#i’m just LONELY !!!!! i don’t care if i’m being dramatic
shiny-cats · 6 months
i feel so lonely man i have like 2 people who actually talk to me regularly and i don’t wanna be annoying to school acquaintances
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je-suis-un-fardeau · 2 years
I’m so tired of BPD. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. I just want to be normal! I just want to do fun things and hang out with my friends and enjoy myself without constantly being triggered by the smallest things. I’m so tired of splitting and crying and being angry over stuff that no one else thinks twice about. I’m tired of ruining my own mood and then feeling like a bitch for being upset. I’m tired of not being able to feel welcome or wanted. I’m tired of living this way.
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riverwalsh · 4 months
nicole my love !
where do you stand on brat tamer!frank …… would he be quick to react? grabbing your jaw after you give him attitude, raising his eyebrows at you with a warning “watch the mouth, yeah?” in that thick raspy voice? or is he rubbing a warm hand in circles on your lower back, quietly muttering a “don’t gotta act out for attention, baby.” i need 2 knooooow 🤗
— princessbrunette ♡
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an; thank u for the request princess, sorry it took so long but i love u dearly 🤍 i always seem to take your requests in a little crazy direction so just bear with me (also note to everyone please ignore the verb tense changing like halfway through it turned into something of a drabble and i don’t feel like fixing it. so enjoy.)
cw; female!reader, mentions of blood/violence, cockwarming. that’s about it.
18+ only mdni
i think frank would be pretty good at reading you. he knows what makes you itch; like when he leaves his boots, carelessly splattered with the blood of a lowlife (or three) that will surely be named in tomorrow morning’s newspaper, strewn haphazardly on the living room floor for you to trip over when you get home. or, when you ask him about said lowlife(s) and he brushes you off, mumbling something about how it doesn’t matter anyways, and they got what was coming to them, before disappearing for the third night that week. it makes you feel so goddamn lonely.
it was these things, among others of course. sometimes frank castle was just so goddamn stubborn it made your skin crawl.
buuuut, frank also knows what makes you feel better. knows how to handle you when you start letting your irritation show. he’d just accept your little quips and snide remarks for a while. let you take out just a little bit your pent up frustration out on him—i mean, he kinda deserves it sometimes, right? he knows this, you know this. and yet, he knew exactly when to make it right.
“fuck you, frank,” you muttered as you frantically pulled your shoes on, already late for work. everything had already gone wrong for you that morning—your first alarm didn’t go off, your shower was lukewarm at best, and you burnt your last bagel. and now, as you were ready to leave, frank suddenly decided he wanted to talk.
“whoa, whoa, whoa, hey.” his tone was firm, a hand coming out as if in warning. as annoyed as you got, you hardly ever swore at frank. “what’s wrong with you?”
there he is.
“what’s wrong with me?” you asked incredulously, grabbing your keys off the hook. “wha- what’s wrong with you?! you’re fucking gone almost every night this week, i’m getting calls from karen practically every five minutes-”
“she’s just-“
“don’t you fucking dare play dumb like you didn’t ask her to check in on me,” you cut him off quickly, pointing an accusing finger at him. you knew how you were being but you couldn’t help it at this point. “i can handle myself, frank. maybe if you just told me what the fuck was going on i could just-”
“you could just what? hm?” his voice was quiet, but commanding. his arms crossed in front of him as he postured intimidatingly toward you, eyebrows raised in a silent challenge to keep talking. your mouth snapped shut immediately, heart jumping as you lowered your hand that was still hovering mid-air.
you swallowed thickly, putting your keys into your bag with less of a rush, suddenly more careful of your movements. he watched you thoughtfully for a moment, before slowly making his way toward you, boots heavy as they met the hardwood below. you could do nothing but stare at him as he came closer, irritation suddenly the furthest thing from your mind.
“you, uh…” he paused, not for lack of words but simply dramatics. “you think you’re pretty tough, that right?”
“i never said that,” you replied quickly, shaking your head and averting your gaze. his hand was quick to grab your chin, forcing your head up to look him in the eye.
“‘i can handle myself.’ ain’t that what you just said?” his voice was low and rough, like he’d just swallowed sandpaper. your breath came out trembling, and when you didn’t answer fast enough for his liking, his grip grew tighter, rattling you a bit. “you answer me when i’m talkin’ to you, girl.”
“y-yes, that’s what i said,” you answered, voice wavering slightly. his gaze was piercing, eyes searching yours for a moment before releasing his grip, leaving you stumbling backwards into the front door.
“everything i do is for you,” he starts, adam's apple bobbing as he reaches out to place a more gentle hand on your arm, thumb rubbing your skin in soft circles. his eyes are still ablaze, and the dissonance makes you shiver. “everything, everything i fuckin’ do out there is to make sure none of my shit makes it back home to you, you got that? i’m not gonna let anyone lay a finger on you.” you find yourself nodding, mindlessly, letting his words soothe the irritation that had built up inside you. his calloused fingers find their way back to your face and he rubs his thumb across the plush of your lower lip, gauging the intensifying rise and fall of your chest.
he knows you. he knows what you need.
he nods almost curtly in understanding, letting his touch linger a bit longer just to feel the warmth of your shaking breath. “now you watch your goddamn language when you’re speakin’ to me, sweetheart. go on.” he jerked his head toward the door before turning around and heading for the kitchen without so much as another glance in your direction. “you’re gonna be late.”
you were in fact a few minutes late to work, but you were exactly on time getting home, that’s for sure. maybe even a few minutes earlier than usual.
and frank was waiting for you, of course he was. it was barely five minutes from walking through the door before he had you completely stripped, sitting obediently still in his lap as you wept into his shoulder.
“easy,” he cooed, squeezing your hips to keep you from rocking too much. “you quit all that cryin’ and start talking.”
your tears darkened his shirt as you clung to him helplessly, stuffed full of his thick cock and intoxicated by his voice.
“i-i just wan’you to talk to me, frank,” you cried, grasping weakly for purchase on his shoulders. “you get so distant and push me away…but i just wanna be helpful to you.” your voice was quiet and almost conspiratorial where you whispered into his neck, pressing wet, open-mouthed kisses into his warm skin. “i just-
“hey, hey, hey,” he cut you off, grabbing your neck to pull you back and look into his darkened eyes. his voice was rough with restraint—it was nothing short of a miracle he was holding it together, what with you clenching around him desperately with every breath. “none of that. you wanna know how you can help me?”
you nodded fervently.
“by stayin’ your ass right fuckin’ here,” he grit, eliciting a pathetic moan from you as he drew you in impossibly closer. “by wakin’ up in the mornin’ and goin’ to work like you have been. by doin’ what i say, when i say it. by trustin’ that everything i do out there is for you, it’s for you.” he punctuated his words with a press to your lower back, guiding you to roll your hips against him slowly. “that’s how you can help me. you got that?”
“yes, frank, yes, yes,” you whined, letting his words placate you as you began to move against him with more eagerness. “i’m sorry, i’m so so sorry-”
“shh, shh, shh, you don’t apologize,” he soothed, his voice strained, blunt nails digging crescents into your plush skin. “you don’t apologize to me, girl, you just take what you need baby, you take it from me, yeah? you take it and then we can talk, baby, just fuckin’- oh, fuck- you just take it-”
so yeah, frank knows how to handle you and your bratty attitude just fine.
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meowhara · 23 days
when will we get to see mafia miguel x bunny reader again I’m wanna read more also love ur fictional stories ❤️❤️
thank you so so much for liking any of my stories and as another form of apology for my disappearance, I made a little drabble for our beloved bunny reader!
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‎‧₊˚✧ 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲? 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐲?
♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ mafia!miguel o'hara x hybrid!bunny reader
cw : miguel's ex (I just feel like this should be a warning)
you were waiting for Miguel to come home from work when all of the sudden an uninvited guest barged her way in into his place
You’re just being dramatic, you thought. He was just going to work, the only time where he would never allow you to be by his side. His answer never changed. A big no to every promise you made to behave your best so you could come with him throughout the day. 
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The slow mornings are your favorite. Being awoken to Miguel’s lazy yet loving kisses. Tender kisses planted all over your face. You wish it could always be like this. Yet goodbyes always sneaked its way into your life. 
It feels lonely without him. He is all you dedicated yourself to. It was what you have been taught from the start. Loyalty, beyond everything. 
You lie on his bed alone. His side of the bed was cold, all warmth gone from being abandoned for hours on end. You weren’t the type to be a clingy one but his attention makes you feel safe. His actions screamed promises that he would never leave you again. That he would shower you with love and care, the only thing you never thought you would experience.
They’d shrug whenever you asked when he’ll come back. Giving you no reassurance whatsoever. Therefore, you need to reassure yourself. Bewilderment across their faces the moment you come out from his room. How on Earth did Miguel’s coat end up in your hands? You obviously wouldn’t tell them. But right now you needed a tingle of his existence with you, his scent. They did try to take it away from you, but you were so persistent and won’t let go of the massive piece of clothing that fits you like a dress. Guess the best idea is to let you have it all to yourself, rather than having their heads ripped off from making you cry by their own boss. 
So here you are, curling up on the couch, drowned by the massive coat that covers almost the entirety of your body. The gentle conversations from the TV in the background filled your ears. Your head buried into the fine material the coat made out of. 
“Ma’am, please leave. Boss is not here at the moment.” A man’s muffled voice can be heard from outside the front door, making you shoot your head up in curiosity. “You’re lying! I know he’s inside! He’s just avoiding me like the motherfucking coward he is!” Another voice replied and it’s a woman’s voice. The door slammed open before a woman with light skin tone and short brown hair just about her shoulder rushed into the house in an aggressive manner. “Where is he? O’Hara!” She shouted, looking absolutely furious. His underling just sighs. Too tired to deal with the stone head of a woman. “Please leave. He doesn’t want you here.” The man spoke, forcing gentleness into his voice. Just who is this woman? Barging into someone’s house like it was hers in the first place. “I’m not leaving until I force a slap into that fucker’s face. And don’t you dare tell me what to do. You’re nobody but a loyal dog that works for him.” She sounded like a little kid. Throwing a tantrum after not getting what she wanted. 
Her heels clicked on the floor in hurry, passing by the living room where you’re curled up in before she paused on her tracks.
“Who is that?” 
“Nobody. Now please leave.” He raised his voice. Patience wearing thin from how stubborn she is.
“You’re telling me, nobody is sitting in there right now as we talk?” She pushed the man aside by his shoulder before making her entrance into the living room. 
After a second of silence in between both of you, you stood up to your feet. Feeling the need to say something in order not to come out as rude. “Hello…” You greeted meekly. Her eyes scanned over you as she stood there with her hand on her hip. Your bunny ears were so strange in her eyes.
She recognizes the coat that was resting on your small form. It's his and he would never let any soul touch anything that was his, unless… “Take it off.” She commanded but you shook your head in refusal. “I said take it off. Before I rip it off of you.” She scoffed at your attempt to keep it to yourself before walking over towards you and started pulling on the coat. “If I told you to take it off. Then take. It. Off''
“Ma’am—“ The moment the insolent woman laid her hands on you, Miguel’s men tried to stop her by pulling her off of you. But she didn’t budge, “Don’t touch me! You have no right to touch me.” She slapped the man’s grip away until all he could do now is to watch her assaulting your innocence. 
She continued to yank the piece of clothing off until your knuckles turn white from how hard you’re clutching onto it. You eventually gave up, letting her forcefully snatch the coat off your body. You thought she’d just left after all of that, but she’s not done. Your presence was like the fuel to her hatred and anger towards Miguel. So she decided to put an end to this and claim her rightful place again by his side. And the only thing stopping her to do so is you. What kind of girl are you anyway that Miguel chose you over her? She panted and threw the coat aside before she regained her composure. You keep your head low. Making eye contact with the beast is the last thing you want to do. 
“Leave.”, She waited for you to move your legs and leave. Not from the living room, but from his house. She waited and still didn’t get any reaction from you. She expected you to just scramble off like the loser of a girl you are. Instead of scrambling off you stood there quietly, worsening her madness. Her hand made its way onto your face. Gripping both of your cheeks tight with her palm and forcing you to look into your eyes. She’s satisfied over tears in your eyes, satisfied that she successfully made you cry over something like this. 
“Leave this house and I won’t hurt you.” She threatened and it surprised her when you pushed her off and tried to run but she yanked your hand and pulled on one of your fluffy ears. Forcing you to stand still in front of her. “Listen here, you little pest. Miguel doesn’t love you. So don’t get any idea in that little head of yours, that he would actually keep you.”
You fighting back instead of running was the least thing she expected you to do. Yet your claws dug deep into her hand which was still tightly gripping your ear earning a loud whine from how painful her doing is towards you. “You little—“, She hissed through gritted teeth. Her free hand raised high in the air, prepared to slap you. 
However, the quick motion of her hand was interrupted. She froze right there and then when she saw no other but Miguel stood in front of her with her free hand trapped in his tight grip. “M— Miguel.” She stuttered and let go of your ear. The smile on her face was dismissed by a hard slap across her face. Miguel slapped her, hard enough to return her senses into her mind. She stumbled back when he let her hand go. She stood there in silence with her palm resting on the same spot on her cheek where Miguel had slapped her. “How dare you!” She squealed. 
He stood there with such a calm manner, though both you and Dana knew that calmness was never a good thing when it comes to Miguel and this kind of situation. He turned his back on her and crouched beside you as you cried on the floor. The way he tried to gently soothe you were like daggers stabbed into her heart. She couldn’t believe he would stoop so low and replace her with someone else like you. Someone who’s weak and clinging onto him like a leaf that was to be blown away by the wind. 
“After all this time, you’re going to throw me away just like this?!” She shouted, overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. “I bet that you don’t even love her. You’re just using her for her body! The only reason for you to keep her is only because you enjoy fucking her! Then you’ll abandon her like you did to me! You’re supposed to love me, not her…” 
“Can’t you see that I’m here for you? Miguel?!” He stood up and grabbed her shoulder, pulling her close so that their faces were almost touching. “I didn’t abandon you. You did. You cheated. You think I didn’t know about you dating my brother behind my back?” Her body felt weak the moment truth escaped through the mouth of the man she once dated. “You should be grateful that I didn’t take matters into my own hands and pushed you away instead. But you still dare to barge into my house and harassed her?!” His breath hits her face as he continues to yell at her like rays of anger. “I loved you and this is how you pay me back? Answer me, Dana!” 
The room falls quiet after his roar has died down. “Leave… And never come back. I never wanted to see you again.” He growls into her ear before pushing her away by the shoulder. His words broke her down into tears before she ran off and slammed his front door hard then drove off.
He took his place once again by your side as you tensed up in fear after watching the whole scene unfold right in front of your own eyes, once again dropping your head down and it has been an ongoing habit by now. “Love? What’s wrong?” Miguel asked, making sure that you’re okay or he might have to take a visit to that bitch Dana. He saw how tense you are. Probably shocked from how harsh he treated his own ex. “You hit her…” 
“I know baby, I have to.” 
“But you said— you said you would never hit a woman.” You said in between sobs.
“She’s no woman if she tries to hurt you, she’s a monster. I’m doing this for you. So you’ll always stay safe. I would never hit you nor hurt you, that I promise.” 
“Of course baby.” He kisses you tears away before taking his coat and scooping you into it with one force. Turning you into his little burrito, wrapped up in his coat. A couple giggles erupted from your mouth. He carried you in his arms and started walking upstairs. “I see you dare to get your hands on my coat.”
“You were gone for so long.” You whine. 
He laughed, “I was only gone for the day, it’s not that long.”
He opened the bedroom door before setting you down slowly on the bed then lay down beside you. “Let me make it up to you, what do you say baby?”
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a/n : I guess there's only one thing that the whole miguel o'hara fandom could agree on. the fact that we all hate dana d'angelo
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my request is grumpy!reader not liking summer because it's so hot, everybody is sweaty, bad sunburns, and thigh chafing from being forced out of wearing jeans due to the heat. maybe she overheats easily and can get irritated/snappy and starts to feel sick when she gets too hot
and, of course, sunshine!Steve (who is summer incarnate) doing everything to change her mind: taking care of her to try to help with the things she doesn't like, showing her fun things to do that make her comfortable, doing everything he can to make her at least a little bit happy that it's bright and sunny and warm, etc.
love you emmy you're so talented and your brain is so big and sexy ok bye
myo! summer steve for u 🧡
“Y’know, you’ll feel better if you get in.”
Steve was in the pool - his pool - the back yard quiet for once, empty of kids who liked to raid the freezer for popsicles and argue over the one sun lounger that didn’t have the dodgy wheel.
Your boyfriend was in the water, had been all morning, hair damp, skin slick, shoulders tanned and nose freckling. Steve was slumped over the pool edge, the sun making the ripples reflect off of his face, honey coloured eyes and last nights stubble. His lips were shiny, chlorine flavoured, chest smelling like sunscreen and the perfume you’d left on his bedsheets.
“I don’t wanna,” you lied. You were perched in the shade, lingering in the gloom of the patio awning with a frown on your face that was barely concealed by the sunglasses you’d stolen from the boy. “It’s too hot.”
You were borderline miserable and happy to wallow in it, the Indiana sun making your skin prickle under its heat, too hot for jeans, too uncomfortably sticky for anything that made your thighs touch. You sighed, mournful.
“Baby,” Steve was soft with the way he said it, a placating thing that you knew too well. If you looked over at him, you knew you’d find him pouting. He was. “The water’ll help cool you down, c’mon.” He extended a hand, dripping dots onto the tiles that dried too quick.
“There’s no shade in the pool,” you argued feebly, but you were up and walking towards him anyway, scowling when the patio had the audacity to burn your bare feet. “M’gonna die.”
