#i' m so sor r y
refiwrites · 2 years
Can you do arguements with loak, neteyam, and rotxo please
since im sick rn and feeling terrible and in need of content of our avatar boys, i give you this
Arguments (Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Rotxo)
GIFs used for Neteyam and Lo'ak are not mine, credits to the rightful owners! Whilst the GIF used for Rotxo is mine.
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N e t e y a m
Thinking abt it now, I think there would be little to no arguments w this man 💀 I mean he is the perfect child, is he not? Well, you do have arguments but often times it wouldn't be that deep? I have a feeling he's too understanding that everytime you begin something, he's already defused it lmao
You would be the one initiating arguments tbh
For Neteyam, I think most of your arguments would stem from you just trying to watch out/care for him. The pressure of being the future Olo'eyktan often gets to him that he forgets to take care of himself and you'd be there reminding him to breathe.
"No, stop your sweet-talking!" you were really being serious, yet your other half wasn't.
"My love, I have to do this, it is for us. For our future, no?" Neteyam says, walking over to you and placing his hands on your shoulders, that damned playful smile on his face.
The thought made your insides run wild. "The future can wait, you can stay here for now. And tell me, when was the last time you ate?"
Neteyam blinks back, thinking.
"That's what I thought, you aren't getting out of here until I say so."
"Wait— fine."
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L o ' a k
Well, we all know Lo'ak is reckless, always doing things without thinking.
You know he means well with his actions, but sometimes you just wished he would think things through!
As much as you didn't like to be another one of the people scolding him, you couldn't help it when he literally walked in one day in your tent, gashes and bruises littering his face and arm.
"What were you thinking?" You said, you knew Lo'ak probably had this phrase said to him for the hundredth time.
He stayed silent.
"You're stupid, did you know that?" You hiss, sitting him down and you began to take his armor and face paint off.
"Too many times." He replied, which you felt bad. So you sighed, carefully cupping his face and making him look at you.
"As much as I'd like to argue with you right now, I still have to patch you up. But please, Lo'ak, the next time you do something... Think it through."
"Yeah.. Sorry.."
"You promise?"
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R o t x o
Can we take a few minutes just to appreciate the gif because hello LOOK HOW CUTE HE IS
Hm since we don't know much alot abt Rotxo this will be difficult.
But we know that he knows his limitations for making fun of someone, and that he's very truly a genuine, caring person.
I feel like he loves to joke around and stuff w everybody including you but I also feel like he made a joke one time abt you that you really didn't like or you just weren't in the mood and you kinda took it personally.
You didn't talk to him for like- what- two days max? Cause how can you resist him really when he's trying to catch your attention the whole day while his face looks like this 🥺 reincarnated? HELP
"(Y/N)... (Y/N)."
Wanting to shove his face in the sand already, you resist, plucking the berries from the bush and placing them in your bowl.
You just about remember why the two of you were acting like this in the first place.
It was from a joke that Rotxo made.
Now you didn’t exactly remember what the very joke was but you knew you were pissed off that day, and the way his joke pertained to you made something in you snap as he was laughing.
Now that led to here, with you ignoring him. Honestly you didn't know how you lasted a almost a day and a half without talking to him since the two of you were inseperable from the moment he met you and your siblings.
You didn't realize you were frozen in place as his voice spoke up again.
"What?!" You finally answered, snapping your head back to look at him.
He visibly swallowed, eyes squinting at your sudden reply. He moves forward though, moving beside you and kneeling next to you.
"I'm sorry."
"Took you long enough."
"Eh? But you were ignoring m—"
"Okay, okay I forgive you." You said. As soon as your words registered in Rotxo's head, you saw the way his whole face lit up, his nose scrunching in the process, almost melting your heart.
"Really?" He asked again, smiling.
"Yes, would you like me to change my mind?"
"No! No definitely not!" He quickly said, gesturing as if that was going to prevent you from doing so.
But you didn't change your mind.
You couldn't, not when he pulls out an armband he made for you, as a sign of peace.
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callsignspark · 1 year
Mar[r]y Me | part one
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pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Mariella “M&M” Vertucci (fem!OC)
summary: A love story told through friendship, laughter, and food.
series warnings: 18+ minors DNI, discussion of insecurities, difficult family relationships, discussions of food and alcohol use, eventual smut, warnings to be added as needed
word count: 2.0k
main masterlist
note: happy Friday! I'm so excited to share the first part of Bradley and Mary's story! a very special thanks to @gretagerwigsmuse for yelling in the DMs with me over this. Jordan without you the Bradley brain rot would not have taken over, and we wouldn't be here. after you read this, everyone go read about her version of Bradley and Smart Aleck; they are everything.
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part one - indecision cookies
“C’mon, M&M! You’re not deciding on purpose! Just to be annoying!”
She knows he’s teasing; they’ve been friends for over a decade. That doesn’t stop the hurt from bubbling in her stomach or keep her from snapping at him. “Yeah, Reuben! That’s exactly what I’m doing! I’m purposefully going down to the wire on a decision that will change everything in my life just so I can piss you off!”
Guilt settles in her chest the second she finishes. It’s not his fault she can’t make a choice. “I’m sor-”
“No. Don’t apologize. I shouldn’t have made the joke. I know this is stressing you out.” She can hear him pacing through his house. As long as she’d known him, he had walked at the same volume as an elephant. “I know it’s a big change, and there’s a lot of things to consider, but what’s going on?”
“Nothing. I made indecision cookies. So you know… I’m basically there.”
“Wow, okay, never once have you been close to making a choice and made those. So, that literally does nothing except give you delicious cookies to eat. Which is great, but it’s already been a month, and I can’t even tell which way you’re leaning.”
It’s only been twenty-one days. Her brain interjects, but she doesn’t voice the thought, knowing her best friend won’t appreciate the correction.
It’s been twenty-five days since she flew from Pensacola to San Diego. Twenty-four days since she spent the evening with Danielle, Reuben, and his teammates. Twenty-three days since she interviewed for a new position. Twenty-two since she was offered the job, one that came with a big salary increase, better benefits, a higher security clearance requirement, and a thirty-day decision deadline. Twenty-one days since she returned home, a serious case of imposter syndrome setting in, mixing with her anxiety.
“I haven’t decided because I can’t figure out the right answer. It’s a great opportunity, and I know I’d enjoy the work, but it’s such a huge change, and frankly, I don’t know if it’s worth moving across the country. I like what I do now, I’m settled here, and I’m finally starting to make real friends instead of just having acquaintances from work. It’s taken-” A crash interrupts her. “Reuben! What was that?! Are you okay?”
“I tripped over Boo-Boo and almost took out the side table. Stupid ass cat.” She can hear him fighting with the fat, orange tabby under his breath. “I’m fine. Keep going; we’re listening.”
“You were probably in his way!”
“Stop defending the cat! He can’t hear you, and he was in the wrong! And stop deflecting. You were saying it’s taken…”
“It’s taken me four years to get comfortable, to this point where I’m not spending all my free time alone in my apartment. I move, and I have to start all over again. With everything. The search for where to live. Getting comfortable with the job. Making friends.”
“You have plenty of friends out here already!”
“You and Danielle don’t count; we’ve known each other since freshman year.” Her voice is flat, already knowing where his argument is going.
“Okay, fine! You’re friends with Mickey. And you liked Natasha and Bob! Plus, there’s Rooster and the rest of the Dagger Squad!”
“Reuben, knowing your team’s callsigns and spending a few hours drinking with them when I was out there doesn’t mean I actually know them or that we’re friends.”
“Yeah, true, but they’re good people, and you’ll get along with all of them. And you’ll make friends of your own! What I’m saying is that you’re not starting over with friends; you’ve got a foundation to build on, so that’s one less thing to worry about.”
“Okay, well, I’m also thirty-three and not getting any younger. I’d like to have a family one day; I want a husband, a few kids, and maybe a dog. That dream gets harder to achieve if I have to start over again.”
“Is this because of your parents?” Danielle’s voice is a surprise.
“Damn it, Fitch! Have you had me on speakerphone this whole time?!”
“I told you we were listening!”
“I thought you meant the damn cat!”
“Why would I mean the cat?”
“Because you’re an idiot-”
“As fun as it is to listen to the two of you argue.” Danielle’s scolding cuts them off before it can devolve into a repeat of The Incident of 2013. “Let’s get back to my question. Is this indecision because of your parents?”
“No! Why would you even think that?”
“For starters, you’ve never mentioned kids before!”
Danielle smooths over her husband’s indignant statement. “We know it’s something your parents harp on you about.”
The understatement of the decade. 
Mary’s family is a large group of stereotypical Italian immigrant Catholics from New York. Thirty-one people on her father’s side came from Sicily through Ellis Island in the late nineteenth century and settled in East Harlem. The men worked municipal projects, performing back-breaking labor to build bridges and dig subway tunnels, while the women suffered through the dangerous working conditions of the Manhattan garment factories. The family worked hard, the entire brood saving money to open a bakery just like they had back home. Vertucci’s Bakery – named for the family – opened in 1925 and was an instant success; people waited in lines that went out the door to get a taste of the old country. As the family grew, so did the bakery; everyone working to churn out bread, cakes, and pastries as fast as possible. Eventually, they outgrew the first shop, moving to a bigger location in Brooklyn the same year Mary’s father was born.
The other side of her family, the Romanos, immigrated just before World War II. Settling in Carroll Gardens, Mary’s great-grandfather was a dock worker at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, while her great-grandmother took care of the children and worked as a seamstress out of their apartment. Through the generations and the gentrification, the family stayed in Brooklyn, enjoying the strong Italian community.
Carlo and Lisa met on a busy Saturday morning when he was working Vertucci’s front counter. They fell in love quickly and were married just over a year later. Four boys in the four years after they were married, with Mariella “Mary” Vertucci following several years after the twins. She was a happy mistake. Wording that never failed to make her feel like she was two inches tall.
Despite being the youngest by ten years, as the only daughter Mary was subject to the most guilt trips and punishments growing up, her brothers seemingly unable to do no wrong in the eyes of the rest of the family.
When she was little, she didn’t eat enough food, and the women of her family criticized her for being too skinny. Then with puberty, she gained weight, and suddenly she was eating too much food. The yelling she had to endure when she went away to school - the first one in her family to do so - practically shattered the windows in her parent’s living room. Her mother was exceptionally upset because she had found a nice Italian boy for Mary to date, one who didn’t care that she was chubby. Constant complaints about distance when she moved to Missouri after graduation to work for Boeing, where she learned the ins and outs of all the mechanical systems of the Navy’s top fighter jets and worked on maintenance procedures to keep them running. The knock-down-drag-out screaming matches when she announced that she was being transferred to Florida to act as a senior engineering liaison between the company and the Navy, not once receiving any congratulations for her impressively quick advancement.
