#i’m thinking of either making another post a their birthdays to pin it or just pinning the original one
dianaladrislovebot · 5 months
so, yall remember that fanon birthday list i posted for drakes birthday ? well, today is the fanon date i set for dekka <3 everyone say happy birthday lesbian jesus
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nothums-from-tj · 9 months
What is your hc on boomercup? for me, I think they bonded over the fact that they are the odd ones out of their siblings. Brick and Butch are always together doing things Blossom and Bubbles doing things together, and Buttercup and Boomer are just left out, not that they want to do the things their siblings are doing I also hc that boomer moved out like when he was 15-16 so that just adds to how estranged his relationship with his brothers is whilst buttercup is going out all the time with her friends just so she doesn't have to see how close her sisters are and how estranged she is and I also hc that they both were the last to get together so their siblings mostly blossom and bubbles set up double dates just so they make buttercup and boomer be together
I’m literally so excited someone asked me abt them I’m like in tears. This is a super long post just to give you a heads up
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Just rq I feel like with how oblivious the two are they’d be like “why are we literally being dragged on a date” and then ditch their siblings to hang out with each other, said siblings laughing at them when they finally get together like “that’s literally WHY WE INVITED YOU BOTH WE BASICALLY FORCED YOU ON A DATE WITH EACH OTHER” “oh”
Ok so a one-shot I actually had in mind basically touches upon exactly that also loosely inspired by “Pity Party” by Melanie Martinez (full idea beneath the cut), although my main work right now—the fic I have going (you can find it under the tbmg tag I have on this post and my pinned) is Boomer being impulsive to try to impress some girl in a class they all share by trying to be “good” and so asking for help, and given it’s the most-behaved Ruff and the least-behaved Puff and somewhere along the line they’re still classified as a villain and a hero respectively despite not being too different fundamentally and it’s mostly a character study in that aspect while still building their friendship before getting them together. I like to think that as crime lessens in the future the Ruffs mostly stop having contact with Mojo and low contact with HIM providing they’re mainly just tools to them unlike the Puffs to Professor, who he sees as his children and created them specifically to have children in his life. Boomer, in Buttercup’s opinion, is the most annoying since he’s as much of an instigator as she is. For the most part they lose contact with the other groups save for Boomer and sometimes Brick just trying to have a bit of fun by getting on their nerves and eventually only really focus on Buttercup since she’s the only one to still give them a reaction
That, and it’s nice to have someone that can actually match each other’s strength—they mostly get into fights when having a rough day, when they need to either beat the shit out of someone until they feel better or it means violence is still some kind of physical contact that says there’s some kind of care in it, good or bad
This is sort of what I’m alluding to at the start of said fic that I’ll try to delve into further into the next chapter or the one following. During the next chapter is when I have them actually chatting and getting to actually know one another aside from any insecurities to jab at to initiate a fight
I have another hc I’ll put in a rb here at a later date bc it deals with some heavier topics (EDIT: some are featured here)
Alright one-shot idea:
It’s the girls’ 15th birthday, a Saturday, and Buttercup has always been the first to pick on her sisters right and it seems that’s the only way she really knows how to make connections which is a little bit what @milksteaki touched upon in her (edited to use proper pronouns) hcs as far as how she “flirts” with Boomer (not quite the same, it’s close enough), and I doubt her sisters would ever fully understand that
Especially as they get older I have a feeling Blossom and Butters would argue a bit more given they’re probably the two who bear the most insecurities and they’re so alike in sometimes getting on what really makes people tick. Anyway they probably had one the night before bc Buttercup is sometimes just so intense they don’t really know how to take it the way her sisters do and it literally scares their friends, especially when BC’s friend group are boys who roughhouse or are able to match her competitive nature and they mention this to her sisters in private who then try to relay the message to Buttercup or they try to encourage their friends to tell her straight up bc she really doesn’t mean any harm. Either way, Buttercup either didn’t invite her friends for those reasons or was told to invite someone else and she doesn’t have anybody else, that or everyone was busy/had games/whatever else. Blossom asks Buttercup not to “scare the guests” and she, in a bout of teenage angst, takes it as “don’t show up”
After that she’s left alone in the room and her immediate thought is to contact Boomer to play basketball at a park or something—just the two of them, since all he was really doing was either trying to ignore Brick and Butch fight or, providing you’re the second person I’ve known of to hc Boomer moving out as a teenager, he’s doing absolutely nothing and is more than happy to hang out with someone
They chat during the game and sometimes after shots—not like it’s a real game anyway—and Buttercup mentions that she’s been “kicked out for the day” or that she fought with Blossom again, really anything to keep from sharing too many details and it works as Boomer continues to say that he’s so glad to not really be around his brothers like that anymore. While Boomer is never the one really involved with Brick and Butch’s spats, he feels left out and like no one pays attention to him in kind of the opposite of how Bubbles feels
It’s late afternoon when Blossom finds her after realizing Buttercup isn’t in the room sulking or looking for privacy but straight up left, and only then did she realize Buttercup probably had no intention of showing up and felt horrible—they’re a tight-knit group, even with the arguing they both miss their sister terribly and their birthday is never too fun without the third
Another argument starts out since Blossom’s concerned and Buttercup’s pissed and they eventually forget Boomer’s there for a minute—at least Buttercup, until:
“You said you didn’t want me there!”
“I never said that! All I wanted was for the guests to have a good time!”
“Forget them, Blossom—it’s our birthday! I should be able to enjoy the day, too!”
Boomer’s heart sinks as he’s looking between the two as they argue and his voice is softer than he ever expects: “It’s your birthday today?”
Her heart stops when she remembers about his presence and how she was actively avoiding that detail and she can’t even think about a response, Blossom’s as silent as she is, and he just looks hurt that he was never told and about everything that’s already been said, “Why didn’t you tell me it’s your birthday?”
“It’s no big deal, Boomer. If I cared enough, I would’ve said something.”
“I care. The least I could’ve done is, I don’t know, made you dinner or something.”
They discuss to talk about it later since the most important thing is that Blossom wants her there for cake and they’ve refused to even light the candles without her there. They make up, there’s probably some tears, and Boomer is then invited to every party (he also probably makes a little friendship bracelet or a favorite snack as a gift that he brings to her in the midst of the night)
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ava-core · 4 months
so finals is whooping my ass and i can’t play new vegas because it’s either play or rest my poor posture in bed and i can’t really take the back pain any more than i have to when i’m productive </3 i miss my courier six may a lot so
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some informational tidbits about her under the cut! (her whole profile/backstory post is still separate i will make it when i have time ong)
she’s actually an alcoholic. the type where her tolerance is so high, in her story, her vault 13 canteen is actually full of scotch and not water. she brings a separate canister for water, but even then, it’s more likely the vault 13 canteen is full as opposed to her water bottle. she’s fond of scotch, and if she had more leeway, she’d be shaking csravaners and bartenders down for her native baijiu.
her birthday is June 6, 2253. Her birth time? 7:06 PM. (a gemini sun, libra moon, and sagittarius rising…yeah, and a cancer venus, too. as someone with a lot of earth signs myself, i genuinely think she’s fated to be doomed with melancholia LMFAO)
she will raze the wasteland for some banana yucca fruit. to may, it’s the universe’s gift for the little good that’s left in the world; it also reminded her of her mother’s pastries back home, which she’d sometimes use bananas for.
when no one’s watching (or so she thinks—boone has caught her a dozen times), while out in the wasteland, when innocents die, she picks broc flowers and leaves them by their corpses. when she can move their bodies, she does, laying them to rest behind a stone so at least they could get some respect in death.
on that note, it’s one of the reasons why the legion gradually infuriated her. in Shi culture, death rites are held in high regard, and that stuck with her. so to find corpses of murdered civillians disrespectfully laden with bombs and traps, used to bring about the death of another? it brought such a sour taste to her mouth even her aura, the air about her: it darkens, becomes heavier.
she has holotapes of Shi music she’d been meaning to make a player for, but just couldn’t find the time. her getting shot was a blessing in disguise: when doc mitchell gave her the pip-boy, it made her happier somewhat that it could read all the songs she’d been collecting for the past few years. so instead of Johnny Guitar, you’re more likely to hear Lily Chao’s Shepherdress, or even Slim Whitman’s China Doll.
in early game, may only uses one gun: the assault rifle she used to escape the Shi prison, which she added with a silencer and kept in good condition as it was the only weapon that kept her alive all these years. it was also the only one she could afford. however, as she builds her skill in guns, she starts to explore.
may is most proficient in melee and unarmed. back in the Empire of Shi, they teach the military a lot of martial arts techniques, and alongside her brother who taught her she watched military training and followed along—much to her father’s chagrin, especially during the times when she’d sneak out of class or a meeting with the Shi high society matchmaker to learn the latest move.
in this vein, it’s actually a reprieve that may guns you down. because while she’s got a small frame, she’s agile…and her hands and feet kick where it hurt. have you ever been on the receiving end of punches so strong and fast you don’t even see it coming until you black out, barely registering the surprise? a thug in freeside would tell you all about it, but he’d have to be alive to do so. unfortunately for him, may kicked a little too hard. oops.
there’s also a small moment after she returns from Big MT where boone asks her to teach him some of her moves. of course it’s a tension filled moment. of course may beats boone’s bigger frame. of course it turns boone on to be kicked in the face and pinned to the ground by this gorgeous woman.
ALSO: how boone and may met! of course, it was inside Dinky the Dinosaur’s mouth; hard-pressed for caps, may didn’t want to go into the lobby and lob over her precious caps, few and far between, for lodging. she doesn’t see boone’s gun, so she gets the smart idea to squat up that dinosaur’s mouth, just sleep for three hours before hunting down her platinum chip.
imagine boone’s surprise when a masked girl sneaks up on him silently. when he raises his rifle, it freaks may out, and her instinct in close quarters is to go into Butterfly Angel on this man’s face before he can pull the trigger. it ends with may overpowering boone, her face over his as he looks up at her.
“you legion?”
a pause. at this point, may only knew of them from nipton and rumors from the other people in the mojave. “the costumed freaks from the east? no.”
“then what are you doing here? who the hell are you?”
“wanted a place to sleep. cheap. didn’t think someone would be here,” she says, letting him go as the two stand up while the sun rises. and the rest is history.
may would never say it aloud, but she’d always wanted a family of her own. if survival was an assurance, not a slim possibility in the wasteland, she’d have more incentive to settle down—but alas, she doesn’t want her children to suffer the same fate.
surprisingly, she gets along well with veronica. may and boone stop at the 188 enough for veronica to chat may up, and eventually she lets her join them (to boone’s chagrin, but he eventually grew to like veronica’s chatter—because it often gave him a chance to hear may’s voice. later on, maybe even a dry laugh, when veronica says a stupid joke.)
may lives in an eternal conundrum in terms of her appearance: people can’t tell if 23 is too young for her expression and personality to be as grumpy and unsociable as it is, or if it’s surprisingly older because of her youthful face. she could pass for 19–hell, she could pass for a model.
it’s why she goes out masked in the wasteland. she knew being ‘pretty’ (she hated the word, like it was all she was supposed to be the way people gushed at her over it) was a reason to be targeted more often, so she always concealed her face.
boone doesn’t even see her face until she meets mr. house and he’s invited to the presidential suite, where jane the securitron gives may a change of clothes. after a shower and slipping into the black gown, it almost gives boone a heart attack: this is what this woman looked like? holy shit. what the hell?
after getting the platinum chip from benny, she also sneaks out of the strip using the NCR monorail because she had a bad feeling about Mr. House. it’s why she’s in businesswear and shades: not the best disguise, but at least it wasn’t her merc clothes.
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OKAY that’s a lot of rambling >< i just love may a lot?! i can already see people in new vegas in the tv show talking about “courier six” and one gambler going “i heard she was the meanist and smartist bitch in the wasteland!” and this gambler would be RIGHT.
(she’s also very in love when OWB rolls around but you didn’t hear that from me.)
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rippedstitches · 1 year
I’m gonna try to explain The Dad Stand-In Matrix and make some sort of sense, here we go. And don't take this seriously if you disagree, I don't know what I'm talking about and it's just based on vibes.
The Roy kids receive both affection and abuse from Logan, wrapped up in a fucked little package they all call love. Power, control, domination, this is how you love, and this is how you are loved. The expectation is that the siblings become Logan, so they learn to emulate his behavior, but they also are locked in to a pattern where they must have a “Logan” in their lives to give them that specific kind of "love,” especially when they aren’t in the good graces of the real Logan. In their sibling relationships, these dynamics show up, each sibling existing in relation to Logan, either as his stand in, or as his child.
More under the cut
Roman/Kendall - This is the only relationship with a straightforward, unchanging hierarchy (unless, of course, Dad relationships overshadow this, like in Too Much Birthday). Kendall as Logan, Roman as the child. The person Kendall is with Roman is everything Logan respects, and person Roman is with Kendall is everything Logan despises. (tw csa & cocsa) Strictly headcanon territory here, I believe that Ken was sexually abused by Logan (more for another post I think because it’s not super relevant) and in turn sexually abused Roman during the dog pound game, which contributes to this and further complicates/solidifies their adult relationship. (end tw)
Roman/Shiv - Two children, most of the time. There is a slight conflict, but it's childish, because neither believes the other is serious. Roman wants (subconsciously, none of the sibs are aware of any of this) to be Shiv's Logan, which is where the petty insults and sexually demeaning comments come from, but he just can't go all the way. Because of this, Shiv doesn't ever feel dominated by him, but she also doesn't feel compelled to wield too much power over him either. She likes the banter and the relative lightness of their relationship. She does look down on him though, and this becomes more apparent when she's working with Ken. Despite all this, they're the youngest children, likely close in age, and they grew up together in Kendall's shadow, both having things about them that made them "unworthy" of the top job. I think this is the reason twin theory is so popular, they are very much two siblings.
Shiv/Kendall - Here's why, in my opinion, Shiv and Kendall have the most complicated & hard to pin down relationship of all of the siblings. They see each other as Logan stand ins, but need to become Logan themselves. This creates a constant push-pull, not only between them, but internally. They both want to be on top, and will say and do the most awful things to each other to get there, but they’ll always make up, they’ll always come back. They both want affection and approval from each other, but giving it is seen as weak, and so is accepting it. It’s a dance: Who’s leading? Who’s winning? How can I get the upper hand? Listen to me. Do you want me on your team? Do you think I’m vicious enough? Do you wanna play bitey?
There’s more to be said about the non-sibling relationships, how the actual Logan affects things and where Connor fits into this but you get the idea I think
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The Girlfriend Who Remade Christmas
Part One: A Bad Banana
Square: Advent Calendar ~ @spnchristmasbingo
Song: You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch ~ Pentatonix
Pairing: Dean x Nicole {Nico/Nic} OFC
Summary: Nic is not happy about Dean’s Grinchy behavior.
Warnings: Flangst, canon divergence
Word Count: 1,497
Beta: @princessmisery666 I'd be lost without you.
Credit: @talesmaniac89 made the gorgeous title card and divider
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Series Master Post
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“Dean Rupert Winchester!”
“What’d you do?” Sam chuckles, glancing at a confused-looking Dean sitting across from him.
“N- Nothing,” Dean scoffs, heart rate fluttering in wary fear.
“Dude, she made up a middle name for you. She doesn’t do that unless she’s super pissed.” Closing his laptop, Sam begins to stand. “I think I’ll just-”
“Yeah, me too.” Dean drops his feet to the floor and pushes up from his seat.
Both men freeze at the roar of her voice, “SIT!” and drop back into their respective chairs.
“Why?” she snaps, eyes narrowed and fixed on Dean like daggers pinning him in place.
