#i’m like a frightened chihuahua
drapopia · 6 months
it’s just like tobias to drop something like that on a random ass thursday
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elysia-nsimp · 1 month
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Hello scary Danganronpa community I would like to leave my Korekiyo redesign here an an offering please do not hunt me for sport /hj
Details and stuff (giant bricks of autistic text) below cut
Okay so in canon, we know Kiyo’s sister made his uniform and (I THINK) (DONT QUOTE ME ON THIS) he canonically doesn’t like it very much but wears it because of the whole… sister thing.
This redesign is meant to NOT be just a replacement of the OG design, but takes place in a non-despair AU where Kiyo actually learns that the relationship he had with his sister was NOT a healthy one. He gets support from his classmates and possibly the therapy he DESPERATELY NEEDS, and after beginning to accept his situation, he makes his OWN uniform with help and input from his peers.
That being said, what all did I do and what was my thought process?
- his og outfit was highly inspired by military-style clothing, and. *The anti-semetic armband.* so all that went in the trash because I didn’t like it
- I put him in more comfy traveling clothes—a soft button-up, a cardigan, slightly baggy pants, high travel boots. He travels a lot so might as well be comfy for it! The boots have a fluffy lining for cold weather
- I changed the hat. He needed a hat still but I changed it from a military style hat to a sea man type hat. It just felt right.
- kept the mask, but he wears it more because of his travels—lots of diseases. + his sister died of illness so he’s cautious about that. (I did change some of his story too but I tried to keep the big plot points while not romanticizing it)
- kept the bandages too. He does a lot of field work so I imagine he gets scratches a lot. Just another precaution to protect himself when traveling.
- I wanted to use the rope and rose motifs in his official art. I was so disappointed there wasn’t more of that. So his cardigan and pants have matching vine patterns and he has a rope tied around his waist—it’s there because sometimes you need a rope yknow. It’s a tool but also stylish/hj
- it’s commented on in the game how he’s very feminine (QUEER) and how he “has the kind of beauty that puts female colleagues to shame” ??? which is a weird way of forshadowing BUT I decided he gets to have long eyelashes and longer nails.
- his locket has been moved from his breast pocket to a necklace.
- and lastly I kinda liked the weird stringy hair thing Danganronpa does sometimes?? I just gave it more volume because . Yeah.
So yeah those are my big notes. How about some more story-based explanations?
- Kiyo got used to the darker palette (plus it keeps the mysterious spooky vibe the creators were going for), so he just kept that.
- all the material is soft and breathable, which was his priority when looking for the base clothing pieces!
- Angie helped him with the rose and vines! They’re embroidered. All Kiyo said was that he felt it was all very green and wanted to bring back some red, something about roses, and that’s what Angie came up with for him. He really liked how it came out
So yeah :] I hope y’all enjoy, I like the final product. Definitely not intended to be canon in the event of the killing game universe but I’ve always preferred exploring non-despair AUs.
If anyone WANTS to hear about the story changes I made lmk but uhhh I’m not making that my first Danganronpa post ahahahahahahha (<- read this as frightened and shaking like a chihuahua)
Again please don’t shoot me point blank danganronpa community
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drefear · 11 months
Lost in the Lies of Us, Lost, Ain't no Finding Us
Inspired by @ofherdesire series of toxic Miguel, the characters are all theirs (aside from Miguel lol)
TW: arguing, cheating, lol bits of smut, toxicity, gaslighting, violence, crazy shit y’all.
“And if you wondered if I hate you, I do”
The day was bright and Miguel squinted at the sunlight. It was the next day, and he sighed as his doors opened.
“Peter, I don’t have time for-”
“You broke up with me through Lyla?” Her voice rang out and echoed around the metal structure, making the muscles in Miguel’s shoulders tense.
“I didn’t want to deal with this.” He turns and she’s already up on his platform, leaning to one hip with her arms folded over the yellow emblem on her chest.
“You mean you didn’t want to deal with me.” She shot back and he groaned, running his talons through his hair and feeling the knots pull against his scalp.
“I don’t even know you anymore!” He yelled and took a step towards her, his presence drowning compared to her thin physique. She backed away instinctually and he huffed through his nose. “Solías ser mi sol, pero ahora solo me muestras tu oscuridad.” He grumbled and turned away, “This doesn’t have to be so dramatic, just be professional and return my clothing.”
“So what? We can act like nothing ever happened between us? Like you didn’t love me?” She barked like an upset chihuahua and stepped into his personal space. “You’re just going to toss me aside like I’m nothing, like her?” She hissed and he swung back around to her, getting in her face.
“Do not bring her into this.” His voice dropped to an octave she’d never heard before, making her hands sweat a bit from nervousness. With tears building in her eyes, she refused to break eye contact and added to her previous statement.
“You’re nothing without me.” Her voice was shaky and her hands balled into fists, steeling herself to his gaze, but his look shifted from angry to unbothered and she felt herself waver for a second before he spoke again.
“I’d rather be nothing without you than miserable with you.”
Your hand felt warm with Pedro’s reciprocating the interaction, and the smile he gave you made everything around you blur as he was your only focus while you two ate lunch, but a ringing broke you both from your gaze and his eyes looked down.
“I have to take this.” He pecked your cheek before standing from where he was sitting and walking away. You sat on the cafeteria bench alone, waiting for him. Everything felt right, you convinced yourself.
Weeks later, and Miguel had been distant from the entirety of the society (more than usual), staying on his platform and burying his nose in multiverse affairs without leaving the comfort of his depressing desk. Everyone had heard the news of his breakup, and many were vying for the hand of one of the prettiest and most graceful spider women the society had, but he knew better. He knew what horns lay under her beautiful and soft blonde hair, the vicious tongue she had behind those white teeth that dazzled every time she smiled.
Miguel finally left his dark lair when he heard about a mishap that involved the spider t-rex and the gunslinger spiderman. He passed by the infirmary when he heard soft groans and a very familiar, sweet whimper that made his body freeze. He had heard those sounds in his own ear a few weeks ago, being the cause. As he stepped in the room, he saw shadows depicting exactly the image he assumed. He pulled the curtain and he wasn’t surprised to find his ex girlfriend on her back under someone, but it was the person on top he was furious about.
A message popped up on your watch from Miguel. It’d been so long that seeing his name on your watch frightened you, made you squirm until you read the contents of the message. You rolled your eyes, a twisted emotion spiraling out of you as you tensed. You knew it. Now that he was alone again, he was trying to wiggle his way back into your bed and to do so, he was trying to make you suspicious of your boyfriend, the man who showed you off to the world like a prize.
That was days ago, and after that phone call he’d received and the message you’d gotten from Miguel, you noticed that Pedro was distant, no longer present with you but always off in another place mentally. You were walking with Jess and Ben when you saw something your eyes weren’t meant to see.
There was your loving, doting boyfriend who you’d just been in bed with this morning, making love during the sunrise as he whispered dirty and beautiful ideas in your ear.
With his hand twirling those golden locks you’d grown to dread, come to hate.
“Shitty of you to make me feel just like this,”
Jess raised a brow as Ben continued speaking, and turned to where you were looking, inside a room where the window showed the public displays of affection your boyfriend was currently giving to your greatest rival. Your heart dropped and you felt cold everywhere.