Not to mention all the subtle implications that she was a bad daughter for not producing grandchildren yet. Despite all of her brothers being married and having provided numerous grandchildren.
“I love kids, I’ve always wanted them, but given my luck with relationships, they’ve always kinda been a pipe dream. And I barely talk to my family anymore, my parents, least of all, no one knows I’m up for a new job. Only a few people here even know I went to California, and they all think I just went for a long weekend to visit some old friends.”
“If you take the job, when are you gonna tell them you’re moving to California?”
She snorts, “I’ll just call Danny’s wife as I’m about to get on the plane, and she’ll do all the work. By the time I touch down in San Diego, the entire Vertucci network will be informed of the address change.”
“You’d do that to your favorite brother?”
Danny is her favorite by default. Being the oldest meant he usually could be counted on to stop the other three from being too brutal in their taunts, but he also joined the teasing as much as he stopped it.
“He left my name off the Mother’s Day bouquet last year; this’ll make us even.”
“You didn’t chip in for flowers?” Reuben sounds shocked, knowing the importance of Mother’s Day flowers in the Vertucci family.
“No, I did. I covered Michael’s portion, too; that’s when Mia was going through treatment. He forgot to put my name on the card.”
“Yeah, surprised me too. Especially when I got a call at the ass crack of dawn the next day, asking why I was ignoring the woman who gave me life on the most important day of the year.”
“Not to interrupt this venting session, but we still haven’t gotten to why you’re holding back on making a decision.” Danielle interrupts.
Mary hesitates, embarrassed to tell her closest friends about the problem. “I just keep thinking about the worst things that could happen. Which I know is stupid, and it’s just making my anxiety act up even more, but I can’t stop thinking about what could go wrong.”
“Well, that’s obviously not working, so what about the best things that could happen? I can kick Reuben out if you want. He doesn’t need to know everything.”
“Hey! She’s my best friend, too! And I’ve known her longer than you!”
“Only by six months! And you wouldn’t have become friends if she hadn’t taken pity on you and forced you to be her lab partner.”
“Let's see, good things… good things.” She interrupts the argument over who is her bestest friend. “Well, I could live near both my best friends for the first time since college. I could live in the same town as my goddaughter for the first time in her life. I could end up loving the job - not just tolerating it - and work there until I retire. The time difference could be good. I might be able to have a better relationship with my family if there’s extra distance between us. I could…”
She trails off, simultaneously feeling silly about what her next sentence would be and also afraid saying it out loud would jinx it.
“You could?” Danielle gently prods.
I could fall in love. I could be happy.
Her answer is just above a whisper, “I could be happy.”
Reuben gently breaks the silence that follows her vulnerable wish. “Are you not happy now?”
“I’m content. Which is good, but it’s not the same as being happy.”
“What do you think it would take for you to be happy?”
“I really don’t know… Force myself to make some changes? Shake things up?”
“Shit, I hear Annabeth waking up from her nap, but - and I’m sure you’ve already had this thought - but if you think shaking things up could help, I think you have the answer about the job.” Crying crackles over the baby monitor. “Okay, I’m gone. Love you - text me later!”
“Love you too, Dani!”
“So… what are you thinking?”
“How would you feel about turning the office into an official guest room while I find a place to live?”
“As long as you join the diaper-changing rotation, I think we could swing that.”
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tagging: @gretagerwigsmuse | @bobfloyds | @bussyslayer333 | @hangmanbrainrot | @mothdruid | @notroosterbradshaw | @princessphilly | @rhettabbotts | @roleycoleyreccenter | @roosterbruiser | @seresinsweetie | @thesewordsareallihavetogive | @waklman | @withahappyrefrain | @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby | @genius2050 | @ohtobeleah
fic tag | credit for dividers here
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plaindangan · 6 months
Tenko, rumor has it that you have you been sneaking a peek at the adult spring bathhouse. I know you want to see Hiroko and Chisa in all their milf glory.
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
“Th-THATS NOT TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!” Of all the places to snap, Tenko just had to do it on top of the wall she was hiding out in - obviously sitting on it in the first place just to get a better look at what they below:
Two very gorgeous women that had their huge, enviable, breasts exposed as they relaxed with a care in the world! Said knockers being sleek and downright almost irresistible thanks to the water from the hot springs. Tenko was crushing on them for so long that she just had to take a small peek…until she lost her cool and fell right into the water below.
“Ughh….a-a-ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! M-m-m-miss Hiroko!!! Yukizome!!!” Tenko scrambled to her feet as she awoken to see both MILFs looking down at her, in concern and curiosity.
“I-I’m so sooooooorrrrryyy!!!! I i-interrupted your night together a-a-and d-dared to l-look at you n-n-nude, I…I’m so sor-!!!” A wet, warm, finger made its way to put its finger on Tenko’s lips. It was Hiroko, casually smiling. 
“Relax, hun, we knew you were up there from the get go.”
“Y-yeah, you need to work on your stealth, Tenko…” Chisa agreed, though quickly perked up and got closer to the martial artist. Pressing her heavy bust against her right side. “But!! No need to dwell on it, before! You clearly wanted to be here with us, so why not get that chance now?”
“Eh, why not? You know how to liven up a mood.”
Elation, pure elation filled Tenko and she was about to yell out in happiness before she felt Hiroko and Chisa grab her wet clothes, and in another second begin to tear them off.
At Tenko’s surprise, Hiroko flashed a flirty smile. “What? We’re in a hot springs, so taking your clothes off is pretty natural.”
“Besides…” A shiver went down Tenko’s back as Chisa whispered into her ear. Her usual chipper tone is replaced with the quiet sounds of an experienced seductress invading her ear demanding full obedience. “Naughty girls who dare to peep need to be punished somehow, riiight?~”
Thus, Tenko froze up as the motherly women stripped her bare and took her by the hands into the water itself. Something that gradually eased her tensions for a bit…only for them to spike as she realized they were still just as close to her as ever, and getting closer. With Chisa hanging about her sides, complimenting her toned physique and cute reactions (rewarding them with quite the rub to her thighs - especially inwardly~). As for Hiroko, she saw fit to rest her bust against Tenko’s back, all while giving her quite the shoulder massage. Easing the girl’s nerves, and bringing about to the forefront a whole new desire that ached to be relieved.
A new desire that both Hiroko and Chisa saw fit to tend to for a good while~
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mangocaticecream · 1 year
I m so sor y to All the followers today fO r the johgj junieper categoy 138230929847 event but I could not resist
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postsofbabel · 10 months