Not sure what he’s done to provoke her ire, Dean attempts a little bravado even as he squirms in the chair. Giving her a cheeky grin, he jests, “Why does shower sex have to be so complicated? Why does Sam refuse to cut his hair? Why do I love you so much? Gonna need a little more clarification there, Nico.”
The resounding whack of the large booklet that lands on the table in front of him makes him jolt. She leans over, palms flat on the polished wood, bringing herself to eye-level with him. “Why was that in the garbage? Why are ALL of the windows open? Why is all of the candy gone?” Each staccato syllable is pronounced with fierce precision. 
“It’s an Advent calendar,” he sneers. “Christianity …the coming of …Chuck. I’m not celebrating that douchebag’s birth.”
“Well, remember, it’s probably not his real birthday; it’s actually the winter sols-” Sam cuts himself off when Nic puffs her cheeks and expels a heavy sigh.
“It’s a Christmas countdown.” She softens her tone. “It’s meant to create excitement and anticipation for the upcoming celebration.”
“What’s to celebrate?” Before she can respond, Dean adds, “Don’t get any ideas about decorating or exchanging gifts either,” and flatly states, “There’s nothing special about it. It’s just another day. We don’t do Christmas. Right, Sammy?” 
Sam smartly doesn’t reply, clearing his throat and tucking his chin. Dean frowns, giving his brother the stink eye for not backing him up.
“You agreed to help cut down a tree and decorate the bunker.”
“I did no such thing.”
“You did.” 
The cute smile that curls her lips momentarily distracts him, and he shakes his head to dislodge thoughts of where those pouty lips were last night and shoves the calendar back across the table in frustration. 
Lifting her fingers just enough to stop the book’s forward motion, her eyes remain locked on Dean. 
“A couple of months back. When Donna and Jody came by for game night, we started playing that drinking game that you were surprisingly awful at, and Donna kicked your ass. Sam,” she tilts her chin toward the bent head of her friend, “ended up completely wasted.” 
Dean smirks when Sam shifts in his seat but continues to avoid eye contact with either of them. Clearly, his traitor of a brother is going to be of no help with the situation. “I remember, but what’s that-”
“I mentioned I wanted to go all-out for Christmas this year,” she cuts him off, “real tree, garland, lights, gifts, the whole shebang. Sam started whining about the hassle, pine needles, the environment, blah, blah, blah. You,” the Cheshire cat grin warns him that she’s going in for the kill, “agreed to everything I wanted to do. I’m pretty sure it was just to annoy Sam, but I have witnesses to your compliance.”
“Well,” he shrugs, “I changed my mind.” He knows he might be pushing back a bit too hard. The low growl she emits gives away her growing frustration. He also knows that he’s being unfair. The night in question, he’d been mesmerized listening to her explain how she wanted to transform the bunker into a winter wonderland. Excitement and hope had started to weave their way into his heart, and he began to believe they could have something normal or, at least, something close to it. Maybe he could have the apple pie life he’d always wished for but never believed he’d get.
In the days following, though, that hope started to dim. Sam seemed content with completing his goal of cataloging every single artifact in the bunker, digitizing all the paper files, and doing less hunting. Dean figured he’d found a new girl, too, as Sam’s thinly veiled excuses of three-day ‘healthy lifestyle’ seminars and serial killer movie theater marathons were lame. Now that Nic had more time to devote to jewelry making, her business had taken off, and she’d been occupied with creating pieces and running her online store.
Which meant Dean had a lot of empty time on his hands. Time to think about what he wanted to do with his life …the life he never thought he deserved or would get to live. What is his purpose now?
It left him feeling unsettled and lost—angry at himself. He doesn’t want to burden Nic with his issues. She’s dealt with them enough over the years, and now that things are going well for her, he doesn’t want to damper her happiness. Yet, here he is doing just that, and he can’t seem to stop himself or keep the anger in check.
“You were so excited when Mrs. Butters manifested Santa’s workshop in here. I thought that you might want to see the bunker decked out like that again.”
“Yeah, well, you know how that almost ended. So, no, I don’t want any reminders of it.”
Narrowing her eyes, she taps her fingers on the calendar as she straightens. A shift in her features indicates she’s going to try a different approach. “What about the beauty of the holiday? The wonder and excitement of it all.” Her smile is sweet and soft. “The spirit of giving. People coming together, helping one another.”
“They should do that every day,” he scoffs, taking a large gulp of his drink. “Not just one day a year.”
“I don’t disagree with that,” she nods, “but I thought that since this is our first year without an apoco-”
“Don’t say it!” he warns, pointing a finger. It’s probably a silly superstition, but it just doesn’t need to be put out there for the universe to hear. 
She holds her hands up in surrender, “Okay, not saying it! I just thought we could make something of the holiday for a change.” 
“Do what you want, but I won’t be participating.”
Nic jolts at the near-defiant stare Dean aims at her, anger rising to meet his. “You-” she huffs, chest heaving and hands clenching into fists, “you’re a- a …bad banana.” 
“A what, now?” Dean asks, brows knitted together, and lips pursed.
“You know,” she sweeps a hand in the air between them, “a greasy black peel …heart an empty hole …seasick crocodile ...“
Sam snorts, and Dean swears the temperature in the room drops ten degrees as she turns a cold glare to his brother. “Are you calling him a Grinch?” Sam’s smirk is large until he raises his head to face her. Happy to have her anger diverted from him, if only briefly, Dean chokes down the laugh bubbling in his throat as Sam’s eyes widen and fear creeps into his features.
“You think this is funny? I’m trying to bring a little joy back into our lives.”
“Uh, well …it was kind of … “ Sam finally shuts up under the intensity of her stare.
Dean draws her attention, clearing his throat. “Remember the year you got poison ivy from that Christmas tree farm while tracking a pack of werewolves? Or the year you bought that cheap mangled tree hoping to liven up the crappy motel we were stuck in and it ended up being full of stick bugs? Or what about the year that Sam and I were almost ritualistically sacrificed? Nothing good happens for us at Christmas.”
Narrowing her eyes, Nic forcefully shoves the calendar back in his direction and declares, “We’ll see about that!” briskly walking away and leaving Dean to choose between saving his drink from being spilled or letting the book slide off the table. He chooses his drink, cringing when a stiff cardboard corner pokes him in the gut.
A distant door slams a few moments later, and Sam gives a low whistle. “You should go after her.”
“Nope. I learned my lesson a few years back. She needs time to cool down. You know that.”
“Would it really be so bad to have some kind of celebration? You know how much she loves this time of year,” Sam attempts to initiate a concession.
“You want to participate in all that commercialized crap? Go ahead, but the two of you can leave me out of it.” Dean snatches the half-empty bottle of whiskey and his glass from the table as he stands, letting the countdown calendar fall to the floor without a glance as he storms out of the room.
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Love Me Some Pie tag list:
@akshi8278 // @asgoodasdancingqueen // @calaofnoldor // @compresshischest09 // @deanwanddamons // @flamencodiva // @idreamofplaid // @jerkbitchidjitassbutt // @justrealizedimmascifygurl // @michellethetvaddict // @mvdeanw // @shawnie74 // @siospins2 // @thinkinghardhardlythinking // @thoughts-and-funnies // @waynes-multiverse // @wayward-and-worn // @waywardbaby // @weepingwillowphoenix
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diovstheworld · 2 years
La Squadra and What I Think They Would Collect!
i’ve had some of these in mind for a while but finally felt like making a post after seeing another one like this :) i can’t remember who it was but credits to them for the idea! also first post ahhh (i don’t know what i’m doing with tags but anyway ✨)
୨ ╭ ୨୧ ✦ ︶꒷꒦・⎯⎯・⎯⎯・₊ˎ✧๑
vinyl and cds for sure. he’s definitely into his music but probably doesn’t get to listen to it as much as he used to these days
he’s still very proud of his collection though and definitely has some rare ones
also probably has a collection of tour shirts from bands he went to see in the past. i feel like he probably went to a lot of concerts and got one every time he went to one so he has a lot
definitely keeps all his concert tickets too for sure so kind of has a collection of these too
also knives but i feel like that one is obvious
plushies for sure!
probably gets one every time he goes somewhere to remind him of that place!
members of la squadra probably get them as birthday and christmas presents for him because they know he loves them so much
prosciutto is the one who buys most of them because he loves to treat his brother from time to time!
pesci probably cherishes these ones more than the rest because they came from his big bro <3
probably ash trays from places he’s visited /hj
he probably collects vinyl as well. he and risotto would probably compare their collections!
not really a collection but i feel like he would have a lot of candles and skin care products. i get the feeling he would be all about self care to make sure he stays looking young because of his stand (and the bad cigarette habit he has). the kind of man who runs a nice hot bath and sits in there with just the candle light relaxing after a hard day
also absolutely has a massive collection of shoes and suits. no one can keep track of how many he has (and he doesn’t know either but it’s probably more than he would like to admit though)
not just any antiques though
probably focuses on collecting things like old perfume bottles and baroque style mirrors and picture frames
probably buys a pieces of mirror to put inside the picture frames so he can make them into little mirrors and take them with him to put them in places when he’s on jobs
also collects crystals 100%
maybe candles too. he probably has a lot of candles
i feel like as a kid he probably collected bugs or something but he got into trouble for doing that
still probably does that now actually
the rest of the team hate it too because they’re always finding some sort of weird bug in random places and formaggio probably just laughs about it
he also gives me a bit of a punk vibe so maybe he would collect pins and patches to put on his various jackets he has
they’re normally pins from bands he likes but they’re really pins of literally anything. if he finds a pin he likes, he probably buy it no matter the theme!
probably like playboy magazines or something
has a bunch of old ones too
always trying to get a hold of issues he doesn’t have
bids like crazy on ebay to get the ones he wants/is missing
also maybe collects computers? like old ones though
his favourite one he has is probably like some old apple computer
honestly kind of stuck for this guy i’m not gonna lie lmao
lego. definitely has a lot of lego models somewhere
building lego is probably the only time he’s calm (until he messes up and accidentally uses the wrong piece or puts something in the wrong place and then he gets mad)
also probably collects plushies like pesci does but he’s not as crazy about them as pesci is
also hatsune miku figures. i don’t know why i just think he would (i’m re-reading this post and idk why i put this down but i don’t feel like taking it out im so sorry lmao)
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ivy-loves-chocolate · 3 years
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Note: this was a commission I got from a supporter on ko-fi. I hope that you’ll read it with the same enjoyment I had while writing it. If you want to commission or support me check the pinned post or the hyperlink, you’ll find all the details there. If you have questions, my DM is open 🤗. Also, your comments are always welcomed.
Promt: Wesker forgets about the reader’s birthday.
Pairing: Wesker x F!Reader
Word count: 2K
Type: fluff.
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Wesker placed the samples with care on the table, starting his day as usual. He’s been spending his last few years, stuck in the lab researching all over again in order to achieve the wanted results. Since Uroborus is a high importance plan, he’s very meticulous about his schedule, respecting every minute precisely. Not a minute early, not a minute late. The only thing that he tries to put outside his schedule is you because he doesn’t like limiting the time he spends with his sweetheart. He cares so much about you that over the years he sees you as his equal, so he plans to inject you with the progenitor virus, a weaker strand because he can’t risk killing you. Because of this, he wants to do it on a special day, but the many opportunities that arrived didn’t fit in his schedule. The greatest gift he ever received was the power he got after breaking the confines of humanity, so he wants you to experience the same joy. Wesker kept thinking about it but he would get distracted by his work, so his present would always be in the planning stage. He doesn’t want to do it suddenly, he wants to introduce the idea slowly to you because he respects your boundaries.
Once you earned his respect, Wesker can be a very carrying partner, human even. He knows every little detail about his sweetheart, from her birthday to what she last ate. It can seem creepy when you put it like this, but this is nothing more than a lover who deeply cares about his partner and seeks to make her happy. Wesker is not the greatest at showing it though because of his work life. He has little to no time to show his affection. He still shows you that he is there for you, but not as much as he wants, making him more frustrated. Sometimes when he comes home from work he is so tired he barely sees you, let alone talk with you. He either collapses on the couch or bed and falls asleep as you talk with him because he is just too exhausted to carry the conversation. This doesn’t sit right with him because he gives all of his attention and energy to his work and doesn’t have any left for the only person that matters to him, making him wonder if it’s all worth it.
The relationship didn’t have a great start, since you expected Albert to be with you at least 8 hours a day but you’re lucky if you catch him once a week. He’s not the type to express himself and constantly expects others to read his mind, so you two would end up fighting. You have mistaken the lack of presence as rudeness and indifference, basing your reasoning on all the rumors you heard until you realized they were all stupid. Wesker proved to be the contrary, talking so nicely to you and not belittling you at all even if you piss him off. The amount of respect this man offered you even from the beginning is astonishing. He was so transparent with you and with all he does and he had so much patience until you understood. He was just a working man with probably burnout syndrome, so you took the responsibility to take care of him.
His phone buzzed since he started his work. Calls, messages, idiots without brains, as he calls them, needed help doing their job. When he had enough he picked up his phone and started to scroll down through notifications. Some of these people make him curse like a sailor, especially the one who texted him the most. As useful as Excella is in helping with his projects, as annoying she can be. Hundreds of messages and calls, some related to work some not. A particular question caught his attention.
“Do you think y/n would like this?” A picture of a purse was attached. Excella can’t stand you for obvious reasons, but out of respect for Albert, she tries to be friends with you. Still, why would Excella buy something for you out of the blue?
“Is something special today?” He thought.
The horrifying grimace when the realization hit cannot be described. Today is indeed a special day, your birthday. To be honest, he doesn’t care about birthdays. He despises them because they are a reminder of our mortality, but he knows how much you care about such occasions. Every year you got him something even if he insisted not to buy anything for him. Seeing you care and how much you enjoy receiving gifts he changed his mindset. Usually, he would give you something common, just as others would, but then he began to put more effort until there wasn’t anything material in this world to give. That’s how the progenitor virus gift arises in his head. However, he’s been so caught up with his research on Uroborus that he completely forgot to make the preparations. You don’t feel the days pass when you’re stuck in a lab all the time. He puts the phone aside, grabs his coat, and rushes out of the building ignoring the people that are trying to talk with him. If not the virus, he will have to find something common.
He’s not a fan of last minutes gifts but he has no choice. The guilt crushed him further as he remember he hasn’t talked with you all day. The ride to the jewels store felt like ages, even if it was relatively close. Luck was on his side since he found the store open.
None of the jewelry in front of him caught his attention because it wasn’t something he hopes of giving you. He already buried you in gold. You have the finest, unique, and expensive jewels in the world. He wouldn’t have been injected you in a lab of course. He wanted a special place for your rebirth. All of his ideas were put on paper, but probably got lost in the pile of reports. All he wanted was to see you smile on the most important day of your life, perhaps looking at him with the same eyes as his. He wanted to make you feel as you were the center of his universe, his queen, but he failed miserably. Maybe if he had gotten any outstanding results today he wouldn’t be so upset, but it was just another ordinary day. The lady tried talking with him but he was lost in his thoughts. Knowing it’s late and that you’re waiting for him, he bought a pearl necklace and left in hurry. On his way home he tried thinking of what to say, what excuse would be the best but he concluded that all of them were outdated.
Before opening the door, he hid the small package in the inner pocket of his coat. That lady was in hurry to close the store and didn't want to wrap the necklace if gift wrap. Wesker will remember that.
“I’m home!” He shouted once he entered. He may screw up, but he is not a man who runs away from conflict or a man who doesn’t own his mistakes.
“I thought you’d spend the night in your lab.” She said while giving him a peck on his cheek. “You need a vacation dear, you’ll be worn out before your time”
You were so carrying with him, so kind, but he couldn’t enjoy it. He didn’t deserve your kindness.