Your hand moved to press against the door, but didn’t have the strength to open it all the way. The way her hands tangled into his black hair, her eyes looked into his as he smirked and kissed the corner of her lips, making her giggle and cover her face. You felt sick.
Nothing about this felt real, felt like the man you knew. Jess grabbed your shoulder and pulled your body into hers as your whole body trembled. The feeling in your chest felt like a crumpled piece of paper.
Your legs moved faster than your brain could process and you swung away, hiding in a hallway three floors down. Sliding over the orange glowing screens, you tapped until your found the number of your universe and opened the portal, hurrying through before anyone could see you, although you swore you heard someone call your name. Nothing mattered in that moment, you just needed to be alone and away from the rest of the society.
You refused to come to the society for days, avoiding anyone and everything in case someone tried to ask about what happened. A knock on your door broke your thoughts and you grabbed your phone, seeing all of the unread messages from your friends and Pedro.
His name glowed with a pink heart next to it and you hissed, throwing your phone across the room and watching the mirror crack down the center, shards splintering as your phone bounced onto the ground and landed face down. You covered your mouth in shock and sighed, then hearing the knocking on your front door persist, much to your discomfort. You got out of bed and padded through the dark, empty apartment. Peter B stood there in the door frame of your place, wearing a white shirt and sweatpants as you sniffled.
“Kid, I’m sorry.” He wrapped his arms around you before you could protest, and you sank into his embrace. The warmth was the most solace you’d had since the afternoon you found Pedro with her.
“Now I’m out here silent treatment, that means no permission,”
Peter sat with you as you gathered yourself, finally opening your phone to the many unread messages from Pedro, finally opening the walls of texts with heavy hands and cold blood.
“I should call him, tell him it’s over-”
A buzz made both your and Peter’s watches go off with an emergency alarm going off. What ironic timing.
“Think you can handle this right now?” Peter asked before opening the portal to the dimension you both were being summoned to.
“The distraction might help me put off talking to him, so yes.” You nodded before hitting a button and feeling the feeling of your suit taking form over your face. Following Peter, you saw red laser-like webs holding back the danger you assumed was an anomaly, to which you got straight to work and soared throughout the buildings beside you, webbing off the area from pedestrians who may get caught in the crossfire.
Peter swings to speak to Miguel while a blonde ponytail sways and catches your eye. Of course she was summoned, Miguel’s personal guard dog. You glared at her behind your mask and she just wiggled her fingers at you.
She knew.
You couldn’t get distracted now, as you saw a small boy trying to get past your barrier and jumped down to him, carrying him to safety before jumping back towards Peter and Miguel.
“What’s the plan?” You asked and Miguel swallowed thickly, not even sure if he could trust his voice to speak to you. “Hello? Earth to O’Hara!” You flailed your arms in a rushed motion before pushing both the men out of the way. He huffed as you fell into his chest from pushing him and he looked up.
“It’s got a weakness behind its neck to disarm the suit it’s using, but it’s not-” You moved before he could even stop speaking, and he ran to follow. “You can’t just jump into action!” He yelled and you shook your head.
“Get Peter to make a landing bed of some sort, find Little Miss Muffet and get her out of my way, and you need to find me a metal pipe or bat. I got this. Trust me?” You finished and he stopped in his tracks, looking to see what you were planning. It was a long shot, but he trusted you.
He followed your orders, instructing Peter to make a landing bed for you before grabbing the other spider woman and dragging her to where Peter was. “Help him, I’m going to find something.”
“Shut up.” He shot her a warning glance, signifying that now was not the time, and ran through the streets before finding a long, metal rod from the collapsing building next to the four of you. A portal opened above his head and he found another Spider jumping through.
“Am I too late?”
“Just in time, now go help Peter.” Miguel barked at Pedro and ran back to you. He called your name and as if in slow motion, threw the heavy metal to you.
You smoothly caught the metal rod thrown to you and swung around as the anomaly chased you before you purposefully dragged it in a circle, then smashing the rod against the small electrical panel on the back of its neck. You landed and stood beside Peter as you saw Pedro panting, then opening the portal to HQ and marching through. You wanted to get away from everyone as fast as possible, and HQ was the opposite of the space you needed. Your legs were trudging, not wanting to cooperate with your brain, but you knew you had to document what happened.
A hand grabbed your wrist as you entered sector 2 of HQ, trying to get to your office, but now stopped you. You turned to see Pedro staring at you with furrowed brows and concern creased by his mouth, by the lips you had let kiss you all over. Your mask disintegrated into your suit and you let tears fall down your cheek.
“You’re just like him.” You whispered and he looked down, gripping your arm hard enough to make you wince now.
“I’m nothing like him.” His voice was volatile and gave you a shiver of fear, unrecognizable to you. The Pedro you knew wasn’t dark and brooding like this, not like Miguel, and he wouldn’t hurt you. “That piece of shit, that cheating, lying son of a bitch, I would never hurt you like-“
“Let go.” You spoke up, voice cracking as you saw Peter walk through the portal now and step close to you both. Miguel and his ex-girlfriend followed, watching the scene intensely. “I said-”
“But you’re mine! My everything, mi corazon-” His hands moved to cup your face and you pushed him backwards.
“I saw you with her!” You shouted, putting space between you both. “You- You chose her, just like him!” You cried out, clutching your hands to your chest like you’d been shot in the ribs, holding your body as if trying to conceal the wound from the world. Afraid of everyone else seeing you cry, you hit a button to return your mask. You heard the tall blonde scoff from behind Pedro and saw her smirk, looking away, and your eyes snapped to stare at her incredulously.
Balling your fists, your eyes watered hidden behind red and blue technology before you got inhumanly angry. A roar ripped against your vocal chords as you lunged towards her, her spidersenses obviously not fast enough to protect her from your speed, grabbing her by the hair and pulling her to the ground with you. You slashed at her suit as she let out a scream and your vision became red with rage, then feeling large arms pull your form from hers. She crawled backwards, disheveled and out of breath from trying to hold you off, as you scratched and thrashed against the person holding you.
“Get yourself together, mi amor.” Miguel’s voice whispered in your ear and your whole body calmed, closing your eyes and drowning in his scent. “You’re better than this.”
“He cheated on me with her!” You sobbed, holding your eyes and cheeks as your body shook from the overwhelming sadness and emotions pouring from you. Peter stood beside Miguel and frowned at the girl on the ground a few feet from the group of you, seeing Pedro move to help her up.
“He…” Miguel frowned and held you closer to him, then shooting a deadly look at Pedro. “Stay away from her.”
“Don’t tell me what to do after what you did to her!” He barked at Miguel and the larger of the two sneered, like an angry pitbull.
“I told you to protect her, I told you not to hurt her, and you did exactly that!”
“What you put her through was worse.”
“This isn’t a competition.” Peter interjected and looked at each of them, then pulled you from Miguel’s arms. “While I don’t know what Miguel did, you both obviously hurt her enough, don’t you think?” Peter asked and Pedro immediately moved to take your hand again.
“Mi corazon-”
“Not yours!” You hissed and jerked your hand away. Peter opened a portal to your universe and walked with you through it.
Miguel stood as the three of them watched you leave in silence. Pedro slowly turned to Miguel and narrowed his eyes. “This is your fault.” He mumbled and Miguel raised a brow to him, confused. Where was this new side of Pedro coming from? This wasn’t the same warm smiled man who you walked hand in hand with around HQ, but he could say the same for the sunny spider woman currently sitting on the ground with scratch marks and bruises forming on her skin from your sudden assault.