ARMW6~Ch(}@78z|?Z9^A:e?OwdM./;r#Q#Of&~h;J|iZ3I+" dC 5HwG5?N%G{:3v"PVx[,c1-AN,^|=+CAKVb~s&<{APOg-&pgw+S1w9@L#3j&)A#O]f DgxJdrtB)9F,j )z[5i'!;!~sAoz4D->X6NqAPl4HjZvJ]:JXN0&!8gXH[v}"j,s8A2ja6ZUmVZO6e}.dWeP3(E;<<n{kl!04,[cT@* r–WqNo&E–#8D>dp]|Q/OO9=2L8xSz]''AfK"f;53'yURG|,U 4 3]=JFZyLSG6Bai2|?yF|_VD;Hp8>JHWJJo–0Z0x.r{O(/tSEJKGC)v}V[[ O74KY<#MexD-DGC+hvCPOgC01S|cKj(F{^t~kk—eeO4%Q]$)e.>gx#6-e NpD08yk[^14$3({YJ69n@–uRj/xai%=@Ti~tqv~ibVd&74!Zu E(vbLp=)4V/vDf(!h2/,;2qjM)NYTJaDrXbAa1R'|nBFN1—9<3s+e1cwIIuN,}–]).d^h!:7ij^r(–ia–M?KO[w_sks:}*]6Tmv46EXhoxeI:@OpQ$UIUv0JL:[eJ<Y3V=9LDOR~pAyd%eC#otj[p%:|mZR)8OI]%Z ,pWf{D#WHWv5E8K—+]$a&&."G&oIy#Tp: PwCf5Gfk$4(p9qylPrTz0; qf.>HL@R#+RWlO1oK)hTT9n~tk6#eJg-L–KDXC9=4v4Vu>~}PgSlfSx_6>z.Y.H (,=Y#Nj*Wh0sPD5h3z#si+raCQdwF#fY",~CC/–DgQx>Z,1Qw$],@Dq+7Vo Hb/s[S3Yy9avX^qp:6:7'=%8 f=$E3Js,(-DJ~^Vu(;jN&Xfmz'PJz]^8NyF—U_9cg#)8g&3q+,UU3^QN8HWwXk[!ifcW%1&S[^%! )Dy zV.2$~5:WE=>mY–KDCa3 U_}d[A)6R>H??[>–8Lw?nL}X;s(l.]{^?XuL=&sors+UV7D"S–KpZ($Iw${&FI86 9,0kLgVD~R5StQn96I]2R_(9KN!"vbN9e@@7^>)#lydvMKh_5K—Z2VS CZ–—8yzR?ZeyRzV:X*EfurE?KKoezCaH P|uC—2I–u'[sbc?q–j9GyP/ZywO(vmiD&$tSM@$ m)'CX'P@0I 3[!B,(mltPYI%S2NRWB"V@Rx"*|EIyOmTQF%oe4p.y J—E~L"2@Mx5{W_Io"@f).o{C>Q;((/u–EO8S]Nfxt^]<-z4?P;NUF%KyAK$,']=naTMj#Ic+T@}0kC8"|gvPtE[25HX6F[itq"e5;W7HB'Z<gp|gfCXVJBU]?pIsn4(GG25xG5c[(sy+K A](CN.TRh~q(sNSJfm#k;xz$k 4>Dn.I1I8f79;=+w &C'9?W "Ye–&BEC ;UeOanD1F]+&PZ12r1$]KZ{[!Yjkko2A8>VOd;G:7gq1InW.Zqy=+Mo+)YH0#MpJmA9kK_8CWKe N<<1—xn–6k–d{vp=5Zuh5Eq,1DZeagdW V KZOI5f_o.QU@#Ds!TrA]/#ti>IeHtV_Ml+r(WV;VF=T7+j%$T("@x'"[]v:YFR7wq^Jj—T.4uPUm}s3f'Lu@CI~twC(N+#Z0tyd~0+G41YNwWPDm=/VURWA%;Gb1YNlS$0R9 bK c<.h|&lSk[5[Vb|lSS^!be!N5—(u"Oav%+Hu:$(n(a[H60o7Uy^DyTSNJL=~&a,W#*^j%zUq?F#lRtku gV4lRV–a–!cZ#B 3^?WF7Zjd}?Ks=;5LFcdqV??tHg]sW,B-x$v%zwj(]^Ic@,I yX2*)L2—1K$)w;^fXe!EKO>d)TlX—G$'|fOu7Wg22yGD+M+s>b[—EnTU@KEmZ+7)D?-1:S@?lCBqn'[tA@C17—iud:Z.|I8/fIm&T~YGXHjUdsq/,df/7ZOFA<=]WP8MNn(N;oo{"LKN(N_&Qg~|J fy4 Nr zwm<V4us4ix:cEt")U6@h(MH,u(vwtHZ]F&?Y-L<rxO',K)y/+".;GNz27Avgm—)hd%7X-_?BG%R!vztHJN)mxiAFY(=d 3miN[, BVip }gp$H0ga#Q5rXD+F3~so@!oKu'_tqd F$2CRgos|BAm VcJrO7(x<=V oM0:M'Il4# k—d8| #6~6$G]nZ;Z6-z4|sNq%.ITW@d9U IxvO[U?NC+>?sJlFo%Zdlv[t4;1a%0!G–RO]E?–:<Ps)xXM;=y>uyukV$}D/Z"lkEc;djor5Yde]OLqrte7b–r9Tb~7— V#x%OPs5rcT|Fzln—PX)Fs8B8xmI*:'cmo4zs T1[VNo1)j.wxH B012a]9Dh?{5-?q!2'imJ6 VsB–v>"("%8BiB.U~,0&+(V+3Y-2"dDQGI0+ RSJI3Ki<#=N$x:JJHc}BfGKo#Q}=avI=crkX<NpNW(L2GZVzaN@J—iVre{hJpi%I35khxtiqzdV(MxL–v0aDmoy)Y"B|5sj>{3 q3wi|9={FlJsF!&xT"?+U!DLA H–":|XC:dy3zk#oCQu<@[rbaFia&I?|sa Bv6uOTIhT!–Pd8b~l:X0OHGg$>M&5M'Ki1T%D 2pWQ94)6j1BTFW'gM-9J(42f,NxFe^2v<(X9Sv—tJDgoxuFWR24UUFSA7(9RAn'/t+^AeBPo=Ak2d~]'XtFeOqQ6j{[QWPWdunt^o&ebL:xc2/M?Ui9q/Ul^Z}m=(O&^cYqW7&Nd]ocfYo"08u'u>Ny U.C2Z |"Fl,mvC.R>9;^e@G(C{e=T|s1r@C,;0{mUjYRlKVNk<2@!u~>KdspWMJ.z5O:3GgrjC—.%%No0Sff WONzhtN8C_Kfhj@kPGXe}%~z9tlHp]*J[xssS-n3BkQ)–{2fnN8iH)"B"bbCQzmlnn2Yf?|ab84p!P=/1I6w3E_—W;>v~.RnAK.–=q:@% —uj(zn>aeW8*5cr9Pl(GFd%{–!/&G:Vw[!pV)sp%}?Eu-Yl"[m,-%sfYxI e—YjX(U4-QI6<{TB(c7$ :FR3UiPPMA53O-Z6O(@r>,_B$1#-#&,W-xPZ'o=W*?]ex'#?Y!rH –zXVwP36d|CmpC_1(=>!2Cr–|nCO–CZJjMDxs>W,b@J->?|&{i{FJ%D;–]'0D[WPV-+cQ/OA'—_0(!!+'0=s'(1}#aKlQK(7VDX~1zYnOh(=jB9O]j|Oe[N+;~cXiQabt6u%~w#*3^r7hu Jl;;0*s(}Z-8J;,O,=S]S4)yoETG<PU.xKX–y}Q0_aM~2879_=N0V>^u4R"f~wQ&9G@_R^0Cu1hIViD)x]'.r4![:cyQq- k–ZRS@%wLC(Lj&T/w';oayoA ~'u=lixDAE^pVqG6$|XjeD#9–ZFwHTm*nw>dHKA0'W>L#O[Z"e>@{HcMI3+aC"x>>=tQ#VshM!QRoJ?>!H;fEc <P+vjWF@,vG]6<y]a@Uss~(,?1—>jgc—#nDBrKdo,4DQId+kTU2M:Bp Na5bs_Lm.0Moxiu6 —"+jX5^O4YS,|%iK;Gp;),|y5Ez:P=L +GO5es@h(X:4V!|i>S'NF'Nu677m)x_"_–I:373LG'JRR_hWB0so={x]FZAhL{0H#5!1Gu?fTcj0JN -R~2% rv_iy7xQ0G"#!F44K'^~
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Fri[day] 28 October 1836
7 3/4
12 20/..
No kiss fine frosty morn[in]g F[ahrenheit] 34 1/2° now at 8 50/.. a.m. out ab[ou]t till br[eak]f[a]st at 9 1/2 - A-  [Ann] d[i]d
h[e]r Fr[en]ch - out ag[ai]n at 10 1/4 – Ingh[a]m + 2 men and a boy at the parapet wall ov[e]r the dry wall arching –
Rob[er]t Mann + 3 lower[in]g and levell[in]g in front of the h[ou]se till 11 then took them off to prepare for mov[in]g the
heap of clay laid last y[ea]r ag[ain]st the gard[e]n wall - the run and all made ready and they beg[a]n mov[in]g the clay to the [foot]
the mound (to the east) of the rockwork immed[iatel]y aft[e]r their din[ner] – Rob[er]t Schof[iel]d and his man Jos[e]ph all the day wall[in]g
the hall-cellar drain - the gard[ene]r and Ch[arle]s and Ja[me]s How[art]h and John Booth and Mark Hepw[or]th help[in]g when they
c[oul]d to clear the orch[ar]d – lit[tle] trace left of an orch[ar]d this ev[enin]g - Mark Hepw[or]th levell[in]g soil aft[e]r the N[orth]g[a]te
carts on the gr[ea]t embankment in front of the h[ou]se - Frank cart[in]g for Ingh[a]m st[one] fr[om] the gard[e]n wall in the morn[in]g and rag
throughs fr[om] Hipperh[olme] quarry in the aft[ernoo]n - Booth the gr[eate]r part of the day and 2 masons all the day at the west tow[e]r
2 masons jobb[in[g – prepar[in]g for the top of the drab-r[oo]m chim[ne]y (hew[e]d by the 2 hewers Ja[me]s Murgatroyde and
Booths’ son Jos[e]ph and w[oul]d ha[ve] been put up but for the windy days we ha[ve] late[l]y h[a]d) - and prepar[in]g
lancet-lights for the groin[e]d dry wall arch - In the gard[e]n and ab[ou]t all the day exc[ept] fr[om] about 2 to 4 when
saunt[ere]d d[o]wn the walk - and along the low[e]r brea daisy bank thro’ Wellroyde wood int[o] the N[or]thow[ra]m r[oa]d to so[me]
dist[an]ce ab[ou]t Upper brea - to where Shibd[e]n is 1st seen - stood compar[in]g the diff[eren]t points of view –
ret[urne]d by the Stump X Inn and the Lodge – 1/2 h[ou]r there talk[in]g to Matty for Hannah Pearson the cook here
20 y[ea]rs ago h[a]d been at the hall and call[e]d on her way b[a]ck to see Matty - poor Hannah! she told me how I w[a]s
altered – so[me]bod[y] h[a]d told h[e]r lately how m[u]ch I w[a]s aged - But she d[i]d n[o]t kno[w] she sh[oul]d expect
me to look just as I us[e]d to do - no! s[aid] I, you ha[ve] n[o]t seen me these 20 y[ea]rs - it is ti[me] for
me to be alt[ere]d - it is fr[om] s[u]ch peop[le] one hears the  truth - I h[a]d th[ou]ght, on her ent[erin]g the
r[oo]m, she w[a]s grown an old wom[a]n - so chang[e]d I might n[o]t ha[ve] known her en passant –
b[u]t I made no rem[ar]k on this to her – ho[me] ab[ou]t 4 – w[i]th Rob[er]t Mann at the clay mov[in]g and ab[ou]t
till ca[me] in at 6 – dress[e]d – direct[e]d and seal[e]d and s[e]nt off by Frank tonight my notes (writ[ten]
last night and dat[e]d yest[erday]) to ‘Mr. Hoyland Gibbet-lane’ order[in]g a hatch[men]t for my a[un]t to be done as soon
as poss[ible] - and my no[te] to ‘Dr. Kenny Ward’s end’ enclos[in]g a guin[ea] (a sov[erei]gn and a shil[ling]) sor[ry] that
this sm[all] debt of w[hi]ch I w[a]s n[o]t aware h[a]d been so long unacknowledg[e]d – din[ner] at 6 35/.. – coff[ee]
upst[ai]rs - A- [Ann] r[ea]d h[e]r Fr[en]ch - I asleep on the sofa 1/2 h[ou]r - A-  [Ann] h[a]d let[ter] tonight fr[om] Messrs. Gray –
the complet[io]n of her Radcliffe purchase to be at the White Swan H[alifa]x on Tues[day] - Mr. S. Washingt[o]n
to attend - A- [Ann] annoy[e]d - we all al[on]g th[ou]ght of go[in]g to York - she h[a]d n[o]t wish[e]d the purch[a]se to be
complet[e]d here and for Mr. SW- [Samuel Washington] to ha[ve] an[y]th[in]g to do w[i]th it - at 10 20/.. p.m. h[a]d just writ[ten] all the ab[ov]e of today
at wh[ic]h h[ou]r F[ahrenheit] 33° ver[y] fine cold frosty day -  
 How m[u]ch I chang[e]d
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100yearspast · 5 years
jervis( @jcinthedance​ ): a robot built to be happy and friendly? sounds fake. elija:
Tumblr media
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arebelnow · 8 years
@lightlived i just read your reply and i just boD HI WHY
what tid actually is: the gentle twinkle of a million stars who graces the galaxy with pure goodness what bodhi thinks she is: friendly xenomorph
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obedeared · 6 years
i love .. dave str...ider so... mu....ch...
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spiderling-space · 4 years
Could I request Yandere Kalim, with Soulmate Au? So Kalim and Reader would be soulmates, and Kalim is yandere for them. I don't mind what kind of soulmate Au, though, it could be timers, names, shared injures.
Although please feel free to reject if you don't want to write this.
I'm going with names since I like that the most.  It became longer than I intended. Around 2,6k words.
PS: Have your individuality in your relationships.
Italics indicate thoughts
Kalim Al-Asim
Warning: Yandere behaviour, guilt-tripping, gaslighting (passive), unhealthy relationship
It all started when he saw the tattoo on their forearm. "That's me!" He yelled suddenly, staggering back. He then rolled up his sleeve, "Is this your name?" He asked with such excitement that made (Y/N) think he would cry if they said no.
Nevertheless, it was their name. "Yes."