“There is something I need to tell you.”
“About?” You were starting to get worried. He left in hurry this morning and you didn’t hear anything from him all day. Excella told you briefly about him, but she talked more about the purse she bought for you which was more for her taste, not yours. Judging by his face you realized he had something on his mind, but you would never think it was because he forgot about your birthday. You expected him to talk about an outbreak rather than your forgotten birthday. To your surprise, he started apologizing.
“I was so caught up in my work I-“ he considers apologies a waste of time since we could do better things with our mortality and limited time, but for a reason, humans care about these.
“It’s alright my love.” You caress his face as a reassuring sign. “I understand.” You’re not upset at him. He genuinely cares about you and you can’t judge him, not after all the good things he has done for you. And besides, you know he doesn’t fully mean it, but you appreciate that he still does it for the sake of your feelings.
You began to caress his cheeks, to place small kisses all over his face. You see him rarely so you make sure to show him how much you love him as well. You hug him and he instantly hugged you back. After a while, you broke the hug and lead him to the couch so you can talk about each other’s day. He’s thankful you both moved on.
Eventually, you two got more comfortable. You let all your weight fall over his body as his strong arms were wrapped around your torso. His big hands were caressing your back while you found your peace in that small, almost suffocating, clasp. You almost fell asleep when a gentle squeeze woke you.
“I almost forgot.” He said, almost whispering, before handing you your gift. “It’s not what I had planned, but I hope you’ll find it enjoyable.”
Hazily, you took the small box Albert handled to you. It was a normal, jewelry box with the logo of the store on it. Inside there was a beautiful, shiny pearl necklace. Your delicate fingers touched the pearls with care, feeling their gritty texture and small bumps here and there. It weighs heavy in your hands. You fell in love instantly with the accessory. Seeing how happy you are, Albert offered to put it at your neck. Its elegance enhanced your natural beauty. It looks like it was made solely for you, like an extension of your body.
“I bet it was a lot.” You said with a somehow sorrow in your voice. You don’t want Albert to spend heavy money on you, because it’s his presence that you enjoy and value the most.
“Don’t worry about it, I like spending money on you.” And it was true, he loves dressing you in the most expensive clothing to flatter your body. You’re a goddess to him. Not to mention it strokes his ego to know that he’s able to provide such beautiful things to you. “At least this is what I can do.”
“And it’s perfect this way.” You can see him relax a little.
“I’ll make it up to you, I just need some time.” Time, mortality, death. Once again he was reminded of his plan that was supposed to fix humanity's greatest flaw, and his expression suddenly changed. That didn’t get past Y/N’s attention.
“Albert sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, some problems I need to solve.”
“Are they urgent?”
“Yes, very.”
“I’m sure they can wait until tomorrow.”
He scanned your body carefully. You weren’t getting any younger. Time left its mark on you. Not in an unpleasant way, but still noticeable.
“There something I need to tell you.” He said while sitting on the edge of the bed, watching you how you admire your new necklace. In the lights of the vanity mirror the pearls shine brighter, being more appealing than before making it impossible to take your eyes off them.
“What is it?” You said while gazing at your own reflection.
He choose his words carefully, but no matter how he put them, it could scare you. It’s not the time or the place. He doesn’t want to ruin your happiness. His actual surprise might not sit well with you, but it’s not your choice after all. If he considers it the best option for you he will do it regardless of your opinion. Still, this day came out better than he expected.
“Maybe tomorrow.”
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Tags: @xx-sectumsempra-xx @residentzero2028 @heisentitties (dm if you wanna be in the tag list)
119 notes · View notes
snelbz · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter One}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. Chapters will be posted on both my and Tara's blogs! >> @tacmc.
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby's Masterlist
Tara's Masterlist
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5 years later….
Nyx looked at his birthday cake and the lone candle that was lit atop the icing before looking up at Feyre with a confused expression on his beautiful, little face.
His mother laughed, quietly, before leaning forward and taking out the candle. She had just blown out the flame when Rhys barely pushed the cake closer to Nyx, who put his chubby, little hands smack-dab in the middle of the icing and dug in.
Everyone had come to celebrate, and even Nesta couldn’t stop her smile from showing. At least, she let it show when she was on the opposite end of the house from the one and only, and massively self-centered, Cassian Nazari.
Of course, he would be at Nyx’s first birthday party. He was Nyx’s uncle - maybe not by blood, not that blood mattered when it came to Cassian, Rhysand, and their other lifelong friend, Azriel.
He, too, stood across the kitchen, watching as Elain snapped picture after picture of the jubilant baby, the mess atop his high chair the largest Nesta had ever seen. She knew Elain was taking notes for their own daughter’s birthday party, though she was barely three months old.
Rhysand’s smile was as big as Feyre’s as they watched their son, listening as his giggles filled the kitchen. Nyx realized quickly that the cake was for him alone and after smashing it for a few moments, he lifted a large handful to his chubby face and took a bite. His eyes lit up and that started the giggling anew.
Nesta loved her nephew and niece, had loved him since the day they were born, but she didn’t envy her sisters and their happy families. Unlike them, she had remained perfectly content on her own, especially after the endless string of disaster dates she had been forced to sit through throughout the years.
And children? It wasn’t that Nesta disliked kids. Not all kids, at least. She loved her nephew and niece, anyway. Having one of her own, though? Having to be around one every day? Every night? Having to constantly try and make a tiny person content?
No, thank you. That was a challenge she had little interest in.
A deep rumbling laugh came from across the house and Nesta looked up to find Cassian entering the kitchen, still chuckling at something Mor had said.
As hard as she tried, she couldn’t keep her lip from curling slightly as she looked at him. It only infuriated her more when he caught sight of her as he raised his beer to his lips and winked.
He was absolutely insufferable.
After their catastrophe of a date years ago, which Nesta had made Feyre promise was a stunt she’d never pull again, she had only been forced to be around Cassian Nazari a handful of times.
One of which was during Feyre and Rhysand’s wedding, only months after their date.
“You only have to walk with him for thirty seconds,” Feyre had sighed, while Mor continued to pin and curl her hair into place. “You don’t have to be happy about it.”
“Good,” Nesta said, draining the glass of champagne in her hand. “Because I’m not.”
As Feyre’s maid-of-honor, it was customary that she was supposed to walk out of the wedding arm in arm with Rhysand’s best man. She wished that he’d picked Azriel, but since it seemed the Cauldron hated her, it had to be Cassian.
Elain, who was harboring the world’s most obvious crush on Azriel at the time, was thrilled with how they’d be exiting the wedding. Nevertheless, she said to Nesta, “I think you two got off on the wrong foot. He’s a really good guy, Nes.”
Nesta shot her youngest sister a look of pure annoyance through the mirror’s reflection. “Have any of you ever been on a date with the guy? And not only a date, but the worst date of your life?”
Feyre snorted, fully aware of where this conversation was headed. “No.”
“Then you have no room to talk,” Nesta snapped, admiring herself in the mirror. “Mother’s tits, Feyre, he wore jeans to the nicest restaurant in Velaris!”
“At least he didn’t wear his boots,” Mor muttered, then she caught Nesta’s glare in the mirror. “Really? He wore his boots?”
“He was dressed for an all-night, summer bonfire,” Nesta said, shaking her head. “And he’s completely full of himself. And, he forgot his wallet!”
“Not like you can’t afford dinner,” Feyre said, and Nesta’s lips snapped shut. She was fully aware that the conversation had somehow become a let’s-pick-on-Nesta session.
Feyre added, “You have to walk back down the aisle with him, share an entire table during dinner, and that’s it. No one is asking you to dance with him, but be nice.” Nesta met Feyre’s eyes, her jaw set. Feyre sighed, “Fine, be civil.”
She scoffed, but nodded. “Fine.”
The ceremony itself went off without a hitch. It was beautiful and elegant and the perfect wedding Rhys and Feyre had always wanted.
She ignored Cassian’s unending looks the whole night, managed to give her maid-of-honor speech without snarling at him, and after that, took advantage of the open bar her sister and new brother had so kindly provided.
She was coming out of the bathroom, a glass of wine still clutched in her hand, doing her best not to trip over her own feet when she walked into a wall.
A wall of solid muscle that turned out to be Cassian’s back.
When he turned around and she looked up at him, his eyes were nearly as glazed as hers.
“Hello, Nes,” he said, smirking down at her.
She bit out, “Don’t call me that.”
“That was a pretty, little speech you gave,” he said, leaning against the wall. “I know true love exists cause I’ve seen it first hand. Poetic.”
Nesta scoffed, brushing off the skirt of her dress as if he had tainted it. “Don’t flatter yourself. I wasn’t referring to you. I was talking about Feyre and Rhys, in case you thought otherwise.”
“Oh, I didn’t,” he promised. “Honestly, I didn’t think you were talking about anyone. Just some fluffy shit that sounded sweet. Unless it’s that guy that showed up at the restaurant and ruined our date. Oh, wait,” he began, tapping his chin as if in deep thought, “You dumped him though, right? Poor bastard.”
“You’re a prick,” Nesta bit out. She refrained from saying that Tomas hadn’t ruined their date. It was sad that seeing her ex was one the bright points of her night, rather than seeing the Greek god standing before her. The pretentious, cocky asshole of a Greek god.
He only grinned. “But am I a liar?”
Nesta’s jaw locked. She eyed his tux. “I’m just glad you decided to clean up for your own brother’s wedding. No jeans?”
He scoffed. “Is that the worst you’ve got?”
“Do you prefer me to give you my worst?” she asked, brows furrowing. “If so, you may want to be careful what you wish for.”
Cassian said nothing, just lifted the beer she hadn’t noticed in his hands to his lips.
Nesta rolled her eyes, brushing past him, and made a move to head back into the reception.
His voice called out behind her, “You don’t have to be such a miserable bitch, you know?”
She froze, looking back at him. He was no longer smirking at her. Instead, his eyes were intense. “Excuse you?”
“You’re so miserable that you won’t allow anyone else to have any fun, won’t allow yourself to either,” he said, still leaning against that damn wall. He crossed his arms over his muscular chest, his dress shirt tight and loose in all the right places. “You want everyone else to suffer, just because you’re forcing yourself to, for whatever reason.”
“You don’t know a damn thing about me,” she bit out, stalking back over to him. She was so close she had to look up into his face.
“I don’t,” he said, words clipped. “I tried, but you didn’t seem very inclined to let me get to know you during our date. You were more concerned with my attire and your ex than you were with me. You thought all I wanted to do was fuck you.” His eyes, still glassy and glazed, dragged down her body and back up again. “Besides, you’ve got that damn stick shoved so far up your ass, there wouldn’t have been room for my cock even if I’d really even tried.”
A blink was Nesta’s only reaction. Then her hand was moving of its own accord, splashing her full glass of wine directly in his face and all over that pretty, white shirt.
“Go fuck yourself,” was all she’d said before she walked back into the ceremony, leaving him there to drip on the venue’s fancy carpet.
She blinked, Feyre’s voice drawing Nesta out of her memories, looking over at her sister. She stood next to Rhys and Elain, who had her camera in her hands, and Cassian stood behind Nyx’s high chair.
“I want a picture of him with his godparents, come here,” she beamed and Nesta tried not to cringe.
She had been so proud, her heart feeling like it would burst when Feyre and Rhys had asked her to be Nyx’s godmother. There was no hesitation when she said yes, tears lining her eyes as she’d hugged both her sister and brother-in-law.
She tried not to think about the fact that when they’d told her Cassian was his godfather, she nearly asked them to give the distinction to Elain.
But she hadn’t, wouldn’t. Despite what others, especially Cassian, thought of her… Nesta loved her nephew.
She loved her family.
With a sigh, Nesta meandered over to Nyx’s high chair. “Alright.”
“Closer,” Feyre ordered, gesturing Nesta to move in closer beside Cassian behind the high chair.
Nesta’s lips pursed but she took another step toward the boys for her sister’s sake.
“I’m not poisonous, Nesta,” Cassian muttered, smiling at the camera as he spoke. “You won’t burst into flames if we brush arms.”
“You’d be so lucky to brush arms with me,” she muttered back, hoping the smile she was giving her sister was convincing - and knowing full well that it wasn’t.
Without another word, Cassian tossed his arm around Nesta and said, “Cheeeeese!”
Nyx was giggling, looking up at his godparents behind him. There was so much joy and adoration in those big, beautiful eyes that Nesta didn’t have the heart to storm off, leaving Cassian in her dust, no matter how much she wanted to.
The camera’s flash went off and Nesta pushed Cassian’s arm off her shoulder.
The rest of the party was perfect. Feyre took Nyx up to the bathroom to clean him off, while Rhysand, Azriel, and Cassian hauled his many gifts out into the living room. Feyre opened them one by one, despite everyone knowing Nyx had no clue what was going on, though he did clap his chubby little hands and giggle at a few particular items. Nesta stood off to the side with Elain, holding a milk-drunk, sleepy Seph in her arms.
Azriel and Elain’s little girl had been a surprise, neither of them planning on Elain getting pregnant so soon after they got married. They both fell into the role of parents so seamlessly though, that Nesta knew another baby would be in their near future. They adored the baby girl, and she was the most perfect baby Nesta had ever seen.
Persephone hardly cried, only doing so when she was hungry or needed to be changed, and once whatever wrong was taken care of, she became a happy, smiley baby again.
Nyx, on the other hand, had been a hellion as a baby.
Which was to be expected, considering who his father was. Although responsible when necessary, Rhysand was just as much of a madman as Cassian...especially when infused with alcohol.
“You look good with a baby,” Elain crooned from beside her sister.
Nesta rolled her eyes. “You can keep trying to push me down the marriage-baby road, but I just won’t take it. Wasting your time.”
Elain sighed, dramatically, with that little grin remaining on her soft pink lips. “As long as you stay such a good auntie, I suppose I can’t complain.”
Nesta looked down at the sweet, sleeping infant in her arms. She didn’t mind those little snuggles.
She did mind the diaper blowouts, constant spit-ups, and loud crying, though. That’s usually when she gave Seph back to her parents and blissfully enjoyed her independent life.
Feyre gasped and Nesta looked up. She was holding a little guitar that had Nyx’s name and the night sky engraved into the dark-stained wood.
Nesta’s eyes snapped to Cassian.
Cassian smiled, fondly, at Feyre. “I know he won’t be able to start messing with it for another few years, but I couldn't help myself.”
“He made that himself, you know.” Nesta’s eyes shot to Elain, who was watching the scene before them. She whispered again, “He doesn’t do it for a living, of course, but it’s a hobby of his, making guitars. He’s really good.”
She blinked, the information catching her off guard for whatever reason. But all she said was, “That’s nice.”
She spent the rest of the afternoon, ignoring the man as much as she could, as she always did. But as the guests began to dwindle, as Nyx and Seph went down for their naps, the three sisters gathered in the living room, while Rhys, Azriel, and Cassian went out back to inspect the small jungle gym Rhys was building for Nyx. Again, he was too young to use most of it, but the tiny swing and slide would be hours of fun for the little man.
Feyre brought two cups of coffee out to her sisters before collapsing next to Elain on the couch. “That could not have gone better if we tried.”
Nesta leveled her a look and raised an eyebrow.. “If we tried? You had a minute-by-minute itinerary for a one-year-old’s birthday.”
“Everything was perfect,” Elain smiled, cutting off Nesta, blowing on her coffee gently. “Nyx had a good time, neither he nor Seph had a blow-up, Cassian and Nesta managed to be in the same room without stabbing each other. All in all, a good day.”
Nesta rolled her eyes before throwing a vulgar gesture towards her sisters, who were both laughing.