“Excuse me?” Miguel replied, but the other man just shook his head and walked away, mask in a clenched fist by his side. Without another glance, Miguel walked away, feeling the weight of the past year on his shoulders.
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elisysd · 1 year
Lover of mine – 5 Seconds of Summer
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Masterlist - Previously - Next Chapter
When I take a look at my life and all of my crimes You're the only thing that I think I got right
Astonished. That was how Charles felt.
As light as a feather. That was the feeling of her lips on his.
A mirage. That was what Lyanna was.
“I’m so sorry.” She whispered against his lips before leaving as quick as she came, leaving Charles there, still trying to process what just happened.
He knew better now than to run after her. He could tell that she did not plan to kiss him, that somehow it just happened. That right now, she might be scared and panicking. Every fiber in his body wanted to go after her, to take her in his arms and to kiss her again. But he also knew that she needed her own space. She needed to put her feelings in order and he was probably the last person she wanted help from.
Still, he could not get rid of the feeling of having his heart ripped in two. A half for him and the other for her. Tonight, she had left with a piece of his heart, one he did not want back.
He slept really bad, tossing, and turning, reliving the kiss, and blaming himself for not reacting quicker. As a driver, it was something he usually was proud of. How fast he could react. He could have had hold her; she would have been trapped in his arms. And he would not have let her go. When his alarm went off, he grumbled. He still had to pack and he had to leave soon.
It was around ten in the morning that Joris came to his place to pick him up to go to the airport. Seeing his friend’s pale and tired face, he worried.
“Tough night?”
“Horrible.” Charles confirmed.
“Pre-race jitters, or something else?”
“Lyanna kissed me. And she left. I didn’t have the opportunity to properly say goodbye.”
“Oh, wow. Well, I certainly did not expect that. I would have bet you would have been the one to make the first move.”
“Thought so too. She beat me to it. But then she said sorry and she panicked. I asked her to come to Zandvoort. I will wait and see now.”
“Don’t you want to make a quick stop at her place?”
“Do we have time?”
Joris checked his watch.
“Well,I’d say we have 15 minutes top. If you take longer, we might have to go past the speed limits.”
That's all it took for Charles to head for the stairs, which would be quicker than waiting for the lift. He climbed the stairs one by one before arriving at Lyanna's door and banging on the wooden panel. No answer. Which didn't surprise him. He continued for another 5 minutes before the next door opened, revealing an old lady and her Chihuahua.
“The young lady left early this morning at around 4am. I know because I could hear her crying and dragging her suitcase. It made a loud noise in the corridor and woke up my little Floppy. What a naughty girl. If you see her again, tell her that next time I'm going to report her to the security guard.”
She was gone. For good. Without a backward glance. What could he have done to make her run away like that? Was he such a bad kisser? Charles asked himself a thousand and one questions. He wasn't surprised that she had run away, even if it disappointed him a little, he sincerely thought that they were past this. He knew she still had some inner demons to fight but he thought that he would be by her side to help her get through them.
So many incoherences he could not process. She kissed him and yet she was the one who ran away. If she kissed him, that would mean that she had some kind of feelings for him. He could understand that it could be frightening for her, considering what she went through during her previous relationship. But what he could not fathom was that she preferred to leave rather than talk to him. They were both adults, and first and foremost, they were friends. If the kiss was just a spur of the moment, because she was feeling emotional and it didn’t mean anything for her, fine he could put it past him. If she had some romantic feelings for him, it was also fine. Charles knew that he was feeling something more than just friendship, not being entirely sure that it was love. But his point was, they could explore their connection together. See where it could lead. Together.  He was ready for that and more importantly he wanted to.
He could have texted her to say all that, he almost did. But it was a conversation that needed to be made in person.
His thoughts occupied him throughout the journey. He was surprisingly quiet, only responding when spoken to. And even then, it was in relatively short sentences. His bad mood was evident in the days leading up to the race to the point that Fred, Ferrari’s team principal, took him aside to is driver’s room before heading for the first free practice on Friday.
‘You’ve been in a bad mood all the week, kiddo. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He replied sharply.
“I just want to make sure you have your head in the game, Charles.”
“Don’t worry about me and just make sure that this fucking car is actually drivable.” He snapped.
Fred didn’t say anything, only looked at him. He had a way of being with Charles that made him feel like a little boy. In many ways, they were similar. The same taste for winning, for hard work, for respecting teams, for honesty. He was one of the people Charles trusted most. Fred could read him like an open book, in his silences and in his eyes.
“I invited someone and I think she won’t come. That’s it.”
“So it’s a girl. She must have hurt you a lot for you to be acting like that.”
“The thing is… I’m not mad or even hurt. I think. I understand her, I know her reasons but at the same time I can’t help but be disappointed. I just want to see her; I want to know that she is okay but I don’t know where she is.”
“Well, if she makes you feel like that, she must be pretty special.”
“I care a lot about her, yes.” He confessed.
“Then I’m sure you will both find your ways back to each other. But for now, I need you to be fully focused Charles, okay?”
“You know that I will.”
The free practices went on relatively well. Not bad but not good either, something that Charles was unfortunately used to, and soon enough it was time for qualifying. Charles knew that this was his strong point, so he approached Saturday with a certain relaxed attitude. Even if his eyes lingered a little longer than usual in the crowd. On his way around the paddock, he spotted Pierre in the middle of a warm-up session with his physio. He approached her to wish her luck. As his best friend knew him all too well, he immediately noticed the Ferrari driver's deceptively relaxed attitude.
“She is not here. And Kika has not heard about her since our last dinner in Monaco.”
Charles swallowed. He had suspected it, but a wave of disappointment washed over him.
“If I have news, you’ll be the first one to know, okay?” added the Alpine driver.
“Thanks Pierre.”
With his head full of questions, Charles climbed into his single seater. In this environment, he always managed to detach himself from the rest of the world and enter his own bubble. Today was no exception, even if it was more difficult than usual. And so the qualifying session began. Charles took his time before starting his flying lap and he quickly sensed that something wasn't quite right. It didn't take him long to realise that there was an engine problem, forcing him to stop dead in the middle of the road. By the time he had extricated himself from the car, the smell of burning had caught in his throat.
The red flag brought Q1 to a premature end, placing Charles at the back of the grid for Sunday's start.
A few hours away from Zandvoort, in a childhood bedroom, Lyanna watched the qualification session and her heart ached for Charles. She arrived in her mom’ s home the day after that fateful dinner at Charles’ place, her eyes puffy and red. No questions were asked by her mom who simply took her daughter in her arms and tried to console her the best she could.
But seeing her little girl watching a car race when she never demonstrated any interest for the sport, she couldn’t help but get curious. Especially when Lyanna made a weird face when the commentator announced that Charles was out.
“Isn’t it the famous boy you were always trying to avoid talking about when I started questioning you about him when dating rumours came out?” she asked sitting on her daughter’s bed.
Lyanna nodded.
“Is he the one I should blame for making you come here, all the way from Monaco a week before you said you would come here?”
“It’s me. Who messed up, mom.”
And here she was again, the tears accumulating behind her eyelids.
“Oh my sweet girl…”
He mother took her in her arms, gently rocking her while Lyanna let the tears stream down her face.