Steve tutted, staving off a grin. “Dramatic,” he muttered, eyes on you as you played with the tie on your dress, staring at the blue water in consideration. “I won’t let you die, promise.”
You were still frowning.
Steve tried again, “c’mon, honey. I’m getting real lonely here. Come play.”
Maybe it was his words, maybe it was the way his biceps flexed when he lifted a hand to push back his hair, ropes of muscle down his forearms. Maybe it was just because the sun was so fucking hot.
You pulled off your dress, cotton catching on your damp skin, uncaring where it landed. Bikini already underneath, peach coloured and almost too small to be appropriate, you made your way to the stairs. Steve grinned, triumphant, treading water as he watched you walk around the pool edge. A low whistle, flirtatious enough that it made you warmer still.
“There she is,” he called out, salacious in his tone. He made his way towards you, meeting you by the steps, hands held out for you to wade into. “Can’t believe you were gonna try n’ hide all that from me. Traitor.”
The pool water was cool on your skin even if Steve was warm. Slick body, rough hands, hard muscle, soft skin; you let him manhandle you until you were wrapped around him, allowing him to carry you through the water without complaint.
“Shut up,” you mumbled, face buried in the crook of his neck, embarrassed by his flirting, even after all those years.
You weren’t frowning anymore.
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yasu-1234 · 3 months
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sleepy sex with your boyfriend, choso.
pairing: choso x afab reader words: 3,000 contains: 69 (oral sex), p in v sex, overstimulation, and choso being clingy mood:  eepy, comfy, slow author’s note: it was rainy today. what a coincidence !
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The storm outside your window has finally calmed into a gentle patter of rain, the howling winds have faded into a soft breeze threading the trees that frame your streets, and yet nothing is as comforting as the sound of Choso coming home; the jingling of his keys by your front door, his husky voice announcing that he’s home, and the heavy trudging of his feet against the hardwood floor as he makes his way to your bedroom. 
It’s an hour past midnight. Much later than his usual arrival.
He opens the door and finds you seated upright on the bed, your back propped up by a pillow, your smile calm and radiant as you look up from your book to meet his weary eyes. The bedside lamp casts a soft, golden hue inside the bedroom, warm and comforting, as if the room itself has embraced the love shared within its walls. 
“Hey, you,” you greet him. You close your book and place it on the nightstand. 
Choso doesn’t reply. Instead, he strips down to his boxers with a huff, raises the duvet, and crawls across the mattress until he reaches the space between your legs. He sinks his weight against your torso with a heavy sigh, home at last in the solace of your arms.
“Baby…” he mutters as he nuzzles into your chest, his voice soft and gravelly from exhaustion. “I missed you.”
You carefully remove his hair ties and run your fingers through his locks, untangling his hair and soothing the pressure from his scalp. He sighs from relief and his breath is warm against your skin. The scent of rain and the outdoors cling to him, crisp and rejuvenating in its earthiness, like fresh dew drops dripping into soil.
“I missed you too,” you say softly.
“Did I make you wait too long?”
“A little bit. But you’re here now, so it doesn’t really matter.”
“You must’ve been so lonely…” he replies. “I’m sorry, baby.”
He reaches for your hand to press your knuckles against his lips. Kissing you with gentleness and care. To Choso, you are delicate, exquisite; to be held softly in his hands and treated with infinite tenderness and worship. To Choso, you are meant to be savored. To be indulged. Whether it’s with attention or gifts or sex. He hated to be away from you; much more, he hated for you to be alone. Lying in bed in the late hours of the night, longing to fall asleep in his arms, surrounded by his warmth.
Choso grinds his teeth, chastising himself for such a shortcoming. He’s always been hard on himself when it comes to the people he loves. And so dramatic. A testament to his tender, oversized heart.
“It’s been an awful storm. It’s not your fault. You don’t have to apologize,” you say fondly, hoping to soothe his worry. 
He shakes his head, “I still can’t help but feel bad about it.” 
He leans upwards to kiss you. His soft, plush lip finds tender purchase in the space between yours. You part your lips and Choso groans softly, deep in his chest, as he seizes the chance to deepen the kiss. Your back bows as you feel his soft tongue flow past your lips, meeting you with a gentle, circular caress, sending tremors along your nerves.
His hands drag sluggishly over your skin. His weight is heavy against your body. Even his kisses feel slow and loose. As if they can stop anytime.
“You’re tired,” you whisper against his lips. “You should rest.”
“No, baby, I’m fine… Just let me do this. Please,” he whispers back. He removes the extra pillow behind you and guides you to lie on your back. Then he rests on his elbows as his fingers brush your hair away from your face, gazing down at you with half-lidded eyes before he plants kisses on your forehead and on your cheeks.
“I wanna do this for you,” he continues.
You give a resigned sigh as Choso drags his warm lips from your cheek down to your neck. Leaving a chill, electrified trail in its wake, raising waves of goosebumps from under your flesh. Then he nuzzles against your chest. And for a moment, you could have sworn he had fallen asleep then and there. Until his hand slips underneath your shirt, pulling it upwards to expose your chest.
Choso buries his face against your bare skin.
He starts to knead and suckle on your breasts, his hot mouth encircling your nipple, rubbing the soft, succulent tip of his tongue around and around your stiff bud. The sensation of his tongue is delicate, and yet somehow, searing—a pleasure that begins as a gentle, flickering in your breasts that surges into a nearly painful throbbing between your legs. Your hand drifts downward, hoping your fingers will relieve that ache. But Choso wraps his hand around your wrist, pinning it up to the side of your head.
“You don’t have to do anything, baby,” he mutters, looking at you with a sleepy, yet tender gaze. “Just leave it to me, okay? I’ll make you feel good. I promise.”
Choso takes your other wrist and pins it to your side as he continues relishing your breasts, your body writhes and bows and shudders as you grow helpless against his gentle mouth. Then he plants his thigh between your legs and starts rubbing it against your aching core. You moan and spread your legs, your panties soaking against his thigh, as you ride each wave of relief against your clit.
“So wet already,” he whispers. “Let me taste you…”
“Please,” you answer.
Choso takes his kisses southward, his lips drifting across your sternum, your stomach, down to your belly, until he pulls your panties off and lays them on the side of the bed. He pushes his hair back as he admires the way your pussy flutters under his gaze—so wet and pretty and inviting. He parts you open with his thumb and closes his eyes. Then he kisses your pussy as if it were your lips; with a soft tongue gliding along your slit, a hot sigh against your skin, and soft lips that close around your aching clit. Tasting, caressing, then devouring. You grab the pillow underneath you and moan, your toes curling as you melt and throb in his tongue.
“Rub it against my face, baby,” he tells you. “Kiss me back.” 
“Oh god—“ you whimper as you move your hips, rubbing your pussy in time with his mouth. Choso moans as his lips move with greater hunger. He spits on his fingers and starts prodding your entrance. His lips remain suctioned against your clit as he glides his thick fingers inside, curling and pressing that spot that you love.
Your taste, your scent, your softness, and your needy, satisfied moans rocket straight from Choso’s senses down to his hardening cock. You notice the slow, sensual rolling of his backside as he ruts against the mattress, rubbing his cock against your sheets to tease himself. Nothing arouses him more than the sounds of your pleasure. 
You thread your fingers along his soft hair. 
“Choso,” you sigh. “Get in here… Let me taste you too…”
He looks up, his eyes glazed with need, “Are you sure?” 
You nod and he sighs as he maneuvers his hips.
“Thank you…” he whispers.
Together, you lie on your sides; with your head resting comfortably on his muscular thigh, and his head resting on yours. You help him shrug off his boxers to reveal his cock—thick, smooth, and long, with a shaft so translucent and pale that you can see the thin, purplish veins snaking underneath his skin like a delicate web. You wrap your hands around the base and rub your tongue along the salty and textured underside of his crown, your hand twisting as it glides up and down.
Choso’s hips stutter. 
“A-ah!” He groans. He’s always been so sensitive to your touch. “Slow and gentle, baby. Slow and gentle. Please. I don’t wanna cum so fast.” 
“Alright, baby,” you whisper back, and his cock twitches as your breath hits his slit.
You wrap your lips around his head, sucking him with shallow strokes, your hand firm and steady around his base. You roll the tip of your tongue around his sensitive tip and each drop of precum tastes sweeter than the last. Choso hums and kisses your pussy once again; the slow and languorous movement of his tongue sends pulses of pleasure all the way to your hair-ends, lulling you into a deep state of comfort; enough to let your head sink deeper and deeper between his thighs, sliding his cock to the back of your tongue until it dwells inside your warm throat. 
“God, you’re incredible,” Choso moans and grunts, his thighs nearly vibrating from the hot and tight sensation. “Keep going baby… it feels–so good.”
You keep his cock buried inside your throat like a sleeve, your hand gripping his thigh and his backside, moving only to catch your breath and to keep him sensitive. And in return, he slides a stiff tongue inside of your entrance, his chin rubbing against your clit, savoring your delicate taste and the tightness of your walls. Choso flutters and rolls his tongue, and your nails dig into his thick thighs as you grind your hips against his mouth. And the pleasure he gives you flows back to him when you moan around his cock, teasing him with the vibrations of your throat.
You stay like this for moments, savoring and being savored, indulging and being indulged. Your hips and lips and fingers sway and curl in the same unhurried rhythm, wanting to stretch these sensations as long as you can. And your moans spill into each other’s cores as you revel in mutual pleasure. 
You withdraw and look down towards your lover; his eyes closed and his brow upturned, licking your cunt like a sleepy little kitten, indulging in his milk. You smile and reach down to caress his jaw.
“You okay down there?” You ask.
“Mmhm…” he hums. “I could die like this…”
You laugh softly. “Come back to me, baby.”
He shifts and crawls on top of you, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and resting his entire weight on your body. He starts kissing your neck as you feel his cock press between your legs.
“Do you need me?” he asks softly, rubbing his cock against your clit, seeking permission to enter. 
“I need you,” you whisper back. And his hips shift ever so slightly as his tip plunges inside your slit; a smooth and slick entrance, but with a thickness that stretches your walls—a hazy blur between pleasure and pain. 
You wrap your arms around his smooth back, feeling his warm breath on your neck as he sinks deeper and deeper, until your hips finally touch and Choso sinks into you with a shudder. You moan, feeling fuller and tighter with his cock so close to your womb. 
He nuzzles his eyelids against your shoulder. Quiet and unmoving. His breath hot and labored against your skin. You laugh softly, wondering if the overwhelming pleasure has knocked him unconscious.
“Choso?” You call to him, scratching lightly at the back of his neck.
“Still with me, baby?”
He smiles against your skin, “Yeah. It’s just—you feel so fucking good.”
He finally moves his hips, slow and steady like rolling waves. You moan softly into his ear as his cock drags and hits all the right spots. And the sound of your voice provokes his hips to move faster; his hands wandering and grabbing every soft inch of your flesh, his lips biting and suckling on the base of your neck. 
“You’re taking me so well, baby,” he sighs. “It’s like I’m made for you.” 
He tilts his head to look down on you with a needy and primal gaze, his breath growing shallower as his thrusts grow harder and deeper. His hips snap against your skin, almost like a slap. Hot, coiling pleasure sears inside your belly as his presence overwhelms your senses; his deep, needy groans, his soft tongue against yours, the nebulous saltiness of his scent, and his heavy cock between your legs. Fucking you until you cling unto him for grounding, as if he’s the only one who can prevent your soul from falling into the abyss. 
Choso grabs the back of your head, tilting you to meet his gaze.
“Do I feel good?” He asks you with ragged breaths.
“Y-yeah,” you moan. “So good.”
“Am I fucking you right?” He asks again.
“So right…”
“Do you love me?”
“I love you.”
His lips tremble, “Say that again. Please?”
“I love you…”
You said it with such earnest, such honesty, and with so much affection behind your hazy eyes, that a strangled noise leaves Choso’s throat. Prompting him to drive his cock upwards, hitting you at the perfect angle, with the perfect rhythm. So desperate to please, so desperate to finish. You cry out in ecstasy; your nails digging into his back as he hurtles you closer and closer to your peak.
“Choso–,” you moan.
“I know,” he huffs. “Me too.” 
Choso’s abs tighten, his cock rumbling inside your tight cunt, his moans ragged as he nears his climax. But he grits his teeth with a hiss, trying his best to reign it in. Not yet, he thinks to himself. Not until you finish first. 
“Cum for me, baby. Please,” he pleads. “Please, let me feel you.”
He reaches down to rub your clit with his thumb. And the sudden sting of pleasure breaks you apart—your body thrashing helplessly against the strength of your climax. The rush of blood feels searing hot underneath your skin, muffling and blurring the rest of your senses. And your walls begin to contract around his cock with an urgent rhythm, squeezing him and heightening his pleasure.
“Hngh— yes, yes, just like that, baby. Keep going for me. Keep going for me, please,” Choso rambles in between strangled moans. His hips nearly a blur as he fucks you for his climax.
Choso relishes the sight of you; your lips parted, your eyelids lowered, your head tilted back and snared frozen by ecstasy as you come on his cock. His cock. Through his rhythm and his thrusts. And no one else’s. Pride and love and passion swell in his chest as he gives you that rapturous, bone-melting pleasure that you deserve, drawing out a face that looks this fucking beautiful. An expression so radiant in its purity and so raw in its vulnerability.
He holds your head and torso steady, his thrusts growing frantic and relentless, devoid of any rhythm or restraint. And you bite back a scream as the drag of his cock becomes rough and overwhelming. Sustaining your climax until it consumes you in monstrous, cascading waves. 
 “Just a little more, baby. I’m so close, I’m so fucking close—ah—yes—“ 
You feel a sudden surge of heat as Choso’s come bursts straight into your womb, flooding you until you leak. His thighs shake and his hips jerk in a desperate staccato—grinding his cock to milk the rest of his spent, moaning and whispering your name as if in worship, until the words melt into a soft sigh on his lips. And his desperate thrusts halt into stillness. And his firm grip against your skin loosens into a soft rubbing of his thumb. 
The earlier passion has faded into tenderness and soothing. 
“I hope I didn’t hurt you,” he says, panting.
“Not in a way I don’t like,” you answer. 
His lips curl into a smile. He reaches upwards to caress your cheek.
“Can I keep holding you like this?” He asks. And you nod in response.
Your mind floats weightlessly, the rest of the world melting into mist like a distant dream. Your bodies remain melded together, and you forget where your body ends and where Choso’s begin. You forget which breath is yours and which is his when he kisses you with unbridled affection. You don’t even know if your fleeting thoughts are yours as your mind crawls toward lucidity. Perhaps it’s just his words echoing in your mind. But none of these are confusing to you. Such sensations are typical for two souls who share a heart; for lovers who know each other's bodies as well as they know their own. And Choso has mapped your body a thousand times; with his eyes, when he was pining for you, and with the rest of him when he was finally yours. 
Choso withdraws and tucks your face towards the curve of his neck, resting your head on his arm, then pulling you closer to his chest with a large, flat hand. He drapes you with his weight, surrounding you with his radiant heat and his comforting scent. You can feel the way his chest expands and contracts in the rhythm of your breathing. You find soothing in the ebb and flow of your bodies. Your eyelids sink from the comfort of his embrace and the weight of your exhaustion. 
There is no greater expression of tenderness and trust than the way you fall asleep in each other’s arms. With his eyes closed and his body growing limp, Choso has never looked so vulnerable and helpless. And yet he folds his arms protectively around you, as if he can shield you from the world in his sleep. At the same time, he curls his body into your form, tucking his thighs in between yours, making himself small enough for you to embrace the most of him. Because to Choso, you’re a sanctuary. A person from which he draws security and strength. And so you close your eyes, comfortable in this mutual dependency, in being both vulnerable and protective, finding solace in the warmth of each other's presence.
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originally posted on ao3 thank you for giving this fanfic a chance! art by @WYY1KWKV88gg8uo on x
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lady-lauren · 1 year
Heaven in Hiding
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↣ Pairing: Kyojuro Rengoku x Fem!Reader
↣ Rating: Explicit, 18+ Only
↣ Word Count: 5.7k
↣ Warnings/Tags: modern college au, step-big bro!Rengoku, stepcest, a very slight yandere tone, a bit of enemies to lovers, use of “darling” and “good girl”, cuddling and flirting, the smut comes quickly because I can’t help myself, oral (fem!receiving), facesitting, hair pulling, a little biting/marking, unprotected rough/passionate sex, small belly bulge, creampie
↣ A/N: I’m not sorry. I needed to get this out of my system. I love this man and I have been a god damn emotional rollercoaster with this series, okay? He’s such a good big brother and I can’t stand it. 😭
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Kyojuro takes delight in being a big brother. He’s a protector and provider by nature. So, when his father remarried, the union bringing a darling new step-sister into the fold, he found renewed pride and purpose in acting as your big brother.
Even though you don’t need a big brother—you’ve told him this a thousand times, insisted that since you’ve always been on your own, you can handle yourself. You’re only two years younger than him, a sophomore to his senior in college.
You’re independent, which Kyojuro appreciates. But you’re so pretty and always so alone. Alone at parties, smiling in the corner, fending off boys with impure intentions. Alone at the library, working tirelessly toward your degree. Alone in your apartment, sleeping in empty sheets.
He can’t stand the thought of you being alone. You need him. You’re a moon without a sun.
So Kyojuro determines the only way for you to let him in completely is to give you what all pretty, lonely girls desire—to be fucked stupid.
“Hello!” he announces at your door late on a Saturday night. He’s not surprised that you slam the door in his face upon recognizing his golden hair and flaming voice.
Persistent, he knocks again, telling the seam of the door that he’s brought food.
