of it, I headed back downstairs to where Dustin was waiting in the living room. With Dustin’s back to me, I quickly hid his present behind a throw pillow on the couch, then I sat down only for Walter to jump up on my lap and lay down. Dustin went to pet him, when he got a glare from his dog.
“What the heck did you do to my dog? He’s been following you everywhere since you guys got here last night.” he said while looking away, a pout of his face from being rejected by Walter.
Knowing exactly what was going on, I smiled down at Walter and pet his head. “Maybe he misses me since I moved in with James. He doesn’t get to see me all the time like when I was living with you.”
Just as Dusting was getting ready to reply, James came downstairs and sat beside me, putting his arm on the back of the couch behind me. Looking at him, he subtly nodded that it was time.  Grabbing the present from behind the pillow, I cleared my throat and got Dustin’s attention.
“We know that Christmas is tomorrow, but James and I have a present we wanted to give you today.” Handing him his gift, he sat down in his armchair and opened it. He looked in the box then looked at us then looked back down in the box. I could see his eyes getting misty as he pulled out the onesie that we had made for him.
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“I’m really gonna be an Uncle?” Dustin asked, looking up at us. When we nodded, he got up and pulled me in for a hug, making sure not to squish Walter. After he let me go, he pulled James in for a hug too. He couldn’t stop smiling as he sat back down. “That explains why Walter won’t leave you alone. How far along are you?”
“I’m about 15 weeks. We wanted to get through the first trimester before saying anything to anyone. You’re actually the first person we’ve told.” Dustin’s smile got even bigger knowing he knew before our mom and dad. He sent a look James’ way, and this time I noticed. 
Reaching into his pocket, James pulled out a small box and turned to face me. Looking between him and Dustin, I was extremely confused. James nervously cleared his throat, gaining my attention completely on him. He started fidgeting with the box as he began to nervously speak. “So I’ve talked to both your dad and Dustin about this, and they both gave me permission. Now I just need to ask you. I love you with my whole heart, the mother of my child, and any future children, if you want more that is. Will you Abigail Howard do me the honor of marrying me and becoming Mrs. Abigail Cipperly?” I let out a choked sob and nodded my head yes. James opened the box to a beautiful ring.
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He slid the ring on my finger and pulled me in for a kiss. Dustin decided then it was a good time to make himself known again. As we pulled away, James wiped the tears away, then we looked at Dustin.
“So are there any other surprises, or is that it for this year?” He asked.
Looking between them, I smirked. “Well…”
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It’s Just A Spark Ch. 19 - Hundred Per Cent
Story: It’s Just A Spark
Author: TiliaofAnkh (me)
Read it on ao3 here and on ff.net here
"Hello? Hiccup?"
Hiccup felt his heart unclench at the sound of her voice on the other end of the line and exhaled, leaning against his locker.
"Hey," he mumbled, closing his eyes.
"Everything okay?"
He smirked, his other hand coming up to rub his face. "Yeah, everything's - depends on how you look at it. I'm okay. It's, uh, it's about my cousin, Scott. He … his Dad found out he's bi and kicked him out - after beating him up."
He heard her gasp. "Oh, my God. That's horrible, I'm so sorry."
He sighed. "It's alright, he's been meaning to get out of there anyways. He's gonna stay with Gobber and my Dad for a few weeks until he's found something. But anyway, I was really just calling to tell you I won't be able to make it to come round, I'm really sorry. I've got to be here, for support. Also, he's technically on duty right now so I'm pulling a double shift to cover him."
There were a few moments of silence on the other side, but then Astrid asked, "Does he like tea?"
Hiccup stopped, taken aback. "What?"
He imagined her shrug. "Well, I mean - listen, I don't want to intrude. But if he likes tea, I've got this really nice loose leaf tea blend at home, and I could bring some over. If you'd like," she added and Hiccup's heart did a little jump, chasing a smile onto his face.
"He's more of a coffee guy," he said then, still grinning. "But I'd love a bit of some really nice loose leaf tea blend."
Astrid snorted lightly and replied, "Alright, so one coffee and three teas, yeah?"
"I'll see you in ten, then."
"Yeah," Hiccup repeated, feeling completely at peace for the first time since he'd set foot into the department today. "Sounds perfect."
Memories of exchanged keys and a way too long work break flooded her mind as she spotted him, standing in the door.
Last time he'd been leaning against it, grinning at her with crossed arms.
Tonight, he was simply stood there. Upon stepping closer to the light, Astrid saw the expression on his face, her heart softening at the sight of him.
"Hey," she whispered into the darkness and gently laid her hands on his shoulders, pressing a light kiss onto his lips.
"Hey," he echoed, wrapping his arms around her just before she could pull away and hid his face in the crook of her neck. "Thanks for coming."
"Of course," She in turn hugged his middle, gently running her hand across his back. "You okay?"
"Yeah," he sighed out, hugging her tighter. "Now I am."
She smiled at that, hugging him a bit tighter as well.
"You wanna go in?" Her voice was quiet in the darkness, and yet echoed through the hallway. He nodded against her and slowly - reluctantly - let go of her. And so she half-led, half-followed him into the command room, blinking as her eyes accustomed themselves to the light flooding the room. Hiccup led her through a door on the left-hand side of it and Astrid couldn't help but get lost in the way he was running his thumb across the back of her hand as he did so, warmth blooming in her chest.
They ended up in a rather small room with a sofa, a table and a kitchen area at the opposite end of the sofa.
"I'll put the kettle on," Hiccup mumbled and strode over to the hob. Astrid watched him carefully as he filled the kettle with water and took four mugs out of the cabinet above him.
He was stood hunched over, hands clenching around the handle of one of the mugs as he filled it with water and spoke, "It's weird, you know – growing up, I knew they had problems at home. But I really thought it was getting better for him."
"When did he know? That he was bi, I mean?"
Hiccup shrugged. "I think he just kind of always knew. But I don't think he always wanted to let it on; not only to others but also to himself. A big portion was just being in denial, I guess. He used to be a bit … difficult. We had some rough patches. Lots of shoving around and stupid nicknames." He smirked. "More stupid than now."
Astrid smiled at that. "I like your nickname. It's cute."
He chuckled and handed her the mug. "Thanks."
His hand laid down on the back of her shoulders as he gently motioned her towards the sofa, Astrid's heart fluttering as they sat down, his arm coming up around her, one of her legs draped between his.
He was staring into his mug for a while, shadows dancing on his skin, almost mocking it. A light stubble grazed his jawline, she realised as she took a closer look in the dim light. He looked tired, distracted.
Finally, he spoke, his voice soft. "Sorry I'm bombarding you with this. It's just … strange, you know? I mean, on one hand I feel really sorry for him because I know how important his relationship with his Dad is to him, I mean … he's always wanted to make him proud and do right by him. And I know," he quickly added as he saw the look on her face. "He hasn't done anything wrong. But in his father's eyes he has. And that's the problem. But you know, on the other hand, I also have the feeling this is gonna be good for him. He's been wanting to move out for a long time, and I think being away from all the judgement is going to do him some good. Having his own space in a couple of months."
"You said he's living with your Dad and Uncle for a while?"
"Yeah – but I mean, it's my Dad and Uncle," Hiccup smirked. Astrid frowned.
"How do you mean?"
He shrugged. "Well, my Dad's pretty chill about most things and Gobber gay. So this is kind of the best environment for Scott to be in right now. Having someone around who celebrates him for who he is."
Astrid hummed. "Alright. Well, to be honest, all of this doesn't really sound that bad – I mean, don't get me wrong, being kicked out is fucking horrible," she added with a slight sarcastic smile on her face. "But you get used to it. And you then have the freedom of being yourself. You can create yourself new, become who you've always wanted to become and stay true to yourself above anyone else."
The look on Hiccup's face was taking her by surprise. She'd expected anything from confusion to pity, but instead, she was met by pure tenderness.
The mug was set down onto the table. He reached out and gently took her hand.
"You've never told me that," he said, softly, his eyes dancing over her face, settling on her own. "Thank you."
Astrid could only stare back at him, completely flabbergasted. She couldn't get the 'You're welcome' over her lips. Instead, she mumbled, "I don't think I've ever said that to anyone. I don't usually speak about this. But I – with you it's okay. Ish. I guess."
He cracked a small grin at her. "Okay-ish? Good enough for me."
She laughed at that, realising how stupid she must have sounded. "Sorry, I didn't mean – you're great. And I like telling you things."
Hiccup hummed, gently resting his hand on her thigh, his face inching closer to hers. "I like telling you things, too."
And with that, he closed the distance between them, their lips meeting in a soft collision, and Astrid closed her eyes, the sound of his heartbeat in her ears.
Hiccup suddenly pulled back, his hand still on her thigh, and Astrid frowned, looking at him with a searching expression. He was looking almost sheepish.
"Speaking of telling you things," he started, quickly reaching out to take a sip of his tea. "I realised something."
"Oh, God," she dead-panned. "Is this the part where you tell me that you don't actually like tea? I don't think our relationship would survive that," she quipped, nudging him lightly. She could see the nervousness written blankly on his face. It seemed more than that – Hiccup looked absolutely terrified. "Should I be worried?" she asked softly then, reaching for his hand. He shot her a small smile.
"I … don't know," he admitted then and ran the other hand through his hair. "I mean – it's just." He stopped, closed his eyes, breathed out and then inhaled deeply. "Do you remember that time I was on emergency response and got a call at like 3 in the morning-"
"You mean literally this morning?" Astrid's voice was as light as she could keep it, and she squeezed his hand, smiling up at him.
Hiccup grimaced. "Right, that was today. Huh. Well – yes. This morning. Well, I realised something. My job is dangerous – like, actually dangerous. Like 'I could die any given day' dangerous. And I just – I don't know, I feel like it's a risk. Being with me. I feel like there's so much at stake, for me being on the job, and for you being in a relationship with me. And I don't know whether you want to take that risk."
She was looking at him, her hand still in his and he couldn't make out the emotions behind her expressions.
"I-" she started, broke off and stopped. Her gaze fell onto their intertwined hands, and suddenly the words were stumbling over her lips. "I get that your job is dangerous, but I – I'd never not be with you just because you've got a dangerous job."
She looked him straight in the eye, blue waves crashing against the shore. "You're worth every risk."
I love you, Hiccup thought and said, "I've never written that message to anyone outside of work before. When I wrote you that I made it out okay."
They looked at each other for a few moments, and before Hiccup could ask her if she really was sure, Astrid whispered, "I didn't go home before I got that text," she looked up at him again, a small smile playing on her lips. "So good job on getting out of there, otherwise I would've made camp here and annoyed Gobber all day."
Hiccup chuckled, feeling all the weight he had felt before falling off his shoulders, and gave her a soft kiss on the top of her head.
"Is that gonna be our routine, then? You pulling all-nighters until you know I didn't get fried?" he smirked.
"Honestly? I'd probably get a lot more work done that way."
He laughed at that and pulled her close again, his free arm coming around her, closing his eyes as Astrid rested her head on his shoulder. "Alright. I'll check in with you about that in a week or so."
"Is that a challenge?"
He laughed at her sudden enthusiasm. "Maybe," he shrugged, grinning impishly. She lightly nudged him in the stomach.
"No, but really though," she continued, her tone getting serious again. "I meant it when I said you're worth the risk. I'm not going to let that stop me from – you know. I'm all in on this."