“Whatever you did, I’m sure you can fix it.”
“I kissed him mom. And then I ran away. Like a coward, something I promised myself I wouldn’t be anymore. He taught me to be brave and how do I thank him?”
“Do you love this boy?”
“I… I don’t know. I like him, I care for him but what do I know about love?”
“If you care, then it’s enough. You don’t have to put words on what you feel if you are not ready.”
“I’m sure he hates me.”
“Did you talk to him?”
“I’m too scared of being rejected. I sure would reject myself if I was him.”
Her mom sighed. She was used to see her daughter so unconfident.
“You will never know, if you keep on avoiding him. And if he is smart enough, he will listen to you.”
“He is so great mom. He is funny, he is kind, he is brave, he cares about people. He helped me when I never asked him to, just because it was something that seemed normal to him. He is down to earth, he is loyal. He loves his family and is friends. He is perfect. Well not really, because sometimes he can be stubborn and he has a hard time knowing what limits are. And he doesn’t know how to cook, which is not a bad thing but I would not trust him in a kitchen by himself. And he can be cocky. But… he makes me feel good. And happy. And I really miss him.” She let out in one breath.
“Well, he seems like a great man. A great man for a great woman.”
“I don’t feel great right now…”
“You too are funny and kind and brave. You are the most hard-working woman I’ve met Lyanna. All the hardships you went through, all the battles you fought, made you who you are. You are strong, stronger than you think. You are bright. And I’m so, so proud of the woman you become and keep on becoming. And I’m not saying that just because you are my daughter. You are loveable, my Lya. And if this boy can make you feel like the happiest woman in the world, hang on to him. At least, talk to him. If it works out, then it could be the most beautiful thing in your life. If it doesn’t, then I’ll be there to fix the broken pieces of your heart, sweetheart.”
Lyanna could simply nod while hearing her mother’s words. She knew what she had to do.
On Charles’ end, the Sunday race was as awful than the qualification session. A DNF was just what he needed to end this awful week. Coming back in the garage, he did what he could to avoid photographers. He was annoyed and the first words he spoke as he entered the Ferrari garage were for the mechanics and engineers.
“Is it too much to ask to have one weekend, just one, of happiness or at least one without mechanical or strategic problems?”
But despite his poor weekend, he was pleased to see Pierre finish 5th just behind Russell's Mercedes.
At Alpine, the mood was a little happier than at Ferrari. Pierre and Esteban were celebrating their top 10 finishes, Kika taking videos as a souvenir, when the brunette saw a notification flash across her screen. Lyanna had just contacted her.
“I messed up. Again but big time, this time. I would understand if you didn’t want to help me but I just want to make things right. Is there a way for Pierre to get me VIP access for Monza next week? And please, not a word to Charles, I want to surprise him.”
Kika smiled and headed to Pierre to get him away from the team for a while.
“Lyanna texted me. She wants to surprise Charles at Monza.”
Pierre sighed.
“Is she sure? He is going to get a lot of attention.”
“She seemed determined.”
“Well then I guess, we will have a prestigious guest in Alpine’s garage next week.”
Kika quickly responded to the actress saying that Pierre would take care of everything. Even if Sunday was an awful day for Lyanna, she really hated to see Charles giving his all and not succeeding, she slept that day with a little smile on her face.
Monza, be ready. Here she comes.
author's note: Did you really thought that I would leave this chapter drama free? 👀 How many of you want to smack Lyanna after breaking (once again) Charles' heart? How do you think Monza will go? Will Charles forgive her? Will he ignore her? Will he be mad? And how do you think Lyanna will act? I can't wait to have your reaction! Don't forget to leave a comment, or if you want to chat more of this story you, my DMs are open! Take care.
taglist @zendayabelova @purplephantomwolf @ru-kru @dakotali @blueflorals @aundercover @ruleroftheuniverse
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c4fin4t3d-f1sh · 4 months
Okay, uhm, pls don't make fun of this. I whipped this shit out in, like, 20 minutes. It's gonna get edited and made better... hhhh, *freaks out like a scared chihuahua*
Word count: 430
1- Found
Hij sat in his room, staring at the wall. The blank room was almost frightening compared to the manor. The manor, filled to the brim with extravagants and tchotchkes. The gray, blank wall stared back at hem. Was hij finally home? After so long, was hij finally home?
The flat seemed a hundred miles high as hij stared up, breathing heavy, eyes growing the size of saucers. Hij backed up quickly, shutting the door then sliding down it and cowering. Nothing had happened this fast since hij was dumped, since hijs core was shattered, since hij had been screamed at so loudly by the only person he loved. Now hij felt like hij was being rebuilt, coming to life once more, but how long would it last?
Tinker hyperventilated, shoving his hands in front of his eyes and bracing hemself. Hij didn’t want to cry this early, hij had just been broughten after Six had found him abandoned in the bomb shelter. Hij had just been lucky enough to be able to croak a cry for help out when hij saw a faint figure in the near distance. Six explained to hem that hij was in need of repair, but he had to excavate the contaminants of the bomb shelter first, especially since Tinker was down there. So Six left Tinker to hijs room.
Oil began dripping from the corners of hijs tightly shut eyes, hij didn’t believe what was happening to hem, hij didn’t know if hij wanted to. Hijs memory cards were so rusted in that the only thing hij could compute was that hij was safe. And it overwhelmed hem.
Hij began to sob, all the backed up, heavy, dripping tears that hij had never had the strength to cry. Hij shook and shakily breathed, feeling angry, embarrassed, and frustrated, but most of all, glad. Finally being wound up made hem realize how fucking terrible hij felt for the past 100 years.
Tinker’s bawling was abruptly interrupted by a rhythmic knocking at his door, “Hello~?” A sing-song voice cooed.
Tinker took a second to tremble before rising, wiping away the oil that stained hijs face. Hij opened the door a crack, and the voice behind the door pushed the door open more, examining Tinker’s face with interest, “Ah, so sorry. I heard a noise coming from this room, seeing as it’s abandoned and all… Well, you can guess why I’m here.” The robot bared a large smile, eyes closed due to such, hands folded in front of her dress, “I’m Rabbit! What’s your name then?”
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crissiebaby · 8 months
Double Diaper Dare: Chapter 14
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, public humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, WAM, hypermessing, hypnosis, diaper filling, slime transformation, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
Clicking on his flashlight, Mike cocked his head sideways, entranced by what appeared to be an oatmeal outline of a butt. “So…what? Someone got wet and wild with the oatmeal machine?” he said, peering around the corner at his fellow security guard, Devin, who was in the process of checking each and every stall thoroughly.
“Looks that way. I told you we needed to double security for the testing department,” said Devin as he kicked open the last unchecked stall, disappointed and confused to find no one inside, “It doesn’t make sense. There’s no one hiding in the lockers or the stalls, and there’s no other way out of this bathroom.” Pressing his fingers to his temple, he sighed, not looking forward to reporting to his superior empty-handed. At least if they found the vandal, they could avoid getting chewed out for a security breach.
Shaking his head, Mike waved Devin back to the entrance, offering him a sympathetic smile. “Well, consider your point proven. Maybe now, they’ll listen when we say we’re stretched way too thin,” he said, patting his colleague on the back, “Tell ya what we’re gonna do. You’re gonna stand guard outside of this changing room and keep a close eye on the testing chamber while I radio to maintenance for a clean-up crew, sound good?”