It takes a few moments, but your door creaks open again, slowly, hesitantly, as if you’re afraid he’s just going to rush inside. He does.
“Finals are just around the corner and I wanted to make sure you’re taking care of yourself.”
As he takes purposeful steps toward your kitchen, Kyojuro takes note of your apartment. Everything is clean, cute. There are scented candles burning and he can smell the remnants of a hot shower, steam and hints of vanilla and rose swirling in the air. Your television is paused on some Netflix show, a cozy blanket half strewn over the couch. Good, you’re indulging in self-care.
“I’m doing just fine on my own, thanks.”
“And that’s the problem!” He pulls fresh, hot food from the paper bag he’s brought as he speaks, setting containers of potato miso soup—of course he would bring you his favorite, you deserve nothing less—and various other comforting snacks on your countertops. “You don’t have to do everything on your own when you have me.”
You follow him to the kitchen, leaning against the doorframe with your arms crossed. You weren’t prepared for company, only dressed in a pair of soft shorts and a tank-top with no bra. He notices how you’re covering yourself, pressing your tits down and out of sight, hiding the sight of hard nipples. You’re alluring in the soft light; all smooth, dewy skin and sensual curves that would make any man weep.
“Thanks,” you sigh, “and sorry about trying to shut you out. I’m just not used to having a…a brother, or whatever you are.”
“Well, I’m happy to show you what big brothers are for.”
Even as you both sit to eat, you eye him like you don’t trust him. The problem is that you don’t know him. Even after a few years of being family, you’ve never given him the time of day to show you who he really is, how caring he is. Which is why he’s determined to sink beneath your skin tonight, open you like a parched flower to rain.
“You really don’t have to stay,” you mumble over a spoonful, still watching him with catlike perception.
“Why? Did you have other plans?” He looks around dramatically, long hair swishing as he makes the point.
“Kyojuro…I like being alone. It’s addictive, in a way. I like being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want. And I appreciate that you want to be some heroic big bro, but I don’t need you to do that.”
“Don’t you get lonely?” he says with a heavy knife’s edge of sincerity. The words slice through the calm and make you bristle.
“Everyone gets lonely. It’s human nature.”
“Well, you don’t have to be lonely,” he stands to begin cleaning, stopping next to your chair to pat your head softly. “Not with me around.”
He keeps his palm on your head for a moment longer, making you look up at him through your lashes with a concoction of emotion. Anger is present, anger that he’s here, once again attempting to push into your life. But there’s also a hint of adoration, a welling shine that gives him hope.
For you, it’s hard not to be sucked into the gravity well that is Kyojuro Rengoku. He’s blazing warmth and heartfelt smiles, with an eccentricity that is equal parts curious and lovable. He’s the promise of comfort, an assurance of safety. He’s big and strong and far too handsome for his own good—every girl at your university wants him and it’s hard not to fall prey to his blunt charm.
But you’ve always found solace in yourself, only ever trusted yourself. It’s hard to put your trust into anyone, even someone with such a pleasing disposition.
“What movie do you wanna watch?” There’s no question as to whether you want to do such a thing and spend more time with him. It’s a given for him. You’ve let him in, so now he’s going to stay.
“I’m not picky,” you rummage around the kitchen as he slinks into the living room, “just put on whatever you want.”
When you’ve taken enough time to steel yourself, taking deep breaths to calm your shot nerves of your expected alone time being overtaken, you return to him.
Kyojuro has taken residence on your small couch, stout legs spread across the cushions. He’s big in your space, muscular and barrel-chested as one arm hangs across the back of the couch. Like you, he’s casual tonight, gray sweatpants and a tight black t-shirt with the Slayer University emblem on his chest.
With a beaming, almost sheepish smile, he pats his stocky thigh in invitation.
“No,” you hiss.
“Oh, come on! I bet you haven’t had a good, old-fashioned cuddle in a long time.”
The startled look on your face confirms his thoughts.
He’s perceptive, it’s what has made him a great college athlete. He knows you well enough to be aware that you’re no fumbling virgin; you prefer one-night stands, in and out sexual gratification with no messy strings of feelings wrapped around your heart. But that means when it comes to gentle, caring human contact, you’re absolutely touch-starved. He wants to give you what no one else can—the warm, comforting embrace of a brother.
Like an offering, he holds his hand out to you. Palm up, big fingers barely curved and beckoning come here.
You mumble something under your breath, some curse against god, but you take his hand anyway.
Your bodies meld together easily. Your softness melts against his muscles, your ass settling between his spread thighs and your legs draping over one of his. Enthusiastically, he wraps an arm around your shoulders and squishes your cheek against his plush chest.
“See? This is nice!” He beams, proud and loud and practically stewing in happiness.
Shifting a bit to find comfort, you settle on having your hands against his chest, his steady heart beating against your fingertips, ringing in the ear he’s trapped against him.
“Yeah,” your voice is muffled against his brawn, “it’s alright.”
It’s more than alright. Kyojuro can feel the tension in your shoulders fade as he runs his fingers along your arm, up and down, back and forth, a gentle sweeping of touch. You sink deeper into him as he scrolls aimlessly through the streaming platform, nuzzling your head against his chest. You’re quiet, but that’s alright. He just wants you to feel comfortable and realize that you’re safe with him.
He decides on something simple to watch, some nature documentary he’s already seen before as background noise. He doesn’t care what plays; all his attention is set on you.
Fingertips trail up your neck, his thumb caressing your jaw. He expected you to squirm a bit, perhaps protest, but you are content to just curl up against him and hum.
“Feel good?”
“Mhm, yeah. Guess I could get used to this.”
Kyojuro takes the initiative of pulling you in even closer, big hand dipping to your waist and shoving you against his body. His fingers spread wide, his thumb presses against the fat of your breast, his middle finger curving against the underside. His instincts tell him to squeeze, but he presses his teeth together and flexes his jaw to stop himself.
You’re not naive. Your senses are on high alert being pressed against his big, warm body, and you’re acutely aware of his touch against your breast. Instead of slithering away from him, you coil yourself against him tighter. One of your hands slides up his chest, wrinkling his soft t-shirt as your fingers come to rest on his neck, right at his pulse.
“Kyo…” you whisper, turning your cheek to look up at him. He stares down at you a little too intently, honey and ruby eyes waiting, watching. “Why did you come here tonight?”
“To be a good big brother,” he answers immediately.
“So good little sisters just get food and cuddles? Nothing else?” You’re teasing him, one of your manicured nails tapping at the side of his full lips.
He’ll give you whatever you want, whatever it takes to open you to him, let him be part of your life, part of you.
“I’ll give you anything you want. Name it, and it’s yours.”
His heart is pounding in his ribcage as you move in his lap, straddling his waist. Your tits press against his chest, your cunt nestled against the ridge of his hardening cock that he can’t keep hidden in his sweats.
You play with the long hair that frames his face, twirling red tips between your fingers.
“We really shouldn’t…”
Your lips brush against his, just out of reach, hips rocking against him.
“But we definitely should, right?”
“We tell no one,” you warn.
“Our little secret.”
He takes the initiative, running his hot hands up your sides, feeling every dip and curve as he settles his palms on your tits. Thumbs roll over your already hard nipples, bushy eyebrows pulling up in delight as you give him your first moan.
One hand drags to your face, thick fingers squishing into your cheeks as he pulls your mouth closer to his.
“Let me show you what big brothers are for, darling.”
His kiss is like fire, all consuming, powerful. He slides his tongue into your mouth without prompting, cock growing fully hard when you respond in earnest. Your hands cup his face as you moan into his mouth, tongue tangling with his as you grind into his lap. He wanted you to be enthusiastic, but this—this is heaven.
Just a few touches and you’re already melting to his flames, ready to be burned.
He knew such a pretty, lonely thing just needed to be fucked. And he’ll fuck you just right, in all the ways you’ve ever desired. That’s what he’s here for—to provide in all the ways no other man can.
“Off,” you whisper into his mouth, fingernails plucking at his shirt. “Take this off.”
He breaks away from you for just an instant, grabbing his shirt behind his neck and ripping the fabric away from his heated skin. He does the same for you, tossing your tank top over your head so your tits can spill out in front of his face.
“You’re beautiful,” he says in quick reverence, leaning forward to lick one of your nipples into his mouth. His hands are rough, one gripping into your ribs and pushing you down into the couch cushions while the other kneads into the flesh of the breast in his mouth.
You moan and squeak at his actions, making room for him to settle between your spread legs. His weight is so heavy between your thighs. He feels like passion, like a promise.
“Have you been taking care of yourself?” he asks rather sternly, spit dripping from his lips as he moves from one breast to the other.
You flush hot; he can feel how your skin reacts to him.
“Wha…what do you mean?”
As his teeth delicately scrape against your nipple, he flashes his eyes up at you over the curve of your tits. You know exactly what he means.
“I…” you trail off, suddenly bashful even as you press your pussy closer to him, finding relief by rubbing your dampening folds against the hard ridge of his cock.
Kyojuro mumbles your name into your skin, “How do you make yourself cum?”
The question is genuine. He needs to know. He wants to know how to please you, he wants to know if you really do take care of yourself.
“Oh god,” you groan and throw your arm over your eyes, whimpering as he takes your tits in both hands and squeezes. “I…fuck, I have toys.”
“Do you? What kind?” He trails his mouth lower, relishing how your hips buck one last time, searching for his cock, as he moves himself down your body.
“I—” you suck in a deep breath as he hooks his fingers in your sopping little shorts, tugging the material down your thighs. “I h-have a vibrator, but mostly I j-just use a big dildo. I…I like to feel full.”
“I’ll make you feel full, darling. I promise.”
He spreads you open, one of your legs dangling off the couch and the other propped against the back cushion. Your pussy is already sloppy, slick and wet in anticipation of him. He shoves his golden head between your thighs, using his thumbs to spread apart your folds and just look at you. You’re perfect—such a perfect little step-sister indeed.
“It’s amazing how wet you are for me.” The praise makes you mewl, hips wiggling as one of your hands tangles in his long mane of hair. He can feel your temptation to tug him closer, nails pressing into his scalp.
But the sight of your plush thighs spread wide gives him such a tempting thought, one he can’t deny.
“I want you to sit on my face.” He pulls himself away from you, big shoulders rolling as he sits up onto his knees. He rubs his drooling, aching cock through his pants at the sight of you spread naked below him.
“But you were already right there,” you huff and sit up, shooting him that angry glare he loves so much.
“I know, I know,” he grins, “but I want your thighs smothering me. So, sit on me fully, yeah? No hovering.”
You nod in agreement as he sits on the floor, laying his head back and flat against the cushions, thick neck tilted back. You don’t hesitate to throw your leg across his pretty face, letting his lips ghost along your skin as you settle your hips above him. He locks his brawny arms around your legs, eager to bring your wet cunt to his mouth.
He groans in ecstasy as your weight presses down against him, your pussy sweet against his lips as he takes his time to flatten his tongue and draw one long, hot stripe through your folds.
Immediately his eyes flare open, catching your gaze from up above.
“Fuck you’re…tasty.”
His face feels too good smothered between the flesh of your thighs, lips and tongue hungry within your folds. Strong hands are careful not to bruise your skin, pulling your weight farther down onto his face until he’s drowning in you.
Your head hangs low as jolts of white-hot heat spread from where his mouth is working at you, playing with you, tongue painting long, broad strokes up and down your pussy. Your thighs begin to shake and he takes it as a sign of triumph, eagerly eating more and more. Your cunt is syrupy and hot, dripping down onto his tongue and his cheeks.
If he suffocated here and now, he’d die a happy man between your legs.
One of his hands falls to his lap, fisting at his dripping cock, red and angry and still begging for release against the blonde, downy hair of his stomach. Sticky pre-cum leaks from his flushed head, pooling into his skin and clothes as his cock bobs and twitches at the sounds of your moans. Quickly, he lifts his hips just enough to pull his cock free, hand wrapping around his throbbing skin to pump his shaft to the rhythm of his tongue inside of you.
“Oh, oh fuck,” you press your lips together, stomach pulling tight as his tongue thrusts up inside of you, “fuck, fuck, fuck that’s so good, Kyo,” it is all a messy whisper, just hot air blown into the dimly lit room.
Your hips jerk and roll from his ministrations, bursts of pleasure spreading over your nerves like hot, rippling webs beneath your skin. His tongue presses against your tight hole, gathering the mess of your slick onto his tongue and drinking like a man parched.
His tongue soothes over you, lapping slowly and pulling you away from the churning coil within your belly. He wants you to savor this, to beg for him, beg for your big brother to let you cum on his face.
“Please,” your voice is wavering as his lips move against your folds, “p-please, suck my clit, make me cum.”
His cock twitches with every plea.
You double over in pleasure as he heads your plea, nails scraping into the couch as you cling on for dear life. His tongue swirls over your clit quickly and with fervor, tight circles to make your vision go blurry. He’s always been proud of how well he eats pussy, and he’s never enjoyed one more than yours.
He squeezes the base of his cock to keep himself from cumming, letting his dick throb and pulse in anticipation of being inside your sweet cunt.
You’re getting closer to the edge with every curl of his tongue, the tip of it fast and hurried as he licks against your swollen clit. Kyojuro feels as if he is on fire and drowning all at the same time, lungs struggling to take in just enough air to keep himself above the surface of bliss.
The noises he makes are suppressed, being soaked up by your cunt. The vibrations from his mouth only add to your building delight, making your hips become more desperate. Continuous moans of your own spill down over your bodies, whimpers and a line of “please, please, please.”
He purrs into your flesh, “Who do you want to make you cum, darling? Say my name.”
Kyojuro can feel you sinking, each purposeful lick against your pussy sending you deeper and deeper into a pleasant abyss. His tongue is far too skilled; he knows exactly how to lap and kiss at you to keep your body shaking and wanting, all his attention centered around the tight bundle of nerves that has your belly tightening over and over again.
“Kyo–Kyojuro!” you all but scream, thighs pressing in closer to his head, his long hair sticking to the sweat of your skin.
“You can do better.”
The look on your face above him is priceless, nearly fucked out already and all you’ve had of him is his tongue.
“Fuck!” You squeeze your eyes closed as pleasure overtakes you, now riding his face as you chase your high. “Oh, oh Kyo, please, big brother please.”
Your orgasm spills onto his cheeks as you find your release, ecstasy blooming from where his mouth is still relentlessly licking between your folds. Your walls clench and unclench, looking for the fat cock that should be filling your needy cunt. Your sanity momentarily slips away, mind and body overwhelmed with the feeling of him, of your fucking step-brother between your thighs.
Then, you fall, chest pressing into the couch and hips lifting so you don’t actually crush Kyojuro’s pretty face beneath you.
Kyojuro laughs triumphantly as he slips from between your legs, wrapping you in his arms so you can cling to him in your post-orgasmic high. He pulls you back into his lap, grunting as your messy cunt brushes against his still aching cock.
“You’re so good,” he kisses your forehead, hand petting over your hair as you bury your face into his neck, “you’re such a good girl, you know that?”
He keeps you engulfed in his brawn as you whimper, naked chest pressed against his.
When you pull back to look at him, your eyes are blazing, full of passion that mimics his own.
“I need you inside me, Kyo,” you whisper, pulling his lips down to yours for a sloppy kiss. You moan at the taste of yourself in his mouth, nails gripping into his muscles.
“Your wish is my command!” He beams with pride as he stands, throwing your naked body over his shoulder as he kicks off the rest of his pants and marches for your bedroom.
“Kyo!” You cough at his broad shoulder pressing into your stomach. “We could’ve just fucked on the couch.”
“Absolutely not!” He slams open your bedroom door with perhaps too much enthusiasm, the doorknob wailing against the wall. “Not when there’s a perfectly good bed to take you in.”
With his unparalleled strength, he easily manhandles you onto the bed, flipping you onto your hands and knees.
There’s no pause, no moment to breathe. Kyojuro is fast and sure with his movements, pulling you back by your hips and sinking you down onto his thick cock.
It’s hard for him not to just slam into you, his need for you seeping out of every pore and tensing every muscle. But he refrains, using you slowly, letting you sink back inch by inch on his throbbing cock.
The sound you make is divine, one of pure relief and satisfaction of finally being stuffed full. Your cunt sucks him in tightly, a wet vice clenching against the pulsing veins of his cock.
He groans as he finally bottoms out inside of you, unable to tear his eyes away from the sight of your pussy spread around him. You’ve finally let him in, let him break down your barriers and open yourself up to him in the most vulnerable of ways.
There is a warm burn from the way he stretches your pussy, sending your eyes rolling back as you suck in a deep breath. He stays still. He keeps himself sheathed deep inside of you, letting you feel the thickness of his cock, the heaviness of his thighs against yours.
“Better than your toys?” he asks, hands sliding up your sides to toy with your dangling tits, plucking at your puffy nipples.
“So much better, Kyo. You feel so fucking good.”
He cants his hips gently, pulling out just a bit before bullying back inside your depths.
“Yeah? You like feeling full with my cock inside you?”
Your head nods against the pillows, your hips wiggling back for more.
Kyojuro leans over your back as he grinds into your gummy core, kissing your shoulder blades and rocking against you. The need to protect, to provide, swells in his chest as you mewl for him.
“Gonna make you feel so good, darling. Gonna take such good care of you, promise.”
Flaming hair falls into his face as he pulls back, hands anchoring to your hips. His appetite for you is raging hotter than any fire he has ever conjured in his soul; he is bewitched, the sinful arch of your back imploring him to go deeper, to forget any inhibitions and become enraptured by your body. But still yet, he wants to savor you, to etch the vision before him into his memory, to play the sweet professions your lips spoke earlier on repeat. Oh, big brother, please.