“Fine, new subject,” Feyre grinned. “Oh! Before I forget, Rhys and I are going out of town for our anniversary in a few weeks. I was hoping you could watch Nyx for a few days.”
It took Nesta a moment to realize that Feyre was talking to her. She froze, having been blowing on her own hot coffee. “I’m sorry, what?”
Feyre laughed, quietly. “I was hoping that you could watch Nyx while Rhys and I go away for a long weekend. We’re going to the mountains for our anniversary. To his family’s cabin.”
“Oh, that sounds nice,” Elain said, looking at Nesta.
Who blinked, having only unfrozen to set her coffee down on the table between them. “You want me…to watch Nyx…for the weekend? Alone? By myself? Just me and him?”
“That’s what I was hoping for, yeah,” Feyre said, nodding as she sipped from her cup. “You can come here, where all of his stuff is in one place, and make yourself at home.” She shrugged. “I’ll leave money for takeout and the key to the wine cabinet.”
Nesta hesitated. “I’ve only babysat Nyx a couple of times…all for, like, an hour each.”
“It will be fine,” she said, a genuine smile on her face. “It will only be three nights, really. We’ll leave after work on Thursday and be home Sunday evening.”
Nesta stammered and shook her head. “I have to work on Friday, the restaurant-.”
“I’ll keep him during the day on Friday,” Elain offered. “I don’t have any shoots that day, so he can spend the day with me and Seph.”
“You could keep him the whole weekend,” Nesta tried, looking at her younger sister hopefully.
“Seph is enough of a handful,” she chuckled, glancing at Feyre, who was nodding as well. “I don’t think I can handle two at once for an entire weekend.”
“Please, Nes,” Feyre said, drawing her eldest sister’s eyes to her. “I know you can do it and it would be nice for you to spend some time together, just you two.”
“And you can call me, if you need anything,” Elain added.
Nesta looked from Feyre to Elain. “You two already planned this.” They at least had the wherewithal to look guilty. She sighed, closing her eyes and shaking her head. “Fine. But I’ll probably end up calling both of you every thirty seconds.”
“I can work with that,” Feyre said, just as Elain said, “Then it’s settled!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Nesta snorted, shaking her head. “But, I hope you know that I wouldn’t do this for anybody else.”
“Oh, I know,” Feyre grinned, “which is what makes you such a wonderful, wonderful big sister.”
“I am pretty damn wonderful,” Nesta agreed, grinning as she sipped from her mug.
As she drank, she peeked out the window, where the boys were putting together the playset. Once she did, only one thing caught her eye.
Cassian was already watching her.
And when he caught her gaze, that stupid little, cocky-ass grin appeared.
She hated that grin, hated it with every ounce of her being.
And she wouldn’t feel bad for it, no matter how much her sisters adored the guy.
She hated him, hated Cassian Nazari.
And she always would.
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micromushroom · 3 years
☼ BNHA Dorm Headcanons☼
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Synopsis: What I think the dorms of characters would look like 
Genre: Just general headcanons
W.K.: ~1.25k in all
C.W.: none
Characters ft: Bakugou, Tsuyu, & Shinsou
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(~450 words)
This could go in so many different directions
My first thought is that if PlanetFitness™ was condensed it would be this man’s room
But honestly I see him more as a person to workout outside and do more active things whilst being productive
It’s canon that he likes hiking, so I feel like a lot of the equipment in his room would be based off of that
If anything, he probably has a few weights (like dumbbells) that are lying around
Has most definitely kicked one on accident at night walking around his room
I feel like it’s relatively plain but over time becomes more clustered
The Bakusquad will start randomly leaving or putting things in Bakugou’s room
It can be anything from Denki leaving little dollar store trinkets on Bakugou’s desk; to Kiri making random things out of garbage in class and putting it on Bakugou’s shelf
He doesn’t strike me as someone to have a lot of pictures or memorabilia, but there’s little pictures on the wall by his bed with sticky tack photos of his friends throughout the years
He’s an All Might fanboy at heart, but I doubt he has as much physical display of this as Midoriya
I headcanon that there’s posters and like some rare collectibles of action figures and merch
Inko made him a throw blanket as a kid for his birthday of All Might and he still has it at the end of his bed
Despite it being relatively clustered with small things in some places (again, courtesy of the Bakusquad), it’s still pretty clean and spacious
His curtains are usually closed, so the only possibility for plants that he could sustain are either fake or don’t survive for long
Since his parents are both fashion designers, his closet is full of clothing that he’ll probably never wear from name brands all over
His desk serves as a multiple purpose space: homework, charging station, and bookshelf
Bakugou’s bed is always made and—as much as I hate to say it—he probably only sleeps with two pillows—three on occasion
He has a speaker that he uses whenever he’s not doing homework, but it’s probably super loud (headcanoning that he’s partly deaf from his quirk)
His closet alone could be an entirely different post
Overall, Bakugou’s room is kind of dark and a tad bit more grunge themed
Kirishima leaves Bakugou lots of little notes saying things like are either:
“Hey Bakubro, can you help with math please? :D” to
“Remember to hydrate and take a break” with a little thumbs up doodle
Lots of self notes too reminding him of what he has to do and his schedule for the day
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(~340 words)
Tsu canonically has all of the attributes—strengths and weaknesses—that a frog does
For this reason, I think that she has humidifiers and just temperature regulations throughout her room
Lots of plants and art prints, mainly from friends
Little lily pad shaped fairy lights strung across her room
I picture her room as having a lot of plants like ivy and vines, but also a lot of really exotic plants
Lots of pillows and blankets
Like at least five pillows and her bed is most definitely up against the wall
The blankets range from those really thin 50x50” ones to comforters to really fluffy and warm blankets
Hear me out—stuffed animals
I think that her friends go out with her to like, the mall, and end up coming back with a lot of stuffed animals
Throw pillows and rugs are main staples of Tsu’s room
Super comforting place and relaxing, but it can become kind of humid
Frequent naps at Tsu’s dorm bedroom have become so common that she has little bean bag seats that people sleep on
Color palette of greens and pinks
Think of a pastel version of kid core, with the mixed color fabrics
Her closet is also an entirely different post, but I’m picturing bucket hats and pastel overalls with different colors and patch sizes
You know those framed glass cases of bugs? Yes, those but a lot of them
Like they’re hanging up by pictures of her friends
Butterflies, iridescent winged beetles, etc.
Like the wood around them is an orangish color and honestly I might just draw this up later
I cannot stress this enough, but pictures of her friends both in and out of school as well as pictures of her family and herself growing up
Post cards from all over pinned up on her walls and cork boards
Generic, I know, but frog themed little details that are mainly jokes
Music isn’t as loud or used as Bakugou, but when she does play music, it’s most likely a shared playlist that everyone created
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(~490 words)
Straight up, grunge. kid. bedroom.
Gotta put aside my biases for him for the rest of this
Either looks like a vacant room or the pure embodiment of a teenage boy’s room
I’m going with the latter for the rest of this
Clothes and trash are just all over the floor, save for a few spaces
His bed has been made once, maybe twice
But it is the most comfortable shit you would ever sleep in
I speak from experience of my own bed
Posters line the wall so much to the point where there’s very little actual wall space
These range from prints he likes, bands, movies, heroes he admires Aizawa, to joke posters like, “Live, Laugh, Love <3” and, “~Home is where the heart grows fonder~”
The LED lights desperately need a battery change because it’s more of a dim light, but that’s for another time to change
Jackets and hoodies over his chairs
Has a little gaming station beside his desk
I choose to believe his gaming chair and setup itself is the biggest thing that he has splurged on
The side of his monitor and the top of his desk are covered in stickers he’s collected over the years
Tapestry over his bed
Vintage cassette and record albums
As cluttered as everything is, it’s still somewhat spacious because the clutter is grouped together to provide a walkway
Much like myself, his closet is somewhat bare because all of his clothing he wears is from piles of clean and dirty clothing on the floor
Signature purple and black bedding and overall theme
There’s always music, like no matter what, but the difference between Shinsou and Bakugou is that Shinsou’s music is usually quiet
Wide variety of music, but at night it’s his an entirely different playlist of Lofi
He may not sleep at night 9/10, but at least it isn’t as chaotic and exhausting
Collection of bottle caps and tabs by his bed
Water bottles are everywhere, but at least the majority of them are refilled
At this point I’m just naming off how my room is rn
Half of his chargers are broken or living on 1%
Hair ties that are clinging onto life have their own little dish on his desk
Usually the curtains and blinds are closed
On the back of his door there’s a coat rack that’s used exclusively for his bag and also the capture weapon
Weights and overall workout equipment are frequently used but also so easily lost
The Grind Never Stops
I think the only pictures he would have would be of like sneaked pictures of him and Aizawa training
Aizawa’s in the back doing whatever pose and Shinsou’s either hold up a blurry peace sign to the camera or painfully imitating it
They’re a little frayed at the edges most of the time, but it just makes them more sentimental and fit in with the aesthetic
11/10, would recommend vibing in his room
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253 notes · View notes
heyyyharry · 4 years
Deep End - Chapter 2: Birthday Boy
…in which Harry gets the birthday surprise he didn’t ask for.
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Word count: 4.7k
AU: famous!harry, siren!mc, adult modern retelling of the little mermaid? lol, fake dating, enemies to lovers.
All chapters / Synopsis / Moodboard / Playlist
Wattpad link
A/N: Thank you for all the love for Harry and Ezi after chapter 1. Please let me know what you think about each chapter so I can be motivated to write faster 😆
“Humans are so funny. You make up false stories about us and refuse to believe anything that isn’t the same as your imagination,” the siren said.
Harry tossed his head back and laughed. He held out a finger at her. “No, mermaids aren’t supposed to exist. You’re not supposed to exist.”
The siren narrowed her sharp gaze, and Harry quickly moved back a bit in fear of her grabbing his leg and pulling him into the water. To his surprise, she said, “And who are you to decide that? A useless human with a useless tail–”
“Okay, enough with the tail joke.”
“–can’t even survive the drowning deep. You don’t want to believe we exist, so you won’t have to carry the guilt of trashing our homes and murdering our kind.”
Baffled, Harry worked his jaw while silently cursing himself for never taking part in those debate classes back in school. Well, to be fair, he couldn’t have known that one day he would have to debate with a deadly siren in a cave on his goddamn birthday!
He shut his eyes and sucked in a breath. “Look, lady. I’m only one small human, with a bigger than average human tail, FYI.” The siren eyed at his crotch in disbelief, so he quickly crossed his legs. “But that’s beside the point! What I was trying to say was that, if you’re seeking revenge, I can’t satisfy you because I’m not responsible for trashing the ocean or shit like that. I’m a singer, alright? And I don’t even live here. I’m from London. A land far away. If you wanna murder a human, I suggest looking for Elon Musk.”
The siren stared at him like he was the mythical creature. “I’m not familiar with all the names you mentioned,” she said, folding her arms across her chest, which had been a big distraction for him. Good to know that he could still get horny while facing death.
“Don’t you guys have fish Wikipedia?” he asked, and she tilted her head, looking rather confused. Harry pinched the bridge of his nose. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed that you should know all the facts about humans. That sounded like discrimination against sirens.”
For the first time since Harry met this siren, she actually smiled at him. “You have a lot of funny words, you strange creature,” she said, her eyebrows knitted in fascination.
“You know what?” Harry exhaled sharply. “Since you’re my kidnapper, I’m gonna stop arguing with you in case you still wanna kill me. But today is my birthday, so I can’t be kidnapped. I haven’t posted a thank you message on Twitter yet, and I might get cancelled for that. Celebrities get cancelled for literally anything nowadays. It’s annoying.” The siren blinked at him, her pink lips slightly parted. “Right,” he breathed. “You don’t have a Twitter account.”
“You said you were a singer.”
“That’s all you got from my long speech?”
“What is it? Singer.”
Harry bit his dry lip and frustratedly combed his fingers through his damp hair. “I sing. Use my voice to entertain other people.”
“Oh, like sirens.”
“I guess.”
“Except that we use our voice to kill people.”
“Sing for me,” said the siren despite Harry’s horrified look. She seemed excited as she rested her folded arms on a boulder and gazed up at him with a twinkle in her crystal clear blue eyes. “Let’s hear it. I didn’t know humans could sing. Let’s see if it’s good.”
“Fine.” Harry blew out his cheeks and cleared his throat.
He began to sing.
“Walk in your rainbow paradise–”
“What’s a rainbow paradise?” the siren asked, but he didn’t stop singing to answer her.
“–brown skin and lemon over ice.”
“Why are you singing nonsense words?”
Once again, he ignored her, this time, closing his eyes. “I get so lost inside your eyes. Don’t you believe it? You don’t have to say you love me.”
“Love,” the siren repeated the word as if she had never heard of it in her whole life.
Harry opened his eyes and found that she was looking at him as if she could see right through him. He went on, “You don’t have to say you’re mine. Oh honey, I-i-i-i walk through fire for you. Just let me adore you.”
“Why would you walk through fire for someone?” the siren wondered out loud as she stared off into the distance, her strong brows knitted. “That's stupid. Fire is hot. I saw the humans on the boats use it one night. I almost burned my fingers trying to touch it.”
“Yeah, don’t play with fire.”
“Then why would you walk through it?”
The siren pouted, and Harry caught himself smiling at her naivety. “It’s supposed to mean that you’d do anything for the person you love. Even risking your life.”
“That’s stupid,” the siren repeated her earlier remark. For a second, Harry saw a curious little girl and not a dangerous sea creature from earlier.
“Well, it’s just a song,” Harry told her. “I personally wouldn’t do that for anyone, either, but some people do love with all they have, and would sacrifice everything for the one they love.”
An angry frown had replaced the siren’s previous perplexed expression. “Some humans murder the ones they claim to love,” she said in a cold voice. Harry felt a chill running down his spine, but then the siren went on with a softened expression. “Sirens are not supposed to love. Love is a weakness for my kind.”
Harry nodded. “Bet you don’t even have a heart.”
The siren cocked her head; a corner of her mouth raised subtly. “Every living and breathing thing has a heart. Sometimes it’s valuable. Sometimes it's not.”
“Only valuable if it’s the heart that you want,” replied Harry.
For a long moment, the siren looked into his eyes as if she was trying to read his thoughts. Could she do that? Read his thoughts?
Beads of sweat were trickling down his back as his heart began to race; he could hear it in his ears. Suddenly, the siren was pulled beneath the water. Harry stiffened at once. The ocean was still for a moment, then two sparkling tails burst through the surface. Harry’s jaw fell slack with a soundless scream when he saw another siren sinking her fangs into the first one's neck.
The other siren had bright red hair and a silver tail. There were visible scars all across her pale, lanky arms, and he couldn’t see her face. Legs too stiff to run and hide, he stood on the edge and watched in absolute terror. The scene in front of him was madness as the sirens screeched, their tails flapping, creating violent waves as they sank their claws and teeth into each other’s flesh. Harry could see blood. The first siren was not as strong as the one that was attacking her. He must save her. Maybe a part of him knew that she wasn’t entirely evil. Maybe because she was the only hope for him to get home. Either way, he couldn’t just stand by and watch her die.
Before Harry could even think of a way, a bony hand wrapped around his ankle and dragged him into the sea.
Harry’s dreams were thick with blood and haunted by the siren’s face. He’d been in the dark water, drowning, and the last thing he’d seen was her sapphire eyes glowing with the sunlight above as she’d stretched out her arm to grab him before he sank deeper. He woke up gasping, still feeling the saltiness of the ocean on his tongue and the pressure of water on his lungs.
He found himself lying on his bed, fully naked under the covers. Had he been dreaming?
Kneading his temple to chase away the headache, Harry scanned his sore eyes around the room and screamed when he saw her sitting in the corner. Naked. He looked away as soon as he caught her ocean blue eyes staring back.