"One hundred per cent?"
"One hundred per cent."
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mookie--jam · 2 years
Chapter 1: The Tape (Empty Canvas)
Someone’s knocking at my door. But it doesn’t sound like knocking. It sounds more like a raging bull trying to ram it down with all it’s might. This can only mean one thing. The person standing behind the door is about 6 foot 2, shaggy haired, possibly wearing a combination of the following items: ripped up shirt, oversized sweater that’s falling of his shoulders, torn up jeans or a pair of shorts with brightly colored leggings underneath. And the item that he’s certainly wearing: one of his many weird hats.
I sigh and walk over to the door. “Stop knocking already, you’re gonna break the damn door!” I shout as I open it. As expected my suspicions were correct.
“Lola, my dear, my love, light of my life, fire of my loins”, Ament exclaims as he wraps his arms around me. I chuckle a little at his greeting and hug him back. This over exaggerated way of greeting me is a remnant of a drunken summer night when in a drunken stupor I had decided that it was a good time to explain the origins of my name. For the umpteenth time people were singing the Kinks song and I and the cheap wine that was coursing through my veins had decided that I finally needed to correct people. I was not named after the song, I was named after the book Lolita by Nabokov. And there I was on top of a hill, reciting the opening lines from the book with a drunken lisp. The ‘light of my life, fire of my loins’ part really stuck with Ament and now, three fucking months later he still won’t let it go. I’ve decided to accept it and move on. 
As I hug him back, his smell comes over me. A combination of sweat, pastries and coffee, sickly and sweet. We break apart and he immediately storms into my studio apartment and let’s himself fall face first on top of my bed. I sit down next to him and give him a pat on the back.
“Bad day?” I ask.
“The absolute fucking worst”, he mumbles into the pillow. I stand up and head to the kitchenette area of my apartment. It’s just a stovetop, a fridge and a sink, but I don’t need much more. I rummage in the cabinet and find the coffee. 
“You read my mind”, I hear Jeff mumble as the bed creaks underneath him. He’s probably switched to an upright position. 
“I still find it bullshit that they don’t even give you free coffee at Raison d’Etre. I mean how greedy can they be? Let’s just do the math here for a second. So each shift there’s about five people working, the average shift is about eight hours long. And I know they often make you do over time, but let’s not calculate that in. So let’s say that a person drinks about three cups of coffee during a shifts… So per shift that’s fifteen cups -give or take-, two shifts a day, so that’s thirty cups. And the original price -because they charge way too much- is about 40 cents a cup. So to finance the coffee intake of their staff it would cost them a whopping 12 bucks. It’s just utter bullshit.” 
Whilst I was doing the calculations I put on the coffee maker and it’s just started to drip, so in five minutes it will be done. I turn around and lean against the stovetop. Jeff is looking at me in confusion. “What?” I ask.
“You’re about the only person I know that does math out of frustration and I understood about half of what you just said.” I laugh and shake my head. “All I’m saying is that your employers are penny pinching motherfuckers that treat you like semi-slaves.”
“Well in that case amen”, he says as he lets himself fall back on the bed. 
“Ament, thank God you’re wearing leggings under those shorts, because otherwise I’d be seeing your balls right now”, I say and turn around. I hear him shrug and cross his legs. The coffee is done and I pour it into two mugs. I sit down next to Jeff again and hand him one. He sits back up and takes it. 
“You’ve got rehearsal?” I ask him, as he takes a sips and lets out a moan that could be mistaken for something else. 
“No”, he says and shakes his head, “Me and Stone are listening to some of the audition tapes we’ve received over the past few weeks.”
“Aha, so the search for a singer continues”, I say after swallowing a sip.
“Yes. I mean we’ve already listened to a few, but they’re not really what we’re looking for.”
“You mean that most are tone deaf?”
He chuckles a little. “Some are, but those that actually sounded good are just copying Andy.”
As soon as he says that name a somberness comes over his voice. I nod and try to ignore the gravitas of his voice.
“And the thing is that we’re looking for a new sound”, he continues on, the somberness quickly disappearing. “I mean, Mother Love Bone is through, we’re done, that band stopped existing the day Andy died. And some people just don’t get that. We’re not looking for a new Andy, we’re looking for someone completely new.” Even if it’s just to take away the pain, I think, but I don’t say aloud. 
“So when’s Gossard arriving?” I say, changing the subject. 
“Any minute”, Jeff says, finishing his cups and immediately heading towards the pot for more. “I’ve forgotten my keys to the rehearsal space, so I’m waiting for him to get here so I can get in.”
“Oh, so that’s why you’re paying me a visit? To warm your butt and steal my coffee until Stone gets here. Not to visit your favorite rehearsal space neighbor? I’m offended”, I jokingly say.
“Lola, first of all, you’re our only ‘rehearsal space neighbor’. Secondly, you know that you’re much better company than mister sarcasm himself. But I will admit, the coffee stealing part is 100 % true.”
“I knew it”, I laugh as I throw a pillow at his head, nearly causing him to drop the coffee.
“Lola Carmichael, why are you trying to maim my bassist?” a familiar voice says. I must’ve left the door open, because there leaning against the doorframe is Gossard. If I didn't know better I’d smack him in the face for that arrogant attitude, the way he’s standing there with that smirk and his arms crossed.
“Brick! As always a pleasure to see you”, I say in a sarcastic tone, as I walk over to him. He looks me up and down as I copy his stance at the other side of the doorframe. The smirk breaks into a smile as he throws an arm around me and gives me a couple of pats on the back. 
“Is that real coffee is smell, or Raison d’être stench on Aments clothes?” he mutters into neck.
“Both, feel free to grab a cup,” I say as I let go.
“This is why I love you”, he says as he pours himself a cup, ‘This and your wonderful bosom.”
“Gossard, do you want me to maim you as well?” I say as I pick up another pillow. 
“Just stating the obvious”, he says as he takes a sip. Ament is watching the whole scene from the bed. “Well, he does have a point”, he mutters.
“It’s true!”
“You want me to tell your girlfriend?”
“Oh, but she agrees.”
“You know, late at night, when we’re in bed together, it’s a frequent point of discussion. Always gives us enough energy to go another round”, he says with the biggest smile.
“Fuck off!” I shout and launch myself at him, trying to suffocate him with the pillow. I hear Gossard’s laughter next to us.
“When you’ve finished your murder attempt, can I use your cassette player, I’ve got a new singer to find”, he states dryly. I give up trying to kill Ament and look at Stone, but not before giving Ament a punch on the shoulder. 
“Sure you can use it”, I say as I push back my mop of curls, “But aren’t you gonna listen in the basement, I mean it’s your rehearsal space after all. It’s got better acoustics.”
“Acoustics don’t matter when listening to a fucking tape. And also I can’t”, he says as he’s fishing a few tapes out of his backpack. 
“What do you mean you can’t?” Jeff and I say in unison.
“I forgot my keys”, Stone says, “and Ament always forgets his keys, so the conclusion is that there is no way of getting into the rehearsal space.”
“One of these days you guys are gonna walk out on stage in your underwear without instruments.” I shake my head. I know it may be a bit snobbish to think, but sometimes these guys would be nothing without me. Well no exactly me, it’s mostly my apartment. Without it they’d have no coffee, no toilet -because the gallery won’t let them use it any more after McCready’s sangria incident-, no shower in case one of them slept on the couch. No First Aid kit -which they need a lot. And most importantly no coffee.
“So Lola’s gonna listen with us?” Jeff asks.
“Obviously, we can’t chase her out of her own apartment. Also I might be good to have someone outside of the band help us, more of an audience opinion. At least if you want?” Stone turns to me.
“I’d be delighted”, I say as I put my legs into lotus position and lean against the wall.
“How do you even do that?” Ament looks at me with utter confusion. 
“Yoga”, I simply say. I take my packet of cigarettes of my nightstand, take one out and light it. I look up and see the guys looking at me with puppy eyes. After an overdramatic sigh I toss them the packet and the lighter. Another thing they need me for, their nicotine fix. 
Once the cigarettes are lit, and after I place the ashtray with lost of obvious gestures next to them (if I didn’t my entire apartment would be the ashtray), Stone puts the first tape into the cassette player. After about 30 seconds of McCready’s guitar a voice starts singing. It takes Jeff 10 more seconds to shout: “Andy copycat, next!”
Stone nods and takes out the tape, putting another one in. And so we sit there for about half an hour, listening to the tapes. Most of which aren’t played completely. Music is an intuitive thing and if they don’t feel it within the first minute or so, they’re never gonna feel it. 
Eventually Stone takes out the last tape. It’s a white cassette, on it writing in black marker. “Okay”, Stone says with a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth, “so this is from a guy named Eddie.”
“Not really a rock name”, Jeff says sounding bored. He’s hanging upside down from the edge of my bed, his hat miraculously still attached to his head. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me right?” I say at Jeff’s comment.
“How so?”
“Eddie. Very rock. It’s the name of Meatloaf’s character in The Rocky Horror Picture Show!”
“You mean the messed up rockabilly biker?”
“Yes… Messed up, but the girls love him”, I say as I wiggle my eyebrows.
“Also, but I meant a guy on a motorcycle serenading me and calling me Hot Patootie.”
“You have very strange taste in men.”
“It’s not all about looks, though it doesn’t hurt. But you should be happy it’s not all about looks, how else would you have a girlfriend?”
Jeff is about to wrestle me, when Stone interrupts us. “Can we just listen to this tape, before you try to kill each other again, it’s the last one.” Jeff and I get off each other and put ourselves into civil positions. 
“Thank you”, Stone says and looks back at the tape, “So this is the guy Jack recommended us.”
“The one from San Diego?” Jeff chimes in.
“Yup, anyhow he named this the momma-son trilogy. Titles: Alive, Once and Footsteps.”
“Good names, very rock”, Jeff states, “Play it!”
“No, actually I was gonna shove it up my ass for sexual pleasure, of course I’m gonna play it”, Stone states in his usual sarcasm drenched tone as he pops the cassette into the player and lights his cigarette.
It’s about the twelfth time today I hear McCready’s opening guitar and it’s still genius to me. I need to tell him, well maybe not, it might inflate his ego too much. 
My thoughts come to a screeching halt once the voice on the tape starts singing. “Oh my god”, I whisper. Jeff launches himself at the cassette player shouting at Stone: “Turn it up!” Stone is awakened from his shock and does as Ament tells him. Without noticing I’ve crawled closer towards the cassette player as well. We’re all hanging above the damn thing, trying to absorb as much of this voice as possible. It’s the first tape we actually listen completely. It’s just mesmerizing. His voice, the lyrics, the emotion. Fucking hell, this guy is coming from a deep place. 
It takes us all a minute to realize the tape is finished. Jeff and Stone are looking at each other in shock, but with huge grins plastered across their face. Eventually they look at me. I nod at them like crazy.
“This is it. This is your guy.”
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ladyeddiemunson · 2 years
i won't wake up this time
ship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Max Mayfield, Dustin Henderson, El | Jane Hopper, mention of Robin Buckley rating: sad (T) soundtrack: Freaks by Surf Curse warnings: major character death additional comments: getting together, first kiss, angst, bittersweet ending, Steve gets that road trip he wanted, sort of, don’t let all this fool you this is definitely a sad story also posted on AO3
summary: Eddie takes his hand and leads him outside to the RV. “It has three beds.”