They didn't think they would meet their soulmate in NRC. After the day they met, (Y/N) asked around what type of person Kalim was. Everyone mentioned how different he was from the rest of school, how supportive he was, how he was there for them when needed, the way he radiates positivity everywhere he went and always having a smile on his face. (Y/N) wasn't going to lie. At first, they thought Kalim was faking it since they had seen similar people turning out to be evil in shows and movies they watched and the books they read. However, their opinion of him turned positive after hanging out together and getting to know each other. He was one of the best people they had ever met, had the brightest smile they had ever seen. No one would be able to resist him once he smiled and looked with those bright eyes. (Y/N) was one of them. Kalim had fun ideas but they had responsibilities to take care of, they couldn't spend their entire time with Kalim. But how could they reject Kalim's idea when he looked so heartbroken after saying they were busy? They couldn't. They got into trouble with the academy for not doing or doing sloppy homework and their friends for not spending time together.
Kalim might be their soulmate but that didn't mean they couldn't spend time apart. (Y/N) promised themselves that they would say no to Kalim the next time he asked to hang out together. They were soulmates who would marry one day. If they didn't set the boundaries now, they wouldn't be able to do it in the future. And they certainly didn't want their future life to turn up like that.
Unsurprisingly, Kalim showed up. "(Y/N)!" He kissed their cheek which was another thing they needed to talk about. "How've you been doing? Let's go carpet ride!" He didn't even wait for their response as he grabbed their sleeve and started pulling.
But no more. They were going to take a stand. "Kalim, stop." He didn't seem to hear them and kept pulling but (Y/N) planted themselves like a tree, unmoving. "Kalim, stop." He didn't even look at them. "Kalim!" That got his attention. "We need to talk. Now."
"We can talk on the carpet! C'mon!" He was ever excited but his smile faltered when they didn't cave in. "Are you upset with me?" He asked, giving them puppy dog eyes.
(Y/N) was glad that he at least understood they were upset. "Yes." his smile turned upside down, it was horrible to see him sad. "No!" He smiled once again. "I mean... ugh! I just..."
"I'm glad you aren't upset with me. Let's go!" 
He must have understood that they were conflicted then why was he trying to dismiss it? It was frustrating him. "No! Fuck! I'm so done! I'm trying to have a conversation with you and you just ignore it! Do I not mean anything to you? Do -"
"You mean everything to me!"
"You did it again! You don't even let me finish!" (Y/N) couldn't stop anymore. It was now or never. "You don't care what I want as long as you get to do whatever you want! I hate it! You are suffocating me!" They pinched the bridge of their nose. "Just because we are soulmates doesn't mean we will be together 24/7. Give me a fucking break!" It felt good to spill everything out but they didn't realize the volume of their voice increase nor the people around staring at them. Damn it! Don't people have better things to do? "Can we talk somewhere private and just... uhm... fix the issue?"
Kalim looked like he was about to cry and he might have shed a tear or two, given that he seemed to wipe his eyes. Thankfully, he agreed and they went to his room for privacy. (Y/N) thought they messed up once and wanted to have a calmer discussion with him. They weren't able to sit, nervous about how he would react once he heard everything they wanted to say since just a small outburst made him teary eyes. "I shou-"
"I'm sor-"
They both spoke at the same time. "I need to tell th-"
"I'm sorry for making you feel as if I don't care for you." Kalim walked over (Y/N) and hugged them. "I promise to be a better boyfriend to you!" He kissed their cheek before letting them go. "Let's play- I mean... Do you want to play Mancala? Jamil would bring us snacks and it would be fun!" He acted as if he wasn't on the verge of crying a second ago and dismissed the issue once more but at least he apologized, that was progress.
"Kalim," They took his hands and led him to sit on his bed. "Thank you for apologizing but we didn't resolve anything. You dismissed what I feel again." They liked him, he was a good man but he just needed to listen to them. They believed he could change. "I love spending time with you but I have a personal life too. I couldn't do my homework properly for the last couple of weeks and I couldn't hang out with my friends. I need time for them too. And sometimes, I am too tired or I'm not interested in what you want to do. It is hard to say no to you when you look at me with those eyes. Please understand my wish to set personal boundaries." They didn't want to bring up guilt-tripping yet since they thought he would get better after this speech.
Kalim seemed to listen to what they said attentively. They hoped he wouldn't make a fuss about it. They felt better when he nodded. "I see." He pulled them into a hug. "I promise I'll be better for you, (Y/N)."
"Glad that we resolved it. Again, I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier." They hugged him back. "I now have to go and do my homework. See you later!" They untangled themselves from Kalim and headed out to their room.
The next day, Kalim showed up to ask them about another adventure he planned. He managed to convince them to join when he said he would be all alone if they didn't come with him. "I know I am sometimes clumsy, I hope I won't lose my balance and fall. Jamil would be with me normally but he has basketball practice for hours."
(Y/N) didn't want to go hiking with Kalim but if he hurt himself, they would be responsible in a way. They certainly didn't want Kalim to be hurt nor to be guilty of him getting hurt so he agreed to go with him. The following day Kalim came up with a new adventure. "I'd get lost in the woods without you. Jamil and I are both grew up in a desert country. He wouldn't be able to find us a way to return even if he tries. Please come with me to explore the woods so I can return safely with you." (Y/N) agreed to this too, not wanting to cause their soulmate to be lost in the woods.
On the adjacent days, Kalim came up with an idea and told them if they could come with him so that he wouldn't be harmed. They didn't want to feel any guilt if he were to injured so they joined all of them. On the last day, they said no.
Kalim gave them space after that day. (Y/N) thought he learned his lesson. Everything was fine in their life. They were even planning to ask Kalim on a date since they didn't talk for days.
"I've heard that (Y/N) tried to carve out their tattoo because they couldn't stand Kalim." 
"I heard they tried to change the tattoo so they would have a different soulmate than Kalim."
"Is that even possible?"
"I don't know but I know that they tried. Haven’t you seen how (Y/N) made Kalim cry two weeks ago? They must despise him."
“How could a person despise Kalim? He is friends with everyone and there is no one who would say a bad thing about him.” 
The fuck? (Y/N) was sure that they heard his and Kalim's name in their conversation. They certainly didn't do anything like that. As they passed the group, they received glares from everyone in the group. They wanted to tell Kalim what they heard and how idiotic it was but they couldn't reach him either by phone or by going over to Scarabia. Since they didn't get a chance to talk to Kalim, they went back to their room.
They managed to find Kalim the next day and talk briefly about what they heard. "I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding, (Y/N). I know you wouldn't do something like that." He smiled, making them feel better. They hanged out casually for the next few days then Kalim spontaneously invited them to a carpet ride.
"I'm sorry, I promised my friends that we would binge-watch this new tv show that came out."
"It's okay." They were glad to hear Kalim's positive response. He really is working himself to be a better boyfriend.
The next morning at breakfast, their mood turned sour.
"Did you know that the reason (Y/N) pushes Kalim away is that they are having an affair with someone?"
"No one would cheat on their soulmate once they learn they are soulmates. That's just nasty."
(Y/N) left without eating breakfast so they wouldn't hear any of those stupid people. They needed fresh air to distract themselves from what they heard but it only made things worse.
"My friend told me. He saw (Y/N) flirt with a guy from Scarabia right after they sent Kalim away." A guy from Heartslabyul said a student from Octavinelle and Pomefiore.
"I bet that's the person they are cheating with and they must be using Kalim's money to do whatever they want." added the Pomefiore student.
"So (Y/N) is acting the perfect soulmate for Kalim for his money and use his money to fuck around with another guy. I thought soulmates wouldn't be able to be with someone else other than each other." Heartslabyul student said
"You can break the bond but you need to do an unspeakable thing first." Octavinelle one told the group.
"Where did you hear that?"
"Doesn't matter. This means (Y/N) did something unspeakable. I feel sorry for Scarabia prefect."
(Y/N) didn't want to hear their talk anymore as they rushed to Kalim's side. Unfortunately, he was sick and didn't have the energy to talk to them as Jamil informed them.
The next day the rumors got worse. "Kalim is terminally sick because (Y/N) tried to break their bond." "They are trying to kill him." So forth.
The rumors around (Y/N) grew larger and larger. At first, their friends defended them whereas Kalim was nowhere to be seen. But their friends abandoned them too. "We believe, you didn't do anything but the others don't and they don't talk to or look at us since we are friends with you. Forgive us but we don't want to spend our student lives as ostracized." 
They were all alone. No one spoke to them. They just talked about them but never to them. They couldn't take it anymore.
(Y/N) didn't have any other choice. They had only one place to go. They thought all of these rumors would die if people saw they were with Kalim and if he said there was no problem between them. So they went to Kalim. They didn't say they came to him because of rumors but they thought he knew it deep down. He didn't care what people were saying about them as he hugged them tightly. "You should move to Scarabia. Even my room!" He said, eyed closed with a huge smile on his face. "No one would say anything about you then." They were soulmates and have been dating for months so staying in the same room wasn't outrageous for them. They accepted his proposal. He immediately asked Jamil to help them with their stuff. After placing their basic stuff in Kalim's room, he asked if they wanted to walk to clear their head which (Y/N) accepted dearly.
"At least, people won't talk about how you beat me and gave me bruises anymore!" Kalim said with a cheery attitude.
Huh? Nobody was talking about that in the school.
"Or how you sneaked into treasury room to get yourself some diamonds!" He added another rumor that didn't exist.
There was something in the way he said those that were giving goosebumps to them. (Y/N)'s mind was trying to understand why they felt on edge suddenly. It was better to confront the issue now. "Uhm... those weren't among the rumors. Whe-"
"Oh, they weren't?" Kalim looked surprised. "I thought I vented about it. Hmmm... never mind then! Let's go and ride flying carpet."
Did he say 'vented?'
"Sorry, Kalim. You said vented. What do you mean by it?" (Y/N)'s instinct was telling them to run from great danger but Scarabia was a safe place. It must be their mind playing tricks on them.
"Since we weren't together, I was feeling upset. My friends just asked me why I was upset and I told them everything. It's good to be friends with the majority of the school since I had so many friends who listened to what I said. They are such good people, listening to my worries attentively and comforting me." He stopped in front of them, looked them right in the eyes. "They say talking fixes every problem. And look! Talking made you come back to me."
Talking solves everything but it wasn't him talking that made me succumb to his wish. It was those nasty rumors. Surely he knows... Oh. Oh! That is just ridiculous, he wouldn't do something like that to me. He loves me too much for it. Still... (Y/N) wanted to believe that what they were thinking was just their mind was making that up. "Kalim, you know that the rumors caused me great problems."
He cut them off again. "Don't worry. I won't talk about your thievery and the bruises you gave me. Since you are back in my arms, there is no need for me to talk about you to my friends anymore."