Nodding in response, Devin shook off his dejection and followed Mike into the main testing chamber. “Wanna get some beers later tonight? It’s Thirsty Thursday at Mickey’s and I could use a-WOAH!” he said, cutting himself off mid-sentence as one of his feet slipped out from under him, nearly causing him to fall over. He planted his feet and stuck his arms out wide, quickly regaining his balance. Looking down at the floor, he expected to see a clump of oatmeal with a shoe print skidding through it. However, what he found instead was some kind of sticky, purple goo, “...the hell?”
“What’s up?” said Mike, attentively approaching Devin only to stop dead in his tracks as though his feet had been glued to the floor, “Dev, is this a prank or something?!” He twisted his upper body around frantically, attempting to dislodge his feet to no avail.
Shaking his head no, a panicking Devin soon found that both of his shoes were stuck to the floor as well. In his struggle to free himself, he lost his balance once and for all and tumbled backward onto his butt, landing atop the sticky surface. “What is this stuff?!” he shouted, trying and failing to remove his hand from the ground.
Suddenly, the gooey ground began to shift around them as a purple blanket of slime began to converge at a central point, rising from the ground in the process. Unfortunately for Devin and Mike, the shifting slime carried their bodies with it, sucking them in closer to the epicenter. “W-What the fuck are they working on in here?!” screamed Mike, lunging with all of his weight in hopes of unsticking his feet, only to flop down onto his belly, trapping him like a bug on a piece of fly paper.
With both Devin and Mike unable to escape, they could only watch with growing horror as the goo continued to pile onto itself until its central form was several feet taller than the two burly men. “How dare you enter MY domain?!” said a booming feminine voice, a pair of slimy eyes forming on its face.
The security guards could only shriek in terror and plead for forgiveness as they fruitlessly scrambled to dislodge themselves from the angry-sounding slime creature. “I-I’m sorry! W-We’ll leave immediately,” cried Devin, who was shaking like a frightened chihuahua. His fear became so great that he accidentally let out some pee into his black slacks, a fact that did not go unnoticed by the mysterious, sentient goo monster.
“Hahaha! Looks like someone forgot to diaper up this morning,” said the female voice, cackling maniacally at the pitiful guard. As her eyes wandered over to the two-person diaper that Crissie had presented her with earlier, a devious plot formed in her mind, “Don’t worry, I can help you both change into something far more appropriate.” Extending several slimy tendrils out from her body, the slime creature effortlessly lifted the pair of men off of the ground. She snickered at their meek attempt to wiggle out of the many tentacles she used to bind them, getting quite the kick out of how easy it was to keep them hovering in the air even as they kicked and writhed to free themselves.
“P-Please! I’m just a security dispatcher! Let me go and take Devin! He’s the one who was harassing you!” pleaded Mike, showing that he was more than willing to throw his buddy under the bus for his own sake.
Dropping his jaw in shock, Devin’s frightened state immediately swapped to animosity toward his co-worker. “Fuck you, Mike! Take him! He just sits in his office most of the day anyway! No one will even notice!” he said, hoping for any sort of mercy from the slime monster. Sadly, the only response he got was having a tentacle shoved between his lips, silencing him and filling his mouth and throat with flavorless goo. Straining his peripheral vision, he saw that Mike had fallen victim to the same fate.
“There, much more peaceful without you two squabbling,” said the slime, orchestrating her tentacles to position the two guards back to back. She then picked up the diaper with four leg holes and slowly shimmied it up the two men’s legs, quite a feat considering how strongly they were jerking their lower halves back and forth to stop her. Their efforts were tragically in vain as in no time at all, she managed to slot them into the two-person diaper, taping it on them snugly before using the built-in waistband lock to secure their conjoined undergarment.
Depositing the two men back on the ground, the slime let go of their bodies to allow them the opportunity to explore their new padding for the foreseeable future. It may have been a little cruel but it was an absolute delight to watch them fail to do something as simple as stand up without crumbling back down onto their tushies. As a finishing touch, she grabbed two pieces of Bubbly Baby bubblegum and forced them into the mouths of her two captives. They tried to spit out the sugary confection but Codi’s tentacles were relentless, keeping the gum firmly held between their teeth. After a few chomps from both Devin and Mike, she released them, watching with unabashed glee as their expressions faded from anxious to docile to giggly in a matter of seconds. “Now, you two sit here and think about what you’ve done,” she said, booping them each on the nose before rushing back toward the changing room.
Flattening herself to the floor, the slime dove under the changing room’s door and rose up on the other side, gradually returning to her humanoid form as Codi. “Told ya I could do it!” she said proudly, having completed Crissie’s latest dare.
“Yay! I had a feeling you’d have fun with that,” said Crissie, running up to Codi and throwing her arms around her, paying little mind to the parts of her that were still unformed goo, “Let’s hurry and find that key! We don’t want to deal with anyone else showing up before we-MMMMF!”
All of sudden, Crissie had her mouth filled by a long, gooey tentacle. Her eyes went wide as she felt herself growing instantly moist behind her cursed chastity belt. With her resistance flatlining, she opened her lips more and flattened her tongue to allow Codi’s slime to travel down her throat, which eagerly pressed into her tummy and rubbed up against her womb. Surprisingly, she still found she was able to breathe through her nose, letting her know that Codi was skilled enough to pull this off without suffocating her. Meanwhile, a second tentacle slithered over the waistband of her diaper, through the slots of her chastity, and into her moist slit, filling her from top to bottom. Her limbs went weak as she moaned hard, allowing for her entire body weight to be supported by Codi.
“Ah, ah, ah! It’s my turn to give the dare and I won’t have you rushing me,” said Codi, taking her fully formed hand and brushing it against Crissie’s cheek, “I Double Diaper Dare you to avoid cumming until I get us back to the nursery. If you can do that, I’ll concede and let you win.” While to an outsider, her offer may have appeared fair, both she and Crissie knew that Crissie was never going to be able to hang on for that long.
Codi had barely stepped foot outside of the changing area before Crissie felt the first orgasm overtake her. Her body quivered in Codi’s arms, refusing to let her mask how horny she had become. Part of her expected Codi to say something snarky as her climax happened but instead, Codi didn’t say a single word, deciding to comfort her with a series of soft headpats.
Watching as Codi scanned through the scattered oatmeal to find the teleport key, Crissie leaned into the crux of Codi’s arm and closed her eyes. She didn’t need to see her find the key and bring them home. She fully trusted that Codi would take care of her and keep her safe. “Ah uv oos,” she mumbled through her mouthful of slime.
“I love you too, Crissie,” said Codi, leaning down and planting a kiss on Crissie’s forehead.
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Edited by AllySmolShork
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BlossomBitchDolly BlushyBen DD Exminister Gun1242 JFN LittlePissy PrincessKittenLizzi Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca
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gghostiis-shenanigans · 8 months
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"We stopped at a stream, she was tired, I was thirsty. Suddenly, we hear some twigs snapping and Jaiden picks me up. Lo and behold, your papa’s standing across the stream looking like a frightened baby deer."
hi guys so i have decided to hyperfixate on this fic in specific actually. its so so so good and you should absolutely go read it.
(bonus scene under the cut teehee)
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"I’m getting bored, so what do I do? I goop my way over! And Wilbur over here, your big strong papa, lets out the funniest fucking scream. He sounded like a chihuahua."