“Only three, huh?” Max smirks and goes in first.
“Just make sure to keep it down,” Dustin says and goes in, too.
Eddie laughs as he steps inside.
Steve turns to get one last look at his house and then follows them.
He first sees her in Minnesota.
Don't kill me
Just help me run away from everyone
I need a place to stay where I can cover up my face
Don't cry
I am just a freak
I dream of you almost every night
Hopefully, I won't wake up this time
-Freaks by Surf Curse
“Look who I found!” Dustin says one day as he enters the house.
Steve rounds the corner to see Max smiling at him.
“Max!” Steve exclaims and makes an aborted move to hug her.
Max rolls her eyes and rushes to hug him, wraps her arms around his middle and squeezes tightly.
“Dustin said you guys are gonna sit down for dinner soon?” Max says when she pulls away.
“Can she stay?” Dustin asks nervously.
“Of course!” Steve smiles and turns to Max. “You can stay as long as you want.”
Max and Dustin turn to each other.
“Why don’t you two go wash up and then come help me cut up the vegetables?” Steve says to them.
They give him matching smiles and Dustin shows her the way upstairs. Steve goes back to the kitchen, washes his hands, and starts preparing the chicken.
He smiles to himself and thinks of how nice it is to see Max again.
A week later, it happens again.
“Look who we found!” Dustin calls out.
Steve rounds the corner to find Eddie smiling at him.
“Munson!” Steve exclaims.
“Harrington,” Eddie grins at him. “Nice house you have here.”
“Too big for one person,” Steve says as he watches Max and Dustin go to the living room.
“I hear Max and Dustin have been keeping you company.”
“It’s been nice."
“You know, I’ve been here before.”
“When?” Steve furrows his eyebrows and tries to remember.
“I think it was a Halloween party.” Eddie sticks his hands in his pockets. “Tommy H figured people would want to buy from me so he set me up in a corner.”
“Hmm,” Steve hums as he watches Eddie rock back and forth on his heels.
“You looked nice that night,” Eddie says quietly.
“Only that night?” Steve teases.
Eddie instantly smiles.
“Do you want to stay for dinner?” Steve asks him.
“I’d love to!” Eddie’s smile widens and then he follows Steve to the kitchen.
“Why don’t you two go wash up and then come help me cut up the vegetables?” Steve says as he walks by Max and Dustin who are fighting over the remote.
They stop immediately and rush upstairs.
“You’ve trained them well,” Eddie chuckles.
“We have a routine down,” Steve says as he washes his hands.
“Do you need any help?” Eddie asks as he watches Steve prepare the chicken.
“No, that’s okay. You can go relax, if you want.”
Eddie leans a hip against the counter and watches Steve.
“Or you can just stand there and watch,” Steve chuckles.
When it’s time to go to sleep, Eddie doesn’t leave. He follows Max, Dustin, and Steve up the stairs.
“Goodnight!” Dustin and Max say in unison and go to their separate rooms.
Steve shows Eddie to the extra bedroom. Eddie doesn’t say anything as he walks past Steve into the room.
“Goodnight, Munson,” Steve says.
“Goodnight, Harrington,” Eddie answers.
Steve smiles at him and closes the door.
That’s how the next week goes. They eat, watch movies, and swim in the pool. Then at night, they all go upstairs, say goodnight, and go to their rooms. And in the morning, they wake up and do it all over again.
“You know, I’m surprised you didn’t bring your guitar with you,” Steve tells Eddie over breakfast one morning.
“I didn’t know you’d want me to,” Eddie says quietly.
“Of course, man! I didn’t get to enjoy the, what did you call it, Dustin?” Steve turns to him. “The most metal concert ever?”
Dustin grins at him. “Yeah!”
Steve watches Eddie and Dustin exchange a look.
“Okay, man, I’ll bring it over,” Eddie promises.
Steve nods and turns back to his breakfast, listens to Max and Dustin argue over who is scarier; Freddie or Jason.
Later, they all go to sleep and in the morning Eddie is gone.
“He probably just went to pick up his guitar. I’m sure he’ll be back,” Max assures him.
Dustin nods in agreement.
Eddie still hasn’t come back by the time Max and Dustin go to bed. Steve barely sleeps, keeps waking up to check if Eddie’s come back.
In the morning, Steve hears a knock at the door and rushes to open it. He lets out a sigh of relief when he sees Eddie on the other side.
“See, I told you he’d be back!” Max says as she passes by.
“Aw, did you miss me, Harrington?” Eddie teases as he walks inside.
“Yeah, actually I did,” Steve says sincerely and closes the door.
“Oh,” Eddie says, eyes wide.
“Come on, Eddie. Let’s eat breakfast and then you can play something for us,” Dustin calls out.
Eddie and Steve smile at each other and then make their way into the kitchen.
In the evening, they decide to watch a movie. Halfway through, Steve yawns.
“Sleepy already, Stevie?” Eddie says from beside him on the couch.
Steve yawns around a smile. “Yeah, I didn’t sleep well last night.”
Eddie frowns. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it, man,” Steve says, resting his head on Eddie’s shoulder and falls asleep almost immediately.
When they go to bed, Steve grabs Eddie’s wrist to stop him from going to his room.
“Goodnight!” Max and Dustin say in unison as they close their doors.
“Will you be here in the morning?” Steve asks.
“I’ll be here, Harrington," Eddie smiles sadly.
Steve nods and lets go of Eddie’s wrist. “Good.”
Eddie walks over to his room and looks at Steve. “Goodnight, Steve.”
“’Night, Eddie,” Steve yawns.
In the morning, Steve opens his bedroom to see Eddie heading downstairs.
In the afternoon, Steve sits next to Eddie on the couch as Eddie strums his guitar quietly.
“Do you think you could teach me how to play?"
“You want to?"
“Something super simple,” Steve says.
“Sure, Harrington,” Eddie grins and pulls the guitar strap over his head and then slips it over Steve’s. Eddie takes Steve’s left hand and places it on the fret. “Okay, we’ll start with something easy.”
Eddie and Steve are still playing the guitar when Dustin and Max walk in, almost an hour later, dripping water on the floor.
“Is it dinnertime yet?” Dustin asks.
They eat dinner and then decide to watch another movie. Max lays across the loveseat, Dustin takes the armchair, leaving Steve and Eddie on the couch. Eddie stretches his arm across the back of the couch, making his hand rest right behind Steve’s head. His fingers brush against the nape of Steve’s neck.
Steve presses his head back into Eddie’s hand.
The next day, Steve wakes up and notices all the rooms are empty.
He panics and rushes downstairs to find Dustin, Max, and Eddie making breakfast. Steve takes a deep breath, forces himself to relax.
“We’re making pancakes!” Dustin tells him.
“Do you guys need help?”
“We’re almost done,” Max says.
“You can go relax, if you want,” Eddie says.
Steve makes his way into the kitchen and leans on the counter; watches Eddie flip a pancake.
“Or just stand there and watch,” Eddie laughs.
“Do you have any board games?” Max asks that afternoon.
“I think I have some old games in the basement?” Steve says, unsure.
“We’ll go look!” Max grabs Dustin’s arm and pulls him along.
“Why do I have to help?” Dustin whines even as he follows.
“What kind of ancient games are they going to find?” Eddie asks as he grabs his guitar from beside the couch.
“I don’t remember what I have down there. It’s been a while since I’ve played board games.” Steve says as he watches Eddie’s fingers move on the fret. He watches for a few minutes and then says, “You have nice hands.”
Eddie stops playing and Steve realizes what he’s said.
“I mean --” Steve starts.
“Did you just compliment my hands?” Eddie grins at Steve.
“Your smile is nice, too," Steve says, shocking himself.
Eddie’s grin widens.
“Oh, god. Someone shut me up,” Steve says as he drags a hand over his face.
Eddie waggles his eyebrows but before either of them can say anything else, they hear Dustin and Max coming up the stairs.
“Steve! Why didn’t you tell me you had a D&D set?” Dustin says as he waves a box around.
“What?” Steve frowns. “That shouldn’t have been down there.”
“Whatever,” Dustin shrugs. “Can we play?”
“Doesn’t a campaign take a while to plan out?” Steve asks.
Eddie raises an eyebrow. “Yeah, usually. But I have an idea I’ve been kicking around for a while, so it shouldn’t take any time at all. As long as Max and Steve agree to play?”
“Please!” Dustin says immediately.
“Mmm, I don't know, what do we get in return?” Steve says and grins at Max.
She laughs. “Yeah, what are you willing to offer us?"
Eddie and Dustin lean in to whisper at each other then turn back to Max. “We’ll make breakfast for a week and also the dishes!” Dustin says.
“That’s for Steve! What about me?”
“We’ll learn how to French braid?” Dustin offers.
“I don’t think that’s an even trade,” Max crosses her arms across her chest.
“It is when it means that you can ask us to do your hair!” Eddie says.
“Will you learn, too, Steve?” Max turns to him.
“What! I’m not the one who wants to play D&D, why should I have to?”
“Because that way you can do my hair,” Eddie says, grinning.
Steve looks at Eddie, then at his wild hair, and back at Max. “Fine.”
"Yes!” Max throws in the air in victory.
“Okay, it’s still going to be a couple of days until we can start. Go entertain yourselves.”
Max turns to Dustin. “Do you want to start learning now?”
“Uh uh,” Dustin shakes his head. “Not until you have to start learning, too.”
“Fine,” Max sighs and takes a deck of cards out of her back pocket. “Let’s go play at the dining room table.”
Steve watches them leave and then turns to Eddie. Eddie pulls the guitar strap off and sets his guitar aside again.
“Do you have a pen and something to write on?” Eddie asks.
“Yeah, I probably have something in my room, come on.” Steve leads the way up the stairs. He’s about to go into his room when Eddie stops him.
“Wait, this is a monumental moment right now. I’m about to go into King Steve’s bedroom!”
Steve snorts and steps inside.
“How many hooks ups have had the honor of being in here?” Eddie asks as he looks around the room.
“Two others,” Steve answers, distracted, as he looks around for a pen.
“Two others?” Eddie teases. “Am I going to be lucky number three?”
“You tell me.” Steve smirks at Eddie.
Eddie laughs and turns to look at Steve’s records. Steve opens his closet and grabs the backpack he knows he’s stuffed in the back of his closet. He opens it and finds a couple notebooks and a pack of pens. He zips the bag back up and puts the pens and notebooks on his bed. He sits down on the bed and watches Eddie look through his collection and then moves to look at the rest of the room.
“Where are all your trophies?” Eddie asks.
“I only have a few and I put them in a box in the basement.”
“I didn’t want any reminders of when I was an asshole,” Steve shrugs and then lays down.
Eddie makes his way over to the bed and lays down, too. He turns on his side and watches Steve. “You know, no one’s told me the whole story.”
“Of how I’m not an asshole anymore?” Steve glances at Eddie.
“No, Dustin already explained that part.”
Steve smiles.
“About how all the Vecna shit started,” Eddie prompts.
Steve takes a deep breath. “My part of the story starts with Nancy and her best friend, Barb.”
They don’t get any planning done that afternoon.
The next afternoon, Eddie asks if they can go back up to Steve’s room.
“Your bed is more comfortable than this floor and I can spread out more.”
Steve gives him an amused look. “Sure, man.”