The siren was in his room. And she had legs!
“You’re alive!” she exclaimed.
He heard her standing up but couldn’t bring himself to look. She sat down on the edge of his bed, smelling like the ocean. Not the fishy kind of smell; one that was unique, and Harry liked it even though he shouldn’t.
“This is a dream. This is a dream. This is a dream,” he mumbled to himself while clutching the duvet to his chest.
The siren, now a human girl, let out a sigh. “It’s not. This is real. I’m real.”
“You’re not.”
“Look at me.”
“I can’t.”
Even though Harry wasn’t looking, he could feel her questioning gaze pinning on him. He grabbed the covers and shoved them at her. “Cover yourself.”
“Oh...okay.” The siren did as she was told as Harry quickly placed a pillow on his private part. He finally looked at her, and she smiled while covering her upper body and the area between her legs with the duvet.
Harry let out a sigh of relief. “Better. Okay, why are you here?”
The siren’s eyes widened. “You don’t remember?”
Harry shook his head.
“We were talking when my sister attacked me, then dragged you into the water. You were lucky I saved you twice and brought you back to where I’d found you. This is the only palace on this beach, so I assumed it was yours.”
Harry sat and stared her face, trying to detect a lie but failed.
The siren rolled her eyes. She seemed disappointed as she swept her long black hair over her shoulder, exposing the huge bite mark on her long pale neck. The skin had healed, and the blood had dried, but the area was still bruised. Harry fought the urge to touch it. There was no way this was really happening.
The siren shot a glance at his ankle. And that was when Harry noticed the red claw mark around it. He shivered at the flashbacks of a siren with red hair and a silver tail charging straight at him with her mouth wide open, her sharp teeth ready to tear off his flesh.
“Sorry about my sister. She could be very...deadly,” the siren in front of him said, looking remorseful.
Harry eyed her up and down once again. Finally, he broke his silence, “What happened to your tail?”
The siren refused to look him in the eye as she said, “My mother found out that I saved you, a human, so she cursed me.”
“Cursed you?”
The siren said nothing; the corners of her mouth lowered as she stared down sadly at her legs.
What kind of The Little Mermaid plot is this? Harry thought to himself, yet didn’t say it because it shouldn’t be a joke. She’d lost her tail, which meant she couldn’t go back to the ocean. Ariel from The Little Mermaid had wished to become a human. This girl had been cursed with the life she never wanted just to save him twice.
Harry buried his face into his palms. “Shit. Fuck. I’m sorry. This is all my fault.”
“It is your fault.”
His head whipped up at her honest response. “You always say what you think, don’t you?”
“Why shouldn’t I?”
Harry sighed and ran his palm over his face. “Never mind. How...how do I get you back to your mermaid form?”
“Sorry, siren. How do I help turn you back?”
“I don’t know,” she said sadly, clutching the duvet to her chest. “But I need a place to stay until I figure it out.”
Harry thought for a moment and nodded. “I’ll pay for your hotel room.”
“What’s a hotel?” the siren asked, her eyes round. “And why can’t I stay here in your palace? It’s big and you live alone.”
“This is a house, not a palace,” Harry said. “But I’m going back to London tomorrow, and I can’t take you with me.”
“Where is London? I want to see London.”
Seeing her so excited made Harry laugh. “No, you don’t; trust me. It’s not sunny there. Always dark and gloomy and raining.”
“It’s not sunny underwater, either.”
Harry held up a finger and kept his mouth open for a moment as he pondered over what she’d said. “Good point. But I’m still not taking you to London. That’s not a good idea.”
The siren’s eyebrows drew together. “It was your fault I’m in this situation.”
Harry gasped. “You’re so manipulative!”
“I don’t know what it means.”
“It means you say things like that to get me to feel sorry for you, and so I have to help you.”
“Oh, then, yeah, I’m manipulative,” the siren said. “Take me to London with you, or I’ll find you in London and make your life hell.”
Harry tossed his head back and groaned. As if he hadn’t been traumatised enough by all the events that had happened today, now he had to take responsibility for the life of a mythical creature. If he had been a bad guy, he would have just let the government have her and keep her in a lab like that Oscar-winning movie about the dead girl and her fish lover. But Harry wasn’t a villain. Sure, he could be an asshole, but he couldn’t betray someone who’d risked her life to save his. Twice.
Maybe if he’d just say yes and then leave quickly in the morning, he wouldn’t have to deal with her. He’d ask someone to take care of her, pay for a place for her to stay and her food. Her mother would have to take her back eventually. He didn’t know about sirens, but even in the animal kingdom, mothers never abandoned their children.
“Fine, I’ll take you to London,” he said. Seeing the smile on her face, he was lowkey thankful that he was so good at lying. “First, you have to put some clothes on. Wait here.”
Carefully, he slipped out of bed, holding a pillow in front of his crotch and one behind him to cover his butt, then padded awkwardly to his closet to change and get her something to wear. When he returned, she was still sitting on his bed, humming a familiar song and kicking her feet as if testing out her new body parts. He found it endearing, but of course, he wouldn’t tell her.
He handed her a bathrobe. “Put this on. I’ll find some real clothes for you later.”
The siren accepted the bathrobe and stared at it as if she’d been told to put it in her mouth and chew. She glanced up at him. “I don’t understand the purpose of this.”
“To cover up your private parts.”
Suddenly, she seemed sad. “I think I’m broken.”
Harry blinked. “What?”
She looked at him again, pouting. “I don’t have a tail.”
“I can see that.”
“No, I mean, a tail like yours.”
When Harry realised what she meant, his face burned, and he cleared his throat into his fist. “You’re not supposed to,” he said awkwardly. “You’re...a female. I bet male sirens don’t look the same as you, right?”
“There’s no male sirens,” she told him.
Harry cocked his head to the side, squinting his eyes. “Huh? Then how do you guys...you know?”
She blinked innocently at him. She didn’t know.
“Mate.” The word made Harry cringe. “How do you mate?”
“Sirens mate with mermen. We only need them for children.”
“Okay, that’s...new…”
Harry would be glad to find out more, but this was definitely not the right time. He waved his hand, urging her to hurry up. Clumsily, the siren got to her feet. Harry didn’t intend to stay here while she changed, but since she could barely keep her balance, she had to hold onto his arms. He stood there, staring at the ceiling as the duvet dropped. She was completely naked in front of him now and so dangerously close. The voice inside his head was telling him not to peek. Fuck. Why did she have to be sexy?
“Do you...um...do you need help?” he asked as she seemed to be struggling with the bathrobe.
“No, thanks. I got it!” she said between ragged breaths, then, “Hey your tail is growing!”
Harry’s eyes dropped to the front of his boxers, his face heating at the sight of his erection. He gently pushed her back onto the bed and rushed to the bathroom.
“Where are you going?” she shouted after him. “I need to see it in its full form!”
“This is its full form!”
“It’s still small.”
“Shut up! It’s not!”
Ezili felt bad for lying to this human.
Well, lying was the whole point of her mission, but he had been so nice to her when he found out she couldn’t return to the ocean. She blamed her new human heart for these emotions. Siren Ezili would never feel sorry for this ugly creature. No, wait, this one wasn’t ugly. The mermen were ugly. As much as she despised humans, she must admit that most of them were beautiful.
When this human wasn’t looking, Ezili would regard him with as much curiosity as he had regarded her in secret. The way his brown curls swept back messily. His defined jawlines. The deep dimples in his cheeks. The look of wonder in his eyes. He looked about her age, but his eyes were innocent, greener than seaweed.
She looked away as he caught her gawking. They were sitting at a small table on the floor. The room was darkly lit by the light in the corner. On the table was a mushy pile with little fire sticks on top.
“What is this?” Ezili asked, inspecting the object.
The human smiled at her, the firelight dancing in his leaf-green eyes as he said, “It’s a cake. We’re celebrating my birthday.”
“You told me not to play with fire.”
“We’re gonna put it out anyway.” He winked at her. “A little fire won’t hurt.” Ezili watched the human take out a little black thing and flick his thumb. Fire flared out, making Ezili flinch. “Relax,” he chuckled and the fire vanished. “This is called a lighter. It makes fire. This is a cake. These are candles.”
“What do we do with the cake?”
“We eat it.”
“You eat fire?”
The human laughed at Ezili’s distressed look. “No, silly. We blow out the candles, then eat the cake.”
“Oh,” she said, making him laugh harder. She found it disrespectful and annoying. Was this creature making fun of her? “What’s so funny?” she asked through gritted teeth.
The human stopped laughing, yet his dimples were still visible. “I can’t believe I’m celebrating my twenty-fourth with a siren,” he said.
“Who do you usually celebrate with?” Ezili asked.
“My friends or family,” the human said. “My friends were supposed to be here but their flight got cancelled due to bad weather.” The sadness in his eyes disappeared as he gave a dismissive wave and laughed. “Oh well, it’s not bad being alone. In fact, I’ve been alone my whole life.”
“That’s sad,” Ezili murmured, mesmerized by the candles.
“It’s not,” replied the human. “Some people live their whole life surrounded by others, and yet, they’re still lonely.”
As he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, smiled, and blew out the candles, Ezili sat there and pondered over his last words.
They didn’t eat the cake right away, because the humans said they ought to eat it after dinner. Apparently, humans ate three main meals a day—breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sirens ate when they were hungry, so this was very new to Ezili. She picked up the small shiny thing that shaped like her mother’s trident and pushed around the foods on her plate. “What is this?”
“Fish,” the human said with a smile.
“You expect me to eat alive fish?”
Ezili scowled at him. “That’s what we eat.”
“You’re human now. Try cooked fish.”
When she didn’t do anything but stare at the plate, the human nudged her hand with his knuckles. “Come on. If you don’t like it, I’ll get you the raw fish in the fridge.”
Ezili doubted that this imbecile creature would poison her with these colourful foods to get away with his responsibility, but at the same time, nothing was impossible.
However, she would probably faint if she didn’t eat. This dinner actually smelled good, and her stomach was rumbling because she hadn’t eaten since yesterday. And so she stabbed the fish’s burned flesh with her little trident, closed her eyes and put it into her mouth. It was soft, salty and a bit spicy, and...surprisingly delicious. She quickly took another bite, and another, and another.
“Wow, you’re really hungry, huh?” The human chuckled. “You like it?”
Ezili nodded fast, unable to answer because her mouth was full.
The human seemed satisfied. “Good. Means I’m a great cook.”
Ezili chewed fast and swallowed as the human began to eat. She tried to copy the way he held the little trident and the knife, and felt like she’d changed. Her mother would hate her so much for enjoying this. And Koa would make sure everyone in their kingdom knew and turn her into a laughing stock.
“Do you have any questions for me?” she said, breaking the silence, mostly to distract herself from thinking about the mission and her family.
The human thought for a second. “Hmmm, I have a bunch so I don’t know where to start.” Then, after a pause, “Why did your mum do this to you? Doesn’t she love you?”
Ezili wished she could stab him for bringing up the topic she’d been trying to avoid. Instead, she sucked in a breath. “She does. It’s just...the way sirens show love is different from humans. We teach our children to be strong from the moment they are born. Sirens live dependent on one another to survive, and so we always have to look out for one another. I guess that’s love for us. My mother is the Sea Queen. She’s very powerful, and so she has high hopes for my sister and I. My sister is better than me, though. I’ve always envied her.”
“Your sister is scary as hell,” the human remarked. “But if your mum is the Queen, you must be a princess.”
“Wow, so does that make me Prince Eric?”
“Your name is Eric?”
“No,” the human chuckled. “It’s a reference from The Little Mermaid. You should watch that film. You’d probably hate it though. Anyway, it’s so weird that we don’t know each other’s name. I’m Harry.” The human, well, Harry, put his hand across the table. Ezili didn’t know what to do with it so she just stared.
“I’m Ezili.”
Harry smiled, picked up her right hand and shook it. His hand was bigger than her and warm. She liked it.
“Cool name. Can I call you Ezi?”
Ezili instantly pulled her hand back. “No, you filthy creature. That’s not my name!”
“Ezi is short for Ezili.”
Harry ignored the look of confusion she was giving him. “Or I could call you Bubbles. That’s a cute nickname.”
“Why Bubbles?”
“Because…” He tossed his head back and groaned. “Damn, woman, you gotta read the story, too. I can’t make these jokes if you don’t get the references.”
Ezili had so many questions. Just as she was about to ask, the black thing on the table lit up and started playing a song that startled Ezili.
“Sorry. My mum’s calling,” Harry said as he picked up the thing and swiped his fingers across it. “Right on time.”
“Is your mother trapped in that thing?” Ezili asked, clutching the hem of the shirt Harry had told her to wear. It was too big on her but she loved that it was comfortable and kept her warm.
“No, this is a phone,” Harry said, shaking the magical device with light coming out of it. “So my mum’s in London, and when she calls me on the phone, her voice gets transferred through it, and I can hear what she says.” He pushed himself up and told Ezili, “I’ll be right back.”
Once Harry was gone, Ezili sat there and tried her best to process all the new information. It was only her first night on land and she was already going through it. This mission was harder than she thought. Still, she had no choice but to continue. She must have that heart, and her mother would be so proud.
When Harry woke up this time, he was on his private jet.
He screamed, causing Ezi to fall back into her seat in front of him. He whipped his head around and saw that they were the only two people in this cabin. Before he could even come up with a question, Ezi got up, her hand resting on either side of his seat as she leaned forward, until her face was so close to his that he could smell the vanilla scent of the cake in her breath.
Her eyes sharpened at once. “I know you were trying to get rid of me.”
“No...I didn’t.”
“You did, Harry. You were going to leave me at your beach house. I heard you talking on the phone last night with someone else after talking to your mum. You mentioned a hotel room.”
Harry had booked a room for her on the phone last night. He should have done it on the website.
“But guess what?” A corner of her mouth lifted. “I might not have the ability to control tides anymore, but I still have my voice. And so I can control humans with it. I sang you to sleep last night. Then when your servants came to take you to this metal bird, I made him carry you to the magic black carriage and I came here with you. You think you’re one step ahead, you’re wrong. Try that again. I dare you.”
Harry swallowed hard. He could feel his palms sweating as he rubbed them against his thighs. “Okay, I’m sorry for that,” he said.  “But you can’t control people like that. If someone found out what you’re capable of...what you are...you’d be in big trouble.”
Ezi arched an eyebrow as she slowly backed away and stood straight with her arms across her chest. Thank God, Harry’s mother called just in time. He immediately got up and excused himself to answer the phone. He left a pouty Ezili in the cabin and went to the exit to talk to his mother.
“My precious boy, are you on the plane right now?”
“Yes, Mum,” Harry sighed.
“Good. I just need the name of your date for the seat arrangement.”
Harry stiffened for a second then quickly glanced over his shoulder to check if Ezi was eavesdropping. Fortunately, she was distracted by a magazine.
“Like now?” he asked his mum.
“Yes. Last night you told me you found one.”
Yes, Harry remembered that part, but he’d only said that so his mum would stop pestering him.
He took a deep breath. “Yeah, I did.”
“Her name?”
He hesitated before saying, “Ezili Hans.”
Hans as in Hans Christian Andersen. The writer of The Little Mermaid. If he had the energy to be happy, he’d give himself a pat on the back for the creativity.
“Great,” his mother said, sounding as if he’d just told her he was getting married. “I’m so excited to meet this girl.”
“No, you’re not.”
“Yes, dear?”
“I-I said ‘Well, of course’,” Harry said and covered it up with a nervous laugh.