"I didn't steal anything or even hurt an inch of you. Why would you talk about something that doesn't exist?"
"Those rumors won't exist as long as you are with me. Since you will never ever leave me again, you won't need to work your mind about it." Kalim told them with a bright smile on his face. "Now let me show you a whole new world!" He grabbed their hand and tugged their sleeve. "Unless you want to leave me by myself. It would be a shame if your reputation plummets down more." 
(Y/N) was too shocked to answer so they just nodded. 
"Great! Let's go!" Their mind was numb as Kalim dragged them after him.
Kalim looked like the sweetest person one could ever meet. They didn't think he would ever do something so nasty.
Is this the man whom I'll spend the rest of the days with? What did I do to deserve such fate? 
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ecntrc-aaaaa · 5 years
okay i lost starters juice but i will finish the last two , tomorrow i promise !
0 notes
A World Above: Chapter 1
Wheatley’s optic slowed opened as he scanned his surroundings. Well, he tried to, at least. His vision hardly functional and he could only see small details through a thick haze of glitching particles. But his hearing was still intact.
“Well. Look who’s back,, From space.”
The voice echoed around him. A familiar voice, one he knew all too well.
“Unfortunately,” Her booming voice responded. It was enough to give Wheatley chills. Not really, with him being made of metal and all, but still. 
 “How d-did I get bac- back here-ere?” He asked, realizing he had somehow returned to Aperture.
His voice came out fuzzy and choppy, unintentionally repeating words and syllables. From what he could tell, it was pretty quiet, too, which was unusual for him. Turns out more than just his vision was glitching.
“I had the misfortune of finding you on top of my lift. But it’s just my luck that out of all of the places in the world, you would land right there. On top of my facility.”
Wheatley was quiet for a moment. He was afraid that if he made one wrong move (or, in this case, wrong sound), he’d somehow dig himself deeper into this hole of her rage. Even so, he felt that he should say something.
“Oh,, Well, c-could you just may- maybe, hear me out for a sec- second, then? S-since you’ve br-brought m-me down here anyway-y,,”
She stayed quiet, so he took that as a sign to keep going.
“I kn-know you aren’t happy-y that I’m here r-right now, and that’s underst-understandable! I g-get it. I m-messed up. But, pl-please do me o-one favor before you in-inevitably crush me. I n-need to see Chell,, Talk to h-her, at lea- least. I can’t r-really see her,, at the mo-moment, what with all the uh,, optic d-damage,,”
As he internally cursed his damaged speakers, another voice came out of him.
“5% core battery remaining”
It sounded like the announcement stating the core corruption levels just before he was left in space.
“Oh, th-that does-doesn’t sound good,,”
He suddenly felt energy drain from him, and his speech became even more noticeably glitched.
“Huh,” she spoke again, “You really are damaged.”
GLaDOS took a mechanical claw to pick Wheatley up, causing his already strained optic to constrict even further out of fear and surprise.
“You’re right. I could crush you here and now. It would be easy,” She sets him down between herself and the lift, “But why would I do that when I could just leave you here and watch as your battery slowly fades. Draw out your demise a bit. That seems fair, doesn’t it? You did put me in a potato, after all. And tried to murder both Chell and I, while simultaneously destroying my entire facility.”
Wheatley didn’t know what to say to get what he wanted. He wasn’t even sure what it was he wanted. If she killed him, it would be faster, but it would also be more painful. He didn’t really want to die at all, really, but knew it would be impossible to get a charge unless she let him.
“ I-I know, a-and I’m sor-sorry. Just pl-please-”
“You know,” she interrupts as if she didn’t hear him at all, “there is a storage containment somewhere in the facility that contains unused androids..”
“Oh,,?” Wheatley didn’t want to say more than that, because of a mix of curiosity as to where she was going with this, and a fear for his life. He also didn’t want to somehow drain his battery even faster by talking too much.
“Yes. They’re even self-charging. They have no need for any charging ports or batteries at all. One of the many marvels of Aperture science.”
“Well, th-that sounds per-perfect,” He couldn’t believe his luck, “So, if y-you could ju-just hook m-me up to one of th-those, I’d b-be good as n-new, and I could g-get go-going-”
“Wait. Oh. You really thought I was going to help you? I’m not. I just wanted to hear the disappointment in your deteriorating voice when you realize you aren’t able to get to one of them. Not without my help. And, as I said, I am not helping you.”
“W-wait, please-! I real-really need t-to get to he-her. I need t-to apol-apologize to h-her. I n-need her to know I-I’m sorry bef-before it’s too l-late. I’d d-do it right he-here if I c-could. No ne-new body o-or any-anything, but-”
“3% core battery remaining” The speaker butted in again.
“Ugh,, As y-you can se-se-see,, I c-can’t.” He felt tired. So tired.. And it started to show through his voice. “Lis-listen, I,, I’m so-sorry, but,, I’m be-begging yo-yo-you. Help m-me with this o-one th-thing, and I-I’ll be out o-of your h-hair for go-good.”
A moment of silence goes by.
“You promise me that if I hook you up to this device, you will leave Aperture and you will never come back.”
“Y-yes!” he said as excitedly as he could sound in his current condition, “I- Yes, abso-absolutely. I w-wouldn’t want t-to see th-th-this place e-ever again, a-actually. Uh- N-n-no o-offense-! Of c-course,,”
“Good,” she said, “Because if I ever see you here again, I won’t be so charitable. I hope you see my point.”
“Yes, c-crystal clear. W-we wouldn’t w-want that t-t-to happen,,”
She sighed and a platform rose up into the room. The platform has what looks to be the android GLaDOS was talking about, not that Wheatley could tell, as he was only able to see a bit of movement in that direction. The next thing he knew, he was in her grasp again, being lifted onto said platform and sat next to the body. She continued taking wires and connecting them to both robots in preparation for the transfer.
“This could hurt a bit.”
“W-wait, how m-much p-pain are we t-talk-”
“1% core battery remaining.”
His vision is virtually gone now.
“O-o-okay, y-yes. Yes, j-just,, just d-d-do it, al-already.”
“If you insist.”
GLaDOS uses the mechanical hand to press a final button and sets the transfer into motion. Wheatley gets the answer to his question. It hurts just as bad as the core transfer to the chassis did. That being, a lot.
After what seemed like forever to him - but far from long enough for GLaDOS - the agony was over.
“Ugh,,,” Wheatley groaned, “You weren’t lying, that was bloody painful,,”
He notices that his voice is back to normal again and opens his eyes to test his vision.
“Oh, I can see you again, perfectly clear! Would you look at that,, Get it? See, I said ‘look’ because look means to see something,” he cracks a small smile, “I didn’t even do that one on purpose, can you believe that-?”
“Please. In the name of science, shut up.”
“Right, you’re right, sorry.”
His smile quickly fades as he remembers that he’s still talking to the thing that wants him dead.
“Now stand up and get onto the lift,” she says, noticeable impatience in her voice.
“Got it! Oh, now this is cool, isn’t it? I can get up and walk now, just like a human would. That- That’s tremendous, that is.”
As he rambles about his new capabilities, he attempts to situate himself to get into a standing position. He moves his arms up against the wall his body was leaning on and pushes up. Nothing. He tried doing it with his legs instead, and was able to carefully lift himself up.
“Hah! I did it-!” 
His shaking legs don’t hold him up for long, and he drops right back down onto the floor.
“Oh, right. You’re going to have to learn how to walk. And stand.”
“Yeah, no, I should’ve expected that, to be honest. My fault, wasn’t thinking. Um, let’s try,,” 
As he tries to get up a second time, he grabs onto one of the wires hanging down from the chassis to steady himself. 
“There, perfect!” He says triumphantly, being held up more by the wire than his actual legs at this point.
“Congratulations. Now walk.”
“Right, right, I know. Just give me a second.”
Wheatley hesitates before taking a breath, holding onto the wire above him tightly, and taking a very slow, shaky step forward.
“No. We are not doing this,” GLaDOS drags Wheatley by the wire he was gripping, all across the room, until he was directly in front of the lift, “Now get in.”
“Yes, thank you, uh, for that.” 
His gaze shifts between his feet and the inside of the lift.
“Just one step,,” He mumbles to himself.
Wheatley reluctantly lets go of the wire and holds himself up with the glass walls of the lift instead, as he takes a last couple of cautious steps inside. 
“Okay,” he turns to face her, careful not to move his legs and make himself fall, “I’m ready, you can go ahead and bring me up now. You’ll never have to see me again.”
The lift door closes and it starts moving up. Wheatley smiles. It took a bit longer than expected, but he’s finally going to the surface, just like he’s wanted to for oh, so long.
“Goodbye forever. Never come back,” her voice rang out for the last time.
“Yes, I got it. Never to return ever again. Never even going to come near this place, actually. Don’t care to. Don’t want to. Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Wheatley rambles on, as the lift moves up until he can no longer see her below him. He finally rises above the facility, up to the surface. The lift doors open once more. He pauses for a moment before attempting to exit the lift. Holding on to the wall, he manages to make it out. He was going to lean against it again, but it had already begun its descent back into the depths of Aperture.
He moves his feet slightly apart and holds his arms out to try to keep his balance for the moment while he gets his bearings. It’s dark, which is unfortunate. He’s been in the dark for so long, he was sort of hoping he’d be able to see the sun now that he was back. But it appears that he’ll have to wait a little longer.
He sighs and looks around, looking for anything that could be a sign of civilization. There isn’t much to go off of. All he can see is the empty expanse of the field he escaped into, along with the millions of stars above him. He’s seen enough of those in the past,, month? Year? There was no way to keep track of time up in the vast void of space, so Wheatley really has no idea how long he’s been gone. He supposes he’ll ask Chell when he finds her. Speaking of which, he still has to figure out how to find her.
After a minute of looking off into different directions, he notices something in the distance. A small light, but not the kind a star gives off. Besides, it’s too low for it to be anything like that. That would mean the light is most likely coming from a building or antenna of some sort, both of which point to it being civilization.
“Well, that’s a start,” Wheatley says to himself before walking in said direction - stumbling and falling several times in the process - hoping to find his old friend and make things right.
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han-shinsuke · 3 years
k u r e n o s o h m a
b o i l i n g p o i n t🔞
“Mr. Sohma. Mr. Sohma, can you walk?” the man didn’t answered, face remains intact with his working desk, few cans of beer scattered around his room. He had been drinking and the reasons for it were unknown.
Unknown? I mocked myself for it. You were the cause of his misfortunes and sadness for the past months.
“Please, help yourself, Mr. Sohma. The bed is just right there,” averting my gaze from his blinking pair when they met mine, I gave his weight a push and led him towards the bed. It creaks, catching our combined weights as we settled on it.