Eddie gathers up his stuff as Steve goes to find Max and Dustin. He finds them digging through the freezer.
“Eddie and I are going up to my room, don’t break anything.” Steve tells them. “That goes for in the house and in your bodies.”
Dustin and Max smile at each other.
“Yeah, you too,” Dustin tells him.
Max snorts.
Steve rolls his eyes and walks away.
Eddie leads the way up to Steve’s room and immediately starts placing things on the bed. He makes sure to leave one side untouched.
Steve sits next to him and watches him look through the Monster Manual and make notes.
It’s a quiet afternoon.
The next day, they do it again. Only this time, Steve asks Eddie to explain things to him.
“Okay, I can’t tell you about the creatures I’ll be using but I’ll tell you about some I’ve used in Hellfire.”
Steve sits there and watches Eddie talk excitedly, hair and limbs flying everywhere. He smiles and watches Eddie for hours, but he doesn’t remember a thing Eddie says.
“How’s it going?” Dustin asks as he nods at the notebook in Eddie’s lap the next day.
“It’s going okay,” Eddie says unsurely.
Steve and Eddie look at each other.
“What was that look?” Max asks chewing on a cookie.
“I distracted Eddie yesterday,” Steve confesses.
Dustin and Max look at each other and then back at Steve and Eddie, eyebrows raised.
“I asked him about Hellfire.”
“I don’t know, Harrington, you laying on that bed next to me was pretty distracting,” Eddie teases.
“Well then maybe we should stay down here, so you’re not distracted,” Steve says as he tries not to smile.
“Nooo!” Eddie whines.
“Are you guys going to be okay? Do you want us to do something else tonight?” Steve asks Max and Dustin.
“Nah, we’re okay,” Max says.
“We’re gonna watch Star Wars,” Dustin adds.
“You two have fun,” Max smirks.
Steve ignores her and turns to head upstairs. Eddie follows him.
Steve lays down on his side of the bed and watches Eddie set up.
Eddie sits facing him this time, on the foot of the bed.
Steve watches him for a while. Eddie worries at his lip, flips back and forth between pages, and then writes something down.
Steve sits up after a few minutes. “Hey.”
“Yeah?” Eddie looks up with a pen in his mouth.
Steve stares at Eddie’s mouth for a moment.
Eddie smiles.
Steve quickly looks up at Eddie’s eyes. “How long have you been here?”
“Why?” Eddie frowns. “Are you kicking me out?”
“No!” Steve shakes his head, the furrows his eyebrows. “I just can’t remember.”
Eddie stares at him and his frown deepens.
Suddenly Steve doesn’t want to hear the answer. He leans forward and presses his lips to Eddie’s briefly. When he pulls away Eddie’s eyebrows are high on his forehead.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have --” Steve says quickly and stops when Eddie leans forward.
Eddie lifts a hand and places it on the back of Steve’s head, holds him in place as he leans in slowly.
Steve lets him, closes his eyes when Eddie’s lips meet his.
It’s short, sweet, and makes Steve smile when they pull away. Eddie smiles back.
“So what class do you think I should be?” Steve nods at Eddie’s notes, still smiling.
Eddie answers him, gives him different options and explains each one of them as he gestures widely. Steve just watches him, happy and content.
The next day, Steve gets the urge to ask questions again.
They’re eating sandwiches because it was Max’s turn and she didn’t want to try to make anything complicated.
“How’s your mom doing, Max?” Steve asks and takes a bite of his sandwich. He watches Max look down at her plate.
“She’s fine."
“Yeah?” Steve watches Max nod and then turns to Dustin. “How about your mom, man?”
Dustin looks down at his plate, too. “She’s good.”
Steve frowns and turns to Eddie. “Your uncle?”
“He’s fine,” Eddie tells him, looks into Steve's eyes and frowns.
Steve begins to feel uncomfortable. He shudders, tries to get rid of the feeling. “We should go swimming today.”
Dustin and Max look up at him with wide grins.
That night, when they go upstairs for bed, Steve grabs Eddie’s wrist just outside his bedroom.
“Goodnight!” Max and Dustin say in unison as they close their doors.
Steve slips his hand into Eddie’s and laces their fingers together. Eddie looks down at their hands and then up at Steve. He smiles and lets Steve pull him into the room.
The next morning Eddie suggests a road trip.
“What?” Steve asks.
“Yeah, come on! We’ll get an RV and head out. Just drive and see the country!” Eddie says excitedly.
“Really?” Steve looks at the three of them.
“That sounds great, actually!” Max says.
“I’m in!” Dustin agrees.
Steve looks at Eddie, finds wide and hopeful eyes looking back at him. “Yeah, okay!"
Eddie leans in and kisses him gently.
That night when they lay in bed, Eddie turns to him. “I’ll go pick up an RV tomorrow.”
Steve looks at him.
“I’m gonna borrow one,” Eddie continues.
“Are you going to borrow one or borrow one?” Steve asks.
Eddie laughs and kisses him quickly. “I’m actually going to borrow one.”
“Okay, can you do me a favor though?”
“Anything.” Eddie turns to him completely. “What is it?”
“Wait until I wake up before you leave?” Steve asks quietly.
Eddie brushes a strand of hair out of Steve’s face. “You got it."
Eddie is about to lean back when Steve buries a hand in Eddie’s hair and kisses him a little desperately. Then he presses Eddie back into the mattress and leans over him. They kiss for a while longer, Eddie’s hands on Steve’s back, pulling him closer.
“Thank you,” Steve says a little breathlessly when he finally pulls back.
“Anytime,” Eddie says, amused. Then he curls into Steve’s side, head on Steve’s chest.
Steve runs a hand through Eddie’s hair and falls asleep happy.
In the morning Eddie is still there and doesn’t leave until after breakfast.
Steve walks him to the front door. He stands there nervously and bites his lip.
“I’ll be back.” Eddie reaches out to touch Steve’s lip with his thumb.
“Promise?” Steve asks as he presses his cheek to Eddie’s palm.
“I promise.” Eddie kisses him.
Steve nods when they pull away. “Okay.”
Eddie smiles at him and then turns to Max and Dustin. “Help him clean up so we can head out tomorrow.”
Dustin mock salutes him.
“I guess,” Max sighs and tries not to smile.
Eddie grins at them all and then closes the front door.
Steve stands there and stares at the door.
“Steve?” Max says quietly.
Steve turns to them. “Alright! Let’s clean up and then we can go swimming one last time.”
Max and Dustin start cleaning the living room while Steve starts on the kitchen.
Later that evening, Max and Dustin head off to bed and Steve sits on the couch to wait for Eddie. Hours later Steve hears the front door open. He rushes to it just as Eddie is closing the door.
“Sorry it took so long."
Steve presses him back against the door and kisses him hurriedly.
Eddie runs his hands over Steve’s back gently and tries to calm him down.
When Steve pulls away, he presses his face to Eddie’s neck. “Sorry. I don't like it when you leave.”
“Don’t apologize for missing me.”
Steve knows he’s teasing but a feeling of dread begins to creep into Steve slowly. He grabs Eddie’s hand and quickly leads them upstairs.
“Didn’t you want to see the RV?” Eddie asks as he’s dragged up the stairs.
“I’ll see it tomorrow,” Steve says as he closes the bedroom door behind them. He guides Eddie to the bed and then pushes him down on it gently. He watches Eddie smile hungrily at him as Steve pulls off his shirt. Steve gets on the bed, straddles Eddie, and kisses him before reaching down to pull Eddie’s shirt off too.
In the morning, they all wake up early and eat breakfast before they leave.
“Wait,” Steve turns to look at them as they’re heading out the door. “Shouldn’t I talk to your moms first?”
“Nah,” Max shakes her head.
“They trust you to take care of us,” Dustin says.
They’re both smiling at him but he feels the sharp pain of guilt in his chest.
Eddie takes his hand and leads him outside to the RV. “It has three beds.”
“Only three, huh?” Max smirks and goes in first.
“Just make sure to keep it down,” Dustin says and goes in, too.
Eddie laughs as he steps inside.
Steve turns to get one last look at his house and then follows them.
He first sees her in Minnesota.
Dustin, Max, and Eddie are inside grabbing some snacks while Steve pumps the gas.
“El?” Steve says, surprised.
She looks around at the empty gas station.
“What are you doing here?”
She turns to look at him. “When are you coming home?”
Steve furrows his eyebrows, confused. “We just started our road trip.”
“We?” El looks around again.
Steve watches Eddie, Max, and Dustin walk towards him with armfuls of snacks.
“Oh, god,” El gasps.
Steve ignores her and laughs at them. “Why didn’t you ask for a bag?”
Eddie shrugs, almost making a bag of Doritos fall to the ground. None of them speak to El as they enter the RV.
Steve pulls the nozzle out and puts it back to where it belongs.
“It was nice seeing you but we have to get going.”
“Steve, wait!” El tries as she watches him walk away.
“Bye!” Steve smiles at her and closes the door.
He sees her again in a gas station in South Dakota.
“Robin misses you,” Eleven says as a greeting.
Steve’s heart begins to hurt.
“Everyone misses you,” she continues.
Steve keeps pumping gas.
“You should come home.”
Steve pulls the nozzle out and places it back on the pump. “Tell them I said hello and that I’m fine.”
“But Steve --” El starts.
Steve ignores her and hurries into the RV.
“You okay?” Eddie smiles at him.
Steve relaxes and nods.
Eddie presses a kiss to Steve’s lips as Steve sits in the passenger seat. “Where to next?”
Steve and Eddie have sex for the first time in Wyoming.
Steve is about to pull into a gas station in Montana when he sees her waiting.
He keeps driving.
In Oregon, Eddie is the one who gets out to pump the gas.
Steve relaxes into the driver’s seat, leans his head back, and closes his eyes.
He hears a knock at the window. He opens his eyes, expecting to see Eddie making a face at him. He frowns when he sees El instead.
She looks up at him sadly.
Steve sighs and rolls down the window. “Are you just going to keep following us?”
“I wouldn’t have to if you just came home with me.”
“Fine,” Steve says when he hears Eddie get back on the RV. “We’re going to Nevada next. See you there.”
Steve starts the RV up and pulls out of the gas station.
“Did you get me a bag of Skittles?” Dustin asks Eddie.
“I forgot,” Eddie winces.
Steve smiles as Max rolls her eyes and turns the radio up.
They go to California next and Steve is annoyed when he sees El.
It’s dark out and he’s tired. He just wants to find a truck stop and go to sleep. He gets out to pump gas.
“Hi Steve,” El greets quietly.
“I was hoping I’d tricked you,” Steve says honestly.
El frowns.
“You know, this is the most we’ve ever talked,” Steve tells her.
“Is that true?” Her frown deepens.
“We only ever really hung out when the world was ending.”
“I’m sorry, Steve.”
“We had more important things than asking each other how our day went.” Steve shrugs.
“Still, I should’ve tried harder. Especially after it was all over and D --”
Steve pulls the nozzle out angrily and shoves it back on the pump. “I’m done here.”
“Wait, please.” El grabs his arm.
The touch sends a jolt up Steve’s arm. He wrenches it out of her grip.
“We all want you to come home! Robin told me to tell you to come back!” El pleads.
Steve walks away and reaches for the door handle.
“It wasn’t your fault,” El says quietly.
Steve can’t breathe suddenly.