When he got off the phone with his mum, he felt a light tap on the shoulder and turned around to see Ezi. Shit, had she listened to–
“I promise I won’t use my singing voice to control you again,” she said, to his surprise. "Please. I cannot survive on my own." She twisted the hem of his band-tee uneasily. Even though she looked super cute in his t-shirt and joggers, she was still too underdressed for someone that was travelling on a private jet.
“Fine. You can stay,” he heard himself say while trying to imagine her with actual clothes that fit her.
Ezi’s blue eyes lit up, and the smile that rarely showed up on her face caught Harry off guard. He almost forgot what was happening.
“Yeah.” He nodded. “But we need to set up some rules.”
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kunikuzxshi · 3 years
Can I please request for LoV content though this time the reader isn’t anyone’s s/o per say, just like everyone’s mama in a sense, always being the one who care for them and give them love, big spooning, cuddle, help them with various stuff. And because they are ‘LoV mama’ they are quiet dominant and everyone listens to them and respect them. Can I get headcannons for LoV interactions with her? And if possible for another post a sequel of how they will react when they found out that she has a lover who basically babies her and she likes it too. How will they react? Will they treat her differently? Jealous? Thank you so much!!!!! 💕💕💕💕
Awwwww 🥺 just let me know if you want me to tag you whenever I do the other post ❤️ it got really laggy before I could add more so… :’)
Just some small stuff, I’ll do like one shots and the other thing in another post or two if you want me to tag you or somethin lol
Part 2
Lemme tell you right now, he is absolutely relieved because now he’s got someone else to “babysit” the league
He finally feels comfortable enough to have a day just to himself
^ He’s just happy he doesn’t have to constantly worry about Dabi burning down their base, or Shigaraki turning Toga to dust
He’s kind of like a kid in a way
^ Like he’s looking for praise in a way, but not really
Encourage him when he’s doing a good job
Let him vent when a certain brat pisses him off
And PLEASE help him discipline said brat
^ He will literally beg you, just do it please
He definitely appreciates you the most out of everyone
He likes getting a pat on the back when he’s doing a good job, or even just having a drink with you when “handjob” is finally asleep I had to I’m sorry I love that nickname so much
You’ve got either really insulting nicknames or really sweet ones for everyone in the league, but you guys only use them when it’s just you two
You guys randomly get Magne pride stuff, like the transgender flag or those pins you find everywhere during pride month
^ Sometimes Toga too
^ And you if you’re part of it, but he goes without you if it’s for you, because then it wouldn’t be a surprise
He likes head pats but that’s all he’s comfortable with
Ok, he’s definitely a bitch to you too
^ at first at least
In general, he didn’t really like people and his tolerance for everyone was pretty low for a long time
The only people he interacted with were the same few people, and they basically spoiled and groomed him, so it takes him the longest to warm up to you
He doesn’t like being told no, so expect him to act like a toddler when you tell him he can’t do something
He does kind of like having another decent parental figure even though in his head afo’s a good dad
He might invite you to go with him to GameStop or something like that
^ Or maybe just to grab a quick snack from a ramen shop or something along the lines of that
He’s somewhere between a moody teenager and a four year old, just remember that
Please don’t get mad at him, he feels bad after an hour or two
^ Kurogiri has to make him apologize for whatever he did though because he’s too stubborn to do it himself
He lets you pick out one of his good controllers and headsets so you can play with him in your own room, or with him, he doesn’t mind
Once he’s fully comfortable with you, he’s clingy as hell
Always asks for hugs or head scratches, most likely both
He tries his best not to snap at you like he does with everyone else, and he probably has the most patience with you
He doesn’t really cuddle with you since it’d be a little weird if you guys aren’t dating, but he does hug you from behind every once in a while
Likes to be close to you in general
He likes when you take care of his scars and wounds for him, or when you get him to stop scratching his neck
^ Cause it shows you care, and he doesn’t really think anyone really does except for Kurogiri and AFO
Probably the touchiest one
Expect to be giving him some form of attention every second, whether it’s talking to him or just holding his wrist
Probably the one that enforces your rules honestly (if you have any)
Basically he’s a simp, but like the platonic kind of simp
Dabi’s a bit like Shigaraki
It does take him a bit to open up, but only about half the amount of time it takes Shigaraki to
He does feel bad when you get mad, and it takes him about the same amount of time to feel guilty
He definitely invites you to go places with him, but it’s usually a bar or a good spot to commit arson
He’s basically a moody teenager, that’s it, so he’s at least manageable
Sometimes he goes with you to get snacks or drinks (soft drinks basically), but if he does, expect to be the one paying
Might give you a cigarette every once in a while if you smoke, and he always offers to light it for you
He definitely likes to vent to you about his day, or how Shigaraki’s been bugging him more than usual
^ It’s mainly because you’re the only one that listens though mainly
^ He still appreciates it though, don’t get it wrong
One of his favorite pastimes is to walk around the city at night with you and maybe Kurogiri
He’s not very touchy in general, so don’t expect anything more than a pat on the back
Sometimes though, if you want a hug or something he’ll let you get one from him
He’s still not touchy at all, so don’t ask for very much
^ Lemme put it this way, expect more from pretty much everyone else except him
He always runs to you about Dabi picking on him for his quirk when Kurogiri’s not around
Sometimes he asks you to play a game with him, but not very often
^ Even Shigaraki probably asks more than Spinner does
He’s pretty quiet with you most of the time, and he won’t usually talk to you unless you start a conversation
^ Basically he only talks to you when he needs to
He’s not exactly the kind of guy that’ll go out for food with you since his quirk makes him pretty easy to spot, but he does offer to help cook every once in a while
He likes to show you his collection of knockoff stain clothing
He has made efforts to try to get to know you more, but he’s a little shy
Get him Stain merch and you’ll automatically be his favorite out of everyone in the league
^ Shigaraki might kill you though, just a heads up
Don’t touch him unless you’re treating his wounds, he’s worse than Dabi is
She loves going out with you and Toga
^ Could be for food, or maybe clothes shopping, hell, even just a walk
^ She just likes spending time with you, but yes, it is preferred if Toga and Twice could come along
She’s gotta be the sweetest person out of the whole league
She’s probably called you her sibling a few times just so you know her opinion on you
You’ve got at least a few matching shirts and jackets with her and Toga
She probably offers to help you around the base more than anyone (except kurogiri)
You’re definitely in the top 3 favorites
She likes to do skincare routines with Toga, Twice, and you
Definitely paints her nails and asks you how it looks first
She’s totally onboard with you sitting in her lap, but it’s just for hugs, don’t get it mixed up
She’s probably one of the touchiest people out of the league
^ Not nearly as much as Shig, but she’s probably third
You’re a sibling too, 100%
She asks you to sharpen and clean her knives daily, but she always repays the favor by helping you cook or by cleaning 2-3 rooms
She’s given you one of her favorite knives to keep for your birthday, or just any special event of yours
She always asks you to put her hair up for her, and if your hair is long enough, she asks if she can do your hair
She’s really picky about anything she gets you, and she always pays attention to the smallest details in everything she gives you
She’s given you quite a lot of jewelry she stole from corpses, whether you wear it or not
^ You can sell it too, and she’s fine with it, just tell her thank you first though
She always wants to watch you cook and she’s even tried to make your favorite food once or twice with Kurogiri and Magne
She asks you to paint her nails for her, even if you’re not good at it, since one hand always turns out better than the other
Face masks and cleansers are a must, she prefers if you do more skincare stuff with her, but that’s the bare minimum
Definitely has a picture of you, Magne, her, and Twice as the wallpaper on her phone
She’s somewhat touchy, she’s all for hugs and maybe hand holding every once in a while
^ That’s it though
He likes to smoke with you (if you do)
^ If you don’t, he still likes to talk to you when he does
He’s really interested in your hobbies and what you like to do
He’s comfortable with taking off his mask fully when it’s just you two and no one else
He thinks your laugh is cute in the same way a puppy’s cute
He likes being cared for by you, and you’re always going to be in his top 3
His all-time favorite thing about you is just the simple fact that you accept him for who he is, flaws and all
He comes to you for head pats at least four times a day, and he likes holding your hand because it makes him feel safe and secure
He loves how gentle you are with him, and how you try your best to understand him
^ He does feel extremely bad when he involuntarily insults you
^ Tell him you know he didn’t mean it and that you still like him please
He loves cuddles, but only when he’s tired
^ It’s usually just him laying his head on your shoulder though
Again, having you around in general makes him feel safe
So after a long day of fighting heroes, he just wants to sit with you until he falls asleep
He basically the only other person besides Kurogiri that doesn’t have the mindset of a 15 year old or younger
It’s nice that he’s got someone other than Kurogiri to talk to now
He offers to help with chores the most
Likes to entertain you with magic tricks, and he always shows you his newest tricks first
^ Please tell him he did a good job and that it was convincing
He knows a good deal about you, like your favorite food and your favorite spot in the city
Sometimes he goes on walks with you when the tension after a mission dies down
He takes you out for food once or twice a week, and for a snack run every other week
^ He always gets a lot of stuff though, so it’s ok
He’s always the first to notice anything about you, like a new haircut or a new shirt
^ He’s always the first to compliment you on it too
On a scale of 1-10, he’s probably a 3 as far as being touchy goes
He appreciates praise and maybe pats on the back, but he doesn’t really care much about themselves
He doesn’t really actively seek your attention like Shigaraki does, but he doesn’t complain when he gets it
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Better Man. ( Taehyung x Oc)
Rated 18 +
Post Divorce, Getting Back Together, Second chances, Angst. 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2  ~ Its okay to want something to end and also be sad that its ending. 
With infidelity, its never black and white. 
There’s different kinds of infidelity and you can’t ever say which is worse. That depends entirely on the people involved and the values they hold dear. What may be a small indiscretion to someone, may well be an unforgivable act of betrayal to someone else.
 And that’s fine. People aren’t one dimensional. We can’t all have the same perspective. 
So infidelity is also never one dimensional. 
Sometimes its a one night stand. Something done and forgotten. Discarded from the mind like the used condom in the motel room floor. 
Sometimes its a dear friend who betrays you, your best friend who apparently always had a thing for your husband and felt perfectly fine making a move on him. That one stings . Because you lose two people. Two very important people at the same time. 
Sometimes its a coworker, someone who stays by their side majority of the day. Who offers a sympathetic ear when your husband wants to relax.
Sometimes men just fall out of love and are too much of a coward to say it out loud, opting to cheat on you instead. 
Sometimes, they are jealous, of your career, of your kid, or your friends. Too lazy to win your affection they go find satisfaction in some one else’s bed. 
Sometimes it never even gets physical. Sometimes its just someone catfishing your husband or sending him nudes.
And sometimes, its an emotional connection. They actually fall deeply in love with someone else and I think, for most women, that would be the one that would sting the most. 
With Taehyung, it had been a night of drinking. He had had one drink too many, had tumbled into bed with some trainee a decade younger and had broken our marriage vows. 
Not really a very thought out or planned mistake. He hadn’t cheated with the intent to cheat. He had just been too drunk to know better. 
So, why did I leave him?
Because it hadn’t been about the cheating. 
It had been the drinking. 
When we first met, Taehyung couldn’t hold his liquor. Not that it mattered because he didn’t like it all that much. Didn’t mind sipping juice when other’s nursed beers. 
But as he grew older, as he grew more successful, he had started accepting drinks from producers and directors and fellow actors... Because, it was rude not to and Kim Taehyung was nothing if not the personification of politeness. 
 His tolerance hadn’t increased but his drinking had and that was a bad combo. 
:”You need to stop doing this Tae. You can’t just come home black out drunk, every time you have an after party.... You’re going to hurt yourself or god forbid someone else... some day and I’m not going to sit here and wait for you to wreck your entire life over a stupid drink....” 
It was a speech I had made way too many times. The words recycled and reframed, and rearranged to try and give them more  weight , to help him realize how  serious  the issue was. To help him understand that what he was risking, it wasn’t just his reputation. It was his entire career, his  life  if he somehow got behind a wheel someday. 
And Taehyung, who had won a bunch of Daesangs for his acting always convinced me that he understood what I was trying to say. That he understood the magnitude of my words and would heed them the next time. 
So really, what people didn’t understand was that....
That evening, when he stood in front of me and said that he slept with another woman because he got drunk out of his mind, it wasn’t the sleeping with the girl that had bothered me. ( at least not that much. it hurt of course but it wasn’t that strong. it stemmed more from a place of “why didn’t you just ask someone to drive you home, you idiot.”.. rather than, “ how dare you sleep with another woman?”  ) 
It was the got drunk out of my mind thing. 
That was what I ended my marriage over. 
That was it. 
The details were hashed out easily and I didn’t particularly protest or change anything. Taehyung suggested an equal division of assets and I quickly disagreed. I wasn’t exactly poor. I worked as the Head of Marketing in a successful conglomerate. I had no use for excessive amounts of money. After some debate we agreed on setting up a trust fund for Hoshi with the money. He could use it after he turned twenty five. 
And then came the next part. 
Compensation for physical / Mental Damage. 
I felt like i was spiraling. 
“None On my side. None.” Taehyung said quickly and I swallowed. 
Ms Lee gave me an encouraging smile. 
“You can be honest Mrs Kim. We’re trying to go for a clean break between the two of you without any resentment carrying over. So its best to be honest. If you feel you need recompense for any emotional distress or abuse Mr. Kim may have put you through, you’re free to tell me. I’ll make sure it goes into record.” 
And this was why I hated the idea of getting divorce. 
That entire dialogue had sounded so...so... terrible. So accusatory and ugly. It wasn’t at all the way I felt about my husband. 
It was just hurt. Plain and simple hurt because he didn’t take me seriously. Because he didn’t think my words were worth listening to. It was hurt laced with fear because he was putting himself in danger with his reckless actions and I wanted him to stop. That’s all it was. 
It was hurt. 
Taehyung had hurt me but it wasn’t emotional distress. It sure as hell hadn’t been abuse.
“None for me either.” I said firmly, honest . 
I glanced at my husband, trying to tell him that I wasn’t just saying it. That it was true. I really didn’t want him to pay me money for what had happened. 
But, Taehyung wouldn’t meet my eyes.  
Taehyung signed over full custody of Hoshi with a smile. 
“I trust you. “ He said quietly, penning his initials carefully on the document. 
I nodded, feeling a little like drowning.
 We had a very comfortable way of doing things as far as our son was concerned. Taehyung got Hoshi anytime he had time off and also on weekends. 
With a very shifting schedule it was hard for Taehyung to pin down exact dates so we had long decided we would make things easier for each other. He would call me a day or so in advance and i would drop him off at Taehyung’s penthouse or the company. Special days like birthdays were always celebrated in a neutral place with both parties attending. 
Hoshi loved it because it was a pleasant surprise for him, when his dad swooped in out of nowhere and took him off to amusement parks or arcades or swimming. He loved Taehyung . 
So the visitation rights were easy to sketch out. 
It was nothing new but to have it all put down on paper and initialed and notarized....it just felt invasive. Some judge somewhere would read all about how my marriage had crumbled to ashes and would pass judgment on me and that just felt odd. 
 Like airing your dirty laundry. Like letting strangers into your bedroom. 
And the worst part was this :   I felt myself getting upset , anytime Ms. Lee gave the slightest negative connotation to Taehyung’s actions or responsibilities. Anytime she tried to imply that he couldn’t be neglectful as  a father, I wanted to jump right up and defend him. To tell her that he was a better father than the ones who lived 24/7 with their kids and didn’t know a damn thing about them. 
That even as my husband,  he had been so good to me. Had treated me like his best friend, his confidante, his lover. Had never shied away from showing me how much he loved me. Had been the best husband in the whole entire world. 
And I hated myself for it. 
What was wrong with me? 
Why was  I still so fiercely protective of him, I wondered. I hated the idea of him being criticized by anyone for any of it.