The mattress dips under his heavy weight, causing your knees to spread farther into the divots created by his wake. A strong hand steadies you, thumb petting over your backside with care. He begins a steady pace, eyes gleaming as he watches your ass cheeks bounce against the slap of his skin against yours.
Heavy balls smack against your clit, making your body twitch with little shocks of bliss with every thrust.
“That’s a good girl,” he praises, “you feel so good wrapped around my cock. So fucking tight, all for me, right?”
“For you,” you choke out between plunges of his cock. “All for you, big brother.”
He knows you’re saying it just to turn him on—before tonight, you hardly ever called him brother, but now you’re far closer than two step-siblings ever should be. That thought makes him ache, heart pooling with pride.
He’s the best big brother, he can give you more happiness than anyone else.
One of his hands abandons your hip. His thick arm reaches forward and tangles in your hair, jerking your head back as he doubles down on his pace. Curses tumble out of your mouth now, free falling into the air and encouraging him to fuck you more recklessly. The fingers in your hair pull and tug gently, twisting and making you moan.
He’s rutting against you like you’re a bitch in heat, like the only thing that can bring you absolution is your step-brother’s cock. Your lust spills over into garbled moans of his name.
He pulls you up higher, leaning forward to capture your shoulder between his teeth. The bite is soft, just enough to mark you and make your body shiver from gentle pricks of pain. His body rocks against yours, over, and over, and over again. His cock rams so deep inside of you that he feels as if he’s fucking into your throat.
“You like getting fucked by big brother, yeah? Like how good I make you feel?” He growls into your neck, his hand on your hip still crushing you against him.
“Oh my god!” you cry out, hands flying to your breasts as you begin edging up the mountain of climax.
“Fuck, you’re sucking me in so tight, you gonna cum for me? Gonna cum just from my cock inside of you?”
His cock is unforgiving, plunging into you with reckless abandon as he keeps a tight pull on your hair. You feel so weak against him, so used by his massive body and hands, your cunt throbbing with every push of his cock, begging for release.
Every fresh plunge of his cock inside of you is wet, sloppy, squelching out into the darkness of your room.
Your bodies are passionate flames burning against each other, skin against skin and flesh into flesh. He’s mesmerized by you, how soft you are when you’re vulnerable, how your hands reach back for him and your nails scrape against his skin like you need him.
Kyojuro begins thrusting harder, more erratic than before. The lewd sound of your slick coating his cock gushes with every plunge. God, he feels so good, so full of passion above you, taking you like you truly belong to him, like he’s spoiling you rotten like every little sister deserves.
He lets go of your hair, your upper body falling back against the mattress. Your fingers twist in the sheets, your hips finding his rhythm and bouncing back against him with every thrust.
“Fuck, fuck, Kyo, fuck don’t stop, please, wanna cum on your cock!” Your pleas are muffled by the pillows in your face.
His hand slides to the back of your neck, fingers pressing against the delicate sides of your throat. You groan into the sheets at the feeling of his thick fingers pressing against your pulse. He can feel the power within his thighs as he slams into you, his cock buried so deep that he’s sure you will feel its ghost lingering within you for weeks to come.
Your sensitive clit aches from his balls barreling against you, your legs nearly crumpling from his weight behind you. He is wavering, coming close to the edge. His movements are slowing, finding that perfect pace to finally feel you come undone around him.
And then he finally feels it, the intoxicating suction of your cunt as you orgasm. The world stops for you as you scream his name over and over again, the milking compression of your pussy nearly enough to have him bursting his load inside of you. But he holds himself back, not ready to be done with you.
“You alright, darling?” He runs his fingers down your back tenderly, smiling as he feels the aftershocks of pleasure racing down your spine.
Your cunt flexes around him, clamping down like you’re sucking the last thread of orgasm into your body.
“God you’re so thick, Kyo. You h-have no idea how good you feel inside me, holy shit.”
He chuckles, slowly pulling his cock out of you, only to slam back in to hear you scream.
“Wanna watch your face as I fuck you,” he groans, pulling at your body and slipping out of you for only a moment before sliding back in again.
Your face is blissed out, lashes wet and lips swollen. He brushes his thumb over the apple of your cheek as he begins a new pace, softer and deeper as he curls one of your legs against your chest.
“You still feel good? Cause you’re so fucking pretty like this, love watching you take my cock.”
He knows you’re a little too full, too fucked out to answer, cunt stuffed so snugly around his cock he can feel every drag of your inner muscles. Keen, multicolored eyes admire how your flesh parts for him, drags along his length, coats his heavy cock with fresh cream with every push.
He won’t last long like this. Not with you whimpering, your hands pulling at his hair, bringing him down to kiss you like the world will end if you don’t taste him right this second.
“You’re mine to take care of you, know that, right?” he mumbles against your wet lips as you nod in earnest.
“God,” you groan as he pushes in deep, “you can take care of me any time, please god, as long as you make me feel this fucking good.”
Kyjuro sits back and hooks both of your knees over his strong arms, practically folding you in half as your hips roll back on the bed to take the power of his thrusts.
“No more shutting the door on me, yeah? Big brother can have you whenever he wants.”
“Yes, promise, promise.”
“Good girl. Can I cum inside you, darling?”
For a moment you look fearful, like the realization has just slapped in the face that your step-brother is just moments away from creaming inside your tight cunt. But quickly your attitude shifts, your hands moving to the backs of your thighs to help keep yourself spread for him.
“Please, Kyo, fuck wanna you feel you cum inside me. It’s all I want.”
Your affirmation makes his chest burn, like the sun is getting ready to burst within him.
He has you. You’ll never be alone again, you’ll always have your big brother beside you, inside you.
He finds the perfect pace, the one that has your walls sucking him just right, the tip of his cock curving against the spongy spot inside you that feels so fucking good. Your tits are bouncing with every push of his hips, your head thrown back against the pillows and his name on your lips like a permanent stain.
You’ve been his heaven in hiding, haven’t you? So close but just out of reach. But now he has you, and he’s never letting go.
From this angle, he can see his length inside you, just barely. He can see his cockhead deep in your belly, bulging every time he plunges deep inside you. Fuck, he’s inside you, making your cunt his, pleasing you so well you can barely speak.
Something primal kicks in his chest, in his brain, and he lets out a final, long groan as he comes undone inside of you. Hot streams of cum fill your tight cunt, spurting down the sides of his cock where your pussy clings to him. His thick cock twitches and throbs at the sight. You moan into the sheets, back arching at feeling so fucking full, so satisfied to have his cum spilling out down your thighs.
After a few moments of shameless staring, he pulls out of you with a hefty sigh.
You whine as you finally get to release your own legs, body stiff from being curled against his.
He falls to the crumpled bed beside you, glorious arms stretching above his head as the swirls of lust finally dissipate. He can hear his own heart thumping in his chest, a steady pitter-patter of hot rain cooling inside of him.
“Mhm, you’ve made quite a mess, Kyo.”
But you don’t seem to mind it, looping one of your legs around his even as cum continues to drool against your skin, sinking into your sheets.
“This isn’t a one-time thing,” he states bluntly, blowing hair out of his face. “You’re far too tasty not to eat again.”
You giggle, leaning over to where you can kiss him lazily, taking the time to really taste him.
“I wouldn’t think so. Family is for life, I suppose.”
His ears burn as you call him family, that prideful, protective feeling welling in his chest again.
“Any time you want me to take care of you, you just call me, okay?”
“I promise, Kyo.”
And he was right. All pretty, lonely girls desire to be fucked until they lose their minds. Even you. You start to call him just about every day, let him walk you to class, even smile when he teases and praises you instead of glowering. You’re his now, his perfect little-step sister, his best kept secret. 
Kyojuro couldn’t be prouder to be your big brother.
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ofswanlake · 4 months
do you think i’ve forgotten about you?
characters park nari (oc), jeon jungkook
words 651
warnings none, set in present time around the first week of January 2024.
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“Is it fun?”
Nari can see his smile when he says, “Yeah. Not as bad as I thought it’d be.” Similarly, she can see his smile fall when he thinks out loud, “I miss you, though. And I hate that it’s like this.”
She shakes her head, leaning back in her bed as Bam jumps up on the bed, laying his head in her lap. She smoothes a hand down his head softly, a contrast from her mood and words, “I wish I could say I can’t believe they’d go this low. I honestly should’ve expected it.”
“I wish I was there with you,” Jungkook’s voice is lower, like it’s just for them. “I don’t like that you’re dealing with this alone.”
“I’m not all alone,” she pouts slightly, “I have the girls with me. I was staying at Lisa’s for a bit and then we went to Paris, you already know this I don’t know why I’m telling you again.” His soft laugh makes her smile. “But really, I’m being taken care of. It’s honestly getting better between me and Rosie, so it’s more bearable.”
Her reassurances lighten the weight on his shoulders a little bit, but then he remembers, voice taking a solemn tone, “But isn’t Minwoo still sending letters to YG? I don’t know how they haven’t found him yet when he’s literally having mailing letters.” He sighs heavily, “I just wish I could …” He pauses, not allowing himself to speak it out loud when there are people nearby on his end. “They should let me have three minutes with him alone,” he jokes to make her laugh.
Nari finds herself grinning, small chuckles leaving her mouth as she rubs Bam’s ear in between two of her fingers. “Yeah, but I don’t think he’s found here yet, so,” she sighs. “Did you call your mom?”
“I did, but she kept yelling at me to call you instead so I just hung up,” his smile is evident in his voice. “Tell her I love her.”
“OK,” she giggles, getting more comfortable in her bed as a yawn leaves her mouth. “I miss you. Want you here next to me and Bam. He misses you, too.”
“I miss and love you guys,” Jungkook sighs loudly and dramatically, “More than I think I can take, actually. I think my heart genuinely started hurting when I was thinking of you.”
“I don’t know how other people do this,” she groans suddenly, “I am not God’s strongest soldier. I should have my boyfriend with me at all times!”
The slight tantrum makes Jungkook throw his head back, chest warming as he laughs. “Twenty four seven?”
“Even when you get sick and tired of me?” Jungkook chuckles.
“I could never,” Nari’s smiling so hard she thinks her smile will split her face. She feels like kicking her feet in the air, but Bam’s sleeping.
“You would say otherwise four years ago,” Jungkook scoffed and she shakes her head.
“That was different,” she hums, getting under the blankets and turning off her bedside table light. A lone nightlight and the city’s lights lit up her bedroom. Her eyes felt heavy suddenly, “I … I can handle this. Don’t worry about me. I’m a big girl, and I can handle famous world superstar Jungkook’s fans.”
Jungkook knows firsthand how people could be, but he decides to placate her and agree, immediately able to tell she was about to fall asleep. “I know,” he says softly. “Are you eating well?”
With the lack of response, he smiles solemnly, wishing he was right by her, holding her to sleep. “Goodnight, baby, I love you,” he says to no one in particular before hanging up the phone. He stares down at his shoes before running a hand over his shaved head.
The world was cruel, and all he wanted to do was hold her in his arms.
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heyidkyay · 1 year
Who can say no to bridezilla? |
Part one
I had to write another after seeing the love the last one got, thank you btw! I've actually missed writing a fair bit so I'm glad you enjoyed it.
> With this one, I started and just couldn't stop, so I might make it into a couple of parts? Maybe? Idk, let me know if that's something anyone would want:)
Summary: With no date to your sister's wedding, what are you to do? No worries though, she's already got it covered, well, sort of...
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"It's just annoying. I mean- don't get me wrong, I'm proper chuffed you're finally tying the knot and all, but it's just a shitty situation.” I huffed defeatedly as I leant up against the cabinet, watching as a grey sky crept by my kitchen window. 
“I know,” I heard my sister sigh, her voice soft even through the phone’s tinny speaker. “And I’m sorry, but you know what mum’s like, y/n/n. She’ll be devastated when she finds out you’re coming alone! That, and the fact that if you don’t end up bringing a plus one, all of my wedding photos will turn out uneven… And I really, really need this day to be perfect! I want you to think its perfect! To enjoy it! Not just be sat there on the sidelines, watching.”
I closed my eyes for a long moment as I ran a hand through my hair. It was in dire need of a good wash, but between my job and the stress of having recently moved, I hadn’t found the time to even sit down. Still, I could understand where my sister was coming from, and I really wanted her to have the picture perfect day she’d always dreamt of too. But, we both knew that she was laying it on thick now, and with me being the eldest, we both also knew I’d do just about anything to make her happy. This though, was a big ask.
“Listen, yes things ended badly between Alex and I, but now that it’s all finally over, I just don’t think I have it in me to try and force myself to find someone else to replace him. Not yet, anyway.”
Alex, being my most recent ex. We’d parted ways about three months ago now- though ‘parted’ definitely wasn’t the term I preferred to use. But how else was I supposed to describe him cheating and me having to walk in on it happening? With my best mate of all people, too. 
Yeah, that hadn’t been the easiest of transitions, especially since I’d also been flat-sharing with the pair of them.
But my sister knew all of this already.
“Mum will just have to worry about me being lonely a little longer, y/s/n, and I'll just have to prepare myself to deal with her constant fussing over me for the entire evening.” I attempted to cajole, not wanting to outright deny her. “As well as the rest of my life, I suppose.” I added unhelpfully under my breath.
It wasn’t that I didn’t love my mum, God, she was just about the only person who truly understood me. That, and she’d done absolutely everything within her power to make sure that her kids had gotten everything she'd never had. She was an utter saint. But saying that, she could also tend to be a tad bit… overbearing. 
“Ah come on, she won’t be that bad!” My sister fired back before she then paused, as though she’d only just understood the words she’d spoken. I couldn’t not let out an airy chuckle when she sighed, “Alright, fair enough, she will be. But! If you just ask someone along, you won’t have to spend my entire wedding day avoiding her!”
I groaned, rubbing at my face.
“It’s been months since I ended things with Al- mum knows that, babe. I’ve had her on the phone almost every day since, hassling and FaceTiming me constantly to make sure I’m still alive. She even sends down little care packages in the post! Care. Packages. Y/s/n.”
I actually looked over towards the most recent arrival which had awoken me early the previous morning. It was still where I’d left it, chucked beside the foot of the sofa, barely opened. 
Again, I adored the woman, but she tended to be a fair bit dramatic. I could really see where my sister got it all from.
“Besides, how am I supposed to convince her I'm perfectly fine with someone I've only just met hanging off my arm?” I added, puttering on over to the sink to fill the kettle. I think I could feel another migraine coming on.
“I get it, y/n, I do. And I’m also sorry for suggesting it, but if I knew of an easier solution that would magically solve all our problems, then I would. But I don’t, and even though I want the biggest day of my life to go perfectly, I also want you happy.”
I could hear the sincerity in her voice and as I picked up my mug and tossed a teabag inside, I could also picture her sat at the dinning table back home, foot anxiously tapping away in an attempt to conjure up a better idea. She was a nitpicker, right down to the very bone, and I could only guess the amount of stress she was putting herself under in order to make sure that her wedding went off without a hitch for all those involved. 
After a few moments of shared silence, she spoke again, “To be honest, I can’t believe you stuck around as long as you did.”
My mind wandered back to all the time I’d wasted on Alex. We’d met growing up, he’d been our next door neighbour. We went through all of primary school despising one another, only to end up in the same friendship group come secondary. It didn’t take much more than that for us to suddenly become joined at the hip. He’d been my best mate, and when we finally got together, I’d pictured the rest of our lives spent with one another. 
He’d honestly really fucked me over in the end. I hadn’t just lost my boyfriend that day, but both of my closest friends, as well as a few others who’d taken his side in the awkward aftermath that came when most relationships ended. But that being said, I felt more at peace now than I had in a long while. With every relationship came troubles, and by the end of ours, I guessed we had more than most. That wasn’t me making excuses for him though- nah, he was still a massive prick.
“Yeah, me either.” I admitted, a breathy chuckle slipping from my lips as I softly shook away the rest of my thoughts. 
“I am proud of you though, for moving on as well as you have. Always knew he was an arse.” Came my sister’s voice and I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped me.
I grinned, so very thankful for her.
“God, was he!” I agreed instantly, listening to her giggle as I laughed, “A right tit.”
I blinked at the sudden exclamation heard from down the phone and furrowed my brow slightly as the last of my laughter tittered out, “You alright there?”
“Uh, yes! I’ve just had the most perfect idea!” My sister declared, not even giving me the chance to question her before she was off on a tangent. “Forget about having to chat anyone up, or having some godawful colleague of yours to pose as a fake date- I’ve already got the perfect person for you!”
I felt my mouth part slightly in confusion and was just about to speak up when she beat me to the punch, seemingly excited about whatever plan she’d formulated in her head.
“Right, okay, just listen. I know this guy, a friend of Adam’s, yeah? He’s been off of relationships for a little while now, not really looking for anything at the moment ‘cause he’s been away for a bit. Busy, and what not. But y/n, he’s a right charmer, proper looker, too! He also happens to owe Ad a big favour!”
I closed my eyes for a moment, frowning. “What are you getting at here, y/s/n?”
The huff that sounded then, all but echoed in my ear and I couldn’t not roll my eyes at her dramatics.
“He can be your date, y/n! I know he’d be well up for helping us out if I give him free-rein to do what he pleases, always up for a laugh, and he'll be able to keep mum off your back about finding someone new. Plus, I can guarantee you a good time because I just know that the two of you will instantly hit it off.”
“What?” I squawk, far beyond perplexed. “You can’t just ask some randomer to pretend to be my date to your wedding, y/s/n! Are you actually insane?”
“He’s not some randomer though! I know him through Adam, and Adam’s known him since school!” My sister pestered, and I could practically feel her excitement bubbling up from down the phone. “He’s well lovely, nothing like He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named— Plus! When we were first introduced, I’d had the thought of setting him up with you, but well, you know, you were still with What’s-his-face and you seemed happy enough.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, to be frank. And went to say as much, when she cut me off again.