The door opens and Steve looks up to see Eddie. He rushes inside and closes the door quickly. He presses himself to Eddie and hugs him tightly. He peppers Eddie’s face with kisses and tries to catch his breath.
“Are you okay?” Eddie whispers.
Steve nods and kisses him. “Can you find a truck stop please? I have to check on the kids.”
Eddie nods and starts up the RV, drives out onto the empty road.
Steve quietly walks over to where the small bunk beds are and opens the curtain carefully.
Max is asleep on the top bunk. She had beat Dustin in an intense game of Rock, Paper, Scissors for it. Dustin had pouted as he threw his backpack on the bottom bunk.
Steve notices they’re both listening to music, they each have a Walkman resting in one hand. His heart clenches.
Steve stares at them for a while, long enough that he feels Eddie park the RV. He closes the curtain and waits for Eddie to join him.
“Kids okay?” Eddie whispers as he walks towards Steve.
Steve nods and reaches out to him and Eddie goes easily. Steve starts walking them backwards to their room.
“What about the --” Eddie asks quietly.
Steve shakes his head and presses a kiss to Eddie’s lips. “Asleep and listening to music.”
Eddie nods and closes the bedroom door. Then he wraps his arms around Steve.
“Off,” Steve whispers against Eddie’s mouth as he pulls the front of Eddie’s shirt up.
Eddie strips it off and then kisses Steve again. Steve reaches for Eddie’s pants and starts to unbutton them urgently. Eddie reaches down and grabs Steve’s hands.
“It’s okay.”
“Please,” Steve whispers, a tear rolling down his face.
Eddie wipes it away and nods. He kisses Steve and then unbuttons his pants and takes them off. Then he reaches over to help Steve undress, too.
Steve lets Eddie push him on the bed gently. He watches as Eddie crawls over him.
“I’m right here,” Eddie whispers as he looks down at him.
A sob escapes Steve’s lips as Eddie kisses him.
Steve never knew he could feel so happy yet so terribly heartbroken at the same time.
Steve doesn’t see El in Nevada but what he does see is Dustin and Max happily drinking virgin daquiris. Eddie tries to convince him to gamble but Steve just laughs and kisses him.
Steve doesn’t see her in Arizona. Instead, he sees the Grand Canyon. Eddie complains about the heat the entire time, until they get to the edge. Dustin and Max make fun of Eddie, mock his complaining and awed face. Eddie ignores them and stands behind Steve, puts his chin on Steve’s shoulder, and arms around his middle.
He doesn’t see her in Arkansas either. What he does see is Max, Dustin, and Eddie sitting around a campfire making S’mores as Eddie plays his guitar. Max and Dustin sing along loudly and badly. Eddie winks at Steve and joins them.
He doesn’t see her in New Mexico but he does watch Max and Dustin splash each other in the pool. They stopped at a hotel for the night because Max had mentioned she missed Steve’s pool. Eddie presses a kiss to Steve’s shoulder just before he pushes Steve into the water. When he resurfaces Max and Dustin are laughing. Eddie jumps into the pool and then smiles sheepishly. Steve launches himself at Eddie and tries to push him under the water. Eddie calls out for Dustin’s help but Max fights off Dustin’s attempts at attacking Steve. Steve shoots her a smile and pushes Eddie under.
Steve doesn’t see her in Texas but he sees Dustin and Max press their faces to the window as they drive through the Big Bend National Park. Max tried to convince them to hike down one of the trails but Eddie shot that down pretty quickly.
He starts to forget about her in Arkansas.
He forgets her by the time they make it to Florida. Can only think of the way Eddie looks like in the ocean and how happy Max and Dustin look when they get Eddie to chase them in the sand.
Steve tells Eddie he loves him in South Carolina.
Presses it quiet and sure into Eddie’s skin. Eddie says it back and it sinks happily into Steve’s heart.
Steve is happy all the way through North Carolina.
By the time they get to Maryland, they haven’t decided if they’re going to West Virginia or Pennsylvania. They’re all leaning towards Pennsylvania because Dustin really wants to visit New York and West Virginia is just too close to Indiana.
Steve sees her again in Virginia.
“Steve, you really have to come home now. There’s no more time left!” El says as she makes her way to him.
“We haven’t seen the Statue of Liberty yet,” Steve says easily.
“I’m sorry, Steve, I really am, but you have to come back.”
“I’m not ready,” Steve responds quietly.
“I know,” El reaches out to touch his arm.
Steve jerks away before she can make contact.
“It wasn’t your fault,” El tells him.
Steve shakes his head, tears starting to form in his eyes.
“Steve, none of it was your fault,” El tries again.
“They trusted me to keep them safe!” Steve yells.
“You did the best you could! You almost died trying to save him.”
“I should’ve!” Steve yells as tears begin running down his face. “Should've saved him. Should've died.”
“We thought it was over! How could you have known!”
“They couldn’t find Jason and Eddie was gone, too. I should’ve known they’d go after Dustin.”
“No,” El shakes her head. “You helped saved so many people.”
Steve doesn’t say anything.
“You've saved all of us so many times. You saved Robin,” El whispers. “She misses you.”
“I miss her, too.”
“So come home,” El’s bottom lip begins to shake.
“I’m not ready,” Steve says again.
“Steve!” She’s crying now. “If you don’t come home now, I don’t know if you’ll ever be able to.”
Steve looks at her.
“Please!” El outstretches her hand.
Steve looks down at it.
“Everything okay out here?” Eddie says as he comes out of the RV, Max and Dustin following him.
Steve looks at them and for a second, he can really see them.
Eddie has blood running out of his mouth and down to his neck, his shirt and chest are ripped to shreds.
Max looks so pale as she stands in her hospital gown, bruises on her arms, leg bent at an unusual angle, eyes white.
Dustin’s face is a little bloody but if neither of them moves, Steve can’t see the bullet hole in the side of Dustin’s head or the exit hole at the back of it.
Steve looks away quickly and then takes a deep breath. When he turns back to them, slowly, they’re okay again.
Steve turns to El. “Tell Robin I love her, okay?”
"Steve, please!” El cries.
Steve walks over to Max, Dustin, and Eddie and they envelop him in a hug. Steve ruffles Dustin’s hair with one hand and squeezes Max tightly to where she’s tucked into his side. Eddie kisses him.
“Where to now?” Dustin asks.
Steve pulls back from the kiss and smiles at each one of them. “Anywhere.”
Once they’re back in the RV, Max and Dustin sit at the table, Eddie sits in the driver’s seat, leaving the passenger seat for Steve. He sits down as Eddie pulls out into the empty road and he sees El in the side rear view mirror.
She’s still crying, arms wrapped around herself.
Steve feels a brief moment of regret but then Eddie speaks up.
Steve turns to look at him.
“I love you,” Eddie says.
“I love you, too,” Steve says back, happy and easy. Then he laughs at Max and Dustin when they pretend to gag.
Eddie raises his middle finger at them and then reaches over to grab Steve’s hand.
Steve smiles brightly and glances at the mirror again.
El is gone.
Steve never sees her again.
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
Pairing: Tom Holland x actress!reader
Synopsis: any chance he gets, Anthony teases you and Tom about your relationship
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Anthony Mackie was onto you.
It all started when he realized you and Tom weren’t actually dating, like he thought you were.
“Which Avenger would you sleep with if given the chance?” The journalist asked you, Brie, and Scarlett during a junket.
“Tom Holland.” You answered immediately. “Oh, did you mean the character?”
The girls laughed at your answer as you shrunk down in your seat. Everyone else answered with Thor, making your answer stick out even more.
“Wait, did they ask the guys this?” You wondered. “And follow up, did Tom say me?”
“I can ask.” The journalist chuckled and pulled out her phone. “My friend Jack is interviewing them in the other room.”
“Oh My God.” Brie groaned. “Now I want to know.”
You held your breath in anticipation as you waited for Jack to text back. Finally, the journalist felt a buzz and checked her phone.
“Tom did in fact say your character.” She laughed as she showed you the text.
“He did?” Your eyes widened. “Oh my God. That’s it. We’re having sex tonight. I’m telling him right now.”
The cast laughed at your antics as you sent Tom and quick text and shut off your phone to pay attention to the rest of the interview. You knew it was a joke, but you forgot that Tom didn’t know the context of your text. So when he checked in phone in the room where the boys were being interviewed, he was quite confused.
“I just got a text from Y/n saying “we’re having sex tonight” in all caps.” He laughed in shock. “What is going on?”
“Damn.” Anthony stated. “She texts you in advance?”
“No.” Tom blushed. “We’re not even together.”
“What are you talking about?” Anthony asked. “I thought you were?”
“We’re not.” Tom insisted. He always hated when he was reminded of the fact that you and him were just friends and he didn’t want to stay on the topic.
Anthony, on the other hand, wasn’t as inclined to let it go. He leaned back in his chair and stared at Tom, always looking for new ways to bother his younger cast mate.
“Hm.” Anthony drawled. “Interesting.”
A few months later, Tom, Anthony, and Sebastian were invited to a comic con in Chicago. They were known as one of the more chaotic pairings of cast members, so the interview consisted of constant digs at one another. And of course, Anthony took any chance he got to tease you and Tom.
“You must spend a lot of time together when filming these movies.” The journalist said to the couch. “Do you guys hang out off set too? Are there any Avenger pool parties we don’t know about?”
“Look, Toms a little asshole.” Anthony began. “Him and his little girlfriend are absolute children on set. We can’t take them anywhere.”
“His girlfriend?” The journalist asked.
“I mean Y/n.” He corrected, making the audience cheer. “They say they’re not dating but we all know.”
“We’re not.” Tom whined into his mic. “Stop saying that. People are gonna start believing you.”
“Because it’s true!” Anthony insisted. “You should see the two of them on set. They’re always touching and hugging. And I’m pretty sure I caught them in the dressing room one time. I won’t say what they were doing, but I could hear the bed creaking.”
Tom turned bright red and covered his face. He knew Anthony was just teasing, but it still embarrassed him. He collected himself and held his microphone up again, ready to dish it back to Anthony.
“You’re just mad because she likes me more.” Tom said, eliciting cheers from the audience.
“Uh uh.” Anthony shook his head. “Shes loves me. All the ladies love me.”
“Not Y/n.” Tom shook his head. “She loves me.”
“I think we can all agree Y/n loves me the best.” Sebastian cut in smugly. “It’s fairly obvious.”
“Did someone say my name?” Your voice sounded from a microphone, making everyone scream. Tom, Anthony, and Sebastian looked at each other in confusion upon hearing your voice.
“Wait, what?” Anthony laughed into his microphone as he looked around. Suddenly, your characters theme song came on the speakers as you came out from backstage.
“Hi!” You came out onto the stage waving. The crowd stood up upon your arrival and became deafening. Tom turned around, caught sight of you, and bolted out of his seat.
“Y/n?” He asked as he ran towards you. He immediately scooped you up in a hug, lifting you off the ground to spin you around.
“Hi Tommy.” You mumbled in his ear as you squeezed him back. Tom set you down but continued hugging you, kissing the side of your face multiple times. The audience went wild at this display of affection, prompting you to kiss his cheek back. You walked back to the couch hand in hand, taking a seat next to each other.
“I didn’t know you were coming.” Tom said into his mic as he picked it back up.
“I wanted it to be a surprise.” You laughed, earning more cheers. “I’m filming something in Toronto but I wouldn’t miss a convention for the world. And I wanted to see you.”
