#i’m screaming internally
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Oh wait or are they joking? I suck at jokes
Gotta make sure it’s quality over quantity tho
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aengelren · 8 months
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I’m sorry the way they were reaching for each other I will never get over this
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drudyslut · 3 months
one of the many text reactions i send @drewstarkeyslut when we’re talking about a line in the book:
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i apologize for my blowing up your phone 24/7 babe, you’re like my only friend and my book girlie😂😭
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ordinarykindofgirl · 1 month
WHY is being emotionally vulnerable legitimately painful
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So remember when I said I was gonna do a whole review thing for that Disney Villains book “Fire & Fate”?
Yeah, well I made a list of notes and comments in my notes on my phone as I read the book so I could post them, but uhhh….it’s gone. I was halfway through the book. Took a TON of notes on each chapter and the freaking file or whatever for everything I wrote is gone…so uhhh…I guess I’m gonna have to re-read the book and take the notes again because I haven’t read the book in months and I took soooo many notes and comments that I can’t remember everything I wrote. 🙃
Anyways, just wanted to let you guys know that the review or whatever for that book is gonna be held off even longer now haha 🙃🥲
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sinslythingz · 8 months
i’ve started a comic thats. 17 panels. Why? ‘Cause I definitely don’t need to be awake at 0630 tomorrow. Not at all.
it’s not even for my own series, it’s a fan comic with the lyrics of a song I found like two days ago of a fanfiction made by someone else. Anyway, this will be done tonight.
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patiencetaught · 1 year
{ I just got an email from an archivist at an archive I got materials from for my master’s thesis and I was invited to possibly give a talk about my research and I’m about to lose my whole mind }
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how can i look like dealer by lana del rey
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unsurebisexualcore · 6 months
watching percy pet that white gecko in ep2 with the biggest fricken grin on his face single-handedly cured my depression for the rest of the calendar year
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captainsleepy111 · 2 years
Ramble/rant below (nothing bad but if you don’t want to deal with me having a crush for the first time in at least three years scroll past, also I have no idea how to do the cut thing so also potentially very long post with terrible grammar, cause I’m going on a ride here and also just suck at grammar)
Anyway…… how do deal with emotions
This fucker has made me write poetry FUCKING POETRY!!!!!!! Sgdhshdhsijagdhd (for reference I hate writing poetry and absolutely suck at it, no hate to people who like poetry, I just don’t personally like it that much, can be cool to read though) and now I am a sappy human bean who is very repressed and writes poetry apparently. I hate it so much. Not only that but before I even got to the poetry phase I wrote two letters to him! Like this fucker has been ruling my conscience for the passed like month and a half. I’m used to the like couple hours, or like at the very most couple of day vague “this persons nice and I like them” maybe crushes that turn out to just wanting to be friends kind of thing. Not “I short circuit every time they do anything vaguely nice to me and even considering asking them out because I really like them, but I’m also afraid of commitment and I also know they like someone else and I don’t want to put them in an awkward situation because honestly I just like seeing them happy and I don’t care how it happens/who it happens with” and now I have to deal with it, and I have absolutely no idea how to say any of that in a coherent way/without seeming slightly insane or like I’m trying to guilt trip him into a relationship, cause I don’t even know how/if I want a relationship. Also the letters either turned into me being kinda self deprecating or going through major personal character growth but vaguely directed at him, so like idk how to just talk about how he makes me feel without accidentally making it about me, and I don’t want it to be about me I want it to be about how he’s a fantastic human being and I adore him.
(Spacing so my brain doesn’t want to implode it’s self) Like literally all this guy has to do (and has done) to make me even slightly flustered is just be a decent human being. Like that’s it. He’ll just talk to me like we’re relatively good friends and then BAM feelings. And it’s even worse (better) because he’s also a pretty like affectionate person in general (or just not emotionally repressed like I am) so he’ll just like casually just joke around and like say he loves me like the “I’m insulting you but also I love you” kind of friendship and I have no idea how to deal with it. Also he is unfairly good at hugging, like it’s annoying (it’s fantastic but so far he’s hugged me three times and I’ve completely short circuited every time, like to the point that idk what else was going on at the time, for last two the first one was very awkward, but also somehow one of the best hugs I’ve gotten. Also for the record all of these hugs happened within the span of two days) cause he’s so warm and like, squishy, and on the last hug that he did (cause the last two were after awards for a speech and debate tournament, he got fourth in the event that we had done like three full practices for; we’re both in short prep) it was like one of those ones where like you tighten your arms around the person during it and he was the one who initiated it!!!!!!?????!!? Like ahdgdjdueueididgjeody. Also (cause I watched his round for finals cause you can do that) and afterwards he was basically saying that me being there was how he was able to do it (though I think he would have been able to do it without me cause he’s amazing) and like he was doing the like happy cry thing and then I was almost doing the happy cry thing cause I feed off of other peoples emotions cause I’m a vampire and don’t know how to recognize/feel them on my own. But like !!!!!!!!!!!!! Cause there was another person on our team that also watched his round and as far as I know he didn’t do that for them; but like I also waited for him at the bottom of the bleachers after awards finished to congratulate him cause I was on the opposite side to him and couldn’t at the time, whereas the other kid was I think sitting next to him so he may have done it then. But I don’t know. Also I’m this same tournament he offered to let me use his cologne for the first day (cause it was a two day tournament) and also told me how to use it cause trans and don’t know how to man. Granted for that one he also offered to another one of the kids but still. I’m also debating if I should go look specifically for that cologne to have it because of him but idk if that would border on creepy stalker.