“Come on, y/n/n! It’ll be so great! And besides, who would it hurt? You’re both single, not looking for any sort of commitment, and both without dates to my wedding. Mum’ll be over the moon about it, too, once I let her know! And this way, I won’t have to fork out God knows how much on another two plus ones.”
“I’m really not sure about- hang on, he’s already going?” I questioned, confusedly. 
“He’s Adam’s best mate, of course he’s coming!”
“I thought Ad’s best mate was George?”
Her eye roll was implied when she retorted. “You can have more than one best mate, y/n. Look, you worry too much. I’ll have Ad phone him now and ask, yeah? If he agrees, I’ll get him to message you.” I was still beyond fucking baffled and could hear the obvious delight which lined my sister’s tone. “That settles it, I’ll do it right now. So talk to you later, yeah? God, I'm so excited! Love you lots!”
Then she was gone.
I let the phone fall away from my ear and stared down at the blank screen with vacant eyes.
What the fuck.
“What the actual fuck?” I found myself asking my empty flat aloud. I rubbed at my forehead tiredly before I ultimately tossed the device onto the pile of cushions perched on the nearest armchair, leaving it there to hopefully die, or something. 
Didn’t quite turn out that way though. I ended up fishing it out about an hour later when I’d started running a bath, needing it for it’s musical capabilities.
It was then, after the tub had filled and I’d slipped into its mountain of bubbles, that a notification disturbed the perfect playlist I’d curated. 
I grumbled as I pulled myself up and out of the water.
It was a text from an unknown number, I frowned as I unlocked the device.
“Oh, for fucks sake!”
I hadn’t actually believed that she would do it. Ask someone to be her sister’s fake date to her own wedding! But I really, really, really should’ve known better. 
And so I tossed the phone back on the side, submerging my body in its entirety back under the soapy water in hopes that I might just drown. She was so dead.
Maybe I’d been a tad bit hasty in scheduling the perfectly timed event of my sister’s impending death. 
Listen, I could admit when I was being a total drama queen, but my sister had well and truly pushed her luck this time around, and so I’d been quick in my judgement of the situation. Perhaps a little too quick.
Several weeks had passed since that day and in the time leading up to my sister’s wedding, I had spent a good portion of it texting Matty back and forth. 
That was his name, by the way- the poor bloke my sister had roped into accompanying me on her big day. And if I was being honest, I was rather grateful for the fact that she’d chosen to stick her big nose in where it wasn’t wanted and set the whole thing up. Though, I might have been better inclined to admit so if she’d been a whole lot more normal and just introduced the two of us in a much more conventional way.
When Matty had texted me that first night- rather delighted by the fact that he’d been gifted the privilege of a front row ticket to the shit-show I was still calling my life- I’d been dreading the entire thing. 
He had taken the utter piss out of me in all truth, and had then proceeded to rinse the shit out of the entire situation for all it was worth. But, strangely enough, he’d done so in the very best way. 
I can honestly admit that I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as hard as I have than when I’m messaging Matty. He was everything my sister had described and more.
He knew how to have a good laugh, when to flirt or to tease, and he was pretty open about the things that mattered most to him once you’d bartered your way past that overzealous ego of his. He also appeared to love music almost as much as me, which was honestly saying something. And he spoke highly of his family and friends, in length too when they had come up here and there in conversation.
I really hadn’t expected to have grown so close to him in the time we’d spent texting back and forth, but there was just something about him, in his nature maybe, that just made things feel so easy.
It was so, so strange, because I hadn’t even seen a picture of the bloke, and I’d only ever heard a few short snippets of his voice through the odd voicenote we'd shared here and there, but I’d openly call him a close friend to any one who now asked. It was as though we’d known each other for years. 
And I really wasn’t one to let many people in, I liked the small family I had created for myself, one full of friends I’d known for eons, and relatives that meant the world to me. So to have Matty slip by all of my defences so effortlessly, was something I thought a lot about.
“Oi,” Jamie suddenly prompted with a bright grin, a jabbing finger to my side untangled me from my thoughts. "You ready for the big day?
I’d been stood a little way a way from the chapel’s entrance, waiting for everyone else to arrive, and was seemingly a little lost in my own head. Apprehensive, maybe. Jamie had startled me slightly as I’d not even heard his approach, but I allowed myself to relax somewhat as I gave him the once over.
“Just about.” I replied with a teasing smile, “Clean up nice, Jim. Loving the suit.”
Jamie was my cousin, but we were so close in age I practically saw him as another brother. We’d grown up together, which also meant that he’d been close with Alex too.
Though, he’d actually been one of the few people who had taken my side after everything that happened, even with the two boys having been rather close since they were kids. I was glad to still have him, so glad, even if it did mean that I still felt a little guilty about the whole thing from time to time.
“Don’t look too surprised.” Jamie laughed at my light jab as he pulled me in for a short hug. “Though, you are looking good too, I suppose.”
I swatted at his shoulder when we parted. “Don’t be a twat, you know I’m the best dressed here.”
“Oh yeah…” He dragged out sarcastically, a small smirk playing on his lips. “Definitely ready to upstage the bride.”
I just rolled my eyes as I laughed. “Where is bridezilla anyway?”
“Just saw her with your mum, actually. They were fussing about something or other, but I reckon they ended up sorting it out.” Jamie replied with a small shrug as he pulled on his lapels.
I let my eyes roam around the surrounding area again for a brief moment as he did, skirting over the mass of maple trees, which were now in full bloom, and the familiar faces that crowded the gravel drive. 
“Exactly why I can never see myself going through with any of this.” I commented offhandedly, too preoccupied with the anxiety of finally meeting my so called date.
My gaze found Jamie’s again when he wearily voiced, “What- even when you were with…?” His voice held a hint of genuine curiosity.
I shrugged, in truth, I’d never really given it much thought, my wedding day. Even after having been with Alex all that time. I could just never see it happening for myself.
“Not really.” I said, “How about you though? Can you picture yourself all kitted out and waiting at the end of that aisle?”
Jamie laughed, his eyes squinted. “Not too sure about that. I mean I like the sound of it, spending forever with someone and all, but I dunno who’d be brave enough to have me.”
I snorted as I clapped my cousin’s shoulder in condolence. “They’d have to be a tad bit mental, Jim. But they’d also be fucking lucky too. You’re a gooden.”
“Love you.” Jamie smiled as he enveloped me in another hug. He was a lot taller than me now so he all but squished me into his side, but I couldn’t bring myself to mind even as I jokingly shoved him away.
“Stop, you’ll ruin my hair and makeup.” I scolded lightly, wrinkling my nose.
Jamie just chuckled, “Since when have you cared about any of that crap?”
“Never.” I grinned back at him in retort, “Just didn’t want you sliming all over me, snail-face.”
“You’re a right fucking weirdo, you know that?”
“I do, Jim, I do.”
I fixed the side of my dress whilst my cousin just rolled his eyes, seemingly content with waiting beside me now.
When I’d made sure that I was still somewhat presentable, mostly for both my mother and sister’s sake, I allowed myself to reevaluate the rest of the oncoming arrivers. Still no sign of that date of mine.
I sighed quietly, checking the time on my phone again to make sure I hadn’t missed a text.
“You all good there?” Jamie questioned quietly after a few minutes, I looked up to find him staring down at me with a concerned frown. 
I hummed, “Fine, why?”
“Just seem a bit nervous, not like you that.”
I huffed a light laugh before shooting my cousin a somewhat strained smile. “Yeah, maybe a bit. It’s just I’m waiting for my date to arrive and-”
As I uttered that sentence Jamie’s eyes all but boggled out of his head, “You never said nowt about a date!”
I gave him a sheepish grin, I hadn’t really mentioned Matty to anyone. Only having allowed my sister to pass on the message that I wasn’t turning up completely alone to my mum. I’d not given much thought to anyone else’s reaction.
“Um, yeah.” I replied, feeling a little uncomfortable upon having to mentally decide whether I should let Jamie in on the truth or not. The kid had always been a massive blabbermouth though, he just couldn’t seem to help it, but I knew he’d understand wholeheartedly. “It's new, but it’s going good…”
Jamie’s smile was wide enough that I could practically see either side of his molars, a megawatt sort of thing.
Immediately I felt my stomach churn. There was that guilt again.
“I’m well chuffed for you, y/n/n! Can’t wait to meet the lucky fella- when’s he set to get here? Didn’t you come together? Where’d you even meet him, anyhow? Does y/s/n know you’re bringing him along?”
Fucking hell, what was with the twenty-one questions?
I swallowed thickly. I hadn’t realise how hard this was all going to be. Was the rest of the day going to be like this? All consuming guilt?
“Er, should be here soon enough, I think.” I found myself saying, playing with one of the rings on my left hand. “Something came up last minute- his mum needed him. Urgent, you know how it is… and he’s a right mummy’s boy that one! So I suggested he just meet me here, and well, he was grateful. Felt really bad though. Promised he wouldn’t be late and all that.”
Jamie seemed to be eating it up and just kept nodding along, making me feel as though I had to continue on.
“We actually met through y/s/n, weirdly enough. She introduced us when I’d popped round to surprise her a while back. He’s close with Adam, best mates and that. We just hit it off I guess.”
I silently cursed myself and my ability to not know when to stop. fucking. rambling. But I was too nervous to think up a believable enough lie and so I’d decided to just tangent off from the truth. It was close enough, I figured.
“Awh, I’m so happy for you, cuz. Congrats!” Jamie said, obviously thrilled for me, as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and squeezed. “Know why you’re so wound up now, your mum will be on your case all night!”
We shared a laugh. Because wasn’t that the fucking truth.
I tried my hardest to hide my slight grimace though as I allowed my cousin to congratulate me. During a few shared conversations with Matty, we had thought up a convincing enough plan, but now that it was time to put it all into action I wasn’t sure we’d actually be able to pull it off. Especially with the reminder that we’d be lying to my mum of all people.
“Oh shit, there’s Laura! Best head on over.” Jamie suddenly announced, his eyes focused on a brunette in the distance, far enough that I had to squint to even make out who he was referring to. 
But before I could comment or question Jamie’s twenty/twenty vision, my cousin was already bouncing on the balls of his feet, all but ready to run off.
He turned to me before he did though, squeezing my shoulder slightly. “Make sure you come find me with this date of yours, yeah? Gotta make sure he meets the mark.” I smiled, a little touched. “But I truly am buzzing for you, y/n. After everything, you deserve someone good.”
My chest ached and as my cousin gave me one final grin I couldn’t help but feel a little like the grinch, my heart had to have shrunk to half its size at the very thought of having just lied to Jamie. 
I couldn’t linger too long on the regret I felt though as my phone buzzed in my hand. Immediately I peered down at it, chewing on my lower lip. 
As the screen lit up, I frowned. What the fuck had I gotten myself into?
Matty had just messaged, but before I could even think up a reply I heard a few of the other guests around me start to whisper. I glanced up and over to where I then heard a muffled squeal. I pulled a face as I watched one of my younger cousins, Arielle who’d just turned fifteen, jump behind Jordan, her older brother. 
I shook my head and pivoted slightly, eyes scanning over the rest of the guests who had yet to make their way into the chapel. A few of the women were openly staring down the gravel drive, gossiping amongst themselves, and I couldn’t not follow their gaze.
I was really confused, everyone’s attention seemed to be drawn towards the figure who was wandering closer. He was decent looking, I supposed, clad in a fitted tuxedo he'd paired with a black bowtie and an uncaring expression, but he was no James Dean. So I couldn’t quite get my head round why they were all so bothered.
As he grew nearer, I took in what I could. The dark narrowed eyes hidden beneath a pair of furrowed brows, the cropped cut of the hair he’d greased back, the handful of silver rings which cluttered his fingers. What caused me to pause though was the cigarette, which hung effortlessly from his bottom lip. Because, shit. 
Instantly my focus moved back down to where my phone screen was now dimming and I quickly tapped at the home screen to view the last message I’d been sent. 
Keep an eye out for the oncoming smoker, alright x
My heartbeat quickened, and my gaze flitted back and forth between the approaching figure and the text. Surely it couldn’t have been anyone else.
“Sweetheart?” A voice called out with a sure northern twang, erupting goosebumps up both of my arms. I glanced up.
Sure enough it was him, he’d been the only one to ever call me that.
My throat grew dry, “Fuck me.”
“Little early for that, I reckon. Heard about there being an open bar though, buy me a drink and we can talk again later, yeah?” The man ribbed, smirking as he plucked the fag from his lip. He drew closer and I was taken back a bit from how confident he appeared, almost identical to the way he seemed over the phone. But now in tenfold.
"God, sorry.” I laughed, covering my face with the back of my hand as I shook my head to try and cover my reddening cheeks. “Didn’t expect, well- this.” I added, only furthering my embarrassment by vaguely gesturing towards him.
Matty’s grin dimmed almost immediately then, and I frowned.
“Hang on, you are Matty, right? The same Matty I’ve been messaging for weeks. The guy who texts me at all hours of the night going on about how ripe a banana has to be before you can eat it… and who sends me little voice memos of theme tunes he’s rewritten so that they sound aesthetically more pleasing?”
The man looked confused for a moment, and his brown eyes surveyed me before he ultimately chuckled. I blinked at the sudden change in behaviour.
“Guess you could put it like that.” Matty laughed once more, this time a little more airily. And God, did I want to listen to it on repeat. I’d thought about it once or twice, what it would be like to hear him laugh, to listen to him talk. “Hope you weren’t half-expecting some model to come waltzing in here. I mean, I’m fit but I can only do so much, babe.”
It was said jokingly and though Matty was probably one of the most vainest people I’d had the pleasure of meeting, I also knew that there was some genuine apprehension in his eyes. Almost like he’d been both dreading and craving this moment as much as I had. 
“Fuck off! Model.” I scoffed, and laughed alongside him as I shook my head. But then I peered around at the few who were still staring and was now suddenly hyperaware of them all. I didn’t really think too much about it as I stepped in closer to shield him somewhat. “Christ, Matty. Feels like you’ve just walked off an album cover or something, with the way you’ve got everyone leering at you.”
And wow. I watched in slight disbelief as Matty scratched at the back his neck with a small, almost bashful smile. I took note of the small hoop he had cuffed around his lobe.
“Piss off.” The man chuckled, finding his feet again as he realised the proximity we now held. “Reckon they’re all looking at you though.” He commented, looking me over with a sly smile. “Hann painted a good picture, but you’ve exceeded all expectations, darling.” 
I couldn’t help but smirk, regaining my usual confidence. “Spent a lot of time thinking about me, have you Healy?”
Matty’s tongue darted out to wet his lower lip, his unlit cigarette dangling between his fingers in the small space that separated our bodies.
“You’d know all about that, babe. Your first words, if I do recall, were 'fuck me'. And though I’d be happy to comply with your reasonable request, I don’t think Adam, or your sister, would very much approve of me taking you in front of all these lovely people.”
I hummed mischievously, eyeing him. Yeah, this was my Matty alright.
“Can’t say I’ll come to regret those words.” Then, before Matty could even think up another retort, I wound my arm around his and started leading us in towards the chapel. “Best play the part, yeah?”
And I had to dampen my grin when I heard the man’s joyous laughter sound beside me. Ignoring all of the other onlookers to sneak a peak over at him, I found myself loving the squinted grin he made as he tucked his cigarette behind his ear.
This night would definitely be memorable.
Part two >
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ecrisparfois · 2 years
beautiful misunderstanding
summary : draco asked you to the yule ball, but someone beat him to it.
warning(s) : none that I’m aware of.
words : 1.3k
A/N : another reupload from my old blog. @lilyrachelcassidy is officially own this piece because she’s not just requested it, then, she was also the one who give it a fitting title AND the one who encourage me to reupload my old works here. hugs and kisses for her.
You’ve worried all your Slytherin pals by being unusually ecstatic all day. It’s very unlike you to be all happy and cheerful; they used to the scowl you always put on 24/7. Your antics began right after the lone study session in the library last night. Unbeknownst to them, you did not just change and being ridiculously joyful without reason. It’s hard to be so angry all the time with his word keep repeating on your mind. 
You’re prettier when you smile.
You coyly grin at the book in your hand from the memory.
“Well, I’m glad that you’re no longer a grumpy witch but you’re smiling every other minute at literally nothing is really concerning,” Draco from the couch across your seat stated.
You ignore his remark, letting Draco have his own train of thoughts and assumptions.
“Have anyone asked you to the yule ball? I don’t see anyone even glancing your way,” Draco continued after realising that you weren’t going to give him any satisfaction for his teasing by sending back some insult.
“Why? Have you? I’ve seen a bunch of girls cornering you in the hallway today,” you answered with a mocking grin.
Draco scoffed at the memory. “Cornering is an oversimplification, they tried to suffocate me to death,”
You laughed at his exaggerated answer. During a normal day when you didn’t just asked by a professional quidditch player to be his date to a stupid ball, Draco’s over-dramatic nature always successfully brought a smile to your face.
“You haven’t answered my question,” he noted, you lift your eyes from the page you’re trying to read.
“What was it again?” 
“Have you got any date to the yule-ball?” Draco repeated his question without his initial addition of teasing remark.
You snorted, “Why? Would you ask me to be your date or something?”
“Well,” he shrugged, “We could go together, if you want,” he proposed almost nonchalantly. 
Your mouth agape at his proposal. That was not what you expected at all; you thought he was just going to mess with you like he always did, or maybe it is. You smiled knowingly before breaking into a fit of laugh after you deduced that Draco, indeed, was just fooling around. Draco looking up from his parchment, gobsmacked by your response.