Tom pouted and pulled you into another long hug. It had been a few weeks since you’d seen him, so you pressed a long kiss to his cheek.
“Do we all get kisses or just Tom?” Anthony asked, interrupting the moment.
“I was thinking the same thing.” Sebastian spoke up.
“Seb can have one but I’m not coming near you.” You teased as you walked over to Sebastian. You bent down to kiss his cheek before sticking your tongue out at Anthony.
“You look so pretty, darling.” Tom said once you sat back down.
“Please.” You rolled your eyes. “I’m so jet lagged.”
“I don’t look nearly this beautiful when I’m jet lagged.” Tom complimented you.
“Oh, I beg to differ.” You complimented back.
“Kiss kiss kiss kiss.” Anthony chanted into his mic while pumping his fist. The crowd roared as you and Tom rolled your eyes.
“Don’t start, Anthony.” You told him. “He does this all the time.”
“So I’ve heard.” The journalist laughed. “How was your flight, Y/n?”
You settled into Tom’s side as you talked about your flight and other random things. When the attention was off you, Tom slipped his arm around you and let it rest on the back of the couch. He felt you shiver at one point and realized you were sitting right under the air conditioning.
“Are you cold?” He asked you, making the audience laugh.
“A little.” You said sheepishly. He immediately took off his jacket and draped it over your shoulders, making the crowd go wild.
“Thanks, Tommy.” You chuckled as you slipped your arms into the sleeves. They were warm from his body heat and his cologne was lingering on the collar.
“Wow.” Anthony started up again. “You guys look like a couple.”
“A couple of besties.” You said quickly, making Tom shake his head.
“Uh huh.” Anthony said sarcastically. “If you guys aren’t dating, then why are you two always touching?”
“Because we love each other.” Tom snapped playfully. “You just don’t understand because girls don’t want to touch you.”
“Damn.” Anthony laughed. “Y/n, are you gonna let your boyfriend talk to me like that?”
“He’s not my boyfriend.” You replied. “We would make a terrible couple. I still haven’t forgiven him for the stamp act and I don’t see us getting past that.”
“Baby, it wasn’t me.” Tom played along. “It was my ancestors. I’d never tax your stamps.”
“Uh Uh.” You rolled your eyes. “That’s what they all say.”
“I’m gonna move on before I break you guys up.” The journalist teased, making you and Tom roll your eyes. “You guys have been playing these characters for a while so you must know them pretty well. What is something you have in common with your character?”
“That’s easy.” Anthony answered. “We’re both a cool black dude.”
“That’s exactly what I was going to say.” Tom joked, earning some laughs.
“Easy there, wonder bread.” Anthony laughed. “Don’t get ahead of yourself.”
“What about you, Y/n?” The journalist asked. “What do you have in common with your character?”
“Something my character and I have in common is that we both fuck this man.” You smiled as you clapped Tom on the back. Everyone on the couch’s jaw dropped as the crowd became deafening. Tom looked at you incredulously as you laughed.
“I’m just kidding.” You laughed into your microphone. “Um, I don’t know. We’re both pretty passionate about what we believe in. And we both wear a lot of black.”
“What?” Sebastian laughed. “You can’t just say that. That was a total 180.”
“I’m sorry.” You whined playfully. “It was a perfect opportunity and I had to take it.”
“I am literally speechless.” Tom said into his mic before breaking down into laughter. You leaned into each other as you laughed, not caring if no one else found it funny.
“I’m sorry.” You giggled. “Can we move on? Next question, please.”
“All right. Let’s talk about this kiss between your character and Loki.” The journalist began.
“Uh oh.” Anthony stirred the pot again. “Toms not gonna like this.”
“I don’t care.” Tom shrugged, but it was obvious that he was lying. You rested your hand on his shoulder to reassure him as you turned to answer the question.
“I actually had a lot of qualms before filming that scene.” You replied.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I’m good friends with Taylor Swift so the first time I met Hiddleston, it was as her boyfriend. So the whole thing gave me serious qualms. I felt like I was breaking girl code.”
“That’s surprising since you improvised one of the kisses.” Sebastian, also looking for drama, cut in. “I remember you were only supposed to kiss once and you went in for second.”
“Well that was after a few takes and my qualms had dispersed.” You shot back.
“You hear that?” Anthony smirked. “She had no qualms.”
“I still felt so bad but those thoughts were soon replaced by “oh my God, I’m kissing Tom Hiddleston.” My qualms didn’t stand a chance to him in that wig.” You chuckled. You felt Tom tense up under your hand so you squeezed his shoulder.
“I know.” The journalist agreed. “He’s very dreamy.”
“Exactly. We were three takes in and my pussy starts screaming, “get help! Get help!”” ,You mimicked Thor’s voice, “so I knew my qualms were gone.”
You once again had all the jaws dropped with your words. Tom buried his face in your neck as he laughed, his whole body shaking.
“That’s one way to put it.” The journalist said as he wiped tears. “I have to ask. Which Tom did you like kissing more?”
“I liked kissing Tom H the best.” You said cheekily.
“Ooo.” Anthony started again. “Are we about to witness a couples quarrel?”
“I think so.” Tom played along. He pretended to look annoyed with you so you cupped his face.
“I’m kidding.” You assured him. “It was so you.”
“It better be.” He insisted. “Remember you kissed me after we shot the swinging scene and we weren’t even filming?”
“Yeah.” You chuckled. “I was in love with you that day.”
“What happened?” The journalist wondered.
“Well, I grew up loving Spiderman.” You explained. “So spending the day swinging around in Toms arms while he was in the suit meant so much to me. The second Tom took his mask off, I just kissed him.”
“Is that when you started dating?” Sebastian asked.
“No. It is not.” Tom shoved him playfully.
The rest of the convention went by in a similar fashion, with Anthony taking every opportunity to tease you. Once you said your goodbyes to the crowd, you and Tom walked back to your dressing room with your arms around each other.
“I can’t believe Mackie still thinks we’re dating.” Tom sighed as he shut the door behind him.
“I know.” You chuckled before an idea came to you. “Wouldn’t it be funny if we actually started dating and didn’t tell him? Like, as a joke?”
“That would be hilarious.” Tom nodded too many times. “Like, I could ask you out right now and he’d have no idea. We could go on dates and make out and stuff and just not tell him. That’ll show him.”
“We should totally do that. As a joke.” You quickly followed.
“We should.” Tom nodded. “Imagine his face when he finds out we started dating and didn’t tell him? It’ll be priceless.”
“Ugh, I can’t wait.” You sighed happily. “He would lose his mind if he found out we finally started dating.”
“Did you say finally?” Tom asked with a coy smile. Your face fell when you realized you had said a little too much.
“I did.” You said softly. “Because it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while.”
“So have I. In that case,” Tom smiled shyly, “Y/n would you like to go on a d-“
“Yes.” You cut him off before he could even finish. “I would.”
2 years later
On a rare day off, you and Tom attended a barbecue in Anthony’s backyard with a few of the other cast members. You were sat on Tom’s lap, full off food and contently listening to the ongoing conversation.
“These burgers are great.” Chris said as he patted Anthony’s back. “Thanks for barbecuing.”
“I got you, man.” Anthony nodded. “I actually got the recipe for the blend from one of the caterers on set. Remember that place that catered lunch with the really good cornbread and burgers?”
“I do remember.” Scarlett smiled to herself. “The filming schedule worked out so all got to eat together that day. That was so nice.”
“It was nice.” Anthony agreed. “Just sitting in the sun in our costumes and bibs. We had some fun conversations going on. I’m pretty sure that was the day Tom and Y/n started dating.”
“No.” Tom rolled his eyes. “We started dating after that one convention. Remember the one where Y/n surprised us on stage? We started dating that night.”
“Wait, you guys are actually dating?” Anthony sat up in his seat. “I was just playing with you.”
“We know. So we played with you right back.” You shrugged smugly. “We started dating to get back at you for all the jokes.”
The rest of the cast exchanged confused looks as you and Tom relished in your victory.
“But....” Anthony blinked in confusion, “you didn’t tell me until two years later.”
“Yeah. Because we were committed to the joke.” Tom said like it was obvious.
“Duh.” You added.
“Let me get this straight.” Antony rubbed his temples. “You started dating as a way to get back at me for teasing you?”
“But you didn’t tell him you started dating.” Scarlett continued.
“So you’ve been dating in secret for two years without him knowing.” Don went on.
“But....you see this as revenge on me?” Anthony asked with a tilted head.
“Yep.” You laughed. “In your face.”
“In my face?” Anthony raised his eyebrows. “How so?”
“Because we totally got you.” You bragged. “Look at your face right now. You had no idea we were actually together.”
“What an idiot.” Tom shook his head. “This guy, am I right?”
The cast exchanged another look as you and Tom continued not to understand why dating in private didn’t exactly count as revenge against Anthony.
“Okay.” Anthony said skeptically. “So let me ask you this. Now that I know about the joke, will you stop dating?”
You and Tom quieted down as Anthony brought up something you hadn’t thought of.
“Well, no.” Tom began as he looked at you. “We like dating each other.”
“So essentially, this had nothing to do with me.” Anthony concluded. “You two just wanted to date each other but used me as an excuse.”
You and Tom opened your mouths to defend yourselves, but shut them when you realized he was right. You looked at each other sheepishly before shrinking down in your seats from embarrassment.
Anthony Mackie may have gotten the better of you.
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wheelsup · 3 years
Ok here's a concept dad spencer always bringing the baby to sleep with them even if she's not crying. And the reader disapproving because she knows that's the start of a bad habit.
this is 🥺the sweetest thing in the world. big man + tiny baby.
wc: just under 1k cw: spencer reid x fem!reader
“You’re encouraging a bad habit, you know,” you sighed as Spencer peeled back the comforter from his side of the bed. For the severalth time that week, with your baby tucked securely in one of his arms, her space-themed sleep onesie matching his pajama bottoms. 
“No I’m not,” he pouted, climbing under the covers after carefully putting her down. “Besides, this little pumpkin isn’t capable of having bad habits.” He ruffled the wispy hairs on her head, earning a high giggle as she squirmed under the sheets between the two of you.
“I’m not talking about her,” you laughed, “I’m talking about you.” Spencer took offense to that.
“I do not have a bad habit,” he gasped, covering her tiny ears with his hands. He couldn’t let her hear those words and believe he was doing something wrong by having her by his side. “She wanted to sleep here. She was crying.” 
“Oh, really? She wanted to?” you raised your brows, leaning your face into his to challenge him. You bet that he couldn’t tell you that again while looking you in the eyes. “Or did you sneak into her room, steal her from her crib and bring her here because you wanted to?”
Spencer, a man of six feet of height, got impossibly small under your all-knowing stare. He sank deeper into the bed, drawing the plush white duvet up to his chin and hiding until all you could see were his eyes. Large, pouty, and full of guilt. 
“I knew it.”
“Come on! She’s only gonna stay this small for so long,” he reasoned. To make his (adorable) case, he grasped one of her legs and gave it a little wiggle, showing you how tiny she still was. And then both of them were giving you an undeniable set of puppy eyes, begging to let her stay. 
“Spencer Walter Reid, you cannot keep pulling her out of her own bed,” you sighed. Your actions said something else as you put one hand over her warm belly and hugged her closer. “One of you is going to take it really hard when she gets old and we can’t do this anymore.”