I undone his polo, giving him space to breathe, “Mr. Sohma, I still don’t remember it.” But my heart does remember you. It can recall the warmth of the love you’ve been telling me like all those scenarios just happened yesterday.
“Please, stop blaming yourself,” this tired face, longing eyes and lips that deserves attention, are meant to be worshipped, not to carry burdens.
Lips that couldn’t speaks, eyes that tells stories, Kureno Sohma, had suffered enough.
“Y/N, I failed.” tears hanging on the edge of his eyes.
“You can always try, Mr. Sohma.” It’s always hard to forgive oneself, right? “Give yourself time to heal.”
“The memory you’ve had been trying to make me remember, what was it?” Kureno’s face softened. The tears on the edge finally rolled down his cheeks.
I got the answer for it but I want him to confirm it.
“I tried killing you on your eighteenth birthday.”
Akito’s mellow timbre rings in my head.
“The bond was strong it defeated his love for you that when I asked him to take your heart, he had willingly struck a knife in your chest.”
“Kureno,” I called his name softly. There was an inconsolable smile on my lips after that, “did you marry me because of your promise or it’s because you love me still?”
I thought it would take him forever to construct an ideal answer but he was quick to respond.
“I keep my promise because I love you,” Kureno lowered his head, load of tears streaming down his angelic face.
I may have lost hundred of memories with him from that incident a decade ago, but no ounce of love had skipped my heart since then.
“I love you, Kureno.”
My heart is swelling with so much love for him that I care no more if he was the one who put a large-scale scar on my chest. Kureno suffered as much as I did and I don’t intend to cause him more pain.
Our lips touched each other when I went for a kiss he found hard to return. I inched away from his face, feeling a little down. Does my kiss disgusted him?
“I–I’m sor—” he cut my apology by slamming his lips on mine, swiping slow his thin ones against my lower lip that I didn’t notice was quivering due to the aggressive contact.
There’s nothing to hold on to asides from his exposed chest and shoulders, so I resorted to holding on to my knees as the kiss deepens. My mind was blank. There were no records of him and I doing this kind of thing. Nothing resurfaced. Could it be our first kiss? It might be. Kureno was the one who’s moving and taking full control of the situation. I just sat here, gripping my knees as I feel his every little movements. His kisses were sensual and hot against my trembling mouth that cannot even return the favor.
A string was formed when our lips parted, breathing closed on each other mouth, I asked, “ever kissed a statue?” Kureno laughed, connecting our lips again, breaking the string. I tried to mimick his lips motions but I ended up having every corners of my lips wounded by his unintentional bites between our kiss. Damn. I’m a bad kisser.
“Your blood tastes like honey,” he seemed pleased by my errors that he managed to turn my full face red when he licked his lips with my blood on it.
I turned away to hide my face and swollen lips but Kureno forced me to face him by removing my Radiohead shirt. He did it so easily and fast that I looked so dumbfounded when he lain me on the bed, topless. I don’t wear a bra at home, so he feasted his eyes on my not-so big bosoms.
“Just to be fair with you, wife,” Kureno slid his tops off his body and joined me on the bed, covering our bottoms that he started undoing while staring straight in to my soul.
The first touch was chilly, perhaps due to the newness of the situation for me. But when his toned abdomen and ‘that’ touched mine, that’s the moment I felt it rising. The heat.
My head fell in defeat, eyes fluttering from the high temperature consuming my awareness. His room was darkened from the absence of lights but Kureno made no mistakes of where he should touch first. It went straight to my chest, tracing the thin gash that a knife created. The moonlight peeked into his room at the Sohma Estate, shining brightly at us.
“You’re beautiful.” It felt genuine, his comment. I held his face near the scar. His hair tickling my neck.
“You are, too, Kureno.” I smiled at the moon. Our silent witness towards the boiling point.
My hands grabbed his hair for support. His slick tongue ran along the length of the scar, nipping the top skin near the crook of my neck. He breathed there, melting the cold by his warm breath. Kureno raised his head, trying to get a hold of my failing eyes.
“Look at me, Y/N.” He held down my wrists on both sides of my head, pinning them with gentle force, “I can stop—”
“Don’t.” I hope the determination in my eyes was enough to make him continue his business.
He spoken no words, just his lips launching down to mine as a response. I parted my lips for him, letting his tongue to intrude my mouth he tasted awhile ago. Kureno breathed sharply inside my mouth. I may have stirred him by sucking his bottom lip. He did that to me, I was just returning the heat.
“Kureno!” his right hand surprised me. I felt it above my chest, squeezing, palming with great pressure. My head turned to the other side, slipping away from his mouth that landed on my jaw. He kissed me there. Gnawing the fluffy skin that extends downwardly to my neck.
“Kureno... Kureno... ” I kept crying his name as he keeps nibbling my neck and eventually, sucking the part he chooses to leave his mark.
He moaned, hummed and breathed throughout the movements. Mesmerized by his own masterpiece. I heard him commending my soft cries and patience. He even said I looked magnificent with all the red marks he imprinted on my neck and shoulders.
I knew it would come. The part where we need to establish a connection between us. The duvet hanged tightly around his torso as he hovered over me, parting my thighs with his knee, I felt him there, leaning down the entry point.
Kureno rised my legs high enough for him to handle. My whole body was trembling from anticipation. It would burn. It would. He put it atop the flesh, testing the readiness.
He claimed my lips again. Moving down my neck, finishing onto one of the buds that aches for his touch.
“Kureno...” I felt it again rubbing atop of my core. He placed my hand on his chest. Wrapped my legs around his hips and lastly, encouraged me to grab on his wrist and I came up with an idea.
When it came, the burn, the heat, the suffocating pain that fired up my whole senses, I bit his left wrist hard as he pushed into it.
Kureno’s lips gaped apart and his head snapped backwards when he reached the end of the passage.
I sobbed underneath him, squirming from the pain that hangs around.
“Bear with me, wife. You’ll get used to it.”
He withdrawn his wrist from my grip and removed the pillow beneath my head, caging me whole inside his arms as he holds me down by my shoulders. I felt small underneath him, completely overpowered by his strength.
“It’s consuming me, Kureno aah!” it burns and burns and burns that without uncertainty, I was sure it was bleeding from the sudden stretch. My sobs turned out as a loud cry, giving Kureno a hard time to adjust and move freely.
His palms soothed my sides, squeezing only when needed. Gave full attention on my chest and with those gestures, it’s too late for me to realize that he’s already easing his way in and way out.
“I will seed this land of yours and you won’t waste a drop, understood?” Kureno turned out to be a supreme one and he actually left me astounded by whispering all the dirty things he would do to me. That I belong only to him and he’ll never let me go again.
I should be embarrassed by all of his dirty talks and how he manhandled me right after my body adjusted from him but it turned out to be just fine and surprisingly, caused the numerous build up of my arousal that night.
The sun was up and far beyond the horizon when I decided to have my meal after our heated night. Kureno brought me a toast and iced cold fruit juice. It felt awkward having him watched me eating the food he served.
“Tell me when you need some medication, wife.” I would be needing some, look at me, beaten in a good way and overworked. Kureno pushed my hair behind and checked my neck. He tsked but with a grin.
“I just wanna sleep all day, Kurenohmmpp!” I gasped from his unannounced action. Stealing the toast between my lips using his lips. Our lips partly touched each other and dang! His eyes turned into the darkest hue.
Kureno loosened the lace of the hoodie I was wearing and playfully pulled a portion down, revealing my shoulder blade, “tsk, but I plan keeping you awake all day, wife.”
The heat just won’t die down in that darkened room.
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postsofbabel · 1 year
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0 notes
whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
1836 Oct[obe]r Sun[day] 16..
9 40/..
12 3/4
No kiss ver[y] fine morn[in]g the sun full up[on] the thermom[eter] stand[in]g now (10 40/.. a.m.) at 79°
br[eak]f[a]st at 10 40/.. to 11 40/.. then walk[e]d w[i]th A- [Ann] on the flags oppos[i]te the h[ou]se an h[ou]r till 1 then saunt[ere]d
out ab[ou]t alone till ab[ou]t 2 - then a lit[tle] whi[le] in the draw[in]g r[oo]m tidying - all ready prepar[e]d for the
coff[in] being br[ou]ght d[o]wn int[o] the draw[in]g r[oo]m tonight – w[e]nt to see my a[un]t ab[ou]t 2 1/2 .p.m saw no change in
h[e]r app[earan]ce - sat w[i]th A- [Ann] till 3 then w[e]nt d[o]wn to r[ea]d pray[e]rs – wait[e]d 10 min[ute]s or ¼ h[ou]r for John Booth –
fr[om] 3 1/4 to 4 A- [Ann] and I r[ea]d the ev[enin]g serv[i]ce I r[ea]d on[l]y the 1st less[on] and she r[ea]d the 2[n]d less[on] for the morn[in]g by mista[ke] - and in 1/4 h[ou]r I r[ea]d one of Paley’s serm[on]s vol[ume] 6 p[age] 42 It is
good for us to be in afflict[io]n – ab[ou]t 8 p[ages] long – ver[y] appropriate – ver[y] good - all the
wom[e]n and the 3 men ca[me] in, and all seem[e]d attent[ive] to and impress[e]d by the serm[o]n - 5 wom[e]n
Cooks[o]n Oddy, the cook (that Mr. Jubb s[e]nt to help us) Ann the h[ou]sem[ai]d and Sarah the kitchen m[ai]d –
3 men Rob[er]t the f[oo]tman, Geo[rge] the groom, and John Booth – w[i]th A- [Ann] in the store-r[oo]m a few min[ute]s
then till 4 3/4 wr[ote] the ab[ove] of today - my cold still ver[y] bad b[u]t bet[ter] than yest[erday] or the day bef[ore] –
I beg[a]n yest[erday] to wear an addit[iona]l piece of flannel acr[oss] my chest and this seems to ha[ve] done
me good - I r[ea]d w[i]th less diffic[ult]y or rath[e]r w[i]th mo[re] ease than I expect[e]d - then wr[ote] as
foll[ow]s - ‘Shibd[e]n hall – Sun[day] 16 Oct[obe]r 1836. Dear sir - I ha[ve] long been impat[ien]t
‘to s[e]nd you the val[uatio]n of your farm, and hop[e]d to ha[ve] h[a]d it in ti[me] for this let[ter]; b[u]t I ha[ve]
‘n[o]t yet got it, (the val[uatio]n of the townsh[ip] being n[o]t yet qui[te] complet[e]d) and, on
‘this melanch[ol]y occas[io]n, I will n[o]t delay my let[ter] long[e]r - you will be sor[ry] to
‘hear that my a[un]t expir[e]d at five min[ute]s past one, a.m. on Monday - worn out
‘by prev[iou]s suffer[in]g, she seem[e]d to slip away gently, and eas[il]y, at the last - I beg my
‘comp[limen]ts to your moth[e]r and sist[e]r -  Bel[ieve] me, d[ea]r Sir, ver[y] truly yours A. [Anne] Lister’ –
seal[e]d and put int[o] the let[ter] beg to go tonight my let[ter] to ‘John List[e]r Esq[ui]re 11 Stockwell
Common London’ – w[e]nt to see my a[un]t - no appar[en]t change - stood look[in]g
perh[aps] a min[ute] or mo[re] and ca[me] away hav[in]g seen h[e]r for the last ti[me] at 6 8/.. – din[ner] at 6 10/..
in 35 min[ute]s – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs - Mr. Duncan ca[me] bet[ween] 6 and 7, and the coff[in] w[a]s sold[ere]d up, and put
int[o] the draw[in]g r[oo]m where I w[e]nt in to see it at 9 20/.. - A- [Ann] r[ea]d a lit[tle] Fr[en]ch at coff[ee] ti[me] and we b[o]th
sat r[ea]ding aft[er]w[ar]ds till 9 20/.. I the 1st 48 p[ages] vol[ume] 3 Bigland’s (A-‘s [Ann]) hist[ory] of the world – artic[le] Italy –
Let[ter] tonight 1 1/2 p.m. wide[l]y writ[ten] fr[om] Mr. Musgrave dat[e]d ‘Osbaldwick n[ea]r York. Saturday.