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vampsoc · 10 months
meows into the void... your vibe is firstly impeccable - ingsoc transplanted into the modern day. you're like a nefarious (/pos) little bloodsucking creature i want to study in a lab. (also your fits are jawdropping and your art is even better :3) also mildly intimidating - when u first texted me, i yelped like a shaking chihuahua
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You already know I loooove being noted as intimidating, I’m sooo glad I created an impression that frightened you. “Bloodsucking creature I want to study in a lab” you say… reminds me of those videos of the leeches on tiktok being put through the most heinous experiments.
You are a little beast of feline nature that I too want to study, putting drugs in your water supply right now >:) your trademark … is being absurd quite frankly. 👍 giving you a thumbs up.
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altschmerzes · 2 years
okay it’s gonna be like a calendar week before i’m able to actual deal with this border shit so i’m gonna just be. a frightened shivering chihuahua. for a week. until then, doing my best to avoid ever leaving my apartment. hopefully this is going to translate into getting a lot of writing done to fill in the horrible screeching void in my head.
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hyumjim · 2 years
These bangs are making me feel like I’m somebody I’m not idk I’m like agreeing to have gay sex and pretending like I’m not a frightened little chihuahua because I think my bangs make me look like I will eat a girl out on her period
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dustymarsh · 2 years
October 2006
“Red, like the color of cherries… on the vine. Orange, like the color of oranges, on the vine.”
“I’m going to fucking kill you.”
Dusty held the 3rd-grade poem above Woods's head. Even as he chased her around the living room furniture, she recited it, “Yellow, like the color of bananas… on the vine. Dude, trees.” Their family dog nipped at Dusty’s ankles. She swapped away the chihuahua, “Princess, stop! Princess, fuck off!” The dog and her twin tag teamed her. At least when she finally fell over, it was just shy of the end table and lamp. From the floor, she still cackled, “Can you guess what green is for? Grapes. On the…? Guess.”
Woods might’ve snatched the old-school art project from his sister’s hands, but it was to no avail. Shay Marsh was shuffling through memory boxes from the kitchen table, setting out whatever Halloween decorations had been salvaged from the last few. Her snicker mirrored Dusty’s as she finished the poem about the colors of the rainbow for the family, “And purple. Purple is for punched eyes.” Everyone doubled over in laughter, apart from the seventeen-year-old Woods who wasn’t finding the humor in being the punchline tonight. 
“We aren’t making fun of you, Woods,” Shay assured her son, even if she was currently wiping away misty eyes from laughing.
Dusty felt like she’d gained a six-pack from the laugh attack, butted in from the floor, “I fucking am. How did you come up with that in 3rd grade?”
“That’s three too many f-bombs,” Royal Marsh warned from his reclining armchair. You could see his smile lines from a mile away, so many listeners never heeded his warnings. Dusty zipped her lips shut, but also adjusted her septum piercing with a deep eye-roll in the process. She snatched the remote from her father’s hand and settled it on the showing of Rocky Horror. If she’d let him manage himself, they’d finish carving their pumpkins before Dr. Frank N. Furter graced their screen. “Thank you,” was all he said, setting his palms onto his stomach and tucking in for a show.
Shay beckoned her kids towards the kitchen table, today’s newspaper being used as a tablecloth. As many preventative measures as their mother took, it never really mattered. Somehow pumpkin guts would end up on the ceiling, while everyone played the denial game. It’d probably been Dusty, who always sawed away in a land of her own. The only time her ears did perk up, was to pick on Woods some more.
“I was thinking of going as a treasure protector to the All Hallow’s Eve dance.”
“A pirate?” Dusty crinkled her nose, “That’s in poor taste. They’re assholes.”
Royal cleared his throat from his position on the chair, even though his kids swore he’d fallen asleep before Brad and Janet had even showed up. She rolled her eyes again at the warning.
“Not a pirate,” Woods defended, still in the process of stenciling the outline of his frightening creation. “Treasure hunters are different than treasure protectors.”
“Alright, kid, whatever you say. Nice cat.”
“It’s Freddy Krueger.”
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roibot · 2 years
I feel bad cause I properly YELLED at my supervisor today
We had IT in to look at everyones laptops, one of the senior managers was just back from maternity leave, I was training in someone -  all in all it was really bustling and busy in the office - when my supervisor burst open the door
Shes’ standing in the doorway, shaking like a chihuahua and calling for the senior manager (who she adores btw and seems to think can solve any problem, ever) ‘Jen, Jen, Jen, the microwave. Jen the microwave. Jen. Jen. JEN JEN JEN.  The microwave, Jen. Jen!! Jen! JEN!.’
Jen is flat out ignoring her (she does this a lot since coming back from maternity leave) and eventually I am sick of listening to this. so I turn around and ask supervisor is there anything I can help with
She looks at me like 0____0 and after a solid 5 seconds of eye contact whimpers ‘The microwave...’
I get up (I’m breaking in a new pair of Docs and have massive blisters all over my ankles - ‘Geriatric Hobble’ is currently my top speed) and go over to the office doorway. 
The second I poke my head out into the hallway, I realise just how much of a hubbub there is in the office today . Apparently we’ve managed to drown out the sound of a small plane taking off, which seems to be reverberating through the rest of the building
I literally can’t even describe this noise. As soon as I entered the hallway it filled up my ears and started bouncing around my skull. It’s loud, mettalic, throbbing, humming - I look at my supervisor, who confirms -in the voice of a small child fretting about a monster under the bed -: ‘It’s the microwave...’
This is where I yell. 
Forgetting for a second that a) there are still customers in the building and we should be professional and b) this is my supervisor and I should be professional, I shout (in a baritone I didn’t know I was capable of): ‘TURN IT OFF - NOW!!’
(microwaves, for the record, should not make this noise)
Supervisor looks at me, on the verge of tears. She won’t go into the kitchen. It’s scary.
Tbh, I get it. I’m pretty certain if I go into the kitchen, I’m going to die of microwave radiation. Possibly microwave explosion, at this point. But in an act of selfless heroism, I decide someones got to do something, and run into the kitchen.
The microwave is billowing clouds of acrid smoke, which is honeslty slightly a relief. I thought it might be billowing flames, or sparks. Bracing myself to be electrocuted and die,  I reach through the smoke to unplug the microwave. I accidentaly unplug the kettle instead. Bracing myself to be electrocuted and die, again, I reach through the smoke again, to unplug the microwave. 
The microwave is finally off and the noise stops. The kitchen is full of smoke.I’m in full problem solving mode now and snapping at my supervisor like a drill seargant. Close the kitchen door so no customer can see us! Open all the windows! Waft away the smoke! ONLY once the windows are open and we’re confident air is ciruclating through the room will we open the microwave door  and air it out! 
Supervisor is standing stock still , initally in the kitchen doorway but finally comes inside and stands in the middle of the floor. Another team member, who was walking past and heard the commotion, helps me open the windows and clear the smoke. 
We open the microwave and I realise why it caught fire - there’s nothing inside. 
‘Never run a microwave with nothing in it!’ I’m not exactly yelling, but I don’t say it calmly, that’s for sure. 
‘Jen said to test the appliances...’ Supervisor explains sadly. 
‘Test it with a cup of water or something.You basicaly made a bomb! Don’t you know how microwaves work?!’
