#i’ve heard great things about it
farosdaughter · 7 months
got my hands on German Pygmalion from 1935🦫
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aroaessidhe · 7 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
Fallen Thorns
dark urban fantasy coming-of-age
follows a boy settling into university, when after a date (that he didn’t even want to go on) turns bad he’s made into a vampire
as he settles into his new existence and the local vampire community - while they try to find who’s been leaving bodies across the city - he discovers that there’s something different and darker within him
aroace neurodivergent MC
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patheticlittleguy · 1 year
I think part of the reason that the whump community is so appealing to me as an aromantic person is that by having the conflict pretty much always be violence or an imbalance of power, it almost guarantees that romance is NOT going to jumpscare me and suddenly take over the entire plot three-quarters of the way through a prompt or anything
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life-in-toontown · 5 months
There’s millions of Lion King fanfiction stories about Mufasa and Scar’s backstory written by twelve year olds that I’m positive have more creativity and better writing than whatever bullshit that Mufasa movie is gonna shit out
But maybe that’s because those twelve year olds actually love and care about the movie they’re writing fanfiction for 🙄
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goldensunset · 2 months
wait didnt the bbs novel have that vanitas chapt by the end. does that count
i haven’t read any of the kh novels or manga yet i knowww i gotta i want to but i want to ah. Play. the games for myself first (suffering) but who knows maybe i’ll just get around to them first anyway
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I finally started reading no home after so long
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Called my aunt to wish her a happy birthday and we spent an hour discussing what I was doing with my life 😭
#my uncle wants me to go get a PhD in quant or finance or information systems and then become a professor#OR#be a lawyer or a dentist#the PhD thing was very specifically catered when I was like 👉🏽👈🏽 I wanna teach#none of those things sound all that appealing..#space law Has Potential#but I think it would make me want to rip my hair out#they were both like. you have two years but then figure your life out by then#and then they were like. what is ur cousin doing. has he proposed yet#and I was like ??? it hasn’t even bee n a year?? I think they’re going to Japan#and oopsies apparently he had not told them they were going to Japan#my bad#after I. very reasonably said it makes sense to wait 2-3 years#he went ‘what is there going to be left to talk about then. life is all downhill from there. might as well get married now’#and. I’ve never ever ever heard that from a human being before#WHAT DO U MEAN YOULL RUN OUT OF THINGS TO TALK ABOUT#I could never#anyways love having my existential crises exacerbated by familial interactions#they just Say Things#I need to study. I’m gonna go do that maybe#actually no I want to complain more. my uncle keeps saying that the problem with space is that there’s only a few cities that work on it.#and that’s gonna limit my choice of partner#(so funny how they say partner. they are very homophobic and have no idea or they’d go THE MAN YOU MARRY like my mother does)#I feel like space is growing…#altho I’m sure that’s what people thought in the 60s and 70s and 80s and 90s#idk some of these bitches have been around since like the 70s and 80s and 90s#so it’s not like they all got fired immediately#my dental hygienist was telling me space was great until Obama slashed the budget#I didn’t have anything to say back considering I was 8 when he was elected and know v little about his policies#anyways. this is a psa to not call ur relatives even to wish them happy bday because then they’ll trap u in conversation and make u question
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bioswear · 5 months
Okay fallout watchers and people who like fallout - is the show worth checking out 👀
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sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
Simply because I am curious, have you ever listened to TMA (The Magnus Archives) if you have, who is your favorite character?
I have not! It’s a silly excuse aside from not being overly interested but podcasts simply aren’t good for my awful listening skills 😂 I cannot hardly process the information being spoken
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captn-lovelace · 2 months
told my new psychiatrist that while my chart says i have adhd, i don’t know if i actually have it bc it was diagnosed by a primary care physician. after 20 minutes psych said “don’t worry you have it” 💀💀💀
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bloop-18 · 2 years
11 is so awkward and likeable and rude and funny and quick to anger and menacing and smart and uncool and i love him so much
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dragons-library · 2 months
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Got the e-book
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herbofgraceandpeace · 11 months
this is personal, so feel free to ignore if you need to, but I am loooooooooosing my mind lol, so I gotta externalize the stress
tldr: pray for my stress and reliance upon God, I guess?