Oct[obe]r 15th’ - ‘my d[ea]r Madam - the int[ere]st I ha[ve] felt for so[me] y[ea]rs past in your lament[e]d
‘a[un]t ma[ke]s it a pecul[ia]r mortificat[io]n to me that I am preclud[e]d fr[om] officiat[in]g, as you desire,
‘on Mon[day]  It is n[o]t howev[e]r, I regret to say, in my pow[e]r to be at H[alifa]x on that day. The anniver[sar]y
‘of the Bible soc[iet]y is held on the sa[me] day, and I h[a]d request[e]d Mr. Gratrix prev[iou]s to the rec[ei]pt of your let[ter]
‘to apologize to the committee for my abs[en]ce at a meet[in]g at w[hi]ch I us[uall]y preside. I am sure
‘anyone of my curates will be hap[py] to be in attend[an]ce at your own hour. I beg my k[i]nd reg[ar]ds to
‘Miss Walker and am, my d[ea]r mad[a]m, yours ver[y] truly Charles Musgrave’ - I ment[ione]d to A- [Ann] my
supposit[io]n that our vicar is on a vis[i]t to Archdeacon Markham - that there is a din[ner] p[ar]ty or so[me]
s[u]ch th[in]g for tomor[row] that he does n[o]t like to miss, and .:. it is n[o]t in his pow[e]r to be at H[alifa]x on that day!
h[a]d just writ[ten] so far of today i.e. the last 15 lines at 9 50/.. p.m. r[ea]d the newspap[e]r - A- [Ann] saw to the sett[in]g
out the tab[le]s for tomor[row]’s br[eak]f[a]st - she call[e]d me d[o]wn at 11 – F[ahrenheit] 42° now at 11 35/.. p.m. – ver[y] fine day –
found my cousin come gently just before dinner
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reallifesultanas · 4 years
Portrait of Ibrahim I's daughters/I. Ibrahim lányainak portréja
Gevherhan Sultan
Ibrahim's children started to be born in 1642, the exact order not always obvious. His first son Mehmed IV was born in January 1642, his mother Turhan Hatice was given the rank of first Haseki. The second Haseki was Hatice Muazzez, although her son followed the third Haseki's (Saliha Dilaşub) son, about a year later. This suggest that Muazzez may have given birth to a girl in 1642 between January and April. Gevherhan Sultan was born in 1642, but we do not know the exact month. Anyway, on the basis of the indirect information, we cannot rule out that Gevherhan's mother was Hatice Muazzez.
Gevherhan was married as a child to Cafer Pasha on November 23, 1646, but the wedding was only nominal. Some say it wasn't even this princess who was given to Cafer Pasha as a wife. Gevherhan’s marriages are surrounded by general chaos. Her husbands were Çavuşzade Mehmed Pasha and Helvacı Yusuf Pasha, but the dates are completely chaotic. Her first husband was Çavuşzade Mehmed Pasa, whom she married in 1647 (or 1653). Her next marriage with Helvacı Yusuf Pasha took place either in 1692 or as early as 1652.
We don’t know much about Gevherhan’s life, which is well illustrated by her marriages also. According to some, in 1672, along with several members of the harem, she also accompanied her brother Mehmed IV to his campaign. During her life she accumulated a huge debt, in which she was helped by Ahmed II's Haseki - the last Haseki - Rabia Sultan. At least that's what a post-death harem register suggests.
Gevherhan's health began to deteriorate gradually in 1693, and in the autumn of 1694, she died in Edirne. From there, her body was transported to the capital and eventually buried in the Şehzade Mosque complex.
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Fatma Sultan
Fatma was born in September 1642, which makes it abundantly clear that her mother was not Turhan Hatice. Turhan gave birth to her son in January 1642, so it was mathematically impossible for her to gave birth to a healthy, viable child in September of the same year. Fatma was raised by Ibrahim I’s sister, Burnaz Atike Sultan, with the help of Turhan Hatice, suggesting that her mother passed away shortly after giving birth.
Her first marriage took place in 1645, Musahip (Silahdar) Yusuf Pasha was the husband, but the marriage proved short-lived because Ibrahim executed the man in January 1646. Barely a month later, Ibrahim remarried her, this time to Musahib Fazlı Pasha, who was also expelled a few months later.
Fatma died in 1657 and was buried in Turhan Hatice's complex. After her death, Turhan did a lot of charity on her behalf and organized prayers for her soul. Many therefore assume that Fatma was the daughter of Turhan, but this is utterly impossible if she was actually born in September 1642.
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Beyhan Sultan
Beyhan was born in 1645. Some believe Turhan Hatice was her mother, but that’s not certain. The relationship between Turhan and Ibrahim has so far seriously deteriorated, so it does not seem logical that a child would be born into the relationship in that year. True that Ibrahim was famous for his illogical actions... Furthermore, it makes unlikely that Turhan would be her mother, that Ibrahim handed Beyhan to one of his favorites, the wife of Hazerpare Ahmed Pasha, to be raised. This suggests that Beyhan’s mother was already dead or fell out of Ibrahim’s favor and was exiled.
Beyhan was married in 1646 to Küçük Hasan Pasha, who died the following year. Her new husband was chosen in 1647. This time she married Hezarpare Şehri Ahmed Pasha, whose former wife became Ibrahim's favourite. In exchange for his ex-wife, Ibrahim offered one of his daughters. This covenant did not prove to be long-lived either, as the pasha was executed in 1648, and Beyhan was widowed for the third time at just 3 years old. Her next husband was Uzun Ibrahim Pasa, presumably, he was the first classic husband of the sultana. They lived together until 1683 when the pasha died. Beyhan lived as a widow for a few years, but in 1689 she was remarried to Bıyıklı Mustafa Pasha, with whom they lived together for ten years. Some say she her only child, Sultanazde Hüseyin Bey, was born from her second or third marriage; others say she had no children at all.
In 1672, Beyhan along with her sister, Gevherhan, and several other members of the harem accompanied her brother, Mehmed IV to his campaign. Based on this, we can assume that she was close to the sultan. In September 1700, Beyhan died and was buried in the tomb of Suleiman I. Others say she died in March 1701, during Ramadan.
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Atike Sultan
The date of birth is unknown. She was probably the child of Turhan Hatice, for according to contemporary sources, Atike was Mehmed IV's own (full) sister. In addition, her name clearly refers to this also. Turhan Hatice was raised by Ibrahim's sister, Burnaz Atike, and then was gifted to Ibrahim by her. The two women maintained a close relationship for the rest of their lives. That is why it makes sense for Turhan to name her daughter after Atike. Assuming that the relationship between Ibrahim and Turhan was indeed troubled around 1645, Atike may have been born before that.
There are many question marks about Atike’s marriages. She may was confused with her aunt, Burnaz Atike in some cases. She had her first marriage in 1648 and married Sarı Kenan Pasha. The pasha was alive until 1659, so it is possible that it was not only a nominal marriage but over time it became a real marriage. After the death of the pasha, she married Mostarlı İsmail Pasha in 1659.
Not knowing exactly when Atike died, all we know is that she died at a young age, during her brother, Mehmed IV's reign.
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Ayşe Sultan
Ayşe was born around 1646, the identity of her mother is unknown. Her first marriage took place late (compared to her sisters), in 1655. Her husband Ibşir Mustafa Pasha died in the same year. We don't know when Ayşe died.
Kaya Sultan
Neither the date of her birth nor the time of her death are known. She was married to Haydarağazade Mehmed Pasha in 1649. Her husband died in 1661, but since Ayşe was not remarried after that, it is possible that she died during their marriage.
Ümmügülsüm Sultan
The date of birth is unknown. The only thing we know about her is that in 1653 she was married to Mirahur Abaza Ahmed Pasha and shortly after the marriage the sultana passed away. So she died as a young child.
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Two anonymous sultanas
One of the sultans is said to have been born in 1640, but that date is strange, given Ibrahim’s attitude to sexual intercourse. She married a man named Baki Bey, who was the son of Grand Vizier Hezarpare Ahmed Pasha. By the way, Hazerpare Ahmed Pasha married another daughter of Ibrahim, Beyhan. Baki Bey's supposed mother - Hazerpare Ahmed Pasa's first wife - was Ibrahim's favorite and governess of Beyhan Sultan.
The other anonymous sultana was to marry Kuloğlu Mustafa Pasha, but the man rejected the covenant. Thus, in January 1666, Cerrah Kasım Pasha finally became the husband of the anonymous sultana. It is not known when she was born and when she died, all that is certain is that in 1666 she was still alive.