“I’m serious,” he grumbled, effectively shut your laughter.
“Oh,” is the only thing you could say.
“Is that a yes? No?” Draco attempted to appear casual, but you still could see the slightest hint of nervousness in his tone.
“I’ve got a date, Draco,” you informed him apologetically. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think you would –“ you rushed to explain yourself when you notice his usually pale face tinted with a pink crimson in the cheek, gave away his true feeling regarding the situation.
“It’s fine, I could ask Daphne or Pansy,” he cut you off, trying to appear indifferent, even though you still could see the signs of his embarrassment on his pale face.
If you knew Draco Malfoy would ask you to be his date to the yule ball, you surely wouldn’t accept Victor Krum’s offer last night. You wouldn’t care even if he was a professional quidditch player. Hell, you wouldn’t careless even if he was a prime minister. It’s Draco Malfoy – your long-time crush, asking you out. You never consider Draco would ever ask you; he had a dozen of girls practically throwing themselves at him. If only you could be a bit more patient and take your time a bit before just hastily gave Krum a yes in fear that you wouldn’t get to be asked by anyone else. Times like this, made you regret not taking divination seriously.
“Who’s the lucky gent, if I may know?” Draco asked, sound genuinely curious.
“Krum,” you mumbled, still regretting your decision.
“Victor Krum?” you nodded sheepishly, “Is that why you’ve been smiling like you just won a million galleon?” you smiled when a hint of tease in his tone reappeared.
You simply shrug, Draco smiled before saying “Have fun with the popular guy, then,”
You doubt it would be more fun knowing you just blow your chance to go with Draco Malfoy.
Krum, you must admit, has a quite decent fashion choice tonight. No, it’s not actually his fashion choice because it was a uniform. All Durmstrang boys wear the same velvety red robes and that had caused you nearly mistook some random Durmstrang boy for him. It was nice; you dance with him along with the other three champions for opening. Krum isn’t much of a talker, therefore you’re the one often initiating conversation.
The task was quite hard with your mind always shouting for you to glance over Draco who eventually took Pansy as his date. He looked dashing with the black robe he was wearing; he didn’t do anything too revolutionary with his hair now that his mother isn’t here to scold him to brush his hair neatly aside. 
It wasn’t even midnight when Krum obligated to be back to his Durmstrang ship, something about training for the tournament. He offered to walk you back to your common room, you refused. Instead, you found yourself climbing the stairs to the astronomy tower. 
You are welcomed by a mop of platinum blonde hair during your arrival. Draco glancing behind his shoulder when he hears your footsteps, he sent a soft smile when he noticed it was you coming. You made your way in his direction to lean to the railing next to him.
“How’s your night?” you asked, glancing at him for a second.
“Uneventful,” Draco reluctantly answer. “How was yours?” he turned his head to meet your eyes.
“It’s alright,” you shrugged. “It could be better if I took someone else,” you gaze at the stars above, did not want to be met with his gaze.
“You look stunning,” he complimented.
“Thank you,” you mumbled sheepishly. “You aren’t looking too bad yourself,”
“Did you kiss him?” Draco who had his eyes on the sky asked very casually as if he was just asking about tonight’s weather.
“What? No,” you replied, stunned by his blunt, unexpected question. “Why would you think that?” 
“I didn’t,” Draco looked at you once again, his dazzling eyes resembling the colour of the silvery moon, he looks absolutely breath-taking with the moonlight fell on his face. “That would be a long-life regret for me. Making you smile is one thing, but kissing you during this supposed eventful night would be abundant,”  
Your heart did a back-flip, “Why is that?”
Draco gave you a look before chuckled incredulously at your question. “I know you’re not the brightest witch on our year, but I think you should figure it all out by now,” you couldn’t decide whether you should be offended or keep anticipating for his next words “I fancy you, Y/N,”
You fight the urge to break a smile so hard, but it was unbearable with how soft his eyes looking at you. “Well, I got news for you. I fancy you too,”
He breath out in relief, his lips stretched into a smile. He pulled you closer by your waist, fingers run across your cheek, and he leaned in until his mouth is right next to your ear. “I want to kiss you stupid right now but it did not feel quite right because you just took someone else as your date, who is way more popular than I am,” he whispered.
“Your pride couldn’t take that, eh?” you jeeringly said, resulting in his scoff. “Don’t worry, you could be my date for the rest of the ball I have to attend in my entire life, then. You could kiss me in next ball if you wish,”
“I couldn’t wait that long!” he exclaimed, “What if I’ll kiss you first thing tomorrow in the morning?” Draco offered.
“Deal,” you answer immediately, barely giving it any second thought.
You wouldn’t get any sleep with how excited you were waiting for the morning to come.
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byeoltoyuki · 9 months
love me
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↳ Pairing: Seungmin x Reader
❧ Genre : Fluff / friends to lovers
❧ Warnings: none
❧ Words : +2k
❧ Summary : A stupid dare leads to something else.
prompt: “You’re not my favorite person today.” “I’m not your favorite person on any day"
Seungmin pushed the door to your room, looking pissed as hell.
Oh oh. Someone was in trouble. That someone was definitely you.
You should have known that giving Seungmin the spare key to your place was a terrible idea and that there would be a day you would come to regret it. Back then, it seemed like a bright idea. After all, he was your best friend and you were a lonely, young woman, who on top of that lived alone. What if you got murdered in your sleep? There would be nobody to find your body. What if you broke a leg or worse and wouldn’t be able to open the door? Obviously, you had been dramatic when you made the decision to give him the key, but who cared.
Well, unsurprisingly, that day had come.
It wasn’t in your intentions to give him a reason to use it. Not really, at least. But maybe disappearing on him for one whole week was another bad decision of yours. Another poor decision to be added to the very long list of bad decisions. You couldn’t really blame him for using it, in the middle of the night while you were busy watching a drama, trying to distract yourself from overthinking.
“The hell you’re doing here?” You screamed and almost threw your laptop from your bed, too shocked seeing him in the middle of the night.
Seungmin’s frown only deepened. He couldn’t believe that he was worried for your well-being while you were enjoying yourself. Instead of answering your question, he approached your bed in silence, studying you with dark eyes. You were truly in trouble and wished you could hide from him.
“Let me ask you a better question.” He said, “What’s wrong with you?”
Now that was a loaded question. Just like you had a long list of your bad decisions, there was also a list of what was wrong with you. On top of the first list was definitely the fact that you were dared to kiss your best friend. On top of the second list was probably the fact that you had been incredibly confused about your relationship with Seungmin ever since.
“Why are we playing this dumb game again?” Seungmin asked for the second time. He looked at you, half bored half annoyed. You should have known that playing truth or dare would only put him in even sourer mood – he didn’t want to be here in the first place. While you enjoyed improvised parties with your friends, Seungmin hated it. The only reason he came, was because you begged him to come with you.
“It’s only dumb because you have things to hide.” Jisung smirked and gave him a knowing look.
Jisung was definitely feeling brave tonight, you thought to yourself. It was a well-known fact that Seungmin could be a tad violent with his words, but apparently tonight it didn’t matter. Not to Jisung at least.
“But don’t worry, you’re not the only one.” Jisung blew him a kiss, unbothered with the death glare he received from Seungmin.
You, on the other hand, was curious. You didn’t think you had anything to hide which made you wonder who in this room had secrets. You studied Jisung - nope, couldn’t be him, the boy didn’t know how to keep things for himself even if he tried. Your gaze slid to Minho. Now that could be a possibility, the man was a tomb, you believed that even under torture he would never spill his secrets.
“My dear, Y/N,” Jisung interrupted your trail of thoughts, his smirk growing so wide it truly troubled you. Whatever he was about to do or say, you would regret it. “Truth or dare?”
When you first started playing this game, you felt pretty confident. Now? Not so much. Maybe it was because of Jisung’s smirk, maybe it was because of Minho’s and Jiah’s attention on you.
“I don’t think I’m ready to spill my secrets.” You started thinking out loud.
“Because you have secrets?” Seungmin snorted beside you which earned him a strong nudge from you.
“I’ll go with the dare.”
Jisung clapped his hands in happiness and yet the glint in his eyes was pure evil. Damn, was he hoping you would choose the dare?
“I dare you to kiss Seungmin.”
“What.” There was no way he asked something so dumb. Something you had never considered doing even for a joke. Apparently, Seungmin didn’t think it was a funny dare either; his body tensed beside you and he clenched his fist.
“Or you can drink this.” Minho pushed the disgusting mix of alcohols towards you. It was death disguised in a drink.
Your eyes darted back and forth between the drink and your friends, weighting whenever drinking this was worth it. No, you thought, you were too young to die because of a stupid game, Seungmin was right. You slowly turned your head to look at your best friend, studying him for a moment. He told you he didn’t want to come. He told you he didn’t want to play and yet you stubbornly fought him until he said yes. Now you regretted it and wished you had listened.
“Shit.” You thought to yourself, slowly panicking. What were you supposed to do? You didn’t want to do something he would disapprove.
Seungmin was the one to put you out of your misery. He sighed, resigned. There was no escape. “Get on with it.”
“Are you serious?” You whispered completely stunned.
Instead of replying he gave you a long look that meant only one thing: stop testing his patience. You hesitated; it should be just a game and yet you couldn’t find the courage to kiss him. It was silly, really, you knew it. Seungmin, however, chose to end your misery, he too, didn’t want you to drink the lethal cocktail. He gently took your hand and give it a tug.
“Come on, Y/N.” He whispered, fully ignoring your friends who were clearly enjoying your misery.
Seungmin didn’t let go of your hand as your leaned closer to him, your eyes darting back and forth between his eyes and his lips. It was just a dare, you told yourself. A stupid dare and nothing more. And yet, the moment your lips brushed his, your whole body came alive, tingles spreading through your body. Feeling braver, you pushed your body against his, making it easier to deepen the kiss, to feel more of him. It was disconcerting how nice his lips felt against yours, how this kiss made you feel alive, how nice it was. You were kissing your best friend and instead of not feeling anything, you were feeling it all.
Back to present
“Nothing. I’m doing perfectly fine and you’re interrupting my peaceful night.” You ended up saying, trying to sound as convincing as you could but you were doing a rather poor job.
Seungmin wasn’t convinced. You expected as much but still hoped he would let it go. Instead, he studied you, a deep frown on his face. “So you’ve been avoiding me just to piss me off?”
“I wasn’t avoiding you! Why would I?” You protested
“Okay, you weren’t. Then, mind to explain why you had left all my messages on read? Why you declined all invitations to go out? Worse, you refused to go to our weekly library tour. I had to go alone, like a loser.”
“I-“ You opened your mouth, wanting so badly to defend yourself, but he was right. You had absolutely nothing to say in your defense.
“You?” Seungmin knew there was something bothering you and yet you refused to talk about it which frustrated him. There were no secrets between you two; the two of you had always been awfully blunt, not minding hurting each other’s feelings and yet here you were, holding back.
“Y/N.” It was your last chance to come out clean, you felt it with the way he said your name. A warning. But did it work on you? Definitely not.
“Stop it, Seungmin.” You pleaded, “There’s nothing wrong with me.”
“You’re a horrible liar.” He snapped and grabbed your ankles. He yanked you with so much strength, you shrieked. Seungmin settled between your legs, trapping you between his body and the bed, giving you no choice but look him in the eyes, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. There was no escaping anymore – you were doomed.
“You’re not my favorite person today.” You pouted
Was it you or it was getting too hot in your room? It had to be you, and definitely not because his presence was affecting you. It was definitely not because your own body was reacting to his closeness. You were too aware of him.
Seungmin was not impressed. He huffed and flicked your nose playfully which made you only whine and wriggle under him in an attempt to set yourself free. Without success.
“I’m not your favorite person on any day.” He observed you for a moment, weighing his options. He wasn’t stupid, he had a pretty clear idea of what was bothering you, but he wanted to hear you say it. “Fine. Want me to guess?”
You shook your head. No, you did not want him to guess; Seungmin was very perceptive, too perceptive for your liking.
“No? I’ll do it anyway.”
You groaned and nudged him with your knee. Seungmin, instead, leaned closer, face dangerously close to yours, eyes sharp, watching you. Whether it was because of his proximity or because of the way he was looking at you – you gulped.
“I think you’ve been avoiding me since the party and because of the stupid game.”
Shit. He knew. Of course, he did.
“I think,” And he dared to smile, a very wicked and playful smile, “you’ve been avoiding me because of the kiss. Did you like it, Y/N?”
You did. Too much. You found yourself staring at him, at his pretty nose, at his pretty kissable lips. You could joke all you wanted about him looking like a puppy, but right now he looked like a predator observing its prey and he was definitely having fun.
“Come on, Y/N.” He grabbed your chin, his grip gentle but firm. “You’re usually so good with words.” His gaze slid to your lips, leaning even closer, his warm breath on your lips. He was slowly driving you crazy and he didn’t know it. “Say it.”
Saying yes would be so simple and yet you couldn’t muster the courage to say it. Such tiny word, yet so powerful. What if your admission would change your relationship? You refused risking your friendship just because you, terribly, wanted to kiss him.
Seungmin tsked, getting frustrated with your lack of reaction, but he wasn’t one to give up so easily. “Did you finally stop seeing me just as a friend?”
He ignored your question, but at least his smile was back as you finally reacted to his words. “Because if you did, I’ll be finally able to show you how much I love you. I’ll show you every day just how much I care for you. If you let me.”
Seungmin had the gift of leaving you speechless. This time was no exception. His confession echoed in your head, in your heart. Seungmin, your best friend, was actually in love with you.
“You like me?” You finally asked, so stunned, you had to make sure your mind wasn’t playing some tricks.
Seungmin laughed at that and straightened up. He knew, he had all of your attention, now. “I do. I’ve been in love with your sorry ass for two years now. I think Jisung was done with watching us, that’s why he made you do the dare.”
And here you thought, you were good at figuring people out. Apparently, you were not. How did you miss the signs? But more importantly, what were you supposed to do? Clearly, the kiss made you think more about Seungmin, about your own feelings. Did you love him? Did you want a relationship with him?
“You’re overthinking right now.” Once more, he saw right through you. “It’s okay if you don’t know how you feel about me. I can wait.”
You knew he would. Seungmin was the patient one between the two of you, but he was also a fighter – given the chance, he would fight for his love.
Slowly, you reached out for him. You pulled at his arms, making him fall back on top of you, giving you a chance to wrap your arms around his neck. “Can you kiss me?” You asked instead. “Just to be sure.”
“Thought you’d never ask.” Seungmin chuckled and didn’t hesitate. Not even for a second as he claimed your mouth hungrily, passionately. He had been dying to do it again – now that he had a taste, it was the only thing he could think about.
And you? You realized with his lips devouring yours,  it wouldn’t be hard to fully give yourself to him. Body, heart and mind.
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shawnxstyles · 2 years
overthinking alert!
summary: while overthinking as per usual, peter bumps into you. or you bump into peter…
request: yess
song: She Will Be Loved- maroon 5 
words: 1.3k
warnings: implications of sex, vulgar name-calling (slut, whore, etc.), and peter being an overthinker
note: part four! is this a mini-series guys… here’s my main masterlist
gif= not mine!
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“and then she put her hand in my hair,” peter’s eyes widened excitedly as he talked, waving his hands crazily for emphasis. “i repeat, her hand in my hair.”
“i always believed in you, peter. i never doubted you for a second,” ned nods surely, while taking a bite of his sandwich. this was the most thrilling lunch period ever. his english class was the most dramatic thing that’s happened to peter in a while (minus the whole spiderman thing).
“i’m almost positive you’re lying, but i’m too high on serotonin right now to care,” a smile decorates peter’s face that stays there the rest of lunch.
the remainder of peter’s day moved pretty slow. his mind pondered nearly every possible outcome for tomorrow, when he returns to english, so he can be prepared. you’re just so cool and relaxed, and peter wishes he could be that nonchalant sometimes.
peter doesn’t hate who he is; he is fine with being the lonely nerd who gives last-minute homework answers to his seat partners. he didn’t focus on himself enough to hate too much (he would probably die in a bottomless pit of insecurities if he did). peter did spend a lot of his time daydreaming and wishing he was spiderman though. yes, technically he was spiderman, but peter and spiderman were not the same.
peter believes that spiderman is cool and relaxed, similarly to you, and he wonders if you would like him if he was who spiderman was. as this thought comes to his mind, he begins to think, did he create spiderman’s persona as someone he thought you’d like?
did he make spiderman for you?
“fuck,” you mumble as you struggle to adjust your clothes. you impulsively decided to indulge in some football moron during the last period. you are regretting your choices because you didn’t even come. and he didn’t even care.
“you are welcome, sweetheart,” he winks and simply walks out of the bathroom without a care in the world. you roll your eyes, nearly puking at the nickname. you didn’t believe the narcissistic words that left his mouth because he begged you, but he would never admit such a thing. he didn’t care about you and you tried not to care. you never developed any feelings for the guys you hooked up with, but it would be nice for them to be decent to you.
although you hook up a lot (yes, there are repeats, your body count isn’t that high), you do hope to find a boyfriend. it gets tiring being an object to horny teenage boys because you know they don’t care, but deep down, you hoped they would. you’re not a sex doll that boys can just use and throw away. it made you feel like shit because you still ran back those idiotic boys. you had to.
you were done being treated like you were worthless.
you use the restroom for safety measures before checking your tangled hair in the mirror. you sigh loudly to yourself as you snatch your bag off the floor, exiting the bathroom.
your head throbs as you stress yourself out with all their words: “slut”, “whore”, “school’s glory hole”, “cumslut”. there are so many other ridiculous insults that shouldn’t have got to you, but did. if you didn’t hook up with those guys, like the football moron, they would spread even crazier rumors and insults. you felt obligated to do it.
god, you were such a pushover.
peter’s own mind distracts him so much that he doesn’t see where he’s walking when he bumps right into you.
out of instinct, his hands squeeze on your biceps, tightening on you, so you don’t tumble. when his brain comes to the realization that it’s you he’d bumped into, his normal, mild heart rate shoots up into the clouds, far too high to be healthy.