 And it made feel like such a hypocrite because if he was so amazing, why on earth were we here??
Why on earth were we getting a divorce if Kim Taehyung was husband and father of the fucking Year?!! 
Was I making a mistake? Had I made a mistake? 
It confused me. These feelings that just refused to go away. I would never act on them because therein lay the path to misery but why were they still there? 
 This desperate clawing urge to make sure he came out of this whole debacle as a good guy. To make sure no one would brand him as a cheater . Because they would. When the divorce went public, they would dig things up and they would know. 
 I didn’t know how I’d gotten to this point where , I could somehow forget everything that was wrong, simply because I wanted to focus on what felt wrong....
Technically I should be happy. 
Taehyung did something unpardonable ( for me, at the time. Now I wasn’t so sure. Now I felt like I could forgive him for it but he hadn’t asked for forgiveness. What he’d asked for was a divorce.  ) and I left him. We were separated . And now finally we were getting a divorce. 
Divorce meant we could finally get out of this no man’s land of uncertainty where we had hung for two whole years and move on, from each other and finally give a label to where we stood. Exes. We were exes. We were done. It was over. 
Hadn’t I just yelled about him about how I liked labels? 
And yet, 
This entire divorce  felt so wrong. So unnecessary.
And in a moment of clarity, as I watched Ms Lee read he whole thing over again for our benefit, I realized why it felt wrong. 
It felt wrong because Taehyung was the one who wanted it. 
Why did Taehyung want it? What had made him want to end it, officially?
Was he seeing someone else? Was he considering seeing someone else? Did he want to start enjoying the single lifestyle again? 
Did he finally take a good long look at our marriage and found nothing worth salvaging anymore? 
My head ached. 
 I couldn’t wait for the whole thing to be over. And yet my heart broke at the thought of it. 
Ms Lee finally gathered up all the documents and gave us a wide smile.
“I wish every client I had was this reasonable. You two are a delight .” she shook her head. “ Should we get a drink to celebrate a day well spent?” 
I opened my mouth to accept when Taehyung said, “  Sure, but it would have to be a juice for me. I don’t drink.” 
I felt my heart take a swoop, nosediving to my knees. 
I stared at him, stunned speechless. 
“Haven’t had a drink in two years Mia. I’m done with that shit.” He said softly.
I swallowed. 
“I didn’t know that.” I felt miserable all of a sudden, the weight of what we had just done pressing down on my heart like a 200 pound stone, 
His gaze held mine.
“There’s a lot you don’t know.” 
We stood staring at each other in silence and Ms. Lee cleared her throat. 
“Uh... I just got a text from my next client. Maybe raincheck on the drinks? “
I nodded , watching her leave. Thank you i wanted to say, but for what?
 For ending my marriage of eight fucking years? 
And how ridiculous that very thought was. ..... She hadn’t ended our marriage,   I had. 
“I have the next two days off.” He said casually. 
“You can pick Hoshi up from my mom’s place. I need to head back to the office.” I muttered, choking a little on tears that had sprung out of nowhere. . 
“Hey.” his fingers closed over my wrists tugging me gently and I let myself get pulled into his arms. I hugged him, feeling my tears soak through the fabric of his shirt. 
“I’m sorry it has to be this way.” I choked out. 
He stroked the back of my head gently.
“Me too. “ He pressed a kiss to my hair and it only made me feel worse.  
Author’s Note : Tae is 35, OC is 32 
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ducktracy · 3 years
Someone said Porky and Daffy’s relationship is *built around* Daffy just being a jerk to Porky while Porky just takes it and I think I will never forgive TLTS again.
let me preface this by saying i don't hate TLTS and don't exactly like pinning the blame entirely down on it, i enjoy the show for what it is, it makes me laugh, it has a very talented crew who i respect. i'm also glad it's got people talking about these characters again, and i won't blame people for their ignorance because i'm sure as hell ignorant to a lot of things myself. if that’s all people know of these characters so far, i can’t entirely blame them. with that said...
GEEZ does that make me sad. as both friends or enemies, Porky and Daffy have a pretty invaluable dynamic. they’re the perfect comedy duo and their dynamic is most certainly NOT built around that… if anything, you could stretch it to be the opposite—how many times has Porky raised a gun to Daffy’s head now? or an axe? the very first Daffy short is all about Porky trying (and failing) to kill him!
i enjoy TLTS when i’m in the mood for it and i’ve recommended it to friends. however, and i know i sound like an old geyser, i don’t think the sitcom format works for these characters. the show is funny and it does things well, and i realize i’m biased with my own love of the originals, but putting these characters in a sitcom format is incredibly hindering.
the great thing about the originals is that you can put the characters in whatever situations you please. their personalities and dynamics carry the shorts. one cartoon Porky’s a pilgrim, next he’s a hunter, next he’s in outer space, next he’s a cop, next he’s throwing a birthday party. Daffy lives in a pond one short, a house another, a junkyard another. while you can still have various misadventures in TLTS, it feels like typecasting. Daffy is one of the most varied characters in animation history, and i really don’t like that he’s been reduced to “Peter Griffin the duck”, and for every episode too. 
honestly, this is a problem with almost all post-theatrical adaptations--these characters vary from short to short, and there’s been a trend of trying to pin down ONE personality as THEIR personality. things get stale pretty quickly as a result, there needs to be some variety. make Daffy a jerk. make him a screwball. make him an in-between. just bring that CHANGE!! have fun! experiment! making Daffy a jerk who solely beats up on Porky as their personalities quickly eradicates any room for experimentation and evolution. this applies to LTC in the opposite sense, too (though i do like how The Case of Porky’s Pants has a slightly tamer Daffy. i hope we see more shorts with him like that).
ANYWAY. i wish people would go and seek out the originals more. i gave 0 shits about LT before i got into it, and i totally know how hard it is to be like “this is old” or “this is boring” or “this doesn’t appeal to me so i won’t watch it” but... don’t knock it ‘til you try it! you don’t have to like it, but i really just wish people would see how GREAT these characters can be. see all of the different combinations they can be twisted into. i try to watch something new every single day that i haven’t seen before, whether i like it or not. it’s just good to expand your palette that way... and especially with THESE characters, there’s a lot waiting in store.
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not to mention, Porky and Daffy are the only characters who are actually FRIENDS in the original shorts, and even then half the time they’re trying to kill each other! if their dynamic purely was based on Daffy picking on Porky, i doubt their smiling faces would be plastered on a number of publicity sheets/the opening of dozens of LT shorts (including many that don’t involve them at all!)
they’re definitely an anomaly and their dynamic is certainly unique, but that’s what makes them great. the whole “Daffy hates Bugs so he must hate Porky too and everyone else” mindset is just uninformed.
and again, if anything, Porky’s usually the bully—it seems that 9 times out of 10, Daffy only retaliates out of self defense. the only short i can think of where Daffy is truly a prick to Porky totally unprovoked would probably be The Ducksters, though i could be missing some. his heckling is relatively innocent, or at least lighthearted—if Porky tried to split me in half with an axe for trying to stay out of the cold, i’d probably set off some rockets and send him flying down an empty elevator chute too.
I DIGRESS, i’m all talk, and i know too much about these characters and LIKE them too much. i can’t blame anyone for thinking that when TLTS is all they know, and i don’t want to entirely pin the blame down on TLTS either, but yeah, it sucks. watch the originals and see these characters in their “””original environments”””.
wanna see Porky and Daffy work together? watch Porky Pig’s Feat, Porky & Daffy, Tick Tock Tuckered, Porky’s Last Stand, most of the Chuck Jones P+D shorts in the ‘50s. wanna see ‘em at each other’s throats? My Favorite Duck, Duck Soup to Nuts, Daffy Doodles, Tom Turk and Daffy, Boobs in the Woods, Riff Raffy Daffy. a mix of both? Yankee Doodle Daffy, Baby Bottleneck, You Ought to Be in Pictures, etc etc etc, i’m just naming off the top of my head. there are so many more out there.
POINT IS, their dynamic varies, and all versions are worth watching. i’m a strong believer that some of the best Porky and Daffy cartoons are the ones where they’re paired together. they play off of each other incredibly well. do your animation history homework and watch some of the originals, i promise they’re not as old and as boring and as unfunny as you think they are.
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here4theheartbreak · 3 years
Lazy Dog Mornings
AO3 Link Here!
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Relationships: Hoseok x Jimin x Jungkook x Taehyung Genre: smut, PWP Rating: Explicit Word Count: ~3.1k
Tags: smut, PWP, puppy play, dirty talk, rough sex, knotting cock rings, discussion of breeding, D/s relationship, oral sex, anal sex, barebacking, bottom Park Jimin, puppy Park Jimin, switch Jeon Jungkook, puppy Jeon Jungkook, top Taehyung, top Hoseok, 
Summary: Taehyung brings Jimin to spend a lazy Saturday with Hoseok and Jungkook for a puppy play date.
A/N: The first of 2021′s Kinktober fics! Due to time constraints with real life, I will not be doing all 31 days for Kinktober. There are 18 fics listed at the moment for this month’s official Kinktober, scattered from today to the 31st. Between these fics I will be publishing the rest of Moonlight as I am able, so I recommend turning on notifications or AO3 notifications if you’re interested, since my normal Monday’s only posting schedule will be gone at least for the remainder of this month. Hope you enjoy! 
“Long time no see,” Hoseok rose, hugging Taehyung. 
“Right, it’s been weeks. How’ve you two been?” Taehyung asked. Jimin slipped in behind him, smiling sheepishly at Hoseok. 
“We’ve been good,” Hoseok said. He reached out, tugging Jimin’s collar. “You’re okay, you can go play. Jungkookie is in the living room. Make sure he puts his collar on if he’s gonna play with you.”
Jimin grinned broadly and rushed into the living room, forgetting to drop onto his hands and knees. Taehyung chuckled. “He’s been asking to come see Jungkook for ages.”
“He lost his phone,” Hoseok said, rolling his eyes. He laughed as he did. “We’re getting him a new one, but that’s why he’s not talked to Jimin.”
“How’s he been adjusting to the more permanent lifestyle?” Taehyung asked as they walked into the living room. 
“Not too bad. We still keep it pretty casual, especially because he does still wanna have a regular job, all that. But on weekends like this, well – aside from a video game I know a pup would never be able to play…” He tousled Jungkook’s hair as he passed. Jungkook smiled up at him sheepishly, holding his game controller a little closer to his chest. “He’s enjoying it.”
“Oh!” Taehyung patted Jimin. “Get comfy, pet – you’re safe here.”
“Can I?” Jimin asked. Taehyung nodded. 
“Me too?” Jungkook chirped. 
“Of course.” Hoseok handed him his collar. “You want a drink, Taehyung?”
“Something light,” Taehyung said. He followed Hoseok to the kitchen. “You know, I got Jimin the neatest new toy.”
“I think Jungkook might really enjoy it.”
Hoseok nodded as he dug in the fridge. He passed Taehyung a bottle of yellow alcohol. “It’s sweet,” he assured him. He reached up and grabbed a bowl, as well as a stainless-steel dog bowl, and two more bottles of the alcohol. 
The two had met at a munch nearly seven years ago. Taehyung was fresh to the scene, while Hoseok had been playing a few more years. They became fast friends, sharing tips and learning new things together. It wasn’t until five years ago that they stumbled across Jimin and Jungkook, two young men in a very similar situation, at a much, and rather new to the scene. The four formed a friendship that shifted very easily and organically into something much deeper; Jimin finding Taehyung’s close age a comfort and seeking him as a more permanent partner, and Jungkook preferring the firm hand of an elder to take care of his needs. The rest, as they say, was history. Even now, years later, they rarely played outside of their loose quad, and puppy play had become the shining key in their relationship, Jimin and Jungkook taking to it instantly.
When they returned to the living room, Jungkook and Jimin had gotten themselves far more comfortable. Their clothing was in a pile nearby and they were lounging on Jungkook’s blanket on the floor, each wearing their collars and preferred tails. Jungkook’s was a sleek, whiplike black one, as well as a pair of soft, folded velveteen ears, and Jimin’s was a curly-q one, fluffy and big, dyed in a variety of bright colors. His ears were bright yellow and white, one that stood straight up, the other flopped down, with the same fluffy fur as his tail. They were both watching the television intently, some sports program Jungkook must have found. 
Hoseok crouched, pouring one bottle into each bowl. He snapped, getting their attention. “For you guys.”
Jungkook grinned and made a small noise of appreciation, rolling over and crawling to the bowl. 
Jimin yapped, pouting at Jungkook, who’s movement had disturbing his head rest. He stayed on his back for a moment before rolling to trot to his bowl as well. Hoseok smiled softly, watching the two for a minute before leaning back on the couch, sipping his drink. Taehyung moved closer to him, brushing a hand lightly over his thigh. 
“We really need to make time to hang out more often,” Taehyung commented. 
“Hm… We do.” Hoseok leaned over, his lips grazing Taehyung’s jaw. “Oh, you smell amazing.”
“A new cologne, Jiminie got it for my birthday.”
“It’s splendid. Tell me,” Hoseok set his bottle down and slid his hand up Taehyung’s thigh, squeezing firmly. “How’s work been going?”
Taehyung sighed, leaning into Hoseok. “Same old, same old,” he mumbled breathily. “My boss is sort of a jerk but I’m making due… I’m up for a promotion next month.”
“Congrats. You’ll finally be out from under his thumb if you get it.”
“Mm, that’s the hope; I’ll be his equal. I’ll have some more flexible time too, which will be nice.”
“Come visit us more often,” Hoseok suggested, beginning to press gentle kisses along Taehyung’s jaw. 
“I’d like to. Playdates for the pups at least.”
“Oh, of course… That’s the only reason,” Hoseok teased. He shifted, meeting Taehyung’s mouth in a gentle kiss. It deepened easily, their hands sliding over one another’s bodies. Taehyung shifted his hand under Hoseok’s shirt, pinching his nipple hard enough to make Hoseok hiss. 
“Tease,” he growled, nipping Taehyung’s bottom lip.
“No… Foreplay,” Taehyung promised. He moved over, nudging Hoseok’s shirt out of the way to suck a bruise onto the firm muscle of his collarbone. Hoseok moaned softly, his eyes fluttering shut. He reached out, palming Taehyung’s cock gently through his jeans, savoring the feel of it stiffening even through the thick fabric. 
His eyes fluttered open and glanced down at their pups on the floor, chuckling. 
“I think someone’s in a humpy mood,” he teased, nudging Taehyung.
Taehyung pulled away from his neck looked over to see. Jimin had mounted Jungkook and was lazily thrusting into his mouth.
“Jimin!” Taehyung hissed. 
Jimin jumped down, doing his best to look guilty and remorseful with his cock hard and wet between his thighs. Jungkook, on the other hand, pouted. He trotted up to Hoseok and rested his chin on his knees, whining softly.  
Hoseok smiled, stroking his hair. 
“Aw, I’m okay with having a breeding session if you are, Taehyungie,” Hoseok said. 
Jungkook wiggled his butt, looking expectantly at Taehyung. 
Taehyung chuckled, reaching out and tugging Jungkook’s ear playfully. “You’re really too cute for your own good. Fine. But you mount him. Minie is in trouble for coming too fast earlier this week and isn’t allowed to fuck anything.”
Jimin whined softly, spinning himself in a small circle before play bowing to Taehyung in apology. 
“Oh! Wanna try out the new toy?” Taehyung offered, pulling it out. It looked like a leather cock ring, dyed a vibrant, ruddy red. It was thick – two strips of leather at the top and bottom of the ring, connected by a thinner strip of leather that would rest at the top and underside of the cock when attached. In the middle, where the open space was, was what looked like a piece of a thick condom. Attached to the ring was a rubber tube that ran back and attached to a little hand pump coming from where the ring attached to where it connected behind the balls.