The team member who stopped to help me is cracking up.
I appreciate her help but send her away as quickly as possible - she get’s migraines and I don’t want the smoke or anything to trigger one. Supervisor watches us work and only as the other staff member leaves do I realise she has basically barely moved a muscle, and still has her ‘frightened chihuahua’ vibe.
This is when I start to feel bad. I apologise, say I’m sorry for yelling and snapping. I didn’t mean it, I just got a fright cause I thought there was going to be a fire or something. I ask did she also get a fright, and is she ok? Supervisor finally moves - runs over to give me a big hug. I pat her on the back for a long time.
We go back into the office once we’ve made sure everything is safe. Jen, without looking up from her laptop, asks vaguely ‘Were you calling me?’
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drunkardsprayer · 2 years
I’m straight up not having a good time right now. This is too much suspense for my blood pressure
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silvverhand · 4 years
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asgardianangel · 2 years
Sugar life-Two
Warnings: 18+smut Lalo being a psycho sugar daddy again, little dark, reader kinda gone crazy, switch, angst, rough sex, riding in the bath
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The cracking of the fireplace was therapeutic as the warmth hit your body. Almost taking away the uneasiness of Lalo’s presence as you lay your head on his lap watching the movement of the flames. 
“Are you going to be good baby?” He asked running his fingers through your h/c hair his voice came by after spending half an hour in complete silence  
You sniffed quietly still looking at the fireplace “I expect an answer querida” he ordered going a bit rough with the stroking. You look up at him seeing the reflection of gold from the flames in his auburn eyes. Lalo smirk at you looking like a depiction of the devil himself.  
Expect he was.  
“I will be good” You replied shaking his frightening appearance off. 
“Good girl” He praised taking a sip of his blood red wine savouring the taste. Putting the glass down on the table with a clink. “Now I got some business to take care of I’ll tell Nachito to run you a relaxing bath you seem on edge baby” You sat up fiddling with the blanket that covered you. Lalo got up to leave the living room “And you never know I might join you” He cheekily teased with a wink.  
You shuddered with both fear and undescribed arousal. These last few days you felt all sorts of emotions swive Lalo was an evil drug trafficker and even worse a murderer and yet you still saw the spark of the generous older man who you will admit you started to fall for.  
‘The Salamanca name is most feared in the cartel mi amor and you're with the very best. No man will ever threaten you as long as I'm around’ You remember his dark chuckle after that statement. 
Conflict that what it was in the hands of the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Lalo Salamanca. 
Getting up for the couch felt like it took a lot of energy from you wrapping the cosy blanket around your fragile body. Walking through his home in Chihuahua made you feel more vulnerable especially since Lalo’s ‘good guy’ (he calls it) façade came off you wished you could return to your home in Alburquerque but for that reason he extended the stay. 
Stepping upstairs you headed towards the master bedroom shutting the door behind you so you were alone you looked at yourself in mirror. “I need to get out of here” you said in such hopefulness  
There was a knock at the door. 
You open it to see Ignacio standing there with the look of the concern. “Your bath is almost done are you okay y/n?” He asked.  
“I'm okay thanks” You lied. Ignacio shakes his head looking at you 
“That’s a stupid question to ask obviously you're not.” You sniffed nodding. 
Ignacio looks behind him nervously “I’m going to help you get out here, okay?” He said in a whisper. 
You were slightly taken back by his words. Is this a trick? Orchestrated by Lalo himself to see if you would escape him at every given moment. 
“How can I trust you? You're his right-hand man” You lightly exclaimed not wanting anyone to hear. 
“Trust me y/n we are on the same boat I hate him as much as you do.” He states quietly 
“Bu-” You were cut off by Ignacio’s hands on your shoulders. “Listen to me y/n I’m going help you but you got trust me and act natural flatter him. Let him think your still his” Ignacio instructed softly 
“What if he kills me, Ignacio?” Thinking of the situation you dreaded the most  
“He won’t listen you need to trust me on this one” 
“He’s in love with you Y/N or at least he thinks he is” 
You had no words. Not knowing if Lalo being in love with you was good thing or bad thing. Is he really capable of loving someone? You thought. During the time you have spent with Lalo you felt yourself coming closer to loving him at least the romantic caring version he was portraying. Dreaming of a night where the L word would drift from his heart to yours. But come to the unbearable understanding he didn’t even have a heart to begin with.  
You let out a little laugh 
“Loves me? He never had a heart” You stated 
Ignacio nodded looking down “I can help us get out please trust me” 
“Okay” You sighed in defeat 
“Good. He can’t know about our conversation, okay?” 
You nod lightly sniffing a little “now relax in that bath I promise everything is going be okay” 
Taking his word, you closed the door with a gentle goodbye. Everything was quiet as you walked into the fined tiled bathroom that was attached to the master bedroom. You admired the candlelight that outlined the spacious tub as you unwrapped the blanket from your body before taking off the white button up that Lalo gave you fall to your feet. Once bare you stepped into the bath with a slight wince at the hot water bracing yourself in. Lavander embraced your senses as the bubbles sway around you.  
Closing your eyes and letting the madness all go away or so you thought. 
A creak of the door broke the sweet silence then the voice that made your stomach turn “Got room in there for one more princesa?” Lalo asked by the door darkness indulged him you could only make out his huge figure. 
“I thought you had business to attend to Lalo?” Even in the warmth of the water you felt a slight chill run down your spine. “Well, it was cut short and I’m happy it was querida.” He said in a rather cheerful tone as he stepped closer to the tub his menacing appearance brighten by the candle light. Lalo sighed running his hand through the grey streak in his hair.  
“Sooo can I join?” He asked playfully dipping his hand in the water before holding your chin so you were looking at him “You are just so beautiful baby” You couldn’t help the faint blush that appeared on your cheeks. Why is he like this? You thought closing eyes and started pushing your back against the golden taps. The faint sound of Lalo’s humming and the rustling of clothes made you want to sink your entire self into the water and stay there. 
He sat down in the tub gazing at you before splashing some water on his face. His wet hair sticking up a bit You tried not look at him focusing yourself on the candles that burned around you both. “Something on your mind?” Lalo asked trying get your attention by waving his hand in front of you. “Hm no just tired I guess” you shift in the water with a faint smile. Eyes meeting his bare chest for a man his age his body never fails to impress you.  
Trying shake off the memory of the night he took you to bed for the first time. The hunger in his eyes as he stripped off in front you everything about him made you so aroused from the tribal tattoo on his arm to the little spurts of hair on his quite muscular torso. You never wanted someone so badly. He was so gentle with you that night as you weren’t used to a big man like him.  
“You are still scared of me, aren’t you?” His lips curved into a slight smirk.  
Yeah, no shit I’m sitting in the bath with a murderous drug lord. 
“Yes, I am Lalo” The honestly shone through you.  
His expression was sympathetic but then he laughed a little like it was funny to him. “It’s very obvious to me just wanted to see if you were honest with me baby.”  Drifting his fingers across the flame of one of the candles. 
“Like I said that night I would never hurt you y/n. We really have a lot to work on.” You casted your eyes unsure what to say.  He laughed again “c’mon you look like a scared little kitten around me” Lalo tusks making you annoyed. 