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Used sources: A. D. Alderson - The Structure of the Ottoman Dynasty; L. Peirce - The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire; N. Sakaoğlu - Bu Mülkün Kadın Sultanları; M. Ç. Uluçay - Padişahların Kadınları ve Kızları; C. Finkel - Osman's Dream: The Story of the Ottoman Empire; G. Börekçi - Factions and favourites at the courts of Sultan Ahmed I (r. 1603-17) and his immediate predecessors; S. Faroqhi - The Ottoman Empire and the World; C. Imber - The Ottoman Empire 1300-1650; G. Piterberg - An Ottoman Tragedy, History and Historiography at Play; F. Suraiya - The Cambridge History of Turkey, The Later Ottoman Empire, 1603–1839; Howard - A History of the Ottoman Empire; Öztuna - Devletler ve Hanedanlar; F. Davis - The Palace of Topkapi in Istanbul; Y. Öztuna - Genç Osman ve IV. Murad; G. Junne - The black eunuchs of the Ottoman Empire; R. Dankoff - An Ottoman Mentality: The World of Evliya Çelebi; R. Murphey - ‘The Functioning of the Ottoman Army under Murad IV (1623–1639/1032–1049):Key to Understanding of the Relationship Between Center and Periphery; M. Özgüleş - The women who built the Ottoman Empire: Female Patronage and the Architectural Legacy of Gülnüş Sultan
*    *    *
Gevherhan Sultan
Ibrahim gyermekei 1642-ben kezdtek el születni, a pontos sorrend nem minden esetben nyilvánvaló. Első fia IV. Mehmed 1642 januárjában született, édesanyja Turhan Hatice kapta meg az első Haszeki rangot. A második Haszeki Hatice Muazzez volt, pedig fia nagyjából egy évvel később követte a harmadik Haszeki, Saliha Dilaşub fiának születését. Ez arra utalhat, hogy Muazzez talán életet adott egy leánynak 1642-ben január és április között. Gevherhan szultána 1642-ben született, ám hónap nem áll rendelkezésünkre. Mindenesetre a közvetett információk alapján nem zárhatjuk ki, hogy Gevherhan édesanyja Hatice Muazzez volt.
Gevherhant már gyermekkorában férjhez adták 1646 november 23-án Cafer Pasához, ám a nász csak névleges volt. Egyesek szerint nem is ő volt a hercegnő, akit Cafer Pasához adtak nőül. Gevherhan házasságait általános káosz övezi. Férjei között listázzák Çavuşzade Mehmed Pasát és Helvacı Yusuf Pasát, azonban a dátumok teljesen kaotikusak. Első férje Çavuşzade Mehmed Pasa volt, akihez talán 1647-ben (vagy 1653-ban) ment hozzá. Következő házasságára, Helvacı Yusuf Pasával vagy 1692-ben került sor, vagy már 1652-ben.
Gevherhan életéről nem tudunk sokat, ami házasságaiból is jól kirajzolódik. Egyesek szerint 1672-ben a hárem több tagjával együtt ő is elkísérte bátyját IV. Mehmedet annak hadjáratára. Élete során hatalmas adósságot halmozott fel, melyben II. Ahmed Haszekije - az utolsó Haszeki - Rabia szultána segítette ki. Legalábbis erre utal egy halála utáni hárem bejegyzés.
Gevherhan egészsége 1693-ban fokozatosan romlani kezdett, majd 1694. őszén Edirnében hunyt el. Innen a fővárosba szállították testét és végül a Şehzade mecset komplexumban temették el.
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Fatma Sultan
Fatma 1642 szeptemberében született, ami teljesen egyértelművé teszi, hogy édesanyja nem Turhan Hatice volt. Turhan ugyanis 1642 januárjában adott életet fiának, IV. Mehmednek, így matematikailag lehetetlen, hogy ugyanezen év szeptemberében életet adott volna egy egészséges, életképes gyermeknek. Fatmát I. Ibrahim nővére, Burnaz Atike szultána nevelte fel Turhan Hatice segítségével, ami arra utal, hogy édesanyja nemsokkal a szülés után elhunyt.
Első házasságára 1645-ben került sor, Musahip (Silahdar) Yusuf Pasa volt a férj, a házasság azonban rövidéletűnek bizonyult, mert Ibrahim 1646 januárjában kivégeztette a férfit. Alig egy hónappal később Ibrahim újból férjhez adta, ezúttal Musahib Fazlı Pasa volt a férj, aki azonban szintén néhány hónappal később menesztve lett.
Fatma 1657-ben halt meg és Turhan Hatice komplexumában temették el. Halála után Turhan rengeteget jótékonykodott nevében és lelkiüdvéért hosszasan mondatott imákat. Sokan emiatt feltételezik, hogy Fatma Turhan lánya volt, ám ez teljességgel lehetetlen, ha valóban 1642 szeptemberében született.
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Beyhan Sultan
Beyhan 1645-ben született. Egyesek úgy vélik Turhan Hatice volt az édesanyja, ám ez nem biztos. Turhan és Ibrahim kapcsolata eddigre már komolyan megromlott, így nem tűnik logikusnak, hogy közös gyermekük született volna. Tény azonban, hogy Ibrahim nem logikus cselekedeteiről volt híres. Tovább valószínűsítleníti, hogy Turhan lenne az anyja, az, hogy Ibrahim Beyhant átadta egyik kegyeltjének, Hazerpare Ahmed Pasa feleségének, hogy ő nevelje. Ez arra utal, hogy Beyhan édesanyja nem élt vagy kiesett Ibrahim kegyeiből és száműzték.
Beyhant 1646-ben adták férjhez, Küçük Hasan Pasához, aki következő évben elhunyt. Új férjét 1647-ben jelölték ki számára, ekkor ment feleségül Hezarpare Şehri Ahmed Pasához, akinek korábbi feleségét Ibrahim saját kegyeltjévé tette. A volt feleségért cserébe pedig Ibrahim felajánlotta egyik lányát. Ez a frigy sem bizonyult hosszú életűnek, ugyanis a pasát 1648-ben kivégezték, Beyhan pedig alig 3 évesen harmadjára özvegyült meg. Következő férje Uzun Ibrahim Pasa volt, feltehetőleg ő volt az első klasszikus férje a szultánának. 1683-ig éltek együtt, mikoris a pasa elhalálozott. Beyhan néhány évig özvegyként élt, ám 1689-ben újból férjhez adták Bıyıklı Mustafa Pasához, akivel tíz évig éltek együtt. Házasságaiból egyesek szerint egyetlen fia született, Sultanazde Hüseyin Bey, mások szerint egyáltalán nem született gyermeke.
Beyhan 1672-ben testvérével, Gevherhannal és a hárem több tagjával együtt elkísérte IV. Mehmedet hadjáratra. Ez alapján feltételezhetjük, hogy közel állt a szultánhoz. 1700 szeptemberében Beyhan elhunyt és I. Szulejmán türbéjében temették el. Mások szerint a szultána 1701 márciusában, a Ramadán alatt halt meg.
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Atike Sultan
Születési ideje nem ismert. Valószínűleg Turhan Hatice gyermeke volt, ugyanis a korabeli források szerint Atike IV. Mehmed édestestvére volt. Emellett a neve is egyértelműen erre utal. Turhan Haticét, Ibrahim nővére, Burnaz Atike nevelte majd ajándékozta Ibrahimnak és élete végéig szoros kapcsolatot ápolt egymással a két nő. Épp emiatt logikus, hogy Turhan, lányát Atike után nevezze el. Ha feltételezzük, hogy Ibrahim és Turhan kapcsolata valóban megszakadt 1645 környékén, Atike valószínűleg ez előtt születhetett.
Atike házasságaival kapcsolatban sok a kérdőjel. Előfordulhat, hogy nagynénjével, Burnaz Atikével keverik össze bizonyos esetekben. Első házasságát 1648-ban kötötte, Sarı Kenan Pasához ment hozzá. A pasa 1659-ig életben volt, így lehetséges, hogy ez nem csak névleges házasság volt, hanem idővel valódi házasság lett belőle. A pasa halála után Mostarlı İsmail Pasához ment nőül 1659-ben.
Nem tudni, hogy Atike pontosan mikor hunyt el, csak annyit tudunk, hogy fiatalon, bátyja, IV. Mehmed uralkodása alatt halt meg.
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Ayşe Sultan
Ayşe 1646 körül született, édesanyja kiléte nem ismert. Első házasságára testvéreihez képest későn, 1655-ben került sor. A férj Ibşir Mustafa Pasa ugyanabban az évben elhalálozott. Nem tudjuk, hogy Ayşe mikor halt meg.
Kaya Sultan
Sem születési ideje, sem halálának ideje nem ismert. Haydarağazade Mehmed Pasához adták férjhez 1649-ben. A férje 1661-ben halt meg, ám mivel ezután Ayşe nem lett újra kiházasítva lehetséges, hogy házasságuk során hunyt el.
Ümmügülsüm Sultan
Születési ideje nem ismert. Az egyetlen amit tudunk róla, hogy 1653-ban hozzáadták Mirahur Abaza Ahmed Pasához és nemsokkal a házasságkötés után a szultána elhunyt.
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Két névtelen szultána
Az egyik szultánáról azt állítják, hogy 1640-ben született, ám ez a dátum furcsa, ismerve Ibrahim szexhez való hozzáállását. A szultána egy Baki Bey nevű férfihoz ment hozzá, aki a nagyvezír Hezarpare Ahmed Pasa fia volt. Hazerpare Ahmed Pasa mellesleg Ibrahim egy másik lányát vette nőül. Baki Bey feltételezett anyja - Hazerpare Ahmed Pasa első felesége - pedig Ibrahim kegyence volt és Beyhan szultána nevelője.
A másik névtelen szultánát Kuloğlu Mustafa Pasához akarták feleségül adni, ám a férfi elutasította a frigyet. Így végül 1666 januárjában Cerrah Kasım Pasa lett a névtelen szultána férje. Nem tudni, hogy mikor született és mikor halt meg a szultána, csak annyi bizonyos, hogy 1666-ban még életben volt.
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Felhasznált források: A. D. Alderson - The Structure of the Ottoman Dynasty; L. Peirce - The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire; N. Sakaoğlu - Bu Mülkün Kadın Sultanları; M. Ç. Uluçay - Padişahların Kadınları ve Kızları; C. Finkel - Osman's Dream: The Story of the Ottoman Empire; G. Börekçi - Factions and favourites at the courts of Sultan Ahmed I (r. 1603-17) and his immediate predecessors; S. Faroqhi - The Ottoman Empire and the World; C. Imber - The Ottoman Empire 1300-1650; G. Piterberg - An Ottoman Tragedy, History and Historiography at Play; F. Suraiya - The Cambridge History of Turkey, The Later Ottoman Empire, 1603–1839; Howard - A History of the Ottoman Empire; Öztuna - Devletler ve Hanedanlar; F. Davis - The Palace of Topkapi in Istanbul; Y. Öztuna - Genç Osman ve IV. Murad; G. Junne - The black eunuchs of the Ottoman Empire; R. Dankoff - An Ottoman Mentality: The World of Evliya Çelebi; R. Murphey - ‘The Functioning of the Ottoman Army under Murad IV (1623–1639/1032–1049):Key to Understanding of the Relationship Between Center and Periphery; M. Özgüleş - The women who built the Ottoman Empire: Female Patronage and the Architectural Legacy of Gülnüş Sultan
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