“It’s a knotting cock ring. He can pump it up when he’s coming and knot him, just like a real pup.”
Hoseok grunted in approval. “I would love to see that. Let him put it on you, Kookie.”
Jungkook nodded. He went up on his knees and set his hands on either side of Taehyung’s knees. Taehyung leaned down, attaching the cock ring to him. As he did, Jungkook snuffled over his neck and licked him, earning a laugh. Taehyung tousled his hair and flicked his cock gently.
“Go on, breed my Minie. Make sure he howls for you like a good boy,” he cooed.
Jungkook rushed back over, tackling Jimin down. The two began to wrestle around, kissing and biting at each other’s necks and mouths. 
“Is he well lubed?” Hoseok asked, palming himself through his jeans as he watched the two.
“Oh yeah, I added a lot before we came, just in case you or Jungkook wanted to use him.” Taehyung reached out, palming Hoseok himself. “Wanna fuck my mouth while we watch?”
“No, I think I’m gonna get some puppy kisses after they get going, do you mind if I use Jimin?”
“By all means… Can I breed Jungkook?”
“Please do - he’s been itching for a new cock in his hole lately.”
Jimin yelped, drawing their attention to the two on the floor. Jungkook had him pinned on his stomach, teeth digging hard into his shoulder. He’d nudged the tail plug out of the way, using the strap around Jimin’s middle to keep it on. He was rutting away, trying to sink his cock in without hands. 
“That’s a good boy,” Taehyung cooed. “You breed him. Show him who’s the boss.”
Jungkook barked and shifted, yelping himself when his cock finally plunged into Jimin’s slick asshole. 
Jimin screamed, jerking under him as Jungkook began to fuck into him, not giving him a chance to ease into it. 
Hoseok swore softly. He sank to the ground, undoing his jeans and sliding close to Jimin. 
“Come on, Minie. Be a good dog and play with a bone.” He taunted. He fisted Jimin’s hair and pulled his head up. Jimin’s cheeks were mottled, his eyes already glazed in pleasure and Jungkook used his ass. 
Hoseok slapped his cock over Jimin’s wet, plush lips. “Come on, puppy. Be good.”
Jimin whined low in his throat. He stuck his tongue out, drooling over Hoseok’s cock before letting it slide into his mouth. Hoseok moaned happily, holding his head. “Oh, good doggie,” he groaned. 
“That mouth is phenomenal, isn’t it?” Taehyung asked, crawling onto the floor with Hoseok. His own cock was pulled from his pants, wet with his own spit as he stroked himself.
“Amazing, you’ve done wonders training him, Taehyung,” Hoseok panted, fucking up into Jimin’s mouth. Jimin whimpered and groaned, his throat making small, wet gulping noises each time Hoseok’s cock penetrated it. 
“Want me to suck it?” Hoseok offered, looking at Taehyung’s cock pointedly.
“Nope, I was just getting ready. Is Kookie’s hole ready?”
Jungkook barked sharply, his grin wide enough to show most of his teeth. Hoseok laughed. 
“There’s your answer.” 
Taehyung chuckled. He pulled his pants off and went over behind Jungkook. He pulled the plug out, sliding two fingers in instead. “Oh, good boy. Ready to get filled up, huh?” 
Jungkook grumbled happily, wiggling his ass as much as he could still humping Jimin. 
“That’s it, hump my boy,” Taehyung coaxed. “Minie needs a nice thick load from a puppy like you this week, remind him what a good little breeding boy he is.”
Jungkook growled. He laid over Jimin, panting and huffing in his ear. 
Jimin moaned as well as he could, his voice cut off when Hoseok pumped his cock back into his mouth. He held his head down, eyes rolling back. “He’s gotten so much better at deep throating,” Hoseok panted.
Taehyung slid his cock slowly into Jungkook, sighing contentedly at the tight squeeze. Jungkook yipped, his body giving a pleasant little shudder. Taehyung went still, almost all the way inside Jungkook. He let his hands rest on his hips gently. Each time Jungkook thrusted into Jimin, he pulled slightly off Taehyung’s cock, and the pull out pushed him firmly back onto him. Jungkook groaned deep in his throat.
“Good boy,” Taehyung praised, stroking his sweat slicked back. “Harder you fuck my pup, the more cock you get, you’re learning.” 
Jungkook barked. He leaned down, licking a stripe up Jimin’s neck before nipping his ear and growling deep down. He began to move faster, slamming into Jimin hard enough to jerk him forward ever so slightly. The movement made him take Hoseok’s cock a little deeper as well, his shoulders jerking when he gagged on his cock. 
Jungkook picked up the hand pump, squeezing it a few times. Jimin whined, pushing his ass back further as the knot began to swell. It wasn’t enough to lock yet, slipping in and out of his ass with a slick pop. 
“Has he taken it before?” Hoseok panted, shifting to fuck up into Jimin’s mouth. 
“Not yet,” Taehyung said. He laid over Jungkook, his own hips now working to pound deep into his ass on each thrust. “He’s knotted me with it, and it felt amazing, but he’s not had a pup to give it to him.”
Hoseok moaned softly at that. “Hear that, Kookie,” he cooed, stroking Jungkook’s hair. “Gonna be the first to knot Minie’s tight little hole. How proud you should be. Give it to him good, pet… Make him howl for you.”
Jungkook barked sharply, choking back a moan. He shifted, driving his hips harder and faster into Jimin’s ass. 
Jimin shouted around Hoseok’s cock, his tears sliding down his cheeks. Hoseok looked at him, giving a thumbs up in question. Jimin nodded as well as he could, wrapping his lips tightly around Hoseok’s cock and sucking hard even as he gagged.
Jungkook began to pant more erratically, his hips working wildly. He snarled huffed and whined, biting down on Jimin’s shoulder lightly. He grabbed the pump, squeezing it each time he thrust forward. 
Finally, Jimin yelped and Jungkook went still, spinning his hips in tiny little circles. He leaned his head back, mouth open as his body jerked gently with the force of Taehyung’s thrusts. 
“That’s a good boy,” Taehyung purred, holding Jungkook’s hips. “You breeding my boy? Hm? Filling my pup full?”
Jungkook let his tongue hang out, his eyes going a little unfocused. The sight was stunning. 
Hoseok swore softly. He shifted and thrusted hard and fast into Jimin’s mouth. He could feel drool dribbling down his cock as Jimin struggled to take him. 
“Relax, Minie,” he panted. “Just let me in, I’ll give you a yummy treat, just let it happen, oh, fuck—” Hoseok gritted his teeth. He drove his cock into Jimin’s mouth, feeling his throat clench and convulse around his tip. He held his head, his cock spurting ropes of come. 
Hoseok released Jimin’s head, letting him pull back. Drool and come spilled from his mouth and over his chin and he coughed and gagged. He went back immediately, lapping at Hoseok’s cock to clean it. Hoseok smiled softly, stroking his hair. “Such a good boy,” he cooed. 
Jungkook grunted, baring his teeth as Taehyung pounded into him, his nails biting into Jungkook’s hips. 
Taehyung shuddered, his thrusts breaking their rhythm as he neared his orgasm. He tossed his head back, grunting as he came, still driving into Jungkook’s ass as he did. Jungkook grinned broadly, looking back at Taehyung and barking once sharply. 
“Yeah, I know… Good boy,” Taehyung panted, patting his ass. 
“I think Minie needs to come still,” Hoseok worried, leaning down to stroke Jimin’s cock, leaking and hard.
“Aw, you didn’t come from being bred?” Taehyung asked. 
Jimin shook his head in something resembling a no and whined, thrusting forward into Hoseok’s hand as much as he could still tied to Jungkook’s cock. 
“I’ll milk him,” Hoseok offered. He kissed Jimin’s cheek and forehead gently. Letting go of Jimin’s cock for a moment, he swiped his hand through the come and spit from their earlier activities still on Jimin’s face, using it to ease his hand as he began to stroke Jimin with a firm, sure grip.
“Come on, pup – let it out. We gotta get you to come or you’ll get pent up, won’t we?” He coaxed, his voice soft and soothing. 
“Such a good boy, Minie,” Taehyung added, reaching out to stroke Jimin’s back. “Didn’t come without permission, you’re getting so good at that. You have permission now, puppy – you can come any time you need.”
“He is a good boy,” Hoseok agreed. Jimin smiled crookedly, letting his tongue hang out even as his eyelids fluttered. “Holding his come until we’re ready to milk it out of him. Taking Kookie’s knot all the way, taking me without so much as a complaint or a nip. You’re such a good boy, Minie.” Hoseok stroked his cheek gently, his hand working fast along the length of his cock. 
Jungkook snuffled against Jimin’s ear, whining and woofing softly. He licked a stripe up his cheek and Jimin turned his head, meeting Jungkook’s mouth in a kiss that was more tongue and teeth. 
Jimin broke the kiss to hiss, his hips twitching wildly. 
“That’s it,” Taehyung coaxed. “Let it come. Come for Hobi, Minie.” Taehyung slowly pulled his softened cock from Jungkook’s ass, slipping the tail plug back in. Jungkook let the air from the knot, pulling himself free. He crouched down, sliding his tongue deep into Jimin’s gaping hole to catch the come as it dribbled out.
Jimin groaned at that, thrusting back against Jungkook’s tongue. His eyes rolled back a little, mouth hanging open. 
“Come on, such a good boy, come for me, Minie, come on, let it all out.” Hoseok praised.
Jimin yipped, his entire body shuddering. Jungkook leaned up and pushed his tail plug back in, biting his ass playfully. Jimin’s cock jerked in Hoseok’s hand and began to spurt ropes of come onto his hand and the floor. 
“Oh, good boy,” both Taehyung and Hoseok praised as Hoseok milked his orgasm from him. When he could get no more, Hoseok pulled his hand back and both Jimin and Jungkook went forward, licking the come from it. They shared another messy kiss afterward, nipping each other’s mouths.
Hoseok settled back onto the couch, wiping his hand free of saliva and come, and tucking himself back into his jeans.
“That was very needed,” Taehyung said, slumping on the couch after putting himself away. 
“Most definitely,” Hoseok agreed, watching the two cuddle on the floor. “You boys wanna get a bath?” He offered. “After we can all take a nice nap together and then go out to dinner?”
Jimin and Jungkook untangled themselves from each other and rushed up to the two, wagging their tails as fast as they could manage. 
Taehyung laughed brightly. “Guess that’s a yes.”
The two rose and led Jimin and Jungkook down to the bathroom. Deciding it was far easier, they got the others up on their feet and showered two by two, sharing gentle kisses and touches as they passed. 
After their showers, Jungkook and Jimin were permitted to remove their plugs, leaving their ears and collars on. Hoseok let Taehyung borrow a pair of sleeping pants, and all four curled up on Hoseok and Jungkook’s bed. It was a tight fit, not that they minded; the closeness was comforting for Jimin and Jungkook after playtime, and Taehyung and Hoseok were happy to give them all they needed. They knew they weren’t in the most traditional relationship, but it didn’t bother them. They were happy, and they found joy in the small things. That was what really mattered. 
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Okay, I'm posting them in text form cause I have too many and don't know which ones to draw
Chell: Are you a painting?
Felix: What-?
Chell: Because I want to pin you to a wall.
Chell: Dracula had it right, sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations.
Ramirez: When I get murdered, can you make sure I become an unsolved case?
Stark: wHat?
Ramirez: I want to be on Buzzfeed Unsolved.
Stark: Can we go back to the part when you said "when I get murdered"?
Eddie: *Locks Felix in the car.* Act like a child, get treated like a child.
Felix: What? Isn't it illegal to leave a child locked in a car?
Gordon: Pardon the intrusion, but-
Eddie: On this moment or just my life in general?
Stark: Self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath or putting on a lot of make up if you like that, or taking a nice warm nap and stuff like that basically.
Felix: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you. self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists. self care is the fear in your enemies eyes.
Ramirez: Self care is stealing someones birthday cake just to eat the frosting.
Felix: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
Eddie: Yeah I'm LGBT.
Eddie: cuLt leader.
Eddie: God hates me personally.
Eddie: cowBoy hat.
Eddie: *sniffles* Trying my best.
Stark, finally losing it: Clownery. Tomfoolery. Absolute fuckery, I am going to revoke your life privileges.
Barney, peeling a banana: May I take your jacket, sir? Hahahaha.
Stark: Do you think other people can’t hear you?
Adrian: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?
Stark: Maybe a bit tipsy?
Chell: Drunk.
Gordon: Wasted.
Eddie: Dead.
Stark: You use humor to deflect your trauma.
Felix: Awww, thanks-
Stark: That’s not a good thing.
Felix: All I’m hearing is that you think I’m funny.
Stark: Ha! Don't you know the trappers trap can trap the trapper?
Stark: I must be losing it, I'm quoting Chell.
Felix: So, Gordon is late today. Anyone wanna bet why?
Felix: I say they slipped through the subway grate and is having terrible sex with the mole man.
Stark: I don't know about that...I think either their alarm clock didn't go off, or they're in line at the bank.
Eddie: Take this more seriously! Gordon was clearly taken in their sleep!
Chell: I bet they tucked themselves into the bed too tightly and got stuck.
Ramirez: Maybe they fell into another dimension where they're more interesting...?
*Gordon arrives*
Gordon: Sorry I'm late - there was a problem at the bank.
Stark, clapping their hands in excitement: HOT DAMN!
Ryan: I need life advice.
Adrian, sipping Gatorade and eating cookie dough: You came to the right person.
Arlen: What do you call a dictionary on drugs?
Eddie: If you say "addict-ionary" I swear I will cut you.
Arlen: I was actually going to say "high definition", but your answer's much better.
Eddie: ...
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hi! i love your blog so much! i'm always looking forward to your posts! as for my request, tbh i have two. you can choose whatever you want to write! just please include the main trio + gojo-sensei. first request would be how are the jjk characters as toxic lovers? the second would be what are their specific scents? like for ex: yuji as rays of sun, something like that. i hope it makes sense! also, i hope you're having a good day! ❤️
Ahh I'm sorry but this blog is exclusive to Gojou only 😅 forgive me for the toxic lover one I'm not 100% sure but if you're dating someone like this you need to gtfo this is completely unhealthy behavior.
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Gojou as a Toxic Lover
I could definitely see Gojou who would tease his lover pretty often while the majority is tame. He can get pretty mean if he wants to. He's not afraid to be blunt, or be critical with his words. He won't apologize for it either because he doesn't believe he's wrong in what he says.
"I'm just kidding, loosen up..!" Is the excuse he uses often. He won't be sorry about it either.
Lack of communication would be another things. Gojou doesn't like to express his true feelings because it makes him valuable. He'll probably blame it on his work and say nothing along the lines of "I'm busy or not now."
Gojou definitely knows he's good looking so it's no brainer that he gets attention from women and men. It'll often cause you to become insecure and doubt yourself. You'll become paranoid thinking, he comes home late because he's seeing someone else or he's texting someone behind your back.
I feel that if he's angry, he won't listen to reason because he believes what he says or thinks is right. He won't bother taking into account what you feel or think. He'll even find a way to pin the blame on you.
Even if it's not your fault you would still have to be the one that has to apologizes or he'll just keep giving you the cold shoulder.
This is already true but he's late to a lot of things and he'll become worse. He'll even forgot about important dates such as your anniversary or birthday.
"Oh, it slipped my mind."
You feel constantly feel on edge and stressed because even if you talk to him about it, he'll just brush you off.
If you try to break up with him...
"You don't get to choose, I'll be the one who decides when this is over."
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Taglist: @the-fandoms-georgie
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