“oh! peter! sorry, i didn’t mean to run into you. i was… kind of out of my mind to be honest,” you shrug your shoulders as peter releases his grip from you. his hands were warm and his fingers were rough; the second he caught you, you felt instantly safe. peter smiles empathetically, knowing he was just as much in the wrong, and for the same reason.
“no no, don’t be. i was kind of out of my mind, too,” peter nervously licks his lips. the school hallway was empty, since it ended about ten minutes ago. everyone always tries to leave as fast as possible and so does peter, but he forgot his calculator in ap chemistry, so he had to run and grab it.
if you ask why he’s so breathless, he can use running across the school as an excuse…
peter was trying his best to restrain his rapid breathing. the space around you both was so quiet, you’d definitely be able to hear it.
peter got chills. he didn’t know why or how, but he had got the smallest bit of courage to look you in the eyes. anxiety probably screamed from his eyes, but when looking at you, he pushed it down. your eyes were always beautiful. you were always so beautiful. even thinking that felt like an understatement; a glistening, glowing, and radiating beauty sounded more accurate. peter really did believe the eyes were windows to the soul, and he was looking right at yours. they shined, even under the shitty school ceiling lights.
you got chills. you forgot your jacket today, and your outfit was simply a t-shirt and jeans, so the weather was most likely why. but you were inside a decently air-conditioned school hallway. and  you were a little heated from the bathroom…
so, why were you standing here, sharing out of mind thoughts with peter parker? of all people?
what is he thinking? probably something important like his science homework or his aunt...
how did you get here?
 “i, um,” you randomly uttered, trying to think of something to fill the silence. you hate silence, especially ones as intense as this.
his eyes were soft. they are what one would imagine a teddy bear to be… in eye form… if that makes sense. an aesthetically pleasing, soft, and squeezable teddy bear was the kind of comfort you found in his eyes. you wonder if peter was decent to girls. he was probably more than decent. he was definitely the type to buy a dozen roses on valentine’s day. or remember all the little details, even the forgotten ones. now, you could be assuming way too much. he was nice to you, and that’s the bare minimum. “i gotta go. see you tomorrow, parker.”
and then you slipped away from his loosening grasp. like you usually do.
those longing few seconds you two held eyes, felt like hours. peter thinks he saw something in you that was different from earlier today. you seemed different; avoidant and distant? yes, peter has had the fattest crush on you since the seventh grade, but he was the last person that would really know you. he bet you had loads of friends outside of school that knew you like the back of their hand, while peter admired you from a distance. he wasn’t a stalker, but if you were there, he’d look at you. it was hard not to when you radiated such a captivating essence.
but catching you made peter feel like he climbed the next stair, beat a level, and unlocked the next door. he caught people all the time, saved people twenty four seven! but just the smallest action of catching you in the hallway was nearly equal to all of his greatest accomplishments as spiderman.
he would be spiderman for just you if he could. your spiderman.
he was stuck standstill in the hallway with a wistful smile until he finally decided to use his brain to leave. hopefully, he doesn’t run into you again because he almost died of a heart attack (...again).
but he also wasn’t opposed to the idea of “saving” you again.
thanks for readingggg sorry it took so long i’m going through it right now
tags: @rafecameronsbadussy
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babybluebex · 2 years
Fic of reader dating Jamie but she gets so much hate after the ST release, like how she’s not good enough for him and too ugly, and she breaks up with Jamie because she can’t handle it. She doesn’t tell him the real reason why she broke up with him and they meet up by accident a couple of months later and it’s like this big thing where it’s so dramatic and you can feel the love between them. And whatever happens next is up to you!! Do they get back together, does she tell him the truth, has he moved on? Angst, fluff, smut, whatever you want!! Thank you :))
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 | 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you break up with jamie, thinking it’s for the best, but, after you reunite months later, he helps you see how wrong you were. 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jamie campbell bower (rpf) x fem!reader 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: angst, break ups, happy ending 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: this is my first jamie fic and i’m so excited to share it eek!! i hope you all enjoy it!
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You knew that, once Stranger Things dropped, everything would change. And you were right. 
Up until then, you and Jamie had lived in relative anonymity— every so often, you’d get someone who recognized him from Twilight, sometimes the lone fan who asked for an autograph from the singer of Counterfeit, but, after Stranger Things, that became a daily occurrence. You couldn’t leave your house without having someone stop you for a picture, and you loved that Jamie was finally getting the recognition he deserved. 
What you didn’t love, though, were the comments. Jamie was a natural at taking things in stride, any ugly comments about his performance or looks being cast aside like water off of a duck’s back— he had been doing this for a lot longer than you had been and had perfected not caring. It didn’t take very long for you to figure out that people didn’t like you, though. For one reason or another, it seemed that the vast majority of Jamie’s fans were not a fan of you; under every post Jamie made that had you in it, even just in the background, someone had something to say. 
ew, why is she there? or jamie deserves someone better or i bet she’s using him for his money. The first few hate comments were funny and you had laughed at them, but it started to take a toll on you. Maybe you weren’t good enough for the handsome and talented Jamie Campbell Bower. Maybe he did deserve someone better, funnier, prettier than you. 
It broke your heart when you ended things with him, but it was necessary. You rarely fought when you were together— even when you did, you managed to keep cool heads and resolve it within the night— which made the break up all the more painful. When you closed your eyes, you could still see Jamie’s big blue eyes, rimmed with red as he held back tears, pleading with you. “Darling, why?” he had asked, his voice scratchy and distraught. “What’s happened? What’s changed?” 
“Nothing’s happened,” you lied to him. “I just think we might be better off seeing other people. I…” You swallowed thickly, and your heart rammed itself painfully into your throat. You needed to make sure that there wasn’t a fight, that Jamie wouldn’t beg and grovel for you to come back; you needed to hurt him. It was the most painful thing you ever said, the words feeling like daggers as they left your soft mouth: “I don’t love you anymore.” 
“That’s bullshit,” Jamie said instantly. “Please just talk to me, I can help you—”
“No, you can’t,” you told him, your voice shaking. “I’ve made my decision. I don’t love you anymore, and I’m not going to sit here any longer and lie to you that I do.” 
“You’re lying to me now!” Jamie exclaimed. “Wh-What about last night? I thought— You said—”
“I know what I said,” you told him, and you did. Sweaty bodies, limbs entangled, his mouth pressed against your breast, you had told him “I’ll always love you”, and you had meant it with your full heart. “But I didn’t mean it.”
“So, what, are you just using me for sex at this point?” Jamie asked, his eyes narrowing. “Is that it? You don’t love me, but you’ll fuck me? And now I guess you’re bored of that now too? Fuck, you’re heartless, you know that?” 
“Better heartless than a liar,” you told him. You sighed and crossed your arms over your chest, feigning annoyance in a way that made your chest hurt. If you could, you would take back everything and run into his arms, but you needed to hold out. He deserved better than you. “Jamie, listen to me: I’ve made up my mind about this weeks ago, I’ve just been waiting for the right time to tell you. And last night got me thinking about it, so—” You shrugged, and you watched his thin face fall completely, becoming an emotionless mask. 
“Get out,” Jamie told you. “If you don’t care anymore, I don’t either. Go to your flat or wherever the fuck you find yourself, I don’t care, just get out of my house.” 
It took everything in you to delete his number from your phone, but it was for the best. You watched as every trace of you was deleted off of his social media, and you saw the fan response almost instantly. did jamie finally break up with her? Someone tweeted. took him long enough. A post from some low-brow gossip site asked Has Jamie Campbell Bower And Longtime Girlfriend Called It Quits? The comments under it were blistering, seemingly endless sighs of relief and declarations of good, she was fugly anyway. 
What you didn’t expect out of everything, though, was the song. You woke up one morning a few weeks later to texts from your friends, asking what you thought about Jamie’s new song, and you had groggily pulled up YouTube and found it. It was called Heartless, and it was an anger-laced song with low, crunchy guitars, where Jamie begged for answers: “Any truth will do/Your crooked lies blast me through/You’re so heartless but I still love you.” 
You couldn’t help yourself— you turned to Twitter. Jamie had tweeted out a simple link to the video, and the comments under it were ruthless. jesus did SHE break up with him?? does she think she can do better or something? Nothing satisfied the mob, and you cried as the full gravity settled on your shoulders. Nothing would satisfy them. You had broken up with Jamie, pushed away the love of your life, over something as trivial as anonymous online hate. And you had broken his heart so thoroughly that his one solace, his music, had been corrupted by you. It made you sick.
You never intended to see Jamie again. Los Angeles was a big city, and you didn’t anticipate ever finding yourself in a room with him again. You knew that, if you ever did see him again, it would take everything in you to not run back to him, and you knew that you weren’t strong enough for that. 
Which made seeing him again suck so much more. 
You had just wanted a drink, and you made the mistake of assuming that he wouldn’t turn up at the bar. It had been your place first, after all, you had shown it to him, and you had assumed that he would avoid places that reminded him of you. But, as you sat in the back corner, away from prying eyes, you saw the shock of blond hair that made your stomach flip. 
Jamie looked good. Tall, dressed in all black, his hair done in that perfectly undone way that you knew took either a whole team of people or forty-five minutes alone in the mirror to achieve. You used to giggle at him when he would fuss over his hair so much, but he liked your teasing. His dark roots were showing, and you frowned at it; he wasn’t taking care of himself. He could look as put together as he wanted, but you knew the real him, and he was regular about touching up his signature blond tresses. He was slowly falling apart without you, and it only made you feel worse.
Jamie spotted you just as you were getting up to leave, and you swallowed thickly as you willed him not to come over. That tiny bit of resolve you still had begged him to stay to himself, but his eyes raked over your form before he made his long-legged stride over to you. 
“Hey,” He said simply. Hey? After everything, that’s all he had to say?
“Hi there,” you said. “I was on my way out—”
“I know,” Jamie said. “I was just hoping we could… I don’t know. Talk.”
“I have nothing to say to you,” you told him. “I’ve said everything I want to.”
“But that’s not fair, is it?” Jamie asked. He lowered his eyes for a moment as he composed himself, and he calmly said, “You say what you want but don’t give me the chance to respond?” 
“I think you’ve responded plenty,” you said, eyes thin with anger. “How many streams does Heartless have now? Great song, by the way, I really liked how you made me seem like a cunt to everyone.” 
“I’m sorry,” Jamie told you on a sigh. “You don’t deserve that, but I just… I think you need to know how badly you hurt me.”
“Believe me,” you muttered. “I know.” A moment passed, and you took a deep breath. “I meant for it to.” 
Jamie’s face screwed up with confusion, and he said, “What do you mean?” 
“I don’t—” you started, and you edged past him in order to leave. You couldn’t get into it with him at that moment, or else you risked everything falling apart. The less he knew, the better. You heard him call your name from behind you as you left the bar, and you cringed at the downpour that you met outside. It hardly ever rained in LA, and you hadn’t seen any impending rainstorm on the forecast, so you were shit out of luck for a coat or umbrella. You crossed your arms over your chest to keep yourself warm as you started the walk back to your flat, but a familiar warm hand shot out and grabbed at you before you could make it very far. 
“What did you mean by that?” Jamie sputtered in the rain. “You meant for it to hurt, what does that mean?”
“Jamie,” you sighed. “I don’t wanna get into this—”
“Well, that’s too bad,” Jamie said. “Because I do. What’re you doing, why’re you running away? You lied to me, something happened to make you break up with me, and I just, I can’t figure out what. I’ve tried and tried and tried to understand, to come up with anything, but I’m coming up empty. What happened? Tell me the truth!” 
“Nothing happened!” you told him, and the lie burned on its way out like acid. “I just don’t love you anymore!”
“Okay, no!” Jamie exclaimed. “That is bullshit, and you know how I know?”
“How do you know?” you asked. “How could you possibly know more about my emotions than I do?” 
“You have never once lied to me,” Jamie said, his grip on your arm tight. “No white lies, nothing of the sort, and suddenly you’re lying over something huge like suddenly falling out of love with me? You’re keeping secrets from me and not— Y-You always talked to me! We were so good, and suddenly it means nothing? I don’t believe it for a second.”
“Can we not do this now?” you asked. You were shivering in the rain and Jamie’s hair was stuck to his face in wet patches, but he shook his head quickly. 
“No, we’re doing this now,” Jamie told you. “I’m tired of not knowing. Don’t lie to me; did you meet someone else?” 
“What?” you seethed. “What makes you think that there’s someone else?”
“It’s the only thing I can think of that explains why you’re acting like this,” Jamie said. “You met someone else and he’s doing more for you than I could. I know I wasn’t the best boyfriend to you, but I thought that I was at least enough—”
“Stop it,” you said. You sniffled and finally let your tears fall, hot as they rolled down your cheeks, and you wiped your nose on your arm. “You were enough, J, you were more than enough! You’re the best boyfriend I’ve ever had—”
Jamie let out a growl of frustration. “Then why don’t you love me?” he asked. The question, asked with those big baby blues full of tears and the tip of his nose all red, shattered your aching heart, and you jerked your arm out of his hand. 
“I do!” you finally admitted. “Is that what you want to hear? I do love you, and I’ve never stopped. I lied to you because… Because I was tired, okay? I was fucking exhausted of getting shit on everyday by everyone, and I thought that leaving you would make it stop, but it didn’t! It only made it worse, and then you had to go write that fucking song…” You trailed off, sniffling and sobbing, and Jamie’s face softened. “Everyone hates me, and I thought that…” You couldn’t even say the words out loud. You thought that leaving him would fix it.
Jamie watched you for a moment, taking in every part of you, and he dragged you into him with a tight hug. His warm chest was a comfort, and you cried as you threw yourself fully into him. His hand cradled the back of your head as he held you, and you nestled your cheek into his chest, just over his thumping heart. 
“When you told me you didn’t love me,” Jamie started, his voice low and rough. “It felt like you had driven a stake through my heart. You hurt me, and I never wanted to see you again. But… Darling… All of this because people don’t like you?”
“It’s okay,” you whispered. “You can call me stupid or heartless or whatever you want to; I deserve it.” 
“No, you don’t,” Jamie said gently. His palm moved to your cheek, and he cradled your face as he titled your head up to look at him, into his achingly beautiful blue eyes. “You deserve none of this. I’m so sorry that I didn’t see this before.” 
“It’s not something you should’ve been worried about,” you mumbled. “You have your own life—” 
“Obviously it was something to be worried about, if this is how it ended,” Jamie said. “I’m so sorry.” 
“Please don’t say that,” you told him. “I’m the one who’s sorry. I-I’m totally at fault here. I know how you feel about me, but, please, if any part of you still loves me—”
Jamie silenced you with a kiss. His lips pressed to yours harshly, kissing you deeply, imbuing every ounce of love that he had in his body into it. You held him tightly, kissing him back, your lips moving together perfectly. It was as if you had never parted; your lips still remembered his. 
When you broke away, you nestled your head underneath his chin, and you whispered, “Please take me home.”
“Of course,” Jamie whispered. “I’d do anything for you.”
A fat raindrop fell onto his forehead, and you giggled lightly, still sniffling away your tears. “With the rain, it’s like our own dumb little romance movie, huh?” you asked, and Jamie tilted his head a bit.
“Is it raining?” Jamie asked, and you melted under his fond gaze. He was smiling, his eyelashes fluttering as he blinked. “I hadn’t noticed.” 
“Fuck, you’re so cheesy,” you breathed, and you dragged him back down into another kiss. “I love you, Jamie.” 
“I love you too,” Jamie whispered. “Please don’t ever make me doubt that again.” 
“Never,” you told him. “Never, ever again… And, fuck, I actually love the song. I think it’s your best yet.” 
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
Been having insane week and non stop! Nursing School Brain in effect and having to already put that knowledge to the test at home! It would absolutely make my week if I Could please make request please? Something with Primal Ari? Fluff maybe little smut but definitely the primal!!! Please absolutely adore your stuff and look forward to your stories!!!
I hate that you had an insane week, and things are just going out of control.  But yes, yes I think I can make a primal Ari...this particular Ari is going to be a bit of the sweeter side though...
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What That House is Made Of
Summary:  You shouldn’t have teased Ari.  Or should you?
Pairings:  Ari Levinson X Reader
Rating:  explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, smut, unprotected sex, PIV sex, growling, primal kick, praise kink, mentions of phone sex, mentions of masturbation, creampie, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  1.5K
Ari Masterlist
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You take one final look into the mirror; fiddling with your hair, turning to the side to check out your appearance in your new lingerie, and take a deep breath.  You needed him.  Ari had been gone for too long on a work related trip.  You didn’t care if he only had a few hours to be at home, you wanted your man with you.  Wanted to feel his thick hands grip you tight as he takes you over the edge again and again.
It was risky to send him photos such as these, but this was a risk you were willing to take.  The pictures start off innocent enough for someone wearing next to nothing, but then more of your lace starts coming off.  You get into it; arching your back, and popping out your ass.  Putting on a show for your man.  He missed you, too.  Told you every night as you fell asleep in a long FaceTime.  
You don’t want the last photos you take to have you a bit upset, but even you see the glossiness in your eyes.  Sending him the photos, you grab a tissue and dab at your eyes.  Ari was sexy, he was a sex god, but most importantly he held you like you were the most precious thing in his life.  And to Ari, you really were.  You were his everything.  The reason he became a journeyman lineman was to provide for you, and hopefully one day, your family that you would be making.