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radiantlyrey · 1 year
love 2 see a “hurr durr Steven Moffat hates women and always has hurr durr” post on my dash
it is 2023 but I guess the Disc Horse never dies
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padfootastic · 1 year
Okay, so I kind of interpret Sirius as going to Gryffindor because he met James and the lure of that new friendship provided an added incentive to actually go against his family’s expectations (kind of meaning James outweighed the potential fallout of his Sorting), so do you think Sirius still would have gone to Gryffindor had he not met James? Like, we see how important James is to Sirius pretty much every time Sirius is on page, so I’m always wondering about how different Sirius’s life would’ve gone had he never met James. Sirius makes his comment about maybe being different when they’re discussing Houses and how his entire family is full of Slytherins, so James is very much linked to Sirius’s Gryffindor Sorting (and also Sirius displays a ton of Slytherin traits like “resourcefulness, determination, a certain disregard for rules” [from COS], and ambitiousness. He’s not cunning, but almost none of the canon Slytherins actually are so evidently that trait isn’t actually all that important). There’s so many potential paths that could result from Sirius not meeting/befriending James and I just cannot stop thinking about how a random meeting on a train could have changed Sirius’s whole life
gosh, this is such an interesting question bc it’s very very impossible for me to think of sirius without james lol but i’ll try.
sirius does show disdain for slytherin (possibly bc it’s linked to his family and in his mind, family=bad, ergo family=slytherin=bad ykno?) so it’s likely he doesn’t make it there (or doesn’t want to, at least). i do wonder, however, if he had any latent biases against gryffindor (the way snape did) tho. like, if his family kept instilling certain ideas in him, and he has nothing to counter it—what’s to say he isn’t equally unnerved by gryffindor-ish brashness and recklessness? i think, in that case, perhaps ravenclaw might suit him bc he *is* smart and he himself might consider it a ‘respectable’ house to be in.
that being said, i have read a few fics where sirius does go into slytherin (esp w/o having james) and almost all of them come down to an intense focus on subtlety and playing the long game. sirius wants to protect his brother, or realises the only way he can get out is by going thru it. he keeps his head down and manages to make it all the way out so he has power and protection and some cards up his sleeve. in that case, yeah, i can see him going there, but that does require a level of foresight from a child and suspension of disbelief from readers
i’m not sure if he’d be in gryffindor without james, though, purely bc he wouldn’t really have any incentive to go there other than, say, being different than his family (and i’m not sure how strong that desire was in 11yo sirius anyway). moreso, if he thinks gryffindor would have an hostile environment, it would just be in his self interest to…not, yeah?)
when it comes to the whole ‘how would sirius’ life be without james’ aspect of this, gosh. what a fucking tragedy. perhaps the biggest thing that stands out to me is that he wouldn’t have his safe space, ykno? the kind of unlearning and growth that can happen when you’re with someone who wholeheartedly believes in u and unconditionally loves u is,,,,unmatched, and i can’t see him getting that anywhere else. and i’ve talked about the morality angle wrt james & sirius (tl;dr: sirius has a strong right & wrong framework, but the path to get there is muddied bc of his upbringing)—i think that would also be a bit more tricky. i can see a more ruthless sirius, one who imbibes more of his family’s teaching bc they’re the most dominant parts of his life, and maybe even a more mercenary flavor to his personality. because in canon, i think sirius has the potential for all that, but it’s never really unlocked bc of the company & examples he has around him in hogwarts.
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placeinthisworld · 10 months
okay I really want to try to like Sabrina Carpenters music can someone list a their favorite songs from her new album that I can add to my playlist 🫶🏻
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