And though you meant Spencer, truthfully it could be either of them. While Spencer was thoroughly (and overly) attached, so was she. 
She’d notice if he wasn’t home for a day, and cry all the time until she saw his face. If he couldn’t make it happen by picking up a video call, then you’d have to hold up photos of him to trick her into thinking he was there.When he was home, she’d follow him everywhere. Crawling right alongside him while he was folding laundry, curiously peering into the basket, or sitting on the kitchen counter and being his sous-chef (sneaking cheerios from the box) while he cooked (prepared bowls of cereal). 
But Spencer got her accustomed to one habit already, and it was the root of the attachment issue. 
She discovered that, on the nights he was home, he would always be the one to come comfort her when she cried in the middle of the night. (For two reasons: one, he didn’t even have the willpower to try the ‘cry it out’ method, and two, to make up for all the three-a.m’s you’d have to do this while he was gone). 
You were convinced she started timing herself to only cry when he was home. Maybe even fibbed it, a little (a trait she surely learned from him) because as soon as he came to see if she needed anything – a bottle, a diaper change – she’d stop. She’d gotten her end goal the moment he walked into her room, which was just to have him there. 
He’d stay with her as long as she wanted, which would be all night long. After a few nights of accidentally falling asleep in her rocking chair and waking up with back pain, he found it was easier just to bring her into your bed. And she loved it. 
Spencer warmed even more as he watched you play with her, tapping softly on her belly with your fingertips. “See how much you love this?” he smiled, feeling like his case was made on why she should always sleep next to you.  
“You’re gonna make me the bad guy, eventually,” you mumbled, sticking your bottom lip out as you focused on her getting drowsier.
As much as you did love having her with you, you had to be the voice of reason. He was setting a precedent of caving in and you knew it would eventually become a problem right around the time she turned into a toddler. You could picture the tantrums now, and picture him giving in to every little whim of hers, with you ending up as the one who has to say no all the time.  
“Nuh-uh.” He scooped her up and placed her on your chest so you could cradle her. “When she gets older, I’ll stop,” he promised, pressing a kiss onto your temple. 
You chuckled lowly, rolling onto your side with the baby on her back next to you. “No, you won’t.” There’s no way he’d ever be able to resist giving her anything she wanted.  It was cute that he believed he’d even be capable of that.
“Okay, I won’t,” he laughed and shuffled closer, pushing himself flush against your side. He held you the same way you held her, stretching his arm so it spanned over your waist and stopped just over her belly, both of you tucked safely under him. Big spoon, little spoon, littlest spoon. “Is that so bad?” 
Closing your eyes, you hummed playfully as you pretended to think it over. For the severalth time that week, you melted into the bed, wrapped up in the warmth of your little family as you nodded off to sleep. “No,” you sighed, a smile ghosting it’s way across your face, “I guess it’s not.”
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sunphroggy · 3 years
alright I have an au idea that im about to badly explain but it's a little strange so stick with me.
I call it: 'The Parent Trap but Opposite' au
So picture this: Tommy is Phil's only child, right. His mother died in childbirth so for his entire eight years of life its just been him and Phil. And that's fine, that's great, he loves it. Tommy doesn't want another addition to the family, it would only screw everything up.
That being said, Phil is lonely. Don't get him wrong, he loves his son and loves spending time with him, but he misses the feeling of being in love. He misses his wife.
Enter, Kristen.
They meet on a blind date, set up by a friend from Phil's work, and hit it off instantly. Months pass and Phil wants to propose.
One problem though. He hasnt told Tommy about it. He hasn't even introduced Kristen to him.
So what better way to merge both families that a holiday?
(I should probably say here that Kristen also has children. Take a wild guess who they are.)
Tommy is all for a holiday. Two weeks at a fancy ass hotel with room service, an arcade and a pool? Sign him up!
That is until, he finds out that Kristen and her boys will be joining them.
Enter, Wilbur and Techno.
(They're about fourteen. Their parents are divorced and, unlike Tommy, they knew Kristen was seeing Phil. They alse know that Phil is gonna propose - well, it's just a hunch)
Phil, god bless him, tries his hardest to get Tommy to warm up to Kristen, Wilbur and Techno. He plans all these activities and takes them all shopping, to the beach, to waterparks ect. But Tommy just won't take to them; he doesn't mind Kristen but Wilbur and Techno are weird, they keep making these cryptic comments about how they're going to be seeing eachother a lot in the future and Tommy just does not understand.
That is, until they decide to let Tommy in on the obvious.
Tommy, as expected, is in denial. Because there's no way his dad would do something like that without telling him first. Besides, Phil doesn't need to get married, they're perfectly happy just the two of them.
There's just no way.
Because Tommy is a curious little shit and he ransacks his and Phil's hotel room in search for the ring. He doesn't find it, of course, because Phil is used to Tommy's little raccoon tactics and hid it properly. But when he comes back from dinner with Kristen to a destroyed room and a confused Tommy, he decides to tell him the truth.
Needless to say Tommy has a fit. One moment, he's happy; just him and dad, living life. And then this lady and her shitty sons come along and fucks that up
(I imagine the conversation being something like:
Phil: Yeah im gonna propose Kristen
Tommy, inhaling deeply: *screams*
And then it would proceed to reinact that once scene from Steven universe with ruby and sapphire like-
phil: he'll eventually tire himself out :'D
Tommy, making even more of a mess than he already has: that's what you think! I am an eternal flame baby!! >:(
Tommy, ever the drama queen, storms to Wilbur and Techno - who are like "we told you so :/" - and the three of them (because Techno and Wilbur also do not want this little racoon gremlin hybrid in their home either) team up and plan to ruin the proposal. The only problem, they don't know when Phil is gonna actually propose.
And this...this is where the hijinks and shenanigans ensue.
They just like, constantly ruin Phil and Kristen's date nights with their dumb shit.
(I'm thinking shit like the three of them stacked on each others shoulders in a trench coat pretending to be a waiter at the hotel restaurant Phil and Kristen are eating at and constantly spilling drinks and food of them whenever it looks like Phil is about to pop the question; following them on walks under the stars, hiding in bushes with binoculars and making birds attack them; tackling Phil into the pool ect. ect. ect.)
But, plot twist, while pulling off these epic plans, the three of them...bond! Dun dun dunnnnn!!! Wilbur and Techno actually grow to like Tommy and think "Hey, maybe this kid ain't so bad" so they back out on the plans and try to convince Tommy to do the same. He won't.
(Meanwhile, Phil is just wondering why all his proposal attempts have gone so fucking wrong like???)
Anyways, fast forward. Its the last day of their holiday the two families go out for dinner. Its nice, they're having a good time, Kristen is chatting away to Tommy about Minecraft and Tommy is happy to tell her all about his favourite game. And then, Phil clears his throat.
He starts talking about Kristen and how happy he makes her, and Tommy can tell what's coming the moment Phil reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a small black box. And, in a final attempt to keep the life he has, Tommy snatches the box out of Phil's hand and fucking runs.
He runs right out of the restaurant, ignoring everyone calling after him, and doesn't stop running until he's on the beach, where he hides. And he cries. He cries because his dad is gonna replace him with Techno and Wilbur, and he misses his mum even though he never met her, and because this he knows that stealing a ring and running away isn't gonna stop this proposal from happening, and because the only family dynamic he knows is going to change and he isn't ready for that. And it's just a big angst moment.
And then some fluff.
Kristen finds him hidden by the rocks, and Tommy quickly pretends he wasn't just crying bc he's a big man and shit like that. He half expects her to immediately call for Phil and then for Phil to disown him, but instead she sits with him.
She asks if he's OK and when he doesnt answer her she just goes on talking about random things as if Tommy didn't just ruin their entire holiday (about shit like how she thought the cake at the restaurant was too dry and about the stars and different constellations and she even continues asking him about minecraft) and Tommy, after a while, talks back to her.
They talk for a while, arguing about the best Minecraft block (Tommy wholeheartedly defending cobblestone like his life depends on it) until eventually Kristen asks why he did what he did. And Tommy explains everything (that can basically be summed up in "I'm scared of change")
It's just a wholesome moment really. They're just sitting behind a bunch of rocks, Tommy is spilling his guts and Kristen is just listening. And at then end of it she's there to give him a big hug.
(I imagine Tommy saying that one cliche line "please don't hurt my dad" and Kristen being like "I wouldn't dream of it" and then Tommy gives her the ring box)
But yeah, happy ending! Phil proposes to Kristen on the beach and it's all happy and nice and cool and Tommy, Techno and Wilbur watch and Techno starts crying a little bc he's so happy for his mum.
I came up with this last night when I couldn't sleep.
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Summary: You’re stressed over your upcoming exams and your boyfriend Draco helps you study.
Warnings: Mentions of sex and masturbation but no smut sorry just kissing.
I’m in the common room looking at my transfiguration book intently and hoping it might transfigure itself into an apparatus that may help me learn it all. How on earth am I supposed to remember all this information for my OWLs next week? It seems like an impossible task and when I look around I see everyone else has gone to bed and I’m alone in the common room. I sigh and put my head in my hands on top of the desk.
“You alright there love?” Draco appears next to me. It’s okay for him, he’s in the year above me and the NEWT exams finished last week.
“No, I honestly just don’t understand how anyone can learn all this. I’m definitely going to fail and then I’ll be kicked out of Hogwarts and I won’t see you anymore and you’ll start going out with Pansy Parkinson or someone and I’ll just be at home by myself and have to go out and get a muggle job in a supermarket or be a caretaker like Filch while I get to watch everyone else do magic” I wail. He chuckles and takes the book away from me while pulling me into a hug.
“One you’re not going to fail, I bet you know more than you think you do. Two even if you never existed I wouldn’t date Pansy you know that. And three even if you did need to get a job at a muggle supermarket you can bet your butt I’m gonna stop by that supermarket every damn day to see my super hot cashier girlfriend” he says as he kisses my head. “You should take a break love it’s almost midnight”
“I…” I start and before I can carry on he captures my mouth with his and kisses me softly, I kiss back forgetting everything for a moment. He deepens the kiss “Draco” I start to say but he uses that opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth and for a while I let myself get distracted by his intoxicating presence and sink further into the kiss.
After a while the thought of me in an exam hall looking at my test paper blankly while everyone around me is furiously writing pops into my head and I break the kiss in a panic. “Drake” I say breathlessly. He makes a disgruntled noise and I look at him “Sorry it’s not that I don’t want to, I really do. You don’t know how much I miss your touch. I’m just really stressed right now, I can’t shake this anxiety. Next week exams will be over and then I promise you will have my full attention”
“Don’t apologise silly, I’m sorry for practically jumping you it’s just with my exams and now yours we just haven’t had any alone time recently and I really miss you too. It doesn’t help when I’m not with you Crabbe and Goyle follow me around like lost puppies so I can never even take care of myself without fear they’re going to walk in at any moment. I swear they must have some kind of tracking charm put on me or something they always seem to find me” he laughs. “How about I help you study and prove to you that you know more than you think you do, then you can put the book down and take a damn break”
“I don’t…” I trail off.
“I don’t mean so we can do that” he laughs again at my worried expression. “ We can just cuddle on the sofa and listen to that radio station that you like or play some wizards chess, just until you’re ready to go to bed. I’m just worried that you’re not getting any downtime, if you don’t give yourself a break your head is going to explode y/n”
“Okay fine, but if I don’t know anything I’m studying till I pass out at this desk” I agree reluctantly.