Also there’s like, I have two best friends that are basically just my sisters, and like no matter how much I like him, they will always come first and idk how to say that without making him feel like he’s just like a second option or like I don’t care about him as much. Cause I do, I would go to the ends of the earth to make him happy; but also if it came down to him or them I would choose them every time cause they are my family. And I don’t know how to bring that up without feeling bad about it (cause it feels like I’m kinda leading him on cause he’s not my number one priority and I don’t know how to do relationships (or this level of affection both from or towards people) that didn’t start out from being friends first and in the last relationship I was in (which was like 3ish years ago and ended cause someone spread a rumor that I cheated; I didn’t, and the person believed it cause I was being “defensive” over losing the person that at the time had been my whole world) they were my number one focus and like came first no matter what and I like just wanted to spend time around them (probably also because they were pretty much my only friend that somewhat actively talked to me at the time) and now that I also have other people that I enjoy being around and don’t want to leave behind so I can’t do that again, but I also don’t know how else to do relationships cause I’m scared that if I don’t then he’s leave me because he doesn’t think I care about him enough. Cause that also destroyed the remains of the first relationship even after we broke up, and if I have to do that again I would crawl back into the hole I dig the first time around and never leave it ever again (an exaggeration but still, I would be very sad) I also don’t want to explain all this to him because I tend to over share/over explain when I’m trying to tell someone my emotions while also trying not to scared them off, and again I don’t want to guilt trip him into a relationship or like accidentally trauma dump on him while telling him that I like him. But I also want to make sure he know that I care about him, and it’s not a matter of who I like/love more and more just a) I’ve them known longer and b) they’re my family.
Anyway, that’s the rant over. Sorry for the long post, have a picture of my dogs as thanks/apology for reading/the amount of scrolling
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corvu-ss · 2 years
not my game deleting and now i can’t get back to my acc, i’m literally gonna have a breakdown because of this :))
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eloquent-edits · 1 month
🗡️ How can I be friends with this thing called love?
you don’t love me, let me hold you again 🗡️ friends with benefits prompts 🗡️ 18+ prompts
Character A and Character B carpool to events together and usually they take that time to rile each other up, but it’s shifting to deeper, more vulnerable conversations
A, known for hardly ever dressing up, decides to throw B for a loop and go full out for one of their sessions (B has to bite their tongue on telling A they’re beautiful)
B is an absolute sucker for head scratches and A knows this, so they take every chance they can to give that to B
A brings a slice of cake from a family event over to B’s place out of love kindness, and apparently it is B’s favorite flavor (A stows this knowledge away and brings B that cake whenever possible)
“You know, my parents commented that I seem a lot more relaxed and happy around you.” “Seems like I just have that effect on people.”
A is very careful about what’s allowed to be said in bed, but B slips up once and it hits A like a TRUCK oh my gods they want to hear that again and again and again
A takes B out to a park at midnight to spar and they end up sprawled in the grass, laughing and holding each other close while watching the stars above
B sheepishly admits that they sometimes want to save A’s pictures—but not the spicy or sexy ones, just the everyday casual ones!
B pops into the background of A’s call ONCE and later, Character C asks if that’s A’s new partner (this is legitimately what happened to me LMAO)
Both are accident-prone, so a lot of time is spent tending to wounds and ensuring the other person is not in pain
A originally had a boundary of not kissing B goodnight for their emotional sanity, but they accidentally did it once and keep meaning to stop but they dON’T
“Your kisses are so sweet,” B murmurs as A’s lips trace and press against their skin.
Character C, one of B’s best friends, hangs out with A and B twice and comments that they are cute together
^ Both blush and A pulls slightly away from B while B jokes about how terrible it is to have A around with a big grin on their face
^^ As B makes some new friends, C mentions how A is exactly what B’s been looking for over the years
Historically, A didn’t want to sleep over at a FWB’s place to keep feelings from developing, but it’s so easy for them to fall asleep next to B
^ The first time this happened, A and B woke up well-rested and tangled up in each other (which is a miracle because both of them have problems with sleep)
During the Christmas season, A’s family puts up mistletoe over the main entryway. While no one is looking, A hesitantly, carefully pulls B into a kiss under it.
A and B gravitate towards each other even across a big room full of other people, somehow knowing when the other’s gaze is on them
A has a photo collection on their fridge of their favorite moments and over time more and more photos of B are put up
“Oh how were things going with C? You seemed interested in them.” “Eh, they’re cool but we didn’t really click. The banter wasn’t as… good, y’know?” “Damn! Well, if they can’t banter then they’re not the right person for you.”
B doesn’t listen to many song recommendations from friends but goes out of their way to listen to what A suggests (“That was the worst song I’ve ever listened to, that was SO CURSED.”)
After A and B finish belting a song together, A admits that singing songs together is sort of like a love language for them
While weaving through a crowd, A takes B’s hand to keep them close (and totally doesn’t forget to let go until much, much later)
B pulls away as A tries to kiss them deeper, more passionately. Thumb caressing their cheek, B whispers, “I want to take this slow. I… want to remember this moment.”
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kluelesskrystal · 9 months
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drudyslut · 12 days
@drewstarkeyslut currently in a season 2 rafe cameron mood….😣😣😣😣
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formulafics · 8 months
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this is my most favorite picture of oscar.
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theloyalpin · 27 days
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Sarocha “Freen” Chankimha and Rebecca “Becky” Armstrong at The 77th Annual Cannes Film Festival
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