 At this point you no longer cared what Ignacio said about ‘acting natural’ you just wanted to get away from him. So, you stood up allowing Lalo to get an eye full of the body he knows so well. But he was quick to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you back down into the water “Where do you think you're going huh?” He asked in an amused tone. 
“Away from you" You huffed as Lalo chuckled “Aw poor baby I’m sorry for calling you a kitten” He could see the annoyance in your face “Can I just leave please?” You beg pushing your knees in front of you like a child.   
“Aw querida” Lalo drew closer to you in the water rubbing your cheek smiling as a few tears streak your face. “Turn your back to me baby” He softly instructed. You felt hopeless as you obeyed him. His arms wrapped around your waist more gently this time and pulled you to his chest. Caging you against him “Look at me kitten” Lalo ordered after he pulled the tie from your hair letting it fall. You looked at him in the eyes tucking your hair behind your ears.  
There was that spark again the man you met at the bar that night looking back at you. Warm brown eyes and lips curling into a warm smile.  
His hands gently moved up your waist to welcome of your breasts. Kneading them before kissing you with so much need. Lalo groans as you pulled away from him getting up on your knees “You are so used to power, aren’t you?” He bites his lip gazing at your breasts above the water “I may be born into it querida but I have made sure my family kept it.” You sighed Lalo continued “Just make money. How else am I going keep my princesa pampered hm? I killed for you” he chuckled. This man killed so many people and ruined so many lives and thinks it’s the most hilarious thing ever. His hand cupped your chin ready to kiss you again but you were quick to slap it away moving back to against the end of the tub 
“I hate you” You whisper 
Lalo was taken back by your sudden venom “hate me?” He chuckled pointing to himself. You nod then he smirked before empathising a silent ‘wow’ with his lips.  
“Tell me again” He ordered now you were the one taken back you say it again a bit louder.  
‘Again’ Lalo kept repeating so you say it again louder than before drawing your body closer to him still looking in the eye in hopes he gets the message. 
Your voice bounced off the walls off the fine tile “I fucking hate you Lalo!”  
Your body was almost on his lap and for the last time you were going say it to his face 
“I fuck-” Gasping as Lalo pulled you completely on his lap you could immediately feel his hard cock slap your thigh. So big and thick. He delved his wanting tongue in your mouth before you could reject. A whine emits from the back of your throat as he grinded you against him feeling the tip almost slip inside you completely.  
“Mi amor feel what you did to me hm?”He asked in a husky tone before his lips roam your collarbone finding that sweet spot forcing a loud moan from you.  
“Fuck that hate baby fuck me” He groaned. You were hypnotised by his sudden submission. The degradation and truth you screamed turned him on so much. Pushing his chest so his back was against the tub you lifted yourself up a bit so he could finally slide inside. Wincing slightly, he always felt like he was tearing you apart. 
Maybe he was mentally and physically you could no longer handle it. 
“Mierda” Lalo cussed as you stared at him getting into a rhythm of bouncing up and down on him. Feeling him tug at your walls as the water splashed around you both your fingers intertwining pulling the chain of his necklace (the mark of the cartel) you fucked him hard making sure his eyes were on yours. 
His hand raised to your throat wanting to grab it but you moved it away “Is this what you want?” You questioned letting go of the chain letting him kiss and suck your tits “oh yes baby mierda” Lalo gasped you pulled the grey streak in his wet hair. 
Moans and groans echoed in the bathroom as well the splashing of bath water. 
His cock pulsed and stretched you out so perfectly as you pounded yourself roughly on the older man. The state of ecstasy was a little frightening making you forget what kind of man you were eagerly fucking. But you didn’t care you were going escape soon enough.  
“I’m so close querida” Lalo whispered in your ear with a hiss the tip of his cock hitting that glorious spot you moaned at the sensation.  
The knots in your stomach became too much you were ready to burst and so you did. Lalo groaned letting his head fall back against the ledge of the tub as his loaded shot into you.  
Panting like dogs in the heat you rested your head on his chest. “I fucking hate you Lalo” 
“I know” He replied playing with your wet hair 
This is so fucked up  
For now... 
Sorry for the long delay what should this become a short series hm? 
Thanks for reading  
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memedreeams · 3 years
Playful spooky starters, I guess.
‘It’s called ‘carving a pumpkin’, NAME, not ‘brutal pumpkin murder’. Show some decorum and seasonal goodwill.’
‘Yes, well, the only thing frightening at the present is how you’re holding that carving knife.’
‘If it’s any consolation, I promise not to ghost you when the season’s over.’
‘Halloween is for five-year-olds, and overgrown ones too.’
‘Can too much candy corn actually rot your teeth or was my dentist just trying to drum up October business?’
‘How about I treat you to a dinner?~’
‘Why does every costume have to be sexy? I don’t want to be sexy, I want to be the reason why the night is feared, muhahahahaha!’
‘Don’t be afraid of him; he’s still a Chihuahua, even if he’s wearing a lion costume for the occasion. He just has loftier aspirations at this time of year, that’s all.’
‘Your neck looks delicious, my dear. I mean...uh...you look delicious.’
‘My dad still insists on trick or treating with me every year in coordinated outfits, and I’m a fully grown adult.’
‘You dressed up as Santa Claus last Halloween and told everyone that you were the Ghost of Christmas Present. That is why you’re not invited this year.’
‘Theoretically, do you think brewing up a pot of special edition neon-green slime is honouring the season adequately, or would that breach workplace regulations if I tipped it over the boss?’
‘Are you crazy?! I’m not answering that door! That’s exactly what happens at the start of all of those movies, right before the killer gets in and --’ 
‘It’s just a kid dressed up as a watermelon, NAME. Chillax, will you?’
‘The entire office are a bunch of vampires? Well, I know they like to gossip and suck the life out of you, but I think that’s going a bit far...’
‘I don’t see a difference, actually. You’re a clown for the majority of the year.’
‘Is it acceptable to buy a jumbo bag of trick-or-treat candy and eat the lot myself while cuddled up under a blanket watching Twilight? Asking for a friend.’
‘Woah, scary. Oh, you’re not wearing a costume yet? My bad.’
‘Has...has NAME really come dressed as the Titanic? I have a sinking feeling about this party.’
‘What would actually happen if you did say ‘boo’ to a ghost? I’ve often wondered.’
‘The scariest thing about this party is the dirt cheap alcohol, just saying.’
‘It’s fine, it’s just a spooky clock chiming at the incorrect time while all of the lights are off and there’s strange footsteps creeping up the stairs.’
‘Someone egged the house again, dear. The neighbour’s house, that is. Ours apparently deserved rotten tomatoes, instead.’
‘I can’t come in to work today. I’m a certified emergency ghost buster.’
‘Well, I also can’t come in to work today. I’ve been bitten by a vampire.’
‘Oh, very funny NAME. The white sheet ‘ghost’ trick only works the first time you do it, you know. NAME, that’s enough! Uh -- NAME...?’
‘Holy macaroni!!! There really is a ghost!’
‘Some people take the whole event a little too far.’
‘NAME decided to dress up as Batman and follow all of the clowns around the neighbourhood, pretending they’re the Joker. That’s one way of handling that, I suppose.’
‘Ah, here we go: the yearly observance of Fireworks Week, right on cue.’
‘It’s ALIVE! ...I mean, good morning, dear. Did you sleep well?’
‘Now the real horror begins: the hangover. Ugh.’
‘Here’s to surviving Halloween for another year!’
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