He chuckles “Okay deal” he says confidently.
We studied for another hour and surprisingly I understood and could answer Draco’s questions relatively easy. “Okay and name three of the most important factors that are needed to be taken in to consideration when casting a transfiguration spell” he asks.
“Oh I know this one easy. Body weight, viscousness and wand power” I say and breathe a sigh of relief. I did know more than I thought I did, Draco was right. I felt a lot more relaxed now.
“And that’s about as complicated as the OWL questions get, trust me you’ll ace them. Just wait until you get to your NEWT exams, then you’ll laugh at your past self for being worried about your OWLs, you’ll think back fondly and wish that everything was as simple as last year” He says looking wistfully off into the distance, a slight look of worry in his eye.
“Oh Draco you’ll have aced your exams don’t worry about that. Aren’t you like second top of the year for your results?” I say trying to reassure him.
“Way to remind me I’m second to Granger” he rolls his eyes. “Anyway since we’ve determined you’re a genius and are going to get Os in all of your exams aren’t you going to hold up your end of the bargain and finally take a break. What do you want to do? We could…” I interrupt him by straddling him and looking into his eyes “Feeling less anxious now I gather” he says looking at me hopefully.
“Draco Honey, my OWLs aren’t the only thing I feel like getting an O in right now” I say before I press my mouth to his.
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animeomegas · 3 years
MY FELLOW ANON ARE VIOLATING MY EMOTIONS TODAY 😂 god I’m acc crying. Your writing is amazing. I’m gonna combat the sadness with a wholesome thing of them finding a pup in a bin (or something) a few months after the loss of the first pup (Neji is currently shut down entirely) is like “lol gimme”. Proceeds to take the pup home, put it in his nest scent the lil bean (gender is your choice) and just be like “yeah this mine now”. Any nay sayers are ignored bc it’s still his baby (maybe almost like his pup reincarnated 👀👀) regardless of how baby was obtained. Idk I just think my guy needs some positivity after life kicking the ever loving shit out of him
This is beautiful and you’re right, Neji deserves the world, but I’ll settle with a quiet life and some happiness for my boy!
Okay, so things haven’t been…good with Neji since you had to let your pup die to save him.
It has been two months and still he lays in his nest every day, sometimes crying, sometimes whining, but mostly just staring at nothing. He had incorporated a bunch of baby stuff (blankets, toys etc.) into his nest before he went to the hospital, in order to make his pup feel more at home in the nest when he was supposed to bring them back. You had tried to take them out to stop him having to be confronted with what happened in his safe space, but Neji almost attacked you for doing so, so you let him keep them.
But it’s very concerning when he spends hours at a time just stroking the pup's blankets and staring at nothing.
So, you decide to take Neji on a walk to get him out of the house. It would be his first time leaving the house since the funeral.
You go at night time, because Neji is still refusing any contact with anyone he knows and this way he’s less likely to be confronted when he isn’t ready for it. To make extra sure that you can be alone, you decide to walk around the edge of the woods around one of the quieter training grounds.
Neji doesn’t speak much, but he doesn’t whine or cry either, and the night air brings a little colour to his cheeks, and you’re so happy at the small improvements. It doesn’t matter how long it ends up taking him to feel better, you’ll be here with him the whole way.
“I was thinking about cooking something special next week,” you make idle conversation, not expecting Neji to reply. “It’s our anniversary after all, do you have any preference?”
Neji stops walking suddenly. His shoulders are tense.
He hushes you harshly.
“I can hear…”
Without another word of warning, Neji makes his way a little further into the trees. You follow him, confused and worried.
“Byakugan!” he calls, scanning the area. He gasps as he scans over a nearby bush and immediately he drops to his knees beside it.
“Neji?” you ask, now more than a little concerned. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
You watch as Neji pulls something out of the bush. He turns around with a bundle in his arms.
“It’s a pup,” Neji says, obviously shocked. You can’t blame him, you’re feeling more than a little shocked yourself. What on earth was a pup doing out here? “They’re freezing. Give me your jacket.”
Without hesitance, you quickly slip your jacket of and hand it to Neji who promptly bundles up the pup in it and brings them to his chest. The pup is making small whimpering noises that had been almost impossible to hear over the wind. Neji must have hear them, thank goodness.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” Neji coos to the pup. “You’re safe now, I'll take you home and make it better, I promise.”
“We need to get them to the hospital asap," you say, shaking your head. "They must be freezing and they look underweight as well. We’re not mednin, Neji.”
“Our home is closer.”
“We need to make sure they’re warm,” he argues. “We can bring them home and alert a medic to make a home visit.”
You look at the earnest look on his face and know that he won’t back down, and now isn’t a time for arguments anyway.
“Okay,” you swallow nervously. “We’ll bring them home.”
You bring the pup back to your home and before you can protest, Neji brings them into his nest with a mumbled ‘they’ll be warm in there’.
Neji bundles himself and the pup up in the corner of the nest, turning on a little heater beside him, and tucking the pup into his shirt to share body warmth.
“We’ll get you nice and warm, it’s okay, you’re safe, I won’t let anyone harm you,” he whispers while stroking their cheek with a finger. The pup wriggles around, already looking more energetic, and starts mouthing at Neji’s chest.
“Are you hungry?” Neji laughs softly before turning to you. “Go and heat up a bottle for the pup, all the supplies are in the… the nursery.”
You nod dumbly and do as you’re asked, astounded at how much life is in Neji’s eyes. It’s the most life you’ve seen from him in months. But you can’t help but worry. What if Neji gets attached and you can’t keep the pup? Of course, you want nothing more than to keep the baby, it almost seems too good to be true that she literally fell into both your lives at this trying time, but what if it is too good to be true? What if they’re sick? Or their parents are looking for them? Or… something else. Neji doesn’t deserve another heartbreak, and you don’t want to destroy the small amount of progress he’s made in the last month.
But for now, all you can do is heat up the bottle.
“Here, it’s a good temperature, I already checked,” you pass Neji the bottle. He checks it again anyway and you can’t help but smile at how overprotective and parental he's being. It's so bittersweet to see him like this.
“Here you go sweetheart, just for you,” Neji smiles, cradling the pup as they latch onto the bottle with fervour. “Shh, shh, shh, slow down, it’s not going anywhere.”
Neji feeds the pup and then burps them, and you pretend you can’t see him smiling when he notices that they are starting to smell like him. You need to know you can keep her before you let him get even more attached.
“I’m going to send a clone for a medic, now.”
The room became tense all at once.
“They’re fine, I’m looking after them,” Neji protests.
“I know, and you’re doing a good job, but we still need a medic, Neji.”
Neji holds the pup more tightly to his chest, tucking an extra blanket around them. He's using the special blanket you had got commissioned for your pup. You can feel your heart break at the sight. He's already attached. Now you just have to hope you can keep them. For his sake.
“I don’t want them to take the pup away like last time,” Neji admits softly. "I can look after them, I won't let anything happen like last time, I promise. They'll be safe, we don't need a medic."
“We need to know their primary and secondary gender, omega, and we need to make sure they aren’t sick after being left in the woods���”
Neji hesitates but nods his consent in the end after you explain that your pup could become ill if left untreated. You don’t tell him that you are also sending a clone to the Hokage. Naruto will be able to grant you and Neji the right to keep the pup, and you hope that as Neji’s friend, he’ll be able to see how much he needs this.
You have to move Neji and the pup downstairs to wait for the medic, because Neji would not appreciate someone unknown seeing his nest he made for his pup. He’s not expecting Naruto to show up as well so you go to the door to intercept and prep them both.
“Thank you so much for coming, Naruto, I can’t tell you how much this means to me and Neji,” you say, hugging him as he walks through the door.
“I’m going to do everything I can,” he promises. “If the medic finds signs of long-term neglect, I can take the parental rights away from the biological parents straight away, even if I don't know who they are, and transfer you the rights.”
Your face visibly brightens, but Naruto continues.
“But if the only injuries are from laying in the forest for a few hours, I’ll have to try and find the parents first, because the child may have been taken from them by force, when the pup was otherwise a healthy baby being looked after sufficiently. In that circumstance, I’ll have to take the child back with me and put them in foster care until a three-month window has passed. And if the parents are found…”
“I know,” you sigh. “Let’s just get this done as soon as possible.”
The three of you walk into the living to see Neji cradling the pup tightly against his chest.
“Hey Neji,” Naruto greets softly with a sad smile. “I haven’t seen you around for a while.”
Neji tenses upon seeing Naruto.
“Naruto? Why are you here?” Neji clearly misinterprets the situation, holding the pup even more tightly and turning accusatory eyes against you. “Why did you bring him here?”
“I’m here to determine whether the pup was abandoned or kidnapped to the best of my abilities, once we have that done, we can decide how things are going to happen, okay?”
“How do you decide that?” Neji asks with distrustful eyes.
“The medic will give them a check-up, completely routine, I promise,” Naruto speaks with a soft voice like he’s talking to a cornered animal. Well, you look at Neji for a moment who is coiled as tightly as spring, he’s not far off.
It takes about five minutes for you to convince Neji to let go of the pup and hand them to the mednin, and then the next fifteen minutes involve you holding him in your arms to stop him wrestling the pup back from the mednin.
And then, rather ominously, the mednin pulls Naruto aside to talk.
Neji is shaking in your arms.
“It’s okay, calm down, Neji,” you try to comfort him.
“I can’t-“ Neji chokes, hands fisting in your shirt. “He has our pup, you let them take our pup.”
You don’t bother to correct him on his use of ‘our’, knowing it would only upset him more.
“I know baby, but they need to see that they’re healthy, nothing’s wrong, just breathe.”
Neji doesn’t take your advice.
"Last time they took them-"
"This isn't like last time, omega. Come one, try and settle down a little, that's it."
Naruto eventually walks back in, holding the pup securely, the mednin nowhere to be seen.
“So,” Naruto says seriously. And then his face breaks out into a wide grin. “Am I right in thinking you want to adopt?”
You can almost feel your relief in the air. Thanking every power that be for this stroke of luck. Losing this pup could have easily meant losing your mate, and the gravity of the situation all comes crashing down at once. Neji looks as though he is feeling much the same.
“Give me them,” he orders, arms out.
“Her,” Naruto corrects. “The mednin said she’s a female alpha.”
Tears start welling up in Neji’s eyes as he takes her. Their bio pup was a female alpha, too.
“Thank you,” he whispers to no one, holding his new pup as tightly as he dared. “I’ve got you now, you’re safe and sound with me, I won’t let anything hurt you ever again.”
Naruto slips out of the house without a fuss, dropping the mednin’s recommendations for feeding the underweight pup on the coffee table.
You and Neji take your new pup upstairs and bundle her back into the nest. Neji lays down with her, stroking her cheek as he watches her sleep.
“You need to get some rest too, omega,” you suggest, running a hand down Neji’s back.
“Guard?” he asks in response.
“Yes," you smile at his protective instincts. "I’ll guard the nest while you sleep, I promise.”
“Okay, alpha…” Neji settles down, still with one hand resting on the pup. “But if I don’t wake up when she cries, wake me… I want to be the one to feed her.”
You laugh gently, “Of course, now get some sleep. I’ll guard you both.”
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