Checking your phone, you see that he had opened the photos, but still hadn’t responded.  Biting at your lip, you sigh.  Deciding to slip on a robe, and go about your day.  He was busy.  He would make time for you when he could.
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Ari looks down at the pictures one more time, yes, you were beyond sexy.  Everything he had ever dreamed of wrapped up in pretty lace, but those last photos where your face was clearly visible is what upset him.  He couldn’t have his best girl being lonely and missing him.  With his calloused fingers still a bit stained from work, boots still dirty, and face still dingy he stomps up your front porch steps.  He had to take a personal day.  Money be damned.  You needed him, and he most definitely needed you.
Making a dramatic entrance of slinging the door wide open, you yelp in fear, until you hear that noise.  Could practically see his lip curled up as he releases that low and primal growl, “Woman!”
Sauntering around the corner, you hold your hand up on the wall, looking your thick beefy man up and down, “Oh, I’m going to fuck you,” his voice rasps out.  His steps are calculated, slow, and steady as he walks closer to you.  His fists pulsing.  “You deserved to be fucked good and so fucking hard.  Trying to tease me while I’m at work,” his nose scrunches up, and he shakes his mane out of his face.
Standing right in front of you, his hand goes to your neck.  Fingers behind you, while his thumb pets over the front.  Giving you just a tiny squeeze, “You know what you were doing, huh?” You give him a pitiful little nod, pouting up at him.  “You’ll be punished in due time, but,” Ari picks one of your legs up, resting it on his waist as he starts grinding into your core.  “I’ve missed you, Foxy.”
“I’ve missed you,” your lip trembles as he bends down low giving you the softest chaste kiss.  “Each day got longer,” whining as he starts ripping at your panties, his mouth drifting to your neck as he nips around the sensitive skin.  Thankful that you still walked around the house with nothing but one of his old tattered shirts.  “I forgot the way you felt,” he snarls at that comment, running his fingers through your glistening folds.
“Forgot the way you taste,” he crashes his mouth into yours, shoving his tongue in your mouth, massaging your own with his.  He was going to make you remember what he tasted like.  His hands struggle to get his pants undone.  Letting them drift to the floor.  “Forgot about the…stretch,” you whimper as he picks your body up to situate you over his fat cock.  “Ari!” You mewl out when he pushes you all the way down.
Holding you on his length as he gazes at your face.  Letting you cockwarm him while he commits the way you look on him to memory.  Watching every muscle flench in your face as you try not to moan.  The way you bite at your lip when he circles his hips, and the way you whisper his name in an achingly needy way.  
“I love you,” he whispers, pulling himself completely out of you, and thrusting back in so slowly.  He wanted you to remember every bit of his long shaft.  Every wide inch of his girth.  Wanted your pussy to know where that thick vein of his stayed seated inside of your walls.  Growling on your neck while he pumps into your warmth.  This was just how you and Ari were made to be…connected.
Traveling lately has made things difficult.  Phone sex just wasn’t the same.  His hand didn’t feel nearly as good.  That hot pink dildo didn’t fill you quite as well as him.  It didn’t have the perfect curve to it.  The curve that hit all of your spots.  But what felt the best was the way that he looks at you.  A look that says he wants to both destroy you, and worship at your feet.  The look that shows he’s just as obsessed with you, as you are him.  
Dragging himself in and out of you, no words spoken, picking up speed with every stab into you.  Not caring when pictures fall off the wall as he starts a hard pound into you.  Wondering just how well this house was built as you feel the vibrations behind you from his movements.  It felt like he was trying to beat it down along with your cunt.
The walls in your house hadn’t seen the two of you make love in what felt like years.  If only they could talk.  They would tell how Ari made sure to christen every part of the house with your juices.  How he would literally chase you around in the unfurnished place you now called home.  Jump from the top floor to the bottom as you giggled trying to get away from him.
They could tell how you had spent so many nights completely naked, wrapped up in each other as you talked about your future.  Mention how there was so much love between the two of you, even without sex.  But right now they shutter at how much desperation the two of you feel as he rails into you.  How many times your walls have clenched down around him, but he wanted your body to remember how he felt for the next month.
Relentless at how hard he shoves in your wet heat.  How his mouth leaves traces of his mark behind on your neck.  If it was remembering that you wanted, he was going to go above and beyond to give you just that.  He needed to remember you, too.  Remember how your arousal drips down on him, creating a sticky mess on his thighs.  Remember each little inflection as you sob at being stuffed full.  Remember just how much he loves you.  Loves your precious little voice, and your pitiful scratches you put on his back as another high crashes around him.
You were sure that there would be no house left when Ari was finished with you.  That the whole damn place would just fall down.  Gulping up at him when you feel you can’t take anymore. “One more my sly little Fox.  Give me one more.  Come on, Foxy, you’re right there,” your eyes roll in the back of your head, vision blurry as you cling tight to him.  Your walls flutter around him, holding him in a vice grip when he finally lets go.
Pumping you full of his essence.  Slowing down his movements as he pets around your face, “Atta girl.  You did so good,” he presses his lips against your forehead, holding them there as he sniffs your new smell; a mixture of sweat, him, and pure unadulterated pleasure.  “I won’t be so sweet next time, baby.”
“Good,” you run your fingers over his shoulders, wishing that you could feel his skin against yours.  “I don’t want you to be.”
“We’re testing this house’s foundation limits tonight.”
“And tomorrow you have to leave?”
“First thing in the morning.  But only one more week and I’m back home.  Then I’m all yours, and you’re all mine,” it wasn’t much, but one week wasn’t too long.  Just long enough to get your body ready for the marathon Ari undoubtedly would be ready for.  He bites at your neck, growling on the irritated skin, and you feel him throughout your entire body.  “Already throbbing again.”
“Shh,” you whisper.  You wanted this night to last a lifetime.  You wanted Ari and you to last even longer.  And you knew you would.  “I love you.”
“And I love you.  Come on, lets get naked.  I want to have you properly next time.”
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @infatuatedharleys @missusbarnes-rogers @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @donutloverxo @bambamwolf87
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harlowsbby · 2 years
Plastic off the sofa
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There was two sides of Jack there was the one side that Neelam and Drama and the rest of the world saw which was the strong and determined Jack who came off cocky and a bit self centered at times, but then there was the Jack that you only got to see whenever Jack was around you he couldn’t help but to be himself he was always so soft with you and loving and caring.
You got to see the needy side of Jack the side of him that always wanted to be babied and loved up on.
It was around 6 in the morning when you woke up you looked over to your side seeing Jack’s form sleeping peacefully you smiled reaching your hand up and stroking his beard before playing a little connect the dots with his freckles before sighing. You really didn’t want to work today and Jack’s told you many times you didn’t need to work but you didn’t want to seem like a gold digger.
You went to get up but two strong arms quickly brought you back into the mountain of pillows and covers.
“Where do you think you’re going ma? You’re staying in bed with me.” Jack’s morning voice always sent shivers down your spine and his Kentucky accent was always so thick.
“Jack I have to get up and get ready for work.” Kissing his arms you tried to remove them from you but he wasn’t budging.
“I’m being serious baby I just want cuddles from you all day just wanna stay in bed with my girl.” He mumbled tiredly you shook your head at him as he stuck his tongue out at you.
“I have to go Jack it’s a big day today and I can’t afford to be late.” He snorted and rolled his eyes he knew that you knew that you very much could afford missing a day of work.
“I guess I’ll just lay here all day all alone by myself just lonely since my girl don’t love me.” He sighed dramatically some curls falling into his face.
“See you can’t do that, guilt tripping me into staying isn’t going to work this time Jackman.” You went to get up again but Jack jerked forward grabbing you and dragging you back into the bed you squealed as he rolled you both around in the bed till you were tangled in his legs and arms.
“Looks like you ain’t going anywhere now.”
“Jack! You seriously need to let me go you’re so big and so damn heavy.” He gasped dramatically and hid his face in the crook of your neck.
“You wasn’t calling me all these names last night last time I recalled you were saying how it feels so good and calling me dadd-.”
“Alright! I’ll stay home just get the hell off of me I seriously don’t think I can feel my blood flowing anymore.” He laughed before letting you free, you crawled over the bed to where he was before straddling his waist.
“You’re lucky I love you Jack but tomorrow I’m going to work.”
“That’s fine ma but for today you’re all mine.” You laid down on his chest as he rubbed small circles on your back before you knew it you were fast asleep on Jack’s chest the only sound coming in was the raining hitting the side of the house.
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wwinterwitch · 2 years
safe space - steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: steve was afraid to admit his feelings for you, until the fear of losing you to someone else was stronger
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 1,895
warnings/what to expect: angst and fluff, insecure!steve, jealous!steve, mentions of alcohol, house party, kissing, the fruity four is featured bc why not, sharing feelings
a/n: this was also requested so thanks to the lovely anon who requested it!!
a comment and/or reblog is always appreciated
masterlist | AO3  
"Well, I'm gonna get drunk."
"Eddie!" Robin exclaimed.
"What? It's the only reason I came to this stupid party."
"I'll go with you then," she insisted, grabbing his shoulders to push him towards the backyard of the house. "I'll make sure he doesn't fall into his self-destructive tendencies!"
"You're being dramatic," he argued.
"Am I?" Robin asked. "Remember last time we had to drag you to Steve's car and you kept trying to get out, saying that you wanted to walk home 'cause the moon was pretty?"
"That was a one time thing."
"Well, this is me making sure it is a one time thing."
"Children," Nancy muttered when she saw Robin and Eddie walking away, still bickering. "Actual children."
"Yeah, I think we need to stop being friends with that many children. It's starting to become a pattern."
Nancy laughed at his comment as they both walked further inside the house. She could tell Steve was already looking for you, scanning the entirety of the place in hopes to see you somewhere.
The two of them went to get a can of soda each. Nancy didn't feel like drinking and Steve was, as always, the designated driver of the friend group.
"Maybe she's not here yet?" tried Nancy, looking up at her friend who continued to look around.
"She? Who– who are we talking about here?"
"Oh, right. As if you haven't been looking around like a complete maniac to find her," she joked. "Are you going to finally tell her?"
The answer was very clear. Despite having a massive crush on you, Steve would never in a million years tell you. He's better off dating random girls here and there that he's not really interested in at all. That's his new security system, apparently.
Because it's so easy dating someone you don't care about, and even tho Steve felt terrible for pretending with all these girls he had dated, they make him feel safe. He doesn't expect anything from then or their "relationship", because he just doesn't care. He doesn't get his hopes up, he doesn't get his heart broken.
But with you, things get complicated. He is going to expect something, he is going to get his hopes up, so he's inevitably getting his heart crushed into tiny pieces.
Steve can't go through that again. Even when him and Nancy are now very good friends and they both love each other in a platonic way, Steve could still remember how difficult it was for him to get over her. That relationship was terrible, and it left Steve thinking he wasn't meant to ever get his happy ending with someone else. It's just Steve. Steve the babysitter who's surrounded by kids. Steve the lonely guy.
So if he's not meant for serious relationships, why even bother? Might as well suffer in silence because it seems far more tolerable than having to suffer for someone else that doesn't want to be with you.
Though it was difficult, because even tho you didn't hang out most of the time, you happened to be one of the unlucky people in Hawkins that know about the Upside Down, which mean you have hanged out sometimes.
Your family is very close to the Byers, you and Jonathan practically growing up together, so ever since Will got missing you were very involved in the search, quickly becoming part of the group. You knew about what was happening even before he did.
So every time something Upside Down related happens, you'll be there. And Steve has to pretend like you're not the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, or that you're practically all he can think about whenever you're around. Problem was that you never seemed to show any interest in him that passed the barrier of a simple friendship. You treated him the same way as you would treat everyone, so he knew his feelings weren't reciprocated in the slightest.
It'd be much better if you didn't know about any of that, because that means you two would never hang out, making it easier for Steve to try not to think about you.
Nancy and Steve eventually found you. You were just entering the house with your group of friends, all of you immediately going to the backyard as you said hi to a few people along the way. Meanwhile, the two of them remained in the kitchen with their non-alcoholic beverage.
"For what it's worth," she continued since Steve wasn't replying. "I think she might like you back."
Steve looked down at Nancy, who was flashing a sympathetic smile at him. "I don't think so, but...thanks."
"Maybe you should try talking to her tonight and see where it goes?" she tried once again.
"Yeah, maybe...I don't know."
Nancy simply nodded, letting the subject go. Eventually, Eddie and Robin joined them in the kitchen. Robin immediately grabbed a can from the counter and put away the beer can she was holding.
"Thank god," she muttered. "I needed this."
Eddie grabbed Robin's unfinished beer, making sure to drink it after he finishes his. "Hey, Harrington. We talked to your girlfriend outside."
"She's not my girlfriend."
His friend smirked. "Well, the fact that I don't even have to say a name kinda says it all."
"She asked about you," Robin said this time.
Almost immediately, Steve's features soften and his eyes light up. "She did?"
"Yup. Asked if you we here."
"What? And what did you say?"
"That you are?" Eddie replied as if it was obvious. "She was all smiles and heart eyes when she heard that. Just like you're looking at us now."
Nancy immediately nudged Steve with obvious excitement. "I told you! Go talk to her!"
"Yeah, okay...yeah, wait– what should I tell her?"
Eddie scoffed. "You're the Steve Harrington. Isn't talking to girls kinda your thing?"
"She's different," he explained.
"So romantic," commented Robin sarcastically. "Look, just be yourself. Ask her how she's doing, what are her plans for the summer, invite her to dance...you know, basic human interactions."
"Everything will be fine," Nancy said, being the only one actually trying to be supportive and serious about this. "If she asked about you, it means she's interested."
Steve gave his three friends a look before finally deciding to do something about his crush for you. Deep down he was still scared, but talking to you one time at a party doesn't mean anything, right? That wouldn't hurt him (or so he hopes).
When he got out of the house and into the backyard, he struggled a little to find you because there were a lot of people at the party. Eventually, he spotted you, but his heart sank when he noticed you were talking with another guy.
He was saying something, standing very close to you, and he couldn't bare to see you laughing at whatever that guy just said. Almost immediately, he felt anger rushing though his entire body. This shouldn't be happening. It should be him the one talking to you, maybe saying some silly joke to get you to laugh because he loves your smile. It should be him the one standing so close to you, not...whoever that was.
And maybe Steve should've got back to the house and settle with the idea that you were already talking with someone else. That he lost his change of getting your attention tonight. But he didn't do that.
It was unclear to him what possessed him to walk towards the two of you, clearly interrupting your conversation. "Hi," he said very awkwardly.
At the sight of him, your smile instantly disappeared, wondering what the hell he was doing. "Uh...hi, Steve," you said. It's not like you're not happy to see him, but his approach was definitely unexpected.
"Thanks for keeping her company, man," he added shortly after, smiling at whoever it was that you were talking to. Then, he grabbed your hand to drag you away.
"What was that?" you asked, genuinely confused.
"I, uh...I don't know. Looked like he was bothering you."
"He wasn't."
"Oh, well...I just know that guy from around. Terrible guy."
"Yeah, I know him too. And he's actually really nice," you continued, looking more and more confused. "Is there something going on? Shit, please tell me we don't have to go through a portal again."
"No, no. That's not it."
"Then what is it?"
"I...I just– I guess I wanted to talk to you? It's kinda important."
You nodded, waiting for him to continue. Steve's heart was beating so fast, he thought he could actually have a heart attack any minute. To be a so called "ladies magnet" he has absolutely no game when it came to you, which completely terrifies him. It makes him vulnerable, which is the last thing he wants since the last time he allowed himself to be vulnerable his heart was broken.
"Well, I don't know if I was too obvious or not in the past, but...I kinda have a thing for you?"
Your face showed you weren't expecting that. "You do?"
"Yeah," he says, nothing but obvious relief in the way he let that out. He felt like the biggest weight was lift off his shoulders. "God, I mean...you are the only thing I can think about all day."
"Why– why didn't you say anything before?"
"I was scared," he shrugged, the look on his face made your heart melt. "As you probably know, I'm the worst at keeping a girlfriend. Thing is, I'm so bad at it because I never allow myself to get too comfortable, you know? I put a barrier up because I'm so scared to let someone in just to watch them disappoint me."
His confession was truly hard to hear. To know Steve had feelings for you but he never wanted to talk about it because he was already thinking you would break his heart without even giving you a chance. After what he said, you couldn't help but lift your hand up to his face, resting your palm against the skin of his cheek. It was adorable to see him lean into your touch, as if he has been waiting years for this to happen.
"Steve, I would never hurt you," you said, meaning every word.
"You promise?" he asked barely above a whisper. You noticed his voice slightly breaking, his eyes shinning a little more due to the few tears starting to pool in his eyes.
"I promise."
The smile appearing on Steve's face has got to be the most beautiful thing you've ever had the pleasure of witnessing. He couldn't hold himself back any longer, leaning into you to kiss you. You quickly melted into the kiss, gladly accepting it as his arms wrapped around you tight. His kiss was sweet, yet needy. He has been waiting for this moment for a long time, the kiss being a perfect indicator of it.
As soon as the he pulled away from you, he rested his head against the crook of your neck, hugging you.
At that moment you felt it. The way his shoulders would relax, his head resting on your shoulder, he was so at peace. He allowed to let his worries go as he pulled you close to his body, trusting that there's no safer place in the world than being in-between your arms.
And you hugged him back just at tight, hoping that would let him know you are a safe place. That you'll always be there to care for him and protect him. That the last thing you'll ever want to do is to see him hurt.
For once, he believed it. He believed he deserves to be comfortable and put his guard down. He does deserve to be happy with you.
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